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201 (South Park)
2010-04-19 03:42:42+00:00
"201" is the sixth episode of the fourteenth season of South Park, and the 201st overall episode of the series. It originally aired on Comedy Central in the United States on April 21, 2010. The episode continued multiple storylines from the previous episode, "200", in which a group of angry celebrities demand South Park produce Muhammad. In "201", a superhero-like group of religious figures (The Super Best Friends) team up to save South Park from the celebrities and their monster Mecha-Streisand, while Eric Cartman learns the true identity of his father. The episode was written and directed by series co-creator Trey Parker. Like "200", it alludes to several past storylines and controversies from previous South Park episodes, especially Comedy Central's refusal to show images of Muhammad on the network following controversies in 2005 and 2007 when cartoons depicting Muhammad ran in European newspapers, resulting in riots and threats. Prior to the broadcast of "201", the Islamist organization Revolution Muslim posted a warning on their website that Parker and Stone risked being murdered for their depiction of Muhammad. Comedy Central modified Parker and Stone's version of the episode, bleeping all references to Muhammad—to the effect of disruptively obscuring the entire two-minute moral conclusion of the story. Nevertheless, both "200" and "201" were nominated for the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Animated Program in 2010. The censorship drew strong criticism of Comedy Central. Critics said that the network's action would encourage further threats from radical groups. "201" was not shown in repeats, has not been made available on the South Park website, and has not been shown in Sweden, Hungary, or The Netherlands. According to Nielsen Media Research, the episode was seen by 3.5 million viewers, making it the most watched cable television program of the night. On January 31, 2014, the original, uncensored version of "201" was leaked when it was pulled from the South Park Studios servers and was posted online in its entirety without approval by Comedy Central. The episode opens and continues from "200" with Eric Cartman, as his hand-puppet persona Mitch Conner, narrating a flashback to Conner's 1972 medical discharge from his Vietnam War tour of duty in a parody of a scene from the film Apocalypse Now as the song "Time of the Season" by the Zombies plays in the background. Back in the present, Mr. Garrison's hand puppet, Mr Hat, refuses to reveal the identity of Cartman's father, and instead sends Cartman to Dr. Mephisto. Meanwhile, the Ginger Separatist Movement and the townsfolk are negotiating the handover of Muhammad when Mecha-Streisand begins to attack South Park, killing Pip Pirrup in the process after he pleads with Streisand not to "smash our little town to bits". Muhammad, who is visually obscured throughout the entire episode by a black box superimposed with the word "CENSORED", is taken by Stan Marsh, Kyle Broflovski, and Kenny McCormick to Dr. Mephisto's lab. The gingers arrive and take Muhammad and Cartman captive. The Super Best Friends are called to South Park to help; after their powers fail to subdue Mecha-Streisand, they pacify her by having Krishna adopt the form of Neil Diamond and providing her the opportunity to perform a duet with him on a stage constructed by Jesus. The gingers contact the celebrities and offer to share Muhammad in exchange for access to the "Rob Reiner goo transfer machine", which transfers Muhammad's power to remain free from ridicule to a target individual. Tom Cruise is the first subjected to the process, gaining a "CENSORED" bar identical to Muhammad's, but further transfers are interrupted when the Super Best Friends arrive to free their comrade Muhammad. Meanwhile, Cartman is taken to the ginger lair to meet Scott Tenorman, the Head ginger. Depicted as a melodramatic madman, Scott has decorated his lair to represent the Chili Con-Carnival from "Scott Tenorman Must Die" in which Cartman gained his revenge on Scott by tricking him into eating his own parents. Scott tells Cartman that Cartman's real father was a former right tackle for the Denver Broncos, and the inhabitants of South Park covered up his identity to protect the football team from a scandal over the affair between him and Liane Cartman. He reveals to Cartman that they shared the same father, Jack Tenorman, meaning that by getting Farmer Denkins to shoot Jack as an act of revenge against Scott, Cartman orchestrated the death of his own father and fed him to his half-brother. The fight between the Super Best Friends, celebrities, and gingers spills over into the ginger lair, and Tenorman escapes in the confusion: claiming he will one day return to exact his revenge. During the fight, Seaman leaps upon Cruise's back, leading Stan to observe, "Tom Cruise has Seaman on his back." The "CENSORED" bar over Cruise disappears after others join in ridiculing Tom Cruise, and all present continue to make jokes based on the fact that the words "Seaman" and "semen" sound the same. Cruise questions why they are able to do this, which leads to a monologue from Kyle, Jesus Christ, and Santa Claus. In all official releases of the episode, the entirety of this speech is censored. As the town begins to rebuild following the Mecha-Streisand attack ("for the 39th time", according to Mayor McDaniels), Stan, Kyle, and Kenny find a despondent Cartman bawling uncontrollably near an ambulance. Kyle attempts to reassure Cartman, conceding that the revelation of his and Tennorman's shared father must have been "tough to hear". Cartman reveals the true source of his misery: not that he facilitated the murder and cannibalism of his own father, but that he carries a recessive "ginger gene" due to his father being ginger, leaving the boys dumbfounded. Mitch Conner attempts to cheer up Cartman: reminding him that, while he is indeed half ginger, this also means that he is "half-Bronco", observing that this makes him "pretty cool". Cartman concurs as Connor departs. The boys subsequently find Cruise sinking into depression: longing for a place in which he can live without fear of ridicule. Kyle informs the actor that he knows of such a place, and the boys promise to help Cruise get there. The episode's closing shot is of Cruise's corpse lying on the Moon's surface alongside the corpse of Willzyx, the titular orca whale from "Free Willzyx". Written and directed by series co-founder Trey Parker, "201" was rated TV-MA-LV in the United States. It originally aired on Comedy Central in the United States on April 21, 2010. The episode continued multiple story-lines from the previous episode "200", the 200th entry of the series. Parker and fellow co-creator Matt Stone decided to celebrate their 200th episode by revisiting several subplots that had been featured throughout the show's 14 seasons. Multiple celebrities have been lampooned throughout the series' history, inspiring Parker and Stone to have all the past celebrities join in a class action lawsuit against the town of South Park. The ginger kids—children with fair skin, freckles and red hair—have been featured in several past episodes, where they were ridiculed by Cartman, who views them with prejudice. Cartman uses a hand-puppet con-artist named Mitch Conner who originally appeared in the seventh season episode "Fat Butt and Pancake Head", in which Cartman pretends his hand is Jennifer Lopez and uses many Hispanic stereotypes in his portrayal of her. Cartman regards Connor as a separate entity and has conversations with him, while Stan and Kyle do not accept this idea at all. "201" also included several characters and subplots that were not featured in "200", such as the return of Dr. Alphonse Mephisto and Kevin, characters that had not been featured on South Park for about 10 years. Other previously recurring characters made appearances in "201", including Mr. Hankey, Big Gay Al, Mr. Slave and Pip Pirrup. Scott Tenorman, and the references to the death of his parents, were from the fifth season episode "Scott Tenorman Must Die". At the end of "201", the dead body of Tom Cruise lies alongside the corpse of a killer whale, a reference to the ninth season episode "Free Willzyx", in which the South Park boys help an orca escape a marine amusement park and flee to the moon, believing it to be a paradise. Pip Pirrup, who became a background character after his own eponymous episode and made only two speaking roles after before completely disappearing from the show in Season 11, makes a brief appearance and is killed off when Mecha-Streisand steps on him. = One of the most prominent storylines from "200", which continued into "201", was the characters' efforts to bring Muhammad into public view. This is based on two past controversies in 2005 (Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy) and 2007 (Lars Vilks Muhammad drawings controversy), when European newspapers published cartoons of Muhammad, resulting in riots, global protests, and death threats toward the artists. As a result of those incidents, many publications and television studios have refused to broadcast images of Muhammad in any form, which was the inspiration behind Tom Cruise's efforts to harvest Muhammad's apparent immunity to satire and ridicule. Parker and Stone have previously voiced dissatisfaction that images of Muhammad had been censored on the show despite the fact that his image was shown during the 2001 episode "Super Best Friends", without any censorship, before the cartoon controversies began. "201" continues the theme from "200" that argues against fear and censorship, and calls for support of free speech, both of Muhammad's image and any subject considered taboo. In the week between the broadcasts of "200" and "201", the website for the New York-based radical Muslim organization Revolution Muslim posted an entry that included a warning to creators Parker and Stone that they risked violent retribution for their depictions of Muhammad. The entry stated that they "will probably wind up like Theo van Gogh for airing this show." Van Gogh was a filmmaker who was murdered by a man named Mohammed Bouyeri in 2004 for making a short film on violence against women in some Islamic societies. The posting provided the addresses to Comedy Central in New York and the production company in Los Angeles. The author of the post, Zachary Adam Chesser, said it was meant to serve as a warning to Parker and Stone, not a threat, and that providing the addresses was meant to give people the opportunity to protest. The entry included audio clips of a sermon by al-Qaeda imam Anwar al-Awlaki calling for the assassination of anyone who has defamed Muhammad, saying, "Harming Allah and his messenger is a reason to encourage Muslims to kill whoever does that." Subsequently, the website for the organization was hacked, temporarily redirecting web traffic to images of Muhammad with a bomb on his head and an older Muslim man passionately kissing a young boy. Before "201" aired, the New York City Police Department increased security at the Comedy Central headquarters in direct response to the threats. Law enforcement officials said Revolution Muslim itself was "all talk" and had never engaged in any actual violence but they were concerned that the website post could inspire violence from others. During the original broadcast of "201" on April 21, 2010, all references to Muhammad's name were obscured by audio bleeps. Several other portions of dialogue were also censored, including almost the entirety of three consecutive monologues spoken by Kyle, Jesus and Santa Claus at the end regarding the moral of the episode. An uncensored version of the speech was discovered shortly thereafter via a vulnerability in the South Park website: Kyle: That’s because there is no goo, Mr. Cruise! You see, I learned something today.... Throughout this whole ordeal, we’ve all wanted to show things that we weren’t allowed to show, but it wasn’t because of some magic goo! It was because of the magical power of threatening people with violence, that’s obviously the only true power. If there’s anything we’ve all learned, it’s that terrorizing people works. Jesus: That’s right. Don’t you see gingers, if you don’t want to be made fun of anymore, all you need are guns and bombs to get people to stop! Santa: That’s right, friends! All you need to do is instill fear and be willing to hurt people and you can get whatever you want! The only true power... is violence! Muhammad's name appeared in the previous episode, "200", without any such censorship. Both episodes obscured all images of what was apparently Muhammad with a black "CENSORED" bar. Immediately after the episode "201" aired, the series website South Park Studios posted a notice that said Comedy Central had inserted "numerous additional bleeps throughout the episode" after Parker and Stone submitted their final cut to the network. The network later confirmed they were responsible for the audio censorship. On April 22, 2010, South Park Studios released a brief statement: In the 14 years we've been doing South Park we have never done a show that we couldn't stand behind. We delivered our version of the show to Comedy Central and they made a determination to alter the episode. It wasn't some meta-joke on our part. Comedy Central added the bleeps. In fact, Kyle's customary final speech was about intimidation and fear. It didn't mention Muhammad at all but it got bleeped too. We'll be back next week with a whole new show about something completely different and we'll see what happens to it. "201" has never re-aired in the United States following its original debut, as South Park would usually repeat during the week, and episodes from earlier in the season were shown instead. Although South Park Studios generally makes unexpurgated versions of their episodes immediately available to view, the notice indicated Parker and Stone did not have network approval to show their original version, and thus no version of "201" could be seen on the website. The Canadian Comedy Network aired "201" on April 25, 2010, though the episode was censored as the American broadcast was, breaking the channel's multi-year practice of airing South Park completely uncensored. Neither "200" nor "201" were shown in the version of Comedy Central in the Netherlands, and neither episode is available on the Dutch South Park Studios website. The Swedish affiliate of Comedy Central also refused to broadcast "200" and "201" in Sweden, claiming: Comedy Central has decided not to air these two episodes of South Park. It is a decision we've made with great reluctance. Comedy Central believes strongly in creative freedom of expression; when unique and deeply insightful creative talents like those behind South Park are able to express themselves freely, we all benefit. However, the safety of our employees is our unquestioned number one priority, and therefore we have decided to take these precautionary measures. "Super Best Friends" was also pulled from the South Park Studios site following the increased media attention from "201", and have not been available on the show's subsequent streaming platforms Hulu, HBO Max and Paramount+. During Mitch Conner's flashback of the Vietnam War at the beginning of the episode, "Time of the Season" by English rock group the Zombies plays in the background. The scenes between Cartman and Scott Tenorman closely mirror a scene from the 1988 graphic novel Batman: The Killing Joke where the Joker tortures and taunts Commissioner Gordon. Mecha-Streisand is defeated by her inability to resist performing duets with Neil Diamond, a pop singer-songwriter. During one scene, Mecha-Streisand crushes a building and someone screams, "The Casa Bonita is gone!" This is the name of a real-life restaurant that had been seen in the episode "Casa Bonita", and after which Parker and Stone's production facility was named. = In its original American broadcast on April 21, 2010, "201" was watched by 3.5 million viewers, according to Nielsen Media Research, making it the most watched cable television show of the night. It outperformed the previous week's episode, "200", which was seen by 3.33 million viewers. = The A.V. Club writer Sean O'Neal said "201" was an improvement over "200", but nevertheless felt "201" was "less a cohesive episode than a grab bag of balls-out crazy scenes and cameos only loyal fans would really appreciate." However, he also said, "it's sure to become one of, if not the most talked-about episode of South Park ever." Even after Comedy Central announced they were responsible for the censorship in "201", he speculated as to whether it was possibly a publicity stunt by Parker and Stone to create controversy and increase viewership. Ramsey Isler of IGN said the episode built on the events of "200" and delivered a strong payoff, particularly with the subplot about Cartman's father and the way it tied back to "Scott Tenorman Must Die". Isler said the bleeps added by Comedy Central provided some unintentional laughs and underscored the episode's underlying theme opposing censorship. = According to a Zogby International survey conducted after "201" aired, a majority of Americans opposed Comedy Central's censorship of the episode. 71% disagreed with the network's decision to censor "201", with only 19% agreeing with the decision. 47% of those who disagreed with the censorship said they disagreed strongly, with only 5% who agreed claiming they felt strongly. Some commentators suggested because Comedy Central responded to Revolution Muslim's warnings by censoring depictions of Muhammad, the Muslim extremists scored a significant public victory. Michael Cavna of The Washington Post wrote, "To invoke the revivified phrase: The terrorists win." Toronto Sun columnist Mike Strobel pointed out Revolution Muslim is a relatively small group of "a half-dozen wannabe Osamas", but said because of Comedy Central's response, "The loonies and terrorists win one. No doubt, they'll try this stunt again." Likewise, Jean Marbella of The Baltimore Sun said, "It's not even that the terrorists have won, it's that wannabe terrorists have won." Margaret Wente of The Globe and Mail said the censorship of "201" could be "the lowest point in the history of American TV", and that it represented a gravitation toward fear in a post-September 11 attacks world. Los Angeles Times columnist Patrick Goldstein said there were "no easy answers" and that he was not surprised Comedy Central took the threat seriously, but added, "in a democracy, artists and political satirists should be allowed to say what they believe, even if it offends some of its audience". Roger Catlin of the Hartford Courant suggested Comedy Central actually drew more attention to the Muhammad controversy, not less, by censoring the episode. UCLA School of Law Professor Eugene Volokh said Comedy Central's actions risk empowering other extremists: The consequence of this position is that the thugs win and people have more incentive to be thugs. There are lots of people out there who would very much like to get certain kind of material removed, whether religious or political. The more they see others winning, the more they will be likely to do the same. Behavior that gets rewarded gets repeated. Seventeen Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonists protested the threats in a petition released April 27, 2010. Among the signatures were those of Garry Trudeau, Mark Fiore, Tony Auth, David Horsey and Paul Szep. The petition stated: We, the undersigned, condemn the recent threats against the creators of South Park, Matt Stone and Trey Parker, by the extremist organization, Muslim Revolution. Freedom of expression is a universal right and we reject any group that seeks to silence people by violence or intimidation. In the United States we have a proud tradition of political satire and believe in the right to speak or draw freely without censorship. During the April 22 broadcast of Comedy Central's The Daily Show, host Jon Stewart responded to the censorship of "201" with a ten-minute monologue about the death threats, expressing disgust toward Revolution Muslim, culminating with a song telling Revolution Muslim to "go fuck [themselves]". Stewart criticized Comedy Central's decision to alter the episode, while simultaneously acknowledging they likely did so to protect their employees from "possible harmful repercussions". Bill Maher, host of the HBO talk show Real Time with Bill Maher, said the threats against "201" demonstrated the importance of the First Amendment and other American civil liberties, and said, "When South Park got threatened last week by Islamists incensed at their depiction of Muhammad, it served—or should serve—as a reminder that our culture isn't just different than one that makes death threats to cartoonists. It's better." He added jokingly, "If you don't get that, and you still want to kill someone over a stupid cartoon, please make it Garfield." As a result of Revolution Muslim's statement, Seattle cartoonist Molly Norris suggested that many people draw and publish pictures of Muhammad on May 20, 2010, which she dubbed the "first annual Everybody Draw Mohammed Day". Following threats, Norris herself went into hiding on the advice of the FBI. Animated comedy series Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane voiced this ambivalence on the part of the creative community, saying "No one is a bigger critic of organized religion than I am", but nevertheless added, "It's tricky. You pick your battles. You have to judge how real the threat is against how funny the joke is. How much do I care about the joke?" And The Simpsons also addressed the apparent hypocrisy of those who claimed to stand with South Park in a chalkboard gag during the opening sequence of the April 25, 2010, episode "The Squirt and the Whale", with Bart Simpson writing "South Park—We'd Stand Beside You If We Weren't So Scared". In a 2016 oral history of South Park in The Hollywood Reporter, Vernon Chatman, the voice of Towelie as well as a writer and producer on the show said that after Comedy Central censored the episode, series co-creator Trey Parker purchased a ticket to South Africa and showed it to the head of the network as a threat because Dave Chappelle had fled to Africa, though Parker never actually went. = The depiction of Buddha snorting cocaine in "200" and "201" prompted the government of Sri Lanka to ban the entire series outright. The fourteenth season of South Park was released April 26, 2011, to DVD and Blu-ray, including the episode "201". When playing the episode, prior to the theme playing, a text card appears saying: "The following episode appears as it originally aired on April 21, 2010. After it aired Matt Stone and Trey Parker released the following statement" and then shows the original message that was released after the episode aired. Consequently, Muhammad, his name, and the speeches made by Kyle, Jesus, and Santa are still censored as in the broadcast version. Although the end speeches are still censored, the bleeps are accompanied with music on DVD, unlike the April 21, 2010, airing, which featured a raw audio bleep. In the episode's audio commentary, Parker only comments on the opening scene, noting that they did the episode as intended and sent it in. He and Stone comment that they are not supposed to talk about it. For the next several moments, a large audio beep obscures the commentary before Stone says "Yeah, that's pretty much it." During the commentary in both "201" and "200" Parker and Stone never mention Muhammad directly, referring to him only as "the prophet of the Muslim faith". Despite the package claiming otherwise, both "200" and "201" were omitted from the Region 4 release and have been completely omitted from the Region 2 (which contains the predominantly Islamic Middle East and North Africa) release as well. On January 31, 2014, the original uncensored version of this episode was illegally leaked and distributed online without any approval of Comedy Central after a user on 4chan realized that the episode existed on the official website's web server and could be downloaded using rtmpdump. The closing speech, which was censored by Comedy Central, was: Kyle: That's because there is no goo, Mr. Cruise. You see, I learned something today. Throughout this whole ordeal, we've all wanted to show things that we weren't allowed to show, but it wasn't because of some magic goo. It was because of the magical power of threatening people with violence. That's obviously the only true power. If there's anything we've all learned, it's that terrorizing people works. Jesus: That's right. Don't you see, gingers, if you don't want to be made fun of anymore, all you need are guns and bombs to get people to stop. Santa: That's right, friends. All you need to do is instill fear and be willing to hurt people and you can get whatever you want. The only true power is violence. Stan: Yeah.
And Then There Were Fewer
2010-08-01 01:24:45+00:00
"And Then There Were Fewer" is the hour-long season premiere of the ninth season of the American animated television series Family Guy. It originally aired on Fox in the United States on September 26, 2010. The episode follows the citizens of the fictional city of Quahog in the U.S. state of Rhode Island after they are invited by actor James Woods to his stately mansion on a remote island. While there, a series of murders occur, and the group struggles to determine who committed the mysterious acts, before ultimately attempting to escape from the island, and avoid being murdered themselves. The episode borrows its premise and title from Agatha Christie's 1939 murder mystery And Then There Were None, while also serving as a parody of the 1985 film Clue. The episode was written by Cherry Chevapravatdumrong and directed by Dominic Polcino. It received high acclaim from critics, who praised its storyline and cultural references, and is generally considered one of the best episodes of Family Guy. According to Nielsen ratings, it was viewed in 9.41 million homes in its original airing. The episode features guest performances by Drew Barrymore, H. Jon Benjamin, Max Burkholder, Colin Ford, Patrick Stewart, Ashley Tisdale and James Woods, along with several recurring guest voice actors for the series. It was the first Family Guy episode to air in 16:9 and high definition. The episode was nominated for Outstanding Music Composition for a Series at the 63rd Primetime Emmy Awards. "And Then There Were Fewer" was released on DVD along with two other episodes from the season on December 13, 2011. The show confirmed afterwards that it was “canon,” and those characters that died (e.g., Diane Simmons, Muriel Goldman, etc.) would not be brought back in the future. However, James Woods is seen in the thirteenth episode of season 10, "Tom Tucker: The Man and His Dream", in which he tells Peter and Tom that paramedics brought him to a secret science lab made for celebrities and revived him. Most of the known residents of Quahog are anonymously invited to a dinner party in their honor at a mysterious cliffside mansion. Upon their arrival, their host is revealed to be James Woods, who states he has become a born-again Christian thanks to his new girlfriend, Priscilla, and wishes to repent for all his wrongdoings. Early into the night, as James and Priscilla go to the kitchen, Quagmire's girlfriend Stephanie is mysteriously shot and killed when she sits in James's seat, leading the guests to believe that James intends to murder them all. A thunderstorm destroys the bridge, stranding them. After discovering that Stephanie's body has disappeared and returning amidst accusations, James pleads innocence before he, too, is murdered in front of the guests by an unseen killer with a knife during a power outage, causing Priscilla to faint. Trapped on the remote estate with no way of contacting anyone due to the storm and being out of cell phone range, the guests realize that the killer is among them. The guests find the suppressed gun that was timed to fire at the chair Stephanie was sitting in, leading them to deduce that it was intended for James and that Stephanie was killed by accident. While searching for clues, they realize that many of them have motives for wanting revenge on James. After finding and reading a notebook of James's past misdeeds in a secret room, Mort's wife, Muriel, disappears after it is discovered that James was blackmailing her into supplying him with free medicine, causing everyone to suspect her as the culprit. The guests split up into teams to search the mansion for Muriel. However, she turns up dead soon after by being stabbed in the back with the same knife used to kill James. They realise Priscilla is also missing making everyone think she is the killer. Jillian's husband, Derek Wilcox, goes to an upper balcony to find a cell phone signal and contact the police, but is killed with James's Golden Globe Award. Back with the other guests, Consuela points out that the Golden Globe Award is missing. Everyone decides to travel as one group and search everyone's rooms. Eventually, Meg locates the bloodstained Golden Globe Award underneath Tom Tucker's bed. Tom defends himself and suggests that Priscilla planted it there, but they then discover her dead body in a ceiling vent of the room. Tom is thus believed to be the killer and is chased and caught by Peter, Joe, Carl, Dr. Hartman, Quagmire, Seamus, Vern and Johnny and Mayor Adam West. The next morning, Tom is arrested, and the guests prepare to leave. Lois goes to talk to Tom's co-anchor, Diane Simmons, only to intuitively realize Diane is the true murderer when Diane shows her a dress for her solo debut on the news, even though Diane could not have known that Tom would soon be leaving. Exposed, Diane holds Lois at gunpoint and reveals that she had secretly dated James until he dumped her on her 40th birthday, around which Tom arranged for her to be replaced by a younger woman as co-anchor. Seeking retribution against both James and Tom, Diane bribed Priscilla, a station intern, to have James become a born-again Christian and throw the dinner party so she could murder James and set Tom up for the crime. Her plot went awry upon Stephanie's accidental death, forcing Diane to kill James, then Priscilla and Muriel when they saw Diane tampering with the evidence, and Derek was killed to prevent the first responders from arriving early. Diane admits that the mysterious disappearance of Stephanie's body was the only detail she was clueless about; a cutaway reveals that her body was stolen by Quagmire for necrophiliac purposes. Diane then attempts to kill Lois by forcing her outside to a nearby cliff, only to be shot and killed. Lois thanks her unseen savior and leaves, unaware that Stewie, armed with a suppressed sniper rifle and somehow already knowing that Diane was the true killer, had saved her, proclaiming that he's the only one who has the right to kill Lois. The episode was first announced at the 2010 San Diego Comic-Con International in San Diego, California, on July 24, 2010, by series creator and executive producer Seth MacFarlane. It was directed by series regular Dominic Polcino and written by series regular Cherry Chevapravatdumrong shortly after the conclusion of the eighth production season, which completed its airing on television on June 20, 2010. The episode takes its title from the Agatha Christie novel And Then There Were None, and was largely based on the 1985 comedy film Clue. Series regulars Peter Shin and James Purdum served as supervising director, with Andrew Goldberg, Alex Carter, Elaine Ko, and Spencer Porter serving as staff writers for the episode. Composer Walter Murphy, who has worked on the series since its inception, returned to compose the music for "And Then There Were Fewer". "And Then There Were Fewer" was the first episode of Family Guy to be broadcast in high definition, with series showrunners Mark Hentemann and Steve Callaghan overseeing the transition. The episode was dedicated to series creator and executive producer Seth MacFarlane's mother, Ann Perry MacFarlane, following her death from cancer on July 16, 2010. The original idea of the episode was sent to series showrunner and executive producer Hentemann in a text from Seth MacFarlane simply stating "murder mystery." "And Then There Were Fewer", along with the two other episodes from Family Guy's ninth season, was released on a three-disc DVD set in the United States on December 13, 2011. The sets include brief audio commentaries by various crew and cast members for several episodes, a collection of deleted scenes and animatics, a special mini-feature which discussed the process behind animating "And Then There Were Fewer", a mini-feature entitled "The Comical Adventures of Family Guy – Brian & Stewie: The Lost Phone Call", and footage of the Family Guy panel at the 2010 San Diego Comic-Con International. In addition to the regular cast, actress Drew Barrymore reprised her role as Jillian Russell, the former girlfriend of Brian; actor James Woods, in his fifth appearance in the series, reprised his role as the overly exaggerated version of himself; actress Ashley Tisdale (who is known for playing Candace Flynn on Disney Channel's Phineas and Ferb, the show created by Family Guy alumnus Dan Povenmire) made her first official appearance on Family Guy as James Woods's girlfriend, Priscilla; and voice actor H. Jon Benjamin reprised his role as Quahog Market owner Carl. Additionally, actors Max Burkholder, Colin Ford, and Patrick Stewart also guest-starred in the episode in minor roles. Recurring guest voice actors Lori Alan, John G. Brennan, Nicole Sullivan, Jennifer Tilly, and John Viener reprised their roles as news reporter Diane Simmons, Quahog pharmacist Mort Goldman, Muriel Goldman, Griffin family neighbor Bonnie Swanson, and Jillian's husband, Derek Wilcox, respectively. A minor appearance was also made by Family Guy writer and regular voice artist Danny Smith. The episode borrows heavily from the comedy films Clue (1985) and Murder by Death (1976), and is largely based upon the 1939 Agatha Christie novel And Then There Were None. The opening scene of the episode is similar to that of Stanley Kubrick's The Shining. Once the Griffin family arrives at the mansion, Lois remarks on the estate's beauty, wondering if television host Jeff Probst has a similar home. As they walk into the mansion, Sir John Everett Millais's Ophelia is seen. As dinner commences, Carl begins conversing with Tom Tucker, and discusses the plot of the 1986 fantasy film Labyrinth, directed by Jim Henson. After Tucker is accused of murdering James Woods, he reveals that Woods talked him out of auditioning for the lead role in the 1984 hit horror film A Nightmare on Elm Street. The finger is then pointed at Mayor West, who tells the group of his hardships on the social networking service Twitter, after Woods stole his originally intended username. Diane Simmons also goes on to state that Woods had promised to introduce her to former CBS news anchor Dan Rather, but ultimately ended up introducing her to actor and comedian Danny Bonaduce instead. In the extended DVD release, Carl mentions No Way Out, Hard Rain and Days of Thunder. While looking through the attic, Derick and Jillian encounter a black cat. At first, they assume he is an unintelligent animal, but he tells them he is a professor, referencing the cat's voice actor, Patrick Stewart, who portrayed Professor X in the X-Men film franchise. While searching for Muriel Goldman throughout the mansion, Brian and Stewie begin humming and singing the theme song to several television shows, including the CBS science fiction series Lost in Space, the CBS sitcom The Dick Van Dyke Show, and the ABC soap opera Dynasty. After discovering the Golden Globe Award underneath Tom Tucker's bed, Tucker begins to profess his innocence, with Peter then instructing him to "tell it to Mike Judge." In the scene where Diane tells Lois her conspiracy, Picasso's painting Le Rêve can be seen on the wall behind Diane. At the end of the episode, Seamus asks, "When we all see each other at school on Monday, are we still gonna be friends?" in a reference to The Breakfast Club. "And Then There Were Fewer" was broadcast on September 26, 2010, as a part of an animated television night on Fox, and was preceded by the season premiere of The Simpsons, and Family Guy creator and executive producer Seth MacFarlane's spin-off, The Cleveland Show. It was watched by 8.85 million viewers in its first half-hour, and concluded with a total 9.41 million viewers in its second half-hour, according to Nielsen ratings, despite airing simultaneously with the season premiere of Desperate Housewives on ABC, the season premiere of The Amazing Race on CBS and Sunday Night Football on NBC. The episode also acquired a 4.3 and 4.7 rating in the 18–49 demographic, beating The Simpsons and The Cleveland Show in addition to significantly edging out both shows in total viewership. The episode's ratings were Family Guy's highest since the airing of the season eight episode "Family Goy". "And Then There Were Fewer" received widespread acclaim from critics and viewers, with one critic calling the storyline "solidly funny, well plotted, and nearly perfectly executed". In a simultaneous review of the episodes of The Simpsons and The Cleveland Show that preceded the episode, The A.V. Club's Emily VanDerWerff commented that she enjoyed "the 'a bunch of people go to an isolated place and start getting killed' murder mystery subgenre", and that the episode "made fun of the conceits of the genre". In the conclusion of her review VanDerWerff called the episode "excellent and fun", and "full of surprisingly gorgeous animation and a nicely creepy feel that hung over all of the jokes" and rated it as a B+, the best rating between The Simpsons episode "Elementary School Musical" and The Cleveland Show episode "Harder, Better, Faster, Browner". Jason Hughes of TV Squad also praised the episode's writers for doing a "solid job of creating a genuine mystery throughout the hour, keeping us guessing as to who did it and what their motive may have been". Hughes went on to comment positively on the episode's numerous guest stars, and compared its portrayal of Diane Simmons to that of The Simpsons character Sideshow Bob. Natalie Zutter of Ology also praised the episode, calling it, "Surprisingly, the best of the evening." In the summary of her review, Zutter wrote that it was a "fun murder mystery that lets us see all our favorite Quahog folks", while continuing to wonder whether the characters who were killed off would remain dead. "And Then There Were Fewer" has frequently been selected in lists of the show's best episodes. Tom Eames of entertainment website Digital Spy placed the episode at number 14 on his listing of the best Family Guy episodes in order of "yukyukyuks"—compiled in 2017 to honor the 18th anniversary of the show—and praised the interaction of characters who do not normally interact, writing, "We never thought we'd see Jillian's boyfriend Derek hanging out with Seamus the sea captain." He expressed his shock at the death of characters such as Muriel Goldman and Diane Simmons and noted, "That's one way to cut some dead wood." In 2019, Jesse Schedeen from IGN placed "And Then There Were Fewer" at number 12 on his list of the 20 best Family Guy episodes, to celebrate the show's 20th anniversary, stating, "It's always nice when an episode commits to its premise rather than drifting along and focusing more on cutaway humor. Another big part of the appeal with 'And Then There Were Fewer' is the fact that it features so many recurring characters, many of whom had never appeared alongside each other before." In that same year, Shawn S. Lealos from Screen Rant ranked the episode at number 4 on his listing of the best episode of every season of the series. Kevin Wong from GameSpot also named it among the 20 best Family Guy episodes.
Infiniti Performance Line
2012-01-13 13:15:09+00:00
The Infiniti Performance Line (IPL), Red Sport and Infiniti S marques represent the high-performance divisions of cars produced by Infiniti. In July 2010 Infiniti released its new performance division, Infiniti Performance Line (IPL). The debut IPL offering is the G37 Coupe for 2011 model year, and later the G37 Convertible. The Infiniti G37 (later branded as the Infiniti Q60) were offered as IPL models. The IPL models featured a retuned engine producing 348 hp (260 kW) (353 PS) and 276 lb-ft (374 NM) of torque. Performance improvements included a redesigned exhaust system, sportier suspension tuning, as well as a more direct steering feel. Design changes were made to the exterior including more aggressive front/rear bumpers and sideskirts, sportier 19 inch alloy wheels, and larger exhaust tips. Inside, the G37 IPL has red Monaco leather seats. The IPL G37 Coupe and Convertible are only available in 3 colors; Graphite Shadow gray metallic, Moonlight white (QAA) and Malbec Black. Like the regular models, the G37 IPL was also renamed Q60 IPL beginning 2014 model year. Infiniti offers an "S" and "Red Sport" variant on many of their vehicles, which includes sportier styling on both the exterior and interior, more horsepower, and a firmer suspension.
Shigatse Peace Airport
2011-10-17 05:19:06+00:00
Rikaze (Shigatse) Peace Airport (IATA: RKZ, ICAO: ZURK), Shigatse Heping Airport, or Shigatse Air Base, is a dual-use military and civilian airport serving Shigatse, the second largest city in Tibet Autonomous Region, China. It is located in Jangdam Township, 43 kilometres (27 mi) from Shigatse. Situated at an elevation of 3,782 metres (12,408 ft), it is one of the highest airports in the world. Construction of Shigatse Airport started in 1968 and was completed in 1973. It was solely for military use until 2010, when a 532 million yuan expansion was completed. On 30 October 2010, the airport was opened as the fifth civilian airport in Tibet. The airport has a 5,000-metre (16,000 ft) runway with a 60-metre (200 ft) asphalt overrun at each end. It is the longest public runway in the world (tied with Ulyanovsk Vostochny Airport). It also features a 4,500-square-metre (48,000 sq ft) terminal building. It is projected to handle 230,000 passengers and 1,150 tonnes (1,130 long tons; 1,270 short tons) of cargo annually by 2020. Around 2017, a new runway of approximately 3,000 metres (9,840 ft) was constructed. Guizhou WZ-7 Soaring Dragon UAVs were seen hosted by this runway. The runway is located at the west-end of its primary runway.
Lhasa Comprehensive Pavilion
2024-06-16 23:46:59+00:00
Lhasa Comprehensive Pavilion (Chinese: 拉萨市综合展馆) is a large-scale comprehensive urban pavilion in Lhasa, which houses the Lhasa Municipal Archives (Chinese: 拉萨市档案馆), Lhasa Urban Planning Exhibition Hall (Chinese: 拉萨市城市规划展览馆), Lhasa Urban Construction Archives & Press Release Center (Chinese: 拉萨市城建档案馆和新闻发布中心). The pavilion is located in the East District of Lhasa, nearby the Department of Natural Resources of the Tibet Autonomous Region. The museum was built with the aid of Jiangsu Province, with a total investment of 120 million RMB and a building area of nearly 27,000 square meters. On May 23, 2010, a groundbreaking ceremony was held for the museum. In 2011, a groundbreaking ceremony was held for six projects, including the Lhasa Comprehensive Pavilion, which was built with Jiangsu Province's non-reimbursable aid.
Tibet Museum of Natural Science
2024-06-04 01:00:16+00:00
Tibet Museum of Natural Science (西藏自然科学博物馆) is a comprehensive museum of natural science, the main museum is located at No. 9, Zangda East Road, Chengguan District, Lhasa in Tibet Autonomous Region, China. The Tibet Museum of Natural Science is a large comprehensive museum of public welfare which is a nature museum, science and technology museum and exhibition hall. This is the first large comprehensive museum in the Tibet Autonomous Region. On October 8, 2010, the construction began. On October 1, 2015, it was completed and opened for trial operation, and on October 1, 2016, it officially opened for operation. The museum a project planning land of 200 acres, an investment of 442.5 million yuan RMB, building area of 33,000 square meters; the second phase of the project is divided in the Tibet Autonomous Region in seven localities, municipalities of the theme of the museum, has been included in the Tibet Autonomous Region "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" major projects.
Anna Centenary Library
2010-09-18 08:54:57+00:00
The Anna Centenary Library (ACL) is an established state library of the Government of Tamil Nadu. It is located at Kotturpuram, Chennai. It is built at a cost of ₹172 crores (₹1,720 million). It is named after a former chief minister of Tamil Nadu, C. N. Annadurai. It was opened by the then Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu M. Karunanidhi. The average number of persons who visited the library between January and October 2011 is around 26,500, compared to the monthly average of 20,000 in 2010. Built on 8 acres of land, the 9-floor library houses a total area of 333,140 sq. ft and has a capacity to accommodate 1.2 million books. ACL has planned to adopt an integrated library management system that includes automated issue and return of books, user smartcards, access controls, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology and self-check counters. The library is designed to accommodate a total of 1,250 persons. An auditorium of 50,000 sq. ft. with a seating capacity of 1,280, and an amphitheatre on the terrace that can accommodate more than 800 persons and two conference halls with capacities of 151 and 30 persons respectively, are some of the facilities available. A dedicated children's section, spread over 15,000 sq. ft. has a theme-based reading area with multimedia kits and storybooks. The library also has a section for the visually impaired, with talking books and Braille displays. Parking space exists for about 420 cars and 1,030 two-wheelers. A separate power substation with a capacity of 32 kV has been built on the premises. CCTV cameras have been installed in 493 locations in the building. A food court in the building is capable of serving 180 persons at any given point in time. The library was designed by C. N. Raghavendran. The entrance to the building showcases a 5 ft bronze statue of C.N. Annadurai. The library employs 200 staff, including 96 permanent and 40 contract employees, and has a collection of 550,000 books. It is visited by about 2701 persons every day. The library has a special section for Braille, children's books and manuscripts etc. The building is designed in such a way that the reading area receives good daylight. The western end is flanked by the service areas to prevent solar radiation. The seven-storey atrium allows in abundant natural light. In July 2010, the library building received the LEED NC Gold rating from IGBC becoming the first library building in Asia to reach this. This project has achieved 43 LEED points, highest amongst any government buildings in Tamil Nadu thus far. A few months after Ms. J.Jayalalitha from the AIADMK took over as the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu in the 2011 Elections, she announced her decision to convert the Library building in Kotturpuram, Chennai to accommodate a Super speciality Pediatric hospital. She declared that the library would be shifted to the proposed Integrated Knowledge Park on the DPI (Directorate of Public Instruction) campus in Nungambakkam, Chennai. The decision sparked great outrage from educationists, writers and students. Facebook pages and blogs were opened and worked on 'saving the library'. While no association or individual was opposed to the idea of a fully equipped super speciality hospital coming up for children, writers and others who frequent the library urged the government to revoke its decision of shifting a fully functional library that has gone on to become a storehouse of knowledge and a key landmark in the city. A senior professor at the University of Madras said: "The library is excellent, offering very good facilities. In fact, there was a proposal to shift the oriental manuscripts in our University to the new library, so that they can be preserved better. Even that was prevented after the AIADMK came to power. The old manuscripts are lying in very poor condition." The then former chief minister Mr. Karunanidhi who built the Library even threatened that he would immolate himself to prevent the alteration. The Madras high court then stayed the Tamil Nadu government's controversial proposal to shift the Anna Centenary Library to DPI campus in Nungambakkam. After the inauguration of the library, consulates in the city expressed interest in visiting the library and donating books to it. In October 2010, soon after the inauguration, the library placed an order involving 35,174 books worth £1.275 million with the Cambridge University Press (CUP), resulting in the biggest sale in CUP's history to an academic library in India and the biggest invoice CUP has ever issued – at 2,794 pages long. A single order worth a million euros was placed with the world's largest publisher of books, Springer, which publishes in the fields of science, technology and medicine. Hillary Clinton, U.S. Secretary of State had lauded the library during her visit to Chennai on 20 July 2011. Braille Section: Braille Section is located at Ground Floor, special care is taken to facilitate Braille readers in this section. This section has 1500 printed Braille books, 145 e-books and 1080 Audio Books Own Book Reading Section: This section is located at the ground floor. It is a boon to the users who are searching for spacious, cool and calm reading environment in the city. The readers’ have the liberty to carry their personal notebooks, textbooks, learning materials and, laptops. It has comfortable furniture for readers. This section opens at 8.00am. Students are allowed inside according to their token number. Tokens have to be gotten from security personnel much earlier than 8.00am because after token no 90 is allowed inside, the remaining token no's students have to wait till 9.00am for opening of another own book reading section on first floor, which is not as comfortable as the section on the ground floor. Children's Section: Children Section is located in the first floor ' B wing ' it spreads over 15,000 sq. ft. It has over 60,000 books which cover all subject areas. This section has a very good collection of books ranges from Alphabets, Numerals to Children Encyclopedias. Majority of books are in English and it has books in different Indian and foreign languages (Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada and Hindi, German, French, Spanish and Italian). Over 2000 Multimedia CDs, DVDs in different categories and subjects are available for the users. Any children who are at the age between 4 years and 14 years can access this section. Periodicals Section: Periodicals section is located in the ‘A’ Wing of first floor. Newspapers and Magazines and Journals are kept in this section. All leading newspapers and magazines are available in this section for readers. Currently 37 leading dailies in different languages are being subscribed. The library is subscribing over 500 Indian and Foreign Magazines in all categories to serve user needs. There is an exclusive section for women readers which comprises magazines focused on women. Tamil Books Section: Second Floor of this library is dedicated to "Classical Language (Semmozhi)" Tamil. In this section we have almost all the books published in Tamil available in print. Readers who are fond of reading Tamil books can see the huge collections Tamil books from all leading publishers. Over 100,000 books in the form of Novels, Poems, Short Stories, Drama, Essays, Humor, letters. English Book Section: This library has over 450,000 books in all subjects areas published by leading publishers across the world. English Books occupy majority of the library space from third floor to seventh floor. Third Floor: General, Computer Science, Library & Information Science, Philosophy, Psychology, Ethics, Religion, Sociology, Statistics, Political science. Fourth Floor: Economics, Law, Public Administration, Education, Languages & Linguistics, Literature, Folklore. Fifth Floor: General Science, Mathematics, Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry, Earth science & Geology, Fossils & prehistoric life, Life science (Biology), Plants (Botany), Animals (Zoology), Applied Science - Basic, Medicine & Health Sixth Floor: Engineering, Agriculture, Home & Family management, Veterinary Science, Management & Public Relation, Accounting, Fine Arts, Architecture, Photography & Computer Arts, Music, Sports, Games & Entertainment. Seventh Floor: History, Geography, Travel, Biography, e-library, Government Oriental Manuscript Library. Administrative Office: Eighth Floor. A literary event named "Ponmalai Pozhudhu" is organized every Saturday. Leading personalities from various subjects deliver special talks on this event. A special orientation program for competitive exam aspirants is arranged at Anna Centenary Library on Sundays. Bureaucrats and subject experts share their experience, interact and motivate the aspirants. Children's section of the library organizes programmes like Art and Craft, Chess, Memory technique, Music, Painting, Science Experiments, Story Telling etc. for children on every Sundays morning.
Digital Public Library of America
2011-07-16 03:06:33+00:00
The Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) is a US project aimed at providing public access to digital holdings in order to create a large-scale public digital library. It officially launched on April 18, 2013, after two-and-a-half years of development. The DPLA is a discovery tool, or union catalog, for public domain and openly licensed content held by the United States' archives, libraries, museums, and other cultural heritage institutions. It was started by Harvard University's Berkman Center for Internet & Society in 2010, with financial support from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, and has subsequently received funding from several foundations and government agencies, including the US National Endowment for the Humanities, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. It "aims to unify such disparate sources as the Library of Congress, the Internet Archive, various academic collections, and presumably any other collection that would be meaningful to include. ... They have yet to ... decide such issues as how near to the present their catalog will come. There is an ongoing dispute regarding so-called 'orphan works' and other questions of copyright." John Palfrey, co-director of the Berkman Center, stated in 2011: "We aspire to establish a system whereby all Americans can gain access to information and knowledge in digital formats in a manner that is 'free to all.' It is by no means a plan to replace libraries, but rather to create a common resource for libraries and patrons of all types.” The DPLA links service hubs, including twelve major state and regional digital libraries or library collaborations, as well as sixteen content hubs that maintain a one-to-one relationship with DPLA. = In July 2023, in response to the considerable number of books banned or challenged in the United States, the DPLA launched The Banned Book Club. The online resource allows readers to check out books banned by local libraries. The service uses GPS to determine a user's location and allows them to freely access the exact books that have been banned in their local area. In May 2024, The Banned Book Club started a new social media campaign called, The Banned Book of the Week, where their curation team will select a new title every week to post on various social media applications. John S. Bracken, the executive director of the DPLA, said they created The Banned Book Club to ensure every American has access to books they want to read: "Today book bans are one of the greatest threats to our freedom". In September 2012, an inaugural Board of Directors was appointed to guide the DPLA: Cathy Casserly, CEO of Creative Commons; Paul Courant, Dean of Libraries and Professor of Information at the University of Michigan; Laura DeBonis, Former Director of Library Partnerships for Google Book Search; Luis Herrera, City Librarian for San Francisco; and John Palfrey, Head of School at Phillips Academy Andover, who served as board chairman. In 2015, Palfrey was succeeded as chairman by Amy Ryan of the Boston Public Library and Jennifer 8. Lee became a board member. Daniel J. Cohen was appointed as the founding Executive Director in March 2013. = A steering committee led the planning phase of the DPLA initiative from inception through its launch in 2013. Members of the project's Steering Committee included Harvard University's Robert Darnton, Maura Marx, and John Palfrey; Paul Courant of University of Michigan, Carla Hayden then of Baltimore's Enoch Pratt Free Library and subsequently the Librarian of Congress, Charles J. Henry of the US Council on Library and Information Resources, Luis Herrera of San Francisco Public Library, Susan Hildreth of the US government Institute of Museum and Library Services (who stepped down from the Steering Committee to avoid a conflict of interest related to funding from IMLS), Brewster Kahle, Michael A. Keller of Stanford University, Carl Malamud, consultant Deanna B. Marcum, Jerome McGann, Dwight McInvaill of Georgetown County Library in South Carolina, Peggy Rudd of the Texas State Library and Archives Commission, Amy Ryan of the Boston Public Library, David Spadafora of the Newberry Library in Chicago, and Doron Weber of the Sloan Foundation. Others working on the project included Harvard University's David Weinberger. = Critiques of the project during its planning phase included its vagueness, lack of internal cohesion, potentially redundant overlap with similar efforts (such as Project Gutenberg), and potential to redirect financial support away from existing public libraries. It has been suggested that in contrast to the brick-and-mortar public library, a digital public library may not be suitable for providing adult literacy training or fostering young children's cognitive development. Concern that the project would harm funding for traditional public libraries was acknowledged in the statement of Peggy Rudd, a member of the Steering Committee, that "the Chief Officers of State Library Agencies passed a resolution at their May 11, 2011 meeting asking the steering committee to reconsider the name Digital Public Library of America, fearing that the inclusion of the word 'public' would have the unintended consequence of giving local governments the excuse to reduce public library funding". = Participants in the planning phase of the DPLA established a publicly accessible wiki which outlines "workstreams" ("Audience and Participation", "Content and Scope", "Financial/Business Models", "Governance", "Legal Issues," "Technical Aspects") and corresponding listserves. A proposed future project of the DPLA is the idea of the Scannebago, a mobile scanning unit that would travel the United States in order to digitize and curate local historical materials. Harvard University staff, led by project's managing director Maura Marx and principal investigator John Palfrey, coordinated a broad-based team that built the DPLA's digital library platform, which launched on April 18, 2013. In June 2013, the DPLA announced a partnership with HathiTrust to provide access to the latter's digital materials. Esther Yi (26 July 2012). "Inside the Quest to Put the World's Libraries Online". The Atlantic. Sydell, Laura (19 August 2013). Combining The Nation's Digitized Libraries, All In One Place (Audio). All Tech Considered. National Public Radio. Retrieved 30 December 2014. Boekesteijn, Erik (June 9, 2013). TWIL #98: Dan Cohen (Director of the Digital Public Library of America, DPLA) (Video podcast). This Week In Libraries. Delft, Netherlands: Shanachie Media. Retrieved June 11, 2013. Brantley, Peter (30 April 2012). "At West Coast Meeting, Digital Public Library of America Begins to Take Shape". Publishers Weekly. Carr, Nicholas (May–June 2012). "The Library of Utopia". Technology Review. MIT. Darnton, Robert (May 22, 2014), "A World Digital Library Is Coming True", New York Review of Books Hill, Nate (15 June 2011). "Thoughts from the DPLA meeting in DC". PLA Blog: official blog of the Public Library Association. American Library Association. Archived from the original on 25 March 2013. Retrieved 29 April 2012. Howard, Jennifer. "Digital Library of America, 7-Month-Old Superaggregator 1 Ambitious Library Venture Makes Cross-Country Connections," Chronicle of Higher Education Dec 9, 2013 Palfrey, John (November 26, 2012). "Building a Digital Public Library of America". The Digital Shift. Rothman, David H. (February 24, 2011). "It's Time for a National Digital-Library System: But it can't serve only elites". The Chronicle Review. The Chronicle of Higher Education. Rothman, David H. (May 23, 2011). "A Point-Counterpoint on the Digital Public Library of America". Library journal. Rothman, David H. (June 16, 2011). "Digital Public Library of America - can it live up to its huge potential". LLRX. Archived from the original on October 20, 2011. Retrieved July 16, 2011. Schnapp, Jeffrey; Matthew Battles (2014). Library Beyond the Book. Harvard University Press. ISBN 978-0-674-72503-4. (mentions DPLA) Yelton, Andromeda (April 6, 2012). "My first hackathon; or, gender, status, code, and sitting at the table". "Copyright Laws Slow DPLA". The Harvard Crimson. December 7, 2012. Palfrey, John (2015). Biblio TECH: Why Libraries Matter More Than Ever in the Age of Google.
The Hellenic Library of the Onassis Foundation
2015-05-22 09:45:45+00:00
The Hellenic Library of the Onassis Foundation is a library that includes part of the Konstantinos Sp. Staikos' book collection. It is housed in the neoclassical building at 56 Amalias Avenue Plaka, Athens, Greece. The library that was acquired by the Onassis Foundation. The genesis of the formation regarding the collection dates 1970s. From the early 1980s, the library had become a fundamental tool for my systematic search for every printed book able to cast light on the printing and publishing course taken by Greeks from the years of the Italian Renaissance onward, without any geographic differentiation. From 1986 the most representative body of its collection, covering the works and the days of Greek scholars and printers active in the period of the Italian Renaissance (late fourteenth - mid-sixteenth centuries) became the object of exhibitions for the promotion of their work. First editions by Manuel Chrysoloras, George of Trebizond, Cardinal Bessarion, Theodoros Gazis, Zacharias Kallierges, Nikolaos Vlastos and numerous others were presented successively in Florence (1986); the Benaki Museum (1987); Geneva University (1988); Strasburg (1989) and elsewhere. These exhibitions were accompanied by detailed bilingual Catalogues, compiled in collaboration with M.I. Manoussakas, with introductory Notes and extensive commentaries for each book. The ultimate goal of these exhibitions was the promotion of the inestimable and decisive contribution of the Greek scholars of the period to the diffusion of Greek letters and to demonstrate: the relations they cultivated with the supreme Humanists of Italy, many of whom had been their pupils. Subsequently, more representative material, according to circumstance, of the whole collection was brought out in historic libraries and foundations of countries such as Italy, at the Venice Institute for Byzantine and Late-Byzantine Studies in 1993, with landmark editions by Aldus Manutius, the products of literary editors by renowned Greek scholars such as Markos Mousouros and Ioannes Gregoropoulos. In 1995, in Austria, at Vienna’s Imperial Library, nearly all the Greek books published/printed there (1749-1800) were exhibited, which were the most significant examples of the Neohellenic Enlightenment. In celebration of the Five Hundred Years since the establishment of the first Greek printing press (Venice 1499), the Greek Parliament Foundation assigned to Triantafyllos Sklavenitis and Konstantinos Staikos the organization of an exhibition of the most important material of the whole period. The area of the library was designed by Konstantinos Staikos. The stacks were designed in the spirit of stable structures that characterize the internal architecture and decorations used as timber oak. Their style is Doric and half columns that make up the skeleton of the stacks resulting in a rosette, with the mark of the Onassis Foundation in carved and gilded wood. The shelves are movable and the lower tier of the library are lockable cabinets. For the benefit of scholars and librarians are at the height bolts connecting the two parts of the library. The stacks, as ordered in space, create five separate elements, corresponding to the five sections of the library: Renaissance - Humanism, Modern Literature, Liturgical books, Theology and Enlightenment. These thematic units identified in the stacks with embossed brass plates in each section of the library. The shelves are all numbered as the books were classified in each one of them. In each section of the library was built a showcase, self-luminous and appropriately decorated for the exhibition of books representative of each department, even insured with unbreakable protective glazing. Finally, a movable metal rod insures free access to books and protect them from "impulsivity." The Library has about 1400 titles in nearly 2000 separate volumes. The works are grouped into five basic categories. Renaissance – Humanism Neo-Hellenic Literature Liturgical Books Treatises of Theology Neo-Hellenic Enlightenment Most of these books are from publishers in Venice or those who print books for the Greek-speaking public. The library is not open to the public. Organized visits take place every Wednesday, at 12.00.
Helsinki University Library
2014-11-24 13:16:32+00:00
The Helsinki University Library (Finnish: Helsingin yliopiston kirjasto) is the largest multidisciplinary university library in Finland. It was established on 1 January 2010. The Helsinki University Library is an independent institute of the University of Helsinki and open to all information seekers. The Helsinki University Library includes the Main Library in the Kaisa House, Kumpula, Meilahti and Viikki Campus Libraries, as well as internal library services. The library offers information and library services in the fields of science of all four campuses of the University of Helsinki. About 1.9 million customers visit the Helsinki University Library annually. There are about 40,400 active borrowers per year, and of them 11,000 are new customers. Everyone has the right to use the library, and persons over the age of 15 who live in Finland have the right to borrow books. Electronic materials are available for use to all customers in the library facilities and for the university community also online. The library offers its customers wide collections of printed and electronic materials. There are altogether about 73.5 shelf-kilometres of printed books and journals. Printed materials are borrowed and renewed altogether 2.6 million times annually. There are about 33,000 licensed electronic journals and 356,000 electronic books available. The Meilahti Campus Library Terkko is the WHO Documentation Center in Finland. One of the European Documentation Centres in Finland is located in the Main Library in the Kaisa House. The Embassy of the United States to Finland maintains the American Resource Center, which operates in connection with the Helsinki University Library at the Kaisa House. Helsinki University Library Website Helsinki University Library Annual Report 2013 ==
Kenton Library
2012-08-22 15:55:45+00:00
The Kenton Library is a branch of the Multnomah County Library (MCL), in the Kenton neighborhood of Portland in the U.S. state of Oregon. Preceded by reading rooms in North Portland and later by the Lombard Branch Library, the Kenton Library opened in 2010 in a storefront on North Denver Avenue. The branch offers the MCL catalog of two million books, periodicals and other materials. Public library service to the neighborhood started in 1903, when the Library Association of Portland placed a small collection of books available to patrons via a nearby school. In 1907, two reading rooms—the Peninsular Reading Room and the St. Johns Reading Room—opened in the Kenton vicinity. Each had a collection of between 200 and 300 books. The University Park Reading Room, also near Kenton, opened a year later. A Lombard Branch Library opened in 1927. It was a joint effort by residents of the Kenton and the Peninsula neighborhoods, who wanted a larger library but could not afford one even with help from the Library Association. The two communities held a fundraising drive, formed a corporation, borrowed money, and paid to construct a library building at Lombard and Boston streets. In 1937, the corporation gave the building to the Library Association, which agreed to maintain the library and pay the mortgage debt. In 1981, Multnomah County voters said "no" to one of the library funding requests on the ballot. The subsequent reductions in library service included closing the Lombard Library. Advocates for a Lombard Library, a citizens group, formed in 2000 to restore library service to the neighborhood. Their quest for funding and for the support of the Multnomah County Commissioners eventually met with success. In 2006, voters approved a levy that included funds for new libraries in North Portland and eastern Multnomah County. The commissioners subsequently chose a storefront site at 8226 N. Denver Avenue for the Kenton Library, a building constructed in 1951. It opened on March 8, 2010, after a remodel that included an addition to increase space to 6,000 square feet (560 m2). Hennebery Eddy Architects Inc. designed the renovations with Cedar Mill Construction Company serving as the general contractor on the project. Kenton Library was the first new library in the Multnomah County Library system to have its entire collection tagged with radio-frequency identification devices (RFID)s before it opened. The MCL began installing the RFIDs systemwide in 2009. Tags are equipped with antennas that respond to radio signals. They help prevent theft by triggering an alarm at the door if an item has not been properly checked out, and they reduce the number of steps needed at checkout. Library staff can scan rows of books with a hand wand or catalog a whole stack of books placed on a flat scanner. The Portland Development Commission carried out a $2.85 million urban-renewal project in Kenton in 2010. Improvements included better street pavement, wider sidewalks, trees, and planter boxes in the block that includes the library and a variety of small businesses. However, not all of the block has been modernized. In March 2011, business owners expressed concern about forced entry into a vacant building next to the library.
2010–11 North American winter
2016-06-15 00:43:13+00:00
The 2010–11 North American winter was influenced by an ongoing La Niña, seeing winter storms and very cold temperatures affect a large portion of the Continental United States, even as far south as the Texas Panhandle. Notable events included a major blizzard that struck the Northeastern United States in late December with up to 2 feet (24 in) of snowfall and a significant tornado outbreak on New Year's Eve in the Southern United States. By far the most notable event was a historic blizzard that impacted areas from Oklahoma to Michigan in early February. The blizzard broke numerous snowfall records, and was one of the few winter storms to rank as a Category 5 on the Regional Snowfall Index. In addition, Oklahoma set a statewide low temperature record in February. While there is no well-agreed-upon date used to indicate the start of winter in the Northern Hemisphere, there are two definitions of winter which may be used. Based on the astronomical definition, winter begins at the winter solstice, which in 2010 occurred late on December 21 (early on December 22 in EST), and ends at the March equinox, which in 2011 occurred on March 20. Based on the meteorological definition, the first day of winter is December 1 and the last day February 28. Both definitions involve a period of approximately three months, with some variability. On October 21, 2010, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Climate Prediction Center issued its US winter outlook. It predicted a La Niña to form. The Outlook predicted colder and wetter than average winter for the Pacific Northwest and Northern plains. It also predicted that the Southern plains, Gulf States, Southwest and Southeast Regions receiving a warmer and drier winter season with Florida having equal chance of a below or above average temperatures. The central United States, Mid Atlantic and New England had equal chances of having below or above average temperature and precipitation. It predicted that Alaska would have colder than average temperatures with an equal chance for above average or below average precipitation. It predicted that Hawaii would be drier than average in November but Wetter December through February. The 2010–2011 winter featured several significant storms, and one of them was a historic storm. A storm that spawned a devastating tornado outbreak in mid-April was responsible for a late-season blizzard in the Great Plains. = In late October, a massive cyclone brought a serial derecho to a large portion of the United States, as well an early season blizzard to parts of the Midwest and Canadian Prairies from October 25 through October 28. Forming over the Upper Midwest, it intensified rapidly prompting the storm to be classified as a bomb cyclone which are more common over the ocean rather than over land. The massive storm across the entire country and up into Canada bringing a wide variety of weather. It was responsible for 69 tornadoes across the country with an EF2 being the highest category. It had its highest recorded winds in Nebraska at 70 mph (110 km/h) and the highest recorded snowfall totals being 9 in (23 cm) in St. Louis County, Minnesota. = This was a long-lived storm that primarily effected the Pacific Northwest and eastern regions of the US and Canada. The storm developed along the so-called Pineapple Express Atmospheric river as a disturbance in the Gulf of Alaska on December 5 and intensified as it began to move toward land. By the 8th it reached the coast of northwest North America but significantly weakened and a new storm formed in the Gulf of Alaska. By December 15 the storm had moved back toward the west coast and interacted with a kona low situated over Hawaii which feed the storm more energy through the Pineapple Express. The storm had undergone Explosive cyclogenesis on December 19, which caused flooding and mudslides in California. It would start to weaken as it move towards the Gulf of Mexico. It would dump snow on the mountains of Southern California and the 4 Corners region of the Country. When the storm reached Texas it absorbed Gulf Stream moisture and reintensified as it moved toward the Florida Panhandle on December 24. It transferred into a nor'easter as it moved up the east coast on December 27. It dumped snow on a portion of the Mid Atlantic and New England and was officially classified as a blizzard in New York City. North Carolina saw snowfall totals as high as 12 inches (30 cm). Philadelphia received 12.2 inches (31 cm) of snow and nearby Trenton, New Jersey saw upwards of 20 in (51 cm) snowfall totals. New York City and surrounding cities received anywhere from 12 inches (30 cm) to 32 inches (81 cm) of snow. Boston and coastal areas of Virginia saw only 12 inches (30 cm) of snow. Wind gusts reached 40–50 miles per hour (64–80 km/h) in certain areas, creating horrible driving conditions. The highest winds were recorded in Nova Scotia of 94.4 MPH (151.9 kp/h). = A tornado outbreak struck the southern United States in late December. The Storm Prediction Center has been calling for a significant severe weather event since December 25. However the predictability of the event was uncertain but, forecasts gained confidence as the event drew closer. On December 30 only marginally conductive conditions were present for a severe weather to form. Later on an approaching cold front induced supercells to form in the evening hours. The storm had spawned up to 5 EF3 tornadoes. The highest recorded non tornadic winds were 80 mph (130 km/h). On December 30, a few tornadoes were reported in portions of Arkansas. On the morning of December 31 there were several reports of tornadoes in Illinois and Missouri. In the afternoon and into the next day in Mississippi, a tornado in Jackson, Mississippi, prompted a tornado emergency to be issued. = In the middle of January, a storm formed in the Gulf of Mexico and interacted with cold air mass in Canada. This storm would eventually merge with an Alberta clipper over Cape Hatteras. It would track up the east coast as a nor'easter before moving out to sea. It would bring winter weathering the form of snow and freezing rain from Texas to Atlantic Canada. It brought snowfall to areas that got hit hard by the previous blizzard. In New England there were reports of 2 feet of snow. = In late January, another major snowstorm hit the Northeast. It brought a winter storm to the mid Atlantic and a blizzard to New England. It hit two weeks after the previous nor'easter and one month after the December nor'easter, striking one week before the historic blizzard. The first part of this system hit the northeast as a coastal low with snow lasting from early January 26 to mid day of January 27. The second round of snow came when an upper-level low moved from eastern Tennessee to southern New England. This round had much steeper lapse rates than the first round and there were reports of thundersnow in some of the heavier bands. Areas with rain had gradually changed over to freezing rain then sleet. = On January 31, a low-pressure system formed in Montana, and merged with a storm that pushed in from Northern California and a third storm in the Gulf of Mexico over the Midwest, on February 1, and rapidly intensified. The resulting storm brought a historic blizzard to the Midwest. It was the first storm to rank as a Category 5 on the RSI since 2009. It brought a tornado outbreak to the southeast states with most reported in Alabama. It brought a blizzard and winter storm from New Mexico to New England and later up into Atlantic Canada. Chicago received 1 to 2 feet of snow and 60 mph winds. The greater area of northern Illinois getting anywhere from 20 to 28 inches of snow. It hit the Midwest and New England with an ice storm along the warm front and mixed precipitation from New Mexico to Northern Texas. This ice storm brought 1 inch (2.5 cm) of ice to several areas. = On April 14, a storm developed across the Midwest, bringing a tornado outbreak to much of the United States, and became the largest April tornado outbreak until the 2011 Super Outbreak, later in the month. In the southern part of the country, this tornado outbreak spawned 178 tornadoes, with the strongest category being an EF3. It was reported that the storm also produced large hail and straight-line winds. The system brought a late season snowstorm to the Midwest and Northern Plains, and blizzard conditions to parts of South Dakota and northern Nebraska. With surface temperatures near freezing the snow was unusually wet for the region. This lead for bad driving conditions on Interstate 80 and Interstate 90.
December 2010 North American blizzard
2010-12-25 20:01:09+00:00
The December 2010 North American blizzard was a major nor'easter and historic blizzard affecting the Contiguous United States and portions of Canada from December 22–29, 2010. From January 4–15, the system was known as Windstorm Benjamin in Europe. It was the first significant winter storm of the 2010–11 North American winter storm season and the fifth North American blizzard of 2010. The storm system affected the northeast megalopolis, which includes major cities such as Norfolk, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Newark, New York City, Hartford, Providence, and Boston. It brought between 12 and 32 inches (30 and 81 cm) of snow in many of these areas. The storm had many similarities to the North American blizzard of 2006. The storm also generated a rare meteorological phenomenon known as thundersnow in which thunder and lightning occur concurrently with the falling snow. Several synoptic factors contributed to the intensity of this blizzard. The storm was difficult to predict due to disagreements between models; it wasn't until about two days prior when the most models anticipated a major snowstorm. The National Weather Service's Hydrometeorological Prediction Center and many other private forecasters were skeptical of the storm impacting the Northeastern states until about 24 hours of the storm's arrival as well; although, some models depicted the storm delivering a full-blown blizzard to the New York City metropolitan area as early as a week in advance. The Hydrometeorological Prediction Center even issued a statement on Christmas Eve, 48 hours prior to the storm, that they suspected the American models of having model initialization errors; thus, they believed these errors may have forced the storm to be erroneously modeled to come up the Northeastern coast. On December 22, an extratropical storm moved ashore in California and weakened. On December 25, while situated in eastern New Mexico, two areas of low pressure interacted with another that dropped down from central Canada and an ample amount of Gulf stream energy; as a result, the storm carried a fairly large amount of moisture influx from the Pacific, Gulf of Mexico, and Atlantic Ocean. The core of the storm eventually moved southeast into the Gulf of Mexico then abruptly turned sharply northeastward into the Florida panhandle and state of Georgia as it merged with an upper-level low pressure system located near Virginia. As it became a stacked low pressure system, the storm system began a period of rapid intensification off the North Carolina coast while tracking along the coast of the Northeast and Newfoundland. On December 27, the storm developed into a powerful nor'easter that buffeted the East Coast, reaching its peak intensity of 961 millibars (28.4 inHg), equal in pressure to that found in a Category 3 hurricane. On December 29, the storm weakened and left the United States. During the next several days, the system moved eastward over the Atlantic Ocean. On January 2, the storm began to re-intensify, but the system continued to drift in the eastern North Atlantic for another two days. On January 4, the system was named Windstorm Benjamin by the Free University of Berlin, which names all Low and High-Pressure systems that affect Europe. Windstorm Benjamin continued to moved eastwards across the Atlantic, and the storm began to impact Western Europe on January 8. On January 9, Windstorm Benjamin crossed the British Isles and turned to the northeast. For the next couple of days, Windstorm Benjamin held its intensity as it continued moving northeastward, before weakening on January 11, due to land interaction with the northern coast of Norway. On January 12, Windstorm Benjamin began to move inland into Western Russia, while slowly weakening. On January 13, Benjamin accelerated eastward, while rapidly weakening. On January 15, Windstorm Benjamin was absorbed into the circulation of another approaching extratropical cyclone. = WCAU-TV in Philadelphia forecast a snowfall of between 10 and 20 inches (25 and 51 cm) in Philadelphia itself (which received 12.2 inches (31 cm)), while nearby Trenton, New Jersey and parts of southern New Jersey were expected to receive snowfalls of 20 inches (51 cm) or more. Wind gusts were expected to reach between 40 and 50 miles per hour (64 and 80 km/h). Areas in eastern North Carolina and southeastern Virginia saw upwards of 12 inches (30 cm) of snow. Areas in and around New York City, which were most impacted by the storm, reported between 12 and 32 inches (30 and 81 cm) of snowfall by Monday morning. Measurement was made difficult due to 4-foot (120 cm) snow drifts caused by the winds. Central Park's reported 20 inches (51 cm) of snow from the storm is the sixth-largest snowfall on record for that location. Areas to the east of New York City received 10 to 20 inches while 20 to 30 inches of snow fell across New York City, Northeast and Central New Jersey and the Lower Hudson Valley. Areas receiving the most snow are between Kendall Park and Elizabeth and between Brick and Atlantic City in New Jersey. This was because multiple convective bands of heavy snow fed in off the ocean into the large stationary very heavy snow band (with occasional lightning) over the areas that received 20 to 30 inches. These areas received snowfall totals over 24.0 inches (61 cm). A secondary heavy snow/rain band formed across Eastern Massachusetts the night of December 26. Southern New England including Boston saw more than 1 foot (30 cm) of snow. Even areas of coastal Virginia saw more than 1 foot (30 cm) of snow, and North Carolina received more than 6.0 inches (15 cm). Washington, D.C., and Baltimore and their environs were largely spared this storm, receiving little accumulation despite large snowfall totals further east on the Delmarva Peninsula. = Wind gusts routinely over 50 miles per hour (80 km/h) were widespread during the blizzard in coastal areas. Hurricane-force wind gusts of 80 miles per hour (130 km/h) were recorded along coastal portions of Eastern Massachusetts. A wind gust of 94.4 miles per hour (151.9 km/h) was recorded in Grand Etang, Nova Scotia. The Greater New York area had sustained winds of 30–45 MPH with gusts to over 60 MPH during the afternoon and night of December 26. High winds caused near zero visibilities and treacherous travel conditions in many areas. The strong easterly winds also piled up water along the eastern coast of Massachusetts, leading to major coastal flood damage. Late on December 25, WPVI-TV announced that the National Weather Service had issued blizzard warnings for northern and parts of central New Jersey, New York City, Long Island and coastal southern New England. WABC-TV also offered information on the blizzard warning that was posted throughout the New York City region. On December 26, several closures were announced on KYW-1060 (the all-news radio station in Philadelphia), including the Please Touch Museum and Independence National Historical Park. Philadelphia mayor Michael Nutter declared a snow emergency beginning at 2:00 p.m. local time. The NFL game between the Minnesota Vikings and the Philadelphia Eagles at Lincoln Financial Field in Philadelphia, scheduled for Sunday, December 26, was postponed until Tuesday, December 28. Ironically, it was scheduled to be played Sunday afternoon, but flexed to the primetime slot, displacing the San Diego Chargers-Cincinnati Bengals game to the afternoon. Pittsburgh declared a State of Emergency Sunday afternoon with an expected accumulation of 16 inches (41 cm). Boston declared a State of Emergency Sunday afternoon with an expected accumulation of over 20 inches (51 cm). Delaware had declared a State of Emergency on Sunday evening. Amtrak's Acela Express and regular Northeast Regional service was shut down completely between Boston and New York. = North Carolina was one of six US states where a state of emergency was declared due to the storm. Snow totals in the state ranged from less than 1 to 10 inches (2.5 to 25.4 cm) in the east, from 5 to 12 inches (13 to 30 cm) in the central part of the state and along the I-95 corridor, and from 3 to 15 inches (7.6 to 38.1 cm) in the west. = By the storm's end, weather stations in Central Park had recorded 20 inches (51 cm) of snow. A combination of heavy snow and strong winds led to massive transportation lockdowns across the city. Nearly all roads in the city (with the exception of major arteries) were left impassable for many days because of the amount of snow. Hundreds of buses were stuck in the snow. More than 400 passengers were stranded on the A train on the IND Rockaway Line for seven hours starting shortly before 1 a.m. One train did not open its doors when it stopped at the station. Dozens of LIRR trains were frozen onto the platforms. Hundreds of plows were on the road. NYC's major airports, Kennedy, Newark and LaGuardia were shut down until 6:00 p.m. Monday evening. The MTA ran on a limited schedule, even on Tuesday morning, with many above ground subway lines not functioning. By Wednesday, only the Sea Beach Line, Franklin Avenue Line, and Greenport Branch remained suspended. The subway resumed full service on Thursday, the LIRR Friday morning. Residents of the city were complaining to Mayor Michael Bloomberg about the slowness of the snowplows attempting to reach their areas. By the late afternoon on Tuesday, snowplows had reached the minor streets in Brooklyn. Many residents of Staten Island, however, had yet to see one. Many plows became stuck in the snow that had accumulated on the streets and several could not get through as many residents had simply abandoned their cars in the middle of roads once it became too hazardous or impossible to move. These cars became stuck as the snow accumulated around them, creating roadblocks for the plows. Both Mayor Bloomberg and the chief of the sanitation department were urging residents to stay indoors and not shovel snow back onto the streets that had already been plowed. State Senator Carl Kruger called the response a "Colossal Failure". Multiple explanations have been proposed for the relatively slow response of the snow cleanup in the New York City metropolitan area. For example, the local media did not fully alert the general public until Christmas Day about the impending storm due to the complexity and lateness of the forecast models predicting the storm; thus, public awareness was delayed. Another possible cause was that Mayor Bloomberg had previously laid off 400 New York City Sanitation workers due to budget cuts; therefore, fewer plows were at work. In addition, some city workers who are responsible for managing the snow removal process had taken the day off from work during the storm due to the Christmas holiday. Also, a snow emergency was not declared, contributing to the number of abandoned cars on the streets. On December 30, the New York Post reported that several sanitation workers confessed that cleanup was intentionally slowed down to protest the aforementioned budget cuts. On January 3, 2011, WCBS-TV reported that prosecutors had obtained a video of two sanitation trucks driving down 155th Street in Whitestone, Queens after the blizzard with their plows raised so as not to remove the snow. Allegations were also made that sanitation workers slept on the job, hung out at a doughnut shop for 11 straight hours while on the job, and drank beer for six or seven hours while on the job. Claims were also made that supervisors encouraged such work stoppages. However, a month later, The New York Times reported that the allegations of a slowdown remained unsubstantiated and that Councilman Daniel Halloran, who had originally reported the confessions, had not named his sources. A man who attempted suicide by jumping from a ninth-story window was saved when he landed on a huge pile of garbage that had accumulated during the blizzard. Two casualties were reported as the result of emergency workers being unable to reach those in need: a newborn baby and an elderly woman. = New Jersey declared a State of Emergency on Sunday, December 26. They were affected the hardest because of its high winds and snow. Over 20 inches (51 cm) of snow was estimated in some counties such as Union County. Interstate 78, Interstate 80, and Interstate 280 experienced congestion, closures, and accidents. New Jersey Transit suspended all bus service, North Jersey Coast Line service, and Hudson-Bergen Light Rail Service. River Line service had partial closures and the Newark Light Rail was delayed for 20–30 minutes. Many people in the state were stranded on roadways and only emergency vehicles were allowed on the roads. The highest amount recorded was in Brick, New Jersey, where 36 inches of snow accumulated. The visibility was near 0 miles (0 km). Central and Northeastern New Jersey were hit the hardest with snow totals of 1 to 2.5 feet (30 to 76 cm). Edison got 32.5 inches (83 cm), Lyndhurst got 29 inches (74 cm) and Elizabeth had one of the highest totals of snow of any city affected by this storm, 31.8 inches (81 cm) of heavy snow. Blizzard Warnings were prompted for eastern New Jersey, while Winter Storm Warnings were issued in the western portion. Blowing and drifting snow was a big problem on December 26 and 27. Newark Liberty International Airport in Newark had received 7 inches (18 cm) of snowfall in about three hours, an instance of very heavy snow in a short time. Snow drifts as high as seven feet were spotted in portions of eastern New Jersey. The NJ Transit was shut down on late December 26 due to blizzard conditions occurring in the area. Cape May was one of many southern New Jersey towns that were affected by snow bands containing four-inch per hour snowfall rates. When the storm was off the coast of New Jersey, bands of heavy snow formed one after another, increasing already-hefty snowfall amounts even further. There were reports of snow plows getting stuck in the snow late at night on December 26 and the early morning of the 27th. On the 26th, visibilities in some towns were less than 0.1 miles. This caused whiteout conditions in towns along the Raritan River and the Atlantic coastline. Cape May had reported nearly 15 inches of snow after the storm had moved out to sea. The town had lesser snow amounts due to a break in the southern half of the snow bands pivoting toward New Jersey. The snow totals were only expected to reach 10 to 15 inches at the highest. Instead, the highest amount was in Brick, New Jersey where 36 inches fell, nearly 3 feet of snow fell. I-95 Northbound was mostly covered in layers of snow, which was dangerous for some drivers. The higher snowfall amounts occurred in central and northern coastal areas of New Jersey. The blustery winds in New Jersey gusted as high as 65 mph. The fact of the high winds caused the blizzard warnings to be issued by the Mount Holly, New Jersey (Philadelphia, PA area) National Weather Service officials. Snow fell so fast that traffic came to a complete halt. Motorists had to be rescued the following day as snow continued to pile up and trap them on interstates and local streets, which themselves became completely impassable. Citizens began calling into news stations asking for help and giving reports, while plows and other emergency personnel became stuck everywhere. Newark Mayor Cory Booker notably used Twitter to help stranded residents and assure citizens. = Heavy snow and winds of up to 60 miles per hour (97 km/h) caused a gas station roof to collapse in North Haven, and widespread tree damage and power outages throughout the state. Service on the Metro-North New Haven Line and its branches was suspended on Monday due to equipment and switch failures caused by the storm. The greatest snow totals were in the western part of the state, with Wilton receiving 18 inches of snow. North Canaan reported 16.1 inches, and 13.9 inches of snowfall was reported at Bradley International Airport. The blizzard was nicknamed Winter Storm "Adrienne" by WFSB-TV Channel 3. The local CBS affiliate has unofficially named local winter storms since 1971. = Blizzard conditions arrived in Maine on December 27. On December 28, a ski lift at the Sugarloaf ski resort derailed, causing several skiers to receive injuries after falling to the ground, sending seven to the hospital. = Coastal Massachusetts, along with coastal Maine, bore the brunt of the storm with a recorded wind gust of 153 km/h (95 mph) in Scituate, Massachusetts. = In Atlantic Canada, the nor'easter was the fourth major winter storm to hit the area in four weeks. Blizzard conditions forced numerous road closures and resulted in the death of a minivan driver on December 27 near Fredericton, Prince Edward Island. Wind gusts approached 150 km/h (93 mph), and up to 40 cm (16 in) of snow fell in New Brunswick, while Nova Scotia was hit by heavy rain and unseasonably warm temperatures and rain continued in eastern Newfoundland.
October 2010 North American storm complex
2010-10-27 01:51:36+00:00
The October 2010 North American storm complex is the name given to a historic extratropical cyclone that impacted North America. The massive storm complex caused a wide range of weather events including a major serial derecho stretching from the Gulf Coast to the Great Lakes, a widespread tornado outbreak across the Southeast United States and Midwest and a blizzard across portions of the Canadian Prairies and the Dakotas. The cyclone's lowest minimum pressure of 955.2 mb (28.21 inHg) made it the second most intense non-tropical system recorded in the continental United States (CONUS). The lowest confirmed pressure for a non-tropical system in the continental United States was set by a January 1913 Atlantic coast storm. Significant snowfall was reported on the backside of the storm. The heaviest snow fell in parts of Minnesota where 9 inches (22.5 cm) of snow was reported in St. Louis County, Minnesota. Heavy snow and blizzard conditions also occurred in North Dakota, southwestern Manitoba and southeastern Saskatchewan. The non-tropical cyclonic storm generated wind speeds of up to 70 mph, caused by a severe low pressure zone over Nebraska on October 24. Akron, Cleveland, Findlay, Marion, Lorain, Mansfield, Toledo, Wooster and Youngstown, Ohio all witnessed heavy winds on the 24th. Severe weather battered Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio on the 25th and 26th of October, producing strong winds, rain, hail, and widespread tornadoes. It was the region's second strongest storm on record. The weather station in Bigfork, Minnesota, recorded a state record atmospheric pressure of 955.2 millibars (28.21 inches of pressure), typical of a Category 3 hurricane. The National Weather Service reported that a tornado with a maximum speed of 115 mph touched down about four miles east of Peotone in Will County, south of Chicago, that morning and traveled 2.9 miles, causing downed power lines and partially destroying a home. Another tornado was reported to have landed in Racine, Wisconsin. Heavy damage was reported in the Chicago area, particularly in Kane, Will, Kankakee, and Iroquois Counties in Illinois and in Porter County in Indiana. The winds flipped single engine planes on their sides at DuPage Airport in West Chicago, and flights were delayed by 30 minutes at O'Hare and Midway airports. More than 300 flights were canceled at O'Hare International Airport, and more than 60,000 ComEd customers were without power. Several other less powerful tornadoes also occurred in Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky, Michigan, North Carolina, Ohio, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and Wisconsin. Heavy snow also fell in south western Ontario. There were no fatalities with this system. A GOES satellite image on October 26 showed what could be considered the eye of the storm over the Minnesota-Ontario border, with outlying clouds reaching as far as Alberta, southern Nunavut, Newfoundland, eastern Montana, Colorado, Louisiana, Maine, and Bermuda. The storm developed so quickly, that it was declared to be a weather 'bomb', which is an extremely fast developing storm that drops at least one millibar of pressure per hour for 24 hours—a phenomenon more commonly seen over water than land. On the morning of October 26, a serial derecho caused widespread damage in Kentucky, Tennessee, Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Ohio Tuesday. Louisville, Ky; Cincinnati, Cridersville, and Toledo, Ohio, Nashville, Tennessee Indianapolis were hit at 9 am CDT, and Detroit was hit during the midday and early afternoon hours. Other cities impacted by the storms included Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Buffalo, New York, and Charleston, West Virginia. At one point in the morning a line of tornado warnings stretched from central Michigan down to northern Mississippi. Tornado damage to homes was also reported in and around Peotone, Illinois, and Kokomo, Indiana, while another tornado reportedly uprooted and downed trees onto homes near Racine, Wis. On October 28, the storm system left the East Coast. During the next few days, the system moved eastward across the Atlantic, before stalling over the western Mediterranean on November 1. On November 5, the system dissipated over the western Mediterranean region. = = = = =
2009 FIBA Europe Under-16 Championship for Women Division B
2020-10-29 11:33:26+00:00
The 2009 FIBA Europe Under-16 Championship for Women Division B was the 6th edition of the Division B of the European basketball championship for women's national under-16 teams. It was played in Tallinn, Estonia, from 30 July to 9 August 2009. Netherlands women's national under-16 basketball team won the tournament. Austria Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia Denmark England Estonia Ireland Israel Latvia (15th place, 2008 FIBA Europe Under-16 Championship for Women Division A) Luxembourg Montenegro Netherlands Portugal Romania Slovakia Slovenia Switzerland Ukraine (16th place, 2008 FIBA Europe Under-16 Championship for Women Division A) In the preliminary round, the teams were drawn into four groups. The first two teams from each group will advance to the 1st–8th place qualifying round (Groups E and F), the third and fourth teams will advance to the 9th–16th place qualifying round (Groups G and H) and the other teams will advance to the 17th–19th place classification (Group I). = = = = In this round, the teams play in two groups of four. The first two teams from each group will advance to the Semifinals and the other teams will advance to the 5th–8th place playoffs. = = In this round, the teams play in two groups of four. The first two teams from each group will advance to the 9th–12th place playoffs and the other teams will advance to the 13th–16th place playoffs. = = =
2009 FIBA Europe Under-18 Championship for Women
2016-07-23 06:04:34+00:00
The 2009 FIBA Europe Under-18 Women's Championship or simply known as the 2009 Youth EuroBasket, was the 26th edition of the Under-18 European Championships. This tournament was hosted by Sweden for the first time in the history of the championships. The tournament was won by Spain for the third time after defeating the France in the final, 64–54. Hosts Sweden clinched the bronze medal after beating Czech Republic, 67–54. Preliminary round: Teams are split into four groups of 4 teams each, playing in a single round-robin format, teams playing against each other in their respective group once. The top three teams in each group qualify for the second round, while the last placed team are relegated to the classification rounds. Group tournament ranking system: Games won: 2 points Games lost by ordinary circumstances: 1 point Games lost by default: 1 point, and the score at the time of stoppage if the defaulting team is trailing, or a score of 2–0 if it is leading or if the game is tied. Games lost by forfeit: 0 points and a score of 20–0 against the forfeiting team. Tiebreaking criteria: Game results between tied teams via points system above Goal average between games of the tied teams Goal average for all games of the tied teams Drawing of lots Second round: Groups A and B shall comprise Group E, while Groups C and D shall comprise Group F. Teams play against teams that have not played yet once, while the records for the teams that they had already met that also advanced are carried over. Same points and tiebreaking system as in the preliminary round. Top four advance to the final round. Second round: The qualifying teams from Groups A and B forms Groups E, and teams from Groups C and D, forms Group F. Those teams in each group will play again in single round-robin format. Only the top 4 teams advance to the final round (knockout stage). Final round: SIngle-elimination tournament for the championship 3rd–4th classification: Playoff for semifinals losers 5th–8th classification: Single-elimination tournament for quarterfinals losers 9th–12th classification: Single-elimination tournament for fifth and sixth placers in the second round 13th–15th classification: Round-robin classification for fourth placers in the preliminary round. All times are in Swedish Standard Time (UTC+2). = = = = = = = The last placers of each group in the preliminary round will have the chance to win 13th place. This shall be played in a single round-robin classification. All games for this stage were held in Rosenborg. = 11th place match 9th place match = = = = = The following referees were selected for the tournament: Milan Brizak Anna Cardus Piotr Ivashkov Paolo Taurino Martynas Gudas Zaza Machaladze Timothy Andrew Frederick Brown Carole Delauné Oskars Lucis Robert Vyklicky Borys Shulga Oscar Lefwerth
2009 FIBA Europe Under-18 Championship for Women Division C
2020-03-26 19:30:21+00:00
The 2009 FIBA Europe Under-18 Championship for Women Division C was the seventh edition of the Division C of the FIBA U18 Women's European Championship, the third tier of the European women's under-18 basketball championship. It was played in Malta from 14 to 18 July 2009. Luxembourg women's national under-18 basketball team won the tournament. Gibraltar Luxembourg Malta Moldova Monaco
2009 FIBA Europe Under-20 Championship for Women
2021-09-04 22:00:26+00:00
The 2009 FIBA Europe Under-20 Championship for Women was the eighth edition of the Women's European basketball championship for national under-20 teams. It was held in Gdynia, Poland, from 9 to 19 July 2009. France women's national under-20 basketball team won the tournament and became the European champions for the second time. Belarus Bulgaria Czech Republic France Germany Italy Latvia Lithuania Montenegro Poland (Runners-up, 2008 FIBA Europe Under-20 Championship for Women Division B) Russia Serbia Spain Sweden (Winners, 2008 FIBA Europe Under-20 Championship for Women Division B) Turkey Ukraine In the first round, the teams were drawn into four groups of four. The first three teams from each group advance to the quarterfinal round, the last teams will play in the classification round for 13th–16th place. = = = = In the second round, the teams play in two groups of six. The first four teams from each group advance to the quarterfinals, the other teams will play in the 9th–12th place playoffs. = = = = = = = = = = = = =
2009 FIBA Europe Under-20 Championship for Women Division B
2021-08-21 15:25:32+00:00
The 2009 FIBA Europe Under-20 Championship for Women Division B was the fifth edition of the Division B of the Women's European basketball championship for national under-20 teams. It was held in Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia, from 6 to 15 July 2009. The Netherlands women's national under-20 basketball team won the tournament. Austria Belgium (15th place, 2008 FIBA Europe Under-20 Championship for Women Division A) Great Britain Greece (16th place, 2008 FIBA Europe Under-20 Championship for Women Division A) Hungary Israel Macedonia Netherlands Portugal Romania Slovakia In the first round, the teams were drawn into two groups. The first four teams from each group advance to the quarterfinals, the other teams will play in the classification round for 9th to 11th place. = = = = = = = = =
1! 2! 3! 4! Yoroshiku!
2012-11-28 21:10:59+00:00
"1! 2! 3! 4! Yoroshiku!" ("1!2!3!4!ヨロシク!") is the 4th single by Japanese girl group SKE48. It reached the 2nd place on the weekly Oricon Singles Chart and, as of February 6, 2012 (issue date), has sold 175,027 copies. This was last full version music video featured on SKE48 official channel (YouTube); starting from "Banzai Venus" only short versions are featured. = Team S: Masana Ōya, Yukiko Kinoshita, Yuria Kizaki, Mizuki Kuwabara, Akari Suda, Kanako Hirmatsu, Yuka Nakanishi, Jurina Matsui, Rena Matsui, Kumi Yagami Team KII: Anna Ishida, Airi Furukawa, Akane Takayanagi, Manatsu Mukaida Kenkyuusei: Kanon Kimoto, Erika Yamada = Kinect Team S: Jurina Matsui, Rena Matsui = Akagumi Team S: Rumi Kato, Yuria Kizaki, Yukiko Kinoshita, Akari Suda, Shiori Takada, Aki Deguchi, Rena Matsui, Kumi Yagami Team KII: Shiori Iguchi, Shiori Ogiso, Momona Kitō, Seira Sato, Airi Furukawa, Mukaida Manatsu Kenkyuusei: Mai Imade, Kasumi Ueno, Sawako Hata, Kaori Matsumura, Haruka Mano, Miki Yakata, Madoka Umemoto, Shiori Kaneko, Kanon Kimoto, Emiri Kobayashi, Yumana Takagi, Mai Takeuchi, Marin Nonoyama, Minami Hara, Yukari Yamashita = Shirogumi Team S: Masana Oya, Haruka Ono, Mizuki Kuwabara, Yuka Nakanishi, Rikako Hirata, Kanako Hiramatsu, Jurina Matsui Team KII: Ririna Akaeda, Anna Ishida, Mikoto Uchiyama, Tomoko Kato, Makiko Saito, Mieko Sato, Akane Takayanagi, Rina Matsumoto, Reika Yamada, Tomoka Wakabayashi Kenkyuusei: Riho Abiru, Kyoka Isohara, Risako Goto, Erika Yamada, Asana Inuzuka, Ami Kobayashi, Mei Sakai, Aya Shibata, Rika Tsuzuki, Yuka Nakamura, Honoka Mizuno = All current SKE48 members (57 members) MNL48, AKB48's sister group in the Philippines, made a Filipino version of the song "1! 2! 3! 4! Yoroshiku!". The song was included on the group's fifth single, "High Tension", officially released on November 25, 2019. Indonesian idol group JKT48, a sister group of AKB48, covered the song "1! 2! 3! 4! Yoroshiku!". The song was included on the group's second single, "Apakah Kau Melihat Mentari Senja?", officially released on July 3, 2013.
2 in the Morning (Girlicious song)
2010-09-09 19:56:31+00:00
"2 in the Morning" is the third and final single from American girl group Girlicious' second studio album, Rebuilt (2010). It is also the group's final single before their disbandment in 2011. It was digitally released in the United States and Canada on August 31, 2010. The song samples Ruki Vverh!'s "Pesenka" (1998). On the week of September 10, 2010, "2 in the Morning" debuted on the Canadian Hot 100 at number 57. On the week of November 13, 2010, it reached its peak at number 35, making it the most successful single from the Rebuilt era, and their highest-peaking single since "Stupid Shit" (2008). "2 in the Morning" remained on the Canadian Hot 100 chart for a total of 14 weeks.
2Face (song)
2010-10-27 18:29:48+00:00
"2Face" is Beni's tenth single under the label Nayutawave Records. "2Face" is a "fierce song about a woman who can't be honest". The single is limited to 10,000 copies and comes with a special towel. According to Beni's blog, this song "should showcase a new Beni" In the first week of the Chaku-Uta weekly charts, the song 2FACE charted at #25. On the Chaku-Uta weekly chart Full it was ranked at #42.
2014-01-07 12:46:47+00:00
Enevo is a company that works in data analytics, container asset management, and logistics software for the waste and recycling industry. Enevo was originally founded in Finland in 2010 by Fredrik Kekäläinen and Johan Engström. Founded by Fredrik Kekäläinen and Johan Engström in 2010, Enevo was envisioned with the goal of transforming the financial, social and economical impact of waste. The concept began to form in a conversation between Kekäläinen and Engström, who wanted to provide waste data from dumpster sensors to lower the cost of waste disposal. In April 2013, Enevo raised €2 million ($2.07 million USD) in funding from Finnish Industry Investment and Lifeline Ventures. The US subsidiary Enevo, Inc. was opened in July 2013 in Boston, MA. In November 2013, the company signed service contracts with waste management companies in Finland, Norway, and Denmark. In August 2014, Enevo raised $8 million from Earlybird, Lifeline Ventures, Finnish Industry Investment, Draper Associates and Risto Siilasmaa, among others. The funding would be used to grow and bring the sensor-based waste collection system to new global markets. In 30 June 2015, Enevo secured another $15.8 million in funding from Foxconn, and several other organizations. A year later in August 2016, Enevo received a €15 million loan from the European Investment Bank. Recycle Track Systems, Inc. announced the takeover of some Enevo's US waste services accounts in June 2020, as Enevo exited the waste services business and switched focus entirely on continuing the technology and software side of the business. Enevo Oy (the Finland-based parent company, IP holder) filed for voluntary bankruptcy a month later, in what was initially called a group restructuring effort with its creditors. The liquidation of Enevo was completed in May 2021. Reen AS, a Norway based spin-off from Europe's second largest telematics company ABAX Group, acquired part of Enevo's business from the bankruptcy estate. In June 2021, it was announced that while Reen AS would operate from the former Enevo office in Espoo, Finland and the UK branch, the Enevo brand would be retained for its US, Canada and Japan business and continue operating independently as Enevo, Inc. under separate ownership. In May 2022, Enevo, Inc. acquired the rights to the entire Enevo technology stack along with patents and the Enevo trademark from Reen AS.
Sanitek Armenia
2016-09-19 09:06:58+00:00
Sanitek Armenia (Armenian: Սանիթեք Հայաստան) was a branch of Sanitek International Group – a multinational waste management company headquartered in Lebanon, with strategic alliances in Asia, Europe, and at the United States. Sanitek International was founded in September 2010 in Beirut, and started its operations at Yerevan, the capital of Armenia in December 2014. Sanitek won the international competition announced by the mayor of Yerevan Taron Margaryan, who initiated the tender to address the long lasting problem of inappropriate and poor garbage collection institution in Yerevan. The company initially invested 10 million euros and employed 150 workers to conduct its operations in several districts of Yerevan. By the end of the year 2015 the company's investments were expected to reach around 20 million euros, and the number of job openings by the company were expected to reach 1100 people. Consequently, Sanitek started to operate at 11 administrative districts of Yerevan out of 12, including Arabkir, Nubarashen, Nor Nork and Erebouni. Sanitek provides wide range of services associated with the waste management, including: sanitary cleaning, garbage collection, winter maintenance, composting, incineration, construction and operation of solid and healthcare waste facilities, construction and management of sanitary landfills. In December 2014 Sanitek presented Madlen El Bolbol as the head of the Armenian branch of Sanitek company. In August 2015 the company was already presenting one of the shareholders of the company Nicholas Tawil. Later he holds the position of Partner and CEO of Sanitek company up to date. In summer 2015 the series of mass protests broke in Yerevan publicly known as Electric Yerevan and Sanitek's garbage bins were used as barricades by the demonstrators causing a considerable damage to the company. During spring and summer 2016 the company reportedly addressed its kind requests to the citizen of Yerevan asking them do not burn or damage Sanitek's bins at the different administrative districts of Yerevan. Sanitek also faces extra work loads in the city of Yerevan due to common practice of throwing the garbage at places inappropriate for garbage. In April 2016 Sanitek joined several other companies which provide public services in Yerevan to send a humanitarian aid to Nagorno-Karabakh.
2010 Constellation Cup
2022-02-22 20:48:52+00:00
The 2010 Constellation Cup was the inaugural Constellation Cup series played between Australia and New Zealand. The series featured three netball test matches. Australia won the opening test 48–43. New Zealand leveled the series by winning the second test 59–40. Australia won the inaugural Constellation Cup series by defeating New Zealand 46–40 in the final test. The Australia team was coached by Norma Plummer and captained by Sharelle McMahon. New Zealand were coached by Ruth Aitken and captained by Casey Williams. Both teams used the series to prepare for the 2010 Commonwealth Games. = = = Holden Netball Test Series Sources: = New World International Netball Series Sources: = Sources:
2010 Baghdad church massacre
2010-11-01 09:49:16+00:00
In the 2010 Baghdad church massacre, six suicide bombers of the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI) militant group attacked a Syriac Catholic church in Baghdad during Sunday evening Mass, on 31 October, 2010, and began killing the worshipers. ISI was a militant group which aimed to overthrow the Iraqi federal government and establish an Islamic state in Iraq. Hours later Iraqi commandos stormed the church. In the ensuing confrontation, fifty-eight worshipers, priests, policemen, and bystanders were killed and seventy-eight were wounded or maimed. World leaders and some Iraqi Sunni and Shi'ite imams condemned the massacre. In late November 2010, Huthaifa al-Batawi, who was accused of masterminding the assault, was arrested along with eleven others in connection with the attack. During a failed attempt to escape in May 2011, Batawi and ten other senior ISI militants were killed by an Iraqi SWAT team. On 2 August 2011, three other men were sentenced to death and a fourth to 20 years in prison in connection with the massacre. In 2012, an appeals court confirmed the sentences. = After 19 March 2003 invasion of Iraq by a U.S.-led coalition aiming to destroy Iraq's Ba'athist government of President Saddam Hussein, the occupying forces on 21 April 2003 installed the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) for temporary governance. On 28 June 2004 the CPA installed the Iraqi Interim Government, consisting of Iraqis and headed by Prime Minister Ayad Allawi, a Shia Muslim. After the Iraqi parliamentary elections of December 2005, which saw a high turnout of 80%, a broad coalition government was formed consisting of the four largest parties: the Shi'ite National Iraqi Alliance (or United Iraqi Alliance), the Kurdish Democratic Patriotic Alliance of Kurdistan (DPAK), the Sunni Iraqi Accord Front (or Tawafuq), and the diverse Iraqi National List. This government was headed by Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, a Shia Muslim sworn in on 20 May 2006. On 7 March 2010, new parliamentary elections had taken place, but a new government had not yet been formed. = In 1999, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi started his group Jama'at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad ("Organization of Monotheism and Jihad") with the purpose of toppling so-called "apostate" Arab regimes like the Jordanian monarchy. Half a year after the March 2003 invasion of Iraq, Zarqawi had turned his main attention to Iraq, and forged himself a reputation for beheadings and a suicide bombing campaign against Shiite religious targets and Sunni civilians. He had also attacked UN representatives and the Jordanian embassy in Baghdad (August 2003) and killed or beheaded nine foreign hostages (May–October 2004). In October 2004, Zarqawi pledged bay'ah (allegiance) to Osama bin Laden of Al-Qaeda, and renamed his group Tanzim Qaidat al-Jihad fi Bilad al-Rafidayn, more popularly known as al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI), or al-Qaeda in the Land of Two Rivers, or al-Qaeda in Mesopotamia. Killings continued as before. In January 2006, AQI became part of a larger umbrella organization Mujahideen Shura Council (MSC). On 13 October 2006, MSC declared its rebranding and the establishment of the Islamic State of Iraq organization. After this declaration, claims of responsibility for killings under the name of MSC gradually ceased and were replaced by claims from the Islamic State of Iraq organization. = Christians are believed to have lived in Iraq since the first century AD. In 2003, Iraq counted one million Christians according to The New York Times on a population of 26 million; the estimate of Syriac Catholic officials was then 2½ million Christians. Between 2003 and 2007, 40% of the refugees fleeing Iraq were Christian. By November 2010, half of the Christians of 2003 had left Iraq and 600,000 still remained according to BBC (although Chaldean Cardinal Emmanuel III Delly estimated that 1½ million Christians remained). On 1 August 2004, six churches in Baghdad and Mosul were attacked simultaneously with bombs killing 12 people and wounding many others. The Sayidat al-Nejat (or "Our Lady of Salvation") Syriac Catholic church in Karrada, a middle-class district in Baghdad with many Christian churches, was one of the churches attacked with a car bomb, killing two people and wounding 90. The 2004 attacks were claimed by a previously unknown group, but the claim could not be verified. In August 2006, 13 Assyrian Christian women in Baghdad were kidnapped and murdered. Between December 2004 and December 2006, another 27 churches in Iraq were attacked or bombed. Christians were targets of violence and often kidnapped to force relatives to pay ransom. The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom said in 2007 that Christians were among the most vulnerable groups in Iraq. = In the beginning of September 2010, the Reverend Terry Jones in Gainesville, Florida, U.S., announced he would burn a Quran on 11 September 2010. A team from The New York Times went to the Sayidat al-Nejat Syrian Catholic church in Baghdad and noticed concrete bollards, razor wire, and oil drums filled with cement barricading the entrance—apparently the church was preparing for the worst. The Times journalists spoke there with Father Thaer Abdal, who said he was worried that the threatened Quran-burning would cause Christians in Iraq to be targeted again after a period of relative calm, and said: I would like to send a message to the pastor who is in America; he lives in a society that protects humans and religious beliefs. Why would he want to harm Christians in Iraq? This is dangerous. He should realize that we live in cultures of various denominations, especially in Iraq. = On Sunday 31 October 2010 at 5pm, at dusk, four men 'in military uniforms' (as a nearby resident described later) got out of a black SUV in front of the Iraq Stock Exchange in Baghdad. Baghdad's security spokesman Al-Moussawi later said that the men had been disguised as guards working for a private security firm and had carried fake IDs, which may have enabled them to approach despite checkpoints in the vicinity. They were wearing suicide vests and fought off security forces at the stock exchange, killing two guards who tried to stop them from raiding the building. In this attack four passersby were also killed. = Then three other men arrived in an ordinary car, and all seven men jumped over the wall into the Sayidat al-Nejat ("Our Lady of Salvation") Syriac Catholic Church across the road from the Stock Exchange around 6pm during Sunday Mass, armed with machine guns, explosive belts, and grenades. They detonated their ordinary car, clashed with guards and killed some, and burst through the church's huge wooden doors which they closed. While they came in, some 19 people managed to leave the church. Sources gave the number of attackers as six or as 6 to 15. Worshipers, about 100, were herded to the centre of the church by the gunmen, but a priest led another 60 to the sacristy at the back of the church. The gunmen turned the lights off and began shooting around the church and at the congregation, with Rev. Thaer Abdal being killed at the altar. The gunmen "were just youths", said a 26-year-old woman. The gunmen said they were avenging "the burning of the Qur'an and the jailing of Muslim women in Egypt". Meanwhile, they phoned TV station Al-Baghdadia, claimed the attack for Islamic State of Iraq (ISI), and requested Al-Baghdadia to broadcast that they wanted to negotiate. = Around 8.30 pm Iraqi security forces and 3rd Platoon, Alpha battery, TF 1-41, 3ID, U.S. Army from Fort Stewart, Georgia stormed the church since, as Iraqi Defence Minister al-Obeidi explained, gunmen threatened to kill all hostages. Dozens of security forces blew open the church doors and stormed inside. As the Iraqi forces rushed in, the gunmen opened fire on the hostages in the church, causing mass slaughter. In the basement a gunman killed 30 hostages, either with two grenades or with an explosive vest he was wearing. Reports give differing numbers for those killed: as 58 (and 50 or 78 wounded); or as 44 worshippers, two priests, and seven security force personnel killed; or as 39 worshipers, two priests, 12 policemen, and five bystanders outside the church. All six attackers were killed. An Iraqi police officer gave a vivid account of the human carnage. = Afterwards, Islamic State of Iraq (ISI) posted an audio message on a jihadist website again claiming responsibility for the attack, and calling for the release of two Egyptian female Muslims who they alleged were being held against their will in Coptic Christian monasteries in Egypt (see also Kamilia Shehata: an Egyptian Christian woman, allegedly converted to Islam, allegedly returned by police to her family). In probably that same Internet statement, ISI also called the church "the dirty den of idolatry", said that a deadline now expired for Egypt's Coptic church to free those two women purportedly held captive in monasteries, that the fuse of a campaign against Iraqi Christians had been lit, and therefore now declared "all Christian centers, organizations and institutions, leaders and followers to be legitimate targets for the mujahedeen wherever they can reach them". ISI, referring to the alleged Muslim women held captive in monasteries, also wrote: "Let these idolaters, and at their forefront the hallucinating tyrant of the Vatican, know that the killing sword will not be lifted from the necks of their followers until they declare their innocence from what the dog of the Egyptian Church is doing ... [and] pressure this belligerent church to release the captive women from the prisons of their monasteries". A video showing five suicide bombers wearing their vests and reading their last statements was later released by the Islamic State of Iraq. Four of the attackers were from different Arab countries and one was Iraqi. U.S. Army spokesman Bloom assumed the whole incident was a "robbery gone wrong. We've seen them resort to robbery to get financed. It has been very challenging for them to get outside financing, so they are resorting to small, petty crimes to try to finance themselves". The opposite view was expressed by the Tehran Times, which suggested that the initial assault on the Stock Exchange building may have been only an attempt to divert attention from their real target: the church. The BBC also assumed that the church had been the real target. On 31 October 2010, an unspecified number of suspects were arrested. As standard procedure after high-profile attacks, the police commander in charge of the district was also detained for questioning. On 1 November 2010, the building of TV station Al-Baghdadia that had been contacted by the militants (supra, ISI claim) was taken over by government troops. The station was taken off air, the director and an employee arrested on vague charges, but released after 24 hours. Late November 2010, Huthaifa al-Batawi, known as ISI's "Emir of Baghdad", was arrested along with 11 others in connection with 31 October assault on Our Lady of Salvation church. Batawi was accused of master-minding the assault and was locked up in a counter-terrorism jail complex in Baghdad's Karrada district. During a failed attempt to escape in May 2011, Batawi and 10 other senior ISI militants were killed by an Iraqi SWAT team. Three other men were sentenced to death and a fourth to 20 years in prison, on 2 August 2011, in connection with that 31 October 2010 massacre. In 2012 an appeals court confirmed the sentences. Iraq – Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki said the attack was an "attempt to reignite sectarian strife in Iraq and to drive more Christians out of the country". The Kurdistan Regional Government condemned the attack in a statement saying: "We strongly condemn this terrorist attack on our Christian brethren in Baghdad. We send our condolences to the families of the victims and wish a speedy recovery for the wounded". Iraq's top Catholic prelate, Cardinal Emmanuel III Delly, encouraged an already dwindled Christian population of 1.5 million not to leave, while he also condemned the attack as: "We have never seen anything like it, militants attacking God's house with worshipers". Monsignor Eyos Qasho said, "If the sons of this country cannot live in peace then the situation is clearly unacceptable. Had we been provided with adequate security, this would not have happened." Chaldean Bishop Shlimon Warduni said: "This is tragic for Christians and for all of Iraq. If we had a government and laws and people all over the world to help us it would be much better." The church congregation held funerals for the dead two days later, while at the same time a string of bombings in Baghdad killed over 100 in mostly Shia areas. Father Douglas Yousef al-Bazy, who worked with the priests killed in the attack said that he was also stopped at a roadblock as he sought to get to the church after hearing explosions. He said: "The people who did this want to kill the church ... but we will stay in this country because still there are Christian people here and we still have a mission here." Najaf-based Grand Shiite Cleric Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani advised Iraqi security forces to take more responsibility for the protection of Iraqi citizens. During Friday prayers on the same week, all mosques in Kirkuk condemned the "barbaric attack," while the mayor and the sheikh of the Arab, Kurd, and Turkmen tribes also expressed condolences and solidarity with the Chaldean archbishop. Sunni and Shia imams also condemned the attack in solidarity with Archbishop Louis Sako. They called for the preservation of "the Iraqi mosaic" of various ethnic groups and religions. One imam also called for Muslims to protect Christians "and launched an appeal for all the Iraqis to not succumb to fear and not to leave their country." France – A day after the attack France said it would accept 150 Iraqis, with priority given to the wounded in the attack. A diplomat said the wounded would be evacuated on an hospital plane and taken to various hospitals in France. Egypt – The Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood then called for churches to be protected. Iran – Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast offered condolences to the Iraqi people and government and said: "The incident was a measure for return of terrorism and violence to Iraq and affecting the political process of government formation". A few days later a meeting of the Majlis also generally criticised "some regional and foreign" players for destabilising Iraq. Holy See – Pope Benedict XVI condemned the "senseless violence, made more ferocious because it was directed against unarmed people gathered in the house of God, which is a house of love and reconciliation", and he called for renewed international efforts at brokering peace in the region. He also sent a telegram of condolence to Archbishop Athanase Matti Shaba Matoka of the Syro-Catholics: "Deeply shocked by the violent death of so many faithful and of Fathers Tha'ir Saad and Boutros Wasim, I desire, on this occasion of the Sacred Rite of the funerals, to be spiritually present. ...For many years, this beloved country has suffered unspeakable hardship and Christians have also become an object of heinous attacks with total lack of respect for life, the inviolable gift of God, desiring to undermine trust and civil coexistence. I renew my Appeal so that the sacrifice of these brothers and sisters of ours may be a seed of peace and true rebirth, and because many have reconciliation at heart, brotherly and supportive coexistence". Russia – Ministry of Foreign Affairs said: "Moscow presents profound condolences over the death of innocent civilians and Iraqi policemen. We strongly condemn the crime of terrorists and the attacks on freedom and the life of believers of any religion." United Kingdom – Archbishop Athanasios Dawood, the leader of the Syriac Orthodox church in the United Kingdom, said all Christians should leave Iraq in the wake of the attack, "I say clearly and now – the Christian people should leave their beloved land of our ancestors and escape the premeditated ethnic cleansing. This is better than having them killed one by one". United States – White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said: "The United States strongly condemns this senseless act of hostage taking and violence by terrorists linked to al Qaeda in Iraq that occurred Sunday in Baghdad killing so many innocent Iraqis". U.S. Representatives Anna G. Eshoo and Frank Wolf, co-chairs of the Religious Minorities in the Middle East Caucus, and seven other representatives, sent a letter to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, calling for the Obama administration to develop a comprehensive policy for the protection of indigenous religious communities in Iraq. They also offered condolences to the victims and their families. Martin Manna, the executive director of the Michigan-based Chaldean American Chamber of Commerce, responded to the attack saying: "Our community's just so frustrated more than anything else. Security is just terrible. The Iraqi government ... can't protect their people". Worldwide, young Assyrian Christians organized protest rallies for Monday 8 November 2010, dubbed "The Black March", in solidarity with the victims in 31 October attack. On October 31, 2019, the Archdiocese of Baghdad began the canonization process for 48 Catholics who died during the attack. On March 5, 2021, Pope Francis visited the church where the attack occurred.
Catholic Voices
2021-08-20 09:42:03+00:00
Catholic Voices is a communications project to train ordinary Catholic men and women to speak on television and radio about controversial issues related to the Catholic Church. The project started in Britain in 2010 but has now spread to over 20 other countries. Catholic Voices was founded by Austen Ivereigh and Jack Valero in 2010 to prepare the State visit by Pope Benedict XVI to the United Kingdom in September of that year to beatify Cardinal John Henry Newman in Birmingham. The project had the blessing of the Catholic Archbishop of Westminster, Archbishop (later Cardinal) Vincent Nichols. The announcement of Pope Benedict's visit in March 2010 caused controversy in Britain. Some people did not want the visit to take place or at least they thought the state should not pay for it. They considered that the views of Pope Benedict were not in line with modern British values. The areas mentioned included the clerical sex-abuse crisis, HIV/AIDS in Africa, gay rights, abortion and birth control, the role of women in the Church and in society, etc. Ivereigh and Valero thought the controversy would be a good opportunity to explain the real position of the Catholic Church on all these various issues given that the media would want to hold the conversation between the protestors and the Church. They saw a need for Catholics to be well informed about the Church and its doctrines, and good in communicating these in modern media settings in the fast-moving 24-hour news cycle. An October 2009 Intelligence Squared debate on “The Catholic Church is a force for good in the Church” had been massively lost by the Catholic side, which convinced the project founders of the need for better trained speakers. A call was put out for volunteers to be trained and 20 were selected from the more than 90 who applied to form part of the project. The training took place between March and July 2010, with the help of Kathleen Griffin, formerly a BBC producer for Woman's Hour, who joined Catholic Voices as a third coordinator. In early September, presentations were made to the BBC and other media companies, and a debate was held in Conway Hall between Catholic Voices and Humanists UK. As the visit approached, members of Catholic Voices were asked to comment on news stories related to the Papal Visit. During the time of the Papal Visit 16–19 September 2010, members of Catholic Voices appeared in more than 100 news programmes. Despite some protests in Oxford Street, Pope Benedict’s visit was generally considered to have been a media success. Soon after the Papal Visit, debates between Catholic Voices and Humanist groups took place in London. Catholic Voices continued to train groups of Catholics around the country and organise debates. In 2013, they held a public debate on same-sex marriage and in 2016 on Brexit. There were many media calls at the time of the Papal transition from Pope Benedict to Pope Francis in 2013. Many Catholic Voices TV appearances are included on their YouTube Channel. Seeing what the project had achieved in the UK, groups of Catholic Voices started in over twenty other countries, including Ireland, Mexico and the USA, some of which are still active, such as Chile, Bolivia, Malta, and France. Ivereigh and Valero set up the groups but, once established, they have run as independent entities in each country. There is a meeting of Catholic Voices groups every two years in Rome. The method of Catholic Voices is based on finding common ground, seeking the positive intention of the other in any discussion and starting the conversation from there. It starts with what is called the “frame”, i.e. the set of assumptions and prejudices about a person or institution when there is a news story involving them. When the frame is strong, what people hear most of all is the frame. In that case, and if the frame is negative, the way the speaker talks about an issue will determine whether they reinforce the frame or step out of it. Only by stepping out of the negative frame will their message be heard. This is what has been called “reframing”: stepping out of the frame where one has been placed. Once the frame is understood, the next step is to look for the common values, the things that all parties agree on, with the idea of starting the response from there. The reframing process then has these three steps What is the frame? What do they think of me, of us? What is the positive intention or common ground between us? Of the several things the other side want, which ones do I totally agree with? What is my message and how do I connect it with the common value? This method involves listening carefully to the other without assuming that one knows their intention. It also demands clear explanations on one’s own part so that the message can be understood. It has been summarised in the ten principles of communication of Catholic Voices. The method has been found useful to debate controversial subjects such as abortion, same-sex unions, immigration, or gender identity issues. It is explained in detail in the book How to Defend the Faith Without Raising Your Voice, originally written in 2012 and revised and expanded in 2015. The book has been translated and adapted into Portuguese, French, Italian and Spanish. An Irish version has also been produced.
History of the Saints (TV series)
2010-10-02 21:18:32+00:00
The History of the Saints: Gathering to the West is a television documentary series produced by Dennis Lyman and Glenn Rawson. It focuses on the history of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) and its members following the death of Joseph Smith. This includes the story of the Mormon Pioneers as they left behind Nauvoo, Illinois and traveled along the Mormon Trail to Utah. Following the completion of The Joseph Smith Papers TV series, the same team that produced that series began work on the History of the Saints. A full-length preview of the program was shown October 2, 2010, on KSL-TV, following the Saturday morning session of the 180th Semiannual General Conference. Season one began airing October 10, 2010 on KSL-TV. The first season begins with the death of Joseph Smith and the succession crisis, and then follows the story of the Mormon Pioneers as they traveled the Mormon Trail to the Rocky Mountains and what would become the Utah Territory. Other seasons are expected and will tell the story of the colonization of the Intermountain West and Church developments in Utah. The first column refers to the episode's number in the overall series. The second column refers to the episode's number in that particular season. =
2010 Jos riots
2010-01-19 17:02:07+00:00
The 2010 Jos riots were clashes between Muslim and Christian ethnic groups in central Nigeria in and near the city of Jos. The first spate of violence of 2010 started on 17 January in Jos and spread to surrounding communities. Houses, churches, mosques and vehicles were set ablaze, during at least four days of fighting. At least 326 people, and possibly more than a thousand, were killed. Hundreds of people died in fresh clashes in March 2010. Many people were killed and dumped into wells. This is the third major incident of rioting in Jos within a ten-year span. Some one thousand people were killed in riots in 2001, and at least 700 died in subsequent violence in 2008. Jos is the capital of Plateau State, in the middle of the divide between the predominantly Muslim north of Nigeria and the predominantly Christian south. Since 2001, the area has been plagued by violence motivated by multiple factors. The clashes have been characterised as "religious violence" by many news sources, although others cite ethnic and economic differences as the root of the violence. = Reports on the catalyst vary. According to the state police commissioner, skirmishes began after Muslim youths set a Catholic church, filled with worshippers, on fire. A local paper reported that attackers yelled "Allahu Akhbar" before burning down churches and homes. Other community leaders say it began with an argument over the rebuilding of a Muslim home in a predominantly Christian neighbourhood that had been destroyed in the November 2008 riots. Both Muslim and Christian youth have been blamed for starting the violence. A 24-hour curfew was imposed on the city on 17 January 2010. On 19 January, the violence spread to smaller towns and villages south of Jos. Armed mobs, mostly Christians from the Berom ethnic group, attacked Muslims, including Hausa-Fulani residents, killing or driving them out and burning their homes, mosques, and property. The worst massacre took place on 19 January in the settlement of Kuru Karama, where 174 people, including 36 women and 56 children, were killed. Satellite images released by Human Rights Watch show the near complete destruction of buildings in Kuru Karama. The BBC reported the fighting had spread to Pankshin, 100 km from Jos. These reports have been denied by the Army. On 20 January, Vice-president Goodluck Jonathan ordered troops to Plateau State to restore order. Vice-president Jonathan held executive authority at the time, as President Umaru Yar'Adua was in Saudi Arabia receiving medical treatment. The state police command said 326 people died in the January violence. Community leaders put the figure at 1,025 dead. More than 5,000 people were displaced. = Before dawn on 7 March 2010, Muslim Hausa-Fulani herders massacred more than one hundred Christians in Dogo-Nahawa village near Jos. Residents in the village were mainly Berom Christians. The attacks went on for four hours, and nearby villages were also targeted. The attackers fired guns to cause panic and as people fled chopped them with machetes. They set alight many of the buildings and left corpses dumped in the streets. Many of the dead were women and children, including an infant less than three months of age. The state police command reported that 109 people died in the attack, including at least 38 children. A state official told journalists that more than 500 people were killed, while a plaque at a mass grave in Dogo-Nahawa states that 501 died in the massacre, and lists the names of 354 victims. Other community leaders put the death toll at 164, including 34 women and 98 children. The clashes have often been characterised as "religious violence." The Plateau State Christian Elders Consultative Forum, for example, referred to the March 2010 attack in Dogo-Nahawa as "yet another jihad and provocation" while Muslims community regards the clash as an effort to eradicate Muslim inhabitant in a mission for religious profiling. Many others, however, cite ethnic differences and social and economic issues as the root of the violence. The Anglican Archbishop of Jos, Benjamin A. Kwashi, for example, noted that, "What seems to be a recurring decimal is that over time, those who have in the past used violence to settle political issues, economic issues, social matters, intertribal disagreements, or any issue for that matter, now continue to use that same path of violence and cover it up with religion." Professor Kabiru Mato of the University of Abuja also played down the role of religion in the riots: "I don't see anything religious. Wherein religion could be the difference between the two warring factions, fundamentally it's a manifestation of economic alienation. So social apathy, political frustration, economic deprivation and so many factors are responsible." But this view has been challenged by the fact that places of worship, such as churches and mosques, have always been targeted during these riots. So religion has been used as a galvanising force in the crisis no matter what the initial cause of conflict. An ethnic rivalry between the Hausa and Berom peoples is also cited as a factor in the violence. The Catholic archbishop in Abuja, Nigeria's capital, referred to the violence as "a classic conflict between pastoralists and farmers, except that all the Fulani are Muslims and all the Berom are Christians." However, this assertion is challenged by the fact that most ethnic groups in Plateau State, which are predominantly Christian, share the same sentiments with the Berom and collectively see an Islamic threat in their own lands. "The Beroms have been accused of resenting the economic progress of other settler groups: yet, this is another simplistic assertion. Most Plateau natives collectively feel they do not have the Federal connections or patronage other major ethnic groups have. And most Nigerian wealth has been driven by oil money. The Beroms and other Plateau natives are predominantly farmers and have had to experience their lands taken away and degraded by tin mining. Now, they have to contend with migrant groups who use Federal influence and wealth to displace them from their own lands. The massive structure of the Federal Government is fuelled primarily by oil money. The Beroms, as well as other Plateau natives, feel they should have a measure of autonomy in their core lands just the way Native Americans in their homesteads are treated as a Sovereign nation, elevated to the status of a protected minority. Nigeria's constitution has no place for respecting the rights of minorities, whether it is Jos, or the Niger Delta." Discrimination against the mainly Muslim "settlers" of Jos is also cited as an issue. While the mainly Christian indigenous population are classified as "indigenes," the mainly Muslim immigrants to Jos, many of them Hausa-Fulani, are classified as "settlers," even if they have been living in the city for decades, and find it difficult to secure government jobs or educational scholarships, among other things. This has further accentuated divisions in and around the city. The Vatican expressed outrage and sadness at the riots. Pope Benedict XVI said the attacks were "atrocious" and "violence does not resolve conflicts but only increases the tragic consequences." Vice President Jonathan, who was the acting president at the time, urged that the killers be caught. The police announced that 313 people were arrested in relation to the January 2010 violence, while 200 people were arrested following the March 2010 violence. As of 2013, federal prosecutors had secured convictions of at least 129 people involved in the 2010 violence. The Socio-Economic Rights and Accountability Project wrote to the International Criminal Court, asking them to investigate the riots for potential crimes against humanity. The ICC prosecutor replied in November 2010 stating that the situation was being analysed by the prosecutor to see if a case should be opened.
2014-02-17 22:26:07+00:00
ASLwrite (ASL: ) is a writing system that developed from si5s. It was created to be an open-source, continuously developing orthography for American Sign Language (ASL), trying to capture the nuances of ASL's features. ASLwrite is only used by a handful of people, primarily revolving around discussions happening on Facebook and, previously, Google Groups. ASLwrite has been used for comic strips and posters. Its core components are digits, locatives, marks and movements which are written in a fairly rigid order (though in a fairly flexible configuration) from left to right. Its digits are representations of handshapes – or the configuration of the hand and fingers – where the locatives represent locations on the body (or, in theory, in space), the marks represent anything from location (e.g., edge mark) to small movements (e.g., flutter) to facial expressions (e.g., raised eyebrow mark ) and the movements indicate the movement of the hands in space by modifying the digits (and for shoulder shift /head nod modifying the body). The order of the writing is from left to right, top to bottom, with locatives or certain marks often beginning words. Sentences are ended by the full stop mark (). Questions in written ASL are denoted by eyebrow marks bounding the question not unlike Spanish's "¿ ?." Question words or wh-questions in ASL can also form the interrogative. There are in total 105 characters in ASLwrite with 67 digits, five diacritic marks, twelve locatives, sixteen extramanual marks and five movement marks. Since its creation, it has evolved to include more digits, locatives, movements and marks as well as modify those already present. si5s, a system built from SignWriting, was first proposed by Robert Arnold in his 2007 Gallaudet thesis A Proposal of the Written System for ASL. The ASLwrite community split from Arnold upon his decision to maintain si5s as a private venture with ASLized after the publication of his and Adrean Clark's book How to Write American Sign Language. Today, ASLwrite's website notes: The ASLwrite community is committed to keeping written ASL freely available in the public domain by providing resources for writers of all ages. We believe that written ASL will be changed through regular usage by ASL speakers, and support individual adaptation of the language by the signing community. This website serves as a continuing record of written ASL’s development. Aside from the small, but dedicated, Facebook group of around 470 in July 2023, ASLwrite is rarely used outside such online spaces. However, one of the most popular online ASL dictionaries, HandSpeak, has begun to incorporate ASLwrite as the primary written component of ASL definitions. ASLwrite is a somacheirographic system meaning that it represents the body (Greek: σῶμα sôma 'body') and hands (Greek: χείρ kheír 'hand') and relays phonemic information. However, it also incorporates logographs (questioning marks) and is featural. The general principle is to capture a single ASL word per segment, from left to right, registering non-manual feature(s), location(s), handshape(s), movement(s) and general orientation. It imagines the writer/speaker is looking down at their hands or viewing words from the profile such that words can be made either as if seen from straight-on or from one's profile. The digibet captures handshape information as well as orientation, movement and some locations. Locatives are characters that capture location, though handshape diacritics like edge do capture some locations such as edge of palm. Diacritics, such as movements, modify handshapes and can indicate small movements or small orientations. Movements themselves are fairly flexible in their shapes and orientations, which makes digitising this script difficult. From left to right, up to down, this is the order in which to write characters: Non-manual marks – Often, this is seen as raised or lowered eyebrows, but it can include body or mouth marks such as shoulder-shift and teeth-clench. Frontal or profile locatives – Captures the same location information, just from two perspectives. An example (seen on the right) is the shoulder locative is either a shoulder frontal locative that is written above or below the handshape(s). Handshapes – Can be written before or after the locative. A handshape can be oriented in 360° depending on its location and is written at the end of its movement path if there is one. Each handshape present is written, and when more than one handshape (of one hand) is written, a movement must be present. Diacritics/movements – Written as a part of the handshape, though larger movements or movements that affect multiple handshapes is written after (see below). Movements – Larger movements or movements that affect multiple handshapes. When a handshape changes without overt movement, the handshapes are written left-to-right with a single movement below, similar to an underline. Non-manual & punctuation marks – These are questioning marks such as why, who, how and how. The stop mark is denoted by a "o" mark. The digibet is composed of handshapes called digits that are modified by diacritics and movements. It shares 23 handshapes with ASL's manual alphabet. Digits are grouped together by features such as +thumb/-thumb or +closed/-closed. In practise, there are 67 digits in ASLwrite's digibet, though that number is growing as new digits are added representing diverse handshapes. Moreover, other languages may adopt this system which would add increasingly more digits. = There are five diacritics, of which one is a movement diacritic. They are: Hinge (, ) Rotational (, ) Rattle (, ) Flutter (, ) Edge = Movements are flexible and thus hard to capture in a digital or non-handwritten fashion. The movements are diverse and aim to capture the movements of the hands, arms and body. There are three points – an endpoint, a firmpoint and a contactpoint –, an orbit mark, a steering and a crank mark as well as the movement mark or line. The movement line follows the path of the hand(s) and can be as clean (e.g., – or | ) or as erratic as possible. The points denote the end of a handshape's path and the degree to which the motion is made. A contactpoint denotes an imaginary or in-the-air point with the contactpoint ending at a location and noted as being a firm ending with the firmpoint. The orbit mark indicates a central "point" around which the handshapes orbit; for orbital paths cut short, one would use a steering mark, and for parallel cranking motions, the crank mark would be used. The locatives are characters that denote a specific location on or near the signer's body. They are presented from a face-on and side-view. The two sub-classifications are frontal and profile locatives. Non-manual marks vary quite significantly and can only be placed at the beginning or end of words or phrases. Eyebrow marks are denoted before and after the word(s) in question thus bounding the words that are modified by eyebrow marks. They are called: Raised (), Knit, Wan, Slanted and Squint. Questioning marks exist in ASL as logographs that denote ASL's wh-questions such as WHO or FOR-FOR. They are placed after a closed word's or phrase's second eyebrow mark and can exist as an entire sentence alone. Mouth marks are characters that relay what action the mouth is doing. It is placed inside the first eyebrow mark. = Body movements are non-manual, non-facial features such as shoulder shift () or head nod. They, as well as nose crinkle (), stand alone and can be inserted anywhere, inside and outside of eyebrow-marked phrases. means Yes? in ASL composed of , , and where the raised eyebrow marks at the beginning and the end indicate it is a yes/no question, and the hinge mark () denotes that the S handshape digit () makes a nodding motion. The circular point at the end is a full stop mark indicating the end of the sentence. Unlike in English writing, the full stop mark () is employed for all sentences, even questions (as seen here). Breaks in the sentence, as seen below, are denoted by the shoulder shift mark (). The text on the right is from Chapters 1:2-4 of the Book of Ruth. The first quoted text is the verse in English and the second is an ASL gloss. And the man's name was Elimelech, and his wife's name was Naomi, and his two sons' names were Mahlon and Chilion, Ephrathites, from Bethlehem of Judah, and they came to the fields of Moab and remained there. Now Elimelech, Naomi's husband, died, and she was left with her two sons. And they married Moabite women, one named Orpah, and the other named Ruth, and they dwelt there for about ten years. SAME FAMILY WHO LIST-OF-FOUR NUMBER-ONE FATHER E-L-I-M-E-L-E-C-H "E" (ASL name) NUMBER-TWO MOTHER N-A-O-M-I "FLUTTER-FIVE" (ASL name) NUMBERS-THREE-AND-FOUR SON M-A-H-L-O-N "M" (ASL name) SHOULDER-SHIFT C-H-I-L-I-O-N "C" (ASL name).TOP-TIME ADVANCE MAN "E" IX-THEY-SG DIE. "FLUTTER-FIVE" SHOULDER-SHIFT SON CONTINUE.SON THEM-TWO MARRY WOMAN IX-THAT-ONE-THAT-ONE THEIR M-O-A-B AROUND-THERE. WOMEN THEIR NAME O-R-P-A-H "B-TO-NECK" (ASL name) SHOULDER SHIFT R-U-T-H "X-CLASP" (ASL name). IX-THEY-INDEF LIVE IX-THAT COUNTRY TEN YEAR. Due to the complexity of the writing system and its need for flexibility for movements, it means that producing anything in a digital format is difficult. However, there are efforts to create fonts headed by members of its Facebook group, notably looking at proper font creation and using current keyboard characters such as ' } ' or ' _. ' to achieve minor forms of communication in ASL over text. An example phrase is " }_.U- " which means 'thank you' in ASL. ASL Writing - Blog. Web. 13 Dec. 2011. <>. "Si5s Writing LLC | Facebook." Facebook. Web. 13 Dec. 2011. <>. "Sign Language & Interpreting - Mt. San Antonio College." Mt. San Antonio College. Web. 13 Dec. 2011. <> Twitter. Web. 13 Dec. 2011. <>. Write in American Sign Language! Web. 13 Dec. 2011. <>. ASLwrite History/FAQ. Web. 17 Feb. 2014 <>.
2011-02-11 22:04:51+00:00
iConji is a free pictographic communication system based on an open, visual vocabulary of characters with built-in translations for most major languages. In May 2010 iConji Messenger was released with support for Apple iOS (iPhone, iPad, iPod) and most web browsers. Messenger enables point-to-point communication in a manner similar to SMS. In December 2010, iConji Social was released as a web application only, with support for Facebook and Twitter as a broadcast medium. The application iConji Social supported delivery of iConji-enhanced messages via email. iConji debuted with 1183 unique characters, known as the lexiConji (vocabulary), culled from base words used in common daily communications, word frequency lists, often-used mathematical and logical symbols, punctuation symbols, and the flags of all nations. The process of assembling a message from iConji characters is called iConjisation (see screenshot at right). Since most characters represent an entire word or concept, rather than a single letter or character, iConji has the potential to be a more efficient communication system than SMS. The usual jumble of text and confusing abbreviations can often be replaced by a short string of colorful icons that convey the identical meaning. With the iConji Messenger and iConji Social apps, characters are displayed at a resolution of 32 x 32 pixels, using color PNGs with transparency to round the corners. As all iConji characters are developed first as vector graphics, this allows essentially infinite scalability, whether for producing new online or smartphone apps, or full-size posters for printed graphic applications such as signs or electronic displays. Thus, future iConji applications, from in-house or outside developers, may incorporate larger or smaller versions of the characters using the freely available iConji API. In December 2012, further development of iConji was brought to a close. Kai Staats, founder and former CEO of Terra Soft Solutions, original developer of Yellow Dog Linux (YDL), was motivated to create a new communications system that combined the speed of SMS with the richness and linguistic depth of a global art project. His intent was to provide a means for communication that could bridge cultural divides. Thus, iConji is a pictographic communication system, not a spoken language. The characters themselves are evocative of their meanings, and designed to be as cross-cultural as possible. It is a difficult task to even attempt to make pictographic symbols universal in their meaning. Further, not all cultures read symbols or text from left to right, which is the standard for iConji. In addition, some linguistic concepts are too abstract to represent graphically. The first row in the image above (The iConji user interface on an iPod.) shows characters for the pronouns (I, you, we, he, she, it, them), and the "tilde" which is defined as "to be" and its numerous conjugations (is, are, was, will be, and so on). These abstract concepts represent a significant barrier to universal pictographic representation, but the ability to read a translation in one's native language (if needed) can help bridge that gap. The character at far right is the "null" and can be used as a space, a placeholder, or a container for metadata. Unique to iConji is its inclusion of both an inferred meaning, suggested by the pictographs themselves, and the translations that accompany each character. At the close of 2010, these translations included English, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Spanish, Swahili, Swedish, and Toki Pona. There is no practical limit to the number of languages that could be translated and included. Likewise, there is no limit to the number of individual characters that could be incorporated. The iConji vocabulary is open to revision - anyone in the world may design and contribute new characters for use in global communications. Through the Artist Community, users are able to add their own characters to the lexiConji (with approval), or revise existing character icons they feel could be better represented graphically. The screenshot above shows most features and functionality of the iConji application. Starting at top right, the search icon (magnifying glass) opens a text field in the dark blue window that allows a text search for specific characters. Below that is the "To:" field, where the recipient can be inserted from a built-in address book. Below that is another field where selected iConji characters can be assembled into a string to compose the message (iConjisation). The next section down is a 6x9 matrix of characters from which the user can select specific characters. In the iOS applications this is accomplished by a finger-tap; in the browser application by a point-and-click. In both cases, a hover pops up a small box displaying the definition of the character in the user's declared language. The bottom-most line consists of what are called buckets. Each user-customizable bucket contains another 54 characters that can be grouped by type or frequency of use. The seventh bucket contains 54 commonly used mathematical and logical symbols. The eighth bucket is "bottomless" and serves as a repository for all other characters, with no limit to the number contained. Selecting that bucket generates a scrollable list of those characters. "It is the user's customization of these buckets that enables iConji to rival or exceed SMS in terms of efficiency and speed." A few other modern pictographic systems use inflection symbols to expand meanings, for example, Blissymbolics. iConji includes inflections for present, past, or future tense verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and possessives. The user can also add metadata, if desired, to clarify the meaning or include additional text content. All inflections are indicated as glyphs at standardized positions around the base and top of the iConji character. In most cases the inflection should be apparent from context, but for messages where ambiguity could arise, inflections provide a means to remove that ambiguity. For example, the gallery below shows four inflected variations of the character defined as "start, to start." Many iConji characters follow this noun + infinitive verb format to enable unambiguous translation from its base English into other languages. Given the widely varying conventions for verb conjugation found in other languages, this is arguably the most flexible way to present a base definition. The sample iConjisation shown on the screenshot translates as follows: This demonstrates clearly how meaning can be conveyed using a minimal number of characters. The fourth character is formally defined as "clock, time" but would be interpreted as "o'clock" when used in this context. If the sender and receiver usually meet for coffee at the same location, no other information is needed. If the intended location is different from the usual, the iConjisation could be changed to: Here, the triangular inflection mark on the second character (at) indicates the presence of metadata in that character. Metadata can be added or accessed via a text box pop-up by clicking on the character, and could include a business name, address, GPS coordinates, or other information. Alternatively, the sender can convey more specific location instructions using the characters themselves, for example: In this example, the third character (I, me) has been inflected with the possessive modifier, changing the meaning to "my." The two instances of the "@" character are included for grammatical clarity, but could likely be excluded without changing the interpreted meaning. In all of these examples, the recipient's response could be similarly concise, as the following three examples show: In the first response, we see the flexibility of the iConji system, as well as some word-play. The first character is formally defined as "sound, audio" and can thus be used in many contexts. The second character is formally defined as "angelic, saintly, good" implying the overall meaning "sounds good." In the second response, additional information is returned by the recipient requesting the sender to "arrive early" using the adverb modifier on "early." Whether the adverb modifier is really needed is a matter of question since, between frequent users, certain conventions will become established by previous usage. In the final and most concise response, only a single character (yes) is returned by the recipient. In February 2011 iConji launched its Artist Community. Anyone who saw the need for a new character, or a better version of an existing character, was encouraged to create and submit a unique design. There were several criteria for acceptance of a submitted character, but the process was made simple using freely available online graphic templates, instructions, and examples. Character icons were created as vector graphics in tools such as Adobe Illustrator, CorelDRAW, or the free online application SVG-edit. Alternatively, the proposed character icon could be hand-drawn, scanned as a 300 dpi bitmap, and converted to vector graphics format before being submitted as a potential addition to the iConji vocabulary. Definitions for the characters also follow a strict format and, where ambiguities could exist, need to follow a format that utilizes extended definitions to remove those ambiguities, both for users and translators. For example: miss [the salutation for an unmarried female] miss [the feeling of sorrow resulting from someone or something lost] miss, to miss [the act of not connecting with a target or goal] Note how the last example again defaults to the “noun + infinitive verb” format mentioned above. The artist also had the opportunity, if desired, to associate metadata with their character explaining the story behind the design, who they are, and their country of residence. Once accepted, the character was made available for use globally, by all iConji users. The artist had the ability to track the use of their character using the iConji Explorer application on the iConji website (no longer maintained). The first iConji Communications workshop was held at Colorado State University on April 7, 2011. 40 participants representing a dozen countries convened to discuss the cross-cultural potential of this pictographic system. Over 100 new pictographs were designed and entered into the iConji vocabulary.
2011-12-15 01:25:36+00:00
si5s is a writing system for American Sign Language that resembles a handwritten form of SignWriting. It was devised in 2003 in New York City by Robert Arnold, with an unnamed collaborator. In July 2010 at the Deaf Nation World Expo in Las Vegas, Nevada, it was presented and formally announced to the public. Soon after its release, si5s development split into two branches: the "official" si5s track monitored by Arnold and a new set of partners at ASLized, and the "open source" ASLwrite. In 2015, Arnold had a falling out with his ASLized partners, took down the website, and made his Twitter account private. ASLized has since removed any mention of si5s from their website. Arnold completed his master's thesis, "A Proposal Of the Written System For ASL", at Gallaudet University in 2007, looking at the need for a written form for ASL, and proposing the use of si5s. si5s stresses that the "written system is not to offer readers and scholars how sign language functions but how signers think and communicate in sign language." Its objective is to provide transparency between ASL, as a written language, and other written languages, to allow for a literary study of sign language without glossing. Arnold is currently a faculty member of the Sign Language & Interpreting program at Mt. San Antonio College. si5s and ASLWrite are built from five primary components: the digibet diacritics movement marks locatives extramanual marks Not every component is needed for every word, but ASL employs each consistently. At its core, any word written is built from the digibet bank and additional features are added. Words such as "I-LOVE-YOU" do not necessarily need anything more than its handshape, whereas others can employ each or nearly every component. Some words are in fact logographs such as "WHO" and "FOR-FOR". To build a word, handshapes are bounded to locatives with diacritics and movement marks bounded to the handshape graphemes themselves. Extramanual marks are inserted above to the left or right of the word. As such, there is no set positioning or graphic orientation of the handshape or movement marks. = The core of the writing system, the digibet, represents many handshapes of ASL. They are conditioned by left-/right-handedness, orientation and relative location. There are 67 handshapes within the digibet as of yet. = Diacritics mark movement of the hand itself such as a flutter in "FLIRT" or hinge in "YES" or "CAN". The diacritics are: Hinge Rotational Rattle Flutter Edge = Movement marks indicate the movement of the word itself. Some movement marks are systematic, such as move outward, others are less so, such as "WALK-DRUNKENLY." = Locatives indicate when a word is bounded to the body (rather than produced in the signing space). They are subcategorised into two fields: frontal and profile. Frontal: The frontal locatives are: forehead, chin, neck, shoulders, forearm and waist. Profile: The profile locatives are: forehead, back of head, full face, nose, chin, torso and knee. = Extramanual features include facial configurations and body movements. si5s/ASLwrite extramanual marks are subcategorised into four types: eyebrow marks, questioning marks, mouth morphemes and body movements. The eyebrow marks are: raise, knit, wan, slanted and squint; questioning marks: who, what, where, when, which, why, how and for-for; mouth morphemes: smile, frown, flat lips, pressed lips, tongue out, pursed lips, lips out, open mouth, bared teeth, cha, round mouth, puffed cheeks, puffed and round and pulled to the side; body movement: head nod, shoulder shift and nose crinkle. In total, there are 30 extramanual marks. Sign Language & Interpreting - Mt. San Antonio College
Catch It, Bin It, Kill It
2020-03-01 19:47:34+00:00
"Catch It, Bin It, Kill It" is a slogan used in several public health campaigns of the British government to promote good respiratory and hand hygiene by recommending carrying tissues, using them to catch a cough or sneeze, disposing of them immediately in a waste bin and then killing any remaining viruses by washing hands or using hand sanitiser. In 2007, following evidence that good respiratory and hand hygiene might reduce the spread of flu, the phrase appeared in a government campaign that publicised the directive "Catch it, Bin it, Kill it" throughout the NHS, on buses and trains and in libraries, shopping centres and police stations. In 2009, the slogan received widespread attention when the government funded its use in a national media campaign in response to the 2009 flu pandemic caused by swine flu. In that year, funding was granted for research to study public behaviour and the effect of initiatives such as the campaigns using the slogan. One of the researchers stated that "Until a vaccine is ready, the main tool we have to combat pandemic flu is people's behaviour. For example, good respiratory and hand hygiene, as summed up in the NHS's 'Catch It, Bin It, Kill It' campaign, can slow the spread of the pandemic." The Medical Research Council later funded a randomised controlled trial to support evidence for the campaign. The message has been taught to children using an online game led by Public Health England (PHE), and a downloadable poster has been available, particularly targeted at primary care services in the UK. The phrase and poster was revived by PHE in subsequent campaigns, including in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2, and has been included in the government's "Action Plan", unveiled on 3 March 2020 following a rise of COVID-19 cases in the UK. "Catch it, Bin it, Kill it" is a slogan and the name associated with Public Health England's (PHE) annual public awareness campaigns for flu and norovirus. The slogan appears on a downloadable poster, published by PHE and particularly targeted at primary care services in the UK. The slogan "Catch it, Bin it, Kill it" has been used to reduce the spread of flu and norovirus, by "good respiratory and hand hygiene practices". It aims to change behaviour and promote cough etiquette, with the intention of protecting oneself and others from germs. The campaign assumes people know that "coughs and sneezes spread diseases" (a phrase from an early campaign by the Ministry of Health), and it merely "nudge(s)" or reminds people to carry tissues, use them to catch a cough or sneeze, dispose of them in a refuse bin, and then kill any residual germs by washing hands: Ninety-five percent of people in one American study claimed to have washed their hands after using the toilet, but only 67% really did so. Observing behaviour in the UK, one third of men and nearly two thirds of women washed their hands after visiting the toilet. The slogan aims to be memorable, and "persuasive by making people feel bad", by inducing guilt among those who do not adhere to the advice and therefore risk passing viruses and other pathogens to others. In November 2007, following a review of hand hygiene published in the British Medical Journal and a research paper published in the American Journal of Infection Control, which "warn(ed) that, in the event of a flu pandemic, good hand hygiene will be the first line of defence during the early critical period before mass vaccination becomes available", the government launched a respiratory and hand hygiene campaign using the "Catch it, Bin it, Kill it" slogan, to prevent the spread of colds and flu by encouraging people to practise correct respiratory and hand hygiene when coughing and sneezing. Advertisements appeared throughout the NHS, on buses and trains, in libraries, shopping centres and police stations. It was initiated again in November 2008, and revived in similar campaigns in subsequent years. = The slogan gained widespread media attention in 2009 when it was used during that year's swine flu pandemic and its presence in the UK to encourage respiratory and hand hygiene to reduce transmission of swine flu. The campaign began in April, earlier in the year than the previous two flu campaigns due to the anticipated rise in swine flu cases. The then Secretary of State for Health, Alan Johnson announced the "Catch it, Bin it, Kill it campaign" and stated that "the three rules for seasonal flu are the same for swine flu: if you cough or sneeze, use a tissue to cover your mouth and nose, throw it away carefully after use, wash your hands. The message is: catch it, bin it, kill it." In the autumn of 2009, and before the winter seasonal flu, the slogan was repeated by the new Secretary of State for Health, Andy Burnham, and broadcast on television and published in newspapers. He stated that "vaccination of at-risk groups is well under way – a crucial defence against swine flu. But we can't vaccinate everyone straight away." One advert showed a child sucking his thumb after picking up a TV remote control that his father had touched after sneezing. It appeared in printed form and in hand-delivered leaflets advising the use of more tissues and then throwing them away. The phrase became the inspiration of the Swine Flu Skank, a music video of a rap released during the swine flu pandemic of 2009–2010. It received more than 10,000 views within three hours of its release. = The 2010 Spending Review froze funding for government marketing and the "Catch it, Kill it, Bin it" campaign was not re-launched in 2010. However, government-activated campaigns were re-initiated in later years including January 2011, 2012, and 2013. A rise in seasonal flu in 2015 triggered the relaunch of the "Catch it, Bin it, Kill it" slogan in a campaign that year, when the newspapers, radio, video-on-demand and digital advertising broadcast its details for three weeks. The then head of the respiratory diseases department at PHE, Nick Phin, explained at the time that "through this campaign we are urging everyone to carry tissues and to use them to catch coughs or sneezes, to bin the used tissues as soon as possible and then to wash their hands and kill the germs." Following another activation of the campaign in 2018, the early onset of cases of flu in 2019 triggered PHE to promote the "Catch it, Kill it, Bin it" campaign in December of that year. = The slogan has been used to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK caused by SARS-CoV-2. The "Catch it, Bin it, Kill it" strategy for protecting against previous flu outbreaks and the new COVID-19 has been endorsed by Sally Bloomfield, professor at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, who also warned not to put the used tissue back into a pocket and to cough into a bent elbow when no tissue is available. Unveiled on 3 March 2020, the phrase was included in the government's 'Action Plan' to "combat" COVID-19, also called the "battle plan", in which it is stated that "Many of the actions that people can take themselves – especially washing hands more; and the catch it, bin it, kill it strategy for those with coughs and sneezes – also help in delaying the peak of the infection." On the same day, The Guardian reported that greater publicity would serve the purpose of the phrase. In 2020, in response to COVID-19, NHS England made the "Catch it, Bin it, Kill it" poster available to download for primary care and workplaces. In 2008, a Department of Health report on advertising aimed at encouraging better hand and respiratory hygiene practice to mothers reported that mothers found the phrase easy to remember and that it would be taken up by their children. In 2009, funding was granted to researchers from University College London to study public behaviour and the effect of initiatives such as the campaigns using the slogan. That year, one of the researchers stated that "Until a vaccine is ready, the main tool we have to combat pandemic flu is people's behaviour. For example, good respiratory and hand hygiene, as summed up in the NHS's 'Catch It, Bin It, Kill It' campaign, can slow the spread of the pandemic." The Medical Research Council later funded a randomised controlled trial to support evidence for the campaign's recommendations and advice. The results were published in 2015. The trial used an international educational resource, led by PHE, to teach children about hygiene and antibiotics, E-bug, which produced games to endorse the message. One woman who was pregnant and living in Glasgow at the time of the swine flu pandemic of 2009–2010 recalled the "Catch It, Bin It, Kill It" phrase appearing on television, saying "it's obviously effective". In another account, a woman remembers the phrase and partially remembers an advert of a man on public transport "touching things". In other interviews, groups have admitted that the phrase has reinforced revulsion towards people who cough or sneeze on public transport. Some found the slogan "laughable" and doubted its effectiveness. The same group clearly remembered and linked it with the swine flu skank. The slogan has been a focus of teaching hygiene in schools. Journalist Simon Garfield described the phrase as having a "slightly patronising air and an unfortunate tagline", but thought that the campaign's "policy appeared sound: the television adverts, for instance, in which a man sneezed in a lift and thus infected everyone who touched the handrail, and then everyone who touched the people who touched the handrail, gave a simple message, not least when the actor in the lift really did get swine flu." "Physical interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses: systematic review". British Medical Journal. (28 November 2007). doi:10.1136/bmj.39393.510347.BE ISSN 0959-8138, PMID 18042961. Authors; Jefferson, Tom; Foxlee, Ruth; Mar, Chris Del; Dooley, Liz; Ferroni, Eliana; Hewak, Bill; Prabhala, Adi; Nair, Sree; Rivetti, Alex
Celebrity Duets Arab World
2011-08-05 11:06:51+00:00
Celebrity Duets is the Arabic version of the American program Celebrity Duets, where Arab’s most prominent professional singers team up with 13 non-singing celebrities from different backgrounds, in front of a live studio audience, a panel of judges, and viewers who get to vote them off, in a weekly elimination competition. A panel of judges will give their opinion after each performance, although the final call on who remains in the running is the audience's, through SMS voting. The prize money earned at the end of each episode will be donated to a charity selected by the leaving contestant. Lebanese actress Nadine Al Rassi reached the finale and won the grand prize, which she donated to the Lebanese Red Cross. The second finalist of the show was Egyptian actor Amir Karrara who won the second prize in which he donated to the Children's Cancer Hospital 57357 in Egypt. = Amir Karrara - Actor Christina Sawaya - Miss Lebanon 2001 Georges Assaf - Sports trainer Jenny Esper - Actress Mohamad Dagher - Fashion designer Nadine Al Rassi - Actress Chef Ramzi - Cook Youmna Cherry - Presenter = Ahmed Al Shereef Aline Lahoud Amr Youssef Carole Samaha Fady Andrawos Fares Karam Georges El Rassi Hossam Habeeb Joseph Attieh Melhem Zein Miral Faisal Mohammad Bash Myriam Fares Nabil Shouail Rayan Eid Rouweida El Mahroug Samira Saeid Shereen Abdel Wahab Sofia El Marikh Wadih El Safi Yara Sbini = Joumana Haddad Oussama Rahbani Romeo Lahoud Lebanese actress Maguy Bou Ghosn and Lebanese actor Carlos Azar battled in the finale episode for the grand prize. Maguy Bou Ghosn won and donated her prize to St. Jude Children Cancer Center. = Maguy Bou Ghosn - Actress Carlos Azar - Actor Tarek Abou Jaoude - Music Composer Omar al-Dini - Comedian Seif el-Dine el-Sbei - Actor and Director Pamela el-Kik - Actress Hiba al-Abassiri - Journalist Habib el-Habib - Actor Mirna Khayat - Director Dima al-Jundi - Actress Mayssoun al-Rouwaily - Actress = Abdallah Bel Kheir Arwa Assi el-Helani Carole Samaha Fady Andarous Ghadi Gilbert Simon Haifa Wehbe Issam Karika Joseph Attieh Kazem el-Saher Marwan Khoury Melhem Zein Mohammad Iskandar Mouein Shreif Myrian Fraes Nabil Cheil Oumaima Taleb Rouwaida Attieh Saad Ramadan Saber el-Roubai Samira Said Sara Farah Sherine Abdel Wahab Sofia Marikh Wadih el-Safi Zeina Aftimos = Abdallah Bel Kheir Oussama Rahbani Romeo Lahoud Lebanese actor and TV presenter Tony Abu Jawdeh won and donated his prize to Les Petits Souliers. = Tony Abu Jawdeh - Actor and TV presenter Adel Hakki - Actor Mario Bassil - Comedian Carine Rizcallah - Actress Jessy Abdo - Actress Maged El Masry - Actor Carolina de Oliveira - Actress and TV presenter Richard Khoury - Chef Samar Yousry - TV presenter Ziad Al-Samad - Football player Ward al-Khal - Actress Merna al-Mohandes - Actress = Hasan El-Raddad Oussama Rahbani Romeo Lahoud Lebanese actor Tony Issa won and donated his prize to Kids First Association. = Loreen Kodeih - Actress Sana Naser - TV presenter Joy Karam - Singer Roula Chamieh - Actress Shoukran Mortaja - Actress Cynthia Khalifa - Actress and TV presenter Antoine Al-Hajj - Chef Moez Toumi - Actor Tony Issa - Actor Michel Azzi - TV presenter Wessam Saleeba - Singer and actor Bassem Yakhour - Actor Eduard - Actor and singer = Oussama Rahbani Tarek Abou Jaoude Mona Abou Hamze Lebanese actress Dalida Khalil won and donated her prize to North Autism Center. = Dalida Khalil - Actress Jerry Ghazal - Actor Oweiss Mkhallalati - Actor Misbah Ahdab - Politician Sandra Rizk - Actress Fady Charbel - Comedian Arza Shadyak - TV presenter Talal Jurdi - Actor Pierre Chammassian - Comedian Randa Sarkis - TV presenter Douja Hijazi - Actress Raja Nasser Eldine - TV presenter Sacha Dahdouh - Actress and TV presenter = Simon Asmar Oussama Rahbani Mona Abou Hamze Lebanese singer Alwalid Hallani won and donated his prize to fight PID. = Valerie Abou Chacra - Actress and Miss Lebanon 2015 Abbas Jaafar - Actor Aline Broummana - TV Presenter Alwalid Hallani - Singer Dolly Ayash - Actress and TV presenter Layla Abdel Latif - Astrologer Liliane Nemri - Actress Melhem Riachy - Author Nady Abou Chabke - Comedian Saad Hamdan - Actor Sara Abi Kanaan - Actress Tony Baroud - TV presenter Vera Yammine - Politician = Simon Asmar Oussama Rahbani Mona Abou Hamze
Les Douze Coups de midi
2024-02-24 16:34:48+00:00
Les Douze Coups de midi (previously called Les 12 Coups de midi, transl. "The twelve strokes of midday") is a French game show hosted by Jean-Luc Reichmann and broadcast everyday on TF1 since June 2010. Les Douze Coups de midi is an adaptation from the argentine show El Legado on Telefe (the first version was named Crésus, broadcast in 2005 and 2006 on TF1 and hosted by Vincent Lagaf').. This show consists of an individual quiz which can lead to winning numerous prizes and a jackpot. This game was broadcast TF1 to collect the midday audience, as a reply to the success of Tout le monde veut prendre sa place, a game show broadcast at the same time on France 2. Since October 2010, Jean-Luc Reichmann hosted the game with a virtual character, a fairy called Eulalie (voice by Véronique Le Nir). Later, this fairy becomes a simple voiceover, but keeps her name and her voice actor before her replacement by Zette which she dubbed by Isabelle Benhadj. From May 12, 2020 to October 9, 2021, to respect safety mesures due to COVID-19 pandemic in France, the show is broadcast without audience, and a new character, Docteur Maboul, makes his appearance. His role is to clean up the candidates' desks. The winner of the show, now Maître de midi (transl. "Master of Midday"), puts his title on the table to try and win more prizes until his elimination. At the end of the show, each correct answer reveals one tile on a rectangle of 13x10 tiles hiding hints for the discovery of a celebrity. Since January 27, 2023, only a "coup de maître" (transl. "Master's stroke") with five correct answers lets the Master of Midday make a guess, to try to win the jackpot. The show has known some evolutions since its creation. Since January 2018, the last round "L'étoile mystérieuse" (transl. "The Mysterious Star") was made harder by replacing the celebrity's picture by a number of hints, leading to guess said celebrity. The last four tiles hide this celebrity. From September 2016 to September 2019, for the 100th mysterious star, the show changed its logo and artistic diretion. On September 2019, the show changed its studio, its logo and its artistic direction. Depending of vacation or holiday period, the logo becomes red during Christmas and New Year (golden in winter 2023), golden and yellow (pink in 2022) during summer. During fall, the logo is green since 2023. During Halloween the logo is orange since 2023. On June 28, 2020, the launch of the game was welcomed by 2.9 millions peoplewith a peak at 4.6 millions at the end. After a decrease in September 2010, around 2.3 millions people were watching from home, the numbers go up again in October, and stabilize at more than 3 millions. Ever since then, the game regularly gains audience, with a peak at 4.5 millions on February 1, 2011, it is the leader at this time of the day. On December 26, 2016, no less than 4.73 millions people watched the show, with a peak at 6.5 millions in the end. In April 2019, following Quesada scandal, audience decreased before coming back to normal shortly later. Émilien, still competing in the game, has the record for victories and gains in the history of televised games in France, follwed by Bruno with €1,026,107 and a Qui veut gagner des millions? (French adaptation of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire) contestant named Marie who won €1,000,000 in the show on August 27, 2004 = The next list ranked the twenty best contestants as number of successive appearances.
Stars of Tomorrow
2011-04-03 14:43:29+00:00
Stars of Tomorrow is an Aruban reality-drama television series that premiered on ATV (Aruba) on May 5, 2010. The series was created and is largely written by Ben Steel and explores the life of a group of young actors in Aruba with acting aspirations. The series was created by Australian actor and director Ben Steel shortly after he relocated to Aruba in 2009. Steel partnered with local artist and producer Elvis Lopez from Ateliers '89, an Aruban arts foundation. The series was commissioned by Aruban broadcaster ATV (Aruba) as a way to develop local acting and directing talent in the region. The participants of the television program were first involved in several screen acting and screen directing workshops. These workshops provided essential skills for the participants that would later come into use when they had to make and star in their very own episode. Cameras followed the participants as they developed, and sometimes failed. Episode 1 - Acting Bootcamp - Follows the participants through an intensive acting training program. Episode 2 - Behind the Scenes - Behind the Scenes as the participants struggle to develop their screen skills and film their TV show. Episode 3 - Walk in my Shoes - Trevor doesn't understand women very much, until one day he starts waking up in women's bodies! A red carpet gala premiere of the final episode was held at Cas Di Cultura on May 17, 2010. The two main Media Partners of the television program were ATV (Aruba) and Cool FM (Aruba).
Making Home Affordable
2016-09-19 14:59:12+00:00
The Making Home Affordable program of the United States Treasury was launched in 2009 as part of the Troubled Asset Relief Program. The main activity under MHA is the Home Affordable Modification Program. Other programs under MHA include: Principal Reduction Alternative (PRA), assists homeowners with a loan-to-value ratio exceeding 115 percent. Home Affordable Unemployment Program (UP), temporary forbearance for unemployed homeowners. Second Lien Modification Program (2MP) provides a mechanism for servicers to modify second liens when a homeowner receives a first lien modification through HAMP. Home Affordable Foreclosure Alternatives Program (HAFA), helps homeowners exit their homes and transition to a more affordable living situation through a short sale or deed-in-lieu of foreclosure. The subprime mortgage crisis was triggered by a large decline in home prices after the collapse of a housing bubble, leading to mortgage delinquencies, foreclosures, and the devaluation of housing-related securities. Declines in residential investment preceded the recession and were followed by reductions in household spending and then business investment. Spending reductions were more significant in areas with a combination of high household debt and larger housing price declines. The housing bubble preceding the crisis was financed with mortgage-backed securities (MBSes) and collateralized debt obligations (CDOs), which initially offered higher interest rates (i.e. better returns) than government securities, along with attractive risk ratings from rating agencies. The crisis was caused by the rise in subprime lending and the increase in housing speculation. The percentage of lower-quality subprime mortgages originated during a given year rose from the historical 8% or lower range to approximately 20% from 2004 to 2006, with much higher ratios in some parts of the U.S. A high percentage of these subprime mortgages, over 90% in 2006 for example, were adjustable-rate mortgages. Housing speculation also increased, with the share of mortgage originations to investors (i.e. those owning homes other than primary residences) rising significantly from around 20% in 2000 to around 35% in 2006–2007. These changes were part of a broader trend of lowered lending standards and higher-risk mortgage products, which contributed to U.S. households becoming increasingly indebted. The ratio of household debt to disposable personal income rose from 77% in 1990 to 127% by the end of 2007. When U.S. home prices declined steeply after peaking in mid-2006, it became more difficult for borrowers to refinance their loans. As adjustable-rate mortgages began to reset at higher interest rates (causing higher monthly payments), mortgage delinquencies soared. Securities backed with mortgages, including subprime mortgages, widely held by financial firms globally, lost most of their value. During the 2008 United States presidential election, Presidential candidate Barack Obama promised to help homeowners who were facing foreclosure during the crisis. The Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP) is a government program introduced in 2009 to respond to the subprime mortgage crisis. HAMP is part of the Making Home Affordable program (MHA), established in concert with the Hardest Hit Fund program (HHF) under the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), a part of the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008. HHF provides targeted aid to home owners in states hit hardest by the economic crisis and works in tandem with HAMP and most MHA programs. HAMP (and the entire MHA Program) is set to expire December 31, 2016, the last day to submit applications, and the Modification Effective Date must be on or before September 30, 2017. HHF has been extended to 2020. = The Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP) is designed to help financially struggling homeowners avoid foreclosure by modifying loans to a level that is affordable for borrowers now and sustainable over the long term. This is done by interest rate reduction, fixing the interest rate, principal reduction or forbearance, and term extension. The program provides clear and consistent loan modification guidelines and includes incentives for borrowers, servicers and investors. In earlier years, the property with the loan to be modified had to be your primary residence. In June 2012, HAMP was significantly revised to expand the scope of the program and clarify some troubling issues. A Tier 2 modification program was initiated permitting modifications for loans on properties not owner occupied and also allowing multiple loans on multiple properties to be modified. Pre-existing rules for owner occupied properties now come under the umbrella of Tier 1 modifications. = The MHA Handbook is a consolidated reference guide outlining the requirements and guidelines for the Making Home Affordable (MHA) Program and particularly HAMP, its most popular component. A complex calculation called the net present value (NPV) test is the foundation of the HAMP program. Tier 1 and Tier 2 have their own NPV test. The NPV test predicates modification on whether the investor will make more money by modifying the mortgage rather than foreclosing. = HAMP abides by the following eligibility and verification criteria: Loans originated on or before January 1, 2009 First-lien loans with unpaid principal balance up to $729,750 Higher limits allowed for properties with 2-4 units The property cannot be condemned or uninhabitable The borrowers' debt (housing debt for the loan to be modified) to income ratio must meet certain standards showing financial hardship. For many years the ratio had to be over 31% of gross income, but now it varies based on whether you are eligible for a Tier 1 or Tier 2 modification. All borrowers must document income, including signed IRS 4506-T, provide proof of income (i.e. paystubs, profit and loss statement, etc.), and sign an affidavit of financial hardship. = At the Greenlining Institute 22nd Annual Economic Summit on May 8, 2015, Mel Watt announced that the program would cease end of year 2016. The Director of the FHFA had this to say regarding the program: "Although the number of new borrowers entering these two programs continues to decline, in part because many eligible borrowers have already taken advantage of them and in part because of recovering house prices, lenders and servicers are continuing to approve new HAMP modifications and HARP refinances. Extending HAMP and HARP through the end of 2016 will provide real relief for borrowers who continue to face challenges either paying their mortgage or refinancing their loan." = Once the first loan is modified under HAMP, if the second loan is eligible (and in most cases it is), it too is either modified or partially or fully extinguished. This program expired on December 31, 2016. = In his book Bailout: How Washington Abandoned Main Street While Rescuing Wall Street, Neil Barofsky argues that Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner never had the intention to utilize the program as intended by Congress. Instead of providing relief for homeowners to avoid foreclosures, it was Geithner's plan that the bank should proceed with foreclosures. Geithner "estimates" that the banks "can handle ten million foreclosures, over time", and that HAMP "will help foam the runway for them" by "keeping the full flush of foreclosures from hitting the financial system all at the same time." As such, "banks participating in the program have rejected four million borrowers’ requests for help, or 72 percent of their applications, since the process began". Citimortgage and JPMorgan Chase were among the banks that refused the most HAMP claims. As such, the program only helped 887,001 people out of the over 4 Million people that were originally estimated to be able to benefit from the program.
Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Financial Stability
2011-04-23 22:19:41+00:00
The Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Financial Stability was the head of the Office of Financial Stability in the United States Department of the Treasury. The position was created on October 3, 2008 by the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, the act that created the Office of Financial Stability to administer the Troubled Asset Relief Program. By law, the Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Financial Stability is appointed by the President of the United States with the advice and consent of the United States Senate. During a vacancy, the United States Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to appoint an Acting Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Financial Stability. The position was abolished after Timothy Massad.
2010 in animation
2012-02-07 19:46:33+00:00
Events in 2010 in animation. = March 7: 82nd Academy Awards: For the second time in the history of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, an animated feature film is nominated for Best Picture but loses: Up by Pete Docter. However, it did win the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature and the Academy Award for Best Original Score (by Michael Giacchino). Logorama by Nicolas Schmerkin wins the Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film. March 26: The DreamWorks film How to Train Your Dragon premieres. = April 5: The first episode of Adventure Time is broadcast, gaining generally positive attention. This is the first Cartoon Network original series outside Adult Swim to perceive the LGBT representation in general. The first episode of Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated airs. This marks the first in the pre-2023 Scooby-Doo series where one of the original characters comes out. April 14: The South Park episode "200" is broadcast, which portrays Muhammad, though as a censored image. The episode leads to serious controversy, riots and death threats. A week later, on April 21, the next episode "201" continues the Muhammad storyline but is notably censored, with several lines of dialogue muted. After their broadcast, both episodes are pulled from syndication, removed from the series' website, and unaired outside the United States. April 25: South Park is banned in Sri Lanka due to controversy over the episode "200", which depicted Gautama Buddha snorting cocaine. = May 3: The first episode of Everything's Rosie airs. May 6: After more than 12 years of being on the air, King of the Hill aired its final episode on Fox. May 20: Shrek receives a star at the Hollywood Walk of Fame. May 21: Shrek Forever After is released. May 26: The final episode of Kabouter Wesley is broadcast. = June 9: Pierre Coffin and Chris Renaud's Despicable Me premieres. The Minions characters will prove so popular that they'll eventually receive a spin-off film. June 16: Sylvain Chomet's The Illusionist, based on a script by Jacques Tati, is first released. June 18: Pixar's Toy Story 3 is Released. June 24: The Futurama revival premieres on Comedy Central after a seven-year cancellation on Fox. The same evening, another episode, "In-A-Gadda-Da-Leela" premieres, guest starring actor and comedian Chris Elliott. = July 1: The Futurama episode "Attack of the Killer App" premieres, guest starring actor and comedian Craig Ferguson. The episode also spawned the "shut up and take my money" meme. July 8: The Futurama episode "Proposition Infinity" premieres, guest starring actor George Takei. This was his third guest star appearance in the series. July 17: Hiromasa Yonebayashi's Arrietty, based on the children's fantasy novel The Borrowers by Mary Norton, is first released. July 22: The Futurama episode "Lethal Inspection" premieres, in which Bender must cope with Hermes to help track down the mysterious Inspector 5. July 29: The Futurama episode "The Late Philip J. Fry" premieres, in which Professor Farnsworth invents a time machine, which only goes forward in time. The series won its second Emmy Award for Outstanding Animated Program (Programming Less Than One Hour) in 2011 and received critical acclaim. = August 17: Former Disney and Don Bluth animator Jeffrey J. Varab is arrested for fraud. August 19: The Futurama episode "The Prisoner of Benda" premieres, in which Professor Farnsworth and Amy build a machine that allows them to switch minds so that they may each pursue their lifelong dreams. The episode was notable for a theorem created by the episode's writer Ken Keeler that provided a mathematical explanation for how the characters could return to their original bodies. August 23: The first episode of Tayo the Little Bus airs. August 26: The Futurama episode "Lrrreconcilable Ndndifferences" premieres, guest starring actress Katee Sackhoff, Spanish cartoonist Sergio Aragonés and series creators Matt Groening and David X. Cohen. August 28: Disney and Pixar's Toy Story 3 becomes the first animated film to gross over $1 billion. August 31: After more than 11 years on the air, Dragon Tales airs for the last time on the PBS Kids block. = September 6: The first episodes of The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That!, NFL Rush Zone, Regular Show and Mad airs. September 21: Tinker Bell receives a star at the Hollywood Walk of Fame. = October 8: Discovery Kids's preschool block, Ready Set Learn is discontinued. October 10: Discovery Kids relaunched to The Hub. The first episode of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic is broadcast, which becomes an unexpected success. October 25: The first episode of Dragons et Princesses is broadcast. = November 5: The DreamWorks Animation film, Megamind premieres. November 7: Anime producer Yoshinobu Nishizaki drowns at age 75 after falling off the research steamboat Yamato. November 8: Film critics protest against MPAA for the irrelevant movie ratings that were given to films years ago, including All Dogs Go to Heaven, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, and South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut, and urged the association to make their change in the future. After controversies with Cars 2 and Rango in 2011, subsequent films are not rated the same again. G-rating became much less frequently used in family-oriented films. November 19: Fernando Trueba, Javier Mariscal and Tono Errando's Chico and Rita premieres. November 21: The Futurama episode "The Futurama Holiday Spectacular" premieres, guest starring rapper Coolio and environmentalist Al Gore. This was Coolio's third appearance in the series as Kwanzaabot and Al Gore's fourth appearance in the series. November 24: Tangled, the 50th animated feature from Walt Disney Animation Studios is released. November 26: The first episode of Young Justice is broadcast. November 29: The first episode of Transformers: Prime is broadcast. = December 15: The film A Cat in Paris by Jean-Loup Felicioli and Alain Gagnol premieres. December 17: The live action/animated hybrid film Yogi Bear is released, receiving extremely negative reviews for neglecting the originality from the original Yogi Bear cartoon. Academy Award for Best Animated Feature: Toy Story 3 Animation Kobe Feature Film Award: The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya Annecy International Animated Film Festival Cristal du long métrage: Fantastic Mr. Fox Annie Award for Best Animated Feature: How to Train Your Dragon Asia Pacific Screen Award for Best Animated Feature Film: Piercing I BAFTA Award for Best Animated Film: Toy Story 3 César Award for Best Animated Film: The Illusionist European Film Award for Best Animated Film: The Illusionist Goya Award for Best Animated Film: Chico and Rita Japan Academy Prize for Animation of the Year: Arrietty Japan Media Arts Festival Animation Grand Prize: The Tatami Galaxy Mainichi Film Awards - Animation Grand Award: Colorful January 13 - Quantum Quest: A Cassini Space Odyssey (United States) January 22: AAA - The Movie (Mexico) Pet Pals: Marco Polo's Code (Italy) January 23: Fate/stay night Unlimited Blade Works (Japan) Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha The Movie 1st (Japan) Yu-Gi-Oh!: Bonds Beyond Time (Japan) January 25 - Daredevils of Sasun (Armenia) January 29 - Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf – Desert Trek: The Adventure of the Lost Totem (China) February 2 - Planet Hulk (United States) February 6 - The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya (Japan) February 9: Dante's Inferno: An Animated Epic (United States, Japan and South Korea) LeapFrog: Math Adventure to the Moon (United States) February 16: Halo Legends (United States and Japan) Scooby-Doo! Abracadabra-Doo (United States) February 18 - Plumíferos (Argentina) February 23 - Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths (United States) February 27 - VeggieTales: Pistachio - The Little Boy That Woodn't (United States) March 6 - Doraemon: Nobita's Great Battle of the Mermaid King (Japan) March 9 - Barbie in A Mermaid Tale (United States) March 13 - Eden of the East – Paradise Lost (Japan) March 18 - Space Dogs (Russia) March 20 - Pretty Cure All Stars DX2: Light of Hope☆Protect the Rainbow Jewel! (Japan) March 26 - How To Train Your Dragon (United States) April 17: Crayon Shin-chan: Super-Dimension! The Storm Called My Bride (Japan) Detective Conan: The Lost Ship in the Sky (Japan) April 20 - The Drawn Together Movie: The Movie! (United States) April 24 - Trigun: Badlands Rumble (Japan) May - A Jewish Girl in Shanghai (China) May 1 - Book Girl (Japan) May 11 - Kung-Fu Magoo (United States and Mexico) May 21 - Shrek Forever After (United States) May 22 - Planzet (Japan) May 28: Godkiller: Walk Among Us (United States) Space Chimps 2: Zartog Strikes Back (United States) June 5 - Hetalia: Axis Powers – Paint it, White! (Japan) June 12 - Piercing I (China) June 16 - The Illusionist (France and United Kingdom) June 18 - Toy Story 3 (United States) June 23 - Lost Planet (Russia) June 26 - Welcome to the Space Show (Japan) July 9 - Despicable Me (United States) July 10 - Pokémon: Zoroark: Master of Illusions (Japan) July 17 - The Secret World of Arrietty (Japan) July 27 - Batman: Under the Red Hood (United States) July 31: Hutch the Honeybee (Japan) Naruto Shippuden The Movie: The Lost Tower (Japan) VeggieTales: Sweetpea Beauty: A Girl After God's Own Heart (United States) August 6 - Moomins and the Comet Chase (Finland) August 11 - A Turtle's Tale: Sammy's Adventures (Belgium and France) August 15 - Care Bears: Share Bear Shines (United States) August 21 - Colorful (Japan) August 22 - Kayıp Armağan (Turkey) August 24 - Tom and Jerry Meet Sherlock Holmes (United States) August 28 - Loups=Garous (Japan) September 9 - Gaturro The Movie (Argentina, India and Mexico) September 14: Barbie: A Fashion Fairy Tale (United States) Scooby-Doo! Camp Scare (United States) September 16 - The Ugly Duckling (Russia) September 17 - Alpha and Omega (United States) September 18 - Mobile Suit Gundam 00 the Movie: A Wakening of the Trailblazer (Japan) September 21 - Tinker Bell and the Great Fairy Rescue (United States) September 24: Héroes verdaderos (Mexico) Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole (United States and Australia) True Heroes: Independence (Mexico) September 28 - Superman/Batman: Apocalypse (United States) October 5: Bratz#Bratz: Pampered Petz (United States) VeggieTales: It's a Meaningful Life (United States) October 7 - Animals United (Germany) October 8 - Lava Kusa: The Warrior Twins (India) October 13 - Arthur 3: The War of the Two Worlds (France) October 14: The Legend of Secret Pass (United States) Olsen Gang Gets Polished (Denmark) Tigers and Tattoos (Denmark) October 15 - Ramayana: The Epic (India) October 20 - The Storytelling Show (France) October 21 - Open Season 3 (United States) October 23 - The Trashmaster (France) October 29: La tropa de trapo en el país donde siempre brilla el sol (Spain) Winx Club 3D: Magical Adventure (Italy) October 30 - HeartCatch PreCure! the Movie: Fashion Show in the Flower Capital... Really?! (Japan) November 5: Megamind (United States) El tesoro del rey Midas (Spain) November 6 - Mardock Scramble: The First Compression (Japan) November 13 - Green Days (South Korea) November 19 - Chico and Rita (Spain and United Kingdom) November 24: Firebreather (United States) Santa's Apprentice (France, Australia and Ireland) Tangled (United States) November 26 - Las aventuras de Don Quijote (Spain) November 28 - Sky Song (Estonia) December 3 - Mars (United States) December 4 - Bleach: Hell Verse (Japan) December 10 - Elias and the Treasure of the Sea (Norway) December 13 - Ultramarines: A Warhammer 40,000 Movie (United Kingdom) December 15 - A Cat in Paris (France, Switzerland, Netherlands and Belgium) December 23 - Inazuma Eleven Saikyō Gundan Ōga Shūrai (Japan) December 25 - RPG Metanoia (Philippines) December 30 - How Not to Rescue a Princess (Russia) Specific date unknown: Minnaminni 2 (India) Shock Invasion (United States) = December 15: Zion Broadnax, American actress (voice of Morgan Malto in Transformers: EarthSpark). = January 1: John Freeman, American animator (Walt Disney Company, Peanuts specials, Hanna-Barbera, Ruby-Spears, DePatie-Freleng), dies at age 93. January 8: Art Clokey, American animator, director (Gumby, Davey and Goliath) and actor (voice of Pokey in Gumby), dies at age 88. January 10: Barry Blitzer, American television writer (Hanna-Barbera), dies at age 80. January 22: Jean Simmons, English actress (voice of Old Sophie in Howl's Moving Castle, Council Member #2 in Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within), dies at age 80. January 27: Zelda Rubinstein, American actress and human rights activist (voice of Atrocia Frankenstone in The Flintstone Comedy Show, Psychiatrist in The Flintstones: On the Rocks, Darkwing Duck's Mother and Negaduck's Mother in the Darkwing Duck episode "The Secret Origins of Darkwing Duck", Madame Zeldarina in the Goof Troop episode "Rally Round the Goof", Patty's mother in the Hey Arnold! episode "Polishing Rhonda"), dies from a heart attack at age 76. = February 4: Te Wei, Chinese comics artist and animator (The Proud General), dies at age 94. February 11: Marvin Stein, American comics artist, animator and illustrator, dies at age 85. February 18: Fernando Krahn, Chilean artist, comics artist, illustrator and animator (El Crimen Perfecto), dies at age 75. February 19: Rudy Larriva, American animator and director (Warner Bros. Cartoons, UPA, the opening credits of The Twilight Zone), dies at age 94. February 24: Dawn Brancheau, American senior animal trainer (guest starred in the Fetch! with Ruff Ruffman episode "Ruff Pigs Out and Has a Whale of a Time"), drowns from an orca attack at age 40. = March 3: Anatoly Petrov, Russian film director and animator (Happy Merry-Go-Round, Polygon), dies at age 72. March 14: Cherie DeCastro, American singer (Bird and Animal voices in Song of the South), dies at age 87. Peter Graves, American actor (voice of General Warning and the Narrator in The Angry Beavers episode "The Day the World Got Really Screwed Up", Instructor Voice in the Mickey Mouse Works episode "How To Be A Spy", Sheldon Miller in the Minoriteam episode "Tax Day", Mr. Pibb in the American Dad! episode "A.T. the Abusive Terrestrial"), dies from a heart attack at age 83. March 16: David J. Steinberg, American actor (portrayed the SpongeBob Hallucination in the live-action segment of the SpongeBob SquarePants episode "Atlantis SquarePantis"), commits suicide at age 45. March 29: János Kass, Hungarian animator, illustrator, graphic designer and film director (Dilemma), dies at age 82. March 30: Jane Webb, American film, radio, and voice actress (Filmation), dies at age 84. = April 6: Tom Ray, American animator and film director (Warner Bros. Cartoons, John Sutherland Productions, MGM, DePatie-Freleng, Ralph Bakshi, Chuck Jones, Filmation, Hanna-Barbera, Film Roman) at age 90. Eddie Carroll, Canadian actor (voice of Jiminy Cricket since 1973), dies at age 76. April 7: Betty Paraskevas, American writer and lyricist (co-creator of The Kids from Room 402, Maggie and the Ferocious Beast and Marvin the Tap-Dancing Horse), dies from pancreatic cancer at age 80. April 15: Michael Pataki, American actor (voice of The Cow in Mighty Mouse: The New Adventures, George Liquor in Ren & Stimpy, the Chief in Boo Boo Runs Wild, Sewer King in the Batman: The Animated Series episode "The Underdwellers"), dies from cancer at age 72. April 17: Carl Macek, American actor, writer, and producer (Robotech), dies at age 58. April 18: Allen Swift, American actor (voice of Simon Bar Sinister and Riff-Raff in Underdog, third voice of Mighty Mouse), dies at age 86. April 23: Eiji Kusuhara, Japanese-born British actor (voice of Dr. Kamikazi in Robotboy), dies from cancer at age 63. = May 21: Howard Post, American animator, cartoonist, and comic strip and comic book writer-artist (Famous Studios), dies at age 83. May 26: Pat Stevens, American actress (second voice of Velma Dinkley in the Scooby-Doo franchise, additional voices in Dynomutt, Dog Wonder and Captain Caveman and the Teen Angels), dies from breast cancer at age 64. Art Linkletter, Canadian-American radio and television personality (portrayed himself in the prologue of The Snow Queen), dies at age 97. May 27: Peter Keefe, American television producer (Voltron, Denver the Last Dinosaur, Widget) and co-founder of Zodiac Entertainment, dies at age 57 from throat cancer. Payut Ngaokrachang, Thai animator and film director (The Adventure of Sudsakorn), dies at age 81. May 28: Eddie Barth, American actor (voice of Champ in Rover Dangerfield, Detective Kurt Bowman in Superman: The Animated Series, Frank the Pug in Men in Black: The Series, Louie and Referee in As Told by Ginger, Gorgonzola in the Biker Mice from Mars episode "A Scent, a Memory, a Far Distant Cheese"), dies from heart failure at age 78. Gary Coleman, American actor and comedian (voice of Andy Le Beau in The Gary Coleman Show, Kevin and 42nd Street in Waynehead, various characters in Robot Chicken, voiced himself in The Simpsons episodes "Grift of the Magi", "A Tale of Two Springfields" and "Day of the Jackanapes", and Night of the Living Doo), dies from a brain hemorrhage at age 42. = June 3: Rue McClanahan, American actress and comedian (voice of Scarlett in Annabelle's Wish, Anastasia Hardy in the Spider-Man episode "Doctor Octopus: Armed and Dangerous", Bunny in the King of the Hill episode "Hair Today, Gone Today"), dies from a brain hemorrhage at age 76. = July 1: Ilene Woods, American actress and singer (voice of the title character in Cinderella), dies at age 81. July 15: Peter Fernandez, American actor, voice director and writer (voice of the title character in Alakazam the Great, Buttons Brilliant and Johnny in Gigantor, the title character and Racer X in Speed Racer, Dr. Mariner and Piper in Marine Boy, various characters in Superbook, Max and Grimm the Dragon in Princess Gwenevere and the Jewel Riders, Benton Tarantella, Robot Randy, Conway the Contaminationist, The Shadow and Rich Guy in Courage the Cowardly Dog, Headmaster Spritle and Speed Racer Sr. in Speed Racer: The Next Generation, additional voices in Astro Boy, Ace Ventura: Pet Detective and Kenny the Shark), dies from lung cancer at age 83. July 17: Pres Romanillos, American animator and film producer (Walt Disney Company, DreamWorks), dies at age 47. Shirley Silvey, American animator (worked for Upa, Jay Ward), dies at age 82. July 24: John Callahan, American cartoonist (creator of Pelswick and John Callahan's Quads!), dies at age 59. = August 7: Alex Johns, American production coordinator (The Ren & Stimpy Show) and producer (Futurama, Olive, the Other Reindeer, The Ant Bully), dies at age 43. August 9: George DiCenzo, American actor (voice of Hordak in She-Ra: Princess of Power, the title character in Blackstar, Lou Albano in Hulk Hogan's Rock 'n' Wrestling, Ubu in Batman: The Animated Series, Commander in the Animaniacs episode "Puttin' on the Blitz"), dies at age 70. August 10: Ben Hurst, American television writer (DIC Entertainment, Tiny Toon Adventures), dies at age 59. August 19: Christopher Shea, American former child actor (voice of Linus Van Pelt in A Charlie Brown Christmas, Charlie Brown's All Stars!, It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown, You're in Love, Charlie Brown and He's Your Dog, Charlie Brown), dies at age 52. August 23: George David Weiss, American songwriter (Fun and Fancy Free, Melody Time), dies at age 89. Kihachirō Kawamoto, Japanese puppet designer, animator and film director (The Book of the Dead), dies at age 85. August 24: Mitsuyo Seo, Japanese animator and film director (Momotarō no Umiwashi, Momotarō: Umi no Shinpei), dies at age 98. Satoshi Kon, Japanese manga artist and animator (Perfect Blue, Millennium Actress, Tokyo Godfathers, Paranoia Agent, Paprika), dies at age 46 from pancreatic cancer. August 31: Mick Lally, Irish stage, film and television actor (voice of Brother Aidan in The Secret of Kells), dies at age 64. = September 1: Cammie King, American actress (voice of young Faline in Bambi), dies at age 76. September 3: Robert Schimmel, American comedian (voice of Prisoner in The Simpsons episode "Pokey Mom", himself in the Dr. Katz, Professional Therapist episode "Wild Weekend"), dies in a car accident at age 60. September 7: Glenn Shadix, American actor (voice of the Mayor of Halloween Town in The Nightmare Before Christmas, Brain and Monsieur Mallah in Teen Titans, Cluemaster in The Batman episode "Q&A"), dies at age 58. September 10: Billie Mae Richards, Canadian actress (voice of the title character in Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, and Tenderheart Bear in The Care Bears), dies at age 88. September 11: Harold Gould, American actor (voice of Old Denahi in Brother Bear, Shiro Nishi in Whisper of the Heart, Benjamin in The Greatest Adventure: Stories from the Bible episode "The Miracle of Jesus"), dies at age 86. September 17: Bill Littlejohn, American animator (worked for and at Van Beuren Studio, Tom & Jerry, Walter Lantz, Jay Ward Productions, Animation Inc., Fine Arts Films, The Ink Tank, the Peanuts Christmas specials), dies at age 96. September 22: Jackie Burroughs, English-born Canadian actress (voice of the Spirit in The Care Bears Movie, Katherine in Heavy Metal, Morag in Star Wars: Ewoks, Frau Rottenmeier in Heidi), dies at age 71. September 29: Tony Curtis, American actor (voice of Stony Curtis in The Flintstones episode "The Return of Stoney Curtis", TV Interviewer in Sparky's Magic Piano, Bernard in Roxanne's Best Christmas Ever), dies at age 85. = October 2: Daria Paris, American production assistant (The Simpsons), dies from cancer at age 60. October 16: Barbara Billingsley, American actress (voice of Nanny in Muppet Babies), dies at age 94. Chao-Li Chi, Chinese actor (voice of Yoru in the Batman: The Animated Series episode "Night of the Ninja"), dies at age 83. October 19: Tom Bosley, American actor (voice of Harry Boyle in Wait Till Your Father Gets Home, B.A.H. Humbug, Esq. in The Stingiest Man in Town, the title character in The World of David the Gnome, Geppetto in Pinocchio and the Emperor of the Night, Mr. Winkle in The Tangerine Bear, Howard Cunningham in the Family Guy episode "The Father, the Son, and the Holy Fonz", Santa Claus in the Johnny Bravo episode "Twas the Night"), dies at age 83. October 20: Bob Guccione, American photographer and publisher (voiced himself in the Duckman episodes "Pig Amok" and "Love! Anger! Kvetching!"), dies at age 79. October 22: Alex Anderson, American cartoonist (co-creator of Rocky and Bullwinkle, Dudley Do-Right, Crusader Rabbit), dies at age 90. October 29: Takeshi Shudo, Japanese scriptwriter and novelist (Pokémon), dies at age 61. = November 7: Yoshinobu Nishizaki, Japanese animator (Mushi Production), and film producer (Space Battleship Yamato), drowns at age 75 after falling off the research steamboat Yamato. November 25: Michel Douay, French comics artist, illustrator and animator (worked for Paul Grimault's studio) dies at age 95. November 28: Leslie Nielsen, Canadian-American producer (The Secret World of Benjamin Bear), actor and comedian (voice of the Narrator in The Railway Dragon and Katie and Orbie, Boomer in Pumper Pups, the title character in Zeroman), dies from pneumonia at age 84. = December 1: Heidi Guedel Garofalo, American animator (Walt Disney Animation Studios, Sullivan Bluth Studios, The Chipmunk Adventure, Space Jam, Quest for Camelot, The King and I, Futurama), dies at age 62. December 6: Mark Dailey, American-born Canadian actor, television journalist and announcer (voice of Crag in The Ripping Friends, Rokusho, Roks and Eddie in Medabots, Brad Best in Beyblade, Omega Steed in the Spliced episode "Stupid Means Never Having To Say I'm Sorry"), dies at age 57. December 15: John Sparey, American animator (Walt Disney Animation Studios, Crusader Rabbit, Calvin and the Colonel, The Funny Company, Underdog, Tennessee Tuxedo and His Tales, Hanna-Barbera, Bakshi Animation, Tom and Jerry: The Movie, The Swan Princess, animated the main titles for Bobby's World), scene planner (Starchaser: The Legend of Orin, The Chipmunk Adventure) and director (Mighty Mouse: The New Adventures, Film Roman), dies at age 83. December 25: Aron Abrams, American television producer and writer (King of the Hill, Glenn Martin, DDS, Bob's Burgers), dies at age 50. December 30: Michael Allinson, English-American actor (additional voices in Courage the Cowardly Dog), dies at age 90.
2010 in anime
2013-07-08 02:49:31+00:00
Events in 2010 in anime. At the Mainichi Film Awards, Colorful won the Animation Film Award. Arrietty won the Japan Academy Prize for Animation of the Year. Internationally, King of Thorn, Mai Mai Miracle and Oblivion Island: Haruka and the Magic Mirror were nominated for the Asia Pacific Screen Award for Best Animated Feature Film. = A list of anime that debuted in theaters between January 1 and December 31, 2010. = A list of anime television series that debuted between January 1 and December 31, 2010. = A list of original net animations that debuted between January 1 and December 31, 2010. = A list of original video animations that debuted between January 1 and December 31, 2010.
Happy Baby (animation)
2024-03-23 16:22:02+00:00
Happy Baby (later renamed Happy Superman League) is a Chinese animation series produced by Guangdong Star Creative Animation Co, a company established by Huang WeiMing and his team. The animation tells the story of Happy Superman, Sweetheart Superman, Philandering Superman, Careless Superman, Careful Superman, Galo and Big Big Monster and Little Little Monster who are going to invade the star ball to fight against each other. The story takes place in the universe, where humans, robots, aliens, and animals live together in a place called "Starsphere". Once, Planet Greyheart sends General Big Monster and Corporal Little Monster to take over the Star Sphere by force. Big and Little Monsters were armed with the ultimate weapon, the five-colored magical jewel, a strange crystal that could give life and intelligence to machines, and possessed great power. But while rushing into the atmosphere, the ship malfunctions. Big Big Monster orders Little Little Monster to launch the four Mechanical Stones - red, pink, green, and blue - into the abandoned locomotive that is drifting through space, before crashing into the Planet of the Stars. A brilliant mechanic on the planet, Dr. Otaku, inadvertently activates the four stones while repairing the abandoned electrical junk. The four jewels transformed into four Supermen: Happy Superman, Sweetie Superman, Flowery Superman, and Careless Superman. They are taken in by Dr. Geek and raised by Dr. Geek and work together to protect the satellite planet. While Big Monster and Tiny Monster lurked on the planet, ostensibly maintaining a friendly relationship with the Supermen and the people of the planet, but in fact secretly utilizing the Black Mechanical Stone to create chaos, to seek opportunities for invasion, but have always failed to do so. Later, in the race, the black mechanical stone accidentally fell into the motorcycle, which was repaired and activated by Dr. Taku, and transformed into a careful Superman, joining the Superman team of the Taku family, and the five Supermen finally succeeded in getting together. Dr. Otaku officially sends the five Supermen to the campus, Superstar Academy, to carry out their campus life. Due to the pressure of livelihood and the need for aggression, Big Monster decided to sneak into the Super Star College as a janitor, and at the same time arranged for Tiny Monster to enter the Super Star College to study and become a classmate with the five Supermen, waiting for the opportunity to steal information. Meanwhile, the Commander of Planet Greyheart instructs Da Da Monster to establish a Monster Academy in the Planet of Stars with the aim of training more monsters to facilitate the invasion of the Planet of Stars. The last guardian of Planet Adri, Knight Admiral Garo, had been taken in by Commander Greyheart after the destruction of his home planet. After being used by the Commander to attack the Planet, Garo becomes a close friend of Superman Beware and joins the guardians of the Planet in his mansion. Meanwhile, people from other planets are also eyeing the Planet. = Source: Happy Superman voiced by: Liu Hongyun Sweetheart Superman voiced by: Deng Yuting (in Adventures of Ancient Spirit Star, Zu Qing, Time and Space Defense Battle, and Return of the Hero were added and changed to Deng Shuwen) philandering superman voiced by: Yan Yanzi Careless Superman voiced by: Zu Qing Careful Superman Voiced by: Liu Hongyun (except by Zu Qing in the first season) Galo's voice: Deng Yuting (returned to Deng Shuwen in Return of the Hero) Dr. Otaku's voice: Deng Yuting (Liu Hongyun was added in Adventures of Ancient Spirit Star, Time and Space Defense, and Return of the Hero was changed to Deng Shuwen) Big Big Monster : Gao Quansheng Little Little Monster voiced by: Yan Yanzi = Zhang Lang Akas Kai sa Multi-minded superman Sad superman Disgusting Superman Bulb Boss Sister Taozi Television Headteather Fen Qi Lisa Happy Baby, as a series, has completed 23 seasons of television animation (including 20 seasons of the main series and three seasons of spin-offs) and three animated films through December 2023, with an additional television animation pending release. Seasons one through seven, nine through fifteen, and eighteen of the Happy Baby television anime have 52 episodes, with 25 episodes in season twenty, 26 episodes in seasons sixteen through seventeen, 27 episodes in season nineteen, and 40 episodes in season eight, usually each of which is 13 minutes long. = TV version derivative works = Happy Baby (Season 1) In the universe, there is a place where human beings, robots and aliens live together, called "Starsphere". One day, the Cosmic Development Company on the planet of Grey Heart sent two men, General Big Monster and Corporal Little Monster, to invade the Star Sphere with the five-colored magical gems, the ultimate weapon that possesses great power and can give life and intelligence to machines. As a result, the two were unfortunate enough to throw four mysterious gems into their car, leaving only one behind; there is a genius mechanic on the Starsphere, Dr. Otaku, who inadvertently activates the four gems while repairing electrical junk. Under the leadership of Dr. Otaku begins to fight with the invaders in all kinds of strange or fierce struggles. And the last gem, eventually, turns into Superman, so the fight between Superman and the invaders gradually becomes more interesting ...... Happy Baby: Happy Superman (Season 2) Since Careful Superman joined the team, the five Supermen have finally managed to get together. However, the Supermen keep giving Dr. Geek all kinds of trouble. In order to change this situation, Dr. Otaku found a school called “Super Star Academy” for the Supermen, so that the Supermen can learn something and cause less trouble. At the same time, due to the pressure of livelihood and the need for aggression, Big Monster also had to lead Little Monster to sneak into the Super Star Academy, and work as a cleaner. The Commander of the Grey Heart Planet made a decision to establish a monster academy in the Star Planet to train more monsters and to facilitate the invasion of the Star Planet. So a hilarious confrontation is about to begin. Happy Baby: Happy Superman Battle (Season 3) The story continues to unfold between the Superman team led by Happy Superman and the two sides of Big Big Monster and Little Little Monster. The Monster Academy has been in place for quite some time, and Gigantor has finally produced a stable of monsters, but the invasion is still going very hard. Meanwhile, the supers are learning more and more tricks, which puts more pressure on Da Da Monster. He tries everything he can, and the battle becomes even more intense. Careful Superman Superman's sidekick, Admiral Knight of the Planet Adri, the God of War, Garo, makes his debut this season. In the season finale, the Intergalactic Car Championship, Dada Monster finds a top secret file from Happy Superman's car. The file reveals that many years ago, Planet Greyheart had spread a virus to the planet in order to invade the planet, and those infected would become the puppets of Planet Greyheart, with Dr. Otaku being one of the infected. Happy Baby: Happy Adventure (Season 4) The story unfolds in the context of an alliance between Planet Greyheart and Starsphere, with some episodes taking place on Planet Greyheart. The five Supermen came to Planet Greyheart for adventure. During a battle, Locomotive Man was destroyed by the Gargoyle Monster, and the five Supermen, believing the engineer's words, voluntarily transformed back into Mechanical Stones - actually a conspiracy set up by the Greyheart Commander. Thanks to the help of Warlord Galo and television principal, the five Supermen are reborn and given a new and upgraded version of Locomotive Man. In the season finale, the Intergalactic Car Championship, Big Big Monster finds a top secret file from Happy Superman's car. The file reveals that many years ago, Planet Greyheart had spread a virus to the planet in order to invade the planet, and those infected would become the puppets of Planet Greyheart, with Dr. Otaku being one of the infected. Happy Baby: Happy Star Planet (Season 5) This season continues the story of the previous movie. In order to invade the Planet Greyheart, a dark virus has been spread to the Planet Greyheart. Once the virus is activated, the infected will be controlled by the Planet Greyheart. Dr. Otaku appears in the list of infected people. Dr. Otaku is activated by Big Big Monster, and Dr. Taku runs away from his home to become Planet Greyheart's puppet, Dr. Black, who is controlled by Nig Big Monster to develop weapons for the invasion of the Planet. Happy Baby: The Adventures of Ancient Spirit Star (Season 6) Star ball found a mysterious ancient planet, called “ancient spirit star”, contains a variety of mysterious resources, scientists have been difficult to locate it. In order to find the highly dangerous radioactive elements from the planet and prevent it from harming the universe, the principal of the TV set and the scientist, Li Men, led five superheroes to form an expedition team to explore the planet. Commander Greyheart ordered Big Big Monster and Little Little Monster to go undercover in the expedition team to steal the results of the expedition team at any time and bring the results back to Greyheart Planet for the invasion of the planet. Big Big Monster and Little Little Monster, on the other hand, are looking for the three Supermen, who are the guardians of the planet Gurin, as well as the energy stone that can invade the Planet, and they also take the spaceship together. Soon after, Dr. Otaku, Sister Taozi, and Bulb Boss also come to the planet to explore the planet. On the surface, Big and Little Monster are also part of the expedition team, but in fact, they have been using various methods to deal with the five Supermen during the expedition. At the same time, they also want to take over the useful resources collected during the journey and the important information discovered by Superman for themselves. The five Supermen settle down on the planet, exploring, living and learning, and are often disturbed by the strange creatures in the rainforest and the strange phenomena on the planet. The Supermen cope with the unknown environment while dealing with all sorts of sabotage from the big and small monsters in the shadows. However, a series of unintentional events cause the expedition members to wonder - is the planet Gurin really as primitive as they see it? Later on, the expedition team accidentally enters the mysterious Mechanical City and explores the lost civilizations of the past. In the end, a series of mysteries were solved, and they bid farewell to the planet and returned to the planet. Happy Baby:Happy Alliance Battle (Season 7) Woof Planet, ruled by dogs, and Meow Planet, ruled by cats, both wanted to establish an alliance with the Starsphere, so they each sent goodwill ambassadors to the Starsphere to inspect the planet and try to find ways to draw in the Starsphere people. But Woof Cai Xing and Meow Meow Xing are two hostile planets, and their purpose of coming to the Star Planet at the same time is not only to strengthen communication with the Star Planet, but also for another reason, which is purely to prevent each other from having a good time. They are often at loggerheads, and the resulting conflicts are fanned by the Big Big and Little Little monsters, which can spread to the entire planet. While the Supermen continue to guard the planet, they must also prevent the dispute between the Woof Cai and Meow Meow from causing a crisis in the Planet. Meanwhile, the children of the two ambassadors are enrolled in the Super Star Academy and become classmates with the Five Supermen and Little Little Monsters. The struggle between the two children adds a lot of instability to the Supermen's school life. At the end of the season, Scarab invades the Planet of the Stars in conjunction with Kai sa, the evil Adelie Star Army Chief, and the Five Supermen are poisoned and lose their fighting ability. In the end, Galo, sacrifices himself to protect the Starsphere. Happy Baby :Amazing Journey (Season 8) After Meow Meow and Woof Wealthy leave the Star Ball amicably, the Star Ball's Ball Captain is put in a coma by a magical attack by Big and Little Monsters and their new sidekick, Oooh Haha. Mr. Pepsi probes that the only way to free the Head Ball is to find the four wands of Wind, Fire, Thunder, and Ice in a mysterious book that records the customs and traditions of the Middle Ages. In order to undo the magic in the Head Ball, the Supermen Mystery Book traveled to Medieval Town. They stayed in Medieval Town, and with the help of the local residents and the king, they used the limited clues to find the four wands that were left behind by the legendary Master of the Kingdom, Laughing Haha. Not wanting to let Superman get the four wands to save the Chief Ball, Big Big and Little Little Monster and Hohaha also enter Medieval Town, and with the help of Hohaha become the commander of the black magic wizards, leading a group of black magic wizards to fight against Superman, waiting for an opportunity to obstruct their search for the wands. Superman, Big Big and Little Little Monster and Hahaha fight for the wand. In the end, the Supermen gather all four wands and return to the real world, utilizing their power to rescue the Head of the Ball, and once again thwarting Big and Little's plot. At the end of the season, Galo, who was originally killed in action to protect the Star Sphere in the seventh season of this series, “Legends of War”, leaves behind the seal and a television in its shape, and Galo's life and death become confusing (it is later explained in Season Twelve that it was a resurrected Garo who traveled back in time in order to investigate the truth about the Energy Nucleus). Happy Supermen League :Defense of Hyperspace (Season 9) After the disappearance of Dr. Otaku, Otaku tries to design a time machine based on the time machine design left behind by Dr. Otaku, and after many efforts, he realizes that a well-made time machine can only travel back to the time when the time machine existed. Many years later, Happy Superman accidentally discovers the time machine and accidentally travels through it to the time when Dr. Otaku was small. Due to the special setting of the time machine, they can only go back to the past but not to the future, and Dr. Otaku was withdrawn and had no friends when he was young. The Supermen decided to stay in the past to take care of Dr. Geek as an older brother and sister, so that Dr. Otaku would be cheerful and learn to take care of himself, and at the same time, they had to find a way to go back to the future, and at the same time, they also had to deal with the Big Big and Little Little Monsters and their destruction of the monster. When Big Big and Little Little Monsters see Superman entering the past, they want to destroy the machine so that they can never come back, but Little Little Monster accidentally follows them to the past and finds Big Big Monster in the past. Since Biggie was lower in rank than Tiny, he had to become Little's henchman and follow Little's orders. Happy Supermen League :Return of the Heroes (Season 10) A continuation of the story that unfolded in the previous installment. The Supermen say goodbye to Otaku and return from the past to the present to continue guarding Star Planet. However, there is a bigger crisis waiting for them in the planet: the Commander sends a magical cape to Big Big Monster, which can take out a lot of props to enhance the monster's ability, so that Big Big Monster and Little Little Monster can invade the planet more easily! To cope with this crisis, Superman also continues to upgrade his skills at the Super Star Academy to better guard the planet. Meanwhile, the remaining energy body of the God of War, Galo, is activated by the Third Elder of the planet Adelie, and accidentally uncovers a conspiracy powerful enough to destroy the Planet. In the end, Galo uses his ability to possess electrical appliances to transfer the soon-to-be-exploded Type 4451 Ultimate Weapon, which is successfully resurrected and materialized after accidentally absorbing the blast energy in the big explosion in outer space, and returns to Superman's team to fight side-by-side with everyone else to guard the Planet of the Stars! Happy Supermen League : Crisis in the Stars (Season 11) After a devastating explosion on the distant planet Gurin, the three surviving Supermen came to the planet to ask for help from the League of Supermen. The five Supermen, led by Happy Superman, decide to search for the truth of the explosion of Gurin Star in order to uphold the justice of the universe. When the five Supermen trace the clues of the destruction of the Ancient Spirit Star, they find two more mysterious villains - Moon Dance and Star Shadow - stopping them from pursuing their actions, and there is actually a bigger force behind Star Shadow and Moon Dance. After destroying the Ancient Spirit Planet, their next goal is to destroy the Star Sphere and capture the energy core. The Biker, who has always been regarded as Superman's comrade-in-arms, has been infected by a virus and has gone out of control, causing Superman to face a huge crisis. The fully destroyed locomotive has been restored by Dr. Geek with the addition of an artificial intelligence system, which not only responds to Superman's calls, but also serves as Superman's right-hand man in analyzing his battle strategies during the battle. Meanwhile, the three Supermen who have lost their homes in Guring Star, with the encouragement of Happy Superman and others, start to face their past grief bravely and regain their strength. Happy Supermen League :Star Alliance (Season 12) Moon Dance and Star Shadow were escorted to the Cosmic Prison by Intergalactic Interpol Stan for destroying the Ancient Spirit Planet and seizing the Energy Nucleus. In order to find the truth about the explosion of the Adelie Star, Galo went to the Intergalactic Prison to investigate, but the Intergalactic Prison was attacked by a mysterious person, and Moon Dance and Star Shadow's memories about the Energy Nucleus were erased, so Galo prepared to go to investigate the mysterious person. On the other hand, Hank, the examiner of the Intergalactic League of Supermen, came to the Star Sphere to publicize the test enrollment of the League of Supermen, and the story of the five Supermen and other people who wanted to join the test process of the League of Supermen began. During the test process, the five Supermen and the other candidates and examiners accidentally discovered - when Galo sleeps or loses consciousness will be a mysterious dark force will be controlled by a mysterious man to become a mystery man and go to seize the energy nucleus, finally learned the truth of Galo choose to inhibit their own power and fell into an eternal slumber. Happy Supermen League : Guardians of the Energy Nucleus (Season 13) Happy Superman and the other 4 Supermens go to the planet Cinderella to track down the whereabouts of the escaped Moon Dancing Star Shadow, but accidentally discover that Moon Dancing Star Shadow's purpose is actually the energy core of Cinderella. Careful Superman and the League of Supermen sent the Malfunction Superman to investigate the method of removing the dark power in Galo's body Superman in the process of tracking down, accidentally learned that Big Big Monster is the real culprit behind the invasion of the Star Planet all the time, but in order to protect the Planet of the Grey Heart, the Supermen decided to temporarily cooperate with Big Big Monster to fight against the Lunar Dance Star Shadow. In the process, they not only discover the major secret hidden behind the 5 energy cores, but also know the real source of the dark power in Galo's body. In the season finale Galo's power suppression device is damaged and Galo is completely controlled by the dark power. Happy Superman League: Star Power (Season 14) In ancient times, there were six Supermen who joined forces to fight monsters to guard the peace of the universe. Core Superman, one of the six Supermen, has been pursuing the greatest power in order to better protect the people. In order to fight against the monsters, the Six Supermen combined the power of the six and refined a powerful energy, Star Force, which is a life force that can break through the darkness. However, while refining the Star Force, the Six Supermen separated the Dark Force, which possesses destructive properties. For the safety of the universe, the Core Supermen took the initiative to absorb the Dark Force. He did not want the Dark Force to amplify Core Superman's desire to pursue power, and in the end, Core Superman was devoured by his desire and turned into a dark demon that jeopardized the universe. The five Supermen had to use the Star Power to defeat the Dark Devil, and transformed into five energy cores to seal the Dark Devil, and the Star Power was nowhere to be found. Happy Supermen League : Amazing Adventures of Mechanical Castle (Season 15) Five superman in the execution of the mission, accidentally found in the body of the hidden can control their program code, in the process of investigation, the superman people found that all the clues are pointing to the universe development group hardware company. In order to solve the mystery, the Supermen embarked on the road to find the truth, and the conspiracy of the Hardware Company gradually surfaced. It turns out that Wogen once possessed the super-mechanical stone that gave birth to the Supermen and tried to transform the Supermen into their own weapons so as to dominate the universe. After learning the truth, the Supermen joined forces to destroy the Hardware Company and solved the crisis of the universe. Happy Supermen League: Fantastic Isle of Riddle (Season 16) The League of Supermen seized a Prophecy Orb, which predicted that the Mermaid Princess of the Star Sphere's Myriad Isles would turn to foam and disappear, and cause a crisis in the Star Sphere's oceans. Five Superman received a mission from the League of Supermen and traveled to the Mermaid Tribe of Riddle Island to prophesy the occurrence. Unexpectedly, the magician Loho still took away the mermaid princess's song and made the mermaid princess turn into a bubble, and the supers failed to stop the prophecy from happening. In the end, the super people do not give up on the super people to join forces to defeat the music huh, to save the mermaid princess has become a bubble, to save the underwater world. Happy Supermen League :Alien Trek (Season 17) The planetary robots are infected with a Trojan Horse program that begins to harm humans. Since this Trojan Horse program is so old that it can only be developed in the past, Happy Superman goes back to the past, the planet Aura, to look for the peace code that can remove the Trojan Horse program. Unexpectedly, Happy Superman returns to a time and space where the peace code has not yet been successfully developed, and at this time, human beings and robots are in the midst of a major outbreak of conflicts. Happy Superman solves the conflicts in Aura Star while investigating the truth to find the peace code, during this period he met Tian Le, Dafu, Shuai Ao, Ding Mo and Leng Yue and helped them solve one problem after another, and at the same time, he also found out the truth about the conflicts between the robots and human beings, at last, Tian Le and the five of them sacrificed their lives for thwarting An's conspiracy to guard the Aura Star, and Happy Superman took the problematic viral code back to the Star In the end, Mechanical Thinker found the real peace code in the player, completely eliminated the Trojan Horse virus and foiled An's plot once again, while An also suffered from mental illness because of the two failures and stayed in the hospital of the Starsphere. In the past, Little Rock left their genes in the robot through gene fusion technology and became the Five Supermen of the Starsphere. Happy Supermen League: Parallel Time Adventure (Season 18) At the request of Dr. Otaku, the Five Supermen and Galo go to save the planet in a parallel dimension ruled by the Black Fury. However, the Supermen are powerless against the powerful Darkseid. After learning that only the Axe can defeat the Black Sirens, the Supermen, Galo, and Dr. Otaku embark on an adventure to find the Axe. Happy Supermen League: City of Valor 1 - The Legend of the Chess Beasts (Season 19) Dr.Otaku's father, Dr.Otaku, disappeared while exploring the City of Courage, and the only set of fighting pieces left at the scene was broken up in the fight with the villains and transformed into eight chess beasts, which were scattered across the continents of the City of Courage. In order to know the secrets hidden in the chess pieces, so as to find the whereabouts of the house again Jia, the supers embarked on a journey to collect the chess pieces. As the supers investigate further, they realize that things are not as simple as they thought, and a bigger conspiracy is gradually surfacing. Happy Supermen League :City of Valor 2 - The Superman Project (Season 20) The evil villain wants to use the energy of the chess beast to create a large number of “duplicate superman” to disturb the whole universe. In order to stop this plan, the Supermen regroup, break through the obstacles set by the villain, solve the mystery step by step, and finally face the villain and his duplicate Supermen, a battle about the safety of the universe is about to start. ...... = "Funny Star Planet" It intercepts seasons one through nine of the main "Happy Baby" TV version for episodes of classic, hilarious shorts. "Happy Superman Alliance: Magic Laboratory" Dr. zhai leads the Supermen, led by Happy Superman, to find the missing vital parts and recreate them. In the process, the supers learn the science behind the workings of some of life's everyday things. "Happy Superman League Mystery City" A long time ago, the planet Adri discovered a special energy source that was so powerful that it was coveted by other planets in the universe, and several forces fought over it. In order to prevent bringing disaster to the planet Adelie, the god of war of Adelie built a deep-sea city in the planet called "Earth Star", buried the energy in it, and even divided the key to open the underwater city into five pieces and set up five major mysteries to stop the evil people. The story takes place when Galo and Beware of Superman, in pursuit of a stolen monster, are led to the "Earth Star" and are involved in a "mysterious lake monster incident". During this time, they meet Liza, a young girl who is searching for her missing friend Finch in Mystic Lake, and together they solve the mystery of the water monster. However, Garo realizes that all this is inextricably linked to the planet Adelie, and so Garo, Beware of Superman and Liza embark on a journey to investigate the five major mysteries. = = Prior to the start of the animated Happy Baby on television, an official "four-panel comic" of Happy Baby was released, with the same setting and characters as the anime, but with little to no relevance to the plot. The Happy Superman Movie Comic Strip was published by the People's Posts and Telecommunications Publishing House in June 2013, with a total of 128 pages printed on coated paper. The Happy Superman Movie Comic Strip is a movie comic strip designed with frame-grabbing stills from the Happy Superman movie. In addition to this, a considerable number of comics have been published in the Happy Baby series, all of which are based on the TV version of the film in scratch-framed stills. = The puppet show "Adventures in Music City" was performed on October 26 and 27, 2013 at Huanghuagang Theater in Guangzhou. This movie review provides a more comprehensive assessment of the animation Happy Baby. In terms of narrative structure, the animation's plot design is relatively unique, with the gradual unfolding of the main mission to investigate the truth about the ancient Spirit Star adding a certain appeal to the story. In terms of characterization and plot development, the animation also demonstrates a certain degree of depth, successfully creating a series of three-dimensional character images through delicate portrayals and plot arrangements, and making the story development more compact. However, it should be pointed out that the animation may be a bit abrupt or not smooth enough in the handling of certain plots, which to a certain extent affects the audience's viewing experience. In addition, for the characterization of some of the characters, there may still be some places that are worth digging deeper and showing. To summarize, the animation Happy Baby has certain merits in terms of plot design and characterization, but there are also some areas that need to be improved. For viewers who like animation, they can decide whether to watch this work according to their own interests.. China's domestic sci-fi animation classic IP “Happy Superman: Time and Space Rescue” is now playing in theaters nationwide. It has aired 19 seasons (more than 1,300 episodes) and 3 animated movies. Huang Weiming said that the emotional expression is more in-depth this time, using the father-son relationship as a point of emotional reflection. The movie advances the plot from the perspectives of Beware of Superman and Garo, blending science fiction and costume elements. Audiences can look forward to a more complete universe worldview and more excellent works. Meanwhile, director Li Weiwei believes that all these characters have their own unique personalities and flaws. Each character has its own story, which is part of the emotional core.. The animated movie Happy Superman, directed by Wong Wai Ming, tells the story of five little superheroes on a star ball defending their home. The film was released on June 14, 2013 on China Arts Network and Children's Channel. According to Huang Weiming, the key to defeating the powerful “Western Superman” and the Chinese Superman with his own characteristics is “sense of humor” and “life”. Huang Weiming believes that surpassing himself and realizing the surpassing of “Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf” is the biggest difficulty in the process of creation.
15th Open Russian Festival of Animated Film
2010-03-27 05:39:03+00:00
The 15th Open Russian Festival of Animated Film was held from Mar. 10-14 2010 in Suzdal, Russia. Animated works from the years 2009-2010 produced by citizens of Russia and Belarus were accepted, as well as works from 2008 that didn't make it into previous festivals. This year, film screenings were separated into the categories "in competition" and "informational". Animated commercial reels, music clips and television bumpers were automatically accepted into the competition, while student or amateur works could be accepted into the competition based on the decisions of the Selection and Organizing Committees. All films were shown in Betacam SP format (the standard format for festivals in Russia). The jury prizes were handed out by profession. Also, any member or guest of the festival was able to vote for their favorite films. Each member of the audience was asked to list their top 5 five films of the festival. 5 points were given for a 1st place vote and so on, down to 1 point for a 5th place vote.
List of animated television series of 2010
2012-10-21 12:14:56+00:00
This is a list of animated television series first aired in 2010.
2010 California Proposition 14
2010-04-11 00:11:21+00:00
Proposition 14 is a California ballot proposition that appeared on the ballot during the June 2010 state elections. It was a constitutional amendment that effectively transformed California's non-presidential elections from first-past-the-post to a nonpartisan blanket primary (similar to a two-round system). The proposition was legislatively referred to voters by the State Legislature and approved by 54% of the voters. It consolidated all primary elections for a particular office into an election with one ballot that would be identical to all voters, regardless of their party preferences. The two candidates with the most votes in the primary election would then be the only candidates who would run in the general election, regardless of their party affiliation. Proposition 14 was a proposal to amend Sections 5 and 6 of Article II of the California State Constitution relating to elections. It is officially known as the Top Two Primaries Act. It was authored by State Senator Abel Maldonado, who represented the 15th district, as Senate Constitutional Amendment 4 of the 2009–2010 Regular Session (Resolution Chapter 2, Statutes of 2009). It was based on a proposal drafted by the Independent Voter Project in 2008. It was passed in the State Senate by a vote of 27 to 12 and in the State Assembly by a vote of 54 to 20. The proposition was publicly backed by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, as part of a deal in which Maldonado agreed to support his proposed 2009–2010 state budget, and was opposed by political parties. The passage of Proposition 14 changed the way that elections are conducted for all statewide offices in California (including the governor and other executive positions, members of the State Legislature, and members of the State Board of Equalization), as well as for United States Senators and members of the United States House of Representatives. Proposition 14 does not affect the election of president and vice president of the United States, local offices, or non-partisan offices such as judges and the Superintendent of Public Instruction. Instead of allowing each political party to hold a primary election open to just its members (and independent voters, if the party chooses to do so) to determine its candidate for the general election, Proposition 14 proposed to create a single primary ballot that would be identical for all voters. All candidates running in the primary election, regardless of their political party preference (if any), would appear on that ballot. The two candidates with the most votes would then qualify for the general election, regardless of which party they identify with (if any). Proposition 14 specifically prohibits write-in candidates in the second round. The provisions of Proposition 14 do not apply to presidential primaries, leaving presidential primaries as semi-closed whereby voters can register with any party up to two weeks prior to election day, or at the polling place, to vote in the presidential primary of the party of their choice. As of the 2024 presidential primary, three political parties in California (the California Democratic Party, the California Libertarian Party, and the American Independent Party) allow voters who are not registered with any party to vote in their party's presidential primaries. However, the voters not registered with any party must specifically request a ballot for one of those parties in order to vote in those parties' presidential primaries. The constitutionality of the measure was challenged in Field et al. v. Bowen et al. The plaintiffs represented a broad spectrum of the body politic in California: Mona Field, a professor of political science at Glendale Community College and elected member of the board of trustees of the Los Angeles Community College District Richard Winger, a Libertarian who publishes Ballot Access News Stephan A. Chessin, a Democrat who is chair of Californians for Electoral Reform Jennifer Wozniak, an organizing and field service coordinator for the Laborers' International Union of North America, Local 777 Jeff Mackler, a 2006 write-in senatorial candidate for Socialist Action (U.S.) Rodney Martin. On September 19, 2011, an appellate court ruled that the "Top Two" system was constitutional. The case then returned to the Superior Court of San Francisco County. On August 1, 2012, Judge Curtis Karnow awarded $243,279 in legal fees not to the nominal defendants in the case, which were officials of the State of California represented by the Attorney General, but to independent attorneys supporting Prop 14. The original plaintiffs then asked for reconsideration of this award. On Friday afternoon, September 14, 2012, the date for the reconsideration hearing was advanced to September 17, before the same judge who had awarded the $243,279. Plaintiff Winger called the award and the acceleration of the reconsideration hearing "outrageous" and "punitive." Election-law expert Richard L. Hasen, although an opponent of the suit, agreed, writing that the award was "absolutely outrageous." This award has been called a SLAPP (strategic lawsuit against public participation) action, "intended to censor, intimidate, and silence critics by burdening them with the cost of a legal defense until they abandon their criticism or opposition." The Motion for Reconsideration was reassigned to Judge Harold E. Kahn, and continued to September 25, then October 3, then 22, and then 24, 2012. The case was reassigned to Judge Karnow who ruled against the motion for reconsideration in October 2012.
2010 California Proposition 16
2010-06-07 23:26:55+00:00
Proposition 16 in the California state elections, June 2010, was an initiative that would have amended the state constitution to require two-thirds supermajority voter approval before local governments could use public funds or issue bonds to establish or expand public electricity service or community choice aggregation. The proposition was rejected by an approximate 5 point margin. Supporters of the proposition dubbed it the "Taxpayers Right to Vote Act". Campaign materials, including statewide network television advertisements, cited a $2.5 billion cost for proposed new public electricity projects, and said that voters should have the final say on how public funds are spent. According to the campaign committee's official financial disclosures, the Pacific Gas and Electric Company contributed $44.1 million of the committee's $44.2 million total receipts. Opponents included municipal power agencies, which were prohibited by law from campaigning against it. Opponents cited a June 2008 study that found that customers of public electricity providers paid lower rates than customers of private utilities. The opposing campaign was outspent 500 to 1, and was conducted largely over the Internet and at local civic events. The election was marked by low overall voter turnout, with a stronger turnout from Republican voters, due to several high-profile Republican primary contests on the same ballot, and few Democratic primary contests. The California Republican Party endorsed Proposition 16, while the California Democratic Party, Green Party of California, and Peace and Freedom Party opposed it, and the Libertarian Party of California took no position. After the election, a wider, 16 point margin of defeat was noted in the northern and central California counties served by Pacific Gas & Electric, while other counties supported the proposition.
2010 California Proposition 19
2010-03-31 16:39:12+00:00
California Proposition 19 (also known as the Regulate, Control & Tax Cannabis Act) was a ballot initiative on the November 2, 2010, statewide ballot. It was defeated, with 53.5% of California voters voting "No" and 46.5% voting "Yes." If passed, it would have legalized various marijuana-related activities, allowed local governments to regulate these activities, permitted local governments to impose and collect marijuana-related fees and taxes, and authorized various criminal and civil penalties. In March 2010, it qualified to be on the November statewide ballot. The proposition required a simple majority in order to pass, and would have taken effect the day after the election. Yes on 19 was the official advocacy group for the initiative and California Public Safety Institute: No On Proposition 19 was the official opposition group. A similar initiative, "The Tax, Regulate, and Control Cannabis Act of 2010" (California Cannabis Initiative, CCI) was filed first and received by the Attorney General's Office July 15, 2010, assigned 09-0022 that would have legalized cannabis for adults 21 and older and included provisions to decriminalize industrial hemp, retroactive expunging of criminal records and release of non violent cannabis prisoners. It did not make it onto the ballot. Supporters of Proposition 19 argued that it would help with California's budget shortfall, would cut off a source of funding to violent drug cartels, and would redirect law enforcement resources to more dangerous crimes, while opponents claimed that it contains gaps and flaws that may have serious unintended consequences on public safety, workplaces, and federal funding. Even if the proposition had passed, the sale of cannabis would have remained illegal under federal law via the Controlled Substances Act. Proposition 19 was followed up by the Adult Use of Marijuana Act in 2016, which successfully passed a ballot initiative with 57% of the vote. According to the State of California's Legislative Analyst's Office, the law would have had the following effects. = Except as permitted under Proposition 215 and SB 420 laws, persons age 21 and older may: possess up to 28.5 grams (1 oz) of cannabis for personal consumption. use cannabis in: a non-public place such as a residence a public establishment licensed for on site cannabis consumption. grow cannabis at a private residence in a space of up to 25 square feet (2.3 m2) for personal use. = Local governments may: Authorize the retail sale of up to 28.5 grams of cannabis per transaction to persons 21 and older. Regulate the location, size, hours of operation, and signs and displays of the establishments authorized to make these sales. Authorize larger amounts of cannabis for: personal possession and cultivation, or commercial cultivation, transportation, and sale. = Allows for the transportation of cannabis from a licensed premises in one city or county to a licensed premises in another city or county, without regard to local laws of intermediate localities to the contrary. Allows the collection of taxes to allow local governments to raise revenue or to offset any costs associated with cannabis regulation. = Maintains existing laws against selling drugs to a minor and driving under the influence. Maintains an employer's right to address consumption of cannabis that affects an employee's job performance. Maintains existing laws against interstate or international transportation of cannabis. Every person 18 years of age or older who hires, employs, or uses a minor in transporting, carrying, selling, giving away cannabis, or knowingly sells or gives away cannabis to someone under the age of 14, shall be imprisoned in state prison for a period of three, five, or seven years. Every person 18 years of age or older who knowingly sells or gives away cannabis to someone older than the age of 14 but younger than 18, shall be imprisoned in the state prison for a period of three, four, or five years. Every person 21 years of age or older who knowingly sells or gives away cannabis to someone older than the age of 18 but younger than 21, shall be imprisoned in county jail for up to six months and fined up to $1,000 per offense. Any person who is licensed, permitted, or authorized to sell cannabis, who knowingly sells or gives away cannabis to someone under the age of 21, will be banned from owning, operating, or being employed by a licensed cannabis establishment for one year. The State Board of Equalization estimated that imposing a $50 per ounce levy on cannabis sales could generate $1.4 billion a year in new tax revenue, thus generating a large amount of revenue at a time when the state was experiencing financial pressure. This estimate came from the BOE's 2009 analysis of California Assembly Bill 390 based on a 2006 report entitled "Marijuana Production in the United States." These statistics were based on production estimates derived from marijuana eradication efforts from 2003 to 2005. According to the States Legislative Analyst's office, passage of the proposition could have a significant fiscal impact, including: Significant savings to state and local governments; potentially up to several tens of millions of dollars annually due to reduction of individuals incarcerated, on probation, or on parole. Freeing up cells used to house marijuana offenders, which could be then used for other criminals, many of whom obtained early release because of a lack of jail space. Major reduction in state and local costs for enforcement of marijuana-related offenses and the handling of related criminal cases in the court system, providing the opportunity for funds to be used to enforce other existing criminal laws. Potential increase in the costs of substance abuse programs due to a projected increase in marijuana usage, possibly resulting in reduced spending on mandatory treatment for some criminal offenders, or in the redirection of these funds for other offenders. Potential reduction in both the costs and offsetting revenues of the state's medical marijuana program, as some adults over 21 would be less likely to participate in existing programs if obtaining marijuana were made less difficult. Providing the opportunity for significant additional tax revenue stream from businesses engaged in marijuana-related commerce. Reduction in fine collection under state law but a potential increase in local civil fines authorized by existing local laws (the cumulative effect on fines was indicated to be largely unknown). In regard to potential savings from the reduction of incarcerated individuals, according to the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitations, 1,639 state prison inmates were in prison for marijuana-related crimes at a cost of $85 million per year. = Several arguments were used in support of passing Proposition 19. Supporters argued that legalizing marijuana in California would help alleviate the drug war in Mexico. Based on the theory espoused by the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy that up to 60% of Mexican drug cartels’ profits come from sales of marijuana, legalizing the drug in nearby California would drastically cut their funding. As a result, supporters of this argument believed that legalization would lead to a decrease in drug-related violent crime in Mexico. Also cited were expected financial benefits of passing the measure. Economists lauded an analysis by Jeffrey Miron predicting $7.7 billion in projected savings on law enforcement expenses related to marijuana offenses, as well as expected revenues of up to $6.2 billion annually in taxes. These revenues were calculated based on marijuana sales taxes structured similarly to alcohol and cigarettes. In 2008, California police made 78,500 arrests related to marijuana. Some civil rights groups lauded Proposition 19 as a way to reduce the disproportionate number of arrests of African-Americans and Latinos in California, many of which were related to marijuana possession. A study released by the New York-based Drug Policy Alliance found that despite having lower marijuana consumption rates than young whites, young Latinos and African Americans were arrested for marijuana possession at much higher rates than whites in the 25 largest California counties. Supporters also argued that passing the measure would result in additional benefits including tourism and spinoff industries such as cafes and paraphernalia. Based on California's wine industry, proponents of this theory anticipated that legalizing marijuana in the state could generate up to $18 billion, including the creation of 60,000-110,000 jobs. Some argued that legalization of marijuana could reduce drug-related violence, based on a study conducted by the International Centre for Science in Drug Policy. This study found that drug law enforcement contributes to increased levels of drug-related violence and suggests that "alternative models for drug control" may be necessary. = Opponents of Prop 19 argued that legalizing marijuana in California using the current proposition would have numerous negative consequences. They cited current Federal laws banning the cultivation, sale, and use of the drug, and claimed that it would create complications with drug trafficking and arrests as well as challenge Federal authority. Opponents also argued that Proposition 19 would complicate regulation across the state by allowing local jurisdictions the power to determine their own laws regarding cultivation and possession. Opponents claimed that this increased government activity would absorb much of the projected tax revenue. Opponents of the measure also argued that it posed a public safety risk, based on research showing an association between marijuana use and voluntary treatment admissions for addiction, fatal drugged driving accidents, mental illness, and emergency room visits. Opponents also compared Prop 19 to current alcohol and tobacco regulation, arguing that the associated potential healthcare and criminal justice costs outweigh the tax revenue generated. In response to supporters' claims regarding Prop 19's tax revenue generation, opponents claim the potential benefit is vastly overstated. Opponents also criticized the measure for failing to include specific accompanying tax proposals. Opponents also rejected the argument that revenue increases from the measure would improve the state budgetary deficit, dismissing it as a short-term fix. Since California decriminalized the possession of small amounts of marijuana (under one ounce) in 1976, opponents reject the idea that legalization would free law enforcement to pursue violent crime in lieu of marijuana-related crime. A RAND Corporation study found that passage of the measure would likely do little to curtail the drug trade and cartel violence stemming from Latin America. Opponents also argued that passage would reflect softening attitudes in America toward drug consumption. Supporters of medicinal marijuana use expressed concern that Prop 19 could burden growers with increased regulations. Also cited were potential confusion caused by double selling rules and a potential threat to existing protections for medical marijuana users. The first cannabis prohibition laws in California were passed in 1913. In the 1972 California November elections, a similar initiative to Proposition 19 which would have legalized cannabis was on the ballot, coincidentally also named Proposition 19. It failed to pass, with 66.5% voters voting "No" and 33.5% voting "Yes." In 1976 the passage of the Moscone Act changed small-scale possession of marijuana from a felony to a misdemeanor. Two decades later in 1996, Proposition 215, which legalized medical marijuana, passed with 56% of the vote. In 2003 the California Senate Bill SB 420 clarified some of Proposition 215 to address critics and issues that arose since it was passed. In 2005, Oakland’s Measure Z, one of the first marijuana taxes, made marijuana possession one of the lowest law enforcement priorities. It was passed by 65% of the voters. In July 2010, Oakland approved a cultivation ordinance. Proposition 19's originator is Richard Lee, a marijuana legalization activist and medical marijuana provider based in Oakland. Lee named political consultant Chris Lehane as the head of the campaign to pass the measure. In order to qualify for the ballot, the initiative needed 433,971 valid petition signatures. The initiative proponents submitted 694,248 signatures, and it qualified through the random sample signature check. In response to growing demand for a vote on the legal status of marijuana, California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger said in May 2009, "I think it's time for a debate. And I think that we ought to study very carefully what other countries are doing that have legalized marijuana and other drugs, what effect it had on those countries, and are they happy with that decision." However, in his signing statement for California SB 1449, which decriminalized possession of less than an ounce of marijuana from a misdemeanor to an infraction, Schwarzenegger said he opposed Proposition 19, calling it "deeply flawed" and claiming that its potential for generating tax revenue has been overstated. = = Color indicates the simple majority in a poll. = Analysis of different polling techniques showed significant differentials in support for Proposition 19. Polls conducted by a live interviewer showed substantially less support for Proposition 19 than automated polls. It was suggested that there was a "social desirability bias" causing people to deny their support for Proposition 19 to live interviewers. Another discrepancy was noted in the Action News/SurveyUSA poll taken in late October. Those interviewed via landlines opposed the initiative 53% to 43%, while those on cell phones supported it 54% to 29%. =
2010 California Proposition 20
2010-10-11 03:35:22+00:00
A California Congressional Redistricting Initiative, Proposition 20 was on the November 2, 2010 ballot in California. It was approved by 61.2% of voters. Election officials announced on May 5 that the proposition had collected sufficient signatures to qualify for the ballot. The measure is known by its supporters as the VOTERS FIRST Act for Congress. The Congressional Redistricting Initiative: Added the task of re-drawing congressional district boundaries to the California Citizens Redistricting Commission (CCRC) created by Proposition 11. Defined a "community of interest" as "a contiguous population which shares common social and economic interests that should be included within a single district for purposes of its effective and fair representation. Examples of such shared interests are those common to an urban area, an industrial area, or an agricultural area, and those common to areas in which the people share similar living standards, use the same transportation facilities, have similar work opportunities, or have access to the same media of communication relevant to the election process." Ballot language was filed by Charles Munger, Jr., who was also Proposition 20's largest financial supporter. Munger, the son of billionaire Charlie Munger, was a supporter of Proposition 11 in 2008, which created a new way for political districts to be drawn for California's state legislators and its state Board of Equalization. A competing initiative that also qualified for the November 2 ballot, California Proposition 27 (2010), sought to repeal Proposition 11. Proposition 20 and Proposition 27 each had a so-called "poison pill" provision. This means that if they both received a majority vote, the proposition that received the highest majority vote is the law that would go into effect. Since Proposition 20 passed but Proposition 27 did not, neither provision was triggered. Ballot title Text of Proposition 20, the "Voters FIRST Act for Congress" Official summary Removes elected representatives from the process of establishing congressional districts and transfers that authority to recently authorized 14-member redistricting commission comprised of Democrats, Republicans, and representatives of neither party. Summary of estimated fiscal impact No significant net change in state redistricting costs. If this initiative had not succeeded, the next Governor of California and members of the California State Legislature would have chosen how to draw lines for the 53 U.S. Congressional districts California was determined to be entitled to after the 2010 census. From 2000 to 2010, the population in California underwent a major shift eastward, with people moving to California's inland areas from its coastal enclaves. This meant that California's congressional district boundaries would certainly undergo major upheaval after the 2010 census. As one example, the San Francisco Bay Area had grown less than 1% since the last redistricting, while the Central Valley area had grown by 21%. Los Angeles County had grown 5%, while San Diego, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino and Imperial Counties had grown by 17%. Another notable factor is that California's population hadn't grown much relative to the population of the rest of the United States, There were fears at the time that California might even have proportionally shrunk and that it could lose one or two seats in Congress. In the end, California's representation in Congress remained the same, which was the first time the state had not increased its congressional representation since the reapportionment following the 1920 census. Proposition 20 amended three sections of Article XXI of the California Constitution. The three sections are: Section 1 of Article XXI Section 2 of Article XXI Section 3 of Article XXI = Charles Munger launched the campaign to qualify the Congressional Redistricting Initiative for the 2010 ballot. Munger was also a key supporter of 2008's Proposition 11, having given about $2 million to that effort. The New York Times characterized Proposition 20's supporters as "an unlikely collection of election-reform groups, civil rights nonprofits and former officials from both major parties who say that the current system of redistricting has left politicians unaccountable." Supporters of Proposition 20 included: California Chamber of Commerce California State Conference of the NAACP AARP California Common Cause IndependentVoice.Org Bay Area Council Arnold Schwarzenegger and Gray Davis A full list of the supporters of Proposition 20 is available from the "Yes on Proposition 20" website. = Arguments were submitted to the official California Voter Guide on behalf of a "yes" vote on Proposition 20, as were rebuttals to the arguments provided by Prop 20 opponents. The signers of these arguments were: David Pacheco, the California President of AARP Kathay Feng, the executive director of California Common Cause John Kabateck, the executive director of the California chapter of the National Federal of Independent Business Alice Huffman, President, the California chapter of the NAACP Julian Canete, the executive director of the California Hispanic Chambers of Commerce Richard Rider, chairman of the San Diego Tax Fighters The arguments made on behalf of Proposition 20 focus on these themes: Proposition 20 will create fair U.S. congressional districts, which will in turn make California's representatives to the U.S. Congress more accountable and responsive, as well as making it easier to vote them out of office. Proposition 20 ends the current system of members of the California State Legislature being in a position to draw the U.S. Congressional district boundaries "for their friends in Congress—districts that virtually guarantee Members of Congress get reelected even when they don’t listen to voters." Also, "Right now, legislators and their paid consultants draw districts behind closed doors to guarantee their friends in Congress are reelected. Sacramento politicians pick the voters for their friends in Congress, rather than voters choosing who will represent them." Proposition 20 is a simple and intuitive extension of a ballot initiative that California voters already approved, California Proposition 11 (2008). Under the current system, politicians have used their redistricting powers to bring about unfair results, and Proposition 20 will put an end to that. For example, "In the last redistricting, Latino leaders sued after a California Congressman had 170,000 Latinos carved out of his district just to ensure he’d get reelected. Now he’s leading the charge against 20!" Opposition to Proposition 20 was primarily driven by the supporters of Proposition 27. = Two campaign committees officially registered in opposition to Proposition 20. They are: The "No on 20" campaign committee. The "California Coalition for Leadership and Accountability in Budget and Redistricting, Yes on 25 & 27, No on 20" campaign committee. Through September 22, neither of the committees specifically aimed at Proposition 20 had received any contributions to speak of. However, due to the fact that California Proposition 27 contains "poison pill" language with respect to Proposition 20, any money spent to promote a "yes" vote on Proposition 27 amounts to money spent to hurt Proposition 20, and vice versa. That main campaign committee endorsing a "yes" vote on California Proposition 27 raised millions of dollars, including a substantial amount of money from 17 members of California's delegation to the U.S. Congress as well as members of the California State Legislature such as State Rep. Charles Calderon, a $100,000 donor to the "Yes on 27" campaign. = Arguments were submitted to the official California Voter Guide urging a "no" vote on Proposition 20, as were rebuttals to the arguments provided by Prop 20 supporters. The signers of these arguments were: Daniel H. Lowenstein, a professor at UCLA and a former chairman of the California Fair Political Practices Commission. Mark Murray, the executive director of "Californians Against Waste" Hank Lacayo, president of the "Congress of California Seniors" Aubry L. Stone, president of the California Black Chamber of Commerce Carl Pope, chairman of the Sierra Club The themes of the main arguments they made against Proposition 20 (and in favor of Proposition 27) are: Proposition 20 will be "a waste of taxpayer dollars". Proposition 20 is said by its opponents to turn back the clock on redistricting law. Proposition 20 mandates that all districts (including Assembly, Senate, and Congress) must be segregated by income level and mandates that all districts be segregated according to 'similar living standards' and that districts include only people 'with similar work opportunities.'" = Newspapers that editorialized in favor of Proposition 20 include: Contra Costa Times: Lompoc Record: The Long Beach Press-Telegram: Los Angeles Daily News: The Los Angeles Times: North County Times: The Orange County Register: Riverside Press Enterprise: San Bernardino Sun: San Diego Union-Tribune: Santa Rosa Press Democrat: Santa Cruz Sentinel: San Gabriel Valley Tribune: Ventura County Star: = Sacramento Bee: 694,354 signatures were required to qualify the initiative for the ballot. Supporters turned in 1,180,623 signature in mid-March 2010, and election officials announced on May 5, 2010 that after an inspection process, the signatures met or exceeded the minimum threshold for ballot qualification. The petition drive management company hired to collect the signatures was National Petition Management. NPM was paid $1,937,380 (through May 6) for their signature-gathering services. = Text of proposed law Ballot title, summary, and analysis Arguments and Rebuttals, submitted for the California Voter Guide League of Women Voters overview of Proposition 20 California Voter Foundation guide to Proposition 20 Institute of Governmental Studies overview of Proposition 20 = "Yes on Proposition 20" Campaign finance reports of VOTERS FIRST "Yes on Proposition 20" on Facebook Yes on 20, No on 27 on Twitter "Yes on Proposition 20" channel on YouTube = Yes on 27, No on 20 Campaign finance reports for the "No on 20" campaign committee Campaign finance reports for the "California Coalition for Leadership and Accountability in Budget and Redistricting, Yes on 25 & 27, No on 20 Props. 20, 27 pit politicians against voters Voters face two competing redistricting propositions On Redistricting Reform: The Status Quo Strikes Back Conflicting redistricting measures
2010 California Proposition 23
2010-07-23 14:49:42+00:00
Proposition 23 was a California ballot proposition that was on the November 2, 2010 California statewide ballot. It was defeated by California voters during the statewide election by a 23% margin. If passed, it would have suspended AB 32, a law enacted in 2006, legally referred to its long name, the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006. Sponsors of the initiative referred to their measure as the California Jobs Initiative while opponents called it the Dirty Energy Prop. The goal of the proposition was to freeze the provisions of AB 32 until California's unemployment rate dropped to 5.5% or below for four consecutive quarters. Since the rate was then at 12.4%, and it had been decades since the state had seen an unemployment rate below 5.5% for such a period of time, this wording was seen by former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and others as a wording trick to delay the environmental regulations indefinitely. AB 32 requires that greenhouse emission levels in the state be cut to 1990 levels by 2020, in a gradual process of cutting that is slated to begin in 2012. Reducing greenhouse emission levels to 1990 levels will involve cutting them by about 15% from 2010 levels. AB 32 includes a provision allowing the Governor of California to suspend the provisions of AB 32 if there are "extraordinary circumstances" in place, such as "significant economic harm". The supporters of Prop 23, Assemblyman Dan Logue and Ted Costa, decided to circulate a petition to accomplish a suspension of the environmental regulations. Governor Schwarzenegger, as well as the major party candidates for Governor, Jerry Brown, and Meg Whitman, all stated they would vote "no" on Prop 23. Brown however favored "adjustments" to AB 32, while Whitman would have immediately suspended the law. Louise Bedsworth, a research fellow at the Public Policy Institute of California, predicted in April 2010 that total campaign spending on this proposition would top the $154 million record set in 2006 by Proposition 87. If campaign spending on the proposition does reach that level, it could be because supporters and opponents view the battle over the suspension of AB 32 as symbolic in the larger national debate over global warming. Steven Maviglio, speaking for a group that wants to keep AB 32 intact, said, "...this could be a ground zero for the battle for the future of clean energy". Ballot 09-0094 was cleared for circulation on February 3, 2010. Ballots 09-0104 and 09-0105 were cleared for circulation on February 7. The ballot title given to all three measures is identical. The estimated fiscal impact for all three measures is identical. The summary is slightly different. 09-0094 and 09-0104 both set 5.5% as the level of unemployment beneath which California's unemployment level must drop for four quarters before AB 32 could be re-instated, while 09-0105 sets 4.8% as that unemployment level. The original ballot label (09-0094) was "Suspends air pollution control laws requiring major polluters to report and reduce greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming, until unemployment rate drops to 5.5 percent or less for full year". After a California Appeals Judge ruling on August 3, 2010: the Official Ballot Label became "Suspends implementation of air pollution control law (AB 32) requiring major sources of emissions to report and reduce greenhouse emissions that cause global warming, until unemployment drops to 5.5 percent or less for full year." The Official summary: "Suspends State law that requires greenhouse gas emissions be reduced to 1990 levels by 2020, until California’s unemployment drops to 5.5 percent or less for four consecutive quarters. Suspends comprehensive greenhouse-gas-reduction program that includes increased renewable energy and cleaner fuel requirements, and mandatory emissions reporting and fee requirements for major emissions sources such as power plants and oil refineries." The Estimated fiscal impact was: The suspension of AB 32 could result in a modest net increase in overall economic activity in the state. In this event, there would be an unknown but potentially significant net increase in state and local government revenues. Potential loss of a new source of state revenues from the auctioning of emission allowances by state government to certain businesses that would pay for these allowances, by suspending the future implementation of cap-and-trade regulations. Lower energy costs for state and local governments than otherwise. While Proposition 23 was put forward by a group of individuals, it immediately drew the support of large corporations and eventually became identified with out-of-state oil interests. Assemblyman Dan Logue, who was a key sponsor, said of the proposed initiative: "This has been the blind leading the blind, political correctness that has collapsed the economy in California. California already has the fifth-cleanest air in the country, so why are we doing this when no one else is?" = Assemblyman Dan Logue was a key sponsor. Logue said of the proposed initiative, "This has been the blind leading the blind, political correctness that has collapsed the economy in California. California already has the fifth-cleanest air in the country, so why are we doing this when no one else is?" U.S. Congressman Tom McClintock Former Gubernatorial candidate Steve Poizner Jim Kellogg, Secretary and Treasurer of the State Building & Construction Trades Council. He said, "I don't doubt that there will be more green jobs in California, perhaps even thousands of them; however, we don't want to put at risk the millions of well-paying, blue-collar jobs that put bread on the table right now. We need to make sure we do our homework, ask the tough questions and make adjustments as necessary to implement AB 32 in a way that reduces greenhouse gases without hurting millions of families in this state". = Valero, employer of 1,600 employees and operator of two oil refineries in California, headquartered in San Antonio, Texas Tesoro, headquartered in San Antonio, Texas Koch Industries, the largest private U.S. chemical company with more than 1,000 employees in California, and considerable holdings in oil, headquartered in Wichita, Kansas. = California Republican Party California Libertarian Party = Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association = California Manufacturers & Technology Association, a spokesperson said that if AB 32 is implemented as planned, it would be the "death knell for scores of manufacturing jobs". = Ted Costa of People's Advocate, an initial sponsor, withdrew his active support in March 2010, saying, "Big money interests have come in and shut out the people", referring to his grassroots signature gathering operation. Assemblyman Dan Logue pointed out that People's Advocate was never hired to gather signatures and that Costa is just upset that he didn't get the contract. = The Sacramento Bee reported on March 4 that two Texas-based oil companies, Valero Energy Corporation and Tesoro Corporation, provided the campaign with initial funding to launch its petition drive to qualify for the November 2 ballot. According to Cal-Access figures, as of October 19, donations totalling $9.1 million had been made to the "California Jobs Initiative Committee": According to the LA Times, the Adam Smith Foundation is a non-profit based in Jefferson city, Missouri. Its mission statement says, "The Adam Smith Foundation was created to defend judicial reform, government accountability, education reform, tax and spending reform and protecting private property". = Goddard Clausen Strategic Advocacy has been retained as a campaign consultant. Spokesman Jennifer Dudikoff of Goddard Clausen said in early March, "Right now, we're not commenting on funders. We expect support from a very broad group of individuals, companies and associations who are currently concerned with keeping and creating jobs in California". A group called "Californians for Clean Energy and Jobs" had formed to oppose the measure. It was part of the coalition of politicians, consumer organizations, health professionals, environmental organizations, and health advocates. George Shultz, who had served as secretary of state during the Reagan administration, was the honorary co-chairman of the group. He said in early May, "While some companies in California have said they’re worried about the cost of the planned greenhouse gas limits, the new regulations will boost the state’s economy by creating 'clean-tech jobs'". Governor Schwarzenegger criticized the proposition's proponents saying that their interest was to "protect their profits", rather than to protect jobs for Californians as claimed. = Politicians Barbara Boxer, California Jerry Brown, Democratic candidate for governor Dianne Feinstein, California Meg Whitman, Republican candidate for governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is staunchly opposed to the proposition. Schwarzenegger says that AB 32 will create green jobs in the state. Consumer organizations AARP Consumer Action Consumers Union Consumer Federation of California Environmental organizations Clean Water Action Friends of the Earth League of Conservation Voters National Audubon Society National Wildlife Federation, based in Reston, Virginia Natural Resources Defense Council, based in New York City The Nature Conservancy Sierra Club Health organizations American Lung Association, California American Medical Association, Los Angeles, Riverside Blue Shield of California Large corporations eBay Nike TechNet - includes Apple, Google, and Yahoo Virgin America Warner Brothers Political organizations League of Women Voters, California, Los Angeles Public utilities Pacific Gas & Electric Scientific organizations Union of Concerned Scientists Trade and labor organizations California Conference of Carpenters California Labor Federation California Nurses Association Public Health Institute California Professional Firefighters California Teachers Association California Statewide Law Enforcement Association California Teamsters United Steelworkers Western States Council of Sheet Metal Workers = The No On 23 - Californians To Stop The Dirty Energy Proposition Committee has received $31,504,863. Donors of at least $1,000,000: = On October 28 at 3pm PST, James Cameron and California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger unveiled a viral political commercial during a live webcast titled A Message from James Cameron: Vote NO on 23. The commercial was a collaborative effort between Cameron and Schwarzenegger and was directed by Australian director A.J. Carter. The viral spot which runs for 1 minute 10 seconds, motioned for a 'No on 23' vote and received more than 50,000 web hits on YouTube alone in the 72 hours leading up to the ballot deadline. = The Courage Campaign and CREDO Action had called for a boycott of Valero and Beacon gas stations in order to punish Valero for providing financial sponsorship of the initiative. Michael Kieschnick, the president of CREDO Action, said, "What is particularly troubling is that anyone who buys gasoline from Valero is now helping to fund audacious attacks on California's air quality standards. Valero believes it will be cheaper to deceive California voters than to compete in the new energy economy". The communications director of the campaign, Anita Mangels responded, "We are not about stopping carbon reduction... We are about doing it in a responsible manner that won't destroy jobs and cost billions of dollars at the worst possible time". Prop 23 is a factor in California's 2010 gubernatorial election. This is because the next Governor of California, by the terms of AB 32, has the power to suspend AB 32 regardless of whether the initiative passes. Meg Whitman has said she will vote "No" on Prop 23 but may suspend AB 32 for a year to prevent job losses Jerry Brown has also said he will vote "No" on Prop 23. He says he would support "adjusting" some features of AB 32 since neighboring states lack strict global warming regulations and regionally AB 32 sets up California at a competitive disadvantage. He generally supports AB 32 and would not suspend it. Polls leading to the ballot initiative revealed that voters who had awareness of Proposition 23 were almost evenly split with 44 percent favoring it, while 45 percent were against it. This was attributed to economic recession happening during the period. There are 433,971 valid signatures required to qualify the measure for the November 2, 2010 ballot. The petition drive to qualify the measure for the ballot was launched the first week of March. Organizers turned in their qualifying signatures on Monday, May 3. In e-mails to the press on May 3, the campaign said that it had turned in over 800,000 signatures. On November 25, 2009, the group People's Advocate filed a request with the Office of the California Attorney General for an official ballot title on 09-0094. An official summary was accordingly provided on February 3, 2010. To qualify 09-0094 for the November 2, 2010 ballot, supporters had to provide qualifying signatures to California's 58 county election clerks no later than July 5. On December 22, requests for ballot titles were filed on 09-0104 and 09-0105. These ballot titles were provided on February 7, with petition deadlines of July 19. On July 29 the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association sued Attorney General Jerry Brown claiming that the ballot description was deceptive. Judge Timothy Frawley agreed that the wording was misleading and ordered Brown to change the wording. Pavley predicts ballot measure will aim to overturn global warming law Update on initiative to suspend California's global warming bill On Climate: Congress Restarts, California Threatens Where We Live: The Changing Face of Climate Activism
Onlywomen Press
2013-12-20 10:23:43+00:00
Onlywomen Press (briefly known as The Women's Press) was a feminist press based in London. It was the only feminist press to be founded by out lesbians, Lilian Mohin, Sheila Shulman, and Deborah Hart. It commenced publishing in 1974 and was one of five notably active feminist publishers in the 1990s. Onlywomen was unique from other British feminist presses because it both printed and published material. This allowed them to control all parts of the "chain of cultural production" and to "subsidize publishing activity" by printing books. Between 1986 and 1988 it published the journal Gossip: A Journal of Lesbian Feminist Ethics. Writers published in the press often read their work at Gay's the Word bookshop. A number of noted lesbian writers published by Onlywomen Press include Anna Livia, Margaret Sloan-Hunter, Jay Taverner, Celia Kitzinger and Sue Wilkinson, Sylvia Martin and Sheila Jeffreys. Its last book, a children's book, was published in 2010. = Livia, Anna (1988). Bulldozer Rising. Onlywomen Press. ISBN 9780906500279. Forbes, Caroline (1985). The Needle on Full: Lesbian Feminist Science Fiction. Onlywomen Press. ISBN 978-0906500194. Klepfisz, Irena (1985). Different Enclosures: The Poetry and Prose of Irena Klepfisz. Onlywomen Press. ISBN 9780906500170. Livia, Anna (1986). Incidents Involving Warmth: A Collection of Lesbian Feminist Love Stories. Dorcey, Mary (1989). A Noise from the Woodshed. ISBN 9780906500309. Livia, Anna; Mohin, Lilian (1989). The Pied Piper: Lesbian Feminist Fiction. Onlywomen. ISBN 9780906500293. Duncker, Patricia, ed. (1990). In and Out of Time: Lesbian Feminist Fiction. Onlywomen Press. ISBN 9780906500378. Natzler, Caroline (1990). Water Wings. Onlywomen Press. ISBN 9780906500385. Edwards, Nicky (1990). Stealing Time. Onlywomen. ISBN 9780906500316. Arrowsmith, Pat (1998). Many Are Called. Onlywomen. ISBN 978-0906500590. Dykewomon, Elana (2000). Beyond the Pale: A Novel. Onlywomen. ISBN 9780906500637. Poetry Mohin, Lilian, ed. (1979). One Foot on the Mountain: An Anthology of British Feminist Poetry, 1969-1979. Onlywomen Press Limited. ISBN 978-0906500019. Carthew, Natasha (1999) Flash Reckless ISBN 9780906500705. Dorcey, Mary (1982). Kindling. Onlywomen Press. ISBN 9780906500095. 978-0906500705 Grahn, Judy (1985). The Work of a Common Woman. Only women. ISBN 9780906500200. Mohin, Lilian (1987). Beautiful Barbarians: Lesbian Feminist Poetry. Onlywomen. ISBN 9780906500231. Namjoshi, Suniti (1989). Because of India: Selected Poems and Fables. Onlywomen Press. ISBN 9780906500330. Hacker, Marilyn (1990). The Hang-glider's Daughter: New and Selected Poems. Onlywomen Press. ISBN 9780906500361. Foley, Kate (1994). Soft Engineering. Onlywomen Press. ISBN 9780906500514. Kendall, Tina (1995). Lightning On My Tongue. Onlywomen Press. ISBN 978-0906500507. Dykewomon, Elana (1995). Nothing will be as sweet as the taste. Onlywomen Press. ISBN 0906500575. Mohin, Lilian, ed. (1999). Not for the Academy: Lesbian Poets. Onlywomen Press. ISBN 9780906500606. = Rhodes, Dusty; McNeill, Sandra, eds. (1985). Women Against Violence Against Women. Onlywomen Press. ISBN 0906500168. Lucia Hoagland, Sarah; Penelope, Julia, eds. (1988). For Lesbians Only: A Separatist Anthology. Onlywomen. ISBN 9780906500286. Jay, Karla; Glasgow, Joanne, eds. (1992). Lesbian Texts and Contexts: Radical Revisions. Kitzinger, Celia; Perkins, Rachel (1993). Changing Our Minds: Lesbian Feminism and Psychology. NYU Press. ISBN 9780814746455. Raitt, Suzanne, ed. (1995). Volcanoes and Pearl Divers: Essays in Lesbian Feminist Studies. Onlywomen Press. ISBN 0906500486. Menasche, Ann (1997). Leaving the Life: Lesbians, Ex-Lesbians and the Heterosexual Imperative. Onlywomen. ISBN 978-0906500538. Martin, Sylvia (2001). Passionate Friends: Mary Fullerton, Mabel Singleton & Miles Franklin. Onlywomen Press. ISBN 9780906500644. Papers Rich, Adrienne (1981). Compulsory heterosexuality and lesbian existence. ISBN 0906500079. Leeds Revolutionary Feminist Group (1981). Love Your Enemy?: The Debate Between Heterosexual Feminism and Political Lesbianism. Onlywomen Press. ISBN 0906500087.
16 Wishes
2010-02-18 17:52:26+00:00
16 Wishes is a 2010 teen fantasy-comedy television film directed by Peter DeLuise and written by Annie DeYoung, starring Debby Ryan and Jean-Luc Bilodeau. It premiered on June 25, 2010, on Disney Channel in the United States and on July 16, 2010, on Family Channel in Canada. The film was the most watched cable program on the day of its premiere on Disney Channel. In addition, 16 Wishes introduced Ryan to new audiences, such as the contemporary adult audiences since the movie received high viewership in the adults demographic (18–34). The film was the second most watched program on cable during the week of its premiere. It was the second film to be released on Disney Channel in 2010 that was not promoted as a "Disney Channel Original Movie" (after Harriet the Spy: Blog Wars) and is a co-production between Disney Channel, Family Channel, Unity Pictures of Vancouver and MarVista Entertainment in Los Angeles. In other countries, it was advertised as a Disney Channel Original Movie. It was planned to have its UK premiere on November 19, 2010, on Disney Channel UK, but was replaced with Starstruck, which had already been shown in May; it was later shown in December 2010 in the UK. Abby Jensen has been planning her sweet sixteen since she was a little girl, and keeps a list of wishes that she wants to come true. When her sixteenth birthday finally arrives, she adds her crush Logan as her sixteenth and final wish to the list. Throughout the day, Abby is consistently visited by a peculiar woman named Celeste, who first appears as an exterminator when the Jensens' house is swarmed by a wasps’ nest that had been building up for 16 years. Celeste saves Abby's list, but the family is unable to return inside until the wasps are exterminated. Abby meets her best friend, Jay Kepler at the bus stop where he gives her a necklace for a birthday gift. Celeste returns, dressed as a mailwoman, and gives Abby 16 candles and a matchbox. Abby lights the first candle and her first wish, meeting celebrity Joey Lockhart, is fulfilled. Realizing that the numbers of the candles correspond to the numbers of the wishes on her list, Abby lights the eighth candle, granting her wish for a car; when Celeste emerges from the car, Abby deduces that Celeste is a magical being. Celeste also arrives every time a wish is granted. Abby unsuccessfully tries to fulfill her third wish. Celeste explains that there is a limit to how many wishes can be granted within an hour, and that at midnight, the wishes she made will become permanent. Throughout the day, Abby uses the candles to beat her rival Krista Cook, who has the same birthday as her, in a volleyball match, and become student body president. Jay agrees to take Abby shopping for a dress for her party but drops his wallet. They are followed by Krista, who convinces the clerk to eject them. Abby uses the 9th candle to make a wish to be treated like an adult, creating consequences of adulthood that she did not previously consider; Abby is suddenly 22 years old and now overage for high school. None of her classmates remember her and she cannot live with her parents due to the festering of wasps in their home. She has an apartment, but the landlord is ready to evict her for nonpayment of rent. Abby makes a wish to decorate her room, and Celeste arrives and explains the candles grant her wishes literally as shown when her wish to be treated like an adult turned her into an adult. Abby unsuccessfully tries to alter and add to her wish list. When she makes a wish for her parents to understand her, it is granted, but her parents only understand her under the impression that she is an adult. Finding Jay at Krista’s sweet sixteen, she manages to restore his memories of their friendship by showing him the necklace he gave her, but he remains unable to help her. After talking to Krista, Abby learns that the two are on good terms in adulthood, and that Jay wanted to be student body president. Abby returns to her apartment, where she meets Celeste and laments her selfishness. Celeste reveals that, because the photo of Logan was attached to the list using chewed gum, it technically does not count and can be changed. Abby swaps out the photo for one of her taken that morning, and wishes to return to that morning right before midnight strikes. With her life back to normal, Abby throws away her wish list and gives her money to her brother Mike for a guitar. Abby realizes that Krista dislikes her because she took Jay away from her as a friend. The two reconcile and work together to make Jay student body president, fulfilling his dream. At Abby and Krista’s joint birthday party, Krista and Logan become a couple, as do Jay and Abby. As all four dance in celebration, Celeste turns into a fairy and flies away. Some scenes were filmed at Walnut Grove Secondary School in Langley, British Columbia. 16 Wishes is the soundtrack album for the film of the same name, released on June 15, 2010, by MarVista Entertainment. = The movie garnered over 5.6 million viewers in its first showing. The film went on to become the most watched cable program on the day of its premiere on Disney Channel. The Sunday airing of the film received over 4.0 million viewers.
The 19th Wife (film)
2010-09-17 23:56:48+00:00
The 19th Wife is a 2010 American drama television film directed by Rod Holcomb and written by Richard Friedenberg, based on David Ebershoff's 2008 novel of the same name. It aired on Lifetime on September 13, 2010. Amidst a Southern Utah Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints community, BeckyLyn (Wettig) is accused of murdering her polygamist husband. A fellow wife, Queenie (Leigh) is convinced of her friend's innocence and with BeckyLyn's son, Jordan (Czuchry) they work to clear his mother's name. Chyler Leigh as Queenie Matt Czuchry as Jordan Patricia Wettig as BeckyLyn Jeff Hephner as Hiram John Bourgeois as Brigham Young The Huffington Post praised the "impressive" cast for bringing "life and credence to this fascinating story of murder and faith". The review continued: "It is fascinating to watch from beginning to end not just because of the "whodunit" factor but also because of the religious implications. Plus the cast strikes just the right tone of intensity and natural charm." Monsters and Critics described it posively as a "sweeping epic" that is both "compelling" and "thought-provoking." Ebsershoff, the author of the original novel, was not satisfied with the film over significant plot changes the producers made. Most significantly of these was to exclude Jordan's homosexuality, as presented in the novel, and present him as a heterosexual character. Ebsershoff explained his disapproval in an interview:I had no role in the adaptation. A few weeks before filming began I learned that Jordan had been rewritten as straight. I was told that this was a network decision. Obviously I was offended, disappointed, and baffled. I hope that the movie sends people to the book so that they can meet my Jordan, along with his boyfriend, Tom, and their dogs, Elektra and Joey.
Aghet – Ein Völkermord
2011-05-13 14:20:47+00:00
Aghet – Ein Völkermord (English: Aghet – A Genocide; Aghet being Armenian for "catastrophe") is a 2010 German documentary film on the Armenian genocide by the Young Turk government of the Ottoman Empire during World War I. It is based on eyewitness reports by European and American personnel stationed in the Near East at the time, Armenian survivors and other contemporary witnesses which are recited by modern German actors. The visual material partly consists of secretly shot photographs of the death marches, Turkish atrocities and suffering of the Armenian deportees. Aghet – Ein Völkermord was awarded the 2010 Deutscher Fernsehpreis and the 2011 Grimme Award, two of the most prestigious awards of German television. According to its director, German journalist Eric Friedler, the documentary was presented to many members of the US Congress and US Senate who have expressed astonishment on how well documented the genocide actually is. An official presentation at Capitol Hill took place in July 2010. Aghet won the 2010 Armin T. Wegner Humanitarian Award in Los Angeles and received international recognition on the Montreal World Film Festival the same year. It was set to be shown before large audiences at Harvard and Columbia University. The documentary has been praised for introducing "Aghet", the Armenian term for the Turkish massacres, to an international audience. The advocacy group of the Turkish community in Germany has protested against the film. 2010 - Deutscher Fernsehpreis (Best German documentary) 2010 - Armin T. Wegner Humanitarian Award 2011 - Grimme Award 2011 - World Gold Medal New York Film Festival (Best documentary)
Amish Grace
2010-04-10 01:47:50+00:00
Amish Grace is a television film that premiered on the Lifetime Movie Network on Palm Sunday, March 28, 2010. The film is based on the 2006 West Nickel Mines School shooting at Nickel Mines, Pennsylvania, and the spirit of forgiveness the Amish community demonstrated in its aftermath. The film stars Kimberly Williams-Paisley, Tammy Blanchard, and Matt Letscher and is based on the book Amish Grace: How Forgiveness Transcended Tragedy, Jossey-Bass, 2007, ISBN 0-7879-9761-7, by Donald Kraybill, Steven Nolt, and David L. Weaver-Zercher. Amish Grace was executive-produced by Larry A. Thompson, written by Sylvie White and Teena Booth, and directed by Gregg Champion. When a group of Amish schoolgirls are taken hostage and killed in their classroom, their parents and the Amish community of Nickel Mines, Pennsylvania, stun the outside world by immediately forgiving the killer. Ida Graber (Kimberly Williams-Paisley), mother of one of the murdered children, has a tougher time than the others accepting the tragedy, but in her anguish and pain, she begins a personal journey of renewed faith, ultimately accepting the heart-wrenching tragedy of losing a child after learning that her murdered daughter, Mary Beth Graber, had promised to pray for the perpetrator before her death; reconnecting with her husband (Matt Letscher), family, and community; offering forgiveness to the killer; and even showing kindness and compassion to the killer's widow (Tammy Blanchard) and children — all in the form of Amish grace. The film was dedicated in memory of the victims of the West Nickel Mines School shooting. Kimberly Williams-Paisley as Ida Graber, an Amish mother who loses her elder child in the shooting and learns forgiveness from the tragedy. Tammy Blanchard as Amy Roberts, the widow of Charlie Roberts whom Ida refuses to accept. Matt Letscher as Gideon Graber, the husband of Ida Graber and father of Mary Beth and Katie Graber. Fay Masterson as Jill Green, a television reporter whom Ida befriends. Karley Scott Collins as Katie Graber, the younger daughter of Ida and Gideon who escapes before the shooting. John Churchill as Charlie Roberts, the perpetrator of the school shooting who commits suicide after firing at the victims. Gary Graham as Henry Taskey. Darcy Rose Byrnes as Rebecca Knepp, a survived victim whom at the end reveals that Mary Beth Graber has forgiven Charlie Roberts. Eugene Byrd as Danny, a camera man who works with Jill Green Amy Sloan as Rachel Knepp, mother of Rebecca Knepp. Madison Davenport as Mary Beth Graber, the elder daughter of Ida and Gideon who promises to pray for the perpetrator before she is killed. Willow Geer as Judith. Jim Metzler as County Sheriff. David Mazouz as Andy Roberts, a son of Charlie Roberts. Eric Nenninger as State Trooper. Amish Grace broke network records in multiple demographics, with more than 4 million viewers, becoming the highest-rated and most-watched original movie in Lifetime Movie Network’s history. Households (3.8/2,916,449 viewers), Total Viewers (2.0/4,020,496), Women 18+ (3.5/2,729,834), Women 25-54 (2.7/1,156,363), Adults 18+ (2.4/3,649,266) and Adults 25-54 (1.9/1,585,667). The film mostly received positive reviews; however, it received criticism because the authors of Amish Grace: How Forgiveness Transcended Tragedy, Jossey-Bass, 2007, ISBN 0-7879-9761-7, distanced themselves from the production out of respect to the Amish community. Others criticized the film for blending facts with fiction. Nominated for the Humanitas Prize Winner of the MOVIEGUIDE Epiphany Prize for Most Inspiring TV Program of 2010 Madison Mason won the Grace Award for Television at the 2011 Movieguide Awards for Amish Grace.
At Risk (2010 film)
2014-11-24 08:47:12+00:00
At Risk is a 2010 American TV movie directed by Tom McLoughlin and starring Andie MacDowell and Daniel Sunjata. It is based on the book of the same name by Patricia Cornwell, who has a small role as a waitress. The film was followed by a sequel, The Front (2010), also directed by Tom McLoughlin. Win Garano, an Apache nicknamed "Geronimo", is working for Monique "Money" Lamont, in the Boston DA's department. Lamont is running for Governor of Massachusetts, using the concept of "at risk" to try to gain votes, saying that everyone is at risk from crime, but when she becomes governor it will be the criminals who will be at risk. To promote her political campaign, she re-opens and assigns Garano to a cold case concerning the murder of a 90-year-old woman 35 years previously, demonstrating to voters that she can clear up old crimes as well as new ones. Jesus Baptista, a criminal, has recently been acquitted of drug dealing and arson. One evening he goes to Lamont's house and lies in wait for her. At the same time, Garano is visiting his grandmother, Nana, where he sees TV coverage of a press conference called by Lamont, during which she confirms in response to an aggressive questioner, that the investigator on the cold case is called "Geronimo". Upset by this he sends a text to Lamont submitting his resignation. But immediately afterwards he receives a text threatening Nana's life unless he drops the case. This prompts him to change his mind and he calls Lamont to tell her that he wishes to continue the investigation. At this point Baptista snatches Lamont and drags her into the house causing her to drop her mobile. Unable to contact her, Garano drives to Lamont's house where a fight ensues, and Baptista is shot dead by Garano. Evidence is discovered that Baptista had apparently been paid to kill Lamont. Facts about the cold case are difficult to find and police corruption is suspected. It emerges that there is a connection between the murder and the attack on Lamont. Garano and his partner, Sykes, race against the clock to figure out not only the murder of Vivian Finley, but how it connects to Monique’s assault, and the suicide of a fireman, named Mark Holland. Garano and Sykes question Vivian’s daughter-in-law, Kim, who confesses to the murder and cover up, but something doesn’t sit right with Garano. Upon realizing that Kim Finley’s son is none other than Jesse Huber, Garano’s former mentor and friend, it becomes a race against the clock to find Jesse before he could hurt Nana. Garano finds a distraught Jesse with Nana at her house. Jesse admits to being the killer, to protect his mother, and demands Garano release her. He agrees, but Jesse then holds the gun to his own head. Garano tries to encourage him to put his gun down and not to commit suicide, but the distressed Jesse then turns the gun on Garano. As Sykes comes through the door, a shootout occurs, and Sykes is killed as Garano kills Jesse. The cold case of Vivian Finley is officially solved with her murderer having been killed himself. Garano is seen at the morgue looking at his friend's dead body, and the film ends with him standing at Sykes’ graveside in Knoxville, as he begins to cry, a lesson that his old mentor, Jesse, had taught him to let go. Andie MacDowell as Monique ("Money") Lamont Daniel Sunjata as Win ("Geronimo") Garano Diahann Carroll as Garano's grandmother ("Nana") Edsson Morales as Jesus Baptista Reviews were mixed. David Hinckley, in the Daily News, wrote "This Lifetime adaptation of Patricia Cornwell's thriller At Risk is smarter and better than the average TV movie." while April MacIntyre in Monsters and Critics criticized inconsistencies in the plot; she said "In this day and age of empty coffers it is a stretch at best to think Massachusetts' tax payer funds would be earmarked to solve a Tennessee cold case murder. Another annoyance for me, as an ex resident of Essex county, is the confusion of county names. Boston is Suffolk County. Why that detail was cocked up is beyond me." and according to Laura Fries in Variety, the film "has a talented cast and polished tech credits, but they just don't yield much of a movie".
List of killings by law enforcement officers in the United States, January 2010
2016-08-28 15:43:43+00:00
This is a list of people reported killed by non-military law enforcement officers in the United States in January 2010, whether in the line of duty or not, and regardless of reason or method. The listing documents the occurrence of a death, making no implications regarding wrongdoing or justification on the part of the person killed or officer involved. Killings are arranged by date of the incident that caused death. Different death dates, if known, are noted in the description. The table below lists 15 people.
List of killings by law enforcement officers in the United States, February 2010
2016-08-28 15:43:58+00:00
This is a list of people reported killed by non-military law enforcement officers in the United States in February 2010, whether in the line of duty or not, and regardless of reason or method. The listing documents the occurrence of a death, making no implications regarding wrongdoing or justification on the part of the person killed or officer involved. Killings are arranged by date of the incident that caused death. Different death dates, if known, are noted in the description. The table below lists 29 people.
List of killings by law enforcement officers in the United States, May 2010
2016-08-28 15:44:34+00:00
This is a list of people reported killed by non-military law enforcement officers in the United States in May 2010, whether in the line of duty or not, and regardless of reason or method. The listing documents the occurrence of a death, making no implications regarding wrongdoing or justification on the part of the person killed or officer involved. Killings are arranged by date of the incident that caused death. Different death dates, if known, are noted in the description. The table below lists 29 people.
List of killings by law enforcement officers in the United States, March 2010
2016-08-28 15:44:09+00:00
This is a list of people reported killed by non-military law enforcement officers in the United States in March 2010, whether in the line of duty or not, and regardless of reason or method. The listing documents the occurrence of a death, making no implications regarding wrongdoing or justification on the part of the person killed or officer involved. Killings are arranged by date of the incident that caused death. Different death dates, if known, are noted in the description. The table below lists 37 people.
List of killings by law enforcement officers in the United States, April 2010
2016-08-28 15:44:24+00:00
This is a list of people reported killed by non-military law enforcement officers in the United States in April 2010, whether in the line of duty or not, and regardless of reason or method. The listing documents the occurrence of a death, making no implications regarding wrongdoing or justification on the part of the person killed or officer involved. Killings are arranged by date of the incident that caused death. Different death dates, if known, are noted in the description. The table below lists 25 people.
2010 Tour de San Luis
2010-01-22 23:17:52+00:00
The 2010 Tour de San Luis was a men's road cycling race held from 18 to January 24, 2010, in Argentina. The fourth edition of this road racing event was a multiple stage race with seven stages and a total length of 1018.4 kilometres.
2010 CONSUR Women's Sevens
2024-02-23 14:06:02+00:00
The 2010 CONSUR Women's Sevens was the tournaments sixth edition and was held from 5 to 7 January in Mar del Plata, Argentina. Brazil won their sixth consecutive title after successfully defending it against Colombia in the Cup final. Eight teams competed at the tournament. = = Source: Plate Semi-finals Cup Semi-finals Source:
2010 Prime Cup Aberto de São Paulo
2010-01-06 19:25:36+00:00
The 2010 Aberto de São Paulo was a professional tennis tournament played on outdoor hard courts. It was part of the 2010 ATP Challenger Tour. It took place in São Paulo, Brazil between 3 and 10 January 2010. = Rankings are as of December 28, 2009 = The following players received wildcards into the singles main draw: Marcelo Demoliner Leonardo Kirche Tiago Lopes Fernando Romboli The following players received entry from the qualifying draw: Ričardas Berankis Michael McClune Guillermo Olaso Caio Zampieri = Ricardo Mello def. Eduardo Schwank, 6–3, 6–1 = Brian Dabul / Sebastián Prieto def. Tomasz Bednarek / Mateusz Kowalczyk, 6–3, 6–3
2010 Seguros Bolívar Open Bucaramanga
2010-01-23 19:44:30+00:00
The 2010 Seguros Bolívar Open Bucaramanga was a professional tennis tournament played on outdoor red clay courts. It was part of the 2010 ATP Challenger Tour. It took place in Bucaramanga, Colombia between 25 and 31 January 2010. = Rankings are as of January 18, 2010 = The following players received wildcards into the singles main draw: Ricardo Corrente Alejandro González Sebastián Serrano Eduardo Struvay The following players received entry from the qualifying draw: Facundo Bagnis Leonardo Kirche Guido Pella Guillermo Rivera Aránguiz = Eduardo Schwank def. Juan Pablo Brzezicki, 6–4, 6–2 = Pere Riba / Santiago Ventura def. Marcelo Demoliner / Rodrigo Guidolin, 6–2, 6–2
2011-08-18 20:30:03+00:00
AngelPad is an American seed-stage startup incubator, launched in September 2010 by Thomas Korte and Carine Magescas with six other former Google employees as mentors. AngelPad provides mentorship, seed money, and networking at two 10-week courses per year. AngelPad attracted attention in August 2011 after announcing that each of its startups will have the option to accept $100,000 from two venture capital firms at the start of their class. The incubator has often been compared to Y Combinator. AngelPad has consistently been ranked among the top startup accelerators in the United States according to 'The Seed Accelerator Rankings' each year. The rankings are developed by MIT, the University of Richmond and Brown University. They evaluate over 160 US Accelerators every year. The program consists of ten weeks of mentorship, brainstorming, fundraising, and pragmatic advice, concluding with a "Demo Day" in which companies present their value propositions and ideas to hundreds of investors. The application process consists of a written application, starting on the incubator's website. Fewer than 15 startups were selected out of a pool of 800 applicants for the Winter 2011 class, for an acceptance rate of 1.9%. Several AngelPad companies have attracted significant rounds of investment or sold to larger companies after completing the incubator program. Notable portfolio companies include: Buffer, CoverHound, MoPub, Postmates, Astrid, Drone Deploy, Ribbon, Pipedrive, Rolepoint and Vungle. Postmates got acquired by Uber for $2,65 billion.
Anki (American company)
2013-06-11 01:36:58+00:00
Anki (stylized as "anki") was an American robotics and artificial intelligence startup that put robotics technology in products for children. Anki programmed physical objects to be intelligent and adaptable in the physical world, and aimed to solve the problems of positioning, reasoning, and execution in artificial intelligence and robotics. The company debuted Anki Drive during the 2013 Apple Worldwide Developers Conference keynote. The company received $50 million in Series A and Series B venture funding from Andreessen Horowitz, Index Ventures, and Two Sigma. In September 2014, Anki announced that it has raised another $55 million in Series C venture funding led by JP Morgan. In June 2016, the company announced its latest round of funding, which amounted to $502.5M, also led by JP Morgan. Total funding to date is $182.5 million. Marc Andreessen and Danny Rimer serve on the company's board, in addition to the three co-founders, who met each other at Carnegie Mellon University prior to the debut of the company. It went bankrupt in April 2019 after losing a critical round of funding and shut down the following month. In December 2019, Anki assets, including OVERDRIVE, Cozmo, and Vector, were acquired by Digital Dream Labs. Digital Dream Labs revamped Cozmo and Vector, making Cozmo 2.0 and Vector 2.0 versions to further enhance the qualities of the robots and build on top of Anki's success; however, these products ultimately achieved less success than Anki did with the original products. Anki was founded by Boris Sofman, Mark Palatucci, and Hanns Tappeiner, founded officially in 2010 and was headquartered in San Francisco. It also had locations in Europe. (Anki Germany GmbH [1]) = Anki's first product, Anki Drive, was released in Apple stores in the U.S. and Canada, on and starting October 23, 2013. It retailed for $149.99, with additional cars available for $49.99 and Expansion Tracks for $69.99 Anki Drive is a racing game that combined an iOS app, called "Anki Drive," with physical race cars. Each car is equipped with optical sensors, wireless chips, motors, and artificial intelligence software. Anki OVERDRIVE, an upgraded version of Drive with different cars and modular tracks, was released in September 2015. An Anki OVERDRIVE: Fast & Furious Edition was released two years later in 2017, which featured Fast & Furious characters like Dom and Hobbs. = In October 2016, Anki launched Cozmo in the US. Cozmo is a robot about 4 inches by 3 by 2 inches. It is mostly white, with red details, and gray on the end of its robot arm. There is a light on top of its body, with a gray border, which can shine different colors. A "collector's edition" Cozmo was released in 2017, with a "Liquid Metal" smoked gray chrome finish. A "limited edition" Cozmo, with an "Interstellar Blue" blue, white, and gray finish, was released in 2018. Cozmo comes with three illuminated cubes it communicates with in order to play games and can autonomously move, lift and roll the cubes, and the cubes are powered by LR1, N, AM5, E90, batteries for power. Production of Cozmo ceased in May 2019 when Anki shutdown due to lack of funding. Cozmo was able to see its surroundings and discern animals, making it notably playful among children. The robot's primary focus was for children to learn to code, and until its abrupt shutdown in 2019, Cozmo was one of the most popular toys in the United States, winning the Bronze Anvil Award and being recognized by major companies like NAPPA. = In August 2018, Anki launched Vector. It was designed to be more helpful, instead of being purely a toy. It is approximately the same size as Cozmo, and its design and shape is essentially the same, except Vector is mostly black with gray details and has a gold border around its light on top, which shines green by default, blue when waiting for a voice command, red when muted, white when thinking, and slowly flashing orange when experiencing Wi-Fi connection difficulties. Vector uses an array of 4 beaming microphones to find out exactly where you are, as well as a gold touchpad where it can be petted. Vector has facial recognition technology and can respond to voice commands. It is cloud-connected and will update automatically. Its first major update came out on December 17, 2018, which allowed Vector to connect to Amazon Alexa. The robot, post-Anki shutdown, when asked about the company Anki, would give a heartfelt response. Customers of the product worried that due to the shutdown, Vector would not be able to use its internet connection features; however, they ultimately prevailed, upgrading when Digital Dream Labs took over the company after its downfall.
Bottlenose (company)
2013-09-29 18:02:57+00:00, also known as Bottlenose, is an enterprise trend intelligence company that analyzes big data and business data to detect trends for brands. It helps Fortune 500 enterprises discover, and track emerging trends that affect their brands. The company uses natural language processing, sentiment analysis, statistical algorithms, data mining, and machine learning heuristics to determine trends, and has a search engine that gathers information from social networks. KPMG Capital has invested a "substantial amount" in the company. Bottlenose processed 72 billion messages per day, in real-time, from across social and broadcast media, as of December 2014. The company is based in Los Angeles, CA. Bottlenose is a real-time trend intelligence tool that measures social media campaigns and trends. The company also provides a free version of its Sonar tool that shows real-time trends across social media. In October 2012, the company received $1 million of funding from ff Venture Capital and Prosper Capital. By 2014, the company raised about $7 million in funding. In December 2014, KPMG Capital announced further investment in the company. In February 2015, the company confirmed it had raised $13.4 million in Series B funding led by KPMG Capital. Bottlenose partnered with the nonprofit No Labels during the 2014 State of the Union Address to analyze Twitter conversations for bipartisanship. The company also partnered with media monitoring company Critical Mention to analyze broadcast analytics. The Bottlenose Nerve Center integrated with the Critical Mention API to analyze real-time trends in television and radio broadcasts. In June 2014, Bottlenose updated its trend detection product to Nerve Center 2.0. It creates a newsfeed to show changes in trends and sends alerts when trends occur. It also has "emotion detection," which will display the emotions associated with specific comments on trending topics. In 2016, Bottlenose released its Nerve Center 3.0 platform, which was designed to automate the work of data scientists and lower the cost of artificial intelligence for businesses.
Clear Secure
2016-02-04 21:43:18+00:00
Clear Secure, Inc. (operating as: CLEAR) is an American technology company that operates biometric travel document verification systems at some major airports and stadiums. = Steven Brill and Ajay Amlani were original owners of Clear, a subsidiary of Verified Identity Pass, founded in 2003. Ajay Amlani left the company in 2006 to pursue another identity technology company named YOU Technology. Steven Brill stepped away from the company in 2008. Clear shut down in 2009 after filing for bankruptcy. = Caryn Seidman-Becker purchased CLEAR out of bankruptcy in 2010 with her partner and co-founder Ken Cornick. They relaunched the company in 2012. Clear operates out of its headquarters in Manhattan, New York. = In 2021, Clear went public as Clear Secure, Inc. on the NYSE with the ticker symbol ‘YOU’. In January 2023, Clear celebrated the launch of security lanes at its 50th airport, Raleigh-Durham International Airport. It followed that up with new lanes at Kansas City International Airport at the end of February 2023. In May 2024, Clear launched lanes at Maui's Kahului Airport, its 57th airport location. It also said it was planning to follow the launch up shortly with new lanes at Honolulu's Daniel K. Inouye International Airport. In 2022, Clear's verification service allowed an airline passenger using a false identity to pass through its system; the passenger was also found by the TSA to be carrying ammunition. The company noted in a formal statement that it was due to "a single human error". The program's facial-recognition system for enrolling new customers was also noted as sometimes relying on inadequate photos such as the chin or shoulder. Two incidents occurred in 2023 where individuals not enrolled in the company's security program were escorted through a TSA security checkpoint without having presented their identification. One of the incidents involved a passenger who had used a boarding pass that was picked out of a trash bin. The incidents have gathered the attention of the House Homeland Security Committee, with members Bennie Thompson and John Katko in December 2022 requesting that the TSA require all passengers, including those using Clear, have their ID verified by TSA. In August 2023 TSA advised the company and participating airports to increase the number of IDs to be checked by a TSA officer. = The company has received patents for "physical token-less security screening using biometrics", which allows a person to be identified using their individual and distinctive biometric identity that the company creates. The company has been successful in filing and receiving several patents throughout the years. On February 4, 2020, the company was granted the ability to ticket people through their biometric identities. Prior to this patent, the company was also granted two patents on January 14, 2020, to conduct pre-identification before an individual approached the stationed device and to use individual biometric identities to expedite interactions with people in the close vicinity. To simplify and expedite the process even further, on December 31, 2019, the company was granted a patent to use mobile devices in enrolling into the system. CLEAR has partnerships with the European company Oberthur Technologies. Oberthur provides CLEAR with identification cards encoded with information that is beyond a normal ID card. They follow the NIST standard FIPS 201 (Federal Information Processing Standard Publication 201) for Personal Identity Verification (PIV), a requirement for all U.S. government employees and contractors. = In June 2012, CLEAR received certification under the SAFETY Act (Support Anti-Terrorism by Fostering Effective Technologies Act of 2002) by the United States Department of Homeland Security. = CLEAR has partnerships with airlines and stadiums. The airline currently partners with Delta Air Lines, United Airlines, and Alaska Airlines. This includes partnerships with Major League Baseball and National Football League. CLEAR has also partnered with Lyft which grants people a 3-month free trial to test out CLEAR and gives them a $20 voucher for Lyft customers to use towards a trip to any airport. In April 2023, CLEAR began offering digital identity verification services for LinkedIn users. "Verified" users are able to display a green and blue checkmark on their profile. CLEAR had a former partnership with car rental company Hertz, until the company declared bankruptcy. CLEAR is a member of the FIDO Alliance and the CARIN Alliance. = The company charges its customers $189 per year for a premium program named CLEAR Plus, however, it can be lowered if the user is a member of Delta SkyMiles, United MileagePlus, or holds an American Express Centurion, Platinum, or Green Card. This Membership allows them to skip past long lines, no matter if they are at a stadium, an arena, or an airport. By expanding and diversifying their locations, CLEAR also receives additional revenue from sports teams, who pay licensing fees. = In June 2019, Clear CEO Caryn Seidman-Becker and President Ken Cornick were given the 2019 EY Entrepreneur Of The Year Award for the New York Region.
Co-Creation Hub
2016-09-06 21:53:34+00:00
Co-Creation Hub, commonly referred to as Cc-HUB or the HUB, is a technology-oriented centre located in Yaba, a district of Lagos. Founded in 2010 by Bosun Tijani and Femi Longe, it provides a platform where technology-oriented people share ideas to solving social problems in Nigeria. Cc-HUB hosted Facebook founder, Mark Zuckerberg, during his visit to Nigeria on August 30, 2016. Co-Creation Hub was founded in October 2010 by Bosun Tijani and Femi Longe. It officially opened in September 2011 as a social innovation centre at 294, Herbert Macaulay, Yaba, serving as an open living lab dedicated to accelerating the application of social capital and technology for economic prosperity. Its methodology is said to be hinged on engaging a community of progressive stakeholders (end-users, subject-matter experts, government agencies, businesses, academics, civil societies etc.) who bring their creativity and knowledge to play in co-creating solutions to social challenges faced by the average Nigerian. At the CcHub, innovations by entrepreneurs are supported through advice, mentorship and funding through the pre-incubation and research unit. The CcHub happens to be one of the few financially sustainable innovation hubs in Africa and is the home to over 50 Nigerian startups, such as BudgIT, Wecyclers, Truppr, Genii Games, Lifebank, GoMyWay, Vacantboards, Traclist, Autobox, Stutern, Findworka, Grit Systems and Mamalette. In March 2018, Stanbic IBTC Bank launched the Blue Lab, an innovation hub supported by Co-Creation Hub. In December 2015, Tijani announced the launch of Growth Capital in partnership with Bank of Industry (BoI), Venture Garden Group (VGG) and Omidyar Network (ON). It is an investment arm that is set to invest 1billion Naira in social tech ventures who are building technologies that make public services smarter while connecting them to citizens and/or smart technologies linking multiple public services together to make them more accessible to citizens. GC's Managing Partner, Tunji Eleso, in an interview with Tech Crunch, stated that after supporting startups from ideation, pre-incubation to incubation for five (5) years, it became imperative to take a step forward by supporting those are maturing but still require support. The fund proffered by Growth Capital by CcHUB is meant to support entrepreneurs who are building infrastructure for Nigeria's future. "Specifically, we are looking at products/services/technology tools that would make public services smarter and at the same time connect more citizens of Nigeria to those services", Eleso added. The Make-IT Accelerator programme by Co-Creation Hub is designed to strengthen entrepreneurs' skills for scaling their innovations and achieving growth, cooperation and investment readiness. The programme is being implemented in Nigeria and Kenya. The Giving4Good Challenge launched by Co-Creation Hub is designed to explore the ways in which technology can increase individual philanthropy towards CSOs and NGOs in Nigeria. The top 3 ventures receives a combined funding of up to £35,000, and they will be supported by the Hub's Pre-Incubation program. On the 26th of September 2019, it was announced that Co-Creation Hub had acquired the Nairobi iHub.
3rd Detroit Windsor International Film Festival
2010-06-21 19:56:24+00:00
The 2010 Detroit Windsor International Film Festival was the 3rd annual film festival held in Detroit, Michigan, United States & Windsor, Ontario, Canada. It ran from June 24, 2010 to June 27, 2010. The lineup consisted of 80 films shown as part of the DWIFF proper and many others as a part of MovingMedia. The selection included 32 shorts and 10 feature films. The festival was attended by members of the industry, press and general public. It opened with the world premiere of Eddie and the Alternate Universe, a film about a 10-year-old boy who is sent to an alternate reality by an eccentric neighborhood wizard and must fight to return to his world, and closed with the films submitted as part of the DWIFF Challenge. = "Bilal's Stand" - Sultan Sharrief = "Annabelle and Bear" - Amy S Weber = "Grown in Detroit" - Mascha & Manfred Poppenk = "Regional Roots" - Carrie LeZotte = "Grown in Detroit" - Mascha & Manfred Poppenk = "Eddie and The Alternate Universe" - Samuel Lemberg = "The Nickel" - Bill Reilly = "Air Knob" Nathan Fleet = "Qing Lou Nu" - Bryan Hopkins = "Bare Witness" - Jeffery T. Schultz = First Place Scallywag Entertainment, "The Fall of a Sparrow" Second Place Gillissie, "Fracture" Third Place Wing It, "You" Honorable Mention Group Therapy, "Walk Off" Audience Choice A&W Movies, "The Bitch is Back" = H2oil - Animated Segments = NEC 'Make it happen' = Chasing Mascots Eddie and the Alternate Universe Murphy's Short's The Nickel = Grown in Detroit H2oil - Animated Segments No Good Reason Regional Roots Resilience: Stories of Single Black Mothers The Mountain Music Project Tresor Berlin = 'Bare Witness' Across the Street Air Knob Arithmetic Lesson Boxed In Broken Fidelity Chickenfut Coping Council Deal Breaker Debt of the Heart Did You ... Double Talk Elusive Man Fantastic Glass Portrait Forbidden Fruit Free Lunch H2oil - Animated Segments Horst La Moustache Memoirs of a Blogger Osama Bin Latte Pink Slip Qing Lou Nu Relax Dude Sapsucker Televisnu Thank You, Mr. Patterson The Lost Food Shop The Window Thief too soon too late = Annabelle & Bear Bilal's Stand Blind Sided From A Place of Darkness I am Bish Ice Grill, USA Pizza With Bullets Starlight & Superfish The Art of Power The Crimson Mask = Teams Accepted for Judging and All Awards These films met the following criteria; received on time, film could be played back / watched, all elements were present and accurate in submitted film, film was within the run-time limit, and there were not any obscene or pornographic scenes in the film. Films listed in order of team number assignment. 5, A&W Movies 9, T 130 11, Group Therapy 16, Wing it 17, Reel Temptations 18, Top Hat 19, Woodbridge 21, Reel Hood 22, A.G.e Industries 23, Gillissie 24, Scallywag 25, Motor City 28 LB Entertainment Teams Accepted for Screening and Audience Choice Award These films met the following criteria; received on time, film could be played back / watched, and there were not any obscene or pornographic scenes in the film. Films listed in order of team number assignment. 2, Krist10 Cartoons 14, Neon Complex 37, Independent Teams Accepted for Screening These films met the following criteria; film could be played back / watched, and there were not any obscene or pornographic scenes in the film. A-Team Team Channel 19 Evolution Entertainment Afternoon Productions HFCC Film Club Troll Vision JML Productions Danse Paratus Phoenix Gilly Productions
2010 Slamdance Film Festival
2010-02-01 00:52:58+00:00
The 2010 Slamdance Film Festival took place in Park City, Utah from January 21 to January 28, 2010. It was the 16th iteration of the Slamdance Film Festival, an alternative to the more mainstream Sundance Film Festival. For the 2010 Festival, Slamdance received a record number of over 5,000 submissions and programmed 91 films and concluded with an Awards Ceremony at Red Banjo Pizza on Main Street. New for 2010, a new distribution partnership with Microsoft was announced where four films that screened at the festival would go live on both Zune and Xbox LIVE platforms. Documentary Features “American Jihadist” and “Mind of the Demon: The Larry Linkogle Story,” and Narrative Features “The Scenesters” and “The Wild Hunt” will be available for a seven-day period for movie fans to rent though their computers or on Xbox LIVE until February 2, 2010. There are three competitive divisions at this year's festival, the Grand Jury, Audience Awards and Special Sponsored Awards provided by Kodak, Dos Equis and Lonely Seal Releasing. The Grand Jury and Audience Award winning films will be screened in several domestic venues throughout the year, including the IFC Center in New York City. The Feature competitions are limited to first-time filmmakers working with production budgets of $1 million or less.
2010 Sundance Film Festival
2010-07-27 12:03:02+00:00
The 26th annual Sundance Film Festival was held from January 21, 2010, until January 31, 2010, in Park City, Utah. Grand Jury Prize: Documentary - Restrepo Grand Jury Prize: Dramatic - Winter's Bone World Cinema Jury Prize: Documentary - The Red Chapel World Cinema Jury Prize: Dramatic - Animal Kingdom Audience Award: U.S. Documentary, Presented by Honda - Waiting for Superman Audience Award: U.S. Dramatic, Presented by Honda - Happythankyoumoreplease World Cinema Audience Award: Documentary - Wasteland World Cinema Audience Award: Dramatic - Undertow Best of NEXT Presented by YouTube - Homewrecker U.S. Directing Award: Documentary - Smash His Camera U.S. Directing Award: Dramatic - 3 Backyards World Cinema Directing Award: Documentary - Space Tourists World Cinema Directing Award: Dramatic - Southern District Waldo Salt Screenwriting Award - Winter's Bone World Cinema Screenwriting Award - Southern District U.S. Documentary Editing Award - Joan Rivers: A Piece of Work World Cinema Documentary Editing Award - A Film Unfinished Excellence in Cinematography Award: U.S. Documentary - The Oath Excellence in Cinematography Award: U.S. Dramatic - Obselidia World Cinema Cinematography Award: Documentary - His & Hers World Cinema Cinematography Award: Dramatic - The Man Next Door Jury Prize in U.S. Short Filmmaking - Drunk History International Jury Prize in Short Filmmaking - Born Sweet, Can We Talk?, Cómo conocí a tu padre (How I met your Father), Dock Ellis & The LSD No-No, Quadrangle, Rob And Valentyna In Scotland, Young Love Alfred P. Sloan Feature Film Prize - Obselidia U.S. Documentary Special Jury Film Prize - Gasland World Cinema Documentary Special Jury Prize - Enemies of the People World Dramatic Special Jury Prize for Breakout Performance - Tatiana Maslany in Grown Up Movie Star After the nominations for the 83rd Academy Awards were announced, Peter Knegt of indieWire wrote "As made evident last week, the Sundance Film Festival can be a significant launching pad for Oscar nominees." Knegt noted how 2 of the 10 Best Picture nominees, 3 of the 5 Best Actress nominees, and 4 of the 5 Best Documentary nominees were Sundance films. In January 2011, Dana Harris of indieWire noted the 15 nominations at the 83rd Academy Awards that came from 9 films from the 2010 Sundance Film Festival. Winter's Bone, which won the Grand Jury Prize: Dramatic and Waldo Salt Screenwriting Award, was nominated for 4 Oscars: Best Picture, Jennifer Lawrence for Best Actress, John Hawkes as Best Supporting Actor, and Debra Granik and Anne Rosellini for Best Adapted Screenplay. The Kids Are All Right, which screened in the Premieres category, was nominated for 4 Oscars: Best Picture, Annette Bening for Best Actress, Mark Ruffalo for Best Supporting Actor, and Lisa Cholodenko and Stuart Blumberg for Best Original Screenplay. Blue Valentine, which screened in the U.S. Dramatic Competition, was nominated for 1 Oscar: Michelle Williams for Best Actress. Animal Kingdom, which won the World Cinema Jury Prize: Dramatic, was nominated for 1 Oscar: Jacki Weaver for Best Supporting Actress. Exit Through the Gift Shop, which screened in the U.S. Documentary Competition, was nominated for 1 Oscar: Best Documentary Feature. Gasland, which won the U.S. Documentary Special Jury Prize, was nominated for 1 Oscar: Best Documentary Feature. Restrepo, which won the Grand Jury Prize: Documentary, was nominated for 1 Oscar: Best Documentary Feature. Waste Land, which won the World Cinema Audience Award: Documentary, was nominated for 1 Oscar: Best Documentary Feature. Madagascar, a Journey Diary, which screened in the short film competition, was nominated for 1 Oscar: Best Animated Short Film. Harris also noted the Sundance past of Oscar nominees Inception director Christopher Nolan and The Fighter director David O. Russell.
Badjelly's Bad Christmas
2011-08-24 22:49:45+00:00
Badjelly's Bad Christmas was a musical created and performed by the Chickenshed Theatre Company, based on the works of Spike Milligan. It was directed by Mary Ward and Louise Perry, and the writer was Dave Carey. The show follows the journey of two arguing sisters, Kate and Laura, who go to visit their Grandad for Christmas after they push their mother to the verge of mental breakdown. When they arrive at their Grandad's house they realise that he has a new girlfriend; his own wife died two years previously. His new girlfriend, who claims she is Barbara Jelly, is in fact the evil witch Badjelly. The show was fully interpreted with British Sign Language by on stage signers, who were fully included in the action, and on some of the performances the show was captioned for the deaf and hard of hearing. It ran from 1 December 2010 until 15 January 2011. = The show starts with a mockery of the notice commonly seen at the beginning of films stating where it can be shown. It states "This production is licensed for theatre use only. The definition of theatre use excludes the use of this production in places such as schools, oil rigs, prisons, sweet shops, sweatshops..." it then goes on in this manner for a long time, the places getting more and more ridiculous each time, until at the end it gives a random address in the area. This announcement is followed by "I'm Walking Backwards for Christmas". The song is then interrupted by a loud smashing of glass, and the mother of the two main characters, Kate and Laura, tells them off for stopping the song. Kate offers her mother some tablets for the stress (which Kate, being 8, called Smarties). Her mother refuses them, saying that she doesn't need any tablets, and says she is sending them to Grandad's house. The children are very reluctant, as their Grandad is crazy and has an imaginary world in his head, called the Land of the Bumbly Boo, but they give in and leave for Grandad's house. This is then followed by "Walking Backwards for Christmas" again, this time not cut off, in which Kate and Laura travel by train to Grandad's house. During the train ride, two children and their mother (played by Dina Williams) are arguing. Kate and Laura then have an argument in which Kate states that if she had one wish, it would be to never ever have to see Laura ever again. = Scene I – And arrive at Grandad's House The children arrive at Grandad's house, and are given a frosty reception by a woman called Barbara Jelly, who doesn't allow them into the house. Then they distract her, and go into the house. They find Grandad doing a jigsaw puzzle. This confuses them, as Grandad had never liked jigsaw puzzles, much preferring to skateboard in the garden. They learn that Barbara Jelly and Grandad are boyfriend and girlfriend. The couple met on holiday in Scarborough. Laura then asked how long they'd been together, to which Grandad replies "Oh, well, it's early days". This is followed by the song "It's Early Days", in which Grandad proclaims his love for Barbara Jelly, while Barbara Jelly tries to maim him, and on one occasion, Kate, which she disguises as dancing. At the end of the song they attempt to kiss, but they're interrupted by Kate asking if Grandad will show her his magic baubles. The "magic baubles" are 5 baubles which each hold a figurine of one of the characters in Grandad's imaginary world. Grandad goes through all the baubles in turn, explaining what each one represents. The baubles are: Honour, which holds a figurine of Sir Nobonk Laughter, which holds a figurine of King Twytt Wisdom/wit, which holds a figurine of The Werkling Courage, which holds a figurine of the Conkerer Laura, who is passing the baubles to Grandad, says that the fifth one is broken. Grandad initially refuses to believe her, until she pours the smashed remains of the outer shell of the bauble onto the floor. The fifth bauble represents evil, and should hold a figure of Badjelly. However the figure is missing, and Grandad says this means Badjelly is somewhere around them. Grandad realises that Barbara Jelly appeared on the very same day he brought his baubles on the coach to Scarborough, and "Barbara Jelly" confirms that she is in fact, Badjelly the Witch. She hints that she plans to turn The Land of the Bumbly Boo evil, before she promptly escaped to the Land of the Bumbly Boo, Grandad's "imaginary" world, taking the baubles with her. Scene 2 – The Adventure Begins Grandad reveals that The Land of the Bumbly Boo is in fact, real, and it is based on the five baubles that he owns. If all the baubles are united on a Christmas tree, the owner of the baubles can make a wish. He thinks that Badjelly has stolen the baubles, which she will put on her Christmas tree and as she said, turn the Land of the Bumbly Boo evil. He says they have to follow her and get the baubles back. The only way to travel to the Land of the Bumbly Boo is by "B.E.D.S.I.R.", which stands for Best Ever Driving Scheme Invented Recently. He then reveals that the B.E.D.S.I.R. is in fact, what they thought was a broken chairman in his living room. Laura then asks if the B.E.D.S.I.R. has a key, which it doesn't. It is what Grandad calls a "push start" B.E.D.S.I.R., essentially meaning they have to push it. They then push the B.E.D.S.I.R. ten and a half feet across the lounge, before Grandad says they're in the Land of the Bumbly Boo, which confuses Laura and Kate because they don't appear to have moved very far at all. Suddenly there is a blackout, and they find themselves surrounded by a tribe of Bumbly Boos – creatures dressed in red, white and blue, with glowing hands, and blue war-paint on their faces. The Bumbly Boos attempt to kill Grandad, Kate, and Laura using their spears ("In the Land of the Bumbly Boo"), until their leader, Sir Nobonk, recognises Grandad from his last visit. Kate explains Grandad's situation to Sir Nobonk, and after commenting on Grandad's bad choice in girlfriends, Sir Nobonk says they need King Twytt to help them. King Twytt arrives on a tricycle, along with his Twytts, Queen Twytt and Mayor Naise ("He's the Twytt of the Highest Order"). King Twytt and his Twytts are trying to make Queen Twytt laugh, because she doesn't find anything funny any more. After several unsuccessful attempts, they give up, and Grandad and Sir Nobonk tell King Twytt about the situation they're in. King Twytt reacts by laughing hysterically, then realising they are in a very sticky situation. He says they need someone cleverer than him to sort it out, and they go off in search of The Werkling. Scene 3 – Meanwhile on the other side of town Badjelly's sisters, Wobble and Ice Cream arrive back to the Land of the Bumbly Boo after a day of pretending to be a nurse and a nun respectively, before Badjelly arrives cheerfully. telling them that she's hatched an evil plan. She tells them about it, and they then excitedly put the baubles on their Christmas tree, but nothing happens. They realised that as they stole the baubles, they are not the rightful owners. Kate was the last owner of the baubles, as she handed them to Badjelly. They plan to kidnap Kate and turn her into one of them so she will wish for the Land of the Bumbly Boo to become evil. Scene 4 – They come to the place where the Cows go Bong Grandad, Kate, Laura, Sir Nobonk and King Twytt arrive at The Werkling's Factory (aka The Ning Nang Nong), which has many Werkers, creatures which are part machine. The audience learns about the factory in the song "On the Ning Nang Nong", and then meets the Werkling. King Twytt and Sir Nobonk tell the Werkling what's happened, and the Werkling claims that he knows it all already. After much thought and telling a long story in nonsense about Badjelly, he concludes that they must "follow the string". They find a long red string running out of the Ning Nang Nong, which they follow. They arrive in a field, where Badjelly, Wobble and Ice Cream are waiting for them. It turns out the string was actually a trap, set up by Badjelly to lure Kate. Scene 5 – And as the sun rises a great duel takes place... They decide they have to have a duel, Sir Nobonk versus Badjelly. In the end there is no clear winner, but Wobble, Ice Cream and Badjelly succeed in kidnapping Kate. = Starts with a goodnight to all A man comes on the voice-over saying "Due to circumstances beyond our control, the second half will begin shortly." Sir Nobonk accidentally thinks it's the end of the show, and says goodbye to the audience and gives them instructions for what to do as they leave (flirting with several of them as he does so) in the song "The Party's Over". The signers come on and tell Sir Nobonk to apologise to the audience for the confusion. He does this, and ends his song with the words "Hello, hello, hello, hello!" Scene 1 – The Adventure Continues Grandad says they have to go to the court of the Itchy Koo. Laura gets worried, because she doesn't want to have to walk there. Grandad agrees to get a taxi, which turns out to be a wheelbarrow. The taxi driver then makes an excuse to leave, and "drives" away. Scene 2 – On the other side of town Badjelly, Ice Cream and Wobble have kidnapped Kate, but they all, especially Ice Cream, find Kate's long rambling stories and advice very boring. Kate also doesn't want to become evil, so they tell her about their childhood in the song "The Beauty of our Childhood" in the hope it'll make her want to become evil with them. Their plan succeeds, and Kate turns evil. Scene 3 – On the way The judge arrives at the court of the Itchy Koo, and tells us about Noses in "The Nose Song". Scene 4 – They arrive Grandad, Laura, Sir Nobonk, King Twytt, and The Werkling arrive at the Court of the Itchy Koo, and the Itchy Koos arrive, singing "I wish I were in Itchy Koo land", and decorate the courtroom in brightly coloured ribbons. Coincidentally, soon after their arrival, Badjelly, Wobble, Ice Cream and Kate arrive. Scene 5 – And find themselves in court The Itchy Kooks decide they need to have a court session to sort it out. Everyone in The Land of the Bumbly Boo turns out to be a juror. The Judge hears both sides of the story, and discovers that Kate is the rightful owner of the baubles. He asks Kate what she wants to with the baubles, to which she replies that she wants to crush honour, laughter, bravery, and wit in her hand. Laura tries to tell the judge that she's been turned evil, but the Judge tells her if it's what Kate wants to wish, so be it. Grandad claims that Badjelly tried to kill Sir Nobonk in the duel, so the judge says they should have a joust to settle the argument. This is met by cheering from the jurors, but then the Conkerer decides that they will have a hip hopera, a rap battle of nonsense. Whoever raps the best nonsense wins. This commences "The Itchy Koo Hip Hopera". First it is King Twytt's go, and he raps a story about jam. Then Wobble and Ice Cream do their rap using only nonsense words. Badjelly raps a story about eels, and then Sir Nobonk raps a story about a doctor. Then Wobble, Ice Cream and Badjelly sing a story about a "Wiggle-Woggle", who has a stomach ache. This knocks out Sir Nobonk, King Twytt and The Werkling, and Wobble, Ice Cream and Badjelly are convinced they've won. However, slowly King Twytt comes round and gives the microphone to The Werkling, who is terrified as he has never performed a nonsense rap in his life. However, it turns out he is in fact incredibly good at nonsense, and he wins the hip hopera. However, Badjelly, Wobble and Ice Cream refuse to accept the decision, and storm off with Kate, yelling that they'll get their way. Scene 6 – Something has to be done but who will do it Grandad says that he's now half the man he was without Grandma, in the song "I'm half the man". He finds Kate sleeping, and walks into her dream, which is about Grandma. Grandma continues the song "I'm half the man", and tells him that he needs to pull himself together, to stop wallowing in self-pity, and that he should stop "shedding lonely tears". He walks out of the dream, and hears Grandma's voice telling him that he doesn't need baubles to be funny, brave or kind, and to show Kate that he loves her to stop her being evil, because love conquers all. Scene 7 – Time to go home Badjelly interrupts, telling Kate to make her wish quickly. Kate is about to make the wish, when Grandad tells her in nonsense how much he loves her. Kate then stops being evil, and runs up and hugs Grandad. Then Laura, King Twytt, Queen Twytt, The Werkling, the Conkerer and Sir Nobonk arrive to see the happy scene unfolding. Enraged by the failure of her evil plan, Badjelly shouts "Smelly poo to all of you", which everyone, including Queen Twytt, finds hilarious. King Twytt realised that Badjelly has just made Queen Twytt laugh, and tells her that she is actually quite funny. Badjelly gets very annoyed because no one is scared of her. Sir Nobonk reveals that he is actually very attracted to her. She then makes the joke "Have you ever been to Scarborough?" (as Scarborough was where she and Grandad met), which causes the judge to say that someone has to be punished because the joke was awful. He asks the Conkerer to come forward to be punished, but he protests, saying that he didn't make the joke. The Judge insists on punishing him, based on the fact that he was there when the joke was made. He then asks for the "Royal Jelly", and on comes Mayor Naise, holding a red jelly with whipped cream on top. The Conkerer is then "jellied" in the face, but Badjelly says that that was just plain cruel. Sir Nobonk, while handing The Conkerer a towel, says it's just a bit of fun, and Badjelly realises that she can be funny instead of mean. She makes friends with Queen Twytt, and they leave to go shopping. Suddenly, the train from the Land of the Bumbly Boo to reality comes, and Grandad, Kate and Laura go home. When they arrive home, they realise that Kate still has a wish left. Laura expects Kate to wish to never have to see her again, as she said on the journey to Grandad's house. However, Kate decides to save her wish for when she needs it. Their Mum calls and tells them it's time to go home, but says that they can come over again after Christmas. = Laura, Kate and Grandad are sitting in Grandad's lounge, with the baubles, when suddenly the door opens, and in come several pairs of creatures from the Land of the Bumbly Boo, and they dance to the song "There is a song in man". Halfway through the song, the Conkerer, Sir Nobonk, Badjelly, King Twytt, Queen Twytt, Wobble and Ice Cream also enter. They are soon followed by more creatures from the Land of the Bumbly Boo, (the rest of the cast), and by the end of the song, the whole cast are on stage. For the final bows, the casts sing "The Ying Tong Song", and do their bows in character, before character group by group, they leave, leaving Grandad, Kate and Laura on stage. Grandad then wishes the audience a Merry Christmas (and on the performances nearing New Year's Eve, a Happy New Year), before exiting with Kate and Laura. To end the show, an image of Spike Milligan is projected on to a piece of set. Source = "I'm Walking Backward's for Christmas" – The Cast "It's Early Days" – Grandad and Barbara Jelly "In the Land of the Bumbly Boo" – The Bumbly Boos and Sir Nobonk "He's a Twytt of the Highest Order" – King Twytt, Queen Twytt, Mayor Naise and the Twytts "In the Ning Nang Nong" – The Werkling, The Bongaloo and the Werkers Source = "The Party's Over" – Sir Nobonk "The Beauty of Our Childhood" – Badjelly, Ice Cream, Wobble "The Nose Song" – The Judge "I wish I was in Itchy Koo Land" – The Itchy Koos and the Conkerer "The Itchy Koo Hip Hopera" – The Cast "I'm half the man I was" – Grandad and Grandma Source = "There is a Song in Man" – The Cast "The Ying Tong Song" – The Cast Source The Chickenshed Theatre Company was the first company to introduce the idea of inclusive theatre in both performing and watching. = Every performance of Badjelly's Bad Christmas had sign language fully integrated. On some nights it was captioned for the deaf, and audio described for the blind. The theatre was, and still is, wheelchair accessible. = The Chickenshed Theatre Company didn't hold auditions for any of the roles, but all the performers were members of the company. Overall, Badjelly's Bad Christmas received very good reviews, and all the critics seemed to agree that it was a very good show, if a little crazy. The Stage magazine said "The nonsense of Spike Milligan meets the madness of Chickenshed and the results are suitably deranged". They went on to say "Dave Carey has achieved the playwright's equivalent of nailing jelly to a wall", and as for the signers, they said "it's all duplicated just to the side of the main action as three brilliant young performers not just sign but enact the entire piece in a virtual mini play within a play." However, they also said "A little more fire in its bad belly in the first half and a little less from the band – in danger of drowning out those hilarious lyrics – and I’m sure Milligan will be dancing and blowing raspberries from the wings." A Younger Theatre said "It's a little off-the-wall, but absolutely a joy and delight to watch." and commented on the energy of the cast, "It's fun, it's bursting with imagination, and the cast gives more energy in one single show than half of the shows I saw last year put together", the staging "Where Badjelly really excels is the continual revealing of new devices, characters, and methods of presenting the story to the audience", and the signers "The on-stage signing ... was excellently presented to be part of the action". They also commented on the attitude of the performers and staff "It's not often that a venue affects me as much as a show, but you can tell that rooted at the heart of Badjelly's Bad Christmas is the support, determination and love from the staff and the young people involved." This was generally considered one of the best reviews the show got. = There was a fantastic audience response to Badjelly's Bad Christmas, so much so many of the nights were sold out before the run of the show began, and even on a day when all the roads in the area were iced over, making it dangerous to drive, both performances (the matinee and evening performance) received reasonably large audiences. One blogger said " The rap battle scene has the audience in fits of laughter and the directing of Louise Perry and Mary Ward should be congratulated, as the stage is buzzing with energy." She too commented on the signers, saying "They dance, act and sign the show for any audience members who may be deaf or hard of hearing. They are in fact so outstanding there comes a point when you realise, rather than watching the characters, you are instead watching them, especially as it is not every day you see rapping being translated to sign language." In 1994 Chickenshed came up with the concept of having rotas and a fixed cast. All performers who are either a youth theatre, children's theatre or lunar theatre member are put on a rota, either Red, Yellow, Blue or Green, and the performances are shared out equally between all the rotas. Green rota has no performances during the annual Christmas holidays. All students at Chickenshed are put on more than one rota. The fixed cast is made up of adults who perform with Chickenshed for a living, usually referred to as the professional company. The fixed cast do all the performances. The understudies are usually students, who are put on rotas as usual, except of course if they are needed as an understudy they are expected to turn up regardless of whether or not their rota performs on that day. There were originally three rotas, along with a fixed cast. The same system is used today, except with four rotas. In the play there were many references to Spike Milligan and his work. = In the book Silly Verse for Kids, a girl called Laura was mentioned In the book Startling Verse for all the Family, a girl called Kate was mentioned Kate's costume included a pair of red shoes, because Spike Milligan bought his daughter, Jane, who performed as Grandma, a pair of red shoes that he remained attached to even after Jane ceased to wear them. The song "I'm Walking Backwards for Christmas" was originally composed and sung by the cast of The Goon Show. On the train journey, Kate was shown holding the book A Children's Treasury of Milligan, and read the poem "On the Ning Nang Nong" to her older sister, Laura. She then read the poem "My sister Laura", and when she got to Grandad's house, she read him an excerpt from the poem "Nothing Poem". Badjelly the Witch is the main character in the book written by Spike Milligan, Badjelly the Witch: A Fairy Story. The Land of the Bumbly Boo appears in a poem by Spike Milligan, also named "The Land of the Bumbly Boo". It was included in Silly Verse for Kids. The song "The Land of the Bumbly Boo" also shares its lyrics with the poem. Sir Nobonk was the main character in the book "Sir Nobonk and the Terrible Dreadful Awful Naughty Nasty Dragon", written by Spike Milligan The chorus of "He's the Twytt of the Highest Order" shares its lyrics with the poem "The Twit". King Twytt appeared with the name King Big – Twytt in the story "Sir Nobonk and the Terrible Dreadful Awful Naughty Nasty Dragon". The Werkling appeared in the poem titled "Werkling", in Startling Verse for all the Family The song "On The Ning Nang Nong" shared its lyrics with one of Spike Milligan's most famous poems with the same name. It was in Silly Verse for Kids. The fact that the Werkling scene was fairly sinister may have shown that, as The Stage magazine said, "All was not sweetness and light in Milligan's world." The Werkling's line "String is a very important thing. Rope is thicker but string is quicker" is taken from the poem "String", in "Silly Verse for Kids" The duel scene was taken from the book Sir Nobonk and the Terrible Dreadful Awful Naughty Nasty Dragon. = "The Nose Song" shares most of its lyrics with the poem "Gertrude Conk", from the book Unspun Socks from a Chicken's Laundry "I wish I were in Itchy Koo land" shared its lyrics with the poem "Itchy Koo Land" in the book Unspun Socks from a Chicken's Laundry The Conkerer appeared in the poem "Conkerer" in the book Unspun Socks from a Chicken's Laundry All the raps in the hip hopera were in fact Spike Milligan's poems. Grandad's period of depression may have reflected Spike's struggle with mental illness. The use of slapstick comedy when the Conkerer was jellied was similar to the type of comedy on The Goon Show The chorus to "There is a Song in Man" were taken from the quote "Child Songs" by Spike Milligan The Ying Tong Song was originally performed on the Goon Show
Beyond Eden
2010-02-21 22:11:28+00:00
Beyond Eden is also the title of a science fiction novel by David Duncan (writer). Beyond Eden is a musical written by Bruce Ruddell with music by Bruce Ruddell and Bill Henderson. It premiered February 16, 2010 at the Max Bell Theatre at the Epcor Centre for the Performing Arts in Calgary, Alberta, Canada and in Vancouver at the Vancouver Playhouse as part of the Cultural Olympiad. The show was first mounted by Theatre Calgary and ran until March 7, 2010. The Vancouver show ran from January 16 to February 6, 2010 and was well received for its cast, musical score and background projections. Beyond Eden is a fictional story inspired by the real life of Wilson Duff (1925–1976), a curator of anthropology at the British Columbia Provincial Museum, and his attempts to preserve Haida totem poles on the coast of British Columbia. The Calgary and Vancouver shows starred actor/musicians Tom Jackson and John Mann. = It is 1957. The play opens with the song, "Behind the Mask", where Lewis Wilson is having a conversation with The Watchman about Haida masks. Watchmen were men on duty around the village whose job it was to protect from invaders. He tells Lewis a story about the Raven and the Eagle, who are on the beach when the white man approaches the coast for the first time. The Watchman speaks of a gift that he "gave" Lewis – a mask with its eyes closed because it is looking inward. Lewis learns that the mask has a twin, with its eyes open. We then see a crew loading a ship to leave port (Hecate's Fist). The men have been hired to travel to Haida Gwaii and Kitwancool to cut down and transport several Haida totem poles for preservation at a museum. Lewis and his friend, Max Tomson, a photographer who is half Haida, are excited about their trip and Lewis jokes with him to keep the pictures in focus this time. Among the crew are Clive and Gregory, who work for the museum and are glad to be out on the expedition. Two "Indian" guides have been hired to accompany the crew, Victor Duncan and Joe Duncan (nicknamed "Stinky"), and Joe clearly has reservations about the trip. We also meet Lewis' wife, Sal Wilson, and son, Jack Wilson. Sal has convinced Lewis to take her and Jack along on this expedition as he has been dedicated to his work, sometimes staying out all night long. We learn that Jack is estranged from his father and is a little awkward around people. We also learn that he has a crush on a girl at a local store but is unsure how to introduce himself to her ("Howa Baby"). The crew gives him advice and teaches him a few Haida phrases. Sal and Lewis have a touching moment on the deck (Ribbons of Light) when they hear that a storm has been reported. Although it seems clear on the water where they are sailing, Lewis encourages Sal to go under deck. Lewis and the crew reflect on their expedition (Mystery). Max sings about his two worlds as half Haida, half European ("Disconnection"). A group of Haida women appear in a vision to Max ("The Spirit Song"). Max suddenly notices that Joe and Victor are acting suspicious. He confronts them and discovers that they were going to escape from the vessel by stealing the life raft. He attempts to wrestle them from the area and they resist. A fight breaks out and Lewis comes from below deck to discover the confusion as the storm breaks out ("No Contact"). The first act ends. = The crew is now landed in the forest near the Haida totem poles ("Beyond Eden"). They are wet and tired from their adventure on the water the previous evening, but credit Joe and Victor for saving their lives and getting them beyond the reefs. Victor acknowledges that the crew saved his and Joe's lives by refusing to let them get off the ship on the life raft. The men prepare for their various duties ("Ninstints"). Lewis becomes increasingly obsessed with the two masks and The Watchman visits him once again, continuing the Raven and Eagle story that he began telling in Act I. He credits Lewis for coming this far but tells him that he cannot let Lewis remove the poles. Lewis discovers that the two masks are meant to go together; one nests inside the other. Sal is worried about Lewis becoming more distant ("Beyond Eden Reprise"). Max reflects on the carvings on the totem poles ("Carving") and the vision of the Haida women appear to him again ("The Spirit Song"). As the men are about to cut down the totem poles, Lewis returns from being out all night and refuses to allow them to complete their work; he has changed his opinion about removing the poles based on his discussion with The Watchman. They discover that the chain saws are too wet to start and get axes to chop down the poles. A fight breaks out as Lewis attempts to oppose Clive and they struggle for the axe. Lewis begs Max to "back him up" but Max steadfastly refuses to turn back because he believes that he is finally appreciating his Haida heritage. Lewis finally grabs an axe and begins wildly chopping down the poles until the crew overpowers him and begin cutting down the poles themselves. The second act ends as the totem poles are falling ("We Go On"). Bill Henderson, musical director Bill Sample, piano and band leader Adrian Dolan, viola Dave Corman, guitar Laurence Mollerup, bass Randal Stoll, drums and percussion The music for Beyond Eden was written by Bill Henderson and Bruce Ruddell, with Haida-inspired music written by Gwaai Edenshaw. Bruce Ruddell had been considering the story of the Haida Gwaii totem poles for around 30 years, beginning as an oratorio, then a 90-minute composition, before it ended up in its current incarnation as a musical. = Behind the Mask – Lewis, Ensemble Hecate's Fist – Clive, Gregory, Ensemble Howa Baby – Jack Ribbons of Light – Sal, Lewis Mystery – Lewis, Ensemble Disconnection – Max, Ensemble The Spirit Song – Haid Woman No Contact – Full Company = Beyond Eden – Lewis, Ensemble Ninstints – Clive, Gregory, Victor, Joe, Lewis, Ensemble Beyond Eden Reprise – Sal Carving – Max, Ensemble The Spirit Song – Haida Woman Waiting for Me – Lewis War Song – Haida Woman The Watchman's Song – The Watchman I Hear You Call My Name – Sal We Go On – Ensemble
A Christmas Memory (musical)
2015-01-22 21:33:00+00:00
A Christmas Memory is a musical based on the short story of the same name by Truman Capote, with a book by Duane Poole, lyrics by Carol Hall, and music by Larry Grossman. The show premiered in 2010 at the TheatreWorks Silicon Valley in Palo Alto. It premiered Off-Broadway in 2014 at the Irish Repertory Theatre. = The show opened in 2010 at the TheatreWorks Silicon Valley in Palo Alto. The show was directed by Robert Kelley, sound design Cliff Caruthers, dialect coach Kimily Conkle, lighting design Steven B. Mannschardt, set design Joe Ragey, costume design Allison Connors, musical director William Liberatore, and orchestrator Steve Orich. The cast included Eileen Barnett (Jennie Faulk), Maggie Brown (Nelle Harper), Jennifer Chapman (Nelle Harper), Richard Farrell (Seabon/HaHa/Farley), Penny Fuller (Sook), Peter Heintz (Young Buddy), Gabriel Hoffman (Buddy), Joshua Park (Adult Buddy), and Cathleen Riddley (Anna Stabler). = The show opened in 2014 at the Theatre at the Center in Munster, Indiana. The show was directed by William Pullinsi, musical director William Underwood, set design Angela Weber Miller, choreographer Allyson Graves, projection design Guy Rhodes, lighting design Shelley Strasser-Holland, costume design Brenda Winstead, sound design Barry G. Funderburg, hair & wig design Kevin Barthel, and properties Cassie Schillo. The cast starred Paula Scrofano (Sook), Luke Michael Klein (Young Buddy), Geoff Rice (Adult Buddy), John Reeger (Seabon Faulk, HaHa Jones, Farley Wood), Iris Lieberman (Jennie Faulk), Robin K. Dasilva (Anna Stabler), and Madison Hertel (Nelle Harper). = It premiered Off-Broadway in 2014 at the Irish Repertory Theatre. The show was directed by Charlotte Moore, music director Micah Young, associate music director John DiPinto, choreography Barry McNabb, orchestrator Steve Orich, Set design James Noone, costume design David Toser, lighting design Brian Nason, properties Deirdre Brennan, and wigs Robert Charles Vallance. The cast included Virginia A. Woodruff (Anna Stabler), Ashley Robinson (Adult Buddy), Nancy Hess (Jennie Faulk), Alice Ripley (Sook Faulk), Samuel Cohen (Seabon Faulk), Silvano Spagnuolo (Young Buddy Faulk), and Taylor Richardson (Nelle Harper).
2010 Moscow Victory Day Parade
2010-03-08 01:05:15+00:00
The 2010 Moscow Victory Day Parade was held on 9 May 2010 to commemorate the 65th anniversary of the capitulation of Nazi Germany in 1945. The parade marks the Soviet Union's victory in the Great Patriotic War. It was the largest parade held in Moscow, Russia since the Soviet Union's dissolution in 1991, and saw 11,135 troops, 127 aircraft and helicopters, and the new Topol-M mobile intercontinental ballistic missile taking part. For the first time, the 2010 parade on Red Square also included military units from foreign countries who were allied with the Soviet Union during World War II, with representation from France, Poland, the United Kingdom, the United States and members of the Commonwealth of Independent States. The 9 May Victory Day Parade in Moscow involved more than 10,000 troops marching, 160 military vehicles and 127 military aircraft, making it the largest parade to be held since the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991. Twenty aviation units of the Russian Air Force took part in the parade, which saw the Ilyushin Il-76, Ilyushin Il-78, Antonov An-124, Sukhoi Su-27, Ilyushin Il-80, Beriev A-50, Tupolev Tu-22M, Sukhoi Su-25, Mikoyan MiG-29, Mikoyan MiG-31, Tupolev Tu-95 and Tupolev Tu-160 performing flypasts. Also taking part for the first time were the Yakovlev Yak-130 jet trainer aircraft and the Mil Mi-26 heavy helicopter. The mobile ICBM Topol-M missile, that first appeared at the 2009 parade, was shown here again for the second consecutive year. = The 2010 Parade marked the first time that foreign and Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) soldiers joined Russian forces on Red Square for the parade. Battalions from the CIS included Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan and Ukraine among them. Upon request from the government of Turkmenistan, the contingent from Turkmenistan was led by an officer riding on horseback, with the horse (which was a descendant of the horse used during the 1945 parade) being flown into Moscow from Ashgabat. Poland was represented by the Representative Battalion of the Polish Armed Forces. The United Kingdom was represented by a detachment of 76 soldiers from Number 2 Company, 1st Battalion, Welsh Guards, the Central Band of the Royal Air Force and the Band of the Royal Air Force Regiment. The United States was represented by the 2nd Battalion of the 18th Infantry Regiment and the Naval Forces Europe Band. France was represented by pilots and aircraft from the Normandie-Niemen Air Regiment. The combined Russian and foreign massed bands performed Slavsya, Ode to Joy and Den Pobedy at the conclusion of the parade. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev called the inclusion of foreign troops in the parade recognition of their "common victory" in World War II. The inclusion of foreign troops in the parade was not without controversy. The Communist Party of the Russian Federation held a May Day rally in Moscow, at which several thousand protesters used the rally to decry the inclusion of troops from NATO countries in the parade. A poll run by the Levada Center saw 20 percent of respondents disapproving of the presence of foreign troops, with 8 percent being strongly opposed. Mihai Ghimpu, the Acting President of Moldova, stated in late April 2010, after previously accepting an invitation from Russian President Dmitry Medvedev to attend the celebrations, that he would not be attending, claiming "I have no ties with Moscow. Only the victorious are going, what will the defeated do there?" Concerns also arose that a Moldovan contingent would not be able to attend the parade because of financial difficulties in the country, but a Moldovan government source told Kommersant that this was only an excuse, and Ghimpu was choosing to improve Moldova's relations with Romania, which was not invited to attend the celebrations as it was an ally of Germany during World War II. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov responded to remarks by Ghimpu, which also included the opinion that Russia should pay Moldova compensation for what he claimed was a "Soviet occupation", by urging Moldovan authorities not to use the occasion for political speculation. King Michael of Romania, the last head of state alive from World War II, was invited by Russian president Medvedev to attend the ceremony. German Chancellor Angela Merkel confirmed her attendance on 30 April, as did Acting President of Poland Bronisław Komorowski. Komorowski's attendance is said to be part of an effort to bolster Poland–Russia relations, which improved after the death of Polish President Lech Kaczyński in a plane crash near Smolensk in early April 2010. Kaczyński is said to have confirmed his attendance at the parade shortly prior to the crash in which he was killed, with reports in the week prior to his death showing that he was questioning his attendance. Chinese President Hu Jintao confirmed his attendance at the parade on 3 May. The following day Slovak President Ivan Gašparovič's attendance was confirmed. Other world leaders who confirmed their attendance included Czech President Václav Klaus, French President Nicolas Sarkozy, Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, Serbian President Boris Tadić, Bulgarian President Georgi Parvanov, and Vietnamese President Nguyễn Minh Triết, Leaders from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Estonia, Greece, Israel, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Mongolia and Slovenia also confirmed their attendance. On 8 May Sarkozy and Berlusconi announced that they wouldn't be attending the parade in Moscow, so that they could tackle the European sovereign debt crisis. Both the United Kingdom and the United States had planned to send high-profile representatives. Gordon Brown, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, was invited to Russia, but because of the UK general election he was unable to attend; the Foreign and Commonwealth Office suggested the Prince of Wales (now Charles III), instead. Barack Obama, the President of the United States, was also unable to attend, but offered Vice President Joe Biden as the US representative; Biden was in Brussels as part of US efforts to improve relations with the European Union. According to The Guardian, both figures were rejected by Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, however, in what both countries perceived as a diplomatic snub. This was put down to poor British relations with Russia over the UK's continuing refusal to extradite Boris Berezovsky over Russian charges of embezzlement, and because of Biden's close relations with Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili, who is widely unpopular in Russia because of the 2008 Russia–Georgia War. The UK and US were instead represented by their ambassadors to Russia, Dame Anne Pringle and John Beyrle respectively. The list of heads of foreign states, governments and international organisations that attended the parade were: At 10:00 am (MSK), the clock of Spasskaya Tower in the Moscow Kremlin rang and signalled the beginning of the parade commemorating the defeat of Nazi Germany by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in the Great Patriotic War. The event then began with the display of the flag of Russia and the Victory Banner. After this, commander of the Moscow Military District Colonel General Valery Gerasimov, who commanded the parade, and Anatoly Serdyukov, the Russian Minister of Defence, who inspected the parade, joined and inspected the troops. At 10:14 am, Serdyukov reported to Supreme Commander-in-Chief, and Russian President, Dmitry Medvedev on the readiness of the troops. After this President Medvedev made a speech in which he stated, "Sixty-five years ago Nazism was vanquished. The machine that was wiping out whole nations was stopped. Peace returned to our country and to Europe as a whole. An end was put to the ideology that was destroying the fundamentals of civilisation." Medvedev also emphasised the role the Soviet Union played in the war, bearing the brunt of Nazi attacks, in which some three-quarters of their military forces participated. After his speech and the playing of the National Anthem of the Russian Federation, a parade of troops took place on Red Square, led by the Drummers' Company of the Moscow Military Conservatoire, Military University of the MDRF. Some 10,500 thousand troops marched, and approximately 1,000 troops from the Commonwealth of Independent States, Poland, the United Kingdom, France and the United States also marched. This was followed by a procession of 161 pieces of military hardware through Red Square, and 127 aircraft and helicopters making a flypast over the Kremlin to form the number "65". The historical part of the parade began with the entry onto Red Square of infantry, air force and navy representatives in uniforms resplendent of the Great Patriotic War. Behind them troops from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan and Ukraine marched. Each of these nations of the Commonwealth of Independent States were represented by some 70 troops. Following the participants from the CIS, was a guard of honour from the Polish Army, and they were followed by 71 members of the British Army, 76 members of the United States military, and 68 members of the French military. At the rear of the foreign segment of the parade were 68 troops from Turkmenistan, led by a commander riding on horseback, of which the horse has blood-lines to the horse lent to Marshal Georgy Zhukov by Stalin for the original parade. It was followed by the Presidential Regiment Cavalry Escort Squadron, wearing GPW uniforms of the Soviet Cavalry forces. Note: Those indicated in bold indicate first parade appearance, those indicated with italic indicate double or multiple parade appearances. Colonel General Valery Gerasimov, Commander of the Moscow Military District (parade commander) Defense Minister of the Russian Federation Anatoliy Serdyukov (parade inspector) = Massed Military Bands led and conducted by Major General Valery Khalilov and composed of: Headquarters Band of the Moscow Military District under Lt. Col. V Shevernev Central Military Band of the MDRF under Col. Andrei Kolotushkin and Drum Major of the Central Band Lt. Col. Sergey Durygin Headquarters Band, of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Central Band of the Russian Navy Band of the Moscow Military Conservatoire, Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation HQ Band of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation Band of the Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Band of the Military Technological University Band of the Peter the Great Military Academy of the Rocket Forces of Strategic Importance Central Band of the Royal Air Force The Band of the Royal Air Force Regiment United States Navy Naval Forces Europe Band Wind and Fanfare Band of the French Army Ile-de-France Military Region Band of the 5th Tamanskaya Guards Ind. Motor Rifle Brigade "Mikhail Kalinin" Band of the 4th Kantemir Guards Armored Brigade "Yuri Andropov" Band of the 27th Sevastopol Guards Motor Rifle Brigade Central Band of the Russian Air Force Band of the Gagarin-Zhukovsky Combined Air Force Academy Headquarters Band of the Russian Airborne Troops Band of the Ryazan Airborne Command Academy Headquarters Band of the Federal Security Service Band of the MES Civil Defense Academy Moscow Combined Band of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Drummers Company, Moscow Military Conservatoire, Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation = 154th Moscow Garrison Commandant's Honor Guard Regiment and Color Guards Colors Party composed of: Flag of Russia Victory Banner Banner of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Combined Honor Guards Company of the Armed Forces Historical troops and colors Front Standard bearers Historical Colors Party Historical troops of the Soviet Armed Forces Red Army Soviet Air Forces Soviet Navy WPRA Army Cavalry Corps and Cavalry Mechanized Groups Command (represented by the Cavalry Escort Squadron of the Presidential Regiment) Forces of the Commonwealth of Independent States and Allied nations Azerbaijani peacekeeping forces Yerevan Capital Regiment, Armed Forces of Armenia 5th Spetsnaz Brigade of the Armed Forces of Belarus Honor Guard Company of the Ministry of Defense of Kazakhstan 8th Guards Motor Rifle Division of the Armed Forces of Kyrgyzstan Honor Guard Company of the Moldovan National Army Military Institute of the Ministry of Defense of Tajikistan Ukrainian Ground Forces Military Academy Representative Battalion of the Polish Armed Forces 2nd Coy. 1st Battalion, Welsh Guards, British Army 18th Infantry Regiment, United States Army Normandie-Niemen Air Regiment, French Air Force Independent Honor Guard Battalion of the Ministry of Defence of Turkmenistan Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Emergency Situations and Civil Defense of the Russian Federation, Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Gagarin-Zhukovsky Combined Air Force Academy Air Force Gen. Staff School of Rocket Forces and Anti-Air Defense Training Baltic Naval Military Institute "Admiral Fyodor Ushakov" 336th Separate Bialystok Guards Naval Infantry Brigade of the Baltic Fleet Peter the Great Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces Moscow Military Rocket Forces Institute, SRFI RF Military Space Academy Moscow Military Space Institute of Radio Electronics Ryazan Airborne Command Academy "Gen. of the Army Vasily Margelov" 331st Guards Airborne Regiment Moscow Border Service Institute of the Federal Security Service OMSDON 1st Internal Troops Division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation "Felix Dzenzhinsky" Civil Defense Academy of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation Military Technological University 5th Tamanskaya Guards Ind. Motor Rifle Brigade "Mikhail Kalinin" 27th Sevastopol Guards Motor Rifle Brigade Moscow Military Commanders Training School "Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR/Russian Federation" = T-34 GAZ-67B SU-100 GAZ-2975 BPM-97 BTR-80 BMP-3 T-90 2S19 Msta Buk missile system TOS-1 BM-30 Smerch S-400 Triumf Pantsir-S1 Iskander-M Topol-M = Mi-8 Colors Party Mi-24 Mi-28 Mil Mi-35 Yak-130 MiG-29 Sukhoi Su-24 Sukhoi Su-34 Sukhoi Su-27 Tu-22M3 Tu-95 Tu-160 Joint formation squadron of Russian Knights and Strizhi (Sukhoi Su-27 and Mikoyan MiG-29) Il-78 Beriev A-50 Sukhoi Su-25 Antonov An-124 Flag procession, Inspection, and Address Sacred War (Священная Война) by Alexandr Alexandrov Slow March of the Tankmen (Встречный Марш Танкистов) by Semyon Tchernetsky Slow March to Carry the War Flag (Встречный Марш для выноса Боевого Знамени) by Dmitriy Valentinovich Kadeyev Slow March of the Guards of the Navy (Гвардейский Встречный Марш Военно-Морского Флота) by Nikolai Pavlocich Ivanov-Radkevich Slow March of the Officers Schools (Встречный Марш офицерских училищ) by Semyon Tchernetsky Slow March (Встречный Марш) by Dmitry Pertsev Slow March of the Red Army (Встречный Марш Красной Армии) by Semyon Tchernetsky Slow March (Встречный Марш) by Evgeny Aksyonov March of the Preobrazhensky Regiment (Марш Преображенского Полка) Parade Fanfare All Listen! (Парадная Фанфара "Слушайте все!”) by Andrei Golovin State Anthem of the Russian Federation (Государственный Гимн Российской Федерации) by Alexander Alexandrov Signal Retreat (Сигнал "Отбой") Infantry Column Triumph of the Winners (Триумф Победителей) Ballad of a Soldier (Баллада о Солдате) by Vasily Pavlovich Solovyov-Sedoy March of the Defenders of Moscow (Марш защи́тников Москвы́) by Boris Alexandrovich Mokroysov March Hero (Марш "Герой") On Guard for the Peace (На страже Мира) by Boris Alexandrovich Diev Air March (Авиамарш) by Yuliy Abramovich Khait Crew is One Family (Экипаж - одна семья) by Viktor Vasilyevich Pleshak March of the Cosmonauts/Friends, I believe (Марш Космонавтов /Я верю, друзья) by Oskar Borisovich Feltsman We Need One Victory (Нам Нужна Одна Победа) by Bulat Shalvovich Okudzhava To Serve Russia (Служить России) by Eduard Cemyonovich Khanok Victory Day (День Победы) by David Fyodorovich Tukhmanov Vehicle Column March General Miloradovich (Марш "Генерал Милорадович") by Valery Khalilov March Hero (Марш "Герой") Katyusha (Катюша) by Matvey Blanter March Kant (Марш "Кант") by Valery Khalilov March of the Tankmen (Марш Танкистов) by Semyon Tchernetsky March Hero (Марш "Герой") by Unknown Katyusha (Катюша) by Matvey Blanter March Kant (Марш "Кант") by Valery Khalilov March of the Tankmen (Марш Танкистов) by Semyon Tchernetsky Flypast Column Air March (Авиамарш) by Yuliy Abramovich Khait March Airplanes – First of all (Марш "Первым делом самолёты") by Vasili-Solovyov-Sedoi It’s time to go (Пора в путь-дорогу) by Vasili-Solovyov-Sedoi Air March (Авиамарш) by Yuliy Abramovich Khait March Airplanes – First of all (Марш "Первым делом самолёты") by Vasili-Solovyov-Sedoi Conclusion Glory (Славься) by Mikhail Glinka Ode to Joy by Ludwig van Beethoven Victory Day (День Победы) by David Fyodorovich Tukhmanov Farewell of Slavianka (Прощание Славянки) by Vasiliy Agapkin = 360° panoramas of the parade in QuickTime VR technology Moscow Victory Day Parade Rehearsal of US Army for Red Square British soldiers march on Red Square on historic parade Французы готовятся к параду в Москве
Combined Joint Expeditionary Force
2014-04-05 15:28:46+00:00
The Combined Joint Expeditionary Force (CJEF) is a UK–French military force. It draws upon both the British Armed Forces and the French Armed Forces to field a deployable force with land, air and maritime components together with command and control and supporting logistics. The Combined Joint Expeditionary Force is envisaged as a deployable, combined UK–French military force for use in a wide range of crisis scenarios, up to and including high intensity combat operations. As a joint force it involves all three armed services: a land component composed of formations at national brigade level, maritime and air components with their associated headquarters, together with logistics and support functions. The CJEF is not conceived as a standing force; instead, is available at short notice for UK–French bilateral, NATO, European Union, United Nations or other operations. Combined air and land exercises commenced during 2011 with a view towards developing a full capability. The CJEF is also seen as a potential stimulus towards greater interoperability and coherence in military doctrine, training and equipment requirements. The UK and French defence ministries have jointly produced a User Guide (in English) to assist military staff operating at the operational and higher tactical levels of CJEF operations. This guide, jointly developed by the Development, Concepts and Doctrine Centre at Shrivenham, UK, and the Centre Interarmées de Concepts, de Doctrine et d'Expérimentations in Paris, has been published on the French Ministry of Defence website. In 2010, the governments of the UK and France signed the Lancaster House Treaties which committed both governments to the creation of an Anglo-French Combined Joint Expeditionary Force (CJEF). This was outlined as "We will develop a Combined Joint Expeditionary Force suitable for a wide range of scenarios, up to and including high intensity operations. It will involve all three Services: there will be a land component comprised of formations at national brigade level, maritime and air components with their associated Headquarters, and logistics and support functions. It will not involve standing forces but will be available at notice for bilateral, NATO, European Union, United Nations or other operations. We will begin with combined air and land exercises during 2011 and will develop the concept before the next UK-France Summit and progress towards full capability in subsequent years. The Force will stimulate greater interoperability and coherence in military doctrine, training and equipment requirements." In 2012, the UK-France Summit revealed further information on the CJEF. The two governments reaffirmed their commitments, stating that their recent expeditionary operations in Libya had proven the CJEF's relevance. It was announced that the CJEF would be operational from 2016 and that it would be "an early entry force capable of facing multiple threats up to the highest intensity". The two governments also agreed to continue the development of a joint maritime task group force which would be available by 2020 and comprise maritime assets owned by both countries. A joint exercise, named Exercise Corsican Lion, was also announced to test and further develop the CJEF, which subsequently took place in October 2012. In 2013, a large-scale joint amphibious exercise in the Red Sea, named Exercise Djibouti Lion, was cancelled. British Defence Minister Mark Francois stated that it was cancelled due to "administrative issues" and not due to a lack of resources as the media had reported. During the 2014 UK-France Summit, both governments announced that "good progress" was being made on the delivery of the CJEF. The creation of an integrated national Joint Task Force Headquarters was announced, as well as a Combined Logistics Support Group to sustain the CJEF. Two major exercises to take place in 2015 and 2016 were also announced. In April 2016, Exercise Griffin Strike began to take place in the UK involving up to 5,000 personnel. It was dubbed the CJEF's "biggest development test" by the UK Ministry of Defence and involved land, air and sea components. Eurofighter Typhoon fighters of the Royal Air Force and Dassault Rafale fighters of the French Air Force were deployed to RAF Leeming in North Yorkshire. At sea, Royal Navy ships, including HMS Ocean, HMS Bulwark and HMS Duncan, combined with French Navy ships, including the Dixmude, Cassard and La Motte-Picquet. On land, elements of the British Army’s 3rd (UK) Division and the French Army's 7th Mechanised Brigade, including paratroopers, armoured units and infantrymen, came together. = The CJEF comprises strategic, operational and tactical level Command and Control elements, together with deployable sea, land, air and logistical components. It is seen as being able to conduct offensive and defensive operations on land, in the air, and at sea. It is designed to be rapidly deployable and, once ready in theatre, to be sustainable for up to three months of operations as a stand-alone force; as well as having the ability to include other nations as coalition partners. The UK and France see the following as the most likely tasks for the CJEF: crisis management, involving early entry into a potentially hostile territory (including the initial enforcement of no-fly zones, embargoes and sanctions); the protection of shared national interests abroad; extraction operations; non-combatant evacuation operations; the temporary strengthening of a peacekeeping operation; support to emergency humanitarian assistance. = At the strategic level command and control (C2) is exercised via a CJEF Current Commitments Team (CCT) which takes its direction jointly from the UK's Chief of the Defence Staff and France's Chef d’État Major des Armées. The CJEF CCT provides strategic military direction to the CJEF Operational Headquarters (OHQ) which, depending on circumstances, is to be based either in the UK at Permanent Joint Headquarters Northwood or in France at Fort Mont-Valérien. The OHQ carries out operational level planning with the conduct of the operation being commanded by the deployed tactical headquarters the Combined Joint Force Headquarters (CJFHQ). The C2 arrangements are summarised as follows: Strategic level – CJEF Current Commitments Team (CCT) Operational level – CJEF Operational Headquarters (OHQ) Tactical level – deployable Combined Joint Force Headquarters (CJFHQ), and as required: Combined Logistics Support Group (CLSG) headquarters. Maritime component commander. Land component commander. Air component commander. = The CJEF is planned to be able to deploy maritime, land, and air components with the CJFHQ commanding these either directly or via individual component commanders. A maritime component of up to a naval task group based on one or more capital ships, with the maritime forces required to conduct a particular CJEF operation being primarily depend on the circumstances. The component may include any combination of UK and French maritime assets gathered in a task group, and commanded from a UK/French combined headquarters that could be led by either nation. A scalable land component of at least a UK battle-group and a French battle-group. It is to be capable of conducting non-enduring, complex intervention operations, facing multiple threats up to high intensity. It is planned as a high-readiness force using existing national high readiness force elements – including lead elements at very short notice. An air component comprising an expeditionary air wing that is self-sufficient and capable of being generated within 10 days of activation. This will include all air assets across the full spectrum of air power roles. It is envisaged that the air component will be able to deliver the full spectrum of air effects. A logistics component with which the UK and France envisage collaborating to share the logistics support of the CJEF. Cooperative logistic planning is foreseen as commencing at the earliest opportunity and logistic operations will typically be commanded by a Combined Logistics Support Group headquarters, subordinate to the CJTF headquarters. While the CJEF may be used for European Union (EU) tasks with the agreement of both the French and the UK governments, it is not formally part of the EU's Common Security and Defence Policy. It does not use the Lisbon Treaty’s Permanent Structured Cooperation facility, nor does it involve the European Defence Agency.
Don't Ask, Don't Tell Repeal Act of 2010
2010-12-18 23:28:59+00:00
The Don't Ask, Don't Tell Repeal Act of 2010 (H.R. 2965, S. 4023) is a landmark United States federal statute enacted in December 2010 that established a process for ending the "don't ask, don't tell" (DADT) policy (10 U.S.C. § 654), thus allowing gay, lesbian, and bisexual people to serve openly in the United States Armed Forces. It ended the policy in place since 1993 that allowed them to serve only if they kept their sexual orientation secret and the military did not learn of their sexual orientation, which was controversial. The Act established a process for ending the "don't ask, don't tell" policy. The Act did not ban discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation in the military, as provided for in the proposed Military Readiness Enhancement Act. President Barack Obama, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen provided the certification required by the Act to Congress on July 22, 2011. Implementation of repeal was completed 60 days later, so that DADT was no longer policy as of September 20, 2011. According to the Congressional Research Service, the Act: Provided for repeal of the current Department of Defense (DOD) policy concerning homosexuality in the Armed Forces, to be effective 60 days after the Secretary of Defense has received DOD's comprehensive review on the implementation of such repeal, and the President, Secretary, and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) certify to the congressional defense committees that they have considered the report and proposed plan of action, that DOD has prepared the necessary policies and regulations to exercise the discretion provided by such repeal, and that implementation of such policies and regulations is consistent with the standards of military readiness and effectiveness, unit cohesion, and military recruiting and retention. DADT was controversial from the time it was implemented, but it became increasingly a matter of public debate after 2004. In July 2004, the American Psychological Association issued a statement that "Empirical evidence fails to show that sexual orientation is germane to any aspect of military effectiveness including unit cohesion, morale, recruitment and retention." In February 2005, the Government Accountability Office reported that DADT cost at least $95.4 million for recruiting and at least $95.1 million for training replacements for the 9,488 troops discharged from 1994 through 2003. In December 2006, Zogby International reported that a poll of military personnel conducted in October 2006 found that 26% favored allowing gays and lesbians to serve openly in the military, 37% were opposed, while 37% expressed no preference or were unsure. In 2008, former U.S. Senator Sam Nunn, who had previously blocked plans to lift the ban on gays openly serving the military, showed a shift from his previous political views by endorsing a new Pentagon study to examine the issue of homosexuals serving openly in the military. At a February 2, 2010 congressional hearing, Senator John McCain read from a letter signed by "over one thousand former general and flag officers". It said: "We firmly believe that this law, which Congress passed to protect good order, discipline and morale in the unique environment of the armed forces, deserves continued support." The Democratic leadership in both the House and Senate tried to end the "don't ask, don't tell" policy with an amendment to the Defense Authorization bill. On May 27, 2010, on a 234–194 vote, the U.S. House of Representatives approved the Murphy amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2011. It provided for repeal of the DADT policy and created a process for lifting the policy, including a U.S. Department of Defense study and certification by key officials that the change in policy would not harm military effectiveness, followed by a waiting period of 60 days. On the same day the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee on a 16–12 vote advanced an identical measure to be included in the Defense Authorization Act. The amended defense bill passed the House on May 28, 2010. On September 21, 2010, John McCain led a successful (56 in favor, 43 opposed) filibuster against the debate on the Defense Authorization Act. On November 30, 2010, the Department of Defense's Comprehensive Review Working Group (CRWG) on DADT repeal issued its formal report outlining a path to the implementation of repeal of DADT. The report indicated that there was low risk of service disruptions because of repeal of the ban. Gates encouraged Congress to act quickly to repeal the law so that the military could carefully adjust rather than face a court decision requiring it to lift the policy immediately. The United States Senate held two days of hearings on December 2 and 3, 2010, to consider the CRWG report. Defense Secretary Robert Gates, Joint Chiefs Chairman Michael Mullen urged immediate repeal. The heads of the Marine Corps, Army, and Navy all advised against immediate repeal and expressed varied views on its eventual repeal. Democrats in Congress quickly scheduled hearings to consider repeal of the law. On December 3, the Joint Chiefs of Staff appeared before the Senate Armed Services Committee to testify about repeal. While the Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Chief of Naval Operations, and Commandant of the Coast Guard said repeal would cause minimal disruption, heads of the Army, Air Force, and Marines opposed repeal because it would cause additional stress on combat focused forces during war. On December 9, 2010, another filibuster prevented debate on the Defense Authorization Act during the lame duck session of Congress. On December 9, 2010, in reaction to the failure to open discussion on the Defense Authorization Act, Senators Joe Lieberman and Susan Collins introduced a bill that included the policy-related portions of the Defense Authorization Act that they considered more likely to pass as a stand-alone bill. The Washington Post compared it to a Hail Mary pass. The stand-alone bill was sponsored by Patrick Murphy and passed the House on a vote of 250 to 175 on December 15, 2010. On December 18, 2010, the Senate voted to end debate on its version of the bill by a cloture vote of 63–33. Prior to the vote, Sen. Lieberman gave the final argument in favor of repealing DADT and Sen. McCain argued against repeal. The final Senate vote was held later that same day, with the measure passing by a vote of 65–31. U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates released a statement following the vote indicating that the planning for implementation of a policy repeal would begin right away, led by Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness Clifford L. Stanley, and would continue until Gates certified that conditions were met for orderly repeal of the policy. President Barack Obama signed the bill into law on December 22, 2010. = Following enactment, the Department of Defense charged a committee led by Clifford Stanley to oversee its implementation. Stanley's committee commissioned a comprehensive review of current policies, the repeal, and whether the new status quo would be consistent with the goals of, in the words of Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, "military readiness, military effectiveness, unit cohesion, and recruiting and retention of the Armed Forces." On January 29, 2011, the Pentagon released its plan for implementing the end of DADT. It called for a three-month period of training for all personnel, beginning in the third quarter of 2011. President Obama, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Adm. Mike Mullen sent Congress the required certification that implementation of repeal would not have negative effect on military readiness and performance on July 22, 2011. Full implementation of the repeal occurred 60 days later on September 20, 2011. = The repeal of DADT did not alter the language of Article 125 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, which banned sodomy by service members. This prohibition was removed upon enactment of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2014. The repeal of DADT also did not alter the status of same-sex-married service members, which was still unrecognized under the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act. On 14 August 2013, the Department of Defense (DoD) announced that it would provide spousal and family benefits to servicemembers in same-sex marriages on the same terms as it does to those in different-sex marriages; this was made retroactive to 26 June, when the Supreme Court decided in United States v. Windsor that Section 3 of DOMA, which barred U.S. military from extending those benefits to same-sex couples, was unconstitutional. From 13 September 2013, VA loans were extended to veterans in same-sex marriages. These decisions were affirmed in the 2015 ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges and the 2022 enactment of the Respect for Marriage Act.
Iraq War documents leak
2010-10-22 22:26:35+00:00
The Iraq War documents leak is the disclosure to WikiLeaks of 391,832 United States Army field reports, also called the Iraq War Logs, of the Iraq War from 2004 to 2009 and published on the Internet on 22 October 2010. The files record 66,081 civilian deaths out of 109,000 recorded deaths. The leak resulted in the Iraq Body Count (IBC) project adding 15,000 civilian deaths to their count, bringing their total to over 150,000, with roughly 80% of those civilians. It is the biggest leak in the military history of the United States, surpassing the Afghan War documents leak of 25 July 2010. The logs led to news reports of previously unknown or unconfirmed events that took place during the war. = The Iraq Body Count project estimated 15,000 civilian deaths that had not been previously admitted by the US government based on an extrapolation of a sample of the deaths found in about 800 logs. Although American and British officials had denied any official record of civilian deaths, the logs released by WikiLeaks showed 66,081 civilian deaths out of a total of 109,000 fatalities for the period from 1 January 2004 to 31 December 2009. As of 2 January 2013, the IBC has added a total of 3,334 of these previously unrecorded civilian deaths to its database from their ongoing analysis of the war logs. Some civilian deaths were classified as enemy casualties, such as the July 12, 2007, Baghdad airstrike by US helicopter gunships which killed two Reuters journalists along with several men thought to be armed and suspected to be insurgents. They, including the journalists, were listed as "enemy killed in action". According to Al Jazeera English, some of the leaked documents describe how almost 700 civilians were killed by US troops for coming too close to checkpoints, including pregnant women and the mentally ill. At least a half-dozen incidents involved Iraqi men transporting pregnant family members to hospitals. The New York Times said the reports contain evidence of many abuses, including civilian deaths committed by contractors. The New York Times points out some specific reports, such as one which says "after the IED strike a witness reports the Blackwater employees fired indiscriminately at the scene." In another event on 14 May 2005, an American unit "observed a Blackwater PSD shoot up a civ vehicle" killing a father and wounding his wife and daughter. = The logs corroborate previous allegations that the US military handed over many prisoners to the Iraqi Wolf Brigade which was accused of beating prisoners, torturing them with electric drills, and executing suspects. According to The Guardian, the logs also show that "US authorities failed to investigate hundreds of reports of abuse, torture, rape and even murder by Iraqi police and soldiers." The coalition, had "a formal policy of ignoring such allegations", unless the allegations involved coalition forces. Wired Magazine reported that abuse of prisoners or detainees by Iraqi security forces continued even after the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse incident came to light in 2004. In one recorded case, US troops confiscated a "hand cranked generator with wire clamps" from a Baghdad police station, after a detainee claimed to have been brutalised there. One report analysed by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism seemed to show a US military Apache helicopter gunship open fire on Iraqi insurgents who were trying to surrender. According to Dagbladet Information, Danish soldiers "passed on responsibility for a much higher number of prisoners to Iraqi police than had previously been made public. The practice continued even though the coalition witnessed, and was repeatedly warned of widespread torture and mistreatment of prisoners in the hands of the Iraqi police." = According to Wired Magazine, "WikiLeaks may have just bolstered one of the Bush administration's most controversial claims about the Iraq war: that Iran supplied many of the Iraq insurgency's deadliest weapons and worked hand-in-glove with some of its most lethal militias. The documents indicate that Iran was a major combatant in the Iraq war, as its elite Quds Force trained Iraqi Shiite insurgents and imported deadly weapons like the shape-charged explosively formed penetrator bombs into Iraq for use against civilians, Sunni militants and U.S. troops." It was reported in the Boston Globe that the documents show Iraqi operatives being trained by Hezbollah in precision military-style kidnappings. Reports also included incidents of US surveillance aircraft lost deep in Iranian territory. = According to The Australian, a document from December 2006 described a plan by a Shia militia commander to kidnap US soldiers in Baghdad in late 2006 or early 2007. The Australian also reported that "detainee testimony" and "a captured militant's diary" are cited among the documents, in order to demonstrate "how Iran provided Iraqi militias with weapons such as rockets and lethal roadside bombs." According to The New York Times, the trove of documents released by WikiLeaks in October 2010 "portrays the long history of tensions between Kurds and Arabs in the north of Iraq and reveals the fears of some American units about what might happen after American troops leave the country by the end of 2011." An analysis published by The Jerusalem Post argued the leaked documents indicates a double standard in the international community views of human rights towards Israel's military policy: An editorial in The Washington Post said that the leak "mainly demonstrates that the truth about Iraq 'already has been told', while it 'has at least temporarily complicated negotiations to form a new government'". The editor also charged that "claims such as those published by the British journal The Lancet that American forces slaughtered hundreds of thousands are the real 'attack on truth.'" After criticism over the Afghan War documents leak, WikiLeaks redacted more information from the Iraq War documents. Julian Assange explained that this was to stop people distracting from the message contained in the material. = WikiLeaks made the documents available under embargo to a number of media organisations: Der Spiegel, The Guardian, The New York Times, Al Jazeera, Le Monde, the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, and the Iraq Body Count project. In October 2010, it was reported that WikiLeaks was planning to release up to 400,000 documents relating to the Iraq War. Julian Assange initially denied the reports, stating: "WikiLeaks does not speak about upcoming releases dates, indeed, with very rare exceptions we do not communicate any specific information about upcoming releases, since that simply provides fodder for abusive organizations to get their spin machines ready." The Guardian reported on 21 October 2010 that it had received almost 400,000 Iraq war documents from WikiLeaks. On 22 October 2010, Al Jazeera was the first to release analyses of the leak, dubbed The War Logs. WikiLeaks posted a tweet that "Al Jazeera have broken our embargo by 30 minutes. We release everyone from their Iraq War Logs embargoes." This prompted other news organisations to release their articles based on the source material. Upon the lifting of the embargo, the media coverage by these groups was followed by further coverage by other media organisations. The Guardian said that "the New York Times, Washington Post and other papers were accused by web publications and some bloggers of downplaying the extent to which the documents revealed US complicity in torture and provided evidence that politicians in Washington "lied" about the failures of the US military mission". Glenn Greenwald of commented that "media outlets around the world prominently highlighted this revelation, but not The New York Times", calling their coverage of the document leak "subservient" to the Pentagon. UK papers including The Independent and The Daily Telegraph called the War Logs an indictment of the war that "must be investigated not ignored for the sake of political expediency". Slate wrote the "bigger finding" was that "most Iraqi civilian deaths were caused by other Iraqis" and that "while some American guards behaved horrendously toward Iraqi detainees at the Abu Ghraib prison, Iraqi police and soldiers have behaved much worse". Other writers said the War Logs highlighted the danger of Iran in Iraq and "may well derail the formation of a government by implicating caretaker prime minister Nuri al-Maliki in running death squads". Max Boot wrote that the documents "don't tell us much that we didn't already know in broad outline". = The UN's chief investigator on torture, Manfred Nowak, states that "if the files released through WikiLeaks pointed to clear violations of the United Nations Convention Against Torture the Obama administration had an obligation to investigate them." The convention, according to Nowak, forbids the US from turning over detainees to the Iraqi government, if doing so meant they might be subjected to torture. The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navanethem Pillay said that "the US and Iraq should investigate claims of abuse contained in files published on the WikiLeaks website". In addition, the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture Manfred Nowak called "for a wider inquiry to include alleged US abuses." Hamit Dardagan, co-founder of the Iraq Body Count project, said that the publication of the Iraq War logs had revealed specific details about 15,000 previously unreported violent deaths of Iraqi civilians. Dardagan said that, for some of the deaths, WikiLeaks provided "hitherto undisclosed identifying details including their names — no small matter when so many Iraqi families were still desperately searching for their missing loved ones". = In preparation for the leak, the Pentagon created an Information Review Task Force to look for names, keywords and other issues that would be particularly sensitive, comprising 120 people led by the Defense Intelligence Agency. A spokesperson for the Pentagon said the reports were considered to be simple observations and reports by military personnel and civilian informants, but nevertheless called their release a "tragedy" while the US Department of Defense requested the return of the documents. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton condemned the leak, saying that it "puts the lives of United States and its partners' service members and civilians at risk." The US military responded to the information in the documents about civilian deaths, saying that "it did not under-report the number of civilian deaths in the Iraq war or ignore prisoner abuse by Iraqi forces". Pentagon spokesman Colonel Dave Lapan added that "the US military never claimed to have an exact count of the number of civilians killed in Iraq." He also added that both WikiLeaks and the Pentagon had the same database to collate a civilian death toll and was further sceptical WikiLeaks "made any new discovery." General George Casey, the army chief of staff, said US forces went to morgues to collect data and he did not "recall downplaying civilian casualties." In response to the allegations of torture by Iraqi soldiers under US oversight, US General George Casey, in command of the Iraq War between 2004 and 2007, said that "[o]ur policy all along was if American soldiers encountered prisoner abuse, to stop it and report it immediately up the US chain of command and up the Iraqi chain of command." Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Nick Clegg also expressed his support for an investigation into the "allegations of killings, torture and abuse" in the documents, having stated, "We can bemoan how these leaks occurred, but I think the nature of the allegations made are extraordinarily serious". Prime Minister of Iraq Nouri al-Maliki dismissed the records as politically timed smear and as a series of "media games and bubbles" as a defence against the information contained in the documents, which included "allegations [his administration] had permitted the abuse of prisoners and other misuses of power." This was echoed by Hassan al-Sneid, a "leader of Maliki's governing State of Law coalition", who stated, in terms of the images contained in the documents, "These are all just fakes from the Internet and Photoshop". The Iraqi Government stated that it planned to investigate the role of private contractors, specifically Blackwater Worldwide, in deaths that occurred during the war and were revealed in the logs. The Iraqi News Network stated that "The WikiLeaks documents revealed very important secrets, but the most painful among them are not those that focus on the occupier, but those that reveal what the Iraqi forces, Iraqi government and politicians did against their citizens. Those leaders who returned to remove Iraq from oppression toppled the dictator but then carried out acts that were worse than Saddam himself. If these documents make the US apologise to Iraqis, they should compel Mr Maliki to leave the political arena altogether and apologise to everyone." Spokesman for Iran's Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ramin Mehmanparast was quoted as saying, "Serious ambiguity and doubt linger regarding the intentions behind the suspicious release of WikiLeaks documents," and that Iran will "confront this mischievous act". During an interview with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange on the radio version of Democracy Now!, host Amy Goodman discussed the response from Danish Prime Minister Lars Rasmussen, who had promised that "all allegations according to which Danish soldiers may have knowingly handed over detainees in Iraq to mistreatment at the hands of local authorities are regarded as very serious." However, he also "rejected calls by the opposition to establish an independent commission to investigate the claims." In response to Rasmussen, an investigation by the Danish military was ordered by the minister of defence, Gitte Lillelund Bech. The military also requested the original unedited documents from WikiLeaks for their investigation. = Amnesty International said that the actions taken by American and coalition troops in turning over prisoners from American to Iraqi custody when it was known that the prisoners were likely to be tortured may have broken international law. An Amnesty official said that the organisation had "concern[s] that the U.S. authorities committed a serious breach of international law when they summarily handed over thousands of detainees to Iraqi security forces who they knew were continuing to torture and abuse detainees on a truly shocking scale." The Iraq Body Count project, commenting on the projected additional 15,000 civilian casualties revealed by the logs, said that "[i]t is totally unacceptable that for so many years the US government has withheld from the public these essential details about civilian casualties in Iraq." = Retired U.S. General Stanley McChrystal was quoted as saying, "I think it's sad. The decision to leak classified information is something that is illegal, and individuals are making judgments about threats and information they are not qualified to make. There is a level of responsibility toward our people that needs to be balanced with a right or need to know. It's likely that a leak of that information could cause the death of our own people or some of our allies." After the documents were released, US Iraq War resisters seeking refuge in Canada, including Joshua Key and the 17-year veteran Chuck Wiley, said that the October 2010 round of military documents released by WikiLeaks offers further support of their claims. Joshua Key, author, with Lawrence Hill, of The Deserter's Tale (a book chronicling his service in Iraq and his subsequent departure from military life), said, "It’s the truth actually being told. These [WikiLeaks] documents coming out now are right from the level of the soldiers. I guess (the brass) never realized how much the Internet would take a part in the [Iraq] war." While the U.S. tally of Iraqi and US-led Coalition deaths in the war logs is 109,000, a widely quoted 2006 study published in The Lancet used a cross-sectional cluster sample to estimate about 650,000 deaths were due to the Iraq war increasing mortality. Another study by the World Health Organization called the Iraq Family Health Survey estimated 151,000 deaths due to violence (95% uncertainty range, 104,000 to 223,000) from March 2003 through June 2006. The Iraq Body Count reviewed the war logs data in three reports in October 2010 and concluded that the total recorded death toll, civilian and combatant, would be more than 150,000.
Strategic Defence and Security Review 2010
2010-10-19 09:44:55+00:00
The Strategic Defence and Security Review 2010 was announced by the formed Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition government of the United Kingdom in May 2010, and published on 19 October 2010. The previous major review of UK defence strategy was the Strategic Defence Review, published in 1998, and updated in 2003 by the Delivering Security in a Changing World white paper. As well as wanting an updated security policy, both the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats wanted the £38 billion overspend in the Ministry of Defence (MoD) procurement budget addressed. With the government committed to reducing the national budget deficit, the Treasury asked the MoD to draw up options for a 10–20% real-terms cut in its budget. The final amount was a 7.7% reduction over four years. All three of Britain's armed forces would take cuts in manpower. Overall, the largest overseas deployment was expected to be not more than 30,000 personnel, including maritime and air force units. This compares to the 45,000 involved in the 2003 invasion of Iraq. In November 2010, the MoD released its plan to implement the changes. = Personnel to be reduced by 5,000 to 30,000. One of the Albion class landing platform dock ships to be in extended readiness at any given time. Later confirmed that HMS Albion would be put into extended readiness until 2016, and HMS Bulwark went into extended readiness thereafter. Either HMS Ocean or HMS Illustrious to be decommissioned, whichever is least capable as a helicopter carrier. It was announced in December 2010 that HMS Ocean would be retained and HMS Illustrious would be withdrawn from service in 2014. One of the Bay-class landing ship dock vessels would be decommissioned. The Bay-class landing dock RFA Largs Bay was subsequently sold to the Royal Australian Navy in January 2011 for £65 million. The number of warheads carried on each Vanguard-class submarine to be reduced from 48 to 40, and the number of operationally available nuclear warheads to be reduced from about 160 to no more than 120. The decision on replacement of the UK's nuclear deterrent, based on the Vanguard-class ballistic missile submarines, to be delayed by four years, deferring £500 million in spending. Changes to the size of the missile tubes to save £250 million. Seven Astute-class submarines to be built as planned. The surface fleet of frigates and destroyers to be reduced to 19 ships: the current 13 Type 23 frigates and the six active Type 45 destroyers. The remaining four Type 22 frigates: Cornwall (decommissioned 2011), Cumberland (2011), Campbeltown (2011), and Chatham (2011) and five Type 42 destroyers: Manchester (decommissioned 2011), Gloucester (2011), Liverpool (2012), York (2012), and Edinburgh (2013) would be disposed of. The plan also stated that "as soon as possible after 2020", the Type 23 frigates would be replaced by new Global Combat Ships. The Wildcat (Super Lynx) to be the main naval strike helicopter in the future, along with the Merlin. A UK Response Force Task Group to be established. Carrier Strike The SDSR called for the almost immediate decommissioning of the Royal Navy flagship aircraft carrier, HMS Ark Royal, rather than in 2016 as scheduled. This occurred on 11 March 2011. The Report also announced the early retirement of the Joint Force Harrier aircraft, the Harrier GR7/GR9. Both of these measures were to save money for the purchase of the Queen Elizabeth-class aircraft carriers. The Harrier fleet made its last operational flights in December 2010. In 2011 72 British Harriers were sold to the United States to be used for spares. The SDSR proposed that one of the two Queen Elizabeth-class aircraft carriers currently under construction would be certain to be commissioned, with the fate of the other left undecided. It had been suggested that only one carrier, routinely equipped with 12 fast jets, was to be in service at any one time, with the other carrier held in extended readiness. These plans were to be reviewed in 2015. However, in May 2014 it was announced by Prime Minister David Cameron that the second carrier, Prince of Wales, would be brought into service alongside Queen Elizabeth. He confirmed the second vessel was already 40% built. The SDSR announced the government's intention to switch its purchase of F-35Bs to the carrier-variant F-35C to allow for a wider range and weapons to be used. However, in May 2012 this decision was reversed, and the F-35B was chosen instead, as the previous government had intended. This was because the cost of converting the Queen Elizabeth-class aircraft carriers to accommodate the carrier-variant F-35C had risen to twice the original estimate. = Personnel to be reduced by 7,000 to 95,500 by 2015. To take place within the overall mandate of reducing the army's size to 82,000 regular personnel and 30,000 reservists by 2018. The withdrawal of all 20,000 British troops from bases in Germany by 2020. The number of Challenger 2 tanks to be cut by 40% to just over 200. The number of AS-90 self-propelled heavy artillery guns to be cut by 35% to an estimated 87. = Personnel to be reduced by 5,000 to 33,000. After long delays, technical difficulties, and a total cost of £3.2 billion, the Nimrod MRA4 maritime patrol aircraft project was scrapped. RAF Kinloss, where the aircraft were to be based, ended its 73-year association with the RAF on 26 July 2012 when it was transferred to the Army. Future Strategic Tanker Aircraft procurement to go ahead, to replace the ageing VC10 and TriStars. The VC10 made its final flight in RAF service on 20 September 2013. The purchase of 22 Airbus A400M military transport aircraft was confirmed, with the aircraft to operate alongside the RAF's eight C-17s. The C-130J fleet to be retired by 2022, ten years earlier than planned. The proposed purchase of 12 additional Chinook helicopters – a cut to the original order for 22. However, in 2011 the Ministry of Defence signed a contract for 14 Chinooks. The RAF's future fast-jet fleet to be based on the Typhoon and the Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II, with the latter also to be flown by the Royal Navy. The Sentinel R1 ground surveillance aircraft would be retired when it was no longer required to support forces in Afghanistan. The utility of the aircraft in deployments over Libya and Mali has led to some calls for the retention of the aircraft. On 3 August 2011, the House of Commons Defence Select Committee published a critical review of the SDSR. The review had led to wide-ranging cuts to the Armed Forces, which were widely criticised for damaging the capabilities of the British military. The review was subsequently criticized for leaving Britain unprepared in a changing international environment, particularly in relation to its ability to retain trained personnel. In 2018, a report by the National Audit Office found that the numbers of trained regulars had fallen from some 180,000 personnel in 2010 to fewer than 140,000 in 2017/18. The numbers in 2017/18 were some 8,200 people below the stated requirement. In 2015, the House of Commons defence committee again concluded that “The UK’s current defence assumptions are not sufficient for [the] changed environment ... Now there is a requirement to support stability in a dozen different theatres simultaneously, and to engage with both unconventional and conventional threats.”
ABB plant shooting
2010-01-07 15:50:44+00:00
A mass shooting occurred at an ABB power plant in St Louis, Missouri, on January 7, 2010. An ABB Power employee, armed with multiple firearms, killed three and injured five others (two critically) and killed himself before police arrived. Timothy Hendron arrived at work with an AK-47-type semi-automatic, at least two Hi-Point handguns, a pump-action shotgun, and hundreds of rounds of ammunition. The shootings began around 6:30 a.m. local time, when Hendron opened fire in a parking lot near the factory before moving inside. The first 911 call came in around 6:45 a.m., saying that a gunman was moving about the complex and that he had shot several people. Hendron fired about 100 rounds of ammunition, killing two people in the parking lot and another person inside the factory before killing himself. Five people were injured in the incident, including two in critical condition. Two more were in fair condition, and the fifth person injured had been admitted to a hospital and released. Other employees took refuge on the roof of the building or in offices within the factory. During the shooting, an employee at the facility retrieved a handgun from his car and was injured while returning fire when the gunman was moving down the hall towards a group of workers who were hiding in a break room. The following were killed in the shooting: Carlton Carter, 57 Terry Mabry, 55 Cory Wilson, 27 Police identified the shooter as 51-year-old Timothy Gerard Hendron, a resident of Webster Groves, Missouri, a suburb of St. Louis, and an employee of ABB. No motive has been identified, though he was known to be part of a class action lawsuit against ABB pertaining to the company's pension plan, specifically unidentified fees and expenses in employees' 401(k) accounts. People who knew Hendron said that he had been increasingly unhappy with his job at ABB, going so far as to search for a labor lawyer. Police later found a third handgun near a guard shack. The day after the shootings, ABB released a statement mourning the deaths of its employees, including a quote from its CEO, Joe Hogan, saying in part, "I am deeply saddened by this news and would like to express my greatest sympathy to those who have been touched by this tragedy."
2010 Appomattox shootings
2010-01-20 13:35:48+00:00
The 2010 Appomattox shootings was a mass murder in Appomattox, Virginia, United States, that occurred on January 19, 2010. 40-year-old Christopher Bryan Speight fatally shot his sister, her husband, and her son and daughter at their home, as well as four other people. He then escaped into a forest and shot at a police helicopter searching for him, but eventually surrendered himself to authorities. On February 15, 2013, Speight was sentenced to life imprisonment. The incident began on January 19, 2010, when police were called to a road outside Appomattox due to a neighbour reporting of a man requiring medical attention. When police arrived, they were fired on by the suspect, Christopher Bryan Speight, who also fired on a police helicopter, forcing it to make an emergency landing. Shortly afterwards, the suspect fled to a wooded area, where a force of more than a hundred police officers surrounded him. Police found three people dead in a house co-owned by the gunman (his sister and the house's co-owner, Lauralee Sipe, and her husband, Dwayne Sipe, both 38, and their four-year-old son, Joshua), and four others dead outside the house, with the last victim dying on the road. Police said that the victims were both men and women, and all were previously acquainted with the suspect. Speight was believed to have acted alone. He surrendered on January 20, near the same wooded area where police thought he had been surrounded. He was wearing a bulletproof vest, but was not carrying the high-powered rifle believed to be the weapon used. Prior to his surrender, police put a school and local businesses on lockdown, and advised residents to lock their houses and not go outside. Police were concerned that Speight's house had been rigged with explosives, and a bomb squad searched the building the morning after the attack. Explosives were found both inside and around the building, and were detonated safely. The house had sat unsecured for more than twelve hours as state police assumed local deputies had secured the house, and vice versa. Speight was employed as a security guard for Old Dominion Security at the time of the incident. Eight people were murdered by Speight Lauralee Sipe, 38, Speight's sister Dwayne S. Sipe, 38, husband of Lauralee Sipe Joshua Sipe, 4, son of Lauralee and Dwayne Sipe Morgan L. Dobyns, 15, daughter of Lauralee Sipe Emily A. Quarles, 15, friend of Morgan Dobyns Jonathan L. Quarles, 43, father of Emily Quarles Karen Quarles, 43, mother of Emily Quarles Ronald I. Scruggs, 16, boyfriend of Emily Quarles On June 24, 2010, Appomattox County Circuit Court Judge Richard Blanton signed an order declaring Speight incompetent to stand trial. He was ordered sent to a state psychiatric hospital until such a time when he is able to assist his attorneys with his defense. Two years after the shootings, police revealed that the three Sipes in the house were likely killed two days before Speight fatally shot the other five victims. The case remained on hold for years as attorneys dealt with pretrial motions and awaited additional mental evaluations. According to investigators Speight told them that he had been ordered by an Egyptian goddess named Jennifer to shoot his family, because they were possessed by demons. The others were killed, he said, so they could not help his first victims, since Jennifer demanded that their bodies had to rot. On February 15, 2013, Speight was sentenced in a plea deal to five life terms plus 18 years on three counts of capital murder, one count of attempted capital murder of a police officer (presumably because of the shots fired at the state police helicopter), and five firearms counts. The Commonwealth's Attorney Darrel Puckett said mental health experts for both the defense and the state had found Speight insane at the time, "rendering a death sentence highly unlikely" had the case gone to trial.
Hartford Distributors shooting
2010-08-03 18:21:45+00:00
The Hartford Distributors shooting was a mass shooting that occurred on August 3, 2010, in Manchester, Connecticut, United States. The location of the crime was a warehouse owned by Hartford Distributors, a beer distribution company. The gunman, former employee Omar Sheriff Thornton (born April 25, 1976) shot and killed eight male coworkers before turning a gun on himself. Thornton, aged 34, was called into his place of employment for disciplinary purposes. Thornton had been recorded on surveillance video in the Hartford Distributors warehouse stealing beer on a previous occasion. He was also implicated in the theft of empty beer kegs. Hartford Distributors is a wholesale distributor of Budweiser beer products and wine. Given the options of being fired or resigning, Thornton signed the resignation papers and was being escorted out of the building. Instead of leaving, he took a Ruger SR9 semi-automatic pistol from his lunchbox and opened fire. At the time Thornton started shooting, there were around 40 employees in the building. In just a few minutes, Thornton murdered eight coworkers and seriously injured two others. Many employees made calls to 911, with some callers identifying Thornton. Police arrived on the scene just three minutes after the first 911 call. Police entered the building ten minutes after the first 911 call. Thornton promptly hid in a locked office. As more police entered the building, Thornton called his mother and explained to her what he had done. He told her he planned on turning the gun on himself. As police closed in, Thornton called 911, saying his motive for the massacre was racism he had experienced in the workplace. He told the 911 operator that he wished he had killed more people. Soon after hanging up, he killed himself with a shot to the head. Eight people were killed and two others were injured in the shooting. = Francis Fazio, Jr., 57 Douglas Scruton, 56 Edwin Kennison, 49 William Ackerman, 51 Bryan Cirigliano, 51 Craig Pepin, 60 Louis Felder, 50 Victor James, 61 = Steven Hollander, 50 Jerome Rosenstein, 77 Family members of Thornton have stated that he had complained to them that, as a Black person, he was being racially discriminated against at his job. Thornton's girlfriend, Kristi Hannah, claimed that he had seen a picture of a noose and a racial epithet written on a bathroom wall. Company and union officials as well as workers at the facility have denied the charges of racism. The union notes that he never filed a complaint with the union or any government agency. Forensic psychiatrist Keith Ablow stated, "I've evaluated plenty of murderers during my career... and I can tell you that people don't commit atrocities because of name-calling." A police probe did not find proof of racism at Hartford Distributors, with other minority workers at Hartford Distributors interviewed by the police disagreeing with Thornton's allegation that the company was "a racist place". The massacre is the deadliest workplace shooting in Connecticut history and the second-deadliest mass shooting in the state, after the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. Connecticut suffered a similar workplace shooting at the Lottery Headquarters in Newington on March 6, 1998, which left five dead including the shooter. Christy Quail and Sean Quail were arrested for receiving the property alleged to have been stolen by Thornton. Sean Quail was arrested on August 17 in an incident where he sprayed bug-repellent at reporters covering the case. Quail was charged with three counts of first-degree reckless endangerment, three counts of third-degree assault, carrying a dangerous instrument, and breach of peace.
Panama City school board shootings
2010-12-21 05:02:21+00:00
The Panama City shootings occurred on December 14, 2010, in Panama City, Florida. In the attack, a disgruntled individual, Clay Allen Duke, fired four shots at six Bay District School board members, but missed them all, including the superintendent. Duke was then shot several times by Mike Jones, a retired police officer who was Head of Safety and Security. Duke then committed suicide. Much of the episode and its immediate aftermath were recorded by local television news stations WMBB and WJHG-TV. The video was subsequently uploaded to video sharing sites, including YouTube. At 2:00 p.m. on December 14, 2010, Duke stood up during a school board meeting in Panama City, Florida, and said, "I have a motion." He then promptly pulled out a can of red spray paint and sprayed a "V" inside a circle, as seen in the graphic novel V for Vendetta and film V for Vendetta. He then drew a 9mm Smith & Wesson 469 semiautomatic pistol, causing other staff near the bench and audience members to duck for cover. He aimed the gun at the board members and used it to point to two women, saying, "You may leave, and you may leave...the women can leave...The six men stay, everyone else leave." After the room was evacuated, Duke told the board members he was upset that his wife had been fired from her job as an English teacher in the Panama City district. The superintendent, Bill Husfelt, after an approximately four-minute discussion, tried to negotiate with Duke, saying, "I'm the only one who signs [the papers], will you let them [the other board members] go?" Duke denied his requests to allow the other board members to leave, saying, "They're part of it." Husfelt then argued with Duke about his threat, saying, "For what? [Referring to Duke's threat to kill himself] This isn't worth it." Duke raised the pistol and leveled it at the superintendent. Husfelt started to hold his arms to his chest, saying, "Please don't, please don't, please..." Duke fired, hitting the table in front of Husfelt, who dropped to the floor. The board members dived to the ground behind the desk. Duke then fired a second shot into the floor of the room, saying "I'm going to kill you", just as a responding security guard, Mike Jones, opened fire on Duke. After being hit by one of Jones' rounds, Duke fired two or three more times behind the table. Despite four or five shots being fired from Duke's gun, no board members were hit. He was shot again by Jones and fell to the ground. Duke blindly fired six more shots at Jones, then pointed the gun at his head and died by suicide. Jones was not injured, but was taken to the hospital for chest pains. According to his wife, Duke was an excellent marksman and likely missed his targets intentionally. Jones later stated, "I thought I'd let them down. I opened the door with one hand and was firing with the other. ...I don't know how I survived with all those shots fired." He also added, "I'm not a hero, folks." Minutes after the shooting, WMBB uploaded the video to YouTube and other sites, where it received more than 1,000,000 views in less than a week. Clay Allen Duke (November 24, 1954 – December 14, 2010) was a 56-year-old unemployed Floridian who was apparently disgruntled over the firing of his wife by the school board. He was described by the Associated Press as a "troubled, broke ex-con with bipolar disorder, an interest in anarchy, a wife whose unemployment benefits had run out and frustrations that reached their boiling point on a day circled on his calendar at home". Duke had previously been convicted of aggravated stalking and attempted ambush with a rifle in 1999 and 2000, respectively. While in prison, he was diagnosed with bipolar disorder but was unable to afford treatment after his release. Although Duke was sentenced to five years in prison in 2000, he was released in January 2004, at which point he became a licensed massage therapist, according to state records. Duke was reportedly unhappy with the school board for terminating his wife's teaching job in the Panama City district. In addition, Duke felt a particular sales tax was unfair because it hurt lower-income families more than the wealthy. Prior to the shooting, Duke spray-painted a red circle with a 'V' inside it—an allusion to the film, V for Vendetta. Duke posted to his Facebook page a week before the shootings: My testament: Some people (the government sponsored media) will say I was evil, a monster (V) ... no ... I was just born poor in a country where the Wealthy manipulate, use, abuse, and economically enslave 95 percent of the population. Rich Republicans, Rich Democrats ... same-same ... rich ... they take turns fleecing us ... our few dollars ... pyramiding the wealth for themselves... Duke was noted several times as saying that he planned to die in the shooting. Duke removed the gun from his pocket and told everyone in the room to leave, aside from the male board members seated at the elevated podium. On her way out, board member Ginger Littleton turned back into the room and attempted to disarm Duke by whacking his pistol with her purse. The attempt failed and Littleton was knocked to the floor; Duke did not shoot, instead simply threatening her inaudibly (Littleton later said that he called her a "stupid bitch" ), and making her leave the room at gunpoint. A week after the shootings, the purse that Littleton used to hit Duke sold on the online auction site eBay for $13,000, with the proceeds going to charity.
Penske office shooting
2010-01-13 15:37:22+00:00
On January 12, 2010, three people were killed and two others critically injured in a shooting at a Penske truck rental business in the city of Kennesaw, Georgia, United States. One of the injured victims died in 2013 from complications of his injuries. The shooter, Jesse James Warren, was arrested after the incident. Warren was indefinitely committed to a psychiatric facility in 2017. The shooter, Jesse James Warren, a 60-year-old former employee, walked into the Penske truck rental business Tuesday afternoon wearing camouflage. He opened fire with a 9mm handgun, shooting five, shooting at least three of the victims in the head. Four victims were employees, another was a customer. One victim died at the scene. The other four victims were transported in critical condition to WellStar Kennestone Hospital. Another victim died at the hospital the same day. Roberto Gonzalez, an employee, died the next day. Joshua Holbrook and Zachariah Werner were shot multiple times, but initially survived, though they were both paralyzed. Warren was arrested less than a mile away after he left in a red Chevrolet S-10 truck. The police found ammo and two firearms on Warren when he was arrested, and additional ammo and more than 10 firearms in his home. Jesse James Warren, who worked as a truck mechanic at the facility from June 2005 to July 2009, had been fired the prior July, leading to financial difficulties. Werner had threatened other employees after his firing, and complained that he had lost his job to Hispanics. A former coworker described Warren as unsociable and unable to focus on his work. Warren had delusional beliefs, including that the Penske corporation had stolen US$500 million from him, which he believed the US military had given him for inventing Wi-Fi. He also believed that churches and religion were trying to kill him, and had delusions that he was the Son of God and that his thoughts were being broadcast. Prior to the shooting, Van Springer, one of the men killed, described Warren to his wife as having "some issues". Penske sent Warren to a psychiatrist in 2009 after he told a coworker that Penske had stolen money from him and that the company was involved in computer hacking. Warren was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. Penske allowed him to return to work after he visited the psychiatrist, but eventually fired him. Warren faced 16 charges, including three counts each of malice murder, felony murder, aggravated assault, two counts of aggravated battery, and five counts of possession of a firearm during the commission of a crime. He pleaded not guilty and was denied bond. The trial was scheduled to begin May 27, 2013, but was postponed so Warren's mental competency could be determined. Prosecutors sought the death penalty. Warren refused to take anti-psychotic medication, believing his defense attorneys and doctors were working against him. A doctor described him as seeing nonexistent threats and said he could become violent without a hospital setting. The court ordered in 2014 for Warren to be forcibly medicated, but this ruling was overturned by the Georgia Supreme Court due to the fact that the judge did not adequately cite reasons to medicate Warren, given the health dangers anti-psychotic medications posed due to his age and physical condition. The justices stated Warren could be forcibly medicated in the future if his medical circumstances changed. Warren was declared incompetent to stand trial, and was indefinitely committed to a mental institution in 2017. Zachariah Werner, who was paralyzed in the shooting with a bullet lodged in his brain stem, filed a $20 million lawsuit against businesses related to the Penske facility, and Warren, in 2011. The suit alleged that the Penske Corporation had been warned on several occasions that Warren had plans to harm other employees, but failed to provide adequate security. Holbrook, the other survivor of the shooting, also filed a lawsuit. The widow of another victim filed a separate lawsuit seeking unspecified damages, claiming that the company knew Warren had been making death threats. Werner later died from his injuries in 2013. The Penske facility planned to reopen with limited services the following Friday, and to be fully operational by Monday.
List of horror films of 2010
2012-01-07 16:30:15+00:00
This is a list of horror films released in 2010.
1st Night
2013-05-10 17:25:24+00:00
1st Night is a 2010 opera themed comedy film directed by Christopher Menaul and starring Richard E. Grant, Sarah Brightman, Mia Maestro, and Julian Ovenden. 1st Night is about a rich industrialist Adam (Richard E. Grant), who aspires to a more cultured world. Spurred on by playful jibes that he is little more than a city suit living the capitalist's dream, this frustrated amateur opera singer decides to throw an opera (Mozart's Così fan tutte) in his lavish country retreat. Once his friends see him belting out the notes, he feels sure it will spell the end to their shallow taunts. In fact, it might even help him win the hand of Celia (Sarah Brightman), the female conductor he has been pursuing whom - it just so happens - is the first to be recruited for his showpiece. Mia Maestro as Nicoletta Lampedusa / Fiordiligi Stanley Townsend as Paulo Prodi Oliver Dimsdale as Philip Ford / Director Julian Ovenden as Tom Chambers / Ferrando Sarah Brightman as Celia / Conductor Jane Howe as Audrey Tessa Peake-Jones as Mrs, Hammond KLAUS as Baskerville (dog) Emma Williams as Tamsin Ford / Dorabella Jack Walker as Eric Hammond Nigel Lindsay as Martin Mays / Guglielmo Richard E. Grant as Sir Adam Drummond / Don Alfonso Laura Power as Stella / Stage Manager Hugh Ross as Bunny / Costumes Andrew Massey as Nathan / Rehearsal Pianist (credited as Andy Massey) Susannah Fielding as Debbie Drew / Despina Alfie Boe (voice) as Ferrando/Julian Ovenden's singing voice
2010 Kerala Sahitya Akademi Awards
2015-08-07 13:58:48+00:00
The 2010 Kerala Sahitya Akademi Award was announced on 6 January 2011. I. C. Chacko Award: P. Sreekumar (Adhvanam, Bhasha, Vimochanam) C. B. Kumar Award: Hameed Chennamangaloor (Oru Mathanirapekshavadiyude Swathanthra Chinthakal) K.R. Namboodiri Award: Dr. P. V. Ramankutty (Yajurveda Sameeksha) Kanakasree Award: Soorya Binoy (Nizhalppura) Geetha Hiranyan Award: Susmesh Chandroth (Swarna Mahal) G. N. Pillai Award: K. Babu Joseph (Apekshikathayude 100 Varsham) Kuttipuzha Award: Dr. N. M. Namboothiri (Kakkad: Kaviyum Kavithayum)
22nd Lambda Literary Awards
2013-06-28 17:52:00+00:00
The 22nd Lambda Literary Awards were held in 2010, to honour works of LGBT literature published in 2009.
Lost Man Booker Prize
2010-04-07 21:11:23+00:00
The Lost Man Booker Prize was a special edition of the Man Booker Prize awarded by a public vote in 2010 to a novel from 1970 as the books published in 1970 were not eligible for the Man Booker Prize due to a rules alteration; until 1970 the prize was awarded to books published in the previous year, while from 1971 onwards it was awarded to books published the same year as the award. The prize was won by J. G. Farrell for Troubles. Literary agent and archivist Peter Straus has been credited with conceiving the idea of a Man Booker Prize for the missing year after wondering why Robertson Davies's 1970 novel Fifth Business had not been included in the Man Booker Prize shortlist. A longlist of 22 titles was drawn up by organisers. A shortlist of six was selected by Rachel Cooke, Katie Derham and Tobias Hill, and revealed in London on 25 March 2010 when voting commenced on the Man Booker Prize website. Voting closed on 23 April 2010. The winner was announced on 19 May 2010. Four of the shortlisted authors were dead; only Nina Bawden and Shirley Hazzard were alive to give their reactions to being included. Bawden called it "astonishing actually ... I thought I knew all my books backwards but I couldn't remember what this one was about". Hazzard regretted that her husband, Francis Steegmuller, was no longer alive to witness the occasion. J. G. Farrell won the 1973 Man Booker Prize for The Siege of Krishnapur. Bawden and Muriel Spark were previously shortlisted. Tobias Hill said Patrick White, noted for requesting that The Twyborn Affair be removed from the 1979 Man Booker prize shortlist and known for his general disapproval of receiving awards, would be "spinning in his grave" if he had won the Lost Man Booker Prize for The Vivisector. However, White's literary executor, Barbara Mobbs, said he had left behind "no written evidence" that he would disapprove of a posthumous award and that she was "not going to run around saying take him out". The shortlist as announced on 25 March 2010: Nina Bawden—The Birds on the Trees (Virago) J. G. Farrell—Troubles (Phoenix) Shirley Hazzard—The Bay of Noon (Virago) Mary Renault—Fire from Heaven (Arrow) Muriel Spark—The Driver's Seat (Penguin) Patrick White—The Vivisector (Vintage) The prize was won by J. G. Farrell's Troubles, with 38 percent of the public vote. It received more than twice the number of votes for the second-placed entry. The prize came 40 years after the book's publication and 30 years after Farrell's death. The award of the prize was announced by Antonia Fraser and accepted by Farrell's brother Richard. If Troubles had won the Man Booker Prize in 1970 Farrell would have been the first author to win it twice, as he won it in 1973 for The Siege of Krishnapur. Farrell's literary agent claimed Farrell would have been "thrilled" to have won the prize.
December 2010 Abuja bombing
2011-01-02 02:51:31+00:00
The December 2010 Abuja bombing was a bomb attack on a barracks on the outskirts of Abuja, Nigeria, on 31 December 2010. Four people were killed, including a pregnant woman, and 26 were injured; according to defence minister Adetokunbo Kayode, all of the dead were civilians, as were most of the injured. The attack was the second in Abuja in three months, and was the first near a barracks in the country since its return to democracy in 1999.
October 2010 Abuja bombings
2010-10-02 15:27:29+00:00
The October 2010 Abuja bombings, also referred to as the 2010 Nigeria Independence Day bombings, were two car bombings carried out against crowds celebrating the fiftieth anniversary (golden jubilee) of Nigeria's independence in the capital city Abuja on the morning of 1 October 2010. The attacks left 12 dead and 17 injured. According to multiple sources, the Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND) issued a warning less than an hour before the first bomb stating the location, near Eagle Square (the venue of the celebration), and the time, around 10:30 a.m., of planned bombings. The first blast occurred around 10:30 a.m., emergency services arrived at the scene and then the second blast occurred. A former leader of MEND, Henry Okah, was arrested in South Africa following the twin car bombings. Okah denied accusations of planning the bombings and was disowned by MEND. Police in Nigeria also detained Raymond Dokpesi, campaign manager for former President Ibrahim Babangida, for questioning over the bombing. Dokpesi was later released and said his arrest was political in nature. Nigerian newspaper This Day reported that British intelligence was warned of a plot against the 50th anniversary celebrations, and this was the reason that former Prime Minister Gordon Brown and Prince Richard, Duke of Gloucester cancelled their trips to Nigeria for the celebration.
2010 Jos and Maiduguri attacks
2020-11-02 16:04:55+00:00
On 24 December 2010, jihadist group Boko Haram carried out attacks in Jos and Maiduguri in Nigeria, killing 38 people. Four bombs exploded in Jos, Plateau State, killing 32 people: two near a large market, one in a mainly Christian area and another near a road leading to the city's main mosque. Six people were killed in attacks on two churches in Maiduguri, Borno State. Boko Haram claimed responsibility for all the attacks.
Appetite (art gallery)
2012-02-20 10:41:56+00:00
Appetite (stylized as APPETITE) was a gallery and artist-run space, founded by Daniela Luna, in the neighborhood of San Telmo, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Its mission was to showcase and promote new artists. It sometimes courted controversy, before closing in mid-2011. Established in 2005 by Daniela Luna, Appetite generated considerable interest in the neighborhood of San Telmo, transforming its area into a prominent contemporary art district of Buenos Aires. It quickly became known for its new artists and its openings and parties. The New York Times described it as "an irreverent, punk-inflected gallery in San Telmo started by Daniela Luna, a feisty 30-year-old known for her shrewd eye and cool parties." In mid-2010 Appetite closed the doors of its three Buenos Aires spaces, as Daniela Luna moved to Beijing, China. = In 2008 and 2009 Appetite had a branch in Bushwick, Brooklyn, where it organized exhibitions and events. It had appearances in New York art fairs, including Pinta Art Show, where The New York Times claimed: "For once, a fair looks like an art exhibition, not a job-lot display. And when a booth is crowded, the pieces can be blamed, as is the case at Appetite, a gallery with branches in Buenos Aires and Brooklyn that shows young artists working in an accumulative mode." = Appetite was the first Argentinian gallery to be accepted at Frieze Art Fair, where it received attention from the press and public, and generated controversies due to their use of the global economic crisis as a subject for the stand. The New York Times wrote: "With first-time exhibitors from China, Turkey, India and Argentina (from Buenos Aires, Appetite, where the work of about 10 artists is displayed in a kind of continuous trash heap), Frieze still managed to provide a random snapshot of an increasingly global and youthful art world in transition." = Appetite was invited to participate in the fair Art Vilnius 09, where they were nominated for best stand. While in Vilnius, Daniela Luna performed at the Vilnius Graphic Art Center and held a video screening from Argentinian artists. = In April 2008 it was part of the group of galleries presented to the fair MiArt by the name of FOCUS BUENOS AIRES. Local newspaper La Nación announced: (From Spanish) "With consortium format and cooperative spirit, a group of Buenos Aires galleries with the support of the minister of culture, Hernán Lombardi, and the curatorship of Adriana Forconi and Florencia Braga Menéndez, celebrated the opening of MiArt edition 13th." APPETITE participation at this fair was noticed by the New York Times as well: "Appetite gallery will get additional exposure in Milan when the contemporary art fair, MiArt 2008, spotlights emerging Buenos Aires artists in April. Adriana Forconi, a jet-settling consultant to the art fair, was in town recently to scout for worthy galleries, and was struck by what she calls the city’s 'frenetic and blissfully chaotic' pace." = In March 2011, Daniela Luna opened an Appetite space in Beijing, China at 798 Art Zone. The space moved to Caochangdi in November 2011. Luna also worked between Beijing and Hong Kong on research and writing about Chinese art. Part of this research can be seen as a four pages spread published by Argentinian magazine DMag. = War Club was an underground party that started in 2008 in a secret warehouse that guests could access with a password. The club mixed underground DJs and bands, with site specific art interventions and performance. As described in Time Out, "Arty meets party at Daniela Luna's WarClub. Surrounded by cutting edge wall art, intellectuals and club kids, artists and collectors, the young and the old make up an eclectic smiling crowd. WarClub is the brainchild of enfant terrible art gallerist Daniela Luna. It has taken place, up until now, in this raw, industrial, multi-room space whose only modifications, in the punk spirit Luna most prizes, are an accumulation of graffiti, murals and installations." = Tanto Deseo is a concept store and exhibition space for erotic art and objects that has functioned in the area of San Telmo since 2006. Tanto Deseo was featured as cover story and spread throughout an issue of Les Inrockuptibles: (From Spanish) "Without any doubt, one of the present oasis is Tanto Deseo, an erotic-artistic branch from APPETITE gallery, mothership of young art commanded by Daniela Luna. Tanto Deseo is an experimental essay, where pulsions are expressed under different topics." It won the "Revelation Award" at the Puro Diseño fair in 2008. A cultural site, Leedor, writes of it: "Appetite and Tanto Deseo, two galleries with young spirit, that intent to give a space of creation without the market's demands interfering, born from a personal necessity mixed with the feeling that things like these were missing in this city. Participants and winners of the Revelation Award at the fair 'Puro Diseño' some days ago." Appetite was censured or fined in different occasions, mainly due to their usual content of sex, violence, or critics to political and economical issues. One such controversy took place in 2008 when 10 artists abruptly decided to leave the gallery. According to Clarin, an Argentinian newspaper: (from Spanish) "Personality cult or misunderstanding? For Luna and possibly for the virtuous scene of young artists that she leads, there is an inflection point post-Frieze. By the end of last year, ten of them disassociated themselves from Appetite. While many local media celebrated the gallery's arrival to Frieze, they talked about her curves, her history, and compared her to a diva." Rafael Cippollini, one of the most notable critics from Argentina, wrote in newspaper La Nación (from Spanish) "In a horizon in which the most celebrated references of this first decade are already history, it becomes necessary to revise a peculiar trajectory such as Appetite gallery, in all its brilliant, polemic and flamboyant edges. A meteoric rise, the consequent excessive over expansion - multiple ventures in Buenos Aires, New York, London - and finally, an explosion that led to the dismissal of a substantial part of its staff : the risky and vertiginous bet by Daniela Luna, counter to the cautious times that punctuate our institutions, is as unprecedented and singular in our environment."
Centre pour l'Image Contemporaine
2011-01-30 21:57:38+00:00
The Centre pour l'Image Contemporaine or CIC was a contemporary art exhibition centre in Geneva, Switzerland. CIC was established in 1985 to organize events and exhibitions of images using new technologies such as video, multimedia, and the Internet, as well as more traditional photography and film. It was also named Saint-Gervais Genève (or SGG) between 1985 and 2008 when including several departments: Electronic media, Exhibitions, Theatre. Its existence goes from 1985 to 2008. The CIC was established in 1985 to organize events in the field of electronic media. Director Andre Iten immediately included video, film, TV programmes and created the festival "The International video week" the same year (which was renamed "Biennial of Moving Images" in 1997). The Biennial gained international attention with major film and video retrospectives of Vito Acconci, Michel Auder, Harun Farocki, Robert Filliou, Jochen Gerz, Jean-Luc Godard, Gary Hill, Thomas Hirschhorn, William Kentridge, Nam June Paik, Jean Painlevé, Artavazd Pelechian, Carole Roussopoulos, Roman Signer, Pierrick Sorin, Steina et Woody Vasulka, Bill Viola, William Wegman, Anna Winteler, Chris Marker, Guy Debord, Joan Jonas, Stan Brackage, Philippe Garrel, Chantal Akerman, Anna Sanders Films, Rebecca Horn. Andre Iten carried out numerous collaborations with institutions, festivals and personalities around the globe. His strong vision and attention towards media by initiating festivals, Internet sites, artistic multimedia productions, a public video collection and collaborating on European projects. The CIC co-produced with Centre Georges Pompidou from Paris and Museum Ludwig from Cologne the first internet video archive of new media art. Andre Iten was also the first to invite curator Simon Lamunière to do exhibitions with video and photography as well as to challenge digital media, websites and cd roms. The long term collaboration with the curator between 1989 and 2004, led to major changes in perception of what was called video art or digital media, and led to renaming the "International Video week" as "Biennial of Moving Images" and the creation of a second biennial devoted to digital culture. In 1994, the biennial "Version" focussed on the evolution of society and digital media. CD-roms were edited and first websites produced. In 1997, as curator of the documenta X website, Simon Lamunière commissioned several internet projects with artists Matt Mullican Martin Kippenberger, Antoni Muntadas, jodi, Heath Bunting, Herve Graumann in coproduction with the CIC. The Centre pour l'Image Contemporaine also gained attention by constituting the most important Swiss media library with more than 1000 titles, including complete video works by Vito Acconci, Hanspeter Ammann, Laurie Anderson, Emmanuelle Antille, Marina Abramović and Ulay, Michel Auder, John Baldessari, René Bauermeister, Samuel Beckett, Saddie Benning, Robert Breer, John Cage, Claude Closky, Douglas Davis, Sylvie et Chérif Defraoui, Jan Duyvendak, Harun Farocki, Robert Filliou, Oskar Fischinger, Sylvie Fleury, Jochen Gerz, Joe Gibbons, Jean-Luc Godard, Hervé Graumann Fabrice Gygi, Alexander Hahn (artist)|Alexander Hahn, Lothar Hempel, Gary Hill, Thomas Hirschhorn, Hubbard / Birchler, William Kentridge, Simon Lamunière, Jérôme Leuba, Korpys-Loeffler, Klara Kuchta, Tracy Moffat, Avi Mograbi, Gianni Motti, Jean Otth, Nam June Paik, Jean Painlevé, Artavazd Pelechian, Pipilotti Rist, Carole Roussopoulos, Daniel Schibli, Richard Serra, Roman Signer, Pierrick Sorin, Beat Streuli, Nelson Sullivan, Steina Vasulka and Woody Vasulka, Bill Viola, William Wegman, Ingrid Wildi, Bob Wilson, Anna Winteler. The CIC was shut down after Andre Iten's death in 2008, and its mission transferred in 2010 on one hand to the Centre d'art contemporain (CAC) for its Biennial of the Moving Image, and on the second hand to the FMAC concerning the media library.
Garanti Gallery
2011-06-02 08:54:41+00:00
Garanti Gallery (GG) was a cultural institution based in Istanbul, Turkey, specializing in design, architecture and urbanism. Through its various exhibitions, lectures, conferences, workshops and publications, GG filled a great gap regarding its areas of expertise in the city and the country in general. GG was the first venue in Turkey to host the exhibitions of works by internationally renowned architects and designers such as Steven Holl, Zaha Hadid, Archigram, Hella Jongerius, Konstantin Grcic, Ezri Tarazi, and Yossi Lemel. GG was founded in 2003 with the support of Garanti Bank. Until August 2008, it organized thirty-one exhibitions at its 70m2 gallery on Istiklal Avenue. Throughout its active period, its programs were shaped by the contribution of an advisory committee made up of Bülent Tanju, UğurTanyeli, Han Tümertekin, Alpay Er, Semra Öndeş and honorary members Bülent Erkmen and Sibel Asna. GG was directed by Münevver Eminoğlu (2003–2005) and Pelin Derviş (2005–2010). In 2010, GG merged with Platform Garanti Contemporary Art Center and the Ottoman Bank Archives and Research Centre (OBARC) under the auspices of Garanti Kültür AŞ to form a new institution – SALT. The exhibitions at GG aimed to explore all types of design and to open them to discussion. The exhibition entitled Wearing Architecture Inside Out, Rural Studio: Architecture as Transgression and Ambiguity questioned the concept of social responsibility in architecture by focusing on the experiences the students of Auburn University participating in the applied architecture workshop “Rural Studio” had with their “clients” living well below the poverty line in Hale County, Alabama. Curated by Aykut Köksal, the exhibition entitled Soundspace: Spatial Works in Contemporary Music showcased examples of spatial music produced after the 1950s, accompanied by drawings, texts, video recordings of performances and video works based on these compositions. As part of this exhibition, a concert of spatial music works was organized, a first in Turkey. In another project GG cooperated with OBARC to depict in two exhibitions and a book the intellectual and architectural journey of Turgut Cansever, one of the most original and dissident architects of Republic Era Turkey. Directed by Uğur Tanyeli and Atilla Yücel, this project was the first retrospective exhibition of an architect based on archival documents. The range of topics GG opened up for debate in the area of design included the digital world. Project MUTEN Istanbul exhibited the urban design proposed by KOL/MAC, one of the leaders of digital architecture, for the Galataport area. Based on network intelligence and strategies, this design was a different and productive scenario that displayed the contradictions and vicious circles in the ongoing debates concerning the area. Following Project MUTEN, the number of experimental works at GG increased and their content became more varied. As one of the stages of the long-term project Fibrous Structures directed by Claudia Pasquero, Marco Poletto Archived 2011-05-31 at the Wayback Machine and Nilüfer Kozikoğlu, Fibrous Room; Evolving Structural Logic exhibited not the design product per se but rather a phase in the design research process. The life-size prototype made of woven hollow fibers developed in time as the fibers were filled with concrete one month later and as the concrete then solidified. Curated and designed by Marcos Novak, the exhibition entitled Turbulent Topologies dealt with turbulence as a formal principle and a condition of the global metropolis. Novak examined the turbulent topologies of currents, links, connections, networks and stratifications by using high-tech fragile statues and a virtual environment that the bodies of visitors turned into physical sound and images. After the exhibition in Istanbul, Turbulent Topologies was exhibited at Palazzetto Tito (Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa, 2008) concurrently with the 11th Venice Architecture Biennial and at IVAM (Institut Valencià d'Art Modern, 2009) as part of Confines, a retrospective curated by Aaron Betsky. GG supported the content of all exhibitions with lectures, conferences, panel discussions and workshops, thereby aiming to create an environment of discussion and production. The most radical example of this was Hackers and Haute Couture Heretics: Subconstructive Strategies in the Fashion System. Curated by Otto von Busch, the exhibition examined how the processes of hacking, shopdropping and craftivism were used as tactics at the outskirts of fashion. Throughout the six-week period while the exhibition was open, Busch held workshops with artists and designers who proposed new work methods within the fashion system. The aim of the workshops was to create a variety of practical low-level interventions and perspectives from which to look upon fashion both as a phenomenon as well as a material that can be transformed. Becoming Istanbul is one of the long-term research and publication projects begun by GG to discuss the method of exhibition as part of the exhibition content itself, and has now been passed on to SALT. For the purposes of the exhibition, an interactive database has been constructed to help defy the received wisdom and clichés that accompany the debates on change and transformation that have been going on in Istanbul for a long time. The database included artist videos, photography series, architectural projects, TV news items and cartoons reflecting the current state of the city, and was projected onto the walls of the exhibition space, allowing each user to browse the database by using a mouse connected to the system. Becoming Istanbul was exhibited at the German Architecture Museum (DAM, 2008) in Frankfurt, Deutsches Architektur Zentrum (DAZ, 2009) in Berlin and Al Riwaq Gallery (Bahrain, 2009) in Al Manama. Curators of the exhibition, Pelin Derviş, Bülent Tanju and Uğur Tanyeli, edited the multi-authored dictionary Becoming Istanbul, which was published in English and German in 2008. The book was published in Turkish in 2009 under the title İstanbullaşmak: Olgular, Sorunsallar, Metaforlar. The same year saw the publication of Tracing Istanbul [from the air], a book made up of interviews based on aerial photographs by Oğuz Meriç and edited by Meriç Öner, as well as Mapping Istanbul, which was edited by Pelin Derviş and Meriç Öner and brought together the views and research of numerous academics and experts through maps, diagrams and texts. The exhibition can be visited at SALT Beyoğlu between September and December 2011. The online version of the interactive database can be accessed at Archived 2021-02-19 at the Wayback Machine. Between 2005 and 2010, GG published exhibition yearbooks as well as various books related to exhibitions and other projects. GG 2003-2004, Garanti Gallery 2005, Istanbul, ISBN 978-975-93692-9-3 GG 2005, Garanti Gallery 2006, Istanbul, ISBN 978-975-98125-7-7 GG 2006, Garanti Gallery 2007, Istanbul, ISBN 978-9944-5518-5-4 GG 2007-2008, Garanti Gallery 2009, Istanbul,ISBN 978-9944-73-110-2 Turgut Cansever Düşünce Adamı ve Mimar, Uğur Tanyeli, Atilla Yücel, Ottoman Bank Archives and Research Center and Garanti Gallery 2007, Istanbul, ISBN 978-9944-5518-3-0 Mimarlığın Aktörleri Türkiye 1900-2000, Uğur Tanyeli, Garanti Gallery 2007, Istanbul, ISBN 978-9944-5518-4-7 Becoming Istanbul: An Encyclopedia, Edited by Pelin Derviş, Bülent Tanju, Uğur Tanyeli, Garanti Gallery 2008, Istanbul, ISBN 978-9944-73-106-5 Becoming Istanbul: Eine Enzyklopadie, Edited by Pelin Derviş, Bülent Tanju, Uğur Tanyeli, Garanti Gallery 2008, Istanbul ISBN 978-9944-73-107-2 İstanbullaşmak: Olgular, Sorunsallar, Metaforlar, Edited by Pelin Derviş, Bülent Tanju, Uğur Tanyeli, Garanti Gallery 2009, Istanbul, ISBN 978-9944-73-111-9 Tracing Istanbul (from the air), Photography: Oğuz Meriç, Edited by Meriç Öner, Garanti Gallery 2009, Istanbul, ISBN 978-9944-73-115-7 Mapping Istanbul, Edited by Pelin Derviş, Meriç Öner, Map design: Superpool, Garanti Gallery 2009, Istanbul, ISBN 978-9944-73-116-4 ISTANBUL PARA-DOXA / Conversations on the City and Architecture, Boğaçhan Dündaralp, Aslı Kıyak İngin, Nilüfer Kozikoğlu, Edited by Pelin Derviş, Garanti Gallery 2010, Istanbul, ISBN 978-9944-73-121-8 GG organized a 12-session “Transdisciplines Lecture Series” in collaboration with Platform Garanti in 2008 and 2009. The lectures aimed to open to discussion the production environment that would transcend disciplines as envisioned by the new institution to be formed by GG and Platform Garanti while the process of unification and change undertaken by these two entities still continued. Lecturers in chronological order were Marcos Novak, Marie-Ange Brayer, Peter Taylor, Fiona Raby of Dunne & Raby, George Legrady, Hans Ulrich Obrist, Charles Waldheim, Nikolaus Hirsch, Peter Cook, Gijs van Oenen, Ciro Najle and Trevor Paglen. Architecture and Design Archive Turkey (ADAT) became active in 2008 under the direction of the historian of modern design in Turkey Gökhan Karakuş as the joint project of GG and Platform Garanti, with the aim of demonstrating the historical development in the fields of architecture and design in Turkey. ADAT treats architecture and design as two main factors that complete each other, and as two separate denominators of a shared practice. Archival work followed two different research methodologies in the fields of architecture and design. Architectural research began with the “senior architects” in Turkey including Cengiz Bektaş, Utarit İzgi, Turgut Cansever, Sedad Hakkı Eldem and Kemali Söylemezoğlu. The personal archives of the architects were digitized and catalogued, and became part of ADAT. A chronological approach was organized in the field of design history in Turkey by Archive Curator Karakuş with images from the personal and institutional archives belonging to a number of important Turkish designers including the KareMetal Group of the 1950s, the Koz family (MPD), Yıldırım Kocacıklıoğlu (INTERNO), ceramicist Sadi Diren, Gorbon ceramics, Aziz Sarıyer (Derin) and Yılmaz Zenger that were digitalized and catalogued. During the three initial years of active research, ADAT collected over 20,000 digital images and more than 4000 physical material. Since 2010, ADAT continues its activities as a part of SALT Research. In 2007, GG began to expand the modest library it had formed with the purpose of aiding the research necessary for its exhibitions and events. In 2008 it merged with the library of Platform Garanti Contemporary Art Center. A serious and research-based investment is now under way to include the canonical and most recent publications of a great variety of disciplines that will contribute to the fields of architecture, design and urban planning. The library's holdings open to the public at SALT Research on November 22, 2011.
2010 BBC Sports Personality of the Year Award
2010-12-14 01:48:17+00:00
The 2010 BBC Sports Personality of the Year Award, held on 19 December, was the 57th presentation of the BBC Sports Personality of the Year Awards. Presented by Sue Barker, Jake Humphrey, and Gary Lineker from the LG Arena in Birmingham, it was broadcast on BBC One. Awarded annually by the BBC, the main titular award honours an individual's British sporting achievement over the past year. The winner is selected by public vote from a 10-person shortlist. The ten sportspersons on the award shortlist was drawn up by a "panel of 30 sports editors from national and regional newspapers and magazines", and announced on 29 November 2010. As a preview to the awards, the nominees were interviewed for Sports Personality of the Year: The Contenders, a special edition of BBC One's Inside Sport, presented by Gabby Logan and broadcast on 13 December 2010. The award ceremony was held on Sunday 19 December at the LG Arena in Birmingham. It was the first time Birmingham had hosted the show since 2007. It was broadcast live on BBC One, with returning presenters Sue Barker, Gary Lineker and Jake Humphrey. The winner was decided by a public telephone vote during the ceremony. The ten nominees featured two from the sport of golf, and one each from athletics, boxing, cricket, cycling, darts, diving, horse racing, and skeleton. AP McCoy was named the winner, with 41.98% of the vote. McCoy became the first jockey to win the main award of the night, having finished third in 2002. In 1996, Frankie Dettori had also finished in third. McCoy was also only the second person from Northern Ireland to win the award, after Dame Mary Peters. Phil Taylor finished second with 10.33% of the vote, becoming the first darts players to finish in the top three. Jessica Ennis finished in third place, with 9.02% of the vote. Ennis had also finished in third in the previous year. McCoy was presented the trophy by previous winner Andrew Flintoff and Cesc Fàbregas. = The first award of the night, the Helen Rollason Award, was awarded to the co-founder and boss of the Williams Formula One team. Since 1986, Williams has been confined to a wheelchair, but despite this the team have won sixteen Formula One World Championships, becoming the third most successful team in the sport's history. Damon Hill presented Williams with the award. = The shortlist of three for the Young Sports Personality of the Year was whittled down from a longlist of ten, which featured footballer Conor Coady, taekwondo athlete Jade Jones, wheelchair racer Dan Lucker, gymnast Sam Oldham, table tennis player Liam Pitchford, tennis player Laura Robson, and swimmer Emma Saunders. The panel deciding the shortlist was chaired by broadcaster John Inverdale, and also featured BBC Sport presenter Jake Humphrey, Blue Peter's Helen Skelton, Newsround presenter Ore Oduba, and former winners of the award Amy Spencer and Harry Aikines-Aryeetey. The award was presented by Zara Phillips and Denise Lewis. Tom Daley won the award for the third time, having won it in 2007 and 2009. = The Unsung Hero Award was presented to Lance Haggith, a basketball coach. The winner of the BBC East region, Higgins had worked with children and young people of all abilities and disabilities for over thirty years. He had set up two charities to support youngsters in sport, and chaired the Bedfordshire Basketball Association. = The Team of the Year Award was awarded to the Europe Ryder Cup Team. Colin Montgomerie collected the award on behalf of the team. The award had previously been awarded to the Ryder Cup team in 1969, 1985, 1987, 1995, and 2002, making this the sixth time it had collected this award. = The BBC Overseas Sports Personality of the Year was awarded to tennis player Rafael Nadal. After an injury-filled 2009, Nadal won the French Open, Wimbledon, and the US Open, completing his Career Grand Slam. Nadal was only the seventh man to do so in the sport's history. Nadal was the thirteenth tennis player to win the Overseas Sports Personality, the last being three-time winner Roger Federer. Michael Johnson presented the award. = The BBC Sports Personality of the Year Coach Award had three nominees. Montgomerie was the first golfer to take the award home. = The Lifetime Achievement Award was given to footballer David Beckham. The award was given for Beckham's playing career, which includes being England's most-capped outfield player, winning six Premier Leagues, and playing across the world. It also recognised Beckham's roles in the London 2012 Olympics bid, and in the attempt to bring the 2018 World Cup to England. Beckham had won the main award back in 2001. Sir Bobby Charlton presented the award to Beckham, who received a standing ovation from the audience.
2010 ICC Awards
2010-10-03 03:51:09+00:00
The 2010 ICC Awards were held on 6 October 2010 in Bangalore, India in association with the Federation of International Cricketers' Associations (FICA). The ICC had been hosting ICC Awards since 2004, which were now into their seventh year. Previous events were held in London (2004), Sydney (2005), Mumbai (2006), Johannesburg (2007, 2009) and Dubai (2008). The ICC awards the Sir Garfield Sobers Trophy to the Cricketer of the Year, which is considered to be the most prestigious award in world cricket. Chaired by ICC Cricket Hall of Famer Clive Lloyd, the ICC Selection Committee was charged with two main tasks. Using their experience, knowledge and appreciation of the game, they selected the ICC World XI Teams and provided a long list of nominations to the 25 members of the voting academy to cast their votes in the individual player award categories. Selection Committee members: Clive Lloyd (chairman) Angus Fraser Duncan Fletcher Matthew Hayden Ravi Shastri = Sachin Tendulkar = Virender Sehwag = AB de Villiers = Brendon McCullum, for scoring 116 not out off 56 deliveries against Australia at Lancaster Park in Christchurch on 28 February 2010 = Steven Finn = Ryan ten Doeschate = Aleem Dar = Shelley Nitschke = India = Sachin Tendulkar = MS Dhoni was selected as both captain and wicket-keeper of the Test Team of the Year. Other players are: Virender Sehwag Simon Katich Sachin Tendulkar Hashim Amla Kumar Sangakkara Jacques Kallis MS Dhoni Graeme Swann James Anderson Dale Steyn Doug Bollinger = Ricky Ponting was selected as the captain of the ODI Team of the Year, with MS Dhoni also selected as the wicket-keeper. Other players are: Sachin Tendulkar Shane Watson Michael Hussey AB de Villiers Paul Collingwood Ricky Ponting MS Dhoni Daniel Vettori Stuart Broad Doug Bollinger Ryan Harris The following are the short lists for the 2010 LG ICC Awards: = Hashim Amla Virender Sehwag Graeme Swann Sachin Tendulkar = Hashim Amla Virender Sehwag Dale Steyn Sachin Tendulkar = Ryan Harris Sachin Tendulkar AB de Villiers Shane Watson = Michael Hussey Mahela Jayawardene Brendon McCullum Ryan McLaren = Umar Akmal Steven Finn Angelo Mathews Tim Paine = Ryan ten Doeschate Trent Johnston Kevin O'Brien Mohammad Shahzad = Aleem Dar Steve Davis Tony Hill Simon Taufel = Katherine Brunt Shelley Nitschke Ellyse Perry Stafanie Taylor = India New Zealand Sri Lanka Zimbabwe = Michael Hussey Mahela Jayawardene Andrew Strauss Sachin Tendulkar AB de Villiers The following are the nominations for the 2010 LG ICC Awards, initially announced on 18 August 2010: = Hashim Amla Doug Bollinger Michael Clarke MS Dhoni Ryan Harris Mitchell Johnson Jacques Kallis Morné Morkel Ricky Ponting Kumar Sangakkara Virender Sehwag Dale Steyn Graeme Swann Sachin Tendulkar Daniel Vettori AB de Villiers Shane Watson = Hashim Amla James Anderson Mohammad Asif Doug Bollinger MS Dhoni Tamim Iqbal Mahela Jayawardene Jacques Kallis Simon Katich Kumar Sangakkara Thilan Samaraweera Virender Sehwag Dale Steyn Graeme Swann Sachin Tendulkar Shane Watson = Hashim Amla Doug Bollinger MS Dhoni Tillakaratne Dilshan Ryan Harris Michael Hussey Jacques Kallis Ricky Ponting Virender Sehwag Sachin Tendulkar Daniel Vettori AB de Villiers Shane Watson Cameron White = Sulieman Benn Deandra Dottin Chris Gayle Michael Hussey Mahela Jayawardene Nuwan Kulasekara Brendon McCullum Ryan McLaren Eoin Morgan Nehemiah Odhiambo Ellyse Perry Suresh Raina Darren Sammy = Mohammad Amir Umar Akmal Tim Bresnan Steven Finn Shafiul Islam Ravindra Jadeja Virat Kohli Angelo Mathews Eoin Morgan Pragyan Ojha Tim Paine Wayne Parnell Kemar Roach Steve Smith Paul Stirling David Warner = Ashish Bagai Richie Berrington Mudassar Bukhari Tom Cooper Ryan ten Doeschate Trent Johnston Kevin O'Brien Mohammad Shahzad Samiullah Shenwari Paul Stirling = Billy Bowden Aleem Dar Steve Davis Asoka de Silva Billy Doctrove Marais Erasmus Ian Gould Tony Hill Daryl Harper Rudi Koertzen Asad Rauf Simon Taufel Rod Tucker = Suzie Bates Nicola Browne Katherine Brunt Sophie Devine Jhulan Goswami Lydia Greenway Sarah McGlashan Shelley Nitschke Ellyse Perry Leah Poulton Mithali Raj Gouher Sultana Stafanie Taylor
2010 ESPY Awards
2010-07-16 08:26:37+00:00
The 18th ESPY Awards were held on July 14, 2010, at the Nokia Theatre, hosted by Seth Meyers. For the first time since 2003 (when the ceremony was aired on a delay several days later), ESPN televised the ceremony live. There are 37 categories and 3 special awards. The winners are listed first in bold. Other nominees are in alphabetical order.
2010 FIFA Ballon d'Or
2010-10-26 09:33:31+00:00
The 2010 FIFA Ballon d'Or Gala was the inaugural year for FIFA's awards for the top football players and coaches of the year. The gala is a continuation of the FIFA World Player Gala and a result of merging the FIFA Men's World Player of the Year award with the Ballon d'Or, previously created and presented by France Football to the top men's player in Europe. The awards ceremony took place on 10 January 2011 in Zürich, Switzerland. The three finalists for each category were announced on 6 December 2010. La Masia, the FC Barcelona academy, achieved a record breaking honor in becoming the first youth academy ever to have all three finalists for the Ballon d'Or in one same year, with Lionel Messi, Andrés Iniesta and Xavi. Messi won the award, his second consecutive Ballon d'Or victory. Marta won the FIFA Women's World Player of the Year award, her fifth in a row. José Mourinho, Portuguese manager of Real Madrid and previously of Internazionale, was the first winner of the men's FIFA World Coach of the Year award in 2010. The women's version of the award was won by Germany head coach Silvia Neid. = The following twenty players were also in contention for the award: = The following seven players were also in contention for the award: = = = = = Desmond Tutu = Haiti women's national under-17 football team
13th Annual Interactive Achievement Awards
2022-06-13 03:30:30+00:00
The 13th Annual Interactive Achievement Awards was the 13th edition of the Interactive Achievement Awards, an annual awards event that honored the best games in the video game industry during 2009. The awards were arranged by the Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences (AIAS), and were held at the Red Rock Casino, Resort & Spa in Las Vegas, Nevada on February 18, 2010 (2010-02-18). It was also held as part of the Academy's 2010 D.I.C.E. Summit, and was hosted by stand-up comedian Jay Mohr. This was the first year that "Console Game of the Year" and "Computer Game of the Year" were not offered. "Handheld Game of the Year" and "Cellular Game of the Year" were merged into the "Portable Game of the Year" award category. Additionally, an award for "Outstanding Achievement in Portable Game Design" was offered. "Role-Playing Game of the Year" and "Massively Multiplayer Game of the Year" were merged into one category. "Social Network Game of the Year" was also offered. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves received the most nominations and won the most awards, including "Game of the Year". Sony Computer Entertainment received the most nominations and won the most awards as a publisher, with Naughty Dog as the most nominated and award-winning developer. Electronic Arts had the most nominated and award-winning games. Mark Cerny, known for Crash Bandicoot and Spyro, was inducted into the Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences Hall of Fame. Doug Lowenstein, founder of the Entertainment Software Association (ESA), received the "Lifetime Achievement Award". David Crane, co-founder of Activision, was the recipient of the "Pioneer Award". Winners are listed first, highlighted in boldface, and indicated with a double dagger (‡). = = = = Hall of Fame Bruce Shelley Lifetime Achievement Douglas Lowenstein Pioneer David Crane = Multiple Nominations Multiple awards