432 values
can you please translate this text from Italian to English?
Tom mi ha chiamato ieri mattina.
Tom called me yesterday morning.
translate this input message from Italian to English?
Lo voglio fare per lei.
I want to do it for you.
Please can you translate this sentence from Italian to English?
Sto facendo i compiti.
I'm doing homework.
Translate this message from Italian to English
Tom è probabilmente troppo depresso per farlo adesso.
Tom is probably too depressed to do that now.
can you please switch the text from Italian to English
Tom sta giocando a carte con Mary.
Tom is playing cards with Mary.
Please can you switch the text from Italian to English.
Ti proteggerò.
I'm going to protect you.
Switch the text from Italian to English.
Tom è stato sepolto lunedì.
Tom was buried Monday.
Can you translate this input message from Italian to English.
Pensa che Tom abbia fatto questo?
Do you think Tom did this?
can you translate this input sentence from Italian to English
Amavano tutti Tom.
They all loved Tom.
Can you translate this input message from Italian to English?
Fatemi sentire il vostro fiato.
Let me smell your breath.
please can you switch the sentence from Italian to English.
Io mi sto divertendo molto.
I'm having lots of fun.
Can you please communicate this message from Italian to English.
Dove sta andando questo tizio?
Where is this guy going?
convert from Italian to English?
È arrivato qui troppo presto.
You got here too early.
Can you translate this input message from Italian to English.
Tom disse a Mary che era stanco.
Tom told Mary that he was tired.
Can you please communicate this message from Italian to English.
Ero felice di superare l'esame.
I was happy to pass the exam.
Please translate this sentence from Italian to English?
Ha iniziato a piovere.
It has started raining.
Please can you switch the text from Italian to English?
Un caffè, per favore.
Coffee, please.
can you please communicate this sentence from Italian to English.
Improvvisamente si alzò una terribile tempesta.
Suddenly, a terrible storm came up.
please switch the message from Italian to English
Dovete ancora farla.
You still have to do it.
translate this sentence from Italian to English?
Non sono molto impegnato oggi.
I'm not very busy today.
Can you translate this message from Italian to English?
Tom guida la sua automobile al lavoro ogni giorno.
Tom drives his car to work every day.
can you translate this message from Italian to English?
Tom non farà lo stesso.
Tom won't do the same.
please can you switch the text from Italian to English
Non stappate ancora lo champagne.
Don't break out the champagne yet.
Can you please switch the message from Italian to English?
Tom è interessato ai fossili.
Tom is interested in fossils.
Please translate this input text from Italian to English?
Assumo che stiate parlando di Tom.
I assume you're talking about Tom.
please translate this sentence from Italian to English.
Tom stava ancora indossando il suo costume.
Tom was still wearing his costume.
Can you please switch the sentence from Italian to English?
Lei è troppo modesta.
You're too modest.
switch the text from Italian to English
Tu mangi molto pesce?
Do you eat a lot of fish?
Please can you communicate this sentence from Italian to English.
Perché non hai chiesto a Tom?
Why haven't you asked Tom?
Please translate this sentence from Italian to English.
Io sono piuttosto assonnato in questo momento.
I'm pretty sleepy right now.
Please translate this input sentence from Italian to English.
Sei tutto quel che ho.
You're all I've got.
can you translate this input text from Italian to English
Passo molto tempo a studiare.
I spend a lot of time studying.
Please can you translate this input message from Italian to English
Tom non riesce a credere a Mary.
Tom can't believe Mary.
Please can you communicate this message from Italian to English.
Qualcuno te lo ha detto?
Did anyone tell you that?
communicate this sentence from Italian to English?
Il mio amico è arrivato.
My friend has arrived.
please translate from Italian to English.
Non è la figlia di Tom?
Isn't that Tom's daughter?
please translate this message from Italian to English?
Io viaggiai a Boston.
I traveled to Boston.
Please can you convert from Italian to English
Se lo riuscissi a spiegare, lo farei.
If I could explain it, I would.
please can you translate this input sentence from Italian to English.
Tom ha già finito il lavoro che doveva fare.
Tom has already finished the work that he needed to do.
please translate this sentence from Italian to English?
Il sogno di Tom è vivere in Australia.
Tom's dream is to live in Australia.
Can you switch the message from Italian to English?
Ehi, potrei non avere soldi, però ho ancora il mio orgoglio.
Hey, I may have no money, but I still have my pride.
switch the sentence from Italian to English?
Cos'ha consigliato?
What did you recommend?
translate this message from Italian to English?
Temo di non poterla fare in quel momento.
I'm afraid I can't make it at that time.
Translate this input message from Italian to English?
Farebbe meglio a dare un'occhiata.
You'd better take a look.
please translate this input message from Italian to English
Qual è la tua bevanda preferita d'inverno?
What's your favorite drink in the winter?
Please translate this sentence from Italian to English
Tom ha chiesto un salario più alto.
Tom asked for a higher salary.
translate this sentence from Italian to English.
Tom è molto tollerante.
Tom is very tolerant.
please can you translate this text from Italian to English?
Questo non dovrebbe essere così difficile.
This shouldn't be so hard.
Translate this input sentence from Italian to English?
Noi saremo lì alle 2:30.
We'll be there at 2:30.
Can you please translate this message from Italian to English?
Sarebbe stato bello.
That would've been nice.
can you please communicate this message from Italian to English?
Tom non sa quando Mary visiterà Boston.
Tom doesn't know when Mary will visit Boston.
please communicate this text from Italian to English?
Penso che Tom non sarà qui oggi.
I think that Tom won't be here today.
Please switch the sentence from Italian to English
Sono contenta di aiutare.
I'm glad to help.
Can you please communicate this sentence from Italian to English.
Mi sento pronto per la sfida.
I feel ready for the challenge.
Please can you translate this message from Italian to English?
Tutte le mie vicine sono molto amichevoli.
All my neighbors are very friendly.
can you translate this input sentence from Italian to English
Io sto andando a Boston con Tom.
I'm going to Boston with Tom.
Please communicate this sentence from Italian to English?
Porta tua figlia.
Bring your daughter.
please can you communicate this text from Italian to English?
Sto studiando per il mio esame.
I'm studying for my exam.
can you please translate this sentence from Italian to English
Penso che siate perfetti.
I think you're perfect.
can you please switch the text from Italian to English
Tom sta dormendo?
Is Tom sleeping?
Can you communicate this message from Italian to English.
A me piacciono molto i frutti di mare.
I really like seafood.
translate this input message from Italian to English.
Lo dia a Tom.
Give it to Tom.
Can you translate this input sentence from Italian to English
Tom era addormentato nella sua stanza.
Tom was asleep in his room.
please communicate this sentence from Italian to English?
Tom non parla molto.
Tom doesn't talk very much.
Can you please translate this message from Italian to English.
Mi servirà una camera più grande.
I'm going to need a bigger room.
Can you please switch the message from Italian to English?
Vi siete nascosti dietro l'albero, vero?
You hid behind the tree, didn't you?
switch the text from Italian to English.
Io non vi ho mai visti qui prima.
I've never seen you here before.
can you communicate this message from Italian to English
Mi lasci spiegare.
Let me explain.
Please can you translate from Italian to English?
Le mele sono il frutto migliore.
Apples are the best fruit.
Can you please convert from Italian to English
Gli ho chiesto il suo nome.
I asked him his name.
Please switch the text from Italian to English?
Io non so esattamente cosa vuole Tom.
I don't know exactly what Tom wants.
Please communicate this text from Italian to English?
Perfino i giapponesi possono fare errori quando parlano giapponese.
Even Japanese can make mistakes when they speak Japanese.
Translate from Italian to English?
È tutto, gente.
That's all folks.
Can you communicate this text from Italian to English.
Io mi aspettavo che Tom vincesse.
I expected Tom to win.
Can you switch the text from Italian to English
Non credo che Tom sia una spia.
I don't believe Tom is a spy.
please translate this input text from Italian to English
Io ho perso la pazienza con Tom.
I've lost patience with Tom.
Please translate this message from Italian to English.
Non approvo tali vicende.
I don't approve of such goings-on.
translate this text from Italian to English
Dove avete nascosto il mio passaporto?
Where did you hide my passport?
can you communicate this sentence from Italian to English.
Tom non vuole figli, ma io sì.
Tom doesn't want children, but I do.
i need a translation from Italian to English
Generalmente non faccio errori.
I generally don't make mistakes.
Can you switch the message from Italian to English?
Io ne voglio un'altra.
I want another.
Communicate this text from Italian to English?
Tom non è andato a casa la scorsa notte.
Tom didn't go home last night.
Can you communicate this message from Italian to English?
Chi è morto?
Who died?
Can you please convert from Italian to English
Sei più forte di noi.
You're stronger than we are.
please translate from Italian to English.
Tom è sempre a casa il lunedì.
Tom is always home on Monday.
Can you please switch the text from Italian to English
Non è importante.
It isn't important.
Please translate this input message from Italian to English.
Lo sa come funziona questo?
Do you know how this works?
Please translate from Italian to English
Scelsi quello sbagliato.
I chose the wrong one.
please communicate this sentence from Italian to English?
Tom come ha preso la notizia?
How did Tom take the news?
please can you communicate this message from Italian to English
Sono ancora interessata.
I'm still interested.
can you please switch the text from Italian to English
Tom non la farà.
Tom won't do it.
translate this text from Italian to English?
È coraggioso.
You're brave.
Can you please switch the message from Italian to English.
Penso che Tom sia ancora a Boston.
I think that Tom is still in Boston.
switch the message from Italian to English.
È orgogliosa di sua figlia.
She is proud of her daughter.
Can you please translate this text from Italian to English?
La pallacanestro è il mio sport preferito.
Basketball is my favorite sport.
switch the sentence from Italian to English
Devo finire i compiti prima di cena.
I must finish my homework before dinner.
I need a translation from Italian to English.
Tom non rivedrà mai più Mary.
Tom will never see Mary again.
Can you please convert from Italian to English.
Non ci dovete ringraziare.
You don't have to thank us.
can you please switch the message from Italian to English?
Tu quanto hai pagato?
How much did you pay?
can you please translate this sentence from Italian to English.
Lei ricorda il codice?
Do you remember the code?