7 values
It's funny to consider DMC2 had characterization
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line It's funny to consider DMC2 had characterization ### Assistant: joy
I love how the girl on her phone in the background sees what happened but just doesn’t care...must happen all the time.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I love how the girl on her phone in the background sees what happened but just doesn’t care...must happen all the time. ### Assistant: love
This is sarcasm. Let that friend lecture you for 1 hour.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line This is sarcasm. Let that friend lecture you for 1 hour. ### Assistant: anger
BSN Broncos is the place to be for the off season. Just go there
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line BSN Broncos is the place to be for the off season. Just go there ### Assistant: anger
Ending the quarter with some point [NAME] action, I love it
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Ending the quarter with some point [NAME] action, I love it ### Assistant: love
Meanwhile, I was literally saying to myself "*I like rusty spoons*" earlier this morning RIGHT BEFORE logging onto Reddit. Kinda strange
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Meanwhile, I was literally saying to myself "*I like rusty spoons*" earlier this morning RIGHT BEFORE logging onto Reddit. Kinda strange ### Assistant: love
not funny enough for that
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line not funny enough for that ### Assistant: anger
As someone who could totally eat three donuts in a row if I let myself, the amount of sugar this woman consumed still struck terror into my heart
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line As someone who could totally eat three donuts in a row if I let myself, the amount of sugar this woman consumed still struck terror into my heart ### Assistant: surprise
I love Skyline Chili but I totally understand why other people don't. Same with Imo's.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I love Skyline Chili but I totally understand why other people don't. Same with Imo's. ### Assistant: love
I love going to a diner and eating in a booth by myself.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I love going to a diner and eating in a booth by myself. ### Assistant: love
Happy New Year.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Happy New Year. ### Assistant: joy
I would not be surprised seeing as both picked up [NAME] and the other [NAME].
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I would not be surprised seeing as both picked up [NAME] and the other [NAME]. ### Assistant: surprise
Since 1987 it has been like this, I love this team and this sport.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Since 1987 it has been like this, I love this team and this sport. ### Assistant: love
[NAME] has broken his brain so bad he’s turning [NAME] into [NAME]
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line [NAME] has broken his brain so bad he’s turning [NAME] into [NAME] ### Assistant: sadness
YES! I LOVE Olaplex :)
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line YES! I LOVE Olaplex :) ### Assistant: love
One of my favourite [NAME] moments
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line One of my favourite [NAME] moments ### Assistant: love
So that's how people get their cars sideways in those crazy pictures. I'd always wondered.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line So that's how people get their cars sideways in those crazy pictures. I'd always wondered. ### Assistant: surprise
I'm the one who died inside here
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I'm the one who died inside here ### Assistant: anger
Probably. The fact his reaction to you being injured was to go off and have sex with a stranger is not a healthy sign.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Probably. The fact his reaction to you being injured was to go off and have sex with a stranger is not a healthy sign. ### Assistant: anger
I would be creeped out.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I would be creeped out. ### Assistant: fear
Are you in love with the memories or do you still love him for who he is now?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Are you in love with the memories or do you still love him for who he is now? ### Assistant: surprise
So much better that way!
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line So much better that way! ### Assistant: surprise
I don't care what idiots think about me.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I don't care what idiots think about me. ### Assistant: anger
All I'll say is when I can smell it walking down the street it makes me very jealous.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line All I'll say is when I can smell it walking down the street it makes me very jealous. ### Assistant: anger
Puny god! Love it
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Puny god! Love it ### Assistant: love
My mistake lol
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line My mistake lol ### Assistant: fear
Gonna be at the game! Let's get this win boys!
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Gonna be at the game! Let's get this win boys! ### Assistant: joy
I've found that carrying 21 chromosome's is the sweet spot
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I've found that carrying 21 chromosome's is the sweet spot ### Assistant: love
I love [NAME]. I really love him. Xx
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I love [NAME]. I really love him. Xx ### Assistant: love
Yay yayeeeee!
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Yay yayeeeee! ### Assistant: joy
Nobel prize, u/Otomyre, Nobel prize! I’ll see you in Sweden!
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Nobel prize, u/Otomyre, Nobel prize! I’ll see you in Sweden! ### Assistant: surprise
I do enjoy my lawn. 😁
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I do enjoy my lawn. 😁 ### Assistant: joy
Uh... What's stopping you from just throwing it away?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Uh... What's stopping you from just throwing it away? ### Assistant: anger
Well 216 is out now and Im crying. [NAME] why?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Well 216 is out now and Im crying. [NAME] why? ### Assistant: sadness
I would’ve LOVED to be a part of something like this as a kid!!
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I would’ve LOVED to be a part of something like this as a kid!! ### Assistant: love
She already had a child protection worker. It wasn’t her first rodeo sadly.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line She already had a child protection worker. It wasn’t her first rodeo sadly. ### Assistant: sadness
"[NAME], meet [NAME]" love that show
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line "[NAME], meet [NAME]" love that show ### Assistant: love
Go ask that at /r/drama. People there might have all the links and screencaps still.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Go ask that at /r/drama. People there might have all the links and screencaps still. ### Assistant: anger
they just want someone to agree with them and tell them they're right. that's all these sorts of posts ever are.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line they just want someone to agree with them and tell them they're right. that's all these sorts of posts ever are. ### Assistant: anger
Love the homeless encampment in the photo.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Love the homeless encampment in the photo. ### Assistant: love
this sort of creativity is awesome to see. play calling done right. chargers going to stomp the pats this weekend
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line this sort of creativity is awesome to see. play calling done right. chargers going to stomp the pats this weekend ### Assistant: joy
Pls end me
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Pls end me ### Assistant: sadness
You’re a nut if you don’t think the pubs are far more corrupt than the dems.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line You’re a nut if you don’t think the pubs are far more corrupt than the dems. ### Assistant: anger
An imaginary god won't make you feel better, that's right, just the one true Living and Eternal God of Great Mercy who loves you.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line An imaginary god won't make you feel better, that's right, just the one true Living and Eternal God of Great Mercy who loves you. ### Assistant: love
So long as we get the [NAME] from this season and not last season I'm happy
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line So long as we get the [NAME] from this season and not last season I'm happy ### Assistant: joy
That makes sense with NBC owning coverage of the Olympics.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line That makes sense with NBC owning coverage of the Olympics. ### Assistant: joy
The fact that you think like this is terrifying.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line The fact that you think like this is terrifying. ### Assistant: fear
I love how he calls himself a "decent man" and the other guy a "douche" even though he's the one who wants to fight him
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I love how he calls himself a "decent man" and the other guy a "douche" even though he's the one who wants to fight him ### Assistant: love
Hmmm, mildly interesting :)
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Hmmm, mildly interesting :) ### Assistant: joy
Pinkwashing a violent, repressive institution isn’t cool.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Pinkwashing a violent, repressive institution isn’t cool. ### Assistant: anger
I wonder why don't we share this planet together as human beings instead of slaving and being like robots... [NAME]
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I wonder why don't we share this planet together as human beings instead of slaving and being like robots... [NAME] ### Assistant: surprise
Saw that on Scrubs, love that show.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Saw that on Scrubs, love that show. ### Assistant: love
Lol! I’m glad you feel lucky because you are! Could you imagine dealing with the continuous flipping back and forth between desire and guilt? 😬
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Lol! I’m glad you feel lucky because you are! Could you imagine dealing with the continuous flipping back and forth between desire and guilt? 😬 ### Assistant: joy
I love this wow
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I love this wow ### Assistant: love
But terrible people is my "type"
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line But terrible people is my "type" ### Assistant: fear
I can't tell you how happy I am that [NAME] and [NAME] are Polynesian Sauce guys.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I can't tell you how happy I am that [NAME] and [NAME] are Polynesian Sauce guys. ### Assistant: joy
Sadly, I’m younger. 15.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Sadly, I’m younger. 15. ### Assistant: sadness
Whew. I'm safe then.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Whew. I'm safe then. ### Assistant: surprise
It was such a strange error.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line It was such a strange error. ### Assistant: surprise
Was already mad when it wasn’t center. Then when it got knock over, i was furious. Damn machine has no brains.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Was already mad when it wasn’t center. Then when it got knock over, i was furious. Damn machine has no brains. ### Assistant: anger
Didn't realize they were shipping the challenge coins with Israeli FAL rifles, that makes this whole thing even weirder.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Didn't realize they were shipping the challenge coins with Israeli FAL rifles, that makes this whole thing even weirder. ### Assistant: fear
*me Doesn't make any sense if your anxiety is afraid of these things, since it would be scared and go away then.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line *me Doesn't make any sense if your anxiety is afraid of these things, since it would be scared and go away then. ### Assistant: anger
Sorry you had to live there. Good news is they are demolishing it in 2020.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Sorry you had to live there. Good news is they are demolishing it in 2020. ### Assistant: sadness
omg good bot
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line omg good bot ### Assistant: surprise
Wait, am I the only one who thought [NAME] was the tallest since childhood?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Wait, am I the only one who thought [NAME] was the tallest since childhood? ### Assistant: surprise
Your son went to school in a treehouse?
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Your son went to school in a treehouse? ### Assistant: surprise
Ouch! My hear sank. Don’t do this to me.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Ouch! My hear sank. Don’t do this to me. ### Assistant: fear
I bought milk and honey for its cover. ended up loving it anyway.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I bought milk and honey for its cover. ended up loving it anyway. ### Assistant: joy
Sad but true lol
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Sad but true lol ### Assistant: sadness
Shared misery *always* makes me feel better :D
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Shared misery *always* makes me feel better :D ### Assistant: joy
So. This is scary as fuck.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line So. This is scary as fuck. ### Assistant: fear
I hope barely anyone watches it, it's so aggressive, full of cringe and makes him look childish
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I hope barely anyone watches it, it's so aggressive, full of cringe and makes him look childish ### Assistant: anger
I’m so homesick and I come here for photos like this.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I’m so homesick and I come here for photos like this. ### Assistant: sadness
[NAME] damn it
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line [NAME] damn it ### Assistant: anger
>if your car is so great why do you have to fill it with petrol all the time This is how stupid you sound
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line >if your car is so great why do you have to fill it with petrol all the time This is how stupid you sound ### Assistant: anger
That's awesome. Hahaha
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line That's awesome. Hahaha ### Assistant: joy
What’s the clip from? I’m scared to put “teen boy good kisser 900 number” into YouTube
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line What’s the clip from? I’m scared to put “teen boy good kisser 900 number” into YouTube ### Assistant: fear
No worries. Just giving you a hard time!
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line No worries. Just giving you a hard time! ### Assistant: sadness
Your old enough to call the police. Don't let him put hands on you again.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Your old enough to call the police. Don't let him put hands on you again. ### Assistant: anger
I have [NAME] hat so I could marry it, flip it and kill it
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I have [NAME] hat so I could marry it, flip it and kill it ### Assistant: joy
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line UNLIMITED POWER! ### Assistant: anger
Its to bad he doesn’t give Tomlin this treatment.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Its to bad he doesn’t give Tomlin this treatment. ### Assistant: sadness
She does it again in last nights episode, it’s so shady!!
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line She does it again in last nights episode, it’s so shady!! ### Assistant: joy
I like being bad. It makes me happy.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I like being bad. It makes me happy. ### Assistant: joy
Dang. A LPT!
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Dang. A LPT! ### Assistant: surprise
Interesting. I recognize way more of the 2019 names than I did from last year. Any hope that means I'm getting younger?!
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Interesting. I recognize way more of the 2019 names than I did from last year. Any hope that means I'm getting younger?! ### Assistant: joy
Man, [NAME] really turned insane, huh. What a shame, man...
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Man, [NAME] really turned insane, huh. What a shame, man... ### Assistant: anger
I feel bad for that other little girl that was the only one not to get a puck
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I feel bad for that other little girl that was the only one not to get a puck ### Assistant: sadness
Yum, I love a little pigeon mixed with my grain.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Yum, I love a little pigeon mixed with my grain. ### Assistant: love
Had a whole grilled lamb at an Indian restaurant once for a corporate event. It was amazing
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Had a whole grilled lamb at an Indian restaurant once for a corporate event. It was amazing ### Assistant: joy
I actually choose to teach an extra class so I can avoid lunch duty. I hate it.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I actually choose to teach an extra class so I can avoid lunch duty. I hate it. ### Assistant: anger
You again.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line You again. ### Assistant: surprise
I went through that phase, I was quite depressed.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line I went through that phase, I was quite depressed. ### Assistant: sadness
[NAME] is a hero I always saw it. But seriously I love his video essays and im so ecstatic that hes a raimi memer!
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line [NAME] is a hero I always saw it. But seriously I love his video essays and im so ecstatic that hes a raimi memer! ### Assistant: love
Wauw! Those weapons are awesome!!
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Wauw! Those weapons are awesome!! ### Assistant: surprise
*Hey just noticed..* it's your **2nd Cakeday** yosoyjackiejorpjomp! ^(hug)
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line *Hey just noticed..* it's your **2nd Cakeday** yosoyjackiejorpjomp! ^(hug) ### Assistant: joy
This is full of bullshit
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line This is full of bullshit ### Assistant: anger
Correct What the fuck is the AAF is what im asking.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Correct What the fuck is the AAF is what im asking. ### Assistant: anger
Good. I want them to remain crazed. More winning for us.
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Good. I want them to remain crazed. More winning for us. ### Assistant: joy
Yea the refs weren't terrible all game or anything
###Human: you are a sentiment analist. guess the sentiment of the following line Yea the refs weren't terrible all game or anything ### Assistant: anger