10 values
5 values
// ====================================================================== // \title EnumToStringTest.cpp // \author T. Chieu // \brief cpp file for EnumToStringTest class // // \copyright // Copyright (C) 2009-2022 California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #include "FppTest/enum/ImplicitEnumAc.hpp" #include "FppTest/enum/ExplicitEnumAc.hpp" #include "FppTest/enum/DefaultEnumAc.hpp" #include "FppTest/enum/IntervalEnumAc.hpp" #include "FppTest/enum/SerializeTypeU8EnumAc.hpp" #include "FppTest/enum/SerializeTypeU64EnumAc.hpp" #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include <cstring> #include <sstream> namespace FppTest { // Populate an array with enum values template <typename EnumType> void setEnumValArray(typename EnumType::T (&a)[EnumType::NUM_CONSTANTS+1]) { for (U32 i = 0; i < EnumType::NUM_CONSTANTS + 1; i++) { a[i] = static_cast<typename EnumType::T>(i); } } template<> void setEnumValArray<Explicit>(Explicit::T (&a)[Explicit::NUM_CONSTANTS+1]) { a[0] = Explicit::A; a[1] = Explicit::B; a[2] = Explicit::C; a[3] = static_cast<Explicit::T>(11); } template<> void setEnumValArray<Interval>(Interval::T (&a)[Interval::NUM_CONSTANTS+1]) { a[0] = Interval::A; a[1] = Interval::B; a[2] = Interval::C; a[3] = Interval::D; a[4] = Interval::E; a[5] = Interval::F; a[6] = Interval::G; a[7] = static_cast<Interval::T>(11); } // Populate an array with strings representing enum values template <typename EnumType> void setEnumStrArray(std::string (&a)[EnumType::NUM_CONSTANTS+1]) { a[0] = "A (0)"; a[1] = "B (1)"; a[2] = "C (2)"; a[3] = "D (3)"; a[4] = "E (4)"; a[5] = "[invalid] (5)"; } template<> void setEnumStrArray<Explicit>(std::string (&a)[Explicit::NUM_CONSTANTS+1]) { a[0] = "A (-1952875139)"; a[1] = "B (2)"; a[2] = "C (2000999333)"; a[3] = "[invalid] (11)"; } template <> void setEnumStrArray<Interval>(std::string (&a)[Interval::NUM_CONSTANTS+1]) { a[0] = "A (0)"; a[1] = "B (3)"; a[2] = "C (4)"; a[3] = "D (5)"; a[4] = "E (10)"; a[5] = "F (100)"; a[6] = "G (101)"; a[7] = "[invalid] (11)"; } } // namespace FppTest // Test enum string functions template <typename EnumType> class EnumToStringTest : public ::testing::Test { protected: void SetUp() override { FppTest::setEnumValArray<EnumType>(vals); FppTest::setEnumStrArray<EnumType>(strs); }; EnumType e; std::stringstream buf; typename EnumType::T vals[EnumType::NUM_CONSTANTS+1]; std::string strs[EnumType::NUM_CONSTANTS+1]; }; // Specify type parameters for this test suite using EnumTypes = ::testing::Types< Implicit, Explicit, Default, Interval, SerializeTypeU8, SerializeTypeU64 >; TYPED_TEST_SUITE(EnumToStringTest, EnumTypes); // Test enum toString() and ostream operator functions TYPED_TEST(EnumToStringTest, ToString) { for (U32 i = 0; i < TypeParam::NUM_CONSTANTS + 1; i++) { this->e = this->vals[i]; this->buf << this->e; ASSERT_STREQ(this->buf.str().c_str(), this->strs[i].c_str()); this->buf.str(""); } }
// ====================================================================== // \title IsValidTest.cpp // \author T. Chieu // \brief cpp file for IsValidTest class // // \copyright // Copyright (C) 2009-2022 California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #include "FppTest/enum/IntervalEnumAc.hpp" #include "gtest/gtest.h" // Test boundary values for enum isValid() function TEST(IsValidTest, IntervalEnum) { Interval e = static_cast<Interval::T>(-1); ASSERT_FALSE(e.isValid()); e = static_cast<Interval::T>(0); ASSERT_TRUE(e.isValid()); e = static_cast<Interval::T>(1); ASSERT_FALSE(e.isValid()); e = static_cast<Interval::T>(2); ASSERT_FALSE(e.isValid()); e = static_cast<Interval::T>(3); ASSERT_TRUE(e.isValid()); e = static_cast<Interval::T>(5); ASSERT_TRUE(e.isValid()); e = static_cast<Interval::T>(6); ASSERT_FALSE(e.isValid()); e = static_cast<Interval::T>(10); ASSERT_TRUE(e.isValid()); e = static_cast<Interval::T>(99); ASSERT_FALSE(e.isValid()); e = static_cast<Interval::T>(100); ASSERT_TRUE(e.isValid()); e = static_cast<Interval::T>(101); ASSERT_TRUE(e.isValid()); e = static_cast<Interval::T>(102); ASSERT_FALSE(e.isValid()); }
// ====================================================================== // \title ArrayTest.hpp // \author T. Chieu // \brief hpp file for ArrayTest class // // \copyright // Copyright (C) 2009-2022 California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #ifndef FPP_TEST_ARRAY_TEST_HPP #define FPP_TEST_ARRAY_TEST_HPP #include "Fw/Types/SerialBuffer.hpp" #include "STest/Pick/Pick.hpp" #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include <sstream> namespace FppTest { namespace Array { // Set default values for an array type template <typename ArrayType> void setDefaultVals (typename ArrayType::ElementType (&a)[ArrayType::SIZE]) {} // Set test values for an array type template <typename ArrayType> void setTestVals (typename ArrayType::ElementType (&a)[ArrayType::SIZE]); template <typename ArrayType> ArrayType getMultiElementConstructedArray (typename ArrayType::ElementType (&a)[ArrayType::SIZE]); // Get the serialized size of an array template <typename ArrayType> U32 getSerializedSize (typename ArrayType::ElementType (&a)[ArrayType::SIZE]) { return ArrayType::SERIALIZED_SIZE; } } // namespace Array } // namespace FppTest // Test an array class template <typename ArrayType> class ArrayTest : public ::testing::Test { protected: void SetUp() override { FppTest::Array::setDefaultVals<ArrayType>(defaultVals); FppTest::Array::setTestVals<ArrayType>(testVals); ASSERT_FALSE(valsAreEqual()); }; bool valsAreEqual() { for (U32 i = 0; i < ArrayType::SIZE; i++) { if (defaultVals[i] != testVals[i]) { return false; } } return true; } typename ArrayType::ElementType defaultVals[ArrayType::SIZE]; typename ArrayType::ElementType testVals[ArrayType::SIZE]; }; TYPED_TEST_SUITE_P(ArrayTest); // Test array constants and default constructor TYPED_TEST_P(ArrayTest, Default) { TypeParam a; // Constants ASSERT_EQ(TypeParam::SIZE, 3); ASSERT_EQ( TypeParam::SERIALIZED_SIZE, TypeParam::SIZE * TypeParam::ElementType::SERIALIZED_SIZE ); // Default constructor for (U32 i = 0; i < TypeParam::SIZE; i++) { ASSERT_EQ(a[i], this->defaultVals[i]); } } // Test array constructors TYPED_TEST_P(ArrayTest, Constructors) { // Array constructor TypeParam a1(this->testVals); for (U32 i = 0; i < TypeParam::SIZE; i++) { ASSERT_EQ(a1[i], this->testVals[i]); } // Single element constructor TypeParam a2(this->testVals[0]); for (U32 i = 0; i < TypeParam::SIZE; i++) { ASSERT_EQ(a2[i], this->testVals[0]); } // Multiple element constructor TypeParam a3 = FppTest::Array::getMultiElementConstructedArray<TypeParam> (this->testVals); for (U32 i = 0; i < TypeParam::SIZE; i++) { ASSERT_EQ(a3[i], this->testVals[i]); } // Copy constructor TypeParam a4(a1); for (U32 i = 0; i < TypeParam::SIZE; i++) { ASSERT_EQ(a4[i], a1[i]); } } // Test array subscript operator TYPED_TEST_P(ArrayTest, SubscriptOp) { TypeParam a; for (U32 i = 0; i < TypeParam::SIZE; i++) { a[i] = this->testVals[0]; ASSERT_EQ(a[i], this->testVals[0]); } } // Test array assignment operator TYPED_TEST_P(ArrayTest, AssignmentOp) { TypeParam a1, a2; // Array assignment a1 = this->testVals; for (U32 i = 0; i < TypeParam::SIZE; i++) { ASSERT_EQ(a1[i], this->testVals[i]); } // Copy assignment TypeParam& a1Ref = a1; a1 = a1Ref; ASSERT_EQ(&a1, &a1Ref); a1 = a2; for (U32 i = 0; i < TypeParam::SIZE; i++) { ASSERT_EQ(a2[i], a1[i]); } // Single element assignment a1 = this->testVals[0]; for (U32 i = 0; i < TypeParam::SIZE; i++) { ASSERT_EQ(a1[i], this->testVals[0]); } } // Test array equality and inequality operators TYPED_TEST_P(ArrayTest, EqualityOp) { TypeParam a1, a2; ASSERT_TRUE(a1 == a2); ASSERT_FALSE(a1 != a2); a2 = this->testVals; ASSERT_FALSE(a1 == a2); ASSERT_TRUE(a1 != a2); a1 = a2; ASSERT_TRUE(a1 == a2); ASSERT_FALSE(a1 != a2); } // Test array serialization and deserialization TYPED_TEST_P(ArrayTest, Serialization) { TypeParam a(this->testVals); U32 serializedSize = FppTest::Array::getSerializedSize<TypeParam>(this->testVals); Fw::SerializeStatus status; // Test successful serialization TypeParam aCopy; U8 data[TypeParam::SERIALIZED_SIZE]; Fw::SerialBuffer buf(data, sizeof(data)); // Serialize status = buf.serialize(a); ASSERT_EQ(status, Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK); ASSERT_EQ( buf.getBuffLength(), serializedSize ); // Deserialize status = buf.deserialize(aCopy); ASSERT_EQ(status, Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK); ASSERT_EQ(a, aCopy); // Test unsuccessful serialization TypeParam aCopy2; U8 data2[serializedSize-1]; Fw::SerialBuffer buf2(data2, sizeof(data2)); // Serialize status = buf2.serialize(a); ASSERT_NE(status, Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK); ASSERT_NE( buf2.getBuffLength(), serializedSize ); // Deserialize status = buf2.deserialize(aCopy2); ASSERT_NE(status, Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK); } // Register all test patterns REGISTER_TYPED_TEST_SUITE_P(ArrayTest, Default, Constructors, SubscriptOp, AssignmentOp, EqualityOp, Serialization ); #endif
// ====================================================================== // \title PortTest.hpp // \author T. Chieu // \brief hpp file for PortTest class // // \copyright // Copyright (C) 2009-2023 California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #ifndef FPP_TEST_PORT_TEST_HPP #define FPP_TEST_PORT_TEST_HPP #include "Tester.hpp" #include "FppTest/component/active/TypedPortIndexEnumAc.hpp" #include "gtest/gtest.h" // Typed port tests (sync and guarded) template <typename PortType> class TypedPortTest : public ::testing::Test { protected: Tester tester; PortType port; }; TYPED_TEST_SUITE_P(TypedPortTest); TYPED_TEST_P(TypedPortTest, SyncPort) { this->tester.testSyncPortInvoke(TypedPortIndex::TYPED, this->port); this->tester.testSyncPortCheck(this->port); } TYPED_TEST_P(TypedPortTest, GuardedPort) { this->tester.testGuardedPortInvoke(TypedPortIndex::TYPED, this->port); this->tester.testGuardedPortCheck(this->port); } REGISTER_TYPED_TEST_SUITE_P(TypedPortTest, SyncPort, GuardedPort ); // Typed async port tests template <typename PortType> class TypedAsyncPortTest : public ::testing::Test { protected: Tester tester; PortType port; }; TYPED_TEST_SUITE_P(TypedAsyncPortTest); TYPED_TEST_P(TypedAsyncPortTest, AsyncPort) { this->tester.testAsyncPortInvoke(TypedPortIndex::TYPED, this->port); this->tester.doDispatch(); this->tester.testAsyncPortCheck(this->port); } REGISTER_TYPED_TEST_SUITE_P(TypedAsyncPortTest, AsyncPort ); // Serial port tests (sync and guarded) template <typename PortType> class SerialPortTest : public ::testing::Test { protected: Tester tester; PortType port; }; TYPED_TEST_SUITE_P(SerialPortTest); TYPED_TEST_P(SerialPortTest, ToSerialSync) { this->tester.testSyncPortInvoke(TypedPortIndex::SERIAL, this->port); this->tester.testSyncPortCheckSerial(this->port); } TYPED_TEST_P(SerialPortTest, FromSerialSync) { this->tester.testSyncPortInvokeSerial(TypedPortIndex::SERIAL, this->port); this->tester.testSyncPortCheck(this->port); } TYPED_TEST_P(SerialPortTest, ToSerialGuarded) { this->tester.testGuardedPortInvoke(TypedPortIndex::SERIAL, this->port); this->tester.testGuardedPortCheckSerial(this->port); } TYPED_TEST_P(SerialPortTest, FromSerialGuarded) { this->tester.testGuardedPortInvokeSerial(TypedPortIndex::SERIAL, this->port); this->tester.testGuardedPortCheck(this->port); } REGISTER_TYPED_TEST_SUITE_P(SerialPortTest, ToSerialSync, FromSerialSync, ToSerialGuarded, FromSerialGuarded ); // Serial async port tests template <typename PortType> class SerialAsyncPortTest : public ::testing::Test { protected: Tester tester; PortType port; }; TYPED_TEST_SUITE_P(SerialAsyncPortTest); TYPED_TEST_P(SerialAsyncPortTest, ToSerialAsync) { this->tester.testAsyncPortInvoke(TypedPortIndex::SERIAL, this->port); this->tester.doDispatch(); this->tester.testAsyncPortCheckSerial(this->port); } TYPED_TEST_P(SerialAsyncPortTest, FromSerialAsync) { this->tester.testAsyncPortInvokeSerial(TypedPortIndex::SERIAL, this->port); this->tester.testAsyncPortCheck(this->port); } REGISTER_TYPED_TEST_SUITE_P(SerialAsyncPortTest, ToSerialAsync, FromSerialAsync ); #endif
// ====================================================================== // \title EnumTest.hpp // \author T. Chieu // \brief hpp file for EnumTest class // // \copyright // Copyright (C) 2009-2022 California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #ifndef FPP_TEST_ENUM_TEST_HPP #define FPP_TEST_ENUM_TEST_HPP #include "Fw/Types/SerialBuffer.hpp" #include "STest/Pick/Pick.hpp" #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include <limits> namespace FppTest { namespace Enum { // Get the default value of an enum template <typename EnumType> typename EnumType::T getDefaultValue() { return static_cast<typename EnumType::T>(0); } // Get a valid value of an enum template <typename EnumType> typename EnumType::T getValidValue() { U32 val = STest::Pick::startLength( 0, EnumType::NUM_CONSTANTS ); return static_cast<typename EnumType::T>(val); } // Get an invalid value of an enum template <typename EnumType> typename EnumType::T getInvalidValue() { U8 sign = 0; if (std::numeric_limits<typename EnumType::SerialType>::min() < 0) { sign = STest::Pick::lowerUpper(0, 1); } switch (sign) { case 0: return static_cast<typename EnumType::T>(STest::Pick::lowerUpper( EnumType::NUM_CONSTANTS, static_cast<U32>( std::numeric_limits<typename EnumType::SerialType>::max() ) )); default: return static_cast<typename EnumType::T>(STest::Pick::lowerUpper( 1, static_cast<U32>((-1) * (std::numeric_limits<typename EnumType::SerialType>::min() + 1) ) ) * (-1)); } } } // namespace Enum } // namespace FppTest // Test core enum interface template <typename EnumType> class EnumTest : public ::testing::Test {}; TYPED_TEST_SUITE_P(EnumTest); // Test enum constants and default construction TYPED_TEST_P(EnumTest, Default) { TypeParam e; // Constants ASSERT_EQ( TypeParam::SERIALIZED_SIZE, sizeof(typename TypeParam::SerialType) ); // Default constructor ASSERT_EQ(e.e, FppTest::Enum::getDefaultValue<TypeParam>()); } // Test enum constructors TYPED_TEST_P(EnumTest, Constructors) { typename TypeParam::T validVal = FppTest::Enum::getValidValue<TypeParam>(); // Raw enum value constructor TypeParam e1(validVal); ASSERT_EQ(e1.e, validVal); // Copy constructor TypeParam e2(e1); ASSERT_EQ(e2.e, validVal); } // Test enum assignment operator TYPED_TEST_P(EnumTest, AssignmentOp) { TypeParam e1; TypeParam e2; typename TypeParam::T validVal = FppTest::Enum::getValidValue<TypeParam>(); // Raw enum value assignment e1 = validVal; ASSERT_EQ(e1.e, validVal); // Object assignment e2 = e1; ASSERT_EQ(e2.e, validVal); } // Test enum equality and inequality operator TYPED_TEST_P(EnumTest, EqualityOp) { // Initialize two distinct valid values typename TypeParam::T validVal1 = FppTest::Enum::getValidValue<TypeParam>(); typename TypeParam::T validVal2 = FppTest::Enum::getValidValue<TypeParam>(); while (validVal1 == validVal2) { validVal2 = FppTest::Enum::getValidValue<TypeParam>(); } TypeParam e1; TypeParam e2; TypeParam e3(validVal1); TypeParam e4(validVal2); // operator== ASSERT_TRUE(e3 == validVal1); ASSERT_TRUE(e4 == validVal2); ASSERT_FALSE(e3 == validVal2); ASSERT_FALSE(e4 == validVal1); ASSERT_TRUE(e1 == e2); ASSERT_FALSE(e3 == e4); // operator!= ASSERT_TRUE(e3 != validVal2); ASSERT_TRUE(e4 != validVal1); ASSERT_FALSE(e3 != validVal1); ASSERT_FALSE(e4 != validVal2); ASSERT_TRUE(e3 != e4); ASSERT_FALSE(e1 != e2); } // Test enum isValid() function TYPED_TEST_P(EnumTest, IsValidFunction) { TypeParam validEnum = FppTest::Enum::getValidValue<TypeParam>(); TypeParam invalidEnum = FppTest::Enum::getInvalidValue<TypeParam>(); ASSERT_TRUE(validEnum.isValid()); ASSERT_FALSE(invalidEnum.isValid()); } // Test enum serialization and deserialization TYPED_TEST_P(EnumTest, Serialization) { TypeParam validEnum = FppTest::Enum::getValidValue<TypeParam>(); TypeParam invalidEnum = FppTest::Enum::getInvalidValue<TypeParam>(); // Copy of enums to test after serialization TypeParam validEnumCopy; TypeParam invalidEnumCopy; Fw::SerializeStatus status; U8 data[TypeParam::SERIALIZED_SIZE * 2]; Fw::SerialBuffer buf(data, sizeof(data)); // Serialize the enums status = buf.serialize(validEnum); ASSERT_EQ(status, Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK); ASSERT_EQ(buf.getBuffLength(), sizeof(typename TypeParam::SerialType)); status = buf.serialize(invalidEnum); ASSERT_EQ(status, Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK); ASSERT_EQ(buf.getBuffLength(), sizeof(typename TypeParam::SerialType) * 2); // Deserialize the enums status = buf.deserialize(validEnumCopy); ASSERT_EQ(status, Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK); ASSERT_EQ(validEnumCopy, validEnum); status = buf.deserialize(invalidEnumCopy); ASSERT_EQ(status, Fw::FW_DESERIALIZE_FORMAT_ERROR); } // Register all test patterns REGISTER_TYPED_TEST_SUITE_P(EnumTest, Default, Constructors, AssignmentOp, EqualityOp, IsValidFunction, Serialization ); #endif
// ====================================================================== // \title ComponentTest.hpp // \author T. Chieu // \brief hpp file for component test classes // // \copyright // Copyright (C) 2009-2023 California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #ifndef FPP_TEST_COMPONENT_TEST_HPP #define FPP_TEST_COMPONENT_TEST_HPP #include "Tester.hpp" #include "gtest/gtest.h" template <typename FormalParamType> class ComponentCommandTest : public ::testing::Test { protected: Tester tester; FormalParamType data; }; TYPED_TEST_SUITE_P(ComponentCommandTest); TYPED_TEST_P(ComponentCommandTest, CommandTest) { this->tester.testCommand(0, this->data); } REGISTER_TYPED_TEST_SUITE_P(ComponentCommandTest, CommandTest ); template <typename FormalParamType> class ComponentAsyncCommandTest : public ::testing::Test { protected: Tester tester; FormalParamType data; }; TYPED_TEST_SUITE_P(ComponentAsyncCommandTest); TYPED_TEST_P(ComponentAsyncCommandTest, AsyncCommandTest) { this->tester.testAsyncCommand(0, this->data); } REGISTER_TYPED_TEST_SUITE_P(ComponentAsyncCommandTest, AsyncCommandTest ); template <typename FormalParamType> class ComponentEventTest : public ::testing::Test { protected: Tester tester; FormalParamType data; }; TYPED_TEST_SUITE_P(ComponentEventTest); TYPED_TEST_P(ComponentEventTest, EventTest) { this->tester.connectTimeGetOut(); this->tester.testEvent(0, this->data); } REGISTER_TYPED_TEST_SUITE_P(ComponentEventTest, EventTest ); template <typename FormalParamType> class ComponentTelemetryTest : public ::testing::Test { protected: Tester tester; FormalParamType data; }; TYPED_TEST_SUITE_P(ComponentTelemetryTest); TYPED_TEST_P(ComponentTelemetryTest, TelemetryTest) { this->tester.connectTimeGetOut(); this->tester.testTelemetry(0, this->data); } REGISTER_TYPED_TEST_SUITE_P(ComponentTelemetryTest, TelemetryTest ); template <typename FormalParamType> class ComponentParamCommandTest : public ::testing::Test { protected: Tester tester; FormalParamType data; }; TYPED_TEST_SUITE_P(ComponentParamCommandTest); TYPED_TEST_P(ComponentParamCommandTest, ParamTest) { this->tester.testParamCommand(0, this->data); } REGISTER_TYPED_TEST_SUITE_P(ComponentParamCommandTest, ParamTest ); template <typename FormalParamType> class ComponentInternalInterfaceTest : public ::testing::Test { protected: Tester tester; FormalParamType data; }; TYPED_TEST_SUITE_P(ComponentInternalInterfaceTest); TYPED_TEST_P(ComponentInternalInterfaceTest, InternalInterfaceTest) { this->tester.testInternalInterface(this->data); } REGISTER_TYPED_TEST_SUITE_P(ComponentInternalInterfaceTest, InternalInterfaceTest); #endif
// ====================================================================== // \title StringTest.hpp // \author T. Chieu // \brief hpp file for StringTest class // // \copyright // Copyright (C) 2009-2022 California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #ifndef FPP_TEST_STRING_TEST_HPP #define FPP_TEST_STRING_TEST_HPP #include "FppTest/utils/Utils.hpp" #include "Fw/Types/String.hpp" #include "Fw/Types/StringUtils.hpp" #include "gtest/gtest.h" namespace FppTest { namespace String { // Get the size of a string type template <typename StringType> U32 getSize() { return 80; } } // namespace String } // namespace FppTest // Test a nested string class template <class StringType> class StringTest : public ::testing::Test { protected: void SetUp() override { size = FppTest::String::getSize<StringType>(); FppTest::Utils::setString(src, size); char fwStrBuf1[Fw::String::STRING_SIZE]; FppTest::Utils::setString(fwStrBuf1, sizeof(fwStrBuf1)); fwStr = fwStrBuf1; // Truncate fwStr for comparison char fwStrBuf2[size]; Fw::StringUtils::string_copy(fwStrBuf2, fwStr.toChar(), size); fwSubstr = fwStrBuf2; } U32 size; char src[StringType::SERIALIZED_SIZE]; Fw::String fwStr; Fw::String fwSubstr; }; TYPED_TEST_SUITE_P(StringTest); // Test string capacity and default constructor TYPED_TEST_P(StringTest, Default) { TypeParam str; // Capacity ASSERT_EQ(str.getCapacity(), this->size); // Serialized size ASSERT_EQ( TypeParam::SERIALIZED_SIZE, this->size + sizeof(FwBuffSizeType) ); // Default constructors ASSERT_STREQ(str.toChar(), ""); } // Test string constructors TYPED_TEST_P(StringTest, Constructors) { // Char array constructor TypeParam str1(this->src); ASSERT_STREQ(str1.toChar(), this->src); // Copy constructor TypeParam str2(str1); ASSERT_STREQ(str2.toChar(), str1.toChar()); // Fw::StringBase constructor TypeParam str3(this->fwStr); ASSERT_STREQ(str3.toChar(), this->fwSubstr.toChar()); } // Test string assignment operator TYPED_TEST_P(StringTest, AssignmentOp) { TypeParam str1; TypeParam str2; TypeParam str3; // Char array assignment str1 = this->src; ASSERT_STREQ(str1.toChar(), this->src); // Copy assignment TypeParam& strRef = str1; str1 = strRef; ASSERT_EQ(&str1, &strRef); str2 = str1; ASSERT_STREQ(str1.toChar(), str1.toChar()); // Fw::StringBase assignment Fw::StringBase& sbRef = str1; str1 = sbRef; ASSERT_EQ(&str1, &sbRef); str3 = this->fwStr; ASSERT_STREQ(str3.toChar(), this->fwSubstr.toChar()); } // Register all test patterns REGISTER_TYPED_TEST_SUITE_P(StringTest, Default, Constructors, AssignmentOp ); #endif
// ====================================================================== // \title Utils.hpp // \author T. Chieu // \brief hpp file for Utils class // // \copyright // Copyright (C) 2009-2022 California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #ifndef FPP_TEST_UTILS_HPP #define FPP_TEST_UTILS_HPP namespace FppTest { namespace Utils { // Returns a random nonzero U8 U8 getNonzeroU8(); // Returns a random nonzero U32 U32 getNonzeroU32(); // Returns a random non-null char char getChar(); // Populates buf with a random string of random length that fits // within capacity, including the null terminator (i.e., length + 1 <= capacity) void setString( char *buf, //!< The buffer pointer FwSizeType capacity, //!< The buffer capacity FwSizeType minLength = 0 //!< The minimum string length, not including the null terminator //!< minLength + 1 must be <= capacity ); } // namespace Utils } // namespace FppTest #endif
// ====================================================================== // \title Utils.cpp // \author T. Chieu // \brief cpp file for Utils class // // \copyright // Copyright (C) 2009-2022 California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #include <string> #include <limits> #include <iostream> #include "Fw/Types/Assert.hpp" #include "STest/Pick/Pick.hpp" namespace FppTest { namespace Utils { U8 getNonzeroU8() { return static_cast<U8>(STest::Pick::lowerUpper( 1, std::numeric_limits<U8>::max() )); } U32 getNonzeroU32() { return STest::Pick::lowerUpper( 1, std::numeric_limits<U32>::max() ); } char getChar() { return static_cast<char>(STest::Pick::lowerUpper(32, 127)); } void setString(char* buf, FwSizeType capacity, FwSizeType minLength) { FW_ASSERT(buf != nullptr); // capacity must be able to hold a null-terminated string FW_ASSERT(capacity > 0); // min length must fit within capacity FW_ASSERT(minLength < capacity); U32 length = STest::Pick::lowerUpper(minLength, capacity - 1); for (U32 i = 0; i < length; i++) { FW_ASSERT(i < capacity); buf[i] = getChar(); } FW_ASSERT(length < capacity); buf[length] = 0; } } // namespace Utils } // namespace FppTest
static_assert(false, "empty.cpp should never be compiled");
#include <TestLibrary/TestComponent/TestComponent.hpp> namespace TestLibrary { TestComponent ::TestComponent(const char* name) : TestComponentComponentBase(name) {} void TestComponent ::init(const NATIVE_INT_TYPE instance) { TestComponentComponentBase::init(instance); } TestComponent ::~TestComponent() {} void TestComponent ::schedIn_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, U32 context) {} };
#ifndef TestLibrary_TestComponent_HPP #define TestLibrary_TestComponent_HPP #include <TestLibrary/TestComponent/TestComponentComponentAc.hpp> namespace TestLibrary { class TestComponent : public TestComponentComponentBase { public: TestComponent(const char* name); void init(const NATIVE_INT_TYPE instance); ~TestComponent(); private: void schedIn_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, U32 context); }; }; #endif
#include <TestLibrary2/TestComponent/TestComponent.hpp> namespace TestLibrary2 { TestComponent ::TestComponent(const char* name) : TestComponentComponentBase(name) {} void TestComponent ::init(const NATIVE_INT_TYPE instance) { TestComponentComponentBase::init(instance); } TestComponent ::~TestComponent() {} void TestComponent ::schedIn_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, U32 context) {} };
#ifndef TestLibrary_TestComponent_HPP #define TestLibrary_TestComponent_HPP #include <TestLibrary2/TestComponent/TestComponentComponentAc.hpp> namespace TestLibrary2 { class TestComponent : public TestComponentComponentBase { public: TestComponent(const char* name); void init(const NATIVE_INT_TYPE instance); ~TestComponent(); private: void schedIn_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, U32 context); }; }; #endif
// No operation executable int main(int argc, char** argv) { return 0; }
// No operation executable int main(int argc, char** argv) { return 0; }
#include <sys/time.h> #include <stdio.h> int main(int argc, char** argv) { struct timeval val; gettimeofday(&val, 0); FILE* pointer = stdout; if (argc > 1) { pointer = fopen(argv[1], "a"); } fprintf(pointer, "%ld.%06d", val.tv_sec, val.tv_usec); for (int i = 2; i < argc; i++) { fprintf(pointer, " %s", argv[i]); } fprintf(pointer, "\n"); }
/** * \brief PlatformTypes.h C-compatible type definitions for Linux/Darwin * * PlatformTypes.h is typically published by platform developers to define * the standard available arithmetic types for use in fprime. This standard * types header is designed to support standard Linux/Darwin distributions * running on x86, x86_64 machines and using the standard gcc/clang compilers * shipped with the operating system. * * In C++ code, users may use std::numeric_limits<PlatformIntType>::min() * to reference the min/max limits of a type. */ #ifndef PLATFORM_TYPES_H_ #define PLATFORM_TYPES_H_ // Section 0: C Standard Types // fprime depends on the existence of intN_t and uintN_t C standard ints and // the mix/max values for those types. Platform developers must either: // 1. define these types and definitions // 2. include headers that define these types // // In addition, support for various type widths can be turned on/off with the // switches in this section to control which of the C standard types are // available in the system. fprime consumes this information and produces the // UN, IN, and FN types we see in fprime code. #include <inttypes.h> #include <stdint.h> // Define what types and checks are supported by this platform #define FW_HAS_64_BIT 1 //!< Architecture supports 64 bit integers #define FW_HAS_32_BIT 1 //!< Architecture supports 32 bit integers #define FW_HAS_16_BIT 1 //!< Architecture supports 16 bit integers #define FW_HAS_F64 1 //!< Architecture supports 64 bit floating point numbers #define SKIP_FLOAT_IEEE_754_COMPLIANCE 0 //!< Check IEEE 754 compliance of floating point arithmetic // Section 1: Logical Types // fprime requires platform implementors to define logical types for their // system. The list of logical types can be found in the document: // docs/Design/ with the names of the form "Platform*" typedef int PlatformIntType; #define PRI_PlatformIntType "d" typedef unsigned int PlatformUIntType; #define PRI_PlatformUIntType "u" typedef PlatformIntType PlatformIndexType; #define PRI_PlatformIndexType PRI_PlatformIntType typedef int64_t PlatformSignedSizeType; #define PRI_PlatformSignedSizeType PRId64 typedef uint64_t PlatformSizeType; #define PRI_PlatformSizeType PRIu64 typedef PlatformIntType PlatformAssertArgType; #define PRI_PlatformAssertArgType PRI_PlatformIntType // Linux/Darwin definitions for pointer have various sizes across platforms // and since these definitions need to be consistent we must ask the size. #ifndef PLATFORM_POINTER_CAST_TYPE_DEFINED // Check for __SIZEOF_POINTER__ or cause error #ifndef __SIZEOF_POINTER__ #error "Compiler does not support __SIZEOF_POINTER__, cannot use Linux/Darwin types" #endif // Pointer sizes are determined by compiler #if __SIZEOF_POINTER__ == 8 typedef uint64_t PlatformPointerCastType; #define PRI_PlatformPointerCastType PRIx64 #elif __SIZEOF_POINTER__ == 4 typedef uint32_t PlatformPointerCastType; #define PRI_PlatformPointerCastType PRIx32 #elif __SIZEOF_POINTER__ == 2 typedef uint16_t PlatformPointerCastType; #define PRI_PlatformPointerCastType PRIx16 #elif __SIZEOF_POINTER__ == 1 typedef uint8_t PlatformPointerCastType; #define PRI_PlatformPointerCastType PRIx8 #else #error "Expected __SIZEOF_POINTER__ to be one of 8, 4, 2, or 1" #endif #endif #endif // PLATFORM_TYPES_H_
// ====================================================================== // \title CFDP/Checksum/Checksum.cpp // \author bocchino // \brief cpp file for CFDP checksum class // // \copyright // Copyright 2009-2016, by the California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #include "CFDP/Checksum/Checksum.hpp" #include "Fw/Types/Assert.hpp" static U32 min(const U32 a, const U32 b) { return (a < b) ? a : b; } namespace CFDP { Checksum :: Checksum() : m_value(0) { } Checksum :: Checksum(const U32 value) : m_value(value) { } Checksum :: Checksum(const Checksum &original) { this->m_value = original.getValue(); } Checksum :: ~Checksum() { } Checksum& Checksum :: operator=(const Checksum& checksum) { this->m_value = checksum.m_value; return *this; } bool Checksum :: operator==(const Checksum& checksum) const { return this->m_value == checksum.m_value; } bool Checksum :: operator!=(const Checksum& checksum) const { return not (*this == checksum); } U32 Checksum :: getValue() const { return this->m_value; } void Checksum :: update( const U8 *const data, const U32 offset, const U32 length ) { U32 index = 0; // Add the first word unaligned if necessary const U32 offsetMod4 = offset % 4; if (offsetMod4 != 0) { const U8 wordLength = static_cast<U8>(min(length, 4 - offsetMod4)); this->addWordUnaligned( &data[index], static_cast<U8>(offset + index), wordLength ); index += wordLength; } // Add the middle words aligned for ( ; index + 4 <= length; index += 4) addWordAligned(&data[index]); // Add the last word unaligned if necessary if (index < length) { const U8 wordLength = static_cast<U8>(length - index); this->addWordUnaligned( &data[index], static_cast<U8>(offset + index), wordLength ); } } void Checksum :: addWordAligned(const U8 *const word) { for (U8 i = 0; i < 4; ++i) addByteAtOffset(word[i], i); } void Checksum :: addWordUnaligned( const U8 *word, const U8 position, const U8 length ) { FW_ASSERT(length < 4); U8 offset = position % 4; for (U8 i = 0; i < length; ++i) { addByteAtOffset(word[i], offset); ++offset; if (offset == 4) offset = 0; } } void Checksum :: addByteAtOffset( const U8 byte, const U8 offset ) { FW_ASSERT(offset < 4); const U32 addend = byte << (8*(3-offset)); this->m_value += addend; } }
// ====================================================================== // \title CFDP/Checksum/Checksum.hpp // \author bocchino // \brief hpp file for CFDP checksum class // // \copyright // Copyright 2009-2016, by the California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #ifndef CFDP_Checksum_HPP #define CFDP_Checksum_HPP #include <FpConfig.hpp> namespace CFDP { //! \class Checksum //! \brief Class representing a CFDP checksum //! class Checksum { public: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Types // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Construction and destruction // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Construct a fresh Checksum object Checksum(); //! Construct a Checksum object and initialize it with a value Checksum(const U32 value); //! Copy a Checksum object Checksum(const Checksum &original); //! Destroy a Checksum object ~Checksum(); public: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public instance methods // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Assign checksum to this Checksum& operator=(const Checksum& checksum); //! Compare checksum and this for equality bool operator==(const Checksum& checksum) const; //! Compare checksum and this for inequality bool operator!=(const Checksum& checksum) const; //! Update the checksum value by accumulating the words in the data void update( const U8 *const data, //!< The data const U32 offset, //!< The offset of the start of the data, relative to the start of the file const U32 length //!< The length of the data in bytes ); //! Get the checksum value U32 getValue() const; PRIVATE: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private instance methods // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Add a four-byte aligned word to the checksum value void addWordAligned( const U8 *const word //! The word ); //! Add a four-byte unaligned word to the checksum value void addWordUnaligned( const U8 *const word, //! The word const U8 position, //! The position of the word relative to the start of the file const U8 length //! The number of valid bytes in the word ); //! Add byte to value at offset in word void addByteAtOffset( const U8 byte, //! The byte const U8 offset //! The offset ); PRIVATE: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private member variables // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! The accumulated checksum value U32 m_value; }; } #endif
// ====================================================================== // \title CFDP/Checksum/GTest/Checksums.hpp // \author bocchino // \brief hpp file for CFDP Checksum gtest utilities // // \copyright // Copyright (C) 2016 California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #ifndef GTest_CFDP_Checksums_HPP #define GTest_CFDP_Checksums_HPP #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "CFDP/Checksum/Checksum.hpp" namespace CFDP { namespace GTest { //! Utilities for testing Checksum operations //! namespace Checksums { void compare( const CFDP::Checksum& expected, //!< Expected value const CFDP::Checksum& actual //!< Actual value ); } } } #endif
// ====================================================================== // \title CFDP/Checksum/GTest/Checksums.cpp // \author bocchino // \brief cpp file for CFDP Checksum gtest utilities // // \copyright // Copyright (C) 2016, California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #include "CFDP/Checksum/GTest/Checksums.hpp" namespace CFDP { namespace GTest { void Checksums :: compare( const CFDP::Checksum& expected, const CFDP::Checksum& actual ) { const U32 expectedValue = expected.getValue(); const U32 actualValue = actual.getValue(); ASSERT_EQ(expectedValue, actualValue); } } }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Main.cpp // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "CFDP/Checksum/Checksum.hpp" using namespace CFDP; const U8 data[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 }; const U32 expectedValue = (data[0] << 3*8) + (data[1] << 2*8) + (data[2] << 1*8) + data[3] + (data[4] << 3*8) + (data[5] << 2*8) + (data[6] << 1*8) + data[7]; TEST(Checksum, OnePacket) { Checksum checksum; checksum.update(data, 0, 8); ASSERT_EQ(expectedValue, checksum.getValue()); } TEST(Checksum, TwoPacketsAligned) { Checksum checksum; checksum.update(&data[0], 0, 4); checksum.update(&data[4], 4, 4); ASSERT_EQ(expectedValue, checksum.getValue()); } TEST(Checksum, TwoPacketsUnaligned1) { Checksum checksum; checksum.update(&data[0], 0, 3); checksum.update(&data[3], 3, 5); ASSERT_EQ(expectedValue, checksum.getValue()); } TEST(Checksum, TwoPacketsUnaligned2) { Checksum checksum; checksum.update(&data[0], 0, 5); checksum.update(&data[5], 5, 3); ASSERT_EQ(expectedValue, checksum.getValue()); } TEST(Checksum, ThreePackets) { Checksum checksum; checksum.update(&data[0], 0, 2); checksum.update(&data[2], 2, 3); checksum.update(&data[5], 5, 3); ASSERT_EQ(expectedValue, checksum.getValue()); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); return RUN_ALL_TESTS(); }
/* * ExampleComponentImpl.hpp * * Created on: Nov 3, 2014 * Author: tcanham */ #ifndef EXAMPLECOMPONENTIMPL_HPP_ #define EXAMPLECOMPONENTIMPL_HPP_ #include <Autocoders/Python/templates/ExampleComponentAc.hpp> namespace ExampleComponents { class ExampleComponentImpl: public ExampleComponentBase { public: ExampleComponentImpl(const char* name); void init(NATIVE_INT_TYPE queueDepth, NATIVE_INT_TYPE instance = 0); virtual ~ExampleComponentImpl(); protected: private: void exampleInput_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, I32 arg1, const ANameSpace::mytype& arg2, U8 arg3, const Example3::ExampleSerializable& arg4, AnotherExample::SomeEnum arg5); SomeOtherNamespace::AnotherEnum anotherInput_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, I32 arg1, F64 arg2, SomeOtherNamespace::SomeEnum arg3); void TEST_CMD_1_cmdHandler(FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq, I32 arg1, ExampleComponentBase::CmdEnum arg2, const Fw::CmdStringArg& arg3); void TEST_CMD_2_cmdHandler(FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq, I32 arg1, F32 arg2); // interfaces void test_internalInterfaceHandler(I32 arg1, F32 arg2, U8 arg3); void test2_internalInterfaceHandler(I32 arg1, SomeEnum arg2, const Fw::InternalInterfaceString& arg3, const Example4::Example2& arg4); void parameterUpdated(FwPrmIdType id); }; } /* namespace ExampleComponents */ #endif /* EXAMPLECOMPONENTIMPL_HPP_ */
#ifndef EXAMPLE_TYPE_HPP #define EXAMPLE_TYPE_HPP // A hand-coded serializable #include <FpConfig.hpp> #include <Fw/Types/Serializable.hpp> #if FW_SERIALIZABLE_TO_STRING #include <Fw/Types/StringType.hpp> #include <cstdio> // snprintf #endif namespace ANameSpace { class mytype : public Fw::Serializable { public: enum { SERIALIZED_SIZE = sizeof(U32), TYPE_ID = 2000 }; mytype(); // Default constructor mytype(const mytype* src); // copy constructor mytype(const mytype& src); // copy constructor mytype(U32 arg); // constructor with arguments mytype& operator=(const mytype& src); // Equal operator bool operator==(const mytype& src) const; void setVal(U32 arg); // set values U32 getVal(); Fw::SerializeStatus serialize(Fw::SerializeBufferBase& buffer) const; Fw::SerializeStatus deserialize(Fw::SerializeBufferBase& buffer); #if FW_SERIALIZABLE_TO_STRING void toString(Fw::StringBase& text) const; //!< generate text from serializable #endif protected: private: U32 m_val; // stored value }; } #endif
/* * ExampleComponentImpl.cpp * * Created on: Nov 3, 2014 * Author: tcanham */ #include <Autocoders/Python/templates/ExampleComponentImpl.hpp> #include <cstdio> namespace ExampleComponents { ExampleComponentImpl::ExampleComponentImpl(const char* name) : ExampleComponentBase(name) { } ExampleComponentImpl::~ExampleComponentImpl() { } void ExampleComponentImpl::init(NATIVE_INT_TYPE queueDepth, NATIVE_INT_TYPE instance) { ExampleComponentBase::init(queueDepth,instance); } void ExampleComponentImpl::exampleInput_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, I32 arg1, const ANameSpace::mytype& arg2, U8 arg3, const Example3::ExampleSerializable& arg4, AnotherExample::SomeEnum arg5) { Fw::TlmString arg = "A string arg"; // write some telemetry this->tlmWrite_stringchan(arg); // call the output port if (this->isConnected_exampleOutput_OutputPort(0)) { this->exampleOutput_out(0,arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5); } else { printf("Output port not connected.\n"); } } SomeOtherNamespace::AnotherEnum ExampleComponentImpl::anotherInput_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, I32 arg1, F64 arg2, SomeOtherNamespace::SomeEnum arg3) { return SomeOtherNamespace::MEMB1; } void ExampleComponentImpl::TEST_CMD_1_cmdHandler(FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq, I32 arg1, ExampleComponentBase::CmdEnum arg2, const Fw::CmdStringArg& arg3) { // issue the test event with the opcode Fw::LogStringArg str = "TEST_CMD_1"; this->log_ACTIVITY_HI_SomeEvent(opCode, static_cast<F32>(arg1), Example4::Example2(2.0,3.0,4,5), str,ExampleComponentBase::EVENT_MEMB2); // write a value to a telemetry channel U32 chan = 12; this->tlmWrite_somechan(chan); this->cmdResponse_out(opCode,cmdSeq, Fw::CmdResponse::OK); } void ExampleComponentImpl::TEST_CMD_2_cmdHandler(FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq, I32 arg1, F32 arg2) { Fw::LogStringArg str = "TEST_CMD_2"; this->log_ACTIVITY_HI_SomeEvent(opCode,arg2, Example4::Example2(6.0,7.0,8,9), str,ExampleComponentBase::EVENT_MEMB3); Example4::Example2 ex(10.0,11.0,12,13); this->tlmWrite_anotherchan(ex); // <! Example output port this->cmdResponse_out(opCode,cmdSeq, Fw::CmdResponse::EXECUTION_ERROR); } void ExampleComponentImpl::parameterUpdated(FwPrmIdType id) { printf("Parameter ID %d was updated!\n",id); } void ExampleComponentImpl::test_internalInterfaceHandler(I32 arg1, F32 arg2, U8 arg3) { } void ExampleComponentImpl::test2_internalInterfaceHandler(I32 arg1, SomeEnum arg2, const Fw::InternalInterfaceString& arg3, const Example4::Example2& arg4) { } } /* namespace ExampleComponents */
#include <Autocoders/Python/templates/ExampleType.hpp> #include <Fw/Types/Assert.hpp> namespace ANameSpace { mytype::mytype(): Serializable() { } mytype::mytype(const mytype& src) : Serializable() { this->setVal(src.m_val); } mytype::mytype(const mytype* src) : Serializable() { FW_ASSERT(src); this->setVal(src->m_val); } mytype::mytype(U32 val) : Serializable() { this->setVal(val); } mytype& mytype::operator=(const mytype& src) { this->setVal(src.m_val); return *this; } bool mytype::operator==(const mytype& src) const { return (this->m_val == src.m_val); } U32 mytype::getVal() { return this->m_val; } void mytype::setVal(U32 val) { this->m_val = val; } Fw::SerializeStatus mytype::serialize(Fw::SerializeBufferBase& buffer) const { Fw::SerializeStatus stat = buffer.serialize(this->m_val); if (Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK != stat) { return stat; } return buffer.serialize(static_cast<NATIVE_INT_TYPE>(mytype::TYPE_ID)); } Fw::SerializeStatus mytype::deserialize(Fw::SerializeBufferBase& buffer) { NATIVE_INT_TYPE id; Fw::SerializeStatus stat = buffer.deserialize(id); if (Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK != stat) { return stat; } if (id != static_cast<NATIVE_INT_TYPE>(mytype::TYPE_ID)) { return Fw::FW_DESERIALIZE_TYPE_MISMATCH; } return buffer.deserialize(this->m_val); } #if FW_SERIALIZABLE_TO_STRING void mytype::toString(Fw::StringBase& text) const { static const char * formatString = "(val = %u)"; // declare strings to hold any serializable toString() arguments char outputString[FW_SERIALIZABLE_TO_STRING_BUFFER_SIZE]; snprintf(outputString,FW_SERIALIZABLE_TO_STRING_BUFFER_SIZE,formatString,this->m_val); outputString[FW_SERIALIZABLE_TO_STRING_BUFFER_SIZE-1] = 0; // NULL terminate text = outputString; } #endif }
#ifdef FPRIME_CMAKE #include "Autocoder/GTestBase.hpp" #else #include <templatesGTestBase.hpp> #endif // Very minimal to test autocoder. Some day they'll be actual unit test code class ATester : public ExampleComponents::ExampleGTestBase { public: ATester() : ExampleComponents::ExampleGTestBase("comp",10) {} void from_exampleOutput_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, //!< The port number I32 arg1, //!< A built-in type argument const ANameSpace::mytype &arg2, //!< A user-defined type argument U8 arg3, //!< The third argument const Example3::ExampleSerializable &arg4, //!< The third argument AnotherExample::SomeEnum arg5 //!< The ENUM argument ) { } }; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { ATester testBase; }
#include <FpConfig.hpp> #include <Fw/Obj/SimpleObjRegistry.hpp> int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { }
// ====================================================================== // \title TestSerialImpl.hpp // \author tim // \brief hpp file for TestSerial component implementation class // // \copyright // Copyright 2009-2015, by the California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #ifndef TestSerial_HPP #define TestSerial_HPP #include "Autocoders/Python/test/serial_passive/TestComponentAc.hpp" namespace TestComponents { class TestSerialImpl : public TestSerialComponentBase { public: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Construction, initialization, and destruction // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Construct object TestSerial //! TestSerialImpl( const char *const compName //!< The component name ); //! Initialize object TestSerial //! void init( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE queueDepth, //!< The queue depth const NATIVE_INT_TYPE msgSize, //!< The message size const NATIVE_INT_TYPE instance = 0 //!< The instance number ); //! Destroy object TestSerial //! ~TestSerialImpl(); PRIVATE: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Handler implementations for user-defined serial input ports // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Handler implementation for SerialInSync //! void SerialInSync_handler( NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, //!< The port number Fw::SerializeBufferBase &Buffer //!< The serialization buffer ); //! Handler implementation for SerialInGuarded //! void SerialInGuarded_handler( NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, //!< The port number Fw::SerializeBufferBase &Buffer //!< The serialization buffer ); //! Handler implementation for SerialInAsync //! void SerialInAsync_handler( NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, //!< The port number Fw::SerializeBufferBase &Buffer //!< The serialization buffer ); }; } // end namespace TestComponents #endif
// ====================================================================== // \title TestSerialImpl.cpp // \author tim // \brief cpp file for TestSerial component implementation class // // \copyright // Copyright 2009-2015, by the California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #include <Autocoders/Python/test/serial_passive/TestSerialImpl.hpp> #include <FpConfig.hpp> namespace TestComponents { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Construction, initialization, and destruction // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TestSerialImpl :: TestSerialImpl( const char *const compName ) : TestSerialComponentBase(compName) { } void TestSerialImpl :: init( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE queueDepth, const NATIVE_INT_TYPE msgSize, const NATIVE_INT_TYPE instance ) { TestSerialComponentBase::init(queueDepth, msgSize, instance); } TestSerialImpl :: ~TestSerialImpl() { } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Handler implementations for user-defined serial input ports // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- void TestSerialImpl :: SerialInSync_handler( NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, //!< The port number Fw::SerializeBufferBase &Buffer //!< The serialization buffer ) { this->SerialOut_out(0,Buffer); } void TestSerialImpl :: SerialInGuarded_handler( NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, //!< The port number Fw::SerializeBufferBase &Buffer //!< The serialization buffer ) { this->SerialOut_out(0,Buffer); } void TestSerialImpl :: SerialInAsync_handler( NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, //!< The port number Fw::SerializeBufferBase &Buffer //!< The serialization buffer ) { this->SerialOut_out(0,Buffer); } } // end namespace TestComponents
// ====================================================================== // \title TestSerial.hpp // \author tim // \brief cpp file for TestSerial test harness implementation class // // \copyright // Copyright 2009-2015, by the California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #include "serial_passiveTester.hpp" #define INSTANCE 0 #define MAX_HISTORY_SIZE 10 #define QUEUE_DEPTH 10 namespace TestComponents { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Construction and destruction // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- serial_passiveTester :: serial_passiveTester() : TestSerialGTestBase("Tester", MAX_HISTORY_SIZE), component("TestSerial") { this->initComponents(); this->connectPorts(); } serial_passiveTester :: ~serial_passiveTester() { } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Tests // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- void serial_passiveTester :: toDo() { // TODO } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Handlers for serial from ports // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- void serial_passiveTester :: from_SerialOut_handler( NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, //!< The port number Fw::SerializeBufferBase &Buffer //!< The serialization buffer ) { // TODO } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Helper methods // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- void serial_passiveTester :: connectPorts() { } void serial_passiveTester :: initComponents() { this->init(); this->component.init( QUEUE_DEPTH, INSTANCE ); } } // end namespace TestComponents
#include <Autocoders/Python/test/serial_passive/TestSerialImpl.hpp> #include <Autocoders/Python/test/port_loopback/ExampleComponentImpl.hpp> int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { TestComponents::TestSerialImpl serImpl("SerImpl"); serImpl.init(10,100); ExampleComponents::ExampleComponentImpl exImpl("ExImpl"); exImpl.init(); serImpl.start(); // connect ports exImpl.set_exampleOutput_OutputPort(0,serImpl.get_SerialInSync_InputPort(0)); exImpl.set_exampleOutput_OutputPort(1,serImpl.get_SerialInGuarded_InputPort(0)); exImpl.set_exampleOutput_OutputPort(2,serImpl.get_SerialInAsync_InputPort(0)); serImpl.set_SerialOut_OutputPort(0,exImpl.get_exampleInput_InputPort(0)); exImpl.makePortCall(0); exImpl.makePortCall(1); exImpl.makePortCall(2); Os::Task::delay(500); serImpl.exit(); serImpl.ActiveComponentBase::join(nullptr); return 0; }
// ====================================================================== // \title TestSerial/test/ut/Tester.hpp // \author tim // \brief hpp file for TestSerial test harness implementation class // // \copyright // Copyright 2009-2015, by the California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #ifndef TESTER_HPP #define TESTER_HPP #include "serial_passiveGTestBase.hpp" #include "Autocoders/Python/test/serial_passive/TestSerialImpl.hpp" namespace TestComponents { class serial_passiveTester : public TestSerialGTestBase { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Construction and destruction // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public: //! Construct object serial_passiveTester //! serial_passiveTester(); //! Destroy object serial_passiveTester //! ~serial_passiveTester(); public: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Tests // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! To do //! void toDo(); private: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Handlers for serial from ports // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Handler for from_SerialOut //! void from_SerialOut_handler( NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, //!< The port number Fw::SerializeBufferBase &Buffer //!< The serialization buffer ); private: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Helper methods // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Connect ports //! void connectPorts(); //! Initialize components //! void initComponents(); private: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Variables // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! The component under test //! TestSerialImpl component; }; } // end namespace TestComponents #endif
/* * TestTelemRecvImpl.hpp * * Created on: Mar 28, 2014 * Author: tcanham */ #ifndef TESTTEXTLOGIMPL_HPP_ #define TESTTEXTLOGIMPL_HPP_ #include <Autocoders/Python/test/time_get/TimeGetComponentAc.hpp> class TimeGetTesterImpl: public TimeGet::TimeGetTesterComponentBase { public: TimeGetTesterImpl(const char* compName); virtual ~TimeGetTesterImpl(); void init(); protected: void test_time_get_handler(); }; #endif /* TESTTIMEIMPL_HPP_ */
/* * TestCommand1Impl.cpp * * Created on: Mar 28, 2014 * Author: tcanham */ #include <cstdio> #include "TestTimeGetImpl.hpp" TimeGetTesterImpl::TimeGetTesterImpl(const char* name) : TimeGet::TimeGetTesterComponentBase(name) { } TimeGetTesterImpl::~TimeGetTesterImpl() { } void TimeGetTesterImpl::init() { TimeGet::TimeGetTesterComponentBase::init(); } void TimeGetTesterImpl::test_time_get_handler() { this->getTime(); // Tests independent getTime() function }
#include "time_getGTestBase.hpp" #include <FpConfig.hpp> #include <Autocoders/Python/test/time_get/TestTimeGetImpl.hpp> // Very minimal to test autocoder. Some day they'll be actual unit test code // Here we test to ensure test harness generates correctly class ATester : public TimeGet::TimeGetTesterGTestBase { public: ATester() : TimeGet::TimeGetTesterGTestBase("comp",10) {} }; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { ATester testBase; TimeGetTesterImpl component("name"); component.getTime(); }
#include <Autocoders/Python/test/enum_xml/Component1ComponentAc.hpp> #include <Autocoders/Python/test/enum_xml/Component1Impl.hpp> #include <Autocoders/Python/test/enum_xml/Enum1EnumAc.hpp> #include <Autocoders/Python/test/enum_xml/Port1PortAc.hpp> #include <Autocoders/Python/test/enum_xml/Serial1SerializableAc.hpp> #include <Fw/Types/SerialBuffer.hpp> #include <Fw/Types/Assert.hpp> #include "Fw/Test/UnitTestAssert.hpp" #include "STest/Pick/Pick.hpp" #include "STest/Random/Random.hpp" #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include <iostream> #include <cstring> using namespace std; // Instantiate the inst1 and inst2 components Example::ExampleEnumImpl inst1("inst1"); Example::ExampleEnumImpl inst2("inst2"); void constructArchitecture() { // Connect inst1 to inst2 inst1.set_EnumOut_OutputPort(0, inst2.get_EnumIn_InputPort(0)); // Connect inst2 to inst1 inst2.set_EnumOut_OutputPort(0, inst1.get_EnumIn_InputPort(0)); // Instantiate components inst1.init(100); inst2.init(100); } Example::SubNamespace::Enum1::t getEnumConstant() { Example::SubNamespace::Enum1::t c = Example::SubNamespace::Enum1::Item1; const U32 i = STest::Pick::lowerUpper(0, 4); switch(i) { case 0: c = Example::SubNamespace::Enum1::Item1; break; case 1: c = Example::SubNamespace::Enum1::Item2; break; case 2: c = Example::SubNamespace::Enum1::Item3; break; case 3: c = Example::SubNamespace::Enum1::Item4; break; case 4: c = Example::SubNamespace::Enum1::Item5; break; default: FW_ASSERT(0, i); break; } return c; } Example::SubNamespace::Enum1::t getNonnegativeConstant() { Example::SubNamespace::Enum1::t c = Example::SubNamespace::Enum1::Item1; const U32 i = STest::Pick::lowerUpper(0, 2); switch(i) { case 0: c = Example::SubNamespace::Enum1::Item2; break; case 1: c = Example::SubNamespace::Enum1::Item3; break; case 2: c = Example::SubNamespace::Enum1::Item4; break; default: FW_ASSERT(0, i); break; } return c; } Example::SubNamespace::Enum1::t getNegativeConstant() { Example::SubNamespace::Enum1::t c = Example::SubNamespace::Enum1::Item1; const U32 i = STest::Pick::lowerUpper(0, 1); switch(i) { case 0: c = Example::SubNamespace::Enum1::Item1; break; case 1: c = Example::SubNamespace::Enum1::Item5; break; default: FW_ASSERT(0, i); break; } return c; } Example::SubNamespace::Enum1 getEnum() { const Example::SubNamespace::Enum1 e = getEnumConstant(); return e; } Example::SubNamespace::Enum1 getEnumFromI32() { Example::SubNamespace::Enum1 e = getEnumConstant(); e = static_cast<I32>(getEnumConstant()); return e; } Example::SubNamespace::Enum1 getEnumFromU32() { Example::SubNamespace::Enum1 e = getNonnegativeConstant(); e = static_cast<U32>(getNonnegativeConstant()); return e; } void checkAssertionFailure( const ::Test::UnitTestAssert& uta, const U32 expectedLineNumber, const U32 expectedArg1 ) { ASSERT_TRUE(uta.assertFailed()); Test::UnitTestAssert::File file = Test::UnitTestAssert::fileInit; NATIVE_UINT_TYPE lineNo = 0; NATIVE_UINT_TYPE numArgs = 0; FwAssertArgType arg1 = 0; FwAssertArgType arg2 = 0; FwAssertArgType arg3 = 0; FwAssertArgType arg4 = 0; FwAssertArgType arg5 = 0; FwAssertArgType arg6 = 0; uta.retrieveAssert(file, lineNo, numArgs, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6); ASSERT_EQ(expectedLineNumber, lineNo); ASSERT_EQ(1U, numArgs); ASSERT_EQ(expectedArg1, arg1); } TEST(EnumXML, InvalidNegativeConstant) { ::Test::UnitTestAssert uta; Example::SubNamespace::Enum1 enum1 = getEnum(); // Get a valid negative constant const I32 negativeConstant = getNegativeConstant(); const U32 expectedLineNumber = 62; // Turn it into a U32 const U32 expectedArg1 = negativeConstant; // As a U32, the constant is not valid // This should cause an assertion failure enum1 = expectedArg1; checkAssertionFailure(uta, expectedLineNumber, expectedArg1); } TEST(EnumXML, InvalidConstant) { ::Test::UnitTestAssert uta; Example::SubNamespace::Enum1 enum1 = getEnum(); // Get an invalid constant const I32 invalidConstant = 42; // This should cause an assertion failure enum1 = invalidConstant; const U32 expectedLineNumber = 55; const U32 expectedArg1 = invalidConstant; checkAssertionFailure(uta, expectedLineNumber, expectedArg1); } TEST(EnumXML, OK) { // Explicitly set enum1 to the default value Example::SubNamespace::Enum1 enum1(Example::SubNamespace::Enum1::Item4); Example::SubNamespace::Enum1 enum2; Example::SubNamespace::Enum1 enum3; Example::Enum2 enum4; Example::Enum3 enum5; Example::Serial1 serial1; // Check that other enums are set to default value ASSERT_EQ(enum1, enum2); ASSERT_EQ(enum1, enum3); // Check that enum are set to uninitialized value ASSERT_EQ(enum4.e, 0); // Check that the enum serializable types are set correctly ASSERT_EQ(Example::SubNamespace::Enum1::SERIALIZED_SIZE, sizeof(FwEnumStoreType)); ASSERT_EQ(Example::Enum2::SERIALIZED_SIZE, sizeof(U64)); ASSERT_EQ(Example::Enum3::SERIALIZED_SIZE, sizeof(U8)); enum1 = getEnumFromI32(); cout << "Created first enum: " << enum1 << endl; enum2 = getEnum(); cout << "Created second enum: " << enum2 << endl; enum3 = getEnumFromU32(); cout << "Created third enum: " << enum3 << endl; // Save copy of enums to test against post-serialization Example::SubNamespace::Enum1 enum1Save = enum1; Example::SubNamespace::Enum1 enum2Save = enum2; int serial_arg1 = 0; int serial_arg2 = 0; // Serialize enums U8 buffer1[1024]; U8 buffer2[1024]; U8 buffer3[1024]; U8 buffer4[1024]; U8 buffer5[1024]; Fw::SerialBuffer enumSerial1 = Fw::SerialBuffer(buffer1, sizeof(buffer1)); Fw::SerialBuffer enumSerial2 = Fw::SerialBuffer(buffer2, sizeof(buffer2)); Fw::SerialBuffer enumSerial3 = Fw::SerialBuffer(buffer3, sizeof(buffer3)); Fw::SerialBuffer enumSerial4 = Fw::SerialBuffer(buffer4, sizeof(buffer4)); Fw::SerialBuffer enumSerial5 = Fw::SerialBuffer(buffer5, sizeof(buffer5)); ASSERT_EQ(enumSerial1.serialize(enum1), Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK); cout << "Serialized enum1" << endl; ASSERT_EQ(enumSerial2.serialize(enum2), Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK); cout << "Serialized enum2" << endl; ASSERT_EQ(enumSerial3.serialize(enum3), Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK); cout << "Serialized enum3" << endl; ASSERT_EQ(enumSerial4.serialize(enum4), Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK); cout << "Serialized enum4" << endl; ASSERT_EQ(enumSerial5.serialize(enum5), Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK); cout << "Serialized enum5" << endl; cout << "Serialized enums" << endl; // Check that the serialized types are correctly set ASSERT_EQ(enumSerial1.getBuffLength(), sizeof(FwEnumStoreType)); ASSERT_EQ(enumSerial2.getBuffLength(), sizeof(FwEnumStoreType)); ASSERT_EQ(enumSerial3.getBuffLength(), sizeof(FwEnumStoreType)); ASSERT_EQ(enumSerial4.getBuffLength(), sizeof(U64)); ASSERT_EQ(enumSerial5.getBuffLength(), sizeof(U8)); // Deserialize enums ASSERT_EQ(enumSerial1.deserialize(enum1Save), Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK); cout << "Deserialized enum1" << endl; ASSERT_EQ(enumSerial2.deserialize(enum2Save), Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK); cout << "Deserialized enum2" << endl; ASSERT_EQ(enum1, enum1Save); ASSERT_FALSE(enum1 != enum1Save); cout << "Successful enum1 check" << endl; ASSERT_EQ(enum2, enum2Save); ASSERT_FALSE(enum2 != enum2Save); cout << "Successful enum2 check" << endl; cout << "Deserialized enums" << endl; // Create serializable and test that enum is saved serial1 = Example::Serial1(serial_arg1, serial_arg2, enum2); ASSERT_EQ(serial1.getMember3(), enum2); cout << "Created serializable with enum arg" << endl; cout << "Created serializable" << endl; // Invoke ports to test enum usage cout << "Invoking inst1..." << endl; inst1.get_ExEnumIn_InputPort(0)->invoke(enum1, serial1); inst1.doDispatch(); inst1.get_ExEnumIn_InputPort(0)->invoke(enum2, serial1); inst1.doDispatch(); cout << "Invoking inst2..." << endl; inst2.get_ExEnumIn_InputPort(0)->invoke(enum1, serial1); inst2.doDispatch(); inst2.get_ExEnumIn_InputPort(0)->invoke(enum2, serial1); inst2.doDispatch(); cout << "Invoked ports" << endl; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); STest::Random::seed(); constructArchitecture(); int status = RUN_ALL_TESTS(); return status; }
#include <Autocoders/Python/test/enum_xml/Component1Impl.hpp> #include <FpConfig.hpp> #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> using namespace std; namespace Example { ExampleEnumImpl::ExampleEnumImpl(const char* compName) : Component1ComponentBase(compName) { } ExampleEnumImpl::~ExampleEnumImpl() { } void ExampleEnumImpl::init(NATIVE_INT_TYPE queueDepth) { Component1ComponentBase::init(queueDepth); } void ExampleEnumImpl::ExEnumIn_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, const Example::SubNamespace::Enum1& enum1, const Example::Serial1& serial1) { printf("%s Invoked ExEnumIn_handler(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d);\n", FW_OPTIONAL_NAME(this->getObjName()), portNum, static_cast<FwEnumStoreType>(enum1.e), serial1.getMember1(), serial1.getMember2(), static_cast<FwEnumStoreType>(serial1.getMember3().e)); this->EnumOut_out(0, enum1, serial1); } void ExampleEnumImpl::EnumIn_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, const Example::SubNamespace::Enum1& enum1, const Example::Serial1& serial1) { printf("%s Invoked EnumIn_handler(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d);\n", FW_OPTIONAL_NAME(this->getObjName()), portNum, static_cast<FwEnumStoreType>(enum1.e), serial1.getMember1(), serial1.getMember2(), static_cast<FwEnumStoreType>(serial1.getMember3().e)); } };
#ifndef EXAMPLE_ENUM_IMPL_HPP #define EXAMPLE_ENUM_IMPL_HPP #include <Autocoders/Python/test/enum_xml/Component1ComponentAc.hpp> namespace Example { class ExampleEnumImpl : public Component1ComponentBase { public: // Only called by derived class ExampleEnumImpl(const char* compName); ~ExampleEnumImpl(); void init(NATIVE_INT_TYPE queueDepth); private: void ExEnumIn_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, const Example::SubNamespace::Enum1& enum1, const Example::Serial1& serial1); void EnumIn_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, const Example::SubNamespace::Enum1& enum1, const Example::Serial1& serial1); }; }; #endif
// ====================================================================== // \title ExampleImpl.hpp // \author tim // \brief hpp file for Example component implementation class // // \copyright // Copyright 2009-2015, by the California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #ifndef Example_HPP #define Example_HPP #include "Autocoders/Python/test/port_loopback/ExampleComponentAc.hpp" namespace ExampleComponents { class ExampleComponentImpl : public ExampleComponentBase { public: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Construction, initialization, and destruction // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Construct object Example //! ExampleComponentImpl( const char *const compName //!< The component name ); //! Initialize object Example //! void init( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE instance = 0 //!< The instance number ); //! Destroy object Example //! ~ExampleComponentImpl(); void makePortCall(NATIVE_INT_TYPE port); PRIVATE: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Handler implementations for user-defined typed input ports // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Handler implementation for exampleInput //! void exampleInput_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, //!< The port number I32 arg1, //!< A built-in type argument AnotherExample::SomeEnum arg2, //!< The ENUM argument const AnotherExample::arg6String& arg6 ); }; } // end namespace ExampleComponents #endif
#ifndef EXAMPLE_TYPE_HPP #define EXAMPLE_TYPE_HPP // A hand-coded serializable #include <FpConfig.hpp> #include <Fw/Types/Serializable.hpp> #if FW_SERIALIZABLE_TO_STRING #include <Fw/Types/StringType.hpp> #include <cstdio> // snprintf #endif namespace ANameSpace { class mytype : public Fw::Serializable { public: enum { SERIALIZED_SIZE = sizeof(U32), TYPE_ID = 2000 }; mytype(); // Default constructor mytype(const mytype* src); // copy constructor mytype(const mytype& src); // copy constructor mytype(U32 arg); // constructor with arguments mytype& operator=(const mytype& src); // Equal operator bool operator==(const mytype& src) const; void setVal(U32 arg); // set values U32 getVal(); Fw::SerializeStatus serialize(Fw::SerializeBufferBase& buffer) const; Fw::SerializeStatus deserialize(Fw::SerializeBufferBase& buffer); #if FW_SERIALIZABLE_TO_STRING void toString(Fw::StringBase& text) const; //!< generate text from serializable #endif protected: private: U32 m_val; // stored value }; } #endif
// ====================================================================== // \title ExampleImpl.cpp // \author tim // \brief cpp file for Example component implementation class // // \copyright // Copyright 2009-2015, by the California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #include <Autocoders/Python/test/port_loopback/ExampleComponentImpl.hpp> #include <FpConfig.hpp> #include <cstdio> namespace ExampleComponents { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Construction, initialization, and destruction // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ExampleComponentImpl :: ExampleComponentImpl( const char *const compName ) : ExampleComponentBase(compName) { } void ExampleComponentImpl :: init( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE instance ) { ExampleComponentBase::init(instance); } ExampleComponentImpl :: ~ExampleComponentImpl() { } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Handler implementations for user-defined typed input ports // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- void ExampleComponentImpl :: exampleInput_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, I32 arg1, AnotherExample::SomeEnum arg2, const AnotherExample::arg6String& arg6 ) { printf("%d %d %s\n",arg1,arg2,arg6.toChar()); } void ExampleComponentImpl::makePortCall(NATIVE_INT_TYPE port) { AnotherExample::arg6String arg6 = "foo"; this->exampleOutput_out(port,10,AnotherExample::MEMBER2,arg6); } } // end namespace ExampleComponents
#include <Autocoders/Python/templates/ExampleType.hpp> #include <Fw/Types/Assert.hpp> namespace ANameSpace { mytype::mytype(): Serializable() { } mytype::mytype(const mytype& src) : Serializable() { this->setVal(src.m_val); } mytype::mytype(const mytype* src) : Serializable() { FW_ASSERT(src); this->setVal(src->m_val); } mytype::mytype(U32 val) : Serializable() { this->setVal(val); } mytype& mytype::operator=(const mytype& src) { this->setVal(src.m_val); return *this; } bool mytype::operator==(const mytype& src) const { return (this->m_val == src.m_val); } U32 mytype::getVal() { return this->m_val; } void mytype::setVal(U32 val) { this->m_val = val; } Fw::SerializeStatus mytype::serialize(Fw::SerializeBufferBase& buffer) const { Fw::SerializeStatus stat = buffer.serialize(this->m_val); if (Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK != stat) { return stat; } return buffer.serialize(static_cast<NATIVE_INT_TYPE>(mytype::TYPE_ID)); } Fw::SerializeStatus mytype::deserialize(Fw::SerializeBufferBase& buffer) { NATIVE_INT_TYPE id; Fw::SerializeStatus stat = buffer.deserialize(id); if (Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK != stat) { return stat; } if (id != static_cast<NATIVE_INT_TYPE>(mytype::TYPE_ID)) { return Fw::FW_DESERIALIZE_TYPE_MISMATCH; } return buffer.deserialize(this->m_val); } #if FW_SERIALIZABLE_TO_STRING void mytype::toString(Fw::StringBase& text) const { static const char * formatString = "(val = %u)"; // declare strings to hold any serializable toString() arguments char outputString[FW_SERIALIZABLE_TO_STRING_BUFFER_SIZE]; snprintf(outputString,FW_SERIALIZABLE_TO_STRING_BUFFER_SIZE,formatString,this->m_val); outputString[FW_SERIALIZABLE_TO_STRING_BUFFER_SIZE-1] = 0; // NULL terminate text = outputString; } #endif }
#ifdef FPRIME_CMAKE #include "Autocoder/GTestBase.hpp" #else #include <port_loopbackGTestBase.hpp> #endif // Very minimal to test autocoder. Some day they'll be actual unit test code class ATester : public ExampleComponents::ExampleGTestBase { public: ATester() : ExampleComponents::ExampleGTestBase("comp",10) { } void from_exampleOutput_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, //!< The port number I32 arg1, //!< A built-in type argument AnotherExample::SomeEnum arg2, //!< The ENUM argument const AnotherExample::arg6String& arg6 ); }; void ATester::from_exampleOutput_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, //!< The port number I32 arg1, //!< A built-in type argument AnotherExample::SomeEnum arg2, //!< The ENUM argument const AnotherExample::arg6String& arg6 ) { } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { ATester testBase; }
/* * TestCommand1Impl.hpp * * Created on: Mar 28, 2014 * Author: tcanham */ #ifndef TESTCOMMAND2IMPL_HPP_ #define TESTCOMMAND2IMPL_HPP_ #include <Autocoders/Python/test/stress/TestComponentAc.hpp> class TestCommand1Impl: public StressTest::TestCommandComponentBase { public: TestCommand1Impl(const char* compName); void init(NATIVE_INT_TYPE queueDepth); virtual ~TestCommand1Impl(); void printParam(); void genTlm(Ref::Gnc::Quaternion val); void sendEvent(I32 arg1, F32 arg2, U8 arg3); private: void aport_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, I32 arg4, F32 arg5, U8 arg6); void aport2_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, I32 arg4, F32 arg5, const Ref::Gnc::Quaternion& arg6); void TEST_CMD_1_cmdHandler(FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq, I32 arg1, StressTest::TestCommandComponentBase::SomeEnum arg2); void TEST_CMD_2_cmdHandler(FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq, I32 arg1, F32 arg2); }; #endif /* TESTCOMMAND1IMPL_HPP_ */
#include <FpConfig.hpp> #include <Autocoders/Python/test/stress/TestCommandImpl.hpp> #include <Autocoders/Python/test/stress/TestCommandSourceImpl.hpp> #include <Autocoders/Python/test/stress/TestPrmSourceImpl.hpp> #include <Autocoders/Python/test/stress/TestTelemRecvImpl.hpp> #include <Autocoders/Python/test/stress/TestLogRecvImpl.hpp> #include <Autocoders/Python/test/time_tester/TestTimeImpl.hpp> #include <Autocoders/Python/test/stress/TestPtSourceImpl.hpp> #include <Fw/Obj/SimpleObjRegistry.hpp> int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { #if FW_PORT_TRACING Fw::PortBase::setTrace(true); #endif #if FW_OBJECT_REGISTRATION Fw::SimpleObjRegistry objReg; #endif TestCommand1Impl testImpl ("TestCmdImpl"); testImpl.init(10); testImpl.start(); TestCommandSourceImpl cmdSrc ("TestCmdSource"); cmdSrc.init(); TestParamSourceImpl prmSrc ("TestPrmSrc"); prmSrc.init(); TestTelemRecvImpl tlmRecv ("TestTlmRecv"); tlmRecv.init(); TestTimeImpl timeSource ("TimeComp"); timeSource.init(); TestLogRecvImpl logRecv ("TestLogRecv"); logRecv.init(); TestPtSourceImpl portTest ("PortTest"); portTest.init(); testImpl.set_CmdStatus_OutputPort(0, cmdSrc.get_cmdStatusPort_InputPort(0)); testImpl.set_CmdReg_OutputPort(0,cmdSrc.get_cmdRegPort_InputPort(0)); cmdSrc.set_cmdSendPort_OutputPort(0, testImpl.get_CmdDisp_InputPort(0)); testImpl.regCommands(); testImpl.set_ParamGet_OutputPort(0,prmSrc.get_paramGetPort_InputPort(0)); testImpl.set_ParamSet_OutputPort(0,prmSrc.get_paramSetPort_InputPort(0)); testImpl.set_Tlm_OutputPort(0,tlmRecv.get_tlmRecvPort_InputPort(0)); testImpl.set_Time_OutputPort(0,timeSource.get_timeGetPort_InputPort(0)); testImpl.set_Log_OutputPort(0,logRecv.get_logRecvPort_InputPort(0)); portTest.set_aport_OutputPort(0,testImpl.get_aport_InputPort(0)); portTest.set_aport2_OutputPort(0,testImpl.get_aport2_InputPort(0)); #if FW_ENABLE_TEXT_LOGGING testImpl.set_LogText_OutputPort(0, logRecv.get_textLogRecvPort_InputPort(0)); #endif #if FW_OBJECT_REGISTRATION == 1 objReg.dump(); #endif cmdSrc.test_TEST_CMD_1(10, 7); Os::Task::delay(1000); prmSrc.setPrm(15); testImpl.loadParameters(); testImpl.printParam(); testImpl.genTlm(Ref::Gnc::Quaternion(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4)); portTest.aport_Test(29,56.5,240); portTest.aport2_Test2(30,57.5,Ref::Gnc::Quaternion(0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6)); testImpl.sendEvent(2,3.0,4); testImpl.exit(); Os::Task::delay(1000); }
/* * TestCommand1Impl.cpp * * Created on: Mar 28, 2014 * Author: tcanham */ #include <Autocoders/Python/test/stress/TestTelemRecvImpl.hpp> #include <Fw/Types/String.hpp> #include <Autocoders/Python/test/stress/QuaternionSerializableAc.hpp> #include <cstdio> TestTelemRecvImpl::TestTelemRecvImpl(const char* name) : Tlm::TelemTesterComponentBase(name) { } TestTelemRecvImpl::~TestTelemRecvImpl() { } void TestTelemRecvImpl::tlmRecvPort_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, FwChanIdType id, Fw::Time &timeTag, Fw::TlmBuffer &val) { Ref::Gnc::Quaternion tlmVal; val.deserialize(tlmVal); Fw::String str; #if FW_SERIALIZABLE_TO_STRING tlmVal.toString(str); #endif printf("ID: %d TLM value is %s. Time is %d:%d base: %d\n",id,str.toChar(),timeTag.getSeconds(),timeTag.getUSeconds(),timeTag.getTimeBase()); } void TestTelemRecvImpl::init() { Tlm::TelemTesterComponentBase::init(); }
/* * TestTelemRecvImpl.hpp * * Created on: Mar 28, 2014 * Author: tcanham */ #ifndef TESTPARAMRECVIMPL_HPP_ #define TESTPARAMRECVIMPL_HPP_ #include <Autocoders/Python/test/param_tester/ParamTestComponentAc.hpp> class TestParamSourceImpl: public Prm::ParamTesterComponentBase { public: TestParamSourceImpl(const char* compName); virtual ~TestParamSourceImpl(); void init(); void setPrm(U32 val); protected: private: Fw::ParamValid paramGetPort_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, FwPrmIdType id, Fw::ParamBuffer &val); void paramSetPort_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, FwPrmIdType id, Fw::ParamBuffer &val); Fw::ParamBuffer m_prm; }; #endif /* TESTCOMMANDSOURCEIMPL_HPP_ */
/* * TestCommand1Impl.cpp * * Created on: Mar 28, 2014 * Author: tcanham */ #include <Autocoders/Python/test/stress/TestLogRecvImpl.hpp> #include <cstdio> TestLogRecvImpl::TestLogRecvImpl(const char* name) : LogTextImpl(name) { } TestLogRecvImpl::~TestLogRecvImpl() { } void TestLogRecvImpl::logRecvPort_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, FwEventIdType id, Fw::Time &timeTag, const Fw::LogSeverity& severity, Fw::LogBuffer &args) { printf("Received log %d, Time (%d,%d:%d) severity %d\n",id,timeTag.getTimeBase(),timeTag.getSeconds(),timeTag.getUSeconds(),severity.e); I32 arg1; F32 arg2; U8 arg3; // deserialize them in reverse order args.deserialize(arg3); args.deserialize(arg2); args.deserialize(arg1); printf("Args: %d %f %c\n",arg1,arg2,arg3); } void TestLogRecvImpl::init() { LogTextImpl::init(); }
/* * TestTelemRecvImpl.hpp * * Created on: Mar 28, 2014 * Author: tcanham */ #ifndef TESTLOGRECVIMPL_HPP_ #define TESTLOGRECVIMPL_HPP_ #include <Autocoders/Python/test/log_tester/TestTextLogImpl.hpp> class TestLogRecvImpl: public LogTextImpl { public: TestLogRecvImpl(const char* compName); virtual ~TestLogRecvImpl(); void init(); protected: void logRecvPort_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, FwEventIdType id, Fw::Time &timeTag, const Fw::LogSeverity& severity, Fw::LogBuffer &args); private: }; #endif /* TESTLOGRECVIMPL_HPP_ */
/* * TestCommand1Impl.cpp * * Created on: Mar 28, 2014 * Author: tcanham */ #include <Autocoders/Python/test/stress/TestPrmSourceImpl.hpp> #include <cstdio> TestParamSourceImpl::TestParamSourceImpl(const char* name) : Prm::ParamTesterComponentBase(name) { } TestParamSourceImpl::~TestParamSourceImpl() { } void TestParamSourceImpl::init() { Prm::ParamTesterComponentBase::init(); } void TestParamSourceImpl::setPrm(U32 val) { printf("Setting parameter to %d\n",val); this->m_prm.resetSer(); this->m_prm.serialize(val); } Fw::ParamValid TestParamSourceImpl::paramGetPort_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, FwPrmIdType id, Fw::ParamBuffer &val) { val = this->m_prm; return Fw::ParamValid::VALID; } void TestParamSourceImpl::paramSetPort_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, FwPrmIdType id, Fw::ParamBuffer &val) { }
/* * TestTelemRecvImpl.hpp * * Created on: Mar 28, 2014 * Author: tcanham */ #ifndef TESTTELEMRECVIMPL_HPP_ #define TESTTELEMRECVIMPL_HPP_ #include <Autocoders/Python/test/telem_tester/TelemTestComponentAc.hpp> class TestTelemRecvImpl: public Tlm::TelemTesterComponentBase { public: TestTelemRecvImpl(const char* compName); virtual ~TestTelemRecvImpl(); void init(); protected: void tlmRecvPort_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, FwChanIdType id, Fw::Time &timeTag, Fw::TlmBuffer &val); private: }; #endif /* TESTCOMMANDSOURCEIMPL_HPP_ */
/* * TestCommand1Impl.hpp * * Created on: Mar 28, 2014 * Author: tcanham */ #ifndef TESTPTSOURCEIMPL_HPP_ #define TESTPTSOURCEIMPL_HPP_ #include <Autocoders/Python/test/stress/TestPtComponentAc.hpp> class TestPtSourceImpl: public StressTest::TestPortComponentBase { public: TestPtSourceImpl(const char* compName); virtual ~TestPtSourceImpl(); void init(); void aport_Test(I32 arg4, F32 arg5, U8 arg6); void aport2_Test2(I32 arg4, F32 arg5, const Ref::Gnc::Quaternion& arg6); protected: private: }; #endif /* TESTCOMMANDSOURCEIMPL_HPP_ */
/* * TestCommand1Impl.cpp * * Created on: Mar 28, 2014 * Author: tcanham */ #include <Autocoders/Python/test/stress/TestCommandSourceImpl.hpp> #include <cstdio> TestCommandSourceImpl::TestCommandSourceImpl(const char* name) : Cmd::CommandTesterComponentBase(name) { } TestCommandSourceImpl::~TestCommandSourceImpl() { } void TestCommandSourceImpl::cmdStatusPort_handler( NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq, const Fw::CmdResponse& response) { this->printStatus(response); } void TestCommandSourceImpl::cmdRegPort_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, FwOpcodeType opCode) { printf("Received registration for opcode %d\n",opCode); } void TestCommandSourceImpl::init() { Cmd::CommandTesterComponentBase::init(); } void TestCommandSourceImpl::printStatus(const Fw::CmdResponse& response) { switch (response.e) { case Fw::CmdResponse::OK: printf("COMMAND OK\n"); break; case Fw::CmdResponse::INVALID_OPCODE: printf("INVALID OPCODE\n"); break; case Fw::CmdResponse::VALIDATION_ERROR: printf("VALIDATION ERROR\n"); break; case Fw::CmdResponse::FORMAT_ERROR: printf("FORMAT ERROR\n"); break; case Fw::CmdResponse::EXECUTION_ERROR: printf("EXECUTION ERROR\n"); break; default: printf("Unknown status %d\n", response.e); break; } } void TestCommandSourceImpl::test_TEST_CMD_1(I32 arg1, I32 arg2) { // serialize parameters if (!this->isConnected_cmdSendPort_OutputPort(0)) { printf("Test command port not connected."); return; } Fw::CmdArgBuffer argBuff; // do nominal case argBuff.serialize(arg1); argBuff.serialize(arg2); this->cmdSendPort_out(0, 0x100, 1, argBuff); // wrong value argBuff.resetSer(); argBuff.serialize(arg1); argBuff.serialize(arg2+1); this->cmdSendPort_out(0, 0x100, 1, argBuff); // too many arguments argBuff.resetSer(); argBuff.serialize(arg1); argBuff.serialize(arg2); argBuff.serialize(arg2); this->cmdSendPort_out(0, 0x100, 1, argBuff); // too few arguments argBuff.resetSer(); argBuff.serialize(arg1); this->cmdSendPort_out(0, 0x100, 1, argBuff); }
/* * TestCommand1Impl.hpp * * Created on: Mar 28, 2014 * Author: tcanham */ #ifndef TESTCOMMANDSOURCEIMPL_HPP_ #define TESTCOMMANDSOURCEIMPL_HPP_ #include <Autocoders/Python/test/command_tester/CommandTestComponentAc.hpp> #include <Autocoders/Python/test/stress/TestComponentAc.hpp> class TestCommandSourceImpl: public Cmd::CommandTesterComponentBase { public: TestCommandSourceImpl(const char* compName); virtual ~TestCommandSourceImpl(); void init(); void test_TEST_CMD_1(I32 arg1, I32 arg2); protected: void cmdStatusPort_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq, const Fw::CmdResponse& response); void cmdRegPort_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, FwOpcodeType opCode); private: void printStatus(const Fw::CmdResponse& response); }; #endif /* TESTCOMMANDSOURCEIMPL_HPP_ */
/* * TestCommand1Impl.cpp * * Created on: Mar 28, 2014 * Author: tcanham */ #include <Autocoders/Python/test/stress/TestCommandImpl.hpp> #include <Fw/Types/String.hpp> #include <cstdio> TestCommand1Impl::TestCommand1Impl(const char* name) : StressTest::TestCommandComponentBase(name) { } void TestCommand1Impl::init(NATIVE_INT_TYPE queueDepth) { StressTest::TestCommandComponentBase::init(queueDepth); } TestCommand1Impl::~TestCommand1Impl() { } void TestCommand1Impl::aport_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, I32 arg4, F32 arg5, U8 arg6) { printf("Received aport_Test_handler call with %i %f %d\n",arg4,arg5,arg6); } void TestCommand1Impl::aport2_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, I32 arg4, F32 arg5, const Ref::Gnc::Quaternion& arg6) { Fw::String str; arg6.toString(str); printf("Received aport2_Test2_handler call with %i %f %s\n",arg4,arg5,str.toChar()); } void TestCommand1Impl::TEST_CMD_1_cmdHandler(FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq, I32 arg1, StressTest::TestCommandComponentBase::SomeEnum arg2) { const char *enum_str = "unknown"; switch (arg2) { case MEMB1: enum_str = "MEMB1"; break; case MEMB2: enum_str = "MEMB2"; break; case MEMB3: enum_str = "MEMB3"; break; default: enum_str = "INV"; break; } printf("Got command args: %d %s\n", arg1, enum_str); this->cmdResponse_out(opCode,cmdSeq,Fw::CmdResponse::OK); } void TestCommand1Impl::TEST_CMD_2_cmdHandler(FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq, I32 arg1, F32 arg2) { printf("Got command args: %d %f\n", arg1, arg2); this->cmdResponse_out(opCode,cmdSeq,Fw::CmdResponse::OK); } void TestCommand1Impl::printParam() { Fw::ParamValid valid = Fw::ParamValid::INVALID; const U32& prmRef = this->paramGet_someparam(valid); printf("Parameter is: %d %s\n",prmRef,valid==Fw::ParamValid::VALID?"VALID":"INVALID"); } void TestCommand1Impl::genTlm(Ref::Gnc::Quaternion val) { this->tlmWrite_AQuat(val); } void TestCommand1Impl::sendEvent(I32 arg1, F32 arg2, U8 arg3) { printf("Sending event args %d, %f, %d\n",arg1, arg2, arg3); this->log_ACTIVITY_LO_SomeEvent(arg1,arg2,arg3); }
/* * TestCommand1Impl.cpp * * Created on: Mar 28, 2014 * Author: tcanham */ #include <Autocoders/Python/test/stress/TestPtSourceImpl.hpp> #include <cstdio> TestPtSourceImpl::TestPtSourceImpl(const char* name) : StressTest::TestPortComponentBase(name) { } TestPtSourceImpl::~TestPtSourceImpl() { } void TestPtSourceImpl::init() { StressTest::TestPortComponentBase::init(); } void TestPtSourceImpl::aport_Test(I32 arg4, F32 arg5, U8 arg6) { if (this->isConnected_aport_OutputPort(0)) { this->aport_out(0,arg4,arg5,arg6); } } void TestPtSourceImpl::aport2_Test2(I32 arg4, F32 arg5, const Ref::Gnc::Quaternion& arg6) { if (this->isConnected_aport2_OutputPort(0)) { this->aport2_out(0,arg4,arg5,arg6); } }
#ifdef FPRIME_CMAKE #include "Autocoder/GTestBase.hpp" #else #include <stressGTestBase.hpp> #endif // Very minimal to test autocoder. Some day they'll be actual unit test code class ATester : public StressTest::TestPortGTestBase { public: ATester() : StressTest::TestPortGTestBase("comp",10) { } void from_aport_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, //!< The port number I32 arg4, //!< The first argument F32 arg5, //!< The second argument U8 arg6 //!< The third argument ); void from_aport2_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, //!< The port number I32 arg4, //!< The first argument F32 arg5, //!< The second argument const Ref::Gnc::Quaternion& arg6 //!< The third argument ); }; void ATester::from_aport_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, //!< The port number I32 arg4, //!< The first argument F32 arg5, //!< The second argument U8 arg6 //!< The third argument ) { } void ATester::from_aport2_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, //!< The port number I32 arg4, //!< The first argument F32 arg5, //!< The second argument const Ref::Gnc::Quaternion& arg6 //!< The third argument ) { } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { ATester testBase; }
#include <Autocoders/Python/test/tlm_onchange/TestTelemImpl.hpp> #include <Autocoders/Python/test/tlm_onchange/TestTelemRecvImpl.hpp> #include <Autocoders/Python/test/time_tester/TestTimeImpl.hpp> #include <Fw/Obj/SimpleObjRegistry.hpp> int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { #if FW_PORT_TRACING Fw::PortBase::setTrace(true); #endif #if FW_OBJECT_REGISTRATION == 1 Fw::SimpleObjRegistry objReg; #endif TestTlmImpl testImpl("TestTlmImpl"); testImpl.init(); TestTelemRecvImpl tlmRecv("TestTlmRecv"); tlmRecv.init(); TestTimeImpl timeSource("TimeComp"); timeSource.init(); testImpl.set_Tlm_OutputPort(0,tlmRecv.get_tlmRecvPort_InputPort(0)); testImpl.set_Time_OutputPort(0,timeSource.get_timeGetPort_InputPort(0)); timeSource.setTime(Fw::Time(TB_NONE,2,3)); #if FW_OBJECT_REGISTRATION == 1 objReg.dump(); #endif testImpl.genTlm(26); }
/* * TestCommand1Impl.cpp * * Created on: Mar 28, 2014 * Author: tcanham */ #include <Autocoders/Python/test/tlm_onchange/TestTelemRecvImpl.hpp> #include <cstdio> TestTelemRecvImpl::TestTelemRecvImpl(const char* name) : Tlm::TelemTesterComponentBase(name) { } TestTelemRecvImpl::~TestTelemRecvImpl() { } void TestTelemRecvImpl::tlmRecvPort_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, FwChanIdType id, Fw::Time &timeTag, Fw::TlmBuffer &val) { U32 tlmVal; val.deserialize(tlmVal); printf("ID: %d TLM value is %d. Time is %d:%d base: %d\n",id,tlmVal,timeTag.getSeconds(),timeTag.getUSeconds(),timeTag.getTimeBase()); } void TestTelemRecvImpl::init() { Tlm::TelemTesterComponentBase::init(); }
/* * TestCommand1Impl.cpp * * Created on: Mar 28, 2014 * Author: tcanham */ #include <Autocoders/Python/test/tlm_onchange/TestTelemImpl.hpp> #include <cstdio> TestTlmImpl::TestTlmImpl(const char* name) : Tlm::TestTlmComponentBase(name) { } TestTlmImpl::~TestTlmImpl() { } void TestTlmImpl::init() { Tlm::TestTlmComponentBase::init(); } void TestTlmImpl::genTlm(U32 val) { printf("Writing value %d to telemetry.\n",val); this->tlmWrite_somechan(val); } void TestTlmImpl::aport_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, I32 arg4, F32 arg5, U8 arg6) { }
/* * TestTelemRecvImpl.hpp * * Created on: Mar 28, 2014 * Author: tcanham */ #ifndef TESTTELEMRECVIMPL_HPP_ #define TESTTELEMRECVIMPL_HPP_ #include <Autocoders/Python/test/telem_tester/TelemTestComponentAc.hpp> class TestTelemRecvImpl: public Tlm::TelemTesterComponentBase { public: TestTelemRecvImpl(const char* compName); virtual ~TestTelemRecvImpl(); void init(); protected: void tlmRecvPort_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, FwChanIdType id, Fw::Time &timeTag, Fw::TlmBuffer &val); private: }; #endif /* TESTCOMMANDSOURCEIMPL_HPP_ */
/* * TestCommand1Impl.hpp * * Created on: Mar 28, 2014 * Author: tcanham */ #ifndef TESTCOMMAND1IMPL_HPP_ #define TESTCOMMAND1IMPL_HPP_ #include <Autocoders/Python/test/tlm_onchange/TestComponentAc.hpp> class TestTlmImpl: public Tlm::TestTlmComponentBase { public: TestTlmImpl(const char* compName); void genTlm(U32 val); virtual ~TestTlmImpl(); void init(); protected: void aport_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, I32 arg4, F32 arg5, U8 arg6); }; #endif /* TESTCOMMAND1IMPL_HPP_ */
#ifdef FPRIME_CMAKE #include "Autocoder/GTestBase.hpp" #else #include <tlm_onchangeGTestBase.hpp> #endif // Very minimal to test autocoder. Some day they'll be actual unit test code class ATester : public Tlm::TestTlmGTestBase { public: ATester() : Tlm::TestTlmGTestBase("comp",10) { } }; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { ATester testBase; }
#ifdef FPRIME_CMAKE #include "Autocoder/GTestBase.hpp" #else #include <comp_diff_namespaceGTestBase.hpp> #endif // Very minimal to test autocoder. Some day they'll be actual unit test code class ATester : public StressTest::Components::TestCommandGTestBase { public: ATester() : StressTest::Components::TestCommandGTestBase("comp",10) { } }; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { ATester testBase; }
#ifdef FPRIME_CMAKE #include "Autocoder/GTestBase.hpp" #else #include <param_testerGTestBase.hpp> #endif #include "TesterBase.hpp" #include <FpConfig.hpp> // Very minimal to test autocoder. Some day they'll be actual unit test code class ATester : public Prm::ParamTesterGTestBase { public: ATester() : Prm::ParamTesterGTestBase("comp",10) { } }; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { ATester testBase; }
#ifdef FPRIME_CMAKE #include "Autocoder/GTestBase.hpp" #else #include <param2GTestBase.hpp> #endif // Very minimal to test autocoder. Some day they'll be actual unit test code class ATester : public Tlm::TestPrmGTestBase { public: ATester() : Tlm::TestPrmGTestBase("comp",10) { } }; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { ATester testBase; }
#ifdef FPRIME_CMAKE #include "Autocoder/GTestBase.hpp" #else #include <event2GTestBase.hpp> #endif // Very minimal to test autocoder. Some day they'll be actual unit test code class ATester : public Cmd::TestCommandGTestBase { public: ATester() : Cmd::TestCommandGTestBase("comp",10) { } }; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { ATester testBase; }
#include <Autocoders/Python/test/serialize4/Serial1SerializableAc.hpp> #include "gtest/gtest.h" using namespace std; TEST(DefaultValues, OK) { Example::Serial1 serial1; Example::Serial1 serial2; // Check serializable default values are correctly set ASSERT_EQ(serial1.getMember1(), 12345); ASSERT_EQ(serial1.getMember2(), "hello"); ASSERT_EQ(serial1.getMember3(), Example::MEM2); // Check serializable scalar default for array member is correctly set NATIVE_INT_TYPE size; const U32* serial1Member4 = serial1.getMember4(size); for (NATIVE_INT_TYPE _mem = 0; _mem < size; _mem++) { ASSERT_EQ(serial1Member4[_mem], 3); } } TEST(Serialize4, ArrayScalarInit) { Example::Serial1 serial1 (0,"hello",Example::SomeEnum::MEM2,2, "world"); // Check serializable array member values are correctly set NATIVE_INT_TYPE size; const U32* serialMember4 = serial1.getMember4(size); for (NATIVE_INT_TYPE _mem = 0; _mem < size; _mem++) { ASSERT_EQ(serialMember4[_mem], 2); } } TEST(StringArray, OK) { Example::Serial1 serial1; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); int status = RUN_ALL_TESTS(); cout << "Completed..." << endl; return status; }
#include <Autocoders/Python/test/pass_by_kind/Component1ComponentAc.hpp> #include <Autocoders/Python/test/pass_by_kind/Component1.hpp> #include <Autocoders/Python/test/pass_by_kind/Port1PortAc.hpp> #include <Autocoders/Python/test/pass_by_kind/AllTypes.hpp> #include "STest/Random/Random.hpp" #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include <iostream> using namespace std; // Create the inst1 object Example::Component1 inst1("inst1"); void constructArchitecture() { // Instantiate components inst1.init(100); } TEST(PassByTest, OK) { // Create arguments to test pass-by logic for async and sync cases cout << "Invoking inst1..." << endl; Example::AllTypes async_args(true); Example::AllTypes sync_args(false); // Invoke sync and async ports and pass arguments inst1.get_AsyncPort_InputPort(0)->invoke( &async_args.arg1, async_args.arg2, async_args.arg3, &async_args.arg4, async_args.arg5, async_args.arg6, &async_args.arg7, async_args.arg8, async_args.arg9 ); inst1.doDispatch(); inst1.get_SyncPort_InputPort(0)->invoke( &sync_args.arg1, sync_args.arg2, sync_args.arg3, &sync_args.arg4, sync_args.arg5, sync_args.arg6, &sync_args.arg7, sync_args.arg8, sync_args.arg9 ); inst1.doDispatch(); // Check output from ports is expected async_args.checkAsserts(); sync_args.checkAsserts(); } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); STest::Random::seed(); constructArchitecture(); int status = RUN_ALL_TESTS(); return status; }
#include "gtest/gtest.h" #include <Autocoders/Python/test/pass_by_kind/Port1PortAc.hpp> #include <Autocoders/Python/test/pass_by_kind/AllTypes.hpp> namespace Example { AllTypes::AllTypes(bool is_async) { // Instantiate argument values arg1 = 0; arg2 = 0; arg3 = 0; arg4.setstate(0); arg5.setstate(0); arg6.setstate(0); arg7 = "zero"; arg8 = "zero"; arg9 = "zero"; // Store whether port is async this->is_async = is_async; } AllTypes::~AllTypes() { } void AllTypes::checkAsserts() { // Check output from port invocations worked // Declare enum with possible port pass by logic enum output_options {VALUE = 0, POINTER = 1, CONST_REF = 2, REFERENCE = 3}; // Declare array with expected output for above pass by logic // Value arguments result in current state being 0 // Pointer arguments result in current state being 1 // Const reference arguments result in current state being 0 // If reference and sync, state will be 1 // If reference and async, state will be 0 int expected_u32_output[] = {0, 1, 0, (this->is_async) ? 0 : 1}; const char *const expected_string_output[] = { "zero", "one", "zero", (this->is_async) ? "zero" : "one" }; // Check output values ASSERT_EQ(this->arg1, expected_u32_output[POINTER]); ASSERT_EQ(this->arg2, expected_u32_output[REFERENCE]); ASSERT_EQ(this->arg3, expected_u32_output[VALUE]); ASSERT_EQ((this->arg4).getstate(), expected_u32_output[POINTER]); ASSERT_EQ((this->arg5).getstate(), expected_u32_output[REFERENCE]); ASSERT_EQ((this->arg6).getstate(), expected_u32_output[CONST_REF]); ASSERT_EQ(this->arg7, expected_string_output[POINTER]); ASSERT_EQ(this->arg8, expected_string_output[REFERENCE]); ASSERT_EQ(this->arg9, expected_string_output[CONST_REF]); } }
/* * AllTypes.hpp * * Created on: Thursday, 15 July 2021 * Author: dhesikan * */ namespace Example { class AllTypes { public: AllTypes(bool is_async); //!< constructor with argument async/sync boolean flag virtual ~AllTypes(); //!< destructor void checkAsserts(); //!< function checks output of arguments is expected // Declaration of arguments U32 arg1; U32 arg2; U32 arg3; ExampleType arg4; ExampleType arg5; ExampleType arg6; Arg7String arg7; Arg8String arg8; Arg9String arg9; private: // Stores whether arguments are passed to async or sync port bool is_async; }; } // end namespace Example
#include <Autocoders/Python/test/pass_by_kind/Component1.hpp> #include <Autocoders/Python/test/pass_by_kind/ExampleTypeSerializableAc.hpp> #include <FpConfig.hpp> #include <Fw/Types/SerialBuffer.hpp> #include <cstdio> #include <iostream> using namespace std; namespace Example { Component1::Component1(const char* compName) : Component1ComponentBase(compName) { } Component1::~Component1() { } void Component1::init(NATIVE_INT_TYPE queueDepth) { Component1ComponentBase::init(queueDepth); } void Component1::AsyncPort_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum,U32 *arg1, U32 &arg2, U32 arg3, ExampleType *arg4, ExampleType &arg5, const ExampleType &arg6, Arg7String *arg7, Arg8String &arg8, const Arg9String &arg9) { *arg1 = 1; arg2 = 1; // arg3 is a stack variable -- assigning to it has no effect arg4->set(1); arg5.set(1); // arg6 is a const ref -- compiler won't let us modify through it *arg7 = "one"; arg8 = "one"; // arg9 is a const ref -- compiler won't let us modify through it } void Component1::SyncPort_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum,U32 *arg1, U32 &arg2, U32 arg3, ExampleType *arg4, ExampleType &arg5, const ExampleType &arg6, Arg7String *arg7, Arg8String &arg8, const Arg9String &arg9) { *arg1 = 1; arg2 = 1; // arg3 is a stack variable -- assigning to it has no effect arg4->set(1); arg5.set(1); // arg6 is a const ref -- compiler won't let us modify through it *arg7 = "one"; arg8 = "one"; // arg9 is a const ref -- compiler won't let us modify through it } };
#ifndef EXAMPLE_ENUM_IMPL_HPP #define EXAMPLE_ENUM_IMPL_HPP #include <Autocoders/Python/test/pass_by_kind/Component1ComponentAc.hpp> namespace Example { class Component1 : public Component1ComponentBase { public: // Only called by derived class Component1(const char* compName); ~Component1(); void init(NATIVE_INT_TYPE queueDepth); private: void AsyncPort_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum,U32 *arg1, U32 &arg2, U32 arg3, ExampleType *arg4, ExampleType &arg5, const ExampleType &arg6, Arg7String *arg7, Arg8String &arg8, const Arg9String &arg9); void SyncPort_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum,U32 *arg1, U32 &arg2, U32 arg3, ExampleType *arg4, ExampleType &arg5, const ExampleType &arg6, Arg7String *arg7, Arg8String &arg8, const Arg9String &arg9); }; }; #endif
// ====================================================================== // \title ExampleComponentImpl.hpp // \author joshuaa // \brief hpp file for Example component implementation class // // \copyright // Copyright 2009-2015, by the California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #ifndef Example_HPP #define Example_HPP #include "Autocoders/Python/test/noargport/ExampleComponentAc.hpp" namespace ExampleComponents { class ExampleComponentImpl : public ExampleComponentBase { public: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Construction, initialization, and destruction // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Construct object Example //! ExampleComponentImpl( const char *const compName /*!< The component name*/ ); //! Initialize object Example //! void init( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE queueDepth, //!< The queue depth const NATIVE_INT_TYPE instance //!< The instance number ); //! Destroy object Example //! ~ExampleComponentImpl(); PRIVATE: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Handler implementations for user-defined typed input ports // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Handler implementation for noArgPort //! void noArgPort_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum /*!< The port number*/ ); //! Handler implementation for asyncNoArgPort //! void asyncNoArgPort_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum /*!< The port number*/ ); //! Handler implementation for guardedNoArgPort //! void guardedNoArgPort_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum /*!< The port number*/ ); //! Handler implementation for exampleInput //! U32 exampleInput_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum /*!< The port number*/ ); }; } // end namespace ExampleComponents #endif
// ====================================================================== // \title ExampleComponentImpl.cpp // \author joshuaa // \brief cpp file for Example component implementation class // // \copyright // Copyright 2009-2015, by the California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #include <Autocoders/Python/test/noargport/ExampleComponentImpl.hpp> #include <FpConfig.hpp> namespace ExampleComponents { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Construction, initialization, and destruction // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ExampleComponentImpl :: ExampleComponentImpl( const char *const compName ) : ExampleComponentBase(compName) { } void ExampleComponentImpl :: init( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE queueDepth, const NATIVE_INT_TYPE instance ) { ExampleComponentBase::init(queueDepth, instance); } ExampleComponentImpl :: ~ExampleComponentImpl() { } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Handler implementations for user-defined typed input ports // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- void ExampleComponentImpl :: noArgPort_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum ) { // TODO } void ExampleComponentImpl :: asyncNoArgPort_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum ) { // TODO } void ExampleComponentImpl :: guardedNoArgPort_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum ) { // TODO } U32 ExampleComponentImpl :: exampleInput_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum ) { return 0; } } // end namespace ExampleComponents
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // TestMain.cpp // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "noargportTester.hpp" TEST(Nominal, TestNoArgs) { ExampleComponents::noargportTester tester; tester.testNoArgs(); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); return RUN_ALL_TESTS(); }
// ====================================================================== // \title Example.hpp // \author joshuaa // \brief cpp file for Example test harness implementation class // // \copyright // Copyright 2009-2015, by the California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #include "noargportTester.hpp" #define INSTANCE 0 #define MAX_HISTORY_SIZE 10 #define QUEUE_DEPTH 10 namespace ExampleComponents { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Construction and destruction // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- noargportTester :: noargportTester() : ExampleGTestBase("Tester", MAX_HISTORY_SIZE), component("Example") { this->initComponents(); this->connectPorts(); } noargportTester :: ~noargportTester() { } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Tests // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- void noargportTester :: testNoArgs() { this->invoke_to_noArgPort(0); this->invoke_to_asyncNoArgPort(0); this->component.doDispatch(); // Dispatch async port call this->invoke_to_guardedNoArgPort(0); ASSERT_EQ(this->invoke_to_exampleInput(0), 0); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Helper methods // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- void noargportTester :: connectPorts() { // noArgPort this->connect_to_noArgPort( 0, this->component.get_noArgPort_InputPort(0) ); // asyncNoArgPort this->connect_to_asyncNoArgPort( 0, this->component.get_asyncNoArgPort_InputPort(0) ); // guardedNoArgPort this->connect_to_guardedNoArgPort( 0, this->component.get_guardedNoArgPort_InputPort(0) ); // exampleInput this->connect_to_exampleInput( 0, this->component.get_exampleInput_InputPort(0) ); } void noargportTester :: initComponents() { this->init(); this->component.init( QUEUE_DEPTH, INSTANCE ); } } // end namespace ExampleComponents
// ====================================================================== // \title Example/test/ut/Tester.hpp // \author joshuaa // \brief hpp file for Example test harness implementation class // // \copyright // Copyright 2009-2015, by the California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #ifndef TESTER_HPP #define TESTER_HPP #include "noargportGTestBase.hpp" #include "Autocoders/Python/test/noargport/ExampleComponentImpl.hpp" namespace ExampleComponents { class noargportTester : public ExampleGTestBase { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Construction and destruction // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public: //! Construct object noargportTester //! noargportTester(); //! Destroy object noargportTester //! ~noargportTester(); public: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Tests // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! To do //! void testNoArgs(); private: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Helper methods // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Connect ports //! void connectPorts(); //! Initialize components //! void initComponents(); private: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Variables // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! The component under test //! ExampleComponentImpl component; }; } // end namespace ExampleComponents #endif
/* * TestCommand1Impl.cpp * * Created on: Mar 28, 2014 * Author: tcanham */ #include <Autocoders/Python/test/param_multi_inst/TestPrmImpl.hpp> #include <cstdio> TestPrmImpl::TestPrmImpl(const char* name) : Prm::TestPrmComponentBase(name) { } TestPrmImpl::~TestPrmImpl() { } void TestPrmImpl::init() { Prm::TestPrmComponentBase::init(); } void TestPrmImpl::aport_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, I32 arg4, F32 arg5, U8 arg6) { } void TestPrmImpl::printParam() { Fw::ParamValid valid = Fw::ParamValid::INVALID; const U32& prmRef = this->paramGet_someparam(valid); printf("Parameter is: %d %s\n",prmRef,valid==Fw::ParamValid::VALID?"VALID":"INVALID"); } void TestPrmImpl::parameterUpdated(FwPrmIdType id) { printf("Parameter %d was updated\n", id); }
#include <Autocoders/Python/test/param_multi_inst/TestPrmImpl.hpp> #include <Autocoders/Python/test/param_multi_inst/TestPrmSourceImpl.hpp> #include <Fw/Obj/SimpleObjRegistry.hpp> int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { #if FW_PORT_TRACING Fw::PortBase::setTrace(true); #endif #if FW_OBJECT_REGISTRATION == 1 Fw::SimpleObjRegistry objReg; #endif TestPrmImpl testImpl("TestPrmImpl"); testImpl.init(); TestParamSourceImpl prmSrc("TestPrmSrc"); prmSrc.init(); testImpl.set_ParamGet_OutputPort(0,prmSrc.get_paramGetPort_InputPort(0)); testImpl.set_ParamSet_OutputPort(0,prmSrc.get_paramSetPort_InputPort(0)); #if FW_OBJECT_REGISTRATION == 1 objReg.dump(); #endif prmSrc.setPrm(15); testImpl.loadParameters(); testImpl.printParam(); }
/* * TestTelemRecvImpl.hpp * * Created on: Mar 28, 2014 * Author: tcanham */ #ifndef TESTPARAMRECVIMPL_HPP_ #define TESTPARAMRECVIMPL_HPP_ #include <Autocoders/Python/test/param_tester/ParamTestComponentAc.hpp> class TestParamSourceImpl: public Prm::ParamTesterComponentBase { public: TestParamSourceImpl(const char* compName); virtual ~TestParamSourceImpl(); void init(); void setPrm(U32 val); protected: Fw::ParamValid paramGetPort_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, FwPrmIdType id, Fw::ParamBuffer &val); void paramSetPort_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, FwPrmIdType id, Fw::ParamBuffer &val); Fw::ParamBuffer m_prm; }; #endif /* TESTCOMMANDSOURCEIMPL_HPP_ */
/* * TestCommand1Impl.cpp * * Created on: Mar 28, 2014 * Author: tcanham */ #include <Autocoders/Python/test/param_multi_inst/TestPrmSourceImpl.hpp> #include <cstdio> TestParamSourceImpl::TestParamSourceImpl(const char* name) : Prm::ParamTesterComponentBase(name) { } TestParamSourceImpl::~TestParamSourceImpl() { } Fw::ParamValid TestParamSourceImpl::paramGetPort_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, FwPrmIdType id, Fw::ParamBuffer &val) { val = this->m_prm; return Fw::ParamValid::VALID; } void TestParamSourceImpl::paramSetPort_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, FwPrmIdType id, Fw::ParamBuffer &val) { } void TestParamSourceImpl::init() { Prm::ParamTesterComponentBase::init(); } void TestParamSourceImpl::setPrm(U32 val) { printf("Setting parameter to %d\n",val); this->m_prm.resetSer(); this->m_prm.serialize(val); }
/* * TestPrmImpl.hpp * * Created on: Mar 28, 2014 * Author: tcanham */ #ifndef TESTPARAMIMPL_HPP_ #define TESTPARAMIMPL_HPP_ #include <Autocoders/Python/test/param_multi_inst/TestComponentAc.hpp> class TestPrmImpl: public Prm::TestPrmComponentBase { public: TestPrmImpl(const char* compName); void genTlm(U32 val); virtual ~TestPrmImpl(); void init(); void printParam(); protected: void aport_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, I32 arg4, F32 arg5, U8 arg6); void parameterUpdated(FwPrmIdType id); }; #endif /* TESTPARAMIMPL_HPP_ */
#ifdef FPRIME_CMAKE #include "Autocoder/GTestBase.hpp" #else #include <param_multi_instGTestBase.hpp> #endif #include "TesterBase.hpp" #include <FpConfig.hpp> // Very minimal to test autocoder. Some day they'll be actual unit test code class ATester : public Prm::TestPrmGTestBase { public: ATester() : Prm::TestPrmGTestBase("comp",10) { } }; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { ATester testBase; }
#include <Autocoders/Python/test/event1/TestLogImpl.hpp> #include <Autocoders/Python/test/event1/TestLogRecvImpl.hpp> #include <Autocoders/Python/test/time_tester/TestTimeImpl.hpp> #include <Fw/Obj/SimpleObjRegistry.hpp> int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { #if FW_PORT_TRACING Fw::PortBase::setTrace(true); #endif #if FW_OBJECT_REGISTRATION == 1 Fw::SimpleObjRegistry objReg; #endif TestLogImpl testImpl("TestLogImpl"); testImpl.init(); TestLogRecvImpl logRecv("TestLogRecv"); logRecv.init(); TestTimeImpl timeSource("TimeComp"); timeSource.init(); testImpl.set_Log_OutputPort(0,logRecv.get_logRecvPort_InputPort(0)); testImpl.set_Time_OutputPort(0,timeSource.get_timeGetPort_InputPort(0)); testImpl.set_LogText_OutputPort(0,logRecv.get_textLogRecvPort_InputPort(0)); timeSource.setTime(Fw::Time(TB_NONE,2,3)); #if FW_OBJECT_REGISTRATION == 1 objReg.dump(); #endif testImpl.sendEvent(20,30.0,40); }
/* * TestCommand1Impl.cpp * * Created on: Mar 28, 2014 * Author: tcanham */ #include <Autocoders/Python/test/event1/TestLogRecvImpl.hpp> #include <cstdio> TestLogRecvImpl::TestLogRecvImpl(const char* name) : LogTextImpl(name) { } TestLogRecvImpl::~TestLogRecvImpl() { } void TestLogRecvImpl::logRecvPort_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, FwEventIdType id, Fw::Time &timeTag, const Fw::LogSeverity& severity, Fw::LogBuffer &args) { printf("Received log %d, Time (%d,%d:%d) severity %d\n",id,timeTag.getTimeBase(),timeTag.getSeconds(),timeTag.getUSeconds(),severity.e); I32 arg1; F32 arg2; U8 arg3; // deserialize them in reverse order args.deserialize(arg3); args.deserialize(arg2); args.deserialize(arg1); printf("Args: %d %f %c\n",arg1,arg2,arg3); } void TestLogRecvImpl::init() { LogTextImpl::init(); }
/* * TestTelemRecvImpl.hpp * * Created on: Mar 28, 2014 * Author: tcanham */ #ifndef TESTTELEMRECVIMPL_HPP_ #define TESTTELEMRECVIMPL_HPP_ #include <Autocoders/Python/test/log_tester/TestTextLogImpl.hpp> class TestLogRecvImpl: public LogTextImpl { public: TestLogRecvImpl(const char* compName); virtual ~TestLogRecvImpl(); void init(); protected: void logRecvPort_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, FwEventIdType id, Fw::Time &timeTag, const Fw::LogSeverity& severity, Fw::LogBuffer &args); private: }; #endif /* TESTCOMMANDSOURCEIMPL_HPP_ */
/* * TestCommand1Impl.hpp * * Created on: Mar 28, 2014 * Author: tcanham */ #ifndef TESTCOMMAND1IMPL_HPP_ #define TESTCOMMAND1IMPL_HPP_ #include <Autocoders/Python/test/event1/TestComponentAc.hpp> class TestLogImpl: public Somewhere::TestLogComponentBase { public: TestLogImpl(const char* compName); virtual ~TestLogImpl(); void init(); void sendEvent(I32 arg1, F32 arg2, U8 arg3); protected: void aport_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, I32 arg4, F32 arg5, U8 arg6); }; #endif /* TESTCOMMAND1IMPL_HPP_ */
/* * TestCommand1Impl.cpp * * Created on: Mar 28, 2014 * Author: tcanham */ #include <Autocoders/Python/test/event1/TestLogImpl.hpp> #include <cstdio> TestLogImpl::TestLogImpl(const char* name) : Somewhere::TestLogComponentBase(name) { } TestLogImpl::~TestLogImpl() { } void TestLogImpl::init() { Somewhere::TestLogComponentBase::init(); } void TestLogImpl::aport_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, I32 arg4, F32 arg5, U8 arg6) { } void TestLogImpl::sendEvent(I32 arg1, F32 arg2, U8 arg3) { printf("Sending event args %d, %f, %d\n",arg1, arg2, arg3); this->log_DIAGNOSTIC_SomeEvent(arg1,arg2,arg3); }
#ifdef FPRIME_CMAKE #include "Autocoder/GTestBase.hpp" #else #include <event1GTestBase.hpp> #endif // Very minimal to test autocoder. Some day they'll be actual unit test code class ATester : public Somewhere::TestLogGTestBase { public: ATester() : Somewhere::TestLogGTestBase("comp",10) { } }; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { ATester testBase; }
/* * TestCommand1Impl.hpp * * Created on: Mar 28, 2014 * Author: tcanham */ #ifndef TESTCOMMAND2IMPL_HPP_ #define TESTCOMMAND2IMPL_HPP_ #include <Autocoders/Python/test/command_string/TestComponentAc.hpp> class TestCommand1Impl: public AcTest::TestCommandComponentBase { public: TestCommand1Impl(const char* compName); void init(NATIVE_INT_TYPE queueDepth); virtual ~TestCommand1Impl(); void aport_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, I32 arg4, F32 arg5, U8 arg6); void TEST_CMD_1_cmdHandler(FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq, I32 arg1, const Fw::CmdStringArg& arg2, SomeEnum arg3); }; #endif /* TESTCOMMAND1IMPL_HPP_ */
#include <Autocoders/Python/test/command_string/TestCommandImpl.hpp> #include <Autocoders/Python/test/command_string/TestCommandSourceImpl.hpp> #include <Fw/Obj/SimpleObjRegistry.hpp> int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { #if FW_PORT_TRACING Fw::PortBase::setTrace(true); #endif #if FW_OBJECT_REGISTRATION == 1 Fw::SimpleObjRegistry objReg; #endif TestCommand1Impl testImpl("TestCmdImpl"); testImpl.init(10); testImpl.start(); TestCommandSourceImpl cmdSrc("TestCmdSource"); cmdSrc.init(); testImpl.set_CmdStatus_OutputPort(0,cmdSrc.get_cmdStatusPort_InputPort(0)); testImpl.set_CmdReg_OutputPort(0,cmdSrc.get_cmdRegPort_InputPort(0)); cmdSrc.set_cmdSendPort_OutputPort(0,testImpl.get_CmdDisp_InputPort(0)); testImpl.regCommands(); #if FW_OBJECT_REGISTRATION == 1 objReg.dump(); #endif Fw::CmdStringArg str("A command string"); cmdSrc.test_TEST_CMD_1(10,str,7); Os::Task::delay(1000); testImpl.exit(); }
/* * TestCommand1Impl.cpp * * Created on: Mar 28, 2014 * Author: tcanham */ #include <Autocoders/Python/test/command_string/TestCommandSourceImpl.hpp> #include <cstdio> TestCommandSourceImpl::TestCommandSourceImpl(const char* name) : Cmd::CommandTesterComponentBase(name) { } TestCommandSourceImpl::~TestCommandSourceImpl() { } void TestCommandSourceImpl::cmdStatusPort_handler( NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq, const Fw::CmdResponse& response) { this->printStatus(response); } void TestCommandSourceImpl::cmdRegPort_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, FwOpcodeType opCode) { printf("Received registration for opcode %d\n",opCode); } void TestCommandSourceImpl::init() { Cmd::CommandTesterComponentBase::init(); } void TestCommandSourceImpl::printStatus(const Fw::CmdResponse& response) { switch (response.e) { case Fw::CmdResponse::OK: printf("COMMAND OK\n"); break; case Fw::CmdResponse::INVALID_OPCODE: printf("INVALID OPCODE\n"); break; case Fw::CmdResponse::VALIDATION_ERROR: printf("VALIDATION ERROR\n"); break; case Fw::CmdResponse::FORMAT_ERROR: printf("FORMAT ERROR\n"); break; case Fw::CmdResponse::EXECUTION_ERROR: printf("EXECUTION ERROR\n"); break; default: printf("Unknown status %d\n", response.e); break; } } void TestCommandSourceImpl::test_TEST_CMD_1(I32 arg1, const Fw::CmdStringArg& arg2, I32 arg3) { // serialize parameters if (!this->isConnected_cmdSendPort_OutputPort(0)) { printf("Test command port not connected."); return; } Fw::CmdArgBuffer argBuff; // do nominal case argBuff.serialize(arg1); argBuff.serialize(arg2); argBuff.serialize(arg3); this->cmdSendPort_out(0, 0x100, 1, argBuff); return; // wrong value // argBuff.resetToStart(); // argBuff.serialize(arg1); // argBuff.serialize(arg2+1); // // this->cmdSendPort_FwCmd_out(0, 0x100, 1, argBuff); // // // too many arguments // argBuff.resetToStart(); // // argBuff.serialize(arg1); // argBuff.serialize(arg2); // argBuff.serialize(arg2); // // this->cmdSendPort_FwCmd_out(0, 0x100, 1, argBuff); // // // too few arguments // argBuff.resetToStart(); // // argBuff.serialize(arg1); // // this->cmdSendPort_FwCmd_out(0, 0x100, 1, argBuff); }
/* * TestCommand1Impl.hpp * * Created on: Mar 28, 2014 * Author: tcanham */ #ifndef TESTCOMMANDSOURCEIMPL_HPP_ #define TESTCOMMANDSOURCEIMPL_HPP_ #include <Autocoders/Python/test/command_tester/CommandTestComponentAc.hpp> #include <Autocoders/Python/test/command_string/TestComponentAc.hpp> class TestCommandSourceImpl: public Cmd::CommandTesterComponentBase { public: TestCommandSourceImpl(const char* compName); virtual ~TestCommandSourceImpl(); void init(); void test_TEST_CMD_1(I32 arg1, const Fw::CmdStringArg& arg2, I32 arg3); protected: void cmdStatusPort_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq, const Fw::CmdResponse& response); void cmdRegPort_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, FwOpcodeType opCode); private: void printStatus(const Fw::CmdResponse& response); }; #endif /* TESTCOMMANDSOURCEIMPL_HPP_ */
/* * TestCommand1Impl.cpp * * Created on: Mar 28, 2014 * Author: tcanham */ #include <Autocoders/Python/test/command_string/TestCommandImpl.hpp> #include <cstdio> TestCommand1Impl::TestCommand1Impl(const char* name) : AcTest::TestCommandComponentBase(name) { } void TestCommand1Impl::init(NATIVE_INT_TYPE queueDepth) { AcTest::TestCommandComponentBase::init(queueDepth); } TestCommand1Impl::~TestCommand1Impl() { } void TestCommand1Impl::aport_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, I32 arg4, F32 arg5, U8 arg6) { } void TestCommand1Impl::TEST_CMD_1_cmdHandler(FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq, I32 arg1, const Fw::CmdStringArg& arg2, SomeEnum arg3) { const char *enum_str = "unknown"; switch (arg3) { case MEMB1: enum_str = "MEMB1"; break; case MEMB2: enum_str = "MEMB2"; break; case MEMB3: enum_str = "MEMB3"; break; default: enum_str = "INV"; break; } printf("Got command args: %d \"%s\" %s\n", arg1, arg2.toChar(),enum_str); this->cmdResponse_out(opCode,cmdSeq,Fw::CmdResponse::OK); }
#ifdef FPRIME_CMAKE #include "Autocoder/GTestBase.hpp" #else #include <command_stringGTestBase.hpp> #endif #include "TesterBase.hpp" #include <FpConfig.hpp> // Very minimal to test autocoder. Some day they'll be actual unit test code class ATester : public AcTest::TestCommandGTestBase { public: ATester() : AcTest::TestCommandGTestBase("comp",10) { } }; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { ATester testBase; }
#include <Autocoders/Python/test/serialize3/AlltypesSerializableAc.hpp> int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { Ns::Something::Alltypes atypes; }
#include <Autocoders/Python/test/tlm_multi_inst/TestTelemImpl.hpp> #include <Autocoders/Python/test/tlm_multi_inst/TestTelemRecvImpl.hpp> #include <Autocoders/Python/test/time_tester/TestTimeImpl.hpp> #include <Fw/Obj/SimpleObjRegistry.hpp> int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { #if FW_PORT_TRACING Fw::PortBase::setTrace(true); #endif #if FW_OBJECT_REGISTRATION == 1 Fw::SimpleObjRegistry objReg; #endif TestTlmImpl testImpl("TestTlmImpl"); testImpl.init(); TestTelemRecvImpl tlmRecv("TestTlmRecv"); tlmRecv.init(); TestTimeImpl timeSource("TimeComp"); timeSource.init(); testImpl.set_Tlm_OutputPort(0,tlmRecv.get_tlmRecvPort_InputPort(0)); testImpl.set_Time_OutputPort(0,timeSource.get_timeGetPort_InputPort(0)); timeSource.setTime(Fw::Time(TB_NONE,2,3)); #if FW_OBJECT_REGISTRATION == 1 objReg.dump(); #endif testImpl.genTlm(26); }