7 values
I feel dizzy .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I feel dizzy . ### Assistant: neutral
Let me take your temperature .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Let me take your temperature . ### Assistant: neutral
Mom , I don't want to go to see a doctor .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Mom , I don't want to go to see a doctor . ### Assistant: neutral
Oh , honey , I think you've caught a cold , you should get a shot .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Oh , honey , I think you've caught a cold , you should get a shot . ### Assistant: neutral
What do you want to be ?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line What do you want to be ? ### Assistant: neutral
Dad , I haven't thought about it . I'm still young .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Dad , I haven't thought about it . I'm still young . ### Assistant: neutral
Oh , honey , but you must know what your hobby is , right ?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Oh , honey , but you must know what your hobby is , right ? ### Assistant: neutral
I like playing the piano .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I like playing the piano . ### Assistant: neutral
Yes , you play the piano well . You could be a good pianist . That's good .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Yes , you play the piano well . You could be a good pianist . That's good . ### Assistant: joy
Where are you off to ?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Where are you off to ? ### Assistant: neutral
The movies .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line The movies . ### Assistant: neutral
May I have the menu , please ?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line May I have the menu , please ? ### Assistant: neutral
Sure . Here you go .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Sure . Here you go . ### Assistant: neutral
Peter , do you want to learn to play the piano ?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Peter , do you want to learn to play the piano ? ### Assistant: neutral
No , mom . Piano is for girls .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line No , mom . Piano is for girls . ### Assistant: neutral
Well , there are many boys that can play the piano very well , like Jay Chou .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Well , there are many boys that can play the piano very well , like Jay Chou . ### Assistant: neutral
No way , mom . I don't like piano .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line No way , mom . I don't like piano . ### Assistant: neutral
OK . But you have to promise me that you will study hard in your English class .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line OK . But you have to promise me that you will study hard in your English class . ### Assistant: neutral
All right , all right . I understand .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line All right , all right . I understand . ### Assistant: neutral
Jenny , Can you come and help me ?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Jenny , Can you come and help me ? ### Assistant: neutral
Mom , what should I do ?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Mom , what should I do ? ### Assistant: neutral
It's dusty everywhere in the house . Can you help me do the housecleaning ?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line It's dusty everywhere in the house . Can you help me do the housecleaning ? ### Assistant: neutral
OK . I will call Peter to clean it together .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line OK . I will call Peter to clean it together . ### Assistant: neutral
That's my good girl . The clothes need washing . I'll do the laundry .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line That's my good girl . The clothes need washing . I'll do the laundry . ### Assistant: joy
Mom , what are we going to make tonight ?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Mom , what are we going to make tonight ? ### Assistant: neutral
Curry and rice . What do you think ?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Curry and rice . What do you think ? ### Assistant: neutral
That sounds nice . I can peel the potatoes first .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line That sounds nice . I can peel the potatoes first . ### Assistant: neutral
Really ! Oh , honey , you are so sweet . I'll chop up this carrot .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Really ! Oh , honey , you are so sweet . I'll chop up this carrot . ### Assistant: joy
Mom , the water is boiling !
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Mom , the water is boiling ! ### Assistant: neutral
Honey , just turn down the stove .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Honey , just turn down the stove . ### Assistant: neutral
Can you make out what he's saying ?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Can you make out what he's saying ? ### Assistant: neutral
No , it's too loud in here .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line No , it's too loud in here . ### Assistant: neutral
It's your turn now , Helen .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line It's your turn now , Helen . ### Assistant: neutral
OK . I'm coming .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line OK . I'm coming . ### Assistant: neutral
This is your song . I picked it for you .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line This is your song . I picked it for you . ### Assistant: neutral
Thank you . You are so considerate .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Thank you . You are so considerate . ### Assistant: neutral
Push the red button on the mike to turn it on .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Push the red button on the mike to turn it on . ### Assistant: neutral
OK . This key is too high for me .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line OK . This key is too high for me . ### Assistant: neutral
I think it's a piece of cake for you .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I think it's a piece of cake for you . ### Assistant: neutral
OK . Let me have a try ...
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line OK . Let me have a try ... ### Assistant: neutral
Well done ! I hope I can sing as well as you one day .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Well done ! I hope I can sing as well as you one day . ### Assistant: joy
Thank you . I'm sure you will .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Thank you . I'm sure you will . ### Assistant: joy
I hope so . Thank you for saying so .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I hope so . Thank you for saying so . ### Assistant: joy
Dinner's ready ! Come and get it !
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Dinner's ready ! Come and get it ! ### Assistant: neutral
Coming !
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Coming ! ### Assistant: neutral
Have you got a minute ?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Have you got a minute ? ### Assistant: neutral
Sure . What's up ?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Sure . What's up ? ### Assistant: neutral
Who is the next one ?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Who is the next one ? ### Assistant: neutral
It's Peter's turn .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line It's Peter's turn . ### Assistant: neutral
Give the mike to him .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Give the mike to him . ### Assistant: neutral
OK .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line OK . ### Assistant: neutral
Be quiet . He is singing .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Be quiet . He is singing . ### Assistant: neutral
I thought he only liked to listen !
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I thought he only liked to listen ! ### Assistant: neutral
So did I .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line So did I . ### Assistant: neutral
He has a really good voice !
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line He has a really good voice ! ### Assistant: joy
Yes , he sings wonderfully .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Yes , he sings wonderfully . ### Assistant: joy
Can you pass me the lighter ?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Can you pass me the lighter ? ### Assistant: neutral
Here . Catch !
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Here . Catch ! ### Assistant: neutral
Have you ever sung with a karaoke ?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Have you ever sung with a karaoke ? ### Assistant: neutral
Yes , I do it quite often .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Yes , I do it quite often . ### Assistant: neutral
Karaoke has become a major entertainment . I wonder why .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Karaoke has become a major entertainment . I wonder why . ### Assistant: neutral
Simple , it's fun .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Simple , it's fun . ### Assistant: neutral
How much fun is there in singing in front of other people , especially if you don't sing well ?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line How much fun is there in singing in front of other people , especially if you don't sing well ? ### Assistant: neutral
Ah , that's the biggest fun of all . You see , even though you're not a good singer , people will listen to you .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Ah , that's the biggest fun of all . You see , even though you're not a good singer , people will listen to you . ### Assistant: neutral
I wouldn't do that .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I wouldn't do that . ### Assistant: neutral
But I like the feeling .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line But I like the feeling . ### Assistant: neutral
What kind of music do you like ?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line What kind of music do you like ? ### Assistant: neutral
I like popular music best .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I like popular music best . ### Assistant: neutral
Me too .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Me too . ### Assistant: neutral
Who is your favorite singer ?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Who is your favorite singer ? ### Assistant: neutral
Qi In is .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Qi In is . ### Assistant: neutral
Do you know this song ?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Do you know this song ? ### Assistant: neutral
Yes , I like it very much .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Yes , I like it very much . ### Assistant: neutral
Let's sing it together , shall we ?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Let's sing it together , shall we ? ### Assistant: neutral
No problem .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line No problem . ### Assistant: neutral
Who's it for ?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Who's it for ? ### Assistant: neutral
It's for you .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line It's for you . ### Assistant: neutral
How much does this cost ?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line How much does this cost ? ### Assistant: neutral
Sixty dollars .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Sixty dollars . ### Assistant: neutral
May I use your phone ?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line May I use your phone ? ### Assistant: neutral
Go ahead .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Go ahead . ### Assistant: neutral
Where's the toilet ?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Where's the toilet ? ### Assistant: neutral
Over there .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Over there . ### Assistant: neutral
Watch out , Jenny ! Be careful of the cars .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Watch out , Jenny ! Be careful of the cars . ### Assistant: neutral
I'm fine , dad .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I'm fine , dad . ### Assistant: neutral
Did you get hit ?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Did you get hit ? ### Assistant: neutral
No , dad . Can I go there to play ball ?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line No , dad . Can I go there to play ball ? ### Assistant: neutral
Watch out for strangers , and don't go too far away . Alright ?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Watch out for strangers , and don't go too far away . Alright ? ### Assistant: neutral
Do you shop online often ?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Do you shop online often ? ### Assistant: neutral
Every so often . It is very convenient and the price is lower than in stores .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Every so often . It is very convenient and the price is lower than in stores . ### Assistant: neutral
Are there many things online ?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Are there many things online ? ### Assistant: neutral
Books , cosmetics , daily necessities , even large electrical appliance can be ordered from online-stores .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Books , cosmetics , daily necessities , even large electrical appliance can be ordered from online-stores . ### Assistant: neutral
Incredible . I really want to survey the on-line virtual supermarket .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Incredible . I really want to survey the on-line virtual supermarket . ### Assistant: neutral
Even you can bargain with the owner of one on-line store , although he or she provides ' But It Now ' prices .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Even you can bargain with the owner of one on-line store , although he or she provides ' But It Now ' prices . ### Assistant: neutral
What are the disadvantages of on-line shopping ?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line What are the disadvantages of on-line shopping ? ### Assistant: neutral
Some provide wrong pictures for the goods , so many buyers are deceived .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Some provide wrong pictures for the goods , so many buyers are deceived . ### Assistant: neutral
Peter , it's time to go home now ! Hurry up !
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Peter , it's time to go home now ! Hurry up ! ### Assistant: neutral
Ten more minutes , mom . Please !
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Ten more minutes , mom . Please ! ### Assistant: neutral
Honey , it's almost noon . We have to go home and make lunch for your sister .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Honey , it's almost noon . We have to go home and make lunch for your sister . ### Assistant: neutral
I bet she will hang around with her mates after school .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I bet she will hang around with her mates after school . ### Assistant: neutral