audioduration (s)
lufthansa nine kilo yankee report established
ryan air seven four zulu foxtrot hello praha radar contact descend flight level two nine zero
csa two eight whiskey contact radar one one eight decimal three seven five
euro trans five three three seven direct mitni
heli charlie zulu we have the traffic in sight
csa four two zero what level you expect overhead
ruzyne tower csa six three alfa approaching holding point runway three one and ready for departure
csa seven seven three contact praha one two seven decimal one two five good bye
easy five four eight seven praha hello radar contact descend to flight level two nine zero fifteen hundred or more
al five two two taxi straight ahead via bravo delta holding point runway one three
lufthansa eight kilo alfa line up and wait three one and wait
cleared for takeoff wind zero nine zero four knots
praha lufthansa nine alfa flight level three four zero
jobair zero five one papa contact praha one two seven five seven five
ok continue down to level one hundred and maintain the on heading zero nine zero degrees sham
three four decimal four seven five good day
swiss one two four bravo reduce speed one six zero knots till four
csa four nine three reduce speed one eight zero or less and turn right heading two nine zero to intercept descend three thousand five hundred
we hold runway one three zero six
american one five nine three four zero
cimber three five two five on present heading clear to intercept and cleared for ils approach runway three one
hotel lima sierra during night time visual departure is not possible
nine zero csa nine six zero
finn air seven five whiskey descend flight level nine zero reduce to two five zero knots
ruzyne tower csa two seven zero holding one three on delta ready
csa six papa charlie ruzyne tower roger
turkish one seven six nine contact ruzyne ground one two one decimal nine good bye
act bratis
turkish one seven six eight hello radar contact climb to flight level three three zero initially
praha good morning quality eight two five bravo flight level two seven zero
bratislava one two five decimal
radar contact maintain flight level three seven zero
touch and go runway two five hotel echo xray
we are not ready now foxtrot lima delta
oscar kilo bravo yankee hotel
lufthansa seven two seven descending flight level two five zero
yes arrival track is victor lima mike one r thank you very much
one two seven eight two five csa nine three zero
descending flight level one zero zero switching one one nine zero csa six two three
praha good evening lufthansa one victor charlie
hello britair nine zero two delta ruzyne tower roger line up runway three one line up runway
csa seven three zero roger line up runway three one cleared for takeoff wind calm
german wings seven papa descend flight level eight zero
one three three four one zero csa eight zero two
sky travel one zero three seven descend flight level seven zero
oscar yankee romeo
csa one nine six three
n two six nine six sierra contact ruzyne tower one one eight decimal one good bye on tower good bye two six nine six sierra
jobair zero eighty one now climb to flight level one four zero
three zero
three seven mike thank you
climbing flight level one six zero csa nine two delta
proceed two zero nine praha good morning radar contact direct to victor lima mike follow victor lima mike one romeo arrival
lux air seven five six two praha hello radar contact climb to flight level three four zero
praha csa four two zero flight level two three seven climbing flight level two eight zero
qality nine one romeo request taxi
calibra four zero
descending flight level nine zero one one nine zero bye swiss one two four alfa
oscar lima zulu contact praha information one two six decimal one good bye vfr descend approved
and german wings seven five five climb to flight level three four zero
speed zero maintain
clear ils
speed one eight zero knots and request de
direct rapet
roger downwind two five hotel papa mike
d contact ruzyne radar one one nine decimal zero
praha radar good morning qatari zero two seven level three five zero
hello lufthansa seven eight seven heavy ruzyne tower continue approach
jobair zero six one line up runway three one
csa four delta romeo line up runway one three and wai
tower good morning lufthansa eight lima l
roger cleared to descent five thousand on qnh one zero two three intercept llz three one
csa eight eight zero runway three one cleared for takeoff wind one eight zero degrees four knots
jobair zero five one papa descend to flight level one four zero
six mike alfa taxi via blueline hotel lima holding point runway three one
proceed direct lima delta z direct lima delta zulu iberaia three eight zero eight
lufthansa seven kilo hotel hello tower roger expect one landing
a four two zero contact praha radar one two seven decimal eight two five
thank you very much direct varik klm one eight four zero
swedestar zero five two contact praha radar one one eight decimal three seven five good bye
lufthansa two five two six squak five one seven five
climb flight level one
one three six decimal four zero five bye sun turk three nine seven
csa two eight seven tower continue approach
austrian three zero five november praha radar contact climb flight level three zero zero
ruzyne aero flot one four nine continue three one
finn air seven six eight juliett praha good day radar contact climb flight level three four zero
turkish one nine five three continue present heading due
proceed direct romeo alfa ke
german wings eight november xray praha hello radar contact climb flight level three four zero confirm requested cruising level
masur austrian nine two charlie victor thank you
hotel echo xray wind two seven zero degrees five knots runway two five cleared to land
lufthansa nine echo lima runway one three cleared for takeoff wind zero seven zero degrees eight knots good bye
lufthansa three charlie november contact bratislava one two five decimal nine six five good bye
csa five three seven runway one three clear to land wind zero six zero degrees
lufthansa six romeo xray runway one three
roger thank you contact tower one one eight decimal one bye bye tower eighteen
oscar kilo alfa lima zulu praha radar radar contact
cleared to oscar lima bravo alfa via one hotel departure squawk one four three three startup approve
swedestar zero five two turn right direct to venox