Can I kick out my father for being a hoarder and actively affecting my mental health?
My father is pretty much straight out of that one TV show that showcases how concerningly hoarders live. Fortunately, my mother kept him in check ....up until she passed away. And that's when he started filling up his room with trash and clothes. We live in a small apartment, me, my 12yo sister and my 60+ yo father (can't remember his age, he doesn't celebrate his birthday). Even though we have 2 rooms, I'm forced to live cramped in with my sister in the smaller room. We're also forced to store some stuff in the kitchen, and haven't had access to our balcony in about 3 years because that's also connected to the living room (my father's room). He also doesn't clean up after himself after eating so the kitchen becomes a disgusting mess really fast, and I haven't made food in there for months because I hate even being there. My father also shaves in the kitchen and does repair work bc the only non-cluttered place in the living room is the sofa he sleeps on. I can't live like this. My depression is getting worse and worse bc he's the one who calls the shots around here and I feel like I can't do anything about living like this anymore, I feel trapped and many times have wished I was born into a normal living situation. I'm only 20 and I already want to die. A few days ago my friends gave me some advice though - the apartment is legally owned by me. My father arranged for that to be the case for some reason after my mother died. And he actually legally lives in another address entirely, an apartment that he already filled to the brim with junk, an apartment with no working shower or washing machine but his own apartment nonetheless. He's certainly the one who pays the bills for my apartment, but that's all he does around here. I've had to become the parent replacement for my sister, to earn money and make sure she eats and showers. A role I never asked for, but I'm just providing to her what my parents never did for me. So my question is, where should I start legal procedures to make him either clean up or move out? And just wondering if this is even something that's possible to take legal action against... I'm not informed enough and don't feel like I have any authority over him. I live in Estonia if that helps. TLDR: father has been hoarding things for 5 years in apartment legally owned by me, has filled the entire living room almost up to the ceiling, where should I start legal procedures to make him clean up or force him to move to his other apartment?
You need r/legaladviceEU for specifics. But presumably you can evict your father. If he pays all the bills, you should have something figured out before doing so. You should probably contact your country's child protective services regarding the conditions your sister lives in and will be forced to move to if your father goes that route. Depending on exactly how old your father is and his mental state, there may be adult protective services that you can call. Your father needs help.
My dad gave me a cosmetic chin surgery at age 16
[http://tinypic.com/r/2qkpcbb/9](http://tinypic.com/r/2qkpcbb/9) \- age 17 [http://i64.tinypic.com/j9u1ch.jpg](http://i64.tinypic.com/j9u1ch.jpg) \- age 17 [http://i67.tinypic.com/2ylqnh4.jpg](http://i67.tinypic.com/2ylqnh4.jpg) \- age 28 [http://i64.tinypic.com/33c7jnp.jpg](http://i64.tinypic.com/33c7jnp.jpg) \- age 28 When I was 11 my mom took me to an orthodontist who talked about teeth extraction and surgery. She stayed. When I was 12 she took me to get my 4 bicuspids pulled out. I eventually had my wisdom teeth pulled out. I have 24 teeth in my mouth. I started developing an open bite problem and my face grew down instead of forward. When I was 16 my parents gave me double jaw surgery and a cosmetic chin surgery because my dad thought i had a "profile issue". I also had my anterior nasal spine removed... and my nasal passage was shaved on the sides to make it wider. This was the surgical correction for an open bite. When I turned 28 this year, I got the upper screws removed.... spend 2K for the surgery (parents didn't help) and suddenly my nose worked for what felt like the first time in my life. I was 100% a mouth breather before and I didn't realize it because you only have one face. I used to be so sick before and the metal was slowly poising me. Now I am determined to get the rest of the metal out of my lower jaw but it's hard to find a surgeon in the Bay Area who accepts Medi-Cal. I also don't know what the fxck happened to my chin and am pretty devastated I haven't been able to apply any pressure on it since I had the original surgery. My parents say they don't regret what they did and that I need to move on and stop blaming others for my problems. They offer me no solutions and won't even go to a free of charge doctors appointment with me so they can have a better understanding of how my tongue no longer fits in my mouth and how I stop breathing in the middle of the night at times. I have a couple different issues since they were quick to rush into surgery. The orthodontist stated I was done growing at age 14 actually but they had to wait a couple years for the surgery either way. WHO THINKS A CHILD IS DONE GROWING??? I was no where near done growing, it's why I'm in so much pain now that my body and face finally wanted to grow! He said since I had gotten my period for two years and my show size hadn't changed that I had stopped. I actually grew in height at age 18 and have collected all of my medical records and have documented proof i wasn't done growing. I require at least 1-3 more surgeries and extensive orthodontic work to open the extraction spaces back up and I want their financial help but they refuse and withhold everything from me. I have had 3 major X-rays taken of my face. The recovery time for these surgeries is about a month and your mouth goes numb. The image I posted is the best one that shows off the chin that my dad told the surgeon to give me. At 16 years old I had never kissed a guy yet or even had a job. I truly am ready to press charges on everyone lol. Does anyone have any information for me to help me? I'm pretty depressed over this and it is part of my identity unfortunately. The worst part about this is that I didn't ask for any of it... and now in my 20s I am sick and spending my free time in hospitals and having screw removal surgeries. I literally have a smile from hell. My teeth are on top of each other and I have huge gaps on the sides of my mouth because I am supposed to have a wider smile and more than 24 teeth in my mouth. Everything involving my mouth is difficult.
It's been 11 years since the surgery. The statute of limitations has passed for medical malpractice. Plus medical malpractice is very case specific and is hard to prove. As for your parents, it sounds like they were trying to act in your best interest by fixing what the doctors saw a problem. If after 11 years you wish to change surgery then it should be on you.Answer #2: You appear from the fourth photo, to me at least, to be a normal looking person. Parents can't just order surgeons to perform cosmetic surgery. There must have been a perceived medical need. Has any medical professional told you that the metal has been poisoning you? More importantly, have you ever seen a counselor about your concerns? Answer #3: This sounds like something you could work through with a therapist, if you have no legal recourse. Answer #4: Not really legal advice, but surgical metal is not poisoning you, that's not how that works. So at least you can feel better knowing it's not detrimental to your health.
My friend was arrested for "promotion or possession of child pornography"
The report says he shared a handful of images on Pinterest. Then they arrest him and basically ruin his life and job. My question is, do they look into if an account was hacked before arresting people? I know my friend is not stupid enough to share child pornography via Pinterest. I just can't believe they would ruin my friend's life for what obviously sounds like a hacked account. I understand there is still a chance he did it, but my question right now is: What legal recourse for damages does he have if he is proved innocent? Per the rules here is what I found on the statute: > Texas Penal Code Title 9. Offenses against public order and decency. Chapter 43. Public Indecency Sec. 43.26. Topic: Criminal Law
> I know my friend is not stupid enough to share child pornography via Pinterest. Said every friend of every suspect arrested for a child porn offense ever. "It wasn't me, I was hacked" is a pretty common defense. It's nearly never true. He probably has no recourse for damages. The burden of proof for an arrest is "probable cause." That's a pretty low standard.
Relative quit job due to hostile working environment
Hello, ​ Thank you for taking the time to read this. This is a very fresh issue for my family that still has me seething so I'm posting about it here to find out what legal steps can be taken. ​ So my mother is going through Chemo for Colon Cancer and trying to work at the same time. She's not able to work most of the week of her infusion and is bringing home very little money. She's not perfect at her secretary job but every little mistake she makes is being put onto Facebook by her boss (She's FB friends with him) without her name being used so she can see it. Last week our house was hit by a vehicle (DUI and texting guy), a building engineer had to come out to verify that the part of the house that was condemned was sturdy enough for people to go in to empty the room. Now today she was at work dealing with a problem customer and put the customer on hold to transfer them to the office manager and got a call on her cell from the company that is working with us to empty the damaged room and get it repaired. After 30 seconds on the phone she hung up and decided that she could deal with the problem customer and took the customer off hold and helped them. Her boss posted to FB "When your Secretary puts a customer on hold to answer her cell phone.... We're about done." that my mother can see and can also see all the nasty comments being left by different people(most being customers) that aren't aware of the situation. This is not a one off thing and has happened on multiple occasions where she's made a mistake. ​ Should she see a lawyer about workplace harassment or bullying? Is there some other means of going after this guy cause I can't stand listening to her cry wondering how she's going to pay her bills and still afford to do her Chemo treatments?
Nothing illegal happened. She *did* put the customer on hold to answer her phone. Even if she didn't, it seems like she did and they are allowed to comment on that. They are allowed to talk shit about her on facebook due to her mistakes.Answer #2: Hostile work environment is a very different thing than you describe. Her employer not being nice or posting mistakes on facebook isn't legally actionable, though it is unprofessional. Your mother could file for unemployment while seeking a new job.Answer #3: A hostile work environment is one where you're targeted due to belonging to a protected class. It's perfectly legal for your mother's boss to post passive aggressively about her mistakes and shortcomings as an employee, and even fire her for them.
Suspended from Amazon based entirely on one *BOGUS* "counterfeit items" allegation. The accuser uses this tactic in order to fix prices.
https://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/B008B91KH4 If you attempt to undercut their price, you will be summarily suspended from Amazon. ...This happened to me a year-and-a-half ago. My appeal was denied. The price of this item hasn't budged in all that time.
I have an idea! You should buy a unique domain name, create some logos/branding, build a user friendly ecommerce solution, invest a few hundred million dollars in marketing, add your products to this platform at the price you want to sell it at, and then profit! Or you know, you can follow Amazon's rules. Answer #2: Are you just sharing this story for the hell of it, or do you actually have a legal question?
Discussing salary with coworkers (hypothetical)
Theoretically, at a job I don't mind losing, could I lie to my coworkers saying I was hired at a higher salary than I was, in an attempt to give my coworkers leverage to demand a higher salary from the company? When the boss says he doesn't actually pay me that much, it's his word vs mine.
Sure. You can generally legally lie to your coworker about what you make. But I would expect your coworker to be extremely upset when they make a fool of themselves based on your lies and don't get the hoped for raise.
Leveraging a landlord to install security
I'm in South Dakota in case that's relevant. Two nights ago someone stole my motorcycle. Last night they broke into my car. I spoke to my landlord about getting cameras installed and he seemed really passive about it and like he's going to just stall on it till the problem goes away. What kind of control do I have here? If I can't get him to install cameras is there a way I can get out of my lease without paying a cancellation fee or losing my deposit? If I can't get cameras installed I'm moving ASAP to some place more secure. I've already lost well over a thousand dollars to theft in the last 2 days. I can't be sitting out in the lot all night watching everyone's cars. Additionally does anyone know if renters insurance would help me out in any way here? I'm pretty sure it won't cover my motorcycle but I would like to know if it would cover emergency toolbox stolen from my car as it had a lot of valuable tools in it. Any advice would be appreciated.
Your landlord has no control over what happens outside the apartment. He isn't liable and you can't use it as a reason to break your lease.
Mortgage Co canceled my wind coverage but continued to collect for it. Wind coverage policy dead in the water now and new policy is more than double the old one.
I pay into an escrow account for my insurance (hazard and wind - I live in S Florida so I need the wind) and the mortgage co never paid my wind coverage, leading to it being canceled. They continued to collect into escrow until this month (the policy canceled in Jan). The only new policy I can find is more than double the cost of the one they canceled (due to non payment). Am I now required to pay the new insurance premium ($4500 a year - no possessions covered - up from $2100)? Are they liable in any way? I can't afford the new coverage but can't find anything cheaper. Thanks ahead of time for your advice in how I should handle this. I'll answer questions as promptly as I can.
Two clarification questions. 1. To make sure I'm getting the payment setup right. The money goes you->mortgage company -> insurance? If so, double check your agreement with the mortgage company to make sure there is a reference to the wind coverage. 2. Aside from price and insurer, is the new policy you found identical to the old?
Is it true that some European nations don't make American expats pay child support?
I'm moving to France from Boston Mass.
It can make enforcement difficult enough that they don't do anything about you not paying, but be ready to be arrested the moment you come back to the US
(TX) Friend in car accident with no car insurance
My friend recently moved to TX and she just got her car shipped over. She was driving it to do some groceries and got Tboned. Her car got totaled. It was her parent's beater that was gifted to her and she hasn't got insurance on it yet. The police marked it as "failed to yield". She was at a stopped sign and looked both ways and saw no cars then proceeded to move forward to make a left turn, other car came out of nowhere around a bend smashed into her side door upwards to the wheel. Is there anything she can do or is she SOL? She just moved here and don't have much savings. Please help!
If she was ticketed for failing to yield in an accident and didn't have insurance, there is really nothing she can do except perhaps retain an attorney to represent her in the settlement of the property damage which the other driver's insurance is likely to believe she is liable for. Driving without insurance can be a *very* expensive mistake, both in terms of the property damage you are without coverage for, and in terms of the legal fees in getting to a resolution on the matter.
[SOUTH CAROLINA] Sexting Scam Update: I just received a picture of an alleged arrest warrant.
This is a follow-up post to one of my [previous posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/4c1xrd/minnesota_sexting_underage_girl_scam/) regarding a supposed scam that seemed quite obvious that it was, indeed a scam. After careful consideration, I thought the evidence was overwhelmingly on the side of it being a scam. However, I received a text from the same number as the "dad" from the previous post even after telling me that he would "leave me alone" with a picture of an arrest warrant claiming it is for me. Unfortunately, the pic he sent is extremely blurry and I am unable to make out any of the print; only the general layout/format of the warrant. It does seem like one issued from the state of South Carolina, however where my name should be, it looks like a different name. I am unable to tell much detail from this. Of course this initially scared me and was wondering if you think it's just a scare tactic on his part. Should I be worried? Do citizens have access to police-issued arrest warrants? Do arrest warrants made in one state get carried over to a different state? How long do I have (if this is real) until police come knocking on my door? I am still convinced this is a scam, but this is awfully unsettling. What is suspicious is why he would even send me a pic, and why it's so blurry.
Just stop. It's a scam.Answer #2: >if you think it's just a scare tactic on his part. Yes. Fear is an essential element of extortion. >Should I be worried? No. It's a scam. >Do citizens have access to police-issued arrest warrants? No. > How long do I have (if this is real) until police come knocking on my door? Forever, because the police aren't coming. There is no dad. There is no daughter. There are no police. There is only the scammer. >why he would even send me a pic Because the scammer wants your money. >and why it's so blurry. To obfuscate the fact that it's not real.
Assualted in California last night. Girlfriend was a witness what can I do?
Pretty simple, a friend of a friend of ours who claims I owe him 10$ assualted me last night. More accurately the man who claims I owe him the money had his friend assault me. When we left the bar we were at they followed us out and then after yelling and cussing at us his friend pushed me violently 3 times. One of the times hitting me in the face with his fist as he pushed me. There is no video proof but I have multiple witnesses. I am not injured in anyway but I have a feeling this is going to happen again as we commonly go out to this bar. What can I do if I was to call the police today, the day after, could I get him in trouble with just a witness? Is pushing someone in the manner he did enough to warrant police action. I have never delt with something like this and would really appreciate your advice reddit. Does there have to be video evidence of the assault or are witnesses sufficient. Regards.
You can call the police. Let them decide if they wish to investigate
Possession of a legally prescribed medication outside of original container while driving and/or outside of residence.
I am prescribed Xanax by my doctor for anxiety/panic attacks. I am prescribed them on an as needed basis. There is no certain time I take them, only when I feel like I need it, not to exceed dosage. I have a small pill container I carry in my pocket everywhere I go with a couple pills in it, no more than 2mg at a time. I was reading the local news paper and read that a woman was found with four pills for pain in her car and was charged with "possession of a schedule IV controlled substance". Is this something I should worry about? Am I not allowed to possess medication that was legally prescribed to me outside of its labeled container? I live in North Carolina. Topic: Drug Possession
Ask your pharmacy for a small travel pill container with your prescription label on it.Answer #2: You need to have your prescriptions labelled properly, how else are the police going to know how prescribed them and not just some pull popping junky?
[FL] my complex returns packages addressed to me to sender because it is addressed to my middle name
I signed my lease at FirstName LastName, but they have my drivers license, and SSN on file both of which list my name as First Middle LastName. I have made it clear that I go by MiddleName LastName, I pay rent as MiddleName LastName, they have a note in their system stating such. The front office says they can’t give me packages or mail addressed to MiddleName LastName because it’s not my first name, file it as not addressed to a resident and it is sent back to sender. Can they do this?
You may want to either use your first name for packages or find an alternate place to ship them. INAl but unless specified in the lease, I don't think they have any duty to hold parcels for you.
My friends psychiatrist is telling him the Third Eye is real, is that legal? [New Zealand]
So one of my friends has completely lost the plot, that is seriously the only way I know how to explain it, he’s twisted. He use to be normal, now he’s not. (I’ll refer to him as John) This has been going on for a couple of months now but he says things like “this is going to sound weird bro, but I can see Angels and stuff, I see big flashes of lights and that’s the angels showing themselves to me”. You can barely hold conversations with him. My other mates were mid conversation and John yells out “6s and 7s, they’ll get you alright” and we were just like “what the fuck are you on about?”, “John replies “in the after life, watch out for 8s and 9s as well”. Just fucked shit like that, completely out of the blue. Also has said to people “I can see bad vibes all around you, I can see the ferries around your head”. You get the point, there’s something not right in his head. We don’t know what’s caused it, but he’s smoked his fair share of pot and also had his fair share of molly, but so have most of my mates and we are all fine. He’s also had cancer when he was young and had to go through chemo etc so I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s played a part. Anyway he was telling me a couple days ago that he’s started going to a psychiatrist, I’m thinking great, he’s trying to sort himself out, good start. Then he proceeds to tell me his psychiatrist has told him the Third Eye is real and he really can see angels and ferries, WHAT THE FUCK. Is this legal? Can we put a stop to that?
If you think the rest of what he says isn't true, why are you believing what he says about the psychiatrist?Answer #2: It is very common for a severely mentally ill person to lie to friends and family and claim that their medical providers told them everything was fine. That is what the other comment that you got offended about was getting at. When you have an obviously delusional person suffering from hallucinations claiming that their psychiatrist buys into their crazy Occam’s razor suggests the patient is lying. I hope your friend gets properly treated and has a good recovery.
Quit claim deed? Help plz!
I’m using my friend’s account to ask this. I’ve been legally separated but not divorced for 4 years. We were married 18 years prior to the separation. Our divorce is extremely contentious; I was a SAHM for 15 years; we have 3 children together plus I have a daughter from a prior relationship. there’s huge custody issues and parental alienation (on his part) so I don’t have any trust in him. My ex-husband makes good money (he’s an attorney, although not currently practicing) and I get a small amount of alimony from him. I’m a self-employed housekeeper now. I pay him child support. The whole thing has been a nightmare and that’s one reason we haven’t finalized the divorce. Not sure any of this is relevant but it’s a little history. He’s buying a house and has asked me to sign (notarized) a Quit Claim Deed on the house he’s purchasing. We are legally separated and there’s no joint property; this is a house he’s buying right now. I don’t fully understand why I have to sign this since it’s not joint property; but maybe I don’t understand what a Quit Claim Deed is. Can anyone explain it to me and tell me the pros/cons of signing it? I have an attorney but she’s on maternity leave & he wants an answer immediately. I’m nervous to sign something for him since historically he’s untrustworthy. Thank you in advance!
He is buying property while you are still married. So you have a legal interested in that property. DO NOT sign anything until talking to an attorney. Hard stop. Wait until you can talk to your attorney. His waiting is his problem. Not yours.
Adopted puppy did not receive shots and was determined to be 4 weeks old instead of the advertised 8.
Edit: This is in California btw Hello. So my friend adopted a puppy (I think a golden retriever/poodle mix) and almost immediately the dog started getting sick so she took it to the vet and the vet said that due to its dental records, it was clear the puppy was only 4-5 weeks old even though in the Craiglist ad, the owner said he was 8 weeks (the age when puppies don't need nursing from their mothers anymore). A couple of days later the dog started getting worse so they took it back to the vet and it was diagnosed with Parvo which is a fatal disease that dogs are vaccinated for but since this dog was only 4-5 weeks old, it could not receive its necessary shots. So my friend paid $1000 for a dog that was malnourished, not the advertised age, and now has a fatal disease which will cost hundreds more in vet bills. Any advice? I told her to call SPCA and get their advice to see if she can file a claim in a small claims court or something. Oh and to make matters worse, my friend showed me texts that she sent to the owner just letting her know that the puppy is diagnosed with a fatal disease. She was very cordial in her text but saying things like "I'm doing my best to keep this puppy alive but if he does not make it, the least you can do is give me back my money". In response the breeder says "Are you kidding me? You're a BITCH" along with other things such as teaching my friend a lesson, and saying the vet doesn't know anything and would only diagnose it to make money.
Yes he can sue her, success will depend on what sort of guarantees she made about the dog.
Just uncovered that my brother has been stealing tens of thousands of dollars from my father for over ten years. What are my options? [MD]
Twelve years ago, my father was disabled by a stroke. My brother got power of attorney to handle his financial affairs around this time. My brother opened a joint account in his name and my father's name. My father's social security, pension, and VA benefits have been automatically deposited into that account. Until last year around Christmas, my father was in an assisted living center. My brother was supposed to be managing my father's money and was handling the payment of the assisted living home. Last year, my father moved into my home which necessitated substantial modifications. This came out of my pocket. I and my children have been taking care of my father for this past year. My brother would not turn over the banking information to me, claiming it would be too much of a hassle. Two months ago my dad was in the hospital and now the bills are coming in. I asked my brother for the check to cover his hospital bills and he said there was only $1500 in the account when there should have been tens of thousands. My dad gave me power of attorney and I went to the bank. Going through the bank records, I discovered that my brother has been using my dad's debit card as his own. He's been using it to pay for daily meals, gasoline, hospital visits, car repairs, hotel stays, etc. Just from this year, he's used roughly $10,000. This has been going on for about 12 years, ever since he first had access to the money. This usage was completely unauthorized by our dad and he was not acting in good faith. Is there any legal recourse for me to pursue? Can I press criminal charges against my brother?
You should tell your dad, if for no other reason than to allow him to modify his will if he chooses.Answer #2: What does your dad want?
Ex-girlfriend threatening to have me arrested for statutory rape of her sister.
I know how the title sounds and its not as bad as it sounds. My girlfriend and I were together for almost three years. She got pregnant around 5 months ago and she hardly ever wanted to have sex. Her sister who is 16 would come over and hang out at our apartment pretty often and we started sleeping together and now she's pregnant. My girlfriend finds out and dumps me, made all kinds of threats about going to the police and how she's going to sue me for child support. But the only good news is that I don't have any reported income, all of my money is under the table sort of thing. So how does child support work on a person who doesn't have any income? How much trouble am I for sleeping (consensually) with her sister? I have around 30k in cash I keep in a safety deposit box, was planning on buying a house with my girlfriend until this all went down so I could probably afford to get an attorney if I was looking at jail time. I'm 27 and I live in Georgia.
Troll. And not a good one.
[NY] NYC Broker won't refund our money
My roommate and I found an apartment so we put down a security deposit. The next day we find out that we had been dealing with a broker (something that wasn't disclosed to us before we paid). The broker fee itself is well beyond our budget, so we decided to back out and look elsewhere. The broker said he'd refund us and we thought that was it. Except now he claims that according to his refund policy the only way we will get our money back is by getting our application denied by the landlord. When we took a look at his refund policy is says, "there will be no refunds for potential tenets who change their mind." On what legal grounds can he hold our money? If the money we put down is for the landlord can he keep it? If other tenets move in to the apartment, can he still hold our money, even if we haven't "changed our minds"? My roommate and I are sort of at a loss right now. We can't afford to pay the broker fee and we can't commit to another place we can afford without the security deposit this guy is keeping. Our current plan is to stall until someone else moves into the apartment. That way we didn't change our minds and our application by default becomes denied. Thanks and any help is appreciated. Topic: Landlord Tenant Housing
I would absolutely talk to NY's [Housing Preservation and Development](http://www1.nyc.gov/site/hpd/renters/tenants-rights.page), since he absolutely should have disclosed that he was a broker and not a landlord at the beginning. Did you sign a contract or anything?
Being forced out of my job/character assassination suit? (IL)
Hello everyone, I'm going to start by saying I'm not sure what my legal recourse here is, if any, but according to a friend of mine in HR, there might be something I can do given the nature of the situation. To cut down a long story into a short paragraph or six, here's my scenario. I am as the title says, being forced out of my job. I had a meeting with my management who have stated point-blank my options are to remain where I am and seek outside employment away from my current company, or move out of state immediately to take a position in the company elsewhere. It was also stated that it's not due to my work performance, but rather a personality conflict with myself and a couple others in the office. I also asked for, and received, a list of reasons via email why the office wants me to leave, which my friend in HR said was weird they gave me because it can possibly open them up to some form of liability since IL is an at-will state and they would have been better off providing no reasons for termination, as with the list of reasons I can somehow contest the reasons (the majority of which I actually can refute with documented proof on my end). My first bit of confusion is that I'm told by my management that it is a personality conflict, not a work-performance issue, yet the list of reasons they've provided are performance-related, however actually valid those issues may be. It makes me think those issues are more or less fabricated from a loose basis in reality in order to justify the personality conflict issue and removal from the work environment. This alleged personality conflict is not a trending issue with me, as the vast majority of people I work with presently and in the past had never had any issues with me. As far as the character assassination aspect goes, if there's even anything I can do about it, the complaints come from one person in the office who convinced the boss (who hardly resides in our office) to basically blanket agree with whatever this one person says. What has happened is I am told this one person understands certain issues occurring are nothing I have control over (because they aren't, and I have multiple emails of attempting to seek help to resolve said issues whenever they come up, but I can't control the lack of responses I receive nor the lack of processes in place to deal with such events) yet I've been told by other people in the office that the message he gives his boss is that I am the one responsible for extended delays on solving issues and that I should be removed/replaced. Also, they discussed this openly in the office when I wasn't around, in earshot of several other people, which could possibly discolor their view of me. I know this because I was informed of such by a trusted source, and that leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I have a recording of the phone call with my management when I was served my ultimatum (not sure if this recording is legally admissible or not if this were to go to court, not that I intend on taking it that far), I have a printed copy of the email detailing the list of performance-related issues they wish to remove me for, as well as copies of every email I sent seeking help for such issues and receiving either no response or no response worthwhile, along with other miscellaneous emails meant to illustrate the level of added stress the job has suddenly caused, not just for me, but for others outside of this office as well. I also have copies of my past 3 years of performance reviews, which state I do a great job and touch upon any negativity so lightly, it's barely worth a mention. I also have a readily-accessible list of quite a number of people who have in the past stated that I am professional and good in my job and have never had a personality issue with me. What may complicate matters slightly in that my management is located elsewhere in the country, and the actual office manager is so infrequently in his office that both my management and the office manager rely on the above-mentioned complaint-maker for information. Yet, I've been told repeated that people know about this guy and his manner of acting, that they're aware he is dishonest and such, so my management at least knows I'm being honest when they question me about things said. Also, I've been told repeatedly, even on the recorded call, that I am a great worker and a value to the company. Evidently because this one person with the right amount of influence dislikes me, I am being discriminated against and having my personal and professional reputation sullied by these actions. I was also asked during the phone call if I was seeking outside employment or if I'd be interested in doing so, but I refused to answer on grounds of relevancy. I'm not sure what they could do with that information were I to confirm such, but I still don't feel they need to know whether I am or not. Is there harm in answering it? I was also told that they are offering me the different job as a favor because I am good at what I do and the company values me as an employee, just not in that particular office. During the call, I was also threatened (it felt threatening to me at least) that if I get fired it would negatively impact my future career but is that true? I'm sorry if that's a dumb question, but I was always under the impression that previous employers can't reveal whether you left voluntarily from that job or not. Also, I am currently renting and therefore have a lease. If I were to immediately move out of state, I would have to break that lease and pay the remaining costs (as I would have no time to find someone to take over my lease), then also pay to rent a new place elsewhere. Not that I would want to stay with a company treating me this way, but providing a new job they are offering does not offer relocation expenses, is there anything I could do to recoup those additional costs? Third, do I have any legal leg to stand on? I don't truly want to take them to court to keep my job, and I don't want to go into work and tell them I'm talking to a lawyer or anything of that nature, but I feel like I'm the victim of some degree of slandering and office politicking. It would be nice to know what my options are in case it comes to that. Fourth, assuming my company somehow finds this post, is there any trouble I could get in for seeking help in this manner? I highly doubt there is, but companies and social media have a precarious relationship. The other thing I'm not sure of, the company is headquartered in a different state. Would it be that state's laws governing this issue or IL laws? Thank you for reading, and thank you in advance for your assistance. I'm sure I'm leaving out some information, however my mind is awful muddled right now so I can update as needed when I've had time to decompress. Thank you. Topic: Business Law
Can you bullet-point this? Leave out your opinions, your feelings, and especially your friend's opinions. What happened, in chronological order.
Is this person's advice regarding speeding tickets BS?
There are several ways to fight this when some fascist pulls you over to generate revenue. 1. Go ahead and sign the stupid ticket BUT sign it "signed under protest, threat duress and coercion then yr name__________". Usually the thug will make a point of saying that if you DON'T sign it, that he/she will take you to jail. That's a threat and also coercion. And he/she has a gun. What liaryers don't tell you is, tickets are contracts. When you get pulled over, they're attempting to contract w/ you. Well, any contract that's signed under protest, threat, duress or coercion, is INVALID on the face of it. 2. Return it "Refused for Cause". As I said, this is a sneaky way for cops to contract with you. If you return it "Refused for Cause" within 72 hours, there's nothing they can do about it. This site explains it in further detail. http://freedomfromgovernment.us/how-to-do-a-proper-refusal-for-cause/ 3. The courts and police will call speeding a "crime" but its not. For a crime to exist, it requires an injured party. Exactly who was injured by your speeding? If you cause someone loss or injury, they'll sue you. So who sues you when you get a speeding ticket? The STATE does. But the STATE is a corporate fiction and cannot be injured. So right there they're showing that there is no injured party, making the ticket a violation. By the way, making people get driver's licenses to do what isn't illegal anyway (traveling/driving) is in itself, illegal. When you get to court ask to speak to the flesh and blood man/woman that you caused loss or injury to. Its obvious there's no one. They'll try to get a cop to testify against you. When you get yr chance ask him/her why they pulled you over. They'll say speeding. Then ask what was his/her Cause of Action. They won't know what to say. Ask them if they know what three elements need to be present to constitute a Cause of Action. GUARANTEED, they won't know. The judge will be forced to dismiss the charges. Pulled verbatim from [here](http://thefreethoughtproject.com/fight-out-of-state-speeding-ticket/). Is it BS? And will another state really make your state suspend your license if you do not pay their tickets?
Generally, yes, you can assume anyone who refers to cops as "fascists" is giving you BS. But if you want details on *why* it's BS... 1. A ticket isn't a contract. 2. A ticket isn't a contract. Even if it were, you can't nullify a contract by just declaring it "returned for cause". 3. Crimes don't require an injured party. The state isn't a corporate fiction. The state can be injured. Driver's license requirements are legal. The phrase "flesh and blood" has no legal meaning. The government is not required to let you speak with the person you caused loss or injury to, even if there is such a person. Cops don't require a "Cause of Action" to pull you over. The judge is not forced to dismiss charges because your questions have confused a witness. >And will another state really make your state suspend your license if you do not pay their tickets? Another state can't *make* your state suspend your license. But many states have voluntarily agreements to do that.
[AZ] Ex-boyfriend is refusing to let me see my son
Ex-boyfriend and I split on bad terms and he's currently trying to file for full legal making decisions of our 5 year old son. He is currently staying at his mother's house with my son and refusing to let me see him. When I call/text to try to make plans to pick him up, my ex ignores me. When I call to speak to my son, he's frequently "busy" or "mad at me" and doesn't want to talk. We have our first court date coming up but in the mean time, I'm extremely frustrated. I feel like my ex is trying to turn our son against me and I was under the impression that if he and I were never married that I had presumed custody until told otherwise. Is he even allowed to keep my son from me? I want to go pick my son up while my ex boyfriend is at work but I'm afraid that it will reflect poorly on me to the judge if I try to take him while the ex is away. Our court date is coming up but I'm afraid that my ex boyfriend is causing serious harm to me and my son's relationship in the mean time. Is there anything I can do before the court date?
I would suggest getting a lawyer - it's not that you have a likelihood of an emergency custody order (judges prefer to avoid that route), but because you don't want to try and make a claim of *parental alienation* without one. Absent a custody order, both of you have equal and joint custody. You may pick him up. Just don't do anything spiteful - let him dig his grave. Bonus: Arizona is a one party consent state, so you can record your calls with him from here on out.Answer #2: > I want to go pick my son up while my ex boyfriend is at work This came up last week and the general consensus was that you had the right to go get your child. I think you may have a very difficult time getting them to release him to you since you aren't authorized, and they may lock the doors and call the police, but you have a right to your child absent a court order that says otherwise.Answer #3: >I was under the impression that if he and I were never married that I had presumed custody until told otherwise. Is he on the birth certificate? If he is, he's not breaking the law until there's a court order. If he's not, then you need to call the police. >I want to go pick my son up while my ex boyfriend is at work You should be fine to do so, just don't break into the house or anything like that. Answer #4: Have you retained a lawyer? They could do an emergency custody order. But no, he's technically not doing anything wrong until their is a court order defining custody.
Denied Living based on a summary citation I received is it legal? Maryland
I received a summary citation for a disorderly conduct in Pennsylvania two years ago, pled guilty, paid the fine, forgot about it. Today I was denied living after I applied for an apartment in Maryland. After speaking with my legal services on campus he said I couldn't be denied housing based on a summary citation in Pennsylvania, but couldn't say for Maryland, but assumed it was the same. If someone knows what the law is for Maryland I would greatly appreciate it. I'm kind of freaking out cause I thought this apartment was a sure fire thing, and I am moving down to Maryland to start a new job in about a month. Thanks
FYI for everyone else responding: OP was denied HOUSING. He was not killed. This looks totally legal to me. Federal law prohibits housing discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, or family status. Maryland law adds to that list your marital status, gender identification or sexual orientation. Unless there's a local law in the area where the apartment is, they are allowed to deny you for literally any other reason, including criminal history. Answer #2: Landlords can typically deny you based on a failed background check.
Attempted to return rental car, company closed, charged with grand theft auto
Wondering if this is currently on my record. Charged with felony grand theft auto. Need to rent another car wondering if this will be on my record for the background check.
What do you mean they were closed? Like they were closed for the day or went out of business? You don't get charged with that for keeping a rental car for an extra day. if you really have been charged with this crime you have a lot bigger problems then being able to rent a car.
Biological father moved out of state, wants his parent to get his son on his scheduled visitation.
Pretty much like it says. Father has him every other weekend during the school year and every other week during the summer. Father moved to Florida with his girlfriend and their kids, and is being adamant about my wife (child's mother) taking the son to the father's parents for all scheduled visitation when he is in Florida (we are in Alabama). They have no appointed grand parent rights. We wouldn't try to keep him from his grandparents, my wife just isn't willing to let the father's visitation transfer to the grandparents. We're almost positive that we are legally safe by only turning the child over to the father for mandated visitation, but I want to make sure and make sure we are legally safe in acting this way.
You need to consult your attorney but it seems highly unlikely that such visitation can simply be assigned to another person. By all means arrange visits with the child’s grandparents (because it’s good for the kids) but don’t be bullied by him in this wayAnswer #2: Talk to your attorney. My understanding is that the father has no leg to stand on and should have gone to court to sort out a new custody arrangement in light of the move. Visitation is for the child to have a relationship with his FATHER. Not anyone else.
How closely does the RMV check signatures?
I have no idea where to post this. My mom forgot to sign my learners permit application form. Told me to just sign it. It doesn’t look that good. How close do they look at that stuff? Please help quick I’m a very anxious person and this is very stressful.
We're not giving you advice on how to commit fraud on a government document. Get mom to print a new one and sign.
(Washington USA) Denied for SSI, should I appeal?
Hello, /r/legaladvice! In October 2015, I had the beginning of a not-so-lovely manifestation of an auto-immune disorder, ankylosing spondylitis. At that point, I was employed full time as part of a government agency working with a homeless shelter; I was also (and still am) a full time college student through an online university (don't worry, it's accredited). The symptoms of my disorder that I experience are chronic unrelenting fatigue, chronic joint pain and stiffness, and thanks to the medication I take, I am also immunocompromised. Because this disease knocked me on my bum so hard, I was put on administrative leave from November until February, at which point I was asked to resign from my position. This decision was based on a doctor's note stating my likelihood of recovery to the point of being able to work full time was next to none. Rather than firing me, they asked me to resign. I did. Whether or not that was a good idea, I don't know. Since about December, I have been working on obtaining support from SSI, as I can't apply for SSDI (not enough work credits). Yesterday, I received a letter stating that I was denied disability based on the fact that I am receiving treatment for my disease, and I can still do unskilled labor. They called me "mobility impaired" because I now walk with a cane. I am not physically well enough to regularly leave my house, and being immunocompromised on top of the pain and fatigue is very stressful. Additionally, I'm only able to succeed in my schooling because of the online format. I do my work from bed. :( TLDR: Painful autoimmune disorder kicking my butt, was denied disability because I can still do unskilled labor (according to the government). I disagree. I was given 60 days to appeal. Is it worth it?
Getting denied twice or more is normal for people who haven't been diagnosed with stage IV cancer, are missing two limbs, or are blind. Appeal.
I want to take a stray kitten from Kyrgyzstan to the EU
I hope this is the right place to ask this question, but I'll just explain the situation. I am driving through Kyrgyzstan in my own car and in three weeks we're driving back to Holland overland. Now this insanely cute kitten approached us, and won't leave our side. We don't want to leave his either. Now my question is, how can I take him with me? On the internet I can only find information about traveling by plane, which I am not going to do. I want to know what the requirements are to just get him over the borders, because once I'm in the EU, it's easier to take care of the rest. I hope there is someone what path I should take, or if it's better to bring him to a shelter (not my preference). thank you in advance Topic: Non-US
It’s gonna be a long process to get this kitten into the EU, I don’t think you will be able to on your current timeline. Based on the info from [PetTravel.com](www.pettravel.com/0001209.cfm) (which matches what I remember from filling out import forms for animals traveling from the US from the EU) you need to microchip the kitten, and after the kitten is microchipped get a rabies vaccination. Thirty days after the rabies vaccine you need a rabies titer test (to prove the cat developed antibodies for rabies). The titer test is a blood draw that is overnight shipped to a certified veterinary laboratory and it will take a few days for the results to come back, usually. In the US we charged around $300 to do just this test at the vet clinic where I worked.Answer #2: Okay but you can't just drop that you have an "insanely cute kitten" and not pay the cat tax. Mods forgive me--in my defense, it *is* reddit law.Answer #3: There are several organizations which have helped military members take strays back to the US and places in Europe from the mid east and other areas. I'd suggest contacting one of them and ask about the process, they could give you some guidance. The cat will probably need vetted and be up to date on vaccines. http://www.puppyrescuemission.com/ is an organization I've followed and donated to for years, they do this for military members and would be a great resource for you to help figure out your next steps.Answer #4: r/legaladviceeu would be the best place to post this.
NE Oklahoma - CPS Called on my family for the second time.
Today my 13 year old daughter came home from school and told me that CPS had pulled her out of class to ask her a bunch of questions. Were we leaving my daughter (14 next month!) alone with the younger children for extended periods? Did we have enough food in the house? What was the relationship between me and my SO like? Does my SO drink? Are there drugs in the house? Etc etc. This is the second time someone has called CPS apparently making false allegations against us, the first time being THE DAY I CAME HOME FROM THE HOSPITAL after giving birth 6 months ago. They found nothing wrong then and didn't even open a full investigation, it was just an assessment. That being said, I have no idea what my rights are or what I should do, I'm sick of some anonymous person calling and reporting child neglect when there isn't any. What are my rights as far as CPS? I have no idea what to do and I'm beyond stressed. Any advice? I have three children, 13 (almost 14) 8 and 6 months.
Relax. That's the first thing you can do. Unlike criminal law, the protections for "remaining silent" and the wisdom of lawyering up only create a reason for CPS to decide that you have something to hide. Just relax. Are you dating or married to a sex offender? Do you do drugs? Do you drink alcohol to excess or drink daily? Are the police called to your house regularly? Do you have sufficient food, clothing, and supervision for your children? Does anyone have a jealous or revengeful family member? Do you use physical discipline on your kids and leave marks? Do you lock them in their rooms? These are reasons why CPS will interview your child. But relax. You've done nothing wrong, and it's highly likely that CPS will figure it out that your kids are safe. And a reminder - NEVER tell your kids to lie or hide anything from the authorities. This sets off bells and buzzers so loud, you wouldn't believe the shit that case workers actually deal with. So relax.Answer #2: You can decline to talk to them. You cannot stop them from pulling your children out of class. You can tell your children not to answer their questions. This will raise suspicions and depending on the allegations could lead to the children coming into custody. You cannot stop someone from reporting and you cannot stop CPS from assessing/investigating.
[NJ] Petty claim don't upvote. Pretty sure chain auto shop deliberately screwed screws into my tires. Charged $300 for replacement and denied opportunity to photo or talk to the tech.
Basically I went into a chain auto shop to have a 5 month old tire patched. I had a specific road hazard protection that covered patches but not replacement. I parked the car in the lot and could not find the screw I noticed before so I pulled forward a little (allowing me to see the entire tire) and noticed it. So I drop off keys and they take the car back. 30 minutes later they inform me that I have two screws in the side walls of two different tires that are not patch-able. Funny because they were big and I sure as hell would have noticed them. I go back in to get my phone camera because I wanted to take pictures of the super sketchy tire shavings scattered near the screws. They said sorry and that it was company policy that I cannot take photos or keep the old tire. I know $300 isn't a huge amount but it is a lot of me as I am currently unemployed with a child. What would the most practical thing to do be? Call corporate? File a chargeback? Small claims (I don't really think I have evidence)? Edit: Update here https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/4w4v9w/updatenj_pretty_sure_chain_auto_shop_deliberately/
You can report them to [NJ Consumer Affairs](http://www.njconsumeraffairs.gov/). They oversee auto shops. They might be able to intervene. In general, all old parts that have been replaced have to be returned to the user, but there are exceptions (starter motor core comes to mind). I can't find if there is a tire exception in NJ. NJ Consumer Affairs would know.Answer #2: You should definitely call corporate and make a complaint. That's your best bet of a resolution. You could also leave a bad review on yelp (make sure you don't make any false statements). I wouldn't file a charge back because technically, they provided the service of replacing your tires. You could file in small claims, but as you said, you don't have much proof. Might just be best to take the $300 hit and move on.Answer #3: The old tire is still your property. I bet they charged you a "tired disposal fee" Check your invoice.
Friend's business receives a threat
http://imgur.com/a/qNJ7D Is this extortion in Texas? This dummy parked in a posted no parking zone on a public street and then sent this threat to my friend's restaurant.
Not extortion. But the genius did hand your friend a very easy way to get negative reviews he receives in the next few weeks on Yelp/etc. taken down by putting "I will post fake negative reviews" in writing with his demand. I'd ignore it. Guys who demand $38 in reimbursement and for you to take responsibility for them usually don't follow through with things. And if they do you've got his little note.
A group of friends and I were wandering in a city park around 1:30 AM and got a ticket. Help?
There were 5 of us. None of us have ever been affiliated with any street gangs. We were not being loud or disruptive, just bored. There was no defacing of property. This is my first ticket ever. We were sitting around some exercise equipment when an officer pulled up very close and ordered us to 'put your hands on your heads and sit on the curb'. The whole time we were being very calm, polite, respectful, giving the ol' "yes sir, no sir" what have you. Told us we're not allowed into the park after 10 P.M. We didnt know that. He then starts a rant on his authority over us. He claimed I was defacing property because he saw a 'pen' in my hand but it was just a vapor pen. He dropped that subject, conveniently. after 5 minutes of looking at our ID's he told us we'd all be getting tickets. I politely asked if he wouldn't consider letting us off with a warning and in a sarcastic, sorta shocked way he claimed. "NO! I have you on camera sitting here, I've already stopped, I cant just let you go now, I have to follow the rules." So then we sat for 20 minutes as he wrote tickets, it started to lightly rain. He then made some racial comments about "Black guys with AK-47's running around mugging people" and that we should be more careful "A girl was raped and she was dumped over there not too long ago" I looked it up. That happened in the 80's He said the ticket would cost around $25 plus court fees. Reddit, I'm a broke college student. $25 dosent sound too bad, but court fee's plus any life impacting situation is making me nervous. What it do? EDIT: forgot to add location. This was in Cerritos, California. Topic: Other Civil Matters
So you were in a park after the stated hours? And you are looking at a $25 fine (yes, plus possible court fees)? Do you have any defense? I mean, for example, that the park closed signs weren't adequate or obviously posted? And which city? You haven't given that info.Answer #2: You pay the ticket. You were on a park at 1am. You were violating the law. I am sorry the cop wasn't polite but that doesn't change that you were violating the law and got caught.
I get drunk and drive...I want to stop this. Can I legally put an interlock system in my vehicle without actually getting a DUI? (California)
I drink and drive sometimes. Generally it is to get food or more beer. I want this to stop but I do not trust myself to do it by myself. I want to get a device on my vehicle that makes me blow into it to verify I am not drunk. Is it legal to get an interlock system put in on my own accord?
[This](https://www.intoxalock.com/ignition-interlock-devices/faq) company will install one for you, but like everyone has said, you really ought to get help with alcoholism. I wish you the best of luck OPAnswer #2: Yes, it is absolutely legal. It will cost you some money, but LESS money than a DUI conviction plus a court-mandated interlock.Answer #3: Yes, people do this as part of rehab and stuff without court orders. Interlocks are very expensive. You can get a mediocre breathalyzer for not much, but it will have a margin of error. You don't want to be driving anywhere close to the limit anyway.Answer #4: If you want help with drinking, I recommend going to an IOP w/ an overnight component. It's much cheaper than true inpatient because they don't have to keep full-time medical staff. Insurance companies play ball more willingly too. Take FMLA if you have to. I'm 23 with 2.5 years sober. PM me if you want to talk. Answer #5: > Is it legal to get an interlock system put in on my own accord? Of course it is. Go right ahead. Answer #6: It's actually fairly common for parents to have interlock devices installed as a precaution when their kids start driving. I know someone who did this, and it was a subscription based service that cost around $50/month after an initial installation fee. Not cheap, but definitely worth the investment when you consider the alternative.
[OH] Hit a pothole on the freeway and the DOT will reimburse for repair fees but not tow?
I'll try to keep this short: a few months ago I hit a pothole on the freeway in Ohio that took out both of the tires and rims on the passenger-side of my car. On top of the repairs and the alignment I also had to pay for a tow to the closest mechanic, and, because I wasn't exactly "walking distance" from my home *(roughly 35 miles out)*, and I didn't have any friends in the area I also needed to use Lyft/Uber to get home that night. I was instructed / advised by the police at the scene *(9\~10 other cars were similarly damaged by the same pothole in the span of 45\~60 minutes so local police ended up coming out to shut down the freeway while the potholes got fixed)* to file a report with the department of transportation in order to get reimbursed for damages. I filed my report, the department of transportation opened an investigation, and they recently concluded that I should be reimbursed for the repairs but not the tow or the Lyft/Uber home the night of the accident. I disagree with the notion that I shouldn't be reimbursed for the tow and transportation home the night of the accident *(entirely on the basis of common sense: the tow and the Lyft/Uber were only necessary because the pothole left my car unsafe to drive)*, but, do I have any legal grounds to dispute that claim?
Follow the appeals process for that decision or sue the city.
A woman wants my baby and I'm fine with that but I want absolutely zero responsibility(she's not pregnant).
Long story short, a woman I've known for 15 years wants to have my child. She's 30, single and has already seriously considered adopting. I won't lie, she also would love to date/marry me. As she says, "her ovaries are screaming." We did date/bang for about 2 months when we were teenagers and she's recently tracked me down(did nothing but get a drink). Anyways. I still don't know morally, how I feel about having a child out there that I really don't want to be a part of their life and I absolutely don't want any financial responsibility. Either way, this topic has come up with a lesbian friend of mine(not being an asshole but I'm tall, good looking, and reasonably intelligent when I'm not making dumb posts like this). So my question becomes, is there any legal way/documents that can be signed for something like this? Pretty sure the answer is no, especially before conception or guys would be signing these with women all the time. Is it possible that I could donate to a sperm bank and she could request my sperm or something? That sounds stupid as hell even as I type it but whatever. tldr - women want my baby, unsure how I feel but want to know my legal possibilities.
This is not legal advice. Just life advice. I am female. This is my advice. Don't do it. She sounds crazy. She also sounds like once the baby came that she would be trying to get you involved in its life. You say that she would love to date/marry you. This is her way of trying to hook you. In her mind she is thinking "once he sees the baby he will love me and want to be with me and his family forever". I've know women like this. They get pregnant by "accident" thinking that once he's sees the ultrasound his heart will change and are then shocked when the man runs. Don't stick your dick in crazy. Also, don't put your sperm in a turkey baster and stick it in crazy. Answer #2: No. Nothing can be signed to keep you from being responsible for the child. The only way this is possible is to use a licensed sperm bank and follow all rules set out by the state.Answer #3: Each state has their own rules about surrogacy, sperm donation and so on. In general, if you don't follow those rules, then you will be the legal parent of the child and liable for child support and all the rest. Note that is not enough for the birth mother to agree otherwise -- if you do that and the state has to pay to support the child, it will come after you for that money. The rules usually require the involvement of a doctor or fertility clinic, and there's often counseling involved.
Employee of convenience store called police on us for 'suspicious activity" (Boise, Idaho)
Hello all... So, I had a visit at my home from local law enforcement the other day and was pretty shocked when I heard what they had to say. It seems that an employee of a gas station/convenience store across the street from our house called the police and reported that there was "suspicious activity" occurring at my home. The officer was pretty brusk and it seemed as if he was taking the report seriously. He did not relate what activity specifically was reported to him as being suspicious, but by the tone of the conversation, I assumed that it was what is commonly considered to be "drug activity". Now my roommate and I both have had issues in the distant past with drugs and with our involvement in the recovery community this is no secret by any stretch of the imagination. Thinking back over the last weeks we cannot quite nail down anything we were doing that could be viewed as suspicious. We had a (sober) Super Bowl party that ran very late and regularly have visitors at the house that sometimes stay late. We don't have that many different couples or individuals that visit, but the small number that do visit frequently. Now I am pretty convinced that my house is being watched by law enforcement as a result of this "tip" due to the fact that my roommate was recently pulled over immediately upon leaving the house and was heavily pressured to give consent to a vehicle search. Having ridden in that rodeo before, my roomie refused a consent search which the officer clearly was none to pleased about. Last night one of the aforementioned friends of ours was also stopped immediately after leaving our house with the same request for a consent search. My friend is the easily intimidated type and did consent to the search (obviously, nothing was found). My question mainly is this: Did the store employee do anything actionable by calling in this "report"? And, hat, if anything, can be done to either halt or at least curb to some extent the sudden focus of interest on my home and friends by law enforcement? Thanks a million friends!
>Did the store employee do anything actionable by calling in this "report"? To cause police action? Sure, you're a known former drug user, living with another former drug user, who seems to be having a lot of people over frequently that leave late at night. It's enough for police to be interested in watching the area for a little while. But don't worry too much, if nothing turns up they'll get bored and move on. If you mean actionable in the sense that you can take them to court and sue them? No. It's very, very difficult, if not impossible for you to sue people over what they report to the police. >And, hat, if anything, can be done to either halt or at least curb to some extent the sudden focus of interest on my home and friends by law enforcement? Aside from being exceptionally boring, law abiding citizens? Not really. If nothing is actually going on at your home, these kinds of things usually clear up pretty quickly. I mean, you can only waste resources on a problem with zero evidence of existing for so long.
[ny] my ex got me fired and is trying to get my current bc fired
This is slanderAnswer #2: IANAL Your company's facebook page admin can block your ex.
13 year old life insurance policy check never cashed. Money is now missing
Hi everyone, A friend of mine was going through a break up with her common law partner back in 2005. They had a life insurance policy which they cashed out early and split between them. Apparently my friend took over 90 days to cash her check which was for a little under 8k. When she tried to contact the company about it, they basically gave her the run around. Long story short, she never cashed her check. Fast forward 13 years. I was helping her go through paperwork and we came across the old check and some of the paperwork about the policy. I asked her why the check was never cashed and she told me the story about how she got screwed because she didn’t cash it within the 90 day period. I didn’t think this sounded right at all so I told her to call the company and to find out if it was ever sent to unclaimed funds with the state. We called the company and they advised us that there was no way to find out what happened to this money because they don’t keep records over 7 years. They told us that any money that was forfeited surely went to the state. We contacted the state and there were no unclaimed funds ever turned over to them. My question is, is there any way to track where this money went? Is she still eligible to cash this check even though it’s 13 years later? Are insurance companies legally bound to document what happens to policies that go unclaimed? Any info would be appreciated. Thanks!
Check to make sure they didn't escheat it to some other state's unclaimed property office (the state the company is in versus the state she lived in, for example). If it doesn't show up somewhere, talk to the insurance commissioner's office in her home state and see if they can exert some leverage.
If somebody is tailgating me and I brake check him and he hits me, who is at fault? (Canada)
Not gonna actually do it, just curious about it because up here people like to tailgate a **lot**
It's really up to the first responders (and sometimes insurance adjusters). Presumption of guilt is on the other guy. If you shut your mouth and he doesn't have a dashcam, you will probably get away with it. If you can't help mouthing off to the cop about those damn tailgaters, well, that hurts your odds.Answer #2: Not a lawyer, and not familiar with Canadian laws, but in the US (or at least the state where I live), I believe the law states that brake checking/braking with no immediate reason that results in an accident would put the brake checker at fault, assuming there is proof that you hit the brakes for no reason (not sure how this would be proven, other than dash cam footage).
Question about LGBTQ+ Rights in Alaska
Hello all! I will try to keep this as short as possible. I live in Alaska and work for a university. There is a training that one of the departments has to do this Friday - it is not my department and I am asking this question on behalf of people in the department. Other people who have been to this training have told us it was awful because they go through genders, sexual orientations, and religions and ask people to stand up if they identify as certain things (i.e. stand up if you're gay, stand up if you're Christian, etc.). The department has to participate in the training, but have been told that they can opt out of the questions, meaning they don't stand up for any of the options. They also, of course, have the option to lie and say that they're straight or cis or whatever even if they aren't to avoid outing themselves. I feel like this cannot possibly be legal. I didn't think you were allowed to put people on the spot like that or ask questions about things like religion, sexual orientation, etc. My question is - what if someone from the department goes to the training and does not wish to blatantly lie, but doesn't want to out themselves either? It would likely be fairly obvious that someone has something that they don't want to share if they simply abstain from all of the questions, and I don't think it's fair that people are given the choice between sharing extremely personal information about themselves that they don't want or need their colleagues to know, or lying to people that they have to see every day. I am trying to find some information about our local laws as well as the United States Federal laws, but I could use some help with this if anyone has any info on if this is allowed, and if it isn't, what my coworkers should cite to prove that they shouldn't be forced to do the training.
You're not going to find a law saying it's illegal to ask people to identify. What's illegal is discrimination based on protected classes. You can just choose not to answer any of the questions.
I got hit by a USPS mail truck. Should I get a lawyer?
[FL] It's been an absolute nightmare trying to get a hold of the tort claims rep to even get the forms I need to submit. I'm not sure what type of compensation I'm entitled to. It was a motorcycle accident and it was the mail truck drivers fault. I have the police report and everything. I don't understand the paper work but I'm not sure if its worth hiring a lawyer.
Have you called the postmaster of the facility the USPS mail truck came from (or is that what you mean by "tort claims rep")? Have you contacted your insurance company to handle this (that is what you pay them for)? They have lawyers who do this type of work all the time.
Friend’s ex-wife is manipulating the court system and corruption has never been so transparent
Hello. A friend of mine is facing the devil as we speak. His ex-wife is a crazy lady that will say anything to win. They have 5 children, however he thinks that none of them are his— in Michigan, it’s too late to contest the legitimacy of them being his children. Currently, they are going through a divorce and she’s pulling every hat out of the bag. She has accused him of domestic violence over 5 times throughout the past 10 years and for the most part all of them have been dropped. This is the thing— when one thing gets dismissed, she brings up more accusations to try to drain him of his money so he can’t contest anymore. Just recently she has told the court that he can’t see the children because there’s a CPS case open. She lied and said that he molested one of the children, she claims she has evidence but has yet to turn it over in court past the due date. The real kicker here is that this girl has been sleeping around and has money at her discretion. She easily manipulates local law enforcement by having relations and offering them thousands of dollars. It’s evident because every lawyer he gets, they end up working against his best interests and not presenting things to the judge. For example, his last lawyer yelled at him when they had a meeting because he called her a liar and he refused to give the Judge the spousal agreement because he “just knew the Judge wouldn’t look at it.” She has the law enforcements on her side in this small town and it’s infuriating. ESPECIALLY when he has audio recordings of her admitting that she lies and is manipulative because she learned it from her mother. She claims that she’s poor, but in the spousal agreement and audio recordings that he has, she clearly states that she has a huge inheritance and makes more than the average American a month. It’s ridiculous. No matter how much evidence is brought forth against her, the court leans her way. Currently, my friend is in jail. The police came with a felony warrant due to her accusations. I was with him when it happened and I just so happened to look at her Facebook page and see her slamming his name and having her friends back her up. It’s sickening. I recommended that he go public to shed light on the corruption and he’s hesitant. No matter how many complaints he files against the judges or lawyers, they don’t mean anything because she manipulates each and everyone. We need help bad because this is ridiculous in what women can get away with when it comes to the law. Please help me help my friend.
Based on everything you've written here your friend is abusive, highly manipulative, has managed to make you believe a load of horse shit, and has you dangerously close to committing actionable defamation on his behalf. Get uninvolved, now. >She easily manipulates local law enforcement by having relations and offering them thousands of dollars. If you want your ass handed back to you, repeat this some more. >I recommended that he go public to shed light on the corruption and he’s hesitant. That's because it's horrid advice, don't give him any more. Go ahead and add me to the list of people who is "crusading" against your friend when his own actions display a clear disregard for the law, his own attorney, and his best interests. Your friend should consider serious counseling.
How do I go about dropping a No Contact Order that I asked for?
Hello. US, Indiana here. My ex boyfriend got physically aggressive with me a couple of nights ago. He had been drinking and left marks on me trying to throw me out of the house. After he was arrested, the cop asked me if I would like a no contact order. I wanted him gone for a while to sober up and think. Note this is a first time thing. My question is, since I feel it is not necessary anymore for it, how do I go about getting it dropped? I've researched as much as I could but could only find a guide of what to do if the court and not yourself placed the order. Thank you for any and all help!
The other answer covered your legal question. But think hard before dropping that order. If he did it once there's a high likelihood he'll do it again. Consider taking this opportunity to figure out a plan to move out and end the unsafe relationship. If you're unsure, call a domestic violence hotline and talk to them. No matter how sorry he says he is, most of the time the first time is just that - the first of many. It's easier to hold the line now than to break away when you've gone through this cycle repeatedly with him.
Neighbor threatening to sue me over compost pile NY
Hello all - english is not my first language so I am sorry if I have difficulty conveying things, I will clarify as best I can if I need. I have a compost pile on my property towards the back corner next to my neighbor's yard. Their house is quite away from the pile, as is mine. There is a fence between their yard and mine, about 5 feet high. I've had the pile for years now since before they moved in. Nothing in town code says I can't have one. It does not even smell. Behind my house is a business who has never complained. Neighbor came over last week, saying their dog got sick from eating something out of my compost pile and is threatening to sue me for the vet bill which is over 3,000. How can they be sure it came from my compost pile? The fence is complete and the only non fenced area is my driveway, as I have over an acre of property, so if the dog did get in my yard, it would have been thru my driveway. I can see dog feces in my yard near the pile, but it is only ever wood chips, fruit and vegetable peels and egg shells, which I cover over with a tarp. I have had raccoons dig in it before and move shells around to outside of the pile, but that's no different than if someone's garbage can was opened, or atleast I believe so. Should I get a lawyer? I am planning on building a second fence around the pile itself. Could they prove that what made their dog sick came from my compost? Would it be my fault? Thank you
You don't need a lawyer unless you are actually sued by this person; it's likely they are huffing about although if a summons appears for small claims court I would not be surprised. And if one does, do respond with an appearance in court! Dogs cant eat grapes, apple seeds, chocolate, onions, and garlic, but in general, vegetables and egg shells are actually all fine for dogs to eat. An Egg with a shell is a damn near perfect meal, nutritionally, for a dog. You'd need to see some vet information as far as what was actually treated before you should even entertain the idea of paying this guy. What was the dog treated for? "He got sick" could be 10,000 things.Answer #2: You're not liable. Tell him to piss off. Respond if you get served, which you probably won't. Answer #3: I would first ask the neighbor what the dog was doing on your property. If you had kids over, your neighbor's dog would be unsupervised with children present. What if a child got bit? What if the dog did damage to your property? It may be a good idea to formally tell your neighbor that their dog is not allowed on your property under any circumstances. They were irresponsible with the dog, and you are not responsible for the vet bill. Also, might be a good idea to invest in a security camera pointing towards your yard. If your neighbor comes over to try and add things to the compost pile, and then takes a photo of it to build evidence, catching them on film could make a world of difference.
Why wasn't my attacker charged with attempted murder?
I was stabbed about 7 years back 5 times, it was pretty brutal and I almost died. Mainly in the back, and I had a punctured and collapsed lung. I believe he was charged with assault with a deadly weapon, and he recieved received 4 or 5 years. Why didn't they charge him attempted murder, does this need specific elements? Also he didn't have a jury only a judge why would they do this? They told me they had my DNA/blood on his shoes, and many people were pointing to him. I was called once on the stand to identify him, that's all I really remember. I know I could just ask the cops who worked the case, but I don't want to bring it all up again... Just curious.
People don't get convicted for what they did; they get convicted for what the state can prove they did. For it to be attempted murder, they need to prove intent, which is usually very difficult.
My boyfriend's apartment complex (outside area) is infested with mosquitoes.
My boyfriend lives in a fairly large apartment complex in Alabama. There are 25 or 30 buildings with sixteen units in each. He has lived there for six years, and his ground floor unit opens onto a lovely courtyard with some evergreen trees. The mosquitoes are out of control. My boyfriend has lived here for six years, and they have never been so bad. My colleague lives in the same complex, and agrees that they are unusually bad. My boyfriend doesn't seem too affected by them, but when I get bitten the welts turn into knots and hurt for days. We have a puppy who gets swarmed when he goes outside. Tyler submitted a maintenance request about two months ago. When he called to follow up after a few days, they said they were looking into it. Nothing has been done. We can't sit on the patio. They get inside every time you open the door, so there's no real respite indoors either. I know mosquitoes live in Alabama. But it's excessive here. I got ten bites this morning in the 90 seconds it took my dog to pee. I'm at my wit's end. Does my boyfriend's landlord have any responsibility to spray for pests? It's affecting our quality of life even inside. Thanks for any insight!
I doubt that the landlord has any obligation to spray for pests outside of the units. I live in Florida and mosquito control is handled by the county. I'd check to see if your county also has such a service and make them aware of the problem. Mosquitoes breed in standing water, so if there are any ditches that don't have proper drainage, containers that hold water, etc... that would be the items to target specifically with the landlord for mosquito control. Maybe consider getting a citronella candle or other wide-area repellent for the patio? Be careful with the fan-type ones that you clip to your waistband. They have specific warnings about exposure to pets. I looked into one for evening potty breaks with my dog.Answer #2: [Mosquito trap using a box fan](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pU2kbghz85I). Mosquitos are weak and can't fight breezes very well. If you have standing water, use [larvicide](http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0002568YA/ref=pd_lpo_sbs_dp_ss_1?pf_rd_p=1944687602&pf_rd_s=lpo-top-stripe-1&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_i=B004HDD4NG&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=0R5MJ0975D5CXJ8T0V97).
My Dad’s in hospice, and I’ve retained an attorney to help get things in order. He’s asking for a copy of my Dad’s divorce decree, which I don’t have. My Dad probably doesn’t have it either as he had his safe stolen from his house while he was in the hospital.
Are there any reputable places to purchase a copy? Already been ripped off for $6 or so by these Public Record places...are any of them real? Just go down to the Harris County clerk and spend the day?
Go to the clerk of court where he was divorced.
Overtime pay after 8 hours?? Advice wanted please!
Question answered thank you.
See the side bar >Please do not delete your post after you've received help It's massively irritating when people do this. Well slightly irritating anyway.
[NY] OOP against me;victim owes ~$2000. What can I do?
You took the CC out in your name and paid for her cats' vet bills? Sounds like a gift to me - doesn't sound like you are entitled to get the money back What is the relevance of the OOP? What is the relevance of the note?
Theoretical situation: Having a child with a friend. From a male perspective, is there a legal way to protect yourself financially?
[U.S. - California] I had a female friend half-jokingly ask me to father a child for her. Let's say I never plan on getting married at all, but I like the idea of having a kid, passing on my genes, helping raise him/her, etc.. Let's also say the woman is financially independent and doesn't want my help with money. Is there a way to secure an arrangement like this, and have it legally be up to me how much I want to pay, whether it be just a small weekly allowance or even something like paying for his/her college education? Are there any other financial or legal reasons this is a terrible idea overall? Topic: Custody Divorce and Family
There is NO way for you to financially insulate yourself in this scenario, unless you work with a legitimate medical artificial insemination system. The reason it's a terrible idea is because there is no way to insulate yourself from it. So if she ends up being on welfare, you're on the hook for it. Plus, it's hard for a kid to grow up with the "well, my dad didn't care enough for me to be in my life."Answer #2: do you want to just be the sperm donor? if so, go through a sperm bank.Answer #3: California recently passed the Modern Family Act, which allows a known sperm donor to specify the role he intends to play in the life of a child conceived through doctor-assisted insemination. Still want to get it on with your friend ? You can be the post-MFA appeals case similar to [Steven S. v Deborah D](http://caselaw.findlaw.com/ca-court-of-appeal/1258465.html), and argue about whether the child is the product of artificial or natural insemination. If only natural insemination occurs, you can expect ordinary application of the Uniform Parentage Act, a Federal law adopted long ago by most states, including California. If you genuinely want to do this, it's worth a consultation with a family law attorney who is familiar with the Modern Family Act.
Ontario Canada I caught my husband of 11!years having an affair. Can I kick and lock him out of our home?
I found my husband cheating on Monday. We have been married 10 yrs. we have 3 children under 7. I kicked him out of the house Monday night, I have locked him out. I have told him I do not want to see him. He keeps threatening to come here. I have assured him he can see the kids and that I will bring them to visit any time he wants. His girlfriend lives down the block, she does drive bys to see if we are here and is reporting to him. Do I have to let him in the house right now during the first stage of our difficult situation. I do not know if I need to contact a lawyer right now before I have decided what to do.
This will ultimately be sorted out during the separation negotiations. You should talk to an attorney. The marital home is as much his home as it is yours right now. He has voluntarily vacated but that doesn’t give up his claim to it. What is likely is that either one of you will end up staying in it this year or you’ll agree to sell it and split the money at the start of your divorce rather than at the end.Answer #2: Every single thing you do in this situation without your lawyer's advice can hurt you later on, including what you've done, which is deny him access to his own home and children. Get a lawyer. Right now.
Broke Lease, Rent was Raised from $985 to $1350, No One Will Fill Lease
Hi guys. Basically I recently moved to Boise, ID for work and got a one year lease for $985 a month. This new apartment complex became very popular and soon had a wait list of over 200 people. The real estate market was beginning to boom so we decided it was a good time to look for a house considering our lease should be filled soon. During the process of purchasing our home, previous to breaking our lease, rent was jacked up nearly $400 a month for our floor plan ($1350-$1450). We were already almost done with the home purchase process so we decided to still break our lease and hope for the best. In addition to jacking up rent, the apartment complex decided they would no longer put in car ports before winter, which is contributing to the decline in rental applications. Long story short, we are now paying a mortgage and rent for an apartment that we don’t even have keys for anymore. I understand that this is what we agreed to when we broke the lease, but the new rental rates are INSANE for this area and nobody wants to move into a place without car ports during winter up north. Is there anything that can be done to get out of paying for our old apartment? If not, can we demand that they lower the rental rates to something more realistic/closer to what we were paying initially? Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks. Topic: Landlord Tenant Housing
Landlords in Idaho have to take reasonable steps to re-rent the unit when you broke the lease. You admitted the apartment complex became popular and so the landlord raised rent. The main issue would be if similar units in similar area are going for around that rent price, then the landlord may be taking reasonable steps to re-rent.Answer #2: you had to have signed something, what did it say?
Third party contact on protective order
My brother just recently got a protective order against my father. When I heard I wanted to call him but my father said that the protective order restricted even third party contact. It is now a week later and after thinking about it, and reading online about protective orders I decided to call him. From what I understand as long as my father hasn't explicitly asked me to tell my brother something it's okay for me to contact him. I genuinely just wanted to see how he was doing after all this as hes only 17 and has never experienced anything like this. Our conversation was only about two minutes long and I only asked him how he was, how his new job was going, and what happened between he and my father. My father never asked me to contact him, and I didn't say anything that would lead him to believe that. After barely responding to me for two minutes he said "Calling me is a violation of the protective order, I'm calling the police now" and hung up. I truly don't understand why as we've always had a good relationship. So my question is, did I just violate the protective order? Again my motivation was genuine concern for my brother, and in now way influenced by my father. We are in Virginia
The protective order isn't against you, it's not something you can violate per say. Your father can violate it by contacting your brother through you. You talking to your brother of your own accord does not amount to your father contacting your brother.
I hit a parked motorcycle...am I responsible for the helmet?
I hit a parked motorcycle with my car. The helmet was left hanging on the bike and fell (apparently they're designed single impact). I'd like to pay for the bike damages (minor) out of pocket, but am I responsible for the helmet as well?
If the accident damaged the property, you're responsible for the damage caused to that property.
Recorded without my knowledge, in my own restroom.
Recently, my husband and I had a long time friend visit from out of state. (USA here) The night before he was to leave, I noticed his phone in my bathroom, facing my toilet. Obviously, I had to look, and found several disturbing videos and pictures. They were not only of my bathroom business, but also pictures of my underwear drawer, as well as several 25 minute long videos of him stalking around my house at night. One video showed him attempting to open my locked bedroom door. I was livid, and began trying to delete all I could, while noticing I couldn't seem to stop a current recording. It didn't seem like he had anything on google photos or anything, just all on his phone. My husband conned him out of our house with a lie, due to our fear of what he might be capable of, and confronted him at the airport. He denied nothing, and showed little remorse. The following day, I called the police, not sure what they could do at this point. They seemed to tell me there wasn't much that could be done, as I deleted evidence. At that point, I decided to record a conversation with my victimizer, to which I got him to confess everything. The recording was given to the police, as well as my statement and my husband's. This all happened shortly after Halloween, and I was told that they would be pursuing a google warrant for possible photo and video evidence backed up. I have heard nothing back since then, and have been writhing in the misery of impatience. I guess my question is: What are my options from here? Is this a typical frame of time on something like this? I've never had much experience with the law, and I'm not sure if I should question them further, or continue to wait for something to come of this. I was simply told they would only be pursuing the bathroom issue, as it's apparently not illegal to take pictures of people's underwear drawer. Any advice or thoughts are welcomed. I'm just feeling a bit lost in this situation... Topic: Criminal Law
Correct your underwear has no expectation of privacy. You do. Deleting the evidence was an illadvised but understandable move due to the circumstances. Online service warrants can take a while and detectives have several cases at once and this may not be their highest priority. You can always ask for updates but understand thorough investigations take time.
A local police officer is sharing non-public Forum information about my personal matter with my employer and the public-at-large. What should I do?
So I'll try and send this up as quickly as possible... On the property manager for a property management company in a small town in Wisconsin. I moved down here about 6 months back to accept this position, that's making a radical change upon my life, being a father of a young boy and single at that. Not too long after I arrived, I was pulled over 3 times within that period, after not being pulled over for the past 10 years of my life. The most recent occasion, I was unfortunately pulled over and cited with a DUI due to suspicion of my plates being expired. I was very Cooperative with the law officer that pulled me over and even work hand-in-hand with the local Court to insure an expedited and fair conclusion to the matter. With all of that being said, I found out soon there after that one of the local police officers is actually one of my tenants on the property which I manage. This officer, even in his time not spent in uniform, has been nothing but a thorn in my side in terms of slander being used against me with my employer and the public at large due to his frustration over issues that had lingered before I arrived. Now, it's come to my attention that he's been telling my employer about the pending case that I have, in addition to past situations that I've encountered (by looking up my police record) far before I moved here. As you can imagine, I'm infuriated. Upon finding this out from a representative in the office of my employer, I immediately went to the police station and requested to file an Ethics complaint against the officer. What should I do, Reddit? Topic: Douche
Criminal charge are public informationAnswer #2: You can file a complaint against the officer if you wish. But your criminal record is public information, and he isn't violating the law by sharing it. His actions might be against his department policies, however.Answer #3: You can file a complaint with this officer’s supervisor. If he looked up your arrest or conviction info on the public sites, he didn’t probably violate anything. However, if he looked you up on the NCIC database without it being work-related, that’s a felony. You have be in the criminal justice system, and go through training and and testing to be able to access criminal history information. There is a record of all searches conducted on the NCIC database, and they can audit his search records. If he was looking you up during the course of his duties, and now he’s sharing your arrest information, he will likely get a talking to, but it’s probable nothing will happen, since it would be difficult to prove he broke the law if there isn’t a record showing any unauthorized searches.
Employee quit and stole from us. His wife is employed as a key-holder. Can we fire her? (BC)
If you know the husband stole from you and you can prove it, you should bring the evidence to the police so they can investigate for criminal charges. If they will not, you should speak with a lawyer about civil damages for the property he stole. You can fire her with notice, but you may be facing an uphill battle. If you can't prove he stole from you, then you may face a wrongful dismissal lawsuit. You could also possibly face a human rights complain on the basis of family status, though I'm not sure how well that would hold up. If you want to fire her, give her a *very* generous package with a release from all future lawsuits. Get a lawyer for this.Answer #2: Maybe rescind her key privileges and change locks? Firing her would still require a lock change anyway (can't be too careful about copied keys)Answer #3: Can you not simply insist she hand the keys back immediately and give her notice? You can dismiss her, she's just entitled to notice or payment in lieu of. I can't imagine she has any legal rights to hold onto the keys during her employment, but I'm not a lawyer.
[US] Just a general question: if a grand jury fails to indict, can you be charged in the future for the same crime, or would that constitute double jeopardy?
I'm in Florida, but I would assume this would be the same in all 50 states (maybe I'm wrong.) But, basically, is the grand jury considered the "beginning" of a trial, in that if you are not indicted, you're "off the hook" for being charged with that crime? Or can the issue go back to the grand jury in the future if, say, new evidence was uncovered? Topic: Criminal Law
Jeopardy doesn't attach until the trial actually begins. If you haven't been indicted, you're not even close to double jeopardy considerations.
dui for weed in califonria , los angeles at checkpoint. what do i dooo?
i was driving home from grabbing some food when i made a wrong turn and drove thru a checkpoit. officer immediately noticed i had red-ish eyes and asked if i have been smoking in the car , i said no but told him i had an edible earlyier that day so he asked me to pull over. i took his examination and also a on-site nurse (im assuming) took my blood after i told them how uncomfortable i was with needles and pasted out immediately after.then spent 7 ours in jail. who do i hire and what should i do?
>i said no but told him i had an edible earlyier that day so he asked me to pull over. Do not tell police that you have consumed drugs at a checkpoint screening you for use of that exact drug.Answer #2: Did you even get to eat ? The only thing worse than getting arrested is getting arrested with the munchies then sitting in a cell all night. Your posting history suggests that you also have mulitiple suspended license citations and thousands of dollars in unpaid fines. Have you cleared those up in the few months since you posted about that ? You've gone from needing a traffic attorney to needing a criminal defense attorney. You can [Google for one](http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Marijuana+dui+defense+attorney+Los+Angeles). You can call the California Bar Association for a recommendation. When you get arrested for DUI, your mailbox starts to fill up in a couple of days with solicitations from DUI defense attorneys. If you end up at an arraignment before you can hire an attorney, be respectful and plead "not guilty and ask to be assigned a public defender.
Can random strangers show up and watch at El Chapo's trial?
And if so.....how does one go about doing that?
The vast majority of court hearings in this country are open to the public. Sometimes, particular trials are restricted, either for security or space. The only way to find out is to reach out to the courthouse where the trial is being held and ask them.Answer #2: I served on a jury at the same court house where this trial will be. There were lots of random people in the audience that I noticed including reporters and a courtroom artist. It was packed at the beginning and end of the trial. Less so during the middle. I imagine this trial would be the same. If you do go, just be aware that they won't let you take your phone in with you. They collect them as you go through security and store them until you leave. Edit- To answer your question, all you really need to do is show up at the right time and find the right courtroom. I don't think anyone checks who sits in the audience beyond the initial security screening.
Committed an act of vandalism while drunk
(OH)This past weekend I got wasted and smashed a window of a small business. I was ticketed by the police when they caught me outside my home with alcohol in my system (I'm under 21), but they did not know about the broken window. I'm a stupid asshole and I'd like to pay the business owner to repair the window, but I'm also worried about the legal implications of admitting to a crime. Any idea on how I should let this play out? How will the cops handle this if they hear a report about a window being broken over the weekend when they apprehended me not even a block away from the store? I figured it'd be obvious I'm responsible for it and if they're already going to be involved, I'd rather just let the process take its course rather than going to the store owner myself
I'm glad you're accepting responsibility for your actions, but nothing good will come of you coming forward. You're only going to open yourself up to risk of more charges. Personally I would do whatever the court requires you to and hope you get away with a slap on the wrist. If you really want to reimburse the guy start saving and anonymously donate cash a year or two from now.
Untrustworthy Trustee [MD]
TL;DR How can a beneficiary protect a trust from an untrustworthy trustee who is reluctant to execute it? I’m a female in my 20’s with college debt. My grandma died three years ago leaving a pair of rental properties in a trust to my sibling and I (sole beneficiaries). We, living out of state, asked the trustees (our uncle and our parent) to sell the properties and distribute their value to us that way. One property sold this winter. My uncle has only offered my sibling and I a “loan” from the proceeds, saying he needs to deduct the costs of the first renovation from the rest. Confusing, since the trust says we’re entitled to the accumulated rental income and that should cover (and exceed) the reno costs. I then learned my uncle pocketed an insurance check issued to replace the floors that I ended up paying for. I spoke with an attorney. I then asked the trustees to dissolve the trust. Sign over the last deed, turn over the proceeds from the sale of the first house, and return the insurance check to cover reno costs ($5-8k). The trustees claimed ignorance about the accumulated rental income, claimed ignorance for how to proceed in any of my requests. I let them know I could provide them with a punch list to get the ball rolling and they responded positively. A couple nights later, my uncle belligerently went *OFF* on me. Screaming at me for “blindsiding” him and being “so fucking greedy”, ruining the family etc. My parent just sat there while I was verbally assaulted. I was really confused and hurt by this reaction since they authored and signed the trust as my grandma’s attorney-in-fact. I wasn’t asking for anything beyond the scope of the document— less even! I understand better now having since learned a) they’ve been spending the rental income together, b) they’re salty that I stand to inherit more cash than they did, and c) uncle is a raging alcoholic who knows no reason. At minimum I want the proceeds from both properties and I want my druncle out of the equation ASAP. I’d like to recoup my out-of-pocket reno costs but I’m not holding my breath unless this goes to court. Sort of scared to demand the rental income since the discovery would be expensive and the lawsuit would be the nail in the coffin of my relationship with my uncle and possibly my parent. Don’t want to hurt my parent. What can/should I do next? Should my sibling and I try to obtain successor trusteeship? What forms would I need? My thinking: by becoming the trustees, we could preserve any tax benefit of selling the house from the trust as well as take my uncle’s power over the distribution of the remaining funds in the trust accounts. By not seeking anything beyond the sale proceeds, is this effectively rolling over to my uncle’s mismanagement? I can’t see this clearly anymore because my family is making me feel like I have something to apologize for. Thanks for reading.
I can’t give legal advice, but I’ve gotta ask whether “family” who are comfortable stealing from and abusing you, are really worth being”nice” to by not taking action against against?
NYC registration/parking violation-wrong car, but can't get a hearing because someone else had one.
I received a "Violation Decision Summary" in the mail today. It states that a ticket was issued on 2/19/15 in Queens for parking with an expired registration. Looking at the associated ticket on the NYC website, the vehicle that was ticketed was ten years newer than my car, a different make, color, and body type. Furthermore, the registration cited in the ticket expired in 2015; mine is renewed on even years and has been since I acquired the car in 2010. The problem here is that the person whose car was ticketed has already had (and lost) a hearing. NYC's automated system won't let me schedule one. There is a way to appeal a hearing's outcome, but it requires paperwork from the original hearing that I obviously lack. This is the first notice I received of this violation. Just to be clear, on 2/19 my car was: Parked upstate, not anywhere near NYC, with a valid registration. I'm mostly looking for advice about how best to speak to a real person instead of an automated system (in person? web contact form?) and what I can say when I do. Topic: Traffic and Parking
Holy hell, this might be the first time I've seen incorrect information on a ticket be a valid thing and not just someone trying to weasel out of payingAnswer #2: You're going to have to go down to the PVB in person unfortunately. (If you're a masochist, try calling them through 311 but don't hold your breath). Bring all your paperwork/proof with you, go early, and be persistent. You may need to escalate beyond the clerk at the window.
[NJ] How much jail time for 1st degree Possession with the Intent to Distribute LSD charge?
Person has previous drug convictions as well.
That person should get an attorney *right away* and maybe their attorney could provide more guidance on this complicated situation. And "that person" should really stop selling drugs.
I could become a felon because of a misunderstanding
> I was not posessing drugs. Yes you were. Your court hearing in the morning is likely just your arraignment. You can plead not guilty then find a lawyer ASAP if that is the case.Answer #2: I guarantee you that I could smell it unless it was vacuum sealed and never opened. Even then, there was a pipe which generates odor. I'm also gonna bet she smoked in or around her car sometime in the last 2-4 weeks. It smells. You cant smell it because you smoke it. You were in possession of the Adderall. Period. It not being yours doesn't change anything. Edit: it appears from your post history that you have a poor understanding of your rights. Just for your info, except in only a few states (just Mass and Arizona to my knowledge) the odor of marijuana allows for police to search cars regardless of consent and without a warrant. Furthermore, police can order you out if a car for any reason then use force to get you out if you don't comply.
(OR) Fire alarm goes off in my complex twice a month. Do I have a legal recourse?
Oregon. I live in an otherwise amazing apartment complex , if it wasn’t for the fire alarm that goes off once or twice a month. I’m talking about the master alarm, that requires everyone to evacuate. It goess off at the most inconvenient hours, like 10pm or 5am. Twice so far, I’ve jumped out of bed at 4am and went outside for around 20 mins until firefighters came to turn it off. I talked to other neighbors and one of them said there’s an idiot living in our building who seems to start it because of smoke or burning some food. Others said it might be a mechanical failure that causes the alarm to go off. Either way, it makes me super mad and annoyed, especially when it’s Sunday and it wakes me up and sends me outside in pajamas in the middle of the night. Do I have any options here? Is there any point in emailing the complex management? Can I/we the neighbors sue the complex for letting this go on and on if it’s a mechanical failure and they don’t fix it or if it’s a stupid neighbor burning stuff on daily basis and they don’t evict him? Thanks!
If something is triggering the alarm, or someone is pulling it, there's not much the management can do to stop it.
[FL] Received a semi-nude picture on Snapchat, sent it to a friend, she posted it on Facebook
A person (p1) sent me a picture of herself nude on snapchat but with nothing showing (no nipples, genitals or anus), just her back and the top of her butt essentially. I sent it to someone else (p2). P2 got mad at p1 and posted the picture on facebook. P1 called the police who called p2 and told her they were putting out a warrant for her arrest. Could P2 be sued? Could I be sued? Everyone involved is 18+ years old.
I'm not sure why you're worried about being sued, you both violated Florida's revenge porn law. That's a Class 1 misdemeanor. You both need attorneys ASAP.
How will homeownership work between my girlfriend and I?
My Girlfriend of 3 years and I are planning on buying a house soon. While we both have good jobs, she has student loans and less savings than me. I plan on putting the 20% down. I'm not sure if I should only put my name on the deed or both names. We will be paying the same monthly toward morgage and bills.
Buying a house with someone you're not married to is a terrible idea. It usually ends up with someone coming back here asking "How do I divide a property that I bought with my ex-girlfriend!" The smarter move is to have one of you buy it, and the other person either loan them money(with a signed agreement) or agree to pay rent. Or both.Answer #2: If you aren't committed enough to get married, you probably shouldn't be committed enough to buy a house together. It could become a legal nightmare trying to divide up that property if the relationship goes south. Answer #3: always a bad idea. when you break up you'll keep the house (which will surprise and enrage her). but she will stop paying the mortgage and you'll have to pick up the slack or lose the house (even if she's on the mortgage and you're entitled to sue her for failing to pay). get married or have a lawyer draft a proper joint ownership agreement
Car rear-ended on the way to trade it in. Appraised the day before. [Pennsylvania]
We decided to trade my wife's car and worked up an agreement with the dealer. My wife was literally driving to the dealer the next day and got rear ended. Police came out, other driver was cited. Damage to our vehicle was relatively minor. After some haggling with the dealer, we agreed to take $2500 off of the trade. The vehicle we traded in was a one model year old Acura MDX, and the dealer's point was that if an accident shows on the Carfax, that's a much tougher sell in that segment. My question is whether I have a reasonable hope of recovering the $2500 (or some portion of it) from the other driver's insurance company. We have a signed agreement from yesterday showing the original amount and today's executed agreement with $2500 less for the trade due to the accident. Since my loss is real, am I entitled to the $2500 even though the insurance company probably won't have an opportunity to inspect the vehicle? If I would be entitled to that $2500, what should my next step be? Should I speak with the other driver's insurance or should I consider filing a suit in small claims court against the other driver? We're located in Pennsylvania.
Yes, yes, yes. File a diminished value claim with the insurance company. You may have to fight this a bit, but this is a PERFECT claim, in my opinion. Everything lines up and they can't claim that there's no actual diminished value, as you had a valid appraisal before and a bill of sale after the accident. There may be a wrinkle in the fact that they weren't given the chance to fix the accident damage, which they likely would have preferred. Talk to the insurance company first and open a claim with them. Demand the full amount and don't waver.
Refused entry to USA under grounds of inadmissibility. I feel I was treated unfairly.
**TL;DR Had been travelling Colombia. Was going to visit the USA and then return to Colombia to continue travelling. Border patrol thought I was a coke smuggler and aggressively questioned me, including what I thought were 'threats' of cavity searches and blood tests. Found in my phone that I had smoked weed in the UK. Didn't believe I had enough money in my account to fund the travelling I was doing. Refused me entry under inadmissibility. Scroll down for my questions.** **Full story:** I'm a UK citizen who had been travelling in Colombia for 2 months. I've travelled a fair bit in my life and my American girlfriend and I wanted to travel somewhere completely different, to satisfy our wanderlust. We also are trying to learn Spanish so Colombia was a perfect opportunity for something different. So I had been in Colombia with my girlfriend for about 2 months. We both decided to visit her parents back in the USA for Christmas, and then return to Colombia to continue travelling. I had already booked a flight to Madrid from Colombia in late January, so I had proof I was leaving the 'Americas'. Our parents respectively bought each of our flights to where she lives in the USA. Because flight information changes every 15 minutes, we happened to be on separate flights, just because it ended up being cheaper that way. So I arrived 2 days after she had at Boston airport. I had been travelling for over 24 hours and was extremely tired at this point. I have been out of work for sometime, but still had money left over from a previous teaching job, as well as money given to me by my parents. So when I arrive at the border, they are suspicious of me. I haven't worked in a long time, I've travelled from Colombia and are planning on going back. I'm visiting my girlfriend but happen to be on separate flights. Basically they think I'm a cocaine smuggler so things get pretty nasty. They take me in the back of their homeland security office and start tearing my belongings apart, checking every part of my bags and luggage. The officers are pretty obnoxious. One in particular said things like 'Why are you lying to us' 'if you simply stop lying we can make a deal' 'are you telling me if we check your blood we won't find any drugs' 'Why the hell would you ever want to go to Colombia, the cocaine capital of the world' 'we have the ability to check all your stuff, including you' This last comment I thought was him implying they would cavity search me. They didn't, but they kept putting on rubber gloves. Needless to say I found this all very traumatic, which only fuelled their suspicion that I was 'nervous' about something. I struggle with anxiety at the best of times so I was a bit of a wreck under all this intense questioning, not to mention while being sleep deprived. They read out texts from my phone to my girlfriend which were highly personal. They didn't believe I had enough money to cover the travelling I said I was doing. I have over £500 in the bank card I had with me, more than enough to cover travel in Colombia (western currencies go very far in Latin America), yet they kept claiming my story 'didn't make sense'. They questioned my girlfriend too who was standing in the lobby, waiting to collect me. As far as I'm aware nothing she said contradicted my story. Eventually they sat me down for an interview 'under oath'. They found texts in my phone where a friend was asking me if I had any weed. My phone is an old phone, I have smoked weed before. I admitted to it. It was this and them thinking I didn't have enough money which led them to refuse me entry. During this interview they would constantly say things that I can only describe as 'loaded confessions'. For example when they read out the text of my friend asking for weed, they would say 'So you're a drug dealer in England?', 'Okay, so you sell drugs to your friends'. They were a whole number of phrases where they would twist my words in an attempt to get my to 'confess' to something that was completely untrue. I found this type of aggressive interviewing highly traumatic. They also gave me a copy of the 'transcript' of the interview. I highlight the word transcript because there are a number of answers on it that do not reflect what I said. They made me initial the interview at the time, I assume to cover for this exact situation, where I might dispute it. I was so traumatised at the time I just did what I needed to for it to be over. I didn't want a whole separate argument over semantics. They said I no longer qualify for ESTA and to visit the USA again I have to apply for a visa. **So after all this, my questions.** 1. Is there any grounds for complaints in this case? I was horrified by the way I was treated. I'm still somewhat traumatised by the whole situation. I was frisked frequently, locked in custody overnight, put in handcuffs, and denied the right to speak to my girlfriend until the following day. They handcuffed me and transported me in the back of a police van, and stopped for coffee on the way to the detention centre. The staff at the detention facility had little sympathy for my situation. I was very much treated as a criminal. Despite I was told (once they had made their decision) that this was ultimately just an administrative procedure, I was treated with suspicion and contempt throughout. 2. I no longer qualify for ESTA. Is this permanent? Will I one day be able to qualify for ESTA again or do I permanently have to apply for a visa to visit the USA?
Nothing you an do. You can complain all you want but they can treat you as unfairly as they want at the border.Answer #2: £500 is not enough money to fund travel. That might be enough to support you for a week to a month *tops* in the US (which is the country you were trying to enter) And you are unemployed. What they are looking for is proof that you will leave the country, not stay as an illegal worker. As a UK citizen, you don't have any inherent rights to be able to enter the US. I am unable to answer any of your other questions. I have been in your situation before, and it sucks balls. I'm sorry you had to go through that.Answer #3: >Is there any grounds for complaints in this case? You can submit a complaint to CBP using [this form](https://help.cbp.gov/app/forms/complaint). Answer #4: Ports of entry into the US can be hostile. I was born and raised in CA, I'm Caucasian and look it... When I enter back into the US, questions are pointed, accusatory and asked without a hint of friendliness. And that's me coming back from Europe due to work. It's almost like they don't believe I was there for an innocuous tradeshow. I would guess they'd seize on that Colombia thing. It has a reputation. Answer #5: They can do what they want. Part of it is probably your bad luck in entering at Boston. They see a lot of UK and Irish guys come in as tourists that never leave. This likely makes them more suspicious. I imagine as well that you don't look particularly "touristy".
How can people receive the death penalty if “Life” is an inalienable right
Why can people have this right that is inalienable right able to be revoked in some instances.
>We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. The Declaration of Independence is not a document that has any legal binding or force of law in the USA. It was not a part of the subsequent constitution, which does serve as the basis of our system of laws.
Company took half my 401k
Oregon. I worked for a property management company. A bunch of shenanigans occured. I caught them skimming over a hundred bucks a month from my paycheck. They copped to it and reimbursed me. They also cut my hours the day after i brought it up. I quit, because fuck that. I had a 401k that was matched dollar for dollar. After i cashed out, providence mutual said half of it went back to the company. Am i wrong for thinking this is wrong?
Were you fully vested?
(MI) Nurse Anesthesthest administered medications listed on my allergy list during procedure causing moderate complications. What to do?
I live in Michigan, land of tort caps from what I understand (although I don't think I have a case that would come close to maxing those out anyway), and I had a somewhat terrifying thing happen to me on 1/11/17. I was scheduled for a pretty basic procedure as follow up to an emergency room visit 3 days prior. I have a pretty extensive allergy list that also includes the reactions to the medications as part of the documentation. All of my medical records are within this health system and can be accessed by anyone within it. I spoke to the pre-op nurses about one drug in particular, as they had offered it to me before the procedure. I refused on the basis of it being on my allergy list. The CRNA came into my room before surgery to discuss the event. He made mention of using an opiate which I refused based on my allergy profile. He accepted that and stated that, "we will keep things as simple as possible." Upon waking from anesthesia I immediately knew I had been given something wrong. I am bipolar and my mood was fundamentally different upon waking up. I knew I had woken up into a mixed episode. This was obvious to my mental health case manager (a licensed social worker) the next day. When I got home, I looked at the anesthesiology report and noted that he had given me a drug that is a direct analogue to one that is on my allergy list as causing mania/mixed episodes. It is in the exact same class as the listed drug, has the same listed side effects, as is known to cause more nervous system effects than the one that I have listed. Bipolar is also listed as a condition on my chart so administering that medication at all is fraught with danger. I also noticed he gave me a medication that was specifically listed, by name, off of my allergy list. That drug causes a situation that created the need for the procedure in the first place. It has made me pretty ill (though not in mortal peril) for the past several days. I have pharmacists in my family with a combined practice year total of nearly years. The assumption is that these two meds were administered for nausea during anesthesia. There is at least one other drug he could have used for that. I already take it, it's on my chart, the nurses knew I hadn't taken my morning dose, and it comes in an iv fast-acting form. Essentially, what I am left with now is a dysregulated mood episode, a physical ailment and a feeling of being violated that is profoundly unsettling. I am completely creeped out to be honest. I don't really ever want to trust anyone to ever put me under again. My problem is really, I am not really sure I have any kind of case. I'm on disability already so it's not like I can claim economic loss. I am definitely struggling emotionally with what happened and there has definitely been a physical consequence to this negligence. I just don't know what that means. This CRNA is a menace though. I just am not sure where to go with this aside from reporting him to the licensing board. Any ideas with this would be great because I do really feel awful about this. It's like someone accidentally slipped a drug in my drink or something. I know it wasn't intentional, but I still feel very violated. Like I said, the people in my family who were pharmacists for the combined almost 70 years had to practice without ever making a mistake. This guy does not have a job where he gets to make mistakes or capriciously ignore allergy lists. Oh, and I had another minor event with anesthesia back in august that was no problem, required very few meds, and I had asked this guy to refer back to. He flatly refused to use the meds the previous person had and clearly didn't even look. Thanks for reading if you got this far!
Did you have an injury from this allergic reaction? Any damages? No damages usually equates to no lawsuit. Feel free to discuss it with a malpractice attorney. Malpractice is way too fact specific and is far beyond the scope of this sub. You can also file a complaint with the hospital administration about this too.
[FL] My friend got called out publicly by a company because she left a one-star review. What can she do?
Hello, I've never posted here before and I hope I'm not doing anything wrong. (Please let me know so I can make a correction to the post.) What happened is fairly lengthy, but the TL:DR of it is that a friend of mine and I went to a tattoo/piercing shop (Florida) and were turned off by the place because a rude piercer. She left a one-star review on Facebook without leaving a comment, and an employee of the place posted a status calling her out by her full name. On the business's Facebook page, not their own personal page. One of her friend's private messaged the company, and they responded with "you can be messed with, too." **The question is, can she sue for cyber bullying or harassment?** If it can even be called either of those. Also, remember; this is the Facebook to represent the company. If it were an individual, I wouldn't have come here. Getting more in-depth as to what happened. My friend left the one-star review and accidentally didn't leave the reason because of mobile issues. The person running the page had private messaged her, asking her why she had left a one-star review. When she didn't respond within the hour, that's when the status came out. I have a lot of screenshots to provide. First: [the initial status](https://i.imgur.com/1gtEjpV.png). Her friend tagged her to show her this happened. My friend saw the post, and [promptly responded](https://imgur.com/a/nPp3W), describing her experience. They then deleted her comments and blocked her. Multiple people saw, [and started ganging up on the company (including myself).](https://i.imgur.com/dgybzBl.png) They started receiving multiple responses and one-star reviews, so they revised their post and took out her name. [However, it is still in the edit history.](https://i.imgur.com/DN4Q6IB.png) Her friend sent private messages to the company without her knowledge. [They responded in a fairly threatening manner,](https://imgur.com/a/z3l3b) saying "you can be messed with as well." This is just... so, so unprofessional for a business. And petty! It's not like a guy in his basement giving tattoos and piercings, this an actual building with employees and customers and everything. What can be done about this?
If you feel there are credible threats of violence, call the police. Since this just seems like a Facebook pissing war, no. There's nothing to be done. Assuming all statements are factual, (which theirs were, so and so did leave a 1 star review) there's nothing to be done. I'll note your "friend" didn't respond very appropriately either. This makes everyone look bad, but the shop most of all because they are a business. Trust me, no one sees that shit and thinks "man, the shop is so right to call out people who are dissatisfied with their service!" they think "wow what a bunch of cry babies" . Which is what I think. For both parties. Answer #2: You're right, it all is petty. Move on with life. You do not have a legal issue or question.
Want Charges Dropped - Domestic Assault (Canada)
>I know it's a crazy world we live No, it's not. *You* are being crazy if you marry into this, will continue to be the victim of domestic assault, and may yourself be charged with DV at some point in the future. You're putting yourself into a position where bad things are likely to happen; you can't be surprised when they do. You can call the prosecutor's office and ask to speak with the attorney handling the case. Similarly, you can see if your jurisdiction has a victim's advocate you could speak with. I will be very blunt - were I the prosecutor there is a *0%* chance that I would drop the charges and learning that you were marrying her would make me more likely to move forward because I'd want the past action documented so that it can be included and considered during the next trial.
Trying to get out of CROSSFIT MEMBERSHIP
Hi I’m from Texas and I️ am currently trying to get out of my CrossFit membership. In the contract I️ signed it said I️ needed a 15 day advanced notice to cancel my membership, after I sent the notice via email I️ received a response that they had changed that to a 30 day advance notice and that I️ will be charged for 2 more months. They stated that they have the right to change that even though in the contract I️ signed it says 15 and threatened to send it to debt collectors if I️ didn’t pay. Can the gym actually change their cancellation policy even if the contract I️ signed says fifteen days, they said they sent an email with the change which I️ did not receive.
Usually the answer is yes they have the right to amend the contract HOWEVER at minimum that would likely need to come with 1) notice to you and 2) opportunity to terminate the deal due to the new terms
Open container charge in Public
let's pretend a friend of mine was cited for possession of an alcoholic beverage on public property. But here's what happen what's the chances he can beat the case or what happens from here . It was in baltimore maryland . The cop shined a light from behind a fence and asked for Id. My friend whose is only 18 put the bottle in his back pocket and told the cop he had no id on him. While the cop was still behind the fence he dumps the liqour out (a bottle of MD:20/20) and leaves the glass on the floor. The cop then proceeds to say nothing and turns away but it clearly walking around the fence. My friend then runs down through a alley and escapes. The cop picks him up 10 minutes later and cites him. What should he expect ? They never took BAC and all they have is a body cam of him holding a container but they can't prove it was alcholic except probaly the label. *fictional story* any help would be alppreaicted
If it's fictional then it doesn't belong here. If it's real your friend needs an attorney.Answer #2: YOU (not your friend who doesn't exist) need a lawyer. It's likely that they have a good case against you and a conviction for the crime is likely without help for you. Again, not your friend.
Accidental payment into my account
Throwaway as my main is identifiable - thanks in advance for any help. A month or so ago, I received a payment from a large company (around 500-800 USD). I got an invoice by email, and the payment appeared in my account within a couple of days. There was no information on the invoice, just a reference number. The payment was a bit of a surprise, but it wasn't completely out of the blue - I've been paid by the company before, so I'm on their vendor list. I'm an academic, and the line between "I'm giving you friendly advice" and "this is a consultancy arrangement" is a bit blurred - I presumed they were compensating me for time that I'd spent on one of their projects. Anyway, two days ago, I got an email saying that the payment was made in error - they have two vendors on the system with the same name, and they sent to the wrong one. While I'm happy to pay the money back, I'm based in the UK and the company is based in the US. If I send the money to a US bank account, there will be a transaction fee, and there's the issue of exchange rates. If they insist on me sending the money to a US account, I think it's reasonable that they eat any fees, and that I send back the minimum of the USD amount and the GBP amount that I actually received, as it was their mistake (so if the exchange rate has changed in the wrong direction, then they would get back less than they sent me). 1) Is this reasonable? If there any timescale that I am obliged to pay them back under? 2) Would I need any sort of legal agreement to confirm that there is no more financial obligation on my part? Particularly if I send them back less than I received because of fees and exchange rates. Would an informal document be okay, or should I push for something more official? Location: I'm based in the UK, but the company is based in the US (incorporated in Delaware), so I guess US law applies here.
>Particularly if I send them back Whenever this happens to me (>1-2 times per year) I simply tell my bank that I refuse to accept the payment, it's not my money nor intended for me. This is due to me being paranoid of transferring it back to the original account and then having to fight a transaction return later.
Did my dad just screw himself over or screw my mom over?
US - Oklahoma My parents have decided to split, and while my mom was led to believe it was amicable and given time to seek counseling and her own attorney, **my dad decided to cut her off from all financial accounts**. She was/still is a stay at home wife all her life, hasn't worked in almost 25 years, and has a high school diploma. I am their 25 yr-old daughter and I have a 20 yr-old brother who lives with them. She's been in a hotel for a week. She withdrew $5K emergency money before she knew she was being cut off, and that's now all she has (plus her car). Her divorce attorney wants $5K for a retainer. While I don't want to side with my mom or my dad, this makes my dad look extremely bad and makes me question his intentions in all this. **Was this legal for him to do?** Neither party (to my knowledge) has officially filed, though now my mom is definitely going through with it. She's now talking about getting her attorney and "taking back her house" which has both of their names on it. **Is this legal for her to do??** You may wonder why she's not asking these questions herself; I'm trying to gauge whether his actions constitute me officially siding with her, and helping my mother financially, or if this is something that can be quickly resolved (in the form of reinstatement of temporary financial support) through attorney action. Topic: Other Civil Matters
Judges don't look kindly on spouses cutting each other off from marital assets. However, as far as I know it's not illegal.
Could an individual claim themselves to be religiously tax exempt?
For example, If one said the government is doing something that violates their religion, thus giving the government money through taxes would be against their religion, could then be tax exempt on religious grounds? If not an individual, what about a corporation?
The IRS would likely find it a [Frivolous Tax Argument](https://www.irs.gov/privacy-disclosure/the-truth-about-frivolous-tax-arguments-section-i-d-to-e#_Toc350157901) and fine you.
Got a parking ticket - on a vehicle I gave away months ago
So I let my younger sister use my old car for awhile. When she got a new one, she asked if she could sell the old one and she'd give me half of whatever she got for it. I said that was fine. She sold it (didn't give me half, of course), and now months later I get a letter for a parking ticket on that car. Apparently not only did SHE never change the vehicle into her own name, the person she sold it to didn't either. Location is Wisconsin. What can I do? The ticket is only 25 bucks. It's not a huge deal, but is it still mine technically then? Is the guy driving around in what amounts to a stolen vehicle registered in someone else's name? Topic: Traffic and Parking
You handled that poorly. You need to notify the DMV the car was sold. They may have a procedure when you don't know who the buyer was. You have a huge liability every second this continues. If this guy gets into an accident you could be sued.
Where does the law stand on porn showing 18-year-olds, either in photographic or drawn form?
"The law" is not the same the world around; every country and sometimes every state/province/territory/ward/etc within that country will have different laws. But in the vast majority of the world, if porn is legal, 18 year olds are allowed to be in it. See also: the "barely legal" section of any Porn provider.
Roomates And Drugs
I moved into a apartment and was placed with two guys who are a few years younger then me through a roomate matching service. Really nice guys and we get along well, however they sell and do drugs frequently. Mostly Benzodiazepines, however pretty occasionally ketamine, coke, mushrooms, PCP, heroin and an assortment of synthetic ones im not familiar with. I have talked to them and they mostly stay in their respective rooms if they are doing anything but occasionally on weekend it gets brought into the liviing room when they have people over. Legally speaking if our apartment raided and drugs are found, what kind of liability do I have? Our rooms are all leased out separetly. They are young guys and Im not going to rat them out however i have plans to start my PhD within the next year and do not want to get into any trouble that might jeopardize that. My lease on the apartment is for another six months at which time i will be leaving. Location: Bellingham, Washington Any advise?
No one can predict what would happen if the police were to raid your apartment. The only way to protect yourself would be to either (a) preemptively call the police or (b) move out. I know that neither sound appealing, but I think deep down you knew this was the answer you'd get.Answer #2: > Legally speaking if our apartment raided and drugs are found, what kind of liability do I have? If the cops walk in and there are drugs in the living room and you in the living room there's a good chance you're getting charged with possession. If the drugs are in their locked rooms you have a good argument that you were not in possession.Answer #3: Living with dealers is a dangerous game to play. Anyone who keeps large quantities of drugs in the house attracts attention from not only the police, but from lowlifes who would like to steal those drugs. Your roommates may be the nicest guys ever and you trust them, but do you trust everyone they hang with and sell to?
Missouri Possession of cannabis charges with no physical evidence
Last month, several friends and I were doing a float trip on a river. Several of us stopped on a sandy bank and had a few cigarettes back in the woods. Several of us don't like to finish a whole cig, so we pass them back and forth, which I assume some people think is a joint. We finished our break and launched back onto the river. As soon as our rafts got in, three river patrol police and a drug dog ran from the woods on the opposite bank and ordered us all to pull over. They said that that observed us consuming marijuana on the opposite bank. They searched our craft and found not a single trace of anything illegal. They even had their drug dog sniff it down and it didn't sign. Now, here is the part that makes me think there may be a case: The officers essentially said (and I paraphrase) "We know you were smoking weed over there, we just watched you all do it. We can do this the easy way or the hard way: You admit to smoking marijuana and we write you a misdemeanor ticket, or you can keep denying it and we'll take you to jail." All of us admitted to smoking marijuana out of fear of what we believed could happen and we all received tickets and court dates. My main questions are this: Should I hire a lawyer? Did the officer coerce confessions? and if so, are they admissible in court? Since there is no evidence aside from the officer's word, will this stand in court? All of us have the same court date and time, would the other accused be able to act as witnesses? Otherwise, would our other friend who was not convicted be able to testify for us? Do we even stand a chance of beating this without a lawyer? Thanks for any advice that anyone can offer
>All of us admitted to smoking marijuana out of fear of what we believed could happen and we all received tickets and court dates. you guys boned yourselves there.
I sold a TV on Facebook, it worked for 2 days, now it does not and buyer demands refund
I have sold a Vizio E500i TV on local Facebook Sales Group in Phoenix, Arizona. The buyer came to my house, I have turned the TV on for them, showed them them a video clip, showed them smart features and they have bought it for $250 and took it home. That was on 2/11/2017. This evening 2/13/2017 I have gotten a voice mail from that stating that the TV does not want to turn on and that I had to know about it, and demanded that I contact them back or else they "will have to come up there to see me." and call the police. I have called back, and ask them if the TV worked for them when they got it home on 11th and 12th. They stated yes, but now it does not. I have recorded the conversation as AZ is one party wiretapping state, and I have the initial voicemail as well. They have sent me a video, and the TV does seem to have issue. According to them I known that this is an issue, even though they tested the TV out before they bought it and according to their own admission TV was fully functional for few days when they got it home. While I do sympathize with electronics going bad, they did bought a used electronic device with no warranty and they did test it out before they bought it. What are my options here; legal or otherwise? Thanks
My guess: they had a broken TV of the same or a similar model. The video was of this TV. Now that they have the working TV you sold them, they want their money back. After all, why pay for a replacement when you can scam one from a stranger for free?
Someone rearended me. Said she'd take care of damages out of pocket because she didn't have insurance. I messed up by not calling the police and she's blocked me. TX.
I know I messed up by not calling the police right there and then. I have a copy of her license. I have her phone number and her license plate number. I'm not sure what I can do at this point. I called the police but they said it would be a civil matter. It's a minor scrape to be honest. I've never been in an accident and am more upset that she basically going to get away with hitting me and not being responsible it. This is in TEXAS. Any advice?
Go to the police station. File a report. Then contact your insurance. If you do not have collision coverage (and so insurance will not help) then use her address to sue her in small claims for the damage. As future advice if someone is irresponsible enough to drive without insurance they are probably not responsible enough to pay you.
Condo manager saying I have to kick out my sublet (DC)
I recently subleased my condo to college freshmen interning for the summer while I stayed at a friends place. The original landowner is fine with the arrangement but the front desk noticed and told me first that the subletter had to fill out forms with their contact info. They did but the next day the front desk informed me that there is a lease addendum stating that sublets are strictly prohibited. Yesterday night, I realized that in the original lease that I signed in 2013-2014 that lease addendum was attached. But in the new lease I signed for 2014-2015 there is no lease addendum attached. After the lease was up in 2015, the landlord and I decided to do the lease on a month-by-month basis. I sent the property managers an email explaining my situation (not the addendum part, because I didn't know at the time) and they replied basically with a simple no. They also did not return my calls yesterday and have emailed my landlord saying that I am potentially going to be fined if the subletters are not kicked out immediately. I want the best possible solution for everyone. What should I do?
Please clarify. You rent from the owner and are subbing to this student? If so does your lease with the owner address this? If so you have no contract with the property management company and they can't fine you. (well they can try). They can fine the owner.
landlord accuses my cousin for having a dog even though he doesn't have any and he fines my cousin for 500 dollars.
My cousin had a landlord who had a strict no pet policy. My cousin had a room mate who had a pet dog and one day the the landlord came and gave my charged my cousin a 500 dollars. My cousin told the room mate to pay the fine but he refused with the excuse that my cousin got it so he had to pay for it. My cousin is now in a really difficult financial position because the landlord thinks that he has the dog and my cousin's room mate ain't accepting the fine. What should my cousin do?
Is the roommate on the lease?
Guy found at-fault for accident is suing me. What can I expect? (California)
I rear-ended a guy who, angry that I had passed him, pulled directly in front of me and slammed on his brakes. Luckily I was *almost* able to stop in time, and barely touched his car. There was no visible damage. He has lawyered up, and now that my insurance found him 100% at fault (and filed on him to the Insurance Fraud agency), he is suing me (he went to the ER after the accident and is claiming an injury, despite no visible damage to his car). I'm beyond frustrated that this has happened and while my insurance has been amazing throughout all of this, I wouldn't mind some perspective. Some questions: 1) Is he just doing this in hopes of getting a settlement? If so, do I have any ability to tell my insurance (who is getting a representative on my behalf) that I do not want to settle? I don't want this guy getting ANY money whatsoever. He has 93 insurance claims and is a total monster. I don't want him to reap anything from this. 2) What is the chance this actually goes to trial? 3) Do I have any recourse here? Should I file a countersuit? 4) If he files a suit, can he get my personal information? All contact has been through my insurance, and I'm terrified of him (I had to call the cops because of his behavior after the accident; they gave him the address on my license, despite the fact I gave them my current address). I do not want him to know where I live. 5) Any words of encouragement? I'm so frustrated at the whole situation. *Side note*: ALWAYS TAKE PICTURES. My phone was busted and I didn't take any pictures of his car. THANK CHRIST a witness came forward and emailed me pictures he took. If I didn't have those, god knows what he would have done to "prove" damage to his car.
Let your insurers handle the case. They are pros, have done this before numerous times and know what they are about.
Car moving Chicago to Portland
Starting new job in Portland. Originally intended to sell current car in Illinois & buy new in Portland. However, it seems we can't do that bec. of no residency in Portland. Portland housing market is competitive & we'll have to rent. Don't want to pay Illinois tax on a car purchased in Portland. Options?
You realize that renters are residents, right?
Stay at home mom
So I am a stay at home mom. I’ve been married coming up on 3 years and have a two year old and a 1 year old. My husband refuses to get a divorce. What will the divorce process look like in this situation? Would pictures of holes in walls and piles of empty beer cans help my case for custody? There’s no police report to go along with them. Would bring a stay at home mom hurt my chances of custody? What do I need to do to get my ducks in a row without him knowing? I’m in Ohio. Topic: Custody Divorce and Family
You really need to talk to a local attorney to answer these questions. There is no standard answer to them. Being a stay at home mom does not mean you won't get primary custody but also doesn't guarantee you primary custody.
Drone following me while walking dogs at nature park in rural area
Hi all: Me (30F) likes to walk my dog at a nature park right outside my town. It’s a very isolated location and I rarely see another human while there. The park is nestled in a bunch of trees and then opens into a large area of land the deeper you go. Anyway, tonight while walking in that field, a drone came upon me. It hovered right above me for awhile and then followed me the entire time. I looked up at it and even stopped and stared at it. Then I’d start to walk again and it’d follow me. It really spooked me for some reason and kind of weirded me out. However, I felt dumb bc who was I supposed to even tell in this situation? And is the person even doing anything wrong by following me since I’m at a public nature city? To add context, we have an unsolved murder here (the first one in 20 years in our community) and the woman was killed arriving for an early morning fitness class. So I think in general I’m probably more spooked than normal, but I was just more curious what are the general rights of drones when they follow you? Topic: Douche
You don’t say where you are located, so then you should check to see if there are drone specific laws (but those are rather uncommon). In light of the unsolved murder you mentioned, you should probably call the police and make a report. Who knows. May help. And at least you have documentation of the harassment.
I am drowning.
I have to apologize in advance, as this story is long and even I am still very confused. I went to court back in January with my (now ex) husband, father of my 3 children (all under 9). He was (then, and still is) in prison for rape of a child (not to one of ours). I wanted full custody and to terminate his parental rights. He wanted monthly visitation and daily phone calls, along with shared custody. After lawyers talked, we came to an agreement of what the judge thought was best. It basically came down to this: I got full custody, he got parental rights. He was to provide a cell phone and would have a call every Sunday night. The judge also specified that if he wanted "video visits" (prison facetime, he asked during court), he would provide a phone that had those capabilities. He wanted my physical address and contact numbers, but the judge specified that any communication between me and him would be via my mom (she volunteered as tribute since he has a history of harassment). He was awarded an in prison visit once every three months with the kids, and it was specified "mother or mother's designee" that would make the trip with the kids (3 hour drive one way to the prison, 6 hour trip). I wasn't happy. I'm still not. But I was convinced I had no other choice. We agreed, and it was up to his attorney to draft up the divorce paperwork (I guess? Idk why). He does this, but it is filled with tons of things that were NEVER agreed on, such as: ONLY MOTHER (me) will make the trip with the kids, and stay for the ENTIRETY of the allowed visitation hours (9 hours long) MOTHER must provide physical address, personal and work phone numbers MOTHER must provide communication equipment (computer and webcam) for the video visits "due to technological restraints." There was more, but you get the idea. These were the main ones that set me off. I highlighted all the things that were never agreed on and discussed it with my attorney. He said he sent a revised edit to my ex's attorney for review. Then there was silence. For months. I would constantly email my attorney (super flaky guy) asking if he heard anything. It was not until summer when I found out that my ex submitted his original jacked up paperwork and had the judge sign it, saying I never responded. On top of this, my ex filed an enforcement of parenting plan since I had not taken the kids to see him (which is honestly because he denied my designees visitor applications). New court date is set due to aforementioned enforcement of parenting plan, so my attorney said he would file to amend the divorce decree and present it on the same day. Cool. Court comes. My attorney is NO WHERE TO BE SEEN. The judge's clerk gets him on the phone 15 minutes after the scheduled time and he says he forgot, didnt get it on the calendar, and apologizes. He was on vacation, but would appear telephonically on my behalf. Ugh, whatever, I just want to be done with it. Judge dismissed my ex's case because he's dumb (that's just my opinion tho). She asks my attorney if everything he wanted to be fixed was noted on the corrected judgement he submitted to her. She talks about the "designee" portion, asks if there is anything else, to which my attorney said NO. Well, wouldn't you know it, I get the new divorce decree and that "mothers designee" portion is the only thing that is fixed. Which is huge, don't get me wrong, but I do not want to have contact with this man. I do not think it is fair the children have to be in a prison for any longer than they actually want to visit. I cannot afford buying things for him to have video chats, now that I am the sole provider with 0 child support. I can hardly afford the payments that I am still making to that shit attorney I hired. I'm at a loss right now. I have 0 ideas on what my next step is. It's been over a month of me reaching out to my (not mine anymore I guess since court is over) attorney about things and have been ignored. Can I refile another corrected judgement? Will the judge be mad at me for wasting so much of her time? Should I just admit defeat? This is just one of many many problems I am facing, albeit the only legal problem right now.
You need a new attorney, and to take all of this to them to see what can be done. Contact your state bar for referrals. And I’m sorry about all of this.
We paid lawyer to retrieve husband's case file a year ago and now they are ignoring and stonewalling our calls (Houston, Texas)
Last year in March we consulted with an immigration lawyer to retrieve my (now) husband's immigration file. This was supposed to be the beginning step towards applying towards his residency card. We paid $600 upfront to have this done and the lawyer said it would take 4 months to get the case file. For the last 6 months we have been calling their office and have been blocked from talking to the lawyer (they're busy, not here, etc.) and then they tell us they will look up my husband's file and call us back later and they never do. Is there any legal recourse I can seek to get them to either return my money or at least give me a response? Thanks in advance. Topic: Immigration
You can file a complaint with the bar association the state the attorney practices in for never providing a service you paid the attorney for. You can also sue the attorney in small claims court.
How do I seek SSDI if I was born with disabilities but have never been labeled "disabled"?
I'll ask any questions you have and provide any photos or screenshot evidence. I'm trying to avoid being evicted due to a lack of family-help and financial-support. I feel like my whole life I have been lied to by my parents and they have not had my best interests in mind, or have been uneducated to my personal legal rights, which even I am not aware of, but recognize a strong need for in a period where I am trying to get my own business up and running, but am also facing several financial complications preventing me from focusing more strongly on the initial leg-work I need to do to get a self-sustaining momentum rolling. My right hand is mutated and I do not have a specific diagnosis or word for whatever the affliction/disease is. I have titanium rods/plates bolted to my spine to prevent life-threatening scoliosis from progressing to make me further crippled/disabled/paralysed. My whole family has just been saying that I'll never find out what caused these things, and that I need to "just accept it", but this is quite honestly unacceptable. I did not ask to be born in this body. I did not ask to have these complications in life preventing me from being the happiest and most self-fulfilled version of myself possible. Mom is a crack-cocaine addict. She owes me $2000 she basically stole for drugs that she hasn't paid back. Biggie Smalls was right... My sister is a heroin addict. We actually have a gene that says we're more likely to become heroin addicts than the rest of the population. My dad is ex-military and is largely ignorant to my education and skillset that he, himself, paid for. He's abused my help and my talents and given me very little help when I've actually needed it, making it difficult to ask others for help. His twin-brother, an ex navy-intelligence officer who made $200k/year after he retired doing base-camp management in Afghanistan, won't help me out financially at all. Fuck that asshole. I am just at the end of my rope and have been thinking about killing myself lately because that is a lot easier than figuring out how to come up with the money that I need to avoid becoming homeless. I've been begging friends for help and very few friends are able to give me more than $20 each, which has helped me take care of a few things like getting an oil change and gas money so that I can keep doing Favor runs, but I'm not making gains fast enough, and I'm already over 3 weeks behind. God please help me.
How old are you? Cause if you're over 18, it's time to start figuring this stuff out on your own rather than relying on your family. Apply SSDI. Apply for Medicaid/Medicare. Go to a doctor on your own. Get copies of your own medical records. It doesn't matter if your family won't tell you why you have the disabilities that you have, but just that you have them documented by a doctor. Contact your local county social services and see what assistance you are eligible for.
[Illinois] Charged with reckless driving for driving an unusual car - can I sue the police for misuse of power for such a frivolous charge?
I was on my way to the doctor's office with my son when a state patrol officer stopped me for "reckless driving," when I was not driving recklessly and there was absolutely nothing in the legal code that I was cited for that I was violating. The officer kept me for so long that we missed my son's appointment and were dropped from the practice. I am wondering if I can sue the police for misuse of power for wasting so much of my time. The car I was driving looks perfectly normal on the outside. It has plates, and I was driving within the speed limit. On the inside, it is more unusual but still completely legal. There are two steering wheels, foot pedal sets, and everything else the driver has in the front seat. Only the set on the right is real and actually connected to anything though. Yes, it is set up like a British car, but there is still nothing about that fact that makes it unsafe to drive. It might look to people looking in the windows that both my son and I (or another passenger) are driving when my passenger their hands on the fake wheel, but it is only a trick. And in the back, the back seat is removed and replaced with a table that has a house of cards glued down to it. Everything is secured and not blowing around all over the place or obstructing the mirrors. I've driven this car for three years without any problem. I am wondering how I can get this officer fired and be compensated for the medical costs that I will incur by finding my son another doctor because of the actions of this police officer.
I'm not really buying the whole "practice dropped me" thing either. For being late to one appointment they dropped you? You could have showed them the bogus ticket... Perhaps this wasn't your first missed appointment?
45% Rent increase (Burbank, CA). Help
I wanted to know if there anyway to dispute my rent increase. My rent is going up from $1,500 to 2,200 [$700 (45%)] increase. My neighbors are also experiencing increases as well one by $1,200 and the other $1,050. Apparently our landlord has hired this property management Company and gave us this notice yesterday. Is there anything we can do. Or is there nothing I can do. Your advice and knowledge will be greatly appreciated. Thank you
In CA: >As of January 1, 2001, a landlord must give the tenant at least 30 days’ advance notice if the rent increase is 10 percent (or less) of the rent charged at any time during the 12 months before the rent increase takes effect. A landlord must give 60 days’ advance notice if the rent increase is greater than 10 percent. (Civil Code Section 827b.) but there is no restriction on rent increases. Unless this is rent controlled building in certain cities.Answer #2: Burbank has no rent control, but by state law, your landlord must give you 60 days' written notice for increases greater than 10% of your current rent. Otherwise, your protections are purely contractual: if you're mid-lease, your landlord can only raise your rent as your lease allows.Answer #3: Do you have a lease? If so, when does it expire? If you're month to month they are well within their rights to raise your rent so long as they provide 30 or 60 days notice (I think it depends on the amount it increases by).
Can I sue for sexual assault by myself?
** This happened in Montréal, QC * * I want to avoid sharing as much detail as I can, but on December 14th 2016 I was sexually assaulted by a man I was briefly involved with at the time. For the first two months after it happened, I opted not to report him or tell any authorities - which was probably the worst mistake - because I was desperate to forget it ever happened, and I thought pursuing further action would keep the trauma fresh. But it didn't work out that way, and I ended up getting increasingly upset over the fact that he just got away with it. So sometime in February, I finally made an initial police report before making an official statement with the sexual crimes unit on April 12th. After my statement, the detectives handling my case informed me that due to the nature of the situation - lack of witnesses, hearsay, etc - that it was very unlikely that the crown attorney would accept my case and investigate any further. Too much reasonable doubt. So my question is, if the government refuses to take my case, is it possible for me to personally hire a lawyer and press charges against the assailant that way? It's been nearly exactly 6 months since the incident so I know I am cutting it close, so any insight is appreciated. Thank you
You could sue the assailant civilly, but you can't press charges as a private citizen.
[California] Gym charged me extra for something I was not aware of, is there anything I can do?
>Is there any way I can prevent this sort of thing in the future? Yes you can prevent this from happening by reading contracts before you sign them.