7 values
I'll be back late tonight .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I'll be back late tonight . ### Assistant: neutral
Why ? What's the problem ?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Why ? What's the problem ? ### Assistant: neutral
I have a meeting with my General Manager .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I have a meeting with my General Manager . ### Assistant: neutral
Anna , Would you like to dance ?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Anna , Would you like to dance ? ### Assistant: neutral
I ’ d love to , but I ’ m a terrible dancer . I ’ m afraid I may step on your toes .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I ’ d love to , but I ’ m a terrible dancer . I ’ m afraid I may step on your toes . ### Assistant: neutral
Don ’ t worry about it . I ’ ll show you how . It ’ s a piece of cake .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Don ’ t worry about it . I ’ ll show you how . It ’ s a piece of cake . ### Assistant: neutral
Thank you . I ’ ll try my best .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Thank you . I ’ ll try my best . ### Assistant: joy
Jodi , I must get a hold of Jim today , but I forgot his address and phone number .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Jodi , I must get a hold of Jim today , but I forgot his address and phone number . ### Assistant: neutral
Don ’ t worry about it . I have his pager number right here .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Don ’ t worry about it . I have his pager number right here . ### Assistant: neutral
Really ? You ’ Ve helped me a lot . Thank you .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Really ? You ’ Ve helped me a lot . Thank you . ### Assistant: joy
Forget it . It ’ s nothing .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Forget it . It ’ s nothing . ### Assistant: neutral
How's the chicken ?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line How's the chicken ? ### Assistant: neutral
It's delicious .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line It's delicious . ### Assistant: joy
Would you pour me some of that tea , please ?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Would you pour me some of that tea , please ? ### Assistant: neutral
Okay . Say when .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Okay . Say when . ### Assistant: neutral
Would you care for a drink ?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Would you care for a drink ? ### Assistant: neutral
No , thanks . I'm fine .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line No , thanks . I'm fine . ### Assistant: neutral
Hello , could I speak to Allison , please ?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Hello , could I speak to Allison , please ? ### Assistant: neutral
I'm sorry ; he's out at the moment .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I'm sorry ; he's out at the moment . ### Assistant: neutral
When do you expect him back ?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line When do you expect him back ? ### Assistant: neutral
I think he'll be back in about an hour at least .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I think he'll be back in about an hour at least . ### Assistant: neutral
Well , may I leave a message ?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Well , may I leave a message ? ### Assistant: neutral
Yes , of course .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Yes , of course . ### Assistant: neutral
Would you please ask him to call Chris when he gets back ?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Would you please ask him to call Chris when he gets back ? ### Assistant: neutral
Ok . Does he know your number ?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Ok . Does he know your number ? ### Assistant: neutral
I'm afraid he doesn't . My mobile is 139- 2477 - 4026 .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I'm afraid he doesn't . My mobile is 139- 2477 - 4026 . ### Assistant: neutral
13924774026 . All right . Thanks for calling . Oh , hang on , someone's at the door that may be him , please hold on .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line 13924774026 . All right . Thanks for calling . Oh , hang on , someone's at the door that may be him , please hold on . ### Assistant: joy
Welcome back .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Welcome back . ### Assistant: neutral
It's good to be home .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line It's good to be home . ### Assistant: joy
How can I get to Lakeside Park ?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line How can I get to Lakeside Park ? ### Assistant: neutral
Take the No . 7 bus . There's a bus stop just over there .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Take the No . 7 bus . There's a bus stop just over there . ### Assistant: neutral
Will it take me straight there ?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Will it take me straight there ? ### Assistant: neutral
Yes . No need to change .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Yes . No need to change . ### Assistant: neutral
I come home for lunch .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I come home for lunch . ### Assistant: neutral
How long have you got ?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line How long have you got ? ### Assistant: neutral
Only 1 hour .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Only 1 hour . ### Assistant: neutral
Okay , I'll make you some food .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Okay , I'll make you some food . ### Assistant: neutral
May I speak to Marry ?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line May I speak to Marry ? ### Assistant: neutral
Marry is not in right now , she went shopping with her mum .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Marry is not in right now , she went shopping with her mum . ### Assistant: neutral
Will it be too late if I call around ten this evening ?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Will it be too late if I call around ten this evening ? ### Assistant: neutral
That's all right . We don't go to bed early .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line That's all right . We don't go to bed early . ### Assistant: neutral
Hello . Excuse me . Do you know if there's a Commercial Bank around here ?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Hello . Excuse me . Do you know if there's a Commercial Bank around here ? ### Assistant: neutral
Yes , go straight along Beijing Road and turn right .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Yes , go straight along Beijing Road and turn right . ### Assistant: neutral
Straight on , and turn right . Is it far ?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Straight on , and turn right . Is it far ? ### Assistant: neutral
No , it's just a couple of minutes .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line No , it's just a couple of minutes . ### Assistant: neutral
Thanks very much .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Thanks very much . ### Assistant: joy
You're welcome .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line You're welcome . ### Assistant: joy
We're broke .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line We're broke . ### Assistant: neutral
I can't believe it 。
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I can't believe it 。 ### Assistant: surprise
Where do you want to go ?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Where do you want to go ? ### Assistant: neutral
I'm going to the hospital .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I'm going to the hospital . ### Assistant: neutral
Get in . I'll take you .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Get in . I'll take you . ### Assistant: neutral
About how much will it cost ?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line About how much will it cost ? ### Assistant: neutral
It will cost you $ 10 .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line It will cost you $ 10 . ### Assistant: neutral
By the way , what's the time ?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line By the way , what's the time ? ### Assistant: neutral
You can see the time on the meter . I have radio time , you know .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line You can see the time on the meter . I have radio time , you know . ### Assistant: neutral
It's a quarter to 12 . Could you please drive a little faster ?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line It's a quarter to 12 . Could you please drive a little faster ? ### Assistant: neutral
Certainly .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Certainly . ### Assistant: neutral
I broke Mom's vase .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I broke Mom's vase . ### Assistant: neutral
She's going to kill you .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line She's going to kill you . ### Assistant: neutral
Who broke my chair ?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Who broke my chair ? ### Assistant: neutral
It wasn't me .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line It wasn't me . ### Assistant: neutral
Man ! That car almost hit me !
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Man ! That car almost hit me ! ### Assistant: anger
Yeah , that was close .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Yeah , that was close . ### Assistant: neutral
Where can I get a good novel ?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Where can I get a good novel ? ### Assistant: neutral
There's a bookstore just across the street .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line There's a bookstore just across the street . ### Assistant: neutral
The washing machine isn't working again .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line The washing machine isn't working again . ### Assistant: anger
It's not my fault .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line It's not my fault . ### Assistant: neutral
I'll treat you dinner .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I'll treat you dinner . ### Assistant: neutral
Don't be silly . Let's go Dutch .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Don't be silly . Let's go Dutch . ### Assistant: neutral
Where did this come from ?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Where did this come from ? ### Assistant: neutral
I have no idea .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I have no idea . ### Assistant: neutral
Would you please put that cigarette out ? I get sick on it .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Would you please put that cigarette out ? I get sick on it . ### Assistant: neutral
You do ? OK , fine with me .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line You do ? OK , fine with me . ### Assistant: neutral
Thank you so much .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Thank you so much . ### Assistant: neutral
But I also want ya to do me a favor .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line But I also want ya to do me a favor . ### Assistant: neutral
What ?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line What ? ### Assistant: neutral
You gotta have some better deodorant .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line You gotta have some better deodorant . ### Assistant: neutral
I ’ m sorry ? !
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I ’ m sorry ? ! ### Assistant: surprise
Do you mind if I get a lift in your car , please ?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Do you mind if I get a lift in your car , please ? ### Assistant: neutral
I don ’ t see any problem ; only the car is a bit old .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I don ’ t see any problem ; only the car is a bit old . ### Assistant: neutral
Oh you ’ re so kind !
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Oh you ’ re so kind ! ### Assistant: neutral
Get in .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Get in . ### Assistant: neutral
That'll be eight dollars , please .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line That'll be eight dollars , please . ### Assistant: neutral
Here's ten . Keep the change .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Here's ten . Keep the change . ### Assistant: neutral
These are new arrivals .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line These are new arrivals . ### Assistant: neutral
Let me have a look .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Let me have a look . ### Assistant: neutral
Try them if you like .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Try them if you like . ### Assistant: neutral
I like the fabric , but I don ’ t like the style .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I like the fabric , but I don ’ t like the style . ### Assistant: neutral
What about that one over there ?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line What about that one over there ? ### Assistant: neutral
They are too bright .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line They are too bright . ### Assistant: neutral
Thank you for calling the Twin Theatre .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Thank you for calling the Twin Theatre . ### Assistant: neutral
What time does the next showing of Forrest Gump begin ?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line What time does the next showing of Forrest Gump begin ? ### Assistant: neutral
The next show is at two o'clock .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line The next show is at two o'clock . ### Assistant: neutral
What about the one after that ?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line What about the one after that ? ### Assistant: neutral
Do you have wool socks ?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Do you have wool socks ? ### Assistant: neutral
Yes . We have socks made of various materials . These socks are of imported wool .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Yes . We have socks made of various materials . These socks are of imported wool . ### Assistant: neutral
Can you guarantee the quality ?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Can you guarantee the quality ? ### Assistant: neutral
Yes , absolutely .
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Yes , absolutely . ### Assistant: neutral
Where are the panty-hose ?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Where are the panty-hose ? ### Assistant: neutral