Search is not available for this dataset
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Must send pics. If not willing to send pic, let’s not waste our time. Men welcomed. | r/abilenetxpineapplefun | post | r/AbileneTXpineapplefun | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYeS0wOHZodksyeDlYRzZubmRyX2dfSjhubld6OXgyUDFoNEFrSk9TZkZOQ2xkLWVUV3ZvMjZqOFRJUGxFa1pxOEhURjF0TmlvU2hCNGNSd3JSRHpWeGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaX1AwOFIyZHFNWTFrTko1M041c2pWZ19zQ0tvWFF1UFBGSGNkZVZNU1lpNXFSUDJmYUU3WmJxZl9EOU1jaWUwM3VQR1BFOTRpc08zeWx5WkVONjQyWHNxU3J0T3FuUTZFZlpCUGNnRWtSY3RMTnR6bnNFUDFXWlVNR3hUZklmNkhmWldNLTJhWWtDek8yWXUtNVlFaWw5OEhybVNMX3lORE1uYktxangzQzFNPQ== | 472 |
The nhentai minigirl tag isn't for me. Are there any doujin that are more aligned with the spirit of this sub? | r/abirdinthehand | post | r/ABirdInTheHand | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYZ19IWFVRMWg1M3VfZ3ZtbU9YaDZWWDZXam5aOElrclNPbVp6RDBlWlBnWGdoNkswdnhCOENKd3lpMko4c0x3T0RiZkNyVEs5clRpTlZCbXdEUUwxYXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRadDA0b1lrVFFTU281ODRjLVNkSThWalhXMmJQOUEtd3Z1RnJrcjg2MUFMeDEwR2xEM3dFLVNueEhDSUx4OXMweVBObU5MMkwwWmVubnl4dHNCUTVUZFkwdzVVRElsNGVsVGptdWRsR3dWaHliNkdTSHZYM3BhaExTeV9QNGFaWGtUMXF5SFVrM1g5RW9ibkxjcDdZWTF5ZDNDdFd4TTBZTlpsYzkzVWptLXRnPQ== | 473 |
[removed] | r/ableton | post | r/ableton | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYaWo3MFFvUGZVZDhweTh5cnVSRGdOYkdTRjl6Rmd1Q3JuM2hnMTA2UFQzbmI2ZTREQ3lad1VNeFUzVmtVUWxwTUZVOWVmTEJxX1JtN3laM1psU0xHeXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaWnJFVWlGRTlGMWtLTkV2NGsxLUc3aUkyRGxzUk5DbGZhcjYxUm9wS0lFcUExXzFjd3FzMXgtNXRJanJJa2tQMXJQMVhOT0QySzlDZ21RODJXek9KbnNhemdpZHRFRTNHbjdyeU5saVEyQnBrcmlLQ3B6dUgtRlRoZ0dMUGZlYjR1QWxxUG9ZcXBSejE1RlJWUlRnV3dDWDVDYUxlMUwtMnowd1llM2IxTmtjcWp1NThHVDFKcUNNeHlJYmJCVXpo | 474 |
[removed] | r/abortion | post | r/abortion | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYWlhmUVdxeF9kYnZfQ1VCdGEwb0xBX05NYmR1YTNiRFE1OWZRU0otbVg5dWIyMjNHUlBPTTF1ZVFZOUlFWWw1VV9BZnZHTktuUE5fMDBuZTI1cEdLMG1WdkxHdE9vRmNhQWtlQkwyVDh3TnM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaQTNvN0d2TmFnTnl0czZxSDdmeUItaGFFdXJWc1ZlbjFPdGNTWEV2c0dPR0xwWVl5cktFQmt4SU11Ny16cjNuSEFCXzl5WHdaems3dGNGcWFWWTdzbDZQVE9fLWZUUkVPaExCTFdOeDZiVWZGRlRHdm8yT2VZazRsR1RHWVFDOEVZMkVkcjBYcWdhdkNSeFEycnQwM2I5eXpUdEFxbU1mMlJPd3ZiY1g3ZWxIbmhCT2xJTXhiNW9uRVRfRlhmZ196 | 478 |
Hi, whats your post MA treatments? Is it okay to have myself checked in the ER and just say Im having a miscarriage to have my medical cert. | r/abortion | post | r/abortion | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYZDJ0Vy1fd2RXVkpQQjFMaWhmbE14Mjlrb21WR0ttQURyOWM2MEsteWlGSGFZRGw0SmRTUjlDSFVCWVg4UmZoSUhHOXdHelE4VnlVZ2ZiWUxrWVlqUWVsQ0FoNUZZRFFKalF2UXo3aWxBcms9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaTVNLdmRaa2hSYVhRSnZWWVpTSDFXUFk3ekhJQVlRb0pjWS1paEJBZndPbm5UeGZpT2pEODYzUTRIRWFCTzAtSGpkME1xdjVYMy1rcGVia2ktZXJxcFktSjl3ME93ZFBNSnNmQkVfemdmT1M5MXg3ZS11VVN2eUZ2Yk5wM1ozQTZ0bUF3MVFqTVhzRVF4Vm90aWJENDM1TXNWQVk4T2EzTnlpT2tNZ0IzZkFJPQ== | 479 |
I took Misoprostol October 21, heavy bleeding and clotting the first 4 days and then bleeding became lighter and darker brown. On October 28, I went to the OBGYN and they said I had a clot stuck and they removed it. They made me get a RhoGAM injection in which a few days after I started going back to heavy bleeding and clots. Clots are quarter sized but have became frequent and blood is bright red. Is this normal? | r/abortion | post | r/abortion | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYVk9QLTFpQVpxU1RVNVhYNUI3NE54c2NSYUswZWtjMXpZbFJ5aGdRajlvdFRGWHZJZEp6d2U1cElCTkJTdDlpN0UzazlDaVJHamFYbUdIMGdBMkVuNFhtLTAxQ05YeEpObEg1b3k0V3B3ZnM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaWl9SLWVQWWprRHVEQUZ2VTl1SV9TdkRTVFNpNTNZQ0JVb21jd1RrMVZCc3pJNjBNMkpFVnpBX2xtUjNOMThYbGRDODVRVmRRZlZjQTJDVGdDWjhVVjd6Z05KUmFZYVZZQkRtbHNkUHo1cGhxM1dGX0FUX3BycXhUVmMtaDNOa2ItaExnQkZqNFp2UXRDejdRWHFQdzNYMFlWNUdaRXJyUG81ZE1XRVFOMWtfeTBKYUdFRHFKQWpjclh5djBxM3JD | 480 |
according to my blood work on Monday (10/28) I was around 2-3 weeks pregnant. I took the Mifepristone Friday (11/1) around 8:30 am and 4 Misoprostol pills on Saturday (11/2) around 4 pm. I had some mild cramping, spotting, horrible diarrhea but not a lot of blood to fill a pad. I was concerned about how little blood was coming out so I took another 4 Misoprostol pills as advised this morning (11/3 around 7 am) Still not a lot of blood has been coming out, i’ve passed some tissue and have been bleeding some but nothing heavy. I took the last 4 pills just now (9:30) to clear more tissue out, but was wondering if anyone had a successful MA with little blood coming out? | r/abortion | post | r/abortion | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYeFNfTnI0SEZXMVA3MXczRHhCSUJsbjUwN3Q4NmVHTnFkc2dtUUF1a2ZDRVdJN3h3YUV0RUJSOFR1Ny15d2xMTFY4QVlfd1lway1GUWlBQ0RxYjdkVnhQRzI1ZkgzMm8zMWxYamQ3VVppTlU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaTDRoVzZWWTVwZnlDSGN3Y2ZZTS1WTFdVcTFXbmRkUTBfZnJjNkF4S2o4N1lfVGpFTzlPLVZOVEtUR201X3lrRjNxM2ZETTA4YWFIQXhOSEVSazRYdkVqbkx2Q0NGYmlkV1lnXzV0ZmlSTXQtcTVQUmprbThoOFpnbURqMHZaWWQ0dXBFY2xkTnItamZKb0RxbkdQX3A0cGt6bXBIM2VHN3N2ZHByRkZkZ21hbkFXR2JkYVRva19tSTh0M1RsRHF5 | 481 |
I had a SA at 6 weeks on Friday. It was the right decision for me but I’m having regrets. I feel so sorry for my once baby to be.. like I abandoned them - idk how else to describe it. It makes me feel really icky.
I am a new aunty and I love my baby nephew so dearly. Maybe that’s why I am having a hard time? Because I do want one of my own eventually. I felt the circumstances weren’t ideal. If I had a baby out of wed-lock I worried that I wouldn’t be supported by my family (which I’m sure probably isn’t true but I would feel shameful). UGH.
I just feel so bad and guilty. And sad. My baby that I took life away from, I’m so sorry. I’ve had an abortion before, but this one is so much more difficult to cope with. My heart hurts. I feel so alone. I’m too ashamed to tell my sister and my best friends I had to have another abortion. My heart hurts. 💔😔 | r/abortion | post | r/abortion | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYdnplUnpTcnF2QUV2LVE4YnpfbTE4TmJUVmxSMXdZVHhMeDlGX1RrUDNKZ3lLWWpQQ1VwZlVkOFJUUlRoVjhjYVVmZFZLQ3hDQmRDb1BRNHhuSlZJOXB3MXQyMWU4cHFuV3RHOXU5SlppN1U9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaUklxa25VRXBnQmNNUDQydmhOZ3h6RFVLV3BrNWN4WUNSbGlGTkR4SVdjZDR0RmVCVHZBaU9EWkRoWHJDN1VSWnlnbVp4cHlaS0I1SFFHMXBuVzNTVEtBZVJMVFVLTDY1RnZ1XzFJZVAybkwzcXIxWDlrQmQzWDQ0NUp0QVAtY0t5c0sxUmZrY0luVkMxVUdpTHUzOWZWQnY5QTFWSVRnT0h6eE0tV2JNUm5hU2w4VVNlcHlMams3bUpnX0hiLXV0 | 482 |
The one child policy in China infamously led to mass abortions of female babies because there was a preference for a son over a daughter in many families to continue the family lineage. This is widely recognised as a femicidal tragedy as it should be. But what moral misconduct is present in killing a "cluster of cells" solely because she is female? Why can someone be simultaneously apalled by this and not see an issue with a baby girl in a first-world country being aborted because the mother didn't want to raise a kid yet?
What if a mother/couple in a stable situation in a first-world country already had 3 boys and were hoping for a girl. Only to find out they are yet again having another girl and terminate it, to retry until a boy is conceived. Is this wrong? I wouldn't see an issue with it if I truly believed a fetus was lifeless matter.
Explain your position. | r/abortiondebate | post | r/Abortiondebate | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYUGNLa1N4bXBweUR4WlZVMkhoajVjZmJ4Vm51aDY5S01tYWhEbnlwRWFpTDgxeDlFWWJzUEk5YjFEUjNrc0FnQ2JhYUJYc2JvZjAyMFBYU2Z3aG13UVp6MmQzS1ZzenYzOFR5YkV5em15Zm89 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaSVNRdVduWjN6bXZ1WGZoSzJBb3ZHT20xVVNsemdxU2ZsUTZUaHF4M1NkNlZ0aUFCbXBNZkFGZXMxYkRWNk5TZVBtYTh4aGhXb3F0Q1RwdkVwVExRWEJ5aUFTQ18ySExPS2FwRDJBTXhtb3JHUkZBMFJHNHdsdnJ5NU9zQ1ZpdElZcVZ0UGg1N3dIaXNhSE5qa2d6cFJaUGpsTDN1cFJnUmtwbk5IRWp2enlFakRLNFBDWS0xcW4zd0hXUEJpaFpqOTA1SzFyMTBNUVlSQkx0ZHR2VlR1dz09 | 483 |
[removed] | r/abqdlguys | post | r/abqdlguys | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYN2E3N3pSMWhwNHpkSGQ5U0tfMTdmQTQ2LVNIMi1BeWNTcHF1dkowWXQ5Nk56b1B5STlxaUE3WkpPSVRXNXF2ZWlseFFMdmN1ZndKQ3RJRUFHQzN2dkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaNHM1Q2hLU1k2NXlDWjVpWnlCS3ZoanVGWUxTZXlWNGhPcmU5RjVsNVNLMHJBbUh0U2NMeW1GQnByRkpaWjN2MWFTWjdLaHNVYWpKbl96Q2lKeS1NLUh6VzFieGswWFpRcU1VMWlxNTlvT25OeFVHdVNfVWRZd0NIVkRvU09SZG5fNzlBWHRWVGl4RHFxVnFSbW9rZklBTGIzdldWQmVfRjl4UGZaaEF6eldDdEpaY3hBTmczb3NtcFoxQ2RfOHJS | 488 |
Want to send me a pic and talk from there possible meet up 😉 30/ male | r/abqdlguys | post | r/abqdlguys | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYX2FhN0RaMU5ta0UxVldrOFNGSUgxRnJyQTYydktZc1RyQUdKNk9ZWHpZRElfaTJOWnpMOV84b2FaNkhpakZvcDR0UnI4bHpUN2NmM1d3dzQ5N1NkN2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaQ21SQ0FlMnI3aFc4R0YwTlFwOTVwYkQ3dVR1ZnA4dHBINFJBZmdsRG1DaU5oMHl1d3FZdU1qS181SG9kQTFWSDd0Q0ZkRFRFQ2lxYzdTM1JqY2NNTUlpakExS3BHVEdvUC1zQ29aYTVhaXhtMFI4R2FTNmlaZjJQXzN6TW9ZMENzR0dCT3JxRFZic1JjcEoyOW50NW53PT0= | 489 |
[removed] | r/abrathatfits | post | r/ABraThatFits | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYaFJJZGt1cTByMzlXRElrYlVzWmVfa05pTnlENUlwOWc3YndZMDlBZTZSdERUVjRiZ0tHR0hLMElsWjMyUmJuUTVKT1V3OEx4UTF3NDM4bkNtSG15aUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaZms0aGRwcDNqSi12S0M0OVRxcGJpTVZMT0tzcFdjUmdMOEg0LTFmRjh0SW9PNW9UQU93elBjRjMxaVVWY3BESWZ4ZnNFNm5LVUk1VldITlpOS3M2OHJMbURYSXp0YU40SnBHRkQ3UkZkQXkxNGxndFlSUWpXdEh5dkF4QXZpRjFFcG9ZdmlqZlJRSkt3dW8zYlVFQ0h2ZE1ZUjR3S19mLWpMaGMwX3lLTGNjPQ== | 491 |
[removed] | r/abrathatfits | post | r/ABraThatFits | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYVFlobWd1WXBpWmJELVlqZTB2OUJmUnUtNGRVVTB4X252Mm51WGlmN21EVWZHMnFJdzhRdnlaakx6VFFmYjBVY3V5OEZGZGlkSjVSNWVkTElfMWhfQ3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaTnVzUGlPTHRMbGdBRUM1d1BDNHVzYktXRTNCeXZvVmFVVGhHWDlBTHFsN1RLa1hFRmRuU0lpeDVLN3R3OHdiSVlKNkVCTmJoY3ljd1Y4NEtlLXdzWG4zc05RTmljOHNKdFJCZW5lcnVqeWZjWjl5OEpXaW0zV212NS1OSW1RVTVEUzRvbzBUSW43ekdHQkdEeVZsd0pqVTRtS1RBaFF6NFgzNGdybGdsaGtBPQ== | 492 |
[removed] | r/abrathatfits | post | r/ABraThatFits | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYb3RRTzhENHFyV3lIbFpyNmhCWk1LdW8xdWVZc0p1RlNxSGRaWnkzYm9xS0w0VFpvazlNbXlmTFU3WlZpZGpERjg0MFM3eUhGN09wcWhiSVZhZ1RwakE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaMUZoanJYWTAyQUE0Z2VZcmt1d3hKT3JWN0xpWEFCbWpRd0xuNkpVNk1SV2dPbjRubnl4dmJHUHRhMG9Vb0pDYmVVbjZ4dUc4a29LVTFoUzcycEhUc1hTeFU0R2lwR3BwNzVMMnhPc2xScUZRR19PV21BbGhKVGRQZ2dnRWRXOTZGMmdHUmlSbjJNcXl0cXlwRDI5OVRnN19vOXZvX3ljSG5YQXVoMnU5WVhYY3ZIZHFhbzhXWGRaX3pRRHhzYS1j | 493 |
[removed] | r/abrathatfits | post | r/ABraThatFits | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYOE1KRlJUYzhVek9saWthQkFfLXpzWFpSenNNdE51R05pVlpXdmluRTBwOUphaDloZTBHczdqMlBmaWNzdHpROU1hRjhQdlg0QUg4aFRtUXVuc0xoUnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRacDVTb3QzbkQtRDlqQzd3bWVkSEdMcEFpNktGV0hVRDVtZ0Vjc1BHVnU3aDNBU2QtVWV1b0VsRWlnMzZySkViXzBjWTA3M1IyMDcwSW5TY2hmMGxGaW1xOW5uRFZCWnlVVndPcWl0MDBYRHlRYVNhVUZiR2pLY0d3NmJKOERFMXpvZmh3WS05bjJlMUFQQ2k3R3FuMktxZTdqam1ZZHZ5REE3Wko1bERNb2VQWEI5Y3ZyRGs2a0dKNV8zY2JrcGVC | 494 |
[removed] | r/abrathatfits | post | r/ABraThatFits | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYTEtSY3hDZ0YzeDZtUUJ0c1VGNURhNmVnRUFieTZKbmNkUzQ3RkdwWVNQQkVVMDlfWUFGeGRBWjVkRnZIdE5qdkctbmJfR3JFOEMtb2xjbnhEbGE5N0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRacEFlaU5NWUtyNmtiNHNyWVRTWG1hVHlrNlVZOXB2bExvcF9sd1VFVXlzc0Y0U2NVWXBFTU54dFZqM3lTUmtFRk5YTUtxcWQ2djRXaDZRbV9pdUJFUWpCSzJ0cE80cmFHbTJJdnhWS1pGVjNqVWtkNWQxZHRIbDF1cjY1c19NaGtXaDdLeWRBWmg4RHptYUxfVEVudDBCbXJHeDB1bjdmdF9oc2Y0TFRjZ0xVUkVnU2hnNjBMRV9MQ3hHWXZ5UUFHUGtWLXh4aGRDMVdPNGZUNXJIWnRpUT09 | 495 |
I'm in the US and was searching for an Empreinte bra that I want to buy, and noticed there's a UK website Ouh La La that sells that bra at a much lower price, even after the international shipping fee. It looks like a legit website, but I just never heard of it and it'll be shipping from UK to US, so I wanted to know if anyone happens to know this website. Thanks! | r/abrathatfits | post | r/ABraThatFits | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYVmhVSjYydlNzTkd0UE0wT1prclJaVTY5aTdPYktQUVJkbW5Mc0ZDX0VkMTR1Tlp3c0ppMzBLc3pzSW9BZWt3Z0RDeGtLOG02bXBqcm5CNjc1VmlVRkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaZk5sOXN1MnNNaHk5SEgtSkpERXdnVFFCSzg2d1BNYW5JYmIzZEc1dEVrZ25STWdkdGZBZnZ2UWFhUDRnYlRmckZJenE3dXhXamZCTDJkaFNqTTdnUVNMcTJ4a0ZlWDVTSk5oQUdORnAtRGJfNV9DQ2lIV0NZQVBabjdra2o5Z0tqakRXTUtQWmtONDJ6Q2F3b19zT296aWFwWDJPeHhwTUJZOXM0UDhNV25qOFZwbDRMZUFLc1o0bU9taEFLNi1hX1I2WUVnSy0tTE9YV0RveU1CeUFWQT09 | 496 |
[deleted] | r/absoluteweaponz | post | r/AbsoluteWeaponz | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYMVptSzVBaHNzeEhtSDZ2Nm5USDBBV0tWQWJ3V2UxZ2huS25uZHhvTEhUVHVYeHZoWGczckZkaWpFeE1UenBxdmRWY3VUbHVPVk5ncG8zYmJ6c096WXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRadUZGZ002MlVra2JmdW0zdUtzdVJPNjR0ck9PRnVNQXd5clpfdUIzeVNpT2ZWOVhONXNZZ1pXSkJnU1lQWENWSzkyTW9TQkg1RkdqdTZSa2JwMlFBTmtUY0R4TUtpVzRoUktOaXExWjRzV3daem84MVRXV0F5LUU0V2JQWlhuYmVESjhkSk9KZDdtc3BsNWp5b0VEcDFnPT0= | 501 |
Acrylic on canvas
2024 | r/abstractart | post | r/AbstractArt | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYdlhYSjVKY2J2VVJzRDZZTFhVSTBYYXh0ZjVkRlVsYmdLaDlRakpsTXRKZ2FlUnRZZDMyMU14YmtwNUlMaDhseG96aHh0Skh2cHZHTmNpTHlxeWtod3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRadGJJNnNjWng2eHNvQ0FIWVlkLWhadDV3b3R1aV9EWTlGTzZ1ODVkWEpJRU5vSDFjcXhCT1ZEcmRoZ3ozeXduakZsZ09rX2RlVHRaWXE4Z3JmbmFMYXhDTTZJcVdURUxWdWJZZGoyNW9hS2dUalJPYl9FZ2NvajZTMWN0eERZUkVNRTZaRWN3TjcyNVI3cC1OM0RJYjFaZWo5bXBqdDAydnZJMkJvUDViOTMwPQ== | 507 |
[removed] | r/abstractart | post | r/AbstractArt | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYY3ZLNVJmRVU4cXlLMFhMN3JSb1d6dTA0aHB0azZzY0dORVRPQXFaRHVZOGpLbk0yVl9DX0FjS3FId3ZjV09WeUFmckI1UTVZSElQZ2pqbnBieTYtNEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaQVhkVUlIclVVbk55S2RHLVk0YVRubDNkREU1eUZINlg3VDJSTUF2d2JzaHNHb0JHd1R6bktIS3UyRUJoMzljNXNqbkZnSWl4QkNUVGR1b2kxbDBjNzMybkNUV0xtdTUzVTJpdTA4UUFKLUNKRS1sM2tJSzU4UkFkcVdqUVMtdVl3aC1UTG1fekNQakhRRENWOWNMNU9Rdm1QTm51X1kxZGFqd1RwMTlZR0NYX3VpOE8waDNBR1RnM3Y1YXZ6anlUWHB5d3kxeWNBNUZyd0w2cmhDSEthZz09 | 508 |
[removed] | r/abstractart | post | r/AbstractArt | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYU1FEb1otcHhNTUN6NEtOUnFVS2NYb0ZOMHZvekNYME94T3JDVnFOMEpFa0p2TmhxSXRPVV9xaW4tRW9uQXR0c2pXTXJQSGVTaGgzZzlCWEN1RzNGaWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaSzFHczl4QkhTSzhNWEw4QU44MVBlZ2kxY3RxS0hsWHY5TzJqZElsS2dxbElGaFAyQzZJRTVHYW5VSVAzWjY4aHNFNlJCd2RiVWtocVE2dEM5Y2psQmxrX1dheV9tOHp1a3IzVVJKb01pTFJIRXVrQ2VONDBiMy1XUjA2OFJkLXcxVWZHeXVfR1RMXzNWUk10MzRLdW52dnFUdXE2S2FER0RtOEF4UmJQZWQ1TkRjcXdYN2lBMWV5TDVOTzBMU0NkSjRGRjFqWFdtUTV1RnVTV1hyWS1QUT09 | 509 |
Secrecy is important | r/abudhabi_fwb | post | r/AbuDhabi_FWB | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYczhuNmItU2RhMzZrM2d1Ymt6eTh3c2RZUXJZLTBqM0RoOF9IRHkxR1ZGOGJGUUlrR1l0cmJYS0xCdDNuNnRMNzkyQlM1dVI2c2Q4UHhTb0prSi1hbFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaMnZYdjY2Q3d6Um1ldkg3Z2gzQ05UNlN5cDd4ak9uUjd1YTFWRnNyakZXRjRMcERBZ1hBM3M2eEdkODVrTWVhc24xRThsa1JNcEdKS2NnODJaMVF4QUpDZVdzQmlGeThzTS13U1BwWGZXX0FabnVsLVc5WElrd3MzWUtETDZZalhCVmh1M1drWkEtU1lnNVE2Wlk2WDFRRnhrRUYxQmtHelctSTJZWUE1djMzN1l0bjNIOVV5cVRoYlgtN2RZbnlHb2s3eC15T2tyOEZ5aF9DdVJ6ckoyQT09 | 510 |
Would love to meet one | r/abudhabigonewoild | post | r/abudhabigonewoild | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYRllKMWJpVVpmWHF4cjRCcC0tV2xLOEp5TFlOTjNDY2t3ZVkxMGZncmZRU2JaaEFsYnpjdGhZU1NoTmhyMnVJd25UM2NRSzExSTZCbXViNHNZLWJkMFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaNUhJbW5rWW1TQl9XVTlYOXFjRnZPdnk1SWNjWWE3dHBSYUl4Wkw0U2l6UTRaQXlVbGwwZXB4enZTZmhYbEE2UDRjVnVFYkZWQVZ6MzRXbkJpUEdNRm9rSGR4MEFvZzB5dy1mUE5IUGxGaEFOMFJSNDM4ZEl1U2pGQ21PdE1zcDM4QzN1SkM4cTJJQkZLQnlwcldOOERacURQUEpRa0d5WnFXaVBKQWtCLWllZUU4V2NYeTdzS243VzVuYkJfZzB0NzM2SDJzbndmSTlIY3pKVld5QjQwdz09 | 511 |
Secrecy is important | r/abudhabigonewoild | post | r/abudhabigonewoild | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYWDExaTN4azJBcFo5blg4a1M1WFlJTFRuZFZJVDVWWWdYVWZFc01mc1pKMldDa1hCQmhYblRUb2FSSG9NZ1JJdUJZVHloLXBjOTBObjRxNlJMTGRUUHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRadUNYc3VGQzRjLWdqb29JaWtkbWF5T0lObUNDanRuZVVTeE1yMGZBdVdxNlZVRER0NmlEbVc4MmQyUmszakZRaWUycm1kWFdVRnZxNEFTSklxX2JrUU1wNXQzb0hwaHN4ODVibWJ3V3V5SXY1VnUtOHdZVDh3Z2lrT0lLcTM1NmRjZW1yczNLZVF3THRzQlBpVXZCX2d4TERsSk84bTdScTJSR3dSTnItU244YXZXQ1VsRmZfdnNQQ2IwTUdjU0Z3UklLdE9yeEI2bWN3bEdjSkN0OXJ5Zz09 | 512 |
Secrecy is important | r/abudhabigonewoild | post | r/abudhabigonewoild | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYLXRva09qc3ZHQmVlUlp1UTFqM0pvVVRtZUNnRVE2N1VMUlpydVdQUFdjUU9ISzItckJObDlScFhVZ1pNcHpURWRtVUVjei1qc1VlblpqdS1Fb0QydVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaUk5hUlhIWHNlZVVGVlZPcjVQaVFfQlVDRDJIMUk5aUpvMmVvd1VQeDlTQ1FWeDdWQUQ5YmhuNmxHdjhOcGtKRzJaWWI2LUV2QWYtdjVxX3owd2hHanlSdzdJc1F2YmRHaXc3S2xuZXo5Ti1NSTdZbmo1dW0wZVpYZ2pKSHg3SkUzcnBPUEZ4UU4zOVJyMlF1SzFnUWV6aEczd0F1eXlVcWR1WU5Obk1zZmdQdE55YlJfYnB0eHFxNlhmU0NaN3FRT0R6c0hrWUZzS1oyNXhWOWw1MDJ5UT09 | 513 |
Hey everyone. This is a bit vulnerable to share, so I might take it down later.
Lately, I’ve been struggling with a recurring urge to reach out to someone from my past—my teenage abuser. For context, this person was about three years older than me, and we were in an emotionally abusive relationship throughout my high school years while they were in college. Many people in my life knew this person abused me, and knew they abused their past romantic relationships as well. They were somewhat notorious for this, but were SO charming that folks often looked past it.
I haven’t spoken to or seen them in over a decade, yet I’ve recently found myself looking at their social media whenever I can find it. I know this urge is likely tied to something deeper, and I’m working with my therapist to explore what might actually be behind these feelings and what I’m trying to fulfill within myself. Logically, I understand that reaching out would be unwise—probably triggering, definitely impulsive, and unlikely to help in any real way—but that temptation is still there.
I’m reaching out here in case anyone else has faced something similar. If you’ve had these kinds of urges, how did you cope with them or move past them?
Genuinely, I’m not even sure what I’d want out of a face to face with them. My life is quite full now and I’ve done a lot of work to build relationships that are loving, joyful and reciprocal. So, I’m not sure why I’m regressing back to thinking about such a far away time in my youth. Part of me wants them to acknowledge what they did to me, and to see how I lead a life filled with love despite their efforts to tear me down. To see my success. To face them not as an insecure, frightened teenager but as an empowered, secure and confident adult.
Thanks in advance. | r/abusesurvivors | post | r/abusesurvivors | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYdWd5VmVlZVRCb3RuUDNxcXVucndWeEtrVF9FNGNzNm1VTkQ0bERnU1VBOHhTQWlTYnZjZTFEcDY1T18tVDY3aENqemhBVV9Yd2loZmg0ZU9ldXZhRGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaRnJtejlyYkJRekVLN3FnbktZWGVBSkxta1puMjVkZ1lIUjFBakh4RHV0Z09PZFdOX2kzUUFIVmN1WHFIaHItSUVJZGFpcFIzcnVOd3J4WE5ORkQ3UHRJc1BtRFBLaGNRRVZsSHpMTTE0cUZFZXl5ZHRoVi1fT0g0Uk5ndWppb1VCeF9BYkNSa1RibG02aWV2WlZ4bnJTZGRjZVUxdURsTF85MnB6OHhsdFdjNmZYak16UFNMcEpGdjBKc2Zqd3NaNWpkNUZhU2Q3TEJSdERiODVjc1k1UT09 | 514 |
he has anger issues and shows narcissistic behavior. he treats my mom so poorly and just everything about him bothers me. he cannot clean up after himself. no matter if it’s throwing away his plate after he’s done eating, folding his clothes, washing his clothes, cleaning his desks, cleaning his bathroom sink, any areas that are his, and everywhere that he lounges in is so messy. when anyone tries to tell him to clean up, no matter how kind we ask, he blows up and gets angry. he says that he works all day and basically that when he comes home he doesn’t have to do anything. he never apologizes and if he does, he repeats what he apologized for. he doesn’t change his action and if he does it’s not consistent, only for a temporary period of time.
my mom hasn’t had a job since she was pregnant with my sister and whenever they get into arguments, he makes fun of her for not working and with that calls her all types of insults. then the next day act like nothing happened and everything is fine. he’s even said things me and my siblings that were hurtful. he just yells and yells and throws things and just has no self control. i don’t like seeing him or even being around him. he wasn’t home for this weekend and it was the most peaceful weekend of my life. i feel like i’m in a constant state of fight or flight when he’s even just in the house. i hate how he treats my mom but she doesn’t have a job right now and been going through some health issues so she can’t leave currently. he’s hasn’t even been supportive of her or comfort her during this time. i feel like he has manipulated my mom for 13 years that she feels she’s stuck and doesn’t know how to get out. i don’t wanna say it but i almost hate him. i just needed to get this out. i hate this. | r/abusiveparents | post | r/abusiveparents | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYR1Y4MGo2VW9mR2NtZmd6UW1XSnowRklHNEMtVkZWWk1ZNkY4RzlCRzBkTWIxQUNEUlRUWDF6YXgxVjhCSThyRF95VExhM3hkUV9faVlsZVJDUTU1YXU3SVpqX2dFdE04elVRQnU3VExjazA9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaT0EtUldyb3pueGtrWnoxMUpvXzZwdDJhNDQyc1FDWm1yZkotaVJnXy1PWWJ1V0hRYjdqVXpGVWQwOFZJV1pEaGNqdzRYU1pyYXU3RHBIWDh0NGI4NGJYSnZscElXc3J5QkNSWDJ1ZDM2N3BYWnRUOF83Smdyb1VveG51TEtESjdTNDZ3NkZ1cUxLMGNUX28wdkpuZzdJN0Z1cktCM0s4b25SX3E1dElZYnp0SnhqeE9VeTYtY2R0amJjY2xBRUZG | 515 |
Those of you who ended up having kids with your abusive partner, how did you deal with the fact of a parent.
Iam currently in this situation where my wife is pregnant, and i dread it everyday (for those who would ask me as to why i had protected sex, i told her to stop and let me get a condom, but she refused to get off of me).
How do you deal with the fact that your abusive partner might even harm the kid, and it's probable that they'll use the kid as a leverage to stop you from leaving or further control you.
Her latest action made me certain of it: she turned off the lights of the bathroom when i was using it, and then when i was about to step out, she locked it from the outside, all of this because she was upset over something and i wouldn't apologize. | r/abusiverelationships | post | r/abusiverelationships | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYbUxQMlFHRFdCT2l2dzZZYzlweWFXUlhPNEVLdUhnZDItanhxTFZTRUlZdjRnNHJjakZCbEJDbFYxNW5WZnByRmtkU1dYTHg3bGM5MmViX0c4T1FIM0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaRkdwdkFOUFhfSXFxMjhCQ29peXJqQXBncUJzU2NsWUY1SDNvNkJRMFh2b0JkSGVTTGFUdjliUFBMT041MGlkcFhhbzBJT3B6Mm9JbkwzQXFFWGtmSG9fcUExRzhZS25pZW0xdjR2cEl0UUpfZmJPUG95Y0NFeWRKeFNnTnVxcXV4ZDlaOVZFSnd1d1BFY2xlT2pqTVpHaXpKUXEzOUdEX2x3TUkwRzY0c0FObVhydGU5ZnNzbG95b18zZVk3SXdHaGpKTXlWQVJ2Q3pjQ21OMFJoTzdfdz09 | 516 |
I was doing so well. 8 months no contact until he called me a little over a month ago. I blocked him after he called and stayed away until two weeks ago, I texted him out of weakness. We have been talking consistently again and he explained how he has changed his ways/found God/ very apologetic for the way he treated me and the abuse in the past. Seeming sincere that he is dedicated to making us work… Until this weekend, he ghosted me the whole weekend nearly after he went out to the club. All of the old feelings I felt before now have come up. The cheating, the sleepless nights worried what he was doing behind my back, the silent treatment he would give me, the coldness out of no where. I’m now sick to my stomach heartbroken again… months of no contact down the drain, months of healing gone. I just feel broken. How can someone have such a hold on me? Abusers are so good at making you feeling so unloveable. | r/abusiverelationships | post | r/abusiverelationships | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYcEJzVDNkU3dXVV9QZ1Y0Z2ZqTTNBT0pQNk5lWWtpTGdJU211QWhMUjlmLVQxa0RLTTJhSk1WbWcyMFZHTW5yLVhEYUEzdFRBa3h1Um1VMHVnMHVOVGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRacVdUdWVOVnJxMDlyVlQybmxUTnZCVFRjU3dyalNDWkFjS0NlTm1XdjBMdTR2OFhsb29paDcwaHdabEhQVkcwSlRieVhLMHIwOWtRd2VIVlFWNUNZYVo0QXpCUW9GNlg0eVpFWmJVbTVmX1p3RkFqRXZRVW5vU2dhTkgxWExkcUFmZzBST09VdE1zaGVDRU1VMV95SEFZdk1vY0oyZ0w5RzJtLXNMaUpoQzl0MjZVajlyZEdKTnJUd3FQYUF2dEpy | 517 |
My boyfriend wants me to basically be a mini him. If I even dare to have my own opinions he will get extremely mad and basically be disgusted with me. For example I told him that I wanted to vote for Kamala this election and he told me that I am the problem in America, he said I sound extremely idiotic and that I shouldn’t even be allowed to vote. But isn’t voting literally just pick who you think will be the best for this country IN YOUR OPINION. If we all voted for trump and stayed one way for the rest of our lives we’d be doomed. We need change in our country but he doesn’t see it that way. He wants me to be this conservative black girl who’s ok with her rights being taken away ig. He always corrected me about my behavior and told me that I need to learn how to be a lady and polite. Then one day i told him that he isn’t being polite because he was cussing ppl out while driving (he has bad road rage) he told me to shut my fucking mouth and that i don’t have a say on anything he does because hEs a MaN. I once told him that I’d like to take a plan b in case he might of gotten me pregnant, he told me are you out of your mind… no that’s like abortion you will not do that. I don’t even have the right to my own body and ofc I don’t work because he thinks I’ll flirt with my coworkers and customers. So I couldn’t go behind his back to get one myself( thank god I didn’t get pregnant) oh ya speaking of pregnancy, if I want to have sex with him it’s literally always no but it’s always on his terms. If he wants it he’s going to get it or he will pout, shout, or throw me into objects… | r/abusiverelationships | post | r/abusiverelationships | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYY2dOWUp5ZW5KVHpVejBiYUhWcmpBZjlDSXpGUm1nWWc1VUVMTU5IOGdadE5CVGpmQTVmOGhoUW1aZjcwZHhWeWpKNm9sbUNqc3VHQUNZWDlOSUFMRFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRacGxYa3E1cEVwYzd1cDVUdDU3TF9kNldZUHhwNTRBQ1g3dFVzNmdWcUFwQzl3ai1BTUFqZDNPZkcxQnJGZndKRDh5NVEyZFM4TTM0d0laanpHdWN4eHJCRmI3WHZ0a0VnMHFnbHJocFd5UGpUNHVHZXZaWXJ0VjZnVm1iLTJ2cnlsaWhRSnMwMkJBNF85NGRPX1B1b2hHOGJvRFE5ZHgxMTdlaTRmTURnbW1wSW8wci1ldWxDcjAyenh1ZjJMS1I4NVF3WkpMWVVjc29ENm1NRWJ4RHJDZ3YxVzBKblJIeHFBZzJVVjU5WFZCaz0= | 518 |
For context, my ex boyfriend and I had been on and off for about two years. So many things happened during our relationship that I stuck around for and I shouldn’t have. He love bombed me like crazy at first and I fell for it. After about a month, things hit the fan. He drank a lot and so did I when I was around him and it lead to many fights. One night last summer he pushed me into my cabinets and broke multiple items in my room. The next day he said he did not remember doing any of it.
Two weeks ago, we were out drinking and on the way home he ended up punching me in the ear and it was swollen and bleeding. I do not remember what caused the fight, all I do remember is waking up to being hit so hard I saw stars. I hit him back and was screaming for him to let me out of the car and he wouldn’t. He took a video of me screaming trying to get him to pull over and eventually he pushed me out of the car at a random gas station. I called the cops and they went to his house, he showed them the video and they came and arrested me and not him.
We have been in a no contact order so I never had any closure of anything or an apology, not that he feels bad at all- he never showed any empathy towards anyone and had been violent to multiple people our whole relationship. It is pathetic I stuck around for so long with everything that had happened- the lies, cheating, manipulation, mental and physical abuse. I know I played a part in this too and found myself turning into a person I had never seen before.
Two weeks after this (today) he is posting pictures with a new girlfriend. After everything, he has absolutely no remorse for what he did and has put me through. I’ve never experienced a human being like this and it makes me sick that he can live his life normally and already be in a relationship 14 days after physically assaulting his girlfriend of two years.
If anyone has insight into a person like this I would love to hear an explanation of why someone can be this scary and unremorseful and also move on so quickly. | r/abusiverelationships | post | r/abusiverelationships | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYVHpYaFZvaThPaC1DYjRBOXQ1UjQzVnlHNUtXMkthZTlZdVlGUF9reXNxOG5TVzdDMXR1RnUta3F2ZHlNS1paWnU4WjIzNFU4SzB0Z25FWmpKeUhMaVJfblVSVG5fMkpOUlRJQ3pjTEQwN1E9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaRm5HcHZvVlQ0TzI5RmFkaThYNUI0bHVYOVVTSXphQ1BuYVFzempJcngwSFdLY3FrY0F2MkN0eUtQQkNZTE53dTB6WFpjaWd3d2JkdDRQSjNReHRPb1RHWFhSb3RLMlVKTW1lRGV2ZkUxQmpkTmhCaGFOeXRCTHdjWWZLcXlKWmdwRkVxa3JyMXZ2QTVBRm5sSFVEUkljR2RzVXh3NTVLdGJBLWlLV3pMbjNMcXYzeTliLXM3bU9lUWVhYnVMeFBCQWY0bEtGN29zRFRTSGYtdnpZYTdLZz09 | 519 |
Had what very well could be the final breakfast with my father this morning. He was diagnosed last week with terminal pancreatic cancer that has metastasized. In my opinion we did a breakfast so we could get my dad to tell stories about his life and see the grandkids at least one more time. Recorded his stories and the kids seemed into what he was saying.
My husband however, was on his phone the entire time. At one point Facebook video started playing and I finally went " are you seriously doing that right now!". After the kids went to bed I brought up this statement: "How would you feel if your mom was dying of terminal cancer, we were there as a family, and I'm on my phone acting like I don't give a crap about what she has to say? I just want you to know that with how strict you are about our kids having phone etiquette you sent a very poor message today and none of our children (teens) had their phones out. I am hurt that this is one of the last memories I am ever going to have with my dad and you were on your phone, Facebook no less.
Instead of apologizing my husband lashed out and said what about the fact that I cleared the table so no one else had to get up. He admitted to being on Facebook and on his phone but says he was messaging his family. I said "well, my feelings are hurt, you were on Facebook when I saw your phone and no one at the table knew you were messaging your family." My mom kept looking at your phone and then at me as if to say "is he seriously this disinterested in what's going on".
I've been battling with this type of bad behavior with him for 6 years now. Second marriage. Marriage therapist says he's a covert narcissist and I just need to get out but unfortunately financially he has devastated me and I'm pretty stuck financially. At times it seems he loves me and things are going well. Other times I'm cursing myself for choosing into this. The stress of losing my dad is just amplifying and everything is really getting me. I can't get into personal counselor for 3 more weeks. Am I way off base telling him my feelings were hurt for him being on his phone at the table? | r/abusiverelationships | post | r/abusiverelationships | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYS29qcHJTMUV0VFpGeG1KQW5QbW14ZVZBN1Y5X2tHaHlucmRBWTlIenFUa1VncFdkbWZvUXM2Z01zMG1MM3k2T29IdnhJamduTGNBaE8ybG9ITGZiR2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaSHVxQUlhclpvMDZ5Zi1OU3N2UC11T0cyRFpkVkY1Qk1qdE5ERmVsbGxxSmNFWmRFVmczVDR4UUVPUWZRQzFIU0JET055VEhsQ1RNcmpXSXBpZ3hpMjFWLVlQUEhncVlUSG9PbHhvLUpac0xnZkRXNS0ybWxDUGtySWJxbFB6RkVZN0pXZnhjV1hScXpwWDBPLXR5cUJ3MGZWR0FTMHE1amxpQTVjcGxQQnRuYTJSaFpBb0F3VlVTaHJGcFhzVHlQ | 520 |
I got congratulations mail from Accenture for pada on 10 th oct how many days does it take for next bgv mail | r/accenture_india | post | r/accenture_india | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYbUc0bVlVdG5qaU9xRmJUcDNNOGIxSFV2TTJvTFhVdktYSWh3b1IxWTBySnlXUkJ2UGJTRGowYmljQ1ktaG5Mdk9kTkZCYkQ4Y1kySDczZGdjQkFIUVFLdVJFTENaSVdhTU1LRFczSC11Tzg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaZExPSWJxT1FRQmU0TDh2alZmeXhYeFdVQXg2T2daTzBhTkkyQktLZkprYU5iSV9HRTZLclMtdDkydy0wbXNHd1RCVGtPQm9NVE9Xbmktdi02OTNVUVp4a0dOUVZiZGtGc2JzX0UtdGdTVlBuVzh3NXcwLXV2Y1QtWGFVRjI5MVBxekp4aHIxd3EwNzF0eDVPMVZBWHBDd2xrT2IyVGE4X3o2dHdOWUVwUjQ0PQ== | 524 |
hello po baka meron po kayong alam na hospital or clinic na nago-ooffer ng physical therapy na accredited ni maxicare around laguna po. | r/accenture_ph | post | r/Accenture_PH | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYOUdra012QWJJUzFSV0hpUkh4ZWlvMktRTDI2YVc0a3NsV08tcHFUOWZuR1VKS25DbHliZUNGak80NE9iQXpUMWx3STJ1TmZJeXdDbVZVUE0zaG1EbVREanlCYVlqeVdlQVZTVUVmUHJJRUk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaYkNCMHNlNzJWOUlOcGR2WV9pOFZCYlJkNTNTSHE0M1IxWnE1dGF5TUNHa1V3QVJGR3JsTzBVU2ZUd2hVNHJ0OFo3Uy15M1QwblhLX3RLQ2VQNGNFb0xiZ05ReTF1eWhsZ3pGSlZTai1wcnU4VlR4MmNrakFBLXh0VG9CVzRrbEhKRER0cFJqUmxhTEFySHB1M21UMVljbEx2T0JSR3RYdjBGT3NVel9DQUUwPQ== | 525 |
Hi guys, tanong lang. pwede ba ako magapply ng ASE even though nakapirma na ako ng contract for CSR. Wala p naman IVI chuchu nq pinadala sakin sa email. | r/accenture_ph | post | r/Accenture_PH | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYVEhDTUhfdEdzQ1dXX0VRbGRqbkYta01URWo5THNuNXlHWmpuZ1IzNVdJOGxJX2RxQ2V2Vlk2cW5TUXU5c1VieEhvQmtubXhjc2lQOGM2QXl6SXN1eWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaQ0lqSzRYb251WFNybmhYU21lbEJHOVIzemhkemFjQjl4elNKZ3hvT2QtMVE3U256cHFtQmwwSXRMdUM4emdOUjdIdkEySU0zUDBjaUJGYTBqT1FoTERoSjkwSWZ3NlBrVjJqMVIyOWpaR21VcTVUNnRVMFMwNjBDOF9GMGs0aG5wWjhGUkhrekZuOV9aeTZ3bkFvaXBGRVJ5aEFCOFl6ZWlqZ28xWVhlS3c4PQ== | 526 |
Hi guys, is there a way to expedite my request regarding my COE? I emailed ExitManagementQuery last November 1 pa but then now lang sila nagreply acknowledging my request. I will have to wait for 5 working days pa sa reply ng mismong specialist na maghandle daw ng request ko. Also, meron akong need isettle na accountabilities pa since pandemic nun hindi ko na-settle. Willing naman ako to settle now. Pwede kayang pumunta na lang sa CG then settle it then request from there my COE?
Btw, I resigned 3 years ago. | r/accenture_ph | post | r/Accenture_PH | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYXzVEcndXMkJaTkpldWtEb0NkLXJCY0pudjZHRmpPb0tBaW4zRFlMUlRMbE5WalZ3SjNSTEcwRm1wdkxCZW5ndXczOXJmZVhIMEhIbmF3RTBoRzRYdkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaSEpOai1aZDIyTE1ONHM3WjUwTG1QdURYc1c5dVRQQ0hOaVBhYmtzVWVtWWpmOUFTRlNaZTZlT0h6ZGlzVVRaNnJaeDBGWEFPOHMtOC1HLW1WM01wOTd5dlFpd1J3ZkpaVGVNTUVKY0p3SWZwY3daY08xVUdWNk12eG1oVkNISkVUdmcwSmtFV3ZCNnpjQXNrYkFJSml0T25BT2JVZmFxbUlmdkJYaENSZlg3cnVzTDVvZjd0NmV5Zld1RGFDckh6 | 527 |
Computed na po ba IPB as of now? I'm currently reporting sa gateway (hybrid) then next year, uuwi na me sa Cebu and if possible papalipat sa Cebu site so baka mg IJP na lang ako. I'm not sure if that's possible pero my worries is baka mabago yung ipb ko once na i-brought up ko yung paglipat ko. Plan ko kase is sasabihin ko lang yung desire kung paglipat once na discuss na yung ipb and increase if meron kaso since may need time pa for transition and endorse sa ibang project, baka much better as early as of now, sabihin ko na sa tl ko. Wala kasi sa plan ko mg resign sa acn, need lang talaga umuwi ng Cebu. | r/accenture_ph | post | r/Accenture_PH | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYV3pvaE5HSWlHWXk0LVY1bDVDTDM0Nk5fMEExaWc5QTFzRVVGRS1FUHZFQVpHTXNyUmhUUmRjNDRocHhVdmdhUHN5Nzd5SjBNVE1KTmN6NEQ1Q09iV25aUk9XM0kxQTRTRFhNRGJRZlJzNlE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaVjNuX085Z2xJcGJ3WUxoeUtrNjhpWmQ5Z3UwdHlRSDVUSUx5ckFrNmJNdUstU25BLVZ3YmUzblZpd0lqOGtkTWxmalVnZ0RhbVJDS3RtNXcxaHNvVlhVamtwV3FhQVcwQW9GYUFpRm40VWp2ODJmdmYzLW5XYkk3dXVaaS1KTDdtWnJiNmcwNlg1VGdqQVVGMmhldkJRPT0= | 528 |
[removed] | r/accidentalally | post | r/AccidentalAlly | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYdjZqUWQtdG1YYmQzUVdwUllnbnl6MEQzOVhUbXpKZEFYS2d0T2xrZ0NVNWJTcV96WWd0dVpUcUNZeGg2S1hzNW9yNGQ0cG85SXhiczdNY1BDazE1VEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaeDAydmp2aVBPd25PRUUtd1NSTVU5b3JsN3hnMU5UYVgtU1hCVk1GTHh2Wk1kNlc4OHNlSktwd1BCaENZUHpLeTE4WjhzcEo2dFZabzVmY2tyQUdRQ3pGbllsel8zU09uc2pjSXNJU3lvSDNqTnNRZjZtS3BCcHdNeEVialBVZ2VmUElIaFlhRjNyM3B1WXBlTDIxLVMzZ1FjNXpwQV9hMGVCb21pcHBSZHUzRFpPV0VuSzIxOHp5alNWaVdYVHVuLXJFdVdLNERoQjJKUkxidy1tMUwtUT09 | 529 |
[removed] | r/accounting | post | r/Accounting | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYeUJVZGxSdW9EWWYxUEk5UFFydGdxNUlITUQzcHVtd2l4NzFRU01iSDduY1RuMjFudVpMaFpsaTdGaGZwLUZPX01sYVRoM3BSdlFBNXJvbmFFQkxYMXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaMGlFTXRDdHdaRGMyYWVuQzFuRkI3amdSQkg1cTZVb2pCa1ZyVFdNbkhuNC1jYTVGUDhGdmNfcWI5NloyQ08wVDA2S1d3dXJ3Z3paRUt4Yy1rZmNwTVdvUlBJWVpLaGUtRVNiUWlDRzF2THU3NjZ6dXJ4RjZsS3BSdUExQ0MtbENGRDhwS0lHckFoT3dRX3kxTjlMdV9SOTI4bWNIZ3pMRVdmNzV0S1lNVi04PQ== | 532 |
[deleted] | r/accounting | post | r/Accounting | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYMjljZzktdUQ0MDNpQXVfdDBCYVZ5elhqYVkzTjJ5V0l3cjhsaXRiSFRhd2phbm9qNXRCSUdOdkphSVkyMzVvT1kzTEJWVU1VUkJ1ZUZLMnhobnFHaVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaSVJoMkdtZWVKUkFjQzJRWk1FdTYzc0FaUkFFcFFMaXlCNnF0S3k2WlJDeDVyMjNmMERwV1ZTSmh1ZmJFZUJZMVhCOXlSOU9YdG1XZ08yUEFhTFpiZktrc2ZBMVI4cUFodUJGV1ExdnhkQy14YW85ZFNaN2ZkZFRGTzgtVFRRTk03dkhYUW5ZS0pRYWpDVUtwNncyUXJDQnlRMWdNa0FPanJuLWEtZzJqNTA0PQ== | 533 |
I am interested in gaining a deeper understanding of the accounting treatment and procedures for fashion companies involved in producing seasonal clothing collections. Do you have any book recommendations or practical insights that could help?" Thanks! | r/accounting | post | r/Accounting | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYY2V4QnZZOTNxUGY5VWNrTDk3TVc4bTJyTjBKT18yeWJ6VVl6M3dtZzFxc3RROVpMMS1TMVBNVy11SlY5d0lrbTRrRkhKa25xV2tRdUNWeXlZZlVkbGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaQTJNS2pmRnkzdWZWYWNfaGoxRmQ0SUNEa09VYzdkQWNfcm5LQTRFbjlteF9jbGdUY1BjWHZWVHI1U2VmQ0tiRmN6YXlzSnVlcGFUbjVrZWJtV1ZpTGgzSGliZktjdEJzVFQzenV4NkZ1RmtEcXlLQWs4YVNDbThFdU9zUGlUQUpVSGplT29LcEE2MmFRY2JLN0Jrby1WbE5WWlYzblhGejRYTVRSclV0aW9oVnFiS0hQXzc4MW85c2FSb0FKalhP | 534 |
I’ve had my bachelor’s since 2015 and should be CPA eligible. My background includes staff, tax, and audit roles, though it’s only a few years’ worth up until 2019.
I’ve seen over the years that there has been outsourcing and short-staffing in this field. I also heard of the large layoffs in the Big 4 and hiring freezes.
Would I be eligible for entry level remote roles? Would I be competing against lots of applicants? Just trying to find out realistically where things are and where I stand | r/accounting | post | r/Accounting | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYQkdxQm9Fb2hsZjZSeVlGQWVsQlZkalhMZmg4eWlHazFhRGVQSGE3RzRmOElhTERIMXVQQi1Kb3JZX2RHLUlFUE9LZERRX3l4RWJ6Skp4X09GRElMZlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaODljejNtTXJwZEU5TEp6eDBjdWN1Zjh5Y0Fwa0l1WlJBMzgtUmFoRlE1V29xV3JhTXltTEQ1eUhRQUJJazllR3d1UVlpekNaQ1lQVXhxSzlEUnZ5MURlRERRTkhqcXJzUkRqc3dHSEkyN1ZWR2ZlcnNEQzI3bHdzdm5ZRWQ4b292SWFuOWozaW5NeVJCaV95eUowQmtXMXdLNmpNLW1DeGRUV21BLUg0a3J5bXlfd0lMeldPVkZNNDJ3a0pfWXlW | 535 |
Hi everyone! I got accepted into the CPA rotational program for a big 5 canadian bank. Part of the offer states that the bank is going to do a background check on me closer to my starting date (which is next year). I am a bit nervous about this because my intro to tax grade in sem 1 of my year 4 is going to be pretty bad ( I think I am gonna get C+) do you guys from experience think this is going to matter? If you have experience with this please let me know I would be grateful to pm! I am really freaking out that my offer might be rescinded.
Just a note: other than tax my other actg course grades are pretty good (B+ to A) and my overall GPA is 3.8/4 even after the C+. I also think the in winter semester I can get a A or B+ in advanced taxation. | r/accounting | post | r/Accounting | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYMlBXUkVXVDE0VEQyZ2JOZ2NSQm10WlFqWUZxMXlhQV9kaHZ6eTZVX3V2MTk0U01ZNkQxNVcxZkRSN1o3LW5jVm9WaUFISzR3MFhRa0VPdUhyT3JBY1VJcnRRN192ZlRiRHd3c2NHcThNRG89 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRadTBhbkp2dnhoVDFJYllaWUFaQ05jVFN3WEg0VWFSUmE3UmZQTEtBclF1MW5FeEI3NnJXVVJoVldDTmhnSTJ1M01RWmdFSTk0bTZEbEpIcnVDdGt6ZlZXQmVpNk80ZVFUWTN0cjg5c2l4dWJKRDNpY2xLWi1HZThQTnlvUTlOa2JWSXM1dnVMdy1LV2xpa1lpeGd3cmtZMFhjRkdlUEFsSXNRVEplRWN0dGd6dnVDbXdqTWxOVVA4N2twUk5wZ2FCaENwWnV6WktROXpFVnFVLVdKSndkZz09 | 536 |
I got an industry offer and accepted it but when I put in my two weeks notice, my big 4 job brought up a counter offer and I need help deciding what to do. heres some context:
Big 4 staff 1 role:
- tax, specialized
- been in role for 11 months
- hybrid, 2 days in office
- unlimited PTO
- prob less than 5% bonus next year
- work 50-60 hours a week
- high stress
- 19 paid holidays
Industry associate role:
- tax
- fully remote
- unlimited PTO
- $5.5k more salary
- 12% bonus in 1 year
- work 40 hours or less
- less stress
- no billing hours
- 11 paid holidays
I am not sure exactly what the Big 4 counter offer is because I have to meet with them again, but they mentioned making me fully remote for 6-12 months and possibly more pay.
My main reason for leaving is for better work life balance, but i dont know if this is a bad decision because i have only been in the role for 11 months. Let me know your thoughts please!
| r/accounting | post | r/Accounting | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYNUxfTmZlcHZGMWNZN1B5bEtGdzZlWTFGR3EtMllqYlJfLWtUQ19Uc2xkOFB5ZDdDdW5lRU0tYVhQYnluZ1dvMVg2LUNuZFdiOFlMNElOWnNYdzNnOTZlM3hBdTdENTZBdFZzbklRVkxPOVk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaT2FWOTBVLTdlU251QXM1dEo3ZGpUVDZkOU02T3RybmxPS3QxVzNuVmZmTWpHQWp0bjg2b0NsdWFQUXptWVRfZUw5bEJSYjRfRmdwUkpLX29iSU5na05OampoZnRBT2NDTnNuVVN2Y1R4N1hIaW1nRnlBQTBLMHBkNVUwaVROU1kzclFtV2JQWXpENWxicVBIbDBQbEdFZkF0RHhiTFlMZkM4Qms1NFRCc2gwZEx3d0dJZkxJb1dSUnNMYnVwdG9X | 537 |
CPAs who are now full time freelancers online, how do you earn CPD units po? | r/accountingph | post | r/AccountingPH | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYcG1mX3dJR2t0TmtVdF9rSFdwQ0IxU1diNXdkNkl2YW1DeUltVzNMSGJlaDFqbnd4RjhGWXFBYVp6SGd3QnVIR2dYcGRDcEJLMnJsME1tSjdZT3EtS1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaSExnUUgxb0I2YXg4azNvNllTMDRLUkxULVBtb2dIbW1NZ2daVG1mNXVUaDAwbVZPcTdVQVlnZkstN2xLbDA0VnhNNFA5VEx5aUJYbTlJZmo5ZkxyVXQ3WjFHWEJVcmRJWHotWVVZMkJ3Qzh4MUQ3OFd6YXlWUkZTWGpPSzBmR2gxTHFfRHhIaHhPNTZRY3U2MFQ3UExRPT0= | 538 |
should i find assurance roles po ba or may mas better aligned na service line para sa career path nayan? thank you po! | r/accountingph | post | r/AccountingPH | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYR0VUVHluNTJHUHNWMWdrTDZFck9pNmhleEJ1bU1zWEhyLXdVdHkwMnRvVjhscjUyQ3g3Q01tWlY1SnZudXQ0b0hHNVBQcVktT1k5dHJEd241LTNYMXJtYzNBSXd0VkZzZVNqZlp5a3RNMEU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaSzFqVEQtdEZFZXZTUWJyMmxCUmlsY2xFT3gyejJ3UDJFZUJicG4tVDJfblUxNnhVeTdXUHBqN3lZUmR3MFVmenJ4TjRlRVJLZkowUFBocmN4NC1xdTY4WFNjbktRXzFUVmRjM0VmT1NCMmdMRzRHYWFEVXlfNnZjRjVmeXY5QVF4bGM0WW8tanVUcV8wZElwUkdyMmZ2RFFxcEo3TzloUE4tNnh3eVV5cG81b0k2RTh4X1dxSTFudUVIYksyUHh2OFBxd1YwSm1xbEFhMXRwZGpGRjZUZz09 | 539 |
Hi! I have an upcoming Manager's Interview for Assurance Assoc Group B. Will there be technical questions? What should I prepare and expect?
Also, how was it working with the Group B? I'd appreciate all your insights. TY! | r/accountingph | post | r/AccountingPH | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYbWlkNXVJeHV5cS11ZFNUaWY3NXR1dkt4WTdaWEcxa0FCSHBLUkZGYXJKaXVnYVpvMWZ0bkVESUw2QThObFIxWFg2VTJtQnV4ZHRMaVRnOFpZTnZsemQ5bWM5ZzBFanFsSkxURk94aURVdmc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRadFdTTmc5bDFqeTRlcE5ER1dIX1pOdDlySUlnT05ycnVwMDZYQV9FenplZ1h1aWV0dWVaclQ3d2JKeTBXOWlEeHBuRWN6RXZ2VU12eXpOVG5BeFpybFBVQUtBcFo5N1hRRm9QS3lKZ0VLTWRKZFpRbzJHem1PNHJoU2hXclZtYzZUa1lUVmQ1UlNiNWRGN29xczBqam56cUt0N0VHT1pOVWNYLWRjeUZnQ1p3M1ZvU0VsdV9VeVluMmtqM2gyZ0Y1 | 540 |
Any recommendations on where to apply for review school while working?
My foundation is kind of in shambles since I can't remember na.
Looking for a review center sana na can be handled while working din na hindi nakaka exhaust. Also, Yung hindi sana fast phase para no pressure.
Thanks in advance
[View Poll]( | r/accountingph | post | r/AccountingPH | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYQVl5eU41aklwOXlCNXhaaFhXRXo0cUVVWTRna2pGOHlVTFg1M3cyaGNYekFheHlVVUJvekF3TVJUZTNmT2NVcnlnQkl0WElMTm1NeHlVRUdJZzZTOGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaNWN1cHBudGRmMWJlZ25Eek5tcE5pVS0tWWZKNS00cy1yVVB5VGxfc1U5a0pQTmM3V042SWFEZXNQYlQzMDhxZnlfcHRTMWsyMC00VHBkYkJWSXRnNXVINldTWHR1czUyZXppbGNKVUoxdUN5UEdIdGJEbW5ydlhjSFNZRktFelhMRHFmRWVuclBKRHo4YjhtUFhiSDU4bEkzSGN4WUl6cVIxaVI5eTlQdEpvPQ== | 541 |
[removed] | r/accountsell | post | r/AccountSell | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYeWpTSEZxNXJ3aTBRZmdoeERURHBIWFNvcEszeW9TSmdseDNxb0xRdUJDWWY0QTQ0akhEdnZ6TmVhNkgwbGplQkhEWlh0bE1OUWQtRTFwTThkb2s0Q2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRacTM1QTlNMi1MWDg0ZHFtM3BQTU5DM2Vjd0ZtQlhlMzhNLWl3UjV4UGYzRno4bWJEZ2FCRDl5TDJKUE82dXdKN290VklUU2wzNkZVYzF2N3VmMEtNMTJxY2dqZXg3SlZBcllFc092VlNwUHlNZnRuX3dGN1N3M1pkdGl1OGc1NWg0aTNKUzMwRk9tNHhDT3dhSUpFcEVRcWFRdl9nSTk0QjFKZUZKTVRrMjRzNFlCdjVkUGZnR1VfdXFHRTI3NjZCRUppX1NUTEJBZlNqYjNHOVQ3T3V3dz09 | 542 |
Hi, looking to see if anyone could tell me about their experience taking both spironolactone & isotretinoin. My endocrinologist said it would have best benefits to stay on spironolactone with the accurate but I haven't heard of anyone doing this, it was cleared by my derm.
Personal context:
It's been about a week on 40 mg accutane & 75mg of spironolactone (about a month on that dose). I do not have PCOS or elevated testosterone & weigh abt 130. I had never had hormonal acne until getting off birth control which was superrr high in estrogen, was on that same brand for 10 years. Now I replaced that with the Mirena IUD in June.
Thank you in advance!! | r/accutane | post | r/Accutane | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYWHpkRlY1MGc5cWlCNXBURjdBdEM0Rl9kcTJWZVYwdkVaY1ZOM1Q0RXd2dncxLUxtZFhZMjRNSERjUm1RX08wRHNULTh2WGJoVDRpSDRjX0NUb1FtaFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaa0Z2ckRJZ2ZMcHFKQ2p6d3hDeV9vclgtMHNlaWFyZXpwei1pbHBTM3JMdk1Vd2RPMENIa2VBWjFPWUFNWUVuTTRFb2VYTmhQVjNaQVVQMl9Fd2J5R1RWMk5iZjlRWGdSd0l5OXdBNFZOa2lXblVqeTdsblBoZWtqZDZjZWpKMDhndWJsaDk3VUgzckwtZjZiOU5uaUhZdklINzQ2ajduaGVyNC1aYy01bnpBPQ== | 544 |
[removed] | r/aceattorney | post | r/AceAttorney | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYM3dzWnFpc3pzbEVpOE1QUkNrWUNXeWV4MXNPZGp1d3JOWUh4NVlDRUxwaHlENEgtdlZIbGNzRkFqUmZMV192WF9iS3NtdG5Lcnc4eE1NNTc4cDl2c3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaYlkyRklIOTFObWY4ZkRRRXE4d3VKUzhDeEFHVTYwd2Z6ekVNaEstZEsyVENURzdXRFpoRG5BLWpISEgxUUtzc1JRZG94WURzaEIzc2FwRUV5eXg2TFYxZlBhMlhDX2FFWlRFR1Y0WlVEd1JuQlZ1RF9mTU9uQjBEdUl4WVAyRE9aZXRMcDhlTTBVTUJRSTllWU4wWlVyVWNac0lyTVREcHo4N1Q0X0dQZ3d3U3Q4Nm85ZjhKZVZyUTJwcXo4VUl1 | 545 |
Bile in stomach. Lost 15kgs 3mths unintentionally, idk wats happening! Have dysfunctional osphogus yes, dysphagia, motility problems, silent reflux never been bad at all still isn't. Weak les, ues.
I don't have gastritis but recent endoscopy says bile into stomach I had 7 visits to drs and 3 visits to emergency. Results so far. Excessive fluids gas air in intestines bowel descended stomach. Recent endoscopy says bile into stomach. Momentary 2 yrs ago says weak les ues dysphagia motility problems innafective swallowing 90% I've had no problems for 3yrs with reflux or anything till 4mthd ago. Last 2mths have been worst. Constantly can't breathe. Constantly regurgitation and liquid coming in mouth its foamy to no heartburn no chest pains. Life is hell every day I do not go out or invite people over cause of constant liquid coming in throat mouth I just go to garage and sit there I cannot get comfortable. Aka I have spine problems to neck spine reversed, stenosis spondylitis scoliosis that's another story. But I have to ignore people cause I can't socialize cause of this mess. I will see upper go surgeon soon but I just want this to stop. Also I never have bad reflux symptoms but all this is strange now 😡 | r/acidreflux | post | r/acidreflux | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYYnZJbWxxQV9vYzhfckxnUzYwS3JQMWF4SkQ2Y3dsTFZLZGM0MzlVLTYwWDFNS3FjNzJ4azRJZHZlUjE1YWU2UWxqX1plLVpsRmU1SVlMbXdGZUJULUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaY3RpRUxqR3piSnV2N2ZaWFhVdkIxVWd3TkVFWkVnRnAzNlB0ZDhlcG1ndU04azl5RzJSRTE3dnIweURianFtZk5iVU5GVVppMFQyaTJ4SmxOcUlfYndFWFpqTFBqUFc2MEhHQnRubmZoN1ljSFgzMzRITDNzdTU5SVB4cV9vYnlvNmt2ekxxbF81YjRaZ1lNbkJaS1lnPT0= | 548 |
How long after after acl surgery did it take for your knee to feel normal again? Did it ever feel the same as the other knee? It's been 8 months and my left knee still feels tight and weak compared to my right knee. | r/acl | post | r/ACL | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYNGdzeG13WVFuRGtjM3pCMTlhVEQwamVRakpyYnBHbER4cjVqdEdvUGgtbmVzUEZvNHB6UElaeEVEcUNqUk1qcFlRVm5Zb2xhRHFxaDJJeE1zNXAtUFZkUlhVQWR4Nm4zeTlKSEJVR2xuWDA9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaMkEzc2pOLUN3aWR0T3FSSW9rWDl3Y25uNENWZGFQUUh0a2Z1MHk2bFlTWVNULTM4cDRoNFpuVUNOZGthV084SUZ4cG5OdWItNUxLZ3ZfRnNIdlNLeXIxYTdaS2Z5eEZhWEJlUFBCWndCTV9rS3NoSHRSMUVGWWFscU5jc3RJSTJwSzFDeklPS0thYXBYVkItaGlVbmw5QjhqR280blE2VnVCNnFTcEVhZ2lvPQ== | 550 |
So I ruptured my ACL and had complex non displaced tears in both my medial and lateral menisci (R knee) playing basketball over a year ago now, and only just got the chance to have ACL reconstruction surgery on the 23rd of October.
I made this video and others on my channel to help others going through the same thing so I would love to hear how you’re going with rehab and/or answer any questions! I want to help people going through this because support is so crucial and I am very grateful for this sub. Thanks! | r/acl | post | r/ACL | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYbHRONGVlS1BveXdMZS1scmlxaEpoM3RMeWZXZ29hT2UxTU5Rc09GaW1kb3E4SzlMTDl4RWE1Z1N6SXJ0OFI3aVdNMkN4ZkZnOWRJZUNIMDFrbXBOTFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaQ2FwamhTWVNtVWtic2xpeUh0UVR4NlNTXzhHU2hDQ3RpVGFwcWNUcldjNkRJQjhMdy1kTEdQS3dyXzd0UjJmUmtuMFlyN2xyc1JLZVdJLUVGYVpVdmZTNHp2S2x3MGJMeUZ2T2lJMy11MFAzQTVKdVZYWE9jdmwzN1Q4c0ZvVGVianE0N3c0R1lzLV9jOEFUZWRMMENTdnJNc09KeVA3dlJLUzdScXNaZWNzQi1SbEZNQVFkWUJXOVZqSzNWNlFv | 551 |
[removed] | r/acne | post | r/acne | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYeE11Qjl2Rm5TaVNEWTFqZXlsbkNleEdYdHhzMjU4aGRtc3g0Wk1oZEo3dEFPS3lBLWpKbm53eTlVcUJpdGNYM3BnVE5XQ05xRXJOV2JPTnFqNHZ4R1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaUVdfbmdpTHUxOGNPdXdyU3F4S3ZjUFFZNHlXcmtZaGlqekw1UmR0WVByN1FJNXdfdVp3OW1Yc1A2dEppRmx6aklwR01zZVVhV2UzbFNJRTBfWHpWTlJuam1TRFZlR1BTRF93Y0VuMFl4bFozN2NzaHlQc3RwYlB1MEo0NGhTb0ktelJXZlRGV1VpSE1OOEZTc20wbXRDY1k2ZHpQOXIzdlVBSXBPZzkwWV9nPQ== | 552 |
I’ve been doing a skin cycling routine for a while now and I’ve gotten rid of so much acne however lately I keep getting these flare ups more of red splotches on my cheeks and red under the skin bumps that never turn to white or blackheads, does anyone know what this is? Or what I can use to help? I rotate between Aklief, topical minocycline & a BHA toner at night and always use moisturizer, any help would be great! | r/acne | post | r/acne | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYc0RncVlwdmdsRndrTGw0YmM3SHk1Y3RJUDFxVE1YMFkwelZIdXBuMnZnczQ1U2t3alRZN3BpVnRUQzN0eFM1MDJ0aXd6TmNSbXAwaTg4aUtyYm9xV1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaY0dRNXJEX3NBYzVEZDN2Sjg4aTNSLUFzdXZIT3d5YTc4QU5zcm85cDZBQW9jMklTTkpTWnhuSDY1MHhSRXh0aWt4cW1zUkVKUDN2elFrTFF3ejc5cU1fNmtjZ0pyRUlWejUtdHNPYzdyYV9TbVNZaGRnNEpRV183dUI4QjVoeDZMTWIteEVEdUhDbWdSbXQ4WGRNSmZGc1F6SThOXzloYWxDWFBhdlB0Yy1NPQ== | 556 |
The absolute betrayal i felt in my heart :(
Running for wasps, looking for sanctuary. Only for a villager to not be home.. | r/acnh | post | r/acnh | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYSU8zQWxfZVlhdXhoZUdvS0FiZEdHTEF2aGt4YTIxRW9xSENmZEJpR3NXclA5Y0xQWlA5ajFISGtDekFpbHUtM0RCcWw3TndZdG5VREtpOGFPc3JoSkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaMHpsb0ZvUkd6WEJONDcxSkJoRXRJNWN3MS1jMEFwa1NxcVU1bk9jWHJqa3FiaXpfTlRkZ1kzOUl3bTRmQkxMZFQzTXJZTWpqZG1ZZDdyU1NwNHN1X1BmUHoyeXEycGRaaVZaaFBKZHpoeE42aGRaNFBMdU9oVW5uZzQ4R3hxYmx1Q09CSjV3ZTIwa2dKRVRPOG1UN2VBPT0= | 557 |
If you’re new to the community, introduce yourself! | r/acnh_tours | post | r/ACNH_Tours | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYRVBwMEtqYVR2SVFxQUpsQWtmS0pScU5XTUpTY3BvNmRiVmpfcG9EWGRkdFBJM0dwUDlmeTJpUkY1cnFyeG02YUtROFdSTXk4Um1oZ1RkME1VZ2hKaVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaeGRfRnJkNlhoQ2hLS2dnalNHV3dVdU9QZHAxdGhfRlFRN0RoNXBDUUJ5b2xCZnVmRlpjT2FxRXFJRC03OUVIMzVfRVZ5QjhFOXpSZnVZMlpIV19XTEtRb3VMRFdnSkpocUZJSVVHUF9NLUtEQlVIOEppYkhUNEdHdDN5a2tBUjd4Nk9kdlNZcUZ0R2VtR1Ztb0s1TzdnLWZPT19rQVpoWTVsc0l2azlDdHdJPQ== | 558 |
;) | r/acompanhantesdobrasil | post | r/acompanhantesdobrasil | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYMmQzM3cyRGxRRHo2MUFSSWNMT2RMYTctWFJnNEw0aERSNWhxMXkxRjJORERzN20xRWdpemExQmFaWnNFZVo0OWpjcWVfVFlpcXN4cXI1NVNsZF9rN01NVS1BYl9zWjhQR0lxTi1RNWlSOHM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaTTVzem5mWHpwNzR2dmhkdHpSdGgtS2RvbXlLOHVMWlNfc0JTUmlfWG9STE1UYml5eHJQMmRId3NmQWlxcllBNWhMYWg2OFVQVC1aRG9tYXhaVzdmVFBPZmRlRTJfSDlRWWxBWVVKTjdqNzdhOHdFUzRnWUpjVFFSTnFWMzRnRFRpa2s2a1VnMWRWajJ4RmJfdkF1cHFESGE3bjg0ZGttdTg1eDRETzZqYVBxRURMakswQmIteEpEcUdUakRPRzRj | 560 |
[deleted] | r/acotar | post | r/acotar | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYdl9NSjNZek01OVU1RFRVeGdjR2d0M1hrUjBEOWowMHZVZFdPYW1uTXd4N0VWVTg1amF1TUtwb1UzSDE3QmliYmJCNVI2bTJTNHpaUVJleU1tLWJpV0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRabWJBRE9kUXlGd2pQRV9RV3prWUdHTnpKSllrQnIzalpPQVY3Y0xtT2g4R3NSZ01GcWxLYlFwQUVWeXVhMTRJdl8xaTBXTzJFd2MweVdiMUlqTldWVHQzQ3NUM3pERGFzeXdxLWJDSk1jNDF2WUdITHJDNHJiYVZ3eXRNb05WUzhqNzFPZlZTTlU1alhXbWVvQ0pSVzFoaDFEWTkzTGMwcXpnV0E2Wnd4dXVHbVNac3RyVHRJbE8wOEt2RVFGSjdz | 561 |
I have no clue about this brand I’ve seen it before. Looking to get a better guitar. | r/acousticguitar | post | r/AcousticGuitar | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYcTFDSHhieDFXbjduaERfWUlhcnBEaXZuY2xVTWZZMDFnOFo2NndweFlyaDJtc0x4Qjg1VUVFamVoX2dERzh0dWZYNVltRE52T1FBdWpvWUhONmFacnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaNVJsdUdGMURRLXlGcTg2bExmUkt2Q2R4ckpjMmdUaWk0SHhNb3dmZDZQalZzWDZJdHk3VWF5cnc2SnBOWG1HLVJaRWpBV3ZKVzhQeHZ6QkFOY0x3eEJUQ3Y2bUtPMDhoYmRlRllhazZrdE9CbVc4Zk5HQ25MNGxZZ2JKbFB0R1lmaXNyd1lYdDBvcEF0Q3JDdHNZZVhIVkNGdkFNZDlJRE1vNjlRTWcya2RZPQ== | 562 |
Looking for an orchestra shaped acoustic around the £1500-£2000 area. I only play at home so electronics aren't needed. Any suggestions?. | r/acousticguitar | post | r/AcousticGuitar | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYSnJpZzM5R2huQzdCeGtJSFVWay1qWGFYNlljWmxTc2JQMGw4VV9lbnJyRDNfT193STE5X05jcUU5N1ZMa2FWNEpwaThaNDJfbTZ6ZVJHM2ZjdWVwMHZZMWpadXFaLS0wQmpfcmw1MnB0bGs9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaVUlDRjc3Y2J0R2E2U1NTQS05b3YyZTJTYnMwM0xpb21kWjhkVnd1TmVxNzVBVkQtUGREZGJFYTlIX1VJOE0tdGdQblltalo4enpPZUlSbkxFSG9aMFNKMTc4T25manJ3dzBCOXpZN2FYU05fd3ZiTEdEWlpnanlvQlh6d0ctb0xwMVp1ckVEOWxSSjAwdWtSdlZBMWt0cnh0SklDeEFpV3JPbWQzemtpNHd3PQ== | 563 |
Not at all upset to have purchased this little gentleman. The way his head moves. Omg! 😍😍 | r/acpocketcamp | post | r/ACPocketCamp | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYc0dmUlZ1a3FYdUU5blhMai05dDRrQWk4bFRXczZ4bHFibzlHUVVZSFRTSnBkNUJvalczSS1iMnNnSFRhWjc1dXVUcHdRR3liWXRKRzVuM05MRnJ5NUZSejdjdkNFam9JVXRwQi1taWUyM3c9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaaU1BZmstR2dZRks1UjlxTHhmMlpKN1Y1MC1lWVRMeEp1UlZKb0RGNmgxSzNTa0VVTkJLYjhJenM5aW1RU1h3c0dkUXp6bnVWQTB3SHF1NElNMThfellGTS11cl82MVhHaVZtNVpTM04zdlRtNEpBX1ZfMGRlUWtDYXdfRkVNbzBRTGtsWWxTbzB1NV95VnNid1NLQ2dfcnlhNElpQjJuREM2emdLendqY3Y4PQ== | 564 |
Can my sister link her new game to her existing Nintendo account before the end? She downloaded the game at the beginning and linked it to her Nintendo account. She deleted the game. She re downloaded it and restarted fresh. She has been playing this one for years now. Can she link this game that she worked hard on to her existing Nintendo account? Can she unlink the old game? Does she have to make a new Nintendo account to save everything before the new app? | r/acpocketcamp | post | r/ACPocketCamp | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYYzlWMGJ0eXo2b1Q5a21KU3NEUW9VS3Zhdm9wdk1oaFB2VHpCMGNIWk9TclVqV2VMYnpXUzNZTU9LSXBOTXNvS1ZXLU5BVzZHcFFJWjRjLURja1NPanc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaZ05uc2wtRjNJV09aQXFCM1hkSHRTWEV0Ql9ua1dOWWJibDFfQzE2d1VOelNYZHRqaGlOT1gwR0FiWlBqZlRMTTJnZXpHbkhPR0FrWkJ1anMtVS1aR1N1WXF1ekdXZ1czQkN6Rm0wY0FkUDFMVTI2NDYxWS16OGNMWFZyaGU0RXBWR3hoN2FYcEx5aXpEV1ZVQkxYaHdmTUNZTmJTZXFZRDQ0ci1vaWppcnltVHpCSGxxaVBCZ1R4MHNHZGU4cm5HV2pvcG83SkZCaFN6Uk5Cd3FJa056QT09 | 565 |
in the trailer for complete, it’s shown that your friends in the current edition of pocket camp will be transferred to your whistle pass. however, without the constant internet connection, any updates to your camper’s look won’t be applied to your friends’ games. meaning whatever outfit you’re wearing when service ends is permanent for the “ghost” version of you in their game. i think i’ve settled on my “ghost outfit”, has anyone else picked theirs yet? | r/acpocketcamp | post | r/ACPocketCamp | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYZkp5Ni13c3k5SmxEY2hidmljaFlnbm5JTXpuUTRNa256eS1wUUxLMDZJbC0tT3RzUGpveFNUd3J0YXBHOVhQX2RoV1F0d09SSlVwTl9CSEk4RlhkMUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaUmJZYlpOeGJsdUg5YS1CSDFVNmxRVl9weWZEN0VEVUlrRXk5TnNJbUFKRWJJNFVrdElGSGotT29JeWdUTGNUY3laMjAyTTJzTmpHY3EyQV8tQ0ZBUG12T2VaQWdsTVFLbHNfWXZyQTRMVFFXLUZvQnEwRGFTeGlIZEY0ZmViVmxiUnpaT3dTSXVFal8zQ3JiY0tOclNIdGpPY0E0MFpVeG1YVWYwd3p4cVlnRjM4ampOcUZMdkJBSTFUcXVURllob3U5M2hhWXp2dEZQOTVRR0VVNkd3dz09 | 566 |
No idea why I painted this but I'm pretty new to painting in general. Been mainly just sitting with headphones blasting. Anyways here's a random one I am working on but like I said I'm new | r/acrylicpainting | post | r/acrylicpainting | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYWi1jaVNiTmNJVzhYVHZTQlNaYWZzdXRxYVlRMWJFa2hSMm9yano5SFR2SHBlNng3SENQeVZhYk1xR1VVOEdMeFhLcTNDYTFfUF82YVBXSENsWE4zTFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaaHpzLTdDZlpzeTQtTl9RNFJ2UFNZSXhIWng2bjNCYjZLTnpSdUN6OWRDYWo3SVF1eGJuM1dFd2xGZmVrYl9nVk5lM2F1VVAxLU9TNklBQmFwTGJqb0RoZnZacFBrWFBVSGNLeWZ0bVdHQTlsS0s5Q0pFTmtZRUZQTnJjejFicmNUM2dqTWxOUVN0RkpKUjZ1aFZEaWM0MHFESG1BS285X1JDdWRkVWtTREh3PQ== | 569 |
This one started with just playing around with a newly found fluid acrylic and a couple new brushes. I added the rocks today. I’ll add another set of rocks to the left but after that, I’m not sure where to go. I tend to do work in spurts and let the art flow when it needs to come out. | r/acrylicpainting | post | r/acrylicpainting | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYWGt6SWs1QUlrX0otZ3d2MUc4ZDM2UjFHS3lrVzdCUDBMSDJQbXREdGdOcEl0Q1VzNUd4ZXFVYXNjWktCSW44ZTN3Q005a25FRk85VzZVMjlmOWdRSVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRadmFQN0dXeHQyWkxKdHpWQ0VCSzJlQkRkYzJiSU96QXFsallja1JjdEYtVDh6RE11OERXanNNU2pfQldEU1VzTmVjczV5OE9ZLW5pNUpnT3NqVUk4Z3RtbmgwQktCVzA3S19RNVZkaFJoc1BXb2FHbjFWQXRFMjVNTllXRkhMX2RGa1hZN2J5OVZ2V0VXU05mVHhXU1lfc3JPUlFkZTU0NFdRTlBPWnI2X0VzPQ== | 570 |
[deleted] | r/act | post | r/ACT | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYYkJNN2EzODZLX0w2X0tzZUwyelR6dGZBck1vcWN1WjRwS2RwaTR4VVVCX2J6TXZtYVBNTFBDMUpqUmx0MXVzZjhmc00tUVNOdk5fY0ZMREo0NjdyR1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaZVJUVGVKbmY0ekxNUkxHd2llYWtUZm4tWUd1a0JIOEtmYU9uTnFiY1ZzUVp4SkFyYXhBR2htb1poRkVTenpSZ1g4MWJIWmpWd21vU3hTV1JQZjc1aURiY3k1ZVd6ME10MG4tbWZsVS1ENklVb2g5OW9ReGN0ZmxuVWpqN21Hc0JybGRMRlZ4Y3FnVUNjYlhWT2l1ZjJ1ZW5jX2tnQzltY09RVXJWMzFyNXZrPQ== | 573 |
Hi! I am new here and I was a regular taker of the SATs. I would like to ask if the ACT is similar with the SAT in terms of concepts tested— what are the concepts that are tested in the ACT that are not in the SAT? | r/act | post | r/ACT | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYNERMemgzTHNkaVJXY2JVbXlYQ0dJaWwwTTBSaVB3eGI5ZlhVN0FIa0NxdGUzbHl4WXhRdF9TUTZWazJjWmc2UEktdFdrYnhsYjRhakpnVUpoRWt0d3d2dkRQWkhocGZLY0xxV1Rad0o2ZWc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaVXFNZ2xuOUNiVV9qcXdtNzZzN2xjWGRFY1BiQnAwSFJMR2h0NTgxM3VScGFPQnZwRnBHUW1LUGV0OElWbUgtWE5YaXJQM25jVW9WX0tuNjlPTXZsVExIR3loX0tCRzd5T3h2QVdWU2o0R0tMWU5zc0ZnSVhwVUtFY0lfU1ozVlNLSFZveXZjSjlRekF5U0hiWVlLUVJvSHJ3R1M1WEJJQ3lnYmRjZ0pzcnRZPQ== | 574 |
Hello! I am a bit new here. I want to give ACT a try before regular decision— should I opt for with writing? Schools like Harvard state that they “consider” it; but what does “consider” here mean? Does it give more leverage? Thanks in advance! | r/act | post | r/ACT | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYbGV4OUZVcl9hV3N0MU9EblJzbE4wNlRadGdUN1Z0eXpSb1F2S2xMU2NmM2l4ZEF6dmJZQWpZblJKMU5kSkhHTl9tVDlqZ3ZPMXFnVXk0SU9zd3ozRkVlRzlBZ0VKeGw5UTV6UDlqVFhjeVk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaT1g0a3c2NlQyT21lQXJFSHliSUVkeFFzTHJfUGlKSUN0dUljelpoWnBlUDI0cGh6UldnUzZVTDZ4THBPMTRELXRjUjFLMk1fb2k2SHZUc0JMYm5rZndPNkVOd3k2UjFoUUEyQXhPTGROZnU2Z0NWcE5UT2cyb0hraFUwTGk0NGREWVM4bmlHelVLbjBUMGkwSHVMaHJGNGZYZ3BrY3dfRkZHWmhSMVFDbXZVPQ== | 575 |
Any casting directors workshop In LA that you guys recommend? | r/acting | post | r/acting | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYNGRnSExEV29COUZUZXJqYlBLRGZ6elBqQ2EzanBFVzMtX2RudU55Nk1MQzN3WHk3RDRFNDQyM1M0TWFnbHZfN3pHUkVjMXJfeENwbmIzM2FJbE9teGd2cWFGUjlQTDVldEFJQ0M5TmVKSVU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaXzA3QVBwX3dlaWlMbV92dzVCVi1GOV9UUGIybVEyWl9BODk4SGV3RS1pcHBRWUhiVzFlYVh0SFJKSFdOMTY5ZVhPVU5aYjItT1ZFWWt6UzdmekdWUTlpR0ZncmN6bEk1dXJLd0dNbkZWN1JyTjdOR054SlBwYi0zRlI1UlcyaUpnc2loR1FnNnZ6SGV4MmJWM0xNMld1ZkNzLUFEdWI2SlZ2Mi1hb3lZZmVST0xfcGxEOVkwU3hTUV9uOFRNNDFN | 576 |
I've really been thinking of getting back into acting lately. Haven't done it since high school.
But unfortunately I have a couple of chipped teeth from white spots. And it's just kind of expensive to get it fixed all at once. (I already had to get a root canal recently). Thankfully one is the last tooth you can see and the one in the front is barely noticeable though. So I was curious what do actors do when this happens especially if they can't get an appointment right away?
With chipped teeth and also have kind of having strict parents with religious rules so I was kind of thinking maybe I should start with voice acting or something even though I know it's difficult to get into. | r/acting | post | r/acting | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYVEZoN09ZdW94RWF0TV9BWWV5RHR3VmE0ankyc01YY2FQMDhhMlBhcDh2WWxOVnZEZGNBUjFpV0FXc0oyZE1TQU5mcU9GWFdibERWMXM1bGw5SGp3d1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaVWFtS1JQcGdBM2k0YXRfOWl3ZE5ma2lZb2ZsS3lxZWdXNkxScURIMlVDN0hsdTBRRlpJNWdNcThxb3ptbHR1dG11SGE5RXI1ZzAzZjlnRGFnLW5FSHVtX3U1Qm93ZU5lVjBsdFh5WGNWYkNvUDl0Qzh6bU04TVk0VTJ4QmcwT2YwWlpHQUNnOWZRcXMyQUs0NXhjOVRlNlZYWmw0a2g1LWpXanAwNVNIT2NoNG9DMmdGWlpkbFhGWDctbzAwSkpC | 577 |
Dc | r/actionfigureglory | post | r/ActionFigureGlory | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYdUxWMjY1UVJPTG5XX3hSYTU4MTk1bHZoazQtb3JhZ1N1NmJFRkFucEhkVk1KNXNKRzJUblZnRWRENldNOHlZWS01QWxfc0NMTXoxUTQ0R09rQWxXY2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaZGJQbGlHZWFRek53eXEtVUhXQ3VyWUNaRU9GTFh4MDhnSUs1MEFwRzJTQ04zV3BiQnhQZWREVktERTh2Q1F3Zl9jbzl3TE5jUG5Scldid250Wm9WVDhXeTFSYnBZSzdSaVdnY1BHOEV4dWtCM3pVMERieFpldDdWNlZjM1gtc1lGNGdGcV9sNXFMZ3dId2xxZU52Q1FzTUhHN045TmRlUWdnc01vZThaWXhBPQ== | 579 |
[deleted] | r/actionfigureglory | post | r/ActionFigureGlory | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYM0c4NFo4M3kxdFlWZ1lkbzNta2N2QnlCOUdLTXJsTTVocVNMTDZjV21KTDFPMjhfeVo5ZE5RTzRnUTdQcUhvTDBMZm02bHlsUFBuYWp5Q0ZvQ1ZtZmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaMktYVlhZZFdieGFQWElLRGFEYUJiemdMT0JzdE1FR3BNRnVDMWVXa2ppUEs1emM2cWxtVVhBdjhDMVpIdkt1d1IxRzBsOUZTVFEtZ3JidmVBc0JHSGdXc1ltandUNllRN3NDWUJSZnVGQVBYZTBCX0t4cHF2Y0g0by04d000Y1gtT014M2U3Q0hTcURpeDhqNHRDcldqb01rRXA5YVBuS2d5MEJRcnIxRGZBPQ== | 580 |
[deleted] | r/actionfigures | post | r/ActionFigures | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYMzlubkNTczBlaXBnNmZrMXh1TDBVdXRsM2xLTmcwX0hJYmx5Rm05ZHZrSzh6M0dEQ244UGtOeXVUaHhkZ1dESTdmdnpaUkpvc1J1ZDdGRDRsZmRRc3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaYk81cHQxUGM4TjFOcHE2WW1jMTVjUzU2STJIWUJPbTNfeTd1MXFxUGp5ZHZSdk9QUF9nOU9UNzV6NlAwMXZ1VTJicV9Fcncxd0NXQ0xnaUREdVRlbktKbTRqUVVPM0VSNUpPNkxkbDdlS0IwNjNybDBMU21HUHk5UFBfaTNHRzFGNmRLempNZi1oRzJkSEEtZ2hVQ1pucGw1c3BtZDRuNWNqSE1rcUxDWF9BPQ== | 582 |
Why haven't no one talk about this? We're going to have a Danny phantom action figures line in 2004 and even Butch Hartman himself approve of this but it was never made, what y'all thoughts on this? | r/actionfigures | post | r/ActionFigures | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYbmlscmx6VTViNGREZXpLdEJUMFY3Mi1rOW9Rb1FyamxIVlhnNUNScFBHSnlrYkluN3AxRFJncnhWSHR1N29JWFBBRkZOUDI5bnpvaUh6NnptWkR4a21xXzlnNkpmWEIwYk9uYWRScWZVVmc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRadEc2UkhOblZFTTVzMENkVDZROXhWT2FGZkVqUHFfYnlYT1dnQlpSVS0xNGpfN3JhbG41b3g5VklYMlV6Qi15NEpGR3FKMGxsTThNU0tEU1NDeGFiWVdKLVhwNGJsemhVR3RKT3JMODdBXzAzdEd0T1BMZmtnSjZTUy1Demg5ZW9GbF9qV1ptT1FnUWRLaloxTk1SODlSM0RsaG9wcDRvcTlXZEdNbUxnZnJXRnM1TTFDN2lGRF9XUElFRjZDT2VFSVVwOE9tZzZFZnpSeUItMk5qb3BvUT09 | 584 |
Action Force Series 5:
05-01: Atlas
05-02: Col. Siege
05-03: Senshi
05-04: Sidewinder
05-05: Praetorians
Recon Corps
Recon Gear Pack
Weapons Pack India
| r/actionforce | post | r/ActionForce | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYdjdOUDF4d0RsZHd1amo4d0VOSWRlem1NSTZEYlBnZ1Awclh4OFQxNUNSMHlsaUhwUUFyRVhraG5TeWh0d1ZYZm5Db1ZzcDNGY25rMUt0VjNETXRpZEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaY1FONTZueDRnaEkwMjhHSWlGOEhMdlItM2Y4VWpZa2FBR0ROSG56dzFkYkl6TUJVVEI0bEwwbS11TS1xQU1qSnRZTUtCUzBpQkd3eExQMU9mN21WcFl6bkF0QlRvaUI4bFFpR2xUWGY0TzNKd2JCNy00ZGIydmFBdGRZbnY2NUphQTNPRi1CdFNuSG1iSzA4dkxYei1xdVJFYTBpZ0o3SWRHYS1ZTjJpNlowcmJrWE1BV0xiS1laLURFcFNvWEs1 | 585 |
I am trying to use an action replay dsi version and i am trying to use it on pokemon black to change my serperiors ability to contrary. Whenever i try and click start game it all just freezes. I just update the action replay so it would work for my dsi version 1.4.5U. Everything involved is north american versions | r/actionreplay | post | r/ActionReplay | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYS3dkNFcydTB6ZGdsTFpJVGVvSVFqS3htekZnaWEtNDdwU1BOM0M0VEFUNzc4V19hTkpna3F5dzJMMVZtYVU4VnFNRWY1UkR5WWpBUUhhQmdmMnVJWmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaOFUxblJWMWNCT0kxa0hNV0FoVnV4T0NBbUNyLXhXOW9aVmkwRkhiSG1XQUhwYVFlQ3pYVWQ4SEU3YWVYaTJMTHBWT2QyaEs1Sms3d3JySV9zS1paV0NWOVhMTUxsNk5WbXRYNVdLeUpVUnBTZUwzY1NhXy1sdWdvVVRXLTNIME5YT0UyRXMyMnBlclkwQWJCOXBoWm0xUHVCMlp2RExXQnE2WkpzY1N2OFFGeEdnVUc1RnJRVWFEaEw2cDhLbGxq | 586 |
Please discuss | r/actors | post | r/Actors | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYMkxEcjQ2dTB6ekV3aWxlcjQtOWZOdklla201M0ZlT2JZaFRSeDJuSkwzM3pfeXZCcGJRaS1haGpiMzNvVXBZRktJZjA4MWRCZWhoRTVlTUU1TjZGY3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRac3o5a3ZLcjZveXB3TjJGYmJCUzdkVXhDUGY1dk9uOGZPWVJzN0ZrbElZOF9QNjJqRk1ZTWR2eWw4eE9tYkVlQWZPQU5nRDJGQWpIRFBjY3ZNeVNXdUdfSU5MY2MzVmJsQjNyZFU1b21odUVCRElqRlM4R2J1UkxIWWdZTTJGcVpvam1NcXlfZ2xycTFQSFZIVUR5MnJ4dldmdHA4bnh1Y3FjR3Y1dGVhNVRSX1VNNjRPQ2RfSEVBdi1tMS1NUFJCSmdYTll3WTdWTU4yTklILTlWQzhFUT09 | 587 |
[removed] | r/actualgyaru | post | r/actualgyaru | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYcDFNS2xGaXppbTZzMlJPSVowMUZocEZ6S0tMZmFCbFJhVHA3Y0NYalZDUU5adlNETjBJbVZNUHR5X3Q2YWlWekxNSzRhdmo2RWRSUmpPOTJiZ0J1TEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaWkI5WE5XQlllZkxBaWxvTjMtVEktcTZMd2pYXzNPZ0dqSG9BU0c5VnhGRHFFQktDbHVDV18xQW1CRGtxejJneTdoQk5PdVYyS2ZOS19RdzBudFo3OFJnVm0wSmRFTjVEMWRQU21rbWlOeVNvOTVpejBJVjQ5ekhVdVJ3VTJITkgwTzFBZ3V1RjVydmw3cU9QSmNQM0FsRU5SeGprT3Q0cWxBdkZOTTlvWFdYUk1ZNjd1ZjJQbWszSDN2TkFzQ25jazlyV2h3MDhJMllzYnFBaHdDTk9ldz09 | 597 |
Hi, so I can't provide much evidence to follow rule 8, buuuuuuut...
A certain undertale fan gal posted on her Instagram story about a scalper reselling a $10 D.I.A top for nearly $100 smackaroonies off FB.
I'll assume the og seller was selling in gal FB groups, so beware of scalpers when you're selling in a supposed closed off space...
Really disappointing, but I hope that scum gets blacklisted :/ | r/actualgyaru | post | r/actualgyaru | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYU3pDSm5oTnRRWEZLM2JBMG5NVm1zZ2JBYkRObWtJbkVXbElUOXJuSnYxTDV0aDFQZ0Vkb2RpdWxJMWZBTmhKbk5FLVQ0bEVsWldNQlhkRTBLb0ZrQlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRabEZDVnF6M21LZElWb2NIVEk2eE1OLWttZmRpS3hmWU5aVUlGMmxjb2s2QmpFaFpibFJHd0xZbjJVS20wZDZCcWc4aTIxX3JIS3lvc1JmenFWYlJrRllzMDY2ODhCcGt5eU14SDRnckdFTTk0N1pTZENzRTJVYi10ZGZPcHY4R284cEhNVGwxM0lLMUVuTnNTNHZPazJrU2p2ZFAyQlM1dXQ1N2x4REFsazBvTDNVZ2J0MGFQTmNBOUVRWTVqRGFlX2pfeXBNcGVzY2xEUHJEVkJRZFZVdz09 | 598 |
[removed] | r/actuallesbians | post | r/actuallesbians | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYZGVvcFV4M0FZSGxLUlhheVVFYjhlNExIemh2cXhNX0VSWG56c3FGR1hpMEExRktYLXR5TmRWQTZHSEdjWDY4QW5lQXpVdkR1UEE0Tzk0TThOZXgtTEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRabUNUUm8wNVRYaXdKaF9nTFExSUN0TG9KTzZ3LWNaTVdlQjk2N3BsakRnSDFZQkkzcTR6SzRlT1g2ekZmdnc0eUg5RDg4UHhWWlh0dmRmSzNxRjBRMFZtbW5mTG56WTVBZ0s0Mll2OTd0bEdSQTV6WFllcWJEWU9SdTBDTUNLMHdCeWRuX3RDcFNOWXoyUTZ4dDljR3NlMEJtZ2JqRWRvY2liMF95bHdxeDJ5NUQ5ZFFwVU9pc2p6TFp2eWVVcE85 | 600 |
[removed] | r/actuallesbians | post | r/actuallesbians | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYak9FX2xCSzdIb0poTVpoNEpyQ1NQSmZVMFJ2MU1oSjQyRW9CVVAwVEVMMVRqM3FSZEZSQWNhdlQxLThuaW1BdGtCenFCM05OWW55czVPejBackd1aEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaTWFsc3l4R0JOOHF4bEVySkxnTk9RNUpqbGtmNXAzTTQyV3Z2aF80UVdobFF3Q19WNjBRZUQyOUU2RGoyXzNpUjRRcnJfZllMS3JzMnY2U2JpTk1nbDJrMU9TTEFZcE5sWHhhRE5NZ1d2QXF0b29WeTJvOWFkMzFuT3lYeHVyYkN3MVFCblVmNERuVm1VdlR6bm9ScE96bkZfcHlfNS1FTEEtYThadlJZV0FkMzZuZTBfcXFBY1VQNzhpOW1yS2xT | 602 |
[deleted] | r/actuallesbians | post | r/actuallesbians | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYakEzUWVFaUw2OS1BMGdhQ1hHOUtkenNQTzJ0MFVDY3ppQjZkT2JGVEpzbUF4dEUwRzlSMmtpczhXd0J6akgxNzlUU3lmWFRqNEMzVUxWa0xheGVrUnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaV1FpVmRkSEdrT1U5eng4SmpxX0JkZlpZVWpsay1yWTlkbUttUl8xVkhFSlJkUWFJOThXcy1RaWF5RENTQWZZSC1QTWt4WDJZYl9BaG9sQU1lTGgtekdiZU9UU1JmOGdxRkxWeW5raXhKbHNBckNtMVdsOENKZW1uVE1XSk8zd25FMjVQbW5fZ25xbDZNVF8zV3E1Tjlyb3d4YllNZHVSNklyLXNLWmw3TUcxUEtxRG16U3JCYjFYY3o1RmNBSHd6N0dmb3N5SHEwdjM0UFI3UFdXWFFVUT09 | 604 |
I literally have this song on repeat!
“I see her in the back of my mind (back of my mind)
All the time (all the time)
Feels like a fever (like a fever), like I'm burning alive (burning alive)
Like a sign” | r/actuallesbians | post | r/actuallesbians | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYX1gwZ2pmS043M1N1VXgyRlROWjRicG5lSGFSR3A2WHFfRHNkTHhEWUtQNGVESjhQSnM1NFRNS2dsTE5yYjJ5NHFpeDRGYnlUaFdCWXNrbjdjYWhGQXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaVGFEbmFTLS14ckhxNlhwYUlvRk5lR0VDU2ZhOVYwSFVGb0p4NkdObkhDTlk3RzktOFF4VUZZXzUwSFFuVjdPN0xVUlpaMVEtOUlRLXFieWVybzRXemdXd0FPdXdDZXAzejZWZFN2emFjb3lZclY1dmx6ZTdITEdCQnFIb3E4SjlDQjdKRW9SRlh0SmNKU1BPX0pRVnNwQkEtVTFXRjl2ZE82OTFQSEdqY09sNFFVTk1PN1pYYTVPNGxtcHRDUWhVbHdNN3hCT1ZMRFg3dEZ0LXFBcW1rdz09 | 605 |
Not in any particular order
1. Costance Wu (loved her as Jessica Huang)🙈
2. Olivia Wilde ( Thirteen in House M.D ) literally 😮💨🥵
3.Keira Knightley ( Elizabeth Swann) my lesbian awakening 🌚
4.Lisa Edelstein (Cuddy in House M.D) choke me mommy 🛐
5.Julie Bowen (Claire in Modern Family) wheres my Claire 🫠
| r/actuallesbians | post | r/actuallesbians | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYVWZnYWJZeEVoMjFqeEQwV3NRZzdRWTdaVk05Qk43X0Z0b3JvNWF6YThORGNpMkpwZjc3cGZJLWxRb2pVamZKdVpaS3BaRHEzbDdyZF8wa0dEM29rdFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaUnpMSjAyZ0k4aWxmRVd2REEteEgzc25IY0gtUjBjaHZLODY3SU1TdEQ2TzNyMHZtekhkbzhoUVZhV0RlMFpiREh2VUJxTUxtalpEcE04Z0Q0YWJxaklsWlgwWUpDSm55WjdMVGY2VmUyQmp6VWhSQnV1aHRNTzlVWjZDaDE1ZGdoRnRQMGtTeDZLb3dVSlFZNF93eFlGTmE3NmFGdW1mczZrek9PeF80N05sYzRxVWE2cTZ0ZEtWcG9LY1R1Uk1sdEtTVC1nOV8wNW8zVmJEWXRGN280QT09 | 606 |
Omg i recently went to the club and oh my god I met the most beautiful woman I have ever met she was a stud. I already knew I liked women but I have never had a first sight love moment like that. She was clean shy and stylish and I still think about her. I did approach her and tell her that’s she looks so good and kept it at that but as the night went by I was like I have to shoot my shot and she was TAKEN :( my first love lol ik I’m being delusional but idc I’m high in love with stud women and I’m telling the world!! | r/actuallesbians | post | r/actuallesbians | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYWmtiRmNUM3YxR3FlRlA4eHRUS2J6VllVTTF4X1liVWt3dkV1bU1JRVloQnVTd05ZNnV5SlhYWXQzOFZKMDBpbE9QZUJPTHZPWmtVQktqaVNGeHZDYnE4N3hjNmplSm1xS0lZU2xpMjdfamc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaaFRfcHFRczU1NWFpcnBCbzBoNm9GMWlSYmRCZ2JRTDdfR3dDeTl6V1NYSmJQbnBXUl9MekdtQmJNTnRybVhnZVdtV25Mblp5aU14NVdtbkNrN21HU1hPX0dZc0lscWR0VE1qQm9kTVRoUWZhTEpVYlVXYm5yVWpDd2lJblZLQVkzdFBEcjI5QU5SR2R3T1RlSFlJcFJqTGNrWEh3Yk1CWnctb1ViVEdlUlVYbHdvYldhS0J6aWYyRnZiTjU3UW95 | 607 |
Recently I introduced my gf to one of my married friends. They both seemed to like each other and I was super happy. However, they’ve been getting really close and I’m not sure if this is normal (I’ve never been in this position before lol).
Lately I’ve been noticing that my friend has been texting my gf a lot, which is fine. Sending her memes and whatever. But I overlooked my gf’s shoulder today and saw my friend sent her a really long paragraph which felt strange to me since they only met one time. But the paragraph started with “Hey! I was wondering if…” and then I couldn’t read the rest bc my gf noticed me and started talking to me. I don’t think it’s a case of cheating bc my friend knows how in love me and my gf are, I think I have a fear that they’re talking about me.
They don’t really have a lot in common together besides knowing me so it has me really curious what they’re talking about. They both like Pokémon but I couldn’t imagine that starting a long paragraph.
Is this something I should bring up to them or am I being irrational and overthinking it? Ig worse case scenario is they’re talking shit lol. I’ve also just been super anxious lately so I could just be seeing this wrong.
TIA! | r/actuallesbians | post | r/actuallesbians | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYYUI4SGdTc0tNZkJhckVXZWx0bEtQOG10SDRSc3otcVcyYl9ObU1na0tRQ1Jvdnlhdzd5Q2tNVkFxYUttdy1pbjZ6MWJZN21QQVpUUmlGdkctelBNNFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaenhDZ2liWS1GSVJNN29rTHNJb2dONS1FOVNYX204Uk9wT1BuWHo4WHNNaDM1R3pqVnlHdExaa1BJMXEzSGpGOWFCclBwS01KOFVkSmwtRUhfLVdTVVRzdFNTV0c2U2RXTjAyRGNLVUViSnVwYUtSQzR1ay1hRm9iWG95ZTNxbEN6SllrZXQ2U04xcExDSDJmd2pPem51SFB2b0ItNXEzVlVGYk02bWFiY1lvPQ== | 608 |
[deleted] | r/actuary | post | r/actuary | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYODd3R2hzM0FQV2E4dmozVVNYNUJWdmttYW5lZDBqVGhEU1dVMVB6VktqTFRhSDVrMExaSFZ6YVFoU29LRklLbnRES1BmUzhEWXFYSVZnbTJNT2k2VWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRadzVqS2xObXFnRzhnV2Yxb0gzb01YY1lfLUcwN1l6RmZnMzlWVkowNkQ1Zl9Vd2x3b0VLdkNESWF1R3Y4WlNGTHQzRXM4NUo4MDI2LXZZYXpZbTZqMU1sRGhER1BveGJlMU9JbF9qeUNxT2lVaTRjaFcxdG8xRlVNdXBPZEhYWURtVWxKUWxsdGxPX0JhZjk2N0pEaXZyWHhRMHZNSnh1QlA2VjVCQmMzRXFvPQ== | 610 |
Hi all!
I just accepted an entry-level risk job offer for a Model Analytics/Market Risk position at a life insurance company. I've never worked in the insurance industry, but I am equipped with finance/derivative/programming skills.
**Just wondering if there are any genuine resources (YouTube/books/web) that teach about general life insurance product structure/risk profile from an insurance company perspective.**
How do life insurance/annuity providers **retain and delegate risk**? My guess is that one course provided by SOA would include such information. But I need help with a clear direction!
Thank you all! | r/actuary | post | r/actuary | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYbGxlZ3U4XzZwMEVzQnUwZXdpa01QT056TXFqQ240MFdMZ2lGQmFVYUxUU1hkTVdzMC1MeVBQVmYyNDZvazdmSVYtMFVyS29CdUFHTE5mU3gwbkNhX3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRadTFOTDY0dU45MnZHdm01TkJ2QURhZzQ2eXVKenJuOGFwM2xvQ1FQSGRRNS01UWNWTE1POUo5Y3BZaWtZaERiRmJ1cEQ3R1lmX3FKS1pYellyOHBFR0ZCZUNLc1lPN2NvWGU4UExlaWlsNEY0RmtfSTBWZ2pwdDlqeW9OcWRQZXpxa1BkX0pLUGcwbzAzTlFPLVVHRHJJS1VleGt4VDdkOUNib3k1ZWcwbW9URlFyUkdLczFfcWlIY3lHNXJqTWJO | 611 |
In the US | r/acupuncture | post | r/acupuncture | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYMURsZk9VMTdlNDFXck1hdVpXRG1oYVRwU1BOVWo0M1dLOWIzamE1NmdVaG1qWWR5amJqcG81d0ctMTRtVUVlOWZtTTdqak0zVEpDM3ZCcGVxenFaY3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaOVdfblVVeVJnajlUMVhIaGdtUDNrLXNpQ2JHYXplOFl5Und2eXFhMm5lNUpOTlB6ekFxY0l5ZFFURDg3cHI3Rnk2c1FKdnhlQzRMWkMtMF9sRnhDRkY0MU9yWTJ6dnVJUHlEV0dNa0paOFBNMEZaVzE4ZVVrd3BpSHd2RnFGUXJ2VFl0R0xId3VuR2RxbFp2Q0tySzhqUDZJdkVHN29ncjY5V0NHSDdrSnBBYjNtTHl5VUdEYUY5NW93NXozWTg4QzE2OWZrbkUwZ3J2SzRDSTlUWHhTUT09 | 612 |
I bought the car in late July and have had CONSTANT issues with a variety of clicking and rattling noises coming from the interior. Specifically with the steering wheel (plastic A spec badge, plastic frame/brace, and the airbag holder “clips”, etc. as the dealer tells me) and then the driver’s door panel somewhere around the handle-lock/window control-speaker after driving the car more than an hour. The car is barely 3 months/5,200 miles old and I’ve already had 4 service appointments for the issues. The issues were reported from on day #2 after driving off the lot. One dealer is stumped (the dealer I bought it from) and “not sure” if ordering a new steering wheel set will solve it and they are even trying to refer/push me to another dealer to see if a second set of eyes can find the root cause.
I have shown them video after video as proof of the noise. This has to be some sort of a warranty issue/manufacturer defect, right? Any pointers in the right direction would help!
Oh, and this is after 1) the gear control box had an awful ticking noise (that was eventually fixed after not having my car for 2 weeks) 2) I’m still waiting on a replacement taillight to arrive as one was ordered from the dealer because the ones on the vehicle were two entirely different shades from the time of purchase. 3) on the night I was going to purchase the new car, the salesman was taking my trade-in car to their used lot and backed up and hit the brand new vehicle and tried to sell that to me. For additional discounts off the sale price, they agreed to get the car fixed under the radar, and when went back to the dealer a week later to pick it up, they missed a 3” long dent in the hood. I deemed the car cursed and demanded a new one off the truck where I again had to wait 2 weeks. So rest assured, I’ve absolutely had it with Acura and their “quality” of a $70k SUV. | r/acura | post | r/Acura | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYTVNDT0xpSXRkdTZEMVQ3elpnME9fcVhOYWFSaVVQVHV3Y1dFYUNRZU81b2pKbXJSd1NSdmR1a1g4dU4wMEQ1MV9YcjJ3ZEx5b0thUDloeXk4c2V5TVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaSnA0dTc1TTBEQVRwbXNlZGVaZVRxVVpEeTBYMUF4cTVpV2U4QTFKZFg0QlVCU0ZyTFBINXVJOWFUUWRNUE02TVJ5SERBbXprZHJDanl4WmhHQVU5QzB1OVk2OF96c2NNVUUxXzJYNzdBaTRqY3d2OUpsbzQ3LXA0b2NvemtHUDBRV3k5NFVocjZ4WVBPY2JSWG9VS0JrUWo3MTk4QU4wLXZ6STBMRGd5dEp2elg5X09OUzRiR1o4MVlzMHFabFUx | 613 |
i have a check emissions and vsa light on and whenever my car gets to around 4000rpm and 52-53 mph the engine stutters and i have rough idling. changed sparks and coils. if anyone has had this same issue lmk the fix or if i should just move onto a new car | r/acuratl4g | post | r/AcuraTL4G | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYSHBxc1dOaFpSaThuSHo5VEY3SXNWT1c0MENjb3dyMl8xWENjVGxPV3o0REh6QVNlZURfdEZ6SUVUQlRsQkU1QnlVUlItaDNqX1k1dEdDN2FfdzBnUnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaeHVCRjg1UklqWmhYMVFRNEoyZXplMnNFbi1fM3gzUXFFTHp6R2JKVWJnMThkMWdPV05LZDJqZTZ0OGl3SG9DVUU1REVNVllpcGt1azFwOVQ3N0s2Tm9Hdm1sSzltcnMzN3p1UERFT3ROLVFUYzlmOTVEYjRSNVlIbjFsdEs0cnZVbTBUaUVFRDZxNXdnUEd0eFhjc0RWc0VXTExsZlVsV0thRktUejZfTmZFPQ== | 614 |
Picked up the ZDX Aspec model last week -NY - $500 month for 27 months with $2500 to the dealer to drive the car off the lot- 10k/ year miles- Acura included a level 2 charger and $500 to get it installed which I haven’t done yet since I had one already - does this lease price sound right or did dealer make out with all the incentives they received? | r/acurazdx | post | r/AcuraZDX | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYLVF1X3hJbmhxT3FjcGR4c0VkUzdPN1BHVjVqenpmMzllZXJYXzZ2bXlZbHJDRXVrS01Ea3Zjc2p0NEt6ZWJGSHJwaWlnalhWeTczZDE0U0lUbThSQnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaX2syc2JvVzYzVlpNeUt4T3hnZl8tOHJza1lLRm91VlM0UG10bkxsOGt6QVk5YTFEa3gxel9vUWcwQ1YyU19nMG1pM3ZkQm1HQWpkZDFpMFdCTkYzMWROZWdqdWs4c2NnWWRNbEZEenpvY1cyQW80ZXdJdWEyeXNoeHVmdnlDY3ZjaVFrbG5WQTFhRlluT1ZFcXlwTEVnPT0= | 615 |
Would love to meet up | r/ad_gonewild | post | r/AD_GoneWild | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYekd3N1pNN21NbWhJZnJ3YnY5ZGhZZlVVSGFkYVlQQzNfZGwwaklhZ0pZNEpKZmdNYUNEMm4tMDA1VkM5MkZkM1FKcU02Q2cwdW5UMktBeVpkVi04Q3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaQ1lHcm5SLW9uZnBEUGZyemV1UHVJTklRYUxtY2cyS3BpWHduY0IwS1pCcFk1eEpFUkxDbjFWWUxkVDVUNlBPclJPMVdrSEdRY3BkUG1KSW1WNnBKaWZYYWIwSjRaRXR4eU1wS2FVMUdMblhzZFB6YkFaT01zVjRmZGVaNTExUTFDV1VhSkJNSkRmd1pkWklkZHBvdGJUR3ZWNUFPaUtIbFgtX3JYUUx5aGlYZjMtWWI0V0FzZV9jN1FyNm5MRUhK | 616 |
I’m looking for an ADAT study partner, I’m wanting to write the exam April/May 2025.
Please let me know if you’re interested.
Thank You | r/adat | post | r/ADAT | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYMnZOaVUyWU1aTlFzQmxXYTc3U05adTNyU2dZcjloRk4xa2NYU2Zyam5xNGVCd2NBa3FKb0Uzd2VPQXpwTjQ2YzRtM1JyOTFGNDlsaVR0dXh2anExRGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRaZ0hleHJ2ajgyT0lpQmNUQnhTSnRyVS1hQW5wYU5OWVZ2TDZpTnZ2bUFGZnlyMHJWYm00M2RZZTQ3S0dycW52bmUwa3BCR2duUjVQenNZRWlyN29RN0RwMUNYR2RhV0JRMHRucTR5V1Z3WHl0eGFGUTZibGxYanBoejlxTk13cXVWMW93cS0yVkd0eXQ4NEhTXzd4QW5BT1h5SldDQ3BiaGR3RXQwRkxpbzJJPQ== | 618 |
[removed] | r/addons4kodi | post | r/Addons4Kodi | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYZ3N1VEJSV3dSeHFDMko0eGVmOFpQMUZtaW1kbGFuQkZ1SzZnRHFZUUtEUVpPRmFKZGVOQWtXTk81QjFrYi1JVW9FeXlNMnR4YlhES0diNmFkQjhzeHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRabnZkRVJGYU5TQ05DTVRHaVA1WUg5LU5BZ1F3c0pkT1VrVVItZlRKSGwxTVFBb0lrSml1d0JiT1Q2SjJzSW11cFRXVHQyZVM1TUhyXzJuWUFBNWVhQUJqWEg2U29xdmhOQ3VHdFNhdjdKUFpndWJFZDh6QzFmb2c0R2dyaDV1Y2RXc0U5V2JNNFlNTFJYeWdMSEg3OW02djRjNmVWMmZQS2dFTl9uN2ZhWkxNPQ== | 627 |