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just a question
What I thought when I first read this was that B was a guy. Who else thought that plz leave in the reviews And thanks so much for the people of Fanfiction for adding this. In love this book series and I'll start doing actual fanfics on this now.
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| just a question by multifics123 | Zom-B |
It may be sad but it can be better
The yellow sun glistening on my face
And the beautiful clouds above me
Still it hurts me
Burning my skin and bones
Is it pain I do not know I know that it hurts
Hurts more than mom leaving us
Hurts more than grandmas beatings
But does it hurt that much to compare this feeling to the guilt
Does it I may never know it does not hurt more than being hungry
It does not hurt more than drinking the diseases that killed my mom
My problems aren't that big think about this it is pain
It's the good pain
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| pain by Isaiah Thomas | Zenda |
Zombie Mayhem
Zombie Mayhem
In 2050, the military was testing out a new experiment on a monkey when the experiment suddenly went wrong. Then monkey escaped and spread viruses that he contained. It turned out that the viruses had started to turn people into zombies. Now here's where my story starts. I was sitting at home watching a movie when my neighbour came knocking on my door, asking if he could come visit. So I said alright and we watched movies and ate take-out. Later on he fell asleep on my couch, so I decided to leave him there and went to my bedroon colapsing against the pellows, falling asleep.
When I woke up in the morning he was standing at the end of my bed with blood dripping down his chin and staining his clothes. I went running out my bedroom door and he chased me though my house and I grabbed a chair to beat him down with it. Then I opened up the front door to run out the house but there were zombies that were trying to get in. So I closed the door and then ran to the back door where my car was parked. Looking out, I saw that there were no zombies so I ran back in the house and grabbed my car keys. Then I ran out the back door and started my car.
The zombies heard my car start and they came running to the back. I put my car in reverse and sped down the alley. Then my car made a loud beeping sound. I didn't know what it meant so I started to slow down. Then I realised that I was really low on fuel. So I found the nearest gas station and filled up with fuel. Some zombies came running up and I hopped in my car as fast as I could I drove away. I saw a big tank rolling down the street and pulled to the side of the rood and they must have realised I was human because they stopped too. The top of the tank opened and the soldier inside said "Follow us where there are no zombies."
So I followed them and they lead me to a big mountain that we drove up on. When we got to the top there was a big metal wall that opened when the soldier yelled some kind of command. When we were driving past the wall I realised that the wall was 2 metres thick. There were lots of people that weren't infected by the virus. They gave me a small house that had all the things we needed. Like a stove and other necessisary needs.
It was late at night when we heard a big siren go off. Then there was a loud explosion and a couple soldiers came knocking on my door and said that the explosion meant that they wiped out all the zombies. The loud siren went off again, this time the siren meant that the big metal gate was opening. All that we saw was a whole bunch of dust and there was no grass or any thing on the ground. so every one who didn't have a car got to leave first, then the people that did have cars went and started them up and left behind the people that were walking to go to their houses. When I got to where my house was standing, there was nothing left but the floor. my whole house was wiped right out. Same with everyone else's. We all started all over again. We all helped each other out in food wise and all the other thing's like clothing. The military also helped out with finding materials like wood to build houses again.
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| Zombie Mayhem by kelbey342 | Zoombie Blondes |
Zero Wing 2: AYBASBTU Game Script
:: Natols II standing on space ::
AD 2102
AD 2112
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| Zero Wing 2: AYBASBTU Game Script by Rodrigo Shin | Zero Wing |
Not prosaic
Disclaimer, I do not claim to own Zero Wing, and I'm not making any money off this.
An "All your base" fic.
Author's note: I thought the juxaposition of flowery text and disjointed narration would be amusing. So, here goes.
The star swept sheet of black, pieced with bright pinpoints of light, distant nuclear furnaces roaring silent into the emptiness around them.
"2101, war was beginning"
Set against this backdrop of the galaxy's majesty, a russet vessel soars, soundless, luminous, proud, a massive edifice proclaiming the triumph of humans reaching beyond the bounds of Earth. Then suddenly, one final attack strikes it from the sky. The starship crumbles, spilling fire into the empty reaches.
We are presented with a scene of the still active innards of the ship. In these dark reaches, strung with cables like great arteries of the ship, is the crew. Valiant, noble, and now frantic in their desperate bid to save their ship, men scramble to salvage whispers of functionality from their stricken vessel.
Amidst the confusion the captain sits momentarily alone, finding a brief eddy of calm, surrounded by chaos and anguish. He is facing the deciding test of his life, his ship struck down like an unfavoured plaything of a fickle god. And he is stunned into disbelief at his defeat.
"What happen?"
His answer is swift, coming from a subordinate, a brave man, not lesser in his sense of duty towards the crew and ship, despite his lesser station. It is the cry of a twin soul, filled with like anguish to the captain's distraught question.
"Someone set up us the bomb."
The chaos gains pause, silence before a lightning strike. Each of the crew hears, and knows it can mean only one thing. Death is breathing down each of their necks.
"Main screen turn-on."
A dark figure leaps into the air, dominating the screen with evil presence. The face of that figure is smooth, handsome, and deadly. A face that is only half human. A face which the captain knows well.
His heart freezes in fear even as his mind sings rage. This face means inevitability, and a deep sense of frustration and sorrow grip the Captain to his core. The resultant mix of emotion makes his stomach roil. He puts all of his fervor into but a few words, a cry filled with emotions running from the deep waters of the Captain's soul.
"It's you!!"
This elicits no more than a smirk. The Captain's life is but a toy to this avenging demon.
"How are you gentlemen?" CATS purrs in a calm cultured voice, arrogant in his victory. His eyes are cold, glittering with malevolent delight at the Captain's desperation. One can almost see how he looks down upon all he surveys, like a malicious child pulling wings off flies.
"You are on the way to destruction."
"You have no chance to survive, make your time."
Evil laughter rings through the ship, mocking its very existence.
The Captain's soul goes cold. His ship and crew will be destroyed, and he himself will die. The belief crystalises in him like ice, freezing him in place. But the faint voice of his courage whispers 'there is more to do yet'. Snarling in defiance, his sudden burst of strength fueling his next words. He is still Captain of this ship, and he will not take defeat meekly!
"Take off every zig." His warriors are the best this side of Sun shadow and they will not go down without pouring napalm into the belly of the enemies' forces.
"For great justice."
A final exclamation of defiance. A final declaration, imploring mercy upon his soul for the life that brought him to here.
With that all is over. The Captain watches the sleek star fighters fall away from the main ship, knowing that he is not long for this world. Sighing and closing his eyes, he relaxes his fierce will, offering his soul up into death. When it comes, it is swift. A final explosion that tears the ship apart in an instant, and the Captain's story falls silent, like the endless black space that embraces his mortal remains.
That embraces the mortal remains of his crew.
And now we focus upon a single ship. It's pilot is shaking with adrenaline and fear. But stronger than fear, stronger than steel, stronger than any force lying in the way, this fighter's courage blazes across the heavens. Power surges through your control pad, placing the life of this one remaining fighter into your hands. And his thoughts blaze stark and clear in your mind, as though you are the god hearing his prayer.
I will not be defeated.
This has just begun.
---- Very dramatised isn't it? But it really makes me want to play Zero Wing.
And that is how you should feel when you're starting a game of Zero Wing. That is the feeling that game programmers try to give you with their games. They are telling a story through a specialised media. It's not just about pixels and parameters and trying to beat the system. It's also about playing a character, being the hero, bringing yourself into the action and playing till the end to see the story and defeat that bad guy you really don't like.
Computer games to me are as legitimate a form of artistic expression as drawing or writing is. Indeed, I have seen some beautiful pieces of art and writing in the games I've played. Games are no more for kids than books are. They're for anyone who has the kind of imagination suited to them. Unfortunately they're not taken very seriously most of the time.
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| Not prosaic by Fault | Zero Wing |
Make your time
How are you gentlemen?
All your base are belong to us.
What you say?
For great justice.
Somebody set up us the bomb,
Move out zig.
Main screen turn on.
You are on the path to destruction.
You have no chance to survive.
Make your time.
Make your time.
Make your time.
End file.
| Make your time by The Iron Chef | Zero Wing |
A/N-Just a quick one-shot
Disclaimer: I don't own Zoom and I am not making a profit off of this.
I couldn't believe it, after thirty long years of being trapped in that vortex. Having to claw my way out, I was now reinstated into the Zenith program. I was extremely happy, especially because of how readily everyone accepted me into the group. I was also very happy to finally see my brother, Jackie. He had definitely changed, but then again thirty years does that. After Jackie and I walked over to the others we flew back to base, where I took a shower then went to my room to sleep. And wow, was that shower heavenly. It was bliss against my stiff muscles. So now I was just lying awake in my bed thinking of everything that had happened today. I honestly couldn't see how Jackie, or anyone else for that matter, could accept me so quickly. I mean, I was a murderer, I had killed the other Zenith members, tried to kill Jackie, and nearly killed that little girl; what was her name, oh ya, Cindy.
I wanted to keep thinking about all that had happened but I was exhausted. Clawing your way back to Earth from a vortex did that to you. I was quickly asleep; unfortunately that sleep was anything but peaceful.
_"It's perfectly safe, now sit down!" Grant nearly shouted, frustrated that I wasn't very willing to do what he wanted._
_I wasn't so sure if it was a good idea to be bombarded with radiation. But everyone else had done it so it seemed it was my turn . I walked forward slowly and sat down in the chair while Grant and Larraby started flipping switches to turn it on. Soon it was on and ready to bombard me with radiation._
_"Hold still, this might hurt." Grant warned me._
_"Wait, wha-" I never got to finish what I was saying for at that moment Grant let the machine hit me with its radiation, and I was soon screaming in pain._
_It felt like thousands of white-hot knifes were being stabbed into my skin. Next thing I knew everything was going black, and I was soon unconscious._
_The radiation was changing my morals, I could feel it. Something had gone wrong with the radiation, I was sure it wasn't suppose to do this. I wasn't sure what was right or wrong anymore, everything seemed to be blurring together. So I went to the one person I knew I could count on, Jackie._
_"Jack, I need to talk to you." I informed Jackie deciding not to use my nickname for him._
_"Not now Connor, I'm busy, don't you see." Jackie said angrily and letting out a sigh._
_"But, Jack, this is important." I tried to get my brother to listen._
_"If it doesn't have to do with are crazy supervillian enemies, then I. DON'T. CARE." Jackie said, putting emphasis on the last three words._
_I couldn't help the sadness that was bubbling up in me, my own brother wasn't even willing to listen to what I had to say. So with my head bowed slightly I left him alone. He never saw the tear run down my face._
_My own brother. My own brother had sent me to this nothingness. This vortex. HE hadn't helped me when he had the chance. Yes I killed the rest of the team but I had no control, this stupid radiation did. I would never want to hurt my brother. But he obviously didn't have the same feelings, instead of helping me he sent to this vortex where I was trapped. No one was here, I was completely alone. My brother had betrayed me, and he would pay. I soon as I got out of this vortex I would make sure he payed for this. I then began to claw my way out of this vortex._
_I was back. I was back. And my brother was here to. I couldn't believe, after thirty years of wishing him dead I would finally get my revenge. The pathetic thing was he had no powers and only children to try and fight me. Now this would be easy._
These images played over and over in my mind till I was ejected from them, screaming. Next thing I new I was getting pulled against my brother's chest.
"Shh. It's alright Connor. You're safe now, everything will be alright." Jackie whispered soothingly to me.
"J-Jackie." I whimper brokingly.
"Ya Connor, it's me, it's okay." he whispers to me.
After a couple minutes I managed to calm down for the most part and Jackie pulled away till we were arms length apart.
"Nightmares?" Jackie asks me. All I can do is nod back as a response, not trusting my voice.
"What were they about?" Jackie asks me, like he doesn't know.
I have to suppress my snort, he knows what they were about and was just trying to get me to talk, well he wins I guess. "They were about everything that happened the past thirty years." I whisper so low Jackie has to strain to hear me.
"Ah, Connor, you're safe now, none of that stuff matters anymore." Jackie comforts me.
"Really?" I ask, unsure whether or not to believe him.
"Ya, this is a new family and I know you wouldn't have done all those things if it wasn't for the Gamma 13." Jackie explains to me.
I still wish none of that stuff had happened." I say looking down at the ground.
Gamma 13 had ruined my life. I had killed the other team members and had nearly killed my little brother. Then got sent to some vortex, alone, for thirty years. Gamma 3 had ruined everything. I didn't even know who my brother was anymore.
Jackie sighs "I know, and maybe it never would have if I had listened to you, you tried to tell me what was going on and I didn't listen, for that I'm sorry." He apologizes.
I look up smirking a little "You know you aren't very good at being sentimental." I tease him.
"Oh shut up." he says, but he is smiling, and so am I. "You should probably go back to bed, long day tomorrow."
I nod and watch as my brother takes his leave, who knows maybe things will get better. I fall back asleep and have no more nightmares for the rest of the night
End file.
| Nightmares by HuntressBiancadiAngelo | Zoom |
1. Chapter 1
The name that haunted Grant since Concussion going insane ten years ago. Squirt, the younger sister of the two brothers. No one knew what happened to her, her body wasn't found, but she didn't show her face after Concussion attacked her. She was six, and never left her brother's side. The thing that worried Grant the most was the fact that she had been pumped up with Gamma Rays. Now that he was coming back, they wondered about her. What was going on in her life?
* * *
A red headed girl rushed down the stairs at her house. She nearly crashed into her brother who was two years older than her. Jack Shepard had taken care of her since their parent's death when she was an infant. She only knew him as a parent. She had been raised by the Zenith team, but she hadn't seen anyone from there for ten years now. Jack smiled, "Whoa there Lyl, you wouldn't want to knock over your big brother on your first day of Sophomore year, now would you?" She smiled and hugged him, "No, but I would give him a bear hug." They hugged and Jack went to his garage downtown. She knew he'd eat there, and so she ate breakfast and went to school.
She walked home from school with one of her friends who was very funny. Then Lyl noticed the time, "Oh my gosh, I can't believe it, I gotta get home. It's almost time to start dinner! Bye Kate!" She ran at a normal pace, knowing that she could run MUCH faster. Over the years she had fine tuned her skills, so she was powerful. She raced into her house, and noticed the silence. Usually by now Jack was home watching a movie or something. Lyl ran out and rushed to her brother's garage. She could tell something was wrong. She rushed into the open garage, and noticed that her brother's warm breakfast was sitting on the counter. She closed up the garage and ran home at full speed. She knew who was behind it, and hid in her house.
2. Chapter 2
A/N: It's not because I'm lazy, but I just don't want the team to know her when this happens.
* * *
**Reunion of Shock**
-Lyl opened her eyes. Her sixth sense told her that she was needed soon. She stood up and grabbed her skateboard. Taking a running start, she hopped on and shot off as fast as she could. She felt the wind blowing through her hair for the first time in ten years. With her advanced sight, she saw the battleground ahead. She came to a stop next to Larabie* just as he was saying, "Ready, aim..." She snatched his arm and spoke calmly, "If you say that word, you will never be seen by the naked eye again. Especially since my brothers are down there. Are we clear Larabie?" She realized that she had broken the sound barrier. She close her hand and crushed his arm squishing blood out by accident. Grant stuttered, "It can't be, you're alive after all this time?" She glared at him, "You're lucky that Jack doesn't want any of you dead, or what happened to idiot's arm over here would be your head." She shot down next to her brother, "I was worried when you weren't home when it was dinner time. Never do that to me again Jack, are we clear?" He nodded, and Lyl leaned over to talk to Cindy, "So you must be the one with super strength, I bet you surprised my brother!"
**Months Later...**
-The Zenith team now comprised of Bullet (Lyl), Zoom, Concussion, Houdini (Dillan), Wonder Girl (Summer), Princess (Cindy), Gigantor (the name Lyl gave Tucker). The others had accepted Lyl with no problems, and she was very funny to be around. She left some years later, and went to England. She said it was because of Grant, and after all these years, the Gamma Rays were wearing off, and she would be the weakest instead of the strongest. She was never seen again.**
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| Squirt by YinYangProphecy | Zoom |
Three Long Lonely Days
Summer sighed as she pulled up infront of her high school. It her junior year and her parents had asked her to go back for her last 2 years of school. This had sort of broke up the team for the time being. They were planning to resume working at Area 52 at the end of the 2 years.
As Summer parked she spotted Mary Jenkins, captain of the cheer squad, surrounded by her friends. They were all dressed in their cheerleading uniforms. Summer got out of her car and could hear them going on about some cute new boy. She rolled her eyes, boys were all they thought about. Not that she was really able to speak. She often had her mind on a long haired boy lately, as well.
Summer and Dylan had been dating since the dance back at Area 52. It was hard to leave each other, but they were going to keep in touch and hold their relationship during the team's break.
Summer slammed her locker and was arriving in homeroom before long. She took her old seat, back corner, and stared out the window ignoring the quickly filling class.
"Thought I heard someone say you were back, freak!" Mary laughed as she walked by Summer's desk and took the seat infront of her.
Mary turned around to look at Summer so she could continue antagonising her.
"So, the freak academy kicked you out as well?"
"Shut up"
"Awe, someone touchy about where your parents shipped you off to?"
"I said shut up!" Summer whispered deadly.
Mary glared, rolled her eyes, then turned around to find the teacher just arriving.
Summer dropped her lunch tray onto the empty table and sat down, trying to swallow the disgusting food. She looked up as a group of girls rushed to the cafeteria door.
_Poor guy,_ Summer thought. Girls seemed to be following this mysterious guy, whom Summer had still yet to see.
"Where'd he go?" a high pitch voice wailed.
The sound of a chair scrapping the floor caught Summer's attention. She turned her head to find the chair next to her moving on it's own. Her brows furrowed in confusion, and she continued staring at the moving chair.
Suddenly a silouhette appear and quickly details were appearing as well.
"Dylan?" Summer exclaimed, the statement coming out as more of a question.
"The one and only"
Summer hugged him tightly as he laughed.
"But, what are you doing here?"
"Just transferred here. Thought it would be pretty hard staying away from you, so why bother," Dylan answered her.
"Im so happy your here!"
Dylan smiled down at her and kissed her lips.
"Mm, I've missed you," Summer murmered as she pulled away.
"It's been 3 days," Dylan laughed, though he secretly felt the same way.
"3 very long, lonely days,"Summer sighed dramatically. "There not going to be so lonely any more though..."
**That was incredibly random, and so out of my normal fandom subjects, but I just got home from babysitting my little cousin, and we watched ZOOM. I just sorta have a new love for Summer/Dylan. **
**Please, please, please review!!!**
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| Three Long Lonely Days by BadassPinkSunglasses | Zoom |
All That Remains
**Title**: All That Remains
**Disclaimer**: Not my characters. Just for fun.
**Warnings**: spoilers for movie; AU
**Rating**: PG13
**Wordcount**: 200
**Point** **of** **view**: second
* * *
Jack never was the brains of the team. The heart, perhaps, but not the brains.
He's gotten old, weak. Bitter and weary. You're as strong as you've ever been and you've had thirty years to think about what you'd do when you met him again.
It swirls in you, the power. Jack tries to reach his brother, but that boy died long ago. The power sings in you and your mouth tastes metallic, and Jack keeps talking to Connor.
You smirk with Connor's lips and speak back.
You long to tell him there is no Connor, that you are all that is left. But Jack wouldn't believe you. He was never smart enough to recognize the truth. He will fight for a man that no longer lives until he himself is burned out.
Jack was never the brains of the team, and he still isn't. You unleash Connor's power with a smile; Jack and the children and the woman he brought with him will all die, now.
And you will be all that is left.
End file.
| All That Remains by wild wolf free17 | Zoom |
**Title: My Mask**
**Rating: T**
**Summary: Connor and this thoughts about how he will never fit in with the rest of the group. *One-shot***
**Disclaimer: I do not own anyone or anything from Zoom!**
**AN: This is my first ever Zoom story and I hope that it comes out alright. Basically it is a short one-shot about Connor. I always liked Connors character and it left me wondering how he really felt when he got back. Nobody could ever be that happy after everything he went through. This is my try and writing Connor. I hope I do him justice.**
Have you ever put on a front for those around you? Have you ever had to pretend to be something you're not? I've had to do that every single day since my return from the dimensional time rift I had been trapped in for some thirty years. I have to act like I am the same teenaged boy of my past. To act as though I hadn't murdered my team. To pretend I wasn't feeling completely lost. Sometimes I am not even sure who I am anymore.
Zoom seems to think that things can go back to the way they are. He has his brother back and to him that is which has come to matter the most. While he missed the old team, he had his new family and an unusually perky new girlfriend. For him things were falling in to place. I only wish it could be that easy for me. To fit in and be accepted by this new team was something I desired more than anything else.
It is not as if anyone is ever outright cruel to me. The opposite in fact is how they treat me. They have all treated me with the upmost kindness even if I do not deserve it. They see me as Zooms brother Connor. The boy who had a bad experience, but is trying to learn from it. I am known as the quite one. The one who reads a lot and is always training long after everyone else has gone to bed. Nobody seems to see for who I really am. To be far it is not like I want them to know the real me. The last time I got close to people they ended up dead.
I had murdered my team without a second thought. You can blame the Gamma radiation and yet I know deep down that I was still in control. I could've stopped if I had wanted to do so. The only problem is I had not wanted to stop and think about my actions. I liked the freedom the Gamma radiation seemed to give me. The power which had coursed through my veins sent a thrill down my spine. I'd believed myself to be unstoppable at the time.
After thirty years I had come to see the truth. The power I felt was all in my mind. I had been on a power trip nothing more and nothing less. It had cost me everything and left me wondering where should I go from here? As I entered the cafeteria I had a fleeting thought that maybe I would've been better off had I never come back. Because to be brutally honest, wearing a most grew awfully tiresome.
**AN: I plan to write more Zoom stories in the future. This was just me testing the waters.**
**Please R&R like always!**
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| Masks by Stephycats7785 | Zoom |
Connor Knew
**Disclaimer: Don't own Zoom.**
Dylan West/Connor Shepard Slash
Written for my Slash Jealousy Prompt Table. Prompt of the day # 5. Locked Out.
* * *
It'd started out as curiosity for the brother of the man who'd become like a father to the team.
Even after the effects of the Gamma-13 had been reversed, even after he had joined as a part of the New Zenith Team, Connor had kept to himself. He'd been polite and helpful, but he didn't open up, didn't try to really make friends with anyone, shadows in his eyes and guilt and insecurity in himself--in his control of himself--visible to any who took a deeper look.
Dylan had been drawn to that.
Connor was everything Jack said he'd never been.
He was silent when he used to be outspoken, he was introverted where Jack said he'd been the friendliest of the team, and he was always second-guessing himself and his decisions.
He also woke up at night screaming, panting, sweat dripping down his body and making the material stick to his body like a second skin.
Dylan knew, because he was usually there in the room (so to speak) when it happened.
He didn't exactly know _when_ he'd started toeing the line between innocent curiosity and borderline stalker behavior, but he knew the transition had been gradual.
At first he'd just hung around in the background, watching Connor since the older male just kept everyone locked out of his world, and then Dylan had started using his Mind-Sight ability, the one that Jack stated made him captain material. It was interesting, because while Summer was the first thing he'd really seen using this ability, _Connor_ was the one his mind wandered to when he spaced out. At first it wasn't even a subconscious act. Dylan would just space out and his mind-sight would instinctively find Connor, showing Dylan an insider's view into the boy's life, and snippets of Connor that he never showed anyone else.
Like when he'd genuinely smiled for the first time since his return and reintegration into the team.
Oddly enough, it'd been while Connor was single-handedly washing the UFO. It was a large job for just one person, and anyone would have helped if he'd asked, and they _had_, Dylan had asked _twice_, but Connor had politely declined all of their offers, preferring to do this as he did everything else.
Dylan had watched with his Mind-Sight as Connor put his whole being into that job, concentrating, going over the whole UFO over and over again with a determination that the younger male had never really witnessed before.
God knew _Dylan_ never put that much effort into anything.
And then, when Connor had finished the job, he'd stepped back, admired his work, and _smiled_.
And the sight had blown Dylan away.
After that, Dylan had started using his Mind-Sight consciously in an effort to get even more glimpses of the Connor no one else was allowed to see, and in a way it made him feel a little less shut off than the others.
He didn't quite understand why that mattered so much to him, actually.
"Good _job_ guys!" Jack opened the door to the training room, Marsha smiling and encouraging by his side, as the young heroes emerged, once more victorious from the virtual reality fight simulator.
"You keep getting better and better all the time!" Marsha clapped her hands.
"Good job with knowing where the villains were going to be before they were there." Jack's hand came down on Dylan's shoulder. "Your Mind-Sight's getting stronger than _Marksman's _was, right, Con?"
Connor flinched, as he did every time the old Zenith Team was mentioned. "Yeah."
Dylan was sorely tempted to step on Jack's big fat toe.
He didn't _want_ Connor to associate him with the agonizing guilt he felt for his part in the brutal death of his old team.
"And Summer, Connor." Maria brought their attention. "What you did out there? That was _magnificent_! Summer's using her powers to help influence the direction and strength of Connor's concussive blasts? You two _must_ practice doing that again!"
Summer beamed. "Sure."
Connor just nodded, gaze on the floor.
Dylan noticed Jack giving him a worried look before giving Marsha a warning one.
He had to feel thankful for that.
Even though things with Summer and Dylan hadn't worked out, and they'd parted as friends, Jack was still trying to watch Dylan's back and tune down Marsha's obvious desire to line Summer up with Connor.
It wasn't that Dylan was jealous of Connor, or that Dylan was still in love with his pretty ex, but somehow the thought of Connor with Summer just didn't sit well with him.
"We should take some time out each day to practice together." Summer turned to Connor.
He nodded. "Anything for the team."
Her smile, like Marsha's, fell a little at the lack of enthusiasm in those four words.
Connor turned to Dylan, surprising him by actually looking him in his eyes. "Thanks, for the save out there. I wasn't paying attention."
For a moment Dylan couldn't only stare blankly at Connor, eyes wide.
Connor had spoken to him...Connor had taken the _initiative_ and _said_ something to _him_ without Dylan having to hound him with a millions questions or something!
Then he realized he must look like an idiot, just _staring_ at Connor. So he cleared his throat and grinned at the older boy. "Uh, no problem bro. That's what we're there for, to look after each other. You would have had my back too."
Connor nodded before walking away.
Dylan watched him go.
He didn't notice Summer looking between him and Connor speculatively before her eyes widened, and then a grin appeared on her face.
* * *
_Connor sat on the roof of area 52, wearing a rather comical hardhat with the light in the front turned on, shining on the pages of the book in front of him. It was a large, hardcover book with more pages than should be allowed in a book. He only read at night, up on the roof, with the moon and that silly hardhat as his light. He'd bring a blanket, a pillow, and a drink, and he'd stay up there for hours reading. Interestingly enough, Connor read Anne Rice. And right now he was re-reading Interview With A Vampire. He apparently liked that book a lot. Dylan had seen him rereading it often enough, and it piqued his curiosity just for the fact that it could maintain Connor's interest so fixedly._
_ Connor chuckled, putting the book down on his chest and looking up at the sky. "Now, I'm getting into the coffin, and you will get in on top of me if you know what's good for you."_
In his room, Dylan blinked.
That...uh...that sounded kinda...suggestive.
What kinda book _was_ Interview With A Vampire?
_Putting the book away and taking off the hardhat, turning off the light, Connor bent one arm behind his head like a pillow, the other rested on his hard, taunt stomach as he looked up thoughtfully at the stars._
_ Sometimes Connor would do this._
_ He'd lay down and watch the stars._
And Dylan watched _Connor_.
_But tonight, tonight it was different._
_ Tonight Connor licked his lips as the hand on his stomach slowly moved downwards until he was cupping himself over his sweatpants._
Dylan's breath caught in his throat, the Mind-Sight wavering with his shock.
He--he'd never seen...
Connor was a guy.
It was obvious that he would _do_ this sort of thing, hell, Dylan did it _all_ the time.
But Dylan had been watching him so much, so often, he'd begun to wonder if Connor abstained.
Obviously, though, as he focused his Mind-Sight harder, watching Connor...obviously...
Dylan gulped.
_Hand now under the waistband of his pants, Connor bit down on his lip as he moved his fingers over himself, eyes closed, hips moving to the motion. He waited, seemed to hesitate, and then pulled himself free, hot and hard and weeping in his own calloused hand._
"Oh god." Dylan groaned before even realizing he was groping himself over his own pants to the sight.
_Connor twitched, his whole body tense, his face agonized and yet concentrated, his teeth digging so deep into his bottom lip that Dylan was sure he would soon draw blood_.
Dylan's breathing was heavy and fast as he touched himself to the image of Connor on the Connor.
It wasn't until, long after he'd cum with a cry of _Oh my GOD_ as he watched Connor climaxing, that Dylan realized that he'd just crossed a _very_ important line.
But no matter that knowledge, he didn't feel as bad as he knew he should...he was too busy trying to remember what it was that Connor had whispered when he'd cum.
It'd been too soft and choked for Dylan to understand.
And it bothered him for reasons as conflicted and confusing as his reactions to Connor.
After that, Dylan kept discovering Connor in similar...situations...
And while Dylan knew it was wrong...he never looked away.
* * *
Dylan had apparently become the biggest klutz in the fight simulator.
And Connor always paid the price.
Because Dylan kept on, somehow, falling on top of him...or tripping and somehow Connor would fall on top of _him._
A couple of times he could have _sworn_ that Summer was using her powers on him to make sure that happened, but it made no sense.
Why would Summer want him and Connor to keep falling onto each other...and in the most embarrassing of positions?
He was so distracted he was doing a terrible job, making everyone have to pick up the pace to keep up with the simulator.
It was a good thing the new kid, a guy his age named Toby, was picking up the slack. Toby could teleport, a skill Dylan thought was awesome, and the boy was very friendly, very nice.
Dylan liked him.
Until he used his Mind-Sight and saw Toby in Connor's room.
Dylan had frozen in his room when he realized that for the first time, Connor had let someone into _his_.
Something burned dark and hot in Dylan's stomach.
Connor had never, _ever_ invited anyone, not even _Dylan_ into his room, always keeping them locked out; but he invited _Toby_?
Why _Toby?_
He wasn't even all that great!
And what sort of power was teleportation _anyway_?
Obviously only a _coward_ would need that power!
"----_not like it was in your days you know. It's accepted now. I mean, in some states they even have legal ga----."_
_Connor paused, frowning in concentration, before turning to Toby. "Stop."_
_ "What?" Toby frowned. "Look, I know in your days people were prudish about this, but we aren't anymore and __**I**__ accept you, and I know Summer does too. We've talked about it, and---."_
_ "No." Connor shook his head. "I mean __**stop**__."_
_ Toby frowned and then his eyes widened. "Oh. __**Oh**__. Okay. I get it." He grinned brightly. "This is so kinky."_
_ "Shut up." Connor growled, going the to window._
_ "Seriously dude. This takes naughtiness to a whole new level. I'm so impressed you can't even imagine."_
_ Connor turned and glared at Toby. "I only told you when you confronted me so that you'd shut up when I needed you to."_
Dylan frowned.
Connor was _confessing_ things to Toby?
The dude had only been here two weeks!
How _long_ had Dylan been trying to worm his way into Connor's trust, and _this 'dude'_ had just come and there were confessors galore?
_"I can't wait till I tell Summer!" Toby was chuckling. "She's going to __**love**__ this."_
_ "You're not going to tell Summer." Connor glared at the shorter male. _
_ "Don't be __**shy**__ hermano." Toby declared. "Summer won't be weird about this. Hell, she confesses that she's __**dreamt**__ of this."_
_ Connor's eyes widened. "She...dreamt...?"_
_ "From what she sounded __**steamy**__." Toby waggled his eyebrows suggestively._
_ Connor blushed and looked away, running a hand over his hair._
Dylan frowned darker.
Was Connor in love with _Summer_?
But---but he always acted like he really didn't notice her!
Or was he acting that way because he liked her?
_"She wants you to make your move." Toby confessed. "She says when you do, it won't be rejected. And, dude, knowing what you know, __**you know**__ you won't get rejected."_
_ Connor seemed to think this over as he sat down. "I---I don't know if it's wise that I---I've done so many terrible things in the past...unforgivable things."_
_ "In the past. Plus, you were being controlled by the Gamma-13. Stop using it as an excuse to keep hiding here away from life and __**that person**_."
_Connor opened his mouth and then closed it, running a hand over his face. "Jackie wants Dylan and Summer to get back together."_
_ "Screw 'Jackie'." Toby shrugged. "Aint his decision."_
_ "I'm technically an old guy in a young guys body. It could be...wrong." Connor argued._
_ "You aren't an old guy in a young guy's body." Toby snorted. "You were in an 'ageless time-warp' or some crap like that...which meant you didn't age, at __**all. **__You're no pedophile."_
_ Connor looked up, pensively._
Dylan couldn't stand it anymore, cutting off the connection.
Toby was convincing Connor to confess to Summer.
Dylan had _known_ that kid was nothing but bad news from the moment he'd arrived!
If he was in a pissy mood for the rest of the day, Dylan never noticed.
* * *
Cindy and Tucker played Ludo with Toby and Summer.
Jack was out on a date with Marsha.
Dr. Grant was...doing whatever it was that Dr. Grant did when he wasn't around them.
Dylan...Dylan was in Connor's room.
Ever since catching Toby in there a couple of days before the Mind-Sight hadn't been enough, that locked-out feeling had returned, setting Dylan nearly _crazy_. He'd stopped using his Mind-Sight despite his insatiable desire to watch Connor...and it was torture not to do so.
So he'd used his primary power, and had slipped into the room before Connor, getting a good look at the place, touching things for the first time, able to _smell_ Connor in every material.
It was a head-rush.
His pants tightened.
It was then he finally admitted that he might be a _little_ touched in the head.
And maybe even a little bit creepy.
The door opened and closed, and Connor went to his bed, throwing himself onto it with a groan.
Dylan stilled, forgetting for a second that he was invisible and Connor couldn't see him.
"Stupid idiot." Connor snarled, seeming completely frustrated. "Never been this long without...." He closed his eyes tightly. "What happened? Did the idiot finally discover the meaning of _privacy_?"
Dylan wasn't exactly sure what Connor was talking about, but he sounded very annoyed.
He took a step towards the bed and accidentally stepped on a magazine on the ground.
Connor stiffened at the sound and sat up, eyes opening and training in Dylan's direction immediately.
Dylan closed his eyes tightly, firmly telling himself to stay invisible no matter _what_.
There was silence.
Then a groan.
Dylan's eyes opened at the sound, and _he_ was the one biting his lip to keep from uttering a sound when he saw Connor lying back on the bed, hand in his pants.
His own hand went to the prominent bulge in his pants.
Dylan gulped, stepping off of the magazine slowly.
It made a little noise, but he doubted Connor heard.
The younger boy went to the bed and slowly went to his knees, holding himself, touching himself as he was able to watch Connor so much closer, able to _smell_ the musky scent of his skin, the salt of the sweat, hear his moans...
It was...
Dylan closed his eyes and bit down hard on his bottom lip, drawing blood as he came.
He might have made a strangled sound, but it was drowned out by Connor's louder cry of release.
When Connor went to sleep later on, Dylan escaped the room, never even realizing he'd bled a little on the carpet next to Connor's bed...or that Connor wasn't sleeping.
* * *
They were studying battle strategies.
Cindy was playing with dollies, actually, but the others were paying attention to Jack and Connor as they tried to explain to them how the enemy worked.
Dylan kept sending Connor hungry looks.
Ever since that day...Dylan had stopped using Mind-Sight...and he'd learnt that Connor had, for some reason, stopped locking his door at night, which made it easier for the shameless teenager to sneak in and...well...
Dylan bit down on his abused bottom lip, just thinking about last night, when he'd gotten brave enough to _touch_ Connor's hair after the older boy had fallen asleep.
"What if they have someone like Dylan who has Mind-Sight?" Tucker wanted to know.
"Oh, that's no problem." Jack grinned.
Connor suddenly went tense.
"Connor here?" Jack threw a proud arm over his brother's shoulders. "He can sense when someone's using Mind-Sight."
Dylan froze, horror causing his eyes to go wide.
"_Cool_." Tucker announced, impressed, _totally_ not getting the undercurrent of tension now in the room.
Summer and Toby exchanged looks.
Cindy continued to play with her dollies.
"Is that true?" Dylan finally found his voice.
Connor took in a deep breath before looking at Dylan and nodding. "Yeah."
In a quick, liquid movement Dylan was on his feet and grabbed Connor's arm, tearing him from Jack's grasp and storming out of the room. He didn't know where he was taking them, didn't think, didn't...Connor _knew_.
Every single time...Connor _knew!_ certain things made so much _sense_!
He felt like such an _idiot_!
It was only when he realized that they were outside Connor's room that Dylan snapped, throwing Connor up against the wall. "You _bastard_."
"Considering that _you_ were the one constantly invading _my_ privacy, I find that statement _ridiculous_." Connor snapped back before taking in a deep breath and obviously trying to calm down. "Look. You're embarrassed. You were curious about something and got caught up. I---I didn't read anything into it."
Dylan blinked, trying to get what Connor was saying. "You think I'm scared that you found out and that I don't want you thinking I like _guys_?"
"Isn't that what this is all about?" Connor was on the defensive, eyes narrowed.
"No! Because I don't like _guys_." Dylan trapped Connor against the wall, palms on the wall on either side of the other boy's head. "I like _you_. You _bastard_!"
Connor paused, blinking, looking unconvinced. "You don't like me."
"What the--? The _hell_ I don't like you!" Dylan didn't care _who_ might overhear. "I've been practically _stalking_ you for months!"
"Exactly! Months! And you never did anything but _look_!" Connor snapped. "No matter what I did you just _looked_!"
Dylan went still, eyes wide, the shocked expression on his face melting into a small, lecherous smile. "You were waiting for me to _do_ something other than look?"
Connor's eyes widened, color entering his cheeks.
" did it on _purpose_." Dylan realized. "At first nothing and then almost _every time_ I looked you were _seducing_ me."
"So what if I was?" Connor growled, obviously embarrassed. "Now _leave_."
Dylan didn't.
He was grinning like a madman, a smug madman.
He surged forwards and captured the struggling boy's lips, kissing him like he'd been dying to do for so long now. He was rough, because although they really hadn't ever had a decent conversation, he'd watched Connor, watched Connor do _everything_, and he knew how the older boy liked it. A little rough, a hint of violence---maybe some lingering taint of the Gamma-13 was to blame for that---and firmness, but a hint of teasing as well.
He cupped Connor through his pants.
He was hard and whimpered in the kiss.
Dylan smirked and pulled away, not removing his hand, looking challengingly into those beautiful, lust-filled eyes. "What do you have to say about _that_, Oh Ye Mighty Concussion?" Connor stood silent for a moment, before an evil and utterly sexy smile lit his face. "I'm going to my room now and I'm getting into bed, and you will get in on top of me if you know what's good for you."
Grinning idiotically, getting the reference, Dylan let Connor drag him into the room. Then, before continuing to the bed, Dylan stopped at the door and turned the key, locking out the rest of the world.
* * *
End file.
| Connor Knew by shadowglove | Zoom |
Summer's Upsetting Day
**A/N: Okay so I was watching ZOOM this morning (6-12-12) and I felt like writing a cute Dylan/Summer fluff romance one shot. I will still update my other stories but this is spur of the moment, possible writers block breaker. Anyway here you go, it takes place at the end with the cheerleading practice and what happens after they get called again. And since the other cheerleaders names were never mentioned I'm making up the names.**
Summer Jones also known as Wonder just finished up with the Zenith program at Area 52 and got herself a
boyfriend Dylan West also known as Houdini. "Hey Freak" the cheer captain Lavinia Abbot. "What do you want
Lavinia" Summer said getting her uniform on. "What happened at the freak house" Lavinia sneered. "Oh let's
see. I learned I'm telekinetic and have empathic senses. Also I got a boyfriend." Summer counted off. "Yeah
right"she snorted. The practice started and they built a pyramid. Summer was on the bottom holding up the
other girls easily with help from her powers. All of a sudden a rose with a note started floating towards them.
All the others looked in shock, except for Summer, as with a sudden rippling a guy appeared. He had long
shoulder length dark hair. Dylan gave the rose to Summer who ,keeping the others up with her power, pulled
him in and kissed him. _How did a freak like her get a cute guy like him _Lavinia thought as their beepers went off.
With a suddeness the pyramid fell as the two ran off.
* * *
It was that weekend when Summer and Dylan had a little date out at the park. It was going all well until a
certain person showed up. "Dylan why'd you choose to date a freak like her when you could have me" Lavinia
said flipping her hair seductively. "Summer's not a freak" Dylan said defensively. "Yeah she is. She can control
things and move them. Tell me that's not freaky." Lavinia said snottily. "It's not. I can turn invisible. I know an
older guy about 55 who can run faster then any human, his older brother who is now younger due to a freak
accident can shoot sonic booms, a twelve year-old can enlarge any part of his body, and a six year old who
has super strength , plus a woman who has the power of super breath that can knock down grown men.
We're not freaks we're super heroes." Dylan said proudly. "What ever" Lavinia sneered storming off. "FREAKS"
she shouted before she left. "Dylan Lavinia's right. Why do you want a freak like me instead of a pretty normal
girl like her" Summer said. "Because you are pretty and normal is so over rated." Dylan replied pulling her into
him. "Thanks" She said leaning up to kiss him.
**A/N: There is my story. Hope you like it. Please review.**
End file.
| Summer's Upsetting Day by SwifteForeverAndAlways | Zoom |
The halls were pitch black, the only source of light from the soft light of his small flashlight. He wandered through the never ending grey corridors, chasing the sleep that evaded him. Connor let out a sigh, there was no hope. He had to face it, his past wouldn't let him sleep, and never would.
He continued until he reached the electric panel that opened up into a secret corridor he and Jackie had discovered a week after their arrival at Area 52. He pushed through and wandered over to a wall, sliding his light over the familiar names of his team mates.
"Please Connor!"
"Stop this!"
Their bodies lying in a pile of broken limbs before him, his eyes neon red and his lips lifted into a sick smile. Jackie started running in a circle around him, then closed it off. He fell through dimension after dimension until he landed in a barren land. No life, nothing. He screamed in anger, then sent shockwave after shockwave in front of him. A crack formed in the air, and a grin formed on his lips. He could break through and take revenge. He could kill Jackie.
"No!" Connor screamed, collapsing to the ground.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," he sobbed, tears running like a waterfall down his face.
He pulled his knees up to his chest and started rocking back and forth on the floor, sobs and cries filling the quiet room.
He automatically quieted and crawled under some large metal columns that hid him from anyone's view.
"Connor?" Jackie's voice softly entered Connor's ears.
"Go away," Connor said shakily.
"No, I won't leave you alone when you need me most," Jackie argued.
"Just leave me alone!" Connor screamed, hot tears sliding down his face.
"No!" Jackie said stubbornly.
"Please," Connor sobbed.
All of a sudden a pair of legs came into Connor's view, and kneeled down until Jack could see Connor clearly.
"Come here," Jack smiled sadly, holding his arms out.
Connor shook his head wildly.
"C'mon Connor, you need to stop beating yourself up for it. You're not to blame for all that, General Laraby and Dr Grant are the ones who gave you the Gamma 13, so if it is anyones fault it's theirs, but it's also mine. I should have listened to you when you tried to tell me," Jack frowned.
"But I killed them!" Connor screamed.
Jack reached into the small little cave of metal and wrapped his arms around Connor's smaller frame, tuggin him out of his small hole.
Connor struggled against his brothers arms, pushing and kicking out, but making sure to never hurt Jackie. Eventually, he gave up and lay limp and Jack dragged him out of the small hole and onto his lap. He cradled Connor in his arms, running his hand through his hair and whispering comforting words into his ear.
Connor whimpered and pressed his face into Jackie's neck, tears pouring down his cheeks as his body shook in Jackie's arms.
"You'll be okay Connor, I promise," Jack whispered.
"I'm sorry," Connor moaned, sobs tearing out of his throat.
"You have nothing to be sorry for, it wasn't your fault," Jackie said firmly.
Connor just kept crying, curled up in his brothers arms.
Ten minutes later, his sobs subsided and his body no longer shook.
"Are you okay now?" Jack pulled Connor's face from his neck and held his face in his hands, looking him in the eyes.
"No," Connor mumbled, looking down.
"You will be though, you're my brother and I'm going to do whatever it takes to help you feel better," Jackie murmured.
Connor gave his younger brother a watery smile.
"Don't worry Connor, you'll be okay again."
Connor snuggled his face into his brothers neck, a smile for the first time since he was reunited with Jackie and met the new Zenith Team.
He would be okay, someday.
End file.
| Someday by MoonJay2012 | Zoom |
"I'm not going to private school" said Chris Jr. to his mother.
"Yes you are Chris" said his mother Linda, sharply.
"I'm not gonna drop everything and go to a _private_ school" he said.
"You know what," said Linda "I'm done with this. Talk to your father about it."
Chris went to his father. "Dad, I'm not going to private school."
"Yeah you are" said Chris, his father.
"You can't even afford it! You've been laid off for like, a year. And mom doesn't even work. Were _poor. _Worse than poor! We have no money whatsoever!" said Chris.
His dad was silent. He looked like an angry gorilla that was ready to kill.
"Go to your room, now!" screamed his dad. Chris walked slowly, dragging his feet to his room.
Chris jumped onto his bed. He laid his head onto his soft, blue pillow. He was ready to cry. Tears formed and slowly began to drip onto his pillow, one by one. He couldn't drop everything and leave his friends. He couldn't handle the fact that his parents were ready to split up. he couldn't even think about going to some private school where he wouldn't know anyone and actually have to work. Nothing was going right. Nothing could fix what was going on.
Chris went to school the next day. He was talking with his friends and they were all really pissed that Chris was leaving them. They tried to comfort him, but even his closest friends couldn't help him. "You'll be fine. We'll still keep in touch!" was all he heard that day. Keep in touch? he thought. Just like how I was gonna "keep in touch" with my kindergarten friends I left before going to first grade, right? Chris ran home, did his homework and went to his parents. The only people that could change the whole situation and make everything alright.
"I'm begging you! Please don't make me go!" pleaded Chris.
"No!" said his parents repeatedly. "You're going, and that's final" said Linda.
"Fine. I'm done with all of this. I don't wanna hear you or see you two ever again!" cried Chris. He, again, ran to his room. He thought, and thought, and drew a blank. There was nothing that was going to save him. Chris's father interrupted his thoughts. "It's time to pray Chris." Something clicked in Chris's head.
Chris has been neglecting something for so long. He's been pushing it away from him. He wanted to live "normally". He didn't want to be burdened by anything. Chris was neglecting his religion. He couldn't even remember the last time he prayed. He decided to turn to his religion.
All of a sudden, everything he had forgotten about had come back to him. He forgot that his religion was the key to fixing everything. When you're having a bad day, turn to your faith. When you want things to get better again, have hope. He forgot all of it; however, at that moment, it all came back to him. So, Chris prayed.
Chris felt a sense of calmness he hadn't felt it so long. Tears fell from Chris's plum cheek to the floor, like baby rain drops falling from the dark night's sky. He cried from the amazing feeling he felt within himself. He cried because he knew God was there for him, and was watching him that very moment. From that point on, everything was just different.
Months and months after praying, everything was just as Chris wanted it to be. He still ended up going to private school, but he didn't mind because that made him even closer to his faith. His parents were getting along again. Chris even stayed in touch with his old friends. Everything was finally calm. Everything was finally perfect.
Chris was doing his homework in his room with a new friend. His father walked in. "Boys, don't forget to pray."
Chris replied with a slight smile, "Never again dad, never."
End file.
| Pray by randomarab | Zoom |
tea time
_**tea time**_
set post-Unlimited. Andy practically tries many practices on his journey. and i know zkc calls many countries differently but let's pretend it doesn't in this story ok? ok.
* * *
"So, you see, I didn't mean to come back." Andy finishes, dipping his calves into the pool. The children occasionally throw water at him, which he skilfully dodges.
Hyoubu hums in understanding. He is crouching next to Andy, hugging his feet and not daring to put them into the water like the younger man is doing. "I wasn't quite listening. Repeat."
"Again?" Andy moans, raising an eyebrow at the Major. "That was my second time retelling! Are you distracted or what?"
"Distracted, huh? Let's go with that." Hyoubu sends meaningful looks at his direction, smirking in his alluring fashion.
Andy flushes, looks away, and settles to stare at his magnificently-cut toenails in fascination. "I was in China when I remembered it was your birthday, okay? But I had no idea how to go about finding you, what's with the camouflage and all."
"I'm disappointed you didn't try harder, Hinomiya." Hyoubu clicks his tongue and waves a finger, all the while managing to keep an attractive smile plastered on his face.
Andy makes noises behind his throat before he coughs and continues, decidedly ignoring Hyoubu's comments. "So I decided to just move on, you know? And I was about to board a ship to Taiwan when you guys suddenly materialized the Catastrophe. That was okay. But when _you_ materialized in front of me, old man, I was partly traumatized."
"Ah, the essence of surprise." Hyoubu nods in agreement.
"So, it's not that I came back on my own. It's because you guys kidnapped me." Andy chides, shuddering as he remembers being dragged by the collar up to the sky and dropped into the pool. Part of the reason why he hasn't stopped trembling is because his clothes are still wet and Hyoubu refuses to let him go for some reasons.
"Hinomiya-kun," Hyoubu slurs, "am I right to think that you don't actually care about my birthday?"
Andy turns to the older man in the slowest motion and feels his neck ache, but it doesn't hurt him as much as Hyoubu's glare, veiled with a manipulative smirk. "Of course it's not like that." He manages, rubbing the back of his head.
"Where is the proof?" Hyoubu asks, with a sweet, sweet, thorny smile.
Andy reaches out for his backpack and rummages through the inside. Hyoubu thinks he hears the sound of plastic and glass breaking. After a long, tense moment, Andy splashes some water off his feet as he pulls out a doll made of ceramic.
"I practiced making matryoshka dolls in Russia." Andy explains, placing the doll on the floor between them. Hyoubu takes off the top to reveal another doll inside, whose top, when removed, reveals another doll. "And I learnt some flower-decorating in Japan." A pot of flowers, most of which Hyoubu can name. "I was a freeloader in the house of a lantern-maker in China, so obviously I tried to make my own." A bloody red lantern with drawings of unicorns. As skilled as he is at dodging water, Andy manages to deflect the eyes Hyoubu is giving him. "I practiced pottery too. I thought I should try my hands on their local dances as well."
"Is there anything useful that you've been trying to do while going around the world?" Hyoubu asks in an accusing tone, fondling the flowers on his lap.
"Of course! I mastered the Russian military style, karate, judo, muay thai, and kung-fu!" Andy splutters indignantly. He bolts up and poses as though to prove it. In his attempt to settle in a position, he knocks over Patty, who is carrying a tray of cups of chamomile tea. Of course, the cups tumble down and break as they touch the slippery floor. Patty huffs and slams the tray at Andy's head before stomping away.
Hyoubu laughs, clutching at his own stomach.
"I hate you guys. Why do I still try?" Andy groans, lying down with the lower half of his body in the pool and the upper half suspended on the edge. His hands are nursing his head, and his hair has become dishevelled as he has been tossing it around to find the bump.
"Because you are an idiot, that's why." Hyoubu laughs, leans down, pauses in his laughter, and kisses Andy on the lips. The younger man hacks when Hyoubu pulls apart, and regrets it immediately as Hyoubu shoves a tongue in the gap between his teeth. Andy struggles for a brief moment, but his legs become numb and he gives up using his arms. Closing his eyes, Andy wrestles against Hyoubu's tongue in his mouth. He gasps for breath but Hyoubu keeps stock still. The very moment their mouths move apart from each other, Andy slumps onto the floor, panting heavily.
(During this very scene, Magi has taken the initiative to cover Yuugiri's eyes, who has been sitting on the side as they wait for the two to finish talking. The Major insists in monopolizing Hinomiya, however, so they have waited for a good hour. Patty, on the other hand, snatches millions pictures of the happening and everyone automatically pretends not to notice her animalistic eyes.)
"There, now." Hyoubu says, standing up and brushing his lips with his tongue. "Isn't that the perfect birthday present?"
Andy is too tired to give a snarky reply. He can, however, smile at Hyoubu and clutch his hand. He may be kidnapped by this group of dysfunctional family for all he knows, but at least he is _home_.
End file.
| tea time by connolise | Zettai Karen Children |
Mad World
This is a (rather late) christmas present for my best friend, and probably one of the hardest fics I've ever written. There are a lot of difficult mindsets to get into, and doing this was draining in more ways than one.
And to you, mein liebe. I love you, please never ask me to write something like this again. XD I get too emotionally invested in this.
And I will state before you get onto this, I am not, and will never be, a school shooter. I just wrote one for my best friend.
This is all from Andre's point of view.
* * *
It's a normal day, or at least it _was_. Walking into school with guns tends to make things not so normal anymore. Cal is at his side, devilish smile on his face, there's an intoxication to the air that throbs like their hearts. Everything is ready, it has to be. There's no more time left to prepare.
It's warm outside, even for May, and the air is very quiet, very still. Unprepared for what's coming next. No one has a clue. That's how it should be.
They're walking in, and his heart is thudding as Cal pushes open the door, he lifts the Glock to shoot anyone who may be right there. It seems like an eternity, that time that Cal is opening it. Air-conditioned air rushes onto their faces, drawing goose bumps to the fore.
There is no one there, but he can hear voices from the main hallways, laughing, chattering, cheerful voices. Another normal day for them, except it isn't.
It is time, time for their Zero Day.
Cal shuts the door behind them quietly, no sense in drawing attention to them before they're ready to start, and he says "Where do we start?"
He stares back at him, and there's a moment of four years of bullying in this school alone, all the memories of hurt and anger and loathing welling up like a fountain of blood, and he can hear himself say from a distance "We start at the hall, and then to the library, and we move on as they die, and we don't let anyone go alive."
Cal nods, blond hair sticking to his face, and lifts the rifle to look down the sight. All of the gentle smiles have been wiped away, and he is nothing but anger and hatred. He can understand that, he feels it too. A tide of revenge that swells up inside until there is nothing but a blood lust, red vision and all.
In front of them, they can see a pack of girls in miniskirts and pink lip gloss, gossiping about such meaningless things, and putting down everyone not in their tiny, tiny standards. Time to put an end to that.
The first shot cracks through the air like a bull whip, and one of the girls slams into the locker with bright red blooming on her damn white blouse. It's almost unreal, like at any moment, he'll turn around and it's someone besides them doing this, someone besides them finally standing up and getting justice for all of the pain and loneliness they faced.
But as it was proved so fucking thoroughly, only they can save themselves.
The entire hall goes silent, conversations shot cleanly dead, invisible blood all over the floor, and Cal cocks his rifle again, and it's his turn now.
He lifts the Glock, and it kicks back in his hand as a second bullet flies out to hit the girl next to the first one, cutting into her cheek until her pretty little fake face is ruined forever.
Then the screams begin.
"Go, go!" Cal yells at him as he takes off, rifle dropped to hang on the shoulder strap as he pulls out the first of his smaller guns from his belt, firing them in unison at the fleeing teens. The first two victims are pulled along by their friends, leaving drops of ruby behind them in growing splotches.
He fires the Glock again, two, three, four more times, and each time the screams grow louder. One of the boys ahead stumbles, and his glasses fall to the floor to be smashed in the stampede, metal twisted and ruined like self esteem, and at last pulverized.
How fitting.
The smarter pack of fools runs past the library, but far more run _in_, seemingly not aware of the lack of safety there. Books, books everywhere, and not a single place to hide from them. Plenty of shelter to take aim from. Other fools try to run out, only to be turned back by them, screeching like a pack of wild banshees.
The Glock kicks in his hands again as he fires the last bullet of the magazine, and then he shoves it in his belt, snatching up the rifle as they enter the room, and Cal quickly drops to his knees as the one fool yelling at someone seems to notice the commotion, and then Cal shoots a flower of red in his side, knocking him to his knees as he drops whatever he was holding and staggers to his feet, running. As Cal aims at the other runners, he shoots with his rifle as well, but only one girl collapses as she runs, and then she pulls herself up with strength born of terror, he knows that strength very well, and he wants to curse his damn gun for not shooting perfectly.
Everyone vanishes around the corner, one girl in a flurry of dark skirts that hamper her from running even though she was the first to start. How stupid of her, but then, she didn't _expect_ to be running for her life.
Who ever does?
Cal pulls back his gun and stands as they all leave, popping out the empty bullet casings, and he starts to follow some of the stragglers before pulling back. While screams still echo, it grows silent again.
Except for a crackling sound, in front of them. There's a phone on the floor, a woman's tinny voice echoing out. "Hello? Hello?" It lies there, an innocent black slice of phone, and her voice echoes in the quiet room.
It's a stupid idea, most likely, but he picks it up. There's drying sweat on the case, whoever was holding it must have been _scared_. Cal is at the desk, looking for anyone hiding underneath, and he can hear the faint rattle of him reloading his gun, the spent magazine clattering on the floor. "Hello?" he asks the woman on the phone in return.
There's a tiny pause, as she does...something, and then- "Can you tell me where you are?" Like a police officer would ask.
Oh, _someone _stupid was trying to call for help. How dumb of them.
There's a pit of anger in his stomach, the anger that has always been building up, no outlets allowed until now. He wants to yell at the woman "Where were you when I was being pushed around and made to know that I'm worthless?! Where were you all the times that I needed help?!", but that would make things too obvious.
He can't hold back the rage though, and his voice comes out in sarcastic vitriol, mocking whoever had been stupid enough to try and get help. In this world, you only trust the strong, only trust the faithful. Anyone else is less than garbage. Even him. So he mocks her for thinking she can do anything at all. "Hello?"
Cal walks back over, his boots echoing on the floor as he looks around for more victims, more fools to shoot. He holds by his ear, and he hears her drawing a breath to reply again, before he yells in "Oh! Oh! Oh! They're shooting in the school!"
Cal gives him an odd look, but that's alright. This is _fun_! He can practically hear her wincing on the other end as some of the rage boils over into pure screaming "Help me, there's fucking shooters, call the _fucking cops_!"
Cal motions him on towards the computer desks- good hiding places if you don't know to look there already, funny how the idiots are trying to hide from them in their old hiding places, and he shoves the phone in his belt next to another gun as he runs after Cal.
She babbles at him as they walk on, but he's no longer listening. No time for fools. It seems like they've been doing this for an eternity, but he knows it can't have been more than a minute since they first began. Time slows down _so much _when you're on the hunt, and it's so much easier to do everything. Numb to emotions, numb to any pleas, the hunter is never stopped by pity.
He has more to do, before this is done.
The computer desk seem empty, chairs scattered everywhere from people fleeing. He turns to Cal with a smile on his face, amusement bubbling up as some of the rage backs off enough to give him the clarity to hunt properly. "Did you _see _her fall?" he asks as they walk into the u-bend. There doesn't seem to be anyone under the center table, but he pulls down a chair just in case, and there's no reaction. He continues with mocking the girl, "Ah, ah! I've fallen, oh no!" he laughs, his falsetto falling apart as Cal grins in amusement as well.
There's no one under the desks, they really aren't good hiding places, and they move on towards the rows of shelves, books collapsing on each other and at least two of them perforated by stray bullets.
Cal looks at him with solemn eyes "Do you think they're dead?" Why such solemness when they're finally carrying out what they had planned for so long? It didn't make sense.
"Really doesn't matter now, they're _gonna_ die," he says, feeling pragmatic about the whole thing. If the police were anything other than fools, then maybe the other wounded wouldn't, but he didn't place any faith in that.
The study tables past the history section have blood spatters leading to it, and he can tell that it was the phone holder because of the direction he'd gone. "He'll probably bleed to death," he adds as they wander past the shelves.
Cal smiles again, more like himself. "We're such mean people." he says, like it mattered, but they knew it didn't.
Father had explained it best, long ago when he still had hope. _"Many people who hate, Andre, hate because they've been taught to hate by what happens to them."_ And he had been right, more right than he knew.
He still hoped, just a little bit, that his parents knew it wasn't their fault that he was doing this. Maybe it was stupid, but he wanted them to know that they alone weren't at fault.
He has laughter in his voice, but he didn't know why. "Yeah," he agrees with Cal as they turn the corner, following the blood of the wounded. He looks down to see the previous fool, owner of the phone in his belt, slumping on the table. "Hey, it's our little buddy." he says to Cal, before walking over "How you doin' little buddy?" he asked the boy, not really expecting an answer from the way his eyes were glazing over, but he felt powerful again just doing that.
Cal walks straight past him, looking anxious for some reason. "Come on, let's go." he says, already uninterested in their quarry, or maybe just uncomfortable with the fact that he is dying right in front of them.
But he recognizes him, not by name, but by previous action. _This _idiot had kicked him around before, in the locker rooms. Even though he was a year younger, he'd picked up up on the habits of his seniors very quickly, and who to kick around to earn respect. "No, hold up, hold up." he tells Cal, not leaving any room in his voice for arguments. Here was a proper score to settle.
He leans down next to the dying boy, pulling the phone from his belt, stupid woman squawking on the other end still, trying to get his attention. Cal sighs, and there's frustration on his face. "Andre..." he says, tired of something.
He ignores him, and leans down next to the glassy-eyed kid, "you've got a phone call here," he tells him, holding it up to his ear the better for him to talk. No motion.
Cal makes a vaguely exasperated noise, "Andre," he says, interrupting, "let's go." He looks tense, and jittery, like he's holding onto his anger to keep doing this.
"Hold on," he says, pressing the phone more securely against the victim's ear. "Any last words?" There's the crackle of someone talking, he can hear the woman say "...there's two shooters...", but nothing more distinct. So many wasted words.
"Andre!" Cal barks, free hand frozen in an expression of anger, of being fed up with waiting. His smile has vanished again, and he looks like he's ready to take on the world with nothing but an empty gun if it comes to that.
Playing with the dying guy wasn't fun anyway. "Fine, fine," he grumbles, and tucks the phone back into his belt. He can hear it crackle out "Andre?" as they leave the body, but he ignores it. The hunt is on again.
The next room is the one most used in study hall, more tables and two couches. This one has the sounds of sobbing and despair in it, stupid girls hidden under the tables in a hope they would be left alive. That would work better if they were being _quiet_.
Cal walks in first, and he has the rifle pointed at the floor, already armed and cocked. His grin is back, but no longer shy and sweet. Instead, it is the grin of a villain on the Saturday morning cartoons, vicious and drunk on power. If he wasn't standing at his side, he'd be afraid of who his friend can be.
Not that he is, of course. "_Hey everybody!_" Cal shrieks, voice lashing through the room like a whip cord, and two of the girls under the table whimper in terror. They look like trapped bunnies, and he and Cal are the wolf pack hunting out dinner.
And it is ready to be caught.
He walks over to the nearest table, and peers under at the girls cowering there, two of them shaking so badly that they're practically causing an earthquake, and pulls aside the chair to wave at them. "Hi." he says, and he's not sure whether to feel ridiculous or proud, that their reaction to such a light phrase is to start sobbing and begging.
Or maybe that's just the effect when you point a gun at someone, they turn into whiny, snivelly _messes_. "That's funny." he tells Cal as he walks over to see what's happening, and he gets more of that terrifying grin as Cal stands in the open gap, and he walks over to pull down another chair, and points his gun at the girl in the stupid dress.
She shrieks at him in terror, eyes wide as pools of blood, and he yells over her, "Wanna fuck with this?! Huh?!" he barks at her as he puts the gun to his shoulder, and it kicks back as he fires. The bullet cuts straight across the girl's shoulder so that she collapses, and everyone under the table screams in deafening soprano.
Did they trap the whole choir in here, or what?
There's a clatter behind them, and as he stands up, he sees one boy running, probably from behind one of the couches. Cal is far more prepared than he is though, and he shoots three times, no hesitation at all. He follows Cal around the table in time to see the boy collapse before pulling himself back up to run towards the front, and he can hear the damn girls still screaming.
Fucking banshees.
"Shut _up_!" he yells back at them as they walk towards the front, after the runner. In front of him, Cal is reloading as quickly as possible, bullet casing clattering all over the floor.
They seem to take his advice, and the horrible shrieks are toned down to heartbroken tears. So strange, how it's easier to be angry when people aren't listening to you...
There's movement behind the front desk of the library, and Cal doesn't even have to aim, it seems, the gun goes up and his face is stone cold as he fires. A moment's pause, and he swings up his own gun to fire as well, six times before the one lucky bastard who had far too many guts throws himself over the desk and runs away, only mentally scarred instead of physically.
Five seconds of only sobbing, and then Cal says, "come on," quietly, and they walk back to their room of rabbits.
They're walking back in, and one of the boys under the tables is taking his chance to flee to a different hidey hole, probably one not in the library. Cal yells something after him, and then he and Cal fire in sync, but fear gives the boy just enough speed to run past, and he's free for now. The screaming begins again, echoing in his ears like tearing metal, yet ends with the bullets, whether from the girls screaming their throats out entirely, or just hoping to survive another few seconds.
He walks towards the hallway as Cal circles around the table, sobs echoing from underneath, and he can see the girls lurking under the table, shredded messes of who they were, at least mentally.
He stops by the table with the girls and pulls out one of their chair shields, not that it was doing anything other than being an annoyance, and flops down like he would have in the computer chair back home, arms over his stomach. Now he can see them better, the cowards.
Their shrieks rise up in unison- apparently they weren't done with the god forsaking screaming, and he can hear at least one of them sob "Go away!" like a plea to the monsters under the bed. Not that it was going to _do_ much.
Stupid wretches, their despair was so funny. Now he could understand why the bullies were so persistent, it was _fun_ to make people break and shatter like glass on concrete.
His voice won't go up as high as theirs, thank god, or else his eardrums would explode, but it's fun to mock them. "Oh my God, oh my God!" he whines back at them, mimicking what they all have to be thinking. Cal paces behind, his boots powerful on the table as he shakes more fear into them.
Time to see if they can find some rational here. "Say my name," he says as Cal laughs behind him, "I'm right here." Not that this seems to console them, the tears and shrieks pick up again.
One of them screams, probably the same girl who did the first time, "Go _away_!"
Well how nice of her to say what she meant, but didn't she know that monsters didn't go away when commanded? That was for fairy tales and bedtime stories. "Oh, go away?" he asks her, trying to put as much irony into the words as he can. Their infernal whining continues to grow, and he parrots it back at them, until it's too funny to hold back the laughter.
Since when did they ever understand the nature of power when it wasn't their's from the get-go? He stands back up to circle the tables again as the same girl begs for them to leave her alone, not even showing a shred of thought for another any more, how selfish, and Cal jumps from the table to the chair like a panther prowling the night, and then onto the other table. The screams pick up as Cal stalks across the table, turning into startlingly clear repeats of "_No!_" as his feet echo over them.
Cal stops at the end of the table, and gestures faintly with his gun. "Look at that blood," he says, calm as if they were talking about a dissected frog in science class. "Jesus" he adds, just for some more emphasis, and he has to agree, because that pool is a little alarming, how far it's spreading.
All the girls scream again, probably at the idea that they're going to join the body soon. Cal gives them a withering look, he can see by the look in his eyes that he's as annoyed as he himself about the noise, and he jumps onto the nearest chair to get a better look at them. As he leaps onto the other table again, he says to them with scorn dripping like blood "Is the gun pointed at you?"
One of the girls yells "No," for the umpteenth time, but it sounds like less of an answer and more of just complete and utter mental failure.
He walks over to inspect one of the couches for blood spatter as Cal walks over to the girl who's making the most consistent noise, earning yet more screaming, and then sobs to another of her pack "What's he doing?"
He can see the fury in the tautness of his back as Cal snaps at them, voice cold "Shut up." he commands, power in his voice.
The stupid girls scream louder than ever, apparently subscribing to the school of thought that _not_ listening to the gunman would ensure a longer, happier life. He checks the ammo of his rifle, and finds it more lacking than he'd prefer, considering that any sympathy on the part of the trapped girls had long since been murdered by their infernal noise, and he can hear Cal say "What?" to one of them, though whether in actual interest, or just because it's fun, he can't tell.
He has to swing the pack of ammo off of his back as Cal repeats himself, and the screams die to sobbing and whimpering at the possibility of being left alive for a few minutes longer, and he's sliding more bullets into his rifle when Cal suddenly yells at the top of his lungs, "Are you dead yet?!"
At least this time when they scream, it has a meaning that might be meaningful, rather than just annoying.
Cal says over their sobs, projecting just enough to be heard, "No, you're still alive, aren't you?", and he's reminded of some of their discussions over the things that they hated, long before this plan was truly hatched, and Cal saying "People lingering when they're in pain and want to die."
Those girls were in that same state, they just hadn't realized it yet.
There's a loud thump as Cal jumps to the floor, heavy boots cutting through the sobs like another gunshot, and he turns to look and see what happens next. Cal then kneels in front of the table with the girls, in between the chairs they'd pulled out, and instead of quieting like they'd prefer, the girls shriek at the top of their lungs in a tired repetition of this game that they'd been stuck in for what could only have been a minute or two, but felt like hours.
Cal yells back at them, voice raw with anger and frustration, and he screams "Shut up!" When he stands back up, he kicks over the chair in impotent rage, and he understands the anger, all bottled up until it explodes. "_Shut up_!" and his voice practically cracks on the notes, far too strained to hold fast.
Like everything.
He finishes reloading his guns and returns to pacing by the couches, waiting for someone to make a move. Almost on cue, one of the boys under Cal's stalking table crawls out, cowering like a wounded gazelle. He's nothing like he usually looks, not proud anymore, not haughty anymore.
"Cal, Cal.." he whimpers and whispers, an almost pleasant change from all the screaming. He almost can't hear him, he's so quiet, and Cal looks at him with eyes so intense, they burn.
The boy continues "Don't shoot, don't shoot..." in a trembling voice, shaking like a leaf, "Man...everyone's" then his voice breaks and falls apart like glass. "They're dead..."
It's hard to tell if it's a wounded bird gambit, or serious, all of his breaking, and from the pitiless look on Cal's face, he doesn't buy it. "What?" he barks out, voice demanding and diamonds.
Desperately, the boy continues. "Everyone's dead...There's no one left, man.." he chokes out in that same whisper, shaking harder.
He walks back and forth as the boy cries, letting Cal have control and power, the things that everyone seems to take for granted until they don't have them. "But you're still alive." Cal points out, indicating with his gun and proving that he could change that in just a second's notice.
The boy keeps sobbing, and he realizes that it's really no better than the girl's screaming, which at least was entirely genuine. Victim- "Stop..."
Cal is standing over the boy on the tables now, taller than everything, and he replies back incredulously "Stop?"
Perhaps the boy isn't too dumb, he starts backpedaling hurriedly "It wasn't-" But it's too late, he's already ruined things for him. Maybe they would have let him live if he'd just been a little more repentant.
Cal glares down at him, no longer even pretending to be sympathetic. "You want me to stop?" he repeats, "You want me to stop, right now."
Then again, the boy does seem to be too dumb, or just finally aware of the fact that he has no more second chances. "Y-yes..." he answers, voicing what all of the others in the room want.
The girls start whimpering and crying on cue, maybe trying to add to the effect, but more likely just too broken to not. Cal clearly has no patience for them anymore, and he yells "Shut _up_!" to them again in a way that sounds like a frazzled mother trying to control her sugar hyped up toddler, before getting an idea.
He walks over closer to watch what Cal decides to do next, and the sobs seem to stop for a second, before picking up again. Cal gestures at the loudest girl in the group, and says "Look at her- right there" and it's not pointed at him, but at the boy under the table.
The boy hiccups and begs like a dog, and says "Shit...don't do it, man...", but it's not the thing to say, and he can see it as clear as day that Cal has nothing left to handle the sounds.
They pick up for a second before Cal swings the rifle up into his hands with a shriek of "Shut up!" and this time it's punctuated by gunfire at the screamers.
The boy tries to run, and he swings up his gun to shoot him down, he falls just out of the girls's sights and adds his own smears of blood to the floor as he staggers and then collapses in death. Cal's gunfire ends in the screaming finally ending with the girls falling in bloody messes, no more soprano echoes.
Cal jumps off of the table, and he looks at him with suddenly very tired eyes. "Oh, god..." he says, in a tired voice that could be a whimper of his own if he didn't know Cal so well.
Again, he's reminded of a time when they were talking, without cameras. _"Andre..." _he had said, meeting his eyes with a look that was as dead as death _"Can we really do this?"_
Somewhere within, was there some hesitation to continue? He didn't know, nothing was making sense any more. It didn't seem quite like the reign of justice that he had thought it would be.
His dad had been wiser than he knew then, long ago when he said that many people who cause bad things are too broken to know better, and many of them, when they understand again, regret so much it could kill them.
Was that really going to be the end?
Cal sets aside his rifle, and he says to his questioning look "Out of bullets." Made sense, so he didn't question it. Cal reaches into his belt and pulls out his .45, still fully loaded and unused as of yet.
There's a prickle of something on the back of his neck, and he turns and looks behind the couch, more seriously than before. What he sees- _who _he sees- is more of a surprise than he thought. "Cal!" he calls to his friend, looking hard at who's back there so that they won't try to run just yet.
Cal looks up, and he clearly doesn't know what's spooked him. "What?"
He only needs to keep looking down, for Cal to get the message. "It's Greg."
Greg. Gregory. Greg the bastard, Greg the asshole, Greg the bully who had been the ringleader of their ostracizing and isolation from all but each other. Now cowering behind a couch and whimpering like a baby.
Greg presses his back up against the wall and starts to stand up, whether to run, or try to intimidate them or what, he doesn't know, it doesn't matter. Cal stands next to him, and now they're going to be the bullies, see how he'd like a taste of his own medicine.
His voice comes out deceptively playful, calm even. "Greg, man," he says, looking at him with as much absolute hatred as he can muster, "sit down, man, sit down. Pal, just relax." he adds as Greg slowly slinks back to the floor like a kicked dog.
He sounds like one too, only not anywhere near as endearing or forgivable. "Just don't hurt, don't hurt me, sir." he stammers, the last sound coming out almost like he's trying to suck up to a teacher, except far more scared.
It's so unexpected, that little addition. _Sir _is probably the exact opposite of everything else he'd ever called him, and the sensation of surprise wells up in laughter "_Sir._" he repeats, drawing out the word as long as he can. "I like that!"
Cal's laughing too, a little of the stress draining from his face and shoulders. "He called you sir." he adds, and it feels like a good word when he says it that way.
"Don't kill me..." Greg whimpers, and he doesn't seem to get the irony of it. The kids he beat up most have come back as monsters to kill him dead.
He walks off as Cal chuckles more, "I can't kill you, you're too pathetic." he says, and he might have believed him if it wasn't for the way that Cal caresses the trigger. "You're gonna live today, man, you're gonna live." he assures him right before swinging the gun up and letting loose.
It kicks off eight times, backing into Cal's hand over and over again as it empties the whole clip into Greg's chest. He shakes and spasms and falls over dead, his chest a red pulp. Cal turns the gun over enough to look at it, and says in mild frustration "This gun sucks."
He shrugs as he looks around. "Looks fine to me, it did the job." he says absentmindedly as he wanders past the pole and catches sight of another victim hiding behind the other couch. "Hey!" he calls to Cal as he walks into better range.
The boy scrambles up and yells "No! No!", and presses himself against the window, trying to escape through the glass.
Cal looks up at him as he fiddles with the gun, dropping the empty magazine on the ground as he slides a fresh one in. "Hey!" he repeats, gesturing slightly "Hey look! It's another guy behind the couch!" he explains as Cal seems to not get what's going on, still messing with the gun.
He gets a quick, playful smile, and Cal says "That's strange," as he looks away, apparently finding something else wrong with his pistol.
After all of the screaming from earlier, it's odd when the boy makes no more sounds, just pushes himself against the glass and...whats? He laughs as he walks to stand in front of him. "What?" he asks him, genuinely curious. "Nothing?" No answer. Now it's no fun. "Not even an 'oh please, help me!'?" he asks, but cuts off any answer by shooting him four times until his blood drips down the glass. It's cold, but necessary. At least this boy won't be waiting any more.
He and Cal look up just as they see the last boy under the first tables start to scramble out, then inexplicably double back to grab his backpack before sprinting for freedom. He swings his gun up and yells out "Hey! Stop!", but he's not fast enough to get any aim.
Whoever the kid was leaves a lasting shot of "_Fuck you_!" complete with bold, italics and underlines just for emphasis as he eats dust and makes like a rabbit and rabbits.
Cal looks back at him, and the surreality of him actually grabbing his bag in what could have cost him his life dawns on him at what must be the same time it dawns on Cal, because he repeats "Fuck you" in a much lower voice, and it sets them both off.
"He came back for his backpack!" He exclaims through the laughter, picking the rifle back up. Cal has a grin on his face that says that he enjoyed that little tidbit just as much. "He was the only one who came back for his fucking bag." he adds, bringing on a wave of more laughter.
Cal's still snickering as he leans down to look under the table at the pile of corpses, looking for movement, and he says "We should make sure that no one else is running."
A sensible idea, they might laugh themselves to death otherwise.
They leave the study section, and pick their way back through the halls of books. The first one they killed is now lying on the floor, hand on his belly and looking...well, dead. He turns back to look at Cal. "Oh look, he fell." he laughs, and he gets another smile out of his friend before looking back at the corpse. "How you doing, buddy?" he asks, not expecting an answer.
He picks his way past the body, finding the idea of actually stepping on it not something he's willing to do, and Cal seems to agree, because he pushes the chair in so he has more room before walking past. They leave it behind on their way to the front.
It's utterly silent but for them, and the front hall seems wrongly empty. Cal's still joking about something, but he's not really able to connect. It seemed...very, very wrong to have this hall so empty when even when there was no one in the library, there was always a faint sense of warmth from the memories of kids enjoying books and quiet, with the pleasant hum of study computers in the background.
Cal walks around the other way that he does, and at first seems to be serious about it, but then abruptly jumps into a comedic cowboy stands with his gun pointed at the desk, but nothing stirs. He walks around a little further to check, and then confirms what he already knew. "There is absolutely nobody left in here."
With nothing left to do, they walk back into the study room, where the emptiness is swelling up. The glory of the hunt is dying away, the adrenaline pumping in his heart is ceasing. Reality sets back in with cold talons, and he's not sure he wants it to.
They both set their weapons down on the table, so many guns, and he stares at the floor. "Anybody else alive in here?" he asks, and he's not sure if he's asking Cal or whoever might still be left.
Cal bursts the tiny bubble of hope that there might be someone other than a pile of corpses with "Just us."
But he seems to feel the same weight and dawning emptiness, if his voice is any indication.
He starts to walk away, past the scattered chairs and limp fingers, and Cal wanders over to the couch, at first starting to sit, but then leaning over and staring intently at something, like he just saw a roach on the floor or something. In the distance, he can hear sirens wailing, the city's finest on their way to a massacre.
A cold sensation ripples through his veins, and he looks down at the silver pistol in his hands. Something makes him put it to his chin, and he pulls the trigger. Nothing happens. He pulls again, and again, and again, and again, and still nothing. The damn thing's _also_ empty. He looks at it in disdain, and then back at Cal, who hasn't moved from where he's looking at the floor.
He walks back over, not sure what to find, and then he sees what Cal is looking so strongly at. The pool of blood spreads almost all the way to the tables, and Cal is looking at his reflection in it. He wonders what Cal sees, if he can see. If he sees a victim...or a monster.
Cal looks at him listlessly, then back. "I can see my his blood.." he says in a voice caught in a different space, toned out and dreamlike. Whatever had possessed him when they were killing together has fled.
Maybe he can get it back.
He looks out the window, and he can see flashing red and blue, storming over rapidly, hundreds of flashing lights like butterflies of death, attached to what must be every single fucking cop in the whole damn city. "Look out there," he says, trying to draw Cal's attention away from self-reflection. "_That_ is a lot of fucking cops." he adds, since Cal isn't looking up."
The sirens grow as he stands there and watches, and he hefts the empty gun in his hand. He knows he still has some ammo left in his belt. Cal _finally_ gets up from the floor and stands next to him, looking out as well. "Come on, let's go get a couple," he invites Cal, already reaching for the gun that he knows still has bullets in it.
And then Cal says the one word that would have stopped this whole thing in it's tracks before it ever got this far. "No." His face is impassive, emotionless.
"What do you mean, no?" he asks, and laughs softly to try and cover the nervousness that's suddenly eating up his chest. This wasn't something he could have predicted, or controlled. "Come on, let's go."
Cal shoots that down too though, and says with a strong sense of finality "I'm done." He turns to look at him as he steps back, and his eyes are incredibly sad, broken too.
"Wha-?" he begins, and the sound cuts itself off. "How are you done?" It doesn't make sense, or at least, it doesn't make sense in the way he wants it to make sense.
Cal looks back at him with those sad eyes, and it seems like he's seen more than just his reflection in that pool of blood. "Andre," he says, with compassion inherent in his voice, "you're done."
The words ring far, far more truly than he wants, and he tries to protest both against Cal's strength and his own feelings of loss. "I'm not- I'm not.." he starts, and stumbles, and takes a breath. "I'm not done." He says, and wishes that he felt as certain inside as he did on the outside, not that he sounds certain on the outside even.
It doesn't seem to make Cal angry though, and he has a faint smile. "Andre, it's alright.." he trails off, and looks outside. "Look." he says, with more strength than before. "Would you rather get shot by cops or by yourself?"
It's a question he hadn't even considered before, the idea that it might be a choice between ending his own life under his own power, or being killed by a police man who still has to do his duty even if he might actually agree with them. He hadn't thought so much of what would happen to _him_ after the shooting, just what the rest of the world would do.
And he can't fight back against Cal, who had. "Guess you're right..." he says, and the words sink and brand into his bones bitterly, an ache of a whole different source than what he'd known before.
Cal gives him a look, and says "You guess or you know?" Which is another thing that he hadn't thought of before, the strength of Cal's conviction, and sense of his own power, and the meaning behind those two words.
"I know." he says bitterly, and they walk over to look at the sea of cops pouring out of the cars to set up a perimeter to start working their way to get into the school. "You're right."
Cal looks at him, and says grouchily "I'm out of bullets.." as if he had the answer to Cal's problem there. He picks up his rifle and starts picking at it, looking for a last bullet.
"Here," he says, and when Cal looks up, he tosses the last magazine he has at him. "Just take one, I'm empty otherwise."
Cal smiles at him faintly, and loads the gun with that one bullet, and then tosses the magazine back.
He picks the bullet he needs out himself, and stares at it for a minute as Cal walks around the room, and he follows, like a lost child in the woods, at the slim slice of steel that can end a life in a second, or an hour, if left unattended for long enough. When he slides it into his pistol, it fits in with a solid click that echoes in the empty room like the faint rasps of the phone in his belt and the sirens outside. Nothing else left to leave a mark on the earth.
Cal at last finds a place that seems fitting for their end, and he walks over to stand next to him. In an awkward rhythm, they start to kneel to the floor, metaphorical ropes clutched in their hands. For some reason, he wonders if his mother has found out yet. He'd prefer if she hadn't, if she didn't get the news until he was truly gone, so she didn't have to suffer waiting for an answer on why he did what he did. Better for her to get an answer that would give her a little comfort of her own.
He looks over at Cal, who's kneeling on the floor, face pale as a ghost's. So many ghosts in the room, waiting to get them...can he do this? They'll get him the instant he pulls the trigger, he won't last the time it takes to die, and it scares him to think that.
He looks at the gun in his hands, and puts it to his chin, thinking that maybe it'll be certain enough that he won't linger long enough for their victims to get them back again. Cal is the only certainty by his side.
Cal starts to count down for them, voice quiet enough that only he can hear. "Alright.." he says softly, "One, two..."
Then the panic gets him. "Wait," he tells Cal, pushing on his arm just enough that he wobbles and lowers his own gun so that they won't die yet.
They're both breathing raggedly, like they've been running a marathon, and Cal asks "What?" when he manages to find enough air to speak at all.
The fear comes tumbling out of him, and he clenches his fist against the gun as much as he can without pulling the trigger. "I can't do it." he admits rawly, the words taking everything it has left for him to do it. No more fight, nothing left but fear and sorrow.
He wants to live. "I-I just can't do it. I just can't. I can't." he finishes, looking at the ground, and trying to avoid Cal's eyes and the disappointment that he's sure is there.
But he can't avoid his eyes forever, and when he looks up, there's nothing but compassion and understanding in Cal's eyes, and Cal pats his arm gently, reassuringly. "Andre.. It'll be okay." he says, and the way he says it makes him feel like maybe it would.
Maybe it would be okay.
"Okay." he says hesitantly, and he looks at Cal. "Give me a yes."
And without any delay or hesitation, Cal says "Yes."
No more delays, nothing left. He sinks into his own mind for the last seconds, no more awareness of the rest of the world.
Just him.
Just him and Cal.
Numb...numb...numb from the inside out. Clear as a bell and still wanting, still needing to control the demons, roar of the gun still echoing in his skull. Breath as loud as screams in a silent room. It was silent.
There is sound out _there_. With the police- damn them- and the screams- damn them- of the other fools running. But the only sound here was breath. His and Cal's. In and out and in and out like the sound of madness, in and out, in and out.
The gun hilt- warm in his hands. Bullet in the magazine, bullet in the gun. Suicide is painless, but only as painless as the weapon, and a gun _hurt_.
Numbness, circulating like blood on the floor. "Should we- on three, or go?" He can hear himself asking- a pointless argument. Delaying the moment, delaying everything. He can't even hear what Cal's saying, but it makes sense somewhere. Somewhere anyway.
"So on three?"
He nods- jerky movement, instinctive, can't stop it. The muzzle of the gun is still hot, still singing the incantations of death. Bang, bang, bang.
So many things to think, so little time. Apologies to make that would never be made. The phone squawks from his belt- foolish person, not ending things already. Lying like a lyre, trying to offer a chance that doesn't exist.
He knows better, somewhere.
Muzzle warm against his chin, counting down with Cal.
The best friend he ever had.
His family would be angry, would be ashamed. Let them, not their fault. Not theirs at all. Just his. The tapes would prove it, absolve them of everything. Feeling sorry a little, for what he's doing, it's like drinking solid ice, it burns and is impossible. The thoughts come too fast.
Muzzle of the gun under his chin, trigger hot with anticipation. No hesitation, no more stalling. Never be caught, never be killed by another. His terms, his means. Blood all over the floor.
Crack of the gun- white hot and then bl-
End file.
| Mad World by Phoenix To Flame | Zero Day |
I'm crying alone in my room
Screaming about how bad is my doom.
I can't take this
I've held on enough.
I've had enough
Of all this sob stuff
With all the blood that stains my blouse,
I feel like my room is a haunted hause.
Filled with screams, poems, blood and
Ghosts. The Ghosts of our past.
I've got to find a way to end this fast.
I need a knife. I need a huge sleeping pills dose
To end with all the hurt caused by the ghosts.
I love you. I need you. You're my life.
That's why I am standing here, screaming with a knife.
With a knife down my wrist.
My screams mix in
With the screams of alternative music turned on very loud.
In a way you can't tell them apart.
This is it: you broke my heart.
(I miss you)
And as tears mix in with my blood.
I bleed a lot more. Now I can't stop the flood.
But it just feels so good.
Eases the pain in such way,
I can't explain.
AAAAAH! I can't take this screams.
These ghosts, they can read my mind.
They know I am not the kind
Of person they like.
AAAAAH! These screams on my mind.
These ghosts, they're gonna kill me.
But I am the one who's created them.
Then, I am...
Am I?
I am the one who's killing myself.
Slowly, absentmindedly.
AAAAAH! These scars are way too deep.
AAAAAH! These wounds are way deeper.
AAAAAH! This is the pain missing you caused me.
AAAAAH! This is the pain the ghosts caused me.
AAAAAH! This is the pain. This is everything the screams caused me.
AAAAAH! I'm gonna die!
This screams, are taking over my mind.
So please, GIVE - ME - THAT - KNIFE !
End file.
| Screams by Biih Papaleo | Zombie Prom |
Title : Vintage Characters : You & Zelo (Choi Junhong)
Type : One .
You just made it a you wanted before going home was to see even checked his schedule to see what time he would be were on your way to the TS felt like someone was talking you and you were continue walking and two girls were walking behind first girl had black hair and was wearing an looked like she was a senior in High other one had black hair and she was dressed wore white jeans following with was also holding a camera.
Zelo was standing in front of the was looking at smiled at him as he opened the window and bringht smile was being on his face.
'Jagiya,you're to see a minute.I'm coming.' - he was happily yelling.
He was excited to see 's why he was running downstais and he almost felt down were glaring at brown-haired one came closer to you and the other one was already behind have absolutely no idea what was going on.
'So,you are dating Zelo?How sweet!' - the brown-haired told you and as she was looking at your clothes.
' are you asking?' - you replied.
'You know that the whole fandom knows about you,right?We all know you and it would be a shame if something happends to won't be with him for a both are not meant to be together,honey. - she said.
Seconds later you felt a pain in your was a knife which the other girls stuck in your were went the accident,they left you laying on the saw you and he was in didn't know what to do and then he saw that you were bleeding.
'What the?Oh my 's going on? - he said in shock.
The first thing he did after seeing you in that condition was to call the came as soon as came to the hospital as of them were so worried especially was even crying.
'Zelo-ya,don't 'll be could be so much worse,right?' - Yongguk said as he sat next to him.
'All she wanted was to visit more.I guess this has to do something with the don't know what people space always chase after hadn't done anything to deserve something like this.I hope she wakes up.I don't want to see her like this.I love her with all my heart,hyung.I really do' - he said as he was sobbing.
The doctor walked out the door you were staying went straight to Zelo.
'Zelo-shi,she needs have hurt her so she'll be can stay here if you want as long as it doesn't affect your schedule'
'I think I will spend the rest of the night here.I want to be with her.' - Zelo started talking.
'What the hell are you going?we have practice tonight,a fan meeting tomorrow and can't just leave us.' - Daehyun cut him off.
'Hyung,I she is my girlfriend and she needs 's only for tonight and I promise that I will not miss tomorrow's ,let me stay here.' - Zelo said after Daehyun's speech.
' take 'll miss you.' - Dae slowly replied.
BAP left the hospital while the maknae Zelo was standing in front of the surgery was patiently waiting for the surgery to one hour waiting,the surgeron came out and told him that the surgery was successfull.
'You can now go to see must be awake within 10 's okay wait her to wake up' - He told Zelo.
Junhong walked in and he saw you laying on that got on his knees and and touched your ,he started talking.
'Jagiya,it's me Junhong.I missed you so much.I promise that this won't happen ever again.I'll always protect you and make sure that you're okay.I'm sorry for not being there when his happend.I have concert tonight and I will miss I want right now is to be here for you.
You suddenly heard him and you started opening your voice was so silent.
'I love you!'- you said.
'You woke tell me what exactly happend.'
'There were two girls stalking you were on your way to go outside,one of them told me that I won't be your girlfriend for a long time and that we weren't meant to be that,the other one stuck a knife in my I went unconscious.'- you replied.
'Do you know who they were,baby?'
'I have no idea,to be honest.'
Zelo got off his kneess and laid on the bed which was next to both held each others was looking at you untill you got so tired and fell did Zelo.
End file.
| Vintage by jonnglo | Zombie Prom |
Fuck You
Not really.
End file.
| Fuck You by SexyNarwhal | Zombie Prom |
Monday 6th, May 2013."Run! He's right behind you!" Screamed Kevin. I'm running as fast
as I can! Ooof. Jacob trips. Jacob turns in agony. There stands a silhouette in the door frame.
Crouching, Gashing the walls with razor sharp nails
KEVIN, SUPPER! Screamed Audrey. Coming
Me and Jacob ran up stairs. Yum smells good what is it? Asked Jacob.
Pasta , what dose it look like? Quipped Audrey. I have no idea, noting I have ever seen before.
Muttered Jacob. I laugh at his joke. After supper me and Jacob went for a walk to the store.
Hey Jacob ?Kevin said curiously. What day is it today? April 28th, why? I don't know was just wondering. Ah! Holy crap what was that! Screamed Jacob. i don't know lets go look! Me and Jacob sprint to the ragged house that we heard the scream from. Lets split, you go in the house and search , I'll look out back. Said Kevin. I walked out back and realized the horrid stench. Gross, I found her! Jacob came running down from the house. gross dude we need to get her to the hospital. good thinking , I'll
Grab her legs and you grab her arms. Rushed Kevin.
Suddenly I realized the woman breathing. Jacob she's breathing , lets put her down.
Mrs are you ok, what happened? Said Jacob
. Her heart, Jacob feel her heart! Jacob pulls his arm in to feel her heart beat. Then the woman lashes out and snaps at Jacob. Holy
Crap! Jacob flies back towards the shed door. The woman got up and drags her self towards Jacob and me. kevin, what the hell's wrong with her? Said Jacob . I don't know grab that shovel! Jacob reaches over to garb the spade ,and the woman lances at him . Jacob jumps to the left to avoid her. We run to the house and hood by the sink. Kevin,
Lets block the door said Jacob. we grab the table and pushed it towards the door what the hell's wrong with her man, I cant function here. Said Jacob. I have no idea but we need to do something about it, ok. Demanded Kevin. Ok so this is what we are going to do. Go into the drawers and see if you can find any knifes or anything sharp, ok. Said . Jacob ran to the drawers as I held the door shut as the crazy woman rams at it with her head. I found some .yelled Jacob. He ran over to me with the knifes and we crouched at the door with nervousness in our blood. On three we open the door and stab her in the back , ok. One, two, three, go! We opened the door and Jacob jumped out , he tripped over me and the woman flung her self at Jacob.
BASH, the silhouette crashed down from a smack to the head. Jacob lays in terror as the hero appears from the door. Gosh you couldn't of can at a worse time John, I had him right there in my sights I almost blow your head off! Stated Kevin. Shut up smart ass, I just
Saved his live, give me some credit. Shouted John in a blood trenched shirt. Thank the lord of your birth John ! I almost shit myself. Said Jacob. Ok so lets get back to the safe house, it's almost dark and I'm running low on ammo. Kevin , Jacob ,and Ernie started back to the safe
House. Ernie, what's wrong. Kevin worried. John choughs. Standing in his tracks , trying not to cry. "my wife, my beautiful Wife". Sculled John. Hey, you don't know that, she's a strong woman, and I'm sure she can handle a lot more the a couple of un dead. Kevin said. How can I bare such a burden, not knowing whether or not she's even alive! I cant go on. John dragged his dirty tired body down the mud covered road.
Aching, struggling to pondering of the outcome to soon come. I can't take it any more! Screamed John. He falls on his knees, desperate for
All the havoc to end. Suddenly, a spark. Not a normal spark. But a noise, a noise that was un familiar to the ear. Almost like a blaze of fire.
Not hot but, more chilling, cold. "Run, get up!" Kevin screamed in Johns ear. Then it came to him . Walking down a wet muddy road in the middle of nowhere, in the dark. What were we thinking. A hoard of un dead zombies chasing us, frenzied , lustful for blood. We run as fast as we can trying to get away from the hoard as we see a van going by the opposite side of the road. watch out. said the unknown woman from the
The woman flung onto Jacob as he laid there in fear. A silence moment of bracing the blow. When we opened our eyes, we saw that the woman was gouged into Jacobs knife, laying on top of him. The woman's face was impaled with the razor sharp edge of the knife. Bleeding all over him. God, this woman smells like a barn, Help her off of me. Asked Jacob. Ya I will, but next time watch were your going, you almost got us killed. Yelled Kevin. As we got up to look around, we sat down to catch our breath. Kevin? Jacob asked. We need to discuss this right now! Jacob demanded we sit down to talk. What do think was wrong with that woman, I was sure she was dead? I don't know but whatever killed her must still be around. I think this is like a apocalypse or something.
As we walk out the front door, more screams are heard from the distance. Are you scared, Kevin? Jacob asked. Lets get back home to see
John and Key are ok. As we run down the street towards the house we see that there is a strange man waddling on our front lawn. We sneak past him by the bushes that lead to the house. Jacob, we need to get down stairs , and get some supplies. We are leaving to a more safe place. Whispered Kevin. Ya, I don't think I like it here anymore. We open the door to slip down stairs. Its dark and gloomy. The room so plain and quiet. As we here a noise after a while we realize the calendar on the wall, it says may 6th. I can never trust Jacob with telling the date.
As we continue towards my bedroom we see a figure, we cant quite picture it out. John is that you? Jacob asks cautiously. Suddenly we hear a voice like a cat stuck in a running motor. Run! He's right behind you ! I screamed I smash the casing above the mantle of the fire place and grab
The gun from within. Then Mark, Johns grandson's toy train was laying on the ground below Jacob. He trips, and at that instance his life flashed before his eyes . Kevin is a couple meters behind him cocking the gun to fire. The silhouette stands in the door frame as he gashes the walls with razor sharp nails
Then another figure appeared from the door frame and smashed a bat over its head .hey guys, we are going to head to my uncles place down in Leamington. John I almost killed you! Yelled Kevin. so what .your impossible, so lets just go to this "uncles" place. As they left the home they packed up as much stuff as Possible. Heading to the small town of Leamington they stopped at a abandon restaurant to grab a bi to eat. Man am I hungry, I haven't eaten all day. Said John. I wish Audrey was here and not infected, she was such a good maid. Guys look over here, it looks like a young girl, but I'm not sure its quite dark. Said Kevin slowly approaching the shadowed figure. Guys, she's crying. Are you ok little girl? Jacob asked kindly as if he was a soft type, buy yet has he ever shown any kind of sympathy. As we got closer we realized The girl was crouched in the corner and had no features to her body. Just plain skin, almost like rubber. My god look at her skin! Jacob whispered in fear. I don't like the looks of this I'm getting out of here. As John ran away. No stop. John trips and stumbled down to the ground. As John hit the ground he made a loud noise by hitting a metal car piece. Silence broke, not a word was said. Just dead silence. They stared at the plain girl in the corner, motionless, soundless , and appeared dead. Ring ,ring ,ring ,ring. Johns cell phone rang. Then the girl stud up very slowly. She stared in our eyes. The looked lost, bloodshot, and her pupils were pitch white. We all jumped up and startled her. She then pulled her arms up and started to bawl her eyes out and sprinted at us. We ran as fast as we could. Pushing and pushing, out of the corner of my eyes I saw a small tank of propane on the corner of the road, beside a truck. I then yelled. "on three jump into the ditch"
The looked puzzled, but also look like they were going to follow through with it. I counted to three. One two three. We jumped flailing our arms in fear. I grab my gun I got from the mantle at the house.
I aim and shot the gun at the barrel in mid air. Hit! I go flying into the ditch as the young girl flies a couple of meters to the left from the explosion. We get out of the ditch to investigate the burnt girl." dam can she ever run, luck fully I'm as fast as a horse. Jacob boasted. Nice to no, but we need to continue to get to Leamington. They continue down the wet muddy road , wet, tired , and hoping to not get anymore encounters with those crazy people. When they arrive at Johns uncles house, we see that it wasn't the nicest house on the block, no like there was any other houses near by. It was old, blue, and had a musty smell to it. isn't a very neat guy. "come in, come in please do, I'm heating up a warm cup of tea, would u like some?" Johns uncle offered. No thank you. But we need to ask you some question. Kevin asked seriously. "oh, by all means do ask, do ask! But first my name is Cid, meteorologist, and what be yours. Cid said proudly. My name is Kevin, this is Jacob, and this is John as you already know. Now what was that you wanted to ask me?
What is going on with all this, zombie stuff? Cid looks away through the window, almost frightened by the word. "look at all the rain, can you see it?" Cid said changing the topic. don't try to change to the subject .Kevin quickly said. Well, I do know one thing but first, come with me. Cid walked quickly paranoid of something unknown to me. I follow the timid man to a small wooden door. He opens the door and looks behind him to see if there is anybody following him. "quick ,quick, down the stairs". He pushes us down in a hurry. "ok, so now that we are here
What do you know. I intimidate him to spit it up. Ok , ok , ok. There is a rock, a particular rock, its called the everstone. He whispered. The everstone, what the heck is that? Jacob shouted. "shut up!" what is this everstone you are talking about? I asked him kindly but he still looked very paranoid. "it's a stone, a magical stone that cures any deises that exist.
And In particular Zombium. Cid shut up and walked upstairs. But wait, were can we find it? He ignored us and started to search for something. Rambling and muttering ,walking all over, wrecking his home. here! Cid yelled. He pulls out a giant dusty book. He struggles to bring it to the table. He throws it down and a ring of dust flies from over it. Here it is. The book of truth and lies.e opens the book and points to a picture of a small round stone. "the everstone"
End file.
| EVERSTONE by kevincoulter | Zombie Survival Guide |
Fool's Hope
298 days spent running. Nearly a year. 298 days of being terrified and fighting. Now it looked like those days were about to come to an end. Their hopes were finally coming true. The days of fear were over, about to be replaced by peace and life.
Kalli and Sam had found the legendary Sanctuary. The symbol of the survivors and a place to be safe from the monsters that prowled the wasteland seeking flesh. Months of searching and hoping were over. They could be safe now.
The Sanctuary had appeared to the siblings as they'd crested a steep, grass-swept hill. It was built right at the hill's peak, and the giant concrete wall rose into the heavens, barely topped the trees inside. They could see tiny guards patrolling the perimeter with guns at the ready. The sounds of life echoed from within; children shrieking and laughing, animals calling, and people bustling to and fro as they worked.
Kalli and Sam turned and grinned at each other, months of stress melting off their faces beneath the dirt. "We made it," Kalli sighed almost breathlessly. Sam laughed and swept her up into his arms.
A low moan sounded behind them. The siblings froze and slowly turned around, bodies trembling against the other's. "Run," Sam muttered in her ear.
The zombie tripped over a fallen log and sprawled out on the road. Kalli and Sam hurried towards the Sanctuary, glancing nervously around at the tall grass that could hide any number of things. "Hey!" Sam yelled, waving frantically at the sentries on the wall.
One of them froze and turned towards the shout, raising one hand to shield his eyes from the glaring sun. Kalli jumped up in the air and whooped; they were safe! The sentry, having determined that they were living, waved back at them and signaled down at someone below to open the gate. The heavy concrete and wood door shuddered and began to jerk up. Grinding noises filled the air, masking the sound of the single zombie behind them.
Soon Kalli and Sam were inside and wrapped in warm, greeting arms. Kalli could feel all the stress and fear running off her as the gates rattled closed and the sharp report of a gun silenced the zombie on the road. Tears sprung to her eyes, and her legs almost turned to jelly. Someone pressed a slightly warm roll into her hand, and another brushed a strand of hair away from her face. A few feet away, a man was clapping Sam on the shoulder as Kalli's brother wolfed down his own bread.
The sea of people led them into the large brick building in the center of the Sanctuary. The door open and soft yellow light spilled out along with the delicious smell of cooking food. A pack of children raced by and disappeared inside, laughing. A tall man in a cowboy hat stepped forward, extending his hand to the newcomers. Sam gripped it briefly, and then Kalli held it too. The man's hand was warm and dry, and rough from work.
"Welcome," he said, grinning welcomingly at them. "This is the Sanctuary. We're glad to have you here."
"It's so wonderful here," Kalli gushed. "There are so many people."
"Over 300," the man replied, laughing slightly. Kalli gasped happily and gave her brother a hug. He tousled her hair. "My name is Ron," the man continued. "Can I get you some dinner? You must be starved."
"Yes, please," Sam said. "I'm Sam, and this is my sister, Kalli."
"It's a pleasure to have you with us." Ron turned around and led them through the clean hallways. The siblings marveled at everything. The people, the order, the safety, the hope shining in everyone's eyes. It was enough to make even the most pessimistic of people believe that a new future was possible.
The cafeteria was warm and stuffed with the smell of tomato soup. Groups of people crowded the numerous round tables. Stacks of bowls were piled by their elbows, and some people still held soft rolls in their hands.
Kalli and Sam went through the buffet line. They filled the white plastic bowls to the brim and stacked a plate with warm bread. There was even milk, something Kalli hadn't seen since before. When they sat down, people flocked to sit with them and peppered them with questions.
"How long were you out there?"
"How did you find us?"
"Did you see anyone else out in the wastelands?"
There was barely time to eat and answer the questions at the same time. Ron, the cowboy hat man, shooed the residents away. Kalli's face was starting to hurt from all the smiling.
They were finally safe.
They were finally home.
There was finally hope.
* * *
The months passed. Kalli and Sam fell into a pattern at the Sanctuary and helped work to make it safer and more productive. They made friends, Kalli found a boyfriend, and Sam had a best friend again. They hadn't seen a single zombie weeks. Things were looking up.
The shout came as spring began to come to the land again. The boy's voice was frantic, and it cracked halfway through the warning. Immediately, everyone sprang into action, grabbing weapons and racing up onto the wall.
It was more than just a sighting.
It was a mob.
The giant mass of roiling gray flesh took everyone by surprise and sent them reeling back. Knees went weak. Eyes popped. Kalli couldn't believe what she was seeing. It just wasn't possible. But it was right there in front of her. A never ending sea of the dead.
"Keep calm, everyone," Ron ordered, appearing on the wall. "We can keep them back."
Suddenly, there was a grungy old man standing behind Kalli, a battered rifle clutched in one hand. "No, we can't," he said in a husky voice. "Look at them. There's no way."
Kalli glared sharply at the man. "Don't say that. There's always hope."
He laughed and spat over the wall. "Everyone's always saying that, but no one ever means it. Hope is for children. Life is too harsh for it to survive. It's time to face reality, sweetie; hope is for fools. Wake up and smell the dead. There's no way we're getting out of this."
Kalli stalked away, refusing to listen to the worming words the man was saying. But they lodged in her head and stuck there. What if he was right? But he couldn't be. They would win. They had to.
The sharp cracks of the rifles started up, and soon the air was filled with the acrid smell of gunpowder. The zombies fell by the dozens, but two more filled the place of each that died. In no time they were pressed up against the wall.
Inside the compound a man stumbled out of his room, nursing a hangover and a bottle of liquor. The clamor didn't register with him and he walked out of the building without even thinking. He needed a breath of fresh air outside these stifling walls. There was a small back door set behind the supply building. The drunk man headed towards it in a weaving, uncertain line.
It took him ten seconds to find the doorknob. Yawning, he pulled it open. A zombie tore his throat out.
It took thirty-two minutes for the greatest human civilization in the dead world to fall. Every last man, woman, child, and animal was devoured, turned, or shot by friendly fire. And so died the final hope. The grungy old man was right; hope is for fools.
End file.
| Fool's Hope by ThunderClouds7 | Zombie Survival Guide |
New York is Dead
**Yay, another random one-shot! Have fun!**
The man woke up slowly. He didn't remember where he was, who he was, WHAT he was. He only remembered that there were Zombies everywhere. Living dead, the crazies, whatever you wanted to call them, they were there. He knew he was slightly safe. And he knew that he wouldn't be for long. He had only planked over the windows, and only stockpiled enough ammo for a week, and even less food. And he lived in New York. That memory wasn't expected. The buildings, the sky-rises... the millions upon millions of people... Who were now all zombies. He ran upstairs, through his small house on the outskirts of the city. And wasn't surprised to see more than 10 million zombies pressing themselves against the walls of his house. He would have laughed if it hadn't been so terrifying. They had enough strength to tear him apart in an instant, and yet they couldn't open the door and get in. In a different situation, it would have been hilarious... Maybe he could wait them out? And yet, he knew that there was likely never going to be any help coming. If a huge city like New York was taken, then certainly the smaller ones, such as Washington, were almost certainly gone. The very fact that New York wasn't now a nuclear crater testified to that. Maybe his native country of Canada too. So what was the point? What was the point of simply waiting to starve, or for the sheer weight of them to collapse the walls, kill him under rubble or under their teeth, to die horribly. And with that, he took down the boards, and threw himself to the horde. In a few seconds, the feeding frenzy died down, and they began to move away. There were more humans to devour.
**That was... slightly darker than I usually write, but ok. **
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| New York is Dead by Snowskeeper | Zombie Survival Guide |
1. Chapter 1
Zombie types
The early signs of this type are:
-Rapid muscle development
-Hunched spine
-Uncontrollable drooling
Smell: 1/10
Hearing: 2/10
Eye Sight: 7/10
Strength: 10/10
Speed: (Has to warm up first, once they start running it's hard to stop them.) 9/10
Endurance: 5/10
The early signs of this type are:
-Lip splits
-Rotting nose
-Enlarge eyes
-Elongated fingers and nails
-Body becomes thinner/taller
-Hair falls out
Smell: 10/10
Hearing: 6/10
Eye Sight: 8/10
Strength: 6/10
Endurance: 9/10
The early signs of this type:
-Lips appear chapped
-Cracks appear on side of lips, until the entire moth is enlarged
-Eyes dial and then become dark
-Teeth become sharp
-Two slits appear on the side of the neck
-Body become limber and well balanced
Smell: 9/10
Hearing: 9/10
Eye Sight: 10/10
Strength: 8/10
Endurance: 10/10
2. Chapter 2
One can never explain gifts, not even a scientific man of my standing. I find it odd but I am left in amazement to stand around and watch what is happening before me. At first I thought is was that our genetic pool was changing, I was right on that but not entirely. Around the world I saw a sudden shift in the IQ average of most human beings, it started in the schools but I thought it was simply another crack down made by teachers. Now I'm looking at more genius kids then I can handle, some of them may as well be smarter then me.
Parents are always bring in their kids, asking if my team and I have time to test them, see if they're special. I don't have kids but I always thought you were suppose to love your children no matter what their IQ level.
I have studied many people who's brain power rises by the day and even after a year we are all still baffled by it. What is changing us?
I have not solved that but I have stumbled on some other interesting findings. Though many now share the "Gift" of understanding, I have found that some are not as lucky. I am now not only looking at the average IQ but also the mental state of many. Where there are rises in IQ I also find a rise in violence. Now I'm left with two things to study. You are ether one hell of a genius or a rabid beast.
Though there are still "normal" people in this, now troubled, world. I find them less interesting then what is going on. I think the world just wants to punish us.
Over the year I have found some very disturbing "rabids" around the city. This is no longer about the "gifted" this is also about the "rabid" ones. The "rabid" ones now become mutated; I still don't know what cause this sudden change. You could be waving hello to a friend of yours one day and the next you see him or her being dragged away to the local and now over flowing insane asylum. The mutations are small for now, someone develops a hunched back, enlarger and dilating eyes, those are the more extreme cases. Small changes are chapped and bleeding lips and above all these "rabids" smart but their not using their skills to solve world hunger, their using it to hunt. Yes, for those of you who wanted the living dead to walk the earth you now have some thing far worse.
The world is slowly descending to hell. The psycho wards are slowly failing apart the prisons are over flowling, we don't have the man power to hold the madness back any more, it's only a matter of time now.
I think the "gifted" will be the first to go, their smart for humans but not animal smart like the "rabids". They'll hunt you down and rip you apart with no regard to any thing.
The only thing I can be greatful for is that people know what's happening. At least some may have a chance when the walls do break.
My team and I have been lucky enough to have the chance to study some of the Rabids, gift from the Military. They couldn't get a hold of Bulldozer though, but I'm just surprised they even managed to catch a Stalker and one very ill tempered Hound. As for lower Rabids there's no need for us to study them, Military says we need to focus on the dangerous ones. Fools, all the Rabids are deadly in their own way.
3. Chapter 3
My team and I have been working hard on trying to figure out two things.
One- Trying to find some sort of cure for this whole mess.
Two-Restraining the Hound.
I must say that I hate that bloody thing. I know I'm a scientist and there for I'm suppose to want to study the unknown but I would rather not in this case. I walked by the reinforced glass today on my way to the Stalker's holding area and all I heard was this deafening bang. Course being the brave man I am my first reaction was to throw the clipboard I was carrying at the noise. That Hound wants to kill me so badly that it bent the steel bars, that cut it off from the glass, when it leapt at me.
Hounds are ill tempered and will take any chance they get to be able to fest on human flesh. But besides that little mishap, I'm, oddly enough, really taken with the Stalker. I get a lot of information from her on the behavior of her type of Rabid. Unlike the Hound, she doesn't throw her self at the bars every time we walk by, she just watches. I find her behavior amusing, she can clearly tell all four members of my team, including my self apart from one another.
-She knows I'm the Team's head so she never looks me in the eye, which is a submissive thing among Stalkers as we have found out.
-There's Alex who's in charge of sitting there for hours on end, bless his soul, to record her every movement. I think she enjoys his company more then mine because Alex has told me how she'll come right up to the bars to examine him.
-Christina has the same job as Alex, except she has to record the Hound's movements. She actually gave the Stalker a name, "MJ". I can't blame her, she spends all day with the Hound so it's no wonder she likes the Stalker enough to name it. Plus, "MJ" seems fond of her.
-The two remaining teammates of mine, Ivan and Glen, are focusing their efforts on the 'cure' but they do take a break to feed the two Rabids. We feed them cows or any other animal we can get our hands on. "MJ" Knows their job is to feed her so, I wouldn't be too surprised if through her eyes she sees them as the 'hunters' of the pack. She makes these odd chirping sounds when every they walk by.
In short we're all very taken with her.
I find the military very annoying. I know they're there to 'protect' us but the least they could do is not question our manner of doing our jobs, I never ask them why they waste ammo just to shoot at cans at twelve in the morning.
Recently the commanding officer of the small army unit that is in charge of guarding our four-story lab plus the lovely twenty-foot wall that goes all the way around the building, has been asking why we're bothering to study the Rabids. He thinks that all we have to do is drain them of their blood and throw in some chemicals and 'vala' there's your cure. I've tried to explain the scientific manner behind our study but he wouldn't listen to me, only when I said I would call up the higher ups did he stop in his complaints.
After that little mishap was dealt with I when back to over seeing my team but I'll write about that in the morning.
Alex told me that "MJ" has been acting a bit odd, normally she shows a lot of interest in us but lately all she's been doing is staring at the wall. She still chirps when Ivan and Glen go into feed her but then she goes back to the wall. On a side note to that, we've gotten to the point where we can walk on the barred side of her cage to feed her. I think if we keep up the 'relationship' we might even be able to go inside the cage with her.
The fact that we have proven so far with "MJ" is that you can form a bond with a Stalker. As for the reason to that, I can only think of it as she thinks of us as her new 'pack', further study will be needed on this topic.
Cristina and Alex have come up with a theory as to why "MJ" keeps staring at the wall. I'll have to go into detail for anyone to really understand if they happen to read my journal. All the captured Rabids are housed on the third level of our lab; they live in sixteen feet by twenty-four feet rooms. With about two feet of cement and steel separating each room from the next one over.
"MJ" is in the room right next to the hound and the wall that she's been staring at, the Hound is on the other side. So, Cristina and Alex think that Stalkers and Hounds might be natural enemies in the wild. I couldn't help but chuckle a bit at my fellow teammates but they might have a point. No one is able to study Rabids in the wild and by wild I mean the cities and the towns that have been over run with them.
Yes, I've been so busy here in the lab that I have failed to look out and see what the world is coming to over the walls. It's not pretty. It's the Rabids world now, we have towns that are guarded by small army units and even a few small cities but the rest belongs to the Rabids. I guess this is why the commander has been on edge lately, I can't blame him anymore, we really need a cure.
I haven't written in my journal for a while because of the unfortunate loss we have suffered. Cristina and Alex were right about "MJ" and the Hound, I just wish I had listened better and taken action on it.
It happened early in the morning, turns out that Hound wasn't as stupid as we had thought it out to be. Over that past few months it had been slamming it's self against the wall, we thought nothing of it, we were certain it was just being temperamental. All that slamming against the wall caused it to weaken and "MJ" knew this. That was why she had been staring at the wall for so long, she was waiting for it to break and at six in the morning it did.
Glen had gotten up around five to feed "MJ" and just as he opened up the first door to her room the Hound smashed through the wall. The noise woke those who were still sleeping up, which was Alex and Cristina. I was in my own office, which is on the first floor but the noise was so loud that I even heard it. Ivan was the first on the scene but the rest of us weren't far behind.
During the clash the sheer force of the Hound being pushed back by "MJ" broke the steel bars and smashed Glen. There was nothing we could do for the poor soul and there was no way to get to him. If we opened the door we risked the Hound escaping as well as "MJ".
The fight between those two creatures was terrifying, I had no idea there could be so much strength hidden in "MJ" 's tiny frame or that a Hound could be strong enough to smash through steal and cement. We stood there helplessly for some time unsure on what the right move would be, I realize now that we must have been in shock. With one of our long time friends smashed under ten pounds of steel and no longer looking human, I think we had a right to be.
What I consider sad is also the fact that we weren't the only ones to hear the noise; the commander sent a few soliders to see what all the racket was about. The first thing they did was hit the button on the door that gases the room, Ivan came to his senses before any of us but it was too late. Not only did we witness the death of one friend we had to watch another as well.
We buried Glen in the small gave yard outside the lab; I can say that he was indeed a great scientist and a kind man. I will miss him greatly but not as much as Ivan will. I think that he believes that Glen was still alive when the soldiers gassed the room.
But what can I say about "MJ"? Even though she was something that is considered a monster I can't help but think about how human she was.
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| Guild Book to Rabids by RifRaf-REX | Zombie Survival Guide |
Zodiac Reunion
**This is my first real go at a fanfiction. I don't know if anyone's going to read it. It's about the new _Zodiac Girls _books. I'm going to have a reunion for the first four girls, Gemma, Danu, Tori and Leonora. So enjoy Zodiac Girls reunion, as the girls look back on their month as Zodiac Girl.**
**Disclaimer: I do not own Zodiac Girls...sigh.**
I walked along the path. It was holidays at Avebury and I had been invited to a Zodiac Girls reunion. I was the Gemini this year, and I was having a hard time at my new school, so it was great to find myself in that magical month. Now I was fourteen and I had a group of friends, including Ruth and Tasha. Sara, Mercedes and Lois were still annoying, but that didn't really bother me now. I can remember the makeover I had, and my humiliation at Pentangles when I found I was Lady of The Beasts. Now I know that meant that I loved animals. I also remember the finale of the month, when I took the role of Sara's understudy and played my dream role.
I got outside the gates of the meeting place just as three other girls did.
"Hi." I said. "My name's Gemma. What are your names?"
The blonde girl with designer clothes said "Hey. I'm Leonora."
The girl with golden shoulder-length hair said "Hiya. I'm Danu."
And the pretty brunette girl said "Hi, my name is Tori."
As I walked through Osbury, I remembered my time as Zodiac Girl. I thought that it was crazy, at first. I first met Uri, and then...I just started meeting everyone. By the end of the month, my new life with Aunt Esme was sorted. Completely. The most outstanding memory is the time I first saw PJ's team's complete makeover of the flat. That was so amazing.
As I was thinking, I got right up to the gates at the same time as three girls did. One of them had chestnut-coloured hair and rose-tinted glasses. She looked stunning. The next girl was blonde and curvy with designer gear. The third of the girls had darker hair pulled back in a ponytail and dark eyes.
The girl with the glasses was Gemma. The blonde was Leonora, and the brunette was Tori.
I cannot believe that there I am going to a Zodiac Girls 2008 reunion! I haven't met the other Zodiac Girls before and I am just really looking forward to meeting some new friends-and the planets again. Maybe I'll get to meet ones I haven't met before. I told my friends about this and they were all excited for me.
I remember the first time I met Nessa. I thought she was amazing at first, until she got onto the whole planets thing, then I thought she was just crazy.
As I thought, I walked. At the same time as three girls, I got to the gates.
"Hi, I'm Gemma." said one girl with rose-tinted glasses. "What are your names?"
A curvy blonde girl said "Hey, I'm Leonora."
Another blonde with shorter hair introduced herself as Danu.
"Hi, my name is Tori." I said.
I can't believe I'm actually nervous. I've been looking forward to meeting other Zodiac Girls-and now I'm actually anxious? Oh wait-someone's calling me.
"Hey, it's Lynn."
One of my boot camp friends. "Oh hi, I was just thinking about you."
"Hey, good luck on the Zodiac Reunion thing."
"Thanks. How are you going?"
"Oh, OK. Same old, same old."
"Same over here, apart from the Reunion. I'm in Osbury right now, actually."
"Hey, cool! Oh, I better go now. See ya, Leo."
As I was saying, my month at boot camp really turned my life around. I don't think I'll ever actually get over Poppy, but I don't think about that night now. I think about all the good times with my little sister.
I got up to the gates at the same time as three girls did. One wore rose-tinted glasses, one had short blonde hair, and the last one was dark-haired.
The one with the rose tinted glasses said "Hi. I'm Gemma. What are your names."
Each of us introduced ourselves. The brunette was Tori and the blonde was Danu.
"What are your star signs?" I asked. "I"m Leo."
" I'm like, called Gemma Gemini." said Gemma.
"Sagitarrius." put in Danu.
"Tori Taurus." Tori grinned.
**So that's my first chapter. In the next chapter, the other girls turn up. I will create those myself, but I will use the names of most of the girls, except for Scorpio, when I will use my already created girl, Misty. So read and review!**
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| Zodiac Reunion by SideshowJazz1 | Zombie Survival Guide |
Zombie Entries
**A/N: Okay, so here's my story _Zombie Entries_...again. As is pretty obvious it was taken down for the summary not being 'G rated'. So, I've fixed the summary. Enjoy, for the second time.**
**Summary: The end comes for some, but not for others. Too bad to the ones that die, good luck to the one's that last longer,**** right?**
****Zombie Entries
Early April, I Think
How long's it been since we started hiding out here? I don't know. I don't think any of us know for sure. We guess it's been about a month, give or take. Then again, a minute seems like an hour, so I wouldn't trust myself with that question. I wouldn't even dare to ask what day it is. I think Jack'd breakdown if I asked him. If I was going to guess I'd say it's Saturday. It's probably Wednesday. Who knows? This morning Sophia and Jack went out just as the sun was rising to see if they could find any more water. They were lucky things time; they came back carrying a big container each full of water and as soon as they got inside and we pulled the ladder back Jack broke out in a fit of laughter. He was saying this about how it was amazing that they found the water, and that we're some lucky bastards. I think he's starting to lose it.
We are lucky bastards.
A Day Later, If I'm Correct
I can't believe it! One of the rotting bastards actually tried to climb up to us. I don't even know how it got in, I just thank god Aaron's a good shot. I hope no more get in the same way as that last one. Jack thinks someone let it in, as in, they actually LET IT IN on purpose. I don't know how much longer we can trust Jack...even while I'm writing this he's sitting back in the corner, looking out the damn window muttering to himself. He's even got a gun sitting across his knees. We're all worried, me, Sophia, Aaron, Emily, and Greg. We don't know what we're going to do about him. I think we'll all be sleeping with an eye open from now on.
God Knows. Two Weeks Later, Maybe
Jack's finally gone. He went out yesterday when he thought he heard something down the side alley next to this building and he hasn't come back. We don't think he will, and we don't want him to. He was getting out of hand, he wouldn't stop muttering to himself, he even tried to attack Emily the other day. He started screaming about how it was all her fault and shit. We actually had to pull him off her and now she has a big gash on her right arm; we don't know whether it'll heal or not. Let's just hope that it doesn't get infected, since we don't have that many medical supplies anyway.
Hang on, I can hear something outside. I need to go check this out...
Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit! It's been a fucking HOUR since I went to see what was going on and saw that there was a group of the flesh eating bastards on the ground floor! How the FUCK did they get in here? Shit! We were fighting them off for a while, and trying to save as much damn ammo as possible, but no, they just wouldn't quit. And they tried to climb up again! Since when can the bastards CLIMB? Who cares, anyway? They're gone for now...shit...we're running low on most of our crap...
Who Gives a Shit When?
Emily's sick. We're running low on medical supplies. Jack came back bitten and half dead and we had to kill him. How much worse can it get? A lot worse. We don't know what to do with Emily, should we kill her? We don't want to, but if we don't she'll die anyway, right? Probably. We're gonna decide in the morning, see if she makes it through the night. None of us think she will, thank god. She's running a fever so high you could cook a fucking steak on her face, she's sweating like there's no tomorrow (there probably won't be), and she just won't stop shaking. Everything was going pretty good, at least, as good as anything can go in this messed up world. But no, Jack's got to go crazy and Emily's going to die by the morning.
We never thought we'd live this long, but that doesn't mean we want to die...
Emily died last week, just like how we thought she would. She didn't even make it passed midnight, from what we could tell. When we were sure there was no zombies around we ran her outside and dumped her around the block, we couldn't keep her with or near us. The smell'd bring out the zombies. I don't think our supplies'll last more than another week, so we're moving out. We're gonna grab what we can, load it into the bags and strap 'em onto the push bikes and go. We found a map of the state a couple days ago, so we're going to use that to try and find a new town, but we're all pretty jumpy...who knows if we'll survive? We sure as hell don't. Hopefully we'll find some more supplies and shit on our way. If not...I don't want to think about it...
Four Days Later?
We're fucked. We are so damn FUCKED! We'd been going non-stop for three days, and we finally found a decent place to batten down the hatches. We find a good building, one of us goes upstairs, clears the place out, and then the rest of us knock out the stairs and then we climb up the rope to the next floor. We couldn't do much more, so we collected what we could that wasn't already gone from the house and bunkered down for the rest of the day. But what happens? Some dickheads start running through the streets guns blazing and bats swinging! You'd think they WANTED to get eaten.
Aaron said to me, "Those dickheads are gonna DIE out there, and then their bodies'll bring the zombies. How the hell are we gonna get around with the walking rotters right outside?"
Turns out, Aaron was right, some "walking rotters" noticed them and went after them. Too bad the idiot's had wasted their ammo. They were torn to pieces just a bit down the street, and even now, a day later, there're still zombies walking around. While Aaron was picking the bastards off, Sophia and Greg went out to find some supplies. We weren't expecting anything, and we didn't get much. They came back carrying some cans and a couple bottles of water. We haven't got much left, and I can tell that we're all thinking who we're gonna have to get rid of.
Fucked If I Know
That's it, we're done. Sophia and Greg are gone. They left this morning, just before the sun started to go up. They said that they were going to try and find another place, and that it was just too hard for four people to stay together with so little supplies. Greg didn't say much, but it's not like it matters now. They're gone, and Aaron and me are left.
I can't be damned saying anything else.
The End, That's When
It's over. It's finally over. Aaron and me are out of ammo, we're almost out of water and we're out of food. I wonder if Sophia and Greg are okay? Good for them if they are, tough shit to me and Aaron though. We're leaving too, we're gonna get out of here and just go as far as we can. Who cares if we die? We're going to anyway, why not at least DO something instead of sitting around and starving? Aaron's packing what little we've got right now, and I'm about to grab the crowbars from the other room. They're all we've got left to fight the zombies. Whatever. This'll be the last entry in here, so if someone ever finds this piece of shit, I hope it does you better than it did me. Good luck.
It's October
My name's Jessica, and I found this diary last month. The group I'm in was trying to get through some town, and we saw a bunch of backpacks and two push bikes. There were no bodies...weird, right? There were drag marks though, so it looked like something was dragged off...I don't want to think about that. Anyway, I just got a chance to read through this, and I just have to say, you poor bastards. We've all gone through a lot in the past year, haven't we? It's just that some of us have lived this long...some of us haven't. I guess I'm going to continue to write in here, at least until there are no more pages to fill up. Might as well keep that poor guy's legacy going, eh?
I should stop writing, the group's got work to do! But what's that annoying noise? It's coming from outside the door sounds like something is scratching...
**A/N: Thanks for reading, folks; feel free to drop a review!**
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| Zombie Entries by WeepingCadaver | Zombie Survival Guide |
The Vita Nova Incident
I climbed up a large rock with a hunting rifle slung across my back. It was early in the morning and I was searching for an elk. I was a hunter and the elk often roamed on my ranch. I looked through my binoculars, but all I saw were vultures picking at a rotting elk corps. This was the third one this week. I couldn't figure out what was happening to my elk. A little bummed out, I headed back home, trying to figure out what was going on.
I lived in a single story log cabin my grandpa and I had built together. It was a sturdy cabin and I kept it in good repair. My grandpa passed away a couple of years ago and I now live in the cabin alone, well, almost. I was greeted at the door by the frantic barking and shuffling of Rika, my four year old tan and black German Shepherd. Immediately after I opened the door Rika jumped on me and started to lick my arms.
"I know you wanna go huntin', but you're just no good at it," I said as I rubbed her ears.
Rika cocked her head and whimpered. "How 'bout some breakfast?" She immediately perked back up and wagged her tail.
Hunts didn't always go as planned so I kept a large stock of food just in case.
"Scrambled eggs and bacon, doesn't that sound good?" I always made extra for Rika.
After enjoying a filling breakfast, I decided to just take it easy for the rest of the day. I hung my gun back on the wall next to some awards and pictures. One of them was my high school diploma, James Cross was the name on it, but everybody called me Jimmy. Next to it was a picture of my grandpa and I building the cabin.
Later that night, I woke up to the sound of Rika barking and snarling at the front door. I cursed under my breath as I walked to see what was going on. The dull wood floor quietly groaned under my feet as I walked down the hallway. Rika rarely barked at night and it was too late in the year for bears. Whatever it was it was scaring her. I grabbed the soft leather handle of a metal baseball bat I used to scare the occasional crack head off. As I opened the door a cool breeze of night air came through, but there was something else with it. Rika backed away with her tail between her legs. When I looked at Rika something grabbed my leg and pulled me to the ground. The hard wood of the porch knocked the wind out of me. I kicked at the shape pulling at me until I heard a crack. When I got back up I saw what had grabbed me. The man's jaw was wide open, apparently broken by my kick. The mans legs were missing and his entrails were dragging behind him. The foul stench of death wafted from him. The light from the house illuminated the man's decomposing face. It was my neighbor Larry, who went missing a week ago. Larry kept crawling toward me when I remembered my baseball bat. I swung the bat as hard as I could. The man's head exploded, sending gore across the porch. I dropped the bat and ran inside, locking the door behind me. I rushed Rika into my bedroom and slammed the door shut, crumpling in terror at what I had just seen. There was no way I could sleep tonight.
The early morning sun lit up my bedroom, reveling some blood that had splattered on my shirt. I took a couple deep breaths and gathered the strength to stand up. I was to sick to eat so I went into the living room and turned the TV on. Every channel was an emergency broadcast and I mean every channel. Curious, I loaded Rika up in my pickup truck and grabbed one of my guns to see if anything happened in town.
I lived near the town of Leggett in California. It was a small town, but it was my home. It was a short drive into town and to my surprise it was deserted. There was usually at least one person at the store, but today there was nobody. A further drive into town reveled mostly the same except this time there were cars completely abandoned and left in the road, still running. My initial reaction was one of confusion, but after I saw that there was blood in the cars and on the road it quickly turned to fear. My mind suddenly thought of what had happened to Larry. Was this an isolated incident or was this happening every where? My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by Rika's barking and the frantic shouting of a man being chased by three figures in the Caltrans yard next to the school. I quickly drew the pistol I had brought with me as the man started to run toward me.
"Move! Move!" I yelled.
The man tripped on a rock and tumbled to the ground. The three figures that were chasing him jumped on top of him and violently tore him to pieces. I fired at one of the figures which turned out to be somebody I knew from town. My bullets impacted the figure in the torso and it recoiled backwards only to jump back on the man and continue to bite off chunks of flesh. I jumped back into my pickup truck and started to pet Rika to calm my nerves. One of the creatures slammed its self into the side of my truck to try and get to me. His eyes were cloudy white with a horrible expression of anger on his face. I sped away with my heart racing. I was so distracted I didn't even see the creature in the road. I kept my foot on the gas and didn't look back to see what had become of that, monster.
It didn't take long for me rush home and get Rika in the house. I knew I couldn't stay here, it was too dangerous. I gathered up all of my guns: two pistols, one revolver, one shotgun, my grandpa's hinting rifle and all of the respective ammo. I boxed up as much canned food and water as I could. I loaded Rika up with a tactical dog vest to lighten my ammo load. Years of survival training kicked in like clockwork as I gathered some bug-out bags I kept tucked away. The truck was loaded up as full as I could get it. The stench of Larry's corps filled the house, it was almost unbearable. I turned to take one final look at my house before I left, the once beautiful porch was now covered in blood. I started to think of places to go. If this was happening everywhere, I couldn't go north to Eureka or south to Ukiah. I would have to go east. It wasn't the best plan, but it was all I could do. To get there I would have to take the freeway south through Laytonville and then get on highway 162, after that I don't know where I'll go, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.
Driving back through Leggett was haunting. The creature that I had hit was gone and so was the man that had tripped. I couldn't get out of town fast enough. Once I got onto the freeway the carnage only got worse. There were cars on their sides, completely flipped over and even a bus that hit head on with a big rig, it was full of people. I looked over at Rika and pet her.
"It's ok, we'll be safe soon." Rika just groaned as she exhaled.
I reached into the glove box and grabbed a bag of dog biscuits and she immediately perked back up, she loved her treats. Now that Rika was happy I was able to pay attention to the road and the car I almost hit.
It was a twenty minute drive to get to Laytonville and I was afraid of what I might see along the way. The cold and cloudy November sky didn't help the mood one bit. The once busy freeway was now hauntingly empty, aside from the occasional abandoned car or truck. I checked the radio to find out what was happening, but all I got was static and emergency broadcasts. After about fifteen minutes into the drive I spotted a cop car in the road. I told Rika to stay as I got out to investigate the car to see what I could find. I drew my gun and slowly approached the car, its door wide open. There was blood in the back seat, but there was nobody there. Further inspection reveled that that the guns and ammo were gone, but the police scanner was still there, better than nothing. I was startled by the sounds of gunshots further down the road. I sat in my truck for a minute and went back over my map. I started to think that my plan wasn't the best. Highway 162 would take us through Covelo and that place was dangerous before all of this. The only thing I could do would be to double back and find the Hermitage property along the old 271. The Hermitage had been abandoned for years and with any luck some of the houses could still be there.
I was about to start the engine when something hit the back of my truck. Rika started to growl and it did it again. A little curious, but mostly scared I decided to grab my shotgun and investigate. I slowly inched toward the source of the sound, my boots barely making a sound on the cold pavement. I peered under the truck and there was somebody standing behind the truck. I slowly moved to the other side of a car next to my truck. The creature was standing behind my truck pounding at the tail gate. I tapped the top of the car to get its attention. When it looked at me its white expressionless face turned to anger like the one from Leggett as it stumbled and ran toward me. I fired a shell of buckshot directly into its chest, tearing it open, but it barely phased the creature. I started to panic when I fired the second shot with the same results. My third shot impacted the head which stopped it instantly.
"Head-shots," I whispered under my breath.
I looked over at my truck and saw Rika looking at me through the window and I managed to force a smile even though I was terrified at this point. I was so paranoid I nearly had a heart attack when thunder boomed overhead and it started raining. Rika licked the water off my arms when I got back in my truck. My hands were trembling so bad that I could barely put it in gear, let alone keep it straight on the road. Within minutes it was a total down pour. Further down the freeway I saw a pair of headlights weaving erratically through the road. Behind it was another car, but this one had people hanging out of the windows firing guns at it. I pulled off the road to avoid the mess. I guess in these times there was no law and people just did what they wanted to do.
It didn't take long to get on the old 271 and by that time the rain had stopped. I haven't been to the Hermitage in years and wondered if I could even still get to it. Rika was so tired that she just couldn't stay awake. Her sleep didn't last long, however. While driving past Cummings, several explosions rocked the truck and a piece of shrapnel even cracked the driver side window. Fire and smoke shot up from some of the buildings. I didn't stick around long enough to find out what had happened. I slammed my foot on the gas just in time to avoid another, bigger, explosion.
Highway 271 hasn't changed much since the last time I drove on it. A few small rocks had slid off the mountain onto the road along with a couple branches from the wind. It was all normal, a nice change from what I had seen so far.
Well, here it was, the Hermitage. The road wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, considering it had been abandoned for so many years. The road was mostly grown over with poison oak and buck brush, which again, was normal. Something wasn't right though. There was fresh tire marks on the dirt.
"Something's not right here," I looked at Rika.
She just stared at me. Once I got to the bottom of the driveway it was apparent that I wasn't the only one here. The vehicle that made the tire tracks was parked in the middle of the main flat, it was a military Humvee. A little relieved, but still cautious I stepped out of my truck and walked toward it. I heard a terrible gurgling moan from behind, but before I could turn, an immensely powerful boom came from one of the houses followed by a gory splat. My first reaction was to drop to the ground while two marines in their BDUs came running from the other side of the Humvee, guns drawn and yelling at me.
"I just want to know what the hell's going on here," I pleaded.
"Let 'em go," a tall man wearing BDU pants and a dirty white t-shirt holding an M82A1 sniper rifle over his shoulder walks out of the main house.
"Yes Lieutenant Malone," one of the soldiers said to the tall man.
"Jimmy, is that you?" Malone asked. "Get over here you S.O.B.!"
John Malone and I go way back to the third grade. We were best friends all through out school, right up until he enlisted as a sniper and left for Afghanistan, then we lost touch. I turned and looked at the bloody mess left by the massive .50 caliber bullet.
"You've gotta be careful, they'll follow you for miles," Malone's voice went from joyous to depressed as he looked at the pile.
"What are they?" I asked.
"We're not too sure ourselves, but there's a scientist here who knows what caused it."
I let Rika out of the truck and she greeted the soldiers with her usual barking and sniffing. They were pleased to finally see something that didn't want to kill them.
"Meet me around back," Malone said, "and bring that old hunting rifle."
I grabbed the old rifle from the truck, the walnut wood stock was old, but in good shape. It was chambered for .30-06, obsolete by military standards, but still perfect for hunting.
"God, I remember this old thing," Malone was looking the rifle over, inspecting every detail.
Our families used to go on hunting trips together and this was the rifle my grandpa would use. Malone took aim at a metal plate across the river and fired a single shot, bulls-eye.
"It's a beautiful thing," Malone muttered.
A marine opened the door to one of the houses. "Lieutenant, she's ready to see you," he said.
"Good, looks like we'll get our answers after all," Malone said to me.
We gathered in the makeshift laboratory and were greeted by the scientist. She was fairly short, about 5'2", and her brown hair was tied up in a tight bun. Her white lab coat had some blood on the bottom.
"James, this is Miss Ashley Bradson. She's the one who's been trying to figure out what's happening," Malone said.
"Dr. Bradson, thank you lieutenant," she said with a hint of condescension in her voice. "Without better lab equipment I can't make any better connections between this infection and the source."
"Which is?" Malone interrupted.
"If you would let me continue, the source of this pandemic is a black-market 'miracle' drug called Vita Nova. As for how, I have no idea," Dr. Bradson continued.
"Is that it?" Malone was disappointed.
"Not everything can be solved overnight you know," Dr. Bradson said.
Obviously annoyed by Malone, Dr. Bradson went back to work. Malone and I walked back into the front yard, unsure of what to do.
"What's up with her?" I asked.
Before Malone could answer, we heard the faint rumbling of a helicopter and the roar of jets in the distance. Malone looked through a pair of binoculars and saw two black A-10s and one black Apache gunship.
"Those aren't ours," Malone muttered.
The A-10 'Warthogs', as they were known, circled back and fired bursts from their massive 30mm main cannons. One soldier was vaporized by the high explosive bullets and another was blown in half.
"Definitely not ours!" Malone shouted. "Everybody evacuate now! Let's move people!"
I rushed to find Rika and Malone went to retrieve Dr. Bradson. The black Apache swooped down upon us and launched a fiery burst of rockets that erupted in a hellish explosion. One of the houses was leveled. I found Rika and put her in the truck, but Malone was nowhere to be found. Suddenly, out of the smoke, Malone walks out carrying Dr. Bradson. She must have been knocked unconscious in the blast.
"Hurry, to the coast!" Malone shouted.
He loaded Dr. Bradson, who was slowly coming to, into the Humvee and along with the last two soldiers, sped up the driveway. I was close behind.
As we raced toward the freeway, the Apache spotted us, but the Warthogs were nowhere to be seen. One of the soldiers emerged from the Humvee and shouldered an AT-4 launcher. He took careful aim at the Apache, as he only had one shot. The helicopter fired a burst from the 30mm chain gun, but luckily missed because of our erratic driving. The soldier fired the rocket. The explosive warhead flew toward the helicopter, it struck the main rotor, sending it into an uncontrollable spin ahead of us.
We stopped at the smoldering wreckage of the black Apache. Malone and I got out to investigate, but were quickly disappointed.
"There's no markings!" Malone exclaimed.
He was right, not a single number or symbol.
"So, who are they?" I asked myself.
"Sir, we've got a situation here!" one of the soldiers shouted while firing his gun.
We turned around to see an entire horde of those 'walkers', as Malone calls them, stumbling toward us.
"Ah, crap!" the other soldier exclaimed as his gun jammed.
He was quickly overtaken and ripped to shreds as the walkers advanced on our position.
"Retreat!" Malone shouted. "We need to get to the coast."
Without asking why, I jumped back in the truck and we sped away from the horde. Rika looked back and barked at the stumbling shapes.
To be continued...
End file.
| The Vita Nova Incident by jmanus707 | Zombie Survival Guide |
1. Death is near
Bereavement by Androidfish7
_When we last left off, Blake, Karie, and Scorpio stepped through their Time Machine, modern weapons in hands, and Blake has returned to the past, with Karie, to make a very exciting debut performance as king. White had always known Blake would be king at some point, so White had been grooming Blake to be a better king than White himself. White has prepared Blake for anything... Or ALMOST anything..._
The trio stepped out of the Time Machine, but when they stepped out, they realized not all was right. For one thing, they stepped out, they were nearby White's mansion, 2 days in the future Blake and Karie left, and Eustace, Eugene, and Jorge were fighting off zombie hordes coming at the house, but there were A LOT of zombies and they were just about to be overrun, there were about 500 zombies trying to knock down the doors and walls to White's former mansion, and they gave up on White's maxi glass-thick walls, and eventually destroyed the door, as they poured inside. "Blake! We have to stop them!" Karie screamed, as they dashed, and they realized they had a lot of time, as zombies had trouble climbing high heights, and this mansion was 14 stories high, with Eustace, Eugene, and Jorge were on the top, it would take at least 2 whole minutes for the zombies to reach them. Blake took out an SG 553, a rapid fire assault rifle with excellent accuracy. Karie took out a Barrett 50 Cal Overclock, a Barrett upgraded with Variable Zoom scope, a hybrid sight, converting to an ACOG scope when triggered, and multiplied damage of X10, making it more lethal than an RPG-7. Scorpio, of course, took his FN FAL, and removed the Hybrid Sight, as there was no need for it up close. "Let us drive out the invaders!" Scorpio proclaimed, as they ran into the mansion, of course, being very wary but they were discouraged when they heard yells coming from way up the stairs. Assuming the zombies had made it to the 14th floor, Blake double timed it, as Karie and Scorpio tried to keep up, but simply couldn't, Blake kicked the door down to the room on the 14th floor, to find Eustace and Eugene were very nearly overrun, God knows where Jorge was. Blake opened up on the pack with his SG 553, but the thing with the SG 553, it doesn't cause too much damage, so while it killed most of the zombies, the zombies closing in on Eustace and Eugene, who were out of ammo, continued to walk towards Eustace and Eugene, about ready to kill them, but then Scorpio burst into the room, and tossed a bottle of vodka, as it smashed into pieces in the middle of the room. The zombies, startled by the crash, then walked towards the mess, and stood in awe at the sight, when Blake reloaded the SG 553, and shot the rest of them. "How the?" Blake said, but Scorpio interrupted him. "They are Russian Zombies" Scorpio replied, as the Spetsnaz logo was on an army uniform on one of the dead zombies. "Mister, you saved our lives!" Eugene exclaimed. "Now that they're done, how the hell are zombies attacking anything? We destroyed the zombie factories and killed Joel Millington! The portals are all closed, how are they back?" Blake asked, but everybody drew a blank. "Whatever the case, they are back. Perhaps consulting White's Super Computer?" Eustace asked. "That computer is top secret to only me and White, how do you know about it?" Blake asked. "Um, I just thought, well, he might have one" Eustace said. The group walked down a few floors, and entered White's Computer Lab, to find the official Bosley Website on White's computer. "Eustace! You idiot! That's a Master Computer! Not to be used for hair product websites!" Blake yelled, as he clicked off the website, and brought up White's personal assitant. "Vie, bring up regions on Planet Earth covered with the V2 Poison" Blake commanded. "No zombified regions on Earth detected" Vie replied. "What? Vie, bring up zombified regions across the universe of the present!" Blake commanded. "Zombified regions detected in Russia, the Grassland Universe, the Iceland Universe, the Bloodland Universe, the Thunderland Universe, and the Redland Universe" Vie replied. "Damned Computer, Russia is a part of Planet Earth, but about the other places, the kings of all the regions Vie just said are actually great friends with White, they must be in a lot of trouble. ON THE OTHER hand, if we leave, the zombies from Russia might attack the heavens, and with no opposition, they will destroy this region. There are a lot of zombies, there will need to be great defenses. Well, I don't wanna have to do this, but I guess there's no choice" Blake thought, as he decided the next move. "Alright, I must travel to save the universes Vie stated. However, I don't want to leave Heaven undefended, so, I must venture to those universes, alone. You 4 must stay home and defend the Heavens" Blake. "Oh come on!" Karie yelled. "If this is what must be done, then I shall agree" Scorpio replied. Eugene and Eustace were content going or staying, so they agreed. Blake looked at Karie. "I will not be gone for very long, you must hold up until I return" Blake told Karie, as Karie finally relunctantly agreed. "Good. I have the weapon White gave me in the past if anything gets bad, I will return" Blake said. "Oh, and Blake, we have a small problem" Eustace said. "Well, spit out, what's wrong?" Blake replied. "during the invasion, a leak sprung in Jorge's head, and he jumped out the window to escape the zombies. We fear he is dead." Eustace said. "Mother #$%^& Eustace, why didn't you tell me that before? I could've saved Jorge with earlier notice" Blake said, as he left the building, leaving the quad to work defending. Blake searched for Jorge's body, and foun Jorge, lying face down. Blake approached the body, but saw Jorge standing up. Bewildered, Blake slowly walked closer. "Jorge? Es mi, Blake" Blake said, but Jorge turned around, blood in his mouth, and slashes all over his body. "Dear God you've been bitten" Blake said, as he unsheathed his sword. To be bitten by a zombie is a death curse, as this is zombies turn other humans into zombies. Jorge was now a zombie. Blake jammed his sword right through Jorge's head, and this shot would be fatal, as Jorge fell, dead forever. "Lo siento senor" Blake said, as he walked away, and, using his sword, and a vial of Black Magic Powder, Powder that transports the user to different dimensions, or universes, Blake sprinkled some Black Magic Powder on his sword, and after it glowed the dark, ominous color that Black Magic Powder emits, Blake slashed a hole in the air, leading to a portal that would take him to the Grassland Universe, where the God of the Earth element, Master Green would be fending off the zombie attacks, and Blake was unaware if the universes he would be visiting knew how to function with most combat guns or any warfare items, which would make it beyond difficult to defeat enough zombies. Blake entered the portal, after he grabbed his SG 553, to be complimented by a Steyr AUG H BAR, and Blake entered the Portal.
2. Darkest Days
Bereavement by Androidfish7
A good song to listen to while reading (copy and paste link) watch?v=VUjUIP2ugG4&list=PLBA02ECD0CA0C8B6D&index=16&feature=plpp_video
_When we last left off, Jorge has been killed by the zombies, and, like you would obviously come to reason, he came back as a zombie, where Blake had to impale him through his head with his sword. Blake has also realized there are still zombified areas on a portion of Planet Earth, and on various areas across the universe, including the Grassland area, where Blake is headed. Blake has packed 2 high fire rate assault rifles, but NOTHING can prepare him for what is to come._
Blake walked through the portal, and stepped onto the Grassland territory. Originally, stepping on this territory coming from another planet unless you were White meant you wanted to challenge Master Green, the king of the dimension, but there were so many zombies, and potentially more, that anyone could enter the area. Blake took out his Steyr AUG H BAR and explored the then came on a ravaged city, called, according to the sign, Walkingtown. "What an ironic name" Blake thought, as he entered the city limits. He noticed a pack of zombies feeding on civilians, and as Blake walked in on them, the zombies slowly stood up and eyed him maniacly. "How you guys doing?" Blake taunted, as the zombies began to walk towards him. "Oh did I interrupt dinner time? Go ahead, eat up, I'll wait" Blake said, as he aimed down his Steyr AUG H BAR sights, and killed off the pack of about 4 zombies in less than 1 clip. Blake proceeded through the city. He then happened to notice a light emiting from a local appartment. Blake realized this could mean there was life that remained yet, as his mission was to clear the area of zombies AND recover any survivors. Blake kicked down the door to the appartment, as he got no opposition, Blake proceeded through, and found a blockade of shopping carts that blocked him from going up the stairs to meet this potential survivor, or survivors. However, Blake laughed this off, and, using 1 big push, Blake knocked down all the carts, but, being curteous for the person who set them up, Blake replaced the carts after he had got to the other side. Blake then walked up the stairs, and there were 24 flooors to this appartment, so walking would take a long time. Blake then dashed up the stairs, before he decided to take a quick break, as he sat down for a bit to recover, after reaching floor 15 sprinting. Then Blake heard a discouraging sound, apparently a horde of zombies had tracked him by scent or footprints, or perhaps they, too, noticed the potential survivor(s) in the appartment. Whatever the case, Blake had to get moving, as he stood up and dashed all the way to the room where he saw the light, and he knocked on the door. "Are there survivors here? I'm here to help you out" Blake said, and the door was swung open. "Get in!" The guy said, as Blake dashed into the room. "Grab a gun! These aren't ordinary zombies! You'll need better weapons than those to fight them!" the guy said, and this guy was loaded on weapons, as he had with him some Special Ops weapons, weapons with multiple attachments. Blake grabbed an HK G36 Rapture this person had, an HK G36 with extra damage, range, accuracy, and far less kick, with a M203 Grenade Launcher underbarrel attachment, and the guy he was working with grabbed a Riot Shield, and an MP5 Destroyer (Self created), an MP5 with Rapid fire, no kick, a major damage increase, and Extended Mags. The guy blocked off zombies with his Riot Shield with one hand, while using the other hand to grip the MP5 Destroyer. Blake took aim at the incoming zombies, and opened fire with the HK G36 Rapture, while the guy reflected the zombies with his Riot Shield. While the fight was going on, Blake noticed something about the zombies, the fact that they had shadow mist emiting from their bodies, which, according to this person, reflected ordinary bullets, being why you needed "Special Ops Weapons", guns with massive upgrades. In the dimension Blake came from, "Special Ops Weapons" merely meant the gun was silenced and had an ACOG or Sniper Scope on it. "Must be a different meaning" Blake thought. There were only 10 of them, so the fight didn't last horribly long. "I'm Michael, son of Master Green. Who are you?" The guy, identified as Michael, said to Blake. "I'm Blake, son of the deceased Master White" Blake replied. "Oh my God, an ancestor of one of the Masters! Quickly, enter my appartment room before more come!" Michael replied, as they entered the appartment. "You must've come to try to aid us" Michael said. "Yup, I've come to recover any survivors and, more importantly, inform Master Green of White's death" Blake said. At this news, Michael did a double take towards Blake, trying to take in the information. "What?! How did this happen?!" Michael exclaimed. "You didn't hear my introduction? Son of the deceased Master White!" Blake said. "It's been a long day, I missed that information! How did this happen?" Michael replied. "We went on a mission to kill Doctor Thereajus, and he and the Zombie King had a Time Bomb planted there, and White had to stay back so we could all escape, and he got caught up in the explosion" Blake said. "I'm sorry to hear that" Michael replied. "I'm the new King of the Heavens now" Blake said, as Michael took in that information. "Well, we definitely need to get out of here, because I'm running very low on supplies, and I, too, need to make sure my father, Master Green isn't dead. Would you like to come with me?" Michael asked. "Yeah, you are, technically, my brother in law (All of the Masters of color, White, Green, Blue, etc, are brothers, Blake being White's son, and Michael being Green's son, this makes them brothers in law)" Blake replied, as Michael considered this. "Yeah, I guess we are! I hadn't thought of that! Well, pack your weapons, we'll move out tomorrow morning, after we get some sleep, now, being Master of the Heavens, you realize you do not need sleep?" Michael said. Blake then realized he had been travelling for 25 hours now, and he did not even feel the slightest bit tired. "No, I had not thought of that, I guess not! I'll keep guard until morning" Blake said, as Michael agreed, and then, went to his bed, and went to sleep, whiile Blake stood watch.
3. Wave One, the Discovery
Bereavement by Androidfish7
A good song to listen to while reading (copy and paste link) watch?v=VUjUIP2ugG4&list=PLBA02ECD0CA0C8B6D&index=16&feature=plpp_video
_When we last left off, Blake entered the Grassland universe, in search of Master Green. Blake, on the way, discovers a light coming from an appartment window. Upon discovering this, Blake investigated the appartment, and he did find survivors, as he found Michael Weedley, son of Master Green, and a whole lot of Special Ops Weapons used to fight a seemingly different kind of zombie. BUT now let's head back to the Heavens, where our trio is going on their suicidal wreck against the undead. Skilled as they are, there is nothing that can prepare them for what is to come!_
"Hey guys, we need weapons, let's go down to White's old armory" Karie said to Eugene and Eustace. "Like before?" Eugene said, as he reminisced the adventure that would end up postponing White's death. "Yeah, but this time, we're staying back and defending, I've set up Vie to survey the land for Zombies, but we've gotta get weapons, because you guys are out of ammo, now let's go, on the hop!" Karie said, as they ran down to the basement of White's mansion in the Heavens, and this armory had every single weapon ever known, even guns dating back to the old 1800s (of course the weapons from way back then would never work on the zombies of the day). You could literally think up any weapon, and it would be somewhere in the armory, kind of like the old Pentagon. Here, guns of the world and old days were classified by type (Pistols, SMGs, Shotguns, Assault Rifles, Sniper Rifles, special weapons). Eustace went over to Shotguns and grabbed an M5, a long barreled pump action shotgun with better range than most other shotguns, and a high damage with decent accuracy, and a SV SMG from the SMGs section, a very rare SMG with huge fire rate, great accuracy, average damage, and LMG like clips. "You guys can play with your toys, I'll grab real weapons" Karie retorted, as Karie ran to the LMG section and grabbed an FN M249 SAW, and then walked to the Sniper Rifles and grabbed an M9 Rifle, a bolt action rifle with high damage, major recoil, and good accuracy. "Well, what to pick?" Eugene wondered, but he made up his mind, as he went to the Pistols section and grabbed a Death Adder .45 and a .44 Magnum. "Scorpio, aren't you gonna take any weapons?" Eustace asked Scorpio. "No, I already have my "Excalibur" and my "Sword"" Scorpio replied, as he had an FN FAL and a Colt SAA Peacemaker. "Let's do this!" Eugene cheered, as the group ran back upstairs. "WARNING! MULTIPLE THREATS ENTERING THE AREA YOU HAVE SPECIFIED!" Vie yelled through loud speakers, as a very loud alarm went off, and this was when the group knew zombies were coming for them. They appeared to be more Russian Zombies! Out with the alcohol!" Scorpio yelled, as he tossed another vodka bottle outside the mansion, but it did not lure the zombies like before, as they came back to the house, and were not fooled like previous zombies into trying to break down the maxi glass walls. No, it appeared the zombies at hand were a lot smarter than dumb, slow, shamblers. The zombies knocked down the door, but Karie was ready, cutting into the horde. But Karie then had to reload after killing about 24 in 1 monster clip. Eugene stepped in and began picking off zombies with his Death Adder .45, as zombies emitting shadow mist from them walked in on the crew. Karie finished reloading and shot at the zombies, but shuddered when the zombies merely were falling down and getting back up after being knocked down by the bullets. Eugene then got back in after reloading and shot the zombies with the Death Adder .45, but the zombies didn't even flinch at the impact. "Step aside!" Eustace ordered, as he fired off a whole clip of SV SMG, but this had the same effect the FN M249 SAW had, knocking down the zombies, but watching as they got back up. "Why won't they die?!" Eugene exclaimed. "Well, as I have heard sayings in this world, desperate times call for desperate measures!" Scorpio yelled, as he drew his Scor Sword. "Scorpio no!" Karie yelled, but Scorpio had already charged the zombies, but being precise, Scorpio aimed for the heads, slicing them off with his Scor Sword, and the zombies were dying. "It appears they fall when struck in the head!" Scorpio yelled to the group. Karie took out the M9 Rifle, and blew off a zombie's head. "He's right! Aim for the head!" Karie ordered, as Eugene had the easiest time, picking off zombies with his light weighted Death Adder .45, and then, the .44 Magnum. They eventually finished off the horde, after 4 hours of fighting. "Vie! run a scan on the rest of the Heavens for zombies!" Karie yelled to the super computer. "No zombies detected!" Vie triumphantly replied. "We did it guys!" Karie exclaimed, as they celebrated. "But the one thing I still aspire to learn is, if the zombies were not from Russia, where could they have surfaced from?" Scorpio asked. The group took a minute to ponder the question. "I don't know, let's just accept this win and wait for the next horde" Karie said, as the group agreed. This was round 1 against the massive hordes of the undead. How many rounds could there be? Read on to find out
4. Going Green
Bereavement by Androidfish7
A good song to listen to while reading (copy and paste link) watch?v=miKPMEoZsLE&feature=BFa&list=PLBA02ECD0CA0C8B6D
_When we last left off, the quad of defenders fended off an attack from the undead horde after Scorpio made a duanting move to win it for them. They now await the next undead horde. Meanwhile, Blake and Michael head off... For an untimely faceoff with the undead!_
Michael awoke early morning, as he and Blake began packing neccessities to make the trip. "If I were you, I wouldn't bother with the AUG H BAR or the SG 553" Michael told Blake. "Alright, I will have to borrow a Special Ops weapon" Blake replied. Michael tossed him an HK G36 Rapture. "Keep it, as my token of appreciation for my first peaceful sleep in over a year" Michael said, as Blake thanked him. "Are we ready?" Blake asked. "I think so" Michael said, as he raised his Riot Shield. "I'd better go first" Michael said, as he knocked the door off the hinges with his Riot Shield, and they walked quickly but quietly down the stairs. After about 5 minutes of walking, they made it to the bottom, opposition free, but when they opened the door, they were met by a HUGE horde of over 7,000 zombies. BUT the zombies, because of the duo's stealth, did not notice them leave. "Shh, quietly, very very quietly" Michael whispered, as they slowly, ever so slowly, walked past the zombies. They began to walk normal, and after about 5 minutes, they believed they were out of earshot, until a problem happened. Michael was walkign casually away, but his backpack tore a hole, and all of his guns fell out, making a very loud sound. " #$%" Michael cursed quietly, but it was too late, as the noise attracted 1 zombie, which led to a chain reaction, eventually attracting the rest of them. "RUN!" Michael yelled. And the duo ran as fast as they could, trying to elude the massive horde they had annoyed, and it appeared they were outrunning them, until another problem happened. While running, Michael tripped over a corpse on the ground, and the zombies were really angry and hungry, so they were moving quicker than any other zombies Blake had ever seen. "Just go without me!" Michael yelled, but Blake had other ideas. Blake aimed at the zombies and gunned down the front line of zombies with the Extended Mags of the HK G36 Rapture. "GET UP! I CAN'T SHOOT FOREVER!" Blake yelled, as Michael made use of the time and stood on his feet, and they dashed away as before. They barely eluded the horde. "RUN!" Michael yelled. "REALLY?!" Blake sarcastically replied, as they made it out of the city limits of Walkingtown. "We need a vehicle! We can't run forever!" Blake yelled. "Wrong! Take this!" Michael replied, as he tossed Blake a Colt M1911 Concierto, and if you recall, from _"Universe at Battle: World War UN Death"_, Eugene used a Colt M1911 Concierto, this weapon allows the user to sprint for eternity so long as they grip the weapon. Blake slipped the HK G36 Rapture in his backpack, and grabbed the Colt M1911 Concierto, and they instantly felt the adrenaline most users of this gun feel, as they knew they wouldn't have to stop sprinting.
_1 hour later:_
Blake stopped running, and looked behind him. "I think we lost them" Blake said. "Well I ain't going to the lost and found for that! Woo hoo! That was awesome!" Michael replied. "Not if you're trying not to get a heart attack" Blake replied. "Oh please, you're King of the Heavens, you can't die from a disease or bodily issue" Michael replied. "Oh. Well you know what? I just don't feel like being in a near death situation every god damned minute of my life. Haha, but seriously, what now?" Blake asked. "We gotta go to Master Green, and make your report, and then you'd best get the hell out of here" Michael said. "How far away is that?" Blake asked. "A few hours of a walk, probably 30 minutes a drive" Michael said. All of a sudden, Blake was just walking, when he suddenly felt very faint. "What the?" Blake uttered, as Michael looked at him. "Oh cool! You're acquiring a new ability!" Michael exclaimed, as Blake began to glow a small yellow light, as the light shined very brightly for about 2 seconds, and then Blake felt normal again. "What the hell? I wonder what ability?" Blake asked. "Hmm, knowing how it happened to Green and White... I'd say you probably gained the ability to glide under chemicals that disable flying" Michael said. "Well, that's useless" Blake said. "Well, look at it this way, Green learned 85 new abilities and I'm pretty sure White learned more thann 100 abilities from that method" Michael replied. "I hope the next one is worth a #$%" Blake replied. They continued walking, and after a few hours, as Michael had stated, they reached Green's castle, inside the Weedley regions (Named after their last name). "We're here" Michael said. Blake walked up to the door. Blake knocked softly on it. Michael flinched when nobody answered. "It's alright, I'm sure they're all busy" Blake tried to assure Michael. "Go inside" Michael said, as Blake opened the door, as he peeked in the room, and saw absolutely nothing. "Well? Go in!" Michael rushed, as they both entered the castle. "I... Don't understand! Green had weapons as far as the eye could see and he had at least 50 butlers! What the #$% happened?!" Michael began to hyperventilate. "Calm your #$%, remember we may not be alone here" Blake reminded Michael, as they decided to go up the stairs. "That's the door to the Master Chambers" Michael said, as they creeped ever so slowly towards the door. Blake opened the door, but immediately had to retract. "What the hell? Somebody just shot at me!" Blake exclaimed. They both stood there, and waited for the right moment. Blake tossed a flashbang grenade into the room, waited for it to explode, and Blake burst into the room, along with Michael. "Wait!" Michael yelled, as standing before them was Master Green himself, holding a Benelli M4 Super 90. "Michael!" Master Green exclaimed. "It's great to see you're alive!" Michael exclaimed. "Who's your friend?" Green asked. "This is Blake, and he's the reason I'm still alive, and, in fact, the reason I even made it out of my appartment" Michael introduced. "Ah, well, I am Master Green. I am forever grateful for the service you have done my son" Green said. "It's no problem, but I actually come here with sad news for you to hear" Blake replied. Green's expression instantly went to a worried face. "What's wrong?" Green asked. "I am son of Master White" Blake explained. "How is White? I haven't talked with him in awhile" Green asked. "See, that's the problem, you see, White, me, and a bunch of our allies went on a missiont to help the people of Earth regain their planet. We met up with the infamous Doctor Thereajus, and the Zombie King. They had planted a Time Bomb nearby, and we couldn't have escaped without leaving a guy behind to slow the enemies down, and White was the only one capable of doing so. Needless to say (sheds a tear in rememberance) he didn't make it out" Blake said. "This is truly a dark day, White was the greatest ruler the universe will ever have known. We must retake the afflicted dimensions in his honor!" Green proclaimed. "Well, I fight every day, I keep going, I preserve the heavens, AND I am going on this journey, and many more to come!" Blake replied. "I shall aid you in your journey! where is our next dimension?" Green asked
5. Heart of Ice
Bereavement by Androidfish7
A good song to listen to while reading (copy and paste link) watch?v=miKPMEoZsLE&feature=BFa&list=PLBA02ECD0CA0C8B6D
_When we last left off, Blake and Michael had made it to Green's castle, only to find it completely deserted, or so they thought, as Green nearly took of Blake's head with an M4 Super 90. Blake made his report to Green, and Green agreed to travel with the group (He didn't have too much of a choice, to be honest)_
"We should travel to the Iceland universe to help there" Blake replied. Green agreed with this, as did Michael. "Let's get packed" Michael said, as the group locked and loaded, but Green placed his M4 Super 90 down on a cabinet in his room, and drew a long green sword with leaves hanging on it. "I was in the town when the zombies first struck, and somebody left this here. This is not mine, so I must leave it here" Green explained. His sword was called the Blade of Life, and was the only version of it. (All of the Masters of Color have a unique blade, Green's being the Blade of Life, White's being the Blade of Ultimacy, and I will post the blades of the others as we go along). The trio left the castle, as they weren't opposed by anything, Blake sprinkled Black Magic Powder on his Sword again, and cut another portal, this one going to the Iceland Universe, as they were off. They came out on the other end, and the weather here was harsh, as it was snowing heavily, and there was heavy hail. "Son of a $%^! We can't survive in this weather!" Michael yelled, but at that moment, out in the distance, a voice yelled. "Halt the weather! Clouds hear my command! Hold your words for a while longer, so our visitors may stand!", and the trio turned around to where they thought they heard a voice. "Who said that?" Blake yelled, and at that moment, the weather seemed to stop hitting them, but it continued all around them. "Show yourself!" Blake yelled. "Not just yet. Who are you? What brings you into our world?" The voice asked. "We've come in search of Master Silver! We have come to aid this place in the zombified world!" Blake replied. "We already have it under control, the zombies cannot find us when we are concealed! You may turn back if you so wish!" The voice replied. "I also come with news regarding Master White of the Heavens! I am his son, and I bring Master Green and his son, Michael! We need to speak to Master Silver, and I will not be buffered by the storm, I will find where you hide!" Blake yelled. "Hmm, Master White's son? Also, if you so much as leave your perfect little circle, I'll turn the weather back on and kill Green and Michael! I do not play nice! Now, do what I say, I will lead your circle to the Ice Palace I residein. Step outside of it and I kill them both" The voice, identified to be Master Silver stated. "I can control elements of Earth and Sky! Do not think you can harm us!" Green retorted. "Yes, but I am also concealed. I'd love to rip the vines out of your body with my sword, but here's your last chance, do as I order, or you will perish." Silver replied. The trio did as asked, and entered the Ice Palace. Silver walked down the stairs, and greeted them. "You have news for me?" Silver asked Blake. "Yes. I'm not going to get elaborate or in detail, but my father, Master White, was KIA in a mission we were on to help save Earth from the zombified mess." Blake explained. "This is horrible! But how could he have died, he was practically immortal!" Silver exclaimed. "He sacrificed himself to save us all from a Time Bomb explosion, where he had to hold off teh Zombie King and Doctor Thereajus, if not for his selfless heroics, I wouldn't be standing here, that's for sure, because it wouldn't have just been him, everyone on the mission would've died" Blake explained. "Well, we've just about got this zombie issue down, would you care for an extra hand? We need to stop Shadowis to end this whole apocalypse for good, and we aren't gonna do that without extra arms" Silver replied. "Sure, we could always use a hand" Blake replied. "Great. Well, it's late at night, why don't we all get some sleep? We'll get ready in the morning" Silver said. "I'll keep watch, I don't need sleep" Blake replied. "Excellent, here's a little "partner" to help you out" Silver said, as he showed Blake to a wide open, very wide window in the front of the Palace, where a Vulcan Chain Gun was lodged on a Bipod, nobody was gonna get in the Palace with this killer. The Vulcan is considered by some to be in the discussion for greatest guns ever, along with the M249 SAW, the XM8, the FN P90, and the Steyr AUG (the M249 SAW, however, takes the gold, while it is left to the opinion of spectators/ actual users which of the guns stated is 2nd, 3rd, etc). "You really do have it under control! How many survivors are there?" Blake asked. "We have over 9,000 survivors living in the underground section of my Palace, which I USED to use as a mini mall, but I suppose it's being put to better use now" Silver replied. "I'll keep watch, don't you worry" Blake said, as Silver, along with Green and Michael, went to sleep, as Blake took watch
6. Heated Confrontation
Bereavement by Androidfish7
A good song to listen to while reading (copy and paste link) watch?v=miKPMEoZsLE&feature=BFa&list=PLBA02ECD0CA0C8B6D
_When we last left off, Blake, Michael, and Green met Master Silver, perhaps a bit rudely, but nonetheless, gained his alliance, and Blake agreed to take watch once again. The group has agreed to once again head out, but they have literally NO clue of what to expect, because it MAY kill all of them._
"Hey Blake, how did watch go?" Silver asked. "I did not see anything, looks like you've got this place pretty sealed off. "Yeah, but I'd like to keep it that way. I'd like to suggest we go after the guy behind all this" Silver said. "Oh? and who would that be?" Blake replied. "Shadowis, master of the Shadows" Silver replied. Blake then suddenly remembered. "I need to grab my friend, he's the Chosen One in the Prophecy of light" Blake replied. "King of Scorpio? Didn't he die about 500 years ago?" Silver asked. "I brought him forward with time travel" Blake replied. "Well done, we have all the pieces we need to fight this horrible demon" Silver replied. "Well, I'd like to acquire the alliance with all the other masters, and I didn't even identify all the universes we need to go to (shows Silver his map of universes he *thought* he needed to go to)". Blake replied. "You don't need to go to any of those other places, in fact, I'm pretty sure the Bloodland universe is in favor of the zombie apocalypse, after all, that universe is jam packed with vampires" Silver replied. "Then where do we need to go? I don't know of anywhere else" Blake replied. "We need to go to the Fireland universe and get Master Orange on our side" Silver stated. "But you're an Ice Overlord, how will you survive?" Blake asked. "Oh please, the heat is not hotter than I am cold, I have fought Orange before, on his turf and on mine, I won both battles, I will be fine, we need to move though, with every day, Shadowis gains more allies, and power from the Moonlight" Silver replied. "Have you ever fought Shadowis?" Blake asked. "Nope, but nobody has ever defeated him. He and White are the only 2 warriors that have truly never been defeated ever" Silver replied. "Well, let's get going, we'll need all the allianceship we can get" Blake replied. Silver sounded a wake up alarm to wake up Green and Michael. "Alright, let's move out!" Green exclaimed. "I'm all for" Michael stated. "Silver, would you mind making a weather cloud so we may leave?" Blake asked. "My pleasure" Silver replied, as he chanted the spell, and the group walked outside. Blake sprinkled more Black Magic Powder on his sword, and he slashed another portal to go to the Fireland Universe, as everyone entered, and came out in 900 degree weather! "Are you sure Michael can survive this?" Blake asked. "No, I am not, I will call in another weather cloud, send him back to my universe" Silver replied, as Blake slashed another portal, and Michael returned to the Iceland universe. "Later all! Sorry I can't help!" Michael yelled. "No problem, you are a human, after all, you can only do so much..." Blake replied, as Michael left, and the trio continued. "Octo meyra tublema!" Green chanted, and all of a sudden, 4 vines came from his body, and they picked him up off the ground and Green was now levitating from his own vines. "Cool! Nice ability!" Blake exclaimed, as Green's "legs" were now vines. "Reminds me of an octopus, only with less legs" Silver stated. They walked through the dreadfully hot volcanic area that was the Firelands, until they saw 5 troll-like figures approach them from in front. "Stop! We are Master Orange's servants! Because of the zombie apocalypse, you may not pass!" One of them said. "Oh, please, out of our way" Blake replied, but then the trolls raised spears and pointed them at Blake. "Well, since you insist..." Blake stated, as the trio got ready for battle. Silver created an ice spear in his hand, and threw it at one of the trolls, impaling him and easily killing him, and the trolls had no chance. Blake charged one of them with his sword, and cut it in 2, as the other trolls were now scared, as they turned tail. "No way" Green stated, as he picked 3 more vines from his body, and lunged at the trolls with them, as he constricted them with the vines, as he brought them back towards the trio. Silver slashed the head off of one of them, Blake killed another one of them, and Green finished them off by choking one of them to death with his vine, as he retracted 3 of the vines back into his body, and the trio continued. "That should send a small message" Silver stated. But at that moment, an explosion of fire appeared in front of them, as a larger than life troll stood over them, about 10 times bigger than anyone in the trio. "YOU HAVE DISTURBED MY REST! FOR THAT YOU SHALL ALL PERISH!" it roared. "Whoa!" Blake flinched. "In all my years... I have never seen this. Orange is on maximum defense. Well, looks like we won't get away without a fight. Let's take him down!" Silver cried, as they unsheathed their swords, and the giant troll took out a MASSIVE Dwarven War Hammer, one of the greatest hammer ever crafted, as he began swinging at the trio. "Look out!" Green exclaimed, as they narrowly dodged an instant death swing. "Take this!" Silver yelled, as he fired an ice spear at the Troll, but it merely bounced off of him, and only made him angrier. The troll roared in anger, as he swung at Silver, who once again, dodged it. "He's slow but powerful! And has a lot of endurance!" Silver yelled to his allies. "I know! Terruckt tu wimbaie!" Green chanted, as he summoned a massive boulder from underground, and hurled it at the troll, and this one did appear to hurt him, but it did not look like it did significant damage, as the Troll ran after Green, and swung again at Green, who narrowly dodged it. Blake charged at the Troll from behind, and slashed it down it's spine with his sword, but was discouraged when he saw the massive wound automatically heal. "He has inpenetratable skin!" Blake yelled. Green then wrapped one of his vines around the Troll in an attempt to constrict him, but this Troll was far too powerful, as he simply broke right through the vine. "He's too strong!" Green exclaimed, but the Troll did something next that would've been equally devastating if it had hit, as he breathed fire towards Green. Green's body is made of grass and weeds, so this would've been a slow, painful, death, but Green barely dodged it, unscathed. "Aquiethni wistruf!" Silver chanted, and, all of a sudden, a portal showed up, and a massive Ice bird came out of the portal. "Wow!" Blake exclaimed. The bird then shot a beam of ice out of it's mouth at the Troll, and this had the same effect, but this one seemed to tire the Troll slightly. "He's wearing down! Keep at it!" Blake yelled, as he charged the troll again, from the front, as he put his sword into it's chest, and brought it to the ground, which cut a massive hole in it's chest, but this healed almost instantly, the Blake realized something. "Anything that penetrates the skin does not effect him!" Blake yelled, as he backed away from another strike the Troll attempted. The Ice Bird Silver had summoned flew above the Troll, and, using it's talons, actually ripped the head off of the Troll, and carried it away, dropping it in a pool of lava. You would think this would have ended the battle. You would be wrong, as another head replaced the removed one on the troll. "I knew it!" Blake exclaimed. Blake, using his sword, fired a Sword Wave at the Troll, and it hit him hard, knocking him down. "Finish him!" Green yelled, as he wrapped the Troll with over 20 sets of vines, and this would be enough to constrict him, as it blocked him from all movement, Green attempted to coup de grace him, as he strangled the Troll very tightly with his vines, while Silver beat him aside the head with his sword. This would be enough, as the Troll finally fell dead. At that point though, Master Orange rose from a pool of lava. "You are quite the warriors! Now why do you disturb me?" Orange asked. "I, Blake, son of Master White, have come to report something. "Blake stated. "Well, how is White? tell me your report" Orange asked. "Well, you see, you just asked the same question twice, because (explains to Orange wha happened to White)" Blake said. "Oh, this is bad, we cannot fight Shadowis without White, and White was our brother (voice trails off), well, we must destroy this evil demon, in his honor!" Orange exclaimed. "Good, so we have your allianceship?" Blake asked. "Yes, I am on your side, maybe all of us together can take on a mission only White himself is capable of" Orange stated. "We will hunt down Shadowis, after we get just 2 more ally, we must go after Master Yellow, and Queen Marcie, Queen of the Vampires, and we will find them in the Thunderland Universe and the Afterlife Universe." Silver stated. "Well, so be it, we will go after them, right now" Blake stated, as it was merely 10:00 AM, and they were not tired at all.
7. Intel
Bereavement by Androidfish7
A good song to listen to while reading (copy and paste link) watch?v=miKPMEoZsLE&feature=BFa&list=PLBA02ECD0CA0C8B6D
_When we last left off, Blake, Green, and Silver, without Michael, ventured into the Fireland Universe to get Master Orange on their side. After a series of battles and conflicts, they got Orange on their side. Meanwhile, the zombies have not struck the Heavens in awhile, perhaps they are building, or worse... Now the trio travels to the Thunderland Universe in search of Master Yellow._
Blake sprinkled more Black Magic Powder on his sword. "Uh oh, running out!" Blake exclaimed, as his bottle of Black Magic Powder was running very short. "Looks like enough for 4 2 way trips." Silver said. Blake cut the portal to enter the Thunderland Universe, and the quad entered the portal. The came out on a massive island in the middle of a major sea, and the weather was not good, as it was thundering with lots of lightning, and it appeared there was a tornado in the distance, however, it some how wasn't close enough to effect anything. There were violent winds, and dark clouds, and the temperature was 20 degrees Fahrenheit outside. "We're just asking for pneumonia out here" Grass joked, because none of the Masters were at all vulnerable to the elements. The elements in each Master's (except White's) are set to certain conditions that make it very hard, or in some cases, impossible, to breach their Universe, as they do not want humans to discover their existence, but the conditions are not impossible for a different Master, so this system is deemed appropriate for that. "We should watch it though, Yellow may be on high alert" Silver stated. No sooner had he said this, than a massive creature emerged from the water surrounding the islands, there were 7 of these creatures. "Hydras!" Blake exclaimed. The Hydras roared loud and clear, it appeared Yellow WAS on high alert. One of the Hydras lunged at Blake, as Blake narrowly dodged the blow. Silver, using a power he had, conjured an ice wave, and froze the water, to even the odds, so now, the Hydras could not move. Orange, using his own power, blasted a large wave of fire at one Hydra, and it collided with it's head, as the Hydra was suddenly set abalze, but the ice below it was colder than the Hydra was hot, so the Hydra could not submerge it's self back into the water for relief. The Hydra eventually burned to death. This apparently set off a chain reaction, as the Hydras suddenly stopped attacking. "Stop the attack!" came a voice, off in the distance. The quad looked around frantically for the source of the voice, and all of a sudden, a MASSIVE thunderbolt struck the ice, shattering it instantly, and the Hydras submerged themselves into the water. "Don't you see? This is a trap, this weather is NOT impossible for human life, HOWEVER, there isn't a human existing that can handle the Hydras, once I saw a Hydra die, I knew that it was either Shadowis or a Master. Welcome, I am Yellow" Yellow said, as he rose from the water, and flew over to the island. "Not a bad system" Silver complimented. "Yeah, it hasn't failed me once, and probably won't either" Yellow stated. "Well, are you with or against the zombie apocalypse?" Blake asked. "100% against" Yellow replied. "We are going to thwart Shadowis, and we need all the allies we can get. Are you in?" Blake asked. "Yes, I am, but a quick question, where is White? Why has he sent you?" Yellow asked. "Don't worry Blake, I'll tell him, no need to retell it again" Silver told Blake, as Silver knew Blake dies a little bit inside (not literally) everytime he has to retell that tragic event. (Silver tells Yellow what happened to White). "I am very sorry to hear this. White was the greatest Warlord I've ever met, the only guy who could, all by himself, defeat me AND my Hydras, and was my brother, and he will be missed" Yellow stated. "So, should we move to the Afterlife?" Blake asked the group. "Yeah, I'm not tuckering out just yet" Silver stated, as Green and Orange agreed to move out. "I haven't actually had much zombie trouble, and my Hydras could probably take on any number of zombies, so, yeah, I'll come" Yellow agreed. "I'm running very low on Black Magic Powder you guys, we can't afford to screw anything up" Blake stated, as he sprinkled more Black Magic Powder on his sword, and cut another portal to get them to the Afterlife. The group entered the portal. They came out on the other side, in the Afterlife universe. Here, all the tortured souls Hell could not allow in due to space issues were sent here, where they lived another life on another universe that looked like a replica of Earth, so that the people living in it thought they were still alive. Nobody knew what it really was, or else there would be a massive problem. Marcie, the Queen of the Afterlife, usually executed people who learned a bit too much. Noticing the Masters enter the Afterlife would cause major distress, so Marcie had to conceal them without anyone else noticing. "Hey! You guys!" Marcie whispered to the group. That got their attention, which was all Marcie needed, as Marcie conjured a portal to send them to the Master room, where Marcie lived, and they could do business safely there. "Enter it! Now! Before somebody sees you!"Marcie whispered to the group, as they rushed into the portal, and when they were all inside, Darcie followed them in. "Now, I have a feeling you are here to gain my allianceship?" Marcie asked. "Well, yeah, we need everyone on board to destroy Shadowis" Blake stated. "Well, I would and all, but if I go, who will watch over the people here? If a single person gets word out that this is Afterlife, then it will be chaos all around, people will know they are invincible! They will destroy the harmony I have spent thousands of years getting!" Marcie exclaimed. "But, if Shadowis is not stopped, that harmony will be destroyed anyway" Blake replied. "I offer protection of the documents of the Afterlife" Yellow said. "Is that so? Who will guard it while we're away?" Marcie replied. "I've got a pack of 7 voracious Hydras who will not let anyone survive" Yellow said. "Well... I suppose I could... The documents are in my desk (points to desk in the barren field they are in) grab the documents, and we'll gather all of our materials and get going" Marcie replied. "Great, I'll join up with you guys in a bit, don't leave without me" Yellow said, as he dashed towards Marcie's material desk. The group of 6 planned to leave to head back to the Heavens to get Scorpio for the fight against Shadowis, after Yellow stored the documents back at his own universe. Blake gave Yellow a very small portion of Black Magic Powder, but it would be enough for the 2 way journey. After he made his trip, and returned, with the documents safely stored inside the Thunderland Universe. Blake sprinkled more Black Magic Powder on his sword, and he cut a portal to go back to the Heavens to find Scorpio.
8. Shadow White
Bereavement by Androidfish7
A good song to listen to while reading (copy and paste link) watch?v=miKPMEoZsLE&feature=BFa&list=PLBA02ECD0CA0C8B6D
_When we last left off, The group added Yellow and Marcie to their alliance, and had headed home to the Heavens to gather Scorpio for the final battle vs Shadowis to end the zombie apocalypse, as this person, or thing, has been the ringleader behind it the entire time. BUT they still do not know what horrors are to come! Oh if they only knew what was coming up..._
The group stepped out onto the Heavens, and was immediately greeted by the group holding out there, Karie, Eugene, Eustace, and Scorpio. What's the deal?" Karie asked Blake. "We're heading off to destroy the ringleader behind all of this, Shadowis, and end this once and for all!" Blake replied. "We need Scorpio, now, let's go!" Marcie exclaimed. "It is my time" Scorpio stated, as he walked to the group. "Well, goodbye you 3! Hold up if you can! I'll be back real soon!" Blake said, as he cut another portal, this one to lead to Shadowis' lair, his universe, simply known as the Shadowland regions. They came out on the other side. And there was nobody waiting for them at the moment, but there was a glass elevator in front of them, that looked like it led up to a dome like area. "Should we go in it?" Green asked. "I guess that will lead us to that dome over there" Blake replied, as the group bunched into the glass elevator, and it took them onto a platform that was floating in the middle of the air. Blake looked off the edge of the platform, there was nothing but a dark, Black Void, something that sucks a person in, and kills them. "Whoa, don't look down if you're aafraid of heights" Blake said. The group, naturally, looked down, to see what Blake was talking about. "Wow, that's a LONG fall to your death" Silver stated, as this fall would be over 200,000 feet to the Black Void. At that point, pods emerged from the ground, all around the group, and out of them came 7 shadow figures. "Halt! That person is my counter!" Scorpio exclaimed, as the group lookmed at the person Scorpio was talking about, and, sure enough, it looked like Scorpio, just a shadow counterpart, but then, the group realized, the figures around them were shadow counterparts! The shadow Scorpio unsheathed his sword. "They are poised! Attack!" Scorpio exclaimed, and it was on, as this would be a massive, bloody fight. Scorpio swung several times at Shadow Scorpio, but Shadow Scorpio seemed to be able to read Scorpio's mind, predicting his every shot! Blake came face- to- face with his counterpart, and Shadow Blake also seemed to be able to predict Blake's moves, BUT, Blake can read minds, and was also pretty reflexed. "They can read our minds!" Scorpio exclaimed. Then, a turning point in the battle happened, as Silver managed to turn this ability against Shadow Silver, as he, in his head, planned an action, then did a completely opposite action, catching Shadow Silver off guard, and Silver stuck his sword inside Shadow Silver's spine, and the sword came out through the other side, impaling and easily killing Shadow Silver. Silver then fired a beam of ice at Shadow Orange, but to his horror, Shadow Orange was hotter than Silver was cold! The beam of ice melted before it even came close to contact. Meanwhile, Scorpio and Shadow Scorpio were still deadlocked in their duel. But then, Scorpio drew the Forbidden Blade, and shot a black aura shot at Shadow Scorpio, knocking him down, and Scorpio drew his Scor Sword, and finished Shadow Scorpio off with several blows to the head, and, eventually, beheading Shadow Scorpio. "You cannot replicate the best!" Scorpio exclaimed, as he dashed to assist Green, as Green had the vine spell out, while Shadow Green did not. Green took shots at Shadow Green with as many as 19 vines at once, but Shadow Green easily reflected every shot, but did not expect Scorpio to come from his weak spot. Shadow Green turned around to fight Scorpio, but Green finally connected with one vine, whipping Shadow Green with a Paralyzer Vine, which, as the name entails, paralyzes the target on contact. Green drew his Blade of Life and impaled Shadow Green. At that point, the other Shadow forms suddenly vanished. "What the hell? Am I on cocaine or what?" Orange asked. "I don't know, but this is where Shadowis should be, if that #$%ing #$% every shows his scared face" Blake replied. No sooner had he said this, than did a massive shadow explosion appeared in the middle of the stadium, emitting a shadow smoke, and when the smoke cleared, Shadowis was waiting for the group. "So, the Masters of Color have come to take me down! Try as you might, you'll have to slay me here! Let this be your final battle!" Shadowis exclaimed, with an evil grin on his face. Then Silver noticed something about Shadowis. "No...! Wait a minute!" Silver exclaimed, as the group realized the same thing! Shadowis was White's evil shadow form! "Yup, if my hero counterpart can handle you, then come for me now, let's dance!" Shadowis exclaimed, as he teleported the entire group to another location, and the group realized this was Hell, the place Satan used to own. "You see, you really shouldn't have killed Satan, somebody always has to rule over Hell, and Satan was Hell's intern leader! I am much worse! Hahahahahahahaha!" Shadowis let out a major laugh, as he teleported to a different place in Hell, and let out a massive horde of over 700,000,000 shadow zombies! "I think it's time" Blake stated, as he took out the special weapon White had given him in the past, the Mirage, the greatest gun ever crafted, with Chain Gun like fire rate, Chain Gun clips, M249 SAW damage, MAC 11 weight, and the ability to have up to 4 attachments on it. Blake attached a Red Dot Sight, a M203 Grenade Launcher, Extended Mags, and a Dual Mag attachment. "Blake that thing is incredible!" Silver exclaimed, as the group took out their Special Ops Weapons. The zombies were on the way, would the group survive?
9. The Final Battle
Bereavement by Androidfish7
A good song to listen to while reading (copy and paste link) watch?v=miKPMEoZsLE&feature=BFa&list=PLBA02ECD0CA0C8B6D
_When we last left off, the group descended into Hell for a final conflict with Shadowis and all of his zombified slaves, of which there are countless numbers of them, Blake has taken out his Mirage 24X White had given him in the past, the greatest gun ever crafted, and the Masters of Color have all taken out their Military Brand FN P90s, and this group is ready for the enormous pack of zombies... Or so they think._
"We need to hit Hell's Crust! That will give us the space we need to do this!" Orange yelled, and the group ran, because the hordes were near them. They eventually reached Hell's Crust, which was 1500 degrees Fahrenheit, but would provide the group with breathing space, as Hell's Crust was wide, and had roon to run. The zombies started into the room, and these were, again, not normal zombies, but the FN P90s the Masters had were FN P90 Rippers, special Ops form FN P90s with Rapid Fire, a foregrip, and a HAM-R Scope, for convenience when faced with a long distance or short distance task. Blake's Mirage 24X was easily powerful enough to slice through the shadow zombies, and this was proven when the Mirage 24X's 250, yes, 250 rounds killed almost 100 zombiesin just but 1 clip, and while Blake needed to reload, the Masters would still be shooting. Orange then got an idea when he drained the rocks in Hell's Crust of all their heat (a power), and now he was really blazing, as he had over 900,000 degrees Fahrenheit of body heat, Orange ran up to the hordes of zombies, and began melee fighting them with his Blade of Anger, and any zombies hit by hit instantly became ablaze, but what the group did NOT know was setting a zombie on fire hyperactivates their cell regeneration system, so it increased the zombie's endurance in a major way. Orange slashed heads off like crazy, and even through the cell regeneration, if the head is destroyed or removed, the zombie is dead. Yellow ran up to the hordes when Orange's heat power wore off, and he electrocuted the incoming zombies with over 700,000 bolts of electricity, enough to kill any zombie coming too close. "Recharging!" Yellow yelled, as he had to run back to Hell's Crust, where Green came in, as he blocked off the door to Hell's Crust with his vines, easily enough to hold off the shadow zombies. Green took out his Blade of Life, let the zombies in and began slashing zombies away, while Blake continued to fire at the zombies with his Mirage 24X, killing off a lot of them, until eventually the 700,000,000 that started were down to just 100,000,000 (after many hours of fighting), and then it got harder, as a massive zombie entered the room. This was considered to be a "Zombie Juggernaut" and was far harder to kill than the rest, and, as the group could see, no other ordinary shadow zombies were coming back. Blake sprayed Mirage 24X bullets at it, Orange gathered more fire and slammed the Juggernaut in the hed, Yellow electrocuted it more, Silver entered and froze the Juggernaut solid, but it did not kill him, as Hell's heat burned through the ice, the Juggernaut dashed towards Blake, who reloaded the Mirage 24X, but didn't have time to ai, as the Zombie Juggernaut tackled him to the ground. Before the Juggernaut could bite Blake, which would be fatal, Green wrapped his vines around the Juggernaut and pulled him away (this took about 25 vines to do so, this thing was FAT). While incapacitated, Blake took an attack of opportunity, as he ran to the Juggernaut, put his sword at his throat, and sliced the head clean off, as an explosion of blood erupted from the spot the head once was, and blood began rapidly flowing from the area. At that point, Shadowis called off the rest of the zombies. "I don't want to have to give you the pleasure of postponing your death" Shadowis explained, and the Masters each unleashed furies of attacks on Shadowis, but Shadowis eluded a thunderbolt from Yellow, burnt in mid air an ice beam from Silver, and burnt the vines off of Green when he tried to whip Shadowis. "Screw tactics, time to show everything White taught me about melee combat" Blake thought, as he charged Shadowis. Shadowis was slightly taken off guard by Blake's sudden range. "Don't you know Blake? I am your father's shadow form, I know what he taught you" Shadowis whispered menacingly, as, using full force, he shoved Blake away, sending him about 7 feet across the ground, straight into a rock wall in Hell's Crust. Scorpio then knew this was where he came into the prophecy, where he had to fight Shadowis. Scorpio took out his Forbidden Blade and fired a Sword Dart of Explosions at Shadowis, but this was merely reflected. "1 shot every 24 Sun Ticks, and this is how it is used?" Scorpio said sullenly, but he would not give up, as he took out his Scor Sword, and rushed to confront Shadowis, as Blake also stood and rushed at Shadowis. "Oh my, 2 birds in 1... STONE" Shadowis said, as a boulder out of the ceiling fell down, and nearly crushed and killed Blake and Scorpio, but what was worse, is Shadowis could no longer be seen. "No! Don't let him get away!" Blake yelled, but the Masters were way ahead of him, as Grass, using Nature's Power, moved the Boulder with psychic powers Blake had never seen, and Shadowis was still there, facing the group. "What? You didn't think I'd run away did you?" Shadowis said, os so very innocently, as all of the Masters unsheathed their swords; they were going to try to charge him at the same time. Shadowis, anticipating the move, put up a shadowy force field to reflect the onslaught, and Shadowis took out his OWN sword, the Blade of Doom, a MASSIVE shadow blade that would more than likely be death on first swing. "Now, you see, thre is a reason I am undefeated!" Shadowis stated, as he rushed at Scorpio, but Scorpio was ready, reflecting a shot from the Blade of Doom with his Scor Sword, and he keep reflecting shots, but Scorpio began to tire, but Blake snuck up from behind on Shadowis, and Green took out more vines, and Orange summoned his firepower, as Shadowis turned to reflect a shot from Blake, and, right in the nick of time, he took out a SECOND Blade of Doom and reflected a shot from Scorpio. Silver summoned in another portal, and his Ice Bird companion came out from it, and it charged at Shadowis, talons out, looking to rip his head off like it did the Giant Troll in the Firelands, but Shadowis impaled it as it came down on him, killing it, while still reflecting a shot from Blake, and then Scorpio. "He does not have 3 arms!" Yellow cried, as he charged at Shadowis, and swung at him with his Blade of Light, but Shadowis ducked and dodged the shot, and turned and tripped Blake with a sweep of his leg, and he raised his Blade of Doom, and brought it down to Blake, but would not get farther, as Scorpio successfully hit him in the back with his Scor Sword, probably puncturing a lung, but to his horror, Shadowis ripped out the blade and tossed it to the side. "Nice try... Petty human!" Shadowis turned and taunted to Scorpio, but hurting him was not Scorpio's intention, as Blake was able to slip away, and get to his feet, and before Shadowis could realize, and Blake had an opportunity at shadowis' head, to end it all, but then, at the worst moment, Blake felt the faint feeling again. He was acquiring a new ability! And at the worst possible moment! But, to Blake's relief, the feeling, and the initiation of the ability only lasted 5 seconds, but this was long enough for Shadowis to realize his error, as he raised his Blade of Doom, and attempted to stab Scorpio. Scorpio narrowly dodged the shot, as Orange ran towards Shadowis, and swung with his Blade of Acceleration, but this shot missed, and Shadowis swung at Orange, but Silver stepped in just in time to reflect the shot. Scorpio rose, and swung at Shadowis, but he expected this, and ducked, and stabbed Scorpio with the Blade of Doom in the leg, and this is when Blake realized what the new ability was. "Ichne Aurti auh mas, light my spirit, and set us free! My soul is I, and I am me!" Blake chanted, which he didn't even know what the foreign words meant, and, all of a sudden, Blake began to flash, but Blake was now flying, in a land of zombies, he was 8 times faster, stronger, smarter, tougher, and, most important, angrier. Blake flew at Shadowis in a blinding speed, and swung at him, as Shadowis reflected the first shot, but Blake was so fast from the new ability, the next shot connected, hitting Shadowis in the chest, but not seeming to effect him much. "Green! Can you try to heal Scorpio?" Marcie yelled. "Sure!" Green replied, as he got out special healing herbs, as Marcie decided to get involved. Marcie came up to Shadowis with the Blade of Immortality, swinging and connecting to Shadowis' shoulder, but again, not seeming to effect him, but Blake was putting a fury of strikes on Shadowis, but, just when the ability seemed too awesome, Blake's sword suddenly lit on white fire (holy fire), and Blake did not even get to control his next move, as he struck Shadowis, on the head, and he and Shadowis floated above by about 10 feet, and Blake started striking Shadowis with 20 times the speed and power (Blake's power before using the ability times 8, THEN times 20). Blake struck Shadowis 8 times, all in various places, and Blake was in control, as a part of his ability, Blake let go of his sword, as it levitated, but seemed to control itself, as it made a Multi Spinning Hit on Shadowis, which had to hurt, then Blake gripped the sword, and slammed Shadowis down to the ground, and as he came to the ground, a mini explosion happened on the spot Blake hit the ground, as Shadowis went flying across the room. Shadowis, after about 10 seconds, stood up. "YOU ARE NOTHING LIKE MY FATHER! MY FATHER DIED SAVING HIS FRIENDS AND FAMILY! You, my friend, will die, by the hand of your counterpart's son" Blake stated, as he lifted the sword up to Shadowis' throat, and cut the head clean off. "For White" Blake ended it with. He turned back to his allies, and they were awestruck by what had just happened. "Don't ask any questions, it's over" Blake stated. "Blake! That was incredible!" Silver exclaimed. "Where did you get that from?" Green asked. "No time, we have a man down" Blake replied. "No we don't, he'll be alright, the shadows from the blade knocked him out, but he'll be fine" Green replied. "Only thing I'm wondering is, how was Scorpio the Chosen One in the Prophecy of Light? Blake clearly was the MVP" Marcie stated. "Marcie, may I see that Prophecy?" Blake asked. "Sure, it's in that stack of documents Yellow is protecting" Marcie replied. "Yeah, well, I think it'd be best if we all just returned to our universes and tried to go back to living in prosperity" Blake replied. "I concur! We did it! Shadowis is dead!" Silver exclaimed. "I just NEED the documents back, then I can go back to my universe" Marcie replied. "Here, take it" Blake said, after sprinkling enough Black Magic Powder to get him home, Blake gave the rest of the jar to Marcie, as he slashed open the portal to return to the Heavens.
_1 hour later_
After Blake had a warm welcome home wagon from Karie, Eustace, Eugene, and, eventually, Scorpio when he returned, Blake was sitting on a couch, watching the News on Earth. It had appeared the zombie contagion in Russia had "mysteriously" disappeared, and all the zombies actually turned back to normal people, so the Olympics could continue. Blake decided he'd put the Olympics on, but was delayed when he got a call on their home phone. Blake stood up to grab it, but Karie beat him there. "Sweetie, you've had a long day, let me grab it" Karie stated. "Hello?" Karie said to the phone, and got a bit of talking on the other end. "Alright" Karie replied. "It's for you" Karie stated, as Blake took the phone. "Hello?" Blake said. "Blake, it's me, Marcie, what the hell happened to my documents?!" Marcie said, freaking out. "I don't know! Why? Are they missing?" Blake replied. "Yes, they're gone, and Silver just called Green, Michael is missing as well!" Marcie exclaimed. "Michael too?! What the hell is going on?" Blake exclaimed. "I don't know! All I know is I NEED the documents, or else it will be even WORSE than a zombie apocalypse!" Marcie exclaimed, clearly hyperventilating. "Why? What will happen?" Blake asked. "Blake, if a human were to read the words on the documents... They would know where the portals to heaven are on Earth, AND, if they see that there ARE Gods and there IS an Afterlife, and Heaven and Hell DO exist, we will all die" Marcie stated. "What?! Why?!" Blake exclaimed, as he began to hyperventilate. "When White, Green, Orange, Yellow, Silver, and I agreed to take the job of Gods of our area, we agreed that this must be PURELY 100% confidential, or else we all agree death is the punishment. What happens is, the gravity in space is altered, so that meteors are directed towards our universes, and there is NO escape! WE MUST FIND THE DOCUMENTS!" Marcie exclaimed. "I'm on my way!" Blake replied, as he put the phone down, left a note for Karie, and ran out the door.
_** The end...?**_
End file.
| Bereavement by Androidfish7 | Zombie Survival Guide |
1. Chapter 1
**Chapter 1**
This small planet, used to be called Planet Earth, I think, not anymore. Not since that special day, well it used to be special until 'it' invaded. This small planet doesn't really have a name now, not since the flesh-eating infected, or zombies, spread across the world killing, and re-awakening most of us. Perfect future this turned out to be for me!
They started by just infecting animals, until one dumb-ass decided to take a closer look to prove to his mates he had guts, which really he didn't, the ironic thing is this happened on Christmas Day, lovely right, but anyway, obviously that stupid guy got infected, so he was rushed to the only doctor in the world that had the cure, and they used all of it curing him, except that healed guy infected the doctor and staff so, nobody knows the cure for this world wide disaster.
The only problem with all of this is that, that guy, the stupid dumb-ass... was me. I know I basically started the death of millions but, it's not as bad as it seems... wait, no it is as bad as it sounds, wow, I really am a dumb-ass?
So I am human again, thank God, except I am all alone. I sort of infected my family, and what you're supposed to do is kill the zombies, but I chickened out and took my dad's car to God-knows where I am now. So, they are running, well not really running, more like a crawl like stagger, somewhere around London... awesome?
So really I am a loner, great? On a brighter note I am Myles, Myles Hardwicke, shaggy brown-haired loser from Southampton. Never had a girlfriend, never kissed a girl, closest I came to kissing a girl was when a horse licked my face? Not really the same thing? I am twenty-five-years-old, born 25th June 1985, obsessed with COD (Call of Duty) and other amazing Xbox, Play Station, iPod, Nintendo and Nintendo WII games, not the favourite child of my parents, or anybody actually. I have, or used to have an older twin brother and sister, James and Sabrina, perfect little brats, but, they are probably rotting in a ditch somewhere now... hopefully for my sake.
Going back to the thing about me starting this whole disaster off, of course when it happened it was all over the news in every country possible, brilliant, but they only had a picture of me, not my name, so as long as people here have bad memories, I should survive a slight bit longer!
So it's been about three months of terror, and I am walking down this empty motorway with a load of abandoned, burnt-out cars, and the odd dead body, human and zombie, every now and then, when I hear an engine grumbling behind me; I turn round shocked to see a black Land Rover racing towards me with a number '3' painted in white on each of the front doors, so I do the obvious thing and hide behind a blue motorbike making sure my Dad's revolver is loaded, even though I am scared breathless, when the Land Rover screeches to a halt in front of me, oh crap!
The black door opened round the other side and a tall, beefy guy walked round, he has a black leather jacket with a grey shirt on under it, he also had dark blue slashed jeans on and snake skin boots, with one of those classical cow-boy hats on. He reached for his aviator sunglasses and put them in his jacket pocket, looking at me with a 'what the heck are you?' kind of look. I saw in his other hand he had a rifle, and in his jean pockets he had a few hand guns, perfect!
"What ya doin here kid? Should ya be home with ya Mommy and Daddy?" he snickered. "I am twenty-five, so I'm not a kid, I'm Myles, I'm trying to get to Arizona, America, apparently there is a safe house there" I mumbled.
"Woo-Hee you kids ah stupid ta-day!"
"Sorry, what?"
"There no such thing as a safe house, just ah pathetic rumour!"
"Where you heading anyway?"
"None ya business, just goin where ever"
"Mind if I tag along?"
"As long as ya keep that whiney mouth of ya's shut"
I nodded, threatened by his very presence. I got in the passenger seat of the black Land Rover and he started the engine, speeding off in to the distance. "Err, what's your name?" I asked. "Thought I told ya to shut up!" "Sorry" I whispered. I looked in the rear view mirror to see even more guns and scary weapons on the back seat, lovely; I am stuck in a car with some crazy looking killer!
The journey was quiet, but every few minutes there would be a zombie or two on the road and the guy didn't hesitate, not once, and ran them straight down, it didn't kill all of them but they had a hard time walking.
I wanted to talk to him, find out more about him, but I was too afraid, so for now I will call him Aviator, as he seems religious about those sunglasses, even though it was very cloudy with no sun to be seen anywhere.
At first Aviator seemed quiet, but after a while he started talking to me, I wasn't allowed to talk still, but I sort of enjoyed listening to him. He had an interesting story to tell.
"I err, am headin to Arizona too, same reason as you, just lookin for some hope" and other things like "lost all ma family to, Mom, Dad, Brother, everyone" and even more "Ya can stay with me as long as ya keep quiet, and do as I tell ya!"
Then he asked me about my past, and I told him all of it, but slightly different, not the bit about me starting all of this off, but the bit about all of my family gone and stuff. He looked like he might cry, he didn't, but I could see that there was more to him than just a bad-ass scary guy.
The journey was quiet after that, He put the radio on but kept turning it off when the dial went fuzzy and irritating. We drove towards Southampton, to the docks looking for an abandoned boat and hopefully a map to make our way to America. I had no idea how to steer a boat, I don't even know which way is North, let alone which way America is? Strangely Aviator and I sort of liked each other, not like homosexually, but as sort of friends. Let's say we enjoyed each other's company, and it was much better to have one another than to be wondering around here alone. I felt safe with Aviator, he seemed to be a gun expert, and he enjoyed killing the zombie things which I guess is lucky for me. Aviator saw me as a handy man I guess, to like help carry his guns and his ridiculous amount of ammunition. Either way I preferred to be the carrier and not the shooter.
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2. Chapter 2
**Chapter 2**
We stopped at a petrol station, not such a good idea.
Aviator and I walked in, him all confident and fearless and me scared like a little girl, I kept my mouth shut, but I still whimpered a bit every now and then. So we walked in, and there was one of the prettiest girls we had ever seen, absolutely beautiful, she had long blonde curls resting just above her perfectly curved hips, she had big blue eyes staring at us inquisitively, amazing rosy red lips looking so, so kissable, tight blue jean shorts so short that you could see white lacy knickers poking out from under them and she had a very tight white tank top on showing a small black bra on under it with the most perfectly sized and shaped breasts I had ever seen in my life!
She pulled the moist lolly pop out of her mouth with a little pop and walked towards us ever so sexy, shaking her hips like a catwalk model. Mine and Aviator's eyes widened and mouths dropped open at this sight of beauty. "Err... err, can we help y, you hun?" Aviator asked her struggling to talk. "Sure thing, my boyfriend left me here and I am so, so scared... can you boys, sorry I mean men, help me?" She said sounding distressed. Aviator rushed towards her and put his arm around her after clipping his guns on to his belt. "Don worry hun, we'll keep ya safe!" he said enthusiastically.
She looked amazing and seemed amazing too, but something felt wrong, I don't know what but I had a strange feeling in my gut, no idea what so I just ignored it.
Aviator led her to our car and I followed behind like some dog. "So, what's ya name hun?"
"Violet, you?"
"Oh, ya'll don need ta know ma name, but, you can call me Aviator, that's what Myles here calls me anyway, don't ya boy?"
"Err, yeah" I mumbled. I stared at the ground annoyed, I wouldn't have thought, even when we are all probably going to die life can still suck this much for me, awesome.
I had forgotten I had told Aviator that I called him that, he sort off liked it, for my sake.
Aviator was driving like usual, Violet got the seat next to Aviator, of course, in the passenger seat and I was stuck in the back listening to them flirting. Violet would not shut up, about herself mostly.
"So like I said, my boyfriend, well ex-boyfriend took me there, saying he would keep me safe, but didn't and left me, miserable git! So I have been there a few days now and just been eating those yummy lollies, but they had mouthwash and stuff there, so don't worry lads, I'm all good! You know my boyfriend, he was a real loser, but you and Myles here seem nice, especially you Aviator!"
Listening to them both was so off-putting, and really disturbing!
A few days later things between Aviator and Violet got worse, for me anyway, Aviator has got me to drive while they are both on the back seats making out; it's horrible, listening to them both! Also Aviator keeps getting annoyed at me because when we drive near to a zombie I stop the car frozen, even though we are in a big Land Rover and I have Aviator for protection, I am still terrified of the things. So he says that he will chuck me at them next time and since he said that I have just sped up past them, I am so freaking terrified of him and zombies, but nothing can beat my phobia and insane fear of, can you guess, freaking clowns. Just the fact that you're supposed to love them and hug them, when they are middle-aged fat guys with lots of face paint on trying to make a living out of something stupid. I have hated them since my Dad dressed up as one for my fourth birthday and chased me round our garden, to him it was hilarious but to me, I am now scared for life, awesome childhood I had!
So I will be lucky if I never see a clown again, and there are one in a million chances a zombie clown with a shot gun is going to come after us, so I think, I mean hope, I am safe.
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3. Chapter 3
**Chapter 3**
We arrived at the port in Southampton late that night and decided to get some rest in a nearby hotel and leave at dawn, so guess where we stopped at, the Premier Inn, 'everything's premier, except the price', well lucky for us we didn't have to pay, because everyone obviously packed their bags and left, but the bad thing was it wasn't very premier, no staff for obvious reasons. So we went to the really nice suites up top and I had my own room and next door was Aviator and Violet, and I so regretted being next door to them both.
All night they were both at it! They sounded like wild animals, and in the morning when they stopped, finally, they both came in to my room in their underwear to make sure I was awake, I was awake all right at the sight of Violet, small, lacy, red bra slipping down her shoulders and little, lacy, red panties covering barely nothing, and Aviator was just in tight Calvin Klein briefs, lovely sight for first thing in the morning, well some of it was.
Within an hour we were all ready to go, had breakfast, Violet had finished getting dressed, doing her make-up and curling her hair, and then we found just one small, well medium sized boat, there, just the one. Wasn't a big deal until something very unexpected happened?
"Violet, hun, why don you go get on da boat while we get your stuff an our guns on" Aviator said while kissing her on the forehead. "Sure thing babes!" she giggled. She walked down the pier swaying her hips so, so sexy and letting her golden curls dance in the wind... wow.
So Aviator and I picked up one of Violet's massive bags and started trudging along the pier towards the boat when, of course, I tripped pulling the bag, and sadly, Aviator with me. Aviator got up looking angry hoping Violet didn't see that, and I think she didn't, so anyway, "What the hell do ya think ya doing boy!" Aviator shouted, I ignored him when I noticed something shocking, Aviator went on a bit more complaining when I noticed that the bag had ripped open and what had fallen out was quite astonishing! "Aviator shut up for a minute"
"How dare ya!"
"Really, shut up, look"
I pointed to the rip in Violet's bag, what had fallen out were lots and lots of knives and forks and spoons? "What the?" Aviator said. Then we saw the boat started moving, and we weren't on it. "Aviator, the boat!" I screamed. We ran towards it as it sped up getting further and further away. Then we saw Violet up on the deck waving and smiling. The girl tricked us the little!
"The b****!" Aviator screamed. I felt like I was going to cry as that was our last chance of surviving, but I didn't, no way in front of Aviator, he's in a bad enough mood as it is.
Aviator started stomping back down the pier and I automatically followed. He grabbed his hand gun from his back pocket and started 'wasting' bullets by firing at Violet's remaining bags, if Violet is even her real name? At first I didn't think she looked like much of a Violet but after her and Aviator started making out while he was driving and possibly running over zombies the thought sort of escaped me.
I stood there staring at Aviator, he really had a bad case of anger issues, and for my sake it might be a good thing to sort out!
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4. Chapter 4
**Chapter 4**
It's been a few days and Aviator's 'clever' plan was to stay here till he thought of a better one, and I can't argue with that, I am just as stumped as him. Another thing is, he is pretty torn up about her. She really upset him, and he really loved her, I think, but oh well, I just got to hope he gets over her, then again I can't really say much, I would be heartbroken.
Days later our luck turned around, surprisingly, a guy named David arrived with his boat and said he was just trying to find somewhere safe to stay, and we told him about the place in Arizona and he said he would take us there, except the morning we were all going to head over there he turned in to a zombie so Aviator shot him, said it was good anger management for him, I wasn't going to complain at this point, I was just happy we have a boat.
It was a power boat, and luckily for us had a full tank of gas and a few extra tanks full of gas. Aviator was thrilled, lucky for me, and he knew roughly how to drive the boat. I think our luck is finally starting to look up!
"Aviator, can I ask you a question?"
"What ever I say you're gonna still ask me so, what is it?"
"What is your real name?"
"Why do you care?"
"I dunno, just want to know"
"I'm not tellin ya!"
"But why?"
"Stop whinin boy!"
"I won't unless you tell me"
"You really wanna go there Myles?"
"Err... no" I muttered. Aviator can be a lot more intimidating when he's annoyed.
med to know where he was going so I just followed and did what he said, I was like a lap dog to him?
We then crossed over Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi with a stolen car and more guns found on the way. America so far didn't seem much different to England, still a Ghost Country with a couple of obese zombies passing by every hour, Aviator loved every minute of it, weird but I didn't care.
We then crossed over Arkansas and Oklahoma in to Texas where we stopped off at a mini-market to find something utterly horrible.
"What tha hell are ya doin here!" Aviator shouted at her. He charged towards her and she stood in her four inch high heeled black boots sucking a lolly pop.
It was Violet, sadly. But she had another girl with her, well not girl, woman really, looked not much older than me and Violet. "Violet, calm down, you will scare the poor boys" she said in an angel voice. This girl, woman, looked 100% amazing in every way. She had dark brown curls resting on her shoulders, deep blue eyes that twinkled in the dim lights, perfectly rosy pink lips that looked too delicate to touch, pretty good cleavage and fantastic legs!
Aviator stopped to look at the woman standing behind Violet holding her arm in a friendly way. "Who are you?" Aviator shouted. "Sorry, I am Elizabeth, or you can call me Lizzie, I don't mind" she said in a beautiful English accent.
"How'd your two meet then?" Aviator, still furious to see Violet. "Lizzie here was living in New York, and I just stopped off there to do a little bit of shopping".
"Shat up!" Aviator screamed, "You stole my", "Our" I interrupted, "Stole our freakin boat ya little", "I advise you stop right there Sir" Elizabeth said walking towards us.
Violet followed Elizabeth, both of them walking completely different, Violet was like a catwalk model and Elizabeth was graceful and steady, like an angel. "So what are you both doing here then?" I asked hesitantly.
"Oh, Violet and I are going to Arizona. Violet has told me a lot about both of you, you must be Myles, am I right?" "Yes", "Oh good, and you are Hector or Aviator from what I have heard".
Oh my God, he is called Hector, no wonder he didn't tell me, a name like Hector defiantly does not suit the bad-ass image Aviator, I mean Hector, has created.
I sniggered, "Don't ya dare boy!" Aviator turned to me, his cheeks as bright as Violet's excessive amount of lipstick. I put my hand over my mouth to stop myself, as hard as it was, I would rather keep my tongue and be quiet!
"Well, Violet and I were just about to leave, you gentlemen are both welcome to join us, if you would like?" "What!" Hector and Violet both shouted together, "Sure" I said, all dreamy, I think I have just died and gone to heaven, actually that saying probably isn't a good one to use any more?
**Please comment!**
5. Chapter 5
**Chapter 5**
We arrived in South Carolina, Aviator seemed to know where he was going so I just followed and did what he said, I was like a lap dog to him?
We then crossed over Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi with a stolen car and more guns found on the way. America so far didn't seem much different to England, still a Ghost Country with a couple of obese zombies passing by every hour, Aviator loved every minute of it, weird but I didn't care.
We then crossed over Arkansas and Oklahoma in to Texas where we stopped off at a mini-market to find something utterly horrible.
"What tha hell are ya doin here!" Aviator shouted at her. He charged towards her and she stood in her four inch high heeled black boots sucking a lolly pop.
It was Violet, sadly. But she had another girl with her, well not girl, woman really, looked not much older than me and Violet. "Violet, calm down, you will scare the poor boys" she said in an angel voice. This girl, woman, looked 100% amazing in every way. She had dark brown curls resting on her shoulders, deep blue eyes that twinkled in the dim lights, perfectly rosy pink lips that looked too delicate to touch, pretty good cleavage and fantastic legs!
Aviator stopped to look at the woman standing behind Violet holding her arm in a friendly way. "Who are you?" Aviator shouted. "Sorry, I am Elizabeth, or you can call me Lizzie, I don't mind" she said in a beautiful English accent.
"How'd your two meet then?" Aviator, still furious to see Violet. "Lizzie here was living in New York, and I just stopped off there to do a little bit of shopping".
"Shat up!" Aviator screamed, "You stole my", "Our" I interrupted, "Stole our freakin boat ya little", "I advise you stop right there Sir" Elizabeth said walking towards us.
Violet followed Elizabeth, both of them walking completely different, Violet was like a catwalk model and Elizabeth was graceful and steady, like an angel. "So what are you both doing here then?" I asked hesitantly.
"Oh, Violet and I are going to Arizona. Violet has told me a lot about both of you, you must be Myles, am I right?" "Yes", "Oh good, and you are Hector or Aviator from what I have heard".
Oh my God, he is called Hector, no wonder he didn't tell me, a name like Hector defiantly does not suit the bad-ass image Aviator, I mean Hector, has created.
I sniggered, "Don't ya dare boy!" Aviator turned to me, his cheeks as bright as Violet's excessive amount of lipstick. I put my hand over my mouth to stop myself, as hard as it was, I would rather keep my tongue and be quiet!
"Well, Violet and I were just about to leave, you gentlemen are both welcome to join us, if you would like?" "What!" Hector and Violet both shouted together, "Sure" I said, all dreamy, I think I have just died and gone to heaven, actually that saying probably isn't a good one to use any more?
**Please comment!**
6. Chapter 6
**Chapter 6**
Violet drove in a magnificent yellow Porsche 911 Turbo, I know because I have always wanted one. I was in the passenger seat next to her, mostly admiring her grace, and Violet and Hector sat crossed armed in the back seats constantly arguing like a couple of toddlers. Every five minutes a new argument would begin and Elizabeth would then join in, mostly telling them both to shut it, but I wasn't paying attention to anything, I was lost in a world of Elizabeth.
Soon the children (Violet and Hector) fell asleep and I knew this was my chance to talk to Elizabeth.
"So, Elizabeth right?"
"Or Lizzie"
"Okay... Lizzie, where in England are you from?"
"London, my father owns a house and several acres near there"
"Wow, and your Mum?"
"My Mother died when I was young, my Aunt, her Sister, raised me to the age of twelve when I could look after myself, mostly because she couldn't have a child of her own and my Father was away on business... what about you?"
"Lived in Southampton in an apartment by myself"
"That sounds lovely"
"What do you mean lovely?"
"Well, my father is Clive Flynn, I am sure you have heard of him in the media, but he has always expected a lot from me and also expects I live a certain lifestyle, his idea of heaven, and my idea of hell"
"Your father is Clive Flynn... The Clive Flynn?"
"Yes, I am his daughter Elizabeth Flynn, and my mother was Rosa Flynn"
"Don't sound so surprised, he is probably rotting in some ditch in God knows where now"
"My Father was horrible, after my Aunt moved out when I was twelve, he would beat me when I couldn't live up to his standards, that's why I moved out as soon as I was eighteen, and now I live, or used to live, in New York as a fashion designer, except I use the name 'Rosa' instead... that's probably why you did not recognise me straight away"
"Yeah, that makes sense"
I didn't know what to say, if it was James I was talking to he would say man-up and ask her out on a date, but I have no experience in this area.
"Yes Myles?"
"You look really pretty", Oh My God, I am a complete Muppet! She will probably order me and Hector out of her fancy car because of such a screw-up I am!
"Why thank you Myles, you are most probably the first person to have told me that in a very long time", "Really?"
"Yes... I have... how should I put this... I may not seem like it, but I have an embarrassing phobia"
"Really? You can trust me; I won't laugh if that's what you're thinking!"
"Okay... I have a phobia called... called Aphephobia"
"What's that?"
"It's the fear of being touched, for me it's being touched by the opposite sex, so I am okay with Violet, but with you and Hector, if either of you touched me I would most probably freak out"
Fan-bloody-tastic, the girl of my dreams is scared to even go near me! But then again I am still pretty freaked out about being with her, almost alone. This is going to be a tricky next couple of weeks, if we live that long.
**Please comment!**
7. Chapter 7
**Chapter 7**
We just crossed the border from Texas in to New Mexico, Elizabeth seemed to know where we were going and me, Hector and Violet kept playing musical chairs as Hector and Violet couldn't stay too close to each other for too long. They are both such time wasters.
I spent most of my time admiring Elizabeth and her beauty from a distance, after she told me about her phobia it's been kind of awkward for us both to talk. I feel kind of bad for her, such a lovely young woman is afraid to live her life properly because of a stupid phobia that probably started off because of her crazy-ass dad.
Hector asked that before we go to the safe house that we go to Cliff's Amusement Park while we were in New Mexico and we all thought why not; the safe house hopefully won't be going anywhere.
We arrived at Cliff's early a few days later and it was fun. By then Hector and Violet were sort of together again, not much of a surprise really but me and Elizabeth were happy to see them both happy again. The couple ran off together God knows where in the park leaving me and Elizabeth alone, I knew, again, that if I had any better chance with her then now is the time.
"What would you like to ride first?" I asked her.
"Anything, you choose!"
"Okay, umm, how about the Cliff Hanger over there?"
We walked slowly together, it was a cold morning and Elizabeth was shivering slightly. I didn't know what to do, I didn't want her to be cold and I could give her my coat but then I would be cold, urgh.
I slid my coat off and handed it to her. "It's okay, you don't have to Myles", "No really, it's fine, I am a little hot anyway". No I wasn't, I was freaking freezing. I wanted to snatch my coat off from her but she wouldn't like me a lot after that so I just endured it.
She sat down in the ride seat and I helped her put the bar over her head and clip it in to place. I then did the same for myself in the seat next to her. I threw a stone at the button and I missed, and I threw about eight more before I actually hit the button and we started to move upwards slowly.
When we reached the stop I used every ounce of what I had to not scream, but when the ride rocketed down I couldn't help myself and screamed like a baby, I even grabbed Elizabeth's hand and scrunched my eyes tight shut. I felt so embarrassed when we reached the bottom and we moved up slowly again. "Sorry" I said pulling my hand out of hers.
She smiled with a little giggle, "its okay, I was a little scared too". I smiled too as the redness drained away from my cheeks. Elizabeth held her hand out again and I placed my hand in hers, just as we plummeted down again.
We then rode that ride twice, and then moved on to a ride called Falling Star, then one called Super Fire Ball and The New Mexico Rattler. They were all very scary rides and after a few go's Elizabeth started to scream as well, maybe she faked it or she was a bit scared too. On each ride we held hands.
After I realised that I was holding hands with her even though she had that weird phobia, I then asked her after we got off the Side Winder.
"Elizabeth, how come you were holding my hand, what about that phobia?"
"I don't know, usually when a man touches me I panic and run away, but when you touched my hand, I didn't, I did not feel like running away or screaming... something about you Myles seems to not scare me like the other men did?"
As thrilled as I was with what she said, I was also really happy that she referred to me as a man, which is the first time somebody has ever called me that.
**Please comment!**
8. Chapter 8
**Chapter 8**
After that we went in to the Fun House where we then sadly found Hector and Violet together... in the ball pit... naked? Slightly disturbing, but Elizabeth seemed to have a similar idea. She took me to another room down the hallway from the other two, in to one of those rooms with crazy mirrors that make you either fat or thin, tall or short, I have never liked those mirrors, but Elizabeth thought it was funny.
She closed the door shut and looked at me with a look that says 'I want you', but Elizabeth had her own sexy style of doing it, and I liked it very much.
I was stumped, I didn't know what to do! "Umm, Elizabeth?"
"I thought I told you to call me Lizzie... you bad boy!"
"Err, Lizzie?"
She walked towards me slowly, unzipping my coat that she was wearing. "W, w, what about your p, phobia?"
"I am not a virgin if that's what you asking?"
"No, but... umm, but your phobia, aren't you worried or something?"
"Oooh, Myles... you have such lovely hair, let me run my fingers through it!"
"Err, sure?"
She slid the coat off and stood by my side hugging my arm while running her delicate fingers through my hair. It felt so nice, like I was having my hair combed with feathers, but I was still confused, and utterly nervous.
"Eliz-... I mean Lizzie sorry, aren't you n, nervous?"
"Myles honey, I think you might be the one to cure my silly little phobia... now that shirt of yours is awfully in the way, I think I can fix that!"
"Umm, okay?"
She turned me round to face her and slid her soft, warm hands under my shirt, stroking my stomach slowly, and then lifted it up and over my head. "Lovely!"
I had to tell her, before this got way out of hand! But I couldn't think of what to say, this was a whole different side of Elizabeth, that I liked, that meant I had to handle it in a much different way.
"Lizzie, there is something I, I have to tell y, you"
"What might that be?" She giggled smiling brightly. She kissed my chest lightly, it sent shivers right through me, making this situation much more harder for me.
Her glossy lips then rose to mine and she kissed my passionately, my body froze, except my lips, they just moved automatically with hers. I loved every second of this, but I was equally scared too!
"I, I, I am, a..."
"A what?"
She lifted her white shirt off, not taking her dazzling blue eyes off of me. My gaze went straight to her breasts. I mean, Oh My God, even though Violet's were much bigger, this was the first time I had seen some in real life, so I was pretty happy either way!
She had a normal looking creamy coloured bra on, and it made her skin look more tanned, even for an Englishwoman.
"Would you like to do the honours?"
I knew exactly what she meant, and I wanted to, but I couldn't move my hands or my eyes which were glued to her. "Y, you can" I muttered.
As she was reaching behind herself to unhook her bra the door burst open. And of course it had to be a zombie, and not just any zombie... A FREAKING CLOWN ZOMBIE!
Life just couldn't be any better for me. It's like I am not supposed to be happy!
Elizabeth turned and screamed as it walked fast towards us. "Oh Crap!" I said as I grabbed her hand and pulled her behind me. Bad idea, I now had no shield from this, this... this thing!
Violet ran in to the door way and screamed, Oh Wow! She was topless, and wow those things must be fake! The zombie clown thing ignored her and came towards me, Elizabeth ran behind a few mirrors and to the door where Violet was standing.
"Where's Hector?" She asked in a rush, "He is... let's say he is a little busy". I really did not need to hear that.
Violet and Elizabeth disappeared leaving me with my worst nightmare! I get so close to finally losing it with the girl of my dreams and a zombie had to ruin it, trust this to happen to me!
A few minutes of running around a room full of crazy mirrors Elizabeth returned with one of Hector's shotguns and fired, but missed and hit a mirror.
"Lizzie, throw it to me, I have a better angle!" I shouted to her. She lobbed it at me and I didn't catch it, I missed it but picked it up before the clown thing got to it.
Violet and Hector arrived in the doorway fully dressed, except Hector had Violet's lipstick all over his face and neck, weird?
"C'mon boy!.. Shoot that Mother Fu!" "Hector!" Elizabeth shot a disappointed glare at him.
"Shoot that damn thing boy!" he then shouted. Would have been nice if he got a gun or some sort of weapon and helped!
I fired the shotgun and missed, just shattering another mirror. I had one bullet left, this is the downside of shotguns, they can only hold two rounds!
"What'd I teach ya boy!" Hector shouted again. I remembered back to the time he told me how to aim properly.
Breath in
Breath out
I did the four steps quicker than I wanted and got the thing right in the head, which exploded all over the mirrors, and of course me!
Yuck! I was covered in zombie inners, awesome!
**Please comment!**
9. Chapter 9
**Chapter 9**
It's been a two months since the little incident. And it's been great, Hector and Violet are married, me and Elizabeth are in love, she has overcome her phobia and I have finally lost it, she found it quite funny actually, not sure if that's a good thing or not?
We got to the safe house last month to find at least a hundred other normal people living there! So we are all safe now, I think things are finally looking up for me now!
Oh and guess what day it was when we got here... Christmas Day!
**Please comment!**
End file.
| Nightmares by danielle4590 | Zombie Survival Guide |
Homestead, Florida
**World War Z **fanfiction.
I do not own World War Z, but I hope to be an extra in the movie.
* * *
**Homestead, Florida**
**-The small room has no window, only a few bare pieces of furniture, and the door locks from the outside. When I ask the inhabitant what she thinks about it, she just smirks and turns back to her book. Tanya Kellings is a tall, broad woman; one of the heroes of the Homestead Air Reserve Base, but now she's kept locked in a prison cell in the very base she helped protect. "I don't mind being confined, really. Having walls around me helps remind me that I'm not on the run anymore," she says without emotion. "I don't have to keep saving people's asses from Zack."-**
When the Great Panic came we were unprepared and unaware. My sister and I were just kids; we didn't pay much attention to the news or what was going on outside. My dad was a computer programmer and my mom was a homemaker. None of us ever really liked the news, and we thought that Zack was just a hoax. Something like the old Bonsai Kitten thing except bigger. My sister didn't like to do much of anything except make clothes and dresses for people who would buy them, and I was too into sports to care about what was happening in the world. We had friends outside the family, but when the friends stopped calling I guess we just didn't care. You could say we were a bit socially retarded.
**-She smiles as if at an old joke.-**
We had food; had a house; had solar panels that went on automatically when the power finally went, so what was going on outside didn't bother us at first. I kept running around the block and started working out on my own when people stopped coming to basketball practice, so I was the first one to see them.
Zack. Zombies--the first of 'em. I guess they'd just finished raiding the Thompsons' house. Or eating them, I guess.
They must've heard me coming, because when I jogged by they came busting out of the front door like rabbits squeezing out of a hole. They wasn't fast like rabbits. They were slower than anything I'd ever seen, 'cept maybe my gramma. They walked in a slouch; slow and steady, but when they started moaning it sent a chill through my blood. None of my neighbors came outside; I guess most of 'em musta been gone by then or eaten. Maybe they were bitten and turned into zombies 'emselves. No one ever warned my folks, so when Zack came out I had no idea what was goin' on or what they wanted. But that smell! God, like the time I used a dead fish for my third-grade science experiment, but worse! It was awful.
I kept running; how was I supposed to know they'd follow me? But they did, slow but sure after me. I went twice as far's I normally did afore I figured it was time to go home, and I guess they musta found somethin' else to eat around there, because they never came back to my house.
**-She shrugs.-**
Maybe they were Quislings or something. It would explain why they never followed me home. I heard screaming from down the block; where I came from. I guess maybe whoever it was was eaten by the Zack I'd just brought. When I got home I told my parents and we immediately started boarding up the windows. Well, my mom and sister and I did. My dad couldn't really help much. His diabetes was really bad, and his legs were too painful to walk. The only thing he could do was work the radio, so since he couldn't do anything else he just kept trying to contact people. The rest of us bricked up the windows. Even though my dad was useless, he used to be a fixer-upper guy around the house, so we had plenty of supplies in the garage.
We used the instant cement and the leftover bricks from when we made the back patio to brick up the bigger windows; the sliding glass ones that were too big to put boards in front of, and we mortared up the rest of the windows when we ran out of bricks. We figured we were safe; the only entrance was the front door, and since it opened out we thought Zack couldn't get through. We could be kings of our neighborhood, safe from Zack and anyone else.
When we thought the house was secure, my mom and sister started moving stuff upstairs; food, water, supplies. We had big bottles of water that we used for the bubble-tops. You know, the five-gallon ones that the guy in the truck brings replacements for every month and switches out the empty ones? My mom started filling the empty ones up and taking the full ones upstairs. Ashley was putting curtains on all the windows; we didn't know whether Zack was gonna be gone by the time night came around, but we didn't wanna take any chances. Then Dad got a transmission that finally told us what Zack was, and we all started freaking out since it sounded like they'd taken over south Florida.
I got picked to go out and find my relatives. We had a two story, and my dad's older brother only had a one story, and two of his kids still lived at home, so I figured there was a good place to start. The only weapon I got was a few knives I liked to collect and a pool cue. The guy on the radio said that you could kill them by headshots. I think knowing that I was better armed than anyone else out there.
**-Her fingers clench as if around a long staff, and then she looks at me and flushes.-**
Sorry, sometimes I get caught up in the memory.
**It's okay. Please go on. **
My uncle only lived down the block, but it took me nearly an hour to get there since I was afraid that G was gonna pop up at any second. I freaked out at any little rustle in the grass, and I didn't really know that since the birds were still making noise everything was still relatively safe. It was kinda creepy, walking down the road, since there were no running cars anywhere.
I thought I heard a baby crying off in the distance at one point, but I didn't want to go check it out since I didn't really know if Zack could trick people by making baby noises. I was too paranoid. But it kept me alive. When I got to my uncle's house they almost shot me. They knew what Zack was, but didn't know whether I was one or not. I guess I must've looked pretty frantic, peering in through windows looking for them.
They were all there; my uncle, his wife, the two daughters Tess and Belle that still lived with them, and my other cousin Jan and her husband Rick. They'd gotten married and had kids; a set of twins only a few months ago. Rick's clothes were dark and stained brown. When I asked where Mike and James were, my aunt slapped me.
_She _slapped _me_.
**-Tanya gestures at her face.-**
I ain't a pretty woman. I ain't small, either. And I'm usually pretty damn scary. My aunt was maybe this big.
**-She holds her hand out to indicate a height of about five feet.-**
And she slapped me. She told me not to ask about the kids again, and Jan started crying. Then I asked about the dog, and my aunt calmed down a little. "We had to put her down," she said. "She was barking too much."
I looked out back and saw a freshly-turned pile of earth I hadn't noticed before. That poor dog.
Then I remembered that we had to leave; that my parents were waiting.
We packed up what food and supplies they had, and we left. It took less time to get back to my house than it had to get over there, because we were running half the time. It was going to get dark soon, and I needed to find my gramma before then.
When we got back to the house my aunt and cousin-in-law started in on what windows hadn't been finished, and my mom and Ashley got to rest. Then I went back out to find my gramma.
**-Tanya smiles grimly.-**
Wasn't long before I found her. She was even closer than my aunt and uncle was. She didn't answer when I knocked on the door to her apartment. My uncle's car was out front; I thought they were maybe hiding in the bathroom, hoping Zack wouldn't find them.
I broke down the front door to get in. I didn't know it was gonna attract more of the bastards. I found my gramma locked in the bedroom with my uncle. He was mostly gone by then; the only reason I knew it was him was 'cause of that Snoopy shirt. It was the only thing that hadn't been ripped off.
I had to kill my gramma. It was tough; I loved that old woman, but when she reached for my arm with her mouth held open, I stabbed her with the end of the pool cue. It went right in through her eye socket, and when I jerked it around she dropped. I think I was in shock then. I didn't move for a while, and when I realized it was dark out it was too late. Zack was piling through the door like crazy, moaning, and me with my stupid little pool stick could only stab and stab and stab until it broke. I barricaded myself in the back balcony; you know, the ones with the screen porches?
I thought I was gonna die. Die or become one of them. But I was gonna go down fighting. I waited for them to break the glass open--I didn't think about breaking through the screen in the back. I was a stupid little bitch, so I just waited for them to come in. I looked over once at the bird cage she'd kept out there; the birds were gone, and the only thing left were little splashes of blood in the cage. Poor birds.
The glass was starting to crack when Zack started falling. Someone was hitting them from the back, but they were too focused on me to care. When there were only three left, I broke the glass myself and took them out.
It took a few minutes to realize that my saviors were my cousin Adam and his girlfriend Emily. I hadn't known that Emily could swing anything, let alone a fireman's axe, but half the split skulls on the floor were her kills. The others were from the light sledgehammer Adam had.
We hugged and kissed and then left to get back to my house. The streets were pitch black, and everything was dark without the streetlights. We were spooking at every shadow, and by the time we got back to my house it musta been close to dawn.
But we didn't find a house. Not a fortress. A ruin.
While I'd been off playing hero, Zack showed up en masse and surrounded the house.
My dad was eaten almost immediately. He couldn't move, and by the time enough zombies were killed to get to him, all that was left was a huge bloodstain on the couch.
My mom and my uncle G were now Zack, dead on the floor at my sister's hands. Everyone else was upstairs. They'd destroyed the stairs like the radio broadcast had said, and we were stuck downstairs.
They hauled us up using ropes made out of ripped bedsheets, and when we got upstairs...
Ashley and my cousin Tess got bit.
We had to kill them.
**-Tanya looks haunted, but there is a fierce look in her eyes all the same. Denial?-**
We knew we had to leave. Obviously our "fortress" was nothing of the kind. We had no choice. We loaded all of our food, supplies and weapons into backpacks, brought sturdy clothes and water, flashlights and medication. We knew we weren't going to need blankets in Florida.
Then we headed south. Rick said that there was an old castle there; something called Coral Castle, and that we could easily make it into a better fortress. Something to hold off a siege of zombies. It took us a week to get there; it was sixty miles south, but we didn't really have to worry about Zack. Everyone was heading north, not south, and the southbound freeways were pretty clear. We found a bike store that had been broken into already, and we took what bikes were left. It was only seven of us; there were more than enough bikes.
Giles' Castle wasn't worth shit. It might have been once, but the walls were barely ten feet high, and there were openings everywhere. One of the best gates--a nine-ton block of rock--had been concreted open, and there was no new source of material or the means to move it to finish the damn walls.
But one of the reasons we chose that location was because our backup destination was less than two miles away. Homestead Air Reserve base.
It was abandoned by all but a skeleton crew, all aircraft and most vehicles gone, but supplies were everywhere, and we managed to create walls between several of the main buildings and hangars within a few days. We teamed up with the skeleton crew and were able to make a manageable safehouse. More refugees didn't arrive until three days after we had, and we had to carefully check them for bites and execute those who were bitten.
Then Zack came, and we managed to hold them off for a long time with the stored guns, ammunition, and weapons left in the base. We started letting them through an opening we created in the gates one at a time, then we killed them as they came. When the Army finally came back a few weeks later, we were still going strong and killing zombies.
The refugees coming in were fewer and fewer, and one day they just stopped altogether.
**-After a parting handshake from Tanya, I am allowed out of the cell and am led back to the guards' office. The man on guard duty nods at me once. "Can't be too careful with her, man," he says quietly. I sign next to my name, under the heading of Homestead Air Force Base Prison. Then I look over the charges one last time. TANYA KELLINGS: CONVICTED OF MASS MURDER OF INJURED AND REFUGEE UNITED STATES CITIZENS.-**
End file.
| Homestead, Florida by Hiron Otsuki | Zombie Survival Guide |
Zombie guide
Zombie guide
The most important rules ever if you want to survive the zombie take down
rule 1 :be prepared I don't give a dam if you don't think there real because the wise man will be prepared for everything and if they do became reality then who is the guy having his brain eaten hmmm maybe the idiot who doubted me
rule 2:don't be afraid of zombies:zombies have lost there sense of fear so really its not going to help much if your scared of them because they cant be scared of you and if you freeze up near a zombie the zombie is going to nom nom nom on your yummy brain
rule 3:use your head to cut of theirs: really if you just be the dumb ass-hole you have no chance out there. better off just shooting yourself in the head to save yourself from the pain of being eaten. The main advantage for us really is our brain yes zombies eat them but we use them to solve puzzles and other stuff so at least try to keep your brain ok?
rule 4:always keep some melee weapons because what if your walking down the street and you ran out of ammo and guess what your surrounded by zombies what are you going to do use your magical powers to kill them all? (don't use a katanna why because they need training in order to use them and there fucking giant so no katannas)
rule 5:you need tight clothes and short hair main reason your hair could get jammed in the door and bye bye human world hello zombie world also if you have long hair it could block your eyesight a lot so short hair ok? plus with the tight clothes you don't need anything else really
rule 6:use the stairs to get up then destroy the stairs i don't give a fuck what the movie's say there brain functions are limited to hunting eating killing and the other senses so they cant climb
rule 7:get out of a car and onto a bike(if in a city or hugely populated town) why because most likely there will be abandoned cars in the streets blocking your way and a car wont even get through that shit cars are only good for long distances like going to another city or to the country in a local area HELL NO besides cars make noise that attract zombies and bikes make very little ok?
rule 8: keep moving,keep low and stay alert really self explaining
rule 9:no place is safe only safer in the zombie take down no where is really safe and if your town,city,state or country has been taken over by zombies the best place to go is the countryside like near farms or maybe even space if possible(you will need a LOT of supplies)
rule 10:zombies may be gone but the threat lives on if the zombies around the world are gone don't party be alert I mean in the movie 28 days later zombies are gone but those two kids are still infected but there immune except they just carry it so if someone has even a bite just kill them kill everyone on this planet if they even a tiny bit of infection left and burn everything that touched a zombie also kill everything that has rabies or mad cow disease or just don't eat that cow because those two virus's could start the whole zombie takedown all over again
Zombie Attribute and Physical Capabilities.
really this part of the guide tells you what zombies are capable of because if you don't know these then your screwed and I'm going to blow your brains out in the movie's they say some zombies have special powers like they can fly or have super strength yada yada well they don't really they are just like humans excpet for the fact they are dead well duh also however fast a zombie could walk when they were humans shows how fast they can walk when there a zombie so really a zombie cant gain more power than when he or she was a human and because there dead they don't really have any motor skills any more like climbing jumping so always go up as high as you can in a zombie invasion a zombie sight is just as good as a humans and they see as far as we can but for some reason have great night vision so they don't really hunt during the day but they still do try to stay away from dark places as much as possible also the one way they can tell the difference between humans and zombies is through your body movements like humans are so full of like and we are fast and joyful while zombies are stiff kinda creatures not like a robot but still stiff and because they don't use there sight as much as we do there other senses have developed like a blind man having better hearing then normal people it has been said that they can smell alive flesh for then a mile away so try to stay away more than a mile if possible the main advantage they have over us is that they cant feel pain so if you try to hack it in the stomach then thats not going to be any good or amputating the other limbs because they wont need anything in this world but there brain the survive so if you come across a zombie don't hurt it KILL it and thats just shit for us because if we get hurt or stabbed we will cry like shit and cry out in pain and then your screwed so one for zombies zero for humans zombies are only hungry and all they want is to eat your flesh they don't care about sleep,thirst they don't get hot so all they want is your brain of flesh so if the day comes move around as much as possible during the day and stay put during the night a safe spot then go
how to kill a zombie
now we have come to the most important part of this guide so here it is
basically destroying a zombie sounds simple guess what its not it is really hard because the only way to kill a zombie is to blow his brains out and zombies don't require what we do so they don't need anything but there brain a common mistake people make is that you need to set a zombie on fire not really because they fire wont hurt them it will kill them in a set amount of time and since they travel in hoards they will run into other zombies and set them on fire its one things to have a zombie army coming for you but its another to a flaming army of zombies coming towards you so as I mentioned before all they need is there brain so do whatever you can to destroy that brain shoot hack it slice it or hell even bomb his head but you must be careful when using a melee weapon on a zombie because there blood will squirt out and it will infect you so as one of the rules say wear tight clothing no armour just long sleeved shirts and long paints also try to wear a mask if possible or even better a gas paint-ball mask and really being infected defeats the purpose of killing a zombie so once you pawned that sucker by destroying its brain burn the whole zombie to avoid being infected because a virus can survive only for 48 hours after losing its host so don't let another person get infected plus viruses cant stand blazing temperatures and don't touch that zombie with your skin because then your a zombie and I will kill you and also here are a few stuff that I would carry(weapons) I would carry a pistol,a shotgun,a machine gun a few melee weapons like a machete or a baseball bat(metal) or even a knife also carry these tools a crowbar a hammer and a bolt-cutter also you must always carry supplies well duh!
A lot of people will do the wrong thing so here is a list of the top ten things not to do
1:Do not follow a crowd really just don't go to the first place you think of because chances are other people will think of this too like gun shops,NO HOSPITALS,a market,a mall,a school really where ever there are more than four to seven people
2:no chainsaws,katannas or flame-throwers why because i already said earlier in the guide why no katannas so look there chainsaws are heavy and need fuel why no flame-throwers because fire and zombies are not a good thing for you because since they cant feel pain they wont even care about the pain until they burn to death so how ever long it takes for them to burn they will come for you like a horny fan girl chasing a hot as superstar
3:don't hesitate to attack,they wont if you think that you can talk your way out a zombie attack then go f yourself a lot of you think that zombies can feel emotions or talk well they cant if you became a zombie and you had feelings would kill anyone or tell them your not evil?.A zombie will kill you whenever they have the chance just like bunnies(I think?)
4:armour does not make you zombie proof: if you have a suit of armour or something because armour is heavy and if you fall over zombies fill go on top of you and they will get through that armour somehow and then your going to be a zombie with armour making it hard for other people to kill you and save humanity so its a lose for everyone
5:Melee weapons may not need reloading but only using them means your just a giant turd in a toilet waiting to be flushed because eventually you will need guns and melee weapons to survive this shit
6:don't rely on vehicles get some running shoes cars are fucking awesome when heading into the country but useless in a city you will need the shoes man trust me
7:don't be alone but don't go with too many like just go with a crowd of 4 to 6 why well everyone would know the more people the more danger your in also if you get a group make sure they all have special talents that they have like one person is amazing with building stuff or some else is a doctor or maybe even a hunter also you will go insane by your self with everyone dyeing around you
8:SHUT THE FUCK UP: I know that sounds like shit but if you talk like little school girls all the time you will attract zombies and you will die simple really
9:don't be scared but don't be a idiot and underestimate them you need to get rid of your fear but if you think that just because there slow and dumb that you will win i mean if you don't know that they cant feel pain you will die I'm so sorry but you will die and i mean in a movie we all want the ass hole to die first
10:THEY HAVE NO RIGHTS if you think that just because they where humans they have rights then go into a hole and die Once someone is a zombie just kill them I would kill my parents if they turned into zombies they would want me to kill them so don't either be a wimp or kill the monsters what will you pick(the wimps will die in a horrible fashion)
thanks for reading this guide I hope to see you in the future when we are running for our lives from zombies but if your a zombie I will kill you no questions asked
End file.
| Zombie guide by doctorwho733 | Zombie Survival Guide |
Immaculate Snow Fragile Haven
With blind fear she ran through the woods. There was nothing left there for her, but plenty were following, she was sure of it. She wasn t sure how long she had been running. Every nerve in her body was pleading with her to stop, but she was more afraid of the consequences if she were to rest, for even a moment. Well, at least the snow had stopped falling, and the wind had died down a bit. She was sure to run in the direction of immaculate snow. No sign of life (she couldn t help but laugh to herself) was a good sign. Nothing had been this way yet. Thank goodness for the snow , she thought to herself. It was the only alert she needed. They were clumsy, shambling masses to begin with and the snow only slowed them down even more. She had a tendency to let her mind wander, even though in this circumstance, it could be deadly. She knew well enough she had to stay focused if she wanted to live to see the next day. But then what? There was no way of telling when this nightmare might end. If it would ever end. . .
Suddenly, everything went white. Lost in her own thoughts, she was careless and didn t notice the fallen sapling sticking out of the snow. She stumbled over it and had landed face first into the soft white powder. Dazed from the impact, she pushed herself up and for the first time, regretted second guessing the jacket. Then again, when your only shelter from not only the harsh winter, but also from your friends and family and everyone else in town gets breached, the thought of slipping on your parka before making a desperate flee tends to escape the mind.
As she pushed herself up from the frozen ground, a small gasp escaped her. There was a slight smear of red where she had fallen. Her breath quickened as she recalled where the blood had come from. The cold had hazed her memory slightly, but she would never be able to forget the screaming of the loved ones she was unable to save. Shaking off the thought and cold, she shuttered faintly and pushed herself up into a crouching position, ready to get moving again, when suddenly she heard something coming from the direction she had been running in. Frozen this time by fear and not the harsh cold nipping at bare face, she could only stay still and hope whatever was making the noise would go away. She heard the noise she had come to know all to well. The faint moaning and shuffling that haunted her subconscious and denied her sleep for nights at a time. The moaning and shuffling that was followed by clawing and banging. The noises that turned into panic as glass was heard breaking, and led to the desperate cries of her loved ones as she escaped through the attic window. She forced herself back into the present as the stumbling moans grew closer.
She sprung to her feet and began running again in her current direction. Suddenly, she was atop the hill on the edge of the forest. Looking out over the field below, she saw a house. A hunting lodge, perhaps. No place was safe for long, but it was better than nothing. Hopefully there was someone with a taste for something other than flesh hiding inside, someone who could help her. Suddenly, something grazed her forearm. She looked to the left of her in horror as a man sunk his pallid fingers into her pale flesh. He was gripping her feebly, trying to pull her back as she shook him off and screamed. She began to run down the hill as more of the putrid things gathered after her. She had yet again gotten careless, and as she looked at her grazed arm, she realized how close she had come yet again to meeting her fate. A few stumbled down the hill after her, and she noticed a woman stumble and slide down the hill past her. Even with a broken arm, the woman stood up unfazed and tried to climb back up the hill at her.
She was almost at the bottom when she came across a patch of ice and lost her footing. Faltering, she fought to retain balance, but gravity won and she also went tumbling down the rest of the way to the bottom of the hill. She was greeted by the woman with the broken arm, lunging after her. The others were almost at the base of the incline themselves. The girl picked herself up and got her footing, shoving the woman back and made her way to the field. It was good and flat, and she knew she could easily outrun them to the cottage. There were only about four or five chasing after her, so she figured she could handle them once she got inside the lodging.
As she was surefooted and sprinting towards her new shelter, she heard a noise come from under the snow. She stopped dead in her tracks, ignoring the lumbering danger closing in on her. She took another step and heard the horrifying noise again. She felt as a new type of terror crept up on her, as the current ones were creeping as well. As they got closer, the crackling sound grew louder. She now knew the extent of the situation she was literally on thin ice. As the decaying ruins of what were once people drew closer, she decided to make a run for it. As she turned away from them to run, the ground from under her began to give way. She saw an older man with half of his face missing fall through the ice first, and he brought another portly man with deep lacerations on his throat and stomach down with him. Ahead of them were the young man who grabbed her back atop the hill and an apparently middle-aged woman with a severely wounded leg. They continued towards her and she stood as still as she could, hoping the ice under her would hold long enough for the other three corpses to fall into the freezing water. The woman with the broken arm stumbled onto the frozen pond and shambled right into the newly formed trench in the ice. She clawed uselessly at the edge of the ice, trying to pull herself back up, all while staring longingly at the girl.
She looked in horror as the young man shuffled carelessly at her, as the ice could be heard giving way beneath his dead and dragging feet. He slipped on the ice and went crashing down, knocking the middle-aged woman down, and sending her sliding across the brittle pond towards the girl. The soulless shell of a woman tried to get to her feet, but could not gain the proper traction. If she was not stunned into fear, the girl might have even found the whole scene humorous. The two remaining moving bodies where almost pitifully attempting to crawl after her, but were making no head way, due to the slipperiness of the ice. Finally, the woman started to crawl towards her, and the young man somehow got to his feet, only to lose his balance again and fall, crashing through to the deep and dark water. The woman with the broken arm had gotten herself halfway up on the ice miraculously, when suddenly her good arm broke off from her body. It was still clutching desperately onto the surface, as the rest of her splashed back into the depths.
Only the woman and girl were left on the surface of the ice. The girl got on her hands and knees and started to crawl away. She was crying now, for she knew that if the ice didn t give way first, then the woman would catch up to her. And what if the ice did give way first? Were the others below the surface waiting for her? She stopped briefly and stared at the bare ice below her, inches from the cold as death water, knowing that it harbored hell, and was waiting for her. She was startled backwards and fell off balance as the face of the man with lacerations stared up at her through the ice. She could see him clawing away from the other side at her. A few inches of frozen pond were all that were keeping her alive right now.
In her moment of bewilderment, a grip colder than the ice she sat on closed in around her wrist. A scream broke the silence of the early February morning, as the two bodies broke the surface of the girl s fragile haven. She felt the ice give way, just as she felt the cold water rushing in around her and swallow her screams. The hand that gripped her wrist was still colder than the dark water, and the girl knew she was staring death in the face. The assimilated bodies closed in on her as she thought for the last time. The dead know nothing of fear, of the cold. They do not know of the beauty of nature, or the feeling of hope. They know only of hunger. She pitied them, for even though she faced death by their hands, she was able to get lost in her thoughts for the final time. She embraced the cold and the fear, as she saw the light of the surface slowly slip out of reach as they dragged her down into the abyss.
End file.
| Immaculate Snow Fragile Haven by Arsenious | Zombie Survival Guide |
1. Prologue
Breakout by Androidfish7
It was a long, starry night. Year 4045, and Byron Winger and his friend, Michael Green, were at the local bar, just chatting it up. The friendly bartender emerged from the kitchen. "What can I get for you?" He said. "Just a couple drinks" Byron replied, as the bartender turned on the television as he went to pour a couple of glasses. "It's a bad night out I hear" Michael said, but Michael was making a bad understatement, as the news crew on the television begged to differ. "In more news tonight, it appears that 45% of Los Angeles was swept by the infection, killing or badly wounding and eventually killing them all. It seems that this is the N-5 Virus returning, as scientists have observed it to be. We currently have a team stationed at a Los Angeles airport, let's send it to them." the reporter said, as the camera shifted to a crew, who might have been in L.A, but they were not at an airport, and they were disorganized. The reporter looked very distraught. "IT'S HELL OUT HERE! YOU CAN'T EVEN WALK THROUGH THE STREETS WITHOUT THOSE INFECTED BLOODSUCKERS GETTING A PIECE OF YOU! THEY KILLED CHERYL! SEND HELP PLEASE!" The reporter screamed to the camera, as a rabid hissing sound, followed by a banging sound, was heard nearby, as the reporter turned in horror. "Oh no... They found us" The reporter said, as the cameraman was apparently tackled, because the camera fell to the ground, and deathly shrieks were heard, as a trickle of blood appeared in front of the camera. The camera shifted back, but the bartender shut off the television. "Try to forget what just happened" the bartender asked. "Look! More of them!" Michael cried, as it appeared that 12 or 13 zombies, they identified, were heading right for the bar! "Take out your weapons! Let's get out of here!" Byron said, as Michael and Byron scrambled out, but not before Byron turned to the bartender. "Come on! We have to get out!" Byron exclaimed. "No way, I built this place and paid for the land, I'm defending it" the bartender replied, as he took out a Highlander double barreled shotgun. Byron took out a Five Seven, a simple semi automatic pistol, which would have to do. Michael took out a Dragunov SVD that he had just used for hunting a few hours before. "Change of plans Michael, we're defending" Byron said. "Copy that" Michael said.
2. Fed up
Breakout by Androidfish7
As the zombies bore down on the group, a few breached the front door. Byron picked off a few with the Five Seven, and Michael went outside and picked off a few incoming zombies with the Dragunov. The Bartender ran outside and, against his own advice, ran right in front of a couple of zombies and blew them apart with the Highlander before needing to reload. It had appeared the group had defeated all the zombies, but as they began to settle down, they heard a menacing roar, and out of nowhere, a MASSIVE zombie with long bones and huge arms came sprinting from behind the bartender, as it ripped the bartender in half in stunning fashion with it's long arms. "OH #$%!" Michael yelled, as he retreated into the bar. Byron then got an idea. He took out a walkie talkie. "Eustace! I have $20, please drive your bus down here! We are in urgent need of evac!" Byron said. 10 seconds later, the walkie talkie cheerfully replied "Eustace here. Keep your money, I'm bored with nothing to do. On the way". (Eustace in the future drives a city bus around the city). The Titan then broke down the weakly built door, and entered the bar. Byron and Michael scrambled to escape the bar. Byron fired off a few Five Seven shots, but all this seemed to do was make the thing more pissed off. "We gotta try to start a train!" Byron said, as they conformulated a plan. Byron kept running away while firing off Five Seven bullets, while Michael gave cover fire with the Dragunov. This, after about 5 minutes, seemed to slow the Titan down. "Where are you Eustace?" Byron yelled through the walkie talkie. Out of nowhere, an RPG shot came and blew the Titan to oblivion. "Right behind you" Eustace replied, as the bus doors opened. "Get in, let's go!" Eustace yelled, as there were now about 40 zombies dawning on the group, as the RPG shot had obviously attracted them. Byron and Michael boarded the bus, as Eustace closed it and drove away.
After about 5 minutes of silence, Byron finally decided to speak "Thanks Eustace, you really saved us there" Byron said. "Anytime, your father has saved me on many occassions, as did your father's father. I have a feeling you'll wind up growing up like your father. Or your father's father. Who knows?" Eustace said with a smile. "It's becoming obvious to me that I'll need to make it to Blake and Karie in order to fight these Demons" Byron said. "Well, I know of a way, but it'll require getting your hands dirty" said Eustace, as he revealed the methods they'd have to undergo.
_2 hours later:_
The group came upon a small house on a farm. "Well you 2, we're running a little low on gas. You guys go into that house and look for some, and I'll stay here and defend" Eustace said, as Byron took out the Five Seven and Michael took out the Dragunov. Byron also had with him a Kukri (a small, sharp and deadly knife). "Michael, no shooting unless there are a lot of them" Byron commanded, as they left the bus. "Stay in touch" Eustace said, as he held up the walkie talkie. Byron and Michael walked into the farmlands, and no sooner had this been done then had they attracted the attention of about 4 or 5 zombies. "Should we shoot?" Michael whispered. Byron took out the Kukri. "No, just get ready to fire if I take out the Five Seven" Byron said, as he sliced the head off of one zombie, cut the guts out of another, and jammed it into another zombie's eye before he lost grip of the Kukri. Worried, Byron, for a short time, considered taking out the Five Seven, but was saved when Michael approached one of the zombies and rifle butted it with the Dragunov so hard that it's head came right off. the last zombie lunged at Michael, but Byron ripped the Kukri off of a dead zombie and plunged it into to the back of the other zombie's head. "Split up, you go into the barn, I'll head into the house" Byron said, as they split up. Byron entered the house, and immediately identified several buckets of gas, which Byron estimated would be 20 gallons of gas, enough to keep them going for awhile. Byron grabbed 2 buckets and began to head down to the bus. He greeted Eustace at the bus. "There're several more buckets, I'll be making a few trips to bring them here" Byron said, as Eustace agreed. Meanwhile, Michael had entered the barn, but what was in the barn was a menacing sight. There was carnage everywhere, blood all over the floor, human body parts everywhere, and blood on the ceiling, blood on the walls, even blood splattered all over the animals there, which, strangely enough were just fine. Michael then pieced somethings together. "There couldn't have been this many people living at this place, and the animals are fine, so there weren't any animals slaughtered here, what is this mess?" Michael wondered, before he heard a sound Michael grabbed the Dragunov with 2 arms. "Whoever the #$% is there, you'd better not be trying to play some stupid joke on me, or I will destroy you." Michael said, but from behind, Michael heard a voice. "Well, well what do we have here?" the person from behind asked. Michael turned around and searched for the source. Another voice from behind him said "It looks like we have a visitor". Michael whirled around, sweaty hands and scared, as he looked down the scope of his Dragunov, but found nobody. Then a voice from behind him said "You should never have come here. You know our secret. Now we have to kill you" Michael then ran for the door to leave, but found that the door had somehow been sealed shut! Michael ran to a corner in the barn, so he could see everything around him. He spotted 2 figures advancing towards him. Michael aimed down his scope at one of the people, but they both dodged the shot with unbelievable speed. "Who are you?!" Michael asked. "We are not people to mess with" One of them said, but at that moment, the door was busted down, and Byron stepped in. "Michael we have to get out of here now! This place is a Cannibal farm!" Byron exclaimed, and now, Michael could see the 2 people clearly. While they were stunned by Byron's charge, Michael looked down his scope and picked off one of the people right in the head, as the other person took out an automatic assault rifle that neither Byron nor Michael could identify at their distance. Seizing an opportunity, the person grabbed Byron and held the assault rifle to his head. "Whoever the #$% you are, you'd better do what I say or your friend's gonna get it!" he threatened. Michael then dropped the Dragunov and held his hands up. "That's right, hands nice and high. Now, you're gonna tell me why you're here, and you'd better do it quick. By now the rest of our family has had to have made it down to your transportation" the person said with an evil smile, but no sooner had this been said, than did gunfire come from the door. It was Eustace with a MP5 SMG, as his shooting was perfect, as the person fell dead and Byron was unscathed. "these people are nuts, like 10 of them approached my bus with Assault Rifles, and demanded I come out. Well I wasn't gonna be their bitch and come out, I grabbed this MP5 and gunned them all down in 1 clip, now come on, let's load the gas buckets onto the bus." Eustace said, as they got to it.
3. Giant Spider
Breakout by Androidfish7
As the day dragged on, the group finally loaded all the gas onto the bus. "Alright you 2, final step. I'm gonna pour some gas into this bus, and while I do so, you go loot the dead bodies for weapons, it looked like they carried good assault rifles" Eustace suggested, as Byron and Michael did as instructed. Michael went up to the barn to loot the 2 people killed up there, while Byron stayed near the bus and looted the 9 people Eustace had killed. "Eustace these people didn't have ammo for these guns" Byron said in disappointment. "That's alright, take the guns, we're coming up on the main part of town, the National Guard armory is bound to have some ammo for them" Eustace said, as Byron picked up 1 Colt M16A5 (future, you know), an XM8, and an MP7, which happened to be a rare 9MM Mod, meaning instead of the .50 handgun bullets an MP7 fires, this MP7 fired 9MM handgun ammo. The rest of the weapons were either damaged beyond repair or "junk" according to Eustace. Michael returned a few minutes later. "There're zombies crawling all over the place, drive!" Michael said, as Eustace finished pouring the gas into the bus, and they boarded the bus. Eustace then began to drive the bus, as they said goodbye to one of the sickest hellholes they hoped to never to see again. Byron then took out his cell phone. "You have that thing on you and you never thought to maybe call the Police?!" Michael exclaimed. Eustace then contradicted Michael. "Those infected #%ers overran the local police station about 3 days ago, killing every cop but one, and I am pretty sure 1 cop couldn't have really helped us" Eustace said. "Damn" Michael replied. "Quiet for 1 minute you guys" Byron said, as he used voice command on his phone. "Call Blake" Byron said, as it dialed Blake's cell phone number. Blake picked up.
_Blake: "Hello Byron"_
_Byron: "Blake, there's been a terrible issue and we need your help" _
_Blake: "Byron, I will come to you, but I am currently in the middle of a vampire eradication mission in Forks, are you in desperate need of help?"_
_Byron: "Well, no, we can hold out for awhile longer, how long until you can make it here?"_
_Blake: "I can't say. I can send Karie or someone else to your location, if you'd just tell me where you are"_
_Byron: "Whoever you want to send, send them to Carson City, Nevada, and tell them to get here quick"_
_Blake: "Absolutely. Blake out."_
Byron then told Eustace and Michael what had been said. "We're about an hour away from Carson City, I hope we make it there before whoever Blake's sending." Eustace stated.
_Carson City:_
A Stealth Chopper flew over Carson City, Nevada, and a rope was thrown down. Immediately, Karie left the copper and slid down the rope to the ground. Well armed and armored, Karie took out an RPD LMG and had packed an FN P90. Karie scanned the street and the sidewalks, and found absolutely no signs of life, as the Chopper flew away. "Wonder where Byron and friends are" Karie wondered, as Karie began to worry that they might have been killed by zombies. But Karie had little time to think of that, as a massive, Spider like zombie moving in at ridicuously fast speed dashed in at Karie. Had Karie not noticed and made a quick maneuver, the Spider would've taken off Karie's head. Karie jumped out of the way and opened up on the Spider with the RPD, but even after 1 clip, this thing was still going strong. Karie could not afford to take the long time an RPD requires to reload, so Karie threw the RPD to the ground and took out a speedier FN P90, as Karie aimed and fired off an entire clip at this Giant Spider, but even after a clip, this thing was going strong, and other zombies around began to notice the gunfire. A small, but noticeable, horde joined the Giant Spider in pursuit, as Karie quickly reloaded the FN P90, and Karie fired at the smaller, easier to kill zombies, killing off about 1/3 of the horde in another clip, but the zombies began to multiply. Karie then began to worry about the task at hand, as there were now about 90 or so zombies along with a Giant Spider all hungry and angry. At that moment, Eustace's bus drove into the scene, flattening about 10 or so zombies. Eustace immediately spotted Karie. "Michael! You get to the Armory and load the Assault Rifles! Byron, you help me help Karie! Go!" Eustace said, as he took out his MP5 and Byron took out his Five Seven, and Michael took out the Dragunov, and they all leapt off the bus, as Eustace began to open up on the horde pursuing Karie, and Byron fired at the Giant Spider, while Michael met little resistance, what with it all heading towards the others, on the way to the Armory. Michael quickly opened up the door to the armory, as he grabbed some 5.5 MM Rifle bullets, and placed them into the M16, while grabbing others for reloading, as he left the XM8 and MP7 at a desktop. Michael rushed outside, to find that the Giant Spider had attacked and badly wounded Karie, but had not killed anyone yet. Michael aimed at the Giant Spider and emptied 30 rounds into the Giant Spider, and this wasn't enough to kill it, but it turned it's attention off of Karie and into Michael, as it began to sprint for Michael now. Eustace, who was still firing at the Giant Spider, issued a command to Byron. "Go, get Karie on the bus now!" Eustace ordered, as Byron helped Karie up to her feet, as they boarded the bus. "Thank you sweetie" Karie said, as they both sat down. "Byron! This isn't nap time! Get out here!" Eustace yelled, as Byron handed Karie the Five Seven for defense, as Karie traded Byron the FN P90, as Byron rushed outside, picking up the RPD Karie had dropped. Michael emptied another M16 clip into the Giant Spider before entering and locking the door to the Armory. The Spider turned around and began to rush for Byron, who was firing the FN P90 at it. As it got farther away, Michael left the Armory and began to fire the M16 at the Giant Spider, as Eustace kept firing the MP5 at it, while Byron kept firing the FN P90 at it, and finally, the Giant Spider fell dead inches before making contact with Byron. Eustace breathed a sigh of relief. "I'll go tend to your mother, you and Michael go to the armory and load up those guns good, got it?" Eustace said, as they both followed Eustace's command. However, when they reached the desktop Michael had left the XM8 and MP7 on, there was nothing. The guns were gone.
4. Wraith
Breakout by Androidfish7
"Where could the weapons be?!" Michael exclaimed. "I don't even know where you put them!" Byron exclaimed, and at that moment, Eustace buzzed Byron's walkie talkie. "Hey, keep your voices down, we might not be alone!" Eustace harshly whispered, as he buzzed out. Michael and Byron scrambled across the building, but could not find the XM8 or the MP7. About an hour later, Eustace buzzed in. "Byron, you 2 still alive? If so, come out, we'll have to forge on without the guns, it's getting late and I don't wanna be trapped in the dark." Eustace said, as the 2 left the building. They boarded the bus and were off. "Eustace, is anything wrong with Karie?" Byron asked. "Yup, Karie's leg is shattered to beyond hell, looks like Karie's a sitting duck, no offense" Eustace said as Karie nodded. "Well, where's the nearest hospital?" Byron asked. "About a quarter mile away getting annihilated by the undead, and I don't suppose either of you are qualified doctors" Eustace said, as Michael interrupted. "Au Contraire Eustace, I am qualified to perform over 30 different kinds of open heart surgery, and I'll be damned if I can't help out Karie" Michael said, as he held out an ID Badge proving he really was a doctor. Eustace smiled. "I knew you'd come in handy someday" Eustace joked. Karie then took out and began to load the RPD as they approached the hospital. "Whoa, you're not shooting anything on that leg" Eustace said, as Michael and Byron agreed. "I'd rather die fighting than die as a burden to the group" Karie contradicted. "A little late for that, so guys, here's the plan. I want Byron operating that M16, I'll be using the MP5, and Michael, you carry Karie into the hospital where we'll work from there. Any questions?" Eustace asked, and getting no questions, he then said "Alright, here's our stop, remember, only fire guns if there's no way out. If you can, rifle butt them or find another quiet way" Eustace said, as the bus came to a pit stop. The group left the bus, doing as planned. They were approached by about 15 or so zombies. "Screw melee, open fire!" Eustace said, as Eustace and Byron began to open up on the horde. "Into the building! Go!" Eustace commanded, as they picked off the rest of the horde and entered the building. Eustace fired onto the zombies that were entering the building while Byron ran around looking for directions. Of course, Byron discovered they'd have to go all the way up 16 floors to make it to a place where they could cure Karie. Upon telling Eustace this, the group ran up the stairs. "That's it, time to fight" Karie said, taking out a Five Seven from her pocket and began to pick off some zombies that pursued the group. On the 3rd floor, the group ran into a problem, as there was a massive zombie awaiting them at the top floor, it had about 10 or 11 tentacles and it had a massive head. "Look out! Wraith! (name of this massive zombie)" Eustace yelled, as this alerted the Wraith, as it began to give chase to the group, along with about 20 zombies to follow it, as the group continued to run upstairs. They made it to the 11th floor when they encountered about 5 zombies blocking the stairway. Eustace and Byron opened fire and killed them pretty quickly, but the Wraith, moving at blinding speed, using it's long tentacles, took a shot at Karie and connected right in the head. "Move! We're getting beaten up here!" Michael yelled, as the Wraith retracted it's tentacles to take another swing, Eustace and Byron finally made it upstairs, and Michael was able to evade the blow, preventing further harm. After a long time of running, the group eventually made it to the 16th floor. However, with the Wraith hot on their trail, they had to turn and fight the onslaught. Michael set Karie down on a hospital bed and barricaded the door with a nearby overturned mobile bed, as the group turned to fight the Wraith, as Michael took up a Dragunov. The Wraith entered moments later, as it lunged at Eustace, but Eustace, having seen it coming, lept out of the way, and fired a clip of MP5 at the Wraith, which looked to barely harm it. The Wraith then lunged at Michael, who took a lucky shot and blew the Wraith's large head off with a Dragunov bullet. The Wraith slumped to the ground and fell dead. "Score one for the quick scoper! Woo!" Michael cheered, as the group began to relax. "Get in there and do what you can. Byron and I will stand guard." Eustace said.
5. Titan
Breakout by Androidfish7
About 3 hours later, Michael left. "In addition to the broken leg, Karie also suffered a severe concussion from the blow from the Wraith dealt. I have used some Morphine A24 and Nerotonin 2, and I have slipped Karie to unconsciousness, however, I will need one more important supply to aid the broken leg." Michael announced. "What would that be?" Eustace asked. "I need a Bone Synthesizer kit, found only at the National Guard Armory we last visited. After that, I will successfully be able to repair the broken leg." Michael said. Eustace loaded his MP5 and turned to Byron. "You're coming with me, grab that M16 and let's go" Eustace said, as they grabbed all the necessities they'd need. They departed the hospital and immediately upon leaving the hospital they were ambushed by another massive zombie. They were ambushed by another Titan zombie, and Eustace' RPG was still in the bus. "Open fire!" Eustace ordered, as the Titan ran at Byron and swiped, barely missing, as Byron fired an M16 clip at the Titan. Eustace fired off an entire MP5 clip, but this thing meant business, as it emitted a loud roar, which attracted every zombie within a mile to the spot. " #$%! We gotta move! Cover me while I start the bus!" Eustace yelled, as Byron began to taunt the Titan, in order to take it's attention off of Eustace, and it worked, as the Titan got angry and charged Byron. After about 20 more seconds, the bus roared to life. "Come on! Get on!" Eustace yelled, as Byron ran into the door just in time to dodge the Titan. At that point, the zombies attracted by the roar began to appear, and they were multiplying, just as Eustace and the bus began to move. "That RPG I mentioned has 4 rockets left, I want you to get rid of 'em" Eustace said, as Byron grabbed and loaded the RPG in the bus. Byron went to the back of the bus, opened the back door, and aimed, and fired a rocket. The Titan dodged the rocket, but it killed about 10 zombies in 1 blast. Byron mainly wanted to hit the Titan, so Byron reloaded the RPG, now having 3 rockets left, as Byron aimed at the Titan. This shot also missed, killing a lot of zombies in the process. 2 rockets left, as Byron reloaded, and aimed for the Titan. Byron fired and missed the Titan, this time, not hitting any zombies either. Byron loaded the last RPG rocket and fired at the Titan, finally hitting it and blowing it apart. "Nice accuracy" said Eustace, as he rolled his eyes, and Byron shut the back door, as they began to speed away.
_Meanwhile, at the hospital:_
Michael gaped in horror out the window, as it looked like 60 zombies were pouring into the hospital. All Michael had was a Dragunov sniper rifle, no good at taking on such a large force. All of a sudden, Michael spotted a Giant Spider entering the hospital. Michael then got an idea, as he ran back to the hospital room, just as Karie began to wake up. "Shhhhh... Play dead, there's too many of them" Michael said, as he hid under the hospital bed, and Karie took some blood Michael had stored in a glass jar from the leg wound, and splashed it all over to make Karie look more dead. At that moment, the Giant Spider entered the bedroom. The Giant Spider searched all around the room, and sniffed Karie, trying to determine if the body was alive or dead. Karie was so scared at that moment, but still held composure, not giving anything away, and the Giant Spider, suspecting nothing, left the room, but also left the door open, as about 5 more zombies entered the room. They did roughly the same things as the Giant Spider, but pretty much just roamed around, until 1 zombie began to catch on, as it stood in 1 area next to Karie for a few minutes, examining the body and smelling the blood Karie had dumped. Just when Michael thought their cover was blown, the zombies left the room, and went to another floor in the hospital. Karie opened an eye very briefly, inspecting the room. "Psst, Michael, toss me my RPD" Karie whispered, as Michael creeped out from under the bed, then stood, sure the danger was gone, for now, as he grabbed the RPD. "You can't fight on that 1 leg, and I don't know how to operate heavy machine guns, so let's not go nuts with a Five Seven and a Dragunov". Michael said, as he put the RPD down and they pondered what to do next.
6. The YALE
Breakout by Androidfish7
_Back to Byron and Eustace:_
After the group reached the National Guard Armory, they saw something very odd. "Are those... Teenagers?" Byron asked, as they saw a group of what seemed to be teenagers, armed with assault weapons and explosives fighting an ever growing horde of zombies. "Aye. But whoever they are, they won't make it long with all those zombies out there" Eustace agreed, as they stopped the bus and emerged, armed, to aid the group. Eustace opened up on the zombies with the MP5 and Byron with the M16, and it drew enough of the zombies to them where the group of teenagers were able to get into their Honda, as it appeared to be, and drive away. Now there were about 40 or so zombies to Eustace and Byron. "Hahahaha, you know what to do!" Eustace said, as they opened up on the zombies with their weapons and finished the entire pack in 45 seconds, as Eustace had been keeping track. "Not bad!" Eustace said. "Now, who were they? How did they know how to operate the weapons they had?" Byron asked. "I don't know, but whoever they were, they're safe because of us." Eustace said. Byron then noticed something. "Look, over there" Byron said, as a small card lied on the ground. Eustace and Byron approached it and Eustace picked it up. "It says 'Alex McAfee, head of the Y.A.L.E'. Byron, this guy is 15 years old." Eustace said. "More importantly, what does Y.A.L.E stand for?" Byron asked. "Hmm, I think it's some kind of group. Any group that gives teenagers weapons like that and sends them out in a van they're not qualified to drive is a group that's completely stark raving mad." Eustace said. "Alright. Now, let's find the bone synthesizer and get outta here" Byron said. On the way to the National Guard Armory, they saw about 5 or 6 zombies eating a body voraciously. Byron took out a Kukri, and Eustace took out a Kris knife, and they carved up the group silently. Then they noticed something weird on the body. "Oh. My. God. Byron, do you see this? This is the body of a teenager! And it's got the same card as the one that person dropped!" Eustace exclaimed, as Byron reached down and grabbed the card from the corpse's shirt pocket. "It says this card belongs to 'John Kurt, a peon of Y.A.L.E'." Byron said, as he flipped the card Byron then saw something astonishing. "Look! It says 'Y.A.L.E, power from the youth keeping the streets safe!'" Byron exclaimed. "Well, that means the 'Y' must stand for Youth" Eustace reasoned. After they put the decapitated corpse down and slipped the card away, Byron and Eustace proceeded into the National Guard Armory.
_Back at the hospital:_
"This place isn't safe, no way those 2 make it back in time" Michael whispered to Karie. "Well what do you propose we do?" Karie asked. Michael picked up the RPD. "I am gonna roll this hospital bed down the handicap stairs, and I am gonna hand you an RPD. Cover me while I roll you down the stairs" michael said. "Are you crazy? That plan will never work. We clearly cannot be sitting ducks but we cannot go that route you speak of. Do you have any experience with blades?" Karie asked. "Yes, why do you ask?" Michael asked, as Karie took out a backpack Karie had packed RPD 7.5 MM Rifle ammo in. Karie pulled out a long, but deadly blade. "It's a Nodachi, here (hands Nodachi to Michael) go clear the room. Just the room, then come right back" Karie said. "Alright" Michael said, as he left the bedroom, and was approached by 5 zombies just shambling at Michael. Michael took out the Nodachi and cut through them easily, then checked the rest of the floor. "All clear" Michael whispered. "Then we'll just wait here for Byron and Eustace" Karie said.
_At the National Guard Armory:_
As the group entered the Armory, they approached another group of teenagers with weapons. "Excuse me young folks..." Eustace started, but no sooner had this been said, than did the teenager point a Colt Python at Eustace's head. "Shut up and give us all your weapons" The person commanded, as the other 4 Teenagers raised assault rifles, which looked like XM8s, to Eustace. Eustace then made a maneuver, as he swatted the Colt Python away and grabbed the teenager, and held him as a human shield, while holding an MP5 to the teenager's head. "Anybody #%ing BREATHES the wrong way and this kid gets it!" Eustace yelled, as the group cowered. "Wha- what do we do Commander?" One of them asked. Byron acted quicker, raising the M16. "You lay your weapons to the ground before your 'Commander' gets killed!" Byron ordered, as the group dropped the XM8s. "Now, kick them over to Byron!" Eustace ordered, as the teenagers did as told. "Anything else?" Byron asked. The teenagers each took out their own Colt Pythons and tossed them over to Byron. Eustace picked up the Colt Python the Commander had dropped. "Funny how the tables can turn eh? Now get out of here!" Eustace demanded as the group began to flee. Byron picked up the 4 XM8s and 4 Colt Pythons and put them in his backpack. "That group? Do you think they worked for the Y.A.L.E?" Byron asked. "Undoubtedly, I took that Commander's ID Card, it says 'Jackson Mullen, Y.A.L.E Commander, so this is some SERIOUSLY #$%ed up group. Either way, we got plenty of good weapons the others can use. Now, we must find that bone synthesizer. To the search!" Eustace said.
7. The Damned Duo
Breakout by Androidfish7
_Back to Byron and Eustace:_
"Hey Byron! I found a bone synthesizer!" Eustace said to Byron, as Byron examined it. Indeed, Eustace had found a Bone Synthesizer. "Before we go, we need to go the Armory part of this building. Believe me, these people had guns before it got overrun" Eustace said. They approached the armory about 2 minutes later. Eustace, using nifty skills and a small hairpin, picked the lock. "Holy crap! Would you look at that!" Eustace said "Wow! Amazing finds Eustace! I guess we should just load them up in the backpack!" Byron said. "Well, these are a whole lot better than the crappy Pythons we got today!" Eustace said. what they were all hopped up on, was the fact they had looted a Barrett M82A2, a .45 Wildey Magnum, which is a semi automatic magnum, they had also looted the awesome-est thing of all, which made Eustace and Byron nearly crap themselves. "Holy #$%! I didn't know the National Guard knew how to operate a GAU 19!" Eustace said (A GAU 19 is a minigun, considered to be one of the greatest weapons of war of all time), as Eustace began to do a small celebratory dance. "Let's get going Eustace" Byron said, as they loaded their loot into Byron's backpack. Then Byron began to wonder, as he asked Eustace a question. "The M82A2 and GAU 19 both take 12.7 MM Rifle Ammo, are you sure we have enough of that?" Byron asked. "I know for a fact we have enough of that. Now, let's go to the hospital" Eustace said, as they got into the bus.
_Back to Michael and Karie:_
"When will they get back?" Karie wondered, as the Morphine A24 began to wear off and the pain of the broken leg was slowly returning. Michael then picked up his cell phone. It was Byron. Michael talked with Byron for a bit. "That was Byron, they got amazing gear out of the National Guard Armory, and they have the bone synthesizer." Michael reported. "Good, then maybe I can be of some kind of use" Karie replied. All of a sudden, a loud roar was heard in the distance Michael looked out the window, and cringed. "OH #% !" Michael sharply whispered. "What's wrong?" Karie asked. "It's a Titan!" Michael said. "Oh! Byron and Eustace have no idea! They're gonna get killed, because there's also a Giant Spider! Call them and tell them!" Karie exclaimed, as Michael did as instructed.
_Byron: What's up Michael?_
_Michael: Byron! There is a Titan and a Giant Spider waiting outside the hospital!_
_B: Oh crap! If only we had a GAU 19 to fight them!_
_M: Well we don't have a GAU 19! Even if we did, it's gonna annihilate you if you just confront it!_
_B: We looted a GAU 19 out of the National Guard Armory, we can handle it_
_M: Don't! That thing is durable as hell, and Satan probably kept them as pets! Whatever you do, find a strategic way of approaching it! But that thing can smell human targets from miles away! I think it's on to our presence as well!_
_B: Calm down Michael. We're on our way._
_M: Alright, bye, good luck_
_Back to Eustace and Byron:_
"A Titan and a Giant Spider they say?" Eustace asked. "Yes, looks like we're gonna have our hands full" Byron said. "Are you kidding me? Full? There is about a 10% chance that we all make it out alive! I don't think we can handle it" Eustace said. "Maybe, if we can get into the hospital through the backdoor, I can give Karie the bone synthesizer, and we can get some aid there" Byron said "Forget it, no way we make it to the hospital without commencing the fight. Maybe, though, I can distract the 2 with my MP5 and buy you some time" Eustace said. "Eustace, they're both pretty fast, and, well, no offense, but you're pretty old" Byron said. "Old you say? I turned 18 during the Spanish-American War. Yes, I'm old, but I have experience with these things, I am still physically fit, I can buy you enough time." Eustace said. At that point, they spotted the hospital. "Alright, here's the plan. I am gonna drop you off right here, we are both gonna get out, I am gonna run towards the hospital and fire off a few MP5 rounds. That should draw their attention. Then you go through the backdoor, deliver the bone synthesizer, and get back out here, and we'll all fight." Eustace said, as Byron agreed. Eustace rushed out and fired off a few MP5 rounds, and, as planned, this drew the Titan and Giant Spider. "Come on you #$%ers" Eustace said, as Byron took up the bone synthesizer and dashed into the hospital. Eustace then climbed on top of the bus. "How about it? Can't get me up here!" Eustace announced, as the Titan roared and the Giant Spider merely turned around and darted at Byron. Hoping to piss off the Giant Spider, Eustace fired a few MP5 shots at the Giant Spider, but to no avail, as the Giant Spider entered the hospital. Byron had made it to the 16th floor, and the Giant Spider was at the 11th floor. "Oh Byron, you're alright!" Karie said. "No time, that Giant Spider is only a few floors away" Byron said, as he applied the Bone synthesizer to Karie's leg. "Give it about 5 minutes to work" Byron said, and Eustace had finally drawn the Giant spider's attention when he fired the MP5 at the windows of the 11th floor, as the Giant Spider exited, via the windows, and climbed down the wall and rushed at the bus. "Hey dumb ass, you still can't get me!" Eustace said, as he fired MP5 shots at the Giant Spider, to weaken it for the others, and the Giant Spider could've easily crushed Eustace, but it was too stupid to realize that it could just climb the bus and attack. 5 minutes later, Karie stood with some uneasiness. The pain of the broken leg was still existent, but the leg was no longer broken. "Good enough for me, toss me my RPD" Karie said, as Michael gave over the RPD. Karie pointed at the Giant Spider out the window. Upon realizing there was life inside the building, the Giant Spider darted towards the building, and tried to climb the building. "Itsy Bitsy Spider, die!" Karie yelled, yet, after a full 150 round clip of the RPD had been fired, the Giant Spider still came strong. To halt it's advance, Karie slammed the window shut, and reloaded the RPD very quickly. The Giant Spider punched through the window, and began to attack.
8. Carley
Breakout by Androidfish7
Karie ran out of the room and slammed it shut. The Giant Spider attempted to ram the door down, and had it down in 3 strikes. Then, Michael fired at it with the Dragunov, and Karie fired at it with the RPD. Luckily there was enough room to run around to try to dodge the Giant Spider's attacks. The Giant Spider first rushed at Karie, and struck, but barely missed when Karie jumped out of the way seconds before contact. Michael was busy trying to aim for it's head, but the Giant Spider was simply moving too fast. Then, the Giant Spider turned it's attention to Michael. At that point, Byron re-entered the room with the acquired GAU 19, and, after locating some 12.7 MM Rifle ammo Karie kept in the backpack, Byron began to undergo the long and painful process of loading the GAU 19 (One of it's few downsides). The Giant Spider took a stab at Michael, but Michael did a rare and lucky thing, as Michael reflected the blow with the Dragunov. Karie continued to fire the RPD at it, and Byron finally got the GAU 19 spinning, as it began to fire it's mass clips of 450 at the Giant Spider, and after 450 rounds, the Giant Spider was a big pile of nothing, shredded by the bullets. "Nice work!" Michael exclaimed, as Byron began to reload the GAU 19.
Meanwhile, Eustace kept MP5 fire on the Titan, as it tried several ways to reach Eustace, but failed each time. At last, the Titan had climbed on top of the bus, as it lunged at Eustace. Eustace jumped off the bus, and found this was a mistake, as Eustace landed very hardly on the concrete ground, andslowly got up, and found that running was hard, given that Eustace had just landed on the leg very hard. Just when Eustace thought he was screwed, out of nowhere, some gunfire came from behind the Titan. Being as stupid as the Titan was, the Titan turned around, as did Eustace, and they both saw a middle aged- woman firing 2 Glock 17s at the Titan. "Run! While you can!" She cried out to Eustace, as Eustace, seizing the opportunity, sneaked back into the bus, as he signalled for the woman to enter the bus. After doing so, they both took a minute to catch their breath. "Name's Eustace, who are you?" Eustace introduced. "Worry about that later Eustace, the Titan is still alive." was the response, as Byron, Karie, and Michael left the hospital. The Titan immediately pursued the group, but Byron shredded it with the GAU 19, and Karie with the RPD. "This GAU 19 rules!" Byron said, as the Titan fell dead. "Come on! Every zombie within a #$%ing continent will have heard us!" Eustace said, as the group boarded the bus, and they were all immediately astonished by the presence of the new person. "Um, hi there" Karie causally greeted the person. "Sorry about my sudden appearance, but i heard a lot of gunfire going on, so I came over to help out, i saved your friend Eustace's life" the person said. "What is your name?" Eustace asked. "Name's Carley, pleasure to meet you." Carley responded, shaking Eustace's hand. "Karie. This is Byron, and that is Michael" Karie introduced, shaking Carley's hand, as Eustace got the bus moving. "Where you headed Carley?" Eustace said. "Anywhere but that damned Y.A.L.E building, those kids nearly killed me" Carley responded, as Eustace and Byron perked up. "What is the Y.A.L.E?" Eustace asked. "It stands for Youth Assosciation of Law Enforcement, it's some group of about 20 or 30 people aged 13-18 that 'patrol the streets for danger'. Before the apocalypse, there were about 80 of them, to give you an idea of how poorly they run things. I was looting in the nearby market, when about 4 of them approached me with Pythons and demanded I fork over my things. I shot and killed 3 of them, but then one of them shot me with a tranquilizer dart and I came to in their agency. Luckily, right before they were gonna kill me, a Giant Spider showed up and killed the ones who had brought me in, and the others were so distracted, that I was able to get away. Then about 2 hours later, I heard the gunfire, and I thought it was more Y.A.L.E kids, so I moved in to try to fight them, and it was you guys, so I came in and helped fight the Titan. All I've got are a couple of Glock 17s, and I am running very low on ammo." Carley replied. "Don't you worry about ammo, or weapons, we've got a little cache going now, go to my backpack, we have 9 Colt Pythons we took of those kids, take what you want" Eustace offered. "Thanks, will do" Carley replied, as Carley grabbed 2 Colt Pythons and stashed them away. "So, where you headed?" Eustace asked. "Oh, I had nowhere I really needed to go, my life's been pretty much destroyed, my house has been annihilated, my family has been killed, immediate and far distance, and I think I am the only member of the Storm family left" Carley said in sadness, as Karie perked up a bit. "Storm family eh? My maiden name was surname before I got married" Karie stated. "Yeah? Interesting." Carley said. Michael and Byron then chuckled a bit in the back of the bus, as Karie turned around. "What's funny?" Karie asked. "We were just talking, and, what if you 2 happened to be related?" Byron asked. "I doubt it" Karie said. "Hmm, the only name I can think of related to Karie, was my great grandmother Karen, who was quite the bad ass, as I recall, infact, Karen might actually still be alive. I haven't heard from Karen, though, in a very long time. Oh well. Anyways, I don't really have much place to go, but I guess you could drop me off near the mall, I've been meaning to loot there for awhile now" Carley stated. "Nonsense, we cannot dump someone like you on the streets. You helped us a lot, and could wind up being an asset, will you stay with us?" Eustace asked. "Wow, I'm honored, of course I'll stay with you guys" Carley stated, as the bus drove off into the sunlight. "Well this is great and all, but where do we go?" Byron asked. "We're coming up on an old, run down motel where we can stay for awhile, I believe it's called the Engine Inn? We'll see, but it's about 50 miles away, rest up, you guys have earned it" Eustace said.
9. Brian and Adam
Breakout by Androidfish7
On the drive, Eustace finally pulled up on the Engine Inn, the place where they planned to stay for awhile. Despite Byron's resistance, Eustace wanted the group to get a few days of quality rest until they finally made the push to the Portal to The Heavens where they would be safe for the apocalypse. "Alright, here's the plan, Byron and Michael set up defenses around the Inn, try to manage with some adbandoned cars, they'll do us well. Karie, you and Carley check our ammo, make sure our guns are locked and loaded, and I'll (grabs MP5) keep watch for anyone out there." Eustace said. "Or anything" Carley added, as they got to work. About 2 hours later, Eustace heard some rustling in the bush. "Hold it right there!" Eustace yelled, grabbing the MP5, as it alerted the entire group. A minute later about 5 or 6 teenagers emerged from the bush. "It's Y.A.L.E Agents!" Carley exclaimed, but these teenagers did not appear to be armed. "May we speak with the leader of this group?" One of them asked. Everyone then turned to Eustace. "Well, I guess you all think of me as the leader, so, alright then" Eustace said, as he whispered to Karie "If anything goes sideways, have your RPD ready" Eustace said, as the teenagers and Eustace met up. "That girl, Carley I think is the name? We have a price on Carley's head, set by our Y.A.L.E Leader. We were wondering if you'd accept payment to peacefully give us Carley" The lead teenager said. Eustace stared at the teenager for about 5 seconds before he stabbed the teenager with his Kukri, and the other 4 held up Colt Pythons to Eustace. Instantly, RPD fire killed 2 of the teenagers, and one of them grabbed Eustace and held a Colt Python to his head. "Don't nobody move!" said the teenager. Karie took a second, aimed, and blew the teenager away, as the other one tried to run away, but Eustace gunned him down with the MP5. "That aughta send those #$%ers a message" Eustace said. "Why'd you stab the teenager? What'd he say?" Carley asked. "Nothing. Don't worry about it. But we may see more of them later on" Eustace said. Karie then decided, with the M82A2, to take watch, and Eustace would set up beddings and help Carley with the guns. Later that night, Karie spotted something in the M82A2 scope. "We got company" Karie said softly to the others, as Eustace picked up the MP5, and Carley took out 2 Colt Pythons, Byron took out the M16, and Michael took out the Dragunov. It actually turned out these were not hostiles. "Whoa, slow down there" someone said. "Show yourself!" Karie yelled, standing up on the top of the bus, and M82A2 in both hands, as 2 people came from the forest nearby, hands in the air. "We don't want any trouble, we just came here in search of something" One of them said, as Karie placed the tip of the M82A2 on one of their heads. Eustace walked forward. "What do you want?" Eustace asked. "We come in search of some ammo for our guns! We ran into a Titan that wiped out half our group and we barely got away, we badly need ammo" one of the guys said. "Forget it, we may have a lot of ammo, but we have a lot of guns to use the ammo" Eustace said. "We can offer you a trade. We can offer ourselves as people to help defend your fort, and we have food we can offer" one of the guys said. Eustace turned to the others. "What do you guys think?" Eustace said. The answers were mixed, Karie and Byron both agreed on not letting them in, and Carley and Michael agreed on letting them in. Eustace then took a minute to think. "How muck food? How experienced are you with our weapons?" Eustace asked. "I, for one, was a Corporal in the U.S Army, and my friend here was a Chef before the apocalypse really started gripping the world. We have about 3 weeks rations" the person said. "What are your names?" Eustace asked. "I'm Brian, and this is my friend, Adam" Brian said, introducing themselves. "Alright, we can allow you to stay with us" Eustace said, as Karie and Byron clearly disagreed, as Karie rolled her eyes and Byron looked uneasy. But Carley stepped forward to shake their hands. "Name's Carley" Carley introduced, as they shook hands. "Your friend's a Chef eh? We can put him to good use." Eustace said. Then Briant took out his weapon, a M21 Sniper Rifle. "I need ammo for this, and I have a Gerring HP that needs ammo" Brian said. "Sure, we have plenty of 7.5 MM Rifle Ammo we use for Karie's RPD, and plenty of .32 Handgun ammo we use for Karie's FN P90. I'm sure Karie won't mind sharing" Eustace said. "Uh, which one's Karie again?" Brian asked. "Wow, not too attentive? To be a Corporal in the U.S Army? Odd. But the Zombie Apocalypse does that to you I guess. Karie's over there (points to Karie) and that's Carley (points to Carley)." Eustace replied, as Brian approached Karie. "What do you need?" Karie asked. "I need to use some ammo for my M21 and Gerring HP" Brian said. Karie tossed Brian a box of 800 .32 Handgun bullets and a box of 600 7.5 MM Rifle bullets. "Don't waste them, you're gonna find out, I hate sharing. Seeing as though I have an HMG and an SMG, they're a little more important to keep properly loaded than a rifle and a pistol." Karie identified. "Thank you m'am" Brian replied, as Brian walked away. All of a sudden, Karie perked up. "There's someone out there!" Karie cried out, and Eustace looked in the bushes. It looked like there were 10 people trying to sneak up on them.
10. Depictions
Breakout by Androidfish7
"Open fire!" was shouted, as a bunch of Y.A.L.E Agents emerged from the shadowy bushes, armed with FN FALs, as they opened fire on the camp. Karie picked one off with the M82A2, Byron began to load the GAU 19, Eustace took out and loaded the MP5, Michael took out and loaded the Dragunov, and Carley picked off an Agent with the Colt Python. Carley then ducked to what was thought to be cover to reload, but an FN FAL shot hit Carley in the arm, then another one hit Carley in the leg, as Carley fell to the ground. Brian quickly rushed to Carley's aid, with a med kit. "We've got wounded!" Brian yelled out, as Brian quickly carried Carley to real safety, as Carley was blinking in and out of unconsciousness. Brian took out some field dressing. "This is gonna hurt like crazy, but only for a few seconds, just hold still and keep calm" Brian assured. Meanwhile, Eustace picked off an agent with the MP5, as he yelled to Byron. "We don't have all day with that thing! Come on!" Eustace cried out. Byron finished reloading, and began firing the GAU 19, but the accuracy was too poor to hit any of the Agents from far distance, as they all ducked to cover. "RPG!" Karie yelled out, as Karie jumped off the bus right in time to dodge a lethal RPG rocket. Michael then picked off the RPG gunner with the Dragunov. "Good night mother #$%er" Michael taunted, as Byron put the GAU 19 away and took out an M16. All of a sudden, the remaining Y.A.L.E Agents (4) took out AA12 shotguns and charged the camp. One of them approached Michael, who responded to the immediate danger by rifle butting the Agent, and knocking the Agent unconscious. Eustace gunned one of the Agents down before there was any chance of danger. Byron, however, was not so lucky, as the Agent approached Byron from the side, and fired 2 AA12 shots into Byron's legs and arms, knocking Byron down and seriously wounding Byron (the AA12 is VERY powerful). "Byron!" Michael yelled. Brian looked up, and spotted Byron. "More wounded!" Michael yelled, as Brian ran over to help Michael pick Byron up, and they brought Byron to safety. Karie quickscoped one of the remaining Agents, completely annihilating the Agent, and the final Agent was subdued right in time when he caught Karie off guard, coming in through the side, but Adam ran from behind the bus and put a Gerring HP bullet right in the Agent's head. Karie looked up startled, as Adam laughed. "You owe me one!" Adam said. "Shut up Adam" Eustace said, as they tended to their wounded. "Those #$%ing Agents are crazy" Eustace said. "Well, we got them. Can't be too many left, crazy teenagers" Karie responded, as they approached Carley and Byron. Carley appeared to be recovering, but Byron did not. "I slipped Byron to unconsciousness with Morphine A24, but the Nerotonin-2 is not working, only halting death. We need some kind of Blood Bank, Byron has lost far too much blood and I fear we have to amputate on this mutilated leg" Brian said, as Michael examined Byron for a solid 5 minutes. "Well Michael? Is this alibi solid?" Eustace asked, as Michael looked up. "Yes. It is." Michael said, to the astonishment of the group, other than Brian. "I have a plan. On the way here, I spotted an overturned Blood Bank Van about a mile away from here. We'll have to go via bus. I am gonna take 2 people with me." Eustace said, as Karie and Michael volunteered. Eustace turned to Michael. "I'm gonna need you and Brian to stay back and help tend to Michael and Carley" Eustace said, as this forced Adam to come, since Carley could not due to rest. "Good, we will leave in 10 minutes" Eustace said, as Eustace entered the bus to get it started. Karie then took out a small journal, notebook like book. "I found this at the hospital, while incapacitated, we may wanna look at it" Karie said. The cover said "Welt Storung" which must have been the title. "That's German for 'World Disorder'" Karie explained, as Karie read the interior. It read:
_Welt Storung, by Master White_
_In the year 4045, the forbidden shall re-appear_
_For those that shalt ask, shalt not be near_
_Death, the once forbidden serum, now becomes a sought out drink_
_However, for those minds proficient at the art of think_
_The one year the world shalt truly sink_
_4046, and on the New Year's Dawn_
_A new, lethal, and most appalling zombie shalt spawn_
_If 'Tis hath not been properly dealt for_
_Spawn, the center of destruction's core_
_The Black Titan shalt appear_
_Twice the size, nay, thrice the size of the Overseer_
_The weapon, forsaken to man_
_Must be acquired to shine light_
_On the once forbidden sphere_
_Or shalt Heaven's doors become a ban_
"I couldn't, for the life of me, understand what half of this meant, but I am pretty #$%ing sure it's not good" Karie surmised. "I understood it perfectly, except for the sphere part, but basically, there's gonna be a new zombie in 1 day, called the Black Titan, and this thing is gonna be 'lethal' to put it simply" Eustace replied. "Blake would like very much to see this. I'm gonna pocket it this, anyone else lemme know if you wanna see it" Karie said, as Karie went to go get ready for the journey. Adam grabbed the Gerring HP, and boarded the bus, as they were ready to go to the Blood Bank.
11. 2 Enter, 1 Comes Out
Breakout by Androidfish7
"Come on, it's 12:58 A.M, the Dawn of the New Year! I don't wanna be sitting ducks for the Black Titan!" Eustace said, as Karie and Adam boarded the bus, and it roared to life. About 2 minutes later, the group approached the overturned Blood Bank Van. "I hope it hasn't been licked clean" Adam commented. The trio then turned the Blood Bank on it's front, as they opened the trunk. There, the blood was actually, strangely enough, untouched. "Perfect, we need Type O Blood, that's Byron's blood type" Karie said. They looked around the bus and came up with 14 Gallons of Type O Blood. "Think we have enough? Hehe" Eustace said, as they loaded it into the bus. After that, they arrived back at the camp with the blood. They were approached by Brian. "Good news, an amputation won't be necessary, but the leg is broken beyond what any bone synthesizer can do. Byron won't be able to walk normally again." Brian said. Eustace, Adam, Karie, and Brian helped unload enough of the Blood out of the bus. They began to insert the blood, when, all of a sudden, Eustace felt a drop of water. "It's raining outside" Eustace said. "Yeah, so?" Brian asked. "It hasn't rained in any part of Los Angeles in 47 YEARS (in the future)! Something's wrong!" Eustace exclaimed. All of a sudden, the sky was filled with black clouds, and a mighty wind appeared. "Get everyone inside, NOW!" Eustace said, as they knew they had to leave. Byron, according to Michael, was going to survive, and would wake up in roughly 2-3 hours. Everyone boarded the bus, and the bus sped away. "Where do we go now Eustace?" Carley asked. "We need to go to Redwood, California. It'll be a drive, but, hidden there is one of the, well, um... Places that can help us" Eustace said. "Alright then?" Carley said. "I think we can trust these people Eustace" Karie said, as Karie explained everything to Carley, Brian, and Adam. "My God..." Carley said in astonishment. All of a sudden, the bus squeaked to a slow halt. "Dammit, we're out of gas! We need to scavenge for gas!" Eustace said. " I have gas grenades" Brian said. "Can it Brian, you know what I mean" Eustace said, as Eustace set up a plan. "Carley and Karie, enter that gas station (points to a nearby gas station), and Brian, cover them with the M21. I will keep my MP5 loaded if anything goes sideways." Eustace said. Carley grabbed a Colt Python, and Karie grabbed an RPD, as they left the bus. "Heavily Armed enough there?" Carley asked. "I don't leave home without it" Karie replied, as they approached the gas station. By now, it was pouring rain, there were 70 MPH winds, and the clouds looked like a black hole. "Seems as if we're having some kinda tornado" Karie said. "Oh, there's some gas, inside the building" Carley said. There were 2 zombies inside the building. "Lemme handle it" said Carley, as Carley entered the building, and fired 2 Colt Python rounds into the zombies, killing them both, as Karie entered the store, and grabbed some gas, as Carley did also. Upon seeing that everything was alright, Brian came down and helped load the gas into the bus, and Eustace filled the bus up with gas. "We are golden" Eustace said, as the bus roared to life and they were off again. The winds began to pick up further speed, the rain began to get heavier and heavier, and the clouds got darker and darker. Then, to top it off, a deep fog began to shroud the way. " #%^ing weather!" Eustace cursed. "I was once a weather reporter." Carley stated. "Just saying.". "Well, WHETHER or not you did that, this whole apocalypse thing got outta control" Michael joked. "Very funny" Carley stated. "Oh come on, LIGHTEN up Carley, after all, WATER you doing with your life if you can't take a joke?" Michael added. "Shut up Michael" Karie retorted. As Michael perked up a bit. All of a sudden, the zombies around the neighborhood they were in began to take notice of the bus. The bus, being hit hard with wind resistance, was not going terribly fast. Some of the zombies made it up to the bus, attracting many others, and, before they knew it, there were about 80 zombies surrounding the bus. "Get the bus moving Eustace! We've got company!" Karie yelled, as the zombies began to punch holes in the bus windows. "Everybody out! Now!" Eustace said, but, as they were leaving the bus, about 4 or so zombies grabbed Michael from behind, and Michael could not escape their grips. "The windows! I'm out! I'M OUT!" Michael yelled. Everybody but Karie and Brian had left the bus. Brian and Karie then turned around to run for Michael, but a zombie hand reached up from under the bus and grabbed Brian's leg, and this tripped Brian, as zombies began to pour in from the back of the bus. "Karie! Help!" Brian yelled, as it became obvious that only either Michael or Brian would survive. Brian reached for the M21 Brian had dropped, and Michael struggled to get away, but neither could do this in time without assistance. On default, Karie dashed for Michael, and swatted away all of the oddly strong zombie arms, as Michael was free. Karie then turned to save Brian, but found that it was too late, as 5 or 6 zombies grabbed Brian, pulled him off the bus, and neither Karie nor Michael could see Brian, but all they could hear was a lot of yelling, Brian's voice. "Oh #%!" Michael yelled, as they dashed off the bus. Eustace took out the MP5, Karie the RPD, and Carley took out 2 Colt Pythons and they got ready to fight the group. They found, however, that these zombies were a lot faster, more durable, and stronger. "I'm outta .357 ammo! (ammo a Colt Python takes)" Carley yelled. Karie took out the M82A2 from the backpack, and tossed it to Carley. There were still about 70 zombies left, and Karie had to reload the RPD. Eustace hadn't even managed to kill 5 zombies in 1 MP5 clip. The group began to run. All of a sudden, a Black Truck Limo came flying in from behind the horde of zombies, and 5 Y.A.L.E Agents stepped out of it. "Give us a #$%ing break!" Eustace yelled, but the break Eustace wanted was right there, as about half the horde lunged at the Y.A.L.E Agents, as they fired off what looked to be a bunch of XM8 assault rifles. Karie finished up reloading and killed about 15 more zombies in another RPD clip, while Michael began getting work done with the Dragunov, picking off another 10 in 1 Dragunov clip, before they had to reload. Only about 5 more zombies came for the group, while the other 20 or so went for the Y.A.L.E Agents, and they seemed to be doing alright with the task. "Do we help them?" Karie asked. "Yeah, then we kill them" Eustace said, as the group dashed towards the horde, and they finished the task relatively easy. "Someone go look for Brian!" Eustace said, as nobody but Karie or Michael knew what had actually happened to Brian. "Brian... Is gone." Karie said. "Well, go find Brian" Adam said. "Yeah. Brian's not coming back" Karie said. "What? What the #$% happened?" Adam asked. "Calm down Adam, nothing we could've done" Michael lied. "Yeah... Nothing we could've done" Karie said. The Y.A.L.E Agents then turned to the group. "Our Leader has wanted your heads for a long time" One of them said, as they all raised their guns.
12. Absolute Loss
Breakout by Androidfish7
All of a sudden, the Agents tossed Tear Gas right in the middle of the group. It appeared the Gas was being cooked for a long time, because it immediately came out of the grenades, subduing the group immediately, except for Eustace, as Eustace was at the bus searching for Brian. "Load them into the Truck Limo guys, let's head back to base" One of the Agents said, as they tied up the individuals of the group. As the Agents looked at Carley, the leader made a remark. "Commander's gonna pay us a massive sum for this group" The Agent said, as they loaded the group into the Truck Limo, and were off. As the Truck Limo was pulling away, Eustace emerged from the bus, shaken by the remains of Brian Eustace had come across, when Eustace spotted the Truck Limo driving off with everyone. "Oh #$%!" Eustace exclaimed, as he grabbed an RPG and pursued the Truck Limo. Right before Eustace pulled the trigger, Eustace realized: If he hit the Truck Limo, EVERYBODY IN IT WOULD BE OBLITERATED. " #$%! #$% you stupid #$hole Agents!" Eustace said, flipping them off and shouting obscenities. "Pull it together Eustace!" Eustace thought, as Eustace pondered what to do next.
_At the Y.A.L.E Headquarters:_
The Group slowly regained consciousness. Everyone was tied up in a chair, facing one person or another. Karie faced Michael, Carley faced Byron, who had regained consciousness, and Adam sat alone, and they were in a small shack, with a fireplace, and there was 1 door, with 4 windows, covered by unbreakable Maxi Glass. "Where the hell are we?" Karie asked. "This is the Y.A.L.E headquarters, probably where they're gonna kill us" Carley said. As if on cue, an older teenager, perhaps 18 or 19, entered the room, armed with a Mancini M1 Shotgun. "Hello guests" he greeted. "My name is Fred Powell, the Commander and Vice President of the Y.A.L.E, I have come to restore justice within the group" Fred said. "What are you gonna do with us?" Michael asked. Fred pumped the Mancini M1. "Your friends have killed the leader of the Y.A.L.E. Why do I care, you might ask? This person just so happened to be MY BROTHER! You must all suffer! So, here's my little game. You sit, face to face, with someone, everyone but that guy o'er there (Points to Adam), well, either you or the one you're facing MUST DIE. Decide in 30 seconds or you'll all share his fate (points to Adam)!" Fred yelled, as he blew off Adam's head with the Mancini M1. "Oh #$%!" Michael yelled. "DECIDE NOW! Clock's running" Fred yelled. "Michael..." Karie trailed off. Michael turned to Fred. "DO IT! You Mother #$%ing wack job! Do it now!" Michael yelled, as Fred pumped the Mancini M1. Fred proceeded to blow out both of Michael's knees. Fred then threw the Mancini M1 to the ground, as he took out a small Wakizashi blade, as he walked up to Michael. "Your life meant nothing to those who you loved" Fred said, as he slit Michael's throat, and kicked the chair to the ground. Fred then proceeded to cut Karie loose from the chair. "Your life will be consumed by absolute loss. Good luck trying to fight back, we have injected half your body with Morphine B47 (Morphine that numbs the body)" Fred said, as Karie struggled out of the chair. Fred then approached Byron and Carley. "15 seconds! Decide now!" Fred said, as Carley faced Byron. All of a sudden, a crash happened in the building. "You just got more time, cherish it" Fred said, as all the Agents rushed out of the room. "Karie! Can you move?" Carley said. Karie tried, and eventually stood up. "Come on! Cut me loose! Then we can all get out of here!" Carley said. "Not all of us..." Karie said, as Karie struggled to approach the fireplace. Karie grabbed a Fire Poker, and slowly approached Carley. "Augh!" Karie yelled, as Karie fell to the ground, and the Fire Poker flew out of reach. Just then, a Y.A.L.E Agent, armed with an FN FAL, entered the room. He kicked the Fire Poker further out of reach. "What'd you expect, a Fire Poker could take us over?" He retorted, as he sat down in a chair. Karie slowly stood up. The Y.A.L.E Agent pointed the FN FAL at Karie. "Don't try anything stupid, take your leave" The Agent said. Karie then, using sharp reflexes, took a small pocketknife out of a pocket, and hurled it far enough, right between his eyes. "You should've strip searched us" Karie said, as Karie took out a Fie Seven, kept in the same pocket. Karie slowly walked over to the Agent, removed the pocketknife from his head, as Karie approached Carley, and cut Carley loose. "Augh! I can't move!" Carley said, as Carley squirmed out of the chair. Karie grabed the FN FAL the agent had dropped, as Fred re-entered the room. Karie took aim and blew off Fred's head, as the Headquarters were being destroyed. Karie then walked slightly faster, as the Morphine B47 began to wear off, over to Byron. "Come on Byron" Karie said, as Karie cut Byron loose. Carley and Karie both helped Byron stand up. "Where do we go now?" Karie asked. "We're not too far from the Headquarters building, which means there are still Guard Snipers. We gotta leave this shed, and we gotta do it stealthily." Carley said.
Meanwhile, Eustace had located the Headquarters in his nearly destroyed bus. But when Eustace approached the Headquarters, he saw what was tearing the place apart "Oh #$%!" Eustace exclaimed.
13. Black Titan
Breakout by Androidfish7
What Eustace had seen, was a Black Titan was in the Headquarters, and was attracting heavy gunfire from the Y.A.L.E Autoturrets and foot soldiers, but the Black Titan had brought the building down, and the autoturret shots were merely bouncing off. All of a sudden Eustace spotted Carley and Karie carrying Byron, so eustace made sure the bus was ready and started. "Come on! Hurry!" Eustace shouted to the group, as the trio made it, safely since the Guard Snipers were away fighting the Black Titan. "Let's move now, time to LEAVE!" Eustace exclaimed, as the group got into the bus, and Eustace drove away right as the headquarters building truly fell to ruins, and everyone was dead. The Black Titan then turned, saw the bus, and pursued the bus. "It's coming after us!" Karie exclaimed, as Eustace began to really floor it, but the bus was so worn down from the previous zombie raid that it couldn't go much faster than 30 MPH, as the Black Titan began to gain on the bus."This thing is fast, for sure" Eustace said. Karie then got an idea, grabbing the RPD, and tossing Carley a Colt Python, as they went to the back of the bus and began to fire at the Black Titan. The gunfire, however, didn't seem to faze the Black Titan even a little, as it continued to gain on the bus. "It's closing in on us!" Karie yelled. "Grab the RPG, that thing is big enough to easily hit, and an RPG should 'slow' it down!" Eustace yelled, as Karie grabbed the RPG and urged Carley to keep shooting. Karie fired the RPG, and it hit head on with the Black Titan. Unlike with every other zombie, the RPG seemed only to slightly slow the Black Titan down, and only for a very short time. "All this thing is is something that buys us time" Karie observed. "Running low on gas!" Eustace exclaimed. Karie then got one final idea, as Karie went to the backpack and grabbed the GAU 19. Karie took forever to load it, then took aim at the Black Titan, who was literally breathing on the bus. Karie unleashed the entire 450 round clip on the Black Titan, which slowed it down, but it was still closing in on the bus. The Black Titan swung at the bus, and the bus flipped in the air, came into pieces, and crashed on the ground, thankfully not killing anyone. The bus was utterly annihilated now, and the group no longer could use it to escape the Black Titan. Eustace immediately stood up, and urged the others to do the same. "Stand up! There's a school nearby we can run in! Come on!" Eustace exclaimed, as the group stood up, and Karie stayed behind to help Byron up. They reached the school, undetected by the Black Titan, but as soon as Eustace opened the door, the Black Titan caught on and began dashing at tremendous speeds. Eustace urged everyone inside, and Carley made it easily inside, but Karie had been trailing the group slightly in an attempt to get Byron inside. The Black Titan closed in on the group, but Karie knew what had to be done, putting Byron down by Eustace's feet. "Get Byron inside, I'll take care of this thing" Karie said, reloading the GAU 19, as Eustace saluted Karie, and shut the door. Karie finished reloading as the Black Titan finally made it. Karie lept out of the way of a deadly swing by the Black Titan, and fired off 230 of the 450 rounds in a GAU 19 clip, before the Black Titan swung again, but this swing would not miss, but it would not Karie either, as it collided with the GAU 19, shattering the weapon. Karie then took out the RPG, reloaded it, and fired a rocket at the Black Titan. The Black Titan came and swung again, this shot so close to hitting it, that it removed some of Karie's hair. Karie took out the Nodachi and plunged it into the Black Titan, with little to no effect, as it swung again, this time hitting and sending Karie flying. Karie struggled to stand up, as Karie barely dodged another Black Titan shot. Karie fired off another RPG shot at the Black Titan, as this one also hit and knocked the Black Titan back. Of course, it was barely fazed as it continued the onslaught. All of a sudden, other zombies began to hear noise from the firing going on. Karie was then approached by about 15 or 20 zombies attracted by the gunfire. "Oh gimme a break!" Karie yelled out, as Karie took out the RPD and fired on the horde of zombies, while still trying to keep an eye on the Black Titan.
Meanwhile, Eustace had had it. Eustace could no longer standby and watch Karie get beaten up by a bunch of zombies. "Take care of Byron, got it?" Eustace insturcted Carley, as Eustace grabbed the MP5 and dashed outside to help. Eustace fired at the Black Titan, which did little, little, bite sized pieces of damage to the Black Titan, but it drew the Black Titan over to Eustace. When the Black Titan came to swing at Eustace, Eustace flanked it and plunged the Kukri into the back of it's head, doing little but some damage, as Eustace fired more MP5 at the Black Titan. Karie finished off the small horde of zombies, and took out the RPG, as Karie fired the RPG at the Black Titan. This did little damage again, as the Black Titan turned around and came for Karie. Eustace continued firing the MP5 at the Black Titan.
Meanwhile, Carley thought of something useful to do. Carley cannot operate HMGs, many assault rifles, and most SMGs, but Carley can use Sniper Rifles and Pistols. Carley grabbed the M82A2 out of a backpack, and found a decent window to look out. Carley found some zombies approaching Eustace and Karie, and decided to pick them off, yet Carley could not shoot the Black Titan, because it was moving far too fast to get a decent shot at it WITHOUT accidentally friendly firing and hitting Eustace or Karie. All of a sudden, the back door of the school opened. Some zombies had gotten into the school, and Carley was the only one guarding Byron.
14. End Game
Breakout by Androidfish7
Carley reloaded the M82A2, and strived to get Byron to safety. Byron took out a Colt Python and began picking off some zombies as they entered the building. All of a sudden, some zombies that were running while lit on fire entered the building, they appeared to be a lot faster and a lot more durable, as it took Byron far more shots to kill a Flaming Zombie compared to a normal Zombie. Carley then found a bathroom door, as Carley put Byron in the door, and using some nearby Janitor's keys, Carley locked the bathroom door. Carley then hoisted up the M82A2 and took aim at the seemingly thousands (there were actually 500) zombies in the school. Carley killed about 6 before having to reload, the Flaming Zombies were going to be an issue. Carley then dashed outside, and nearly ran right into another small horde about to enter the school from the front door. Carley dashed outside the front door, barely avoiding the onslaught of all these zombies. Meanwhile, the Black Titan was still going strong, as it began to run for Carley. Carley tried to get out of the way, as the Black Titan's blow thankfully missed barely, but a Flaming Zombie came from behind and slashed at Carley, a direct hit to the back, which also left a searing scar that began to bleed very quickly. Carley stood up quickly and began to run towards Karie and Eustace, as Karie stepped forward, RPG in arms, as Karie took the attention off of Carley with an RPG shot to the Black Titan, drawing it off of Carley. All of a sudden, when all seemed lost, and Karie had run out of RPG rockets, a small chopper flew in over the school building. Immediately it flew down to the ground, and Blake Winger stepped out of the chopper, armed with a massive Maxi Caraspace armor, a GAU 19 with extended clips to 900 rounds, and the Avenger in pocket. "Everyone in the chopper!" Blake commanded, as, somewhat startled by Blake's sudden appearance, Karie, Eustace, and Carley ran for the chopper. Blake then fired into the angry Black Titan, and after Blake ran out of GAU 19 clips, Blake took out The Avenger, which was roaring with power due to the wounds of the group, and Blake impaled the Black Titan. This did so much damage, that the Black Titan exploded, and black acid came flying out of the body, yet this did not effect Blake or the zombies surrounding. Blake picked up the GAU 19, reloaded it, and finished off the massive horde in 1 clip. After all the zombies were dead, Carley left the chopper and re-entered the school. Carley went to the bathroom, unlocked it with the Janitor's keys, and entered, grabbing Byron, and leaving the school. Blake, watching out for Carley, watched as Carley boarded the chopper, as Blake entered the chopper. "Not a moment too soon eh?" Blake asked, as the chopper began to spin up, and it ascended off the ground. "Not at all, nice timing" Eustace said, as Blake turned to Carley. "We have not met. Name's Blake (shakes Carley's hand), I am assuming you were a part of their group?" Blake asked. "Yes, I believe KArie mentioned something about being married to you? It is an honor to meet someone who is partners with such a good shot. Pleasure to meet you" Carley replied. "What happened with Byron?" Blake asked. "Byron nearly got killed when we got invaded by the Y.A.L.E" Eustace replied. "If it weren't for Brian and Michael's medical abilities, Byron would be dead" Karie said. "Michael Green? Ha, how is that guy? Where is he?" Blake asked, as Blake scanned the expression on Karie's face. "No way! Michael? Augh, this is truly sad. And this Brian guy?" Blake asked. "Devoured by zombies" Eustace replied. "Oh dear, sometimes it's the best of us that get taken out. Kind of like my father. And the other Masters, yet here I still am, here we all still are. We are still here for a reason. I was unable to track down where the next Commander is, but I believe I found another lead on a Commander, the Commander of Acid, called Commander Purple." Blake said. Karie then remembered something. "I have something you may want to see" Karie said, as Karie handed Blake the "Welt Storung" book. "Haha, well, I suppose we have all learned to heed my father's advice, eh? Haha that Black Titan may have been a handful for you guys, but think about it, you guys were not going to be prepared without the knowledge of my father, and as we all know, being unprepared may lead to an untimely death... Or worse..." Blake said, as the chopper eventually reached Blake's house in the heavens. Carley stepped out and looked around. "This is amazing. Me, I have always been an Atheist, so this comes as amazing to me." Carley said in awe. "Karie, please show our guests inside, while I pack my bags, I am heading out soon to search for Commander Purple." Blake said, as Karie did so. It had been a victory for the group, as life would return to a peaceful state for everyone. Blake now needed to head out to start eliminating the Commanders, beginning with Commander Purple, but for now, everyone was safe.
_**The**_** End**
End file.
| Breakout by Androidfish7 | Zombie Survival Guide |
1. Ch 1: The Beginning
The zombie world seemed unusual, a friend of mind goes through the Zombie Survival Guide as I pace back and forth in the room. It wasn't clear on how the zombies came to walking about the earth, there wasn't anything on the TV but I swear I seen this coming.
It started about a week ago, I was your average nerd. I don't fit the stereotypical nerd like other nerds though, I'm only 18 years old. I mostly wore a sweater and a regular pair of pants, I also wore glasses but they are quite thick (and bulletproof.) Unlike most nerds, I was on the track team at school.
I also have an interest on Survivalism, after feeling an uncertainty in the world. Being a young scientist in all, this incident seems to be a curiosity to me.
First they said it was just a mild hallucination drug, but it didn't take long for the military to come in and scout the neighborhood for zombies. I was quick on turning my apartment into a modified fortress, yes I'm living on my own.
With enough food and water to last for two weeks, the real concern was the zombies at the moment. After boarding up the windows and blockading the doors, me and my friend Derek managed to find the Zombie Survival Guide I bought last year. It was underneath my bed, I had no idea how it got there in the first place.
I continue to pace back and forth as Derek pinpointed potential safehouses, "You wanna go to the nearby Wal-Mart?" he asked, "It's only just a couple of kilometers away."
"No, to much people," I said as I continue to walk back and forth in the room.
"How about the mall?" he asked again.
"Even worse," I blurted out.
"Police Station?" asked Derek.
"Fire Department?"
"Your Grandma's house?"
"Your kidding me?"
"What does it say about weapons?" I asked as I sat down on the couch in our living room.
"Well first of all, what do we have?" asked Derek.
I looked around and remembered we kept a baseball bat on the side of our beds, just in case some Jocks at school come knocking on our door to give us our wedgies. "Baseball Bats," I muttered.
"The Bamboo Ones we keep at the side of our bed?" asked Derek.
"What else?"
I went to my bedroom and looked around, digging through my closet for any weapons that I could use. "There isn't much," I called out, "But we have a lot of glass bottles we could use for Molotov Cocktails."
"Where's the gasoline can's you bought last week?" called Derek.
"It's outside in my pickup truck." I replied.
"You wanna go get it?"
"You want any help?"
"If I scream, that means I need help."
"Suit yourself."
Just before gas prices rose, I managed to grab some gas cans and filled them with gasoline. There were about 4 gas cans, all tied down in the back of my truck that happens to be covered with a bed sheet. I looked outside and there it was, sitting on my truck which was in the parking lot. There was a zombie outside but I wasn't sure if I wanted to get the gas cans, yet.
But of course, I must be brave. I best get those gas cans before someone else does so, best grab the baseball bat that I was saving for the School Bully. "Aim for the head," said Derek, who still has his nose in the Zombie Survival Guide, "Anywhere else will do you no good."
"Yeah, no good." I muttered as I unlock the front door and stepped outside.
After closing the front door, I head for the stairs since I live on the 2nd floor. Once I got onto the parking lot, I got to my truck and pulled off the bed sheet covering the gas can. Still looks brand new, unused. Looking over my shoulder, I grab one of the gas cans and lift it up. It was heavy, something that my scrawny arms can't handle. The adrenaline however gave me the necessary strength needed to carry two gas cans so I'm going to need to make a second pass.
It was heavy, so heavy that I didn't got very far with the gas cans. So I came up with an ingenious idea, I placed the bat over my shoulders and placed the handles of the gas cans on the bat. I guess my back muscles are more stronger thanks to track, as a result I lift them up like they're nothing.
I carried the gas cans up the stairs and sat them on the edge of my apartment door, thinking Derek might get them for me. Then I rushed back to my truck for a second round, however there's a problem. A zombie walked between me and the truck and approaches me with arms stuck out, making that moan in the process. With one good swing of the bat, I smashed in the Zombie's Temple and it went down instantly.
I smacked the zombie's head a couple times with the bat just to make sure, I soon grabbed the zombie and pulled it off of the asphalt and onto the grass where the bedsheet came in handy. I simply covered the zombie with it, I'll dispose of the body later as I got some gas can's to take care of. Using the same method with the bat, I carried the gas cans back to my apartment without further incident.
Once I got the cans inside, I shut the door and locked it. "Any zombies?" asked Derek.
"Yeah, they're to easy to kill," I said, "Very easy."
"You covered the body with the bedsheet?" asked Derek.
"What do you want to do now?"
"Play Left 4 Dead, to get into that zombie feel."
I sat on the couch with Derek as he closes the Zombie Survival Guide and placed it on the table, with the power still on we used our time wisely to play Left 4 Dead. This is what we did for the rest of the zombie outbreak, playing video games. Just like on an ordinary day, a day that doesn't have zombies breathing down your neck.
Though we have more work to accomplish, so our fun didn't last.
2. Ch 2: Getting Started
We were playing video games as usual, with the volume tuned down. For all I know, video games prepare you for whats to come. When you're playing a video game, you become part of its world. You feel what the characters feel, you react what the characters react. You take your game seriously, as if its real. The only difference to video games and the real world is that your in control of video games, but not in control of the real world. So when a power outage gripped the neighborhood, we were both brought back to reality via the sudden blankness of our HDTV set.
"Where are the flashlights Eric?" asked Derek.
"I think they're in my desk," I replied, "Shall I go get them?"
"Yeah," said Derek, "It's getting dark, it'll make things difficult to see those zombies."
I got up and head over to my desk where I pulled out the heavy duty flashlights, they're weren't any batteries in them but I had some rechargeable Energizer D batteries plugged into the wall before hand. I pulled 4 of them out of the charger and inserted them into the flashlights and tested them, their glow seems brighter than usual. I head back into the living room where I handed Derek a flashlight, "Thanks Eric," said Derek, "I'm not sure these flashlights crack human skulls though."
"Without breaking it that is." I added.
"You think the neighbors have anything of value?" asked Derek.
"I don't know," I said, "Maybe they have like a radio or something, we're going to need water at the moment."
"Fill the sink," advised Derek, "Just in case the water line is cut."
I head over to the sink and sterilized it with bleach, then I wiped it clean before plugging the drain and filling it with tap water. As its filling up, I went to the bathroom and cleaned the bathtub before filling it with water as well. Meanwhile Derek was able to hook a 24 hour UPS device to the TV, the AT&T satellite box, and the Play Station 3 counsel.
"We're going to find some way to provide power to the battery Derek," I explain, "I think my bicycle might do the job."
I had modded my bike to produce AC current every time I pedal it, the only things that the bike charges is a GPS device and my cell phone. It may be able to charge a UPS device, albeit slowly.
"You sure that will work?" asked Derek.
"Its worth a shot," I replied, "Its better than a noisy generator."
I went to the bedroom and pulled out my bicycle out of the closet, I moved the bike to the living room where I sat the rear wheel to a stationary bike stand. I then installed the bike stand to the USB battery backup by hooking up some wires to the plug, the task was made easier with the use of spare parts from previous experiments of mine. With everything hooked up, I got onto the bike and gave it a test run.
Surprisingly I saw the meter on the UPS device turn on, indicating that its charging. "Its working Derek," I announced, "We're getting power."
"Good," said Derek, "Because the water is cut."
"What?" I responded.
I got off the bike and head over to the sink where I noticed water is no longer coming out of the open faucet, I close the faucet and checked on the bathtub's faucet and discovered that too is dry. I closed that one as well, just in case of the pluming turns back on and start gushing out contaminated water.
"We've gotta get some supplies Derek," I explained, "We gotta go out and loot the neighborhood."
"Where do you wanna go?" asked Derek.
"I don't know," I said, "Places like Walmart is probably looted, its time to think outside the box here."
"Awe," said Derek, "I know of a place where there might be some supplies."
"And where is that?" I asked.
"Well my grandfather built this nuclear fallout shelter during the Cold War you see," explained Derek, "There might be some leftover stuff there, the entrance is so well hidden that I doubt anyone would find it."
"Has it ever been used at all?" I asked.
"Usually during a tornado warning as such," said Derek, "I wouldn't recommend staying there Eric, it could become our tomb if we did."
"Well lets just go there, get some crap, then come back." I explained, "How far is it anyway?"
"About three kilometers," said Derek, "Its in a hidden place that no one really goes to, though the zombies might have decided to peak in."
"Is it a farm?" I asked.
"No, no," said Derek, "Its sort of a farm, but the place had been divided in too. The original house that was there was burned down and replaced with a rather modern one, everything else is old and falling apart."
"Who lives there now?" I asked.
My grandfather no longer owns the house," said Derek, "I cannot remember the names of who moved in."
"Do they even know of the nuclear fallout shelter?" I asked.
"Maybe," said Derek, "I don't think my grandfather ever told them about it, so there could be a chance we find it untouch and unlooted. You're up for the challenge?"
"Right on," I agreed as I held up my fist, "Let's go friend, and get stuff done."
3. Ch 3: First Zombie
When I say get stuff done I mean it, I never turn against my own word.
Me and Derek both got dressed for the occasion, we all had on orange t-shirts and a brown pair of carpenter pants which was perfect for looting. You always must be dressed for the occasion, never wear unnecessary clothing including jewelry. Though I wanted to wear camouflage, Derek insisted we should wear the chosen outfit. I inevitably gave up and went with Derek's idea, then we both head on out.
"The Walmart is about 2 kilometers down the road," said Derek as we stepped outside, "However, I don't feel safe traveling on it."
"Me neither," I said as I made sure I locked the apartment door with the alarm in place, "Should we take another route?"
"The alternative would be by the side of the road," said Derek, "I want to see the zombies and know where they are, I'm not going to travel where I can't see them."
WE suddenly heard a moan nearby, "Or hear them," I added as I point over at the distance, "Look."
We saw a zombified police officer come slumbering after us, the bite wound that made him turn was visibly on his arm. It was neatly wrapped with gauze, slightly soaked in blood. "You think he still has his service revolver?" I asked.
"Assuming that all zombie cops still has their gun," said Derek, "Albeit loaded."
"I think he still has his gun," I said after looking more closely, "He probably has a taser in his other holster, see how it's yellow?"
"You can have the taser," said Derek, "I want the bulletproof vest."
"Does that also mean I get to have the gun?" I asked.
"You called it, you have it." said Derek.
We got out our crowbars and got down to ground level, the zombie was definitely locked onto us as we made our approach. Derek got behind him as I distract it from the front, its arms stretched out in an attempt to grab me. On unison, me and Derek both plunged our crowbars into the zombie's skull with all of our strength. The zombie was easily killed as it dropped to the pavement, now truly dead. "Well that was easy," said Derek, "Lets hope its worth it."
Me and Derek quickly stripped the zombie for useful materials, I managed to get his gun and taser as Derek pulls off the zombie's bulletproof vest off its body. "Kevlar," said Derek, "Sweet."
"Might as well put it on," said Derek, "In case I, accidentally, shoot you."
"Or we're fighting other psychopaths," said Derek, "Keep that in mind there are people who wants what we got, medical supplies are high and value so survivors would fight to the death in order to claim or protect it."
"You suppose we're going to find some supplies in the Walmart?" I asked.
"The stuff the looters might have missed," said Derek, "And those resources would be in the storage area of Walmart."
"The very back?" I asked.
"Where else?" asked Derek.
I trust his word for the resources, I grabbed the gun and taser with their holsters and attached them onto my belt as Derek puts on the bulletproof vest. "Ready?" asked Derek.
"Yeah," I replied, "I hope your right Derek."
"There's a chance that somebody has gotten there first," noted Derek, "I could be right all along despite finding nothing there, keep that in mind."
"Will do." I said.
We continued down the road towards the Walmart, careful to avoid wandering zombies in the way. The whole road was deserted, with the occasional abandoned vehicle near the curb. Dead bodies litter the street, giving off noxious odors as they rot. I made a mental note in my mind to find some chlorinated bleach, so I could dispose some of the dead bodies I encountered.
For awhile, I kept thinking this isn't going to blow over. Society might had vanished for all I know, maybe this is a global outbreak. Even though I prepared before hand, my patience is wearing thin. The thought of staying here is becoming, like suicide, but there is plenty of opportunities for me to exploit, such as that Walmart.
4. Ch 4: Dramatic Ending
The Walmart was deserted as me and Derek stood on top of a Burger King overlooking it's parking lot, zombies wander around paying no attention to us as we do our recon. The parking lot was empty, not a single vehicle was in a parking space. Walmart shopping carts were scattered all over the place like toys, and some zombies were unknowingly pushing some of them.
It was about a 100 meters walk to the entrance, thankfully we brought flashlights with us since its dark inside the Walmart. I could also see that the glass automatic doors and windows were shattered, probably from the massive looting taking place in the early days of the zombie outbreak. It also means the zombies had gotten in, its something to watch out for.
"The only light we may be able to get out of there is from the skylights," said Derek, "So it won't be entirely dark in there."
"People probably had cleaned the place out for everything," I said, "With the zombies in all, they might not had enough time to grab everything."
"Anything that can store water could be a life savor." said Derek, "Keep an eye out for plastic bottles or some form of container that is watertight, we could use them to store other stuff we might find."
We both got down from the Burger King and walked over to the Walmart, zombies nearby took notice and try to slouch after us. They were walking so slow that we don't even have to run, there's no need since we're already near our destination anyway. We looked inside the Walmart and noticed all the lights were dark, the only form of lights shining in the Walmart is the skylights letting in diffused natural sunlight.
Just what Derek had predicted, the whole Walmart was cleaned out from the vial goods. There weren't even clothes or electronics available, even all the toys were gone. The only thing in there were trash, dead bodies, and zombies looking for their former to eat. That former happens to be us, and they all sense our presence. The moans echoing throughout the superstore says otherwise, "Lets make this quick," said Derek, "I don't wanna be a zombie's dinner."
We split up and went through the entire Walmart and searched every crick and crack of the place, anything with any sort of value. I found several bits of paper and a couple of empty water bottles, I used the gun to shoot some zombies which caused Derek to jump. "The hell was that?" he yelled.
"Just me," I called out, "Nothing to worry about."
"Don't attract more zombies Eric," said Derek, "For all I know, there could be more of them outside."
He's right, there are more of them outside. They could be walking through the entrance and into the store as we loot, the store is already difficult to defend as it is. I wouldn't make a safehouse here, it is too big of a target by many.
I regrouped with Derek after we've searched most of the store, "So what did you find?" I asked.
"Random junk," said Derek, "Nothing else, what about you?"
"Same thing," I replied, "You want to check out the storage area?"
"Sure." said Derek.
Just before we head to the back, we heard tires screech outside and something metal was knocked over. The sound of car doors opening and closing made us scramble to the back of the store, "Search the place!" yelled what sounded like a madman, "Clean this place out!"
There were massive rows of boxes stacked sky high, we climbed on top of that as grueling thugs came walking in. They weren't armed with guns or anything, just regular lead pipes and crowbars. We were about 8 meters above them, so they hadn't noticed us yet. They were shining their flashlights around in the dark storage area in search for supplies and a lookout for zombies, they were all wearing black clothing and appear filthy, they are definitely shady people.
Me and Derek counted them, and found out there's only 5 of them. I don't know what's more of a threat, zombies or other humans, maybe a human undergoing the zombification process. "What the hell are you doing?" asked what appears to be the leader as he approached one of the thugs trying to open the loading doors.
"I'm trying to let some light in here," said the thug, "It's darker than sh#t in here."
"You dumbass," yelled the leader as he punched the thug in the cheek, knocking him onto the ground, "You're going to let in those corpses as a result, we've already attracted thousands of them on our way over here!"
As the leader continues his rant at the helpless thug, Derek tapped me on the shoulder, "Eric," he whispered, "We gotta get outta here."
"I'm working on it," I said, "How heavy are these boxes?"
"Weighs like a metric ton," said Derek, "What are you planning?"
"We're going to push the box and drop it right on top of their heads," I replied, "Like the yellow square piece in Tetris."
"And then what?" asked Derek.
"We wing it," I said, "Like always."
"I hate winging it," said Derek, "Something always unexpectedly happens."
"Just shut up and push this dead weight," I argue, "Its better than nothing."
We carefully get behind the large box we were lying on and placed both hands on it, "Okay," I said, "1, 2, 3!"
Me and Derek's combined strength was able to push the heavy box off the massive rail, it fell to the floor and burst. It's contents scattered all over the place, catching the thug's by surprised. "What the?" asked one of the thugs.
Me and Derek jumped down and landed on top of the box where we pounced on top of a couple of thugs each. We struck fast, giving no time for the thugs to react. We were like ninjas at them, probably all the video games we have been playing for the last 10 years. We really nailed those thugs in that viscous fight, they tried to swing their weapons at us but we whack them in their pressure points with our fist and feet before they do so.
The fight went on for at least 5 minutes, it ended went Derek picked up one of the thugs and tossed him out an emergency exit door. The alarm went off, it was so loud that it made Derek look like a jackass for activating it. "Oh crap," screamed the later, "Lets blow this joint before the zeds come."
The thugs rushed out the front exit, we watch as we saw a large horde of zombies came walking through the front entrance. The thugs turned around tried to get back into the storage area, but we shut and barricaded the door by the time they reach it. "Open up!" they screamed, "Open the damn door!"
But it was too late, we heard their screams as the zombies feast on their flesh. When the blood started oozing from underneath the door, it was clear that we best get our business finished and head back to the safehouse. The thugs dropped their backpacks before they engaged in fighting us, so we grabbed all of them before we head out the emergency exit.
We took a different route home, laughing along the way. Once we got back, we rushed into the apartment and quickly deactivated the alarm before shutting and locking the door. Me and Derek went through the thug's belongings, all the backpacks were filled with numerous 100 dollar bills... and quarters. "They broke the bank!" cried Derek, "My god we're rich! How much is there?"
We all counted the bills (and quarters) and calculated that we have about 50,000 dollars and 25 cents, not bad for looting a Walmart. "We're rich!" cheered Derek, "We're filthy rich."
"Fifty thousand dollars doesn't make us millionaires Derek," I criticized, "Its just enough for insurance."
"What do we do now?" asked Derek.
"I don't know," I replied, "Who's turn is it to run the genny."
"Mine," said Derek, "I'll get the battery backup charged as you bust out the controllers, its survival mode this time."
After Derek charged up the UPS, we both played Left 4 Dead through the rest of the day, with a money jar stuffed with all the money we just found sitting on the coffee table. It was all fun and games, until the cops showed up. Well, sort of.
We began to hear moans outside our door, I got up and looked through the peep hole and saw several zombies in SWAT uniforms clawing at our door. "Aw f#ck," I cursed, "Zombie police."
"How ironic," said Derek, "I was just ready to turn myself in."
"Very funny Derek," I said, "Very funny."
"Very well," said Derek, "I'll get the crowbars."
End file.
| Nerd's Prime: Survival In A Zombie Outbreak by Nigel Yearning | Zombie Survival Guide |
The bastard turns his eyes on me, and I automatically clench my fist. Its bloody mouth parts, and I can see bits and pieces of Bill caught between its disgusting teeth. For a second, there's something there, in the thing's eyes, and I think the freaking zombie is taunting me. I grin; if it's a fight it wants well then it's a fight it's going to get. The thing starts moving towards me, and it's pathetically slow. Before he can move a foot, I pull out my pistol and plant him one right through the head. I continue on my way.
End file.
| Confrontation by Tink22 | Zombie Survival Guide |
Tight Clothes and Short Hair
Myths and Realities, Solanum: The Virus
Source. Symptoms. Cross-Species Infection.
Behavioral Patterns; Physical Abilities.
Class 1, Class 2, Class 3, Class 4,
Train Constantly, Care for Your Tools,
Beware Display Items,
Close Combat, _Power Tools_.
Slings and Arrows, Firearms, Explosives,
Acid, Poison, Biological Warfare.
Tight clothes and short hair.
Surviving an Attack, Banks, Schools,
Hospitals, Shopping Malls, Prisons,
On the Defense.
Establish a destination, Get in Shape,
Alternate Road Transportation, Forest,
Swamp, Urban, Plains Fields.
By Air, By Water.
Living in an Undead World.
Never go off alone!
Study, Study, Study!
Plan Your Route, Assemble a Group,
Be on Guard, Plan B-C-D-E!
Remain Isolated.
Then What?
End file.
| Tight Clothes and Short Hair by iwishmynamewasleon | Zombie Survival Guide |
1. Character List
All of these names are real life names, but they are fake characters
Phuoc: Main character of the story. He is the leader of the group which his friends are in. He leads the group to find other survivors along the way and make an army to obliterate the zombies and save the human race. He carries an assault rifle as his primary firearm. Small and weak, he is determined to do so. If one of his friends shall fall, he will not let them die in vain. He likes Skye a lot, but despite the fact that he has told her, she doesn't like him like that. She only wants to be friends. He knows this, and he respects her thoughts by protecting her and Dalton so that they can make it to the end together. He is a brave, courageous and compassionate character who lives by these words: Never give up no matter what happens!
Kent: one of the group members in Phuoc's group. He is second in command because of his abilities to lead a group. He thinks about his actions before he acts and sometimes acts very heroic. He is a sniper and very dangerous with a sniper rifle. He carries a sniper rifle to provide long range back up. He won't care if his friends fall, but he will do his best to protect all the survivors he finds.
Jack: one of the group members in Phuoc's group. Because he lacks the ability to command, he can't lead if Phuoc and Kent have to go somewhere. Instead he wants what every survivor in a zombie apocalypse wants: to live in peace and happiness. Though that can't happen because zombies disturb the peace. He has the most experience in firearms and carries an SMG. He tries his best to not let any of his comrades die. Though if his teammates get in the way, he will not hesitate to let them go on their own and die.
Dalton: one of the group members in Phuoc's group. He is the boyfriend of Skye and really cares about her. If anything happened to her, he would go berserk and would do absolutely anything to keep her safe, even if it means sacrificing himself to save her. He carries an assault rifle and is very accurate with it. He doesn't care whether the survivors are his group members or not. He'll keep them alive as long as possible. Much like Kent, he will do all that he can to protect the survivors he can find.
Patrick: one of the group members in Phuoc's group. He is the carrier of the group. He carries all the weapons and ammunition for Kent, Dalton, Skye, and Jack. Despite his actions, Kent Dalton and Jack still disrespect him. They treat him like trash. Knowing this, he continues to do so but he gets help from Phuoc, Chris, and Aaron. To them, he is a great ally and a very good friend. He protects Phuoc, Chris and Aaron the most because of their act of kindness. He carries the shotgun and is very skilled, but has almost no accuracy with it. He has just enough accuracy to blow off a zombie's head every 10 kills or so. He is a reckless person in the group, but he knows his limits.
Chris: one of the group members in Phuoc's group. He is one of those kind of people who will do whatever it takes to succeed in his goals. He helps his friends even if they don't ask for it. His act of kindness earns him more than he needs to survive in this group, but he shares his food and water with other group members to be fair. Patrick appreciates his help with the weapons and ammunition. He carries an LMG to provide back up fire in case any of his group members need it.
Aaron: a group member in Phuoc's group. He is indeed an intelligent guy and enjoys listening to music. He is really nice and helpful when others need it. He provides his comrades words of encouragement to keep them fighting. He does have a weak spot for being way too nice to his comrades and can be deceived easily by his comrades into making the wrong choices. He carries an assault rifle and is somewhat average with it. He is also half-deaf, making the moans of zombies really silent and he can barely hear them. His allies have to watch him at all times to make sure he is safe.
Nyquo: a group member in Phuoc's group. He is the black man of the group, though he is treated as a white man. He doesn't really give a shit for what happens. As long as things that happen aren't that serious. He is an "I don't care" kind of guy, but he can provide a lot of back up fire for his teammates. He has knowledge in martial arts, making him a dangerous foe in close combat. He carries an LMG just for the firepower.
Skye: a group member in Phuoc's group. She is the only girl in the group, but not just any girl. She shows the skills of being a leader. When asked to be second in command, she decides to give Kent that position instead. She is the girlfriend of Dalton, and she really loves him. She fights like a true warrior and she will not give in to a fight against zombies. Her true goal is to survive with Dalton. If Dalton dies, she will follow him to be with him at all costs. Phuoc knows this and protects both Dalton and Skye from harm any way he can. Skye carries an assault rifle and is a master at it. She too knows a form of martial arts, making her somewhat a deadly foe in close combat. However, Nyquo has more skill than she does.
Alan (chapter 3): a spartan who wears Mark V armor. He travels with Aden, his best friend. Alan is a sniper and carries a sniper rifle almost all the time, though he does carry a magnum as a secondary. His Mark V suit gives him the ability to punch and zombie and send it flying. He joined Phuoc's group when Phuoc had requested him. He and Phuoc are great friends. When he joins the group, he leads them to his hideout, where there are multiple Mark V armors, and the latest Mark VI and Mark VII. He has some knowledge of someone by the name John, but is dedicated to actually finding him.
Aden (chapter 3): a spartan who wears Mark VI armor. He travels with Alan, his best friend. Aden is a close range combat person, and carries a shotgun. He is deadly with the shotgun and has plently of accuracy to kill zombies. His Mark V armor has the same abilities as Alan's Mark V armor. He joined Phuoc's group because Alan joined the group. Aden knows Phuoc from xbox live and from Alan. He has some some knowledge of someone by the name John, but is dedicated to finding him like Alan.
John (chapter 7): a spartan from the future. He is known as Master Chief, or Spartan-117, or John-117. In the year or 2012-2013, he was devoured by zombies. Apparently, he was reborn by scientists in 2552, and have fought against these zombies in his time. He brings with him a variety of human UNSC weapons from the future for Phuoc and the group. He wears Mark V armor because in the future he already knows that the armor phuoc and the group wears only gives certain abilities but no shields to defend against zombie bites. His main weapon is the assault rifle. Being a master of hand to hand combat, he can knock off a zombie's head with a powerful punch to the face. He is the key to defeating the zombie apocalypse since he has knowledge of it and it has happened before in his time
Dakota (Chapter 10): young boy who is the gaming brother of Phuoc. He and Phuoc met on xbox live while playing Halo Reach. Dakota may look like a harmless kid, but he's more than you think. Though he is small, he does fight like Phuoc. Being Phuoc's gaming brother, he follows Phuoc's motto, never give up. He carries a sniper rifle, and is a better sniper than anyone had thought. He may be small, but he packs a bunch of headshots.
Reese (Chapter 10): young teenager who is the gaming brother of Phuoc and Dakota. He and Phuoc met on xbox live while playing Halo Reach. He's not that bad since he is actually pretty nice. His special harmless ability is making people laugh to death. He carries a shotgun, and follows Phuoc's motto, never give up. He likes Grace, but has no clue whether Grace likes him or not. He's very nice and a pretty amazing character throughout the rest of the story.
Grace (chapter 10): young girl teenager who is the gaming sister of Phuoc, Reese and Dakota. She and Phuoc met on xbox live while playing Halo Reach. She's a terrific sniper, making her the perfect marksman for the team. Her ability to sense zombies in a certain direction and area makes her a human radar, though no one really thinks of her that way. She's a worthy ally and a powerful fighter. She carries a sniper rifle, and deadly with it. She now follows Phuoc as a team member and as a friend in hope of defeating the zombies.
Jackson (Chapter 12): high school graduate who knows many things about weapons. He is Phuoc's friend, but doesn't become part of the team until the zombie war for North American begins. He's been Phuoc's friend since high school, and has learned many thing about how to kill a zombie. He leads the ODST soldiers and protects the living. His objective: survive and protect the humans. He carries AA12 shotguns (wow, that is so overpowered) and plans on blowing the brains out of every single zombie that dares to attack his crew.
Jounard (Chapter 13): high school graduate who is the strategic type. He would rather come up with stragety than just run out and kill. He's a really helpful and useful ODST for his ability to come up with plans for battle. He carries shotgun, and he plans to come up with a stragety to defeat the zombie army. After being Jackson's commander for so long, he now needs to get ready for the battle ahead of him. He and Phuoc are friends since high school, and he plans on doing what he thinks is best for both Phuoc's team and the small fighting force that he and Jackson have control over.
2. Prologue
Everyone says that the end of the world is near. People say that the planet will be destroyed by a meteor that travels at the speed of light. Well I doubt it. If you've ever seen a zombie in video games, you would know how ugly and stupid they look. Don't underestimate them. The only way the zombie virus can be spread is by the Rats. That's how the zombie apocalypse started in the first place. The rat has the zombie virus, the cat eats the rat and gets the virus. Whoever the cat scratches, that victim will get the zombie virus. What is this zombie virus? Its called the T-Virus (Tyrant Virus). This virus turns people into undead organisms, where their only thoughts is eat and survive. Its almost impossible to take them down since their blood clots and their wounds don't bleed as much. The best way to kill them is by a headshot.
December 21, 2012: The T-Virus breaks out everywhere over the United States. Hundreds of thousands of people are infected. The number slowly grow to millions. Not many people even know how to defend against a horde of zombies. Even if you have a firearm by your side, or you carry one with you, you can never defeat more than 10 zombies with your firearm unless you carry a jacket full of ammunition. Even though many zombies roam the streets day and night, there are still survivors. I am a survivor. My name is Phuoc. I just started my high school year and got towards Christmas Break when the virus broke out. Though most of my friends are infected and became zombies, there are still some that I stay with that are not infected. I make a group and become the leader of the group. A couple of my friends join my group: Jack, Kent, Dalton, Patrick, Aaron, Chris, and Nyquo. Most guys don't fear the zombies, but most girls fear zombies. One girl that doesn't fear zombies is Skye. I know her from playing on Xbox live. I know Jack, Kent, Dalton and Patrick also from playing with them on Xbox Live. We survive together, and we protect those we can protect.
A few days ago, we decided to go to the Police Department to ask them what they are going to do about the zombie outbreak and they said, "We will evacuate everyone from this city. We will make sure that everyone gets out alive. 2 days from now, we will lead them to the freeway, where they will wander with a group of ODST soldiers who will protect them on their way to find a place to hide out until the Zombies have been eliminated. Until they all make it out of our sight, we must hold the zombies back from the survivors. Even if it leads us to our death, we must hold the line and keep them from crossing the barricades. On the very day that the survivors make their way to safety and survival, the Police Departments of Washington State and the SWAT Department will be there to hold the zombies back and help." We took this as an opportunity to help out, but we had no weapons.
On our way back to our other friends, we found a bunker filled with weapons on the wall: Assault Rifles, Sniper Rifles, Handguns, SMG, LMG, Shotgun, Knives. Everything was in there not to mention boxes filled with ammunition for each gun. One box of ammunition for each gun. Since we found these weapons, we all thought that God was trying to help us fulfill our duty. So based on what our firearm capabilities were, I decided to take the Assault Rifles since I can handle those easiest. Aaron also took the Assault Rifle because he thought they were more useful and had a decent range. Skye also took the Assault Rifle because she was not only better than me and Aaron, but she could also use the Assault Rifle as a melee Weapon. Kent, Dalton, and Patrick could work with any weapon, but Jack took an SMG because he can handle lightweight weapons better than any of us can. Kent took a sniper rifle since he kicked ass and was the best sniper in the group. Dalton chose the assault rifle because he was best with the assault rifle. And Patrick took the shotgun because he just enjoyed firing the shotgun. Chris took an LMG because he thought eh firepower for the LMG was just perfect for him. Theo decided to take the Sniper Rifle because he wanted to "show off" his great sniping skills (He actually doesn't have skills in sniping at all). And Nyquo, the last one to choose a weapon, decided to take an LMG because he thought the more firepower he had, the more zombies he could kill. Last but not least, we took a handgun and 4 grenades.
We went back to our survival home, and took our backpacks and came back to that bunker and filled our backpacks with ammunition that was appropriate for our choice of weapons. As for the handguns, we each took 5 clips since we would use our primary weapons more often than the weak handguns. As we traveled back to our survival home, we discussed what we should do in 2 days. Aaron, Kent, Jack and I thought we should help the survivors evacuate and hold the zombies until they were out of sight. So we decided to follow that plan. I went with Aaron, one of my greatest friends, to the other survivors to tell them the plan. 2 days later, we arrived on the freeway, where the Police and Swat were standing. We saw each Officer and Swat member holding a weapon, survivors were being evacuated out of the city and 20 ODST soldiers were leading them. Many people were being evacuated, and the survivors behind me were also leaving the city to get to safety. Finally the last of the civilians had gotten out of the city, and were on their way to a secret location that was unknown to all of us except for the ODST soldiers.
Approximately 10 minutes had passed by and the survivors were still in our sight, and the zombies had started swarming and we could see them. Of course, the snipers of the police department and Kent took position on a tower and started sniping the zombies that they could see through their scope. I saw zombie after zombie going down, yet there was no end to the zombies. Finally, it was time for the ground forces to shoot and for our turn to show our true power to the zombies. "Fire at will! Hold them back until the survivors get out of our sights!" I heard a Police officer yell. Of course, we all listened to his command and shot every zombie and killed the ones we could. Patrick on the other hand was out there with a shotgun, so Kent and Dalton had to watch his back while he was killing zombies. 30 minutes had gone by and the survivors had gone out of our sight, but the SWAT and police department was still fighting. I ran over to the police officer who was commanding, and I told him that we had to retreat. "No, you must get your friends out of here! We will hold them off while you run. If we fall, you will be humanity's last hope for survival!" He told me. So I yelled the names of each and every one of my friends, and together we ran to survive. I turned back and saw that everyone who was there had either been infected and became a zombie or were devoured. As we ran, we loaded our empty guns and continued running. This . . . is where our story begins.
3. A Place to Camp Out
Running down the freeway to catch up with the other survivors was pretty hard, but there was a problem. As we continued to run down the freeway, I could not find a single survivor or ODST on the freeway. _Looks like we're on our own_, I thought. _If we don't find a safe place to camp out at night, we're zombie food for sure._ By the look of the sky, I could tell that nightfall was approaching fast.
The group was just standing around, watching the other way of the freeway while I was looking ahead of us. "Team, we need to seek out shelter before nightfall arrives!" I announced to my friends. "So our current task right now, is to find shelter in a group of three." "How do we contact you if we find shelter?" Nyquo asked. I answered his question by pulling out 9 earpiece communicators out of my backpack. "These are communicators, specially used by Marines for special missions." I announced, holding one up in front of me to let everyone see it. "Simply attach it to your ear, and you can contact anyone when you find shelter. I took these before we left the bunker since there was only about 20 of them and I thought that we would probably need them sometime." I gave one to everyone, and they attached it to their ears. "How do we use them?" Chris asked while he attached it. When you want to communicate one of us," I explained. "Make sure you press the button on the earpiece to turn on your microphone. There is a microphone on your earpiece that you can't see." Chris tried it, and spoke through the earpiece while it was on his ear. Of course, we all heard his voice through our earpiece, so it was 100% proven to have a microphone. "Alright, time to find shelter!" I announced.
"Team One is Kent, Jack and Patrick!" As I announced each team, one by one, they slowly approached each other. "Team Two is Aaron, Nyquo, and Dalton! And Team Three is Me, Skye and Chris!" Everyone had approached their teammates, ready to start the sub-mission. "On your journey to find shelter," I explained before we departed. "Make sure that its not in the open, no zombies are in it, its clear of any troublesome animals or creatures, and its big enough for all 9 of us! Good luck to one all!"
Each group made their way to looking for shelter. As for my group, we kind of stood around for a few minutes before we went to look for shelter. I looked at the faces of my teammates. Chris was ready to go, his face filled with confidence. Skye, on the other hand, seemed worried. And I knew exactly what she was worried about. "Don't worry, Skye." I tried to comfort her. "I'm sure Aaron and Nyquo will look after him for you. I know you guys are boyfriend and girlfriend and that he is really important to you." Skye turned to face me. "I know," she replied. "But Dalton is just really important to me. He's beyond important to me. So important that I can't even describe how important he is to me." Chris tried to help me comfort her. "Don't worry, Skye. I'm sure Aaron and Nyquo will protect him and he will come back in one piece to be with you." Chris spoke, sounding like a wise old Asian man. I couldn't let one of my friends be worried like that, so I decided to try and communicate with Aaron, Dalton and Nyquo.
"Aaron and Nyquo," I said through the communicator. "Go ahead." I heard them reply through their communicator. "Watch after Dalton, and make sure he doesn't get hurt. Dalton, be careful. This sub-mission has already gotten your girlfriend worried." Dalton knew how important Skye was to him, and he had to face the fact that if he didn't find shelter, their relationship would end in a zombie feast. "Don't worry, Skye." Dalton said through the communicator. "I'll make sure that I don't get hurt." And then everything went silent through the communicators. "Good Luck, Dalton. Be careful." Skye said, looking into the distant plains. And so we began our sub-mission.
Dalton, Aaron and Nyquo were in the plains, alone, searching for shelter. Looking everywhere, they found nothing but rocks and dirt. "If only we had water," Aaron announced. "What if we had water, Aaron?" Dalton questioned. Of course he knew that Aaron didn't have the answer, but Aaron replied anyways. "If we had water, this dirt could be made into shelter." Nyquo looked at the dirt on the ground. "Seems like we could," Nyquo commented. "But it would take a long time to make shelter out of dirt. Not to mention by the time we make shelter out of dirt, we'll be long gone from here." Aaron kicked the dirt in frustration. "GODDAMN IT!" He yelled. "WHY DID THIS STUPID ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE HAVE TO HAPPEN?" Dalton and Nyquo could see him sobbing about it. "We all know how hard it is to see your friends become undead zombies." Dalton tried to calm him down, and help him cope with the situation. "Trust me, Aaron. None of the zombies were made from dust or dirt. They're all people that used to be human. People that used to be like us, and people that used to be our friends."
As Dalton was talking to Aaron, Nyquo looked around, in search of shelter. He finally spotted something that seemed to look like shelter. _Hmm . . . _he thought to himself. _Big place. Looks like a camp. I need to take a better look at it. _He turned around and told Dalton and Aaron, who seemed to only be sniffling after a talk with Dalton. "Hey guys, I think I just found us some shelter. But we need to investigate it. Because it looks like a camp, but I can't really tell for sure." Dalton and Aaron stood up and looked to where Nyquo had pointed. "Good work, Nyquo." Dalton complimented Nyquo on his searching. "Let's go investigate it then." Aaron said. Together the three of them went to investigate the so-called camp.
When they arrived, none of what Nyquo had seen looked like a camp. It looked more like a military base. "Guess I was wrong," Nyquo doubted himself. The group continued to investigate the area, looking inside the tents that were standing up. Right when Aaron had entered a tent, a gust of wind blew on his back. He turned around to find no one and nothing there. "Dalton? Nyquo?" He called out. No answer. And then he felt it. He felt a presence behind him. He slowly raised his assault rifle and turned to face the presence. When he faced the presence, he found out it was Dalton. "OMG!" he exclaimed. "Are you trying to kill me or something? You scared the shit out of me!" Dalton laughed, finding Aaron's reactions to be very hilarious. "I'm sorry, man," he apologized. But Nyquo and I just finished investigating this place. It looks like a base of some sort." Nyquo came in from the other side. Yeah, but we haven't gone inside yet because it looks pretty big on the outside and we may need the others to get here to help us." Nyquo explained. "Good idea, Nyquo." Aaron complimented. He then pushed the button on his communicator. "Team 1 and 3, come in. Over!" Aaron said, as if a professional military officer. "Team 1, go ahead." The 3 of them heard Jack's voice through the communicator. "Team 3, go ahead." They also heard Skye's voice through the communicator. "We've located a military base of some sort. We've investigated the outside, but the inside has yet to be investigated." Aaron explained. "Do you think you can head over and help us investigate the inside? It could be filled with traps." There was a short period of silence. "We're on our way, Team 2." Skye and Jack said at the same time. "Over and out."
"What should we do now?" Nyquo asked. "Well," Dalton started to suggest. "We could throw our knife until they get here." Aaron and Nyquo nodded in agreement. "Then let's do it! Whoever throws it the farthest gets to do the honors of opening the doors later!" Then they started throwing their knife and ran to pick it up and throw it once again.
4. New Shelter, Team Problems
Jack and my group arrived approximately 15 minutes later, while Dalton Nyquo and Aaron laid in front of the huge military base. "Geez, what took you so long?" Dalton asked. "We were on our way when we saw Jack, Patrick and Kent." I replied. "It looked like Patrick needed some help carrying some stuff. So we decided to help." Nyquo, Aaron and Dalton stood up at the same time, and dusted off their pants. "Well," Nyquo started. "Are we going to investigate this base or are we going to stand around and chit chat all day?" Everyone looked at each other, then back at Nyquo. "I thought so." He added. Dalton, Nyquo and Aaron then led me, Kent, Jack, Skye, Patrick and Chris to the front door of the base. "Get ready guys." I warned, raising his Assault Rifle and ready to fire. "Who knows what could jump out once the door opens? Whenever you're ready, Dalton." Dalton and Nyquo then went to pull open the door while Aaron just stood there, knowing that he couldn't really help in any way to open the door.
When the door was open, lights filled the inside. Everything that was hidden by the darkness was revealed by the light. "Wow," Chris exclaimed. "I didn't know that the lights activate on its own." No one paid attention to his comments, but rather took small steps toward the building, just to be sure that nothing would leap out at them. "Alright," I called out as they neared the entrance. "Lets move in. It seems safe. But be careful, there may be traps anywhere." All 9 of them entered, and looked around. Tables were everywhere, chairs were no where to be seen. There was a couple doors on each wall. "Should we split up into teams to investigate each door, Phuoc?" Patrick asked. "Good question." I replied. "Since we are inside the building, there is pfrobably no need to be in groups." I explained thoroughly. "Everyone go to a door, open it and investigate each room. See if you can find anything on the virus." And everyone scattered. There were 9 doors, for 9 people to investigate. I went to investigate a door, Skye went to investigate a door, and so did everyone else.
Aaron investigated the door closest to the entrance. When he opened it, lights flickered on and off, then stayed on for the rest of the time he was in there. He found nothing interesting, cabinets, a computer, the basic office furniture. But he found a couple of interesting books. One of the books was labeled _The Living Dead_, a book that explained features of the undead. Another book was called _2012_, explaining what would happen in the year 2012. And one more book that he found was called _Supernatural Creatures_, which just talked about mythical animals like the Werewolf, and the Vampire, and of course, the Zombie. Since none of this was helpful, he decided to leave the room, and close the door.
Nyquo took the door next to Aaron's door. He opened it and found Janitor stuff, a mop, broom with dustpan, and of course cleaning products. He left the room and closed the door. For some reason, Patrick, Jack, Kent and Dalton opened separate doors, and found the same thing that was behind Nyquo's door. Behind Skye's door, was just plain empty so she just closed it and walked back to the other guys. Chris also found an empty room, but decided to investigate it a little more. When he walked into the room, the walls inside suddenly flipped, making Chris freak out and spraying his firearm randomly at the walls. Of course, everyone ran to his door and peered inside. They found that he was shooting at walls that had timed explosives attached. Everyone laughed, and Chris panted and walked out of the room and closed the door.
My door was quite surprising though. When I opened it, I looked inside and found a small table with some papers and documents on the table. Looking through each one, I found one that talked about the virus that had made people into zombies. The document stated, "People refer this virus to the T-Virus, from the _Resident Evil _movie, books, and game series. However, it is not called the T-Virus, it's called the _2012 Disease_. Scientists call this virus by that because the virus had occurred in 2012, and by the time they had figured out how to resolve the problem, it was too late. They thought it was going to be the end of the world and so came the name for it, _2012 Disease_." _This is useful information_, I thought to myself. I continued to read. "Much like sci-fi zombies, the best way to kill them is by burning, headshot, or breaking all of their bones, which would cause instant death. Of course, no matter how many you kill, there will always be more to replace that one zombie. If you are reading this paper, know that it is already too late to try and do anything. All you can do is survive. If you must know who I am, I am John. This is the first time I've seen these creatures. I am still alive, but I am hiding out until a group of people find me. If they find me, I can help them on their journey to defeat the undead army. This army is humongous, so do not engage it by yourself."
That was all it said. I was really confused for a moment, and then realized that their only chance was finding John. With John, they could find the other survivors and then fight the undead army. He walked out of the room and closed the door gently, then walked to his friends who were chatting. Once they saw him, they stopped their conversations and looked at him. "I have some good news and some bad news." I announced. "What's the good news?" Jack asked. "And what's the bad news?" Kent asked. I simply replied by saying,
"The good news is that I've found out that this is not actually the T-Virus. Its actually called the _2012 disease_. There is a man out there that is hiding out and if we find him, we can ask for his help to defeat the zombie army that plans to take over the world. He has knowledge in killing these zombies quickly and easily. The bad news is that I don't know where he is, and by the look of outside, nightfall has come. We need to shut the doors immediately and rest for tomorrow. Tomorrow we will continue our journey to find survivors and this man. That is all."
When I finished my speech, Dalton and Nyquo went to shut the doors of the base immediately, and pushed the tables to the door to reinforce it. Since they were going to rest for tomorrow, there had to be 2 people guarding the others and switch off every few hours so that everyone got the same amount of sleep. Before they went to sleep though, the 9 of us were talking about "stuff".
"So . . ." Aaron asked. "Does anyone not enjoy this place?" Chris raised his hand. "I didn't because the walls flipped suddenly and it freaked me out!" Everyone laughed at him, but it soon settled. "Did anyone find anything interesting in the rooms that they investigated?" I asked. "I would say books, but I don't want to be a bookworm," Aaron said. Again, some of them laughed at that but some kept quiet, knowing not to disrespect others. "I found a janitor's room," Jack said. "So did I," Nyquo, Kent, Dalton and Patrick said at the same time. "Well, I found an empty room," Skye said. Everyone looked at her, then just sat there, waiting for someone to talk.
"Man, Patrick. You sure are good at carrying stuff for me and Kent." Jack complimented Patrick on his strength. "Yeah. I think you could grow up to carry things for people." Kent added. Jack and Kent laughed together. Patrick started to look down on the ground, and I was angered by my friend's actions. "Hey, Jack! Hey Kent!" I called out. They stopped laughing and looked at me. "Is this how you treat a teammate? Is this how you treat a friend? You need to get your acts together. You upset Patrick, and you sit there and laugh about it. Do you think that I would sit there and let that happen?" I started to yell. Kent and Jack stood up to face me, but Chris and Dalton stood up to defend me. "He's right, guys." Chris said. "You need to treat people with respect." Dalton added. "Shut the fuck up, you bastard. Chris, you're still an undergraduate." Jack pointed out.
I landed a punch right to his face, sending him back a couple steps. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU, JACK?" I was really pissed off now. Never has anyone ever seen me this angry before. "THIS IS ALL A JOKE TO YOU ISN'T IT? YOU TREAT EVERYONE LIKE GARBAGE DON'T YOU? EXCEPT FOR YOUR BUDDY, KENT! WELL GUESS WHAT? IF YOU DO THAT AGAIN, DON'T EVEN LOOK AT ME AS YOUR FRIEND! DON'T EVEN LOOK AT ANY OF US AS YOUR TEAMMATES!"
I stopped yelling, walked away, and cried. Jack stood there, shocked to be yelled at by his friend, when he was stronger than me. Kent understood everything that I had said, and went to comfort him. Skye and Dalton joined Kent to comfort him. Nyquo, Chris, Aaron and Patrick joined them to comfort me. I stopped crying a few minutes later, and felt glad that he had defended a great friend. He was glad that his friends had understood what was right and what was wrong. "Kent, I'm glad that you understand me." I thanked Kent. "I should be sorry," Kent apologized. "Phuoc, I'm sorry I don't know how to treat people. I should know better. Patrick, I'm sorry for treating you like garbage. Can you forgive me for that?" Patrick nodded and gave Kent a hug, earning himself a hug. Jack then walked over. "Phuoc," he called out. "I'm very sorry for not treating people with respect. I promise that I will treat others with respect from now on. Phuoc, Patrick, can you forgive me?" Jack was begging for forgiveness, and we had both given it to him. Patrick and I gave him a hug, and earned themselves a hug.
The team had finally come to it's senses, and has decided to put aside its differences and become one. "It's past 11 PM," I announced. "Let's get some rest. Kent and I will take the first shift of guarding. Sleep tight, we'll call someone else awake in an hour and a half." And so everyone went to sleep, and me and Kent sat there with our firearms in hand and watched over our teammates.
5. Strange Place
At 7 in the morning, I woke up and found no one guarding us. I was pretty surprised that we were left unguarded while everyone slept. Not one person was missing. Dalton was sleeping while Skye lay on his legs, sleeping. Kent seemed to have rolled a couple feet away from the group. Aaron was sleeping near one of the doors. Jack and Patrick were against the walls, sleeping peacefully. Nyquo was just sleeping on his side, mumbling stuff that I couldn't make out what it was that he was saying. And Chris was sleeping near me, laying on his back. Seeing that I was the only one awake at the time, I decided to go remove the tables and open the doors to bring in the light and go outside for some fresh air.
Removing the tables was hard work and opening the door alone was tough work, but I managed to get it done. I walked outside, a took a few breaths of air. I then walked out of the area, to get some exercise and wake up the rest of my body. I walked out into the rocky plains, where there wasn't really any life in it. I was walking, when I suddenly spotted a long line of figures walking. I ran back inside the base to look for something that could let me see things from a range, and found Kent's sniper rifle. I took it and ran back out and looked through the scope at the line of figures. I couldn't believe my eyes! There were zombies heading right for us. I ran back inside to warn my friends and team members.
"Wake up! We got company!" I said loudly, hoping to wake everyone up. Of course, everyone did wake up. Chris sat up and yawned, then he asked, "What's going on?" I ran to gather everyone's weapons, and backpacks and gave it to them. "There's no time!" I rushed. "There's a huge horde of zombies coming this way right now! If we don't move, we're going to be their breakfast!" Kent and Jack stood up in alarm. "WHAT?" They said at the same time. Everyone else stood up in alarm as well. "There's no time!" I repeated. "We have to move now!" We all wore our backpacks and wielded our weapons, then ran out the door and the other way, running from the zombies. For some reason, we stopped running and turned back. Kent looked through his sniper rifle scope. "There's not that many, Phuoc," Kent stated. "We could take them." I was surprised that the amount that the amount of zombies I saw was wrong. "Really?" I questioned. "Well then who wants to warm up their day with some zombie killing?" Everyone raised their hand. Skye was still sleepy, but she raised her hand. "Then lets go." I stated. "Kent, can you snipe them while we're up there?" Kent nodded. "Watch our backs for us." I started to arrange the groups right then. "Jack, Dalton, Patrick, and Skye will go as a group out there first." I assigned. "Me, Chris, Nyquo and Aaron will follow you once we hear gunfire." Jack, Dalton, Patrick and Skye moved out towards the zombies immediately. It wasn't long before the first shots were fired, and I moved in with my group, leaving Kent to snipe and watch our backs for us. As we arrived at the battlefield, I saw a large number of zombies surround Skye. "Help!" I heard her yell. "Dalton, Skye needs our help now!" I called to Dalton. He turned around and saw Skye's position. He sprayed his assault rifle at the zombies, but that didn't do any good to them. I saw them get hit, but they weren't really dying of it because the bullets were barely making them bleed. "Nyquo, Chris! Light them up! Dalton, go get Skye! We got your back!" I ordered. Nyquo and Chris fired their LMGs and I saw zombies starting to fall. Dalton rushed in there and pulled her out, and moved away from the zombies, pulling her along with him. "Are you alright?" Dalton, asked Skye. She nodded, stood back up and continued fighting. This time, Dalton followed her and protected her. We all continued to fight, and I could see each zombie that was being shot down. I saw headless corpses on the ground. Pretty soon, the battle had ended and the zombies were defeated, for the time being. We all cheered, but I was sure of something.
If the zombies had found out that we were here, then soon enough another group will arrive as well. "We need to move out!" I yelled. "This zombie group was a mere distraction for another group of zombies to come for us." We all started running back to Kent, and then we altogether started moving again, this time away from the base. "Wait," Chris called out. We all stopped. "We don't have time to stop, Chris." Jack said. "I know," Chris replied. "But back at the base, when I investigated that room, there was the explosives on the walls. Perhaps we could find some use for those." I understood right then what he was thinking. "Kent, I need you, Jack, Dalton, Patrick and Skye to stay here, and watch out for any zombies," I told them. "Nyquo, Aaron, Chris. Come with me. We're gong to lay out mines, if there are any." The 5 of us sprinted back and went into that room, and found mines, a metal explosive device that would explode when anything came into contact with it. We picked up the mines, probably 10 each person, and ran back out and layer them out in the field, 25 feet from each other. "Ok, let's move," I said when we finished. We then started running.
We didn't stop running until we were sure enough that we were far away from the place we stayed at. When we had finally reached a new terrain, I had stayed in one place to look throughout the terrain. This terrain had grass, fresh and healthy with trees growing here and there. Of course, the whole crew looked around too. I found nothing that seemed to be helpful to us, but the plants we could eat for food. And so my crew and I dined on the grass for lunch. We ate a good amount that filled us up with enough energy to continue traveling. "I can't believe that zombies would actually be able to find us," Nyquo said out of the silence. Everyone agreed. I sat there and listened. "How did they track us?" For one thing, I knew that we must have left something behind that had led them to us. And then I remembered that zombies could sense anything from any distance. "Their senses." I added. Nyquo looked at me funny. "I mean, they can smell anything from a distance, so I guess that's how they found us. And the city is probably overrun by zombies already anyways." Nyquo nodded his head in agreement. "I say we start moving again before they track us again," Kent added. I looked at the faces of my team. Everyone had agreed with him and I knew that I too should agree with Kent.
"Ok, here's the plan," I said, trying to coordinate a plan that wouldn't lead the zombies to us. "We will travel day and night, for 5 days. That way we can increase our distance by a bunch. Zombies are most active at night, so they can't track us during the day. If we're going to survive, we need to move and find survivors to help us fight." And then I heard a voice. "You're right!" It had said. I looked around and saw no one. "Did you guys hear that?" I asked my friends. Everyone shook their heads. Suddenly, a blur of color flashed in front of me, and this time my friends saw it. We became cautious, and readied our weapons. Suddenly, 2 figures stopped and stood in front of us. They were wearing armor. From the looks of the armor, it looked like Mark V armor, the ones from Halo that Master Chief had once worn. They were about 6 or 7 feet tall. "Don't worry, its only us, Phuoc." One of the figures stated. How did this person know my name? "Who are you?" I questioned. They took off their helmets. When I saw the faces of the 2 figures, I was so surprised! It was . . .
6. New Allies
When the Spartans had taken off their helmets, I realized then who it was. It was one of my high school friends and his best friend. It was Alan and Aden! "Alan! Aden!" I yelled in excitement. "How did you know I was here?" Alan stood there and laughed. "Our base is in this terrain. We monitor all life forms here." Aden explained. I was surprised. "Well, it's a really nice place," Skye commented. "If I lived in a place like this, it would be heaven." Everyone laughed. "Yes, it is a nice place to live," Alan commented. "I've been here ever since I graduated, and Aden ditched school to join me," he explained. Aden nodded, showing that Alan was correct.
"I know who you're looking for, and I know many more things about him." Jack and Kent looked at each other, then back at Alan and Aden. "Where did you get that armor?" Kent asked, curiously. "Can we get that armor too?" Jack asked. Soon the air was filled with questions about the Mark V that Alan was wearing and the Mark VII that Aden was wearing.
Alan raised both of his hands to stop them from asking so many questions. I stood there and chuckled. "First of all." Alan started. This armor, if you should already have recognized it, is the armor that Master Chief wore. Second, I got this from someone you call John." We all stood there with our mouths open.
Suddenly, Kent charged at Alan and grabbed his neck. "Tell me where he is!" Kent threatened. "Tell me where I can get this armor or I'll blow your brains out!" Alan didn't fear Kent's threats one bit. "I would get take my hands off if I were you," Alan warned. "I'm sure you don't want to suffer a tragic death." Kent raised one hand, and clumped it into a fist.
Right then, I ran over and grabbed his fist and stopped him. "Easy there, Kent." I eased him. "Just take your hands off of my friend. He's harmless, and he won't go down without a fight. And do you think that you can win against him while he wears that suit?" Kent took his hand off of Alan's throat, and then lowered his fist. Dalton walked over and put his hand on Kent's shoulder and led him back to the group. Skye walked up to Alan and apologized. "I'm sorry about that. Kent is desperate for survival. He'll do absolutely anything to survive." Alan shook his head. "Its alright. I don't blame him." Alan replied calmly.
"Hey Kent!" Alan called out to him. Kent turned around and looked at him with angry eyes. "If you wanted this kind of armor, why didn't you ask?" Suddenly Kent's eyes widened and then he was jumping for joy. "REALLY?" Alan nodded his head. "In fact, why don't I give everyone here a set of armor. The color is your choice." Suddenly everyone was jumping for joy and cheering. "Oh my god!" and "This guy is awesome!" and "I could rely on this guy for survival!" filled the air. Aden stepped forward and said, "Follow me everyone!" Everyone followed him. He picked up his helmet, and so did Alan, and Aden led them to a different place while Alan stayed back to chat with me for a bit.
"How have you been, Alan?" I asked him. "Fine. How about you?" He asked me the same question, and I gave him the same answer. "Who are all these people that are following you?" He asked me, hoping that I could tell him who they were. The thing was that they were my friends, and 5 of them were my guild members on Xbox live, but 4 of them were just friends. "I'll tell you when we get to your place," I replied. "There, you can get to know them better." Alan looked at the sky. "Have you ever thought of what you were going to do after high school?" I asked Alan in curiosity. I could see in Alan's eyes that he had no clue, and he did give me that answer too. "What are you going to be, Phuoc?" "Video Game creator. It's been my dream ever since I started playing Halo 3 on Xbox live. But, somehow I think that that will be a long time before it actually comes true." I explained to him that the FPS games that I play really convinced me to become a video game creator.
A little later, we arrived at a large building. This building was gray, and there was 5 floors, or that's what I thought. "Here we are," Alan stated, looking at the building. Aden ran to open the door while everyone stood, amazed at how big it looked. "Holy shit! This is big!" Patrick said in amazement. "Wait till you see the inside," Aden hinted. "It's more amazing in there." Aden went through a series of security systems. From what I saw, he went through an pass code, eye scan, hand scan, and voice confirmation. There was however, another side of the door that had the same thing. Alan did his thing over there, the usual pass code, eye scan, hand scan, and voice confirmation. And the doors opened slowly.
"Welcome," a computer voice said. "Come on in, Phuoc. Your friends can too." Alan invited us. For me this was the first time I've actually been in such a large house. It looked so nice! It had the chandeliers, the fancy furniture. I thought this was a good time to introduce Alan and Aden to the crew. "Hey Alan, Aden!" I called out. They came and asked, "What?" I walked them over to the crew. "I want to introduce you to my friends. Guys! Come here, I'll introduce you to Alan and Aden." Skye, was the first to arrive, Kent being the next, and then Dalton, then Patrick, then Chris, then Jack, then Aaron, and then finally Nyquo.
"Alan, Aden. I travel in a group of 8 friends, plus me is the 9th member. I am the leader of the group, and this here is Kent." I pointed at Kent. "Hello," he greeted, and shook hands with Alan and Aden. "He is a professional at sniping, which is why he carries the sniper rifle. This here is Jack. He's only been a nicer guy ever since I gave him a lesson on how to treat people. This girl here is Skye. She's the only girl in the group, and she is the girlfriend of Dalton, this guy right here. He's an easy guy to get along with. Next we have Patrick, the shotgunner of the group. Don't piss him off, he'll blow your head into a million pieces. Hahaha, just kidding. This here is Aaron, which you know. Nyquo is the black guy. No offense, Nyquo. He knows hand to hand combat and he's not that reliable for trust. He can, however, be trusted for cover. Chris is the last one, and he was someone I actually met somewhere. I don't remember where I met him."
Finally! I finished introducing the crew to Alan and Aden. I was so tired, but I had 2 more introductions to make, and it was introducing Alan and Aden to the crew. Of course, Alan and Aden had already shook hands with each and every one of the group members.
"Guys, this is Alan. He is a friend of mines from high school. He's extremely intelligent, but not a nerd." Everyone busted out laughing., but soon the laughter faded. "And this is his best friend, Aden. Aden is also an excellent kid, but watch his temper. He'll tear you into a million pieces of you piss him off, like Patrick." Now I was finished making my introductions.
"Computer, bring out the Halo armor suits and the fitting machine." Aden commanded. "Confirmed: Halo armor suits brought out and fitting machine brought out. Please step into the fitting machine." the computer had said. Kent went first, and stepped into the fitting machine. "Please state color of armor you wish to wear." Kent did as the computer had asked. When he stepped out of the machine, he was wearing a blue halo armor suit. Skye went next, and she came out wearing a purple halo armor suit. Dalton went next and came out wearing a green halo armor suit. Patrick stepped into the machine next, and came out wearing a yellow halo armor suit. Jack came next and stepped out of the machine with a red halo armor suit. Aaron stepped into the machine and came out wearing a black halo armor suit. Nyquo stepped into the machine and came out wearing a blue halo armor suit. Chris stepped in and came out wearing a blue halo armor suit. I, the last person to go, stepped into the machine and came out wearing a black halo armor suit. "Computer, you are dismissed." Aden said, and the computer retreated the armor suits and the fitting machine.
"There is one disability of this suit though," Aden warned. We suddenly looked at him, listening to his warning. "If a zombie touches your suit, you can say goodbye to the world. They can infect you by biting, but with the suit on, they can infect you by biting you or touching the suit." Nyquo suddenly had the look of fear. "You see, if zombie blood gets onto your suit, the suit treats it as H2O and makes it into air for you to breath. If you breath this zombie blood, you will become a zombie." I understood what he said, everyone understood what Aden had said. "In other words," I added. "Don't let the zombies touch you." Everyone nodded their heads.
"Time for a grand tour of the house!" Aden said. Everyone turned their attention towards him. "Follow me, people!" We all followed him, and he led us to a room. "This is the weaponry and ammunition room. We store all of our weapons here so that we can get to it easily as well as ammunition." Kent looked around and was impressed by the number of weapons that were there. "This is the shooting range, which was built for increasing accuracy with your weapons." Jack seemed interested in this. "May I try it real quick?" Jack asked. Aden nodded and said, "Computer, activate shooting range targets!"
Then the computer voice activated. "Confirmed: Targets activated. Please begin shooting in 3 . . . 2 . . . 1 . . . Go!" Jack fired his SMG without aiming down. He hit each target without fail, but when the end came, his accuracy rating said: 96%. He seemed as if he wasn't proud of his accuracy rating. "You can continue to practice later. For now, we should continue." Aden led us to the next room. This room was filled with chairs, and up front of the room was a screen. "This is the entertainment room, specialized for movies." We moved on, Aaron looking back and looking interested in it. We came to another room. "This is the music room, where you can listen to music." No one seemed interested in the room, but we continued to move on anyways. "This room that we are in right now is the VIDEO GAMING ROOM!" Aden yelled loudly. I could see why it was called the video gaming room. There was big TV screens and multiple Xbox 360, PS3, WII consoles, and computers. We moved onto the final room. "This last room is the room where we rest at night. It's where we all sleep at night. Its pretty big, so it can fit us all. And plus if we all sleep in one room, we can watch over each other rather than being in separate rooms."
Aden then led us back to the main room. "There's one more place I want to show you, but we only use it when there are zombies in sight." Aden explained. He was being serious. I could tell because when someone is serious, they sound a lot different. "The stairs back there, it leads to the balcony where the snipers shoot from. Its safe as long as the non-snipers stay below on ground level and keep the zombies back."
While I was listening to Aden's explanation about the balcony, I started to think about recruiting Alan and Aden to join the group. _If they join the group, then we would have 2 more members and we could find John more easily._ "Hey Alan and Aden. Would you care to join the group?" I asked Alan and Aden. They just nodded their heads and said "yes" without hesitation. "Really?" Everyone asked at the same time. Alan nodded, and so did Aden. We earned two new allies, and now that the group grew to 11 members, we would have slightly more protection.
7. Kent's Tribute
Ever since the group has met Alan and Aden, they seem to be enjoying themselves and really show that they accept Alan and Aden as a group. I'm proud of my friends to make 2 new friends. A couple days ago, Alan had taken the 9 of us to run through the security scans so that we can also access the building if we went out to somewhere, which I thought that probably wasn't going to happen. We've also been doing some of our own things too.
Jack has been at the shooting range almost every day . . . To increase his accuracy to 100%. "I will continue to go to the shooting range every day until my accuracy is 100%!" He swore the other day. Patrick was also at the shooting range to increase his accuracy with the shotgun. _I have no clue how he can increase his accuracy with a shotgun_, I thought to myself. _I'm thinking that the only way to have high accuracy with a shotgun is by close-range shooting_.
Aaron is always in the music room. He's been trying to write music about the zombie apocalypse. "I have to write about this because one day people will listen to this song and remember what people like the 11 of us have faced." Aaron stated just yesterday. Nyquo, Chris, Aden and Alan were in the entertainment room, watching _Resident Evil Afterlife_. Seems like that one movie series is the only one that actually relates to zombies more than anything else.
Kent, Dalton, Skye and I have been in the video gaming room. Kent, Dalton, and Skye have been playing Call of Duty Black Ops zombies with glitches active while I was on the computer just playing Maplestory. I thought that since the zombie apocalypse had occurred, there wouldn't be anyone playing Maplestory. Turns out to be true because the population of every server was 0, except for Windia. The population for Windia was 1, which was me. Although it got boring as I continued to level without any competition.
We were doing our own stuff one day, when the alarm went off all of a sudden. I fell out of my chair, and landed on my ass. It hurt, but I'm glad it didn't leave any marks. "ZOMBIES SPOTTED!" The computer voice had said. "I REPEAT! ZOMBIES SPOTTED!" I stood up to take action immediately. "Shit!" I said aloud. "We need the snipers up on the balcony now! Kent, go to the balcony! I'll fetch Alan to go up there with you!" Kent, in his Halo armor suit, sprinted out of the room, and disappeared from my sight. "Dalton and Skye! Get outside and get ready to defend! I'll fetch the others just to make sure that they know!" Dalton and Skye also sprinted out of the room and disappeared from my sight. As I sprinted into the other rooms, I noticed that no one was in there, meaning that they had already been alerted and were already out there. I went outside on ground level and joined my friends who were on ground level.
"How's it looking up there, Alan?" I yelled to make sure Alan heard me. "There seems to be a lot of zombies out there! I activated the minefield! So All we have to do is wait for them to come and then we can make our defensive move!" I heard Alan, and I looked out there to see some mines flashing red lights, warning that it was a mine field. "Hey Phuoc, I got an idea," Patrick told me. He was standing next to me the whole time, and I didn't even know. I must have been too busy about the zombies. "What's you plan, Patrick? I think we can use a really good plan right now." I told him. I was waiting for him to tell me his plan so that I could make it happen if possible. "Well, see those mines out there?" He pointed at the mines. I nodded, telling him that I could see them. "If they are active right now, it would kill less zombies if only the front line zombies hit the mines. All explosives have a certain explosion radius of something. If we deactivate the minefield, then we can let the zombies get closer. When they are about 50 feet from us, we can activate it so that the mines can damage all the zombies that it can possibly damage. And possibly kill a couple hundred for us!" I knew right then, after hearing Patrick's idea, that this could work.
_All of us will go out there to try and kill as many zombies as we can without being surrounded._ I thought. _When the time comes for the minefield to be activated, I'll tell Alan to activate it so that we don't have to worry about being overrun_. "Alan! Deactivate the mines!" I said to Alan, who was busy trying to shoot some zombies. I could see that he was nailing some headshots, but Kent was nailing more than Alan could. "Why?" Alan Questioned me. "If I deactivate it, they'll overrun us!" I called out to all my friends, so that they could hear me. I then explained the plan, and said that it was a good idea presented to me by Patrick. Alan turned off the minefield without another question.
As I walked out there, I signaled for a V formation, making Patrick the tip of the V and everyone else the sides of the V. I could hear the sniper shots of Alan and Kent in the distance. When we got far enough from the mansion, we made a different formation, a horizontal line, and stood our ground. While I saw zombie after zombie fall, I could tell that the 9 of us on ground level were ready to put up a fight. When they were 20 feet in front of us, we fired and walked back slowly so that they couldn't touch us one bit. I saw that Jack was nailing headshots now, and he had no trouble at all. It looked like he had finally mastered the SMG. As I fired, I saw that Skye had stumbled on a rock, and fell. Dalton ran over to help her up, but it seemed like she couldn't. All of us ran over and backed them up and she finally got up and we ran all the way back to the doors of the mansion.
"Alan! Activate it now!" I yelled to Alan, who was ahead of me and activated it. I heard multiple explosions out there, and when I looked out there . . . It was raining body parts, mombie body parts. I looked up this time and asked Kent, "How many more zombies are there?" Kent replied, saying "Only 50 left!" Then I heard Alan say, "NO! THIS CAN'T BE!" I looked out there, and I saw some zombies moving incredibly fast. "IT'S ZOMBIE DOGS! WE'RE DONE FOR!" I realized that zombie dogs were harder to take down than regular zombies. Kent came down, and had a vest with a time bomb attached to it. I knew what he was about to do.
"You guys get out of here! I'll stall them and buy you some time!" He said. "No! I won't let you do this Kent!" I tried to reason with him. "You're too good of a teammate to die! You can't sacrifice yourself!" Others were also trying to reason with him, but he refused. "I owe everyone here a deep gratitude for being my friend this past year." He said calmly. I coudl see in his eyes that tears were starting to build up. "We've been through so much together. I can't let my friends die this way, which is why I must do this." Kent walked over to Patrick. Patrick was holding his shotgun when Kent handed him his sniper rifle. "I'm sorry Patrick. I treated you wrong ever since I met you. Please do me a favor: take my sniper rifle, and make sure no one here dies." Patrick was shedding tears, sad to see someone who treated him so badly, sacrifice themselves for him and his friends. Patrick nodded his head, and took the sniper rifle, and handed Kent the shotgun. Kent turned his back to his friends. "I'm a Japanese zombie fighter. I've been fighting alongside them ever since the zombie apocalypse started." He was saying his last words before he went into battle, alone. "Today I sacrifice myself for my friends to continue on with their mission. As a Japanese warrior, I will not go down without a fight!" In Japanese terms, this would be called "Kamikaze". "Phuoc, get them out of here now while I handle the dogs and the remaining zombies!" He yelled, running right at the zombies with the time bomb.
I was crying, but now wasn't the time to be doing that. I had to do what he wanted me to do. If I was in his position, I would request the same thing. "Thank you for everything, guys." We heard him say through his communicator. I led everyone away from the mansion, and he was killing dog after dog with the shotgun, sacrificing himself to save his friends. When we were a mile away from the mansion, I turned around and saw the explosion. My friends turned around t see the explosion. We all saluted him, and said our final words. When we finished, we found ourselves crying.
"We can't cry just because Kent just sacrificed himself for us." I explained. "We have to move on. We can't let his death be in vain! Let us find the mysterious John and survivors who will be willing to help us in our battle against the undead!" I had finally explained it to them in terms that they could understand. Even though we had just lost one of our greatest friends, we have to keep moving because what Kent did for us was something not everyone could do. He sacrificed himself for us, and his death will not be in vain. I will make sure that it will be avenged. Next time, I'll make sure that none of my friends die ever again. I'll protect them, even if it means . . . sacrificing myself for them.
8. Investigating a Secret
It's been a week since we last saw Kent. We're only here because of him. If he didn't make a suicidal bombing, we would've been dog food. I blame myself every time that comes back into my memory. I find it hard to believe that one of my own friends bombed himself and a large number of zombies just to save his own friends. Of course, I do owe him a great amount for what he has done for me the past year. I've been trying to forget that incident, hoping I don't get affected by it. Unfortunately, it doesn't work because Kent has done so much for me, and I never had the chance to thank him for it.
We've all been having our own thoughts about him. Despite how he has treated Skye, she still remembers him for his bravery to save the group. Jack hasn't been himself lately ever since the incident. He seems like he has lost his best friend, when all he actually does is make fun of other people all the time. Patrick and Dalton have been down, but not totally out from giving up. I've heard them say their words of trust, "We'll fight alongside you till the end." It lifted me, encouraged me to not be affected by Kent's Death. Aaron has been thinking of another song to write for Kent's tribute and sacrifice. Nyquo has just been sitting around thinking of how he met Kent in the first place. Apparently, he doesn't really remember. Alan and Aden don't have much to think about, but they know that what Kent did was very brave of him, and very courageous. And Chris has been thinking about the times that he and Kent had fought as a team.
Ever since the zombies found out our hideout at the mansion, we had to ditch it and keep traveling. The good thing is that the group and I are strong in weapons and numbers. There may be more zombies than the group, but we have the firepower to hold them back. We travel by day, and without risking the safety of our teammates at night, I decided that we rest by night and I will guard them with 2 other people that are willing to join me.
We arrived in a city a few days ago, and found the city to be in a complete mess. As I looked at each building, I noticed that all the glass was broken, and there was cars left all around. I could see plenty of trash out on the streets. "What a mess!" Skye said, disappointed to see the city the way it is. "Must have happened after the zombie apocalypse." Patrick walked ahead of the group, hoping to find something that would help him find what he needed. "What are you looking for?" Aaron asked. Nyquo was looking down the streets. "I'm looking for a place to eat! I'm hungry as fuck!" he replied. We laughed, finding him very hilarious to be hungry at a time like this.
I knew that we needed to investigate this city for any survivors or weapons that we could use. Every building seemed very big, which surprised me because I only saw one small building, which had no name or anything on it. All there was was a door. "We need to investigate and search for survivors. We travel in pairs. " I ordered. Of course, everyone had prepared for this and chose their partners. I expected Skye to choose Dalton as her partner, but she chose me as her partner. "If you find anything interesting or need anything, we can hear you on the communicator. Move out." Everyone moved, and Skye and I went to this really large building. "I forgot to say," I said through the communicator, adding a warning. "Be careful, we don't know where the zombies are in this city."
When Skye and I walked toward the very large building, I asked her, "Why did you choose me as your partner?" She seemed to be concentrated on the building. "Sorry, I wasn't paying attention. What did you say?" She admitted that she was distracted. "I asked why you chose me as your partner." I rephrased the question. "Well," she started. "I want to be with someone else for a change this time. You're sweet. I like you, just not . . . 'love' like. You're so nice to everyone that I just want to be your partner to see what it's like to hang out with someone like you." I couldn't find the words to reply to her. "I also find you to be a cute boy." I blushed, my face turning bright red. "Well, I find you to be a very cute and beautiful girl." I replied quickly, trying to remove the redness in my face. Unfortunately, it didn't work. But when we opened the doors to the large building and entered, I could feel the heat in my cheeks go away, meaning that my face was back to its normal color.
"Stay near me, Skye." I warned her. She nodded, and stood close, but continuing to investigate. From the looks of it, it looked as if the building had been ransacked. The tables and chairs were destroyed, and papers were everywhere. Skye was still looking around, so I decided to follow her to make sure that she doesn't get hurt. "Let's move to the next floor, Skye." I told her, knowing that there was nothing of importance on the first floor. We turned on our flashlights and continued moving up the stairs to the next floor. When we arrived on the next floor, there was a series of doors. I opened the first door with Skye behind me, ready to shoot whatever was in there and ready to lunge at me or her or maybe both of us. Nothing was there, which relieved me. We opened the next door, and this time Skye and I switched places. We continued to go with the same plan until we finished investigating the building.
However, the first 5 floors were empty of any living creatures, but on the 6th floor, we found a group of zombies, which Skye blew up with a grenade. There wasn't that much zombies, which meant that it was going to be easy to take them down with a grenade. "Good grenade cooking," I complimented Skye. "Thank you, sir," she replied. We continued moving, searching room after room. There was a key card on the 7th floor, which I kept because I thought it would come in use later on. The final floor was the 10th floor. There was only one door at the end though. Skye and I walked to it to find a giant metal door that was built to keep out any robbers and criminals. It required a key card to open, which I had. So I used the key card and opened the door.
Inside, I found nothing but money, which I thought was useless and Skye agreed. We decided to exit the building. When we got to the first floor though, there were somewhat a lot of zombies, which I thought was unusual. When we went back up to avoid the zombies, there was another group of zombies. We were trapped. "All units, do you copy?" Skye said through her communicator, hoping to reach the other team members who were investigating. "This is Jack, go ahead" and "This is Aden, go ahead" and "This is Aaron, go ahead" came through the communicators. "We're surrounded by zombies in the largest building! It's the easiest one to spot! We need back up ASAP!" I was already taking my shots, and Skye was just starting to do so. "Roger that! We're on our way!" I heard everyone say through their communicators.
When they got to us, we had already taken down all the zombies. "Geez what took you so long?" Skye questioned. "Sorry, it was harder than you think to look for this building," Jack said. "Then let's continue searching," I said. Everyone went back to their posts. As everyone went back to their building to search it or continue searching other buildings, Skye ad I were walking with each other. "Hey Phuoc," Skye called my name. I looked at her. "I got a question. Have you ever kissed a girl before or been kissed by a girl before?" I looked at her funny. "Why do you ask?" I asked her because I had to know whether she was curious or she wanted to know. "I'm just curious. So have you been kissed by a girl or kissed a girl before?" I shook my head, which meant no.
"OK. For being my partner today, this is for you. Close your eyes." She was giving me something for being her partner? No way! This is something no one has ever done for me. But I closed my eyes anyways, and waited to see what she was going to give me. As a couple seconds went by, I felt a pair of lips on my left cheek. I knew what she had given me. She gave me a kiss, and I could feel myself blush. I could feel my whole face go red. She backed up and looked at me, seeing the reaction on my face. She giggled, then I tried to respond. "Let's go investigate another building before sunset. We want to investigate as much as we can before sunset gets here." I responded. I knew that that wasn't the way to respond to a girl who just gave me a kiss, but I was blushing from it, and I couldn't find the right words to say.
When sunset had finally come, we were out of the city and in another terrain. We were resting, while I was guarding the sleepers with Aaron and Chris. "Hey I saw what happened between you and Skye." Chris told me. "Don't push it man!" I told him. "It's embarrassing enough for me to feel myself blush! And even if I did ask her out, which I really want to be her boyfriend, she's already going out with Dalton." I pointed out. I looked over to Skye, who was sleeping soundly. "Don't worry, Phuoc." Aaron said, trying to make me feel comfortable. "One day, a girl will find you. And when she does, you'll love her as she will love you." I nodded my head, and then sat there, looking into the dark night. _Wonder what the next couple days or weeks will be like_, I thought to myself. After what happened today, I couldn't wait for the results of the next days to come.
9. The Vision
_Today, everyone is awake early. I haven't ever gone to sleep ever since I swore that I would protect my friends no matter what the risk was. "You look terrible," Skye said as she looked at me. "You need some rest." I shook my head. "No, I have to protect you guys. Otherwise someone will die." I argued. "Well, you can't protect us if you don't rest," Dalton added. "Come on, get some rest." I sat there, and thought about it, but my mind was too clouded to be thinking about stuff. "Ok, I'll get some rest. But promise me that no one will be armed while I'm asleep." I told Dalton. "I'll make sure no one does get hurt. I promise." He sealed our deal, which meant that until I was all rested up and well, Dalton was in charge. "Skye, you and Chris stay here with Phuoc, and make sure no harm comes to him. When he awakens, tell me," I heard them say before I fell asleep. _
_Meanwhile, while I was sleeping, Skye and Chris were talking about me. "You know, that was a pretty nice thing to give Phuoc yesterday." he told Skye. "Well, I've never been his partner before." Skye replied. "He's a pretty nice guy now that I was his partner. And that kiss that I gave to him didn't mean anything." Chris suddenly jerked. "What? You mean you gave him a kiss just to make him happy?" Chris asked suddenly. "No. Its not what you think. I asked him if he has ever kissed a girl before or if he has ever been kissed by a girl before and he shook his head, so I decided to surprise him by giving him a kiss." Skye explained what happened yesterday. _
"_I think he likes you, Skye." Chris pointed out. Skye looked disturbed. "I know," she said sadly. "But I'm going out with Dalton, and I don't know him enough yet to go into that process with him. I would give him a chance if I could but . . ." she ran out of words to say, showing that she was speechless. She looked at me, knowing that it was the truth, and she couldn't change that. "I just wish I could give him a chance." She came up with some words to say to Chris. "Don't tell Dalton I gave him a kiss. He would be both embarrassed and very sad if Dalton knew. Dalton takes this stuff very seriously. He would kill Phuoc if he knew about this." Chris nodded. "I won't. But maybe you should continue being his partner, get to know him better." Chris told Skye, who nodded in return. _
_We were traveling as a group, holding our firearms. Me, Jack, Dalton, Alan, Aden, Chris, Nyquo, Skye, and Aaron. We found John, the mysterious person mentioned in the papers. However, he was dead and his corpse lay in the middle of nowhere. When we approached the body, a load of zombies came out of nowhere. We were ambushed. This wasn't going to be how it ended for me, or my friends. We fought together way too much to be ambushed by zombies and be cannibal food. Even though we had already fired at the zombies, there really was no end to it! Zombie after zombie fell and yet there was a bunch more to replace that one fallen zombie. Despite how everyone had fought that final battle, each one of my friends fell . . . one by one. Dalton had fallen and was being devoured by Zombies. Nyquo was using his LMG as a melee weapon, and had fallen to the zombies. Skye was a dangerous foe to the zombies, but she too was taken down by the zombies. Everyone I knew that was in my group, was taken down by the zombies. I couldn't believe it! My friends were taken down by the zombies, and I was sure to be the next victim to fall by the hands of the zombies. I ran and ran and ran, with nowhere to run to. I ran into a dark alley, where the zombies followed me. There was no way to get past the alley. It ended at a wall, where I was trapped, bound to be dead now. I kneeled down, and close my eyes, waiting for it all to be over. Just when I thought it was going to be over . . . _
I woke up with a loud yell, startling everyone who sat there, protecting me. I looked around, making sure none of my friends were devoured by the zombies. "Phuoc, what's wrong?" Aaron asked me. I felt each and every one of them, and found that nothing had happened to them. "I had a nightmare." I said. "We found the body of the mysterious John, and we were ambushed by the zombies. They devoured you guys, and I ran down an alley and found myself trapped. I could feel the end coming near!" Dalton put a hand on my shoulder. "Calm down, Phuoc." He tried to help me forget it all. "Take deep breaths. We're still here. Don't worry, nothing's going to happen to us. As long as you're here to protect us, nothing will happen to you or us." He tried to help me cope with my nightmare. I took deep breaths and slowly calmed down. I looked over at Skye, who was watching me. I knew right then, that it was time for me to tell Dalton.
"Dalton, I have something to tell you." I told him. He told me to go ahead with what I wanted to say. "The truth is . . . Ever since I met you and Jack and everyone else, I felt that you guys were my family. The fact that you guys thought I liked Skye, was true. I did like Skye, but I lied to you because I would be embarrassed by the truth. I really like Skye, but I know that this would affect you badly, which is why I never accepted the truth. Yesterday, after she and I were surrounded by zombies, we took them out on our own. And then we talked after you guys left to continue your investigation. She gave me a kiss, which I didn't really expect. Please don't get mad with her because I owe her for that. She's the first girl to kiss me in my whole life. Just know that I want Skye to be happy, so I will protect both you and her. I won't let anything happen to you or her." I had finally let it all out. I was proud to know that I had let it out and that I was no able to feel peace inside myself.
Dalton patted me on the shoulder. "Don't worry, Phuoc." He told me, trying to resolve my problems. "I've known for a long time, and I know that Skye gave you a kiss because she told me. Don't worry, I'm not mad with you. I'm happy for you because you've finally told me the truth, with Jack and Patrick here to prove it. From now on, if anything happens to me, I will leave Skye to you. You will protect her, and so on." He stood up, and walked away
"I think we should get moving now," I said. "We don't want to stay in one area for too long." And so we all moved together as a group. Me and Dalton were closer than ever as friends, and I was proud to have him as a friend. I was proud to have many friends that support me in my decisions. And now I know, that with the kind of friends I have, I won't fail at anything.
10. John
A few months have passed by ever since the zombie apocalypse started. I've been traveling with 11 friends, minus Kent since he kamikaze-d into the pile of zombies to try and save us. We haven't worried about it much anymore, but we still keep him in our minds to remember him. I found some human footprints yesterday, and we have been pursuing the footprints ever since. Where ever it came from, I had a feeling that we were getting closer.
"Does it seem like the number of footprints is growing larger?" Jack asked. I shook my head. "Na, I doubt it. It could be made only from 5 or 20 people." We continued to follow the footprints, which led into a cave. "Careful, there could be a horde of zombies in there." Aaron warned us. We slowly approached the cave, and investigated the origin of the footprints. However, we didn't find anything of interest in the cave. "I guess we were led here by someone or something." Nyquo stated. "We need to get out of here ASAP!" I yelled in alarm. We all ran outside, but we were stopped by a strange figure.
"Wait!" the figure said. We stood there, facing the figure. "Who are you?" I asked him. "I am the one you have been looking for. I am John." I wasn't surprised because for all I know, he could be lying to us and trying to get us killed. "Prove to us that you are John." I told him, seeing what his proof was. "Come and I shall show you," he led us outside to the light, where we saw his halo suit. I saw the emblem on his right shoulder. I also saw his code number on the back of his helmet. He didn't take off his helmet, but his armor was enough to prove to us that he was the real thing, John.
"I am from the future," he said. It was kind of hard to believe, but I had to believe it because of his Spartan number, 117. "The John from this time period is a zombie. I am John, from the future. I was brought back to life in the year 2552." _Pretty long time if you ask me_, I thought. "Anyways, I know about the situation here on Earth, and I'm requesting to join your group to help you." _He's actually requesting to join our group?_ I questioned myself. _Master Chief is requesting to join us to help us?_ I couldn't believe what I was hearing! He was offering to help and he was requesting to join us. "I also brought a series of weapons and firearms that you may enjoy more." He added. "I don't see any. Where are the firearms and weapons? I don't see any." Patrick added. "Follow me." John said, and walked into the cave.
As we followed him into the cave, I noticed that John was wearing different armor from the armor we were wearing, probably showing that he could take more zombie hits than we can. All the way inside the cave, to the end of it, he picked up a rock on the ground and pushed a small red button that made the ground rumble and a staircase had descended from the ceiling of the cave. _How unexpected_, I said to myself. He went up the stairs, then I went up the stairs, then everyone else went up the stairs. When I reached the top of the stairs, I noticed that the stairs had led us into a room, where John was standing.
"Welcome to the weapons and firearms bunker," he said. The area of the room was illuminated by light that blinded us for a moment. Everything became clear after a few seconds. When I looked around in the area, what I saw was amazing. He really did bring weapons and firearms along. And I recognized the weapons too. There was the Assault Rifle, the Magnum, the Battle Rifle, the Shotgun, the Gatling gun and the Sniper Rifle. As far as I knew, we just replaced our weapons with the ones that John had brought along. Jack replaced his SMG with the new battle rifle. Dalton, Skye, Aaron and I replaced our assault rifles with the new assault rifle. Patrick and Alan replaced their sniper rifles with the new sniper rifle. Aden replaced his shotgun with the new shotgun. Nyquo and Chris replaced their LMG with the new Gatling gun.
"Feels good to hold a new weapon," Nyquo stated, holding his new Gatling gun expertly. Jack nodded in agreement. "You also might want to replace your ammunition too. Your ammunition won't work with the new weapons." He warned us, and we took that warning as a precaution and replaced our current ammunition with the new ammunition. "So tell me," he told me. "Why are you looking for me?" I was confused at first because I wasn't expecting questions from John. "Because we read in some documents a couple months ago that you had knowledge on killing zombies and obliterate them from the planet." I explained what I had read in the document, including the name of the virus, or in this case, disease.
"Yes, I do know about all of that. After all, I wrote it." He explained. "Where do we go first?" I can tell he was already ready for action. "Before we go, did you by any chance bring any grenades?" I asked him. I knew our grenades were just fragmentation grenades, but maybe he had some new grenades we could use. "I didn't bring any because the fragmentation grenades in the future are the same as the ones in your time." He replied. I took that as an answer, because I didn't expect him to bring any along. "Ok, then." I started.
"First place is California. We know that that state has the highest population, which means that there are probably a lot of zombies." I explained thoroughly. "There may be many survivors there too. We have to go there, investigate and rescue any survivors that may need our help." Everyone readied up for the trip to California. After all, we were only in Oregon. "Everyone ready?" I made sure my teammates and the newest member was ready to go. After I saw the nods, then I started to move toward the direction of California, and my teammates followed. Now that we've found John, we can hope that we will live and defeat the undead army. Hopefully my vision doesn't come true.
11. Jack's Sacrifice
We arrived in California in 24 hours due to the ability of our halo suits. I estimated our speed to be at least 500 miles per hour. When we arrived in California, we were greeted by 50 zombies, which Master Chief just decided to melee the shit out of them. We moved on, and explored some places that were thought to have any survivors. "OK, teams of two! Do not, and I repeat, do not wander into any building alone!" I announced. Immediately, upon my warning and command, everyone went in teams of 2. The teams I saw were: Jack and Dalton, Nyquo and Aaron, and Patrick and Chris. For some reason, Alan, Aden and John had teamed up to a group of 3, leaving me and Skye. I could tell Skye was looking forward to it. "Let's investigate this state. Contact each other if you need help."
The first building that Skye and I had seen was the casino, which we decided to investigate. "Are you ready?" I asked Skye as we approached the entrance to the casino. She nodded, and I opened the doors and we both walked in. The first thing I saw when we entered was zombies. They were everywhere, which meant I could use my skills to investigate: being a ninja. Being a ninja was the one that I was good at. If anyone could be a ninja, it would be me.
"Can you be a ninja, Skye?" I asked her, hoping that she would say yes. "Yeah, quickly and quietly," _She already mastered it?_ I told myself. _How the hell? I didn't know she could master the ways of a ninja so quick!_ And so the two of us moved like ninjas, making quick and quiet footsteps. "You know what? This is boring." I stated. "You want to go around looking for survivors while I kill zombies? I feel like killing." I was so bored that I decided to fire a whole clip of assault rifle ammo into the air. The zombies turned in the direction of the gunfire, and started walking towards us when they saw me and Skye.
"Since you were so idiotic and bored that you fired gunshots into the air," Skye pointed out, joking around. "How about you handle them while I find the survivors?" I was laughing until the zombies started trying to claw at me. I shot the ones that were closest. "You're on! Go while I distract them! I'll use my ninja skills to kill them!" I agreed. Shooting zombies was fun. But when they're all around you, the party has just begun.
Skye was using her halo armor ability to sprint all around the casino, trying to look for survivors. Suddenly, she saw something the size of a kid run. "Hey!" She yelled, hoping to get the kid to stop running. She ran after what appeared to be a kid. Turns out to be one of her teammates, Jack. "Jack?" she said, confused that he should have been with his partner. "What are you doing here?" Jack turned back to see Skye. "There was a group of zombies chasing after me! Dalton was behind me, and I can hear the gunshots back there!" Jack explained the situation.
"Phuoc, we got a problem!" I heard Skye's voice over the communicator. "Yeah, go ahead." I replied. "Jack was just at the grocery store next to us. Apparently the casino and grocery store are connected." She explained. "And what's more, there's a load of zombies in front of us!" I thought a large group of zombies would appear sometime. Turns out they appeared when Jack had entered the grocery store. "Oh, and we can't handle all of them right now!" Skye said, breathing heavily. "Lead the guy's back to the casino!" I ordered immediately. I can't risk the loss of a teammate at the time since there could be survivors anywhere. "Phuoc, I'm at the mall right and somehow the zombies have smelled us out already!" I heard Nyquo's voice over the communicator. _Unbelievable!_ I thought. _How are they doing this?_ Suddenly, Alan also contacted me. "Phuoc! We got a problem!" I didn't even want to think about what was going to happen. "Don't tell me, huge horde of zombies is trying to devour you?" I guessed that since it's been happening to everyone else. "Yeah, I think we need to back out of this state ASAP!" Aden said, scared to die. "Meet the rest of us at the casino! You know where that is?" I said, hoping that they would come here. "Yeah, we're on our way," Alan replied.
When Alan arrived, I called everyone back to me. "OK, guys. Since the zombies have somehow found us here, I think this mission is baloney." I explained the bad news about our objective. "You guys get out of here, I'm going to stay and fight them!" I demanded. "No, we are not leaving you behind!" Aaron protested. While they were trying to convince me that we all had to get away from California, I was still shooting and killing zombies. "No, I'm the leader of this group, and I say that you guys have to get out of here!" I claimed. "We've been fighting through this for one hell of a long time. And I can't see you guys be turned into food for the zombies. Now get out of here before it's too late! Dalton, you're in charge! Now get going!" I shoved them outside, making John go as well. Tears came out of their eyes, and I could tell they didn't want to leave, but I couldn't see my friends fall before my eyes. I saw them leave, and I finally shut the door and began my work on eliminating the zombies.
"Why did we just leave Phuoc behind?" Aden was still talking about that. They couldn't believe that I had ordered them to leave me and get out of here. "I don't know, but I know it wasn't the right thing to do." Alan said. "He's been fighting for the human race ever since the zombie apocalypse had begun." Aaron said. "He's been fighting on our side, and he's been protecting us." Chris said. "I haven't known him that long, but I know that he's a great warrior, and he can't fight alone in this." John said. Apparently, they were pointing out the facts that showed that I was too great to leave behind. "I say we go back and help him!" Jack protested. "Yeah, I agree. We can't leave him behind!" Dalton agreed. "Yeah, let's do that! We can't lose him now! Not now, not ever!" Skye said in agreement. "Yeah, let's go!" They said at the same time.
I was fighting the zombies. No matter how many I took out, there was always more to replace that one. It didn't matter, but I had to do whatever it took for my friends to get out of here. I still had plenty of ammunition, but was I going to survive? _This is outrageous,_ I thought. _How many zombies are there in this state?_ Suddenly, I saw a zombie that was bigger than all the zombies that I was fighting. This zombie was different. It was holding a hatchet in one hand, and a fire axe in the other. Along its waist, I saw many other axes.
As I continued to kill zombies, the axe-wielding zombie was staring at me, watching me kill zombies. It then threw the hatchet at me, its throw strong and wide. I dodged the axe, almost being struck by it. It grabbed another axe from its waist, getting ready to throw the fire axe. When it raised the fire axe to throw it, I heard a gunshot. The axe fell out of its hand, and it held its hand in pain. I turned to look, but didn't see anyone. The zombies were starting to overrun me, and I was still fighting. I can't believe how long I had lasted alone. Suddenly, I heard anther gunshot. This time I turned around.
When I turned around to see where the gunshot came from, I saw Alan. "ALAN? What the fuck are you doing here?" I asked. I thought I had told the group to go. "I'm not leaving you here alone!" he protested. "Neither am I!" I heard 9 other voices say that. As I continued to look, 9 figures stepped out from behind Alan. I recognized them right away. Skye, Aden, Dalton, Patrick, Jack, Nyquo, Aaron, Chris and John. "I thought I told you guys to get out of here!" I said. I couldn't believe they had come back! Dalton walked up to me. "We're not leaving you behind!" He told me. "If you're staying, so are we! If we leave, we leave together!" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "Are you positive?" Everyone nodded their heads. "Then help me kill these zombies! We still have to find some survivors!" I demanded.
Everyone fired their firearms, and I saw more zombies drop than I could drop in a second. Turns out teamwork works better than going solo. "Help!" I heard someone yell from behind. When I turned back, I saw a group of civilians running. From behind them, I saw a large group of zombies chase after them. "Hey Guys we got a problem!" I called out. "John I need you to come with me! We need to rescue those civilians!" I demanded. "Everyone else! Stay and continue fighting!"
John and I ran as fast as we could to rescue those civilians. We got to the freeway, where it was clear of zombies. We ran back to get the civilians, and lead them to the freeway, where we would make sure they are safe and sound out of the state. "Hurry up!" I yelled as they ran. John and I were taking down the zombies that were closest to them. They finally reached the freeway, and ran. "Finally!" John exclaimed. "Now let's get back to the group and lead them back to the other horde of zombies." We led them back to the other horde of zombies, and then rejoined the group.
"How are things holding up guys?" I asked when I got there. "Not good, it seems that these zombies are advancing as long as there are move zombies." Dalton replied. I realized that what he said was true, but there was something I remembered that I had to do. It was the axe zombie. It was the most dangerous zombie that I knew about. I saw it, but by the time I saw it, it had already thrown an axe. I couldn't move. I was stunned to see that I had finally met my end of the line. "Phuoc watch out!" Jack yelled. He jumped in front of me, and took the blow.
"JACK!" I yelled in shock, moving to catch him. Skye and Chris and Aden backed me up while I moved towards him. "Why did you do that? Why did you act so stupid?" Jack opened his eyes, and spoke. "You have to stay alive, no matter what!" he strained to talk. "I owe you for giving me a lesson on treating people. And now that I've paid it, I can finally rest in peace." He started to cough up blood. "Don't die on me now, man!" I said. I tried to get him out of the area, but the zombies were starting to get closer to me. "Leave me. Get out of here," Jack said, knowing that if I continued to try and get him out, I would become one of the zombies. "Jack," I said. My voice started to crack, and I could feel tears coming out of my eyes. Jack coughed up some more blood, and then passed away.
I couldn't believe it. Another friend gone! "You son of a bitch," I said, looking at the axe zombie. "You killed a friend of mine, and now you're next on my list!" I yelled in anger. "Guys, make a path for me to get to that zombie with the axe!" I said, knowing that I had to get revenge for Jack. As I sprinted for him, every zombie in front of me was being taken down. Sniper shots took out huge lines of zombies while Gatling guns and assault rifles took out the zombies that ran after me. When I arrived at the axe zombie, it gave a fearful yell that didn't make me budge one bit. "Eat this, you son of a bastard!" I yelled, and stuffed a pulled grenade into its open mouth. I ran all the way back and the zombie's head exploded into pieces, its body falling to the ground with a thump.
"Ok, let's take out the rest of the zombies!" I said. "I got an idea, Phuoc." John said, and he pulled out a time bomb from his back. "The farther we get the better. Get Jack and then we'll be on our way. I'll set up this bomb." John said. I ran to get Jack and then I ran out onto the freeway. Skye and Dalton and Patrick and everyone except John followed. Once John had set up the bomb, he too ran to follow me. The bomb exploded 30 seconds later, and the sound of growling zombies was no more.
We arrived out of the state, and I buried Jack. We gave him a proper burial, speeches and all that. We were all crying because Jack was now gone. "Jack was a great friend," I started. "Rest in peace, old friend." We stepped forward, and saluted him and said our goodbyes. First Kent, now Jack. I hope that no one would be next. From what I saw earlier, the zombies are getting stronger. _We have to keep moving,_ I thought. _If we stay in one area too long, we're going to get tracked down_. "Let's go guys. We don't want to be tracked down by mindless zombies." I said. And so we continued to move on, leaving Jack's grave behind. I know where he went. He went to the afterlife, to live a peaceful life. At least we're going to meet him sooner or later.
12. The ODST
Jack died 3 days ago, and I can't believe that he's gone already. I made a promise to myself that I would protect my group members, and I failed it, yet I continue to try and do so. No matter what happens, I have to protect my team, even if it means sacrifice. We left California on foot the day that Jack had died. We traveled to Arizona 2 days ago, and found some survivors. We told them to follow us and that we would lead them to the other survivors. Yesterday, we arrived in New Mexico and there were some survivors. We tried to tell them that we would protect them. Unfortunately, they were so stubborn that they got themselves eaten by zombies and turned into zombies. Today, we're in Texas. Same mission as always: search for survivors, protect the survivors, and move right when all the survivors are found.
"Well, Texas seems to be more of a desert resort than a state," John said. "Duh, it's practically a desert!" Chris said this. "I feel like we need to get something to eat. Do you think that the animals would be infected? I mean, if they were then we probably can't eat them." _These guys are really that stupid, eh_? I thought. "If we do find food, you better hope that it doesn't have any injuries or covered in blood. Otherwise, we can't eat it." I stated. "And there are plants that we can eat," Skye added. "Scientists never said that plants weren't healthy for us.
There was a bush next to us, which had some fruit that I was unfamiliar with. I had no clue what it was, but I was sure that it was edible. Then the bush shook, and I was rooted to the sand, fearing that there was a zombie in the bush, waiting to attack me or one of my friends. "Shhhh . . ." I told my friends who were busy talking about food products. "There's something in that bush over there." I pointed at the bush that continuously shook. We all stared at the bush, rooted to the sand, readying our weapons in case a zombie came out. When the bush stopped shaking, we were relieved.
Right when we turned our backs on the bush, a lion came out from behind the bush. I immediately turned to look at the lion that came out of the bush, but was knocked down to the ground and pinned. "Fuck!" I yelled in anger. "Son of a bitch! You better get off me!" I yelled at the lion, proving useless to curse at an animal that didn't understand what the heck you were saying. Fighting against a lion that was much stronger than you was pointless. I could struggle, but I wasn't going to be able to get away. Then I heard a loud boom. I turned to see Aden with his finger on the trigger of his shotgun, aiming at the head of the lion. I immediately pushed the lion off of me, and I backed off from the dead body. "Hey John," I said. He turned to look at me. "Can you take a look at the lion? Make sure it's dead and that there are no other injuries on it besides the headshot." John did a close examination on the lion.
"Anyone want to feast on a lion?" John called out, meaning that the lion was safe to eat. We all raised our hands. "How did this lion get out here? I thought lions only lived in Africa." Nyquo questioned, looking disturbed that a lion was out here when it should have been in Africa. "Could be a petting zoo," Skye pointed out. "Yeah, the only place where there would actually be a lion would be a petting zoo. And I bet that this lion has devoured zombies for its meals ever since it escaped." Dalton agreed. But John was doing a closer inspection on the lion. He stuck something into the lion's flesh and waited. A constant beep occurred a minute later. "Alright, I got it now!" John yelled in accomplishment. "Based on my indicator about this animal, it has only eaten live deer, which I have no clue where it has been traveling." Funny that John should say this, because I find it very awkward for a Lion to be this far away from whichever petting zoo that it came from.
"Does anyone find it disturbing?" Chris asked. "First we arrived here, and there was no one and nothing around. Then there was this bush and then the lion, and the now its way to quiet right now." I was starting to think the same thing that Chris had thought. _It is a bit too quiet out here_, I thought. _We'll have to be careful if we play on continuing_. We left the dead lion and went a couple feet to go discuss the matter. As we were discussing the matter, a zombie came and started feasting on our meal. Alan turned around to see the zombie who was already eating the dead lion for a meal.
"Shit! Our food is being eaten by a mindless zombie!" Alan yelled. He shot the zombie, but it was too late to save the fresh lion from infection. "Great, now what do we go?" Aden exclaimed. Suddenly, there were more zombies coming towards the dead lion. And then a horde of zombies appeared at the dead lion. Soon there were a countless number of zombies at the area. And then a group of zombies saw me, and my group. They started to rush toward us. I pulled my assault rifle up and started shooting at the zombie closest to us, and dropped him to the ground. "Run!" I yelled in alarm. We all ran, and we were shooting while running backwards. "Don't shoot, just run!" I ordered. When we thought we were far enough, we turned back to look at our so-called meal. "There goes lunch," Nyquo complained. "I think we can survive a couple more days without food," Dalton said. "I agree," Patrick said. "The sun is going down fast, let's get moving and find shelter" I said, but it wasn't long before we found a cave that we decided to camp in for the night. Same plan as usual: 2 watchers, the rest are sleepers. Shift ever hour or 2.
When morning came, we moved to the state next to Texas: Louisiana. It took a couple hours since Texas was so huge and we had to watch over the survivors, which they turned into zombies an hour later. I have no clue how, but we had to eliminate them before we were eliminated by them. We then sprinted towards Louisiana, a state in the shape of an L. When we arrived, we started to search for survivors. There turned out to be none, and I was disappointed to find that all the survivors have probably gone out on hiding already. And then I saw one of them. I saw . . . an ODST. He was injured, and he was on the verge of collapsing. I ran over to help him while everyone else came with me and protected me while I helped this helpless ODST.
"What happened?" I asked. There was an ODST, but no survivor around. "Where are the survivors?" He tried to talk. "We were ambushed," he started. "Zombies with axes along their waist and in their hands. They threw it at us. I told everyone to go while I distracted the zombies." He explained the situation to me, and I understood very well that if we didn't make it to the survivors and the rest of the ODSTs, they're going to be done for sure.
"Are the other ODSTs still alive?" I asked. The ODST nodded, and then spoke. "These zombies are strong! They will take out the remaining human race! You must . . ." he died before he could finish his sentence, but he didn't have to. I already knew what he wanted us to do. So I laid him down on the ground to rest in peace, and saluted him. My friends did the same.
"OK, guys!" I announced. "Ever since Kent died, there never really was a second in command. As of right now I am appointing one of you to be second in command. This person that I choose has the ability to take my place if I am currently not around. They're the only one in this group who is different from the others, and that's Skye!" I pointed at her, and everyone applauded. "We don't have time to lose!" I pointed out. "Dalton will also be by her side to help her in her role as second in command." And I pointed at Dalton, and everyone applauded once again. "OK, guys! Let's move. We've got some zombie brains to spill and some survivors and soldiers to save!"
And so Skye and Dalton were appointed second in command. They walked beside me, and together the 9 of us : me, Skye, Dalton, Alan, Aden, Nyquo, Aaron, Chris, and Patrick, walked forward towards our destination, and our new mission: SAVE THE SURVIVORS AND SOLDIERS, ELIMINATE ALL the ZOMBIES WHO STAND IN OUR WAY.
13. 1 for 3
Having seen what happened to the ODST we found a few days ago, we vowed to avenge the ODST and anyone else who were ambushed by the axe-holding zombies. With only 9 members in the team, including myself, we may not be able to make it in time. As of right now, we are in Florida. Florida is a popular state for vacations and Disney World. I thought that it might have some survivors, and maybe there would be leads to the ODST and the remaining survivors being led to safety.
"Do we have some kind of radar?" I heard Nyquo ask. "No, we don't," Patrick replied. "If we had a radar or motion sensors, we would be much safer." I had to agree with Patrick because there was no way to tell whether a zombie was near us or our own teammate was around us. "I might have some of those," John popped in. "And I just might have enough for all of you guys. I already have one." He opened a big chest, and looked through it. "I found it!" He said in victory. He took out 8 of them, and handed one to each of us. We put it in our pockets.
"When you enter a dark area, it is required that you use the motion sensor to track down the moving dot on your motion tracker." I said. "It's easy to tell the difference between a red dot, AKA the zombie, and a yellow dot, AKA human/team member. The dot in the middle that occurs every time you move is you. That way, you can tell whether a zombie is near you or not. Now let's go search for survivors." Everyone was about to move, but I stopped them.
"Before we go, split into 3 teams. Skye, you take Aaron and Nyquo," I assigned teammates. "Dalton, you take Patrick and Chris. John, you take Alan and Aden. I'm going to go alone." As they assembled their assigned teams, Skye walked over to me. "Hey, be careful out there okay?" she warned me. I nodded, and walked off to the first place I saw . . . Disney World.
I arrived in Disney World, looking around at the deserted place. _Geez this place is a ghost town now,_ I thought. _Wonder if there are any kid zombies here. _Kid zombies were the worst zombies among the other zombies. They were only kids, and they became a zombie. It's a sad sight to see, but the only way to let them rest in peace is kill their destroyed body. I saw a roller coaster, and I went to it. I found nothing, and moved on. I saw many more rides, and investigated each and every one carefully and found nothing of interest, and moved on to investigate any stores that might be in the land of Disney World.
I found a gift shop and went inside. I found a zombie cashier walking around near the merchandise, and it saw me. It walked toward me and I held up my assault rifle and pointed it at its face. Went it got closer, I pulled the trigger and bullets sprayed into the zombie's head. I explored the store a little more and left because I didn't find any survivors. If there were any survivors, then they probably weren't here. I left eh store, left Disney World, and went to join another group: Dalton's group.
Dalton, Chris and Patrick were inside a mall when I found them. Apparently, they were in there just killing time while moving from store to store as a group. "Why would you be killing zombies right now?" I asked Dalton, who was in charge of his 3-man group. "Sorry, when I get bored I have to kill some zombies since there's nothing else to do." He apologized. "It's ok. Did you guys find any survivors yet?" Patrick shook his head. "Alright, let's get to work then." I said, and the four of us made our way through the mall, from shop to shop. When I walked into GameStop, I noticed a person walking around, looking at the games on the shelves. They were covered in blood, but I could barely see the titles of the games. "Hey, are you ok?" I called out to the person. The person turned to face me, and I saw that their face was covered in dried blood, and it was a male. He ran right to me, arms in front and ready to grab me. I backed up and shot him, sending his to the floor in a bloody bath. _Hmm . . . wonder what he was doing here._ "Hey Phuoc! Can you hear me?" I heard Aaron's over the communicator. "Yeah, go ahead." I replied. "I'm here at Radio Shack, and I just heard someone through a walkie-talkie say that they and 2 other people were with them and is in California right now!" _Wow,_ I thought. _ How come there couldn't be any last survivors in California before we left? Well, back to California_. "How bad is it?" I asked. "They say they need help ASAP!" Aaron replied. I could tell that we needed everyone we could find. At this moment in our journey, we do need more people to help us and we have to protect every survivor possible. "Alright. We need to meet up first. All units listen up! Meet up at the entrance to Disney World! We got an urgent radio broadcast and we need to act immediately." I said. Dalton's group and I sprinted to the entrance of Disney World, where we met the other members.
"Ok, here's the situation." I started. "It seems that while we were in California, we didn't find all the survivors. As of 30 minutes ago, Aaron received a radio broadcast while in Radio Shack and this is what the survivors said: Calling any survivors or soldiers out there! (Static) We need back up ASAP! We're in California and surrounded by (Static). If you can hear us right now, there are 3 of us, me my brother and my sister! We don't have much time before we get devoured! We need (static) ASAP! Goddamn it man don't let the zombie touch you! Grace watch out! (Gunfire) We need back up immediately! If you hear this, please come and help us as soon as possible!" We listened carefully to the broadcast, and we heard the sound of gunfire and moaning zombies in the background. "Anyone up for a rescue mission?" I asked. I could see the words in the eyes of my teammates, and I could tell what they were thinking. "Let's go. I feel like I know these guys. Who knows? We might get some new teammates.
The 9 of us sprinted to California, where we didn't hear any gunfire. _Wonder where they are_, I thought. As we cautiously walked into California, there was a sudden explosion. I looked around our area, hoping that it wasn't near us. I then looked at Patrick. "It wasn't me," he said. And then there was another explosion, this time smoke filled the air a couple miles away from us. I sprinted towards it, and my teammates followed. When we arrived, I saw where the explosion came from, and I could see corpses on the ground, and 3 people still fighting zombies. They were surrounded, and they needed help ASAP! "Everyone, move out! Help them get out of there! Chris, follow me!" I commanded, and we moved immediately without hesitation.
Chris and I jumped into the center of the large group of zombies, and met the 3 survivors. "I heard you guys needed help," I said, facing one of the team members. "Yeah, we do." One of them said. "I'm Reese. This is Dakota and this is Grace." I was stunned. Was it really my brothers and sister from Xbox Live? "I'm Phuoc, leader of the group that is backing you up this very minute." Dakota stopped shooting. "Really?" he said, surprised to know that his own brother had come to save him. "Now isn't the time for this! We have to get you out of here!" I said, spraying at the zombies. And then there was another explosion. I saw this one; it exploded with a blue mist for an aftereffect. I saw a load of zombies fall, body parts missing from the explosion. I even saw one get vaporized by the explosion, but I couldn't stop shooting because the zombies were everywhere.
"Phuoc, get them out of here! I'll distract them!" I heard Nyquo say. I saw a path that was carved open for us, and all 5 of us ran out. I heard Gatling gun fire, and I saw Nyquo standing there, shooting them down on his own. He ran out of ammunition, and we backed him up so that he could get out of here. He ran towards me, and these were his words: "You have to get them out of here now! If you stay here any longer, we'll all die without completing our mission! I can distract them long enough for you to get out of here, and once you get out of here, I'll rest in peace." I knew what he was trying to do, and I couldn't argue with him because if I did, it was going to be a suicide anyways. "I . . ." I didn't know what to say. "Ok, thank you very much Nyquo. If you go down, make it a big bang. Eliminate the zombies in this area, and make sure you pass on with no regrets," I said, tears coming out of my eyes. He handed me his communicator, and his motion tracker. He walked towards the zombies, alone and everyone tried to call him back. "No, he wants this. He wants us to continue our journey," I explained. "Everyone move out! We can't stay here any longer!" Now there were 11 of us, with the three new members of the team and Nyquo gone out of the team.
We ran for 30 minutes straight, nonstop. And then there was the next and final explosion. This one was humongous, and I knew what had happened there. Nyquo, after fulfilling his request, had passed onto the afterlife with no regrets. "Thank you Nyquo," I said in depression. "It was great having you as a teammate, and a friend. Rest in peace . . . my friend. I hope we meet again." I stood there, staring into California. My teammates and my new teammates saluted him goodbye, and we moved on.
14. You Can't Bring Them Back
After the incident in California, the rescue mission, we haven't been really active. I've been traveling around with the rest of my group and my 3 new members of the group, Dakota Reese and Grace. Right now we are in New York, one of the most crowded states in the country. We've been hiding out in a huge building with windows, but barely visible, for 3 months. Everyone has been doing their own thing: some of us sleeping, some of us are chatting, and some of us just sniping zombies. Good thing they can't tell where we are at.
"Dakota, Grace and Reese. Can you guys come over here for a moment?" I called out to them from the middle of the room we were hiding out in. "Stand next to me. Can everyone else gather around?" I gathered the rest of my group to introduce them to my 3 friends who asked for help. "Guys, this is Reese, Grace, and Dakota. I met them on Xbox live from a halo reach game a long time ago. It's been a while since I last talked to them. I didn't expect to see them in real life, but based on their voice tone I could tell who they were when we arrived in California for the rescue mission." The 3 of them shook hands with the 8 of the group members. I could hear each member introducing themselves to Reese, Grace and Dakota.
"So are you brothers and sister?" Patrick asked Dakota. "No, we just made it up for the hell of it." Dakota replied. "Reese is my brother, and Grace is my sister. Phuoc, on the other hand, is my older brother." He explained to Patrick the family relation. "There was one other guy who was also our brother, but I don't know whether he is alive or dead right now." Alan was sniping zombies when Reese came by to chat. "You snipe zombies a lot?" He asked. Alan didn't answer. "I see you're very good at it. Could you possibly teach me to snipe like that sometime?" Reese asked again. This time, Alan shoved him back.
"It's your fault that Nyquo died!" He yelled in anger. We all rushed over, including Grace and Dakota. "If it wasn't for your stupid broadcast, he would still be here!" Reese looked over at me, then back at Alan. "Well, sorry. It wasn't my fault. I had to try and send out a broadcast sometime to see if anyone was out there." Reese explained. "I couldn't let my brother and sister die by the hands of zombies. We needed help." Alan aimed his sniper rifle at Reese. "Shut up right now! I don't care who you are, but you have no right to make one of us die like that!" Alan yelled. Judging by how loud he was, I was starting to think that the zombies were already headed for this building that we were on.
I stepped in front of Alan's sniper rifle, and he looked at me. "You really want to shoot my gaming brother?" I said. I wasn't about to lose my gaming brother. "You can shoot me first if you want to do that. Our objective is to rescue everyone we can. It doesn't matter who we are. We have to complete our objective even if it means death! Nyquo sacrificed himself for us to get out of the area, so don't blame Reese or any of them for this!" If I got it through Alan's head, he probably understood. He lowered his sniper rifle, and walked away to a wall and sat down there.
"I'm sorry, Reese." I apologized. "We've been losing people for quite a while now. I hope you don't take this offensive." Reese shook his head. "I know how hard it is to lose a friend. I don't blame him, and I certainly don't blame you. You lead this group, you protect them and they repay you by sacrificing themselves to keep you and others alive." Reese explained. Suddenly, Patrick ran up and told me, "The zombies are coming! They're come to this building right now!" I was alarmed, and everyone looked out the windows and down to the ground. The zombies were walking into the building, and I could hear their moaning and footsteps. "There's a roof above us. If we hurry, we can make it up there and jump to the next building and escape the swarm."
We all rushed to the roof, and the building closest to us was 20 feet away. There was a platform that was pointing in the direction of the building. One by one, we jumped. The zombies managed to get onto the roof before we all made it over. The only ones left on the building with the zombies were me, Reese, Grace, Dakota, Alan, and Aden. Grace jumped next, then Reese, then Dakota. Now me, Alan and Aden were left. I jumped over, and I could hear gunfire. I turned back to see Alan start making the jump. However, Aden got dragged in by a zombie and he was being devoured. Alan was held back by a zombie who had been grabbed by a zombie right before the jump.
"Alan!" I yelled, fearing that I was going to lose him and Aden to the zombies. I was shocked, and I could see that Alan and Aden had already been surrounded by zombies, and if we jumped over to help them then we would become a meal for the zombies too. I heard Alan yell and say that a zombie had bitten him, and I heard Aden yell. Soon there was no more yelling other than the sound of the zombies munching on their meal. They still came for us though. They fell down to the ground and landed with a huge splat. I looked down and saw a bloodbath down on the ground. Everyone ran to leave the building and run away before we were the next target. Grace stood in one place and looked at me. "Come on, brother!" She called. I was still looking at the corpse of my dead friends when she came over and pulled me away from the sight.
As we ran down the stairs, tears strolled down my face. I couldn't believe what had just happened. It happened so fast that I didn't even have the time to react. I just lost 2 of my friends to an unexpected attack. Unlike the other attacks, 2 of my friends died without even thinking about suicide. They were taken in by the horde and eaten for lunch. In the other attacks, someone committed suicide to save the group. When we reached ground level, the zombies were roaming around. We sprinted out of the area, and continued sprinting for 5 days. In 5 days, we landed in Illinois.
I sat down on the ground and started to hit myself for what had happened earlier. Punch after punch after punch, I felt I didn't learn anything from it. I continued to do so until Skye came over and grabbed by arm to stop me from hitting myself. "You have to stop doing this to yourself," she said. "Phuoc, it's not your fault that they died unexpectedly. No one saw it coming." I blocked out everything she said, and pulled my arm back. I continued to hit myself. "Phuoc . . ." she tried once more. "Please. Please stop. Don't do this to yourself. It won't bring them back." I didn't listen, and continued to hit myself.
Dalton came over and tried to make me stop. "Doing this won't bring anyone back. Just stop and we'll avenge them." I stopped hitting myself and thought for a moment. "Could it really be?" I said to myself. "They died because of me. I didn't do anything while the attack had happened. I'm a horrible leader." I pulled out my handgun and looked at it. I held it up to my head, but Dalton knocked it out of my hands. "Is this what you really want?" He yelled. "We're trying to help you and this is what you do? Suicide isn't the answer! No matter what you do, you can't bring back the dead! Face the facts man!" I looked at him as he was talking to me. "Don't do this man. You have 2 brothers and a sister to take care of. Don't do it man. We need you here to lead us, to help us, to protect us. Your objective isn't over yet."
I had finally taken something from a teammate. I calmed down, stopped hitting myself and stood up. I faced Dalton, and then looked at Skye. Then back to Dalton. "Dalton, Skye, thank you." I thanked them. Everyone was just resting on the ground while Dalton and Skye had talked to me. They woke up a couple minutes later, and stood up. I walked to them and said, "Let's move on guys. Let's move on." Before we even moved, there were some cars and tanks that had come out of nowhere. A truck came by and a door opened. We looked into the truck and a man came out.
15. Return of the Warriors
The man we saw was someone none of us knew. "Who are you?" I asked him, but he didn't reply. Instead, he raised his hand in the air, and a group of men came out from the other vehicles and formed a circle around us, aiming their guns at us. We pointed our guns at them cautiously. "Lower your firearms!" I heard someone yell. A huge man came out from one of the vehicles, and everyone around us lowered their firearms. We didn't lower our firearms. Rather, we kept aiming cautiously.
He approached me, and said "Sorry about that. We've been through hell the past few months." I knew then that these people were survivors. "I am Jackson, leader of the people who you think are dangerous. These people are actually ODST soldiers." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "Jackson Anderson?" I asked. He nodded. "How the fuck did you come to leading these guys? I'm Phuoc, your high school friend!" I saw the excitement in Jackson's eyes. "Let me introduce you to my team members that I lead. This is Dalton, Skye, Patrick, Chris, Aaron, John, Dakota, Grace and Reese. We've been through as much hell as you, but Dakota, Grace and Reese are new to the team." Jackson shook the hands of each of my team members.
"Come on, we must get into the vehicles. Zombies could be anywhere right now." He led us to a big hummer, and we got into it and sat down. He sat in the driver seat. "Sir, we got contacts dead ahead! And they're coming right for us!" An ODST yelled through the communicator that we were all wearing, which for some reason we heard. "Everyone get in the cars and turn on your engines! I need gunners on the machine guns mounted on the hummers and tanks!" Jackson commanded. Looking out the window of the door, I could see that everyone was getting ready to hit and run. I noticed that Patrick had gotten to the machine gun and was ready to shoot. Jackson turned on the engine. "When I start going, start shooting!" Jackson stepped on the gas pedal and sped through the zombies. I heard gunfire, and I saw zombies being run over, arms and legs laying everywhere.
An hour later, we arrived at a base. When we entered the base, Jackson and the ODST drivers parked the vehicles and we exited the vehicles. Outside inside the base, I could see hundreds of thousands of survivors. "Welcome to our survival base at Virginia." An ODST told me. "Follow me, if you will. Phuoc, Jackson would like to talk to you." I went with an ODST to talk to Jackson while another ODST led my team members to some other place. I arrived to see Jackson standing and staring beyond a fence. The ODST left me and I walked toward Jackson. "You wanted to see me?" I told Jackson.
"Yeah, there is something that disturbs me." He started. "Look beyond the gate and tell me what you see." I looked beyond the gate. At first, I didn't see anything. But then something came into sight. I thought I saw an elephant, and a bunch of zombies. But what I saw wasn't actually an elephant. It was an enormous wave of zombies. "That's our enemy. This is now a war waged against a small population of 5,000 soldiers and survivors combined. There are more survivors than soldiers. If we don't find a place to go to, we're done for. These zombies seem to grow stronger and stronger every day. The only thing that is holding them back is the fact that I have to release wild animals into the area so that they can be distracted and buy us some time to train some of the survivors to fight."
"Well, I could help out, but I lost 5 of my team members. I don't think I can help out." I explained to Jackson what happened to each person. "I may be able to bring them back to life." Jackson said. "All I need is your memory of them. By having an image of them in your memory, I can bring back the last image of them you saw. Then they can fight with us." Jackson said. "Come, there is one place that we can do this, and it's in this survival camp. But we must hurry because the zombies may bust in anytime." Jackson led me to a huge building where it was filled with technology.
"How did you find this building?" I asked curiously. "IDK, we stumbled upon this building while trying to find a safe place for the survivors to hide out." he replied. I saw multiple capsules, enough for all the ones that died to be brought back to life. I also saw operating machine technology. "Well then, let's get started." He said, leading me to one of the capsules closest to the operating machinery. "This is where you will do your part of the work while we run the system. All you have to do is lay in there, close your eyes, and remember your friends that fell due to zombie attacks. Its that easy. Ready?" I nodded. "OK, let's start this thing up! Good Luck Phuoc." I laid down, closed my eyes and started to think and try and remember.
Everyone that died, was a friend of mine. Kent died due to kamikaze, Jack died of an flying ax, Nyquo died by sacrifice, and Alan and Aden died of an unexpected zombie attack. I thought of them in that order, and I remember what I went through with each and every one of them. A giant flash of light filled the zone within the building, and I could feel that something was happening. When the flash of light had gone, I opened my eyes, and the lid of the capsule opened. I sat up and got out. Jackson was still standing there, looking at the other capsules. I went to each one. _Hey, it's Kent. He's been brought back to life!_ I thought. I went to the other capsules. _Jack . . . and Nyquo . . . and Alan and Aden too! This machine actually works!_
The lids to those capsules opened up and the 5 of them sat up. "Where am I?" They asked as one person. "You have been resurrected, my friends." I said. "Thanks to the technology founded by my friend Jackson, you've been brought back from the afterlife." They got out, and I gave each one a hug (no homo) to show how much I cared for each one of them. "Kent, Jack, Nyquo, Alan and Aden," I called their names. They looked at me. "Come with me. This ODST here shall lead us to our other comrades. Care to join us, Jackson?" Jackson nodded. The ODST led us to the other 9 members in the team, where the 5 of them hugged and shook hands with the other 9 members.
"Jackson, you should get your soldiers ready for the battle in a week. We're going to get ready for this battle." I told Jackson. He left the area along with the ODST. "OK, listen up!" I yelled. All 14 team members turned to face me. "As of what Jackson here has told me, the zombies are waging war against the last of the North American race! They may not have any weapons, but their crappy teeth and arms and numbers are good enough to take the rest of us down! The only way we'll take them down is by our own tactics. We have the help of Jackson and the ODST soldiers, but that will not be enough. In 1 week, we will fight the zombies and save our country. I know what all of us have been through, but this war is just the beginning. Prepare yourself for next week when we fight them." I could see that all my teammates were ready for battle. "Let's go and train ourselves for it." I asked an ODST to lead us to the shooting range, and he led us there. Dalton and Skye stayed back to talk about something.
"Dalton, I'm afraid we have to break up." Skye said. "Why?" He asked. "Because after this war, things won't be the same anymore. I feel that this zombie war hasn't given us any time to show our true feelings to each other. I know that this is harsh, but I'm sorry Dalton. I don't want to be your girlfriend anymore. We can still be friends." Dalton looked down on the ground, tears dropping to the ground. "OK," he said calmly. "Then we can be friends. I'll still protect you till this war is over." He said. Skye and Dalton shook hands, and ran after Phuoc to catch up to get to the shooting range.
16. Training
A few days have passed by since Nyquo, Alan, Aden, Jack and Kent were resurrected. We've been training hard since the first sight of the large wave of zombies beyond the gate. The 5 resurrected have been training the hardest, trying to take down every target as fast as possible as well as raising their accuracy. I've been talking to Jackson while at the shooting range with the ODST soldiers to give them some headers on accuracy. To tell the truth, they do suck at shooting. Their accuracy is below 50%, but some or slowly learning and increasing in accuracy.
"So what do you think of my team members?" I asked Jackson, who was standing next to me and practicing. "Pretty good actually. In fact, they're better than me." Jackson said. I laughed. "That's because you're using overpowered AA12 shotgun! Didn't you know that automatic weapons have high recoil unless you have complete control over them?" Jackson looked at me shooting my assault rifle. I had complete control over my assault rifle. I lessened the recoil on my assault rifle, which allowed me to increase my accuracy. "No way man!" Jackson said surprisingly. "How the hell did you hit all those targets with one clip? I can't even do that!" I showed Jackson how to control the recoil on his weapon. It was hard to do that because his and my weapons were completely different. "You need more practice, Jackson. You shoot like the ODST soldiers here." I teased him. He laughed. "There is one other guy I want you to meet." He told me. "Come with me." Jackson led me to a group of ODST soldiers, where they talked and played games.
"Hey so you know about the zombies right?" I heard someone say. "So if there are black zombies, how come there aren't white zombies?" a burst of laughter exploded. From how this guy told the joke, it was a zombie racist joke. "Hey Jounard!" Jackson said. "Remember Phuoc from high school?" A tall man looked at Jackson and nodded. "Yeah, I do. Why do you ask?" Jackson pointed at me, and said, "This is Phuoc." Jounard was rooted to the ground. He stared at me, his lower jaw dropped. "PHUOC!" he said in excitement. "What the fuck are you doing here? How did you get here?" I knew he was going to ask all those questions. "Yeah . . . it's a long story. But I want you to meet 14 people. Come with me, Jounard." I dragged Jounard to the shooting range, where my teammates and friends were shooting moving/stationary targets.
"Jounard, this is my team." I introduced. Everyone turned around to look at me and Jounard. One by one I introduced each one to him, and then I introduced him to them. "So . . . how long have you been here?" I asked Jounard. "Roughly half a year," he said. "It's been a long time, so I can't really remember very well." I understood him. "I've been traveling around since the start of this apocalypse. From Washington to California to Texas to Florida to New York and now we're here." I explained. "I found most of these guys along the way. I've connected with them a lot ever since this happened. We've been a real team after each attack and fight." _I sound like a freaking idiot trying to explain stuff to him that I've been through. _
"Well, I gotta get back to training. We're going to be killing them pretty soon. Keep training," I told Jounard. I shook his hand and left and came back to my part of the shooting range. On my way back, I noticed a group of sniper trainees. It seems as if they were in the middle of sniping zombies for practice, which they were actually doing that. When I had arrived back, I saw a fight breaking out between 2 people. "You got him killed!" One of them said. "No I didn't! It's his fault!" the other one said. I saw punches being thrown, the 2 people rolling around on the ground while everyone else stood around to watch. "Jack, Kent! I need you over here near the barracks immediately!" I saw through my communicator. "We're on our way!" They responded.
When they got there, I told them to help me settle this fight. "Who the fuck is you?" One of them asked. "I'm one of Jackson's friends, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't want to see his own people fight." I explained. "People die in this situation, man. Zombies are everywhere. If they die, it's not their fault." I was giving one of the guys a lesson on life while everyone else and my teammates were standing and watching. "You should know that people could die anytime. It's no one's fault, and we got a war coming for us soon. So ready up and stop bickering and fighting!" I yelled. "What happened?" Jackson ran over. "2 of your asshole people were fighting and one of them was blaming the other because someone died." I explained. Jackson nodded. "These guys are losing their morale. We need to train them quickly." From what Jackson had said, they were going to need hard training and fast before the war. So I volunteered to help him train them, and asked my teammates to help me train them. They agreed in unison, and we made our way to train the men in the area.
2 days later, they had all the skills they needed to kill the zombies. They were ready for this zombie war, and I know that they were not going to hold back. We gathered for a ceremony the day before the war was going to begin. "Tomorrow is the day that we fight them." Jackson started. "All your training will come into use starting tomorrow. Don't hold anything back; give them everything that you learned. Teach them to not mess with the living!" Everyone gave a victorious yell. "Even if you lose a friend, you must avenge them by killing their enemy and make sure that you don't die as well. Let's get some rest for tomorrow." Everyone left the area and went to get some rest for tomorrow. Jackson turned to face me and my teammates. "I'll see you tomorrow on the battlefield mates." He told us.
"Let's get some rest guys. We got a big day tomorrow," I said. "Some of us sniping, some of us out on the battlefield. But for sure, I won't let anyone die in this last battle. All of us will live for this one because we have many things to do after this war, such as going to another place to eliminate the zombies there." I finished my last sentence, and left the area. Everyone else left the area and went to rest. _We will be ready tomorrow, and I will protect everyone. _I told myself.
17. The Beginning of the End
We rested for tomorrow's big battle. The day came, and we were trained. The Snipers have been at it since last night. They've been sniping zombies since last night for practice and to try and lessen the number of zombies as much as they can. Kent, Dakota, Alan and Grace have been sniping zombies since last night, and they don't seem to show a sign of exhaustion. I met Jackson at the frontline. "You ready for this battle?" I asked him. He nodded. "This will be our last effort to save all of mankind. Let's hope we can do this." He said.
A medium-sized person came up to me and talked to me. "Hey Phuoc, I'm one of the civilians." He told me. "Nice to meet you, but we're about to go into the fight. So get ready." I prepared him. "Ok, but I am a battle mage, so I can cast a couple fire spells and whatnot to help out." He explained. "I'll see you on the battlefield." I thought to myself. _A battle mage? I didn't know that there was actual battle mages in today's world. Well . . . let's hope that he can help us take these zombies down quick before we get devoured for breakfast, lunch or dinner_.
A citizen, who was ready to fight, came by and gave me an RPG. "Get ready!" I yelled. I looked to the left and the right of me, and saw who I expected to see at the frontlines: Dakota, Alan, Grace, Skye, Aaron, Nyquo, Jack, Chris, Reese, Jackson, Jounard, Patrick, Kent, Dalton, Aden and John. We were ready for the battle and ready to fight till death or till victory. I fired the RPG at the gate, and dropped the empty rocket launcher. I armed myself with my assault rifle, and I heard the explosion. The zombies started pouring in, and they started to spread. "This is it guys," I said. "I'll see you guys at the finish line." I looked ahead of us as the zombies got closer. "FOR EARTH!" I yelled, and I heard every one of my friends along with the civilians and soldiers yell the same thing. We rushed to them, and made our attack.
Gunfire filled the air, bodies falling down to the ground with a thump. I looked back and forth as I fought the zombies, seeing whether my teammates were being devoured or if they were still fighting. A zombie came up to me, but it was quickly put to rest by Aden, who looked as if he was super pro with his shotgun. "Thanks Aden!" I yelled. Before Aden could reply, a zombie came up from behind and was about to bite him. I eliminated that zombie quickly, and saved my friend from infection. I ran around instead of standing in one area to kill zombies. If you stay in one place to kill zombies, they will surround you and you will be a goner.
Jackson and Jounard were out there killing zombies, Jackson with his AA12 and Jounard with his shotgun. I saw zombie brains flying everywhere across the battlefield. It looked so gruesome that I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I saw what the battle mage could do. He was casting spells to fight the zombies. Though there was a couple civilians around him, making sure he didn't get bit. _Seems like he can actually do something that is helpful_, I thought. As I fought the zombies around me, what I didn't see was an axe zombie that was holding an axe and ready to behead me. Gunfire came from behind me and I turned around to see that Skye had shot an axe zombie that was about to cut my head off. "Thanks, Skye!" I told her. She nodded, and went back to killing the zombies.
3 hours passed by since the zombie war started, and most of the ODST troops had been devoured or were infected and became zombies. I felt sad for them, yet I couldn't bring them back. The battle mage was bit, but he managed to kill a couple hundred thousand zombies with the last of his magic that exploded in a giant wave that killed a couple hundred thousand zombies instantly. We lost so many people in such little time.
The 17 of us continued to fight even though our small-sized army was going down slowly. As far as I know, we weren't going down without a fight. 3 more hours passed by and the whole army had been devoured or turned into zombies. I knew for sure that the rest of us were gone. "This is it, guys." I told everyone. Though we were still fighting as a group, we saw the end of our path had come. "I think we're done for." Aden said. "No, we're not" I said. I pulled out a remote from my pocket and pushed the big red button. Several explosions were set off, and I saw hundreds of thousands of zombies being blown up. Though many of the zombies had been taken out, we were still in a tight situation. Even though we still had our primary weapons, we were still dead.
I kept fighting. I didn't lose hope. I didn't have anything to lose, except my friends and my life. Even if my friends went down, I'll never forget what they've done for me and what I've done for them. We kind of stalled for a while we were fighting, and that led to the death of Aaron. "Goodbye, Aaron." I said. "We'll see you on the other side." The zombies were still there, and there was no end to them. Reese, Dakota and I were still fighting. Everyone else wanted to give up, but still fought with barely any effort.
Out of nowhere, there was gunfire. I thought everyone was dead. I thought that the army was dead. The only ones left were me and my group. I turned back to see that another wave of allies had come to help. "Save the survivors! Kill the zombies!" I heard someone yell. We stood up in relief, knowing that our end was nowhere near us now. I fought once more to end this. Grenades and explosions were everywhere around us. I saw zombies being blown to pieces, and brains flying everywhere. "Are you alright?" someone asked me. "Yeah, but we have to finish off these zombies now or we're going to end up being zombies!" I explained. "Ok," he replied. "Let's finish this, guys! For Earth and for all of mankind!" he yelled. Together the rest of my friends and his army took out the zombies, and the war for the United States of America was over.
It took a whole 5 months to finish this war, but we finished it. The dead were buried, and those who fought in the war were saluted in the end. I buried the dead friends of mine who had fought in the war on my side. "Rest, Aaron. We'll see you around." I'm surprised that Skye, Dalton, Kent, Alan, Aden, Grace, Reese, Dakota, Nyquo, Chris, Patrick, Jack, Jackson, Jounard, and John had survived the war. I couldn't believe how great of a leader I was. I kept them alive, but I couldn't keep Aaron alive. I cried at the funeral of everyone who fought in the zombie war. I knew that even though this war was over, we still have more to finish. Other countries needed help as much as we do.
"This is just the beginning of our war," I said. Skye and everyone else agreed. She came over and held my hand, standing next to me. "If we're going to end this war, we'll do it together." She said, energy filling her with strength. "Guys, we will do this together. Is anyone up for another zombie battle?" I said. I heard everyone say yes, and we trained in Montana, where we got ready for the battles ahead of us. 5 years later, we managed to recruit about 500,000 people to fight with us against the zombies. "I think we're ready. What about you guys?" I asked my teammates. They nodded, and together we moved to the next destination: Africa.
"You're not leaving without me!" a voice called out from behind us. I turned to look, and saw Aaron alive. "Aaron! You're alive!" I said excitedly. "Well what are we waiting for? Let's get this show on the road!" he told me. Now our team was complete. The 17 of us lead the US army to our next destination: Africa. We boarded a US Army Battleship for our destination. Who are we? We are a group, a team, a family. Our journey continues, and we will survive until the end.
Sneak Peek on my next book:
We got into Africa, and the soldiers were still on the ship. I stepped foot on the land, and so did my team of 17. We explored the land, looking around to see if anything was strange. Suddenly, something ran with great speed, and tackled me. I landed on the ground, the creature being on top of me. I thought it was the end of me, until it was shot in the head by a shotgun wielded by Reese. "Thanks Reese." I told him. "Looks like this whole place is infected, not just people."
End file.
| Zombie Survival Story by ZombieObliteration | Zombie Survival Guide |
This small excerpt was for a contest online which asked to submit a scenario where a zombie was to be killed.
A man and his teenage son walked down a long deserted highway until they ran into a warehouse, where it was decided that refuge will be taken inside for the night. They walk in quietly, searching out any living or undead threat that might be waiting in the spacious building. After assuring that the immediate area was safe, a collective sigh of relief was given.
It was too soon to let their guards down, as they began to relax a loud bang was heard coming through a door at the far end of the room they were in. The man checked his six shooter, to make sure it was loaded and put a hand over the hunting knife that was attached to his belt on his side. Looking over, his son had the double barrel shot gun at the ready. The banging was steady but became more insistent as the duo approached the door. A quick glance at his son, the man reached for the door knob, turned it slowly, and pushed the door open slowly.
From the darkness a hand shot out and pulled the door completely open, startling the man and making him trip backwards and fall flat to the ground as two foul stenched zombies emerged from the doorway. The son pulled the trigger on his shotgun catching the first zombie in the stomach almost tearing it apart, the force throwing it across the floor. He gave quick chase to finish it off, meanwhile the man wildly unloaded his six shooter on the second zombie who was fixed on making a meal out of him, completely missing its head, the closest hitting the zombies neck. The man franticly searched his pockets for more bullets, as he heard his son finishing off the first zombie with a loud blast, but it was too late. The zombie was on top of him clawing, teeth gnashing, ready to take a bite of him. Holding its head back the man called out for his son. Just as the zombie opened its mouth wide and began its death moan, the man saw the shotgun barrel being shoved into its mouth. The son guided the zombie up to its feet as the man rolled off his back to catch his breath. The son looked at the zombie as it seemed to try and bite off the barrel and smiled then he pulled the trigger. To his surprise nothing happened, he clicked again and again with no success. The zombie began to push against the barrel as it reached out for the son. The barrel began to break the putrid rotten flesh of the zombie and started to slide out through its cheek near the ear. Frozen in fear the son watched as the zombie pushed and started to get into arms reach of him, closer and closer its finger tips able to touch his jacket. Suddenly it went limp, all life left its body as the Father pulled his hunting knife from the back of the zombies skull. He looked at his son and said "you don't have infinite ammo like one of your games, next time remember to reload" then he turned around and wiped the knives blade off his jeans.
End file.
| FATHER & SON by Dindraine084 | Zombie Survival Guide |
zompocalyptia prologue
**None of the people in this story are completely ficticious and are not real in any way, the names may exist but they do not have any relation to me as an individual.**
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Life used to be filled with happiness. Kids playing in the streets minding their own business. Women at the shops buying their groceries on their families' budgets. Business men pacing across streets to get to their meetings and debating about economic decisions. This used to be a life that we'd all remember, well those of us that are not Stenches.
It is a life of hell now. After the swine flu vaccine came and taking it, curing themselves from the epidemic. Over the course of five years the vaccinated people began dying from unexplained causes. The only reports were of the vaccinated people scratching their skin a couple days before they died. Shortly after the last person that had the vaccine died, a new virus arose. It was like a catalyst, his death causing the Stenches to rise from the graves and walk the streets as the undead.
He was patient X, the first Stench. It started, after being bitten, as a rash from him, but after the first infected person it evolved, from nausea and fainting with at least three to five days of being alive to going to the full blown virus, with half an hour to three hours remaining before turning Stench. It has been three years after the Zompocalypse first started, there are around three hundred thousand of non-Stenched people left in the world, and I'm one of them.
After settling down in a town just outside of the Los Angeles, away from Stenchtopia, the civil underground tunnels was the best way to travel around. No Stenches scurrying around looking for human flesh to feed on. It's a limited amount of people dying when they escape using the tunnels, and it's the best way for the tribes to commune between each other.
Home, was what I called this place, the walled base that people made around the underground tunnels for travel and was the best way to protect the people living in its boundaries, but knowing that other safe haven's could fall, could lead to our death. Yes the home where I live is called 'SafeHaven', other tribes that are around in the state of California are called the 'Locos', the 'Demon Dogs' and the 'Tribe Circus'. These are the tribes that connect around in the L.A area.
Going into the CBD (Central Business District) would be a Mecca for Stenches. On each street there would be hundreds, even thousands of them. Whether it was that they adapted to what lifestyles they had before becoming Stench or that they plan to trap us by the lure of what we would find comforting. The Stench population would remain in well populated areas and would hardly be seen out roaming in county like areas. SafeHaven has a few hundred Stenches, outside of our walls, that walk round the outskirts of town.
The guard posts would always kill the Stenches that came near the wall and also for the sheer fun of it. The time when they would mostly come, would be early in the night. The Stenches would be most vicious; it is like that they have heightened senses and are able to sense our blood. But at night they would always find some of our mercenaries transporting goods in the metro tunnels then at day time they would be clumsy and pass us in the streets above.
My life in this world was as the close adviser to the reigning commander of SafeHaven, Bill Moss. He was the one who made laws and our first SafeHaven right at the start of the Zompocalypse. He's been commander the whole time. Bill had called a meeting between the tribe leaders, Mitchell Goulburn of the Demon Dogs, Corey Priestman of the Locos and Jessie Alestin of the Tribe Circus. Trade, opinions, laws and communal changes were raised in the speeches in the meeting.
My story of the events that made me the ruler of SafeHaven starts with this meeting. We were out of SafeHaven in a secluded area; still we had assault rifles on us in case of Stenches coming and were a good thing too. The other advisers of the leaders had various weapons ranging from a 9mm pistol, 12mm sub machineguns and the typical M5 assault rifle which I had. With the weapons we had if the fence that surrounded us failed we would kill them before us getting turned Stench.
After a few hours into the meeting the Stenches started to come. We shot at them killing them all as they came. When we stopped shooting a bomb that was placed under the table where the leaders sat had exploded. As it blew up I was blown back rendering myself unconscious in the process.
End file.
| zompocalyptia prologue by M.W.Chronicals2301 | Zombie Survival Guide |
You Kill Me Well
**A/N: **Alright, I wasn't 100% where to put this, so yeah. I don't claim to own the zombies seeing that I wasn't the one to invent them. Everything else though, is mine. Review if you wish to. Oh, I rated this 'M' due to the language. So if you where looking for zombie sex of some sort.. you're in the wrong place. :)
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I hate being awoken in the morning by the sound of my house phone ringing. See, its this old school 1920's phone with an annoying ring. Loud as hell and that's how I woke up this morning... again. It always seems to happen that way.
I laid in bed for a good twenty minutes trying to go back to sleep, hoping to continue on the dream I was having. I know I was going to an airport... for some reason. But there was this huge mountain in front of me. I either had to climb over the mountain or go around it to get to the airport. I was on a bit of a time crunch so I thought to climb the mountain. I finally got to the top and realized it was too dangerous for me to actually cross the top. Something told me to slide down the side of the mountain I just climbed up... so I did. I flew off the edge of the mountain and then I woke up.
My cell phone was sitting on my bedside table, a habit I had gotten into. I grabbed it to check the time, 12:38. This seemed like late enough for me, so I got up from bed, exited my room and made a bee-line for the kitchen; I'm useless without my coffee, how little I knew at the time that I'd be needing all that energy I could acquire for the up coming events.
A huge blue glass cup, steaming coffee, two and 1/2 spoon fulls of sugar and a metric ass-tone of Irish coffee creamer. Not Irish as in alcohol in it, but as in the flavor. With this nice cup of steaming Joe, I desired to indulge myself in my favorite morning activity; smoking a cigarette. There's just something about sitting outside with a fresh cop of coffee, listening to the birds chirp and filling your lungs with a dangerous chemical that could ultimately give you cancer. Ah, the good old days.
As I sat outside and filled my lungs with smoke, I heard the the lunch hour traffic pass my house, as usual. At this point, my grandma came outside to smoke with me. Yes, she knows I smoke. Yes, I'm only 17 and its illegal for me to be smoking. Dose she actually give a shit? Hell no. Now, spare me the smoking lecture please, I get them all the time from my boyfriend.
"Did you hear that story on the news?" My grandma asked me with her newly lit coffin-nail hanging from her mouth. She has a habit of asking very vague questions like that.
"What story?" I took a long drag from my smoke and tried to make a smoke-ring. I've never been able to do it, why I thought I'd be able to do it then is beyond me.
"The one about a disease breakout up in Atlanta," Grandma began, "The reporter said something about 200 cases of it already and almost 50 people dying from it already."
"Swine flu again?" I asked her. It wouldn't have surprised me if it was Swine flu again. The way I saw the medical field and the shitty ass doctors... I was surprised they knew their head from their asses. Back then I wasn't too big of a fan on the medical field. Not that I had a sickness or anything like that. It was just that they where so stupid.
"No, they don't know what it is. But they say its spreading though out all the patients at the hospital. Its spreading quicker than anything they have ever seen."
"Wasn't that the same story for the Black Plague?" I took a sip from my coffee.
"Well, they say its really bad."
"They'll work it out, they always do. Anyways, I'm going to hop in the shower. Matt's mom is going to pick me up at around two."
"Oh, you're going over to Matt's?"
"Yes, mom knows and she's fine with it." With that, I put out my cancer stick, picked up my coffee and headed back into my house.
An hour later my hair was done, make-up all nice and pretty and waiting for Matt's mom to get to my house. My cell phone buzzed from inside my pocket, Matt had sent me a text message. I half expected it to say something along the lines of our plans being canceled due to something silly. I flipped open my phone to read, 'The shit has hit the fan'.
'What the hell is that supposed to mean?' I texted back to him.
In quite a short amount of time I got a response.
'You heard about that sickness outbreak up in Atlanta, right?'
'What about it?' I always seem to send him a question of some sort...
'Its spread to Augusta.'
'You're not in the hospital, are you?'
'No. I need you to get your moms gun...all of them... as much ammo as you can, get in your car and get over here as fast as you can.'
Now this got me worried. Matt knew I didn't have my license... or the key to my moms gun case. The thing about Matt, he's a pretty law abiding person. The fact that he asked me to break the law threw up a lot of red flags in my head. At this I needed some answers. I dialed his number and waited very impatiently for him to answer.
"Are you on your way?" So much for a nice hello from my boyfriend...
"Dude," I began, "I don't have my license-"
"That doesn't matter."
"If I get pulled over by the cops-"
"Look," he sounded stressed out, "get your moms guns-"
"But I don't have the key to the cases."
"We'll deal with that. Just do what I said and I'll explain when you get here."
The line went dead, bastard hung up on me. I was half tempted not to do what he asked me to do. Something told me to do what he said, though. So a few minutes later, two guns sat in the back of my car. Along with all the ammo we had at the house and my very own gun holster strapped to my leg.. don't really know why though.
15 minutes later I pulled into his driveway to see quite a few cars already there, his friends cars. I grabbed the guns and ammo out of the car and head for entered his house and strait for his room. His room wasn't tiny, but wasn't big either. I reached his door and thought about getting in, but it wasn't going to be possible due to the mass of people inside his room. He saw me and some how managed to find an exit out of his room.
"Hey." Oh, now he wants go say hi.
"Whats going on?" I asked him as he grabbed one of the guns from me, opened the case and looked at the cord wrapped around the gun. My mom liked to make sure the guns where locked up with some bike lock system thingy.
"It looks like your greatest wish has finally come true."
"And whats that?" I asked him as I fallowed him into the kitchen where he set the gun and its case down on the kitchen table.
"You've always wanted to fight zombies right?" He asked me as he grabbed a pair of hear by shears, or whatever their called, and cut the lock around the gun.
"Sure, why?" I sat the other gun on the table with the ammo.
"Well," Matt began, doing the same to the next gun that he had done to the first, "remember that sickness?"
"Can you just get to the point?" I was a bit annoyed. Mom was sure to kill me when she found out that I drove my car without a license and stole her guns.
"Its zombies."
My heart stopped beating with those two little words. A wicked smile spread across my face. If there was one thing in the world I was mentally prepared for, it was the zombie invasion. Matt didn't need to say anything more to me after that. For all my life I liked to do things solo, and that was exactly how I intended to do this. I grabbed the clip to my moms Bretta and loaded it.. with a little bit of difficulty. Put the gun in my holster and slid the clip in my pocket.
"Well," I looked over at him,"I'll be seeing you in hell then." I started to walk off to the front door. Ive always thought I'd never actually survive a zombie invasion, so I always thought I would go down and take out as many of the fuckers that I could. Sadly, I didn't make it far, Matt grabbed the back of my arm.
"Where do you think you're going?"
"They way I see it," I began, looking into his stormy blue eyes, "if you plan on taking all those people with you to take out some zombies... well I don't think that's going to work. There's too many of them. Someone will end up causing noise and attract even more zombies. The way I see it, I'd be better off just going it my own." Saying that hurt me more than he knew because saying that meant leaving him, but is was for the best.
With that he let go of my arm, I left his house and sat in my car for just a moment. I didn't want to leave, but I had to. When I spoke of someone making a some noise and causing more zombies to appear, I was talking about myself. I knew I might put him in danger and if anything bad happened to him while I was around, I knew I'd never let myself live it down.
I started my car and pulled away from his house, without ever looking back. Little did I know I'd never see him again. Kinda sucks when I think about it, seeing that I had completely given my heart to him and whatnot. I headed to the nearest Sports Academy, which wasn't too far away. Why did I head there, you may ask. Well, I needed supplies. Guns, ammo and all those kinda things. All I had on me at the time was a silly pistol and a half full pack of smokes, that wasn't going to get me very far.
When I stepped into the store, I was completely taken aback. It was totally empty. Was I the only one who didn't know that this sickness thing, or whatever it was, had come to the Augusta area? Well, this surly made me feel a bit better about stealing what I needed... no one there to see me do it, right? I found a shopping cart near by and started towards the many isles.
Ten minutes later and, a shotgun, two pistols, a hunting rifle, a hunting knife, two hip holsters, a few gas canisters, all the ammo in the store, and a backpack. I left the parking lot of Sports Academy. While I was stealing the goods, I had came up with a small plan. Nothing too impressive. I needed some other things that I wasn't able to find in the sports store. Like a crowbar, for example. So what I needed to do was go to Home Depo and a gas station. Why a gas station? To fill up those gas canisters, as well as my gas tank, to get some food, and to get as many cartons of smokes and lighters as I could find. Like I said before, I'm a smoker and if I am going to kill some zombies, I'm going to need my nicotine. Once I finish my shopping, I planned on heading for Atlanta, where all this had started. I figured that most of the zombies would be at.
At Home Depo. I found what I was looking for plus a few extras. A crowbar, an axe and the all time favorite... chainsaw, just in case. The gas station, just like Home Depo and Sports Academy, where completely deserted.
So there I was, on my way to the capitol city of Georgia, Atlanta, of all those who might not know. Atlanta was about a two and a half hour drive away from Augusta, so it was going to be a while before I actually got some zombie action, boy, was I wrong. About 30 minutes into my journey, I came across some massively heavy traffic. But something wasn't right, the cars in front of we were not on. They weren't moving. Something in me said that I needed to get my gear and get ready, so I did.
As quickly as I could I put on the holsters, threw all the ammo, smokes, lighters, food and water into the backpack, put the loaded clips into the guns which then went into the holsters. I grabbed the shotgun and loaded that too. The hunting knife, which came complete with its own holder thingy, went onto my hip. I placed the crowbar in between my belt and pants with the pointy end down. The axe, chainsaw and hunting rifle, on the other hand, I left in the car. They where too bulky for me to bring with me and I was beginning to run out of hands to hold everything with..With that. I grabbed the shotgun, cocked it and started to walk up the car lined highway.
There was an odd smell in the air, like decaying flesh, not that I've ever smelled decaying flesh, mind you. But it was what I'd imagine what dead flesh would smell like. At this smell, I was sure there was at least a zombie hear by. My heart was pounding, my palms where sweating, needless to say I was kinda scared. With each step I took, I half expected a zombie to jump out at me.
I stepped passed a old looking blue van and sitting in between the van and some sort of rick person sports car sat a zombie gnawing on what was left of a middle-aged black woman. Even though I only saw the back of this monster, I was scared shitless of it. I knew what it was capable of, Ive read and played enough zombie games to know not to underestimate these beings.
I held my breath, too scared to breath in fear that it might hear me. I raised the shotgun, aimed it at the zombies head and squeezed the trigger. Direct contact to its head. Bits of zombie brains went in to all directions. Some even landed on my face, completely not good. I could only hope none had gotten into my eyes or up my nose. If it had, I was sure to be a dead girl walking.
I didn't spend any time to look more closely at what the zombie actually looked like. I was sure that the sound of the shotgun going off would be enough to attract any zombies that might be in the area. Taking a deep breath, I moved on.
The sea of cars didn't so much as slightly lighten up as I traveled on. I did come across a few more zombies, but just like the first one, I put a slug in their skull and quickly moved on.
About an hour after I started my journey on foot, I came to an exit ramp. Maybe I'd be able to find a car that was still running and drive the rest of the way to Atlanta. Up the exit ramp I went, into the unknown, just the way I liked it.... yeah, maybe not in real life. Just like the highway, the ramp was littered with cars with no one in them. I checked a few of them, but none of them just so happened to still have the keys in them, just my luck. There was one thing I couldn't wrap my head around, where in the hell had all those people gone to? Had they, like me, ditched their car and just started to walk? If they had done that, wouldn't I have run into someone by now? Something wasn't right, I don't know how I knew, but I just did.
There was a main road coming from the exit ramp I decided to start on. Same story, nothing not even any zombies. Maybe the infection wasn't as bad as everyone was making it out to seem like. That gave me a bit of hope, maybe it even made me a little over confident. Well, whatever it did to me, it didn't help me for what was about to happen. Hell, I don't think anything could have helped me.
The same stench of rotting flesh filled my nostrils as I headed in what I thought was an westward direction. It was overpowering, nearly making me puke which is saying a lot; I NEVER puke, ever. Footsteps came from somewhere to my right. I quickly turned in the direction that the sound came from with my gun at the ready. I squinted my eyes hoping to see something or someone move..... nothing. Might have been just a cat... yeah, a zombie cat. I moved on and five minuted later more footsteps. Not like before, which only sounded like one person moving. No, this sounded like a fucking army. Coming from all directions, I had no idea what in the world was going on. All I could think to do was to point my gun at where I thought it was coming from and hope I was hearing things.
A zombie came charging at me from my right. Drool was dripping down from its grayish, decaying skin. Its teeth, a light yellow color, where bearing at me. Its eyes, whited over, how the hell it saw me... I don't know. I was always told whited out eyes meant that someone was blind... guess not. Specks of blood freckled the creatures face. It ran with a funny limp. Looking down at its leg, I took notice to its shin bone sticking out of the rotten flesh. Greenish-yellow puss came from the wound.
"Might wanna get that checked out buddy," I said as the zombie came charging at me. I had to wait, wait until it was close enough for me to get the perfect head-shot. I figured ten feet was close enough, I pulled the trigger, it fell like a tone of bricks. Another was heading my way, I hadn't seen this one a moment ago. This one was about 20 feet away... hell why not. I cocked the shotgun and pulled the trigger. Click, nothing came out of the barrel. Oh shit. I quickly grabbed the pistol and fired a round at the zombie, head-shot. Three more came out from where the other two had emerged from. I could hear something moving from behind me, I didn't dare turn my back on theses three zombies. They got into my preferred rang. Three rounds went off, only two actually hit. The third zombie was still coming towards me at full speed. I pulled the trigger, watched it hit and spun around quickly to see maybe 20 zombies all coming after me. I wasn't about to take the time to actually count them all. I fired off a couple of rounds, in hopes of thinning out the crowd of undead... well I was about to fire off some rounds would be the better thing to say. Right as I was about to pull the trigger something jumped onto my back. It knocked me off my feet and I landed head first onto the asphalt. But just before I hit, I remember hearing something off in the distance, like a gunshot. My head hit the ground, blackness.
End file.
| You Kill Me Well by tyedyeXbilly | Zombie Survival Guide |
"The Last words he said to me were; 'I'll see you tomorrow.' "
MONDAY, 10.4.10
Falcon Cove Middle School was bustling with activity. From soccer to basketball. Also, there was a talent show. Tryouts were today. And Alexander Henry was determined to pass. Me I had no idea who Alex Hennery was.
My name is Edward Bays. This is my story of the awful incident of Alex Henry. Let me tell you a little about Alex. Alex was tall, very tall, well built, and can jump amazing heights. Perfect for playing basketball. It was almost second period, P.E. for Alex Henry. This week would be last week of his life.
The bell rang and Alex went to his locker and changed his cloths. He then had a chat with friends and went into the gym. He went over to a basketball hoop and jumped up and hung of the rim. As others went into the gym he settled down and sat down. The rest of the day was boring.
But when tryouts came around he got into his game. Coach Bean determined who could play by shooting three pointers and lay- ups. Alexander made each shot so he knew he was on the team. Except, games were not until next week. Also a kid named Jacob Brills probably made it.
TUESDAY 10.5.10
Alexander got dressed for school and ate his breakfast. He watched television. His parents allowed him to watch MTV for thirty minutes. He then walked to his bus stop. And so did I. But I live in Savannah. A good distance away from him.
We both hang out with our friends. I bet he listened to Eminem. From what I hear, he's not much different than me. He likes basketball. I like basketball.
"What's up?" I say to my friend. I pound their fists and sit down by the curb of the street. They pat me on the shoulder. Right now as I'm writing this book I think of our differences. In elementary school I was a bullied, tortured soul who never let anybody into his life. For Alex it was different. He grew up and became a jock and was never bullied or ever bullied another person.
I get up as the bus stops and I sit in the front of my bus while he sits at the back of _his_ bus. My best friend Dylan sits next to me. On the other bus Alex sits with his friends who are cool. Another difference between us is that I listen to weird music like the Backstreet Boys and Phil Collins while he would listen to Eminem and those crazy rappers. Finally our buses arrive at school. I hop off the bus and walk towards my friend, Luis Moreno. Twenty minutes later the first period bell rings and I go to Language Arts. I met up with Jacob who is in my classes. I asked him if he made the team. He said he did. I was glad for him. We entered the class quietly. The rest of the period went pretty slowly. Soon it was second period. I head over to my Spanish class while Alex heads to P.E. along with Luis. My Spanish teacher welcomed me into the class while Alexander asked if he passed the tryouts. The coach said he did. He must have been happy about that. The rest of the day went by fast.
Wednesday, 10.6.10
The morning was rough. My mom and sister were angry about something. I got up early to work on my VENOM book. I have had good compliments from my friends and, of course, bad ones from my non-friends. Later in the day (second period), everyone was happy and joking around with me.
And Alex he was having fun playing dodge ball in P.E. He pegged Luis so hard he fell down. They both were laughing.
Third period was okay. I gave a copy of my Jamestown book to my social studies teacher. He gave me good compliments about it. And I began working on my second book series, MONSTER ARENA. I want to become an author when I grow up.
After third period ended I headed straight to P.E. I was anxious to peg my friends to floor while playing dodge ball. That's when I met Alexander. He was tall, had a nice smile, and very polite. I stopped to gawk at his height. I regained myself and walked to P.E. I got changed and headed out into the gym. Following me was my friend Jabulani. He is sensitive. Then one by one the rest of the class came out of the locker room. I said hi to my friends. Zachary, Jacob, and Jonathan come out and sit down.
We sit quietly while the coach takes attendance. The coach finishes and we get together with my friends. But then I sometimes join in on conversations other people are having. They tell me to jerk off. We do our stretches and begin playing dodge ball.
Fourth period ends and I head over to Science. After that I go to math. When sixth period ends, I hop on my bus and it takes me home.
What a good day. I hope it was as good for Alex as well as me.
Thursday 10.7.10
Alex wakes up. I'm already up. But I, again, was working on my VENOM book.
It's about 7:40 am when I get breakfast. I finish at 8 O'clock sharp. That leaves me a half an hour to get ready. I throw on plaid pants and a white tee shirt. I get my ID badge on and I put on my socks and shoes. I head out the door at 8:29. When I get to the bus stop I sit down and cry. I was remembering the death of my friend in elementary school. Dylan comes by and sits next to me. He comforts me with reassuring words. I stop crying and I say,
"What's up."
"The sky." He says.
Alex is off the bus by the time my bus arrives at school. He's chatting with his friends while I ask to go to the library. I like to read. I also like big words. Did you know that the fear of big words is a big word? The librarian says the library is not open today. I slump down onto the floor and I start reading my Jamestown book. Alex passes me. Who knew today would be his last day on earth. Jonathan stands next to me and just talks.
Love is a powerful thing. Everyday I see it. Love is all around me. I love my friends. I feel bad for them when they get hurt. Alex has a family. They love him more than anything in the world. And soon that love will be ripped from their hearts.
I walk to first period. Jacob is walking beside me along with Luis. Soon it's second period. Alex walks to P.E. I take out my mp5 while I walk to Spanish. I turn it off when I get inside the classroom. Its third period and I enter and begin the process of taking out my notebook, pen, and a piece of loose leaf paper. The teacher comes in.
Fourth period was fun, I sniped a ball right into the players face. Everyone cheered on my team. My friends pounded their chests together. Fifth period wasn't much to be proud for. And neither was sixth.
Alex hops on his bus. His friend was coming over. That friend was in my P.E. class and in my math. When he gets home he rushes through his homework. He waits outside and soon Preamo arrives. They play basketball until night arrives. Then they head inside. Preamo's parents arrive and Alex says to him, "I'll see you tomorrow in school."
"Yeah." Preamo says and then they are off. Alex takes a shower and goes to bed early.
Me? I was watching Fatal Attractions on Animal Planet. I was eating my dinner while watching the blaring screen. I got tired soon after so I headed to bed.
Friday, 10.8.10 Midnight
Alex was sleeping when he hit his head. I forgot to mention that Alex was epileptic. He started going into shock but then started going into a seizure. He tries to breath but only moans and violent convulsions would happen. After a few minutes the body shut downs. Hours later he is found dead in his own bed.
Friday, 10.8.10, 8 A.M.
I woke up happy. But others did not. My sister was grumpy. And so was Alex's family. A few hours earlier Alex was found dead in his own bed. But at the moment nobody knew. It was until fourth period that I found out. Preamo came in crying, along with some other of his friends. I asked what happened. They explained that Alexander Henry, a dear friend to them, died early this morning.
This was heartbreaking. I could barley breath.
_Somebody died_, I thought.
_Death. ALEX HENRY._
I decided to go into the gym. Others there were crying. I just could not stand it. The tears streamed from boys and girls. I sat with a group of eighth graders and talked out our feeling. Some say he had glory. Others said nothing at all. I said, "It's not fair."
"Your right. It's not right." Jacob exclaims.
"At least they have the weekend to get over it." Jabulani said.
"It's not going to take a weekend to get over it. Years at the least." I said.
"I'm not forgetting this."
"Nobody is." I said.
"How do we keep ourselves from forgetting?" Jabulani asks.
"A book." I said.
"What?" Jonathan asked.
"A book. If I could create a book about his last week alive, we may never forget this sardonic day." I explained.
" That's actually a good idea." Jabulani said.
"Yeah." The others agreed.
Whispers of acceptance filled the group. The coach came out and took attendance. He then ushered us out to the basketball courts. Preamo sits down not playing. I sat down next to him. Preamo started to sob. I told him that Alex had gone to a better place. Preamo sniffles and gives me slight smile and a sob.
Jonathan comes around and puts out his hand. "No one wants to see you like this, man." Preamo takes his hand as I take the hand of another student.
"So, what are you going to name the book?"
"My Own Glory." I said, not bothering to look at who said it. All I knew was that Alex disserved my respect and I'm going to give it to him.
End file.
| MY OWN GLORY by E.D. BAYS | Zombie Survival Guide |
I wanna Skateboard
**Helllo! I know I should be uploading a new chapter for Relapse instead of a new one-shot, but I'm still working on the new chapter! Relapse's chapters all seem so rushed to me, and I don't wanna disappoint anyone. One quick question: How do you upload stories to your communities? Thanks!**
**Disclaimer: I do not own the characters, only the plot. **
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"Zeke, my wonderful big brother! I have a favor to ask." Ginger stated. Zeke wearily glanced at her from his position on his bed.
"Which would be...?" he inquired.
"Teach me how to skateboard." it wasn't a question, it was a demand.
"No!" Zeke shouted. Ginger blinked, in shock. She had never heard her elder brother yell like that.
"Why?" he sighed, looking at the big, brown eyes of his little sister.
"Because skateboarding is dangerous," he informed her. Ginger's face twisted into a frown.
"Is that all? You and Luther skate all the time!"
"Because me and Luth are older and have more experience than you." she glared at him.
"So what?! Once you teach me how to skate, I'll have experience and it won't be dangerous anymore!" Ginger was a little tired of Zeke treating her like a little kid, she was fourteen dammit!
"I won't teach you Ging, sorry." Ginger huffed and left the room - not without slamming the door first. Zeke sighed.
"If Zeke won't teach me, I'll just have to find someone who will." Ginger muttered to herself as she rummaged through her room looking for her skateboard she got a few Christmases ago.
Ginger wasn't even so sure herself why she wanted to learn how to skateboard, Zeke and Luther always have fun, so she thought she would try. Plus ever since Poochie moved and Stinky Cast moved on from her, she's been dead bored. What she was really confused about was why her idiot brother wouldn't teach her. He offered to like, two years ago; but she refused. And he was eighteen, in his senior year at school. In other words, this was his last year at home, he got accepted into some college in Utah (A/N: I have no idea of the college's in Utah, but I wanted to make his college far away from where they lived). So you'd think he'd want to spend as much time with her as possible! What a jerk!He's been spending all his time with Luther, and they were going to the same college-
"Luther! That's it! I'll ask Luther!" she smirked evilly. _Perfect... _she thought to herself. "Ugh, where did I put that damn skateboard!" she yelled.
"Ginger! Watch your mouth!"
"Sorry mom! Ah! There you are..." she grabbed the old thing and ran downstairs to inform her parents of her destination.
"Mom, dad! I'm going over to Luther's, 'kay? I'll be back by six!" she quickly put on her shoes and ran out the door, without even hearing her parent's consent.
"Where's she going in such a hurry?" her mother wondered aloud.
"She said Luther's didn't she?" her husband said gruffly from behind the newspaper. She threw him a withering look.
"Yes, I know that, but why?" she murmured.
"Luther! Luther, you there?!" Ginger pounded on Luther's door, breathing very heavily from the long run here. She was just about to yell again when a woman answered the door. Ginger instantly recognized her as Mrs. Waffles.
"Hello, Mrs. Waffles, is Luther home?"
"No, Ginger, he's visiting Nana Waffles. He should be gone for awhile." Ginger growled under her breath.
"Okay thanks." with that she left, disappointed. _I could ask Kojo... Nah, he irritates me. Well, I guess i could try and teach myself... _With a new resolve, she headed to an old parking lot so she would have lots of open space. When she approached the lot, Ginger suddenly didn't feel so confident. She'd always been a little, not necessarily clumsy; just not graceful, really. And if she fell, she could very well brake a bone. And or kill herself. But life's all about taking chances and living for the moment. So she put her skateboard down, and put one foot on it. _Here we go Ginger..._
Ginger spent hours trying to skateboard. Hours of falling, succeeding, and getting angry. She finally collapsed, bruised from head to toe, bleeding on her knees and elbows, and exhausted. She breathed heavily and stared at the setting sun. _That's beautiful! _She thought in awe.
"Hey! You there! What are you doing all the way out here?" Ginger turned her head to see a boy walking toward here. He looked into her dazed eyes, saw what she was laying next to, and put on a knowing smile.
"Skateboarding, eh?" Ginger blushed, and it wasn't just from the heat of the hot summer day. He was so cute when he smiled.
"Trying," she clarified. He laughed and Ginger's blush grew a deeper hue.
"By the way, I'm Kevin. May I ask your name?" Ginger smiled and sat up.
"You may, I'm Ginger."
"So skateboarding, huh?" he asked.
"Yeah, I'm kinda new at it. Just started today." he nodded and smiled again. If possible, Ginger blushed even more.
"Really? I'm a skater too."
"Are you? I thought I knew all the skaters around here,"
"I just moved in about last week, I've been exploring the town so I haven't really skated a lot."
"So, you look pretty beat, I'll walk you home." he offered. Ginger's face turned bright red.
"O-oh, thanks," he smirked.
"Lead the way, Ginger." Ginger nodded and picked up her board.
Kevin laughed again and Ginger blushed a little, again. He was just so darn cute... Light brown spiky hair, light brown, almost butterscotch, eyes.
"So what about your family?" he asked as they turned another corner. Ginger sighed slightly, only two more blocks to go.
"My family? Well, my mom is erratic and harebrained, my father works too hard at his company and I hardly see him, and my brother is a jerk." she explained simply. He raised a brow.
"Why is he a jerk?" he asked.
"I asked him this morning to teach me to skateboard and he said no! Then I asked why and he said it was too 'dangerous'! What the hell! He's been skateboarding for years!" she shouted, flailing her arms around. Kevin chuckled.
"Maybe he just wants you to be safe. If I had a little sister I'd do everything in my power to keep her safe too. Especially at your age, I mean, that's when you start liking boys. That reminds me, do you have a boyfriend?" that surprised her.
"No, I don't," she stopped walking. "We're here." she said sullenly.
"Then I guess I won't have to worry about him coming after me." and suddenly his mouth was on her's.
Ginger was shocked, very shocked. But instantly kissed him back. As his mouth moved with her's she felt his tongue glide across her bottom lip and she eagerly opened her mouth to allow his entrance. He explored her whole mouth, and when he found her tongue and started gently rubbing it, she moaned.
"What the hell is this?!" Ginger's eyes snapped open when she found herself being pulled into the muscular chest of her older brother.
"Ginger?!" she gulped, he was always like this when she was around boys...
"Yes...?" he ignored her and glared at Kevin.
"Trying to get another girl pregnant, huh Kevin?" he asked coldly. "Well Ginger isn't some cheap whore, get out of here before I lose it." he said menacingly. Zeke pulled her inside the house before she could say good-bye.
"Zeke! Why do you always do that?! And Kevin just moved here, you don't know anything about him!" she yelled.
"I do this because you're my little sister, and he did not just move here, I've seen him around. He always acts all innocent so he can get girls like you." Ginger blinked, she hadn't known that. But she wasn't going down without a fight.
"How do I know you're not just lying?"
"Because I wouldn't lie to you about something like that."she huffed and turned her head the other way.
"Well, this wouldn't have happened if you would've just agreed to teach me how to skateboard. What was the real reason for that anyway?" she asked.
"This was the reason, because if I taught you, you would've met people like him, and I can't always be around." Ginger's eyes softened.
"Zeke, that's stupid. I'm a big girl now, I can take care of myself." Zeke looked sadly at her as she stared the other way still.
"And that's what scares me..." he murmured.
"Nothing, I know you can take care of yourself, but that's my job for now. So get used to it. If a boy looks at you, I'll be there. If they feel brave and decide to talk to you, I'll be there. I'll always be there little sis." he playfully ruffled her hair. Ginger giggled.
"Okay, okay. Stop it! Fine, but I will get married eventually..." he growled, "Hehe, so are you going to teach me how to skateboard?" she asked sweetly, giving him puppy dog eyes. Zeke sighed, she knew he couldn't resist those.
"Fine, now get a shower, you smell like Kevin." he wrinkled his nose. She laughed and swatted his arm.
"Sure, sure. He can do wonders with that tongue..."
"What?!" she laughed again and ran up the stairs.
* * *
Pretty stupid.
On Naruto: I just read the latest manga chapter! YES!!!! Sasuke finally killed Karin! :D
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| I wanna Skateboard by MawrisaLovesSasuSaku | Zeke and Luther |
Never Trust a Skater
Disclaimer: None of these characters are mine. We all know this.
_**Note:**_ Okay, so this is one of my favorite pairings and I've wanted someone to write it for a while. Then I realized: I have an account; why don't I write it? And here we are. This is my first ever story on this website, so if I've done anything wrong, please excuse me, as I'm inexperienced and it isn't intentional. Feel free to review as the more reviews I get, the more inspired/encouraged I will be to continue posting things on this website. And remember, people, it's called slash for a reason. If you don't like it, don't read it. I really appreciate your time, and enjoy!
Pairing: ZekeXOzzie
It was somewhere between eleven or twelve o'clock in the afternoon when Zeke heard a furious knocking.
"Zeke?" came Ozzie's voice from the other side, "I need to use your shower!"
_'Dammit, Ozzie. Go home.' _Zeke thought to himself as he got out of bed and slowly made his way toward the door.
"What do you want?"
"Well you see, I was minding my own business, getting ready to hop in the ol' shower, when I slipped and fell against the shower head and broke it."
_Really? Who does these types of things, Ozzie?_
With a sigh, Zeke complied to Ozzie's request. "Sure."
"Here, I'll show you where the towels are."
He then stepped out into the hall, motioning for Ozzie to follow him to a closet directly across from the bathroom. He opened the door to the small space and turned on the light, leaving Ozzie to close the door behind them.
"Drying towel, face cloth, hamper," he said to Ozzie, pointing to each respective item.
"Gee, thanks, Zeke! This is a real big favor you're doing me here, letting me use your shower and all."
"Yeah, yeah. I know," droned Zeke as he turned to open the door. He grabbed the knob and twisted, but he couldn't get it to budge. He tried once more twisting and pulling, but to no avail.
"Ozzie!" Zeke exclaimed. "You locked us in!"
"I know." Ozzie replied, strangely calm.
"Listen, Zeke," he continued, putting a hand on Zeke's back. Zeke shuddered at his touch, surprised to hear himself moan. "I've seen the way you look at me. The way your eyes linger just a second too long whenever I'm walking, the way you study my legs when you think I'm looking the other direction. You think you're being discrete, but I know otherwise."
At this point, Ozzie's hand made its way down Zeke's back, exploring his toned physique.
_Shit. How the hell did he find out?_
Zeke slowly turned, coming face-to-face with his longtime crush.
_I can't believe we're doing this. _
"What's the matter, Zeke?" Ozzie inquired, leaning closer and closer towards Zeke, his hands finding their way onto Zeke's hips. He pressed himself closer against his firm body, taking in the warmth that radiated from it. It wasn't long before Zeke began to feel a pressure beneath his shorts.
"Ozzie. ." he breathed before his lips crashed into his "friend's". They were soft, supple. Just as Zeke had imagined them to be. The two were caught in an entanglement of ecstasy, Ozzie's hands undoing Zeke's belt, Zeke's removing Ozzie's shirt, revealing that creamy white skin it hid. In all the time he had known Ozzie, in all the times he'd appeared in his dreams, he never thought his body would be quite as defined as it was. A thin trail of hair made its way down a slim six-pack and on towards an abdomen that looked as though it could have been made of steel. By the time the two broke the kiss, the boys were both down to their briefs, looking at one another in anticipation, clueless as to where to go next.
Ozzie allowed his eyes to wander across Zeke's marvelously chiseled form.
_Damn, _he thought to himself. _I should have done this a long time ago. _
"Ozzie," said Zeke, causing him snap out of his trance, "I need you. Now."
And with that, Zeke pulled him by the hips into another suffocating kiss, this time letting his hands roam freely. Yet even with their new-found freedom, they gravitated directly towards his friend's plump, well-developed arse, peeling off that restrictive underwear of his, massaging and caressing, slapping it and ushering moans from him which nearly sent him over the edge. Zeke could hardly control himself, his hands trailing his friend's behind and working their way up the natural curves of his slender figure. He then swirled Ozzie around, placing his manhood at the tip of his arse, teasing him by moving it against it.
"Oh. .don't do this to me, Zeke. Please. . No-not now. ." he pleaded, grinding against Zeke.
"Grab my hand." Zeke commanded.
"Do it! This is going to be painful." And just as Ozzie grabbed hold of Zeke's hand, Zeke forced himself into his friend, Ozzie's grip intensifying ten-fold.
"Ah! God!" he managed through strained pants. "Jesus, Zeke. How big is that thing?"
"Big enough," he replied. "You'll love me for it in a few minutes." He remained inside Ozzie, letting him adjust to the pain of the intrusion and letting his lips work their magic while he waited.
"Hey, Zeke," said Ozzie in more of a moan than a sentence, "I think I'm ready."
"Good." Zeke replied as he began to pump in and out of Ozzie at a slow rhythm.
"Yeah, yeah. .That's it. Keep going. Just a little. .Just a little faster."
His grunts and moans became louder and louder as Zeke sped his pace.
"Zeke! Yes! Oh. . Faster, faster!" he screamed. Zeke gyrated his hips as fast as he could, hitting Ozzie's "spot" over and over.
"Zeke! I'm gonna-" Ozzie screamed, the rhythm of their lovemaking speeding faster and faster.
Seconds later, Zeke released his seed into Ozzie, Ozzie relieving himself onto the floor.
"That. .was. .amazing." he said, collapsing onto the floor. Zeke joined in beside him.
"Yeah, Ozzie. It was."
Ozzie got up and felt around on one of the shelves until he grinned in satisfaction.
"Here we are," he said, making his way toward the closet door.
"Wait a minute. Wait-," stuttered Zeke. "You mean to tell me you had the key all along?"
"Well, yeah," Ozzie replied nonchalantly. "Listen, Zeke. I had to find some way to let you know how I felt. And I didn't want to do it in front of the guys. It could've hurt your credibility." He looked down at the key, fiddling with it in those soft, delicate hands of his. Zeke walked over to him, lifted his chin and pressed his lips against Ozzie's.
"I love you, man." he said softly, embracing him. Ozzie smiled and grabbed his glasses to wipe away the fog that had gathered.
"Why are you wiping those off?" asked Zeke. "They're just gonna get steamy again."
"What do you mean?" Ozzie asked.
"Are you forgetting? You and I have a shower to take." Ozzie's smile grew tremendously as the two shared another kiss and opened the door of the closet.
End file.
| Never Trust a Skater by Sevental | Zeke and Luther |
What Just Happened?
Zeke and Luther: What just happened?
By: Heamic08
AN: Hey y'all! I'm still working on my A&A story! Please review my Kickin' It and Zeke and Luther crossover fanfiction! Anyway, hope you like this! This is mainly about Zeke's Last Ride in his POV. So, this starts when he fell. Plus, I'm going to add something in between the hospital. It's in the ambulance. Please R&R!
Disclaimer: I don't own Zeke and Luther Very sad!
Pain. That's all I felt when I hit the ramp. I saw my skateboard land a few feet away from me. I could hear people shouting my name. I heard sirens in the background, also.
"Zeke? Are you ok? Come on, man!" I heard Luther shout. I wanted to tell Luther I'm ok, but my lips wouldn't work. I heard the ambulance arrive and heard them getting the stretcher out. I felt Luther right next to me and saw him.
"Zeke! Oh gosh, just keeps your eyes open, ok? The ambulance is here. I'll be by your side through the whole thing." He said. My eyelids felt like a ton of bricks.
"Mr. We need you to move out of the way so we can load on this young man. Do you know what his name is?" I heard the paramedic tell Luther.
"Yes sir. And his name is Zeke Falcone. I'm Luther." He said, moving while the paramedics loaded me onto the stretcher. I felt them put a breathing mask over my face. I opened my eyes to see Luther hovering behind the paramedics.
"Bro, it'll be ok. You'll be fine." He told me. I tried to nod my head, but it hurt when I barely moved it. I was finally loaded onto the ambulance and we were headed to the hospital. A lot of medical terms were thrown around inside the ambulance.
"He's suffering a concussion."
"He's has abrasions and contusions on most of his body." And so on.
I saw Luther sitting next to me and putting a hand on my shoulder. I guess he was trying to comfort me.
"Z, listen man. I'm really sorry this happened. Your strong, so I know you'll get through this. Anyway, just keep fighting." He said. That's the last thing I heard and saw before I passed out.
AN: So, how did you like it? I hope you liked it! It was just a short little one-shot I thought of. Anyway, this wasn't a slash fanfiction. Just a friendship kind of thing. Well, have a great day! Please R&R!
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| What Just Happened? by Heamic08 | Zeke and Luther |
The Kojo Betrayal
As Zeke and Luther go into ramps they found out that ramps got destroyed by kojo. Kojo got jealous of Zeke and Luther getting all the sponsorship's that he destroyed something that Zeke and Luther loved. To get his revenge.
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| The Kojo Betrayal by fanfictionexpert7 | Zeke and Luther |
What a Boyfriend Should Do
**If anyone is reading, Luth, I think I'm in Love you will know that this is just a oneshot to try and get over my writers block so please don't be too critical if it's terrible. **
**I'm keeping the couple as Zeke/Annabel. Annabel is my OC for anyone who doesn't know. So I hope you like this.**
**What A Boyfriend Should Do: **
_**When she walks away from you, mad:
>Follow her<strong>_
"I can't believe you stood me up Zeke! Do you know how humiliating that is?" she exclaimed angrily.
Zeke felt extremely guilty for not turning up for their date but Luther had just gotten dumped and he was trying to cheer up his best friend and Ginger was being her bratty self again and hidden his phone so he couldn't call Annabel.
"Bel please! Let me make it up to you," Zeke begged giving her his best puppy dog eyes.
"Don't give me that look, I'm still furious at you!" she hissed and turned on her heel and stormed off. Zeke took a deep breath and quickly ran after her. He grabbed her arm and spun her around to look at him. His lips pressed to hers quickly.
"I'm sorry, it will never happen again," he whispered giving her another kiss. "Forgive me?"
Annabel sighed and kissed him gently while nodding. She never could stay mad at him.
_**When she pushes you or hits you:
>Grab her and don't let qo<strong>_
Zeke watched a tearful Annabel trash her room. She was hysterical.
"Why? Why did it have to be her?" she sobbed. "Why did that stupid truck driver have to miss that red light? Why is my mom the one who had to die? I need her! What am I going to do without her?"
"Bel, I know this is hard for you," Zeke said but stopped talking as the lamp smashed against the wall.
"No you don't!" she exclaimed furiously. "You still have both your parents! You don't know what it's like to lose one of them. So don't pretend like you understand what I'm going through!"
Zeke gathered her up in a hug as she began punching his chest. But she was too weak and vulnerable to cause any real pain. Her rapid punches soon became much slower and tired as she lost all her energy. She let him embrace her even tighter.
"I'm sorry," she whispered.
"It's ok," he replied. "I'm here for you. Every singly time."
_**When you see her at her worst:
>Tell her she's beautiful<strong>_
Zeke knocked on the door and grinned as he was greeted by Mr Holmes.
"Hey Mr.H, is Annabel here?" he asked and the older man gave a curt smile.
"I'm sorry Zeke, but Annabel gave me strict instructions not to let you see her today," he told Zeke. Zeke's smile fell and he felt hurt that his own girlfriend had not wanted to see him.
"What? Is she mad at me?" he asked. Zeke became concerned with all the possibilities of her hating him. Was she planning on breaking up with him? Was she sick of seeing his face and decided to take a break from looking at him. "Please, Mr.H, let me talk to her. If she's mad I want to make it up to her."
The man sighed but nodded. Zeke ran up to his girlfriends room and opened the door ready to make whatever kind of apology was neccessary. He was surprised however to see Annabel sitting in bed, looking extremely ill with bags under her eyes and her hair messy. She had a box of tissues sitting next to her as she watched the Tv with very little interest.
"Dad no more...ZEKE!" she went wide eyed when she saw him and hid under the covers quickly.
"What are you doing?" Zeke asked with a chuckle.
"I didn't want you to see me like this!" she exclaimed in a croaky voice. She clearly had a sore throat as well. "I look like a mutant." Zeke slowly walked over and pulled the covers back. She whimpered slightly as he kissed her forehead.
"You look beautiful, just like you always do."
_**When you see her walkinq:
>Sneak up behind her, and huq her waist<strong>_
Zeke smirked as he saw Annabel looking for something in her locker. She had her back to him and everyone else so she didn't see him coming up behind her. He wrapped his two strong arms around her waist and she let out a squeal. She turned her head to see him smiling at her innocently.
"Zeke, you scared me!" she laughed lightly. He simply pecked her cheek and grinned boyishly showing off his dimples.
"Love you." Was his reply.
_**When she's scared:
>Protect her<strong>_
Zeke and Annabel sat in his living room watching a horror movie marathon. They were currently watching 'One Missed Call'. Zeke was enjoying every minute of it but when he glanced at Annabel she was curled up in a ball hiding her face. The poor girl was shaking in fear. He smiled and pulled her onto his lap placing a gentle kiss on her temple. He let her hide her face in his chest and rubbed her back gently. Suddenly Annabel didn't feel so scared anymore.
_**On her birthday:
>Call her at 12 am and tell her you love her.<strong>_
Annabel was struggling to sleep. She felt her excitement running through her as the clock reach 11:59 pm. In one minute it would officially be her birthday and she was ecstatic. Though it seemed kind of childish, Annabel loved her birthday and Christmas. Which was why she never slept much the night before.
Tick! There it was, 12am! It was her birthday. She grinned brightly but was taken by surprise as her phone rang. She answered it quickly not wanting it to make too much noise for her dad to be woken up.
"Hello," she whispered.
"Happy Birthday, beautiful," a familiar husky voice came through.
"Zeke," she squealed excitedly. "Why are you still awake?"
"Well it's you're birthday and since I love you so much, I wanted to be the one who said happy birthday first!" he explained. "I am the first right?"
"Of course you're the first. You're also the best boyfriend ever! Can you believe it's my birthday, I'm so excited!" Annabel was hyperactive. Which is why Zeke ended up sitting for the next two and a half hours listening intently as she went on and on about her plans for the day.
_**When she runs up to you cryinq, the first thinq you say is:
>"Who's ass am I kickinq?"<strong>_
Zeke was hanging out with Luther at Ramps. He was just about to grind along the rail Luther stopped him and pointed to a crying girl who was running towards the boys. Zeke immediately recognised it as Annabel and fury took over his body as he wondered who was the cause of her tears.
As she reached him his embraced her in a hug and looked at her concerned. He only cared about two things, stopping her tears and getting revenge on whoever caused them.
"Who's ass am I kicking?" he questioned but she only hugged him tighter.
**Yes, I know it's not very good but I'm tired and I just wanted to atleast attempt to make it up to you guys for not writing in ages so please review. **
End file.
| What a Boyfriend Should Do by FaithfullyHopefulxx | Zeke and Luther |
Zen and Me: Arianna
This is a second story about Arianna and Zen.
Zen was created by Michael Dibdin; I play with him for my own amusement.
Rufus Sewell brought him to life for the screen and Valentina Cervi, as Arianna, partnered him.
I am sorry to say that I have never been to the Eternal City, and so although I know there is a bridge Ponte Castel San Angelo, I do not know if there are embankments or steps to them or a Hotel Rivoli near by.
My apologies to those who know better.
The song for this story is 'I have dreamed' by Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II. It was the words that first attracted me and I searched and searched for the right performance of it and found it at last; a very old recording by a young Yul Brynner and Gertrude Lawrence.
I Have Dreamed
I have dreamed that your arms are lovely.
I have dreamed what a joy you'd be
I have dreamed every word you whisper
When you are close, close to me.
How you look in the glow of evening
I have dreamed and enjoyed the view
In these Dreams I've loved you so.
That by now I think I know
What it is to be loved by you.
I will love being loved by you
"Zen." his voice came over the line.
I took a breath, then another.
"It's me," I said "Arianna."
He waited; I could hear him take a drag on his cigarette. I took another quick breath.
"I think I may, um "
"Listen," he interrupted. "Where we left Ruspanti. Meet me there. Today? 6pm ? Don't speak to me."
The phone was dead.
Meet him where we left Ludo?
But he was dead.
Zen knew that.
I had not been up very long and I was sitting outside on my balcony in my negligee with a cup of black coffee to wake myself up. I pushed my hair wearily out of my eyes
I had not got home until almost four.
And it was now? God, it's only 9 o'clock.
It was too early for me to be working out puzzles.
It had been a very late night.
I had attended a society function until late and my companion had been rather demanding afterwards, but that is what I am paid for.
That's my job, an 'escort'.
That's right, a prostitute, a highly paid one with clients in high places; Government Ministers, society leaders, princes, including one or two who wore the scarlet of Princes of the Church.
Zen is not a client.
He is a police officer. He had been the investigating officer on Ruspanti's case; it was how we had met and he had he asked me if I would be an informant.
A snout! Me?
Zen thought with my connections, my clientele, I might see or hear things which could help him.
I had agreed, in spite of remembering Ludo's words of advice. _'Never tell the cops anything._'
I could not refuse him.
Zen. Not Ludo.
Ludo is dead.
I miss him still.
That was nearly four months ago.
Four months since Zen said 'ciao.'
I kept my eyes and ears open. There had been nothing, nothing at all. Till last night.
That is why I am sitting here, bleary-eyed, soggy- brained, struggling to work out some damned stupid secret message.
To tell him what?
I don't know what; or even if there is anything to tell.
Someone spoke to someone else who spoke to a third; no more than half a dozen words each. That is what you do at receptions, isn't it?
And yet, and yet I felt it was something I should tell him. Zen.
And a word I wasn't sure of; a word more mouthed than heard. A word that I think he had asked me about four months ago when Ludo died. But I am not sure. Perhaps I will not tell him.
Sighing, I picked up my coffee and decided to try to get more sleep before trying to decipher what he had meant.
I was half way across the room to my bed, when I stopped.
_Where we left Ruspanti._
Prince Ludovico Ruspanti was dead.
Zen was with me when I scattered his ashes.
Over the Tiber.
From the Ponte Castel san Angelo.
. . . . .
I chose what I was going to wear very carefully. A sludgy pampas green shift , carefully understated, reaching just to my knees, designed to flatter my figure, my legs, my dark red hair and hazel eyes; toning green high heeled sling -backs and a big floppy- brimmed hat.
I may be a copper's nark but I am an expensive one. I like to look good, and besides...
It was rush hour when I parked my car two blocks down from the bridge. I reached for my hat and pulled it on, then my bag and my sunglasses and walked along to it. I could see him on the brow leaning, relaxed, on the balustrade. Smoking his ever present cigarette.
Today I was starting a second career, equally disreputable as my first.
My knees were shaking and my stomach churning.
Or was something else causing it?
He turned his head, his eyes casually sweeping the crowd. If he saw me, he gave no sign.
Half a dozen paces from him. I stopped and resting my bag on the balustrade, I rummaged in it.
He looked out over the river; I could barely hear what he said.
"Go to the end of the bridge, cross to the left, and turn down the steps to the embankment. The Rivoli hotel is opposite, go up the outside stairs to the roof bar, take the furthest table from the stairs, overlooking the road. "
The bar was empty; the early evening crowd had not yet started to arrive.
The table was shaded by vines and I could see the bridge without being seen. He was still there. He continued to sweep the crowds as thought waiting for someone.
A waiter approached me.
I asked for a black coffee.
As if he had made up his mind, Zen turned and walked to the end of the bridge, turned right and disappeared down the embankment steps. I lost sight of him.
I waited, for him and my coffee.
I heard from behind me, the faint scrape of a chair being pulled out. I turned.
He was there.
He sat down at the table behind me, facing the terrace, fishing in his pockets for his cigarettes and lighter.
Detective Chief Inspector Aurelio Zen, Criminalpol di Roma, Murder Squad.
Six feet tall, broad, without a scrap of spare flesh,
A navy blue suit, matching tie and a sparkling white shirt, elegant as ever.
His dark curly hair cropped short as usual and the bright early evening sun caught a sprinkle of silver.
His face was one of a Venetian prince or from a Renaissance painting, with the paler skin tones of Northern Italians, high cheek bones, long straight nose, sculptured mouth curved in a little smile and his big green eyes alive with laughter.
"Is there any need for all this cloak and dagger?" I asked tartly. "It is only-"
He flicked his forefinger an inch or so to hush me as the waiter approached and put down my coffee.
"A beer, please."
He waited again, still smiling.
_He had told me," If people suspect that you pass on info. then they will be extra careful around you. If we are careful, then no-one will find out. They relax. I'll give you my phone number at the Questura. If you need to get in touch, ring on a land line, preferably a public phone... Don't say anything, just 'it's me'. I will know who it is." I had raised my eyebrow. "Cell phones can be bugged. People followed." _
"You look very nice.
"Thank you"
"How's business?"
"Brisk." I replied.
He winked.
I wanted to have a dig at him.
"Divorce through yet?"
"Not yet." The smile was lost. He lit a cigarette.
"Still smoking! I thought you were giving it up."
"I'm trying, I'm trying."
And your girlfriend, she back?"
"No." he said quietly.
And I felt mean. And glad that she was not back.
"Your mother still with you?"
"Still haven't found anyone to take her off my hands. You don't know anybody? She's a nice woman; a very good cook and housekeeper. Make a lovely wife. Of course I can't say about any other aspect." He winked again.
The waiter arrived with his beer and he put some coins down on the tray.
He watched the man walk away.
"I feel a bit foolish now. It may be nothing but I felt... It seems nothing but I felt there was something " I trailed off.
He nodded at me.
"Last night, I was at the Presidential reception. I was with Prince Orvini." I hesitated.
Again I hesitated. I could hear Ruspanti saying_ "Never tell the cops anything_"
"Yes - but he was not my client. He is the cover for someone else." He waited. "He wears a red hat."
He was surprised but not shocked. It seems to me that very little shocks him.
"We were on the peripheral of the Cardinal's party. Count Carossi, his Eminence's lay aide, excused himself to get another glass of wine. I noticed because there were waiters wandering about with tray of drinks and because Carossi's glass was still half full. So out of curiosity I watched him. He stood at the wine table with his back to the room. Then Don Carlucci came and stood near him. They turned and faced the room, not looking at each other. The Don said something, maybe half dozen words; the Count paused and said something. One word, I think. The Don moved away. Then in a while the Count rejoined us, He made his way slowly to the Cardinal and stood behind him, half turned away. He murmured something, again only about six or seven words
Shortly after, the Cardinal made signs that he was leaving. "
Zen stared across the terrace.
"I knew it was nothing. I should not have said anything."
His eyes came back to me and he said slowly,
"On the contrary; the capo of Rome's biggest 'family' surreptitiously speaks to the Cardinal's aide who whispers to the Cardinal who leaves soon after. That is very interesting."
He watched his hand turning his lighter over and over.
"Do you do much business with the um... last night's client?"
"Slow but regular."
I watched him.
He stared into space. "The single word? Any idea?"
I shook my head.
"Anything else?" I shook my head again.
"Give me ten minutes, then leave through the bar and down the inside hotel stairs."
He stood and gathering his cigarettes and lighter, slipped them into his pocket.
"Oh! And when you are inside, take off your hat."
He went across the terrace and down the outside steps.
I finished my coffee.
Was that it?
He hadn't drunk his beer.
He hadn't thanked me.
He hadn't said goodbye.
There was a lump in my throat.
Of course, he was maintaining the appearance that we were not together, I told myself but it didn't help.
I made my way back to my car. I was putting the key in the ignition when there was the slightest tap on the nearside wing. I looked up to see him pass, a little flick of his hand in acknowledgement at hip level.
So he had been guarding my back!
I blinked a few times to clear my eyes; glad I was wearing dark glasses.
Another of Ruspanti's rule broken.
_'Don't get involved with the clients.'_
Well, Zen wasn't a client but I was involved.
Whether I liked it or not, I was involved.
It was three weeks before I had another engagement with my client.
It was arranged in the usual way.
Orvini rang about seven.
"My dear, would it be convenient for you? This evening? As usual? I will send my car."
His sleek, chauffeur driven Mercedes would arrive at midnight, my fee in an envelope on the back seat, and I would be whisked across the river up into the Vatican and dropped at the entrance to a narrow alley.
Orvini's driver, Cioni, would wait till I slipped through the unlocked door in the long blank wall and would return later for me. I suppose one of the Cardinal's staff would ring him. He was always waiting for me.
I would go down a narrow dim passageway to a room at the end, on a lower level to the main body of the house. It held a bed, two large armchairs and a table with a bottle of wine and two glasses. I thought it might have been a monk's cell a few centuries ago.
The Cardinal joined me very soon through a second door in the far corner.
He was a big man, taller than Zen and heavy, approaching sixty. He was not handsome but he had, as you would expect, immense presence and charm. Greying hair above a face with big dark eyes surrounded by deep dark shadows from sleepless nights caused by a mind constantly scheming, set above a wide red sensual mouth.
His persuasion was that of President Clinton's.
Non penetration was not sex.
So he was not breaking his vows.
I don't know whether he was fooling himself. He didn't fool me.
But I was well paid for my attentions.
He would have to square his views with God.
We had reached the point where I had undressed and had opened his heavy velvet robe, when there was a faint purr of the house phone. Another man might have cursed.
His Eminence "tst-tst-tst-ed ".
He lifted the phone, listened and putting it down, said "My Dear, excuse me." and left the room through the door he had entered.
His Eminence was not well pleased.
I heard a whisper of voice outside. I tiptoed to the door, silently turned the handle and eased the door open a crack and listened.
I heard very little. I caught words here and there; a voice I thought I recognised until the Cardinal raised his voice slightly.
"No, I ... Tell... Bellatini ... Cabal."
I was back on the bed wrapped in the sheet when he returned and we took up where we left off.
"Same time, same place." Zen had said. "If I am not at Ruspanti's place, don't stop."
I got out my red dress, and then I remember what he had said once, "Very Red" and chose a little black dress instead, the one with the deep scoop neck.
And piled my hair on top.
He joined me on the roof bar.
"It doesn't seem very much."
I told him.
"But he was angry. It was the mention of Bellatini ...and ..."
I still wasn't sure about the rest, then I went on.
"When I told you, you know, at the reception, there was one word I wasn't sure about? But I am sure now. It was cabal. "
I looked at him. He was resting his elbow on the table, his mouth resting against his fist, his eyes on me.
"Wasn't that what you asked me about? When Ludo died? And didn't Perotto say Ludo said something?"
He stared out over the terrace unseeing, automatically fumbling in his pockets for his lighter and cigarettes.
"There's something else." I nipped the quick of my nail. "I thought I recognised the other voice." Again, I was uncertain.
"I I thought it was Amadeo."
He turned his face towards me, but he was still unseeing and there was no sign of surprise at what I had said.
The western light flickered through the vines onto his face, showing up his clear fine skin and the two scars, the long black lashes. His narrowed eyes, glinting dark green, as they did when he concentrated. He put a cigarette in his mouth and left it without lighting it.
I watched him.
He was so beautiful.
A little throb jumped into life in my groin.
He came back to me, took the cigarette from his mouth, blew out a long breath, put his fag back and slowly lit it.
"The Colonnas, like the Orvinis, Bellatinis and the Ruspantis, have connections with the Vatican going way back." He hesitated as if he were about to say something more, then changed his mind.
"Do you see Amadeo these days?"
"I haven't for a while. Should I not? Should I not trust him? "
A faint smile from him.
"As much as anyone."
I looked at my watch.
"Anything else?"
"No." I must have sounded uncertain because he looked at me questioningly.
"No." Nothing he would be interested in.
"I have an engagement at 8.30 and I have to get ready."
"You look fine to me"
I left first. I knew he was watching my back.
Driving home, the throb was still there.
I could hear Ruspanti's voice:
_'Don't get serious with the clients'_
And then, another Ruspanti rule;
'_Don't__ stay the night, always go home__' _
I do, Ludo, I do.
_'Don't bring your work home_. '
He's not work, Ludo.
Yes I know; he stayed the night with me, in _my_ bed, in _my_ apartment. You would be horrified but he is _not_ a client, Ludo.
And yes Ludo, I have broken your cardinal rule.
You see, I am in love with him.
My client needed an escort to a party and had a hotel room booked for later so it was near to five when I got home.
It seemed as though I had only just got into bed when the doorbell rang, and then there was a banging and the bell again, and again,
"Arianna !"
I struggled into consciousness. I pulled on a tee shirt and last night's knickers and stumbled only half awake to the door.
It was Zen.
Who else?
"God, Zen. What the hell do you want?"
"Arianna, are you ok?"
"No I 'm bloody not. What the hell time is it?
He grabbed me by my forearms.
"Arianna, wake up. Cioni is dead!"
"What? Who? Cioni? He can't be."
He followed me into my sitting room and we sat down on the couch together. I had not quite taken it in.
"He was found a couple of hours ago. Stabbed. In Orvini's Merc. In the alley at the back of the Cardinal's palace."
I gaped at him. I still was not quite sensible.
"I just wanted to be sure you were OK."
He looked at me.
"I was afraid ... You'd better have a cup of coffee e? You look as if you need one."
I was beginning to shake. He went into my little kitchen.
"I'm on my way over to the Vatican. I came here as soon as I heard." He called.
He brought two cups of instant.
"When did it ... did they find him?"
"About five, but Orvini said he didn't turn up for work yesterday and the car was missing."
I bit my lip to stop shaking.
"Zen." My teeth were chattering. "Zen, there's something I didn't tell you. I thought it wasn't important."
He knelt in front of me holding my hands.
"When I go to the Cardinal, Cioni drives me there and picks me up later. I don't how he knows when. I suppose someone rings the carphone because he is, was, always there waiting for me except the other night. He wasn't there. I waited for a while and walked down the alley to see... He didn't turn up. I rang for a taxi. "
I bit my lip.
"I didn't think it was important."
"You didn't see anyone, anything, a car?"
"God Zen, it was three in the morning."
He sat back down on the couch, his arms on his knees, his face in his hands.
"Christ, what have I got you into?"
"Is it the 'family'?"
"I don't know, Arianna. Maybe. The Vatican too, somehow. Then there's this Cabal. They're all tied up somehow. All I know is three men have died and they are all connected somehow with the Cabal and the Vatican.
"Three ...but"
"Ruspanti, Perotto, and now, Cioni".
"Zen, Ruspanti killed himself, and Perotto."
"Yes, _yes, _ but something drove him to it and he was connected to the Cabal and Perotto the same. Well. We know how Perotto died but the Cabal is there too.
Cioni dies on the night that you hear a message about the Cabal."
He paused, and then went on.
"Amadeo," he hesitated again. "had a brother who died. He wanted to talk to me about the Cabal. He was afraid. He was murdered. There was no investigation; his body was spirited away into the Vatican."
"You don't think Amadeo...?"
"No, but anyone can be driven to kill." He chewed his lip.
"You don't have to go on doing this for me."
"Yes, I do. Especially now, now Cioni...! He was a nice man. "
"Think about it. If you want out, I will understand."
He stood.
"I must go."
At the door I caught hold of his sleeve. He swung around, pushing me against the wall, his mouth hungry on mine.
And the greedy demanding flame was there again in my groin for him.
My fingers were in his hair, twisting to pull him closer and we were on the floor without knowing how we got there, pulling our clothes off, desperate to feel our bodies together.
I lost my breath as his mouth moved over my face and throat. I struggled to free my arms to pull his mouth back to mine.
We didn't say anything to each other
It was all touch and movement, fast, hot and hard, soft sounds, gasps and moans.
It could have been minutes; it could have been hours.
I don't know.
He didn't ask if I was ready, he knew. We came together in an explosive, rolling climax which shook us both.
He lay, with his mouth against my throat, then looked at me. We were both slick with sweat, hair sticking to our faces.
"Right by the door," he said, laughter in his voice. "I hope nobody was passing; it was a bit loud."
"You could have made sure we were on the carpet. I must have dozens of splinters in my arse."
"I would be delighted to check for you."
He sat up.
"I've got to go." I ran a finger across his wet shoulder.
"You'll need a shower before you go."
He nodded slowly and getting up, picked up his clothes and went to the bathroom.
I pulled on my tee shirt and knickers and waited for him.
I have been on the game since I was twenty. It has given me a very high standard of living; I love it and everything that goes with it, the parties, the social life, and expensive holidays.
The sex too.
So maybe I have had lovers with more experience, with more expertise, more stamina but it is true when they say love gives more than these.
Love gives a splendour all its own.
And I love him.
He is the only one I have ever loved.
Does he love me?
Who knows?
I know he cares about me.
But love?
Perhaps I will know one day.
Until then I will take what I can get.
Christ! It wasn't yet half past seven.
He came out of the bathroom, his face with that freshly showered look, his hair a mass of tight wet curls around it.
I should have been at the crime scene, an hour ago." he said awkwardly. I walked with him to the door and stood against the wall. He stopped with one hand on the catch
"You can stop anytime you want."
"I know."
He bent and kissed me, a soft brush of his mouth against mine.
The door clicked and he was gone.
I slid down against the wall till I was sitting on the floor, my arms wrapped around my knees.
I thought.
I was afraid.
I was nervy and jumpy, my stomach churning.
But I felt taut, alert, alive.
I had a purpose in life.
End file.
| Informer by Roofran411 | Zen |
Lady of the Morning
Zen_ and Me: Arianna_
This is the second story in my Zen trilogy. As with the first, I have taken things from Michael Dibdin's books and from Andy Harries' films and used and changed them to suit my stories. This story comes chronologically after 'Story of an Affair' but is a complete stand alone story.
As always, I must say that Zen belongs to Michael Dibdin; I am only playing with him for a while.
In the films, the delightful Inspector Zen is played by the equally delightful Rufus Sewell and his partner in this story, Arianna, is sparklingly played by Valentina Cervi.
The song that accompanies this is 'Miss you Nights' sung by Cliff Richard.
Miss You Nights
Midnight diamonds stud my heaven
Southward burning, like the jewels that burn my place
And the warm winds that embrace me
Just as surely kissed your face.
Yeah! these miss you nights are the longest.
How I miss you, I'm not likely to tell
I'm a woman and cold day light
Buys the pride I'd rather sell.
All my secrets are a wasted affair.
You know them well.
Thinking of my going; how to cut the thread
And leave it all behind
Looking windward for my compass.
I take each day as it arrives
But these miss you nights are the longest.
Lay down all thoughts of your surrender
It's only me who's killing time.
Lay down all dreams and themes once remembered.
>It's all the same, this miss you game.<p>
Yeah, these miss you nights are the longest.
* * *
><p><em><span>Lady of the Morning<span> _
"This is Arianna" I said, when the familiar voice came on the line.
Aurelio Zen.
Detective Chief Inspector of the Questura di Roma.
I met him when he was investigating the death of Ruspanti.
Suicide, possibly murder, with the possibility of a scam, with maybe long tenuous links with the Vatican.
I loved Ruspanti; he was my friend, a very dear friend who, though he was gay, when he was still in denial, had occasionally been my lover. It was he who had helped me get started in my business.
And yeah, he might have moved with the highest, both in the Church and the State, after all he was _Prince_ Ludovico Ruspanti, but he still was a wheeler and dealer.
Of the most discreet, of course!
So, if there was a hint of a scam, well, it wasn't something I would put past him. I have known him to pull scams before now. Sometimes illegally. Very successfully too. But recently things hadn't been too good for him. He liked to live high and often needed money, and I was the only one left who would lend any to him. And there was something, something else. I don't know what.
I am Arianna di ... well, that is enough; that is what I go by. Age 32. 5ft 5 tall, slight, dark red hair, slanting hazel eyes and a wide, funny, pouty mouth, that I have been told looks as though it has been stung by a bee.
Ruspanti, with his soirees and parties, had introduced me to his network of society friends and acquaintances from whom I soon built a select clientele.
Yes, I am, to put it bluntly, a prostitute. A high class one maybe, but still a prostitute.
A courtesan, I hope, is a better job description. I do not just sell my body. I am an escort. I have good looks, intelligence and wit, I dress elegantly well. I give my company, my encouragement, my sympathy if needed. I am well educated and well read. I have a good knowledge of politics and world affairs. I have a good if sometimes dirty, sense of humour, and I am extremely good in bed.
I am also extremely expensive.
It was after Ruspanti's requiem mass, I met Zen.
He followed me out of the church and spoke to me. I thought he was a middle-aged man on the pick-up. My clients come to me highly recommended and, even more to the point, discreetly.
I do not need to pick up men.
I do not get picked up either.
I thought I had seen him before. Somewhere.
I brushed him off.
"I am a professional mourner" I said, and drove off.
I _thought_ I had brushed him off.
He merely followed me back to my apartment: he told me he was a policeman and he wanted to ask me a few questions about Ruspanti. I told him I had an appointment with a client, which was true, but we could talk while I changed.
My apartment consists of three rooms; a small kitchen, a large luxurious bathroom, and a very large open room with a bed and wardrobe at one end, a large expanse of polished wood floor between, and at the other, a couch and a pair of armchairs with a coffee table before them, and some interesting pieces of art. Good investments, I have been told. Sheer white curtains hang at the full length, folding glass doors which lead out onto a balcony which has two chairs and a table. It is not overlooked. The whole place looks and is expensive. It does not have much else in the way of furniture, but then few people come here. Ruspanti was one ... But he is dead now.
"What can I do for you, Inspector ?"
"That doesn't sound Italian."
"It's Venetian" he replied. "And yours?"
I went to my wardrobe and took out some dresses.
"Ludovico Ruspanti, you knew him?"
He knew I did; why else would I have been at his funeral?
"He was umm... you and he...?"
I smiled; he was embarrassed.
"You mean were we doing it? Why didn't you say?"
"I suppose it was the way I was brought up. I find it... difficult to ..."
"You don't know anything about him Inspector, do you? _Prince_ Ruspanti! He was gay." He was surprised " Mmm, we had been lovers, now and then, in the beginning, when he didn't admit it, not even to himself. But we were friends. Always friends. He helped me get started in my business."
I turned my back and said "Could you?" indicating my zip. He slid it down a little, turned away and turned back to see me step out of my dress. I was wearing my working clothes. An couture shift dress with a zip from neck to hips for ease of getting out, which is what I did then. Just dropped it and stepped out.
Underneath was my working underwear, a small black lace bra and fishnet tights.
If you have to undress a couple of times a night, you can get through a lot of fine tights. Besides, men find fishnets alluring. I can never see why myself but there you go!
I was amused to see him turn his back again hurriedly. A _gentleman_ cop!
I hid a smile and decided to play a game with him.
"What is your business Miss ...?
"Arianna will do. I suppose you could call me an escort."
"You mean you are a...
"A lady of the night?" I smiled. "Yes; but I am available in the afternoons too, if required. And I prefer to call myself a courtesan."
While we were talking, I was trying to decide which dress to wear. Holding them up and raising my eyebrows in enquiry at him before trying them on, he zipping and unzipping me. He was still embarrassed, but that did not mean he was not enjoying it.
If I had been alone, I would probably have put on the first thing that came to hand but it was fun with playing him. A sort of cat and mouse game.
"Yes, yes, very nice."
"Or this?"
"Yes, yes. "
Every time he thought he was off the hook, I took my dress off.
"You are very polite, Inspector."
His manner did not alter; he continued to be courteous, and persistent.
He wanted to know about Ruspanti. So I told him the truth.
Some of it.
Ruspanti had been short of money, had been very down. He had slept at my apartment the night he died.
"He was here that evening; we talked, he was very low. He slept on the couch; I slept in my bed. I woke during the night to go the bathroom but he was gone."
"Hmm," He nodded.
"He always said that if things got too much, there was always the Tiber."
"Well, he missed."
"He missed the river and landed on the embankment."
I gave a wry smile, blinking a little to make sure my eyes didn't fill up.
"That's Ruspanti. Now Inspector, your time's up."
As I ushered him out, he said "What do you know about the Cabal?"
"Forget it."
If I thought he was finished, I was wrong. He was back a couple of hours later.
At least, he was on my _cellullare_.
Somehow, he had got hold my number; I don't know how!
And I thought I had turned it off.
It was at the most inconvenient time, the Minister was just climaxing.
I told Zen not to ring again but he said he would be at my apartment in the morning. I disconnected and the Minister asked what was wrong. So I told him the fuzz were hassling me and he said he would handle it. After all, the Polizia is part of his Department.
Nevertheless, Zen arrived at my apartment before eight in the morning and leant on the bell until I answered it.
I was wearing a negligee.
Yes, it was negligible, very short, diaphanous and red, and only just tied around me. It wasn't that I was trying to seduce him. It was the first thing to hand when I fought through bleary eyes to find something to wear to answer the door. After all, I hadn't got home till after three.
He appeared not to notice.
He sat on the couch, leaning on his elbows, his hands between his knees.
"I don't think your friend committed suicide." he said. "There was a note but I think it is a fake."
"So what do you think ..." when it hit me what he meant. "Murder think he was murdered?"
"But ...he left a note..."
"Cctv footage shows a man behind him as he fell. We think he may have been pushed."
He was watching me.
"But ..."
"_But_" he quoted me. "Have you told us everything?"
He raised an eyebrow cynically and yet, and yet, there was laughter somewhere there.
He was laughing at me.
A cop with a sense of humour? Then it came to me! That smilingly cynical look.
I **had** seen him before!
A couple of weeks ago.
The Minister's apartment.
The entrance hall.
I had just arrived and was hustled unceremoniously into the cloakroom as the Minister himself showed two men out.
Two men.
Amadeo Colonna, that cold bastard, and yes, Zen.
He had that cynical smile on him then.
As if the world amused him.
I thought.
My mind was like a rat in a trap.
"Do you mind?" he asked, waving a pack of Nationalis at me.
Yes I did, but there didn't seem to be much point in saying so. He lit one and leant back, crossing his ankle over his knee.
>Then he threw me!<p>
"Who's your friend at the Ministry? Colonna?" I avoided his eyes.
"I don't know what you mean."
"Yes, you do. Somebody, Colonna, leaned on me this morning, telling me to stay away from you. Early this morning, very early! So it had to be after my call to you last night, and it had to be someone high up, very high up."
He drew on his cigarette, watching me through the spiral of smoke, his eyes narrowed, emerald glints.
Funny, when they were opened wide, they were olive, maybe grape green but when they were narrowed, when he was concentrating, they were emerald.
Oh! For God's sake Arianna, you have only met him twice. How could you know that?
"No..." he said thoughtfully, still watching me. "It's the Minister. Yeah, the Minister."
I caught my breath.
I looked down and didn't answer.
"You know Colonna too?"
"How did you know my number?"
He fished in the breast pocket of his jacket and held up a small brown card.
I knew what it was; one of my business cards. Arianna...Tel 039 324 34571, in red.
Nothing else. If you had one of my cards, you knew what my business was.
"Where did you get that?"
"What if I tell you Colonna gave it to me?"
"Bastard." I wasn't referring to Zen and he knew it. He tilted his head, a little smile on his lips.
"Now then Miss ..."
"Arianna. "
"Arianna, have you told me everything?"
There was a teasing note in his voice. I chewed my lips.
Ruspanti had told me years ago when I started in the business, "Don't tell the cops anything."
I suppose it didn't really matter now. Ruspanti was dead, I didn't care about Colonna, and I was beginning to like Zen.
"The suicide note, it isn't a fake."
"Oh I don't think so. Dead men don't push suicide notes under their own doors. "
"No! I did."He had been smiling but that stunned him. He rubbed his ear.
If I hadn't been so mixed up, I would have laughed.
"When I got up to go the bathroom that night, I told you he was gone but he had left a note on the table. It wasn't addressed to anyone, so I read it. I couldn't give it to the police, so I stuck it in an envelope, got dressed and went and pushed it under the door of his apartment."
"Why couldn't you give it to the police?"
I looked at him as if he were mad.
"The police would have been here! My name in the papers. My business is based on discretion."
"I ought to do you for obstruction."
He chewed his inner cheek. That was a habit of his, I noticed.
"Did you go in?"
"No, of course not. I haven't a key."
"The place was torn apart; the armchairs, couch, bed, the stuffing ripped out."
"But why? Who?"
He shrugged.
"A lover?"
"No, no, Ruspanti wouldn't make anyone want to do that? Everybody loved him even when he was pulling a scam."
"Then why?"
My turn to shrug.
"Do you know if he had a scam going on?"
"He _always_ had something."
"Do you recognise this" and he showed me a diary
"Well, it looks like his but I couldn't swear."
"What do you know about the Cabal?"
"You asked me that. I have never heard of it. What is it?"
"If I knew that, then maybe everything would fall into place."
"Well." He got up. "That's all for the moment."
I got up to go the door with him.
He raised his eyebrows, grinning. "People will think you're a lady of the morning too."
I was cool.
"This is my home, Inspector. I always sleep in my own bed! And I do _not_ bring my clients here."
He flipped his hand in a sort of acknowledgement, even apology.
As he reached the door, I made up my mind.
" Inspector! Zen!" He turned.
"Yes, I do know Amadeo; and yes, in the Biblical sense. He was a client until the Minister asked to be introduced. Then he dropped me."
If it sounded a bit bitter, it was. I wasn't in love with him but we had had some good times, not just sex; I had been his escort to parties, dinners, theatre.
It still stung.
He looked at me, surprised.
"Didn't it occur to you that maybe he was told to drop you?"
No, it hadn't.
"Even senior politicians don't like comparisons."
"I am a professional. I would not do that."
"Maybe not, but perhaps the Minister was concerned that you might. Maybe, the Minister's willy is smaller."
"I shall not comment on that."
"You have."
He was still chuckling as he shut the door.
Things were hectic over the next couple of days and I didn't have time to grieve for Ruspanti but I knew it would catch up with me sometime.
I had an appointment to see Guido Perotto, Ruspanti's lawyer, so I was up early. I had dressed in my Versace beige silk palazzo pants and matching top, with my face and hair done when the doorbell rang.
I was startled but I knew who it was. There was no-one else it could be.
"What do you want now, Inspector?"
He looked me up and down and raised his eyebrows.
"You look very nice."
"Thank you. Now?"
"Going somewhere?"
He came in and shut the door behind him.
"Oh? Where?"
"Is that a police question?"
"No, no, I thought, perhaps I could give you a lift, after we've had a few questions."
"That will not be necessary. I have my own car."
"Ah yes. I remember, an Alfa Romeo Very nice."
"Excuse me, Inspector. My breakfast." he nodded.
"Coffee? Cornetti?"
He was surprised but said, "Thank you, yes."
I went into the kitchen, put two cornettis into a basket and picked up two mugs and plates. I led the way out onto the balcony. A coffee pot
was already on the table. I poured two coffees and slapped his down in front of him.
" Er... um..."
"What do you want now?"
"Er ... Milk? ...and sugar and um ... jam?"
I stalked into my kitchen and then returning, slammed them down in front of him.
I don't know how people can eat so much sweet stuff _and _first thing in the morning too.
But he did; he ate his cornetti, and mine!
He got out his Nationalis and lit up.
"Just a few questions. What do you know about his finances?
"Not much.
"Where did he get his money from?"
"Family money but he was always short of money. Always."
"What did he spend his money on?"
"Inspector, everything and nothing. It went."
He was getting something out of his pocket.
"Do you know what this is?"
He put a small key on the table.
I looked at it
"It is a strong box key; a bank strong box. "
"Is it Ruspanti's?"
"They all look the same."
"True but we found it on him. Why would he want a strong box?"
I shrugged.
"Can you tell me which is Ruspanti's bank?"
"I can do more than that, Inspector. If that is Ruspanti's key, then I have the pair to it, and you need both to open the box."
"Christ! I have been trying to find out which bloody bank for the last two days. What is in the box? "
"That I don't know. I was with him to set it up but he never told me anything else."
"Have you finished? Can we go?"
Now _he_ was rushing _me_!
"I have an appointment with Ruspanti's lawyer at 9.30a.m."
"So I will take you there and we can go to the bank afterwards. Get your key and come on."
"I can go in my own car."
"I know that, but you will come in mine." It was said politely and he smiled charmingly at me but there was no doubt about it. I was going in his car.
Well, if I was, he could wait for me. I took my time in slipping on my Ferrogamo crocodile sling-backs, then my suit jacket, before finally picking up my bag.
As we were going downstairs, he said "Arianna, I think that Ruspanti was setting up an enormous scam involving maybe high-ups in the Vatican. I think the answer is in this box, I think that this is the answer to his murder."
"But Zen. I am sure he killed himself...the note..."
"Yes Yes, I know he did. I know, but... who was the man behind him on the bridge?"
He waited for me outside Ruspanti's lawyer's office.
When I was through, we drove to the bank. I looked sideways at him, he was tall and broad, with long legs, dark curly hair cropped quite short, and big green eyes. He had two scars on his face, a large one that cut through his left eyebrow, and a smaller one by his mouth. I wondered idly how he got them.
He was extremely handsome. In my experience, cops don't look like him.
O.K. I haven't had any professional experience with them. In fact, he is my only experience with them but commonsense tells me they don't look like him.
Another thing he smiled, no, he laughed a lot. He seemed to see the funny side of everything.
I looked again with my professional eye this time. I suppose he was about forty. fairly fit, not sixpack- fit but yes, ok. Large, beautiful hands, and his crotch looked comfortably well filled.
"What's your name?"
I tst-tsted exasperatedly.
"And is that what they call you?"
"You mean apart from bastard, swine, sod."
He was smiling. He really did have a nice smile. A naughty little boy, goofy one.
" Yes it is."
"Are you married?"
"Yes," he stopped. "separated...going through the motions of getting a divorce. "
The smile had disappeared.
"Yes, "he paused. "She's away."
He fumbled in the glove box and found his cigarettes and lit one from the dashboard.
"Probably not coming back."
I got out my sunglasses and I studied him from behind them and we drove in silence for a while.
He turned right and pulled in outside Ruspanti's bank.
When we opened the box, there was another box inside; nothing in that one, nothing, not even any dust.
I laughed. I mean really laughed for the first time in days. For the first time since Ruspanti died.
We sat outside in his car, Ruspanti's box on my lap.
"Well, what now?"
"Well, now we let it be known that we have the box and the keys and then we wait."
"What for?"
"For whoever killed Ruspanti to make himself known."
"Zen, Ruspanti killed himself."
"Yeah, yeah I know. Well ok, for whoever was behind him on the bridge. For whoever ripped his place apart. Because there _is_ someone. There _is_ something." He drummed his fingers on the steering wheel, whistling soundlessly through his teeth.
"Right! Home now?" he asked.
"Um, could you take me to Ruspanti's apartment? His lawyer wants it cleared. I'm his executor. He has asked me to look and see what needs to be done, as soon as I can. I can get a taxi afterwards.
You_ have _finished with it? The police?"
"Yeah, sure" he paused, thinking. "I might come in and have another look around. I might see something."
He turned sideways to look at me.
"Arianna, can I ask you something?"He hesitated. "Will you do something for me? Ruspanti was your friend?"
"I loved him."
"In your line of work, it is possible that sometimes you may see or hear something ... which might be useful to me."
"Are you asking me to be your snout?" I interrupted sharply. He inclined his head, a bit embarrassed and looked away.
I sighed and agreed.
I was saying something, as with Ruspanti's box tucked under one arm, I wrestled the key out of the door, and followed him into the living room of Ruspanti's flat. He answered me with something so ridiculous.
"Yes my mother would love that. Come anytime."
I looked at him astonished, and saw he had his finger to his mouth for silence.
I saw what he had seen; the balcony window was open. There was someone in the flat. He moved silently further into the room. Then, the someone came from behind us. It was Perotto, Ruspanti's lawyer and he had a gun in his hand. I was immediately a gibbering wreck and Zen didn't look too good either
"Where is it? what was in the strongbox. It is mine."
_I had told him in his office, that I was going to the bank to get the strongbox. _
"It's mine. I gave him the money. He needed it. I gave him mine." His voice was high, almost hysterical. Me too!
_He had asked me to clear Ruspanti's flat._
I was holding the box. Shaking, I held it out it to him.
"Put it on the bed."
_If it was a trap, he didn't know Zen would be with me._
_**I**__ didn't know Zen would be with me._
I sidled sideways and did what he asked.
He was a different man to the one I had seen in his office an hour ago.
He was greasy with sweat and maybe fear.
Not as much as me.
He was the one holding the gun.
"Give it to me! Give me the key."
"Yes" said Zen. "Give it to him, Arianna. "
I looked at him amazed
>"I haven't got it. You had it!"<p>
"No I gave it to you."
"NO! You didn't."
"I did."
I caught on to what he was doing, he was distracting Perotto, so I went along with him.
"NO! You had it "
Then, so fast I hardly saw it, he kicked the gun out of Perotto's hand and across the room. Grabbing his wrist, twisting it, he pulled Perotto down on the bed, slapping hand cuffs on him. Then he pulled his own gun. I gasped. I didn't know he carried one. I suppose I should have known but I didn't, and you would never know from the cut of his suit.
One thing I was right about: he **is** fit, even fitter than I thought. The speed at which he moved stunned me.
Zen told him the box was empty; that it was all one of Ruspanti's scams.
"It couldn't be! I gave him my money. All my money! He said he could make us rich. We were going to make a life together. He loved me; I was his lover. I loved him. The Cabal would do it for us."
"What is the Cabal ?" Zen asked.
"I don't know," he sobbed ""I don't know; he never told me. He wouldn't explain. How could he do this to me? It was you, you little whore. I loved him but it was you, you little slut. Talking to him, telling him things. What am I going to do?" He sobbed again.
"Did you kill him?" He looked up, his face raw with tears.
"No, no. "
"But you were there on the bridge?"
"Yes, I saw him leave her flat. I was waiting outside. I followed him, caught up with him, tried to talk to him but he pulled away and then he was ...I ran to try to stop him. I was too late."
Zen walked across the room and picked up Perotto's gun, unloaded it and put the bullets in his pocket. He went back to Perotto and unlocked the handcuffs.
"What is the Cabal?" Zen asked again.
"I told you. I don't know. He said it was best I didn't know. Ludo, Ludo." His face was in his hands
>"What am I going to do? I have nothing, nobody.."<p>
"I have to arrest you. You must accompany me to the Questura."He spoke very gently to him.
"My money, my law practice. I am ruined."
Zen turned to me. "I will have to take him in. Will you be OK to wait here for a while? Better for you here than at the Questura. I will handle everything."
I nodded.
He touched my shoulder. "Sure? I will pick you and take you home as soon as I can."
We heard a shout from the street and turned. He had gone. He had jumped from the balcony. Zen tried to hold me back but I had seen him...his body.
Zen held me. I was shaking against him.
He rang me a day or so late; they had wound Ruspanti's case up.
I waited but he said nothing more.
>"What about what was it? Cabal?"<p>
"They decided that it was all part of Ruspanti's scam and we should forget it."
I have known a lot of men. There was something in his voice. The powers above him might think that, but he didn't.
So it was wrapped up, Ruspanti's case. It was eleven days since he died and just eight since I met Zen at his funeral.
All wrapped up.
Prince Ludovico Ruspanti. R.I.P.
The crematorium rang.
"Why me?"
"You are the executor of his will. There is no-one else."
"But what do I do with them?"
The man at the other end was non-plussed.
"Keep them or scatter them."
I sat and let my mind jitter around and then I picked up my phone and rang him.
"This is Arianna." I said when the familiar voice answered the phone.
"And what can I do for you, Arianna?" The laughter was there in his voice.
I took a breath.
"The crematorium rang. Ruspanti... Ruspanti's remains are ready for collection."
I couldn't go on. How could I? I was choked.
Then he said "You want me to come with you?"
"Would you?"
"Of course. When?"
"They said today, tomorrow."
"What are you going to do with them?"
"I don't know."
"Let me see... Today is awkward ...Tomorrow? Tomorrow afternoon. Shall I pick you up about"
"Today," I interrupted and my voice broke. "Today please, if you can."
There was a pause.
"Hold on a moment,"
There was muffled talk, then he was back
"Yes, ok. Shall I pick you up about two? At your apartment?"
He was there at 2p.m, prompt, dapper, elegant, but then he always was.
"Thank you for coming with me, there was no-one else. I couldn't do it on my own."
He shook his head slowly, pursing his lips.
"It's nothing."
We drove out of the city in silence and then I said "I been thinking; the river, the Tiber. He always said... if he did ... where he ..."
He nodded, "Yes, good idea."
"There are no regulations to stop me?"
"None that I know of and if there are ..." a little smile "I'll bend them."
We stood on the bridge where Ruspanti had stood. I scattered them and as the ashes floated down, a barge came from under the bridge and they settled in a fine mist over its cargo.
"It wasn't meant to be." Zen said, with his little boy grin.
"Best laid plans ... That's Ruspanti."
When we arrived back at my flat, I said "Come in, have a coffee, glass of wine?"
My mind was saying stay; I needed company. I did not want to be alone.
We sat on my balcony with our coffees and his cigarettes and let the evening pass. Sometimes in silence, sometimes with spurts of conversation with little flickers of laughter, easing the ache.
We had a limoncello or three and the blue of the evening deepened.
At last he gathered his cigarettes and lighter and stood. "I had better be on my way."
I got up fast, almost turning over my chair.
"Don't go," my voice was gravelly. "Stay! Stay with me."
He opened his mouth in surprise.
"I don't think so." he said slowly.
"You don't find me attractive?"
"On the contrary, I find you very attractive."
"Then stay."
" Arianna, I think you are out of my league."
" You know I didn't mean that. I'm not touting for business."
"I don't think it's a very good idea."
>"I am very discreet, ask your Minister, ask Amadeo."<p>
He gave a small smile, refusing.
"Please, please."I placed my hand on his chest. "Please Zen! I don't think I could bear to be alone tonight."
He looked down at me, chewing his inner cheek, his green eyes flickering over my face. He nodded slowly.
I took his hand and led him inside.
He stopped, a comical expression on his face
>"Condoms! Christ, I haven't got any condoms." I smiled a little smile. There is something rather nice about an unattached man who doesn't carry condoms.<p>
"You are talking to a professional, Zen."
Smiling I went to my wardrobe. On the shelf were several commercial-sized packs, tubes of lube, and other assorted things, tools of my trade. I grabbed a handful from the first open box and took him on towards the bed. I threw them on the bed and turned my back, gesturing to him to unzip me. He put his Nationalis and lighter on the night table and did just that.
I waited till he unhooked my bra and dropped them both on the floor, then rolled down my pantyhose and slid into bed, pulling the sheet up to my chest and lay propped on my elbow, watching him as he undid his tie and took off his shirt.
He was undoing his belt when he saw the condoms and exclaimed, "Five! Five, Jesus! Arianna, I hope you are not going to be disappointed."
He was naked now and No! I didn't think I was going to be disappointed. He was broad shouldered with narrow hips and his personal equipment, surrounded by a mass of black curls , was pretty good; his balls hung full and heavy; and his cock was ...well, I have had clients with longer; I have had clients with thicker, but not at the same time. It was already erect.
No help required from me!
He sat on the edge of the bed. He was chewing his cheek again.
Arianna" he stopped. "They say, I've been told, um, ladies ...of your profession not kiss?"
"No, working ladies do not. But I am not working."
I pulled his head closer, my hand on his neck just under that little curl that rested on the nape.
His lips touched mine, those finely sculptured lips. I moistened mine, then his with the tip of my tongue and his slid into my mouth, exploring, finding my tongue, taking it into his mouth. He tasted of cigarettes and limoncello and him.
We kissed slowly and I began to feel like a teenage girl with her first boy.
He moved to get in with me and paused.
"Condom "he said, and opened a pack.
"Do you need any help?" I said.
He turned, winking at me.
"I can do it. I'm a big boy now."
"I can see that." I giggled and watched him. "Very competent."
He took me in his arms and suddenly, I wasn't laughing. I said, "Do it for me, Zen. I do it for my clients. Do it for me tonight."
He said nothing but touched my face, then kissed me again.
Long and slow and gently.
And I began to forget about everything, about Ruspanti, death, men with guns, empty flats, being lonely.
I could feel the warmth of his body against mine, his arms holding me, his hips pressed against mine.
I am good at sex, I love it, I love my job and I am good at it because I love it. I enjoy it but it has been a while since I felt like this.
Oh God! The desire swept through me and a shudder went through him.
He turned me onto my back and gathering my hands in his, held them to his mouth, kissed them and put them around his neck.
His hands moved down to my breast a slow smooth movement. He went on kissing me as he stroked caressed and kneaded my breasts. They are not big, but they are firm and the nipples are large, he ran his fingertips over them and found them hard and waiting. The sensation was exquisite. His body was hard and warm against me and pressed into my belly. He played with my nipples rubbing, rolling and pinching them gently. Bending his head, he took one in his mouth licking sucking first one, then the other. We turned till I was on him, then I lay on my front and he kissed all over my back lapping up my spine, behind my ears.
Turning again, our thighs intertwining with each other, my hands holding his face, in his hair, touching his ears. His hand moved over my breast down over my belly, his finger circling my navel, down again till his hand was on my mound pressing squeezing. I was gasping out little sounds. His fingers opened my lips and slid into my wetness,spreading it over me, over his fingers till one was on my clit I gave a shuddering gasp of pleasure. "There?" he whispered against my ear. I nodded and he went on.
I was making little mewling sounds that became please, please, and he slid into me, the thrusts making waves of intensity.
He left me, to do it again
He was saying something or was he only gasping with pleasure too.
He left me again and his hands and mine demanding so much more. He came into me again and we came together; we lay clutching each other in a slick of sweat.
"Was that good for you?"
I laughed, little bubbles of laughs.
"You know it was!"
He slid off me and we lay side by side, little laughs still coming.
It was dark now and I could only see the faint gleam of him next to me.
"That triple score trick? That is worth knowing; take it from me. Where did you learn it?"
I knew he had been smiling; until I asked that. The smile went. I waited.
"My wife," he said. "_She_ was a lady of the afternoon; on a strictly amateur basis, of course. Or at least, my friends never told me they had to pay."
There was a hint of bitterness underlying the lightness of the words. I was thinking about that as I drifted off to sleep.
When I woke, my head was resting on his chest, my hand on his midriff. He was still, with one hand behind his head but I knew he was awake. Nobody sleeps like that.
I let my hand trace the fine line of hairs that led to his crotch and he turned to wrap his arms around me and the delight began again.
The laughter, the fun,
"Where are the rest of the condoms?"
"They were on the bed."
"They must have fallen on the floor."
I stretched across him to grope on the floor but we were nearer the edge than I thought. I almost fell off. I gave a little giggling scream and he held me, almost falling himself. He was even fitter than I thought, his stomach muscles tautening to pull us back. The laughter nearly tipped us over again.
I was the one who put the condom on him this time.
You are very naughty." he murmured.
"So I've been told. Do you think that is a good thing or bad?"
"Oohhh!" He blew a long considering breath.
"Ohhh, bad, very bad."
He ran his fingernail down my spine
"I think you are quite high up in those stakes yourself, Inspector"
"Me? I'm an ordinary sort of bloke."
Oh Yeah? I thought, and I'm the Queen of Sheba.
I thought again; didn't she have that fling with Solomon and wasn't _he_ a crafty old sod too.
I giggled to myself.
Another thought. I have laughed more in the last few days then I have for, oh! I don't know how long.
The early morning sun was filling the room with a golden light when I woke. I put out my hand but I already knew he wasn't there. I thought he had gone, till I saw the lift of the gauze curtains at the open balcony doors and smelt the cigarette smoke as it drifted in. I tied my negligee around me and went out to him. He was dressed, collar and tie fastened, jacket on, leaning one shoulder against the dividing wall, cigarette in one hand, a mug of coffee in the other.
"Going?" I asked.
"Not without saying Goodbye." He held out his coffee, offering it to me. I refused it. I leaned with my hip against the balustrade and watched him finish it and put the mug on the table.
"Will I see you again?"
"Sure, if, you know "he trailed off.
"You know that's not what I meant. "
He said nothing for a moment and then dropped his cigarette on the floor and stubbed it out.
"I don't think it would be very wise."
"Arianna, I am a serving police officer."
I looked at him. In spite of being up half the night and needing a shave and a fresh shirt, he still looked incredibly beautiful.
"No regrets?"
"How could there be?"
I studied my toes with their crimson nails.
"It was pretty damn good."
"Yeah." he said.
"_I_'ve one regret though,"
He looked down at me.
>"I never gave you a blow job."<p>
His eyes and his mouth made three big shocked circles in his face.
"Though it's not too late."
I leaned forward and cupped his crotch, rubbing it gently.
"The spirit indeed is unwilling but the flesh is up for it. In more ways than one." I misquoted.
I gurgled with laughter as he caught my hand and moved smartly out of reach.
He held my hand for a moment and kissed the inside of my wrist.
"You are a nice man, Zen."
He smiled at me and gave me a little salute.
I turned away. My eyes were prickling. I listened to his footsteps on the wooden floor, and I heard the click of the apartment door.
Is this what it is like?
Being a Lady of the Morning?
Watching your man drink his breakfast coffee, smoke his first cigarette, leave for work?
Would I like it?
Who knows?
It seemed an eternity but could only have been minutes because I heard the chirruping of a cell phone and looking down over the balcony, I saw him answer it as he crossed the road to his car. He lit a cigarette before he opened the door and got in.
I watched as the car started and slowly moved off.
"Ciao, Zen" I said softly.
End file.
| Lady of the Morning by Roofran411 | Zen |
A Story of An Affair
ZEN and ME: Tania
A Story Of An Affair
This is the first story in the Trilogy, Zen and MeWhen I read that Rufus Sewell was to play the part of Aurelio Zen, I read all the books. After seeing the three feature length films, I knew it would not be very long before I wrote my own Fan fiction stories. My friend Numbatstuff wrote a story about the three women mentioned in the films and this spurred me into writing about them.
Michael Dibdin is the creator of the delightful belongs to Michael.
Like the characters in my other stories, I have only borrowed Aurelio.
Andy Harries and his team took him and adapted him to suit their films. I just have taken what I wanted from Michael's books and Andy's work and twisted and turned them, changing times and conditions to fit my stories.
I have not written about Zen's cases as these stories are about Zen as seen through the eyes of the women who pass through his life.
As the title suggests, this story is rather steamy. If you think this is not to your taste, please do not read it.
In the three films Tania is played by subtly and voluptuously Caterina Murino.
Torn Between Two Lovers sung by Macgregor Mary is the song which I feel fits this story perfectly.
Torn Between Two Lovers
There are times when a woman must say what's on her mind,
Even though she knows how much it's going to hurt.
Before I say another word, let me tell you, I love you.
Let me hold you close and say these words as gently as I can.
There's been another man
That I've needed and I love.
But that doesn't mean I love you less
And he knows he can't possess me
And he knows he never will
It's just this empty place inside of me that only he can fill.
Torn between two lovers
Feeling like a fool,
Loving you both is breaking all the rules.
You mustn't feel you failed me
Just because there's someone else
You were the first real love I ever had.
And all the things I ever said
I swear they are still true
For no-one else can have the part of me I gave to you.
Torn between two lovers
Feeling like a fool,
Loving you both is breaking all the rules.
Couldn't really blame you
If you turn and walk away
But with everything inside me
I'm begging you to stay
Torn between two lovers feeling like a fool,
Loving you both is breaking all the rules.
Loving you both is breaking all the rules.
* * *
><p><span>A Story of an Affair<span>
I stood in front of the mirror in the bedroom of my new flat and looked at my equally new lover.
I had made it very clear that I would not sleep with him until I had a flat, a nice flat, in a nice area, and if he couldn't help me, there were others who were willing.
At least I hadn't put it that way. Not quite! But he knew there was a book on who would be first to sleep with me and that Vincenzo Fabri was in the lead. Even if he knew that Vincenzo had no chance, it didn't harm for him to know there could be others. And now, I had a flat, smart, and elegant in a smart elegant area of the city.
And a lover!
He was lying on the bed, propped on one elbow watching me.
He was in his underwear, vest and pants in a khaki grey which flatters our honey coloured Italian skin tones.
He is tall and slim, broad but not in the muscularity of the gym goer. His hair is dark, thick and curly with little sparkles of silver although he is still only forty. He is quite beautiful, totally masculine but beautiful, a long straight nose, high cheekbones and sculptured lips. He has the most incredible eyes, candid, humorous, cynical yet vulnerable, honest. Large eyes, green with the longest lashes, lashes that any woman would kill for.
I am married, have been for ten years, the last five of them unhappily, and now I am separated from my husband.
We had married young, because I was pregnant. It was means of getting out of my family home.
Oh! I had been in love with Luca and he with me. I was a junior typist and he a car mechanic. We got our own place; both sets of parents had said live with us, but I knew we would never get out if we did.
When I lost the baby, I knew there would be the constant nagging too.
"When are you going to have another baby, Tania?"
I was ambitious. I wanted more, more money, better job, and better flat, better than the social housing flat we had beside the motorway.
So when my husband wanted to stop using condoms, I agreed but went on the pill.
He didn't know.
I worked hard, changed jobs, always moving upwards, always striving for promotion in my work.
I could hear them, our families.
"Oh Tania has such a good, no babies."
I joined the civilian staff of the Polizia.
I loved it, it made me feel important.
My husband was content with our life. I was not. As I said, I wanted more. Our marriage disintegrated slowly. Sex was never a problem. We were always physically attracted to each other but we communicated less as my ambition in my job and to improve our status grew. In the end, sex was all that kept us together and even that was deteriorating as his jealousy grew and it was getting difficult even to leave the flat.
I decided I would leave him and get a divorce.
The man on the bed was the means of our separation.
Not the cause.
I met him when I was assigned as P.A to Superintendant Mascati, Chief of Detectives.
He is Aurelio Zen, Detective Chief Inspector, of the Murder Squad, Questura di Roma. He has a reputation throughout the Rome police dept, for honesty and incorruptibility but although I had heard of him, I had never met him until I changed departments.
The Murder Squad was full of men wanting to shag any new secretary and I knew there was a book already opened on who would be the first to shag me.
I wasn't interested in any of them.
My name is Tania Moretti; I am thirty-two years old.
I am tall and have full heavy breasts, and a narrow waist which from which my hips flare out. My breasts had developed early. Men like them. I learnt that at an early age; my cousin taught me. I was 14 and he was 15. I suppose we taught each other.
I learnt then too, that I like men.
It was another cousin who took me further, I kept pushing him away until I realised I wanted wasn't long before it were both desperate to do it. We lost our virginity in our Nonna's kitchen on her table while she was watching TV. I was 16 and he frightened ourselves to death; but not for long. It lasted till he went to do his army service.
There was no-one then, until I met my husband, Luca.
No shagging! I mean.
There was petting, heavy petting usually.
That was how I learnt how much power I had over men.
It wasn't by letting them touch whenever they wanted.
More... a hint of a promise.
I've had lovers since I was married: brief flings when I have been away at conferences, two or three brief affairs with people I have worked with but not since I started at the Questura.
I enjoy sex and the fact that Luca and I were still attracted physically to each other and that he was good in bed, held us together long after it should have finished. That and the fact I had no place to go.
I wanted a nice place but I had no means of getting one or even affording one. I was not going to leave to go to some awful dump somewhere worse.
I met Zen in the lift one morning.
I had settled into the department while he had been away for a few weeks on a case.
We nodded Good Morning to each other.
I did not know then who he was but an immediate spark shot down to my groin and I could tell he felt it too.
God! He was good-looking and he had a good body.
We looked away from each other as the lift stopped and we both got out.
I walked down the corridor to my office and as I booted up my computer, I looked through the opened connecting doors down to the Murder Squad's office and saw him go to his desk.
So that was Zen.
His reputation went before him. He was clever, astute and had been instrumental in securing several convictions but in a world of corruption and backhanders, his honesty and integrity annoyed and irritated both his colleagues and superior officers. He had been promoted more than once only for his quirkiness to knock him down again.
I must say nobody had mentioned his looks.
In the next few weeks, the other detectives touched, pinched, brushed up against me and chatted me up and the odds went up and down.
Zen was always pleasant to me. Only pleasant.
He went away once or twice on a couple of cases.
I asked about him discreetly. A question here and there.
He was married but separated.
His mother lived with him but he wasn't a mummy's boy. He had brought her from Venice to live with him.
He didn't have a girlfriend and if he'd had affairs, no-one knew about them.
The odds on him scoring were so high, that eventually he was scratched.
.My home situation was worse. We were rowing more; Luca was jealous of my job, even my time.
The incessant rows were wearing me down.
I sussed out my cousin to see if he knew someone who could talk to me about a separation but it was so difficult for me to get out in the evening.
I brooded about it.
What I needed was someone to help me to get out to meet this lawyer.
I have always been able to persuade men to help me.
I needed someone above suspicion and who would not expect anything back.
Maybe Zen?
I was leaning against the wall outside the Questura, smoking a cigarette before going into work, thinking about this, when he crossed the road, his hands in his pockets, and joined me.
"Can you spare me one?" he said. "Mine are upstairs."
We smoked in silence for a while.
God, he was beautiful; I could feel the pull of attraction. We turned toward each other and started to talk at the same time.
"No" he said. " You go on. "
So I took the plunge.
"Inspector Zen "
"Aurelio, would you do me a favour?"
>"You don't know what it is yet."<p>
"It doesn't matter."
So I explained. I needed to get out one night but my husband... things were not good between us: it was difficult.
"So I thought if someone ... if you ...could ring me from the office, calling me back to work." I trailed off.
"Sure, sure." he said. "Tonight?"
"You will?"
>"Sure. "<p>
We finished our cigarettes and went into the office together. We parted to go to our offices but when I looked down through the opened dividing doors, he was looking at me, we smiled. I looked down at my papers and looked up again, he was still watching me. There was that jolt again and my nipples ached.
Luca and I were in the middle of another row when the phone rang .We didn't answer but let the answer phone pick it up. It was on loudspeaker, so we both heard the message.
"This is Detective Chief Inspector Zen, Murder Squad, Rome Questura, for Signora Tania Moretti. All staff recalled to base immediately. Repeat all staff return to base immediately. Message timed at 18.55pm." Luca snatched up the phone
"What the hell is this? She's only just got home and you are calling her back." he yelled down it.
Clear as a bell I heard Zen answer, "I don't like myself, mate but that's the job."
I grabbed my coat and bag and left, Luca's imprecations following me.
I didn't care.
I was out.
As I left our building, a car flashed its lights and slowly came up to me.
It was Zen.
"Get in."
"What are you doing here?"
"I thought you might need a lift. "
"Oh there's no need."
"Get in; I'm going back to town."
I got in.
"How did you know where I lived?"
"I'm a detective, remember? Your address is on file." He smiled at me and there was that shot of fire between my legs again. Oh God!
"I heard your message. It was very good, very authentic. I believed you myself."
I thought I had better explain: despite his protests that he didn't want to know.
I knew he was lying.
He did want to know.
"I don't believe you now. "
He smiled ruefully, "Well, only if you want to tell me."
"You're a nice man" I thought, and said so.
He smiled again, "I'm just an ordinary sort of bloke."
That's the last thing he was.
So I told him the truth: that I was meeting someone who could advise me about a separation from my husband.
I was a little out of breath; we talked now and then till we got back to town and he dropped me outside a cafe.
Inside my cousin was waiting and we left to meet his lawyer friend and we discussed my separation.
When we were finished, I sat with Tony, my cousin, in his car and talked. Then he turned towards me and kissed me, not cousinly, open mouthed, and his hand slid inside my coat.
"Tony" I protested.
"Come on, Tania, it's not like we haven't done it before." His hand was moving, squeezing. "I taught you to like it. "
"We were 15. We're cousins! You're married. "
"We were cousins then, too. So I'm married and so are you. Come on, I'm not asking for a shag, just cop a feel. You know you like it"
And that treacherous feeling started by Zen got stronger.
"Not here. "
He drove a few streets away and parked in a dark spot.
God, I love it. The wonderful exciting foreplay but I wasn't thinking of him. No! Not Tony!
I lay on my side of the bed and my husband sullenly on the other. I I thought about Zen, I wondered about him and what he would be like to shag.
When we met in the morning, outside the Questura, I suggested that I buy him a drink that evening, as a 'thank you', he refused politely and said that it was unnecessary. I suggested several other days and again he refused, said he was busy.
There was something about the way that he said it.
He knows, he saw me with Tony; he thinks I used him to slip out to meet someone. Well I suppose I did but not as he thinks.
I watched him down through the office and when he left, I went after him. I caught his arm and tried to explain about Tony.
"You don't have to explain; It's none of my business."
"But I want you to know; I met my cousin, he was taking me to meet a lawyer to discuss a separation from my husband. "
He shrugged and went back into his office and I went to mine. I caught his eye but he looked away.
Someone spoke to me, and then my phone rang.
"I find I am not as busy as I thought I was. I can make that drink after all."
"Tonight? After work? Where?"
We arranged to meet on a roof terrace bar where it was unlikely that anyone from work might see us.
We smiled at each other down the length of three offices.
As we met, the evening was turning into that lovely blue of dusk.
"I can't stay long. My husband ..."
We laughed and talked and the time flew. We were so at ease, yet there was a tension between us.
"I must go."I said.
We left the bar and walked through the streets to the taxi rank. As he put me in the cab, I turned back and looked at him. He looked back with a little quizzical smile.
"Are we going to have an affair?" I asked.
I waited.
"Oh yes, I think so."
And I got in my taxi and went home to my husband.
I was having my pre-work cigarette the next morning, and I saw him go into the coffee bar across the road and I couldn't stop myself. I went to join him. "Good morning, Inspector Zen."
"Good morning Signora Moretti, Coffee?
"No thank you, a word though. "
I moved further back to a corner table at the back of the bar. He joined me; a quick look around and he had me pushed against the wall. I could feel the length of him against me, his chest, his hips, his thighs. His mouth open on mine, his tongue searching for mine, he tasted of cigarettes, orange juice, and toothpaste. He tasted heavenly.
We heard a scrape of a chair and we moved apart fast.
I left first and was at my desk when he came in. We looked at each other down the open length of the offices.
God, I was throbbing,
The betting was high. I had all sorts of propositions from drinks, to meals, to, from Vincenzo, an offer to help with my flat situation. He had high family connections so it was a possibility but he _was_ a bit of a slimy bastard.
I relayed this to Zen.
We had had a drink and talking about our situation in his car.
I was pushing him.
"Well! If Vincenzo can get you a flat, take it; but be careful. Knowing him, it will come with strings."
"I know, I know ... Aurelio, can't you do something?"
"I can ask around but ..."
I leaned towards him, stroked his jaw, my mouth making little kisses on his.
>"Aurelio, I want to have sex with you." My breast brushed against him.<p>
"Thanks very much"
"Don't make fun of me, Aurelio"
I moved again.
"Is that what you think?" and he put his hand on my breast.
Oh I wanted him.
I fought with myself.
"if we are going to have sex, I don't want it in the back of a car. I'm not a teenager."
"I'm a bit past that myself." I could feel him smile against my cheek
"We could get a hotel room"
I pouted.
" I can't do that. I can't get out all night; I won't rent a room for a few hours. I'm not a tart."
"We could go to my place."
"Your mother's there!"
He smiled
"She's a very nice woman. You'd like her. She got on very well with my wife."
Another little smile.
"Better than I did!"
His mouth found mine; I was limp, my mouth working against his. I couldn't stop myself. I opened my blouse. His hand brushed my bra strap down and his fingers were on my nipple stroking, rolling, sending wonderful jolts down me, my mouth was wide, hungry. I wanted him desperately.
He was the one who stopped.
Me! I would have had him there in his car.
In spite of everything I said.
In spite of all my plans.
He moved back in his seat.
"You... **we** deserve better than this, Tania."
He was involved in a new case and was called to several times to the Ministry.
Vincenzo Fabri asked me to lunch at one of the swishier restaurants.
I told Aurelio.
Yes, it was to push him a bit further.
>"Be careful, he always wants something in return." he rubbed his ear; "Er,"<p>
I've noticed he does that when he doesn't know quite what to say.
"I have an appointment with Nadia Pirio. Lunch."
She is an Assistant Attorney in the Attorney General's Department.
A beautiful, cold, hard, ambitious bitch.
"What does she want with you?"
He raised his eyebrows quizzically.
"My body?"
"Humph! I hear she eats men like you for breakfast."
I was our table with Vincenzo, when she swanned in. Aurelio arrived shortly after. They were barely seated when the Minister came in, accompanied by .Amadeo Colonna, his chief of staff.
They stopped briefly to speak to la Pirio and Aurelio.
I chewed this over till Vincenzo said where was I?
>I smiled at him but my mind was still on the other side of the room.<p>
I had set out to make him jealous but it was I who was jealous.
I sneaked glances at him.
He's having lunch with _her._
He knows the Minister and Colonna.
Surely one of them could help with a flat.
He could be such a high flier.
If he wanted!
The Forlani case that he was working on was wrapped up.
Satisfactorily, he said.
A week or so later, I picked up my phone.
"Can you meet me lunchtime? Something I want you to see?"Aurelio said.
One of the secretaries was standing by me; I glanced up briefly at her and said in a business like tone.
"Of course! And where would that be?"
"My car, across the road, the turning to the left of the coffee bar. 12.15?"
"Yes, that would be fine."
At 12.15, I got into his car and we drove away
"Where are we going, Aurelio?"
"Wait and see!"
So I did. We stopped in a quiet up-market road and he took me into one of the buildings.
Up in the lift to the fourth floor.
Excitement was rising in me!
He stopped in front of a door and put a key in it.
He led me from kitchen, to dining room, to a living room with a balcony and view over the city. All elegantly furnished.
I looked questioningly at him.
"Yours," he said, "for as long as you want it."
He held up the keys to show me and then dropped them on the side table.
I turned slowly around looking at it.
"Is there a bedroom?" I asked coolly.
"Um I think so." he said laughing and grabbed my hand and we fled there
We didn't undress but collapsed on the bed, mouths greedy for each other. We ripped open buttons and zips pulling at clothes, hands on each other roughly, wildly, demanding:.
We didn't need foreplay; we had been waiting for long enough.
"God! God! Condom!"
He was rummaging in his jacket pocket.
"No! No need. I'm on the pill. God! Now! Aurelio!"
And he was in me, his hands on my breasts and I was moaning. I was losing control, slipping... God, don't stop and I could feeling it rising in me, my climax, his powerful thrusts, then a great hard surge and we lay gasping and laughing. I grabbed his face and gave him a big noisy kiss.
"That was wonderful!"
"Oh!" he said, in an actorish sort of voice. "Did the earth move for you, darling?"
"Yes," I shouted. "Did it move for you?"
"Well, either that or we fell off the bed."
We laughed.
"Oh God I could murder a coffee and a cigarette. Aurelio, where did I leave my bag?"
"I've got a pack here in my pocket and my lighter. Oh!"
A little hiccup of laughter came from him.
"They're a bit squashed."
"What do you expect? You didn't take your pants off."
"Never mind, they will taste the same. I brought coffee, milk and sugar but I don't know if here's a kettle or a pan to make it in."
"Did you?" I leaned over him and kissed him." You are a wonderful man." He stuck two bent and battered cigarettes in his mouth, lit them, then put one in mine.
"What time do you have to be back?"
"I have to see someone at the Ministry at three. Will I see you tonight?"
"I have to go home."
"Will you move in tonight?"
"I think... tomorrow... Luca goes to work Saturday morning, I can pack and leave before he comes back. I will leave a note. He would never let me go if he was there..."
"Do you need help?"
I smiled a little doubtful smile. "No, Aurelio, no. It is better this way."
I got up.
"God Almighty, how can we go back to work like this? We need to wash. Our clothes, they look ragbags."
"There is water, cold but water, no soap, no towels "
"I will have to take my panties off, they are um ... I can't wear them like ..."
"Go without!" He smirked, a dirty little grin. "I will think of it all afternoon."
I managed to splash some water over my face and dried it with my hankie. I was brushing my hair when I saw him; still sitting on the edge of the bed, looking at his cigarette.
"What is it, Aurelio?"
He shrugged." Nothing."
There was something. I knelt in front of him.
He looked at me, and then studied his cigarette again.
"It's the first time I've committed adultery."
The first time? He hadn't done it since...?
"You've been separated, how long? "
"Separated but still married."
I touched his hair.
"You're not sorry?"
He looked at me with those beautiful green eyes for a long moment and slowly shook his head.
We exchanged glances down through the open office doors, throughout the afternoon till he had to go out.
At home that evening, I sneaked things into bags and hid them.
In the morning after Luca had left, it took very little time to finish and call a taxi.
I dropped the bags off and went out and bought some food, a kettle, towels and bed linen. I could get the rest again
It was early evening when the doorbell rang. I looked through the security hole; I could see no-one. I put the chain on and opened the door.
It was Zen.
"Haven't you got a key?"
He lifted his key ring to show me that he had.
"It's your place. It is right that I should ring; at least the first time."
He pulled me to him; my mouth under his and I melted into him.
My lips inches from his. I said "Coffee?" shakily.
He raised his eyebrows at me. "I can think of better things."
We looked at each other not quite smiling. I took his hand and led him into the bedroom.
"I need the bathroom. " I said.
There, I undressed to my undies, and sprayed and powdered myself; stepped back into my four inch heels, then went back to him.
I stood in front of the mirror in the bedroom of my new flat and looked at my equally new lover
He was lying propped up on one elbow, watching me.
He had undressed to his under wear too.
God he was so beautiful.
Holding his eyes in the mirror, I undid my bra and dropped it on the floor
Still watching him in the mirror I slowly began circling my nipples.
He watched me.
"If you come here I could do that for you." He voice was husky.
I turned on the balls of my feet to face him, so my legs were crossed and I continued to circle my nipples. He held out his hand to me. The bulge in his crotch had grown.
I paused, then went slowly to him. I knelt on one knee beside him. My breasts hung over him. He cupped them, and then began circling my nipples running his fingertips softly over them until I gasped. They were aching for his touch. I moaned again. He slid his hands down over my waist down to my hips,
Holding the cheeks of my bottom, stroking .squeezing.
I felt as though I was drowning in his eyes. green, green. I bent my head to kiss him. At the touch of our lips his tongue slid into my mouth and found mine. The taste of him, cigarettes, coffee and that something that was just him. His tongue; the feel of it against mine; his hands, fingers, my fingers in his hair. The world was swirling around us, my body demanding, throbbing , beating to a drum that was only ours.
"Fuck me Aurelio"
"I am going to." He tightened his arms around me and I fell onto him
Oh! His body felt so good. There were little jerks between us, between our hips.
He turned us onto our sides and whispered against my throat.
"Go on, Tania"
I pulled his vest off then pushed his shorts down.
God, it was beautiful, and big and hard and ready to play.
I closed my eyes and thought about it going into me
His mouth, his tongue in mine, drawing, sucking my tongue into his. His hands stroking my back, down my spine, inside my panties, pushing them down, tugging them off, he rolled us onto our side. I had his cock in my hand and it was so hard and yet so soft, velvet soft, I cupped his balls, they were full and heavy, I could feel my juice, he was stroking and pressing my mound. The heel of his palm rested on it, and his middle finger slid inside my lips and found my clit. I gasped into his mouth. I was so hot for him..
I soon settled into my apartment. It was everything I ever wanted. I paid no rent and I asked no questions; I assumed someone was doing a favour.
When I lived with Luca, he paid the rent, and gave me housekeeping, and my salary was mine to do what I wanted. I thought if Aurelio moved in, he could help with the running costs; then I could afford better clothes; things more in keeping with where I lived now.
He was reluctant; his mother, their apartment. He could spare a little money if I needed it.
"You are not ready to commit." I said sulkily
He was quiet.
"My wife wants a divorce. She wants to get married again."
"It is so final."
"That's what divorce is. Isn't it? Aurelio? Final? "
"Hmm. It is admitting you've failed."
"Hah"! I exploded. "Tell me when you have decided what you want to do".
I stormed off.
Things could be so good. We could have such a good life.
If only he would speak to some of his connections about promotion. The superintendent was ill; perhaps he could act up, then if the super didn't come back, perhaps?
He smiled sceptically when I said this to him.
A new super was appointed.
Hueber was making everyone's life a misery, particularly Aurelio's.
Even more so, when Hueber was called to the Ministry and told to bring Aurelio with him.
There was a case they wanted him to handle and Hueber was not told what it was.
He was foul. To everyone.
Aurelio could not tell me about the case; he was tight lipped and I knew he was brooding bout it.
I was shutting down my computer to go home .It was late and everyone had gone home
Most of the lights were out. I saw Aurelio sitting at his desk in the light of his desk lamp, his head resting on his hands.
I bit my lip. I had been a right bitch over the last few days.
This morning he wanted to talk about Luca. "You never mention him."
"Why, why should I? Do you talk about your wife? "
I turned away from him.
He got out of bed, then turned back.
"Is this the end of an affair? Or is it the start of a relationship?"
"I don't know. Perhaps it is both."
I didn't know how I felt
Were things not working out how I thought?
I don't know.
He had been at the Ministry all afternoon.
What _was_ it about this case?
I went to him. I touched his hair
He turned and rested his head against me.
"What is it?" He shook his head.
"This case?"
He sighed.
"I can't tell you Tania, not now. Not yet. Maybe in a few days."
To make him smile, I said "You should be glad you weren't here this afternoon. Hueber was off again about immorality and sex in the workplace."
He gave a little smile, "We've never had sex in the workplace."
"Not yet!"
I held him. I whispered "Want to have sex? Come on! I want to. I want to do it on Hueber's desk. "
The surprise on his face made me laugh and I pulled him out of his chair and we went into Hueber's office.
I don't know how they make furniture these days because we had hardly started when the bloody thing collapsed.
That didn't stop us and very satisfactory it was, too.
I helped him to put it back together afterwards.
It didn't look very good to me.
"We don't know anything about it, Tania." he said to me.
He was at the Ministry again the next day.
He stayed with me the next four nights.
He came to the flat in the early evening, he was carrying a briefcase.
"This case I'm on; it is the Miletti kidnapping case. They want me to be the carrier."
I caught my breath. Paying ransoms is illegal in our country, with jail sentences for anyone involved. If they want him to do it, it is because they need a patsy if anything goes wrong.
"But they can't ask you. You're a policeman. "
"It's the Ministry who are asking. Telling me."
We looked at each other. And he pulled the briefcase to him.
"This is it. Five million Euros. Do you want to see what five million looks like?" and he emptied it out onto the floor.
I have never seen so much money.
"The Milettis are expecting them to ring tomorrow telling them the drop off point."
God! Suddenly, I felt hot.
"Aurelio" I breathed. "Let's do it. On the money! Come on, let's do it."
He laughed, the first time I had seen him laugh in days.
And we did.
"Whose idea was it?" I said to him later. We were sitting on the money in our underwear.
"The orders came from the Minister, but it was Colonna who set it up and gave me the money from some slush fund."
"But what if you get caught?"
"If I do, you may be sure they won't be connected. Do you know, Tania, I didn't even have to sign for it."
"You didn't?"
He shook his head slowly.
"You could do a bunk with it. Just think what we could do."
"Yeah, we could walk out of here. Get on a train. No proof."
"You could go and say goodbye to Mama, and we could be gone. Anywhere."
Suddenly I wasn't joking, and he knew it. He knew he only had to say the word.
He got up and went to the window.
And I knew then I that he never would.
Deflated, sick with disappointment, I sat in all that money.
"It is not ours, Tania".
"They would drop you in it without a thought."
"It isn't ours."
I joined him at the window and put my arms around him. I rested my head on his shoulder.
"Aurelio" I stopped. "They shot the last carrier." I murmured.
"I know."
My mouth against his shoulder blade, I said "Do you know what you are doing?"
He went to kneel beside the money and started to pack it back into the case.
"I've got to go out. "
He dressed and left taking the case with him.
Perhaps he didn't trust me.
Perhaps he was right.
He didn't come back to me that night. When I went into work in the morning, I found out why.
Hueber had arrested him. It had been a set up, or someone had informed.
He had been in a cell all night and the Minister was there and Colonna, both looking grey and strained.
Then it was over and he arrived at his desk, whistling tunelessly, his beautiful face bruised and grazed.
I could hear the other detectives.
"We thought we'd seen the last of you. Thought you'd gone down".
"What for?" he said.
"You know."
"What about the money?"
Surprised, he said "What money?"
Later, he told me that when Hueber had accused him and had insisted on him opening the case, there was only bits of newspaper and magazines in it.
"Where's the money Aurelio?" I asked.
"Money?" then he smiled and tapped his nose.
Hueber was near incandescent with rage and frustration.
He didn't mention his false charges against Aurelio, and he didn't mention his broken desk. Everyone had denied all knowledge of that and was laughing behind his back.
In the afternoon I went to the Separation and Reconciliation tribunal with Luca.
It was dreadful: the things his lawyer said. Luca had no intentions of making things easy for me
That evening, Aurelio and I went out for a meal and were walking back to his car.
In spite of everything, we were happier than we had been for days. We got in his car and he leaned to kiss me when the rear window imploded. Without knowing what we were doing, we were out of the car.
Someone jumped out from the rear of the car behind us. Someone with a gun.
Aurelio pushed me behind him. He thought it was someone from the kidnap gang but I knew.
>It was Luca<p>
He hesitated, pointing first at Aurelio, then at me. Then he turned the gun and shot himself.
I went with Luca in the ambulance.
The next few days were terrible. The fear and worry, the police, the ambulance and medics, reporters.
The guilt, the shame, and humiliation
Luca would live; he was badly injured but he would live.
I didn't see Aurelio. I was at the hospital.
I had time to think.
I heard first that Hueber was sacking both of us.
I didn't care.
Then the Minister stepped in and re-instated him.
Later again, I heard that Miletti had been found dead. Then suddenly, everything was wound up.
The family had done it, of course.
Where did the money go?
I assumed that Colonna had it back, if the kidnappers didn't have it.
One thing I knew; Aurelio didn't have it.
Then I heard Colonna had stepped in with something on Hueber and he was moved to another department, out of Rome.
It didn't matter to me.
I was not going back.
I left most of my bags with the concierge and gave him the keys to the flat. I told him I would pick up the bags later and then ran down the three steps to the waiting taxi. The cobbled road was wet and the yellow light of the taxi sign was reflected in it.
I was getting in the car when something made me turn. He was standing about ten paces away in the shadows.
I hesitated and then went to him.
"You were going?"
"I must...he is ... he is my husband... I have blamed him for everything. Not enough money, not good enough job, flat, blamed everything except me. I am going to stay with my mother for a while. I must think."
"Without saying Goodbye?"
I bit my lip and lowered my head.
"Will I see you again?"
"Yes ...of course..."
Then" Maybe. not..."
We looked at each other.
Then he said "Ciao, Tania."
I turned and ran back to the waiting car and got in.
I wiped the rain from my face.
I had to leave, I told myself.
I love my husband more than Zen.
Don't I?
Don't I?
If I stayed even only one more day, I would have loved Zen more.
I wiped my face again but it wasn't the bloody rain that kept coming, rolling down my cheeks.
The car started; I did not look back, though I knew he was still there.
I whispered "Addio, Zen."
End file.
| A Story of An Affair by Roofran411 | Zen |
jacksepticeye and i
it was my second day in America, it was my 19 birthday and it had been my dream to meet jack. we had spoken on twitter and facebook for an hour yesterday and he asked if id like to meet today. being a huge fan i said yes.
'ok i will wear this' taking out a jacksepticeye logo shirt and a pair of shorts. 'these will go with my black high tops :D' i get changed and then do two fish tail plaits in my hair
i walk out of my hotel room and go to the place he wanted to meet. i sit down on a bench next to a guy in a hood. jack said i will know him when i see him so i keep looking round
'what is speed?' the guy whispers to me, his hood covering his face
'duuh! speed is key' i whisper back
he looks up
'Jodie?' he speaks my name
i look up only to be greeted by the warming stare of his light blue eyes. my cheeks redden over the shock that i have finally met my idol
'c,mon follow me' he stands up off of the bench and holds out his hand. i look up, blushing, and take hold of his hand. after what seemed like only two minutes but had actually been 20, we get to his house. he opens his door
'wanna see my set up? ' he smiles, his eyes becoming me in
'sure' i walk into his house.
he leads me upstairs past his roommates. he glances at one of them and they smile and nod my way. i nod back. he leads me into his room and we end up talking for around and hour.
'i am pretty thirsty, want a drink?' he asks standing up from his bed.
'yes please, if that's not too much bother' i blush
'none at all' he walks downstairs leaving me in his room. i have a look round. my eye skims across his famous hat. i cant believe i am here, in his room. i hear him walking up the stairs so i scurry back to where i was sitting when he left.
'here' he smiles passing me a can of pepsi. 'so where were we?'
'oh ...i cant remember, haha' i blush looking his way. he looks at me.
'it doesn't matter' he smiles. he grabs his pepsi and cracks open the can and takes a sip. i take mine and open it, only to have it go all over my shirt.
'oh I'm so sorry' i feel so stupid and blush bright red with embarrassment as i set down the now half empty can.
'no it's my fault, i must of shook it by accident walking up the stairs' he stands me up
'right go and take a quick shower' he passes me a towel and shows me into the bathroom
'but i have nothing to change into' i blush
'don't worry, we will find you something when you are washed' he smiles looking into my eyes.
After i have a shower i put back on my bra and pants and then wrap the towel around me and walk into his room
'all clean?' he jokes and smiles at me
'yes thank you' i smile back
he looks me up and down and beckons me over to his bed
'sit here while i find you a shirt' he fondles thru his wardrobe before finding one of his shirts 'this should do' he hands it over to me and sits back on the bed.
'should i go into the bathroom to change' i look over at him, still holding my towel
'no i think my roommates gone in there so just get changed in here, don't worry i don't bite' he winks
i giggle before walking to the other side of the room. i drop the towel gently and pick up the shirt, looking at it i see him in the corner of my eye walking over to me and before i say anything his lips are touching mine. omg is this really happening i think to myself as his kisses me softly. his hands intertwine with mine as his kisses me. he stops and looks at me
'you are beautiful, I've been waiting for that kiss all day' he smiles before wrapping his arms around my waist and gently caresses my neck.
shivers fall down my spine as i run my fingers thru his chestnut brown hair. with a swift movement his shirt is off and he is lying me on the bed while kissing me. i know what is happening but i let it continue, my heart thumping. he unzips his trousers, slips them off and not long after the bed starts creaking and moans from both me and him can be heard. I'm reaching my climax and so is he. when i tighten around him it tips him over the edge and he explodes in me.i feel it oozing and it feels heavenly. he waits a while before pulling his pants up then lies beside me, getting into the covers. i pull up mine up and join him. he pulls me closer and lays my head on his chest. the sound of his heartbeat falls me into a calm sleep.
he leans over to my ear and whispers ' i love you'
End file.
| jacksepticeye and i by xxCookieMonstaarxx | Zoop |
**ianthony **fanfic
**"What would you rate this meal?"**
**Anthony turns the camera to ian**
**"I'd give it ..six adult diapers out of seven"**
**Anthony turns the camera back round to him**
**"that's a lot of diapers. Bye" **
**They switch the camera off and clean the table. Ian slumps on the sofa and anthony slumps beside him. **
**"Well that was a weired episode" **
**ian looks I'm from his phone**
**"Yeh. Deffinetly some of the questions"**
**anthony looks at ian. Ian blushes a little but hides his face in time.**
**"Wanna drink?" **
**Anthony stands up from the sofa.**
**"What?..oh yeah sure"**
**Anthony walks up to the counter Anthony comes back with a few beers**
**"dude we aren't at work tommorow" **
**anthony passes ian a can and sits back down After an hour of drinking both were pretty pissed and was giggling about god knows what on the floor**
**" O my god. Dares. And truths"**
**ian takes another sip of his beer**
**"Ok.I pick...dare"**
**anthony crosses his legs **
**" I dare Dare yourself"**
**Anthony thinks for a while**
**" I dare myself to do this..." **
**He kisses ian on the lips before breaking the touch. They look at each other before Going straight back in for another. They was holding each other. Tongues exploring each other. Anthony breaks away before leading ian to the bedroom. **
**They take off there tops and kiss once again. Anthony starts to kiss all the wan down ians torso to his zip. With a few swift moves the both had there clothes off. Ian was pleasuring anthony in ways he only dreamed of. before long anthony was already in position.**
**Ian bent down infront of him He slips in the tip, making ian wince in delight. he slowly pushes all the way in. He gets faster and faster. Ian moans louder and louder. His hips moving the same time as anthony.**
**This was pure bliss for both ian and antthony. Anthony was reaching his climax.**
**"Pull out!?"**
**Anthony keeps pushing **
**Anthony last a few more pushes before exploding inside ian. They fall to the bed. Anthony lies panting next to ian. Hand in hand. Ian whispers to anthony **
**"time to repay the favor" **
**leave a review if you want anymore :D tell me what youtubers or celebrities you want andwho you want them with. it can be you but you will have to explain yourself and your name :) thanks for reading :D**
End file.
| IANTHONY SMOSH FANFIC (KINKY) by xxCookieMonstaarxx | Zoop |
p style="text-align: start;"Not a story trying to be beta sorry /p
End file.
| NOT STORY by Hungergames00 | Zanna, Don't! |
1. Chapter Only
**Yeah, yeah. So much for an update schedule, hm? Anyways, I just got into this Zenonia thing, and I had this incredible urge to write. So what do I write? A Zenonia fanfiction of course! So I share my stuff with Volcora before anything gets published. She does the same with me for Zenonia stuff. Yup, that means I get to see stories that you'll never see! Be jealous! Just kiddin. So anyways, right, Zenonia. Heh heh...**
* * *
Entry 1/5
On some rare occasions, some people may seem to stay forever young for many years. They reach a maximum of twenty years of age in development and appearance. There are a few causes and factors that lead up to this unnatural event.
1. (Very rare) The anomaly was born with this disorder. Through magical waste and "pollution", the child is turned into an unaging mutant, though they will look and act the same as any other child.
2. (Somewhat more common) The anomaly is exposed to high levels of dark energy, therefor causing their body cells to desperately scramble to retain the somewhat dark characteristic of "beauty". This characteristic is easier to achieve with youth.
3. (Almost never) The anomaly was resurrected from the dead. They are then reborn in an eternally young body. The means of which this could ever happen is still under research.
For all three cases, the anomaly is always assumed to be younger than they actually are. When told of their assumed age, the anomaly will usually go through fits of anger and shouting.
Ecne was staring up at the small, young-looking boy up in the tree. Said boy was sitting calmly and polishing his large black blade.
"Are the rumors true?" She demanded. "Did you try to seduce one of my maids?"
Regret glanced down at her curiously. "Yeah. So what if I did?"
Ecne chuckled. What a fiery attitude.
"Oh, I could just eat you up! You know, I think I'd be chasing after your love if you weren't so young!"
Regret's eyebrows shot up, and his words were muttered through clenched teeth.
"Excuse me?"
Ecne's grin soon grew to a smile of pure delight.
"I said that you would be too young for me." She said teasingly.
Regret jumped down from the tree, eyes shadowed. He took a few steps too close to Ecne, invading her personal space.
When he looked up, the female general saw pure flames of rage pulsing through his intense glare.
"I... AM... NOT... THE LITTLE BOY YOU THINK I AM." He muttered darkly.
Ecne stepped back, her smile gone.
Regret looked up and pulled up his now shiny blade to the commander's throat.
Ecne looked stunned... And scared.
"Okay... Jeez. I won't say it." She muttered.
The blonde boy's figure relaxed ever-so-slightly and he began to walk slowly away. He turned back and said, with a forced voice, "I'm somewhere in my 50s. Probably older than you. Remember it."
Ecne was frozen in pure shock and fear for a few seconds after the blonde boy left.
Entry 2/5
Predictably, the anomaly will be quite energetic like any child or teenager. After all, most people are more active in their youth than in old age.
The anomaly will display extreme agility, stamina, and strength, for both their physical age and their actual age. They will probably try to show off this extreme ability by entering races, weight-lifting competitions, and obstacle courses.
Ecne had learned her lesson about calling Regret "too young". Nowadays, she would do just the opposite and call the boy an "old geezer".
He didn't mind.
At the moment, she was watching Regret and, although this seemed quite unlikely, his SON walk through the gardens.
Chael was chatting aimlessly with his father, straying the topic to this and that.
"Hey, did you know? I finally asked Frey out on a date! She was pretty happy. Aren't you proud? Huh? Aren't you proud?" He asked the smaller blonde.
Regret bumped the commander on the back and said, "Nice job, son! Score! When is it?"
Chael puffed out his chest and answered proudly.
"We're going to that one nice restaurant near the bar. It's tomorrow!"
Regret laughed and quickly narrowed his eyes. A devilish smile began to spread across his face.
"Have you... Oh.. I dunno... TRIED anything with her yet?"
Chael took a while to process this question fully. When finally understanding the hidden meaning, his face lit up like an apple.
"FATHERRRRRRRR!" He yelled beginning to chase the smaller blonde around the garden.
Ecne watched intently as the commander chased the hero around the garden. Chael soon fell far behind. Regret was just too fast...
Super-humanly fast.
Finally, the commander stopped and began to pant for air.
"Okay, okay! I give! Don't think you're off the hook just yet, father!"he yelled to Regret.
Ecne examined the small blonde and found that he was not at all fatigued.
'Hmmmm...' She thought.
Entry 3/5
The anomaly will usually be annoyingly immature, even more immature than usual for their physical age.
Equipped with an adolescent sense of humor, the anomaly will probably go around bugging anyone they possibly can at the moment. A tip for anyone that lives near one of these perpetually young mutants would be:
Don't ever let them catch you in an embarrassing situation.
Frey snuggled contently into Chael's chest and sighed. They were sitting comfortably on a wooden bench in the garden. The wind was calm, the flowering plants added a sweet aroma to the air, and the temperature was perfect. Over all, the two lovers were quite happy staying in their current position for the whole day.
Chael breathed steadily to try to calm his speeding heart.
Suddenly, the still feel of the moment was ruined by a certain blonde-haired hero popping up from the bushes, making the couple jump.
"So... When's the baby coming?"
The two stared at Regret blankly until the implications settled in.
When, finally, they understood what the question actually meant, living hell broke loose.
Chael started to chase Regret around the garden while Frey angrily shouted after the mischievous blonde boy.
Like before, it wasn't long after the chase began that Chael tired out and slowed to a stop.
"FATHERRRRRR! Why do you have to be so damn immature!" He shouted as Regret chuckled and stopped running.
When Frey caught up to the two boys, she began to scold the smaller blonde. All three people were quite unaware of the eavesdropper that was hiding in the bushes.
'Hmmmm...' General Ecne thought as she watched Regret face the wrath of an enraged girl.
Entry 4/5
The anomaly, along with being quite immature, will also be exceptionally flirtatious. Many have been known to be womanizers even. Young women will naturally be drawn to the anomaly's eternal youth, so the mutant will accustom to responding.
The anomaly will usually decide against settling down and loving just one person because that person will most likely age normally, submitting to the grasps of oldness.
A tip to all families with daughters:
Keep your daughter away from these perpetually young mutants.
Regret sat at the bar, leaning back against the counter, elbows behind his head in a relaxed position. All around him, men and women were laughing and saying things they'd rather not say while sober. Regret sighed.
He was physically too young to have any alcoholic drinks.
Suddenly, the door swung open and in walked a timid brunette girl. Her long brown hair cascaded past her shoulders. She looked to be around 14, and she was obviously NOT here to get herself some booze. The way she stepped gave away too much innocence, not to mention she was under-aged.
The girl walked to the counter and began to talk softly to the bartender. Regret could catch all of the conversation due to the fact that she was standing right next to his seat.
"My father wants some... uh... white wine. It's 40 gold, right?" She asked.
The bartender nodded and the girl slid a small pouch of gold over the counter. She quickly received the bottle and began to leave when Regret gently tapped her on the shoulder.
"Hey, what's the hurry? Stay a while." The girl bit her lip nervously. She was debating whether or not she should be talking to the handsome young man.
Regret patted the seat next to him and chuckled.
"Don't worry, I don't bite."
The girl reluctantly sat down next to the blonde and began to nervously look left and right. Her figure was tense and she was obviously mapping an escape route.
Regret gave a frustrated sigh and tried again to reassure the girl before making a move. It was no fun toying with a nervous, uptight girl.
"You know, I'm sober."
The girl still didn't relax.
Regret was nearing the end of his patience. He tried to play his last card.
"You still don't trust me, hm? Well, just make you a bit more agreeable, I'm from the Holy Guard!" He shot up, kneeled down on the floor, and put his hand to his chest.
"Sir Adas, at your service." He said, glancing up playfully.
The girl snorted and began to crack up.
"Adas? As in the shoe brand?"
Regret shook his head.
"It's just my name. I'm not tied to the shoe brand in any way or form. Sucks for me, huh?"
The girl began to relax, and she eagerly nodded.
"W-what's it like? You know... Being in the holy guard?" She timidly asked, already warming up to the charming blonde.
Regret blinked a few times. This girl was just SO innocent, so sweet.
He played along and said,
"It's pretty nice, but to get the whole feel, you'll have to hear out my tale. Would you care to listen from the beginning?"
The girl nodded and Regret launched into words.
"I came here foolishly seeking fame and fortune. Little did I know, I would find both, plus one more thing. That one thing was more important than both of what I originally searched combined. That thing was a just purpose in life..."
He went on and on, telling wondrous tales of tundras and forests, comrades and enemies, angels and devils.
The girl listened, soaking up every single detail with great joy. She loved a good story.
When finally, the hero neared the end, he jumped up from his seat, drawing his sword.
"The vile monster showed no fear when I drew this very blade. He thought he could defeat me, destroy me, without breaking a sweat. That misconception would soon cost his life."
Regret climbed onto an open table, causing many people to look up and stare.
"I cut off his first leg, just like that."
He said, slashing his blade at nothing in particular. Then he stabbed the sword into the wooden board of a table that was his stage.
"Then I cut off the other three with just as much ease."
Regret chuckled as he dislodged his blade and jumped off the table.
"Without his legs, Shaturu could not support his body anymore. He collapsed, leaving one of his most fatal weak points open. His face."
"I swung my blade in a straight horizontal line, slicing at his eyes. Blind and exhausted, the monster turned back into his smaller form, where he shortly disappeared from this world."
"And so was the end of the Dark Lord, Shaturu."Regret concluded as he sheathed his sword and bowed, earning much drunken applause from the customers of the bar.
The girl stared at the blonde in wonder.
The bartender chuckled behind her, slowly cleaning a wine glass.
"Quite the story-teller, ain't he?" He said, winking at her. "The amazing thing is that all his tales, every single one of them..."
"Are true."
The girl gasped. She had been talking to a real, flesh-and-blood hero!
Regret sat back down.
"Now that you've heard my story, you'll understand when I say, 'the Holy Guard gives me something to do.' It's not very life-threatening nowadays. But-" he paused. "-enough about me. Let's talk about you. What's your name?"
"Aria... Aria Sanchester. I-I'm 15."
Regret nodded slowly.
"Aria... A beautiful name... Fitting for such a beautiful girl."
Aria began to blush profusely.
"Come again?"
The blonde hero smirked.
"I said that you had a fitting name for such a beautiful girl."
Aria couldn't believe her ears. Much less did she believe her eyes as the blonde lifted her chin and pressed his lips to hers.
The brunette tensed, but quickly relaxed as Regret reassuringly patted her on the back. she knew that she should be running away by now, but it felt so good...
'So warm. So soft...' She thought dreamily.
Then, something unexpected happened. The blonde hero slipped his tongue into the girl's mouth.
Out of sheer surprise and terror, Aria's hands shot open, completely disregarding the fact that they were holding the bottle of wine she had purchased earlier.
Regret quickly pulled away from the kiss, leaving the brunette to catch her breath and gather her wits. The blonde moved like the wind, grabbing the neck of the bottle just before it touched the ground. He then straightened up and held the bottle out to Aria.
"I believe you dropped this."
'Impossible.' Aria thought. 'He would've had to have lightning-fast reflexes to catch that bottle.'
Suddenly, the door opened again, revealing Commander Elisa of the Holy Guard.
"Sir Adas! There are some monsters straying dangerously close to town and I'd like you to go-" she stopped, realizing that no one was listening. All she had to do was take one look at the timid brunette's blushing face and the small hero's smug grin to understand the situation.
"Adas! You cheesy little flirt! What did you do to that poor little girl?!" Elisa yelled.
Regret chuckled.
"I kissed her. Ain't that right, Aria?"
Said brunette covered her mouth with one of her hands and nodded slowly.
Elisa slapped her forehead and let out an exasperated sigh. She wearily pointed to the door.
"Out. Now."
Regret pranced out the bar with a devilish smile.
No one noticed the woman in booth 4 with wild, curly blonde hair observing the scene.
'Hmmmmmm...' The woman thought to herself.
Entry 5/5
Although we have been calling these mutants perpetually young, in the first and second cases of the mutation (the mutant was born that way and exposed to dark energy), the anomaly will NOT stay young their WHOLE lives. After hitting 60, the anomaly will quickly and painfully age for a week, the end of the week marking their death. For the first day or so, the only sign will come as a sort of sickness.
The anomaly will have used up all its life force on staying young, therefore cutting their life-span short. There is nothing they can do about this, as it quite hard to regain life force.
Chael finished reading the page, placed his bookmark, and leaned back in the wooden seat. He looked around his room, taking in his surroundings. The candle on his desk gave out a flickering light, casting eerie shadows on the walls and his bed.
Chael looked back down at the book. The title was "Ye Olde Guide to Monsters and Mutants". General Ecne had handed him the book last week, telling him to read the last chapter before vanishing without a trace. She was not sighted from there on out.
There was one page left of the chapter and Chael figured he could save it for the next day. At the moment, he was completely and utterly exhausted from the day's events, so he plopped down onto his bed and promptly fell asleep.
Through the light snores of the commander, one might've heard a small creak as the bedroom door opened.
And through the light of the flickering candle, one might've also seen the red eyes peeking through.
A simple red would not justify these malicious irises. These eyes were a deep, dark, _sinister_ crimson.
These eyes weren't merely red.
They were blood-red.
The next night...
Frey walked slowly down the dimly-lit hallway towards Chael's door. The commander had not been out for the whole day, and Frey was starting to get worried.
At first, when he was not at lunch, everyone had just assumed that the blonde man had locked himself in his room so that he could do some concentration training (he did this at least once every week). No one had bothered to look for him.
But now, things were getting weird. It was around 8:00 p.m. and the commander had still not come out. He was usually done by now.
Frey quickened her pace. She walked past door after door until finally reaching Chael's room. She knocked on the door and heard no response.
"Chael? I'm coming in." She called out softly, beginning to turn the knob, only to find that the door was locked.
Frey looked up and glanced around, searching for the key Chael usually hid somewhere near his room.
After about ten minutes, she was about to give up when she spotted a golden glint out of the corner of her eyes. She walked toward the glint, leading her to a small lantern mounted on the wall of the hall.
The key had a piece of string looped around it that was attached to the lantern. Frey grabbed the key and yanked, easily snapping the thin, fragile string. She inserted it into the keyhole and turned.
She couldn't see anything in front of her due to the fact that there was no light in the room. She went back outside and grabbed the lantern off the hallway wall, plunging the hall into darkness as she took it inside the room.
The sight that awaited Frey froze her dead in her tracks.
The room was splattered with blood. Thick, dark, repulsive blood, all over the walls, floor, and ceiling. And right smack dab in the middle of it, the source of all the viscous red liquid, was...
... Chael.
His eyes were blank and his facial features were pulled into an expression of pure and utter horror. His body was covered in deep slashes, fatal wounds. Right next to him was a half-full wine glass. The glass was filled with a red substance.
"... Chael?" Frey whispered. She slowly began to walk towards the body, ignoring all the blood around her.
"... Chael?" She called out again, knowing said commander wouldn't respond. She kneeled near the corpse, desperately shaking her lover by the shoulders. Tears were starting to spill out of her eyes, landing with a plop on the blonde man's face.
"Chael! Come on... Wake up!" Frey yelled, ignoring the rational side of her mind. She rested her head on the commander's chest, finally accepting the truth. Someone had murdered Chael and drank his blood.
She gently pressed her lips on the commander's forehead, and then onto his slightly open mouth. One last kiss.
Then, Frey shakily stood up. She scanned the bedroom, searching for clues that would give away the identity of the killer.
She would get revenge.
Frey glanced onto Chael's desk. Maybe something he was working on would spread so,e light onto the situation.
She peered at the mess of documents and contracts on the commander's desk. One thing caught her eye out of all of it. A single, brown leather-bound book jumped out at her.
Frey picked up the book and turned to the page marked by the bookmark. She took a deep breath and began reading.
Entry 5/5 cont.
As for the third case, certain facts are still missing. There has only been one subject on which experiments have been taken.
Theoretically, if the anomaly in the third case is living in isolation, they will die when they hit age 56. Just like the first two cases,they will begin aging rapidly and painfully for a week after their 56th birthday before meeting their end.
However, if allowed to live in civilization, the anomaly will mercilessly slaughter any person in their path, completely disregarding any laws of affection binding them to friends or family.
Why do this? Although it has already been stated that it is hard to regain life force, there is a possibility. In the third case, the anomaly is granted a dark magic to take life force from blood.
The anomaly will extract blood from their victims and drink it.
Frey reeled in horror from the words on the page. What could this mean? She flipped to the beginning of the chapter.
The chapter was named "The Perpetually Young". Hmmm...
Mercilessly slaughter...
The multiple slashes on Chael's body.
Drink blood...
The half-full wine glass filled with red liquid.
Perpetually young...
Who seemed to not age?
Suddenly it hit her.
The killer's name was...
Frey was so deep in thought that she didn't hear the soft creak of the door opening behind her.
Nor did she see the red eyes that emerged from the darkness of the hallway.
A simple red would not justify these malicious irises. These eyes were a deep, dark, _sinister_ crimson.
These eyes weren't merely red.
They were blood-red.
And the owner of these eyes was a small, blonde boy.
* * *
**Yay! Done! It took a long time (3 days) to actually get this finished. This is BY FAR my longest single chapter. Give a shout-out to Volcora for editing the last entry. Anyways, I would really appreciate some feedback so I can improve my writing. Sanks!**
2. Read! Urgent!
Help spread this!
A message from dracohalo117 and Leaf Ranger...SOPA is back, that is right people, the bill that is threatening to take away our freedoms on the internet and beyond is BACK, and not only is it back, but it is trying to be passed quietly so nobody notices, SOPA will guarantee that anybody who streams a video, whether it be on youtube, a walkthrough for a video game, or a kid singing a song that is 'copyrighted' they will be treated as a felon, that is right, a FELON, do you understand me? YOU will be treated like the highest form of criminal for uploading a video game walkthrough on YouTube, for singing a song on karaoke, heck, you could be arrested and treated as a felon for posting a screenshot...
Now, why am I telling you this? Because this is only just the beginning, how long until Fanfiction is being attacked, how long until a Fanfiction writer is being carted off to a maximum state prison for writing a character from Naruto into their Fanfic, or a character from Bleach, or a character fro Sekirei or Seikon no Qwaser, Highschool DxD, Trinity Blood, Witchblade, how long until THAT crap is happening? I assure you that if this passes, it will not be long, oh no, it will not be long at all, because once this passes, then ANYTHING goes, Fanfiction will be attacked for using canon characters in a fanon manner, authors will be arrested for writing a book whose main character has glasses, just like in another series, artists will be arrested and confined for using sapphire blue in the iris of one of their characters like another author. We CANNOT let this happen!
Don't believe us? Look at the links below, remove the spaces, see for yourself, and please, PLEASE spread the word and fight this assault on our freedoms, because this isn't just going to affect americans, oh no, it will affect EVERYBODY across the globe!
: / www . huffingtonpost 2013/08/07/unauthorized-streaming-felony_n_3720479 . html
: / www . washingtonpost blogs/the-switch/wp/2013/08/05/sopa-died-in-2012-b ut-Obama-administration-wants-to-revive-part-of-it /
: / www . techdirt articles/20130805/12472124074/administration-cant- let-go-wants-to-bring-back-felony-streaming-provis ions-sopa . shtml
and the video which caused us to find out about this horrible thing...remove the spaces, and spread the word...
: / www . youtube /watch?v=1fTt4K4Cae4
* * *
**Hey, guys! I'm not gunna change this message between all my stories, so I'm gonna go for a general.**
**Im not even sure if this is true, but it means a lot to my friend, and if it isn't just pulling my leg, this is just BS. Just... No. No. No. You just DON'T do that.**
**Copyright? Dudes, we're having FUN! This website is FANfiction. Emphasis on FAN. We all know we're not the owners, any possessive brat who thinks otherwise can take their ideals and... Erm... Shove it.**
**So post this anywhere- anywhere at all- and know that I'm writing the next AR chapter for my FANFICTION. Got that, law guys? FANfiction.**
End file.
| Ye Olde Guide to Monsters and Mutants: The Perpetually Young by violinist12234 | Zenonia |
A Poem
This is just a test!
By A Third Eye
Test Story
Third Party.
Goodbye is not an ending
When you know that people truly care,
For miles may come between you,
But warm thoughts are always there.
Goodbye is not an ending,
But a different start for you
A time for making brand new friends
And seeing dreams come true
Goodbye is not an ending,
For you'll find along life's way
Within your heart, you'll always discover,
A part of yesterday
End file.
| A Poem by A Third Eye | Zetman |
Zetman Alternate Ending
**Zetman Alternate Ending**
**Just like the title says an alternate ending to the anime this will most likely be a One-shot however if anyone else would like to write a story based off this your more than welcome to. I dont own Zetman.**
Jin was walking towards the edge of the building deciding to let Kouga live though he would never forgive him he killed one of only three people he ever loved. As Jin glanced at Hanako's corpse one last time watching the small lights fade he couldnt help but be sad once again he let someone who was his family get hurt.
Jin prepared to leave when an idea struck him if the Ring of Exposure could make Players reveal themselves why couldnt it reverse it as well. He quickly ran to Hanako's corpse hoping by some miracle this would work. As he place his left hand on her corpse the Ring of Exposure began to glow and the small blue lights began flowing back into her body. "What are you doing she's a monster!?"
Jin turned, never taking his hand off of Hanako to face Kouga seeing his face twisted with anger "I'm fixing your mistake now shut up before i decide to regret letting you live!"
The others were shocked to hear him say that ,Konoha though couldnt help but feel a bit of sympathy her own brother had killed her mother and father she would probably never speak to him after today. As the lights retracted Hanako's body glowed bright before shrinking back into her human form...naked.
Jin caught her in his arms as she began to stir. The first thing Hanako relized was that her body felt normal again although she felt a bit cold and didnt know why, as she opened her eyes she saw Jin in his Zet form thats when all the memories started coming back her being abducted, being held hostage, being transformed then... She gasped she hugged Jin tightly wrapping her arms around him. "I thought...I though"
"I know but its over now come on lets go must be cold." Jin replied hoping to subtly bring her attention to her clothing...or lack there of. Hanako eeped doing her best to cover her modesty she had no problem with Jin seeing her like this but she knew they werent alone. Jin just let out a small laugh and jumped away from the tower towards home with his family.
**3 years later**
Jin was hopping from roof top to roof top after his conversation with the Sweeper, heading towards his home in lowtown. He calmly walked to his door and openned it only to be glomped by Hanako "How'd it go, are you hurt your not hurt are you!?"
Jin just laughed this more or less the routine for the pass 3 years he'd go take out a Player that was causing trouble and she'd be waiting to make sure he was alright she also would make him a meal due to the fact that leaving his Zet form always made him a bit hungry. "No Hanako i'm fine though its nice to see you didnt burn the house down this time."
"Hey I've gotten better at cooking your lessons really helped." Hanako replied giving him a small punch in the arm and a kiss on the cheek. "Anyway I made some beef stirfry your fav."
Jin just gave her a kiss on the cheek as they stood up and walked inside "Thanks its nice to have someone waiting for me." Hanako just smiled as she led him to the kitchen. Yep this was his routine for the pass 3 years...and he wouldnt change them for anything.
**Ok its short but hey its my first time writing also i know my grammer isnt that good but i just finished watching the series and felt Jin deserved a happy ending also I only covered the scenes with Jin to show the changes everything else was cannon so thanks for reading and leave a review if you like.**
End file.
| Zetman Alternate Ending by The Bird Of Hermes77 | Zetman |
These Violent Delights
**_These Violent Delights_**
_"I was not, I was, I am not, I have no more desires."- A common inscription on Roman tombstones during the decline of the empire_
There's a belief that when you reach a fork in the road, part of you goes one way and another part the other. One half goes on and the other continues the life you might have had if things had changed ever so slightly, if you'd chosen better. It's meant to be a comfort, to think that in another life, another time, you got it right.
But it isn't. Because nothing ensures that the other life was truly right.
In another part of Verona, one Shakespeare forgot, Juliet awakens, pale fingers stopping the poison's arc toward Romeo's mouth as his fingers clasp her dagger, driving it away from her heart and into silent ground.
That was the real tragedy, she decides. Not that Romeo and Juliet died, but that, in another life, they didn't.
In a version of their lives, some forgotten thread, like a dream or a distant memory, he dies first, giving himself mercy before his eyes can turn, coughing around the blood in his teeth. She isn't far behind, because Romeo and Juliet die together, everyone knows that, so she takes down the Z that took him before she even feels the wound, and then she gives herself mercy with his weapon. It's a tragedy, of course, but its the way it should be.
In another part, or a hundred different days all forming one, a zombie that won't stop takes them both, and it doesn't matter if he rips out both their throats or not because the room never opens, and there's no one inside, and she never remembers the flashbacks because the dead can't remember anything at all.
Or maybe they die separately, with her mind broken in jagged pieces and he trying to help her find herself, a butterfly necklace in a child's hands and a hail of bullets and they both fall because there was no place in California for either of them.
Or, - and no one would believe this version - maybe they find themselves in California, five years beyond the mythical cure, without a zombie in sight, and with no blood left on their clothes. It's a fairytale, of course, and it's only logical that she finally realizes why everything seems out of balance, as if a new ending has been written, and in the process the significance of the work has been lost.
Because Romeo and Juliet were never supposed to survive the play, but Shakespeare forgot.
Mack was always the one who clung to her. It's strange in a way, because she can't even remember his middle name and it seems pointless to ask again, and she doesn't know if he had siblings or even what he liked to do before it all fell apart, only that it seemed like he'd been there forever, and at the same time like they'd just met. She's been distant, and even cold, shoving when he reached for her, running when he tried to help, but pushing Mack away was like trying to fight the direction of the tide.
He's still the same way, no matter how many times she's walked away from him, and after a while she simply gives up and let's him stay. He has nothing, after all, and neither does she, so it makes sense they have each other. He gives her all he has, and she tries, she does, because he's good and decent, despite all they've gone through, kind and gentle, the sort of man who picks wildflowers and tries to take her on dates in the middle of the apocalypse, and she wishes there was a heart left in the hollowness of her chest, a way to feel anything for him at all.
In another copy of the play, Romeo doesn't take the poison, and he waits patiently by Juliet, waiting for her to wake, hours passing into days, and days to weeks, believing that she'll come to life, never knowing she never will.
It's then that she decides that Juliet wasn't committing suicide at all. She was trying to give herself mercy, and she didn't know how.
Mack starts slowly, trying to move on, trying to build a life. It's a date at first, in some little diner, and it even goes well until a tray drops and she's down on the floor, a knife to the waitress's forehead before Mack grabs her hand and drags her away.
After a while he starts talking about marriage - three proposals before he seems to take the hint - and eventually he seems to accept things the way they are.
He talks about children once - starting slow, with just one, then maybe another later on, but she only closes her eyes and pretends to sleep. She wouldn't be any kind of a mother, she knows, because she doesn't remember a single word to a lullaby, or how to hold a baby, and the only thing she could teach them is how to kill.
In some lost and forgotten writing, there's the pages where Romeo and Juliet grow apart, where Romeo stops trying, and simply gives up, where he stays, because he doesn't know any other sort of life, not when half his soul is in Juliet's body, but the light goes out of his eyes and he dies a different sort of death than the one Shakespeare intended. And Juliet, well, Juliet, she thinks, never even notices.
In some final copy, dusty and unopened, only Juliet dies, bloody and violent, with crimson staining her hands, laughing through jagged teeth and swollen lips, and the way she ends doesn't matter, and never did. Romeo moves on, as he should have, maybe with someone else, or maybe alone, because maybe they didn't both have to die after all.
Mack would never do that, she knows, and this version of herself was a survivor, not one to fall in scarlet and darkness, so she clings to him in the quiet, fingernails digging into shards of rib and heart, and they live, both of them, the destroyed and the destroyer, and she's never sure which of them is which, or whether they're both at once.
He never complains, and she never says she loves him, but they go on, even if there are no words after the final page, because the bard no longer knew what to write.
End file.
| These Violent Delights by Cruelest Sea | Z Nation |
Healing Tears
_" fought so hard...please forgive me. I'm the one who should've died" Brago said, holding Sherry's limp body._
Sherry's POV
It started as an ordinary day for me and Brago. We had been going out to find more mamodo to fight. We were stopped by yet another group of 300 year old mamodo controlled by Zophis.
The weather was dark and dreary,the clouds looking like they would rain down at any moment. It was about noon when the mamodo surrounded us. There was one small one, one large one, two covered in full armor, and a water one. The water one was simply defeated by the first spell, Reis. The large one was taken down by Groverei. The first armored one was taken down by Brago's brute strength, leaving the second armed one and the small one.
"Gigano Reis!" I shouted. Brago raised his hand and a ball of gravitational energy fired at the mamodo. The mamodo didn't seem affected by it.
"Ion Gravirei!" I yelled. Brago attacked, blowing the mamodo into his owner. I stood there, waiting for Brago's order.
"The book" he said, glaring at me. I nodded and yelled "Reis!" The book was destroyed. I watched the book burn, feeling little remorse. I was used to this, this was a part of my everyday life.
"One left" Brago said, glaring at the small mamodo.
"Just try to defeat me" the mamodo said smugly.
"Ion Gravirei!" I shouted, holding the book up. The mamodo dodged the attack. "Dioga Gravidon!" I shouted. Brago attacked skillfully, though his efforts were in vain.
"Damn it! He's too fast" Brago growled.
"Do you give up?" the mamodo asked.
"Never! Dioga Gravidon!" I shouted. The mamodo glared at me, dodging the attack. "This should finish you off! Barberuga Gravidon! Bidom Gravirei! Rioru Reisu! Onuga Reusa! Gravidon!" I shouted, hesitating after every spell, giving Brago the chance to attack. The mamodo laughed, dodging each attack. Now that I had used all the attacks I began to worry.
"Is that it?" the mamodo asked, bored.
"Not even close" I said, unsure of myself.
"What the hell are you doing? Those are our only spells" Brago hissed.
"I have an idea. If the owner is destroyed the mamodo can't attack. I said, pulling a dagger out of my left boot. Brago stared, half surprised by the weapon. "Let's do this" I said, throwing the dagger at the opponent's book owner. The mamodo caught it in midair and dropped it to the ground.
"You're not sinking that low are you? I would hate to have to fight a prissy little girl" the mamodo said.
"Then don't. I'm your only opponent here" Brago said, stepping in front of me.
The mamodo pointed its weapon at Brago, making it appear that he would attack him. The attack was shouted and there was a blast of red light. Suddenly everything went black. In the pitch black I heard a voice. It was...apologizing to me. I felt something wet.
I opened my eyes and saw Brago clearly trying to fight back tears. With great pain and effort I lifted a trembling hand. Brago quickly snatched it and held it to his heart. I could feel his pulse under my fingers.
Normal POV
When the red light died down Brago saw something lying on the ground. The enemy? ...No...
He ran to the body and found, much to his dismay, that the body was none other than Sherry's.
"Sherry!" he exclaimed, shaking her. There was no response from her. "Sherry! Sherry! Answer me dammit!" he shouted, shaking her harder. There wasn't even the slightest movement from her. "Why?!" he shouted at the skys. He looked back down at Sherry.
" fought so hard...please forgive me. I'm the one who should've died" he said.
"Had I known this human was your weak spot I would've killed her off sooner" the the mamodo said as he and his owner left.
Brago felt something wet roll down his cheek. _Tears?_ _Am I crying?_ he asked himself.
The tear hit Sherry, causing her to stir. She began opening her eyes slowly. She lifted a shaky hand as if to say 'Don't cry.' Brago quickly snatched her hand and held it to his heart.
" idiot..." he said, half-angry, half-joyful. "You could've died" he said sternly, loosing every ounce of his joy.
"That's optimistic" Sherry said. Brago looked clearly pissed, he seemed to be at a loss for words . He began stuttering, unable to put words together.
"You idiot! That's all you can say at a time like this?!" he shouted, after a long moment of strange, inhuman sounds.
Sherry suddenly had a flashback of a memory of Koko.
_"Koko, you have to be more careful" Sherry lectured. _
_"I know, i know" Koko said. _
_"You could've been seriously injured" Sherry said sternly. _
_"That's optimistic" Koko said. _
_"I'm being serious here!" Sherry exclaimed. _
"Sherry" Brago said, snapping her out of her memory.
"Yes?" she asked.
"What the hell were you thinking?!" he asked furiously.
"You have a dream...a be the mamodo king" Sherry said.
"What's the point of that if you're dead?" he asked, picking her up.
"Where...where are you taking me?" she asked. He tossed her over his back and began walking.
"We're going home. You need rest" he said after a long silence. Sherry nodded and rested her head on his neck.
End file.
| Healing Tears by Jaden Tao | Zatch Bell |
1. The Battle Begins
In the human world, Lee Ariex has just now getting out of school for the summer. Lee is Tan Boy, wears a Red Jacket, Black Shirt, Green Pants, White Scarf, and a Yellow Hat. He is now running home from school for the summer, when he sees a kid by his door. He had Red Hair, Purple Shirt, Red Pants, and Sandles. He was holding a emerald colored book.
"Who are you? And why are you here?" Asked Lee shocked at the fact he was staring at him.
"My name is Dinemo. Believe it or not, I am from a different world. I have reasons to believe that you are my partner." The kid answered. Lee was confused.
"O...k?" was all Lee said. Then Dinemo just gave him the emerald colored book.
"Read what you can read in this book." He ordered. Lee looked and flipped threw the book till he found something he could read. Before he could read it though, Dinemo pushed him to the ground.
"What the hell was that for?" Lee asked in confusion. Dinemo just pointed at the small fire that quickly disappeared.
"Them!" Dinemo said pointing at 2 kids. 1 was about Dinemo's age. He had red spiky hair, blue shorts, blue shirt, and black shoes. The other kid was about Lee's age. Had a bandanna, black shirt, yellow pants, and red and silver shoes."Who are you?" asked Lee kinda in shocked.
"OH! We haven't officially met," said the taller kid, "I am Roy. And he is Blaze." Blaze and Dinemo just stared at each other with cold stares.
"I'm geusing your not friends with him?" Lee asked Dinemo who was clenching his teeth.
"We're here to burn your book!" Blaze yelled. "So that I can become KING!" After he said that, he laughed a corny evil laugh.
"You will never become king Blaze!" Dinemo yelled.
2. The Battle ABlaze
**Things this time is better. The next mamodo is brought to you by VeryLazyPeople. Will Lee and Dinemo make it out ok? read to find out.
* * *
"WHAT?! WAIT! I never..."- "TO BAD! READ THE SPELL!" Yelled Dinemo cutting Lee off.
"To bad! BURBALL!" Yelled Roy. When he did, Blaze shot little fire balls from his mouth.
"SANTROO!" Yelled Lee causing a big sandstorm from Dinemo. The sand quickly put out the fire balls, but the sandstorm didn't stop yet.
"Is this your best?" Asked Blaze. Then, out of nowhere, Dinemo just quickly punched Blaze in his face. After that, they kept fighting the other. "Roy, we need a more powerful spell!" Blaze commanded.
"LAVABLO!" Yelled Roy as Blaze shot lava out his mouth that cut right threw the sand and hit Dinemo.
"You have 2 spells?" Dineom asked as he tried to stand. He was weakened from the blast.
"We have 3, but spell 1 should finish you and burn the book. BURBALL!" Chanted Roy as Blaze shot multiple fire balls at the team.
"RUN! PROTECT THE BOOK!" Dinemo ordered. But instead as he closed his eyes so he wouldn't see it coming, he heard impact, but he wasn't hit! When he looked, he saw Lee's face in pain. "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?!?!?!?" Dinemo asked. As he got up, he saw Lee's back singed. "I said run! Why did you stay?!"
"We-We're a team! We stick to-together." Lee maneged to say.
"Then you'll die as a team!" yelled Blaze, "Roy end this!"
"NEKORU!" yelled a wierd voice. When Roy and Blaze turned around, they say a purple flame coming right at them, so the jumped out the way. They saw a mamodo that had short, wild, silver hair with black lines running down his face. He was wearing all black. His partner had waist-length black hair with brown eyes, she wore black t-shirt and baggy blue jeans.
"HORI!" Yelled Blaze with lots of anger in his voice.
"Good to see you Blaze." He simply said back.
"Lee you alright." The female book keeper. Lee just nodded. Dinemo was confused.
"Blaze, we don't have enough power to face them. We waisted to much on these clowns. SMOSMOG!" Roy yelled as Blaze spit out a smokescreen.
"SANTROO!" Lee yellled weakly making the smoke dissapear. The spell lasted for a short while. Then Lee collapsed. The other Mamodo team got closer to Lee but Dinemo was standing between them.
"Who are you?" He asked angrilly.
"I'm Meida, I'm here to help him." she said calmly.
* * *
**Is Lee going to live? Is she really here to help? Will Hori come to kill Lee eventually? To Be Continued. Remember, R&R. By the way, I only own Lee, Dinemo, Roy, and Blaze. I own nothing else.**
3. The new Mamodo
**I'm back! School can be stressful, but its good. We have Lee and Dinemo after that battle at Lee's house.
* * *
**Slowly, very slowly, Lee eventually woke up noticing the pain in his back was gone.
"How did I get here?" Lee asked noticing his book was near him and Dinemo was standing on top of looking mad. "Uh... what's up Dinemo." After he said that, Dinemo hit him on the head...HARD! "OW WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?!"
"For nearly dieing on me! Be lucky Hori and his partner could heal you or YOU'D BE DEAD! Dinemo shouted.
"We're a team! We stick together!"
"YES!" As they kept arguing, Hori and Meida we're just staring.
"I wish they got along like us!" Meida said with a fake smile.
"We don't get along!" Hori hissed. Meida and Hori just kept arguing until a thought came to Hori, "HEY! Why don't we have a practice fight?" Dinemo just shrugged and agreed. Lee just looked at them both and just agreed.
_Near a cave..._
"You 2 ready?" Asked Meida.
"BRING IT!" Lee yelled back with Dinemo staring.
"NEKORU!" yelled Meida having Hori blast his usual purple fire from his hand. Dinemo prepared for the usual spell when he noticed Lee distracted. When it got to close they both moved out the way.
"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!" Demanded Dinemo.
"THIS! STOSTEER!" Yelled Lee. Suddenly, 2 big spears made a stone appeared in Dinemo hands. He smirked and charged at Hori. As Dinemo was ready to make a shishkabob out of Hori, he vanished in a purple flame, re-appearing behind his bookkeeper looking the other way. "WAS THAT A SPELL?" Lee asked confused.
"No, it's what I do, but I'm distracted by that!" yelled Hori pointing at 2 dark shadows.
* * *
**Who are those mamodo's? You tell me with reviews.**
4. The twin battle and a unlikely allie
**These mamodos are brought to you by Bunnys-n-PenguinsWillRuleEarth and Rylitah! We left off with a mysterious mamodo that Hori sensed. Is it friend or foe? This is a small edit. Sorry about Yukiro the 1st time.
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**The mamodo looked like an 8 year old human with tan skin. He had a long sleeve black shirt with a polo collar up with white rims on it, his sleeves, and bottom of his shirt, black shorts with white socks and black boots, white messy hair with black cat ears, and black eyes. His partner had black, messy hair with brown eyes wearing a military color polo shirt. Underneath were military wrist bands with back fingerless gloves, black shorts, brown boots, and black socks showing. But, for some reason, her eyes looked distant while holding a black book.
"Hello losers, I'm Maxwell," the cat eared mamodo announced looking proud, "and this is my bookkeeper, Yukiro." He didn't say anything.
"This is a training fight," started Dinemo, "but if you want to get your book burned in a 2 on 1-" "It's not a 2 on 1, it's a 2 on 2." Maxwell called pointing behind them. They saw a mamodo a blue overcoat with gold hair coming out of the hood, blue eyes, brown shorts, brown long sleeves shirt and tennis shoes. Her partner and chalk white skin, brown eyes, long, black hair, white shirt, green skirt, and turquoise shoes. She was holding a white book.
Dinemo was angry at Maxwell for interrupting so with the spears he had in his hands, he threw 1 at Maxwell and the other at Yukiro's book.
"FROZAR!" yelled the chalk skinned girl. 2 frozen spikes came from the ground, blocking Dinemo's attack.
"Don't ignore me." said the girl in the puffy coat, "My name is Skye. This is Ri."
"ENOUGH TALK! NEKORU!" yelled Meida as Hori shot his fire from his palm at Skye. Skye just jumped out the way.
"DRAKORZEM!" yelled Yukiro. Maxwell shot a dark ball with lightning right at Dinemo and Lee.
"STOSTEER!" Yelled Lee so Dinemo git 2 spears and stabbed the sphere. After that, it exploded, blowing Lee and Dinemo back at Hori and Meida.
"ICREA!" yelled Skye causing a big circle starting to appear.
"I think we need some cover. SANTROO!" yelled Lee making a big sand storm. But came a big flash coming from the spot.
"Looks like we gave them the cold shoulder." Skye laughed, "Now lets there books!" As the sand cleared they saw a big sand ball frozen instead. "WHAT?!"
* * *
_In a near by cave_
"I didn't know you could teleport all of us." Meida said in shock looking at her tired mamodo.
"HEY....Why didn't you cut it a little closer!" yelled Dinemo trying to brake his frozen arm.
"Let's see," Lee started, "Dinemo's arm is frozen and Hori is exhausted. Those other mamodos are hunting us down. We need a plan. And I-"
"NO!" Dinemo yelled cutting off Lee's plan. "We don't need some dumb plan! Thinking will only slow us down."
"FIND!" Lee yelled. He threw Dinemo his book and started to walk.
"WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!" Dinemo demanded to know.
"I'm going to fight them!" yelled Lee trying to be bold. Everyone was in shock. "I'll hold them off and you guys make a run for it!"
"That's nuts!" Dinemo yelled. Lee didn't care and walked off. Dinemo saw that Hori was still to tired to even talk.
"Look!" Skye yelled, pointing at Lee. Lee just did a hand jester that ment "bring it on". This ticked off Skye and she snapped her fingers.
"RAOU FOROS ICARIDAN!" Ri yelled. Skye turned into a big snow wolf and charged at Lee. Lee tried to move but couldn't. He looked down noticing his left foot was on a big circle from last time. He couldn't run. So he closed his eyes so he wouldn't see what happened next. **BAM! **But Lee didn't feel pain when he opened his eyes, he saw Dinemo's arm bleeding, but free from the ice.
"What did you do?" asked Lee seeing Dinemo in pain, but still standing.
"Returning the favor." Dinemo responded remembering Lee took like 1000 fire balls to the back. Dinemo gave Lee the book, which was glowing. When Lee looked there was a 3rd spell!
"TIME TO END THIS!" Maxwell roared.
"DRAKO SORUDO!" yelled Yukiro. Maxwell was holding a sword and he was charging strait for Dinemo to kill him.
"MUPRO!" roared Lee. Suddenly a big mud ball was created blacking Maxwell, but they were still so weak that it fell apart in seconds.
"Your pathetic shield is no match for-" Maxwell said before someone cut him off. "NEKORUGA!" yelled Meida making Hori shoot a concentrated Nekoru from his finger and burned Maxwell's face. He quickly fell to the ground. Dinemo and Lee where releived that Hori had enough strength to stop him.
"You may have stopped me, but I will press on!" He yelled.
"LAVABLO!" yelled a familiar voice. The blast came down and blast Ri and Yukiro. They fell back and dropped the books.
"RIOR NEKORU!" yelled Meida. The spell made Hori shoot 2 purple flame blasts from his hands at the books. But it was blocked by Maxwell and Skye.
"_skye, we must fall back for now!" _Whispered Maxwell.
"Drakofurara!" yelled Yukiro recovering her book turning Maxwell into a little cat. Everyone ohhhed and awwwed except Dinemo who hated the cat. Soon, when the effect was over Lee saw 2 people from a distance.
"ROY!?" Lee yelled in shock, "Why did you help us?"
"We have our reasons." Was all Roy said before leaving. While leaving, he left 4 tickets for a plane and Dinemo graabed them. After that, they walked home.
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**Will Maxwell and Skye have there revenge? People, the reason I'm posting so early is because Threw the weekend, I'll be working on my Dare or Else story. See you Monday! OH! And the Santroo spell doesn't mean anything about Pokemon.
5. The unwanted road to the UK
**The next mamodo is brought to you by Vstriker. Oh and about Yukiro, I fixed it but, it does sound like a girl's name. But I'm sorry about that.
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**The next day, Lee and Dinemo met Meida and Hori in the park. There wounds had healed and they were holding the tickets Roy and Blaze dropped.
"So...," Meida started, "what do we do with them?" After 3 hours of debating, they finally agreed to use the tickets.
* * *
_On the plane_...
The plane was going to the United Kingdom. Everyone on the plane where enjoying themselves. Lee was drawing [that's what he does], Hori was sleeping, Meida was, and Dinemo wasn't relaxing. He was just looking around. Then he saw something, unsavory...
"BLAZE?!" he asked in both rage and confusing. He woke up Hori, and got Lee's and Meida's attention.
"Yes we're here." Blaze began, "But beleive it more not, we need your help." Nobody said anything. They all just looked pissed.
"Hey, Dinemo," Lee started, "They could have burned our book in our fight, even with Meida and Hori's help." Everyone remained silent. "We accept your truce." Lee finally agreed. Everyone agreed.
* * *
_Off the plane..._
Everyone followed Roy. Nobody saw them. For those who were, were attacked by guards. Every 3 guards had 1 mamodo and book!
"Who are we looking for?" Dinemo asked in patiently. They got out of the plane station and on street. Then, they were in the sewers where the mamodos were on the bookkeepers back or shoulders. "Why are we on there backs?" Dinemo asked.
"So nobody hears to many footprints," Roy began to explain, "They will just think we're rats."
"DRAKORZEM!" "FROZAR!" The 2 voices we're said after the other. On 1 side, Ice spikes were coming at them, the other side, a dark ball with lightning.
"MUPRO!" yelled Lee making a mud ball big enough to block the spells and strong enough to send them back at the user.
"Is that all you got?" asked a familiar voice. When they saw who said it, they saw Maxwells' bookkeeper.
"OH MY GOD!" Meida started, "YOU TALK?!" Everyone started to laugh. Yukiro just stared angrily and then Maxwell came. Then Skye and Ri came from the other side. "What do you 4 clowns want?"
"Your death!" said a weird voice. They saw a mamodo who looked like a 16 year old mamodo with a cloak that Zatch wears, but silver, and black jeans. His bookkeeper had was about 40 years old and was wearing a business suit. He said the words, but he looked familiar to Lee, but he didn't know how [No, this isn't Vstriker's]. "Yes Lee, I'm your father. This is why I haven't come home in 3 months." Lee was devastated.
"What's your name?" Dinemo asked kinda mad that he was messing with his bookkeeper's mind.
"Ikura. He is my partner, Juro. You probably know why anyone with a mamodo book is instantly captured." Ikura said. Everyone nodded. "This reason is because I rule this country! These 2 teams are my Elite fighters. We will kill you here!" Lee didn't want to believe what he was hearing.
"FROZAR!" "DRAKORUGA!" "SHABEAM!" yelled the 3 bookkeepers. Skye shot the same ice spikes, Maxwell shot out some wierd beam, and Juro's shadow became a blast of darkness.
"LEE! READ THE SPELL!" Dinemo ordered.
"MUPRO!" yelled Lee. The spell was holding, but barely. Lee seemed distracted, which was bad, VERY BAD! Everyone yelled 'Lee' but it didn't help.
"PLAN B! NEKORUGA!" yelled Meida. Hori shot his concentrated purple flame right down. But as he was shooting, Meida noticed a 4th spell!
"Agreed. LAVABLO!" yelled Roy shooting. Blaze shot Lava down were Hori was shooting.
* * *
_Outside the mud ball..._
The mud ball eventually cracked and broke.
"Hey Ikura," Juro started, "can I beat the crap out of your son?" Ikura just hooded. Juro didn't have to ask that, he just wanted to. When the dust cleared, nobody was there.
[_Not again_] Thought Maxwell.
* * *
_Under the mud ball..._
"LEE, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?!?!?!?!?!?!" Dinemo yelled. Lee didn't answer.
"Hello." said a strange voice. The only 1 here was a boy with light black skin, black hair, glasses, black jeans, and a brown jersey. For some reason, he had no shoes and a guinea pig. Everyone was paying attention to the mamodo book in his hand. Everyone but Roy got ready to fight.
"Relax, I'm an comrade. It looks like Roy got you here safe. I'm Vincent." He explained, "He's CJ. Welcome to the underground." Everyone thought that was a joke, but nobody laughed.
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**Underground? What does that mean? And what of this Vincent guy? What does this mean? I know, but I won't say nothing!**
6. Spliting up is a Dragon?
**Sorry this took so long. Last time, some dark, personal business got in Lee's head. Can h shake it?
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**"So...what is the underground?" asked Meida trying to escape the tension. They were waiting threw a stream.
"Th underground is a bunch of routes to Juro and Ikura's castle," Vincent began, "Not many people are left since Thy burned all there books, except a certain few." Lee wasn't paying to much attention. Would you? Your father left you for 3 months and this is why. Wouldn't you be distracted. Dinemo was staring at CJ.
"What's wrong with you?" asked Hori seeing Dinemo shoot daggers at the sall guinea pig.
"I hate everything small and furry!" Dinemo answered.[_Dinemo have lots of issues._] Just then CJ jumped off Vincent's shoulder and turned into a 3 foot tall kid with brown hair, floppy guinea pig ears, a white shirt and brown shorts.
"Happy?" CJ asked. Everyone was to stunned to answer. They just kept walking.
"Where do you blokes think your going?" said some girl with a cockney accent. She had purple hair, black makeup, a black blouse, a red skirt, and black heels. She was suppose to be some goth. Hori flinchd. That mant thre was a mamodo near.
"Who the hell are you?!" yelled Dinemo.
"I am Ises. I have orders to kill you. So leave now, before I change my mind." she said pointing to he door.
"Why should we listen to you?!" yelled Blaze. she just snapped her fingers as a giant Dragon came out of nowhere. It was blue with a white, long strip, it has sharp teeth, and looked hungry. Everyone was frozen was shock. But Dinemo Just charge in anyway like an Idiot.
"DRIMOUR!" yelled the goth. The giant Dragon mamodo had iron around him, connected by chains. The tip where his mouth was had a drill on it. It charged strait for Dinemo who tried to run back. Right where he was a goner "FOKAI!" yelled Vincent giving him super speed with lightning armor. He ran over there, grabbed Dinemo, and ran. The Dragon hit th ground making it crumble as everyone fell down different...trap doors? It was a trap.
* * *
_Down a hole..._
"Is anyone okay?" asked Dinemo looking around.
"I will if you get off my back!" said familiar voice. It was Roy. Just then, Lee and Blaze appeared. " what?"
"NOW YOU DIE!" yelled a strange voice. hey couldn't tell if it was male or female.
* * *
**That's all I got for now. Sorry if it's to short**.
7. All for 1 2 3 and 4
**Yo people! Last time, this girl named Ises nearly split the team! So now Blaze, Lee, Dinemo, and Roy are facing a new team brought to you by BetaWriters.
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**One of them had pale skin, short brown hair, brown eyes, glasses, wears a dark Green t-shirt and a pair of baggy, light brown pants and brown shoe with white stripes, carrying a bag of candy. The mamodo had spiky black hair, light gray eyes, blue t-shirt, tan shorts and blue and red sneakers. The mamodo was smiling and had a chocolate bare in his hand. The bookkeeper was smiling with a light tan book.
"I'm Issac. He is Sam. We're here to beat you to hell and back!" the one with the book said with his smile becoming more wicked. Dinemo's face looked ticked off as usual. Just as Dinemo took 1 step, Sam started to run at him. Dinemo ran back and them-**BAM**-they punched each other in the face pushing each other back. "Get ready to blow the roof off this place!" said Issac, Sam just nodded.
"DORANA!" yelled Issac causing a bomb to appear in Sam's hand.
"What a pathetic spell!" boasted Blaze. Dinemo was laughing. Just when he was going to stop, Sam threw the bomb at Dinemo. Dinemo just sat down. "Aren't you going to beat him to death!" Blaze asked.
"I cannot move at all!." said Dinemo struggling.
"That's the spell!" laughed Issac, "It drains you of energy. Now...CORETA!" Issac yelled as 2 cannons appeared next to Sam.r.
"Good-bye!" laughed Sam as the cannons fired. Lee quickly grabbed Dinemo and ran for it with Blaze and Roy. Even though the blasts abd cannons were small, they made big explosions. After 6 explosions, they we're hiding somewhere whispering a plan. "Where are you guys?" asked Sam chewing some gum.
"SANTROO!" yelled Dinemo who was still able to make a tiny sandstorm underneath them.
"LAVABLO!" yelled Roy having Blaze shoot a blast of Lava at the trapped team.
"RAMKEISU!" yelled Issac who had a bottle rocket on his back. They grabbed the rocket and flew off.
"What type of mamodo are you?" asked Lee who was getting ticked off [_oh god, he's becoming Dinemo_]. They let go of the rocket once they we're away from the lava and sand. The rocket was coming straight for Lee. He took a few spaces to the left and so did the rocket. He kept moving around and so did the rocket. "Keep that bomb away from me!" yelled Lee running for his life. As the rocket was going ti gi boom on Lee, it turned and blew up on Roy.
"You mother-" yelled Roy, the rest was cut off. Dinemo laughed so hard, he could move.
"Such language. Someone needs to get a beating!" laughed Issac. "GIIRU-DORANA!" Sam had a giant bomb in his hands everyone, even Dinemo, screamed in fear. Sam threw the bomb right at the four.
"MUPRO!" yelled Lee for Dinemo to creating a giant mud ball shield to protect them all. But when it exploded, Flames we'rer over and around the ball like shield.
"Any ideas?" asked Roy getting nervous.
"Well..." Lee started, "Hori isn't here to teleport us, The ground's to hard to blast through, and..." "SAY SOMETHING THAT WILL HELP!" yelled Dinemo cutting off Lee. "Can you absorb fire Blaze?" asked Lee. Just then the mud ball broke and Blaze's eyes started to glow black. Blaze's hands we're raised in the air and he absorbed all the fire. "You okay?" Lee asked and Dinemo kicked him in the leg. [_he doesn't like Blaze and vise verse_]
"To...tired." he responded. After that, they heard laughter from Issac and Sam.
"OMG! You guys just won't die!" laughed Sam.
"We're going to kill you!" yelled Roy.
"Oh really?" asked Issac looking at them. "Cause we're just _warming up_." Joked Issac.
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**How will this end? Will Blaze be okay? Will there be a part 2? The 2nd answer is Yes, but the rest, you'll have to see. Remember, R&R and I only own Blaze, Roy, Dinemo and Lee.**
8. Finale Round
**HEY! Last time Dinemo, Blaze, Lee, and Roy got there butts handed to them on a silver platter by Issac and Sam. Will they prevail yet? Not sure.
* * *
The team is in bad shape! That hole "tower of fire" thing really shock them it. But it's no over yet!
"GY-GEAR!" yelled Issac and everyone was being pulld to big, magnetic ball. To Lee and Roy though, it was mostly pulling the books. They resisted but Blaze didn't and was being pulled closer.
"ROY! Read the 3rd spell!" ordered Blaze.
"But it's just-" "DAMN IT! I SAID READ IT!" yelled Blaze cutting off Roy. "SMOSMOG" Roy yelled so Blaze could shoot out a smokescreen, which attracted to the magnet spell and made it vanish.
"Time for my favorite Mario Party Game: HIDE AND GO BOOM! GIIRU-RANKISU!" yelled Issac 4 times. 4 missiles came from Sam and came for the group one for each. And they were hunting them down no matter how hard they dodged.
"MUPRO!" yelled Lee once again summoning the giant mud ball. The 1st 3 broke the mud and the 4th 1 was aiming for Blaze. Blaze trid to move, but couldn't. Right at the last second, Dinemo slammed into Blaze knocking him out of the way from the impact.
"That was close." sighed Lee. Roy just smiled. Soon, Lee smiled.
"What are you 2 smiling about?" asked Dinemo sounding injured.
"YOUR DOOM!" laughed Sam, "Is it time?"
"Yes," Issac answered, "Time for our ultimate attack!"
"Ultimate?" Dinemo asked a little worried.
"GIIZA-DORANA!"yelled Issac and Sam summed a giant battleship. Everybody was shocked. And it was firing randomly.
"It's time for our last spell!" yelled Lee. "DRANAKE!" When he chanted th spell, Dinemo summoned a giant snake made completly out of stone. It collided with the battle ship which was firing at it and made a big explosion.
"Did we win?" asked Dinemo but the battleship was still floating and on fire. "OH COME ON!"
"And it's about to go boom!" yelled Sam stuffing his face with candy.
"Then it's time for our 4th spell. BURDRAGON!" roared Roy. Blaze transformed into a giant fire dragon and rammed right into th battle ship, having it exlode again.
"That's it?" asked Sam. Roy kept smiling cause from the smoke came the dragon's head and hit Issac right whre the book was. "NOOOO!" THIS WASN'T THE PLAN!" started Sam. "WE WERE SUPPOSE TO BURN YOUR BOOK!" After that, he vannished and they saw Issac running.
"Here!" he yelled throwing them some rock that Lee caught. Lee started to feel stronger. He gave it to the others and they felt great.
"We should keep this." said Dinemo smiling.
"So...up the stairs?" asked Blaze. Everyone ran up the stairs wandering who was left to face.
* * *
_meanwhile in a different room..._
"Meida!" yelled Hori looking around.
"Hori over here!" yelled Meida back.
"And here!" called a familiar voice.
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**Who could it be? Who will it be? And do I own Mario Party? No I do not. The other questions will have to wait.**
9. The 'Battle'
**Last time our heroes had snatched victory from the jaws of defeat. And now Dinemo and Blaze might get along. We left off Hori and Meida we're left off in a different room.
* * *
**When Hori turned around he saw Ri, Skye, Maxwell, and Yukiro.
"What do you rejects want?" asked Hori laughing under his breath. Yukiro, Maxwell, and Skye we're ticked off. Ri on the other hand, wasn't.
"We're here to beat you to death. Then burn your books!" yelled Maxwell.
"We beat you once-" "WITH HELP!" yelled Skye cutting Hori off. Hori knew he was out numbered. But he was confident. He was sure he couldn't lose.
"_Hori_" whispered Meida, "_we're outnumbered! We have to think!_"
"Frozar." called Ri having Skye shoot spikes from the ground right at them in a row. Hori punched the side of a spike making them stop, but from the air came Maxwell!
"DRAKO SORUDO!" yelled Yukiro giving Maxwell and slashed an energy disk at them.
"NEKORUGA!" yelled Meida, Hori shot out a concentrated purple fire blast at the disk making it explode. When the smoke cleared, he saw Maxwell holding Meida by the neck against the wall.
"READ THE SPELL SO WE CAN END THIS!" yelled Maxwell. Yukiro opened his mouth ready to chant the spell. Hori hurried to get Maxwell but then out of nowhere "FOGAR!" yelled a voice then a fireball came and knocked Maxwell to the side before his bookkeeper could say the spell. Looking closely Hori saw hair on the fireball.
"Sorry we're late." apologized a male voice. Hori recognized it and it was Vincent.
"Better late then never." said Meida in a scratchy voice.
"OK," said Yukiro kinda nervous. "so its 4 on 4 now. We're still going to win!"
"Oh..." said Meida. She couldn't say anything!
"Looks like she lost her voice!" Skye yelled bursting into laughter. Meida wanted to punch her in the face. But couldn't. CJ changed into his human mode and gave Hori a rock.
"Run up the stairs and give this to Meida!" ordered CJ. Hori nodded and took Meida up the stairs.
"NO WAY!" yelled Skye rushing to stop them.
"FROGOKEN!" yelled Vincent causing CJ to sprout needless from his hair and shot it right at Skye tearing her jacket and making her fall.
"WHY YOU..." started Skye for them tearing her coat but Ri put her hand on her shoulder.
"_We cannot risk leaving ourselves vulnerable! We must be on our toes!" _Ri warned.
* * *
**So, this is how this battle start. Sorry VerryLazyPeople and all Hori fans. Trust me, he'll fight soon. Just up against a new evil mamodo. Got any ideas?**
10. From bad to worse
**Last time, Hori was sure that he would be able to handle himself in a 4 on 2 match. But Vincent and CJ have taken Hori and Meida's spot and gave them a wierd rock. But 1st, The Battle! ****
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"What in the world makes you think you 2 can take us?" asked Maxwell cracking his knuckles.
"Because like you, we have THIS!" yelled CJ holding up another rock. Skye, Maxwell, and Yukiro flinched. Ri didn't because...LOOK, SHE DIDN'T! [In case your wondering, the rock gives the holder extra energy constantly. It reacharges them when they cast a spell, or it heals them from minor injuries. Either way, its like a re-charger.]
"BURANGO!" yelled Yukiro giving Maxwell the ability to fly with bat wings. "DRAKO SORUDO!" Yukiro yelled again to give him his sword. Maxwell was flying every and constantly trying to cut off CJ's hand.
"FUREUKEN!" yelled Vincent turning CJ to steel and giving him swords on his back. Maxwell tried to slash CJ but it was to tought to brake through. CJ jumped forward cutting Maxwell's stomach when the spell wore off. And then before he could turn to a guinie pig, Skye comes out of nowhere and clocked his face right into Vincent.
"THAT'S FOR TEARING MY COAT YOU MUTATED FREAK!" she yelled trying hard not to say 'Basterd'. CJ through the rock [which will be refired to as a crystal] at Vincent who put it in his pocket.
"FOKAI!" yelled Vincent giving CJ lighting armour. And he ran right at Skye. But Maxwell came from the air with his sword. He lost his wings but he was falling so fast, he would cut off CJ's head off. "CJ TRANSFORM!" warned Vincent and CJ turned into a guinie pig he was to small and Maxwell fell on his face.
The lightning spell was still in effect and he was heading at Skye.
"Drinaro." RI chanted giving Skye Ice claws. She tried to slash CJ but he was fast. He quickly left her and was heading for Skye's book. He got closer and closer until Ri said "Icrea." she said right before CJ got to close and froze him solid.
"CJ!" Vincent yelled seeing his mamodo frozen in solid ice. It was then he had an Idea. "FOGAR!" he yelled trying to melt the worked but slowly. It wasn't melting fast enough.
"Yeah...while we wait...DRAKORZEM!" Yukiro yelled over and over again making Maxwell shoot 5 dark energy spheres.
"Frozar" chanted Ri as Skye summoned her ice spikes. This time she held her up in the air and shot them at Vincent.
"There's nowhere to run this TIME!" yelled Yukiro. Suddenly a big explodsion was made. When the smoke cleared, Vincent was still standing?!
"HOW?!?!?!!!!!!" yelled Ri. "WHO SAVED HIM?!"
"Me." said an unfammiliar voice
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**Who was it that saved him. Well, go to my profile and vote for which one of my OCs saved Vincent. Until then, keep reading.**
11. The new team
**Last time, Vincent and CJ fought Ri, Skye, Yukiro and Maxwell. They fought hard, but were in a jam when CJ was frozen in a block of Ice. It looked over for Vincent, till a team, which noone voted for, saved there butts. Who is it? Read and find out.**
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The older girl looked 16, has a white shirt, has a black shirt with a red heart on it, black pants, and black shoes. The smaler girl wore a yellow sun dress, a hat and sandels made of straw.
"You okay Vincent?" asked the taller girl with a friendly smile.
"You know Roll, you and Angelo sure did take your sweet time getting here." Vincent growled.
"Yeah... not that this isn't interesting, DRAKORZEM!" yelled Yukiro having Maxwell fire at Roll.
"SUCREEN!" Roll chanted having Angelo make a shield infront of them. The shield was weak since there spells are based on light and there were no windows or anything. "Vincent, cast a spell! Where's CJ?" Roll asked.
"He's in a giant block of ice." Vincent explained.
"WHAT?!" Angelo yelled trying to concentrate. Yukiro just kept chanting the same spell over and over again. Angelo's shield started to crack. Then they heard cracking, but not from the shield, it was from the ice! CJ broke through the ice in a burst of fire and hit Maxwell's back HARD! The fire wore off and CJ turned into his human self.
"You okay man?" Vincent asked seeing him shiver.
"N-n-not o-o-okay." he answered. Just then, there book started to glow bright.
"I want to end this!" Skye yelled.
"Raou Foros Icaridon." Ri chanted having Skye summon a giant ice fox and have it charge at them.
"DIOGA DRAKOMEZORAISU!" Yukiro yelled and Maxwell raised his hands in the air. It started to rain dark energy orbs. The ice fox absorbed them and became a ice dark wolf! It charged at the teams.
"Any ideas Vincent?" asked Roll getting a little worried.
"Just 1: FOKUGAR!" he yelled giving CJ a boost in strength and Speed and charged at the fox. CJ was just barely holding it off.
"GUYS GET OUT OF HERE!" yelled CJ. Angelo couldn't seeing this event. Roll saw this and had an idea.
"SURA!" yelled Roll making Angelo's hands glow. She shot it at CJ making him stronger, strong enough to tie with the fox. CJ was sitting on the ground and Angelo helped him up. "WHERE DO YOU THINK YOUR GOING?!" Angelo yelled at the 2 teams who were trying to leave.
"There's no point in fighting. Blizardon." Ri chanted making it so cold, they couldn't see them. In a while, they were gone.
"Thanks for your help." CJ thanked. Angelo was still holding him up, she was trying not to show blush. Vincent tossed there crystal around the 2 teams recharging them. "NOW LETS GO!" yelled CJ before turning into a guinie pig. They rushed up the stairs.
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**In the next chapter, We see Hori and Meida! YAY! Sorry it took so long, but wasn't it worth it?**
12. Rocks ROX
**Okay, I realized that my chapters are short, they are-my bad. Today's newest mamodos are brought to you by BetaWriter and then Iostorm.****The chapter begins with Hori and Meida still climbing the stairs.**
* * *
Hori and Meida are still climbing those stairs, Meida still not able to talk when they enter a room.
"This must be where all the rooms connect," Hori suspected, "Okay, Meida Vincent wants you to hold this rock." Hori told Meida giving her the crystal. Then a blue flash came around her.
"What did that do?" Meida asked. What? Asked? "I CAN TALK!" She yelled then heard a croaking sound. She looked down and saw a frog. She was going to pick it up when Hori kicked. "HEY! That was a just a frog!"
"It's not a frog-IT'S A MAMODO!" Hori told him. Just then the frog turned into a boy with messy black hair, green eyes, and looked like some prince from a fairy tale. He walked over and grabbed a crown and put it on his head.
"King Zatch had a son?" Hori asked.
"NO! BUT I'M STILL ROYALTY!" he shouted
"Then your not royalty!"
"Can you please stop this stupid conversation!" yelled a female voice she came from a shadow. She had short brown hair, red eyes, light brown shirt and shorts, and sandels.
"You must be his bookkeeper." Hori suspected.
"Yes, I'm Alice. And prince charming over there is Kerouji." She told them. Just then, a mamodo covered with body armor came. His bookkeeper with blonde hair, and was wearing a black shirt and pants. "Who are you?" Alice asked.
"I am Rakete and my bookkeeper is Lucas. Our friend Juro tells us that you guys are trying to enslave Makai and the human world!" Rakete told them. Alice and Meida didn't know what Makai was. "The mamodo world." he explained.
"What? That didn't make any sense!" Hori yelled!
"I take this as war!" Kerouji screamed.
"NEKORU!" Meida yelled for Hori to shoot a blast of fire at from Hori's hand.
"BOGSHIELD!" Lucas roared to create shield of metal. In theory Hori's spell should melt through. But it absorbed it and shot it right back at them. Everyone hit the deck. "Ironic no?"
"I feel no irony. ALICE! Cast spell number 4!" Kerouji ordered. [He sounds like Dinemo.] Hori thought.
"RIBBOZEN!" she yelled kind of exhausted. Kerouji shot a big gush of water from his mouth. Lucas casted the same spell and the same event occured.
"We need a new plan. 1 that doesn't kill us!" Hori shouted.
"How about this-BOGUR!" Lucas yelled and Rakete punched the air.
"Looks like the spells a dud." Hori laughed when a giant explosion hit him. "Or mayby not." he groaned getting up. "Meida don't we have any new spells by noe." Hori asked.
"Well... Yes but we never tried this." Meida told him.
"SAY IT NOW!" Hori screamed.
"Okay. DRAGONOS NEKORUDON!" Meida yelled. He shot out a giant purple dragon of fire right at Rakete and Lucas.
"Lucas we need a spell!" Rakete yelled
"DIOGA BOGUDON!" Lucas yelled. Everything shot everywhere. Rockets, missels, spikes, every explosive item inexistence was fired at the dragon. A big explosion was everywhere. The smoke started to clear but when it did, a giant rocket came right at the four.
"GERUDEN!" Alice cried for Kerouji to creat a giant buble around them. The rocket was absorbed a little but it popped and shot right back at Rakete and Lucas who moved out the way. Then Rakete's cell phone rang.
"Lucas we must go to Juro. It's important." Rakete informed. Lucas nodded.
"GIGA BOGURRBAO!" Lucas yelled for Rakete to cause a giant shock wave. Boulders started to fall from the castle walls.
"IS HE CRAZY?!" Kerouji screamed. Rakete and Lucas were gone. And so were the doors!
"THERE's NO WAY OUT!" Hori cried.
"We'll just..." before Alice or Meida could finish rock hit them hard on there head. And a big rock was going to fall right on them.
"OH GOD!" Kerouji shriked when a giant snake came over them and stopped the rocks from falling on them. "Wat the..." Kerouji said looking around and saw a giant hole was in a wall.
"Who saved us?" Hori asked seeing Alice and Meida regain consciousness.
"You were going to die on me!" yelled a familiar voice. The 4 of them turned and saw someone fammiliar to Hori and Meida.
"Dinemo!" Hori yelled in shock.
* * *
**The group is back together! YAY!**
13. Eye of the Dragon
**Last time, Hori and Meida learned what the crystal like rock was for. It was for healing. And they met Prince Kerouji and Alice. They battled Rakete and Lucas and were nearly killed if it wasn't for Dinemo's 4th spell. They are currently bout the new teamates and there current situation**
* * *
" are we going to get to Juro and Ikura?" CJ asked.
"Why don't we walk our way up?" Kerouji started, "I'm am a prince and-" "SHUT IT!" yelled Dinemo. "1. We don't care! 2. You say that 1 MORE TIME, You'll croak froggy!" Dinemo was ticked at Kerouji and vice versa.
"Why's he so angry and cruel?" Angelo asked Lee.
"Don't know. Just roll with it." Lee told her.
"The question is how to get up there. Ises and that over grown lizard is up there." Hori informed them. CJ smiled for he had an idea.
* * *
_Up the stairs..._
Ises was giving herself a manicure. The dragon was eating a burger and sallad (3 cows and and 30 pounds of grass) to keep his strength. Then, Ises saw a frog and a guinie pig.She quickly grabbed them by the throats. The guinie pig and frog turned into CJ and Kerouji.
"This was your plan? Getting caught?!" Kerouji shouted through his clogged wind pipe.
"The question is should I feed you to my dragon Drax, or should I make you into gloves and you into frog's legs?" Ises laughed. Her grip got tighter. Drax was roaring. He was roaring at the others. "HEY!" she screamed throwing Kerouji and CJ. "Any last words?"
"Just this, BURDRAGON!" Roy shouted for Blaze to transform into his giant dragon. It was the same size of Drax.
"DRIMOUR!" Ises screached for Drax to have armour with a drill on the tip. He collided right with the dragon of fire to make a big explosion.
"Let's get out of here!" Roll ordered to run up the stairs. Roy and Blaze didn't go anywhere. "What's wrong with you?"
"We started this fight, we're going to end it!" Roy shouted. Baze nodded. Hori, and Meida came there.
"Why are you clowns here?" Blaze asked.
"I haven't gotten a good fight in a while! It's now or never!" Hori shouted.
"And I don't feel like walking up the stairs." Meida told him. Then the smoke cleared and Ises and Drax were angry.
* * *
**This battle will get edgey! **
14. Battle Burn
**I thought that since the last chapter was so short, think a should edit sooner. The teams of Hori and Meida and Blaze and Roy VS Ises and Drax.**
* * *
"DRIMOUR!" Ises yelled to activate the same spell of drill armour. Drax charged for the 4 of them. They quickly moved out the way, but it came for Roy fast like a fat kid going for a chocolate bar. Roy moved, but his arm was cut deep from the armour. He screamed in pain, then he wrapped his bandana around his arm reavilling his short black hair.
"Your deeply hurt, you and Blaze should go." Meida told Roy extending her hand. Roy just knocked it away and grabbed the red mamodo book he dropped.
"I don't run. BURBALLS!" he shouted for Blaze near his side to shoot an endless blast a fire balls at Ises. Drax's tail quickly blocked his bookkeeper from harm.
"Is that the best you got?" Isrs asked laughing a bit. "Here's a real spell-DIMOUREY MOUR!" she shouted and the Drax's skin became crystallised. He shot crystals from his maw right at the 2 bookkeepers.
"LAVABLO!" Roy shouted for Blaze to shoot lava from his maw to blast at the crystals. The crystals blasted through the lava and was going for Roy. Blaze just stood in the way and took the crystals. directly. "We need a new plan...FAST!"
"Blast it with tha giant dragon again! Isn't that again?" Hori asked ticked off.
"Yeah, okay, send the dragon spell that doesn't hurt the dragon much! It will help so... much!" Blaze answered getting annoyed. Hori wanted to punch Blaze in the face right there and Blaze wanted to kick him in the chin. But they had to work as a team...for now. "Ok, we could blast both of our best spells. The combination of power-" "Just get ready to fire!" Hori yelled interupting Blaze's analysis.
"DRAGONOS NEKORUDON!" Meida shouted for Hori's purple fire dragon.
BURDRAGON!" Roy roared so Roy could transform into his giant fire dragon. They charged at Drax who was still crystallised. A giant explosion was everywhere.
"HA! Did you thing your spells could stop me?" Ises asked on top of Drax.
"Yeah, and it has!" yelled BlazeON TOP of Drax's back as well.
"BURBALLS!" Roy shouted Roy for Blaze to fir fire balls at Ises's back. It hit her and the book. She fell from a 25 fett dragon onto the dragon. Roy caught her only to keep her alive. And started to walk to the stairs. Meida was in shock at what she saw.
"What's wrong with you?" Hori asked, "We won, and now we're going."
"Roy-he nearly killed her!" Meida told him. "ROY!" she called. Roy just turned around to see what she wanted. "How could you 2 nearly kill her?"
"It's in my nature." Roy told her.
"How? How could nearly killing someone in your nature?" She asked angrilly.
"When you nearlly escape a fire with your life, you'd understand." He told her walking to the stairs Blaze by his side. Meida and Hori followed.
* * *
**Growing up wasn't easy for Roy easy either huh? Want to know more then send it in reviews.**
15. Up the stairs
**Last time Ises's book finally got burned from Meida, Hori, Blaze, and Roy. Meida asked some serious questions about Roy and made him explode in rage! Lets see how it goes.**
* * *
The four heroes were climbing the long stairs with Roy in front. Meida was walking behind trying to keep a good distance between Roy and her. They were still going when a giant pile of rocks crashed infront of Roy who jumped back.
What's going on up there?" Hori asked keeping his cool.
"Heres an idea: LAVABLO!" Roy shouted for Blaze to shoot his usual lava which didn't make a dent.
"Plan B: NEKORUGA!" Meida screamed to have Hori blast through. Didn't work. "Anyone have a plan C?"
"Why don't I teleport us over there?" Hori asked.
"Let's not, we don't know what's on the other side. Theres no point in trying, let's go back." Blaze said turning around. They eventually climbed down the stairs to see Ises's body gown. "Where did she go?" Blaze asked looking around till he saw a big block blocking the away. For some reason, they heard a clock.
"You boys here that?" Meida asked. She looked closer to the clock to see it was A BOMB! "HOLY CRAP! WE GOT TO GET OUT OF? HERE!" It counted backwards from 3 hours 54 minutes and 7 seconds.
* * *
_Meanwhile with the others..._
The reaming 4 teams ran up the stairs until they finally found a floor. Angelo was tired, but she wasn't going to admit it.
"Do you think that the others down there will be ok?" Lee asked
"Who cares? It's not like those 2 were anyone important." Dinemo answered. Everyone looked angry. "What?"
"I'm getting sick and tired of your attitude!" CJ told him. They stared at each other before Lee and Vincent grabbed them.
"GANZU BOGAR!" shouted a voice suddenly. Before anyone knew it was an apocalypseof explosions. It was madness! Angelo was trying to help CJ up, Vincent was trying to stand, Roll and Lee were holding on to there books for dear life, Kerouji was a frog and Alice was holding him, and Dinemo was standing tall (trying to be cool). "Hello, anyone alive?" the voice shot chills down Kerouji and Alice's spine.
"Rakete!" Alice screamed. Keroujui hooped down and turned back to his human self trying to look brave, which was failing.
"Well, well, well. The toad and the princess still live." Lucas laughed.
"Do you not know the..." "SHUT UP!" Rakete told CJ before he could finish his sentence. "We know what Juro intends to do in Makai. We don;t care because we'll kill his bookkeeper before he can even come close to winning. No bookkeeper, no spells." Lee couldn't believe he was hearing.
"You won't win this fight!" Lee shouted in rage.
"Oh really, right nowm as we speak, bombs are placed all over the castle. All these fights were just diversions so we could activate them. You have about 1 hour before the fireworks." Lucas told him.
"ARE YOU MAD!" Vincent yelled, "YOU'LL DIE TO!" As Vincent was telling him of there doom, Lucas opened his book.
"DIOGA BOGUDON!" he screamed summoning a giant battle ships as the 2 jumped on. It soon crashed through the roof and was out of the castle.
"This isn't good." Angelo admitted.
* * *
**Not my most violent chapter, but it had to be done. It shows the end of the whole castle thing, Oh, and Juro and Ikura and Ises got out. Will the team of 12 make it out alive?**
16. Geronimo
**Last time Meida, Hori, Blaze, and Roy go up and down stairs to realize that there is a bomb! The others hear from Rakete and Lucas they are all over the castle. They have about 1 hour before they die! Will all of them make it out alive?
* * *
Everyone up the stairs ran as fast as they could until they ran into the rocks that blocked the others. Vincent was keeping track of how much time was left.
"How are we going to get through?" CJ asked frantically. Dinemo just decided to jump on the rocks that collapsed over the wait of the rocks combined with Dinemo's wait and gravity. (If my science doesn't make sense, oh well) "That's 1 way." CJ commented seeing Meida, Hori, Blaze, and Roy deactivating a bomb.
"Guys, that was-" "A bomb, we know! They're all over the place!" Alice screamed at Hori before he could finish.
"And we have 40 minutes and 38 seconds left!" Vincent informed them.
"It will take us hours to get down the stairs! Any ideas?" Roll asked a little nervous.
"Yeah, BURDRAGON!" Roy shouted. Blaze turned into a giant dragon of fire who shot into the air and hit the ground creating a hole. Roy and Blaze jumped down and everyone else followed. "This looks like the room we came in."
"And there's the EXIT!" Angelo screamed.
"Royalty first!"Kerouji shouted running to the door as soon as he opened it, he looked down to see the castle had rockets attached to the side. "You've got to be kidding me. You with the watch! How much time is left?"
"My name is Vincent and we have about 7 minutes in counting." he told them. They were about 4 stories in the air. They thought for a while when Lee saw Roy taking off his bandanna his black shirt which turned out to be a long sleeve shirt and under was a T-shirt. He quickly taped the holes shut.
"What are you doing?" Lee asked. Blaze jumped on Roy's back and Roy jumped right off the castle. Blaze breathed into Roy's shirt which turned out that his breath was like hot air cause they were slowly falling.
"Time to go!" Dinemo shouted pushing off Lee. Everyone else jumped. After falling for a while, Hori teleported him and Meida safely on the ground. CJ turned into a guinea pig and Vincent shouted his spell "Fokugar" turning CJ into a giant guinea pig. The guinea pig quickly caught Roll and Angelo.
"Thank you for flying air CJ. Remember, stay on the mamodo or die." Vincent joked. Kerouji and Alice were riding a giant lily pad on the lake. CJ quickly pounded on the ground turning into a smaller guinea pig who was unconscious. Angelo quickly picked him up and started to heal him (no, it's not her spell, it's a natural power) for some reason, she was blushing.
"Where's Dinemo and Lee?" asked Roll looking up and saw a pile of sand and-BAM-the duo landed on the sand.
"At least we're still alive?" Lee asked looking at Dinemo who was looking ticked off. "What?"
"This was you're plan?" Dinemo asked.
"This was the best I could think of."
To BAD! YOUR IDEAS SUCK!" And so they continued until they saw an explosion in the air. The teams found hotel rooms to sleep the night. Tomorrow, they leave.
* * *
**It looks like they live to fight another day.**
17. The road back home
**Last time, it was a battle against the clock as the Mamodo teams had to get out of an exploding rocket. Even though that time wasn't on there side, it was good enough t mak it out alive! Now, there going home or wherever they will go.
* * *
The next day, Lee woke up to see Dinemo already dressed and still sleeping. Lee got dressed really fast and grabbed some sandwiches. He grabbed Dinemo and left because it was 9:24 and their plane leaves at 10:00. They got there at 9:45 to s that the others beat him there. "So...Vincent, Roy, Meida, you guys going back to Tokyo?" Lee asked trying to start a conversation.
"Actually, I'm going to Australia to burn more books." Roy said with a grim look on his face. Everyone stepped back.
"I plan on sticking round for a while." Vincent admitted.
"I'm going to America in New York to meet a friend of mine." Meida told them. Dinemo was staring down at Blaze who stared back. Hori was just standing back not wanting any part of this. CJ was talking to Anglo who was being waited on by Roll because they had to get to Florida with Alice and Kerouji.
"See ya Angelo." CJ told her. As Angelo was walking she ran back at kissed CJ on the cheek and ran after Roll. Nobody saw so CJ let it go. "Yo Vincent, where to?"
"I think we should go to the lake." He told him. Soon enough, Lee and Dinemo were on there plane.
"I'm glad were getting out of here! I hate this country!" Dinemo complained which no body cared for. He started rambling on and on about how horrible the country was soon enough Lee fell asleep only to awaken by the sound of something crashing into metal.
"THIS IS A ROBBERY!" yelled a guy with an unbuttoned purple jacket and pants, red hair, and a gold necklace. What caught Lee's and Dinemo's attention was that he had a clear colored spell book. The mamodo was wearing a yellow cloak and camouflage shorts. He looked poor and had curly black hair and was covered with scratches. "Everyone give me whatever yous gots!" with a Brooklyn accent. Dinemo quickly stood up and was going to run at them but Lee grabbed him.
"What are you doing?" he asked ticked off.
"We cast a spell here, we'll crash the plane and kill everyone!" Lee told him when suddenly "PYREEO!" yelled the guy in the suit and the mamodo shot a ball of fire aiming at Lee's book, but he quickly dropped to the floor.
"Weves got here a mamodo." the guy said looking at Dinemo.
"Who are you, and why rob a plane?" Lee asked.
"I'm Kye and the mamodo is Lyon." he said pointing at the kid who looked scared. He was looking at Dinemo for some reason who looked back. "I'm robbing because I can with this kid's power. And you cannot stop us." Dinemo was mad. NO Like REAL MAD! The emerald book started to glow bright and Lee grabbed it to see another spell. "Time to end this, PYREEO!" he chanted, but instead of a fire ball, Lyon shot out big ball of pure energy and shot it, completely missing Dinemo and Lee and it hit the wing of the plane. "HOW COULD YOU MISS?" the man yelled. After a while a falling, Lee and Dinemo jumped out of the plane and were falling fast.
"MUPRO!" yelled Lee for the same ball of mud spell and they collided to the ground, shattering the spell. They looked around only to be serounded by trees and muck.
"We must of fallen in a swamp." Lee deducted.
* * *
**And it begins...**
18. Past
**Last time, Lee and Dinemo were heading home, unfortunately a mamodo Lyon and his book owner**** Kye**** took charge. Dinemo probably knows this person, but lets see.
* * *
**Lee and Dinemo were walking down the swamp as Dinemo had an expression on his face. Lee felt the tension and decided to ask "Did you know that mamodo?" which made he even more tense.
"Yes you see...
* * *
_Flash back and Dinemo's pov_
Back in the mamodo world, we had a kind king named Zatch. He tried to ban the mamodo battles. Only 2 had a vote to ban it with his own: Kanchome, one of his closest friends, and Tia, his fiance. Soon, more people soon voted for the battles to be over, but as soon as King Zatch was going to sign the bill to end it something happened. The next morning Tia went into his room to see him dead on the floor and the bill burnt. And since Zeno, the twin brother of the king, was the only living relative he was the only one to become king. After that, it was chaos. Soon, mamodo stated making gangs for it was everyman for himself. I was usually jumped cause no one was a match for me in a 1 on 1 fight. The only 1 who helped and was an actual comrade was Lyon. But when it was time for the battle and before it met you, I looked and saw Lyon and worse of a shape than before and his bookkeeper didn't care. He thought I was just a kid and he treated my friend like a slave. I wanted to kill him, but I didn't have a bookkeeper and could force my friend to fight. I couldn't allow that. And that was the last I saw him until now.
_End flashback and Pov_
* * *
Lee was shocked at what he heard and as soon as he was going to say something, Dinemo grabbed him by the shirt collar. "If you tell anyone that or I'm a sap, I will gut you like a fish!" he threatened when he heard something. When they turned around they saw a giant alligator that could walk. "Time to for diner!" Dinemo shouted jumping at the gator who swatted him back with his tail. Dinemo jumped back again and was going to bite him until he ducked and he hit a tree. "LEE CAST A SPELL ALREADY!"
"He's not trying to hurt us!" Lee told him.
"How can you be sure?" Dinemo asked him.
"He's not fighting back!" Lee snapped and they were staring down at each other.
"You guys fight more than anyone I battled." the gator told them. "I mean you no harm, but I require your help!"
"Who are you?" Lee asked trying to keep Dinemo away.
"I am Gakote and my bookkeeper needs your help in taking down a mamodo team not far from here." Gakote told them.
"Who are they?" Dinemo asked.
"People called Lyon and Kye." he told them making Dinemo twitch in rage.
* * *
**This will be good.**
19. Battle in muck
**Last time, Lee found out part of Dinemo's past. Unfortunately, it wasn't pleasant. Now Dinemo and Lee must take down Kye and Lyon.
* * *
**"So Gakote," Lee started with the giant alligator, "why aren't you fighting with your bookkeeper?"
"Because, Kye and Lyon are a powerful team! He thought we should find another team to take them down." Gakote told them. Dinemo didn't say anything. But he had to suck it up like Lee did! He wasn't going to let this stop him. Then Gakote stopped. "DAKOTE! Are you here!" he roared as a boy with red hair, and freckles came wearing a white shirt and jeans.
"Your his bookkeeper?" Lee asked .
"Yup." was all Lucas said when a ball of ice flew right between them. "Who shot that?" asked Lucas angrily as Kye and Lyon came.
"Yous guys really know how to show up when I don't wants you huh?" Kye asked pointing at Lee and Dinemo.
"Lets see you win aa 2 on 4 fight." Gakote told him.
"Lets just talk this out. Like this: PYREEO!" yelled Kye for Lyon to shoot out a ball made of steel coming straight for them.
"DOGURASHIELD!" Lucas yelled fast as a shield got completely around Gakote protecting him.
"You better get a new spell! STOSEAR!" yelled Lee casting the spell giving Dinemo 2 long spears. Dinemo charged at Kye ignoring Lyon completely.
"Kiss fire!" Kye yelled, "BURPYREE!" he shouted and Lyon created a giant rocket shaped spear and shot it right at Dinemo and it went like a rocket as it was coming for him. Dinemo quickly shot his spear down with enough force to pull vault him over the flaming rocket. Dinemo was in the air and was going to land on Kye. "BURPYREE!" he chanted the 2nd time for the blazing rocket which collided with Dinemo shooting him back. "HA HA HA!" Kye laughed, "That puny spell didn't-" before he could finish a dark energy ball collided with him. "Where d that come from?!" he yelled getting back up.
"Us." Dakote said from the side where Kye was hit. "That's our spell."
"Well, here's mine! AQUALPYEE!" he chanted and a giant tidal wave spouted out of the marsh as it was going to crush all of them.
"A defense spell won't be strong enough!" Lee informed them before noticing Dinemo was running toward it.
"LEE! Fire the 4th spell!" Dinemo ordered. As much as Lee was ticked off, he new that was the strongest spell they had. And he chanted "DRANAKE!" for Dinemo's giant snake to appear crashing off the surface of the wave destroying the spell and causing them to fall.
"Let's end this! GANZU DOGURAK!" chanted Dakote and Gakote fired many smaller energy spheres hitting both Kye and Lyon as the book caught ablaze.
"NO!" cried Kye, " MY GRAVY TRAIN IS OVER!" he cried and as soon as soon as he started to cry again Lyon punched him dead in the mouth.
"You have no idea how long I wanted to do that." Lyon said before completely fading away. Dinemo just kicked at the ashes of he book.
"SO, when the hell are we getting out of here?" Dinemo asked as they started walking through the swamp.
20. Final Battlefor now
**Sorry its bee awhile since a wrote more to this story. So this is after the whole battle from the last chapter.
* * *
**Lee and Dinemo arched out of the swamp with Dakote and Gakote for they knew the way out. They were all happy that they deafeted another mamodo but Lee felt sorry for Dinemo as he had to battle with such a close friend. Dinemo wasn't showing it trying to still look tough as usual.
"Finally, the airport!" Lee shouted as they finally got out of the swamp. Lee ad Dinemo got the soonest flight home and slept through it. As they got off though they saw the familiar team Blaze and Roy. "What are you doing here?!?!" Lee asked him.
"Simple: since our 1st battle was interrupted, we want to have another." Roy told him remaining calm.
"We accept." Dineom told them staring at Blaze with anger. Blaze stared back. The 2 teas went to the park because it was Sunday and nobody came on Sundays. They both stood in ready positions waiting for the first to strike when suddenly Blaze and Dinemo charged at the other. Blaze quickly jumped over Dinemo and jumped off his back before he could counter causing him to fall into the grass.
"Is that your best shot?" Blaze asked him not at all worried.
"Nope! SANTROO!" Lee yelled for Dinemo to create a giant sandstorm. This time, it was more powerful. When it cleared, Blaze's book was in the air. "Now, GET IT!" Lee shouted ad Dinemo jumped for it as Roy chuckled.
"LAVABLO!" Roy shouted and Blaze fired a blast of lava from his mouth knocking Dinemo into tree. When the book fell, Roy caught it. Lee and Dinemo were in deep shock.
"You can cast spells without holding the book?" Dinemo asked.
"I memorized every spell i the book. As long as the book is near by, I can cast spells without it." Roy explained. "Now to END THIS! BURDRAGON!" he chanted as Blaze transformed into his fire dragon. The giant dragon of fire raced toward Dinemo and Lee.
"As they say: fight Fire with ROCK!" Lee yelled.
"Who says that?" Dinemo asked ticked off by what Lee said.
"Whatever! DRANAKE!" Lee chanted and Dinemo summoned his snake completely made of stone. The stone snake rushed at the dragon of fire creating an explosion with left the entire park covered in boulders and flaming grass. Both the book holders and mamodo were incredible hurt. "Wanna call it a draw?" Lee asked. Roy just nodded his head and walked off with Blaze following all at the same time glaring at Dinemo with him staring back.
"So what do we do now?" Dinemo asked as Lee just shrugged.
* * *
Yes the story is over...for now. I will continue it on a different story. Until then, thanks for reading.
End file.
| Battle of the Ages by Jac Bandit | Zatch Bell |
Now you know what the bunny feels like
Just a little one shot from one of my favorite couples. I apologize for bad grammar. I don't own Zatch Bell or any of its characters. A little bit of sexual tension.
"I don't know why you are acting like this" Said the book keeper of the black book.
The angry mamodo sat morosely on the forest floor, facing away from her. She was starting to get annoyed at his silence, the bastard was actually sulking.
"If anything, I should be the one upset here"
She said louder, making sure to emphasize the "I" That got a little response from him, the tenseness of his right shoulder was the first sign. She was getting somewhere.
"To tell you the truth" she press on "I'm not exactly sure what is actually upsetting you so much"
If she wanted a response, she was gonna have to taunt him. Brago was the most stubborn person she had ever meet. But Sherry had learned, they have been traveling together for almost two years now. She knew how to get a response out of him, what buttons to push. She could safely say, that she knew Brago more than he knew himself.
"I wonder" she said while pulling her wet hair thorough her fingers, braiding the long locks so that it wouldn't tangle. "was it the fact that I was caught by surprised, or that you were not able to sense the mamodo"
"How dare you" He growled, finally turning his face around. Only to turn it back once again, Sherry smirked, -he is so hard on himself, lets see how long he can last-.
"That mamodo was able to hide his presence completely, don't you ever doubt my skills again woman"
So it wasn't that..
"Cowards, attacking the book keepers when they least expect it. And burning the book without having to fight. Only weaklings will do such a thing. I'll be damned if I'm ever defeated that way"
"That is very true. You have to be very pathetic to attack a girl by herself in such compromising position"
She cleaned the dried mud off her knees, wincing at the pain. Great, more scars. As if she didn't had enough already. She will be lucky to find a normal man that would not be bothered by them. But then again, did she really wanted a normal man?
Sure, what had happen was a very unfortunate and embarrassing accident. But she had been in worst predicaments and had deal with injuries more serious than this ones. The only difference this time is how she got them, getting attacked while taking a bath was something she never wanted to repeat. -Wait a minute, could it be 'that'? No way, but then again...-
"I wasn't doubting your abilities Brago, you didn't let me finish". She paused for a moment, thinking of what she will say next. This was a perfect opportunity to break the mamodo's resolve about the nature of their relationship.
"As I was saying, was it the fact that you couldn't sense the mamodo or that you had to see me like that"
This time it was both of his shoulders that tensed up, making his back muscles more prominent. -Oh, that definitely got a bigger response.-
"After all, you are still young"
"the hell you are talking about!!" He screamed and turned to face her.
"I'm just saying, seeing a naked girl must be uncomfortable for you"
He gave her an incredulous look, and was about to turn around when he stopped. He hesitated for a moment and sat again, this time facing her.
"oh, because you are that much older than me" He answered sarcastically.
True, two years wasn't much of a difference, but still...
Dimly she realize what he was trying to do. -So, he wants to act like this is not affecting him- Sherry thought amused. -he hasn't learn his lesson- But two could play this game, and it just so happens that she was much better at it.
Everything is fair in war and love. And Sherry was using every dirty trick that she knew. She may still be a virgin (not out of choice really, if he hadn't chicken out that time that problem would have been solved) but she was far from innocent. TV and trashy romance novels, were enough to teach a person enough about sex.
"you don't have to get so upset, It's understandable that you will be embarrassed. Have you ever seen a naked girl before?"
He didn't answer
"I didn't think so"
Aware that he was still looking her way, she stretched as far as her arms could go.
"My whole body hurts" She said exaggerating "I won't be able to fight in this condition" She was lying, and she knew that he knew.
"At least my jaw is not dislocated" she said while rubbing it "That bastard didn't have to be so rough."
Said bastard was (or more accurately, had been) a book keeper.
By the time she realize that she wasn't alone in the lake, it was to late. In her confusion, the first thing she tried to do was cover herself; giving the man enough opportunity to grab her and cover her mouth. He had given his mamodo the order to find the book. She struggled against her captor to no avail, he was too strong. She watched hopelessly as the little mamodo rummaged her backpack to find the book. And when he turned, triumphantly with the book in his hands. Sherry had never been more terrified in her life. She bit the man's hand hard, and as soon as he lost his hold on her she screamed Brago's name.
Thankfully, the little mamodo froze in place and to Sherry's surprised he actually pass out. Sherry was pretty sure that the younger mamodo knew exactly who she was calling for. Unfortunately for her, she couldn't get away fast enough. The man grabbed her leg, and Sherry came toppling down face first, on the forest floor. She hit the dirt floor hard, her chin getting the brunt of the fall. She had been disoriented for a moment.
The metallic taste of blood in her mouth and the hard feeling of the forest floor on her naked body, brought her mind back to focus. Just in time to see Brago beating the man brutally and the little mamodo huddle some feet away from them, still holding the black book.
"Brago stop, please stop!" She had screamed.
Surprisingly he did.
Sherry knew that Brago would not have any qualms on killing the man. And despite the seriousness of the situation, she couldn't help but feel happy. She hadn't seen him so angry since that time he was threatening Zofis to erase Koko's memories.
And both times it had been for her sake.
He threw his cloak at her and disappear with the unconscious man.
"You didn't kill him did you?" She asked him when he came back.
"Of course I didn't, were is the mamodo?"
"He pass out" Both turned to look at the poor thing still laying unconscious on the forest floor.
"Wow Brago, I knew that you had a bad reputation. But to actually pass out at the mention of your name. That's something else."
He gave her one of his pleased smirks, the ones that really pissed her off.
-Gosh, he was so Conceited-
She got out of the lake and grabbed the towel laying on top of her backpack. "Let's go back to the hotel and call Jii to take us home"
She finished dressing up and started packing her things when she stopped what she was doing. She could feel him staring at her in silence. A heady heavy look.
For some reason she couldn't understand, she was unable to summon the nerve to look behind her. She pretended that nothing was wrong and continued with her packing. Where had all of her bravado gone to? What happen to the cool and composed Sherry? She was the one doing the seducing here! Her thoughts were interrupted when she felt Brago's presence next to her. She got the courage to turn and look at him and she froze.
"yes" he said, in a heavy husky tone. "let's go back" And started walking.
-So this is what the rabbit feels like before it gets eaten by the wolf -
She hurried after him and they both walked back in silence. Sherry knew that come tomorrow, she will be sporting new bruises and scars.
End file.
| Now you know what the bunny feels like by dalilamoon21 | Zatch Bell |
1. Chapter 1
(Zatch wakes up.) "Why do my pants feel wet oh no Kiyo!" Yelled Zatch. "What's wro- oh Zatch you didn't." Said Kiyo "But I didn't do it on purpose it was a accident." Said Zatch. "But yu're stll too old to be wetting the bed."Said Kiyo. "I know I'm sorry." Cried Zatch. "For now just put on your dress put your wet clothes in the hamper cange your sheets and then come downstairs for breafest." Said Kiyo. "It's not a dress it's a cloak!" Screamed Zatch. "Whatever just get ready and then come downstairs."Said Kiyo. (Zatch puts on his cloak puts his wet clothes in te hamper changes his sheets and goes downstairs and sees Kiyo at the stove cooking breakfest and sits down at the table.) "So Kiyo what's for breakfest?" Asked Zatch. "Pancakes with the real maple syrup french toast and to drink we have orange juice." Said Kiyo. "Sweet." Said Zatch (Kiyo put the food on the table and sat down.) "you know if this bed wetting thing happens again yu're going to have to wear a diaper at night." Said Kiyo. (hearing that Zatch spit out part of his pancake.) "No! This was a one time thing I promise." Said Zatch. (There was a knock on the door.) "Come in." Said Kiyo. (Megumi and Tia walked in.) "Hello and goodmorning." Said Megumi. "Hi Zatch what's wrong?" Asked Tia. "Oh he had a little accident in his bed." Said Kiyo. "Oh." Said Tia triing not to laugh and Zatchs cheeks turned red.
Please review
2. Chapter 2
"You know Kiyo that wasn't funny."Said Zatch.
"Really I thougt it was." Said Kiyo smirking
"Yes but it was little harsh."Said Megumi
"You could have been a little nicer."Said Tia agreeing with Megumi.
(Zatch was about to drink is orange jucie but his hands were all slippery from the maple syrup that wen he picked up his glass it slipped out of his hands fell on the floor and the glass broke.)
"Zatch." Said Kiyo anoyed.
"Just get me another glass!" Yelled Zatch.
(Kiyo cleaned up the mess and got Zatch another glass of orange juice.)
"Here you go."Said Kiyo giveing Zatch another glass of orange juice.
(Zatch took a sip and then spit it in Kiyo's face.)
"This has pulp I hate pulp!"Yelled Zatch and he threw the cup at Kiyo.
"Why do you have to be such a brat?"Asked Kiyo
"I'm not a brat."Said Zatch and he walked away.
Review please
3. Chapter 3
**Hey I'm back I can't always write chapters but here is the long awaited chapter 3 enjoy! I don't own Zatch bell or anything related.**
"Ok now Zatch it's time to go to sleep remeber if it happens again we will be going to the store tomarrow." Said Kiyo. "Why would we go to the store?" Asked Zatch. "Where else are we gonna get diapers?" Asked Kiyo. "Oh right. Hey wait why would I have to go with you?" Asked Zatch. "Well I can't leave you alone." Said Kiyo. "Oh ok I see well good night Kiyo." Said Zatch going to sleep. "Good night." Said Kiyo. (Time skip) (Zatch wakes up) "Oh good it's morning oh no it happend again I'll as long as Kiyo doesn't find out." Said Zatch. "Oh but I did I was in your room the whole night looks we will be going to the store today." Said Kiyo. "Please Kiyo don't take me to the store with you." Begged Zatch. "Sorry but I can't leave you here by yourself." Said Kiyo. "Fine I'll come with you." Said Zatch defeated. (They arive at the store and they saw megumi and Tia.) "Hi megumi." Said Kiyo. "Hi." Said megumi. "Hey Kiyo isn't Zatch with you?" Asked Tia. "Yeah he's right (Looks behind him.) what are you hideing for?" Asked Kiyo. "So Tia and I are Shopping fo fresh fruit what brings you two here?" Asked Megumi. "Well we're here to buy diapers for Zatch because of course he had another accident in his bed." Said Kiyo. "Wow Zatch aren't you emberssed?" Asked Tia. "What do you think?" Asked Zatch. (they walked into the store.) "Oh here we go super asorbent." Said Kiyo. (they pay for them and go home.) (Time skip) (Zatch starts to climb into bed.) "Wait Zatch don't forget you have to wear diapers to bed." Said kiyo. (Kiyo puts Zatch on the floor and diapers him and then puts him in bed.)
Review please
4. Chapter 4
Here's chapter 4 I don't own Zatch bell "Now Zatch you may may only have to wear diapers for a week and if that doesn't work it might be something else that is making you wet the bed." said kiyo. "But what could it be?" asked zatch. "it could be anything drinking too much not going to the bathroom before bed anything the week starts tomorrow ok? " asked kiyo. "ok." said zatch. (Zatch wakes up.) "It's monday the start of the horrible week of my life." said Zatch "Oh come on Zatch don't be that way besides It's only at night." said Kiyo. (Zatch's legs stiffin and he gets a weried look on his face.) "Zatch what's wrong are you ok?" asked Kiyo. "I just had a accident."Said Zatch. "What It's not even night time yet I guess you also have to wear diapers in the daytime." said Kiyo. (Kiyo goes upstairs and comes back down with a diaper for zatch.) "Kiyo please no." said Zatch. "Now Zatch this has to be done come here please." said Kiyo. "No I don't want to." said Zatch. "Zatch come here now." said kiyo. (Zatch tries to run but kiyo catches him lays him down and diapers him.) "There now was that so bad? Asked Kiyo. "I don't wanna talk about it said Zatch.
5. Chapter 5
**Here's chapter 5 enjoy!**
"Look Zatch I know yu're emberessed but soon this will be fixed and everyting will fine again." said Kiyo. (There was a knock at the door) "Come in" Said kiyo. (Megumi and tia came in.) "We came to give you both some fresh fruit" said Megumi. (Tia goes runs up to Zatch trips and gets a good look .) "Wow now you also wear diapers in the daytime too?" asked tia. "Tia please be quiet." Said Zatch. "Zatch I think you might be a bit stressed." said Tia. "No i'm not I'm just fine!" screamed Zatch. "Well Zatch it's time for you to go to school anyway. Said Kiyo. "You too Tia now hurry yu'll both be late." said Megumi. (Zatch and Tia both hurry off to school later Zatch is playing with Tia when he stiffens and gets that weried look again.) "Huh Zatch are you ok is somthing wrong?" asked Tia. "Well you see I." said Zatch. "Did you have a accident?" asked Tia. "Yes." said Zatch really emberssed. "Don't worry I'll let the teacher know." said Tia. "No don't." said Zatch. "Why?" asked Tia. "What if he laughs at me?" asked Zatch. "The teacher wouldn't make fun of you." said Tia. "Yeah yu're right go ahead and let him know." said Zatch. (Tia ran up to the teacher and told him everything that just happend.) "Zatch bell could you plaese come up here?" asked the teacher. (Zatch walked up to the teachers desk.) "Yes." said Zatch. "It's a very good thing that Tia just told me what happend because Kiyo sent over the diapers so I guess I have to put one on you." said the teacher. "What not here in front of everyone." said Zatch. "No one is even paying attion." said the teacher. (Zatch looked and saw everyone was busy playing.) "Ok go ahead said zatch. (Just as the tacher started Kenchome turned his head and saw Zatch get diaperd and decided to use it as blackmail.) "There you go."said the teacher. (Zatch ran back over to play with tia.) "All better?" Asked tia. "Yep thanks for all your help." Said Zatch. "No prolem." Said Tia.
6. Chapter 6
**Here's chapter 6 enjoy!**
"Hey Zatch come here would ya?" Asked Kenchome. (Zatch walks over.) "What do you want?" Asked Zatch. "would you please play with me?" asked Kenchome. "Oh well i'm sorry i'm already playing with Tia." Said Zatch. "Man I would be emberssed if I also wore diapers. Said Kenchome. "How did you find out!?" Asked Zatch. "I saw everything." Said Kenchome. "Ok what do I have to do?" Asked Zatch. "Well your very smart anyway you have to play with me everyday and do whatever I want and don't worry Tia can join us too." Said Kenchome. "Hey Tia why don't you come over here to play with me and Kenchome." Said Zatch. "Um ok sure." Said Tia. (of couse she was confused she didn't know what was going on.) (time skip) Ok everyone get ready time to go home." said the teacher. "Come on Zatch let's walk home together." Said Tia. "Ok." Said Zatch. (Zatch and Tia leave ) (Folgore comes in.) "I am here to pick you Kenchome." Said Folgore. (Kenchome ran up to him.) "Hi Folgore." Said Kenchome. "Did you have a good day?" Asked Folgore. "I sure did." Said Kenchome. (Back to Zatch and Tia.) "So Zatch why did we play with stupid Kenchome?" Asked Tia. "Because he found out so now he knows and he's going to use it as blackmail." Said Zatch. "That Kenchome is so gonna get it tomarrow." Said Tia. (Time skip) "Kenchome!" Screamed Tia. "Huh what?" Asked Kenchome. "You are such a jerk." Said Tia. "Well if you don't be nice to me I will tell everyone you like him." Said Kenchome. "Fine." Said Tia.
7. Chapter 7
THIS IS MY LAST CHAPTER ENJOY! (zatch wakes up and sees kiyo standing in his room smiling ) "good morning kiyo what are you smiling about?" asked zatch. "well your all better you don't need too wear diapers anymore." said kiyo. "really?" asked zatch. "yep." said kiyo. "hooray!" cheered zatch. "ok hurry up tia is downstairs waiting for you." said kiyo (zatch walks downstairs ) "hey tia guess what." said zatch. "what?" asked tia. "i'm all better." said zatch. "that's fantastic now let's go to school." said tia. (zatch and tia arrive at school ) "hey zatch there's something i want you to do." said kenchome. "i don't have to listen to you anymore i'm all better now." said zatch. "that's gotta be impossible." said kenchome. "nope it's true." said tia. "aw man." said kenchome. (zatch and tia both slap eachother a highfive) "thanks so much for everything tia." said zatch. "anytime." said tia the end should i do another fanfiction? read and review
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| Reamke of Zatch's accident's by Chase's girl1 | Zatch Bell |
Good Enough
**NOTE: Just to keep you entertained while I work on "Ineffectual," here's a BragoSherry one-shot!**
**The song is "Good Enough" by Evanescence, from their newest album, _The Open Door_. I'm writing the lyrics by memory, so don't sue me if I mess them up a bit.**
**I don't own Konjiki no Gash Bell/Zatch Bell or this song. -sniffles- Those privileges belong to Makoto Raiku and Evanescence.**
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**Good Enough**
_Under your spell again_
_I can't say no to you_
_Crave my heart and its bleeding in your hand_
_I can't say no to you_
The demon wasn't a prince charming (in fact, he was the opposite), and had almost no redeeming qualities, but she still loved him.
Sherry Belmond, the millionaire's daughter, had fallen hard for none other than Brago of the Makai. It wasn't a fairytale love, or a dramatic, head-over-heels love...
It was simply, love.
_Shouldn't have let you torture me so sweetly_
_Now I can't let go of this dream_
_I can't breathe but I feel_
The girl looked up at the mamono who had said her name, and blinked a few times before responding. "Yes?"
"We need to get going."
That was all he said before turning away, pulling his shirt and cape on. Sherry sighed, rubbing her eyes and sitting up on the rocky ground. All around was the same scenery she had been seeing for days- trees, shrubs, and dirt.
"Home sweet home," she grumbled before picking up the black book from its place at her side. "We haven't had any battles in at four days. Are you sure there are any enemies out here?"
The demon stood, shoving his fists deep into the pockets they usually resided in. "I can sense them; they're close."
"Mm." Following suit, the girl stayed a few paces behind him as they made their way through the forest, and it was noon before Brago spoke.
"The enemy must have felt our presence as well, for I can no longer tell if they're here." He smirked. "I'm sure they were just trying to avoid battling with me."
"I'm sure that's exactly it," Sherry grumbled, "but what matters to us isn't some pathetic team." _Koko and Zophise._
_Good enough_
_I feel good enough for you_
The manipulation of her friend Koko's heart was what caused her to meet Brago in the first place; he had saved her just in time, preventing an attack from Koko's mamono, Zophise.
Sherry strove to reclaim her friend, and make Brago the King as well. Most would have forgotten their friend, but then again, most were obsessed with one thing- power.
_Drink up sweet decadence_
_I can't say no to you_
_And I've completely lost myself_
_And I don't mind_
_I can't say no to you_
"Brago..." Sherry suddenly stopped in her tracks, balancing herself against a nearby tree.
"Sherry?" The demon turned around, watching intently as she fell to her knees, running a hand across her forehead. "Are you-"
"I'm fine," she murmured, but didn't make a move to stand or say anything else. He kneeled beside her, mind buzzing with questions. _Why is she down like this all of a sudden? Is she sick again? We can't afford to lose a battle now, not so far into the duel..._ "I'm... fine," she repeated, but more like she was trying to convince _herself_, not Brago.
"No, you're not," he rasped, and turned to where his back was facing her. She knew what he was offering to do, and hesitantly draped her arms around his neck; he grabbed her thighs and hoisted her up on his back. A tug occurred in his chest at the feeling of her body so closely pressed against his, and how he could feel her hot breath against the back of his neck and cheek. He never wanted to accept the fact that he had slowly became attracted to her, though he couldn't deny it. And from what he could tell, she felt the same.
"You shouldn't have to do this," she whispered, yet he was quick to shake his head.
"What matters right now is that you still have a little energy, if we were to run into an enemy," he replied. "Besides, you don't weigh anything."
"I... Still feel bad."
_Shouldn't have let you conquer me completely_
_Now I can't let go of this dream_
_Can't believe that I feel_
_Good enough_
_I feel good enough for you_
It was nighttime when the team stopped, and Brago placed Sherry down on the soft, grass-covered ground. There was no longer a trail in the forest, but the trees had spread out and would now be considered grassland. "We'll stop here," he commented, and the girl nodded.
"I'm sorry," she murmured, but he gave a stiff 'hush.'
"Don't be."
"No, Brago... I'm just a weakling; a failure-"
"Shut up," he growled, turning to her and catching her cerulean eyes with his own. "You're _not_ a failure and you're _not_ weak. Stop lying."
Sherry blinked, her mouth hanging slightly open. _He's definitely changed since we first met..._ "Brago..."
She said his name often, mainly because she liked the way it sounded when she said it.
Brago, though he would never admit it, liked it as well.
"You've saved me, so many times..." Sherry continued, moving forward and keeping their eyes locked. "There's got to be a way I can repay you..."
He shook his head gruffly.
"I _want_ to repay you."
"I don't need it, Sherry. I've already told you, what matters is you keep at least a small amount of energy so we can stay in the battle. If you overwork yourself, it could be the end for us."
_For us._
The words echoed through each of their minds, Brago wondering why he said 'us' instead of 'me,' and Sherry musing about the possibilities of what 'us' might mean.
Finally, her mind decided on a course of action, and she knew that this would be the opportune moment to carry it out. "Brago," she whispered, placing a hand on his shoulder- bare, as the fur was sitting beside her where it had fallen off of her body. "You have come a long way since our first encounter, and I'm sure you can see the change as well- even if you don't want to confess it." Removing her hand, she scooted over to where her body was almost pressing against his, and then summoned up all the courage inside of her. "And honestly... I love it." She placed a chaste kiss upon his lips, lasting no more than a second. Then, she whispered, "I love _you_."
This time, it was he who captured her in a kiss, taking her by surprise. This action could define several different things, one of which stood out greatly in her mind. "I love you," she repeated against his lips, and he wrapped an arm around her waist in response.
_And I'm still waiting for the rain to fall_
_Pour real life down on me_
_'Cause I can't hold on to anything this good enough_
_Am I good enough_
_For you to love me too?_
"Sherry." Each pulled away from the embrace, Brago the first to speak. He said no more than her name, but she smiled nonetheless. She had suspected for a long time that he returned her feelings, and finally, her suspicions were confirmed...
And though he never verbally said "I love you," the sound of her name was just the same...
That was good enough for her.
_So take care what you ask of me_
_'Cause I can't say no_
* * *
**NOTE: That was fun! **
**Reviews welcome, of course. You review my stories, I'll review yours!**
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| Good Enough by EtherealSinger | Zatch Bell |
Valentine's Day
Hi just a random fic I did.
Disclaimer: I own absolutely nothing here.
It was Valentine's Day in the city of Mochinoki and Zatch was staring at a huge yellowtail wrapped in pink ribbon.
"Hey Zatch what's that" Kiyo asked.
"I don't know someone left it on our porch' Zatch replied.
"Hey there's a card here it says: Dear, Zatch I really really like you and I gave you this yellowtail to show how much I like you. Happy Valentine's Day. Signed Anonymous." Kiyo read.
"Kiyo what is Valentine's Day?"
"Its basically a day where people give chocolates and other gifts to friends, family, or people who they really like"
Just then the doorbell rang.
"I'll get it" Kiyo said.
Although when he opened the door there was no one there, only a basket of fruits with Kiyo's face drawn all over them tied with pink ribbon.
'I think its pretty obvious who sent this' Kiyo thought.
Somewhere in the Mochinoki auditorium, Megumi was getting ready for her Valentine's Day concert.
"How do I look Tia" Megumi asked. She was wearing a pink dress decorated with red hearts.
"I think you look great Megumi" Tia replied.
"Thanks Tia"
"Excuse me ladies but there's a package for Miss Tia" One of Megumi's stage people called knocking on the door.
"Oh who is it from" Megumi questioned opening the door.
"I never got his name but a little boy with blond hair came up and told me to give this to your friend Tia" the stage person replied.
"Did he have a teenager with black hair with him" Tia asked.
"No he did have someone with him but it was a man with blond hair as well around his late twenties or early thirties'
"Did he have a bunch of women following him?"
"No the two just gave me this and left"
Tia toke the package, which was a silver box tied with pink ribbon, and opened it.
"Its an assortment of chocolates! And there's a note here" Tia exclaimed.
"Does it say who the chocolates are from?" Megumi asked.
"No it just says: Have a great Valentine's Day. Signed Anonymous." Tia replied.
Outside in the parking lot the man and boy who had given Tia the chocolates were getting into a car.
"Honestly, I don't see why you gave chocolates to her!" the man said starting the car.
"I have my reasons" the boy replied smiling to himself.
In a hotel somewhere Sherry, and Brago were getting ready to leave.
"I don't understand why you humans celebrate such stupid holidays" Brago said.
"This is a time when people show how much they care about each other, besides Brago you might even gat a Valentine's yourself" Sherry replied smiling a little bit.
As Brago walked into his room to get his suitcase he spotted something on his bed. It was a card with a candy heart. The card said: Dear, Brago This is from me to you. From Sherry.
Brago popped the candy heart into his mouth, opened his suitcase, put his card in, closed it, and went out to meet Sherry.
The End
Done next I might do Christmas. Oh and if your wondering why Folgore, and Kanchome aren't in here it was ,because I didn't know what to write for them in this fic. Oh and try guessing who sent Zatch the Yellowtail, Kiyo the fruits (though I think everyone already knows), and Tia the chocolates. Bye.
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| Valentine's Day by Hyper Buddies In Crime | Zatch Bell |
At The Concert
At The Concert
A Megumi/Kiyomaro fic
Based in episode 58 at Megumi's concert
At The Concert...
"Before i start to sing the first song i have to tell you something. I'm gonna take a break of two weeks"
The people in their seats put surprising faces
"What, Why she will take a break for two weeks?" the people said in their minds
"But don't worry about me, please i ask you one thing, to believe in me please. I Want you to believe in me"
She looked into Kiyomaro's eyes and Kiyomaro blushed and thought deep into himself
"You look so beautiful there"
She looked to the whole crowd and she saw the students of her school, she excited and started to cry of joy
And she started to sing
The concert has been one of the bests concerts she gave and everyone was amazed of her performance, her vocals were amazing and her dancing too. Kiyomaro, Zatch and Tio were also impressed. Kiyomaro had been all the concert thinking about her and with his face red and blushing a lot, he liked her much but he was a little shy to tell her. he had a beautiful thought of he and Megumi together when Megumi at the end of the concert told to him in a low voice:
"Kiyomaro-Kun can you please go to my dressing room and wait there for me please? i need it, the bodyguards and the stuff will allow you to pass and Tio and Zatch will be playing in the park so we can be alone and talk patiently"
Kiyomaro went nervous and blushing a little
"O-Ok Megumi-San"
he got up of his seat and went inmediatly to her dressing room. Like she said to him, nothing have stopped him to enter in her room he was looking to all of her posters hung through the all the walls she looked flawless and very beautifully, he thought when they met her and Tio, he never thought that she would be caring,honest, stronger kind and a very good person, that's why he fell in love with her and now she was going to help him and Zatch to find and beat Milordo-Z.
Still At The Concert...
"Thank You Soo much for your love and care, You're amazing and incredible, I Love You All!
When Megumi finish the concert she went to her dressing room because Kiyomaro was waiting for her
"Zatch c'mon let's go to the park"
"Well Okay , but hey where's Kiyomaro?"
"Well he has gone to Megumi's dressing room because Megumi wanted to say something to him"
"Oooh, mmmm i think Megumi is planning something, i don't know something that you don't know Tio"
"Well i agree with you, and i don't know if you have noticed Zatch, but Kiyomaro in these days have acted a little rare towards Megumi, you know when he's with her he's a little red"
"Mmmmm Tio i don't know and we will know soon why he act like that, well now let's go"
"Right, Zatch" and they went to the park
In The Dressing Room ...
Megumi have entered to her room and caught Kiyomaro watching her posters where she was wearing a bikini"
"Mmmm, Amazing No?"
Kiyomaro Jumped out of the blue and turned to see her
"Ooh Megumi you haven't delayed much, well mmm what do you want to talk about?"
"I Have to tell you some important things, Kiyomaro-Kun"
"Y-y-yeah G-g-o ahead"
"First of all, I Have never told you how much greatful i am the day you and Zatch saved us and the concert"
"Hehehehe, Megumi-San don't worry about it you don't have to be thankfully for that we just did it because we don't want innocent people to be implicated in this battle for the Mamodo King because this isn't their battle"
He went more and more red because she was approximated to him
"Well that's a very courage and sweet act, and you're the most brave and good guy i have ever met"
she was getting more closer to him and Kiyomaro thought about how much he wanted to jump and told her how much he loved her and kissed her
"We have now to find Milordo-Z and saving all these human people that they have make to be their bookeepers for these mamodo of 1000 years ago, and you know that you guys aren't alone, together we will do it "
She was more and more closer until she was now a few inches further of Kiyomar's face, Kiyomaro couldn't move he was only thinking.
"And the last thing i wanted to tell you is that you're the only guy i know who cares about what i am and not only because i'm popular and famous. You treat me like a normal girl and..."
Kiyomaro couldn't resist it anymore and in the moment she stopped he grab her waist and leading his head to kiss her, their lips touched, she gave into his kiss and put her arms around his neck and kissing him more intense.
'You have read my mind, and you make me my wish come true, all i want is to be with you and love you, and i know you will do it because you love me'
'I Couldn't resist it, Megumi-San, I love you, you make me happy, and now you're making me more happy, i never thought that i will be in love one day but look now, I love you and i will do everything for not stopped this love between us'
They went more Passionate and when he was about to kiss her neck when someone knocked at the door, they broke their kiss.
"We are Tio And Zatch, Have you finish? if you haven't we wanna know when you will finish?"
"Megumi And I have finish Tio and i'm going to went with you guys because Megumi have to change her clothes"
"Well they have interrupt us and i have to go with them, We will be waiting for you in the park, Okay?"
"Okay... mmm WAIT Kiyomaro, please Wait A moment"
Kiyomaro stopped and Megumi gave him a quick kiss
"I Love You"
Kiyomaro smiled and left the room and then the backstage of the concert with Tio and Zatch to the park. He was now happier and a little stronger than before, she gave him what he want because they have meant to be together and they will always be together.
End file.
| At The Concert by Dark Angel K | Zatch Bell |
Zatch's Journey
Danny watched Zatch gobble down yellowtail like there was no tomorrow.
He stared at him scarf down sushi like it was his last meal.
"How can you eat all that fish"? Asked Danny.
"I'm just really hungry" replied Zatch as he gulped down his water. "More please" Zatch called out to the cook. "This kid is going to make me go bankrupt" Danny thought to him self as he watched Zatch scarf down more fish.
"I'm sorry you had to pay for all that" Zatch said to Danny with his amber eyes gleaming in the sun.
"Uh its ok kid" Danny said rubbing the back of his head and smiling.
Zatch had liked Danny since the day he met him. He was always in a good mood and relaxed.
"What you want do now"? Asked Danny. "How bout we just walk around some more" Zatch replied.
"Works with me" Danny said back. They continued walking down the stone path watching the leaves blow in the wind. They later came to a wide blue river that was flowing rapidly. Zatch threw his mantle off and ran to the water. "Hold it kid" Danny said as he grabbed Zatch's shoulder. "Why' did you stop me I was going to make the biggest cannon ball in history"! "Look twice at the river little dude" Zatch glanced at the river. "What about it"?
"Do you not see how fast it's moving you idiot"! Danny yelled.
"It looks fine to me I'm going in". Before Danny could say anything Zatch was already in the water. "See Danny there's nothing wrong-
"Cramp"! Zatch clutched his stomach in pain. Zatch was suddenly under water twisting and turning unable to move. He watched the surface of the water go black as he kept sinking downward.
Zatch heard the fast flowing of the river that nearly killed him and the sound of a familiar voice.
He opened his eyes but didn't know where he was. He stood up and stared at the vast mountains around him.
He looked up at the bright blue sky and down at the soft green grass. "Hello is any one there?" Zatch called out. There was no answer. He kept walking through the grass passing the mountains as he went. Zach heard a bird call his name. He then noticed a large white feathered bird with dark purple eyes glare at him.
Zatch looked up at the bird with wonderment. "Did the bird want him to fallow it" Zatch thought to himself. The bird gave out a long chirp and started flying towards the mountains. Zatch stared at the bird as he ran to keep up. He noticed the bird was flying up a steep rocky mountain path. He gazed at the tall green pine trees as he trudged up the rocky mountain path. He saw a bright light as he continued up the path. The bird stopped flying and saw it land on some sort of huge cliff.
Zatch then saw a message written in the cliff:_** Friendship and love are two of the most important things. Some times a friend is all we need, sometimes a friend is the only way we can solve a problem. Sometimes love causes pain but is the thing we need the most. Medicine heals the body, therapy heals the mind, but love heals the soul. Don't live, prosper. Don't forgive, but forget, cherish everything you have and you will be happy. Love everyone around you like you want to be loved. Remember friendship is the greatest gift. Cherish it, cherish it with all your heart.**_
Zatch then saw the light again. But the light kept growing and getting and getting brighter every second. The light suddenly swallowed him and made everything go black.
Zatch coughed up water and opened his eyes. He saw Danny looking at him. "Look who finally woke up" Danny said with a cheerful smile. Zatch just realized who the bird was. The white feathers represented Danny's tall white hair. The eyes represented his deep purple eyes. That message in the rock was right. Sometimes a friend is the only we can solve our problems. Zatch felt Danny put his arm around him. "Hey kid you ok"? Danny asked. "I'm better then fine, I've been enlightened".
End file.
| Zatch's Journey by retro493 | Zatch Bell |
Cherished Silence
**A/n: Iknow this is one strange and weird pairing, but hey yesterday was Holloween and everyone still enjoys scare the day after....Or not. I don't own Zatch Bell.**
He doesn't know how he ended up at the younger teen's dwelling, he doesn't know why he is let in, he doesn't know why he uses the love meant for his human-on this other mamodo. The Gravity mamodo knows the older boy's reasons for doing this are the same as his own for allowing it-loneliness and the hormones of growing up swelling in both of them. The gray teenager doesn't care whether or not he hurts the older male's feelings by not making love to him feel warm and welcome to sleep with him; no he rather be violent, animalistic and straightforward-it was just another fucking to both of them. Throwing each other into walls, destroying clothing, inflicting wounds and bruises on one anothers' skin and not curling up to his part-time mate afterwards. He didn't care. Neither did the Martial-artist for that matter. They both were just alone and in need of realize of raw emotion.
Now as they growl, stalk and shove each other in violent foreplay, they do not care for the world around them-or if rumors spread by the mouths of any traumatized bystander walking passed the younger mamodo's home. They want to be satisfied with themselves, they want to show who is the better warrior. Sex is a test of strength for them. So they try to see who is strong enough to dominate the other; for they are Gladiators in their clouded minds.
Then the bulkier, but shorter, young man locks his arms with the leaner and tries to throw him down to the stone floor. But the light-skinned mamodo will not be put down so easy; he fights the attempt and foils it when he sweeps his leg to trip the younger adolescent, once his "opponent" is on the ground, he pins him roughly and long enough to rip away his bottoms and hungrily graze the skin of his neck with his teeth. Having gravity on his side, the pinned boy sends a blast of his element to knock the boy feverishly biting and sucking on his neck, off and throw him up against the brick wall. The Kung-fu master uncharacteristically snarls when the younger removes the rest of his gi and is left with his sweaty, bare skin, then struggles when he feels the other boy's sharp, fang-like jaws going from his throat to chest.
"Damn it Brago!" The older mamodo bellows when he his harshly bitten on the throat for trying to get away.
Then, with more beads of sweat rolling down his forehead from the struggle, he pushes the boy away and drives him into the corner. He pins him again and does something to throw his more aggressive, not-so-much-love, lover off. Something he had never done before. He tastes the boy's lips.
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When all is done, when their battle has claimed a winner, when they are lying two-feet apart from each other and all they do is think of the ones they really love and how neither of them shall know of their dark affair. Yet again, it is Wonrei's victor and gets the satisfaction of being stronger that night-but he doesn't feel satisfied or proud. He feels that he is unfaithful to the one he loves, he feels empty and cold; the way he always does after being with Brago. Brago knows it also, by the way Wonrei does not try to hold him after, like the way he said he did with his human girl-by the way he does not lay close and by the way silent tears roll down his cheek.
You'd think that Brago would not care for the older boy's feelings or feel gulit for helping him be unfaithful. But you'd be wrong; he cares for his feelings and he himself feels guilt for heavying Wonrei's gulit. Wonrei knows it too. But both men are naturally just too silent to say so.
The late evening they had started in had gone, the night and mid-morning they used making shameful love in; had came to an end. Then they just lie there in silence until Wonrei can find strength to leave and Brago can move to clean himself. Wonrei was crying quietly with his paper-white back side to Brago, who laid was facing him. Silently the gravity mamodo moved close to the sobbing boy and pressed his ice-cold brow to his, surprisingly, warm shoulder blade. Wonrei's breath hitches when he feels cold arms holding his torso and tracing his toned abdomen, slowly he relaxes in the embrace and looks over his shoulder to see Brago's expressionless face; eyes lidded and lips pressed in a tight line. Slowly the older man closed his eyes again and took the kind physical affection as a way the younger mamodo was telling him; _It's okay._
Their relationship was merely violent "bed-buddies"; that would evolve to friends when Zatch Bell allows the mamodo back into the human-world. Their sexual identities were confused only by depression; but would be clear once back with their humans And the quiet silence they were sharing at that moment, it was something they both would cherish for as long as they lived.
**A/n: No flamers and if you don't have anything nice to say, do not say it at all.**
End file.
| Cherished Silence by Random Coupler | Zatch Bell |
Never Mending
_...o.o I get ideas from the strangest things. This one happened to come from me getting worked up over something i was typing in my profile again. XD Awkward._
_;-; Some of the pairings in this section are really beginning to _**scare**_ me. I just thought i'd say that._
_Disclaimer: I own nothing of Konjiki no Gash Bell, only a genius like Makoto Raiku could have come up with it._
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**Never Mending**
As an infant, Kiyomaro learned fast. That was the first sign of him being a genius. His mother and father never knew what it was that helped him learn, but he did, and his knowledge was higher than others when he became a toddler, having more common sense and asking questions that a small child would have brought up.
He was always the strategist when it came to group games as a child, always being relied on to figure out how to make his team win and the other lose. Kiyomaro liked the attention; it gave him a special feeling inside when the others looked up to him.
Growing older, children began to see his intelligence and grew jealous. Whilst everyone had average grades, along with a few higher ones, Kiyomaro blew the class away, never getting anything lower than a 96 on a test. The child became cockier with his intellect and his peers disliked both the high scores and his thoughts. Friends began to turn away.
Soon Kiyomaro was left alone. Smiles were seen less and less from the boy and an upset, angry aura followed him around everywhere. Kiyomaro asked why the others never talked to him anymore when he could, but he always received the same replies.
"You're too perfect," they would tell him and walk off. Others would ignore the now teenager and would act as if he were never there. Upon seeing the same reactions over and over again, Kiyomaro began to believe that it wasn't him, but the others. He began to despise stupidity and cheerfulness, and would always snap at others when they did try to talk.
"It's your own damn faults," he would say as he briskly turned his back. There was no such thing as perfection, he would remind himself. There never was. So why he was treated this way he never knew. Perhaps it was because he was an anomaly in that world, he didn't belong if everyone was so clueless and had no common sense. Kiyomaro believed himself to be higher than that. He deserved more respect, he told himself. The others were just too stupid.
Kiyomaro hated to be alone, but that was the only option left for him. To be surrounded by the class of clowns or to be alone, keeping his intelligence to himself. Choosing the ladder of the two, he became excluded from the others. Not even Suzume could cheer him up. In fact, he couldn't stand being around her. She was the worst out of everyone, never getting anything higher than a 70 in the class, and if she did, it was rare. Her obnoxious attitude annoyed him greatly.
So he stopped going to school, so he wouldn't have to deal with the rambunctious class. He reminded himself that he had to be somewhere where everything was in order. When others began to question him of his actions because of how little they knew about him now, Kiyomaro had to remind himself: It was because of them and calling him perfect that he was alone. If they wanted to talk to him, they would have to prove themselves worthy. They would have to do something to prove to Kiyomaro they had changed.
After all, actions spoke louder than words and Kiyomaro would never forgive them for what they forgot.
End file.
| Never Mending by Twilight Memories | Zatch Bell |
1. Back To School by Lee
**This is the 2nd story of my Zach Bell stories. Please enjoy
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**_Lee's pov..._
My name is Lee Ariex and I am part of a big battle that takes place in my world that takes place every 1000 years! Crazy yes, but true. I have a mamodo named Dinemo who has these powers to manipulate earth like in cartoons or animes. He can only do it though when I read this Emerald book. Anyway, I am in my bed, it is 7:00 and I'm just sleeping when suddenly, "HEY LEE WAKE UP!" yelled an annoyingly familiar voice. It was Dinemo, my hot headed, bossy, pain in the neck mamodo. I decided to just sleep through his talking when there was a sharp pain in my chest.
"WAKE UP!" he yelled as he was forcing his fist into my gut.
"What do you want?" I asked him trying to recover from the blow.
"What does this day mean on the calender?" he asked pointing to the date with the red circle saying 'it begins'.
"It means that today is the first day of school." was all I said and Dinemo fell asleep. So I got into my school uniform: Blue shirt, black pants, and grabbed my new yellow cap and ran off with the emerald colored book in my book bag.
At school, I saw lots of old people from before. I'm in 9th grade because I skipped a few grades so I know a lot of people older than I am.
"Lee." said an ominous voice. I turned around and saw Roy.
"HOW ARE YOU IN 9th GRADE?!" I shouted in shock because Roy is as old as I was-13-and I didn't know he was this intelligent.
"How are you?" was his answer when the bell rang. And we both had the same homeroom. Our teacher's name is and he doesn't look very pleased at his new class. He's bold, wearing a black suit and for some reason his string at all of us.
"Okay you snot nosed brats!" he yelled, "RULE 1 IS..." before he finished a giant explosion appeared and blew him unconscious. Out of the smoke came a guy with a red mow-hawk, wearing a leather jacket with big, black, spiked boots holding, A YELLOW BOOK! He's got a mamodo! But all I see with him is a purple parrot.
"Who are you?" Roy asked standing as everyone else except me was still in the room with Roy.
"I'm Rex and my mamodo is Polly." he told us. WAIT! a parrot mamodo? "We're here to burn some books and you 2 have them." he said opening his book as it glowed bright. "BOO-OOM!" he chanted as the parrot opened his beak and shot a sonic boom at us! It blasted us through the school and we were outside. NOT GOOD!
Dinemo and Blaze are doing whatever and me and Roy are fighting a maniac with a weird colored parrot. I could barely move as Roy just stood up.
"Have any ideas?" I asked him.
"Yes." was all he said as he pulled a stick of dynamite and match. H lit it and through it right at Rex who didn't move as it exploded. I started to cheer as Roy said, "He avoided it/" in a cold way.
"Was that all you had?" Rex asked with a smug look. There was some type of defense spell that saved him but it vanished. "Where's your mamodos?" he asked laughing when we heard some foot steps. We turned to look and saw DINEMO AND BLAZE!
"This is human school?" he asked with a twisted smile.
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**Anyone who reads this PLZ message and I don't own Zatch Bell**
2. Fighting at School by Dinemo
**This is time its Dinemo's point of view
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**_Dinemo's POV...
My name is Dinemo and I am part of a big battle that takes place in the pathetic, annoying, arrogant human world. My human partner Lee and his 'friend' Roy were at school when a freak from the 50s named Rex and his parrot Polly attacked. Now me, and Blaze-Roy's partner-are going to fight these bone heads.
"You weren't here and they have sound spells." he answered with some type of attitude. I quickly punched him in the arm. He punched me back and we started to fight each other that Roy and Blaze left probably thinking we could handle it.
"Time to break them up Polly." Rex said while we were still killing each other. "BOO-OOM!" he shrieked when a sound blast was coming for us so I got off of Lee for him to read 1 of our 5 spells.
"MUPRO!" he shouted as I created a big ball of mud around us both. Which the sound blast broke through. We were shot back and hit the school's sign. As we tried to get up he prepared to hit us with the same spell. "MUPRO!" Lee screamed again to my confusion as I had no choice but to create the ball of mud.
"What's the point of using this spell twice?" I asked demanding to know.
"BOO-OOM!" that Rex guy yelled. It was so loud we still heard it from the mud ball. And that parrot shot another sound blast toward us.
"SANTROO!" Lee yelled and I created a sand storm outside the ball and shot it right at them. Then as the ball collided with the sound blast and it started to fall apart, he through me threw the blast. It was loud, but I was to angry at Lee for throwing me to care. "STOSEAR!" he chanted and I summoned 2 giant spears and through them threw the sound blast. 1 hit Polly and the other was about to hit Rex, but he moved, but that didn't save him from my foot to his face as I kicked him. "Nice work." Lee said walking over. When he got close enough I kicked him in the shin. "WTF was that for?!" he screamed in pain.
"That was for throwing me you moron!" I yelled back. I quickly picked up the purple book that belonged to Rex and Polly. "Hurry up and go get a match so we can burn this..." before I finished someone shot some kind of cannon ball at me. THAT WAS A CHEAP SHOT! Someone will die.
When I came to, I saw 2 people. A girl my age wearing a T-shirt, black shorts, silver shoes and had green eyes, a cannon arm, and purple hair. And a guy wearing a red sweater, blue jeans, and black shoes and had black eyes and hair holding a gray book.
"Who are you fools?" I asked them getting up with my rage as fuel. When I saw Lee though, he was already exhausted. WEAKLING!
"Our names aren't important. What _is_ important is that we save Rex and his mamodo." The guy said. I got up and charged at him. He just opened his mouth and said "CANREO!" as the girl shot a dark ball of energy at me in the form of a cannon ball.
"FISKA!" Lee yelled giving me my fist made of stone. I used it to punch the dark energy ball, but it exploded the minute it hit it and shot me at Lee. Not to good. Where's Roy and Blaze when it counts.
"Over." the girl said as Rex slowly got up as well as Polly. 2 on 1=me losing the entire battle.
"KAZEDRON!" yelled an unfamiliar female voice, a blast a wins separated me and Lee from the other 2 teams. When the smoke cleared, the 2 teams were replaced by 2 different people. 1 boy and 1 girl. The girl was wearing the same uniform as Lee except hers was blue and Lee's was green and the girl was wearing a skirt. She has long red hair that's always in a ponytail, hazel eyes, and light skin.
The guy has short spiky black hair, sapphire blue eyes, and slightly tanned skin and both ears are pierced with silver stubs. He's wearing a sleeveless light blue tank top with a short sleeve dark blue jacket over it that reaches slightly above his waist. He wears black pants that end about mid-thigh and blue and silver sneakers.
"I'm Haley and hes Kai." the girl told us.
"I'm Lee and hes Dinemo." Lee told him gaining his strength. "Who were they, who are you, what happened-" "1 question at a time man." the mamodo Kai told him. So Haley took us to what I think is her house.
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**Kai and Haley were submitted by LaZy-RaIn-DaNcEr. remember-I do not own Zatch Bell.**
3. Old enemies and friends by Haley
**This POV is from the point of view of Haley.
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**_Haley's pov..._
My name is Haley and my mamodo friend from a different world is Kai. He is lazy and smart and we just made friends with Lee and Dinemo. We are now at my house where I will try to explain what is happening in this world we live in. They were in the living room resting from the battle and I just brought them some water to explain the situation.
"So, what exactly is going on?" Lee asked trying to be polite.
"You see, many battles been happening in this one location and more and more mamodos come here to get a piece of the action to become king." Kai started, "So since many have been losing, 1 mamodo has been training them and piratically made a group of mamodos to become like an army. They are threats because when 1 of them fights, there's always someone in hiding to back them up in case they are losing."
"So we are dealing with a colt of losers?" Dinemo asked trying to understand the situation.
"Well, yeah." I told him. He started laughing like crazy.
"But weren't we losing a few moments ago?" Lee asked him just to annoy him.
"Shut up." Dinemo growled back.
"And our comrades except Roy and Blaze are around the world and were not friends with them."
"SHUT UP!" And then they just started to argue. They spend more time fighting each other than they did fighting those teams. I guess Lee is the brains and Dinemo is more of the brawn. Then Lee stopped fighting as if something just hit him.
"Who started this group?" he asked me as if it would kill him if I gave him the answer.
"The mamodo's name is Juro and the human's name is Ikura." I told Lee and he turned pale. Maybe, I shouldn't have told him. "What's wrong?" I asked him. I wanted to know what was wrong with him.
"Ikura is my dad." he answered me which made me feel a little guilty for opening an old wound.
"LEE GET OVER IT!!" Dinemo yelled. That was harsh! By the time I looked at Kai, he had a bag of popcorn.
"This is better than Star Wars." he said watching them argue about the situation.
"Why are you enjoying this? You should be trying to help." I told him.
"You know that nagging me won't help right?" he told me which made me want to hurt him VERY badly. Before I did anything, an explosion occurred right outside. We all got up to see who it was. The ones doing it were 2 teams who were familiar with Lee and Dinemo and apparently were friends.
"Hello Lee." one of the bookkeepers said. I saw his face before-it was IKURA! Lee was angry that he dared to show his face and he constantly stared him down ignoring the other team.
"Does anyone noticed us?" another human bookkeeper yelled. His mamodo was covered in armor and he had blond hair and freckles. He apparently was wearing an army uniform.
"Shut up Lucas." Dinemo yelled. He then realized that he was the bookkeeper of the armored covered mamodo. "WAIT A MINUTE! YOU TRIED TO BLOW IS TO KINGDOM-COME!"
"That was my idea." Juro laughed insanely. Lee was growling in his anger.
"FISKA!" Lee yelled and Dinemo had gotten stone fists and charged at Juro.
"SHAEGRI!" Ikura chanted and Dinemo's shadow wrapped around him like some rope and was holding.
"What the hell is this?!" Dinemo yelled trying to get lose. It wasn't working. Dinemo's spell eventually vanished.
"Now, BOGUR!" shouted Lucas and Rakete punched the air. Nothing happened until an explosion hit Dinemo, which didn't break Juro's spell. "BOGUR!" Lucas shouted again and he did it again.
"MUPRO!" yelled Lee and nothing happened.
"CHISOKUMERA!" I chanted and I gave Kai his speed spell and he ran fast enough to get, Dinemo and dodge the invisible blast which hit some tree.
"Your spells won't work Lee until I leave. Then the spell will deactivate. just be lucky that I can only trap one at a time." Ikura explained. I think he was taunting him, which made him angrier. This isn't so good. Lee is put on hold, so it's 2 on 1. Lee grabbed Dinemo and tried to pry the spell off him.
"Lee, you and Dinemo hide. We'll handle this." I told him. Kai looked at me like I was crazy.
"I can still fight!" Dinemo shouted He was standing on 2 feet and he could move, but not much and he couldn't use spells. But this was no time for arguing.
"Let's wrap this up nicely." Juro laughed wanting to end our lives now.
"ADSH CANEROIX!" " DIOGA BOGUDON!" Ikura and Lucas shouted. Juro's shadow became a giant statue and shot a giant blast of darkness right at us and Rakete shot more invisible explosions along with many giant rockets, projectiles of flame, and giant spikes fired out of his armor.
"KAZESHI-RUDO!" I chanted for Kai to use is shield to block. It was working for a while, but it started to crack and we didn't have enough power to withstand it. As soon as it was going to brake "SUCREEN!" someone chanted another spell which was a shield that was really strong which blocked the rest of the spell. Both Lee and Dinemo recognized the voice and saw 2 girls standing not to far.
"ROLL! ANGELO!" Lee yelled with joy as seeing these two. The taller one was wearing all black and the smaller girl was wearing a blue shirt, yellow shorts, a sun hat, and sandals.
"Roll thought we drop by for a visit." the smaller girl ,who I guess was Angelo, told them.
"Now that were here, we can party!" the taller girl, Roll said.
"This will be fun." Kai said sarcastically
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4. Change of Plans by Roll and Angelo
**This is Roll's POV
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**_Roll__'s pov..._
My name is Roll and I only came to Tokyo to visit Lee and Dinemo. NOT to fight. Now, I am fighting Lee's dad and his mamodo. Rakete and Lucas will pay for trying to blow us to bits!
"So...any ideas?" that other mamodo Kai asked. I had none. Dinemo was out of the fight and so it was 2 on 2 or 4 on 4 match until someone lost.
"Here's one. AGEOLIXE!" I yelled and Angelo summoned a bow out of pure light. She shot arrows from the bow that were also made from you watch _Bleach_, you get it.
"KAZESAMION!" Haley chanted and Kai shot a wind slash right for the 2 creeps. They weren't moving. WHY WON'T THEY MOVE!
"BOGUSHIELD!" Lucas yelled and a giant shield was formed from Rakete and it absorbed both attacks. What made it worse was that it looked like it shot at us but we didn't see anything until-**BAM**-a giant explosion just hit us like a ton of bricks. I never felt such pain. I'm not sure if I can move, but I'm currently on 1 foot so I'm still alive. Haley and Kai were doing better, but not much.
"You will pay for that!" Kai yelled. He looks enraged, but earlier he was lazy. Must be ticked from that hit.
"MAXCHISOKU!" Haley screamed and Kai was running faster than a jet. I couldn't even see him anymore. Juro was standing like he wanted to get punched in the face by a bullet train. But instead, Kai ran around the 2 teams and a tornado started to form around them and soon, they were high into the air and if Kai stopped, they would most likely die.
"BOGUR ZERUSEN!" Lucas shouted and all I saw was a big explosion that shot Kai right at us and collided with Angelo. And out of the smoke came a giant fist right for us!
"SUCREEN!" I chanted and Angelo's light shield blocked the hit, however the sun is setting and now the shield was cracking! "We need to get out of here!" I shouted as the spell broke and the fist exploded and we were on our backs, our books not burning.
"THIS IS FUN!" Lucas screamed. Juro laughed agreeing with him. I really want to punch them in the face, by my body is to damaged to yell 'get a life.'
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_Angelo's POV..._
I'm Angelo now everyone is unconscious. I can barely stand, but in front of me are 2 books. 1 is pink-my book-and the other is silver-Kai's book! And the jerks who knocked my friends unconscious are walking towards us.
"Now this is just sad." Rakete said chuckling. I tried to protect the books, but he knocked me to the other side as I slid against the ground. I cannot do any thing. We have lost.
"Time to end this." Ikura said opening his. His book was glowing and was about to chant a spell!
"STAY BACK!" someone yelled and someone punched Ikura right in the chin. When I sat up, it was Dinemo! I didn't know he could still move. "The spell is weakening. But he still cannot cast spells."
"Don't have to." Lee said getting my and Kai's books. "You 2 have been using a lot of energy so you'll run out any minute." Lee was right! I remember back on my plane out of London that these rocks that heal turned to ordinary rocks and didn't do anything. This means that they don't have them so they should be about drained.
"We still have matches and 4 on 3 isn't a good thing." Lucas said smiling.
"One word: REINFORCEMENTS!" Lee told him and then "NEKORUGA!" a blast of purple fire hit Lucas' book!
"NO!" Rakete yelled angry. He turned around and saw who I saw:Hori and Meida! ^^ Hori was wearing all black and Meida was wearing a blue shirt, a black jacket and shoes, and baggy jeans. Rakete didn't say anything and he vanished as his book was burnt.
"You still wanna fight?" Hori said with his arms folded.
"SHAPA!" Ikura screamed and he and Juro vanished in a ball of dark energy and Juro's spell on Dinemo dissolved. That was to close.
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**Is she right? Hori and Meida were characters from VERYLAZYPEOPLE**
5. Big Questions by Lee
**This is Lee's POV again because it's his story! The next mamodo was sent in by Iostorm.
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**_Lee's POV_
After that horrible, Kai and Haley went inside to rest and heal Angelo and Roll. Hori, Meida, Dinemo, and I decided to go to my house.
"So, where's that lazy kid and the humanoid fur ball?" Dinemo asked referring to Vincent and CJ.
"Roll told us that they were coming, but they got on a different plane. They should be here tomorrow." Hori informed us. When we got to my house, I saw a pink convertible in the drive way. Wait, Pink CONVERTIBLE!" "What's wrong with you?" Hori asked me wandering why my mood changed from somewhat joy to depression.
"That's my-" "LEE!" shouted a female voice that cut me off. Out ran a girl who looked 22. She had blond hair, was wearing a yellow top, black sweats, and a pink bandanna which hid some of her hair. She quickly ran to me and started hugging me to death. "Happy to see me?" she asked me. Everyone else was in shock. There faces said "WTF!"
"Who's she, your mother?" Dinemo asked me pulling me from her grasp.
"No, his sister." she answered for me. Everyone was in bigger shock and took a few steps back. "I came here for a reason Lee. I think you should come back to Hon Kong with me and mom." she told me. Everyone was both freaked and annoyed.
"Your mom is in Hon Kong?" Hori asked looking more tense than me, "Who watches you? And what is your sister's name."
"I'm under a program where I take care of myself with a check from the government. My sister's name is Holly. And why does she want me back?" I said talking to both Hori and Holly.
"Because she knows about the mamodo battle." She said which really freaked me out. "In fact, I know that Dinemo and Hori are mamodos. So she thinks it isn't safe. So either I stay or you come with me."
"Do you even have a mamodo partner?" Dinemo asked getting annoyed with Holly. She didn't like him and vise versa. Then, a dog came out of nowhere. I knew it was a mamodo because 1. It was purple and 2. It had a purple book on its back.
"His name is Bite. And he's my partner. Dinemo didn't like this and he really didn't like that dog. Hori turned around as if a mamodo was hear, but there wasn't.
"There's a mamodo near by." He said proofing me wrong. One has a mix of orange, yellow, and red hair that sticks up at the back of his head, his eyes are a mixture of light black and dark gray, has two red and orange lines running down his face. He was wearing an orange and red-striped t-shirt with an unzipped red jacket and yellow jeans with a red and yellow stripe running down each leg. He wears dark red hiking boots. He looked 16. The other guy has green eyes, ginger-colored hair, and glasses. He's wearing a blue t-shirt and jeans. Daniel wears the same kind of hiking boots as the other guy and he must be the bookkeeper since he was holding a spell book and he looked 18. They had some weird symbol an there foreheads.
"Why do they look like zombies?" Meida asked wondering what was wrong with these guys. Holly already knew what was wrong and quickly opened her book.
"I'll handle these 2. You guys watch." She said with some odd smile on her face. I had no idea what was happening, but it didn't seem like a time to fight on my part so we moved to a safe distance. "WOTRAMU!" she yelled and Bite started to change from a cute little puppy into a hungry werewolf looking thing. He was surly not going to let them live. Bite ran right for them as if he really was a hungry, angry werewolf.
"Grantoun." that bookkeeper said in a low tone voice and the mamodo put his hands in the dirt. Then, out of nowhere a bunch of spikes started to pop out of the ground! Bite maneuvered the best he could, but some type of hill shot him into the air and he couldn't move at all! "Gar Magmaruk." he chanted and the mamodo's body was covered in rock armored and he spun right for the werewolf with lava surrounding him. Dinemo and I looked at each other and we both had the same idea and I through Dinemo.
"FISKA!" I chanted and Dinemo's hands were covered with stone and he punched that mamodo before it hit Bite. Dinemo landed on Bite and Bite landed on his feet as the mamodo landed on his with his spell intact.
"Why did you do that?" Holly asked me looking relieved and angry.
"1. Be grateful and can only be 1 mamodo with earth power!" Dinemo yelled.
"He can also control lave." I told him, he didn't listen.
"Lamervos, we must end this." the bookkeeper said.
"Daniel, use our most powerful spell." the mamodo said running toward us.
"Granlao Lavoruga" Daniel chanted and Lavamervos summoned a giant lizard made out of pure lava and does that thing have diamonds for teeth?
"I don't have a spell for that!" Holly said in shock and I chuckled.
"We do! DRANAKE!" I shouted with all my might and Dinemo summoned his snake made of stone. The snake headbutted the lizard in the mouth and the lizard started to chew on it. This isn't good. Dinemo was screaming as if he was the spell and he was screaming for more power as the snake started to turn into crystal! This is new and the whole thing exploded! When the smoke cleared, those 2 were unconscious and I was on 1 foot and Dinemo was unconscious.
"You okay?" Hori asked me.
"I'm okay." I answered. Meida waled over to them the 2 people I was battling.
"The symbols on there foreheads are gone." she told us. So Hori, Bite, Holly and Meida helped them, me and Dinemo into my house. There's more to this Holly isn't telling.
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**Intense no?**
6. Some info by Holly
**This POV is from the point of view of Holly
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**My name is Holly, and on my little brother, Lee's, living room couch is a mamodo team that I suppose we beat. Lee was just thinking, Dinemo was watching an episode of Tom and Jerry-laughing at the pain the 2 animals are always in- Hori was reading, Bite was sleeping, and Meida was just drinking some water.
"So...what should we do about those 2?" she finally said as she put down her water.
"I say we just burn there book and get on with our lives! Is it really that hard?!" Dinemo said cruelly. I wanted to agree, but they might have some information about Juro and dad. I saw the one with the orange and red lines-the mamodo-move. I think he's waking up. Lee got close to see what what he would say, but instead he punched him in the face. OW!
"OW OW OW! OH MY GOD! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!" Lee shouted in pain. When he sat up, he looked confused.
"Where the heck are we?" he said as he looked to see who he hit. "OH MAN! My bad." he said as he helped Lee up. Lee isn't much of a fighter so he didn't hit back. I turned my head and saw Hori and Meida trying to hold Dinemo back from that mamodo who punched Lee. "We were kinda battling this really powerful team. There names were Ikura and Juro." he told us, and I think there was some tension. Hori, Bite, and Dinemo were growling. Meida was shocked and Lee just looked depressed.
"Who are you?" Hori asked him. He said his name once, but he wasn't in ear shot.
"I'm Lamervos. I can manipulate lava, fire, and rock. How did I get here?" he asked and his bookkeeper started to shift.
"You don't remember me kicking your-" before he finished Lee hit him over the head and they started to kick each others ass.
"Anyway, we had to fight you because there was-" "WHERE IS IT?!?!?!?!" said that bookkeeper cutting Meida off. We turned to see he was going through his pockets like a will was in it. "Where's my device?!" he shouted.
"Daniel you're kidding!" Lamervos shouted. Daniel shook his head yes.
"what device?" Meida asked a little skittish.
"The device is a very powerful device which is com combined with my technological aptitude with some technology from the mamodo world. You see-" "GET ON WITH IT BEFORE I KILL US ALL!" Dinemo shouted in anger cutting Daniel off.
"It puts Lamervos's energy into sphere with a press of a button which Lamervos puts his aura in it and it goes around me which makes it so I cannot be effected by Lamervos's spells." Daniel said, Dinemo was half asleep. "Basically, I won't have to stay 10 feet behind Lamervos when I cast a spell and-HEY!" Daniel yelled as Dinemo was asleep. He quickly woke up after he yelled.
"I get it, mamodo shield! So where is Ik-" Dinemo said cutting himself off since he remembered how Lee always is when someone mentions it. "Where are they?"
"They're under that abandoned building on Lucky Street in some underground cavern." Daniel told us.
"Okay, lets get the girls and Kai." Lee said as if he was in charge. As we exited the house, we saw 3 girls, all wearing black and one mamodo boy who was also wearing black. They looked familiar to everyone else.
"GUYS! We were just going to-" before Meida finished, Dinemo and Hori were looking as if it was an enemy.
"What's wrong with you guys?" Lee asked until Hori pointed at the symbols on their FOREHEADS like Daniel and Lamervos!
"Master has sent us to kill you!" the 4 of them said in unison.
"What ever got into you 2, gotten into them!" Dinemo shouted as he got up and was about to go into action, but Lee stopped him. "What now?"
"We haven't fully recovered from that battle earlier." Lee protested. They did use a powerful spell. And that first spell I casted takes a lot out of Bite.
"We can handle this." Hori said as Meida looked a little less confident.
"Kazesaimon." Hailey chanted as Kai shot 2 wind slashes at us.
"Ageolix." Roll chanted and Angelo shot arrows made out of pure light, the spell was moderatly strong since it was 4:PM.
"RIOR NEKORUR!" Meida shouted and Hori shot out 2 purple blast which was handling the 2 wind slashed, but the arrows were coming in 2 fast. I don't think me or my brother's spells could reach them in time.
"BURBALLS!" shouted a voice familiar to me as a bunch of fire balls came and countered the arrows. When we saw who it was, it was Roy!
"About time you got here!" Dinemo shouted. Roy ignored him that mamodo and Hori were staring each other down.
"Why are you here?" Hori asked him bitterly.
"Simple:If you lose than Juro wins and we don't want that. And we are a team right?" Roy said knowing they needed their help.
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**This looks interesting: 2 hot headed rivals against 2 comrades. pls review**
7. The Burning Duo by Roy
**Sorry I haven't written in a while. Anyway, this POV is of Roy's
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**My name is Roy, and I have just gotten myself into a battle I wish I didn't. We are kinda a team, but they don't treat me as a teammate, maybe it's my attitude.
"So...the team finally broke apart or something?" I asked chuckling to myself no knowing what was going on. Everyone kinda looked pissed.
"No. Haley, Kai, Roll, and Angelo are brainwashed and no one is in fighting conditions." Hori said glaring at us.
"Lets get to fighting! LAVAVBLO!" I chanted and Blaze shot out his blast of lava from his mouth.
"NEKORUKU!" Media chanted and Hori had some type of purple fire around himself. He ran past the lava and was heading for the four mind controlled victims.
"Sucreen." Roll kinda whispered and a shield appeared, but it was very weak so Hori punched right through and my spell hit Angelo.
"This is easier than I thought." Blaze said, but suddenly wind blasts were coming strait towards us from the sides. I turned and saw it was from that girl who I guess is Hailey ad the mamodo is Kai.
"BLAZRIN!" I chanted and rings of fire surrounded us. As the spells hit, the rings blocked it. Media was surprised at our 5th spell.
"Spedez." Roll chanted and Angelo's feet were glowing. She ran at Hori at the speed of light and punched him in his face. Hori tried to hit her back, but she was to fast.
"This is getting us where." Blaze said, "Why don't we us our most powerful spells?" Blaze had a point. So as I got ready to cast the spell, Media stopped me.
"If we use our most powerful spells, we could burn they're books. We just have to knock them unconscious." She told us.
"Giga Kazemaron." Hailey said and Kai had a giant sword mad out of wind. He jumped into the air and came down on all of us.
"BLAZRIN" I shouted and the rings of fire appeared. They were holding off the sword, but it wasn't holding. Before the shield broke, Hori teleported us back a few feet, avoiding the attack. This was the first time Hori and Blaze actually worked as a team. Unfortunately, the sword was bigger than I thought because the attack had hit Roll and Angelo. The book wasn't damaged, but they were. Hori and Media ran to help them. I got back up, wanting to gt even at these to for nearly slicing m in half and Blaze new what I was going to do.
"BURDRAGON!" I chanted and Blaze transformed into his giant fire dragon mode. The dragon came down to the team with such great force, they hit before they could chant another spell.
"WE SAID NOT TO USE YOUR MOST POWERFUL-" "I didn't hit the directly." Blaze said cutting off Hori. Hailey and Kai were knocked-out like Roll and Angelo. Everyone got out from hidding at carried them into Lee's house. They told me about the battle earlier with Ikura and Juro, the reason they weren't fighting.
"So...where are they located?" I asked determined to beat Ikura. Nobody answered.
"But we must go find him, he has my device which can-" "-Explain the nerd device when everyone else is asleep." Dinemo shouted cutting off Daniel as he walked off into a room. It was 10:00 so I decided to come back tomorrow.
At home Blaze was doing what he always did this late: Train. So I decided to tire himself out so I could sleep. The school was destroyed, but I would need my sleep for fighting.
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**Again sorry for not writing in a while. Remember, Message, Review, and I don't own Zatch Bell.**
8. Hot and Cold by Daniel
**I probably should be updating my other stories, but this one gets read more often. This POV is of Daniel.
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My name is Daniel, and I'm now part of probably the weirdest team in history. Me and my mamodo partner are in Lee's house, but we have to get to Ikura before he learns how my device works. I got out of the guest bed and onto the couch where I see Lamervos.
"Lamervos, you awake?" I asked him shaking him. He simply shook his head yes and got up. We both know we must get to Ikura's base and we don't have much of a choice. We snucked out the door and started to walk up the streets. Soon, we started to hear footsteps. They got closer and closer and faster and faster. "STOP! I MEAN IT!" I yelled sounding serious. Out of the bushes came Lee's partner Dinemo. "Uh...what are you doing here?" I asked him thinking he was crazy.
"Wondering where you 2 are going." He answered trying to sound tough.
"We're trying to find Ikura's base and you won't be of much use without Lee." I told him. I guess he took it offensively because out of nowhere he attacked me. He was strong for a 10 year old because I couldn't shake him off and he bit me. Lamervos eventually pulled him off me and through him to a bush.
"I guess he has a temper." Lamervos said. Before I could tell him it wasn't funny, it started to snow. Which is weird because fall has just started and there wasn't a snow cloud in the sky. Dinemo grabbed a long stick as if it was a sword and he jumped in front of me. Does he know where the snow is coming from? Suddenly ice spikes started to come at us from the ground right a us!
"GRANTOUN!" I chanted as Lamervos sunk his hands into the dirt and created a wall of lava to stop the spikes. Dinemo jumped to the top of th wall like he was expecting something. Suddenly, a young girl who looked 12 came wearing a blue overcoat with the hood up and strangely brown shorts. Gold colored hair came out of the hood and was wearing white shoes. She also had blue eye. Behind her was another girl who looked 16 and was wearing a white short-sleeved shirt and a green skirt. She has very pale skin, brown eyes and black hair. he young irl was smiling evilly.
"You have plenty of nerve to come here...SKYE!" Dinemo yelled at the younger girl.' "Dinemo. I've been hunting you down for a while ever since that incident in London. To bad your gator friend had to suffer." She said laughing. I didn't know what was so funny, but Dinemo was furious.
"What did you do to Gakote?!" Dinemo yelled demanding an answer. He looked angry as I don't know what.
"Nothing. Just froze him, bat the living day lights out of his bookkeeper and burned it." Skye answered. I think Dinemo was starting to tear up and Skye was enjoying it. "WHAT?! That over grow lizard put up a good fight. T bad t had to end. AH hahahahahahaha...!" Skye cackled as she saw Dinemo mourn over the lost of his supposed friend. Dinemo just snapped and he charged at her so fast me and Lamervos blinked as he punched her in the face.
"YOU NEVER BURN ANY OF MY FRIENDS BOOKS!" h screamed in anger. As Skye got up, Dinemo ran at her again.
"Icrea." said the tall girl as Skye created a giant circle and froze Dinemo in his tracks. I cannot believe they did that.
"Foolish runt. Now to finish what Ikura wanted." Skye said. "Ri, lets hit them with the spike spell again." she told her. She just flipped to the next page.
"Frozar." She chanted and spikes started coming for the from the ground. I thought quickly as a plan went through my head.
"HATRIR!" I yelled as Lamervos shot lava out from his mouth in a giant blast. It broke through the spikes and it was getting closer to Ri. "GRANLAO LAVORUGA!" I shouted and Lamervos took the lava surrounding me and turned it into a giant lizard.
"Freshield." Ri chanted and Skye made a shield of ice to block the lava, but it was braking fast so she took a few steps back and Skye grabbed something from her pocket.
"You want to keep fighting?" I asked them thinking we couldn't lose this fight.
"Yes. But we have orders so..." "Blizardon." Ri chanted it was sowing so hard we couldn't see. After 5 minutes, the spell deactivated and they were gown.
"Great, now we have to melt Dinemo and drag his unconscious body back." I groaned. But when I turned around, I saw Dinemo was gone.
"" Lamervos said thinking of what happened until he turned around and saw Dinemo was already walking. "Wait, how did you get out of the ice.?"
"Your lava melted it." he answered. Lamervos caught up to him and grabbed his arm.
"Why do you want to become king?" he asked.
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**I'm going to stop here. Why? To Tease! mwa hahahahaha**
9. The past by Dinemo
**This POV is of Dinemo...again
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I know I can be kinda mean, but why does he have to know why I fight?
"Your serous?" I asked him to be sure I heard the question .?docid=14875079ght.
"Yes, I want to know why you are fighting in this battle." Lamervos told me. I know why I'm fighting, but it never really mattered.
"You know how things are in Makai is right? Disastrous since 'King' Zeno took charge? " I asked him. He slowly shook his head yes. "I'm fighting to make things right. I was tired of waking up every morning thinking of who was going to die next? Many of my friends had died because they didn't have eough food or money or they were in someone's territory. That is why I fight." I told him. He probably thought I would fight just for money or power.
"If that is true, then I'm glad to have you as a friend. We better get back to Lees." Daniel spoke as we ran back.
The next day, Lee and Holly were on computers.
"What are you doing?" I asked him.
"I'm doing school work." he answered back. I wanted to go up to him and ask him why but that stupid deon dog Bite was barking at the door.
"Who is it Bite?" Holly asked grabbing the mutt's book. When the door opened, it was just Kai and Haily.
"Hey-" "Lee, you guys have to get to the park now! Someone is battling Roll and Angelo!" Haily yelled and Lee and Haily got off there computers and grabbed the book. We got in Haily's car [kind of weird we're in a pink car] and drove to the park where we saw Roll on her knees crying and Angelo wasn't there. "We were to late? What happened Roll?" Haily asked, bu5t I knew what happened.
"They b-burnt it!" She yelled as she was crying. We all knew what it meant. Someone burnt Roll's book and we were all shocked.
"Who burnt it?!?!?!?!" I yelled enraged. As if answered, someone started to life. I turned around and it was Maxwell and Yukiro. "You." I growled angrily.
"Well, well, well, this is so touching." Yukiro said asking for a swift punch to the face.
"You burnt Angelo's book, and you will die for it!" Lee said. This is the 1st time I've seen him violent.
"I didn't do this alone. Look at my new partners." Maxwell said showing us 1 boy and 1 girl and all black. The girl had a frog ad the boy had a guinea pig and all four of them had the symbols. He was brainwashing Vincent, C.J., Alice and Kerouji.
"You bastards, why don't you just fight us yourselves?" Holly screamed knowing they were just innocent victims.
"Because I can. Now, it's time to kill!" Yukiro said.
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**I know it isn't my usual fighting chapter, but it's important**
10. The sacrafice by Bite
**This POV is of the dog, Bite...WHAT?!?!?
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_Bite's POV..._
My name is Bite and even though I don't have thumbs or can talk, this computer is writing this down. Anyway, by what I can tell only girl is Alice, the appetizer-I mean frog-Kerouji, te tall guy is Vincent and the main course-I mean rat is C.J. This could be a long battle and it looks like Dinemo and Lee are ready.
"FISKA!" Lee yelled and Dinemo ran at Maxwell faster than I can at Maxwell.
"WOTRAMU" my partner, Holly, chanted transforming me into my true form-a big purple werewolf ready to eat my dinner-I mean fight that guinea pig thing C.J.
"CHISOKUMERA!" Haily yelled and that kid Kai was running so fast that he out ran me and Dinemo at the frog.
"DRAKORZEM!" Yukiro yelled and Maxwell shot a ball of dark energy, which Dinemo punched through destroying that fist spell.
"Foku." Vincent said ad that rat turned into stone and when I took a bite, it hurt like hell.
"Liloshield." Alice said before Kai could make a hit and bounced him off.
"How tough are these guys?!" Holly asked. would have asked, but now I cannot even hold from my jaw.
"Very." Lee said trying to mumble. Holly flipped to page 2 and that means we get to do the big spells! "Dinemo plan B: SANTROO!" Lee yelled when a sand storm covered around the 3. I ran in since my eyes cannot be hurt because of all the fur.
"DECLAX!" Holly yelled and my fangs were covered with fire and I saw that guinea pig and he didn't see me. As I opened my mouth ready to chomp, he was still covered in rocks...which was perfect because I spit him out right at that Yukiro kid, knocking his book out of his hands.
"MY BOOK!" Maxwell yelled and he jumped off Yukiro to try and grab the book.
"STOSEAR!" Lee yelled and Dinemo had a giant pole made from rocks and he through it right through Maxwell's book.
"NO! NO! I cannot go alone!" Maxwell said picking it up and through it at Lee trying to burn it. So I ran at Holly for my book and through it. It all happened so fast that nobody could do anything else and my book caught fire.
"OH MY." was all that Haily could say before Maxwell vanished.
"Thank you." Dinemo said starting to tear up. Ad soon I left as well.
11. The Plan and Return by Media
**This POV is of Media
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**My name is Media and Hori and I just got to Lee's house with Blaze and Roy after their battle with C.J., Vince, Kerouji, and Alice after Bite and Maxwell's books were roasted. Now, Lee has just dried the tears of his sister after losing her friend. All here was me, Hori, Lee, Dinemo, Holly, Kerouji, Vincent, Alice, C.J., Blaze, Roy, Daniel, Lamervos, Haily, and Kai.
"So..." Hori began trying to break the awkwardness, "What's the plan on taking Juro down?"
"Simple: We go in, we blast him, we walk out with blood and Victory!" Dinemo yelled. It sounded simple from his description, but it is actually a lot complicated.
"Actually, this is the more complicated version." Daniel started, "First the A-Team: Lee and Dinemo, Blaze and Roy, and Media and Hori will infiltrate Juro's base with the map that Dinemo beat out of Yukiro from the battle and basically take him down."
"Wait, what about us?! I am the prince and-" "SHUT UP!" Hori, Dinemo, Blaze, and C.j. yelled at Kerouji.
"As I was saying, the B-Team: Kerouji and Alice, Vincent and C.J., and Haily and Kai will infiltrate from the back entrance with a digital map on this laptop." Daniel instructed as C.J. transformed into a 3 foot tall human. "The C-Team: Lamervos, Holly, and I will stay here and look over everyone on the main computer. Each team will have a team leader with the map and all members will receive a walkie-talkie. So, who's the team leaders?"
Me and Hori pointed at Lee and Blaze and Roy didn't really care so Lee was the leader of Team A is Lee. Everyone on Team B was looking at Vincent sice he was the one who technically got most of us together so Vincent was the leader of Team B.
"Okay, so when do we get started?" Haily asked so we could make them pay.
"Tonight at midnight." Daniel yelled dramatically.
* * *
12:00 A.M.-Midnight...
Lee, Dinemo, Blaze, Roy, Hori and I were walking to the base of Juro, which appeared to be some abandoned. But, when we opened the door, it looked like a castle like the on in England, which only ticked off Dinemo even more.
[**This is Computer D to Team A: Are you in the base? over**] asked Daniel on the walkie-talkie...again. Dinemo quickly grabbed his to respond.
[**This is Dork Killer to Computer Dork: We're in the base! Also. this isn't Dungeons and Dragons so stop calling ever 20 seconds! over**]
[**I do not play Dungeons and Dragons!**] Daniel yelled hanging up the walkie-talkie. Blaze, Dinemo and Hori were laughing their heads off.
"Okay, according to the map, we should go up the stairs to get to Juro so lets stop joking and move." Lee said as we walked to the stairs. Lee and Hori were watching Blaze closely.
"What?" Blaze asked them. They didn't answered and in no time, we were on the 2nd floor. "Weird." Blaze said looking around the empty room. "Usually, their would be some freaks trying to stop us." Suddenly, Hori felt tense as if someone actually was here.
"BOO-OOM!" yelled some kind of voice and a sound wave came right at us. By the time we noticed it, it hit us dead on and we fell to the ground with our books still tight in our hands. "Well, well, well. What have we here?" said some guy with a ed mow-hawk, wearing a leather jacket with big, black, and spiked boots with a parrot on his shoulder.
"Not you again!" Dinemo yelled in anger as if he recognized him.
"I missed you guys very much and this time, we're going to destroy YOU!" he roared nearly as loud as his mamodo's spell.
"Rex, I know your not the smartest person here, but you must know when it's 6 VS 2." Lee told him.
"Scared?!" he yelled opening his book.
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**Sorry, got to go! Please go to and read a different story I made under my same username.
12. The Painfull Battle by Blaze
**This POV is of Blaze and this chapter is early because I'm bored!
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**My name is Blaze and the 'A-Team' is going to mop the floor with -hawk and Polly!
"This is going to be way to easy!" Dinemo said getting ready to have chicken as his lips drooled.
"For once, I agree! STOSEAR!" Lee yelled giving 'Rocky' his crummy little caveman weapon. For some reason, it looked like it had spikes on the side. I think that Dinemo's spells upgrade after plenty of uses.
"KILL!" Dinemo yelled like the moron he his at Captain Black Mow-Hawk and his crummy parrot. But he isn't moving. Time to act.
"BURBALLS!" Roy yelled as I shot a million fire balls at Rex.
"SOOBAR!" Rex yelled and his pet screamed at a high pitch frequency we didn't hear and my spell was blocked and Dinemo's spear broke.
"A sound barrier?" Le questioned as Dinemo took some steps back to gather his few senses.
"Lets see them block THIS!" Media yelled obviously ticked at the situation: the 6 of us should have burned him by now. "RIOR NEKORUS!" she wailed and Hori 2 purple flames from his hands. That barrier was still strong as it blocked the spell.
"Man! What is wrong with you punks!" Rex yelled "PUNKS PUNKS!" his parrot Polly echoed. Dinemo got ready to shut him up.
"Don't do anything stupid." I told him, he probably didn't listen. He ran straight for the 2 of them as his fist was in the air.
"FISKA!" Lee yelled instead of telling him to stop since he knew he was to hard headed to stop.
"Perfect. SKYRO!" Rex yelled as his parrot flew strait for Dinemo.
"STUPID BIRD!" Dinemo yelled. Roy wanted to stop him, but he knew he couldn't now as that parrot flew over the top of Dinemo's head.
"What was that?" Hori asked. "What was that suppose to do?" Suddenly, Dinemo fell to his feet.
"Here it comes." Roy said as suddenly blood gushed from Dinemo's head. He tried to hold it in, but he suddenly hurled over the floor.
"What did you do to him!?!" Hori said seeing his companion on the floor i a merciful position.
"Ear problems." Rex said. "Now, it's time for the big finish!" Rex roared to the top us his lungs. "LUCRA BOO-OOM!" Suddenly. that parrot transformed to a giant pterodactyl. Then he opened his maw and we all got around Dinemo.
"MUPRO!" Lee yelled, but the spell didn't activate. "That bird disabled my spells!" Lee yelled as he saw the pterodactyl bird shout out his sound wave that was visible. "Roy..."
"Got it! BURDRAGON!" Roy yelled transforming me into a dragon of pure fire. As I charged into the sound blast, my fire started to lose my fire as y body was forced back into Media, who was knocked unconscious as I made impact.
"GET OFF HER!" Hori said moving me off his master. She was out cold.
[**COME IN DANIEL! HOLLY! SOMEONE!**] Lee frantically called trying to reach someone on the walkie-talkie. "It's all static."Lee informed. All the high sound spells must of messed up the walkie-talkies.
"So...Media is unconscious, Dinemo is in bye-bye land, Blaze got the fire knocked out of him, we can't call for help, and there isn't a way out." Hori pointed out.
"Do we have a plan?" I asked as if I had to.
"Only 1. SMOSMOG!" Roy yelled as I spewed my defense spell: a smock screen.
"MOST UNCOOL!" Rex yelled. I was the only 1 who could see so I had to act...FAST! I grabbed Roy's and Lee's book and the map. Actually, they handed them over to me and I through Hori Media's book.
"What's going on?" Hori asked worried.
"LAVABLO!" Roy screamed as I shot lava from my mouth and ade a huge hole in the wall. Hori pulled Dinemo as I ran into the wall which was connected to a different hallway.
"We're running!" Hori asked in a scream.
"WE'RE WHAT!" Dinemo shouted coming to his senses...sort of. We were far away from the battle. I gave Dinemo his book, he looked angry. "We have to go back! NOW"
"And do what?! They were captured by now! We have to find Team-B. If we want to see our friends. Besides, our energy is low!" I yelled. I pulled out the map and gave it to Hori.
"If they were here, we should go up here!" Hori yelled pointing at a stair case. We ran toward it and ran up.
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**Sad isn't it? What will happen to Lee, Media, and Roy?! Will Lee, Blaze, and Hori find Team-B and be re-united with their bookkeepers? Keep reading!**
13. The Big Battle PART 1 by CJ
**This POV is of the Leader of the B-Team's mamodo...C.J. And the whole 'Blood gushing from Dinemo's head' thing, meant from his ears! Sorry for the confusion.
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**My name is C.J., and my teammates are going up the biggest sets of stairs of all time. It feels like we've been walking forever so I turned into a guinea pig and jumped on Vincent's shoulder.
"Do you know what I just realized?" busted Kerouji, the mamodo who should of had a frog in his throat. I wanted to tell him to shut up, but I just decided to let him talk this time. "That the B in B-Team stands for backup." Kerouji's been talking for the past hour, but unfortunately it was awkward so we just let him. Alice was quiet and Haily didn't really know us.
"Finally, we made it to the top!" Kai yelled. I transformed to a human...ish again so I could stretch. But then, in the corner was some boy who looked 8. He had red hair, was wearing all black, red eyes, and horns. He had some strange smile that freaked me and Kai's out.
"Hey kid, are you okay?!" Alice yelled wondering if he could hear him. He started laughing.
"My name is Ken and my bookkeeper is John." he said as a tall guy stepped from the other corner to the left holding a red book. He had soulless eyes, a blue coat over a red shirt, black pants, and yellow hair. He also had a freaky smile. "Were here to KILL YOU!" He yelled. Before we could act his bookkeeper opened his book.
"DRAHE!" his bookkeeper yelled, still laughing and Ken's head turned into a dragon's head. His mouth opened and he spewed fire.
"LILOSHIELD!" Alice shouted as she and Kerouji got in front of the fire and a giant lily pad appeared that blocked the fire. I turned into a guinea pig
"Now to attack! FUREUKEN!" Vincent shouted as my fur turned into metal, 3 blades came out of my back and 1 on each side all swords has a gun. I charged straight for them as fast as a jet, my guns firing and I was spinning.
"DRAWIN!" John yelled as the Ken's dragon head disappeared and he grew wings. He quickly grabbed John and took off before I got to him but I got on my small legs and shot my guns.
"KAZESAIMON!" Haily yelled and Kai shot out 2 wind slashes which hit them head on like a bulls eye, knocking them out of the sky.
"This was a little easy." Kai said laughing. Vincent quickly grabbed his book and grabbed a liter ready to burn the book.
"CANROAR!" yelled some king of voice that hit Vincent out of nowhere. WAIT! THAT WAS A CHEAP SHOT AND HE HIT VINCENT! Vincent was knocked unconscious. The ones who did was a girl wearing a T-shirt, black shorts, silver shoes and had green eyes, a cannon arm, and purple hair and a guy wearing a red sweater, blue jeans, and black shoes and had black eyes and hair holding a gray book. "I cannot afford you to burn that book." he said.
"Who are you and how dare you attack without announcing your presents?!" Kerouji demanded. For once, I kind of agreed with him.
"I am Jack, my partner is Sheila-" "And you guys got burned." said the mamodo interrupting her bookkeeper. Before I knew what they meant, I realized that John's book was gone and he had it.
"DRAHE!" he screamed as Ken got his dragon head and he spewed fire at our backs. I was still covered with metal so I wasn't harmed, Haily and Kai were burnt, and so was Kerouji and Alice. But they're books were okay. "THAT WAS FUN!" John yelled as my spell wore off so I got out of guinea pig mode.
"This isn't good." I commented. I got Vincent and tried to drag him out of site, but ken saw me and spewed his fire breath at me.
"RIBBOSHI!" Alice yelled for Kerouji to shoot water bullets at the fire. "Nice shots. Now...RIBBOZEN!" Alice screamed as Kerouji shot out a gush of water from his mouth at Ken.
"CANROAR!" Jack yelled for Sheila to shoot a cannon ball out of her arm at Kerouji.
"GIGA KAZEMARON!" Haily yelled as a giant sword made out of wind was formed and a swung it, slicing the cannon ball and heading straight for Jack and Sheila.
"MAXRE CANROAR!" Jack yelled as Sheila shot a bigger cannon ball at Kai's sword which canceled out both spells.
"DRAWIN!" yelled John as Ken got his wings and flew over Kerouji and Alice.
"RIBBOZEN!" Alice yelled trying to blast them out of the sky, but ever shot missed.
"Jack, is it time?!" Ken said extra excited. Jack shook his head yes for some reason
"DRABLAZE!" John yelled as he transformed into a giant Dragon. He opened his mouth and spewed fire with his giant mouth.
"CANBLAZ!" Jack shouted as Sheila's cannon arm got bigger as it shot a giant energy cannon ball.
"Any ideas?" I asked a little nervous.
"GERUDEN!" Alice chanted as a bubble surrounded us.
"KAZESHI-RUDO!" Haily chanted as Kai made a giant wind shield around the bubble. But, our spells weren't strong enough so the bubble bursted, which shot back the big spells which made a big explosion!
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14. The Big Battle PART 2 by Vincent
**his POV is of the Leader of the B-Team Vincent
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**My name is Vincent, and my head is killing me! I woke up to the sound of me hitting the ground...again. I saw C.J., hanging on to his book, barely conscious and...OH MAN!
"GUYS! Alice, Kerouji, Kai, Haily!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I looked to my left to the sound of footsteps.
"No, it's not them!" yelled a familiar voice. When I turned saw 3 kids coming straight for us with 3 books. I grabbed the book from C.J. as he got ready to fight. "You try to attack us, I'll beat you with my book!" the voice yelled again as the figure came into view.
"Dinemo?" I asked as he, Blaze, and Hori came into view all covered with scratches, bruises, and holding their books.
"Where's Lee, Roy, and Media?" C.J. asked as he got of guinea pig mode. They looked like a combination of anger and sadness. They told us about what happened and even though it was serious, C.J. had a grin on his face. "You 3, got your asses a bird?!?!?!" C.J. instantly broke into laughter.
"I'm suddenly hungry for guinea pig!" Dinemo said sounding incredibly serious. Hori tried to stop him, but he ran right at C.J. who picked up a rock ready to bash it into Dinemo's face when a spell broke out.
"BOO-OOM!" shouted a voice which really ticked them off. A sound wave came for us out of nowhere. Dinemo, Blaze, and Hori hid behind a big rock as me and C.J. got ready to counter...somehow.
"FUREUKEN!" I yelled as C.J. had his metal fur again with the guns and swords. He slashed and blasted the sealing so a bunch of rocks could make a giant wall with blocked the sound. "Is this the punk who you guys battled?" I asked them. It was more of a rhetorical question. When suddenly, the rocks collapsed and we saw some drunkie with a cheesy mow-hawk and a parrot on his shoulder. "Ok...are you a gay pirate?" I said making everyone split sides. He just looked angry.
"I am REX! I'M GOING TO BLOW YOU AWAY WITH ROCK! LUCRA BOO-OOM!" Rex screamed as his fruity looking bird became i giant pterodactyl charging to yell.
"Hear we go again." Hori joked so cornily. Dinemo and Blaze looked as if they were going to kill him.
"Do you got a plan?!" Blaze asked as if i didn't know what I was about to do...which I didn't.
"Yes!" I lied looking for my latest plan. "FOKUGAR!" I yelled as C.J. half the size of the pterodactyl.
"He's not big enough! He-" "DON'T! I MEAN IT!!!!!!" Dinemo yelled cutting off Hori's lame joke. The pterodactyl screech came right for us with incredibly force.
"FURUKEN!" I shouted as C.J. big guinea pig body was covered with armor, guns, and swords. He shot himself right at Rex spinning while shooting at the speed of a jet until it crashed into that pterodactyl bird...thing. As the smoke cleared, C.J. was walking out of it with scratches in his 3-feet human form. "You okay?" I asked C.J.
"BOO-OOM!" yelled Rex, but nothing happened. When the smoke cleared some more, the bird was on its back. "AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! RUN!" he yelled grabbing the bird and running.
"HEY!" Dinemo yelled running at him. He grabbed a rock the size of a brick and tossed at the back of his leg, making him fall onto his face. Dinemo gabbed him by the collar of his lame leather jacket. "WHERE'S OUR BOOKKEEPER?!?!" Dinemo yelled in his face.
"I don't know! Juro came and-" Rex didn't finish and punched him in his face, knocking him unconscious. He grabbed the bock and made a fire on it with some rocks.
"We better find them now! If Juro and Ikura got them, who knows what the nut is doing." I told them as the 5 of us went toward Dinemo as the parrot disappeared and we ran past them
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**Please review.**
15. Prison Break by Lee
**This is another famous Lee POV
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**The pain in the back of my head intensified as I started to awaken from the battle I was in.
"Ohhh..." I groaned as my eyes opened to the incredibly dark room. [_Hey, what's going on? I can't move my legs!_] I thought whe suddenlt the lights turned on ad I saw the reason I couldn't move: I was tied to a post! I struggled all I could, but no luck. I turned to my left and saw Roy and Media also tied! "GUYS! Your alive!" I screamed excitedly. I just wished this was a happier moment.
"Look who just woke up." Roy said sounding like all hope was lost...which it kind of was. Dinemo, Blaze, and Hori were gone, nobody know where we are, and even if we could get the walkie-talkies, they don't work thanks to Rex. I opened my mouth to call to Media, but the minute I did, Roy said "Don't waste your time, she's muzzled."
"WHAT?!" I yelled in shock.
"Yeah, she wouldn't shut up so Ikura came and shut her up. Didn't you hear her scream?" he asked me. I saw her face she looked depressed. Hope was surely lost. It looks as if our number is up. Just then, the door opened and came Ikura, Juro, and some other people I never seen before. Juro had a grim smile on his ugly imp-like face.
"Hello, son." Ikura said...making me mad. "Why do you fight me when you could join me?" The look on my face said 'WHAT?!' and he enjoyed it. "You could join me Lee. Think about it: When the Mamodo Battle ends, we can live like kings. We don't need Holly or your mother! They are both ignorant creatures!"
"WHAT?!" I yelled as he mentioned my mom and sister. "YOUR THE ONE WHO IS IGNORANT! Juro is just using you like a puppet so he can win! You left mom, Holly and me for power and greed! I wouldn't join you to save my life!" I yelled in anger.
"You hurt me real deep and going to make you eat those words...along with your friends." he told me punching me in the face. "You 3, cast you most powerful spells!" he commanded pointing at 3 people. They opened their books to cast a spell.
"don't worry, Vincent told me at the airport in England that someone is a traitor." Roy whispered. He was loud enough for me and Media to hear, but all she was focused was on the 3 people ready to blast us to Kingdom Don't Come. Before they fired however, The floor below us broke open and the 3 of us fell in. We fell to the floor below us and the hole that was made was covered with with something, I didn't get a good look since I was on my side.
"Nice of you 3 to _drop _in." someone announced a female voice as the person walked to us. It was so familiar that I couldn't believe it. It was Skye! She walked up to us and cut the roped and Media removed to muzzle on her mouth only to scream.
"Why are you 2 helping us?! I thought you were working for JURO!" she screamed in annger and surprise.
"Correction, we were plotting against him. When we saw how strong you guys were, we made a plan with Vincent in England and he most likely told Daniel and Roy." said Ri which put us all in shock.
"You talk?" I asked which kind of made Skye and Roy angry.
"Never mind is she talks or not! We have to find your mamodo. Your no use to anyone if you can't cast spell." Skye told us. I didn't want to admit it, but she was right, So we ran down the hall to find the others when we heard something.
"HALT AND STAND CLEAR OF THEM!" yelled a familiar voice. It was KEROUJI! I turned and saw Alice, Haily, and Kai with him. "Now, you shall pay for your acts."
"Relax froggy, their on our side." Roy told them, putting them in shock.
"WHAT?!" Alice screamed. "She nearly froze you and our friends in the past."
"Nearly..." Skye emphasized. "We could of been put you guys in Popsicle." she said not convincing them.
"What are you a spy?" Kai said. Ri just nodded her head. "Good enough for me! Can we go now?"
"I still don't trust you!" Kerouji warned her and we started walking.
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**Not the most THRILLING chapter, but informative.**
16. The call by Kerouji
**This POV is of Kerouji**** and sorry I don't post so much. Technical difficulties.**
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My name is Kerouji and me and my associates...and Skye are looking for our other teammates. We are now in what appears to be another big room.
"They're expecting us." Skye informed us. I still don't trust her. Suddenly, an explosion came out of nowhere! Rocks were falling from the sky and it was happening to fast for anyone to read a spell.
"Burdragon." Roy said KNOWING that Blaze wasn't here. But suddenly, a dragon of fire appeared busted out of nowhere and crushed the rocks before they crushed us. We turned around and saw that it was Blaze. We were shocked that Roy knew he was ear though, Out of the burned wall was Dinemo, Vincent, C.J., ad Hori.
"It's about time we found you guys." Dinemo said quickly turning his attention to Skye not trusting her either.
"Looks like the team is united." Lee said trying to break the tension. Dinemo quickly started cracking his kuckles as if he thought something would happen. Blaze quickly through Lee the map ad looked on it. "Okay, so far...we're on the 5th floor ad Juro is on the 7th. He might be expecting us if we just go up those stairs."
"We'll need a distraction." Alice, my bookkeeper pointed out.
"No. We need some bait." Skye mentioned looking at me. I knew what she was thinking. Soon, they all had the idea of me turning into a frog as a diversion.
"Fine." I quickly gave in transforming myself into a frog. I hoped my way up the stairs as I saw hundreds of mamodos waiting for me.
"TOADASHIN!" Alice quickly chanted as 150 of my clones filled the room and shocked them. Thy started talking about how there was so many frogs, but they cannot do anything so I stard to get away as nobody notice 1 frog sneak away. I was picked up by Alice who sneaked up with Dinemo, Lee, C.J., and Vincent.
"Forgon Ra Icarido." I heard Ri faintly say as all of them were suddenly blinded.
"NEKORUKU!" Media yelled as Hori ran up and started pounding skulls. We started walking for awhile so I transformed back to human.
[**Guys! Guys! Do you here me?!**] We heard from Dinemo's walkie-talkie.
[**Hey nerd-slinger! Where the f*** were you when we needed you?!**] Dinemo yelled into it.
[**There was interference! Now listen to me! Juro left about an hour ago! That place is going to blow to kingdom come again and-what the? How did you-**] And that was it. The wakie-talkie went dead.
"We better get out of here.
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**Sorry for the short chapter! Got school in the morning and I didn't do my homework!**
17. The enemy by Lamervos
**This POV is of'll see.**
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My name is and I am standing face to face with our greatest enemy....Juro.
"How did you get here?!" Daniel demanded to know.
"I traced the signature of the computers through the walkie-talkies." Ikura explained.
"And now we're going to kill you!" Juro laughed. Holly wanted to fight more then we did, but she kew she couldn't since Bite was gone.
"SHAEGRI!" Ikura chanted and my shadow wrapped around me like chains. I could barely move, and it felt like it was draining me. Daniel opened his book when Ikura said, "Don't bother. My spell cancels yours." This doesn't look good.
"ARSEMURU DOGURAK!" someone yelled as a wide blast hit them both in the back and hit them through the house. The ones who did it was a giant alligator and and a kid with red hair who was wearing all black.
"I thought Ri and Skye burned your book?!" Juro yelled seriously.
"They used this new invention called lying!" the kid shouted. Ri and Skye? Are they on our side? Is the alligator Gakote?
"SHABEAM!" Ikura yelled as Juro's shadow blasted from his hand toward Daniel, trying to get rid of me.
"GO DOGURUK!" that kid said as that Gakote suddenly got bigger, sharper teeth, and his scales hardened and just used his tail to protect Daniel. "Your welcome. And by the way, my6 name is Dakote." Gakote charged straight toward Juro and Ikura.
"ADSH CANEROIX!" Ikura chanted as a giant statue appeared from Juro's shadow. It shot out a dark blast of energy toward us and Gakote just blocked it. Gakote's spell wore off, but he wasn't exhausted. Juro and Ikura were shocked.
"Ikura, we need more time with the machine." Juro mumbled to his master.
"I know. SHASMO!" Ikura chanted as they disappeared into Juro's shadow. Soon enough, I was feed from there spell.
"Thanks for the save." I said for them saving us. "What do you know about-" "Juro's base blowing up? Nothing." Dakote interrupted. "All we can do is wait. for them to get out."
"WHAT?!" Holly yelled. as she grabbed the collar of Dakote's shirt. "You mean we cannot do anything?! My brother is i there!! So were suppose to wait?!"
"That is all we can do." Gakote told her. He was right.
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**If your wondering what happened to Gakote's bookkeeper's name...well it was originally Dakote. I changed it to what it should be in my other story. Sorry Iostorm...the creator of this team.**
18. The endfor now by Kai
**This POV is of Kai [he was going to do it eventually...]**
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My name is Kai and we have just finished burning every book of the followers of Juro. Amazing how the 12 of us beaten 30 of Juro's followers.
"That was fun." Blaze said kicking the last piece of ash.
"Now we just have to-" "Change of plans!" yelled Dinemo as he cut off Haily. "This place is going to blow!" Dinemo yelled as he got closer.
"Here we go again." Hori said running as the rest of us ran towards the stairs only to see that they were blocked by 56-feet of steel. "He really wants us dead."
"Stand Aside." Roy warned us. "LAVABLO!" he roared as Blaze spewed lave from his mouth, which wasn't doing anything.
"NEKORUGA!" Media shouted as Hori shot a concentrated blast of purple fire, as the wall started to burn open
"By the time your done, we'll be blown to bits." Dinemo yelled.
"Got any better ideas?" Media asked kind of sarcastically.
"Here's one. GIGA KAZEMARON!" Haily shouted as I had my wind sword. I jumped over the 2 teams shooting fire and slashed at the door as they stopped.
"Nice..." Skye commented, "All that fire power and you guys made..." Skye waited for the smoke to clear. "...a crack." Skye said as the smoke cleared.
"I refuse to die like this!!!" Kerouji yelled as his spell book started to glow.
"Okay Kerouji! RIBBORAZON!" Alice screamed as Kerouji made to rings of water and through them at the steel wall, breaking it to pieces.
"Nice work Frog Prince. Now we move!" I said as we started running. We ran as fast as we could down all those stairs. It took about 30 minutes because of gravity, ad when we finally got out, no explosion and we saw Lamervos, Daniel, some kid and an alligator.
"Gakote? Dakote?" Lee asked the kid and alligator. "What are you guys doing here?"
"And where's the bomb?! It's going to explode!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Dinemo yelled.
"Yeah....funny story...the bomb was, well, miscalculated. It was going to activate a computer crashing." Daniel explained.
"WHAT THE F***!" Dinemo yelled foaming at the mouth.
" was just a diversion for you guys not to get some plans." Skye said.
"Wait. You new?" Haily asked very ticked.
"So you made me run...down all those stairs?! FOR NOTHING!" Kerouji yelled.
"So...what was on the computer?" C.J. asked curiously.
"The plans for my invention." Daniel answered causing a tremor in all of us. "He's going to turn it into an amplifier for Juro and make it 10X more powerful."
"Where's he building it?" Lee asked seriously.
"In his Tokyo." Lee and Holly were shocked cause that's were there mom is.
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**Unfortunately it ends here...for a while. It will begin again on a new story format. Thanks for reading. Sorry for the never ending cliff hangers.**
End file.
| Battle of the Century by Jac Bandit | Zatch Bell |
Trapped In Stone
**Disclaimer: I don't own any characters in this story except Shacaz.**
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**The roar of the drill filled the air as it hit the mamodo's book. The mamodo disappeared in a puff of smoke. I felt no pity for it, instead I felt satisfied. My bookkeeper Shacaz closed the book and we turned away. He walked and I hovered.**
**Have we won the battle? Am I to become King? No there was one more.**
"Garon!" Shacaz yelled furiously. I felt the bar exit my body and fly towards the creature. It simply stood there as it was hit. The smoke cleared and it revealed the mamodo unscathed and unmoving. We tried every trick we knew. The mamodo and its bookkeeper remained in the same spot.
"Shacaz," I said through telepathy, "We have to win this no matter what!" I admit I was starting to get desperate. Nothing worked against the thing. We retreated to fight another day. The thing didn't allow us to.
It followed us all around. I grabbed Shacaz and took to the air.
To my surprise I saw another mamodo, the one called Dogmos. I figured we needed help so we went over to them and they agreed to take Goren of the Stone down. We returned to find Goren waiting for us. We used every spell and we even took a lot of risks. But in the end, we lost.
We both had used our strongest spells and we had done some damage but not enough. The smoke drifted away and we found ourselves under Goren's cruel gaze. I stiffened and I found I couldn't move.
" Ei Garon!" I heard Shacaz yell. The spike ball dug into the ground and came up into Goren's bookkeeper.
The keeper dropped the book. I had a chance to attack, but I didn't. I had turned to stone. Same with Dogmos.
I felt sleepy in that stone and I passed out, not to wake up for another 1,000 years, when a being Zofis would revive me. I've waited 1,000 years for this battle. Maybe I will get another chance in the next battle.
Besides, what's another 1,000 years except to wait.
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End file.
| Trapped In Stone by sonyscreens | Zatch Bell |
1. Chapter 1
Today is the 21st of December; just a few days before Christmas. In Mochinoki City everybody is getting prepared for the holidays whether it's setting up lights or going Christmas shopping. Today a black haired genius and blond haired idiot are getting Christmas decorations ready together. Zatch is currently working on hand craft items to hang around the house such as paper mache snowflakes and candy canes. Kiyo found out that the Christmas lights won't light up and is checking each individual bulb to find the broken one.
_"Man this would be so much easier if I could use my answer talker ability." _Kiyo thought. His answer talker ability can find the answer to any problem in an instant; all he has to do is think of a question and the answer comes to his mind. As amazing as this ability may be Kiyo's answer talker is unstable and hasn't yet learned how to use it on his own free will.
Unlike Kiyo, Zatch was having a blast. Zatch always loved arts and crafts so the thought of making all of these paper mache items and then hanging them all over the house for all to see made him overexcited. "Kiyo this is so much fun! Are you having as much fun as I am?" Zatch said enthusiastically.
"Zatch I have never been this happy." Kiyo said sarcastically although Zatch took his word for it.
Zatch stopped what he was doing to express his happiness to Kiyo and walked up beside him and with sparkling eyes Zatch said, "I can't wait to set up Christmas decorations! When all of this is done the house is going to look amazing! When can we set them up?"
Kiyo was almost at his breaking point and was so close to yelling at Zatch although all the annoyance he has faced up until now was nothing compared to how he was about to feel from Zatch's impatience.
Zatch couldn't stand it anymore, "Kiyo let's put up the decorations now!" Zatch happily yelled as he grabbed the lights that Kiyo wasn't done checking which caused Kiyo to lose his place.
Kiyo sat there in disbelief; he had been checking those lights for thirty minutes and had almost finished checking all of them. Kiyo's disbelief turned into unforgiving rage and with a demonic face he screamed, "ZATCH!"
Zatch's happiness instantly turned into extreme fear and shouted, "AHHH!" as he ran from Kiyo. Zatch ran out of the house only to slip on ice and land on his head.
After seeing Zatch cry Kiyo thought Zatch had learned his lesson and finally said, "Come inside Zatch. I'm going to show you how to check the Christmas lights. You do want our house to look nice don't you?"
"Un-Unuu." Zatch said as he silently cried from the pain.
They went back upstairs into Kiyo's room and Kiyo showed Zatch how to check bulbs with the multimeter. Zatch questioned, "Why do I need to check every bulb? Wont it be fine if only a few don't work?"
"Well." Kiyo started, "You see the bulbs interact with each other and create a circuit. When a bulb goes out it breaks the circuit and the electricity isn't able to..." Kiyo saw Zatch's confused face and realized he was explaining this to a child. "To put it simply if one bulb doesn't work the rest won't."
Zatch could see that, when he hooked the lights up to an outlet only to see them still not work, "Unuu..." Zatch said in agreement but questioned, "Why don't you do it Kiyo?"
Kiyo felt annoyed again, "Well I tried doing it before I had to go with mom to get a Christmas tree but somebody ruined all the progress I made. So now you can do it."
"Christmas tree?" Zatch said, "I want to help pick one out!"
"No." Kiyo said immediately, "We already talked about this. You're going to stay here and set up most of the decorations. You agreed and you were happy about it remember?"
"But, but..." Zatch protested, he didn't want to stay behind now because he knew checking the lights would be boring.
"We'll be back in a few hours Zatch. Be a good demon now." Kiyo said as he walked out of his room.
"Unuu..." Zatch managed to say. He began checking the lights as instructed but it was more painfully boring than he originally thought. By the time he checked the third light he childishly thought, "_If these three work then the rest must work too! I fixed them!_"
Zatch grabbed all of the lighting decorations and started setting up outside. The lighting decorations included: a Santa, a reindeer, a few candy canes, and hanging lights to put around his house.
Zatch grabbed a ladder and placed it in front of the house so he could start setting up the hanging lights and placed his special toy the "Vulcan 300" at the base of the steps. Zatch instructed, "Okay Vulcan, make sure you hold the ladder steady okay?" Zatch trusted that Vulcan could understand him.
Zatch climbed the ladder and reached the top. "Aha!" Zatch shouted. "Okay, now it's time to start-" Zatch was cut off from another voice.
"Hey Zatch! What are you doing up there?" asked a familiar voice.
Zatch recognized who that voice was; he turned around to face the person below and shouted, "Hey Tia!" and started waving to her. This was all a mistake because he shifted his body weight back a little but it was enough for the ladder to start falling backwards.
"Nuu?" Zatch said in confusion as the ladder started losing balance. Then once his fall picked up speed he screamed, "UOOOOO-" before crashing into the ground. Zatch didn't make the ladder slant against the house which led to his eventual plummet.
"Zatch! Are you okay?" Tia yelled as she run over to aid Zatch.
Zatch was underneath the ladder with his back facing the ground. His eyes were spinning but managed to say "Un-Unuu..."
Tia lifted the ladder off of Zatch and inspected his body for any harm. "Zatch you're hurt!" Tia said with worry in her voice, "Come on, let's get you inside." Tia helped Zatch up.
"No... I still want to... to decorate..." Zatch said, losing his balance.
"You can do that later." Tia said, trying to compromise with him, "But right now you're in no condition to decorate anything. You can barely stand-" Right when Tia said that Zatch started falling over but she caught him with her arms. Tia started blushing; she was holding Zatch.
"C-Come on, we're going inside." Tia embarrassingly said. Zatch knew he couldn't win so he just said, "Unuu..."
Tia led Zatch to the couch where she laid him down on. Tia inspected his body once more and discovered that snow hid cuts and bruises from her earlier. Tia went into the kitchen and brought back some band aids.
"Zatch you have some bruises but I'm going to make you feel all better, okay?" Tia caringly said.
"Unuu..." Zatch replied. Normally Zatch would be terrified at the thought of Tia treating him but this time she only had band aids at her disposal but then...
Tia slapped one of the band aids fiercely onto one of Zatch's bruises.
"WAAAAH! Tia that hurts!" Zatch screamed.
"Sorry!" Tia replied, "I'll be more gentle this time, I promise!" Tia then very carefully put another band aid on Zatch; making sure she took her time and put it on as slowly as possible.
Once it was finally on Tia asked, "Better?"
"Better." Zatch replied with a smile.
Tia smiled and made sure she put on every single band aid as softly as possible; she didn't want Zatch to be in pain. There was one last bruise on Zatch's cheek and Tia popped an idea in her head that would leave her blushing.
"H-Hey Zatch? Can you close your eyes for a second? I have something to put on your cheek that would make it feel better." Tia said nervously.
"Unuu..." Zatch replied. He was really scared about the possibilities of things that she would put on his cheek. He was so scared that he didn't even question why she was making him closer his eyes. "_Will it sting? Will it burn?_" Zatch questioned fearfully in his mind but then he felt something soothing and a little wet against his cheek. Then Zatch felt something being put over his cheek and realized it was a band aid.
"O-Okay Zatch, you can open your eyes now." Tia said even more nervously. She didn't want Zatch to find out what she just did.
"Thank you Tia! I feel all better!" Zatch announced but felt curious and asked, "What did you put on my cheek?"
Tia's slight blush was gone and was replaced with a bright crimson face. "Ummm... uhhhh..." Tia was trying to find a way to cover it up. She felt cornered until she thought of a childish excuse, "Oh, that was just my secret 'Tia Medicine'!" Tia was worried, she knew Zatch was an idiot but she was scared that maybe even he could see through this.
"Oh. That makes sense!" Zatch obliviously said with a childish smile. He believed Tia's story one hundred percent.
Tia was relieved that Zatch believed her but also felt bad that what he believed was actually a lie.
They then heard someone entering the house and they heard a noise that went, "Meru meru me!"
"Ponygon!" Zatch and Tia said together. Ponygon went out for a walk since Zatch and Kiyo were so busy earlier.
"Meru meru me!" Ponygon said happily as he walked up to the other two demons.
They spent a few minutes talking until Tia remembered Zatch on the ladder and asked, "Zatch? What were you doing on that ladder?"
"Well I was trying to hang up Christmas lights but I fell." Zatch said.
"Zatch... you're not supposed to have the ladder like that. It needs to be slanted against the house." Tia said as it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"Nuu? Slanted?" Zatch said in confusion.
"Meru?" Ponygon said equally confused.
"_I'm with a bunch of idiots._" Tia thought. "Never mind. Just let me set up the ladder so you don't fall."
"Unuu! Thanks Tia!" Zatch said with a smile, "So will you two help me set up decorations?"
"Of course!" Tia said happily.
"Meru me!" Ponygon said confidently.
The three children went outside and Tia found out Zatch was a better visual learner because when she showed him how he set up the ladder compared to how he should set up the ladder he understood his mistake. "_Wow an idiot can still learn._" Tia thought as she giggled.
Zatch was back on the ladder while Tia was holding it steady because she was still worried over earlier events. Ponygon was happily setting up other outdoor decorations. After an hour had passed the three of them managed to set everything up successfully with the hanging lights above the house, Santa and his reindeer in front of the house, and the candy canes along the walkway.
"Yay! We did it!" Zatch announced.
"Meru meru me! Meru meru me!" Ponygon said joyfully while jumping up and down.
"I can't wait until night comes so we can see all of our hard work paid off!" Tia happily said.
"Unuu!" Zatch said, "Our house will be the prettiest one around!" he said proudly.
"Hey guys. Did you set all of this up by yourselves?" a familiar voice asked.
"Megumi!" Tia said as she went to give her book owner a hug. "How did the film shooting go?"
"It went smoothly." Megumi happily said, "And now that we got that taken care of you know what that means."
"Christmas break!" Tia happily announced.
Zatch's eyes started sparkling again, "Does that mean we get to spend more time with you guys for the holidays?"
Megumi looked up and thought for a second, "Now that you mention it I never did think about how I was going to spend the break. But it would be best spent with friends." Megumi looked back down at Zatch and said, "Yes, you can see us every day if that's okay with Kiyo's mother." Megumi smiled.
"Alright!" Zatch shouted with happiness. "Isn't that great Tia?" asked Zatch
Tia couldn't contain herself; she ran over to Zatch and tackled him into a big hug. "I'm so happy!" Tia shouted while smiling like an idiot, but a happy idiot nonetheless. Zatch returned the hug and after a few seconds Tia opened her eyes and realized what she was doing. She let go of Zatch and started blushing wildly but there was still a smile on her face as she pressed her hands against her cheeks.
A few seconds later they saw three people walking toward the house carrying a tree.
"Hey they're back!" Zatch happily announced, "But who's the other person?"
As they grew closer Zatch recognized the mystery person, "Ouuu! It's Mr. Sunbeam!" Mr. Sunbeam was carrying the tree from the front while Kiyo supported him from the back.
"Hey guys. It's good to see all of you." Mr. Sunbeam said.
"Hey Mr. Sunbeam." Tia and Zatch said together while Ponygon started running up to his book owner.
"Meru meru me!" Ponygon happily yelled as he licked his book owner's face.
Kiyo and Mr. Sunbeam went to the back of the house and put down the tree. "Thanks for helping us Mr. Sunbeam." Kiyo said gratefully.
"Not a problem. That's what friends are for." Mr. Sunbeam replied. Mr. Sunbeam was walking home from work when he found Kiyo and Mrs. Takamine carrying the tree home and decided to lend a hand.
Zatch wanted to put up the tree so he asked, "Kiyo are we setting up the tree tonight?"
"No Zatch." Kiyo replied, "Mom has to trim the tree a little bit and we're tired so we're going to take it easy tonight. We'll set up the tree tomorrow."
"Unuu..." Zatch said a little disappointedly; he wanted to hang up the tree today.
Megumi could tell Kiyo was tired; she didn't know how long Kiyo had to carry that tree but she could tell that he needs rest so she grabbed his hand, "Kiyo let's get you inside; you look really tired." Megumi said with a slight blush.
"Al-Alright." Kiyo said with a blush forming at his cheeks.
They went inside and chatted for a good hour while Zatch, Tia, and Ponygon played together until it started getting dark and then Zatch said, "Everybody let's go outside and turn the lights on!" Zatch really wanted to see the fruits of his labor.
Everyone went back outside to see the lights that Zatch, Tia, and Ponygon set up. Before going to turn on the switch Kiyo put a hand on Zatch's head and said, "Good work Zatch, I'm proud of you."
This made Zatch incredibly happy, "Thanks Kiyo!" It was rare for Kiyo to acknowledge Zatch's efforts so every time he did it was precious to Zatch. Kiyo flipped the switch; the Santa lit up, the reindeer lit up, the candy canes lit up, the hanging lights however remained dark.
"What?" Kiyo said in confusion. He made sure everything was connected and tried again but to no avail. Kiyo looked at Zatch, "Zatch you did check every bulb, didn't you?"
Zatch was in shock, "Unuu... I mean I checked a few bulbs and they seemed to work so I thought they all worked."
Kiyo snapped, "If they all worked I wouldn't have asked you to check them! ZATCH!"
"I'm sorry!" Zatch yelled in fear.
Everyone helped take down the hanging lights for Kiyo to check them once again and once Kiyo checked and replaced the broken bulb everyone helped hang the lights back up.
Once everything was set up _again _Kiyo went to go flip the switch, "_Please work this time._" Kiyo thought. He flipped the switch and everything worked perfectly. The house looked wonderful and Zatch was really happy at the results.
Zatch ran over to Tia and gave her a hug, "We did it Tia! Thank you!"
Tia was stunned_, _"_Zatch is actually hugging me_." Tia thought. She started blushing and returned the hug, "N-No problem Zatch. Anything for you." Tia said, the last part in a whisper that no one could hear. She was happy to be in his arms. Zatch released Tia to give Ponygon the same thanks.
Megumi and Kiyo stood side by side admiring the house. Slowly Megumi's hand was drawn to Kiyo's until their hands finally met and Megumi locked her hand with his. Kiyo looked over to see Megumi holding his hand and became nervous; seeing this Megumi asked, "Am I making you uncomfortable Kiyo? I'm sorry it's just that my hand is a little cold." the Idol lied, trying to cover up her desire the hold Kiyo's hand.
Kiyo felt Megumi releasing her grip on his hand. He gripped back and said, "No it's okay Megumi. If your hand is cold then just let me warm it up for you." Kiyo said with a smile and slight blush.
Megumi started blushing too and said with a smile, "Thank you Kiyo." Megumi looked back at the house and started to grip Kiyo's hand tighter.
Tia was watching Kiyo and Megumi and started feeling a little jealous, "_Why can't Zatch hold my hand like that._" Tia thought and looked at Zatch. "_I'm sure he wouldn't mind..._" Tia thought hesitantly as she started walking over to him until she stood beside Zatch and felt really nervous. Tia blushed as she reached for Zatch's hand and finally she was able to grip his hand.
Zatch felt something grip his hand, "Nuu?" He asked and then saw that a blushing Tia was the one holding his hand. Zatch then said, "Hey Tia! Do you like the lights?"
It seemed to Tia that Zatch didn't mind that she was holding his hand, "Umm, yea! I think they're great." Tia said as she tried refocusing on the lights.
Zatch laughed, "Yea me too!" Then Zatch wondered about something, "Tia? Why is your face so red? Are you sick?" Zatch asked worriedly.
"What?" Tia asked but then realized that she was blushing. "N-No I'm not sick. I'm just... happy." Tia said softly as her blush intensified.
"Oh, well Tia being happy makes me happy. Thank you for helping me today Tia; I couldn't have done it without you." Zatch said.
Tia felt all warm inside and was extremely happy. She felt like this whenever Zatch complimented her on anything, "You're welcome Zatch. I'll always help you with anything." Tia said softly.
After watching the lights everyone said their goodbyes and headed home. Megumi and Tia wanted to stay a little longer but didn't mind leaving knowing they would come back tomorrow. Megumi and Tia were back at their apartment. Right before falling asleep Megumi smiled and thought to herself, "_I have a good feeling about Christmas this year._"
2. Chapter 2
It was noon in Mochinoki City on the 22st of December. Kiyo was reading college level books to entertain himself. It was quiet and peaceful but Kiyo only saw this as the calm before the storm; living with Zatch there is no such thing as peace. Kiyo thought, "_It's too quiet, I better enjoy this peace while I-_" unfortunately his thoughts were cut off.
"Kiyo! Kiyo!" He heard Zatch yell as he ran up the stairs.
Kiyo put his book down in defeat, "_I should have expected this._" Kiyo thought to himself as his door flung open leaving a overjoyed Zatch at the doorway.
"What is it Zatch?" asked Kiyo who was trying to hide his annoyance.
"Kiyo! Look who came over to visit!" Zatch happily said as Megumi and Tia caught up with him.
"Hey Kiyo!" Megumi and Tia said in unison.
Kiyo was surprised, "Hey Tia, hey Megumi, I thought you would be too busy to visit."
Megumi was confused, "Didn't Zatch tell you?"
"Zatch?" Kiyo said in confusion as everyone turned toward the blond haired boy.
Finally Zatch remembered and said, "Oh yea! Megumi's on winter break and has a bunch of free time now!"
Kiyo looked back at Megumi, "Well I'm really glad you came over to visit us." Kiyo said with a smile.
"Of course! So what did you guys have planned today?" Megumi asked.
Zatch and Kiyo looked at each other, then back at the girls and Zatch asked, "What plans?"
Kiyo added, "Yea we don't really have anything planned today."
Tia was surprised, "What? That sounds boring! What were you doing before we got here?" Tia asked.
Zatch was the first to reply, "Well I was hanging a bunch of decorations around the house!" referring to his paper mache creations.
Kiyo held up his college level book up and said, "I was just reading."
Tia was fine with Zatch's excuse but was horrified at Kiyo's idea of fun. Megumi thought to herself with a smile, "_Typical Kiyo._" and then began to say, "Well since you don't have any plans today why don't we all go to the mall?" Megumi then looked directly at Zatch and added, "I heard Santa is going to be there."
Zatch turned to Megumi and yelled, "Santa?! Santa's there?! Oh Kiyo can we go?! Please, please, please!" Zatch was begging.
Kiyo rarely saw Zatch this excited and remembered a time when he himself was excited to see Santa. Kiyo put a hand on Zatch's head and said, "Sure buddy."
Zatch was filled with joy and felt like he could explode with excitement; he quickly ran downstairs to spread the news to Mrs. Takamine and Ponygon.
Tia heard Zatch's yelling and thought, "_Zatch is really cute when he's excited._" Tia giggled.
Back downstairs Zatch went to Ponygon and said, "Ponygon! Santa's going to be at the mall! Let's go!"
Ponygon's face lit up and started shouting, "Meru meru me!" Ponygon was just as excited as Zatch and together they ran outside. Zatch shouted up to Kiyo's window, "Hurry up slowpokes!"
Kiyo got up from his chair and started getting ready. Once he had on all of his winter clothes they were about to walk out the door until Megumi said, "Oh Kiyo, you should wear these."
Kiyo looked at Megumi and saw that she has a pair of gloves in her hand and held them out to him. Kiyo accepted them and said with a smile, "Thank you Megumi." Kiyo was blushing since Megumi was giving him something.
Megumi had a slight blush too and said with a smile, "You're welcome Kiyo."
The five of them headed toward the mall and found a girl along the way. Apparently waiting for Zatch she said, "Zatch I haven't seen you around lately."
Zatch instantly became frightened, taking away his perfect jolly mood. Zatch replied, "H-Hey Naomi... I-I was just b-busy."
Naomi cut him off, "Stop lying to me! It looks like I'll have to punish you now!" she said as she started racing over to him however Tia got between Naomi and Zatch.
Tia was annoyed that Naomi ruined Zatch's mood that she loved and was angry that she wanted to harm Zatch and said, "You've got a lot of nerve, Zatch is with us today. And if you really want to get to him you'll have to go through me!" Tia said protectively but everyone else saw it as plain anger.
Naomi didn't want to start a fight with the "red head" and saw that Zatch was with his guardian. Naomi turned to Zatch and said, "You got lucky today but next time I'll get you, you loser."
"Un-Unuu." Zatch replied fearfully as Naomi drove off in her toy car.
Tia walked up to Zatch, trying to get his happy mood back she said, "Don't worry about her Zatch, as long as I'm here I won't let her hurt you. Now come on, let's go see Santa!"
Zatch started to cheer up, "Unuu! Let's go!" Zatch said as he grabbed Tia's hand.
They headed for the mall again, this time Zatch and Tia holding hands and Tia blushing. "_Why is Zatch holding my hand?_" Tia thought, she knew she liked it but was curious. Even after Naomi left Zatch felt uneasy and the longer he held Tia's hand the more the uneasiness feeling went away. It was thanks to Tia's words, "_I won't let her hurt you._" Zatch felt protected by Tia and felt at ease holding her hand.
By the time they entered the mall Zatch's uneasiness completely faded and he regained all of his previous joy. "We're here! We're here!" Zatch happily announced.
Tia was still blushing but she couldn't suppress a smile and thought, "_Oh Zatch, you happy dork._"
Zatch released his grip on Tia's hand so he could start running in the mall to find Santa which made Tia a little sad but decided to run with him, Ponygon followed the other two demons.
Kiyo and Megumi had their backs turned away from the children and once they turned around the children were long gone. "Oh great, I should have saw this coming. What are we going to do now?" Kiyo said, annoyed.
Megumi replied, "We'll just have to look for them that's all. They shouldn't be that hard to find."
Kiyo replied, "I just wish they would slow down." Kiyo points at a sign and continues, "If they would have just stopped to think they would've noticed that sign that tells you exactly where the mall Santa is."
Megumi sweat dropped. "Yea that would be the smart thing to do." Megumi said as she giggled, she continued, "But they're just kids and don't know better yet. Anyways let's go looking for them."
Zatch, Tia, and Ponygon were on the second floor running recklessly to find Santa. Tia tried getting Zatch's attention, "Zatch! Stop running for just a second!"
Zatch had no intention of stopping for anyone but Santa and replied, "No way! I've got to see Santa before he leeeeaves!"
Tia asked again, "Please! For me?"
Zatch thought about how Tia saved him from Naomi earlier and decided that Tia should come before Santa for now. Zatch stopped in his tracks creating skid marks on the floor from the deceleration. Ponygon couldn't stop fast enough and ran into Zatch which knocked them both to the ground.
"Nuu..." Zatch said, his eyes spinning.
"Me..." Ponygon said, his eyes spinning as well.
Zatch's recklessness started annoying Tia, "Zatch why don't you ever use your head? Why did you charge off so suddenly to find Santa? Now we lost Megumi and Kiyo and remember what happened last time we went through the mall unattended?"
Zatch thought for a minute and remembered when they were chased by security because they thought they were lost children, "Nuu... You're right. We have to find Kiyo before they lock us up!" Zatch said, admitting his mistake.
Zatch and Ponygon got up but noticed Tia had her arms crossed and a mean looked rested on her face. "Nuu, Tia?" Zatch asked.
Tia wanted some condolence from Zatch. "Apologize to me for dragging me all over the mall." Tia said.
"But we didn't make you Tia..." Zatch replied with a little fear.
"If I didn't follow you idiots then you would've gotten in trouble. I was helping you two." Tia replied getting more annoyed.
"Unuu... we're sorry Tia." Zatch said quietly.
"Meru me." Ponygon said apologizing.
Tia's annoyance went down. "Good, now follow me this time." Tia ordered.
Eventually Tia led Zatch and Ponygon to Kiyo and Megumi, Tia was good at finding her partner. "You knucklehead! Can you stay still for just one second!" Kiyo angrily said to Zatch in a whisper.
Zatch replied sadly, "I'm sorry Kiyo, I was just so excited..."
Kiyo's anger slowly vanished and he said, "Well we found Santa so don't go running off again, okay?"
Zatch's face lit up and said, "You found him?! Unuu! Lead the way Kiyo."
Kiyo led the group and finally they reached Santa. Kiyo looked at Santa's face and thought to himself, "_It couldn't be_." Then Kiyo heard the Santa say, "Momma mia! We have such good boys and girls here today!" Kiyo didn't have a doubt in his mind who the mall Santa was; he started smiling to himself and remembered how charitable Folgore was, like postponing his concert to visit young children in a hospital and bringing them gifts.
Megumi came to the same conclusion and thought to herself, "_What a nice person._" She hasn't seen this side of Folgore before.
The three children were clueless about the true identity of the mall Santa.
Kiyo started looking toward Zatch, "Are you ready to meet-" Kiyo stopped midsentence when he noticed Zatch and Ponygon were gone. "Where did they go?!" Kiyo asked with a raised voice. He then looked at the mall Santa to see Zatch laying on Santa's lap and Ponygon holding onto Santa while licking his face. "I told those idiots not to run off!" Kiyo roared.
Tia was embarrassed that Zatch and Ponygon skipped the line and went straight to Santa and that embarrassment bred anger. "Those idiots!" Tia quietly said to herself.
Zatch was smiling brightly, his eyes were sparkling, and was shaking with excitement. "Hi Santa." Zatch started, "I've been a really good boy this year so can I have a life size Vulcan 300? Can I have a life supply of yellowtail? Can I have Praying Mantis Joe action figures?"
The whole time "Santa" was worried that Zatch and Ponygon would figure out he was actually Folgore. Folgore replied, "Ummm yes little boy, you can have all of those nice things."
Ponygon asked Santa for gifts too and said, "Meru, meru meru me, meru me, meru."
Folgore thought that Ponygon was probably asking for gifts and replied, "Yes little horsey. You can have those things too." Folgore knew he guessed right when Ponygon looked overjoyed.
Zatch became curious and asked, "Ohhhhh! Can I touch your beard?"
Folgore replied, "Sure, little one."
Zatch went through his beard and said, "Ouuuuuu!" in admiration. Then he yanked on the beard and pulled it off by accident.
Everything turned chaotic, "Waaaaah! You're not Santa!" "Meru Meeeeee!" Zatch and Ponygon screamed as they cried oceans of tears. All of the children in line started crying and the parents looked angry. Folgore ran away from the crowd. Kiyo started whistling to himself, trying to act like he had no connection to Zatch and Ponygon to avoid the parents until...
"Kiyo!" Zatch yelled as he ran up to Kiyo and clung to him..
Kiyo looked down at Zatch, then looked at all the parents giving him glares. Kiyo felt embarrassed and walked away from the scene as fast as he could with Zatch still clinging to him. When they got out of the mall Kiyo and Tia yelled in unison at Zatch and Ponygon, "You idiots!"
Zatch and Ponygon didn't seem to care about their rage, they were too focused on seeing a fake Santa. "Waaaah! Santa isn't real!" Zatch cried as he held Ponygon.
Megumi started comforting Zatch and Ponygon and said, "Hey it's okay you guys. That Santa wasn't the real one." Megumi then looked at Kiyo for some help, "Right Kiyo?"
Kiyo started to blush slightly and had to suppress his anger for Megumi's sake. Kiyo thought of a fast excuse and told Zatch and Ponygon, "Yea, the real Santa was too busy preparing for Christmas so he had some of his workers dressed up as himself to visit children in his place."
Zatch and Ponygon looked up at Kiyo, "Do you really mean that Kiyo?" Zatch asked still crying but with small hope in his eyes.
Kiyo nodded, Zatch and Ponygon started smiling again only to lose their breath the next second. Tia started strangling both of the other children and yelled, "Don't embarrassment us like that ever again!"
Zatch and Ponygon were barely able to apologize and were released, both rubbing their necks. "Hmpf!" Tia said angrily.
They decided to go to the park even though it was against Zatch's wishes, he feared Naomi was there and felt like Tia was too angry to keep her promise. Once they were there Megumi pushed Tia on the swing as Zatch, Kiyo, and Ponygon played tag. After awhile Kiyo got tired, he was a human trying to keep up with two demons after all. Kiyo went over to the swings and asked Tia, "Hey Tia, don't you want to play tag with Zatch and Ponygon?" Kiyo was hoping she would be able to take his place.
Tia however did not like the idea, "Hmpf, play with that crybaby? Forget it, I'm still mad at him for being an idiot at the mall." Tia replied.
Kiyo didn't want to anger Tia so he just sat on the other swing to relax. Then an expected visitor showed up which angered Tia, it was Naomi in her toy car. Naomi had a sinister look on her face as she stared at Zatch; Tia noticed this and got off the swing to see what would happen. Megumi giggled a little and thought, "_Even though you're mad at him you still care a lot about him, don't you Tia?_"
Every time Tia looked at Zatch playing she saw his innocent and happy face which made Tia want to protect Zatch more and more. Tia looked at Naomi and saw that she had crabs in her hands and for an instant Tia was stunned. "_Crabs? Where did she get crabs from?_" Tia thought but she didn't have too much time to wonder because Naomi started heading towards Zatch which caused Tia to instinctively react. Tia grabbed some snow and formed it into a ball and shouted, "Zatch, move!" as she threw a snowball at Naomi.
Tia's snowball hit Naomi in the face. "Ahh! I can't see!" Naomi yelled before ramming into the jungle gym. Naomi's toy car was a little wreaked and her eyes spun in circles; her crabs crawled away to freedom. Zatch ran over to Tia and said, "Wow Tia! You saved me, thank you so much!"
Tia's face lit up with happiness and a blush formed until suddenly she snapped back into reality and felt like she had to pretend like she was still angry. Tia crossed her arms and looked away, "Hmpf, I'm still mad at you." Tia said coldly.
Zatch's smile didn't fade. "Aww come on Tia, don't be like that." Zatch replied still happily.
Tia was about to turn around to yell at Zatch but once she turned something was holding her and her face started turning bright red. Zatch was giving Tia a hug for saving her and he also wanted Tia to go back to being happy. Tia gave in, it felt so much better to be happy than act angry; she wrapped her arms around Zatch and said, "Oh I can't be mad at you forever. You're welcome Zatch." Tia said softly with a smile.
Zatch was glad he got the happy Tia back. Kiyo noticed Tia's protectiveness over Zatch and the way she blushed and became happy when Zatch held her, "_Does Tia have a crush on Zatch?_" Kiyo thought to himself. After Naomi left in defeat; Zatch, Tia, and Ponygon played games together while Kiyo and Megumi sat on the park bench talking to each other.
During the conversation Kiyo became curious and asked, "Megumi, do you think Tia has a crush on Zatch?"
Megumi wasn't surprised that Kiyo figured it out, she replied, "Yes. I really do think Tia has a crush on Zatch but she's never admitted it, even to me."
Kiyo was a little shocked since Tia was just a little girl with adolescent feelings. Kiyo never had a crush on anyone until he was fourteen but that was mostly because he was aloof before he met Zatch. Kiyo looked at the children playing and saw Zatch and Tia's happy faces; he smiled to himself and thought, "_Maybe it would be okay if they became couple. The oblivious idiot and the bully tomboy_." He chuckled at that thought.
Finally after some time had passed the sun started to set and everyone got together and headed for Kiyo's house. Once they got there they were greeted by Mrs. Takamine at the door.
"Welcome home, dinner will be ready in fifteen minutes." Mrs. Takamine said. Then looking at Tia and Megumi she continued, "Would you two like to join us?"
Megumi replied politely, "Yes, as long as it's no trouble."
Mrs. Takamine smiled and replied, "Not at all."
The group walked inside, Megumi and Tia helped the final touches on dinner while Zatch and Kiyo brought in the Christmas tree so they could decorate once they were finished eating. Once dinner was ready everyone sat down and enjoyed the meal and since Zatch devoured his yellowtail in just a few minutes he got up and said excitedly, "Okay! Now let's go decorate the tree!" although he ended up waiting impatiently for everyone else to finish eating.
It was finally time to set up the Christmas tree and everyone helped out. Zatch made some homemade paper mache ornaments that he wanted to hang up too and was trying to reach a spot but couldn't get to it; something started lifting him up and Zatch looked around to see Tia smiling brightly. Zatch finally managed to reach the spot he wanted to put the ornament on. After Tia let Zatch down they looked at each other for awhile, staring into each other's eyes. They both smiled and Tia started blushing, then finally Zatch said, "Thank you Tia." and Tia replied softly with, "You're welcome."
The tree was finally fully decorated and everyone had fun in the process. Zatch and Tia looked at each other; Zatch childishly laughed as Tia giggled; they were happy to contribute with decorations. Megumi stood beside Kiyo and said playfully but with intent, "I assume that you two don't have plans tomorrow either."
Kiyo was embarrassed, he felt like he lived a boring life, "Uh... Yea. I thought about reading more tomorrow."
Megumi giggled, "Well if you want I could come over tomorrow too, I have a surprise for you." Megumi said with a slight blush.
Kiyo was curious about Megumi's surprise but replied, "Sure, I would like that." Kiyo smiled.
Everyone admired the Christmas tree for awhile until it was time for Megumi and Tia to start heading home. They said their goodbyes and left Kiyo's house. They were halfway home until they heard someone calling for Tia. Tia looked around to see her favorite yellowtail obsessed boy.
"Zatch! What are you doing here?" Tia asked with surprise as Zatch finally caught up with her.
Zatch didn't seem tired at all running all this way from Kiyo's house. "Me and Kiyo decided to help walk you home. I want to protect you Tia." Zatch said with a smile.
Tia started blushing as her heart soared. She felt completely overjoyed that Zatch was protecting her like this and it made her feel like she was important to him. Tia said with a giggle, "You don't have to protect me; I'm really strong you know." Tia was also trying to appear strong but she really did want Zatch's protection and did want him to walk her home.
Zatch heard what she said but saw how happy she was that he came. Zatch said, "Well then let me tag along just in case."
Tia agreed happily and Megumi looked confused, "Didn't you say Kiyo was coming too?"
Zatch looked at Megumi and said, "Yup, he's right behind-" Zatch stopped midsentence and noticed that nobody was behind him. A few seconds later they saw Kiyo coming around a corner, he looked exhausted and ran at full speed just trying to keep up with Zatch.
Kiyo finally caught up and said between breaths, "Zatch... You need to... slow down."
Megumi looked a little concerned and said, "Maybe we should sit down for a little bit."
"No that's fine, let's keep going." Kiyo replied with a smile, regaining some of his breath.
The four of them walked together until they got to Megumi's house; once they were there Megumi was at the doorway and before entering she faced Kiyo, "Thank you for walking us home Kiyo, it was very sweet of you."
Kiyo started blushing and with a smile he replied, "You're welcome Megumi; it was actually Zatch's idea but I thought nobody would mind if I tagged along."
Megumi took a step towards Kiyo and wrapped her arms around him. This surprised Kiyo because Megumi was hugging him. Kiyo wrapped his arms around Megumi nervously and noticed that Megumi was holding him tighter as time went on. Megumi finally whispered to Kiyo, "You're so nice to me Kiyo."
After lasting a few minutes Megumi broke the hug and looked at Kiyo with a big smile and bright blush. Kiyo had a mad blush rested on his face.
Tia looked at Zatch and said, "Thank you for walking with me Zatch. I hope you walk me home again." In all honesty Tia wanted Zatch to walk her home every time she visited him from now on.
Zatch smiled and replied, "Unuu! I will!"
Tia smiled and said, "Thanks Zatch! I'll see you tomorrow!"
They said their goodbyes and parted ways. After Kiyo and Zatch departed Kiyo said, "That was a good idea Zatch. They looked pretty happy that we walked them home, even though it was only halfway." Kiyo chuckled.
Zatch felt acknowledged again and felt happy. "Unuu! And next time we'll walk with them the whole way!" Zatch said happily.
Kiyo was happy that he was Zatch's book owner. Even though he is an idiot who always rushes into things he always had a pure and kind heart. Kiyo questioned, "So what made you decide to walk them home Zatch?"
Zatch remembered earlier events, "Well when Naomi yelled at me I was scared, but then Tia protected me and made Naomi go away. When Tia was next to me I felt safe and happy and I wanted to make Tia feel the same way too, that's why I wanted to walk with her tonight."
Kiyo smiled and hoped that he made Megumi feel the same way.
3. Chapter 3
Kiyo was laying down on his bed, staring at the ceiling. He looked over at his clock and found out that it was 1:15 PM and then looked at his calendar. It was the 23rd of December, just one day before Christmas Eve. But right now he wasn't thinking about the holidays; for the past three hours he has been thinking about _her_. Kiyo may be a genius with an IQ over 180 but he always had trouble reading people, especially Megumi. Kiyo secretly has special feelings for Megumi but has told no one and has hidden it well. Kiyo has been trying to determine whether or not Megumi has any special feelings for him too only to come up with, "_Why would she?_" Megumi was a famous pop idol and could probably get just about any guy she wanted even though she deserves a really unique and spectacular person. Kiyo knew that he was a genius but felt like that was all he had going for being "spectacular". But Kiyo couldn't help but cling to the hope of Megumi returning the same feelings for him. If he could have two wishes come true he would wish for Zatch being the demon world king and for Megumi to be his one day. Kiyo really didn't want to ponder on the subject anymore so he got up from his bed and went downstairs to find Zatch.
Zatch created more paper mache decorations and started hanging them up around the house again. When Kiyo found him, Zatch was trying to jump as high as he could to reach a spot on the wall but he never came close. "Nuu?" Zatch asked as he was being lifted. Zatch turned around to see Kiyo lifting him up in the air. Zatch smiled and was finally able to hang his decoration where he wanted it to be.
"Thanks Kiyo!" Zatch said once he was back on his feet. Kiyo chuckled and decided to help Zatch set up his decorations.
After setting up some decorations and having fun an hour passed and they heard the doorbell ring. Kiyo and Zatch opened the door to see an unexpected visitor.
"Folgore?! What are you doing here?!" Kiyo asked in complete shock at the presence of the Italian superstar and his duck looking demon.
Folgore had a smile on his face and replied, "What? Can't a worldwide star like myself have some time off? I thought you'd be happy to see me."
Kanchome added, "You guys should feel honored. Folgore himself wants to spend his free time with you. Now let us in!" Kanchome lacked manners and had so much respect for Folgore that he thought Folgore should get away with anything.
The next second they were both of the ground and started to see stars; visible bumps started to grow on their heads from the blow. Kiyo hit them both out of anger from Kanchome's rudeness. Folgore asked, "Why did you hit me? Momma mia!" Even though Folgore didn't provoke Kiyo, Folgore didn't scold or correct Kanchome's rudeness which made Kiyo act on his own.
Kiyo looked directly at Kanchome with a demonish face and said, "What do you say Kanchome?!"
Kanchome was terrified and knew his mistake, he replied, "I'm sorry Kiyo, will you please let me and Folgore in? We're hungry and we don't want to be alone for Christmas."
Kiyo's anger vanished and was replaced with confusion. "_They don't want to spend Christmas alone?_" Kiyo thought. He realized Folgore may not want to spend Christmas with fans but he should want to spend it with people important to him like family. Kiyo responded, "Okay you can come in. Just behave yourselves."
Folgore immediately popped up from the ground and said, "Don't worry! Me and Kanchome will be on our best behavior!"
Kiyo led them into the kitchen where Folgore snacked on some leftovers and Kanchome ate a lot of candy.
After satisfying his stomach Folgore asked seriously, "Will it be alright if we spend Christmas with you guys? We won't be a burden I promise. We even booked a hotel room to sleep at night but we just don't want to be alone during the day."
Kiyo finally asked, "Wouldn't you rather celebrate Christmas with your family Folgore?" Kiyo regretted asking because for the first time he saw something Folgore reveal regret and sorrow on his face. Kiyo tried changing the subject and said, "Never mind, sure you guys can stay here for Christmas. We're all friends here."
Folgore was looking down at the table but then looked at Kiyo; he still had a sad expression on his face but he was still able to smile and say, "Thank you Kiyo."
After regaining his happy self Folgore asked Zatch and Kiyo, "So what do you two have planned to do today?"
Kiyo replied, "Well Megumi and Tia are coming over later but I actually want to go to the mall again, they won't be here for a few hours."
Zatch and Folgore were horrified. Zatch saw a fake Santa and Folgore was the fake Santa and it was a terrible experience for the both of them when Zatch yanked off his beard. Zatch was the first to ask, "Why do you want to go there? You were pretty mad yesterday."
Kiyo replied angrily, "Well I wouldn't have been angry if someone would have just listened to me!" He then went on calmly, "Anyways, I wanted to get Megumi a gift for Christmas."
Folgore's horrified look was replaced with a happy look again and teased, "Ohhhhh! Kiyo, you never told me that you and Megumi are together now!"
Kiyo instantly turned red, he pointed at Folgore and shouted, "No! We're not together or anything like that! I just wanted to get her a gift that's all!"
Folgore closed his eyes and looked like he was pondering and said, "Ahh I see. You're trying to wow Megumi with a gift so you'll win her over. Great thinking Kiyo!"
Kiyo was getting closer and closer to his breaking point and yelled, "It's not like that! I just want her to be happy on Christmas!"
Folgore sensed that he shouldn't push Kiyo any harder and said, "Okay, okay. So you want to get your friend something nice eh? Lead the way Kiyo because Folgore is gonna help you out!"
Kiyo slowly started regaining his composure and even though he was annoyed at Folgore's teasing he did need his help because he wasn't good at getting gifts for people. Kiyo replied, "Okay, thank you Folgore, but no more teasing okay?"
Folgore agreed and thee four of them headed for the mall. Folgore wore a disguise so none of his fans would recognize him, he wanted help Kiyo and didn't want to get distracted. After just leaving the house Kanchome asked, "Hey Zatch? Why are you in that sport's bag? And why are you making Folgore carry you?"
Zatch remembered the terrors of yesterday and replied fearfully from within the bag, "Because if Naomi see's me she'll bully me and Tia isn't here to save me!"
Kanchome was confused for a second and then started laughing. Kanchome replied, "Haha! There's no way Tia would do something like that. She is a bully after all."
Kiyo looked back at Kanchome and replied with a smile, "Oh but she did. Naomi tried bullying Zatch twice yesterday but Tia stopped her. Tia is really protective over Zatch."
Kanchome stopped in his tracks, he heard Folgore say, "It's looks like Kiyo isn't the only one with special feelings." and heard Kiyo reply, "Hey you said you would stop that!" Kanchome stood there puzzled and thought, "_Why would Tia do something like that? She's a bully, isn't she?_" Kanchome realized he was behind and ran to catch up.
Once they went to the mall again Folgore gulped and thought, "_Oh boy, I really hope nobody recognizes me from yesterday._"
Kiyo saw that Folgore was in fear and could guess what it was from. Kiyo teased, "Hey Folgore, didn't I see you at the mall yesterday?"
Folgore jumped in shock, he looked at Kiyo who was smirking from revenge. Folgore denied it but knew that the genius saw through his Santa disguise and decided he wouldn't tease Kiyo about Megumi anymore, or at least for today.
They looked around the mall for anything that was gift worthy for Megumi but Kiyo was at a loss; he just didn't know what to give to her. Kiyo finally said, "Maybe I should just get her some chocolate and roses."
Folgore replied, "Roses and chocolate are good gifts for a lady but neither of them last long." Kiyo agreed, he wanted to give Megumi something that could last the rest of her life; something to remember him by incase anything were to happen to him.
Folgore pointed and said loudly, "Oi! Oi! The women's store! There we go Kiyo!"
Kiyo was embarrassed about entering such a store but he knew he could probably find the right gift for Megumi in there. They looked around and saw dresses, makeup, and other women accessories. It was all too expensive for Kiyo but then Folgore found the jewelry section and yelled for Kiyo to come look. Kiyo sighed and replied, "We shouldn't even bother, it's not like I can afford any of this."
Folgore wanted to make his friend happy and replied, "Not to worry, Folgore here will help you! I can pay for the rest."
Kiyo was surprised was being so charitable. "_Was Folgore always like this?_" Kiyo asked himself. He started to smile and was about to take Folgore up on his offer but then he saw something. Folgore was confused about Kiyo's staring and asked, "Kiyo, are you okay?"
Kiyo snapped back into reality and said, "Yea I'm fine. Thanks for the offer but I think I know what I want to get Megumi."
Folgore was a little shocked. "_What did he see that made him want to turn down jewelry?_" Folgore asked himself.
They left the store to visit the store on the other side, it was a teddy bear only store. In this store you could design your own bear by choosing which color you want to make the bear, which accessories to put on it, and more. Kiyo said, "I don't know why but it just feels like Megumi would like this more than getting jewelry."
Folgore smiled, he knew that Kiyo would have a better sense of what to get for Megumi in the end. Folgore watched as Kiyo went to work and was really using all of his knowledge to try and make the bear perfect. Zatch had a sad look on his face, Folgore noticed this and asked, "Hey bambino, what's wrong?"
Zatch looked at Folgore and sadly replied, "Well I want to make a bear for somebody too but I don't have any money." Zatch started to look back at Kiyo and was jealous that he was able to make a stuffed bear. Folgore noticed that Zatch had a toy in the back of his mantle with a mouth that opens. Folgore slipped some money into Zatch's toy and said, "Hey, I think your little friend wants to help you out."
"Nuu? You mean Vulcan?" Zatch asked as he reached for his toy and found out that he actually did have money to spend. "Ouuuu! Thank you so much Vulcan!" Zatch happily said to his toy.
Folgore watched with a smile as Kiyo and Zatch were making bears. Earlier Kanchome was bored so he went to the candy store and returned to Folgore's side looking scared. Kanchome shouted, "Folgore! Megumi and Tia are almost here!"
Folgore was shocked and swore while Zatch and Kiyo shouted in unison, "Oh no!" Kiyo wasn't done making his gift for Megumi and Zatch was making a gift for Tia.
Folgore thought quickly and said, "Follow me!" They went to a part of the store with no one around and Folgore shouted, "Poruku!" and Kanchome transformed himself into a wall that looked convincing from the other side and concealed Kiyo, Zatch, and Folgore.
Just two seconds after Folgore cast the spell Megumi and Tia walked into the store. They started overhearing Tia and Megumi's discussion and heard, "So why did you want to come here Tia?" "I really wanted to make a bear for myself! They look so neat!"
When Zatch heard this he charged out of the illusionary wall and yelled, "Noooo!" He didn't want Tia to make a bear for herself when he was making one for her. This startled the two girls because it looked like Zatch just materialized out of nothing.
Tia started blushing, she was really here to make a bear for Zatch and didn't want him to find out. "Z-Zatch? Wha-What are you doing here?" Tia asked and thought about how he appeared and realized that Kanchome was hiding him. Tia got angry and yelled, "Kanchome! Stop hiding before I beat you up!"
Kanchome's face on the wall gulped and Kiyo knew he had to reveal himself. He gave Folgore the bear he was making while Zatch dropped his on the floor while rushing to hide earlier. Folgore undid the spell which revealed an awkward Kiyo, a shameless Folgore, and frightened Kanchome.
Megumi was surprised to see him, she thought he would be at home reading. "Kiyo, what are you doing here?" Megumi asked as she smiled and walked towards Kiyo.
Kiyo had a slight blush but already thought of an excuse, "Well Folgore came over and we decided to go to the mall." he pointed at the bear and continued, "Folgore was making a bear while me and Zatch were just waiting for him to finish." Folgore nodded frantically.
"Then why did you guys hide from us?" Megumi asked.
Kiyo had not thought of this part and felt cornered until Folgore said, "Hey we can't have two famous people like ourselves in one place. Who knows what'll happen!"
Kiyo was embarrassed by Folgore's excuse; he pointed at Folgore and said dully, "It was his idea to hide in the first place."
Megumi was confused but just went with it. Megumi said, "Well it was really nice seeing you Kiyo but me and Tia are really busy so we'll see you later today Kiyo."
Tia looked dissatisfied and said, "Aww but I want to stay with Zatch." Megumi gave her a look and Tia remembered why she was at the mall in the first place. "Alright, Zatch we'll see you later. I promise." Tia said as she left with her partner.
After the girls left the four boys sighed with relief. Kiyo remembered how they were caught and hit Zatch on the head and said, "What were you doing?! They're not supposed to know we're here!"
Zatch started crying slightly and said, "I just didn't want Tia to get herself the same thing I was getting her!"
Even though Zatch almost blew it Kiyo could understand where he was coming from. "I'm sorry for hitting you Zatch. I guess I'm just really worried that Megumi might find out that I was making her a bear."
"Unuu... It's okay Kiyo." Zatch said, still with tears in his eyes.
Zatch and Kiyo went back to work while Folgore and Kanchome kept lookout. Finally Zatch and Kiyo finished working on their bears and left the mall They headed towards home when they found Mr. Sunbeam and Ponygon who joined up with the group. It was about five o'clock when they got to Kiyo's house.
They sat in the living room and Kiyo was wondering if Megumi was still going to visit later; it was late in the day but he really wanted to see Megumi. Once thirty minutes passed the telephone rang and Kiyo went to pick it up; he heard Megumi's voice which made his heart flutter.
"Hey Kiyo, are you ready for your surprise?" Megumi said with a lot of joy in her voice.
Kiyo chuckled and replied, "Sure, whenever you're ready Megumi."
Megumi told Kiyo to bring Zatch and anyone else that wanted to come; she also gave Kiyo directions to a specific part of town but Kiyo didn't know why she would want him to go there; plus it was a little out of the way but he wanted to go regardless. Once Megumi hung up Kiyo turned to Zatch, Ponygon, Mr. Sunbeam, Folgore, and Kanchome and said, "Okay, Megumi has some sort of surprise for us so who wants to go."
Everyone agreed to go and the five of them followed Kiyo who had memorized the map and was leading the way. They came across an outdoor ice skating rink and Kiyo stopped dead in his tracks and said with fear, "This can't be..."
Folgore was concerned and asked, "What's wrong Kiyo?"
After a few seconds Kiyo replied, "Megumi's directions... lead to that ice skating rink."
The once jolly Zatch and Ponygon became frightened, started to cover their eyes, and started weeping. Mr. Sunbeam looked at the ice rink with dread. Kiyo sank to his knees. Zatch, Ponygon, Mr. Sunbeam, and Kiyo all had terrible experiences with ice skating and never wanted to partake in it ever again.
Folgore and Kanchome just stood there and for once they sweat dropped. Folgore said, "Hey... it's just ice skating you know..."
"My my what is going on?" A voice asked.
Everyone turned around to see Megumi and Tia walking towards them, Megumi was the one who asked. Kiyo instantly rose up from the ground and tried to act calm but Zatch and Ponygon were still in a sad state.
When Tia and Megumi caught up with the group Zatch said, "Tia it's horrible! I can't skate! I always fall and it hurts so much!"
Tia started getting annoyed and said, "Oh suck it up crybaby, even crybaby Kanchome isn't scared!" Which caused Kanchome to smile, it felt like he had some form of superiority over Zatch because he wasn't scared.
Megumi went up to Kiyo and asked, "Do you like it Kiyo?" referring to her ice skating surprise.
"I'm... I'm thrilled Megumi." Kiyo lied but tried to sound convincing for her sake.
They all went into the ice skating area and found out that it was a private event planned by Megumi so they were the only ones there. The eight of them got their skates, some halfheartedly. Kiyo was walking to the rink and thought to himself, "_Oh please answer talker, just this once, work now! Teach me how to ice skate!_" Kiyo pleaded but to no avail, the answer did not come to him. The reason he was so nervous was because he didn't want Megumi to see him in such a sloppy state.
Kiyo was just one foot away from the ice and Megumi watched him from behind. Kiyo took a deep breath and went for it. "AUGH!" Kiyo yelled from the impact of the back of his head on the ice. He expectantly fell back first onto the ice. Megumi saw this and thought, "_I knew it! Kiyo can't skate! This will be a fun after all!_" But Megumi was also worried about Kiyo because he was in pain.
"Are you alright Kiyo?" Kiyo heard someone say to him.
Kiyo opened his eyes to see Megumi looking down at him. He felt embarrassed and replied, "Y-Yea. I just took a hit to the head." Kiyo avoided eye contact and went on, "Megumi... I can't ice skate."
Megumi giggled and replied, "Well why didn't you say so? Here." She held out her hand and Kiyo took it. As Kiyo was getting up with Megumi's help, it was hard for him to keep his balance and once he was standing he just about lost his balance again.
"Woah!" Kiyo yelled thinking he was going to fall over but Megumi wrapped her arms around him to prevent him from falling.
"I've got you." Megumi said with a smile and slight blush although this action made Kiyo blush intensely.
Megumi led Kiyo to the edge of the rink where Kiyo could hold on to the wall for support. At the time the four demons were at the edge of the rink, trying to decide who would go first. After constant arguing Tia said, "Fine! I'll go first!" Tia made it seem like she was giving into their requests but she really just wanted to show off for Zatch.
Once Tia made contact with the ice she started skating beautifully. The other three demons stared at disbelief at Tia's skill at ice skating but were also amazed at the same time. Tia skated gracefully and did an elegant spin so she could she Zatch's face and was happy to see him look so amazed. Tia smiled and started blushing, her happiness made her legs feel lighter than usual and threw off her sense of balance even more which made her fall on the ice, falling face first.
Zatch was the first to respond, "Tia!" Zatch yelled as he ran on the ice rink to be with his friend. He made it about halfway before falling face first onto the ice; he traveled the rest of the way by sliding.
Tia lifted herself off the ground and sat where she fell. She felt humiliated but the noticed something touching her and realized that it was Zatch still face first on the ice. Tia put her humiliation aside out of worry and lifted Zatch up off the ice. "Zatch? Are you okay?" Tia asked with concern; she then saw his smile.
"Yea I'm okay, my head hurts a little though." Zatch said, smiling like the idiot he was. This made Tia smile and realized that Zatch raced over to her despite not being able to skate. Tia pulled Zatch into a hug and said, "Oh you idiot. You tried helping me only to end up like me... thank you Zatch."
After the hug Tia and Zatch got up together. Tia held Zatch's hands and said, "I'll teach you how to ice skate Zatch."
Zatch's face lit up and replied, "You will? Thank you so much Tia!" This caused Tia to blush and smile brightly.
Kanchome and Ponygon both fell on their faces and started crying from the pain. Mr. Sunbeam stood at the edge of the ice hesitantly but Folgore charged onto the ice and started skating magnificently. The two children and Mr. Sunbeam looked in awe at the Italian's impressive skating abilities.
Folgore came back to them and said, "Don't worry, ice skating is easy. I can show you-" Folgore was cut off by his sudden fall. Kanchome grabbed Folgore by his legs to try and to keep his balance which only caused them both to fall.
Folgore started crying and yelled in pain, "Idiota! Are you trying to get me killed?!"
Back with Megumi and Kiyo, Megumi was still showing Kiyo the ropes of ice skating as they were skating together. Megumi was ice skating backwards and was facing Kiyo, Megumi was gripping Kiyo's arms and Kiyo did the same to her. Megumi thought, "_Kiyo is really cute when he's nervous. I really like it when he grabs on to me when he's about to fall._"
Kiyo was getting the movements down and started getting the hang of skating. Megumi felt a little sad that Kiyo probably wouldn't fall into her anymore but was proud that he was getting the hang out skating so fast. Megumi stopped in her tracks to look at the sunset which was beautiful and lit up the sky with warm colors. Megumi felt a strange sensation in her heart and decided to follow it for a bit and asked, "Kiyo you've improved a lot so I think it's time for a reward. Will you slow dance with me?"
Kiyo was admiring the sunset but was shocked at Megumi's question and looked at her to see an innocent smile and a blush on her face. Kiyo pushed his nervousness aside for this moment and nodded to Megumi.
Megumi closed her eyes as she wrapped her arms around Kiyo's neck and rested her head against Kiyo's. Kiyo wrapped his arms around Megumi's waist and closed his eyes as well. They slowly moved around the ice rink while everyone looked at them in awe. Tia was still teaching Zatch how to skate and felt extremely jealous because she wanted to slow dance with Zatch but she knew if she tried to rush it Zatch would fall and get hurt.
Folgore was still teaching but got off of the rink for a second. He had brought his CD player and when Mr. Sunbeam saw this he said, "Hey, come on now, don't ruin their moment." referring to Megumi and Kiyo. Mr. Sunbeam thought he was going to play, "Chichi Wo Moge."
Folgore smiled and went through with it anyways. But instead of hearing his ridiculous song about groping breasts everyone heard soft music and then realized the song that was playing was fitting for slow dancing. When Folgore came back to his "students" Mr. Sunbeam smiled and apologized.
Upon hearing the music, Kiyo's whole body flinched and eyes opened. Megumi noticed this and with closed eyes she said softly, "This is really romantic, isn't it Kiyo?"
Megumi opened her eyes and stared into Kiyo's face who was shocked by her question. The longer Kiyo stared into her eyes the more he wanted to confess and feel her lips with his. Kiyo felt too scared to do that though and didn't want to ruin the moment if it went wrong so he replied, "Uhhh, yea. I think it's really romantic. Just like in the movies." Kiyo forced a chuckle.
Megumi shot Kiyo a smile and whispered in his ear, "You make me a really happy girl, you know that Kiyo?" Kiyo flinched again and his face turned crimson. Megumi rested her head against Kiyo's once more. Kiyo took a few seconds to snap back in to reality and closed his eyes too.
About thirty minutes had passed so it was dark out and the ice rink was illuminated by flood lights. Mr. Sunbeam, Ponygon, and Kanchome had bruises all over but were getting better at ice skating; they wanted to conquer it so they wouldn't have to fear skating anymore. Megumi and Kiyo were skating gracefully together around the rink. Tia and Zatch were still skating together and Zatch almost had the hang of ice skating.
Tia had been teaching Zatch by skating right beside of him and holding his hand as they skated. Tia started smiling, she was proud of Zatch and said, "Wow Zatch you can almost skate without my help! Even Mr. Sunbeam is having trouble but you're getting good at it!"
Zatch's face lit up with happiness and excitement. Zatch looked at Tia and asked, "Do you really think so Tia?!"
Tia was about to answer when Zatch started to fall; his own excitement made him lose his balance. "Zatch!" Tia loudly said as she caught him with her arms.
"Nuu... that was close. Thank you Tia!" Zatch happily said. He was about to get back to skating but noticed that Tia wasn't letting go.
Tia continued to hold Zatch, she was really nervous because she wanted to dance with Zatch like Megumi and Kiyo did. Tia summoned as much courage as she could. "H-Hey Zatch. Do you want to d-dance together?" Tia asked very timidly.
Zatch replied, "Unuu. But I don't know how to dance Tia."
Tia was relieved that he agreed but was still nervous. Tia let go of Zatch and explained, "I can teach you that too. Just wrap your arms around my waist." Zatch looked confused by Tia's directions and Tia noticed this, "Just hug me and then I'll hug you. Okay?" Tia finished nervously.
"Unuu." Zatch replied as he gave Tia a hug. Tia wrapped her arms around Zatch's neck which caused Zatch to outburst, "W-What are you doing Tia?!" Zatch was used to Tia wrapping her hands around his neck and blocking his airways so the thought of Tia putting something around his neck scared him to death.
Tia noticed why Zatch was scared and thought fondly of when she bullied people, "Shhh. I'm just hugging you. It's okay Zatch." Tia replied quietly.
"Un...Unuu." Zatch said, still with fear. Tia then put her chin on Zatch's shoulder and rested her head against Zatch's.
Tia closed her eyes and finished, "Now close your eyes and skate slowly with me." Zatch couldn't see it but Tia was smiling brightly and her face had a bright blush. Zatch closed his eyes and was able to follow Tia's movements. Zatch liked slow dancing with Tia; he liked how he had Tia in his arms and how she had him in hers. Zatch was smiling brightly and let out a small giggle.
Tia heard this and asked timidly, "Do you like this Zatch?"
Zatch replied joyfully, "Unuu! I'm really happy Tia!" Zatch started holding Tia tighter.
Tia opened her eyes in surprise and let out a quiet gasp. Tia got lost in her thoughts, "_Zatch really likes it? Is he really just hold me tighter? I've never felt so safe... so happy... so attached to someone in my life._" When Tia snapped back into reality she said in almost a yell, "Oh Zatch!" and held Zatch really tight.
The two demons stayed like that for awhile. Kanchome and Ponygon were trying to skate and started losing their balance; unfortunately, they were heading for Tia and Zatch and couldn't stop or change directions. They collided and the four demons fell to the ground. Everyone else watched; Kiyo had a blank face, Megumi clasped her hands to her mouth, Folgore had a fearful look, and even Mr. Sunbeam looked scared; they knew how frightening Tia could be and noticed how happy she was. "_They're doomed._" Folgore thought.
After falling and after the pain Kanchome realized what he had done and tried to get up and skate away to safety only to fall again. Ponygon just sat there and cried, accepting his terrible fate. Zatch had a blank face and was confused about the situation. Finally Tia lifted herself off the ground and revealed to the other children that she was smiling and started to laugh.
Kanchome didn't know what was going on but thought that he would be fine this time and started laughing along with Tia and Ponygon joined in. Then something fierce wrapped around both of their necks and heard a demonic yell, "Don't ruin a moment like that ever again!"
Kanchome and Ponygon couldn't even reply from how fiercely their throats were held. Tia then threw them with all of her might and they ended up off of the ice.
The grownups made a mental decision not to disturb Tia. Megumi thought that Tia looked okay and just needed time alone to calm down. Zatch however asked fearfully, "T-Tia? Are you okay?"
Instead of strangling Zatch, Tia just looked down and said sadly, "That was a lot of fun. I wish it didn't end." She loved slow dancing with Zatch and every time Zatch held her she felt on top of the world but couldn't summon the courage to ask him to dance with her again.
Zatch realized why Tia was upset. Zatch got up and held out a hand for Tia. Tia grabbed Zatch's hand and once she was up again Zatch wrapped his arms around her waist.
Tia flinched as Zatch said happily, "Tia slow dance with me!"
Tia started blushing madly; she was shocked that Zatch was the one offering but happily accepted it. They were in the same position except this time Tia rested her forehead against Zatch's and stayed like that for awhile.
Eventually it was nine o'clock and it was time for everybody to go. By the end of it everyone knew how to skate. Everyone parted ways except for Kiyo, Zatch, Megumi, and Tia.
They were at Megumi's doorstep once again and started saying their goodbyes. "Thank you for the surprise Megumi, it was a lot of fun." Kiyo said with a smile, now being honest.
Megumi smiled as a slight blush formed. She replied, "You're welcome Kiyo."
"Well I'll see you later Megumi. Have a good night." Kiyo said a little awkwardly because he didn't want to go but he started to turn around.
"Wait Kiyo!" Megumi said, when Kiyo looked at her she looked really embarrassed. Megumi continued, "Come here."
Kiyo walked up to Megumi and Megumi wrapped her arms tightly around him. Kiyo saw this as another pleasant surprise and it made him very happy to be held by her. Kiyo wrapped his arms around her in return and noticed Megumi seemed really nervous.
Megumi finally asked, "Hey Kiyo? Is it alright if me and Tia spend Christmas with you too? I really want to be with you on Christmas." She held Kiyo tighter.
Kiyo was shocked and thought, "_Why does everyone want celebrate Christmas with us? Wouldn't they rather be with family?_" Kiyo remembered his mistake with Folgore and decided not to ask why and just said, "Well of course you can, we would love to have you over for Christmas."
When Megumi heard this she held onto Kiyo as tight as she could; she also started smiling and crying happily. Megumi said, "Thank you so much Kiyo."
Zatch and Tia who had been standing in silence starting hugging each other as well and were overjoyed that they would be spending Christmas together.
After awhile Megumi loosened her hold on Kiyo and wiped away her tears. She whispered, "Well I have to go now Kiyo. I'll be over as soon as I can tomorrow." Before pulling away completely she planted a kiss on Kiyo's cheek which startled Kiyo. Megumi walked inside blushing and smiling and before closing the door she winked and said, "See you tomorrow."
Kiyo had been holding the spot where she had kissed him and stood there in a trance. Finally Zatch got Kiyo to snap back into reality. "Kiyo we should start heading home. I'm getting cold." Zatch said and started to shake a little.
Kiyo nodded slowly and said, "R-Right." The two walked home together and Kiyo felt a mixture of happiness and confusion. Regardless of the confusion Kiyo smiled all the way home and thought to himself, "_Maybe Megumi does like me._"
4. Chapter 4
It was early in the morning on the 24th of December. Megumi and Tia were preparing for Christmas and started packing. Megumi looked at a massive pile of things Tia wanted to take with her. "Tia you don't need all of that!" We're only going to stay one night." Megumi said to Tia.
Tia looked at the massive amount of things she was packing and realized her mistake. Tia was used to going on trips across the world with Megumi, not one night stays. "Crud, you're right Megumi. Let me put some of this back."
Tia and Megumi were packing to stay the night at Kiyo's house. After Kiyo and Zatch left yesterday Megumi called Mrs. Takamine and asked if Tia and her could spend the night; Mrs. Takamine agreed and told Megumi that she could come over at any time.
Tia looked at her watch and it said six o'clock. Tia asked grumpily, "Why do we have to leave so early? They're probably not even awake yet."
Megumi felt a little childish because she wanted to maximize her time with Kiyo so she wanted to leave early in the morning. Megumi replied, "Because yesterday we only spent about two hours with the boys and I wanted to make up for that today." and added with a wink to Tia, "Besides, wouldn't you want to spend more time with your Zatch?"
Tia thought about it and replied, "Yea you're right. I want to spend as much time as I-" Tia cut herself off and realized something that Megumi said. "What do you mean by 'your Zatch'?" Tia asked offensively.
Megumi started to tease the little girl and replied, "Oh I don't know. Maybe because you have a huge crush on him!"
Tia froze and her face became a dark shade of red. Her heart started thumping with fear and lied, "N-No I don't!" It was a simple lie that almost anyone could see through.
Megumi smirked and replied, "Oh really? Then why are you so protective over him and why does he make you blush all the time. I see the way you look at him Tia and how happy you are when he holds you. Admit it, you really like Zatch."
Tia's blush intensified from all of the evidence. Tia didn't want to admit it and tried changing the subject. "Oh yea, well what about you? You make it so obvious that you have a crush on Kiyo!" Tia said, trying to turn things around.
Megumi flinched for a second but decided not to worry about it. Megumi felt like Tia had no evidence that she liked Kiyo and said, "I make it obvious do I?" Megumi replied with confidence.
Tia already thought of what to say and replied, "Yea, you do. Whenever you two make contact you blush. You knew that Suzy likes Kiyo so you bullied her out of jealousy. You've been wanting to spend every second with Kiyo and I saw you kiss his cheek yesterday!"
Now it was Megumi's turn to blush. Megumi never thought a little girl like Tia could pick up on hints like that. "You're right. I do blush when I at Kiyo's touch. I did bully that girl out of jealousy for Kiyo. I do want to spend as much time as I can with Kiyo. And I did kiss Kiyo's cheek. I do all of these things not because I have a crush on Kiyo... but because I love him." Megumi admitted her true feelings for the first time.
Tia looked at Megumi and was speechless. Tia didn't think Megumi would admit it and never knew that she actually loves Kiyo. "I... I really like Zatch." Tia admitted shyly.
Megumi walked up to Tia and crouched down to her level. "There's more, isn't there?" Megumi asked Tia, she could tell she was still holding something back.
Tia looked at Megumi and said, "I don't know if I love him or not. I'm scared to love Megumi." Tia was scared but went on, "I'm so young and I don't want to love just to lose him or be betrayed!"
Megumi wrapped her arms around the child and spoke, "Tia that's your brain talking right now. You're worried about being betrayed because you're thinking of Maruss, not Zatch. You're worried about losing him because you're assuming there's a better girl than you out there. And you're worried about being so young because other children your age don't have these feelings, but is being different so bad?"
Tia shook her head and Megumi put a hand on Tia's chest. "Now what does your heart say?" Megumi asked.
Tia grabbed the hand that was on her chest and replied, "My heart says... that I really love him." Tia started smiling and felt better about having these feelings for Zatch. "Thank you Megumi." Tia said.
After that they finished their packing and headed for Kiyo's house. The sun was just starting to rise when they got to their destination. They knocked on the door and was greeted by Mrs. Takamine who was about to start breakfast and Megumi and Tia decided to help. Once it was finished Mrs. Takamine went upstairs to wake Kiyo and Zatch while Tia and Megumi set up the table and started eating.
Zatch ran down the stairs and hurriedly went to the kitchen; he stopped dead in his tracked once he entered. "Nuu?" Zatch asked in confusion when he saw the two girls.
Kiyo came around the corner and entered the kitchen; he stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Megumi waving to him while chewing on her pancakes. Once she swallowed Megumi said brightly, "Good morning Kiyo!"
Kiyo blinked twice and started rubbing his eyes. "Man I must be really sleepy. I need to wake up." Kiyo said, convinced that Megumi was just an illusion.
Megumi got up from the table and yanked on Kiyo's hand, leading him into the kitchen. This made Kiyo realize that the Megumi he saw wasn't an illusion. He asked in almost a yell, "Megumi?! What are you doing here so early?!"
Megumi lead Kiyo to his seat next to her and replied, "I told you I would come over as soon as I could, remember?" Megumi giggled as she walked towards the counter.
"But... but..." Kiyo was still extremely confused. He thought ten or eleven would be early. "_Why did she came over as early as seven in the morning._" Kiyo asked himself.
Megumi then put a plate in front of Kiyo and said, "Dig in Kiyo. I hope you like it."
Kiyo looked at the plate and the food looked delicious, it was made up of his favorite things to eat for breakfast. Kiyo looked at Megumi with amazement and asked, "Did you make this Megumi?"
Megumi sat back down and replied, "I helped make it but I knew what you liked to eat for breakfast so I took that into account when preparing your plate."
Kiyo was shocked that Megumi put together a plate of some of his favorite foods. "_How did she know what I love to eat?_" Kiyo asked himself.
Zatch stood next to the counter; he wasn't tall enough to reach the counter so he was waiting for Mrs. Takamine to bring him a plate. Tia looked over to Zatch and said, "Zatch, what are you doing? Your food is already on the table."
Zatch looked at his spot and noticed there was an untouched plate of food waiting for him; he walked over and sat down in his spot. He was about to dig in but Tia picked up some of his food with a fork and positioned it in front of his mouth; he took a bite and said enthusiastically, "Mmmmm! This food is so delicious!"
Tia became very happy because she helped make the food and put Zatch's plate together. Tia giggled and went back to eating her food.
After the meal they decided to watch Christmas movies in the living room. Zatch and Tia got bored and decided to play games with each other using their toy robots. While watching the movie Megumi hatched an idea and started scooting close and closer to Kiyo. Upon contact with Kiyo's side Megumi started getting really nervous and blushed. "_Come on Megumi, you kissed him on the cheek yesterday. This is nothing._" Megumi thought to herself, trying to give herself confidence. Finally she tilted her head towards Kiyo's shoulder, wrapped her arm around his, and locked fingers with him.
Kiyo blushed and turned towards Megumi. "Me-Megumi?" Kiyo asked nervously.
Megumi loosened her grip and said, "I'm sorry, I was just getting comfortable..." Megumi looked at Kiyo and asked, "Am I making you feel uncomfortable Kiyo?"
Kiyo got lost in Megumi's hazel eyes for a second and responded, "No... I'm comfortable, don't worry about me, I'm just fine." Kiyo was actually extremely nervous and started panicking but he loved Megumi's touch and didn't want to lose it.
Megumi noticed Kiyo's panicking and asked with concern, "Are you sure?"
Kiyo gave a big nod and started scratching his cheek, it was his way of relieving embarrassment.
Megumi smiled and regained her former grip on Kiyo's arm and once again rested her head on Kiyo's shoulder. Surprisingly Kiyo tilted his head so it was resting against Megumi's which made her smile grow and held Kiyo tighter.
They stayed like that for awhile only for two out of control children to ruin their moment. "Hey you guys, let's go to the park!" Zatch said happily. This caused Megumi and Kiyo to snap into reality and went back to sitting normally on the couch. Tia added, "Come on you two lovebirds. Let's go to the park!"
The two teenagers started blushing again and were trying to regain their composure. Kiyo was the first to reply, "A-Actually you guys I think we should stay here for today. It's colder out than usual and friends are coming over, we just don't know when."
Right when Kiyo finished his sentence there was a knock at the door. "_Well speak of the devil._" Kiyo thought to himself. Zatch ran over to the door and opened it revealing Folgore, Kanchome, Ponygon, and Mr. Sunbeam. "Hey there bambino!" Folgore said enthusiastically.
Kiyo was surprised to see Mr. Sunbeam; he expected Folgore and Kanchome but not Mr. Sunbeam but was still happy that he came over.
Everyone sat in front of TV and watched Christmas movies together, even Zatch and Tia sat on the couch and watched as well. Tia looked over at Megumi and Kiyo who were holding hands; they were talking to each other and seemed really happy. Tia looked at Zatch who was right beside her and felt a strong urge to hold him. Slowly Tia started inching towards Zatch, mimicking how Megumi did it earlier. Once she made contact and their shoulders touched Zatch looked at Tia and said, "Nuu?"
Tia was scared and didn't know what to do since Megumi didn't have to deal with Kiyo looking towards her until she was already fully resting against him. Tia quickly pointed and shouted, "Look!" which caused Zatch to look in the opposite direction of Tia. Tia quickly secured Zatch's hand with hers and put her head on Zatch's shoulder.
Zatch felt confused and said, "I don't see anything Tia." He looked back at Tia to see her resting against him and he asked, "Tia?"
Tia became extremely nervous and gripped Zatch's hand harder. Tia came up with an excuse, "Ummm... I... I just feel a little tired so is it okay if I just lay on you?"
Zatch fell for the lie and replied, "Unuu." Even though Tia had no intentions of sleeping she eventually dozed off into her dreams due to her waking up early in the morning and Zatch being so comfortable.
Zatch looked at the sleeping Tia and thought, "_Tia looks really cute when she's sleeping._" Zatch smiled but then it vanished as he asked himself, "_Why am I feeling this way?_" The more he looked at the Tia's innocent face as she slept the faster his heart beat became. Zatch recalled all of the memories he shared with Tia, especially the memories that happened lately like ice skating together and hanging up Christmas lights. Zatch longed for Tia's awakening; he wanted to see her ruby eyes and witness her spirited personality. As much as Zatch wanted to wake up Tia he decided to wait so she wouldn't be upset at him for waking her up prematurely.
Folgore looked at Zatch and noticed his intent stare into Tia's face. Folgore walked over and said to Zatch, "Well, well. Looks like somebody has a crush on Tia!" Folgore was smiling.
Zatch was confused and asked, "What's a crush? And who has one for Tia?"
Folgore realized Zatch was completely oblivious to his own feelings and replied, "Well you do bambino. Can't you tell?" Then Folgore looked at the sleeping Tia with a smile resting on her face and replied, "Momma mia! It looks like Tia has a crush on you too!"
Zatch was still confused about the whole thing and asked in a childish yell, "What's a crush?!"
"Well bambino, I think you should ask Tia that. She has the best answer for you." Folgore replied and started to head back towards his seat to continue watching the movie.
"Un-Unuu." Zatch replied, still confused.
So much time had passed since Folgore's and the others' arrival that it was time for dinner. "Everyone, dinner is ready!" Mrs. Takamine called from the kitchen.
Zatch immediately jumped up from the couch to eat his beloved yellow tail while the adults got up and started entering the kitchen. Zatch rose up so quickly that it gave Tia, who was sleeping on his shoulder, an uppercut to the jaw which woke her up.
"Owww! Tia said loudly from the pain. She started rubbing her chin and saw Zatch looking towards her who had a guilty expression on his face.
"I'm sorry Tia. I got up so fast that I accidentally hurt you. I'm sorry." Zatch said as he kept apologizing.
Tia was about to strangle Zatch but before she did Zatch's expression changed to a happy one and said, "But I'm really happy that you're awake now. I missed you!"
Tia anger disappeared and a small blush formed as she asked, "You missed me, Zatch?"
Zatch nodded and said, "Unuu! And I missed your eyes too. They're really pretty!"
Tia's blush intensified and lost the ability to speak so she thought to herself, "_What happened to Zatch? Why is he..._" Tia's thoughts stopped when she noticed Zatch was staring deeply into her eyes. Zatch's smile faded and was replaced by a look of amazement and said seriously, "You have really pretty eyes, Tia."
Tia felt emotions that she didn't know how to handle so the way she chose to handle them was to do what she did best and started strangling Zatch. "Wha... why..." Zatch was barely able to ask during the chocking.
Tia let go and realized Zatch didn't do anything to deserve the punishment. "I'm sorry! You just acted weird all of a sudden!" Tia said in almost a yell.
Zatch was rubbing the spot Tia strangled and replied sadly, "I'm... I'm sorry Tia. I won't look at your eyes like that anymore." He started heading towards the kitchen.
This would not do for Tia; she loved it when Zatch stared into her eyes and complimented them. She just became so nervous that she didn't know how to handle it and ended up punishing Zatch for making her extremely happy. Tia yelled, "Wait Zatch!" Zatch turned around and saw Tia grabbing both of his hands with hers. Tia still looked very nervous and was looking at the floor until she finally summoned the courage to look directly into Zatch's eyes and said, "Look at me Zatch."
Zatch looked into Tia's eyes again and got lost in them just like he did before. His hearted started beating faster and he felt extremely happy but didn't know why staring into Tia's eyes made him feel that way but he voiced his thoughts aloud, "I don't know why but you make me really happy Tia." Zatch said with a smile.
Tia flinched and she let go of his hands only to wrap her arms around Zatch. Tia said softly, "You make me really happy too Zatch. You make me so... so happy."
They enjoyed the moment until Kiyo yelled for them from the table, "Zatch, Tia. The food is getting cold." which caused the two children to separate so they could enjoy dinner. Everyone was satisfied with their meal and thanked Mrs. Takamine for preparing it all by herself. Once everybody finished it was time for everyone to head out. They said their goodbyes and promised to return tomorrow for Christmas. Kiyo turned to Megumi and said, "Well I'll see you tomorrow Megumi."
Megumi looked confused and then realized that she never told Kiyo she and Tia were spending the night. Megumi replied, "Oh yea I forgot to tell you Kiyo. Me and Tia are staying here for tonight."
Kiyo was shocked that the pop star would be spending the night at his house. Kiyo became a little nervous and replied, "Oh, umm. That's great Megumi. Have you decided where you wanted to sleep?"
Megumi had a plan and replied, "Yea, Tia and Zatch are going to sleep in the guest room while you and me sleep in your bedroom-" Before Megumi could finish Kiyo fell to the floor in complete shock which caused Megumi to laugh. "What?!" Kiyo yelled but Megumi went on, "I'll be sleeping with some comfortable sheets on the floor and you'll sleep on your bed."
Kiyo still laid on the floor in complete shock as Zatch smiled and looked at Tia. "Yay! We're having a sleepover!" Zatch happily announced.
Tia giggled and replied, "Yea but don't stay up too late because we're waking up real early to see what Santa brings us."
Zatch remembered about the presents and replied, "You're right! Let's go to bed right now!" Zatch couldn't wait to open presents, he was still a child after all. Tia smiled at Zatch's excitement and went with Zatch to the guest room so they could go to bed while Megumi and Kiyo went to his room. Once they entered and got everything ready, Kiyo scratched his cheek and said, "Megumi you can sleep on my bed if you want, I can sleep on the floor."
Megumi smiled and replied, "No you should sleep in your bed tonight, I'll be fine Kiyo."
Tia and Zatch got ready for bed too and once they laid down Zatch and Tia said their goodnights to each other and fell asleep.
Kiyo was sleeping peacefully until he heard an annoying buzzing sound. "Ugh... What's that noise?" Kiyo asked grumpily. The noise that woke him up was his own alarm clock. Kiyo went over to his alarm clock and turned it off; he also noticed a note sitting right in front of it and read it using the lamp on his desk. The note said, "_Hey Kiyo. Can you come outside for just a bit? -Megumi_"
Kiyo forgot that Megumi was sleeping in his bedroom with him and looked at her spot to see her missing so he decided to put on his jacket and head outside. When Kiyo opened his door his saw Megumi leaning against the wall in front of his house, she looked calm and normal.
"Hey Kiyo, I'm sorry for waking you up." Megumi said with a smile.
Kiyo chuckled and replied, "Don't worry about that. So why are we out here?" Kiyo was curious about Megumi intentions.
"I'll tell you but first let's go for a walk." Megumi replied.
The two walked away from Kiyo's house and after a few blocks Megumi noticed that there was no houses around and felt alone with Kiyo, Megumi stopped and said, "This is a good place." Kiyo looked at Megumi, wondering what was going on.
Megumi started looking down to think of how she should speak her feelings. Megumi looked back up at Kiyo and said calmly, "Kiyo, next to Tia you are the most important person in the world to me." Megumi's confession stunned Kiyo, out of all the people in the world he meant the most to Megumi? Kiyo realized that Megumi had some serious feelings that she wanted to tell him so he walked closer to her and nodded for her to continue.
Megumi continued to confess, "I've had special feelings for you ever since the day I met you. From the first moment I met you I could tell you were so smart, strong, and especially brave." Megumi paused and added with a small giggle, "And cute." Megumi started blushing and became serious as she continued, "I have trust issues but you were able to earn my complete trust the very first day we met. I never felt so happy to meet someone in my life and along the way I became attached to you. I never want to lose you Kiyo, and that's why..." Megumi found it difficult to go on.
Megumi tried continuing, "That's why..." Megumi's smile faded and she started to shake. Megumi started looking down, she promised herself that would be strong tonight but Kiyo was always her greatest weakness. Megumi started crying and pressed her hands against her eyes to cover them. Kiyo was upset from seeing Megumi in such a sad state and thought if he should do something to comfort her. Kiyo took a step towards her and wrapped his arms softly around Megumi who in return wrapped her arms tightly around Kiyo and pressed her watery eyes against his shoulder. Megumi's crying turned into sobbing and Kiyo ran his hand through her hair to try and comfort her.
Megumi was still sobbing but managed to say between sobs, "How... could... you... leave me... like that..."
Kiyo didn't know what Megumi was talking about and replied, "What do you mean Megumi? I'm right here."
Megumi lifted her face from Kiyo's shoulder and yelled into Kiyo's face, "You died!" Kiyo felt a sharp pain in his heart from seeing Megumi's misery written all over her face as she sobbed. Kiyo remembered a time where he forfeited his life in a battle to save the world; he did die but was brought back to life. Kiyo moved on from that incident stronger but didn't even consider how it made his comrades and friends feel.
Kiyo, in an effort to comfort her, said softly, "I'm alive Megumi, I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere."
Megumi started to vent and yelled, "What if I died and my lifeless body was right in front of you?! How would that make you feel?! Why don't you try listening for a heartbeat that doesn't exist and why don't you try with all of your might to save someone only to fail!" Megumi's anger disappeared and with a quiet voice Megumi said with anguish, "I'm sorry... It just hurts so much... I'm traumatized..."
Kiyo put his forehead against Megumi's in an effort to comfort her and said, "Shh... It's okay Megumi. Everything is alright now. I'm alive and I'm right here with you. It's okay to be angry at me and I'm sorry that I made you go through so much suffering. But I'm going to do everything that I can to help you get through this."
Megumi was able to calm down a bit thanks to Kiyo's comfort. Finally she closed her eyes in guilt and whispered, "After we defeated Faudo I thought about burning Zatch's book... If Zatch went back to the demon world then you wouldn't have to be an anymore dangerous battles. I never did though because I knew I would regret it because I would be letting everyone I know down, especially you and Tia. You wouldn't be able to trust me after that and... and... do you still trust me?" Megumi felt intense humiliation and the horrible suspense of Kiyo's answer.
Kiyo wasn't mad or disappointed with Megumi and replied, "Megumi of course I trust you." Megumi opened her eyes and gasped, she could have sworn she just ruined everything between herself and Kiyo. Kiyo continued, "Megumi you wanted to burn my book to protect me and you chose not to because you knew it was the wrong. You've saved me and Zatch in some pretty bad situations and even though Zatch's pounding brought me back to life your healing spell saved me too. I owe you my life Megumi so my trust won't go away that easily."
Megumi planted a kiss on Kiyo's cheek and after she pulled away she gazed into Kiyo's eyes and finally said, "I love you Kiyo."
Back in the house Tia awoke from a chilling feelings and said, "Brrr... it's cold." Tia looked around and noticed that Zatch was missing. "Zatch?" Tia said, wondering where the boy went. She looked over by the balcony and noticed that the door was open. "_That's probably why it's so cold._" Tia thought as she got up to close it but then she noticed somebody sitting out on the balcony.
"Zatch?" Tia asked as she made it to the doorway. Zatch looked back at the doorway and saw Tia and said, "Hey Tia. I'm sorry, I forgot to close the door."
Tia walked out on the balcony to be with him and said, "It's alright. Why are you out here Zatch? Aren't you cold?" Tia asked with concern.
Zatch smiled and replied, "Yea I do feel a little cold but I'm okay. I'm just thinking about things."
Tia wondered what Zatch was thinking about but wanted to use this situation as an excuse to be close to Zatch and replied, "Well if you're cold then let me warm you up." Tia sat down next to Zatch and wrapped her arms around him and shared her body heat with Zatch who returned the hug and replied happily, "Thank you Tia!"
As they were cuddling, Zatch remembered what Folgore had said to him earlier and asked, "Tia what's a crush? Folgore said you could give me the best answer."
Tia's whole body flinched as her mouth dropped. "_Why did Folgore tell Zatch to ask me? Don't tell me he knows too!_" Tia thought to herself. Tia blushed and felt embarrassed; she would be explaining what a crush is to a crush. Tia started, "Well... You see Zatch... A crush is a very special feeling that you get when you're very attached to someone."
Zatch wasn't satisfied and asked, "How would I know if I had a crush on someone?"
Tia let go of Zatch with her left hand and put it over her heart as she looked up at the starry winter sky and said, "You would want to be with that person all of the time and whenever they're gone you keep thinking about when you will see that person again. You would go out of your way just to make that person notice you. They would make your heart beat fast and make you experience the best kind of happiness. And finally, you would do anything to make that person yours." Tia continued to look at the sky and started day dreaming about her crush.
Zatch started putting things together and finally it felt like the final puzzle piece fit into place. He came out here to ponder about what a crush was and what kind of feelings he had for Tia who helped him figure it all out. Zatch immediately wanted to tell Tia his discovery. "Hey Tia!" Zatch said, trying to get her attention.
Tia looked down and became nervous for a second from exiting her fantasies. "W-What Zatch?" Tia asked, she noticed a bruise on Zatch's knee and said, "Zatch? When did you get that?"
Zatch looked down and saw the bruise, "Oh yea. I got that when I was trying to come out here. It was dark so I tripped and fell. Can you put some Tia medicine on it?"
Tia smiled at Zatch's clumsiness and replied, "Sure you big idiot. Hold still." Tia bent over and pressed her lips against the bruise; she blushed slightly while doing so. Tia felt happy that she was kissing Zatch again, even if it was on the knee; but then she realized that her mind was still in dreamland which caused her to not tell Zatch to close his eyes. She immediately finished the kiss and with a wild blush she rose up in complete embarrassment and looked at Zatch who had a look of confusion.
"You... You kissed me Tia..." Zatch managed to say; he was amazed that the "Tia Medicine" was actually a kiss from Tia.
Unknowing to both of the couples, midnight struck and it was now the 25th of December, Christmas Day.
5. Chapter 5
It was just a bit after midnight on the 25th of December and two couples were embracing the cold winter air with that one special person.
"You... You kissed me Tia..."
Tia was blushing wildly as she let go of Zatch completely and looked down to try and hide her intense embarrassment. Zatch sat there, staring at Tia and holding the spot that he lips met.
Finally Tia managed to say, "Yea... I did..." Tia started feeling sadness and guilt as she continued to stare at the balcony floor. "I'm sorry..." Tia managed to say.
Zatch started getting upset when he noticed Tia's sadness and replied, "Tia... What are you apologizing for?"
"For not being able to control my feelings... And for getting you involved." Tia replied with the same amount of sadness as before.
"Nuu? What do you mean?" Zatch replied, he was always oblivious and what Tia was saying didn't make sense to him.
Tia was right; she really couldn't control her feelings. Tia looked back up into Zatch's eyes; she started shaking from the suspense of the answer to the question she was about to ask, "You really like Kolulu... don't you?" Tia asked, she kept becoming sadder and sadder until she looked heartbroken. Tears started to fall from her eyes as she continued, "If you do... it's okay... I promise. I'll be fine... I'll be..." Tia couldn't go on and broke down into painful sobbing. Tia thought Kolulu was a very kind demon but Tia was always worried that one day Zatch will choose Kolulu over her.
Zatch, who was witnessing one of his closest friends cry with such pain, started feeling a great pain in his heart. Zatch may be clueless about Tia's feelings but knew that she was suffering and pulled her into a tight embrace. Normally Tia would wrap her arms as tightly as she could around Zatch but she just didn't have the strength to lift her arms so she just laid her head on Zatch's shoulder as she sobbed even harder. Tia kept saying over and over, "I'm sorry..." between sobs.
It hurt Zatch and even brought him to tears hearing Tia apologizing in such a horrible state and desperately asked, "Tia what's wrong?!" Zatch felt helpless because of his obliviousness but couldn't stop thinking of how to help Tia.
Tia managed to stop sobbing and she slowly pulled her head up to face Zatch once more and started to confess her feelings, "Kolulu is such a kind demon and she even gave you resolve to fight in this battle but... But I can't help it! I just feel so jealous! I'm so scared that she has already won your heart because I've wanted it ever since the day you rescued me at Megumi's concert." Tia noticed Zatch's confused look and went on, "Zatch, don't you get it? I like you! I really like you! I want to spend every second of my life with you and when I'm not with you I think about when I get to see you again. I try so hard to make you notice me whether it's cooking for you, teaching you how to ski, or helping you decorate. You make my heart beat so fast whenever you hold me or compliment me and it makes me extremely happy. And... And..." Tia thought back and remembered when Megumi said, "You're Zatch." to tease her. Tia went on in almost a yell, "And I want you to be 'My Zatch'!"
Zatch was stunned that Tia felt that way about him and asked, "Tia... Why?"
Tia finally seemed calm and wiped away her tears. Tia felt all her worries fade away for this instant and decided she would let love win this once; she wrapped her right arm around Zatch and put her left hand on Zatch's cheek; she leaned in and whispered in Zatch's ear, "Because I love you Zatch." Tia closed her eyes and connected her lips with Zatch's.
At first Zatch was completely stunned with wide opened eyes; then he remembered what he discovered earlier about his own feelings and seeing that Tia felt the same way he closed his eyes and put his hand on Tia's cheek as he returned the kiss. Tia started blushing but she didn't care; all she cared about was Zatch and she had his complete attention and affection which surprised her. "_He's... He's actually kissing me back. Zatch... Do you love me too?_" Tia thought to herself but decided to push her thoughts aside as she deepened the kiss and pulled Zatch even closer to herself. It was blissful for Zatch and Tia as they kept inching closer together and held each other tighter as the kiss progressed.
After what seemed like an eternity their lips parted and their eyes met once more; both speechless about what just took place. Finally a heartfelt smile formed which made Zatch incredibly happy; he was seeing Tia smile so brightly. Tia gave a small giggle as she wrapped her arms around Zatch once more and rested her chin on his shoulder. Zatch felt like it was the right time to confess; he wanted to confess earlier but was side tracked by his bruise and Tia's medicine. Zatch whispered to Tia, "Tia I really like you. You're always willing to help me whether it's putting up decorations or protecting me in a battle." Zatch chuckled and went on, "Or from a crazy girl in a toy car. When I'm with you I feel so safe and I feel like I can accomplish anything with your help." Zatch's happy voice faded and continued seriously, "I know I'm an idiot." Zatch's words stunned Tia who replied, "Zatch-" but Zatch just went on, "It took me this long to figure out my own feelings. I'm a carefree, oblivious idiot who's put you through so much pain and I never even noticed." Tia started running her fingers through his hair and rubbing his back for comfort but Zatch only went on sadly, "If you cried so much tonight then I can only imagine the pain I put you through this whole time. It's not fair! I want to be smarter, I want to deal with things more maturely, and I really want you to be happy and yet..." Zatch couldn't continue.
Tia continued comforting Zatch and replied, "No Zatch, it's not your fault. Even though I have painful thoughts, you make me such a happy person. I'm glad I have special feelings for you and it's definitely worth the pain. If I could toss my feeling for you aside to relieve the pain I wouldn't; because I love you Zatch and you mean the world to me. Maybe you are oblivious, maybe you are carefree, and maybe you are just a little dumb; but there is no way I would want you to throw those things away. I've become attached to all of the things that make you who you are. Zatch you're perfect just the way you are."
Zatch felt a lot better and replied with a smile that she couldn't see, "Thank you Tia." Zatch went on seriously again, "Tia, why did you ask me if I liked Kolulu?"
The question caught Tia off guard and she didn't know how to put it into words but tried to explain, "Well... I guess because she's so kind, a lot more kinder than I am."
Zatch replied, "Why would that bother you? You're very kind to me too and I do like Kolulu, she's my friend after all."
Tia should have figured Zatch would say something like that and her fears started going away but she had to make certain of something and asked fearfully, "Are you... In love with Kolulu?" She held Zatch tightly as she awaited her answer.
Zatch took a moment to think about his answer, Kolulu did mean a lot to him after all but finally replied seriously, "No, I don't. Kolulu is a great friend but I don't love her." Zatch's seriousness faded and was replaced with happiness as he continued, "But there is one very special girl that I do love."
Tia stopped resting against Zatch's shoulder and looked at Zatch with anticipation. Tia slightly blushed as Zatch smiled and admitted, "I love you Tia!" Zatch thought it would be the perfect time to kiss Tia so he closed his eyes and leaned in.
Tia started shaking as tears started running from her eyes and a big smile emerged on her face. All she ever wanted was Zatch's love and now she had earned it and being the only girl to have it. This was the happiest moment of her young life thus far. Tia closed her eyes and met Zatch's lips with hers and felt bliss that seemed to last eternity. Finally they broke the kiss and rested their foreheads against each other as they embraced. When Zatch opened his eyes he saw Tia with the purest and happiest smile on her face and when she opened her ruby eyes Zatch got lost in their beauty. A while had passed until finally Tia said softly, "I love you so much Zatch." and Zatch replied softly, "I love you too Tia."
They enjoyed each other's company for awhile but decided that it was time to go back inside. Before Zatch got to his sheets Tia tugged at Zatch's mantle and said, "Wait a second!" Tia hatched an idea and combined her sheets with Zatch's.
Zatch became sad as he replied, "Nuu... Now one of us will have to sleep without sheets."
Tia smiled and was happy to hear Zatch's obliviousness again. Tia winked at Zatch and replied, "Not if we share the sheets."
Zatch instantly became happy and said, "That's a great idea Tia!" Zatch thought it would be for the best if he slept next to the girl he loves.
Tia laid down first and snuggled under the covers; as Zatch started to lay down Tia told him, "Of course if you want to sleep next to me I have one condition."
Zatch stopped in his tracks and asked sadly, "Nuu... And what's that?"
Tia opened her arms and replied happily, "You have to hold me while I sleep!"
Zatch became happy once again and agreed. They faced each other, resting their foreheads against each other and embraced each other softly. Finally after only a few minutes they drifted off into their dreams.
As the two children slept in each other's arms, Kiyo and Megumi still stood out in the cold.
"I love you Kiyo." Kiyo couldn't make sense of what just happened. He did hear Megumi confess her love for him but he couldn't believe it. "What... What did you say Megumi? I think I misheard you. Can you say it again?" Kiyo asked, still in disbelief.
Megumi wanted to get her love through Kiyo's head so she put a hand on Kiyo's cheek and closed her eyes as she leaned in. Her lips met Kiyo's which caused Kiyo to go into shock. His eyes were wide open as he continued to feel Megumi's lips with his. Kiyo's mind finally felt as ease as he accepted the fact that Megumi loves him so he closed his eyes and deepened the kiss. The kiss was passionate and blissful as they grew closer and closer. Kiyo had one arm around Megumi's waist and another playing with her hair. When they broke the kiss Megumi stared straight into Kiyo's golden eyes and said once more, "I love you Kiyo."
Kiyo looked deeply into Megumi's eyes and softly replied, "I love you too Megumi." For Megumi this meant the world to her. Megumi felt like she was about to fall over from all of the worry and stress being relieved so she started resting on Kiyo's shoulder and held him softly. Megumi confessed more, "You know, ever since I met you, you have always been on mind. It didn't take long for me to fall for you and after I did I kept thinking of ways to confess to you but I've never had the courage to carry out my ideas. After we defeated Faudo I decided I would stop hiding my feelings and that's why I have been so open with you lately; hugging you, holding your hand, kissing your cheek, and finally confessing my love to you tonight. I'm so relieved that I finally got these feelings off my chest and I'm so happy that you love me Kiyo. Thank you so much Kiyo. I love you."
Kiyo chuckled and felt like it was his time to confess, "I love you too. You know it didn't take me that long to fall for you too but that had nothing to do with you being a pop idol. You are so friendly and kind and whenever we started talking I never wanted to stop. It made my heart soar every time I said something that made you smile or laugh and whenever you looked sad I just want to stop whatever I am doing to make you smile again. You're a very important person in my life, like a shining north star that I look towards whenever I feel lost. I need you Megumi, so will you please be mine?"
Megumi lifted her face from Kiyo's shoulder and Kiyo saw a heartfelt smile and tears on her face. Megumi said playfully, "I thought I was already yours." Megumi went softly, "I really feel like I belong with you Kiyo. Of course I'll be yours as long as you become mine."
Kiyo smiled as he was filled with happiness. Kiyo closed his eyes and Megumi did the same. They both met halfway and connected their lips once more. The kiss was filled with more bliss than the last and the longer they kissed the closer they became until they were in a tight embrace as they kissed. When the kiss ended they still shared a tight embrace as they stared deeply into each other's eyes. Kiyo finally replied, "Of course I'll be yours Megumi, after all I've been yours all this time."
After awhile they decided to head back towards the house. When they got back into Kiyo's room Megumi popped an idea and said, "Oh. Kiyo, it's so cold with the few sheets that I have on my bed. So can you sleep with me tonight and keep me warm?"
Kiyo chuckled but loved the idea and replied, "Sure. It feels cold sleeping on my bed alone anyways."
When they finally laid down together, Megumi laid on her side and rested her head in Kiyo's chest with her arms wrapped around him while Kiyo laid on his back with an arm around Megumi and his other hand resting on top of Megumi's hand. Megumi said dreamily, "Merry Christmas Kiyo. I love you so much." and Kiyo replied softly, "Merry Christmas Megumi. I love you too. Goodnight sweetie."
Megumi giggled, she loved being Kiyo's "sweetie" and replied, "Goodnight sweetie." The two teenagers fell asleep happily together.
It was six in the morning and Megumi started waking up. She felt really tired from staying up late last night but was accustomed to waking up early so she got up regardless. Megumi tried standing up but noticed something wasn't letting her and realized that Kiyo was holding her. Megumi smiled and admired her boyfriend sleeping. "_He looks so cute when he's sleeping._" Megumi thought to herself before gently poking his forehead and saying his name over and over to wake up.
Kiyo started waking up and let out a big yawn but then noticed that Megumi was right next to him so he pushed out the yawn and started to blush lightly. Megumi giggled and embraced her embarrassed boyfriend and said happily, "Merry Christmas sweetie!"
Kiyo felt relieved to be in her arms once more and returned the hug and said, "Merry Christmas Megumi."
When Megumi pulled away she started blushing lightly and couldn't stop giggling as if she was in a trance. Kiyo chuckled at her happiness and said, "Geez what made you so happy." It was more of a statement that she was overjoyed rather than a question.
Megumi answered anyways and replied, "Well it's Christmas and I'm with my boyfriend. Why wouldn't I be happy?"
Kiyo was glad that he made Megumi happy and a big smile emerged on his face. Megumi remembered the children and said, "That's right! Kiyo we should wake up Tia and Zatch. It's always heartwarming to see two happy children on Christmas morning."
Kiyo nodded in agreement and so the two teenagers stood up and started heading towards the guest room. When they were at the door Megumi opened it slowly and peeked inside the room. "Oh my..." Megumi whispered in amazement. Kiyo became curious as Megumi moved away from the crack in the door and signaled for Kiyo to take a look. Kiyo started peeking in and he saw the two children sleeping together in a soft embrace which shocked Kiyo. He looked over and saw Megumi smiling brightly and they decided to go in and wake the children up.
Kiyo and Megumi started shaking their respective partners to wake up. When the two demons woke up they were staring into each other's eyes which caused Tia to blush slightly but a smile formed on her lips from waking up to her favorite boy watching her. Tia said softly, "Merry Christmas Zatch." Tia started holding Zatch tighter. Zatch replied happily, "Merry Christmas Tia!"
Tia closed her eyes and enjoyed the hug until Zatch said, "Hey Megumi! How long have you been there?" This caused Tia to let go of Zatch and jump up off the sheets, blushing madly. Tia looked at Zatch and noticed Kiyo was right behind him. Tia thought to herself, "_Oh no. How long have they been in here?_"
Megumi giggled and teased her demon, "My my, it looks like somebody slept well."
Tia's mad blush intensified and asked, "W-What's that supposed to mean Megumi?!"
Kiyo tried teasing Zatch and said, "Did you like sleeping with Tia last night?"
Zatch smiled and replied, "Unuu! It was great and I felt so comfortable."
Tia started strangling Zatch out of embarrassment and said, "Don't tell them you idiot!"
Zatch noticed that even though Tia had her hands firmly around his neck she didn't apply any strength to choke him and it didn't hurt either. Zatch confusingly replied, "Un-Unuu... I'm sorry."
Megumi told both of the demons, "Anyways what are you two doing up here? Santa has already brought you guys presents."
Zatch instantly jumped up and started running at full speed downstairs while yelling, "Presents!" Tia had a slow start but started running downstairs and yelled, "Wait for me!"
Kiyo chuckled and Megumi giggled as they got up and headed downstairs. When they entered the living room both Tia and Zatch were starting to open their first presents. They were ripping the wrapping paper like crazy which caused Kiyo to laugh and said, "Geez, you two need to slow down."
After all the craziness of opening gifts everyone was satisfied, especially the two demons who already begun to play with their new toys. Kiyo ran upstairs and when he came back down he looked slightly embarrassed with his hands behind his back. Megumi smiled and once Kiyo stood in front of her she asked, "What are you hiding Kiyo?"
Kiyo chuckled nervously and said, "Well... You know... I thought I would get you something for Christmas so..." Kiyo revealed the bear and started handing it to Megumi and said, "Here."
Megumi's smile grew bigger and remembered catching a scared Kiyo at a build your own bear store. Megumi took the bear and noticed it looked a lot like Kiyo. "Wow Kiyo I love it! Thank you so much!" Megumi went to give Kiyo a big hug but retracted and said, "Oh wait a second." She searched through her bag and pulled out another bear and handed it to Kiyo with a blush. "I made you one too Kiyo. I made this at home so it might not be as good as the store's quality."
When Megumi handed the bear to Kiyo, he saw that everything about the bear was flawless and it was made to look like Megumi. Kiyo was stunned and managed to reply, "Megumi this is amazing." Kiyo chuckled and went on, "Well you may have beat me in craftsmanship this year but I'll get you next year."
"You really like it?!" Megumi asked excitedly. When Kiyo nodded Megumi wrapped her arms tightly around him. After a while Megumi pulled away a little bit but had her arms still around Kiyo and started leading him somewhere.
Megumi led Kiyo to the doorway which left Kiyo confused until he looked up and noticed a mistletoe. As Kiyo looked into Megumi's beautiful face he saw her cute smile and light blush. Kiyo asked, "You're just full of surprises, aren't you?"
Megumi started leaning in and replied softly, "I like to keep things interesting for you."
Kiyo started leaning in as well and said softly, "You're also full of mysteries, you know that?"
Megumi closed her eyes and whispered, "I'm full of mysteries because I want you to solve them."
Kiyo closed his eyes too and replied, "Just stay with me long enough for me to solve your puzzle."
Their lips were millimeters apart when Megumi said, "I'm giving you the rest of my life... Good luck." Their lips finally met once more below the mistletoe. Tia and Zatch witnessed the two teenagers kissing and stared with awe.
When the kiss ended Zatch snapped back into reality and said to Tia, "Oh yea! I'll be right back Tia!" When Zatch returned he had a bear in his hands and told Tia, "Tia this is Gash, your new teddy bear!"
Tia started blushing and took the bear. A smile formed as she said, "Thank you Zatch! Wait here!" Tia went to go look through Megumi's bag and pulled out yet another bear and shyly handed it over to Zatch, "This is Tio, take good care of her." When Zatch took it he noticed that even though it looks a little clumsy it looked a lot like Tia and could tell she put a lot of time into it. Zatch loved the gift and yelled, "Thank you Tia!" and wrapped his arms tightly around her.
All of Tia's hard work, the hours that she put into making the bear, finally felt like it was starting to pay off from witnessing Zatch's happiness and experiencing a tight embrace with him. Tia wrapped her arms around Zatch and kissed his cheek softly. "You're welcome Zatch." Tia said happily.
Eventually there was a knock at the door and Kiyo opened it to see Folgore, Kanchome, Ponygon, and Mr. Sunbeam. "We're back!" Folgore announced joyfully.
Everyone was having fun whether it was playing games or enjoying a nice conversation with each other. Kiyo sat on the couch with Megumi and had an arm around her while Megumi rested her head on Kiyo's shoulder and held his hand. Kiyo was completely happy and remembered earlier how he questioned why everyone wanted to spend Christmas with him and not their family and finally realized something. "_What was I thinking. All of us are family._" Kiyo thought to himself.
The day went by so fast until it became dark and it was time for everyone to go home. The two couples made it to Megumi's house with Kiyo and Megumi at her doorstep while Tia and Zatch stood by the mailbox, giving the other couple privacy.
Kiyo smiled but Megumi noticed his sadness and asked, "Sweetie, what's wrong?" Megumi gently grabbed Kiyo's hands with hers.
Kiyo felt embarrassed and replied, "Well... It's just that Christmas is over and now I won't get to see you as much."
Megumi smiled when she found out that Kiyo's sadness was actually him starting to miss her. Megumi softly wrapped her arms around Kiyo and rested her forehead against his as she replied, "It will be okay Kiyo, I promise. You'll definitely see me again and I'll do my best to clear up as much time as I can for you."
Kiyo started smiling and returned the hug. "Thank you Megumi, that means a lot. I'm sorry for being sad. It's just I already miss you and even though you're still here I don't want you to go."
"Kiyo believe me, I don't want to go either but it has to happen eventually. But that also gives us something for the both of us to look forward to, seeing each other once again." Megumi winked and continued, "Besides even though Christmas is over my winter break isn't so I'll see you again tomorrow."
Kiyo's entire being was filled with joy and held Megumi tighter; he felt like a child but couldn't help but be excited to see Megumi once again.
"I love you Megumi." Kiyo said softly. Megumi leaned in and kissed Kiyo on the lips and after she pulled away she whispered in his ear, "I love you too. See you tomorrow sweetie."
Tia and Zatch still stood at the mailbox when Tia asked shyly, "Zatch I'm a little cold. Can you warm me up for a bit before I go in?" Tia wanted to be in his arms one last time for the day.
"Unuu!" Zatch happily replied and wrapped his arms tightly around Tia who in return wrapped her arms around him.
Tia rested on Zatch's shoulder and whispered, "Thank you for giving me the best day of my life Zatch. You made me extremely happy today and I'm so glad that I have you. I'll do anything in the world for you so if you ever need anything give me a call okay?"
Tia's words made Zatch feel like he was on top of the world and he replied, "Un-Unuu! Thank you Tia! I'll do anything for you too. You make me the happiest boy in the world!"
Tia giggled and replied, "Well of course! That's what you deserve for making me the happiest girl in the world."
They enjoyed the embrace for awhile but Tia knew she couldn't drag it on anymore. Tia pulled away to kiss Zatch's cheek and afterward she said a little sadly, "I have to go now."
Zatch pressed his lips against Tia's which caught her off guard but she closed her eyes and started enjoying the kiss too. After the kiss ended a happy expression rested on both of their faces and Zatch said, "Come back tomorrow Tia, before I miss you really badly."
Zatch always knew how to cheer Tia up. "Y-Yea! No need to miss me, I'll come back as soon as I can tomorrow!"
The couples had to separate, Kiyo and Zatch started walking home together. The separation from their loved ones was sad but it also gave them hope of seeing them once again and with smiling faces Kiyo and Zatch returned home. Right before going to bed Zatch told Kiyo, "You know what Kiyo, I really do love Tia."
Kiyo smiled and replied, "That's great buddy. You know Tia always made it really obvious that she really liked you."
"I know but I was too much of an idiot to notice until now." Zatch admitted but was smiling nonetheless.
Kiyo chuckled and replied, "Well I guess that makes me an idiot too because I never noticed Megumi really liked me until today."
Zatch was shocked to hear Kiyo call himself an idiot but asked, "Is that why you two kissed?"
Kiyo didn't think Zatch saw so he started blushing, "Um... Well... It's late so goodnight Zatch." Kiyo avoided Zatch's question.
Zatch knew the answer and replied, "Goodnight Kiyo!"
Kiyo and Zatch drifted off into sleep where they found that one special person in their dreams waiting for them.
End file.
| A Zatch Bell Christmas Story by Youtoberz | Zatch Bell |
Dance With Me
**Disclaimer: I don't own Zeno or any other Zatch Bell/ konjiki no Gash Bell characters. They all belong to Makoto Raiku**
_Dance With Me_
Faudo is over, and I was miserably sent back. I don't feel sorry for my crime. Not even a single drop of sympathy for the one who brought me back to this world. Why would I show that type of feeling for him anyway? I hate him so much. Not a day went by that I didn't hate, detest, or resent him. But now that I've returned there is nothing I can do to go back. I can't go to the castle. They'll shun me as always. I'll have to wait until _HE_ comes home so that the royal presence of the castle can look upon two princes instead of one.
So what have I been doing you ask? Just roaming the mamodo world at my own pace. Sleeping in hollow trees and isolating myself from other demons. I practically live in the Makai forest just beyond the mountains, never wanting to roam amongst the mamodo of this world again.
Until they found me...
Word got out that I had returned to Makai and that they were looking for me. I couldn't run forever. That's not like me. For once in my life I let the good guys take me in. I was expecting for them to take me back to my military training, or maybe put me in the mamodo jail, but instead they put in school. A normal school for children my age. I guess it wasn't as bad.
On my first day I was introduced to the class. Everyone shook in fear once they saw me. I guess that was a good thing since I am the strongest mamodo here. I walked to my seat, which was at the back, away from everyone like I wanted. I didn't pay any attention, but every time I glanced up from my desk I saw a pink haired girl looking at me. She turned away beet red every time I looked back at her. Who was she anyway?
After class everyone went home. I just wanted to go back to the forest and never come back. However, the castle minions would try and put me in school again. It was no use to try and return to the woods. I would just roam around the Makai grounds and go to school everyday since that is what they want me to do until the new king comes back and changes everything. I hope it's not HIM who will be king. The one who sent me here.
I stopped walking once a voice called out to me. It was soft and sweet like honey. I like honey. I turned to the sound as the same girl who wouldn't stop looking at me in class was behind me. "What do you want?" I asked.
"I saw you in class today." She said softly. "You look like someone I know."
"Who then?" I blurted out. "Is it Zatch? Yes. I look like Zatch! Everyone gets confused between me and Zatch! Nobody knows who I am!"
"I want to know who you are." She replied and walked closer to me.
"You wouldn't care anyway." I turned away from her.
"I do now. I want to be your friend. What's your name?"
I hesitated before answering. "Zeno."
"Well hello Zeno. My name's Kolulu."
"That's great." I said sarcastically.
"Zeno." Kolulu asked. "Why are you so mad all the time?"
I couldn't keep holding this anger inside of me. I had to tell someone. Even if that someone is this girl. "It's because of Zatch! He took a spell from me that should have been mine and mine only!"
Kolulu was shocked for a moment before she spoke again. "Why would Zatch do that? It's not like him."
"You know Zatch?"
"Yeah. I met him in the mamodo battles back on earth. You look just like him."
"A lot of mamodo mistook me for my younger twin brother."
"I never knew he had a twin."
"Well you're looking at him!" I bellowed and turned away, but she just kept on talking.
"How can anyone mistake him for you?" She placed a hand on my head. "Your hair is silky silver." She looked strait into my eyes. "And your eyes are much brighter."
I pushed her hand away, but not too roughly. "You're the first person to ever say that."
"Well it's the truth Zeno. Have you ever thought about why Zatch has this spell you wanted?"
I paused and looked at her. I already had the answer, it's because my father thought I was too evil for the Baou. But who cares?
She continued to talk. "What if it wasn't his choice to have that spell? And if so, did you even think about if he even wanted it?"
I took the time to think about what Kolulu had said. I was spending all my time concentrating on the Baou that I didn't even ask my brother if he wanted it in the first place. I glanced down at my hands. The same hands that strangled, punched, and choked my little brother. I raised my head to see Kolulu walking away. "Zeno. You can sit with me in class tomorrow. I have to get home now. You'd better get home now too."
I frowned at the thought of going home. I didn't want to go back, at least not now. And it was interesting to talk with Kolulu for some reason. I didn't want to stop as she left me thinking about what I had done before. "Kolulu, wait!" I called.
She stopped for me. "Yes Zeno?"
"Can...Can I go home with you? I'm...I'm alone."
Kolulu smiled and held my hand. It was the warmest feelings I have ever felt. Her hand and her smile. "Of course you can Zeno. Let's go." She pulled my hand but I refused to move. "What's wrong Zeno?"
"Just tell me where you live and I'll take you there. I can teleport."
"You can do that? Well, I live on the edge of town by the woods."
"The woods? I used to live there. I know where it is."
"You live alone?" she asked.
"Yeah." I responded as I extended my cloak around us. "Just hold on to me." As I said that I felt her wrap her arms around me as she was placing her head on my shoulder until our cheeks touched. Then we both vanished along with the wind around us.
The mamodo world cheered gladly for the new arrival of the king. The king festival was over and everyone was celebrating. The sky was dark but no one felt like going to bed. Tonight was the biggest celebration until the next king would be crowned. King Zatch was holding a ball tonight and many mamodo had partners to dance with. Inside the castle my brother Zatch, and his dance partner Tia, were watching over the ball on a large thrown. I guess he choose her to be his queen. I hate Tia. I don't want her to become my sister-in-law.
I sat outside of the castle grounds. Away from everybody as always. I saw all of Zatch's friends go in. I don't know the names of all his friends, but I do recognize that boy with the duck bill, those two horses...I think one of them is called Ponygon or something, and that boy with the funky looking hair and a black jacket. I think his name is Ted or something. I also saw my dance partner go in as I waited for my signal.
"Zatch." Tia tapped him on the shoulder. "It's great that you held a dance tonight."
Zatch nodded. "Unu. There will be a lot of work down the road, but I'll have help from you guys."
Tia blushed slightly. "I'm glad." She looked at the large ballroom. "I'm also glad that everyone is having a good time together."
"Yeah." Zatch replied before he asked his next question. "Tia, will you dance with me tonight? I know we have to wait for Kolulu to show up with her dance partner, but until she comes will you dance with me?"
Tia blushed like mad. "Um, yes Zatch. I will!" She took his hand that he offered to her.
Zatch perked up as he remembered something. "I'm so glad you made friends with Kolulu so fast."
Tia nodded. "Yeah. She's actually my only friend who's another girl. I can actually have some girl-time once in a while."
"I'm glad for you." The new king smiled warm-heartedly.
"Tia! Zatch!" Kolulu came running down the halls to reach them. "I found you."
"Kolulu!" Tia hugged her as she was happy to see her new best friend. "You're here, but where's your partner?"
"He'll be here soon." She said. The three waited as a small gust of wind flew past them revealing a white cloak and pale skin behind Kolulu. "Hello Kolulu." I said. "Ready yet?"
My partner was about to respond until Tia pulled her away and yelled at my face. "What are you doing here Zeno?! You weren't invited!"
I grinned evilly at her. "On the contrary Tia, I _live _here in this castle. So I didn't have to be technically invited."
Zatch stood in front of Kolulu. "Be careful Kolulu. He's not one to trust."
"What are you talking about Zatch?" Kolulu asked. "Zeno is my dance partner." She walked up to me. "Zeno, don't scare me like that." She giggled in an infantile way.
"Huh?" Zatch and Tia cried in unison.
I ignored them both while I took Kolulu to the dance floor. When we started slow-dancing my brother and his girlfriend followed us taking Kolulu away from me again. "Kolulu." Tia snatched her. "This is Zeno. He has treated Zatch badly in the past."
"I know that. He told me everything for the past two months. I even told him about myself, about my spells, and how I gave Zatch the goal for a benevolent king. He says he doesn't mind and that I make him happy."
Zatch and Tia couldn't believe their ears. "Kolulu...all of this may be a trick." Replied Tia.
"Let's go Kolulu." I told her. "We're not welcome here. We'll have a better time outside." I took her hand as we pushed our way through the other mamodos to get outside where the lake was.
"Kolulu..." Tia's sentence was trailed off once we both left the castle. Zatch caught up to Tia. "Tia. I don't trust Zeno fully yet. So we'd better watch them for the rest of the night for Kolulu's safety."
"Good idea Zatch."
I dipped my feet in the dark pool filled with lily pads that were slightly sparkling from the tiny fireflies hovering around them. Kolulu did the same as she placed our shoes on the grass beside us. "I'm having a great time Zeno." She told me with her warm smile. "Thanks for telling me about this before Zatch did." She leaned her head on my shoulder.
I sensed a sudden disturbance in the atmosphere. "Speaking of my brother..." I stood up from the pond and shot a Zakar spell at the nearby bushes. Kolulu and I saw Zatch and Tia spew out of the darkness. "What are you two doing here?" I bellowed at them.
"I asked you that earlier!" Tia shouted back. I know she hates me. "You leave Kolulu alone! She's too kind for someone who's mean and nasty like you!"
I grimaced meanly at her face until Kolulu stepped up for me. "Stop it Tia. Can't you see that Zeno is nice now? He's turned over a new leaf."
"Kolulu..." Zatch started to say. "We're just concerned about you. Zeno has done a lot of unpleasant things in the past, and it would take a while for us to trust him."
"Well I trust him." Kolulu said. "Why can't you accept the fact that he's changed?"
"I'm sorry Kolulu, but as king, I want you to stay away from Zeno for the time being. Until I see if he's really good this way or not." Zatch let out his final word and that was it. The king always gets his way no matter what. I saw Kolulu cry and clenched her fists as she fell on her knees. "Please Zatch, don't do this to me." She begged. "I'm happy this way."
I felt like punching my brother for doing such a thing as making poor Kolulu cry. Even if he thinks it's for her own good when it really wasn't. "Zatch! You always ruin my life!" I screamed as I couldn't take it anymore. Zatch always messes up everything that has to do with me. "Why can't you accept the fact that I want to change and that Kolulu made me change realizing what I had done? I met her when you were still fighting. And I thought you were supposed to be the kind king!"
That sentence stopped my brother as he looked at a crying Kolulu with her knees to the grass. Tia was trying her best to comfort her. "You're right Zeno." Zatch said. "Kolulu helped me with this goal and I don't want her to cry." He bent down on the grass where Kolulu was. "I'm really sorry Kolulu. I was just concerned for you. You're the one who helped me become king, and I'm sorry for making you cry. If Zeno makes you happy...then you can stay with him."
Zatch looked at me as I poured many tears down my face. He has never seen me cry like this, but he was happy that Kolulu is fine and that I guess he trust me at last. "Zeno." He told me. "As a king's order, please take good care Kolulu."
I smiled and wiped my tears away. "I will, thanks."
"But Zatch..." Tia still didn't accept it, but Zatch stopped her by raising a hand at her.
"It's alright Tia. Let's leave them alone now" I saw Zatch and Tia leave to return to the dance in the castle. I was happy when I saw them gone, and I wrapped my arms around Kolulu who was still on the ground.
"Are you alright?" I asked. "Sometimes my brother can be overprotective."
"I'm fine." She stood up, parting away from my embrace. "How about you?"
"I'll be fine if you do me a favor."
"Will you dance with me?"
"I would love to, but it's kind of dark."
"I'll fix that." I went over to the pond and flickered my right hand with blue lightning. I dipped my hand in the dark pool until the whole pond lit up with sky blue lights. I removed my hand from the waters and glanced toward my partner. "Is that enough light for you?"
"Yes Zeno." She pranced up to me and grabbed both my hands. The same hands that almost killed my own brother, but that won't happen anymore because this girl changed me. "I'll have that dance now."
I wrapped my fingers around her soft warm hands and smiled. I have never smiled like this before, and I actually enjoyed this feeling. We got into our dance positions and let our bare feet roll across the grass near a glistening pond until sudden moonlight lit the area where we frolicked.
And I actually enjoyed every bit of it until the sun came up.
_Zeno Bell_
End file.
| Dance With Me by Fop626 | Zatch Bell |
Ohayo, Mizuno
_Ohayo, Mizuno!_
* * *
Disclaimer: I don't own Konjiki no Gash Bell
Spoilers: None. I made up the stuff with Zeon cause he's so darn cool.
Note: Suzume is cool. Don't diss her.
* * *
Takamine Kiyomaro pulled on his school shirt slowly, looking at the spot on his table that was the only place that was uncovered. One month, one month since Gash defeated Zeon and was crowned king of his kind. One month since he and Kiyomaro said goodbye.
It had been hard for Kiyomaro, and the story for everyone else to know was that Gash disappeared. Kiyomaro would say this, his heart sinking lower each time.
Kiyomaro was not alone though. Every day, he and Mizuno Suzume, his close and first friend, would walk to and from school, and would talk at lunch. However, this was not a recent activity. No, ever since Tio, Kyanchome, and the rest had fallen, thier partners had seemingly forgotten about everything but the greif of losing thier partner. It was sad, to Kiyomaro, to see such strong people fall apart so quickly.
But just as Kiyomaro was cracking, Suzume walked over to him and asked him if he could help her solve some math problems. Kiyomaro's tears stopped before they could fall, and he laughed. She laughed, and he was at peace.
Kiyomaro had always been confused with Suzume, and how he felt about her. First, she was the girl who shared her lunch with him in kindergarden, when he forgot his. Then, they lost touch. But then, one day, after he believed everyone hated him, she came over and asked for help with some history homework.
First, Suzume was an annoying ditz with no intelligence. But after Gash appeared, almost in a day, she was his best human friend. She was a fun person, even if she was a bit clutzy and always needed help with homework. But, during the latter part of the war, where almost no one was left, Kiyomaro's views changed when he saw her sitting on a bench, the sunset behind her, her hair flowing with the wind.
Kiyomaro then saw her as a beautiful girl, and in times of peace, when he wasn't worrying that Burago, Bali, or Zeon might show up to finish off Gash, he thought about Suzume.
However, Suzume, who had always had feelings for Kiyomaro, did not know of Kiyomaro's change of heart. And today, Kiyomaro was going to tell her.
Kiyomaro pulled on his pants and picked up his school bag. He went down the stairs, preparing for a big change in his life. One that would probably be the second greatest one of his life. The first being, of course, meeting the demon child named Gash Bell who now was king.
Kiyomaro walked down the stairs, eyeing a Vulcan 300 made to look like Professor Dartagnan that was attatched to the cieling. Gash and Tio had made it, only a week before Tio was lost at the hands of Zeon.
Kiyomaro reached for the doorhandle, and twisted it open. Leaning against Umagon's old dog house, was none other that Suzume. Her smile made Kiyomaro's insides flutter.
"Ohayo, Mizuno."
End file.
| Ohayo, Mizuno by x se | Zatch Bell |
You Know You Know
_...I have no idea where this came from, but i had to put it up here 'cause i had fun writing it. n.n
No, it's not exactly "about" a particular character in the show, just... just... err... oh just read the poem already! I suppose the best way to summarize this is that it's a poem about ZB/KnGB and the people who watch it... yeah... -.- OK shutting up now. A lil' humor in here._
_Disclaimer: Me no own, you no sue._
_A/N: Can anybody guess which charactersi am describing in stanzas 6 and 7?_
* * *
You Know You Know
You know you know your Zatch Bell
When people come and ask
All the names of mamodos
It's such a simple task
Perhaps you know their original names
That aren't mentioned in the show
Those spoiler websites sure are helpful
How else could you possibly know?
From Gash to Zatch or Zeon to Zeno
It's all so very easy
Though sometimes you may think that some
Of their English names are cheesy
You have already memorized
The show's Japanese name
Or perhaps all of the characters
That have come and gone again
You know you know your characters
And all of the dates they appear
You become obsessive when they arrive
Leaving your clueless friends in fear
Especially during those few occasions
When a rare character finally arrives
You're happy when he's finally come
But when he's gone you start to cry
When a character is back from a long absence
You shout "It's about time!"
And although you knew when they'd be back
You still say it's a horrible crime
Now you're being questioned
What exactly is a mamono?
You tell them it's what should have been 'mamodo'
And you tell them that that was a no-no
You know you know your spells
Such as Zaker, Gikor, and Reis
And of the one particular episode
When they originally took place
When that one special demon
Is sent back to the other world...
Well, it's too bad the TV can't escape
All the angry words you've hurled
You have a friend who got printed lyrics
Of your utmost favorite theme song
You look at her and shake your head
Pointing out that the words were wrong
It's scary to see you draw a picture
Of different characters' heads
Others gawk and will compliment
That you have everything perfected
You know you know your Zatch Bell
Because it's your favorite show
Uh oh, I think it's on now--
Well there's something you didn't know!
End file.
| You Know You Know by Twilight Memories | Zatch Bell |
My Promises
I don't own Zatch Bell.
Sum: Brago promised himself he wouldn't be like Milordo-Z (Zofis). For Sherry. Because of Sherry's mental scar from Koko. He wouldn't be like any other momoto... Oneshot poem SherryXBrago
**My Promises
**Brago's Point Of View
_I scoff
__Promises are revolting
__Weakness cornering_
_I promise
__For myself
__How difficult you get
__If I'm not **civil** enough
__To start to remind you
__Of hateful things_
_I promise
__Unheard by you
__To not think I'm a person
__Like your mother
__Who only wants dead perfection
__from you_
_I promise
__Never to let you know
__So you don't stare
__Thinking I'm that mamodo
__Who manipulated that girl
__To kill you_
_Promises are exuses
__Mine are vows
__It won't happen Sherry
__I promise
__Though you won't know
__I love you
__I'm weak
__My weakness
__Being my book
__And you._
End file.
| My Promises by deathrosekitty | Zatch Bell |
Heart Sick
Seriously I just wrote this out of boredom, it's somewhat stupid & stuff so yeah....
I tryed my best.
Pairing: Slight UrixPenny
Heart Sick
Beeep Beeep the alarm clock went off.
It continued to make that noise for about 10 seconds.
The small girl rolled around in her bed letting out annoyed sounding wimmpers.
"Uri!" She yelled.
But there was no response & the alarm kept ringing.
"Uuuurrrrriiiii!!!" She yelled louder.
But still nothing.
"Grrr! MUST I DO EVEERYTHING MYSELF!" she screeched angrily as she got up & slammed the alarm clock with her fist practacly breaking it.
She put on her dress & tied up her hair as usual.
'That's strange, Uri is usually up earlier then me & he always turns off my alarm clock.....' Penny thought to herslf has she finished getting dressed.
She walked into Uri's room & saw that he was still in bed.
Penny was angry about this, she poked at him furiously.
"URRRRIIIII!!! GET UP IT'S TIME TO GO!" she yelled as she continued to poke at him rappidly.
The man let out a few noises but did not get up.
"GRRRRR!!! URI IT'S 9:47!!!! WE'RE LATE!!!! WE HAVE TO GO!!!" she yelled at him again even louder then before.
"Peeeeennnnnnnyyyyyy" Uri whined "Stop yelling, my head hurts..ugghhh...I feel awful...." he managed to say rasply.
Penny looked at him with a very annoyed expression.
Uri hid under his blankets "Penny, please stop yelling...I'm sorry but there's no way I can get up."
Penny heard slight disappointment & embarassment in his tone.
"Hmph, fine then!" Penny said unsympatheticly as she walked out of his room & slammed the door.
'Stupid Uri, why'd he have to go & get sick. Humans are so weak....' Penny thought to herself as she leaned agenst Uri's door.
'But....' she thought back to when Uri had told her he couldn't get up.
'He's trying so hard....And it's all to help me.....Mabey I should be a little- NONSENCE! What am I thinking, I don't care for this pathetic human I just want to find my darling Zatch'
Penny thought for a few minutes before she had an idea.
She ran into the small kitchen & opened one of the drawers.
Inside was a first aid kit.
'So this thing contains all sorts of things to make humans better right?'
Penny rummaged through the items inside it.
'I think I should start with this.'
Penny removed a thermometer from the box & walked over to Uri's room.
"Uri...?" Penny said entering the room.
Uri awoke & looked at Penny.
"What is it?" he asked.
"Here." she handed Uri the thermometer.
Uri looked at it & then back up at Penny.
"I don't know how it works, so just use it & tell me how sick you are." Penny looked away from him while she spoke, a small blush growing on her face.
Uri put thermomiter in his mouth and after a few seconds handed it back to Penny.
"What does it say?" He asked.
Penny read it carfully "103..."
"Sounds like a fever." Uri replied
"Is that bad?" Penny asked with a slight hint of worry in her voice.
"A bit, but don't worry....Eventually I'll get better." he told her.
Penny looked at him for a moment before running out of the room.
"Hold on, I'll be right back." she yelled as she exited the room.
She rummaged through the first aid kit and found a bottle of medicine with the correct symptoms on the label.
She grabbed a table spoon then raced back to Uri's room.
"Uri, I brought you medicine. It'll make you better faster."
Uri managed to sit up.
Penny read the dossage & then poured the thick bitter tating liquid into the table spoon.
"You have to take 2 of these."
She fed the first spoon of medicine to Uri.
He swallowed it with a look of displeasure on his face.
"One more." Penny said as she poured it into the spoon.
"Oh god..." Uri braced himself for the next spoon of awful medicine.
Penny fed it to him, as he once again swallowed it with displeasure.
"Good now rest." Penny said as she exited the room.
In the first aid kit there was a book that told you how to take care of different illnesses & injurys.
Penny looked up "fever" in it & read about it.
'So, I need to reduce his tempurature'
Penny went to the bathroom & soaked a small towel in cold water.
She returned to Uri's room with it.
"Uri, I brought you a cold towel for your head." she said as she placed it on his forehead.
She began to walk out of the room.
"Penny." Uri said before she exited the room.
Penny turned to look at Uri.
"Penny, can I ask you somthing?"
She walked over to him & sat by his bedside.
"Sure, what's the matter?" she asked
He sat up a bit.
"Penny, why are you doing this?..." he asked.
"Doing what?" she asked him back.
"Why are you doing all of this? I mean taking care of me,it's not like you" Uri said to her in a sort of confused tone.
"I want you to get better." she replied.
"Yeah but....Why?" he asked.
"What do you mean why?" Penny asked him back once again.
"What I mean is....You're just doing this so I can get better & help you find Zatch right?" Uri replied.
"Umm, well yeah...but...." Penny didn't know what to say.
'What is the feeling I have.' she asked herself.
After an awkward silence Uri lied back down & covered his face with his blankets.
"Uri you're my book owner!"
Uri uncovered himself & stared at Penny confusedly.
"W-what I mean is, you're my spell book owner & if I don't take care of you then who will?" Penny told him with a small blush on her face.
Uri smiled at her.
"Thanks Penny, that means a lot." Uri said to her as he patted her head.
Penny looked away from him.
"Yeah, whatever..." she said walking out of his room & closing his door lightly.
The next day the alarm went of as it usually did.
Penny rolled around in her bed.
But before she could finish her sentance it stopped.
She looked up to see Uri standing beside her.
"Come on Penny, it's time to go." he said smiling at her.
"Uri! You're better, I'm so hap-." Penny stopped herself.
Uri laughed at bit & looked at her.
"What was that?" he asked her playfully.
Penny looked away blushing.
"N-Nothing! Hurry up & let me get ready, we have to find my darling Zatch!"
Uri stepped out of her room while she got dressed.
And even though she didn't say it, Uri knew that Penny cared about him somewhere in her cold heart......
Wow so yeah, it's kind of a cute's loli-con 8D
End file.
| Heart Sick by The Amazing'ly sexy'Dr.Riddles | Zatch Bell |
1. Chapter 1
Kanchome and the Haunted House
Kanchome and Folgore were in the middle of a Mamado battle with a strange mamodo that they had never faced before. The strange Mamodo did a special attack and then nothing. Folgore and Kanchome found themselves in a room that seemed abandoned and old. "Um, Folgore," Kanchome asked, "Where are we?" "I, uh, don't, a, know," Folgore replied. Then they heard a noise so they got up and ran.
Kanchome then found himself lost and Folgore was nowhere to be found. He looked around and saw spiders everywhere. He ran out of the room but still bumped into more things. He could only find things that could scare him even more.
Kanchome spent a week in the place and learned half of where he was. He desperately wanted a candy bar. He curled up in a corner, shaking and rocking. He then thought he was hearing voices and was hallucinating.
A mamodo that looked like Brago except taller was standing in the doorway. The mamodo was a female and had long hair. "So," the mamodo said, "have you had enough of this illusion?"
Kanchome nodded and she grabbed his hand and pulled him out the doorway. All was white until Kanchome saw the familiar landscape of the field he fight had started in. He saw Folgore and hugged him.
2. Chapter 2
Kanchome and the Haunted House 2
Kanchome and Folgore were again battling the strange Mamodo. The Mamodo seemed to be wearing a black, fur tank top and black, cut fur skirt. She also wore a black belt and black tight pants. Her eyes were those of a snake's and her hair as long as her body. She liked Kanchome fearing her, fearing that she'd put him back in that dredful illution.
Kanchome slightly liked her for scareing his fears out of himself. He could tell that Folgore liked the strange Mamodo. Folgore, in fact, liked her a lot. He basically daydreams about her, unlike all the other girls he's ever met.
Folgore announced, "HEY! You never gave us your name..." 'And how about a number too,' he thought. She replied, "I am Ryou. I like Brago so don't fall all over me. I want to be the Evil Queen of Mamodos and there's nothing that you and your weakling mamodo can do about it unless you join my vision then it's another story. But of corse you could try to stop me if you like."
Folgore replied to her reply, "I'd join you anytime."
"HEY! WHAT ABOUT ME FOLGORE!" Kanchome complained.
Folgore ignored him but Ryou had thought of something. She put Kanchome back in the illution but this time, the rooms and hallways changed. Kanchome spent what he thought was a year in the illution when in reality, it was only a month.
Folgore and Ryou were together the entire time. And when she finnally let out Kanchome, she left Folgore and went on searching for an owner.
End file.
| Kanchome and the Haunted House by Ryou Andrea Momochi | Zatch Bell |
My Reason
_My Reason _
You're the reason why I'm never high,
You're the reason why I'll always try,
You're the reason why I'm in no cell,
You're the reason why I never give you hell,
you're the reason why I don't drink, you're the reason why I think, you're the reason why I'm hear, you're the reason why you're so dear.
End file.
| My Reason by retro493 | Zatch Bell |
**AN/ Okay ever since I saw these two I knew that something was going on between them, because though Brago tries to show that he could care less what happens to her he ends up showing Sherry that he cares. Hence, the title 'Gestures' Hope anyone who reads this likes it, its a oneshot so don't expect a sequal okay?**
**Disclaimer: I don't own any characters from Zatch Bell...**
**One: A Helping Hand...**
They had been walking for three days now, only stopping for water and food. But not long enough to sleep. Sherry was exhausted but she kept going, this was important to Brago and she made a promise, and she intended to fullfill it. After all he had done for her, it was the least she could do.
"Do you need to stop again?" this question caught her off guard, making her hestitate. Brago never asked questions off the sort, he gave orders, that's who he is. Sherry shook her head.
"No. I'll be fine, lets just keep going." His eyes narrowed ever so slightly, though not in anger, but in the rare concerned way that he didn't show often...or at all for that matter. So they kept going, hours flew by and they had yet to come across a single Momodo. 'Brago is probably in a sour mood now,' Sherry had been contemplating asking Brago if they could take a break so that she could get some rest, but decided against it. She didn't want to get on his bad side again it would only make things worse. Then suddenly she swayed on the spot and reached up to hold her head in hopes of steadying herself. She had stopped walking and took in a deep shaky breath, her eyes were unfocused and her vision was blurred and hazy. When Brago had noticed that she was no longer following him he turned to ask why the hell she had stopped, only to see her passed out on the ground. Without thinking twice about it he approached her, kneeling down next to her and checking her temperature. "Hm, no fever...weak humans, they exhaust so easily" 'If she was so tired then why didn't she say something? Bah, imbicile.' Shaking his head in contempt, Brago carefully lifted her up onto his back and returned to the route they had been travelling. Carrying Sherry on his back the remainder of the night.
**Two: Breakfast...**
The sunlight that broke through the tree tops shone down persistantly on the girl who lay on her back, a simple blanket covering her body and her hair lay sprawled to one side. Her face scrunched in annoyance as the light chose to glare straight into her eyes. 'Mmm...Better get up before Brago has a fit...wait,' she suddenly sat bolt upright, her crystalline blue eyes darting around only to come across a small, crackling fire burning not a few feet away from where she lay, and what looked like fish that had been scaled, gutted, and cleaned simmering on the scewers they had been carefully jammed onto. The smell was pleasant and she wondered to herself. 'Did Brago do all this?' as if on cue the demon Mamodo himself appeared through a thick patch of undergrowth with their four water cantienes tucked under one arm and a small sack over his other shoulder. When his blood red eyes landed on the upright Sherry, he huffed in what she supposed was an irritated way and tossed her a cantiene and dropped the sack next to her.
"If you need to stop, say something. I don't enjoy carrying you through the night..." she blinked and frowned at his words. 'He carried me all night?' she was so invloved with her thoughts she hadn't noticed that her face had gone slightly pink. She popped open the cantiene and took a long, and satisfying swallow of the cool liquid and sighed at the cool sensation that ran down her throat. When she looked up Brago was standing in front of her still sitting form and was holding out one of the scewered fish.
"Eat, if you pass out again it will only hinder our search. There is fresh fruit in the bag..." after she took the fish from his hand he proceeded to take a seat on the other side of the fire and began to eat his own share. Though she tried to look away it seemed that Sherry's gaze demanded that she kept it on Brago, who sat in his spot across from her with his eyes closed in contemplation while eating his food at a considerable pace. He always seemed to be deep in thought these days, about what Sherry had no clue, and she wasn't about to ask. But she just had to wonder, why was he being so considerate?
**Three: Injury**
"_Oruga Reis!_" the beam of spiralling purple energy caused by Sherry's shouted spell struck the enemy dead on, and the mamodo went flying into the face of a cliff. And his book keeper fell to the ground where he stood, his book flying a couple feet from him. Calmly, Brago approached the book and picked it up glaring down at the book keeper as he held it threateningly in his clawed hand.
"Sherry, a" she nodded and raised her book up once again.
"_Rior Reis!_" the green energy hit the book held in Brago's hand and imediately set fire to it. Sherry watched as Brago dropped it in front of the mamodo's book keeper who stared in horror at his burning book. Finally when it was nothing but ashes and the unconscious mamodo had disappeared, Brago turned from the man and walked back to her side.
"Y-You monsters!" Brago stopped in his tracks, only a few feet from Sherry and turned to glance at the previous book keeper. Sherry steps forward and grips his shoulder lightly before turning and walking away, Brago following close behind. Sherry thought she was hiding it well, but not well enough it seemed because Brago knew that she had been injured in that fight and was refusing to admit it. Or ask to stop to treat it either. She seemed to be having a difficult time walking on her left leg, which had been hit by a stone that had gone flying from the brunt of one of the enemies attacks.
Two hours of walking later and Brago finally suggested they stop.
"Its fine Brago, we can keep going there is no need to stop..."
"We are stopping for the night and that's final," she frowned. He never wanted to stop. If he could have had his way he would have left without her to become king on his own, but as he had stated quite elequintly before, he only needed her to read his spells. That was all she was, a tool.Sherry didn't mind though, Brago had helped her whether he had meant to or not, he had helped her save Koko. And for that, she would give her life if it meant making him king. And whether she liked it or not, she had feelings for the demon mamodo...they were unintentional, and definately not needed since he would be leaving this world forever when he became king of the mamodo. Yes. She had accepted it, she would never see him again when this all ended, so she decided to make the best of this and spend as much time around him as possible, though she didn't dare say a thing about how she felt.
"You are injured," Sherry was snapped out of her train of thought when Brago had made the statement, and was surprised to see a fire already crackling and dancing merrily in the makeshift hearth that Brago had put together while she got lost in her thoughts.
"What are you talking about, I'm fine..."
"I saw the stone hit your leg, I am by no means blind Sherry. You can't lie to me." The look he gave her with those blood red eyes of his made her extremely uncomfortable though she didn't show it. She lowered her gaze to her feet which lay stretched out in front of her and sighed.
"I'll be fine to keep going tomorrow...don't worry I'll make sure I don't hinder our progress any further."
"Pfft...Moronic human, we are not going anywhere with you in that condition..." Sherry frowned. It seemed that either this was in fact not Brago, or he was the real Brago and had opted to go insane. There it was again, he was being considerate of her when he normally couldn't care less as long as it didn't slow them down. But before she could once again try and deny the fact that the injury was anything but serious Brago had gone over to their supplies bag and pulled out the orange emergancy kit, with a white cross on the front.
"Brago..." She is cut off when he sat down in front of her and picked up her left leg, noticing the wince she had tried to hold back when he had lifted the appendedge. Opening the kit he pulled out a tenser bandage and proceeded to create a makeshift splint for my twisted ankle out of two sturedy sticks and the tenser bandage. She just sat and watched as he worked, his eyes never leaving her leg. Sherry felt her heart flutter after realizing just how gentle he was being. She had always thought him to be crude, and rough. Apparently she was wrong.
When he was finally finished he looked up and caught her eye. Her heart fluttered again and she felt her stomach twist into a knot.
"We leave tomorrow in the early need rest." And with that he got up and walked into the woods, announcing that he'd be back with dinner. When he had disappeared into the undergrowth, Sherry allowed a soft smile to grace her lips. Maybe, just maybe...Brago _did _have a heart.
**Four: Unintentional Admission...**
Sherry nibbled on the fish that Brago had caught for dinner earlier. It tasted better than usual due to the help of the wild spices that Brago had found after fishing and it was a nice change from regular fried fish. Brago had already finished his own dinner and opted to watch Sherry, as she had been eating at a slower pace as of late, actually...she had been doing alot of things at a slower pace lately. And she always seemed to be lost in thought. Brago was often confused and puzzled when it came to humans, and Sherry was the only one he deemed fit to investigate. Not only because she was the only human he was close to--in a manner of speaking-- but also because she was the one human that confused him the most. She was strong and determined, though would let her weak side show at random moments that were convenient for her. She didn't cry often, though when she did it was over things and matters that were obviously important to her, so Brago didn't object to the showing of weakness.
Lately he had found that he would often glance at her, or stare when he knew she wasn't looking or aware of it. He had no idea what posessed him to do something so asinine but he never tried to stop himself once. Because he knew he'd lose that battle.
He would notice the little things that seemed to make Sherry, well.. Sherry. Like how bright her eyes were, and how she would fiddle with one of the golden curles that fell down to frame her round, girlish face when she was lying or uncomfortable. How she would Look away whenever he caught her gaze, and how uncomfortable she seemed to be around him lately. This change hadn't started recently, no...its been around for quite some time now and it confused Brago to the point where he just wanted to kill something. Or burn someone's book but there were no mamodo in the area. So he opted for thinking instead. He had admitted to himself recently that he _may_, or may _not _have feelings that stretched further than friendship for Sherry. She was beautiful, another thing he had only just recently admitted to himself, and she was intelligent, which he had known since he met her...and she seemed rather reclusive. It seemed that she didn't trust him enough to tell him what had been bothering her lately and it made him angry knowing that despite all they had been through together hadn't changed that fact. He wanted her trust, and he wanted to know what was on her mind. He didn't like it when she was bothered, it made him uneasy.
Opening his eyes Brago glanced at where Sherry had taken refuge only to see her seemingly fast asleep on the makeshift sleeping bag made of two seperate blankets. 'She looks peaceful when she sleeps...' he watched as her face scrunched a little and she shivered ever so slightly. he frowned. It wasn't that cold, was it? heaving a small sigh he stood and walked over to her sleeping form and removed his black fur cape from around his torso and laid it upon Sherry's lithe form. He allowed himself a moment to watch her sleep, how her light lashes would flutter every so often, and how her soft looking pink lips glistened in the soft glow of the still burning fire. Before he could stop himself Brago found himself leaning forward slowly, and gently placing a kiss on the top of her forehead, and then another on the tip of her nose, one on her cheek...and lastly pressed his thin grey lips to hers softly, barely brushing them. Moving away Brago closed his eyes as his lips pressed into a thin line. 'That had to be the most awkward thing I have ever done. I'm just glad she wasn't awake for that.' shaking his dark head Brago took a seat next to her rather than where he had been sitting before and allowed his hands to rest on his knees crossing his legs to get more comfortable. 'Why in the wold would _I _do something like that? Something, affectionate?' as he thought he stared into the hearth of the crackling fire and inhaled deeply, soothing his thoughts. His entire body tensed when he felt another hand slip gently over his own and gripped it ever so slightly. His eyes darted to the hand that was being held to see a delicate looking hand with nimble looking fingers, a broken ring adorning the middle finger. His eyes widened a fraction before darting over to the one the hand belonged to and felt an amazing warmth spread through him. Sherry had the brightest smile he had ever seen her wear the entire time they had been partners, and could feel the emptiness he felt inside instantly be filled. He raised a dark eyebrow as if he didn't know what was going on.
"What?" her smile softened somewhat as she closed her eyes and gripped his hand ever so slightly before opening her eyes again, catching his gaze with her cool blue eyes.
"Thank you...Brago." And at that moment the entire world seemed to slow down as the two remained silent.
"Hmph...humans," huffing slightly in fake irritation and turning away--yet never once trying to remove her hand from his--he tried his best to tune out the very un-Sherry like giggle that she had emitted only moments after his comment. But to no avail. Not once did her hand leave his that night. And the next morning they left, like Brago had said, in the early afternoon, but now there was no longer an expression of contemplation or though on Sherry's face. Only a soft smile. And Brago, he turned to Sherry just as they were about to leave their camp site and gave her the smallest of smiles. With those eyes of his and his rough--yet handsome--facial features it looked almost like a smirk, but Sherry knew. And she was just glad to know he cared. And even though they were only small gestures, they were all that she needed to know, Brago did have a heart. And that it belonged to her.
**AN/ I just had to write this and sorry if Brago and Sherry seem a little OOC or alot Im not sure, but I missed alot of the show since they took it off of TV for a while and started farther ahead than they were when they decided to air it again. I just love these two and you can so tell there is something going on between them! XD Anyway...**
**READ & **_**REVIEW!!**_
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| Gestures by A Someday Dreamer | Zatch Bell |
On That Day
Disclaimer- I do not own Zatch Bell
**Disclaimer- I do not own Zatch Bell**
**On That Day**
That day changed my life.
For it was on that day that I received a great gift.
A gift that I shall treasure forever.
On that day He came.
He came to help me.
At first I didn't I want him.
I wished for him to go away, but he stayed.
No matter what he would always be there, for me.
Though I didn't tell him at first, I was grateful.
Then I was told of an event that he had to take place in.
He needed me.
Just as I needed him.
We did the event together.
It was long and hard.
The longer it went on, the stronger we became.
In the end we won.
We won it together.
After that we had to part ways.
I didn't want to say goodbye, but we had to.
I shall never forget him.
I shall never forget all that we've been through.
I shall never forget that day.
For it was on that day I received that greatest gift that I could ask for.
A friend.
Please Review
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| On That Day by SilentSinger948 | Zatch Bell |
In reality
Lets go
_You may think im really dumb(you may think you may think)_
_You must think ive not had a problem_ not one
_But look past the eye look past the eye and you will be surprised_
_In reality I must hide the darkness I have inside_
_In reality I am afraid that you will run away_
_In reality I am small and I only try to stand tall to hide the pain_
_In reality I am crying_
_Of course you think I am all about women and song(women and song)_
_But I haven't always gotten along_
_Please try to see try to see what really goes on inside of me_
_In reality I must hide the darkness I have inside_
_In reality I am afraid that you will run away_
_In reality I am small and I only try to stand tall to hide the pain_
_In reality I am crying_
_If only you knew I don't give a crap about fighting_
_I don't care a damn if I die trying_
_In reality I must hide the darkness I have inside_
_In reality I am afraid that you will run away_
_In reality I am small and I only try to stand tall to hide the pain_
_In reality_
_In reality_
_In reality i am crying_
TA DA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! starts singing Say Ok by Vanessa Hudgens but stops because she is getting of topic hope ya liked it! Now that that's done with its ENCHANTIX TIME see ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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| In reality by ryou mint 4 eva | Zatch Bell |
**NOTE: Random oneshot I came up with the other day... Extremely fluffy, so if you're looking for pure BragoSherry, come on in. xD And yeah, this is rated T because it gets pretty... Well, you know. Suggestive. **
**(don't forget to review, of course. x3)**
**I don't own Konjiki no Gash Bell/Zatch Bell. Darn it.**
_Sherry..._ His eyes darted towards her as she stirred slightly, rolling over in her deep slumber. She was now lying on her back, golden hair strewn across the pillow. The bit of moonlight coming in through the window created a sleek, glossy effect on each strand, illuminating the colour gently. She was, well, beautiful was the first word that came to Brago's mind.
_Beautiful...? _The mamono continued to stare down at the girl, her parted lips beckoning his own. No... It wasn't right- human and demon weren't meant to be.
...Not that it really bothered _him_, but if they became too intimate, it would bring _her_ nothing but pain in the end- which was near.
Even though, he knew she was affectionate towards him; he had been aware of that for some time. It was obvious in her eyes, how they would sparkle whenever the two were around each other- however, the longing in them was still apparent.
Brago knew he was in too deep already to change anything about her feelings, or his own for that matter. He didn't want them, of course; to him they were merely foolish emotions. But as for Sherry... There was a strong desire he bore for the woman, which was at times hard to keep under control.
Reaching down, the demon slowly brushed a lock of hair out of his bookkeeper's face, allowing his hand to linger against her cheek for a moment longer than a natural movement. Her skin was soft, and barely warm against his own calloused flesh. Withdrawing his hand, he rested it on his knee, drawn up against his bare chest.
Drifting back into thought, Brago continued to allow himself the pleasure of staring at the girl, noticing every feature about her. Since she was asleep, she was- for once- peaceful, body not rigid in its usual controlled manner. This was probably also attributed to the fact that she wasn't clothed in the mauve, large-skirted and long-sleeved dress normally adorning her slender frame. No, at this moment, she had on a simple lilac nightgown that reached to her knees, with thin straps holding it on her shoulders. The exposed skin, extra from what he was used to seeing, taunted him in a way; _teasing_ him about what he was denying himself.
"Brago..." Suddenly, the object of his desires spoke, hand shifting to where it barely brushed against his leg. Brago did his best to ignore the tug in his chest, realizing she had spoken his name in her sleep. Looking down at her, he saw that her lips had closed and she was _smiling_.
It wasn't a large smile, but rather one that was a mere upturn of the corners of her lips, something content. And then, it really seemed to hit him just how much he wanted her- and just how much she needed _him._
"Sherry?" Brago whispered her name, testing to make sure she really _was_ asleep. There was no reply, and the mamono knew this would be his best- if only- chance. Shifting onto his knees, he bent over the girl's body, placing an arm on each side of her shoulders. Lowering his head, Brago's lips were just about to touch hers when a thought stopped him. _Is this really the best course of action?_ Second-guessing himself, the demon began to pull back when another thought haltered the movement. _She wants this as much as you do..._
Finally deciding what to do, Brago pushed all thoughts out of his mind, and claimed Sherry's lips with his own.
It was a moment before any kind of reaction came from the girl, and it was the one he had expected. Shocked, Sherry's reflex was to push him off of her, being so abruptly awoken from sleep due to the lack of air. "Brago?" Sitting up to face him, their eyes locked; she noticed that his ruby irises were contracted, leaving nothing but a blank cloud in his black-marked eyes. "Did you just..." Trailing off, the ningen realized that her partner had, indeed, been kissing her- and she shouldn't ruin the moment with pointless words. "Brago..."
Leaning forward, the demon wrapped an arm around her waist and tugged her to him, but didn't yet kiss her. As he slowly began to let his hand trail across her shoulders, neck, and other non-sacred places, he noticed chillbumps had formed on her skin, an encouraging sign that what he was doing was pleasuring her. His hand then roamed over an extra-sensitive spot on her back, causing her to gasp slightly and arch against his chest. At this she blushed, but was soon forgotten as he brushed his lips against hers, tongue slipping into her mouth.
Pushing them back onto the mattress, Sherry moaned as her mamono broke contact, this time trailing kisses down to her neck. Proceeding to suck and bite on the skin, Brago began to finger the strap of her nightgown, pushing it down over her shoulder. "Sherry," he whispered against her neck, massaging her shoulder, and she knew what he was asking. Placing a hand on each side of his face, she pulled it down to her own, the heated kiss she gave him her answer of 'yes.'
After all, it was never certain if they'd have another night.
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| Forever by EtherealSinger | Zatch Bell |
Hidden Adventures
I've been gone from this site so long I almost forgot my password...Now I'm starting a new story... I should finish my other one and I will when I find a spark of inspiration...
(Well, this isn't a lemon, think of this as an orange on the lemon stand, a sour one)
Disclaimer: I own nothing of Konjiki no Gash Bell, this in no way has anything to do any kind of ownership with the show. Just Imagination.
* * *
-Hidden Continuation- Episode #30
What Kiyomaro and Megumi were doing, going for juice? I don't think so...
**Bold-** Kiyomaro thinking
_Italics-_ Megumi thinking
"Right. We'll be waiting!" chirped Gash
The pair continued to move away from their picnic site, leaving the blushing red head and the oblivious blond, under the excuse of buying juice.
"Megumi-san, i don't think you need me to help you carry four juices..." Kiyomaro said skeptical turning his head to look at the idol as she continued to push him away from their original spot.
"Why Kiyomaro-kun?" Megumi said innocently, "What could you possibly mean?" She stared right into his eyes
Kiyomaro looked and his eyes widened, she had that look, the same one she gave him the day that they met. He knew what she wanted and he smiled. As they turned the first corner she stopped and pinned him against the wall. His eyes looking right into hers, her eyes were glazed, so were his.
"I want you now Kiyomaro-kun." Megumi said softly pressing her lips to his neck, her arms wrapping around his neck as to kiss him. Kiyomaro pressed his nose to her hair, inhaling her scent, her own brand of shampoo, it was quite seductive. His arms wrapped around the girl as she slow moved her lips closer to his.
"Ki-yo-ma-ro-kun, kiss me." she whispered to him, face flushed, emphasizing each syllable with a small thrust from her hips, locking eyes with him.
He couldn't help himself, a beautiful girl all over him he couldn't resist himself and his desire. He mashed his lips against the brunette's and flipped their positions, closing his eyes, pressing her against the wall. She moaned lightly into the kiss as she felt his body pressing against hers, closing her eyes she slowly opened her mouth to let her tongue press against his lips. He allowed her in and her tongue pressed on, familiarizing itself with the inside of his mouth. She probed his mouth as she took a small breath through her nose, he was so close all she could smell was him, there was a mixture of burned cloth, Gash (he has his own smell XD) ; the rest was uniquely Kiyomaro-kun. She moaned again as she felt him pressing into her more heavily and the fact that his tongue suddenly became active did nothing to help her.
**Megumi-san is rather energetic today isn't she?- **Kiyomaro thought to himself as he began to take action as well, his tongue wanting a taste of her mouth. He pressed his tongue against hers dancing in a way before lightly pressing forward. He led her tongue back into her mouth where he began his exploration. Her glasses now hindering them were dropped on to the grass at their feet as they angled their faces to get even closer together. Her lungs from singing were trained to hold air but Kiyomaro had no such practice. He pulled back from her, resting his forehead against hers, panting, his eyes still closed.
"Kiyomaro-kun...more..." Megumi pleaded lightly. She needed him. When they were together, she could be anything she wanted, she knew he would accept her no matter what and she needed it, the kind of ultimate acceptance. She opened her eyes just to find his lips again before kissing him hard, shooting them both back to cloud nine. His arms tightened around her waist as one of his hands began an ascent up her back, reaching a point before slowly moving back down, sending shivers down her spine. She drew small circles with her fingers on his back when she opened her eyes in shock. She looked around and calmed down, it was a small alleyway between two buildings. The thought of being caught frightened her yet excited her at the same time. However, her and Kiyomaro's lives wouldn't really accept that. She could see the headlines of her on the front page being named something foul while Kiyomaro would live his life being harassed by reporters and fans. Kiyomaro, sensing her loss of passion, pulled away.
"Megumi-san, whats wrong?" He was worried, only minutes ago she was attacking him wasn't she.
Tears were running down her face.
"Whats wrong Megumi-san? Did I hurt you?"
She giggled slightly, how could you hurt someone by kissing them? Especially that well. She looked into his eyes sadly.
"Kiyomaro-kun, its not fair...I want to be able to do this with you in public, I mean, I don't want to have to hide our relationship. I want to walk with you, and cuddle with you and hug you without anybody interfering. I want to have a normal relationship, no reporters, no secrets, just us. I want to make you happy to be mine."
He smiled, she was just way too kind. He kissed her lightly, she looked up and saw his smiling face.
"Megumi-san," he sighed; how could he make her understand that all of that was extra as long as she loved him, "You know that its impossible for you now. You're an idol."
"But Kiyoma- He cut her off with a kiss.
"Megumi-san, I am already happy that we're like this together, as long as you're with me. I love you."
She smiled as her tears fell, _Stupid Kiyomaro-kun, stupid Kiyomaro acting so cool... _
He kissed her again, this time as reassurance, and she kissed him back hard.
This time she took control but invited his tongue into her mouth. She loved the feeling of his love for her, she needed it now, this feeling, the feeling of her heart, so full, so, so indescribable. She needed it more than ever. One of her hands moved down and then she ran her hand up his back from under his shirt.
"Megumi-san!" Kiyomaro exclaimed, "We can't do that now. We need to get back to Gash and Tio!"
"But..but..alright..." Megumi was slightly downacast but Kiyomaro had a point.
The couple arranged their clothes back to normal and waited for their breathing to calm.
"Arigato Kiyomaro-kun." Megumi said to him smiling. She kissed him on the cheek before skipping back around the corner to the picnic site.
"That girl is such a hassle..." Kiyomaro said to himself smiling. Then he remembered something and started to walk off in the other direction, sighing as he thought about his favorite idol, and trying to decide what her favorite kind of juice was.
* * *
Yay, I finished a fic, I might add more chapters if I can find more alone time for Megumi and Kiyomaro.
I don't like the ending much, kinda finished up...but reviewing would be appreciated
Thank You for Reading a fic by lemonstand
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| Hidden Adventures by lemonstand | Zatch Bell |
_Muwahaha... My attempt at a drabble... Meant to post it last night but the Internet wasn't working. >. So, enjoy!
Disclaimer: I don't own this, alrighty?_
* * *
Emotions never seemed important to Brago, as they were merely small things that got in your way during battle, the things that made you weaker, what took away all of your strength and power. Yet, as he stared at his bookkeeper next to him, he had to wonder: Could they actually make you _stronger_? The woman's determination was absolutely outstanding. The emotions caused by Zophise stirred something within her, and every battle she used every ounce of feeling she had and they won each match. He just had to wonder if there was actually something good about them after all.
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| Emotion by Twilight Memories | Zatch Bell |
An unusual love
**Ok, here is my one shot with Brago. He is like my absolute favourite Mamodo so I had to do an OC with him, since you don't see many.**
**While doing this one shot I have been thinking about making into a story, not just a one shot. I don't know yet.**
**Oh and by the way I used episode 47 to aid me in this one, I believe I had done a rather good job.**
**This story contains a sex scene and if you don't like these kinds of things, then don't be reading it, I have rated this story M for a reason.**
**Yeah I've also changed Brago's appearance too, instead of looking more along the line of 14, he is actually in his mid 20s, just to clarify that.**
* * *
Brago a dark Mamodo and his caster are both on snowmobiles. With Brago is me, I'm an 18 year old girl who toke a liking to the oddly skinned Mamodo, Sherry his book reader can't fathom how I could like a guy like him.
Sometimes I even wish I knew how I could like him, sure he can be nice but he is more to himself and all about fighting. I'm shocked he allows me to tag along. Brago is in the lead, its not a race, but he is in much more of a hurry to reach our destination then what Sherry is. I look back, spotting the snow cat.
"Please Ms, Sherry", an older man with slicked back grey hair and a beard and moustache peaks his head out, "Slow down a little, you shouldn't be driving so fast".
"Go back a Mamodo is really close, its too dangerous for you, we'll go alone from here", Sherry says as she looks back at him.
"You know I can't allow you to do that Ms Sherry", he starts. I flinch holding a bit tighter to Brago's black amazing cloths as I watch the snow cat fall, her keeper lets out a shocked cry. Sherry stops, and a little ways Brago does too, looking back.
"Oh dear, that was close, but I'm ok", he says. Sherry makes her snowmobile turn toward him but Brago's smooth not so deep voice calls, "Leave him, lets get going". Then he starts toward our destination.
"If he can't come with, then she shouldn't be allowed either", Sherry complains as she catches up to us. Brago says nothing but keeps going. Not long after that did we come to the top of that hill, Brago comes to a complete stop, squeezes my arm letting me know with out words to let him go, which I do and he gets up, walking toward the edge of the rather deep cliff.
"Is it still here"? Sherry asks also coming to a complete stop.
"It feels like it had just left", he starts, "The mamodo's energy is very faint".
"So I guess we wasted our time again", Sherry says, sounding more pleased than anything.
"Yes", Brago says with venom on his tone.
"This is happening a lot. They run away right when we are getting close", she says.
"I thought this time we might of found a mamodo worth fighting. But in the end the coward just ran away like the others", he says not pleased at all.
"Well they're smart to run away, it doesn't take long for anybody who fights me, to learn they were fools to make me one of their enemies", he says. I look over at Sherry and she looks at me, a look that says 'right'.
I've witnessed the strength and power he has, more than once so I can't blame the others to run away. But Sherry thinks he is just being obnoxious. Maybe he is, I can't be sure. He then walks back over to the snowmobile and looks down at me. I smile up at him and move back some, giving him room to get on.
"I still don't know why you have to allow her to tag along", Sherry then says after a long silent moment. He glances over at her and narrows his eyes dangerously.
"Maybe you're in your moods because you need to get laid", she says teasingly. I blush, Brago and I haven't gotten that far, hell we haven't actually really kissed either. There had been those moments when I thought he was going to kiss me, but instead decides not to.
"Please, I'm just agitated because of all the mamodo's who keep running away", he says with a slight growl to his voice. He gets onto the snowmobile and I look over at the blond. She wiggles her eyebrows at me and instantly I hide my face in his amazing soft yet looks spiky cape, my arms around his waist.
Now we are off down the hill, driving in pure silence.
"Huh"? He says looking to the side, then comes to a complete stop moments later.
"What's wrong"? I ask.
"Did you see something"? Sherry asks also coming to a stop beside us.
"Quite"! He snaps, "It's not a mamodo, but I sense a thirst for prey".
"Huh"? Sherry stats confused. I don't bother to question this, I have full faith and trust in his senses. We are staring at a forest. Sitting their for a few minutes, he places his one hand on mine, and gives it a light squeeze. I jump hearing gun shots, then off we go into the forest. My eyes widen, a boy and an older man is standing before a rather large bear.
Brago stops, but before he had he told me to let him go, then he gets off the mobile and runs a few paces toward the scene. Sherry comes to a halt beside me and gasps. The bear lets out a rather loud roar looking down at the two. Sherry then rushes toward Brago. I get to my feet but stay where I am, I'm sure if I take a step toward them Brago would yell at me.
"That bear is gigantic", Sherry points out the obvious. I watch my eyes wide as the bear swings it mighty paw then flinches as its shot and goes to the ground some. It now looks more pissed off. The bear hits the old man, the guy flies through the air and lands beside the boy as his gun lands in front of him.
"Oh my gosh", I say taking a step forward. Sherry opens the book a bright light coming from it.
"Don't move", Brago says his arm out.
"If we don't hurry they'll both be hurt", she says. I watch as the older man reaches out to the boy.
"Jeff"! He calls, "Grab a dart, you've got to tranquilize him. Be brave you can do it". I watch as the bear still letting out horrid sounds starts toward the boy, who is giving sacred sounds of his own.
"Reis", Sherry calls not a second to spare, Brago's hands where already out in front of him and a purple ball shoots toward the bear, sending it flying toward the nearest tree and breaking it. The kid looks back with a gasp, and Brogo rushes to be a few feet in front him, his arms crossed, his gaze focused on the bear. The large bear looks at him and roars, then turns and walks, its eyes focused on Brago.
It moves around him in a quarter circle, before stopping looking at him roaring, then growls then turns and walks off. All the while Brago was just staring straight a head. The kid still stands their freaked out, then moments after the bear walks off he looks over and calls, "Grandpa". Then rushes toward the older man.
"Grandpa are you all right"? He asks kneeling beside his grandfather.
"He looks badly hurt, we have to get him to a doctor", Sherry says, then she looks up and says, "Brago help me". He looks over at her and the look on his face is priceless.
"Do you need my help"? I ask wanting to help, not just be here to watch how amazing Brago truly is. Brago looks at me, then to Sherry and says, "The kid can can ride with Lis and I, but you'll have to deal with him".
"That's fine", Sherry says. Then I watch as Brago walks over to them, picks up the guy as though he weighs nothing and brings him over to the snowmobile that Sherry is using.
* * *
"How are his wounds"? Sherry asks.
"I was able to patch him up for now. But it would be smart to have a real doctor look at it, as soon as possible", Her keeper answers.
"Don't worry. Thanks but I'm going to be ok. That beast isn't going to take me down that easily, besides we have some unfinished business to attend to", the old man says his head turned in Sherry's direction, "So we have no choice but to stay, we can't go anywhere till this whole thing is settled".
I'm standing not too far from Brago, but he is leaning against the wall, I'm just in front of him to the side, and Sherry is a few feet in front of me.
"But..", Sherry trails.
"Sherry its best that you don't meddle", Brago says.
"Please continue, you said earlier you wanna get revenge on that bear". The older man nods his head then looks over at the fire place.
"That grizzly bear hurt my daughter and her husband. Jeff's parents are in the hospital now", he says.
"You poor thing", Sherry says sounding upset.
"Then why hadn't you tranquilized that bear when you had the chance"? Brago asks. The boy, Jeff looks back at him, tears in his eyes, "You little coward".
"Brago that's enough of that kind of talk"! Sherry snaps at him, looking back at us. I don't know what to say, in a sense, Brago is right.
"Where do you get the nerve to say that to a small child"? She asks.
"Cause, I can't stand insecurity and indecisiveness", Brago answers without emotion.
"I can't believe you said that. Don't you have any sympathy in that cold heart of yours"? She asks her full attention to him. He looks at her for a short moment before turning and walks to the door which is only a few feet beside us.
"Wait", I call as he opens it, I turn to him.
"Where are you going"? Sherry asks.
"I'm going out for some exercise, if I keep up with your leisurely pace. My body will get slow and dull", he begins then looks back, "Go back to the hotel and get some rest".
"What does that mean? I've never complained about needing a rest, don't act like I'm getting in your way. Are you listening"? She asks.
"Come", he says, knowing its me he is telling that too, I follow him out the door and close it just before she could finish her rant. We walk silently away from the house, I look over at him, seeing the side of his face, he doesn't seem pleased, not at all.
"Should I have come with you"? I ask sheepishly. I know he isn't happy, and most times he would force me to stay with Sherry, so why had he asked me to come with him. I look down, which I regret, cause the moment I had, I walked right into him.
"Why ask"? He answers. I look at him, he is taller then me by a few inches, his red eyes gazing into my blue ones.
"Well it's just, you usually like being alone when your in a bad mood", I say.
"I'm not in a bad mood", he starts.
"Then why had..", I trail as he places his warm hand on the side of my face. He walks toward me, closing the space between our bodies. They nearly touch.
"I don't mind you being around, you actually listen to the words I have to say", he starts. I close my eyes once he trails his hand to my neck, resting it just where my neck attaches to my shoulder.
"That's only because I don't want you to make me go away", I say, my voice sounds shaky.
"I would never", he trails and I feel his lips on mine. A brief, but pleasant first kiss, all too soon he pulls away. I groan out of disappointment, and open my eyes to look directly into his. We stand like that for a long while before he puts his other hand on the small of my back, pressing my body with his, then claiming my lips with more hunger. My eyes flutter closed, I believe if he hadn't been holding me like this I would have buckled before him.
Not once had he ever kissed me. Sure I had never kissed him because of how shy I am, but still. I part my lips instantly the moment his tongue brushes against my bottom lip. I moan in his mouth as his tongue shoots into my mouth. Tasting every inch of it. I feel the hand on my neck snake it's way into my hair, grabbing a handful then tugging ever so slightly earning another moan.
We only part due to the need for air, my lips tingle, my face feels hot, and my heart just won't stop drumming in my ears. The moment I look into his eyes they are a darker red.
"B-Brago", I whisper. He groans then claims my lips once more, pushing me back some, I let him, moving my legs with his then I groan the moment my back hits something hard and solid. The hand he had on my back is now caressing my thy, then he lifts it up and slides himself better between my legs, I moan again feeling a bulge press against my heat.
I bring my arms around his neck helping him keep my weight up, and wrestle with his tongue as he teases mine. Shock goes through me as he slowly but surely brings his tongue back into his mouth, like he is leading mine to his mouth. Even though I feel very nervous about this I follow it into his mouth.
Hearing only my heart beat in my ears, I can feel a vibration on my chest making me believe he is growling as he coaxes my tongue to venture his mouth. I savour his taste, I can't seem to get enough of it, as I taste every inch, I'm careful of those sharp teeth of his, I know they can do some damage.
I groan into the kiss as he grinds his hips into mine causing an odd sensation go through my core as the friction wakes something with in me. A need, a hunger I never even knew I had. Again the need for air overtakes the other needs I desire of him, and part from his mouth, feeling rather empty and cold.
I open my eyes to look into his black ones, and mine widen. Is the black the desire he feels? It's the first time I've ever made out with anyone on any level, so its new and very confusing, yet I don't want it to end.
"God", I whisper. He only chuckles and puts my leg down, then separates our bodies, I groan.
"Not here", he says his voice sounds husky.
"You started it", I groan. He only grins at me.
"Yes, I did", he answers and gives me a quick peck on the lips then turns and starts walking, slowly as though he knows I can't walk so soon. I keep my weight on the tree as I try to compose myself. My heart goes back to a normal pace, and then I push off the tree to test and see if I'm in the all clear. Taking a step no shake, then another and realize that my body doesn't feel weightless, it feels normal. Well normal aside from the sensation I feel between my legs.
I felt it before but not like this, its like I desire more to happen, the more that I've only experienced in my dreams. I catch up to him and he moves a bit faster, I pick up my pace to keep up with him, a slight stupid smile on my face. But then a sudden thought comes across my mind, had he done this before? Suddenly I had to know.
"Have you.. Um.. Well..", I trail, beating myself over by my own rambling of the question that is so clear in my head, but fuzzy when I go to speak it.
"No", he answers.
"Oh", I say. Then we both walk in silence as though both of us are trying to cool down, letting the winter air cool our hot skin. Whenever Sherry would get bored we would end up playing a game of truth or dare, nearly all the time I said truth and that time is when I had no choice but to answer honestly about how I felt about Brago.
_"I'm bored", Sherry complains one night around the campfire. Brago groans but doesn't say a thing._
_ "Why not train", I stat._
_ "No, too tired for that", Sherry answers. Brago only grunts. I look over at him and smile some then look over at Sherry when she says, "I got it"._
_ "What"? I ask._
_ "Truth or dare", she says excitedly._
_ "Sure why not, we still have a little time to spare", I stat, the sun is just setting from the long day of training that Brago and Sherry had put in during the day, so the fire lets off an amazing glow amongst the darkening sky._
_ "Theres only one rule I make a habit of saying, is that you can do the same one in threes", Sherry says._
_ "Ok sounds good", I say. Though don't like it that much, I hate the dares._
_ "Brago you should play too", Sherry says looking over at him. I look over at him too to see his skin darkening also as the sun disappears. When I first met him I couldn't believe his skin is a shade of grey, well more like a blueish grey._
_ "I have no interest in human entertainment", he groans then gets up to sit and relax else were. Then the games began, first few where truths then a dare, then another truth and a dare. We were easy on one another not only because it was the two of us, but because we didn't know each other that well._
_ "So what do you pick"? Sherry asks._
_ "Truth", I answer. I watch the flickering fire._
_ "It's obvious to me that you're here because of Brago, so.. Do you like him, as in love him"? She asks, my eyes widen at the question, my heart beating in my chest._
_ "Umm, well..", I trail and glance over at Brago, sure he is further away but I know he is close enough to hear what is being said, if he had heard it he isn't showing that he did hear it._
_ "Well"? She asks. Not wanting to lose this game, like all the other times I played truth or dare with my friends, I answer honestly, "Yes, yes I do like him as in love". Her eyes widen at this and she looks over at Brogo, then me and him once more. It's like she can't believe it. Suddenly I feel rather cold even though I'm sitting in front of the fire. I look over at her after gazing intently into the fire to see her yawning._
_ "Well, I guess we will call it a tie, no one lost, nor had anyone won, night", Sherry says then goes over to her make shift tent. A long moment passed before I jump as something gets placed over my shoulders. I look up to see Brago with out his cape on. Suddenly I blush and hold the fabric even more over my body as he sits down beside me._
_ "You heard"? I ask feeling very embarrassing._
_ "Yes", he answers simply. I sigh and hide my face with in the soft wonder of this rather spiky looking cape. I stay like that for what feels like hours._
_ "If I hadn't had a liking toward you I wouldn't have allowed you to stay", Brago then bluntly says. I gasp and look over at him, eyes wide._
_ "You should get some rest", he then says his eyes turning toward me._
_ "Holly crap", I blurt, he only smiles some. Oh my gosh, he is smiling at me!_
That was when we started this relationship, even if we haven't actually told anyone. I'm sure Sherry knows what is going on. I stop suddenly as I see Brago's hand stop me. I look down to see a trail of blood in the snow.
"Stay here", he barks then follows the trail. I walk over to a tree and lean against it, waiting for him to come back. I then look over after hearing a loud roar, "The bear". Yes I'm worried about Brago, and no I shouldn't be. As much as I wanted to go see what was going on, I stay put like a good obedient dog.
Moments later Brago comes back from the way he had gone with the massive bear above him.
"Lets go", he says as he walks by me. Smiling I follow him, keeping my distance just in case the bear might wake up. Knowing that their is no chance of that.
* * *
I smile when I see the house door open and Sherry and her keeper walk out, both of which look shocked toward us. He stops a good like 20 feet away from the group of people that have come out to see what is going on, then tosses the bear to the ground in front of them.
"Oh Brago, you went out and defeated the Grizzly bear. For Jeff", Sherry says a huge smile on her face.
"Don't be so foolish, I caught him so they can release him further in the forest", he replies with distaste. Sherry seems to be pleased by this. She then turns and walks over to Jeff, "I'm glad, now that dangerous bear can't hurt you".
"Kid, become a man, become strong and never cry. Don't ever show your tears again, crying is never going to help you change anything", Brago says. I smile at him, even if its in a cruel way he is trying to teach the kid a lesson.
"I wish you would just mind your own business"! Jeff yells.
"Huh"? Brago says a bit shocked.
"Who said I wanted you to go out to get that bear for me. I wanted to go out and use my own hands to capture it", Jeff says and runs into the house breathing as though he is about to cry. The grandfather rushes to the door.
"Jeff"! He calls, then he turns around, "I must apologize. I'm sure that he is actually feeling quite relieved".
"Hiding his feelings", Sherry says, and turns her head to look at Brago, "That sounds like someone else doesn't it". Her keeper nods with a slight laugh. I look at Brago knowing this is going to throw him over the edge.
"Funny, I'm going to go back to the hotel now", he says then turns and walks over to the snowmobile. He gets on it, turns it on then looks at me, "Coming"? Suddenly feeling very nervous I look at Sherry who looks at me with a questioning glance. I would always go with him no matter what, but because of what happened in the woods, I'm suddenly nervous to go back with him alone.
"Ah, umm", I say fiddling with my fingers.
"Very well", he stats a knowing glimmer in his eyes, and he speeds away without another word.
"Sometimes he makes me wonder what's going inside his head", Sherry says then she looks at me, "What was that.
"What was what"? I ask trying to play dumb.
"Don't play koi with me", she stats her hands on her hips. Sighing I look down my face suddenly heating up.
"No way"? She asks. I just hid behind the bear.
"Oh my gosh", she says as she comes over to me.
"What happened"? She asks as she kneels down with me.
"Um, a really hot make out session", I say sheepishly. She then grins at me and pats me on the back, "Maybe it is because he needs to get laid". I groan and hide my face, she just laughs at my discomfort.
* * *
Walking up to the hotel I suddenly stop, Sherry stops and looks at me. I'm feeling very nervous, usually I would sleep in his room, in his bed, often times we just pretended neither of us are in the room, but now.
"Don't feel so nervous, he wouldn't have done anything if he believed you didn't want it", she says, "Besides you had complained to me a few times of the almost kissed times, so chances are he had overheard at least one of them if not all".
"I know but still, I'm shy, I've always been shy", I say. Smiling she just puts her hand on my shoulder and ushers me toward the door. We walk into the hotel, I instantly walk to the kitchen, I'm hungry for a sandwich. I make the sandwich without realizing Brago is sitting at the table with a cup of juice till I turn around.
I smile at him as I realized why I felt like I was being watched. Sighing I take the sandwich and walk over to the seat beside him then sit down.
"You're aware that once things become physical things are different"? He asks.
"Yeah", I answer, then take a bite, I really don't want to talk about this.
"Good", he says, finishing his drink then leaves the empty cup on the table and walks out of the room. Sherry walks into the room a smile on her face.
* * *
That night I decided to sleep in Sherry's room, but regretted it the moment she fell asleep. She snores. Even after putting the pillow over my ears I can still hear her. Groaning I sit up then look over at her, I don't want to be rude to her so I just get out of bed and walk toward the door. I quietly open it then close it. I look over at the couch in the sitting area of the hotel.
* * *
Laying on the couch still hadn't helped me, thinking about Brago is actually driving me in sane. Sighing I get up and walk over to his door, opening it, I peek in. His cape is draped over the edge of the bed and he is laying on his back his arms behind is head.
"You know", he begins, "It's hard to sleep when you're use to a person sleeping in the same room".
"I'm sorry", I say as I walk in and close the door behind me. If it happens tonight then so be it, even if I don't want it too, or rather I do, urg I'm confused with myself.
"Don't be", he simply stats. I walk over to the bed and sit down on it, my back to him. I can still feel his tongue in my mouth, feel his body pressed against mine. My heart begins to beat a tad bit faster at just thinking about it.
I feel the bed shift, then I sink some as he sits behind him, his legs on either side of me, his arms coming around me, pulling me into him. My heart races some more, I keep my hands on my lap afraid if I placed them on his thy's he wouldn't like it.
"I find it rather amusing how nervous you've become", he whispers seductively in my ear. His breath lightly brushing over it causing me to shiver.
"B-Brago", I stutter, yeah so romantic. He only chuckles and licks my ear making me shiver once again. My eyes go wide as I feel one of his hands trail down the side of my body, then slowly painfully going under my shirt. His touch on my skin makes goosebumps appear where he had touched. Slowly trailing the tips of his figures up, over my stomach, slowly going further up. I take in a breath and hold it as he cups my left breast through the fabric of my bra.
My heart thumps against my chest as a new sensation washes over me, I moan out as he slowly rolls my rather small boob around before giving it a tight squeeze.
"I-I'm sorry", I stutter.
"For what"? He whispers and does another squeeze of my boob.
"They're small", I say shakily. He chuckles and with his other hand he brings it to my other breast giving it a squeeze through both fabrics, "I'm not complaining". He licks my ear some then nibbles it. I groan and close my eyes. Suddenly he removes his hands and moves away from me. I shiver and turn to look at him, he is grinning at me.
"If you want more, then you'll have to come here", he says. Everything in me is saying to turn and run away, never to come back, but a part of me doesn't want to do that, I can't tell which is the more logical one. I'm aware that he isn't human, but still it don't stop my heart yearning for him, in a way that I shouldn't be yearning for him.
As my mother had put it, if you don't do it, you'll regret it. So why not regret it after the deed is done, where it would be more pleasurable then not doing it? But still I'm scared, not only is it going to be my first time, but I want it to just be with one guy. His grin disappears and concern is in his eyes, I look away as tears start to fall.
"Hey", I hear him say, then he moves so he is sitting beside me. His arm around my shoulders.
"I'm sorry", I say again.
"Look at me", he orders softly. For once I don't listen to him. So he cups my chin and forces me to look at him. My eyes widen once they land on his, instead of that mask of hate, and foreboding its actually a caring face.
"Talk to me", he says softly, gently rubbing his thumb on my check, taking a fallen tear with it.
"I'm scared", I say then more tears fall down my face. I'm sure he knows its going to be my first time if it happens.
"I'm fully aware of the fear it brings being the first", he says, his other hand coming up and taking the tears away from one side of my face, "What else are you afraid of"?
"Losing you", I manage to say and close my eyes, trying to jerk my head away from him, I didn't want him to see this kind of weakness, I know how much he hates seeing people cry.
"Have you ever thought about what all this would do to me"? He asks, his voice not sharp and accusing, its still soft and comforting. I shake my head as much as he would allow.
"I don't want you to hurt", is all he had to say. My eyes snap open and I look into his amazing red ones.
"To fall for a creature so frail and week.. I would of thought to be stupid, but in fact is not", he says resting his forehead on mine.
"I don't want to leave you if I can help it, its why I allow you by my side", he says then brings one of his hands to my neck and snakes the other behind my head. I see him slowly coming forward, and so I let my eyes flutter closed and his lips brush mine gently before he puts more urgency in it. I open my mouth and his tongue invades it eagerly.
To think this person has so much power that I should fear him, instead I relish in how strong he can be, yet isn't rough with me. When we pull apart for a breath I look into his eyes and whisper, "I wish I was the owner of your book".
"Honestly I don't", he replies.
"Why"? I ask.
"I don't want you to get hurt", he says then silences the talk with another deep passionate kiss. When we part that time, he leans in and whispers, "I want you". I shiver and whisper back nervously, "I want you to have me". Groaning he claims my lips once more but this time his hands roam, as though he is mapping out my very person. I want to do the same with his body but I'm way to nervous about doing it.
Resting one hand on my waist we pull apart breathless, and he gets to his feet. I look at him and my eyes widen when he pulls off his shirt, showing me his amazingly well toned torso. He smiles down at me as I look at him in awe. Catching me off guard as he grabs my hand and bringing it to his chest.
I gulp as he gently moves it all over his torso. I get up only so I can distract myself with his mouth, claiming his lips with my own made me feel a tad bit more comfortable with this. After a short while he lets my hand go, which now is placed on his chest in favour of putting both his hands at the bottom of my shirt.
He quickly discards that shirt, tossing it over to where his shirt rests on the floor. He takes a step back and looks at me, actually looks at me, sure I still have my bra on but I feel exposed under those eyes that I want my body to please. My breasts are bellow average sized for a woman my age, and I feel very self conscious of them because of it.
A person to look at me would think I have none, but that's only because I chose to wear baggy clothes. He then reaches his hands behind me, skillfully unclasping the bra and slowly taking it off me, his eyes stay on mine, letting me know he isn't trying to be disrespectful. Then slowly I feel one hand get placed on my neck, then it slowly gently moves down it, over my collar bone, to just above my rather small mounds.
His eyes still holding mine, his skin finally comes in contact with one breast lightly squeezing it and moving it around some, then squeezing it once more. I moan out as he lightly flicks his rather long nail over a sensitive nipple.
"Don't ever think that your body will not please me", he then says lowly, his free hand grabbing my free hand, my eyes widen as he brings it down, to a place I had felt moments ago at my core, just through many fabrics. He places my hand on his crotch, my face heating up considerably to the feel.
"This is what you do to me", he whispers then kisses just under my ear. I've come to realize he isn't shy, in fact he is far from it. While his one hand works my breast his other slowly trails down ward, my hand now at my side. I suck in a breath as I feel him rub my heat through my rather thin pants.
"Looks like I excite you too", he says with a slight chuckle. Yes, I'm feeling rather wet and gross down their.
"Y-you have f-for some time n-now", I admit.
"Tell me", he demands as his fingers play at the hem of my pants. I feel my body shaking to the thought of what is going to come next. To what he wants me to admit. He leans in and whispers, "I've dreamt about you too in a not so innocent way". I shiver again at the sound of his voice, the breath against my ear, and his fingers slowly going down my pants.
I gasp as I feel his nail lightly scratch something rather sensitive down there, I had thought he would of teased me through my underwear, but no. He rubs his finger just over the lips that hide the most secret place on a woman, before he pinches that sensitive thing between his fore finger and thumb, gently rubbing them together. I moan out rather loudly, my legs suddenly feeling really shaky. To top it all off he rubs his middle finger over my lips at the same time. This lasted for only a minute before he growls, "These must go". I blush as he stops what he is doing and grabs the top of my pants and undies, then lets them fall to the ground. I step out of them and kick them where ever, as long as they are away from me.
"Sit down", he says. Not knowing why I do so and instantly realization hits me and I squeeze my legs closed. Suddenly feeling very over whelmed.
"Trust me", he says as he spreads my legs open and kneels down his eyes never leaving mine. I moan out once I feel his hand back down their again, again doing the same thing it had before. The moment I feel his middle finger enter me I thought it would of hurt more, but it don't, it feels rather pleasant. He moves it in and out, still rubbing that single sensitive what ever it is. Nub?
I feel a fluttering feeling begin to build with the intense pleasure jolting through my body. I moan out out of discomfort as his fore finger also enters my untouched opening, even I haven't tried to pleasure myself like this. It feels fantastic, oh what I had missed. The uncomfortable sensation I felt is no longer there, but just pure bliss as he pumps his fingers in and out of me, also rubbing his thumb over my sensitive nub.
"Oh, Brago", I scream out as I feel something wet touch the nub. I open my eyes to look down and his face is down their. I can some what feel his breath brush my skin, and then I moan out some more as he sucks on the sensitive nub in what seems to be a desperate attempt to cause this intense sensation to go through me.
"God, mm", I groan once I feel his tongue go into my opening, his finger's ceasing what pleasure they had cost me in favour of giving his seemingly skilled tongue room. He makes it go as deep as it can go, and moves it around inside me. I toss my head back, groaning and moaning as he sends a new wave of pleasure through me.
Suddenly I feel this strange tightness deep in my core, I manage to say, "I feel really strange". He groans as his response, and moves faster, using one of his hands to play with my nub.
"Brago", I scream as what ever tightness it was I felt suddenly seems to wash away in a huge gush, my back arches as I let lose my very first orgasm.
"Delicious", He coos moments later. I look down at him calmed some and see his mouth isn't a mess, in fact its still clean and I'm sure he had it their when I let go. His face is still just as clean. I watch him get to his feet then my eyes widen when I see him fiddle with his pants, letting them and his underwear fall to the floor.
My eyes widen at the sight of him, I've seen a guys part before but not in person, its always been either in movies or in pictures, never in person.
"Do y-you..", I was cut off as he comes onto the bed and claims my mouth. The moment his tongue enters my mouth I taste the difference on him, and for some reason it doesn't disgust me.
"No", he says once pulling away. I feel him press against my opening, he spreads my legs wider, then looks at me, as though asking the unspoken question. I nod my head. Sucking in a breath as he slowly pushes past the lips covering the cave. He pauses as I close my eyes tightly. I think he only managed to get his head inside me.
"Relax", he whispers, his hand brushing through my hair. His other hand is holding his body up so he doesn't squish me.
"I'm trying", I say between gritted teeth. Groaning he takes his hand out of my hair, shifts some but doesn't pull out, then suddenly I feel him moving in a circular motion just at my opening. I groan out as it sends pain and pleasure through me. Then while he still does the circular motion he pushes a few more inches inside me. I feel myself clench around him, he looked huge but I didn't think he was going to be this big.
I can only imagine the pain I'm going to feel once he pops my cherry, but then it is my first time, I'm sure even the smallest one would hurt me. I look at him and he looks like he is fighting himself, as though he wants to ride me like an animal. I can't help but feel bad for him doing this, making himself suffer for my sake. He then pushes a few more inside me, I feel him hit something, is it my cherry? He stops and looks at me, "I'm afraid this cannot be helped". I nod knowing what he is talking about, but even then he did not budge.
I try to relax myself as best as I can, letting out a sigh, then nodding my head to him to let him know he can continue. He pulls out slightly and slams his full length inside me, bursting through the barrier in his way. I scream out, only to be muffled by his lips, his hips still.
Pain, pain and more pain, it hurts so much. I hadn't realized I had been crying till I feel his thumb wipe away a tear. I open my eyes and look at him, he looks worried.
"I'm fine", I groan, really I am, even though I don't feel fine, I mean I feel something warm leaking out of me. No matter how many people had talked about it, the first time will always hurt worse then it should. Too bad guys didn't have to go through this kind of pain. I close my eyes as he claims my lips, shoving his tongue in my mouth all in an attempt to distract me from the pain I feel of adjusting to the foreign object with in me.
After a short while I shift my hips some only to gasp out as pain shoots through me. He only grunts but holds himself still.
"I'm sorry", I say feeling like its my fault this is happening. He laughs, he actually laughs at my comment.
"What"? I ask feeling sort of adjusted but don't want to test it.
"There is no need to apologize for something that happens naturally", he says as he brushes his hand through my hair once more.
"You say you haven't done this before.. But you seem to know enough that..", he silences me with his finger.
"I haven't done this before, nothing remotely close to this", he reassures me.
"Then your able to keep control pretty good", I retort. He smiles down at me and replies, "I train, not only to become stronger but to have self control".
"Right", I say and he leans down and kisses me, hard and passionately. I use this to see if I've adjusted enough and when I move a sensation of pleasure goes through me, and I groan into his mouth. Taking the indication he moves back some to thrust back into me. We part and he pulls out all most all the way and slams himself into me, I let out a pleasant moan to the feeling, and he begins the pace, some where along the line I keep up with him. My face suddenly goes red to the sound of a squelching noise every time he pulls back to slam forward.
The slapping sound is ok, but that other sound, its embarrassing because I know its coming from me. He picks up the pace and I try to match it as best as I can, I moan out rather loudly while he only lets out the odd grunt and groan. A few more thrusts and that tight feeling appears and quickly disappears. I moan out his name as I have my second release, stilling his movements as my inner walls clench around him wildly. He lets out a groan as he feels some sort of pleasure out of my release.
Once I've calmed he shifts some, lifting me up not removing his still rock hard member from with in me and changes positions, sitting where it seems like I'm sitting in his lap. He guides my arms around his neck and he grabs my waist then lifts me up, then brings me down as well as thrusting his hips into mine, I moan out, and rest my head in the crook of his neck, breath in jagged breaths as this sensation is more intense.
Not taking me long to get use to this position I help him with my weight by using my legs to lift me, then letting myself fall back down onto him as he thrusts deeper and deeper inside me with each thrust. His sounds of pleasure seems to be a bit louder. Again I feel that tightness slowly build up inside me, for each thrust. With out warning I then let out my release, my back arching, my breasts getting pressed against his chest as I moan out another release.
Again I rest my forehead in the crook of his neck, breathing in short jagged breaths trying to get my air back. Again he still feels as hard as he had been when we first started, so I know I'm not through just yet.
"Tired"? He asks between breaths.
"Not yet", I answer truthfully. For some reason its not that tiring for a woman to have countless orgasms, yet a guy is usually spent after one.
"Good, I'm no where near finished", he says rubbing my back soothingly.
"I can tell", I reply and for good measure I move myself up some then bring myself back down on him causing him to groan.
"When you are too tired to continue do not feel obligated to let me continue", he says seriously. I look into his eyes and see he is being serious, "But it wouldn't be fair".
"Doesn't matter, I'm a mamodo, not human", he points out.
"I know..", I trail, then understand what he is meaning.
"Ok, I'll let you know", I say, he nods his approval then smiles at me.
"Get onto your hands and knees", he demands. My eyes widen as he demands this, but I comply anyway, feeling rather empty to have to remove him from me. I don't bother to look back, I feel him move, then his hands grabs my waist he parts my legs with his, then I feel him at my opening once more. He thrust in, hard and deep, then pulls out completely and thrust back in, suddenly hitting something that sends me over the edge, I cry out.
He groans his approval and every time he thrusts back in, hiting that same spot, over and over again. I move with him even if it does seem rather hard to do so with this kind of pleasure going through my whole body. I then feel one of his hands coming under me and grabbing hold of one of my breasts.
I clutch the sheets in my hands as I feel this very odd tightness consume me. He thrusts in one last time, then goes still as he lets out a rather loud pleased moan, I feel something hot being shot into me, and that brings on my own release. I clench around him finally feeling the pulsating sensation going through his member as he shoots more of his seed into me.
He rests against my back, his arms supporting most of his weight, he plants kisses over my neck, shoulder and back as we both calm from our pleasures high. After I calmed some I realized that didn't satisfy him completely, he still feels hard, not as hard as he had been, but still hard.
"You know Brago", I begin. He only makes a noise of acknowledgement, "If I had experienced sex before you, I think I would be happier with the second time around".
"Is that so"? He asks with a chuckle. I feel him shift then he puts his hands back on my waist then asks, "Which position then, my sex craved partner"? Blushing I think about it and say, "I don't know, what ever you want".
"Really"? He asks a mischievous tone to his voice.
"Yes", I answer.
"Ok then, lets get up", he says.
"Huh"? I ask and look over at him now that he is standing on the floor. He just gestures me toward him, which I oblige. Once I get to him, he presses his naked body to mine, and claims my lips, his one hand resting on the small of my back as his other hand rests on the back of my head.
He then forces me to walk over to the far wall, our tongues clashing, I groan into his mouth as my back hits the wall, his hand that was on my back is now on my waist.
He then gabs my thy and brings it up much like he had done out in the woods. I groan realizing that he wants to do it that way. We part for air and suddenly I don't feel his other hand on my head, no in fact its trailing down the side of my body and grabbing my other thy, lifting it. Instantly I wrap my arms around his neck, him supporting me as well as the wall. I know he would be able to do it with out the wall.
He moves his hips a bit, then suddenly I feel him at my entrance again, groaning I look at him pleading not to tease me. He grins at this, and dips the head of his member into my heat, then brings it all most out, and doing it again.
"Brago please", I beg, shocked with myself with how much I want this. He grins wider then shoves himself into me, lowing me onto him then stops. I groan.
"Patience", he purrs.
"I have none", I blurt. He chuckles before moving his hips back, then crashing them forward. I groan and hide my face in the crook of his neck, he rides me with a steady pace, thrusting in, going deeper then the last.
"Wrap your legs around me", he groans. I do as he says and wrap my legs around his waist, and gasp out as he lets go of me and presses my back further into the wall as he drills faster and harder into me. I muffle my own noises of pure ecstasy in his neck, in favor of hearing his sounds. I nearly cry out as I feel him hit that very same spot once again, but I bite down on his shoulder silencing myself.
He lets out a rather long deep moan to my action, indicating he loves it. Suddenly I feel him pulsate inside me, his thrust become more jerky as he loses himself in the pure pleasure he is causing. Still with my jaws clamped down on his skin suddenly tasting this odd metallic taste and instantly think, "Blood". But still I refuse to leg go, I want to hear him. Then suddenly everything stops, and even though I didn't want to I actually cry out his name as I release, and he cries out as he also releases.
One hot stream after another shoots into me, now just breathing heavily as we calm from another pleasured high, his second and what, my fourth, fifth if you include the fingering. Getting my senses back I feel his hands supporting me by my ass, his chest heaving against mine as he calms down. I look down at his shoulder and gasp. Small twinkles of blood coming out of some of the marks I left on his shoulder.
"Now that was perfect", he says as he gently lets me on my feet, but don't move away from me, supporting me against the wall.
"Mm hm", I agree with him as I rest my head on his chest now that I'm on the floor, he is still taller then me, his chin resting on my head.
"I'm sorry", I find myself saying once more.
"I liked it, I don't care if you draw blood, it was pleasurable", he says as he moves back some, cupping my chin and making me look at him.
He gives me a long gentle kiss, before fully pulling away from me, to make sure I can stand on my own. For some reason I can't help but want to be by his side now forever, being a few feet away from him is like I'm not whole. Shockingly it seems he feels the same thing. Walking over to the bed, he stops me before he removes the top blanket, then pulling out the one underneath it and letting me lay down. We curl up together for the very first time in the same bed and instantly sleep consumes us.
* * *
The next morning I wake with a groan. A hand shakes me slightly then an amazing voice says, "Lis, get up". I open my eyes slowly and stare into the amazing caring red ones. To think he use to be so mean to me, yet he never disagreed for me to tag along.
I had hoped something would happen between us but I wasn't sure it was going to actually happen. Now thinking about it, I feel slightly uncomfortable down their. I knew it was going to be painful, for at most a day, after the deed has been done. My body taking its time to heal the broken wall, but it will never come back fully.
"I want to sleep", I groan then snuggle into his chest, his arms instantly wrap around me as he chuckles.
"I still have a battle to win, I can't be careless", he says one of his hands brushing through my hair. I let out a content sigh and snuggle even closer, as much as I can. I love this feeling, the feeling of being wanted, needed. I've never felt that before in my life.
I groan in protest as he pushes me off of him then gets to his feet. My eyes trail down his back lingering a bit too long on his really nice tight ass.
"Join me", he says a grin on his face. I look up at it and tilt my head out of confusion.
"Shower", is all he had to say before I get to my feet, bringing the sheet with me. He just shakes my head at my modesty even knowing what had happened between us last night. I glance over at the window and notice it still dark, just the starting of the light sky starting to appear.
The thing about these hotels, the two bedroom rooms each have their own bathroom attachment, we walk into the bathroom then he closes the door after I walk past him. We shower together, but it wasn't just washing, we also had another session of our bodies becoming one under the water.
* * *
"Morning Master Brago, Ms Lisa", the older man says as he greats us when we walk into the dinning room.
"Sherry isn't up yet"? I ask shocked.
"Nope, she is still sound asleep", he answers.
"I have prepared the food for you", he then gestures to the table, seeing three plates on the table.
"Wow, thanks", I stat then walk over to the one beside the larger plate with an actual real fish. Sherry doesn't like the way he eats, but I honestly don't mind it. It's amusing to watch him down something that is twice his size and still be hungry. We quietly eat, but I shift here and their as I try to sit comfortably on the chair. I glance up and see a knowing smile on the butlers face.
My face heats up and I shove another giant forkful of my eggs into my mouth. That session in the shower had actually lessened the pain some, and the soothing sensation of the water going down my body also helped.
Odd how the very thing that creates the discomfort can take it away.
* * *
Now we are driving through the snowy mountain, he insisted on wanting to train his physical form. Again I'm surprised he wanted me to tag along. I briefly wonder if the need I feel to all ways be around him is just as much the same with him.
"Brago, look", I say as I look over and glance at the scene before that house with the old man and the boy. He looks over then stops the snowmobile.
"Please stop bothering us, no matter what you do. We are never going to move from our home", the old man says on his knees holding little Jeff, who I can hear from here is sobbing.
"Be quite, if that is what you decided. Then I guess we'll have to crush you along with the cabin", the other man says who is standing in front of a large yellow what ever it is. While I listened to them talking Brago and I are making our way over to them. I notice one of the guys standing looks over in our direction.
"Hey boss, we got some company", that same man says. The guy standing in front of him looks over. We stop a few feet away from the scene.
"Can't you see we're busy", the guy says.
"Please Mister Brago. These men are threatening to destroy our home", the old man pleads as he and the kid look over at us.
"Step back a few paces", Brago orders me, I do as told, I move back a few feet. I put my eyes on the boy who is looking intently at Brago. Feeling a slight change in atmosphere I glance over at Brago and my eyes widen at seeing a purple aura around him. Suddenly the kid gets up and begins walking over to the men.
"This house belongs to grandpa and me, not you. Now go"! Jeff yells his arm in the air. I smile some to see that Brago made that impression on the boy.
"Ha, your talking awfully big for such a tinny little guy. What if we say no"? The other man asks a huge grin on his face. Jeff clutches his hands into fists then rushes over to them with a battle cry only to get hit over at Brago's feet. Brago looks down at the boy, and the boy looks up at him.
"You just wait, one day I'm going to become strong", Jeff says then turns around, "A man is not suppose to cry and I'm not afraid". Then he rushes over to the man again, beating on his chest as far as he can reach.
"What a pesky kid", the man says then grabs Jeff's arms and looks over to the dark haired man behind him, "Here", and pushes Jeff over toward him. The other man grabs Jeff and picks him up then easily tosses him toward the front of that tractor? I gasp, and Brago just watches unmoving. Jeff gets up, "I'm not going to lose"! I look back at Brago as that aura suddenly surrounds him.
"Brago", I say moving toward him.
"Stay their"! He yells at me as he glares in my direction, I instantly stop.
"I'm not going to let you beat me"! Jeff yells as he rushes for the man again, only to get tripped by the one that tossed him.
"I won't lose", Jeff says as he gets to his hands and Knees.
"Jeff", his grandpa says as he rushes over to the boy.
"Haven't you caused enough trouble"? He asks. The dark haired man laughs as he walks over to them, "Now to finish you". It happened so fast, Brago rushed over to get in the way of the guy and the two, grabbing his foot.
"You freak just what are you"? The man asks. I narrow my eyes at him, no one calls Brago a freak and gets away with it. That's when I realize the vibe coming from Brago, of pure hatred. I watch wide eyed as Brago twists the man's foot to a painful angle, before tossing him aside.
"Do you think you will be able to stop us"? The other man says then turns toward the machine, "Disregard that thing, just crush it with that house and get this over with". Then he rushes out of the way. I look into the machine and see a blond haired man sitting in it. He laughs then says, "Alright, if you say so boss".
Then he turns it on and drives it toward Brago and them. I should be worried but I'm not, I know Brago can handle himself.
"You must run, their is no way to stop them now", the grandfather says, but I believe Brago just ignores him, raises his hand into the air, that aura going around him once more as he turns his hand into a fist, then lets out his own battle cry as he hits the machine back, sending it flying through the air. The blond haired man jumps out of it, and looks directly at me.
"Look at that, when you said disregard that thing", Brago starts, I turn my attention back toward him.
"Where you talking about me"? He asks and turns to the man in charge, "For I am one thing you shouldn't disregard". I let out a surprised gasp as the blond haired man grabs me, bringing my arm behind my back and his face beside my ear.
I had thought I seen him angry before, but I swear if looks could kill this guy would be dead.
"Is this yours"? The man behind me asks.
"B-Brago", I whisper shivering out of disgust the moment the man places his lips on my neck. Neither of us had a chance to see where Brago had gone, but suddenly I'm let go and I look back, seeing the blond haired man in Brago's grasp. The aura around him now seems a tad bit darker then it had been before.
"I believe you just asked for your death wish", he practically growls.
"Holly shit, what the hell is he"? The blond man asks in distress, thrashing about trying to get out of Brago's hold.
"Don't", I say as I see the look in Brago's eyes. He looks at me briefly then groans and tosses the guy over toward his body on the ground.
"You better take your friends and get out of here"! He growls angerly toward the three, standing protectively in front of me.
"Yes right, sorry to have bothered you", he says looking down then rushing off, then the other two following close behind him.
"But boss we can't just back out now"! I hear one say to him.
"It's all right", their boss says and stops suddenly, turning around and pulling out something then finishes, "For a back up plan I had some dynamite berried in the snow near the top of that mountain". Then suddenly a loud noise in the distance forces all of us to look over at the mountain, rushing snow makes its way down. We all gasp out of pure surprise.
"Ha, lets see you work your way out of this one you silly fools"! I hear him yell. I stick by Brago as he rushes over toward the rushing snow.
"No need to panic", He says, I look over and see Sherry on her way. She jumps off her moving snowmobile and yells, "Dioga Gravidon"! I watch with pure amazement as he shots out a huge purple ball, then grab onto the back of Brago's cape as a blinding light shines through the sky. I feel him move and turns, I let go of his cape and feel his arm go around me as he shields me himself from the light.
After the light disappears we all look up to see a huge change, the mountain had been what looked like clawed through.
"I'm impressed that you actually knew to come all the way out here", he says. Not moving how we are right now.
"I had a weird feeling when the new spell appeared. I knew that you needed me right away", Sherry answers. I can't look over at her since I'm still covered with his cape. I hear people walking toward us and, that's when he allows me to see, instantly my face heats up at the look Sherry is giving us.
"Mister Brago, thank you for rescuing us from those evil men", the grandfather says. I turn to face the two of them, and Sherry gasps then looks at Brago.
"Did you really help people"? She asks. I smile, was about to open my mouth to say something but Brago puts his hand over it, "Don't get the wrong idea. Those flies where making the most annoying sounds, and I just wanted some quite".
"Hey", I watch Jeff as he rushes a few steps toward us then stops, "Mister Brago. Did you see I didn't run. Will I become strong one day"? Brago looks down at the boy and answers, "Yes, I bet some day you'll become very strong".
"Aww, how interesting", Sherry says.
"What? Is something wrong"? Brago asks.
"So you do know how to smile after all. This is the first time I've seen it", she says. I smile some, its not the first that I've seen it.
"It was not smiling", he groans, I feel the hand that she can't see grab my waist then he brings his nose down and rests his head on top of mine. I feel him inhale, like he is taking in my scent.
"Brago", Sherry says. I dare a peek over at her and she winks at me. I freak out on the inside and press myself firmly into him in hopes of hiding.
"Now lets go", he suddenly says, pulling away from me and starting to walk.
"You know Brago, their is no reason we have to go now, we can stay for another day if we want", she says too happily. I follow behind Brago, trying to stay as close to him as I can.
"Be quite, the Mamodo will get away again"! He snaps.
"Wait you really are selfish, you should be just a little more consider it to others", she says, "Oh, bye Jeff".
"Thanks for everything", I look back to see Jeff waving at us, I wave back a huge grin on my face, "Come and visit us if you can".
"Take care of yourselves now", the grandfather calls to us. I decide to stay away from Brago, that way he has his space, and low and behold Sherry sticks by me.
"So", she says her eyes seem to sparkle at the thought in her head.
"What"? I groan.
"He got laid didn't he"? She asks a huge grin on her face. I just groan and snap, "Sherry"!
**The End**
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**Ok, review if you like, but its not really needed, if I chose to make the story then I'll post it weather people want me to or not.**
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| An unusual love by Hikaru69 | Zatch Bell |
Paint Job
Danny didn't feel like going to school seeing that it's going to be the same lesson that he learn yesterday. He walked pass some flowers as the sweet scent made him think of Cherish. Then it dawn on him he can see her today. He ran to her place. The sound of kid's laughter was heard.
He was glad to know that she's home. Danny saw Cherish with Ted helping the orphans. Danny and Ted never seen eye to eye when it comes to Cherish. He walked over to them. He gave them a smile as Ted cross his arms a little. Cherish smiles at him.
"Danny it's great to see you" she said.
"Ya same to you Cherish" he smiles back at her.
She lightly kissed him while smiling. Danny smiles back more and chuckles. Ted crossed his arms pouting and mumbling. Danny notice's Ted's reaction and gave off a playful smirk.
"Cherish I see you're working like always" Danny told her.
"And I see you skipping school again" she cross her arms a bit. She walked up and tap his nose "You're just a bad boy huh?" she asked with a light giggle.
Danny placed his school bag down as he came a little close to her face. As Cherish was close to his face.
"Maybe" he said with a chuckled.
They were about to kiss, but Ted came in between them looking at Danny.
"Then go to school spike head" he said.
"Hey don't call me spike head roll head" Danny shouted a little.
"Boys will you stop this is not a good example for the kids to learn" she said to them.
The kids were behind Cherish giggling and snickering. Ted glared at Danny and Danny glared at Ted. They both pouted.
"Ok" they said in unison.
"Good" looks at Danny " Hey Danny want to help us?" she asked.
"Sure I'm good with my hands" he chuckles.
Cherish gave him a bucket of paint and a brush. She walked back looking at the blueprints for the next upcoming project. Danny looked over her shoulder to see what she was looking at. Danny kissed her cheek a little. Cherish lightly blushed. Ted clinched his fists.
"Hey Danny you think you can help Ted with the painting?" she asked.
"Sure" Danny told her looking at Ted "ready squirt?" he asked.
"Don't call me squirt Danny Boy" he said knowing he hated being called that.
"Don't call me Danny Boy you brat" he wasn't happy.
"Boys do I have to put you in time out?" Cherish asked crossing her arms.
"No" the said in unions again.
She gave them both the smile and resume back to looking at the blue prints. Danny and Ted started painting. Ted bump the brush into the blue paint, but bump into Danny's brush. They had small sparks from their eyes. The air was tense around them.
Ted flick a little paint at Danny. Danny growled a bit doing the same thing. The paint gotten into Ted's Hair. He growl and got some in Danny's hair. Next thing they knew they were throwing paint at each other.
Ted accidentally dropped the paint bucket and the blue paint feel on Cherish. Her hair, face and clothes we're covered in blue paint. They both jumped down looking at Cherish.
"It was Danny's fault" Ted pointed at him.
"Hey!" his voiced raised a little "I didn't have the blue paint" Danny try to defend himself from Ted's words.
"Look it's ok accidents happen. If you excuse me I'll be getting clean off and this will put us a day behind our regular scheduled" Cherish told them leaving into the house.
"Hey man what's your deal with me? I didn't do anything wrong short stack" Danny said.
"I don't like the fat that you're dating Cherish. She is important to me and to the children and with you in her life now. It means us feel like we're nothing" Ted said to him.
"Hey Ted listen" Danny placed his somewhat blue paint hand "Cherish loves you guys and just cause I'm in her life that doesn't mean she'll not forget about you" Danny tired to reassure him.
"Danny thanks" Ted gave him a faint smile.
The three children pulled Ted to make him play with them. Ted fellow them leaving Danny with the work. Cherish was beside Danny watching them.
"Enjoying the view?" she asked him.
Danny turns to see her clean and with out the paint on her. Danny let out a chuckled.
"Cherish how do you handle this? You know taking care of the children?" Danny asked.
"Simple Danny. They grew up with out parents. I lost my mother and father when I was young. Each child are like a little piece of me" placed her hand on her heart "I love them all and I'll protect them until the end of my life" she said.
Danny looked at her. He can see why Ted looks up to her. She is brave, unselfish, kind, beautiful and very protective. Danny held her hand as she held his hand back.
"Cherish I'm glad they have you " Danny smiles "And I'm glad to be part of your life" he said.
"Same Danny" Let's go of her hand "Now let's get this placed finished" handed him the paint bucket and brush.
Danny lightly laughs as she left him with the paint. Ted grab another set of paints.
"Danny if you hurt her I'll hurt you" he gave him a warning.
Danny just roll his eyes at his little warning
"Like I'll hurt my girlfriend" he crossed his arms.
"Do I need to put you two in time out?" Cherish asked them like she did before.
"No" they said
Cherish let out a laugh as Ted and Danny soon join's her. The children looked at them like they lost their mind.
End file.
| Paint Job by kelcher | Zatch Bell |
I Think So
Zatch Bell! And all related characters and logos are property of Viz Media.
Alex lay in his bed, watching Tia search for some thing or another. Finally he caught on when he noticed that she was making some sort of hammock. "It's alright if you sleep in my bed," he muttered.
"What?" she asked, spinning around, "oh, no," she stuttered, her face turning pink, "I couldn't possibly-"
"Well, alright," she finally said, sidling into the bed next to him. Alex smelled her hair,_ she smells so nice, _he thought; Suddenly, he thought back to earlier that day: _Alex had decided to show Tia around town, but as they were walking through the middle of the town, they were approached by a fat man carrying a book and a pajama-clad child with a duck bill. The man looked over at them and opened the book, he exclaimed, "_poruku!_" the boy changed into a giant trebuchet, which uprooted a lamppost and hurled it at them. Alex quickly opened his own book and yelled, "_seushiru!_" causing a bubble to form around them, which the lamppost bounced off of. The bubble dissipated and Tia thrust her arms out palms facing the opposing pair, "_saisu!_" he exclaimed, a blast of energy escaped from Tia's hands._
"koporuku!_" the man exclaimed, diving to the ground, the child, who Alex assumed was another mamodo, shrunk down and ran towards them, he jumped into the air and the man again exclaimed, "_poruku!_" and the mamodo transformed into a huge battered ram which knocked Tia across the now evacuated street; the mamodo changed back to his normal form, laughing in triumph, but his happiness didn't last long, as Alex, feeling incredible anger at Tia's pain, punted him into his bookkeeper, knocking them both to the ground, he stalked over to them and grabbed them both by the front of their shirts, "who are you two?"_
"_I-I'm Gareth" the man stuttered, "my mamodo is Kanchome."_
"_Well, Gareth and Kanchome, run now, and live in fear because if I ever see you again I'm not going to be so forgiving." The pair scrambled up and ran, screaming in terror at Alex's wrath. Alex himself ran over to Tia's crumbled form, "Are you okay?" he asked, shaking her shoulder._
"_It hurts," she said, lifting her head slightly, "to exist."_
"_Hold on, Tia," Alex begged, suddenly the book began to glow, he opened it and saw that more of the text was coherent, "What is this spell?" he wondered aloud, "_Saifojio?_" Suddenly a large pink sword appeared hovering over Tia, she groaned and sat up, the sword faded away. "I'm alright."_
Alex thought about how scared he was that Tia was hurt, "This is wrong," he suddenly said.
"What is it?" Tia asked, turning around.
"I'm a human."
"Your, like, a demon or whatever."
"A momodo, yes."
"And we're lying in a bed together."
Tia's cheeks burned red, "yes."
"And I like it."
"Alex," Tia said a grin creeping across her face, "I think you have a crush on me." Alex leaned closer to her and kissed her on the lips. "I think so," he said.
End file.
| I Think So by superweegee | Zatch Bell |
One Day
_Yes, all you peeps ,i am back with another poem! OK.. yeah, i do have a collection of poems somewhere but i feel that this poem here deserves it's own lil' space n' not with some other poems. N' I don't know if i'll ever update that one again.. i just MIGHT if i feel that a poem i make should go on that selection, but... yeah... -.-_
_Anyway, this is a poem is Sherry's POV for Koko. Read and review! Oh, and no flames please, they are annoying to read._
_Disclaimer: Me no own Zatch Bell! You no sue! (YES, i know, bad grammar! Twas INTENTIONAL!)_
* * *
One Day
One day I'll save you
I'll make sure that you are free
But my dear friend, what did he do,
To make you a different person?
One day you will see
All the cruel things that you did
And how much you mean to me
Why, because you are my friend
One day you will know
And understand many more things
You reap what you sow
That you must understand
One day your eyes will change
Back to their old pure color
What sort of range
Of horrid sights do you see now?
One day that tainted soul
Of my deepest friend will be
Free to go back to reach her old goal
And do the good things in life
One day you will no longer
Be controlled by that one vile being
And no longer shall I feel somber
Knowing that you are back
One day that horrid creature
Will be sent back to its world
And there will be a happy feature
Placed back on yours and my face
One day I will receive
My old friend once again
And no longer will I grieve
For you'll come back to me
But until that one day is here
I am stuck being almost alone
To me, my friend, you're very dear
Please let that one day come soon
End file.
| One Day by Twilight Memories | Zatch Bell |
A random oneshot I came up with last night
_A random oneshot I came up with last night. Skin is always intriguing, yes? I know, could use some work. Be nice. Enjoy._
_Pardon any OOC ness. I'm not very well acquainted with Zatch Bell personalities yet._
Disclaimer: I don't own Zatch Bell, pity.
* * *
The morning sun filtered brightly through the wispy clouds, bestowing its warm rays upon two figures far below. The grassy hills were swept into the likeness of the ocean's waves as a light, sweet breeze passed lazily over it, ruffling the long plants of the meadow. Sherry's soft pink dress swished gently as she staggered up the crest of the last hill, carrying a large picnic basket. Brago walked a few paces ahead of her, hands behind his head in an air of impatience.
"Nice day for once, eh Brago?" Sherry smiled at her scowling companion, who merely glanced at her before settling down on the dry grass.
Sherry rolled her bright blue eyes and sat down next to Brago. "Must you always be a downer?" she inquired seriously.
_Again with this? _Brago mused silently. "Doesn't matter," he replied to her. "Shut up and eat."
Sherry tsked and began to sort out the food. Her nose wrinkled as she unpacked a large, stained parcel. "Um, Brago, this fish is probably rotten by now." Brago snatched the package and began devouring it ravenously, while shooting her a glance that said plainly, "Do I care?"
Sherry shrugged her thin shoulders and idly picked at her own food, thankfully fresh.
Hours passed with the occasional banter between the two companions. Brago had relocated under a tree, leaning against the sturdy bark and closing his eyes. Sherry usually took advantage of his temporary unawareness to study his features more carefully.
Today, she studied his skin. It had always fascinated her, how the many scars crisscrossed and disappeared, slightly raised and then slowly receding at the edges into healthy skin, wrapping around his sinewy limbs in intricate patterns. The pureness of his light color, how different from her own skin, pink against his ash-gray body.
After a few moments of her scrutinizing, the darker being slowly opened one eye to glare at his bookkeeper. "Something you need?' rasped Brago.
"Just looking, thank you," Sherry replied, a small smile twinkling in her eyes.
Brago snorted and closed the open eye, but snapped both of them open after feeling her curious gaze upon him again "_What?"_
"Why can't you be more cheerful?" Sherry implored. She wasn't really expecting an answer, and of course, she didn't get one. "I'm serious," she continued. Again, no reply.
Sighing, she crawled on her hands and knees right up to the demon's pale face. Startled, his eyes widened beyond their usual limit and he pushed his head back into the bark, vainly trying to put distance between their faces. "What do you think you're doing?" he demanded. He quirked an eyebrow at her in a questioning look.
Sherry sat back on her heels and resumed studying his body, conveniently missing its fur cloak. She reached one hand out to his chest, but snatched it back as Brago swatted at it. "The HELL, Sherry!" said Brago in a warning tone, clearly annoyed.
Accompanied by another eye-roll, she reached again, this time grabbing the hand that attempted to knock hers away. "Let me show you something." Sherry traced her delicate hand on his chest, making a shape the mamono wasn't familiar with. He stared blankly at her, faintly blushing at the feeling of her hand, its coolness seeming to burn like embers.
Realizing that he didn't understand what she drew, Sherry took the hand she had grabbed and lifted it to her collarbone, gently outlining the shame pattern. His claws scraped gently across her fair skin, raising a shiver at her spine. Still, she smiled and once again traced her hands along his chest. "Get it?" she asked softly.
Then Brago understood the shape: a heart. "And what does that have to do with your earlier questions?" he rebutted.
"You need _heart_. Compassion, zest, _soul._"
"Excuse me?" Brago said, miffed.
"You can't just be brooding day after day, with hardly a sentiment for anything."
"And besides," Sherry added with a sly glance, "Your skin."
"What about it?" Brago uttered in a pained voice, one that sounded like he wished this interrogation was over.
"It's cold, and gray. Do you want you heart to be like that?" the girl asked.
Letting out an aggravated sigh, Brago put his face mere inches from the blondes. It was her turn to blush and recoil from his gaze. Smirking, the demon put his clawed hands carefully on Sherry's face and leaned in until he could feel her breath mingling with his own. Shifting slightly to the left, he put his mouth to the side of her face. _"No, I wouldn't want it to be like that,"_ he breathed into her ear.
Dazed by the sudden closeness of her partner, Sherry blinked slowly and then laughed quietly. Brago stroked her cheek with his thumb, leaving a dry scratch behind as his nails brushed skin, and then pulled away.
The sun had been slowly setting, splaying brilliant rays of orange and red across the heavens. "Let's go," said Brago, with a hint of smugness in his husky voice. Offering his hand to the lady, he pulled her up, drawing her up to his chest for a brief moment before releasing her.
"Let's go," agreed Sherry lightly. Gathering up the basket, bookkeeper and mamono started the long walk down the hill in the pleasant, summer warmth.
End file.
| Pallor by Twist and Twine | Zatch Bell |
The Kingship and Hardship
**Two of the orphans were walking with Cherish for some fresh air while the others stayed behind to sleep in. The morning air was a soft breeze as the early morning was peaceful and quiet. Cherish notice a Mamodo kid sitting alone looking up at the sky. Wondering who is was she saw his golden hair. She softly smiles at the two orphans looked at her a little lost**
**"Kids why don't you go back and see how the others are doing?" she asked them politely.**
**They nodded and left. Cherish turn her intentions to the child sitting. She slowly approaches him.**
**"You're highness what are you doing out here so early?" Cherish asked sitting down beside him.**
**Gash turns to see Cherish he was happy to see one of his friends "I'm just getting some fresh air the guard let me out but it's a secret" he said with a smile.**
**"Is being king that hard?" she asked with a light smile.**
**"It's not easy" Gash held his knees to his chest.**
**Being king wasn't easy for Gash . He is young and her can't seem to get the rules and relegation right. When he is around his friends he feel like those kingly duties are gone. He turns to Cherish.**
**"Why are you here?" he asked wondering.**
**"Just getting morning air" She said softly.**
**Gash looked like he's been through under pressure since he became the king. Everything he though was going to be easy. But in the end it wasn't. He hardly had time for his friends mostly. **
**"Gash you feeling ok?" she asked.**
**Gash shook his head no. Cherish ruffles his hair a bit not saying a word. They just enjoy the nature. The soft sound of the birds. The morning air was calm and smoothing. Zatch missed being with Kiyo. It still felt weird seeing that he won't wake up and see him. Cherish heard his stomach growl.**
**"Hey Gash you hungry?" She asked.**
**"Yep" he droll as the though of Yellowtail was in his head.**
**Cherish roll her eyes a bit, but couldn't help but laugh a little. She got up looking down at Gash holding her hand out. Zatch laughs as he grips her hand. Cherish and Gash share a brother and sister relationship.**
**"I know where we can get great Yellowtail" Gash said happily.**
**Gash ran to the water quickly taking off his clothes diving into the water. Cherish face palmed. He hasn't changed. Cherish walked to the water looking out for him. Something from the water jumped out. It was Gash clinging onto a Yellowtail fish. The sheer happiness on his face made her giggle. **
**"**_**Look at him all carefree" **_**She said in her mind.**
**Gash swam to the shore with Yellowtail in hand. A big grain was display on his face. Zatch sat down on the green grass eating the Yellowtail. Cherish sat down in front of him watching him enjoying the Yellowtail.**
**"You seem happier then this morning" she told him.**
**"Yep Yellowtail makes me happy" he gave her a smile.**
**Cherish ruffles his hair "Gash , you never lose sight of what's important to you" Cherish told him.**
**Gash looked at her with a little confusion on his face. Of course he took it as a compliment. Gash knows about Ted and Cherish, situation with life. He never minds helping out his friends. Zatch stood up pumping his fist in the air.**
**"Thanks a lot Cherish, you're a good sister" Gash told her with a monkey smile.**
**Cherish got up brushing the dust off her skirt "Thanks Gash , so are you" smiles down at him.**
**The time seem to fly by. She hasn't notice, nor Gash . They had a great time hanging out. Cherish was glad to know Gash a little more. She could see why Ted likes him as a friend.**
**"Bye Cherish we should do it again" Zatch said to her.**
**"Ya we should" she replied.**
**They turn and went their serpent ways. Cherish made it in time to make dinner for the orphans. Cherish heard them coming in. Covered in dirt and sweat. They must have been working hard. **
**"You know the rules" she said placing her hands on her hips.**
**They nodded and left to wash up for dinner. Ted leans against the door post looking at her. Cherish sigh with a cheerful smile pointing to the upstairs. Ted chuckles and left. Cherish placed the plates on the table. Meanwhile, Zatch was looking over the rules and laws of being king. His young mind was wondering again. He yawns and slide under the covers, drifting to sleep.**
End file.
| The Kingship and Hardship by Chercrystaldemon | Zatch Bell |
Here in the Dark
**A/n: A LienWonrei poem. Wonrei's POV. Yes I realize at first it seems better suited for BragoSherry, but ya know what? I wrote and I say it's for LienWonrei! Deal wit it! Jk I'm sorry guys, please ignore that and read on.**
* * *
_In the dark I can't see you,_
_I'm hoping you can't see me too,_
_I can't let you see the confession in my eyes,_
_And I bet you're starting to wonder why._
_In the dark I can let it all show,_
_But these things you can never know,_
_You can't know that I care more than I should,_
_You can't know that I'd kiss you if I only could,_
_You can't know that I just want you in my arms,_
_So I can keep you from harm._
_But here's why I hide it all,_
_I'll love to catch you if you were to fall,_
_But that is all,_
_I have to appear that there's nothing wrong,_
_And with you my insecurity shows,_
_And this is why you can never know._
_You'll never know how much a care,_
_You'll never know that I want to hold my arms out and know you'll be there,_
_You'll never know how much it's killing me and it has since the start,_
_So I'm lucky you can't see me here in the dark._
* * *
**A/n: Fave and review please. Don't flame if you love meh! Or love the fact I ran spell check and grammer.**
End file.
| Here in the Dark by Jessesgirl1549 | Zatch Bell |
Water Park Meeting
Hyde frowned as he stared down at his feet, wriggling his toes that were now free of his regular orange boots. Oh those boots, he missed those. It's not that he had an obsession with wearing his shoes or that they comforted him or anything. No, he simply felt that there was no reason for him to remove them in the first place. The boy should be out there training, fighting, and uncovering new spells to help in the fight to become king, but instead he was at this strange place where attendants demanded that all footwear be removed. His cold feet just reminded himself that he was wasting time, and Hyde still couldn't figure out how he was goaded into this stupid trip.
'Oh, that's right,' Hyde thought to himself, 'That Eido heard a girl that he likes to obsess over saying that she was going to a water park with her friends and decided to crash. And he dragged me along because 'as long as I keep my mouth shut I can be a cute kid'. What a load.' He wanted to grumble and try again to convince Eido that they shouldn't be here, but the older boy was already gone, off to search for that girl. Turns out Hyde was too much of a drag to be dragged along any further.
The young boy sighed, eyeing the large crowd around and trying to figure out just where to go. His chest tightened with anxiety of being separated from his book keeper, even if Hyde did his best to deny this fact and even crush these emotions. Try as he might, he didn't want to be left alone. It was as his thoughts had been heard because just when Hyde was turning in the direction that he thought Eido had gone in, his ears pricked up at the sound of a familiar voice. He froze, shoulders tensing and praying to whatever powers that could possibly be prayed to that his ears were mistaken.
But of course they weren't, that would be way too perfect. He turned to look for them, and what he saw almost made him laugh. It was Zatch and his book keeper, and they were hanging out with two girls, one of them being the one that Eido had been talking his ears off. The other almost warranted their own response of laughter as the boy recognized them to be a mamodo, Tia the strangler to be exact. What luck, to run into two teams in such a situation.
'At least they haven't spotted me yet,' Hyde thought, slipping through the crowd in the opposite direction. He was so intent in moving the opposite direction, that he never even noticed that he had joined in on one of the rides. Hyde looked up to see what ride it was, and he gulped, eyes widening. In his childish eyes, the ride was a giant, stretching impossibly high into the sky. Normally, heights wouldn't be a problem for him being that the boy was a wind mamodo and often spent his time high in the sky, but this was different. This ride was a thin, enclosed tube cork screwing its way to a long pool at the bottom.
He gulped, and made to turn around and leave, but instead found himself sandwiched between a crowd of much larger kids and adults, pushing him forward and allowing no escape. Hyde shivered as he was forced to climb higher and higher up the concrete steps and wondered if it would be out of place for him to jump over the rails once he reached the top.
However, it was hard for him to think, and all too soon the boy reached the top of the tower. There was there an attendant there checking heights and Hyde wanted to cry with relief knowing that he must be too short for this one. He wasn't the only one who took relief in this. When the voices picked up, he was dumbfounded that Zatch and his partner had managed to get ahead of them and had never noticed the other mamodo.
"K-Kiyo, I don't think I want to go down this slide anymore."
Kiyo sighed, "Zatch, you've been bugging me about this ride all day and we already waited in that long line. We're going down one way or another. Look, it's not even that bad. The slide down is fast, and it's dark so you can't even see anything."
"B-but," Zatch looked around frantically for a excuse, and grinned when he found one, "The sign says that I'm too short, so that means I can't ride it! That settles it."
Zatch turned to walk away, but the attendant's response stopped him short, "Actually, you can go down as long as you're with another rider who is tall enough." The worker shrugged, his tone of voice hinting that this was a regular occurrence for him.
"See? You can go down no problem. Now let's get this over with already."
Kiyo reached to grab Zatch's hand, and the younger boy backed away nervously. Hyde felt a twinge of pity or some other emotion that he couldn't quite place, and shoved aside the few kids standing in front of him so that he could reach the pair. The boy grabbed Zatch's hand and moved to drag him away from the whole debacle, scoffing, "Not even an idiot like you deserves this."
As Hyde attempted to get away from the slide entrance, Zatch's eyes widened and he jerked back in shock. Zatch's mouth opened to say something, but the sudden movement set Hyde off balance and sent both of the boys tumbling over the divider and down the slide. Shouts could be heard from up top from Kiyo who had recognized Hyde and the attendant for letting the young boys down, but it no longer mattered because Hyde was no longer listening. The poor boy's mind had already blanked as he clung to Zatch in fear. Only the thought of, 'why me?' managed to survive.
End file.
| Water Park Meeting by MohShuvuu | Zatch Bell |
Lazy Day
**Laying on the grass, Danny yawned in boredom. He didn't feel like going to school seeing how the kids just want to make him look like a fool. He watched the clouds slowly going by. He reached is hand up as if trying to touch the cloud. He closed his eyes for a moment until a soft scent of sweet lavender and strawberries that covered the wind a faint giggle was heard. **
**He looked up to see a light smile. He quickly sat up looking at the young girl who was giggling.**
**"Gees Cherish you're going to give me a heart attack" he said holding his chest where is heart is.**
**"I'm sorry Danny" she sat down beside him.**
**Danny looked at her rubbing the back of his head. Ever since they meet not so long ago he felt happy she's around. His eyes glanced down her hand so close to his. His body wouldn't allow him to touch her hand. Cherish gave him a little confusing look. They're at that awkward stage of growing up.**
**" Shouldn't you be in school Danny?" she asked him.**
**"Ya but I don't feel like going" he shrugs.**
**"You should go you still got time" she snap her fingers "I'll walk with you I'm heading that way anyway" she told him.**
**Danny watched her get up. He lightly blushed at her words scratching his cheek. He seems to be getting more weird around her. He hopped up nodding.**
**"Thanks Cherish" he said with a smile.**
**Danny and Cherish walked beside each other. The weather was surprising calm then the past three days. The quietness made it easier for them to hear the birds and the bees. Danny was tempted to hold her hand, but his mind was resisting it. They saw the school where Danny and the other Mamodo's go to.**
**"Ok Danny see you when you get out" she said.**
**"Ya same to you" he said with a smile.**
**He watched her left, Danny sighs in a sweet way. The teacher stood behind him taking his ear. He shook his head as he drags Danny to class. He wasn't use to getting his ear pulled. Meanwhile in the town Cherish was getting the daily food that the orphans need for the week. **
**Some of the adults looked at the young girl shaking their head. She wasn't very nice looking covered in dirt and mud, but it's not her fault. She and the orphans work hard in the town they live. Two elder looking Mamodo's looked at her. They gladly helped her getting the things she needs they charge her little. **
**Cherish wave's good bye to the elders. Cherish sat under the tree near the school waiting for Danny to get out. Digging through the bag she saw a couple of strawberries and ate them. The bell rang as the kids were let out. Danny saw Cherish waiting for him. He chuckles while running towards her, but two older kids grab Danny by the scuff of his shirt. **
**One had him in a hold while the other two gave off devilish grins. Danny struggles trying to get out and fight back.**
**"We've been waiting for you Danny" the ringleader told him pounding his fits into the palm of his hand.**
**Cherish gasp a bit as she ran to him. Leaving her supplies behind a tree a good hiding place so no one can steal it. She stood in front of the ringleader.**
**"So your little girlfriend is here to defend you eh?" he chuckled as his other friend grab Cherish holding her tight "Danny you should be ashamed having a girl helping you" he said.**
**"Hey she is not here to defend me she's helping me you big fish head" he growled a little.**
**"Leave Danny alone you meanie" Cherish told him.**
**He turn his head. He was going to hurt Danny seeing he can be recover with his spell but she looked like not the healing type. He cracked his knuckles. Danny didn't want her to get hurt. He sighs.**
**"Fine beat me and leave her out of this" Danny said hoping they won't hurt her.**
**"Fine by us" He shrugs.**
**The three kids gather around Danny. They were punching and kicking him hard. Like they always do. Danny try not to show pain on his face in front of the girl who helped him. Cherish stood there. Danny shook his head at her meaning not to interfere. After a good few punches and kicks they laugh and left the wounded Danny. Cherish walked over holding him in her arms crying a little.**
**"Danny why do this?" she asked.**
**Danny let out a faint laugh. His body was in pain, but Cherish's touch seems too make him forget about his pain.**
**"Don't worry Cherish I'm fine see" he focus on his energy "Jioruk" he said.**
**His wounds were fully healed. Cherish let out a faint sighs with a smile. She shook her head as he got out of her arms standing up. He reached out his hand for hers. Cherish reached for his hand as he pulls her up. Her hand was softer then he thought. Cherish let go of his hand pity that it didn't last longer. Cherish walked over to the tree were she placed the food. It was a bit heavy for her.**
**"Here let me help" Danny offer.**
**"I think you did enough help for today" she said.**
**Danny chuckled a bit rubbing the back of his neck again. She was somewhat right. He helped her by letting him taking the beating and not her. The sun wasn't fully setting down, but it was getting there. Danny reached for his school bag as he felt his hand being held onto. Looking down it was her hand.**
**"Uh" Danny didn't know how to utter words at the moment.**
**"Thank you Danny" she smiles.**
**Danny grip her hand not to tight. The softness made him blushed he turn his head so she wouldn't get a look at it. They started walking to his home. With the bag in hand she had to get going before the kids start a riot. Danny and her stopped at his house.**
**"Cherish listen I know we just meet and we're getting to know each other, but you think you can walk with me to school every day?" he asked feeling stupid.**
**"Sure Danny I would love to walk with you" she giggles.**
**Danny quickly kissed her cheek. Cherish blushed as his mother open the door lightly smiling at what she saw.**
**"Danny who is your little friend?" she asked**
**"This is Cherish" he said.**
**"Oh so you're the girl my little Danny talks about" his mother smiles**
**Danny got all red trying to push his mother into the house trying to save himself from the embarrassment. He didn't want her to know that he talks about her when she isn't around. Cherish couldn't help but giggle.**
**"I have to go Danny" looked at his mother and bows a little "Nice meeting you" she said as she left.**
**"Come son I got your favorite dinner ready" she told him.**
**Cherish managed to get home. The children were waiting for her. Cherish smile at them as she got the food ready. Sure they didn't have a fancy house, but they had each other. Cherish's mind was thinking about Danny. **
**She felt her small heart beating a little faster. One of the kids looked at Cherish a little worry. She tug on her skirt. Cherish looked down at her but smile. After the little feast they had. **
**They all headed to bed. Cherish tucked them in. She went to her own room it wasn't big nor small it was the same as the other children's. Cherish snuggled herself in the sheet and pillow thinking about Danny as she closed her eyes. Meanwhile Danny was resting from the day that he had. Cherish pop in his mind once in awhile. **
**They both softly smile in their sleep as they dream about things that made them happy.**
End file.
| Lazy Day by kelcher | Zatch Bell |
Love You, Hate You
_Yes, I can finally post up this poem! I had been meaning to post it up earlier but i was too lazy to and didn't feel like it, plus i had schoolwork and a one-shot that i had to work on, so this got delayed. Anywho, it's up now, so that's all that matters:)_
_Well this is just a lil' poem that came across my mind one day so i wrote it and am now posting it up. Sherry's POV for Brago. Contains a small bit of angst and romance, but nothing too big. __Well... read and review! _
_Disclaimer: I don't own Zatch Bell._
* * *
Love You, Hate You
I love you, hate you,
Cannot ever let you go
What is it about you,
That seems to affect me so?
Why was my heart driven,
To fall in love with you?
Yet I want to be far away
So what am I going to do?
Why is it that I have,
A hate for you so great?
Yet I want to be closer
Why am I in this odd state?
I love you, hate you,
Let me tell you all my fears
Let me rest in your strong arms
'Cause I hold you very dear
I know how I think of you,
But what do you think of me?
Will I ever truly realize,
All the good things that you can be?
My heart is torn between two things
From the true love to a pure hate
Will I ever make up my mind,
And get out of this awkward state?
I love you, hate you,
Can't get you out of my heart
Will I stay sane like this,
Or will I fall apart?
End file.
| Love You, Hate You by Twilight Memories | Zatch Bell |
Can You Handle The Kingship
**Two of the orphans were walking with Cherish for some fresh air while the others stayed behind to sleep in. The morning air was a soft breeze as the early morning was peaceful and quiet. Cherish notice a Mamodo kid sitting alone looking up at the sky. Wondering who is was she saw his golden hair. She softly smiles at the two orphans looked at her a little lost**
**"Kids why don't you go back and see how the others are doing?" she asked them politely.**
**They nodded and left. Cherish turn her intentions to the child sitting. She slowly approaches him.**
**"You're highness what are you doing out here so early?" Cherish asked sitting down beside him.**
**Zatch turns to see Cherish he was happy to see one of his friends "I'm just getting some fresh air the guard let me out but it's a secret" he said with a smile.**
**"Is being king that hard?" she asked with a light smile.**
**"It's not easy" Zatch held his knees to his chest.**
**Being king wasn't easy for Zatch. He is young and her can't seem to get the rules and relegations right. When he is around his friends he feel like those kingly duties are gone. He turns to Cherish.**
**"Why are you here?" he asked wondering.**
**"Just getting morning air" She said softly.**
**Zatch looked like he's been through under pressure since he became the king. Everything he though was going to be easy. But in the end it wasn't. He hardly had time for his friends mostly. **
**"Zatch you feeling ok?" she asked.**
**Zatch shook his head no. Cherish ruffles his hair a bit not saying a word. They just enjoy the nature. The soft sound of the birds. The morning air was calm and smoothing. Zatch missed being with Kiyo. It still felt weird seeing that he won't wake up and see him. Cherish heard his stomach growl.**
**"Hey Zatch you hungry?" he asked.**
**"Yep" he droll as the though of Yellowtail was in his head.**
**Cherish roll her eyes a bit, but couldn't help but laugh a little. She got up looking down at Zatch holding her hand out. Zatch laughs as he grips her hand. Cherish and Zatch are on good terms seeing that Ted and Zatch are friends.**
**"I know where we can get great Yellowtail" Zatch said happily.**
**Zatch ran to the water quickly taking off his clothes diving into the water. Cherish face palmed. He hasn't changed. Cherish walked to the water looking out for him. Something from the water jumped out. It was Zatch clinging onto a Yellowtail fish. The sheer happiness on his face made her giggle. **
**"****_Look at him all carefree" _****She said in her mind.**
**Zatch swam to the shore with Yellowtail in hand. A big grain was display on his face. Zatch sat down on the green grass eating the Yellowtail. Cherish sat down in front of him watching him enjoying the Yellowtail.**
**"You seem happier then this morning" she told him.**
**"Yep Yellowtail makes me happy" he gave her a smile.**
**Cherish ruffles his hair "Zatch, you never lose sight of what's important to you" Cherish told him.**
**Zatch looked at her with a little confusion on his face. Of course he took it as a compliment. Zatch knows about Ted and Cherish, situation with life. He never minds helping out his friends. Zatch stood up pumping his fist in the air.**
**"Thanks a lot Cherish, you're a good friend" Zatch told her with a monkey smile.**
** Cherish got up brushing the dust off her skirt "Thanks Zatch, so are you" smiles down at him.**
**The time seem to fly by. She hasn't notice, nor Zatch. They had a great time hanging out. Cherish was glad to know Zatch a little more. She could see why Ted likes him as a friend.**
**"Bye Cherish we should do it again" Zatch said to her.**
**"Ya we should" she replied.**
**They turn and went their serpent ways. Cherish made it in time to make dinner for the orphans. Cherish heard them coming in. Covered in dirt and sweat. They must have been working hard. **
**"You know the rules" she said placing her hands on her hips.**
**They nodded and left to wash up for dinner. Ted leans against the door post looking at her. Cherish sigh with a cheerful smile pointing to the upstairs. Ted chuckles and left. Cherish placed the plates on the table. Meanwhile, Zatch was looking over the rules and laws of being king. His young mind was wondering again. He yawns and slide under the covers, drifting to sleep.**
End file.
| Can You Handle The Kingship by kelcher | Zatch Bell |
My Mamodo With Many Names
Dufort practically kicked the front door down as he entered his dim apartment carrying a soaked to the bone Zeno in his arms. "Little idiot" the teenager thought as he walked quickly into Zeno's bedroom. They were out late chasing a mamodo they were interested in and Zeno fell into a river during the process. Zeno might be clever and sly but when it comes to common sense he's dumber then a cockroach with a head injury. Right when they picked up a trail Zeno darted ahead and lost his footing. "I told that moron no to run on the side of the path, but did he listen no" Dufort mumbled to himself as he put Zeno in his bed wrapped like a mummy in light blue blankets. Dufort walked over to the door and took a glance at Zeno over his shoulder. For once in his life Zeno was vulnerable and weak. Dufort went into the living room and double locked the front door. With Zeno in his weak state his enemies will have a field day. Dufort rubbed the back of his sore head. He opened a small cabinet in the kitchen and gobbled a handful of aspirin. He looked at a small black clock on the wall above the fridge. "Is it really that late?"
He heard Zeno moan and Dufort quickly proceeded to Zeno's room. Zeno was sitting up in his small bed shaking violently. "I'm so numb" The small boy whispered in a frustrated tone. Dufort turned on a lamp and sat on Zeno's bed. "I should have listened to you" Zeno said while trembling. "Yeah you should of" Dufort responded in a pissed off voice. "I can't get warm, it's like I was dipped into a bowl of ice". Dufort stared at him and gave a small laugh. "Shut up and turn up the heat!" Zeno spat. "I can't to expensive". Zeno glared at his partner and looked at the floor. "I feel so weak I hate it". Zeno shivered. Dufort grabbed Zeno and carried him out of his room. "What are you doing?" The silver haired boy asked but to cold and weak to argue any more. Dufort sat on his bed and put Zeno under the gray striped covers. Dufort wrapped his arms him and put the blankets over them. Zeno stared at him a little confused. "You're a huge pain in the ass but you're still my mamodo and little brother". Zeno's eyes widened as he remembered that. He hugged Dufort back and yawned. "You're a good big brother". Dufort grinned a little bit. "Yeah I know" Dufort said as he ruffled Zeno's silver hair. "What's with the sudden burst of affection?" Zeno asked. Dufort unwrapped his arms around Zeno's torso and sat up. "I'm a hard ass but I have a soft spot for you, you aren't comfortable with this are you?" Zeno got out of the bed and walked over to the door. He suddenly ran full speed and glomped Dufort. "I actually am" Zeno said with small smirk. The older boy laughed and pulled Zeno into his strong chest. "So you have a soft spot for me?" Zeno teased while climbing his book keeper's broad shoulders. Dufort nodded as he grabbed his brother like companion and put him in front of him. "Then do me a favor". Dufort yawned and rubbed his sleep filled eyes. "What's the favor?"
"Spend time with me more like this". Dufort smiled and hugged his small friend. "I'll promise that if you make me a promise". "Ok ask away" Zeno replied. "Be more careful when we go hunting for our prey". Zeno chuckled and gave a small wink. "Ok I promise and I like the way you worded them as prey". Zeno wiggled out of Dufort's arms and stood up. "Wait you want to sleep here tonight?" Zeno walked back to the bed. I was hoping you would ask that". Zeno crawled under the warm blankets and closed his eyes. "Who knew some on so evil could be so enjoyable to be around" Dufort laughed. "Who knew someone if with no emotion or care in the world could be so caring" Zeno laughed back. "To-shay little brother" Dufort said with acknowledgement. Zeno grinned and snuggled into Duforts arms. Dufort heard a small beeping and picked up his phone. "It looks like that mamodo is near by". Zeno glanced at the phone and lied back down. "We'll get them some other time" Zeno confirmed. "Are you sure?" Dufort asked. "Yeah I'm sure" Zeno said back while putting his arms around his partner.
End file.
| My Mamodo With Many Names by retro493 | Zatch Bell |
Whiskey, Hot Saice, and Other things
"Hey Zeno the others are waiting downstairs get ready." Instead of responding to Zatch, Zeno groaned and rolled on his side in his large purple bed. "You don't look so good" Zatch said with a worried look. Zeno gave out a loud groan and sat up. "I feel terrible" Zeno replied and gave out a disappointed sigh. "I was looking forward to going to hiking with you and the others but it looks like I'm to sick." Zatch gave Zeno a small smile and looked at the door. I'll stay home with you and tell the guys to go without us" Zatch said cheerfully. "No Zatch its" But Zatch was already downstairs. Zeno rested his on his white pillow and sighed again. Zatch then came up the stairs holding a huge yellow bowl of soup. "Hey Zeno I made you some soup" Zatch said as he walked over to the bed. Zatch suddenly lost his footing and the bowel went flying in the air like a Frisbee. "It burns!" Zeno cried as he ran to the bathroom soaked with hot burning soup.
Zeno walked back into his room a few minutes later with a green towel in his hand and changed into a new pair of white pajamas. "I'm sorry Zeno!" Zatch yelled as he ran over to his brother. "It's ok" Zeno replied with a small smirk. "How about I get you some tea and I won't trip this time." Zeno gave Zatch a small nod and sat on his bed. Zatch came back with a mug full of a red colored tea. Zeno took the mug from Zatch and took a big gulp. "It tastes weird, what's in it?" Zeno asked as he took another sip. "The tea tasted bland to me so I added something in a red bottle to it". "Was the bottle labeled?" Zeno asked now a little concerned. "No I couldn't read the label because it was smudged out, but it had pictures of red peppers on it". Zeno's face turned red and he began to sweat like crazy. "ITS HOT SAUCE"! Zeno screamed as he darted down stairs to the kitchen.
Zatch then went down stairs to find Zeno. He saw Zeno guzzling down a bottle of water from the fridge. "Zatch I love you and all that, but have some common sense" Zeno said as he wiped his mouth with his sleeve. "I know I'm sorry" Zatch stammered. "But that's why I want you to have this!" Zatch was holding a Barney stuffed animal and he squeezed it. "I want to be your friend" the creepy stuffed animal said happily. "Oh my god, kill it!" Zeno snatched the stuffed animal and chucked it out the window. "Man that thing made my skin crawl" Zeno said still a little freaked out. "But Grandma gave that to me for my birthday" Zatch stammered with tears in his eyes. "I'm sorry" Zeno said back and put his arm around Zatch's shoulders. "But I liked that stuffed animal!" Zatch cried. "You should ask grandma for something manly like a batman action figure or a bazooka". "What would I use a bazooka for?" Zatch screamed in anger. "Blow up Zofis's house" Zeno said with an evil grin and coughed. Zatch laughed a little and felt better.
"You want some cough syrup?" Zatch asked. "I think I should get it this time" Zeno said back. "Oh come on I can do it". Zatch walked to the garage and looked through a shelf of bottles. Zatch picked up a dusty bottle and studied it. "Whisky, it must be French for cough syrup". Zatch strolled out of the garage to the kitchen. Zeno was sitting on a chair coughing his head off. Zeno grabbed the bottle and chugged half of it before Zatch could say anything. "This is some strange cough syrup" Zeno said as he looked at the bottle. "Oh crap Zatch its whisky!" Zeno suddenly felt light headed and the room began to spin. "Isn't whisky French for cough syrup?" Zatch cried as he grabbed the bottle from the table. "Zeno why are you looking at me like that?" Zatch asked worriedly. Zeno leaped from the chair and glomped Zatch to the orange stoned floor. "Did I ever mention how cute you are?" Zeno asked with a creepy expression on his face. "Um no, can you get off me please?" Zeno got up and hiccupped and sat on the chair and dropped his head on the table like a rock. "Zeno are you ok?" Zatch asked wondering if Zeno was still alive. "As a matter of fact I'm not!" Zeno snapped as he got his head off the table. "You burned me with soup, had me drink tea with hot sauce in it, gave me a stuffed animal that scared the hell out of me and now I'm drunker than dad during new years eve!" "You know what screw that I love you". Zeno pulled Zatch into a strong hug. "Crap I got my brother drunk" Zatch shouted as he tried to get Zeno to stop hugging him. "Even worse he's a happy cute drunk!"
Zeno fell to the floor and began to laugh hysterically and rolled on the floor. Zeno stopped laughing and sat up. "You know what I don't love you because you're an idiot". Zatch looked at Zeno blankly and backed up. You can't do anything right, I mean look at me you got me drunk!" "I'm going to a real doctor" Zeno yelled as he teleported out of the kitchen. Zatch walked to the living room and collapsed on a brown leather sofa. "I screwed up big time" Zatch whimpered as he closed his eyes.
"Wake up Zatch" someone said. Zatch opened his eyes and rolled on his side facing a smiling Zeno. "I'm sorry I yelled at you like that but I was drunk by the way". "I thought you think I'm an idiot" Zatch said a little annoyed. "I didn't mean that, but I did mean the I love you part". Zatch sat up and smiled a little bit. "You should have seen yourself" Zatch said now laughing. "See that's the Zatch I know and love". Zatch suddenly grabbed Zeno's arm and pulled him onto the sofa and wrapped his arms around him. "I'm sorry too, I should have been more careful" "you know what you actually are kind of cute" Zeno said grinning. "Are you still drunk?" Zatch asked in a freaked out tone. "I'm just kidding can't you take a joke?" "After meeting Dr. Riddles I can't" Zatch said back. "Zeno laughed a little and pulled Zatch a little closer. "I'm glad I stayed home with you Zeno" Zatch said as he buried his head into Zeno's shirt. "I'm glad you stayed home too, also do we have anymore whisky?"
Me: Right Zenny-chan
Zeno: Right
Me: Goodboy! *feeds yellowtail*
This was a repost of a story already on the site I am just putting it up again so more people can enjoy it! :D!
Please don't sue me if ya do ya aint getting nothing but still it won't look too good on my colledge application now will it?
Me: I can always tell Zeno to "take care of you" if you do try to sue me or make him telliport us to another planet!
Zeno:*dust shoulders of* Darn Right!
Me: If you read my other stories im trying to update it but lets just say some complications came up...he he he *Dodges rocks being thrown* ME SORRY!
Me: *takes out zeno's spell book* Zeo Zaker! *rocks and rock throwers,are burnt to a crisp* How you like dem apples!
Zeno:*smirks* Review! *bears teeth* OR PAY! MUWHAHAHA!
End file.
| Whiskey, Hot Saice, and Other things by Super Pan-chan | Zatch Bell |
There's Something About Kiyo
Summary: A short prologue to Zatch Bell (Konjiki no Gash Bell!). Suzume's (Susie's) thoughts about Kiyo while he was tutoring her before he started skipping school. One-shot.
* * *
He had always seemed so smart. He seemed to be the envy of all his peers and his teachers, but there was something about him that made me start admiring (even started liking) him.
I know that everyone thinks that Kiyo's a jerk or that he treats everyone badly. But not me! Somehow I know that he's a good person, but is afraid to show it. I might not know what he's thinking as he shows me how to do some math problems. I might not know what he's thinking when he had said yes to tutoring me, but I believe he's a good person.
Even when he thinks that nobody cares about him, someday he'll realize that I've been there for him all along just as he's been there for me. The teasing and glaring from the other students can't change that. Sometimes I dream that he's holding me and staring at me with his intense eyes as he returns my feelings. A faint blush fills my cheeks at the thought.
"Suzume, were you paying attention?" Kiyo's serious voice breaks through my thoughts. He is looking at me expectantly. I hope I didn't make him angry. I want him to know that I appreciate his help so I start paying attention.
"Gomen. I'll start paying attention now." Kiyo returns to his textbook, explaining yet another problem. I swear, there's something about him that goes beyond his handsome boyish features. Just by looking at him, he seemed serious when he said he'll tutor me, which is what he is doing right now.
I hope that someday you'll see how much I care for you. I believe in you, Kiyo.
* * *
I got this fic idea after watching the first episode which was on Cartoon Network. When I saw that when Susie was running up to Kiyo and was thanking him for tutoring her, even though he was a jerk to her, that was when I started wondering how this ditzy girl started liking Kiyo and thus this fic was born.
I hope you enjoyed it. Constructive criticism is accepted, so that means no flames! Review!
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| There's Something About Kiyo by Bass Star Cardians Webmistress | Zatch Bell |
The Mamodo Wedding
Author's Note and Disclaimer: No I don't own it, and...I just thought this might be cute! Hehe..
"I am...King Zatch," Zatch grinned in his king costume. Kolulu giggled, "All hail King Zatch Bell!"
Kyo rolled his eyes and sighed. "They really like playing dress up..."
"But it's so cute!" Lori smiled while Susie glared at Lori with utter jealousy.
Waving a plastic pink wand around, Kolulu giggled more. "And I'm Princess Kolulu!"
Zatch shook his head. "Nu uh! I'm king and I say you're Queen!"
Lori's eyes brightened as she saw them playing, and Susie eventually did too. Kyo just yawned and read some manga.
"Then that means..." Kolulu blushed.
Zatch took Kolulu by the hand and smiled, "We're gettin' married!"
When Kyo heard this, he fell off his chair. "What...?"
Lori and Susie broke out laughing.
Brushing her hair behind an ear, Kolulu blinked. "Then...who will marry us?" (Author's Note: Everytime someone says makes me think either of Rugrats or 3 people trying to marry each other...)
"Kyo Kyo Kyo..."
Lori, Susie, and Kolulu were looking back and forth from Zatch to Kyo.
Smiling, Lori picked Kolulu up and ran off. "I'm going to dress her up!"
Susie grinned at Zatch, "You're such a flirty wirty!"
Twitching, Zatch shook his head.
Fifteen minutes later, Kolulu came back looking as if she were an angel.
"K-Kolulu...?" Zatch blushed.
She giggled and nodded. "Yeah.."
Lori smirked at Kyo, and Kyo just glared at her. "What a dreamer.."
Susie laughed and pushed Kyo off his chair. "MARRY THEM!"
With a loud THUD! on the ground, Kyo got up and stood before Zatch and Kolulu.
" you take Kolulu to be your Mamodo?"
"Kolulu, do you take Zatch to be your Mamodo?"
"I do..." she blushed lightly.
"You both are married but don't kiss since your both too youn-..." Lori tackled Kyo to the ground. "KISS!" she yelled.
Zatch went bright red, and looked at Kolulu as though asking for permission. Kolulu smiled and nodded.
As Zatch went in for the kiss, Kyo's mother yelled from downstairs, "LUNCH IS READY!"
Sweat dropping, Zatch backed away. "!" He bolted downstairs and ate away.
Kolulu stood there very confused. "Oh Zatch...I almost had you..." she sighed and went down to eat too.
Author's Note: It wasn't exactly writer's block I'm having for this story right now, I just like short and sweet things...sometimes. Hehe! But if any of you are reading this and have read and or reviewed my other Zatch Bell story, THANK YOU SO MUCH! I'm rather obsessed with this pairing as you can see, and I know nothing about this other mamodo that Zatch is said to like. Yes, I'm a newbie. But please review...and no flames please...(whimpers and gives out cookies)
End file.
| The Mamodo Wedding by Isuzu Sohma | Zatch Bell |
Zatch Bell: The Wild Out Of Boredom Story
A little drabble. Enjoy!
Everybody was at Zatch's house in Kiyo's room bored I guess
Zatch: I want to be king of the pirates!
Tia: Wrong . . .
Zatch: President?
Kolulu: No.
Zatch: King of Games
Tia and Kolulu: NO!
Zatch: Hokage?
Zatch: Oh ya! Speaking of that I need to decide who my queen will be so I pick . . .Sakura from Naruto!
Zatch: Oh well in that case, I pick you Tia
Tia: YA! In your face demon Kolulu!
Megumi:Tia! That was cruel and unusual! You go appollogize to Kolulu
Tia: Ok she leaves and comes back looking like Apollo
Megumi: T-Tia why are you dressed like Apollo?
Tia: You said to go appollogize.
Megumi: I meant tell Kolulu you are sorry.
Tia: Oh. Sorry Kolulu
Kolulu: It's ok. Seeing you like this was all I needed XD
Tia: Why I aught to
Knowing what Tia was going to do Megumi punched Tia in the stomach lightly but strong enough to put her asleep. Soon after the door bell rang with Mario from Nintendo
Mario: Pizza Delivery!
Everyone: PIZZA!
And so everybody ate pizza that night. Oh, and I managed to save some for all of you viewers out there!
End file.
| Zatch Bell: The Wild Out Of Boredom Story by Bunnys-n-PenguinsWillRuleEarth | Zatch Bell |
1. Zatch's Curiosity
**Zatch and the Chocolate Factory.**
_**Author Notes:** Sorry everyone, I haven't seen the movie 'Charlie and the chocolate factory'. So this story is going to go by the story line of the original movie 'Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory._
_And here's the cast._
_Willy Wonka- Himself_
_Charlie Bucket- Zatch_
_Augustus Gloop- Kanchome_
_Veruca Salt- Brago_
_Violet Bueregard- Kolulu_
_Mike Teevee- Tia_
_The Oompa Loompas- Other Mamodos_
_And here's the story and enjoy._
* * *
Chapter 1: Zatch's Curiosity.**
One week has passed since the end of the battle for Mamodo King. Zatch had, of course won. And now as king, he allowed his friends to come and live with their book owners as long as they want, well Brago was more like an acquaintance than a friend. And Zatch thought that he could use a little vacation for himself as well. Before he left, he trusted his friends, Yopopo, Rops, and Danny to watch over his kingdom while he was gone.
Kiyo was off to school, so Zatch was having a little bit of time for himself. It's a bit of a good thing too, because that bully Naomi, has moved away, so Zatch was safe to do what ever he wants.
Zacth was walking down the street, holding his Vulcan-300 in his hands. He was talking to it about some things until he came by a candy shop. He stopped, look up at the sign, and then peeked his head to look through the window.
He saw a group of kids playing around the candy shop, gorging themselves in candy and singing something about 'the candy man'. Zatch even heard some of the kids said that someone named Willy Wonka has just build his new factory in the same town that they were all in. He clenched his stomach with his hand, he really started to get hungry, and not by yellow tail this time, but by candy. But he didn't had any money, and Kiyo's mom forgot to pack him a lunch. He couldn't do anything except keep on walking down the side walk, thinking about yellow tail and candy.
He kept walking, and walking, and walking, until he then came across a giant gate. Beyond that, Zatch saw the new factory that this so called 'Willy Wonka' had just finished building. It was starting to get a little dark. But as Zatch was about to leave, he stopped as soon as he saw the lights on one of the factory's towers flashed out the word 'Wonka'. He turned his around again, but he was then surprised to see a man standing next to him.
"Strange place it is, huh?" the strange man spoke to Zatch. "No one ever goes in there." the man spoke again as he pointed towards the factory. Zatch turned to look at the factory again. "And no one ever comes out." the man finished his warning, then started to walk off down the sidewalk.
Zatch was shocked at what the strange man said to him. He looked back at the factory one last time, then realized that it was getting late, he packed his Vulcan-300 into the pocket on the back if his night shirt and started to run off home as fast as he could.
(It looks like a blue sleeveless night shirt to me.)
"Am I late everyone?" Zatch called out as he closed the door of Kiyo's home as soon as he opened it.
"You're only just two minutes late, that's all. But your not in trouble." Kiyo answered Zatch's question as he walked down the stairs. Zatch just sighed in relief. "In fact, we were just about to have dinner. Care to join us all mighty king of the Mamodo world." Kiyo teased as he entered the kitchen.
"Hey, that's all mighty KIND king to you mister!" Zatch responded as he followed his former book owner.
_During Dinner._
"So how long will you be staying here Zatch?" Kiyo's mom, Mrs. Takamine asked.
"I think about like three weeks or so." Zatch answered as he was gorging himself in a yellow tail meal. The kind of feast for any kind Mamodo king like Zatch Bell.
"But who'll look after your kingdom while you're here?" Kiyo asked.
"Oh, Danny, Yopopo, and Rops will look after it for me, I've put my trust in them like the rest of my friends." Zatch answered.
_One hour later._
Kiyo was in his pajamas and Zatch was in his white tank top and white boxor shorts that he wears underneath his night shirt. They were about to get ready for bed, until Zatch stopped Kiyo for a second.
"Kiyo, may I ask you something? It's something that I had today while you were at school." Zatch answered as he pulled the covers of his little bed over his body except his head, chest and arms.
"Sure Zatch, what is it?" Kiyo responded.
"Well, earlier, I was walking down the sidewalk until I came to a big gate, I looked over to see a big building. I was about to leave until I saw one of its towers started to flash a strange word called 'Wonka'. Is that some kind of a spell that we never heard of before?" Zatch asked his best friend. Kiyo just laughed at what Zatch just asked, but then he stopped to answered Zatch's question.
"No Zatch, 'Wonka' isn't a spell, it's a guy. His name is called Willy Wonka. And he's the best candy maker in the history of candy. And that big building you said is his chocolate factory." Kiyo said. "Is that all Zatch?"
"No Kiyo. You see, soon as I was about to leave, this strange creepy man was staring at me, looking up at the factory. And before he left, he said 'No body goes in, and nobody comes out'. Why would he say something like that Kiyo?" Zatch asked his next question.
"You know Zatch, I asked my dad the same question when I was about your age, and this was he said to me. You see, since Willy Wonka was known as the best candy maker in the entire world, he was a huge competition to all the other candy making companies. They all feared that he would end up putting them all out of business. So they started to send in spies to Wonka's company, disguising themselves as people who want jobs at his factory, so that they would find and steal some of Wonka's most secret recipes. There were many of those low spies, but there was one named Slugworth. Oh man Zatch, he was the worst of them all. He was as low as dirt, in fact, much lower than that. He would steal secret recipes as soon as he would see one with his own eyes. And as soon as Wonka found out about the spies in his factory, he was furious, probably more furious then us when we use our 'Bao Zakeruga' spell. So what does he do? He then fired everyone that worked for him, then he locked the gates and called in demolition team and brought his entire factory to the ground." Kiyo explained.
"What happen to him Kiyo?" Zatch asked again.
"Well, I don't know, all that everyone knows that he had disappeared ever since then. Then like as soon as we had finished the battle for Mamodo king, he had build himself a new factory here in our neighborhood. And soon just then, BOOM! The factory started working again, with brand new kinds of candy flooding out of it as fast as ever, and shipping off to candy shops all over the world. But Zatch, he still kept the gates shut, so that no one, not even Slugworth could get in. Unless they had Mamodo. Which I highly doubt since the battle is over and you're the king." Kiyo finished his explanation.
"Wow. But Kiyo, if he had fired everyone, who's helping him make al that candy? It's not like possible that he could do all that by himself." Zatch asked his last question.
"Well Zatch, I don't have the answer to that question. Because that's the question that's on everyone's minds. They don't know what's going on in that factory. Well that's all I could say. Is there any questions that you want to ask me?" Kiyo then asked.
"No thanks, I kinda have a headache now. Well, good night Kiyo." Zatch said as he then covered himself in his blanket and fell asleep.
"Good night Zatch." Kiyo said as he then turned the lights in his room off and went to sleep as well.
_**To Be Continued**... next chapter: The contest begins, and the first winner comes forth._
2. The Contest Begins & The First Winner
**Author Notes:** Reponses for my Reviewers.
_**Dbzgtfan2004 & Mars Cutie: **Thanks for the reviews, and if you could please be patient for a little more, Kolulu will appear in the third chapter._
_**Twilight Memories: **I 'll tell you who the other kids are. There's Veruca Salt, the bratty girl who wants everything for herself. And last, Mike Teevee, the guy who's obsess with T.V. and he ends up being shrunk. And I try to make good grammar, but I still sometimes make mistakes, but thanks for pointing that out for me. And how Sherry's going to fit into all this? Well if you could please be patient a little longer, you'll get your answer in the third chapter. Thank you._
_**Computerfreak101: **I know, that movie is the best. I keep begging my parents to let me go see it. But they kept saying 'no'. What do they have against that movie? And as for the song, really, are you serious woman? That has to be quiet hilarious I admit. But soon, one of my friends will invite me over to his house to watch 'Charlie and the chocolate factory', I'm so excited that I feel like I'm going to go more insane than you and Maiana had went in your review, no offense, I'm just saying. And since the battle for king is over in this story, the characters will start to be a bit different, but I'll try to keep them in character. And as for Sherry, she's the one who goes with Brago to the chocolate factory. But as for Zatch, well I'm not going to spoil the ending. So can you please patient for that long? You'll have your answer when the moment comes. Thank you._
_And I forgot to tell who takes who to the factory._
_Kiyo takes Zatch._
_Folgore takes Kanchome._
_Sherry takes Brago._
_Lori takes Kolulu._
_And last, Megumi takes Tia._
_Okay here's the second chapter._
* * *
Chapter 2: The Contest Begins and The First Winner.**
The next day was a bit boring for Zatch. Kiyo had to go to school, and he asked Zatch to stay home, because Kiyo had a big test to take. And he hadn't seen any of his friends ever since he began his vacation. He just kept walking around the park, holding his Vulcan-300 in one hand and some money in the other. Kiyo's mom gave him some money so he could buy some candy in case he gets hungry. He decided to go drown his boredom in sweets anyway.
Zatch had been walking to the candy shop for about ten minutes. He was almost around the corner until he ended up being run over by a group of other kids. He felt dizzy and sick, since most of the kids ran mostly over his empty stomach. But then a kid helped him back up.
"Sorry about that." the kid spoke to Zatch.
"What's with everybody today?" Zatch asked while he was dusting dirt off of his night shirt and he straighten out his ribbon-like bow.
"Haven't you heard about the news on T.V.? Willy Wonka is opening his factory, he's going to let people in." the boy answered.
The words made Zatch's heart skip about like three beats. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. "You serious!" he asked the kid.
"Yes. But only five could enter. He set up a contest and who ever finds the special golden tickets will win the grand prize! They are hidden inside Wonka bars! And everyone is searching for them!" the kid explained. But as soon as he finished, Zatch just speeded off to the candy shop running anime style.
_Later at the candy shop._
Kids were surrounding the counters, calling out to buy Wonka bars. But soon, there was only two Wonka bars left. Zatch only had enough to buy one. So he bought one anyway. He walked outside, but he didn't notice a familiar teenage girl had just walked into the candy shop as soon as he left.
"May I help you Miss?" the man at the cash register asked the girl.
"Yes, may I have a Wonka bar and one piece of gum please?" the teenage girl asked. The man nodded yes and got her what she wanted. She paid for the candy and then walked out, but she didn't noticed Zatch, sitting at the edge of the sidewalk, holding his Wonka bar.
Zatch began to open it. He began with the outer wrapping, then he removed the inner wrapping. He was over excited that he might get one of the five golden tickets that the kid earlier told him about. He looked everywhere inside the wrapping, but all that he found was just chocolate. His lifting spirit just fell down hill as he realized that he just bought a normal Wonka bar that didn't had a golden ticket. He was about to burst into tears, but he held it in. Being king of the Mamodo world means that Zatch had to be mature as well... sometimes.
"Where's a yellow tail fish when you need one." Zatch muttered to himself as he took a little bite out of his chocolate bar.
_Later that day._
Zatch had returned to Kiyo's house, with his empty stomach now full with both chocolate and yellow tail that he caught earlier. As he opened the door, Kiyo jumped ut of no where.
"ZATCH! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? HAVE YOU HEARD OF THE CONTEST?" Kiyo shouted at Zatch with excitement.
"Well hurry up! Follow me! On the T.V. some one found the first golden ticket! And you're not going to believe this!" Kiyo shouted as he ran into the living room, with Zatch following him.
On the T.V. on the news, the reporter was saying stuff about Willy Wonka's contest. And about the first winner to find a golden ticket. The winners were none other than... FOLGORE AND KANCHOME!
"Here in Paris, at the Eifle Tower (Sorry, I don't know how to spell it right.) We have Mr. Parco Folgore and his friend, also the first person to find a golden ticket: Kanchome. Kanchome, how does it feel to be the first person, or something, to find a golden ticket?" the reporter on T.V. asked the weird former Mamodo team.
"It feels great! I love chocolate so much that I just couldn't resist the contest! I'm so excited!" Kanchome responded as he held out a piece of golden paper in his hand.
"I want my friend here to be happy, and now he's more happier than ever." Folgore spoke next at the reporter.
"How could they get a golden ticket that fast?" Kiyo asked with a freaked out look on his face. Zatch only lifted his hands and shoulders up in way that says 'I don't know.'.
"Oh and Zatch, here I got you this." Kiyo said to Zatch as he reached into a pocket in his pants and pulled out a Wonka bar.
"Thank you Kiyo!" Zatch shouted out in happiness as he swiped it out of Kiyo's hand.
"Go on, Zatch. Open it. Lets see some of that gold." Kiyo encouraged Zatch.
"You shouldn't get his hopes all raised up son." Kiyo's mom interrupted his son.
"Come on mom. He deserves something like this. It's what every kid his age wants. Go Zatch open it." Kiyo responded.
"All right I'll open it." Zatch answered. Then he turned his attention to the Wonka bar in his hands and began to tear it open.
I... I... I..." Zatch was about to call out something.
"Yes?" both Kiyo and his mother asked out at Zatch.
"... I don't have it." Zatch said then he turned around with a disappointed look on his face. "Well, nothing." Zatch spoke again as he handed the chocolate to Kiyo.
"It's okay Zatch. Don't be hard on yourself. Someday, you'll find one. Someday." Kiyo said with comfort in his voice.
Zatch's depression quickly changed back into happiness. Kiyo offered a piece of the chocolate bar to Zatch, and he accepted it.
"Thanks Kiyo"
_**To Be Continued...**_
3. Brago and Kolulu's Tickets
**_Author Notes:_**
_**Mars Cutie: **Easy Dude Chill! Look this is the third chapter and Kolulu is in this one like I said she would, all right. Please get a hold of yourself. Even though you can't wait, you're going to have to. But waiting will pay off and you'll have what you want._
_**Twilight Memories: **Thanks for pointing out that mistake I made in the last chapter. And if I could make a suggestion, why not try to keep Brago on a leash so that he wouldn't go crazy and berserk for chocolate? And yes, Brago and Sherry are in this chapter. At last huh. And I try to put some romance in here._
_**Computerfreak101: **I would prefer your crazy, hyper, almost always on sugar high happy-go-lucky you. Alright, I believe you about the song. But I'm afraid me and my friend will have to reschedule our play date, because he's sick. But I'll see the movie soon. And yes, I'll tell you what I think of it. The thing with Kyanchome and the reporter, what can he say, Kyanchome has a duck bill for a mouth. Only a Mamodo could have something like that, Duh. And lastly, the thing with Brago and this contest, well just read this chapter. It'll answer your question._
* * *
Chapter 3: Brago and Kolulu's Tickets. **
_Inside the Bellmond Mansion._
"Please, please, please, Brago. Please." Sherry Bellmond kept begging her former Mamodo partner.
"How many times must I say this Sherry. NO!" Sherry's Mamodo, Brago, responded in an annoyed tone of voice.
"Please." Sherry begged him again, except this time, with her on her knees in front of him.
"Why is it thisso important to you?" Brago was getting really mad right about now.
"Because, I've always wanted to see Willy Wonka ever since I was a baby." Sherry answered her Mamodo's question.
"Is that it!" Brago asked in a way that he thinks that she's only doing this for herself.
"No Brago, and besides, you know how much you like chocolate." Sherry spoke again but was shut up by Brago's finger.
"You said you won't tell anyone." Brago warned his former book owner. He just shrugged and walked over to the window. "And why are you using me to do this?" he asked.
"Because. We haven't been together, you know, for us to get to know each other more. And we haven't done almost anything together. I always see you alone without me, whenever I'm doing something by myself. Brago, it breaks my heart to see you alone and all by yourself. I want us to be closer to each other. For our relationship together to be happy. I just want us to open up to each other more. I know that you're still upset about not winning the battle for king, but I just want to make it up to you. Please Brago. I want us to be closer. Please." Tears appeared in Sherry's eyes as she poured her soul into her words that had touched Brago's heart.
He felt guilty about them not being together much. He wanted her to happy as much as she wanted him to be happy. And since the battle for Mamodo king is over, he doesn't need to be always serious and focus anymore, and that he could now show emotions that he might've had back in the Mamodo world before the battle even began.
He walked over to Sherry. By the way she was on her knees, her height was now the same as Brago's when he stands. He brushed the tears out her eyes with his clawed fingers. He then wrapped his arms around her and brought her into an embracing hug.
"Okay Sherry. I'll go with you." he said in her ear. Sherry smiled and returned the hug. Brago then released her and she got back on her feet, so she was taller than he was, as always. "But if anything shall annoy or piss me off way beyond my limits, then we're leaving." he finished.
"Thank you Brago." she spoke.
"But what makes you think that we're going to find a piece golden paper within, like, the next five seconds?" Brago asked.
_Five seconds later._
"Ms. Sherry. I'm back from the candy store with your sweets." Sherry's butler, Jii, knocked on her bedroom door. Sherry answered it and took the small bag that Jii was holding out to her. Sherry began to enjoy herself with a lolly pop. She then reached into the bag and pulled out some jellybeans. She plopped a handful of jellybeans into her mouth, chewed them, and then swallowed them. She smiled happily as she patted her stomach. She really did like jellybeans, it was better than eating an alligator.
Sherry reached into the bag again and pulled out... a Wonka bar? Sherry never asked Jii to get her one. And she surely know that Brago didn't askJii for it. Or did he?
Anyways, Sherry didn't want it, so she tossed it over her shoulder. Brago saw the Wonka bar flying across the air in the bedroom, and he might be in the mood for chocolate. He leaped into the air and grabbed the Wonka bar, but ended up felling flat on his stomach on the floor. Sherry turned around to see her Mamodo.
"I'm fine." he said as he got back. But then, once Sherry turned her attention back to her candy, Brago started to tear the wrapper apart and began to devour the chocolate. When he was done, he got backto his feet and walked over to Sherry. She just giggled at him.
"What?" he asked.
"You look adorable when you have chocolate on your face." she answered. Brago put his fingers around his lips and found that he still some chocolate on lips. He quickly wiped it off with a paper towel in Sherry's personal bathroom.
As soon as he came out, he saw something shining on the floor where he left all the scraps of the wrapper of the Wonka bar. He picked it up and gasped.
"Sherry." he said.
"Yes?" she said as she turned around, to find Brago... holding a golden ticket in his hand.
_The Next Day with Zatch._
Zatch was watching T.V. back inside Kiyo's house while Kiyo was at school. He was watching the news about the contest, he already heard about that the Bellmonds have found the second ticket about an day ago.
But then thirty minutes later, the news was now talking about that the third ticket has been found. This had caught Zatch's attention as he moved closer to the T.V. screen. It showed reporters around two girls who were none ever than... LORI AND KOLULU.
"Here we are ladies and gentlemen, with the third ticket winner, Ms. Kolulu. Kolulu, how does it feel." the reporter asked the pink haired Mamodo.
"Well, it was just a normal day, my sister Lori bought me a Wonka bar and a piece of gum. I opened the chocolate bar and I just found the golden ticket. And right now I've just started to chew on the gum that Lori got me. Look Zatch I won!" Kolulu called out at the camera as she was swinging her golden ticket in out in her hand.
Zatch got excited and started dancing around like an idiot saying like 'Go Kolulu, it's your birthday and 'Get Funky.' later he was done dancing and then he turned the T.V. off. He was happy and proud of Kolulu. He had develop feelings for her, and he only hoped that she had the same feelings for him as well. Ever since he won the battle for king, he wanted to ask Kolulu if she could be his beloved queen. But he never got a chance ever since. Now he really wanted to get a golden ticket, it might his big break to tell Kolulu how he feels about her.
But then depression overtook him. He still didn't have a golden ticket, and worst, there were only two left in the whole world. He then walked into the laundry room, where Kiyo's mother was doing laundry.
"What's wrong with you Zatch?" she asked him.
"On the television, they said that someone found the third ticket. A lot of people are pretty interested in this whole contest, I know that I'm interested. But there are only two tickets left Mrs. Takamine. Just two, and pretty soon... just one." Zatch answered Kiyo's mother's question as he was about to leave the house until he heard her spoke again.
"I wonder who the lucky ones will be?" Mrs. Takamine asked.
"If you're wondering, it sure won't be me. If you're wondering, you can count me out." Zatch said with more depression. Kiyo's mother walked over to Zatch and place her hand on his head.
"Oh Zatch, there are 100 billion people in this world and only five will those golden tickets. Even if we used all of our money, you probably won't find one. And when this contest is over you won't be any differentlike the others whodidn't found those tickets." Mrs. Takamine explained to Zatch.
" But I am different Hana, I want it more than anyone else." Zatch responded to her.
"Zatch, you'll get your chance. One day things will change." Hana said as she then embraced the depressed Mamodo child.
"But when?"
"When you least expect it."
_**To Be Continued...**_
* * *
Here's my first mini story. And now here's me with Brago. _
_Brago was eating a lot chocolate bars and I was handing all of them to him._
_(I lost a bet with him. Don't make fun of me. It was that if he could dance and sing like a girl and an idiot in Sherry's old Tutu, I would give him 300 chocolate bars.)_
_Brago: Next._
_Me: Brago, that was your 217th chocolate bar already, and you still look like that you haven't put on a least one pound. No wonder you still look normal after you ate that alligator in the show._
_Brago: point._
_Me: (silence)_
_Brago: Exactly, now give the next bar._
_Me: (Shrugs and gives Brago the next chocolate bar.) Can't you just wait until I make the chapter when you stuff yourself with sweets in the chocolate room._
_Brago: Why didn't you tell._
_Me: you didn't ask me Braggie Boy._
_Brago: don't call me that._
_Me: quit being a sour puss Braggie Boy._
_Brago: I said stop!_
_Me: what are you going to do, make me?_
_Brago: exactly. (Cracks knuckles as he approaches me)_
_Me: hold it right there gravity dude. You attack me, I'll make you regret it, with this._
_(Holds out a disk and camera. I put the disk in and it shows Brago dancing and singing around in Sherry's old Tutu.)_
_Brago: you wouldn't dare. Give me that disk! Why is everyone trying to torture me!_
_Me: fine here you go. (I hand him the disk. And then he smashes it and returns to eating his chocolate bars.)_
_Me: (whispers to myself.)You want it that way, huh gravity boy. Well then let the games begin._
_(Pulls out copies of the disk out of my pockets. And I smile the same evil smile that the Grinch from 'How the Grinch stole Christmas' makes.)_
4. Hard Times
**Chapter 4: Hard Times.**
"While the rest of the world goes on searching, here in on of Japan's biggest concerts ever, we have a winner. That's right ladies and gentlemen, there's only one golden ticket left in the entire world. Because, right here, we have golden ticket winner number four: Ms. Tia and her friend, the lovely pop idol: Megumi Ooumi!" a reporter spoke on t.v. He then walked over to the winner we all know as Tia and her partner Megumi. But Tia was watching t.v., but she was too stupid to realize that she was really watching herself and Megumi on t.v. "Ms. Tia, do you think we could shut that t.v. off?" the reporter asked Tia.
"No! Are you crazy?" Tia shouted at the reporter as she was still watching herself and Megumi on t.v.
"She won't stop until the station breaks." Megumi explained.
"Tia, please, we all want to hear you, the world is waiting." the reporter begged.
"Can't you shut up? I'm busy!" Tia shouted more loudly at the reporter this time. "Boy Megumi, I can't believe we are on t.v." she said happily.
"You like to watch t.v. Tia?" another reporter asked as he pointed his microphone at Tia.
"You bet." she answered into the microphone, then she turned her attention back to the t.v. But then a strange man went up to her and began whispering something in her ear.
_Back At The Takamine House At Night._
"Hey Zatch. Wake up." Kiyo whispered over his bed at Zatch who was asleep in his little bed made next to Kiyo's bed. "Wake up Zatch." he whispered louder this time, but still no response. Kiyo thought of a way to wake up Zatch. Just like that, an idea popped inside his head. "Hey Zatch look! It's the yellow tail king!" he shouted in Zatch's ear.
"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH! The yellow tail king? Where? Where?" Zatch screamed out as he literally jumped out of his little bed. "Why'd you wake me up, Kiyo?" he whispered loudly at Kiyo.
"Shh. Come here Zatch, I got something for us." he whispered. Zatch was a bit too tired to start asking questions so he just hopped onto Kiyo's bed and faced him.
"Okay. Why'd you wake me up Kiyo." he asked. Kiyo slid his hand underneath his pillow and pulled out a Wonka bar. Zatch gasped in surprise as he saw the candy with his own eyes. "Kiyo, where'd you get that?",
"I bought with a bit of my allowance Zatch. Come on, open it up, and let's us see some of that gold." Zatch tried to reached and grabbed the chocolate bar, but he was too nervous and excited to move his arms.
"I can't do it Kiyo. I'm too nervous. You have to open it." Zatch responded as he then pushed it back to Kiyo.
"Okay. Uh, which end shall I open?" Kiyo asked his former Mamodo partner.
"There." Zatch pointed at the top end of the Wonka bar.
"I have a feeling that we're going to be lucky this time. I could just smell that ticket Zatch." Kiyo said as he tore the front wrapper off of the bar.
"Or maybe it's just the chocolate you smell." Zatch spoke.
Kiyo began to slowly remove the top part of the aluminum wrapper off, but he only went slower and slower until he completely stopped. "I, I can't do it Zatch. You do it." he said as he push the Wonka bar to Zatch, but he only pushed it back at him.
"No, no Kiyo. You can do it. I'm still too nervous to hardly do anything." Zatch explained.
"All right Zatch. Well, here goes something." responded Kiyo as he then returned to opening the wrapper. He got to the point where most of the chocolate was visible to both him and Zatch. All that was there was just chocolate. Nothing in the wrapper was gold. Both Zatch and Kiyo sighed in unison.
"You know what Kiyo? I bet those tickets make the chocolate taste terrible." Zatch spoke to his former book owner. He lowered his head so all that he could see was his lap. Kiyo look closer at him and saw a tear streamed down Zatch's face. Kiyo felt sorry for the little Mamodo. They had good times and bad times during the battle for Mamodo king. Zatch had helped out a lot for Kiyo, getting him back on track for school and he even helped him made friends.Kiyo helped Zatch's dream to become a benevolent king come true, but now Zatch has another dream.And somehow, Zatch has grown close to Kiyo, as though they were brothers. But they will only be just half-brothers.
Kiyo embraced the little Mamodo into a friendly, brotherly hug. He wiped the tear off of Zatch's face with his finger. Zatch gave a weak smile, but he returned the hug.
_The Next Day._
Zatch couldn't find any to do except go to the park while Kiyo was at school, again.
"Oh Vulcan, will I ever find one of Willy Wonka's golden tickets?" he asked his Vulcan 300 toy. He felt a great deal of depression inside him ever since he began his vacation in the human world. "Maybe I shouldn't have come here for a vacation Vulcan. I mean, I am the king of the Mamodo world now, and it's my duty to watch over my kingdom. Maybe I should just go to Kiyo and tell him that I'm going back to the Mamodo world." he got up on his feet and was about to leave until he heard a laugh coming from somewhere. That laughter was somehow familiar to him, like he heard it before. He ran pass a tree and through some bushes until he came into open view of the park. On the swings, laughing swinging with joy was the girl that he always secretly adores: Kolulu.
Maybe this was his chance to tell Kolulu how he really felt for her, and even perhaps ask her if she could be his queen. He can't let this fail. He has to tell her.
He ran over to the swings to greet the pink haired Mamodo. "Hi Kolulu." he said all cheerfully.
"Hi Zatch." she said as she jumped off the swings and ran over to him. "How are you doing as our new king." she asked.
"So far okay. But I decided to take a little vacation here in the human world. Hey and I also saw you on t.v., congratulations on finding the third ticket." he responded.
"Thanks Zatch. Have you got yourself a ticket?" she asked.
"No. But I really, really, really want one." he pouted for a bit.
"It's okay Zatch. You find one. I believe in you. If you could win the battle for king, then you find yourself a ticket. I know you can do it Zatch." she encouraged him. It made him feel all warm and fuzzy inside, like he wants to eat her all up and have her warm yummyness inside his stomach. Oh, man he just wants to have her with him forever, since she helped him discover his destiny. Kolulu reached into a pocket of her pink coat and pulled out some gum. "Want some gum?" she offered.
"Thanks." he answered as he then took the gum she offered. Kolulu pulled out some more gum and began chewing it. But at least she chews it with her mouth closed.
"You know Zatch. I always wonder what it would feel like to become gum and be blown up like a balloon." she spoke as they both chew their gum.
'She wonders?' Zatch thought to himself. Then a thought/dream bubble appeared above his head and it showed Kolulu being transformed into gum. Then he shows up and begins eating her and chewing her. Then last it shows him then blowing her up into a big bubble of living gum. Then she pops and her remains were splattered all over his body. That's when thelittle inflation fanatic within him was born.
Zatch quickly snapped back to reality. He was suppose to tell her how he feels for her, not daydreaming about her as gum. "Uh, Kolulu. May I ask you something?" he asked.
"Sure Zatch." she responded by blowing a bubble and it popped, then she placed it back in her mouth.
"I wanted to tell you this for a really long time, I wanted to tell you this ever since we first met during the battle for Mamodo king. Kolulu, I lo-"but before he could finish, Lori showed up from nowhere.
"Hi Zatch. How are you doing?" she asked.
"Oh, I'm doing fine Lori."
She nodded in agreement as she then turn her attention to Kolulu. "Come on Kolulu. My mom wants to take us shopping."
"Okay Lori. Bye Zatch." Kolulu spoke as she gave him a goodbye and a quick kiss on the cheek. Then both of them left.
Zatch just completely forgot about leaving the human world. He officially has to get a golden ticket. Or else he'll never get a chance to Kolulu how he really feels for her. He just has to get one.
_Later At Night At The Takamine House._
Both Kiyo and his mom were watching t.v. while Zatch was in the bathroom. When he was done, he zoomed back to the living room, but soon stopped by the door as soon as he heard the news about the contest.
"It's all over ladies and gentlemen! Wonka contest is all over! The fifth and final golden ticket has just been found in South America!" the news reporter spoke as he showed a photograph of a strange looking man. "Here we have an official photo of the fifth winner: Mr. Mystery Man. He was darn lucky to find the last ticket. So pretty soon, within a few days, Mr. Willy Wonka will open his factory to the winners."
"Turn it off mom." Kiyo spoke. Hana Takamine grabbed the remote and hit the off button. "Well, that's that. No more golden tickets." he said.
"It's a load of rubbish, Kiyo." his mother responded.
"Not to Zatch. The little boy has to have something in our world to hope for. But since it's all over, what does he have left to hope for now?" he explained.
"I'm worried about him Kiyo. Should we tell Zatch?"
"Not right now mom. He'll be devastated. Just let him sleep. Let him have just have one last dream." Kiyo finished.
Zatch heard the whole thing outside the family room. Tears covered his eyes, then his face. He failed to get a single piece of worthless paper. Maybe him and Kolulu are never meant to be. Maybe his victory in the battle for king was just a fluke.
(_I don't believe this. It's just that I have to right something.)_
Zatch just walked upstairs into Kiyo's room and fell asleep in his little bed, without caring to say goodnight to Kiyo or his mom.
_**To Be Continued...**_
5. Zatch's Big Break
_**Author Notes:**_
_**Mars Cutie: **I forgive you, but what do you mean by 'flamed' me? Anyways, I've decided to join your C2._
_**Twilight Memories: **I think I get the point in grammar errors already, I've, like, been getting like storm of them ever since I began my 'New Family' story. But thanks for pointing them out. I'll try to do better. I still make mistakes when I make chapters, without knowing it. And I know that Kiyo has helped Zatch a lot in the battle for king. The part in the last chapter, when I said that Kiyo had hardly helped Zatch, I was talking about the times when Zatch and Kiyo met he didn't like Zatch and he sees him as an annoying little kid. That's what I meant when I typed the line: 'He has hardly helped Zatch.'._
_**Computerfreak101: **Thanks for the review, but I think you went a bit too far with the head shaking. I'm trying to do the best I can with these grammar errors. And well anyway, I like your second chapter in your story. And I'm sorry if you feel like I accused you for getting your ideas from my story. I wasn't trying to accuse you._
* * *
Chapter 5: Zatch's Big Break.**
It was a cloudy morning the next day after the dark night that Zatch had heard about the Final Gold Ticket. His joyful, benevolent spirit has dropped down all the way that it feels like he had just lost his soul and is now a soulless shell of a child.
He left Kiyo's room in his cloths, but he didn't had time for breakfast. He only grabbed his Vulcan 300 and walked down stairs.
"Oh, Zatch. Here take this small jacket. It's very cold outside today, I you don't want to get sick, do you?" Hana called out to Zatch. He stopped as he was about to open the front door. Hana came up to him carrying a small black jacket that Kiyo use to wear when he was as young as Zatch. "By the way, Kiyo has a really short day at school today. So that means he'll be back home in a few minutes."
"Thanks Mrs. Takamine." he spoke in a quiet tone of voice. He put the jacket on and said goodbye to Hana and he was off into town.
_An hour later._
Zatch was still very down in the dumps. With all golden tickets found and he doesn't have one, he'll never get into Willy Wonka's chocolate factory. Nor will he ever have a perfect vacation, and worse, he'll never get the chance to tell Kolulu how he feels for her. Can this day get any worse?
He was still walking along the sidewalk looking down at the ground. 'Well, it's over for me. I'm such a freak who can't even tell a chick that I love her. Maybe my victory back in the Battle for The Mamodo King was probably just a fluke.' he thought over and over again in his mind. He was so down and looking at the ground so much that he doesn't know where he was going.
His head banged into a lamppost. He fell back and rubbed his head as he made a painful hissing sound. Yeah, this day had just gotten worse, or has it?
Just as soon as he got back on his feet, he looked back down and found a five dollar bill. Maybe he could give some good use to that loose money lost in the street. He picked it up, but then heard a small gurgling sound. He placed his hand on his stomach and felt it the sound coming from it. Since he didn't had breakfast, he decided to get some anyway. He turned his head around to find that he was next to the same candy store that he saw those kids singing something about 'The Candy Man' before back in the first chapter. Maybe he could get some food there.
He placed the five dollar bill in his pocket and walked inside the candy store. It wasn't crowded like it was when he saw it the first time. He saw a man on a sliding ladder, organizing some sweets on the upper shelves. "Excuse me." Zatch spoke to the man.
"Hello little boy. What can I do for you?" the man responded as he got off the ladder.
"I would like to buy a bar of chocolate please." Zatch said as he pulled out the five dollar bill.
"Sure thing. What will it be? A Slugworth Sizzler? A Wonka Scrum-diddly-umptious Bar?" the man suggested Zatch which candy bars would be best.
"Whatever's the biggest." Zatch answered.
"Try a Wonka Scrum-diddly-umptious Bar. Now that all the tickets have been found, I don't have to hide them anymore." the man said as he handed Zatch a long candy bar filled with smaller pieces of chocolate. Zatch handed the man the money he found in the street and began to scarf chocolate into his mouth.
"Hey, take it easy. You'll get a stomachache if you swallow it like that. Anyways, here's your changed kid." the man spoke as he handed Zatch his change. But Zatch looked at it carefully and found that he had enough to buy one more candy bar.
"I think I'll buy one more, for my friend Kiyo." Zatch spoke to the man.
"Sure thing, kid. Here. Try a regular Wonka Bar." the man responded as he gave Zatch a regular Wonka Bar and he gave the rest of his change to the man.
Zatch left the candy shop with the Wonka Bar in a pocket on his jacket and walked home.
But later after the first two blocks, Zatch saw a crowd of people surrounding a news paper stand. Curiosity got the better of Zatch. So he ran to the crowd to find out what the big deal is.
"Haven't you heard? That mysterious man from South America made a phony ticket." someone spoke as Zatch read the deadline on the newspaper's front page: FIFTH TICKET FRAUD!
"Then that means that there's still one golden ticket fooling around somewhere." another person responded to the first person's words.
"Can you believe the nerve of that creep? He was trying to fool the whole world." a third person spoke. Soon everyone except Zatch was talking out loud.
Zatch felt some hope returning to him. He moved himself away from the crowd and he then pulled out his Wonka Bar.
He pulled the outer wrapper off first, but he then nervous about opening the second wrapper. His blood was pumping inside his body and sweat was coming down from his head. He slowly began to open the top of the wrapper. Soon, when he reached the part when you should just spread the wrapper open, he stopped for a minute. This was getting hard for him every second. He felt like he couldn't do this. He was sweating even more. His breathing became panting. What if he didn't get the last ticket? What if he fails again? What if he's just wasting his time? This is becoming unbearable! Zatch's nervous look turned into an angry frown in like about: 1 nanosecond.
He yelled at the candy bar and just then lost himself. He gripped the wrapper with his hands tightly and just ripped it all off like he just went berserk!
He tore the wrapper and the chocolate into pieces! There was nothing that was gold, until a piece of paper floated down and landed on his head. He pulled off of him and gasped at what he was holding: THE REAL FIFTH GOLDEN TICKET!
He put on the biggest smile he could put on his face as he stared at the gold that he was holding in his hands.
But then a woman called out from the crowd that he was near. "Hey! Look Everyone! The boy has found the real last golden ticket!" the crazy woman shouted out. The crowd began running over to Zatch to look at his golden ticket. Zatch's mouth hanged open at the crowd. He shoved the ticket into a pocket in his jacket and ran off downtown as fast as he could go.
He lost the crowd as soon as he pass three blocks and entered a tunnel. He was relieved that Kiyo's house was just at the end of this tunnel, until someone came into his view and he stopped running. It showed a strange man wearing black. He was wearing a black hat on his head and black glasses on his eyes. And lastly, he had a scar on his left cheek.
"Congratulations little boy. Well done. You have found the fifth golden ticket. May I introduce myself: Arthur Slugworth. President of Slugworth Chocolates Incorporated." the man now know as Slugworth spoke. Zatch was shock when he heard the word: Slugworth. The worse of the spies that tried to steal Willy Wonka's most secret recipes.
"Now pay attention, because I'm going to make you very rich indeed. Mr. Wonka is at his new factory making a new fantastic invention: The Everlasting Gobstopper. If he succeeds, he'll ruin me. So I need you to get a hold of just one of those new treats and bring it to me so that I may find out its secret formula. Your reward will be ten thousand of these." Slugworth held up a stack on one hundred dollar bills. He walked up and placed his hands on Zatch's shoulders. "And don't forget the name: Everlasting Gobstopper." he finished. Slugworth then walked off down the end of the tunnel that Zatch entered. Zatch quickly snapped back to reality and continued running down the path to Kiyo's house.
He was as excited as a kid on Christmas morning. He reached Kiyo's house and prepared to enter. He pulled out his golden ticket and ran inside, where he found Kiyo and Hana in the living room.
"Look everyone! I've got the fifth golden ticket ! It's mine!" Zatch shouted out at them as he waved his golden ticket in the air.
"Quit joking around Zatch. There are no golden tickets left." Hana spoke to Zatch as he calmed down a bit.
"No Mrs. Takamine. I've read in the newspaper and it said that the last one was a fake. I found some money in the street, so I bought a Wonka Bar and the Golden Ticket was in it. Hear Kiyo, see for yourself!" Zatch said as he handed the ticket to Kiyo. He didn't responded to Zatch so he just read it.
_Greetings to you, the lucky founder of this Golden Ticket from Mr. Willy Wonka. Please present this ticket at the gates of my new factory on 10:00 a.m. on the first day of October, and do not be late. You may bring with you, one member of your family but no one else. And wildest dreams that you can never imagine, behold the marvelous surprises that await you!_
"Zatch, You really did it! Way da go!" Kiyo said excitedly at Zatch as he handed the ticket back to Zatch.
"Kiyo. Will you come with me to the chocolate factory?" he asked.
"Of course I will come with you, Zatch. You're my best friend. And you're like a brother to me. Of course I'll go with you. In fact, this reminds me of a song." Kiyo answered as he then turned on the radio and popped in a cd disk. Music began to play and Kiyo began to sing.
"_I never though my life could be, anything but catastrophe. Be suddenly I began to see, a bit of good luck for me. Cause I have a Golden Ticket. I've got a golden twinkle in my eye."_
"Hey, Kiyo. There's no singing, man. Why are you singing for?" Zatch interrupted Kiyo, but he kept singing for awhile and began dancin around the living room like a weird person.
"_I never dreamt that I would climb over the moon in ecstasy. But nevertheless it's there that I'm shortly about to be. Cause I've got a Golden Ticket! I've got a golden chance to make my way. And with a Golden Ticket, it's a golden day!"_
"You're going to get Rahkshi500 in trouble! And it's going to be all your fault!" Zatch shouted anime style at Kiyo to make him stop, with the anime big head, the anime anger vein thing on the head, the anime pupiless eyes, and the anime razor sharp teeth.
"Alright I'll stop. Sheesh!" Kiyo finally stopped and he turned the music off. "But we better get ready, Zatch. It says the first of October, that's tomorrow, you know." Kiyo finished.
"I'll take of that for you boys." Hana spoke as she left the room.
"We don't have much time, Zatch." Kiyo spoke again, but Zatch interrupted him.
"But Kiyo. Today, on my way back home, I ran into Mr. Slugworth."
They both stared into each other eyes in shock as Zatch explained what happen when he ran into Slugworth.
_**To Be Continued...**_
6. Today's The Day
_**Author Notes:**_
_**Computerfreak101: **I forgive you guys about using some ideas from my story into your story, just be careful next time, okay? And about putting the corrections in, my answer was in ch. 14 of 'New Family.' and you can bet any amount of money if you want in my duel, but if I lose, don't blame me. Enjoy this new chapter._
_**Mars Cutie: **Yes, I know. It is funny._
_**Twilight Memories: **Cool, you got the Zatch Bell game too. Awesome! And you can add the corrections and grammar checking if I make any mistakes. Just put in the MAJOR mistakes and not all of them, which are mostly the ones that aren't much of a big deal. But enjoy thsi new chapter._
* * *
Chapter 6: Today's The Day. **
At last, today's the day that Willy Wonka opens his chocolate factory to the five winners. A large group of people were gathered around the gates of Willy's new factory and Reporters were getting ready to interview to the world. On a giant bench in front of the gates, were the five ticket winners, waiting for the clock to strike Ten.
Sitting in the inner right side of the large bench was Tia and Megumi minding their own business, until Tia turn and saw a camera filming them.
"Hey Megumi look, we're on T.V., hi everybody at the Mamodo world! Hi Won Lei! Hi Kid! Hi Maruss! Hi Fish Face! How do I look?" Tia yelled out excitingly at the video camera. Megumi saw that Tia was going to fall off the bench so she quickly grabbed her by her dress and pulled her back down.
Lori and Kolulu were sitting in the middle next to Tia and Megumi. Kolulu was wearing her normal pink coat while Lori was wearing her normal blue skirt and long sleeved, light-blue shirt.
Kolulu wasn't eating gum because Lori told her it could be rude to chew gum in front of the gentlemen who has invented some of the best candy in the world.
On the far left side of the large bench is, you guess it, it's Brago and Sherry. Brago was still in his normal outfit, but Sherry was wearing the white version of her usual light purple dress, the same white version she wore when both she and Brago battled her friend Koko and that evil bastard Zofis, or should we say ZOPHIE.
"Remember Sherry, if I feel like I want to leave real badly, then we're leaving no matter what. Got it." Brago spoke to his former book owner.
"Of course. Whatever you say, Braggy." she responded in a bit of excitement in her. At last Sherry's dream was coming true, and she had Brago to thank.
"Don't call me that." he said calmly.
Brago turned his head to his left and came face-to-face with a video camera that was way too close to him. "Get that piece of junk out of my face." he said quickly as he pushed the camera back into the camera man, who then fell back to the ground.
Sitting in between Brago, Sherry and Lori and Kolulu was Folgore and Kyanchome. Kyanchome was snacking on a chocolate bar he had this morning, but wasn't finished with it yet. "Save some room for later, Kyanchome my buddy." Folgore said as he took the chocolate bar away from him.
Back with Brago, he was getting annoyed by that camera man again. He wouldn't leave poor Brago alone and he was getting that camera even closer to Brago. He turned his head to his left again and saw that the camera was so close that it was touching the tip of his nose. "I SAID GET THAT PIECE OF SHIT OUT OF MY FACE!" he yelled out loud as he jumped out of his seat and kicked the camera so hard that it was sent flying into outer space. Brago calmed his nerves and he sat back down next to Sherry.
And last, on the far right side, is Zatch and Kiyo, waiting usually. "Kiyo. I can't believe it, we're actually going in." Zatch spoke to Kiyo.
"And we're going to see the greatest of them all: Mr. Willy Wonka." Kiyo responded, but was interrupted by the sound of the factory's clock tower dinging when both the minute hand and the hour hand had struck 10:00.
The doors opened and a man walked out. He had curly blond hair. He wore a purple coat and was wearing an orange hat. He had cane with him, like he was broken. It was none other than Willy Wonka himself. He continued to walk down the long red carpet that led him from the factory to the gates.
It took awhile, but Willy had finally reached the gates. He was a few feet away from his destination, but his cane somehow got stuck in the ground. Willy Wonka felt like he had lost his balance, so he began to fall to the ground in a way that looks like he going to get badly hurt, but he quickly did a somersault and jumped back on his feet. The crowd of people all cheered for his little performance.
"Thank you everyone. Thank you, and welcome to my chocolate factory. Oh, and could you ten please walk over here?" Willy Wonka spoke and asked out to the ten chosen people. Everyone got up from their seats and ran over to the gate. Sherry was the second most excited of the ten, but she ran the fastest, with Brago running after her.
"Get back here, Woman!" he shouted out at Sherry to stop.
Zatch and Kiyo were in the back. Zatch was the number one, most excited of the ten chosen people, but he and Kiyo took their sweet, normal time. Zatch notice in the group of people to his left, Mr. Arthur Slugworth was giving him a thumbs up. Zatch was shocked. 'What's he doing here?' he thought to himself, but then he turn to Kiyo. "Kiyo, that was Slugworth, the man that I ran into yesterday." he whispered to Kiyo. Kiyo turned his head back at the group of people, but he saw no one who looked like Slugworth. What a mystery. They were gathered in a line outside the gate, waiting for Mr. Wonka to greet them.
"Welcome, all of you. This is going to be an exciting day. I think you're going to enjoy it. I know you will." Willy Wonka spoke with a happy smile on his face. "Now, will you please show me your golden tickets?" he finished. Brago went first and dropped his golden ticket. "May I ask what your name is, sir?" Willy Wonka asked the dark Mamodo.
There was only two reasons he answered Mr. Wonka's queston: 1. He didn't want to disappoint Sherry for an obvious reason, a reason that we all know, if you know what I mean. And 2. He might like this place, since it was called 'The Chocolate Factory', and as much as he denies it, he likes chocolate. He probably likes chocolate more than that duck freak Kyanchome will ever will. In fact, he doesn't like chocolate, he loves chocolate. In fact, he loves chocolate as much as he loves Sherry. Oops, did I just said that out loud?
"Brago, so nice to meet you here, and you look all fashion like." Willy Wonka said.
"Yeah, whatever. I've wore this thing ever since I was born." Brago responded while he point at his outfit. He then walked away for a bit and Sherry came in.
"And I'm Sherry Bellmond. I'm with Brago." she spoke a with a handshake of excitement.
"Nice to meet you Ms. Bellmond. What a good looking boy you have." Willy Wonka responded.
Sherry blushed at what she heard, Brago? Her child? WEIRD.
"Well, actually, we're just partners." she corrected him.
"Ah, of course, well could you two please just step over there please? Thank you." Willy Wonka said as both Brago and Sherry walked over to the place where he asked them to be at.
"I'm Kyanchome and this is my partner Folgore." Kyanchome asked as he handed his golden ticket to Mr. Wonka.
"Nice to meet both of you two as well." Willy wonka said as he shook both Kyanchome and Folgore's hands and the next group came.
"I'm Kolulu. It's wonderful to meet you, Mr. Wonka." Kolulu spoke as she handed him her golden ticket.
"My sweet little girl, welcome to Wonkas." Willy Wonka as he shook her little hand.
"Thank you, and this is my big sister, Lori." Kolulu finished as Lori came in and shook Mr. Wonka's hand. They joined with the others as the fourth group came in.
"I'm Tia, and this is my best friend Megumi Ooumi." Tia spoke as she handed him her golden ticket and both she and Megumi shook Willy Wonka's hands.
"Wonderful to meet you. Ms. Oounmi, what an adorable little girl you have as a friend." Mr. Wonka responded as he pointed out where for them to wait.
"Zatch Bell." Zatch spoke as he handed his golden ticket to Willy.
"Well Zatch, it's wonderful to meet you as well, and who's this gentlemen." Willy responded then asked who the kid standing next to Zatch is.
"This is my best friend Kiyo Takamine." Zatch responded.
"Wonderful. Are we ready? Set? Good. On we go now." Willy Wonka spoke as he grabbed his cane and everyone followed him into the factory as the gates were closed and locked.
_Inside The Chocolate Factory._
"Come on, everyone. We have so much time and so little to see. Wait, scratch that, reverse it." Willy Wonka spoke as the five ticket winners and the people they've chosen entered into a strange room that looks like something that you would find in a museum or something. "You all could put your coats over there if you want." he finished as everyone took their coats off and were placing them on these coat hangers that look like hands.
Kiyo was wearing a blue shirt and black sweat pants underneath his coat after he took it off. Zatch was still in his normal outfit, except he took the ribbon off of him. Tia was still in her normal dress as well. Megumi was wearing her normal dress that she wore when both she and Tia were enjoying their time with Zatch and Kiyo at the amusement park.
Kanchome and Folgore were still wearing their usual clothes. Lori was still in her blue skirt and light blue, long sleeved shirt like I said at the top of this chapter. After Kolulu took her pink coat off, all she had on her was a pink shirt andsmall jeans.Sherry was still in her white version dress like I also said at the top of this chapter. Brago still kept his furry cape on.
As soon as the ones who placed their coats on the coat hangers, they moved and clamped down on the coats, which made everyone except Brago screamed for a bit.
"Little surprises around every corner, but nothing dangerous. Trust me. Now will you all please come up here?" Willy Wonka spoke as everyone walked up except Brago. He was leaning on the wall where the coat hangers were. He shrugged and began to walk, but somehow he couldn't. He turned around to se that one of the coat hangers has grabbed his cape.
"Uh... Sherry, Help please? I'm stuck." he said to his former book owner. Sherry turned and walked up to Brago to help. She grabbed hold of his hands and began to pull, but the coat hanger had a strong grip on Brago's cape. She pulled harder and harder to free Brago, but still no dice.
"Come on, Bellmond! You could do better than that." Brago said to his former book owner. Sherry gave it all her might to pull him off the wall. Everyone else except Willy Wonka ran over to help Sherry pull Brago off the coat hanger. Together, they all throw in their strongest pull and Brago heard a small rip coming from his cape as he was finally pulled off the wall, which caused everyone to fall backwards.
Brago and Sherry blushed so red that Sherry's head looks like an apple with blond hair and Brago's skin looked like it was normal tan skin. He was on top of her. Brago quickly got off of Sherry and he helped her up.
"Anyways, everyone up here." Willy Wonka spoke as he showed all of them a giant contract. Everyone began to read it from the top to the bottom, but the writing began to become smaller as they read their way to the bottom. "Kolulu, you first." he said as Kolulu walked up to sign the contract, but Lori stopped her.
"Hold it, Kolulu don't sign anything. What's this all about?" Lori spoke to her sister/former Mamodo partner, then she turned and asked Willy Wonka.
"Just some standard Contract." Willy answered.
"Don't talk to me about contracts, Mr. Wonka. My parents know all about them, and they're for suckers." Lori responded.
"My Brago doesn't sign anything either." Sherry called out. Brago eyes widen when he heard his former book owner said what she had just said.
'Did she just called me hers?' he thought as he turned and saw the small rip in his cape.
"Then he doesn't go in. I'm sorry but they're rules of the house." Willy responded.
"Stay out of this, Sherry." Brago said with an inpatient tone of voice.
"I'm only trying to help you."
"You're the one who kept begging me to take you with me, and I said yes. But as long as we're here, we're doing this my way. Now give me that pen!" Brago responded as he snatched a pen out of Kolulu's hand and began to sign the contract.
"Nicely handled, Brago. He's a guy who knows what he's doing and where he's going." Willy spoke to Sherry. Who only rolled her eyes at Mr. Wonka. Brago finished and the other kids joined in and signed the contract too.
Willy Wonka then led everyone through the hallway until they came to a door with a turning lock. Willy grabbed the turning lock and placed in the combination. "99, 44, 100 percent pure. Now just through the other door, everyone." Willy spoke as he opened the door that led into a room filled with black and white patterns.
They all ran through, but they found themselves stuck in a cramped room. They all were screaming and were moving around like crazy for a few minutes. Brago threatened Wonka to open the door or else he'll go berserk.
"Ah, here we are!" Willy called out.
"Don't be a crazy fool, Mr. Wonka. That's the way we came in!" Lori shouted.
"Oh, this is?" Willy asked as he opened the door not to show the same hallway they walked through, but a different hallway.
"Is this a fun house or something, Mr. Wonka?" Sherry shouted as well.
"Why? Having fun?" Willy asked as he began walking down the hallway, with everyone calming down and following him again.
"Hey, the room is getting smaller." Tia said.
"No it's not, he's getting bigger." Megumi responded and pointed at Willy Wonka as they reached the end where a small door was.
"He's at it again." Kiyo said last.
"Here we are, the next room is just beyond this door." said Willy.
"You're not squeezing me through that tiny door." Folgore responded.
"Everyone, you're about to enter the nervous system of my entire factory, everything in there is eatable, edible, I mean you can eat just about anything." Willy explained before Kyanchome interrupted him.
"Let me in, I'm starving!" he called out in front of everybody.
"Now, don't lose your head, Kyanchome. We don't anybody to lose that... yet." Willy said calmly as he flipped something on the door and a miniature piano appeared on the door. "Now for the code, this is a musical lock." Willy explained as he then began playing some strange music.
"Rockmoninoff" Megumi said to the others. _(A/N: I don't know how to spell that big word.)_
"Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls. Behold: The Chocolate Room."
_**To Be Continued...**_
* * *
_Me: What? What's with all the yelling!_
_Kaiser: I'm too late!_
_Me: Too late for what?_
_Kaiser: remember when I told you that I have feelings for Maiana, and remember all those hints in the reviews that she and her hikari sent to us and in your other story?_
_Me: yes._
_Kaiser: Well I'm too late!_
_Me: too late for what?_
_Kaiser: I've just looked at Computerfreak101's profile and it says that Maiana already has Sesshomaru's as her... boyfriend!_
_Me: I'm sure that it's not all that bad._
_(But then Kaiser grabs hold of my shoulders and begins shaking me back and forth very fast.)_
_Kaiser: Don't you understand, hikari? I love Maiana! Love! L-O-V-E! I LOVE MAIANA!_
_Me: and..._
_(Then Kaiser runs away into the shadows.)_
_Me: (sighs) well, everyone. I hope you like the new chapter. And I've got to go talk to my Yami, so later._
_(I grab myself a flashlight and walks into the shadows after my yami.)_
7. The Chocolate Room
_**Author Notes:**_
_**FireStorm28: **Yes, he sort of likes to eat alligators. In episode 12 in the show, Sherry told him to go get some fish, but while he was looking for some, an alligator attacked him and Brago said "Don't you bare your teeth at me!" then he kills the alligator and brings it back. Then Sherry tells him that she wanted fish, but Brago said "It bared its fangs at me." So instead, Sherry had a little bit of the alligator while Brago ate the rest of it himself. Sherry hated its taste, but Brago seemed to like it. I even have a trading card of them eating the alligator, Sherry hates it but Brago looks like he went berserk and began biting it apart piece by piece. _
_And your joke kind of freaked me out a bit. At first I got mad, but when you said it was a joke, I got freaked out all for nothing but a joke. Please don't do that again._
_**Twilight Memories: **I already know about Zofis's lame voice sounding more retarded, but thanks for telling me anyway. And I already know that Brago's a 14 year-old child. It's just when Sherry that in the mangas, it just seemed weird that's all, I mean Sherry's like suppose to be Brago's love, not his 'mom'. I'm not really meaning this, I'm just using sarcasm or something, I just don't know what the word is. But thanks for the review and the help with the errors._
_Computerfreak101: Oh, Gees. But yay! My Yami has found love in your Yami's arms. That's so sweet, in both the cute way and the awesome cool way. And also, back in 'New Family's' new chapter, I already have two victories and Zophie doesn't have a single one._
_Kaiser: That's right! My Hikari: 2. And Zofis: Zippety Doo Dah!_
_And I had fixed the mistake in the last chapter._
* * *
Chapter 7: The Chocolate Room. **
"Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls. Behold: The Chocolate Room."
Willy Wonka announced as he opened the tiny door, which turned out that the whole wall that the tiny door was connected to was actually the 'real door'. A flash of light shined out and everyone covered their eyes.
But soon, the bright light disappeared and The Chocolate Room was revealed. It made everyone's jaws drop, except Brago, who only widened his eyes.
The whole Chocolate Room looked like something from a dream, it was a wonderland of sweets. Everywhere you look, there was candy everywhere. It was a dream come true for any candy lover.
"Ooooohhhhhh!" spoke Zatch.
"Awwwwwww!" spoke Kolulu.
"Wowy!" spoke Tia.
"Unbelievable!" spoke Kyanchome.
"Sweet!" spoke Brago.
"Hold your breath, and count to three." spoke Willy Wonka.
"Are you crazy! I'm not going to count! I'm going to eat!" Zatch shouted as he began to run into the candy, sugary, sweet wonderland, but Kiyo stopped him.
"Zatch! You can't just run in there and eat whatever you want." Kiyo called out to him which made him stopped running.
"He's fine, as long as he behaves himself." Willy said to Kiyo.
"You see, Kiyo. When it comes to me and sweets, I eat now and talk later. See ya, suckers!" Zatch yelled out in excitement as he turned and ran into the candy wonderland to eat whatever he could find.
Tia seemed a bit upset because Zatch got to go in without the rest of the group. "Zatch! Ah, he'll do anything to fill his belly." she huffed. And that's when Brago lost it.
"Some people have no self control." Brago spoke and everyone turned their attention to him. And as quick as an eye blink, Brago sprinted off into the candy wonderland as well. "You better save some for me, Zatch!" He called out as he disappeared into the forest of candy.
Sherry shrugged as she said to herself"Brago, first alligator and now chocolate. What will ever satisfy you?"
"Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, now I remember. Hold your breath and count to three." he then began to sing his song of 'Pure Imagination'. I'm not going to type the song down, so pretend he's singing the song in your head while your reading this chapter.
He led them down the small stairs and as soon as they reached the bottom, he turned to face them and bowed down in a welcoming way that says 'go ahead, dig in.'
Everyone began running off all over the entire place, except Kiyo and Sherry, who went looking for Zatch and Brago.
Willy Wonka poked his cane into a mushroom and used it as an umbrella and continued walking down the bricked roads as he continued to sing his song. He spotted Tia, trying to jump and reach the bubble gum balls in a rainbow colored tree. As Willy walked by Tia, he tapped his cane against the tree and a lot of bubble gum balls fell out and Tia grabbed a lot and shoved them into her mouth.
_With Kiyo and Zatch._
Kiyo found Zatch, jumping up and down, trying to grab the giant candy canes from the vines growing on the statues in the Chocolate room. "Zatch, don't go running off again, you hear me?" Kiyo snapped at Zatch.
"Okay Kiyo." Zatch said happily as he continue to grab the candy canes, but no luck. Kiyo smiled and got two candy canes for both him and Zatch. They both smiled and both digged into the candy canes, until something caught Zatch's eye.
"Could it be? It is. CHOCOLATE YELLOWTAIL!" Zatch yelled out all happily as he charged at the chocolate that look like fish and he then began to devour them.
_Back With Willy Wonka._
Willy tapped his cane against another tree that had giant gummy bears growing on it. Kolulu grabbed one and began to chomp on it. It tasted like orange. She smiled as its goodness went through her mouth and down into her stomach.
Kyanchome was eating candy flavored fruit while Folgore and Lori were eating some elastic chewing candy. And lastly Megumi was licking some whip cream she found on a giant mushroom.
_Somewhere else in the Chocolate Room._
"Where are you, chocolate? You can't hide from me forever." Brago said quietly as he walked down the bricked road. He hadn't found anything to eat, yet. Because all that he wanted to eat was chocolate.
He couldn't find it, but he somehow picked up its scent. He followed it until it led him to a couple of bushes. He swept it aside and found something that made him mouth watered: A Giant Chocolate Alligator.
He licked the drool off of his lips and literally jumped onto the giant chocolate alligator and began eating it anime shark style.
What can I say? We all know he loves chocolate.
"Brago? Where are you?" he heard Sherry calling out for him. He raised his hand up over the top of the bushes he was in so that Sherry would find him more easily.
"Oh, I found. What are you eating?" she ask as she pass the bushes and sits next to him. He turned around to reveal some chocolate on his face. Sherry giggled at the view.
"What's so funny?" Brago asked.
"First you like alligators and now you like chocolate alligators. Is there anything that will satisfy you?" Sherry answered with another giggle. Brago just let out a burp and went back to eating the chocolate alligator.
_Back with Willy Wonka._
He saw everyone eating their happiness in sweets. 'They all look all very happy.' he thought as he sat down and picked up a small cup-shaped flower. He drank from it until it was empty.
"Here you'll be free, if you truly wish... to be." he spoke the last sentence in his song.
He looked inside the cup and then took a big bite out of the cup-shaped flower.
_**To Be Continued...** Next Chapter: The Chocolate river. Kyanchome falls in and Brago's gonna get that WEIRD funny look on his face again. That's not good._
* * *
And I've updated my profile again, and Kaiser's now wearing new clothes for now on. _
_(Somehwere in a dark castle.)_
_Kagura: (looking into Kana'a mirror.) So Maiana has found new love in the arms of this 'Kaiser'. Well it'll be fun to tear them apart. Wouldn't you agree, Sesshomaru?_
_Sesshomaru: Whatever._
_(And now with me and my friends, Kaiser and Zero.)_
_Me: Hi everyone. OW! Sorry, it's just that after Halloween night, Me and Kaiser got major stomachaches from eating too many sweets. Now excuse me while I go and throw up for the fifth time this week._
_Kaiser: (While clenching his stomach.) I think I'm gonna throw up._
_Zero: She's purty, guys._
_Kaiser: who?_
_Zero: Salaya._
_Kaiser. Oh, and I think you mean 'pretty'._
_Zero: That's what I said._
_Kaiser: (shrugs and rolls his eyes.)_
_Zero: And hi Camille. I didn't know that you were a.. a.. ACHOO!... a cat demon._
_Kaiser: (Groans while clenching his stomach even harder.) Now I am gonna throw up._
_Zero: ACHOO! ACHOO! ACHOO! (Sniffs) Sorry Camille. I have nothing against you, but I'm sort of allergic to cats and cat demons. Because they give me...a...a...a... **ACHOOOOOOO!**_
_(As soon as he made that huge sneeze, two black cat ears pop on top of his head.)_
_Zero: (Sniff) they give me cat ears. But we can still be friends, right?_
_Kaiser: God bless you._
_Zero: thanks. (then he gets himself a tissue)_
_Me: Man, that sure didn't came out right. I hate throwing up._
_Kaiser: Man, it's good to be in love again with the woman of my dreams._
_Me: (Stares at Kaiser in a weird way.)_
_Kaiser: What?_
_(But then Kaiser stars to shrink in size and age.)_
_Me: What the hell!_
_Zero: What? What happen?_
_( I dig in Kaiser's clothes to end up picking up Kaiser... as a baby.)_
_Zero: Woah!_
_Baby Kaiser: Goo, Goo, Gah, Gee_
_Me: Well, at least it couldn't get any worse._
_(Then I smell something aweful.)_
_Me: Okay, something stinks here._
_Zero: Wasn't me._
_(Then I found out that Kaiser went number 1 & 2 in a diaper that he somehow got after he was transform into a baby.)_
_Me: well, I always wanted kids when I get older. Better get this over with._
_(I then take Kaiser somewhere to change him)_
_Baby Kaiser: (Trying to reach Maiana.) Mia... Maia... Maiana._
_Me: Okay, I don't know how you could speak like that at the age you are in._
_Zero: (Turns and looks at Salaya and then points his pointing finger at her) You're Hot._
8. The Chocolate River
_**Author Notes:**_
_**Computerfreak101: **Cool! You all like chocolate too! No wonder you're all high on sugar. And yes, Maiana, Kagura is behind this whole thing of turning Kaiser into an infant. But I'm going to solve this as fast as I can. Oh, and about making those two Mamodo teams on my new upgraded version of my Zatch Bell video game, of course I'll make them for you. You're one of my best friends. But I'll tell you the rest of that on the bottom of this chapter._
_**Twilight Memories: **I know. It is the cold truth. I'm with you on the whole thing of taking over the show and make all about Brago and Sherry, since that's what you were into a while ago, unless you still are into that idea of yours, or was it Cf101's idea, I don't who's idea it was, but I'm in with you girls. And yes I do watch One Piece, and if you want to know what I like to watch, check my profile and you'll find out._
_**FireStorm28: **I forgive you, just don't do it again. But it wasn't very nice of you and Nikki Nei to say that Tiko and Ember are the only fire Mamodos in all Zatch Bell fics. Because if you would've read my story 'The Mega-Mamodo' then you would've realized that Hiita, one of my characters in 'The Mega-Mamodo' is a fire Mamodo as well. So I suggest that I should take out the part you said in your profile about Tiko and Ember being the only fire Mamodos in all Zatch Bell fics._
_But here's the new chapter. Enjoy._
* * *
Chapter 8: The Chocolate River. **
Zatch and Kolulu were talking to each other in a small place in the Chocolate room. Zatch was lying his head on Kolulu's lap as she was rubbing his stomach.
"So how did you get the last golden ticket?" Kolulu asked.
"Well it happened yesterday, Kolulu. I just found some money lying around in the street, so I took it and bought myself a Wonka bar and the ticket was in it." Zatch explained.
"Wow, that's amazing, Zatch." Kolulu said as her hand found a ticklish spot on Zatch's stomach.
"Woah! Easy, Kolulu. I'm ticklish in that spot." Zatch said as he clamped his hands on his ticklish spot.
"Oh, you are?" Kolulu said and smiled evilly. Zatch didn't liked that look. He quickly got off of Kolulu's lap, but she then tackled him and she began to tickle Zatch all over his stomach.
"Stop Kolulu! HA, HA, HA, HA! Stop!" Zatch yelled out, but Kolulu continued to tickle him. But then Zatch quickly flipped Kolulu over onto her back and Zatch jumped on her and began to tickle her stomach as well.
They both were tickling each other for minutes, until they ran out of breath and they collapsed on each other. They were now breathing deeply and heavily. But soon, their breathing returned to normal.
Zatch got off of Kolulu and helped her up. "Um, Kolulu? I wanted to tell you something. Something that I wanted to say for a while. Kolulu, I lo-"
"Hey, Kolulu! Come over here and check this out!" Lori called out.
"Okay, I'm coming. Sorry Zatch, but I'm sure that we can talk about this later, okay?" Kolulu asked and Zatch nodded. She then ran off to where Lori was. But as soon as she was out of his sight, Zatch then aggressively kicked a statue.
_(A/N: Damn Lori for always interrupting Zatch!)_
"What a dirty, disgusting river." Folgore said as he was nibbling on some peppermint candy.
"It's polluted, Mr. Wonka." Sherry spoke next as she and Brago came into view. Brago had finished most of the chocolate alligator, so all that was left was a handful of it.
"Well actually, chocolate." Willy corrected them.
"That's chocolate!" everyone except Brago called out.
"A chocolate river." Kolulu spoke.
"Yes. And there's my chocolate waterfall. No other candy factory in the world makes it chocolate by waterfall." Willy explained as he then whispered this into Sherry's ear "It helps if you want it just right."
"Kiyo, look over there, across the river!" Zatch called out and pointed over to the other side of the river.
On the other side of the river, pouring sugar into the chocolate river, were small creatures that were almost the same as... Zatch, Brago, Kolulu, Tia, and Kanchome.
"Holy Crap! Those are Mamodos!" Kiyo shouted out in surprise.
"How did you know about the Mamodo world!" Megumi turned and asked Mr. Wonka.
"Oh, I know a lot about it. It was such a terrible world, with all the evil monsters that attack them. The poor little Mamodos were powerless to do anything about it, so they end up being gobbled by these monsters. So I said to them 'Come and live with me in peace and safety. Away from all the Were Doodles and Snoz Wranglers, and rotten Vermicious Knids.'" Willy Wonka explained.
"Snoz Wranglers? Vermicious Knids? What kind of Bullshit is that!" Brago snapped at Wonka as he plopped a small piece of what's left of the chocolate alligator into his mouth. There's no such things as what kind of bullshit of what this crazy man in a stupid hat just said.
"I'm sorry but all questions must be submitted in writing. So I transported some of the Mamodos who want to start a new life here on earth to my factory." Wonka finished.
Brago had heard enough about this shit of lies about the Mamodo world. He wants out of this place. Now.
"Sherry. May we leave now? I tired of listening to this crazy person's lies." Brago asked as he crossed his arms over his chest.
"Oh, but Brago. I've been getting use to this place. I want to stay longer." Sherry groaned.
"No Sherry. I want to get out of here now!" Now Brago was starting to get impatient, but he was then interrupted by Tia, who somehow got in his face.
"CAN IT, YOU KNIT!" she yelled in his face.
"GET THE HELL OUT OF MY FACE!" Brago yelled back and he shoved Tia off of himself and he walked over to the river to calm himself down.
"What do you think they're doing, Kiyo?" Zatch asked as he pointed at the other Mamodos on the other side of the river.
"Looks like they're adding sugar to the chocolate or something." Kiyo answered.
"Hey Kiyo? What's Brago doing?" Zatch asked again as he pointed at Brago. Kiyo and Zatch walked over to Brago, who was staring at the chocolate river.
"Brago? Are you okay?" Kiyo asked.
Brago didn't answer. He just stared at the river of sweet goodness. His mouth was beginning to mouth watered. Then his eyes were beginning to twitch and his head was also beginning to twitch.
"Uh oh. Sherry? Brago's getting that weird twitching look again!" Kiyo called out to Brago's former book owner.
"Maybe Brago should eat more vegetables, huh Kiyo?" Zatch suggested to Kiyo. "Yoohoo? Brago? Wakey, wakey." Zatch said to Brago as he began to gently bonk his fist against Brago's head. Then Brago froze for a bit.
"Me... want... CHOCOLATE!" Brago shouted out in excitement and he leaped into the air and was going to land in the chocolate river.
But he suddenly stopped in midair when his hands was about a centimeter away from the river of chocolatey goodness. He tried to stretch his fingers closer, but no luck.
"Chocolate?" he asked in a childish voice. He turned around to see... Sherry with her arms around his waist.
"What are you doing?" she asked as she struggle to keep Brago in her arms.
"Me getting chocolate. Me want chocolate. Me want chocolate. Me like it. Me can't resist it. Life is pointless without chocolate." Brago responded in a childish hypnotized voice.
"Guys, Help me!" Sherry called out to everyone else to help her. They all grabbed hold of Sherry and they all together pulled Brago back on the solid ground.
"Zatch quick! Knock him out!" Kiyo yelled and Zatch nodded.
"Say night, night!" Zatch yelled at Brago and he threw a punch that hit Brago in the spot where people would usually hit to knock people out.
_A Few Minutes Later._
"What happened?" Brago asked as he regained conscious. He found himself laying on Sherry's lap. He sat up and asked his former book owner again. "What happened?"
"You went insane over chocolate and you almost jumped into the chocolate river."
"Hey Kiyo! Look at Kanchome!" They heard Zatch yelled out and everyone was looking at Kanchome drinking from the chocolate river with his bare hands.
"Don't worry, Zatch. He can't drink it all." Kiyo responded.
"Kanchome. Save some room for later, buddy." Folgore said to Kanchome, but his Mamodo wouldn't listen.
"Um, Kanchome, please, don't do that, my chocolate must never be touched by bare hands. You're contaminating my entire river. Please! I beg you, Kanchome!" Willy Wonka begged Kanchome to stop but he ended up accidently knocking him into the chocolate river.
"No! My chocolate! My beautiful Chocolate!" Wonka whined out loud.
"Don't just stand there, help my buddy!" Folgore snapped at Willy.
"Help. Police. Murder." Willy spoke out in a way that didn't make sense at all.
"He can't swim!" Folgore yelled at Wonka.
"Well, there's no better time to learn. Just watch the pipe." Willy responded.
Everyone all gasped as they saw Kanchome being sucked into a pipe and going up until he was stuck.
"He's stuck!" Tia called out.
"He'll be squished!" Lori spoke next.
"Don't worry everyone, pressure is being build up behind him." Willy responded.
"Will he be stuck, Kiyo?" Zatch asked.
"Of course not, Zatch. Remember on T.V. when you always wonder how a bullet comes out of a gun. Watch." Kiyo answered.
Then suddenly in a second, Kyanchome was shot straight up through the pipe to who knows where.
"AH! He's going to be turned into marshmallows any minute!" Folgore screamed out.
"Well actually, that pipe doesn't go to the marshmallow room, it goes to the fudge room." Willy corrected. Folgore was now pissed off.
"You terrible person! If my buddy gets boiled, I'll break you for this, Wonka!" Folgore yelled at Willy, who then pulled out a strange little flute and blew into it. It made a funny sound and a Mamodo showed up within a second.
"Take Mr. Folgore to the fudge room, but look sharp, or else his little buddy will be dumped into the boiler." Willy warned the Mamodo as he took Folgore's hand and led him down a path taht leads to the fudge room.
"You're going to boil him! I know it!" Folgore yelled out at Willy.
"Don't worry, Mr. Folgore. Across the valley lies a promised land. Goodbye, Mr. Folgore. Gesundheit. Farewell." Willy said goodbye to Folgore as they disappeared through a door.
"Mr. Wonka? Kanchome won't really be boiled, right?" Zatch asked as he tugged on Willy Wonka's sleeves.
"Don't worry , Zatch. My personal servant will take care of little Kanchome. In fact, I'll call him right now. Oh, Zophie!" Willy called out.
"Zophie?" everyone asked in unison in shock and surprise.
"WHAT!" a familiar voice shouted out.
Then coming out of a tunnel on the other side of the river was... ZOFIS, wearing a girlish apron that says 'kiss the evil man lady!' and was wearing new lipstick on his lips for who knows what.
Everyone, including Brago, but except Willy Wonka, was all pointing fingers out at Zofis with their mouths wide open.
"What do you want now, Wonka?" Zofis shouted out from across the chocolate river.
"Could you shut off the boiler in the fudge room, Zophie." Willy asked.
"You can shut it off yourself and shove it up your-" Zophie yelled but was then interrupted by everyone, except Willy, literally laughing their heads off at Zofis's stupid embarrassing look.
"What are they doing here?" Zofis yelled out.
"Why they won the contest and all found the golden tickets." Willy explained.
"But I thought-" Zofis spoke, but interrupted by everyone laughing at him again.
"You see, I-" More laughter.
"There's no way I-" More, more laughter.
"I don't want-" More, more, more laughter.
"Stop laughing at me!" EVEN MORE, MORE, MORE LAUGHTER!
"AHHHHHHHHH!" Zofis screamed out in both anger and embarrassment and so he ran back into the tunnel he came out of. Soon all of the other Mamodos on the other side of the river with Zofis also left with him.
_**To Be Continued...**_
* * *
_Zero: To hell with the facts, Camille. It can work out! And Salaya, if you're really rejecting my love for you, then fine! Just let me go take my anger of being rejected out on a steel wall!_
_(Zero runs off to find a steel wall where he could take his anger of being rejected out on.)_
_Me: I knew that Kagura is behind all of this. Now it's time to fix this mess. (I grab Zero's spell book and run off to find him.)_
_(I then find Zero, who just destroyed a steel wall with his bare hands and is now banging his head on what is left of it.)_
_Me: Zero, let's go find Kagura and stop this mess so we could get Kaiser back to normal._
_Zero: Finally some action where I can kick someone's ass!_
_Me: but there's one last thing that I need to take care of before we go._
_( I then walk up to Cf101, Maiana, Salaya, and Camille, caring Baby Kaiser in my arms. He has his cloths on that somehow shrunk with him when he was turned into an infant.)_
_Me: Maiana, I know that you hate to do this, but..._
_(I then put Kaiser into Maiana's arms.)_
_Me: You're gonna have to take care of Kaiser while me and Zero go take on Kagura. I know what you're going to say, but just listen to me. It's too dangerous to bring Kaiser with me in the way he's in right now. But Cf101 said that when you care about someone, you'll do anything for them. So please, don't do this for me. Do it for Kaiser, your true love. Right now, even though he's my yami, he's you the most right now. So please take care of him while me and Zero go take care of Kagura._
_(I then look down at Kaiser.)_
_Me: Kaiser, be good for Maiana, and don't go in your pants. Understood?_
_Baby Kaiser: Ba Ba ( he then makes a raspberry with his tongue.)_
_Me: I'll take that as a big yes. Let's go, Zero!_
_Zero: Oh Yeah!_
_(Me and Zero run off to find Kagura.)_
_(And Baby Kaiser falls asleep in Maiana's arms.)_
9. Wonka Tania
_**Author Notes:**_
_**Nikki Nei: **Always forgiven. And I've updated on my 'Mega-Mamodo' story._
_**Mars Cutie: **I agree._
_**Computerfreak101: **(Check the bottom of this chapter.)_
_**Twilight Memories: **Well actually, the monster stuff that was in the Mamodo world that Willy Wonka was all a big fat lie, because Brago called it 'bullshit' because he knew a lot about the Mamodo World. And please don't order me what to do with my story. I've already planned for them to kiss far before I ever published this story. But it's a few chapters away. Enjoy the new chapter and don't tell me what to do with my story._
* * *
Chapter 9: Wonkatania. **
As soon as the WEIRD Zofis freak that was in an apron was gone with the other Mamodos that were working for Willy Wonka, the winners and their former book owners all turned to face Willy Wonka.
"Hey, what kind of place are you running here, Mr. Wonka?" Lori asked as she then picked up Kolulu.
But then Willy started to speak in french, in a way that no one except Megumi understands. But then at the end of his babbling, he began to speak English again. "Ladies and Gentleman, Boys and Girls, I give you: Wonkatania."
_(A/N: the reason I typed down gentleman instead of gentlemen is because that Kiyo's the only 'guy' left with the people who are with the winners.)_
Out of a tunnel in the chocolate river, came a small faerie-like boat. It was white and blue all over. But the only parts that are red is the seats and the water mill thing at the stern of the boat. It was driven by one of the Mamodos who work for Wonka and there were two others turning the mill on the stern.
"Wow! Will you look at that?" Zatch said in excitement.
"Yeah Zatch. It looks good enough to eat." Kiyo answered Zatch.
"Fine fancy boat you got there, Mr. Wonka." Sherry said to Willy and he nodded in response.
"Are you sure you know where you're going with this?" Megumi asked.
"All I ask is for a gentle breeze to sail our ship to safety. All aboard, everybody!" Willy spoke out in a cheerful tone of voice.
"Ladies first, and that means both me and Megumi!" Tia shouted out as she jumped into the boat.
"If she's a lady, then I'm a Vermicious Knid." Brago joked as he whispered it to Sherry, who giggled at the comment.
Zatch and Kiyo had already gotten on as soon as Brago sat in the back seat with Sherry sitting next to him.
"Are you sure that this thing will float?" Megumi asked.
"Don't worry about a thing, Mrs. Ooumi. I take good care of my guests." Willy answered as he led Megumi onto the boat.
"Yeah, you took real good care of that duck kid over there." Lori responded as she and Kolulu got on aboard.
"Are we all on board. Good. On we go, captain." Willy called out as he got on board and the Mamodo at the wheel range a bell and the Mamodos in the back began to turn the mill, which made the boat begin to move.
"Wow Megumi, I wish I had a boat like this. A really cool looking one." Tia said in excitement.
Brago heard Tia babbled a bunch of nonsense and told Sherry another comment. "What she really wants is a good kick in the ass."
"I think I'm going to be sick." Megumi spoke.
"Here, eat this." Willy said as he handed Megumi some strange candy.
"What is this?"
"Just suck on it and you can spit in different colors." Willy answered.
"Spitting's a dirty habit." Tia said as she picked her nose.
"I know a worse one." Willy responded. He then turned his attention to Kolulu, who was sitting next to Zatch, chewing on a gum ball that she found. She then blew a bubble and it popped. Willy then give a little shiver to himself as he watched Kolulu blew and popped another bubble. So he said "Chewing is so gross, chewing gum I hate the most."
_(A/N: That's like the only line I know from 'Charlie and The Chocolate Factory', because I keep hearing it on the commercials.)_
"What business are you in, Bellmond?" Lori asked Sherry.
"None of your business." Sherry responded.
The boat kept moving down the path of the chocolate river, until it came up to a dark tunnel.
"Hey where are we going?" Zatch called out.
"I don't know, but I don't like the look of that tunnel. Hey, Mr. Wonka, I want off!" Lori shouted at Willy, who only ignored her.
"Around the world and home again. That's the sailor's way." Willy said as the boat entered the dark tunnel.
Everything in the tunnel was pitch-dark, but they had the feeling that they were moving faster and faster. Soon, colors appeared and were swirling around very fast, like they were all going through a wormhole. Soon pictures appeared of horrible things happening.
As one picture showed up, Kolulu jumped into Zatch's arms. But then later, another picture showed up and it made Zatch jump into Kolulu's arms. And then another one, but this one made both Zatch and Kolulu jump into each other's arms at the same time, with both of them screaming in fear.
"What is this? A freak out?" Tia shouted out loud.
Everyone was shouting out at Wonka to stop whatever is happening. But in the back seat, as much as he hates to admit it, something is going to happen that we all might enjoy.
"There's no earthly way of knowing, which direction we are going, there's no knowing where we're rowing, or which way the river's flowing. Is it raining? Is it snowing? Is a hurricane a' blowing? Wait, not a speck of light is showing so the danger must be growing. Are the fires of hell a' glowing? Is the grisly reaper mowing? Yes! The danger must growing, for the reapers keep on rowing, and they're not showing any signs that they are slowing!" Willy Wonka shouted out along with a maniacally laugh.
"Mr. Wonka, this has gone far enough!" everyone yelled at Wonka.
"Right then. Stop the boat!" Wonka said to the Mamodo driving the boat. Then within the blink of an eye, everything went dark again.
A light flickered on and it showed that the boat was parked next to the shore that led to a door.
"Where are we, you ask? Well it's a small step for mankind, but a giant step for us. All ashore." Willy announced and then everyone got off the boat as fast as possible.
But Sherry somehow couldn't get up. She looked down to find... Brago curled up into a ball on her lap with his arms around her body, whimpering in fear.
"Brago, I'm sure that it wasn't that bad." she said.
"No, Sherry. To me, it was bad. Cause... I heard that song before." Brago spoke quietly to her. That song that Willy Wonka just sang when they were still in the tunnel was the same song that Brago heard a long time ago. He still gets flashbacks of it. " I heard it before, when I was young, when my parents died." Brago decided to tell his former book owner the story.
_Flash Back._
_Brago wasn't always the way he is. When he was just a little child, when he was just 6-years old. He used to show a lot of emotions: humor, sadness, love, many others, but most of all: happiness._
_But one dark night, a night that he'll never forget._
_Brago's parents were fighting against another group of Mamodos. His parents never stood a chance at all. They were murdered by the parents of the last Mamodo that he ever wanted to see. The parents looked like cross between clowns and dolls._
"_You're all that's left. You're all alone with no one to take away the pain that has been placed in your heart, little Brago." the evil mother spoke._
"_You're parents were weak, just like you'll be in the future when the time comes." the evil father spoke. Little Brago only shivered and coward more before the darkness of this evil Mamodo family._
"_And now it's your turn to finish this orphan off, Zofis." the father finished. Holding the mother's hand was the evil offspring that was the same age that Brago was. The offspring released his grip from his mother's hand and walked over to Brago. Brago backed away from the other child until he was backed into a tree trunk. Th evil offspring leaned itself downwards until Brago had no choice but to look into the child's red-yellow eyes._
"_The pain will never die, Brago. And it will only get worse when the time comes." the evil offspring spoke._
"_What do you mean?" Brago's 6-year old voice sounded so weak and frightened._
"_992 years have passed since King Goren won the thrown as our king. Within 8 years, the battle for Mamodo king will begin again. And I determine to win. And if you're chosen to be part of the fighting, I'll be overjoyed to wipe you out. Remember, Brago. Only 8 years left until the battle begins again." the evil offspring explained as he sang that same song that Brago heard Wonka sang before he had this flashback._
_The child pressed his hand against Brago's forehead as he continued to sing that evil song. Brago just let out a painful scream as a vision of the future came into his mind. The vision was the future within 8 years when the battle begins again. And then it showed what it appeared to be a desert on another world. And then the vision showed Brago a 14 year-old version of himself with a blond hair girl with blue eyes fighting against what it appeared to be a 14 year-old version of the evil offspring with a brown hair girl with purple eyes. But the vision never showed who had won that fight. Then the vision went blank as Brago's eyesight returned to normal._
_The evil offspring had finished singing that evil song and spoke again to Brago. "That was a vision of the future, where you and I will fight to the death. And don't worry, I'll win for sure and put you out of your misery for good." the evil offspring finished as he went back to his parents and they disappeared into the darkness of the forest they were in._
_And ever since that night. Brago never felt emotions except for anger and impatience. He feared that feeling the emotions he felt before his parent's deaths will only bring him more pain. And he pledge to himself and on his parent's graves that he won't let that evil son of a bitch win the fight. And so forth through 8 years straight, Brago had been training himself to control his powers. That's why he wants to become king of the Mamodo world so badly, so that he can avenge his parents deaths and make sure that the evil offspring won't win._
_End Flash Back._
_(A/N: That's my theory about Brago's life in the Mamodo world when he was young.)_
Brago had finished telling Sherry about what happened to him. That song always gives him that nightmarish flash back. Sherry had never felt so helpless after what Brago had told her.
"Ms. Bellmond? We need to get moving." Willy called out.
"We'll be there in a few minutes." Sherry responded and then looked down at Brago. She wrapped her arms around him and brought him closer to her.
Brago's whimpering had been reduced to slow breathing as Sherry sunken her face into his blue-black hair and began to rock _( I forgot how to spell it._) herself back forth with Brago in her arms, like a mother comforting her child.
_Five Minutes Later._
Brago was able to regain control of himself and so he got off of Sherry.
"Will you be alright for now on?" she asked. Brago didn't felt like answering with words so he nodded instead.
Both of them got out of the boat and then joined the others. Zatch and Kiyo were reading all kinds of creams that a sign showed, but the one cream that caught them by surprised was 'hair cream'. Willy Wonka then inserted a key into the lock of the door and began to speak in German. When he was done, he told everyone not to touch, taste, or tell.
"So now that we all have that cleared up with, let's all go into: The Inventing Room."
_**To Be Continued...**_
* * *
Me: well here we are. _
_Zero: alright then. I want to go in and kick some ass._
_(Both me and Zero barged into the castle.)_
_Kagura: well we've been expecting you two to arrive._
_Me: okay Kagura. I'm only giving you a fair warning. Change Kaiser back to normal, or else we're gonna have to make you do it the painful way._
_Sesshomaru: You may try to._
_(I then opened Zero's spell book and called out a spell.)_
_Me: Raker!_
_(Zero fired a beam of light and darkness out of his hand)_
_Kagura: Dance of blades!_
_Me: Trashield!_
_(Zero created a shield that reflected Kagura's attack and sent it back with more destruction added to it.)_
_(Then Sesshomaru charged with the Tokejin sword.)_
_Me: Rakerga!_
_(Zero fires a stronger version of Raker out of his hand)_
_(Half an hour later.)_
_Kagura: okay, I'm getting tired of you two. That spell that I cast upon your friend will destroy him from age. He'll continue to age younger until he reaches 0. And when he does, he will die._
_Zero: What the hell!_
_Kagura: Dance of the dragon!_
_Sesshomaru: (after pulling out the tetseiga) Dragon strike!_
_Me: Okay Zero. This is it. If spells 1-10 won't stop them, then we are bringing out the big guns with spell number eleven!_
_Zero: RAD!_
_(Energy begans to surround both me and Zero)_
**_(Who will win. Find out on my next update of this story.)_**
10. The Inventing Room
_**Author Notes:**_
_**Twilight Memories: **I know, all Brago/Sherry fans will love that part. And I'm surprise that you said that Brago's parents were killed in another story. I didn't know that. But anyways, Brago and Sherry will kiss in the chapter that comes after the chapter when they both fall down the Egg-dicator. Enjoy the new chapter._
_**Mars Cutie: **You take that back! I'm not a pervert! I'm not that kind of person! Besides, those clothes that she wears underneath are just a small tank top with large straps and shorts that girls wear. I've seen girls out on the streets where I live and sometimes they where those kinds of cloths during summer. And besides, if the clothes that Kolulu wears are her undergarments, then they wouldn't have shown it on the show. I'm not a pervert! And if you continue to insult me, then I will just block you from all my stories and I'll just let Kolulu become a blueberry and explode, leaving Zatch all to Tia. And if you would look carefully and closely at this chapter, then you would've learn that she had clothes on her._
_**Computerfreak101: **Sorry. I was just curious about the name Talim, because it surprised me. And I won't let you down, guys. I promise. And earlier today, I got the new chocolate factory movie. And I LIKE IT! I love the part when Willy shouts 'MUMBLER!' at Mike Teevee. And he's does have a point, Mike does mumble a heck of a lot of crud. So I believe being shrunk and stretched like taffy will shut him up for now on. Enjoy the new chapter_
* * *
Chapter 10: The Inventing Room. **
"So now that we all have that cleared up with, let's all go int: The Inventing Room."
Willy Wonka announced as the door to the inventing room opened up. Everyone walked in with Willy to close the door behind them all.
"Why can't we touch anything in here, Mr. Wonka?" Kolulu asked.
"Because all of my most secret inventions are cooking and simmering in there. And old Slugworth will do anything to get in here. That's why." Willy answered. The word of Slugworth caught everyone by surprise, but mostly Zatch.
The entire room looked like the insides of a warehouse with paint stains all over the walls and ceiling. And there was mechanical noises coming from all kinds of machines. It was like being in on a planet that was run by machines.
"Inventing room? Looks more like a Turkish bath to me." Kiyo spoke out.
"Yeah, Kiyo. Even if Slugworth did get in here, he wouldn't find anything." Zatch agreed. But he then turned his attention to Kolulu.
"Uh, Kolulu? I think you have something on you." he said as he point to a stain on her pink shirt. She looked down at her shirt and found that the stain was a piece of chocolate that probably splashed on her when they went through the dark tunnel. Zatch reached into the pocket on the back of his outfit and pulled out a handkerchief and handed it to Kolulu.
"Thanks, Zatch." she said as she cleaned the stain off her shirt. She then found that she got some chocolate on her fingers. She quickly licked it off and wiped her hand cleaned on her shorts.
Meanwhile with Willy, he was explaining about the percent of what his inventions were made of. And out of the percent of things he explained, the total came to 105.
"Time is a precious thing. Never waste it." Willy said to Lori as he dropped an alarm clock into a cauldron filled with strange foaming liquid.
"He's absolutely bonkers." Lori said to Zatch and Kolulu.
"But I'm sure it's not bad, Lori." Zatch responded.
"He's right, you know." Kolulu agreed.
Zatch and Kolulu turned around and Tia holding a strange piece of candy.
"Tia? Where did you get that?" Kolulu asked.
"I just found it." the red headed Mamodo answered.
"But Willy Wonka said not to-" Zatch said out loud, but it was too late. Tia had already plopped the strange piece into her mouth. "-touch anything." Zatch finished.
"In spring time, the only little rainy rain time birds sing a ding, a dingy ding spring lovers love, the spring." Willy Wonka sang as he was riding a little machine that looked like a bicycle turning whipped cream. But he was then interrupted by a small explosion that came from Tia as smoke spat out of her mouth and it sent her falling backwards onto a bunch of trays, pots, and pans.
"I told you not to, you silly girl." Willy said in a calm, but disappointed tone of voice.
"Tia, are you alright?" Megumi asked as she ran to Tia's side. Tia opened her mouth and smoke blew into Megumi's face.
"Boy, that was great stuff." Tia answered.
"That's exploding candy for your enemies. But it's not ready yet." Willy said as he placed a pair of soccer shoes into a different cauldron. Sherry was really confused about what was going on in this room.
"Mr. Wonka? Butterscotch? Buttering? What's going on around here?" She asked the candy maker.
"Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker." he answered her, but it left her in more confusion.
Willy was then startle by an alarm set off by Lori, who just looked under neath a strange machine. "NO! Please! Forgive me, but no one must ever look under there. This is my most secret invention of all. This one is what's going to really sizzle old Slugworth. Do you all want to see?" Willy asked and all the remaining nodded yes, but Brago was the only one who shook 'no'.
"I'm sorry, little Brago, but three beats one." Willy responded and Brago only gave out a low growl. Wonka then pushed a button that turned the machine on and it began to make noises.
As it made it's annoying racket, strange little balls came out of it. "Here we are. An Everlasting Gobstopper." Willy Wonka announced.
"Did you just said Everlasting Gobstopper?" Kolulu asked.
"Yes. These are candy for children who have little pocket money. You can suck on them forever and they'll never get any smaller nor will they lose their taste." Willy explained.
"How do you make them?" asked Tia.
"I'm a trifle deaf in this ear, speak a little louder next time." Willy said as he pointed at his right ear.
"Oh, he's good." Kiyo whispered to Sherry.
"So who wants one?" the candy man asked. All the remaining children except Brago raised their hands towards. Willy happily handed each of them one everlasting gobstopper. "Do you want one Brago?" he asked.
"I'll pass. Sherry can we please leave now?" Brago asked.
"Ah, but Brago. I've just gotten interested into the factory." Sherry complained.
"No, Sherry. I want to get out of here now. I'm starting to get bugged by the man wearing the stupid hat!" Brago raised his voice.
"Stop squawking, you twit!" Tia shouted at Brago. He was about to attack the annoying brat, but then Kiyo and Sherry grabbed hold of him and tried to keep him away from the red head.
"Enough, you two. We don't want your bickering to get in the way of our day here." Willy said as he then scooted his way through the Mamodo children.
"Now if you all follow me, there's something else that I want to show you."
_**To Be Continued...** Next chapter: the gum machine, the three course meal gum, Kolulu chews the gum, you all know what's going to happen._
* * *
_(Zero's true power was unleashed. A giant dragon came out of Zero's mouth. But this dragon doesn't look like the usual Chinese or Japanese shaped dragons that we see on the show. This dragon looks like a dragon from the middle ages.)_
_(The dragon unleashed a hurricane-like roar as it collided with Sesshomaru's 'dragon strike' and Kagura's 'dance of the dragon'.)_
_Sesshomaru: it's pointless. That creature that Maiana has fallen for will die, no matter what you do._
_Me: Shut up!_
_Seeshomaru: you can deny it all you want. But the curse will kill him._
_Me: and that's why I'm going to break that curse!_
_Seeshomaru and Kagura: It's over. Now DIE!_
_Me and Zero: We've made a promise to Kaiser, to Maiana, and to all our other friends that we'll take you both down, that's why... WE'LL DEFEAT BOTH OF YOU!_
_(Somehow, the tenth spell was becoming stronger and stronger. Until it finally broke through both Sesshomaru and Kagura's attacks. It roared again and charged at both of them, until...)_
_(... a giant explosion was set off after the collision.)_
_Me: is it over?_
_(Then it shows Sesshomaru and Kagura lying on the ground in pain.)_
_Zero: I guess myfinal spell has really taken a lot out of them._
_Me: well that was easy._
_(Both me and Zero walked over to Kagura.)_
_Kagura: no! Don't hurt me!_
_Zero: hurt who? You?_
_Kagura: yes, me!_
_Zero: yes... yes, hurt you? Okay._
_(Zero then jumps onto Kagura and begins to beat the crud out of her.)_
_Me: I'll take that, thank you. (I snatch Kagura's stupid fan that she always carries.)_
_( and I then snap it into two pieces.)_
_Kaiser: (Suddenly changes back to normal size and age.) Whoo! I'm back to normal again! The curse is broken! AWESOME!_
_( but then Kaiser finds himself in Maiana's arms, so she's carrying him bridal style)_
_Kaiser: Okay, I'm getting off you now. Thanks for helping me, Maiana. I don't know if I would've endured this if it weren't not only for my hikari and Zero, but for you as well. Thank you. (Hugs Maiana) thanks._
_(Now back to me and Zero)_
_Me: Zero, I think he gets it now._
_(It shows Zero now beating the crud out of Seeshomaru.)_
_Me: Zero._
_(He's still doing it)_
_Me: Zero!_
_(Still doing it)_
_Me: ( using a mega-phone) **ZERO!**_
_Zero: ( after he just gave Sesshomaru a black eye) yes?_
_Me: Let's go. We've done our part. So let's leave Maiana to finish them._
_Zero:(shrugs and groans) fine._
_Me: but first... ( I then give Sesshomaru a punch that knocks him out.).. Okay, now we'll go._
11. Kolulu The Blueberry Mamodo
_**Author Notes: Okay, Everyone. I've gotten the new Chocolate Factory movie, so this story for now on, is going to have stuff from both the new Chocolate Factory movie and the original Chocolate Factory movie.**_
* * *
Chapter 11: Kolulu, The Blueberry Mamodo. **
_(A/N: Remember, I'm still using the Willy Wonka from the original Chocolate Factory movie, but I'm adding a few things to him that the New Willy Wonka, played by Johnny Depp, has.)_
"Now, if you all follow, there's something else that I want to show you."
Willy Wonka said to everyone as he walked to the far end of the Inventing room. Everyone else followed until they saw a strange looking machine that looks like a buffet of all kinds of delicious meals. There was like a group of tomatoes, piles of flour and sugar, many kinds of full course meals, and there were even all kinds of desserts that make you feel like you want to have all of that goodness inside your stomach.
"Wow, what is this contraption?" Lori called out in amazement.
"I agree. I wonder if my little Brago wants one." Sherry responded to Lori.
"No, I don't want one, Sherry. And stop calling me small and yours." Brago said to Sherry in an annoyed tone of voice.
"But anyways, this machine is totally amazing. And now, I shall show you all what it can do. Now, button, button, who's got the button?" Willy asked as he began to search for this 'button' that he's talking about.
"I think it's over there, sir." Zatch spoke while tugging on Willy Wonka's coat. He turned his attention to where Zatch was pointing at. It was a big red shiny button.
Willy smiled and then he pressed the button. The machine roared to life and it began to make funny noises. On the flat platforms, all of the meals were moving around in a circular pattern. Everyone just watch. What could this machine be making?
"Ladies and Gentlemen. What you are witnessing is a new beginning of the machine age, the birth of a confectionary giant." Willy announced to everyone. Then something came out of the machine. It looked like a strip of... GUM?
"That was it." Brago asked in a way that made him said in thought 'What the hell just happened?'
"Do you even know what 'it' is?" Willy asked in a comeback. Brago didn't answer, because he doesn't like answering such stupid questions.
"Is it gum?" Kolulu asked out of the group.
"Wrong, little girl. This is a strip of the most fascinating gum in the whole universe. You know why it's so fascinating? Know why? Know why?" Willy asked, getting a bit overexcited.
"Why?" everyone asked in unison.
"Because this piece of gum is a three course dinner." Willy answered. "And it'll be the end of all kitchens and cooking. Because that piece of gum is all that you'll ever need for breakfast lunch and dinner." he explained. "And this one piece right here in my hand is-"
Before he could finish, Sherry tried to answer for him.
"Bull?" she asked.
"No roast beef, but I haven't got it right yet." Willy corrected her.
"Alright. I've had enough of this babbling!" Brago spoke out loud, he got annoyed by Wonka babbling about a stupid piece of gum, so he snatched the piece of gum. He was going to eat it to shut Willy Wonka up.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you. I really wouldn't." Willy warned Brago.
"Well, you're not me." the dark Mamodo responded as he was about to put the strip of gum into his mouth, but then Sherry stopped him when the strip of gum was about a centimeter away from Brago's mouth, with her hands on his shoulders.
"Brago, now don't you try anything stupid." she warned her former Mamodo partner.
Brago stopped and thought for a quick minute. He never did anything stupid before, and he certainly won't do anything stupid now. He closed his mouth and looked at the strip of gum in his hand, and then he looked at Sherry, then back at the gum, then back at Sherry again.
"You're right. Who would want to eat this piece of shit?" he answered as he turned his hand to a different direction and shoved the strip of gum somewhere else. But he didn't notice that the 'somewhere else' he shoved it into was Kolulu's mouth.
You heard me right, Brago shoved the piece of gum into Kolulu's mouth.
Kolulu was caught by surprise, with Brago shoving the gum into her mouth. But then the gum's taste and flavor began to sink into her taste buds. She gave a huge smiled, like she had just went to heaven. "It tastes delicious!" she called out as she then walked around to face everyone else.
"What does it taste like?" Zatch, Kiyo, Lori, Tia, and Megumi asked in unison.
"It's tomato soup. Its so good, that I can feel it running down my throat." the pink-haired Mamodo girl answered in delightfulness on her face and in her soul.
"Yeah, spit it out." Willy Wonka spoke out.
"Um, little girl? I think you should listen to Mr. Wonka." Sherry spoke to Kolulu, but the goodness from the gum kept Kolulu from hearing Sherry.
"Hey, guys! It's changing! It's now roast beef with a baked potato!" Kolulu said in delightfulness again.
"With sour cream?" Lori asked with some happiness in her voice too and Kolulu nodded.
"Please stop, I beg you." Willy said to Kolulu, but she won't listen, because of the gum's sweety goodness again.
"Why won't that girl listen to Mr. Wonka, Brago?" Sherry asked a little whisper to Brago. This time, he felt like answering questions.
"Because, Sherry, she's a nitwit." he answered.
"Okay, Kolulu, I think that's enough." Zatch spoke to Kolulu.
"Please, Zatch. Let me finish, please?" Kolulu asked and Zatch just shrugged and nodded.
"What's for dessert, Kolulu?" Lori asked. Kolulu was trying to get the next flavor taste by moving the piece of gum around in her mouth.
"Ohh, I found it! It's blueberry pie! It's so delicious, it's the most marvelous blueberry pie I've ever tasted in my entire life! I-" Kolulu spoke out loud in so much happiness and delightfulness that she accidently swallowed the piece of gum. She clenched her throat with her hands and gasped. "Oops. I swallowed it." she spoke.
"Oh, crap." Willy responded to Kolulu's words.
"What do you mean 'oh, crap'?" Lori came to Willy and asked both worried and frustrated.
"I keep telling her and everyone that I haven't gotten it right yet. It always goes wrong when it comes to the desserts. Always." Willy answered.
"Well, I don't see anything strange about her." Lori said to Wonka.
"Yeah, and I don't feel any different either." Kolulu agreed with her sister and former book owner.
"Until now." Zatch spoke out of the rest of the group.
"What do you mean, Zatch?" Kolulu asked, getting a bit worry now.
"Because, Kolulu, your nose. It's... it's... it's..." Zatch tried to explain, while he was rubbing his nose to physically explain to Kolulu as well. "... It's turning blue." he finished at last.
Everyone except Willy Wonka all turned their attention to both Zatch and Kolulu. There was a small blue spot on Kolulu's nose. And it was beginning to spread across her face.
"Kolulu! You're turning violet!" Zatch, Kiyo, and Lori called out loud in shock.
"What's happening?" Lori asked in both shock and anger.
"I already told you people, I haven't got it right yet."
"You can say that again. Look what it's doing to my sister!" Lori cried out loud in Willy's face.
"Oh, well. I'm pretty sure I'll get it right next." Willy responded in a way that sounded like he was talking to himself. Kolulu's entire face was blue, and she then looked at her hands, arms, and legs. They were turning blue too. She clenched her hair to find out that it was turning blue as well. Then she looked down to see that her pink shirt, pink shorts, and her pink shoes were also turning blue as well. Lori just stared at him in anger, until Zatch spoke out so loud, everyone heard him.
"KOLULU, WHAT ARE YOU DOING NOW? YOU'RE BLOWING UP!" he shouted anime style.
Kolulu gasped and looked down at herself. Her stomach was beginning to bulge outward. It looked like she just ate a basketball filled with air. Her stomach and navel were now expose by the continuing inflation. She felt a bulge going around her. She turned around to see that not only her stomach was inflating, but her entire body as well. Her clothes felt like they were going to snap off, but they didn't.
"What's happening, guys?" she cried out.
"You're blowing up like a balloon!" Zatch responded in more shock.
"Actually, like a blueberry." Willy Wonka corrected Zatch.
Kolulu continued to inflate, getting rounder and rounder each second. She inflation was beginning to make her grow in height as well, right now, she a few inches taller then Zatch and Tia, she was almost as tall as Brago in height.
"We have to get the air out of her quick!" Lori cried out.
"There's no air in her, it's juice." Willy corrected again.
Everyone, except Willy Wonka and Brago were all shock to see how big the once pink-haired Mamodo girl was getting. Zatch couldn't help but stare at Kolulu's giant inflating body. The balloon maniac inside him was growing as big as Kolulu is. "Woah." he said to himself.
"What's gonna happen to her?" Lori asked.
"Well, she has to be squeezed like a zit or else the pressure from the juice will make her explode." Willy answered.
"EXPLODE?" Zatch yelled out loud anime style at Willy Wonka, who nodded 'yes'. Suddenly, the juice inside Kolulu stopped inflating her and she was now a few centimeters taller than the humans. Her entire body was a big blue ball, except the only things sticking out was her head, hands and feet.
"NOOOOOOOOOO!" Zatch cried out really loud as he ran to Kolulu and hugged as much her large inflated body as he possibly could and began to cry into her. "Kolulu, this can't be happening to you! Why, out of all Mamodos, why did this have to happen to you? First you were force to fight in the Mamodo battle, and now this: You blowing up like a balloon or a blueberry, whatever you're becoming into. Oh, Kolulu, I can't keep it all in anymore, I needed to tell you something, something I wanted to tell you for a long time. I want to ask you to become my Mamodo queen, because I love you, Kolulu!"
'He loves me? Oh I wanted to tell him that too.' the blueberry Mamodo thought with some hope returning to her, she smiled and a tear trickled down her face. "But why didn't you tell me earlier?"
"I wanted to, Kolulu. I wanted to tell you that I love you. But every time I tried, a certain SISTER AND BOOK OWNER OF YOURS KEEPS INTERRUPTING ME!" Zatch cried and yelled out as he turned his face to look at Lori, with anger inside of him.
"Oops. Sorry, Zatch." Lori apologized.
"SHUT UP!"Zatch shouted at her, then turned his attention back to Kolulu. "Kolulu, I love you. I wanted to ask you to become my queen of the Mamodo world. I love you. I love you so much, Kolulu. Please don't explode!" he continued to cry into the bloated Mamodo girl's body.
She smiled with more tears of hope coming down from her face. "I love you too, Zatch."
Willy Wonka was wiping his tears away with a hanker chief. He won't let a young love as powerful as this be shattered. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his flute again. He blow into it and it made that funny noise again. "Oh, Zophie?" he called out.
"WHAT!" Zofis yelled out as he walked into the room and up to Willy Wonka.
"Will you rolled the young lady to the juicing room to have her squeezed?"
"Why don't you squeezed some juice up your a-" Zofis yelled out, but then Zatch grabbed him by the collar of his outfit.
"Listen, Doll boy! You better get Kolulu back to normal or so help me, I'll make you regret for being born!" the blond haired Mamodo yelled at th evil cross dresser. Zofis quickly nodded 'yes' in fear. He ran over to Kolulu's body and began to push it, her body somehow, was too heavy for him move by himself.
"I could use some help, here, Wonka." Zofis called out, struggling to budge Kolulu's body. Willy called other Mamodos to come in and help. Then suddenly, all the machines begin to make noises, like a song.
_(A/N: Now it plays the song 'Chewing all day long' from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in the background, with the working Mamodos singing it, except they were using Kolulu's name instead.)_
The working Mamodos were singing and rolling Kolulu's body around the entire inventing room like a bouncing ball, in fact, she even made a little bounce or two.
_After the song is over._
The Mamodos pushed and rolled Kolulu's inflated body through a hallway and into the juicing room.
"I'll get even with you, Mr. Wonka, even if it's the last thing I'll ever do." Lori shouted at Willy as she followed the worker Mamodos into the juicing room and said her last words. "I've got a blueberry for a sister."
Zatch was staring wide-eyed at what was going on with his mouth hanging open. Until now, his irises and pupils went into the back of his head and he fainted.
_**To Be Continued...**_
12. Wallpaper and Flippy Flapping Drinks
_**Author Notes:** I apologize for the very, very, very, very, very long wait. I had other stories to finish first._
* * *
Chapter 12: Wall Paper and Flippy Flapping Drinks.**
"_Zatch. Come on, Zatch. Wake up." _a voice was speaking from the darkness to the blond child.
But suddenly, a lot of wet liquid-like substance was splashed all over Zatch's face, making him wake up directly in the progress. He began to breath heavily after what was splashed onto him. He looked around to find himself with almost everyone around him in the inventing room.
"I told you it'll wake him up." Brago spoke out. Zatch looked at the dark mamodo to see that he was holding a bucket in his hands. Zatch guessed that the bucket was filled with water and Brago dumped it on him to wake him up.
"Uh... What happened." Zatch asked everyone, who all, except Willy Wonka, sweat dropped.
"Okay, you were freaked out because Kolulu was blown up like balloon- uh I mean a blueberry, and then you fainted." Kiyo answered his former mamodo's question.
"Ow, my head." Zatch said as he rubbed his temples.
"I think it'll go away soon, Zatch. Why don't I carry you for a while."
"Thanks, Kiyo."
Kiyo smirked a bit as he picked up Zatch and carried him on his shoulders.
"Come on, everyone," Willy Wonka spoke at last to the remaining winners. "Let's boogie"
Willy began to walk down hallway leading downwards. The three remaining winners and their former book owners shrugged a bit, but decided to follow Mr. Wonka. They quickly jogged a bit down the long hallway to catch up with the chocolate tier, just before he turned around to face everyone.
"Well, well, two naughty nasty little children gone. And three sweet good little children left." Wonka said with a grin on his face. Brago's left eye twitched right after he was called 'sweet good little child'
"Hey, Kolulu and Kanchome aren't naughty nor nasty. They're great friends. I may not know why Kolulu now has this thing about chewing gum, but Kanchome can't help himself when it comes to candy, especially chocolate." Zatch snapped at Wonka anime style.
"You're not the only one who goes coo-coo for Cocoa Puffs-un, I mean chocolate." Brago muttered under his breath as he looked at Sherry, who looked back at him.
"Something on your mind?" asked the blond with weird look on her face.
"Not really." the dark mamodo responded as he turned to look at the wall.
"And by the way, Mr. Wonka, how come there was a song for Kolulu and not for Kanchome?" Zatch asked.
"Well, I guess I forgotten, now have I?" Willy answered.
"But Mr. Wonka?" asked Zatch.
"Why did you decided to let people in?"
"So they can see the factory of course."
"But why only five and why now?" Zatch continued to ask questions.
"Zatch, it's starting to get annoying of you asking him all these questions. Just enjoy yourself." Kiyo spoke up.
"But Kiyo."
"What's this prize you mentioned and who's gonna get it?" Tia asked as she got in front of Mr. Wonka and was walking backwards.
"Tia!" snapped the red head's former book owner.
"The best kinda prize is a surprise." Willy answered with a go-happy chuckle at the end.
"Will Kolulu always be a balloon?" Tia asked.
"Blueberry!" everyone corrected in unison at the red-head out loud.
"Whatever." Tia responded as she rolled her eyes.
"I don't know. But that's what happens when you chew gum all the time, it just makes me feel like I'm gonna puke." Willy answered again as he gave off a sickening look.
"But if you hate gum so much, then why do you make?" Tia asked again.
"You know for once, you really shouldn't mumble, little girl, because your mumbling turns into babbling, and babbling really bums me out." Wonka answered a bit annoyed this time.
"You have to admit, he's right." Brago said to Tia with a 'burned' like smirk on his face.
"Why you!" the red head went berserk again and tried to attack Brago, but Megumi restrained Tia just in time.
"Oh wait, everyone. I have to show you this; lickable wallpaper. It's really good if you try it," Willy stopped in front of everyone and pointed at a wall covered in wallpaper with pictures of every fruit there is. "Lick an orange, it tastes like an orange. Lick an apple, it tastes like an apple. Lick a cherry, it tastes like cherries. Lick a pineapple, it tastes like a pineapple. Go on, try it out."
Everyone except Brago, walked to the apple and began to lick the wallpaper.
"Ooh, I have a plumb." Megumi spoke out as she continue to lick the picture of a plumb on the wall.
"I got a banana." Sherry spoke out next.
"Can't you believe it, Zatch. It tastes so real." Kiyo said as he eyed the blond next to him.
"Yeah, Kiyo. I wonder if they have yellow tail on these kinds of wallpaper." Zatch responded to his former book owner, while licking his lips by the thought of yellow tail.
"Try some more, everyone. The blueberries taste like blue berries," Willy said again, but everyone avoided the blueberries, since after what happened in the inventing room. "The strawberries taste like strawberries. The snozberries taste like snozberries."
"Snozberries," Tia said as she turned to see the chocolate tier. "That's a stupid name for fruit, who in the world has ever heard of snozberries." but before Tia could go back to licking the wallpaper again, Wonka grabbed hold of her little tongue and made her looked at him.
"We're the makers of dreams, and we're the music makers. And F. Y. I., the snozberries happen to exist in your world, the mamodo world." Wonka said, then released Tia's tongue, which was a bit swollen from Wonka's grip.
"Brago, would you like to try some?" Willy asked the dark mamodo.
"Why the hell would I want to lick wallpaper?" Brago turned so his back was facing the others.
"Party pooper." Willy muttered under his breath. "So now that we got to try some of the lickable wallpaper, if you all would follow me, there's something else I want you all to see."
Everyone continued to follow the candy maker down the hallway until they came through a corridor, which led them to a room filled with what sound like flapping noises. Inside the room, they found bottles of soda with wings from all kinds of animals. "Behold, everyone; flippy flapping drinks."
_(A/N: the flippy flapping drinks are my idea, so I decided to use them instead of the fizzy lifting drinks.)_
"What's so flippy and flappy about it? Other than just looking at it flip and flap." Brago asked as he was trying to get one of the flying soda bottles away from his face.
"They contain this terrific chemical in them, that once you drink them, wings from all kinds animals sprout from your back and they make fly into the sky like a bird." Willy explained. Everyone, except Brago of course, went 'ooh' and 'ahh'.
"But we shouldn't try it yet, there's a problem with it; so far, the one who drinks wouldn't have control over the wings. Now if you all follow me here, there's another special room I want you all to see."
Willy opened another door in the room, which led t another path. Everyone followed him, but Zatch quickly pulled on Kiyo's pants to get his attention.
"Come on, Kiyo. I'm thirsty. Lets take a quick drink, no one is watching." the blond kid said as he ran to catch one of the flying soda bottles.
"I don't think so, Zatch. We'll get in real trouble if we drink that stuff. Remember what happened to Kanchome when he couldn't stop drinking the chocolate river. And don't get me started on Kolulu." Kiyo warned Zatch, who stopped dead in his tracks after he heard Kolulu's name.
"Kolulu." he said to himself, still remembering the pink-haired girl inflating into a giant blueberry. But then a big grin appeared on his face.
"Don't worry, Kiyo. I think I know what I'm doing." said Zatch, after catching two flying soda bottles and trying to open the corks in the necks, without trying to let one of the bottles get away.
"But Zatch, Mr. Wonka said-"
"Look, Kiyo. Are you gonna listen to a guy wearing a 'big, weird, funny' hat, or are you gonna listen to me?" Zatch said with another grin on his face, after freaking out a bit after saying 'big, weird, and funny'.
"Are you sure his hat was weird?" the fourteen-year old asked a trick question.
"Your honor, I abject." Zatch responded, rolling his eyes. "Bottles up, Kiyo."
"But Zatch-" it was too late, Zatch already shoved some of the soda down Kiyo's throat, while drinking some himself.
"Well, Kiyo. How is it?"
"Pretty good, Zatch. But nothing's happening." Kiyo responded. They sure didn't feel different.
"You're right, Kiyo. I can't understand-WWWWWWHHHYYYYYYY!" Zatch cried out. He was flying in the air for some strange reason.
"Zatch, looks what's on your back!" Kiyo shouted as he pointed at the blond. Zatch looked behind himself to see that he had a pair of red dragon wings on his back. It was the wings that were making him fly.
"Kiyo, you have wings too!" Zatch shouted back. Kiyo looked behind to see he had a pair of falcon wings on his back.
"Whoa, Zatch. This is awesome!" Kiyo shout out in joy.
"We can fly now. Watch this, Kiyo," Zach called out as he did a somersault in the air. "Come on, Kiyo. Try it."
"Okay, here goes nothing." Kiyo then threw himself forward, but as he finished his somersault, he grasp his stomach in pain. "Oh man, I think I hit an air pocket." Kiyo suddenly burped, then fell to the ground like a rock.
"Kiyo, are you okay?" but suddenly, Zatch burped as well. Just like that, his wings disappeared and he too fell out of the air, but landed on Kiyo.
"Sorry, Kiyo."
"I'm... okay." Kiyo said in pain as Zatch got off him and helped him up.
"Okay, Zatch. For now on, we keep our feet on the ground, and the next time you do something like this, I'm listening to the guy in the 'big, weird' funny' hat." Kiyo warned Zatch again.
"Okay." the blond agreed, a little shaken up from his fall.
"Come on, lets go catch up with the others."
_**To Be Continued...**Next Chapter: Brago vs giant gold egg-laying geese and nut opening-trained squirrels. Who will win?_
* * *
_Me: Hey, everyone. I'm gonna be making another story sometime this year._
_Kaiser: Ooh, what is it about?_
_Me: It's about the human race and the mamodo race joining forces in a war against an evil armada. And me and Zero are gonna be in it._
_Zero: Really? Cool! Are we gonna be the good guys?_
_Kaiser: Okay, if you guys need me, I'm gonna go hang with Cf101, Maiana, Salaya, and Camille._
_Me: Nope. We're gonna be the opposite._
13. Brago vs Geese and Squirrels
**Chapter 13: Brago vs The Geese and Squirrels.**
"Now, everyone. This room is known as the special room/nut room. It contains all the great goodies for special occasions of the year, and is where we have our nuts opened as well. Shall we check it out?" Willy Wonka said, showing Brago, Sherry, Tia, and Megumi a large rainbow colored door.
"I rather not." Brago said as he was about to leave, but Sherry grabbed hold of the back of his cape, which almost choked the dark mamodo.
"What the hell was that for?" he snapped at the blond.
"You're staying Brago and that's that. And don't give me any of 'I want to leave now', cause I'm tired of your belly-aching and whatnot." Sherry responded calmly, but angrily.
"That's because I don't want to be hear." Brago said, beginning to get angry.
"Okay, before this gets out of hand, lets go in, shall we?" Wonka quickly opened the door and everyone followed him in. While no one was looking, Zatch and Kiyo quickly caught up without them noticing they were gone for awhile.
Inside the special room/nut room, was all kinds of decorations for all holidays of the year; valentines day, St. Patrick's day, Easter, Halloween, Christmas, etc. on one side of the large room was a couple of giant geese sitting in large nests. On the other side, was a bunch of little squirrels opening walnuts. In the middle of the room, was a large hole.
"So this what the special room/nut room looks like, eh?" Megumi asked and Willy nodded.
"Yes, those over there are the giant geese who lay the golden eggs. Right now, they're savoring up for Easter." Willy announced as he pointed his cane at the giant birds, as one or two of them made a squawk.
"But Easter's over!" Tia called out, followed by Willy's hand slapping itself on Tia's mouth.
"They don't know that. I'm trying to get them ahead for next year. And like I said before, little girl. Stop your babbling."
"I thought you called it mumbling." Tia mumbled from behind Willy's hand.
"I know. But now it's babbling, so stop." Wonka said in Tia's ear as he released his hand from her mouth.
"And those are squirrels, but not any kind of squirrels; these squirrels are specially trained to opening a whole walnut. As you see, the geese lay large golden eggs. Once the geese and squirrels get good nuts and goo eggs, they're shipped out to all over the world. But if they get bad eggs and bad nuts, they go down that big hole in the middle of floor." Willy Wonka happily explained everything. Everyone seemed surprised, except of course, Brago.
"It's a bunch of bull crap." Brago said, which gotten Wonka's full attention. The candy maker walked over to the dark mamodo and whispered in his ear.
"A little bull crap, now and then, only come from the wisest or man. And you're really weird." Willy said with a grin on his face. Brago just stared at him with a blank look on his face. Did he clearly insulted him?
"That tears it, I'm leaving." Brago announced and began walking to the door to leave.
"Where in the world do you think you're going?" Sherry snapped all a sudden.
"I clearly getting out of this dump." the dark mamodo responded.
"No you're not, Brago." Sherry grabbed Brago's wrist when the dark mamodo was about to push the door open. This clearly isn't their day.
"Yes I am, Sherry."
"We're suppose to enjoy our time hear, but instead, you always complain about leaving. What is your problem, Brago?" the blond snapped at the mamodo in front of her.
"My problem is that we agreed to leave if I have a bad feeling! And I've been having a bad feeling ever since what has happened to those other two mamodos! And I'm not going to stick around for something bad to happen to me! So I'm getting out of this place whether you like it or not!" the dark mamodo snapped back.
"Dammit, Brago!" Sherry yelled as she shoved Brago to the ground. "Can't you get through a single minute without complaining? I'm fed up with your belly-aching, and I'm fed up with you! The next time you're in a scrap, I won't be there to save your hide!"
Those words made Brago extremely angry. How dare she say that to him. Brago got back, with his crimson red eyes locked onto the blond's sapphire blue eyes.
"You just don't get it," Brago hissed. "It's not just me who'll might end up in an accident. After what happen to those other two mamodos, I'm also concern about your safety, and I don't want anything bad to happen to you either."
But then a bad nut was tossed through the air and it hit Brago in the back of the head. He turned his head around to see the squirrels, with his neck making cracking noises in the process. He was now pissed off beyond his limit.
"**You!" **he shouted as he pointed an accusing finger at the squirrels, who all turned to look at the dark mamodo. **"You rodents all have now officially pissed me off beyond my limit! NOW SUFFER MY WRATH!"**
Brago leaped over the railing and charged mercilessly at the rodents, who also charged at him like an army charging at an enemy army. The dark mamodo and squirrels clashed, and were fighting like crazy. It draw the attention of the giant geese. They all flew off and joined their rodent comrades in battle against Brago.
Brago punched the beak of one goose as he literally swallowed one of the squirrels whole. Another squirrel was biting on his hair, but he yanked it off and kicked it, following by snapping the neck of another crazy goose. All the squirrels were doing were jumping all over Brago while the geese were trying to bite him.
Back on the railing, Zatch looked to his left to see Zofis, who appeared from nowhere, and he was sipping a large cup of soda while biting on a Wonka bar, which happens to be both fudge and yellow tail flavor. Zatch began to mouth water as he stared at the candy bar in the psychic mamodo's hand.
"What?" Zofis said as he eyed the king of the mamodo world.
"Are you gonna finish that?" Zatch responded while he was reaching to take the candy bar.
"Get your own!" said Zofis, with his mouth filled with fudge goodness, as he was keep Zatch away from his candy bar.
Back with Brago, he kept punching, kicking, and hitting the birds and rodents, but there were too many of them. He turned to see that he was right next to the big hole in the floor. Before he coudl react, he tripped over another one of the rodents, and fell into the hole. Well, almost.
He was clinging to the side with his claws, looking up at everyone else on the railing. "Sherry." he said, but the blond just stood there, looking at him with a shocked look on her face. His claws gave away, and so Brago fell down the deep dark hole, followed by a loud CRASH sound.
"Brago." Sherry muttered under her breath.
"_I'm also concern about your safety, and I don't want anything bad to happen to you either."_
The last thing he said to her kept replaying in her thoughts. Willy saw the expression on her face.
"Where does that hole lead to?" she asked horrified.
"That hole leads to the garbage bunker right underneath the factory." Willy answered.
"And... where does_ that _lead to?"
"To the incinerator."
"The incinerator? He'll-he'll be burn to death."
"Now, he may be stuck in the hole just below the top, and if that's the case, all you have to do is reach in and pull him out." Willy answered while getting out a key from his pocket and opening the rail gate. Sherry gulped before she began walking down the stairs.
But then mamodo kids came in from nowhere and music began playing in the background again.
The mamodo kids began to dance weird as they sang. "Oh Brago, the little brute, has just gone down the garbage chute. He will meet as he descends, a rather different set of friends. A rather different set of friends, a rather different set of friends,"
"An alligator for example cut this afternoon from who knows what," a mamodo kid tossed in a dead alligator down the large hole. "A clam from a clam stew, and a piece of gum that no one will chew. And lots of other things as well, who come with own horrid smell. Horrid smell." the kids continued to toss all kinds of garbage into the hole.
"These are Bargo's new found friends, that he will meet as he descends. These are Brago's new found friends!" the kids danced around in more weird kinda way. Sherry slowly approached the large hole.
But then a squirrel charged at her from behind and kicked her in the rear, which made her scream as she fell into hole as well.
"Uh, Zatch?" Kiyo spoke to his friend. The blond child was still fighting Zofis over the candy bar, and eventually Zatch won.
"You stupid kid! King or not, if Koko was here with me, I'd fried you into a pile of ash!" Zofis shouted at Zatch anime style.
"But I thought me and Brago had already kicked your sorry ass in the battle." said Zatch, all confused.
"Oh, Zophie-"
"I want you to shut down the incinerator so my guess wouldn't be sizzled like sausages." Wonka said to the psychic mamodo.
"Forget it, Wonka!"
"Then I guess you wouldn't get that one way trip to meet your so called 'Koko' again."
"NO! Alright, I'll do it, but only for Koko, the love of my life." Zofis said as he clapped his hands together and made a gooey ga-ga love look on his face, which freaked Zatch, Kiyo, Tia, and Megumi out.
"Mr. Wonka? Brago and Sherry wouldn't really be burned, would they?" Zatch asked the candy maker.
"Hm. Well I think the incinerator is light up about every other day, so they have a good porting chance."
_**To Be Continued...** Next chapter: Can Brago and Sherry survive the incinerator? And next is the... (whispers) the kiss._
* * *
Brago: THE WHAT!_
_Sherry: THE WHAT!_
_Me: Nothing._
14. The Kiss
**Chapter 14: The Kiss.**
Sherry landed face flat on a pile of garbage. She made disgusting spat noises as she got back up.
"Brago?" she said. There was no answer. There was no noise at all except the low humming sound coming from the back of the area she was in. She got up, but the pile of trash made her slip and slide down to the bottom. She rubbed her rear, which hurt when she landed with a thud. She ignored the pain and got back up.
"Brago?" Sherry called out again.
"What?" the dark mamodo's voice spoke out angrily. His voice made Sherry jumped a bit in surprise.
"Oh, Brago. I've found you." the blond said, now calmed.
"No. I've found_ you_. And don't talk to me." Brago snapped as he turned, with his back now facing the blond.
"What's your problem?"
"My problem is that we're gonna die down here!" Brago snapped again, louder this time. Sherry stood there, with eyes widen in fear.
"We're gonna die?" she asked, which made Brago mad. What a stupid question when the answers already in front of the woman's face.
"Yes! We're gonna die! All because you had to yell at me, and now we're stuck here!" the dark mamodo shouted. It really was Sherry's fault for them being down here. If she had just listen to Brago for once, then she wouldn't yell at him, then Brago wouldn't get all mad over the geese and squirrels, then they wouldn't be down here. "All you had to do, Bellmond, was listen to me, just once, but you wouldn't. And now because of that, we're here on the first level of hell!" Brago yelled out loud, but then he slipped on a piece of garbage which made him fell.
The dark mamodo growled at himself as he got back up. But as he did, a loud mechanical sound was heard. It sounded like a machine firing up to life. Everything began to move like there was an earthquake going on underneath the factory. "Now what?" said the dark mamodo to himself.
Then out of the darkness, a giant crane-claw emerged and it was picking up chunks of garbage. Both Brago and Sherry looked down to see a giant platform leading into what appears to be the incinerator of the whole chocolate factory. "Come on, we have to get out of here." Brago spoke up and grabbed Sherry's hand and they began to run away from the crane-claw, which seemed to be chasing them, picking up chunk after chunk of garbage and dropping them into the incinerator. The two kept running and running away until the crane-claw came down between them separating them both, and picking up the chunk of garbage that Sherry fell onto. Garbage piled on top of Sherry's back, keeping her from getting out by herself.
"Brago help!" she called out. The dark mamodo stood there for a bit, looking at the blond like she deserved it after what happened to them, how they got here in the first place, but he still remember what he said to her, how he wants nothing bad to happen to her. He ran up the lifting pile of garbage and jumped aboard. He began to pull the scraps of metal and other trash off the blond, until all was left was that the crane-claws were around Sherry's body, keeping her from escaping herself.
Brago pulled and pushed the claws, but they were fighting back, trying not to budge. Brago had to move fast, because the crane-claw is soon gonna drop the pile of garbage the dark mamodo and the blond into the incinerator. He growled fiercely as he pushed the claws away harder and harder. In a quick moment, there was enough space for Sherry to move out and stand next to Brago.
"Ready?" Brago asked and the blond nodded. They both made a leap back to the edge of garbage just as the crane-claws released the chunk of trash into the incinerator. But Sherry slipped as they landed back on the edge, but Brago pulled her back up and they ran to a safe distance away from the crane-claws.
"You saved me. But why? I thought you were still mad at me?" the blond asked in confusion as he fell to her knees in exhaustion.
"Like I said before, I'm not gonna let anything bad happen to you." Brago responded as he turned with his back now facing Sherry.
"How much do you really care?"
"Are you sure you want to know?" Brago asked, with his right peeking out to see the blond. Sherry hesitated for a moment, but eventually nodded.
Brago then turned around fully and walked towards the blond. He fell to his knees as well and looked into Sherry's sapphire eyes with his crimson eyes. He gently placed his hands on her shoulders and his face moved closer to hers. Sherry had a feeling what was happening, but she couldn't move by the shocking feeling inside. The mamodo's face moved closer and closer towards the human's face. Excitement rose inside both of them. Brago's lips at last met Sherry's.
Both of their lips felt soft and warm to each other. They moved passionately as they kissed harder this time. Their mouths opened during their kiss and they welcomed each other's tongue in. It went like that for a few seconds before they broke apart for air. Sherry felt wonderful inside and so she embraced the mamodo in her arms as Brago returned the embrace. Then they began to kiss each other again. The feeling was great to them.
"Brago?" Sherry mumbled through their kiss. Brago broke apart to listen to the blond's words. "I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier."
"Forget it. But we must go, we need to find a way out of this place." Brago responded and Sherry nodded. Brago helped his book owner up and they began to find a way out.
'Finally she's listening to me about getting out of here.' Brago thought. But he suddenly tripped over a piece of trash sticking out of the ground. He looked to Sherry, who giggled a bit before helping him back up.
_**To Be Continued...** I apologize for making this chapter short._
* * *
_(There's a knock on my front door of my house.)_
**Me: **Oh, goody, he's here. Okay, guys. Remember, don't try anything until I let him in. Got it?
**Kaiser and Zero: **Yes.
**Me: **Good. _(I opened the front door to find the evil Zofis, who I invited over to watch the Zatch Bell episode coming up this Saturday.) _Yo, evil Z, what's up?
**Zofis: **The sky. What a stupid question. Okay, let me in so we can start this party of my return on the show.
**Me: **Okay. _( I let the evil Zofis into my house and winked at Kaiser and Zero to get ready.)_
**Zofis: **_(looking at me) _Well, are you coming or not?
**Me, Kaiser, and Zero:**_(Locking the door and walking towards Zofis with evil smile son our faces.)_
**Zofis: **Why did you guys lock the door?
**Me, Kaiser, and Zero: **_(pulling out some rope)_
**Zofis: **(_Getting worried) _Why do you guys have that rope?
**Me, Kaiser, and Zero: **_(with evil looks on our faces as we approach closer to Zofis)_
**Zofis: **_(Now freaked out) _When are we watching the episode?
**Me: **I'm going in! Get my back!
_**(Then it shows the outside of me house, with the entire placing shaking like crazy, and with me, Kaiser, and Zero shouting, with a bunch of loud punching and kicking sounds coming from inside my house.)**_
**Zofis: **_(Sitting in a chair in front of my family's bid screen televison, all tied up with a rope) _What the hell's going on here?
**Me: **Shut up!_ (Slaps Zofis in the back of the head.)_
**Kaiser: **We don't trust what you're gonna do in the coming episode, so we're gonna punish you for every bad thing we see you do.
**Zofis: **But... but... but... what kind of kangaroo court is this, I'm being framed!
**Zero:** Shut up! _(Slaps sticky tape over Zofis' mouth)_
_**(Then me, Kaiser, and Zero pull out our torture devices. I have a bazooka/flamethrower/machine gun that I bought from E bay. Kaiser has a giant chainsaw made from pure titanium. And Zero has a lot of old bad comedy records. What? Bad comedy is torture too!)**_
**Me: **Just sit back and enjoy the show.
**Kaiser: **You do anything we don't like in the episode, you're dead. Oh wait, I forgot, you're still a zombie, from my hikari's 'New Family' story. Well torturing you is pure fun.
**Zero: **What they said.
**Zofis:** _(whimpers in fear)_
15. The Sixth Winner
_Me: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!_
_Kaiser: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!_
_Zero: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!_
_Zeno: (Getting annoyed) What's so damn funny?_
_Me, Kaiser, Zero: Look at this. It's you!_
_Zeno: (Looks at my computer) (His jaw drops open) I thought I told Dufort to destroy that thing?_
_Me: Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha You're on YouTube! And you're hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha SINGING!_
_Kaiser: Hahahahahahahahahahahaha And you sound like a girl when you sing! Hahahhahahaha_
_Zero: Hahahahahaha And you say that people love your ASS! Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!_
_Kaiser: Do you even have an ass, Zeno? Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!_
_Me: Who can tell? He's always wearing his cloak! Hahahahahahahahaha!_
_Zero: If you don't have an ass? Then how do you go number 2 when you go to the bathroom? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!_
_Dufort: Oops._
* * *
Chapter 15: The Sixth Winner. **
"I just don't get. The winners are disappearing like rabbits." Willy Wonka said as he, along with Zatch, Kiyo, Tia, and Megumi, were leaving the room where they lost Brago and Sherry.
"Mr. Wonka, can we please take a break? I'm exhausted." Megumi asked all tired out as she sat down on a large box.
"No, no, Ms. Ooumi. We can't stop now. I want to introduce you all to the sixth golden ticket winner."
Everyone jumped forward in front of Wonka all shocked.
"There's a another ticket winner!" the two mamodos and two humans shout out in unison.
"Of course. He's right behind this door, and he's very delightful to meet you all again, and especially you, Zatch." Willy answered as he looked down at the blond child. "You can come in now." the candy maker called out to the door.
The door opened to reveal a mamodo child with snow white hair, dark purple eyes with white streaks, and was wearing white shoes and a white cloak just like Zatch. It was ZENO!
"ZENO!" Zatch, Tia, Kiyo, and Megumi called out in shock.
"What?" the Zatch lookalike asked out in confusion. Everyone except Willy glared at him, so he glared back.
"What are you doing back here on Earth?" Zatch asked.
"Can't I have some fun time for myself here? Then when I found out about this factory contest, I figured that maybe I should check it out. So I got myself a Wonka bar and opened and found myself a golden ticket. And then I ate the candy bar, which tasted so good I couldn't resist but scarf it all into my mouth. Now it's safe an sound in here." Zeno answered, and then placed his hand on his stomach. He then reached into his cloak and pulled out a golden ticket and handed it to Willy Wonka. "I know about what happened in the battle, but I got back what I wanted back in the mamodo world, didn't I? So I don't hold a grudge anymore against you, Zatch. So you should be thankful for it. But still, I would've beaten you easily in the last battle if your friends hadn't intervene."
"So where's Dufort?" Kiyo asked the dark lightning mamodo child.
"Believe it or not, but I couldn't find Dufort anywhere. But I found this pretty woman and decided and asked her to take me to the factory and she said yes." Zeno responded, and then walked back to the door where he came out of and began pulling on someone's hand. The woman that Zeno brought out had short brown hair and brown eyes to match. She was in a light purple dress and a small brown coat over it. It was KOKO!
"KOKO!" everyone except Zeno and Willy called out in unison again.
"Will you four shut up with that?" Zeno snapped at them and they shut up just like that. Then Koko, for who knows why, picked up and hold Zeno, with him sitting on her hip. Zeno turned to see the four looking at him and Koko with big bulging eyes. Bulging. BULGING!
"What? I'm not evil anymore, so just drop the past already. And if you're wondering why about this with me and Koko, well, lets say that we're... a bit 'together' now. And I'm NOT brainwashing her. REALLY I'M NOT!" Zeno said again.
"Oh, Zeno, you." Koko said happily as she kissed Zeno on his forehead. The four made gag noises.
"SHUT UP!" both Zeno and Koko snapped in unison.
"Okay!" the four responded in unison and they shut up.
"Now that _that's_ over with, shall we move along?" Willy asked, and everyone, including Zeno and Koko, followed him through another door to a long room where it had a strange looking vehicle.
"Wow, what's this whatchamiccallit?" Zatch asked Wonka.
"This device will take us to the other section of this room, now everyone aboard." Wonka responded. Zeno led Koko onto the vehicle. Kiyo sat next to Koko in the back seat. Tia and Megumi got into the middle seats, and Zatch and Zeno got into the front seats together. This isn't right.
"Stop giving me that look, Zatch. You got your memory back and I got back my Bao Zakerga spell in the mamodo world. And I'm not evil and I don't hate you anymore. So stop giving me that look." Zeno said to Zatch, starting to get annoyed by the look Zatch is giving him. Zatch still remembers back in the mamodo when he was just crowned king, Zeno somehow got the Bao Zakerga spell back. Zatch was still disappointed by that event.
"Hey, Megumi. Do you think Mr. Slugworth will pay us extra if we tell him about this thing?" Tia asked excitedly.
"Just keep your eyes open and your mouth shut."
"Okay, everyone, here we go!" Willy called out as he fired up the engine of the vehicle they were all in. "Faster than an eagle! Stronger than lions!" Wonka shout out. As they went down the hallway, all these puppet-like robots began to sing the Willy Wonka theme song. Everyone was annoyed by this so much, Zeno tried to get off and destroy all of the puppet-robots.
Suddenly, bubbles and foam was being shoot out everywhere and was covering all over everyone. They all panicked, except Willy Wonka just sang like a maniac. But then they pass through a strange door. When they came out of it, all the soap and foam was gone. Odd?
"What the hell did we just went through?" Zeno shout out.
"Hsaw Aknow" Willy answered the dark lightning mamodo's question.
"Is that Japanese or something?" Both Kiyo and Megumi asked in confusion.
"No, that's Wonka Wash spelled backwards." Willy corrected.
"Couldn't we just walk?" Tia asked.
"You should open your mouth a little more wider when you speak." that was all Willy said to the red head, who got angry in response.
"Come on everyone. Lets go into the T.V. room." Willy called out.
_**To be continued...** next chapter: Wonka vision and Tia shrinks._
* * *
_Me: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!_
_Kaiser: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!_
_Zero: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!_
_Zeno: (Getting annoyed) Stop laughing at me!_
_Me, Kaiser, Zero: No Hahahahahahahahahaha way!_
_Zeno: But I-_
_Me, Kaiser, and Zero: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!_
_Zeno: You-_
_Me, Kaiser, and Zero: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahaha_
_Zeno: I don't want-_
_Zeno: Stop laughing at me! So what if I sound like a girl and guy whenever I sing?_
_Me: To anyone who wants to find out why me, Kaiser, and Zero are laughing at Zeno so much, ho YouTube dot com, type in Zeno and hit search, and then look for the result called Zeno's humps. It'll show Zeno singing the song 'My Humps' by the Black Eyed Peas. It's so hilarious. His voice sounds like girl and a guy when he sings._
_(Dufort, Zatch, Tia, Kiyo, and Megumi trying to sneak out)_
_Me: Oh no you five don't! You all were singing too and your voices sounded like girls and guys as well. (Laughs again) But I have to admit, whether or not his voice sounds like a girl or guy or not, Zeno is a good singer. Buts it's still hilarious!_
_(Then I go colorless because I laughed so much, I can't breathe, so I fall to the ground. Yep, I just died laughing. But my spirit won't die, so he's still laughing.)_
_My spirit: (Still laughing)_
16. Wonka Vision
_Kaiser & Zero: What's the matter with you?_
_Me: We're doom! Doom, I tell you! DOOM!_
_Kaiser: Just chill and tell us why we're doom._
_Me: THE SUN! The sun is gonna unleash a massive heat wave strong enough to wipe out all electricity we have here on Earth! And it'll take about weeks to months to years to get electricity back! Imagine living in a world without electricity! How are we gonna survive? And I'm not gonna go back to my primal instincts!_
_Kaiser: Well, I use to live in Egypt with the Pharaoh, Yami Bakura, and Maiana, and we didn't had electricity._
_Zero: Yeah, and I'm from another world that hardly has any electricity._
_Me: I don't care! We're DOOM! The sun's gonna wipe out all electricity! Ra will betray all humans!_
_(Then Zatch, Kiyo, Brago, Zeno, Dufort, Sherry, Tia, Megumi, Kanchome, Folgore, Ponygon, Kafka Sunbeam, Koko, Good Zofis, and Evil Zofis come in.)_
_Brago: Now what's wrong with him?_
_Zero: He thinks the sun's gonna wipe out all electricity from Earth in one gigantic heat wave._
_Me: I don't think, I know it's gonna happen! It's coming I tell you!"_
_Everyone: And your point is?_
_Me: My point is that the Sun is THE ULTIMATE EVIL! We're all gonna die without electricity to help us! The Sun is THE ULTIMATE EVIL!_
_Everyone: And your point is?_
_Me: (Glares)_
_Kaiser: Uh-oh, now you all done it. (Sighs/shrugs) I'll get the restraining jacket._
_Zero: And I'll call the happy hotel. The rest of you people just enjoy the new chapter._
_Me: THE SUN IS GONNA DESTROY US ALL! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all!_
* * *
Chapter 16: Wonka Vision. **
"Come on, everyone. Lets go into the T.V. room." Willy called out.
The chocolate maker led Zatch, Kiyo, Tia, Megumi, Zeno, and Koko into an unknown room.
"You all might want to put these on," Willy said as he handed everyone weird-looking goggles. "If anyone's eyes are expose to the super flashes in here, the light will burn your eyes out of your sockets. And we don't want that now, do we?"
Zatch sighed, Tia went "humph", and Zeno rolled his eyes. But they all put the goggles on and followed Wonka inside.
Everything inside the T.V. room was all white. But there were only a very few things that were black. The room looked almost completely empty, except there was a giant platform, a control panel, a weird-looking T.V. screen, and a machine that looks like a giant video camera.
"What is this place?" Zatch asked, but then his lookalike Zeno whacked him on the back of the head.
"Don't you ever pay attention?" Zeno hissed at Zatch. Zatch quickly turned around and saw no one. He only saw Kiyo, Tia with Megumi, and Zeno with Koko. Zatch eyed his lookalike.
"What?" spoke Zeno.
"Behold ladies and gentle men; Wonka Vision. My very latest and greatest invention." Willy Wonka announced out loud.
"Oh... what's Wonka Vision?" Zatch asked again, and was whacked in the back of the head again by Zeno.
Zatch fiercely turned around again, but no one was standing behind him. He eyed Zeno again, who was by Koko's side.
"What?" Zeno spoke louder this time.
'Weird. I thought for sure that someone was behind me, hitting me on the head, but how come no one seems to be near me? Oh, they're good.'
Willy decided to continue talking. "Anyway, Wonka Vision is my very latest and greatest invent-"
"You already said that!" Zeno spoke up. Wonka frowned.
"You three are quite short." the candy maker said, pointing his fingers at the three mamodo children.
"Duh, we're 6 years old." Zatch spoke back.
"Well I wasn't as short you three are."
"You were once." Zeno called out.
"No I wasn't. I remember one putting a hat on my head. Look at your short little arms, you can never reach." Willy spoke again, and then chuckled a bit.
Zeno, Zatch, and Tia got really mad at this. Both Zatch and Tia stick their tongues at Wonka, but Zeno, despite him being 6 years old, gave Wonka the middle finger and grinned evilly.
"As I was saying, one day while I was watching t.v. and then an idea popped in my mind; why don't I try using a bar of chocolate to break down into little bite-size pieces and resemble them into a television screen where people are watching television, and when they're hungry, they can simply reach into the t.v. screen that is showing one of my special chocolate bars and take the chocolate out. I like to call it Television Chocolate." Willy explained, and ended his talking with a smile.
Everyone except Zeno had their mouths dropped to the ground.
"You're more insane than ever!" Tia snapped at the candy maker. "It's impossible to do something as stupid as that! Have you ever taken a science class before? There's a difference between particles and waves, you dummy! And you can almost bring the entire world to an end, because Kiyo and Megumi specifically told me one time that the energy to change or convert or whatever you call it to matter from energy is extremely dangerous! That kind of force is as powerful as what, nine to ten atomic bombs? You're totally out of your mind-"
Willy Wonka shout out loud, which made Tia stopped talking.
"Seriously, little girl. You should open your mouth a little wider whenever you speak, and I cannot understand you're saying, and that annoys me. So please, do us all a favor and shut-up." Wonka spoke.
"THAT DOES IT!" Tia shrieked anime style and lunged towards Wonka to strangle him.
"Guys, pin her down!" Kiyo shout out. Zatch, Kiyo, and Megumi all jumped onto Tia and were pinning her on the ground.
Zeno and Koko were just looking at them.
"You four are so naive." the dark lightning mamodo child spoke as he shook his head.
"I'm what?" Koko asked Zeno suddenly.
"I wasn't talking about you." Zeno responded.
"Bring in the chocolate!" Willy called out to a couple of mamodos who were bringing in giant chocolate bar the size of a tree over to the platform. They placed the chocolate bar on the platform and went to their stations.
"Get ready, everyone," Willy spoke out loud as the giant video camera began move and aim itself at the chocolate bar. "Lights, camera, ACTION!"
The giant video camera fired a shining light out of its lenses it was so bright that everyone must turn away from it. But the light disappeared as fast as it came. The chocolate bar has vanished.
"It's gone!" Zatch, Kiyo, Tia, and Megumi all said in unison.
"Told you so." Willy responded.
"Don't you think that was cool, Zeno?" Koko asked the little mamodo child by her side.
"Obvious." Zeno responded.
"Now follow me over here." Willy spoke again as he walked over to the other side of the room towards the television screen. Everyone followed him and just stared ta the t.v. screen. "Give it some time." Willy continued.
After about twenty seconds of waiting, the chocolate bar appeared on the t.v. screen, at the size of a normal chocolate bar. "Well, reach in and grab it." Wonka said to Tia and Megumi.
"It's just a picture. If we try to reach in, we'll just hurt our hands by hitting them against the screen." Tia spoke back.
"Wimp." Willy responded.
"What?" the red head snapped, but Willy ignored her and looked at Zeno.
"Why don't you take it?"
"Fine." Zeno rolled his eyes, but he stepped forth. He reached his hand out to the t.v. screen. Everyone, including Zeno thought his hand was gonna hit the screen, but instead, it went into it, like it was a portal or a gateway. Zeno grasped the chocolate bar in his hand and pulled it out of the t.v. screen.
Everyone gasped at what just happened.
"Go on, try it. It's the same thing, but only smaller." Willy insisted Zeno to eat it. The dark lightning mamodo rolled his eyes again, but unwrapped the chocolate bar. He looked at it for a bit, and then turn to see everyone, and then back at the candy. And just like that, Zeno quickly scarfed the whole chocolate bar into his mouth like a wild animal.
He immediately swallowed it after he scarfed it into his mouth. He turned to look at everyone.
There was chocolate all over his mouth. "Okay," Zeno spoke at last. "I have one very, very important question I need to ask all of you."
Everyone nodded and leaned a bit closer to what the dark lightning mamodo was going to ask.
"Got milk?"
Everyone did the anime fall. Except Willy Wonka of course.
Koko was the first to get up, and she was laughing. She laughed so hard, she was clutching her stomach with her arms, feeling that her stomach was gonna explode or burst from laughing so hard. She turned to see the other four still on the ground, looking at her with odd faces.
"What? He's funny." said Koko, trying to calm down and wipe a tear from her eye. Zeno instead wiped the chocolate off his mouth with his arm and wiped it off on his cloak, leaving a small brown stain on it.
"It's amazing."
"It's spectacular."
"It's a t.v. dinner."
"It's Wonka Vision."
"It can change the world."
"Hey, Mr. Wonka? Pardon my behavior earlier. But I want to ask, can you send other things besides chocolate?" Tia suddenly asked.
"Yes, of course." Willy responded to the red head's question.
"How about people, like humans or mamodos?"
Willy thought about it a bit, but an answer came up really quick. "Sure of course I can. But there might some major problems with it." but Tia completely ignored the last part and ran towards the giant video camera.
"Tia, what in the world are you doing?" Megumi shout out.
"Idiot." Zeno spoke under his breath.
"Can't you see, Megumi? I want to be a famous pop idol just like you! Lights Camera, ACTION!" Tia shouted the same bright light came again. As it disappeared, Tia was gone.
"Tia! What happened?" the pop idol brunette called out loud.
"She's heading towards the t.v. quick!" Zatch spoke out a they all gather around the t.v. screen.
"What's taking so long?" Megumi asked with worry in her voice at Willy.
"Oh, it just takes awhile for all the particles of a form to show up together. And sometimes, only a few parts make it through. Say, young lady, if you happen to choose one half of your friend, which half would it be?" Willy asked a pointless question.
"What the hell kinda question is that?" Megumi cried out in shock and anger.
"No need to snap, it was just a question." Wonka spoke back, and then he turned to see one of his mamodos. "Try every channel."
The mamodo grabbed a remote and began flipping through channels, until it came to news channel. Suddenly, a figure appeared on the desk; it was Tia, who has shrunk. Music begins to play in the background.
"There she is. Cool, she's on the big picture box, Kiyo." Zatch spoke out. Zeno whacked Zatch in head again, and zipped straight back to Koko's side. "Who keeps hitting me on the head?" zatch asked.
Then mamodos surrounded the t.v. screen and the mamodo on the news channel as the news reporter began to sing "The most important thing, that we've ever learned. The most important thing we've important thing we've learned as far as mamodos are concerned..."
Then the mamodo with the remote change to a cooking channel, where Tia was almost smashed by a meat pounding hammer. "...Is never, never let them near the television set. Or better still just don't install the stupid thing at all."
Then it switches to a channel with rockem sockem robots. Tia was almost punched to death by the giant toys. "Never, never let them. Never, never let them."
Then it switches to a channel where a rock n' roll band is playing on a stage with fancy disco-like colors. "Never, never let them. Never, never let them. It keeps their imaginations dead, that it rots the senses in their head. It makes a child so dull and blind, it clogs and clutters up the mind. SO DULL! SO DULL! They'll no longer understand fairytale from a fairyland. Their thinking powers rust and freeze, it makes their brains as soft as cheese. They cannot think, they only sees!"
Then a black hole opens up underneath Tia and so she falls down the hole back to the channel with the rockem sockem robots. "Regarding little Tia, we very much regret that we, regret that we." This time, Tia was caught in the crossfire, so one of the robots punched her in the face, which made her go flying off screen back into the cooking channel. She landed on her rear onto a pan that was over a stove fire. She screamed in pain as the bottom part of her dress was being fried. She jumped off the pan and into a nearby sink filled with water. Then he suddenly sink and fell back into the news channel. "Wait and see, wait and see, wait and see, wait and see. We very much regret that we shall simply have to wait and see if we can get her back her normal height, but if we can't..." then the news caster mamodo slammed his reporting papers right on top of Tia's tiny body. "... it serves her right."
"Eww, quick, somebody grab her." Wonka spoke out. Megumi quickly reached into the t.v. screen and pulled Tia out, with the red head now resting in Megumi's hand.
"Thank goodness, she's completely unharmed." Wonka said with another smile on his face.
"After what we saw, you call this unharmed?" Megumi snapped at the candy maker as she points her finger at Tia's little body as the result of what just happened.
"Please get me back to normal size. I don't want to be small," Tia spoke in a small female-chipmunk-like voice. "Just put me back in the other way."
"There is no other way. It's television, not telephone. And you call me crazy?" Wonka said at the tiny red head mamodo.
Zatch just stared at Tia's little form with wide-opened eyes. Then he gave out a very big smile.
And then he went "YAY! A TIA ACTION FIGURE! LET ME PLAY WITH IT!" the blond mamodo child snatched Tia out of Megumi's hand and into his own hand.
"Zatch, what are you doing?" Tia asked Zatch in her now female chipmunk voice.
"Fighter pilot!" then Zatch began to swing his hand around very fast like he thinks Tia's an airplane. He was making machine gun noises.
"Zatch stop!" both Kiyoa nd Megumi said to the blond, but he didn't listen.
"Dive bomb!" Zatch said as his hand went low to the ground, and then lifted it back up to his face. Then he held out his fist outward, preparing to punch Tia's lights out. "AND HERE COMES THE GIANT FIST!"
But suddenly, Zeno appeared up front and snatched out of Zatch's hand, and brought it back over to Megumi.
"So what do we do?" Kiyo asked Willy.
"Well, little girls are very stretchy and springy, so we should put her into the Taffy Puller. It will stretch her back to normal. She's sure gonna be very skinny." Willy suggests.
"But I don't want to be skinny! I just want to be back to normal!" Tia cries out loud.
"Oh, don't worry, tiny girl. Once you're all stretched out, we just need to fill you up with air like a balloon, and then you'll be back to normal before you know it." Willy speaks again.
"But I'm allergic to taffy!" Tia shrieks out anime style.
"Well, off you two go." Willy finishes and a couple of mamodos lead Megumi and Tia out. Tia was crying like a frightened child while Megumi was trying to calm her down.
"Well," says Willy as he looks at Zatch, Zeno, Kiyo, and Koko. "On with the tour."
'Will this tour ever be over?' Kiyo says in his thoughts as he lays his forehead on his right palm.
_**To Be Continued...**_
* * *
_Me: Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all!__Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all!__Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all!_
_Kaiser and Zero: (Trying pin me down and put the restraining jacket on me) there we go, that keep him restrained._
_Brago: Finally!_
_Me: Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all!__Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all!_
_Kaiser: I'm sorry, Hikari, but leave me no choice._
_(Kaiser pulls out some duck-tape and pulls a large strip of it off and slaps it straight on my mouth.)_
_Zero: Lets get him to the happy hotel._
_Me: (Muffling through the duck tape over my mouth) Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! __Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all! Destroy us all!_
_Kaiser and Zero: (Carrying me off to a mental institute)_
_All the Zatch Bell characters: (cheering that I'm going to a mental institute.)_
_Zatch: (Yelling out to me from a distance) See ya, Crazy!_
_Koko: So I take it that he won't updating soon._
_Sherry: Yes. I feel sorta sorry for Rahkshi._
_Brago and Zofis: Not us. He was annoying_!
17. All Downhill
_Zero: Finally, we're back home._
_Kaiser: (Making some coffee) I know. I must stay awake. (Sips some coffee)_
_Me: Hello, guys. How's it going?_
_Kaiser: (Does the spit gag with his coffee) How did you get back from the Happy Hotel?_
_Me: It's a looooooooooonnnnnnnggggggggggggg story. But I can tell you guys at the end of this new chapter._
_Zero: So I take it that he's better?_
_Kaiser: I guess._
_Me: To everyone who has read the last chapter; I already KNOW the sun's gonna explode and turn into a black hole within millions or billions years later in the future. But I was saying that the sun can still create massive waves of radiation that can shut down the entire electrical system across the entire planet, on Discovery channel or something._
_Kaiser: And me, Zero, and your family have been telling you that they just **made all that up **to entertain people... in a scary kinda way._
_Me: I know, but back then, my common sense and saneness were turned off back then, so it just freaked me out by surprise back then. Anyway, I'm back to normal now, everyone! So Kage, I haven't lost anything. And Maiana, I'm not messed up and I suggest that you please apologize for saying 'Thank Ra he's gone' before I go more insane than I did in the last chapter._
_Kaiser: Hikari chill. What do have against her?_
_Me: I don't have anything against her, but she insulted me and hurted my feelings when I need help the most while I was almost gonna have a breakdown by calling me messed up. I want an apology or else you can't speak to her again, and Duskmon will take her away from you._
_Me: Then tell her!_
_Kaiser: (shrugs) Maiana, just apologize. He's really upset and hyper at the same time, and when he does, he's not gonna stop. So please just do it to make him stop._
_Zero: But I still don't understand how you got back here from the mental institute!_
_Me: Oh, I just escaped, and believe me, **It was a totally awesome adventure**! Man you should've been there! Does anyone want to know?_
* * *
Chapter 17: All Downhill.**
"Now follow me please." Willy Wonka said as he led Zatch, Zeno, Kiyo, and Koko into an elevator know as the Wonkavator.
"Now this is called the Wonkavator. It looks like an ordinary elevator, but it can go almost anyway you can think of." Wonka said as he let his guests in first. After he stepped in, he pressed one of many buttons on the wall and the Wonkavator zoomed straight off, almost making the four remaining people fell over.
They went into another room in the factory that looks like they're somewhere in the mountains.
"Lady and Gentlemen, welcome to Fudge Mountain." Willy announced as he and the other four looked out to see a couple of mamodos shipping pieces of frozen fudge out of the mountain in mining carts. They all waved by before Willy and the other four went into another room.
They were in the fudge room. It was just a huge barrel shaped container filled with fudge. There was Folgore and another mamodo with a long pole poking inside the container. Zatch guessed they haven't found Kanchome yet.
The Wonkavator took them into another room filled with sheep; sheep with pink wool. The wool almost looks like cotton candy. Zatch looked at it with amazement. Zeno ignored it. But Kiyo and Koko looked sick at the image of cotton candy coming from sheep with pink wool.
Next came a room where Willy called the juicing room. Zatch can see Kolulu in it. She was still a big blueberry, but not as big as he last saw her. He guessed they're still getting that juice out of her.
Then they came to a room filled with garbage, garbage, and more garbage. They kept a close look out, but eventually they saw Brago and Sherry trying to find a way out. Sherry slipped and fell, but Brago turned and helped her up.
"Sherry!" Koko called out all worried.
"Oh, don't worry, miss. My workers will be helping them out real soon. I hope." Willy spoke.
But suddenly, the Wonkavator stopped in its tracks and dropped down into another room filled with cannons firing candy everywhere. Everyone except Wonka of course, were completely lost at whatever point this room is suppose to do. If it even has a point.
But then the Wonkavator took a left turn which led them into a room with what Wonka calls the Taffy Puller. They can see Tia in it, being force fed with taffy over and over and over. Once the tiny red head felt like she was gonna be sick, tiny mechanical arms grabbed her and pulled and pulled until she was now very skinny, very tall, taller than Megumi, and very flat as cardboard. Next, a hose connected to an air tank was put into the red head's mouth and air rushed into her, filling her up with air like a big balloon. Zatch and Kiyo were relieved that the Wonkavator took a right turn, because they don't want to know what's gonna come out of that in the end.
But the Wonkavator stopped as it entered a tunnel. Its doors opened and everyone stepped out. They followed Willy down the hallway until they came by two doors. Zatch looked up to see Willy no longer having a normal happy cheerful look, but more of a serious disappointed look instead.
"Well, everyone," Willy turned to the remaining four and continued as he opened one of the doors. "I hope you enjoy yourselves on this entire waste of a day. I'm sure you'll find your way out through that other door."
"But Mr. Wonka," Zatch took a step forward and spoke. "What about Kolulu, and Kanchome, and Brago, and Tia? What's gonna happen to them?" the blond asked in a worried concerned tone of voice.
"My dear boy. There's nothing to worry about. I guarantee you that they'll back to their normal miserable selves in no time. But next time they will probably listen better." Wonka answered.
"But they're not miserable-" Zatch spoke again, but Willy already closed the door. "Kiyo, what do think what that was all about?"
"Zatch, forget it," Zeno spoke to his blond lookalike. "It's obvious. He was just messing with our imaginations to get the better of us. It has already worked on your friends."
"But I'm gonna find out." Kiyo spoke and opened the door Wonka went through, followed by Zatch, and then Zeno shrugged but followed in with Koko. Inside the room was Willy Wonka's office. Everything was only half. There half of an old grandfather clock, half of a head statue, even half of a desk, which is where Willy was sitting at, answering bills and some bill from a queen somewhere in Europe.
"Mr. Wonka?" Kiyo asked the candy maker.
"I very busy right now, sir."
"I can see that, but what about this reward you speak of. Who wins it? Zatch or Zeno?"
Everyone, except Zeno all gasped in shock. Zeno already knew it was coming.
"Why?" Zatch, Kiyo, and Koko asked in unison.
"Because you all broke the rules."
"What rules? We didn't see any rules, did we, Zatch?" Kiyo spoke back.
"WRONG, sir. Wrong. Under section 12; sub-section Q of the contract signed by Zatch Bell himself," Willy snapped as he brought out a smaller version of a giant contract that Zatch and the others signed earlier when they first entered the factory. "It says, I, the signer will forfeit all claims to the reward for any mischief and rule breaking that I have committed during the tour! It's all there, black and white, clear as crystal! You two stole Flippy Flappy drinks! You bumped into the ceiling which now has to be washed and polluted the air with your burping which now has to be sprayed! And you," Wonka snapped, pointing an accusing finger at Zeno. "The reason you're here is by mistake. The sixth ticket you got was accidently made by me when only five were suppose to be made by me, and it was accidently sent out into the pubic, which it shouldn't have been, which means you were never suppose to be here! So you all get nothing! YOU LOSE! Good day to all of you!"
Everyone was shocked, including Zeno.
"You're a liar and a swindler, that's what you really are!" Koko spoke back, standing up for Zeno and Zatch. "How can you do this to these young boys, building up all their hopes and dreams and then smashing them all into pieces!"
"What she said!" Kiyo spoke next.
"You inhuman monster!"
Zeno lowered his head until shadows were covering his eyes. A tear formed in Zatch's eye. Kiyo and Koko were outraged by this.
"Come on, Zatch. Let get out of this dump. I'll get even with him if it's last thing I'll ever do. If that old hack Slugworth wants a gobstopper, then he'll get one for sure." Kiyo said as he helped Zatch to the door.
Koko stopped and looked down at Zeno, still standing there with his head down.
"Zeno, you okay?" the brunette asked.
"How?" was all the dark lightning mamodo said for a bit. "How can he do that... to my own brother?"
Koko can tell that Zeno was upset, even though he didn't show it, she picked the white-haired mamodo child and embraced him in her arms.
"Wait, Kiyo." Zatch stopped his book owner and turned back to see Wonka still doing his work. He walked quietly over Wonka's desk, with only one sentence to say.
"Mr. Wonka, this belongs to you." then Zatch took something out of the pocket of his blue cloak and placed it on the desk. It was the gobstopper Wonka gave him.
"Koko, please put me down." Zeno spoke and Koko placed him down. "Here, Wonka, this belongs to you too." then Zeno pulled out the sixth golden ticket and placed on the desk next to Zatch's gobstopper as well.
The Zatch lookalike walked over to Zatch and placed his hand on Zatch's shoulder. "Come on, bro, lets go." and all four of them were on their way out the door.
But Wonka stopped his writing and looked at the things Zatch and Zeno gave back. He placed his hand on both of them.
"So shines two good deeds, from two good souls, in a weary world."
_**To Be Continued...**_
18. The New Owner of The Chocolate Factory
_**Author Notes:** Just for anyone to know, I was over BurnZatch'sBell a long time ago. I admit that I don't like him and I don't like his stories, but that was a long, long, long time ago. I was over him a long, long, long time ago as well._
_Plus, when Sting said he reported on Burn, I took all of your guys' side and told him that he was going too far this time, but he's not listening to me._
_My point is that I was over Burn a long, long, long, long , long time ago. So please don't hate me._
_Evil Zofis: They're gonna hate you._
_Me: (punches Evil Zofis in eye)_
* * *
Chapter 18: The New Owner of The Chocolate Factory. **
"So shines two good deeds, from two good souls, in a weary world."
Willy quickly turned around to see the remaining four guests leaving. "Zatch! Zeno!"
"What now?" Zeno responded, totally not in the mood for the candy maker.
"Oh, boys," A smile crept on Willy's face. "You both won!" he got out of his chair and picked up the two lightning mamodos and swung them around. "You both did it! I knew it, I knew it you two can do it!" then Willy placed Zatch and Zeno down. "Oh, boys, forgive me for putting you through a rough time. Please forgive me- you can come in now." Willy apologized and then called to a random person.
It was Slugworth.
"AHH! It's Slugworth!" Zatch screamed out anime style.
"Okay! Zatch, you get behind him and push! Koko, you bring him into a choke hold and pin him to the ground! Zeno, you hit him over the head with a coconut, and I'll go for his legs!" Kiyo shouted out anime style as well, pointing an accusing finger at Slugworth.
"No, no, everyone. This isn't Slugworth. Slugworth died a long time ago." Willy convinced everyone.
"But who the heck is he?" Zeno asked out loud.
"Zeno, it's me." 'Slugworth' spoke in a familiar voice and removed his face, which was really a mask and revealed a familiar face to Zeno.
"DUFORT? What the hell are you doing here?" Zeno asked out loud.
"I got a job as one of Wonka's servants." Zeno's once book owner responded emotionlessly as usual.
"Oh." everyone except Willy said in unison.
"But how come-" Zatch spoke, but was interrupted by the candy maker.
"I had to test you and the others, Zatch, and you and Zeno passed the test. Congratulations. Come on, everyone, we need to get moving." Willy called out as he grabbed his purple coat. "You two won the special surprise. You may think it's chocolate, but there's more than that. Come on, everyone, lets go." Willy insisted as everyone followed him to the Wonkavator.
"Come on, we've got the Wonkavator to speed things-" but then Willy banged his head against the glass wall of the Wonkavator, which looked like he hit a video camera taping the whole thing. He got back up and said "I got to be careful where I leave this thing. Alright then, all aboard."
Willy slide the door open and walked in, followed by, Zatch, Zeno, Kiyo, Dufort, and Koko.
"What now?" Kiyo asked Willy.
"Well, I pressed every single button in the Wonkavator at least once... except for one." Willy responded, and then pointed at a red button with a sign over it that says 'Up and Out.'
"Up and Out? What the hell kinda button is that?" Dufort asked Wonka. He may be one of Willy's employees, but not even he knew what that button does.
"I've been waiting for long time to press that button, but now that you're all my guests here, why don't one of you press it for me?"
"Ooh! Ooh! Me, me, me, me! I want to press the big red shiny button!" Zatch went insane, jumping to press the button, but then Zeno grabbed him by the back of his cloak and pulled him down.
"Forget it! I'm pressing that button." then Zeno began jumping up to press the button, but the Kiyo stopped him.
"I want to press the button." soon, Zatch, Zeno, and Kiyo were fighting each other. Dufort didn't do anything, he just stood there, watching the teen and the two mamodo children fighting each other.
But then there was ding sound, signaling that the button was pressed. Zatch, Zeno, and Kiyo immediately stopped fighting. Zatch was pulling hard on Kiyo's hair, Kiyo was trying to bite Zeno's left leg off, and Zeno has Zatch in a choke-hold. They looked to see who pressed the button; Koko.
"Koko?" the teen and the two lightning mamodos said in unison. Then Zeno quickly punched Zatch in the right eye while he was looking at Koko.
"No fair!" Zatch complained. Koko just grinned in victory, giving the peace sign.
"Females." Zeno cursed under his breath.
Suddenly, the glass elevator began to move up. It started going slow, but then it began to move faster, and faster, and faster. "Well, here we go; Up and Out!" Willy said out loud.
"Do we really mean-"
"But this elevator's made of glass, you maniac! It'll smash into a bazillion pieces, we'll be killed!" Kiyo snapped, but Willy ignored him. Everyone screamed as they tried to hold onto something.
Suddenly, the glass elevator broke through the ceiling of the factory, but the elevator didn't shattered at all. It's still in one piece, but then it descend towards the ground. Willy pressed another button and giant rocket boosters came out from top of the glass elevator, making it hover in place.
Willy was fine, but the others; it's a completely different. Koko was holding Zatch and Zeno in her arms tight, plus Zatch and Zeno were holding onto each other as well. Kiyo and Dufort were holding onto each other. Once they found out what they were doing, they quickly released each other, and began to slap their germs off them.
Suddenly, the Wonkavator landed on the ground outside the factory. Everyone quickly got out, in fear that it may lift off again. Then suddenly, someone came out of the factory.
"Hey, Wonka. All the others are okay for now, so-" It was Zofis, but then he stopped dead in his tracks at the moment he saw Zeno with Koko. "Please tell me this isn't what I think it is."
"Forget it, Zofis. I won, Koko likes me better, at least I'm not mind controlling her like you were." the dark lightning mamodo spoke at the psychic mamodo.
"But... but... but... Koko! Can't you see why I'm here at this dump? I'm doing this for you! Because I love you-" then Zofis was interrupted by a red rubber ball, hitting him right in face.
"Zophie loves Chachi!" Zeno said out loud at the psychic mamodo. It was Zeno who threw the red rubber ball at Zofis. "And now... SECURITY!"
Suddenly, policemen came out of no where and began beating up Zofis in a big puff ball with arms and legs sticking out. Then they put a restraining jacket on him with words on front that say 'I'm a freak.'. Then they throw him into a mental institute truck, and began to drive him off to a mental institute, with him screaming "NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"
"Well, I guess we won't be bothering him for a while." Willy spoke cheerfully. The others just stared at him with awkward looks on their faces.
Then the door to the factory opened again. It's the others. First came out Kanchome and Folgore. Kanchome was covered all over with chocolate, and he was licking it off.
"Kanchome! Folrgore!" Zatch said out happily as he ran over to the duck billed shape-shifting mamodo. Kiyo sweat dropped. "So, do you feel okay?"
"Of course I do, Zatch. I'm just covered with chocolate, that's all." Kanchome responded, still sucking the chocolate off his clothes and skin.
"Kanchome, please don't eat your fingers." Folgore begged Kanchome not to do it.
"But the chocolate tastes so good." Kanchome responded, still licking the chocolate.
Then another two came out. It was Lori and Kolulu. Kolulu was back to her normal size, the only difference was that her skin, hair, and clothes are still blue.
"Kolulu!" Zatch literally screamed out happily like a girl as he ran over to Kolulu. Zeno just shook his head. Both the lightning mamodo and the claw mamodo hugged each other upon contact. "Do you feel any better?"
"Yes, I do now. I've learned my lesson now, Zatch; I'll never chew nor eat another piece of gum as long as I live."
"Close enough. But you're still blue."
"The mamodos who worked there said my normal skin color and hair color will come back to normal within a few days." Kolulu smiled.
"Kolulu, back in the invention room, I never got finish what I really wanted to say. Kolulu... will you be my queen of the mamodo world?" Zatch asked the blue-skinned, blue-haired mamodo.
"Yes, Zatch. Yes, I will!" Kolulu burst into tears of joy as she threw her arms around Zatch, giving him a bigger hug. Zatch smiled as he returned the hug and kissed Kolulu on the forehead.
Zeno didn't know what to think. He looked up at Koko and said "At least I still have you." then the dark lightning mamodo jumped onto the brunette and hugged her as well. Don't ask why, just go with it.
"HELLO!" a familiar voice shouted out, interrupted Zatch and Kolulu's moment.
They all turned to see Tia and Megumi. Tia was back to her normal height, but her skin was covered all over with red stuff, making her itch like crazy.
"Hey, Tia. You feeling better?" Zatch asked the red-head.
"No! First I shrunk, then I swelled up like a melon with air and taffy, and now I'm itching like crazy from this stupid rash! I told you people that I'm allergic to taffy, and now look what it has done to me!" Tia shouted out very angrily as she continued to scratch herself.
"Hey, we're missing Brago and Sherry!" Kiyo said out loud. That's right, Brago and Sherry aren't with them.
But then a large air vent on the wall burst open above them. A familiar blond fell out of the large air vent and landed on her back in pain. "Hey, we're out, now." she spoke in pain.
"I told you taking a right after the 27th pile pf garbage will get us out, but did you listen to me? No." then a familiar dark mamodo came out of the large air vent and fell flat on Sherry's stomach. "Thank you for breaking my fall. If you weren't here when I fell, my impact to the ground would've been a lot more painful."
"No problem." Sherry wheezed out in pain. Brago got off the blond and held out his hand. Sherry took it and her mamodo helped her back up. And by the way, their clothes were covered in garbage.
Everyone stared strangely at them. Brago and Sherry wondered why, but suddenly figured out that they were still holding each others hands. They both let go and took a step away from each other. Nothing personal, but they're not gonna tell the others of what happened between them back in the incinerator.
"How did you like the chocolate factory, Zatch and Zeno?" Willy asked the two lightning mamodos.
"I think it's one of the most wonderful places in the world." Zatch answered happily.
"It's okay, I guess." Zeno answered next.
"Well, that's great, because I'm giving the chocolate factory to both of you." Willy spoke again.
Everyone was silent. They couldn't believe what they just heard.
"You're giving Zatch and Zeno the chocolate factory?" everyone except Brago and Dufort and Willy said out loud in unison.
"Yes. I can't run a chocolate factory forever. Soon I'll be retiring, so who will watch over the factory and the other mamodos? I can't give it to an adult. An adult would want to do it his very own way, not my way. So that's when I decided that needed to find a child. A very kind, reliable, benevolent child." Willy explained, looking at the two lightning mamodos.
"That's why you sent out those golden tickets, isn't it?" Zatch asked.
"That's right, Zatch, so the factory's yours and Zeno's now." Willy finished.
"But Mr. Wonka. Thank you, but I'm afraid I can't have the chocolate factory." Zatch said, lowering his head a bit. "I mean, I love the chocolate factory, and it's really cool, but... since you know about the mamodos, I guess you know about the battle for mamodo king, right?" the blond asked, and Willy nodded.
"Well, I won the battle for king, and the mamodo world needs a benevolent king to rule it. I made a promise to someone." Zatch spoke again, and then looked at Kolulu, and then back at the candy maker. "So... I'm sorry, Mr. Wonka, but I can't run the chocolate factory and be king of the mamodo world at the same time."
"Oh, I'm sorry to here that." Willy responded.
"So... that's why I'm gonna give my part of the factory to Zeno." the blond lightning mamodo said again. Everyone gasped at Zatch's response.
"Zeno, will you run the chocolate factory Mr. Wonka's way?" Zatch turned and asked his lookalike.
The dark lightning mamodo was very silent, but eventually said "Sure, whatever, I guess."
"Thanks." Zatch said happily. After all, it is true that both Zatch and Zeno won the factory.
"I guess this means we're partners again." Dufort said, looking down at his mamodo friend. "But don't think I'll be calling you sir."
"Whatever, Dufort."
"Oh, Zatch and Zeno." Willy said one time at the two lightning mamodos.
"Yes." Zatch and Zeno said in unison.
"Don't forget about the man who had everything he ever needed." said the candy maker.
"What's that?"
"He lived happily ever after." Willy finished with a smile on his face.
Almost everyone cheered in excitement. Kolulu ran and hugged Zatch again, then she kissed him on the cheek. Kiyo hugged Megumi and Tia was still itching from the rash over her body. Kanchome and Folgore felt like singing 'Hey, Hey, lets dance all day' but kiyo quickly stopped them. Brago and Sherry held each others' hands again, but Sherry put her arm around Brago and brought him close to her. Koko picked Zeno and hugged him tight, but Zeno was being squeezed to death. And Dufort, he did something that he hasn't done in a very, very, very long time; a little smile crept on his face.
**The End.**
_The story may be over, but there's one more chapter left. If you want to find out what the last chapter is, here's a hint; WHO WANTS TO WATCH OUTAKES, BLOOPERS, AND MESSUPS?_
* * *
Zatch & Kiyo: We do! _
_Tia & Megumi: We do!_
_Kanchome & Folgore: We do!_
_Willy Wonka: I do!_
_Zeno, Brago, & Zofis: We don't!_
_Dufort, Sherry, & Koko: Oh, yes you do!_
_Kaiser: I still don't get how you escaped from the insane asylum!_
_Zero: (Eating a small bag of popcorn.)_
_Me: Well, we were in a room, a doctor shows up to turn on some annoying music that sucks. Then I went to change the radio to a cool song, then everyone started dancing. I got the guards to dance as well, then I beat the crud out of them while we all were dancing. I snatched the keys and got out of the room. I asked some muscular psychopath to help me escape. He said yes, but then used me as a battery ram on the a window. Believe me, it hurt a lot. But good thing I didn't get a head concussion. Then I stole an ice cream truck, threw ice cream at the asylum people chasing me, and then I made it back here in one piece. I knew watching Good Burger over and over will come in handy soon, and you guys didn't believe me. Now pay up!_
_(Kaiser and Zero each give me five bucks.)_
_Kaiser: (Sees Zero eating a small bag of popcorn.) Give me some of that popcorn! (Snatches it from Zero's hands and scarfs himself with the popcorn.)_
_Kaiser: I do!_
_Zero: I do!_
_Cf101: I do!_
_Maiana: I do!_
_Salaya: I do!_
_Camille: I do!_
_Duskmon Kimura: I do!_
_Kage: I do!_
_Evil Zofis: I don't._
_Rahkshi: Get him!_
_(After a while, Evil Zofis was chained up to a torture wheel, with Cf101's iPod of DOOM tape on his head, with the small ear-phones in his ears.)_
_Rahkshi: Let him have it!_
_(The torture wheel begins to spin around insanely, with evil Zofis screaming like a girl.)_
_Salaya: (Uses her flamethrower to fry Evil Zofis' hat thing to a crisp.)_
_Duskmon Kimura: (Zaps Evil zofis with his tazer gun.)_
_Kage and Camille: (Uses whip and Masamune to slice and whip Evil Zofis' hair off.)_
_Zero: (Downloads the very old bad comedy records into Cf101's iPod.)_
_Maiana: (Throws all her knives at Evil Zofis, all missing, but lining up around his body.)_
_Kaiser: (Throws his titanium chainsaw at Evil Zofis. It misses, but it almost hits him in the testicles.)_
_Evil Zofis: (Faints.)_
_Me: And now to finish you off. (Blasts Evil Zofis with my bazooka/flamethrower/machine gun until all the ammo is used.)_
_Me: (Looks at Kaiser and Zero) And you guys said it was a waist of good money. Next chapter are the outakes, bloopers, and messups that occurred during the making of this story._
_**Author Notes:**_
_**Kudari-chan: **No, I don't need to and I don't have to put Dufort and Lori together. Because I'm not a Dufort/Lori fan. I don't like that pair for a couple of real good reasons. But aside from that, I don't mind the goofs. Enjoy the out takes._
_**Duskmon Kimura: **I'm sure you'll get another chance, Duskmon. And how come I'm not tracked down? It's because I got rid of the ice cream truck before I got back to my house. But, the Wonkavator **IS** the 'Great Glass Elevator!' DUH. Enjoy the out takes._
_**Computerfreak101: **Glad you girls enjoy the torture. Enjoy the out takes._
_**Toa Inika Hewkii: **Well, this story is suppose to be a Zatch/Kolulu thing in it. Enjoy the out takes._
_**Brokensilverchains: **Uhhhhhhh... Enjoy the out takes._
_**Twilight Memories: **Oh, yeah, how could I for get the stick? Sorry, but you never said that you wanted to join the fun. (Backs away a bit) Too much happiness there, Twi. Chill, and enjoy the out takes._
* * *
_(I don't know if these out takes are funny, but I tried my best anyhow.)_
_**Out takes of chapter 1.**_
"Strange place it is, huh?" the strange man spoke to Zatch. "No one ever goes in there." the man spoke again as he pointed towards the factory. Zatch turned to look at the factory again. "And no one ever comes out." the man finished his warning, then started to walk off down the sidewalk.
"Huh?" went Zatch.
"CUT! Zatch, you're not suppose to say anything." I _(As the director of this story) _said out loud through a megaphone. "Come on, lets go again.
_Take 2._
"Strange place it is, huh?" the strange man spoke to Zatch. "No one ever goes in there." the man spoke again as he pointed towards the factory. Zatch turned to look at the factory again. "And no one ever comes out." the man finished his warning, then started to walk off down the sidewalk.
"Who?" went Zatch.
"CUT! I said you're not suppose to say anything!" I said out loud again. "Lets go again."
"I'm sorry, I'll get it right this time." Zatch said, chuckling to himself.
_Take 3._
"Strange place it is, huh?" the strange man spoke to Zatch. "No one ever goes in there." the man spoke again as he pointed towards the factory. Zatch turned to look at the factory again. "And no one ever comes out." the man finished his warning, then started to walk off down the sidewalk.
"Dude, you don't make any sense! What in the _(Beep!) _are you saying?" Zatch shouted anime style.
"CUT! ZATCH!" I shouted anime style.
"I can't help myself! That guy's not making sense!"
"Doesn't make sense? You're the one that doesn't make sense! ZENO, YOU'RE UP!" I shouted over at Zeno.
"Why me?" yelled out Zeno, with make up him, to make his skin look normal, and his hair was died blond, and he was wearing one of Zatch's cloaks.
"Because your stupid counterpart isn't working with us, now get your rear over there for the next take!" I shouted.
_At Kiyo's house._
"And ACTION!" I shouted through the megaphone.
"Am I late everyone?" Zatch called out as he closed the door of Kiyo's home as soon as he opened it.
"You're only just two minutes late, that's all. But your not in trouble." Kiyo answered Zatch's question as he walked down the stairs. Zatch just sighed in relief. "In fact, we were just about to have dinner. Care to join us all mighty king of the Mamodo world." Kiyo teased as he entered the kitchen.
"Hey, that's all mighty KIND king of the pirates to you, mister!" Zatch responded as he followed his former book owner.
"CUT! That's not how it's suppose to go!" I shouted.
_**Out takes of chapter 5.**_
"And... ACTION!" I shouted through the megaphone.
Zatch begins running away from the crowd of people after he got the fifth golden ticket. But suddenly...
... Zatch trips and falls flat on his face on the sidewalk.
"CUT! Can someone get the kid back up?"
"Holy crap!" Zatch said in pain.
_The scene where Zatch meets Slugworth._
Zatch lost the crowd as soon as he pass three blocks and entered a tunnel. He was relieved that Kiyo's house was just at the end of this tunnel, until someone came into his view and he stopped running. It showed a strange man wearing black. He was wearing a black hat on his head and black glasses on his eyes. And lastly, he had a scar on his left cheek.
Suddenly Zatch messes up on his running.
"Congratulations little boy. Well done. You have found-"
"Wait, I mess up, I need to try again. Sorry." Zatch quickly said and went back to his position for the scene.
_Take 2._
Zatch lost the crowd as soon as he pass three blocks and entered a tunnel. He was relieved that Kiyo's house was just at the end of this tunnel, until someone came into his view and he stopped running. It showed a strange man wearing black. He was wearing a black hat on his head and black glasses on his eyes. And lastly, he had a scar on his left cheek.
Zatch accidently runs into Slugworth.
_**Out takes of chapter 6.**_
_The scene where everyone's waiting outside the factory._
"Hey, Sherry, I found out in the script that there's a chocolate river we're gonna encounter later." Brago whispered to Sherry while the others were saying their lines, but one of the cameras were able to catch them on tape.
"Okay, just don't go gorging yourself in it." Sherry responded.
"What are you talking about? You gorge yourself in chocolate." Brago whispered back.
"Not as much as you do."
"I so do not over gorge myself as much as you, and I'll prove it in any way possible."
"Hey... smell that, Brago?" Sherry said as she began sniffing the air in front of Brago. "Smells like a bet."
"No, I smell..." Brago responded as he took in a deep whiff of air in front of Sherry's face. "... You losing a bet!"
"You're on. First one to dig into the chocolate river loses." Sherry finished.
_The scene where everyone's about to sign up the contract._
"Hold it, Kolulu don't sign anything. What's this all about?" Lori spoke to her sister/former Mamodo partner, then she turned and asked Willy Wonka.
"Just some blah blurblur-" Willy answered but messed up on his lines.
_Take 2._
"You just have to, I mean you, and the contract, have to barymythlow." Willy messed up on his lines again, and was silent, but then looked straight at the camera and said "Look... stop it, no laugh at that."
_Scene where Brago tells Sherry to stay out of it when he wants to sign the contract._
"I'm only trying to help you."
"You're the one who kept begging me to take you with me, and I said yes. But as long as we're here, we're doing this my way. Now give me that pen!" Brago responded as he snatched a pen out of Kolulu's hand and began to sign the contract. "Wait, hold on a minute, I did something wrong."
_Take 2._
"I'm only trying to help you."
"You're the one who kept begging me to take you with me, and I said yes. But as long- NO WAY!" Brago messed up again, and stomped his foot on the ground.
_Take 3._
"You're the one who kept begging me to take- ah, okay, I'll get it right next time." Brago quickly.
_Take 4._
"You're the one who kept begging me to take you with me, and I said yes. But as long as we're here, we're doing this- no way. Wow, what the _(Beep!) _is wrong with me today?" Brago messed up again as he walks off stage to his trailer.
"Get it right, Brago, hello." Sherry spoke up, but then an old soda can came flying at her, hitting her in the head.
_**Out takes of chapter 7.**_
The whole Chocolate Room looked like something from a dream, it was a wonderland of sweets. Everywhere you look, there was candy everywhere. It was a dream come true for any candy lover.
"_(Beep!)_" spoke Zatch.
"_(Beep!)_" spoke Kolulu.
"_(Beep!)_" spoke Tia.
"_(Beep!)_" spoke Kyanchome.
"_(Beep!)_" spoke Brago.
"CUT! You guys aren't suppose to cuss! Okay, lets try again." I said out loud on the megaphone.
_The scene where Sherry's looking for Brago._
"Brago? Where are you?" he heard Sherry calling out for him. He raised his hand up over the top of the bushes he was in so that Sherry would find him more easily.
"Oh, I found-what?" Sherry passes through the bushes to find Kiyo and Megumi kissing.
"Do you mind?" both teens yelled at the blond.
"CUT!" I shouted.
_**Out takes of chapter 8.**_
"Well actually, chocolate." Willy corrected them.
"That's chocolate!" everyone except Brago called out.
"A chocolate river." Kolulu spoke.
"Yes. And there's my chocolate waterfall. No other candy factory in the world makes it chocolate by waterfall." Willy explained as he then whispered this into Sherry's ear "It helps if you want it just right."
"Let me at some!" Both Brago and Sherry yelled out as they ran straight up at the edge of the chocolate river and began putting chunks of melted chocolate into their mouths insanely. Then they looked at each other and...
"YOU GAVE FIRST! I DID NOT, YOU DID!" both the dark mamodo and the blond shouted at each other in unison.
Sherry suddenly slapped Brago, then Brago slapped Sherry back, then they roared and lunged at each other. Their fighting caused both of them to fall into the chocolate river. When they burst out of the fudge to breath, Sherry spat a bunch of melted chocolate out of her mouth into Brago's face. Then the mamodo jumped onto the blond and brought her into a head lock.
"Kick his butt!" the girls shouted out at Sherry.
"Yeah, kick her butt!" the guys shouted out at Brago.
But then Brago and Sherry turned around and LITERALLY kicked each other in the butt with their left feet. It caused both of them to fall face flat in the chocolate river.
"Not like that!" Kiyo snapped at Brago, but the dark mamodo ignored the human.
"Headbutt!" Kanchome and Folgore said out loud.
Both Brago and Sherry grabbed hold of each other and banged their foreheads against each other, and then fell back into the melted chocolate.
"Headlock!" Megumi and Lori said out loud.
Brago and Sherry brought both each other into a headlock.
"Use her own weight against her!" Zatch shouted next.
Brago nodded and tried, but by Sherry's size, which was taller than he is, it brought both of them falling backwards into the chocolate with a thick SPLAT noise.
"Suplex!" Tia and Kolulu shouted next.
Sherry picked Brago up and was about to drop him behind her, but in the melted chocolate, her feet slipped and both Brago and Sherry fell off into the chocolate again with another SPLAT noise.
"Even I can fight better than that!" Zofis shouted out from out of nowhere.
"Where did you come from?" everyone shouted out in unison.
"Alright, I surrender, you win!" Sherry called out in defeat. The blond was on her back in the chocolate, and Brago had her pinned by just sitting on her stomach.
"Keep rolling, lets print that." I said through the megaphone.
_**Out takes of chapter 11.**_
"Is it gum?" Kolulu asked out of the group.
"Wrong, little girl. This is- _(Wheeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzeeeesssssssssssssssssss!)_" Willy messed up on his lines and ended up wheezing a long time. When he finished wheezing, he stomped his foot on the ground, looked straight at the camera, and said "Wow... that's not even funny."
_The scene where Willy calls Zofis._
"Oh, Zophie?" Willy calle dout.
"Wha-ah, lets start again!" Zofis said his lines completely not the way it was suppose to go, so he turned around and run off the set, but ran his face into the wall.
_**Out takes of chapter 14.**_
_(A/N: This is a deleted scene and a out take/blooper/messup at the same time.)_
"Maybe we can find our way out of here if we just follow the piles of trash-wait!"
_Take 2._
"Follow the piles-follow the piles-follow the piles-follow the piles-follow the piles-follow the piles... of trash and we may find our way out." Brago said, with a lot of stammering when saying his lines. Sherry just stood there looking at him.
Then Brago and Sherry began to walk off, with Sherry turning to look at the camera with a weird smile on her face.
"Better you had that line than me." the blond said out loud.
_**Out takes of chapter 15.**_
"Mr. Wonka, can we please take-" Megumi said her lines, but suddenly stopped and began to laugh.
"CUT! What's so funny, Ooumi?" I shouted out through my megaphone.
"I'm sorry, Rahkshi, but-hahahahahaha-he has... something in his nose-hahahahahahaha!" Megumi said and burst into laughter. Everyone else saw what was so funny and they burst into laughter as well.
"What's so funny?" Willy Wonka asked, turning around, to reveal something small and disgusting hanging out from his nose. I didn't find it so funny.
"Makeup!" Zatch called out, still laughing.
_The scene where everyone's on the Hsaw Aknow._
"Will, don't go to sleep." I said to Willy Wonka on my megaphone.
"Oh, come on, just this once? I've had all my shots." Willy begged me to let him sleep during while the camera was rolling. "Looks like we're gonna have a smorgasbord."
_**Out takes of chapter 16.**_
_The scene when Zeno reached into the t.v. and took the chocolate bar and began to eat it._
"This is delicious." Zeno said happily as he took his first bite of the chocolate bar.
Everyone just backed away a bit from Zeno. He turned to look at the camera and showed the chocolate bar in his hand. He had the most freakish smile in the world, PERIOD!
Suddenly, the crew and camera people in the back ground began to giggle out loud. Zeno turned his head in different directions to see them, with the freakish smile on his face.
"Try the chocolate bar," Zeno spoke up, with the camera people and crew members giggling harder this time. "It's heavenly," then the crew and camera people giggled even harder than before. "It tastes like dog _(Beep!)_"
And then the crew and camera people, including me, just laughed insanely from the thing Zeno just said. Then the dark lightning mamodo took another bite out of the chocolate bar and laughed as well.
_**Out takes of chapter 18.**_
"Oh, Zatch and Zeno." Willy said one time at the two lightning mamodos.
"Yes." Zatch and Zeno said in unison.
"Don't forget about the man who had everything he ever needed." said the candy maker.
"What's that?"
"He lived happily ever after." Willy finished with a smile on his face.
Almost everyone cheered in excitement.
"I don't get it." Zeno said all of a sudden.
Everyone stopped cheering and Zatch fainted just like that.
"CUT!" I shouted one last time through my megaphone.
Zeno looked up at the camera, including everyone who is reading this chapter and said "Was it something I said?"
_**THE END!**_
End file.
| Zatch and The Chocolate Factory by Rahkshi500 | Zatch Bell |
Rain, Rain, Don't Go Away
_o.O Wow, a lot of people are writing PamunxReira stories. Yeah, i like the pairing n' all, but seriously, i have barely seen even 2 stories where they're actually decently IC. e-e;; Seriously... it's annoying the hell outta me..._
_o.o;; Aaaanyway. I was in the mood for something **dark** (Yes, i am feeling quite fine, thank you. Just wanted to try something new). Done in Sherry's POV the day she tries to commit suicide. The poem is easier to read if you do it out loud and in the tune of "Rain, Rain, Go Away", which this is a parody off of._
_Disclaimer: Konjiki no Gash Bell has never been mine. Are you just now realizing that?_
_Warning: Don't read if you can't handle suicide-talk or twisted themes. (o.o 'Tis my first attempt at it too...)_
* * *
Rain, Rain, Don't Go Away
Rain, rain, don't go away.
I want you here so we can play.
Please come next to me and stay.
It's time for me to die today.
Rain, rain, don't go away.
Please be next to me today.
I need you here to help me say,
"This will end your deep dismay."
Rain, rain, don't go away
You need to guide the river's sway.
It must be harsh and really gray,
So that I may jump in today.
Rain, rain, don't go away.
Don't come again another day.
I need you here so we can play.
It's time for me to die today.
End file.
| Rain, Rain, Don't Go Away by Twilight Memories | Zatch Bell |
Subsets and Splits