Q: Formula only if cell not empty I'm trying to do a formula that will fill the cell value, but only once, when the cell is empty. Once filled I want the value to stay as is, even though cells that are part of the formula changed. ie C: =VLOOKUP(Cx,'A$1:B$3,2,FALSE) Originaly A B C John 1 1 Bob 4 4 Jim 6 6 After Changing Jim's B value Jim 10 6 So I want the VLOOKUP to fetch a value only if one isn't there already. I tried to do it with an IF, but I got a circular reference error: =IF(C1= "", VLOOKUP(C1,'A$1:B$3,2,FALSE),C1) A: I think this is along the lines you want right-click your sheet tab View Code copy and paste in the code below press alt & f11 to get back to Excel If you enter say 12 in B4 and A4 is not blank then If C4 is empty, it will be sety equal to 12 if C4 has a value, it is retained code Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim rng1 As Range Dim rng2 As Range Set rng1 = Intersect(Columns("B:B"), Target) If rng1 Is Nothing Then Exit Sub Application.EnableEvents = False For Each rng2 In rng1 If rng2.Offset(0, -1).Value <> vbNullString Then rng2.Offset(0, 1).Value = rng2.Value Next Application.EnableEvents = True End Sub
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Police officer killed in Beni Suef, 18 others injured in North Sinai President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi met with military commanders in North Sinai Saturday in his role as the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, wearing military uniform. (Photo Presidency Handout) A police officer was shot dead Thursday morning in Beni Suef by unidentified armed men on a motorocycle, the Ministry of Interior said. Mohamed Essam El-Din, who had the rank of a captain, worked with criminal investigations department at the Beni Suef Security Directorate. The ministry issued a statement in which it stated that “police officers are determined to combat terrorism despite challenges and sacrifices.” However, a few hours later, another larger attack in Nort Sinai’s Arish city reportedly injured 18 policemen, after an explosion targeted their security installation. There were at least 18 injuries, but no dangerous conditions, state media MENA quoted Sinai-based security official stating. President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi stressed upon the importance of security cooperation between civil police forces and the army, giving priority to fighting terrorist groups in Sinai and to the protection of vital police, military and state institutions. This came in his Thursday meeting with ministers of Defence and Interior, Sedky Sobhy and Magdy Abdel Ghaffar, respectively. Egypt has not yet recovered from a series of terrorist operations, one which claimed the life of the Prosecutor-General, and another which killed at least 17 soldiers in North Sinai. As so, the blame was mostly put on the Muslim Brotherhood group. Al-Sisi said there would be new rigorous counter-terrorism measures. The judiciary announced it would speed up cases involving “terrorism charges” during the summer of 2015, as the government is currently revising an anti-terror law to be passed soon.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Q: Android Invalid Int error when parsing number from text file I have a .txt in my website that contains a number (in this case 3) and I use this code to check whether this number is greater than or less than another number, but the code gives me this error: 03-03 16:27:43.734: E/AndroidRuntime(16318): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.example.downloadingprogressbar/com.example.downloadingprogressbar.MainActivity}: java.lang.NumberFormatException: Invalid int: "3 This is my code: HttpGet httppost = new HttpGet("http://mywebsite.org/version.txt"); HttpResponse response; try { response = httpclient.execute(httppost); HttpEntity ht = response.getEntity(); BufferedHttpEntity buf = new BufferedHttpEntity(ht); InputStream is = buf.getContent(); BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is)); StringBuilder total = new StringBuilder(); String line; while ((line = r.readLine()) != null) { total.append(line + "\n"); } String casa = new String(total.toString()); //boolean version = (casa>4); if (Integer.parseInt(casa)>4){ risposta.setText("la tua versione è aggiornata"); } else { risposta.setText("aggiorna la tua versione"); } A: I agree with Kon, your variable "casa" is containing another characters. Try using the trim() method: if (Integer.parseInt(casa.trim())>4){ ... ... ... but now i see that you are appending the "\n", in total variable, is this "new line" necessary?: while ((line = r.readLine()) != null) { total.append(line); }
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Secretory granules of mast cells accumulate mature and immature MHC class II molecules. Bone marrow-derived mast cells as well as dendritic cells, macrophages and B lymphocytes express major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecules. In mast cells, the majority of MHC class II molecules reside in intracellular cell type-specific compartments, secretory granules. To understand the molecular basis for the localisation of MHC class II molecules in secretory granules, MHC class II molecules were expressed, together with the invariant chain, in the mast cell line, RBL-2H3. Using electron and confocal microscopy, we observed that in RBL-2H3 cells, mature and immature class II molecules accumulate in secretory granules. Two particular features of class II transport accounted for this intracellular localization: first, a large fraction of newly synthesized MHC class II molecules remained associated with invariant chain fragments. This defect, resulting in a slower rate of MHC class II maturation, was ascribed to a low cathepsin S activity. Second, although a small fraction of class II dimers matured (i.e. became free of invariant chain), allowing their association with antigenic peptides, they were retained in secretory granules. As a consequence of this intracellular localization, cell surface expression of class II molecules was strongly increased by cell activation stimuli which induced the release of the contents of secretory granules. Our results suggest that antigen presentation, and thereby antigen specific T cell stimulation, are regulated in mast cells by stimuli which induce mast cell activation.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Winter Phosphorus Release from Cover Crops and Linkages with Runoff Chemistry. Cover crops (CC) have both agronomic and environmental benefits but also have the potential to increase losses of dissolved reactive P after freeze-thaw cycles (FTC). This field study, conducted over one nongrowing season (NGS) in Ontario, Canada, characterized water-extractable P (WEP) content in different CC species and compared observed changes in plant WEP content with changes in P content in soil, surface runoff, and shallow groundwater (5-25 cm). Five plots (0.4 ha) of cereal rye ( L.), oilseed radish ( L. var. Metzg Stokes), oat ( L.), and hairy vetch ( Roth) were established after winter wheat ( L.) harvest. Throughout the NGS (October-April), CC shoot tissues and surface soil were routinely sampled for WEP analyses, and groundwater and runoff water samples were collected after rain and snowmelt. Responses to FTC varied among CC species, with P released from frost-intolerant species but not frost-tolerant species. Although CC released P, the top 5 cm of soil contained greater WEP than plants at all times, and the changing WEP content in CC over the NGS was not reflected in soil or water P concentrations. These results suggest that the degree of frost exposure should be considered in the selection of CC species in cold regions; however, in temperate regions with snow cover that insulates the soil surface from heavy frost, P release from vegetation may not lead to increased P loss in runoff.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
The prothrombotic paradox of severe obesity after cardiac surgery under cardiopulmonary bypass. Obesity is suggested to reduce postoperative bleeding in patients undergoing cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) but perioperative hemostasis variations have not been studied. Therefore, we investigated the effects of severe obesity (body mass index [BMI] ≥35kg/m(2)) on chest tube output (CTO) and hemostasis in patients undergoing cardiac surgery with CPB. We prospectively investigated 2799 consecutive patients who underwent coronary and/or valve surgery using CPB between 2008 and 2012. 204 patients (7.3%) presented a severe obesity. In the severe obesity group, the 6-h and 24-h CTO were significantly reduced by -21.8% and -14.8% respectively (P<0.0001) compared with the control group. A significant reduction of the mean number of red blood cell units transfused at 24h was observed in the severe obesity groups (P=0.01). On admission to the intensive care unit, a significant increase of platelet count (+9.2%; P<0.0001), fibrinogen level (+12.2%; P<0.0001) and prothrombin time (+4.1%; P<0.01) and a significant decrease of the activated partial thromboplastin time (-4.2%; P<0.01) were observed in the severe obesity group compared with the control group. In multivariate analysis, severe obesity was significantly associated to a decreased risk of excessive bleeding (24-h CTO >90th percentile; Odds ratio: 0.37, 95% CI: 0.17 to 0.82). No significant differences were observed regarding postoperative thromboembolic events between the two groups. Severe obesity is associated with a prothrombotic postoperative state that leads to a reduction of postoperative blood loss in patients undergoing cardiac surgery with CPB.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
External Validation of the International Mission for Prognosis and Analysis of Clinical Trials in Traumatic Brain Injury: Prognostic Models for Traumatic Brain Injury on the Study of the Neuroprotective Activity of Progesterone in Severe Traumatic Brain Injuries Trial. Prediction models for patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI) are important for multiple reasons, including case-mix adjustment, trial design, and benchmarking for quality-of-care evaluation. Models should be generalizable and therefore require regular external validation. We aimed to validate the International Mission for Prognosis and Analysis of Clinical Trials in TBI (IMPACT) prognostic models for moderate and severe TBI in a recent randomized controlled trial. We studied 1124 patients enrolled in the multi-center randomized placebo-controlled Study of the Neuroprotective Activity of Progesterone in Severe Traumatic Brain Injuries (SyNAPSe) trial that evaluated the efficacy of progesterone in TBI. Treatment and placebo groups were combined for analysis. We evaluated the predictive performance of the three prognostic models (core, extended, and lab) from the IMPACT study with regard to discrimination (area under the receiver operating characteristic curve [AUC]) and calibration (comparison of observed to predicted risks). Substantial differences were found in case-mix and outcome distribution between IMPACT and SyNAPSe. In line with the more homogeneous case-mix of a clinical trial, the discriminative performance was reasonable. For the core model, an AUC of 0.677 and 0.684 was obtained for 6-month mortality and unfavorable outcome, respectively. Performance was slightly better for the extended model (0.693 and 0.705) and for the lab model (0.689 and 0.711, respectively). For calibration, we found overestimation of mortality, especially at higher risk predictions, and underestimation of unfavorable outcome, especially at lower risk predictions. This pattern of miscalibration was consistent across all three models. In a contemporary trial setting, the IMPACT models have reasonable discrimination if enrollment restrictions apply. Observed changes in outcome distribution necessitate updating of previously developed prognostic models.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Q: Detect user-initiated pan/zoom operations on Leaflet I have a Leaflet map which is used for location-sharing. When a user shares their location, a marker displaying their location is added to the map for all other users to see. It auto-fits the map to display all the markers whenever one is added, moved or deleted. I've also added a custom control that can toggle the auto-fit behavior on and off. This all works fine, but I would also like to make the map smart enough to automatically turn off the auto-fit behavior if the user pans or zooms the map. This turns out to be pretty difficult because I can't find a good way to distinguish whether or not a pan/zoom operation is initiated by the user or by an auto-fit. I was initially listening for the panstart and zoomstart events, but these are also triggered by the auto-fit. I figured that I could set a flag to tell it not to turn off auto-fit when the zoom/pan is caused by auto-fitting. I check this flag first before turning off auto-fit in response to panstart and zoomstart, then clear it when panend and zoomend are received. This appears to work fine until an auto-fit occurs which does not result in a pan or zoom. Let's suppose that we have a large auto-fitted cluster of markers, and one of the ones in the middle is removed. Since the bound box is unchanged, no pan or zoom is triggered, and therefore the flag telling it not to turn off auto-fit never gets cleared. The next time the user pans or zooms the map, it doesn't turn off auto-fit like it should because it thinks it's still in the middle of an auto-fit operation. How do I make it so that I can reliably turn off auto-fitting when the user pans or zooms the map directly, but leave it on when it is panned or zoomed by other means? Here is the relevant code: var markers = []; // Map markers are stored in this array. var autoFit = true; // Whether auto-fit is turned on var lockAutoFit = false; // Temporarily lock auto-fit if true var map; // Leaflet map object function initMap() { // Leaflet map initialized here map.on('movestart zoomstart', function() { if (!lockAutoFit) { autoFit = false; } }); map.on('moveend zoomend', function() { lockAutoFit = false; }); } function toggleAutoFit() { autoFit = !autoFit; if (autoFit) { lockAutoFit = true; fitMap(); } } function addOrUpdateMarker(marker, coords) { lockAutoFit = true; // do the marker update here fitMap(); } function removeMarker(marker) { lockAutoFit = true; // remove the marker here fitMap(); } // Pans and zooms the map so that all markers fit in the map view. // Invoked whenever a marker is added, moved or deleted, or when // the user turns on auto-fit. function fitMap() { if (!autoFit || !markers.length) { return; } map.fitBounds(new L.featureGroup(markers).getBounds()); } A: I ended up setting a flag around my fitBounds and setView calls e.g.: isProgramaticZoom = true map.fitBounds(new L.featureGroup(markers).getBounds()); isProgramaticZoom = false Then the code to turn off auto-fit: map.on('zoomstart', function() { if (!isProgramaticZoom) { //turn off auto-fit } }) map.on('dragstart', function() { //turn off auto-fit }) Unfortunately, still not ideal but should do the trick
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
// copy.frag #define SHADER_NAME SIMPLE_TEXTURE precision highp float; varying vec3 vNormal; varying vec3 vPosition; const vec3 LIGHT = vec3(-1.0, .8, .6); float diffuse(vec3 N, vec3 L) { return max(dot(N, normalize(L)), 0.0); } vec3 diffuse(vec3 N, vec3 L, vec3 C) { return diffuse(N, L) * C; } void main(void) { if(vPosition.z <= 0.0) { discard; } float d = diffuse(vNormal, LIGHT); d = mix(d, 1.0, .5); gl_FragColor = vec4(vec3(d), 1.0); }
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
There is an ongoing need in the fragrance industry to provide new chemicals to give perfumers and other persons the ability to create new fragrances for perfumes, colognes and personal care products. A particular effort in the fragrance industry has also been made to provide new chemicals to treat and control malodors. “Malodor” is a term used to describe undesirable or unpleasant odor. Common sources of malodors include body perspiration, smoke, environmental odor such as mold and mildew, bathroom, and etc. Conventional perfumes including a variety of fragrance materials are developed to mask malodors, which generally function via two mechanisms: first, the fragrance materials blend with the malodor compound to provide a different and more desirable aroma; and second, the fragrance materials are employed to overwhelm the malodor compound. However, a large quantity of fragrance materials is required for both mechanisms, which in itself is often undesirable. Thus, there remains a need for new chemicals that are effective in counteracting malodors.
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
The actor was first nominated for an Oscar 23 years ago in a supporting role, and has since been nominated four more times for acting, including this year, but had never won until now. DiCaprio thanked the movie’s director and his co-star Tom Hardy, saying “your fierce talent on screen can only be surpassed by your friendship off screen”. The 41-year-old used his last few minutes on stage to campaign for climate change, adding: “ It is happening right now. It is the most urgent threat facing our species, and we need to work collectively together and stop procrastinating.” He urged the audience to “ support leaders around the world who do not speak for the big polluters or the big corporations but who speak for all of humanity, for the indigenous people of the world, for the billions and billions of underprivileged people who’ll be affected by this”. The star ended by saying: “Let us not take this planet for granted, I do not take this night for granted. Thank you so very much.” Another of the night’s coveted gongs, best picture, was awarded to Spotlight, which tells the story of how the Boston Globe newspaper exposed abuse by Roman Catholic clergy. Room star Brie Larson was named best actress in a leading role and ended her speech thanking “the fans, the moviegoers, thank you for going to the theatre and seeing our films, I appreciate it, thank you”. The Revenant’s Alejandro G Inarritu was named best director for the second year in a row, and thanked D iCaprio for “giving your heart, your soul, your life”. The most awards of the night went to Mad Max: Fury Road, which managed to take home six Oscars in total, followed by The Revenant with three and Spotlight winning two. British singer Sam Smith picked up the best original song Oscar and dedicated his award to the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community. Smith co-wrote the song Writing’s On The Wall with fellow Brit Jimmy Napes for the latest James Bond movie, Spectre. He follows in the footsteps of Adele, who won the Oscar in 2013 for the Bond instalment Skyfall. An emotional Smith took to the stage with Napes and said: “I read an article a few months ago by Sir Ian McKellen and he said no openly gay man had ever won an oscar. I want to dedicate this to the LGBT community all around the world. I stand here tonight as a proud gay man and I hope we can all stand together as equals one day.” Another British star who scooped a surprise victory was Mark Rylance, who was named best supporting actor on a night dominated by the row over the lack of black nominees. Rylance, who beat off competition from Sylvester Stallone, Mark Ruffalo and fellow Brits Christian Bale and Tom Hardy, won the gong for his role in Bridge Of Spies. In his acceptance speech, he took a swipe at politicians, praising the leadership of the movie’s director Steven Spielberg, who he said was “unlike some of the leaders we are being presented with”. Host Chris Rock did not shy away from the diversity issues plaguing this year’s awards and opened the ceremony by declaring Hollywood is “racist” and admitting he considered boycotting the ceremony because of the absence of black nominees. The comedian, who welcomed the audience in the Dolby Theatre to the “white People’s Choice Awards”, cracked a series of jokes about the race issue and added the controversy over police shootings of black suspects in the US to his targets. He said: “Everyone wants to know is Hollywood racist? You have to go at it the right way. Is it burning-cross racist? Fetch-me-some-lemonade racist? No. It’s a different kind of racist. Rock ended the ceremony saying the night had been an “amazing experience” but threw in one last diversity dig as he quipped “black lives matter”. Alicia Vikander was the first big winner of the night, picking up the best supporting actress Oscar for her role in The Danish Girl. Other notable British successes included Amy, the British-made film about the late Amy Winehouse, which won the Oscar for best documentary feature film. The first British success went to Jenny Beavan, who won best costume design Oscar for Mad Max: Fury Road. Beavan, who was famously described as a “bag lady” by Stephen Fry at the Baftas, said: “I want to say one quite serious thing, but it could be horribly prophetic, Mad Max, if we are not kinder to each other and if we don’t stop polluting our atmosphere.” Asked backstage about her choice of Oscars outfit, Beavan said: “I am very happy to talk about it. I don’t do frocks and absolutely don’t do heels, I have a bad back. “I look ridiculous in a beautiful gown. This was a homage to Mad Max and I obviously didn’t get it quite right at the Baftas, the scarf was meant to be an oil rag.” Gesturing to her fake leather jacket, she added: “This is Marks & Spencer with Swarovski at the back. I had a bit of a shoe malfunction and the glitter fell off. I just like feeling comfortable and as far as I’m concerned I’m really dressed up.” Academy president Cheryl Boone Isaacs took to the stage to address the diversity issue and quoted Dr Martin Luther King. She stressed that all members of the academy and “everyone in this room help deliver that message, each of you is an ambassador who can help influence others in the industry. It’s not enough to just listen and agree, we must take action. While change is often difficult, it is necessary.” Alan Rickman, Christopher Lee and David Bowie were among the stars remembered in the ‘In Memoriam’ section. Snippets from Rickman’s famous role as Professor Snape in Harry Potter and Lee as Bond villain Francisco Scaramanga played as Foo Fighters frontman Dave Grohl performed an acoustic version of The Beatles’ Blackbird. Also among those lost in the last year were Leonard Nimoy, Omar Sharif and A Nightmare On Elm Street creator Wes Craven. American vice president Joe Biden appeared on stage to introduce Lady Gaga ahead of her performance of her song Til It Happens To You, which she co-wrote with Diane Warren for the documentary The Hunting Ground. The documentary is an in-depth look at rape on American university campuses. Celebrating his win backstage, best original song winner Sam Smith said he wished he could discuss his triumph with Sir Ian McKellen, who he referenced in his acceptance speech. He told the Press Association: “I wish I had his number, I don’t know him, I just love Gandalf.” Asked how it felt to accept the award as an openly gay man, he said: “It means the world to me. When I read the Ian McKellen piece I was bowled over, I wanted to take the opportunity to show how much I care about my community. “People said in the beginning that I didn’t and I want to make it clear that I do care about the LGBT community. We are overwhelmed, I can’t even speak. I’m a little bit drunk as well.” Smith also revealed that he and Napes will soon be celebrating by dressing up as Iggle Piggle and Upsy Daisy from the children’s TV show In The Night Garden for Napes’ son’s first birthday. The singer, who has been showcasing his new lean physique during awards season, also told reporters the key to his red carpet look, saying: “I’ve been eating the most boring food you can imagine for months now so I’m going to destroy some burgers and chocolate cakes in a second. And some beer.” DiCaprio joined his Oscar-winning director on stage in the winners’ room and said: “I feel very honoured, to share this has been an amazing experience, to sit there and talk about the film. “I also got to talk about something I have been obsessed with - the environment and climate change - on a platform with hundreds of millions of people watching worldwide. This is the biggest crisis our world has ever known, I’ve been making a documentary about this and the time is now, it is imperative that we act. “I feel so overwhelmed with gratitude for what happened tonight but there is ticking clock out there, a ticking clock that we must do something proactive about this. “The truth is this, if you do not believe in climate change you do not believe in science and empirical truths and you will be on the wrong side of history and we need to vote for leaders who do.” Asked about the swell of support for him to finally take home an Oscar, DiCaprio added: “It all feels incredibly surreal, it’s surreal because you can’t reach out and physically meet everybody, you hear it on the internet and from other people but we always strive for the best in what we do, but this year in particular I’ve been overwhelmed with such support by so many fans and people in the industry it’s quite shocking actually. Brie Larson said her feelings about winning could best be summed up with the song I’m In Love With My Life by Phases. She added: “This time a year ago I was still trying to figure out who I was. The movie was done but I was in deep searching mode, pulling apart the things I had learnt being Ma. “Who I was by the time the movie was over was so far from where I started. It was a long process in trying to find myself. “Now I feel strong, to be holding this gold guy is an incredible metaphor for how I feel inside.”
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Urinary tract infections complicating pregnancy. Urinary infections, with a spectrum from covert bacteriuria to severe pyelonephritis, commonly complicate pregnancy. Serious infections follow untreated silent bacteriuria in a fourth of cases, and routine screening can be justified in high-risk populations, particularly those from lower socioeconomic strata. Despite an initial salutary response to a number of antimicrobial regimens, covert bacteriuria recurs in one-third of treated women whose risk of pyelonephritis remains at 25%. Acute cystitis may be unrelated to these other infections and responds readily to a number of regimens; however, single-dose therapy is not recommended since early pyelonephritis can be mistaken for uncomplicated cystitis. Pyelonephritis is the most common severe bacterial infection complicating pregnancy. These women are frequently quite ill, and hospitalization is recommended. Since 85% to 90% respond within 48 hours to intravenous fluids and antimicrobials, continued fever and evidence of sepsis after two or three days should prompt a search for underlying obstruction. Perhaps 20% of women with severe pyelonephritis develop complications that include septic shock syndrome or its presumed variants. These latter include renal dysfunction, haemolysis and thrombocytopaenia, and pulmonary capillary injury. In most of these women, continued fluid and antimicrobial therapy result in a salutary outcome, but there is occasional maternal mortality.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Various data sets used in examples and exercises in the book Maindonald, J.H. and Braun, W.J. (2003, 2007, 2010) "Data Analysis and Graphics Using R".
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
The present invention relates generally to the field of data processing and analysis, and more particularly to detecting improper posture while viewing a device screen and notifying the user of the improper posture, in order to continuously protect the eyesight of the user. Mobile electronic devices are becoming more and more common. Mobile electronic devices may be, for example, smart phones, tablet computers, PSPs, and any device in which an electronic screen is eminent. As these mobile electronic devices are not fixed, users may place the devices in any viewing position they choose. Users of these mobile electronic devices may include adults, students, teenagers, and children. Time spent by users of all ages viewing content on mobile electronic devices is increasing. While mobile electronic devices are beneficial and convenient for searching and/or viewing content, excessive time spent viewing the electronic screen may be harmful to the eyesight of a user, particularly children (i.e., under 18 years of age), as their eyesight may be less developed than an adult's eyesight, and they may not apply the proper viewing postures as consciously as an adult. Some postures, such as lying down (i.e., improper angle of viewing the device) or holding the device screen closely to the user's face, may be more harmful to a user's eyesight, leading to, for example, eye fatigue and/or shortsightedness. Regulating a user's posture while viewing an electronic device is often not feasible all of the time, especially for an adult supervising the viewing posture of a child. There is a need for automatically regulating the viewing posture of a device user, which includes monitoring both the distance from the screen of a device, as well as, the viewing angle of a user viewing a device screen.
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
Nordic combined at the 2002 Winter Olympics – Sprint The men's individual sprint Nordic combined competition for the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City at Utah Olympic Park and Soldier Hollow on 21 and 22 February. Results Ski Jumping Athletes did one large hill ski jump. Points earned on the jump determined the starting order and times for the cross-country race; each point was equal to a 4-second deficit. Cross-Country The cross-country race was over a distance of 7.5 kilometres. References Category:Nordic combined at the 2002 Winter Olympics
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
UNPUBLISHED UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE FOURTH CIRCUIT No. 10-1812 DANI WALTER AYALA-ARDON, Petitioner, v. ERIC H. HOLDER, JR., Attorney General, Respondent. On Petition for Review of an Order of the Board of Immigration Appeals. Submitted: February 23, 2011 Decided: March 16, 2011 Before GREGORY, SHEDD, and WYNN, Circuit Judges. Petition dismissed by unpublished per curiam opinion. Dani Walter Ayala-Ardon, Petitioner Pro Se. Ada Elsie Bosque, Theo Nickerson, Tyrone Sojourner, Office of Immigration Litigation, UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, Washington, D.C.; Raphael Choi, Chief Counsel, Arlington, Virginia, for Respondent. Unpublished opinions are not binding precedent in this circuit. PER CURIAM: Dani Walter Ayala-Ardon, a native and citizen of El Salvador, petitions for review of an order of the Board of Immigration Appeals dismissing his appeal in part and remanding in part to the Immigration Judge for further proceedings and for entry of a new decision. Because the Board’s order is not a final order of removal, we grant the Attorney General’s motion to dismiss without prejudice for lack of jurisdiction. See 8 U.S.C. § 1252(a)(1) (2006). We dispense with oral argument because the facts and legal contentions are adequately presented in the materials before the court and argument would not aid the decisional process. PETITION DISMISSED 2
{ "pile_set_name": "FreeLaw" }
Altica oleracea Altica oleracea is a species of leaf beetles belonging to the family Chrysomelidae, subfamily Galerucinae. It is found in most of Europe. Larvae and adults of Altica oleracea are phytophagous, feeding on various plants, especially Onagraceae and Rosaceae species. External links Fauna europea Invertebrate Online Biolib Culex.biol.cz Category:Beetles described in 1758 Category:Beetles of Europe Category:Galerucinae Category:Taxa named by Carl Linnaeus
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Q: how to run a shell script on git commit 1) i have a shell script which basically contains some(database testing and integrating test code) , but i have to run this shell script when ever there is commit (or any change ) in my git repo the script should execute how can i achieve this os. Debian 6.0.1 amazon ec2 i am trying something like Travis for continues integration .. 2) for GUI testing in Debian like O.S which is better selenium or casper.js or is the any other beter alternative so please help me A: Regarding your first question: You are looking for the post-commit hook.
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Jan Smit Jan Smit may refer to: Jan Smit (physicist) (born 1943), Dutch theoretical physicist Jan Smit (singer) (born 1985), Dutch pop music and schlager singer Jan Smit (footballer) (born 1983), Dutch footballer Jan Smit (paleontologist) (born 1948), Dutch paleontologist 19140 Jansmit, asteroid named after the paleontologist See also Jan Smith, American music producer
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Genome Re-Sequencing of Diverse Sweet Cherry (Prunus avium) Individuals Reveals a Modifier Gene Mutation Conferring Pollen-Part Self-Compatibility. The S-RNase-based gametophytic self-incompatibility (GSI) reproduction barrier is important for maintaining genetic diversity in species of the families Solanaceae, Plantaginaceae and Rosaceae. Among the plant taxa with S-RNase-based GSI, Prunus species in the family Rosaceae exhibit Prunus-specific self-incompatibility (SI). Although pistil S and pollen S determinants have been identified, the mechanism underlying SI remains uncharacterized in Prunus species. A putative pollen-part modifier was identified in this study. Disruption of this modifier supposedly confers self-compatibility (SC) to sweet cherry (Prunus avium) 'Cristobalina'. To identify the modifier, genome re-sequencing experiments were completed involving sweet cherry individuals from 18 cultivars and 43 individuals in two segregating populations. Cataloging of subsequences (35 bp kmers) from the obtained genomic reads, while referring to the mRNA sequencing data, enabled the identification of a candidate gene [M locus-encoded GST (MGST)]. Additionally, the insertion of a transposon-like sequence in the putative MGST promoter region in 'Cristobalina' down-regulated MGST expression levels, probably leading to the SC of this cultivar. Phylogenetic, evolutionary and gene expression analyses revealed that MGST may have undergone lineage-specific evolution, and the encoded protein may function differently from the corresponding proteins encoded by GST orthologs in other species, including members of the subfamily Maloideae (Rosaceae). Thus, MGST may be important for Prunus-specific SI. The identification of this novel modifier will expand our understanding of the Prunus-specific GSI system. We herein discuss the possible functions of MGST in the Prunus-specific GSI system.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
686 So.2d 83 (1996) ALLIANCE FOR GOOD GOVERNMENT, INC. v. ST. BERNARD ALLIANCE FOR GOOD GOVERNMENT, INC. No. 96-CA-0635. Court of Appeal of Louisiana, Fourth Circuit. December 18, 1996. *84 Peter R. Borstell, Gretna, for Plaintiff/Appellant. Mary Beoubay Petruccelli, Tracy Ann Petruccelli, Law Offices of Mary Beoubay Petruccelli, Chalmette, for Defendant/Appellee. Before CIACCIO, PLOTKIN and LANDRIEU, JJ. LANDRIEU, Judge. The Alliance for Good Government[1] appeals the trial court's denial of its Petition for Permanent Injunction which sought to enjoin defendant, St. Bernard Alliance for Good Government, Inc., from using the name "Alliance for Good Government." We reverse. The Alliance for Good Government (AGG) filed a petition for a temporary restraining order and a rule for preliminary injunction against the St. Bernard Alliance for Good Government, Inc. (St. Bernard AGG), alleging that, since 1967, AGG has been an organization of concerned citizens which holds forums to endorse candidates and then advertises and campaigns for endorsed candidates. AGG also alleged that, since 1979, it has used a logo consisting of a blue eagle with stretched wings bearing the words, "Alliance for Good Government", which it registered with the Secretary of State's office on March 24, 1995. The petition stated that in March 1987, AGG established a chapter in St. Bernard parish and has endorsed and campaigned for candidates running for office in St. Bernard parish since then. AGG asserted that on March 10, 1995, former members of its organization incorporated the defendant corporation, St. Bernard AGG, registering their corporation with the Secretary of State. AGG claims to have exclusive use of its name and emblem pursuant to La.Rev.Stat. Ann. § 12:204(E) (West 1994), and claims that it suffers and would continue to suffer immediate and irreparable injury because St. Bernard AGG's use of its name and logo confuses the public. The trial judge denied AGG's request for a temporary restraining order, and, after a hearing, orally refused to issue a preliminary injunction. After trial on AGG's request for a permanent injunction shortly afterwards, the trial judge rendered judgment, denying AGG's petition to enjoin St. Bernard AGG from using the corporate name, "Alliance for Good Government, Inc." and granting AGG's petition to enjoin St. Bernard AGG from using the emblem and/or logo consisting of a blue eagle with stretched wings bearing the words, "Alliance for Good Government, Inc." AGG appeals the judgment, arguing that the trial judge abused his discretion in refusing to enjoin St. Bernard AGG from using the corporate name "Alliance for Good Government." Under Louisiana jurisprudence, the registration of a trade name confers only procedural advantages; substantive rights of ownership are acquired through use. W.V., Inc. v. Covington Management Corp., 529 So.2d 133 (La.App. 4 Cir.1988). Hence, although St. Bernard AGG correctly states that it is La.Rev.Stat. § 12:204 rather than La.Rev.Stat. Ann. § 12:23 (West 1994), which is relevant in this case because two non-profit corporations are involved, La.Rev.Stat. § 12:204 does not resolve the issue in this appeal. La.Rev.Stat. § 12:204 B provides in part: *85 The corporate name shall be distinguishable from a name reserved pursuant to R.S. 12:23(G) and shall be distinguishable from the name of any other corporation or trade name registered with the secretary of state .... (emphasis added) Further, La.Rev.Stat. § 12:204 C provides: Nothing in this Section shall abrogate or limit the law as to unfair competition or unfair practices, nor derogate from the principles of law or the statutes of this state or of the United States, with respect to the right to acquire and to protect trade names. Therefore, the statutory/procedural rule relating to corporate names for nonprofit corporations, i.e. that they be distinguishable from other corporate names, is more relaxed than "for profit" corporations, i.e. that they shall not be the same as, nor deceptively similar to, the name of any other corporation. However, with regard to substantive law on corporate names, the jurisprudence provides no reason, nor can we derive sound reasoning for, distinguishing between "for profit" and non-profit corporations. Indeed, in Gulf Coast Bank v. Gulf Coast Bank & Trust Co., 94-2203 (La.4/10/95), 652 So.2d 1306, the supreme court concluded that the substantive protection of trade names was not within the "Trade Marks and Trade Names" statutory scheme. Chinchuba Inst. v. St. Tammany Parish Bd., 95-0419 (La. App. 1 Cir. 11/9/95), 664 So.2d 1230. Thus, the court in Chinchuba, dismissed the argument that a public school infringes on the use of a registered trade name only if it uses the name for a commercial purpose, concluding that Chinchuba Institute, a private school for the deaf, was a "person" within the definition of "trade name" of La.Rev.Stat. Ann. § 51:211(D) (West 1987) who was entitled to seek injunctive relief to preclude the subsequent use by the school board of the name "Chinchuba" for one of its public schools. La.Rev.Stat. § 51:211(D) states: The term "trade name" means a word, name, symbol, device or any combination thereof used by a person to identify his business, vocation or occupation and distinguish it from the business, vocation or occupation of others. "Alliance for Good Government" easily falls under the definition of "trade name," and clearly AGG as a "person" within this definition is entitled to seek injunctive relief regardless whether the parties are "for profit" or non-profit or whether the name is used for commercial purposes or not. The legislature intended there to be a cause of action for infringement of trade names and remedies under the jurisprudentially developing law relating to trade names as part of the law of unfair competition. Gulf Coast Bank, 652 So.2d at 1312. In a trade name infringement action, the primary issues are whether the plaintiff has a protected property right in the name it seeks to exclude others from using, and assuming that there is such a protected property right, whether there has been an infringement of that right. Seafood Restaurant Services, Inc. v. Bonanno, 95-0058 (La.App. 1 Cir. 11/9/95), 665 So.2d 56, 59. Use alone does not create a protected proprietary interest; the trademark or trade name must be distinctive either by being inherently distinctive or by having acquired distinctiveness through secondary meaning. Gulf Coast Bank, 652 So.2d at 1313-1314. To determine distinctiveness, courts have divided trademarks and trade names into categories: (1) generic, (2) descriptive, (3) suggestive, and (4) arbitrary or fanciful. Id. While generic terms are "in the public domain," not susceptible to appropriation for exclusive use, and not given trademark or trade name protection, arbitrary and fanciful marks or names, like suggestive ones, are inherently distinctive and are accorded protection without having to prove secondary meaning. Id. In this case, AGG wants to prevent the use of the trade name "Alliance for Good Government" by another political organization. While the name does not easily fall within one of the categories listed above because each of the words separately falls into a different category, we believe that when the name is considered as a whole, it is descriptive. Though ordinarily not protected, a descriptive name may become a valid, *86 protected trade name if it acquires a secondary meaning. Id. The concept of "secondary meaning" recognizes that words with an ordinary or primary meaning of their own, may, by long use with a particular product, service or business, come to be known by the public as specifically designating that particular product, service or business, and therefore rise to the level of a fully protected trademark or trade name. The burden of proving secondary meaning is on the plaintiff, and whether a trademark or trade name has acquired secondary meaning is a factual issue. Id. Proof of secondary meaning may consist of, among other things, direct evidence such as testimony from individual consumers, surveys, proof of actual instances of confusion, or indirect evidence such as the volume of business done under the name, the length of time the designation has been in use, advertising and promotional efforts, and the conspicuousness of the designation. Id. In the instant case, the only testimony about confusion came from State Senator Lynn Dean who also said that he would rather be endorsed by AGG than by St. Bernard AGG because the former was an older organization. We recognize, as AGG pointed out in oral argument, that AGG is constrained in presenting actual instances of confusion because at the time of the injunction hearing on September 6, 1995, the St. Bernard AGG and the St. Bernard chapter of AGG co-existed in St. Bernard parish only for a few months. Political organizations usually are active only at election time, hence it is unlikely that public confusion will be an issue when these groups are not visible. Indirect evidence, however, consisted of testimony that AGG was incorporated in 1967 and had an active chapter in St. Bernard parish since 1987. Apparently AGG, as well as its St. Bernard chapter, has been soliciting candidates for its forums, making endorsements, advertising and campaigning for candidates since inception. Given the length of time that AGG has been in existence, there is obviously a great amount of name recognition and/or goodwill associated with the name "Alliance for Good Government." Overall, the record clearly supports a finding that the use by AGG of "Alliance for Good Government" acquired a secondary meaning. Because it is established that AGG has a protected proprietary right in its name, we must now determine whether there had been an infringement of AGG's protected right. The Louisiana Supreme Court held that where one relies on secondary meaning to establish the distinctiveness of its name, in order to enjoin another's use of a similar name, fraud need not be proven, but rather there need only be a likelihood of consumer confusion. Gulf Coast Bank, 652 So.2d at 1319-1320. Actual confusion is the best evidence of likelihood of confusion. Seafood Restaurant Services, 665 So.2d at 60. Other factors which may be relevant include similarity of products, identity of retail outlets and purchasers, identity of advertising media, strength or distinctiveness of the mark or name, defendant's intent, and similarity of design. Falcon Rice Mill, Inc. v. Community Rice Mill, Inc., 725 F.2d 336, 345 (5th Cir.1984). As noted above, in this case there was little testimony about actual confusion. Indeed, most of the testimony centered on explaining what caused the schism among the members of AGG. What can be discerned from the record is that members of AGG broke off from AGG in 1995 and quickly incorporated as St. Bernard AGG. At roughly the same time, AGG dissolved its St. Bernard chapter. Later, AGG apparently re-established its St. Bernard chapter so that at the time of the hearing in the trial court, AGG could produce a current list of its St. Bernard chapter members. Therefore, currently the St. Bernard chapter of AGG and St. Bernard AGG are performing the same activities, in the same parish, using virtually indistinguishable names. Without a doubt, the potential for confusion exists, and indeed it may be presumed because the two organizations operate in the same geographic area. Another relevant factor is the intent of St. Bernard AGG. Prominently using AGG's recognizable logo, as well as the name, obviously *87 indicates that St. Bernard AGG intended to capitalize on the goodwill and/or name recognition of AGG. The trial judge, by enjoining St. Bernard AGG's use of the logo, however, does not eliminate the likelihood of confusion among the public at election time regarding the names of these two political organizations. Accordingly, the judgment of the trial court denying AGG's request for a permanent injunction as to the name of defendant's organization is reversed. AGG has proven that it has a protected proprietary interest in its name, and St. Bernard AGG has infringed upon that interest. We remand this case to the district court for further proceedings consistent with this opinion. All costs of this appeal are assessed to St. Bernard AGG. REVERSED AND REMANDED. NOTES [1] Although plaintiff identifies itself as Alliance for Good Government, Inc., its name as registered with the Secretary of State is Alliance for Good Government.
{ "pile_set_name": "FreeLaw" }
%p I want my words %a> to have spaces on the outside So they don't run together. But i also want some to have %a< spaces on the inside and still others to have %a<> spaces on either side even if it has %a<>= "code" on the line %a>= "or" just code with space on the outside %p %a link s that touch their neighbor. %p And %a>links that do not %p Or a %b<> important thing with tons of space %p Download the file %a(href="/home")> here now. -# empty tag %p<> - id="123456"; locals={name:"hi"} .item.pending{data-id: id} %input.checkbox(type="checkbox" id="todo-"+id) %label.description(name=("todo-"+id))= (locals.name || "") %span<>= id %a.delete.live{href:"/todo/"+id+"/delete"}> delete
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
Several liberal websites have pointed the finger at prominent centrist Democrats for mainstreaming the “alt-left” smear to blame leftists for helping to elect President Donald Trump. But back in July and August 2016, well before prominent neoliberals like Neera Tanden and Joy Reid were leveling the term against Bernie Sanders supporters, “alt-left” was the slur du jour of a collection of online trolls that had banded together to advance regime change in Syria. The Green Party presidential candidate questioned the lack of ‘disclosure on the conflict of interest posed by Chelsea Clinton’s position as a director of the corporate owner of the Daily Beast, IAC’ after The Daily Beast published an article criticizing Stein’s investments. AUSTIN, Texas --- Green Party presidential candidate Dr. Jill Stein accused The Daily Beast, a popular news and opinion website, of hiding its ties to the Clintons after publishing an attack on Stein’s investment portfolio on Wednesday. “
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Q: Should I use 'Strip Debug Symbols During Copy' and 'Strip Linked Produts' with Google Analytics? I have used TestFlight for remote crash reporting. Now I'm using Google Analytics for that. TestFlight recommends 'Strip Debug Symbols During Copy' and 'Strip Linked Produts' to be disabled. Google Analytics - no. Should I remove them after I have changed TestFlight to Google Analytics? A: This depends on how the crash reports are being symbolicated: If you can upload a dSYM to get symbolicated crash reports, you should strip the debug symbols. This has the benefit of getting line numbers and sometimes up to 50% smaller application binaries. If you can NOT upload a dSYM for symbolication, and can't/don't want to download the crash reports and symbolicate them on your own Mac, you should not strip the symbols to get at least something. Symbolication on your Mac will only work if you archive the dSYM of those builds and you can download crash reports in standard format.
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Meta The Great Ordeal There’s this unfortunate but sometimes entirely true analogy I’ve heard about how particular kids can be a kind of birth control for their parents. If the kid is especially difficult or energetic, they’ll pretty much entirely remove the desire of the parents to have another one anytime soon. Despite this, it is also true that time is the great eraser of memory, and after long enough even the trauma of those months and years can fade away and parents will find themselves diving back into the shark pond of parenthood once again. I found myself in a very similar state of mind, and yet completely cognizant of the decision that I was making, when I picked this book up. After all, I had been somewhat less than satisfied with the previous book in the series, but still I found myself wanting to read this next one. Thus, it came as no real surprise to me that it had been something like five years since The White-Luck Warrior had been released, and I was able to uncheck the mental box that was pleading insanity and instead was able to chalk it up to good old memory loss given the ravages of time. And yet, once I got into the book, I found much of my same feelings about the previous book rushing back in to fill the supposed void of time. So much for memory loss.THE GREAT ORDEAL is the third and penultimate book in the Aspect-Emperor quartet. For fans of this series, one of the up-sides of the five-year waiter this book is that Bakker has apparently already written the end of the series. Actually, he pulled a Martin on us and turned one book into two. And not two middling books either, with this one weighing in at over 500 pages. The “final” book in the series apparently got too big to handle, and so the Aspect-Emperor trilogy is now a quartet with The Unholy Consult, from recent online appearances, being fairly far along in the process toward completion. I don’t think it’s too much of a stretch to say that I’m not a fan of the way this second series has been written. The Prince of Nothing trilogy pulled me in hook, line, and sinker because of the great depth of character I found there. Everything about the story revolved around the characters. It has become painfully clear to me though, that for all intents and purposes, this series revolves around a single character, Anasûrimbor Kellhus, and his purposes for the world of Eärwa. This is no real surprise given the fact that the series is entitled “The Aspect-Emperor”. Everything revolves around him. Everything. And yet, if the story had been told with that same depth of character evolving due to the influence of Kellhus upon them, this series would very easily rank with fantasy series that I hold in highest regard. Instead, within the books of this series the depth of character has been removed almost completely and instead a very omniscient narrator tells us everything that is happening and the significance of every event. What this does for me is both destroy my ability to connect with the characters and destroy the possibility that I will enjoy the story. Which is a real shame. Bakker has done an enormous amount of world-building for this series. Seriously, it’s staggering. Easily on the level of that found in Erikson and Esselmont’s Malazan series. There is so much to absolutely love about what Bakker has done for this series. He’s put in his time to build a solid foundation for the story he wants to tell. This is incredibly evident by the recap we get in the first section of this book, entitled: What Has Come Before. Just wow. Reading those pages made me almost excited to get back into this series. And then I got into the real pages of the book. While the main bulk of the story follows several characters, the omniscient narrator allows the author to jump into the heads of many more. Yet even those core characters are flavored by the mentality of the omniscient narrator, which can make them come across as very impersonal and distanced. Proyas is a captain in the army of the the Great Ordeal, and spends most of his time in this book either speaking with Kellhus or trying to come to terms with who he thinks Kellhus is. Kellhus relays to him that he is trying to train leaders for the battle against Golgotterath. None of his sections were of much interest to me at all. Lots of questioning and navel gazing. Sorweel, one of the believer kings that used to be traveling with the army of the Great Ordeal, has been sent as an offering of good intentions to the Nonman enemy by Kellhus along with Kellhus’s son and daughter. Of all the characters, I think this character had the most potential in my mind because he was our first glimpse into the reality of the Nonmen. And yet, the overwhelming majority of Sorweel’s time is spent with him wandering around not knowing what he’s doing or why he’s doing it because he’s literally hijacked by the author to become a conduit for the world-building involving the Nonmen via a convenient-seeming literary-device. And though, while mildly interesting, I found I didn’t much care for any of it because of how it was presented. Esmenet, although minimally present, is primarily overridden by the storyline of her youngest living son, Kelmomas. This character was easily one of the most interesting to me because he was one of thievery few characters of interest to have his own agenda and motivations. It was only in these sections that I began to find the deep character that I wanted to find everywhere. The most difficult part of this condition is that I know that Bakker can give us character-driven story. He’s done it before throughout the Prince of Nothing trilogy and we see some more of it here with Kelmomas as he begins to understand who the White-Luck Warrior is and what exactly he is doing in the palace Kelmomas’s mother is trying to hold together. And finally there is Drusas Achamian. Our ever-present skeptic, still searching for the origin of the Dûnyain and Anasûrimbor Kellhus, which is almost ironic at this point given how much Kellhus himself does throughout the book to let those around him know exactly what he is and what he is not. Then finally, Achamian finds some answers in Ishuäl and the Dûnyain remaining there. Outside of the good stuff that Bakker has given us here, which is really pretty solid, there was a lot that absolutely killed the experience for me. Even though Bakker has an incredibly intelligent and fluid way of writing, his use of italics and ellipses is still as absolutely egregious as it was in the previous book. They’re predominantly used in the sections where an Anasûrimbor is present. Once away from them, which isn’t very often, they magically disappear. Clarity was also an issue for me when I really felt it was necessary. When relaying information and history there is specificity galore, but whenever something of note happened, I found myself wanting for more. Instead, I found weak half-statements and vague references with a large amount of lack of context. This pattern was repeated over and over and was especially significant during the climax of the book when Kellhus starts to do something other than just talk to people. And do you remember all of that world-building I mentioned? It seems that Bakker is very proud of it because we get the bulk of it in all its naked glory. Every other page seems to be filled with names and history and enough fancy made-up words to make Tolkien jealous. Is that bad? Not necessarily that it’s all there, but in how it’s presented, absolutely yes. Info-dumps just aren’t engaging. They’re boring and they slow the pacing of the story down considerably. I don’t care how detailed and impressive it is because it just gets tedious if we’re not seeing that history through the eyes of a character. Character is everything. Easily one of the most impressive fantasy series around in terms of its scope and creativity, and yet incredibly frustrating and overwhelmingly disappointing because of how the story is told. As such, I can’t exactly give a glowing recommendation of either this book or the Aspect-Emperor series, but I can’t help but steer people toward the Prince of Nothing series at the same time. And yet, the first will inevitably lead to the latter. So, pick your poison if you’re unfamiliar with the series. If you’ve loved the previous novels in this series though, you’ll likely love this one as well with everything that happens by the end. And sorry, this one got a bit long. After the knee-jerk-reaction feel to my review of The White-Luck Warrior though, I really wanted to make this one a bit more solid. Happy reading. Recommended Age: 18+, mostly for violenceLanguage: Hardly any at all, but one f-wordViolence: Very violent and gorySex: Some strong content and one brief violence-tinged scene I think many who love this series are willing to forgive many of it’s faults, even start loving those faults. Honestly, there’s nothing like in. In a parallel world where Bakker became a superstar instead of Martin things would be different. Maybe we would have dozens of series trying to ripoff bakker. Some would succeed, some would not. Some would nail certain aspects, some would be also popular, making Bakkers work feel less original ( just like reading old series now, from Dune to Tolkien, they don’t seem that great) We have only one Bakker. Sure, I could go back to the first trilogy and edit a lot of things. The third book was way to short, many things didn’t make sense to me and everyone has opinions on how to make something “better”. I could do the same with the judging eye and white luck warrior. Both where lacking compared to the first trilogy. I really liked Cnaiur and the holy war, it felt much more personal than the Ordeal. Kelhus’ rise to power was fascinating, Comphas and the emperor had his moments and the series felt much more “honest” when it came to violence,sex, rape etc. I really felt that Bakker wasn’t pulling any punches, this is a violent and depression world, and in a world like this shit happens. heck, he even started the series with child rape…Everything felt more subdued in the two books, I felt like an editor was watching or Bakker decided to “sellout” and go mainstream. However…the great Ordeal was a step in the right direction. Your opinion was probably influenced by the fact that you didn’t like the first 2 books much. For me this was a return of the “real” Bakker and I pretty much loved this book. In conclusion, sure the series could have been better, that’s true for everything. Overall though if you like these kinds of books this series is a 10/10 for me, simply because I can’t find anything like it, and I read a lot of books. For that reason Bakker is a must read for any fantasy fan, at least the first trilogy. It’s something you can’t find elsewhere. PS: for all your talk about the first trilogy, I don’t see a review anywhere. Why not do a reread and a review? curious how your memories stack up to that . While I agree with you that my opinion of the first two books might have affected my opinion on this book, I think that is only true insofar as it only made it easier for me to be aware of those things that bothered me most about the way that Bakker has chosen to write this series. I still love the things that he does well, and I agree with you completely that we have no one else like Bakker around today. He’s a genius in his own right. Still, there’s a “right” way, in my mind, to write stories to make them an enjoyable as possible, and that is to focus on the characters. I just read a comment on Joe Abercrombie’s blog along these lines that I thought was genius: “For me, characters are always at the heart of a book (or books) – if the people aren’t interesting, no plot, however packed with shock and explosions, will ever make a mark, whereas if the characters are fascinating and the voices arresting you can watch them do nothing and still be captivated.” (Original Blog Post) That summarizes my feelings in a nutshell, exactly. Bakker commented on my review here and made an analogy about calling something poison if it’s the wrong brand of tea. Using that example (which, honestly, I think could use some help), what he’s given me here is a brilliantly tasty tea made with sea water mildly tinged by crude oil. It’s good, I can taste it and see it plainly, however there are some aspects about the medium by which the story is told that just don’t agree with my tasty buds. And last, the missing reviews of the first trilogy. I’ve thought about doing so more than a few times. Really comes down to time and what I’ve said I’ll review of the books I’m receiving. I appreciate the suggestion though. Will do my best to keep the idea on my table, but at this point I really can’t promise anything. Thanks for the comments. Seriously. Love to see it. And sorry for my late response. Been buried lately. 🙂
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Trends in background levels of persistent organic pollutants at Kosetice observatory, Czech Republic.1) Part I. Ambient air and wet deposition 1996-2005. Kosetice observatory is a facility of the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute, which is a part of the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP) network. Persistent organic pollutants (POPs: PCBs, DDTs, HCHs, PAHs) have been monitored in all environmental matrices using the integrated monitoring approach. Generally, the atmospheric levels of POPs in this Central European background station (mean values: 0.115 ng m(-3) for SigmaPCBs, 0.040 ng m(-3) for SigmaDDTs, 0.077 ng m(-3) for SigmaHCHs, and 17 ng m(-3) for SigmaPAHs) are significantly higher than those in other EMEP stations localized mostly in Northern and Western Europe. Long-term trends of POP concentrations in the ambient air and wet deposition are presented in this article and they show a slow decline in the last decade for most of the investigated compounds. Temporally increased levels of certain chemicals were associated with some local climatic (floods) or socio-economic (fuel prices) factors.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Memory and consciousness in Alzheimer's disease. Human memory can be split into familiarity and recollection processes which contribute to different aspects of memory function. These separate processes result in different experiential states. In this review, we examine how this dominant theoretical framework can explain the subjective experience of people with Alzheimer's disease, the profile of their memory impairments and their inability to reflect on their performance metacognitively. We conclude with a brief overview of the brain regions supporting conscious experience of memory, and propose that the memory and awareness deficits seen in Alzheimer's disease could be conceived of as a deficit in autonoetic consciousness. A future priority for research is to take these robust constructs into research programmes examining rehabilitation and pharmacological intervention.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[Use of bacterial toximeters with separate cell cultures for continuous water monitoring]. Two commercially available bacterial toxicity monitors are compared. As test organisms pure cultures of Pseudomonas putida are used in both systems. The bacteria are grown continuously in turbidostatic ("Toxalarm", LAR, Berlin, Germany) or chemostatic ("Stiptox-norm", Siepmann und Teutscher, Gross-Umstadt, Germany) regulated cultures in a selective culture medium in nonsterile devices. Toxic substances can be detected by continuously working bacterial respiration tests. Oxygen consumption is the measuring parameter. The bacterial test suspension is mixed continuously in a fixed proportion with air-saturated test water in a measuring cell. The separate culturing of the bacteria and the carrying out of the tests ensures that neither the bacterial culture is endangered by toxic substances nor the sensitivity can be changed by poison adaptation. Results of "Toxalarm"-tests with several chemicals (e.g. Atrazine, Lindane, 2-Nitro-phenol, Sodiumpentachlorophenolate) are presented. The registration of an alarm event (River Rhine) by "Stiptox-norm" is shown.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Peera Thongsilp Founder PEERA is Co-founder to CFTW and a designer who is passionate about supporting girls in tech. She is empowering women in tech by putting her design and marketing skills to work at hackathons to raise money for charity. Her works have been featured in various publications and received multiple recognitions including the HOW Promotion Design Award. Previously at Apple, she now designs for Hulu when she’s not on her mission for inclusion in tech.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
No single crown forks, unless they're prototypes that are being tested. You can get the Dorado, which I think when limited for 29er gets 170mm, but the warranty clearly states no dual crown forks for the Prime. There are the 26" F36 160mm forks with arch mods that some are using, not sure on if travel needs to be limited on those or warranty - Enel is running one on his Prime. Yeah, I heard that rumor too and I guess at Sea Otter we'll find out - although that was the rumor last year as well though On the warranty, guess maybe it's that I've been talking with Keith about the Prime since early days and he's repeatedly stated it's not designed for such a fork and warranty would not cover dual crown forks. Best bet is to e-mail them and ask them directly. Originally Posted by Znarf No 160mm "official big brand" 29er forks - yet! Iīve read several times that one will be released by a big brand in summer 2013. @Lynx: Maybe I am blind (or stupid), but I canīt find warranty information on the prime on the Banshee site. Do you happen to have a link? Would be very thankful =) No single crown forks, unless they're prototypes that are being tested. You can get the Dorado, which I think when limited for 29er gets 170mm, but the warranty clearly states no dual crown forks for the Prime. There are the 26" F36 160mm forks with arch mods that some are using, not sure on if travel needs to be limited on those or warranty - Enel is running one on his Prime. Travel on my 36 fork is limited to 130mm, and A-C is identical to any 140mm 29" fork. After riding the Prime a bit I realize probably the only fork on the market stiff enough to match the frame is a Dorado. Originally Posted by buddhak And I thought I had a bike obsession. You are at once tragic and awesome. I rode the Prime Back to back on a well known to me trail loop with my 2010 Stumpy FSR yesterday and it was eye opening. These bikes are identical except for: Fork: Reba 140 on the Stumpy and modded Fox 36 on the Prime; Wheels: 150mm X12 rear with 36 spoke wheels on the Prime compared to 135 bolt on rear and 32 spoke wheels on the Stumpy; Drivetrain: The stumpy has stump pulling low range supergranny drivetrain allowing gearing down to 20X26, the Prime is standard 32X22 front and 11/34 rear Weight: The Prime is about three pounds heavier between the wheels, fork and frame. Terrain was slow chunk/finesse stuff with a section of moderate speed (11-12mph), but very chunky descent. Climbs were similarly short, but chunky and quite steep at times requiring standing bursts and momentum to crest. The bikes ride/perform very similarly as they should given the numbers. I was no more capable or faster on one versus the other. This is good to me because I have been very pleased with the Specialized. However: these two bikes/builds could not feel more different from the standpoint of flex and general solidity. The Prime is hands down the stiffest frame I have ever ridden in any category. (Note: No time on serious DH or Freeride rigs). The difference is similar to the difference between a thin tubed steel rigid frame and a burly tubed aluminum frame. I felt like I had to have a bit more body english/anticipation of the flex with the Stumpjumper. It was not bad or unmanageable, it just felt completely different. If you have spent any time back to back on a burly longer travel AM bike versus a cross country race type bike, you will know exactly what I am talking about. I think the differences would be even more obvious at higher speeds as the stress on the frames increases. The Prime felt simply better planted than the Stumpy in all terrain and conditions. I think I had a wee bit more traction. It wasn't a mind blowing difference, but it was different. I am looking forward to dialing it in more, but I am quite comfortable on the Prime after only two rides. I played with the CCDB air and ended up at 25% sag (for me near 200 lbs geared up it was 110 psi), 80% (20 clicks) low speed rebound, 80%(20 clicks) low speed compression damping, zero HSC and about 15% (3/4 turn) HSR damping. After my trail ride, I am going to dial in a touch more HSR and HSC damping. I am getting pretty close. I hope to get the Prime down to South Mountain in Phoenix this weekend for a real thrashing. For now, I would absolutely recommend the Prime, especially if you weigh over 200lbs and/or have had issues with flex in other 29" frames. I am not sure a lighter primarily XC rider really needs what this frame offers (along with the associated weight penalty). Originally Posted by buddhak And I thought I had a bike obsession. You are at once tragic and awesome. I rode the Prime Back to back on a well known to me trail loop with my 2010 Stumpy FSR yesterday and it was eye opening. These bikes are identical except for: Fork: Reba 140 on the Stumpy and modded Fox 36 on the Prime; Wheels: 150mm X12 rear with 36 spoke wheels on the Prime compared to 135 bolt on rear and 32 spoke wheels on the Stumpy; Drivetrain: The stumpy has stump pulling low range supergranny drivetrain allowing gearing down to 20X26, the Prime is standard 32X22 front and 11/34 rear Weight: The Prime is about three pounds heavier between the wheels, fork and frame. Terrain was slow chunk/finesse stuff with a section of moderate speed (11-12mph), but very chunky descent. Climbs were similarly short, but chunky and quite steep at times requiring standing bursts and momentum to crest. The bikes ride/perform very similarly as they should given the numbers. I was no more capable or faster on one versus the other. This is good to me because I have been very pleased with the Specialized. However: these two bikes/builds could not feel more different from the standpoint of flex and general solidity. The Prime is hands down the stiffest frame I have ever ridden in any category. (Note: No time on serious DH or Freeride rigs). The difference is similar to the difference between a thin tubed steel rigid frame and a burly tubed aluminum frame. I felt like I had to have a bit more body english/anticipation of the flex with the Stumpjumper. It was not bad or unmanageable, it just felt completely different. If you have spent any time back to back on a burly longer travel AM bike versus a cross country race type bike, you will know exactly what I am talking about. I think the differences would be even more obvious at higher speeds as the stress on the frames increases. The Prime felt simply better planted than the Stumpy in all terrain and conditions. I think I had a wee bit more traction. It wasn't a mind blowing difference, but it was different. I am looking forward to dialing it in more, but I am quite comfortable on the Prime after only two rides. I played with the CCDB air and ended up at 25% sag (for me near 200 lbs geared up it was 110 psi), 80% (20 clicks) low speed rebound, 80%(20 clicks) low speed compression damping, zero HSC and about 15% (3/4 turn) HSR damping. After my trail ride, I am going to dial in a touch more HSR and HSC damping. I am getting pretty close. I hope to get the Prime down to South Mountain in Phoenix this weekend for a real thrashing. For now, I would absolutely recommend the Prime, especially if you weigh over 200lbs and/or have had issues with flex in other 29" frames. I am not sure a lighter primarily XC rider really needs what this frame offers (along with the associated weight penalty). Cool! I figured you'd dig the uber-stiff chassis of the Prime. Now...if we could only get a suitable fork! The bikes ride/perform very similarly as they should given the numbers. I was no more capable or faster on one versus the other. This is good to me because I have been very pleased with the Specialized. However: these two bikes/builds could not feel more different from the standpoint of flex and general solidity. The Prime is hands down the stiffest frame I have ever ridden in any category. (Note: No time on serious DH or Freeride rigs). Tomorrow i'm bolting on last XX1 bits, and then i have winter vacation at gravel-pit called Tenerife and a volcano called Teide, last time i was there with prime proto it kicked ass there, now i have 12mm bolt thru axle on rear and production frame... I got to ride an extremely fun ride called Goat Camp in Phoenix today. It starts with a steady 9 mile 2500 ft climb. The Prime proved a competent steady climber. I finally noticed the mechanical help the suspension gives in the pedaling department: with standing uphill spring type moves, the bike just squirts forward with minimal wallow. Not XC stiff, but it is nice. I like that the frame achieves this without so much stiffening that it loses traction on loose stuff. I personally prefer more traction with some pedal bob over great pedaling characteristics with traction loss. Anyhoo, it's a decent climber and took care of switchbacks and chunky sections as well as I could. The downhill on this ride is relentless, slow, chunky, loose, steep tech for three miles. I hesitate to show the video because it really can't do justice to the terrain. If slow tech is your thing, ride this trail. The Prime had no bad habits I could find under braking and rolling steep things into chunk. On the lower 1/2 mile of the descent I was finally able to open it up speed wise on smooth mixed with small chunk and that was a hoot. I have officially determined that the Specialized is out of a job. The Prime does everything just as well, and a few things decidedly better. Originally Posted by buddhak And I thought I had a bike obsession. You are at once tragic and awesome. Nice job on Goat Camp, Enel. Doesn't surprise me that you nailed the staircase, considering the type of riding that you typically do. You are right, that video does not even come close to portraying that section accurately. There is a whole lot of serious pucker on Goat Camp. I'm finding similar with my newly installed DBair, lots of low speed dialed in, very little high speed, DBair is WAY better than the CTD.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Inholtsverteken Suzuki hett1959 an de Hokkaidō-Universität in Sapporo sien Dokter makt. 1961 wurr he dor Assistenzperfesser. Van 1963 bts 1965 arbeit he as Postdoktorand in Herbert Charles Browns Grupp an de Purdue University. Van 1973 bit 1994 weer he Perfesser in de Afdeelen Angewandte Chemie vun de Hokkaidō-Universität, um denn Chemieperfesser an de Okayama-Universität un 1995 an de Kurashiki-Universität to wurrn. Gastprofessuren hebbt hüm 1988 an de University of Wales un 2001 an de Purdue University führt.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
--- abstract: 'Federated learning is gaining significant interests as it enables model training over a large volume of data that is distributedly stored over many users, while protecting the privacy of the individual users. However, a major bottleneck in scaling federated learning to a large number of users is the overhead of secure model aggregation across many users. In fact, the overhead of state-of-the-art protocols for secure model aggregation grows quadratically with the number of users. We propose a new scheme, named [[Turbo-Aggregate]{}]{}, that in a network with $N$ users achieves a secure aggregation overhead of $O(N\log{N})$, as opposed to $O(N^2)$, while tolerating up to a user dropout rate of $50\%$. [[Turbo-Aggregate]{}]{} employs a multi-group circular strategy for efficient model aggregation, and leverages additive secret sharing and novel coding techniques for injecting aggregation redundancy in order to handle user dropouts while guaranteeing user privacy. We experimentally demonstrate that [[Turbo-Aggregate]{}]{} achieves a total running time that grows almost linear in the number of users, and provides up to $14\times$ speedup over the state-of-the-art schemes with upto $N=200$ users. We also experimentally evaluate the impact of several key network parameters (e.g., user dropout rate, bandwidth, and model size) on the performance of [[Turbo-Aggregate]{}]{}.' author: - | Jinhyun So, Basak Guler, and A. Salman Avestimehr\ Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering\ University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA\ bibliography: - 'main.bib' title: '[[Turbo-Aggregate]{}]{}: Breaking the Quadratic Aggregation Barrier in Secure Federated Learning' --- Introduction ============  \[1-Intro\] System Model ============  \[2-ProbSetting\] The [[Turbo-Aggregate]{}]{} Protocol ====================================  \[3-Algorithm\] Theoretical Guarantees of [[Turbo-Aggregate]{}]{} =================================================  \[5-MainResults\] Experiments ===========  \[6-Experimental Evaluation\] Conclusion ==========  \[7-Conclusion\] Acknowledgments {#acknowledgments .unnumbered} =============== This material is based upon work supported by Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) under Contract No. HR001117C0053, ARO award W911NF1810400, NSF grants CCF-1703575, ONR Award No. N00014-16-1-2189, and CCF-1763673. The views, opinions, and/or findings expressed are those of the author(s) and should not be interpreted as representing the official views or policies of the Department of Defense or the U.S. Government.
{ "pile_set_name": "ArXiv" }
1. Field of the Invention The present disclosure relates to prodrugs of biologically active 2,4-pyrimidinediamine compounds, pharmaceutical compositions comprising the prodrugs, intermediates and synthetic methods of making the prodrugs and methods of using the prodrugs and compositions in a variety of contexts, such as in the treatment or prevention of various diseases. 2. Description of the Related Art Crosslinking of Fc receptors, such as the high affinity receptor for IgE (FcεRI) and/or the high affinity receptor for IgG (FcγRI) activates a signaling cascade in mast, basophil and other immune cells that results in the release of chemical mediators responsible for numerous adverse events. For example, such crosslinking leads to the release of preformed mediators of Type I (immediate) anaphylactic hypersensitivity reactions, such as histamine, from storage sites in granules via degranulation. It also leads to the synthesis and release of other mediators, including leukotrienes, prostaglandins and platelet-activating factors (PAFs), that play important roles in inflammatory reactions. Additional mediators that are synthesized and released upon crosslinking Fc receptors include cytokines and nitric oxide. The signaling cascade(s) activated by crosslinking Fc receptors such as FcεRI and/or FcγRI comprises an array of cellular proteins. Among the most important intracellular signal propagators are the tyrosine kinases. And, an important tyrosine kinase involved in the signal transduction pathways associated with crosslinking the FcεRI and/or FcγRI receptors, as well as other signal transduction cascades, is Syk kinase (see Valent et al., 2002, Intl. J. Hematol. 75(4):257-362 for review). The mediators released as a result of FcεRI and FcγRI receptor cross-linking are responsible for, or play important roles in, the manifestation of numerous adverse events. Recently, various classes of 2,4-pyrimidinediamine compounds have been discovered that inhibit the FcεRI and/or FcγRI signaling cascades, and that have myriad therapeutic uses. See, e.g., U.S. application Ser. No. 10/355,543 filed Jan. 31, 2003 (US 2004/0029902), international application Serial No. PCT/US03/03022 filed Jan. 31, 2003 (WO 03/063794), U.S. application Ser. No. 10/631,029 filed Jul. 29, 2003 (US 2005/0028212), international application Serial No. PCT/US03/24087 (WO 2004/014382), U.S. application Ser. No. 10/903,263 filed Jul. 30, 2004 (US2005/0234049), and international application Serial No. PCT/US2004/24716 (WO 2005/016893). While many of these compounds exhibit good bioavailability properties, in some instances it may be desirable to tailor their solubility or other properties such that their bioavailability via specified routes of administration is optimized.
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
Q: php deleting files from google storage using google-api-php-client Trying below code for deleting files from google storage but getting the error "An error occurred: (delete) missing required param: 'object'". I am sending the filesId like this $fileId = 1458180875815000. $google-api-php-client :- getting the google service // code for delete $bucketName = "bucketname"; $googleServiceStorage = new Google_Service_Storage($this->client); //$googleServiceStorage = new Google_Service_Storage_StorageObject(); try { $googleServiceStorage->objects->delete($bucketName,$companyId, [ 'object' => $companyId."/".$objectName, 'generation' => $fileId, 'alt' => "media" ] ); //$bucketName,$companyId,$objectName,$fileId); } catch (Exception $e) { print "An error occurred: " . $e->getMessage(); } } A: Here is how I am deleting files from GCS $bucket = 'my_main_bucket'; $file = 'path/to/file/image.jpg'; $this->service = new Google_Service_Storage($this->client); try { $this->service->objects->delete($bucket, $file); } catch (Google_Service_Exception $e) { syslog(LOG_ERR, $e); }
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Healers for All Reasons Healers For All Reasons (2005) is a 28-minute documentary directed by Vijay S. Jodha. It looks at two traditional Indian village healers whose lives and work embody altruism, tolerance and sustainability. The documentary was made in English, Gujarati and Hindi. Content Filmed in the aftermath of 2002 Gujarat violence in which over a thousand people were killed, and mistrust between Muslim and Hindu communities ran high, the film focuses on the work of two Muslim healers who live and work among predominantly Hindu communities. Karimbhai Sumra of Virampur village, Gujarat, uses traditional medicine to heal humans, animals, and even plants. The last category includes producing a variety of herbal pesticides for farmers. Rehmat Khan Solanki of Chur Village, Gujarat, on the other hand, specializes in treating animals and uses traditional medicine and environmentally friendly methods to heal them. Although a Muslim, he is called 'Gopal Bapa' by Hindu villagers for being a benefactor of cattle like Hindu deity Lord Krishna. The two healers work in places that lack hospitals and modern veterinary services. They are not wealthy but do not demand any fee for their services. They are happy with whatever people give to them in return. Their knowledge of various local plants and their healing properties has been documented and recognized by mainstream scientists. Prof. Anil Kumar Gupta of Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad and Executive Vice Chair of the National Innovation Foundation, talks on camera about his association with the two healers and the importance of their work in the context of protection and conservation of indigenous knowledge systems. Reception Reviews for the film were positive, with India Today describing it as "a unique documentary on harmony" and that the film was "a testament perhaps to the fact that politics is yet to triumph over brotherhood and compassion." Writing for Down to Earth, Nicki Kindersley said that "the documentary highlights the problem of maintaining a traditional system within modern corporate structures." The Hindu said that the film "brings forth the pluralistic identity of the country in more ways than one." See also Traditional medicine Indigenous intellectual property References External links National Innovation Foundation Index of Innovators , 2002 Anil Kumar Gupta "Contested Domains, Fragmented Spaces: rights, responsibilities and rewards for conserving biodiversity and associated knowledge systems" [www.hks.harvard.edu/sustsci/ists/TWAS.../gupta_sinha_240201.pdf], Research Paper, 2001 Anil Kumar Gupta, R. Sinha, D. Koradia, R. Patel, M. Parmar,P. Rohit, H. Patel, K. Patel, V.S. Chand, T.J. James, A. Chandan, M. Patel, T.N. Prakash, P. Vivekanandan Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad "Mobilizing grassroots’ technological innovations and traditional knowledge, values and institutions: articulating social and ethical capital" [https: www.sristi.org/papers/new/Gupta_Co_Futures.pdf], Research Paper, 2003 Healers For All Reasons - Watch trailer Category:Indian documentary films Category:Indian films
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Specifications More Information Description Passage knob for hall or closet doors where no lock is needed. Plain knob on both sides. Turning either interior or exterior knob will open knob. Packaged with adjustable latch, interchangeable from 2-3/8" to 2-3/4". Grade 2 construction. Full mechanical warranty.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
The objective of this program is to prepare post-doctoral trainees to establish independent research careers in the areas of gonadal function, early pregnancy and embryonic development through implantation. The training program will consist of three elements;independent laboratory research, group seminars and other functions held jointly with the Center for Reproductive Sciences, and formal course work in research ethics and animal welfare, as well as subjects that will enhance the trainee's research expertise. The independent research will occur in a laboratory selected by the trainee from a group of 12 scientists who are leaders in various aspects of reproductive and developmental biology. The members of this training group have well established NIH-funded programs and have trained more than 86 postdoctoral fellows. Areas of study include fertilization, pre-implantation development, trophoblast-uterine interactions, the immunobiology of implantation and early pregnancy, as well as regulation of gonadal function, gene expression during testis and embryonic development. The strength of this group is enhanced by collaboration among the members as evidenced by the record of joint publications, grants, and students. This program will take advantage of an existing Center for Reproductive Sciences comprising 21 principal investigators and 78 additional staff and trainees to provide an enhanced training environment. The Center for Reproductive Sciences sponsors an active seminar program and hosts a regional conference in reproductive biology, which provides additional opportunities for trainees to present their work. The recruitment, selection and guidance of trainees will be coordinated through an Internal Advisory Committee, with input from all participating faculty and in consultation with an External Advisor, who will meet with the group once each year. Applicants who have been awarded a Ph.D. degree in one of the biological sciences, or a D.V.M. or M.D. degree and who demonstrate a commitment to research in reproductive biology will be considered for entry into the program. An emphasis will be placed on recruiting under represented minorities into the program. The records of the six trainees selected during the first funding period are impressive, with two of the four trainees who have completed their training having assumed faculty positions, one tenure track and one research track. The overall success of the program will ultimately be measured by the contributions of these trainees after they have established independent research programs.
{ "pile_set_name": "NIH ExPorter" }
Q: Internship in Switzerland after French student visa I am a US student studying in Paris for the spring semester. I am in the process of getting my student visa, which will be valid until mid-July. However, I am planning to intern in Switzerland until mid-August. Once I leave France, am I able to stay in Switzerland? and for how long? Or must I leave the Schengen zone? I'm trying to figure out how I can make this work. What is required (visa?) by Switzerland for US citizens that want to be interns? A: You can enter Switzerland and stay there, for 90 days, under the usual rules which allow visa-free visits to the Schengen area for US citizens. The time spent in France under your French long-stay visa do not count towards these 90 days, see e.g. Does tourist visa (90 days) apply after a long-term visa ends in Schengen countries? However I don't think you are allowed to do an internship in Switzerland without a Swiss visa/authorization (especially since I seem to recall that internships must be paid there), even during the validity period of your French visa.
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Wisconsin to stop enforcing birth control law MADISON — Gov. Scott Walker's administration will no longer enforce the state's contraception coverage law for employers with religious objections following a U.S. Supreme Court ruling last month. The decision riled birth control advocates and Democrats, who said Wednesday that Wisconsin law is not affected by the decision. The Supreme Court ruled that companies with religious objections, like Hobby Lobby, can avoid the contraceptives requirement of the federal health care overhaul law. Wisconsin Insurance Commissioner's office spokesman J.P. Wieske said Wednesday that the state had no decision to make because it is federally pre-empted from enforcing the law. Democratic attorney general candidate Jon Richards says if elected he would initiate legal action to require enforcement of the law. Democratic gubernatorial candidate Mary Burke and others including Planned Parenthood also decried the decision.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
function pass = test_dot( ) % Test dot product tol = 10*chebfunpref().cheb2Prefs.chebfun2eps; % Test dot product of empty spherefunv. f = spherefunv; g = spherefunv; h = dot(f,g); pass(1) = isempty(h); % Test that the dot product of two orthogonal vectors is zero. f = spherefun(@(x,y,z) cos((x+.1).*y.*z)); % Vector field tangent to the sphere u = grad(f); % Verctor field normal to the sphere nrml = spherefunv(spherefun(@(x,y,z) x),spherefun(@(x,y,z) y),spherefun(@(x,y,z) z)); h = dot(u,nrml); pass(2) = norm(h,inf) < tol; % Test that the dot product gives the correct result u1 = spherefun(@(x,y,z) x.*z.*cos(2*y)); u2 = spherefun(@(x,y,z) y.*z.*sin(2*x)); u3 = spherefun(@(x,y,z) exp(x.*y.*z)); u = spherefunv(u1,u2,u3); v1 = spherefun(@(x,y,z) x.*y); v2 = spherefun(@(x,y,z) y.*z); v3 = spherefun(@(x,y,z) z.*x); v = spherefunv(v1,v2,v3); f = dot(u,v); % Same as the dot product g = u1.*v1 + u2.*v2 + u3.*v3; pass(3) = norm(g-f) < tol; % Same as dot product g = u'*v; pass(4) = norm(g-f) < tol; end
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
At a recent awards ceremony, structural engineer John Hillman joked that the first Google result for the acronym HCB is “Holy cow, Batman.” But that may not be the case for long. Hillman’s invention, the hybrid composite beam (HCB), aims to change the way short structural spans are built, offering new possibilities for civil and marine infrastructure. The underside of an HCB Bridge. (Click to zoom) The 2,000-pound HCBs span up to 70 feet, and are light enough to be installed with a large backhoe, yet strong enough to support a loaded freight train. The beams work like prestressed concrete or steel beams, but are made of a self-consolidating concrete arch and steel strands surrounded by a fiberglass reinforced polymer shell, which makes the beam waterproof and protects it from corrosion. After 14 years of research and development, Hillman, whose day job is with Chicago-based Teng & Associates, has installed his first permanent spans in Long Creek, IL, and on Route 23 in Cedar Grove, NJ. Innovative Bridge Research and Development (IBRD) program grants from the Federal Highway Administration funded both projects. Now the beams are about to be used in the longest structure thus far, the 540-foot-long, eight-span Knickerbocker Bridge in Boothbay, ME, a $5.5 million project to be completed in 2012. “The state of Maine has been very supportive,” Hillman said. Initiatives by Governor John Baldacci have increased funding to the University of Maine’s Advanced Structures and Composites Center, where Hillman worked with researchers to test HCB prototypes. The only license for U.S. manufacture is held by Maine-based Harbor Technologies. Hillman said gaining this type of regional acceptance is key to helping the technology take root. “We wanted to get a foothold in the U.S. and work through any manufacturing bugs,” he said. The HCB technology already has a manufacturing licensee for Canada and the European Union, with patents pending around the world. The Knickerbocker Bridge and future projects are expected to have an upfront cost on par with traditional structures, but lower installation costs. An anticipated 100-year lifetime would increase long-term savings. Workers installing an HCB. Though the lightweight beams could change the way countless structures are built, HCB designs don’t differ significantly from standard structures. “We always understood that our new technology has to be compatible with existing technology,” said Hillman. This potential, coupled with the beams’ easy installation, could make them practical for use in developing countries, as well as a viable solution to the estimated 160,000 aging bridges in the U.S. Among other new uses for HCBs, Hillman is now advancing them as green roof technology. For a major Chicago project, he hopes to replace the building’s roof using HCBs for the same cost as a traditional replacement, but with 20 times the load-carrying capacity and built-in waterproofing. “Our industry is slow to adapt to change,” he said. “It’s common knowledge that it takes about 18 years to adopt a new technology. I’ve been at it about 14 years, so it’s almost time to succeed.”
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Cashews are not legumes, they are indeed nuts. And while they are rich in omega-6 fats, humans never were meant to eat more than a few nuts a time. Carbs, well, that depends if you're restricting carbs or not, and again, don't eat so many nuts that the carbs will matter. Almost all nuts have very high levels of omega 6 PUFA's in addition to other antinutrients. They can still be part of a healthy balanced diet but a general rule, nuts should be consumed in moderation. The one exception is macadamia nuts. They are almost pure "good fat" and have very little in the way of antinutrients. They're almost pure fat though so as @Matt 11 points out, even with macadamias your diet should not be nut-centric.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
GUI - MouseListener • You can have your program respond to interesting mouse events by having your class implement the interface MouseListener and registering with the GUI component that should respond to those events • This is very similar to ActionListener GUI - MouseListener • MouseListeners can respond to five types of events-mouseClicked-mouseEntered-mouseExited-mousePressed-mouseReleased • All have return type void and have a MouseEvent as a parameter This preview has intentionally blurred sections. Sign up to view the full version. This is the end of the preview. Sign up to access the rest of the document. Unformatted text preview: the event GUI - MouseListener • Example: Write a program that draws random lines around where the user clicks the Canvas GUI - MouseMotionListener • Have your class implement MouseMotionListener to respond to events such as moving the mouse and dragging the mouse GUI - MouseMotionListener • MouseMotionListeners respond to two events:-mouseMoved-mouseDragged • Both have return type void and have a MouseEvent as a parameter • If you implement a MouseMotionListener, expect to receive a LOT of these events GUI - MouseMotionListener • Example: Write a program that will draw lines on the canvas under the mouse cursor as it moves... View Full Document
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
John Klotz John Klotz was a Belgian sailor who won the Silver medal in 6 metre class (1919 rating) in the 1920 Summer Olympics in Antwerp along with Léon Huybrechts and Charles van den Bussche. References Category:Year of birth missing Category:Year of death missing Category:Belgian male sailors (sport) Category:Olympic sailors of Belgium Category:Olympic silver medalists for Belgium Category:Olympic medalists in sailing Category:Sailors at the 1920 Summer Olympics – 6 Metre Category:Sailors at the 1924 Summer Olympics – 6 Metre Category:Medalists at the 1920 Summer Olympics Category:Place of birth missing
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Low-intensity oral anticoagulation plus low-dose aspirin versus high-intensity oral anticoagulation alone: a randomized trial in patients with mechanical prosthetic heart valves. Mechanical heart valve replacement requires lifelong anticoagulant treatment. Aspirin has proved useful in further reducing thromboembolic events when added to oral anticoagulants. However, increased (gastrointestinal) bleeding was observed at the doses previously tested for this combination in heart valve prostheses. We performed a prospective randomized trial to compare the combination of low-intensity oral anticoagulants (international normalized ratio 2.5 to 3.5) plus aspirin (100 mg/day) (arm A) versus high-intensity oral anticoagulants alone (arm B) (international normalized ratio 3.5 to 4.5). Arm A included 258 patients and arm B 245 patients. The two groups were comparable for all baseline characteristics. The outcomes of the study were embolism, valve thrombosis, and major hemorrhage. The median follow-up was 23 months. The two treatments offered similar antithrombotic protection. The incidence of embolic episodes was 1.32 per 100 patient-years (95% confidence interval 0.53 to 2.7) for arm A and 1.48 per 100 patient-years (95% confidence interval 0.59 to 3.03) for arm B. Major hemorrhage occurred in 1.13 per 100 patient-years (95% confidence interval 0.41 to 2.45) for arm A and 2.33 per 100 patient-years (95% confidence interval 1.17 to 4.14) for arm B. Gastrointestinal bleeding was not increased by this combined reduced dose of aspirin and coumarin.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Locked devices vs. Unlocked devices February 21 2012 | David Lipovkov There a few questions that our support team deals with on a daily basis. One of the most popular one, has to do with unlocked/locked devices. As a global provider of roaming internet solutions for GSM enabled devices, we at KeepGo service clients from all over the world who use way more devices than we can even guesstimate. But first we need to understand what locking actually is. A locked device is a cellular device that is able to accept only 1 type of SIM card; the SIM card that belongs to the cellular provider it was originally bought from. For example, when you buy a cell from T-Mobile, you will not be able to use an At&t SIM card on that cell, it will not accept it as it does not belong to T-Mobile. And vice versa – you will not be able to use T-Mobile’s SIM cards inside cell bought from At&t. Some people often confuse jailbreaking and unlocking, those are not one and the same – unlocking is a procedure that enables your phone to accept other SIM cards. While jailbreaking is a procedure of removing set operating system limitations, thus giving you full control of your device’s software (but not changing hardware limitations). What does this mean for you? It means that you: A – will need to buy a different phone if you want to switch carriers. B – will not be able to use KeepGo’s SIM card when going abroad. C – can’t sell/give your phone to people who are not using your carrier as well. Why do carriers do that? In one word, money. The more you are confined to their network the more you are likely to stay, and as a result pay them more money over time. What can be done about this? In two words, unlock it. Though the answer is simple, executions is often difficult when it comes to modern smartphones. The protections that exist will prevent you from easily unlocking your device. The much easier solution is to ask your carrier to unlock it – but as the rules and regulations change throughout the various countries of the world, not all carriers will agree to this request (often, the country’s law must require this from carriers – they do not do this voluntarily). So what types of unlocking are there? There are 4 types of unlocking: Factory unlocked – This means the device was never meant to be sold by a carrier, and was already unlocked when it left the manufacturer’s factory. Carrier unlocked – This means the device was previously locked as it was meant for a specific carrier, which later unlocked it for use with other carriers (usually, at the customer’s request). Carrier unlocked (for overseas use) – some carriers will unlock your device for use overseas, enabling you to use any carrier, other than the ones who are competing with that carrier at your home country. *This is what Verizon and Sprint do with their iPhones, they claim their iPhone to be unlocked, but in reality, you are unable to use it with At&t SIM card or any other US operator. User/software unlocked – This means the device was bought from a carrier, and later was unlocked by someone other than the carrier or manufacturer. This method is the most unstable one, as devices might become locked again if the user upgrades the phone firmware or installs updates (like with iPhone updates for iOS). *Due to Apple’s efforts to curb the unlocking phenomenon, there are currently no unlocking tools for iPhones with iOS 5, only iOS 4 and below. As more and more people around the world join the middle class, and the spread of the internet and smartphones is increasing by millions every day. So does international travel with advanced and data consuming smartphones becomes a necessity for a growing number of modern travelers. Since your carrier’s roaming rates is one of the fastest ways to spend your parents retirement savings. We highly recommend unlocking your device to enable it to accept our SIM card (for instance). Which can bring about savings up to 85% on international roaming rates, compared to those your carrier will charge you for using the same network abroad. Combine that with our global coverage of over 200 countries and you have yourself a real tailored solution for all your global data needs.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Enter your mobile number or email address below and we'll send you a link to download the free Kindle App. Then you can start reading Kindle books on your smartphone, tablet, or computer - no Kindle device required. As someone who went to school in Reigate and used the 430 bus service to get there I was immediately attracted to this book. Why ??Well there is a photograph of an RT bus on the 430 route on the front cover !!I was not disappointed with the contents as it was pure nostalgia for anyone living in Surrey in the 1960's !!
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Behavioral Science Career facts The Associates of Arts degree program in Behavioral Science use varying perspectives to discuss the behavior of people. Behavioral scientists seek to understand why people do what they do. This degree program will prepare students to pursue any of the degrees within the field of Behavioral Sciences--Psychology, Sociology, Social Psychology, or Social Work. Education In addition to the general education requirements Behavioral Science students focus on Psychology, Sociology, Social Psychology, and Social Problems. Elective courses include Human Sexuality, Marriage/Family, Criminal Justice, Juvenile Delinquency, Ethics, Addictive Behaviors, and Statistics. Careers Business Counselor Social Services Psychologist Forensics Community Health Educational Psychology Research
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
South African resistance to war South African resistance to war has a long tradition, and a history that includes conscientious objectors, pacifists, deserters and draft dodgers, as well as those whose objections are based upon the notion of "just war" as opposed to unjust or illegal war. Conscientious objectors The first known conscientious objectors in South Africa were English, Scottish, and Irishmen who were disillusioned by the atrocities committed against Boer women and children kept in the Concentration Camps. Those who based their objection to war either on grounds of the rejection of a particular system, such as the Apartheid State, or doctrines that exclude war based upon illegal means. The End Conscription Campaign was an organisation active from 1983-1994, that for the most part, pursued the notion of objection to war based upon freedom of conscience. Pacifists, deserters and draft dodgers Those who resisted war in general or in part due to either religious, private or personal convictions. Either by failing to enlist, deserting, or refusing to do service by other means. Desertion is punishable under the Military Discipline Code (MDC) which forms part of the 1957 Defence Act. Although the present 1957 Defence Act requires military service obligations after completion of the initial military training, these obligations are not enforced owing to an August 1994 moratorium placed on prosecution for not responding to the call-ups. [7] However this moratorium does not apply to cases of absence without leave or desertion. In other words, although conscription is not enforced, those who deserted under the apartheid system or who failed to respond to call-ups could still, technically, be prosecuted. Committee on South African War Resistance The Committee on South African War Resistance (COSAWR) was founded in 1978 by the merging of two groups of South African war resisters active in Britain. It functions as a self-help organization for South African military refugees. It also worked to raise the issue of militarism in South Africa and conducted research into the South African military structure and resistance. Its magazine 'Resister' became the leading magazine on South Africa's militarisation. In 1990, when the sentencing of conscientious objectors (CO's) in South Africa changed considerably, the majority of COSAWR decided to return to South Africa. Conscientious Objector Support Group The Conscientious Objector Support Group (COSG), an umbrella organisation, was formed in 1978. In 1982 263 CO's were serving sentences in military detention barracks. In 1983 the Defence Act was amended, providing for the first time a six-year substitute service outside the armed forces for CO's. Stop the War Committee The Stop the War Committee was an anti-war organisation which opposed the Second Boer War. It was formed by William Thomas Stead in 1899. Its president was John Clifford, and prominent members included Lloyd George and Keir Hardie. The group was generally seen as pro-Boer. See also Angolan Civil War End Conscription Campaign Military history of South Africa South African Border War List of anti-war organizations List of peace activists References "On War Resisters", Statement by the National Executive of the African National Congress on "The South African Defence Force 'Deserters'", 29 October 1979. Refusing to Bear Arms (South Africa), A worldwide survey of conscription and conscientious objection to military service, 10 August 1998. Category:Anti-war Category:Apartheid in South Africa Category:Conscientious objection Category:Political movements in South Africa
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
yes Patrick Hansen 07/31/2000 12:02 PM To: Mark Taylor@ECT, David Forster/Corp/Enron@Enron cc: Andrea Calo/SA/Enron@Enron, Fabian Valle/SA/Enron@Enron, Jeff Kabel/SA/Enron@Enron, Michael Guerriero/SA/Enron@Enron Subject: EOL Passwords Mark and Dave, Last week, we met with a local "Certifying Company" called GIRE. Their service is based on the "Asymmetric Password Method" . We believe that using their services in the process of granting passwords to our local clients will contribute significantly to the enforceability of our transactions from a legal stand point. We would like to discuss this issue with both of you to determine if it is worth while to consider this alternative. Is everyone available at 12:00 noon Buenos Aires, 10:00 am Houston?. Please confirm. Regards Patrick
{ "pile_set_name": "Enron Emails" }
New Meditation CDs Equip Professionals Around the World to Conquer Daily Tasks with Zeal and Confidence Share Article Professionals around the world are realizing their potential with new guided meditation CD's and online downloads released by Jeanie Marshall, an Empowerment Consultant based in Santa Monica, California. With her new innovative products, Marshall is expanding her reach to people around the world. Santa Monica, CA (PRWEB)January 6, 2006 Professionals around the world are realizing their potential with new guided meditation CDs and online downloads released by Jeanie Marshall, an Empowerment Consultant based in Santa Monica, California. With her new innovative products, Marshall is expanding her reach to people around the world. Daily stress, cares of life and unbalanced emotions cause many people to become tense. Studies show that meditation helps boost the immune system, control anxiety, and even reduce conditions such as high blood pressure in some cases. Marshall's new CDs make it easy to complete the helpful meditation process whenever necessary. "I can always determine the level of stress by the extent to which I have to coax clients into paying attention to their breath during the guided meditations. I think of meditation as a pleasant, empowering distraction," states Marshall. Marshall has been helping professionals with organization and personal development for more than twenty years using unique principles such as guided meditations and a focus on energy. She has an M.S. in Organization Development and provides consultations by telephone for clients around the world. She also produced and hosted a television show called "Return to Center" for six years. Although Marshall enjoys helping people, she is limited in how many private consultations she can provide. So she recently developed two series of CDs, "Focused Energy Work Meditations" and "Guided Visualization Meditations,” both of which are available at her Web site. Through the CDs, she is able to provide a way for her clients and others to benefit from the guided meditations any time of the day, seven days a week. The CDs are designed to help the listener find a state of balance, relax and easily fall asleep, build confidence, and discover all the elements of Marshall's Focused Energy Work Process. Each set contains two CDs or MP3 downloadable files, with and without music.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Q: What are the 10 kinyanim with buying and selling? Can someone please provide for me a list of the 10 kinyanim with their names in Hebrew? I can't find one anywhere! thanks. A: Land: כסף שטר חזקה Objects: משיכה הגבהה יד חצר 7.1 ד׳ אמות חליפין - שוה בשוה חליפין - סודר אגב קרקע סיטומתא Kiddushin: [1 & 2; כסף & שטר] ביאה
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Endostar, a modified endostatin inhibits non small cell lung cancer cell in vitro invasion through osteopontin-related mechanism. In this study, we studied the inhibition of non small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cells invasion by a recombinant human Endostar, a modified endostatin and the possible osteopontin-related mechanism. The results showed that Endostar significantly inhibited highly metastatic NSCLC (NCI-H460) cells in vitro invasion. ELISA demonstrated that reduction of osteopontin level in the medium by Endostar may be responsible for the inhibition of invasion. RT-PCR assay and western blot analysis revealed that the reduction of osteopontin was due to under-regulation of osteopontin expression. Furthermore, Endostar also inhibited osteopontin-induced less metastatic NSCLC (A549) cells invasion, indicating that Endostar may have other different osteopontin-related mechanism. In an adhesion assay, we found that Endostar reduced NCI-H460 cells binding to osteopontin. Flow cytometric analysis suggested that the reduction of adhesion may be related to under-regulation of its receptors (CD44v6 and alpha(V)beta(3) integrin) expression. Additionally, we found, via gelatin zymographic analysis, that osteopontin-induced the expression and activation of pro-matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-2 and pro MMP-9 secreted from A549 cells were blocked upon Endostar treatment, indicating that Endostar may block osteopontin-mediated signal transduction pathways through MMP families. The above results indicate that Endostar may have an intrinsic non-angiogenesis-related antitumor activity through osteopontin-related mechanism against NSCLC, including osteopontin change and osteopontin signal transduction blockade. Tumor cell invasion is important for tumor metastasis, our findings suggest that it is probably a good strategy to put Endostar into treatment of NSCLC metastasis.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Lexy Lexy may refer to: Lexy, Meurthe-et-Moselle, a commune of the Meurthe-et-Moselle department in France Edward Lexy (1897-1970), British film actor Lexy Ortega (born 1969), Italian chess Grandmaster Lexy (singer), Korean female soloist Lexy, one half of Lexy & K-Paul, DJs from Berlin See also Lexi, a given name (typically for a girl)
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Milk metabolites as indicators of mammary gland functions and milk quality. The assumption, that metabolites derived from the activity of the mammary gland epithelial cells reflect changes in milk secretion and its coagulation properties, was tested in dairy cows. The experiment included cows with uninfected udders and cows with one of the glands infected by different bacteria specie. Analysis were carried at the cow level (including all four glands), or at the gland level. High and significant correlations among the concentrations of lactose, glucose, glucose-6-posphate, milk related respiratory index (the ratio between the concentrations of citrate/lactate+malate in milk) and milk-derived glycolytic index (the ratio between glucose-6-phosphate and glucose in milk) and milk clotting parameters were found. The physiological basis for these relations and their ability to predict the deterioration in milk quality in subclinically infected glands and in glands previously clinically infected with Escherichia coli are discussed.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Mobile Applications Solutions MobiMind can help you get maximum benefit from your mobile app development venture. Creating successful apps requires expertise in a range of skills. Throughout the years, we have built a world-class team largely consisting of strategists, designers and developers. Mega Promos MegaM, a state of the art mega platform solution, allowing mobile operators to create their own Mega Promo in just a click of a button. MegaM allows mobile operators to calibrate and monitor any Mega Promo. Mobile Payment Solutions It is a full mobile payment solution for mobile network operators, merchants, apps and games developers. We provide a full scalable solution enabling MNOs to deliver mobile payment in a secure way. MNOs can design the billing process upon their request . We also provide an SDK for game developers, allowing them to use the enabled features of the MNO.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Gaming giant, Activision-Blizzard, announced plans yesterday for a new social gaming platform. The Activate platform, which launches next month, will be used for the publishers new mobile games and it will also be included with the company’s previous titles. The first games planned for the new platform are the iOS editions of Activision’s highly popular Skylanders franchise; Skylanders: Lost Islands and Skylanders: Battlegrounds. Lost Islands is a resource management game, while Battlegrounds is an action game similar to the Skylanders games on the Wii, Xbox 360 and PS3. Both games offer cloud storage and compatibility with Skylanders figures. Some of the features available to developers with the Activate platform are friends lists, leader boards, achievements, invites, and cloud storage to allow players to access their saved games on multiple devices. Players will be able to log in from their Facebook accounts, and an Activate account will be required to utilize the online modes in all supported games. Several other major publishers already provide social network platforms, including Electronic Arts, with their Origin platform for the company’s mobile games. Origin is quite successful, registering over nine million users. Ubisoft also launched a platform similar to Origin, although, at this point, it is only for PC games. Activision has yet to announce if the company will offer titles from other publishers. If they do, they will face stiff competition from exisitng social gaming platforms, including the Gree Network, DeNA’s Mobage, and Apple’s Game Center. Author: Wolff Bachner Wolff Bachner is the Resident Gaming Writer for Inquisitr.com. He is an avid gamer, who has been playing computer games since the first adventure game, Colossal Caves, became available in 1976. Wolff enjoys doing in-depth reviews of all the newest MMORPGS, while actually playing them. When Wolff isn’t gaming or reporting all the latest gaming news.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
McCue Center The McCue Center, located in Charlottesville, Virginia, is one of the central athletic buildings at the University of Virginia. Named after Dr. Frank C. Mccue III, the building includes an athletic training clinic and weight room used by a variety of the University's athletes and staff. The building also includes the offices, locker rooms, and meeting areas for the Virginia Cavaliers football team. Additionally, the McCue Center holds the offices for the Athletic Director and other administrative staff. History The McCue Center is named after Dr. Frank C. McCue III. It was dedicated on September 14, 1991. The building costs over 10 million dollars and is used not only to house many University offices but also to attract visiting recruits. A restoration of much of the center was completed in the summer of 2007 in order to upgrade the aesthetic features of the building as well as incorporate improved technology into its facilities. Dr. Frank McCue Dr. Frank C. McCue III was a doctor and medical assistant for the University of Virginia athletic program from 1961 to 2003. McCue received his undergraduate degree, medical degree, and completed his residency at the University. During his tenure he treated a variety of Cavalier athletes and other athletes and patients from the Charlottesville area. McCue retired in 2003 and was named Professor Emeritus of Orthopaedics at the University of Virginia's hospital. He later became the first inductee to the Order of the Crossed Sabres, which is noted as the Virginia Football Alumni Club's highest honor. His presence in sports medicine continues as the Virginia High School Coaches Association annually gives a sports medicine award in his honor. In 1998, the McCue Society was created and provides a variety of scholarships in the field of Sports Medicine to both graduates and undergraduates. The McCue Society, made up of McCue's former colleagues, fellows, athletic trainers and students and friends, also provides a forum for sports medicine education and research among other contributions to the field of study. Locker Room The McCue Center holds the primary practice locker room for the Virginia Cavaliers football team. Fully refurbished in the summer of 2007, the locker room is designed as a place of preparation for the team's practices as well as an area for building team community. The locker room includes a variety of video game systems and an internet lounge. There are ten flat-screen high-definition televisions to display team information and five more in the player lounge area for entertainment. Athletic Training Clinic The Athletic Training Clinic is located on the first floor of the McCue Center. It is a area and divided into regions for rehabilitation, taping, patient evaluation, and hydrotherapy. The hydrotherapy area includes an 8' x 8' deep water running pool, a 10' x 40' multilevel ambulation pool and an octagonal whirlpool with an adjacent cold tank. The Clinic also includes a room in which minor surgery can be performed, a conference room, and multiple offices for staff Athletic Trainers, Graduate Assistants, and Student Athletic Trainers. Football Practice Fields Located directly behind the McCue Center are three practice fields. One of the fields is natural grass while the other two are FieldTurf. The FieldTurf playing surface was installed in the summer of 2006. FieldTurf is now used by many different college football programs and National Football League teams. Weight Room The McCue Center features an weight room designed to enable the athletes of the University to improve their speed, strength, flexibility, and overall explosiveness. The weight room area is equipped with a large number and wide array of free weights and plate-loaded machines. The office of the University of Virginia's strength and conditioning coach Brandon Hourigan is located within the room. A variety of other staff members and assistants work in the strength program in order to assist athletes in achieving their fitness goals. Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Center The McCue center also now holds the Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Center for the University. The center treats recreational, high school, collegiate, and professional athletes. The center not only deals with treating injuries but also works to ensure the safe preparation and solutions for a variety of sports related medical issues. Football Administrative Offices The Center includes a variety of offices and meeting areas for the University's football program. The McCue Center holds the offices for all of the coaching staff. These offices are used when compiling weekly gameplans and talking to visiting recruits. The programs recruiting assistants and administrative support staff also call the McCue center home. Both departments use student workers to assist in a variety of tasks to strengthen and build the program as a whole. Remembering UVA Players The McCue center has a wide array of images and technology devoted to display the achievements and notable players throughout the history of Virginia Cavaliers football. The second floor features a large trophy case which holds memorabilia from important regular season and bowl games. Also included are framed pictures and informative touchstone monitors that support the Hoos’ in the National Football League program. This program uses both preserved materials in the McCue Center and video features during games to display the achievements and presence of former football players in the National Football League. References http://www.healthsystem.virginia.edu/internet/orthopaedics/mccue.cfm https://web.archive.org/web/20120216063057/http://www.virginiasports.com/ViewArticle.dbml?&DB_OEM_ID=17800&ATCLID=1178388 https://web.archive.org/web/20120216063116/http://www.virginiasports.com/ViewArticle.dbml?&&DB_OEM_ID=17800&ATCLID=1178392 https://www.nmnathletics.com/ViewArticle.dbml?&&DB_OEM_ID=17800&ATCLID=1178389 http://www.virginia.rivals.com Category:Buildings of the University of Virginia Category:Indoor arenas in Virginia Category:Sports venues in Virginia
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
540 U.S. 842 JAMESv.BOYETTE, CORRECTIONAL ADMINISTRATOR I, NASH CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION. No. 02-10903. Supreme Court of United States. October 6, 2003. 1 Appeal from the C. A. 4th Cir. 2 Certiorari denied. Reported below: 55 Fed. Appx. 673.
{ "pile_set_name": "FreeLaw" }
Introduction ============ Background ---------- Evaluating the quality of online consumer health information has been a central issue in consumer health informatics for many years. However, with the emergence of new Web media platforms and the ubiquity of social media, the need for critical evaluation has taken on a new dimension and urgency. Individuals living with life-threatening and chronic diseases search the internet for treatment alternatives. Many such searches lead to sites containing nonevidence-based advice with targeted marketing and clickbait headlines. Type 2 diabetes is a chronic disease that, according to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), affects 25 million Americans. Another 7 million may be undiagnosed, whereas approximately 80 million have impaired glucose tolerance, also known as *prediabetes*. These individuals have access to a plethora of online resources of highly variable quality. The objectives of this qualitative formative study are to develop a methodological approach for analyzing health-related Web pages likely to be viewed by individuals with type 2 diabetes and apply it to a set of relevant pages \[[@ref1]\]. Quality of Online Health Information ------------------------------------ For health information seekers, the World Wide Web can be a source for both valuable information and misinformation. In the early 1990s, Gordon Guyatt was credited with coining the term *evidence-based medicine* or EBM, reflecting the hierarchy of scientific evidence employed in the development of clinical advice \[[@ref2]\]. In 1997, MEDLINE indexed the first study evaluating consumer health Web pages \[[@ref3]\]. Published in British Medical Journal, the study reviewed 41 pages with advice on managing children's fever at home, concluding with an alarm that "only a few web sites provided complete and accurate information for this common and widely discussed condition." Today, the problem persists, and the rapidly growing popularity of social media is making the problem of identifying quality information more pressing. For example, although Facebook has recently made an effort to reduce unsolicited commercial content that appears as news headlines, these are not typically vetted, checked for accuracy, or monitored in any way \[[@ref4],[@ref5]\]. Many sites prey on vulnerable populations who may be receptive to promises of a quick and easy cure or an alternative to medical establishment recommendations. Health-related misinformation may be considered on a continuum that ranges from deliberately deceitful with the intent to promote specious products to sites that may more benignly endorse a product or claims that lack scientific credibility. The epidemic of fake or controversial health news presents formidable challenges for consumers and health educators. It also provides interesting research opportunities for the consumer health informatics community. Type 2 Diabetes Reversal as a Theme of Consumer-Targeting Websites ------------------------------------------------------------------ Type 2 diabetes is a serious disease that, over time, can damage small blood vessels and nerves, causing serious problems in the eyes, heart, brain, kidneys, skin, and feet, ranking in the top ten "killer" diseases in the United States \[[@ref1]\]. This complex chronic disease starts with silent metabolic changes that precede symptoms and frank hyperglycemia (elevated blood glucose) by 7 to 10 years. With its ubiquitous and growing prevalence, type 2 diabetes is the focus of many consumer-targeting health information websites. A common theme is *reversal* of type 2 diabetes. From the perspective of evidence-based medical authority (eg, as exemplified by the clinical practice recommendations of the ADA \[[@ref6]\]), type 2 diabetes can be prevented, postponed, and placed into remission by lifestyle measures (diet, exercise, stress reduction) and therapy. However, except in rare and extreme circumstances, it cannot be cured or reversed. Medical literature references to diabetes *reversal* are sparse and limited to those on very low carbohydrate diets, postbariatric surgery, or in experimental animal models. Therefore, frank *reversal* of the complex metabolic derangements of type 2 diabetes is uncommon and quite difficult to accomplish. The lay use of the term *diabetes reversal* observed in the websites of interest, therefore, does not signal true medical reversals; instead, these are descriptions of diseases in remission characterized by reduction or discontinuation of medication. However, the ambiguity can lead readers to assume that reversal and cure are synonymous. Barriers to Effectively Negotiating the World of Digital eHealth ---------------------------------------------------------------- The danger of inaccurate health information is heightened by the public's potential vulnerability to it. Factors that increase an individual's vulnerability vary from a desperate desire for cure to dissatisfaction with traditional health care and limited health literacy. Health literacy can be defined as "the degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process, and understand basic health information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions" \[[@ref7]\]. The magnitude of the problem, affecting more than 90 million Americans, and its impact on health care and public health have been well established. Health literacy-related knowledge and skills are particularly deficient among vulnerable populations such as the elderly \[[@ref8]\], disadvantaged youth \[[@ref9]\], or people with lower levels of education. When individuals with lower health literacy conduct Web searches, they rely on criteria that do not correspond to the commonly cited quality guidelines when evaluating online health information \[[@ref10]\]. For example, Mackert et al \[[@ref11]\] showed that individuals low in health literacy used "position in search results, quality of pictures, celebrity endorsement, and website authorship as criteria to evaluate online health information." Newer concepts of health literacy frame it in terms of complex multidimensional models with broad applications in medicine and public health. For example, Osborne et al \[[@ref12]\] used a validity-driven approach to develop a 9-factor Health Literacy Questionnaire (HLQ) model of health literacy. Examples of the model's scales include abilities to establish relationships with health care providers, take responsibility for one's own health, and obtain social support. Sørensen et al \[[@ref13]\] developed an integrative conceptual model of health literacy drawing on a systematic literature review of 17 definitions and 12 conceptual models. This Health Literacy Survey (HLS) model integrates medical and public health as well as individual and population views of health literacy \[[@ref14]\]. The new models underscore the complex array of individual and sociocultural factors underlying health information functioning. Whereas health literacy enablers and barriers operate across a range of situations, electronic health (eHealth) literacy has emerged as both a distinct construct and an area of research into competencies needed for successful functioning in the world of digital health information \[[@ref15]\]. Norman and Skinner introduced an influential eHealth literacy model, which comprised the following 6 types of literacy: 1. *Computer literacy*: the skills to use computers productively. 2. *Information literacy*: the skills to articulate information needs; to locate, evaluate, and use information; and to apply information to create and communicate knowledge. 3. *Media literacy*: the ability to select, interpret, evaluate, contextualize, and create meaning from resources presented in a variety of visual or audio forms \[[@ref16]\]. 4. *Conventional literacy and numeracy*: reading comprehension and quantitative skills for interpreting information artifacts such as graphs, scales, and forms. 5. *Scientific literacy*: familiarity with basic biological concepts and the scientific method as well as the ability to understand, evaluate, and interpret health research findings using appropriate scientific reasoning. 6. *Health Literacy*: the acquisition, evaluation, and appropriate application of relevant health information as described previously. Chan and Kaufman extended and applied this model to analyze how individuals use Web resources to answer questions across different health topics \[[@ref17]-[@ref19]\]. They noted that the most frequently encountered barriers related to information literacy. These resulted in failures to identify relevant links and cues on websites, locate relevant information, and evaluate the trustworthiness and credibility of health information \[[@ref9],[@ref20],[@ref21]\]. On the other hand, the skills associated with media literacy, especially in the context of new media or social media are not well understood \[[@ref22]-[@ref24]\]. Similarly, health information studies typically do not address scientific literacy. Scientific literacy, as it pertains to matters of health, has been an area of inquiry in educational research for some time \[[@ref25]\]. The concept extends beyond knowledge of specific scientific concepts, also involving knowledge *about* science and attitudes *toward* science. Knowledge about science is essential for guiding individuals in recognizing questions that are suitable for scientific investigation (eg, what treatment works best for a given condition) as well as important features of investigations (eg, randomization, control, sample size). Understanding what science is about, referred to as *the nature of science*, and positive attitude toward science also lead laypeople to differentiate between theory and evidence, favor systematic evidence as a source of knowledge, understand possible causes of scientific controversy, and appreciate the importance of logical consistency in explanations \[[@ref26]\]. Although scientific literacy competencies used in this broad definition are relevant to health information seeking and evaluation, the concept has not been given much attention in consumer health research. While health literacy is often discussed in research as a characteristic of individuals, HLQ and HLS perspectives suggest that it can also be conceived as characterizing the relationship between an individual and a set of resources. For example, different ways of presenting numerical data or scientific explanations may impact a reader's ability to evaluate information, intentionally or unintentionally, for better or worse. Information Quality Evaluation Guidelines ----------------------------------------- Concern over health information quality online has been present from the dawn of the World Wide Web era. The Health on the Net Foundation's code of conduct, launched in 1996, offered a set of best practice guidelines for website maintainers to follow \[[@ref27]\]. To evaluate content itself, the DISCERN instrument was developed in 1996 and 1997 as a joint collaboration between the National Health Service and the British Library. DISCERN was a product of stakeholders chosen from across health care: generalist and specialist physicians, but also librarians and health communications specialists, self-help patient group representatives, medical publishers and journalists, and health services researchers \[[@ref28]\]. DISCERN's creators designed it to support websites' evaluation by health information providers, serve as a checklist for content creators and a training tool for health care professionals, and most important, as a decision support for consumers who want to know more about a treatment they are using \[[@ref29],[@ref30]\]. Although DISCERN was originally designed to target paper-based patient-facing leaflets, it can be used to evaluate any text-based information pertaining to treatment. This freely available instrument measures 16 items pertaining to markers of information quality (eg, reliability, relevance, balance, description of a treatment's risks and benefits). Today this Web 1.0 tool remains in use, with results reported in over 150 published studies suggesting that DISCERN rankings are similar regardless of whether they are given by patients or consumers, or health care professionals. Study Objectives ---------------- This study aims to characterize health information sources in our ever-expanding digital ecosystem, including nonevidence-based pages presenting information about type 2 diabetes reversal. Specific objectives involve (1) reviewing top results pages in response to query about natural reversal of type 2 diabetes, (2) developing a methodological approach for capturing their essential content and informational characteristics, and (3) evaluating the utility of the approach with the above set of pages. Methods ======= Page Selection -------------- We started with reviewing a collection of non-EBM type 2 diabetes health advice Web pages that we have accumulated over the years of exploratory interest in the topic, noting frequent references to *reversal* and *natural* remedies. We then performed a search on Google using Firefox 61.0.2 browser on the first author's machine using the keywords *diabetes*, *reversal*, and *natural* and collected the first 3 pages of results (31 pages). After reviewing these links, we excluded those that did not pertain to type 2 diabetes, focused on animals, or required creating a password-protected log-in. This resulted in 24 pages. The 25th page, hyperlinked from one of the search results, came from our initial review cluster. Coding Scheme Development and the Final Scheme ---------------------------------------------- The coding scheme was developed using a combination of theory-driven and data-driven approaches \[[@ref31]\]. First, the authors reviewed existing core information evaluation principles and criteria underlying various information science instruments, including the DISCERN instrument described above. The authors also attempted to code the pages using DISCERN, but found that it could not be justly applied across diverse information formats that included newspaper articles and patient testimonials. Afterwards, the authors conducted several rounds of review of 3 pages from the study set, noting and discussing perceived relevant characteristics. This resulted in the final coding scheme that included both pre-established categories (ie, represented in existing guidelines) and novel categories, as described in [Table 1](#table1){ref-type="table"}. Our aim was to conduct detailed descriptive analysis that frames the user's information-seeking experience. Although most questions are phrased to require binary (yes or no) responses, coding also involved writing short narrative responses (eg, "although citations are not provided, studies are described with partial information that would enables studies to be found eventually"). Three team members coded the data. To establish qualitative intercoder agreement \[[@ref32],[@ref33]\], 13 pages were reviewed by 2 coders (in different permutations), which was followed by iterative in-depth team review and discussion of the coding. While the narrative data were not amenable to inferential statistical analysis, the team found the degree of narrative agreement \[[@ref33]\] satisfactory; disagreements were resolved via discussion and the narratives were merged. The remaining pages were each reviewed by 1 coder (AK). With the exception of the *information authority* and *objectivity* coding that involved reviewing the parent site's "About" page, all the coding was done based on the information within the page only. The pages were coded during July to November 2017, as they appeared at the time. ###### Final coding scheme. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source and category Subcategories ------------------------- -------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Existing guidelines** \ Resource type Digitized content (simultaneously published in traditional mass media)Static Web pagesWeb 2.0 content (Wikipedia, blogs, support groups, online communities, listservs, social networking sites, RSS feeds, and YouTube videos) \ Information authority Is it clear who is responsible for the contents of the page?What are the author's academic or professional credentials?Is there a way of verifying the legitimacy of the organization, group, company, or individual authoring the content?Is there any indication of the author\'s qualifications for writing on a particular topic?Is there a sponsoring or hosting organization that is separate from the author? \ Validity of background information sources Is there content that needs to be cited, but is not?Are the sources for factual information clearly listed or cited so they can be verified in another source? (subsumes: are authors of testimonials and stated support verifiable?)Is the information from sources known to be reliable?Do citations or references actually support the information presented on the page?Are there endorsements by celebrity nonexperts?Who is referred to as "Dr" or "physician"?Is there mention of "secret recipe" ("virtually unknown method") known only to the page's owners or promoters?Is there a disclaimer on the page (what does it state)? \ Objectivity Does the content appear to contain any evidence of bias?Is the page selling a product?Does the page encourage a certain action?Does the page-supporting organization engage in lobbying or advocacy or encourage lobbying or advocacy?Is there a link to a page describing the goals or purpose of the sponsoring organization or company?If there is any advertising on the page, is it clearly differentiated from the informational content? \ Currency Are there dates on the page to indicate when the page was written, when the page was first placed on the Web, or when the page was last revised? \ Emotional appeal Does the page contain emotional testimonies or personal anecdotes?Does the page contain disturbing photos or images of health care professionals and procedures?\ **Data-driven** \ Treatment or reversal method What is the proposed diabetes treatment or reversal method? \ Promises and certainty Does the page make a claim of having a solution (approach or product) producing results that are:QuickPainless or noninvasive or implemented via a simple procedure or with simple ingredientsRelatively inexpensiveIs there a promise of complete recovery for a condition that is known to be chronic or incurable? \ Criticisms of establishment Is there implication or statement of conspiracy or purposeful misleading on the part of: Pharmaceutical companies?Doctors or conventional health care providers?Government agencies?Are there suggestions of media bias in covering relevant health issues?Are there implications or statements that the reader's or viewer's doctor is incompetent?Are there criticisms of biomedical research supporting the establishments' guidelines? (eg, methodology and research focus because of funding). \ Vocabulary Does the page refer to *cure* or other words that are unlikely to be used in evidence-based medical literature (eg, *proven*)? \ Rhetoric and presentation Are there cliff-hangers in the content? For example, "In the next few minutes, I'm going to share with you the little-known natural remedy that will help you leave pills and needles behind forever\..."Is there an appeal to buy something right away?Is the language very colloquial?Is there a long speech that culminates in a request for money? \ Use of science in argumentation Are biological mechanisms of diseases and treatments presented?Are there claims that the coder perceives as: Exaggerated? False? Unverifiable? Mentioning controversial or not quite scientific concepts? Otherwise problematic?Is there a contrast between claims about the complexity or uncertainty of the condition or treatment and the simplicity and certainty of the proposed solution? (statements that are too good to be true?) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Results ======= Types of Web-Based Information Resources ---------------------------------------- Of the 25 pages, 13 were "traditional" static pages, 8 were Web 2.0 sources or static pages with video components. Four pages were digitized versions of printed newspaper or magazine articles. Three were patient testimonials. Diabetes Treatment or Reversal Methods -------------------------------------- The number of remedies proposed by each page ranged from 1 to 7, with the mean of 2.24 ([Table 2](#table2){ref-type="table"}). The most commonly mentioned remedy involved taking dietary supplements. Recommended supplements included a range of herbs, vitamins, and minerals, with several mentions of cinnamon, turmeric, and chromium picolinate. These recommendations conflict with the ADA statement that "research has not been able to prove that dietary or herbal supplements (including omega-3 supplements, cinnamon, and other herbs) help to manage diabetes" \[[@ref34]\]. The second most common recommendation was adhering to some general nutritional guidelines or healthy eating. General nutritional guidelines typically mentioned avoiding refined sugars and grains and eating more fiber and healthy fats. One page stated that a vegan diet was essential, describing an uncited study linking diabetes risk with consuming animal products. Several pages promoted "superfoods." Unlike general healthy eating guidelines, *superfoods* recommendations focused on specific "healing properties" of a particular food (eg, grapefruit). A special nutritional protocol advertised by one of the pages promised "to kill the microbes and parasites (eg, pancreatic flukes) identified by the consultation." The undescribed protocol, apparently available from clinics promoted by the page, had to be followed by *electromedicine* said to "use gentle electrical waves to do the things necessary to rebuild the immune system." Promises and Certainty ---------------------- The specific promises made by the pages varied greatly. Fourteen of 25 pages either promised complete recovery or strongly implied that it was highly possible. In doing so, they often referred to *reversing* diabetes (eg, "type 2 diabetes is almost always reversible and this is almost ridiculously easy to prove"). Some expressed very high level of certainty: "If you follow our recommendations to the letter we guarantee that you will eventually be able to throw your medication away and never need it again!" Only 1 article, authored by a registered dietitian, discussed what it meant by *diabetes reversal*, explaining how *remission* is a more accurate term than *cure*. Pages often promoted their approaches to "reversing" diabetes as quick, easy, and low cost. For example, 11 pages claimed to have a solution guaranteed to work within a specified period, from 11 days to 3 months. While some articles described difficult, extremely low-calorie regimens, 10 touted the ease of reversing diabetes (eg, "ridiculously simple"). Finally, 9 stressed that the treatments they proposed were inexpensive ("so inexpensive it might as well be free"). ###### Numbers of pages (N=25) proposing specific remedies. Remedy Pages mentioning the remedy, n (%) ----------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ Supplements 14 (56) General nutrition guidelines or healthy eating 13 (52) Exercise 8 (32) Special nutritional protocol: specific *superfoods* 7 (28) Caloric reduction or intermittent fasting 5 (20) Stress reduction 3 (12) Improved sleep 2 (8) Electromedicine 1 (4) Optimizing gut flora 1 (4) Weight loss 1 (4) Information Authority --------------------- Key information authority characteristics are summarized in [Table 3](#table3){ref-type="table"}. While 7 pages were authored or verified by physicians, other authors self-reported a range of qualifications for addressing the topic. Two authors were naturopaths. Several pages were written by journalists or patients giving testimonials. Of the remaining authors, 1 was a registered dietitian, 1 a self-described "clinical nutritionist" (certification not stated), and 1 an "ex-pharmaceutical chemist." In addition, 4 authors were identified as health coaches or health experts without listed medical credentials. For example, 1, a former professional athlete, self-described as "one of the most trusted health and fitness experts." Another self-identified as a health coach and a popular health and lifestyle reporter. However, another was described as "a catalyst voice" for alternative treatments and a founder of an independent health research foundation. Finally, 2 of the stated authors emphasized their lay relationship to the content, referring to themselves as average folk or concerned parents. Validity of Background Information Sources ------------------------------------------ The 25 sources varied in how they cited and validated the information they presented. As standards of providing citations differ greatly across various information types, it is not surprising that 20 pages contained uncited mentions of studies and data that could not be easily found based on those mentions. For example, phrases such as "studies show" were made without references or hyperlinked pointers to the studies. A representative example is the unreferenced statement that "a number of clinical studies have been carried out in recent years that show potential links between herbal therapies and improved blood glucose control." Sources also made unreferenced statements that are not currently endorsed by leading relevant authority such as the ADA. For example, 1 page stated that "the solution to curing type 2 diabetes lies with killing the microbes and parasites inside the organs," and that diabetes can be caused by "hepatitis c virus." Another claimed that "cinnamon can curb the current epidemic of type 2 diabetes," without references to any existing studies. Sixteen out of 25 pages explained some of their information sources, either in the form of citations and references or by providing enough descriptive details so that the sources could be located with relative ease. Of these, 12 included sources that were deemed to be authoritative or reliable (eg, ADA, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, and publications in journals listed in MEDLINE). When authoritative or reliable sources were included, they were used to support the specific statements to which they were linked in all but 1 case. Three of the pages not explaining their background sources claimed to have some sort of secret or "virtually unknown" recipe for treating diabetes. Objectivity ----------- All pages were in the dot-com domain. Nineteen included a link to a page describing the site's or the sponsoring organization's goal. These goals varied in specificity, but typically had to do with information provision. Only 1 page called for legislative advocacy and encouraged readers to take actions such as petitioning the Department of Veteran's Affairs to "employ licensed naturopathic physicians." Ten sites sold products ranging from alternative treatments and supplements to books and films. One had a paid access section. Some others did not sell products directly but contained links to the author's books for sale or fee-for-service practice. Fourteen pages contained advertisements, which, in 4 cases, were not clearly differentiated from the page's content. Currency -------- In 21 out of 25 cases, the page included a date indicating when the page was written, the information was first placed on it, or the page was copyrighted. Criticisms of the Establishment ------------------------------- Of the 25 sources, 14 made critical remarks about the pharmaceutical and health care establishment. Of these, 13 suggested malevolent intent or conspiracy on the part of various establishment agents ([Table 4](#table4){ref-type="table"}). Pharmaceutical companies received the greatest amount of criticism. For example, 1 page stated that "the pharmaceutical industry is a gigantic machine which has to sustain itself" and asked, "why would these companies be at all interested in truly reversing diabetes? How would that benefit them financially?" Another wrote, "Most big pharma companies don\'t know squat about how to reverse your diabetes." ###### The pages' information authority characteristics (N=25). Information authority characteristic Pages, n (%) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- Content has identifiable author(s) 22 (88) Existence and legitimacy (accuracy of self-identification) of the author verified^a^ 17 (68) Sponsoring or hosting organization separate from the author^b^ 11 (44) Content authored or verified by someone described as a credentialed physician^c^ 7 (28) ^a^As evidenced by a detailed on-site biography and/or external Web presence (eg, profiles in LinkedIn and online directories and business listings). ^b^For example, a newspaper or magazine, an association, and a public television channel. ^c^Stated MD (Medical Doctor) or DO (Doctor of Osteopathy) degree. ###### Alleged malevolent intent or conspiracy agents (N=25). Malevolent intent or conspiracy agents Pages, n (%) ---------------------------------------- -------------- Pharmaceutical companies 7 (28) Doctors 5 (20) Biomedical research 3 (12) Media 1 (4) Other or unspecified 6 (24) Two pages, 1 with a disclaimer, made explicit claims that diabetes medications recommended by health professionals are extremely dangerous and should be avoided (eg, "Avoid these 3 doctor recommended treatments: oral medication, insulin therapy, \[and\] other injectables"). One page suggested that the ADA dietary guidelines "seem to serve the medical practitioners more than the patients." Another criticism warned readers that they had been "lied to for years." In additions to claims of malevolence, 5 pages suggested medical doctors' incompetence in diabetes management because of their lack of familiarity with nutrition and herbal medicine (eg, "doctors get little if any formal nutrition training in medical school"). Emotional Appeal, Vocabulary, Rhetoric, and Presentation -------------------------------------------------------- Fourteen pages included language that was judged by the coders as *very colloquial*, appearing to aim for establishing commonalities and rapport with the reader or viewer. For example, 1 page stated, "First I want you to know that here at \[Company Name\] we\'re really a lot like you. Average people who just so happened to be committed to helping people." Several pages included emotional personal anecdotes such as stories of family members suffering from diabetes complications. As *natural* was part of the query used to identify pages for the study, it is not surprising that positive mentions of *natural remedies* and *natural treatment* were common. Fourteen pages included these terms; 10 made positive references to *cure*. Pages referred to nature and "Mother Nature" as a wise positive "healing" force, regaling the reader with "natural remedies," "natural healing," "natural processes," and "natural cures." Three pages (videos) included the infomercial approach of a long speech culminating in a direct request for an immediate purchase. Use of Science in Argument---Explanatory Mechanisms Behind Treatments --------------------------------------------------------------------- Of the 25 pages, 22 presented some biological explanations of their proposed treatment mechanism(s), with most pages including more than one. Often, pages combined mechanisms and methods widely accepted in standard care (eg, described by the ADA) with more uncertain and controversial ones. Depth of explanations ranged widely, from simple statements that a specific method (eg, a supplement) "improves sugar metabolism" to detailed explanations of intracellular molecular mechanisms, in our view, well beyond the level of comprehension of an educated layperson (eg, "Acetic acid protects the liver by increasing tolerance of lipogenesis and fatty acid synthesis responsible for improving cholesterol levels"). The following explanatory mechanisms were particularly prominent: - "*Unclogging" liver and pancreas for normal insulin production*: A number of pages recommending low-calorie diets or intermittent fasting explained that this method "unclogs" fat from liver and pancreas, thus restoring them to normal functioning essential for insulin production and glycemic control. - *Reducing blood glucose and improving glucose metabolism (without mentioning insulin)*: Many pages explained their treatment methods (eg, specific foods and supplements) by stating that these methods "reduce\[d\] blood glucose," "improve\[d\] glucose tolerance factor," or "help\[ed\] metabolize glucose," without mentioning insulin. Three pages that promoted exercise mentioned that it builds muscle that burns more glucose. In addition, a number of pages included a biological explanation of how foods high in sugar or refined carbohydrates created spikes in blood glucose (sugar) levels and needed to be avoided. These pages also often explained that foods high in fiber were beneficial because they slowed down glucose absorption. - *Improving insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity*: A number of pages stated that foods or supplements implicated in their treatment methods influenced production or secretion of insulin, improving insulin resistance or sensitivity, and, in some cases, "mimicked insulin." - *Reducing inflammation*: Several pages related diabetes to inflammation, stating that food or supplements described by them fought it or increased "good bacteria" in the intestinal lining. - *Strengthening cells and organs*: Several pages related diabetes to weakened immune system, "weakened organs" (in particular, liver and pancreas), and "weakened cells." They proposed that their methods "strengthened" cells and organs. Mechanisms ranged from supplements that "help strengthen the cellular signal" to "electrical waves" that "kill parasites and microbes that weaken organs." Discussion ========== Web pages about natural treatment of diabetes analyzed in this study proposed a number of reversal methods and differed greatly in terms of their alignment with accepted standard of care recommendations, promises, levels of certainty, authors' background, transparency of sources, rhetoric, style, and attitude toward pharmaceutical and medical establishment. This exploratory study only looked at a small sample of pages pertaining to a single topic collected from 1 search on 1 machine. However, it underscores the challenges of consumer health information seeking and the importance of developing support tools that would help users seek, evaluate, and analyze information in the changing digital ecosystem. Future work within this research program will focus on extending the approach to a number of domains, developing more robust evaluation criteria, and exploring computational approaches to pages' analysis. Is the Consumer Health Web Universe a Dangerous Place? ------------------------------------------------------ Consequences of following recommendations promoted by the sources analyzed in this study are likely to vary. The core lifestyle modifications recommended by many pages, namely, exercise, weight loss, stress reduction, and a healthy balanced diet are evidence-based components of conventional type 2 diabetes regimes. Very low--calorie diets and intermittent fasting may be beneficial, but because of the known risks (including death), they require medical supervision, especially for those with diabetes requiring medication. Supplements (including cinnamon), superfoods, and optimization of gut flora, promoted by many pages, have a low health risk but little-to-no proven benefit and can be financially draining. However, as illustrated in [Table 2](#table2){ref-type="table"}, most pages repackage the core lifestyle recommendations and add-on *essential* product purchases, muddying the water. The stakes for harm are even higher when pages promising to reverse diabetes undermine the use of medications, including recommending unsupervised medication discontinuation, and promote an antiscience attitude. Fit With Existing and Added Health Information Evaluation Criteria ------------------------------------------------------------------ One of the objectives of this work was to develop a methodological approach for analyzing the digital health information sources in the era of online videos and social media. The study suggests that both traditional and data-driven categories of codes (see [Table 1](#table1){ref-type="table"}) yielded insights about the resources and highlighted challenges faced by their users. ### Existing Evaluation Criteria Categories #### Information Authority Assessing authority of information authors and sponsors was straightforward, except for the case of determining the ownership of a YouTube channel. In the majority of cases, pages analyzed in this study had clear authorship indicators, with the authors having sufficient Web presence to lend credibility to their stated identity and credentials. While a sizable minority of pages (7 of 25) was authored or verified by credentialed physicians, the majority were created by noncredentialed individuals. #### Validity of Background Information Sources Pages in this sample frequently described or mentioned scientific studies without providing references that would allow their unambiguous identification. They also typically did not reference their biological explanations or statements about treatments that were not aligned with ADA guidelines, developed upon an extensive review of the scientific evidence from peer-reviewed sources \[[@ref35]\]. However, the same pages typically included citations of some external sources with background information about type 2 diabetes. These were often high-quality authoritative sources. While assessing validity of cited information sources was straightforward, the expression of this criterion varied for different publication formats because of their differing conventions. For example, bibliography style references are difficult to present in videos and uncommon in newspaper articles where a detailed description of a background study is a more likely quality indicator. Still, the criterion of validity remains highly relevant and the lack of credible citations or pointers, or a mismatch between citations and their purported claims, raises concerns about information quality. #### Objectivity Across the range of information source types, this criterion was unambiguous. Page's or sponsor's goals, typically stated on the site's About page, as well as the information about sales of relevant products and services, provided information helpful for judging objectivity. Selling services and products such as supplements by default indicated their endorsement. #### Information Currency Currency turned out to be a challenging criterion because of the range of events that could be time-stamped on the pages. Although most of the pages had a time stamp, these were more likely to be the dates of the page's copyright than of information authorship. ### Novel Evaluation Criteria Categories #### Treatment or Reversal Method and Use of Science in Argumentation These categories are discussed together because scientific argumentation usually explained the treatment methods. For this sample, the *use of science in argumentation* code proved valuable for elucidating the challenges facing health information seekers. The pages typically provided some biological information, claiming effects of substances or procedures on insulin production, glucose metabolism, and cells/organs/ microorganisms. Often, these explanations blended widely accepted biological mechanisms with controversial ones. While many pages limited their biology to simple causal statements such as "cinnamon improves insulin sensitivity," others employed complexity well beyond the level of comprehension of an educated layperson. Many of the non-ADA-aligned treatment methods and biological mechanisms mentioned on the pages had corresponding coverage in peer-reviewed science literature, albeit scientific literature described them as more controversial, less certain, and limited to a narrow range of application (eg, demonstrated effects limited to animal studies or lacking adequate controls). Applying the *use of science in argumentation* code underscores the formidable challenge of supporting lay assessment of plausibility of online health information. It also suggests that the science literacy component of eHealth literacy deservers greater attention. #### Promises A promise of recovery from a chronic disease, with a high level of certainty and implied treatment simplicity, was a useful indicator of concern about a page's quality. Promises were especially troubling when presented as guaranteed within a specific time frame. #### Criticisms of Establishment As a criterion, this one is easy to apply, revealing, and provides disconcerting information. The importance of the code is illustrated by the disturbing number of pages making critical comments in our sample (14 of 25). Criticisms of health care--related establishment are disconcerting because they attempt to discredit primary sources of evidence-based care, positioning nonevidence-based methods as primary, rather than complementary. In making critical claims, pages often had to tread the line between denouncing some official sources and yet conveying respect for science and evidence and support from some studies. The public's response to the representation of science, doctors, and pharmaceutical organizations in the digital ecosystem merits further examination. #### Emotional Appeal, Vocabulary, Rhetoric, and Presentation General level of colloquialism and informality and the use of personal or emotional anecdotes seemed to be most related to document type, with more informal language used in videos and newspaper articles. Specific high certainty words such as *cure* and *guaranteed*, on the other hand, are potential quality signifiers that merit further research. ### Scientific Literacy as a Dimension of eHealth Literacy Revisited As mentioned earlier, this study underscores the importance of scientific literacy as a component of eHealth literacy. The role of science knowledge in daily life has long been debated in the fields of public health and science education. This study illustrates that scientific literacy, although important, should not be equated with content knowledge. It is often unrealistic to expect laypeople to have biomedical knowledge necessary to analyze the argument behind controversial treatment methods. Although some claims may be refuted by high school biology (eg, diabetes is a disease of "weak organs"), many remain difficult to evaluate even after a thorough analysis of a PubMed search. In such cases, the relevant aspects of science literacy are not specific content knowledge, but understanding the nature of science and scientific evidence, uncertainty, and the process of biomedical discovery. Such knowledge is likely to trigger skepticism about overgeneralizations, oversimplifications, and exaggerations inherent in many consumer-targeting pages that promise quick and easy fixes for complex health problems. Complexity of science literacy also underscores the importance of promoting traditional information evaluation criteria such as source authority and objectivity. Implications for Research and Practice: Ways to Support Researchers and Consumers --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The methodological approach, described in this study, is a coding scheme designed expressly for research purposes, rather than as a tool for evaluating Web pages. Much more work, aimed at expanding, fine-tuning, simplifying, and validating the criteria, is needed before this approach can produce a numerical score that could be used to assess a Web page. Such a tool could be very valuable to both researchers and every day information seekers. It would be particularly beneficial if developed and validated for a wide range of online information sources, including blogs, message boards, videos, and other social media platforms. In addition to providing an evaluation guide, medical and informatics organizations may investigate developing resources that address common controversial claims. The establishment often ignores nonevidence-based treatment recommendations, despite their visibility in the public domain. For example, the consumer portion of the ADA site dedicates very little space to a discussion about cinnamon. A thorough respectful explanation of why the use of cinnamon should be treated with caution may be a more effective way to help consumers. New models of health literacy, such as HLQ and HLS \[[@ref12]-[@ref14]\], that consider complex sociocultural determinants of information behaviors (eg, root causes of different attitudes toward medical establishment) could surface explanations as to why certain groups find specific messages to be compelling. It could also inform the presentation and content of explanations that counter potentially deleterious messages. Computation-based informatics tools may also play a role in helping users evaluate Web pages. This study suggests that certain terms and phrases, particularly those indicating high confidence and rejection of traditional medicine, may be alert markers. Research and development into automated language-based categorization may be useful in flagging suspect pages. Finally, this study suggests the importance of science education for the development of science literacy and the potential synergy between classroom science and health informatics. The work was in part supported by the intramural research program of the National Library of Medicine. Authors\' Contributions: AK, CAS, and DRK participated in conceptualizing the study, developing the coding scheme, coding the data, and writing the manuscript. ACM participated in conceptualizing the study, reviewing the coding scheme, and writing the manuscript. Conflicts of Interest: None declared. ADA : American Diabetes Association EBM : evidence-based medicine eHealth : electronic health HLQ : Health Literacy Questionnaire HLS : Health Literacy Survey
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Central" }
Synthesis and pharmacological evaluation of novel quinoxalines as potential nonulcerogenic anti-inflammatory and analgesic agents. Some new substituted quinoxaline and furo[2,3-b]quinoxaline derivatives have been synthesized and tested for their anti-inflammatory and analgesic activities and for their ulcerogenic potential. The pharmacological evaluation of selected synthesized compounds revealed that 5a was equipotent and compounds 3, 4b, 4e and 5b possessed strong anti-inflammatory activity in chronic inflammatory models compared with indometacin (CAS 53-86-1) as reference drug. In addition, compound 4a was the safest one and the others showed little ulcerogenic activity. All the tested compounds showed moderate analgesic activity compared to the reference drug.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Q: What is the best practice for storing a file upload to a MemoryStream (C#)? I need to temporary store a file upload to a MemoryStream. What would be the best method to do this using asp.net (3.5)? Here's what I have so far. It works (locally tested), but it does not look right to me. protected void lnkUploadFile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream(); BinaryWriter sWriter = new BinaryWriter(memStream); foreach (byte b in flUpload.FileBytes) { sWriter.Write(b); } sWriter.Flush(); // writing to file to verify file stream converted correctly FileStream fstream = new FileStream(@"C:/test/" + flUpload.FileName, FileMode.Create); memStream.WriteTo(fstream); fstream.Dispose(); memStream.Dispose(); } A: If flUpload.FileBytes is a byte array, you can use the MemoryStream constructor that accepts the contained data as a parameter: MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream(flUpload.FileBytes); If not (if it just implements IEnumerable), you can convert it to a byte array using Linq: MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream(flUpload.FileBytes.ToArray());
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates to a novel inkjet recording method and inkjet recording apparatus, and particularly the inkjet recording method and the inkjet recording apparatus by which an image at high definition with no color turbidity where bronzing resistance, gloss and scratch/abrasion resistance are improved is obtained. 2. Description of Related Art An inkjet recording mode is one for recording images and texts by flying minute droplets of ink to adhere onto a recording medium by various operation principles, and has advantages such as relatively high speed, low noise and easiness of multiple coloration. In the above inkjet recording mode, various improvements have been performed in various fields such as an ink, inkjet recording medium and inkjet recording apparatus, and at present, the mode has become rapidly popular for various fields such as various printers, facsimiles and computer terminals. In particular, recently high-quality picture technology in the printer has been improved, and its level has come at a picture quality of photograph. As the inkjet recording apparatus used in the inkjet recording mode, for enhancing a printing speed, those where multiple ink jet openings (nozzle sections) and ink liquid paths are integrated as a recording head where multiple recording elements are integrated/arrayed (hereinafter also referred to as a multihead) are used. Additionally, as the inkjet recording apparatus for corresponding to coloration, those where multiple recording heads composed of the above configuration are comprised are frequently used. In that case, it is general that the recording heads which ejaculate inks of respective colors are disposed in parallel with a main scanning direction. Here, when a color image picture is printed, differently from those where only characters are printed in a black-and-white printer, various factors such as color density, gradation and uniformity are important to obtain high-quality pictures. In particular, with respect to the uniformity, slight dispersion of nozzle units which occurs in difference of multihead fabrication steps influences jetting amounts and jetting directions of inks at respective nozzles, and becomes a cause which finally deteriorates image quality as uneven density of a printed image. Also, speed variation at a main scanning of a carriage where heads are loaded, variation of sub scanning paper feeding amount of the recording medium, and variation of a distance between a recording medium surface and a nozzle face on the recording medium cause deterioration of the image. For the above problems, a so-called multi-pass recording method has been proposed where image deterioration due to the dispersion of respective nozzles and various variations is reduced by scanning multiple times the recording head having multiple nozzle sections onto the same recording area on the inkjet recording medium and forming an image of a complementary thinning-out pattern. As a mask used in this case, as described in JP-SHO 60-107975A, the method of using a complementary pattern with a constant thinning-out rate of a certain rule is the commonest. However, as described below, when using such a regular mask, conversely uneven colors, stripe unevenness and white spots sometimes remarkably appear, and thus, the method of using a mask pattern without regularity has been proposed as an improving countermeasure of this. By forming an image thinned out of this thinning-out pattern without regularity, it is possible to prevent the uneven density and uneven colors produced due to a synergistic effect of regularity of the image and regularity of the mask, and realize high-quality picture and high speed printing to some extent (for example, refer to JP-HEI 7-52390A, JP 2002-96461A, and JP 2002-144552A.). Whereas, the present applicant has found that when a certain inks and a recording medium is used, and in particular when high-quality printing such as silver halide photograph is required, sufficient image quality is not obtained only by the proposed thinning-out printing method. This is illustrated below. The inks used in the inkjet recoding mode are broadly divided into dye inks where color materials are dissolved in solvents and dispersion inks where color materials, mainly pigments are dispersed in solvents. The dye dissolves in the solvents and is in a molecular state or a cluster state, which makes its absorption spectrum sharp, and develops clear color with high purity. Additionally, there is no particle pattern due to particles and no scattered light and reflected light occur, therefore it is possible to obtain an inkjet image with high translucent feeling and clear color phase. The dye has a property excellent in scratch/abrasion resistance because no color material particle is present on the surface of media. The dye, however, has drawbacks of poor light resistance because dye molecules tend to bread by photochemical reaction. The reduction in dye molecular number directly reflects upon a color density. It is an actual state that the inkjet recording image using the dye inks is the high image quality but the poor image stability against light, and the technology which is superior to silver halide photographs in the light stability has not appeared yet. As the method for solving this problem, pigment inks where the pigments with good light resistance are used as colorants have been used for the intended use where the high light stability is required. However, when an inkjet image recording according to the thinning-out pattern without regularity is performed using the pigment inks, a dot position formed at each scanning has no regularity. Therefore, the case where the ink droplets of cyan, magenta, yellow and black are adjacently printed on the inkjet recording medium at the same scanning becomes frequent. As a result, the respective ink droplets are mixed one another, aggregation of pigment particles is caused, and a phenomenon called bronzing which is hardly caused in the dye inks occurs. A problem that the color image cannot be accurately reproduced occurs. In particular, in order to form the image at high definition like a silver halide photograph, when the inkjet recording medium having a micro-porous layer containing inorganic fine particles with a mean particle size of 100 nm or less is used, an absorption speed of inks is fast and the aggregation of pigment particles present on the recording medium occurs more easily. Besides, it has been found that due to using the mask pattern without regularity, a probability that different color dots are adjacently printed becomes high, and the formation of image at high definition becomes difficult because the pigment particles having different color tone are mixed on the recording medium. This is because when using the regular thinning-out pattern, the position of each ink formed on the recording medium at one scanning can be finely controlled and mixture of the dots can be effectively inhibited whereas it is difficult to perform such a control in the case without regularity. When a printing rate per scanning by the thinning-out is low, even if using the mask without regularity, the probability that the dots adjacently formed on the recording medium becomes low, and thus, the problem in image quality is reduced.
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
Recently, devices that send data collected from sensors by using wireless communication are being developed. Such devices are used for collecting measured data for applications in automotive systems, industrial systems, IoT systems, healthcare systems or the like. The devices need to store a sensor, a battery, an antenna, a wireless communication circuit or the like in a compact body, while maintaining high communication performance and high serviceability. Since the antennas are located closely to the sensors and communication circuits in these devices, degraded communication performance and fluctuating frequency responses become problems. Depending on the type of sensors and location of circuits, different patterns of electromagnetic coupling and interference may occur. Therefore, it is difficult to find a general solution for the problems. Even though the design changes made to the circuit are small, the whole antenna needs to be redesigned.
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
Autogenous lamellar scleral graft in the treatment of scleral melt after pterygium surgery. We report a case series of three patients who developed scleral melting 18-26 months after pterygium removal with beta-irradiation that refused to use any donor tissue. All patients presented with constant pain, redness and foreign body sensation on their eye. Initial evaluation revealed the presence of an area of scleral melt and epithelial defect with an underlying calcific plaque over the necrotic area in the nasal conjunctiva. Fluorescein staining and pooling was present at the base of the defect, indicating epithelial loss, in two patients. No signs of infection were present, and screening for associated systemic risk factors for melting was negative in all cases. The patients refused to use any kind of donor tissue to cover the area of melting. An autogenous lamellar scleral graft harvested from the superotemporal quadrant and an advancement of the nasal tenon was used. The use of autologous sclera and tenon has been described in the treatment of avulsive corneoscleral wounds and corneal fistulas. This case series describes the successful management of scleral melting with autogenous tissues.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma: a clinical report with paraneoplastic hyperthyroidism (apropos of a case)]. The case of a 17 years old female patient with fibrolamellar hepatocarcinoma and several paraneoplastic signs is reported. The clinical picture was hyperthyroidism like; subsequently metastasis lesions in lungs and muscular tissue (gluteal region) developed. Hyperthyroidism as clinical picture has been reported only once before us for the available literature reveals.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
" 'j. o ' N ... , . - ..... - ..,. -- - ......'" /; ;,;, : .' :-":... . . .;. ØÞ" Vh'" ....' )', , , ," ".........' ,',' --- "' " ,.- ..::;.y <. - -.:----, -, N - t "" ", ...... ....., ...." ,1 "." .. . .. .. Iu& llrø dwh and {jlJ ..edacø -'-' RUton is always the height of good taste. From the panoramic delights of Our 28th Floor Windows Restaurant tn the superb cuisine which has gaIned two "Gault Mìllaut toques", one of the highest accolades the culinary world can bestow Ring Angello Sorelli nn 0171-493 8000 to book your place at the table of Jaques Rolancy, our celebrated French chef LONDON KillIN Take me to The Hilton. The London Hilton on Park Lane 0171 493 8000. WALK ENGLAND ..."..- ....... Durrants Hotel, George Street LONDON WIH 6BJ England West End family run Hotel Reservations-Tel: 011-44-171-9358131 Fax: 011-44-171-4873510 .:i...J 1 t", I , t \D.' . '--: 1 I ß..rJ - """'--'! '06LISH ADV'OTUR'S TRAVEL BACK IN TIME ON OUR WXURY TOURS TO THE ENCHANTED VILLAGES AND SPECTACULAR MOUNTAINS OF WORDSWORTH'S LAKE DISTRICT, PWS THE ROMAN WALL AND YORKSHIRE DALES WORLD-CLASS WALKING AND UTERARY/CULTURAI/CUUNARY FUN. 12-PERSON GROUPS PRIVATE sums IN A GRAND VICTORIAN MANSION. Four adjoining Georgian townhouses overlooking private garden square. Located in fash- ionable Kensington/Chelsea, family owned, very friendly service. Minutes away from the- atres, museums and shopping. Tel: 0171 373 3232, Fax: 0171 373 7944. 1-800-253-3485 ADVERTISEMENT THE I B EST 0 F - \ I f\1 ...... t"_ >- '= c::. -:'''' 0 I < ..,::.........- - .,..-- -tt 4f m I . '" c::. :::::> o -. . \ '" '" -. ... a " . . " . .. LON .. I . A fascinating city that IS at once ancient and avant-garde, London offers something for everyone, from the student and the shopper to the theatre lover and the history buff. Every visitor to London can experience some- thing old and something new An ideal day in London might include a visit to Buckingham Palace for the traditional "Changing of the Guard" at 11 :30 A.M., complemented by an afternoon visit to the National Gallery's newest and most controversial wing, a decidedly mod- ern design by an American, Robert Venturi. E E T EE N The world's first and arguably most useful underground transit system, the London Underground offers the cheapest, quickest, and easiest way to get around central London. In a city whose variety of attractions can be over- whelming, a two-hour tour from the roof of a double-decker bus can lay the groundwork for informed exploration of some of London's best, not-to-be-missed sights, including the Houses of Parliament, St. Paul's Cathedral, Tower Bridge, and the Tower of London. It's also well worth a short trip down the Thames to explore the Docklands, the most modern section of the city, featuring the futuristic, computer-driven Docklands Light Railway, which leads down to Greenwich and the National Maritime Museum of the Royal Observatory, home of Greenwich Mean Time. THE BEST SHOPPING In this "nation of shopkeepers," visitors enjoy first-class service in a wide variety of retail shops And London is widely regarded as the shopping capital of the world. The exclusive shopping district of Knightsbridge boasts an array of designer shops, boutiques, and depart- ment stores along Brompton Road, Sloane Street, Walton Street, and Beauchamp Place. Once a busy fruit and flower market, the lovely, cobbled piazza of Covent Garden is still one of
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. You may have to register before you can post: click the register link above to proceed. To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below. Re: Asian giant for HC The Sydney Harold says: <BLOCKQUOTE>Hilton once considered breast augmentation surgery before being talked out of it by her father, Rick. At the time she said: "I don't need it and I would never get it. It's gross - and it always ends up looking really fake. But if a girl is miserable and that's the only way to make her happy, then that's fine. Years ago I asked my dad for a boob job and he said it would cheapen my image. So I decided not to do it." </BLOCKQUOTE> That's a really good point. Plastic surgery is shallow and superficial and would sully Paris Hiltons good name. She's so classy and dignified, a lot of the experts are saying she might really be a princess from olden days, who came to us from her castle on a cloud as part of an evil witches plan to steal her beauty. Swear to God man. It was on the news. </P> Re: Asian giant for HC <DIV class=post-body> The Daily Mail says today that Amy Winehouse and her husband have flown to the US to immediately begin an intensive drug counseling and detox program after finally admittingthat they have a serious drug problem. Winehouse, who collapsed last week after taking a ****tail of heroin, ecstasy, cocaine and the horse tranquillizer ketamine, is now thought to be wait did that say "heroin, ecstasy, cocaine and the horse tranquillizer ketamine"? </P> <BLOCKQUOTE>Winehouse decided to take action over her problems during crisis talks at a five-star hotel in Hampshire where she was recovering with her husband, Blake Fielder-Civil. She was reported to have been caught smoking heroin in her suite by a friend, at which point her father Mitch flipped. Mitch arrived the next day with his wife Janis, and Fielder-Civil's stepfather Giles Civil and mother Georgette. According to a source close to the family, the meeting descended into a row and at one point Mr Winehouse grabbed Mr Civil by the throat. The source told a newspaper: "It broke Amy's heart to see her parents and in-laws fighting. "That was when she realised the drink and drugs were causing problems for everyone." Blake and Winehouse both denied injecting heroin. The source said: "At one point both Amy and Blake stripped to prove they had not been using needles. "But they realise that if they don't get help now, they will both die young. This is their wake-up call." The couple flew to the US later on Saturday and are today in their third day of intensive counselling and detox treatment. </BLOCKQUOTE>HOLY SHEESH, HORSE TRANQUILLIZERS?!? Oh my god, that's almost admirable. It's amazing that someone can do that many drugs, that someone who weighs 100 pounds can do drugs made for a 1400 pound animal. This chick is like a superhero, she can't be killed. She's immortal! I heard the cops tried to shoot her one time but she caught the bullet in her teeth, then just laughed. Who will save us?!?! </DIV> Re: Asian giant for HC [quote user="mjg407"]The Sydney Harold says: <blockquote>Hilton once considered breast augmentation surgery before being talked out of it by her father, Rick. At the time she said: "I don't need it and I would never get it. It's gross - and it always ends up looking really fake. But if a girl is miserable and that's the only way to make her happy, then that's fine. Years ago I asked my dad for a boob job and he said it would cheapen my image. So I decided not to do it." </blockquote> That's a really good point. Plastic surgery is shallow and superficial and would sully Paris Hiltons good name. She's so classy and dignified, a lot of the experts are saying she might really be a princess from olden days, who came to us from her castle on a cloud as part of an evil witches plan to steal her beauty. Swear to God man. It was on the news. </p> </p>[/quote] Haha, I don't beleive for a second her father cares what she does with her life. We should just put PAris, Britney and lohan on a ship to Mars and when they get there ask them if they see any signs of life.. Re: Asian giant for HC <BLOCKQUOTE>According to court records, on July 22 the alleged victim and two other boys were riding around with Tiffany K. King, 5130 W. Elba St., in her purple 1997 Plymouth Neon. When King stopped the car so the alleged victim could get a bag he had left behind, she allegedly told the other boys, “I’ll rape him if he doesn’t have sex with me,” according to the arrest affidavit. Around 9:50 p.m. they allegedly drove to a park in Air Park, where the two other boys allegedly got out of the car to go skateboarding and King allegedly had sex with the 14-year-old boy. One of the other boys allegedly saw them having sex. King and the boy allegedly had sex again the next day around 11 p.m. in the Arnold Elementary School parking lot.</BLOCKQUOTE> Re: Asian giant for HC <BLOCKQUOTE>According to court records, on July 22 the alleged victim and two other boys were riding around with Tiffany K. King, 5130 W. Elba St., in her purple 1997 Plymouth Neon. When King stopped the car so the alleged victim could get a bag he had left behind, she allegedly told the other boys, “I’ll rape him if he doesn’t have sex with me,” according to the arrest affidavit. Around 9:50 p.m. they allegedly drove to a park in Air Park, where the two other boys allegedly got out of the car to go skateboarding and King allegedly had sex with the 14-year-old boy. One of the other boys allegedly saw them having sex. King and the boy allegedly had sex again the next day around 11 p.m. in the Arnold Elementary School parking lot.</BLOCKQUOTE> [/quote]</P> Bah why are these people getting arrested, these kids are living the American dream!</P> Re: Asian giant for HC <DIV class=post-body> As most sports blogs have diligently noted by now, generous tax breaks designed to help rebuild the Gulf Coast after Hurricane Katrina are being used to build luxury condominiums near Alabama's home stadium in Tuscaloosa, which is kind of -- um, what's the phrase I'm looking for? -- "several hundred miles inland, and closer to Tennessee than the Gulf Coast."</P> <BLOCKQUOTE> About 10 condominium projects are going up in and around Tuscaloosa, and builders are asking up to $1 million for units with granite countertops, king-size bathtubs and Bama decor, including crimson couches and Bear Bryant wall art. While many of the buyers are Crimson Tide alumni or ardent football fans not entitled to any special Katrina-related tax breaks, many others are real estate investors who are purchasing the condos with plans to rent them out. And they intend to take full advantage of the generous tax benefits available to investors under the Gulf Opportunity Zone Act of 2005, or GO Zone. </P></BLOCKQUOTE> Loophole exploitation? Pork-barrel economics? Benefiting from the hardships of others? I think not. Bama fans NEED these condos if they want to survive the Category 5 storm that is the SEC schedule. Have you ever tried to prepare the spread for your tailgate on a mere formica countertop? Of course you have... if you're one of those barbarians from Auburn. </P></DIV>
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Abstract The existence of generic medicines promotes the availability of medicines at a price lower than the original product. Pharmacological studies have only to prove that the generic product is bio-equivalent to the original medicine before registration and no clinical trials to prove efficacy and safety are required. Once a generic medicine is registered, the price will be determined by market forces, which may drive down the price of similar products, including the innovator medicine. Several new generics were launched in 2008, some of which were the first generic for the original product. The policy on generic substitution requires the dispenser to inform the patient of the availability of a generic alternative where the originator product has been prescribed, thus all dispensers must be aware of the existence of these new generics. This review looks at the first generics for originator products launched in 2008. Prices quoted are the single exit price inclusive of VAT, taken from Mims October 2008.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Q: How to create a .vbs signature without signtool.exe? Quoting a jsign bug report related How to validate authenticode for Javascript in C#. I've played a bit with VBScript and JScript files, it looks like the hashing method is different from the PowerShell scripts. For PowerShell the content is converted to UTF-16LE before being hashed. For VB and JS it doesn't work, the hash generated differs from the one computed by signtool. I tried various encodings (UTF-8, UTF-16BE, UTF-32BE/LE, with or without byte order marks) but it still doesn't match. How does one create the .vbs signature block without signtool.exe (and without any proprietary and/or Microsoft tools?) Edit: So far, I've observed the following: By default, signtool.exe uses SHA-1 signatures. It can be forced to use SHA-256 signatures using /fd sha256 By default, JSign adds some additional properties to the signature which throw off an exact signature match. For reference, this is what the end-product signature normally looks like when using signtool.exe. '' SIG '' Begin signature block '' SIG '' MIIM4AYJKoZIhvcNAQcCoIIM0TCCDM0CAQExCzAJBgUr ' ... (a bunch of bas64 data) ... '' SIG '' cSu0HJyT7v9OctFKlKj7aCB6JHPrR0il9GFdoZrQFNuU '' SIG '' End signature block The purpose of this signature is to allow Windows to verify the publisher of the file. It's not a well-documented standard, but can be found in solutions like this. Modern purposes may include running a .vbs file as a standalone script or as part of an application. Leveraging Windows' built-in validation mechanism adds a layer of trust to the script for environments that need it. Quoting Chapter 28 of Don Jones' "Managing Windows with VBScript and WMI." Running Only Signed Scripts If you don't want to mess around with software restriction policies, you can also rely on WSH's own built-in form of security policy. This policy allows you to specify that only signed scripts will be run; unsigned scripts won't be. This is probably the easiest and most effective way to prevent most unauthorized scripts. Digital signatures are common enough so that we shouldn't be limited by closed source utilities like signtool.exe. A: Quoting Emmanuel Bourg, the author of JSign from the bug that inspired this question: I got it, the script is indeed hashed in UTF-16LE, but the size of the unsigned file encoded as a 4 bytes little endian integer is added to the hash. So, common hashing algorithms will work against hashable content (SHA-1, SHA-256), but in order to pass WinVerifyTrust, the additional 4 bytes need to be added to the hashed data.
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
terms in -6*a**3 - a**3 + 3*a**3 - 3*a**3. -7*a**3 Collect the terms in -4 + 1 + 3 - 11*g**3. -11*g**3 Collect the terms in -3*o + 210*o**2 + 3*o - 211*o**2. -o**2 Collect the terms in -2*g + 3*g + 0*g + g - 112*g**3. -112*g**3 + 2*g Collect the terms in 386*s**2 - 386*s**2 + 3*s**3. 3*s**3 Collect the terms in -2*n + 2*n + 7218*n**3. 7218*n**3 Collect the terms in -3 + 5 + 4*w - 2. 4*w Collect the terms in 3168*d - 39*d**3 - 3168*d. -39*d**3 Collect the terms in -12*s + 28*s + 29*s + s. 46*s Collect the terms in 39*q + 43*q + 47*q - 125*q. 4*q Collect the terms in -4*c + 36*c**2 + c + 3*c. 36*c**2 Collect the terms in 49*r**3 - 24*r**3 - 20*r**3. 5*r**3 Collect the terms in -573*r - 267*r + 2 - 1114*r. -1954*r + 2 Collect the terms in 0 + 2 - 3 - 53*s. -53*s - 1 Collect the terms in -2*l - 5676 + 5676 + l - 2*l. -3*l Collect the terms in 3038*a**2 - 3038*a**2 - 10*a**3. -10*a**3 Collect the terms in -406*i**3 - 1507*i**3 - 112*i**3 + 225*i**3. -1800*i**3 Collect the terms in 105*o - 6*o - 46*o - 52*o. o Collect the terms in -13*p + 7*p - 9*p + 11*p + 8*p. 4*p Collect the terms in -37 + 125*h + 37. 125*h Collect the terms in 47*b**2 - 47*b**2 - b**3. -b**3 Collect the terms in -3*k**2 - 3160 + 3160. -3*k**2 Collect the terms in -5*b + 25 - 17 - 13. -5*b - 5 Collect the terms in -2 + 1242*b - 84*b + 1. 1158*b - 1 Collect the terms in 303*y - 4*y**3 - 303*y. -4*y**3 Collect the terms in 54*m + 2 - 2 + 0. 54*m Collect the terms in 23*l - 10*l - 14*l + 26. -l + 26 Collect the terms in 17*k - 35*k - 6*k - 42*k. -66*k Collect the terms in 2*g**2 + 9*g**2 - 14*g**2 - 40*g**2 - 10*g. -43*g**2 - 10*g Collect the terms in -22*y**3 - 15*y**3 - 25*y**3 + 63*y**3. y**3 Collect the terms in -24*u + 10*u - 20*u. -34*u Collect the terms in -98*z + 22*z + 28*z + 23*z + 27*z. 2*z Collect the terms in 4*p**3 + 2*p**3 - 45 + 90 - 45. 6*p**3 Collect the terms in -20*t - 9*t + 12*t. -17*t Collect the terms in -131*d - 200*d + 116*d. -215*d Collect the terms in 3*d + 3*d - 9 - 2*d. 4*d - 9 Collect the terms in -18*c - 11*c - 9*c. -38*c Collect the terms in -15*j + 15*j + 2*j**2. 2*j**2 Collect the terms in -1078*w**2 + 550*w**2 + 536*w**2. 8*w**2 Collect the terms in 3 + 1 + 10*z + 10. 10*z + 14 Collect the terms in 0*w + 4*w - 51 - 58 + 109. 4*w Collect the terms in -3*m - 3*m**2 + 3*m + 3*m**3 - 4*m**3. -m**3 - 3*m**2 Collect the terms in 7*m + 342506 - 342506. 7*m Collect the terms in -43*f**3 + 28*f**3 + 20*f**3. 5*f**3 Collect the terms in -7*b**3 + 1 + 0*b**3 + 6 - 4*b**3. -11*b**3 + 7 Collect the terms in 2*p**3 - 3*p + 0*p**3 + 8*p. 2*p**3 + 5*p Collect the terms in 3 - 3836*d**2 + 3834*d**2 - 3. -2*d**2 Collect the terms in -637*l + 17*l**2 + 19*l**2 + 637*l. 36*l**2 Collect the terms in -m - 7*m + 8*m + 73*m**2. 73*m**2 Collect the terms in 6*j**3 - 22*j**3 + 2*j - 2*j + 13*j**3. -3*j**3 Collect the terms in -43 + 12*p + 43 - 5*p. 7*p Collect the terms in -33*t + 2 - 57*t + 26*t. -64*t + 2 Collect the terms in 2794*b**3 - 2814*b**3 + b**2 - b**2. -20*b**3 Collect the terms in 10 + 9*a**2 + 3*a**2 - 10. 12*a**2 Collect the terms in 12*u**2 - 11*u**2 - 10 - 6. u**2 - 16 Collect the terms in 0*q - 6*q**3 + 0*q + q**3. -5*q**3 Collect the terms in 483*k**2 - 219*k**2 - 262*k**2. 2*k**2 Collect the terms in -6*g - 10*g - 26*g. -42*g Collect the terms in -6*y + 6*y + 74*y**2 - 8*y**2. 66*y**2 Collect the terms in 23 - 23 + 81*a. 81*a Collect the terms in o**3 + 9*o**3 - 7*o**3. 3*o**3 Collect the terms in -9*t - 9*t + 18*t - 5*t. -5*t Collect the terms in -126 - 17*m - 121 + 243. -17*m - 4 Collect the terms in 29 + 15719*r**3 - 29 - 15728*r**3. -9*r**3 Collect the terms in -19*k**2 - 1710 + 1710. -19*k**2 Collect the terms in 15*n + 0 - 3 + 3. 15*n Collect the terms in -19*j**2 + 5*j**2 + 6*j**2. -8*j**2 Collect the terms in 6*q**2 + 6*q**2 + 5*q**2 + 2*q**3 - 17*q**2. 2*q**3 Collect the terms in 589*n**2 + 32*n**2 - 33*n**2. 588*n**2 Collect the terms in -18*x + 17*x + 50*x. 49*x Collect the terms in -5*m**2 + m**2 - 5*m**2 + 3*m**2. -6*m**2 Collect the terms in -50 + 25*r**2 + 50. 25*r**2 Collect the terms in 15*t**3 - 8*t**3 + 20*t**3. 27*t**3 Collect the terms in -15 + 2*w + 17 - 13 - 56. 2*w - 67 Collect the terms in 2*h + 6 - 5 + 92*h. 94*h + 1 Collect the terms in 0 + 0 + 6*x**2 + 2. 6*x**2 + 2 Collect the terms in 2*w + 3*w - 12*w + 2*w. -5*w Collect the terms in 2*a**2 - 16*a**3 + 0*a**2 + 2*a**2. -16*a**3 + 4*a**2 Collect the terms in -5887*t**2 + 2942*t**2 + 2947*t**2. 2*t**2 Collect the terms in -6 + 0 - 15*o**2 - 5 + 1. -15*o**2 - 10 Collect the terms in 999*j - 1997*j + 1000*j. 2*j Collect the terms in 6816*h**3 - 2 - 6809*h**3 + 2. 7*h**3 Collect the terms in -54*r**3 + 8*r**2 - 5*r**2 - r**2. -54*r**3 + 2*r**2 Collect the terms in 361 - 704 - a**3 + 11*a**3 + 343. 10*a**3 Collect the terms in 3*h + 8*h - 7*h + 2*h. 6*h Collect the terms in -v - 12*v**3 + 4*v + 17*v**3 - 4*v. 5*v**3 - v Collect the terms in -406*m**2 + 7*m + 406*m**2 + 17*m**3. 17*m**3 + 7*m Collect the terms in -12*c + 17*c - c - 8*c. -4*c Collect the terms in -3604*u**2 + 3604*u**2 - 3*u**3. -3*u**3 Collect the terms in -62*t - 182*t + 24*t - 86*t. -306*t Collect the terms in -1 - 9 + 35*v**3 - 37*v**3. -2*v**3 - 10 Collect the terms in -z - 7*z + 2*z - 4*z. -10*z Collect the terms in 132 - 6*p**2 - 132. -6*p**2 Collect the terms in 281*f**3 + 286*f**3 - 566*f**3. f**3 Collect the terms in 7*v - v - v + 4*v. 9*v Collect the terms in 1108 + 3*m**2 - 1108. 3*m**2 Collect the terms in 6*f**3 - 15*f**3 + f**3. -8*f**3 Collect the terms in 10*v**3 - v**2 + 3*v**2 - 2*v**2. 10*v**3 Collect the terms in -17*m + 3*m**3 - 2*m - m**3 - 4*m**3. -2*m**3 - 19*m Collect the terms in 7*t**2 - 23*t**2 + 13*t**2. -3*t**2 Collect the terms in 3186 + 7*w - 3186. 7*w Collect the terms in -11*v**2 + 1 + 13*v**2 - 1. 2*v**2 Collect the terms in 1884*u**2 - 943*u**2 - 943*u**2. -2*u**2 Collect the terms in 17*r**3 + 9*r**3 - 28*r**3. -2*r**3 Collect the terms in -9*a**3 - 5*a**3 + 3*a**3. -11*a**3 Collect the terms in 2*l + l + 4*l - 8*l. -l Collect the terms in -2*g**3 + 7*g**3 - g + 0*g**3 + 3*g. 5*g**3 + 2*g Collect the terms in 16*f**3 - 5*f**3 + 10*f**3. 21*f**3 Collect the terms in 5*t**2 + 4*t**2 + t**2 - 11*t**2. -t**2 Collect the terms in -3*v**2 - 6*v**2 + 3*v**2. -6*v**2 Collect the terms in -3*i**2 - 3*i**2 - i**2 + 0*i**2. -7*i**2 Collect the terms in -4*l**2 + 4*l**2 + 14*l**2 + 4*l**2. 18*l**2 Collect the terms in -27*t + 45*t - 22*t. -4*t Collect the terms in 5 - 5 + 41*v**3 - 21*v**3 + 19*v**3. 39*v**3 Collect the terms in -181*g + 91*g + 90*g - 8*g**2. -8*g**2 Collect the terms in -3 + 3 + 21*x**3 + 4*x**3. 25*x**3 Collect the terms in -28*w**2 - 34*w**2 - 33*w**2 + 97*w**2. 2*w**2 Collect the terms in -17276252*c**3 + 17276251*c**3 + c - c. -c**3 Collect the terms in 37*g**3 + 31*g**3 + 35*g**3 - 106*g**3. -3*g**3 Collect the terms in 1733*m - 37*m**3 - 1733*m. -37*m**3 Collect the terms in -4*h - 3*h**3 - h + 2*h. -3*h**3 - 3*h Collect the terms in t**3 - 10*t**3 + 6*t**3. -3*t**3 Collect the terms in 0 - 17 - z**2 + 0. -z**2 - 17 Collect the terms in 305*v - 149*v - 137*v. 19*v Collect the terms in 9*b**3 - 165*b + 165*b - 54*b**3. -45*b**3 Collect the terms in 266*r - 30*r**2 - 266*r. -30*r**2 Collect the terms in -5*r**2 + 16*r**2 - 8*r**2 + 0*r**2. 3*r**2 Collect the terms in 0 - 3*g + 2*g + 25. -g + 25 Collect the terms in 0*l**3 + 12*l**3 - 9*l**3. 3*l**3 Collect the terms in 0 + 0 - 5055*p + 5042*p. -13*p Collect the terms in 3*p - 8*p - 52*p - 53*p. -110*p Collect the terms in l**2 - 76259*l + 76259*l. l**2 Collect the terms in 106*s**2 - 35*s**2 + 24 - 24. 71*s**2 Collect the terms in 3*y**2 + 47*y**2 - 5*y**2 - 19*y**2. 26*y**2 Collect the terms in 13*r**2 - 19*r**2 + 1 - 1. -6*r**2 Collect the terms in -3*v**2 + 17*v**2 + 3*v**2. 17*v**2 Collect the terms in 7 - 7 + 3*f. 3*f Collect the terms in -5*i + 9*i + 4*i**2 - 4*i. 4*i**2 Collect the terms in -3*i**3 + i**3 + 0*i**3 - 48*i**2 + 48*i**2. -2*i**3 Collect the terms in 6275 - 3136 - 3139 + 3*r**2. 3*r**2 Collect the terms in -140*u**3 - 15*u**3 + 51*u**3 - 241*u**3. -345*u**3 Collect the terms in 11*k**3 + 51*k + 40*k - 91*k. 11*k**3 Collect the terms in 175*p**2 - 352*p**2 + 179*p**2. 2*p**2 Collect the terms in
{ "pile_set_name": "DM Mathematics" }
THe BJH Guide to the Blue Jays on Twitter My, how things change over the course of one year. In December of 2010, I put together a post of all the Blue Jays on Twitter. Back then, there were only seven players on Twitter and that number has ballooned to ten just one year later. And that doesn’t even include the multitude of minor league players and Blue Jays alumni that are also on Twitter. Much like Twitter itself, there are more players on Twitter and they’re tweeting more than ever before. Some may think Twitter is just a bunch of digital noise about mundane happenings, but I think it’s a great way to gain some insight into the lives of our favourite players off the field. It also allows fans to interact with the Blue Jays where they might otherwise get the opportunity to. After all, if it wasn’t for the internet and social media, how would be ever have found out that Travis Snider is the quintessential carnivore? So just in case you aren’t following all these guys already, here’s the BJH Guide to all the Toronto Blue Jays on Twitter. By now, everyone knows that J.P. Arencibia is the preeminent Twitterer on the Blue Jays roster. He’s a proponent of multiple hashtags, enjoys long walks on Miami beach, and sharing pictures of his dog Yogi. He tweets about anything and everything, and one thing that’s very evident in his post-game interviews as well as his tweets is J.P.’s sense of humour. He’ll even toss out a little self-deprecating humour every once in a while, which just goes to show how down-to-earth Arencibia really is. J.P. also uses Twitter to interact with his fellow #TeamUnit members, which is the Blue Jays/Maple Leafs supergroup spearheaded by the Blue Jays catcher. Heck, they even have their own line of merchandise for sale. Out of all the Blue Jays on Twitter, I think J.P. Arencibia uses the medium to its full potential. J.P. truly gets what it’s all about, and always makes the most of his 140 characters. I’m not quite sure what the standards are for one to be a “beauty”, but whomever is one of the lucky few to be followed by Brett Lawrie must surely fulfill that requirement. What must have began as an inside joke within the Blue Jays clubhouse found its way to the internet thanks to the power of Twitter. It seems like J.P. and Ricky rag on Lawrie the most about it, but it’s all in good fun. With over 145,000 followers and growing, Jose Bautista stands as the most popular member of the Toronto Blue Jays on Twitter. Jose takes the bilingual approach to his tweets, often times tweeting in both English and Spanish. He’s also very supportive of his teammates, and frequently complimented them on clutch performances during the season. Ricky Romero has not only evolved into a leader on the field, but the clubhouse as well. He’s a strong but silent type, and his Twitter feed reflects that persona. Ricky is undoubtedly a big family man, and very humble for a guy who came from a modest upbringing. He seems very grounded for a guy who just signed a $30.1 million dollar contract extension this past season. Growing up in East LA, Ricky was in very close proximity to a wide range of pro sports teams. Which explains why he grew up a fan of the Los Angeles Dodgers, LA Lakers, and his beloved San Francisco 49’ers. RR must be on cloud nine as his 49’ers will be partaking in their first NFC Title game since 1997. For those counting, Ricky was 14 years old the last time the 49’ers had a shot to advance to the Super Bowl. I can’t recall if Travis Snider was the original Blue Jay to start sending out his thoughts 140 characters at a time, but he certainly was one of the first. Travis has very quickly learned how to make the most of that very short character limit. Perhaps the most entertaining thing was Snider’s Christmas dinner power rankings, complete with pictures of every appetizer, side dish, and main course. Those bacon-wrapped little smokies sound and look incredible. I have to give credit to Travis for displaying the patience of a Tibetan monk with some of his followers. He tackles his haters head-on and prefers to take the “kill them with kindness” approach to any naysayers. Snider is very active on Twitter and does a great job of interacting with his followers and answering their questions. Considering all the turmoil he experienced in 2011, Travis has remained incredibly upbeat and optimistic. A few years back, there was an interview with all the members of the Blue Jays starting rotation, and Shaun Marcum made a comment about how Brandon Morrow wasn’t a chatty fellow, but when he did pipe up, Morrow’s one-liners were gold. I get that sense from Brandon Morrow’s Twitter feed as well; he doesn’t seem like a talkative guy, but when he does speak, people pay attention. Morrow is probably most well known for his exchange with Casper Wells, in which he apologized for on Twitter. It was the social media equivalent of a bro hug. I’ve never met Kyle Drabek in person, but judging by his online persona, he seems like a very quiet and reserved young man. Scanning through his feed, the majority of Drabek’s tweets are centred around football and food. Naturally, those two things go hand-in-hand, but other than that, there isn’t much insight into Kyle’s extracurricular activities. Much like his pitching career, I think Kyle Drabek is still trying to discover himself both on the field and online. It’s a bit of a work in progress, but Kyle has lots of time to learn the ropes of social media. Ian Hunter Ian has been writing about the Toronto Blue Jays since 2007. He enjoyed the tail-end of the Roy Halladay era and vividly remembers the Alex Rodriguez "mine" incident. He'll also retell the story of Game 5 of the ALDS to his son for the next 20 years. Good question! Not sure what happened with Cecil and Litsch. I think Jesse just dropped off the face of the earth, there might have been an incident with Cecil where he tweeted something he wasn't supposed to (although that's just speculation in my part).
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Marlborough joins the NZ debate on compulsory life jacketsBy Marlborough Express/Sail-World, , 9:55 AM Sun 27 Oct 2013 The Marlborough district on the north east of the south island of New Zealand has joined the current debate about boaters being forced to wear, not just carry, life jackets when boating. As the regulation would apply to all vessels under 6 metres, it would catch the tender dinghies of all sailing boats. ...[more] Transmitter maintenance could affect BBC Marine ForecastBy RYA/Sail-World Cruising, , 6:15 AM Wed 9 Oct 2013 If you are to be sailing in UK waters in 2014, put the dates in your diary. Essential transmitter maintenance could affect BBC Shipping Forecast as the BBC’s Droitwich transmitter will undergo essential maintenance during 2014. From approximately April to mid-August the 12:01 2014 shipping forecast will potentially be transmitted at a lower power or maybe inaudible on LW for that period. ...[more] World's most dangerous waters, by the WWF and AllianzBy Lee Mylchreest, 6:54 AM Sat 5 Oct 2013 For we who might want to sail away into the sunset, we need to know that the ocean varies widely on the other side of that horizon. Apart from all the other knowledge we need to take with us, we should be aware of which are the most dangerous ocean areas on earth, just this year identified by a studies the WWF and insurance giant Allianz ...[more] Six basic rules for taking your pet sailingBy Sail-World Cruising, , 8:15 AM Mon 2 Sep 2013 There are regulations covering the crew and visitors on your sailing boat, but what about your seafaring pets? One veterinarian is appealing for folks who take their dogs on boats to prepare carefully and take care of pets adequately while boating. ...[more] New Zealand's South Island better at wearing life jacketsBy OTD/Sail-World, 6:08 PM Wed 21 Aug 2013 New Zealand's South Island leads the pack on the wearing of life jackets. All right, it's only a pack of two, but being in the lead is a cause for celebration according to one Otago harbour master. ...[more] USA's Women Coast Guard - the effort for recognition since 1915By Lauren Laughlin/Sail-World Cruising, 7:44 AM Mon 24 Jun 2013 As cruising sailors, we depend heavily on the Coast Guard. What happens if you take a Coast Guard office and fill it full of women? Give up? No, this is not a joke. The answer always was … the same as if it were all male (some would say, better). But this was a difficult learning curve for traditionalists in the USA. ...[more] WARNING against electronic flaresBy Sail-World Cruising, 12:08 PM Mon 10 Jun 2013 Britain's Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) has warned all sailors and other boaters that electronic flares will NOT substitute for the traditional pyrotechnic flare, while US Coastguard has commissioned a study. ...[more] Death report points to life raft stowage failureBy BBC/MCA/Sail-World Cruising, , 8:04 AM Sun 2 Jun 2013 It's useless having a good life raft on board if it's not stowed so that it will deploy in an emergency. These were the sad findings of a report into the deaths of three fishermen when their boat sank. It might have been a fishing boat not a sailing boat, but the warning is equally pertinent for sailors. ...[more] Ready, set, wear your life jacket to work!By SOS Marine/Sail-World Cruising, , 6:59 AM Mon 20 May 2013 Aussie company SOS Marine announced today its support of 'Wear Your Life Jacket to Work' Day on May 17, 2013. SOS Marine joins boating professionals and boating enthusiasts in Australia and New Zealand to heighten awareness of different life jacket types that are available, including inflatable life jackets, and demonstrate their comfort and versatility by wearing them to work. ...[more] Eight Safety Tips for a safe boating seasonBy US Coast Guard/Sail-World Cruising, , 6:33 AM Mon 20 May 2013 As winter is finally loosening its grip and the beginning of the 2013 boating season is slowly beginning, the US Coast Guard urges boaters and leisure sailors to make the most of the season by keeping it as safe as possible. Here's eight safety tips so you will survive and enjoy your boating/sailing season: ...[more] More information emerges on America's Cup capsizeBy Sail-World Cruising Round-up, 7:24 AM Sun 12 May 2013 While much of the sailing world mourns the death of British Olympic sailing star and America's Cup strategist Andrew 'Bart' Simpson, widely reported on the racing sites of Sail-World, the design of the yacht Artemis is being questioned as cracking noises were heard by the crew before the main frame simply 'cracked like a taco', injuring some crew and killing Simpson. ...[more] Thailand: Armed robberies on sailing boats leave cruisers shakenBy Chris Husted, Phuket Gazette/Sail-World Cruising, 7:08 AM Tue 7 May 2013 Recent armed attacks against yachties by thieves in Chalong Bay, Phuket, Thailand, is the first violence that the local cruising community can remember here towards yachts in a very long time. A French yachtsman suffered severe knife wounds during an attack aboard his boat last week, and in another incident shots were fired when thieves were surprised during an attempted burglary on a vacant boat ...[more] Lightning kills one crewman on Philippines boatBy Nancy Knudsen, , 11:54 AM Fri 3 May 2013 Lightning has killed one crewman in a boat off the waters of Tabina in the Philippines. It was a fishing boat, not a sailing boat, but just as tragic and serves to remind all leisure sailors that lightning is dangerous on any boat if the crew is not prepared and knowledgeable ...[more] The Six Minute Safety Sailing SpielBy BoatUS/Sail-World Cruising, , 11:04 PM Tue 30 Apr 2013 It takes only six minutes to brief your new guests on board your boat for a day sailing, but could save the boat - or a life, and the briefing will make sure the day stays fun and relaxed. Here is the six minute safety briefing - six points, each taking only a minute: ...[more] US Sailors to vote on Loaner Kids Lifejacket locationsBy BoatUS/Sail-World Cruising, , 11:44 PM Mon 29 Apr 2013 USA sailors are being asked to vote for locations at which they would like to have loan life jackets available. BoatUS Foundation, which runs a Life Jacket Loaner Program for Kids at specific locations throughout the USA, is looking to expand their operations. ...[more] Sailor's boat confiscated for carrying cigarsBy Lee Mylchreest, , 1:49 AM Sat 27 Apr 2013 Long-range cruising sailors, be careful what you carry and be careful what you sign in unfamiliar ports. One American sailor has had his sailing boat confiscated because he was carrying some cigars on board. ...[more] British MOB rescue cleverly uses the boat's liferaftBy Lee Mylchreest, , 6:59 AM Fri 19 Apr 2013 This week's MOB (or COB to use recent vernacular) incident in British waters took an interesting turn. The crew member, who happened to be the skipper, fell overboard but was wearing a life jacket and remained tethered by his harness. So far, so good. But he couldn't get back on board and the remaining two crew couldn't achieve it either. ...[more]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Love England, love the Brits! Plans Are Starting to Form So a few plans are starting to take shape about our upcoming trip to England. I think in the back of most American’s minds is a vision of England that is a cross between medieval and Victorian times. Something quaint and endearing. Although it definitely does have some of that, it’s also just as up to date as the rest of the world. I’ve said before that my husband isn’t really interested in history. So I’ve been racking my brain trying to think of things that he will be interested in and want to go back for future visits. Here are a few of the things I’ve come up with that he has agreed to go see aside from visiting with family and friends and of course all of the amazing food. London Sightseeing Bus Tour This is the best way to get a general view of the city. I like the live commentators and you can get on and off if you see something you’d like to explore. A lovely first day in London excursion. The Tower Bridge Exhibition This has something for both of us because of the history and the mechanics. He loves anything with an engine, especially if it races, but you can’t have everything! The slides at the Tate Modern So I put “Modern London” in the search bar for Pinterest and the Tate Modern Slides came up. I showed it to my husband along with a few video clips from YouTube and he is in! The Tower of London tour This may be historical, but the tour here is fantastic, done with humor, especially at American’s expense and I think he’ll find it interesting. The Garden Museum in Lambeth My husband who has never been interested in gardening has lately become quite good at all of the tasks required to keep a garden looking good. He loves the food we grow and sitting out in the garden of an evening, having an iced glass of tea and just surveying the beauty. I don’t think I’ll have to drag him to this one. So this last week, my darling cousin Marcie and her husband Dale, came up from San Diego for their annual visit. We talked, cooked, drank wine, and canned an enormous amount of food. The other thing we do when she comes for a visit is watch British tellie and talk about past and future trips over. She wanted to know everything we have planned and asked a ton of questions, giving us a few ideas along the way. I truly wish they were joining us because I know that she longs to be there just as I do. The fun thing for us to remember though is that I can share this trip with her through conversation, photos and memories. I look forward to the same when the two of them make their next journey in a year or two. Please comment with any recommendations you may have, you may see my perspective in a future blog with a big thank you attached!
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Exaggerated 5-HT1A but normal 5-HT2A receptor activity in individuals ill with anorexia nervosa. Many studies have found disturbances of serotonin (5-HT) activity in anorexia nervosa (AN). Because little is known about 5-HT receptor function in AN, positron emission tomography (PET) imaging with 5-HT receptor-specific radioligands was used to characterize 5-HT1A and 5-HT2A receptors. Fifteen women ill with AN (ILL AN) were compared with 29 healthy control women (CW); PET and [11C]WAY100635 were used to assess binding potential (BP) of the 5-HT1A receptor, and [18F]altanserin was used to assess postsynaptic 5-HT2A receptor BP. [15O] water and PET were used to assess cerebral blood flow. The ILL AN women had a highly significant (30%-70%) increase in [11C]WAY100635 BP in prefrontal and lateral orbital frontal regions, mesial and lateral temporal lobes, parietal cortex, and dorsal raphe nuclei compared with CW. The [18F]altanserin BP was normal in ILL AN but was positively and significantly related to harm avoidance in suprapragenual cingulate, frontal, and parietal regions. Cerebral blood flow was normal in ILL AN women. Increased activity of 5-HT1A receptor activity may help explain poor response to 5-HT medication in ILL AN. This study extends data suggesting that 5-HT function, and, specifically, the 5-HT2A receptor, is related to anxiety in AN.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Ravennagrass eradication The District undertakes a wide variety of on-the-ground conservation projects as grant funding becomes available. For example, an American Recovery and Reinvestment (ARRA) grant supplemented by funding from the Rose Foundation allowed the RCD to undertake an innovative partnership project to eradicate a potentially devastating infestation of Ravennagrass (Saccharum ravennae) from some 70 miles of Cache Creek in Lake and Yolo Counties. This invasive weed, which was deliberately introduced to California as an ornamental and has been described as “pampas grass on steroids,” could profoundly degrade riparian areas throughout the region if not controlled, and control is particularly difficult because so many of the plants are found in steep, inaccessible terrain deep in the Cache Creek Wilderness. Primary management responsibility for the project was shared by the East Lake and Yolo County Resource Conservation Districts and Bureau of Land Management. The first step was to delineate the problem, so volunteers from the Woodland-based environmental advocacy group Tuleyome (which had conducted a successful tamarisk eradication project in this area a few years previously) paddled down the creek in kayaks with GPS equipment to pinpoint hundreds of clumps of Ravennagrass, many perched too high on the canyon walls to be accessible from creek level. The severity of the infestation was far worse than anyone had imagined. Under the supervision of Yolo RCD Vegetation Management Specialist Gillies Robertson, work on the section downstream from Cache Canyon proceeded uneventfully, but the upstream portion remained daunting: not only was the terrain remote and rugged, its designation as federal Wilderness precluded the use of any form of motorized transportation. This meant that work crews faced the prospect of long off-trail hikes in bear country, carrying massive quantities of gear, merely to reach the work site. In the words of East Lake RCD District Manager Greg Dills, “This was one of the most tactically difficult projects we have been involved with to date. There were multiple project partners, some of the most rugged terrain in Northern California, restrictions due to Wilderness designation, multiple landowners (both private and public), and bears.” The conundrum was solved by Cache Canyon River Trips from Yolo County, which provided two large rubber rafts—rafts that usually carry white water recreationists—to transport equipment, supplies, and work crews down the creek from the Clear Lake dam and through 25 miles of project area. Lake County’s Back Country Horsemen also offered to pack in gear, though it turned out that their assistance wasn’t needed. Although the job remained difficult, it was no longer impossible; an estimated 90 percent of the Ravennagrass on Cache Creek was destroyed, providing a model for protecting the biodiversity of a wilderness area while simultaneously guarding the special values that make wilderness unique. The problem now is to mop up the scattered plants left behind and to exterminate seedlings before another widespread stand can become established. A little grant money remains for an early treatment in the spring, and both RCDs are looking for additional funding sources to continue the project in the future. Monitoring will be necessary for several years to insure control, and rafters, kayakers, equestrians and hikers are invited to help this effort by surveying for regrowth as they recreate in the area. Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Q: Блоку «похожие вопросы» на странице задания вопроса не хватает отступов На странице https://ru.stackoverflow.com/questions/ask к жёлтому блоку «похожие вопросы» (справа) нужно добавить какой-нибудь padding: A: Исправлено в последней сборке:
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
The 15-year-old went on to sexually assault a girl, was put on probation, sexually assaulted another girl a few years later and was sent to prison, Cotter said. In 2000, Cotter set a personal goal to positively affect one child's life a year. Last year he believes he made good on the promise to himself. He calculates he helped 28 juveniles with a screening program the Walworth County Department of Health and Human Services helped him develop, he said County officials are now considering expanding it. The program is the first of its kind in Wisconsin, Cotter said, and is meant to reach children when they're young and before they become “frequent flyers” in the judicial system. Juveniles are in his court the second Wednesday of each month. Regardless of the citations, juveniles found guilty must make contact with a social worker. The social worker explains screening that can lead to further assistance for the child or the child's family. Help can include intervention, family therapy or drug and alcohol treatment. The parent or child can decline help and leave, or they can take the screening with one of the two social workers. It takes 15 minutes, Cotter said, and it's working. Cotter said he's had positive feedback from parents affected by the program. One parent said the program saved his family. “They said, 'But if it wasn't for you, we never would have gone through our family therapy,'” Cotter said. “That right there, that's the win for me. I'm looking to impact one family, one kid a year. And I can honestly say in 2013 we did.” In 2013, 81 citations were issued to 39 juveniles, and 28 agreed to screening. Of those, three self-reported alcohol and drug issues, two families participated in family therapy, and five juveniles had brief interventions directly after the screenings, according to Cotter's records. “Had we not had that program, none of those connections would have been made,” Cotter said. Carlo Nevicosi, manager of the behavioral health services and crisis intervention program at the health department, helped develop the program and is applying for a grant to expand the screening to another Walworth County community. “We think we've got something good here, although our sample size is pretty small with the village of East Troy,” Nevicosi said. “So we'd like to take a look simultaneously at the village of East Troy and add another municipality.” The county is looking to expand it to Elkhorn with Municipal Judge Thomas Meyer. It could begin sometime this summer. The grant totals $25,000 and would help offset the program's cost and pay for training. The village of East Troy program is built into the health department's budget. Nevicosi said the program is a preventative measure that's reaching people who weren't being reached. Typically, juveniles wouldn't get help until they were in trouble and appeared in circuit court.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
{% extends "get_together/base.html" %} {% load markup static i18n %} {% block content %} <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-9"> <h2>{{ talk.title }} {% if talk.speaker.user == request.user.profile %} <a href="{% url 'edit-talk' talk.id %}" class="btn btn-secondary btn-sm">{% trans "Edit Talk" %}</a> {% endif %} </h2> <table class="table"> <tr> <td><b>{% trans "Speaker:" %}</b></td><td><a href="{% url 'show-speaker' talk.speaker.id %}">{{ talk.speaker }}</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><b>{% trans "Category:" %}</b></td><td>{{ talk.category }}</td> </tr> {% if talk.web_url %} <tr> <td><b>{% trans "Website:" %}</b></td><td><a href="{{ talk.web_url }}" target="_blank">{{ talk.web_url }}</a></td> </tr> {% endif %} <tr> <td><b>{% trans "Abstract:" %}</b></td><td>{{ talk.abstract|markdown }}</td> </tr> </table> </div> <div class="col-md-3"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col"><h4>{% trans "Events" %} ({{presentations.count}})</h4><hr/></div> </div> {% for presentation in presentations %} <div class="row mb-3"> <div class="col"> <h6 class="mt-2 mb-0"><a href="{{presentation.event.get_absolute_url}}">{{presentation.event.name}}</a></h6> <small>{{ presentation.event.team }}</small><br/> <small class="text-muted">{{ presentation.event.local_start_time }}</small> </div> </div> {% endfor %} </div> </div> </div> </div> {% endblock %}
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
HOLLYWOOD — It must have been a big shock to Eva Longoria when the reality dating show she produced, “Ready for Love,” was canceled after only three episodes. Did viewers tune out because it was too complicated to follow? Of course, it didn’t help when rumors started that Eva was dating Ernesto Arguello, one of the bachelors on the show. True or not, female viewers were bound to feel that any girl seeking a husband couldn’t compete with Eva in the love game. * * * Is “American Idol” primed for cancellation? It’s all been downhill since Simon Cowell left the show. While Keith Urban was a great choice for a judge, bringing in Mariah Carey and Nicki Minaj was a huge mistake. Their real/unreal feud shifted the emphasis from the singers to the judges, and the show became more about them than the singers. “The Voice,” the show that has knocked “Idol” out of the box, changed two judges this year, but it’s still about the singing and the judges are genuine mentors for their team members. It’s time to give “Idol” a rest! * * * And speaking of music, country singing legend Glen Campbell has ended his farewell tour. His Alzheimer’s disease has progressed too far to allow him to appear live. His new album, “See You There,” will be released July 30. It features a reimagining of some of his greatest hits, including “Wichita Lineman,” “By the Time I Get to Phoenix” and “Rhinestone Cowboy.” * * * How times are changing! Spike TV for men was the answer to Lifetime for Women. Well, now it seems it’s trying to attract female viewers with cooking shows, comedian Adam Corolla and programs like “Ink Master,” “Bar Rescue” and “Tattoo Nightmares.” It’s going to take a lot more than that to get my friends to watch Spike TV! * * * Many consider Sophia Loren the last living movie superstar. She won an Oscar in 1960 for “Two Women,” despite the fact that it was in her native Italian with English subtitles. She last appeared in the film “Nine” in 2009, and she played her own mother, Romilda Villani, in the Italian mini-series “My House is Full of Mirrors,” which told her life story. In 2011, she was the voice of Mama Topolino in “Cars 2.” Sophia just returned from touring Asia, with stops in Singapore, Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong, where she lent her star power to the re-launching of the Damiani Italian jewelry brand. At 79 years of age, what, you might ask, could persuade Sophia make that long trip? Could it have been the Damiani Sophia Loren necklace worth $714,580? Which, once again proves, husbands come and go, but diamonds are forever!
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
In the ordinary way, we get rid of difficult words by doing what I did just then – replacing them with easier words. In the book (did I mention the book?), the example I give is the rather lovely word “crepuscular.” Not many people know it, but the problem is solved as soon as you know it means “relating to twilight.” Immediately, you know a whole lot of things about “crepuscular” – what it means, what it looks like, when it happens, why it happens (more or less). Contrast that with an unfamiliar word from the language of investment jargon. To make my point, I’m choosing a tough one: “equalisation.” There’s absolutely no way that any better-known phrase or synonym will cast light on this. There isn’t one. The word describes an aspect of the workings of investment funds, which you’re never going to understand unless you learn practically a whole book’s-worth of stuff about how investment funds work (starting, for many people, with an explanation of what investment funds actually are). Here’s an attempt from a website (actually Neil Woodford’s) to explain the term. “Equalisation is a mechanism used by open-ended collective investment vehicles to ensure that income distributions from a fund can be the same for all shareholders, regardless of when the shares were purchased. By way of background, funds that distribute income do so regularly – sometimes yearly, sometimes half-yearly, quarterly or monthly. In the case of the LF Woodford Equity Income Fund, income is distributed quarterly. When a fund pays out income, it does so by going ‘ex-dividend‘ (XD). Income that is received by the fund from its underlying portfolio holdings is reflected in that fund’s net asset value until it goes ex-dividend, at which point the income is removed from the fund’s net asset value and is paid to shareholders on the pay date on a per share basis, typically several weeks after the ex-dividend date. If an investor has bought shares in the fund since the last XD date, he/she has not held the shares for the full period over which income is being received by the fund and so those shares will be grouped separately (usually known as group 2 shares, whereas all other shares are in group 1). When it comes to payment of income on those shares, they will be entitled to the same payment per share as any other shares in the fund, but not all of the payment will be treated as income for tax purposes – part of the payment will be treated as a return of capital. This is known as an ‘equalisation’ payment, because it equalises the per share amount that is paid on group 2 shares with that paid on group 1. Once group 2 shares have passed their first XD date, they become group 1 shares.” I can’t find the words to express how utterly unhelpful this definition is to most of us. Within a dozen words most people’s heads have disappeared below the surface, and they never come back up again. So it’s “a mechanism used by open-ended collective investment vehicles,” is it? Great. That really helps me. Not. I’m not saying this to beat up the Woodford website. I’ve had a go at explaining equalisation once or twice, and I don’t think I did any better. My point is that often, in financial services, a single word of incomprehensible jargon is in fact the tip of a vast iceberg of incomprehension, so that if you want to make sense of the word you have to melt the whole bloody iceberg. And, of course, long before you complete that enormous task, everyone will have left your website in search of something – anything! – more rewarding. In the case of this particular example, you can argue that people really don’t need to know – that millions of people invest perfectly happily in funds without any understanding of equalisation, or indeed any idea of the existence of the concept. But there are hundreds of other terms that are, or at least seem to be, much more important if people are going to make half-decent investment decisions. (Pound-cost averaging is always a horrible one to have to explain. Or rebalancing. Or index tracking, to people who don’t know what an index is.) Even after 30 years of writing this stuff, I don’t really have an answer. Basically, the choice you have if you want to de-jargonify is to be either incomprehensibly brief, or unreadably long, which isn’t really much of a choice. So, I’m sorry if this blog has turned out to be a bit of a waste of time. But on the upside, at least you now know what “crepuscular” means. 2 thoughts on “Why prognostications of an end to financial jargon are jejune” Is there a sophisticated word or expression for someone, like me, who keeps succumbing to the urge to respond to your blog, rather than turning the other eye and moving on to the next page of the internet? Anyway, at the risk of being seen as an [insert Lucian’s word here] … The description you have cited seems to be a classic example of what happens when, like most people, a writer falls into the trap of trying to explain a term by going back to square one, rather than addressing the point head on. My work has never brought me into contact with equalisation payments, but based on what you have quoted, the key point seems to be nestling about 75% of the way in. Try this (paraphrasing the quoted text): “The first time a unitholder receives a distribution from the fund, only part of the payment will be treated as income for tax purposes. The rest – known as an “equalisation payment” – will be treated as capital.” That could well be enough for a lot of investors. They can be spared the references to “vehicles”, “dividends”, “XD dates”, “net asset values” and more besides. Other investors will want to know how much of the total makes up the equalisation payment. I couldn’t find it in the Woodfords text you quoted, so I Googled. I can’t vouch for the quality of the first couple of documents I turned up (so I won’t name them), but they led me to surmise that: “The distribution we pay out to you is made up from the dividends the fund receives from the companies it has invested in. Any dividends received after you bought your units go towards the portion of your distribution which is taxed as income. Any dividends received before you bought your units go towards the portion of your distribution which is taxed as capital.” Still no mention of “XD dates” and “net asset values”, so maybe my description is wrong. Bloody good effort Simon, and infinitely better than both the Woodford effort and my own previous scribblings on the subject. In the end, though, your versions still confirm rather than contradict my key point: that while “difficult language” can usually be made easier by making simpler word choices, making sense of “jargon” will usually require conceptual explanations which people may or may not be willing to grapple with.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Inflammatory pathways in cervical cancer - the UCT contribution. Cervical cancer is the leading gynaecological malignancy in Southern Africa. The main causal factor for development of the disease is infection of the cervix with human papillomavirus. It is a multi-step disease with several contributing co-factors including multiple sexual partners, a compromised immune system and cervical inflammation caused by infections with Chlamydia trachomatis or Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Inflammation involves extensive tissue remodelling events which are orchestrated by complex networks of cytokines, chemokines and bio-active lipids working across multiple cellular compartments to maintain tissue homeostasis. Many pathological disorders or diseases, including cervical cancer, are characterised by the exacerbated activation and maintenance of inflammatory pathways. In this review we highlight our findings pertaining to activation of inflammatory pathways in cervical cancers, addressing their potential role in pathological changes of the cervix and the significance of these findings for intervention strategies.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
It’s all in your head: Muhammad Ali was scorned for opposing the Vietnam war and throwing his gold medal in the river in 1960, but praised and heralded as an American hero in his later years. Moreover and finally, ladies and gentlemen, it’s all in your head: Colin Kaepernick is not being blackballed by the NFL for kneeling for Black civil rights. To be sure, Kaepernick, a member of the historically Black fraternity, Kappa Alpha Psi, is not employed because he dared to hold a mirror to American racism on the television’s most visible stage and state boldly: “I, too, sing America.” So let’s get out of the echo chamber of fake news, and start to agree on some unique American truths, the truths that got Kaepernick thrust onto the unemployment line, despite leading the San Francisco 49ers to the Super Bowl. The NFL makes room for domestic abuse, hard drug users, multiple DUIs, weapons violations and the like, but can’t find room for a decorated player who simply asked, can a brother and his people get some justice? I admit that Kaepernick isn’t the vaunted Tom Brady in terms of on-field productivity, but who is? To make the argument that his statistical production does not, at a bare minimum, qualify him for a backup quarterback position is mere lunacy and egregious sports malpractice. He is being punished for running away from the plantation and then having the audacity to try to come back and pull a Harriet Tubman to free others. He is being punished for, not only staying woke, but trying to awaken others. Kaepernick’s activism comes at a time when fans have yearned for high-powered athletes to speak up in the name of justice. So I don’t want to argue anymore about why Kaepernick is jobless or if he should cut his afro, as suggested by the shape-up or ship-out spokesman quarterback Michael Vick. I don’t have time to engage in “coontastic” banter and silly fallacies as if Kaepernick were applying for a job as a bank branch manager in Utah. Instead, we know the why, which is as clear as the American history that is written in the red blood of the Black war heroes like Massachusetts 54th regiment — that is, for those who choose to accept facts, know our history, and can begin to do the critical and empathetic thinking required for this matter. And finally, what are revenue-generating football fans going to do to voice economic disapproval about the injustice? Are we going to vote with our dollars like our noble foremothers and forefathers who walked off the bus in protest? Or are we going to simply continue to tune in, buy jerseys and tickets, and play fantasy football, because, well, the game is all in our heads? Kwame Jackson is an entrepreneur, media personality, professional speaker, and a former contestant on NBC’s hit show “The Apprentice.” You can follow him on Twitter @kwameinc
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
"What attracts library customers to today’s libraries? The rise of mobile culture and the smart phone society brings a dynamic shift in expectations about how, when, and where to access information. Endless media streams, interactive news feeds, and autonomous research options provide numerous avenues for information-seeking customers. What factors draw their attention to the library, rather than a crowdsourced data channel, commercial service, or search engine? Sharing your scoops to your social media accounts is a must to distribute your curated content. Not only will it drive traffic and leads through your content, but it will help show your expertise with your followers. Integrating your curated content to your website or blog will allow you to increase your website visitors’ engagement, boost SEO and acquire new visitors. By redirecting your social media traffic to your website, Scoop.it will also help you generate more qualified traffic and leads from your curation work. Distributing your curated content through a newsletter is a great way to nurture and engage your email subscribers will developing your traffic and visibility. Creating engaging newsletters with your curated content is really easy.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Q: Мир - он непрост или не прост? Все мы с детства помним строки песни "Мир не прост, совсем не прост...". Но вот сегодня, когда я попытался процитировать эту строку в документе Google Docs, система редактирования услужливо предложила мне исправить ее на "Мир непрост, совсем непрост". Поиск в Яндексе показал, что половина цитирующих эту песню утверждает, что мир не прост, а вторая половина уверена: он непрост. Все грамматические комментарии в основном описывают форуму "непросто" и, возможно, не учитывают какой-то нюанс, касающийся именно формы "непрост". Так каков он, наш мир? Он непрост или совсем не прост? A: Мир не прост, совсем не прост. Отрицание чувствуется, явное предпочтение следует отдать раздельному написанию. Да тут еще и "совсем не" в значении "вовсе не". Может быть, такой пример поможет: Он человек не простой (принадлежит к какой-либо элите). Он человек непростой (человек со сложным характером). A: Не пишется слитно, если *совсем" употреблено в значении очень. Не пишется раздельно, если совсем не употреблено в значении отнюдь не. (См: Не с прилагательными и причастиями) Думаю, в тексте песни все корректно: не подумайте, что мир прост, он "не прост, а сложен" (отрицание), он "отнюдь не прост". A: Я думаю, что здесь возможны обе формы, отрицательная и утвердительная. Утверждение: Мир непрост (сложен), совсем (весьма) непрост... Пример: Но рыцарский мир, как известно, весьма непрост. [Ю. И. Андреева. Многоточие сборки (2009)]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Description: A target is seven top athletes! Their robust body that they were made is required watching. You withness the lewd figure that was never shown to others! First experience of non-fiction expose the face of another shock of our staff obscene motion also showed that maids with no Boy attacked goggles spree that pulled the body-art training! First of the new label “ATHLETE1” is at the last moment whole! Practice the documentary first active member! Our staff absolutely unobtainable straight exercise daily, usually before a maid could not accept We worry Yojira flesh shape pant voice full of delight, phallic wet Embraced by the man sits forcefully Sosori … Goggles libido man trapped in the reservoir prolonged experience “Kazuma” erogenous zone that transformed into a whole flesh of tech bombshell Athletes gasping in agony pleasure.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Höxter Höxter () is a town in eastern North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany on the left bank of the river Weser, 52 km north of Kassel in the centre of the Weser Uplands. The main town's population is around 15,000, and with outlying centres, about 30,000. It is the seat of the Höxter district. Geography Subdivisions As part of North Rhine-Westphalia's municipal reforms, the collective municipality of Höxter came into being on 1 January 1970, formed out of the eleven communities of the former Amt of Höxter-Land, the main town, and the community of Bruchhausen from the former Amt of Beverungen. The communities in question voluntarily merged to pool their resources and bring about a unified administration. These constituent communities are: Albaxen Bosseborn Bödexen Brenkhausen Bruchhausen Fürstenau Godelheim Lüchtringen Lütmarsen Ottbergen Ovenhausen Stahle History Höxter (Latin Huxaria) in the time of Charlemagne was a villa regia, and was the scene of a battle between his forces and the Saxons. Under the protection of the Abbey of Corvey it gradually increased in prosperity, and became the chief town of the principality of Corvey. Later it asserted its independence and joined the Hanseatic League. Höxter was located on the important long distance trade-route known as Hellweg. Rivalry with Corvey Abbey and the nearby town known as Corvey increased and in 1265, the burghers of Höxter allied themselves with the Bishop of Paderborn. Their troops destroyed the town of Corvey and damaged the abbey. The town never recovered and over the following decades reverted to a small village. This event also marked the beginning of the long period of decline of the abbey. Höxter suffered severely during the Thirty Years' War. In 1634, Imperial troops laid siege to the town in what became known as the Blutbad von Höxter (massacre of Höxter). After the Peace of Westphalia in 1648 it was united with Brunswick; in 1802 it passed to Nassau and in 1807 to the Kingdom of Westphalia, after the dismemberment of which, in 1814, it came into the possession of Prussia. In 2005, an explosion within a house in the historic town centre damaged the town hall and many other significant buildings and resulted in three deaths. Work has started on the rebuilding of the damaged area but is expected to continue for many years. Albaxen Albaxen had its first documentary mention, under the name Albachtessen, on the occasion of the neighbouring Corvey Abbey's founding in 822, and by 900 it was already known by its current name. The Albaxen parish church was likewise first mentioned in the 9th century. The Tonenburg, a mediaeval building complex near Albaxen – not truly a castle as the name suggests – was built in 1350 by Corvey Abbey. Lüchtringen In 854, Lüchtringen was first mentioned under the name Lutringi (12 different spellings, including Luhtringi and Luchtringi) in Corvey Abbey's annals and beginning in 1230 it belonged to the fourth archdeaconate of Höxter-Corvey of the Bishopric of Paderborn. Before it became Prussian in 1813, Lüchtringen belonged to the Principality of Orange-Nassau in Fulda from 1803. In 1970, Lüchtringen lost its independence and became a constituent community of Höxter. Lüchtringen is North Rhine-Westphalia's easternmost community. Economy The town's main manufactured products are linen, cotton, cement and gutta-percha latex, and there is also a considerable shipping trade. Höxter also has long been an important garrison town and the presence of the military continues to play a large role in the local economy. Arts and culture Events Regular culinary events in Höxter are "Höxter Kulinarisch" and the "Fischer- und Flößertage" ("Fishermen's and Raftsmen's Days"). At these events, gastronomy and the advertising community get together and present culinary delights. Attractions Höxter has a medieval town hall and historic houses with high gables and carved façades from the 15th and 16th centuries. Many of the buildings in this area were damaged or destroyed by the great explosion in 2005. The most notable of the churches is the Protestant church of Saint Kilian, with a pulpit dating from 1595 and a font dating from 1631. The Weser is crossed here by a stone bridge about 150 m in length, erected in 1833. On the Brunsberg abutting the town is an old watchtower, said to be the remains of a fortress built by Widukind's brother Bruno. Attractions in Höxter include: The extensively preserved mediaeval town structure is made up of half-timbered buildings, among which are found a few examples of the Weser Renaissance style. Notable among these are the Adam-und-Eva-Haus on Stummrige Straße and the old Dechanei (Deacon's House) on the marketplace, featuring over 60 carved rosettes, none of them identical. On Höxter's outskirts lies Schloss Corvey, formerly Corvey Abbey, on the bank of the Weser. The abbey church has a Carolingian crypt as well as an imposing westwork. Furthermore, the poet Hoffmann von Fallersleben, who wrote Das Lied der Deutschen, worked here as a librarian and is buried next to the church. As part of the Erlebniswelt Renaissance ("Renaissance Adventure World"), there is a town walk with the theme "market", on which visitors may solve a murder case from 1617. The Obermühle Höxter ("Höxter Upper Mill") is a former watermill that once belonged to Corvey Abbey. Today it houses the Mühlencafé. The Tonenburg (see History above) Sports There are many sport clubs in Höxter. The biggest club is the Höxter Handball and Athletics Club (HLC Höxter), which furthermore offers fitness courses, swimming, aquajogging, back gymnastics, badminton and judo. There is also the Höxter-Weserbergland Football Arena. There, on two indoor courts on artificial turf, the year round, the newest generation of football can be played. Government Town council The town council's 44 seats are apportioned as follows, in accordance with municipal elections held on 30 August 2009: CDU 17 seats SPD 14 seats Greens 3 seats FDP 4 seats DIE LINKE 1 seat UWG 5 seats Note: UWG is a citizens' coalition. Mayor The mayor is Alexander Fischer, SPD (since 2009). Coat of arms Höxter's oldest known seals date from the 13th century, the same century during which the town was granted town rights. The current arms, showing an ecclesiastical structure, have been used since the 19th century, and are modelled after the second seal, known from 1285. The arms were granted once again in 1970. Town twinning Höxter maintains partnership links with the following places: Corbie, France, since 1963–1964 Sudbury, United Kingdom, since 1979–1980 Infrastructure Höxter is served by four railway stations: Höxter Rathaus, Höxter-Ottbergen, Höxter-Lüchtringen and Höxter-Godelheim, all on the Altenbeken–Kreiensen line. The line is run by NordWestBahn who run the Egge-Bahn towards Paderborn and Holzminden. The Sollingbahn also terminates at Ottbergen, and links to Northeim in Lower Saxony. All public transport in Höxter can be used on the integrated fare system within the Paderborn-Höxter Local Transport Association (Nahverkehrsverbund Paderborn-Höxter). Education Höxter is one of the four locations of the Ostwestfalen-Lippe University of Applied Sciences (German:Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe). Secondary education in Höxter includes the König-Wilhelm-Gymnasium, the Hoffmann-von-Fallersleben-Realschule and the Hauptschule as well as a sales school (kaufmännische Schule, a vocational and economics Gymnasium). Notable people Hans Christoph Becker-Foss, conductor and organist Thomas von Heesen, football trainer for Arminia Bielefeld Koray Günter, football player, a young talented player for Borussia Dortmund Jacob Pins, artist, born in Höxter Klaus Töpfer, retired federal minister (born in Silesia, came to Höxter as a child) (born 14 June 1864 in Höxter), 1919–1928 Oberbürgermeister of Gelsenkirchen Anja Niedringhaus, reporter Dietrich Dettbarn, Inventor (born 1946 in Hoxter) References Much of this article is based on a translation of an article from the German Wikipedia. External links Category:Höxter (district) Category:Members of the Hanseatic League
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
{ "__comment": "Generated by generateResources.py function: model", "parent": "item/generated", "textures": { "layer0": "tfc:items/metal/ingot/platinum" } }
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
Q: Can't upload file using express-fileupload I'm using express-fileupload module to parse uploaded file. Upload is done with axios. const formData = new FormData(); formData.append("file", data.gameCover); formData.append("gameTitle", data.gameTitle); formData.append("gamePrice", data.gamePrice); formData.append("description", data.description); return axios.post(apiUrl + "/games/add", formData).then(res => { dispatch({ type: ADD_GAME, payload: res.data.game }); }); This is the POST request Serverside code looks like this: router.use(fileUpload()); router.post("/add", (req, res) => { if (!req.files) return res.status(400).send("No files were uploaded."); Of course I'm getting "No files were uploaded" when trying to upload. A: Finally after debugging step after step found that data.gameCover is an array so that's the solution formData.append("file", data.gameCover[0]);
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
module Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline open FStar.Mul open FStar.HyperStack.ST module HS = FStar.HyperStack module B = LowStar.Buffer module DV = LowStar.BufferView.Down open Vale.Def.Types_s open Vale.Interop.Base module IX64 = Vale.Interop.X64 module VSig = Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig module LSig = Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig module ME = Vale.X64.Memory module V = Vale.X64.Decls module IA = Vale.Interop.Assumptions module W = Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper open Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters module VS = Vale.X64.State module MS = Vale.X64.Machine_s module PR = Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s module FU = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil module FH = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid module FW = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide let uint64 = UInt64.t (* A little utility to trigger normalization in types *) let as_t (#a:Type) (x:normal a) : a = x let as_normal_t (#a:Type) (x:a) : normal a = x [@__reduce__] let b64 = buf_t TUInt64 TUInt64 [@__reduce__] let t64_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 default_bq [@__reduce__] let t64_no_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 ({modified=false; strict_disjointness=false; taint=MS.Secret}) [@__reduce__] let tuint64 = TD_Base TUInt64 [@__reduce__] let dom: IX64.arity_ok 3 td = let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; tuint64] in assert_norm (List.length y = 3); y (* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *) [@__reduce__] let add1_pre : VSig.vale_pre dom = fun (c:V.va_code) (out:b64) (f1:b64) (f2:uint64) (va_s0:V.va_state) -> FU.va_req_Fast_add1 c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) [@__reduce__] let add1_post : VSig.vale_post dom = fun (c:V.va_code) (out:b64) (f1:b64) (f2:uint64) (va_s0:V.va_state) (va_s1:V.va_state) (f:V.va_fuel) -> FU.va_ens_Fast_add1 c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) va_s1 f #set-options "--z3rlimit 50" let add1_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) -> let open MS in if r = rRax || r = rRdx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true else false let add1_xmms_modified = fun _ -> false [@__reduce__] let add1_lemma' (code:V.va_code) (_win:bool) (out:b64) (f1:b64) (f2:uint64) (va_s0:V.va_state) : Ghost (V.va_state & V.va_fuel) (requires add1_pre code out f1 f2 va_s0) (ensures (fun (va_s1, f) -> V.eval_code code va_s0 f va_s1 /\ VSig.vale_calling_conventions va_s0 va_s1 add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified /\ add1_post code out f1 f2 va_s0 va_s1 f /\ ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f1) /\ ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer out) /\ ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer out) /\ ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f1) /\ ME.modifies (ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer out)) ME.loc_none) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s0) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) )) = let va_s1, f = FU.va_lemma_Fast_add1 code va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) in Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 out; Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f1; (va_s1, f) (* Prove that add1_lemma' has the required type *) let add1_lemma = as_t #(VSig.vale_sig add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified add1_pre add1_post) add1_lemma' let code_add1 = FU.va_code_Fast_add1 () let of_reg (r:MS.reg_64) : option (IX64.reg_nat 3) = match r with | 5 -> Some 0 // rdi | 4 -> Some 1 // rsi | 3 -> Some 2 // rdx | _ -> None let of_arg (i:IX64.reg_nat 3) : MS.reg_64 = match i with | 0 -> MS.rRdi | 1 -> MS.rRsi | 2 -> MS.rRdx let arg_reg : IX64.arg_reg_relation 3 = IX64.Rel of_reg of_arg (* Here's the type expected for the add1 wrapper *) [@__reduce__] let lowstar_add1_t = assert_norm (List.length dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3); IX64.as_lowstar_sig_t_weak 3 arg_reg add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified code_add1 dom [] _ _ // The boolean here doesn't matter (W.mk_prediction code_add1 dom [] (add1_lemma code_add1 IA.win)) (* And here's the add1 wrapper itself *) let lowstar_add1 : lowstar_add1_t = assert_norm (List.length dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3); IX64.wrap_weak 3 arg_reg add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified code_add1 dom (W.mk_prediction code_add1 dom [] (add1_lemma code_add1 IA.win)) let lowstar_add1_normal_t : normal lowstar_add1_t = as_normal_t #lowstar_add1_t lowstar_add1 open Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers let add_scalar out f1 f2 = DV.length_eq (get_downview out); DV.length_eq (get_downview f1); let (x, _) = lowstar_add1_normal_t out f1 f2 () in x let add1_comments : list string = ["Computes the addition of four-element f1 with value in f2"; "and returns the carry (if any)"] let add1_names (n:nat) = match n with | 0 -> "out" | 1 -> "f1" | 2 -> "f2" | _ -> "" let add1_code_inline () : FStar.All.ML int = PR.print_inline "add_scalar" 0 (Some "carry_r") (List.length dom) dom add1_names code_add1 of_arg add1_regs_modified add1_comments [@__reduce__] let fadd_dom: IX64.arity_ok_stdcall td = let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; t64_no_mod] in assert_norm (List.length y = 3); y (* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *) [@__reduce__] let fadd_pre : VSig.vale_pre fadd_dom = fun (c:V.va_code) (out:b64) (f1:b64) (f2:b64) (va_s0:V.va_state) -> FH.va_req_Fadd c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) [@__reduce__] let fadd_post : VSig.vale_post fadd_dom = fun (c:V.va_code) (out:b64) (f1:b64) (f2:b64) (va_s0:V.va_state) (va_s1:V.va_state) (f:V.va_fuel) -> FH.va_ens_Fadd c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) va_s1 f #set-options "--z3rlimit 50" let fadd_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) -> let open MS in if r = rRax || r = rRcx || r = rRdx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true else false let fadd_xmms_modified = fun _ -> false [@__reduce__] let fadd_lemma' (code:V.va_code) (_win:bool) (out:b64) (f1:b64) (f2:b64) (va_s0:V.va_state) : Ghost (V.va_state & V.va_fuel) (requires fadd_pre code out f1 f2 va_s0) (ensures (fun (va_s1, f) -> V.eval_code code va_s0 f va_s1 /\ VSig.vale_calling_conventions va_s0 va_s1 fadd_regs_modified fadd_xmms_modified /\ fadd_post code out f1 f2 va_s0 va_s1 f /\ ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer out) /\ ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f1) /\ ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f2) /\ ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer out) /\ ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f1) /\ ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f2) /\ ME.modifies (ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer out)) ME.loc_none) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s0) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) )) = let va_s1, f = FH.va_lemma_Fadd code va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) in Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 out; Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f1; Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f2; (va_s1, f) (* Prove that add1_lemma' has the required type *) let fadd_lemma = as_t #(VSig.vale_sig fadd_regs_modified fadd_xmms_modified fadd_pre fadd_post) fadd_lemma' let code_Fadd = FH.va_code_Fadd () (* Here's the type expected for the fadd wrapper *) [@__reduce__] let lowstar_fadd_t = assert_norm (List.length fadd_dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3); IX64.as_lowstar_sig_t_weak 3 arg_reg fadd_regs_modified fadd_xmms_modified code_Fadd fadd_dom [] _ _ // The boolean here doesn't matter (W.mk_prediction code_Fadd fadd_dom [] (fadd_lemma code_Fadd IA.win)) (* And here's the fadd wrapper itself *) let lowstar_fadd : lowstar_fadd_t = assert_norm (List.length fadd_dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3); IX64.wrap_weak 3 arg_reg fadd_regs_modified fadd_xmms_modified code_Fadd fadd_dom (W.mk_prediction code_Fadd fadd_dom [] (fadd_lemma code_Fadd IA.win)) let lowstar_fadd_normal_t : normal lowstar_fadd_t = as_normal_t #lowstar_fadd_t lowstar_fadd let fadd out f1 f2 = DV.length_eq (get_downview out); DV.length_eq (get_downview f1); DV.length_eq (get_downview f2); let (x, _) = lowstar_fadd_normal_t out f1 f2 () in () let fadd_comments : list string = ["Computes the field addition of two field elements"] let fadd_names (n:nat) = match n with | 0 -> "out" | 1 -> "f1" | 2 -> "f2" | _ -> "" let fadd_code_inline () : FStar.All.ML int = PR.print_inline "fadd" 0 None (List.length fadd_dom) fadd_dom fadd_names code_Fadd of_arg fadd_regs_modified fadd_comments [@__reduce__] let fsub_dom: IX64.arity_ok_stdcall td = let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; t64_no_mod] in assert_norm (List.length y = 3); y (* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *) [@__reduce__] let fsub_pre : VSig.vale_pre fsub_dom = fun (c:V.va_code) (out:b64) (f1:b64) (f2:b64) (va_s0:V.va_state) -> FH.va_req_Fsub c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) [@__reduce__] let fsub_post : VSig.vale_post fsub_dom = fun (c:V.va_code) (out:b64) (f1:b64) (f2:b64) (va_s0:V.va_state) (va_s1:V.va_state) (f:V.va_fuel) -> FH.va_ens_Fsub c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) va_s1 f #set-options "--z3rlimit 200" let fsub_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) -> let open MS in if r = rRax || r = rRcx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true else false let fsub_xmms_modified = fun _ -> false [@__reduce__] let fsub_lemma' (code:V.va_code) (_win:bool) (out:b64) (f1:b64) (f2:b64) (va_s0:V.va_state) : Ghost (V.va_state & V.va_fuel) (requires fsub_pre code out f1 f2 va_s0) (ensures (fun (va_s1, f) -> V.eval_code code va_s0 f va_s1 /\ VSig.vale_calling_conventions va_s0 va_s1 fsub_regs_modified fsub_xmms_modified /\ fsub_post code out f1 f2 va_s0 va_s1 f /\ ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer out) /\ ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f1) /\ ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f2) /\ ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer out) /\ ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f1) /\ ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f2) /\ ME.modifies (ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer out)) ME.loc_none) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s0) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) )) = let va_s1, f = FH.va_lemma_Fsub code va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) in Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 out; Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f1; Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f2; (va_s1, f) (* Prove that fsub_lemma' has the required type *) let fsub_lemma = as_t #(VSig.vale_sig fsub_regs_modified fsub_xmms_modified fsub_pre fsub_post) fsub_lemma' let code_Fsub = FH.va_code_Fsub () (* Here's the type expected for the fsub wrapper *) [@__reduce__] let lowstar_Fsub_t = assert_norm (List.length fsub_dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3); IX64.as_lowstar_sig_t_weak 3 arg_reg fsub_regs_modified fsub_xmms_modified code_Fsub fsub_dom [] _ _ // The boolean here doesn't matter (W.mk_prediction code_Fsub fsub_dom [] (fsub_lemma code_Fsub IA.win)) (* And here's the fsub wrapper itself *) let lowstar_Fsub : lowstar_Fsub_t = assert_norm (List.length fsub_dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3); IX64.wrap_weak 3 arg_reg fsub_regs_modified fsub_xmms_modified code_Fsub fsub_dom (W.mk_prediction code_Fsub fsub_dom [] (fsub_lemma code_Fsub IA.win)) let lowstar_Fsub_normal_t : normal lowstar_Fsub_t = as_normal_t #lowstar_Fsub_t lowstar_Fsub let fsub out f1 f2 = DV.length_eq (get_downview out); DV.length_eq (get_downview f1); DV.length_eq (get_downview f2); let (x, _) = lowstar_Fsub_normal_t out f1 f2 () in () let fsub_comments : list string = ["Computes the field substraction of two field elements"] let fsub_names (n:nat) = match n with | 0 -> "out" | 1 -> "f1" | 2 -> "f2" | _ -> "" let fsub_code_inline () : FStar.All.ML int = PR.print_inline "fsub" 0 None (List.length fsub_dom) fsub_dom fsub_names code_Fsub of_arg fsub_regs_modified fsub_comments
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
Myrtle Byram McGraw Myrtle Byram McGraw (August 1, 1899 – September 6, 1988) was an American psychologist, neurobiologist, and child development researcher. Education Myrtle was born in Birmingham, Alabama, the fifth of seven children of the farmer Riley McGraw and his seamstress wife Mary Byram. She grew up in an area that was still recovering from the aftermath of the American Civil War. After completing a sixth grade level of education, she took a course in a local business school to learn shorthand and typing. Afterward, she was hired by a law office, where she worked for the next two years at a salary of $3 per hour. While there, the lawyer for whom she worked had the foresight to encourage her to continue her education. He helped her to enroll at the Snead Seminary, which at the time was a private Methodist boarding school. To pay her way, she worked as secretary to the school headmistress. As a teenager at Snead, in 1916 McGraw read an article in the Independent about the eminent American psychologist John Dewey. Shortly thereafter she wrote to him about the article, and was surprised when he responded. The two continued to correspond until McGraw left for China in 1919, and this would later lead to professional collaboration. After graduating from Snead, she matriculated to Ohio Wesleyan University in 1920 with the goal of eventually attending Columbia University. She graduated with an AB degree in 1923. McGraw successfully enrolled as a graduate student in the Teachers College at Columbia University, majoring in religious education. She earned extra money typing up the manuscript The Art of Experience for John Dewey, who was a professor of philosophy at Columbia. Upon earning her master's degree, she left to teach at a mountain school in Puerto Rico. However, after a year she became convinced that religion was not the field for her. She returned to Columbia and began studying for a Ph.D. in psychology with the supervision of Helen Thompson Woolley. Dr. Woolley headed up Columbia's Institute of Child Development, and the director of research there hired McGraw as a research assistant. Finally, in 1927, Myrtle was granted a Laura Spelman Rockefeller fellowship, which allowed her to finish up her course work in psychology and neuroanatomy. Accepting a teaching job at Florida State College for Women as assistant professor of psychology, McGraw began research for her dissertation. Her study was concerning performance differences between Caucasian and African-American children, using a battery of standard tests developed by the Austrian developmental psychologist Charlotte Bühler. Finding subjects for her thesis research in Tallahassee, Florida proved a challenge. She said, "I located subjects by driving around looking for diapers drying on clotheslines". With her investigation complete, McGraw returned to New York in 1929, joining the Institute for Child Guidance as an intern. She completed her dissertation, titled, "A comparative study of a group of southern white and negro infants", and was awarded a doctorate from Columbia in 1931. Career With the onset of the Great Depression causing her concern about finding a post-doctoral internship, a former professor of McGraw advised her to talk to Fred Tilney, the director of the Neurological Institute of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia. She was appointed associate director of the Normal Child Development Study at Babies Hospital in New York City by Tilney in 1930. Her work involved experimental research on child development of the neuromuscular system as a complement to Tilney's own studies of animal neural systems and behavior, and their correlation to humans. McGraw collaborated with Tilney and neuroembryologist George Coghill, and incorporated the ideas of John Dewey, to try and understand the growth process. Her work combined observation with some then-unique approaches to study environmental effects that could optimize motor development in an infant. She became the first to demonstrate a swim reflex in 2–4 month old babies. For several years she performed twin studies, which led to a heralded comparison study titled Growth: A Study of Johnny and Jimmy published in 1935. Among the experiments, she was able to place 13-month old subject Johnny in roller skates and teach him to skate, much to the interest of her fellow researchers and the press. The press retained an interest in this experiment from 1933 to 1942, although the supposed performance differences created between the two due to lab research turned out not to be as significant as initially supposed. McGraw's work continued until the Normal Child Development Study ended early in 1940 due to the war. She remained at the Babies Hospital long enough to complete her second book, The Neuromuscular Maturation of the Human Infant, published in 1943. A focus of her studies was to unite concepts in biology and physics to reach an understanding of the neurobehavioral development in an infant. She was critiqued as a maturationist by some, but her analysis of neurobehavior was actually more complex. Her work, in collaboration with others including John Dewey, advanced a focus on the reciprocal relationship between experience and the process of neural growth during early development. In this, she disagreed with Arnold Gesell's view on the role of maturation. Her insights have influenced the work of other scientists, including Ronald Oppenheim, Gilbert Gottlieb, Esther Thelen, and Adele Diamond. Her work also influenced the development of water birthing as well as parents applying swimming lessons for infants to encourage motor skill development. Domestic life Dr. McGraw was married in 1936 to research engineer Rudolph Mallina. It was an unusual ceremony because they chose marriage by contract based upon a little-used section of the Domestic Relations Law. The contract was signed with State Supreme Court Justice Samuel I. Rosenman as a witness. The following year the couple would have a daughter, Mitzi. McGraw spend most of the decade from 1943 in a domestic lifestyle raising her daughter and doing some occasional writing, although she did some teaching at New York University and Adelphi University. In 1953, she was offered a position with the psychology department at Briarcliff College. The work schedule was favorable, allowing her to still spend time with her daughter. Her husband died in 1970 at the age of 87, and she retired from teaching at Briarcliff in 1972. At the age of 89, she died of pneumonia at her home in Hastings-on-Hudson, New York. Her daughter Mitzi Wertheim said of her, "mother was born at the end of the nineteenth century, she lived in the twentieth century, and she thought in the twenty-first century". References Further reading Published works The following is a list of Dr. McGraw's published works: Category:1899 births Category:1988 deaths Category:People from Birmingham, Alabama Category:Wellesley College faculty Category:Columbia University alumni Category:Florida State University faculty Category:American women psychologists Category:Child psychologists
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
/* * Copyright (C) 2011 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) Research In Motion Limited 2011. All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 2018 Apple Inc. 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IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "WebSocketHandshake.h" #include "Cookie.h" #include "CookieJar.h" #include "HTTPHeaderMap.h" #include "HTTPHeaderNames.h" #include "HTTPHeaderValues.h" #include "HTTPParsers.h" #include "InspectorInstrumentation.h" #include "Logging.h" #include "ResourceRequest.h" #include "ScriptExecutionContext.h" #include "SecurityOrigin.h" #include <wtf/URL.h> #include "WebSocket.h" #include <wtf/ASCIICType.h> #include <wtf/CryptographicallyRandomNumber.h> #include <wtf/SHA1.h> #include <wtf/StdLibExtras.h> #include <wtf/StringExtras.h> #include <wtf/Vector.h> #include <wtf/text/Base64.h> #include <wtf/text/CString.h> #include <wtf/text/StringBuilder.h> #include <wtf/text/StringView.h> #include <wtf/text/WTFString.h> #include <wtf/unicode/CharacterNames.h> namespace WebCore { static String resourceName(const URL& url) { auto path = url.path(); auto result = makeString( path, path.isEmpty() ? "/" : "", url.queryWithLeadingQuestionMark() ); ASSERT(!result.isEmpty()); ASSERT(!result.contains(' ')); return result; } static String hostName(const URL& url, bool secure) { ASSERT(url.protocolIs("wss") == secure); StringBuilder builder; builder.append(url.host().convertToASCIILowercase()); if (url.port() && ((!secure && url.port().value() != 80) || (secure && url.port().value() != 443))) { builder.append(':'); builder.appendNumber(url.port().value()); } return builder.toString(); } static const size_t maxInputSampleSize = 128; static String trimInputSample(const char* p, size_t len) { String s = String(p, std::min<size_t>(len, maxInputSampleSize)); if (len > maxInputSampleSize) s.append(horizontalEllipsis); return s; } static String generateSecWebSocketKey() { static const size_t nonceSize = 16; unsigned char key[nonceSize]; cryptographicallyRandomValues(key, nonceSize); return base64Encode(key, nonceSize); } String WebSocketHandshake::getExpectedWebSocketAccept(const String& secWebSocketKey) { static const char* const webSocketKeyGUID = "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11"; SHA1 sha1; CString keyData = secWebSocketKey.ascii(); sha1.addBytes(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(keyData.data()), keyData.length()); sha1.addBytes(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(webSocketKeyGUID), strlen(webSocketKeyGUID)); SHA1::Digest hash; sha1.computeHash(hash); return base64Encode(hash.data(), SHA1::hashSize); } WebSocketHandshake::WebSocketHandshake(const URL& url, const String& protocol, const String& userAgent, const String& clientOrigin, bool allowCookies) : m_url(url) , m_clientProtocol(protocol) , m_secure(m_url.protocolIs("wss")) , m_mode(Incomplete) , m_userAgent(userAgent) , m_clientOrigin(clientOrigin) , m_allowCookies(allowCookies) { m_secWebSocketKey = generateSecWebSocketKey(); m_expectedAccept = getExpectedWebSocketAccept(m_secWebSocketKey); } WebSocketHandshake::~WebSocketHandshake() = default; const URL& WebSocketHandshake::url() const { return m_url; } void WebSocketHandshake::setURL(const URL& url) { m_url = url.isolatedCopy(); } // FIXME: Return type should just be String, not const String. const String WebSocketHandshake::host() const { return m_url.host().convertToASCIILowercase(); } const String& WebSocketHandshake::clientProtocol() const { return m_clientProtocol; } void WebSocketHandshake::setClientProtocol(const String& protocol) { m_clientProtocol = protocol; } bool WebSocketHandshake::secure() const { return m_secure; } String WebSocketHandshake::clientLocation() const { return makeString(m_secure ? "wss" : "ws", "://", hostName(m_url, m_secure), resourceName(m_url)); } CString WebSocketHandshake::clientHandshakeMessage() const { // Keep the following consistent with clientHandshakeRequest(). StringBuilder builder; builder.appendLiteral("GET "); builder.append(resourceName(m_url)); builder.appendLiteral(" HTTP/1.1\r\n"); Vector<String> fields; fields.append("Upgrade: websocket"); fields.append("Connection: Upgrade"); fields.append("Host: " + hostName(m_url, m_secure)); fields.append("Origin: " + m_clientOrigin); if (!m_clientProtocol.isEmpty()) fields.append("Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: " + m_clientProtocol); // Note: Cookies are not retrieved in the WebContent process. Instead, a proxy object is // added in the handshake, and is exchanged for actual cookies in the Network process. // Add no-cache headers to avoid compatibility issue. // There are some proxies that rewrite "Connection: upgrade" // to "Connection: close" in the response if a request doesn't contain // these headers. fields.append("Pragma: no-cache"); fields.append("Cache-Control: no-cache"); fields.append("Sec-WebSocket-Key: " + m_secWebSocketKey); fields.append("Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13"); const String extensionValue = m_extensionDispatcher.createHeaderValue(); if (extensionValue.length()) fields.append("Sec-WebSocket-Extensions: " + extensionValue); // Add a User-Agent header. fields.append(makeString("User-Agent: ", m_userAgent)); // Fields in the handshake are sent by the client in a random order; the // order is not meaningful. Thus, it's ok to send the order we constructed // the fields. for (auto& field : fields) { builder.append(field); builder.appendLiteral("\r\n"); } builder.appendLiteral("\r\n"); return builder.toString().utf8(); } ResourceRequest WebSocketHandshake::clientHandshakeRequest(const Function<String(const URL&)>& cookieRequestHeaderFieldValue) const { // Keep the following consistent with clientHandshakeMessage(). ResourceRequest request(m_url); request.setHTTPMethod("GET"); request.setHTTPHeaderField(HTTPHeaderName::Connection, "Upgrade"); request.setHTTPHeaderField(HTTPHeaderName::Host, hostName(m_url, m_secure)); request.setHTTPHeaderField(HTTPHeaderName::Origin, m_clientOrigin); if (!m_clientProtocol.isEmpty()) request.setHTTPHeaderField(HTTPHeaderName::SecWebSocketProtocol, m_clientProtocol); URL url = httpURLForAuthenticationAndCookies(); if (m_allowCookies) { String cookie = cookieRequestHeaderFieldValue(url); if (!cookie.isEmpty()) request.setHTTPHeaderField(HTTPHeaderName::Cookie, cookie); } request.setHTTPHeaderField(HTTPHeaderName::Pragma, HTTPHeaderValues::noCache()); request.setHTTPHeaderField(HTTPHeaderName::CacheControl, HTTPHeaderValues::noCache()); request.setHTTPHeaderField(HTTPHeaderName::SecWebSocketKey, m_secWebSocketKey); request.setHTTPHeaderField(HTTPHeaderName::SecWebSocketVersion, "13"); const String extensionValue = m_extensionDispatcher.createHeaderValue(); if (extensionValue.length()) request.setHTTPHeaderField(HTTPHeaderName::SecWebSocketExtensions, extensionValue); // Add a User-Agent header. request.setHTTPUserAgent(m_userAgent); return request; } void WebSocketHandshake::reset() { m_mode = Incomplete; m_extensionDispatcher.reset(); } int WebSocketHandshake::readServerHandshake(const char* header, size_t len) { m_mode = Incomplete; int statusCode; String statusText; int lineLength = readStatusLine(header, len, statusCode, statusText); if (lineLength == -1) return -1; if (statusCode == -1) { m_mode = Failed; // m_failureReason is set inside readStatusLine(). return len; } LOG(Network, "WebSocketHandshake %p readServerHandshake() Status code is %d", this, statusCode); m_serverHandshakeResponse = ResourceResponse(); m_serverHandshakeResponse.setHTTPStatusCode(statusCode); m_serverHandshakeResponse.setHTTPStatusText(statusText); if (statusCode != 101) { m_mode = Failed; m_failureReason = makeString("Unexpected response code: ", statusCode); return len; } m_mode = Normal; if (!strnstr(header, "\r\n\r\n", len)) { // Just hasn't been received fully yet. m_mode = Incomplete; return -1; } const char* p = readHTTPHeaders(header + lineLength, header + len); if (!p) { LOG(Network, "WebSocketHandshake %p readServerHandshake() readHTTPHeaders() failed", this); m_mode = Failed; // m_failureReason is set inside readHTTPHeaders(). return len; } if (!checkResponseHeaders()) { LOG(Network, "WebSocketHandshake %p readServerHandshake() checkResponseHeaders() failed", this); m_mode = Failed; return p - header; } m_mode = Connected; return p - header; } WebSocketHandshake::Mode WebSocketHandshake::mode() const { return m_mode; } String WebSocketHandshake::failureReason() const { return m_failureReason; } String WebSocketHandshake::serverWebSocketProtocol() const { return m_serverHandshakeResponse.httpHeaderFields().get(HTTPHeaderName::SecWebSocketProtocol); } String WebSocketHandshake::serverSetCookie() const { return m_serverHandshakeResponse.httpHeaderFields().get(HTTPHeaderName::SetCookie); } String WebSocketHandshake::serverUpgrade() const { return m_serverHandshakeResponse.httpHeaderFields().get(HTTPHeaderName::Upgrade); } String WebSocketHandshake::serverConnection() const { return m_serverHandshakeResponse.httpHeaderFields().get(HTTPHeaderName::Connection); } String WebSocketHandshake::serverWebSocketAccept() const { return m_serverHandshakeResponse.httpHeaderFields().get(HTTPHeaderName::SecWebSocketAccept); } String WebSocketHandshake::acceptedExtensions() const { return m_extensionDispatcher.acceptedExtensions(); } const ResourceResponse& WebSocketHandshake::serverHandshakeResponse() const { return m_serverHandshakeResponse; } void WebSocketHandshake::addExtensionProcessor(std::unique_ptr<WebSocketExtensionProcessor> processor) { m_extensionDispatcher.addProcessor(WTFMove(processor)); } URL WebSocketHandshake::httpURLForAuthenticationAndCookies() const { URL url = m_url.isolatedCopy(); bool couldSetProtocol = url.setProtocol(m_secure ? "https" : "http"); ASSERT_UNUSED(couldSetProtocol, couldSetProtocol); return url; } // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6455#section-4.1 // "The HTTP version MUST be at least 1.1." static inline bool headerHasValidHTTPVersion(StringView httpStatusLine) { const char* httpVersionStaticPreambleLiteral = "HTTP/"; StringView httpVersionStaticPreamble(reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>(httpVersionStaticPreambleLiteral), strlen(httpVersionStaticPreambleLiteral)); if (!httpStatusLine.startsWith(httpVersionStaticPreamble)) return false; // Check that there is a version number which should be at least three characters after "HTTP/" unsigned preambleLength = httpVersionStaticPreamble.length(); if (httpStatusLine.length() < preambleLength + 3) return false; auto dotPosition = httpStatusLine.find('.', preambleLength); if (dotPosition == notFound) return false; StringView majorVersionView = httpStatusLine.substring(preambleLength, dotPosition - preambleLength); bool isValid; int majorVersion = majorVersionView.toIntStrict(isValid); if (!isValid) return false; unsigned minorVersionLength; unsigned charactersLeftAfterDotPosition = httpStatusLine.length() - dotPosition; for (minorVersionLength = 1; minorVersionLength < charactersLeftAfterDotPosition; minorVersionLength++) { if (!isASCIIDigit(httpStatusLine[dotPosition + minorVersionLength])) break; } int minorVersion = (httpStatusLine.substring(dotPosition + 1, minorVersionLength)).toIntStrict(isValid); if (!isValid) return false; return (majorVersion >= 1 && minorVersion >= 1) || majorVersion >= 2; } // Returns the header length (including "\r\n"), or -1 if we have not received enough data yet. // If the line is malformed or the status code is not a 3-digit number, // statusCode and statusText will be set to -1 and a null string, respectively. int WebSocketHandshake::readStatusLine(const char* header, size_t headerLength, int& statusCode, String& statusText) { // Arbitrary size limit to prevent the server from sending an unbounded // amount of data with no newlines and forcing us to buffer it all. static const int maximumLength = 1024; statusCode = -1; statusText = String(); const char* space1 = nullptr; const char* space2 = nullptr; const char* p; size_t consumedLength; for (p = header, consumedLength = 0; consumedLength < headerLength; p++, consumedLength++) { if (*p == ' ') { if (!space1) space1 = p; else if (!space2) space2 = p; } else if (*p == '\0') { // The caller isn't prepared to deal with null bytes in status // line. WebSockets specification doesn't prohibit this, but HTTP // does, so we'll just treat this as an error. m_failureReason = "Status line contains embedded null"_s; return p + 1 - header; } else if (!isASCII(*p)) { m_failureReason = "Status line contains non-ASCII character"_s; return p + 1 - header; } else if (*p == '\n') break; } if (consumedLength == headerLength) return -1; // We have not received '\n' yet. const char* end = p + 1; int lineLength = end - header; if (lineLength > maximumLength) { m_failureReason = "Status line is too long"_s; return maximumLength; } // The line must end with "\r\n". if (lineLength < 2 || *(end - 2) != '\r') { m_failureReason = "Status line does not end with CRLF"_s; return lineLength; } if (!space1 || !space2) { m_failureReason = makeString("No response code found: ", trimInputSample(header, lineLength - 2)); return lineLength; } StringView httpStatusLine(reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>(header), space1 - header); if (!headerHasValidHTTPVersion(httpStatusLine)) { m_failureReason = makeString("Invalid HTTP version string: ", httpStatusLine); return lineLength; } StringView statusCodeString(reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>(space1 + 1), space2 - space1 - 1); if (statusCodeString.length() != 3) // Status code must consist of three digits. return lineLength; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) if (!isASCIIDigit(statusCodeString[i])) { m_failureReason = makeString("Invalid status code: ", statusCodeString); return lineLength; } bool ok = false; statusCode = statusCodeString.toIntStrict(ok); ASSERT(ok); statusText = String(space2 + 1, end - space2 - 3); // Exclude "\r\n". return lineLength; } const char* WebSocketHandshake::readHTTPHeaders(const char* start, const char* end) { StringView name; String value; bool sawSecWebSocketExtensionsHeaderField = false; bool sawSecWebSocketAcceptHeaderField = false; bool sawSecWebSocketProtocolHeaderField = false; const char* p = start; for (; p < end; p++) { size_t consumedLength = parseHTTPHeader(p, end - p, m_failureReason, name, value); if (!consumedLength) return nullptr; p += consumedLength; // Stop once we consumed an empty line. if (name.isEmpty()) break; HTTPHeaderName headerName; if (!findHTTPHeaderName(name, headerName)) { // Evidence in the wild shows that services make use of custom headers in the handshake m_serverHandshakeResponse.addHTTPHeaderField(name.toString(), value); continue; } // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7230#section-3.2.4 // "Newly defined header fields SHOULD limit their field values to US-ASCII octets." if ((headerName == HTTPHeaderName::SecWebSocketExtensions || headerName == HTTPHeaderName::SecWebSocketAccept || headerName == HTTPHeaderName::SecWebSocketProtocol) && !value.isAllASCII()) { m_failureReason = makeString(name, " header value should only contain ASCII characters"); return nullptr; } if (headerName == HTTPHeaderName::SecWebSocketExtensions) { if (sawSecWebSocketExtensionsHeaderField) { m_failureReason = "The Sec-WebSocket-Extensions header must not appear more than once in an HTTP response"_s; return nullptr; } if (!m_extensionDispatcher.processHeaderValue(value)) { m_failureReason = m_extensionDispatcher.failureReason(); return nullptr; } sawSecWebSocketExtensionsHeaderField = true; } else { if (headerName == HTTPHeaderName::SecWebSocketAccept) { if (sawSecWebSocketAcceptHeaderField) { m_failureReason = "The Sec-WebSocket-Accept header must not appear more than once in an HTTP response"_s; return nullptr; } sawSecWebSocketAcceptHeaderField = true; } else if (headerName == HTTPHeaderName::SecWebSocketProtocol) { if (sawSecWebSocketProtocolHeaderField) { m_failureReason = "The Sec-WebSocket-Protocol header must not appear more than once in an HTTP response"_s; return nullptr; } sawSecWebSocketProtocolHeaderField = true; } m_serverHandshakeResponse.addHTTPHeaderField(headerName, value); } } return p; } bool WebSocketHandshake::checkResponseHeaders() { const String& serverWebSocketProtocol = this->serverWebSocketProtocol(); const String& serverUpgrade = this->serverUpgrade(); const String& serverConnection = this->serverConnection(); const String& serverWebSocketAccept = this->serverWebSocketAccept(); if (serverUpgrade.isNull()) { m_failureReason = "Error during WebSocket handshake: 'Upgrade' header is missing"_s; return false; } if (serverConnection.isNull()) { m_failureReason = "Error during WebSocket handshake: 'Connection' header is missing"_s; return false; } if (serverWebSocketAccept.isNull()) { m_failureReason = "Error during WebSocket handshake: 'Sec-WebSocket-Accept' header is missing"_s; return false; } if (!equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(serverUpgrade, "websocket")) { m_failureReason = "Error during WebSocket handshake: 'Upgrade' header value is not 'WebSocket'"_s; return false; } if (!equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(serverConnection, "upgrade")) { m_failureReason = "Error during WebSocket handshake: 'Connection' header value is not 'Upgrade'"_s; return false; } if (serverWebSocketAccept != m_expectedAccept) { m_failureReason = "Error during WebSocket handshake: Sec-WebSocket-Accept mismatch"_s; return false; } if (!serverWebSocketProtocol.isNull()) { if (m_clientProtocol.isEmpty()) { m_failureReason = "Error during WebSocket handshake: Sec-WebSocket-Protocol mismatch"_s; return false; } Vector<String> result = m_clientProtocol.split(WebSocket::subprotocolSeparator()); if (!result.contains(serverWebSocketProtocol)) { m_failureReason = "Error during WebSocket handshake: Sec-WebSocket-Protocol mismatch"_s; return false; } } return true; } } // namespace WebCore
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
/*************************************************************************** Copyright 2015 Ufora Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ****************************************************************************/ #pragma once #include "../../Axioms/ReturnValue.hpp" #include "../../Native/NativeTypeFor.hpp" #include "../../Native/NativeTypeForCppml.hpp" #include "../../Native/TypedNativeLibraryFunction.hpp" template<class T> class NativeTypeForImpl; template<class A0, class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class A5> class NativeTypeForImpl<Fora::ReturnValue<A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5> > { public: static NativeType get(void) { return NativeType::Composite(NativeTypeFor<uint64_t>::get()) + NativeType::Composite( NativeType::Array( NativeTypeFor<uint8_t>::get(), sizeof(Fora::ReturnValue<A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5>) - sizeof(uint64_t) ) ); } }; template<class A0, class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class A5> class TypedNativeExpressionBehaviors<Fora::ReturnValue<A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5> > { public: TypedNativeExpressionBehaviors(NativeExpression e) : mThis(e) { } TypedNativeExpression<uint64_t> getIndex() const { return TypedNativeExpression<uint64_t>(mThis[0]); } TypedNativeExpression<A0> get0() const { return TypedNativeExpression<A0>( mThis[1].cast(NativeTypeFor<A0>::get(), true) ); } TypedNativeExpression<A1> get1() const { return TypedNativeExpression<A1>( mThis[1].cast(NativeTypeFor<A1>::get(), true) ); } TypedNativeExpression<A2> get2() const { return TypedNativeExpression<A2>( mThis[1].cast(NativeTypeFor<A2>::get(), true) ); } TypedNativeExpression<A3> get3() const { return TypedNativeExpression<A3>( mThis[1].cast(NativeTypeFor<A3>::get(), true) ); } TypedNativeExpression<A4> get4() const { return TypedNativeExpression<A4>( mThis[1].cast(NativeTypeFor<A4>::get(), true) ); } TypedNativeExpression<A5> get5() const { return TypedNativeExpression<A5>( mThis[1].cast(NativeTypeFor<A5>::get(), true) ); } private: NativeExpression mThis; };
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
Bruce Morrison (cricketer) Bruce Donald Morrison (born 17 December 1933, Lower Hutt) is a former New Zealand cricketer. He bowled right-arm medium pace and was a left-handed tail-end batsman. Cricket career Morrison first appeared for his local side, Hutt Valley, in an away game at Nelson in the Hawke Cup in December 1951. Aged 20, he made his first class debut for Wellington against Otago at the Basin Reserve on 7 January 1954. He made an immediate impact, taking 4-70 in Otago’s first innings and then 7-42 in their second (although Otago won a thriller by 3 runs). In his next game he continued his fine form, taking 5-60 v Auckland at Eden Park and scoring 33 not out with the bat. He finished the season with 22 wickets at an average of only 16.68. The following season Morrison bowled consistently without making the headlines. The highlight was Wellington's tour match against the MCC, when he picked up the wickets of Trevor Bailey, Bill Edrich and Colin Cowdrey at the Basin Reserve. Morrison finished the season well down the bowling averages, with just 16 wickets at nearly 30 apiece. In 1955-56 he had a better season, with 7-68 against Central Districts being the stand-out performance, and a final haul of 24 wickets for the season. While the 1956-57 season was good (15 wickets at 20.93 apiece) it wasn’t until 1960-61 (11 wickets at 17.81), 1961-62 (16 wickets at 18.93) and especially 1962-63 (27 wickets at 20.55, including 5-41 against Otago at Carisbrook, Dunedin) that he recaptured his early-career form. Morrison’s wicket-taking in the Plunket Shield in 1962-63 led to selection for his only Test later that season. He was the 96th person capped by New Zealand when he played in the Second Test against England at the Basin Reserve on 1–4 March 1963. England only batted once, winning by an innings, and Morrison was expensive, with his two wickets (Ted Dexter and Peter Parfitt, both in the same over) coming at a cost of 129 runs. He was not selected for the Third Test. Morrison played two more first-class seasons for Wellington. His final match was against the touring Pakistanis in January 1965. He continued to play for Hutt Valley in the Hawke Cup until the 1967-68 season. In 1997-98 he was the joint first winner of the Bert Sutcliffe Medal, which recognises outstanding services to cricket in New Zealand, in recognition of his work for junior cricket in the Wellington area. References External links Category:1933 births Category:Living people Category:New Zealand Test cricketers Category:New Zealand cricketers Category:Wellington cricketers Category:Cricketers from Lower Hutt
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Eutrichopidia latinus Eutrichopidia latinus is a species of moth of the family Noctuidae. It is known from eastern Australia, including Queensland, New South Wales, the Australian Capital Territory, Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania. The moth is about 45 mm. Adults are black with a broad diagonal band across each forewing. This band may vary from white to yellow to orange. The hindwings have a white margin with black dots and the abdomen is tipped with a tuft of orange hairs. The larvae feed on Hibbertia obtusifolia and Haloragis teucriodes. References Category:Agaristinae Category:Moths described in 1805
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Q: My switch/case is working but giving a console error "Cannot read property 'name' of null" Here's the working codepen http://codepen.io/TylerL-uxai/pen/ozNgVb When I do the third drop down and choose elephant, console.log(brand.name) says elephant. It will even do the rest of the switch statement. But there's a console error for some reason. $scope.changedValue3 = function (brand) { console.log(brand.name); // this isn't null! it returns elephant to console. switch (brand.name){ // cannot read property name of null case "elephant": console.log("worked"); // says "worked" when the code is run break; } } A: It looks like the issue has to do with a collision over the ng-model set on the select element. Because $scope.logos is where the data is stored, you'll need something different for ng-model. This works out on my end: <select ng-model="logo" ng-options="item as item.brand for item in logos" ng-change="changedValue3(logo)" class="form-control"> Note that ng-model has been changed as well as the function in ng-change in order to pass the model to the function. Here is my fork if you want to check it out in the flesh.
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Search form Managed Business Continuity Managed Business Continuity Keep your business data protected. Rejuvenate use state-of-the-art technology and infrastructure to protect your business from downtime, even if your physical hardware has been destroyed. Rejuvenate Managed Continuity is a fully featured total data protection platform built for small businesses. Easily protect any physical, virtual and cloud infrastructure running on Windows, Mac or Linux, and spin up lost servers in seconds without the need for additional tools. Backup automatically on your schedule to a local device, and replicate backups to our Cloud. Recover granular data quickly from multiple points in time, and use our Cloud Virtualization to get back to business in minutes. Deployed as a low-profile physical appliance, Rejuvenate Managed Continuity provides the business continuity features, tools, and management capabilities to get up and running fast. We leverages award winning core technologies, service and support. If you need to ensure business continues even when business infrastructure fails, we have the market leading solution for you. Backup and Restore In today’s world, users lose files: deleting them, overwriting them, a virus hits, or when hardware fails. With Rejuvenate, simply schedule regular backups for a device. If you need to recover files, a few clicks will allow you to restore specifically the files you are looking for to the current running device. No more guessing, booting images or digging through command lines. With Rejuvenate Continuity, restoring files is fast and easy and handled in just a few clicks by our Service Desk. Recovery Calculator Use our online tool to calculate the risk downtime poses to your business Free Quotation Disaster Recovery and Continuity When infrastructure fails, business comes to a grinding halt. Replacement hardware takes time to order and install, infrastructure needs to be rebuilt, and backups need to be parsed and applied. This can take hours or days, even with a good backup solution. Unfortunately, when business is down, every second counts. That is why we provide image based backups that can be booted in our secure Cloud with the click of a button. Get more than just one server back up and running; virtualize your entire Infrastructure with the click of a few buttons. Be back up and running as fast as the images can boot in Datto’s Cloud. Once the crisis is past, Rejuvenate make it easy to get back to normal operations. Say goodbye to business down time, and hello to fast and easy business continuity all in one product.. Ransomware No matter how hard you try, someone that depends on you for support will eventually get an email that convinces them to open a file and infect their PC with ransomware. The compromised machine will then encrypt user files and demand a ransom for the key to unlock the system. Worse, the threat will often spread across the network and infect other machines, seriously impacting the business. Of course, paying the ransom may not solve the problem. The only sure way to resolve a ransomware attack is to roll back the affected systems to make it as if it never happened. Rejuvenate Continuity with point in time rollback, is designed to recover from just these scenarios. With the click of a few buttons, it can be as if the ransomware never happened. Say goodbye to ransomware, and hello to simple preventative measures provided by Rejuvenate. Continuity you can trust Our solution uses image-based backup technology to take a complete picture of the workstation or server. Each backup is fully independent from previous backups, providing maximum data integrity while optimising storage efficiency. Additionally each and every backup is verified by starting the virtual machine and taking a screenshot of the desktop, to verify the system starts up correctly. This screenshot is automatically sent via email, so you be rest assured your DR Plan is working. Additionally, we allow two full disaster recovery tests per year, so you can be sure your business is ready to respond to any potential interruption. With our Managed Continuity Solution, your business can be back up in running in as little as 20 minutes, in the event of server hardware failure, or loss of site.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
// DEFINITE UNSAFE #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> char* foo(char* a, int n) { int i; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) a[i] = 'A'; return a; } int main() { char str[50]; strcpy(str, "This is string.h library function"); puts(str); memset(str, '$', 50); // SAFE char* A = foo(str, 10); // char * B; <- B will be undefined char B[10]; memcpy(B, A, 10); // SAFE char* C = foo(B, 11); // WARNING puts(C); return (0); }
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
If you’re in the USA, and you’re planning to get into the USA reseller web hosting industry, you need to consider one major issue, first and foremost: would you like to offer Unix-ready features along with Microsoft-only ones? Offering Microsoft-only services may seem to be the smart choice, but supporting Unix is its own asset, which could open a world of opportunities for you as a USA reseller web hosting outfit. In fact, if you have avenues to ask for both Microsoft and Unix support from your web host, all the better! One downside to reselling web space instead of putting up your own server is that you don’t get to control the basics. As a reseller, you may be able to change things around via the standard control panel. You may even have limited access to certain features like merchant accounts and secure site hosting. But when you want to switch between operating systems, or OS-es – it’s unfortunately not your call, but your web host’s. Web hosts determine the kind of OS-es that run on their servers. Many web hosts offer both Windows and Unix features, by using Unix machines as servers, and then just running Windows programs and servers within these machines. Over time, Unix server OSes have become increasingly tolerant of Windows programs, which makes a Unix server a sweet deal for web hosts and resellers alike. Unix servers are cost efficient because they are ideal for running open source programs. Preferring open source programs help save on operational costs, since they’re mostly free for use, depending on the specifications of the persons or outfits who developed the codes to be used. When you run paid programs or servers on your machines, you don’t only need to think of the cost of buying the software – you also need to consider the potential costs of license renewal. There is, after all, no assurance that software licensing will cost the same throughout the years! And you have to consider that in your profit projections if you are running a webhost. Thankfully, you don’t need to be concerned with that as a reseller. However, as a reseller, you should be aware of what software your potential customers will need. If your web host only supports Unix and open source features, you run the risk of losing a big part of your clientele. But you run the same risk if your host only supports Microsoft and Windows! As a USA reseller web hosting outfit, you should be intimately aware of the needs of your target market.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Shopping, gift giving, and then paying all your everyday expenses! But a 2 Wants to Know viewer reached out after receiving a counterfeit money order. How did they know it was fake? And what should we watch out for? Burlington-based postal inspector Mike Carroll said the first clue is the watermark. "If you look at this document without it being back-lit, this watermark should not be visible. You can see on the legitimate one you cannot see a watermark." It's important to look for the warning signs on the money order because you could lose money. If you cash a fake check or money order, you may have to repay the bank -- from your own account. So Carroll said it's important to look for the watermark and a few other clues. "The second security feature is this security thread that's running through the money order. There is actually a thread on the legitimate money order running all the way through the document. When you hold it up to the light, you see that that is one solid thread with USPS written forwards and backwards alternating down through that thread. The fake money order there its broken and just embossed on the document." There are also things you should remember about real money orders. Real money orders will have warning instructions printed on the back. You'll see the denominations in two locations -- both on the front. (There should not be any discoloration around the dollar amounts.) There's a limit on how large a real money order can be!The maximum value for a domestic money order is $1,000. So if someone offers you a money order for more money, that's a red flag too. Carroll said, "There is no legitimate reason for someone to send you a check or money order and wire funds back to them, there is no legitimate reason for that and especially out of the country it should throw up some huge red flags."
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }