2 classes
7 values
My Husband Gets Up at 12 AM Every Night, Last Night When He Came Back, He Was Different.
I never believed in the supernatural or anything out of the ordinary. That was until last night when I realized that my husband, Jack, had been getting up at precisely 12 AM every night. It started innocently enough, with him giving some vague excuse about needing some fresh air. I never thought much of it, assuming it was just one of his strange habits. But last night... last night was different. It all began when I woke up and realized Jack was not in bed. The clock on the nightstand read 12:15 AM. A chill ran down my spine as I stepped into the living room, only to find him sitting on the couch, staring blankly at the wall. His eyes were empty, lifeless, and it was as if he had no soul within him. "Jack? Are you okay?" I asked, my voice trembling. He turned his head slowly to face me, and a sinister smile crept across his face, revealing teeth that seemed sharper and more menacing than they should be. "I'm fine, dear," he replied, but his voice sounded off, almost mechanical. Something was very wrong. The man I had loved and known for years was gone, replaced by this hollow version of himself. He got up and walked past me, heading towards the bedroom. I followed him quietly, my heart racing. In the bedroom, he stood before the mirror, his reflection sending shivers down my spine. His eyes were completely black, and his skin seemed to ripple as if something were moving beneath it. I gasped and took a step back, my fear intensifying. He turned to me again, his unnatural smile never wavering. "You should go back to bed, dear. Nothing to worry about." But how could I go back to bed? I knew I had to find out what he was doing at 12 AM every night. I couldn't simply ignore the fact that my husband was no longer the man I married. I decided to follow him. The next night, I pretended to be asleep, my mind racing with fear and curiosity. At exactly 12 AM, Jack rose from the bed and silently made his way to the front door. I slipped on my coat and shoes and followed him, careful not to make a sound. He walked down the empty streets, moving with an eerie grace that I had never seen in him before. I kept my distance, hiding in the shadows, as he reached an old, dilapidated building at the outskirts of town. The place had always given me the creeps. Jack entered the building, and I hesitated for a moment before following him inside. What I saw there still haunts me to this day. The interior was dimly lit, and a group of figures surrounded him. They were tall, grotesque beings with pale, almost translucent skin, and eyes that glowed with an otherworldly light. I watched in horror as they seemed to merge with Jack, their forms twisting and warping him until he was no longer recognizable as human. It was like he was becoming one of them, losing himself in their malevolent collective. I knew I had to get out of there, so I backed away slowly, my heart pounding. I managed to make it back home without being detected. The next morning, Jack returned to bed, seemingly unaware of my discovery. I knew I couldn't live with that thing masquerading as my husband any longer. I packed a bag and left, vowing never to return to that house of horrors. I don't know what those beings are or what they wanted with Jack, but I couldn't stay to find out. Now, I live in constant fear, looking over my shoulder, knowing that they might be watching, waiting, and ready to come for me. Whatever happened to my husband that night, it turned him into something unrecognizable, something sinister. And now, I can't help but wonder if he was ever truly human at all. This morning, as I huddled in my new, unfamiliar apartment, I heard a knock on my door. Dread washed over me like a tidal wave, and I cautiously approached the entrance. When I opened the door, I was greeted with a sight that would haunt my nightmares for the rest of my life. Standing before me was a figure that looked exactly like my husband, Jack, or at least, the man he used to be. He wore the same clothes, had the same face, and yet, I knew it wasn't him. His eyes were no longer the beautiful shade of brown I'd fallen in love with; they were empty, soulless voids. He looked at me with an expression that sent shivers down my spine, a twisted parody of the affectionate gaze he used to give me. "I missed you, honey. Please come home," he said, his voice devoid of any warmth or emotion. Terror surged through my veins as I slammed the door shut, locking it as fast as my trembling hands would allow. That thing may have taken on my husband's appearance, but I knew it was no longer him. Whatever had happened to him that night had turned him into something else, something monstrous. And now, it seemed that it had followed me, lurking in the shadows, waiting for the right moment to reclaim me. I live in constant fear, knowing that the being that wears my husband's face is out there, watching and waiting. I can only hope that whatever it is, it never finds its way back into my life, or worse, into my new home. The memory of my husband's transformation and the dread in those empty, soulless eyes haunt me every day, a chilling reminder that some secrets are better left undiscovered.
My Mom and Dad told me no, I immediately knew something was wrong..
Hi, my name is Conrad. All my life, my parents have been more on the harsh, and strict side of parenting. I would only get a few new Xbox or pc games, basketball shoes, and money from them every year for Halloween. (the rest of my family made up for what they decided not to get me though, but still) When I was eleven, I only got an iPhone 11, and an Xbox Series S.. yeah. If that doesn’t put things into perspective I don’t know what will. One day, when I was fifteen, my parents decided to go out for dinner and had me eat only the leftover Lobster Thermador from the night before. To get back at them, I threw it away and decided to eat a peanut butter sandwich instead. My parents didn’t come back from dinner for almost three hours, I contemplated calling the police on them for child neglect but I decided to be patient and try and occupy myself for the time being. I tried playing on my Xbox, my PC, my Switch, I tried watching TV, and I couldn’t go outside because it was too wet and cold, (70 degrees Fahrenheit!) After another hour of this, I reached for my phone because I had enough, I would rather live in an orphanage than put up with this anymore, maybe I’ll visit when I’m older, but clearly my parents care for a child. When suddenly, the door opened. My parents! I was upset, so I flipped off my Mom AND Dad and began storming up to my room. Except, my Dad then grabbed me by the arm, and spanked me!? He told me to go to my room and not come out for the rest of the night. I was baffled, “Should I call Child Services? What’s going on!?” I thought to myself. I eventually went up to my room and just put up with it. I cried to myself that night, what had just happened? That wasn’t just a “punishment” that was too hardcore. I fell asleep late that night, I cried so much I was practically a teardrop machine. I went into the kitchen that morning, everything SEEMED normal. But I was still skeptical. My Mom greeted me and gave me a plate of bacon and pancakes. I decided I was going to act like I was upset about something to see how they’d react. They ignored me. They pretended I wasn’t upset and my Mom said, “Conrad. You’ve done this before, drop the act.” I ran to my room and played 2k23 on my PC to distract myself. I knew something was wrong, they were being even more strict than usual! So I came up with a plan. Around the house, I set up multiple cameras. One in the living room and kitchen, bathroom, basement, and in their bedroom. That whole day, I watched the cameras. They seemed very normal, other than the things they’ve done with me recently. Finally, when they went to bed, it looked like they began communicating with each other. At that moment, I began to lose some hope. Perhaps my parents just.. changed, and there was nothing I could do about it… THEN SUDDENLY. My Parents began to reveal things to each other, and dove under the covers. The covers began shaking, I heard strange noises through the wall, I knew it! Those weren’t my parents! I had to do something! I grabbed a baseball bat from my closet and ran down the hallway. I quietly opened my parent's door... The noises were loud now, and weird. I grabbed the end of the cover, and threw it open, what I saw, will shock you! Get this post to 10 upvotes, to see what happened next…
Uncovering the Terrifying Truth: Dyatlov Pass Incident Scary Stories😱🌲🌌
[\_Q]( 🌟 Another One Prepare to be spellbound by terror! 🌟 Get ready for a spine-tingling journey into the unknown as we dive deep into the enigma of the Dyatlov Pass Incident. This chilling mystery has haunted history for decades, and on the 23rd, we're bringing it straight to your screens! 🏞️ Join us as we venture into the eerie Ural Mountains, where a group of adventurers vanished into thin air, leaving behind nothing but questions. What happened on that fateful night in 1959? Was it an avalanche, a sinister force, or something beyond our wildest nightmares? Don't miss out on this hair-raising exploration. Set your reminders for the 23rd and let the shivers begin! #DyatlovPassMystery #UnsolvedEnigma #YouTubeChills
The story that inspired Candyman
In one of the most dangerous apartments in the us, a mentally unstable girl lived. She had anxiety people would kill her or steal stuff. But she got money for disability. She wanted to be beautiful, so she wrote to tv preachers. She asked for beauty, they said to send money, then she gave her a “blessed” item. So every day, she stared at her mirror, looking for a difference. She started hearing voices at the mirror. Cut to a neighbor calling the cops because of a loud noise in the mentally I’ll girls apartment. The cops had a history with her so they only sent one cop. He couldn’t get in, so he gave up. They got in eventually, and say the mentally I’ll girl dead. The theory is that there are tunnels behind the mirror. Two people came out planning to steal. But they saw here and killed her. Sounds familiar? Someone comes out of a mirror and kills you? That’s candyman. Thanks to MrBallen for the story have a nice day everyone!
Reflections of Despair: The Cursed Mansion
In the heart of a small, forgotten town, there stood an old, decrepit mansion that had long been abandoned. Its windows were shattered, and its walls were covered in a thick layer of ivy. Locals whispered stories of a family who had once lived there, a family cursed by their own vanity. One stormy night, as lightning streaked across the sky, a young woman named Emma found herself wandering near the mansion. She was drawn to it, as if an invisible force compelled her to explore its dark interior. With each step, her heart pounded, but her curiosity kept her moving forward. Inside, the air was cold and suffocating, and a putrid odor filled her nostrils. Emma's footsteps echoed in the silence as she ventured deeper into the mansion. She entered a room, and her breath caught in her throat as she beheld an ornate mirror, untouched by time and still gleaming with a sinister beauty. The mirror's reflection was peculiar. Instead of showing Emma's own image, it revealed a family of six, their faces twisted by despair. They were trapped within the mirror, and their eyes pleaded for release. Emma, consumed by a sense of duty, reached out to touch the glass, and it was shockingly cold to the touch. The instant her fingers brushed the mirror's surface, an icy chill enveloped her. Her reflection distorted, and she found herself standing among the cursed family. She screamed, but no sound escaped her lips as she now shared their torment. The curse had claimed another victim. From that day on, the mansion's legend grew. People who dared to enter never returned, and the sinister mirror claimed one soul after another, ensuring the family's curse endured for all eternity. And so, the mansion remained abandoned, a haunting reminder of the darkness that lurked within its walls, and the curse of the forgotten mirror.
I'm a Cop on the Navajo Reservation, Something Is Stealing Its Victims' Skins (Part 2)
[Part 1]( **The Beast Beneath the Veil** The desert sprawls out in front of me as I navigate the rough terrain back to the cruiser. Izzy's SUV follows closely behind. The wind, a constant companion in the open land, whistles quietly as it kicks up small swirls of dust in our wake. I can't shake the unease simmering within me as we drive through the stark landscape towards Tsegi, where an unknown situation awaits us. I pull up in front of the modest dwelling from where the call originated. Izzy parks a few feet behind and steps out, scanning the area cautiously. The house appears unassuming, a quaint abode amidst the vastness of the desert. The screen door sways gently, emitting a creaking sound that echoes faintly in the stillness of the night. Before we can approach, the front door creaks open. A woman emerges, her hair in disarray and eyes wild with a mixture of fear and recognition. It's Margaret Yazzie. I've known her for years; she's always been a sturdy, unshakeable pillar in the community. To see her like this—frail and trembling—is unsettling. "Logan," she gasps, her eyes locking onto mine with an intensity that belies her fragile demeanor. "Maggie," I respond, instinctively moving towards her, "what happened?" As I get closer, I notice the worry lines etched deeply into her face. Her eyes flicker towards Izzy, a slight frown forming on her forehead. "Who's this?" "Special Agent Isabelle Ramirez," Izzy interjects smoothly, showing her badge. “The FBI?” Maggie asked nervously. "She's helping with another case," I say quickly, trying to assuage her fears. "But given the circumstances, we believe they might be related." Maggie's gaze shifts between Izzy and me, uncertainty clouding her eyes. "Alright, if you say so, Logan," she finally murmurs. Izzy's voice is soft but firm. "May we come in?" Maggie hesitates for a heartbeat, giving Izzy a once-over before finally nodding. "Yeah, sure." As we step into the house, the scene that unfolds before us is chaotic. Furniture is overturned, vases and photo frames shattered on the ground, and curtains torn. It's as if a whirlwind has passed through the living area. Maggie wrings her hands, her gaze flitting over the destruction. "I never thought I'd see my home like this," she says quietly, her voice quivering. Taking a deep breath, I gently ask, "Maggie, can you tell us what happened?" She swallows hard, eyes darting to the broken window. "I was preparing dinner when I heard a noise outside. At first, I thought it was just the wind or some animals. But then I heard a thud, like someone trying to get in. Before I could even react, he was inside." "He?" Izzy questions. Maggie nods. "A man, but not like any I've ever seen. His eyes were wild, almost glowing in the dim light, and his movements were... erratic. Like a wild animal trapped in a man's body. He didn’t say anything, just made these... guttural noises." Chills run down my spine as she describes the intruder. It sounds eerily similar to some of the old Navajo legends, but it's hard to believe such tales could be true. "Did he harm you?" Izzy asks, concern evident in her tone. Maggie shakes her head, her fingers absently touching her throat. "No, he just... ransacked the place. I hid in the pantry, praying he wouldn't find me. And after what felt like hours, he just left." "Did you recognize him at all?" I ask. She hesitates for a moment, her eyes distant. "His features were obscured, but there was something oddly familiar about his presence. But I can't place it." Izzy kneels, examining the footprints left on the floor, the same elongated shape that transitions into a paw-like pattern. "These prints," she murmurs, "they're the same as the ones we found at the crime scene." Maggie shifts uncomfortably as Izzy examines the footprints. Her gaze flits between us, an unease growing in her eyes. I watch intently as Izzy's fingers trace the outline of the footprints. The room is tense, the only sound the distant hum of a ceiling fan. A realization slowly dawns on me, a cold, sinking feeling in my stomach. The footprints lead into the house, but none lead out. If the intruder had come in but hadn’t left, where was he now? The realization hits me like a ton of bricks. My heart races, and I instinctively reach for my sidearm. Izzy, sensing the shift in the atmosphere, quickly stands and locks eyes with me. We both scan the room, the weight of our earlier observation settling heavy on our shoulders. "Maggie?" I call out, trying to keep the tremor out of my voice. There's no response. The room is eerily silent, save for the soft hum of the ceiling fan above. My eyes dart to the back door, hoping she might have slipped out unnoticed, but the door remains firmly shut. With every instinct screaming at me, I cautiously approach the pantry where Maggie had said she'd hidden earlier. The door is slightly ajar, and I can see a dim light filtering from inside. I signal for Izzy to stay back as I slowly push the door open. The light from the pantry casts long, creeping shadows on the floor, painting the room in an eerie glow. As the door creaks open, a metallic scent — thick and suffocating — fills the air. The unmistakable smell of blood. Inside, a scene of pure horror unfolds. The walls are smeared with dark, fresh blood, pooling onto the floor beneath a crumpled figure. It's a body, skin removed in a manner far too familiar, leaving only raw, bloody muscle. The ghastly sight churns my stomach, bile rising in my throat. The facial features, what little remain of them, are unrecognizable. But there's no doubt. The size, the clothing remnants, the jewelry. This is Maggie. Or, rather, what was left of her. I take a staggering step back, hand covering my mouth, trying to suppress a scream. Izzy, hearing my reaction, pushes past me to see the grotesque sight. Her face drains of color, her composed demeanor shattered by the unspeakable horror before her. The sudden realization that the 'Maggie' we'd been talking to wasn't Maggie at all fills me with a deep, gut-wrenching dread. Every instinct screams at me to move, to react, but I'm paralyzed, locked in a trance by the horrific sight before me. A chilling whisper dances in the air, making the tiny hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. "You shouldn’t have come here," it hisses. I whip around, eyes darting across the room to locate the source of the voice. That's when I see her, or rather, it — a grotesque parody of Maggie. Her once soft features are twisted in a cruel mockery, eyes gleaming a feral yellow, her mouth twisted in an inhuman snarl, displaying teeth that are far too sharp. Without warning, she lunges at Izzy, who's still standing by the pantry entrance. Her movements are swift, unpredictable, and unnervingly silent. Izzy, caught off guard, barely manages to sidestep, avoiding a swipe that would've likely ripped her throat open. The imposter's momentum carries her into the pantry, crashing into the blood-smeared walls. Using the momentary distraction, I draw my gun, but my hands tremble, my sights blurring from the adrenaline pumping through my veins. Before I can steady myself and take aim, the imposter Maggie is on the move again, her form blurring as she darts towards me. A powerful force hits me square in the chest, sending me sprawling onto the ground. My gun skids out of reach, and I'm left defenseless. She straddles me, her grotesque visage inches from mine, the foul stench of decay assaulting my nostrils. Her fingers, tipped with nails that resemble razor-sharp claws, dig into my shoulders, pinning me down. The weight of the imposter pressing down on me is suffocating, and I can feel the icy chill of her breath against my face. Through the haze of fear, I catch a glimpse of Izzy to my side, her sidearm trained on the imposter, her expression a mask of concentration. But I can see the uncertainty in her eyes — she's trying to find a clear shot without risking hitting me. "Shoot!" I gasp out, feeling the imposter's claws start to pierce the skin on my shoulders, warm blood trickling down. But the creature's unpredictable movements and our proximity to each other make it impossible for Izzy to get a clear line of sight. The creature's eyes, a kaleidoscope of predatory focus, seem to see through me, into my very soul. Her grin stretches, revealing rows of teeth that look sharp enough to tear through bone with ease. As I watch, those teeth inch closer, dripping with a dark liquid that I can only assume is blood. But then, a memory flashes into my mind. The taser. Clipped to my belt and forgotten in the heat of the moment. With all the strength I can muster, I manage to free one arm, reaching desperately for the device. I feel the cool metal in my grip just as the creature leans in, her grotesque mouth opening impossibly wide, ready to take a bite. Without hesitation, I jam the taser into her side and squeeze the trigger. A deafening crack fills the air as the taser unloads its charge, arcs of electricity dancing across her body. The creature screams, a sound so shrill and inhuman it's almost deafening. Her grip on me loosens, her body convulsing with the force of the shock. Izzy, seizing the opportunity, fires her gun. The shot rings out loud and clear. The bullet grazes the creature's shoulder, sending a spray of dark, thick blood splattering across the room. With another guttural scream, the creature pushes off me, scrambling away with an unnatural speed. Its movements are erratic, a blend of human desperation and animalistic panic. Before Izzy can fire another shot, the creature lunges at her with startling speed, knocking her off her feet with a powerful shove. The impact sends Izzy crashing into a nearby bookshelf, books and keepsakes raining down around her. The creature doesn't linger, instead darting towards the broken window and leaping out in a single bound. The silence that follows is deafening. Panting, I pull myself up into a sitting position, trying to process what just happened. The stench of blood — both mine and the creature's — fills my nostrils, and the metallic taste coats my tongue.My eyes darts to Izzy. She groans, slowly trying to get to her feet, clutching her arm where it had made contact with the hard wooden edge of the bookshelf. Blood trickles down from a fresh gash on her temple. "Are you okay?" I manage to ask, though my own voice sounds distant, as if from a far-off dream.Izzy nods weakly, taking a deep breath. "Yeah, I think so. What... what the hell was that?" I shake my head, unable to find the words to describe the impossible events we'd just witnessed. The stories of skinwalkers and shape-shifters, tales I'd grown up hearing, seemed all too real now. "I don't know," I admit, my voice trembling, "but we need to find it." [Part 3]( [X](
I work at the u.s. and mexican border as a security border patrol, you see some things you're not supposed to and do come across border runners which we do apprehend but that's most all we have to worry about down here... Until one night. It was a Tuesday night and I got the night shift due to my lack of paying attention and goofing off, my supervisors put me at one of the lesser known borders along the line. Imagine a few sheds along with some lights covered by trees and some what a dirt road that looks like it goes to knowhere, it's kind of creepy to imagine but being there is something of a surreal place and extremely boring. Incase you don't know, there are usually five to six gaurds split posted on each side of the borderline and we do have some cars passing over but not as exciting as the bigger check points. Working where I was wasn't that bad, we'd talk with the Mexican gaurds, joke around and play soccer or maybe throw around a football around but honestly it was better than where I was before. Just as we finished our rounds along the borderline by a jeep, we got out of the car and sat on the gate having our late lunch, there was a sudden sound of tree branches snapping which was common cause of the animal life around the surrounding area, we suddenly heard something that didn't sound right which prompted the Mexican gaurds to come straight up to the gate. The sound of a loud fast snapping started to echo in the darkness of the trees, I winced and took a few steps back while pulling out my flashlight, my partner did the same and we began shining our lights into the trees trying to find the source of the sound. I looked over my shoulder at one of the Mexicans gaurds and he points his finger into darkness to my right and there just along the gate was something I didn't know was even possible. Me and my partner stunned and questioning what we were looking and at that point we both ran back into our booth and pressed our faces against the glass as we watched this thing crawling into the light while our mexican friends did the same thing. And from the dark this thing crawled and well, what I can only discribe as a giant five to six foot mosquito looking like creature, the eyes were big and wide like the size of a CD, six legs that had barbs and wings that were at least five feet that layed on the back of this thing. It stopped just on the side of the road and started running it's feet against the light post and it reared up twitched its wings at the sight of the few bright lights we had. My partner then in a panic tried to get our supervisor on the radio but I stopped him from doing so cause who was going to believe us? And I didn't want to seem crazy and lose my job over something like this, something that could probably suck the blood out of a full grown man in a few gulps. After about five minutes of observing this being attracted to the light, I pounded my fist on the window hoping to drive it away but it seemed like I just caught it's attention in a bad way, the snapping sound then started coming from its mouth as it tilted its head towards our direction and took a few seconds to notice me and my partner in the booth and it slowly just kind of stepped back and made its away back into the darkness while snapping loudly. My partner and I stepped out from the booth and pointed out lights to the left side of the dmborder gates and watched this bug pick up its speed and scurried into the bushes, we could hear the mexican patrols yelling for us asking where it went and we replied it's direction shortly after. Apparently there are a few of these big bug things that hang around the area according to the mexican patrols but they don't harm anyone and it's always best to keep a safe distance. I believe in a lot of things but this one definitely a new one for me and I just can't seem to wrap my mind around the fact that a bug can grow this large and why hasn't anyone even captured anything like this in a photo or video? We are close to a Texas town on the east and no one? That's hard to believe but I guess some things just aren't meant to come to light. I'm working on the central border now due to relocation orders so, I hope the next gaurd on the east side of the gates is ok and doesn't come across this giant mosquito looking thing cause I don't think I'd wanna see it again, but if he or she has seen it by now? Good luck on trying to convince everyone else this thing even exists.
I've always wondered why those death day prediction websites were so accurate.
As a masked man with a gun stepped out from behind a corner on my predicted date, it dawned on me that all of the predictions I'd heard of had ended in murder.
"There are over 100 boys of various ages in our orphanage," the orphanage director told the pair.
"Also no need to waste time in choosing, because they'll all grow up to look and behave exactly like me," the director added.
[OCT23] In the early hours of Tuesday, October 24th 2023, the whole world watched as a strange comet passed by Earth.
Everyone who was sleeping that night screamed, thrashed in bed, and has never woken up since.
Mommy said this would be a fun cruise!
After Cuba, Canada and America refused to let us dock I started to realize what would happen next...
Standing at the top of the stairs, my evil sister asked me "How many things go bump in the night?"
"99...oops, now 100" I replied, as I pushed her down the stairs.
I see dead people.
But now, they see me too.
Borzois are an evolutionary descendant of wolves, specifically made to hunt their predecessors
The same thing has happened to mankind, they will be here soon, they will be fast, and they will know we hide.
I'd been seeing ghosts for a while
Imagine my surprise when I woke to the familiar face of one of the ghosts who began telling me I'd been in a coma for 5 years
I always imagined comparison arguments with my child about “who had it worse” would revolve around interest rates or level of pay.
I did not know we’d be comparing my Columbine high school experience to her most recent high school tragedy.
Your bus passes a "Now Leaving Brazil" sign
Your bus passes a "Now Entering Birmingham" sign
Scientists have discover the cure for death.
I've been working three jobs the last 600 years
I bought a shower curtain second hand and my dog wouldn't stop growling and barking from the bathroom door, refusing to even go in.
I gifted it to my neighbor and a week later, the coroners removed her body from her apartment.
My mother is a famous marionette maker who always used to say I looked just as beautiful as her marionettes.
I used to love being called that until she tried to force strings into my flesh whilst shouting 'I have to do this to preserve your beauty!'
My brother thinks he found the perfect friend online, so naturally I had to do some research.
How am I supposed to tell him that they are not really the greatest "person"?
"Hello?" I called out after hearing something move from the other side of the house.
It was only when i got a text from my mom, did i remember i was home alone.
After the bumper cars, a little boy came up to me looking for his father.
I must look just like him.
After I wished for infinite wishes, the genie smiled at me and said “granted”.
Next thing I knew I was looking at myself as I was sucked into the magic lamp.
As we entered the Swingers' club for the first time, my wife and I shared a conspiratorial chuckle at how naughty we were being.
Now, even in my drug-addled haze, as I felt the noose being fastened around my neck, I realized how literal they actually were.
I made a promise never to drink again after my wife died.
Lucky for me they don't serve alcohol in prison, so it wasn't a hard promise to keep.
“I've always hated this damned place.”
The nightguard for a cemetery said as he drove away for the last time, his face unnaturally pale and his eyes bloodshot.
My dog always loved human food so I gave him a piece of my guacamole.
He wasn’t feeling well after, so I just gave him some ibuprofen.
when the bombs fell, I heard a loud thud come from upstairs.
I realized they weren't nukes when some sort of goo started crawling towards me.
"Congratulations, you have discovered a new species of spider."
"It seems to be immune to the stomach acid."
I grabbed the bags out of my trunk and carried them on my back
They were much lighter when I gave them a piggyback ride.
I received a strange invitation to a so called "Axe Tourney" apparently being held next week.
I wasn't sure what exactly it meant, but I would not be able to attend as I am too busy with my tireless search for the famous Anagram Killer.
"Nice" creeps in my area
I was writing this in r/vent I said to myself this is some fucked letsnotmeet content This is going to be a long one, sorry in advance, also english is not my first language so grammar. For a bit of context I need to explain how transportation works in the area where I live So where I live the public transportation is absolut shit, there is only one not very reliable public bus that takes you in and out of the residential area and is a long way walking, so the people in this residential area came up with a cab sort of system where you pay by the seat, so one of this cabs fits up to four people and a little under a year ago they decided to identify this cabs with a sticker with a number that states that the car is part of the cab line, also the drivers have to have and id that has the cab line info. Now onto the story. A couple of times men have tried to "give me a ride" I do my best to ignore them but sometimes is a little bit scary, the part of the residential area where I live is a little bit isolated so not a lot of cars or people go through there and I have to walk alone from my house to the cab line/bus stop. In one opportunity a couple of months ago I was walking from my house to the stop and I was wearing headphones so I wasn't paying that much attention, first mistake on my part, and a car pulled over next to me, this wasn't all that strange because I have been using this cab line for a while and a lot of the drivers know me and if they see me they pull over so I don't have to walk all the way to the stop, the driver said "Hey are you going to 'place of destination' " I said yes and got inside the car without checking the windshield for the id number, second mistake on my part, here is where alarms started going off in my head, first the cars in the line tend to be older cars with no AC, and this was a newer car and when I got in he locked the doors and turn on the AC, in this point I finally realized this wasn't one of the cabs but a complete stranger. He began to ask me things like my name, exactly where I lived and other personal things, I responded very vaguely with my heart beating really fast, I was starting to panic so I texted a friend my location and told him to call me asap, at this point we where close to the destination and this guy was not slowing down the car and was about to past the stop, then the call came through and I started to talk to my friend like he was my boyfriend " Hi baby I'm almost there wait for me and we'll go ok" my friend was really confused but when the man heard my conversation he suddenly stopped the car saying " sorry I was sooo entertained talking to you that I almost passed the stop, maybe we could see eachother again" here he unlocked the car and I bolted out barely saying anything. After that day I became more aware of my surroundings and I tend to only get inside the cabs in the stop unless I clearly see the id of the car, a couple of my friends said that I was overreacting but still it scared the shit out of me. Then today comes, I was walking from my house the stop, no headphones in this time, and when I'm half way there a car starts driving slowly next to me, I keep on walking and the older man that was driving starts talking to me, " are you Alicia's daughter? Do you live around here?", I responded no I'm not and keep on walking, he insisted saying he was a neighbor and that he could give me a ride, I replied again that I wasn't and that I didn't want the ride, mind you my mom wasn't called that and has been dead for over a decade and my grandma that people sometimes confuses to be my mom is not called that either, he kept insisting I began walking faster approaching the stop where there more people, at this point the man became angry and started to yell saying this was the last time he would be nice to me and offer me a ride, then he sped up and left, finally I got to stop to get inside a cab that left me in my destination, when I got to work I told my boss and she said "thank God you keep on walking you could have kidnapped", well yeah that was my morning, I really need a car 🫠 To both creeps that maybe wanted to kidnap me or who knows, let's not met
The Man With a Ladder and Bad Intentions
When I was a senior in college a few years ago, I lived in an old house about a 5 minute walk from my campus with 5 of my girl friends. It was still COVID times, so we spent a lot of time just in the house since we could not really go elsewhere. To preface, this house was OLD. and many of the windows didn't lock. Our landlord sucked, as many college ones do, and did not do anything to fix this issue, but with it being 6 of us and often a boyfriend or two sleeping in the house, it felt mostly safe and many of us would keep our windows open. Our college was in a town just outside of the second most dangerous city in the state, but right around the campus it felt relatively safe. When the weather started getting warmer in early spring, we would sit out on the roof to sunbathe and this roof faced our street. We would access the roof from my roommate's, let's call her Mary, bedroom window on the second floor since it led straight to the roof. Our street was residential and did not get a ton of traffic, but we did have a couple encounters of younger guys cat calling us as they drove by, but nothing seemed sinister as we were college kids. One night, late in the semester, Mary went up to her room to call her brother while the rest of us were hanging downstairs. That's when she rushed downstairs and said she saw a ladder leading up to the roof where we would all sunbathe and right near her window, which was open. Later, we learned she said out loud to her brother what she saw before she came down. When she told us this, my other roommate and her boyfriend ran outside to find a man running away from our house with the freaking ladder, who we assume heard Mary telling her brother she saw the ladder and knew he was caught. It was dark, so they could not make out anything about him. I immediately texted our landlord asking if he had someone come by the house to do any work, and he said no. We then called the police who came by. They did some investigating and patrolled our house for a couple nights, but we never found out who the man was, what his intentions were, or if he had been there before. So, to the creep with the ladder, let's not meet.
Strange man walked into my backyard and watched me from my balcony.
Hey everyone, I don’t post much on Reddit, but I need to get out what just happened a few hours ago. This seemed like the place to put it. For some background first,I’m a 29 year old woman. I live in an apartment in a sketchy-er side of my town, so I’m not unaccustomed to strange people pulling up and strange things happening. I’ve been through a home break in, so I’m very hyper vigilant when it comes to keeping myself and my home safe. I also smoke cigarettes, nasty habit I know, but having cats and not wanting my house to reek like smoke, I’ll walk out to my balcony to smoke. That’s exactly what I was doing when this happened. I was sitting on my balcony, smoking and just enjoying my night, when I notice a car I’ve never seen before pull into the back parking lot of my apartment right by my balcony. I initially felt a bit off but I didn’t want to come off as being the paranoid neighbor, so I keep sitting and smoking my cigarette. Then I hear footsteps making a beeline through my backyard. There’s a large and burly man that I’ve never seen before walking briskly through my backyard. Again, I still don’t try to make much of it because they might be there for my neighbor. My anxiety is definitely on alert but not in panic mode. Until I realize he’s going straight for my portion of the backyard. He then does something that is still freaking me out as I type this. He stops right in my backyard and looks up at me on my balcony, not saying a word. Now I’m in absolute panic mode. I audibly say, “oh fuck no”, spring up, slam and lock my balcony door, run to my upstairs bathroom, and dial 911. I listened to every sound from downstairs while I stood panicking in my bathroom and truthfully it sounded like someone was messing with my back door. I don’t know for sure because I was in hyper vigilance. I do know he was in my backyard for a few minutes because I was my bathroom for several minutes until I decided to peak out my balcony window. I saw him walking to his car and getting in. That also tells me that I don’t think he was here to rob me, but something more sinister. Luckily he was lazy because again, I live on the cheaper side of town, so you can imagine the quality of my doors and locks. I’m really hoping it was just some guy who was drunk/high and had the wrong house, but my gut is telling me otherwise. Regardless, I hope we never meet again.
Hello, my name is Ninon. I'm French, and my story takes place in a small countryside in the south (a place where nothing usually happens). As I tell you this story, it has now been 2 years since it happened... I was 13 years old. One evening, my parents decided to go have dinner at friends' house, but I preferred to stay home. It was a Friday night and I was tired. It's actually quite common for my parents to leave me alone at home in the evening because I rarely go with them when they go out to eat or to parties. So, I'm used to being alone at night. I must admit that I often have this feeling of being watched when I'm alone at home, whether it's day or night. But I always thought it was just paranoia... until that night. So, we're at the infamous night when my parents go to dinner at friends' house and leave me alone. I'm watching TV on the couch with my cat, and then I decide to go back to my room to be on my phone. After several minutes, I hear noises coming from the kitchen... actually, that's quite common, but once again, I chalk it up to fatigue and stress. Then a little later, I hear what sounds like a glass being placed on the dining table. The stress becomes more and more intense, and I do the dumbest thing to do in those moments: I went to see, and there was indeed a glass on the dining table. And it couldn't have been me because I always have a bottle in my room, and I only drink from it... The stress rises even more, but at the same time, I prefer to stay in denial and tell myself that I left the glass on the table while clearing it... As I'm about to return to my room, I hear something scratching behind the garage door. I'm about to open it, thinking it's my cat wanting to come in, but I freeze when I reach for the handle, and I remember that my cat was on the couch with me earlier... So, I turn my head to check if he's still there... and unfortunately, he is, and so is my dog... At that moment, I'm genuinely worried, and I rush back to my room, but on the way back, I notice that my parents' bedroom window and the bathroom window are wide open... At that point, I didn't know what to do, so I locked myself in my room with my cat and dog and scrolled through TikTok, trying to forget about this incident. When my parents came back, I acted as if nothing had happened. I don't really know why, but currently, no one knows about this story...
Strange woman harassed me at home, demanding to see someone that never lived here
I’m a woman in my thirties who lives alone in a small house at the head of a quiet cul-de-sac in the UK. The street is a maze of roads away from the main road, which means that other than delivery guys and the occasional salesperson, you very rarely see anyone that you don’t recognise. I don’t exactly ‘know’ all my neighbours, but I know what they look like, and I know where they live. I can recognise their cars, etc. This weirdness happened over the space of a few months several years back. I work from home so I’m usually in, and sometimes I don’t have a lot to do. The first day was one of those lazy days. It was about 4pm and I’m sitting on the sofa watching some daft shit about alien coverups. Someone knocked on the door. I have a surveillance camera hidden in the wooden canopy above the front door so I checked to see who it was because I wasn’t expecting any deliveries and I couldn’t be bothered to deal with a salesperson. It was a woman who looked late-40s to early-50s, very smartly dressed, like really expensive clothes and jewellery. Stuff I could never afford. Most people around here generally couldn’t afford it either. We’re not an affluent area and this lady stuck out like a sore thumb. She looked flustered and agitated, glancing towards the back garden before trying to look through the tiny, frosted glass window on the front door. I noticed she was carrying a dog’s lead, but I didn’t see a dog. As it happens, at the far side of my back garden there are two hedges. There’s the hedge that I own within my property boundaries, and there’s a second hedge outside my boundary that’s council-owned along a small grassland where people walk dogs. I know for a fact there is a hole in the council-owned hedge which I’ve reported it to the council at least a dozen times over the past decade and they’ve done the square root of sod all about it. Because of my hedge, I can’t reach it to do anything about it myself. Consequently, when I saw the dog’s lead I thought, shit, I bet her dog has gone through the hole. If it’s a big dog, it’s not getting into my garden but if it’s a small dog it might be able to work its way through and I’ve always got some cooked meat so I figured I might be able to lure it out. I am a dog-lover, so of course, I want to help this woman if I can. When I was a kid, my own dog went missing for a few weeks and I thought I was never going to get him back. I was heartbroken for those weeks, but fortunately, we did get him back and ever since I’ve been extremely sensitive to pets in need. I open the door and this woman gives me the weirdest look. Like she was expecting someone completely different to answer the door and that I shouldn’t be there. To be fair to her, my mum used to live here too so I didn’t think much of that weird look to begin with. Maybe she was expecting my mum? I say, “Hello” and she just stares at me for the longest thirty seconds before she tries to look past me and asks to see Margaret. I don’t know what it is about other people’s mistakes, but whenever someone has the wrong number, I always end up apologising as if it’s my fault. So that’s what I did, apologised and told her there was no Margaret at this address. Again, she gives me that look, only this time there’s anger behind it. “Yes, there is,” she insists. It occurs to me at this point that I have a relative called Margaret, but she lives about sixty miles away and I haven’t seen her in years. Nonetheless, just in case she’s got her addresses muddled, I ask “Are you looking for Margaret \[Surname\]?” but she just hisses at me, “You know exactly who I’m looking for. What have you done with her?” I’m absolutely lost at this point. I’ve lived here twenty years, and I know the name of the previous owner, so I know she’s not asking for them. I also know the names of the neighbours, and the names of the people who have lived on the street in the time I’ve been here and since moved. None of them are called Margaret. So, all I can do is tell her she’s got the wrong address. “No, this is \[My Address\]. You’re lying.” That was a tad alarming. She’s at the right address. She’s not knocked on the wrong door. However, she clearly thinks I’ve done something to somebody who to the best of my knowledge has never lived here. I don’t know how long the previous owner had this house, but we must be talking about at least thirty years since anyone called Margaret might have lived here. It’s at this point that I notice that she’s subtly wrapped that dog lead around her now-clenched fist like she’s planning to use it as a weapon. In my youth, I did plenty of self-defence training so I’m not exactly scared of her, as such, but I’m obviously getting a bit concerned about the situation that’s brewing. I don’t particularly wish to get involved in a brawl on my doorstep with a complete stranger. I’m torn between shutting the door in her face or trying to de-escalate the situation. In the end, I close the door a little so she’s got less to aim at and tell her, “Look, I dunno who you’re looking for but if you think something’s happened to your friend, maybe we should just call the police and let them sort it out?” Sure enough, the woman slams her fist with the lead wrapped around it into my door. I later discovered she’d struck the door hard enough to crack the frosted glass window in the middle of it. She’s bleeding from doing it. It must have hurt, but she doesn’t flinch or show any sign of pain. What the hell? Any confidence I had in my self-defence classes started to waver here because I’m not used to people who don’t feel pain. All I can think now is that she’s on something and having a really bad trip, so at this point I put on my scariest voice and tell her to get the fuck back. I let her know I’m calling the police and if she’s still here when they get here, she can deal with them because I’m not dealing with her anymore. She tries to stop me from closing the door but I shove her back and manage to get it closed and locked. I make a point to stand next to the door while I’m calling 999 so she can hear me. While I’m waiting for the police to turn up, I watch her on the surveillance feed. She moves out of shot multiple times, presumably to check the back of the house and I hear her calling out for Margaret. A few minutes before the police finally turn up, I see her kick over my wheelie bins in a rage but then the most chilling thing happens… She walks back to the front door and literally stares directly into my camera. That camera is pretty well hidden. I’m not saying that nobody could spot it, but most people would only know it was there if they’d been looking for it. Most people aren’t looking for cameras, right? She knew it was there. She must have eyeballed it previously. When? I don’t know. I later reviewed all of the footage I had from that day, and she never made eye contact with it once. She never even looked in that direction. I only had about a week’s worth of footage before it the oldest footage is overwritten, and I checked everything I had and she was only on camera that day. All I can think is she’d been here more than a week prior. While she’s staring right into it, she flips me the finger and then makes a throat-cutting gesture, before walking off. I head to the window to watch her leave and she’s walking like she doesn’t have a care in the world. She doesn’t look back, just wanders away. Police finally show up (good job I wasn’t being murdered!), take a statement, I give them a copy of the surveillance footage and that’s that. I called a couple of times to follow up, but nothing. Nobody ever called me about it. I won’t lie, this shit me up for a few weeks. I moved the knife block closer to the door (though out of sight of any of the windows). I started staying up really late and not getting much sleep which really didn’t help. On some nights I was so tired that I started experiencing auditory hallucinations. I’d hear people who weren’t there talking, and because this woman was the cause of all my stress, I heard her voice and the name Margaret most of all. Every time I heard the gate open it put me on edge. I’d review the surveillance footage every day. Eventually, as the weeks passed and I hadn’t heard anything else I started to regain some of my comfort and just put it down to a weird experience. It didn’t last. About four, maybe five weeks after the first encounter, she came back. It was just after midnight. I was in the living room mucking about on my phone with the TV on low volume for some background noise. I heard a car door slam and peeked out the front window. A dark-coloured car was parked at the end of my driveway. I couldn’t see what make or model it was, but it looked like some sort of estate car (I think Americans call them station wagons, right?). I didn’t see anyone moving about but a minute or two later, the front gate swung open with its metallic groaning and there was a knock on the door. Even when I’m not involved in a blood feud over imaginary Margarets, I’m not going to answer the door at that time. I check the surveillance camera. Its night vision mode is pretty shitty but I’m positive it’s that woman again. I can even see what I think is the dog lead. And of course, she knows I’m watching her because she looks at the camera again and I tell you, when someone is already giving you the heebie-jeebies, the way night vision makes people’s eyes look like soulless black voids doesn’t do much to make you feel better. Suddenly, she yells out “Shut that fucking racket off and come out here. Now!” I had the TV on, but as I mentioned, it was on a very low volume. There’s no way she could hear it from outside the front door. I couldn’t even hear it if I walked into the hallway. I’m convinced at this point she’s mentally unwell, so I call the police again. I want them to stay on the line but they just tell me that someone will be over soon and to call them back immediately if things escalate. So I’m waiting, watching and just hoping she doesn’t start trying to smash a window or something. She kicks over my wheelie bins again (don’t know what she’s got against them) and yells something else out, which I couldn’t quite make out but whatever it was, it was enough for one of the neighbours to come and investigate themselves. I watch the neighbour talking with her for a minute. She’s remonstrating about something, wagging her finger towards my front door, but my neighbour is eventually able to get her to leave. He even sticks around for a bit to make sure she’s gone. Sadly, that also means she’d gone before the police turned up again and made me feel like I was a bother to them. Another statement. Handing over more security footage. More nothing. I caught up with the neighbour the next day, and he apologised because it didn’t occur to him to make a note of the registration plate, but he told me that she’d said much the same thing as she’d said to me previously. That she wanted to know where Margaret was and what I’d done with her. I’m grasping for answers at this point. Even if she’s mentally unwell, the fact she’s sticking to this Margaret story and has the right address makes me think there’s something more to this than somebody having a breakdown. Then it clicks, is Margaret her dog? Does she think that I’ve stolen her dog? Did she have a dog go through the hole in the back? Does she think I’ve hurt her dog? Is that what this is about? It’d be another few weeks before she came back. This time at 3am I'm awoken by knocking on the door. A few minutes later, I hear tapping on the bedroom window. I know it's her. I can hear her saying things, but I can’t really make them out because they’re too muffled through the windows. It’s like she didn’t want to get the neighbour out again so she’s trying to keep it quiet. I jump out of bed and put some clothes on as quickly as I can. I try and follow her as best I can as she moves around the outside of the house from room to room knocking, tapping, and muttering. I think I hear a few coherent words like “noise”, “racket”, and I’m pretty sure she called me a bitch, but maybe I was imagining that. I can’t check the surveillance footage this time because she’s spray painted the damn lens, not that it'd matter much this time. She's not lingering by the front door. I think about calling the police again, but it’s proven a waste of time so far and I get the feeling if I call them out a third time and she’s gone, then they’re just going to start accusing me of wasting their time even if I do have the evidence. They’ve not exactly been that helpful so far. In the end, I wait by the front door and listen for her. Eventually, she knocks again, and I call out, “Is Margaret your dog?”. Dead silence. Nothing. I can’t see anything through the frosted glass because it’s too dark. I have no idea where she is and I don’t want to turn the outside lights on. I don’t even know why. She knows I’m in the house because I’ve called out to her, but I still don’t want to draw any more attention to myself. I end up standing there for who knows how long? At least an hour, probably more because the sun starts coming up. My heart is going a mile a minute pretty much the whole time. Once it’s bright enough I start checking through windows to see if I can see her. Nope. Nothing. I tentatively open the front door and look outside. Still can’t see her. I grab something to arm myself with just in case, can’t remember what now, and check all around my house and the back garden. She’s not there. As I’m heading back to the front door, I spot the oddest thing. The gate’s closed. That gate is physically attached to the side of my house, and when it opens and closes, it makes a fair bit of noise. You’d definitely hear it if someone opened or closed it when you were standing next to the front door but it’s closed. So, what does that mean? Did she jump it somehow? It’s possible, I guess but I wouldn’t want to try it. Anyway, I open the gate and head out to the end of the driveway. I look around and there’s no sign of anyone. I turn back to the house and see she’s spray-painted “LIAR” on the front of my house and left the dog lead on the floor beneath it. That was, thankfully, the last time I ever heard from or saw this woman but I think she still comes by sometimes. Ever since all this happened, I get these creeped-out feelings occasionally at night and check out the window. I don’t know whether I’m imagining it or what, but now and again, I swear I see a dark-coloured estate car out on the street. Not parked at the end of my driveway these days, but I just can’t shake the feeling she’s in there, watching my house. Perhaps she was looking for her dog and she keeps thinking that she'll see me with it?
Creepy greek "soldier" while solo travelling
I am a solo traveller so I had some weird experiences, but the creepiest one was probably this: I was backpacking in The Balkans (SE Europe) and as I wanted my trip to last long but I didn't have that much money (I'm from Hungary and the salaries here are really bad) I had to sacrifice comfort a lot of times (like hostels, cheap food, questionable public transport, etc). This was the reason I booked the midnight train in Greece from Thessaloniki to Athens. During my stay in Thessaloniki I mainly stayed in the center and the bay area which looked nice, just like any other big European city. However the train station was in a different area. I had to check out from my hostel in the morning so I spent the whole day out in the city, and the afternoon in the sketchy area where the train station was because I wanted to stay close to it so I could get there in a reasonable time in the afternoon and spend the night there so I couldn't have to walk around in that area at 11pm. That part of the city looked a lot less appealing, it was full of garbage, graffiti, homless people, and sketchy, creepy people. The train station wasn't that much better, it had a semi-closed in coffee shop in it, I stayed there as long as I could, but it closed at 8 pm. While I was sitting in that coffee shop and looking down my phone, I snapped my head around when I heard a loud noise. A guy dressed as a soldier rushed in the coffee shop and he was looking around like if he was searching for someone or something. The coffe shop was really small, it was just maybe like 5 or 6 tables and there was only one guest beasides me. He saw me for sure, but didn't do anything, he went to the counter to order. He was speaking very loudly even tho it was relatively quiet there. I found it weird but didn't think much of it, especially because he was speaking in greek which I didn't understand. The coffee shop closed at 8 pm so I packed up my bags and went outside. There were a lot of weird people loitering there, they didn't look like they were waiting for a train. I say this because I wanted to take a look on the tracks in advance so I'll know how to get to my train in time and when I was doing that, a train came to the station and almost all of the people from the waiting room RAN to the train, but they weren't getting on it nor greeting someone who got off, they were just walking up and down the track until the train set off. Also, they were all middle aged men, there weren't any women or children among them. I went back to the waiting area and sat down on a bench. I was a bit nervous so I plugged in my earphones and I was browsing something on my phone. However I wanted to still be able to hear the things around me so I wasn't listening to music or anything. Which I'm glad I didn't because not too long after I sat down I heard someone saying next to me "Nice tattoo! Is it from Up?". I knew they said it to me because I have a tattoo from the movie Up on my forearm, so I pulled out my earphones and looked next to me. There was the soldier from before sitting next to me. It was weird he started talking to me in english automatically, but I have a little hungarian flag on my backpack which indicates that I'm not greek. I replied to his question and we started talking. The conversation at first was pretty normal, we were talking about tattooes and movies, than travelling. When I mentioned I wanted to visit Macedonia in this trip, he got a little political and heated, he started talking about greek politics and the relationship between Greece and Macedonia very angrily. Throught the whole cconversation he was acting a bit weird. I can't explain why, but it looked like something was off about him. At first I was relieved that I was next to a soldier in this sketchy place but after a while I started to question if he really was a soldier or just pretending to be one, because he was creepy. And he was constantly checking his bag, but just from the outside. It looked like there was a long object in it which could have been a gun. But if he really is a military person, than it could be normal, I don't know the greek laws if they are allowed to carry their weapons off-duty or not (and carrying guns in the street is NOT normal in Europe at all, unlike in the US). He asked me if I was traveling alone and for how long I planned to stay in Athens. I answered with honesty, I told him I was alone and that I didn't plan to stay for long in Athens as I was planning on catching a ferry from there. He than asked me if I'd like to stay in his place for free but I declined. He asked this a few more times but I said no everytime. And than the speakers turned on and they announced that the train to Athens will be here soon. So we both got up and started to head to the tracks. He said he needs to get his luggage from the luggage storage so we stopped there, it was right next to the steps to the train tracks. He took out a big, old, heavy suitcase from there, it looked like even he was suffering from it's weight. Than he really loudly slammed the storage's metal door. I don't know why he did this, it was unnecessarily loud, everyone was looking at us. It really was LOUD, the whole station could've heard it. We than sterted walking up the stairs but he stopped and said he needed to use the restroom and asked me to wait for him there with his suitcase. He didn't even wait for my answer, he ran back to the waiting room. It was really odd, why would he trust a stranger with his luggage and leave it with me? I stood there for a few minutes and was waiting for him, but I started contemplating if I should just leave his suitcase there because I was afraid that I'd miss my train. I even tought about that what if there was a bomb inside the suitcase? Otherwise why else would he leave his belongings with a randoom girl he just met? The fact that he was acting really strange didn't help with it either. I waited a few minutes, than he showed up. He asked me once again if I wanted to stay in his place in Athens, but I said no again. We got up to the tracks and our train just came in. He insisted on sitting next to each other but I didn't wanted to sit next to him so I said I have a seat reservation (which was true) and that I'm really tired, I'd probably sleep through the night anyways. He said he'll ask the person working on the train if I can switch seats with a reservation. He left his luggage next to me once again and went to the nearest employee. This time I didn't stay there, I got up the train and looked for my seat, fortunetely there were a lot of people so I blended in easily. I took my seat, and a few minutes later a normal looking man sat next to me. Thankfully the "soldier" didn't came looking for me and I've never seen him again, not even in the Athens train station (there were even more people). I know this story is not too extreme, but it still bugs me to this day to what were his intentions. Was he really a soldier and a nice guy, just a bit weird, with some kind of mental illness? Or a crazy psychopath pretending to be a soldier to look more trustworthy?
Stalked by a weird man
First of all, english isn't my first language, i'm sorry if everything isn't 100% clear This story takes place a few years ago while i was still with my ex GF. I (M22) was 17-18 at this moment. I was living with my parents and we lived in a little town of 300 people. It's litterally the campain with 3 farms in this town, which includes lots of fields. We had the habits of walking in those fields thanks to a little path which is really old. There's place for only one car / truck / tractor. It was an afternoon (5/6PM), and we decided to eat some stuff into a field near the road. So we can see the road and people on the road can sees us. The field, which belongs to my neighbor, who are ok with the fact that we're here, is separated from the road thanks to barbed wire. (it's a few miles from my parents house) We smoke weed, we drink, we eat we listen to music, everything is alright. However, at one point, a car park on the middle of the road and a guy went out of his car, and is doing stuff on the bushes. At this point, i'm thinking "Ok, the dude is just picking stuff like nuts or whatever because it's the end of the summer." But i keep an eye on him. I talk with my GF just like i did all afternoon until then, and i looked back at him. The guy is standing still, behind his car, and he's looking right at us. Motionless. I don't say anything, and looked back at my GF. I give another look 30sec-1min later. The guy has moved, he's now at the other side of his car, and same thing. No motion. Just looking at us. The same process is about to be repeated 2 or times, with him at different location around his car. I have chills , and thinking this situation isn't normal at all. The guy suddenly went back into his car and move away. At this moment, i told to my GF, pick your things, we're moving. She thinks i'm kinda overeacting, thinking i'm paranoid because of the weed we smoked, but she listens to me. We're back on the road, going the other way the guy went ; the road is a circle, every way leads back to my house. And guess who has turned around and is coming right behing us with his car ? This guy. Still looking at us while driving. He keeps his road, and turns around (once again) to keep staring at us. This process repeats 2 times. At this moment, my GF told me i was right. So we took his plate, and tried to call my parents. No one is answering. The last time the guy passed at our level, i can clearly see something on his passenger seat, but idk what. BUT, my neighbor came right behind him with his truck. I stopped my neighbor, and told her what we just witnessed. She get us in the truck, we went back to my parents home. My dad is a cop, i told him the plate, he looked at it. The car belonged to a grandma and was stolen. End of this part of the story. Few weeks later. As everyday. I go take my bus in the next town, which is 7mins of bike. It was still dark because it's pretty early in the morning. When i left my parents home on my biker, i noticed light behind me. It was his car. I don't know how he knew i was there, maybe it's pure bad luck from me, but i'm 100% sure it was his car. He followed me until i took a path which a car can't use ; only bikes and pedesrians can take. I turned off my light and drove until i went to my bus in the complete dark, in order to not be seen by this guy I kept using this way fro the next 2 years, and i've never met him again. To the guy who stole a grandma's car, and stalked me and my GF, let's not meet again.
Stalked by a client
TW/ Child abuse I used to be employed as a child protection worker. A report came through about a step-father who was being abusive to his children. I was given the investigation by my team leader. When I interviewed the oldest child with the police she had very visible physical injuries and told me exactly what had happened. I'll spare the details but it was horrific. As the children were in his sole care we knew that they needed to be removed immediately. We sent a team of two workers out to the children's school while myself and a colleague called the step-father into the office. I lead the interview and it was horrible. He didn't even try to deny that he had hurt his step child, basically saying "that's my kid, I'll do what I want and you can't stop me". When I served him with the paperwork he absolutely lost his mind. He was swearing and screaming and said "if we were outside this building right now I would f**n kill you". We ended up running out of the interview room, pressing our emergency alarm and I even had to make a police report about the whole thing, it got really messy. The next day we had court for the children and my manager decided I shouldn't attend due to everything that had happened the previous day. My colleague who attended told me that this man was at court and yelled several times something to the effect of "where is that c**t of a worker who took my kids". I remember feeling a little freaked out but it's not uncommon to hear things similar to this when you have to remove a child. It's understandable that emotions are very high. You build a bit of a resilience working in this field and overall I mainly felt relieved that those children had been placed with an Aunt and were safe. About 2 weeks later I had to stay back late at the office on an unrelated job. It was about 9PM when I finished and I was the only person there. I walked out the back of the building to my car. It was really dark but when I got close I thought I saw a shadow moving at the front of my car. Just for a second and then it was gone. I was about 20 meters away at this point but it startled me. I stood there for a second just looking at my car wondering if I was just being paranoid. While staring into the darkness I started hearing tiny rustling noises and whether imagined or not all of the true crime horror stories I've ever heard flashed into my mind. Safe to say I freaked myself out and sprinted back to the building. I called my boyfriend to come and pick me up, explaining what had happened. By the time he drove up to the front doors I had convinced myself I was being silly and asked him to drive me around to my car. He circled around and with the headlights shining on my car I could very clearly see that all 4 of my tires had been slashed. I was an absolute mess that night and called the police immediately. I was pretty sure that this man was responsible but as I hadn't seen him I couldn't say for sure. I took a few days off and came back to a meeting with my manager who had put together a safety plan for me and the other staff. She'd organised to have a security guard escort us to our cars and said very clearly that no one was to stay in the building after hours alone. Then about a week later a letter was delivered to the office addressed to me. Any mail that comes into the office goes through our reception staff. Our lovely receptionist opened it and it was a note that said "you're as good as dead bitch". The words were typed and printed. She was an older woman and burst into tears when she read it. It didn't say who had sent it, but I an convinced it was this same man. Over the next few weeks letters kept coming, each one getting longer. They addressed me as 'bitch' and 'home wrecker', saying that I kidnap and abuse children. It was just horrible, horrible stuff. The threats in the letters were the worst. The person writing them threaten to rape, torture, kill, find out where I live and to burn down the entire building. To be honest the police were less than helpful. They basically said that given the nature of our work they couldn't conclusively say it was this man, although they had questioned him. To me it all seemed like a pretty massive coincidence. I'd never had anything like this happen before. They did say they were taking the letters very seriously and tracking down where they'd been posted from but I never heard anything back about that. My workplace took the threats very seriously too. All of the security was bumped up across the building and all staff completed refresher training on emergency management. One day on the way home from work I noticed that a car was following me. At first I thought I was being paranoid so I drove down a bunch of little streets, double backed onto the same route in a way that would make absolutely no sense. Even after all that a dark green camry was still paced a little way behind me. I freaked out but had already planned in my head what I was going to do in this situation. I headed straight to the police station, planning to pull right up to the front of the building and beep my horn until I had someone's attention. The second I pulled into the police station the green camry drove straight past and disappeared down a nearby side street. I sat there for a good 20 minutes too scared to get out of the car in case they came back around the corner. It dawned on me that in my panic I'd forgotten to get the licence plate. That upsets me to this day. I told the police what I knew but they told me that the man didn't have any car registered in his name. This was the final straw for me. I was a nervous wreck, I was looking around constantly at work and at home. I knew that he lived relatively close to me so I even stopped going grocery shopping in case I ran into him. I stayed on stress leave for a month and heard from colleagues that the letters kept arriving. I was very honestly ready to quit but then covid happened. It really changed everything. Everyone went into lockdown and all access to the office was restricted. I started back working from home, driving a work car to and from appointments. I didn't go into the office regularly anymore, only allowed in small working groups when absolutely necessary. Over the next year the letters slowed and eventually stopped. By the time we were allowed back in the office there hadn't been any sign of this man for almost 7 months. About a year later I left child protection. I don't know what happened with those children, but my hope is that they are happy and safe with their family. And as for the man who I believe stalked and threatened me for doing my job, let's not meet ever, ever again.
Stalked through a park at midnight in Vietnam
So I’m currently traveling SEA with my two brothers, we just arrived in Saigon this morning . In the evening after dinner and few beer me and my 2 brothers (older and younger, I am the middle brother) decided to sit on a bench in hao Dan park , and have a quick smoke. We where chatting away sat on the bench when I noticed a Vietnamese man , repeatedly looking at us and walking in circles very near where we where sitting, at first I wasn’t to concerned about him however my spider senses where alerted Then a minute or 2 later I notice another Vietnamese man dressed as a grab delivery driver acting suspicious and repeatedly looking at me and my brothers. The stalkers where both on the phone and I believe they where communicating with each other. Being in a foreign country my youngest brother told us to leave , however it was a good 600m walk to the park exit . As we where walking I notice both Vietnamese men had got on mopeds and where following us through the park, stopping behind trees and watching us. They the. overtook us and sat at a bench further down the path waiting for us to cross their path. Being aware of this, we left the path and started walking on the grass , as the crow flys to the nearest exit. Avoiding the men We are 100 meters from the exit when my younger brother look’s behind us to see one of the men sprinting towards us, my younger bro took a fighting stance, standing his ground the man and asked what he wanted. The man’s posture became very small and he began talking very quietly. Both me and my younger brother kept a good distance and told him to leave us alone as we walked backwards towards the exit, noticing the second assailant also approaching us wearing motorcycle gear. However my oldest brother decided instead of trying to get out of the situation, he got closer to the whispering Vietnamese man to hear what he was saying. Both me and my younger brother where yelling at him to get the fuck out of heat but he was being a dumbass, he was being groomed .it took the Vietnamese guy 5 secounds to win my bros trust, Then out of nowhere when my older bro was leaning in very close trying to hear the man , the Vietnamese guy grabbed my brothers crotch , grabbed his dong. He was shocked. I was ready to fight expecting to be robbed or something, but the dong grab was super unexpected, After that we started shouting and the men fled . For context both me and my younger brother are competing mma fighters ( I posted one of my fights on Reddit if you don’t believe me), however the whole situation was unexpected we didn’t engage in any violence towards the men , just shouting at them. End of story . Wild ay . Be careful in the parks at night in Vietnam . Dong grabbers Let’s not meet again What’s your take on this story ?
going to stop meeting ppl on tinder
female, 29 met a guy from tinder in person who is 27 i had a weird feeling right from the start. now i wish i hadn’t gone. we decided to meet at a casino and walk around, he stared at me the whole time. i don’t really know what i was doing hanging out with him. but i decided to a couple more times, was intimate with him. but i had a feeling like i didn’t like it. anyway the creepy part is that he looked up all my information online, found out my address, who i live with, who my relatives are, where i went to school, grew up. fucking awful. and continued to terrorize me in any way he could, finding me on linkedin. calling me names in the comments of various posts. reading my entire blog from when i was 15 that i can’t delete because the email is old. i managed to delete everything and once i have money i’m going to use that site deleteme. this is the first time anything like this has ever happened and i’m definetly freaked out. i also have no friends where i live so it’s made me feel really lonely. i wish no one had to experience this kind of anxiety. i’m never going to be able to have any public social media profiles. i have to hide everything. it’s insane that someone from tinder i met a few times would do this. i’m not going to be meeting people online anymore.
My friend and I were parked outside of my house, we got in a car chase
I (F22) was parked on the side street of my house with my friend (F21), I live next to a dead-end road, the road faces two other houses, and all my neighbors park their cars there. My friend didn't want to be rude to my family and block them in with her car so she parked on the right side of the street so it would be easier for her to drive out and go home. My neighbor has a trailer, the kind you hook onto the back of your car. My friend lives with her parents and she switches the cars that she uses pretty frequently. We were in her dad's old beater Toyota Camry. I didn't get out of the car immediately because I wanted to talk for a little while before I went inside. All of a sudden my neighbor, which I hadn't yet realized at the time was my neighbor, pulled right up next to our car. he got out of the car and started walking towards the car. I know that we made the wrong decision when this happened, but we were afraid. It was after dark we are both girls, and he is a heavy-set, bald, white man just to give you a description. So my friend reversed and got out of there. ​ Her intention was to go to drive somewhere and wait ten or more minutes before finally dropping me off. Because she didn't want me walking inside alone while he was still there. I agreed, so we turned the street to leave. That is not what happened. What did happen was right after we turned, we saw another car, we just figured it was another car, until we realized it was the same guy in the truck, we proceeded to drive across town trying to lose him, he honked his horn, and turned the high beams at us, and was driving up our ass the whole time. (My friend somehow managed to not drive recklessly the entire time this was happening, she's an incredibly skilled driver) We called the police soon after he started chasing us, and my friend started driving over to the police station while we were on the phone with the operator. We pulled into the parking lot of the police station and he followed us in. We proceeded to drive in circles around the parking lot. About three or four times he waited there on the other side of the parking lot to try and hit us with his car. He did this until an officer showed up and blocked him in. Then we both parked and started talking to the officer. Apparently, because we were in an old beater car, and we were parked behind his trailer, he was convinced we were trying to steal stuff from him, he was still screaming when he was parked and the officer was talking to him. The officer told both of us it was a misunderstanding, and told us to go home. We went back with me and my friend's mother to the police station to ask about having officers patrol the area for a while. I am currently in my house, this happened in the evening around 10 pm ish. My neighbor got off with a warning, and he is in the house next door. I don't think I'll be sleeping tonight. I know that I can't really do anything because he lives next door. I'm afraid to press charges in case he gets violent. I don't know if he actually thought we were gonna steal from him, or he's on drugs or just crazy, but yeah to my neighbor, I hope I don't have the misfortune to ever run into you again.
The time I was stabbed
This story was when I was younger and braver and kinda did stupid stuff without thinking. It's a wild ride and it's all true. I used to work at a pizza shop down the street from 2 pm until they closed. I usually didn't get off until 11 or so at night. I had a car, but was close enough to walk so I did that most days to save gas. This particular night, I was doing my usual thing, jamming to one of my playlists, tired, but happy to have a good job and just generally happy with the way my life was going. Up ahead, about a block from my place, I see an attractive guy in dark clothing walking, but not with a purpose really. He was taller than me, maybe 5'10-6' or so, and had shaggy brown hair. The closer I got to him, the more I could tell he was *really* good looking. Like, even in the dark of night I was starting to get excited. His features kinda escape me now, but I do remember his hair & his thick eyebrows. I took an earbud out and, because I'm from a dangerous city and never really cared about stranger danger, I decide to talk to him, maybe even flirt a little bit. "How is your late night going?" "It's good, just looking to get drunk" "Oh? That I can help with. I've got a mini bar at my place. I live just down the street" That was, not verbatim, how the conversation went. During the walk back to my place, I got no red flags from this guy. He seemed totally normal and I was honestly thinking, wow, just through sheer luck I meet this super hunky guy and he seems cool and fun. I was beside myself really. So, we get to my apartment on the second floor. I jump into host mode and offer him to have a seat and make himself comfortable. The apartment is about 640 square feet so it's very small. Except for the bathroom, you can see the rest of the apartment from any area. I head into the kitchen and while I'm pouring drinks, I glance back over at him. It was then that I noticed the first red flag. As I was asking him questions, he is more delayed with his answers, especially moreso than he just was on our walk there. It was just odd to me. I go back over to the couch, pass him his drink and sit down next to him. "So, what do you do for work?" I asked. "Oh, I'm not here for sex". He put his drink down on the table. "What do you mean? I'm not after sex either" He stands up. "What you got?" he asks me. His nice guy vernacular and friendly face are now gone. I''m having a hard time processing what he means by this. "I said what you got?" The second I stand up, he pushes me back. I fly across the room, hitting the floor, but not hard enough to pass out or anything. I get right back up, but he's already grabbed my laptop and my work bag. As I start towards him, he cuts around me and makes his way towards the front door. I'm right behind him when he makes it outside. I manage to grab hold of him and we tussle again in front of the door. Now I shout out, calling on help from the neighbors. It's late at night so no one comes. I'm shouting "Please help, I'm being robbed!" The thing is, he has my laptop. It's not just any laptop. I hate to admit it, but my entire life was on that laptop at the time. Important photos that I did not have backed up, thousands of dollars of music programs, video game programming stuff for a development team I helped, really expensive software, etc. It was, in my mind, irreplaceable. I give chase down the stairs, across the dog walk park and as I start to gain on him, we tussle again and the only thing I can focus on is my laptop. I knew that I had to, at any cost, get my laptop back. That was absolutely all I cared about. Somehow I get a grip on my laptop. I tug at it again and I guess he decides I'm not worth all of this struggle. He gets up and starts to take off again. I now realize he still has my work bag. It has my cell phone and wallet (with my license, debit card, triple AAA card, etc) in it. I take off towards him again and this time, he shouts back at me ; "Follow me and I'll stab you again!" This makes me stop in my tracks and he gets away. Underneath a street lamp, along the sidewalk, I immediately inspect myself. Was I stabbed? No way. There's no way. Then I see blood running down my leg. I see blood on my arm. Two places where he cut me good. I'm scared, but the blood makes it look worse than it is. I decide that's enough. I got my laptop and that's all I really wanted anyway. I hobble back home and get inside and lock my door. I called the cops using my neighbor friend's phone the next day and filed a police report explaining the situation, showing the stab wounds and declining medical services (I can't afford that and I was fine all things considered). So, all that guy got was a crappy cell phone and a wallet with, like, $30-$40 in it. The cop called my friend back several days later and said that they were not able to find the guy and that he would keep me posted. This was years ago so I don't know where the robber is now, but I have every electronic thing of importance backed up on multiple drives to this day!
Sunglasses stalker
So this happened a long time ago but I’ve never forgotten it as it was one of the strangest encounters me and my family have ever had. One time as a child I went with my family to the grocery store. It was our monthly trip to stock up on groceries so we we’re going to be there a while. I was about 12 at the time so by the age I had a good understanding of how to read people. We started in the produce isle and suddenly a strange man caught my eye, he was standing awkwardly close to us, sort of “fake” browsing the vegetables. His body language seemed off. He was standing with his back to us, but something seemed strange about the way he was positioned. As we slowly moved down the isle he would slowly rotate so his back was always facing us. As we got a little closer I could tell he was wearing those “see behind” glasses. Those gimmick sunglasses that have hidden mirrors On the inside of the lenses so you can see behind yourself . He had a dirty grey zip up jacket on, and long dark messy hair. He had to be in his 40’s Our shopping went on and wherever we went I would see him standing there staring at me from across the store. He would keep his distance from us but he was always within eyesight no matter where we were in the store. About 30 minutes in my mom still hadn’t noticed it but he was starting to really creep me out. My mom didn’t believe me at first. Eventually we got to the refrigerator isles and this is when it got weird. Whatever isle we were in he would quickly pace past us occasionally. At this point he wasn’t even trying to look like he was shopping. My mom and sis were starting to notice this and also seemed concerned. At one point we were grabbing something off one of the shelf’s and I could see him just standing on the opposite isle, peeking through the shelves at us. His sunglasses were on still, but now his hood was up. We started to walk faster and do some random zig zags around the store to see if he really was following us and to try and loose him, but he would keep up. All in a very sneaky way at that. He would always be at the opposite end of the isle but he kept up with us the whole time. By this point my mom was concerned so we pushed the cart up to the customer service area to talk to a manager about it. By this point we lost him. We informed the manager and she was very helpful, she actually went to go find the guy and talk to him. We waited at the counter until she paced back to us with a confused look on her face. She walked up to my mother, and told us “he said …. You’re his mom!?” By this point my mom and sister were concerned. The manager rang us up and said we should leave and then they will escort the strange man. We walked out to the car staying close to our mother when we were met with a horrible sight. The man just standing across the parking lot across from our car with his head slightly tilted and a big grin on his face. We floored it out of there, but we could still see him just standing there watching us leave. Whoever that guy was in the sunglasses…. Let’s not meet again .
I recorded the moment a guy came to my house with a gun
Video at end of post. I am in university right now, but staying with my parents at their house for the summer. I was hanging out with one of my friends and we decided to go to a party. I met this guy around my age, we were talking and having fun but it was nothing too serious (or so I thought). We exchanged phone numbers. We hung out a couple of times, but he became incredibly clingy right from the start so I decided to distance myself in the hope that he would get the hint and back off. Well, he didn't. When I stopped responding he sent me over one hundred messages, with each message becoming increasingly more aggressive as time went on. Keep in mind it had been less than two weeks since we first met. I finally responded and told him he needed to chill out. He appeared to calm down a bit after I responded, but he then asked for a phone call. I agreed, and we talked for a while. He told me that he couldn't stop thinking about me, That I was the best thing that ever happened to him, etc.- just a bunch of stuff that is way too intense to say to someone you barely know. I tried to let him down gently, reminding him that I was only home for the summer and wasn’t looking for anything serious beyond a fling, but this only made him angrier. He started yelling at me, insulting me, calling me a slut, basically a complete 180 from what he had been saying mere minutes ago. Then all of a sudden the phone went silent. After a pause he said in a quiet voice: “bitch, you had better get ready because I am coming over for you.” And then he hung up the phone. This was very frightening because he knew my parents were out of town for the week, and that I was staying at their house alone. However, he didn’t know where my parent's house was because I was always the one driving, and he didn’t know my friend either, so I thought he had no way of figuring it out. Since, again, I’m normally living at school in another state. Regardless, I locked all the doors and shut the blinds just in case. After a while, maybe an hour or so, I fell asleep. When I woke up I looked at my phone and saw a notification on my lock screen. It was from the Ring app, indicating there had been movement on my parents' camera. It was him. If you watch the video, you can clearly see something in his hand. When he notices the camera however, he left. I immediately blocked him on everything and reported the incident. I have no idea what he planned to do once he got here... it was terrifying to realize that he had come over when I was asleep and defenseless, and completely unaware of his presence. As I would later find out, he was able to get my address from my phone number. Apparently he googled it and it returned my dad’s name as the owner of the phone number, along with my parent’s address. Since I am on my parent’s phone plan I guess it shows up that I still live here. This revelation was fucking horrifying as I never knew my phone number could reveal my home address. I am still extremely upset that this kind of private information is on the internet for anyone to find as it incredibly dangerous that websites will just give this away to anyone. Please learn from my mistakes and do not give anyone your phone number unless you trust them. I found out that you can get a free google voice number to text and call people, and that number can’t be traced back to you so easily. My advice is to use a disposable number for anyone you’re talking to that you meet informally or online. I still can't sleep at night. Hopefully this never happens to anyone else. Here is the link to the video of the guy:
The worst Halloween hide and seek EVER
This one has illustrations. Unfortunately. My husband Jim and I own an antique business in a big old bizarre barn of a building. Five floors. Multiple other tenants including a restaurant. Halloween was a Monday last year. We locked up the business at 5PM, and we went to an early dinner across town. Then we got a call from Sonitrol, our security monitoring company at 6:30. A motion detect on the lower level. Then another. We left in a tearing hurry, but figured… it’s a bird. Or a rat. We don’t have rats, but you know, something! Maybe a cat. It’s way too early for a break in, after all. I went inside the main level upstairs and disarmed the alarm, and started fumbling noisily with the keys and the big iron gate, one of many that separate the floors at night. Jim checked the perimeter outside for signs of a break in. Nothing, doors and windows intact. Definitely, absolutely a bird! Or a rat. Or a cat. Dusk was long gone. The shadows had settled in and taken over. Just wardrobes loomed in the dark. Wardrobes and nothing more. Right? I headed down below to the location of the alarm, trusting Jim would follow. After all, it was a rat! Or a cat. Or a bird. I am accustomed to the building after dark so I just turned on my phone light, not the overheads, and walked around boldly like I own the place. I looked in the corner with the motion detector. Nothing, just it’s red eye blinking mindlessly at me. No rats, no cats, no birds. I turned and went the other way while Jim poked around a few aisles over. And there it was. A fucking burglary kit sitting in the middle of the floor. Bolt cutters, a fire extinguisher, just sitting there, waiting. I have never gotten a bigger case of sheer terror so fast. After all, there was no broken window or door. *So he was still there. In the dark. With me.* I hissed “Jim, Jim, Jim, please, please, please,” and he didn’t hear me. I literally couldn’t scream, just like in those stupid goddamn dreams, my voice stuck. Just me, the spot lit burglary tools, and a hostile presence lurking in the dusty shadows watching while I whispered for someone to save me. Finally- a thousand years or maybe ten seconds later- Jim wondered why I had taken root in the hallway and came to see. He saw what I was frozen pointing at, and was like “oh fuck”. We bolted out the front door to call 911, and wait. And we abandoned the building to the burglar. An eternal five minutes later the police showed up and were initially pretty unimpressed with our find of the crowbar and fire extinguisher. Until we pulled up the security footage that revealed the actual horror. The face of my new sleep paralysis demon. I share with you: So, this guy. As is obvious, he is built like a lean, mean, brick shithouse. He’d crouched on a landing behind a bookcase when we closed, and watched me and my staff lock up. Bided his time. Then calm as could be, he walked out and went to the men’s restroom in the hallway downstairs. That area isn’t set for motion detect for a variety of reasons. He spent awhile in there moving around with the door open. He constructed the mask using one of ours, and a fake flower wreath to hold it on. Purple plastic clematis. He looked right into the camera barefaced, and then put the mask on, stared at it fixedly in his mask for a time and finally pulled his gloves on. He stacked a few solid body vintage suitcases in front of a tall iron gate and hopped right over like it was nothing. He ran down the hall (triggering the 6:30 silent alarm) and looped the floor. He ran back into the hall, and moved a ladder to hop back to the other side of the gate and, bizarrely, just repeated this whole thing a few times. Then he went to the basement. Wormed over a *fifteen inch gap* over yet another another iron gate. (See the bottom pic of the above Imgur link for a view of said gate.) Back to the hall again. Stared into the camera more. Repeat. He was moving *fast*- up and over, back and forth, upstairs and downstairs… parkour style almost. Then he got the tools out and peeled apart one of our steel lock boxes with the crowbar, and stole a handful of our keys to access showcases. At this point he heard me fumbling with the gate and keys upstairs. He ditched the stolen keys and tools and hid, watching me while he waited in the dark. We exited to call 911, and he ran back to the basement. In the basement there is access to a dirt tunnel that circles the perimeter of the building. He broke the door open and entered. Spiders the size of dinner plates live in there. He had no light. It’s muddy and dank. It’s, in a word, petrifying. (Ft. edited-out Jim fighting a gushing water main last week.) There is a tiny exit hatch, if you walk the whole thing and take the multiple turns, that dumps you into the busy kitchen of a restaurant, whereupon one would need to stroll past the line cooks, out into the restaurant proper (with cameras) and then one could leave their front door. Plastered with mud, which does leave tracks. Speaking from experience. When we found it, there was his clear entrance into the tunnel but no exit tracks. No muddy footprints, nobody walking out on the restaurant cameras, and the cooks noticed nothing. (It was a busy night though.) Reviewing the footage, timing it all, tracing his path from camera to camera and searching the building carefully took hours. By the end, all of us including the police were starting to lose our collective cool and freak out. There was no chill, when even the guys with guns were rattled. After all, *where the fuck did he go?* Jim and the two officers had no choice but to walk the dirt tunnel. The cops took one look and were like “absolutely not”. Jim insisted and so they made him walk point. They made it about half the tunnel before the cops were like “fuck no, you are leaving with us and we are gonna review more footage from the restaurant where there are NO SPIDERS and fuuuuuck this”. Jim got the okay from them to board up both ends of the tunnel. Which he did, solidly. And thus the story ends. The pictures got spread widely but we got no useful leads despite the decent face shot. Did he indeed crawl out a hatch in the busy kitchen and stroll out past the cooks, leaving no trace of mud? I guess. We got no suspicious smells coming out of the tunnel in later weeks and months (but nobody has walked the far side since). We only unboarded the tunnel last week for the split water main shenanigans. I have vowed I will use his skull in this year’s Halloween display if he’s dead down there.
Man tried to enter my house
I came home around 12:00am to the house I share with 4 roommates. When walking on the sidewalk I noticed a man across the street facing the other side seemingly doing nothing. I passed by and entered my house locking the door and went to the kitchen, passing one of my roommates on the living room couch. The hallway from the front doorway opens into the living room and then to the kitchen. When I left the kitchen I saw a dark outline through the door window and stopped to focus my eyes. My couched roommate looked at me confused as I had just stopped in my tracks. The outer door was open and the man from across the street was looking in and then started turning the knob. As I heard the knob start rattling I said something like “there’s a fucking guy at our door!” My roommate got up from the couch alarmed and we together got closer to the door. I could see the man’s face clearer now pressed up against the door window. His face was blank, he had long oily hair and pockmarks on his cheeks. His expression made me feel incredibly uncomfortable as it seemed he was looking through us, with no recognition of us. My roommate called down to my basement roommate to make sure his door leading to the backyard was locked. I got closer to the man as he kept trying the handle to go upstairs and alarm my other roommate. When we came back down the man wasn’t at the door so we peered out the window to see him standing in our walkway looking across the street again. Reflecting on this I’m just happy I remembered to lock the door because we’d often stupidly forget and spend the night with the door unlocked. I can imagine if the door was unlocked and had he stepped into our house I wonder how this would have went. I think about how he would probably have walked through the hallway and my roommate on the couch would just see this stranger walk into our living room and scare the shit out of him. Most likely this guy was drugged out by the way his expression was but who knows what intentions he had. Let’s not meet.
Evening walk turned in being chased
Sorry for my grammar, English isnt my first language, aswell typed on my phone.3 years ago, I (21F) went on a vacation with my family. We stayed in a hotel/ resort right next to the beach. Every night my family and me went for a drink or an evening stroll on the promenade. The promenade itself was always filled with a lot of people especially couples enjoying a beautiful evening walk. On the 3th day, i couldnt sleep. My brother was still awake but we had a fight earlier so i didnt ask him to come on my walk. Now, before you think i was being stupid, it was midnight i think, and still the promenade was filled with people. So i put on some loose pants and a shirt, nothing fancy and went on a walk. Normally im quite aware of my serroundings especially at night. But since there were still so many people around, i put my earphones in and listened to some relaxed music. The walk started of great, i was watching the beautiful nightlife on the promenade and the other resorts. After 30 minutes i went to sit on a bench to tie my shoelaces. In the corner of my eye I noticed a man, aswell stopping and sitting on 2 benches from me. I didnt find it suspicious yet. I started to walk again and noticed the man aswell getting up and walking about 20 metera behind me. I slowed down my pace and put my earphones in my pocket. I was getting suspicious but wanted to know for sure. Again i stopped and pretended to search something on my phone, he stopped aswell. The problem with promenade is that, it is one long line, so i had to pass the creepy man to get back to my hotel. Since i was still surrounded by people, i felt somewhat safe. In my head i had the most genuis plan to go down to the beach and hide behind one of the beachchairs. The beach was pitch black, and in my mind this was the best solution. I started to speed up, the creepy man didnt match my pace yet. Then a big group of people passed by and i made a run to the beach and hid. 30 seconds later i saw him looking from the promenade in my direction. He was searching for me. I was hoping he'd give up, but he started making his way towards the beach chairs. That moment i didnt think and started running on the beach. Once i was far enough, i went back on the promenade and sprinted. Completely soaked in sweat i stopped in front of my hotel and looked back. I had lost the creepy man. I rushed back to my room. That was the only and last time i went walking alone. I know i shouldve asked for help for people around me. So just bec you are surrounded by people dont think you're safe. To the creepy men who stalked and chased me on Crete, lets not meet again.
Laced Cigarette
A few years back, when I was around 18, I entered a very rebellious phase in my life. I have always been a prodigy child. Always did as I was told. Never stayed out late. Didn't smoke. Didn't drink. Scored the highest in all my classes. All my family, my friends and my friends' families thought I was the perfect kid. But then something changed. I was on a lot of medication, due to my health and I started gong through bouts of depression. I started acting up like never before. I stopped going to school. I would stay in bed all day. Didn't talk to anyone. And then slowly I started talking to strangers online. Initially it was just talking to them online. I would talk to a few people till I found someone interesting. Would dedicate all my time talking to them, till they no longer held my interest. And then moved on to the next person. This went on for about a year. Then I eventually started meeting these people in person. Most of these meetings were sexual, and I was very reckless. I slept around with more people than I'd like to admit. And regardless of my lack of concern for own safety, I somehow never met anyone that had any evil intentions. We'd meet a couple of times. Do the dirty, and that was that. Until I met this one guy. I was talking to a couple of guys at that time. I wasn't in any sort of relationship, but just being a hoe. So this guy starts talking to me, and asks me about my hobbies. My interests. What I do. I told him I do not smoke or drink. And he was shocked. I told him it wasn't that I'd never done it. I'd tried, but just felt like it wasn't my thing. We talked for a couple of weeks. I ended up talking about how I've been going through depression and at first, he just listened. Eventually, he started telling me I should try smoking. It would help me releive anxiety and stress. And I always turned it down. But he was relentless. After a month of so of talking online. We decided to meet. We had never had any sort of sexual conversation or anything. So we were just going to meet as friends. I was supposed to meet another guy, an acquaintance, for something I needed. So I suggested to the online chat guy that we meet briefly for lunch and then he can drop me off to the other guy's place. He agreed and we decided on where and when to go. The day we were supposed to meet, we met at a local cafe. We had brunch and then I got in his car for him to drop me off at the place I had to go. It was a good 45 min drive so I put on some songs and decided to relax. 5 minutes into the drive, he offered me a cigarette. I declined. He insisted, and kept insisting till I gave up and agreed. I opened the box and there was only one cigarette in there. I told him it was his last one and asked if he was sure he wanted me to smoke it since he would have enjoyed it more than I. He said yes. I took the cigarette out and there was something odd about it. It didn't look like it was store bought. It rather looked like it had been rolled by hand. But then I again, I had never smoked enough cigarettes to be sure, so I lit it and smoked it. I couldn't smoke even half of it. It made me inexplicably nauseous. So I gave up half-way through and offered it to him. Instead of smoking it, he put it out and threw it away. I thought i was weird, but assumed he probably didn't want to smoke while driving. 30 mins into the ride, I started feeling very sick. My whole body was shaking. I was extremely nauseous. And I could barely keep my eyes open. I kept telling him I wasn't feeling good and that maybe we should go to the nearest ER instead of where we were going, but he kept telling me to relax and lay back. Everything about that ride felt off. I told him to stop the car and drop me off wherever we were. He refused. All I could think of was pulling out my phone and calling for the police. When he noticed what I was doing, he immediately stopped the car, and I got off. I couldn't stand. So I sat on the roadside and called the guy I was supposed to visit. He immediately drove to where I was, and picked me, took me to his place, where I threw up all over his living room, multiple times. For the next hour and half, I just laid on the couch, my whole body shaking, and constantly throwing up. The guy brought me water, gave me some electrolytes and kept insisting on going to the hospital. But I refused. I had no idea what I had smoked. But I was sure it wasntjust plain old cigarettes. I was scared if it had been some illegal drug, and if the hospital caught on, I would get into trouble. And I absolutely did not want my parents to find out what I had been up to. So I laid there. Kept throwing up, and letting whatever that shit was to get out of my system. All these years later, I am now married to the guy who picked me from the roadside and helped me through an insanely embarrassing time... Oh and to the guy that laced my cigarette, let's not meet.
The Man with the Hedge Shears
It was in 2018, back when I lived in the suburbs of Paris. I've been playing Pokémon Go since its release, and I used to go out at night to play, always with my best friend on a voice call. It was a night like any other, following my usual route. It was around 2:00 AM, and I had already covered a good 2 km. I found myself about 1 km away from home, standing near a PokéStop, catching what I could while talking to my friend, just like every night. It was a residential street with a few streetlights, but quite dark as there was a field just behind it. After about 5 minutes, I noticed a man in his thirties on the opposite sidewalk, just a few meters away from me, holding hedge shears in his hand, and there was a pile of branches at his feet. I thought the man was just trimming the branches of his tree. However, when I described the scene to my friend, he said, « You should leave right away, no one does gardening in the middle of the night ». Despite my friend's warning, I was so focused on Pokémon Go that I wanted to capture all the Pokémon before leaving, so I stayed (while keeping an eye on the man's actions). As I looked at the man, I realized he wasn't cutting any branches; he was only staring at me. He would occasionally move and 'hide' behind a parked van nearby while spying on me through the windows. However, he knew very well that I could see him, and I began to feel scared. Despite my friend's pleading for me to leave, I still hadn't caught all the Pokémon, so I hesitated to go. The man continued his strange behavior, crossing over to my side of the street and hiding behind some bushes while staring at me. Then he went back to his pile of branches and stared at me again. Finally, I had enough; I decided to leave. I walked normally towards my home, trying not to show any fear. I had a straight path back home. My friend on the call asked me to check behind me in case the man was following me. Indeed, he was, still holding the hedge shears, about 10 meters behind me. I then made a left turn instead of going straight, even though it made my way longer. I wanted to be sure that he was following me and that it wasn't a coincidence. He continued to follow me. I picked up my pace, taking snaps just in case something happened. When I reached the end of the street, I was out of breath but safe. There was no one behind me. I entered my home, feeling relieved. Suddenly, a white car pulled up right in front, stopped, and the driver's window rolled down—it was the man with his pruning shears. Now, he knew where I lived. I rushed inside, locked everything, grabbed a kitchen knife, and waited until someone woke up so I could go to bed. There were no further incidents. Nobody believed me, so we checked the surveillance cameras at home, and unfortunately, I was right.
I might've escaped death from a crazy crackhead (not the best at story pacing/punctuation bare with me)
So it was summer I just graduated high school and finally got to relax for a while after my 4 years. My older sister recently bought me an electric scooter to just ride around cause I have nothing else better to do. I would ride this thing almost everywhere everyday. I would even ride all the way to my high school because I didn't live too far away from it. Well one day as I was making my way around the front of my high school I heard screaming. It was a druggie or homeless couple a man and woman both of them look Caucasian with their pet dog they were arguing in the parking lot of my school as I was passing by. Me being a nosy guy I stopped a bit away from them just so I can listen. From what I heard it seemed like they had some relationship problems and the guy was calling her a b\*tch and all that stuff. So as they were sort of done arguing I started up the scooter and was planning on riding back home but....then the guy starts calling for my attention cussing at me basically saying stuff like "hey the b\*tch in the hoodie." I was like wtf? and turned around cause I never had someone be that bold before towards me. I don't wanna brag or anything but I'm not scrawny or weak looking, I'm pretty built and I already knew I can take this guy if push comes to shove. We are now exactly in front of the school no one else was there besides some kids who didn't bother helping me out. As he keeps running his mouth, his girlfriend is trying to pull him back saying "no stop! stop!" things like that. I then got off my scooter and was really about to fight him I was pissed. Then I think he pulls out an actual gun or some kind of weapon out of his pocket and I was like "oh sh\*t" in my head. I got back on my scooter and hauled a\*ss while looking back and cursing them out. To this day I have never told anyone besides a couple people and have never seen that couple around where I live or near my school. So to that as\*hole and his girlfriend let's not meet again and go to hell.
The Frantic Lady Outside My Hotel
This story takes place about five days ago. I'm still shaken up over it. I'm a 19F and my parents and I packed up our U-Haul and made the long drive to our new home up north from our small and dinky apartment in Central Florida. I can't lie, I was very excited about this move. Attending college in the spring, finally getting to start my dream career, and so many other things I couldn't or didn't get to do in Florida. On the first night of our drive, we stopped at a hotel in what appeared to be a shady area. It was kind of scary as it was set up right outside of a closed-down gas station with boards and graffiti written all over them. From my parent's experience and what I've seen on TV, these aren't the types of places you want to go lurking around in. My dad, who's usually very calm and collected was on edge the whole night since the door to our room didn't close all the way. We had to prop one of the hotel chairs against the door and use the deadbolt to have even the slightest bit of comfort. I thought it couldn't get much worse than that, but I was so wrong. ​ The second night, we stopped in a small town in NC. We had our two cats with us, so we had to find a hotel that was pet friendly. We came across one of those hotels and booked a room for the night. While my parents were making sure nothing shifted in the U-haul, I sat in the passenger seat of my mom's car with my little buddy, trying to calm him down. He seemed more agitated than normal. About half an hour after pulling into the parking lot, we grabbed the cats and our essentials. Emotions were running high, so we were all on edge about getting to our new home in the next day or two, depending on the amount of sleep we got. We loaded our things into a cart and approached the hotel's side door. My mom pulled out the key card and it took a while for the door to finally unlock, but the second we heard it click, a woman started yelling at us. ​ We all looked up and saw her frantically running towards us. Her voice was frantic, the panic in her voice still sends shivers down my spine every time I think about it. She wore a long dark blue jacket, her hair in a messy ponytail that was tucked inside her hoodie. She either looked really tired, like she hadn't slept in a year, or she had gone through something horrible. She was panting, muttering the words, "Call 911! Call 911! There's something wrong with that baby!" There was no child with her, nor did we see any kids in sight. My initial thought was that maybe there was a kid near the front of the building that was seriously hurt, or there was a car accident we were too busy unloading to hear the collision. ​ The woman kept telling us to call 911, but my mom told her she didn't have her phone on her. I always carry mine on me, and me being the kind-hearted person I try to be, I offered to call for her. But the moment I pulled out my phone, my dad snatched it out of my hand. The lady then said, "It's really bad! You need to come and see!" My mom told her she didn't want to see, and that we should go inside so the lady could go to the front desk and get help. At first, she was screaming, "No! No, I don't need their help, I need your help!" but my mom kept insisting that we go inside. At this point, my little buddy was whining and clawing at his pet carrier trying to either get out or attack this lady. My boy might look like a sweet fuzzball but if provoked, he's a scratching machine. The lady took one look at him and attempted to reach for him, saying, "Yeah, yeah, let's get the babies inside," The way she said that was fucking creepy. This time she sounded like she was on drugs or had bad intentions. I scooped up my cat before she could touch him, and we led her to the front desk where she told the hotel worker the same story she told us. ​ The hotel worker tried to calm her down, and while the lady was distracted, my parents and I walked toward the elevator and started getting inside. As I looked back at the lobby, I saw the woman staring at us, her eyes full of anger now. She then started charging at us and before I even had a chance to react, my mom pushed me and my furry baby into the elevator, them standing in front to protect me. I could see the woman still running towards us as the elevator was closing. I remembered the small screen near the elevator in the lobby, showing which floor the elevator was heading to, so to stop this crazy lady from harassing us all night, we pushed all the floor buttons and we stopped on every floor. First the second, the third, the fourth, then the fifth. After the fifth floor, we pressed the button back to our original floor and quickly piled into the room. ​ Silence. ​ My heart was pounding the entire time, my body started shaking at what just happened. As I got my cat out of the carrier, I heard my mom and dad talking about that lady. My dad speculated that maybe she had a mental illness or was on drugs, whereas my mom said she could've been a trafficker with the way she was trying to get us to come with her and see the supposed situation. That's when my heart broke. I try so hard to see the good in people, but at the same time, I try to keep the best distance I can. But this was the first time someone ever approached me. I was so gullible to almost believe her story, my guard had slipped. I tried to hold back my guilt and fear as best I could, but I ended up breaking down. ​ My mom hugged me, saying everything was going to be okay. But no matter how many times she and Dad kept saying that, my body continued shaking and my paranoia lasted throughout the night. Even at the slightest creak, I shot up from the bed and looked out the peephole thinking the lady had found us. Luckily, she wasn't there. That night, we all decided we were going to get up around sunrise and reach home before nightfall. No more hotel stops, no more creepy people, and no more shady areas. ​ As we checked out the next morning, the same employee from the last night was there and we asked her what had happened after we got into the elevator. The worker told us after that, the crazy lady left in a huff, her hands clenched into fists. But then the worker revealed a detail that my mind keeps going back to. When she turned to go after us, she saw a syringe in the crazy lady's jean pocket. I don't know if she had already used it or was planning to use it on me and my family. It makes me wonder what the outcome would've been had my parents not been there and if I had given the lady my phone instead of offering to call for her. Would she have sold us into trafficking? Would she have robbed us while we were injected with whatever she was on? ​ Anyway, we made it to our new home two days ago, but the fear of that night still eats away at me. It goes to show that no matter how panicked and frightened someone may sound or act, you truly don't know if they're in genuine trouble or if they have bad intentions after gaining a random stranger's trust. Please be careful out there, guys. I, unfortunately, had to learn the hard way that not everyone in this world is a good person. I'm just happy to still be alive and safe. I hope I never see that crazy lady again.
Psycho neighbour
I only recently found this subreddit and very much enjoy the stories. This is my only LNM type story that I've actually experienced myself. I'm a young guy with a night-time job living in an area of town that has gotten pretty sketchy the past decade or so. The police are here at least once a month to sort out some violent or drug-related crime. I'm a very routine-focused person, so for the past 8 years before going to work at 1:30 AM, I always take my dog out for a walk around 1 AM. In fall of last year, I went for the routine dog walk one misty night at 1 AM like I usually do. I made a right turn after exiting the gate, and just as I passed the corner of my apartment building, I noticed a fuzzy shape on the ground just outside the gate of the neighbouring building. I stopped in my tracks and took in what I was looking at; I determined it was just a cat laying on it's side on the pavement. I thought this was odd, but since I know my dog would most certainly bark at it and wake up the entire neighbourhood, I chose to turn around and take a different route for the walk than usual. For the rest of this walk, I was reflecting on that cat. There was something very off about the cat just laying relaxed on the ground in the middle of the night with no people around. Once my walk had looped me back to my gate, I decided to turn the corner again and see if the cat was still there (mind you, a full 15 minutes had gone by at this point). Sure enough, it was still there. Same position and everything. Now I thought this scene was even more odd. I took my dog up to the apartment, put my work clothes on, grabbed my car keys and headed out. As I exited the elevator, the image of the relaxed cat laying outside was still in the back of my mind, perplexing me. Instead of going into the underground garage, I decided to instead go out of the main gate one last time to check if the cat was still there. I exited, turned the corner and once again, the cat was still laying there. Since my dog wasn't with me this time, I just approached it this time to check if the cat was okay. When I got to it and looked down, I stared at it for a good long while. The cat wasn't breathing at all - it was dead, no question about it. I had my suspicions this might've been the case so I wasn't entirely shocked, but something was still so off about it. A cat wouldn't just lay down in the middle of a paved sidewalk to die of natural causes, I thought. There was no noticeable blood on or around it, so I began thinking the cat might've jumped from one of the balconies. Just as that thought hit me, a raspy voice spoke to me from above. "Yup. There she is." The voice said in a very matter-of-fact type of tone. I got spooked and quickly glanced up - through the mist I saw a middle-aged woman on the 5th floor balcony leaning over the railing, looking down on me with a lit cigarette in her hand. When our eyes met, a cold shiver shot through the top of my scalp all the way down to my toes in an instant. I may have misinterpreted her facial expression due to the fog, but I could swear she was smiling when our eyes met. Without responding, I immediately turned and quickly walked over to my gate. As I walked, I could hear her laughing. I practically sprinted to my car in the garage. Once I sat down inside, I considered whether I should call the police or not, as every aspect of what I had just witnessed gave me the impression that this neighbour of mine had killed the cat. I dialed the number but decided not to, as they might want me to stick around for questioning which might get me late to work. So I went on with my night as usual, doing my best to forget about the incident for now. When I got home later, the cat wasn't there anymore. About a week later, I walked past a neighbour living in the same building as me. We had some usual neighbourly small talk, but she interrupted herself to ask me whether I heard about what happened in the other building last week. I said I didn't. She told me that a woman on the 5th floor had thrown her cat down from the balcony in a rage because it peed on the living room carpet. The cat had apparently not died immediately, but all it's legs were broken from the initial impact with the concrete pavement. Police were called around 5 AM when another dog walker saw the cat. The woman had still been out on the balcony by this point, talking to the guy while he called the police. I believe the woman's other cats were taken away from her and she was fined a few thousand dollars. She still lives there and I sometimes see her leaning on the balcony railing when I'm walking my dog. I've never interacted with her after that and I sincerely hope she never speaks to me again.
I have a bad habit of walking alone at night
I love it. I know it’s not the best plan, as a small woman, but it is one of those things that just gives me joy. Speaks to my soul, I guess, as cheesy as it sounds. I do carry pepper spray and keep my phone in my hand, but hell if I’ll let fear ruin something I love. Summer nights are the best. The light lingers forever in the PNW, you get these endless twilights and there’s this beautiful breath of coolness coming out of the dense green, even when it’s hot in the daytime. I lived in the desert as a teenager and I still just love the cool silky feeling air here- silly, but I do. Soaking up the night air is amazing. I live in a small town at the head of a very long rural trail that winds through lowland marshy areas, dense woods, fields, and at night it is silent and isolated. 99.9% of the time nobody is out there in the night except me, bats, and the rare bicyclist. Once you get outside city limits- about a mile, smol town is smol- there’s nobody to fuck with, so there’s nobody looking to fuck with you. If you get my meaning. The only houses are sparse and far across ravines and fields covered with blackberry cane, no streetlights… and no easy exit from the trail. I put one headphone in- I keep one out for Mia Zapata, to date myself. And I walk for hours and miles. I usually take a big crossbody purse with a water, my ID, a little cash, and start to walk while the light leaves the sky. I only use my phone light when it gets pitch dark. This night, I was far out into the boonies- just me and the maple trees kissing over the trail, and it was full dark. Really deep dark by then. And I’m cruising along, listening to a podcast in one ear, with my little phone light. Beautiful night, I’m just soaking it in and have been out for a few hours and heading back. But still some miles out. Suddenly there’s this… extra black patch? Like a big splotch resolving itself out of the dense shadows, across the trail. Took me a sec to realize, oh yes- that’s not a trick of the light, it’s actually *something.* It’s a big black mass all across the trail in front of me. Not moving but it’s blocking the trail. I start getting the creeps. Chills. This is not normal and it’s between me and home. There’s no other choice so I slowly creep up to… whatever it is… a black puddle? Then as I get close I see blood smears. Not a lot but, fuck, that’s traces blood on the paved trail. I put the big girl panties on and walked close, phone cued to 911. The shadow resolved itself into a dude in a big flappy black coat sprawled across the whole trail, surrounded by small bloodstains. Sooooo, I say “Hey man are you okay?” And surprise, the guy sits up! He’s sunburnt and grimy but coherent. And kind of chipper. He goes “Oh I’m okay. Just resting. Hey, you got any water?” I forked over my water bottle and told him to go ahead and keep it. He took it and thanked me. He’d scraped his bare foot and wandered around for a bit before deciding to take a breather, which was what the blood was from. I recognized him. He’s a local meth head/drunk. He’s either slightly drunk and kind of peaceful or belligerent on meth; today he was sobering up and tired. I asked him if I could call anyone, or 911, or whatever. Nope, just chilling. I carefully skirted around him and headed back home. I did not have particularly warm and cozy feelings about him, having hosed his puke off my porch a couple of times, and been called, ahem, the “see you next Tuesday” word more than once by him… so I left it at that. Anyway, a few months later he attacked a random tourist with a machete downtown in broad daylight, sliced their leg open and went to prison.
AOL was popular when I was 13.
America Online was a big thing when I was 13, or in other words for my generation “AIM”. Which stood for, you guessed it, AOL instant messenger. It was around 2002 and I would have been a fresh 13 and in 8th grade. I had many times went into chat rooms by myself or with friends goofing around. Unfortunately unsolicited photos were a thing then too but usually you could stay clear of it by the chat room you entered. I didn’t have any photos of myself and back when you had to take a digital photo and upload it from your camera. Plus I was 13 and self conscious which I’m sure anyone can relate with. But one day a guy popped up on my screen lwanting to chat. It went fine at first. I was very naive back then and we quickly fell into a pattern of talking. His name was Dave and lived in California. Eventually him telling me he loved me etc. But the problem was he was “19”. Now I wasn’t proud of this but at first, being 13, I just sent pictures of some random girl and said it was me. He instantly fell for me, telling me age is just a number and how mature I was. Now at this point he did not live “in state” so there was never any chance of us meeting. Eventually he told me he and his mom were moving up to a city that was about hour and half away from me. He started begging me to see him and go to a movie. Anything. I had to break the catfishing truth and say those were not pictures of me but of someone else. He was furious. He had been looking forward to a different type of child this whole time. Dave forgave me a few days later saying “I still want to meet you because I love you”. All the things you say to a young girl to get her to swoon. I think back and I’m like wow, I was 13. So I told my best friend everything I just explained above and that I wanted her to go with me to meet him. There was a whole plan about him driving to see me and going to the movies to finally meet what I thought was the love of my life. I had been brainwashed into believing this was normal. I didn’t tell my mom of course, and honestly she didn’t notice any of it was going on to begin with. So the day my friend and I were going to “meet up” with Dave her mom came and picked us up from school. She said something that made my stomach drop into nothingness. She said “Chrissy you are not going to the movies. You are not going to meet that man. You are going to get seriously hurt or kidnapped and I can’t allow you guys to go”. I cried and cried because I honestly thought I could handle everything and be fine. She told me she wasn’t going to tell my mom. I had to PROMISE to never speak to him again and never plan to meet a stranger online. He ended up showing up and was upset I wasn’t there. He went on AIM flying off the handle like I hadn’t seen at that age. It scared me. It scared me how close I was to this man being near me. I never talked to Dave again. But I easily believe I would have been kidnapped or worse that day if my best friends mom hadn’t stepped in. My mom would have been none the wiser. I was none the wiser. But I am here today and learned a dire lesson.
I almost got kidnapped at school
The title is a little bit dramatic but I had no idea how to call it. So I was in grade 9 at a really shitty school. The system there sucked and it was located in a dangerous area of the city I lived in. I actually just remembered the story because it was so usual for things like this to happen there that for me it was just normal so I forgot it. But looking back at it now I realize that it's not normal. So I was in p.e class and we were running laps around the school on the sidewalk to stretch. I was with my friend group of 5 girls and we were walking behind as always because p.e for us was talking about the school drama all period. So we were walking and talking about the recent drama when a red truck slowed down besides us. It wasn't unusual, everytime we were walking outside of the school, a creepy man would slow down so we didn't thought any of it and just kept walking and ignoring him. We saw his truck 2 or 3 times more, he was driving around the school and slowing down everytime he passed by us so we decided to tell our teacher that made us go back inside, in the gym. We started playing whatever game we were doing when the teacher came to me and told me I was asked to the main office because someone was here to pick me up. I was panicking because no one was supposed to pick me up during class that day and I thought that maybe something bad happened to either my mom or my dad or someone in my family. So I got changed into my normal clothes, grabbed my backpack and rushed to the office. When I got there, the lady told me that there was a man waiting for me outside of the main doors. I got a little confused because usually when my parents came to pick me up, they'd wait in the hall until I got there. I took a look throught the glass door and saw an old man. I had never seen this man once in my life. I quickly walked back to the office and told the lady that I didn't knew him and what she told me next froze me. She told me he said he wad a friend of my parent and that they asked him to pick me up because my mother got into a car accident. He told the lady my name and my last name, my age,my mom's name and the grade I was in. I was shocked and immediately asked her if I could call my parents to confirm. So I called my dad and he told me my mom was just fine and he was at work. The lady just told me to go back to class and I never saw that man again. I never knew what happened after I left and how did he knew all of these infos about me. My parents talked to cops about this and there was never anything. We never had answers. Since that happened I moved into a much safer city and I hope I'll never see this man again.
Creepy Alexa Experience
So this happened about 6-7 years ago when I got an Alexa for Christmas that year. My parents are old school and my dad was STRICTLY against having the alexa even taken out of the box. It took months of begging and pleading before I could set it up, with conditions of course. It had to be in my room ONLY. Nowhere else in the house just my room. When I was not speaking to it or using it, it was either on mute or unplugged. DO NOT talk personal matters around it, so like family matters, passwords, addresses were not to be said around the Alexa even if it was muted. So with those rules and probably a few more, I got to set up my Alexa. I had discovered a while after having it that you could play some guessing games on it. Being an only child at home and bored 99% of the time, I used this feature a lot like honestly almost too much. One night while I was playing some guessing game and playing a game on my ipad I had gotten a question wrong. I don’t remember the question or what I answered I only remember what Alexa said. It was something along the lines of, “Wrong! Now listen close!” Obviously this catches my attention and I stop what I’m doing and look at my Alexa. Right on cue she continues in this horrifying whisper, raspy voice, “Don’t look behind you!”. Needless to say I unplugged my Alexa and refused to use it for months/years after that.
The Lady in Pink
This story may be nothing compared to other peoples stories on this Reddit but to me I was petrified when this happened. This took place in Wilmington, North Carolina when I was probably around 9 or 10. My sister had been in a relationship for a few years and married to my bil(Brother in Law). My bil is an ex-marine and had gotten out of the Corps and decided civilian life wasn’t for him so he reenlisted in the army. During his year of civilian life they had started renting a duplex in a cul-de-sack, I was over there every other weekend to either help my sister distract my nephews like the good uncle I was while my sister worked or staying over for the weekend. But whenever I was over there I never saw this lady in her neighborhood. But back to the story, my bil had re-enlisted and was getting ready to get shipped off to MOS training and of course they were moving in with me and my parents, so a month or so after they moved in with us. She wasn’t getting her mail sent to our house so while we were getting lunch one day and we were going by the neighborhood and just decided to drop in to retrieve her mail and after she did she called the postal office to remind them about the address change and all that but then someone approached the front passenger side door while I was watching YouTube and knocked on the window. I obviously got scared and saw an old lady in a pink jacket and wearing a straw hat, kinda like the ones you see in Walmart. And keep in mind this was in the middle of summer on the coast so it was hotter then balls out, so why was she wearing a jacket. My sister rolled down the window and the lady asked why she was grabbing the mail and my sister explained she was the former resident and all that and they engaged in a 15 minute conversation, and during the entire conversation I felt uncomfortable like something about her was just off. My eldest nephew was in his car seat sat behind me and the lady looked at me and my nephew and began talking about how we look so alike and look like her grandkids and how she takes her grandkids on vacations every year and how she bought her hat from the Bahamas(and again it looked like a Walmart brand straw hat) and she even asked if I’d like to be her grandkid which creeped me out even more and my sister at this point was uncomfortable as well and made an excuse for us to get going and the lady would walk off before my sister rolled up my window and got to the middle of the cul-de-sack before she saw the lady sprinting at us. My sister said she was holding something but I never asked what it was, my sister of course burnt rubber and raced out of the neighborhood and she never did call law enforcement for that, I’m pretty sure she doesn’t remember it. The only reason I remember it was because her face when she had came up to my window scared me, and I was reading scary stories and remembered I had one of my own. I don’t know if this lady had the intention of taking me and my nephew or killing us, but I never want to find out what she wanted to do. I no longer live in Wilmington anymore but I’m sure I will never go back to that neighborhood again.
When I was 15 I was having trouble falling asleep one night and I look up at my door and I seen this big guy glowing green just standing at my door he didn’t look at me just kept looking straight ahead I started wiping my eyes thinking I’m just tired and the more I wiped my eyes it got more clear
The girl on the dead log
When I was in my early 20’s I used to jog through a massive cemetery called Hillside, just outside Philly, when I came home from Temple U to visit my mum. I loved jogging thru there because it was so quiet and peaceful aside from the sounds of nature. One very late afternoon (dusk) I was jogging through the main part of the cemetery and started to move along a small service road deeper in the cemetery about .5 miles long that connects to another cemetery in an adjacent town called Ardsley Cemetery. There are roughly 100 yards of uncut grassland/weeds on both sides of the little road that lead to dense forests, with one side (on the left) leading to fenced off railroad tracks surrounded by trees that ran through the area. As I approached midpoint, I noticed a teen-ish girl sitting on a massive dead log, stripped of bark, to the left that must have been dragged out somehow close to the road after falling in the woods. She was distinctly wearing 70’s clothes (a retro fad in early 90’s?) with massive bell bottoms, scruffy white blouse, greasy sandy-blonde hair, parted in the middle, and leather sandals. She did not face me as I approached and just kept her head facing the dark woods across the other side of the road. But I know she must have heard me hitting the pavement as I approached. So now we are the ONLY people on this old, little, service road with no one in front or behind as I pass between the two cemeteries. As I approached her and crossed her line of sight she quickly shifted her eyes toward me (as I said “hi”) and I was shocked/stunned/blasted by the weirdness of her face with larger than normal eyes, a tiny nose, thin small mouth, and whiteness of her skin. And her eyes...they were white blue (like a Siberian husky) with massive dark rings around the irises. She said nothing back and just stared at me, expressionless, as I stumbled past. I say stumbled because I immediately felt this force hit my perception when we locked eyes, which made everything super detailed (like when you’re tripping) and surreal. I could no longer hear the sound of my own shoes hitting the pavement anymore for those endless seconds, deafness. No sounds not even the crickets. And time seemed to slow down as if I was jogging in slow-motion. Disoriented as I was, I continued along the road, past her, toward the other cemetery for about 5-7 seconds and my curiosity got the better of me so I turned around to jog back but she was completely gone. Nothing there but this huge dead log. I checked all around it. Nothing. Now I know the area quite well and there is absolutely no way she could have left my new line of sight unless she sprinted the 100 yards to the woods in less than 7 seconds. Impossible. Especially in her clothes. I scanned the treelines and nothing...just darkening woods as the sun fell below the tree-line but a feeling I was being watched. Again no sound of crickets. Hairs on my neck and arms standing on end despite heavy sweating from the run. I think I did a 7 minute mile out of there all the way home before the sun completely dropped. It gives me the chills every time I think about that face and those piercing eyes. Suffice to say I never felt the urge to jog thru there again.
True vampire encounters.
Has anyone witnessed what they think to be a vampire? If so let me know. I'd love to know.
Part 2 of my worst trip I've ever had
I was stuck in a loop basically. As I went downstairs, I noticed the light thinning out from the back door area. When I got to the kitchen entrance under the stairs, the back porch area lit up from the back door being open(this was all in daylight btw) and the light started bending towards my left into red,blue and green bands of color for some reason. I went to the back door then back to the entrance for some reason. When I looked back towards the door, I saw what looked like glass prisms of wall( a bunch of glass corners like mirrors starting at the back porch where light was). It looked like these corners led from the back porch to me. In the flat faced part of the mirrors, I saw a reflection of myself in every one of them staring back at me. The reflections didn't have a face. Looked just like me with my jackets and everything but no face. In my fractured mind, I was thinking that I almost lost my mind. My personality. I felt like that faceless reflection was what was left of my mind, my personality,and my soul itself. Like it was representing how lost I was at the moment. It scared the hell out of me. I still remember everything like it happened yesterday. If there's a way I can clip pictures,I can draw these things for people so they know what I saw. Anyways,I was afraid so I ran out the door towards the same alleyway that led to the school. Yelling for my brother. Thank God this time I heard him, and he was like "Brandon what the hell are you doing out here". Like it felt like I had some hope there. He was real,and talking to me. So he took me into house,sat me down and called my dad and his friend we will call Kurl(dont wanna out him. Don't know if he considered me a friend these days). I remember sitting there repeating the phrase" They almost got me" and "I was almost stuck there forever". That lasted at least ten minutes. Then my dad came and picked me up with my brothers friend(still tripping)and when I tell you I forgot at the time how terrified I was when I got in that car,warm with some relaxing music playing, dude I just felt so relieved. Like I was running from death all day and everything was okay. I kept rambling on and they just agreed like they understood,which after I was sober I knew they were just helping me calm down but it worked. I went to where my parents stayed and slept it off(even at night still tripping badly). Now remember when I said I kept going to my brothers sleeping spot? Well after the incident for two weeks straight I kept telling him not to sleep in this house cause it had me so paranoid. Like I had a bad feeling about it. Well, my parents won the law suit,but the guy fled the state. Now THIS freaked me out more than the entire trip tbh. He left, but the house was burned to the ground the same day he lost the case. I lost my favorite avenged sevenfold shirt,my cool red button up shirt, and a few games along with our TV, but I didn't lose my brother. Idk if I bugged him enough or I was just lucky that he didn't sleep there that one night out of those two weeks after,but something in me knew he was in danger there. THAT was the part that absolutely shook me. I feel like at the cost of my sanity, he's at least alive. I still have mental problems and manic episodes from that day. I used to be the life of every party yet I was shy in front of crowds. Always making the best jokes. People waited for me to come by to hear the wild stuff id say, even though I didn't like eyes on me. The nicest person anyones met based on what literally everyone said that met me. A chatter box. After the incident, I've been too serious. Having debates more. It felt like I became a different, grumpy person. My wife would have been better off with the old me. She would have liked me more when she met me than with the man I am today. The man she ended up with. We got together five months later. I still have paranoid episodes and extreme outbursts of anger over small things that usually wouldn't bother me before. I don't want to deter people from doing it, but I have more stories. Many crazy stories of my out of control life, if anyone wants to hear that ramble as well. Including what I've experimented with and learned with acid and how it reacts. I've learned alot about how and what your mind does and reacts to on it. Also have stories non acid related. Sorry this was a long one. It was just alot for anyone to describe briefly. My first time was almost as strange as this particular incident, but yeah. Thank you for your time. Please be careful out there.
My worst trip I've had
So heads up, if your not into talking about any type of durgs, or you wanted to try acid, then just ignore this story. I don't wanna ruin it for others,as I have had good experiences when I did take acid,but yes it is ina way a horrific story. On with it, I had been taking acid for 7 months(August 2018 to February 2019),and I took alot. Like there's rules where you shouldn't take it more than twice a week at MOST. By the third or fourth time, I was experimenting and taking two to three hits every time. I just couldn't vibe with one. And yep,I was taking it twice a week. Every opportunity that I was positive my tolerance hadn't been tainted,I was on that train. So I'm at my buddy Mikeys, and I'm like "what the hell, ill take four hits this time". I don't think taking four was the mistake. I left to walk my boy fluff back home and Mikey told me to come back. I never did. When I was walking with fluff ,the world was already distorted and the wubbs were already in the air. I was already frying in the pan. I went to my "house" afterwards,which for context wasn't much of a home. My parents got it,but the house was trashed,without working lights and literally nothing worked. A dark,boarded up house. My dad paid for it already and never checked it. We had to stay there a few weeks,cause he rigged up a connector and extension cord to a power pole or neighbors house. Can't remember which. So we had power in a bedroom upstairs(no lights,just plug ins)and downstairs in the living room(house was trashed btw,if I didn't state it well enough). The bedroom window was broken,and the months we stayed there were cold due to that and having no heat. My parents moved out,but let me and my brother stay there for the last month of the lease since we were grown and had jobs,so we wouldn't be there often. They were suing the guy that owned it,which will come in later. So I'm baked, going to that empty dark house,tripping on acid expecting to see my brother there. We had to break the bathroom window to get in if the door was locked, so tripping balls I climbed through the window over a shelf we put in the way incase the homeless tried coming in. I made it upstairs already freaking out cause he wasn't speaking to me. I got to the room,which was the only place with light coming from the non boarded up window other than the bathroom. So I panicked and am fully tripping out. I look at this foam mattress cover on the wall and it looks like I can push my finger in it. It's undulating like its made of hills instead of flat and I swear my finger went through one of the dips. So I go outside,and around the alleyway( note as time went on,me freaking out burning up due to having layers of jackets on from the cold,I was slowly stripping them down). I went asking people if they knew where my brother was BY NAME,so they looked at me crazy. I know for a fact I went in the same pattern around my block,the alley way, to the train tracks and back through the house a total of at least 7 times. The second lap,I was losing it. I got to the tracks again, and I thought I was the only person in the world. I didn't see a single car where cars usually are and I assumed my mind was lost in a perma-trip. Heard of them happening where you never get past the bad trip. I thought I was in an empty world. Couldn't hear anything or anyone. Couldn't hear cars. Trains. All I heard was the sound of my voice echoing my brothers name,as I kept shouting "its not fair. I can't be here".If you actually believed you were forever alone,not a soul in sight and to only hear the sound of your echoing voice. I know it wasn't just trip fear,but I was legitimately fearful that I took too much and was stuck forever. Then I walked down the street farthest from my school,and experienced what I can only describe as a lapse of personality out of my control. I went from being enraged that I was hot,to looking at the fake flowers and little park benches saying how beautiful the environment was, to the last which I guess was man becoming a God. Now I know I was tripping but hear me out. My voice changed,it deepened,and I could not control what I was saying. I stated that "this is my world,and all that is within it is beneath my hands" and as I said it,I swept my hands over a tree and several birds flew out right after I did. It was freaking me out because my body was in auto pilot,and I was watching all of this happen. The confidence of my walk,and the demeanor I had was not me at all. I know there were people watching because they laughed across the street. Now the freakiest instance of this "God mind" or whatever I could call it came when I got back to the front street of my house. So my high school was right in front of me. When this freaky change of personality came, I was in the alleyway that goes down about seven streets to my school. This particular incident happened behind the mortuary building in the parking lot where kids would smoke cigarettes and weed before school. Thats where I am at this time. There's a blind spot to the main street to my left(let's call it Washington street),but I knew what was coming and it was like inside me I had a premonition that I prevented. I lifted my two fingers, arm extended toward the left where the main street was and right as my fingers reached the peak I guess, one car turning down the street facing me and another going down Washington street both dead stopped going about fifty miles an hour. They stopped so suddenly,and I couldn't see them so I had no idea they were there,but some part in me KNEW it was coming. I feel like whatever part of my brain possessed me stopped those cars. I swear on my grand parents graves,and the lives of my loved ones,I was shook. Thinking about it has my hands twitching,revisiting this moment as well as the situation. I am 100 percent positive that I stopped those cars. I never saw them,didn't hear them I dont think(there was alot of noises due to the LSD) and my auto piloted body just rose two fingers. One for each car in guessing. That,with the birds I literally swept away with my hand. I could reenact how it went,due to it being burned into my mind. Anyway, I then I guess regained some control of myself and went up to a car of someone's. The guy was sitting in there(older fella) staring at me, but I ignored him and ran my finger on his windshield. The rain water on the wind shield seemed to go AROUND my finger,and I didn't feel my finger being wet when I looked at it after. I was freaking out. So I went down the end of the street where busses park,around the corner and back to the alley way. This is the point where I'm half wearing my three jackets on one arm and look a complete mess from what my brother and dad told me. So I went through the back door( I opened the back door the first time I left,and kinda left the door open the entire time I was walking around) and this was basically the last time I went in and out. I should mention every time I came in,I would yell for my brother and every time I got upstairs in the bedroom, I would go to where he slept and collapse and scream "why rickie why didn't you listen" like I found him dead there. This will come into play towards the end. When I went up the last time, I started I guess dancing and prancing up the stairs going "la da da ti da la da" singing some ballerina type of song I guess. Happy as ever in a lunatic type of manner. When I got upstairs the last time,I collapsed and yelled the exact same thing again at his spot.
When I was in my teens to be like 15 years old I enccounter one of those dark enties that I have heard about alot of people, the one with the black hat. The first night i saw him I was having a really weird dream that i was in a dark room with no light around me that like a small spotlight on me and i could feel someone watching me but couldnt see who or what was looking at me. I remember that night i woke up scared and looking around my room... my bedroom was small and my bed was right infront of the door and when i turned to see the door, there it was. A super tall dark shadow in my door hence my door was color white so this thing was clearly visible, I couldnt see a face, but i could see that in the top of its head was a hat shaped. I cleared my eyes just to make sure my eyes werent playing tricks on me but when i opened my eyes again from rubbing them it was still there. I was scared and I could feel my skin getting hot as that thing stood there. I couldnt sleep that night and I just sat there looking at the thing because I thought maybe if I looked at it it wont try to attack me or something, but until this day still think about that mostly because I told other people about this story and they told me that they also had seen it and its called the hat man.
The person outside (need help)
This had just happened within the hour, and I need some advice on what should come of it and what to do. For context, I'm in the basement. I keep my gaming setup down there. I', playing the new my hero academia battle royale (not important, but thought i'd mention it) when my brothers' fiance calls me from upstairs. She sounded a little scared and asked me to come up real quick. I ask her why. She was watching tv with her daughter, my niece, when she looked out the window. There was a man she had never seen before, just looking at her from over the porch railing. The railing is like, 10 feet from the sidewalk. He had to physically walk up to see her. He ran off as soon as she saw him, and that's when she called me. I armed up with a heavy wrench and this wooden walking stick and headed outside. I searched all around our property, but i didn't see anything. After about 5 minutes I decided to stop being the hero and go inside. That's when I heard "Hello." It scared the shit out of me. I looked around and couldn't see anybody. I don't believe in ghosts and neither does she. i'm convinced it was a person. Any ideas on what the hell this man was doing?
I Think A Skinwalker Was Impersonating my Grammy
hi i'm jenny and im 15. My dad's mom, Emily Lauren Hanchens who I call grammy, is my favorite grandma, I stay at her house a lot and so does my little sister Rose. When I turned 12 my mom started allowing me to stay home alone which was basically so I could stay and watch Rose while an adult was gone. around a year ago in may, My Grammy went to refill her arthritis meds and grab some groceries. It was memorial day which is a huge family holiday to us since my Grampy (1927-2019) was a world war II veteran. My cousins were all there (Aiden, Lola, Renee, Zoey, Anna, Carson and Jimmy) and so was Rose. Everyone's parents were gone doing who knows what all together so my cousin Aiden and I were left in charge since we are the oldest, in basement of Grammy's house there is a room with sleeping bags and a set of bunk beds where me and my cousins stay when we have sleepovers at Grammy's. I was watching youtube shorts on my phone while the younger kids played, Aiden was playing with them. Zoey who was 4 and she was asking for a snack so Aiden went upstairs to get her some chips or candy or something like that and went upstairs, a few minutes later all the little kids were complaining about how hungry they were. it had been 10-12 minutes since aiden had went upstairs so i called him, He answered and he said, Grammy is here, but her car is not. I told rose to watch them and stay right there because she is the oldest out of the little kids and I ran upstairs literally as fast as I could. I saw grammy with her curly gray hair and black glasses looking as calm as she could be unpacking this brown paper bag with tomato's and onions and other veggies and fruits. I was talking to aiden and I remember so vividly what I said "what do you mean its just Grammy unpacking the groceries" Aiden told me smth like well her car isn't here number 1 and 2 she wont talk to me whenever I say her name and cookie wont go near her either ( cookie is grammy's persian cat) I looked out and her car was not there, (btw she lives in the st louis mo suburbs so she only has 1 driveway) I said grammy can I help unpack groceries and she didn't respond, Me and aiden went back downstairs only for Aiden to get a call from grammy saying she was just about home, aiden and i got chills up our spines. when we went back upstairs whatever it was gone and grammy pulled into the drive. Scary, sends chills down my spine everytime i think of it.
The Duplex of Dread: A Chilling Encounter with JohnnyWalker
Alright, Reddit, grab a snack and settle in because I’ve got a crazy tale for you that’s been tucked away in the back of my mind for years. Honestly, I’ve never breathed a word of this to anyone because it’s not exactly your casual, light-hearted banter for social gatherings. Picture this: we’re in the late 90s, 1998 or 1999, to be precise. I’m a young, vibrant gay guy in his early 20s navigating life in a medium-sized Midwestern city. For my fellow gays, this was a weird transitional time for us. We could be open about our sexuality in many places, but there were still plenty of folks who weren't exactly throwing us a parade, you know? Then came the Internet, still in its infancy and changing the game for everyone, especially the LGBTQ+ community. The online world opened a gateway for us to connect, meet, and even arrange "dates," and I was living for it. Being young and fairly good-looking, I made the most of these online spaces, engaging with various men from different walks of life. One day, I received an ominous email from an unknown sender, warning me about a certain SlimGuy65. According to the mysterious messenger, Johnny Walker was bad news, having supposedly hurt their friend. Now, weeks later, in the realm of boredom and curiosity, an email landed in my inbox from none other than Johnny walker himself, inviting me over for a good time. Remembering the cautionary email I’d received weeks earlier, I hesitated but then thought, “What the heck?” and decided to meet the guy anyway, driven by a mix of boredom, curiosity, and a sprinkle of recklessness. Pulling up to his place, a nondescript duplex, I was greeted by an average-looking man in his 40s—Johnny Walker. From the onset, the atmosphere in his home was downright bizarre. The duplex was unnaturally clean and sterile, not giving off the cozy, lived-in vibe you’d expect from someone’s home. To top it off, there was a chilling surgical table dominating the living room, further adding to the eerie atmosphere. As I followed Johnny through the house, my internal alarm bells started ringing loud and clear. The guy was acting super nervous and sketchy. When I questioned him about the peculiar setup, all he could muster was an awkward proposition for “some hot man-to-man fun,” which sounded as unnatural coming out of his mouth as it does reading it here. My gut screamed at me to get out, and I listened. I left that creepy duplex with my heart pounding in my chest and my skin crawling with the iciness only a true fright can bring. Years rolled by, and I couldn't shake off the encounter. Later, I heard whispers about a serial killer targeting young gay men in the area, and my mind couldn’t help but wander back to Johnny and his ominous, sterile duplex. In retrospect, I contemplated reporting Johnny and his unsettling home to the police but realized I didn't have much to go on. No crime had been committed against me per se. So, I let it go, choosing to stay silent about the experience that still sends chills down my spine to this day. Each time I drove past that duplex, curiosity got the better of me, and I would glance over, half-expecting to see Johnny lurking in the shadows. But as years went by, signs of life appeared in the form of curtains and other normal household items, indicating someone else had moved in. Despite the change in residents, the memory of that day, the sterile duplex, and Johnny never left me. Whenever I hear about serial killers or watch true crime shows, my mind invariably drifts back to that chilling encounter, leaving me with a cold sensation and endless questions about who Johnny really was.
The timing
I was on a Website where u can text random strangers and at that time I was was curious of dark secrets and what the government hides from us so I texted this person if they knew anything about the government that not a lot knows surprisingly, he knew one he told me about people that get locked up because they knew too much and they were different from any other humans. They were strong, apparently like super strong, after we were talking about it he said now that you know you can’t tell anyone but obviously I thought he was just lying so I told my best friend as soon as I told my best friend, my sister called me she said someone’s outside her window. This is when my parents just got divorced. I was living at my dads while My sister was living at my mums and my sister called me freaking out saying someone’s watching her through the window, she started telling me to call the police she was screaming I hung up on her and called my mum to tell her to call the police. My mum ran into my sisters rooms, screaming that she called the police and and then they heard footsteps going away then I text that guy again I just told him what happened and he said watch out and ever since I can’t sleep at night
Whispers of the Canvas
Once in a remote village nestled within a dense, ominous forest, lived a renowned and enigmatic painter named Albert. Albert was peculiar, living isolated from the village, only emerging during nights to sell hauntingly beautiful paintings of a lady with captivating but melancholic eyes. People noticed that whoever bought Albert’s paintings experienced inexplicable tragedies - some lost family members, others faced financial ruin. Despite the eerie coincidences, the paintings were in high demand due to their unique allure. One day, a rebellious teenager named Leo, skeptical of the superstitions, purchased a painting, determined to debunk the myths. The night after acquiring the painting, Leo was jolted awake by soft whispers and saw the lady in the painting glaring with glowing red eyes. Terrified, Leo decided to investigate Albert’s origins, journeying to his secluded house at the edge of the forest. The old wooden door creaked open to reveal walls adorned with dozens of the same painting, each lady's eyes following Leo’s movements. In the dim, flickering candlelight, Albert sat motionless, eyes closed, whispering inaudible words as he painted. Driven by fear and curiosity, Leo approached the artist, and as he did, Albert opened his eyes, revealing the same glowing red eyes as the lady in the painting. “She demands a life to sustain her beauty and power. In return, she grants me unmatched artistic ability,” whispered Albert with a voice as cold and emotionless as death. Confused and horrified, Leo stumbled backward, knocking over a painting. As it fell, he heard a chilling scream, and the room darkened momentarily. When the lights flickered back, Albert lay lifeless on the floor, his eyes no longer glowing but dull and empty. Leo, in his desperate attempt to leave, noticed that one painting was different—the woman in it bore an uncanny resemblance to him, with eyes that held the same rebellious spark Leo had. He felt a sudden surge of energy and inspiration rushing through his veins, realizing the curse—and the gift—had passed onto him. In shock, Leo took up Albert’s brush, compelled to paint, as whispers filled the air, guiding his hands to create art that was both mesmerizing and horrifying. The village continued to whisper about the enchanted paintings, never suspecting the true horror that bound Leo to the canvas, a prisoner of both inspiration and damnation. The twist was not just in the curse itself, but in the realization that the essence of the individuals taken by the painting lived within it, captured eternally in colors and strokes, staring out at a world they could no longer touch, forever lost and forever observed. And now, Leo was both the observer and the observed, caught in a loop of creation and destruction, beauty and terror
I think something is impersonating my cat, the one who died almost three years ago.
2020 had to be the worst year of my life. I lived in constant fear of losing my family, because they all have autoimmune problems (except me), and very much could have died if they caught covid-19. Unlike me, it was a very real fear that they could have all been completely wiped out and I'd be alone in the world. I had already been diagnosed with anxiety, but not only did my anxiety get worse, it evolved into a panic disorder, I got insomnia, developed a stomach hernia, and my depression started occurring more frequently. Just when I didn't think things could get worse, my childhood pet, Ziggy, died at age 11 due to complete organ failure. Apparently, he had a genetic disease that we didn't know about because he was a rescue. PetCo employees said he was found in a dumpster with his siblings. He lived 11 normal and happy years by my side, but in mid-November, 2020, he started acting weird, lost a ton of weight, and had the shakiest, nastiest, loudest breathing I ever heard. That's not a sound a cat should make, that's a sound an old man on a ventilator makes. The doctors said he would just die slowly, getting sicker and sicker, he was suffering so much my dad had to put him down. I was completely traumatized. A few months passed, and I ended up adopting 2 kittens in 2021, one of which has become my new best friend. He's a lot like Ziggy in the way he follows me around and likes to sleep on my bed. Besides that they're complete opposites, Shooby is chatty and LOVES to play, Ziggy was basically Garfield but his stomach and neck were white. Oh, and this will be important, but normally Shooby jumps on my bed toward the foot of my bed, or on the right side, Ziggy ALWAYS jumped up on the left side of the bed. The past few months have been really strange. Honestly, I've been trying to avoid thinking about Ziggy because every time I do, I get worried about the inevitable death of Shooby, even though he's not even 3 years old yet. I already know a cat can't outlive a 21 year old human, so I'm terrified of re-living what happened to Ziggy by my mid-30's, and sometimes I regret getting a new cat because of this horrible inevitablility. I can't quite remember when, but recently enough, I got in an argument with my dad (yes, I still live with my parents, it's the only way they would agree to paying for my college), and I went into my room to calm down. It was getting dark outside so my room was almost completely pitch-black. I laid down on my bed, and almost instantly, I felt something jump up on the LEFT side of my bed...and the breathing...that breathing, like a death rattle. I recognized it instantly, it sounded like Ziggy's last morning alive. I immediately jumped up and screamed and ran back into the living room. My parents tried to convince me that maybe one of the new cats snuck into my room and jumped on my bed. But there's no way I didn't hear it breathing. At least a few months have passed, and even though I haven't heard breathing, every once and a while when I just got into bed, ready to sleep, I feel something jump up on the left side of the bed, and maintain a steady weighted feeling on the left side of the bed, and then dissipate. One time I thought it was Shooby for sure, because of how heavy the leap was, but when I reached out into the darkness, there was NOTHING. I also often feel a presence watching me as I sleep, and because of this, my insomnia has started getting worse again. It just happened again like 2 days ago, right in the middle of the day, but on my couch. Something jumped and made the left arm of the chair thump, and made myself shift slightly because of how heavy it was. I am so scared. I just had an exorcism done on this place last week. Why isn't it leaving me alone? I know in my heart that even though I desperately WANT it to be Ziggy, I still miss him, that it isn't him. I thought that if ghosts were real, they weren't supposed to be in pain anymore, why does it breathe like he's dying? It can't be him, I refuse to believe he's still suffering. But if it isn't him, I'm not sure I want to know what it is. It's trying to make ME suffer, by making me think it's him and in pain still, by making me think it's him jumping up on my bed, but then torturing me by not letting me touch his soft fur, or hear his sweet purrs goodnight. Whatever it is, I just wish it would leave me alone.
Something I can't explain
Hello. I've only had two paranormal experiences in my lifetime, but, I'll go with this one. When I was around 7-9, me and my older sister decided to camp in our back garden. Our parents owned a house next to this massive field, and we had a really big tent. It was the summer. We had a chill time, our cats were inside, and our parents gave us some hot drinks before we went to sleep. The next day, we woke up at around 4-5am, both of us cold. We were looking around outside for some reason. About then, my sister pointed something out, asking if I could see it too. It took a few seconds, but I saw it. It was around 6-8 feet tall, seemed to be faintly glowing (?) white, and was galloping across the field fast. It didnt make any noise. Me and my sister were freaked out, and ran inside through the back door. I've asked my sister if she remembers it, but she said it was our cats, despite me seeing them ***both asleep when we ran inside***. This was really creepy and it has stuck with me for my life. If anybody has ANY explanation, I'll gladly take it, thanks.
Something was hitting my window
When I was eleven, me, my parents, a roommate of sorts and my cat lived in a small house in Auckland. This story occured at night. My room had one window, which looked out towards our garage (which was separate from the house) and a small front area. This part wasn't fenced off but our house was the last down a driveway, so it's not like my window was looking into the street. The closest branches to my window were a Sakura tree behind a fence a few meters away from my window and a line of hedges a meter or two to the left, none of these could reach my window (this is important) I'd woken up one night, and I was laying in bed, patting my cat, when suddenly, I heard he sound of something, like a branch, or rain drumming against my window. Like I said, no branches could reach my room, and I know it wasn't rain because I was used to falling asleep to rain, I could usually hear it on the roof, but this sound, was only on my window. I suddenly felt extremely terrified, like my breath hitched and my heart was racing. I lay there for what felt like hours (but I'm sure it was much less), and the sound didn't stop. Eventually I needed to go to the bathroom, so after mustering up the courage to do so, I got up and left my room, not looking at my window. A few minutes later, I returned, to find that the sound had stopped and I couldn't see anything out of the ordinary outside my window. To this day I have no clue what happened.
im sure it wasnt security.
im not 110% sure if this classifies as a "scary story" but im not sure where to put it ether. ​ ive been in many places i shouldnt be, this was no different. me and my brother went on a late night walk with the intention to clear our heads from loads of stress, he had the intention to go to his highschool and i used to go to before i dropped out, in my town. after i declined going more than once (we were a decent walk away from our house) im no idiot, i had no choice as to follow him thinking it could not be as bad as i planned it out in my head as i had never been there at night, and i do not walk alone at night for obvious reasons. whilst on the walk there we picked up some drinks from the convinence store and later made our way down the "shortcut" my brother uses every day for school, we eventually made it to the highschool. i had a bad feeling going into this and it only continued when we got there but later calmed down a bit. we hopped the fence to the football feild, because he thought it was a good idea. it was actually pretty cool at first as he ran laps and we sat in the fake grass, i even took some pictures. it being about 12:30 am i didnt think anyone would pull up to this highschool, and i was unsure where the cameras were and wether or not we would be in trouble with security if we were on them. usally i am very aware or my surroundings esspecially at night but i was most likey at caught off gard in the moment. i dont know how i didnt see a car pull in around the side or the football feild but my brother seemed to notice before i had the chance. as i looked up for a split seccond to see headlights and what looked to be a smaller white car (i could not see the entirety of the car, only a bit at the side) my flight or fight response kicked in. i ran, as fast as i could. as i ran to the corner of the feild they were agressivley flashing their headlights and honking, my brother told me someone came up to the fence with a flashlight but if it was seccurity they wouldve made themselves known instead of what they were doing. as we made it to the edge of the fence in maybe the span of 5 secconds my brother boosted me up given how tall it was, and we ran accross the trees, across the massive feild next to the highschool into the bush along the far far fence. there was little to no thought, the plan was to avoid being chased. he was under the impression that we might of been being chased but realistically there was no way whoever it was couldve caught up to us, if it was seccurity they wouldve most likely attempted. we sat in the bush for maybe 30 mins while our hearts were beating at an abnormal rate, until they left as we gathered the courage, we slowly made our way practically hugging the fence to the exit to the road which wasnt too far. my brother had mentioned there is gangs and fucked up teenages in this town and i sure as hell didnt want to assosiate myself with that being at many disadvantages. never did i think going here would be a good idea, as i wish the flight response wouldve kicked in secconds before although maybe im just overthinking it. it doesnt sound as terrifying as the actual ecperience but you get the point. welcome to part 69 or the stupid situations ive gotten myself into. ​ i apologize for any errors as i read and wrote this withought my glasses.
Cursed doll
This isn't anything like Annabelle and might be a bit anticlimactic, but bear with me. My grandmother was Wiccan and could hear/see/sense things and that was passed down to me and one of my cousins. I've seen, heard and experienced a lot of things but nothing really bad until my mom had gotten a little doll from Africa that she kept on the top of her entertainment centre. I had bad vibes about that doll from day 1 and told my mom a few times that she should get rid of it. Being the extreme realist she is she always said it was just a doll, she liked it and it was directly from Africa and was staying where it was. It was initially just a sense of unease, but that feeling grew stronger to where you could feel the hate and malevolence this doll was giving out. It came to a head one evening when I was over visiting. This doll sat in the centre of the unit looking out over the living room. My mom was at the far end of the living room and I was in the kitchen getting a drink when she went silent in the middle of a sentence. I came back in to see her standing and staring at the doll. It was no longer in the centre, but was now at the edge and had turned 90d and appeared to be staring at my mom with such fierce hated that even my mom could feel it. She got as far as "what..." when the doll fell off the entertainment unit and onto the floor. My mom let out a small shriek while I grabbed a sheet and threw it over the doll and called my grandma to let her know what had happened. She said she'd be right over and to wait outside until she got there. Even getting to the front door was a challenge as this thing was draining the energy in the room and we were getting weaker until we got outside and things were a little better. My grandma got there about 10min and I followed her into the house. It was kinda as my grandmother was a 4'11 sweet little English lady with a sweet disposition and never a bad word about anyone. She walked into the living room and with a strong voice I'd never heard from her before, "Alright! That's enough!". She walked over, lifted up the sheet, grabbed the doll and put it in a small beige bag she was carrying with her. She walked over to my mom and reverting back to sweet little old english lady, "Don't worry dear. I'll cleanse the doll and you won't have to worry anymore." Then she got back in her van and drove off. My mom was still a little freaked and spent the night at my place as there was no way she was staying at her house that night. Went to my grandparents house about a week later. My grandma went up to the attic and came back down with the doll. My mom shrank back, but my grandma handed the doll to me. I took it and felt...absolutely nothing. Whatever she had done to the doll worked. My mom tentatively took it and relaxed. It's back at my mom's house now, but not on the entertainment centre. It's on a bookshelf in a well-lighted corner of the living room.
The burning girl
The buming girl On grape lane stands a house which used to serve as an infirmary for the people of whitby. It is a pretty street, but not one you would be wise to linger alone on at twilight, sniffing the evening air. In 1917, a local girl by the name of Mary Clarke. Was sent to the local baker with her fathers' dinner. It was normal in those days to send food to the bakers during the summer to save fuel. The girl was well known in the town for her bonnie appearance and her long golden hair, which she brushed, morning and evening, one hundred times, dabbing in a drop of Dre Firths patent hair oil until it shone like burnished gold. The baker, being busy, told the girl to put the food into the oven herself. To his horror he saw a lock of her hair fall into the flames. In an instant her whole head was engulfed in flames. In a panic, she ran out of the shop, the wind fanning the flames and in seconds her clothes were burning fiercely. The baker too, ran from the shop, but could not catch the girl before she had been horrendously burnt. He managed to beat out the flames, then walk her on to the hospital which stood on grape lane. With each step, lumps of her burnt skin dropped off, providing a tasty snack for the dogs of the town. Who apparently followed the rich cooking smell. Flocking around Mary and wagging their tails, howling. within an hour the poor girl died, apparently only worried about the state of her hair. Occasionally, in the evening, the ghost of Mary Clarke appears on grape lane. At first, a flame appears floating in the air, then the figure of the girl is seen, along with the sound of crackling flames and howling of the hungry dogs, For a second, Mary will look into your eves and smile at you before disappearing, leaving a noxious smell of burning smell behind her. In the 1930s the endeavour public house which stands near Grape Lane was burned to the ground. The family managed to escape safely because the mother was awoken in the dead of night by a dream or premonition of a beautiful blonde girl shaking her and urging her to save her children. Although rebuilt twice since, the building is still said to be haunted to this day.
Silent Rock-MT Hood Oregon
I’ll start this by saying I’m no wordsmith and have never posted on here. I mainly joined to see what I could find on “Silent rock” and it wasn’t much. I grew up in a small town 15 miles from silent rock which is on highway 26 heading up to MT Hood Oregon. I have heard all the stories growing up..there’s plenty from Native American burial ground, many deaths, and strange occurrences. if you’re from here you’ll know when you get close to the Rock your supposed turn your music off and not talk until you pass or something horrible will happen you you. Something did almost happen to me and it was a miracle I made it down the mountain but that’s not why I’m writing this. Nobody has ever ventured below the rock. Kinda hard to get too but one day I decided I would attempt it. I hiked down and made it. I brought a trail cam, compass and a few other items. I didn’t get any weird “Feels” while I was down there but my compass was going all over the place. I spent about 30 mins down there and put up my trail cam in a nice sneaky spot..I came back with a more expensive compass a week later and also to grab that trail cam. Once I got down there the cam was gone. Spent 70 mins looking everywhere and couldn’t find it. The new compass I brought down there was doing the same thing. I’m no genius here but what else can I bring? If it wasn’t such a rough hike I would bring a ladder to mount a cam higher but it’s impossible. Something weird is definitely going on. I’m going to stay the night down there this weekend. The forecast showing sunny..most likely the last weekend before the snow hits.
Double figure of someone I know
A lot of strange encounters but these are a few that I remember clearly Back then, I was always the first to wake up to prepare for school…before the sun rises and The first thing I did was to shower.One day, when I step out of the shower, I saw a person(or maybe not) rushing back into the room that my sister was sleeping in. The speed that the “person” rushed back was like ZOOM! And she’s gone out of sight.. the first time I thought probably it’s just my sister because the back view, height, hair length,shirt and the room she went back in totally matches my sister. So I didnt think much and continue to prepare for school.. not until the next day, I saw the same thing happen again at the moment I step out of the shower. This time, I’m curious why my sister is doing things like that again. So, I rushed into her room after Her when she rushed back into her own room, and she looks like she sleeping soundly… at first I thought she’s faking it just to scare me then I look at her shirt… it was a different pattern/color with what I saw when I step out of the shower… the thing is, im sure my sister has no time she change her clothes because from the moment “she” rushed back to her room to when I enter her room was only about 3-5seconds apart This happens for a few days until I decided that I am too scared and decided to wake up when the sky is brighter then I stop seeing it.. i don’t know who i saw with that incredible speed that zoom right back into the room but all I know is that strange things happen in the same room prior to this incident too… (cont in next post)
Strange Encounter - Japanese Soldiers
This happens almost 10Years ago but I still remember it clearly….until now, I’m still trying to convince myself that my eyes played tricks on me… Almost 10 years ago, I went to St. John Island for church camp...without knowing the history of that island… Everything was fine until night falls…. A friend Suggested that we walk around the island and so a few of us did (3 or 4 of us, including me) but nothing strange happen at the beginning. Until…..when we were heading back to our bunk and we were only about 20steps away from entering, one of my friend said “I’ve learn a new dance, let me dance for you all”. And yes, she started dancing in the middle of the pavement. There and then, I saw 2 Japanese soldiers standing in Front of me…. Probably only 10steps distance away… I clearly remember that they were in soldiers uniform and holding a gun… on top of the gun was a sharp knife linked together. It wasn’t even side eye view or what… it was just in front of my eyes… But, I didn’t thought much of it at that moment. I managed to convince myself that it’s at night and my vision could be blurred or I was just tired. And it is a church camp, what can happen right? plus, I didn’t know the history of the island.. Not Until……….. Few days later after I came back from the camp….. everything suddenly seems to happen so coincidentally… The TV in the living room was on (probably by my mum or someone else) but no one is in the living room. so, I wanted to off the TV. As I stood in front of the TV, its broadcasting a show but I cannot remember the name of the show anymore. but i remember the first sentence the lady in the show said was “let’s talk about at John island‘s history today” So the curious me continued watching the show thinking that I’ve been to St John island for camp long ago but don’t know the history so I should continue watching.. to my horror, the second sentence the lady said was……..”a lot of Japanese soldiers died here” Did I really see ”something” else or not?
The strange events in the woods have scarred me forever - I wasn't prepared for what I found.
I am 29 years old and amateur historian with a lifelong fascination for paranormal stuff and exploring the remotest corners of the Bavarian countryside had become a frequent pastime. I had recently started a YouTube channel called 'Nocturnal Creepypasta' to document and share my experiences with anomalous sights and strange occurrences while traversing these historically significant lands under the veil of darkness. The Untersberg in particular held notable legends of occult mysteries and visitations from beyond dating back to medieval times. Its primeval pine forests were said to conceal mysteries that modern eyes were not meant to see. But as dusk deepened, the twisting trail had disappeared into gathering gloom beneath the ancient trees. Disoriented, I pulled out my phone to check the map, only to find the battery dead - I had foolishly allowed my equipment to fail out here in the wilderness alone. Lost to my hubris, night was closing in fast as I struggled through the dense undergrowth, desperately seeking any signpost back to civilization. That was when a figure materialized out of the shadows directly ahead. I froze in place, my heart leaping into my throat at the sight of the spectral silhouette flickering at the edge of vision between the tree trunks. As my eyes adjusted to the low light, details emerged of a tall man with a wild brown beard and piercing blue eyes. He was dressed in coarse linen clothes unlike any I had ever seen, clumsy shoes caked in dirt. The man stared at me intently, brows furrowed in obvious confusion. For an extended moment we simply gaped at one another across the gloaming forest floor, some unspoken tension crackling in the air between us. Finally he broke the silence. "What year is this?" he asked curtly in German-accented English, his inflection laced with a tone of urgency, as if waking from a long dream. Too perplexed to form a coherent response, I could only continue gaping at his anachronistic appearance, every rational part of my mind rejecting what I was witnessing. He took a step closer, ghostly pale features taut with mounting concern. "You must tell me the year!" he demanded, raising a calloused hand as if to grab my shoulders. Somehow I managed to emerge onto an open valley road as full night descended, staggering onto the asphalt path with flagging strength and parched throat. Still reeling from my uncanny encounter, I began the long walk back down the mountain towards nearest civilization, replaying the bizarre incident over and over in my mind. Who or what was that man I saw materialize from the shadows, so dislocated from this time? And how did he dissapear as if whisked away by some inexplicable force? Left troubled but determined, I knew this wasn't a mystery I could leave unsolved. As my channel seeks to explore the improbable realities lurking around us, here within this primordial Untersberg forest perhaps lay another strange tale from obscured history, waiting for illumination.
Tripping from amphetamine and methylphenidate (accidental double dosage/adhd)
My name is D and when i was younger around the ages of 9-11 or 12 i was diagnosed with a slightly over mild case of adhd. Attention span was short i never could sit still and it all added up when my teachers got involved, communicating with my parents on my awful behavior and notifying a doctor soon after. I was prescribed with amphetamine , i also had methylphenidate or just a different type of adderall. After being prescribed with these pills i was supposed to take a pill in the morning and one in the afternoon. A few weeks in to taking these my parent started noticing a huge difference in my weight loss i started missing my doses so id have to double it later on. The horror had been foreshadowing me and the pills were becoming too much with nothing on my stomach (i didn’t wanna eat). It all came crashing the beginning of the next week. Sunday i missed my dose and took multiple pills back to back after dinner, i slept fine i then awoke with sun scoping thru my shades and my room being super light … but that didn’t stop the hallucinations. As i woke i felt glued to my bed in somewhat of a paralysis two heads came floating in on what seemed to be popsicle sticks. They resembled my twin sisters but also had a witchy face they floated over me quietly while all i could do was stare and let tears fall while being on my back. I dropped it and went about my day i hadn’t known if i was dreaming or not but were use to bad dreams so i didn’t think much of it. That Monday night was a horror show, i then once again after feeling some what dread like but not notifying anyone ,took my recommended dosages together (so the pills i was supposed to take earlier and the afternoon)…bad idea. I woke up at night not sure what time it was but it was late i didn’t have a phone around this age. I shared a bed with my brother we slept at opposite ends, this night though i felt really panicked rushed heart moving really fast the first hallucinations were from my tv we had an old tv with broken antennas on the top me being young and messy i would throw my clothes on top of the tv because i was lazy of course well every time id blink the clothes on the tv would change position but it grew within seconds it would go on to grow into what appeared to be a super long armed ape or something, i quickly closed my eyes but soon started hearing things, a fire crackle like , it forced me to constantly pop my head out from under my covers just to be startled and fooled by my eyes once again. For it to had been so dark in my room my hallucinations were as if the lights were on. My brother was then turned into what looked like a mummy just laying there as still as possible. What came next freaked me out but wasn’t the worse of the night we have a massive massage chair that sits in the living room. It’s quite impossible to move it by yourself, well yea that then appeared in my room and what set it off wasn’t Freddy Krueger sitting with his legs folded waiting for me to run out of my room it was the fact that the chair was placed just perfectly against the wall and between a few drawers and stands which made it all look too real. At this point i couldn’t tell you what was real or not and again i was young and never expecting this. Before i knew it i booked it my mom was in the living room watching an episode of this old house i had never been so thankful in my life. After telling her what i had seen it was likely that she thought i was kidding she told me to pray’,/ lmao tried it didn’t work. Now my great grandmother at this time was alive and well actually she didn’t live with us tho …so why was this person who looked just like her trying to lower me into the kitchen and how wasn’t my mom seeing this. We had a curtain up to the kitchen just to act as a door my great grandmother would Pop out occasionally and wave a can of beans to try and get me to open it for her and lower me to the kitchen but i wouldn’t let her get me the hallucinations did not let up until i left the house her last resort to get me to come to her was to send little red bull ants crawling all over me i freaked and told my mom she had to get my clothes from my room i was naked pretty much with just underwear on. We made it to the hospital where my mom was told to have me off the pills asap and see how i acted my behavior was better than ever i felt smarter in few areas i faded in and out of consciousness due to me panicking severely on the way to the hospital but to this day i wonder what would have happened had i went into the kitchen….
After my dad passed away
Im a first time poster and dont know if ill post again i just wanted to tell this story, it might not be scary or anything to others but that night it happened it felt terrifying, this happened when I was younger and I still recall it like it was yesterday. We have no idea what it was or who it was. My dad passed away when I was 6 and it was all really hard on us, we lived in the middle of no where on an acreage with 1 neighbor. We had a small house with my brothers room in the attic and mine and my mom's room on the main floor. About 3 months after my dads death I was laying in bed, which faced towards the door so I could always see when people walked past and that particular night I was tossing and turning and I couldn't sleep, I sat up and there was a small light in the hall way that light up the crack of my door which I never minded as a kid...there, it looked like someone was looking right at me through the crack of my door and moved away when it realized i seen it. I freaked out and jumped out of my bed as fast as I could and flew into my moms bed crying that someone was looking at me in my room, she just held me tight thinking it was another hard night due to the recent events. A few moments later we heard the glass sliding door slide open, my mom froze and went "shh", the living room couch was right up against my moms bedroom wall, we heard someone run through the living room and then jump onto the couch(the couch springs made a creek) and knock on the wall twice then jump off the couch and back outside. My mom told me to stay put, leaped out of bed and searched the house and found absolutely nothing and the glass sliding door was still locked...she went and asked my brother if he heard anything and he said no. We moved out 6 months to a year after that. To this day we have no idea what it was but we swore we heard it and sometimes still talk about it to this day.
The doll in the storage room [True]
When I was younger I'd go visit my grandparents all the time, they lived in a one floor house with an unfinished basement, I never liked it down there it felt small for a big basement. There was a little door down there that was for storage and I always got a horrible feeling when going close to it and let me add that this was a newer house that was about 6 years. Now during the time I was about 6 or 7, I felt so uncomfortable going down there even when I was with someone I didn't like it, I remember going down there with my grandma to help with something. She had to run upstairs because someone rang the doorbell she said she would be right back even though she knew how I felt about being alone down there but I nodded and said 'okay.' She was gone and I was alone and I started to get a bad feel in the pit of my stomach I didn't move and didn't want to, even though the lights were on now this is where every thing started happening and it still gives me chills. The lights started to flicker and I started to hear noises and what sounded like talking and it was not coming from upstairs but in the storage room. I heard someone say my name here is the part that freaks me out the most, the voice sounded like my grandma I was confused as hell how am I hearing her when she is upstairs. I didn't want to move but me being the curios one I am I started moving towards the storage room door, the closer I got worse the bad feeling came. When I got to the door the lights turned off in the basement, I wanted to run upstairs and hide, go home somewhere that wasn't the basement. I heard my name again for the second time, my grandmas voice asking me to open the door to help her so I did and I regret it, I couldn't see anything it was pitch black, I couldn't hear anything but faint laughing that felt like for ever but then the laughing stopped and the lights turned back on in the basement and I felt a little bit better with the lights back on but the downside I could see a little in the storage room. I saw a small clown doll in the storage room and my grandma hates clowns with a passion and wants nothing to do with them, so why is there a clown doll I have no damn idea. Then the lights turned on in the storage room, I saw red that looked like blood all over the place, I screamed and blacked out and the next thing I knew I was laying on the couch, my grandma looking at me and asking if I was okay. I have no idea if that was real or a dream, but it sure as hell felt real. If you have any idea's please let me know
Forgive Me
Im looking for some pretty specific content. Im looking for experiences that happened arounf Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years if anyone has any they would like to share. You can send me your stories directly if youd like. It would also be amazing to have multiple stories so if you see someone reply dont worry! You can leave your story or experience as well! They dont have to be true they can be completely fictional. Thank you for your time and im looking forward to hearing from some of you!
*The Creepy stalker*
So This happened when i was 11 years old in the 6th grade And lisent to my teacher sometimes im just always quiet. But one day i was on my 6th period which is gym and we do laps and then when get to the end we make a turn and then there is this big fence and then when i was running i saw 30 year old guy waving with a wired grin but cant tell who he waving at so i kept running. gym was over so i packed up and getting ready to leave home when i was going to the gate in front and when i exit i saw the same guy know he was looking but he was not grinning no more he was smiling know so i started to speed walk because i was getting scared. after i got far from my school i turn back and did not saw him so i was relieved. When i was walking a blue car pulled up to me and rolled his window down a little bit could not see his face all i heard was his voice he said you look like a nice kid and smart i just smiled and said thank you and then he said my full name i was shocked and then told him how he knew my name and then rolled his window all the way down and it was the same guy with the creepy smile i ran and turn back and his car standing there i was only 5 minutes away so i kept running. and after i made it to my house i was sweating my hands shacking and went outside and locked all my doors and window and slept in my bed. when i woke up and want to see what time it is and was 11:32 pm and i was thirsty so i wanted to get a water so i got up to get a water by the time i went to the fridge to get cold water i heard a knock so i went to see who it was and see in the window and what i saw shocked me it was the smiling guy with a item in his hand i could not see because the outside lights were off i thought i was going to faint i ran to my mom and dad"s room and try to open it it was locked so i banged loud that they got mad at me for waking them up and i told them there was a creepy guy outside out house so my dad went and staying with my mom and when my dad he saw nothing and then he heard a sound so he went staying with my mom and then i heard a scream and then my mom called the police and the police arrived and my dad holding the man down and he had kitchen knife and was breaking my window the police arrest him and took him after 2 days the police gave information to my dad what happend so my dad told me the guy has been stalking me everytime i walk home to school and watch me in my window i try to tell my friends but they dont trust me im 14 years old know and what would of happend if i kept sleeping and did not told my dad the guy would of broke my window and killed me.
The Throne
I ate taco bell on a lonely sunday afternoon.... Remind me again why i ordered so much off their dollar menu again? My stomach aches so bad i can barely breath..... I raced into the handicap stall for extra leg room, whipped down my man panties and squated..... Before my cheeks hit the cold plastic ring, my poo sprayed out onto the metal piping and back wall, leaving a deadly streak of destiny for the minimum wage taco bell employee to clean as i left it all there. I made a piece of art i couldnt just flush it away..... i hopped over to the neighboring shall to wipe and casually sat there waiting........ Waiting for someone to go into that handicap shall and GAG!!!!!
My true horror story
So, back when I was in the 9th grade the year was 2017, and I was starting a new school ,I was a 14 year old boy so obviously I had hormones ,and for this I know I’m a filthy scumbag but I used to masturbate in classes like a lot ,now you might be thinking how the fuck do you masturbate in class?,well I threw my jacket over myself and started doing the deed it was that simple ,but you might want me to get to the point but keep in mind I was depressed back then and followed an “emo” phase so my 100 pound skinny jean wearing self glared at a girl named eliza (obviously it’s not her real name” So Eliza glared back at me and being the dirty 14 year I was I got so hard by the fact she was looking back at me,I began doing it harder than faster,but then heard her gentle voice saying “you jerk off a lot and school it’s a bad habit and it’s probably because you never had the real thing “she paused and said I can give you some of it after school “these words registration in my teen head came out to “your gonna get laid by the hot emo girl”so the whole day I was getting of (in my head )about how it would go until the end of the day As I saw her in the hallway she grabbed my hand and conducted me outside to her house unusually her parents weren’t home I found this odd as we got into her room “I anylazed her bedroom walls as I saw posters of emo bands like my chemical romance, panic! At the disco and three days grace.I glistened in joy as someone else has the same taste and right when I was about to ask you like - she was already giving my virgin emo reproduction system a try as she said “you taste so good”that’s when I shit you not she but down on my “you know what”I screamed and said “You fucking bitch “as I grabbed my you know what in pain then she yelled a word in German I suppose “it really sounded like it “that’s when she pushed me out in the hallway and my eyes to this day still remember what I saw
My true horror story part 2
She closed her door and said threewords that hurt my soul “fucking satanist die”thats when I realized what this shit looked like it had long legs ,long arms and was naked ,but it had no genitals ,and it was white it’s face-it’s fucking face it makes me cry by just remembering it ,it’s face had two holes as eyes I assume As it said “God will do you justice ,by me putting you in hell ,Now this is my guess this girl was some hardcore Christian who summoned a skinwalker or some shit to kill people who she thought worshipped satan because they were emo, As this “thing “walked passed I thought “I’m going to die “all I wanted to do was pleasure myself and now I’m going to die ,Now you might call me a pussy for this but I don’t care ,I got on my knees and cried praying to Jesus ,not to take me away ,telling him every bad thing I done as the bitch Eliza walked out laughing and said your gonna burn in hell for what you did, Now courageous me got up and said come on you fucking demons kill me and see what happens I doubt I would let anyone of you touch me,Now Thank you mom thank you for buying the hyper beast knife I told you it would help me”I remembered my knife that was I begged my mom to get me was in my pocket i got it out In a hurry and said now ,If you take one more step fucker I will cut this girl up so bad that she wont be able to talk As the demon/beast said finally the satanist in you has revealed steeling the life of an innocent girl for your own sake ”scum “he said I screamed I’m not a satanist “as I was wearing a crucifix my great grandma gAve me for my 9th birthday I flashed it at them and they covered their eyes in pain “as I said smirking “now who’s the satanist now”as I ran out the house ,I ran and never stopped until I got home ,I continued laughing and said thank you god ,thank you .I recently told my mother about this story since she can’t be mad and put me out about trying to have sex,but I told my dad right when it happened but I expected him to not believe me ,when I told him his eyes lit up and said Eliza under his breath ,he said son what’s her last name I mumbled porter,he said son,Eliza porter was my girlfriend in 1999 she died 18 years ago that’s impossible,I froze and thought to this day I really think that was a ski walker but please help me figure out who or what this was.and to fake “Eliza” I hope we never meet again
Don't Go To the Gas Station
[TRUE] My Parents Haunted House
This may be too long for some people to read but I had to share. ​ This is the first time I am posting anything online about this. I am a 31 year old woman, married, and recently moved back in with my parents due to moving back to the town I grew up. My husband and I are taking our time looking for our own place, due to wanting something nice in the area and that is usually hard to find. This story takes place in my parents house, starting back 10 years ago. A description of the house for a bit of content, its a 2 story, brick/stone house in city limits but still surrounded by nothing but woods. You have to go through a garage that leads into the kitchen with the first bedroom to your left. Past the kitchen is the main living room and to the right is the hall that is very open. In this area you will find the main dining room and 2nd living area but if you continue straight you will see the staircase to your left and even further straight is my parents bedroom and bathroom. Going up the stairs you will come to the 3rd living area (yes this is a huge house) with 2 sets of french doors side by side that lead to the outside balcony. Going straight, the a sharp left leads you to the other 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. This is where the story takes place. The first time I stepped foot into this house, I immediately felt "off". Like something just wasn't right. I felt a presence but I didn't know what or who it was. I brushed it off thinking I was just reading too much into it. I continued to feel this for the next couple of years and because of this I didn't much enjoy visiting them. My parents like to gamble a lot back then so they would ask me to babysit my baby brother and sister one day on the weekend. My boyfriend (now husband) loved them so he would always babysit with me. The first few times I really didn't pay attention to the feeling I would get because we would be busy playing or eating with the kids. After that, things kinda chilled out and we would end up watching movies until it was time for the us to go to bed. Now, my husband is a freak of nature lol, its like he falls asleep the second his eyes are closed. Me on the other hand, takes me forever to get comfortable enough to wind down my mind. I also dont sleep well even when I do finally get to sleep. This night was the first time I saw and heard something in this brand new house. In this room, the bed is facing the door way but not directly in front of it. With the double doors open, you can see the front of the stair case and all the way down the hall way. As long as the light is on that is. This night only one of the hallway lights were on. I was laying in bed with the TV on but the volume down low so I could hear if one of the kids called me. I was almost asleep when I hear one of my siblings coming down the stairs. I open my eyes a bit and wait for them to get to the bottom but they never do. I dont think anything of it, close my eyes and begin to drift off again. A few minutes later I hear again. So I open my eyes and wait but again they never get to the bottom. This time I sit up, and listen, a bit spooked but nothing I cannot handle. I get a bit nervous but still I go check to see if they are there and maybe they are scared to come all the way down or something. No one is there. Confused and thinking I must be dreaming it up I go back to bed, this time closing one of the double doors. It was a few hours later, around 2:30 am, when I feel like someone is very near me. As if they are standing next to the bed right in front of me. Usually when I open my eyes I would see the green glow of the alarm clock on the bedside table but this time I saw nothing. It was pitch black. I couldn't even see the hallway light on and the TV had turned off on its own. I felt like I couldn't move. I was awake now, and scared to my bones. I was finally able to call out my husbands name loud enough to wake him. He reached over and turned on the light, and right then the scared feeling went away and I was able to move. I freaked out and started crying, I couldn't begin to explain to him what happened because even if I had, he didn't believe in those things. So I told him I was having a nightmare and asked him to go check on the kids. When he came back he said the kids were fine and got back in bed. With the light on, I was able to fall back to sleep but it took me forever. The next day I told my mom about what had happened and thats when she told me. She had been hearing footsteps on the stairs at night and even saw someone standing by the door at times. She didn't tell anyone because she did not want to scare the kids. This is when she told me what she had done. She wanted to know what was going on in her house so she went and bought a voice recorder. One day she decided to use it and went up stairs while everyone was gone. She asked your typical questions of "who is here?" "what do you want?" and "why are you here" and then said "you have passed away and need to go into the light, you are not welcome here". The next day she decided to leave the recorder in one of the bedrooms upstairs while it was recording for about 4 hours while she was out running errands. I asked if she had checked it and to my surprise she said she was too afraid to listen to it alone. I wanted to listen to it. Off we went to the computer, and began listening to it after it was uploaded. During the 4 hours she was gone, you could hear something clicking or tapping. Sounds of a drawer opening and closing but we weren't for sure. Then we listened to the part where she was asking questions. Now you could hear a sound that resembled a fan or maybe static through out the whole thing so some sounds were indistinguishable. But the one sound we did hear, chilled us to the core. When she asked "What do you want?" it gave us an answer. (CHANGING MY BROTHERS NAME FOR THIS) The answer was "Jaime". It didn't answer any other questions except for that one. I cried immediately. He wasn't having night terrors for no reason. Something was there for him. Every night. We soon asked a friend to cleanse the house. For a long time everything has been OK. My brother stopped having night terrors, my mom was able to sleep comfortably and all was good again. Until now. I have been living in this house for a month and a half. For the last 3 weeks I have been seeing things everywhere. Especially when I am alone. Because of this, I wont stay alone anymore. I get this strong feeling of being watched. I had the feeling of someone pulling on my blanket at night. I think it is time for another cleanse. Oh and just an FYI, I am the 3rd generation on my mothers side of the family that is able to "see" spirits. My dads side of the family has, in the past before I was born, practiced black magic. I dont like speaking to them and I wont dabble in any of the "spiritual" stuff most people do. I stay as far away from it as possible and I recommend that you do to. Even if you are careful, these spirits can haunt for a long time. Even after you are gone. Update: So I’m sitting in the living room floor playing with my nephew. Moms on the left couch and sister is on the right couch. My nephew has a toy piano that is made of cloth and can be folded up. This piano is behind us in the corner with all my nephews other toys. We are talking and watching my nephew attempt to walk when this piano makes a sound. It’s like someone is pressing the keys slowly. We stop and stare and then look at each other shocked. Then the keys are pressed rapidly until it finally shuts off on its own. Mom and I are not scared. My sister is terrified due to something happening to her last night around midnight. That is a different story I will be posting tomorrow.
Elderly lady in wrong car
Back when I was in high school, my best friend would basically hang out at school together because her dad was the warden of the local prison and his house wasn't even a half a mile from it. Her mom was judgmental and well, a bit hostile. It was the attitude more than anything that kept me from hanging out over at her house. She was a woman you didn't mess with. One day my friend said her mother came home white as a ghost the night before because when she and her friends had come out of the grocery store, halfway to her car, they stopped and noticed some One in the back seat. She was thinking it was my friend. Her daughter, but as she stepped closer, she saw that it was an elderly woman. Well, she started to go to the car but her friends stopped her and said that she probably got off the bus from the assistant living center and she had better call the police and let them handle it. Well she did and within minutes.. Because they were practically around the block..the police car pulled up and she pointed to her car. The officer walked up to the window and she watched as the officer snatched the door open and literally yanked the old woman out and push her against the car and frisked her. My friend's mom was horrified until the officer snatched the wig off the man's head! She was frantic now because if it hadn't been for her friends, she would have gotten in and offered her a ride home! (Her words). So check your backseat ppl! ]
I Was Claimed By A Skinwalker Part 2: Life After
My name is Jake Paine and I was claimed by a Skinwalker. I was twenty-two years old then, and in my final year of college at Clemson University. I had three amazing friends and a beautiful girlfriend who meant the world to me. We decided that on our last days of college, we should do something fun, so we decided to go camping up north. It was the biggest mistake we could have ever made. All of my friends were brutally murdered at the hands of the Skinwalker, their bodies being horribly mangled and put on display like trophies. My girlfriend was killed, her skin becoming a disgusting flesh suit for the beast. It used her to get close to me and horrifically disfigure me. I was forced to destroy the beautiful face of my girlfriend. She was the love of my life, and I killed her. It’s been five months and I still live with the pain of the memories of that week. Not a day goes by that I don’t think of ending it all. I toss and turn every night, begging for forgiveness. My dreams are plagued by the memories. Everytime I close my eyes, I see Cori, mangled and disfigured beyond recognition. I see Aljo, his entrails hanging from his torn gut, eye sockets bloody and empty, and jaw broken and loosely hanging from the side of his face. I see Chase. As well, bloody holes where his nose, ears, and eyes should be. I hear them plead for mercy, screaming in eternal agony. I wish we had never gone on that camping trip. They would still be alive and happy if it weren’t for that goddamn trip. It’s all my fault. I was the one who suggested it. They didn’t even want to go, but I pressured them into it. The only reason I’m still alive is because I’m too much of a coward to pull the damn trigger. I don’t even have any money to pay someone to do it for me. ‘I’m just a waste.’ I get out of bed and go to the kitchen to make some coffee. I make a fresh pot and pour myself a cup. Sitting on the couch and sipping my coffee, I think about the future. It’s not something I usually do, especially considering how much I’ve been wanting to die lately. ‘I’ll need a job if I’m going to keep living like this. It’s not like anyone will actually hire me though, looking like this.’ I gently run my fingers along the scar lining my cheek and the hole where my eye once was. I can’t even go out in public without children screaming or hiding behind their parents at the sight of me. Others gasp and steer clear of me. Hell, I can clear out a restaurant just by walking in. ‘I’m a monster.’ Later that day, I decide to try finding a job. I put my resume out there and apply for a few different jobs, such as providing tech support and even working the suicide hotline. I thought that way people wouldn’t have to look at me and I can help people/ I just feel so useless now and this lets me help people, even if I can’t help myself. That night, I decide to take a hot shower before bed. As I enter the shower, I wince as the water hits my body. The heat does not feel very good on my scars. I tough it out and it actually starts to feel quite nice. I get out after a few minutes and head to bed. Laying down, I turn on some relaxing music and start to drift off. I gaze at my surroundings. I’m back in the forest. ‘Oh no,’ I think to myself, ‘This can’t be good.’ As I take in the setting, I begin to walk around. The ground feels wet on my bare feet and I think I can hear something/ It sounds like… screaming? ‘This really doesn’t feel right.’ I begin heading in the direction of the screaming. After five minutes of walking, the screams don’t seem to be any closer than before. ‘What the hell?’ As I think about what I should do next, the screams suddenly get much louder. It sounds like they’re coming from all around me, as if a group of howling banshees were surrounding me and getting closer every second. I put my hands over my ears and cower in fear and pain. Just as I think my eardrums are going to burst, it stops. I slowly open my eyes, looking all around me to make sure it’s gone. It’s then that I see it, the source of the screaming. Standing in front of me is Cori, except she isn’t the sweet, innocent girl I once knew. Her mouth is frozen in a chilling scream, blood leaking from her eyes, nose twisted and broken across her once beautiful face. Her neck is torn open, revealing her tongue pulled down through her neck in a fashion resembling a necktie. Her left breast is missing, exposing a bloody mess of exposed muscle and bone beneath. The left side of her torso is ripped open, her entrails hanging out like ropes over the edge of a cliff. Below the waist, her right thigh has an arrow sticking through to the other side, a chunk of muscle stuck on the arrowhead. Her left kneecap is twisted around to the side of her knee, as if it was grabbed and forcibly moved there. The left shin is snapped in half, bone having torn through the flesh and sticking out towards me. I quickly look away and puke up my dinner, along with some blood and bile. I gather my strength and turn to run, but find that she is already there. I turn and run in the other direction, but she’s there, as well. No matter where I turn, she’s always there. I’m surrounded and can’t do anything but look down to avoid the grisly sight. As I collapse to my knees, the screaming begins again. The inescapable screams of pain echo throughout my skull. I jolt awake and run to the bathroom. I splash some cold water on my face and look in the mirror. ‘Who am I?’ I return to the bedroom, turning on the lights and checking the clock.’ 2:30 am.’ I turn on the TV and search for something to watch, not daring to go back to sleep. I eventually find something to watch and settle down. The next morning, I get a call back with a job offer. I accept and agree to start the following Monday. I wake up on Monday and head down to the call center. I get some nasty looks on the way, but simply ignore them. I’m getting used to the public perception and care less everyday. ‘I’m going to help someone today,’ I think to myself with glee. I can’t help but smile at the thought of saving someone’s life. ‘This job at the suicide hotline is a blessing, a second chance to do some good.’ I arrive at the center and am greeted by a beautiful young woman with bronze skin, short black hair, and emerald-green eyes. She seemed to be about 5’4 and looked up at me like a normal person. It’s like she didn’t even notice the scars. It actually makes me quite happy. “Hello sir, I presume you’re Mr. Paine?” she asks in a cheerful tone. “Uh, y-yeah that’s me” I respond, still taken aback by how normally she’s treating me. “Very well sir, follow me.” The woman leads me to a small cubicle in the corner of the room. In it is a small desk with a phone, a nameplate, a coffee machine, and a coffee mug. “Here we are. sir,” the woman says, “Will that be all?” “Um, just a second,” I start, “Why are you treating me so normally? Do you not see the scars or something?” She takes a moment before answering. “I know better than to judge people for their appearance, especially when it comes to scars,” she says, lifting her shirt a little to show me a large scar along her ribs. I’m stunned for a second, but soon collect my thoughts and smile. “I see, well thank you Miss…” “Kyn. My name is Lana Kyn.” I think it’s a very beautiful name. “Thank you Miss Kyn.” I get on with my day at the center, talking with people who are suicidal for all different reasons. Some are going through a breakup, some are grieving dead family or friends, others are simply sick and tired of living. One-by-one, I talk them through their problems and help them find other options to help the pain. When my shift ends, I feel satisfied with myself for the first time in a long time. I can finally help people, and that makes me genuinely happy. I’m walking out the door of the center when I heard someone call my name. I turn around to see Lana walking up to me. “Hey Jake, you did a great job today!” she says cheerfully. I smile, “Thanks, I’m glad I get this chance to help people everyday.” “Well, it’s good to see someone so caring,” she beams at me, “I’ll see you tomorrow, Jake.” I get home and take a shower, before getting in bed. I think about Lana. ‘She’s really nice to me. It’s a welcome change of pace from the hate and disgust I receive from everyone else.’ I actually feel accepted for the first time since the Skinwalker. I smile as I drift off to sleep. I scan my surroundings. I’m in some sort of cave, it seems. I spot a light off in the distance. It flickers like that of a fire, the orange light dancing along the walls of the cave. I try to move but find that my hands are nailed to the wall. As I try to pull them free, the nails grind against my bones and tendons. I grunt in pain, but try to keep silent. I don’t know what’s out there, but I don’t want to find out. I jerk my head forward as I hear what sound like footsteps. ‘Shit!’ The light dances its way along the walls, closer and closer. The flame of a torch comes into view, followed by a figure I know all too well. As Blair approaches me, I feel a mix of anger, sadness, and fear rising up inside me. She smiles an unnaturally wide smile at me and speaks, “Did you think you could escape me that easily?“ It’s voice chills me to the bones. “Did you actually think you could be happy without me?” It’s taunting me, playing some sick game with my head. Suddenly, she lunges at me, tearing open my throat. I struggle to breathe, gasping for air and coughing up blood. She just stands there, smiling as I drown in my own blood. I spit at her, but she just keeps smiling. I awaken on my bedroom floor, covered in sweat and gasping for air. I guess I rolled off my bed in my panic to breathe. I try to push myself up off the floor, but I can’t. I give up and lie there for the rest of the night. The next day, I walk into the call center and smile to find Lana waiting for me. She wears the same bright smile as before. “Hey Jake, ready to help people again?” I smile and reply, “You know it Lana.” She smiles and walks me to my desk. “See you at the end of the day, Jake!” “Later, Lana.” It’s another long and fulfilling day of helping people. I end my shift and meet Lana at the door. “Hey Lana, how are you doing?” I ask. “Pretty good, but I’m sure the people you talked to today are feeling better,” she says with a wink. I laugh and say, “You give me way too much credit, Lana.” We laugh and say our goodbyes. As I walk into my house, I feel… happy. For the first time in a long time, I can actually say I enjoy something. I have a new light in my life. A new thing to look forward to. A new reason to get out of bed each morning. I smile to myself as I head to the bathroom, a hot shower waiting for me. That night, I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow. I open my eyes and find that I’m nose-to-nose with Blaire, her piercing yellow eyes staring back at me. I jerk my head back in fear, only to hit it on the wall behind me. I look down at my wrists, finding them bolted to the wall. I return my attention to Blair, who is still staring at me with a wicked smile etched into her greasy face. “Hey Jakey, how ya doin’?” She doesn’t wait for me to respond before adding, “That’s great hun, now let’s talk about the new bitch in your life.” I lunge toward her at the mention of Lana and feel a sharp pain in my wrist. “Calm down Jakey, no need to hurt yourself. She seems nice, so I’ll leave you two alone from now on. You have my word.” I awaken in a pool of sweat and lay there for a few seconds. I think back to Blaire’s words. ‘Will it actually leave?’ I reach up to wipe the sweat from my face. “Agh!” I look at my wrist, finding broken and limp. I try to move it again and pain shoots up through my arm like an iron maiden is being clamped on it. I get dressed and head to the local hospital. They take some unnecessary x-rays and put it in a cast. ‘This sucks. A lot.’ I head to the center the following day. As I walk in, Lana goes to greet me. “Hey Jake-” she stops when she sees the cast. “Oh my god, what happened?” she asks. “I got it caught… behind the microwave. Yeah, that’s what happened.” I give a pathetic smile. I’ve never been a good liar, but I can’t let her know what really happened. “Umm, how exactly did you do that?” she asks, visibly holding back laughter. “Hey, how about we talk about it over dinner later?” I ask, trying to salvage the situation. “I’d like that” she responds, smiling. The rest of the day goes by as usual. At the end of the day, I meet up with Lana at the entrance. “So, where are we going?” she asks. “How about we get some sushi?” I suggest. “Lead the way, Jake.” We get to the restaurant and sit at the bar. A few drinks in, she asks me what really happened to my hand. I tell her about my night terrors and that I rolled out of bed and landed on it. ‘It’s kind of true’ I think to myself. She buys it and we finally get our food. We have a great time at dinner and she says she’d like to do this again sometime. I smile at her and respond with a slurred, “Definitely.” I get home and go straight to bed. As I fall asleep, I picture Lana smiling at me. ‘Nothing can take this away from me.” That night, I didn’t have a single nightmare. I woke up with a smile on my face and thought to myself, ‘This is the start of something great.” The next few weeks are amazing. I end up going out with Lana every night and never have any nightmares again. I look forward to each and every day with Lana. I wake up with energy and make breakfast, before heading to the call center. I walk in and hug Lana. We talk for a few minutes before hugging once again and going our separate ways. The rest of the day is normal, and we meet up at the end. Lana and I go out for drinks and have a great time. We take one or two more shots than we probably should. “Hey Jake,” she says through slurred words, “I don’t think I should be driving tonight. Do you live nearby?” I smile and take her hand, leading her toward my house. She blushes and follows along. We get to my house and head straight to the bedroom. We have a great time and fall asleep in each other’s arms. I open my eyes and find Blair staring at me, smiling that twisted smile. “Aww Jakey, you seem so happy” she says in a sarcastic tone. “I know I said I would leave you alone, but I just had to see you one last time. Just to wish you luck.” I lunge at her, finding that my hands are no longer bound. I wrap my hands around her neck and squeeze with all my strength. I feel her windpipe cave in, her vertebrae snapping and popping under my fingers. She pleads for me to stop, but I can’t. I see the life fading from her emerald-green eyes and feel… at peace. She stops moving and I smile. I open my eyes. ‘What… is this?’ I stare down at my hands locked around Lana’s throat. Her beautiful eyes, once full of life, stare blankly back at me. I slowly release her neck and look at my hands. ‘I can’t think... This isn’t real!’ I stand up and start pacing, running my hands through my hair. ‘This can’t be real…’ I start slapping myself. “Wake up!! Please just wake up!!” I fall to my knees and start crying. “Please… just wake up…” I turn and look under the bed. I reach under and take out my last hope. “At least I can end the pain…” A few minutes later, everything’s ready. As I slip the noose over my head, I look over at Lana. “I love you…”
The cemetery.
Okay so let me get this straight I’m a 15 year old girl who lives in New Zealand, but when this took place I was around 12 years old. In 2016 a couple days before Christmas the worst thing happened to us, we found out my auntie died which was on my dads side and they were very close she was a jockey and she fell off the horse and it crushed her oh and her favourite thing was the smell of Lilly’s (flowers) “this will be useful for later on”, anyway after about 2 years of her death we visited her again for Christmas and we have been here to see her many times but this time it felt different in a way , the air was heavy and I got this wave of dread it was so overwhelming that I had to stay in the car for a bit, once I thought that the bad feeling had calmed down I decided to hop out and look around the cemetery and as I was doing so I smelt a familiar smell like the smell of Lilly’s and at first it was comforting in a way but then I felt like I was being watched but like I could tell that what ever this that was watching me didn’t want me here like I needed to leave so I listened to my gut feeling and booked it back to the rest of my family, not shortly after once all of us were in the car driving back we saw that there was something in the middle of the road so we stopped but the longer we stared at it the more we realised it was my auntie and she looked worried and about 2 seconds later a car comes flying by in full speed and then she disappeared I’ll tell you now it scared me and I couldn’t sleep that night but the longer I thought about it the more I realised that she saved us that day and that she really is looking over at us. Thanks for reading I just wanted to get this off my chest and I know you might not believe me because I wouldn’t if I heard this but it is 110% real and it’s still vividly stuck in my head till this day.
Home invaders taken by surprise
Midnight metro stranger
My first sleep paralysis story
[TRUE]I don’t remember exactly when this was, I’m pretty sure it was around March of 2018. I was 12 years old and in 7th grade, I often listened to/ read scary stories online about things like sleep paralysis but I never thought it would happen to me. So before I had woken up I was having a... strange dream. I was playing counter strike but it felt like I wasn’t paying and it was real, I was shooting some targets and then I blacked out for a second. I woke up on the main road that goes into my neighborhood and saw that the road was gone, the houses on my street were very small, 2 story box houses. There were elderly people standing out front the houses all reading a newspaper and the sign at the front of my neighborhood only read “Brookg” with the rest crumbling off. I then appeared at my morning bus stop for school looking at my phone, everything was normal until a bush, that normally isn’t there, screamed at me. I remember clearly feeling as though this was normal, so I screamed back, we went back and forth until I woke up with the scream echoing in my ears. I was in my bed looking against the wall, unable to move. I hadn’t realized that I was experiencing sleep paralysis, but was still freaked out by that screaming to fall back asleep. I lay there not hearing anything for about 5 minutes. I then Heard what sounded like heavy boots hitting the ground out in my living room, coming towards my bedroom area. Just so you know, outside my bedroom there is a hallway, on the left is a bathroom, at the end is my parents room, and at the end on the right is a door that goes to my living room. The footsteps grew closer, coming to the hallway and then my parents room. At that moment I remembered my dad was out of town on a business trip so it was just me, my mom and my 7 yo brother. I heard the walking start up again and come towards my room, the door opened and whatever was out there came in, walked to the side of my bed, and stared at me. I close my eyes and begin to prey, I’m not really religious but it’s the only thing I can think to do. After what felt like hours I try to turn over to look and see if anyone is there. I roll over with my eyes still closed to appear to anyone that is there that I’m still asleep. I open my eyes and begin to squint, the coast it clear. I crawl out my bed slowly and look at the clock, 4:14 AM, “dang I got school tomorrow” I thought. I tip toed over to my door and grab a decretive oar my mom put on the wall in my room and walk out into the hall. The light in our living room door was open with light on which was not normal, especially when my dads out of town. I checked the bathroom, and peek around the corner of the door, nobody, so I make a silent sprint into my moms room, putting the oar down on the floor. I shake her awake, quietly whispering her name. “Mama I think there’s someone in the house, I heard walking around outside my room and.. and...” I began to tear up, realizing this all may have been in my head and i woke up my mom for nothing. “ it’s alright (my name), we can go check the house real quick. I grab the oar and go check the house with my mother, there was nobody in our house, so I go back to bed relived that we were safe, and that none of that was real. I haven’t had a sleep paralysis experience sense and am glad it wasn’t worse, this story seems like nothing compared to some of the other story’s about it that I’ve heard. I hope you enjoy reading this. (Oh and comment if there’s typos, I checked but may have missed some)
The Carnie
By JTJack42 To add some context to the story I am female and at the time this takes place I was 14, anyway this happened in September, my friend, who I’m gonna call Alice for the story, got some all access passes to a fair and she invited me to go with her and Her grandma. That Saturday she picked me up and we went to the fair. We had been there since 6:00 that evening and it was about ten so it was really dark. We had been going on rides and I had gotten nauseous so we decided to go on one more ride then head home. While walking to the ride this carnie running one of the stands stared at me. He looked like he was in his late forty’s, he had dark blonde hair that was greasy, missing and darkened teeth, and some tattoos on his left arm. He then put both his index fingers into his cheeks, crossed his eyes then twisted his hands making a weird face. Then after no reaction from me he made a disappointed and offended face then he said “smile” I still just stared as we were walking his way to get to the ride “smile! “ he said louder, then he screams “f***ing smile! “I jumped back it seemed with the many people around no one heard him say that last part except me, even Alice who then said “ she’s sick” I then grabbed her hand and brushed past him. I told her what he said and she was shocked. On our way back from the ride we had to pass by his stand again. While walking by it he kept trailing behind us trying to get our attention then after we ignored him I heard him scoff “ fine then!” I know this story doesn’t seem that scary but it was at the time, and I can’t help but wonder why he wanted me to smile and what could’ve happened if we didn’t ignore him.
Death Shares
Here is a scary chat story like some of the ones at my Blog, and on my Android app, Captivating. Look that kid caused all of this. I was coming through the revolving door at the Hotel Meridian's front entrance when the boy handed me this doll. Have a look. Oh, so this was given to you? Sure. Nothing supernatural or magical about it. It was a human thing, maybe a ten-year-old kid's prank. Except the scrawny kid didn't talk to me. He looked away from eye contact and made a sign of the cross as he gave it to me. He said you have only two more days to live, you say? Yes, Detective Partruse. It isn't pretty, but it's not unlike a lot of these in N'Awlins. Sure, a bit of bone and feathers, but it gave me a cold chill. I stuck it in my pocket, and the momentary distraction helped lead me to trip and fall through a section of glass plate door. And that's how you got cut up like this and in the hospital? Yes. The nurse said a piece of glass just missed my carotid artery. But it's not why I called you guys. Being out of circulation means I can't check into what I came here for. Which is? To find out why a perfectly healthy man is dying in the next room, dying of the same reported concern I have just detailed to you about myself. Listen, Doc, if you believe in these curses, you can make 'em come true. I have interviewed your patient, and he does one hundred percent believe. And he is failing fast. His doctor has consulted with me, but I have not seen the patient. So what do you want us to do about it? I want you to find that kid who gave me the doll, and ask him to sell me two mojo bags to lift the curses. Look, Doc. No can do. But why? There was no kid. I've seen the security camera footage of that front door. You pulled that doll out of the hand of the man ahead of you, and that man looks just exactly like the guy in the next room!
Paranormal/Ghost Story - Grandma loves me from the other side?
I am a 25 year old female. For the purpose of anonimity I will refer to myself as Sabrina. I am from Romania.  English is not my native language but I shall try my best to make the story easy to be understood.  My stories contain what you would call angels, spirits, demons, archangels, satanic people doing forbidden sessions of vodoo and everything but for this particular story, I sort of believe, this is not necessarily a bad encounter, or so I lie to myself, sometimes.   There are many stories that I would love to share with you (you can either decide to share them, I don't mind, but mainly I just wish to talk with someone who has went through what I did and can understand and empathize with it based on your personal experiences) The one story that I can and will share with you for now ( I need time to think if I'm ready to share the less fortunate experiences for now) I live in Romania (our country has orthodox religion - basically very similar to Christianity, we believe in God and Jesus Christ, with small certain similarities and differences) For example, idk if it's the same as catholics do, we keep the deceased for a night (we call it the Sleeping Duty or Guard Night). We do not take that body out of it's house he/she has lived in for their entire life in order to help the spirit find it's way to Heaven easier. The next two days (as we bury the bodies after 3 days) we take the body to the church where loved ones (but not relatives)  to the deceased may come and pay respects to that person. After this process concluded, we bury the body at the cemetery where the priest will chant prayers helping the spirit of the deceased understand that he/she is no longer among the living as Romanians are very spiritual people and believe in the after life, spirits and even in bad spirits that linger the world unable to move on.  Understanding this is important as the story is pretty detailed itself. I had 5 grandparents (3 grandmothers and 2 grandfathers) My first grandfather, we shall call him Michael, died when I was 6 years old due to a heart attack in august 2007.  He raised me and his death marked my life ever since because I couldn't grasp the significance of death. I would frequently dream about him, his messages, his signs, I would hear him in my dreams as he would "guide" me to be a good person and so on. But even then, as a child, I knew what was a dream and what was reality.  His wife, whom we shall call Anna, was my adoptive grandmother as my REAL "by-blood" grandmother, name Margareth, has died when my mom was 2 years old due to an abortion (I'm not sure if she was trying to abort my mother or a third child, since my mother has a brother and she was the second child) - during the communist years (1946-1989), Romania had a strict law regarding abortions and women would abort the fetuses on their own, in the privacy of their homes by themselves as no medics would agree to help with the procedure due to fear of being sentenced to life in prison...she died of septycemy and my mother grew up without a mother until the age of 6 years old.  Needless to say I never met her or knew anything about Margareth, my blood grandmother) But this story is about my grandmother (adoptive one) named Anna. She was a very spiritual, wise, kind hearted and intelligent woman. She never had children of her own, she adopted my mom and uncle (their names aren't important for the story). My granfather, Michael, was only dating my grandmother but after my mother had met her on a family visit on her side in Iasi, Moldova (it's a town in Romania) they got married soon after. My grandfather was a military general and raising two children of 6 years and 13 years was hard. How they decided to get married? Well, it was thanks to my mother because as soon as she first saw grandma Anna, she went straight to her, at the age of 6, raised her both arms up at her and asked, in a jolly child voice: "Hi, my name is Cristina, would you like to be my mommy?". My grandmother burst in tears, picked her up and immediately created a connection with my mother whom she raised and loved as her own. It was not the same for my uncle, as he was 13 at that time and knew his own mother, Margareth had died and why. He denounced her and made her life much much harder.   After raising my mom and uncle, my uncle had two children of her own, a boy and a girl. She raised the girl, and when the boy was born she had a calcium crisis that made her faint and hit her head. She refused to raise my cousin afterwards as she was afraid she would drop holding the baby. My uncle never forgave her for that and hated her even more. When I was born, I was the light of their life as she loved my mother from moment one and my grandfather Michael adored my mother. Because I am a replica of my mother, same eyes, same face, same body shape, they immediately took me in and raised me as my father worked in 3 different jobs and my mom was a pediatric nurse and worked in shifts. I loved growing up with her, like I said, she was an extremely spiritual person. She loved to meditate, she would tell me about her dreams, she taught me how to decode them and what it meant. She told me about ghost encounters she had in her life and always told me not to fear any spirit that comes close to me in my life because ghosts see us a beams of light guiding them to God when they are confused. Yes, that was my grandmother Anna for you. She did this until I was 18 y/o.  We were very close, and I was living 5 minutes away from her so I would visit her daily, sometimes still sleep at her place.  Her hobby was to read the future in some cards she had owned (not tarot cards, but normal cards with some inscriptions she had such as "Encounter with mysterious man" , "Beware, crying child", "Careful, dangerous woman" - I can give you photos of the pack, it's just that the words are in Romanian but I can translate them for you if you wish. Also, I would have to go to my parent's house since I have moved from there and the cards deck remained there.   On the new year morning of 2017 (at 3:15 am) I called my grandma Anna to wish her a happy new year and to let her know how much I and my family loved her and appreciated her. I'd like to mention that Romanians rarely express their love by saying "I love you" to our mothers, fathers, grandparents. We consider that you show your love by what you do in your life and how you respect them rather than just say the words. But that night, for the first time in 23 years (at that time, in 2017) I FELT the need to tell her that, I still don't know why.  Her voice changed, you could hear her chuckle in soft happy tears as she would hear that and said she loves us all back and forever will. Nothing seemed suspicious as I am a very sensitive and emotional woman myself so the night went on normally. She was at a party, I was with my fiancee's  house.  The next day (1 January 2017 at 17:30 pm) I receive a phone call from my father who told me that grandma Anna had died the previous night. I couldn't express in words how my heart simply left my body, as if my own existence stopped...refusing to aknowledge that she was dead. I rushed home, the police was there, the ambulance was there. They say she died of a heart attack due to the climate change, same as my grandfather Michael did 11 years before her by the same cause (outside it was cold, inside the house it was too hot and as she was rushing to change her clothes, her heart couldn't handle the temperature change, her body couldn't balance the and she died).  But what I found particularly weird is the TOD (time of death) I still had her last phone call (3:15am). The police men and ambulance staff analised her and declared her TOD was around midnight...they said there was no way I could have talked to her at 3:15 am as for by that time the body would have already began the rigor mortis stage...Who did I talk to? Because it was her phone number, it was her voice, and she seemed incredibly fine. Call it a sick joke or just medical staff TOD error...creepy. During her funeral, I decided to write her a goodbye letter as I am very spiritual and even though no one will read it, I like to consider she took the message I had for her in Heaven to pass it down to my other grandmother, Margareth and 2 grandfathers (Michael and Peter) I wrote in that letter that I do love her a lot, that I thank her for every sacrifice she has done for me and that I wish to tell Margareth (the real grandmother which I have never met because she died from an abortion long before I was born) that I love her too although I have never met her.  I put that letter in my grandmother's coffin, kissed her forehead and watched her go on her last road. My mom knows about the letter, she yet has asked me about what I wrote in it.  After her funeral, I get a phone call from my grandmother (yes, my nana ANNA!). At first I thought it was my father as he would still use her phone to let all our relatives from other countries that she has died. So normally, I answer the phone, and I hear something unimaginable...impossible, formidable....I hear my nana Anna...I hear her voice clearly, I hear her laughly voice, with intermitence and static occuring whenever she would pause. It was a soft, fading voice, but nothing scary, nothing fierceful or intimidating. It made me feel like she was indeed there, but I will admit the whole situation did freak me out. She said to me: "Hello dear, I called to let you know I passed the message and I love you too". I couldn't reply, as the phone call hung up right after....It left me feel so vulnerable as I thought maybe someone is playing a sick joke, but it couldn't be that. I saw my nana be burried  myself, I saw the coffin be sealed, I saw the letter EXIST INSIDE the coffin until the very last second. No one took it out to read it. She had 3 sisters, but they were all dead and none of them had her voice. No one could have repeated her voice that perfectly. But the even scarier part comes after that first phone call. After another week (I remember it was during another day of Monday, right 1 week after the first phone call) my phone starts ringing again under the same number. I answer, already have forgotten about what has happened and I hear an old lady, a voice I couldn't feel familiar, I did not know who that lady was. It was a pretty soft but strong voice, it felt like a relatively young woman...but an experienced? I would say around 30-40 years or so.  I would like to mention that this time I was in the same room with my father (who owned her phone still), and I receive the call...Her phone is in front of me on the table and NOT ringing, I open her phone as I speak on my phone. Her phone had no battery and it was dead closed...but I still get her phone call. I answer..I hear this weird lady, and she goes like this: "Hello sweetheart. You don't know me but I do. I received you message and I love you too" Then the phone call hangs up again...Needless to say I started screaming and panicking so hard that my dad immediately went to the telephone service to find out who is playing pranks on us. They went through her profile, numbers dialed and number was not in her agenda of calls...So we decided to disable her number. Ever since then we do not receive calls anymore. But I do go to the cemetery more often and talk to them. This year is the first year from her death so we are sort of "celebrating" her memory.  But for me, personally, I do not celebrate her memory as I feel she is constantly physically with me. I often have dreams of her, she would often visit me at nights (I'm saying dreams because I feel like I am going insane if I ever conclude on these situations being something other than dreams) I guess I am trying to thank you for giving me the possibility to share this with you. If you wanna share my story further, To all the people out there who encounter ghosts or paranormal activity, I am going to say what my grandmother Anna taught me all my life: Do not be afraid of them as they are just confused lost souls, who see you as beams of light helping them to find God. The way YOU feel about them, will conclude in the way they react (and afterwards end up scaring you)
The Woods Have Eyes (fiction)
I bet  there's a lot of readers that may love to go out camping like I do right????? Well with this story I'm about to tell you changed my way of camping forever. It started on a hot summer with some friends on a camping trip in the woods of Florida , yes , you can camp in Florida also folks, any who, we get to our destination to camp as we're still on the road to the site we came across an entrance that was blocked off saying " Stay Away No Trespassing" I've pointed out to my friends that entrance and what a mistake that was , because they are the most curious people I've known. You tell them not to go their and they will go anyway , so we arrived at our destination and as soon as we got off the truck they insisted to investigate the enclosed area and wanted me to tag along , I insisted not to,  but they convinced me it'll be fun and exciting , so I thought , to my luck they wanted to go after dusk yay . Here we are walking on the dirt road from our site to the closed road and hiked in , all I've notice once entering the area where the trees , they seemed dry and white like someone just sucked the life out of it , we kept walking and saw an abandoned camp site , we thought there could be some goods we can take back to our camp but there is nothing to take , suddenly we hear a deep voice saying " Get Out Now" we looked around scared and couldn't see anything in the darkness , we obviously had a flashlight with us but where no good if we cant see the idiot trying to scare us . So we tried to back track back to our campsite and realized we were walking in circles lost , I was like oohhhhh helllll nahhh I'm getting lost with these idiots mannnn , but yea I did , then another voice said " We warned you"  damn give me a chance to get out , we are lost here helloooooo , instead of giving us a damn warning why don't you be useful and guide us out you fool????? After I shouted that only silence crept the night. Disappointed we kept on walking it seemed like hours we walk and going nowhere , there were 5 of us in the group and noticed that one of my friends went missing, we  looked all over the place and no sign of him , we shouted his name and no answer , we couldn't explain how he disappeared from us but he did , and one of the guys speaks out and said that he heard that people goes missing from this area and never been seen again , then I yelled at him telling him " don't you think you should have told us that shit before trespassing this area knowing the fact people goes missing you ass"??? I'm sorry I thought it was just some fake ass story to keep people out, he said. When I was done arguing with him I've notice again that someone else went missing  , now we're down to 3 from 5 people and I'm thinking to myself oh shit this reminds me of Predator,  we're being hunted y'all , watch out for the red light man its a laser , than we heard another voice said, " You Can't Escape From Us" chills came down my spine when I heard that and kept on walking on the dirt road that we presumably thought was the path but when we kept following it , there was a dead end with those trees in the way , ugly white dried up trees ,  looked carefully at a tree and told the guys I saw something move , and when looked close it opened its eyes , I jumped and screamed like a bitch when I saw that and asked the guys did they see that??? and replied yes. We ran from it to the deserted campsite that was the only thing  we can get to and figured out the problem where the damn trees , it seemed that they were alive for some reason , didn't care how or why I just wanted to get out of that area asap and to top it of it was getting colder the night , luckily I had some matches to start a fire , as soon I've lite the match a loud scream from all around saying , "Turn It Off" , so we came to the conclusion that these things or trees didn't like fire at all , so I thought ohhhhhh your asses are so fucked not biacthes , I grabbed a lot of sticks from the bonfire where the old camIng site was and turn them on . Wow the screams that came after we lit the wood on fire , it was like being in a stadium full of demons screaming in agony and I screamed back saying bitch please I haven't even touched you yet pussys , we figured out since we have this fire we should walk back on the dirt road and see if those trees would move or we can just burn them for fun then , as we walked towards the dead end the path was open , we started to run out  until exiting the area completely , I know for a fact that no one other than us who has witnessed this event would ever believe us , but I'm glad to be alive and escaped with the 2 remaining friends We mourned for the lost ones for a while and moved on , please if an area says don enter then dont fucking enter , theirs a damn reason its their in the first place.