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Continue the lyrics:
Nothing's gonna make me feel this real
So, baby, don't go home I don't wanna spend tonight alone Would you end your night with me?
What comes next in these lyrics?
So, baby, don't go home
I don't wanna spend tonight alone Would you end your night with me? Don't you leave me all behind
Complete the following lyrics:
I don't wanna spend tonight alone
Would you end your night with me? Don't you leave me all behind Don't you leave my little life
Add the next line to these lyrics:
Would you end your night with me?
Don't you leave me all behind Don't you leave my little life Don't you leave my little lie
What follows in these lyrics?
Don't you leave me all behind
Don't you leave my little life Don't you leave my little lie No, no, no, no, no
Extend these lyrics with the next line:
Don't you leave my little life
Don't you leave my little lie No, no, no, no, no I know that look you give when we're fighting
Finish the following lyrics:
Don't you leave my little lie
No, no, no, no, no I know that look you give when we're fighting 'Cause I used to be the one who was lying
How do these lyrics continue?
No, no, no, no, no
I know that look you give when we're fighting 'Cause I used to be the one who was lying I don't deserve someone loyal to me
Carry on the lyrics:
I know that look you give when we're fighting
'Cause I used to be the one who was lying I don't deserve someone loyal to me And I don't want to be a prisoner to who I used to be