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| references
list |
1504.06201 | 37 | detection and hierarchical image segmentation. IEEE Trans.
Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. , 33(5):898–916, May 2011. 2
[2] P. Arbelaez, J. Pont-Tuset, J. Barron, F. Marqués, and J. Malik. Multiscale combinatorial grouping. In Computer Vision
and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) , 2014. 2, 4
[3] G. Bertasius, J. Shi, and L. Torresani. Deepedge: A multiscale bifurcated deep network for top-down contour detection. In The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) , June 2015. 2, 3, 4, 5
[4] C. J. C. Burges. A tutorial on support vector machines for
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2:121–167, 1998. 2
[5] L. Chen, G. Papandreou, I. Kokkinos, K. Murphy, and A. L.
Yuille. Semantic image segmentation with deep convolutional nets and fully connected crfs. CoRR , abs/1412.7062,
2014. 1, 5, 6, 7 | 1504.06201 | High-for-Low and Low-for-High: Efficient Boundary Detection from Deep Object Features and its Applications to High-Level Vision | Most of the current boundary detection systems rely exclusively on low-level
features, such as color and texture. However, perception studies suggest that
humans employ object-level reasoning when judging if a particular pixel is a
boundary. Inspired by this observation, in this work we show how to predict
boundaries by exploiting object-level features from a pretrained
object-classification network. Our method can be viewed as a "High-for-Low"
approach where high-level object features inform the low-level boundary
detection process. Our model achieves state-of-the-art performance on an
established boundary detection benchmark and it is efficient to run.
Additionally, we show that due to the semantic nature of our boundaries we
can use them to aid a number of high-level vision tasks. We demonstrate that
using our boundaries we improve the performance of state-of-the-art methods on
the problems of semantic boundary labeling, semantic segmentation and object
proposal generation. We can view this process as a "Low-for-High" scheme, where
low-level boundaries aid high-level vision tasks.
Thus, our contributions include a boundary detection system that is accurate,
efficient, generalizes well to multiple datasets, and is also shown to improve
existing state-of-the-art high-level vision methods on three distinct tasks. | | [
"Gedas Bertasius",
"Jianbo Shi",
"Lorenzo Torresani"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.CV | 20150423 | 20150921 | [] |
1504.06201 | 38 | 2014. 1, 5, 6, 7
[6] P. Dollár and C. L. Zitnick. Fast edge detection using structured forests. PAMI , 2015. 2, 3, 4, 5, 8
[7] J. Donahue, Y . Jia, O. Vinyals, J. Hoffman, N. Zhang,
E. Tzeng, and T. Darrell. Decaf: A deep convolutional
activation feature for generic visual recognition. CoRR ,
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[8] M. Everingham, L. Van Gool, C. K. I. Williams, J. Winn,
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[9] M. Everingham, L. Van Gool, C. K. I. Williams, J. Winn,
and A. Zisserman. The PASCAL Visual Object Classes
Challenge 2012 (VOC2012) Results.
8 | 1504.06201 | High-for-Low and Low-for-High: Efficient Boundary Detection from Deep Object Features and its Applications to High-Level Vision | Most of the current boundary detection systems rely exclusively on low-level
features, such as color and texture. However, perception studies suggest that
humans employ object-level reasoning when judging if a particular pixel is a
boundary. Inspired by this observation, in this work we show how to predict
boundaries by exploiting object-level features from a pretrained
object-classification network. Our method can be viewed as a "High-for-Low"
approach where high-level object features inform the low-level boundary
detection process. Our model achieves state-of-the-art performance on an
established boundary detection benchmark and it is efficient to run.
Additionally, we show that due to the semantic nature of our boundaries we
can use them to aid a number of high-level vision tasks. We demonstrate that
using our boundaries we improve the performance of state-of-the-art methods on
the problems of semantic boundary labeling, semantic segmentation and object
proposal generation. We can view this process as a "Low-for-High" scheme, where
low-level boundaries aid high-level vision tasks.
Thus, our contributions include a boundary detection system that is accurate,
efficient, generalizes well to multiple datasets, and is also shown to improve
existing state-of-the-art high-level vision methods on three distinct tasks. | | [
"Gedas Bertasius",
"Jianbo Shi",
"Lorenzo Torresani"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.CV | 20150423 | 20150921 | [] |
1504.06201 | 39 | Challenge 2012 (VOC2012) Results.
[10] Y . Ganin and V . S. Lempitsky. N4-fields: Neural network
nearest neighbor fields for image transforms. ACCV , 2014.
2, 3, 4, 5
[11] B. Hariharan, P. Arbelaez, L. Bourdev, S. Maji, and J. Malik.
Semantic contours from inverse detectors. In International
Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) , 2011. 1, 5, 6, 7
[12] B. Hariharan, P. A. Arbeláez, R. B. Girshick, and J. Malik.
Hypercolumns for object segmentation and fine-grained localization. CoRR , abs/1411.5752, 2014. 3
[13] P.-J. Hsieh, E. Vul, and N. Kanwisher. Recognition alters the
spatial pattern of fmri activation in early retinotopic cortex.
Journal of Neurophysiology , 103(3):1501–1507, 2010. 1, 8 | 1504.06201 | High-for-Low and Low-for-High: Efficient Boundary Detection from Deep Object Features and its Applications to High-Level Vision | Most of the current boundary detection systems rely exclusively on low-level
features, such as color and texture. However, perception studies suggest that
humans employ object-level reasoning when judging if a particular pixel is a
boundary. Inspired by this observation, in this work we show how to predict
boundaries by exploiting object-level features from a pretrained
object-classification network. Our method can be viewed as a "High-for-Low"
approach where high-level object features inform the low-level boundary
detection process. Our model achieves state-of-the-art performance on an
established boundary detection benchmark and it is efficient to run.
Additionally, we show that due to the semantic nature of our boundaries we
can use them to aid a number of high-level vision tasks. We demonstrate that
using our boundaries we improve the performance of state-of-the-art methods on
the problems of semantic boundary labeling, semantic segmentation and object
proposal generation. We can view this process as a "Low-for-High" scheme, where
low-level boundaries aid high-level vision tasks.
Thus, our contributions include a boundary detection system that is accurate,
efficient, generalizes well to multiple datasets, and is also shown to improve
existing state-of-the-art high-level vision methods on three distinct tasks. | | [
"Gedas Bertasius",
"Jianbo Shi",
"Lorenzo Torresani"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.CV | 20150423 | 20150921 | [] |
1504.06201 | 40 | spatial pattern of fmri activation in early retinotopic cortex.
Journal of Neurophysiology , 103(3):1501–1507, 2010. 1, 8
[14] P. Isola, D. Zoran, D. Krishnan, and E. H. Adelson. Crisp
boundary detection using pointwise mutual information. In
ECCV , 2014. 2, 4[15] Y . Jia, E. Shelhamer, J. Donahue, S. Karayev, J. Long, R. Girshick, S. Guadarrama, and T. Darrell. Caffe: Convolutional architecture for fast feature embedding. arXiv preprint
arXiv:1408.5093 , 2014. 4
[16] J. J. Kivinen, C. K. Williams, N. Heess, and D. Technologies. Visual boundary prediction: A deep neural prediction
network and quality dissection. AISTATS , 1(2):9, 2014. 2, 3,
4, 5
[17] Z. Kourtzi and N. Kanwisher. Representation of perceived
object shape by the human lateral occipital complex. Science, 293:1506–1509, 2001. 1, 8 | 1504.06201 | High-for-Low and Low-for-High: Efficient Boundary Detection from Deep Object Features and its Applications to High-Level Vision | Most of the current boundary detection systems rely exclusively on low-level
features, such as color and texture. However, perception studies suggest that
humans employ object-level reasoning when judging if a particular pixel is a
boundary. Inspired by this observation, in this work we show how to predict
boundaries by exploiting object-level features from a pretrained
object-classification network. Our method can be viewed as a "High-for-Low"
approach where high-level object features inform the low-level boundary
detection process. Our model achieves state-of-the-art performance on an
established boundary detection benchmark and it is efficient to run.
Additionally, we show that due to the semantic nature of our boundaries we
can use them to aid a number of high-level vision tasks. We demonstrate that
using our boundaries we improve the performance of state-of-the-art methods on
the problems of semantic boundary labeling, semantic segmentation and object
proposal generation. We can view this process as a "Low-for-High" scheme, where
low-level boundaries aid high-level vision tasks.
Thus, our contributions include a boundary detection system that is accurate,
efficient, generalizes well to multiple datasets, and is also shown to improve
existing state-of-the-art high-level vision methods on three distinct tasks. | | [
"Gedas Bertasius",
"Jianbo Shi",
"Lorenzo Torresani"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.CV | 20150423 | 20150921 | [] |
1504.06201 | 41 | object shape by the human lateral occipital complex. Science, 293:1506–1509, 2001. 1, 8
[18] J. Lim, C. L. Zitnick, and P. Dollár. Sketch tokens: A learned
mid-level representation for contour and object detection. In
CVPR , 2013. 2
[19] J. Long, E. Shelhamer, and T. Darrell. Fully convolutional
networks for semantic segmentation. CVPR (to appear) ,
Nov. 2015. 3, 5
[20] M. Maire, S. X. Yu, and P. Perona. Reconstructive sparse
code transfer for contour detection and semantic labeling. In
Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV) , 2014. 2
[21] T. Malisiewicz, A. Gupta, and A. A. Efros. Ensemble of
exemplar-svms for object detection and beyond. In ICCV ,
2011. 4
[22] D. Martin, C. Fowlkes, D. Tal, and J. Malik. A database
of human segmented natural images and its application to
evaluating segmentation algorithms and measuring ecological statistics. In Proc. 8th Int’l Conf. Computer Vision , volume 2, pages 416–423, July 2001. 4 | 1504.06201 | High-for-Low and Low-for-High: Efficient Boundary Detection from Deep Object Features and its Applications to High-Level Vision | Most of the current boundary detection systems rely exclusively on low-level
features, such as color and texture. However, perception studies suggest that
humans employ object-level reasoning when judging if a particular pixel is a
boundary. Inspired by this observation, in this work we show how to predict
boundaries by exploiting object-level features from a pretrained
object-classification network. Our method can be viewed as a "High-for-Low"
approach where high-level object features inform the low-level boundary
detection process. Our model achieves state-of-the-art performance on an
established boundary detection benchmark and it is efficient to run.
Additionally, we show that due to the semantic nature of our boundaries we
can use them to aid a number of high-level vision tasks. We demonstrate that
using our boundaries we improve the performance of state-of-the-art methods on
the problems of semantic boundary labeling, semantic segmentation and object
proposal generation. We can view this process as a "Low-for-High" scheme, where
low-level boundaries aid high-level vision tasks.
Thus, our contributions include a boundary detection system that is accurate,
efficient, generalizes well to multiple datasets, and is also shown to improve
existing state-of-the-art high-level vision methods on three distinct tasks. | | [
"Gedas Bertasius",
"Jianbo Shi",
"Lorenzo Torresani"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.CV | 20150423 | 20150921 | [] |
1504.06201 | 42 | evaluating segmentation algorithms and measuring ecological statistics. In Proc. 8th Int’l Conf. Computer Vision , volume 2, pages 416–423, July 2001. 4
[23] X. Ren and L. Bo. Discriminatively Trained Sparse Code
Gradients for Contour Detection. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems , December 2012. 2, 4
[24] O. Russakovsky, J. Deng, H. Su, J. Krause, S. Satheesh,
S. Ma, Z. Huang, A. Karpathy, A. Khosla, M. Bernstein,
A. C. Berg, and L. Fei-Fei. ImageNet Large Scale Visual
Recognition Challenge, 2014. 3
[25] J. L. Sanguinetti, J. J. Allen, and M. A. Peterson. The ground
side of an object perceived as shapeless yet processed for
semantics. Psychological science , page 0956797613502814,
2013. 1, 8
[26] P. Sermanet, D. Eigen, X. Zhang, M. Mathieu, R. Fergus,
and Y . LeCun. Overfeat: Integrated recognition, localization and detection using convolutional networks. CoRR ,
abs/1312.6229, 2013. 3 | 1504.06201 | High-for-Low and Low-for-High: Efficient Boundary Detection from Deep Object Features and its Applications to High-Level Vision | Most of the current boundary detection systems rely exclusively on low-level
features, such as color and texture. However, perception studies suggest that
humans employ object-level reasoning when judging if a particular pixel is a
boundary. Inspired by this observation, in this work we show how to predict
boundaries by exploiting object-level features from a pretrained
object-classification network. Our method can be viewed as a "High-for-Low"
approach where high-level object features inform the low-level boundary
detection process. Our model achieves state-of-the-art performance on an
established boundary detection benchmark and it is efficient to run.
Additionally, we show that due to the semantic nature of our boundaries we
can use them to aid a number of high-level vision tasks. We demonstrate that
using our boundaries we improve the performance of state-of-the-art methods on
the problems of semantic boundary labeling, semantic segmentation and object
proposal generation. We can view this process as a "Low-for-High" scheme, where
low-level boundaries aid high-level vision tasks.
Thus, our contributions include a boundary detection system that is accurate,
efficient, generalizes well to multiple datasets, and is also shown to improve
existing state-of-the-art high-level vision methods on three distinct tasks. | | [
"Gedas Bertasius",
"Jianbo Shi",
"Lorenzo Torresani"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.CV | 20150423 | 20150921 | [] |
1504.06201 | 43 | and Y . LeCun. Overfeat: Integrated recognition, localization and detection using convolutional networks. CoRR ,
abs/1312.6229, 2013. 3
[27] W. Shen, X. Wang, Y . Wang, X. Bai, and Z. Zhang. Deepcontour: A deep convolutional feature learned by positivesharing loss for contour detection. June 2015. 1, 3, 4, 5
[28] J. Shi and J. Malik. Normalized cuts and image segmentation. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine
Intelligence , 22:888–905, 1997. 2, 6
[29] K. Simonyan and A. Zisserman. Very deep convolutional networks for large-scale image recognition. CoRR ,
abs/1409.1556, 2014. 1
[30] A. Sironi, V . Lepetit, and P. Fua. Multiscale centerline detection by learning a scale-space distance transform. June 2014.
[31] C. L. Zitnick and P. Dollár. Edge boxes: Locating object
proposals from edges. In ECCV , 2014. 1, 8 | 1504.06201 | High-for-Low and Low-for-High: Efficient Boundary Detection from Deep Object Features and its Applications to High-Level Vision | Most of the current boundary detection systems rely exclusively on low-level
features, such as color and texture. However, perception studies suggest that
humans employ object-level reasoning when judging if a particular pixel is a
boundary. Inspired by this observation, in this work we show how to predict
boundaries by exploiting object-level features from a pretrained
object-classification network. Our method can be viewed as a "High-for-Low"
approach where high-level object features inform the low-level boundary
detection process. Our model achieves state-of-the-art performance on an
established boundary detection benchmark and it is efficient to run.
Additionally, we show that due to the semantic nature of our boundaries we
can use them to aid a number of high-level vision tasks. We demonstrate that
using our boundaries we improve the performance of state-of-the-art methods on
the problems of semantic boundary labeling, semantic segmentation and object
proposal generation. We can view this process as a "Low-for-High" scheme, where
low-level boundaries aid high-level vision tasks.
Thus, our contributions include a boundary detection system that is accurate,
efficient, generalizes well to multiple datasets, and is also shown to improve
existing state-of-the-art high-level vision methods on three distinct tasks. | | [
"Gedas Bertasius",
"Jianbo Shi",
"Lorenzo Torresani"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.CV | 20150423 | 20150921 | [] |
1511.02674 | 0 | Semantic Segmentation with Boundary Neural Fields
Gedas Bertasius
University of Pennsylvania
gberta@seas.upenn.eduJianbo Shi
University of Pennsylvania
jshi@seas.upenn.eduLorenzo Torresani
Dartmouth College
The state-of-the-art in semantic segmentation is currently represented by fully convolutional networks (FCNs).
However, FCNs use large receptive fields and many pooling layers, both of which cause blurring and low spatial
resolution in the deep layers. As a result FCNs tend to produce segmentations that are poorly localized around object
boundaries. Prior work has attempted to address this issue
in post-processing steps, for example using a color-based
CRF on top of the FCN predictions. However, these approaches require additional parameters and low-level features that are difficult to tune and integrate into the original
network architecture. Additionally, most CRFs use colorbased pixel affinities, which are not well suited for semantic
segmentation and lead to spatially disjoint predictions.
To overcome these problems, we introduce a Boundary | 1511.02674 | Semantic Segmentation with Boundary Neural Fields | The state-of-the-art in semantic segmentation is currently represented by
fully convolutional networks (FCNs). However, FCNs use large receptive fields
and many pooling layers, both of which cause blurring and low spatial
resolution in the deep layers. As a result FCNs tend to produce segmentations
that are poorly localized around object boundaries. Prior work has attempted to
address this issue in post-processing steps, for example using a color-based
CRF on top of the FCN predictions. However, these approaches require additional
parameters and low-level features that are difficult to tune and integrate into
the original network architecture. Additionally, most CRFs use color-based
pixel affinities, which are not well suited for semantic segmentation and lead
to spatially disjoint predictions.
To overcome these problems, we introduce a Boundary Neural Field (BNF), which
is a global energy model integrating FCN predictions with boundary cues. The
boundary information is used to enhance semantic segment coherence and to
improve object localization. Specifically, we first show that the convolutional
filters of semantic FCNs provide good features for boundary detection. We then
employ the predicted boundaries to define pairwise potentials in our energy.
Finally, we show that our energy decomposes semantic segmentation into multiple
binary problems, which can be relaxed for efficient global optimization. We
report extensive experiments demonstrating that minimization of our global
boundary-based energy yields results superior to prior globalization methods,
both quantitatively as well as qualitatively. | | [
"Gedas Bertasius",
"Jianbo Shi",
"Lorenzo Torresani"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.CV | 20151109 | 20160524 | [
"id": "1412.1123",
"title": "3. DeepEdge: A Multi-Scale Bifurcated Deep Network for Top-Down Contour Detection",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
"id": "1504.06201",
"title": "4. High-for-Low and Low-for-High: Efficient Boundary Detection from Deep Object Features and its Applications to High-Level Vision",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
] |
1511.02674 | 1 | segmentation and lead to spatially disjoint predictions.
To overcome these problems, we introduce a Boundary
Neural Field (BNF), which is a global energy model integrating FCN predictions with boundary cues. The boundary information is used to enhance semantic segment coherence and to improve object localization. Specifically, we
first show that the convolutional filters of semantic FCNs
provide good features for boundary detection. We then employ the predicted boundaries to define pairwise potentials
in our energy. Finally, we show that our energy decomposes semantic segmentation into multiple binary problems,
which can be relaxed for efficient global optimization. We
report extensive experiments demonstrating that minimization of our global boundary-based energy yields results superior to prior globalization methods, both quantitatively
as well as qualitatively.
1. Introduction
The recent introduction of fully convolutional networks
(FCNs) [22] has led to significant quantitative improvements on the task of semantic segmentation. However, despite their empirical success, FCNs suffer from some limitations. Large receptive fields in the convolutional layers and
the presence of pooling layers lead to blurring and segmentation predictions at a significantly lower resolution than the | 1511.02674 | Semantic Segmentation with Boundary Neural Fields | The state-of-the-art in semantic segmentation is currently represented by
fully convolutional networks (FCNs). However, FCNs use large receptive fields
and many pooling layers, both of which cause blurring and low spatial
resolution in the deep layers. As a result FCNs tend to produce segmentations
that are poorly localized around object boundaries. Prior work has attempted to
address this issue in post-processing steps, for example using a color-based
CRF on top of the FCN predictions. However, these approaches require additional
parameters and low-level features that are difficult to tune and integrate into
the original network architecture. Additionally, most CRFs use color-based
pixel affinities, which are not well suited for semantic segmentation and lead
to spatially disjoint predictions.
To overcome these problems, we introduce a Boundary Neural Field (BNF), which
is a global energy model integrating FCN predictions with boundary cues. The
boundary information is used to enhance semantic segment coherence and to
improve object localization. Specifically, we first show that the convolutional
filters of semantic FCNs provide good features for boundary detection. We then
employ the predicted boundaries to define pairwise potentials in our energy.
Finally, we show that our energy decomposes semantic segmentation into multiple
binary problems, which can be relaxed for efficient global optimization. We
report extensive experiments demonstrating that minimization of our global
boundary-based energy yields results superior to prior globalization methods,
both quantitatively as well as qualitatively. | | [
"Gedas Bertasius",
"Jianbo Shi",
"Lorenzo Torresani"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.CV | 20151109 | 20160524 | [
"id": "1412.1123",
"title": "3. DeepEdge: A Multi-Scale Bifurcated Deep Network for Top-Down Contour Detection",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
"id": "1504.06201",
"title": "4. High-for-Low and Low-for-High: Efficient Boundary Detection from Deep Object Features and its Applications to High-Level Vision",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
] |
1511.02674 | 2 | the presence of pooling layers lead to blurring and segmentation predictions at a significantly lower resolution than the
Figure 1: Examples illustrating shortcomings of prior semantic segmentation methods: the second column shows
results obtained with a FCN [22], while the third column
shows the output of a Dense-CRF applied to FCN predictions [19, 7]. Segments produced by FCN are blob-like and
are poorly localized around object boundaries. Dense-CRF
produces spatially disjoint object segments due to the use of
a color-based pixel affinity function that is unable to measure semantic similarity between pixels.
original image. As a result, their predicted segments tend to
be blobby and lack fine object boundary details. We report
in Fig. 1 some examples illustrating typical poor localization of objects in the outputs of FCNs.
Recently, Chen at al. [7] addressed this issue by applying a Dense-CRF post-processing step [19] on top of coarse
FCN segmentations. However, such an approach introduces
several problems of its own. First, the Dense-CRF adds new
parameters that are difficult to tune and integrate into the
original network architecture. Additionally, most methods | 1511.02674 | Semantic Segmentation with Boundary Neural Fields | The state-of-the-art in semantic segmentation is currently represented by
fully convolutional networks (FCNs). However, FCNs use large receptive fields
and many pooling layers, both of which cause blurring and low spatial
resolution in the deep layers. As a result FCNs tend to produce segmentations
that are poorly localized around object boundaries. Prior work has attempted to
address this issue in post-processing steps, for example using a color-based
CRF on top of the FCN predictions. However, these approaches require additional
parameters and low-level features that are difficult to tune and integrate into
the original network architecture. Additionally, most CRFs use color-based
pixel affinities, which are not well suited for semantic segmentation and lead
to spatially disjoint predictions.
To overcome these problems, we introduce a Boundary Neural Field (BNF), which
is a global energy model integrating FCN predictions with boundary cues. The
boundary information is used to enhance semantic segment coherence and to
improve object localization. Specifically, we first show that the convolutional
filters of semantic FCNs provide good features for boundary detection. We then
employ the predicted boundaries to define pairwise potentials in our energy.
Finally, we show that our energy decomposes semantic segmentation into multiple
binary problems, which can be relaxed for efficient global optimization. We
report extensive experiments demonstrating that minimization of our global
boundary-based energy yields results superior to prior globalization methods,
both quantitatively as well as qualitatively. | | [
"Gedas Bertasius",
"Jianbo Shi",
"Lorenzo Torresani"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.CV | 20151109 | 20160524 | [
"id": "1412.1123",
"title": "3. DeepEdge: A Multi-Scale Bifurcated Deep Network for Top-Down Contour Detection",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
"id": "1504.06201",
"title": "4. High-for-Low and Low-for-High: Efficient Boundary Detection from Deep Object Features and its Applications to High-Level Vision",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
] |
1511.02674 | 3 | parameters that are difficult to tune and integrate into the
original network architecture. Additionally, most methods
based on CRFs or MRFs use low-level pixel affinity functions, such as those based on color. These low-level affinities often fail to capture semantic relationships between objects and lead to poor segmentation results (see last column
in Fig. 1).
We propose to address these shortcomings by means of
a Boundary Neural Field (BNF), an architecture that employs a single semantic segmentation FCN to predict semantic boundaries and then use them to produce semantic
segmentation maps via a global optimization. We demonstrate that even though the semantic segmentation FCN has
not been optimized to detect boundaries, it provides good
1arXiv:1511.02674v2 [cs.CV] 24 May 2016
Convolutional Feature Maps RGB Input Image
Segmentation Mask in Softmax Layer
Minimize Global Energy
Linear Combination of Feature MapsFigure 2: The architecture of our system (best viewed in
color). We employ a semantic segmentation FCN [7] for
two purposes: 1) to obtain semantic segmentation unaries | 1511.02674 | Semantic Segmentation with Boundary Neural Fields | The state-of-the-art in semantic segmentation is currently represented by
fully convolutional networks (FCNs). However, FCNs use large receptive fields
and many pooling layers, both of which cause blurring and low spatial
resolution in the deep layers. As a result FCNs tend to produce segmentations
that are poorly localized around object boundaries. Prior work has attempted to
address this issue in post-processing steps, for example using a color-based
CRF on top of the FCN predictions. However, these approaches require additional
parameters and low-level features that are difficult to tune and integrate into
the original network architecture. Additionally, most CRFs use color-based
pixel affinities, which are not well suited for semantic segmentation and lead
to spatially disjoint predictions.
To overcome these problems, we introduce a Boundary Neural Field (BNF), which
is a global energy model integrating FCN predictions with boundary cues. The
boundary information is used to enhance semantic segment coherence and to
improve object localization. Specifically, we first show that the convolutional
filters of semantic FCNs provide good features for boundary detection. We then
employ the predicted boundaries to define pairwise potentials in our energy.
Finally, we show that our energy decomposes semantic segmentation into multiple
binary problems, which can be relaxed for efficient global optimization. We
report extensive experiments demonstrating that minimization of our global
boundary-based energy yields results superior to prior globalization methods,
both quantitatively as well as qualitatively. | | [
"Gedas Bertasius",
"Jianbo Shi",
"Lorenzo Torresani"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.CV | 20151109 | 20160524 | [
"id": "1412.1123",
"title": "3. DeepEdge: A Multi-Scale Bifurcated Deep Network for Top-Down Contour Detection",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
"id": "1504.06201",
"title": "4. High-for-Low and Low-for-High: Efficient Boundary Detection from Deep Object Features and its Applications to High-Level Vision",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
] |
1511.02674 | 4 | color). We employ a semantic segmentation FCN [7] for
two purposes: 1) to obtain semantic segmentation unaries
for our global energy; 2) to compute object boundaries.
Specifically, we define semantic boundaries as a linear combination of these feature maps (with a sigmoid function applied on top of the sum) and learn individual weights corresponding to each convolutional feature map. We integrate
this boundary information in the form of pairwise potentials
(pixel affinities) for our energy model.
features for boundary detection. Specifically, the contributions of our work are as follows:
We show that semantic boundaries can be expressed
as a linear combination of interpolated convolutional
feature maps inside an FCN. We introduce a boundary
detection method that exploits this intuition to predict
object boundaries with accuracy superior to the statethe-of-art.
We demonstrate that boundary-based pixel affinities
are better suited for semantic segmentation than the
commonly used color affinity functions.
Finally, we introduce a new global energy that decomposes semantic segmentation into multiple binary
problems and relaxes the integrality constraint. We
show that minimizing our proposed energy yields better qualitative and quantitative results relative to traditional globalization models such as MRFs or CRFs. | 1511.02674 | Semantic Segmentation with Boundary Neural Fields | The state-of-the-art in semantic segmentation is currently represented by
fully convolutional networks (FCNs). However, FCNs use large receptive fields
and many pooling layers, both of which cause blurring and low spatial
resolution in the deep layers. As a result FCNs tend to produce segmentations
that are poorly localized around object boundaries. Prior work has attempted to
address this issue in post-processing steps, for example using a color-based
CRF on top of the FCN predictions. However, these approaches require additional
parameters and low-level features that are difficult to tune and integrate into
the original network architecture. Additionally, most CRFs use color-based
pixel affinities, which are not well suited for semantic segmentation and lead
to spatially disjoint predictions.
To overcome these problems, we introduce a Boundary Neural Field (BNF), which
is a global energy model integrating FCN predictions with boundary cues. The
boundary information is used to enhance semantic segment coherence and to
improve object localization. Specifically, we first show that the convolutional
filters of semantic FCNs provide good features for boundary detection. We then
employ the predicted boundaries to define pairwise potentials in our energy.
Finally, we show that our energy decomposes semantic segmentation into multiple
binary problems, which can be relaxed for efficient global optimization. We
report extensive experiments demonstrating that minimization of our global
boundary-based energy yields results superior to prior globalization methods,
both quantitatively as well as qualitatively. | | [
"Gedas Bertasius",
"Jianbo Shi",
"Lorenzo Torresani"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.CV | 20151109 | 20160524 | [
"id": "1412.1123",
"title": "3. DeepEdge: A Multi-Scale Bifurcated Deep Network for Top-Down Contour Detection",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
"id": "1504.06201",
"title": "4. High-for-Low and Low-for-High: Efficient Boundary Detection from Deep Object Features and its Applications to High-Level Vision",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
] |
1511.02674 | 5 | problems and relaxes the integrality constraint. We
show that minimizing our proposed energy yields better qualitative and quantitative results relative to traditional globalization models such as MRFs or CRFs.
2. Related Work
Boundary Detection. Spectral methods comprise one
of the most prominent categories for boundary detection.
In a typical spectral framework, one formulates a generalized eigenvalue system to solve a low-level pixel groupingproblem. The resulting eigenvectors are then used to predict the boundaries. Some of the most notable approaches
in this genre are MCG [2], gPb [1], PMI [17], and Normalized Cuts [29]. A weakness of spectral approaches is that
they tend to be slow as they perform a global inference over
the entire image.
To address this issue, recent approaches cast boundary
detection as a classification problem and predict the boundaries in a local manner with high efficiency. The most notable examples in this genre include sketch tokens (ST) [20]
and structured edges (SE) [9], which employ fast random
forests. However, many of these methods are based on
hand-constructed features, which are difficult to tune. | 1511.02674 | Semantic Segmentation with Boundary Neural Fields | The state-of-the-art in semantic segmentation is currently represented by
fully convolutional networks (FCNs). However, FCNs use large receptive fields
and many pooling layers, both of which cause blurring and low spatial
resolution in the deep layers. As a result FCNs tend to produce segmentations
that are poorly localized around object boundaries. Prior work has attempted to
address this issue in post-processing steps, for example using a color-based
CRF on top of the FCN predictions. However, these approaches require additional
parameters and low-level features that are difficult to tune and integrate into
the original network architecture. Additionally, most CRFs use color-based
pixel affinities, which are not well suited for semantic segmentation and lead
to spatially disjoint predictions.
To overcome these problems, we introduce a Boundary Neural Field (BNF), which
is a global energy model integrating FCN predictions with boundary cues. The
boundary information is used to enhance semantic segment coherence and to
improve object localization. Specifically, we first show that the convolutional
filters of semantic FCNs provide good features for boundary detection. We then
employ the predicted boundaries to define pairwise potentials in our energy.
Finally, we show that our energy decomposes semantic segmentation into multiple
binary problems, which can be relaxed for efficient global optimization. We
report extensive experiments demonstrating that minimization of our global
boundary-based energy yields results superior to prior globalization methods,
both quantitatively as well as qualitatively. | | [
"Gedas Bertasius",
"Jianbo Shi",
"Lorenzo Torresani"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.CV | 20151109 | 20160524 | [
"id": "1412.1123",
"title": "3. DeepEdge: A Multi-Scale Bifurcated Deep Network for Top-Down Contour Detection",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
"id": "1504.06201",
"title": "4. High-for-Low and Low-for-High: Efficient Boundary Detection from Deep Object Features and its Applications to High-Level Vision",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
] |
1511.02674 | 6 | forests. However, many of these methods are based on
hand-constructed features, which are difficult to tune.
The issue of hand-constructed features have been recently addressed by several approaches based on deep learning, such as N4fields [11], DeepNet [18], DeepContour [27], DeepEdge [3], H FL [4] and HED [33]. All of
these methods use CNNs in some way to predict the boundaries. Whereas DeepNet and DeepContour optimize ordinary CNNs to a boundary based optimization criterion from
scratch, DeepEdge and H FL employ pretrained models to
compute boundaries. The most recent of these methods is
HED [33], which shows the benefit of deeply supervised
learning for boundary detection.
In comparison to prior deep learning approaches, our
method offers several contributions. First, we exploit the inherent relationship between boundary detection and semantic segmentation to predict semantic boundaries. Specifically, we show that even though the semantic FCN has
not been explicitly trained to predict boundaries, the convolutional filters inside the FCN provide good features for
boundary detection. Additionally, unlike DeepEdge [3] and
HFL [4], our method does not require a pre-processing step
to select candidate contour points, as we predict boundaries | 1511.02674 | Semantic Segmentation with Boundary Neural Fields | The state-of-the-art in semantic segmentation is currently represented by
fully convolutional networks (FCNs). However, FCNs use large receptive fields
and many pooling layers, both of which cause blurring and low spatial
resolution in the deep layers. As a result FCNs tend to produce segmentations
that are poorly localized around object boundaries. Prior work has attempted to
address this issue in post-processing steps, for example using a color-based
CRF on top of the FCN predictions. However, these approaches require additional
parameters and low-level features that are difficult to tune and integrate into
the original network architecture. Additionally, most CRFs use color-based
pixel affinities, which are not well suited for semantic segmentation and lead
to spatially disjoint predictions.
To overcome these problems, we introduce a Boundary Neural Field (BNF), which
is a global energy model integrating FCN predictions with boundary cues. The
boundary information is used to enhance semantic segment coherence and to
improve object localization. Specifically, we first show that the convolutional
filters of semantic FCNs provide good features for boundary detection. We then
employ the predicted boundaries to define pairwise potentials in our energy.
Finally, we show that our energy decomposes semantic segmentation into multiple
binary problems, which can be relaxed for efficient global optimization. We
report extensive experiments demonstrating that minimization of our global
boundary-based energy yields results superior to prior globalization methods,
both quantitatively as well as qualitatively. | | [
"Gedas Bertasius",
"Jianbo Shi",
"Lorenzo Torresani"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.CV | 20151109 | 20160524 | [
"id": "1412.1123",
"title": "3. DeepEdge: A Multi-Scale Bifurcated Deep Network for Top-Down Contour Detection",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
"id": "1504.06201",
"title": "4. High-for-Low and Low-for-High: Efficient Boundary Detection from Deep Object Features and its Applications to High-Level Vision",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
] |
1511.02674 | 7 | HFL [4], our method does not require a pre-processing step
to select candidate contour points, as we predict boundaries
on all pixels in the image. We demonstrate that our approach allows us to achieve state-of-the-art boundary detection results according to both F-score and Average Precision metrics. Additionally, due to the semantic nature of
our boundaries, we can successfully use them as pairwise
potentials for semantic segmentation in order to improve
object localization and recover fine structural details, typically lost by pure FCN-based approaches.
Semantic Segmentation. We can group most semantic segmentation methods into three broad categories. The
first category can be described as “two-stage” approaches,
where an image is first segmented and then each segment
is classified as belonging to a certain object class. Some
of the most notable methods that belong to this genre include [24, 6, 12, 14].
The primary weakness of the above methods is that they
are unable to recover from errors made by the segmentation
algorithm. Several recent papers [15, 10] address this issue
by proposing to use deep per-pixel CNN features and then
classify each pixel as belonging to a certain class. While
these approaches partially address the incorrect segmentation problem, they perform predictions independently on | 1511.02674 | Semantic Segmentation with Boundary Neural Fields | The state-of-the-art in semantic segmentation is currently represented by
fully convolutional networks (FCNs). However, FCNs use large receptive fields
and many pooling layers, both of which cause blurring and low spatial
resolution in the deep layers. As a result FCNs tend to produce segmentations
that are poorly localized around object boundaries. Prior work has attempted to
address this issue in post-processing steps, for example using a color-based
CRF on top of the FCN predictions. However, these approaches require additional
parameters and low-level features that are difficult to tune and integrate into
the original network architecture. Additionally, most CRFs use color-based
pixel affinities, which are not well suited for semantic segmentation and lead
to spatially disjoint predictions.
To overcome these problems, we introduce a Boundary Neural Field (BNF), which
is a global energy model integrating FCN predictions with boundary cues. The
boundary information is used to enhance semantic segment coherence and to
improve object localization. Specifically, we first show that the convolutional
filters of semantic FCNs provide good features for boundary detection. We then
employ the predicted boundaries to define pairwise potentials in our energy.
Finally, we show that our energy decomposes semantic segmentation into multiple
binary problems, which can be relaxed for efficient global optimization. We
report extensive experiments demonstrating that minimization of our global
boundary-based energy yields results superior to prior globalization methods,
both quantitatively as well as qualitatively. | | [
"Gedas Bertasius",
"Jianbo Shi",
"Lorenzo Torresani"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.CV | 20151109 | 20160524 | [
"id": "1412.1123",
"title": "3. DeepEdge: A Multi-Scale Bifurcated Deep Network for Top-Down Contour Detection",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
"id": "1504.06201",
"title": "4. High-for-Low and Low-for-High: Efficient Boundary Detection from Deep Object Features and its Applications to High-Level Vision",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
] |
1511.02674 | 8 | classify each pixel as belonging to a certain class. While
these approaches partially address the incorrect segmentation problem, they perform predictions independently on
each pixel. This leads to extremely local predictions, where
the relationships between pixels are not exploited in any
way, and thus the resulting segmentations may be spatially
The third and final group of semantic segmentation
methods can be viewed as front-to-end schemes where segmentation maps are predicted directly from raw pixels without any intermediate steps. One of the earliest examples of
such methods is the FCN introduced in [22]. This approach
gave rise to a number of subsequent related approaches
which have improved various aspects of the original semantic segmentation [7, 34, 8, 16, 21]. There have also been attempts at integrating the CRF mechanism into the network
architecture [7, 34]. Finally, it has been shown that semantic
segmentation can also be improved using additional training
data in the form of bounding boxes [8].
Our BNF offers several contributions over prior work. To
the best of our knowledge, we are the first to present a model
that exploits the relationship between boundary detection
and semantic segmentation within a FCN framework . We
introduce pairwise pixel affinities computed from semantic boundaries inside an FCN, and use these boundaries to | 1511.02674 | Semantic Segmentation with Boundary Neural Fields | The state-of-the-art in semantic segmentation is currently represented by
fully convolutional networks (FCNs). However, FCNs use large receptive fields
and many pooling layers, both of which cause blurring and low spatial
resolution in the deep layers. As a result FCNs tend to produce segmentations
that are poorly localized around object boundaries. Prior work has attempted to
address this issue in post-processing steps, for example using a color-based
CRF on top of the FCN predictions. However, these approaches require additional
parameters and low-level features that are difficult to tune and integrate into
the original network architecture. Additionally, most CRFs use color-based
pixel affinities, which are not well suited for semantic segmentation and lead
to spatially disjoint predictions.
To overcome these problems, we introduce a Boundary Neural Field (BNF), which
is a global energy model integrating FCN predictions with boundary cues. The
boundary information is used to enhance semantic segment coherence and to
improve object localization. Specifically, we first show that the convolutional
filters of semantic FCNs provide good features for boundary detection. We then
employ the predicted boundaries to define pairwise potentials in our energy.
Finally, we show that our energy decomposes semantic segmentation into multiple
binary problems, which can be relaxed for efficient global optimization. We
report extensive experiments demonstrating that minimization of our global
boundary-based energy yields results superior to prior globalization methods,
both quantitatively as well as qualitatively. | | [
"Gedas Bertasius",
"Jianbo Shi",
"Lorenzo Torresani"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.CV | 20151109 | 20160524 | [
"id": "1412.1123",
"title": "3. DeepEdge: A Multi-Scale Bifurcated Deep Network for Top-Down Contour Detection",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
"id": "1504.06201",
"title": "4. High-for-Low and Low-for-High: Efficient Boundary Detection from Deep Object Features and its Applications to High-Level Vision",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
] |
1511.02674 | 9 | and semantic segmentation within a FCN framework . We
introduce pairwise pixel affinities computed from semantic boundaries inside an FCN, and use these boundaries to
predict the segmentations in a global fashion. Unlike [21],
which requires a large number of additional parameters to
learn for the pairwise potentials, our global model only
needs5Kextra parameters, which is about 3orders of
magnitudes less than the number of parameters in a typical deep convolutional network (e.g. VGG [30]). We empirically show that our proposed boundary-based affinities
are better suited for semantic segmentation than color-based
affinities. Additionally, unlike in [7, 34, 21], the solution to
our proposed global energy can be obtained in closed-form,
which makes global inference easier. Finally we demonstrate that our method produces better results than traditional globalization models such as CRFs or MRFs.
3. Boundary Neural Fields
In this section, we describe Boundary Neural Fields.
Similarly to traditional globalization methods, Boundary
Neural Fields are defined by an energy including unary
and pairwise potentials. Minimization of the global energy yields the semantic segmentation. BNFs build both
unary and pairwise potentials from the input RGB image | 1511.02674 | Semantic Segmentation with Boundary Neural Fields | The state-of-the-art in semantic segmentation is currently represented by
fully convolutional networks (FCNs). However, FCNs use large receptive fields
and many pooling layers, both of which cause blurring and low spatial
resolution in the deep layers. As a result FCNs tend to produce segmentations
that are poorly localized around object boundaries. Prior work has attempted to
address this issue in post-processing steps, for example using a color-based
CRF on top of the FCN predictions. However, these approaches require additional
parameters and low-level features that are difficult to tune and integrate into
the original network architecture. Additionally, most CRFs use color-based
pixel affinities, which are not well suited for semantic segmentation and lead
to spatially disjoint predictions.
To overcome these problems, we introduce a Boundary Neural Field (BNF), which
is a global energy model integrating FCN predictions with boundary cues. The
boundary information is used to enhance semantic segment coherence and to
improve object localization. Specifically, we first show that the convolutional
filters of semantic FCNs provide good features for boundary detection. We then
employ the predicted boundaries to define pairwise potentials in our energy.
Finally, we show that our energy decomposes semantic segmentation into multiple
binary problems, which can be relaxed for efficient global optimization. We
report extensive experiments demonstrating that minimization of our global
boundary-based energy yields results superior to prior globalization methods,
both quantitatively as well as qualitatively. | | [
"Gedas Bertasius",
"Jianbo Shi",
"Lorenzo Torresani"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.CV | 20151109 | 20160524 | [
"id": "1412.1123",
"title": "3. DeepEdge: A Multi-Scale Bifurcated Deep Network for Top-Down Contour Detection",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
"id": "1504.06201",
"title": "4. High-for-Low and Low-for-High: Efficient Boundary Detection from Deep Object Features and its Applications to High-Level Vision",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
] |
1511.02674 | 10 | and pairwise potentials. Minimization of the global energy yields the semantic segmentation. BNFs build both
unary and pairwise potentials from the input RGB image
and then combine them in a global manner. More precisely,
the coarse segmentations predicted by a semantic FCN are
used to define the unary potentials of our BNF. Next, we
show that the convolutional feature maps of the FCN can
be used to accurately predict semantic boundaries. These
boundaries are then used to build pairwise pixel affinities,
which are used as pairwise potentials by the BNF. Finally,we introduce a global energy function, which minimizes the
energy corresponding to the unary and pairwise terms and
improves the initial FCN segmentation. The detailed illustration of our architecture is presented in Figure 2. We now
explain each of these steps in more detail.
3.1. FCN Unary Potentials
To predict semantic unary potentials we employ the
DeepLab model [7], which is a fully convolutional adaptation of the VGG network [30]. The FCN consists of 16convolutional layers and 3fully convolutional layers. There are
more recent FCN-based methods that have demonstrated
even better semantic segmentation results [8, 34, 16, 21]. | 1511.02674 | Semantic Segmentation with Boundary Neural Fields | The state-of-the-art in semantic segmentation is currently represented by
fully convolutional networks (FCNs). However, FCNs use large receptive fields
and many pooling layers, both of which cause blurring and low spatial
resolution in the deep layers. As a result FCNs tend to produce segmentations
that are poorly localized around object boundaries. Prior work has attempted to
address this issue in post-processing steps, for example using a color-based
CRF on top of the FCN predictions. However, these approaches require additional
parameters and low-level features that are difficult to tune and integrate into
the original network architecture. Additionally, most CRFs use color-based
pixel affinities, which are not well suited for semantic segmentation and lead
to spatially disjoint predictions.
To overcome these problems, we introduce a Boundary Neural Field (BNF), which
is a global energy model integrating FCN predictions with boundary cues. The
boundary information is used to enhance semantic segment coherence and to
improve object localization. Specifically, we first show that the convolutional
filters of semantic FCNs provide good features for boundary detection. We then
employ the predicted boundaries to define pairwise potentials in our energy.
Finally, we show that our energy decomposes semantic segmentation into multiple
binary problems, which can be relaxed for efficient global optimization. We
report extensive experiments demonstrating that minimization of our global
boundary-based energy yields results superior to prior globalization methods,
both quantitatively as well as qualitatively. | | [
"Gedas Bertasius",
"Jianbo Shi",
"Lorenzo Torresani"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.CV | 20151109 | 20160524 | [
"id": "1412.1123",
"title": "3. DeepEdge: A Multi-Scale Bifurcated Deep Network for Top-Down Contour Detection",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
"id": "1504.06201",
"title": "4. High-for-Low and Low-for-High: Efficient Boundary Detection from Deep Object Features and its Applications to High-Level Vision",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
] |
1511.02674 | 11 | more recent FCN-based methods that have demonstrated
even better semantic segmentation results [8, 34, 16, 21].
Although these more advanced architectures could be integrated into our framework to improve our unary potentials, in this work we focus on two aspects orthogonal to
this prior work: 1) demonstrating that our boundary-based
affinity function is better suited for semantic segmentation
than the common color-based affinities and 2) showing that
our proposed global energy achieves better qualitative and
quantitative semantic segmentation results in comparison to
prior globalization models.
3.2. Boundary Pairwise Potentials
In this section, we describe our approach for building
pairwise pixel affinities using semantic boundaries. The basic idea behind our boundary detection approach is to express semantic boundaries as a function of convolutional
feature maps inside the FCN. Due to the close relationship
between the tasks of semantic segmentation and boundary
detection, we hypothesize that convolutional feature maps
from the semantic segmentation FCN can be employed as
features for boundary detection.
3.2.1 Learning to Predict Semantic Boundaries.
We propose to express semantic boundaries as a linear combination of interpolated FCN feature maps with a non-linear
function applied on top of this sum. We note that interpolation of feature maps has been successfully used in prior | 1511.02674 | Semantic Segmentation with Boundary Neural Fields | The state-of-the-art in semantic segmentation is currently represented by
fully convolutional networks (FCNs). However, FCNs use large receptive fields
and many pooling layers, both of which cause blurring and low spatial
resolution in the deep layers. As a result FCNs tend to produce segmentations
that are poorly localized around object boundaries. Prior work has attempted to
address this issue in post-processing steps, for example using a color-based
CRF on top of the FCN predictions. However, these approaches require additional
parameters and low-level features that are difficult to tune and integrate into
the original network architecture. Additionally, most CRFs use color-based
pixel affinities, which are not well suited for semantic segmentation and lead
to spatially disjoint predictions.
To overcome these problems, we introduce a Boundary Neural Field (BNF), which
is a global energy model integrating FCN predictions with boundary cues. The
boundary information is used to enhance semantic segment coherence and to
improve object localization. Specifically, we first show that the convolutional
filters of semantic FCNs provide good features for boundary detection. We then
employ the predicted boundaries to define pairwise potentials in our energy.
Finally, we show that our energy decomposes semantic segmentation into multiple
binary problems, which can be relaxed for efficient global optimization. We
report extensive experiments demonstrating that minimization of our global
boundary-based energy yields results superior to prior globalization methods,
both quantitatively as well as qualitatively. | | [
"Gedas Bertasius",
"Jianbo Shi",
"Lorenzo Torresani"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.CV | 20151109 | 20160524 | [
"id": "1412.1123",
"title": "3. DeepEdge: A Multi-Scale Bifurcated Deep Network for Top-Down Contour Detection",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
"id": "1504.06201",
"title": "4. High-for-Low and Low-for-High: Efficient Boundary Detection from Deep Object Features and its Applications to High-Level Vision",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
] |
1511.02674 | 12 | function applied on top of this sum. We note that interpolation of feature maps has been successfully used in prior
work (see e.g. [15]) in order to obtain dense pixel-level features from the low-resolution outputs of deep convolutional
layers. Here we adopt interpolation to produce pixel-level
boundary predictions. There are several advantages to our
proposed formulation. First, because we express boundaries
as a linear combination of feature maps, we only need to
learn a small number of parameters, corresponding to the
individual weight values of each feature map in the FCN.
This amounts to5Klearning parameters, which is much
smaller than the number of parameters in the entire network
(15M). In comparison, DeepEdge [3] and HFL [4] need
17M and 6M additional parameters to predict boundaries.
Furthermore, expressing semantic boundaries as a linear
combination of FCN feature maps allows us to efficiently
predict boundary probabilities for all pixels in the image
(we resize the FCN feature maps to the original image dimensions). This eliminates the need to select candidate
boundary points in a pre-processing stage, which was instead required in prior boundary detection work [3, 4].
Our boundary prediction pipeline can be described as | 1511.02674 | Semantic Segmentation with Boundary Neural Fields | The state-of-the-art in semantic segmentation is currently represented by
fully convolutional networks (FCNs). However, FCNs use large receptive fields
and many pooling layers, both of which cause blurring and low spatial
resolution in the deep layers. As a result FCNs tend to produce segmentations
that are poorly localized around object boundaries. Prior work has attempted to
address this issue in post-processing steps, for example using a color-based
CRF on top of the FCN predictions. However, these approaches require additional
parameters and low-level features that are difficult to tune and integrate into
the original network architecture. Additionally, most CRFs use color-based
pixel affinities, which are not well suited for semantic segmentation and lead
to spatially disjoint predictions.
To overcome these problems, we introduce a Boundary Neural Field (BNF), which
is a global energy model integrating FCN predictions with boundary cues. The
boundary information is used to enhance semantic segment coherence and to
improve object localization. Specifically, we first show that the convolutional
filters of semantic FCNs provide good features for boundary detection. We then
employ the predicted boundaries to define pairwise potentials in our energy.
Finally, we show that our energy decomposes semantic segmentation into multiple
binary problems, which can be relaxed for efficient global optimization. We
report extensive experiments demonstrating that minimization of our global
boundary-based energy yields results superior to prior globalization methods,
both quantitatively as well as qualitatively. | | [
"Gedas Bertasius",
"Jianbo Shi",
"Lorenzo Torresani"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.CV | 20151109 | 20160524 | [
"id": "1412.1123",
"title": "3. DeepEdge: A Multi-Scale Bifurcated Deep Network for Top-Down Contour Detection",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
"id": "1504.06201",
"title": "4. High-for-Low and Low-for-High: Efficient Boundary Detection from Deep Object Features and its Applications to High-Level Vision",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
] |
1511.02674 | 13 | boundary points in a pre-processing stage, which was instead required in prior boundary detection work [3, 4].
Our boundary prediction pipeline can be described as
follows. First we use use SBD segmentations [13] to optimize our FCN for semantic segmentation task. We then
treat FCN convolutional maps as features for the boundary detection task and use the boundary annotations from
BSDS 500 dataset [23] to learn the weights for each feature
map. BSDS 500 dataset contains 200training, 100validation, 200testing images, and ground truth annotations by 5
human labelers for each of these images.
To learn the weights corresponding to each convolutional
feature map we first sample 80Kpoints from the dataset.
We define the target labels for each point as the fraction of
human annotators agreeing on that point being a boundary.
To fix the issue of label imbalance (there are many more
non-boundaries than boundaries), we divide the label space
into four quartiles, and select an equal number of samples
for each quartile to balance the training dataset. Given these
sampled points, we then define our features as the values in
the interpolated convolutional feature maps corresponding
to these points. To predict semantic boundaries we weigh
each convolutional feature map by its weight, sum them up | 1511.02674 | Semantic Segmentation with Boundary Neural Fields | The state-of-the-art in semantic segmentation is currently represented by
fully convolutional networks (FCNs). However, FCNs use large receptive fields
and many pooling layers, both of which cause blurring and low spatial
resolution in the deep layers. As a result FCNs tend to produce segmentations
that are poorly localized around object boundaries. Prior work has attempted to
address this issue in post-processing steps, for example using a color-based
CRF on top of the FCN predictions. However, these approaches require additional
parameters and low-level features that are difficult to tune and integrate into
the original network architecture. Additionally, most CRFs use color-based
pixel affinities, which are not well suited for semantic segmentation and lead
to spatially disjoint predictions.
To overcome these problems, we introduce a Boundary Neural Field (BNF), which
is a global energy model integrating FCN predictions with boundary cues. The
boundary information is used to enhance semantic segment coherence and to
improve object localization. Specifically, we first show that the convolutional
filters of semantic FCNs provide good features for boundary detection. We then
employ the predicted boundaries to define pairwise potentials in our energy.
Finally, we show that our energy decomposes semantic segmentation into multiple
binary problems, which can be relaxed for efficient global optimization. We
report extensive experiments demonstrating that minimization of our global
boundary-based energy yields results superior to prior globalization methods,
both quantitatively as well as qualitatively. | | [
"Gedas Bertasius",
"Jianbo Shi",
"Lorenzo Torresani"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.CV | 20151109 | 20160524 | [
"id": "1412.1123",
"title": "3. DeepEdge: A Multi-Scale Bifurcated Deep Network for Top-Down Contour Detection",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
"id": "1504.06201",
"title": "4. High-for-Low and Low-for-High: Efficient Boundary Detection from Deep Object Features and its Applications to High-Level Vision",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
] |
1511.02674 | 14 | the interpolated convolutional feature maps corresponding
to these points. To predict semantic boundaries we weigh
each convolutional feature map by its weight, sum them up
and apply a sigmoid function on top of it. We obtain the
weights corresponding to each convolutional feature map by
minimizing the cross-entropy loss using a stochastic batch
gradient descent for 50epochs. To obtain crisper boundaries at test-time we post-process the boundary probabilities
using non-maximum suppression.
To give some intuition on how FCN feature maps contribute to boundary detection, in Fig. 3 we visualize the feature maps corresponding to the highest weight magnitudes.
It is clear that many of these maps contain highly localized
boundary information.
Boundary Detection Results Before discussing how
boundary information is integrated in our energy for semantic segmentation, here we present experimental results assessing the accuracy of our boundary detection scheme. We
tested our boundary detector on the BSDS500 dataset [23],
which is the standard benchmark for boundary detection.
The quality of the predicted boundaries is evaluated using
three standard measures: fixed contour threshold (ODS),
per-image best threshold (OIS), and average precision (AP).
In Table 1 we show that our algorithm outperforms all
prior methods according to both F-score measures and the | 1511.02674 | Semantic Segmentation with Boundary Neural Fields | The state-of-the-art in semantic segmentation is currently represented by
fully convolutional networks (FCNs). However, FCNs use large receptive fields
and many pooling layers, both of which cause blurring and low spatial
resolution in the deep layers. As a result FCNs tend to produce segmentations
that are poorly localized around object boundaries. Prior work has attempted to
address this issue in post-processing steps, for example using a color-based
CRF on top of the FCN predictions. However, these approaches require additional
parameters and low-level features that are difficult to tune and integrate into
the original network architecture. Additionally, most CRFs use color-based
pixel affinities, which are not well suited for semantic segmentation and lead
to spatially disjoint predictions.
To overcome these problems, we introduce a Boundary Neural Field (BNF), which
is a global energy model integrating FCN predictions with boundary cues. The
boundary information is used to enhance semantic segment coherence and to
improve object localization. Specifically, we first show that the convolutional
filters of semantic FCNs provide good features for boundary detection. We then
employ the predicted boundaries to define pairwise potentials in our energy.
Finally, we show that our energy decomposes semantic segmentation into multiple
binary problems, which can be relaxed for efficient global optimization. We
report extensive experiments demonstrating that minimization of our global
boundary-based energy yields results superior to prior globalization methods,
both quantitatively as well as qualitatively. | | [
"Gedas Bertasius",
"Jianbo Shi",
"Lorenzo Torresani"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.CV | 20151109 | 20160524 | [
"id": "1412.1123",
"title": "3. DeepEdge: A Multi-Scale Bifurcated Deep Network for Top-Down Contour Detection",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
"id": "1504.06201",
"title": "4. High-for-Low and Low-for-High: Efficient Boundary Detection from Deep Object Features and its Applications to High-Level Vision",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
] |
1511.02674 | 15 | per-image best threshold (OIS), and average precision (AP).
In Table 1 we show that our algorithm outperforms all
prior methods according to both F-score measures and the
Average Precision metric. In Fig. 4, we also visualize our
predicted boundaries. The second column shows the pixellevel softmax output computed from the linear combination of feature maps, while the third column depicts our fiFigure 3: An input image and convolutional feature maps
corresponding to the largest weight magnitude values. Intuitively these are the feature maps that contribute most heavily to the task of boundary detection.
SCG [25] 0.739 0.758 0.773
SE [9] 0.746 0.767 0.803
MCG [2] 0.747 0.779 0.759
N4-fields [11] 0.753 0.769 0.784
DeepEdge [3] 0.753 0.772 0.807
DeepContour [27] 0.756 0.773 0.797
HFL [4] 0.767 0.788 0.795
HED [33] 0.782 0.804 0.833
BNF 0.788 0.807 0.851 | 1511.02674 | Semantic Segmentation with Boundary Neural Fields | The state-of-the-art in semantic segmentation is currently represented by
fully convolutional networks (FCNs). However, FCNs use large receptive fields
and many pooling layers, both of which cause blurring and low spatial
resolution in the deep layers. As a result FCNs tend to produce segmentations
that are poorly localized around object boundaries. Prior work has attempted to
address this issue in post-processing steps, for example using a color-based
CRF on top of the FCN predictions. However, these approaches require additional
parameters and low-level features that are difficult to tune and integrate into
the original network architecture. Additionally, most CRFs use color-based
pixel affinities, which are not well suited for semantic segmentation and lead
to spatially disjoint predictions.
To overcome these problems, we introduce a Boundary Neural Field (BNF), which
is a global energy model integrating FCN predictions with boundary cues. The
boundary information is used to enhance semantic segment coherence and to
improve object localization. Specifically, we first show that the convolutional
filters of semantic FCNs provide good features for boundary detection. We then
employ the predicted boundaries to define pairwise potentials in our energy.
Finally, we show that our energy decomposes semantic segmentation into multiple
binary problems, which can be relaxed for efficient global optimization. We
report extensive experiments demonstrating that minimization of our global
boundary-based energy yields results superior to prior globalization methods,
both quantitatively as well as qualitatively. | | [
"Gedas Bertasius",
"Jianbo Shi",
"Lorenzo Torresani"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.CV | 20151109 | 20160524 | [
"id": "1412.1123",
"title": "3. DeepEdge: A Multi-Scale Bifurcated Deep Network for Top-Down Contour Detection",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
"id": "1504.06201",
"title": "4. High-for-Low and Low-for-High: Efficient Boundary Detection from Deep Object Features and its Applications to High-Level Vision",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
] |
1511.02674 | 16 | HED [33] 0.782 0.804 0.833
BNF 0.788 0.807 0.851
Table 1: Boundary detection results on BSDS500 benchmark. Our proposed method outperforms all prior algorithms according to all three evaluation metrics.
nal boundaries after applying a non-maximum suppression
post-processing step.
We note that our predicted boundaries achieve highconfidence predictions around objects. This is important as
we employ these boundaries to improve semantic segmentation results, as discussed in the next subsection.
3.2.2 Constructing Pairwise Pixel Affinities.
We can use the predicted boundaries to build pairwise pixel
affinities. Intuitively, we declare two pixels as similar (i.e.,
likely to belong to the same segment) if there is no boundary crossing the straight path between these two pixels.
Conversely, two pixels are dissimilar if there is a boundary crossing their connecting path. The larger the boundary
magnitude of the crossed path, the more dissimilar the two
pixels should be, since a strong boundary is likely to mark
the separation of two distinct segments. Similarly to [1], we
encode this intuition with a following formulation:
ij= exp ( Mij
sb) (1) | 1511.02674 | Semantic Segmentation with Boundary Neural Fields | The state-of-the-art in semantic segmentation is currently represented by
fully convolutional networks (FCNs). However, FCNs use large receptive fields
and many pooling layers, both of which cause blurring and low spatial
resolution in the deep layers. As a result FCNs tend to produce segmentations
that are poorly localized around object boundaries. Prior work has attempted to
address this issue in post-processing steps, for example using a color-based
CRF on top of the FCN predictions. However, these approaches require additional
parameters and low-level features that are difficult to tune and integrate into
the original network architecture. Additionally, most CRFs use color-based
pixel affinities, which are not well suited for semantic segmentation and lead
to spatially disjoint predictions.
To overcome these problems, we introduce a Boundary Neural Field (BNF), which
is a global energy model integrating FCN predictions with boundary cues. The
boundary information is used to enhance semantic segment coherence and to
improve object localization. Specifically, we first show that the convolutional
filters of semantic FCNs provide good features for boundary detection. We then
employ the predicted boundaries to define pairwise potentials in our energy.
Finally, we show that our energy decomposes semantic segmentation into multiple
binary problems, which can be relaxed for efficient global optimization. We
report extensive experiments demonstrating that minimization of our global
boundary-based energy yields results superior to prior globalization methods,
both quantitatively as well as qualitatively. | | [
"Gedas Bertasius",
"Jianbo Shi",
"Lorenzo Torresani"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.CV | 20151109 | 20160524 | [
"id": "1412.1123",
"title": "3. DeepEdge: A Multi-Scale Bifurcated Deep Network for Top-Down Contour Detection",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
"id": "1504.06201",
"title": "4. High-for-Low and Low-for-High: Efficient Boundary Detection from Deep Object Features and its Applications to High-Level Vision",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
] |
1511.02674 | 17 | encode this intuition with a following formulation:
ij= exp ( Mij
sb) (1)
Figure 4: A figure illustrating our boundary detection results. In the second column, we visualize the raw probability output of our boundary detector. In the third column,
we present the final boundary maps after non-maximum
suppression. While most prior methods predict the boundaries where the sharpest change in color occurs, our method
captures semantic object-level boundaries, which we subsequently use to aid semantic segmentation.
whereMijdenotes the maximum boundary value that
crosses the straight line path between pixels iandj,sbdepicts the smoothing parameter and wsb
ijdenotes the semantic
boundary-based affinity between pixels iandj.
Similarly, we want to exploit high-level object information in the network to define another type of pixel similarity.
Specifically, we use object class probabilities from the softmax (SM) layer to achieve this goal. Intuitively, if pixels i
andjhave different hard segmentation labels from the softmax layer, we set their similarity ( wsm
ij) to0. Otherwise,
we compute their similarity using the following equation:
ij= exp ( Dij
sm) (2) | 1511.02674 | Semantic Segmentation with Boundary Neural Fields | The state-of-the-art in semantic segmentation is currently represented by
fully convolutional networks (FCNs). However, FCNs use large receptive fields
and many pooling layers, both of which cause blurring and low spatial
resolution in the deep layers. As a result FCNs tend to produce segmentations
that are poorly localized around object boundaries. Prior work has attempted to
address this issue in post-processing steps, for example using a color-based
CRF on top of the FCN predictions. However, these approaches require additional
parameters and low-level features that are difficult to tune and integrate into
the original network architecture. Additionally, most CRFs use color-based
pixel affinities, which are not well suited for semantic segmentation and lead
to spatially disjoint predictions.
To overcome these problems, we introduce a Boundary Neural Field (BNF), which
is a global energy model integrating FCN predictions with boundary cues. The
boundary information is used to enhance semantic segment coherence and to
improve object localization. Specifically, we first show that the convolutional
filters of semantic FCNs provide good features for boundary detection. We then
employ the predicted boundaries to define pairwise potentials in our energy.
Finally, we show that our energy decomposes semantic segmentation into multiple
binary problems, which can be relaxed for efficient global optimization. We
report extensive experiments demonstrating that minimization of our global
boundary-based energy yields results superior to prior globalization methods,
both quantitatively as well as qualitatively. | | [
"Gedas Bertasius",
"Jianbo Shi",
"Lorenzo Torresani"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.CV | 20151109 | 20160524 | [
"id": "1412.1123",
"title": "3. DeepEdge: A Multi-Scale Bifurcated Deep Network for Top-Down Contour Detection",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
"id": "1504.06201",
"title": "4. High-for-Low and Low-for-High: Efficient Boundary Detection from Deep Object Features and its Applications to High-Level Vision",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
] |
1511.02674 | 18 | ij) to0. Otherwise,
we compute their similarity using the following equation:
ij= exp ( Dij
sm) (2)
whereDijdenotes the difference in softmax output values corresponding to the most likely object class for pixels
iandj, andsmis a smoothing parameter. Then we can
write the final affinity measure as:
wij= exp (wsm
ij (3)
We exponentiate the term corresponding to the objectlevel affinity because our boundary-based affinity may be
too aggressive in declaring two pixels as dissimilar. To address this issue, we increase the importance of the objectlevel affinity in (3) using the exponential function. However, in the experimental results section, we demonstrate
that most of the benefit from modeling pairwise potentials
comes from wsb
ijrather thanwsm
ij.We then use this pairwise pixel affinity measure to build
a global affinity matrix Wthat encodes relationships between pixels in the entire image. For a given pixel, we
sample10% of points in the neighborhood of radius 20
around that pixel, and store the resulting affinities into W. | 1511.02674 | Semantic Segmentation with Boundary Neural Fields | The state-of-the-art in semantic segmentation is currently represented by
fully convolutional networks (FCNs). However, FCNs use large receptive fields
and many pooling layers, both of which cause blurring and low spatial
resolution in the deep layers. As a result FCNs tend to produce segmentations
that are poorly localized around object boundaries. Prior work has attempted to
address this issue in post-processing steps, for example using a color-based
CRF on top of the FCN predictions. However, these approaches require additional
parameters and low-level features that are difficult to tune and integrate into
the original network architecture. Additionally, most CRFs use color-based
pixel affinities, which are not well suited for semantic segmentation and lead
to spatially disjoint predictions.
To overcome these problems, we introduce a Boundary Neural Field (BNF), which
is a global energy model integrating FCN predictions with boundary cues. The
boundary information is used to enhance semantic segment coherence and to
improve object localization. Specifically, we first show that the convolutional
filters of semantic FCNs provide good features for boundary detection. We then
employ the predicted boundaries to define pairwise potentials in our energy.
Finally, we show that our energy decomposes semantic segmentation into multiple
binary problems, which can be relaxed for efficient global optimization. We
report extensive experiments demonstrating that minimization of our global
boundary-based energy yields results superior to prior globalization methods,
both quantitatively as well as qualitatively. | | [
"Gedas Bertasius",
"Jianbo Shi",
"Lorenzo Torresani"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.CV | 20151109 | 20160524 | [
"id": "1412.1123",
"title": "3. DeepEdge: A Multi-Scale Bifurcated Deep Network for Top-Down Contour Detection",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
"id": "1504.06201",
"title": "4. High-for-Low and Low-for-High: Efficient Boundary Detection from Deep Object Features and its Applications to High-Level Vision",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
] |
1511.02674 | 19 | sample10% of points in the neighborhood of radius 20
around that pixel, and store the resulting affinities into W.
3.3. Global Inference
The last step in our proposed method is to combine semantic boundary information with the coarse segmentation
from the FCN softmax layer to produce an improved segmentation. We do this by introducing a global energy function that utilizes the affinity matrix constructed in the previous section along with the segmentation from the FCN
softmax layer. Using this energy, we perform a global inference to get segmentations that are well localized around the
object boundaries and that are also spatially smooth.
Typical globalization models such as MRFs [31],
CRFs [19] or Graph Cuts [5] produce a discrete label assignment for the segmentation problem by jointly modeling a multi-label distribution and solving a non-convex optimization. The common problem in doing so is that the
optimization procedure may get stuck in local optima.
We introduce a new global energy function, which overcomes this issue and achieves better segmentation in comparison to prior globalization models. Similarly to prior
globalization approaches, our goal is to minimize the energy
corresponding to the sum of unary and pairwise potentials.
However, the key difference in our approach comes from the | 1511.02674 | Semantic Segmentation with Boundary Neural Fields | The state-of-the-art in semantic segmentation is currently represented by
fully convolutional networks (FCNs). However, FCNs use large receptive fields
and many pooling layers, both of which cause blurring and low spatial
resolution in the deep layers. As a result FCNs tend to produce segmentations
that are poorly localized around object boundaries. Prior work has attempted to
address this issue in post-processing steps, for example using a color-based
CRF on top of the FCN predictions. However, these approaches require additional
parameters and low-level features that are difficult to tune and integrate into
the original network architecture. Additionally, most CRFs use color-based
pixel affinities, which are not well suited for semantic segmentation and lead
to spatially disjoint predictions.
To overcome these problems, we introduce a Boundary Neural Field (BNF), which
is a global energy model integrating FCN predictions with boundary cues. The
boundary information is used to enhance semantic segment coherence and to
improve object localization. Specifically, we first show that the convolutional
filters of semantic FCNs provide good features for boundary detection. We then
employ the predicted boundaries to define pairwise potentials in our energy.
Finally, we show that our energy decomposes semantic segmentation into multiple
binary problems, which can be relaxed for efficient global optimization. We
report extensive experiments demonstrating that minimization of our global
boundary-based energy yields results superior to prior globalization methods,
both quantitatively as well as qualitatively. | | [
"Gedas Bertasius",
"Jianbo Shi",
"Lorenzo Torresani"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.CV | 20151109 | 20160524 | [
"id": "1412.1123",
"title": "3. DeepEdge: A Multi-Scale Bifurcated Deep Network for Top-Down Contour Detection",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
"id": "1504.06201",
"title": "4. High-for-Low and Low-for-High: Efficient Boundary Detection from Deep Object Features and its Applications to High-Level Vision",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
] |
1511.02674 | 20 | globalization approaches, our goal is to minimize the energy
corresponding to the sum of unary and pairwise potentials.
However, the key difference in our approach comes from the
relaxation of some of the constraints. Specifically, instead
of modeling our problem as a joint multi-label distribution,
we propose to decompose it into multiple binary problems,
which can be solved concurrently. This decomposition can
be viewed as assigning pixels to foreground and background
labels for each of the different object classes. Additionally,
we relax the integrality constraint. Both of these relaxations
make our problem more manageable and allow us to formulate a global energy function that is differentiable, and has
a closed form solution.
In [35], the authors introduce the idea of learning
with global and local consistency in the context of semisupervised problems. Inspired by this work, we incorporate
some of these ideas in the context of semantic segmentation. Before defining our proposed global energy function,
we introduce some relevant notation.
For the purpose of illustration, suppose that we only have
two classes: foreground and background. Then we can denote an optimal continuous solution to such a segmentation
problem with variable z. To denote similarity between pixelsiandjwe usewij. Then,diindicates the degree of a | 1511.02674 | Semantic Segmentation with Boundary Neural Fields | The state-of-the-art in semantic segmentation is currently represented by
fully convolutional networks (FCNs). However, FCNs use large receptive fields
and many pooling layers, both of which cause blurring and low spatial
resolution in the deep layers. As a result FCNs tend to produce segmentations
that are poorly localized around object boundaries. Prior work has attempted to
address this issue in post-processing steps, for example using a color-based
CRF on top of the FCN predictions. However, these approaches require additional
parameters and low-level features that are difficult to tune and integrate into
the original network architecture. Additionally, most CRFs use color-based
pixel affinities, which are not well suited for semantic segmentation and lead
to spatially disjoint predictions.
To overcome these problems, we introduce a Boundary Neural Field (BNF), which
is a global energy model integrating FCN predictions with boundary cues. The
boundary information is used to enhance semantic segment coherence and to
improve object localization. Specifically, we first show that the convolutional
filters of semantic FCNs provide good features for boundary detection. We then
employ the predicted boundaries to define pairwise potentials in our energy.
Finally, we show that our energy decomposes semantic segmentation into multiple
binary problems, which can be relaxed for efficient global optimization. We
report extensive experiments demonstrating that minimization of our global
boundary-based energy yields results superior to prior globalization methods,
both quantitatively as well as qualitatively. | | [
"Gedas Bertasius",
"Jianbo Shi",
"Lorenzo Torresani"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.CV | 20151109 | 20160524 | [
"id": "1412.1123",
"title": "3. DeepEdge: A Multi-Scale Bifurcated Deep Network for Top-Down Contour Detection",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
"id": "1504.06201",
"title": "4. High-for-Low and Low-for-High: Efficient Boundary Detection from Deep Object Features and its Applications to High-Level Vision",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
] |
1511.02674 | 21 | problem with variable z. To denote similarity between pixelsiandjwe usewij. Then,diindicates the degree of a
pixeli. In graph theory, the degree of a node denotes the
number of edges incident to that node. Thus, we set the degree of a pixel to di=Pn
j=1wijfor alljexcepti6=j.
Finally, with fiwe denote an initial segmentation probaInput
BNF Boundaries
BNF Segmentation
Figure 5: A figure illustrating semantic segmentation results. Images in columns two and three represent FCN softmax and
Dense-CRF predictions, respectively. Note that all methods use the same FCN unary potentials. Additionally, observe that
unlike FCN and Dense-CRF, our methods predicts segmentation that are both well localized around object boundaries and
that are also spatially smooth.
bility, which in our case is obtained from the FCN softmax
Using this notation, we can then formulate our global
inference objective as:
z= argmin
idi(zi fi
ijwij(zi zj)2(4)
This energy consists of two different terms. Similar to | 1511.02674 | Semantic Segmentation with Boundary Neural Fields | The state-of-the-art in semantic segmentation is currently represented by
fully convolutional networks (FCNs). However, FCNs use large receptive fields
and many pooling layers, both of which cause blurring and low spatial
resolution in the deep layers. As a result FCNs tend to produce segmentations
that are poorly localized around object boundaries. Prior work has attempted to
address this issue in post-processing steps, for example using a color-based
CRF on top of the FCN predictions. However, these approaches require additional
parameters and low-level features that are difficult to tune and integrate into
the original network architecture. Additionally, most CRFs use color-based
pixel affinities, which are not well suited for semantic segmentation and lead
to spatially disjoint predictions.
To overcome these problems, we introduce a Boundary Neural Field (BNF), which
is a global energy model integrating FCN predictions with boundary cues. The
boundary information is used to enhance semantic segment coherence and to
improve object localization. Specifically, we first show that the convolutional
filters of semantic FCNs provide good features for boundary detection. We then
employ the predicted boundaries to define pairwise potentials in our energy.
Finally, we show that our energy decomposes semantic segmentation into multiple
binary problems, which can be relaxed for efficient global optimization. We
report extensive experiments demonstrating that minimization of our global
boundary-based energy yields results superior to prior globalization methods,
both quantitatively as well as qualitatively. | | [
"Gedas Bertasius",
"Jianbo Shi",
"Lorenzo Torresani"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.CV | 20151109 | 20160524 | [
"id": "1412.1123",
"title": "3. DeepEdge: A Multi-Scale Bifurcated Deep Network for Top-Down Contour Detection",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
"id": "1504.06201",
"title": "4. High-for-Low and Low-for-High: Efficient Boundary Detection from Deep Object Features and its Applications to High-Level Vision",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
] |
1511.02674 | 22 | idi(zi fi
ijwij(zi zj)2(4)
This energy consists of two different terms. Similar to
the general globalization framework, our first term encodes
the unary energy while the second term includes the pairwise energy. We now explain the intuition behind each of
these terms. The unary term attempts to find a segmentation
assignment ( zi) that deviates little from the initial candidate
segmentation computed from the softmax layer (denoted by
fi). Theziin the unary term is weighted by the degree di
of the pixel in order to produce larger unary costs for pixels
that have many similar pixels within the neighborhood. Instead, the pairwise term ensures that pixels that are similar
should be assigned similar zvalues. To balance the energies of the two terms we introduce a parameter and set it
to0:025throughout all our experiments.
We can also express the same global energy function in
matrix notation:
z= argmin
2D(z D 1f)T(z D 1f)+1
2zT(D W)z
where zis an1vector containing an optimal continuous assignment for all npixels, Dis a diagonal degree | 1511.02674 | Semantic Segmentation with Boundary Neural Fields | The state-of-the-art in semantic segmentation is currently represented by
fully convolutional networks (FCNs). However, FCNs use large receptive fields
and many pooling layers, both of which cause blurring and low spatial
resolution in the deep layers. As a result FCNs tend to produce segmentations
that are poorly localized around object boundaries. Prior work has attempted to
address this issue in post-processing steps, for example using a color-based
CRF on top of the FCN predictions. However, these approaches require additional
parameters and low-level features that are difficult to tune and integrate into
the original network architecture. Additionally, most CRFs use color-based
pixel affinities, which are not well suited for semantic segmentation and lead
to spatially disjoint predictions.
To overcome these problems, we introduce a Boundary Neural Field (BNF), which
is a global energy model integrating FCN predictions with boundary cues. The
boundary information is used to enhance semantic segment coherence and to
improve object localization. Specifically, we first show that the convolutional
filters of semantic FCNs provide good features for boundary detection. We then
employ the predicted boundaries to define pairwise potentials in our energy.
Finally, we show that our energy decomposes semantic segmentation into multiple
binary problems, which can be relaxed for efficient global optimization. We
report extensive experiments demonstrating that minimization of our global
boundary-based energy yields results superior to prior globalization methods,
both quantitatively as well as qualitatively. | | [
"Gedas Bertasius",
"Jianbo Shi",
"Lorenzo Torresani"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.CV | 20151109 | 20160524 | [
"id": "1412.1123",
"title": "3. DeepEdge: A Multi-Scale Bifurcated Deep Network for Top-Down Contour Detection",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
"id": "1504.06201",
"title": "4. High-for-Low and Low-for-High: Efficient Boundary Detection from Deep Object Features and its Applications to High-Level Vision",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
] |
1511.02674 | 23 | 2zT(D W)z
where zis an1vector containing an optimal continuous assignment for all npixels, Dis a diagonal degree
matrix, and Wis thennpixel affinity matrix. Finally, f
denotes an1vector containing the probabilities from the
softmax layer corresponding to a particular object class.
An advantage of our energy is that it is differentiable. Ifwe denote the above energy as E(z)then the derivative of
this energy can be written as follows:
@z=D(z D 1f) + (D W)z=0 (6)
With simple algebraic manipulations we can then obtain
a closed form solution to this optimization:
z= (D W) 1f (7)
1+. In the general case where
we havekobject classes we can write the solution as:
Z= (D W) 1F (8)
where Znow depicts a nkmatrix containing assignments for all kobject classes, while Fdenotesnkmatrix
with object class probabilities from softmax layer. Due to | 1511.02674 | Semantic Segmentation with Boundary Neural Fields | The state-of-the-art in semantic segmentation is currently represented by
fully convolutional networks (FCNs). However, FCNs use large receptive fields
and many pooling layers, both of which cause blurring and low spatial
resolution in the deep layers. As a result FCNs tend to produce segmentations
that are poorly localized around object boundaries. Prior work has attempted to
address this issue in post-processing steps, for example using a color-based
CRF on top of the FCN predictions. However, these approaches require additional
parameters and low-level features that are difficult to tune and integrate into
the original network architecture. Additionally, most CRFs use color-based
pixel affinities, which are not well suited for semantic segmentation and lead
to spatially disjoint predictions.
To overcome these problems, we introduce a Boundary Neural Field (BNF), which
is a global energy model integrating FCN predictions with boundary cues. The
boundary information is used to enhance semantic segment coherence and to
improve object localization. Specifically, we first show that the convolutional
filters of semantic FCNs provide good features for boundary detection. We then
employ the predicted boundaries to define pairwise potentials in our energy.
Finally, we show that our energy decomposes semantic segmentation into multiple
binary problems, which can be relaxed for efficient global optimization. We
report extensive experiments demonstrating that minimization of our global
boundary-based energy yields results superior to prior globalization methods,
both quantitatively as well as qualitatively. | | [
"Gedas Bertasius",
"Jianbo Shi",
"Lorenzo Torresani"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.CV | 20151109 | 20160524 | [
"id": "1412.1123",
"title": "3. DeepEdge: A Multi-Scale Bifurcated Deep Network for Top-Down Contour Detection",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
"id": "1504.06201",
"title": "4. High-for-Low and Low-for-High: Efficient Boundary Detection from Deep Object Features and its Applications to High-Level Vision",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
] |
1511.02674 | 24 | where Znow depicts a nkmatrix containing assignments for all kobject classes, while Fdenotesnkmatrix
with object class probabilities from softmax layer. Due to
the large size of D Wit is impractical to invert it. However, if we consider an image as a graph where each pixel
denotes a vertex in the graph, we can observe that the term
D Win our optimization is equivalent to a Laplacian matrix of such graph. Since we know that a Laplacian matrix is
positive semi-definite, we can use the preconditioned conjugate gradient method [28] to solve the system in Eq. (9).
Alternatively, because our defined global energy in Eq. (5)
is differentiable, we can efficiently solve this optimization
problem using stochastic gradient descent. We choose the
former option and solve the following system:
(D W)z=f (9)
To obtain the final discrete segmentation, for each pixel
we assign the object class that corresponds to the largest
column value in the row of Z(note that each row in Zrepresents a single pixel in the image, and each column in Z | 1511.02674 | Semantic Segmentation with Boundary Neural Fields | The state-of-the-art in semantic segmentation is currently represented by
fully convolutional networks (FCNs). However, FCNs use large receptive fields
and many pooling layers, both of which cause blurring and low spatial
resolution in the deep layers. As a result FCNs tend to produce segmentations
that are poorly localized around object boundaries. Prior work has attempted to
address this issue in post-processing steps, for example using a color-based
CRF on top of the FCN predictions. However, these approaches require additional
parameters and low-level features that are difficult to tune and integrate into
the original network architecture. Additionally, most CRFs use color-based
pixel affinities, which are not well suited for semantic segmentation and lead
to spatially disjoint predictions.
To overcome these problems, we introduce a Boundary Neural Field (BNF), which
is a global energy model integrating FCN predictions with boundary cues. The
boundary information is used to enhance semantic segment coherence and to
improve object localization. Specifically, we first show that the convolutional
filters of semantic FCNs provide good features for boundary detection. We then
employ the predicted boundaries to define pairwise potentials in our energy.
Finally, we show that our energy decomposes semantic segmentation into multiple
binary problems, which can be relaxed for efficient global optimization. We
report extensive experiments demonstrating that minimization of our global
boundary-based energy yields results superior to prior globalization methods,
both quantitatively as well as qualitatively. | | [
"Gedas Bertasius",
"Jianbo Shi",
"Lorenzo Torresani"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.CV | 20151109 | 20160524 | [
"id": "1412.1123",
"title": "3. DeepEdge: A Multi-Scale Bifurcated Deep Network for Top-Down Contour Detection",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
"id": "1504.06201",
"title": "4. High-for-Low and Low-for-High: Efficient Boundary Detection from Deep Object Features and its Applications to High-Level Vision",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
] |
1511.02674 | 25 | we assign the object class that corresponds to the largest
column value in the row of Z(note that each row in Zrepresents a single pixel in the image, and each column in Z
Metric Inference Method RGB Affinity BNF Affinity
PP-IOUBelief Propagation [31] 75.4 75.6
ICM 74.2 75.8
TRWS [32] 75.9 76.7
QPBO [26] 76.9 77.2
BNF 74.6 77.6
PI-IOUBelief Propagation [31] 45.9 46.2
ICM 45.7 48.8
TRWS [32] 51.5 52.0
QPBO [26] 55.3 57.2
BNF 53.0 58.5
Table 2: We compare semantic segmentation results
when using a color-based pixel affinity and our proposed
boundary-based affinity. We note that our proposed affinity
improves the performance of all globalization techniques.
Note that all of the inference methods use the same FCN
unary potentials . This suggests that for every method our | 1511.02674 | Semantic Segmentation with Boundary Neural Fields | The state-of-the-art in semantic segmentation is currently represented by
fully convolutional networks (FCNs). However, FCNs use large receptive fields
and many pooling layers, both of which cause blurring and low spatial
resolution in the deep layers. As a result FCNs tend to produce segmentations
that are poorly localized around object boundaries. Prior work has attempted to
address this issue in post-processing steps, for example using a color-based
CRF on top of the FCN predictions. However, these approaches require additional
parameters and low-level features that are difficult to tune and integrate into
the original network architecture. Additionally, most CRFs use color-based
pixel affinities, which are not well suited for semantic segmentation and lead
to spatially disjoint predictions.
To overcome these problems, we introduce a Boundary Neural Field (BNF), which
is a global energy model integrating FCN predictions with boundary cues. The
boundary information is used to enhance semantic segment coherence and to
improve object localization. Specifically, we first show that the convolutional
filters of semantic FCNs provide good features for boundary detection. We then
employ the predicted boundaries to define pairwise potentials in our energy.
Finally, we show that our energy decomposes semantic segmentation into multiple
binary problems, which can be relaxed for efficient global optimization. We
report extensive experiments demonstrating that minimization of our global
boundary-based energy yields results superior to prior globalization methods,
both quantitatively as well as qualitatively. | | [
"Gedas Bertasius",
"Jianbo Shi",
"Lorenzo Torresani"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.CV | 20151109 | 20160524 | [
"id": "1412.1123",
"title": "3. DeepEdge: A Multi-Scale Bifurcated Deep Network for Top-Down Contour Detection",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
"id": "1504.06201",
"title": "4. High-for-Low and Low-for-High: Efficient Boundary Detection from Deep Object Features and its Applications to High-Level Vision",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
] |
1511.02674 | 26 | improves the performance of all globalization techniques.
Note that all of the inference methods use the same FCN
unary potentials . This suggests that for every method our
boundary-based affinity is more beneficial for semantic segmentation than the color-based affinity.
represents one of the object classes). In the experimental
section, we show that this solution produces better quantitative and qualitative results in comparison to commonly used
globalization techniques.
4. Experimental Results
In this section we present quantitative and qualitative results for semantic segmentation on the SBD [13] dataset,
which contains objects and their per-pixel annotations for
20Pascal VOC classes. We evaluate semantic segmentation results using two evaluation metrics. The first metric
measures accuracy based on pixel intersection-over-union
averaged per pixels (PP-IOU) across the 20 classes. According to this metric, the accuracy is computed on a perpixel basis. As a result, the images that contain large object regions are given more importance. However, for certain applications we may need to accurately segment small
objects. Therefore, similar to [4] we also consider the PIIOU metric (pixel intersection-over-union averaged per image across the 20 classes), which gives equal weight to each
of the images. | 1511.02674 | Semantic Segmentation with Boundary Neural Fields | The state-of-the-art in semantic segmentation is currently represented by
fully convolutional networks (FCNs). However, FCNs use large receptive fields
and many pooling layers, both of which cause blurring and low spatial
resolution in the deep layers. As a result FCNs tend to produce segmentations
that are poorly localized around object boundaries. Prior work has attempted to
address this issue in post-processing steps, for example using a color-based
CRF on top of the FCN predictions. However, these approaches require additional
parameters and low-level features that are difficult to tune and integrate into
the original network architecture. Additionally, most CRFs use color-based
pixel affinities, which are not well suited for semantic segmentation and lead
to spatially disjoint predictions.
To overcome these problems, we introduce a Boundary Neural Field (BNF), which
is a global energy model integrating FCN predictions with boundary cues. The
boundary information is used to enhance semantic segment coherence and to
improve object localization. Specifically, we first show that the convolutional
filters of semantic FCNs provide good features for boundary detection. We then
employ the predicted boundaries to define pairwise potentials in our energy.
Finally, we show that our energy decomposes semantic segmentation into multiple
binary problems, which can be relaxed for efficient global optimization. We
report extensive experiments demonstrating that minimization of our global
boundary-based energy yields results superior to prior globalization methods,
both quantitatively as well as qualitatively. | | [
"Gedas Bertasius",
"Jianbo Shi",
"Lorenzo Torresani"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.CV | 20151109 | 20160524 | [
"id": "1412.1123",
"title": "3. DeepEdge: A Multi-Scale Bifurcated Deep Network for Top-Down Contour Detection",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
"id": "1504.06201",
"title": "4. High-for-Low and Low-for-High: Efficient Boundary Detection from Deep Object Features and its Applications to High-Level Vision",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
] |
1511.02674 | 27 | of the images.
We compare Boundary Neural Fields with other commonly used global inference methods. These methods include Belief Propagation [31], Iterated Conditional Mode
(ICM), Graph Cuts [5], and Dense-CRF [19]. Note that in
all of our evaluations we use the same FCN unary potentials
for every model.
Our evaluations provide evidence for three conclusions:
In Subsection 4.1, we show that our boundary-based
pixel affinities are better suited for semantic segmentation than the traditional color-based affinities.
In Subsection 4.2, we demonstrate that our global minimization leads to better results than those achieved byother inference schemes.
In Fig. 5, we qualitatively compare the outputs of FCN
and Dense-CRF to our predicted segmentations. This
comparison shows that the BNF segments are better
localized around the object boundaries and that they
are also spatially smooth.
4.1. Comparing Affinity Functions for Semantic
In Table 2, we consider two global models. Both models use the same unary potentials obtained from the FCN
softmax layer. However, the first model uses the popular
color-based pairwise affinities, while the second employs | 1511.02674 | Semantic Segmentation with Boundary Neural Fields | The state-of-the-art in semantic segmentation is currently represented by
fully convolutional networks (FCNs). However, FCNs use large receptive fields
and many pooling layers, both of which cause blurring and low spatial
resolution in the deep layers. As a result FCNs tend to produce segmentations
that are poorly localized around object boundaries. Prior work has attempted to
address this issue in post-processing steps, for example using a color-based
CRF on top of the FCN predictions. However, these approaches require additional
parameters and low-level features that are difficult to tune and integrate into
the original network architecture. Additionally, most CRFs use color-based
pixel affinities, which are not well suited for semantic segmentation and lead
to spatially disjoint predictions.
To overcome these problems, we introduce a Boundary Neural Field (BNF), which
is a global energy model integrating FCN predictions with boundary cues. The
boundary information is used to enhance semantic segment coherence and to
improve object localization. Specifically, we first show that the convolutional
filters of semantic FCNs provide good features for boundary detection. We then
employ the predicted boundaries to define pairwise potentials in our energy.
Finally, we show that our energy decomposes semantic segmentation into multiple
binary problems, which can be relaxed for efficient global optimization. We
report extensive experiments demonstrating that minimization of our global
boundary-based energy yields results superior to prior globalization methods,
both quantitatively as well as qualitatively. | | [
"Gedas Bertasius",
"Jianbo Shi",
"Lorenzo Torresani"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.CV | 20151109 | 20160524 | [
"id": "1412.1123",
"title": "3. DeepEdge: A Multi-Scale Bifurcated Deep Network for Top-Down Contour Detection",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
"id": "1504.06201",
"title": "4. High-for-Low and Low-for-High: Efficient Boundary Detection from Deep Object Features and its Applications to High-Level Vision",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
] |
1511.02674 | 28 | softmax layer. However, the first model uses the popular
color-based pairwise affinities, while the second employs
our boundary-based affinities. Each of these two models
is optimized using several inference strategies. The table
shows that using our boundary based-affinity function improves the results of all global inference methods according to both evaluation metrics. Note that we cannot include Dense-CRF [19] in this comparison because it employs an efficient message-passing technique and integrating our affinities into this technique is a non-trivial task.
However, we compare our method with Dense-CRF in Subsection 4.2.
The results in Table 2 suggest that our semantic boundary based pixel affinity function yields better semantic segmentation results compared to the commonly-used color
based affinities. We note that we also compared the results
of our inference technique using other edge detectors, notably UCM [1] and H FL [4]. In comparison to UCM edges,
we observed that our boundaries provide 1:0%and6:0%
according to both evaluation metrics respectively. When
comparing our boundaries with H FL method, we observed
similar segmentation performance, which suggests that our
method works best with the high quality semantic boundaries. | 1511.02674 | Semantic Segmentation with Boundary Neural Fields | The state-of-the-art in semantic segmentation is currently represented by
fully convolutional networks (FCNs). However, FCNs use large receptive fields
and many pooling layers, both of which cause blurring and low spatial
resolution in the deep layers. As a result FCNs tend to produce segmentations
that are poorly localized around object boundaries. Prior work has attempted to
address this issue in post-processing steps, for example using a color-based
CRF on top of the FCN predictions. However, these approaches require additional
parameters and low-level features that are difficult to tune and integrate into
the original network architecture. Additionally, most CRFs use color-based
pixel affinities, which are not well suited for semantic segmentation and lead
to spatially disjoint predictions.
To overcome these problems, we introduce a Boundary Neural Field (BNF), which
is a global energy model integrating FCN predictions with boundary cues. The
boundary information is used to enhance semantic segment coherence and to
improve object localization. Specifically, we first show that the convolutional
filters of semantic FCNs provide good features for boundary detection. We then
employ the predicted boundaries to define pairwise potentials in our energy.
Finally, we show that our energy decomposes semantic segmentation into multiple
binary problems, which can be relaxed for efficient global optimization. We
report extensive experiments demonstrating that minimization of our global
boundary-based energy yields results superior to prior globalization methods,
both quantitatively as well as qualitatively. | | [
"Gedas Bertasius",
"Jianbo Shi",
"Lorenzo Torresani"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.CV | 20151109 | 20160524 | [
"id": "1412.1123",
"title": "3. DeepEdge: A Multi-Scale Bifurcated Deep Network for Top-Down Contour Detection",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
"id": "1504.06201",
"title": "4. High-for-Low and Low-for-High: Efficient Boundary Detection from Deep Object Features and its Applications to High-Level Vision",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
] |
1511.02674 | 29 | comparing our boundaries with H FL method, we observed
similar segmentation performance, which suggests that our
method works best with the high quality semantic boundaries.
4.2. Comparing Inference Methods for Semantic
Additionally, we also present semantic segmentation results for both of the metrics (PP-IOU and PI-IOU) in Table 3. In this comparison, all the techniques use the same
FCN unary potentials. Additionally, all inference methods
except Dense-CRF use our affinity measure (since the previous analysis suggested that our affinities yield better performance). We use BNF-SB to denote the variant of our
method that uses only semantic boundary based affinities.
Additionally, we use BNF-SB-SM to indicate the version
of our method that uses both boundary and softmax -based
affinities (see Eq. (3)).
Based on these results, we observe that our proposed
technique outperforms all the other globalization methods
according to both metrics, by 0:3%and1:3%respectively.
Metric Method aero bike bird boat bottle bus car cat chair cow table dog horse mbike person plant sheep sofa train tv mean | 1511.02674 | Semantic Segmentation with Boundary Neural Fields | The state-of-the-art in semantic segmentation is currently represented by
fully convolutional networks (FCNs). However, FCNs use large receptive fields
and many pooling layers, both of which cause blurring and low spatial
resolution in the deep layers. As a result FCNs tend to produce segmentations
that are poorly localized around object boundaries. Prior work has attempted to
address this issue in post-processing steps, for example using a color-based
CRF on top of the FCN predictions. However, these approaches require additional
parameters and low-level features that are difficult to tune and integrate into
the original network architecture. Additionally, most CRFs use color-based
pixel affinities, which are not well suited for semantic segmentation and lead
to spatially disjoint predictions.
To overcome these problems, we introduce a Boundary Neural Field (BNF), which
is a global energy model integrating FCN predictions with boundary cues. The
boundary information is used to enhance semantic segment coherence and to
improve object localization. Specifically, we first show that the convolutional
filters of semantic FCNs provide good features for boundary detection. We then
employ the predicted boundaries to define pairwise potentials in our energy.
Finally, we show that our energy decomposes semantic segmentation into multiple
binary problems, which can be relaxed for efficient global optimization. We
report extensive experiments demonstrating that minimization of our global
boundary-based energy yields results superior to prior globalization methods,
both quantitatively as well as qualitatively. | | [
"Gedas Bertasius",
"Jianbo Shi",
"Lorenzo Torresani"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.CV | 20151109 | 20160524 | [
"id": "1412.1123",
"title": "3. DeepEdge: A Multi-Scale Bifurcated Deep Network for Top-Down Contour Detection",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
"id": "1504.06201",
"title": "4. High-for-Low and Low-for-High: Efficient Boundary Detection from Deep Object Features and its Applications to High-Level Vision",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
] |
1511.02674 | 30 | Metric Method aero bike bird boat bottle bus car cat chair cow table dog horse mbike person plant sheep sofa train tv mean
PP-IOUFCN-Softmax 80.7 71.6 80.7 71.3 72.9 88.1 81.8 86.6 47.4 82.9 57.9 83.9 79.6 80.4 81.0 64.7 78.2 54.5 80.9 69.9 74.8
Belief Propagation [31] 81.4 72.2 82.4 72.2 74.3 88.8 82.4 87.2 48.4 83.8 58.4 84.6 80.5 80.9 81.5 65.1 79.5 55.5 81.5 71.2 75.6
ICM 81.7 72.2 82.8 72.1 75.3 89.6 83.4 87.7 46.3 83.3 58.4 84.6 80.6 81.4 81.5 65.8 79.5 56.0 80.7 74.1 75.8 | 1511.02674 | Semantic Segmentation with Boundary Neural Fields | The state-of-the-art in semantic segmentation is currently represented by
fully convolutional networks (FCNs). However, FCNs use large receptive fields
and many pooling layers, both of which cause blurring and low spatial
resolution in the deep layers. As a result FCNs tend to produce segmentations
that are poorly localized around object boundaries. Prior work has attempted to
address this issue in post-processing steps, for example using a color-based
CRF on top of the FCN predictions. However, these approaches require additional
parameters and low-level features that are difficult to tune and integrate into
the original network architecture. Additionally, most CRFs use color-based
pixel affinities, which are not well suited for semantic segmentation and lead
to spatially disjoint predictions.
To overcome these problems, we introduce a Boundary Neural Field (BNF), which
is a global energy model integrating FCN predictions with boundary cues. The
boundary information is used to enhance semantic segment coherence and to
improve object localization. Specifically, we first show that the convolutional
filters of semantic FCNs provide good features for boundary detection. We then
employ the predicted boundaries to define pairwise potentials in our energy.
Finally, we show that our energy decomposes semantic segmentation into multiple
binary problems, which can be relaxed for efficient global optimization. We
report extensive experiments demonstrating that minimization of our global
boundary-based energy yields results superior to prior globalization methods,
both quantitatively as well as qualitatively. | | [
"Gedas Bertasius",
"Jianbo Shi",
"Lorenzo Torresani"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.CV | 20151109 | 20160524 | [
"id": "1412.1123",
"title": "3. DeepEdge: A Multi-Scale Bifurcated Deep Network for Top-Down Contour Detection",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
"id": "1504.06201",
"title": "4. High-for-Low and Low-for-High: Efficient Boundary Detection from Deep Object Features and its Applications to High-Level Vision",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
] |
1511.02674 | 31 | TRWS [32] 81.6 70.9 83.8 72.0 75.1 89.5 82.5 88.0 51.7 86.6 61.9 85.8 83.3 80.8 81.1 65.3 81.5 58.8 77.6 75.9 76.7
Graph Cuts [5] 82.5 72.4 84.6 73.3 77.2 89.7 83.3 88.8 49.3 84.0 60.3 85.4 82.2 81.2 81.9 66.7 79.8 58.0 82.3 74.9 76.9
QPBO [26] 82.6 72.3 84.7 73.1 76.7 89.9 83.6 89.3 49.7 85.0 61.1 86.2 82.9 81.3 82.3 67.1 80.5 58.8 82.2 75.1 77.2
Dense-CRF [19] 83.4 71.5 84.9 72.6 76.2 89.5 83.3 89.1 50.4 86.7 61.0 86.8 83.5 81.8 82.3 66.9 82.2 58.2 81.9 75.1 77.3 | 1511.02674 | Semantic Segmentation with Boundary Neural Fields | The state-of-the-art in semantic segmentation is currently represented by
fully convolutional networks (FCNs). However, FCNs use large receptive fields
and many pooling layers, both of which cause blurring and low spatial
resolution in the deep layers. As a result FCNs tend to produce segmentations
that are poorly localized around object boundaries. Prior work has attempted to
address this issue in post-processing steps, for example using a color-based
CRF on top of the FCN predictions. However, these approaches require additional
parameters and low-level features that are difficult to tune and integrate into
the original network architecture. Additionally, most CRFs use color-based
pixel affinities, which are not well suited for semantic segmentation and lead
to spatially disjoint predictions.
To overcome these problems, we introduce a Boundary Neural Field (BNF), which
is a global energy model integrating FCN predictions with boundary cues. The
boundary information is used to enhance semantic segment coherence and to
improve object localization. Specifically, we first show that the convolutional
filters of semantic FCNs provide good features for boundary detection. We then
employ the predicted boundaries to define pairwise potentials in our energy.
Finally, we show that our energy decomposes semantic segmentation into multiple
binary problems, which can be relaxed for efficient global optimization. We
report extensive experiments demonstrating that minimization of our global
boundary-based energy yields results superior to prior globalization methods,
both quantitatively as well as qualitatively. | | [
"Gedas Bertasius",
"Jianbo Shi",
"Lorenzo Torresani"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.CV | 20151109 | 20160524 | [
"id": "1412.1123",
"title": "3. DeepEdge: A Multi-Scale Bifurcated Deep Network for Top-Down Contour Detection",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
"id": "1504.06201",
"title": "4. High-for-Low and Low-for-High: Efficient Boundary Detection from Deep Object Features and its Applications to High-Level Vision",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
] |
1511.02674 | 32 | BNF-SB 81.9 72.5 84.9 73.3 76.0 90.3 83.1 89.2 51.2 86.7 61.5 86.6 83.2 81.3 81.9 66.2 81.7 58.6 81.6 75.8 77.4
BNF-SB-SM 82.2 73.1 85.1 73.8 76.7 90.6 83.4 89.5 51.3 86.7 61.4 86.8 83.3 81.7 82.3 67.7 81.9 58.4 82.4 75.4 77.6
PI-IOUFCN-Softmax 56.9 35.1 47.8 41.1 27.4 51.1 43.4 52.7 22.2 43.1 29.2 54.2 40.5 45.6 59.1 24.2 43.6 24.8 55.9 37.2 41.8
Belief Propagation [31] 68.0 38.6 52.9 45.8 31.9 55.9 47.2 58.2 24.6 49.9 31.7 60.2 44.9 50.1 62.4 25.2 49.9 27.6 62.3 42.2 46.2 | 1511.02674 | Semantic Segmentation with Boundary Neural Fields | The state-of-the-art in semantic segmentation is currently represented by
fully convolutional networks (FCNs). However, FCNs use large receptive fields
and many pooling layers, both of which cause blurring and low spatial
resolution in the deep layers. As a result FCNs tend to produce segmentations
that are poorly localized around object boundaries. Prior work has attempted to
address this issue in post-processing steps, for example using a color-based
CRF on top of the FCN predictions. However, these approaches require additional
parameters and low-level features that are difficult to tune and integrate into
the original network architecture. Additionally, most CRFs use color-based
pixel affinities, which are not well suited for semantic segmentation and lead
to spatially disjoint predictions.
To overcome these problems, we introduce a Boundary Neural Field (BNF), which
is a global energy model integrating FCN predictions with boundary cues. The
boundary information is used to enhance semantic segment coherence and to
improve object localization. Specifically, we first show that the convolutional
filters of semantic FCNs provide good features for boundary detection. We then
employ the predicted boundaries to define pairwise potentials in our energy.
Finally, we show that our energy decomposes semantic segmentation into multiple
binary problems, which can be relaxed for efficient global optimization. We
report extensive experiments demonstrating that minimization of our global
boundary-based energy yields results superior to prior globalization methods,
both quantitatively as well as qualitatively. | | [
"Gedas Bertasius",
"Jianbo Shi",
"Lorenzo Torresani"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.CV | 20151109 | 20160524 | [
"id": "1412.1123",
"title": "3. DeepEdge: A Multi-Scale Bifurcated Deep Network for Top-Down Contour Detection",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
"id": "1504.06201",
"title": "4. High-for-Low and Low-for-High: Efficient Boundary Detection from Deep Object Features and its Applications to High-Level Vision",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
] |
1511.02674 | 33 | ICM 65.3 40.9 56.4 45.3 33.7 58.9 49.5 61.9 25.8 53.5 33.2 62.1 48.0 53.2 63.4 24.1 54.8 34.0 63.7 47.7 48.8
TRWS [32] 67.5 40.7 60.3 46.3 35.6 63.4 49.6 69.3 29.7 58.9 37.8 67.4 57.3 53.8 64.1 26.3 62.0 36.9 63.1 49.9 52.0
Graph Cuts [5] 72.1 47.8 64.5 50.8 36.0 70.8 51.4 71.6 31.7 65.8 34.4 71.8 62.0 59.4 64.8 29.0 60.9 38.7 70.3 51.6 55.3
QPBO [26] 71.6 46.8 65.6 49.6 38.0 72.6 52.7 76.7 32.5 69.6 38.9 74.4 61.4 61.0 66.2 30.3 68.7 41.4 72.2 52.8 57.2 | 1511.02674 | Semantic Segmentation with Boundary Neural Fields | The state-of-the-art in semantic segmentation is currently represented by
fully convolutional networks (FCNs). However, FCNs use large receptive fields
and many pooling layers, both of which cause blurring and low spatial
resolution in the deep layers. As a result FCNs tend to produce segmentations
that are poorly localized around object boundaries. Prior work has attempted to
address this issue in post-processing steps, for example using a color-based
CRF on top of the FCN predictions. However, these approaches require additional
parameters and low-level features that are difficult to tune and integrate into
the original network architecture. Additionally, most CRFs use color-based
pixel affinities, which are not well suited for semantic segmentation and lead
to spatially disjoint predictions.
To overcome these problems, we introduce a Boundary Neural Field (BNF), which
is a global energy model integrating FCN predictions with boundary cues. The
boundary information is used to enhance semantic segment coherence and to
improve object localization. Specifically, we first show that the convolutional
filters of semantic FCNs provide good features for boundary detection. We then
employ the predicted boundaries to define pairwise potentials in our energy.
Finally, we show that our energy decomposes semantic segmentation into multiple
binary problems, which can be relaxed for efficient global optimization. We
report extensive experiments demonstrating that minimization of our global
boundary-based energy yields results superior to prior globalization methods,
both quantitatively as well as qualitatively. | | [
"Gedas Bertasius",
"Jianbo Shi",
"Lorenzo Torresani"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.CV | 20151109 | 20160524 | [
"id": "1412.1123",
"title": "3. DeepEdge: A Multi-Scale Bifurcated Deep Network for Top-Down Contour Detection",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
"id": "1504.06201",
"title": "4. High-for-Low and Low-for-High: Efficient Boundary Detection from Deep Object Features and its Applications to High-Level Vision",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
] |
1511.02674 | 34 | Dense-CRF [19] 68.0 39.5 58.0 45.0 33.4 62.8 47.7 66.0 29.4 60.9 36.0 68.5 54.6 51.4 63.7 28.3 57.6 37.1 65.9 48.2 51.1
BNF-SB 71.6 48.1 67.2 52.3 37.8 79.5 52.9 80.8 33.3 71.5 39.5 75.1 65.7 63.4 65.1 31.1 67.5 39.6 73.2 54.7 58.5
BNF-SB-SM 72.0 48.9 66.5 52.9 39.1 79.0 53.4 78.6 32.9 72.2 39.4 74.6 65.9 64.2 65.8 31.7 66.9 39.0 73.1 53.9 58.5
Table 3: Semantic segmentation results on the SBD dataset according to PP-IOU (per pixel) and PI-IOU (per image) evaluation metrics. We use BNF-SB to denote the variant of our method that uses only semantic boundary based affinities. | 1511.02674 | Semantic Segmentation with Boundary Neural Fields | The state-of-the-art in semantic segmentation is currently represented by
fully convolutional networks (FCNs). However, FCNs use large receptive fields
and many pooling layers, both of which cause blurring and low spatial
resolution in the deep layers. As a result FCNs tend to produce segmentations
that are poorly localized around object boundaries. Prior work has attempted to
address this issue in post-processing steps, for example using a color-based
CRF on top of the FCN predictions. However, these approaches require additional
parameters and low-level features that are difficult to tune and integrate into
the original network architecture. Additionally, most CRFs use color-based
pixel affinities, which are not well suited for semantic segmentation and lead
to spatially disjoint predictions.
To overcome these problems, we introduce a Boundary Neural Field (BNF), which
is a global energy model integrating FCN predictions with boundary cues. The
boundary information is used to enhance semantic segment coherence and to
improve object localization. Specifically, we first show that the convolutional
filters of semantic FCNs provide good features for boundary detection. We then
employ the predicted boundaries to define pairwise potentials in our energy.
Finally, we show that our energy decomposes semantic segmentation into multiple
binary problems, which can be relaxed for efficient global optimization. We
report extensive experiments demonstrating that minimization of our global
boundary-based energy yields results superior to prior globalization methods,
both quantitatively as well as qualitatively. | | [
"Gedas Bertasius",
"Jianbo Shi",
"Lorenzo Torresani"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.CV | 20151109 | 20160524 | [
"id": "1412.1123",
"title": "3. DeepEdge: A Multi-Scale Bifurcated Deep Network for Top-Down Contour Detection",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
"id": "1504.06201",
"title": "4. High-for-Low and Low-for-High: Efficient Boundary Detection from Deep Object Features and its Applications to High-Level Vision",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
] |
1511.02674 | 35 | Additionally, we use BNF-SB-SM to indicate our method that uses boundary and softmax based affinities (See Eq. (3)). We
observe that our proposed globalization method outperforms other globalization techniques according to both metrics by
at least 0:3%and1:3%respectively. Note that in this experiment, all of the inference methods use the same FCN unary
potentials . Additionally, for each method except Dense-CRF (it is challenging to incorporate boundary based affinities into
the Dense-CRF framework) we use our boundary based affinities, since those lead to better results.
Additionally, these results indicate that most benefit comes
from the semantic boundary affinity term rather than the
softmax affinity term.
In Fig. 5, we also present qualitative semantic segmentation results. Note that, compared to the segmentation output from the softmax layer, our segmentation is much better localized around the object boundaries. Additionally,
in comparison to Dense-CRF predictions, our method produces segmentations that are much spatially smoother.
4.3. Semantic Boundary Classification
We can also label our boundaries with a specific object | 1511.02674 | Semantic Segmentation with Boundary Neural Fields | The state-of-the-art in semantic segmentation is currently represented by
fully convolutional networks (FCNs). However, FCNs use large receptive fields
and many pooling layers, both of which cause blurring and low spatial
resolution in the deep layers. As a result FCNs tend to produce segmentations
that are poorly localized around object boundaries. Prior work has attempted to
address this issue in post-processing steps, for example using a color-based
CRF on top of the FCN predictions. However, these approaches require additional
parameters and low-level features that are difficult to tune and integrate into
the original network architecture. Additionally, most CRFs use color-based
pixel affinities, which are not well suited for semantic segmentation and lead
to spatially disjoint predictions.
To overcome these problems, we introduce a Boundary Neural Field (BNF), which
is a global energy model integrating FCN predictions with boundary cues. The
boundary information is used to enhance semantic segment coherence and to
improve object localization. Specifically, we first show that the convolutional
filters of semantic FCNs provide good features for boundary detection. We then
employ the predicted boundaries to define pairwise potentials in our energy.
Finally, we show that our energy decomposes semantic segmentation into multiple
binary problems, which can be relaxed for efficient global optimization. We
report extensive experiments demonstrating that minimization of our global
boundary-based energy yields results superior to prior globalization methods,
both quantitatively as well as qualitatively. | | [
"Gedas Bertasius",
"Jianbo Shi",
"Lorenzo Torresani"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.CV | 20151109 | 20160524 | [
"id": "1412.1123",
"title": "3. DeepEdge: A Multi-Scale Bifurcated Deep Network for Top-Down Contour Detection",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
"id": "1504.06201",
"title": "4. High-for-Low and Low-for-High: Efficient Boundary Detection from Deep Object Features and its Applications to High-Level Vision",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
] |
1511.02674 | 36 | 4.3. Semantic Boundary Classification
We can also label our boundaries with a specific object
class, using the same classification strategy as in the H FL
system [4]. Since the SBD dataset provides annotations for
semantic boundary classification, we can test our results
against the state-of-the-art H FL [4] method for this task.
Due to the space limitation, we do not include full results for
each category. However, we observe that our produced results achieve mean Max F-Score of 54:5%(averaged across
all20classes) whereas H FL method obtains 51:7%.
5. Conclusions
In this work we introduced a Boundary Neural Field
(BNF), an architecture that employs a semantic segmentation FCN to predict semantic boundaries and then uses the
predicted boundaries and the FCN output to produce an improved semantic segmentation maps a global optimization.
We showed that our predicted boundaries are better suited
for semantic segmentation than the commonly used low-level color based affinities. Additionally, we introduced a
global energy function that decomposes semantic segmentation into multiple binary problems and relaxes an integrality constraint. We demonstrated that the minimization
of this global energy allows us to predict segmentations
that are better localized around the object boundaries and | 1511.02674 | Semantic Segmentation with Boundary Neural Fields | The state-of-the-art in semantic segmentation is currently represented by
fully convolutional networks (FCNs). However, FCNs use large receptive fields
and many pooling layers, both of which cause blurring and low spatial
resolution in the deep layers. As a result FCNs tend to produce segmentations
that are poorly localized around object boundaries. Prior work has attempted to
address this issue in post-processing steps, for example using a color-based
CRF on top of the FCN predictions. However, these approaches require additional
parameters and low-level features that are difficult to tune and integrate into
the original network architecture. Additionally, most CRFs use color-based
pixel affinities, which are not well suited for semantic segmentation and lead
to spatially disjoint predictions.
To overcome these problems, we introduce a Boundary Neural Field (BNF), which
is a global energy model integrating FCN predictions with boundary cues. The
boundary information is used to enhance semantic segment coherence and to
improve object localization. Specifically, we first show that the convolutional
filters of semantic FCNs provide good features for boundary detection. We then
employ the predicted boundaries to define pairwise potentials in our energy.
Finally, we show that our energy decomposes semantic segmentation into multiple
binary problems, which can be relaxed for efficient global optimization. We
report extensive experiments demonstrating that minimization of our global
boundary-based energy yields results superior to prior globalization methods,
both quantitatively as well as qualitatively. | | [
"Gedas Bertasius",
"Jianbo Shi",
"Lorenzo Torresani"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.CV | 20151109 | 20160524 | [
"id": "1412.1123",
"title": "3. DeepEdge: A Multi-Scale Bifurcated Deep Network for Top-Down Contour Detection",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
"id": "1504.06201",
"title": "4. High-for-Low and Low-for-High: Efficient Boundary Detection from Deep Object Features and its Applications to High-Level Vision",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
] |
1511.02674 | 37 | of this global energy allows us to predict segmentations
that are better localized around the object boundaries and
that are spatially smoother compared to the segmentations
achieved by prior methods. We made the code of our globalization technique available at http://www.seas.upenn.
edu/~gberta/publications.html .
The main goal of this work was to show the effectiveness of boundary-based affinities for semantic segmentation. However, due to differentiability of our global energy,
it may be possible to add more parameters inside the BNFs
and learn them in a front-to-end fashion. We believe that
optimizing the entire architecture jointly could capture the
inherent relationship between semantic segmentation and
boundary detection even better and further improve the performance of BNFs. We will investigate this possibility in
our future work.
6. Acknowledgements
This research was funded in part by NSF award CNS1205521.
[1] Pablo Arbelaez, Michael Maire, Charless Fowlkes, and Jitendra Malik. Contour detection and hierarchical image segmentation. IEEE
Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. , 33(5):898–916, May 2011. 2, 4, 7 | 1511.02674 | Semantic Segmentation with Boundary Neural Fields | The state-of-the-art in semantic segmentation is currently represented by
fully convolutional networks (FCNs). However, FCNs use large receptive fields
and many pooling layers, both of which cause blurring and low spatial
resolution in the deep layers. As a result FCNs tend to produce segmentations
that are poorly localized around object boundaries. Prior work has attempted to
address this issue in post-processing steps, for example using a color-based
CRF on top of the FCN predictions. However, these approaches require additional
parameters and low-level features that are difficult to tune and integrate into
the original network architecture. Additionally, most CRFs use color-based
pixel affinities, which are not well suited for semantic segmentation and lead
to spatially disjoint predictions.
To overcome these problems, we introduce a Boundary Neural Field (BNF), which
is a global energy model integrating FCN predictions with boundary cues. The
boundary information is used to enhance semantic segment coherence and to
improve object localization. Specifically, we first show that the convolutional
filters of semantic FCNs provide good features for boundary detection. We then
employ the predicted boundaries to define pairwise potentials in our energy.
Finally, we show that our energy decomposes semantic segmentation into multiple
binary problems, which can be relaxed for efficient global optimization. We
report extensive experiments demonstrating that minimization of our global
boundary-based energy yields results superior to prior globalization methods,
both quantitatively as well as qualitatively. | | [
"Gedas Bertasius",
"Jianbo Shi",
"Lorenzo Torresani"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.CV | 20151109 | 20160524 | [
"id": "1412.1123",
"title": "3. DeepEdge: A Multi-Scale Bifurcated Deep Network for Top-Down Contour Detection",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
"id": "1504.06201",
"title": "4. High-for-Low and Low-for-High: Efficient Boundary Detection from Deep Object Features and its Applications to High-Level Vision",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
] |
1511.02674 | 38 | Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. , 33(5):898–916, May 2011. 2, 4, 7
[2] Pablo Arbelaez, J. Pont-Tuset, Jon Barron, F. Marqués, and Jitendra
Malik. Multiscale combinatorial grouping. In Computer Vision and
Pattern Recognition (CVPR) , 2014. 2, 4
[3] Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, and Lorenzo Torresani. Deepedge: A
multi-scale bifurcated deep network for top-down contour detection.
InThe IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) , June 2015. 2, 3, 4
[4] Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, and Lorenzo Torresani. High-for-low
and low-for-high: Efficient boundary detection from deep object features and its applications to high-level vision. In The IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) , December 2015. 2,
3, 4, 7, 8
[5] Yuri Boykov, Olga Veksler, and Ramin Zabih. Fast approximate energy minimization via graph cuts. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach.
Intell. , 23(11):1222–1239, November 2001. 5, 7, 8 | 1511.02674 | Semantic Segmentation with Boundary Neural Fields | The state-of-the-art in semantic segmentation is currently represented by
fully convolutional networks (FCNs). However, FCNs use large receptive fields
and many pooling layers, both of which cause blurring and low spatial
resolution in the deep layers. As a result FCNs tend to produce segmentations
that are poorly localized around object boundaries. Prior work has attempted to
address this issue in post-processing steps, for example using a color-based
CRF on top of the FCN predictions. However, these approaches require additional
parameters and low-level features that are difficult to tune and integrate into
the original network architecture. Additionally, most CRFs use color-based
pixel affinities, which are not well suited for semantic segmentation and lead
to spatially disjoint predictions.
To overcome these problems, we introduce a Boundary Neural Field (BNF), which
is a global energy model integrating FCN predictions with boundary cues. The
boundary information is used to enhance semantic segment coherence and to
improve object localization. Specifically, we first show that the convolutional
filters of semantic FCNs provide good features for boundary detection. We then
employ the predicted boundaries to define pairwise potentials in our energy.
Finally, we show that our energy decomposes semantic segmentation into multiple
binary problems, which can be relaxed for efficient global optimization. We
report extensive experiments demonstrating that minimization of our global
boundary-based energy yields results superior to prior globalization methods,
both quantitatively as well as qualitatively. | | [
"Gedas Bertasius",
"Jianbo Shi",
"Lorenzo Torresani"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.CV | 20151109 | 20160524 | [
"id": "1412.1123",
"title": "3. DeepEdge: A Multi-Scale Bifurcated Deep Network for Top-Down Contour Detection",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
"id": "1504.06201",
"title": "4. High-for-Low and Low-for-High: Efficient Boundary Detection from Deep Object Features and its Applications to High-Level Vision",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
] |
1511.02674 | 39 | Intell. , 23(11):1222–1239, November 2001. 5, 7, 8
[6] João Carreira, Rui Caseiro, Jorge Batista, and Cristian Sminchisescu.
Semantic segmentation with second-order pooling. In Proceedings
of the 12th European Conference on Computer Vision - Volume Part
VII, ECCV’12, pages 430–443, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2012. SpringerVerlag. 2
[7] Liang-Chieh Chen, George Papandreou, Iasonas Kokkinos, Kevin
Murphy, and Alan L. Yuille. Semantic image segmentation with deep
convolutional nets and fully. In ICLR , 2015. 1, 2, 3
[8] Jifeng Dai, Kaiming He, and Jian Sun. Boxsup: Exploiting bounding boxes to supervise convolutional networks for semantic segmentation. In The IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision
(ICCV) , December 2015. 3
[9] Piotr Dollár and C. Lawrence Zitnick. Fast edge detection using
structured forests. PAMI , 2015. 2, 4 | 1511.02674 | Semantic Segmentation with Boundary Neural Fields | The state-of-the-art in semantic segmentation is currently represented by
fully convolutional networks (FCNs). However, FCNs use large receptive fields
and many pooling layers, both of which cause blurring and low spatial
resolution in the deep layers. As a result FCNs tend to produce segmentations
that are poorly localized around object boundaries. Prior work has attempted to
address this issue in post-processing steps, for example using a color-based
CRF on top of the FCN predictions. However, these approaches require additional
parameters and low-level features that are difficult to tune and integrate into
the original network architecture. Additionally, most CRFs use color-based
pixel affinities, which are not well suited for semantic segmentation and lead
to spatially disjoint predictions.
To overcome these problems, we introduce a Boundary Neural Field (BNF), which
is a global energy model integrating FCN predictions with boundary cues. The
boundary information is used to enhance semantic segment coherence and to
improve object localization. Specifically, we first show that the convolutional
filters of semantic FCNs provide good features for boundary detection. We then
employ the predicted boundaries to define pairwise potentials in our energy.
Finally, we show that our energy decomposes semantic segmentation into multiple
binary problems, which can be relaxed for efficient global optimization. We
report extensive experiments demonstrating that minimization of our global
boundary-based energy yields results superior to prior globalization methods,
both quantitatively as well as qualitatively. | | [
"Gedas Bertasius",
"Jianbo Shi",
"Lorenzo Torresani"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.CV | 20151109 | 20160524 | [
"id": "1412.1123",
"title": "3. DeepEdge: A Multi-Scale Bifurcated Deep Network for Top-Down Contour Detection",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
"id": "1504.06201",
"title": "4. High-for-Low and Low-for-High: Efficient Boundary Detection from Deep Object Features and its Applications to High-Level Vision",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
] |
1511.02674 | 40 | [9] Piotr Dollár and C. Lawrence Zitnick. Fast edge detection using
structured forests. PAMI , 2015. 2, 4
[10] Clement Farabet, Camille Couprie, Laurent Najman, and Yann LeCun. Learning hierarchical features for scene labeling. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence , August 2013.
[11] Yaroslav Ganin and Victor S. Lempitsky. N4-fields: Neural network
nearest neighbor fields for image transforms. ACCV , 2014. 2, 4
[12] Saurabh Gupta, Ross Girshick, Pablo Arbeláez, and Jitendra Malik.
Learning rich features from RGB-D images for object detection and
segmentation. In Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) , 2014. 2
[13] Bharath Hariharan, Pablo Arbelaez, Lubomir Bourdev, Subhransu
Maji, and Jitendra Malik. Semantic contours from inverse detectors.
InInternational Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) , 2011. 4, 7 | 1511.02674 | Semantic Segmentation with Boundary Neural Fields | The state-of-the-art in semantic segmentation is currently represented by
fully convolutional networks (FCNs). However, FCNs use large receptive fields
and many pooling layers, both of which cause blurring and low spatial
resolution in the deep layers. As a result FCNs tend to produce segmentations
that are poorly localized around object boundaries. Prior work has attempted to
address this issue in post-processing steps, for example using a color-based
CRF on top of the FCN predictions. However, these approaches require additional
parameters and low-level features that are difficult to tune and integrate into
the original network architecture. Additionally, most CRFs use color-based
pixel affinities, which are not well suited for semantic segmentation and lead
to spatially disjoint predictions.
To overcome these problems, we introduce a Boundary Neural Field (BNF), which
is a global energy model integrating FCN predictions with boundary cues. The
boundary information is used to enhance semantic segment coherence and to
improve object localization. Specifically, we first show that the convolutional
filters of semantic FCNs provide good features for boundary detection. We then
employ the predicted boundaries to define pairwise potentials in our energy.
Finally, we show that our energy decomposes semantic segmentation into multiple
binary problems, which can be relaxed for efficient global optimization. We
report extensive experiments demonstrating that minimization of our global
boundary-based energy yields results superior to prior globalization methods,
both quantitatively as well as qualitatively. | | [
"Gedas Bertasius",
"Jianbo Shi",
"Lorenzo Torresani"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.CV | 20151109 | 20160524 | [
"id": "1412.1123",
"title": "3. DeepEdge: A Multi-Scale Bifurcated Deep Network for Top-Down Contour Detection",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
"id": "1504.06201",
"title": "4. High-for-Low and Low-for-High: Efficient Boundary Detection from Deep Object Features and its Applications to High-Level Vision",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
] |
1511.02674 | 41 | Maji, and Jitendra Malik. Semantic contours from inverse detectors.
InInternational Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) , 2011. 4, 7
[14] Bharath Hariharan, Pablo Arbeláez, Ross Girshick, and Jitendra Malik. Simultaneous detection and segmentation. In European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) , 2014. 2
[15] Bharath Hariharan, Pablo Andrés Arbeláez, Ross B. Girshick, and
Jitendra Malik. Hypercolumns for object segmentation and finegrained localization. In The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision
and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) , June 2015. 2, 3
[16] Seunghoon Hong, Hyeonwoo Noh, and Bohyung Han. Decoupled
deep neural network for semi-supervised semantic segmentation. In
NIPS) , December 2015. 3
[17] Phillip Isola, Daniel Zoran, Dilip Krishnan, and Edward H. Adelson.
Crisp boundary detection using pointwise mutual information. In
ECCV , 2014. 2
[18] Jyri J Kivinen, Christopher KI Williams, and Nicolas Heess. Visual
boundary prediction: A deep neural prediction network and quality | 1511.02674 | Semantic Segmentation with Boundary Neural Fields | The state-of-the-art in semantic segmentation is currently represented by
fully convolutional networks (FCNs). However, FCNs use large receptive fields
and many pooling layers, both of which cause blurring and low spatial
resolution in the deep layers. As a result FCNs tend to produce segmentations
that are poorly localized around object boundaries. Prior work has attempted to
address this issue in post-processing steps, for example using a color-based
CRF on top of the FCN predictions. However, these approaches require additional
parameters and low-level features that are difficult to tune and integrate into
the original network architecture. Additionally, most CRFs use color-based
pixel affinities, which are not well suited for semantic segmentation and lead
to spatially disjoint predictions.
To overcome these problems, we introduce a Boundary Neural Field (BNF), which
is a global energy model integrating FCN predictions with boundary cues. The
boundary information is used to enhance semantic segment coherence and to
improve object localization. Specifically, we first show that the convolutional
filters of semantic FCNs provide good features for boundary detection. We then
employ the predicted boundaries to define pairwise potentials in our energy.
Finally, we show that our energy decomposes semantic segmentation into multiple
binary problems, which can be relaxed for efficient global optimization. We
report extensive experiments demonstrating that minimization of our global
boundary-based energy yields results superior to prior globalization methods,
both quantitatively as well as qualitatively. | | [
"Gedas Bertasius",
"Jianbo Shi",
"Lorenzo Torresani"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.CV | 20151109 | 20160524 | [
"id": "1412.1123",
"title": "3. DeepEdge: A Multi-Scale Bifurcated Deep Network for Top-Down Contour Detection",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
"id": "1504.06201",
"title": "4. High-for-Low and Low-for-High: Efficient Boundary Detection from Deep Object Features and its Applications to High-Level Vision",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
] |
1511.02674 | 42 | [18] Jyri J Kivinen, Christopher KI Williams, and Nicolas Heess. Visual
boundary prediction: A deep neural prediction network and quality
dissection. AISTATS , 1(2):9, 2014. 2
[19] Philipp Krähenbühl and Vladlen Koltun. Efficient inference in fully
connected crfs with gaussian edge potentials. In J. Shawe-Taylor,
R.S. Zemel, P.L. Bartlett, F. Pereira, and K.Q. Weinberger, editors,
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 24 , pages 109–
117. Curran Associates, Inc., 2011. 1, 5, 7, 8[20] Joseph Lim, C. Lawrence Zitnick, and Piotr Dollár. Sketch tokens:
A learned mid-level representation for contour and object detection.
InCVPR , 2013. 2
[21] Guosheng Lin, Chunhua Shen, Ian D. Reid, and Anton van den Hengel. Efficient piecewise training of deep structured models for semantic segmentation. CoRR , abs/1504.01013, 2015. 3
[22] Jonathan Long, Evan Shelhamer, and Trevor Darrell. Fully convolutional networks for semantic segmentation. In The IEEE Conference | 1511.02674 | Semantic Segmentation with Boundary Neural Fields | The state-of-the-art in semantic segmentation is currently represented by
fully convolutional networks (FCNs). However, FCNs use large receptive fields
and many pooling layers, both of which cause blurring and low spatial
resolution in the deep layers. As a result FCNs tend to produce segmentations
that are poorly localized around object boundaries. Prior work has attempted to
address this issue in post-processing steps, for example using a color-based
CRF on top of the FCN predictions. However, these approaches require additional
parameters and low-level features that are difficult to tune and integrate into
the original network architecture. Additionally, most CRFs use color-based
pixel affinities, which are not well suited for semantic segmentation and lead
to spatially disjoint predictions.
To overcome these problems, we introduce a Boundary Neural Field (BNF), which
is a global energy model integrating FCN predictions with boundary cues. The
boundary information is used to enhance semantic segment coherence and to
improve object localization. Specifically, we first show that the convolutional
filters of semantic FCNs provide good features for boundary detection. We then
employ the predicted boundaries to define pairwise potentials in our energy.
Finally, we show that our energy decomposes semantic segmentation into multiple
binary problems, which can be relaxed for efficient global optimization. We
report extensive experiments demonstrating that minimization of our global
boundary-based energy yields results superior to prior globalization methods,
both quantitatively as well as qualitatively. | | [
"Gedas Bertasius",
"Jianbo Shi",
"Lorenzo Torresani"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.CV | 20151109 | 20160524 | [
"id": "1412.1123",
"title": "3. DeepEdge: A Multi-Scale Bifurcated Deep Network for Top-Down Contour Detection",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
"id": "1504.06201",
"title": "4. High-for-Low and Low-for-High: Efficient Boundary Detection from Deep Object Features and its Applications to High-Level Vision",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
] |
1511.02674 | 43 | [22] Jonathan Long, Evan Shelhamer, and Trevor Darrell. Fully convolutional networks for semantic segmentation. In The IEEE Conference
on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) , June 2015. 1,
[23] D. Martin, C. Fowlkes, D. Tal, and J. Malik. A database of human
segmented natural images and its application to evaluating segmentation algorithms and measuring ecological statistics. In Proc. 8th
Int’l Conf. Computer Vision , volume 2, pages 416–423, July 2001. 4
[24] Mohammadreza Mostajabi, Payman Yadollahpour, and Gregory
Shakhnarovich. Feedforward semantic segmentation with zoom-out
features. CoRR , abs/1412.0774, 2014. 2
[25] X. Ren and L. Bo. Discriminatively Trained Sparse Code Gradients
for Contour Detection. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems , December 2012. 4
[26] Carsten Rother, Vladimir Kolmogorov, Victor Lempitsky, and Martin
Szummer. Optimizing binary mrfs via extended roof duality. In Proc
Comp. Vision Pattern Recogn. (CVPR) , June 2007. 7, 8
[27] Wei Shen, Xinggang Wang, Yan Wang, Xiang Bai, and Zhijiang | 1511.02674 | Semantic Segmentation with Boundary Neural Fields | The state-of-the-art in semantic segmentation is currently represented by
fully convolutional networks (FCNs). However, FCNs use large receptive fields
and many pooling layers, both of which cause blurring and low spatial
resolution in the deep layers. As a result FCNs tend to produce segmentations
that are poorly localized around object boundaries. Prior work has attempted to
address this issue in post-processing steps, for example using a color-based
CRF on top of the FCN predictions. However, these approaches require additional
parameters and low-level features that are difficult to tune and integrate into
the original network architecture. Additionally, most CRFs use color-based
pixel affinities, which are not well suited for semantic segmentation and lead
to spatially disjoint predictions.
To overcome these problems, we introduce a Boundary Neural Field (BNF), which
is a global energy model integrating FCN predictions with boundary cues. The
boundary information is used to enhance semantic segment coherence and to
improve object localization. Specifically, we first show that the convolutional
filters of semantic FCNs provide good features for boundary detection. We then
employ the predicted boundaries to define pairwise potentials in our energy.
Finally, we show that our energy decomposes semantic segmentation into multiple
binary problems, which can be relaxed for efficient global optimization. We
report extensive experiments demonstrating that minimization of our global
boundary-based energy yields results superior to prior globalization methods,
both quantitatively as well as qualitatively. | | [
"Gedas Bertasius",
"Jianbo Shi",
"Lorenzo Torresani"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.CV | 20151109 | 20160524 | [
"id": "1412.1123",
"title": "3. DeepEdge: A Multi-Scale Bifurcated Deep Network for Top-Down Contour Detection",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
"id": "1504.06201",
"title": "4. High-for-Low and Low-for-High: Efficient Boundary Detection from Deep Object Features and its Applications to High-Level Vision",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
] |
1511.02674 | 44 | Comp. Vision Pattern Recogn. (CVPR) , June 2007. 7, 8
[27] Wei Shen, Xinggang Wang, Yan Wang, Xiang Bai, and Zhijiang
Zhang. Deepcontour: A deep convolutional feature learned by
positive-sharing loss for contour detection. June 2015. 2, 4
[28] Jonathan R Shewchuk. An introduction to the conjugate gradient
method without the agonizing pain. Technical report, Pittsburgh, PA,
USA, 1994. 6
[29] Jianbo Shi and Jitendra Malik. Normalized cuts and image segmentation. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence , 22:888–905, 1997. 2
[30] K. Simonyan and A. Zisserman. Very deep convolutional networks
for large-scale image recognition. CoRR , abs/1409.1556, 2014. 3
[31] Marshall F. Tappen and William T. Freeman. Comparison of graph
cuts with belief propagation for stereo, using identical mrf parameters. In Proceedings of the Ninth IEEE International Conference on
Computer Vision - Volume 2 , ICCV ’03, pages 900–, Washington,
DC, USA, 2003. IEEE Computer Society. 5, 7, 8 | 1511.02674 | Semantic Segmentation with Boundary Neural Fields | The state-of-the-art in semantic segmentation is currently represented by
fully convolutional networks (FCNs). However, FCNs use large receptive fields
and many pooling layers, both of which cause blurring and low spatial
resolution in the deep layers. As a result FCNs tend to produce segmentations
that are poorly localized around object boundaries. Prior work has attempted to
address this issue in post-processing steps, for example using a color-based
CRF on top of the FCN predictions. However, these approaches require additional
parameters and low-level features that are difficult to tune and integrate into
the original network architecture. Additionally, most CRFs use color-based
pixel affinities, which are not well suited for semantic segmentation and lead
to spatially disjoint predictions.
To overcome these problems, we introduce a Boundary Neural Field (BNF), which
is a global energy model integrating FCN predictions with boundary cues. The
boundary information is used to enhance semantic segment coherence and to
improve object localization. Specifically, we first show that the convolutional
filters of semantic FCNs provide good features for boundary detection. We then
employ the predicted boundaries to define pairwise potentials in our energy.
Finally, we show that our energy decomposes semantic segmentation into multiple
binary problems, which can be relaxed for efficient global optimization. We
report extensive experiments demonstrating that minimization of our global
boundary-based energy yields results superior to prior globalization methods,
both quantitatively as well as qualitatively. | | [
"Gedas Bertasius",
"Jianbo Shi",
"Lorenzo Torresani"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.CV | 20151109 | 20160524 | [
"id": "1412.1123",
"title": "3. DeepEdge: A Multi-Scale Bifurcated Deep Network for Top-Down Contour Detection",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
"id": "1504.06201",
"title": "4. High-for-Low and Low-for-High: Efficient Boundary Detection from Deep Object Features and its Applications to High-Level Vision",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
] |
1511.02674 | 45 | Computer Vision - Volume 2 , ICCV ’03, pages 900–, Washington,
DC, USA, 2003. IEEE Computer Society. 5, 7, 8
[32] Martin Wainwright, Tommi Jaakkola, and Alan Willsky. Map estimation via agreement on (hyper)trees: Message-passing and linear
programming approaches. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 51:3697–3717, 2002. 7, 8
[33] Saining Xie and Zhuowen Tu. Holistically-nested edge detection.
InThe IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) ,
December 2015. 2, 4
[34] Shuai Zheng, Sadeep Jayasumana, Bernardino Romera-Paredes, Vibhav Vineet, Zhizhong Su, Dalong Du, Chang Huang, and Philip Torr.
Conditional random fields as recurrent neural networks. In International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) , 2015. 3
[35] Dengyong Zhou, Olivier Bousquet, Thomas N. Lal, Jason Weston,
and Bernhard Schölkopf. Learning with local and global consistency.
In S. Thrun, L.K. Saul, and B. Schölkopf, editors, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 16 , pages 321–328. MIT Press, | 1511.02674 | Semantic Segmentation with Boundary Neural Fields | The state-of-the-art in semantic segmentation is currently represented by
fully convolutional networks (FCNs). However, FCNs use large receptive fields
and many pooling layers, both of which cause blurring and low spatial
resolution in the deep layers. As a result FCNs tend to produce segmentations
that are poorly localized around object boundaries. Prior work has attempted to
address this issue in post-processing steps, for example using a color-based
CRF on top of the FCN predictions. However, these approaches require additional
parameters and low-level features that are difficult to tune and integrate into
the original network architecture. Additionally, most CRFs use color-based
pixel affinities, which are not well suited for semantic segmentation and lead
to spatially disjoint predictions.
To overcome these problems, we introduce a Boundary Neural Field (BNF), which
is a global energy model integrating FCN predictions with boundary cues. The
boundary information is used to enhance semantic segment coherence and to
improve object localization. Specifically, we first show that the convolutional
filters of semantic FCNs provide good features for boundary detection. We then
employ the predicted boundaries to define pairwise potentials in our energy.
Finally, we show that our energy decomposes semantic segmentation into multiple
binary problems, which can be relaxed for efficient global optimization. We
report extensive experiments demonstrating that minimization of our global
boundary-based energy yields results superior to prior globalization methods,
both quantitatively as well as qualitatively. | | [
"Gedas Bertasius",
"Jianbo Shi",
"Lorenzo Torresani"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.CV | 20151109 | 20160524 | [
"id": "1412.1123",
"title": "3. DeepEdge: A Multi-Scale Bifurcated Deep Network for Top-Down Contour Detection",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
"id": "1504.06201",
"title": "4. High-for-Low and Low-for-High: Efficient Boundary Detection from Deep Object Features and its Applications to High-Level Vision",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
] |
1511.02674 | 46 | 2004. 5 | 1511.02674 | Semantic Segmentation with Boundary Neural Fields | The state-of-the-art in semantic segmentation is currently represented by
fully convolutional networks (FCNs). However, FCNs use large receptive fields
and many pooling layers, both of which cause blurring and low spatial
resolution in the deep layers. As a result FCNs tend to produce segmentations
that are poorly localized around object boundaries. Prior work has attempted to
address this issue in post-processing steps, for example using a color-based
CRF on top of the FCN predictions. However, these approaches require additional
parameters and low-level features that are difficult to tune and integrate into
the original network architecture. Additionally, most CRFs use color-based
pixel affinities, which are not well suited for semantic segmentation and lead
to spatially disjoint predictions.
To overcome these problems, we introduce a Boundary Neural Field (BNF), which
is a global energy model integrating FCN predictions with boundary cues. The
boundary information is used to enhance semantic segment coherence and to
improve object localization. Specifically, we first show that the convolutional
filters of semantic FCNs provide good features for boundary detection. We then
employ the predicted boundaries to define pairwise potentials in our energy.
Finally, we show that our energy decomposes semantic segmentation into multiple
binary problems, which can be relaxed for efficient global optimization. We
report extensive experiments demonstrating that minimization of our global
boundary-based energy yields results superior to prior globalization methods,
both quantitatively as well as qualitatively. | | [
"Gedas Bertasius",
"Jianbo Shi",
"Lorenzo Torresani"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.CV | 20151109 | 20160524 | [
"id": "1412.1123",
"title": "3. DeepEdge: A Multi-Scale Bifurcated Deep Network for Top-Down Contour Detection",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
"id": "1504.06201",
"title": "4. High-for-Low and Low-for-High: Efficient Boundary Detection from Deep Object Features and its Applications to High-Level Vision",
"authors": "Gedas Bertasius, Jianbo Shi, Lorenzo Torresani",
"year": "2015"
] |
1511.06464 | 0 | Unitary Evolution Recurrent Neural Networks
Amar ShahAS793@ CAM .AC.UK
Yoshua Bengio
Universidad de Buenos Aires, University of Cambridge,
Universit ´e de Montr ´eal. Yoshua Bengio is a CIFAR Senior Fellow.
Indicates first authors. Ordering determined by coin flip.
Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are notoriously difficult to train. When the eigenvalues
of the hidden to hidden weight matrix deviate
from absolute value 1, optimization becomes difficult due to the well studied issue of vanishingandexploding gradients, especially when trying to learn long-term dependencies. To circumvent this problem, we propose a new architecture
that learns a unitary weight matrix, with eigenvalues of absolute value exactly 1. The challenge we address is that of parametrizing unitary matrices in a way that does not require expensive computations (such as eigendecomposition) after each weight update. We construct an
expressive unitary weight matrix by composing
several structured matrices that act as building
blocks with parameters to be learned. Optimization with this parameterization becomes feasible | 1511.06464 | Unitary Evolution Recurrent Neural Networks | Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are notoriously difficult to train. When the
eigenvalues of the hidden to hidden weight matrix deviate from absolute value
1, optimization becomes difficult due to the well studied issue of vanishing
and exploding gradients, especially when trying to learn long-term
dependencies. To circumvent this problem, we propose a new architecture that
learns a unitary weight matrix, with eigenvalues of absolute value exactly 1.
The challenge we address is that of parametrizing unitary matrices in a way
that does not require expensive computations (such as eigendecomposition) after
each weight update. We construct an expressive unitary weight matrix by
composing several structured matrices that act as building blocks with
parameters to be learned. Optimization with this parameterization becomes
feasible only when considering hidden states in the complex domain. We
demonstrate the potential of this architecture by achieving state of the art
results in several hard tasks involving very long-term dependencies. | | [
"Martin Arjovsky",
"Amar Shah",
"Yoshua Bengio"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.LG | 20151120 | 20160525 | [] |
1511.06464 | 1 | expressive unitary weight matrix by composing
several structured matrices that act as building
blocks with parameters to be learned. Optimization with this parameterization becomes feasible
only when considering hidden states in the complex domain. We demonstrate the potential of
this architecture by achieving state of the art results in several hard tasks involving very longterm dependencies.
1. Introduction
Deep Neural Networks have shown remarkably good performance on a wide range of complex data problems including speech recognition (Hinton et al., 2012), image
recognition (Krizhevsky et al., 2012) and natural language
processing (Collobert et al., 2011). However, training very
deep models remains a difficult task. The main issue surrounding the training of deep networks is the vanishing
andexploding gradients problems introduced by HochreProceedings of the 33rdInternational Conference on Machine
Learning , New York, NY , USA, 2016. JMLR: W&CP volume
48. Copyright 2016 by the author(s).iter (1991) and shown by Bengio et al. (1994) to be necessarily arising when trying to learn to reliably store bits
of information in any parametrized dynamical system. If
gradients propagated back through a network vanish, the
credit assignment role of backpropagation is lost, as information about small changes in states in the far past has no | 1511.06464 | Unitary Evolution Recurrent Neural Networks | Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are notoriously difficult to train. When the
eigenvalues of the hidden to hidden weight matrix deviate from absolute value
1, optimization becomes difficult due to the well studied issue of vanishing
and exploding gradients, especially when trying to learn long-term
dependencies. To circumvent this problem, we propose a new architecture that
learns a unitary weight matrix, with eigenvalues of absolute value exactly 1.
The challenge we address is that of parametrizing unitary matrices in a way
that does not require expensive computations (such as eigendecomposition) after
each weight update. We construct an expressive unitary weight matrix by
composing several structured matrices that act as building blocks with
parameters to be learned. Optimization with this parameterization becomes
feasible only when considering hidden states in the complex domain. We
demonstrate the potential of this architecture by achieving state of the art
results in several hard tasks involving very long-term dependencies. | | [
"Martin Arjovsky",
"Amar Shah",
"Yoshua Bengio"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.LG | 20151120 | 20160525 | [] |
1511.06464 | 2 | gradients propagated back through a network vanish, the
credit assignment role of backpropagation is lost, as information about small changes in states in the far past has no
influence on future states. If gradients explode, gradientbased optimization algorithms struggle to traverse down a
cost surface, because gradient-based optimization assumes
small changes in parameters yield small changes in the objective function. As the number of time steps considered
in the sequence of states grows, the shrinking or expanding
effects associated with the state-to-state transformation at
individual time steps can grow exponentially, yielding respectively vanishing or exploding gradients. See Pascanu
et al. (2010) for a review.
Although the long-term dependencies problem appears
intractable in the absolute (Bengio et al., 1994) for
parametrized dynamical systems, several heuristics have
recently been found to help reduce its effect, such as the
use of self-loops and gating units in the LSTM (Hochreiter & Schmidhuber, 1997) and GRU (Cho et al., 2014) recurrent architectures. Recent work also supports the idea
of using orthogonal weight matrices to assist optimization
(Saxe et al., 2014; Le et al., 2015).
In this paper, we explore the use of orthogonal and unitary | 1511.06464 | Unitary Evolution Recurrent Neural Networks | Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are notoriously difficult to train. When the
eigenvalues of the hidden to hidden weight matrix deviate from absolute value
1, optimization becomes difficult due to the well studied issue of vanishing
and exploding gradients, especially when trying to learn long-term
dependencies. To circumvent this problem, we propose a new architecture that
learns a unitary weight matrix, with eigenvalues of absolute value exactly 1.
The challenge we address is that of parametrizing unitary matrices in a way
that does not require expensive computations (such as eigendecomposition) after
each weight update. We construct an expressive unitary weight matrix by
composing several structured matrices that act as building blocks with
parameters to be learned. Optimization with this parameterization becomes
feasible only when considering hidden states in the complex domain. We
demonstrate the potential of this architecture by achieving state of the art
results in several hard tasks involving very long-term dependencies. | | [
"Martin Arjovsky",
"Amar Shah",
"Yoshua Bengio"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.LG | 20151120 | 20160525 | [] |
1511.06464 | 3 | (Saxe et al., 2014; Le et al., 2015).
In this paper, we explore the use of orthogonal and unitary
matrices in recurrent neural networks. We start in Section 2
by showing a novel bound on the propagated gradients in
recurrent nets when the recurrent matrix is orthogonal. Section 3 discusses the difficulties of parameterizing real valued orthogonal matrices and how they can be alleviated by
moving to the complex domain.
We discuss a novel approach to constructing expressive
unitary matrices as the composition of simple unitary matrices which require at most O(nlogn)computation and
O(n)memory, when the state vector has dimension n.
These are unlike general matrices, which require O(n2)
computation and memory. Complex valued representationsarXiv:1511.06464v4 [cs.LG] 25 May 2016
Unitary Evolution Recurrent Neural Networks
have been considered for neural networks in the past, but
with limited success and adoption (Hirose, 2003; Zimmermann et al., 2011). We hope our findings will change this.
Whilst our model uses complex valued matrices and parameters, all implementation and optimization is possible
with real numbers and has been done in Theano (Bergstra | 1511.06464 | Unitary Evolution Recurrent Neural Networks | Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are notoriously difficult to train. When the
eigenvalues of the hidden to hidden weight matrix deviate from absolute value
1, optimization becomes difficult due to the well studied issue of vanishing
and exploding gradients, especially when trying to learn long-term
dependencies. To circumvent this problem, we propose a new architecture that
learns a unitary weight matrix, with eigenvalues of absolute value exactly 1.
The challenge we address is that of parametrizing unitary matrices in a way
that does not require expensive computations (such as eigendecomposition) after
each weight update. We construct an expressive unitary weight matrix by
composing several structured matrices that act as building blocks with
parameters to be learned. Optimization with this parameterization becomes
feasible only when considering hidden states in the complex domain. We
demonstrate the potential of this architecture by achieving state of the art
results in several hard tasks involving very long-term dependencies. | | [
"Martin Arjovsky",
"Amar Shah",
"Yoshua Bengio"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.LG | 20151120 | 20160525 | [] |
1511.06464 | 4 | Whilst our model uses complex valued matrices and parameters, all implementation and optimization is possible
with real numbers and has been done in Theano (Bergstra
et al., 2010). This along with other implementation details
are discussed in Section 4, and the code used for the experiments is available online. The potential of the developed
model for learning long term dependencies with relatively
few parameters is explored in Section 5. We find that the
proposed architecture generally outperforms LSTMs and
previous approaches based on orthogonal initialization.
2. Orthogonal Weights and Bounding the
Long-Term Gradient
A matrix, W, is orthogonal if W>W=WW>=I.
Orthogonal matrices have the property that they preserve
norm (i.e.kWhk2=khk2) and hence repeated iterative
multiplication of a vector by an orthogonal matrix leaves
the norm of the vector unchanged.
LethTandhtbe the hidden unit vectors for hidden layers
Tandtof a neural network with Thidden layers and T
t. IfCis the objective we are trying to minimize, then
thevanishing andexploding gradient problems refer to the
decay or growth of@C
@htas the number of layers, T, grows.
Letbe a pointwise nonlinearity function, and | 1511.06464 | Unitary Evolution Recurrent Neural Networks | Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are notoriously difficult to train. When the
eigenvalues of the hidden to hidden weight matrix deviate from absolute value
1, optimization becomes difficult due to the well studied issue of vanishing
and exploding gradients, especially when trying to learn long-term
dependencies. To circumvent this problem, we propose a new architecture that
learns a unitary weight matrix, with eigenvalues of absolute value exactly 1.
The challenge we address is that of parametrizing unitary matrices in a way
that does not require expensive computations (such as eigendecomposition) after
each weight update. We construct an expressive unitary weight matrix by
composing several structured matrices that act as building blocks with
parameters to be learned. Optimization with this parameterization becomes
feasible only when considering hidden states in the complex domain. We
demonstrate the potential of this architecture by achieving state of the art
results in several hard tasks involving very long-term dependencies. | | [
"Martin Arjovsky",
"Amar Shah",
"Yoshua Bengio"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.LG | 20151120 | 20160525 | [] |
1511.06464 | 5 | decay or growth of@C
@htas the number of layers, T, grows.
Letbe a pointwise nonlinearity function, and
ht+1=(zt+1) (1)
then by the chain rule
@hTT 1Y
@hTT 1Y
k (2)
where Dk+1=diag(0(zk+1))is the Jacobian matrix of
the pointwise nonlinearity.
In the following we define the norm of a matrix to refer to
the spectral radius norm (or operator 2-norm) and the norm
of a vector to mean L2-norm. By definition of the operator norms, for any matrices A;Band vectorvwe have
kAvkk AkkvkandkABkk AkkBk. If the weight
matrices Wkare norm preserving (i.e. orthogonal), thenweprove
@C | 1511.06464 | Unitary Evolution Recurrent Neural Networks | Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are notoriously difficult to train. When the
eigenvalues of the hidden to hidden weight matrix deviate from absolute value
1, optimization becomes difficult due to the well studied issue of vanishing
and exploding gradients, especially when trying to learn long-term
dependencies. To circumvent this problem, we propose a new architecture that
learns a unitary weight matrix, with eigenvalues of absolute value exactly 1.
The challenge we address is that of parametrizing unitary matrices in a way
that does not require expensive computations (such as eigendecomposition) after
each weight update. We construct an expressive unitary weight matrix by
composing several structured matrices that act as building blocks with
parameters to be learned. Optimization with this parameterization becomes
feasible only when considering hidden states in the complex domain. We
demonstrate the potential of this architecture by achieving state of the art
results in several hard tasks involving very long-term dependencies. | | [
"Martin Arjovsky",
"Amar Shah",
"Yoshua Bengio"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.LG | 20151120 | 20160525 | [] |
1511.06464 | 6 | matrices Wkare norm preserving (i.e. orthogonal), thenweprove
@hTT 1Y
T 1Y
T 1Y
k=tkDk+1k: (3)
Since Dkis diagonal,kDkk= max j=1;:::;nj0(z(j)
kthej-th pre-activation of the k-th hidden layer.
If the absolute value of the derivative 0can take some
value > 1, then this bound is useless, since k@C
T twhich grows exponentially in T. We therefore cannot effectively bound@C
@htfor deep networks, resulting potentially in exploding gradients.
In the casej0j< < 1, equation 3 proves that that@C | 1511.06464 | Unitary Evolution Recurrent Neural Networks | Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are notoriously difficult to train. When the
eigenvalues of the hidden to hidden weight matrix deviate from absolute value
1, optimization becomes difficult due to the well studied issue of vanishing
and exploding gradients, especially when trying to learn long-term
dependencies. To circumvent this problem, we propose a new architecture that
learns a unitary weight matrix, with eigenvalues of absolute value exactly 1.
The challenge we address is that of parametrizing unitary matrices in a way
that does not require expensive computations (such as eigendecomposition) after
each weight update. We construct an expressive unitary weight matrix by
composing several structured matrices that act as building blocks with
parameters to be learned. Optimization with this parameterization becomes
feasible only when considering hidden states in the complex domain. We
demonstrate the potential of this architecture by achieving state of the art
results in several hard tasks involving very long-term dependencies. | | [
"Martin Arjovsky",
"Amar Shah",
"Yoshua Bengio"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.LG | 20151120 | 20160525 | [] |
1511.06464 | 7 | @htfor deep networks, resulting potentially in exploding gradients.
In the casej0j< < 1, equation 3 proves that that@C
@httends to 0 exponentially fast as Tgrows, resulting in guaranteed vanishing gradients. This argument makes the rectified linear unit (ReLU) nonlinearity an attractive choice
(Glorot et al., 2011; Nair & Hinton, 2010). Unless all the
activations are killed at one layer, the maximum entry of
Dkis 1, resulting inkDkk= 1 for all layers k. With
ReLU nonlinearities, we thus have
T 1Y
: (4)
Most notably, this result holds for a network of arbitrary
depth and renders engineering tricks like gradient clipping
unnecessary (Pascanu et al., 2010).
To the best of our knowledge, this analysis is a novel contribution and the first time a neural network architecture has
been mathematically proven to avoid exploding gradients.
3. Unitary Evolution RNNs
Unitary matrices generalize orthogonal matrices to the | 1511.06464 | Unitary Evolution Recurrent Neural Networks | Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are notoriously difficult to train. When the
eigenvalues of the hidden to hidden weight matrix deviate from absolute value
1, optimization becomes difficult due to the well studied issue of vanishing
and exploding gradients, especially when trying to learn long-term
dependencies. To circumvent this problem, we propose a new architecture that
learns a unitary weight matrix, with eigenvalues of absolute value exactly 1.
The challenge we address is that of parametrizing unitary matrices in a way
that does not require expensive computations (such as eigendecomposition) after
each weight update. We construct an expressive unitary weight matrix by
composing several structured matrices that act as building blocks with
parameters to be learned. Optimization with this parameterization becomes
feasible only when considering hidden states in the complex domain. We
demonstrate the potential of this architecture by achieving state of the art
results in several hard tasks involving very long-term dependencies. | | [
"Martin Arjovsky",
"Amar Shah",
"Yoshua Bengio"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.LG | 20151120 | 20160525 | [] |
1511.06464 | 8 | been mathematically proven to avoid exploding gradients.
3. Unitary Evolution RNNs
Unitary matrices generalize orthogonal matrices to the
complex domain. A complex valued, norm preserving matrix,U, is called a unitary matrix and is such that UU=
UU=I, where Uis the conjugate transpose of U. Directly parametrizing the set of unitary matrices in such a
way that gradient-based optimization can be applied is not
straightforward because a gradient step will typically yield
a matrix that is not unitary, and projecting on the set of unitary matrices (e.g., by performing an eigendecomposition)
generally costsO(n3)computation when Uisnn.
The most important feature of unitary and orthogonal matrices for our purpose is that they have eigenvalues jwith
Unitary Evolution Recurrent Neural Networks
absolute value 1. The following lemma, proved in (Hoffman & Kunze, 1971), may shed light on a method which
can be used to efficiently span a large set of unitary matrices.
Lemma 1. A complex square matrix Wis unitary if and
only if it has an eigendecomposition of the form W= | 1511.06464 | Unitary Evolution Recurrent Neural Networks | Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are notoriously difficult to train. When the
eigenvalues of the hidden to hidden weight matrix deviate from absolute value
1, optimization becomes difficult due to the well studied issue of vanishing
and exploding gradients, especially when trying to learn long-term
dependencies. To circumvent this problem, we propose a new architecture that
learns a unitary weight matrix, with eigenvalues of absolute value exactly 1.
The challenge we address is that of parametrizing unitary matrices in a way
that does not require expensive computations (such as eigendecomposition) after
each weight update. We construct an expressive unitary weight matrix by
composing several structured matrices that act as building blocks with
parameters to be learned. Optimization with this parameterization becomes
feasible only when considering hidden states in the complex domain. We
demonstrate the potential of this architecture by achieving state of the art
results in several hard tasks involving very long-term dependencies. | | [
"Martin Arjovsky",
"Amar Shah",
"Yoshua Bengio"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.LG | 20151120 | 20160525 | [] |
1511.06464 | 9 | Lemma 1. A complex square matrix Wis unitary if and
only if it has an eigendecomposition of the form W=
VDV, wheredenotes the conjugate transpose. Here,
V;D2Cnnare complex matrices, where Vis unitary,
andDis a diagonal such that jDj;jj= 1. Furthermore, W
is a real orthogonal matrix if and only if for every eigenvalue Dj;j=jwith eigenvector vj, there is also a complex conjugate eigenvalue k=jwith corresponding
Writingj=eiwjwithwj2R, a naive method to learn a
unitary matrix would be to fix a basis of eigenvectors V2
Cnnand set
W=VDV; (5)
where Dis a diagonal such that Dj;j=j.
Lemma 1 informs us how to construct a real orthogonal
matrix, W. We must (i) ensure the columns of Vcome
in complex conjugate pairs, vk=vj, and (ii) tie weights | 1511.06464 | Unitary Evolution Recurrent Neural Networks | Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are notoriously difficult to train. When the
eigenvalues of the hidden to hidden weight matrix deviate from absolute value
1, optimization becomes difficult due to the well studied issue of vanishing
and exploding gradients, especially when trying to learn long-term
dependencies. To circumvent this problem, we propose a new architecture that
learns a unitary weight matrix, with eigenvalues of absolute value exactly 1.
The challenge we address is that of parametrizing unitary matrices in a way
that does not require expensive computations (such as eigendecomposition) after
each weight update. We construct an expressive unitary weight matrix by
composing several structured matrices that act as building blocks with
parameters to be learned. Optimization with this parameterization becomes
feasible only when considering hidden states in the complex domain. We
demonstrate the potential of this architecture by achieving state of the art
results in several hard tasks involving very long-term dependencies. | | [
"Martin Arjovsky",
"Amar Shah",
"Yoshua Bengio"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.LG | 20151120 | 20160525 | [] |
1511.06464 | 10 | matrix, W. We must (i) ensure the columns of Vcome
in complex conjugate pairs, vk=vj, and (ii) tie weights
wk= wjin order to achieve eiwj=eiwk. Most neural network objective functions are differentiable with respect to the weight matrices, and consequently wjmay be
learned by gradient descent.
Unfortunately the above approach has undesirable properties. Fixing Vand learning wrequiresO
which is unacceptable given that the number of learned parameters isO(n). Further note that calculating Vufor an
arbitrary vector urequiresO(n2)computation. Setting V
to the identity would satisfy the conditions of the lemma,
whilst reducing memory and computation requirements to
O(n), however, Wwould remain diagonal, and have poor
representation capacity.
We propose an alternative strategy to parameterize unitary
matrices. Since the product of unitary matrices is itself a
unitary matrix, we compose several simple, parameteric,
unitary matrices to construct a single, expressive unitary
matrix. The four unitary building blocks considered are
D, a diagonal matrix with Dj;j=eiwj, with parameterswj2R,
R=I 2vv | 1511.06464 | Unitary Evolution Recurrent Neural Networks | Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are notoriously difficult to train. When the
eigenvalues of the hidden to hidden weight matrix deviate from absolute value
1, optimization becomes difficult due to the well studied issue of vanishing
and exploding gradients, especially when trying to learn long-term
dependencies. To circumvent this problem, we propose a new architecture that
learns a unitary weight matrix, with eigenvalues of absolute value exactly 1.
The challenge we address is that of parametrizing unitary matrices in a way
that does not require expensive computations (such as eigendecomposition) after
each weight update. We construct an expressive unitary weight matrix by
composing several structured matrices that act as building blocks with
parameters to be learned. Optimization with this parameterization becomes
feasible only when considering hidden states in the complex domain. We
demonstrate the potential of this architecture by achieving state of the art
results in several hard tasks involving very long-term dependencies. | | [
"Martin Arjovsky",
"Amar Shah",
"Yoshua Bengio"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.LG | 20151120 | 20160525 | [] |
1511.06464 | 11 | D, a diagonal matrix with Dj;j=eiwj, with parameterswj2R,
R=I 2vv
kvk2, a reflection matrix in the complex
, a fixed random index permutation matrix, and
F andF 1, the Fourier and inverse Fourier transforms.Appealingly, D,Randall permitO(n)storage and
O(n)computation for matrix vector products. FandF 1
require no storage and O(nlogn)matrix vector multiplication using the Fast Fourier Transform algorithm. A major
advantage of composing unitary matrices of the form listed
above, is that the number of parameters, memory and computational cost increase almost linearly in the size of the
hidden layer. With such a weight matrix, immensely large
hidden layers are feasible to train, whilst being impossible
in traditional neural networks.
With this in mind, in this work we choose to consider recurrent neural networks with unitary hidden to hidden weight
matrices. Our claim is that the ability to have large hidden
layers where hidden states norms are preserved provides
a powerful tool for modeling long term dependencies in
sequence data. (Bengio et al., 1994) suggest that having
a large memory may be crucial for solving difficult tasks | 1511.06464 | Unitary Evolution Recurrent Neural Networks | Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are notoriously difficult to train. When the
eigenvalues of the hidden to hidden weight matrix deviate from absolute value
1, optimization becomes difficult due to the well studied issue of vanishing
and exploding gradients, especially when trying to learn long-term
dependencies. To circumvent this problem, we propose a new architecture that
learns a unitary weight matrix, with eigenvalues of absolute value exactly 1.
The challenge we address is that of parametrizing unitary matrices in a way
that does not require expensive computations (such as eigendecomposition) after
each weight update. We construct an expressive unitary weight matrix by
composing several structured matrices that act as building blocks with
parameters to be learned. Optimization with this parameterization becomes
feasible only when considering hidden states in the complex domain. We
demonstrate the potential of this architecture by achieving state of the art
results in several hard tasks involving very long-term dependencies. | | [
"Martin Arjovsky",
"Amar Shah",
"Yoshua Bengio"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.LG | 20151120 | 20160525 | [] |
1511.06464 | 12 | sequence data. (Bengio et al., 1994) suggest that having
a large memory may be crucial for solving difficult tasks
with long ranging dependencies: the smaller the state dimension, the more information necessarily has to be eliminated when mapping a long sequence to a fixed-dimension
We call any RNN architecture which uses a unitary hidden
to hidden matrix a unitary evolution RNN (uRNN). After
experimenting with several structures, we settled on the following composition
W=D3R2F 1D2R 1FD1: (6)
Whilst each but the permutation matrix is complex, we
parameterize and represent them with real numbers for implementation purposes. When the final cost is real and differentiable, we may perform gradient descent optimization
to learn the parameters. (Yang et al., 2015) construct a real
valued, non-orthogonal matrix using a similar parameterization with the motivation of parameter reduction by an
order of magnitude on an industrial sized network. This
combined with earlier work (Le et al., 2010) suggests that it
is possible to create highly expressive matrices by composing simple matrices with few parameters. In the following
section, we explain details on how to implement our model
and illustrate how we bypass the potential difficulties of
working in the complex domain. | 1511.06464 | Unitary Evolution Recurrent Neural Networks | Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are notoriously difficult to train. When the
eigenvalues of the hidden to hidden weight matrix deviate from absolute value
1, optimization becomes difficult due to the well studied issue of vanishing
and exploding gradients, especially when trying to learn long-term
dependencies. To circumvent this problem, we propose a new architecture that
learns a unitary weight matrix, with eigenvalues of absolute value exactly 1.
The challenge we address is that of parametrizing unitary matrices in a way
that does not require expensive computations (such as eigendecomposition) after
each weight update. We construct an expressive unitary weight matrix by
composing several structured matrices that act as building blocks with
parameters to be learned. Optimization with this parameterization becomes
feasible only when considering hidden states in the complex domain. We
demonstrate the potential of this architecture by achieving state of the art
results in several hard tasks involving very long-term dependencies. | | [
"Martin Arjovsky",
"Amar Shah",
"Yoshua Bengio"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.LG | 20151120 | 20160525 | [] |
1511.06464 | 13 | section, we explain details on how to implement our model
and illustrate how we bypass the potential difficulties of
working in the complex domain.
4. Architecture details
In this section, we describe the nonlinearity we used, how
we incorporate real valued inputs with complex valued hidden units and map from complex hidden states to real outputs.
4.1. Complex hidden units
Our implementation represents all complex numbers using real values in terms of their real and imaginary parts.
Unitary Evolution Recurrent Neural Networks
Under this framework, we sidestep the lack of support
for complex numbers by most deep learning frameworks.
Consider multiplying the complex weight matrix W=
A+iBby the complex hidden vector h=x+iy,
where A;B;x;y are real. It is trivially true that Wh=
(Ax By) +i(Ay+Bx). When we represent v2Cnas
Re(v)>;Im(v)>>2R2n, we compute complex matrix
vector products with real numbers as follows
=A B
B ARe(h)
: (7)
More generally, let f:Cn!Cnbe any complex function andz=x+iyany complex vector. We may write | 1511.06464 | Unitary Evolution Recurrent Neural Networks | Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are notoriously difficult to train. When the
eigenvalues of the hidden to hidden weight matrix deviate from absolute value
1, optimization becomes difficult due to the well studied issue of vanishing
and exploding gradients, especially when trying to learn long-term
dependencies. To circumvent this problem, we propose a new architecture that
learns a unitary weight matrix, with eigenvalues of absolute value exactly 1.
The challenge we address is that of parametrizing unitary matrices in a way
that does not require expensive computations (such as eigendecomposition) after
each weight update. We construct an expressive unitary weight matrix by
composing several structured matrices that act as building blocks with
parameters to be learned. Optimization with this parameterization becomes
feasible only when considering hidden states in the complex domain. We
demonstrate the potential of this architecture by achieving state of the art
results in several hard tasks involving very long-term dependencies. | | [
"Martin Arjovsky",
"Amar Shah",
"Yoshua Bengio"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.LG | 20151120 | 20160525 | [] |
1511.06464 | 14 | Im(h)
: (7)
More generally, let f:Cn!Cnbe any complex function andz=x+iyany complex vector. We may write
f(z) =(x;y) +i(x;y)where; :Rn!Rn. This
allows us to implement everything using real valued operations, compatible with any any deep learning framework
with automatic differentiation such as Theano.
4.2. Input to Hidden, Nonlinearity, Hidden to Output
As is the case with most recurrent networks, our uRNN follows the same hidden to hidden mapping as equation 1 with
Vt=VandWt=W. Denote the size of the complex
valued hidden states as nh. The input to hidden matrix is
complex valued, V2Cnhnin. We learn the initial hidden
stateh02Cnhas a parameter of the model.
Choosing an appropriate nonlinearity is not trivial in the
complex domain. As discussed in the introduction, using a
ReLU is a natural choice in combination with a norm preserving weight matrix. We first experimented with placing
separate ReLU activations on the real and imaginary parts | 1511.06464 | Unitary Evolution Recurrent Neural Networks | Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are notoriously difficult to train. When the
eigenvalues of the hidden to hidden weight matrix deviate from absolute value
1, optimization becomes difficult due to the well studied issue of vanishing
and exploding gradients, especially when trying to learn long-term
dependencies. To circumvent this problem, we propose a new architecture that
learns a unitary weight matrix, with eigenvalues of absolute value exactly 1.
The challenge we address is that of parametrizing unitary matrices in a way
that does not require expensive computations (such as eigendecomposition) after
each weight update. We construct an expressive unitary weight matrix by
composing several structured matrices that act as building blocks with
parameters to be learned. Optimization with this parameterization becomes
feasible only when considering hidden states in the complex domain. We
demonstrate the potential of this architecture by achieving state of the art
results in several hard tasks involving very long-term dependencies. | | [
"Martin Arjovsky",
"Amar Shah",
"Yoshua Bengio"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.LG | 20151120 | 20160525 | [] |
1511.06464 | 15 | ReLU is a natural choice in combination with a norm preserving weight matrix. We first experimented with placing
separate ReLU activations on the real and imaginary parts
of the hidden states. However, we found that such a nonlinearity usually performed poorly. Our intuition is that applying separate ReLU nonlinearities to the real and imaginary parts brutally impacts the phase of a complex number,
making it difficult to learn structure.
We speculate that maintaining the phase of hidden states
may be important for storing information across a large
number of time steps, and our experiments supported this
claim. A variation of the ReLU that we name modReLU ,
is what we finally chose. It is a pointwise nonlinearity,
modReLU (z) :C!C, which affects only the absolute
value of a complex number, defined as
modReLU (z) =(jzj+b)z
0 ifjzj+b<0(8)
whereb2Ris a bias parameter of the nonlinearity. For a
nhdimensional hidden space we learn nhnonlinearity bias
parameters, one per dimension. Note that the modReLU
is similar to the ReLU in spirit, in fact more concretely | 1511.06464 | Unitary Evolution Recurrent Neural Networks | Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are notoriously difficult to train. When the
eigenvalues of the hidden to hidden weight matrix deviate from absolute value
1, optimization becomes difficult due to the well studied issue of vanishing
and exploding gradients, especially when trying to learn long-term
dependencies. To circumvent this problem, we propose a new architecture that
learns a unitary weight matrix, with eigenvalues of absolute value exactly 1.
The challenge we address is that of parametrizing unitary matrices in a way
that does not require expensive computations (such as eigendecomposition) after
each weight update. We construct an expressive unitary weight matrix by
composing several structured matrices that act as building blocks with
parameters to be learned. Optimization with this parameterization becomes
feasible only when considering hidden states in the complex domain. We
demonstrate the potential of this architecture by achieving state of the art
results in several hard tasks involving very long-term dependencies. | | [
"Martin Arjovsky",
"Amar Shah",
"Yoshua Bengio"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.LG | 20151120 | 20160525 | [] |
1511.06464 | 16 | parameters, one per dimension. Note that the modReLU
is similar to the ReLU in spirit, in fact more concretely
modReLU (z) =ReLU (jzj+b)z
jzj.To map hidden states to output, we define a matrix U2
Rno2nh, wherenois the output dimension. We calculate
a linear output as
+bo; (9)
wherebo2Rnois the output bias. The linear output is real
valued (ot2Rno) and can be used for prediction and loss
function calculation akin to typical neural networks (e.g. it
may be passed through a softmax which is used for cross
entropy calculation for classification tasks).
4.3. Initialization
Due to the stability of the norm preserving operations of
our network, we found that performance was not very sensitive to initialization of parameters. For full disclosure
and reproducibility, we explain our initialization strategy
for each parameter below.
We initialize VandU(the input and output matrices) as in (Glorot & Bengio, 2010),
with weights sampled independently from uniforms,
. | 1511.06464 | Unitary Evolution Recurrent Neural Networks | Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are notoriously difficult to train. When the
eigenvalues of the hidden to hidden weight matrix deviate from absolute value
1, optimization becomes difficult due to the well studied issue of vanishing
and exploding gradients, especially when trying to learn long-term
dependencies. To circumvent this problem, we propose a new architecture that
learns a unitary weight matrix, with eigenvalues of absolute value exactly 1.
The challenge we address is that of parametrizing unitary matrices in a way
that does not require expensive computations (such as eigendecomposition) after
each weight update. We construct an expressive unitary weight matrix by
composing several structured matrices that act as building blocks with
parameters to be learned. Optimization with this parameterization becomes
feasible only when considering hidden states in the complex domain. We
demonstrate the potential of this architecture by achieving state of the art
results in several hard tasks involving very long-term dependencies. | | [
"Martin Arjovsky",
"Amar Shah",
"Yoshua Bengio"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.LG | 20151120 | 20160525 | [] |
1511.06464 | 17 | with weights sampled independently from uniforms,
The biases,bandboare initialized to 0. This implies
that at initialization, the network is linear with unitary
weights, which seems to help early optimization (Saxe
et al., 2014).
The reflection vectors for R1andR2are initialized
coordinate-wise from a uniform U[ 1;1]. Note that
the reflection matrices are invariant to scalar multiplication of the parameter vector, hence the width of the
uniform initialization is unimportant.
The diagonal weights for D1;D2andD3are sampled from a uniform, U[ ;]. This ensures that the
diagonal entries Dj;jare sampled uniformly over the
complex unit circle.
We initialize h0with a uniform,Uh
which results in E
= 1. Since the norm of
the hidden units are roughly preserved through unitary
evolution and inputs are typically whitened to have
norm 1, we have hidden states, inputs and linear outputs of the same order of magnitude, which seems to
help optimization.
5. Experiments | 1511.06464 | Unitary Evolution Recurrent Neural Networks | Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are notoriously difficult to train. When the
eigenvalues of the hidden to hidden weight matrix deviate from absolute value
1, optimization becomes difficult due to the well studied issue of vanishing
and exploding gradients, especially when trying to learn long-term
dependencies. To circumvent this problem, we propose a new architecture that
learns a unitary weight matrix, with eigenvalues of absolute value exactly 1.
The challenge we address is that of parametrizing unitary matrices in a way
that does not require expensive computations (such as eigendecomposition) after
each weight update. We construct an expressive unitary weight matrix by
composing several structured matrices that act as building blocks with
parameters to be learned. Optimization with this parameterization becomes
feasible only when considering hidden states in the complex domain. We
demonstrate the potential of this architecture by achieving state of the art
results in several hard tasks involving very long-term dependencies. | | [
"Martin Arjovsky",
"Amar Shah",
"Yoshua Bengio"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.LG | 20151120 | 20160525 | [] |
1511.06464 | 18 | norm 1, we have hidden states, inputs and linear outputs of the same order of magnitude, which seems to
help optimization.
5. Experiments
In this section we explore the performance of our uRNN
in relation to (a) RNN with tanh activations, (b) IRNN (Le
et al., 2015), that is an RNN with ReLU activations and
with the recurrent weight matrix initialized to the identity,
Unitary Evolution Recurrent Neural Networks
Figure 1. Results of the copying memory problem for time lags of 100;200;300;500. The LSTM is able to beat the baseline only for
100times steps. Conversely the uRNN is able to completely solve each time length in very few training iterations, without getting stuck
at the baseline.
and (c) LSTM (Hochreiter & Schmidhuber, 1997) models. We show that the uRNN shines quantitatively when
it comes to modeling long term dependencies and exhibits
qualitatively different learning properties to the other models.
We chose a handful of tasks to evaluate the performance
of the various models. The tasks were especially created
to be be pathologically hard, and have been used as benchmarks for testing the ability of a model to capture long-term
memory (Hochreiter & Schmidhuber, 1997; Le et al., 2015; | 1511.06464 | Unitary Evolution Recurrent Neural Networks | Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are notoriously difficult to train. When the
eigenvalues of the hidden to hidden weight matrix deviate from absolute value
1, optimization becomes difficult due to the well studied issue of vanishing
and exploding gradients, especially when trying to learn long-term
dependencies. To circumvent this problem, we propose a new architecture that
learns a unitary weight matrix, with eigenvalues of absolute value exactly 1.
The challenge we address is that of parametrizing unitary matrices in a way
that does not require expensive computations (such as eigendecomposition) after
each weight update. We construct an expressive unitary weight matrix by
composing several structured matrices that act as building blocks with
parameters to be learned. Optimization with this parameterization becomes
feasible only when considering hidden states in the complex domain. We
demonstrate the potential of this architecture by achieving state of the art
results in several hard tasks involving very long-term dependencies. | | [
"Martin Arjovsky",
"Amar Shah",
"Yoshua Bengio"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.LG | 20151120 | 20160525 | [] |
1511.06464 | 19 | memory (Hochreiter & Schmidhuber, 1997; Le et al., 2015;
Graves et al., 2014; Martens & Sutskever, 2011)
Of the handful of optimization algorithms we tried on the
various models, RMSProp (Tieleman & Hinton, 2012) lead
to fastest convergence and is what we stuck to for all experiments here on in. However, we found the IRNN to be
particularly unstable; it only ran without blowing up with
incredibly low learning rates and gradient clipping. Since
the performance was so poor relative to other models we
compare against, we do not show IRNN curves in the figures. In each experiment we use a learning rate of 10 3
and a decay rate of 0:9. For the LSTM and RNN models,
we had to clip gradients at 1 to avoid exploding gradients.Gradient clipping was unnecessary for the uRNN.
5.1. Copying memory problem
Recurrent networks have been known to have trouble remembering information about inputs seen many time steps
previously (Bengio et al., 1994; Pascanu et al., 2010). We
therefore want to test the uRNN’s ability to recall exactly
data seen a long time ago.
Following a similar setup to (Hochreiter & Schmidhuber, | 1511.06464 | Unitary Evolution Recurrent Neural Networks | Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are notoriously difficult to train. When the
eigenvalues of the hidden to hidden weight matrix deviate from absolute value
1, optimization becomes difficult due to the well studied issue of vanishing
and exploding gradients, especially when trying to learn long-term
dependencies. To circumvent this problem, we propose a new architecture that
learns a unitary weight matrix, with eigenvalues of absolute value exactly 1.
The challenge we address is that of parametrizing unitary matrices in a way
that does not require expensive computations (such as eigendecomposition) after
each weight update. We construct an expressive unitary weight matrix by
composing several structured matrices that act as building blocks with
parameters to be learned. Optimization with this parameterization becomes
feasible only when considering hidden states in the complex domain. We
demonstrate the potential of this architecture by achieving state of the art
results in several hard tasks involving very long-term dependencies. | | [
"Martin Arjovsky",
"Amar Shah",
"Yoshua Bengio"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.LG | 20151120 | 20160525 | [] |
1511.06464 | 20 | data seen a long time ago.
Following a similar setup to (Hochreiter & Schmidhuber,
1997), we outline the copy memory task. Consider 10 categories,faig9
i=0. The input takes the form of a T+20 length
vector of categories, where we test over a range of values
ofT. The first 10entries are sampled uniformly, independently and with replacement from faig7
i=0, and represent
the sequence which will need to be remembered. The next
T 1entries are set to a8, which can be thought of as the
’blank’ category. The next single entry is a9, which represents a delimiter, which should indicate to the algorithm
that it is now required to reproduce the initial 10categories
in the output. The remaining 10entries are set to a8. The
required output sequence consists of T+ 10 repeated entries ofa8, followed by the first 10categories of the input
Unitary Evolution Recurrent Neural Networks
Figure 2. Results of the adding problem for T= 100 ;200;400;750. The RNN with tanh is not able to beat the baseline for any time
length. The LSTM and the uRNN show similar performance across time lengths, consistently beating the baseline. | 1511.06464 | Unitary Evolution Recurrent Neural Networks | Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are notoriously difficult to train. When the
eigenvalues of the hidden to hidden weight matrix deviate from absolute value
1, optimization becomes difficult due to the well studied issue of vanishing
and exploding gradients, especially when trying to learn long-term
dependencies. To circumvent this problem, we propose a new architecture that
learns a unitary weight matrix, with eigenvalues of absolute value exactly 1.
The challenge we address is that of parametrizing unitary matrices in a way
that does not require expensive computations (such as eigendecomposition) after
each weight update. We construct an expressive unitary weight matrix by
composing several structured matrices that act as building blocks with
parameters to be learned. Optimization with this parameterization becomes
feasible only when considering hidden states in the complex domain. We
demonstrate the potential of this architecture by achieving state of the art
results in several hard tasks involving very long-term dependencies. | | [
"Martin Arjovsky",
"Amar Shah",
"Yoshua Bengio"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.LG | 20151120 | 20160525 | [] |
1511.06464 | 21 | length. The LSTM and the uRNN show similar performance across time lengths, consistently beating the baseline.
sequence in exactly the same order. The goal is to minimize the average cross entropy of category predictions at
each time step of the sequence. The task amounts to having to remember a categorical sequence of length 10, for T
time steps.
A simple baseline can be established by considering an
optimal strategy when no memory is available, which we
deem the memoryless strategy. The memoryless strategy
would be to predict a8forT+ 10 entries and then predict
each of the final 10categories from the set faig7
i=0independently and uniformly at random. The categorical cross
entropy of this strategy is10 log(8)
We ran experiments where the RNN with tanh activations,
IRNN, LSTM and uRNN had hidden layers of size 80, 80,
40 and 128 respectively. This equates to roughly 6500 parameters per model. In Figure 1, we see that aside from the
simplest case, both the RNN with tanh and more surprisingly the LSTMs get almost exactly the same cost as the
memoryless strategy. This behaviour is consistent with the
results of (Graves et al., 2014), in which poor performance | 1511.06464 | Unitary Evolution Recurrent Neural Networks | Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are notoriously difficult to train. When the
eigenvalues of the hidden to hidden weight matrix deviate from absolute value
1, optimization becomes difficult due to the well studied issue of vanishing
and exploding gradients, especially when trying to learn long-term
dependencies. To circumvent this problem, we propose a new architecture that
learns a unitary weight matrix, with eigenvalues of absolute value exactly 1.
The challenge we address is that of parametrizing unitary matrices in a way
that does not require expensive computations (such as eigendecomposition) after
each weight update. We construct an expressive unitary weight matrix by
composing several structured matrices that act as building blocks with
parameters to be learned. Optimization with this parameterization becomes
feasible only when considering hidden states in the complex domain. We
demonstrate the potential of this architecture by achieving state of the art
results in several hard tasks involving very long-term dependencies. | | [
"Martin Arjovsky",
"Amar Shah",
"Yoshua Bengio"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.LG | 20151120 | 20160525 | [] |
1511.06464 | 22 | memoryless strategy. This behaviour is consistent with the
results of (Graves et al., 2014), in which poor performance
is reported for the LSTM for a very similar long term memory problem.
The uRNN consistently achieves perfect performance inrelatively few iterations, even when having to recall sequences after 500 time steps. What is remarkable is that
the uRNN does not get stuck at the baseline at all, whilst
the LSTM and RNN do. This behaviour suggests that the
representations learned by the uRNN have qualitatively different properties from both the LSTM and classical RNNs.
5.2. Adding Problem
We closely follow the adding problem defined in (Hochreiter & Schmidhuber, 1997) to explain the task at hand. Each
input consists of two sequences of length T. The first sequence, which we denote x, consists of numbers sampled
uniformly at random U[0;1]. The second sequence is an indicator sequence consisting of exactly two entries of 1 and
remaining entries 0. The first 1 entry is located uniformly
at random in the first half of the sequence, whilst the second 1 entry is located uniformly at random in the second
half. The output is the sum of the two entries of the first sequence, corresponding to where the 1 entries are located in | 1511.06464 | Unitary Evolution Recurrent Neural Networks | Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are notoriously difficult to train. When the
eigenvalues of the hidden to hidden weight matrix deviate from absolute value
1, optimization becomes difficult due to the well studied issue of vanishing
and exploding gradients, especially when trying to learn long-term
dependencies. To circumvent this problem, we propose a new architecture that
learns a unitary weight matrix, with eigenvalues of absolute value exactly 1.
The challenge we address is that of parametrizing unitary matrices in a way
that does not require expensive computations (such as eigendecomposition) after
each weight update. We construct an expressive unitary weight matrix by
composing several structured matrices that act as building blocks with
parameters to be learned. Optimization with this parameterization becomes
feasible only when considering hidden states in the complex domain. We
demonstrate the potential of this architecture by achieving state of the art
results in several hard tasks involving very long-term dependencies. | | [
"Martin Arjovsky",
"Amar Shah",
"Yoshua Bengio"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.LG | 20151120 | 20160525 | [] |
1511.06464 | 23 | half. The output is the sum of the two entries of the first sequence, corresponding to where the 1 entries are located in
the second sequence. A naive strategy of predicting 1 as the
output regardless of the input sequence gives an expected
mean squared error of 0:167, the variance of the sum of two
independent uniform distributions. This is our baseline to
Unitary Evolution Recurrent Neural Networks
Figure 3. Results on pixel by pixel MNIST classification tasks. The uRNN is able to converge in a fraction of the iterations that the
LSTM requires. The LSTM performs better on MNIST classification, but the uRNN outperforms on the more complicated task of
permuted pixels.
We chose to use 128 hidden units for the RNN with tanh,
IRNN and LSTM and 512 for the uRNN. This equates to
roughly 16K parameters for the RNN with tanh and IRNN,
60K for the LSTM and almost 9K for the uRNN. All models were trained using batch sizes of 20 and 50 with the best
results being reported. Our results are shown in Figure 2.
The LSTM and uRNN models are able to convincingly beat
the baseline up to T= 400 time steps. Both models do well | 1511.06464 | Unitary Evolution Recurrent Neural Networks | Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are notoriously difficult to train. When the
eigenvalues of the hidden to hidden weight matrix deviate from absolute value
1, optimization becomes difficult due to the well studied issue of vanishing
and exploding gradients, especially when trying to learn long-term
dependencies. To circumvent this problem, we propose a new architecture that
learns a unitary weight matrix, with eigenvalues of absolute value exactly 1.
The challenge we address is that of parametrizing unitary matrices in a way
that does not require expensive computations (such as eigendecomposition) after
each weight update. We construct an expressive unitary weight matrix by
composing several structured matrices that act as building blocks with
parameters to be learned. Optimization with this parameterization becomes
feasible only when considering hidden states in the complex domain. We
demonstrate the potential of this architecture by achieving state of the art
results in several hard tasks involving very long-term dependencies. | | [
"Martin Arjovsky",
"Amar Shah",
"Yoshua Bengio"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.LG | 20151120 | 20160525 | [] |
1511.06464 | 24 | The LSTM and uRNN models are able to convincingly beat
the baseline up to T= 400 time steps. Both models do well
whenT= 750 , but the mean squared error does not reach
close to 0. The uRNN achieves lower test error, but it’s
curve is more noisy. Despite having vastly more parameters, we monitored the LSTM performance to ensure no
The RNN with tanh and IRNN were not able to beat the
baseline for any number of time steps. (Le et al., 2015) report that their RNN solve the problem for T= 150 and the
IRNN forT= 300 , but they require over a million iterations before they start learning. Neither of the two models came close to either the uRNN or the LSTM in performance. The stark difference in our findings are best explained by our use of RMSprop with significantly higher
learning rates ( 10 3as opposed to 10 8) than (Le et al.,
2015) use for SGD with momentum.
5.3. Pixel-by-pixel MNIST
In this task, suggested by (Le et al., 2015), algorithms are
fed pixels of MNIST (LeCun et al., 1998) sequentially and | 1511.06464 | Unitary Evolution Recurrent Neural Networks | Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are notoriously difficult to train. When the
eigenvalues of the hidden to hidden weight matrix deviate from absolute value
1, optimization becomes difficult due to the well studied issue of vanishing
and exploding gradients, especially when trying to learn long-term
dependencies. To circumvent this problem, we propose a new architecture that
learns a unitary weight matrix, with eigenvalues of absolute value exactly 1.
The challenge we address is that of parametrizing unitary matrices in a way
that does not require expensive computations (such as eigendecomposition) after
each weight update. We construct an expressive unitary weight matrix by
composing several structured matrices that act as building blocks with
parameters to be learned. Optimization with this parameterization becomes
feasible only when considering hidden states in the complex domain. We
demonstrate the potential of this architecture by achieving state of the art
results in several hard tasks involving very long-term dependencies. | | [
"Martin Arjovsky",
"Amar Shah",
"Yoshua Bengio"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.LG | 20151120 | 20160525 | [] |
1511.06464 | 25 | In this task, suggested by (Le et al., 2015), algorithms are
fed pixels of MNIST (LeCun et al., 1998) sequentially and
required to output a class label at the end. We consider two
tasks: one where pixels are read in order (from left to right,
bottom to top) and one where the pixels are all randomly
permuted using the same randomly generated permutation
matrix. The same model architectures as for the addingproblem were used for this task, except we now use a softmax for category classification. We ran the optimization
algorithms until convergence of the mean categorical cross
entropy on test data, and plot test accuracy in Figure 3.
Both the uRNN and LSTM perform applaudably well here.
On the correct unpermuted MNIST pixels, the LSTM performs better, achieving 98.2 % test accurracy versus 95.1%
for the uRNN. However, when we permute the ordering of
the pixels, the uRNN dominates with 91.4% of accuracy in
contrast to the 88% of the LSTM, despite having less than
a quarter of the parameters. This result is state of the art on
this task, beating the IRNN (Le et al., 2015), which reaches
close to 82% after 1 million training iterations. Notice that | 1511.06464 | Unitary Evolution Recurrent Neural Networks | Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are notoriously difficult to train. When the
eigenvalues of the hidden to hidden weight matrix deviate from absolute value
1, optimization becomes difficult due to the well studied issue of vanishing
and exploding gradients, especially when trying to learn long-term
dependencies. To circumvent this problem, we propose a new architecture that
learns a unitary weight matrix, with eigenvalues of absolute value exactly 1.
The challenge we address is that of parametrizing unitary matrices in a way
that does not require expensive computations (such as eigendecomposition) after
each weight update. We construct an expressive unitary weight matrix by
composing several structured matrices that act as building blocks with
parameters to be learned. Optimization with this parameterization becomes
feasible only when considering hidden states in the complex domain. We
demonstrate the potential of this architecture by achieving state of the art
results in several hard tasks involving very long-term dependencies. | | [
"Martin Arjovsky",
"Amar Shah",
"Yoshua Bengio"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.LG | 20151120 | 20160525 | [] |
1511.06464 | 26 | this task, beating the IRNN (Le et al., 2015), which reaches
close to 82% after 1 million training iterations. Notice that
uRNN reaches convergence in less than 20 thousand iterations, while it takes the LSTM from 5 to 10 times as many
to finish learning.
Permuting the pixels of MNIST images creates many
longer term dependencies across pixels than in the original pixel ordering, where a lot of structure is local. This
makes it necessary for a network to learn and remember
more complicated dependencies across varying time scales.
The results suggest that the uRNN is better able to deal
with such structure over the data, where the LSTM is better
suited to more local sequence structure tasks.
5.4. Exploratory experiments
Norms of hidden state gradients. As discussed in Section 2, key to being able to learn long term dependencies
is in controlling@C
@ht. With this in mind, we explored how
each model propagated gradients, by examining
a function of t. Gradient norms were computed at the beUnitary Evolution Recurrent Neural Networks
Figure 4. From left to right. Norms of the gradients with respect to hidden states i.e.
@C | 1511.06464 | Unitary Evolution Recurrent Neural Networks | Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are notoriously difficult to train. When the
eigenvalues of the hidden to hidden weight matrix deviate from absolute value
1, optimization becomes difficult due to the well studied issue of vanishing
and exploding gradients, especially when trying to learn long-term
dependencies. To circumvent this problem, we propose a new architecture that
learns a unitary weight matrix, with eigenvalues of absolute value exactly 1.
The challenge we address is that of parametrizing unitary matrices in a way
that does not require expensive computations (such as eigendecomposition) after
each weight update. We construct an expressive unitary weight matrix by
composing several structured matrices that act as building blocks with
parameters to be learned. Optimization with this parameterization becomes
feasible only when considering hidden states in the complex domain. We
demonstrate the potential of this architecture by achieving state of the art
results in several hard tasks involving very long-term dependencies. | | [
"Martin Arjovsky",
"Amar Shah",
"Yoshua Bengio"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.LG | 20151120 | 20160525 | [] |
1511.06464 | 27 | Figure 4. From left to right. Norms of the gradients with respect to hidden states i.e.
at (i) beginning of training, (ii) after 100
iterations. (iii) Norms of the hidden states and (iv) L2distance between hidden states and final hidden state. The gradient norms of
uRNNs do not decay as fast as for other models as training progresses. uRNN hidden state norms stay much more consistent over time
than the LSTM. LSTM hidden states stay almost the same after a number of time steps, suggesting that it is not able to use new input
ginning of training and again after 100 iterations of training
on the adding problem. The curves are plotted in Figure 4.
It is clear that at first, the uRNN propagates gradients perfectly, while each other model has exponentially vanishing
gradients. After 100 iterations of training, each model experiences vanishing gradients, but the uRNN is best able to
propagate information, having much less decay.
Hidden state saturation. We claim that typical recurrent
architectures saturate, in the sense that after they acquire
some information, it becomes much more difficult to acquire further information pertaining to longer dependencies. We took the uRNN and LSTM models trained on | 1511.06464 | Unitary Evolution Recurrent Neural Networks | Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are notoriously difficult to train. When the
eigenvalues of the hidden to hidden weight matrix deviate from absolute value
1, optimization becomes difficult due to the well studied issue of vanishing
and exploding gradients, especially when trying to learn long-term
dependencies. To circumvent this problem, we propose a new architecture that
learns a unitary weight matrix, with eigenvalues of absolute value exactly 1.
The challenge we address is that of parametrizing unitary matrices in a way
that does not require expensive computations (such as eigendecomposition) after
each weight update. We construct an expressive unitary weight matrix by
composing several structured matrices that act as building blocks with
parameters to be learned. Optimization with this parameterization becomes
feasible only when considering hidden states in the complex domain. We
demonstrate the potential of this architecture by achieving state of the art
results in several hard tasks involving very long-term dependencies. | | [
"Martin Arjovsky",
"Amar Shah",
"Yoshua Bengio"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.LG | 20151120 | 20160525 | [] |
1511.06464 | 28 | some information, it becomes much more difficult to acquire further information pertaining to longer dependencies. We took the uRNN and LSTM models trained on
the adding problem with T= 200 , and computed a forward pass with newly generated data for the adding problem withT= 1000 . In order to show saturation effects,
we plot the norms of the hidden states and the L2distance
between each state and the last in Figure 4.
In our experiments, it is clear that the uRNN does not suffer
as much as other models do. Notice that whilst the norms of
hidden states in the uRNN grow very steadily over time, in
the LSTM they grow very fast, and then stay constant after
about 500time steps. This behaviour may suggest that the
LSTM hidden states saturate in their ability to incorporate
new information, which is vital for modeling long complicated sequences. It is interesting to see that the LSTM
hidden state at t= 500 , is close to that of t= 1000 , whilst
this is far from the case in the uRNN. Again, this suggests
that the LSTM’s capacity to use new information to alter
its hidden state severly degrades with sequence length. The
uRNN does not suffer from this difficulty nearly as badly.
A clear example of this phenomenon was observed in the | 1511.06464 | Unitary Evolution Recurrent Neural Networks | Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are notoriously difficult to train. When the
eigenvalues of the hidden to hidden weight matrix deviate from absolute value
1, optimization becomes difficult due to the well studied issue of vanishing
and exploding gradients, especially when trying to learn long-term
dependencies. To circumvent this problem, we propose a new architecture that
learns a unitary weight matrix, with eigenvalues of absolute value exactly 1.
The challenge we address is that of parametrizing unitary matrices in a way
that does not require expensive computations (such as eigendecomposition) after
each weight update. We construct an expressive unitary weight matrix by
composing several structured matrices that act as building blocks with
parameters to be learned. Optimization with this parameterization becomes
feasible only when considering hidden states in the complex domain. We
demonstrate the potential of this architecture by achieving state of the art
results in several hard tasks involving very long-term dependencies. | | [
"Martin Arjovsky",
"Amar Shah",
"Yoshua Bengio"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.LG | 20151120 | 20160525 | [] |
1511.06464 | 29 | uRNN does not suffer from this difficulty nearly as badly.
A clear example of this phenomenon was observed in the
adding problem with T= 750 . We found that the Pearson
correlation between the LSTM output prediction and the
first of the two uniform samples (whose sum is the target
output) was= 0:991. This suggests that the LSTM learnt
to simply find and store the first sample, as it was unable
to incorporate any more information by the time it reachedthe second, due to saturation of the hidden states.
6. Discussion
There are a plethora of further ideas that may be explored
from our findings, both with regards to learning representation and efficient implementation. For example, one hurdle
of modeling long sequences with recurrent networks is the
requirement of storing all hidden state values for the purpose of gradient backpropagation. This can be prohibitive,
since GPU memory is typically a limiting factor of neural
network optimization. However, since our weight matrix is
unitary, its inverse is its conjugate transpose, which is just
as easy to operate with. If further we were to use an invertible nonlinearity function, we would no longer need to store | 1511.06464 | Unitary Evolution Recurrent Neural Networks | Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are notoriously difficult to train. When the
eigenvalues of the hidden to hidden weight matrix deviate from absolute value
1, optimization becomes difficult due to the well studied issue of vanishing
and exploding gradients, especially when trying to learn long-term
dependencies. To circumvent this problem, we propose a new architecture that
learns a unitary weight matrix, with eigenvalues of absolute value exactly 1.
The challenge we address is that of parametrizing unitary matrices in a way
that does not require expensive computations (such as eigendecomposition) after
each weight update. We construct an expressive unitary weight matrix by
composing several structured matrices that act as building blocks with
parameters to be learned. Optimization with this parameterization becomes
feasible only when considering hidden states in the complex domain. We
demonstrate the potential of this architecture by achieving state of the art
results in several hard tasks involving very long-term dependencies. | | [
"Martin Arjovsky",
"Amar Shah",
"Yoshua Bengio"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.LG | 20151120 | 20160525 | [] |
1511.06464 | 30 | as easy to operate with. If further we were to use an invertible nonlinearity function, we would no longer need to store
hidden states, since they can be recomputed in the backward pass. This could have potentially huge implications,
as we would be able to reduce memory usage by an order
ofT, the number of time steps. This would make having
immensely large hidden layers possible, perhaps enabling
vast memory representations.
In this paper we demonstrate state of the art performance
on hard problems requiring long term reasoning and memory. These results are based on a novel parameterization
of unitary matrices which permit efficient matrix computations and parameter optimization. Whilst complex domain modeling has been widely succesful in the signal processing community (e.g. Fourier transforms, wavelets), we
have yet to exploit the power of complex valued representation in the deep learning community. Our hope is that
this work will be a step forward in this direction. We motivate the idea of unitary evolution as a novel way to mitigate
the problems of vanishing and exploding gradients. Empirical evidence suggests that our uRNN is better able to pass
gradient information through long sequences and does not
suffer from saturating hidden states as much as LSTMs,
typical RNNs, or RNNs initialized with the identity weight
matrix (IRNNs). | 1511.06464 | Unitary Evolution Recurrent Neural Networks | Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are notoriously difficult to train. When the
eigenvalues of the hidden to hidden weight matrix deviate from absolute value
1, optimization becomes difficult due to the well studied issue of vanishing
and exploding gradients, especially when trying to learn long-term
dependencies. To circumvent this problem, we propose a new architecture that
learns a unitary weight matrix, with eigenvalues of absolute value exactly 1.
The challenge we address is that of parametrizing unitary matrices in a way
that does not require expensive computations (such as eigendecomposition) after
each weight update. We construct an expressive unitary weight matrix by
composing several structured matrices that act as building blocks with
parameters to be learned. Optimization with this parameterization becomes
feasible only when considering hidden states in the complex domain. We
demonstrate the potential of this architecture by achieving state of the art
results in several hard tasks involving very long-term dependencies. | | [
"Martin Arjovsky",
"Amar Shah",
"Yoshua Bengio"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.LG | 20151120 | 20160525 | [] |
1511.06464 | 31 | suffer from saturating hidden states as much as LSTMs,
typical RNNs, or RNNs initialized with the identity weight
matrix (IRNNs).
Unitary Evolution Recurrent Neural Networks
Acknowledgments : We thank the developers of
Theano (Bergstra et al., 2010) for their great work.
We thank NSERC, Compute Canada, Canada Research
Chairs and CIFAR for their support. We would also like
to thank C ¸ aglar Gulc ¸ehre, David Krueger, Soroush Mehri,
Marcin Moczulski, Mohammad Pezeshki and Saizheng
Zhang for helpful discussions, comments and code sharing.
Bengio, Yoshua, Simard, Patrice, and Frasconi, Paolo.
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1, optimization becomes difficult due to the well studied issue of vanishing
and exploding gradients, especially when trying to learn long-term
dependencies. To circumvent this problem, we propose a new architecture that
learns a unitary weight matrix, with eigenvalues of absolute value exactly 1.
The challenge we address is that of parametrizing unitary matrices in a way
that does not require expensive computations (such as eigendecomposition) after
each weight update. We construct an expressive unitary weight matrix by
composing several structured matrices that act as building blocks with
parameters to be learned. Optimization with this parameterization becomes
feasible only when considering hidden states in the complex domain. We
demonstrate the potential of this architecture by achieving state of the art
results in several hard tasks involving very long-term dependencies. | | [
"Martin Arjovsky",
"Amar Shah",
"Yoshua Bengio"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.LG | 20151120 | 20160525 | [] |
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Deep sparse rectifier neural networks. International
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Graves, Alex, Wayne, Greg, and Danihelka, Ivo. Neural | 1511.06464 | Unitary Evolution Recurrent Neural Networks | Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are notoriously difficult to train. When the
eigenvalues of the hidden to hidden weight matrix deviate from absolute value
1, optimization becomes difficult due to the well studied issue of vanishing
and exploding gradients, especially when trying to learn long-term
dependencies. To circumvent this problem, we propose a new architecture that
learns a unitary weight matrix, with eigenvalues of absolute value exactly 1.
The challenge we address is that of parametrizing unitary matrices in a way
that does not require expensive computations (such as eigendecomposition) after
each weight update. We construct an expressive unitary weight matrix by
composing several structured matrices that act as building blocks with
parameters to be learned. Optimization with this parameterization becomes
feasible only when considering hidden states in the complex domain. We
demonstrate the potential of this architecture by achieving state of the art
results in several hard tasks involving very long-term dependencies. | | [
"Martin Arjovsky",
"Amar Shah",
"Yoshua Bengio"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.LG | 20151120 | 20160525 | [] |
1511.06464 | 33 | Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS) , 2011.
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Hoffman, Kenneth and Kunze, Ray. Linear Algebra . Pearson, second edition, 1971. | 1511.06464 | Unitary Evolution Recurrent Neural Networks | Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are notoriously difficult to train. When the
eigenvalues of the hidden to hidden weight matrix deviate from absolute value
1, optimization becomes difficult due to the well studied issue of vanishing
and exploding gradients, especially when trying to learn long-term
dependencies. To circumvent this problem, we propose a new architecture that
learns a unitary weight matrix, with eigenvalues of absolute value exactly 1.
The challenge we address is that of parametrizing unitary matrices in a way
that does not require expensive computations (such as eigendecomposition) after
each weight update. We construct an expressive unitary weight matrix by
composing several structured matrices that act as building blocks with
parameters to be learned. Optimization with this parameterization becomes
feasible only when considering hidden states in the complex domain. We
demonstrate the potential of this architecture by achieving state of the art
results in several hard tasks involving very long-term dependencies. | | [
"Martin Arjovsky",
"Amar Shah",
"Yoshua Bengio"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.LG | 20151120 | 20160525 | [] |
1511.06464 | 34 | 1997.
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Conference on Machine Learning , 2010. | 1511.06464 | Unitary Evolution Recurrent Neural Networks | Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are notoriously difficult to train. When the
eigenvalues of the hidden to hidden weight matrix deviate from absolute value
1, optimization becomes difficult due to the well studied issue of vanishing
and exploding gradients, especially when trying to learn long-term
dependencies. To circumvent this problem, we propose a new architecture that
learns a unitary weight matrix, with eigenvalues of absolute value exactly 1.
The challenge we address is that of parametrizing unitary matrices in a way
that does not require expensive computations (such as eigendecomposition) after
each weight update. We construct an expressive unitary weight matrix by
composing several structured matrices that act as building blocks with
parameters to be learned. Optimization with this parameterization becomes
feasible only when considering hidden states in the complex domain. We
demonstrate the potential of this architecture by achieving state of the art
results in several hard tasks involving very long-term dependencies. | | [
"Martin Arjovsky",
"Amar Shah",
"Yoshua Bengio"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.LG | 20151120 | 20160525 | [] |
1511.06464 | 35 | Nair, Vinod and Hinton, Geoffrey E. Rectified linear units
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Kusherbaeva, Victoria. Comparison of the complex valued and real valued neural networks trained
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ESANN , 2011. | 1511.06464 | Unitary Evolution Recurrent Neural Networks | Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are notoriously difficult to train. When the
eigenvalues of the hidden to hidden weight matrix deviate from absolute value
1, optimization becomes difficult due to the well studied issue of vanishing
and exploding gradients, especially when trying to learn long-term
dependencies. To circumvent this problem, we propose a new architecture that
learns a unitary weight matrix, with eigenvalues of absolute value exactly 1.
The challenge we address is that of parametrizing unitary matrices in a way
that does not require expensive computations (such as eigendecomposition) after
each weight update. We construct an expressive unitary weight matrix by
composing several structured matrices that act as building blocks with
parameters to be learned. Optimization with this parameterization becomes
feasible only when considering hidden states in the complex domain. We
demonstrate the potential of this architecture by achieving state of the art
results in several hard tasks involving very long-term dependencies. | | [
"Martin Arjovsky",
"Amar Shah",
"Yoshua Bengio"
] | [
] | null | null | cs.LG | 20151120 | 20160525 | [] |
1511.08119 | 0 | Higher Order Conditional Random Fields in Deep
Neural Networks
Anurag Arnab, Sadeep Jayasumana, Shuai Zheng, Philip H.S. Torr
University of Oxford
{firstname.lastname }
Abstract. We address the problem of semantic segmentation using deep learning.
Most segmentation systems include a Conditional Random Field (CRF) to produce
a structured output that is consistent with the image’s visual features. Recent deep
learning approaches have incorporated CRFs into Convolutional Neural Networks
(CNNs), with some even training the CRF end-to-end with the rest of the network.
However, these approaches have not employed higher order potentials, which
have previously been shown to significantly improve segmentation performance.
In this paper, we demonstrate that two types of higher order potential, based on
object detections and superpixels, can be included in a CRF embedded within a
deep network. We design these higher order potentials to allow inference with
the differentiable mean field algorithm. As a result, all the parameters of our
richer CRF model can be learned end-to-end with our pixelwise CNN classifier.
We achieve state-of-the-art segmentation performance on the PASCAL VOC | 1511.08119 | Higher Order Conditional Random Fields in Deep Neural Networks | We address the problem of semantic segmentation using deep learning. Most
segmentation systems include a Conditional Random Field (CRF) to produce a
structured output that is consistent with the image's visual features. Recent
deep learning approaches have incorporated CRFs into Convolutional Neural
Networks (CNNs), with some even training the CRF end-to-end with the rest of
the network. However, these approaches have not employed higher order
potentials, which have previously been shown to significantly improve
segmentation performance. In this paper, we demonstrate that two types of
higher order potential, based on object detections and superpixels, can be
included in a CRF embedded within a deep network. We design these higher order
potentials to allow inference with the differentiable mean field algorithm. As
a result, all the parameters of our richer CRF model can be learned end-to-end
with our pixelwise CNN classifier. We achieve state-of-the-art segmentation
performance on the PASCAL VOC benchmark with these trainable higher order
potentials. | | [
"Anurag Arnab",
"Sadeep Jayasumana",
"Shuai Zheng",
"Philip Torr"
] | [
] | ECCV 2016 | null | cs.CV | 20151125 | 20160729 | [
"id": "1409.1556",
"title": "2. Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Large-Scale Image Recognition",
"authors": "Simonyan, K., Zisserman, A.",
"year": "2015"
"id": "1411.4038",
"title": "3. Fully Convolutional Networks for Semantic Segmentation",
"authors": "Long, J., Shelhamer, E., Darrell, T.",
"year": "2015"
] |
1511.08119 | 1 | We achieve state-of-the-art segmentation performance on the PASCAL VOC
benchmark with these trainable higher order potentials.
Keywords: Semantic Segmentation, Conditional Random Fields, Deep Learning,
Convolutional Neural Networks
1 Introduction
Semantic segmentation involves assigning a visual object class label to every pixel in an
image, resulting in a segmentation with a semantic meaning for each segment. While a
strong pixel-level classifier is critical for obtaining high accuracy in this task, it is also
important to enforce the consistency of the semantic segmentation output with visual
features of the image. For example, segmentation boundaries should usually coincide
with strong edges in the image, and regions in the image with similar appearance should
have the same label.
Recent advances in deep learning have enabled researchers to create stronger classifiers, with automatically learned features, within a Convolutional Neural Network
(CNN) [1 –3]. This has resulted in large improvements in semantic segmentation accuracy on widely used benchmarks such as PASCAL VOC [4]. CNN classifiers are now
considered the standard choice for pixel-level classifiers used in semantic segmentation.
On the other hand, probabilistic graphical models have long been popular for structured prediction of labels, with constraints enforcing label consistency. Conditional | 1511.08119 | Higher Order Conditional Random Fields in Deep Neural Networks | We address the problem of semantic segmentation using deep learning. Most
segmentation systems include a Conditional Random Field (CRF) to produce a
structured output that is consistent with the image's visual features. Recent
deep learning approaches have incorporated CRFs into Convolutional Neural
Networks (CNNs), with some even training the CRF end-to-end with the rest of
the network. However, these approaches have not employed higher order
potentials, which have previously been shown to significantly improve
segmentation performance. In this paper, we demonstrate that two types of
higher order potential, based on object detections and superpixels, can be
included in a CRF embedded within a deep network. We design these higher order
potentials to allow inference with the differentiable mean field algorithm. As
a result, all the parameters of our richer CRF model can be learned end-to-end
with our pixelwise CNN classifier. We achieve state-of-the-art segmentation
performance on the PASCAL VOC benchmark with these trainable higher order
potentials. | | [
"Anurag Arnab",
"Sadeep Jayasumana",
"Shuai Zheng",
"Philip Torr"
] | [
] | ECCV 2016 | null | cs.CV | 20151125 | 20160729 | [
"id": "1409.1556",
"title": "2. Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Large-Scale Image Recognition",
"authors": "Simonyan, K., Zisserman, A.",
"year": "2015"
"id": "1411.4038",
"title": "3. Fully Convolutional Networks for Semantic Segmentation",
"authors": "Long, J., Shelhamer, E., Darrell, T.",
"year": "2015"
] |
1511.08119 | 2 | On the other hand, probabilistic graphical models have long been popular for structured prediction of labels, with constraints enforcing label consistency. Conditional
Random Fields (CRFs) have been the most common framework, and various rich and
arXiv:1511.08119v4 [cs.CV] 29 Jul 2016 | 1511.08119 | Higher Order Conditional Random Fields in Deep Neural Networks | We address the problem of semantic segmentation using deep learning. Most
segmentation systems include a Conditional Random Field (CRF) to produce a
structured output that is consistent with the image's visual features. Recent
deep learning approaches have incorporated CRFs into Convolutional Neural
Networks (CNNs), with some even training the CRF end-to-end with the rest of
the network. However, these approaches have not employed higher order
potentials, which have previously been shown to significantly improve
segmentation performance. In this paper, we demonstrate that two types of
higher order potential, based on object detections and superpixels, can be
included in a CRF embedded within a deep network. We design these higher order
potentials to allow inference with the differentiable mean field algorithm. As
a result, all the parameters of our richer CRF model can be learned end-to-end
with our pixelwise CNN classifier. We achieve state-of-the-art segmentation
performance on the PASCAL VOC benchmark with these trainable higher order
potentials. | | [
"Anurag Arnab",
"Sadeep Jayasumana",
"Shuai Zheng",
"Philip Torr"
] | [
] | ECCV 2016 | null | cs.CV | 20151125 | 20160729 | [
"id": "1409.1556",
"title": "2. Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Large-Scale Image Recognition",
"authors": "Simonyan, K., Zisserman, A.",
"year": "2015"
"id": "1411.4038",
"title": "3. Fully Convolutional Networks for Semantic Segmentation",
"authors": "Long, J., Shelhamer, E., Darrell, T.",
"year": "2015"
] |
1511.08119 | 3 | Higher Order Conditional Random Fields in Deep Neural Networks 3
We evaluate our higher order potentials on the PASCAL VOC 2012 semantic segmentation benchmark as well as the PASCAL Context dataset, to show significant
improvements over our baseline and achieve state-of-the art results.
2 Related Work
Before deep learning became prominent, semantic segmentation was performed with
dense hand-crafted features which were fed into a per-pixel or region classifier [14]. The
individual predictions made by these classifiers were often noisy as they lacked global
context, and were thus post-processed with a CRF, making use of prior knowledge such
as the fact that nearby pixels, as well as pixels of similar appearance, are likely to share
the same class label [14, 15].
The CRF model of [14] initially contained only unary and pairwise terms in an
8-neighbourhood, which [16] showed can result in shrinkage bias. Numerous improvements to this model were subsequently proposed including: densely connected pairwise
potentials facilitating interactions between all pairs of image pixels [17], formulating
higher order potentials defined over cliques larger than two nodes [5, 16] in order to
capture more context, modelling co-occurrence of object classes [18 –20], and utilising | 1511.08119 | Higher Order Conditional Random Fields in Deep Neural Networks | We address the problem of semantic segmentation using deep learning. Most
segmentation systems include a Conditional Random Field (CRF) to produce a
structured output that is consistent with the image's visual features. Recent
deep learning approaches have incorporated CRFs into Convolutional Neural
Networks (CNNs), with some even training the CRF end-to-end with the rest of
the network. However, these approaches have not employed higher order
potentials, which have previously been shown to significantly improve
segmentation performance. In this paper, we demonstrate that two types of
higher order potential, based on object detections and superpixels, can be
included in a CRF embedded within a deep network. We design these higher order
potentials to allow inference with the differentiable mean field algorithm. As
a result, all the parameters of our richer CRF model can be learned end-to-end
with our pixelwise CNN classifier. We achieve state-of-the-art segmentation
performance on the PASCAL VOC benchmark with these trainable higher order
potentials. | | [
"Anurag Arnab",
"Sadeep Jayasumana",
"Shuai Zheng",
"Philip Torr"
] | [
] | ECCV 2016 | null | cs.CV | 20151125 | 20160729 | [
"id": "1409.1556",
"title": "2. Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Large-Scale Image Recognition",
"authors": "Simonyan, K., Zisserman, A.",
"year": "2015"
"id": "1411.4038",
"title": "3. Fully Convolutional Networks for Semantic Segmentation",
"authors": "Long, J., Shelhamer, E., Darrell, T.",
"year": "2015"
] |
1511.08119 | 4 | capture more context, modelling co-occurrence of object classes [18 –20], and utilising
the results of object detectors [6, 21, 22].
Recent advances in deep learning have allowed us to replace hand-crafted features
with features learned specifically for semantic segmentation. The strength of these
representations was illustrated by [3] who achieved significant improvements over
previous hand-crafted methods without using any CRF post-processing. Chen et al. [12]
showed further improvements by post-processing the results of a CNN with a CRF.
Subsequent works [9 –11, 23] have taken this idea further by incorporating a CRF as
layers within a deep network and then learning parameters of both the CRF and CNN
together via backpropagation.
In terms of enhancements to conventional CRF models, Ladicky et al. [6] proposed using an off-the-shelf object detector to provide additional cues for semantic
segmentation. Unlike other approaches that refine a bounding-box detection to produce
a segmentation [8, 24], this method used detector outputs as a soft constraint and can
thus recover from object detection errors. Their formulation, however, used graph-cut
inference, which was only tractable due to the absence of dense pairwise potentials. | 1511.08119 | Higher Order Conditional Random Fields in Deep Neural Networks | We address the problem of semantic segmentation using deep learning. Most
segmentation systems include a Conditional Random Field (CRF) to produce a
structured output that is consistent with the image's visual features. Recent
deep learning approaches have incorporated CRFs into Convolutional Neural
Networks (CNNs), with some even training the CRF end-to-end with the rest of
the network. However, these approaches have not employed higher order
potentials, which have previously been shown to significantly improve
segmentation performance. In this paper, we demonstrate that two types of
higher order potential, based on object detections and superpixels, can be
included in a CRF embedded within a deep network. We design these higher order
potentials to allow inference with the differentiable mean field algorithm. As
a result, all the parameters of our richer CRF model can be learned end-to-end
with our pixelwise CNN classifier. We achieve state-of-the-art segmentation
performance on the PASCAL VOC benchmark with these trainable higher order
potentials. | | [
"Anurag Arnab",
"Sadeep Jayasumana",
"Shuai Zheng",
"Philip Torr"
] | [
] | ECCV 2016 | null | cs.CV | 20151125 | 20160729 | [
"id": "1409.1556",
"title": "2. Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Large-Scale Image Recognition",
"authors": "Simonyan, K., Zisserman, A.",
"year": "2015"
"id": "1411.4038",
"title": "3. Fully Convolutional Networks for Semantic Segmentation",
"authors": "Long, J., Shelhamer, E., Darrell, T.",
"year": "2015"
] |
1511.08119 | 5 | thus recover from object detection errors. Their formulation, however, used graph-cut
inference, which was only tractable due to the absence of dense pairwise potentials.
Object detectors have also been used by [21, 25], who also modelled variables that
describe the degree to which an object hypothesis is accepted.
We formulate the detection potential in a different manner to [6, 21, 25] so that it is
amenable to mean field inference. Mean field permits inference with dense pairwise connections, which results in substantial accuracy improvements [10,12, 17]. Furthermore,
mean field updates related to our potentials are differentiable and its parameters can thus
be learned in our end-to-end trainable architecture.
We also note that while the semantic segmentation problem has mostly been formulated in terms of pixels [3,10,14], some have expressed it in terms of superpixels [26 –28].
Superpixels can capture more context than a single pixel and computational costs can
also be reduced if one considers pairwise interactions between superpixels rather than individual pixels [21]. However, such superpixel representations assume that the segments
4 Arnab et al.
share boundaries with objects in an image, which is not always true. As a result, several | 1511.08119 | Higher Order Conditional Random Fields in Deep Neural Networks | We address the problem of semantic segmentation using deep learning. Most
segmentation systems include a Conditional Random Field (CRF) to produce a
structured output that is consistent with the image's visual features. Recent
deep learning approaches have incorporated CRFs into Convolutional Neural
Networks (CNNs), with some even training the CRF end-to-end with the rest of
the network. However, these approaches have not employed higher order
potentials, which have previously been shown to significantly improve
segmentation performance. In this paper, we demonstrate that two types of
higher order potential, based on object detections and superpixels, can be
included in a CRF embedded within a deep network. We design these higher order
potentials to allow inference with the differentiable mean field algorithm. As
a result, all the parameters of our richer CRF model can be learned end-to-end
with our pixelwise CNN classifier. We achieve state-of-the-art segmentation
performance on the PASCAL VOC benchmark with these trainable higher order
potentials. | | [
"Anurag Arnab",
"Sadeep Jayasumana",
"Shuai Zheng",
"Philip Torr"
] | [
] | ECCV 2016 | null | cs.CV | 20151125 | 20160729 | [
"id": "1409.1556",
"title": "2. Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Large-Scale Image Recognition",
"authors": "Simonyan, K., Zisserman, A.",
"year": "2015"
"id": "1411.4038",
"title": "3. Fully Convolutional Networks for Semantic Segmentation",
"authors": "Long, J., Shelhamer, E., Darrell, T.",
"year": "2015"
] |
1511.08119 | 6 | 4 Arnab et al.
share boundaries with objects in an image, which is not always true. As a result, several
authors [5, 7] have employed higher order potentials defined over superpixels that encourage label consistency over regions, but do not strictly enforce it. This approach also
allows multiple, non-hierarchical layers of superpixels to be integrated. Our formulation
uses this kind of higher order potential, but in an end-to-end trainable CNN.
Graphical models have been used with CNNs in other areas besides semantic segmentation, such as in pose-estimation [29] and group activity recognition [30]. Alternatively,
Ionescu et al. [31] incorporated structure into a deep network with structured matrix
layers and matrix backpropagation. However, the nature of models used in these works
is substantially different to ours. Some early works that advocated gradient backpropagation through graphical model inference for parameter optimisation include [32, 33]
and [34].
Our work differentiates from the above works since, to our knowledge, we are the first
to propose and conduct a thorough experimental investigation of higher order potentials
that are based on detection outputs and superpixel segmentation in a CRF which is
learned end-to-end in a deep network. Note that although [7] formulated mean field | 1511.08119 | Higher Order Conditional Random Fields in Deep Neural Networks | We address the problem of semantic segmentation using deep learning. Most
segmentation systems include a Conditional Random Field (CRF) to produce a
structured output that is consistent with the image's visual features. Recent
deep learning approaches have incorporated CRFs into Convolutional Neural
Networks (CNNs), with some even training the CRF end-to-end with the rest of
the network. However, these approaches have not employed higher order
potentials, which have previously been shown to significantly improve
segmentation performance. In this paper, we demonstrate that two types of
higher order potential, based on object detections and superpixels, can be
included in a CRF embedded within a deep network. We design these higher order
potentials to allow inference with the differentiable mean field algorithm. As
a result, all the parameters of our richer CRF model can be learned end-to-end
with our pixelwise CNN classifier. We achieve state-of-the-art segmentation
performance on the PASCAL VOC benchmark with these trainable higher order
potentials. | | [
"Anurag Arnab",
"Sadeep Jayasumana",
"Shuai Zheng",
"Philip Torr"
] | [
] | ECCV 2016 | null | cs.CV | 20151125 | 20160729 | [
"id": "1409.1556",
"title": "2. Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Large-Scale Image Recognition",
"authors": "Simonyan, K., Zisserman, A.",
"year": "2015"
"id": "1411.4038",
"title": "3. Fully Convolutional Networks for Semantic Segmentation",
"authors": "Long, J., Shelhamer, E., Darrell, T.",
"year": "2015"
] |
1511.08119 | 7 | learned end-to-end in a deep network. Note that although [7] formulated mean field
inference with higher order potentials, they did not consider object detection potentials
at all, nor were the parameters learned.
3 Conditional Random Fields
We now review conditional random fields used in semantic segmentation and introduce
the notation used in the paper. Take an image IwithNpixels, indexed 1,2,...,N . In
semantic segmentation, we attempt to assign every pixel a label from a predefined set of
labels L={l1,l2,...,l L}. Define a set of random variables X1,X2,...,X N, one for
each pixel, where each Xi∈ L. LetX= [X1X2... X N]T. Any particular assignment
xtoXis thus a solution to the semantic segmentation problem.
We use notations {V}, andV(i)to represent the set of elements of a vector V, and
theithelement of V, respectively. Given a graph Gwhere the vertices are from {X}
and the edges define connections among these variables, the pair (I,X)is modelled as a | 1511.08119 | Higher Order Conditional Random Fields in Deep Neural Networks | We address the problem of semantic segmentation using deep learning. Most
segmentation systems include a Conditional Random Field (CRF) to produce a
structured output that is consistent with the image's visual features. Recent
deep learning approaches have incorporated CRFs into Convolutional Neural
Networks (CNNs), with some even training the CRF end-to-end with the rest of
the network. However, these approaches have not employed higher order
potentials, which have previously been shown to significantly improve
segmentation performance. In this paper, we demonstrate that two types of
higher order potential, based on object detections and superpixels, can be
included in a CRF embedded within a deep network. We design these higher order
potentials to allow inference with the differentiable mean field algorithm. As
a result, all the parameters of our richer CRF model can be learned end-to-end
with our pixelwise CNN classifier. We achieve state-of-the-art segmentation
performance on the PASCAL VOC benchmark with these trainable higher order
potentials. | | [
"Anurag Arnab",
"Sadeep Jayasumana",
"Shuai Zheng",
"Philip Torr"
] | [
] | ECCV 2016 | null | cs.CV | 20151125 | 20160729 | [
"id": "1409.1556",
"title": "2. Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Large-Scale Image Recognition",
"authors": "Simonyan, K., Zisserman, A.",
"year": "2015"
"id": "1411.4038",
"title": "3. Fully Convolutional Networks for Semantic Segmentation",
"authors": "Long, J., Shelhamer, E., Darrell, T.",
"year": "2015"
] |
1511.08119 | 8 | and the edges define connections among these variables, the pair (I,X)is modelled as a
CRF characterised by Pr(X=x|I) = (1/Z(I)) exp( −E(x|I)), whereE(x|I)is the
energy of the assignment xandZ(I)is the normalisation factor known as the partition
function. We drop the conditioning on Ihereafter to keep the notation uncluttered. The
energyE(x)of an assignment is defined using the set of cliques Cin the graph G. More
specifically, E(x) =/summationtext
c∈Cψc(xc),where xcis a vector formed by selecting elements
ofxthat correspond to random variables belonging to the clique c, andψc(.)is the
cost function for the clique c. The function, ψc(.), usually uses prior knowledge about a
good segmentation, as well as information from the image, the observation the CRF is
conditioned on.
Minimising the energy yields the maximum a posteriori (MAP) labelling of the
image i.e.the most probable label assignment given the observation (image). When
dense pairwise potentials are used in the CRF to obtain higher accuracy, exact inference | 1511.08119 | Higher Order Conditional Random Fields in Deep Neural Networks | We address the problem of semantic segmentation using deep learning. Most
segmentation systems include a Conditional Random Field (CRF) to produce a
structured output that is consistent with the image's visual features. Recent
deep learning approaches have incorporated CRFs into Convolutional Neural
Networks (CNNs), with some even training the CRF end-to-end with the rest of
the network. However, these approaches have not employed higher order
potentials, which have previously been shown to significantly improve
segmentation performance. In this paper, we demonstrate that two types of
higher order potential, based on object detections and superpixels, can be
included in a CRF embedded within a deep network. We design these higher order
potentials to allow inference with the differentiable mean field algorithm. As
a result, all the parameters of our richer CRF model can be learned end-to-end
with our pixelwise CNN classifier. We achieve state-of-the-art segmentation
performance on the PASCAL VOC benchmark with these trainable higher order
potentials. | | [
"Anurag Arnab",
"Sadeep Jayasumana",
"Shuai Zheng",
"Philip Torr"
] | [
] | ECCV 2016 | null | cs.CV | 20151125 | 20160729 | [
"id": "1409.1556",
"title": "2. Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Large-Scale Image Recognition",
"authors": "Simonyan, K., Zisserman, A.",
"year": "2015"
"id": "1411.4038",
"title": "3. Fully Convolutional Networks for Semantic Segmentation",
"authors": "Long, J., Shelhamer, E., Darrell, T.",
"year": "2015"
] |
1511.08119 | 9 | image i.e.the most probable label assignment given the observation (image). When
dense pairwise potentials are used in the CRF to obtain higher accuracy, exact inference
is impracticable, and one has to resort to an approximate inference method such as mean
field inference [17]. Mean field inference is particularly appealing in a deep learning
setting since it is possible to formulate it as a Recurrent Neural Network [10].
Higher Order Conditional Random Fields in Deep Neural Networks 5
4 CRF with Higher Order Potentials
Many CRF models that have been incorporated into deep learning frameworks [10, 12]
have so far used only unary and pairwise potentials. However, potentials defined on
higher order cliques have been shown to be useful in previous works such as [7, 16]. The
key contribution of this paper is to show that a number of explicit higher order potentials
can be added to CRFs to improve image segmentation, while staying compatible with
deep learning. We formulate these higher order potentials in a manner that mean field
inference can still be used to solve the CRF. Advantages of mean field inference are
twofold: First, it enables efficient inference when using densely-connected pairwise | 1511.08119 | Higher Order Conditional Random Fields in Deep Neural Networks | We address the problem of semantic segmentation using deep learning. Most
segmentation systems include a Conditional Random Field (CRF) to produce a
structured output that is consistent with the image's visual features. Recent
deep learning approaches have incorporated CRFs into Convolutional Neural
Networks (CNNs), with some even training the CRF end-to-end with the rest of
the network. However, these approaches have not employed higher order
potentials, which have previously been shown to significantly improve
segmentation performance. In this paper, we demonstrate that two types of
higher order potential, based on object detections and superpixels, can be
included in a CRF embedded within a deep network. We design these higher order
potentials to allow inference with the differentiable mean field algorithm. As
a result, all the parameters of our richer CRF model can be learned end-to-end
with our pixelwise CNN classifier. We achieve state-of-the-art segmentation
performance on the PASCAL VOC benchmark with these trainable higher order
potentials. | | [
"Anurag Arnab",
"Sadeep Jayasumana",
"Shuai Zheng",
"Philip Torr"
] | [
] | ECCV 2016 | null | cs.CV | 20151125 | 20160729 | [
"id": "1409.1556",
"title": "2. Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Large-Scale Image Recognition",
"authors": "Simonyan, K., Zisserman, A.",
"year": "2015"
"id": "1411.4038",
"title": "3. Fully Convolutional Networks for Semantic Segmentation",
"authors": "Long, J., Shelhamer, E., Darrell, T.",
"year": "2015"
] |