Re: Transport Rates , ---------------------- Forwarded by Chris Germany/HOU/ECT on 02/19/2000 01:20 PM --------------------------- Clayton Vernon@ENRON 02/17/2000 09:07 AM To: Chris Germany/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: Re: Transport Rates Chris- What about Transco Zone 3? Hey, I'm coming by with a picture of Natasha for you. It's a huge long-shot, of course, a shot in the dark, but, hey- what the hell. The hardest thing about meeting her would be her getting a visa to come here. They're almost unavailable except for family members of US citizens. And, you'd be uncomfortable travelling there without an "escort," so to speak, because you don't speak Russian. Clay
RE: Investment Opportunity/Dabhol Power Company , print all of this. ---------------------- Forwarded by Jeffrey A Shankman/HOU/ECT on 10/02/2000 12:05 PM --------------------------- Rick Bergsieker@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT 09/30/2000 12:07 PM To: Mike McConnell/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jeffrey A Shankman@ECT cc: Wade Cline/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Bill Gathmann/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT Subject: RE: Investment Opportunity/Dabhol Power Company Mike/Jeff: per your instructions, we have taken a look at Enrion India's plans regarding selldown of DPC/.Metgas to determine what impact this could have on our LNG business. The second paragraph of Wade's note below sums up the current situation. Bottom line, if Metgas is sold down by Enron India from 100% to 50%, we would lose the right to control unilaterally decisions related to the use of the Dabhol LNG terminal. I don't know how much someone may be willing to pay for Metgas, but I suspect that at this time it is a relatively small number when compared to the strategic value of controlling this terminal We will discuss next week when we are in India. Please advise if youhave any thoughts or suggestions Rick ---------------------- Forwarded by Rick Bergsieker/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT on 09/30/2000 11:59 AM --------------------------- enron india From: Wade Cline 09/30/2000 04:25 AM To: Rick Bergsieker/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, A G Gelotti/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT cc: Bill Gathmann/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Clay Harris/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT Subject: RE: Investment Opportunity/Dabhol Power Company Rick, we can discuss this more at length in Mumbai this coming week. Metgas is the only company that has any access to DPC's terminal. As you know, DPC is owned today by Enron (65), MSEB (15), GE (10) and Bechtel (10). At year end, Enron's 65 will be split to Enron (50) and new investor (15). Any changes to the terminal or the TARA have to be approved by DPC, which is heavily influenced, but not controlled, by Enron. The real asset that Enron has today is the TARA, and Enron has this through Metgas. Under the TARA, Metgas has right to have DPC regassify any gas that Metgas delivers to DPC. In addition, Metgas has rights to increase size of terminal at its cost. So whoever owns and controls Metgas is who has the real value here. Today, Metgas is 100% owned and controlled by Enron, so Enron has control. But in any sale of Metgas, Enron's control will be lessened. Under current plans to avoid debt consolidation, we will reduce Enron's equity position to 50% or less, which means we are at best sharing control with someone else, or maybe a group of someone else's. If Enron is uncomfortable with this because it views access to Metgas terminal as part of larger LNG role, we should discuss ASAP. AG -- please allow time on Wednesday's agenda to discuss these issues with Rick and Clay. Wade Rick Bergsieker 09/30/2000 01:45 AM To: Bill Gathmann/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT cc: Wade Cline/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Clay Harris/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT Subject: RE: Investment Opportunity/Dabhol Power Company Clay: I suggest taht you meet with David Forbes asap. Bill/Wade: I would like to understand how DPC/Metgas selldown will impact Enron's ability to control acces to the DPC LNG terminal. If an LNG competitor buys in (e.g., Total or British Gas or Shell) could they block our acces to the terminal? Bill Gathmann 09/28/2000 01:15 PM To: Wade Cline/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT cc: Clay Harris/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Rick Bergsieker/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT Subject: RE: Investment Opportunity/Dabhol Power Company Clay, As you know, we are selling portions of both Dabhol and Metgas. For fuel supply, they can supply Nahptha to Dabhol and LNG to Metgas. They will have BOD positions pro rata with their ownership. Finally, in the case of Dabhol, there are significant minority shareholder protections given the way the the various voting procedures are designed. I am not as familiar with the Metgas voting procedures, but there is certainly the opportunity to negotiated something there since it is still in development. Also, there should be attractive commercial returns with each project. I feel that these opportunities certainly meets their investment criteria. If they are interested, we need to get them up to speed quickly. Call me or let me know how you want to proceed on this. Bill enron india From: Wade Cline 09/28/2000 12:21 PM To: Clay Harris/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT cc: Bill Gathmann/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Rick Bergsieker/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT Subject: RE: Investment Opportunity/Dabhol Power Company Bill, please get back with Clay on this and let him know if you think there is a fit. It sounds like DPC meets their requirements, but as Bill is leading our selldown efforts, I'll let him respond. Clay Harris 09/29/2000 02:50 AM To: Wade Cline/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Bill Gathmann/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT cc: Rick Bergsieker/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT Subject: RE: Investment Opportunity/Dabhol Power Company Based on the email below is IPIC worth pursuing??? Please advise. Clay ---------------------- Forwarded by Clay Harris/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT on 09/28/2000 04:19 PM --------------------------- David Forbes <> on 09/28/2000 01:34:40 AM To: cc: Abdulkareem Thabet <>, Khadem Al Qubeisi <>, Wendy Harrison <> Subject: RE: Investment Opportunity/Dabhol Power Company Clay, Thanks for the information on DPC. IPIC's current focus on India is to identify investments with related crude, naphtha or gas supply needs which could be filled by Adnoc or Adgas, with priority currently assigned to Adnoc's naphtha. IPIC would also be looking for a commercial return, BOD participation & strong minority shareholder protection. Does the DPC opportunity fit this profile? If so IPIC could certainly look at it... Best Regards Dave Forbes -----Original Message----- From: erick angeles [] Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2000 9:14 AM To: Subject: FW: Investment Opportunity/Dabhol Power Company >--- Original Message --- >From: >To: >Date: 9/25/00 4:56:45 PM > >D. J. Forbes, > >I wanted to advise you that DPC is now actively seeking investors for an >approximately 16% interest in the Company. If IPIC is still interested >please give me a call at 050/457-2349 or 04/3085747. > >Clay Harris >Enron Middle East > > ---------------- Sent from a WebBox - FREE Web based Email, Files, Bookmarks, Calendar, People and Great Ways to Share them with Others! E-mail Disclaimer This e-mail message is confidential and is intended only for the individual or entity named above and contains information that is or may be confidential, non-public or legally privileged. Any retention, dissemination or distribution of this message other than to its intended recipient is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please notify us by phone, fax or e-mail to immediately and delete the original message and all its copies. VirusScanNT has swept this e-mail for viruses. However, International Petroleum Investment Company (IPIC) cannot accept liability for any damage that you may sustain as a result of computer viruses.
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Groceries for 1/10/01 , 1. 2- Filet Mignons 2. Green Beans 3. Bacon 4. Milk 5. Brown & Serve Rolls 6. Apron
HR Deadlines and Action Items , FYI! ---------------------- Forwarded by Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT on 11/16/2000 12:57 PM --------------------------- Norma Villarreal 11/16/2000 11:23 AM To: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vasant Shanbhogue/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mike A Roberts/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pinnamaneni Krishnarao/HOU/ECT@ECT, Maureen Raymond/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Sheila Walton/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT Subject: HR Deadlines and Action Items PEP system for feedback ACTION ITEM Employees need to provide feedback on requested employees Supervisor's need to contact employee's requested reviewers (via phone mail or email) who have not submitted feedback. Deadline for PEP Feedback: Friday, November 17, 2000 CST Open Enrollment for 20001 Benefit Election ACTION ITEM Employees who want change their Benefit election need to go to or call 1(800)425-5864. If you do not have your 2001 Enrolment Personal worksheet which contains your personal identification number please contact benefits at 1(800)3327373 option 1. Extended Deadline: Friday, November 17, 2000, 5 p.m. CST Bonus Defferal Election ACTION ITEM Employees wishing to receive stock options and phantom stock in lieu of all or a portion of the cash bonus received during 20001 can will need to access Deadline: Friday, December 8,2000 CST Please let me know if you have any questions. Norma Villarreal HR Generalist X31545,,
Re: LNG May 19 decision , Vince - thanks for the update. What I am not sure of is what if any decision has to be made on May 19. It seems to me that the Mystic Lady and Elba Island deals have already been approved and executed - but it is quite likely I am missing a detail or two. John Vince J Kaminski 15/05/2000 17:14 To: John Sherriff/LON/ECT@ECT cc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, David Gorte/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rick Buy/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ted Murphy/HOU/ECT@ECT Subject: Re: LNG May 19 decision John, This is the update on what I have done for the LNG transactions. 1. I was not involved in the LNG ship project. I shall read the DASH and give you my comments. Without looking at the details, I think that the decision to charter a tanker removes one significant risk we have at the Elba Island project (please, see point 2). 2. Elba Island. I am working with Doug Rotenberbg, Brad Hitch, Scott Earnest (Sally Beck's organization) and RAC to set up the book for the Elba Island transaction. The next step will be to expand the book to capture all the Enron's LNG-related positions in one place and to look for natural risk offsets and possible hedges. A working group is meeting to close a few remaining gaps tomorrow (Tuesday) at 8:30. A few comments on the book design and my view of the project: a. The current thinking is that LNG will be sourced for the Elba Island facility by buying marginal cargos on the fob basis. Marginal cargos will represent supply from excess capacity that has not been committed under long-term contracts or became available due to some short-term frictions. The fob cargos are typically selling at a significant discount to the long-term contract prices. The economics of the deal, as represented by the book we are setting up, will reflect the assumption that not only we can locate marginal cargos but that we shall be able to do it on a regular basis, arranging shipping and coordinating the facility schedule and natural gas transactions in the US. In other words, we have a significant logistical and operational risk in this transaction. b. The transaction will cover the period of 17 years (with an extension option of 5 years). Even if we can lock-in the LNG volumes over this time period, we have no ability to lock-in the other side of the spread (US gas prices) for such a long tenor. This is essentially a tolling transaction with exposure to the LNG - nat gas spread and I would not recommend locking-in only one leg of the spread. One solution would be to cover, let's say, 50% of he LNG volumes for the first 5 years and lock-in the nat gas side on the US market side. c. The book we are setting up will be based on many managerial assumptions regarding sources of LNG, shipping rates, schedules, etc. I would set up a big prudence reserve in case we mark it to market. d. My group will work on valuation of some options we have in the Elba Island deal (that are good for Enron) and on the hedging strategy for the LNG positions. Long-term LNG contracts are typically based on the Japanese Crude Cocktail that correlates very well with Brent. Vince John Sherriff 05/14/2000 01:40 AM To: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Lauren Urquhart/LON/ECT@ECT Subject: LNG May 19 decision Vince I haven't spoken to you for awhile but hope the world is treating you well. Anyway with Greg moving to his new role I have (I hope only temporarily) staff trading oversight for the Eastern Hemishere plus LNG. I understand that your group is taking a first cut at developing curves for LNG and LNG ship values. I also understand that another LNG ship decision is on the dockets for May 19 (not very far away). Anway I understand this is a big decision but I still have gotten very little info yet. Can you please let me know where you stand now? I will ask my assistant Lauren to set up a time that I can speak with you in the next couple of days and if you have anything for me to review before then she can get it faxed to me as well. Look forward to connecting with you Vince. John
Re: DATA ROOM INFO , Here is Pastoria for now! Thanks
Re: updated authorised trader list , Is this a new request? Please call me to discuss. Samantha M. Boyd Sr. Legal Specialist Enron North America, Corp. 1400 Smith, EB3802A Houston, TX 77002 Phone: (713) 853-9188 Fax: (713) 646-3490 email: Sara Shackleton@ECT 09/19/2000 02:20 PM To: Samantha Boyd/NA/Enron@Enron cc: Tana Jones/HOU/ECT@ECT Subject: updated authorised trader list are you handling? ----- Forwarded by Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT on 09/19/2000 02:19 PM ----- Laurel Adams 09/19/2000 12:51 PM To: Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: John Weakly/Corp/Enron@ENRON Subject: updated authorised trader list Sara, We will need John Weakly added to the authorized trader list for ECT Investments and ENA (similar to Selena Gonzales and David Vitrella) Please let me know what info you may need from me to make this happen. Thanks for your help!
RE: , if i could get a guaranteed contract plus tips i would skip the trip. remember how great my legs would look dancing all over the chicks.
help , Hi, Jessica, how are you? I tried to send this to you a month ago but had your wrong address. I would like to mail it on Monday. Do you have any time to look at it and give me your thoughts? <<McClure.doc>> Nancy (707) 251-4870 (phone) (707) 265-5446 (fax) "Plus je bois, mieux je chante" - McClure.doc
legal <>
Re: [smu-betas] 76ers - it's time to hump it , Fartie Artie Kretz, Rag-Man Stewart, Space Hosman , (and Strap Anderson was mentioned ) ! What a day ! First of all, I want to apoligize to Kevin Stewart for not ever getting together with you and Sandy since you moved up here. I promise to rectify that situation in the near future. I don't know wether you consider that good news or bad. Instigated by Space's referance to -KAI- . As for those roll numbers , I always thought they did it alphabetically ! I was #460 and I thought I was last in our class ( although we were first in pledge class GPA.) Who was #459 ? After spending a week with my hand on his shoulder I should know. And Tocks - I never replied to your e-mail. I do still play golf, have a 5 handicap, and hope to play better than it. If you, or any Beta Bros., get to the NY Met area in decent weather I play at a club you all would enjoy - really tough and NO FEMALES ! I would love to see anybody that could make it and have a little get together. Perhaps our Beta intermural team - four players with a total handicap of 8 and we didn't win the trophy ! Hess and Woody - your info regarding our political and spiritual leadership is well received. Hess, you can't beat yourself up over decisions you made 30 years ago. You reacted the way you reacted then and thats it. You can only learn from it and move forward and know that your future decisions will be better for your experiences. On a lighter note, my third child, Scott, is a freshman student/lacrosse player at Washington & Lee in Virginia and is real serious about pledging some fraternity ( not a social organization ) called Beta Theta Pi. He doesn't want them to know that he is a triple legacy because he doesn't want to be called " Flounder " or Mr. Dorfman. But he has already been to a TOGA party. History does seem to repeat itself if you're not wary. Elvis- HELLO ! Later............ #460 -KAI- ZEBA ----- Original Message ----- From: <> To: <> Sent: Monday, October 29, 2001 3:33 PM Subject: RE: [smu-betas] 76ers - it's time to hump it > Space-- Well said. I remember some of these people begging for mercy in The > Pit. They were not as cocky then as they are now. > > #454 (I was always proud of being one number lower than Strap Anderson > indicating a marginally better GPA) > > -----Original Message----- > From: hosman [] > Sent: Monday, October 29, 2001 12:15 PM > To: > Subject: Re: [smu-betas] 76ers - it's time to hump it > > > As a Beta from the distinguished class of 1973 and a Nebraskan living in > Oklahoma I would like to make a few comments about the letters below from > the distinguished Oklahoma weenie doctor Bill Miller and sharp tongued very > popular Oklahoman transplanted author the one and only Jim Dent. > First -NEBRASKA did not get stomped. > > Second -the great class of 1973 ,(Picture attached) who helped pledged you > arrogant sissies from the classes of 75 and 76, think it's time you get out > the Loving Cup and pass it around again. > > Finally- neither Jim Dent or Bill Miller have invited any of the class of 73 > who reside in Oklahoma over for -kai- (for Beek that's F&F). But we in the > class of 73 are not bitter even though a visit the beautiful and prestigious > Nichols Hills (Oklahoma's answer to Highland Park) would boost our spirits > in these times. Anyway I hope I speak for the silent members > when I say I'm glad I didn't buy any of that ENRON stock. > Oh and by the way no one need respond to this note as I remain > affectionately yours, Tom Hosman (that's Space for Beek and #456 for those > of you who are still counting). > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Jim Dent" <> > To: <> > Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2001 9:21 PM > Subject: Re: [smu-betas] 76ers - it's time to hump it > > > > Hey Bill Miller: > > > > You stupid asshole. Doug Dyer was not in our class. I will admit that Mule > > Benson showed some guts in standing up for your wimp class. You obviously > > don't have the guts. You live two blocks from me and never even had the > > grace to say hello. So stick it, brother. Wish I could take you back to > the > > dorg. > > > > Dent > > ----- Original Message ----- > > From: <> > > To: <> > > Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2001 9:38 PM > > Subject: Re: [smu-betas] 76ers - it's time to hump it > > > > > > > Brother Benson, Congratulations on taking over the top spot in the > > > Those pathetic losers of '75 have been > > > shoving our faces in it for too long. After all, whose class was Doug > > Dyer > > > in after all? Sorry I can't come to D this w/e. Got to go to parents > > > weekend for my college freshman. Don't forget to tune in to the Sooners > > > stomping Nebraska. > > > > > > -kai- > > > B Miller > > > > > > At Homecoming 2000, the BETA TENT had the biggest crowd by far. Stay > > connected and consider a future homecoming BETA reunion. It's > > incredible...forget the 20 years in between...everyone just seems to pick > it > > up right where they left off years ago. > > > > > > > > > > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > At Homecoming 2000, the BETA TENT had the biggest crowd by far. Stay > connected and consider a future homecoming BETA reunion. It's > incredible...forget the 20 years in between...everyone just seems to pick it > up right where they left off years ago. > > > > > > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > > > > > > At Homecoming 2000, the BETA TENT had the biggest crowd by far. Stay > connected and consider a future homecoming BETA reunion. It's > incredible...forget the 20 years in between...everyone just seems to pick it > up right where they left off years ago. > > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > At Homecoming 2000, the BETA TENT had the biggest crowd by far. Stay connected and consider a future homecoming BETA reunion. It's incredible...forget the 20 years in between...everyone just seems to pick it up right where they left off years ago. > > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > ------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ---------------------~--> Get your FREE credit report with a FREE CreditCheck Monitoring Service trial ---------------------------------------------------------------------~-> At Homecoming 2000, the BETA TENT had the biggest crowd by far. Stay connected and consider a future homecoming BETA reunion. It's incredible...forget the 20 years in between...everyone just seems to pick it up right where they left off years ago. Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
Ontario Power Generation, Inc. - GTY Request - CANCEL , The request made for Ontario Power Generation to amend our gty by adding ENA for financial transactions should be cancelled. I will work through our financial attys on all outgoing gtys for financial issues. Sorry if this was any inconveniece to the extent you have already processed the work. Thanks. Ed Sacks,
FW: Salmon Energy Turbine Agreement , Gentlemen: On behalf of Enron North America Corp., and pursuant to Section 4(b) of the Letter Agreement dated April 4, 2001 between Enron North America Corp. and Pegasus Power Partners, LLC, we have enclosed the final form of the Turbine Contract to be executed by and between GE Packaged Power, Inc. and Salmon Energy LLC pertaining to the purchase of four turbines, together with a blacklined copy marked to reflect changes from the form of agreement attached as Exhibit B to the Letter Agreement and which was furnished to you by e-mail on April 3, 2001 from Kay Mann. If we may be of any further assistance, please contact me. Thank you. Carolyn M. Campbell King?& Spalding 713-276-7307 (phone) 713-751-3280 (fax) <> (See attached file: Comparison of Salmon Energy Agreement, Versions 3 to 4.DOC) (See attached file: Salmon Energy Agreement - Version 4.DOC) Confidentiality Notice This message is being sent by or on behalf of a lawyer. It is intended exclusively for the individual or entity to which it is addressed. This communication may contain information that is proprietary, privileged or confidential or otherwise legally exempt from disclosure. If you are not the named addressee, you are not authorized to read, print, retain, copy or disseminate this message or any part of it. If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately by e-mail and delete all copies of the message. - Comparison of Salmon Energy Agreement, Versions 3 to 4.DOC - Salmon Energy Agreement - Version 4.DOC,
Courts Use Target-Audience Location to Establish Jurisdiction ,,1650,11476,00.html,,,
Re: Baby Shower for Tammy Kovalcik & Mike Miller , Hello, Lisa! I hope you are doing well! Stan was wondering if you have invited any of Tammy's male co-workers....or is this shower just for us women? Are any guys going to be there tomorrow? From: Lisa Costello/ENRON@enronXgate on 05/23/2001 11:40 AM To: cc: (bcc: Stanley Horton/Corp/Enron) Subject: Baby Shower for Tammy Kovalcik & Mike Miller REMINDER........ -----Original Message----- From: Costello, Lisa Sent: Monday, May 07, 2001 10:41 AM Cc: Kovalcik, Tammy Subject: Baby Shower for Tammy Kovalcik & Mike Miller Please see the attached invitation. Lisa A. Costello Assistant to Robert Jones Enron Networks HR 713/853-1819
Avery Dennison , Please send a revised draft of the ISDA (no credit changes) to the following contact via overnight delivery today per the request of Scott Shields. He is meeting with the customer Monday morning. Thanks! Karen Rodriguez Avery Dennison Corporate Center 150 North Orange Grove Blvd Pasadena CA 91103 (626) 304-2210,,
, Thanks for the time yesterday. I wanted also to tell you about this recurring dream I've had (3 times now). Your buddy Lee Raymond's company bought Enron, you both become co-CEO (money on you), and our mgmt team gets to apply our way of business to ExxonMobil, and unbelievable wealth and shareholder value is created. Odds? Jeff
Re: Is there a conference call Tuesday morning, Dec. 21? , I will not be able to make the call tomorrow. Sara Elizabeth Serralheiro@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT 12/20/99 05:31 AM To: Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: Re: Is there a conference call Tuesday morning, Dec. 21? Yes, it will be. Sara Shackleton@ECT 17/12/99 16:28 To: Elizabeth Serralheiro/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT cc: Subject: Is there a conference call Tuesday morning, Dec. 21?
RE: Today's Conversation , Frank, I looked at your resume. There is no good fit with my group. I have forwarded your resume to 2 different units of Enron (Enron Industrial Markets) and Enron Networks. They may be interested in your skills. Vince Kaminski -----Original Message----- From: "Frank Bogaert" <>@ENRON [] Sent: Monday, August 06, 2001 2:20 PM To: Subject: Today's Conversation Vince: It was a pleasure talking with you a few moments ago. As discussed, please find attached my resume in Word. For your convenience, I also copied a plain text version at the bottom of this e-mail. I would appreciate the opportunity to briefly visit with you at your convenience to learn more about the energy industry and where I should further seek to identify opportunities. The easiest way to reach me is at 281-531-7990 or by return e-mail. Thank you! Frank Bogaert FRANK M. BOGAERT 14423 Twisted Oak Lane Houston, Texas 77079 << File: >> SUMMARY Business Analysis Manager * Quantitative analysis and modeling of business economics * Strategic implications and opportunities * Hands-on team leader ACCOMPLISHMENTS Industry Structure and Forecasting * Developed a quantitative model predicting long-term natural gas prices for a major oil company, and later for the consulting firm's marketing efforts. In the early nineties, model correctly predicted price increases to oil parity by around the year 2000. * Documented the changing structure of the office furniture industry. Formulated strategy to regain profitable growth. Financial and Operational Modeling of Asset Deployment Decisions * Based on the interaction of logistics and manufacturing economics and market research, developed business strategy for a leading insulation manufacturer. Early results allowed maintaining both price and volume in the down cycle of commodity market. * Validated strategy of leading automotive aftermarket manufacturer based on distribution economics. Validated economic model with top management. Supply Chain Improvement * Led the inventory management function through the integration of a major automotive aftermarket distributor acquisition, involving consolidation of two warehouse networks and multiple line changeovers. Reduced inventories by $30 million while improving fill rates. * Led the inventory management function in the improvement of shipping performance, resulting in an additional profit of $5 million per year. * Improved the integration of suppliers and other functions in the overall supply chain. Process Redesign * Led client teams through the fundamental redesign of financial processes, typically identifying cost reduction opportunities of 20% to 50%. * Implemented variety of business processes and controls: production scheduling, financial and cost accounting, sales and pricing policies, project documentation. WORK HISTORY PROFESSIONAL SIGNWORX, Houston, Texas 1997-2001 A manufacturer and erector of custom signage President APS, Houston, Texas 1996-1997 A major automotive aftermarket distributor Senior Director of Supply Chain Management FEDERAL-MOGUL, Southfield, Michigan 1993-1995 A global automotive parts company Director of Logistics THE HACKETT GROUP, Hudson, Ohio 1992-1993 A process re-engineering consulting firm Senior Consultant BOOZ-ALLEN & HAMILTON, Cleveland, Ohio 1985-1992 A global management consulting firm Associate, Senior Associate, Principal CEGI-TYMSHARE, Paris, France 1980-1982 The French subsidiary of a US time sharing computer company Applications Software Engineer MILITARY Belgian Army, First Grenadiers Regiment, Soest, Germany, Second Lieutenant, 1982-1983. EDUCATION MSIA (MBA), Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1985 MS-Engineering Degree in Computer Science, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, 1980 Languages: English, Dutch, and French. - FMBRF.doc << File: FMBRF.doc >>
MPA Member Companies , Hello Monika Causholli, As per your request, please find attached a list of MPA members. Best Regards, Jennifer Austin Statistician Pulp and Paper Products Council (514) 861-8812
FW: Enron payments , Can we discuss? Thanks! Mary -----Original Message----- From: Diomedes Christodoulou [] Sent: Saturday, October 20, 2001 12:03 PM To: Joyce, Mary Cc: Novak, John Subject: Enron payments Mary Joyce, I hope all is well with you. I am contacting you regarding a number of late payments by Enron which have now become urgent from my standpoint. These payments refer to contractual obligations between ECI (one of my affiliate companies) and Enron and to the Employment Contract between Enron and myself. The payments have been invoiced and they are months late now. After questioning John Novak about the status of these payments (after leaving Enron I was told by Rob Walls to send all invoices related to the ECI and to my agreement with Enron to John Novak in Enron South America) I received a voice mail from Pam Buttler, who I believe works with you, informing me that I would have to wait until early November, maybe even until late November as the "changes in management at Enron require that all contracts be reviewed by the Compensation Committee which would convene in early or late November". As soon as I received this message last Wednesday I left a message with Pam and also a voice mail with you and I subsequently left two messages with your assistant asking you to contact me urgently regarding this very serious matter but as I have not heard from you I am writing this email to make sure that my position is clear. These payments are due by Enron based on existing contracts and I see no reason why I have to wait for a review by an internal Compensation Committee. These payments are already significantly late and I have been extremely patient with continuous delays in payments due to me by Enron up to now. Moreover I have repeatedly let Enron know that I am in the process of closing a transaction which depends on receiving these payments, otherwise I would incur costs by unwinding other positions that I have. I need these payments to be made no later than Wednesday, October 24. Please inform me of Enron's intents so that I can take all the appropriate steps to enforce my contractual rights. I look forward to hearing from you, Regards, Diomedes Christodoulou.
Regulatory filing list , There's still a week before September 20, but I just wanted to send a reminder about this project. I have received responses from a couple of you, including one from Charlie Thompson which told me he had nothing to report, which response was much appreciated. ---------------------- Forwarded by Tom Shelton/HOU/ECT on 09/13/2000 10:25 AM --------------------------- Enron North America Corp. From: Tom Shelton 08/30/2000 10:35 AM To: Steve Schneider/HOU/ECT@ECT, Barbara N Gray/HOU/ECT@ECT, Steve Van Hooser/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brenda F Herod/HOU/ECT@ECT, Irene Flynn/HOU/ECT@ECT, David L Johnson/OTS/Enron@ENRON, David Tonsall/OTS/Enron@ENRON, Charlie Thompson/GCO/Enron@ENRON, James McKay/HOU/ECT@ECT, Dan Pribble/OTS/Enron@ENRON, Robert Cook/HOU/ECT@ECT, Gerald Nemec/HOU/ECT@ECT, Nick Cocavessis/Corp/Enron@Enron, David Ayers/GCO/Enron@ENRON, Mary Ogden/HOU/ECT@ECT, Edward Fundora/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Warren Schick/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Cheryl Dudley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jim Coffey/HOU/ECT@ECT, Michael Eiben/HOU/ECT@ECT, David Kantenberger/GCO/Enron@ENRON, Karry Kendall/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ron Green/Corp/Enron@Enron cc: Emma Kam Welsch/HOU/ECT@ECT Subject: Regulatory filing list I am renewing the effort to compile a comprehensive list of filings made with regulatory agencies by HPL and affiliated companies. The template on which to list the information has been modified pursuant to suggestions by several people, and the final template (in Excel format) is attached hereto (see "RegFilingForm" below). Some of you have already sent me responses to earlier drafts (which are already included on "RegFilingsMaster" below), but please re-complete the form as necessary to include information in the added columns. We intend to ultimately be able to "sort" the entries by various categories (company, agency, state, etc.) so that we can generate partial lists for particular purposes. In addition to the spreadsheet, we are also going to put together a "desk book" about such filings, which will include a copy of the relevant forms and any instructions regarding the completion and filing of such forms. So please also send me a copy of forms/reports which you file with agencies for inclusion in the desk book. Since rules and forms obviously will change from time to time, the desk book will be in loose leaf form to allow for easy updating. Attachment "RegFilingsMaster" shows what information I have previously received and already incorporated into the form. Please use Attachment RegFilingForm to make any additions, and I will have it incorporated into the master spreadsheet. If there are any corrections or deletions which need to be made on RegFilingsMaster (e.g., if we no longer make LRC/Bridgeline filings), please tell me that as well. I'm sure there are people/departments that make filings that I am not even aware of, so please forward this form to anyone who might remotely have any information we need to complete this project (and cc: me so I know to follow up with them). I hope to finalize this long-standing project by the end of September, so please send me your responses by September 20 so we can collate them into a complete list. If you receive this memo and do not have anything to add to the list, please send me an e-mail stating that fact as well so I don't bother you again. Thank you very much for your help. E-mail me or call me at 36417 if you have any questions.,,,
OSBA Report Online HTML Version Volume 74 Issue 43 , Goto Online Report Homepage></a> </td> </tr> <!--=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D END TR SECTION 1 =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D--> <!--=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D BEGIN TR SECTION 2 =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D-->= <tr> <td width=3DCurving GraphicHand on Mouse GraphicOctober 22, 2001Vol. = 74 # 43 Click to view Legis-Letter Click to view Classifieds Click to vie= w Breaking News CLE Courses Unsubscribe [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =09 Click to Visit Click to Visit Click to Visit Supreme Court = Attorneys-Continuing Legal Education-Carryover Credit Attorney with 40.75 = continuing legal education (CLE) hours during reporting period brought ma= ndamus action against CLE commission to require it to apply 12 excess cre= dit hours to next reporting period and prohibition action to prevent comm= ission from disallowing the carryover. Since Gov. Bar R. X(3)(B)(2) entit= les attorney who completes more than the required CLE in a reporting peri= od to a maximum of 12 carryover credit hours, commission is not authorize= d by Gov. Bar R. X or its own regulations to deny such carryover because = of attorney's failure to timely file report. Because of nature of hearing= , commission did not exercise quasi-judicial authority in denying carryov= er, and prohibition is denied. State ex rel. Potts v. Comm. on Continuing = Legal Edn. 93 Ohio St.3d 452 Attorneys-Discipline-Multiple Violations= -Suspension Attorney is indefinitely suspended where she accepted retaine= r but failed to act on domestic relations matter, delayed repayment, and = failed to cooperate in investigation. Cleveland Bar Assn. v. Demore-Ford = 93 Ohio St.3d 417 Criminal Law-Association-Intrastate Travel Defenda= nt was convicted of drug offense and subsequently of trespass in a drug e= xclusion zone. Although ordinance is justified by a compelling state inte= rest in allowing public use and enjoyment within zones free from illegal = drug abuse, it infringes on the fundamental right of freedom of intrastat= e travel and violates the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.= Because exclusion of defendant from drug exclusion zone was imposed by t= he executive branch, it added a criminal penalty for his drug offense nei= ther imposed by a court nor authorized by state criminal statute, in viol= ation of Ohio Const., Art. XVIII, ?3. Also discussed: ordinance prohibiti= ng access only, not human relationships or associations; Supremacy Clause= . State v. Burnett 93 Ohio St.3d 419 Criminal Law-Habeas Corpus-Paro= le Hearing-Guidelines-Due Process Defendant was sentenced for involuntary = manslaughter and aggravated burglary and was denied parole, with his next= hearing scheduled to be held in 10 years. Court of appeals did not err i= n dismissing petition for habeas corpus. Adult parole authority's alleged= failure to follow its guidelines does not entitle defendant to release; = he has no due process right to have alleged errors expunged from parole = determination records; his parole was never revoked so as to trigger due = process hearing rights; and his petition was defective because he did not= attach all pertinent commitment papers, ORC ?2725.04(D). State ex rel. B= ray v. Brigano 93 Ohio St.3d 458 Criminal Law-Habeas Corpus-Release-G= ood Time Credit Defendant was convicted of felonious assault and filed ha= beas corpus petition for release on grounds that his accumulated "good ti= me" credits under ORC ?2967.193 and former ORC ?2967.19 entitled him to r= elease. Court of appeals did not err in dismissing petition since statuto= ry provisions do not reduce the maximum term of his indeterminate sentenc= e and do not entitle him to release before serving the maximum. Hanes v.= Haviland 93 Ohio St.3d 465 Practice and Procedure-Final Order-Attorn= ey-Admission Pro Hac Vice Judgment of court of appeals reversed on author= ity of ORC ?2505.02 and Guccione v. Hustler Magazine, Inc. (1985), 17 Ohi= o St.3d 88. Klein v. Streicher 93 Ohio St.3d 446 Practice and Proced= ure-Judgment-Notice In a foreclosure action, trial court denied defendan= t's Civ. R. 60(B) and other pending motions, and defendant appealed. Writ= of prohibition is granted where court of appeals erred in denying plaint= iff's motion to dismiss appeal as untimely since bailiff mailed notice to= parties' last known address within three days of entry of judgment, whic= h complied with Civ. R. 58(B), and appeal should have been filed within 30= days, App.R. 4(A). State ex rel. Pheils v. Pietrykowski 93 Ohio St.3d = 460 Public Records-Community General Hospital Association-ORC ?149.011(= A) In original mandamus action by taxpayers and residents under ORC ?149= .43 to inspect, inter alia, minutes of board of trustees of community gen= eral hospital association, writ is denied. Association was not subject to= Public Records Act because it was not a "public office" or a "public in= stitution" under ORC ?149.011(A). The municipalities had no control over = hospital's operation and no board member acted in representational capaci= ty for them, and provision of hospital care is not a uniquely governmenta= l service. The initial issuance of bonds by municipalities for hospital's= construction, without provision of funds for other equipment or operatio= ns, coupled with lease of building at arguably less than fair market rate= , does not constitute support by public taxation. State ex rel. Stys v. P= arma Community Gen. Hosp. 93 Ohio St.3d 438 Schools-Administrator-Ter= mination-Notice-Mandamus-Appeal-Moot Relator did not receive written notic= e from school board of termination of his employment as an administrative= officer as required by ORC ?3319.02(C), and court of appeals granted man= damus to compel school board to issue an "other administrator's" employme= nt contract and to pay him back pay and benefits, but denied attorney fee= s. Since board awarded relator the extraordinary relief ordered by court = of appeals, board's appeal is dismissed as moot. Also discussed: attorney= fees as damages under ORC ?2731.11. State ex rel. Chapnick v. E. Clevela= nd City School Dist. Bd. of Edn. 93 Ohio St.3d 449 Workers' Compensat= ion-Average Weekly Wage Claim for industrial injury in 1976 was allowed, = and in 1996 claimant moved Industrial Commission to reset her allowed ave= rage weekly wage, which was denied. Court of appeals did not err in grant= ing writ of mandamus limited to consideration of readjustment for two yea= rs preceding the motion. State ex rel. Lunsford v. Indus. Comm. 93 Ohio = St.3d 448 Court of Appeals Opinions Children-Custody-Modification-Bes= t Interests-Alcoholism After custody of minor children and residential pa= rent status were granted father in divorce action, trial court did not er= r in modifying custody to mother who was moving out of Ohio and granting = visitation rights to father. There was some competent evidence to support= trial court's determination under ORC ?3109.04(F)(1), where father, an a= dmitted alcoholic, was involved in several drinking incidents, one in fro= nt of the children, he had not seen an alcoholism counselor in six months,= and the children were tardy to or absent from school many times. Sallee= v. Sallee (12th Dist.-2001) 142 Ohio App.3d 366 Criminal Law-Plea Wit= hdrawal-Right to Counsel Defendant, without counsel, entered no contest p= lea to driving without a license and was sentenced to a jail term and fin= e, and he moved two days later to withdraw his plea. Trial court erred in= denying motion because the state failed to meet its burden in proving th= at right to counsel was properly waived under criminal rules where there = was only mere written waiver of right to counsel. Also discussed: stateme= nt of facts and issues in absence of opposing brief. State v. Caynor (7th= Dist.-2001) 142 Ohio App.3d 424 Criminal Law-Search and Seizure-Sobri= ety Checkpoint Defendant was indicted for possession of crack cocaine and= criminal tools arising out of a stop and search after he made a U-turn o= n approaching a sobriety checkpoint. Trial court did not err in granting = motion to suppress drugs and crack pipes where defendant had not entered = funnel of checkpoint before executing legal U-turn into driveway and offi= cer's view was not optimal. Where defendant committed no traffic violatio= n, police had insufficient cause to stop him based solely on his turning = around prior to entering the checkpoint. State v. Bryson (8th Dist.-20= 01) 142 Ohio App.3d 397 Criminal Law-Sexual Classification-Sexual Pred= ator-Evidence-Recidivism In 1985, defendant was convicted of felonious as= sault after being indicted for kidnapping, rape, robbery and felonious as= sault, each with an aggravated felony specification of an earlier attempt= ed rape conviction. Trial court did not err in classifying defendant a se= xual predator 15 years after his felonious assault conviction. Under ORC = ?2950.01(E), court properly received into evidence victim's statement and= testimony that defendant's felonious assault was for the purpose of grat= ifying his sexual needs and desires. Victim's statement and testimony, de= fendant's lengthy criminal record and prior convictions and arrests, age = of victim and violent nature of crime were probative of defendant's likel= ihood of recidivism. State v. Childs (8th Dist.-2001) 142 Ohio App.3d 389= Dentists-License Examination-Standing-Public Action Exception Trial c= ourt did not err in dismissing for lack of standing dentists' mandamus ac= tion against state dental board to compel promulgation of administrative = regulation designating acceptable dental licensure examinations. Duty sou= ght to be compelled is not for the benefit of the public sufficient to su= pply standing under the public action exception to general standing rules,= and dentist who was awarded judgment in prior action remanding denial of= licensure to board did not have standing because his license applicatio= n did not depend on alleged invalidity of the rule adopted, OAC ?4715-5-0= 3, or the rule he sought to compel by mandamus. Bowers v. Ohio State Dent= al Bd. (10th Dist.-2001) 142 Ohio App.3d 376 Negligence-Medical Malpra= ctice-Res Ipsa Loquitur-Jury Instructions-Jury Interrogatories In medical = malpractice action against hospital, doctors and practice arising out of = patient's death after heart surgery from complications involving alleged = puncture of trachea, jury returned verdict for all defendants. Trial cour= t did not err in not instructing jury on breach of fiduciary duty and bai= lment since no fiduciary duty claim is necessary under medical malpractic= e and patient is not bailed property; in giving an interrogatory that all= owed jury to find negligence without determining the cause because this d= id not nullify instruction on res ipsa loquitur; and in instructing jury = on issue of res ipsa loquitur where court immediately corrected a slip of= the tongue, and plaintiff failed to object at trial. Martin v. St. Vinc= ent Med. Ctr. (6th Dist.-2001) 142 Ohio App.3d 347 Negligence-Slip and= Fall-Hazardous Condition-Expert Testimony In negligence action for slip a= nd fall in restaurant, jury returned verdict for restaurant. Trial court = did not abuse its discretion in denying mistrial where plaintiff did not = bear her burden of proof that restaurant created hazardous condition, and= any error by trial court in failing to conduct evidentiary analysis afte= r defense counsel referred to plaintiff's litigation history was harmless= ; in excluding testimony of plaintiff's expert regarding slipperiness of = tile floor where he did not visit scene or perform tile experiments, and = his opinion was based on deductive reasoning and the elimination of all = other causes of the slip. Also discussed: trial court's comments not prej= udicial. Eller v. Wendy's Internatl. (10th Dist.-2000) 142 Ohio App.3d 32= 1 Nuisance-Municipal Corporations-Park Roadway-Recreational Use Immunit= y In nuisance action against city by bicyclist injured in fall after str= iking traffic control bump on roadway in city park, trial court erred in = granting summary judgment to city on basis of recreational use immunity. = Roadway is available to general public for travel by vehicles and bicycles= for recreational and nonrecreational use. ORC ?1533.181, which affords = recreational use immunity only, is inapplicable. Vinar v. Bexley (10th Di= st.-2001) 142 Ohio App.3d 341 Practice and Procedure-Notice Dismissals= -Double Dismissal Rule-Civ. R. 41(A)(1) Employee was discharged allegedly = in retaliation for disclosing safety violations to Federal Aviation Admi= nistration and filed and then voluntarily dismissed federal court False C= laims Act complaint and separate state court Whistleblower Act action, an= d then commenced a third similar action in state court. Trial court did n= ot err in dismissing third action with prejudice under Civ. R. 41(A)(1) do= uble dismissal rule because the three actions constituted the same claim = under Civ. R. 41(A)(1). The actions arose out of employee's termination = following his report of safety violations, even though the claims were ba= sed on different theories of recovery. Also discussed: dismissal of Unite= d States in action that included private claims; statutory ORC ?4113.52 a= nd public policy Whistleblower claims. Forshey v. Airborne Freight Corp. = (12th Dist.-2001) 142 Ohio App.3d 404 Torts-Defamation-Public Figure-L= imited-Purpose-Actual Malice In defamation action by businessman against = magazine publisher and author referring, inter alia, to his federal indic= tment, trial court did not err in granting summary judgment to defendants= on grounds of plaintiff's being a limited-purpose public figure and lack= of actual malice and fair-report privilege. Plaintiff is a limited-purpo= se public figure to whom the actual malice element of proof applies becau= se over 100 newspaper articles concerning him and his business had been p= ublished over a 14-year span. Also discussed: federal indictment fell wit= hin fair-report privilege. Kassouf v. Cleveland Magazine City Magazines (= 11th Dist.-2001) 142 Ohio App.3d 413 Torts-Evidence-Spoliation-Bailmen= t Employee was injured while driving vehicle owned by his employer and b= rought action for spoliation of evidence and on bailment theory against i= nsurer based on its sale of vehicle for salvage. Trial court did not err i= n granting summary judgment to insurer since sale was not "willful" dest= ruction of evidence where there was dialogue between plaintiff's attorney = and insurer's representative concerning the status of the vehicle. There = was no bailment where employee did not transfer a possessory interest in = the vehicle to the insurer because insurer had already purchased it from = employer. Also discussed: negligent spoliation of evidence. White v. F= ord Motor Co. (10th Dist.-2001) 142 Ohio App.3d 384 Misc Court Pract= ice and Procedure-Venue-Contracts-Place of Breach In action by employee fo= r breach of commissions contract against employer, evidence showed that d= ecision not to pay was made in county of employer's principal place of bu= siness, and employer's motion is granted to transfer venue to that county= from county in which employer merely maintained sales office. Also disc= ussed: county of breach controls for venue purposes, not county of contra= ct's formation. Budzik v. Reynold's Mach., Inc. (Medina Cty. Ct. Com. Pls.= -1999) 113 Ohio Misc.2d 17 [IMAGE] =09 rounding corner graphic Opinion summaries prepared by Anadem, Inc., Columb= us, Ohio. [IMAGE] =09 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Ohio unreported appellate opinions Ohio Attorney Gener= al opinions U.S. Supreme Court opinions U.S. 6th Circuit opinions Ohio ethi= cs opinions Ohio Revised Code Click here to visit Casemaker! [IMAGE= ] Docket Announcements Rules Announcements Calendar Click here to r= ead more! [IMAGE] =09 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Contributions to OHIO LAWPAC: A good= investment for good government Participate in OHIO LAWPAC, the Ohio State = Bar Association's political action fund. LAWPAC works on issues affecting = your practice in the Ohio General Assembly and the administration of justic= e. Click to read more! OSBA sponsors Bench/Bar Conference Attend the first= -ever meeting of the U.S. District Courts for the Northern and Southern Dis= tricts of Ohio. Click to read more! OSBA Report Online subscriber survey W= e hope you are enjoying the OSBA Report Online, but we want to make sure! = Look for a future e-mail that will link you to our online user survey. Thi= s is your chance to let the OSBA know how you feel about this e-mail public= ation, as well as provide suggestions for its improvement. Your feedback i= s important and the survey will take just a few minutes to complete. More = Association News... [IMAGE] =09 [IMAGE] OSBA Logo - Justice is Hard Work Editor: Kathleen Maloney Technolo= gy Director: Fred Engel IT Engineer: Shane Zatezalo Membership, Public and= Media Relations, & Publications Committee: William J. Davis, East Liverp= ool, chair Colleen E. Cook, Marietta Louis A. DiFabio, Geneva Michael H. Me= aran, Portsmouth Kraig E. Noble, St. Marys Heather G. Sowald, Columbus [IM= AGE] =09 [IMAGE] To unsubscribe from this newsletter click here . To subscribe to = the text-only version click here . For the online issue archives click here= . To utilize the links to the caselaw in the OSBA Report Online you will n= eed a version 5.x or higher web browser. [IMAGE] =09 [IMAGE] Copyright ? 1997-2001 Ohio State Bar Association. All rights rese= rved. To submit comments or suggestions, send to = [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =09
IPE Shortens Trading Hours for Benchmark Crude Oil Co , IPE Shortens Trading Hours for Benchmark Crude Oil Contract 2001-11-02 10:36 (New York) London, Nov. 2 (Bloomberg) -- The International Petroleum Exchange in London as of Monday will shorten the trading day for its Brent crude oil contract, the benchmark for two-thirds of the world's oil. For the rest of the year, trading will end at 7:30 p.m., rather than 8:13 p.m. normally. The early close is at the request of industry, Jenny McLaughlin, the IPE's spokeswoman, said. The Brent contract is the only one affected by the decision. The move follows one from the New York Mercantile Exchange, which will maintain a shorter working day introduced following the Sept. 11 attacks on New York. --Thomas Tugendhat in the London newsroom (44) 20 7673 2178, or Story illustration: For a tour of crude oil prices in London and New York over the past year, enter: {CNP 08521810101 <GO>}. #<34665># -0- (BN ) Nov/02/2001 15:36 GMT
FW: Measurement Continuous Improvement - UAF Report , -----Original Message----- From: Wagoner, Michael Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2002 10:47 AM To: Corman, Shelley Cc: Floyd, Jodie; Blair, Lynn Subject: FW: Measurement Continuous Improvement - UAF Report Shelley, here is a copy of the UAF sub-committee findings and recommendations. This is the committee I was on for a year. I really believe this is a good document with a lot of valuable data but it is very large. MIPS was the GMS system when this was written so many of the reports were MIPs generated. They are working on reports for PGAS using "Business Objects" and Jodie and I will be receiving some one on one training tomorrow afternoon. Tks - Mike W. -----Original Message----- From: Baker, Robert Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2002 9:39 AM To: Wagoner, Michael Subject: Measurement Continuous Improvement - UAF Report Mike, all I have in electronic format is the UAF portion of the report. I couldn't find anything on PPA's. Baker
[Fwd: True Orange, May 15, 2000, Part 1] , Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Return-Path: <> Delivered-To: Received: (qmail 19891 invoked by uid 0); 15 May 2000 16:38:25 -0000 Received: from (HELO ( by umbs-smtp-5 with SMTP; 15 May 2000 16:38:25 -0000 Received: from by (mail_out_v26.7.) id= =20 n.c6.536f03b (3929) for <>; Mon, 15 May 2000 12:16:26 -04= 00=20 (EDT) From: Date: Mon, 15 May 2000 12:16:25 EDT Subject: True Orange, May 15, 2000, Part 1 To: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=3D"ISO-8859-1" X-Mailer: AOL 4.0 for Mac - Post-GM sub 147 X-Mozilla-Status2: 00000000 Jerry Scarbrough's True Orange The Newsletter for the True Texas Longhorn Faithful Volume 10, No. 17, May 15, 2000 Brown Says Offensive Line Much Improved, Cites Other Problems Heading into 2-a-Days Coach Mack Brown says he and his assistant coaches have thoroughly reviewed the tapes of the Longhorns 15 spring practices and have concluded it was a very productive period. The offensive line has received much of the blame for the late-season Longhorn swoon last year, but Brown says the offensive linemen, as a group, showed a lot more maturity and perseverance in the spring. "I think the offensive line improved a lot," he told me in an interview las= t week. Asked what he thought prompted the improvement, he said, "The embarrassment they felt leaving the Cotton Bowl and the fact that they have been together= a year more." While he didn't elaborate on the maturity question, it is worth noting that four of the five offensive linemen who started in the spring have never redshirted. The reason they never redshirted is the lack of depth in the offensive lin= e when they got here, which forced Brown to play most of the linemen when the= y were true freshmen. At Nebraska, which has been the top program in the Big 12 year in and year out, all offensive linemen redshirt and most of them don't start until thei= r fourth year when they are redshirt juniors. Applying that yardstick to the Texas' offensive line, none of the four spri= ng starters would have started last year, and only senior LT Leonard Davis and junior center Matt Anderson would start this year because they are entering their fourth seasons. There are exceptions, even at Nebraska, because their center last season wa= s a third-year sophomore, but the Huskers =01) and the other teams who seem t= o always be in the hunt for the national championship =01) go mostly with fourth-and-fifth-year players (redshirted juniors and seniors) in their offensive lines. The five offensive line starters at Nebraska this spring already have 18 seasons in the Husker program under their belts. The Longhorns' five spring starters have 11. The Longhorns should be able to able to overcome their youth to some extent because four of the spring starters =01) Davis, Anderson, junior RG Antwan Kirk-Hughes and junior RT Mike Williams =01) all started last season, and sophomore LG Derrick Dockery played often and well last year as a true freshman. That means they know what it takes to win and have the experience to help them do it. Brown did say he thinks the Longhorns can redshirt their offensive line recruits this year "if we can avoid injuries." That bodes well for the futu= re. But, when the Horns start 2-a-days in early August, Brown said there are fo= ur problem areas where major improvements must be made for the Longhorns to be able to compete at the highest level =01) and only one of them directly inv= olves the offensive line. "First, he said, "we need to do a better job of net punting." "Second, we need to do a better job returning punts and kickoffs." "Third, we need to do a better job of making four-yard plays consistently o= n offense. That will help with ball control and will help take the pressure o= ff our passing game." "Fourth, we need to do better job of getting a good pass rush out of our front four." The Longhorns made a lot of progress in the spring in each of those areas, but Brown said they have to keep working hard in each area to get even bett= er. Former walk-on Ryan Long, who handled the punting last season, and Kris Stockton, the Horns' regular place kicker, both worked hard on punting duri= ng the spring and both were able to get good heighth and good distance on most of their kicks. But look for incoming freshman punter Justin Smith to get a chance to win t= he starting job. Even more improvement was shown in the spring in the other three areas. CB Ahmad Brooks showed promise as a punt returner in the spring and redshir= t freshman RB Ivan Williams looked very good as a kickoff returner. They should enable the Horns to be better in both kick return areas if the= y improve as much during 2-a-days as they did in the 15 spring practices. Williams also is the main hope of showing improvement in problem area No. 3= =01) doing a better job of making consistent four-yard gains. He is a 235-pounde= r with speed and power and he can catch the ball, too. One important thing to remember about big running backs, in addition to the obvious characteristics, is the fact that offensive linemen tend to block better for them because they want to get out of their way. If you ever played in the offensive line at any level and had a big running back step on the back of your legs because you didn't get out of his way, you'll know why they make an extra effort to get a good block when they kno= w a 235-pounder is coming through their area. While the coaches saw some things they liked in those first three areas, No= . 4 =01) getting a better pash rush out of the front four =01) was a big-time= winner the spring and should get even better during the pre-season practices. Why? For starters, the best pair of tackles in all of college football retu= rn in seniors Casey Hampton and Shaun Rogers. Hampton is a returning All-American and Rogers is rated even higher by the pro scouts. Rogers is a great pass rusher and Hampton, the team's best run stopper, is = a good one. And sophomore end Cory Redding is a future All-American who is an outstandi= ng pass rusher, and, while the coaches aren't satisfied the play of the guys a= t the other end, all three of them =01) Jermain Anderson, Maurice Gordon and = Adam McConathy =01) are very good at rushing the passer. Their problem is holdin= g up against the run. So, while the Longhorns have work to do to reach the playing level the coaches demand, they have a very good chance to do a lot better in all of t= he categories Brown mentioned except net punting, and they should be able to show some improvement there because it isn't too hard to improve on a 29-ya= rd net punting average that ranked 111th of 114 teams playing Division I football. Here's what Brown had to say on several other subjects: Do you expect Major Applewhite to be ready to go full speed when practice starts in early August? Doctors usually say it takes about nine months and = he was operated on in mid-January, so he'll only have about seven months until practice starts. "I don't know," he said. "I've been around long enough, and I've had five o= f them (knee operations) myself, to know that sometimes you seem to be ahead = of schedule and then things seem to go a little slower. There are still some questions and concerns there and we'll just have to wait and see." After studying the film of the 15 spring practices, who were your most pleasant surprises? "There were a lot of pleasant surprises. Beau Baker had a good spring and i= s challenging Matt Anderson at center. We expected (redshirt freshman) Artie Ellis to be pretty good, but he really jumped out and showed he has the potential to help at wide receiver." "Ivan Williams probably came farther than anybody. Matt Trissel had a good = spr ing at fullback. Leonard Davis had his best spring, by far (at offensive tackle)." "On defense, Jermain Anderson came back at 228 pounds and in good health an= d he looked good at end. We're working to get him a little bigger. D. D. Lewi= s had by far his best spring (at middle linebacker) and Reed Boyd, backing hi= m up, had a great spring, too." "Quentin Jammer had a real good spring until he got hurt, but he looked really good at corner. Dakarai Pearson looked real good at free safety." "It wasn't any surprise, but those two defensive tackles are real good," "What's your biggest concern about having to play 11 straight games without an open date? "We're going to have to play a lot of people. We felt like we got worn down last year at the end of the season, and we've worked to build better depth = so we can play more people. We're going to do that to try to keep our people fresher." Let's talk about the chances of some of those heralded freshman wide receivers helping out early. "Well, a guy can play there quicker. It's less physical than most of the other positions. The main thing will be learning how to handle the bump-and-ran coverage. We're telling them to come in ready to compete for playing time." Hall Will Transfer Redshirt freshman QB Adam Hall has asked for and has been granted an unconditional release and plans to transfer to another school this summer. Hall, an Austin Westlake product, was the backup to sophomore Chris Simms during spring practice while junior Major Applewhite was recovering from major knee surgery. He had a very good spring, and was really adept at throwing on the run. His departure will leave the Longhorns with just three scholarship quarterbacks this season =01) Applewhite, Simms and incoming freshman Chanc= e Mock of The Woodlands. And that is based on the assumption that Applewhite's knee will be strong enough to allow him to be ready at the start of the season. "It was a difficult decision, but one that I think is the best for me at th= is time," Hall said. "The biggest factor was that I want to have a chance to b= e a starter in the near future." "I love all of my teammates and appreciate everything the coaches and staff have done for me, but I think I will have a better opportunity to play soon= er at another school." "Obviously we are disappointed because we felt that Adam had a good spring and we have been very pleased with his progress," Brown said. "We wish him the very best and appreciate everything he has done for the University of Texas and its football program." Revisiting the Offense After looking at the statistics of all of last season's game, I feel much better about the Texas offense. Through the first 11 games last season, UT was averaging 448 yards a game a= nd had the league's second-ranked offense. Texas also had been outgained only once, in the win over Nebraska. But QB Major Applewhite was healthy and WRs Kwame Cavil and Ryan Nunez were teaming up to outgain 1998's dynamic duo of Wane McGarity and Cavil. Jeremy Jones was also providing quality time at WR. Against good defenses, they were the straws that stirred the Longhorn offen= se. When the offensive meltdown occurred in the last three games, injuries to Nunez and Jones, Applewhite's illness before the A&M game and Cavil's suspension before the Arkansas game kept them from ever being being all together again. Fear of those potent weapons had kept teams from blitzing effectively, but, with one or more of those weapons missing in each of last three games, team= s were able to blitz too many people to block without fear of getting burned deep. I doubt Texas could have beaten Nebraska a second time in one year, but I'd like to have played A&M and Arkansas with everybody healthy. It's true that those receivers are gone, but TE Bo Scaife and a bigger, faster corps of WRs will make all-out blitzing much more dangerous for othe= r teams. Look for a return to those 400-plus-yard offensive averages in 2000. It's a Great Time to Subscribe To The Fax/E-Mail Service Get Instant Year-Round Fax/E-Mail Service Anytime Something Important Happens ! Save As An E-Mail Subscriber ! The True Orange Fax/E-Mail Service is the way to keep up with Longhorn football and Longhorn recruiting =01) instantly. Follow Mack Brown and the Longhorns with frequent fax updates. There are at least 99 timely faxes a year, primarily about football and football recruiting. To subscribe, sen= d your check to True Orange, Box 26530, Austin, Texas 78755, and copy or clip the coupon below and fill in the blanks. If you want it mailed, or by E-Mai= l, just include the right numbers. o I'm enclosing $99 for the 99-fax package for the next year o I'm enclosing $130 (a $14 saving) to renew my subscription to True Orange and to subscribe to the 99 faxes. o I'm enclosing $79 for the 99-fax package for the next year by E-Mail (a $= 20 saving) o Here's $110 to renew my subscription to True Orange and to subscribe to the 99 faxes by E-Mail (a $31 saving) o Here's $99 to subscribe to True Orange by E-Mail and to subscribe to the 99 faxes by E-Mail (a $42 saving) Name Fax No. (or E-Mail or mailing address) The Pre-Season Blue Chips Here's my revised list of the top Texas football recruits. The ones in bold type are my early Fabulous 40. I decided to run the list again this month because there are so many changes in the wake of the Nike camps and early college scouting. I also trimmed the list from 100 to 80 because I wanted t= o limit it to kids who are being heavily recruited by Division I schools. (Note to E-Mail Subscribers: I have put four asterisks (****) between the F= ab 40 and Elite 80 guys at each position) The Earlybird Elite 80 Recruits Quarterback (7) Matt Nordgren, 6-5, 225, 4.7, Dallas Bishop Lynch (Stan, Fla, FSU, Tenn, ND= ) Mike Pankratz, 6-3, 200, 4.8, Katy Taylor (A&M, UCLA, OU, KSU, UT, ND) * * * * Davon Vinson, 6-3, 185, 4.5, Kilgore (A&M, Ark, OU, Bay) Brett Stewart, 6-2, 178, 4.7, Waco Midway (A&M, Bay, UT, TCU, OU, Ark, TT) Cody Hodges, 6-0, 175, 4.7, Hereford (TT, A&M, Bay) Kyle Kummer, 6-1, 180, 4.7, SA Churchill (A&M, TCU, Stan, SMU, Colo, Duke) David Mitchell, 6-3, 205, 4.8, FW Country Day (SMU, Bay, Miss, Ky, Ind, TCU= ) Running Back (6) Cedric Benson, 5-11, 200, 4.5, Midland Lee (UT, Ala, A&M, OU, Ark, Az, Wi David Underwood, 6-0, 220, 4.4, Madisonville (Mich, A&M, UCLA, UT, LSU) Donta Hickson, 5-9, 180, 4.5, McKinney (FSU, A&M, OU, Mich, Neb, UT) * * * * David Williams, 5-11, 180, 4.5, Carrollton Smith (A&M, FSU, TCU, Pur, OU) Anthony Evans, 5-9, 195, 4.5, Pearland (Bay, A&M, UT, Neb, UCLA) Cody Thibodeaux, 6-1, 200, 4.5, Winnie East Chambers (Neb, A&M, LSU, Fla, UCLA) Fullback (3) Darnell Sims, 6-2, 230, 4.7, Aldine (A&M, UH, LSU) * * * * Jonathan Reeves, 6-0, 242, 4.68, Fort Bend Austin (A&M, Ark, UT) Colby Ford, 6-1, 210, 4.6, Big Spring (TT, OU, Az) Tight End (2) James Moses, 6-3, 225, 4.7, GP North Shore ((UT, A&M, Az, Mich) * * * * Brian Wang, 6-6, 250, 4.9, FW Southwest Christian (TCU, A&M, Bay, Ark, OU) Wide Receiver (9) Armon Dorrough, 6-1, 168, 4.43, Lancaster (A&M, TCU, NW, BYU, NM) Brandon Jones, 6-3, 205, 4.4, Texark. Liberty-Eylau (Ky, A&M, FSU, Pur, UT) Bennie Brazell, 6-2, 168, 4.4, Houston Westbury (UCLA, Ark, Fla, LSU, Mia) Thomson Omboga, 6-2, 175, 4.5, Grand Prairie (ND, Ga, Mo, A&M, UT, TCU) Cedric Williams, 6-0, 170, 4.4, Jefferson (KSU, Tenn, FSU, Neb, A&M, OU) * * * * Keith Mills, 5-11, 175, 4.4, Garland (A&M, Fla, UT, FSU, TT, OU) Terrence Thomas, 5-9, 175, 4.4, Hstn Washington (Fla, Miami, FSU, UH) T. J. Jenkins, 5-11, 180, 4.4, Dallas Hillcrest (FSU, TCU, Fla, TT, UT) Jamel Branch, 5-10, 175, 4.45, Katy (PSU, A&M, Ky, Fla, ND) Offensive Line (13) Jonathan Scott, 6-7, 290, 4.9, Dallas Carter (UT, FSU, Mich, Fla, OSU) Jami Hightower, 6-4, 295, 5.2, Jacksonville (UT, A&M, FSU, OSU, TCU) Ben Wilkerson, 6-4, 265, 4.9, Hemphill (A&M, ND, Neb, Ky, Bay) William Winston, 6-6, 330, 5.3, Houston Madison (UT, A&M, LSU, UCLA, Syr) Abe Robinson, 6-6, 270, 4.9, Jersey Village (FSU, UT, A&M, UCLA) Roman Reeves, 6-6, 295, 5.2, Livingston (A&M, ND, OU, UT, TCU, UH) Shane Simms, 6-2, 300, 4.9, Tomball (UT, A&M, Colo) * * * * Terrance Young, 6-6, 330, 5.5, Longview (A&M, UT, OU, Ark) Mike Garcia, 6-5, 280, 5.2, Galena Park (A&M Commitment) Vince Carter, 6-3, 260, 5.0, Waco (Ark, A&M, OU, Mich, FSU, Colo, UT) Will Allen, 6-5, 300, 5.3, Cypress Falls (A&M, Tenn, UT, FSU, KSU, Ark) E. J. Whitley, 6-5, 290, 5.3, Texas City (A&M, Mich, UT, Ky) Victor Mercado, 6-4, 295, 5.1, Irving (KSU, UT, A&M) Defensive End (8) Kevin Everett, 6-5, 225, 4.6, Port Arthur Jefferson (UT, ND, Colo) Lawrence Hooper, 6-4, 255, 4.7, Aldine (A&M, PSU, Colo, FSU, KSU) Simeon Jones, 6-3, 240, 4.7, Houston Jones (A&M, UH, Colo, UT, Bay) McKenzie Tilmon, 6-3, 235, 4.7, Irving MacArthur (KSU, UT, A&M, Tenn) Jamie Jackson, 6-3, 225, 4.7 Andrews (TT, OU, A&M, UT) Colin Allred, 6-3, 225, 4.7, Dallas Hillcrest (UT, Neb, TT, TCU, Mich) * * * * Bret Rayl, 6-7, 265, 4.9, Lewisville (A&M, FSU, OU, PSU, UT, TCU) Quintene Newhouse, 6-2, 250, 4.64, Emory Rains (A&M, Ky, Mich, UT, Bay, TCU= ) Defensive Tackle (7) Tommie Harris, 6-3, 280, 4.8, Killeen Ellison (UT, A&M, Tenn, TCU, FSU, Fla= ) Thomas Derricks, 6-1, 275, 4.9, Dallas Jesuit (ND, A&M, TCU, Bay, UT, NW, T= en) Clayton Harmon, 6-6, 260, 5.1, Stephenville (A&M, TT, Colo) Sharod McGowan, 6-2, 250, 4.7, Waco (A&M, UT, TT, NC, OU) * * * * Brandon Goodlett, 6-2, 280, 5.1, Conroe (Ky, OU, Neb, UT) Jeremy Calahan, 6-3, 260, 5.0, Pflugerville (UT, ND, A&M, OSU, Stan, TCU, V= an) Fred Thwreat, 6-2, 270, 4.9, Midland Lee (TT, A&M, Az) Outside Linebacker (7) Derrick Johnson, 6-3, 205, 4.5, Waco (UT, FSU, KSU, A&M, OU, TCU, UCLA) Jonathon Jackson, 6-2, 220, 4.56, GP North Shore (UT, PSU, FSU) * * * * Shawn Willis 6-2, 215, 4.6, Flatonia (A&M, FSU, UT, Bay, TT) Lance McFarland, 6-2, 210, 4.6, Jefferson (KSU, UT, A&M, FSU, Bay) Justin Crooks, 6-1, 210, 4.6, Round Rock McNeil (UT, A&M, Rice, TCU, Bay) Lee Foliaki, 6-2, 200, 4.5, Euless Trinity (A&M, UT, FSU, Neb, KSU, TCU) Jacoby Reese, 6-1, 205, 4.6, Irving (KSU, Colo, UT, A&M) Inside Linebacker (2) Jeff Billings, 6-2, 232, 4.7, Pasadena Rayburn (A&M, Ky, Az, ASU, NW) * * * * David Pinkney, 6-0, 220, 4.6, Houston Milby (A&M, Az, Mich, LSU, VT, FSU Cornerback (7) Moses Harris, 6-1, 170, 4.4, Dallas Carter (UT, OU, Mia, Ky) Byron Jones, 5-10, 180, 4.4, Bay City (LSU, UCLA, A&M, NW, Ark) Cedric Griffin, 6-1, 180, 4.42, San Antonio Holmes (Wash, A&M, Neb, UT, Col= o) * * * * Dee Durham, 5-11, 174, 4.4, Mansfield (Colo, Mich, Mia, OSU, VT) Warren Wilson, 6-0, 170, 4.4, Texas City (Pur, A&M, LSU, Ky, Az) Anthony Kelly, 6-0, 175, 4.5, Ald. Eisenhower (A&M, LSU, Colo, KSU, Ill, Ba= y) Courtney Sterling, 5-7, 170, 4.4, Dallas Carter (FSU, Tenn, UT, Mia, UCLA, ASU) Safety (3) DeWayne Brandon, 6-3, 198, 4.46, Temple (UT, Neb, FSU, A&M, Ky) Rufus Harris, 6-0, 180, 4.4, LaPorte (A&M, Az, ISU, Mia, Ky) * * * * Marcus Maxey, 6-2, 195, 4.5, Navasota (A&M, UH, Rice, Bay) Athlete (6) Joseph Addai, 6-1, 195, 4.5, Houston Sharpstown (UT, Neb, Kan, VT, A&M) Quan Cosby, 5-10, 180, 4.4, Mart (UT, A&M, Tenn, FSU, Bay) Ryan Gilbert, 5-11, 180, 4.4, Dallas Hillcrest (UT, Mich, Neb, Mia, Tenn, F= SU) * * * * Ganius Scott, 5-9, 170, 4.4, La Porte (FSU, Az, Tenn, Mia, UT, Ky) Kendall Briles, 5-10, 175, 4.5, Wolfforth Frenship (UT, TT, Neb, LSU, Ok St= ) Taurean Henderson, 5-10, 170, 4.5, Gatesville (Bay, UT, TCU, Gramb, UCLA) * * * * The 25 "Difference Makers" These are Texas' top 25 players, in my opinion: 1. DT Tommie Harris, Killeen Ellison 2. OL Jonathan Scott, Dallas Carter 3. OL Jami Hightower, Jacksonville 4. LB Derrick Johnson, Waco 5. TE James Moses, Galena Park North Shore 6. RB Cedric Benson, Midland Lee 7. WR Armon Dorrough, Lancaster 8. DE Kevin Everett, Port Arthur Jefferson 9. WR Brandon Jones, Texarkana Liberty Eylau 10. C Ben Wilkerson, Hemphill 11. RB David Underwood, Madisonville 12. DE Lawrence Hooper, Aldine 13. S DeWayne Brandon, Temple 14. Ath Joseph Addai, Houston Sharpstown 15. WR Bennie Brazell, Houston Westbury 16. Ath Quan Cosby, Mart 17. CB Moses Harris, Dallas Carter 18. LB Jonathon Jackson, Galena Park North Shore 19. RB Donta Hickson, McKinney 20. QB Matt Nordgren, Dallas Bishop Lynch 21. CB Byron Jones, Bay City 22. DT Thomas Derricks, Dallas Jesuit 23. Ath Ryan Gilbert, Dallas Hillcrest 24. OL William Winston, Houston Madison 25. OL Abe Robinson, Jersey Village Out-of-State Prospects The Longhorns are recruiting several out-of-state players. Here are the one= s who are considering UT: Quarterback Perrin Rittiner, 6-3, 215, 4.7, New Orleans Jesuit (LSU, Miss, UT, Ala) Travis Jackson, 6-4, 212, 4.6, Olathe, Kan., South (OU, Stan, Pur, ND, KSU, UT) Ronnie Prude, 6-0, 175, 4.4, Shreveport Fair Park (LSU, Tenn, A&M, UT) Dayne Ashley, 6-3, 190, 4.7, Jena, La. (LSU, UT, Ala, A&M) Running Back Eric Shelton, 6-3, 235, 4.5, Lexington, Ky., B. Station (OSU, Mich, PSU, Tenn, UT) Jabari Davis, 5-11, 224, 4.5, Tucker, Ga. (Ga, Tenn, UT, Neb, Ala) Seymore Shaw, 6-0, 210, 4.45, Shawnee, Ok. (Ok St, OU, UT, Neb) Donald Dorham, 5-10, 215, 4.45, Chicago Mt. Carmel (Fla, UT, PSU, Mich) Fullback James Buchanan, 6-2, 240, 4.7, Sarasota, Fla. Mooney (FSU, ND, UT, Fla, Mic= h, Neb) Tight End Kory Hebert, 6-5, 225, 4.6, Lafayette, La., Teurlings Catholic (LSU, UT) John Boutte, 6-3, 230, 4.7, Lake Charles, La., Boston (LSU, Tenn, UT) Wide Receiver Lynzell Jackson, 6-3, 175, 4.4, Tempe, Az., Union (ASU, Az, UT, UCLA) Offensive Line Aaron Wells, 6-7, 395, 5.4, Chicago Morgan Park (Mich, Fla, Ga, GT, UT) Defensive End Eric Hall, 6-3, 232, 4.5, Clarksville, Tenn., NW (FSU, UT, Ten, Neb, LSU) Defensive Tackle Marcus Spears, 6-5, 275, 4.8, Baton Rouge S. Lab (LSU, A&M, Mich, UT) Marquise Hill, 6-7, 290, 4.8, N. Orleans D. Salle (FSU, LSU, Mich, A&M, UT) Cornerback Roger Ross, 5-10, 180, 4.45, Denver Jefferson (Colo, UT, ND, Kan, UCLA) Safety Brandon Williams, 6-2, 207, 4.5, Port Allen, La. (LSU, FSU, UT, Tenn) 900 Number Updated Often I update my 900 number every Wednesday and Sunday by 8 p.m. with recruiting and other football news. The number is 1-900-288-8839. It costs $1.59 a minute. You must be 18 to call. Mihm Turns Pro; Barnes Cupboard Far from Bare All-America center Chris Mihm announced Friday he is passing up his senior season at Texas to follow his life-long dream of playing in the NBA. "It was a tough choice because I love the program at UT, but I believe I'm doing what makes the most sense," Mihm said. Mihm, who led the Longhorns in scoring, rebounding and blocked shots last season, is projected as a top five pick in the NBA draft next month. If Mihm had returned for his senior season, the Longhorns probably would have been a pre-season top 10 team, but coach Rick Barnes' cupboard if far from bare and they should be a top 20 team without him. Among the six returning lettermen are 6-8 junior forward Chris Owens, a pow= er in the paint, and 6-3 senior guard Darren Kelly, a sharpshooter and strong defender. Other lettermen include sophomore forward William Wyatt, sophomore guard/fo= rwa rd Chris Ogden, sophomore guard Roosevelt Brown and senior guard Chris McColpin. But Barnes' ace in the hole is transfer guard Maurice Evans, a 6-5 junior dynamo who practiced with the team last season after averaging 22.6 points = a game as a sophomore at Wichita State. Evans has been very impressive in practice and he, like Mihm, has big-time NBA potential. Barnes' offense is not as wide open as Wichita State's, but look for Evans to average 16 or 17 points a game and be one of the team's b= ig guns, offensively and defensively, next season. Barnes also has six recruits coming in, including heralded JC point guard Freddie Williams, plus four national top 100 recruits in 6-9 forward Brian Boddicker of Duncanville, 6-8 forward James Thomas of Hargrave Military Academy in Chatham, Virginia, 6-5 swingman Brandon Mouton of Lafayette, La.= , and 6-10, 255-pound center Jason Klotz of Houston Klein Forest. Guard Lawrence Williams announced plans to transfer two weeks ago and Barne= s filled the scholarship by signing Royal Ivey, a 6-3, 175-pound guard from Blair Academy, a prep school in Blairstown, N. J. Joe Montegna, Ivey's coach at Blair, said the Longhorns picked up a real ge= m. "He averaged 20 points, 5 rebounds and 6 assists for us," Montegna said. "He's a fine offensive player who is a true combo guard, but he's much bett= er on defense." He's the best defensive player, by far, that I've ever coached, and I've coached in the college ranks," Montegna said.
Best Buy Launches ``Best Buy Learning Place'' and Offers Int , Best Buy Launches ``Best Buy Learning Place'' and Offers Interactive Training Courses=1DAssociation With Instruction Set Provides Customers With= an Online Learning Web Site and Product Tutorials ******************************** WATCH A PRO TRADE IN REAL TIME chief technical analyst Harry Boxer has averaged returns of 2.5% PER DAY in the last 30 days. See what Harry's trading tick by tick in his real-time 'Technical Trading Diary.' Beat the bear market with with both long and short trading ideas. Sign up for our FREE 15-day trial at ******************************** View complete article at: bol=3DBBY&article=3D20919440 BEST BUY CO INC 53.250 MINNEAPOLIS, Jun 4, 2001 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Best Buy Co., Inc. (NYSE:BBY), = the nation's number one specialty retailer of consumer electronics, personal computers, entertainment software and appliances, today announced the natio= nwide launch of "Best Buy Learning Place," an interactive, online lear Other Companies Involved: N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A To unsubscribe, please go to sp?portnumber=3D1 ? Copyright 1998-99,
Re: SCE's proposed sale of Mohave Generating station , Yes, they will have to file with the PUC. Fred Rimington 09/29/2000 04:00 PM To: Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron@Enron cc: Subject: SCE's proposed sale of Mohave Generating station Jeff: As you may be aware SoCal Edison has announced their intention to sell their interest in the Mohave Generating Station to AES. Would you know if SCE has to file for approval of this transaction with the CPUC? I looked on the CPUC website but couldn't find a docket/proceeding number. As the operator of the Black Mesa slurry line we have a vested interest in this and I may want to file as an interested party in the CPUC proceeding. Thanks. Fred
(ClearStation) Recommendation : LEN (Long) by kensey , Wed Oct 24 , =================================================== Need help gaining an investing edge? Chicago Board Options Exchange recommends options trading. Learn how options trading can benefit your portfolio. Go now: =================================================== Recommend emails are a powerful way to get investment tips as they happen from the ClearStation community. If you would like to UNSUBSCRIBE, go to *NOTE : DO NOT reply to this email. Replies should be made within 'Discuss' at the url given below. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- 'kensey' has recommended LEN (Long) at Oct 24 2001 5:12PM Lennar Corp ( NYSE : LEN ) Building - Residential / Commercial : 0 new highs in group of 23 Symbol Last Time Change High Low Volume ----- ---- ---- ----- ---- --- ----- LEN 34.00 4:07PM -0.20 34.50 33.60 443,500 Community Take -------------- 27 Long / 5 Short 'kensey' said: Wed Oct 24 16:51:47 2001 LEN. potential double bottom. potential dearth of selling. stochastic oversold. thats a definite. and lets face it folks, this rally runs out of gas toute suite without the homebuilders bringing it up the rear. kensey See the annotated graph of this recommendation at: +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Recommend emails are a powerful way to get investment tips as they happen from the ClearStation community. If you would like to UNSUBSCRIBE, go to ClearStation is not an investment advisory service, nor a registered investment advisor or broker-dealer and does not purport to tell or suggest which securities members should buy or sell for themselves. Members should always check with their licensed financial advisor and their tax advisor to determine the suitability of any investment. ClearStation, Inc. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of E*TRADE Group, Inc. and an affiliate of E*TRADE Securities, Inc. and E*TRADE Bank. E*TRADE Securities, Inc. and E*TRADE Bank are wholly-owned subsidiaries of E*TRADE Group, Inc. E*TRADE Bank deposits are insured up to $100,000 by the FDIC. E*TRADE Bank and E*TRADE Securities, Inc. are separate but affiliated companies. E*TRADE brokerage accounts are maintained by E*TRADE Securities, Inc. Products offered by E*TRADE Securities, Inc. are not insured by the FDIC, are not deposits or obligations of E*TRADE Bank, are subject to investment risk, including possible loss of principal invested. ClearStation is a registered trademark of ClearStation, Inc. E*TRADE is a registered trademark of E*TRADE Securities, Inc. Member NASD/SIPC. Copyright (c) 2000. ClearStation, Inc. All rights reserved.
Cheryl Nelson, 1/22 - 1/26 , Cheryl Nelson will be out of the office from 2:30pm today to travel to New York. I will be away through January 26th (the end of next week). I will be attending an ISDA conference on the 24th and will be travelling on the 25th. Carol St. Clair will cover all work, with the exception of the Brokerage Agreements, which Sara Shackleton will handle. You may contact me directly at my home phone number, 212-281-7454. If necessary, you may leave a voicemail message. Should you need help with any administrative issues in my absence, my assistant Keegan Farrell (5-3317) will be happy to assist you. Regards, Cheryl Nelson,,,
Re: Cheryl Nelson , Tana, thank you for bringing this to my attention. Samantha Boyd has also mentioned this to me. I apologize - I have switched profiles Friday and my email group addresses did not migrate correctly. I will revise my group list to reflect the suggested changes. And again sorry for the error and any inconvenience it may have caused. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Regards, Keegan Farrell Keegan, please include me (as well as all members of the team) on any distributions when members of the Swap Group are going to be out of the office. This would include Mark Taylor, Sara Shackleton, Carol St. Clair, Mary Cook, Francisco Pinto Leite, Cheryl Nelson, Bob Bruce, Frank Sayre, Susan Bailey, Samantha Boyd & Stephanie Panus. Thanks.
RE: Cresendo , Louise, I am meeting with Scott Josey on Thursday regarding Crescendo. I am going to propose to him that all of Crescendo goes into ECR and he reimburses Upstream Products for incurred capital charges for 2001. Since ECR is utilizing Nick Cocavessis's technical services organization for all infrastructure needs and he reports to Brian Redmond, Upstream Products would not be charging ECR a fee. The technical services organization is commercial support for Enron Americas. I have spoken to Brian and he is fine with my proposal. In addition, Josey and I have had a brief conversation and on Thursday, I expect to be negotiating details. Regards, Jean -----Original Message----- From: Kitchen, Louise Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2001 11:21 AM To: Mrha, Jean Subject: Cresendo Bearing in mind this 35%:65% split - how about we put it all in ECR and then you charge them a fee for all work you do on it. Thoughts?
Re: FW: pass this on.... , ---------------------- Forwarded by Jennifer Cutaia/Corp/Enron on 12/18/2000 01:16 PM --------------------------- Judy Hernandez@ECT 12/18/2000 01:02 PM To:,, Angela Gill/NA/Enron@Enron,, Maria Sandoval/HOU/ECT@ECT, Amber Ebow/HOU/ECT@ECT, Julissa Marron/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Crystal Reyna/HOU/EES@EES, Sandra R McNichols/HOU/ECT@ECT, Judy Walters/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mark D Thorne/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: Re: FW: pass this on.... ---------------------- Forwarded by Judy Hernandez/HOU/ECT on 12/18/2000 12:58 PM --------------------------- Diane Salcido@ENRON 12/18/2000 12:52 PM Sent by: Diane Salcido@ENRON To: Regina Blackshear/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Leticia Flores/NA/Enron@Enron, Judy Hernandez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Angela Barnett/HOU/ECT@ECT, Leslie Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brenna Neves/NA/Enron@ENRON, Eve Puckett/Corp/Enron@ENRON, cc: Subject: Re: FW: pass this on.... ---------------------- Forwarded by Diane Salcido/Corp/Enron on 12/18/2000 12:44 PM --------------------------- Esther Celedon-Renovato@EES 12/18/2000 09:27 AM Sent by: Esther Celedon-Renovato@EES To: Tobi Johnson/HOU/EES@EES, Kathryn Greer/HOU/EES@EES, Diane Salcido/Corp/Enron@Enron, Laura Lara/HOU/ECT@ECT, Eric Rodriguez/HOU/EES@EES, Maria L Martinez/HOU/EES@EES, Esmeralda Hinojosa/HOU/EES@EES, Janie Matamoros/HOU/EES@EES, Frances T Garcia/HOU/EES@EES, Paulita Olvera/HOU/ECT@ECT, Yolanda Rivera/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: Re: FW: pass this on.... ---------------------- Forwarded by Esther Celedon-Renovato/HOU/EES on 12/18/2000 09:22 AM --------------------------- From: Kay Chapman@ECT on 12/15/2000 10:30 AM To:, Christy Chapman/HOU/ECT@ECT,, Geraldine Irvine/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rhonna Palmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Esther Celedon-Renovato/HOU/EES@EES, Adriana Celedon/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tina Rode/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa Zarsky/HOU/ECT@ECT, Grace Taylor/Corp/Enron@ENRON cc: Subject: Re: FW: pass this on.... Enron Global Finance From: Betty Tauzier 12/15/2000 09:17 AM To: Lois Hendricks/HOU/ECT@ect, Lora Ellis/HOU/ECT@ECT,,,,, Helen Mathews/EPSC/HOU/ECT@ECT, Evelyn Davis/HOU/EES@EES, Esther Buckley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Dolores Escamilla/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: FW: pass this on.... ---------------------- Forwarded by Betty Tauzier/HOU/ECT on 12/15/2000 09:14 AM --------------------------- Jessie Mata@ENRON 12/15/2000 08:50 AM To: Marilyn Rivera/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary Birmingham/HOU/ECT@ECT, Betty Tauzier/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lois Hendricks/HOU/ECT@ect, Patricia K Dechow/HOU/ECT@ECT, Angela Nieves/NA/Enron@Enron, Reginald Hart/NA/Enron@Enron, Nera Swisher/HOU/ECT@ECT, Paul Garcia/HOU/ECT@ECT, Dolores Escamilla/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: FW: pass this on.... ---------------------- Forwarded by Jessie Mata/Corp/Enron on 12/15/2000 08:49 AM --------------------------- on 12/15/2000 07:16:33 AM To: cc: Subject: FW: pass this on.... Remembering Jesus is the Reason for the Season - jesus.JPG,,,
In Style Magazine's Top Gap Picks , To view this email with images click below. *********************** FREE SHIPPING on 2 pairs of full-priced jeans & pants* Enter the code GAPPANTS at checkout *********************** EXCLUSIVE: In Style Magazine's Merchandising Editor picks the top Gap looks for spring. What are they? Find out now . Send this email to a friend Click here to change how often you receive emails from us or to hear about other Gap Brands. Hassle-free Return Policy: Privacy Policy: Questions? Feedback? Email us or call 1.800.GAP.STYLE If you'd rather not receive email updates from Gap, you can delete your name from our email list by clicking here . * Offer valid through February 23, 2002., at 11:59 p.m., PT. Offer applies only to full-priced pants, excluding leggings, fleece pants, lounge/sleepwear, and newborn pants. Offer not valid on sale and promotionally-priced pants. This offer is good for standard shipping to the first "ship to" address in your order. If you choose rush shipping, additional charges may apply. No price adjustments on previous purchases. Offer is not transferable without consent by Gap. Not valid at Gap stores or Gap Outlet stores. Cannot be combined with any other offers. Offer valid in the US only.
Big E , Can you part with Rhett or Chancey? I need a "bye week back" this week. I can offer Pittman and a receiver for the same.
Re: Fabulous Seeing You! , Demetrius, what I nice e-mail! It was great to see you too. Unfortunately I have a really busy short week this week; we are trying to get something filed at FERC. If you're in town next week do give me a call or e-mail. I hope you have a happy Thanksgiving! Susan 713-853-0596 "McDaniel, Demetrius" <dmcdaniel@AKINGUMP.COM> on 11/19/2000 01:43:03 PM To: "''" <> cc: Subject: Fabulous Seeing You! Susan: What a nice surprise seeing you the other evening in Houston. You look wonderful and it appears that life is agreeing with you. As we briefly discussed, I'm in the Firm's Houston office almost weekly working on client matters and client development. It would be great to catch-up with you and take you to lunch or to have a cocktail sometime soon. I'm in Houston on Monday and Tuesday of this week (11/ 20 &21). Are you around/available? Let me know. Best regards, Demetrius The information contained in this e-mail message is intended only for the personal and confidential use of the recipient(s) named above. This message may be an attorney-client communication and/or work product and as such is privileged and confidential. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient or an agent responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you have received this document in error and that any review, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this message is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by e-mail, and delete the original message.
Enron Mentions , Electricity Cost Data Spread the Blame Power: Many suppliers charged more than the firms that Davis has pilloried, records show. Los Angeles Times, 07/10/01 Duke Energy Asked to Allow Release of Data Power: Senator says the generator is refusing to make public some information crucial to the price-gouging probe. Firm says it's complying. Los Angeles Times, 07/10/01 California to get plan for refunds Houston Chronicle, 07/10/01 INDIA: CEO of Enron's Indian unit Dabhol quits. Reuters English News Service, 07/10/01 US Enron Chmn Confirms India Dabhol Pwr CEO's Resignation Dow Jones Energy Service, 07/10/01 Enron's Kenneth Lay on its $3 Bln Indian Power Project: Comment Bloomberg, 07/10/01 MORE WORK NEEDED TO REVIVE INDIA'S DABHOL PROJECT: ENRON CHIEF Asia Pulse, 07/10/01 Tropic Networks reveals investors: $60-million financing National Post, 07/10/01 India: New engg consultant for Enron project likely Business Line (The Hindu), 07/10/01 India: Centre firm on Dabhol Business Line (The Hindu), 07/10/01 Enron has no immediate plan to quit India, says Lay Business Standard, 07/10/01 Enron seeks CII's help on Dabhol Business Standard, 07/10/01 Enron takes some heat, but rates a `buy' Chicago Tribune, 07/10/01 Power Producers' 2Q Bolstered By April, May Prices Dow Jones News Service, 07/09/01 Enron's Kenneth Lay on India's Dabhol Power Project: Comment Bloomberg, 07/09/01 Prosecutors to Get Reliant, Mirant, Dynegy Documents (Update1) Bloomberg, 07/09/01 California; Metro Desk Electricity Cost Data Spread the Blame Power: Many suppliers charged more than the firms that Davis has pilloried, records show. RICH CONNELL; ROBERT J. LOPEZ; DOUG SMITH TIMES STAFF WRITERS 07/10/2001 Los Angeles Times Home Edition B-1 Copyright 2001 / The Times Mirror Company SACRAMENTO -- California's energy meltdown involves a far more diverse group of wholesale electricity merchants than suggested by Gov. Gray Davis, who has aggressively blamed a handful of Texas companies, state records show. During the first three months of this year--one of the worst stretches of power shortages during the crisis--an assortment of public and private entities charged the state prices averaging well above some of those paid to Texas firms, according to documents released to The Times on Monday by the Department of Water Resources, which now buys power for California. Among those setting and collecting some of the highest average prices per megawatt-hour were a Canadian public utility, a subsidiary of San Diego Gas & Electric's parent company, and the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, the report shows. Their average prices ranged from $498 a megawatt-hour charged by Powerex, the trading arm of British Columbia's BC Hydro, to $292 an hour by the DWP. In fact, some of the biggest private power companies singled out for criticism by Davis and other state officials--Dynegy Inc., Duke Energy and Mirant--charged less than the average prices the state paid for the period. Those companies' average prices ranged from $146 to $240 per megawatt-hour, according to an analysis of the documents. The figures cover the various types of spot and longer-term power purchased by the state during three months that included rolling blackouts and more than a month of razor-thin reserves, leading to continuous power emergencies. Davis spokesman Steve Maviglio said the governor has directed his sharpest barbs at private out-of-state generators because, in general, they have reaped the highest profits over the longest period. "You have to look at the whole picture," Maviglio said. "The governor was expressing his displeasure with the arrogance of the generators who wear cowboy hats," he said. "Their profits were 100% to 400% above last year. . . . Just because there are other entities who are charging us more [per megawatt-hour] doesn't change the fact that we are getting ripped off by companies from Houston, Tulsa, Atlanta or Charlotte." The report by the Department of Water Resources was provided to The Times on the same day the state released 1,700 pages of documents on California's electricity purchases on the volatile spot market for the year's first quarter. The records detail how the state spent nearly $8 billion buying power in the first five months of the year, and underscore the complexity of the state's energy problem. They also show that patterns of high prices are not limited to a few generators. Oscar Hidalgo, a spokesman for the water resources agency, said that the reports together show that prices were extremely volatile early in the year. "All the prices were high," he said, noting the downward trend in costs since his agency began buying power in mid-January. The average price per megawatt-hour for all state purchases went from $316 in January to $243 in May. Spot prices fell from an average of $321 per hour to $271, the reports show. In the first quarter of the year, some public entities' prices far exceeded those of the biggest private companies. For example, Houston-based Enron, one of the nation's biggest power traders, charged an average of $181 per megawatt-hour. And Atlanta-based Mirant, which sold the most to the state, a total of $706 million, charged an average of $225 per megawatt-hour. By contrast, a Calgary, Canada, firm, TransAlta Energy, averaged $335 a megawatt-hour, and the Sacramento Municipal Utility District had average charges of $330 per megawatt-hour. A spokesman for Enron, Mark Palmer, said recently that the "vilification of Enron was based on politics, not facts." Spokesmen for BC Hydro could not be reached late Monday to comment on its huge sales to the state. In the past, the utility has defended its pricing practices, saying it has offered last-minute hydroelectric power that helped keep California's lights on. A spokeswoman for Sempra, the parent company of San Diego Gas & Electric, said late Monday the company was unable to comment because it had yet to see the figures released by the state. Officials at DWP, who could not be reached Monday evening, have defended their pricing, saying the costs of producing the power needed by the state were extremely high. More Power Bought Than Projected Hidalgo, of the Department of Water Resources, said his agency's efforts, coupled with conservation by business and consumers and falling natural gas prices, have begun to tame the state's market. Still, the state had to purchase $321 million in power in April and May, about 10% more than Davis' analysts had projected. Hidlago said that was because of hot weather in May and other supply problems in April. He said reports will show that power purchases fell short of state projections in June and early July. The reports also will show that prices paid by the state were down in June and July, partly because spot prices have fallen sharply, often to well under $100 a megawatt-hour. A summary Department of Water Resources report released Monday credited Davis' program of nurturing new power generation and establishing long-term power contracts with with "moving the California electric energy industry closer to normalcy." Copyright , 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. California; Metro Desk Duke Energy Asked to Allow Release of Data Power: Senator says the generator is refusing to make public some information crucial to the price-gouging probe. Firm says it's complying. CARL INGRAM TIMES STAFF WRITER 07/10/2001 Los Angeles Times Home Edition B-8 Copyright 2001 / The Times Mirror Company SACRAMENTO -- The chairman of a Senate committee probing suspected price gouging during the California energy crisis charged Monday that Duke Energy is refusing to allow him to make public information key to his investigation. Sen. Joe Dunn (D-Santa Ana) said Duke has made the price bidding information from its Chula Vista plant available to committee members and staffers. But under a federal confidentiality rule, the data cannot be made public without Duke's consent. The documents concern the Chula Vista plant, which former employees have alleged was ramped up and down to drive up power prices during three days in January. However, state records show that the agency overseeing the electricity grid ordered those gyrations to keep the power flowing throughout the state. Dunn said Duke's refusal thwarts the committee's investigation and efforts to enact possible remedial legislation because the confidential information cannot be shared with others in the Legislature or the public. Dunn said Duke cited a rule of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission that gives the company the authority to decide which records it makes public and which stay secret. "The only one who can release the data is Duke. We agreed to be bound by what is provided in the FERC tariff, nothing more or less," he said. Former Employees Tell of Maneuvers Dunn noted that the committee is considering trying to obtain the information elsewhere and "release it over Duke's objections." Three former workers at the Duke plant near Chula Vista testified last month under oath that the plant, among other things, was ramped up and down in what seemed to be an effort to maximize revenue during the Jan. 16-18 emergency. But Duke countered immediately that it had merely obeyed orders of the California Independent System Operator, which keeps the state's electricity grid in balance. Duke later provided Cal-ISO documents backing up its explanation. Duke executives insisted that the former employees failed to provide a full picture of the plant's operation during the three days. But Dunn, chairman of the select Senate committee on alleged price gouging, said Monday that by refusing to authorize release of all the subpoenaed data, Duke was guilty of the same tactics. "Duke is trying to draw the impression that it has [provided] the full picture. But they are fully aware that we cannot draw any final conclusions until all that data has been released. That hasn't occurred," Dunn said. To make a determination whether the Chula Vista power was withheld to drive up prices, Dunn said, the committee must publicly examine "the bids Duke submitted from which the ISO issued orders to the plant." They include the expensive hour-ahead and day-ahead markets, he said. Duke, a North Carolina-based wholesaler that operates several plants in California, noted that it considers the information proprietary and off-limits to legislators not on the committee. Duke spokesman Tom Williams insisted that the generator is attempting to comply with the committee's demands. But he was unable to say whether Duke would agree to make the bidding documents public along with other records the committee plans to turn over. "We are complying now," Williams said. "There is some suggestion that we are leaving stuff out when we have not had a chance to testify. . . . I don't know what we are ultimately going to do." The committee had threatened to cite eight wholesale generators unless they provide pricing and bidding documents by Wednesday. Six, including Duke, have said they would comply to avoid a contempt citation. Two, Enron and Mirant, were cited. Dunn said the committee on Wednesday likely will give companies that are trying to comply an extra week to do so, but others probably will be formally charged with contempt in a report to the full Senate. The upper house is the final arbiter of such issues. Although there is scant precedent for levying penalties against those cited for contempt, Dunn said he favors imposing severe fines. In 1929, the most recent case, a cement company executive was sent to jail. Copyright , 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. July 10, 2001 Houston Chronicle California to get plan for refunds Officials celebrate judge's proposition By DAVID IVANOVICH and LAURA GOLDBERG Copyright 2001 Houston Chronicle WASHINGTON -- Power companies failed Monday to reach agreement with California over how much to pay in refunds for alleged overcharging during the state's electricity crisis. And so the judge who tried to mediate those talks will recommend a plan that would generate "hundreds of millions, and maybe $1 billion" worth of refunds, a far cry from the $8.9 billion California has demanded. A marathon, 15-day negotiating session between California and a collection of power generators that included Houston-based Reliant Energy, Enron Corp., Duke Energy North America, Dynegy and El Paso Corp. ended without the parties coming close to clinching a deal. "In 15 days you can't work miracles," said Curtis L. Wagner, the administrative law judge overseeing the talks at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. As a result, Wagner will propose the five-member commission adopt a plan that would result in at least some refunds for power sold between October 2000 through May. California officials quickly seized on that point to claim victory. Michael Kahn, head of the California Independent System Operator, called Wagner's plan a "ringing endorsement" of his states' claims that refunds are necessary. But Wagner's methodology for determining how those refunds should be calculated tilted toward the power generators' position in many key respects, hence the wide disparity between his ballpark estimates and California's claims. Wagner noted that he had not run the numbers under his methodology. Instead, he will recommend regulators hold hearings within 45 to 60 days to determine exact refund totals. California officials insisted the final refund dollars will total "multiple billions." And they left open the very real possibility they will sue in federal court to recoup the remaining dollars they believe they are owed. California Gov. Gray Davis, who has been a vociferous critic of the commission, went on the offensive again Monday. "While in the past the FERC has shown little, if any, interest in consumers, they now have the opportunity to redeem themselves by returning the $8.9 billion California has demonstrated it is owed," Davis said in a prepared statement. During the negotiations, the electric power companies, marketers and other suppliers offered to pay $716.1 million, never coming anywhere close to California's demands. "Not surprisingly, the energy pirates that bilked rate payers out of billions of dollars stonewalled and refused to negotiate in good faith with our team in Washington," Davis said in his last salvo at the out-of-state generators. California wanted Reliant, for instance, to pay $376 million in refunds, said John Stout, senior vice president for asset commercialization for Reliant's Energy Wholesale Group. But that's nearly three times the $127 million operating margin the company garnered from its California operations between October and May, according to a filing the company made with the Securities and Exchange Commission last week. Stout said Reliant offered to pay slightly less than $50 million. "We were essentially offering to refund one third of the operating margin over the relevant period," Stout said. But Davis contends: "The energy generators and suppliers refused to recognize their responsibility to the people of California and own up to their profiteering." California's claims for $8.9 billion include sales starting in May 2000. But Wagner only considered claims from October onwards. That meant $3 billion of California's claims were not part of the settlement talks. "For California to continue this bogus claim of $8.9 billion, I think just shows that they are not interested in any kind of a settlement," Enron spokesman Mark Palmer said. "They are just interested in creating a whipping post. The last thing that the political leadership in California wants to do is take responsibility for the problem they created." Joel Newton, regulatory counsel for Dynegy and a spokesman for a coalition of generators, argued that California's analysis did not account for last year's rise in natural gas prices, high environmental costs and transportation constraints for both electricity and natural gas. The settlement talks were organized not only to try to resolve the differences over refunds but other outstanding disputes stemming from California's power debacle. California, trying to move away from its dependence on power purchases from the spot market, has been trying to line up long-term power contracts. As of June 12, the state had signed deals totaling $42.8 billion with 18 different suppliers. As a result, California purchased only 1.9 million megawatt hours of power on the spot market, down from 4 million in May. But with a slew of civil and potentially criminal investigations, some power companies have been loathe to sign long-term deals while those disputes are still outstanding. The power companies pushed, as part of the settlement negotiations, to have those other investigations dropped. But California officials refused. "We're disappointed that we were unable to reach a global solution," said Dynegy spokesman Steve Stengel. California is not the only Western state seeking refunds. Other states in the region have their own claims, totaling more than $6 billion. Wagner has proposed holding a separate negotiating session for those states, arguing that their concerns had been given short shrift in the settlement talks because of the central battle with California. INDIA: CEO of Enron's Indian unit Dabhol quits. 07/10/2001 Reuters English News Service (C) Reuters Limited 2001. BOMBAY, July 10 (Reuters) - The president and chief executive officer of Enron Corp's Dabhol Power Company, which is involved in a drawn out row with an Indian utility, has quit following the expiry of his contract, a Dabhol spokesman said on Tuesday. Neil McGregor, who has been involved in crucial discussions to solve a more than six-month-old dispute with the Maharashtra State Electricity Board (MSEB) over payment defaults and high tariffs, will leave for Singapore soon to pursue other opportunities, the spokesman added. "My contract expired on June 30. I have decided against its renewal and will pursue other challenges elsewhere in the global utility sector," McGregor told the Press Trust of India. The wrangle has affected India's image among foreign investors and threatens nearly $3 billion of foreign investment. Dabhol is building a $2.9 billion, 2,184 MW plant in the western Indian state of Maharashtra in two phases. The first phase of 740 MW is up and running, while the second phase of 1,444 MW is 97 percent complete. Copyright , 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. US Enron Chmn Confirms India Dabhol Pwr CEO's Resignation 07/10/2001 Dow Jones Energy Service (Copyright (c) 2001, Dow Jones & Company, Inc.) NEW DELHI -(Dow Jones)- U.S. energy major Enron Corp.'s (ENE) chairman, Kenneth Lay, confirmed Tuesday the resignation of Neil McGregor, president and chief executive of Enron India's subsidiary Dabhol Power Co. "Yes, Mr. McGregor's contract with us ended, and he decided to move on on his own. He did a good job with us," Lay told reporters. Earlier Tuesday, India's Economic Times reported McGregor had stepped down from his post "to pursue other projects." Enron India's managing director, K. Wade Cline, will assume the additional responsibility of managing operations of Dabhol Power, the report said. - - 10/07/01 07-12G Lay said a meeting with Federal Finance Minister Yashwant Sinha earlier Tuesday aimed at resolving a prolonged payments dispute between DPC and its principle buyer, the Maharashtra State Electricity Board, ended inconclusively. "We discussed the problems of the Dabhol project. We discussed the avenues to end those problems. We haven't come to any conclusion today. We didn't expect to come to any conclusion today. We're certainly very hopeful that the problems of Dabhol Power Co. can, and will be resolved fairly quickly," Lay said. Enron Corp. has a 65% controlling stake in the US$2.9 billion Dabhol Power Project, India's single largest foreign investment. Other shareholders include General Electric (GE) with 10% and Bechtel Group Inc. (X.BTL) with 10%. The MSEB has defaulted on payments totaling US$48 million to DPC, which was providing electricity from its 740 megawatt power plant located south of Maharashtra's capital, Bombay. In May, Enron served a preliminary termination notice on the MSEB, which stopped buying power from Dabhol. DPC said in June that contractors halted work on Phase II due to payment defaults. Continuing defaults by the MSEB is making it almost impossible for DPC's lenders to disburse additional funds for Phase II construction. The stoppage will add to overall project cost, Lay said, adding this was beyond the company's control. Lay said construction of Phase Two, including the company's liquified natural gas import facility, is 85% complete. -By Himendra Kumar, Dow Jones Newswires; 91 11 4619426; Copyright , 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enron's Kenneth Lay on its $3 Bln Indian Power Project: Comment 2001-07-09 09:56 (New York) New Delhi, July 9 (Bloomberg) -- Kenneth Lay, chairman of Enron Corp., the world's biggest energy trader, on its $3 billion India unit Dabhol Power Co. Lay met India's Power Minister Suresh Prabhu in New Delhi today. He was accompanied by Wade Cline, managing director of Dabhol Power. ``We had a productive conversation. Obviously there are problems and differences and they need to be solved.'' Dabhol and the Maharashtra State Electricity Board, its only customer, have been quarrelling for the past seven months over unpaid bills. The board no longer buys power from the unit and construction work on the second phase of the plant was stopped last month after lenders stopped funding it. ``We are working hard and are committed to finding a solution for investors'' in the project, India's biggest foreign direct investment yet. ``It's premature to say whether we will pull out'' of the project. ``We have been and remain committed to India.'' MORE WORK NEEDED TO REVIVE INDIA'S DABHOL PROJECT: ENRON CHIEF 07/10/2001 Asia Pulse (c) Copyright 2001 Asia Pulse PTE Ltd. NEW DELHI, July 10 Asia Pulse - Enron Corporation said that more work was needed to review its controversial Dabhol power project, which is embroiled in a payment dispute with Maharashtra State Electricity Board. "We did not come to any conclusion and we did not expect to come to any conclusion. More work is required by us and the government to review the project," Enron Corporation Chairman Kenneth Lay told newspersons after meeting Finance Minister Yashwant Sinha. Enron promoted Dabhol Power Company (DPC) and MSEB are locked in a payments dispute which provoked Enron to serve a preliminary termination notice to the utility, which in turn stopped buying power from 740-MW phase-I of Dabhol project. The US energy giant, which holds 65 per cent interest in DPC, has stopped construction of the 1,444 MW second phase of the project after completing 85 per cent of the work, Lay said. "It is in the government's and the country's interest to revive the project," he said while expressing optimism that an amicable solution to the problem would be found soon. Lay, who had a two-hour long meeting with Power Minister Suresh Prabhu yesterday to discuss the fate of the project, said that the solution should take care of the interests of both India and investors. Lay, who flew here yesterday, would meet Maharashtra Chief Minister Vilasrao Deshmukh tomorrow in a bid to resolve the stand-off with MSEB. (PTI) 10-07 1942 Copyright , 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Financial Post: Canada Tropic Networks reveals investors: $60-million financing Kim Hanson Financial Post 07/10/2001 National Post National C04 (c) National Post 2001. All Rights Reserved. Tropic Networks Inc., an Ottawa-based optical networking firm, will announce today that Enron Broadband Services, a subsidiary of Enron Corp. and Anschutz Investment Co. were key investors in Tropic's previously announced US$60-million financing. Enron is the biggest energy trader in North America. Anschutz Co. is the financial arm of Anschutz, based in Denver. Tropic Networks makes hardware and software that allows major telecommunication companies to deliver high-bandwidth data over fibre-optic lines. In February, the company announced the financing, which still ranks as one of the largest financings to be completed in 2001 by a privately held Canadian firm. The company will use the proceeds to expand marketing, sales and research efforts. Anschutz and Enron are members of Tropic's investor partner team, which includes Crescendo Ventures, a US$1-billion venture firm in Palo Alto, Calif., Goldman Sachs, Altamira, Raza Venture Funds, Celtic House International, Kodiak Venture Partners and the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan Board, all of which invested in the latest round. To date, Tropic Networks has raised US$67-million through two rounds of financing. Copyright , 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. India: New engg consultant for Enron project likely 07/10/2001 Business Line (The Hindu) Copyright (C) 2001 Kasturi & Sons Ltd (KSL); Source: World Reporter (TM) - Asia Intelligence Wire MUMBAI, July 9. INDIAN lenders to Enron's power project are likely to appoint a new engineering consultant to work out the cost of different alternatives to complete the Dabhol power project. According to sources, Stone and Webster (S&W), the consultant which was given the mandate to work out the costs of different options to complete the project has not got back with its revised report. S&W was given the mandate after a meeting of all lenders to the project in Singapore on June 5 and 6. However, the lenders were not happy with the consultant as it had delayed the report and had also failed to get the figures ratified by Enron. Even though the lenders wrote to S&W asking it to rework the report, the consultant has not done so, the sources said. Therefore, the lenders may change the consultant, they said. Meanwhile, the lenders are hoping that the Chairman of Enron Corporation, Mr Kenneth Lay, would be able to thrash out a solution to the crisis. According to sources, Mr Lay would be in a better position to take hard decisions such as taking a hit on returns to reduce the cost of power generated by Dabhol Power Company (DPC). But they said the company is unlikely to back down on the demand for lifting the entire power produced by it. The Enron Corporation chief is scheduled to meet the Maharashtra Chief Minister, Mr Vilasrao Deshmukh, tomorrow. Mr Lay, who is in Delhi meeting with Union Ministers and bureaucrats, will reach here on Tuesday. Mr Vinay Bansal, Chairman, Maharashtra State Electricity Board, and Mr Vinay Mohan Lal, State Energy Secretary, are also likely to attend the meeting, sources said. He would meet Indian lenders on Wednesday. According to sources, he will meet the IDBI Chairman, Mr S.K. Chakrabarti. It is, however, not known if representatives of other lenders would be present. Mr Lay's meeting with the Chief Minister assumes an added significance as the Democratic Front Government is toying with the idea of ordering a judicial probe into the Enron issue. A decision on the issue was to be taken at the meeting of the Democratic Front Co-ordination Committee last week. However, a final decision was postponed to July 11. Mr N.D. Patil, Convenor of the Democratic Front, told Business Line that the July 11 meeting would be the last one on this issue. "We would not have another meeting on Enron. Whatever be the decision, it would be made on July 11," Mr Patil said. According to sources, at the last co-ordination panel meeting, a decision had almost been taken to order a judicial probe. However, it was deferred at the last minute, probably in view of Mr Lay's visit, they said. Dinesh Narayanan Copyright , 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. India: Centre firm on Dabhol 07/10/2001 Business Line (The Hindu) Copyright (C) 2001 Kasturi & Sons Ltd (KSL); Source: World Reporter (TM) - Asia Intelligence Wire NEW DELHI, July 9. THE Centre today stuck to its guns and refused to entertain Enron worldwide chief, Dr Kenneth Lay's request for buy-out of the plant by a Central utility. In a meeting spanning nearly two hours between the Enron Chairman, Dr Lay, and the Power Minister, Mr Suresh Prabhu, the former sought an expeditious process to resolve the Dabhol issue either way. Sources pointed out that the Enron chief had requested the Government to firm up a solution within the next two-to-three months to enable the company to take an investment decision on the Dabhol project. In other words - whether to pull out of the project or to stay on. Dr Lay will also be meeting the Finance Minister, Mr Yashwant Sinha, besides the Leader of the Opposition, Ms Sonia Gandhi, on Tuesday. He will then go to Mumbai to meet leaders of the ruling NCP combine to ascertain the State Government's sentiments. During the meeting, Mr Prabhu communicated to Dr Lay the Centre's support towards a workable solution acceptable to the stakeholders - namely, the State, the Centre and the consumers. Besides Central intervention by way of buy-out of the Dabhol plant, Dr Lay discussed various other options, including third party sale to identified consumers, willingness to reduce tariff by 10 per cent, etc. - options which have already been discussed in the past by the Energy review committee set up the Maharashtra Government. A good part of the meeting was also spent discussing the power shortage crisis in California. Emerging from the meeting, Dr Lay said, "It was a productive meeting and we had constructive discussions. Dabhol is a difficult problem but we agreed that it needs to resolved quickly. I will be meeting the Government of Maharashtra later this week. We are committed to finding a solution." Earlier in the day, Dr Lay met with the Finance Secretary, Mr Ajit Kumar. Our Bureau Copyright , 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enron has no immediate plan to quit India, says Lay Our Economy Bureau NEW DELHI 07/10/2001 Business Standard 3 Copyright (c) Business Standard Enron has no immediate plans to quit India. The high-profile chairman of Enron Corp, Kenneth Lay, told reporters after a two-hour long meeting with Union power minister Suresh Prabhu that it was premature to talk about Enron 's exit from the Dabhol power project at this juncture. "We had been, and are committed to India," said Lay. He added that the problem was complex and Enron was working on finding a solution. Sources said that Lay in his meeting with Prabhu discussed various possibilities associated with Enron's future in the Dabhol power project. They added that the Enron chief outlined the conditions for staying with the project. The other option discussed for solving the Dabhol imbroglio was to find a buyer. AES and a few other companies have already shown interest in taking over the project. Sources said that in today's meeting the terms on which Enron would like to sell its stake to the buyer was also discussed in detail. They, however, added that Lay didn't place any alternative proposal to solve the ongoing DPC-MSEB payment problem. Lay said that the company would hold further consultations with the power ministry. The Enron chief is slated to meet finance minister Yashwant Sinha tomorrow and Maharashtra Chief Minister the day after to discuss the issue. Earlier in the day, Enron India CEO K Wade Cline met finance secretary Ajit Kumar to apprise him of the Enron's viewpoint on its future association with the Dabhol project. Cline told reporters after the meeting that they wanted to prepare both the sides for the subsequent meeting with the finance minister. He added, "There are a variety of options facing us with the project and we are just trying to work through them." Cline said that Enron's plans with the Dabhol project would depend on how the government responded to the options outlined by them. Copyright , 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enron seeks CII's help on Dabhol Surajeet Das Gupta New Delhi 07/10/2001 Business Standard 1 Copyright (c) Business Standard Enron Corporation chairman Kenneth Lay had a quiet meeting today with Confederation of Indian Industry brass where they discussed ways to resolve the Dabhol Power Corporation imbroglio. The one-hour meeting, called on Enron's request, was attended by CII president Sanjiv Goenka and director-general Tarun Das. Enron was represented by Lay and his team. While details of the meeting are not clear, Enron is believed to have sought CII's help in finding a solution to the Dabhol issue. Lay and his team also briefed the CII brass on the various meetings they would be having in Delhi and Mumbai. Copyright , 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Business TAKING STOCK Enron takes some heat, but rates a `buy' Andrew Leckey, Tribune Media Services 07/10/2001 Chicago Tribune North Sports Final ; N 8 (Copyright 2001 by the Chicago Tribune) Q. I purchased Enron at $46 a share and it rose to nearly $90. It has since plummeted back to around my purchase price. Will the company fare better in the future? A. It's been a tough year for this Houston-based oil, natural gas and communications trader, even though it beat earnings expectations in its latest quarter and future prospects remain promising. Enron (ENE) is owed $580 million by bankrupt Pacific Gas & Electric. The company has also been lambasted by California officials who believe it and other energy firms forced electricity prices upward by holding back supply. Jeffrey Skilling, chief executive and president, was hit by a pie hurled by a protestor on a recent visit to San Francisco, indicative of public sentiment there toward Enron. Skilling places the blame for the current energy crisis on California regulators. Meanwhile, plans to sell Enron's Portland General unit to Sierra Pacific Resources for $3 billion have gone awry because of that Nevada utility's financial problems. Enron also pulled out of a 20-year deal with Blockbuster Video to deliver movies over the Internet. In the international front, the government of India asked for the third time in seven years to renegotiate its contract with the Dabhol Power Co., which is 65 percent owned by Enron. Construction on the second phase of the troubled Dubhol power plant has been halted because of unpaid bills. Amid all this turmoil, shares of Enron are down 43 percent in value this year, a dramatic departure from last year's gain of 89 percent and 1999's increase of 58 percent. But at its reduced stock price, it currently rates a solid "buy" recommendation from the Wall Street analysts who follow it, according to the Boston-based First Call research firm. That consists of 11 "strong buys," four "buys" and one "hold." Enron's core business of electricity and natural gas trading remains strong and growing. The company's earnings are expected to increase 18 percent this year, versus 20 percent for the utility industry. Next year's projected 15 percent increase compares to 7 percent for its peers. The predicted five-year annualized growth rate for the company is 16 percent. The firm is also involved in the development of an intelligent network platform to provide bandwidth management services and the delivery of high bandwidth communication applications. The broadband services division posted a $35 million loss in the most recent quarter. ---------- Andrew Leckey answers questions Sunday in Business and Tuesday in Your Money. Address inquiries to Andrew Leckey, P.M.B. 184, 369-B Third St., San Rafael, Calif. 94901-3581, or by e-mail at Copyright , 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Power Producers' 2Q Bolstered By April, May Prices By Kaja Whitehouse Of DOW JONES NEWSWIRES 07/09/2001 Dow Jones News Service (Copyright (c) 2001, Dow Jones & Company, Inc.) NEW YORK -(Dow Jones)- Independent power producers should meet analysts' second-quarter earnings targets, with increased production offsetting tempered June prices. Electricity prices remained healthy this quarter, especially in April and May. But the value of power cooled in June, weighed down by falling natural gas prices, mild weather and battling politicians, analysts said. Power generators scrambled to pump up June volumes to offset the price drops, analysts said. With increased production because of development and acquisitions, generators sold more power this quarter than last year, said Barry Abramson, an analyst at UBS Warburg. Many in the group are expected to post earnings growth of as much as 20. Second-quarter earnings generally fall below the first-quarter results because the mild weather decreases the demand for heating and the need for air conditioning usually hasn't fully kicked in. The only glitch was the sudden and precipitous drop in June power prices, analysts said. The cost of one megawatt of power during peak hours in Southern California plummeted to an average June high of $83 from highs of $275 in May. Power prices in the Northeast dipped to an average June high of $44 from $60 in May. Analysts cited tepid natural gas prices, which help determine the price of electricity as a common fuel for generation. "Gas prices in June collapsed," said Chris Ellinghaus, an analyst at Williams Capital Group. In Southern California, the fuel cost power generators $7 per million British thermal unit on the wholesale natural gas market mid-June, versus $10.50 per BTU from just a month prior. Lower gas prices added pressure to generators that supplied electricity to markets with cooler weather compared with last year. Sellers to Northeast markets suffered an average loss of $20 per megawatt in peak May and June hours this year due to the cooler weather. But of those power generators exposed to Northeast markets, only NRG Energy Inc. (NRG) was expected to show some weakness. The Minneapolis company already said it expects second-quarter earnings of 21 cents to 22 cents a share, below analysts' previous expectations of 31 cents. As one of the smaller generators, NRG had "less opportunity to make it up elsewhere," said Gordon Howald, utility analyst at Credit Lyonnais Securities. Analysts now see NRG Energy posting 22 cents a share in the second quarter, according to a Thomson Financial/First Call survey. That is down from last year's second-quarter profits of 28 cents a share. Generators that serve Western power markets are expected to profit again from the regions' burgeoning demand and volatile spot market sales. The spot market sells electricity contracts like a commodity, and has been fetching high premiums as Western demand continues to outpace supply. Several companies already said they expect to meet analysts' profit targets, despite efforts by the government to implement price controls on the wholesale market. Houston's Enron Corp. (ENE) said it expects to meet the Thomson Financial consensus of 42 cents a share in the second quarter and $1.80 for the year. Last year, Enron posted earnings of 34 cents a share in the second quarter. Atlanta's Mirant Corp. (MIR) said it expects to achieve previously targeted earnings of 45 cents to 50 cents a share, in line with analysts' estimates of 46 cents for the quarter. Last year, Mirant posted 25 cents a share in the second quarter. Generators that have tied their production to future contracts in the West, such as Calpine Corp. (CPN) and Duke Energy Co. (DUK), are also expected to show strong results. Calpine is considered immune to spot market investigations brewing in California. As the provider of more than half of California's long-term power contracts, the producer is viewed by government officials as one of a few helping the state keep its lights on. Additionally, the generator has wiped away fears that it would one day be swamped with unpaid bills by its largest customer, PG&E Corp.'s (PCG) Pacific Gas & Electric. The utility, which filed for bankruptcy protection in April, agreed in early July to pay money owed to the generator, as long as a bankruptcy court approves. Calpine is also considered a strong player because of its natural gas reserves. According to Thomson Financial, analysts estimate Calpine will post earnings of 30 cents a share in the second quarter, above last year's earnings of 19 cents a share. Duke Energy Corp. (DUK), Charlotte, N.C., is expected to post earnings of 52 cents a share in the second quarter, according to Thomson Financial. That is above last year's earnings of 44 cents a share. Increased production through acquisitions are also expected to boost earnings for many generators this quarter. AES Corp.'s (AES) exposure to tumultuous Brazil markets is expected to be offset through recent expansion to other South American countries such as Colombia, Venezuela and Argentina. The Arlington, Va., company is expected post earnings 30 cents a share for the second quarter, above last year's earnings of 25 cents a share. As for the third quarter, analysts are divided about how they expect the generators to fare. Of course, the summer heat should drive demand, but volatility on the spot market may be tempered across the nation by price controls in California, analysts said. Already, California is said to be reducing the amount of energy it buys on the spot market in an effort to rein in prices. That should benefit companies like Calpine, which sells its production by long-term contracts. But those that rely on spot market sales across the country could be hit, especially if other deregulated states request similar price caps, analysts said. There is also concern that some generators will be asked to return some portion of $9 billion in power sales that California officials allege were overcharged. But settlement talks end today, and shouldn't yield results soon enough to affect second-quarter results, Howald said. "Second quarter should be unscathed," he added. -By Kaja Whitehouse, Dow Jones Newswires; 201-938-5393 Copyright , 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enron's Kenneth Lay on India's Dabhol Power Project: Comment 2001-07-10 06:10 (New York) New Delhi, July 10 (Bloomberg) -- Kenneth Lay, chairman of Enron Corp., the world's biggest energy trader, speaks after talks with India's Finance Minister Yashwant Sinha about its $3 billion Dabhol Power Co. unit. Dabhol and the Maharashtra State Electricity Board, its only customer, have been quarrelling for the past seven months over unpaid bills. The board no longer buys power from the unit and construction work on the second phase of the plant was stopped last month after lenders stopped funding it. ``We've had a very productive meeting with the minister of finance. We discussed the problems with the Dabhol project (and) a number of different avenues to try and resolve the difficulties. ``We didn't come to any conclusions today and didn't expect to come to any conclusions. It will take more work from us and the governments of Maharashtra and India. We are very hopeful that the problems can and will be resolved fairly quickly. ``It's in everybody's best interest, the government of India, the U.S., investors, the government of Japan. We have many government financial entities involved in this project, the Export- Import Bank of the U.S. and OPIC (Overseas Private Investment Corporation) have about $400 million of debt involved in the project. ``The Japanese export bank has about $350 million invested in the project. The LNG (liquefied natural gas) contracts are with the governments of Oman and Abu Dhabi. Private sector investors include Enron, General Electric and Bechtel. ``So you have a lot of interest here that would like to see this resolved fairly quickly.'' The second phase of the project ``is about 85 percent complete including the LNG facility. But with non-payments by the Maharashtra State Electricity Board, the lenders and equity investors were not willing to continue providing the financing for completing the construction. Now, it's been demobilized. ``This will add additional cost to the project ultimately and delay its start. We could not avoid that and very much regret it because Dabhol, both phase one and two as well as the LNG facility, are great for Maharashtra and for India.'' Prosecutors to Get Reliant, Mirant, Dynegy Documents (Update1) 2001-07-09 19:05 (New York) Prosecutors to Get Reliant, Mirant, Dynegy Documents (Update1) (Adds comments from Oregon in fifth paragraph, background in seventh paragraph, company comment in 11th paragraph.) Los Angeles, July 9 (Bloomberg) -- California's attorney general can share with Oregon and Washington documents he subpoenaed from Reliant Energy Inc., Mirant Corp. and Dynegy Inc. in an electricity price-collusion probe, a state judge ruled. Los Angeles Superior Court Judge George Wu today said California Attorney General Bill Lockyer can release the information July 12. The generators told the court they plan an immediate appeal and will ask a higher court to bar distribution of the papers. The states, California's grid manager and Senate, and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission are among the agencies looking into whether generators illegally manipulated the Western electricity market to charge record prices. California is months into an energy crisis that has brought rolling blackouts and the bankruptcy of PG&E Corp.'s Pacific Gas & Electric. The documents will advance state probes; if generators are charged and found guilty of violating state law, they may face civil or criminal penalties. ``The court orders that unless a stay is granted by the Court of Appeal, the protective order will be lifted as to the Washington and Oregon attorneys general'' on July 12, Wu said in an order after hearing oral arguments today. The three states are pursuing separate investigations and each agreed months ago to share any information that could help the others, said Kevin Neeley, spokesman for Oregon Attorney General Hardy Myers. Oregon's investigation ``has been relatively slow going,'' Neeley said, noting that the state was having difficulty getting documents. Looking for Refunds Wu two weeks ago ruled that Lockyer could share documents with other California agencies. The attorney general and other agencies are investigating most major generators, such as Duke Energy Corp. and Enron Corp. Mirant, Dynegy and Reliant were the only companies to challenge Lockyer's right to share documents. Also today, two weeks of Federal Energy Regulatory Commission talks between power sellers and California on overcharges ended without an accord. California says it is due a refund of $8.9 billion. The companies say they're still owed money for past power deliveries. Houston-based Dynegy spokesman Steve Stengel said his company is ``confident that if in fact the attorney general turns over the documents, any information will be kept confidential'' as stipulated in the subpoena order. Spokesmen for Houston-based Reliant and Atlanta-based Mirant declined to comment. Reliant shares rose 9 cents to $32.49, Mirant shares rose $1.58 to $38.35 and Dynegy shares rose 48 cents to $46.85.
Operational Expense K on MidTex Pipeline , Daren, I am sorry I completely forgot to provide you with the meters, there should be a total of eight. Please let me know when you have it set up. Thanks Thu
, Dear Ken, At a prayer meeting this morning I prayed for you, the Company, and all those affected by the circumstances you face. I know that you are doing all that you can to help the Company and its people survive. The way we face great difficulty is the measure of our lives. You have not run. God will give you the strength to get thru this. I know that Enron is not just a business for you, it is a dream .. a dream you have seen almost fulfilled. I believe 'others' were sent to you to do harm .. and that they corrupted your dream. It's a story as old as life itself. Ask God for His wisdom, His help, Hisbenediction. You are not alone Ken. God bless and keep you and your family safe. John
RE: Duke $ , Nice -----Original Message----- From: Parks, Joe Sent: Friday, March 29, 2002 9:09 AM To: McMichael Jr., Ed Cc: Zisman, Stuart Subject: FW: Duke $ -----Original Message----- From: Veariel, Robin Sent: Friday, March 29, 2002 9:03 AM To: Parks, Joe Subject: Duke $ 03/29/02 FINANCIAL STATUS FOR 03/29/02 10:02 PAGE 2 ACCOUNT: 40781075 ENRON N.A. CORP-ENA CASH SRV 20208846139 SAME DAY CR TRANSFER 2,735,550.05 GID:C0020880869301 CHP0073745 REF: 0209100088JO BENEF REF:CAP OF 02/03/29 ORDER: 009102771343 DUKE ENERGY FIELD SER VICES, LP. C/O DUKE ENERGY FIELD SERVICES IN C P O BOX 5493 DENVER CO 80217- ORIG BK: 0002 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK DETAILS:PAYMENT TO ENRON FOR SETTLEMENT OF STORAGE FEES DUE POST BANKRUPTCY. INSTRUCT DATE:03/29/02 ADVICE TYPE:NONE
Re: #30 , 2000-1969=31
Re: Incorrect Counterparties , No, that's fine. But because of the new global standards, we're required to produce and report all corrections made on west power deals each day. So I was looking into these deals to get trader names, terms, etc., but 3 of them wouldn't pull up. 507901, 506767, and 507900 don't seem to be in the system. Are these the correct deal numbers? Let me know when you get a chance. Thanks, Kate Rhonda L Denton 01/30/2001 11:56 AM To: Kate Symes/PDX/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: Re: Incorrect Counterparties Thank you. I think if I send these emails, they eventually pick the correct CP. I hope you don't mind that I changed the deals myself. Kate Symes 01/30/2001 11:22 AM To: Rhonda L Denton/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: Re: Incorrect Counterparties Thank you for the reminder, Rhonda. I'm going to send out another announcement this afternoon to all our traders along with the daily correction log. Hopefully this will incite everyone to pay more attention to the counterparty names they choose. Thanks again, Kate Rhonda L Denton 01/30/2001 09:14 AM To: Joe Errigo/Corp/Enron@Enron, Geir Solberg/PDX/ECT@ECT, Juan Hernandez/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Leaf Harasin/PDX/ECT@ECT, Ryan Slinger/PDX/ECT@ECT, David V Porter/PDX/ECT@ECT cc: Kate Symes/PDX/ECT@ECT Subject: Incorrect Counterparties I have changed the following deals b/c the selected CPs are incorrect. Also, please remember not to pick CPs in brackets as they are inactive. Thank you for your help. 507901 should be Allegheny Power, Transmission Business Unit 507842 should be Dynegy Power Marketing, Inc. 506767 should be NRG Power Marketing, Inc. 507900 should be PJM Interconnection LLC 506618 should beTransalta Energy Marketing (US) Inc. 506727 should beTransalta Energy Marketing (US) Inc. 506747 should beTransalta Energy Marketing (US) Inc.
GM ISDA , tana Can you send me the ISDA with Annexes et al to me for electronic distribution to GM folks? Muchos Grande Nachos Gracias -John John Allario Enron Net Works L.L.C. 713-853-4587 (o) 713-562-8684 (c)
Morning Meeting Reports , The reports used in the Morning Meeting have been changed. A new sheet called the "ets_west_region_tw_summary" has been added to the TWMAINLINE spread sheet, it is used to show long and short for the TW system. For the morning meeting you will need to press the F9 key, hit the Internet button, and then print this sheet. Print and copy of the TW Map on one side, print and copy the "ets_west_region_tw_summary" on the other side, print and copy the NNG Summary sheet separately and take to the morning meeting. The morning meeting report will now be 2 pages long. If you have any questions call me at 31534. Dale
RE: new book req , Please add Financial and Control group to these book requests if they are missing. We would like for everyone to have access to these books that is on that matrix we sent you. Thanks. PL -----Original Message----- From: Keiser, Kam Sent: Friday, January 04, 2002 1:01 PM To: Trevino, Susan Cc: Love, Phillip M.; Winfree, O'Neal D.; Giron, Darron C.; McLaughlin Jr., Errol; Palmer, B. Scott Subject: new book req Susan, These are book requests for the Netco books for all regions. Please let me know if you have any questions. We put in some book and portfolio codes we would like if they are available. If not, please call me. We need all price, basis, index, and gas daily US books to be the same, all Canadian books to be the same and all physical books to have the same codes please. Thanks Kam << File: Book Request Form Financial.xls >> << File: Book Request Form Central.xls >> << File: Book Request Form East.xls >> << File: Book Request Form Texas.xls >> << File: Book Request Form West.xls >>,
Fwd: Power Systems Conference 2002 , please find attached a Conference opportunity for DPCA and its members. Tod Return-Path: <taraw@CLEMSON.EDU> Received: from ( []) by (v79.27) with ESMTP id MAILINXB210-0718134320; Wed, 18 Jul 2001 13:43:20 -0400 Received: from CLEMSON.EDU ( []) by (v79.20) with ESMTP id MAILRELAYINXB26-0718134133; Wed, 18 Jul 2001 13:41:33 -0400 Received: from wgaie-pc ( []) by CLEMSON.EDU (8.11.0/8.11.0) with ESMTP id f6IHfWp28198 for <>; Wed, 18 Jul 2001 13:41:32 -0400 (EDT) Message-Id: <> X-Sender: (Unverified) X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Pro Version 4.2.2 Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2001 13:41:29 -0400 To: From: Tara Medlin <taraw@CLEMSON.EDU> Subject: Power Systems Conference 2002 Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="=====================_1398105543==_.ALT" O'Conner Consulting - On behalf of the technical committee of Power System Conference 2002 (PSC2002): Impact of Distributed Generation, we invite you to be an exhibit sponsor in the conference.? As an exhibitor, you will receive the following benefits: -???????Sign and banner recognition -???????Verbal recognition during the conference -???????Recognition in the advance program, final program, and exhibit directory -???????Exhibit space during the conference -???????Half a page black & white advertisement in the final program -???????Reduced registration fee for company employees Exhibit sponsor fee is $5,000.00. We also invite your employees to participate in the conference by attending technical sessions and/or presenting papers. The call for papers is attached below. Sincerely, Adly A. Girgis Duke Power Distinguished Professor and Director of CUEPRA PSC2001 Chairman???????? We invite you to participate in the international conference: POWER SYSTEMS CONFERENCE 2002 IMPACT OF DISTRIBUTED GENERATION March 13-15, 2002 Clemson University CALL FOR PAPERS Conference Objective This is the first conference dedicated exclusively to system issues associated with distributed resources. PSC 2002 will bring together industry leaders to discuss the latest deployments of distributed generation, implementation issues, and new technologies relating to the impact on the power system. The focus is on practical issues with installing DG on the system, system aspects, economics, and industry motivated R&D. Conference Audience This conference will include professionals presently deploying or interested in deploying DG, industry, utility, vendor, and university representatives. Attendees of the conference will include utility engineers and managers, facility managers and engineers, vendors, and other personnel responsible for ensuring power system performance and economics related to DG. Conference Topics ? DG Deployment: Strategy, Drivers, Successes, & Problems ? Utility Applications of DG ? Industrial Applications of DG ? Economic Aspects of DG ? System Protection ? System Planning, Modeling and Analysis ? DG Communications, Control and Monitoring ? Interconnection of DG ? System Impact of DG: Safety, & Maintenance ? Improved Reliability/Capital Deferment using DG Submission Guidelines The PSC 2002 committee invites interested parties to offer unpublished papers for presentation consideration. Prospective authors/speakers should submit a two to three paragraph abstract on the main points of the paper, including the problem or issue examined and the results or conclusions. Priority will be given to industry related topics. Send three copies of the abstract indicating the author's name, title, company, address, phone, fax and e-mail to the address below. Abstracts/papers should be in PDF or Word format and sent via e-mail if possible. Ideas for panel sessions are also welcomed. Paper Deadlines Abstracts are due by: August 5, 2001 Acceptance notification by: September 5, 2001 Final papers with registration are due by: November 30, 2001 Send abstracts to: Preferred Method e-mail to Or mail to Dr. Adly Girgis, Chairman PSC2002, 303A Riggs Hall, Clemson, SC 29634-0915 Conference Sponsors/Speakers The PSC 2002 sponsors include ABB, DOE, investor owned utilities and South Carolina public Services. If interested in being a sponsor, contact the Chairman PSC2002 Dr. Adly Girgis. Speakers include leaders of power industry, presidents of distributed generation manufacturers, global directors of alternate energy research, and research leaders in industry and academia. If interested in being a panelist or speaker, contact the Chairman PSC2002 Dr. Adly Girgis. Conference Structure/Location The conference will include speakers from industry and utilities, paper presentations, and panel sessions. The conference will be held at Clemson University, in Clemson, S.C. Clemson is conveniently located between Atlanta and Charlotte on Interstate 85, 40 minutes from the Greenville-Spartanburg airport, and two hours from Atlanta International Airport.,,,
Agave's portion of the Grynberg invoices , Staci, Do you want Bill Rapp to approve Agave's portion of the Grynberg invoices since he has taken over Susan's position? If so, please explain to him what these invoices are all about because I can't do it justice! Thanks! P.S. He has 3 of these invoices in iPayit that he needs to approve . . . so the sooner the better. Thanks! :-) Denise LaGesse Enron Transportation Services 1400 Smith Street (77002-7361) P.O. Box 1188 Houston, Texas 77251-1188 ph 713-853-6704 fax 713-853-5425
Re: UGI deal 345010 for March 2001 , this is done PL
Winston & Strawn Comment: Consents to Assignment , Winston & Strawn has asked that the following be added to the Consents to Assignment (e.g., in the "Successors and Assigns" paragraph): "WestLB is an express third-party beneficiary of this Consent." Please forward the revised draft of the GE Consent to Winston & Strawn ( Regards, Rob Taylor Andrews & Kurth L.L.P. 600 Travis Street Suite 4200 Houston, Texas 77002 Tel: (713) 220-4436 Fax: (713) 238-7273 e-mail: This e-mail is privileged and confidential and is intended only for the recipient(s) named above. If you are not the intended recipient, please (i) do not read, copy, use or disclose the contents hereof to others (any of the foregoing being strictly prohibited), (ii) notify the sender immediately of your receipt hereof, and (iii) delete this e-mail and all copies of it.,,,
Re: Trader Web-site Information , For the central desk, please grant view access to the following traders: Geoff Storey Martin Cuilla Kevin Ruscitti Patrice Thurston Jason Williams Tom Donohoe Joe Parks Kelly Stevens Hunter Shively Robin Zivic Andy Lewis Sylvia Pollan Central Risk Team needs update access as well as view access, those members are as follows: Victor Guggenheim Anna Kulic Souad Mahmassani Chuck Ames Bruce Mills Phillip Love Andres Balmaceda I am also attaching samples of the files we will need out there, one position report and one P&L file. Please shout if you need any other information. Thanks for your help. PL From: Shirley McDowell/ENRON@enronXgate on 03/02/2001 03:42 PM To: Jeffrey C Gossett/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kam Keiser/HOU/ECT@ECT, Darron C Giron/HOU/ECT@ECT, Phillip M Love/HOU/ECT@ECT, David Baumbach/HOU/ECT@ECT, Errol McLaughlin/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Zhiyong Wei/ENRON@enronXgate cc: Stephen Stock/ENRON@enronXgate Subject: Trader Web-site Information Greetings All! As most of you know, there is a Trader Web-site project initiative currently in progress to identify specific reports that traders have produced every day and to then automatically publish these reports to a web-site. We are in the initial stage of collecting requirements from the traders (identified by Steve Stock) to determine what reports and report information are to be submitted for publishing on a web-site. Based on these discussions, the requirements listed below have been identified so far. Please review these requirements and let me know if you have any changes or additional requirements by EOB Tuesday, March 6. Also, please forward all report templates, required report information, and security requirements for your region. If you are not be able to provide this information by next Tuesday, please let me know. Trader Report Web-site Requirements: 1. Need a separate web-site developed and implemented (in the same manner that the Executive Report Viewer project, which is being handled by Zhiyong Wei's team) 2. Web-site to be available 24 hours a day X 7 days a week 3. There are 5 Risk Regions: East, West, Central, Texas, and Financial 4. Each person leads a region as follows: Kam Keiser / East Risk Region Darron Giron / West Risk Region Phillip Love / Central Risk Region David Baumbach / Texas Risk Region Errol McLaughlin / Financial Risk Region 5. Jeff Gossett is the Project Lead for Traders 6. There are several traders within each region 7. Security - All traders should have access within their own region. Security will need to be set up to only view each trader's respective region (or any additional regions identified). Security requirements need to be defined and documented by each region lead, listing the name of each person that will be able to view what particular region/s reports. 8. All reports are currently in Excel and need a macro to export to the new web-site (formulas are within the spreadsheets). Required reports are to be identified by each region lead, with sample report templates. 9. A total of 15 reports are needed now and need more room for additional reports to be added in the future 10. Reports are to be automatically exported daily (reports are run each night) and to be published with "view only" capabilities on the web-site 11. History - Need to maintain 30 days of history, and also every last day of each month beginning (starting from) 1/01/01 and forward I will be meeting with Zhiyong next week to discuss these requirements, and I will schedule project meetings as needed going forward. Please contact me if you have any questions or need additional information. Thank you for your input and support!! Shirley McDowell Project Manager/Trader Web-site
"no confirm" deals , Hi Kate! I am beginning to see a familiar pattern beginning in the West (-familiar because it's the same problem we have with East traders). There are A LOT of deals that need to be changed to "no confirm." I'd like to fax a list of them to you so that you can 1st, change their status in Deal Entry to "not to be confirmed" and 2nd, bug the traders who enter the deals to remember to enter them correctly. Also, you mentioned working with Will Smith in IT to get these deals to automatically be "no confirm" when the traders enter them. You may want to use some of these as examples so to help IT figure the logic behind which deals are confirmed and which aren't. Please let me know your fax number so that i can send you this report. Thanks! Kim x31647
*EMCA* VH-1 Movie Set , Neighbors - VH-1 are filming a television movie at Lovett and Stanford. Lulu and I stopped in this morning and they were filming on the sidewalk. It's interesting (for about 10 minutes) if you've never seen a movie set - lots of people, activity, etc. We didn't see any stars, but you never know! -Ben
FW: Energy Market Report - 01/16/02 , Energy Market Report Wednesday, January 16, 2002 *See attached pdf file. __________________________________________________________ Western Pre-Scheduled Firm Electricity Prices($/MWh) January 16, 2002 for January 17 and 18, 2002 Peak(Heavy) Low Change High Change NW/N. Rockies 20.00 0.00 22.75 1.25 Mid-Columbia 20.00 0.00 22.75 1.25 COB 23.75 0.75 25.25 1.75 N. California 26.75 1.75 30.50 2.50 Midway/Sylmar NA NA NA NA S. California 28.00 3.00 30.00 2.75 Mead 27.75 2.75 30.00 3.00 Palo Verde 26.00 2.05 30.50 3.00 Inland SW 26.00 2.05 30.50 2.75 4-Corners 26.00 2.00 29.00 3.00 Central Rockies 26.00 6.25 27.50 3.50 __________________________________________________________ Off-Peak(Light) Low Change High Change NW/N. Rockies 17.00 0.75 17.75 0.25 Mid-Columbia 17.00 0.75 17.75 0.25 COB 17.50 0.25 18.00 0.50 N. California 19.00 1.75 19.50 -0.50 Midway/Sylmar NA NA NA NA S. California 18.00 1.25 19.75 0.25 Mead 18.00 0.00 19.50 0.50 Palo Verde 16.00 0.00 19.50 1.25 Inland SW 16.00 0.00 19.50 0.50 4-Corners 16.25 0.25 17.50 0.50 Central Rockies 15.75 1.25 17.50 1.50 __________________________________________________________ From ENE to ENRNQ to EBAY Heavy load electricity prices in the Western U.S. continued their recent rise amid ongoing below-normal temperatures and curtailed generation. Some parties also believed that stronger spot gas prices played a role in strengthening up the Thursday/Friday package. "The curtailment at Diablo Canyon caused a chain reaction of higher prices around the West today. We have below-normal temperatures everywhere, and California is having to import lots of power from outside the state," said one marketer. In fact, there was some talk that reserves in the Golden State could fall below acceptable levels Wednesday evening, possibly leading to the first emergency declaration since July 3, 2001. NYMEX Henry Hub gas futures ended higher on Wednesday, but displayed little reaction to the late release of the AGA weekly storage report. February gained 10.3 cents to close at 2.394$/mmBtu, while March ended 9 cents higher at 2.363$/mmBtu. The AGA inventory report indicated that 137 bcf were pulled out of storage last week, right in line with most industry estimates. Total U.S. inventories stood at 2.529 tcf, 1.070 tcf, or 73 percent, above last year and 529 bcf above the five-year average. Of the 137 bcf drawn last week, only seven were taken out of the Western Consuming Region, but recent cold weather had many players convinced that next week's report would show a much larger draw in the West. In other industry gossip, David Duncan, the lead Andersen partner in charge of the Enron audit who was fired on Tuesday, met for several hours Wednesday with lawyers and House of Energy and Commerce Committee staff. The House Energy committee was also looking to interview Sherron Watkins, the Enron executive who wrote the prophetic letter last summer to Ken Lay warning him of big troubles with the company's accounting policies. Meanwhile, Enron shares were trading on the Pink Sheets, an over-the-counter market in which companies do not have to report financial performance. On Wednesday, Enron stock, which now trades under the symbol "enrnq", fell 20 cents to close at 31 cents. Meanwhile, Enron stock certificates were selling for upwards of $100 on Ebay due to their collectable value. Quite a paradox, eh? Heavy load energy costs in the Northwest gained 1.25$/MWh on the high end, largely due to cold temperatures locally, and reports of increased exports to California. Peak power at the Mid-Columbia ranged from 20 to 22.75$/MWh, with the bulk of trades between 21.25 and 21.5$/MWh. Flow forecasts for Chief Joseph remained strong at 100 kcfs Thursday, 95 kcfs Friday, 65 kcfs Saturday, 55 kcfs Sunday, 100 kcfs Monday, and 95 kcfs next Tuesday and Wednesday. In unit news, Colstrip #3 and #4 (700 MW each) remained off line, both with a revised ETR of January 20. Wyoming-based Naughton #3 (330 MW) also had its return date backed up until January 18. Weather forecasts were calling for below-normal temperatures to continue through the weekend, while the latest six-to-ten from the NWS was calling for below-normal temperatures across the entire region from January 22 through 26. Amid predictions of cold weather on Thursday, rumors of reserves falling below WSCC required levels, and stronger natural gas values, electricity prices for the Thursday/Friday package strengthened on Wednesday in the Golden State. "Prices opened strong, but slid off some later. There was some excitement over the cold weather and stronger loads, and talk that the CAISO safety margin might not be met across the peak tonight. It's been a while since we've seen emergency stages and out of market buying in California," said one interested party. Heavy load trades at SP15 were heard from 28 to 30$/MWh, while light loads goods were being exchanged between 18 and 19.75$/MWh, with odd-lot products heard at 17 and 20.25$/MWh. In political news, PG&E ran a full page ad in the major California papers on Wednesday, accusing the state of filing suit to stop the utility's reorganization process and staunchly defending their own business practices as "ethical and fair". In unit news, Pittsburg #7 (682 MW) was down on Wednesday, as was El Segundo #3 (337 MW). Alamitos #4 (320 MW) returned to the grid. Temperatures were expected to dip just below freezing in the capital and other mid-state interior load centers on Thursday. The Bay Area and southern regions of the state were only expecting lows in the upper-30s to mid-40s. Little change was forecast through Sunday, and the most current six-to-ten called for below-normal temperatures from January 22 to 26. Below-normal temperatures and increased demand from California helped to boost day-ahead peak power prices in the Southwest by as much as 3$/MWh on Wednesday. "They're [California] hurting for power today, and we've even been asked to turn on some of our gas units to help get them through the evening peak," said one Southwest utility trader. Peak power at Palo Verde saw action from 26 to 30.5$/MWh, with most trades heard in the 28.5 to 29$/MWh range. Prices generally started on the low end, but quickly ratcheted up as California players came out of the woodwork looking to gobble up surplus supplies. The latest six-to-ten from the NWS was calling for below-normal temperatures to continue from January 22 through 26. Patrick O'Neill and Jessie Norris _________________________________________________________ Western Generating Unit Outages Current Begins Ends Reason CAISO units <250/7461 total NA NA planned/unplanned* Alamitos #3/320/gas 04-Dec-01 ? planned Colstrip #3/700/coal 11-Jan-02 20-Jan-02 repairs* Colstrip #4/700/coal 15-Jan-02 20-Jan-02 tube leak* Diablo Canyon #2/1087/nuclear 15-Jan-02 20-Jan-02 @50%, maintenance El Segundo #3/337/gas 16-Jan-02 ? unplanned* Encina #4/303/gas 12-Jan-02 ? unplanned Four Corners #5 09-Jan-02 14-Mar-02 maintenance Grand Coulee #19/600/hydro 10-Dec-01 March repairs Haynes #6/341/gas 07-Jan-02 ? planned Helms PGP #2/407/hydro 01-Oct-01 ? planned Hyatt/Thermalito/933/hydro 02-Oct-01 ? @506 MW, unplanned Morro Bay #3/337/gas 04-Jan-02 ? planned Moss Landing #6/739/gas 11-Jan-02 ? unplanned Moss Landing #7/739/gas 29-Dec-01 ? planned Naughton #3/330/gas 13-Jan-02 18-Jan-02 tube leak* Ormond Beach #1/725/gas 28-Dec-01 ? planned Ormond Beach #2/750/gas 05-Oct-01 ? @350 MW, unplanned Pittsburg #6/317/gas 22-Nov-01 ? planned Pittsburg #7/682/gas 16-Jan-02 ? unplanned* Redondo #8/480/gas 09-Dec-01 ? planned For unit owners refer to pdf version. *Indicates a change from previous EMR. ______________________________________________________________________ Eastern Markets Pre-Scheduled Firm Power Prices ($/MWh) January 16, 2002 for January 17, 2002 Peak (Heavy) in $/MWh Low Change High Change Into Cinergy 19.35 1.60 22.00 3.25 Western PJM 23.10 0.30 23.60 0.55 Into Entergy 19.00 0.05 22.00 -0.35 Into TVA 20.00 0.00 22.25 0.75 ___________________________________________________________ As stronger natural gas prices, unit curtailments, and winter weather made their presence felt, day-ahead electricity prices settled slightly higher across the Eastern Interconnect on Wednesday. While temperatures remained cool, there was little change in the weather pattern since Tuesday, which left traders perplexed about the source of Wednesday's strength, particularly in the Midwest. The AGA's weekly storage report listed a withdrawal of 137 bcf, dead on with industry estimates of 135 to 140 bcf. The AGA had little influence on late trading, and NYMEX Henry Hub gas futures rose on Wednesday. February gained 10.3 cents to close at 2.394$/mmBtu, while March rose 9 cents to end at 2.363$/mmBtu. As imports dropped and rumors of output constraints on the PJM grid were heard, peak power prices exhibited some tempered strength in the Mid-Atlantic on Wednesday. Western PJM goods for Thursday delivery changed hands between 23.1 and 23.6$/MWh. While sources were fairly certain that the Salem and Keystone outages were finished, rumors circulated that a different Pennsylvania unit was newly off-line on Wednesday, but no one was certain exactly which one. After a promising early spike to 80 and a two hour mid-morning plateau above 30, LMPs settled lower for the afternoon and averaged 26.05$/MWh through 15:00 EST. High temperatures were expected in the upper-40s on Thursday and lows were forecast in the mid-30s. Cooling of about five degrees was expected through Sunday, and the most current six-to-ten called for normal temperatures in the north of PJM and above-normal temperatures in the south from January 22 to 26. Amid official word of a big nuke off the grid and higher natural gas prices, heavy load energy costs gained significant ground in the Midwest on Wednesday. Into Cinergy day-ahead pieces were bought and sold from 19.35 to 22$/MWh, picking up over 3$/MWh on the high end. The February contract also traded much higher, with deals heard between 20.9 to 21.45$/MWh, up almost a dollar to a day ago. In unit news, Exelon confirmed the outage at their Illinois Quad Cities #1 (821 MW) on Wednesday. The unit has been down since January 9 for repairs to a pump in the reactor vessel. However, no ETR was given. High temperatures were forecast to reach the mid-30s on Thursday, with overnight lows in the mid-20s. The latest six-to-ten called for mostly above-normal temperatures from January 22 to 26. Peak power prices were steady to slightly higher in the Southeast on Wednesday. Into Entergy trades were seen between 19 and 22$/MWh, slipping towards the low end as the day progressed, while the front month contract saw action mostly between 20.25 and 20.4$/MWh. Into TVA deals were done between 20 and 22.25$/MWh. High temperatures were anticipated mostly in the 50s across SERC on Thursday, with little change expected through Sunday. The most current six-to-ten called for above-normal temperatures from January 22 to 26. ___________________________________________________________ California ISO Congestion Index in $/MWh Path Peak Off-peak for 17-Jan-02 NW1 to NP15 0.00 0.00 NW3 to SP15 0.00 0.00 AZ3 to SP15 0.00 0.00 LC1 to SP15 0.00 0.00 SP15 to NP15 0.00 0.00 OTC Forward Peak Electricity Contracts in $/MWh Mid-C PV SP-15 Bid Ask Bid Ask Bid Ask BOM 19.75 20.75 25.00 26.00 25.50 26.50 February 19.50 21.00 23.50 24.50 24.75 25.75 March 17.00 18.50 23.00 24.00 24.25 25.25 April 17.50 19.00 24.00 25.00 NA NA Q2 '02 17.50 19.00 26.00 27.00 25.75 26.75 Q3 '02 31.00 32.50 40.00 41.00 38.50 39.50 Q4 '02 NA NA 27.00 28.00 28.00 29.00 Q1 '03 NA NA NA NA NA NA Cal '03 27.50 29.00 31.00 32.00 32.75 33.75 Represents the most recent bid/ask spread obtainable by the Energy Market Report. Alberta Power Pool Index (C$/MWh) Peak(14) Peak(16) Off-Peak Flat Change for 15-Jan-02 46.33 45.26 17.86 36.94 0.88 BPA's Offer for 01/19/02 and 01/20/02. Hours Amount NW delivered COB/NOB delivered 7-22 100MW Market Price* Market Price* 1-6, 23-24 100MW Market Price* Market Price* *Market price will be determined at time of request. NYMEX Henry Hub Gas Futures in $/mmBtu Close Change Feb 2.394 0.103 Mar 2.363 0.090 Natural Gas Spot Prices in $/mmBtu Low High Sumas 2.13 2.18 So. Cal Border 2.27 2.32 San Juan 2.15 2.20 __________________________________________________________ Economic Insight, Inc. - 3004 SW First, Portland, Oregon 97201, Telephone (503) 222-2425, Internet e-mail - Copyright, Economic Insight, Inc. 2002.,,,
RE: , I'm lost! I compliment you? Leaving the in-laws. Wasn't near as bad as I thought. Going home to pack and then headed to Dallas. Maybe I should just stay there for good. How are things with you? -------------------------- Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld (
FIRST DELIVERY - ETOCO , Please see attached file. This well was turned on April 6, 2001 but I am just now receiving information on it. EB,,,
Attorneys , Please respond to As we discussed on yesterday's conference call, the following attorneys are experts on the California Public Records Act, which is the applicable Act for retrieving information from the California Legislature. The first two names were provided by the California Newspaper Association (Enron was not mentioned) and the third name comes from our associate Mark Harris. We often work with the fourth attorney on other issues and he does have some experience in this area however he should be used primarily if the other attorney's do not work out. Charity Kenyon Riegels, Campos & Kenyon (916) 779-7100 Karl Olson Levy, Ram, Olson & Rossi (415) 433-4949 Kevin Culhane Hansen, Boyd, Culhane & Watson (916) 444-2550 Phil Recht Mayer, Brown & Platt (213) 229-9500,,,
FYI: I'll be out of the office 8/30 & 8/31 , FYI I'll be out of the office this Thursday and Friday attending my 10-year class reunion. Yikes! Have a great Labor Day Weekend. Eric Gillaspie 713-345-7667 Enron Building 3886,,,
An Invitation for NESA/HEA Members from the GPA , Greetings from the HOUSTON CHAPTER OF THE GPA: A special invitation to our NESA friends - Come meet and socialize with your GPA counterparts. Join us for a GREAT evening of fun and food! The 2001-2002 membership year has begun and it is time to join us for the Membership Drive and Shrimp Boil Social. Bring a colleague and future member. Wednesday, September 12, 2001 4 PM to Dark Bear Creek Park, Pavilion 6, Bear Creek Drive Take I-10 to Eldridge, north to Clay and west to Bear Creek Drive Please RSVP your attendance only by email back to me by Sept 7. Due to the large number of mergers and corporate email address changes, please help me contact fellow colleagues by forwarding this email to others who may be interested. Also, please mark your calendars for the following events: September 12, 2001 Shrimp Boil Bear Creek Park October 18, 2001 AM Regional Meeting The Woodlands October 18, 2001 PM Golf Tournament The Woodlands November 14, 2001 Luncheon Meeting TBA January 16, 2002 Luncheon Meeting TBA February 13, 2002 Luncheon Meeting TBA April 10, 2002 Luncheon Meeting TBA May 8, 2002 Luncheon Meeting TBA TBA Sporting Clay Shoot American Shooting Center Below are the Shrimp Boil flier, Sponsorship form and Membership form. Please post them in a common area of your office building or circulate them through your work group. <<Membership form 2001.pdf>> <<Shrimp Boil 2001.pdf>> <<Sponsor form 2001.pdf>> Alfred Fatica Secretary - Treasurer, HGPA BP Corporation 281-366-0927 Work 281-366-5995 Fax <<Membership form 2001.pdf>> <<Shrimp Boil 2001.pdf>> <<Sponsor form 2001.pdf>>
test , test Mark McConnell Transwestern Pipeline Company 713-345-7896 office 713-822-4862 cell 713-646-2551 fax
SAP A/R A/P Aging Report , Tonight Kris and I met with the SAP team about the critical issues we discussed in the meeting this morning. As far as Xref1 (coordinator) and Xref2 (physical vs. financial flag) fields go, it appears that we are getting what we have to have in order to go live 7/1. Rena was working on a spec (the OSS that was discussed) that would automatically populate these 2 fields. However, the test was unsuccessful. These two fields are being opened up for netting, so we can input them manually when netting. I believe we need to pursue the auto fill post 7/1, but the first priority is having a place to put the data. As far as settlement period is concerned, we are probably going to get a hybrid of what we want at this time. The SAP team does appear to have appropriate resources working on this issue. For data created in SAP, I am more comfortable that the data is being captured on the income statement side of the entry, and the SAP folks now seem to think they can link over to it to get the settlement data. For data converted, we will not be able to get the settlement period in the same manner. The offsetting entry in conversion is to a dummy conversion account rather than an income statement account. The dummy account doesn't carry the settlement date. Another issue is related to the indicator to let us know if an invoice has had cash applied or,,,
(01-147) Use of Letters of Credit, Certain Securities and , Return Receipt Your (01-147) Use of Letters of Credit, Certain Securities and document Deliverable Warehouse Receipts as Margin... : was David Mitchell/NY/CWT received by: at: 05/14/2001 10:56:40 AM ============================================================================== NOTE: The information in this email is confidential and may be legally privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, you must not read, use or disseminate the information. Although this email and any attachments are believed to be free of any virus or other defect that might affect any computer system into which it is received and opened, it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that it is virus free and no responsibility is accepted by Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft for any loss or damage arising in any way from its use. ==============================================================================
my .... , ---------------------- Forwarded by Eric Bass/HOU/ECT on 03/29/2000 11:52 AM --------------------------- "Cannizaro, Brandi Z SSI" <BZ202449@MSXSSC.SHELL.COM> on 03/28/2000 09:32:43 AM To: "''" <> cc: "''" <> Subject: my .... Eric, Well ... Here's my resume ... Finally updated :):) I'm interested in , but not limited to, development / implementation projects using Visual InterDev, Active Server Pages, Visual Basic, SQL Server. Let me know if you need me to give you more specific info .... thanks for your help .... :) Brandi - RESUME.doc
RE: , you didn't buy a dog. i want to see the receipt. -----Original Message----- From: Erin Richardson <>@ENRON [] Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2001 3:27 PM To: Lenhart, Matthew Subject: RE: no, i would win that bet, it is just annoying that you keep trying to get out of taking me to dinner. i am not letting you out of it. -----Original Message----- From: [] Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2001 3:14 PM To: Subject: RE: why? don't you think you would lose that bet? -----Original Message----- From: Erin Richardson <>@ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-Erin+20Richardson+20+3Cerichardson+40sarofim+2Ecom+3E+40E] Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2001 3:01 PM To: Lenhart, Matthew Subject: RE: stop trying to get out of the dinner. -----Original Message----- From: [] Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2001 3:01 PM To: Subject: RE: lets bet your dinner on it right now. i think i might need to pay up to get a house -----Original Message----- From: Erin Richardson <>@ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-Erin+20Richardson+20+3Cerichardson+40sarofim+2Ecom+3E+40E] Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2001 2:54 PM To: Lenhart, Matthew Subject: RE: yeah i did, you're gonna love her. -----Original Message----- From: [] Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2001 2:25 PM To: Subject: RE: you did not -----Original Message----- From: Erin Richardson <>@ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-Erin+20Richardson+20+3Cerichardson+40sarofim+2Ecom+3E+40E] Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2001 2:16 PM To: Lenhart, Matthew Subject: RE: no, i got a poodle. go to hell. chihuahuas are cool. -----Original Message----- From: [] Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2001 2:05 PM To: Subject: RE: did you get a lil' chihuahua? i hate those things. -----Original Message----- From: Erin Richardson <>@ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-Erin+20Richardson+20+3Cerichardson+40sarofim+2Ecom+3E+40E] Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2001 1:59 PM To: Lenhart, Matthew Subject: RE: i went during lunch. -----Original Message----- From: [] Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2001 1:48 PM To: Subject: RE: i couldnt see it b/c it was surrounded by a wooden fence. i know you didn't get a dog. unless you took one of your 2 hour breaks before lunch. -----Original Message----- From: Erin Richardson <>@ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-Erin+20Richardson+20+3Cerichardson+40sarofim+2Ecom+3E+40E] Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2001 1:05 PM To: Lenhart, Matthew Subject: did you go look at that house last night? did you like it? i got a dog, it is precious, you are going to love it. ********************************************************************** This e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant affiliate and may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of the intended recipient (s). Any review, use, distribution or disclosure by others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient (or authorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the sender or reply to Enron Corp. at and delete all copies of the message. This e-mail (and any attachments hereto) are not intended to be an offer (or an acceptance) and do not create or evidence a binding and enforceable contract between Enron Corp. (or any of its affiliates) and the intended recipient or any other party, and may not be relied on by anyone as the basis of a contract by estoppel or otherwise. Thank you. **********************************************************************
Alert , DEAR RECEIVER, You have just received a Taliban virus. Since we are not so technologically advanced in Afghanistan, this is a MANUAL virus. Please delete all the files on your hard disk yourself and send this mail to everyone you know. Thank you very much for helping me. Abdulla Talibanian hacker,,,
TCO Pool Supply I Need to Lock in , Hello, I need to lock in TCO pool supply for my customer starting April 02 through July 04. Yes, this term is correct and they in fact want to lock this in soon (at the latest Tuesday morning). I have attached their load profile below. They are looking for a Nymex plus applicable basis quote. BUT, they want seasonal pricing (i.e. a winter quote and a separate summer quote). In other words they want to see 5 different prices (Apr02-Oct02, Nov02-Mar03, Apr03-Oct03, Nov03-Mar04, and Apr04-Jul04). I hope this makes sense and if you have any questions please call me at 502-214-6364 or send me an e-mail. Thanks for your help in advance. Sincerely, Aiysha Billings Alliance Energy Services - CC_TCO~1.XLS
Re: Hey , I actually did get that last e-mail, but somehow it ended up buried at the bottom of my in-box, just like so many other things. As far as the Blazer ticket trade, I believe I bought a call from you on the Laker game, and you bought the option from me on the Cavaliers - so I can choose to exercise on 12/13 at 7 p.m., and you can choose to exercise on 1/16 at 7 p.m. In other words, no matter what happens, I'm going to both games. Got it? As far as good stories from that night, I probably have the best, or at least one of the more hilarious, of those circulating the floor. And no, it has nothing to do with me. Ask me about it later, and I might be able to give it up for firm delivery of a seat at next week's game. Think about it. Kate
ClickAtHome , Thank you for choosing Time Warner Road Runner as your high-speed online provider. After a search of our database your address was found to be non-serviceable at this time. While our system does serve your zip code, your particular part of the zip code has not been upgraded. We are adding you to a list of persons to contact when we have expanded our service area to reach you. A card will be sent to the address where service was requested giving an approximate upgrade date. The card includes a special offer of FREE installation and a FREE month of Road Runner service. Please keep the card as this offer cannot be processed without it. Thank you again for choosing Time Warner Road Runner and we look forward to serving you in the near future.
Options comment , Please disregard the comment regarding the options in my last e-mail.
RE: Good-bye , Soma, It was a pleasure working with you. Let's stay in touch. Here are my coordinates: Vince Kaminski (281) 367 5377 (h) Vince -----Original Message----- From: Ghosh, Soma Sent: Monday, December 10, 2001 9:50 PM To: Kaminski, Vince J; Shanbhogue, Vasant Subject: Good-bye Just wanted to write a quick note to say thankyou for your assistance and advice over the the last 5.5 yrs. It was really a privilege working with such great people. I may be back in the office within the next few weeks so hopefully I can track you down on 19 & say good-bye. I shall be returning to the UK on Dec 23rd, and will proceed to look for a job along with the other 1,500 ex-employees. Well it's been quite a ride & I'm pretty much ready to get off & move on. I hope that I have the opportunity to meet with you again. Please do look me up if you are ever in London. Kind regards, Soma E-mail: UK Tel: 011 44 208 942 8740
$20 off and free shipping from! , Dear member, When you subscribed to, you expressed interest in receiving special offers from our advertisers. This is a special offer from ----------------------------------------------------------- $20 OFF AT LUXURY ETAILER ASHFORD.COM. ALWAYS FREE OVERNIGHT SHIPPING AND GIFT PACKAGING. Looking for inspiring gifts? offers a wide selection of unique luxury gift items including fine jewelry, crystal and watches. With over 400 world-class brands you'll find the perfect gift whether it's a gift for him or creating a wish list of your own. Experience the best online luxury shopping on the planet with the largest selection of watches, diamonds, jewelry and fine accessories. WATCHES: TAG Heuer, Omega, Ebel, Cartier, Seiko JEWELRY: sterling, gold, platinum DIAMONDS: diamond stud earrings, three stone rings, build your ring with our immense diamond collection SUNGLASSES: Oakley, Ray-Ban, Vuarnet VINTAGE WATCHES: Rolex, Omega, Patek Phillippe FRAGRANCE: Calvin Klein, Hugo Boss, Bulgari HOME & LIFESTYLE: Kosta Boda, Hoya, Orrefors HANDBAGS: Dooney & Bourke, Lambertson Truex Still not sure what to give? Try our gift finder. To take advantage of this special $20 off offer, simply enter coupon code 6BAB9AAAAA on your online order form during checkout. This offer is not valid on certain items listed on the site (see site for more details). This offer cannot be combined with any other coupon offer, gift with purchase or promotion from Offer expires December 31, 2000. ---------------------------------------------------------- ABOUT THIS E-MAIL When you registered with The New York Times on the Web you indicated that you wanted to receive information about special offers from companies that advertise with us. As a member of the BBBOnline Privacy Program and the TRUSTe privacy program, we are committed to protecting your privacy; to unsubscribe from future mailings, visit Suggestions and feedback are welcome at Please do not reply directly to this e-mail.
Agent Agreements , would you please email to Julia and Deb the consulting services agreement? Thanks. Michelle --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michelle Cash Enron North America Corp. 1400 Smith Street, EB 3823 Houston, Texas 77002 (713) 853-6401 This message may contain confidential information that is protected by the attorney-client and/or work product privileges. ----- Forwarded by Michelle Cash/HOU/ECT on 06/04/2001 10:05 AM ----- Julia Murray 06/04/2001 09:49 AM To: Michelle Cash/HOU/ECT@ECT, Alan Aronowitz/HOU/ECT@ECT, Nony Flores/HOU/ECT@ECT, Michelle Blaine/ENRON@enronXgate cc: Deb Korkmas/HOU/ECT@ECT Subject: Agent Agreements We are looking at documenting various relationships with both brokers and agents in the Industrial business. Could you please direct either Deb Korkmas or myself to appropriate forms that have been used and approved in the past. Many thanks. Julia Julia Heintz Murray Enron Wholesale Services Enron Industrial Markets LLC 1400 Smith Street, EB3838 Houston, TX 77002 (713) 853-4794 Fax: (713) 646-3393
Congratulations , Joe, Congratulations. Well deserved. Vince P.S. I shall call you Wed regarding a request to sponsor a publication by the Commodities Now magazine.
Part 4, revised , Attached is a revised version of Mike Day's draft of Part 4 of the legislative package, on expedited permitting of new and expanded electric generating capacity. I have tried to incorporate the thoughtful comments provided to me by Sam Wehn of ENA and Barry Ogilby of McCutcheon (outside counsel). Since Mike will soon be off on a family vacation, please direct any comments or questions to me at 415-765-8413 or <<PART4.DOC>> - X21095.DOC,,,
Re: SWAP GROUP CALENDARS - APRIL & MAY, 2000 , nothing attached Taffy Milligan 04/13/2000 07:36 PM To: Susan Bailey/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan Flynn/HOU/ECT@ECT, Marie Heard/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tana Jones/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT@ECT, Carol St Clair/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mark Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Suzanne Adams/HOU/ECT@ECT, Erica Braden/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kaye Ellis/HOU/ECT@ECT, Taffy Milligan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Becky Tlucek/HOU/ECT@ECT Subject: SWAP GROUP CALENDARS - APRIL & MAY, 2000 Please let me know if you have any revisions to the attached.
Rescheduled -- Management Conference , Ken, Greg and Mark, I wanted to provide you a suggested agenda for the rescheduled Management Conference. After working with Joannie Williamson to coordinate open dates on your calendars with hotel availability, here is what we are proposing: Location: Westin La Cantera Resort, San Antonio (The Woodlands still will not have enough rooms to hold our group in February. We are concerned that if we don't have people committed to stay over, especially on a weekend, we risk weak participation. Also, by rebooking with the Starwood property, we hope to potentially recoup some of the loss incurred by canceling our November date and maintain a positive relationship with the company.) Dates: Friday, February 22 and Saturday, February 23 (We received feedback that employees may not appreciate being asked to sacrifice a weekend right now. However, these are the dates that the hotel is available. Available dates the previous week would interfere with Valentines Day and coincide with the peak of the Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City.) Agenda: DAY 1 Friday, February 22 2pm - 5pm Registration 6pm - 9pm Reception and Chairman's Dinner Speaker: General Norman Schwarzkopf (The General is currently available on this date, but has not accepted the engagement. I feel that, if we can reschedule him, he would be a significant draw to ensure people arrive in time for the evening activities.) DAY 2 Saturday, February 23 8am - 2pm Business Agenda (I will keep Ken and the brief business unit presentations/panel on the agenda. I also hope to reschedule Gary Hamel. Otherwise, I will remain flexible on the agenda.) 2pm Meeting Adjourns No planned activities (The activities are perceived as an unnecessary extravagance at this time.) We'd like to issue a memo about postponing the Management Conference to invitees as soon as possible. While details on the agenda can be resolved later, please let me know if you are comfortable with the dates and location so we can include that information in the memo. Regards, Terrie James ext. 3-7727,,
RE: FW: NNG Beaver (C-Line) --- JANUARY 1, 2002 , Let's look at it Wednesday. Also, with the high flows we got coming up from the south now, let's make sure we don't limit our capacity by doing this. thanks. sj -----Original Message----- From: Sturn, John Sent: Monday, December 31, 2001 8:07 AM To: January, Steve Cc: Spraggins, Gary; Blair, Lynn Subject: Re: FW: NNG Beaver (C-Line) --- JANUARY 1, 2002 I vote for Wednesday. As you mention, we would be sure that Continental is running. It would also be financially beneficial for Oneok to wait. John From: Steven January/ENRON@enronXgate on 12/26/2001 04:15 PM To: John Sturn/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Gary Spraggins/ENRON@enronXgate cc: Lynn Blair/ENRON@enronXgate Subject: FW: NNG Beaver (C-Line) --- JANUARY 1, 2002 Guess we better look at turning the C line around on the 31st, or should we wait until the 2nd, to make sure they get up? sj -----Original Message----- From: Benningfield, Robert Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2001 4:13 PM To: Sturn, John; January, Steve; Spraggins, Gary; Buchanan, John; Herber, Stephen Cc: Adams, Jean; Benningfield, Robert; Forbish, Sherry; Greaney, Chris; Hibbard, Scott; Janzen, Randy; Linhart, Joe; McDaniel, Janet; Scurlock, Debra; Sturr, Kathy; Vaughan, Cara; Woodson, Harry Subject: NNG Beaver (C-Line) --- JANUARY 1, 2002 Please Note: POI 1309 ( NNG Beaver) will start up their processing plant on Tuesday January 1, 2002. If you have any questions, please contact me at (713)853-6816. Thanks Robert
FW: Wire Confirmation , Sorry, just missed it. -----Original Message----- From: Veariel, Robin Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2002 3:28 PM To: Parks, Joe Subject: Wire Confirmation here ya go! give them the Fed # of 5765. Robin 03/28/02 FINANCIAL STATUS FOR 03/28/02 16:26 PAGE 8 ACCOUNT: 40781075 ENRON N.A. CORP-ENA CASH SRV 30208746126 SAME DAY DR TRANSFER 293,543.25 GID:LCT20873484800 FED20020328B1Q8024C005765 USER REF:S053022000157645 REF: S053022000157645 ORDER: ENA CASH SERVICES CR BK ID: 021000021 CR BK: JPMORGAN CHASE BANK FORMERLY CHASE MANHATTAN BANK,N.A NEW YORK, NY 10004 BENEF: 9102771343 DUKE ENERGY FIELD SERVI CES INC ACCT 910 2 771343 DENVER, CO US 8020 2 DETAILS:WT0328 DUKE DEC.INVOICECONTRACT 2020405,DEALID S ENRONNA0037 S0530 INSTRUCT DATE:03/28/02 ADVICE TYPE:MAIL
Technical Trading Class, Houston, Early Bird 'Til 11/09 , Learn Technical Analysis Two Full Days, December 4-5, 2001 Early Bird Discount Until October 31, 2001 <> Marriott West Loop, Houston, Texas Energy Traders, Marketers and Buyers. This two full day class serves as both an introduction to those new to technical analysis and a refresher for experienced traders. Technicals are taught in a logical, systematic manner oriented to equip both physical and paper traders to buy low, sell high and manage risk in the real world in a logical, methodical manner. In this class you will: Ascertain when and how to take profit and cut losses. Find out how to set up a strategy by identifying probable market direction and turns as well as likely targets using chart patterns. Learn to use both traditional indicators like moving averages and stochastics, as well the state-of-the-art methods which won Cynthia Kase the coveted Market Technicians Association's "Best of the Best" award. Content Charting Basics, Types of Charts, Support and Resistance When to Buy or Sell (Entry Techniques) When to Exit Based on Signals (Momentum and Divergence) How to Exit Based on Stops (Managing Trade Risk) Chart Patterns and Forecasting Basics (Candlesticks, Elliott Wave, Flags, etc.) Statistical Hedging Early Bird Special $845.00 Two or More Early Bird $795.00 Regular: $995.00 Two or More: $895.00 *** Register Now! *** <> Click Here for More Information <> About the Presenters <> Who Should Attend <> Detailed Agenda and Schedule <> Other Classes Offered By Kase <> <> Kase and Company also offers In House Training Classes. For more information please email us at <> or call at (505) 237-1600
RE: Wedding invitation , My mailing address. 5151 Edloe St. #14306 Houston, Texas 77005 713-588-5131 -----Original Message----- From: "Engelhardt, Matthew" <>@ENRON [] Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2001 9:26 AM To: Dorland, Chris Subject: Wedding invitation Chris buddy! How's it going? I was chatting with Dan this morning and I was able to track down your mailing address, so I can send you a wedding invitation. You're still M.C. right? Just kidding, but it'll be good to see you. I hear everything's going good down there, speaking for the rest of your buddies up north though, I'll be looking forward to when that career path steers you back a little closer to home. The wedding is on August 18th(saturday), Mike & Nate are planning some golf, camping and a little drinking as well on the August long weekend too if you were planning on being back then as well, although that sounds like a lot of travel. Anyways, I suppose II'll see you at Sue and Dionne's wedding? Should be a good time. Take it easy, Chris. Matt Engelhardt
Re: UT conference trustees' meeting , Vince, there was a trustees' meeting (during dinner) which I attended. Here are a few things that were discussed there: 1. April 4th is the date when different companies representatives will come on UT campus to tell MBA students about their companies and job opportunities. The companies will have to pay a small fee (about $200) to be able to participate. 2. Trustees' continued support for in-class presentations, Finance Challenge program and practicums. I understand that UT wants you to give some classes in the autumn semester for MBA students. 3. Some companies (like Reliant) select some well defined projects and give them to UT students to work on for a few months. Students work in teams and discuss their progress with Ihud Ron and then report results to the company. Regards, Tanya.
Re: UT , if shirley hasn't left town yet i think i can get him a ticket. let him come even if nobody back out anyway. it doesn't matter squeezing 1 more person into the room.
You are Invited to CERA's Winter Outlook Conference Call , Gas Market Winter Outlook: Fundamental Questions This conference call is Thursday, October 18, at 10:00 a.m. and is CERA's winter preview show. I will arrange with CERA for our participation. You can call into the 800 number below if you are in Houston, Minneapolis or other locations. For those attending in Omaha, Room 697 is reserved for you. I will register for all of the ETS staff, just identify yourself as Enron and give your name when calling. I hope to see you there! Lorna M. Brennan Competitive Intelligence Enron Transportation Services Omaha 402-398-7573 --------------------- Title: Gas Market Winter Outlook: Fundamental Questions URL(s):; *********************************************************************** TOPICS * Demand: Waiting for a Rebound * Supply: Stalling Growth * Storage: Reaching Maximums? FORMAT Speakers: Bob Esser, Senior Director and Consultant Paul Hoffman, Associate Director, North American Natural Gas Bryan Sanderson, Associate Director, North American Gas Jen Snyder, Director, North American Natural Gas Ed Small, Director, North American Natural Gas Time: 11:00 AM Eastern, Thursday, October 18, 2001 Eligibility: Clients eligible to participate in this conference call are those who subscribe to the CERA North American Gas Retainer Advisory Service. TO ENROLL To enroll, please send a fax to Katya Ashe at (617) 497-0423, or enroll via e-mail at before 9:00 A.M., Thursday, October 18, 2001. Please include your name, company, and telephone number with your correspondence. Enrollment is not mandatory but assists us in optimizing the conference experience. If you are unable to pre-register, please follow the directions below to participate on the day of the call. Follow above URL and click through to the Full Report for instructions to participate in the call (audio and Internet information). **end** E-mail Category: Conference Call Notification CERA Knowledge Area(s): North American Gas *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** CERA's Autumn 2001 Roundtable event dates and agendas are now available at *********************************************************************** To make changes to your profile go to: Forgot your username and password? Go to: This electronic message and attachments, if any, contain information from Cambridge Energy Research Associates, Inc. (CERA) which is confidential and may be privileged. Unauthorized disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the contents of this message or any attachments, in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited. Terms of Use: Questions/Comments: Copyright 2001. Cambridge Energy Research Associates,,,
Re: Dinner , Lunch sounds good!
Receive a FREE $50.00 bonus! , **************************************************** 100% First Time Bonus at Black Widow Casino **************************************************** Receive a FREE $50.00 when you make your first deposit! CLICK HERE NOW --> Experience the most realistic and exciting games available on the Internet today - and get a FREE 100% first time deposit bonus*!!! **************************************************** How do you get your FREE 100% bonus? **************************************************** It's so simple. Please visit Black Widow Casino Promotions to find out more. Then simply and quickly download this state of the art software and you'll be ready to play for real. CLICK HERE NOW --> **************************************************** There's More!!! **************************************************** Black Widow Casino also features: FREE DRAFTS!! DOUBLE LOYALTY BLACK WIDOW REWARDS!! FASTEST ONLINE CASINO PAYOUTS!! Get YOUR FREE 100% BONUS NOW!!! CLICK HERE NOW --> ***************************************************** <<<>>> <<<>>> <<<>>> <<<>>> <<<>>> <<<>>> <<<>>> <<<>>> <<<>>> <<<>>> * To remove yourself from this mailing list, point your browser to: * Enter your email address ( in the field provided and click "Unsubscribe". The mailing list ID is "funnymoney:10". OR... * Reply to this message with the word "remove" in the subject line. This message was sent to address X-PMG-Recipient: <<<>>> <<<>>> <<<>>> <<<>>> <<<>>> <<<>>> <<<>>> <<<>>> <<<>>> <<<>>> pmguid:1c.w8m.803w8
Conference Call - Strategy to deal with Senator Dunn , Please let me know if you can be available on Tuesday, May 15th, 2:00 cst for a conference call re the above-referenced. Once I receive a response from everyone on availability, I will then send out the call in information. Thanks.,,,
Re: joke and stuffing , I never would have guessed smoked oysters. I think I'm cooking for the 4 of us, plus Lena and any stray friends we find. We will probably come to Palacios on Saturday and spend the night, although I haven't discussed it with Mom yet. It is dreary here today, but in a nice way. I don't mind it too much, although by Sunday we may be stir crazy. We went to Michael's school on Wednesday, as his class was singing in chapel. Roger Clements was there, video cam in hand, doing the dad thing. He is a really big guy, much bigger than I thought. He looks like a football player. I see why Piazza didn't take a swing! I would say "break a leg" for Katie, but with your groups orthopedic problems, I hesitate to use the phrase! Love, Kay
RE: , sweet. i need a golf allowance then. i can drink beer every night and golf all day while you work. that would be so sweet of you. i cant wait to do that. -----Original Message----- From: Erin Richardson <>@ENRON Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2001 11:05 AM To: Lenhart, Matthew Subject: RE: you don't need to work at denny's. you know, i make a lot of money, more than i can spend, so there's really no reason why you can't just live off of my salary for a while. shouldn't be a problem, i usually just give half of it away to charity anyway. -----Original Message----- From: Lenhart, Matthew [] Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2001 10:55 AM To: Subject: looks like i am going to work at denny's. stock is down about another 2.50. ********************************************************************** This e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant affiliate and may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of the intended recipient (s). Any review, use, distribution or disclosure by others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient (or authorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the sender or reply to Enron Corp. at and delete all copies of the message. This e-mail (and any attachments hereto) are not intended to be an offer (or an acceptance) and do not create or evidence a binding and enforceable contract between Enron Corp. (or any of its affiliates) and the intended recipient or any other party, and may not be relied on by anyone as the basis of a contract by estoppel or otherwise. Thank you. **********************************************************************
Re: Status Report, CRP & DIVERSIFIED INDUSTRIALS , Sounds good - I think you have a great opportunity in this market - I would suggest staffing aggressively in order to take the first mover advantage. I note the associate needs. Regards Delainey ---------------------- Forwarded by David W Delainey/HOU/ECT on 05/12/2000 02:17 PM --------------------------- Rob Milnthorp 05/12/2000 12:37 PM To: David W Delainey/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: Re: Status Report, CRP & DIVERSIFIED INDUSTRIALS Dave, I missed one point regarding the Toronto trader. Lavorato and Belden have identified an associate and he's interested in coming to Toronto. He is in Toronto today meeting with DeVries. As a sidebar, our new office space in Toronto is extremely impressive (cost was Cdn $500K) and is a great selling feature. Hopefully this puts the trading associate "over the top". Regards, Milnthorp ---------------------- Forwarded by Rob Milnthorp/CAL/ECT on 05/12/2000 11:30 AM --------------------------- Rob Milnthorp 05/12/2000 08:27 AM To: David W Delainey/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Paul Devries/TOR/ECT@ECT, Dawn Doucet/CAL/ECT@ECT Subject: Re: Status Report, CRP & DIVERSIFIED INDUSTRIALS Dave, thanks for the note. Regarding an update for Toronto, we made an offer to a senior industrial marketer yesterday (Jeff Borg - 10 years experience) while I was in Toronto. I believe that he will accept. In addition, Paul is interviewing for one more deal maker (targeting John Guerro at Duke - an industrial gas marketer) and a manager for ENERconnect (has interviewed a couple - meeting with Doug Jones from TD Bank next week). Scott Gilbert who is running our volume management is out recruiting for backoffice staff (needs 5 specialists). No success here as of yet. Mark Haedicke, Peter Keohane and myself are working on transferring Chris Gaffney (Canadian Lawyer) to work in Toronto. Chris is interested and both Mark and myself think it would be a good fit/career move. Dawn, Paul and myself are devising a more aggressive recruiting strategy for Toronto for both Paul's and Scott's groups as our presence in Toronto is limited. This may include full page ads in the Globe, use of head hunters and/or Super Saturdays. With 2 million people in Toronto, we should be having more success in recruiting high quality individuals. It is my understanding that 94 new analysts are starting this August in Houston. I need a minimum of 5 (2 for Toronto, 3 for Calgary). I have asked Dawn to make this happen, but if there is any way that you can exercise your influence to assist in making this happen, that would be much appreciated. Regards Milnthorp
RE: , why the note, i talked with jean and told her it would all be sorted -----Original Message----- From: Lavorato, John Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2001 10:28 AM To: Nowlan Jr., John L. Cc: Earnest, Scott; Mrha, Jean; Carter, Carol Subject: I understand you owe Jean 1.25 Million this week. Please make sure it's paid.
FW: Gas Options Trader , I know a set up when I see one -----Original Message----- From: "Adrian Clark" <>@ENRON [] Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2001 4:29 PM To: Maggi, Mike Subject: Gas Options Trader Mike, Hello. My name is Adrian Clark and I am an executive recruiter in the energy industry. One of my industry sources told me you are a successful Gas Options Trader. My firm, First Call Associates, is currently doing a search for some clients of ours, one of which is retained, which are looking to hire high-quality Gas Options Traders. If you, or someone you know, has an interest in learning more about these opportunities, please contact me. If the timing is not right for you at this time, I've included my contact information for future reference. You can find more information about us at The founders of our firm came from the energy business themselves, having spent more than 10 years trading energy (both gas and power). Because of their experience, we have been able to form relationships with some of the leading energy companies in the country enabling us to present qualified employees for their consideration. Be assured that any information we discuss will be completely confidential. My apologies for sending this to your email at work but I have not been able to get you by telephone during business hours. Adrian Clark Director First Call Associates, Inc. 8 Andrew Dr. Canton, CT 06019 860-693-4122 860-693-4118 (fax) - winmail.dat
Greeting Page , coryswim
slides , Steve - Here are some slides that Julie Davidson and I pulled from a couple of presentations that we had done recently. I apologize that the formats are not all uniform - but I thought that you needed them sooner rather than later. Let me know if there is anything else that we can do for you. Traci X33242
FIRST DELIVERY - CODY , See attached letter EB,,,
, Hey Jean, Where are you sitting these days?
ETS Salutes , Continuing our salute to the ETS employees nominated for the 2000 Chairman's Award, please join me in congratulating: Morris Brassfield Rick Brown Bob Burleson Gary Choquette Morris, senior director of supply management in Houston, is responsible for 60-plus employees in a ten state area. During his employment, Morris has been required to close, move and establish field offices throughout the United States. He has also been involved in reorganizing and developing new ETS business units. Morris is an important leader in ETS. Rick, a construction coordinator in Amarillo, was instrumental in the Kansas A-line abandonment project. He made sure affected landowners and the construction contractor were treated fairly. In one instance, he traveled several hundred miles to have a face-to-face discussion with a group of landowners to ensure that the project would be completed without adverse environmental impact. Rick's effort diffused a potentially large and expensive problem. Bob, an account director in Houston, explains complex transactions and details about ecosystems with great ease. His prudent, careful and adept professional customer dealings are among the best. Bob is a true asset to Enron's customers and employees. Gary, an engineering specialist in Omaha, is always looking for a more efficient way of doing work. He has the initiative to drive change in the work process. Often times this requires the software development of new tools. Gary is dedicated in problem solving and working on a consensus for a solution. Again, congratulations to Morris, Rick, Bob and Gary. Stan
Enron Transportation Services Operations@ENRON
Browner/Glickman press conference on MTBE , I have just received an advisory that EPA Administrator Carol Browner and Agriculture Secretary Dan Glickman will hold a press conference at 1:30 EST today (Monday 3/20) to announce Administration plans to eliminate the use of MTBE in gasoline. I will report to you as soon as we receive more details about the Administration's proposal.,,,
FW: Stork Report: TrueQuote - the little team that could! , Baby News! EnFORM, It is my great privilege to announce one of EnFORM Technology's greatest 'deliveries' since our small company began over three years ago. As you may have heard, on June1st, at 6:46pm,a small handful of EnFORMers completed one of the most ambitious technology integration projects in the history of modern B2B e-commerce, a web based energy trading exchange, successfully interfaced it's product and trading transaction engine to the largest e-commerce site in the world, Enron Corporation's EnronOnline trades approximately $3Billion in energy related products and services every day making it (by far)the largest e-commerce platform in the world. The magnitude of this achievement can not be understated. Many doubted that it was technically feasible, and many others thought it was out-right impossible to keep the trading engines of two completely different platforms completely synchronized. Well, it is with great pride that I report to you that since going live with the interface, (developed using SQL Server 2000, VB / COM+, ASP, and a whole-lotta XML) not only keeps in lock-step synchronization with (a Java, Oracle8i, and Web-logic platform), the two platforms have exchanged over 1.25Million orders in just a few weeks, averaging between 50-75,000every daywith less than a 1/2 second of latency between the two platforms for each order. When you get a chance, congratulate the team for delivering such an impressive achievement. Since going live, the baby hasn't even burped! -Stewart - Baby News Bkgrd.gif
Approval for reviewer , ---------------------- Forwarded by David W Delainey/HOU/ECT on 11/12/2000 03:51 PM --------------------------- on 11/12/2000 01:11:08 PM To: cc: Subject: Approval for reviewer CALGER,CHRISTOPHER F has suggested reviewers and submitted them for your approval. You may review/modify this list of reviewers by logging on to PEP at and going to Supervisor Services. Please remember, no feedback can be completed on CALGER,CHRISTOPHER F until you have approved the list.
SoCalGas Complaint , A couple of thoughts on the SoCalGas Complaint 1. Perhaps you will want to emphasize this as being a computer system programming mistake -- not a billing mistake. The point would be to distinquish that its not like someone sat down to bill SoCalGas, read the Global Settlement and agreed with SoCalGas' interpretation of how to bill this. The point would be to show that we made a mistake in putting the computer programming in-place to handle this. 2. I don't think the GISB 6-mo limitation went into effect until 4/97 -- so arguably it doesn't address this issue. Nevertheless, I agree with the mistake language. The GISB transcript excerpts that I clipped for Dari & Chris Sebesta for the IES dispute would be germaine (i.e. GISB didn't intend to bar mistakes ). 3. There is a FERC case that you might want to also cite for the concept of the equity of correcting past mistakes. Transco discovered an error in their fuel calculation that was many years old. FERC let them re-bill customers for something like $13 million dollars of undercharges. I think this is a 2000 case.,