3rd Airborne Battalion
Burgmeier scored his first international goal in April 2003 in a friendly against Saudi Arabia to give Liechtenstein a 1 – 0 victory . On 10 October 2004 , he scored his first competitive international goal as he helped Liechtenstein to record their first point in World Cup qualification matches . He and Thomas Beck scored Liechtenstein 's goals in a 2 – 2 with Portugal at the Rheinpark Stadion . Burgmeier describes the draw as the " biggest moment of my career " . Three days later , Burgmeier scored two more goals as Liechtenstein earned their first World Cup win with a 4 – 0 victory against Luxembourg . They followed it up with a 0 – 0 draw against Slovakia and another victory over Luxembourg , to finish the qualifying campaign with eight points from their 12 matches . Burgmeier played in nine games .
= = Reception = =
In response to Dahl 's firing from WDAI , Dahl and Meier mocked and heaped scorn on disco records and WDAI ( calling it " Disco @-@ D.I.E. " mocking the station 's slogan , " Disco @-@ D.A.I. " ) on the air . Dahl even recorded and started playing a parody of Rod Stewart 's " Da Ya Think I 'm Sexy ? " , which he called " Do You Think I 'm Disco ? " . The song managed to crack the national charts to peak at # 58 on the Billboard Hot 100 and received airplay across the country .
Signs of Tracy 's money spending problems included his purchase of three hours of prime @-@ time as a salute to Benny Hill . When Elisa informs Jack that he has a lump on one of his testicles , Jack responds , " Thank you for telling me what I already know . You should work for the Huffington Post " , the latter being a liberal news and aggregated blog website that Alec Baldwin has been a contributor to since 2005 . Elisa tells Jack that " Señor Macho Solo " is " what we call a McRib sandwich " , a sandwich sold at McDonald 's . NBC page Kenneth Parcell ( Jack McBrayer ) does the " Top That " rap from the fantasy @-@ comedy film Teen Witch ( 1989 ) . Jenna sings the song " Piece of My Heart " , from Janis Joplin , though , the lyrics had been reworded by Jack so that Sheinhardt Universal avoid legal problems . In addition , Jenna sings the song and carries a bottle of Jack Daniel 's in hand , a real life trait of the late singer .
= = Personnel = =
= = = Excavation and protection = = =
Kyoto , for tape and instruments ( 1970 )
The Amazing Jeckel Brothers focuses on the 9 circles of hell , and the morality of man as he is torn between righteousness and evil . Jack " the sinister " and Jake " the just " ( bad and good ) emerge from the flame of a candle to determine the fate of the dead . The Jeckel Brothers juggle fire balls . For every sin committed during the mortal life of the dead , another ball is added . Jack attempts to throw Jake curves in an attempt to see a ball drop . If a soul witnesses Jake drop one of the balls , he will be damned to hell . Souls who see Jake successfully complete the act ascend to heaven .
= = Post @-@ match = =
When British zoologist Reginald Innes Pocock revived Strepsirrhini and defined Haplorhini in 1918 , he omitted the second " r " from both ( " Strepsirhini " and " Haplorhini " instead of " Strepsirrhini " and " Haplorrhini " ) , although he did not remove the second " r " from Platyrrhini or Catarrhini , both of which were also named by É . Geoffroy in 1812 . Following Pocock , many researchers continued to spell Strepsirrhini with a single " r " until primatologists Paulina Jenkins and Prue Napier pointed out the error in 1987 .
The protection of religious and minority rights had been a matter of international concern and the subject of protections ever since the days of the Peace of Westphalia . The concept of granting title to a territory on the basis of minority rights treaties started in the 1870s with Serbia , Montenegro , and Romania .
Several portions of modern NY 38 were originally part of turnpikes and plank roads during the 1800s . On April 13 , 1819 , the New York State Legislature passed a law incorporating the Cortland and Owego Turnpike Company . The company was tasked with building a highway — the Cortland and Owego Turnpike — from Owego north to the then @-@ village of Cortland . It roughly followed what is now NY 38 north from Owego to the vicinity of Harford , where it turned north to access Virgil . It continued to Cortland by way of modern NY 215 .
The Jordan River Parkway was originally proposed in 1971 as a flood control measure with two reservoirs , restoration of wetlands , shoreline roads for cars , walking trails , and parks . By 1986 , $ 18 million had been used to purchase lands around the Jordan River and to construct the Murray Golf Course , several smaller parks and about 4 miles ( 6 @.@ 4 km ) of canoe runs and trails . As of 2010 , the majority of the 40 @-@ mile ( 64 km ) continuous mixed @-@ use trail has been finished from Utah Lake to the Davis County border . A water trail for canoeing and kayaking is also being constructed , but dams , bridges , weirs and other obstacles hamper the use of the river .
An area of thunderstorms increased near the FSM on September 15 within the monsoon trough . Located within an area of moderate wind shear , its convection was intermittent around a weak circulation . On September 18 , the JTWC issued a Tropical Cyclone Formation Alert ( TCFA ) , and the JMA classified the system as a tropical depression ; however , the two warning agencies were tracking different circulations within the same system , and by September 19 the circulation JMA was tracking became the dominant system . Shortly thereafter , the agency downgraded the system to a low pressure area after it weakened . The next day , JMA again upgraded the system to a tropical depression , and the JTWC issued a second TCFA when the system had a partially exposed circulation near an area of increasing convection . Late on September 21 , the JMA upgraded the depression to Tropical Storm Changmi to the south of Japan . The next day , Changmi attained peak winds of 85 km / h ( 50 mph ) . However , the JTWC noted that the system was absorbing dry air and becoming extratropical , and thus did not issue warnings on the storm . Moving northeastward , Changmi became an extratropical cyclone on September 22 , and gradually became more intense until crossing the International Date Line early on September 25 .
The exhibit also opened in Korea at the War Memorial of Korea in April 2015 , in Paris at Esplanade de La Défense a year later , and in Las Vegas at the Treasure Island Hotel and Casino in June 2016 . The Las Vegas version of the exhibit featured updated character details and corresponding science to incorporate the Marvel films that have released since the original exhibit in New York . Additionally , the Las Vegas version features Colbie Smulders reprising her role as Maria Hill to " debrief " visitors , replacing Welliver .
Gods were linked with specific regions of the universe . In Egyptian tradition , the world includes the earth , the sky , and the Duat . Surrounding them is the dark formlessness that existed before creation . The gods in general were said to dwell in the sky , although gods whose roles were linked with other parts of the universe were said to live in those places instead . Most events of mythology , set in a time before the gods ' withdrawal from the human realm , take place in an earthly setting . The deities there sometimes interact with those in the sky . The Duat , in contrast , is treated as a remote and inaccessible place , and the gods who dwell there have difficulty communicating with those in the world of the living . The space outside the cosmos is also said to be very distant . It too is inhabited by deities , some hostile and some beneficial to the other gods and their orderly world .
Tilman Walterfang 's company formed a contract of cooperation with the original Indonesian salvage company and as a result the cargo was not sold off piece by piece to collectors . Although there were instances of some looting from the site , particularly between the two excavation periods , Walterfang kept the cargo intact as one complete collection so that it could be studied in its original context ; something which has given an " unparalleled insight into China 's industrial capacity and global trade " according to Julian Raby , director of the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery . It was housed in a private conservation facility for six years , where the artefacts were painstakingly conserved ( including desalination ) , studied , and carefully restored by Walterfang 's company , Seabed Explorations Ltd. of New Zealand . The work was carried out with the assistance of German conservator Andreas Rettel , who trained at the Römisch @-@ Germanisches Zentralmuseum in Mainz . The artefacts were authenticated by Professor Geng Baochang , a senior research fellow at the Palace Museum in Beijing . Baochang is the deputy director of Beijing 's Forbidden City and one of China 's foremost experts on antique ceramics .
In the Bishopric of Turku , the annual feast day of Henry was January 20 ( talviheikki , " Winter Henry " ) , according to traditions the day of his death . Elsewhere his memorial was held already on January 19 , since more prominent saints were already commemorated on January 20 . After the Reformation , Henry 's day was moved to the 19th in Finland as well . The existence of the feast day is first mentioned in 1335 , and is known to have been marked in the liturgical calendar from the early 15th century onwards . Another memorial was held on June 18 ( kesäheikki , " Summer Henry " ) which was the day of the translation of his relics to the Cathedral of Turku .
The Imperial Navy began building small avisos in the 1880s to serve in the main fleet in German waters . These vessels were intended to support the battle line , and so unlike the contemporary German unprotected cruisers , their designs emphasized offensive capability and high speed rather than a long cruising radius . The Wacht class followed the previous aviso , SMS Greif . The ship had proved to be a disappointment in service , since it carried no torpedo armament . As a result , the Wacht design returned to the torpedo as its primary armament like earlier vessels such as the Blitz class .
The United States Chess Federation ( USCF ) rule is different . USCF Rule 14E defines " insufficient material to win on time " , that is lone king , king plus knight , king plus bishop , and king plus two knights opposed by no pawns , and there is no forced win in the final position . Hence to win on time with this material , the USCF rule requires that a win can be forced from that position , while the FIDE rule merely requires a win to be possible . ( See Monika Soćko rules appeal in 2008 and Women 's World Chess Championship 2008 for a famous instance of this rule . )
The official style of James in England was " James the Second , by the Grace of God , King of England , Scotland , France and Ireland , Defender of the Faith , etc . " The claim to France was only nominal , and was asserted by every English King from Edward III to George III , regardless of the amount of French territory actually controlled . In Scotland , he was " James the Seventh , by the Grace of God , King of Scotland , England , France and Ireland , Defender of the Faith , etc . "
Thrombophilia ( sometimes hypercoagulability or a prothrombotic state ) is an abnormality of blood coagulation that increases the risk of thrombosis ( blood clots in blood vessels ) . Such abnormalities can be identified in 50 % of people who have an episode of thrombosis ( such as deep vein thrombosis in the leg ) that was not provoked by other causes . A significant proportion of the population has a detectable abnormality , but most of these only develop thrombosis in the presence of an additional risk factor .
The exact number killed in the takeover is unknown . Several sources put the figure anywhere between several dozen and a thousand . According to the ICTY , at least 48 civilians were killed of which 45 were non @-@ Serbs . Around 3 April , a local policeman was ordered to guard a hearse which was picking up bodies from the streets and houses of the town . The killings were eliticidal with the aim of erasing cultural history and included " political leaders , businessmen , and other prominent Bosniaks " , but also included women and children . A number of Serbs who had attempted to stop the massacre were also killed . An investigation by the ICTY later stated that the victims had been shot " in the chest , mouth , temple , or back of the head , some at close range " and that none had been wearing military uniforms . According to the historian Professor Eric D. Weitz of the City College of New York , the killing of Bosniaks in Bijeljina was a genocidal act . The acts against civilians in Bijeljina and those carried out by the JNA and special forces that followed were an attempt to intimidate and sidetrack the Bosnian government and general public from pursuing independence .
= = Production = =
A single mother with two children , Cher realized that she had to make a choice about the direction of her singing career . Deciding to temporarily abandon her desire to be a rock singer , she signed with Casablanca Records and launched a comeback with the single " Take Me Home " and the album of the same name , both of which capitalized on the disco craze . Both the album and the single became instant successes , remained bestsellers for more than half of 1979 , and were certified gold by the RIAA . Sales of the album may have been boosted by the image of a scantily clad Cher in a Viking outfit on its cover . Despite her initial lack of enthusiasm with disco music , she changed her mind after the success , commenting , " I never thought I would want to do disco ... [ but ] it 's terrific ! It 's great music to dance to . I think that danceable music is what everybody wants . "
In 1997 , Saleh was appointed by mujahideen leader Massoud to serve as Northern Alliance 's liaison office inside the Afghan Embassy in Dushanbe , Tajikistan , handling contacts to international non @-@ governmental ( humanitarian ) organizations and intelligence agencies . In late 2010 , Saleh created a pro @-@ democracy and anti @-@ Taliban movement called Basej @-@ e Milli ( National Mobilization ) and Green Trend .
The episode was to conclude with the first episode of the second season , on April 1 , 1998 , four weeks after " Cartman 's Mom is a Dirty Slut " was first broadcast . However , instead of continuing the episode 's storyline , Parker and co @-@ creator Matt Stone made an episode regarding the South Park minor characters Terrance and Philip , as an April Fool 's Day prank on viewers of the show . Upset fans wrote more than 2 @,@ 000 angry e @-@ mail complaints to Comedy Central within a week of the episode 's original broadcast , and media outlets said some fans harbored a grudge against the show more than five years after the episode was broadcast .
Neptune 's atmosphere is subdivided into two main regions : the lower troposphere , where temperature decreases with altitude , and the stratosphere , where temperature increases with altitude . The boundary between the two , the tropopause , lies at a pressure of 0 @.@ 1 bars ( 10 kPa ) . The stratosphere then gives way to the thermosphere at a pressure lower than 10 − 5 to 10 − 4 microbars ( 1 to 10 Pa ) . The thermosphere gradually transitions to the exosphere .
= = = Chelsea = = =
4 Platoon — under Lieutenant Leonard Montgomerie — took over the attack , while a number of American tanks moved in to provide further support . Conducting a right flanking attack , the Australians suffered a number of casualties as they moved across the open ground . Advancing to within 30 metres ( 33 yd ) of the forward trenches , the Chinese fire increased . Montgomerie launched a desperate bayonet charge , while a section under Corporal Donald Davie broke in on the right . Amid fierce hand @-@ to @-@ hand fighting the Australians cleared the Chinese from the trenches , losing three men . Davie 's section was then heavily engaged by machine @-@ guns from the rear trenches , and he moved quickly to assault these with his remaining men . Montgomerie reorganised the platoon , and they fought from trench to trench using bayonets and grenades . The Australians then began taking fire from another knoll to their front and leaving his rear sections to clear the first position , Montgomerie led Davie 's section onto the second knoll . Against such aggression the Chinese were unable to hold , and although the majority bravely fought to the death , others fled across the open ground . By 12 : 30 the knoll had been captured by the Australians , with 57 Chinese dead counted on the first position and another 24 on the second . A large Chinese force was now detected occupying the old B Company position and the Australians were effectively halted halfway to their objective . Before Laughlin could prepare his next move he was ordered to withdraw by Ferguson , and the attempt to dislodge the Chinese was subsequently abandoned . During the fighting the tanks had provided invaluable support , moving ammunition forward to B Company , and helping to evacuate the wounded . The entire operation had cost the Australians three killed and nine wounded . For his actions Montgomerie was awarded the Military Cross , while Davie received the Military Medal .
= = = Other methods = = =
Mahavira 's teachings influenced many personalities . Rabindranath Tagore wrote :
Wambach scored her 100th goal during a friendly match against Canada in her hometown of Rochester on July 19 , 2009 , her second international match after returning from her injury . Of the goal , she said , " After this year I 've had , the heartbreak of not going to the Olympics , all of that pain is worth it . There 's nothing more you can ask for than play in front of your home crowd and come through with a milestone like I did today . " She reached 100 goals in fewer games than any of the four other American players who had previously reached 100 goals : Mia Hamm , Kristine Lilly , Michelle Akers and Tiffeny Milbrett .
Between 1994 and 1998 , there was local political debate about how Rikshospitalet , that was moving to Gaustad , should be served by public transport . The state wanted to extend the Ullevål Hageby Line of the tramway to the new hospital , while many local politicians wanted to use the rapid transit . Since the Ring Line would increase traffic on the Songsvann Line , moving the line was considered to better serve the hospital . In 1998 , an agreement was reached whereby the light rail line would be built , and a new station for transfer from the metro would open at Forskningsparken .
= = = Release = = =
Broken by Emmitt Smith
All songs produced by Dae Bennett .
Bayh was criticized throughout his campaign for being " boring " or " dull , " but media outlets also described the candidate as " folksy " and displaying a " Midwest charm , " that some compared to President Harry Truman . The Washington Post commented that he was " unexciting but very dependable and electable , " and that he would " have a great shot " if the Democratic Party was " feeling pragmatic " . The Wall Street Journal lauded the Senator as a " genuinely fiscally conservative Democrat . " His record as a governor and Senator were also portrayed as desirable assets . Pollster Frank Luntz summed up Bayh 's campaign , describing the Senator from the perspective of his audience :
Many of the villages on the Mendips have their own parish councils , which have some responsibility for local issues . Local people also elect councillors to district councils or to unitary authorities . The 198 km2 ( 76 sq mi ) of the AONB are split across four districts : Mendip District Council 87 @.@ 67 km2 ( 33 @.@ 8 sq mi ) , Sedgemoor District Council 34 @.@ 03 km2 ( 13 @.@ 1 sq mi ) , Bath and North East Somerset Council 36 @.@ 95 km2 ( 14 @.@ 3 sq mi ) , and North Somerset Council 39 @.@ 35 km2 ( 15 @.@ 2 sq mi ) . Each of the villages is also part of a parliamentary constituency : Wells , Weston @-@ super @-@ Mare or North East Somerset . The area is also part of the South West England European Parliament constituency . Avon and Somerset Constabulary provides police services to the area .
TACAM R @-@ 2
= = Education and early career = =
T. m. nigrideus breeds from coastal northern Quebec to Labrador and Newfoundland and winters from southern Newfoundland south through most of the eastern US states to southern Louisiana , southern Mississippi and northern Georgia . It is uniformly darker or blackish on the head , with a dark gray back . The underparts are slightly more red than those of the nominate subspecies .
DiCaprio dated actress Blake Lively in 2011 , then model Erin Heatherton for most of 2012 . In 2013 he dated German model Toni Garrn until late 2014 . He dated model Kelly Rohrbach in 2015 .
Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Mayo Conroy ( 1943 – 44 ) ;
Although officially located slightly outside the town 's boundaries in Walsall Wood , Shire Oak School ( the former Shire Oak Grammar School ) takes many pupils from Brownhills . Approximately 6 % of children from the town attend selective schools elsewhere in the borough of Walsall .
An electropop song which also contains dance @-@ pop and R & B music , the chorus interpolates the 1996 single " Lovefool " by the Swedish band The Cardigans . " Love Me " was one of the most well received tracks on the album , with critics complimenting its electro and club feel , and its usage of the " Lovefool " sample .
= = Design = =
Most of the perpetrators of Nazi war crimes were never charged , and returned unremarked to civilian life . The West German Central Prosecution Office of Nazi War Criminals only charged about a hundred former Einsatzgruppe members with war crimes . And as time went on , it became more difficult to obtain prosecutions ; witnesses grew older and were less likely to be able to offer valuable testimony . Funding for trials was inadequate , and the governments of Austria and Germany became less interested in obtaining convictions for wartime events , preferring to forget the Nazi past .
Hasse , Helmut ( 1933 ) , " Die Struktur der R. Brauerschen Algebrenklassengruppe über einem algebraischen Zahlkörper " , Mathematische Annalen ( in German ) 107 : 731 – 760 , doi : 10 @.@ 1007 / BF01448916 .
= = Later life and family = =
Declan Napier is a fictional character from the Australian Network Ten soap opera Neighbours , played by James Sorensen from 2007 to 2010 , and Erin Mullally from 2010 to 2011 . In January 2010 it was announced that Sorensen had quit the role of Declan and the decision to recast was taken , with Mullally making his first on @-@ screen appearance on 3 May 2010 . In October 2010 , it was announced the character was to leave Neighbours and he made his final appearance on 15 March 2011 .
The episode was given a widely varied reception by reviewers , ranging from Erica Futterman of Rolling Stone , who called it " season three 's best episode so far " , to BuddyTV 's John Kubicek , who described the episode as " just plain silly and ridiculous " , though the overall mix was somewhat more positive than negative . Raymund Flandez of The Wall Street Journal wrote that " the episode was well paced , well sung and well danced " , though he was unhappy with the concluding number , and Entertainment Weekly 's Joseph Brannigan Lynch said the episode " contained some of this season 's best dramatic and musical performances " . Crystal Bell of HuffPost TV stated that she was " a little underwhelmed " by the episode , which " never quite lived up to the greatness that is Michael Jackson " . IGN 's Robert Canning gave the episode a " great " 8 out of 10 , and characterized it as " more than just a theme episode " in which he was " connecting to characters " that had not " grabbed " him since the first season .
The superstructure has not been found . It was either stripped off and swept away or is lying under the hull , crushed and buried under sand which flowed back into the crater , partially refilling it . The only diver access to the inside is a tight squeeze through the port side casemate , called the " aircastle . " The National Park Service divers practiced on the similar casemate of the battleship USS Texas , a museum ship , before entering Arkansas in 1990 .
= = = Ratings = = =
In large quantities , the price of liquid oxygen in 2001 was approximately $ 0 @.@ 21 / kg . Since the primary cost of production is the energy cost of liquefying the air , the production cost will change as energy cost varies .
The use of recurring characters lends Balzac 's work a cohesion and atmosphere unlike any other series of novels . It enables a depth of characterization that goes beyond simple narration or dialogue . " When the characters reappear " , notes the critic Samuel Rogers , " they do not step out of nowhere ; they emerge from the privacy of their own lives which , for an interval , we have not been allowed to see . " Although the complexity of these characters ' lives inevitably led Balzac to make errors of chronology and consistency , the mistakes are considered minor in the overall scope of the project . Readers are more often troubled by the sheer number of people in Balzac 's world , and feel deprived of important context for the characters . Detective novelist Arthur Conan Doyle said that he never tried to read Balzac , because he " did not know where to begin " .
Bellette and Haefliger lived and worked for the rest of their lives in Majorca , with periodic trips to Italy . Friends such as artists Jeffrey Smart and John Olsen visited them regularly in Europe . An injury to her wrist meant that paintings prepared in 1976 for a solo exhibition were her last . Paul died in March 1982 ; Bellette survived breast cancer and a mastectomy in 1986 and died on 16 March 1991 .
= = = Internal structure = = =
On the Seventh Finals Week , each finalist sang a song chosen for them by a fellow Idol based on these assigned pairings : Magdangal and Nieto , Marcelo and Mendoza , Chavez and Dingle . After the night 's performances , guest judge Mo Twister confidently said that Dingle would be eliminated the next night and even wagered that he would go to work in a dress for a week if his prediction proved wrong . Dingle was indeed eliminated the following night . The Big Band Week became a " mini @-@ concert " , as each of the remaining four finalists performed two song numbers with a short spiel to the audience in between . The following week featured special segments about the final three contenders : Marcelo , Magdangal , and Nieto .