listlengths 2
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"from": "human",
"id": "000237048",
"text": "የቀረበውን ምስል በአጭሩ ይተረጉሙ።\n<image>",
"value": "Share a concise interpretation of the image provided.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "000237048",
"text": "አዲሱ የደህንነት ቡድን ውድድሩን ለመወጣት ዝግጁ ነው",
"value": "the new security team is ready to take on the competition"
] | 00023/000237048.jpg | 000237048 |
"from": "human",
"id": "000803799",
"text": "<image>\nበፎቶው ላይ ያለው ምንድን ነው?",
"value": "<image>\nWhat is in the photo?"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "000803799",
"text": "የፋብሪካ ቀጥተኛ የገበያ ጋሪ ሊታጠፍ የሚችል ጋሪ ከእጅ ቦርሳ ጋር",
"value": "factory direct shopping cart foldable trolley with handbag"
] | 00080/000803799.jpg | 000803799 |
"from": "human",
"id": "001978536",
"text": "በፎቶው ላይ ያለው ምንድን ነው?\n<image>",
"value": "What is in the photo?\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "001978536",
"text": "የሳጥን ሰንሰለት ቦርሳ ጥቁር",
"value": "the box chain purse black"
] | 00197/001978536.jpg | 001978536 |
"from": "human",
"id": "003625634",
"text": "የምስሉን ምስላዊ ይዘት ማጠቃለያ ያቅርቡ።\n<image>",
"value": "Summarize the visual content of the image.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "003625634",
"text": "የብረት ፍሬም መዋቅር ግንባታ",
"value": "steel frame structure construction"
] | 00362/003625634.jpg | 003625634 |
"from": "human",
"id": "005633116",
"text": "የተሰጠውን ምስል በአጭሩ ግለጽ።\n<image>",
"value": "Provide a brief description of the given image.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "005633116",
"text": "ተዋናይ እና ጋዜጠኛ ራቸል ዌይስ በመጋቢት 12 በሆሊውድ ሙዚየም ውስጥ በ 2013 የቫኒቲ ትርኢት 'ድምጽ' ላይ ትገኛለች",
"value": "actress and journalist rachel weiss attends the 2013 vanity show'the voice'at the hollywood museum on march 12"
] | 00563/005633116.jpg | 005633116 |
"from": "human",
"id": "006378138",
"text": "<image>\nስለ ሥዕሉ አጭር ነገር ግን መረጃ ሰጭ ማጠቃለያ ጻፍ።",
"value": "<image>\nWrite a terse but informative summary of the picture."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "006378138",
"text": "ለካኖን ፣ ለኒክ እና ለኒክ ፍላሽ ካሜራዎች ሞቃት ሽያጭ አነስተኛ የፍጥነት መብራት",
"value": "hot selling small speedlight for canon, nik and nik flash cameras"
] | 00637/006378138.jpg | 006378138 |
"from": "human",
"id": "003081690",
"text": "የፎቶውን ግልፅ እና አጠር ያለ ማጠቃለያ ያቅርቡ።\n<image>",
"value": "Render a clear and concise summary of the photo.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "003081690",
"text": "የወተት ስቶት አሞሌ፣ አንድ ብርጭቆ ቢራ እና አንድ ጥቅል ስኒከርስ",
"value": "a bar of milk stout, a glass of beer, and a package of snickkers"
] | 00308/003081690.jpg | 003081690 |
"from": "human",
"id": "003383775",
"text": "የተሰጠውን ምስል በአጭሩ ግለጽ።\n<image>",
"value": "Provide a brief description of the given image.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "003383775",
"text": "ነጭ ንጣፍ ሽፋኖች እና ዚፐር ኪስ ያለው የአልጋ ንጣፍ ስብስብ",
"value": "a bed sheet set with white sheet covers and a zipper pocket"
] | 00338/003383775.jpg | 003383775 |
"from": "human",
"id": "004694221",
"text": "የተሰጠውን ምስል በአጭሩ ግለጽ።\n<image>",
"value": "Provide a brief description of the given image.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "004694221",
"text": "በአሸዋማ የባህር ዳርቻ አናት ላይ የተቀመጠ ነጭ lifeguard ወንበር",
"value": "a white lifeguard chair sitting on top of a sandy beach"
] | 00469/004694221.jpg | 004694221 |
"from": "human",
"id": "000319413",
"text": "<image>\nምስሉን በአጭሩ ግለጽለት።",
"value": "<image>\nDescribe the image concisely."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "000319413",
"text": "ሰኞ ሰኔ 22 ቀን 2019 በቶሮንቶ ምስራቃዊ ጫፍ ላይ በተከሰተ ድብደባ",
"value": "the scene at a stabbing in toronto's east end on monday, june 22, 2019"
] | 00031/000319413.jpg | 000319413 |
"from": "human",
"id": "000290280",
"text": "ስለ ቀጣዩ ምስል አጭርና ግልጽ ማብራሪያ ስጥ።\n<image>",
"value": "Give a short and clear explanation of the subsequent image.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "000290280",
"text": "አንድ ወንድና አንዲት ሴት በፊልም ልብስ ዲዛይነር የመጀመሪያ ትርዒት ላይ",
"value": "man and woman at the premiere of film costumer designer"
] | 00029/000290280.jpg | 000290280 |
"from": "human",
"id": "004488374",
"text": "ስለ ሥዕሉ አጭር ነገር ግን መረጃ ሰጭ ማጠቃለያ ጻፍ።\n<image>",
"value": "Write a terse but informative summary of the picture.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "004488374",
"text": "ዳላይ ዳላይ ቱርገን በዚህ ፋይል ውስጥ ይታያል ፎቶ ሮይተርስ / ማይክል ጄ ሪቺ",
"value": "dalai dalai turgen is shown in this file photo reuters / michael j ritchie"
] | 00448/004488374.jpg | 004488374 |
"from": "human",
"id": "000337131",
"text": "<image>\nይህ ምንድን ነው?",
"value": "<image>\nWhat is this?"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "000337131",
"text": "የመዶሻ ከበሮ መስመር አዶ የመዶሻ መሣሪያ በሳጥኑ ውስጥ ሁለት ዱላዎች አሉት",
"value": "a percussion drum line icon percussion instrument with two sticks in the box stock illustration"
] | 00033/000337131.jpg | 000337131 |
"from": "human",
"id": "003155480",
"text": "ስለ ሥዕሉ አጭር ነገር ግን መረጃ ሰጭ ማጠቃለያ ጻፍ።\n<image>",
"value": "Write a terse but informative summary of the picture.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "003155480",
"text": "ነጭ የበርበሪ ቲሸርት በሁለት ተንሸራታቾች ፊት ለፊት ፎቶግራፍ ተነስቷል",
"value": "a white burberry t - shirt is photographed in front of a pair of slides"
] | 00315/003155480.jpg | 003155480 |
"from": "human",
"id": "000883719",
"text": "የተሰጠውን ምስል በአጭሩ ግለጽ።\n<image>",
"value": "Provide a brief description of the given image.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "000883719",
"text": "በቀይ ሮዝ መኖሪያ ሆቴል ውስጥ ያለው የሎቢ ወይም የባር አካባቢ",
"value": "the lobby or bar area at red rose residency hotel"
] | 00088/000883719.jpg | 000883719 |
"from": "human",
"id": "004504116",
"text": "<image>\nስለ ሥዕሉ አጭር ነገር ግን መረጃ ሰጭ ማጠቃለያ ጻፍ።",
"value": "<image>\nWrite a terse but informative summary of the picture."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "004504116",
"text": "መንኮራኩሮች ያሉት ጥቁር ሳምሶን ሻንጣ በነጭ ዳራ ላይ ነው",
"value": "the black samsont luggage with wheels is on a white background"
] | 00450/004504116.jpg | 004504116 |
"from": "human",
"id": "000452556",
"text": "<image>\nየፎቶውን ዋና ዋና ገጽታዎች አጭር መግለጫ ያቅርቡ።",
"value": "<image>\nPresent a compact description of the photo's key features."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "000452556",
"text": "አንድ የማንግሮቭ ወንዝ በውሃ ውስጥ በትንሽ ጀልባ እና በጀልባ ጀልባዎች",
"value": "a mangrove river with small boat and paddle boats in the water"
] | 00045/000452556.jpg | 000452556 |
"from": "human",
"id": "000185666",
"text": "<image>\nየምስሉን ምስላዊ ይዘት ማጠቃለያ ያቅርቡ።",
"value": "<image>\nSummarize the visual content of the image."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "000185666",
"text": "ወጥ ቤቱ ደሴት ቆጣሪ ፣ አብሮ የተሰራ የእቃ ማጠቢያ ማሽን እና ትንሽ ማቀዝቀዣ አለው",
"value": "the kitchen features an island counter, a built in dishwasher and a small fridge"
] | 00018/000185666.jpg | 000185666 |
"from": "human",
"id": "001529205",
"text": "<image>\nየቀረበውን ምስል በአጭሩ ይተረጉሙ።",
"value": "<image>\nShare a concise interpretation of the image provided."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "001529205",
"text": "የዲናሞ ቡድን በአውሮፓ ዋንጫ የመጀመሪያ ዙር በኤፍሲ ላይ ካስመዘገበው ድል በኋላ ግቡን በደስታ ያከብራል",
"value": "the team of dynamo celebrate their goal with a celebration following their victory over fc in the europa cup round one"
] | 00152/001529205.jpg | 001529205 |
"from": "human",
"id": "000046849",
"text": "ሥዕሉን በአጭሩ ግለጽ።\n<image>",
"value": "Give a brief description of the image.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "000046849",
"text": "የፌይ መኝታ ቤት በር የፌይ መኝታ ቤት፣ የዲስኒ ክፍል፣ የመኝታ ቤት በሮች፣ የመኝታ ቤት ቀለም፣ የመኝታ ቤት ጭብጦች፣",
"value": "the door for a fairy bedroom fairy bedroom, disney room, bedroom doors, room paint, bedroom themes,"
] | 00004/000046849.jpg | 000046849 |
"from": "human",
"id": "005702168",
"text": "<image>\nየፎቶውን ግልፅ እና አጠር ያለ ማጠቃለያ ያቅርቡ።",
"value": "<image>\nRender a clear and concise summary of the photo."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "005702168",
"text": "የድርጊት ካሜራ ፍላሽ መብራት ፣ የውሃ ውስጥ የመጥለቅያ ካሜራ ከማይክሮፎን ጋር",
"value": "action camera flash light, underwater diving camera with microphone"
] | 00570/005702168.jpg | 005702168 |
"from": "human",
"id": "005555092",
"text": "ስለ ቀጣዩ ምስል አጭርና ግልጽ ማብራሪያ ስጥ።\n<image>",
"value": "Give a short and clear explanation of the subsequent image.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "005555092",
"text": "የሞዱል ኪት እና ዘመናዊ የግድግዳ ማሳያ ስርዓት ያለው የኤግዚቢሽን ማቆሚያ",
"value": "exhibition stand with modular kit and modern wall display system"
] | 00555/005555092.jpg | 005555092 |
"from": "human",
"id": "001708691",
"text": "የቀረበውን ምስል በአጭሩ ይተረጉሙ።\n<image>",
"value": "Share a concise interpretation of the image provided.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "001708691",
"text": "የተቆራረጠ ትስስር ያለው የጉልበት አናቶሚ",
"value": "knee anatomy with a torn ligament"
] | 00170/001708691.jpg | 001708691 |
"from": "human",
"id": "002416491",
"text": "የተሰጠውን ምስል በአጭሩ ግለጽ።\n<image>",
"value": "Provide a brief description of the given image.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "002416491",
"text": "የወረቀት አውሮፕላን በረራ",
"value": "paper plane flight"
] | 00241/002416491.jpg | 002416491 |
"from": "human",
"id": "005251121",
"text": "የተሰጠውን ምስል በአጭሩ ግለጽ።\n<image>",
"value": "Provide a brief description of the given image.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "005251121",
"text": "ኤሲኤም እመቤታችንን ከብሌክ ፣ ሚራንዳ እና ከሌሎችም ጋር የቴሌቪዥን ልዩ ለመመልከት ያቀርባል",
"value": "acm presents our lady to watch tv special with blake, miranda and more"
] | 00525/005251121.jpg | 005251121 |
"from": "human",
"id": "001139298",
"text": "<image>\nየምስሉን ምስላዊ ይዘት ማጠቃለያ ያቅርቡ።",
"value": "<image>\nSummarize the visual content of the image."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "001139298",
"text": "ቀላል የብረት መዋቅር መጋዘን ህንፃ",
"value": "light steel structure warehouse building"
] | 00113/001139298.jpg | 001139298 |
"from": "human",
"id": "004139034",
"text": "የፎቶውን ዋና ዋና ገጽታዎች አጭር መግለጫ ያቅርቡ።\n<image>",
"value": "Present a compact description of the photo's key features.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "004139034",
"text": "የሴት ልጆች ነጭ ጄሊ ጫማዎች",
"value": "girls's white jelly sandals"
] | 00413/004139034.jpg | 004139034 |
"from": "human",
"id": "000016513",
"text": "በፎቶው ላይ ያለው ምንድን ነው?\n<image>",
"value": "What is in the photo?\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "000016513",
"text": "አንድ የአትክልት ስፍራ ከፊት ለፊት የተቆራረጠ አጥር እና ትልቅ የድንጋይ ምንጭ",
"value": "a garden with a clipped hedge and a large stone fountain in front of it"
] | 00001/000016513.jpg | 000016513 |
"from": "human",
"id": "002069600",
"text": "<image>\nየቀረበውን ምስል በአጭሩ ይተረጉሙ።",
"value": "<image>\nShare a concise interpretation of the image provided."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "002069600",
"text": "የውሻው ቀስት ሰማያዊ እና ቢጫ የአበባ ንድፍ ያለው ትልቅ ነጭ ቀስት ቅርፅ አለው",
"value": "the dog bow is in the shape of a large white bow with a blue and yellow flower pattern"
] | 00206/002069600.jpg | 002069600 |
"from": "human",
"id": "006448792",
"text": "<image>\nየፎቶውን ግልፅ እና አጠር ያለ ማጠቃለያ ያቅርቡ።",
"value": "<image>\nRender a clear and concise summary of the photo."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "006448792",
"text": "ሰውየው በፍርድ ቤት ችሎት ክፍል ውስጥ ቃለ መጠይቅ እየተደረገበት ይመስላል",
"value": "the man appears to be being interviewed in a court hearing room"
] | 00644/006448792.jpg | 006448792 |
"from": "human",
"id": "001009763",
"text": "<image>\nየተሰጠውን ምስል በአጭሩ ግለጽ።",
"value": "<image>\nProvide a brief description of the given image."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "001009763",
"text": "በነጭ ዳራ ላይ ቀይ ሪባን ባላቸው በቀለማት ያሸበረቁ ብሎኮች ውስጥ የእርዳታ እና የህክምና እንክብካቤ ምልክት",
"value": "aids and medical care symbol in colorful blocks with red ribbon on white background"
] | 00100/001009763.jpg | 001009763 |
"from": "human",
"id": "002796396",
"text": "የፎቶውን ዋና ዋና ገጽታዎች አጭር መግለጫ ያቅርቡ።\n<image>",
"value": "Present a compact description of the photo's key features.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "002796396",
"text": "የምግብ ማብሰያ ዕቃዎች እና የወጥ ቤት መሳሪያዎች",
"value": "cooking utensils and kitchen tools"
] | 00279/002796396.jpg | 002796396 |
"from": "human",
"id": "006073236",
"text": "ምስሉን በአጭሩ ግለጽለት።\n<image>",
"value": "Describe the image concisely.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "006073236",
"text": "ሳምሰንግ ጋላክሲ ሰዓት 42 ሚሜ አይዝጌ ብረት ስማርት ሰዓት ከሲሊኮን ማሰሪያ ጋር ፣ ሮዝ ወርቅ",
"value": "samsung galaxy watch 42mm stainless steel smartwatch with silicon strap, rose gold"
] | 00607/006073236.jpg | 006073236 |
"from": "human",
"id": "006029769",
"text": "<image>\nይህ ምንድን ነው?",
"value": "<image>\nWhat is this?"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "006029769",
"text": "የኒው ዮርክ ቦት ጫማዎች በዳን ፓተንት",
"value": "the new yorker boots in tan patent"
] | 00602/006029769.jpg | 006029769 |
"from": "human",
"id": "000615520",
"text": "<image>\nስለ ሥዕሉ አጭር ነገር ግን መረጃ ሰጭ ማጠቃለያ ጻፍ።",
"value": "<image>\nWrite a terse but informative summary of the picture."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "000615520",
"text": "በኦግደን ዩታ ከሚገኙት ልጆች ጋር የቤተሰብ ፎቶግራፍ ማንሳት",
"value": "family photography session with the kids in ogden utah"
] | 00061/000615520.jpg | 000615520 |
"from": "human",
"id": "001216599",
"text": "<image>\nየፎቶውን ግልፅ እና አጠር ያለ ማጠቃለያ ያቅርቡ።",
"value": "<image>\nRender a clear and concise summary of the photo."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "001216599",
"text": "የጆሮ ማዳመጫዎቹ ከጥቁር ብረት የተሠሩ ሲሆን የብር ቅንጣቶች እና ሪኖች አሏቸው",
"value": "the earrings are made of black metal with silver sequins and rhines"
] | 00121/001216599.jpg | 001216599 |
"from": "human",
"id": "001174538",
"text": "የተሰጠውን ምስል በአጭሩ ግለጽ።\n<image>",
"value": "Provide a brief description of the given image.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "001174538",
"text": "አረንጓዴ እና ነጭ ቼቭሮን መጋረጃ በመስኮት ፊት ለፊት ይንጠለጠላል",
"value": "a green and white chevron curtain hangs in front of a window"
] | 00117/001174538.jpg | 001174538 |
"from": "human",
"id": "000808088",
"text": "በፎቶው ላይ ያለው ምንድን ነው?\n<image>",
"value": "What is in the photo?\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "000808088",
"text": "የአውሮፓ ተሳትፎ ጥቅል ሁሉንም የጉዞ ፍላጎቶች ያጠቃልላል",
"value": "the european engagement package, includes all the travel needs"
] | 00080/000808088.jpg | 000808088 |
"from": "human",
"id": "005350451",
"text": "<image>\nይህ ምንድን ነው?",
"value": "<image>\nWhat is this?"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "005350451",
"text": "ሰማያዊው ቡድን ኪት በሁሉም መጠኖች ይገኛል",
"value": "the blue team kit is available in all sizes"
] | 00535/005350451.jpg | 005350451 |
"from": "human",
"id": "002829240",
"text": "የፎቶውን ዋና ዋና ገጽታዎች አጭር መግለጫ ያቅርቡ።\n<image>",
"value": "Present a compact description of the photo's key features.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "002829240",
"text": "ክሪስቲና ማክጂ፣ የቢዮንስ ስዊፍት ዘፈን",
"value": "christina mcgee, a song by beyonce swift"
] | 00282/002829240.jpg | 002829240 |
"from": "human",
"id": "005610331",
"text": "<image>\nበፎቶው ላይ ያለው ምንድን ነው?",
"value": "<image>\nWhat is in the photo?"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "005610331",
"text": "አንድ ትንሽ የጭስ አምድ ከአሸዋ ደመና አናት ላይ ይለቀቃል",
"value": "a small smoke column emits from the top of an ash cloud"
] | 00561/005610331.jpg | 005610331 |
"from": "human",
"id": "000702346",
"text": "የተሰጠውን ምስል በአጭሩ ግለጽ።\n<image>",
"value": "Provide a brief description of the given image.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "000702346",
"text": "የሴቶች የጦር ትጥቅ ስር ረዥም እጅጌ ያለው ሸሚዝ",
"value": "women's under armour long sleeve shirt"
] | 00070/000702346.jpg | 000702346 |
"from": "human",
"id": "000281559",
"text": "ስለ ሥዕሉ አጭር ነገር ግን መረጃ ሰጭ ማጠቃለያ ጻፍ።\n<image>",
"value": "Write a terse but informative summary of the picture.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "000281559",
"text": "ዱካ ድብልቅ ፣ ሽንኩርት ፣ ዝንጅብል እና ሽንኩርት ፣ በነጭ ሳህን ውስጥ",
"value": "trail mix, nuts, raisins and nuts, in a white bowl"
] | 00028/000281559.jpg | 000281559 |
"from": "human",
"id": "003827012",
"text": "<image>\nይህ ምንድን ነው?",
"value": "<image>\nWhat is this?"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "003827012",
"text": "የቅጥ ማስታወሻ ደብዳቤዎች፣ ኮትዋክ፣ ፋሽን፣ ስቴላ ፋልኪን፣ ብርቱካናማ ቀሚስ",
"value": "the style diaries, catwalk, fashion, stella falkin, orange gown"
] | 00382/003827012.jpg | 003827012 |
"from": "human",
"id": "006326234",
"text": "የቀረበውን ምስል በአጭሩ ይተረጉሙ።\n<image>",
"value": "Share a concise interpretation of the image provided.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "006326234",
"text": "ብዙ አገሮች ተለጣፊዎች እና ማግኔቶች",
"value": "many countries stickers and magnets"
] | 00632/006326234.jpg | 006326234 |
"from": "human",
"id": "003270165",
"text": "<image>\nበፎቶው ላይ ያለው ምንድን ነው?",
"value": "<image>\nWhat is in the photo?"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "003270165",
"text": "የ ICAO መስፈርት በእያንዳንዱ ንዑስ ድርጅቱ ውስጥ ለተጠቃሚዎች ይገኛል",
"value": "the icao standard is available to users in each of its subsidiaries"
] | 00327/003270165.jpg | 003270165 |
"from": "human",
"id": "003832919",
"text": "ይህ ምንድን ነው?\n<image>",
"value": "What is this?\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "003832919",
"text": "የሪቻርድ ካርፐንተር ሮቢን ኦፍ ሼርዉድ ዘ ሁድድ ማን የተባለ መጽሐፍ",
"value": "a paperback of richard carpenter's robin of sherwood the hooded man"
] | 00383/003832919.jpg | 003832919 |
"from": "human",
"id": "000001052",
"text": "<image>\nስለ ሥዕሉ አጭር ነገር ግን መረጃ ሰጭ ማጠቃለያ ጻፍ።",
"value": "<image>\nWrite a terse but informative summary of the picture."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "000001052",
"text": "የ 4x4 ጠንካራ እንጨት ሸካራነት ጥቅል በ 3 ዲ የተቀረፀ የእንጨት ሸካራነት እና የተለያዩ የተለያዩ መጠን ያላቸው ሰቆች ይ containsል",
"value": "the 4x4 hardwood texture pack contains a 3d rendered wood texture and various different sizes of tiles"
] | 00000/000001052.jpg | 000001052 |
"from": "human",
"id": "006096728",
"text": "<image>\nየፎቶውን ግልፅ እና አጠር ያለ ማጠቃለያ ያቅርቡ።",
"value": "<image>\nRender a clear and concise summary of the photo."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "006096728",
"text": "ሐኪሞች - ሞር የዓይን ማጎልበቻ መሸፈኛዎች በእጅ ላይ",
"value": "physicians - moore eye enhancer concealer swats on hand"
] | 00609/006096728.jpg | 006096728 |
"from": "human",
"id": "004665391",
"text": "<image>\nየፎቶውን ግልፅ እና አጠር ያለ ማጠቃለያ ያቅርቡ።",
"value": "<image>\nRender a clear and concise summary of the photo."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "004665391",
"text": "ቤልኪን ፈጣን ክፍያ 3 0 ዩኤስቢ ኬብል 1 4am usr",
"value": "belkin quick charge 3 0 usb cable 1 4am usr"
] | 00466/004665391.jpg | 004665391 |
"from": "human",
"id": "001437392",
"text": "ሥዕሉን በአጭሩ ግለጽ።\n<image>",
"value": "Give a brief description of the image.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "001437392",
"text": "በቦርኔኦ የጫካ ብሔራዊ ፓርክ፣ ቦርኔኦ የሚገኘው የጭንቅላቱ ዝንጀሮ",
"value": "proboscision monkey at borneo jungle national park, borneo"
] | 00143/001437392.jpg | 001437392 |
"from": "human",
"id": "003510046",
"text": "ስለ ቀጣዩ ምስል አጭርና ግልጽ ማብራሪያ ስጥ።\n<image>",
"value": "Give a short and clear explanation of the subsequent image.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "003510046",
"text": "የበዓል ቀን መለያዎች",
"value": "the anniversary labels"
] | 00351/003510046.jpg | 003510046 |
"from": "human",
"id": "002153657",
"text": "<image>\nስለ ቀጣዩ ምስል አጭርና ግልጽ ማብራሪያ ስጥ።",
"value": "<image>\nGive a short and clear explanation of the subsequent image."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "002153657",
"text": "ከሶስት ፎጣዎች ጋር የእንጨት ፎጣ መቆም",
"value": "a wooden towel stand with three towels"
] | 00215/002153657.jpg | 002153657 |
"from": "human",
"id": "000704545",
"text": "ምስሉን በአጭሩ ግለጽለት።\n<image>",
"value": "Describe the image concisely.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "000704545",
"text": "የሉዊስ ቮይተን የኪስ ቦርሳ",
"value": "louis vuitton wallet"
] | 00070/000704545.jpg | 000704545 |
"from": "human",
"id": "005431332",
"text": "<image>\nምስሉን በአጭሩ ግለጽለት።",
"value": "<image>\nDescribe the image concisely."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "005431332",
"text": "ሳጁ ፖሊስተር የልብስ ስፌት ክር 200 ሚሜ",
"value": "sajou polyester sewing thread 200 mr"
] | 00543/005431332.jpg | 005431332 |
"from": "human",
"id": "001787135",
"text": "የፎቶውን ግልፅ እና አጠር ያለ ማጠቃለያ ያቅርቡ።\n<image>",
"value": "Render a clear and concise summary of the photo.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "001787135",
"text": "ለወንዶች የሚሆን አምብሬ ኑይር ኤዲፒ",
"value": "ambre noir edp for men"
] | 00178/001787135.jpg | 001787135 |
"from": "human",
"id": "001702689",
"text": "<image>\nየምስሉን ምስላዊ ይዘት ማጠቃለያ ያቅርቡ።",
"value": "<image>\nSummarize the visual content of the image."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "001702689",
"text": "የሐር ሰማያዊ እና ሮዝ ሳሪ ከወርቅ ብሮኬት ጋር",
"value": "a silk blue and pink saree with gold brocade"
] | 00170/001702689.jpg | 001702689 |
"from": "human",
"id": "002874072",
"text": "የፎቶውን ግልፅ እና አጠር ያለ ማጠቃለያ ያቅርቡ።\n<image>",
"value": "Render a clear and concise summary of the photo.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "002874072",
"text": "የድንጋይ ፏፏቴ ከቤት ወደ ጫካ የሚፈስ ነው",
"value": "a stone waterfall flows from a home into a wooded setting"
] | 00287/002874072.jpg | 002874072 |
"from": "human",
"id": "005955104",
"text": "የተሰጠውን ምስል በአጭሩ ግለጽ።\n<image>",
"value": "Provide a brief description of the given image.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "005955104",
"text": "ጥቁር ቬልቬት ሶፋ ከክሮም የጥፍር ቀለም ጋር",
"value": "the black velvet sofa with chrome nail polish"
] | 00595/005955104.jpg | 005955104 |
"from": "human",
"id": "004599359",
"text": "<image>\nየፎቶውን ግልፅ እና አጠር ያለ ማጠቃለያ ያቅርቡ።",
"value": "<image>\nRender a clear and concise summary of the photo."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "004599359",
"text": "ውብ የሆነች የእስያ ሴት በአርክ ዴ ትሪዮትስ",
"value": "beautiful asian woman at the arc de triots"
] | 00459/004599359.jpg | 004599359 |
"from": "human",
"id": "000923881",
"text": "የፎቶውን ዋና ዋና ገጽታዎች አጭር መግለጫ ያቅርቡ።\n<image>",
"value": "Present a compact description of the photo's key features.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "000923881",
"text": "ኬት እና ቶም ዊልኪንሰን በ47ኛው የአካዳሚ የቴሌቪዥን ሽልማቶች ላይ በቀይ ምንጣፍ ላይ አብረው ፎቶግራፍ ሲነሱ",
"value": "kate and tom wilkinson posing for a photo together at the 47th academy television awards on the red carpet"
] | 00092/000923881.jpg | 000923881 |
"from": "human",
"id": "005190193",
"text": "<image>\nይህ ምንድን ነው?",
"value": "<image>\nWhat is this?"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "005190193",
"text": "- ረጅም ጅራት ያላቸው ጀልባዎች በራይላ ደሴት",
"value": "long - tail boats at raila island"
] | 00519/005190193.jpg | 005190193 |
"from": "human",
"id": "006152781",
"text": "የፎቶውን ዋና ዋና ገጽታዎች አጭር መግለጫ ያቅርቡ።\n<image>",
"value": "Present a compact description of the photo's key features.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "006152781",
"text": "አናት ላይ ልብ ያለው ነጭ ማኔኪን የጭንቅላት ባንድ",
"value": "a white mannequin headband with a heart on top"
] | 00615/006152781.jpg | 006152781 |
"from": "human",
"id": "000451043",
"text": "<image>\nየፎቶውን ግልፅ እና አጠር ያለ ማጠቃለያ ያቅርቡ።",
"value": "<image>\nRender a clear and concise summary of the photo."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "000451043",
"text": "አበባ ያለው የአትክልት ስፍራ ያለው አሮጌ የእንግሊዝ ጎጆ",
"value": "an old english cottage with flowering garden"
] | 00045/000451043.jpg | 000451043 |
"from": "human",
"id": "000304763",
"text": "<image>\nየፎቶውን ዋና ዋና ገጽታዎች አጭር መግለጫ ያቅርቡ።",
"value": "<image>\nPresent a compact description of the photo's key features."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "000304763",
"text": "በዞምቢ አፖካሊፕስ ውስጥ ያሉት ቃላት ያሉት ኩባያ እኔ የመጨረሻ ነኝ?",
"value": "a mug with the words in a zombie apocalypse i do you last?"
] | 00030/000304763.jpg | 000304763 |
"from": "human",
"id": "001145136",
"text": "<image>\nየፎቶውን ግልፅ እና አጠር ያለ ማጠቃለያ ያቅርቡ።",
"value": "<image>\nRender a clear and concise summary of the photo."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "001145136",
"text": "የመምህራን ሱፐር አዕምሮዎች የመጽሐፍ ሽፋን መጽሐፍ 1 ከደብዳቤዎች ስዕሎች እና ከቃላት ጋር",
"value": "the book cover of super minds for teachers book 1 with pictures of letters and the words that come from the"
] | 00114/001145136.jpg | 001145136 |
"from": "human",
"id": "006563919",
"text": "የቀረበውን ምስል በአጭሩ ይተረጉሙ።\n<image>",
"value": "Share a concise interpretation of the image provided.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "006563919",
"text": "የማያሚ ሂት ጂሚ ፖል በመለዋወጫ ክፍሉ ውስጥ ለጨረታ ቀርቧል",
"value": "the miami heat's jimmy paul up for auction in his locker room"
] | 00656/006563919.jpg | 006563919 |
"from": "human",
"id": "000963204",
"text": "<image>\nየምስሉን ምስላዊ ይዘት ማጠቃለያ ያቅርቡ።",
"value": "<image>\nSummarize the visual content of the image."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "000963204",
"text": "ኤንሲኤስን የሚመለከት እና በሚያዝያ ወር የተወለደ ሰው",
"value": "a man who watches ncis and was born in april shirt"
] | 00096/000963204.jpg | 000963204 |
"from": "human",
"id": "003109600",
"text": "<image>\nየተሰጠውን ምስል በአጭሩ ግለጽ።",
"value": "<image>\nProvide a brief description of the given image."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "003109600",
"text": "የልጅ አሻንጉሊት ፎቶግራፍ",
"value": "a dolls photo of a child doll"
] | 00310/003109600.jpg | 003109600 |
"from": "human",
"id": "002991275",
"text": "<image>\nየተሰጠውን ምስል በአጭሩ ግለጽ።",
"value": "<image>\nProvide a brief description of the given image."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "002991275",
"text": "ይህ ማንጠልጠያ መብራት ከብርጭቆ ብርጭቆ ጥላ ጋር በብሮንዝ ውስጥ አንድ መብራት ነው እና በተለያዩ ማጠናቀቂያዎች ይገኛል",
"value": "this pendant light is one light in bronze with a marble glass shade and is available in a variety of finishes"
] | 00299/002991275.jpg | 002991275 |
"from": "human",
"id": "006121856",
"text": "የፎቶውን ዋና ዋና ገጽታዎች አጭር መግለጫ ያቅርቡ።\n<image>",
"value": "Present a compact description of the photo's key features.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "006121856",
"text": "የቢጫ ዘመናዊ ዘይቤ ከቤት ውጭ ወንበር ፊት ለፊት",
"value": "the front of a yellow modern style outdoor armchair"
] | 00612/006121856.jpg | 006121856 |
"from": "human",
"id": "001705914",
"text": "<image>\nየምስሉን ምስላዊ ይዘት ማጠቃለያ ያቅርቡ።",
"value": "<image>\nSummarize the visual content of the image."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "001705914",
"text": "የስሜት ህዋሳትን ሽፋን",
"value": "the cover of swoon"
] | 00170/001705914.jpg | 001705914 |
"from": "human",
"id": "000803097",
"text": "<image>\nየፎቶውን ግልፅ እና አጠር ያለ ማጠቃለያ ያቅርቡ።",
"value": "<image>\nRender a clear and concise summary of the photo."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "000803097",
"text": "በአይሌሻም ውስጥ የ 3 መኝታ ክፍሎች ነጠላ ቤት",
"value": "3 bedrooms detached house in aylesham"
] | 00080/000803097.jpg | 000803097 |
"from": "human",
"id": "000060264",
"text": "ይህ ምንድን ነው?\n<image>",
"value": "What is this?\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "000060264",
"text": "በባህር ዳርቻው ዳርቻ ላይ ጥቁር ጀልባዎች",
"value": "black skiffs on the shore of the beach"
] | 00006/000060264.jpg | 000060264 |
"from": "human",
"id": "001057635",
"text": "<image>\nስለ ቀጣዩ ምስል አጭርና ግልጽ ማብራሪያ ስጥ።",
"value": "<image>\nGive a short and clear explanation of the subsequent image."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "001057635",
"text": "ቢጫ የጎማ ዳክዬ የመታጠቢያ ቤት ግድግዳ ጥበብ ፣ የጎማ ዳክዬ የመታጠቢያ ቤት ፣ የመታጠቢያ ቤት ማስጌጫ ፣ የጎማ ዳክዬ የመታጠቢያ ቤት ጥበብ ፣ የጎማ ዳክዬዎች",
"value": "yellow rubber duck bathroom wall art, rubber ducks bathroom, bathroom decor, rubber duck bathroom art, rubber ducks"
] | 00105/001057635.jpg | 001057635 |
"from": "human",
"id": "002771028",
"text": "<image>\nየፎቶውን ዋና ዋና ገጽታዎች አጭር መግለጫ ያቅርቡ።",
"value": "<image>\nPresent a compact description of the photo's key features."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "002771028",
"text": "ባዶ ማዕድናት ኪት ፣ የቆዳ ፋውንዴሽኖች",
"value": "bare minerals kit, complexion foundations"
] | 00277/002771028.jpg | 002771028 |
"from": "human",
"id": "003055523",
"text": "ምስሉን በአጭሩ ግለጽለት።\n<image>",
"value": "Describe the image concisely.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "003055523",
"text": "አንዲት ሴት ማስታወሻ የምትጽፍበት የሴቶች ጤና በራሪ ወረቀት",
"value": "a women's health pamphlet with a woman writing an note on it"
] | 00305/003055523.jpg | 003055523 |
"from": "human",
"id": "000642788",
"text": "ስለ ሥዕሉ አጭር ነገር ግን መረጃ ሰጭ ማጠቃለያ ጻፍ።\n<image>",
"value": "Write a terse but informative summary of the picture.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "000642788",
"text": "ብርቱካናማ የመኪና ምልክት",
"value": "an orange car sign"
] | 00064/000642788.jpg | 000642788 |
"from": "human",
"id": "002182236",
"text": "የፎቶውን ዋና ዋና ገጽታዎች አጭር መግለጫ ያቅርቡ።\n<image>",
"value": "Present a compact description of the photo's key features.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "002182236",
"text": "መካከለኛ የደመወዝ እድገት ከቀሪዎቹ የተከፈለ ደመወዝ ጋር ሲነፃፀር",
"value": "median wage growth compared the rest of wages paid"
] | 00218/002182236.jpg | 002182236 |
"from": "human",
"id": "005628425",
"text": "<image>\nስለ ቀጣዩ ምስል አጭርና ግልጽ ማብራሪያ ስጥ።",
"value": "<image>\nGive a short and clear explanation of the subsequent image."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "005628425",
"text": "የአሜሪካው ባንድ ዘ ቼይንስ ዘፋኝ ስቲንግ አንደርሰን ሰኔ 29 ቀን 2010 በኮንሰርት ዝግጅቱ ላይ ፎቶግራፍ",
"value": "a photo of singer sting anderson of american band the chains at his concert event on june 29, 2010 in"
] | 00562/005628425.jpg | 005628425 |
"from": "human",
"id": "002745264",
"text": "<image>\nምስሉን በአጭሩ ግለጽለት።",
"value": "<image>\nDescribe the image concisely."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "002745264",
"text": "አጫጭር ምስማሮች ፎቶ - 1",
"value": "nail designs for short nails photo - 1"
] | 00274/002745264.jpg | 002745264 |
"from": "human",
"id": "003592095",
"text": "ምስሉን በአጭሩ ግለጽለት።\n<image>",
"value": "Describe the image concisely.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "003592095",
"text": "በደረት ላይ ነጭ መስመሮች ያሉት ግራጫ ቀለም ያለው የመጨረሻው የእንቅልፍ አናት",
"value": "the ultimate sleep top in grey marle with white stripes on the chest"
] | 00359/003592095.jpg | 003592095 |
"from": "human",
"id": "001843933",
"text": "<image>\nበፎቶው ላይ ያለው ምንድን ነው?",
"value": "<image>\nWhat is in the photo?"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "001843933",
"text": "ሐምራዊ ዶቢ ቀበቶ የተሠራ ሸሚዝ",
"value": "purple dobby stripe tailor made shirt"
] | 00184/001843933.jpg | 001843933 |
"from": "human",
"id": "003648824",
"text": "<image>\nየቀረበውን ምስል በአጭሩ ይተረጉሙ።",
"value": "<image>\nShare a concise interpretation of the image provided."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "003648824",
"text": "በዱባይ ጎዳናዎች ታክሲ ውስጥ ያለ አንድ ሰው ፎቶግራፍ አንስቷል",
"value": "a man in his taxi in the streets of dubai stock photo"
] | 00364/003648824.jpg | 003648824 |
"from": "human",
"id": "000833897",
"text": "ሥዕሉን በአጭሩ ግለጽ።\n<image>",
"value": "Give a brief description of the image.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "000833897",
"text": "ግሬም ማክዶዌል በ14ኛው ቀዳዳ ላይ ሲጫወት",
"value": "graeme mcdowell teeing off the 14th hole"
] | 00083/000833897.jpg | 000833897 |
"from": "human",
"id": "000281833",
"text": "የተሰጠውን ምስል በአጭሩ ግለጽ።\n<image>",
"value": "Provide a brief description of the given image.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "000281833",
"text": "አንድ ተራራ አናት ላይ አንድ silhouetted ሰው ራስ አክሲዮን ሥዕል ላይ የራሱ ካባ ጋር",
"value": "a silhouetted man on top of a mountain with his cape over his head stock illustration"
] | 00028/000281833.jpg | 000281833 |
"from": "human",
"id": "002872521",
"text": "የፎቶውን ዋና ዋና ገጽታዎች አጭር መግለጫ ያቅርቡ።\n<image>",
"value": "Present a compact description of the photo's key features.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "002872521",
"text": "በሕንድ ውስጥ የገቢ ግብር ስሌት ለገቢ ግብር መጠን ፣ እስከ 30 በመቶ ድረስ ግብር",
"value": "income tax calculation in india for the income tax rate, tax of up to 30 %"
] | 00287/002872521.jpg | 002872521 |
"from": "human",
"id": "000853171",
"text": "በፎቶው ላይ ያለው ምንድን ነው?\n<image>",
"value": "What is in the photo?\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "000853171",
"text": "የልጆች የፕላስቲክ ተንሸራታች ከሰንሰለት ጋር ተያይዞ ይገኛል",
"value": "the children's plastic swing is attached to a chain"
] | 00085/000853171.jpg | 000853171 |
"from": "human",
"id": "000604599",
"text": "የፎቶውን ዋና ዋና ገጽታዎች አጭር መግለጫ ያቅርቡ።\n<image>",
"value": "Present a compact description of the photo's key features.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "000604599",
"text": "አውቶማቲክ ነጭ ሽንኩርት መለያያ ማሽን ዋጋ ፊሊፒንስ",
"value": "automatic garlic seper machine price philippines"
] | 00060/000604599.jpg | 000604599 |
"from": "human",
"id": "000887420",
"text": "የፎቶውን ግልፅ እና አጠር ያለ ማጠቃለያ ያቅርቡ።\n<image>",
"value": "Render a clear and concise summary of the photo.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "000887420",
"text": "ለ iPhone 4G ጥቁር የማሳያ ስብሰባ",
"value": "display assembly for iphone 4g black"
] | 00088/000887420.jpg | 000887420 |
"from": "human",
"id": "003539111",
"text": "የምስሉን ምስላዊ ይዘት ማጠቃለያ ያቅርቡ።\n<image>",
"value": "Summarize the visual content of the image.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "003539111",
"text": "የቺ አርጋን ዘይት ሻምፖዎች ስብስብ",
"value": "the set of chi argan oil shampoos"
] | 00353/003539111.jpg | 003539111 |
"from": "human",
"id": "003091382",
"text": "<image>\nምስሉን በአጭሩ ግለጽለት።",
"value": "<image>\nDescribe the image concisely."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "003091382",
"text": "የአንድ እግር፣ የውሻ እግር አዶ ጽሑፍ መጥፋት",
"value": "the inscription loss of a paw, dog paw icon"
] | 00309/003091382.jpg | 003091382 |
"from": "human",
"id": "001464296",
"text": "ይህ ምንድን ነው?\n<image>",
"value": "What is this?\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "001464296",
"text": "ወደ ፊት የመዞር ምልክት",
"value": "detour ahead sign"
] | 00146/001464296.jpg | 001464296 |
"from": "human",
"id": "001189437",
"text": "የተሰጠውን ምስል በአጭሩ ግለጽ።\n<image>",
"value": "Provide a brief description of the given image.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "001189437",
"text": "የኦዲሴይ ፓተር",
"value": "the odyssey putter"
] | 00118/001189437.jpg | 001189437 |
"from": "human",
"id": "004175610",
"text": "<image>\nየፎቶውን ዋና ዋና ገጽታዎች አጭር መግለጫ ያቅርቡ።",
"value": "<image>\nPresent a compact description of the photo's key features."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "004175610",
"text": "አንድ ነጭ ቤት ጌጥ ይታያል",
"value": "a white house ornament is shown"
] | 00417/004175610.jpg | 004175610 |
"from": "human",
"id": "002226185",
"text": "የፎቶውን ግልፅ እና አጠር ያለ ማጠቃለያ ያቅርቡ።\n<image>",
"value": "Render a clear and concise summary of the photo.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "002226185",
"text": "ማይክሮሶፍት ኤችዲ የድር ካሜራ",
"value": "microsoft hd webcam"
] | 00222/002226185.jpg | 002226185 |
"from": "human",
"id": "001615525",
"text": "በፎቶው ላይ ያለው ምንድን ነው?\n<image>",
"value": "What is in the photo?\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "001615525",
"text": "በወርቅ የተሸፈኑ የጭስ ኳርትዝ ዕንቁዎች በአገናኙ ላይ",
"value": "gold plated faceted smoky quartz gems on connector"
] | 00161/001615525.jpg | 001615525 |
"from": "human",
"id": "001673867",
"text": "<image>\nየተሰጠውን ምስል በአጭሩ ግለጽ።",
"value": "<image>\nProvide a brief description of the given image."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "001673867",
"text": "የቅድመ-ትምህርት ቤት ፊደል ቢ የሥራ ወረቀቶች",
"value": "alphabet b worksheets for preschool"
] | 00167/001673867.jpg | 001673867 |
"from": "human",
"id": "001213010",
"text": "የምስሉን ምስላዊ ይዘት ማጠቃለያ ያቅርቡ።\n<image>",
"value": "Summarize the visual content of the image.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "001213010",
"text": "ጉቺ አርማ በቆዳ የተሠራ ቦርሳ",
"value": "gucci logo leather tote in tan"
] | 00121/001213010.jpg | 001213010 |
"from": "human",
"id": "000110327",
"text": "<image>\nበፎቶው ላይ ያለው ምንድን ነው?",
"value": "<image>\nWhat is in the photo?"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "000110327",
"text": "የዞምቢ ገዳዮች በቪዲዮ ጨዋታ ውስጥ በመንገድ ላይ ይሮጣሉ'የመበስበስ ሁኔታ, ይህም እየተለቀቀ ነው",
"value": "the zombie slayers run on a road in the video game'state of decay, which is being released"
] | 00011/000110327.jpg | 000110327 |
Subsets and Splits