stringlengths 7
import { Component, Inject, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { MatDialogRef, MAT_DIALOG_DATA } from '@angular/material';
import { KeyedNumberAggregate, KeyedSetAggregate } from 'src/app/core/keyed-aggregate';
import { pluralize, pushDeduplicate, removeByValue } from 'src/app/core/util';
import { ProcessingAction, ProcessingRule, ProcessingTrigger, Transaction } from 'src/proto/model';
import { DataService } from '../../data.service';
import { FilterState } from '../../filter-input/filter-state';
import { TransactionFilterService } from '../../transaction-filter.service';
* In the transaction preview analysis, how many maximum label sets should be displayed,
* before showing them as 'various'.
export interface RuleEditConfig {
rule: ProcessingRule;
editMode: 'add' | 'edit';
interface MatchingTxsDescription {
description: string;
labelSets: string[][];
selector: 'app-rule-edit',
templateUrl: './rule-edit.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./rule-edit.component.css']
export class RuleEditComponent implements OnInit {
readonly rule: ProcessingRule;
readonly editMode: 'add' | 'edit';
readonly filterState = new FilterState();
/** Analysis result of the set of transactions that currently match the filter. */
matchingTxsInfo: MatchingTxsDescription;
@Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) data: RuleEditConfig,
private readonly dataService: DataService,
private readonly filterService: TransactionFilterService,
private readonly matDialogRef: MatDialogRef<RuleEditComponent>,
) {
this.rule = data.rule;
this.editMode = data.editMode;
this.filterState.immediateValue$.subscribe(value => {
// Update entity.
this.rule.filter = value.trim();
this.filterState.value$.subscribe(value => {
// Update preview of matching transactions.
const txs = this.dataService.getCurrentTransactionList();
const filteredTxs = this.filterService.applyFilter(txs, value);
this.matchingTxsInfo = this.analyzeMatchingTransactions(filteredTxs, filteredTxs.length === txs.length);
// Initialize with at least 1 action.
if (this.rule.actions.length === 0) {
ngOnInit() {
get triggerAdded(): boolean { return this.rule.triggers.includes(ProcessingTrigger.ADDED); }
set triggerAdded(value: boolean) { this.setTrigger(ProcessingTrigger.ADDED, value); }
get triggerImported(): boolean { return this.rule.triggers.includes(ProcessingTrigger.IMPORTED); }
set triggerImported(value: boolean) { this.setTrigger(ProcessingTrigger.IMPORTED, value); }
get triggerModified(): boolean { return this.rule.triggers.includes(ProcessingTrigger.MODIFIED); }
set triggerModified(value: boolean) { this.setTrigger(ProcessingTrigger.MODIFIED, value); }
private setTrigger(trigger: ProcessingTrigger, value: boolean) {
if (value) {
pushDeduplicate(this.rule.triggers, trigger);
} else {
const index = this.rule.triggers.indexOf(trigger);
if (index !== -1) {
this.rule.triggers.splice(index, 1);
addAction() {
this.rule.actions.push(new ProcessingAction({ addLabel: '' }));
removeAction(action: ProcessingAction) {
removeByValue(this.rule.actions, action);
/** Helper to initialize the oneof field of an action. */
setActionType(action: ProcessingAction, type: typeof ProcessingAction.prototype.type) {
// Because protobus.js's static code support for oneofs is kinda wonky, we need to set both
// the type property (which clears all other values, but doesn't initialize the new one) and
// the desired oneof value (which does not clear other values).
action.type = type;
if (type === 'addLabel') { action.addLabel = ''; }
else if (type === 'removeLabel') { action.removeLabel = ''; }
else if (type === 'setField') { action.setField = new ProcessingAction.SetFieldData(); }
else { console.warn('Unknown action type value: ', type); }
* Analyzes matching transactions and their label distribution.
* Label distributions are reported as one of the following options:
- all currently unlabeled
- all labeled exactly `foobar`
- labeled one of {foo, foo bar, <unlabeled>}
- with x different label sets, but all including `foo`.
- with x different label sets
private analyzeMatchingTransactions(matchingTransactions: Transaction[], isAll: boolean): MatchingTxsDescription {
if (isAll) {
return { description: 'all transactions', labelSets: [] };
let description = '';
description += pluralize(matchingTransactions.length, 'transaction');
description += ', ';
// For each label, count how many times it appears.
const countsByLabel = new KeyedNumberAggregate();
let numUnlabeled = 0;
for (const tx of matchingTransactions) {
for (const label of tx.labels) {
countsByLabel.add(label, 1);
if (tx.labels.length === 0) {
if (countsByLabel.length === 0) {
description += 'all currently unlabeled';
return { description, labelSets: [] };
const labelsInAll = countsByLabel.getKeys()
.filter(label => countsByLabel.get(label) === matchingTransactions.length);
// Check if all known labels occur in all transactions.
if (labelsInAll.length === countsByLabel.length) {
description += 'all labeled exactly';
return { description, labelSets: [labelsInAll] };
// Compute set of each label combination per transaction.
const allLabelSets = new KeyedSetAggregate<string>();
for (const tx of matchingTransactions) {
if (tx.labels.length > 0) {
const setKey = tx.labels.slice().sort().join(',A,');
// Kinda abusing the aggregate mechanic here, we just want each value to be the label set,
// so we keep adding the same labels over and over again ...
allLabelSets.addMany(setKey, tx.labels);
} else {
allLabelSets.add('<unlabeled>', '<unlabeled>');
// List label sets explicitly if they are below threshold.
if (allLabelSets.length <= PREVIEW_MAX_LABEL_SETS) {
description += 'labeled one of';
return {
labelSets: allLabelSets.getValues().map(set => Array.from(set).sort())
description += `with ${allLabelSets.length} different label sets`;
let labelSets: string[][];
if (labelsInAll.length > 0) {
description += ', but all including';
labelSets = [labelsInAll];
} else {
labelSets = [];
return { description, labelSets };
focusDelayed(focusable: { focus: () => void }) {
setTimeout(() => focusable.focus(), 0);
onSubmit() {
if (this.editMode === 'add' && this.rule.triggers.length === 0
&& !confirm('You have not selected any triggers. This rule will never be executed.\n\nAre you sure?')) {
Before I begin this week’s Teen Wolf recap, I’d like to take a moment to reflect on the beloved character we lost during Monday’s hectic episode.
Roscoe the Jeep, you will remain forever in the well-ventilated parking garage of our hearts.
Moving on… I think I’m going to start referring to Scott as “Coach” from now on, because his life is just one difficult call after another. This week, it was: Do I use Hayden as bait to trap a Dread Doctor, or do I throw Liam a bone and spare his girlfriend’s life? Naturally, because executive producer Jeff Davis told TVLine that Scott is going through a bad-decisions phase, he chose to use Hayden as his glorified worm — losing both her and Liam to the Dread Doctors in the process. Smooth move.
Not to mention, turning the school into a fortress to trap the Dread Doctors led to some crazy visions for the entire pack: Scott thought Kira — excuse me, the Messenger of Death — was skewering him like fondoo, Lydia got her tongue “ripped out” by Tracy, and Malia… I don’t know, she was stuck doing something unfortunate on the floor. (You can’t expect me to process everything.)
Mission failed. Hard.
R.I.P., ROSCOE | And where were Theo and Stiles while all of this was going down? Why, they were on just about the cutest stake-out date I’ve ever seen. Stiles told him he wanted to spend “quality time” with him, then Theo reciprocated with a story about how he’s always going to be there for him. It was all very romantic — that is, until Theo started back up with his break-up-Stiles-and-Scott routine. According to Theo, Scott should be OK with Stiles killing Donovan because it was in self-defense; he also flashed Stiles his glorious golden eyes to prove he didn’t lose his innocence, but I feel like that was just an excuse for more flirting.
Their big date went up in smoke — so to speak, but also literally — when Theo politely excused himself from within Roscoe mere seconds before an explosion blew the poor Jeep sky pretty high. Naturally, Theo took the chance to play hero while Parrish escaped the morgue with yet another corpse, but I really hope Stiles doesn’t take the whole experience at face value. (Do some sleuthin’, boy! Theo’s no good!)
THE HOT (CAR)SEAT | Speaking of Parrish I think we need to — at least briefly — discuss his truly effed-up sex dream about Lydia.(That was a dream, right?) I mean, I admit I was pretty down with it until she became a full-on burn victim after a bit of particularly heavy petting. Every so often, even those of us who claim to understand Teen Wolf need to throw up our hands and admit something went completely over our heads. For me, it was Parrish’s dream. (I welcome any and all explanations in the comments section below.)
WHAT THE FOX? | I’ve always supported the you-do-you movement, so after this week’s episode — in which Kira nearly killed her mother during an impromptu sword fight/life lesson — I’m really glad our li’l kitsune is taking some time to work out her issues. (As she told Scott, “I think I need to figure out what’s going on with me before I try to help anybody else.”)
Your thoughts on this week’s explosive hour? Do you think Hayden will survive the season? And, seriously, what was that Lydia-Parrish scene?! Drop a comment below. |
* Tests reflection in dev_appserver.
public class TestReflection implements Runnable {
// NB(tobyr) Much of this code is copied from HackTest. We need to find a
// way to unify these tests. Meanwhile keep the tests in sync as much as
// is reasonable.
private static class Reflectee {
public static final String STRING = "string";
public static final int INT = 10;
private final Object privateField = null;
final Object packageField = null;
protected final Object protectedField = null;
// Different access constructors for reflection access tests.
public Reflectee(String s) {}
Reflectee() {}
protected Reflectee(float f) {}
private Reflectee(int unused) {}
public int publicGetInt() {
return INT;
private String privateGetString() {
return STRING;
private static class Reflectee2 {
// Include a field of each basic type.
public boolean booleanField;
public byte byteField;
public char charField;
public short shortField;
public int intField;
public long longField;
public float floatField;
public double doubleField;
public Object objectField;
private static class Reflectee3Base {
public static class PublicInherited {}
private static class Reflectee3 extends Reflectee3Base {
public static Class constructorLocalClass;
public static Class constructorAnonymousClass;
static {
// make sure the static members are assigned
new Reflectee3();
private Reflectee3() {
class ConstructorNested {}
constructorLocalClass = ConstructorNested.class;
constructorAnonymousClass = new Object() {}.getClass();
public static class PublicNested {}
static class PackagedNested {}
private static class PrivateNested {
private static class DoubleNested {}
private static Class<?> getMethodLocalClass() {
class MethodNestedLocal {}
return MethodNestedLocal.class;
private static Class<?> getMethodAnonymousClass() {
return new Object() {}.getClass();
public void run() {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public void testReflectAccessSelf()
throws NoSuchFieldException, NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException,
InstantiationException {
// Try reflecting on self
Class<Reflectee> klass = Reflectee.class;
Constructor[] declaredConstructors = klass.getDeclaredConstructors();
assertTrue(declaredConstructors.length == 4);
Method[] declaredMethods = klass.getDeclaredMethods();
assertTrue(declaredMethods.length == 2);
Field[] declaredFields = klass.getDeclaredFields();
assertTrue(declaredFields.length == 5);
Constructor[] publicConstructors = klass.getConstructors();
assertTrue(publicConstructors.length == 1);
Method[] publicMethods = klass.getMethods();
// 1 public method + 9 public methods inherited from java.lang.Object
assertTrue(publicMethods.length == 10);
Field[] publicFields = klass.getFields();
assertTrue(publicFields.length == 2);
Reflectee reflectee = new Reflectee();
// Try calling a public method via reflection
try {
Method m = klass.getDeclaredMethod("publicGetInt");
assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(Reflectee.INT), m.invoke(reflectee));
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
// Try calling a private method without setAccessible.
try {
Method m = klass.getDeclaredMethod("privateGetString");
assertEquals(Reflectee.STRING, m.invoke(reflectee));
fail("Should not have been able to call private method.");
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
// expected
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch (SecurityException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
// Try calling a private method with setAccessible.
try {
Method m = klass.getDeclaredMethod("privateGetString");
AccessibleObject.setAccessible(new AccessibleObject[] {m}, true);
assertEquals(Reflectee.STRING, m.invoke(reflectee));
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch (SecurityException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
// Try calling a private constructor without setAccessible.
try {
Constructor c = klass.getDeclaredConstructor(int.class);
fail("Should not have been able to call private constructor.");
} catch (InstantiationException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
// expected
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
// Try calling a package constructor without setAccessible.
try {
Constructor c = klass.getDeclaredConstructor();
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
// Try calling a protected constructor without setAccessible.
try {
Constructor c = klass.getDeclaredConstructor(float.class);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
// Try calling a private constructor with setAccessible.
try {
Constructor c = klass.getDeclaredConstructor(Integer.TYPE);
c.newInstance(new Integer(42));
} catch (InstantiationException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
// Access fields of all basic types.
Reflectee2 obj = new Reflectee2();
Class klass2 = Reflectee2.class;
Field f;
f = klass2.getField("booleanField");
f = klass2.getField("byteField");
f = klass2.getField("charField");
f = klass2.getField("shortField");
f = klass2.getField("intField");
f = klass2.getField("longField");
f = klass2.getField("floatField");
f = klass2.getField("doubleField");
f = klass2.getField("objectField");
Class<?>[] publicClasses = Reflectee3.class.getClasses();
// 1 public declared, and 1 inherited
assertEquals(2, publicClasses.length);
// Just nested and inner classes - not anonymous or local
Class<?>[] declaredClasses = Reflectee3.class.getDeclaredClasses();
assertEquals(3, declaredClasses.length);
private void assertNotNull(Object obj) {
if (obj == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Not null: " + obj);
private void fail(String msg) {
throw new RuntimeException(msg);
private void assertEquals(Object o1, Object o2) {
if (o1 == null) {
if (o1 != o2) {
throw new RuntimeException(o1 + " != " + o2);
} else {
if (!o1.equals(o2)) {
throw new RuntimeException(o1 + " != " + o2);
private void assertTrue(boolean b) {
if (!b) {
throw new RuntimeException("Assertion failed.");
} |
// Copyright The Linux Foundation and each contributor to CommunityBridge.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
package events
import (
// EventData returns event data string which is used for event logging and containsPII field
type EventData interface {
GetEventDetailsString(args *LogEventArgs) (eventData string, containsPII bool)
GetEventSummaryString(args *LogEventArgs) (eventData string, containsPII bool)
// RepositoryAddedEventData . . .
type RepositoryAddedEventData struct {
RepositoryName string
// RepositoryDisabledEventData . . .
type RepositoryDisabledEventData struct {
RepositoryName string
// GerritProjectDeletedEventData . . .
type GerritProjectDeletedEventData struct {
DeletedCount int
// GerritAddedEventData . . .
type GerritAddedEventData struct {
GerritRepositoryName string
// GerritDeletedEventData . . .
type GerritDeletedEventData struct {
GerritRepositoryName string
// GithubProjectDeletedEventData . . .
type GithubProjectDeletedEventData struct {
DeletedCount int
// SignatureProjectInvalidatedEventData . . .
type SignatureProjectInvalidatedEventData struct {
InvalidatedCount int
// UserCreatedEventData . . .
type UserCreatedEventData struct{}
// UserDeletedEventData . . .
type UserDeletedEventData struct {
DeletedUserID string
// UserUpdatedEventData . . .
type UserUpdatedEventData struct{}
// CompanyACLRequestAddedEventData . . .
type CompanyACLRequestAddedEventData struct {
UserName string
UserID string
UserEmail string
// CompanyACLRequestApprovedEventData . . .
type CompanyACLRequestApprovedEventData struct {
UserName string
UserID string
UserEmail string
// CompanyACLRequestDeniedEventData . . .
type CompanyACLRequestDeniedEventData struct {
UserName string
UserID string
UserEmail string
// CompanyACLUserAddedEventData . . .
type CompanyACLUserAddedEventData struct {
UserLFID string
// CLATemplateCreatedEventData . . .
type CLATemplateCreatedEventData struct{}
// GithubOrganizationAddedEventData . . .
type GithubOrganizationAddedEventData struct {
GithubOrganizationName string
AutoEnabled bool
AutoEnabledClaGroupID string
BranchProtectionEnabled bool
// GithubOrganizationDeletedEventData . . .
type GithubOrganizationDeletedEventData struct {
GithubOrganizationName string
// GithubOrganizationUpdatedEventData . . .
type GithubOrganizationUpdatedEventData struct {
GithubOrganizationName string
AutoEnabled bool
AutoEnabledClaGroupID string
// CCLAApprovalListRequestCreatedEventData . . .
type CCLAApprovalListRequestCreatedEventData struct {
RequestID string
// CCLAApprovalListRequestApprovedEventData . . .
type CCLAApprovalListRequestApprovedEventData struct {
RequestID string
// CCLAApprovalListRequestRejectedEventData . . .
type CCLAApprovalListRequestRejectedEventData struct {
RequestID string
// CLAManagerCreatedEventData . . .
type CLAManagerCreatedEventData struct {
CompanyName string
ProjectName string
UserName string
UserEmail string
UserLFID string
// CLAManagerDeletedEventData . . .
type CLAManagerDeletedEventData struct {
CompanyName string
ProjectName string
UserName string
UserEmail string
UserLFID string
// CLAManagerRequestCreatedEventData . . .
type CLAManagerRequestCreatedEventData struct {
RequestID string
CompanyName string
ProjectName string
UserName string
UserEmail string
UserLFID string
// CLAManagerRequestApprovedEventData . . .
type CLAManagerRequestApprovedEventData struct {
RequestID string
CompanyName string
ProjectName string
UserName string
UserEmail string
ManagerName string
ManagerEmail string
// CLAManagerRequestDeniedEventData . . .
type CLAManagerRequestDeniedEventData struct {
RequestID string
CompanyName string
ProjectName string
UserName string
UserEmail string
ManagerName string
ManagerEmail string
// CLAManagerRequestDeletedEventData . . .
type CLAManagerRequestDeletedEventData struct {
RequestID string
CompanyName string
ProjectName string
UserName string
UserEmail string
ManagerName string
ManagerEmail string
// CLAApprovalListAddEmailData . . .
type CLAApprovalListAddEmailData struct {
UserName string
UserEmail string
UserLFID string
ApprovalListEmail string
// CLAApprovalListRemoveEmailData . . .
type CLAApprovalListRemoveEmailData struct {
UserName string
UserEmail string
UserLFID string
ApprovalListEmail string
// CLAApprovalListAddDomainData . . .
type CLAApprovalListAddDomainData struct {
UserName string
UserEmail string
UserLFID string
ApprovalListDomain string
// CLAApprovalListRemoveDomainData . . .
type CLAApprovalListRemoveDomainData struct {
UserName string
UserEmail string
UserLFID string
ApprovalListDomain string
// CLAApprovalListAddGitHubUsernameData . . .
type CLAApprovalListAddGitHubUsernameData struct {
UserName string
UserEmail string
UserLFID string
ApprovalListGitHubUsername string
// CLAApprovalListRemoveGitHubUsernameData . . .
type CLAApprovalListRemoveGitHubUsernameData struct {
UserName string
UserEmail string
UserLFID string
ApprovalListGitHubUsername string
// CLAApprovalListAddGitHubOrgData . . .
type CLAApprovalListAddGitHubOrgData struct {
UserName string
UserEmail string
UserLFID string
ApprovalListGitHubOrg string
// CLAApprovalListRemoveGitHubOrgData . . .
type CLAApprovalListRemoveGitHubOrgData struct {
UserName string
UserEmail string
UserLFID string
ApprovalListGitHubOrg string
// ApprovalListGithubOrganizationAddedEventData . . .
type ApprovalListGithubOrganizationAddedEventData struct {
GithubOrganizationName string
// ApprovalListGithubOrganizationDeletedEventData . . .
type ApprovalListGithubOrganizationDeletedEventData struct {
GithubOrganizationName string
// ClaManagerAccessRequestAddedEventData . . .
type ClaManagerAccessRequestAddedEventData struct {
ProjectName string
CompanyName string
// ClaManagerAccessRequestDeletedEventData . . .
type ClaManagerAccessRequestDeletedEventData struct {
RequestID string
// CLAGroupCreatedEventData . . .
type CLAGroupCreatedEventData struct{}
// CLAGroupUpdatedEventData . . .
type CLAGroupUpdatedEventData struct {
ClaGroupName string
ClaGroupDescription string
// CLAGroupDeletedEventData . . .
type CLAGroupDeletedEventData struct{}
// ContributorNotifyCompanyAdminData . . .
type ContributorNotifyCompanyAdminData struct {
AdminName string
AdminEmail string
// ContributorNotifyCLADesignee . . .
type ContributorNotifyCLADesignee struct {
DesigneeName string
DesigneeEmail string
// ContributorAssignCLADesignee . . .
type ContributorAssignCLADesignee struct {
DesigneeName string
DesigneeEmail string
// UserConvertToContactData . . .
type UserConvertToContactData struct{}
// AssignRoleScopeData . . .
type AssignRoleScopeData struct {
Role string
Scope string
// ClaManagerRoleCreatedData . . .
type ClaManagerRoleCreatedData struct {
Role string
Scope string
UserName string
UserEmail string
// ClaManagerRoleDeletedData . . .
type ClaManagerRoleDeletedData struct {
Role string
Scope string
UserName string
UserEmail string
// GetEventDetailsString . . .
func (ed *RepositoryAddedEventData) GetEventDetailsString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("user [%s] added github repository [%s] to project [%s]", args.userName, ed.RepositoryName, args.projectName)
return data, true
// GetEventDetailsString . . .
func (ed *RepositoryDisabledEventData) GetEventDetailsString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("user [%s] deleted github repository [%s] from project [%s]", args.userName, ed.RepositoryName, args.projectName)
return data, true
// GetEventDetailsString . . .
func (ed *UserCreatedEventData) GetEventDetailsString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("user [%s] added. user details = [%+v]", args.userName, args.UserModel)
return data, true
// GetEventDetailsString . . .
func (ed *UserUpdatedEventData) GetEventDetailsString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
return fmt.Sprintf("user [%s] updated. user details = [%+v]", args.userName, *args.UserModel), true
// GetEventDetailsString . . .
func (ed *UserDeletedEventData) GetEventDetailsString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("user [%s] deleted user id: [%s]", args.userName, ed.DeletedUserID)
return data, true
// GetEventDetailsString . . .
func (ed *CompanyACLRequestAddedEventData) GetEventDetailsString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("user [%s] added pending invite with id [%s], email [%s] for company: [%s]",
ed.UserName, ed.UserID, ed.UserEmail, args.companyName)
return data, true
// GetEventDetailsString . . .
func (ed *CompanyACLRequestApprovedEventData) GetEventDetailsString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("user [%s] company invite was approved access with id [%s], email [%s] for company: [%s]",
ed.UserName, ed.UserID, ed.UserEmail, args.companyName)
return data, true
// GetEventDetailsString . . .
func (ed *CompanyACLRequestDeniedEventData) GetEventDetailsString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("user [%s] company invite was denied access with id [%s], email [%s] for company: [%s]",
ed.UserName, ed.UserID, ed.UserEmail, args.companyName)
return data, true
// GetEventDetailsString . . .
func (ed *CompanyACLUserAddedEventData) GetEventDetailsString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("user [%s] added user with lf username [%s] to the ACL for company: [%s]",
args.userName, ed.UserLFID, args.companyName)
return data, true
// GetEventDetailsString . . .
func (ed *CLATemplateCreatedEventData) GetEventDetailsString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("user [%s] created PDF templates for project [%s]", args.userName, args.projectName)
return data, true
// GetEventDetailsString . . .
func (ed *GithubOrganizationAddedEventData) GetEventDetailsString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("user [%s] added github organization [%s] with auto-enabled: %t, branch protection enabled: %t",
args.userName, ed.GithubOrganizationName, ed.AutoEnabled, ed.BranchProtectionEnabled)
if ed.AutoEnabledClaGroupID != "" {
data = data + fmt.Sprintf(" with auto-enabled-cla-group: %s", ed.AutoEnabledClaGroupID)
return data, true
// GetEventDetailsString . . .
func (ed *GithubOrganizationDeletedEventData) GetEventDetailsString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("user [%s] deleted github organization [%s]",
args.userName, ed.GithubOrganizationName)
return data, true
// GetEventDetailsString . . .
func (ed *GithubOrganizationUpdatedEventData) GetEventDetailsString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("user [%s] updated github organization [%s] with auto-enabled: %t",
args.userName, ed.GithubOrganizationName, ed.AutoEnabled)
return data, true
// GetEventDetailsString . . .
func (ed *CCLAApprovalListRequestApprovedEventData) GetEventDetailsString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("user [%s] approved a CCLA Approval Request for project: [%s], company: [%s] - request id: %s",
args.userName, args.projectName, args.companyName, ed.RequestID)
return data, true
// GetEventDetailsString . . .
func (ed *CCLAApprovalListRequestRejectedEventData) GetEventDetailsString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("user [%s] rejected a CCLA Approval Request for project: [%s], company: [%s] - request id: %s",
args.userName, args.projectName, args.companyName, ed.RequestID)
return data, true
// GetEventDetailsString . . .
func (ed *CLAManagerRequestCreatedEventData) GetEventDetailsString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("user [%s / %s / %s] added CLA Manager Request [%s] for Company: %s, Project: %s",
ed.UserLFID, ed.UserName, ed.UserEmail, ed.RequestID, ed.CompanyName, ed.ProjectName)
return data, true
// GetEventDetailsString . . .
func (ed *CLAManagerCreatedEventData) GetEventDetailsString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("user [%s / %s / %s] was added as CLA Manager for Company: %s, Project: %s",
ed.UserLFID, ed.UserName, ed.UserEmail, ed.CompanyName, ed.ProjectName)
return data, true
// GetEventDetailsString . . .
func (ed *CLAManagerDeletedEventData) GetEventDetailsString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("user [%s / %s / %s] was removed as CLA Manager for Company: %s, Project: %s",
ed.UserLFID, ed.UserName, ed.UserEmail, ed.CompanyName, ed.ProjectName)
return data, true
// GetEventDetailsString . . .
func (ed *CLAManagerRequestApprovedEventData) GetEventDetailsString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("CLA Manager Request [%s] for user [%s / %s] was approved by [%s / %s] for Company: %s, Project: %s",
ed.RequestID, ed.UserName, ed.UserEmail, ed.ManagerName, ed.ManagerEmail, ed.CompanyName, ed.ProjectName)
return data, true
// GetEventDetailsString . . .
func (ed *CLAManagerRequestDeniedEventData) GetEventDetailsString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("CLA Manager Request [%s] for user [%s / %s] was denied by [%s / %s] for Company: %s, Project: %s",
ed.RequestID, ed.UserName, ed.UserEmail, ed.ManagerName, ed.ManagerEmail, ed.CompanyName, ed.ProjectName)
return data, true
// GetEventDetailsString . . .
func (ed *CLAManagerRequestDeletedEventData) GetEventDetailsString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("CLA Manager Request [%s] for user [%s / %s] was deleted by [%s / %s] for Company: %s, Project: %s",
ed.RequestID, ed.UserName, ed.UserEmail, ed.ManagerName, ed.ManagerEmail, ed.CompanyName, ed.ProjectName)
return data, true
// GetEventDetailsString . . .
func (ed *CLAApprovalListAddEmailData) GetEventDetailsString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("CLA Manager [%s / %s / %s] added Email %s to the approval list for Company: %s, Project: %s",
ed.UserName, ed.UserEmail, ed.UserLFID, ed.ApprovalListEmail, args.companyName, args.projectName)
return data, true
// GetEventDetailsString . . .
func (ed *CLAApprovalListRemoveEmailData) GetEventDetailsString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("CLA Manager [%s / %s / %s] removed Email %s from the approval list for Company: %s, Project: %s",
ed.UserName, ed.UserEmail, ed.UserLFID, ed.ApprovalListEmail, args.companyName, args.projectName)
return data, true
// GetEventDetailsString . . .
func (ed *CLAApprovalListAddDomainData) GetEventDetailsString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("CLA Manager [%s / %s / %s] added Domain %s to the approval list for Company: %s, Project: %s",
ed.UserName, ed.UserEmail, ed.UserLFID, ed.ApprovalListDomain, args.companyName, args.projectName)
return data, true
// GetEventDetailsString . . .
func (ed *CLAApprovalListRemoveDomainData) GetEventDetailsString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("CLA Manager [%s / %s / %s] removed Domain %s from the approval list for Company: %s, Project: %s",
ed.UserName, ed.UserEmail, ed.UserLFID, ed.ApprovalListDomain, args.companyName, args.projectName)
return data, true
// GetEventDetailsString . . .
func (ed *CLAApprovalListAddGitHubUsernameData) GetEventDetailsString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("CLA Manager [%s / %s / %s] added GitHub Username %s to the approval list for Company: %s, Project: %s",
ed.UserName, ed.UserEmail, ed.UserLFID, ed.ApprovalListGitHubUsername, args.companyName, args.projectName)
return data, true
// GetEventDetailsString . . .
func (ed *CLAApprovalListRemoveGitHubUsernameData) GetEventDetailsString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("CLA Manager [%s / %s / %s] removed GitHub Username %s from the approval list for Company: %s, Project: %s",
ed.UserName, ed.UserEmail, ed.UserLFID, ed.ApprovalListGitHubUsername, args.companyName, args.projectName)
return data, true
// GetEventDetailsString . . .
func (ed *CLAApprovalListAddGitHubOrgData) GetEventDetailsString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("CLA Manager [%s / %s / %s] added GitHub Org %s to the approval list for Company: %s, Project: %s",
ed.UserName, ed.UserEmail, ed.UserLFID, ed.ApprovalListGitHubOrg, args.companyName, args.projectName)
return data, true
// GetEventDetailsString . . .
func (ed *CLAApprovalListRemoveGitHubOrgData) GetEventDetailsString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("CLA Manager [%s / %s / %s] removed GitHub Org %s from the approval list for Company: %s, Project: %s",
ed.UserName, ed.UserEmail, ed.UserLFID, ed.ApprovalListGitHubOrg, args.companyName, args.projectName)
return data, true
// GetEventDetailsString . . .
func (ed *CCLAApprovalListRequestCreatedEventData) GetEventDetailsString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("user [%s] created a CCLA Approval Request for project: [%s], company: [%s] - request id: %s",
args.userName, args.projectName, args.companyName, ed.RequestID)
return data, true
// GetEventDetailsString . . .
func (ed *ApprovalListGithubOrganizationAddedEventData) GetEventDetailsString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("CLA Manager [%s] added GitHub Organization [%s] to the whitelist for project [%s] company [%s]",
args.userName, ed.GithubOrganizationName, args.projectName, args.companyName)
return data, true
// GetEventDetailsString . . .
func (ed *ApprovalListGithubOrganizationDeletedEventData) GetEventDetailsString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("CLA Manager [%s] removed GitHub Organization [%s] from the whitelist for project [%s] company [%s]",
args.userName, ed.GithubOrganizationName, args.projectName, args.companyName)
return data, true
// GetEventDetailsString . . .
func (ed *ClaManagerAccessRequestAddedEventData) GetEventDetailsString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("user [%s] has requested to be cla manager for project [%s] company [%s]",
args.userName, ed.ProjectName, ed.CompanyName)
return data, true
// GetEventDetailsString . . .
func (ed *ClaManagerAccessRequestDeletedEventData) GetEventDetailsString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("user [%s] has deleted request with id [%s] to be cla manager",
args.userName, ed.RequestID)
return data, true
// GetEventDetailsString . . .
func (ed *CLAGroupCreatedEventData) GetEventDetailsString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("user [%s] has created a CLA Group [%s - %s]",
args.userName, args.projectName, args.ProjectID)
return data, true
// GetEventDetailsString . . .
func (ed *CLAGroupUpdatedEventData) GetEventDetailsString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("user [%s] has updated CLA Group [%s - %s] with name: %s and/or description: %s",
args.userName, args.projectName, args.ProjectID, ed.ClaGroupName, ed.ClaGroupDescription)
return data, true
// GetEventDetailsString . . .
func (ed *CLAGroupDeletedEventData) GetEventDetailsString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("user [%s] has deleted CLA Group [%s - %s]",
args.userName, args.projectName, args.ProjectID)
return data, true
// GetEventDetailsString . . .
func (ed *GerritProjectDeletedEventData) GetEventDetailsString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("Deleted %d Gerrit Repositories due to CLA Group/Project: [%s] deletion",
ed.DeletedCount, args.projectName)
containsPII := false
return data, containsPII
// GetEventDetailsString . . .
func (ed *GerritAddedEventData) GetEventDetailsString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("user [%s] has added gerrit [%s]", args.userName, ed.GerritRepositoryName)
containsPII := true
return data, containsPII
// GetEventDetailsString . . .
func (ed *GerritDeletedEventData) GetEventDetailsString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("user [%s] has deleted gerrit [%s]", args.userName, ed.GerritRepositoryName)
containsPII := true
return data, containsPII
// GetEventDetailsString . . .
func (ed *GithubProjectDeletedEventData) GetEventDetailsString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("Deleted %d Github Repositories due to CLA Group/Project: [%s] deletion",
ed.DeletedCount, args.projectName)
return data, true
// GetEventDetailsString . . .
func (ed *SignatureProjectInvalidatedEventData) GetEventDetailsString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("Invalidated %d signatures (approved set to false) due to CLA Group/Project: [%s] deletion",
ed.InvalidatedCount, args.projectName)
return data, true
// GetEventDetailsString . . .
func (ed *ContributorNotifyCompanyAdminData) GetEventDetailsString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("user [%s] notified company admin by email: %s %s for company [%s / %s]",
args.userName, ed.AdminName, ed.AdminEmail, args.companyName, args.CompanyID)
return data, true
// GetEventDetailsString . . .
func (ed *ContributorNotifyCLADesignee) GetEventDetailsString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("user [%s] notified CLA Designee by email: %s %s for project [%s / %s] company [%s / %s]",
args.userName, ed.DesigneeName, ed.DesigneeEmail,
args.projectName, args.ExternalProjectID,
args.companyName, args.CompanyID)
return data, true
// GetEventDetailsString . . .
func (ed *ContributorAssignCLADesignee) GetEventDetailsString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("user [%s] assigned user: [%s / %s] as CLA Manager Designee for project [%s / %s] company [%s / %s]",
args.userName, ed.DesigneeName, ed.DesigneeEmail,
args.projectName, args.ExternalProjectID,
args.companyName, args.CompanyID)
return data, true
// GetEventDetailsString . . .
func (ed *UserConvertToContactData) GetEventDetailsString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("user [%s] converted to Contact state for project [%s]",
args.LfUsername, args.ExternalProjectID)
return data, true
// GetEventDetailsString . . .
func (ed *AssignRoleScopeData) GetEventDetailsString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("user [%s] assigned scope [%s] with role [%s] for project [%s]",
ed.Scope, ed.Role, args.ExternalProjectID)
return data, true
// GetEventDetailsString . . .
func (ed *ClaManagerRoleCreatedData) GetEventDetailsString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("user [%s] added user %s/%s from role: %s with scope: %s", args.userName, ed.UserName, ed.UserEmail, ed.Role, ed.Scope)
return data, false
// GetEventDetailsString . . .
func (ed *ClaManagerRoleDeletedData) GetEventDetailsString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("user [%s] removed user %s/%s from role: %s with scope: %s", args.userName, ed.UserName, ed.UserEmail, ed.Role, ed.Scope)
return data, false
// Event Summary started
// GetEventSummaryString . . .
func (ed *RepositoryAddedEventData) GetEventSummaryString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("user %s added github repository %s to project %s", args.userName, ed.RepositoryName, args.projectName)
return data, true
// GetEventSummaryString . . .
func (ed *RepositoryDisabledEventData) GetEventSummaryString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("user %s deleted github repository %s from project %s", args.userName, ed.RepositoryName, args.projectName)
return data, true
// GetEventSummaryString . . .
func (ed *UserCreatedEventData) GetEventSummaryString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("user %s added. user details %+v", args.userName, args.UserModel)
return data, true
// GetEventSummaryString . . .
func (ed *UserUpdatedEventData) GetEventSummaryString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
return fmt.Sprintf("user %s updated. user details %+v", args.userName, *args.UserModel), true
// GetEventSummaryString . . .
func (ed *UserDeletedEventData) GetEventSummaryString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("user %s deleted user id: %s", args.userName, ed.DeletedUserID)
return data, true
// GetEventSummaryString . . .
func (ed *CompanyACLRequestAddedEventData) GetEventSummaryString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("user %s added pending invite with id %s, email %s for company: %s",
ed.UserName, ed.UserID, ed.UserEmail, args.companyName)
return data, true
// GetEventSummaryString . . .
func (ed *CompanyACLRequestApprovedEventData) GetEventSummaryString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("user %s company invite was approved access with id %s, email %s for company: %s",
ed.UserName, ed.UserID, ed.UserEmail, args.companyName)
return data, true
// GetEventSummaryString . . .
func (ed *CompanyACLRequestDeniedEventData) GetEventSummaryString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("user %s company invite was denied access with id %s, email %s for company: %s",
ed.UserName, ed.UserID, ed.UserEmail, args.companyName)
return data, true
// GetEventSummaryString . . .
func (ed *CompanyACLUserAddedEventData) GetEventSummaryString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("user %s added user with lf username %s to the ACL for company: %s",
args.userName, ed.UserLFID, args.companyName)
return data, true
// GetEventSummaryString . . .
func (ed *CLATemplateCreatedEventData) GetEventSummaryString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("user %s created PDF templates for project %s", args.userName, args.projectName)
return data, true
// GetEventSummaryString . . .
func (ed *GithubOrganizationAddedEventData) GetEventSummaryString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("user %s added github organization %s with auto-enabled: %t, branch protection enabled: %t",
args.userName, ed.GithubOrganizationName, ed.AutoEnabled, ed.BranchProtectionEnabled)
if ed.AutoEnabledClaGroupID != "" {
data = data + fmt.Sprintf(" with auto-enabled-cla-group: %s", ed.AutoEnabledClaGroupID)
return data, true
// GetEventSummaryString . . .
func (ed *GithubOrganizationDeletedEventData) GetEventSummaryString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("user %s deleted github organization %s",
args.userName, ed.GithubOrganizationName)
return data, true
// GetEventSummaryString . . .
func (ed *GithubOrganizationUpdatedEventData) GetEventSummaryString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("user %s updated github organization %s with auto-enabled: %t",
args.userName, ed.GithubOrganizationName, ed.AutoEnabled)
return data, true
// GetEventSummaryString . . .
func (ed *CCLAApprovalListRequestApprovedEventData) GetEventSummaryString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("user %s approved a CCLA Approval Request for project: %s, company: %s",
args.userName, args.projectName, args.companyName)
return data, true
// GetEventSummaryString . . .
func (ed *CCLAApprovalListRequestRejectedEventData) GetEventSummaryString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("user %s rejected a CCLA Approval Request for project: %s, company: %s",
args.userName, args.projectName, args.companyName)
return data, true
// GetEventSummaryString . . .
func (ed *CLAManagerRequestCreatedEventData) GetEventSummaryString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("user %s added CLA Manager Request %s for Company: %s, Project: %s",
ed.UserName, ed.RequestID, ed.CompanyName, ed.ProjectName)
return data, true
// GetEventSummaryString . . .
func (ed *CLAManagerCreatedEventData) GetEventSummaryString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("user %s was added as CLA Manager for Company: %s, Project: %s",
ed.UserName, ed.CompanyName, ed.ProjectName)
return data, true
// GetEventSummaryString . . .
func (ed *CLAManagerDeletedEventData) GetEventSummaryString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("user %s was removed as CLA Manager for Company: %s, Project: %s",
ed.UserLFID, ed.CompanyName, ed.ProjectName)
return data, true
// GetEventSummaryString . . .
func (ed *CLAManagerRequestApprovedEventData) GetEventSummaryString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("CLA Manager Request %s for user %s was approved by %s for Company: %s, Project: %s",
ed.RequestID, ed.UserName, ed.ManagerName, ed.CompanyName, ed.ProjectName)
return data, true
// GetEventSummaryString . . .
func (ed *CLAManagerRequestDeniedEventData) GetEventSummaryString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("CLA Manager Request %s for user %s was denied by %s for Company: %s, Project: %s",
ed.RequestID, ed.UserName, ed.ManagerName, ed.CompanyName, ed.ProjectName)
return data, true
// GetEventSummaryString . . .
func (ed *CLAManagerRequestDeletedEventData) GetEventSummaryString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("CLA Manager Request %s for user %s was deleted by %s for Company: %s, Project: %s",
ed.RequestID, ed.UserName, ed.ManagerName, ed.CompanyName, ed.ProjectName)
return data, true
// GetEventSummaryString . . .
func (ed *CLAApprovalListAddEmailData) GetEventSummaryString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("CLA Manager %s added Email %s to the approval list for Company: %s, Project: %s",
ed.UserName, ed.ApprovalListEmail, args.companyName, args.projectName)
return data, true
// GetEventSummaryString . . .
func (ed *CLAApprovalListRemoveEmailData) GetEventSummaryString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("CLA Manager %s removed Email %s from the approval list for Company: %s, Project: %s",
ed.UserName, ed.ApprovalListEmail, args.companyName, args.projectName)
return data, true
// GetEventSummaryString . . .
func (ed *CLAApprovalListAddDomainData) GetEventSummaryString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("CLA Manager %s added Domain %s to the approval list for Company: %s, Project: %s",
ed.UserName, ed.ApprovalListDomain, args.companyName, args.projectName)
return data, true
// GetEventSummaryString . . .
func (ed *CLAApprovalListRemoveDomainData) GetEventSummaryString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("CLA Manager %s removed Domain %s from the approval list for Company: %s, Project: %s",
ed.UserName, ed.ApprovalListDomain, args.companyName, args.projectName)
return data, true
// GetEventSummaryString . . .
func (ed *CLAApprovalListAddGitHubUsernameData) GetEventSummaryString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("CLA Manager %s added GitHub Username %s to the approval list for Company: %s, Project: %s",
ed.UserName, ed.ApprovalListGitHubUsername, args.companyName, args.projectName)
return data, true
// GetEventSummaryString . . .
func (ed *CLAApprovalListRemoveGitHubUsernameData) GetEventSummaryString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("CLA Manager %s removed GitHub Username %s from the approval list for Company: %s, Project: %s",
ed.UserName, ed.ApprovalListGitHubUsername, args.companyName, args.projectName)
return data, true
// GetEventSummaryString . . .
func (ed *CLAApprovalListAddGitHubOrgData) GetEventSummaryString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("CLA Manager %s added GitHub Org %s to the approval list for Company: %s, Project: %s",
ed.UserName, ed.ApprovalListGitHubOrg, args.companyName, args.projectName)
return data, true
// GetEventSummaryString . . .
func (ed *CLAApprovalListRemoveGitHubOrgData) GetEventSummaryString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("CLA Manager %s removed GitHub Org %s from the approval list for Company: %s, Project: %s",
ed.UserName, ed.ApprovalListGitHubOrg, args.companyName, args.projectName)
return data, true
// GetEventSummaryString . . .
func (ed *CCLAApprovalListRequestCreatedEventData) GetEventSummaryString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("user %s created a CCLA Approval Request for project: %s, company: %s",
args.userName, args.projectName, args.companyName)
return data, true
// GetEventSummaryString . . .
func (ed *ApprovalListGithubOrganizationAddedEventData) GetEventSummaryString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("CLA Manager %s added GitHub Organization %s to the whitelist for project %s company %s",
args.userName, ed.GithubOrganizationName, args.projectName, args.companyName)
return data, true
// GetEventSummaryString . . .
func (ed *ApprovalListGithubOrganizationDeletedEventData) GetEventSummaryString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("CLA Manager %s removed GitHub Organization %s from the whitelist for project %s company %s",
args.userName, ed.GithubOrganizationName, args.projectName, args.companyName)
return data, true
// GetEventSummaryString . . .
func (ed *ClaManagerAccessRequestAddedEventData) GetEventSummaryString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("user %s has requested to be cla manager for project %s company %s",
args.userName, ed.ProjectName, ed.CompanyName)
return data, true
// GetEventSummaryString . . .
func (ed *ClaManagerAccessRequestDeletedEventData) GetEventSummaryString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("user %s has deleted a request to be cla manager",
return data, true
// GetEventSummaryString . . .
func (ed *CLAGroupCreatedEventData) GetEventSummaryString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("user %s has created a CLA Group %s",
args.userName, args.projectName)
return data, true
// GetEventSummaryString . . .
func (ed *CLAGroupUpdatedEventData) GetEventSummaryString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("user %s has updated CLA Group %s", args.userName, args.projectName)
return data, true
// GetEventSummaryString . . .
func (ed *CLAGroupDeletedEventData) GetEventSummaryString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("user %s has deleted CLA Group %s",
args.userName, args.projectName)
return data, true
// GetEventSummaryString . . .
func (ed *GerritProjectDeletedEventData) GetEventSummaryString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("Deleted %d Gerrit Repositories due to CLA Group/Project: %s deletion",
ed.DeletedCount, args.projectName)
containsPII := false
return data, containsPII
// GetEventSummaryString . . .
func (ed *GerritAddedEventData) GetEventSummaryString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("user %s has added gerrit %s", args.userName, ed.GerritRepositoryName)
containsPII := true
return data, containsPII
// GetEventSummaryString . . .
func (ed *GerritDeletedEventData) GetEventSummaryString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("user %s has deleted gerrit %s", args.userName, ed.GerritRepositoryName)
containsPII := true
return data, containsPII
// GetEventSummaryString . . .
func (ed *GithubProjectDeletedEventData) GetEventSummaryString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("Deleted %d Github Repositories due to CLA Group/Project: %s deletion",
ed.DeletedCount, args.projectName)
return data, true
// GetEventSummaryString . . .
func (ed *SignatureProjectInvalidatedEventData) GetEventSummaryString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("Invalidated %d signatures (approved set to false) due to CLA Group/Project: %s deletion",
ed.InvalidatedCount, args.projectName)
return data, true
// GetEventSummaryString . . .
func (ed *ContributorNotifyCompanyAdminData) GetEventSummaryString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("user %s notified company admin by email: %s %s for company %s",
args.userName, ed.AdminName, ed.AdminEmail, args.companyName)
return data, true
// GetEventSummaryString . . .
func (ed *ContributorNotifyCLADesignee) GetEventSummaryString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("user %s notified CLA Designee by email: %s %s for project %s company %s",
args.userName, ed.DesigneeName, ed.DesigneeEmail,
args.projectName, args.companyName)
return data, true
// GetEventSummaryString . . .
func (ed *ContributorAssignCLADesignee) GetEventSummaryString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("user %s assigned user: %s as CLA Manager Designee for project %s company %s",
args.userName, ed.DesigneeName,
args.projectName, args.companyName)
return data, true
// GetEventSummaryString . . .
func (ed *UserConvertToContactData) GetEventSummaryString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("user %s converted to Contact state for project %s",
args.LfUsername, args.projectName)
return data, true
// GetEventSummaryString . . .
func (ed *AssignRoleScopeData) GetEventSummaryString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("user %s assigned role %s for project %s",
args.LfUsername, ed.Role, args.projectName)
return data, true
// GetEventSummaryString . . .
func (ed *ClaManagerRoleCreatedData) GetEventSummaryString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("user %s added user %s as role: %s", args.userName, ed.UserName, ed.Role)
return data, false
// GetEventSummaryString . . .
func (ed *ClaManagerRoleDeletedData) GetEventSummaryString(args *LogEventArgs) (string, bool) {
data := fmt.Sprintf("user %s removed user %s from role: %s", args.userName, ed.UserName, ed.Role)
return data, false
public class StackReferenceBased implements StackInterface
private Node top;
public StackReferenceBased()
top = null;
} // end default constructor
public boolean isEmpty()
return top == null;
} // end isEmpty
public void push(Object newItem)
top = new Node(newItem, top);
} // end push
public Object pop() throws StackException
if (!isEmpty()) {
Object obj = top.getItem();
top = top.getNext();
return obj;
} else throw new StackException("StackException on " + "pop: stack empty");
} // end pop
public void popAll()
top = null;
} // end popAll
public Object peek() throws StackException
if (!isEmpty()) return top.getItem();
else throw new StackException("StackException on " + "peek: stack empty");
} // end peek
} // end StackReferenceBased
Analysis and Experimentation of a New Half-Bridge High-Frequency Resonant Inverter for DBD Type Ozonizer ABSTRACT The peak voltage across the dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) type ozonizer is a key factor for ozone synthesis, and it is hard to be kept stable in widely used high-frequency resonant inverters within the entire working range. The soft switching conditions of power switches in these resonant inverters cannot always be satisfied within the entire working range, too. To address the two questions, a new half-bridge high-frequency resonant inverter is proposed in the paper, and the expressions that accurately describe the behavior of the inverter are derived by analyzing different operating modes. The simulation and experimental results show that the peak voltage across DBD type ozonizer is kept stable, moreover, zero current switching of power switches is realized within the entire working range. |
General meta information on the magpie package.
__version__ = "3.19.1"
__title__ = "Magpie"
__package__ = "magpie" # pylint: disable=W0622
__author__ = "<NAME>, <NAME>"
__maintainer__ = "<NAME>"
__email__ = "<EMAIL>"
__url__ = ""
__docker__ = ""
__description__ = "Magpie is a service for AuthN and AuthZ based on Ziggurat-Foundations"
__platforms__ = ["linux_x86_64"]
__natural_language__ = "English"
__license__ = "Apache"
* Copyright (c) 2003, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.
package model.Tools.Tags;
import java.lang.annotation.Documented;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.*;
public @interface Related {
String[] to() default { "" };
package com.a520it.mobilsafe.activity;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.widget.BaseExpandableListAdapter;
import android.widget.ExpandableListView;
import android.widget.TextView;
import com.a520it.mobilsafe.R;
import com.a520it.mobilsafe.dao.CommonNumDAO;
import com.a520it.mobilsafe.utils.ToastUtils;
* @author 邱永恒
* @time 2016/7/30 12:19
* @desc ${TODD}
public class CommonNumberActivity extends Activity{
private ExpandableListView mElv_parent;
private SQLiteDatabase db;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
db = SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase("/data/data/com.a520it.mobilsafe/files/commonnum.db", null, SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READONLY);
CommonNumberAdapter adapter = new CommonNumberAdapter();
mElv_parent.setOnChildClickListener(new ExpandableListView.OnChildClickListener() {
public boolean onChildClick(ExpandableListView expandableListView, View view, int i, int i1, long l) {
ToastUtils.showToast(CommonNumberActivity.this, "父" + i + "子" + i1);
return false;
private class CommonNumberAdapter extends BaseExpandableListAdapter {
* 有多少个分组
* @return
public int getGroupCount() {
return CommonNumDAO.getGroupCount(db);
* 每个分组中有多少个孩子
* @param
* @return
public int getChildrenCount(int groupPosition) {
return CommonNumDAO.getChildrenCount(db, groupPosition);
* 获取父分组
* @param
* @return
public Object getGroup(int groupPosition) {
return null;
public Object getChild(int groupPosition, int childPosition) {
return null;
public long getGroupId(int groupPosition) {
return 0;
public long getChildId(int groupPosition, int childPosition) {
return 0;
public boolean hasStableIds() {
return false;
* 获取最外层的分组名称
* @param groupPosition
* @param isExpanded
* @param convertView
* @param parent
* @return
public View getGroupView(int groupPosition, boolean isExpanded, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
TextView tv = new TextView(getApplicationContext());
tv.setText(" " + CommonNumDAO.getGroupView(db, groupPosition));
return tv;
* 获取父控件对应的子控件的名称
* @param groupPosition
* @param childPosition
* @param isLastChild
* @param convertView
* @param parent
* @return
public View getChildView(int groupPosition, int childPosition, boolean isLastChild, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
TextView tv = new TextView(getApplicationContext());
tv.setText(CommonNumDAO.getChilderView(db, groupPosition, childPosition));
return tv;
public boolean isChildSelectable(int groupPosition, int childPosition) {
return true;
private void initView() {
mElv_parent = (ExpandableListView) findViewById(;
protected void onStop() {
package com.lchtime.safetyexpress.bean;
* @author Admin
* @time 2017/4/7 9:41
* @des ${TODO}
public class BasicResult implements Serializable{
public String sid;
public String index;
public String code;
public String info;
public String getSid() {
return sid;
public void setSid(String sid) {
this.sid = sid;
public String getIndex() {
return index;
public void setIndex(String index) {
this.index = index;
public String getCode() {
return code;
public void setCode(String code) {
this.code = code;
public String getInfo() {
return info;
public void setInfo(String info) { = info;
* The act of administering a dose of a vaccine to a person for the purpose
* of preventing or minimising the effects of a disease by producing
* immunity and/or to counter the effects of an infectious organism or
* insult.
public interface Immunisation {
* The vaccine which was the focus of the action.
Coded getTheraputicGood();
* The sequence number specific to the action being recorded
Integer getSequenceNumber();
* The point in time at which the Medication Action is completed.
PreciseDate getMedicationActionDateTime();
* This is a technical identifier that is used for system purposes such as
* matching. If a suitable internal key is not available, a UUID may be
* used.
UniqueIdentifier getID();
package repo
import (
type CustomRepo struct {
name string
func NewCustomRepoFromPath(path string, opts *FilenameOptions) (Repo, error) {
abs_path, err := filepath.Abs(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if opts.Extension != "" && strings.HasSuffix(abs_path, opts.Extension) {
abs_path = strings.Replace(abs_path, opts.Extension, "", -1)
if opts.Suffix != "" {
fq_suffix := fmt.Sprintf("-%s", opts.Suffix)
if strings.HasSuffix(abs_path, fq_suffix) {
abs_path = strings.Replace(abs_path, fq_suffix, "", -1)
repo := filepath.Base(abs_path)
return NewCustomRepoFromString(repo)
func NewCustomRepoFromMetafile(path string) (Repo, error) {
opts := DefaultFilenameOptions()
opts.Extension = ".csv"
return NewCustomRepoFromPath(path, opts)
func NewCustomRepoFromSQLitefile(path string) (Repo, error) {
opts := DefaultFilenameOptions()
opts.Extension = ".db"
return NewCustomRepoFromPath(path, opts)
func NewCustomRepoFromString(repo string) (Repo, error) {
r := CustomRepo{
name: repo,
return &r, nil
func (r *CustomRepo) String() string {
return r.Name()
func (r *CustomRepo) Name() string {
func (r *CustomRepo) MetaFilename(opts *FilenameOptions) string {
opts.Extension = "csv"
return r.filename(opts)
func (r *CustomRepo) ConcordancesFilename(opts *FilenameOptions) string {
opts.Suffix = "concordances"
opts.Extension = "csv"
return r.filename(opts)
func (r *CustomRepo) BundleFilename(opts *FilenameOptions) string {
opts.Extension = ""
return r.filename(opts)
func (r *CustomRepo) SQLiteFilename(opts *FilenameOptions) string {
opts.Extension = "db"
return r.filename(opts)
func (r *CustomRepo) filename(opts *FilenameOptions) string {
parts := []string{,
if opts.Suffix != "" {
suffix := opts.Suffix
if opts.Suffix == "{DATED}" {
now := time.Now()
suffix = now.Format("20060102")
parts = append(parts, suffix)
fname := strings.Join(parts, "-")
if opts.Extension != "" {
fname = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", fname, opts.Extension)
return fname
Perception of Anxiety and Expectations of Performance The purpose of this study was to examine expectations of performance and the directionality of anxiety. Directionality refers to the facilitative or debilitative aspects of anxiety. Subjects were 91 athletes competing in soccer, swimming, and track and field. The Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2 with an added Facilitative/Debilitative scale and Expectation of Performance scale was employed. Analysis showed that athletes with lower scores on cognitive and somatic anxiety, and higher scores on self-confidence perceived their anxiety as more facilitative of performance. These athletes also had significantly higher scores on the Expectation of Performance scale. |
#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- python -*-
#Copyright (c) 2016 Intel Corporation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import os
import sys
def find_dir(d,required=True):
idir = os.getcwd()
last_idir = ''
while idir != last_idir:
mfile = os.path.join(idir,d)
if os.path.exists(mfile):
last_idir = idir
idir = os.path.dirname(idir)
if not os.path.exists(mfile):
if required:
print "Could not find %s file, looking upwards"% (mfile)
return None
return mfile
Plasma deposition refers to any of a wide variety of processes in which a plasma is used to assist in the deposition of thin films or coatings onto the surfaces of objects. For example, plasma deposition processes are widely used in the electronics industry to fabricate integrated circuits and other electronic devices, as well as to fabricate the magnetic tapes and disks used in audio, video, and computer applications. Plasma deposition processes may also be used to apply coatings to various objects to improve or change the properties of the objects. For example, plasma deposition processes may be used to apply wear resistant coatings to machine tools, while other types of coatings may be used to increase the corrosion resistance of other items, such as bearings, turbine blades, etc., thereby enhancing their performance. In still other applications, plasma deposition may be used to apply coatings to various types of surfaces in the optics and glass industries.
In most plasma deposition processes the plasma is created by subjecting a low-pressure process gas (e.g., argon) contained within a vacuum chamber to an electric field. The electric field, which is typically created between two electrodes, ionizes the process gas, creating the plasma. If direct current (DC) is used to produce the electric field, the negatively charged electrode is usually referred to as the cathode, whereas the positively charged electrode is referred to as the anode. Thus, in the case of a DC sputter deposition plasma process, the material to be deposited on the object or substrate is usually connected as the cathode, whereas some other element, typically the vacuum chamber itself, is connected as the anode. Ionized process gas atoms comprising the plasma are accelerated toward the negatively charged cathode which also includes a target containing the material to be deposited on the substrate. The process gas atoms ultimately impact the target material and dislodge or sputter atoms from the target, whereupon the sputtered atoms subsequently condense on various items in the chamber, including the substrate that is to be coated. The substrate is usually positioned with respect to the target so that a majority of the sputtered target atoms condense onto the surface of the substrate.
While sputter deposition processes of the type described above may be used to deposit a wide variety of materials (e.g., metals and metal alloys) onto various substrates, they may be used to deposit compound materials as well. Reactive sputter deposition is the name usually given to sputtering processes which involve the sputtering of the target in the presence of a reactive species (e.g., oxygen or nitrogen gas) in order to deposit a film comprising the sputtered target material and the reactive species. A wide variety of compounds, such as SiO.sub.2, Al.sub.2 O.sub.3, Si.sub.3 N.sub.4, and TiO, can be deposited by reactive sputter deposition processes.
Regardless of the particular type of sputtering process being performed (e.g., non-reactive or reactive), the sputtering yield, i.e., the number of target atoms sputtered per incident ion, depends on the energies of the incident ions. The overall sputtering rate depends on both the energies of the incident ions as well as the total number of ions bombarding the target surface during a given time period. Therefore, in order to maximize sputtering efficiency, it is desirable to produce and confine the ions and electrons in the glow discharge as close as possible to the surface of the target material. Towards this end, numerous kinds of magnetically assisted sputtering cathodes or magnetrons have been developed which utilize magnetic fields to confine the glow discharge in a region close to the surface of the target being sputtered.
A typical planar magnetron may include a plate-like or planar target along with a magnet assembly suitable for producing a plasma-confining magnetic field adjacent the target. While numerous shapes and configurations of plasma-confining magnetic fields have been developed and used with varying degrees of success, it is common to shape the plasma-confining magnetic field so that it forms a closed loop ring or "racetrack" over the surface of the target material. When viewed in cross section, the flux lines of the magnetic field loop or arch over the surface of the target, forming a magnetic tunnel, which confines the glow discharge to the ring or racetrack shaped sputtering region. The shape of the predominate electron path defines the portion of the target material that will be sputtered.
Unfortunately, in most conventional magnetrons having such ring shaped or racetrack shaped magnetic tunnels, the arched shape of the magnetic field over the target surface tends to force or "pinch" the electrons, thus the predominate electron path, toward the center of the tunnel. This pinching effect causes the plasma density and, therefore, the sputtering erosion, to be highest along the centerline of the tunnel. As the target is gradually eroded, the pinching forces tend to strengthen, ultimately resulting in a V-shaped erosion groove in the target. The fraction of the target material that has been sputtered away by the time the bottom of the V-shaped erosion groove reaches the back surface of the target is referred to herein as the target utilization. In most magnetrons, the target utilization is relatively low, in the range of about 20% to 30%. Since the commonly used target materials tend to be relatively expensive, such low target utilization is wasteful and increases the costs associated with the sputtering process. For example, although spent targets may be recycled and reworked into new targets, the time spent changing and reworking targets can be significant and in any event, increases the overall cost of the sputtering operation. Therefore, any significant increase in target utilization translates directly into cost savings, as the increased target utilization enables longer production runs and less downtime spent in reworking and replacing targets. |
* @format
* @file BytedBabySling byted-baby-sling
* @author 由 fe6 自动生成
import { IIconProps, IconWrapper } from '../runtime';
// 获取 SVG 的 HTML 字符串
export const getIconBytedBabySlingSvgHtml = (props: IIconProps) =>
`<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<svg width="${props.size}" height="${props.size}" viewBox="0 0 48 48" fill="none" xmlns="">
<circle cx="24" cy="10" r="5" fill="${props.colors?.[1]}" stroke="${props.colors?.[0]}" stroke-width="${props.strokeWidth}"/>
<path d="M24 21C14 21 11 6 11 6L6 8L9 24.5C10.1667 25.1667 14.5 27.5 17 31C19.5 34.5 19 38 24.5 38C30 38 30.5 33.5 32 31C33.5 28.5 37.6667 25 39 24.5L42 8L37 6C37 6 34 21 24 21Z" fill="${props.colors?.[1]}" stroke="${props.colors?.[0]}" stroke-width="${props.strokeWidth}" stroke-linecap="${props.strokeLinecap}" stroke-linejoin="${props.strokeLinejoin}"/>
<path d="M34 29C34 29 41 33 41 42H36C36 36 31 33 31 33" stroke="${props.colors?.[0]}" stroke-width="${props.strokeWidth}" stroke-linecap="${props.strokeLinecap}" stroke-linejoin="${props.strokeLinejoin}"/>
<path d="M15 29C15 29 8 33 8 42H13C13 36 18 33 18 33" stroke="${props.colors?.[0]}" stroke-width="${props.strokeWidth}" stroke-linecap="${props.strokeLinecap}" stroke-linejoin="${props.strokeLinejoin}"/>
// 默认导出组件
export default IconWrapper(
Although the remnants of winter are still being felt, we take solace in the fact that warm weather is on the very near horizon. And with a change in temperature comes the need to switch up our coverage plans. Although we don’t completely swear off fuller formulas this time of year, we do look for ones that at least feel lightweight and leave room for building whatever coverage we’re in the mood for.
Oh, and the ones with a small price tag are just icing on the cake. Although we wish all of these under-$20 brands carried expansive ranges, we think breathable liquid color is a great place to start. Take your pick.
Bead technology transforms the formula from a white film to your skin tone when blended in.
This U.K. brand just landed at Ulta, and its most popular foundation is buildable for every level of coverage.
It's also infused with SPF 18 to give your skin a luminous, oil-free finish.
This rich formula is also infused with primer for long wear and coverage on the go.
This vitamin-infused tinted moisturizer offers the same type of coverage as a foundation with a satiny-smooth finish.
In addition to coverage, your skin is also treated to a boost of antioxidants for protection against the elements.
This lightweight, crease-resistant formula was created specifically for women of color.
The tinted moisturizer is made with salicylic acid so it can tackle breakouts under sheer coverage.
Use the drop applicator to apply the smallest bit of formula for sheer, breathable coverage.
This lightweight, medium-coverage foundation is made with hyaluronic acid for added moisture.
Your coverage won't feel thick or cakey due to this serum's very low viscosity.
This foundation is infused with SPF so you don't have to sacrifice sun protection for coverage.
This SPF-infused BB cream brightens, hydrates and evens out skin tone.
The color-correcting reflective minerals in this formula adjust to your own skin shade.
Made with shea butter and vitamins A and E for coverage that also nourishes the skin.
A water-resistant formula that won't melt off your face at the beach or pool.
A matte, light-diffusing option for all of your spring and summer selfies.
The ultimate hydrator for dry skin that needs a helping of vitamins and sun protection.
Breathable coverage made with Napa chardonnay and wild blueberry for antioxidant benefits.
This drugstore favorite was reformulated with hyaluronic acid to provide ample moisture to thirsty skin. |
* a component groups a set of projects.
* @author mrodler
@Table(name = "COMPONENTS")
@NamedQueries({ @NamedQuery(name = Component.SELECT_ALL, query = "select o from Component o ") })
@DiscriminatorColumn(name = "CTYPE", length = 32)
public class Component
extends AbstractEntity {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public static final String SELECT_ALL = "Component.selectAll";
@Column(name = "OID")
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.TABLE, generator = "SEQUENCES")
private Long id;
@Column(name = "COMPONENT_NAME", length = 255, unique = true)
private String name;
@OneToMany(mappedBy = "component", orphanRemoval = false)
private Set<Project> projects;
protected Component() {
// jpa constructor
public Set<Project> getProjects() {
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(projects);
public void assignProject(Project project) {
Component other = project.getComponent();
if (other != null) {
public void removeProject(Project project) {
public Component(String componentName) {
Objects.requireNonNull(componentName, "componentName required"); = componentName;
this.projects = new HashSet<Project>();
public Long getId() {
return id;
public String getName() {
return name;
public int hashCode() {
return name == null ? 0 : name.hashCode();
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj)
return true;
if (obj == null)
return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
return false;
Component other = (Component) obj;
return Objects.equals(name,;
public String toString() {
return "Component [id=" + getId() + ", name=" + getName() + "]";
} |
package webhook
import (
// create - Create Webhook
// @Summary Create Webhook
// @Description Create Webhook
// @Tags Webhooks
// @ID add-webhook
// @Consume json
// @Produce json
// @Param X-User header string true "User ID"
// @Param Webhook body webhook true "Webhook Object"
// @Success 201 {object} model.Webhook
// @Failure 400 {array} string
// @Router /webhooks [post]
func create(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
uID, err := middlewarex.GetUser(r.Context())
if err != nil {
errorx.Render(w, errorx.Parser(errorx.Unauthorized()))
webhook := &webhook{}
if err = json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&webhook); err != nil {
errorx.Render(w, errorx.Parser(errorx.DecodeError()))
if validationError := validationx.Check(webhook); validationError != nil {
loggerx.Error(errors.New("validation error"))
errorx.Render(w, validationError)
// validate tags
var tags map[string]string
err = json.Unmarshal(webhook.Tags.RawMessage, &tags)
if err != nil {
errorx.Render(w, errorx.Parser(errorx.DecodeError()))
result := &model.Webhook{
Name: webhook.Name,
URL: webhook.URL,
Enabled: webhook.Enabled,
Tags: webhook.Tags,
if len(webhook.EventIDs) > 0 {
if err = config.DB.WithContext(context.WithValue(r.Context(), userContext, uID)).Create(&result).Error; err != nil {
errorx.Render(w, errorx.Parser(errorx.DBError()))
renderx.JSON(w, http.StatusCreated, result)
import { ServiceException as __ServiceException__ } from "@aws-sdk/types";
* <p>Indicates that the custom domain to be used for open and click tracking redirects is invalid. This error appears most often in the following situations:</p> <ul> <li> <p>When the tracking domain you specified is not verified in Amazon SES.</p> </li> <li> <p>When the tracking domain you specified is not a valid domain or subdomain.</p> </li> </ul>
export interface InvalidTrackingOptionsException
extends __ServiceException__<_InvalidTrackingOptionsExceptionDetails> {
name: "InvalidTrackingOptionsException";
export interface _InvalidTrackingOptionsExceptionDetails {}
Assessing outcomes: identifying psychiatric patients with severe and persistent illness. BACKGROUND Identification of psychiatric patients with severe and persisting impairments can facilitate treatment, aid in program planning, and provide data for cost-of-care projections. METHODS In this prospective study of patient outcomes, 1,679 inpatients were classified on admission using a functional status measure developed by the authors. Consenting subjects were reassessed at discharge and at 3, 6, and 12 months postdischarge to determine what proportion of patients classified as low functioning on admission remained so at follow-up. RESULTS Patients classified as low functioning on admission represented 23.4% of the sample; the proportion that remained low functioning at the follow-ups ranged from 56.1% to 65.2%. Compared to the high functioning group, three times more low functioning patients were rehospitalized within 12 months of discharge (9.4% vs 32%). CONCLUSIONS Patients with increased risk of persisting disability can be identified on admission using commonly available clinical measures. Of patients with low functioning on admission, more than half will have long-term impairment. |
<filename>Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-Swift-MVCTests/Pods-Swift-MVCTests-umbrella.h
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
FOUNDATION_EXPORT double Pods_Swift_MVCTestsVersionNumber;
FOUNDATION_EXPORT const unsigned char Pods_Swift_MVCTestsVersionString[];
Patch testrelevant concentrations of metal salts cause localized cytotoxicity, including apoptosis, in skin ex vivo Abstract Background Metal alloys containing contact sensitizers (nickel, palladium, titanium) are extensively used in medical devices, in particular dentistry and orthopaedic surgery. The skin patch test is used to test for metal allergy. Objective To determine whether metal salts, when applied to freshly excised skin at patch testrelevant concentrations and using a method which mimics skin patch testing, cause in changes in the epidermis and dermis. Methods Tissue histology, apoptosis, metabolic activity, and inflammatory cytokine release were determined for two nickel salts, two palladium salts, and four titanium salts. Results Patch testrelevant concentrations of all metal salts caused localized cytotoxicity. This was observed as epidermis separation at the basement membrane zone, formation of vacuoles, apoptotic nuclei, decreased metabolic activity, and (pro)inflammatory cytokine release. Nickel(II) sulfate hexahydrate, nickel(II) chloride hexahydrate, titanium(IV) bis(ammonium lactato)dihydroxide, and calcium titanate were highly cytotoxic. Palladium(II) chloride, sodium tetrachloropalladate(II), titanium(IV) isopropoxide, and titanium(IV) dioxide showed mild cytotoxicity. Conclusion The patch test in itself may be damaging to the skin of the patient being tested. These results need further verification with biopsies obtained during clinical patch testing. The future challenge is to remain above the elicitation threshold at noncytotoxic metal concentrations. | INTRODUCTION Metal alloys are extensively applied in medical devices, in particular in dentistry and orthopaedic surgery. These metal alloys may contain metals such as nickel, palladium, and titanium which are known to cause allergies. Clinical experience indicates that these metals may be related to type IV hypersensitivity (allergic contact dermatitis) and/or chronic inflammation of adjacent tissues due to leachables arising from metal corrosion. This suggests that these metals may not only be contact sensitizers but also have irritant, or in extreme cases, cytotoxic properties. Although dental medical devices (eg, abutments, implants, wires) are in direct contact with the oral mucosa and orthopaedic medical devices are implanted into the body subcutaneously (eg, hip and knee implants), the gold standard for testing whether indeed an individual has an allergy to his/her implant material is still the skin patch test. This clinical diagnostic testing for suspected contact allergy is carried out by applying the metal test chemical in the form of a salt to the skin under standardized conditions (patch testing). However, it is often not taken into account that a number of different salts exist for each metal with different penetration and irritant properties which may seriously confound the interpretation of the patch test results. Also, importantly, it is not taken into account that applying these metal salts, in addition to potentially sensitizing the individual, may result in damage to the underlying skin and may even trigger cell death in the form of apoptosis. This would indicate that the patch test in itself could be damaging to the skin of the patient being tested. Nickel is considered one of the most common sensitizers, affecting a large proportion of the European population, and even after the implementation of the EU Nickel Directive, the prevalence of nickel allergy remains high particularly among women (approximately 20%). 3,4,6 Although nickel easily corrodes in the oral environment, it is still widely used in dental devices. For example, there is still no adequate alternative to the nitinol (nickel-titanium) wire used in orthodontic treatments due to its unique properties in maintaining shape and superelasticity. 7 Although 5% hydrous nickel sulfate has been reported to give less reliable diagnostic results and therefore have low clinical relevance in patch testing, 8,9 it is still the gold standard according to the ESCD and 2.5% nickel sulfate is used in North American Guideline. 9,10 An alternative nickel salt for patch testing is nickel chloride which has been reported to show a stronger positive reaction than nickel sulfate in the patch test. 11 Palladium is commonly found in dental devices since, due to its low price in the 1980s, it has gradually replaced gold and platinum as an appropriate component in casting alloys. 12 In a multiclinical study including 1651 patients with suspected allergy to palladium, twice as many patients (18%) tested positive to palladium allergy when 3% sodium tetrachloropalladate hydrate (86.21 mM) was used as patch test salt compared with the more frequently used 2% anhydrous palladium chloride (112.78 mM). 13 The reason for this is now thought to be due to the ability of sodium tetrachloropalladate to more easily penetrate the stratum corneum than palladium chloride. Titanium is combined with various elements to produce durable, lightweight alloys that are biocompatible supporting osseointegration, provide resistance against corrosion, and have a very high tensile strength. Hence, titanium and its alloys are considered to be the material of choice for dental implants and abutments. 16 Titanium is regarded as an inert metal due to its generally accepted high biocompatibility and resistance to corrosion. However, multiple cases of implant failure of titanium-based implants have been reported after surgery. Although the exact cause for this is still under debate, it may be due to the implant environment leading to corrosion of titanium products that in turn leads to immunological reactions. 17 clinic]) and within the laboratory (titanium isopropoxide). As it has still not yet been confirmed that titanium is indeed a sensitizer, it is not possible to distinguish true negatives from false negatives. 18 However, titanium(IV)-specific lymphocytes have been generated in vitro, indicating that titanium may indeed be a sensitizer. 19 In this study, we expand on our recently published studies describing the use of "reconstructed human skin" and "reconstructed human epidermis" (RhE) to determine the sensitizing and irritant potential of metal salts. In the past, we have also described the influence of a common commensal microbe (Streptococcus mitis) on the innate immune response of both skin and gingiva to metals. 27 These combined studies indicate that nickel and palladium salts have clear irritant properties, relating to their sensitizing potency. Furthermore, nickel could be identified as a sensitizer whose potency increased when applied to the skin and gingiva in the presence of microbes. By contrast, in our in vitro studies, titanium scored as a very weak irritant nonsensitizer. The aim of this study was to determine whether metal salts, when applied to freshly excised skin at patch testrelevant concentrations and using a method which closely mimics the skin patch test, have detrimental effects in the epidermis and dermis. Tissue histology, metabolic activity, signs of apoptosis, and a triggering of inflammatory cytokine release were determined. To determine whether the observed effects were metal salt dependent, two nickel salts, two palladium salts, and four titanium salts were investigated. | Human skin Healthy human skin was obtained from patients undergoing plastic surgery, according to the procedures of VU University Medical Center. Human skin was used anonymously, in accordance with the Code for Proper Use of Human Tissue, as formulated by the Dutch Federation of Medical Scientific Societies. 28 The excised skin was used directly after surgery; the subcutaneous fat was carefully removed using a scalpel and forceps, as previously described. 29 Pieces of skin (approximately 4 cm 2 ) were then placed on Transwell inserts (0.4-m pore size; Corning, New York, USA) and cultured at the air-liquid interface. Culture medium consisted of Dulbeccos modified Eagle medium (Lonza, Basel, Switzerland)/Hams F-12 (Gibco, Paisley, UK; 3:1), 1% Ultroser G (BioSepra S. A., Cergy-Saint-Christophe, France), 1% penicillin-streptomycin (Gibco, Paisley, UK), 1 M/L isoproterenol (Sigma-Aldrich, Missouri, USA), 0.1 M/L insulin (Sigma-Aldrich, Missouri, USA), and 2 ng/mL keratinocyte growth factor (Sigma-Aldrich, Missouri, USA). The skin was incubated at 37 C, 5% CO 2, and 95% relative humidity overnight. | Chemicals and chemical exposure A total of eight metal salts were tested (Table 1). To explore the cytotoxicity of the metals, two different metal salts were tested for nickel and palladium, and four different metal salts were tested for titanium. All chemicals were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich. Skin was topically exposed to chemicals as previously described. 20 In short, the metal salts were dissolved in distilled water or acetone olive oil (AOO; 4:1) at concentrations of 2.5%, 5%, 10%, and 20% as indicated in Table 1 Note: The vehicles used to dissolve the chemicals were acetone olive oil (4:1) and water; water was distilled. Abbreviations: AOO, acetone olive oil. F I G U R E 1 Histological assessment of metal salt cytotoxicity. Skin was exposed to vehicle or metal salts for 24 hours, processed for paraffin embedment and tissue sections (5 m), stained with either haematoxylin and eosin stain (H&E) for assessment of histology (upper panels) or further processed with the TUNEL assay to assess apoptosis (red/purple staining nuclei), and sections were counterstained with DAPI (blue) to visualize all nuclei (lower panels). A. Control groups; B. Nickel exposure; C. Palladium exposure; D. Titanium exposure. Representative images are shown from three experiments, each performed with a separate skin donor and with an intraexperiment duplicate. Magnification bar = 100 m. AOO, acetone olive oil; DAPI, 4 0,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole; H&E, haematoxylin and eosin; TUNEL, terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT) dUTP nick-end labelling is the vehicle of choice, followed by AOO, which is a vehicle generally used in the local lymph node assay. 30 pH of chemicals was determined using a pHenomenal metre (pH 1100 L; VWR International, Pennsylvania, USA) for water-soluble metal salts and pH indicator paper range from 4.0 to 7.0 (Merk, New Jersey, USA) for AOO-soluble metal salts. Finn Chamber filter paper discs (18 mm; Epitest LTD Oy, HYRYLA, Finland) were impregnated with 250 L of the vehicles (water or AOO) containing the metal salts. The filter paper discs were then applied topically to the skin stratum corneum for 24 hours. Hereafter, biopsies (3 mm in diameter) were taken and immediately analysed with the thiazolyl blue tetrazolium bromide assay (MTT assay); culture supernatants were collected and stored at 20 C for analysis by ELISA and skin tissue was processed for conventional paraffin embedment. | MTT assay The MTT assay (Sigma Aldrich) was used to determine mitochondrial metabolic activity by quantifying dehydrogenase activity. In short, Results are expressed relative to vehicle-exposed skin (if a chemical interfered with the colourimetric MTT assay, it was excluded from further analysis). 22 In order to determine this, the highest concentration of the chemical (20%) was tested in the MTT assay without a skin biopsy and if a colour change was present, the chemical was excluded. In this way, calcium titanate was excluded from the MTT assay. | Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay Systems, Minneapolis, USA) were quantified in culture supernatants by ELISA as previously described. 26 | Histology Skin was fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde and processed for paraffin embedment. Tissue sections (5 m) were stained with haematoxylin and eosin (H&E) for histology evaluation. The stained sections were photographed using a Nikon Eclipse 80i microscope, and analysed with NIS-Elements AR 2.10 imaging software. observed after exposure to nickel and titanium salts and to a lesser extent after exposure to palladium salts ( Figure 1). | TUNEL assay Both nickel sulfate and nickel chloride exposure at 5% resulted in a clear separation of the epidermis from the dermis at the basement membrane zone. This was paired with condensed apoptotic cell nuclei with a typical half-moon crescent shape being observed within the epidermis and dermis. For nickel sulfate, these observations were already apparent after 2.5% salt exposure (cf. H&E staining; Figure 1A,B). Similar, but less extreme, findings were observed after exposure to palladium chloride and sodium tetrachloropalladate (2.5% and 5%) with no difference being observed between the two salts ( Figure 1C). Of the four titanium salts tested, two salts showed mild cytotoxicity and few apoptotic bodies (titanium isopropoxide, titanium dioxide), whereas titanium bis(ammonium lactato) dihydroxide and calcium titanate were highly cytotoxic at concentrations of 5% and 10%, showing clear separation of the epidermis from the dermis at the basement membrane zone and numerous condensed apoptotic cell nuclei within the epidermis and dermis ( Figure 1D). To investigate the apoptotic properties of the metal salts further, the TUNEL assay was performed ( Figure 1 and Table 2). The TUNEL F I G U R E 2 Metabolic activity of skin exposed to metal salts. Skin was exposed to vehicle or chemicals for 24 hours (see the "Materials and Methods" section and Table 1). Hereafter, the MTT assay was performed. Results are expressed relative to unexposed skin for comparison of vehicles and relative to vehicle for metal-exposed cultures. Data represent the average of three experiments, each performed with a separate skin donor and with an intraexperiment duplicate ± SEM. The Friedman multiple comparisons test was performed between the control and treatment groups. *P <.05, **P <.01 are considered to be statistically significant compared with vehicle. AOO, acetone olive oil; MTT, thiazolyl blue tetrazolium bromide; SEM, standard error of the mean assay is used to detect fragmented DNA characteristic of apoptotic cells. The positive control (skin tissue sections treated with 2% nuclease solution) shows positive "red" or "purple" staining nuclei depending on the phase in cell apoptosis, with red indicating the formation of apoptotic bodies (the final phase of the apoptosis process) and purple indicating the presence of DNA fragmentation (mixed colour of DAPI blue and red). 31,32 Sections were counterstained with DAPI to visualize intact nuclei (blue; Figure 1A). Quantification of the positive control shows approximately 80% and 60% of nuclei staining TUNEL positive in the epidermis and dermis, respectively (Table 2). Notably, numerous cell nuclei stained TUNEL positive within the epidermis or dermis after exposure to all metal salts compared with the vehicle and significance F I G U R E 3 Influence of metal salts on (pro)inflammatory cytokine release. Skin was exposed to vehicle or metal salts for 24 hours. Culture supernatant was assessed by ELISA. Results are expressed as amount of protein per millilitre. Data represent the average of three experiments, each performed with a separate skin donor and with an intraexperiment duplicate ± SEM. *P <.05 and **P <.01, calculated using the Friedman multiple comparisons test, are considered to be statistically significant compared with vehicle. CCL20, IL, interleukin; SEM, standard error of the mean was achieved for nickel sulfate, titanium isopropoxide, titanium bis(ammonium lactato)dihydroxide, and calcium titanate (Figure 1 and Table 2). The large donor variation observed between the different batches of excised skin was most probably the reason for lack of significance being obtained for the other metal salts (Table 2). Notably, TUNEL staining was less than expected in the epidermis considering the degree of tissue destruction presented by H&E staining, with the percentage TUNEL-positive nuclei in the epidermis not exceeding 5.5% and in the dermis not exceeding 19% for the metal salts. Next the metabolic activity present within the mitochondria was investigated with the aid of the MTT assay ( Figure 2). Metabolic activity decreased by approximately 30% after topical exposure to the vehicles alone. Metabolic activity further decreased in a dosedependent manner after exposure to nickel and palladium salts in line with the cytotoxicity observed in tissue sections described above. However, for the three titanium salts which could be tested (calcium titanate interfered with the colourimetric readout of the assay), no decrease, and even a slight trend for increase in metabolic activity, was observed. | Metal salts influence (pro) inflammatory cytokine and chemokine release Having determined the cytotoxic properties of the different metal salts, it was next determined whether they could potentially trigger an innate immune response in the form of proinflammatory (IL-1), inflammatory (IL-6, IL-8; Figure 3) relevant cytokine release. 26,33 Nickel sulfate and/or nickel chloride exposure resulted in increased IL-1, IL-8, and CCL20 secretion. However, only IL-8 was increased at patch test-relevant concentrations and only after nickel sulfate (5%) exposure. Sodium tetrachloropalladate (20%), but not palladium chloride, resulted in increased CCL20 secretion. Of the four titanium salts tested, only calcium titanate resulted in increased cytokine secretion (IL-1,), notably at the patch test-relevant concentration (≤ 5%). Surprisingly, cytokine secretion decreased below vehicle levels in a number of cases, in particular after titanium salt (IL-1, IL-6, and IL-8) and sodium tetrachloropalladate exposure (IL-6, IL-8). This decrease coincided with the levels of cytotoxicity observed in showed large donor variation in the excised skin model, resulting in no statistically significant increase or decrease in absolute cytokine levels after metal salt exposure, but did result in a statistical fold increase relative to the vehicle after exposure to calcium titanate (data not shown). 23 | DISCUSSION In this study we show that patch test-relevant concentrations of a number of metal salts, when topically applied to excised skin, cause localized cytotoxicity. This is observed as epidermis separation at the basement membrane zone, formation of vacuoles, apoptotic nuclei, decreased metabolic activity, and (pro)inflammatory cytokine release. The process of apoptosis, which results in cell death, includes four main phases: induction, initiation (early), execution (mid), and apoptotic (late) phases. 32,34,35 Although the appearance of apoptotic bodies is definite evidence of the final stage of apoptosis, some wellcharacterized morphology changes can be detected in the early stage, including chromatin condensation and crescent-shaped nuclei. These changes indicate that progression to the activation of execution caspases has occurred and that the process has become irreversible. Apoptosis is generally a slow process, which needs several days to form the final apoptotic bodies after initially triggering the process. In our study we detected mainly early apoptotic events, as we only exposed the skin for 24 hours to the metal salts. Notably, TUNEL staining was less than expected in the epidermis compared with the dermis. It is possible that because the chemicals were applied topically, the extent of tissue destruction presented by H&E staining was so extensive in the epidermis that it prevented apoptotic bodies being TUNEL stained. It has long been recognized that the choice of salt is an important consideration in patch testing. 15,36 In a study similar to ours, Fullerton et al 36 showed that the permeation rate, and therefore the physical amount of bioavailable salt, was considerably increased when aqueous nickel chloride was used during ex vivo skin patch testing compared with aqueous nickel sulfate. In our study, detrimental histological effects, including apoptosis, were already observed at a lower nickel sulfate concentration (2.5%) compared with nickel chloride (5%). However, the metabolic activity was slightly lower in excised skin samples exposed to nickel chloride compared with nickel sulfate, when comparing the 5% aqueous solution. This would indicate that both salts do penetrate, resulting in cytotoxicity; however, the method used to assess cytotoxicity may influence the overall conclusion when comparing two different salts. Notably, nickel sulfate (5%) is the preferred patch test salt in the clinic. In a more recent study, we have shown that sodium tetrachloropalladate is the preferred salt compared with palladium chloride in detecting clinical allergy. 15 This finding is in line with our current study in which we show that sodium tetrachloropalladate has a greater impact on metabolic activity and the inflammatory response compared with palladium chloride, indicating that it has a greater ability to penetrate the skin, although both salts exerted similar degrees of detrimental histological effects, including apoptosis. Titanium dioxide (10% or 20%) is used to determine titanium hypersensitivity even though it is accepted that false-negative test results frequently occur owing to its poor ability to penetrate the skin. 37,38 This has led the search to identify more stable, solvent-soluble, protein-reactive titanium salts with a greater ability to penetrate the skin for patch testing. 18,37,39 Of the four titanium salts tested in this study, titanium isopropoxide and titanium dioxide showed mild cytotoxicity and few apoptotic bodies, whereas titanium bis(ammonium lactato)dihydroxide and calcium titanate were highly cytotoxic, showing clear separation of the epidermis from the dermis at the basement membrane zone and numerous condensed apoptotic cell nuclei within the epidermis and dermis. It has been shown that titanium dioxide nanoparticles can induce oxidative stress signalling cascades that eventually result in cell death via apoptosis. It has also been shown that titanium dioxide nanoparticles can cause plasma membrane damage and decreased mitochondrial activities. 43,44 Others have shown that although titanium nanoparticles can trigger apoptosis in human gastric epithelial cells, the MTS assay used in the study indicated an increase in metabolic activity after 24 hours. 45 This finding is in line with our results, as we also observed a slight increase in metabolic activity with increasing signs of apoptosis after titanium salt exposure. Mitochondria contain several proapoptotic molecules that activate cytosolic proteins to execute apoptosis, block antiapoptotic proteins in the cytosol, and directly cleave nuclear DNA, and therefore it can be expected that at the very early onset of apoptosis their activity increases rather than decreases. 46 Notably, mitochondrial activity remained high even when detrimental effects on tissue histology were observed. Here we have compared different salts for the same metal. Although many in vitro studies describe metal salt cytotoxicity in, for example, dendritic cell, T-cell, and keratinocyte assays, 47-51 very few studies compare cytotoxicity of different salts for the same metal. In the past we have compared the same four titanium salts in our MUTZ-3-derived Langerhans cell assay, RhE model, and reconstructed human skin model with integrated Langerhans cells and found that only titanium bis(ammonium lactato)dihydroxide scored as a weak irritant with regard to Langerhans cell phenotype; however, changes in histology were not investigated and no change in metabolic activity (MTT assay) was observed in these studies. 22,24 In line with this study, in the RhE study we also found that metabolic activity decreased more after sodium tetrachloropalladate exposure than palladium chloride exposure and after nickel chloride exposure compared with nickel sulfate exposure. 22 The results in our present study cannot be explained by a difference in molarity or solubility, as more cytotoxicity was observed for different salts of the same metal when similar amounts or less molarity was used independent of solubility or the vehicle used, for example, upon comparing titanium isopropoxide and titanium dioxide with the more cytotoxic titanium bis(ammonium lactato) dihydroxide and calcium titanate (Table 1). Neither can they be explained by differences in pH of the dissolved metal salts, as the most acid salts (eg, palladium) were least cytotoxic and palladium chloride is more acidic than sodium tetrachloropalladate (Table 1). In our study, a dose-response in cytokine secretion does not always occur. Cytokines are generally released as an inflammatory response at subcytotoxic concentrations. Therefore, bell-shaped cytokine dose release curves can be observed when high cytotoxicity is reached at high chemical concentrations, resulting in death of cells which would produce the cytokines. Alternatively, for other cytokines which are stored intracellularly, a typical dose-response may be observed as the membrane becomes permeable. From our study we do not distinguish between newly produced cytokines and intracellularly stored cytokines, and furthermore donor variation between the skin samples results in large experimental variation. As with all in vitro and ex vivo studies, the limitations of our study should be recognized and discussed. The skin was used within 24 hours after surgery and further incubated for 24 hours at 37 C in a culture incubator at 95% humidity. These culture conditions may decrease barrier competency compared with intact human skin. Therefore, the metal salts may be able to penetrate more easily in our model than if they were directly applied to the skin of a volunteer or patient. However, in the clinics, patch test salts are applied under occlusion which also creates a localized humid environment similar to our culture incubator. We should also consider the vehicles and method of application used in our study. We used Finn Chamber filter paper discs (18 mm; Epitest LTD Oy, Finland) which were impregnated with the metal salt dissolved in either water or AOO to enable maximal solubility of the chemical and slow release of the chemical from the paper disc into the excised skin. Typically, during human skin patch testing, the chemical is mixed with petrolatum 52 before applying to the same Finn Chamber filter discs and then applied to the skin for 48 hours. Therefore, even though the time of exposure and release kinetics of our ex vivo study cannot be directly compared with the human patch test situation, we do still show that by applying similar chemical concentrations to those used in clinics, a localized cytotoxic effect on the skin does occur. Whereas this study focusses on exposure of metal salts to the skin, metals are incorporated into many medical devices, particularly those used in dentistry. The oral cavity is considered to be a much more hostile environment than the skin, due to the presence of an extensive microbiome and also saliva which contains corrosive compounds such as hydrogen, chloride ions, sulfide compounds, dissolved oxygen, enzymes, and free radicals. 1 Metal alloys will corrode with time after prolonged contact with the mucosa, releasing metal ions into the surrounding tissue. The resulting typical clinic manifestations of the oral mucosa are xerostomia, metal taste, burning sensation, stomatitis, and lichenoid lesions. 2,53,54 It is most possible that these clinical manifestations are partly due to metal ion-induced cytotoxicity including apoptosis. In conclusion, metal salts applied to excised skin show localized cytotoxic effects. Whether this also occurs in vivo, and whether penetrated metal ions would also result in systemic effects, remains currently unknown. Further verification of our results from biopsies obtained during clinical patch testing is now required. The aim of patch testing is to have a chemical concentration that is high enough to elicit an allergic skin reaction in sensitized individuals, but low enough not to sensitize nonallergic people, even after repeated testing. Besides, it should be as nonirritative as possible to facilitate patch test reading. Therefore, it may be considered to explore the possibility of buffering the salts to provide a more neutral nonirritative pH, or reducing further the concentration of metal salts routinely used in clinical patch testing by exchanging the salt for one that is more skin permeable. The challenge will be to remain above the elicitation threshold at noncytotoxic metal concentrations. Alternatively, focusing on in vitro lymphocyte cytokine and transformation tests which are showing promising results for identifying people with allergy to metals is an option. 55,56 |
catlog = ['coordinate_tol', 'distance_tol',
'angle2_tol', 'angle_tol',
'area_tol', 'setting_tol'] |
import argparse
import time,sys
import sys,os
from autograd import grad
from ml_tools.base import np,sp
from ml_tools.utils import load_data,tqdm_cs,get_score,dump_json,load_json,load_pck
from ml_tools.models import KRRFastCV
from ml_tools.kernels import KernelPower,KernelSum
from ml_tools.split import EnvironmentalKFold,KFold
from ml_tools.compressor import CompressorCovarianceUmat
#SBATCH --time 01:00:00
#SBATCH -p debug
def get_sp_mapping(frames,sp):
ii = 0
fid2gids = {it:[] for it in range(len(frames))}
for iframe,cc in enumerate(frames):
for ss in cc.get_atomic_numbers():
if ss == sp:
ii += 1
return fid2gids
def optimize_loss(loss_func,x_start=None,args=None,maxiter=100,ftol=1e-6):
from scipy.optimize import minimize
gloss_func = grad(loss_func,argnum=0)
pbar = tqdm_cs(total=maxiter)
def call(Xi):
Nfeval = pbar.n
sss = ''
for x in Xi:
sss += ' '+'{:.5e}'.format(x)
print('{0:4d}'.format(Nfeval) + sss)
#const = spop.Bounds(np.zeros(x_start.shape),np.inf*np.ones(x_start.shape))
myop = minimize(loss_func, x_start, args = args, jac=gloss_func,callback=call,
method = 'L-BFGS-B', options = {"maxiter": maxiter, "disp": False, "maxcor":9,
"gtol":1e-9, "ftol": ftol })
return myop
def sor_loss(x_opt,X,y,cv,jitter,disable_pbar=True,leave=False,return_score=False):
Lambda = x_opt[0]
kMM = X[0]
kMN = X[1]
Mactive,Nsample = kMN.shape
mse = 0
y_p = np.zeros((Nsample,))
scores = []
for train,test in tqdm_cs(cv.split(kMN.T),total=cv.n_splits,disable=disable_pbar,leave=False):
# prepare SoR kernel
kMN_train = kMN[:,train]
kernel_train = kMM +,kMN_train.T)/Lambda**2 + np.diag(np.ones(Mactive))*jitter
y_train =,y[train])/Lambda**2
# train the KRR model
alpha = np.linalg.solve(kernel_train, y_train).flatten()
# make predictions
kernel_test = kMN[:,test]
y_pred =,kernel_test).flatten()
if return_score is True:
#y_p[test] = y_pred
mse += np.sum((y_pred-y[test])**2)
mse /= len(y)
if return_score is True:
#score = get_score(y_p,y)
score = {}
for k in scores[0]:
aa = []
for sc in scores:
score[k] = np.mean(aa)
return score
return mse
def soap_cov_loss(x_opt,rawsoaps,y,cv,jitter,disable_pbar=True,leave=False,compressor=None,active_ids=None,return_score=False):
Lambda = x_opt[0]
fj = x_opt[1:]
X = compressor.transform(rawsoaps)
X_pseudo = X[active_ids]
kMM =,X_pseudo.T)
kMN =,X.T)
Mactive,Nsample = kMN.shape
mse = 0
y_p = np.zeros((Nsample,))
for train,test in tqdm_cs(cv.split(rawsoaps),total=cv.n_splits,disable=disable_pbar,leave=False):
# prepare SoR kernel
kMN_train = kMN[:,train]
kernel_train = (kMM +,kMN_train.T)/Lambda**2) + np.diag(np.ones(Mactive))*jitter
y_train =,y[train])/Lambda**2
# train the KRR model
alpha = np.linalg.solve(kernel_train, y_train).flatten()
# make predictions
kernel_test = kMN[:,test]
y_pred =,kernel_test).flatten()
if return_score is True:
y_p[test] = y_pred
mse += np.sum((y_pred-y[test])**2)
mse /= len(y)
if return_score is True:
score = get_score(y_p,y)
return score
return mse
def sor_fj_loss(x_opt,data,y,cv,jitter,disable_pbar=True,leave=False,kernel=None,
Lambda = x_opt[0]
scaling_factors = x_opt[1:]
compressor.to_reshape = False
unlinsoaps = data[0]
unlinsoaps_active = data[1]
X = compressor.scale_features(unlinsoaps,stride_size)
X_active = compressor.scale_features(unlinsoaps_active,stride_size)
# X = compressor.transform(unlinsoaps)
# X_active = compressor.transform(unlinsoaps_active)
if strides is not None and active_strides is not None:
X_active = dict(strides=active_strides,feature_matrix=X_active)
X = dict(strides=strides,feature_matrix=X)
kMM = kernel.transform(X_active,X_train=X_active)
kMN = kernel.transform(X_active,X_train=X)
Mactive,Nsample = kMN.shape
mse = 0
y_p = np.zeros((Nsample,))
scores = []
for train,test in tqdm_cs(cv.split(y.reshape((-1,1))),total=cv.n_splits,disable=disable_pbar,leave=False):
# prepare SoR kernel
kMN_train = kMN[:,train]
kernel_train = (kMM +,kMN_train.T)/Lambda**2) + np.diag(np.ones(Mactive))*jitter
y_train =,y[train])/Lambda**2
# train the KRR model
alpha = np.linalg.solve(kernel_train, y_train).flatten()
# make predictions
kernel_test = kMN[:,test]
y_pred =,kernel_test).flatten()
if return_score is True:
#y_p[test] = y_pred
mse += np.sum((y_pred-y[test])**2)
mse /= len(y)
if return_score is True:
#score = get_score(y_p,y)
score = {}
for k in scores[0]:
aa = []
for sc in scores:
score[k] = np.mean(aa)
return score
return mse
def LL_sor_loss(x_opt,X,y,cv,jitter,disable_pbar=True,leave=False):
Lambda = x_opt[0]
kMM = X[0]
kMN = X[1]
Mactive,Nsample = kMN.shape
kernel_ = kMM +,kMN.T)/Lambda**2 + np.diag(np.ones(Mactive))*jitter
y_ =,y)/Lambda**2
# Get log likelihood score
L = np.linalg.cholesky(kernel_)
z = sp.linalg.solve_triangular(L,y_,lower=True)
alpha = sp.linalg.solve_triangular(L.T,z,lower=False,overwrite_b=True).flatten()
#alpha = np.linalg.solve(kernel_train, y_train).flatten()
#diag = np.zeros((Mactive))
#for ii in range(Mactive): diag[ii] = L[ii,ii]
logDet = 0
for ii in range(Mactive):
logDet += np.log(L[ii,ii])
logL = -0.5* Mactive * np.log(2*np.pi) - 0.5 *,alpha) - logDet
return logL
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="""Get CV score using full covariance mat""")
parser.add_argument("--X", type=str, help="Name of the metadata file refering to the input data")
parser.add_argument("--Nfps", type=int,default=1, help="Number of pseudo input to take from the fps ids")
parser.add_argument("--Xinit", type=str, help="Comma-separated list of initial parameters to optimize over")
parser.add_argument("--Nfold", type=int, help="Number of folds for the CV")
parser.add_argument("--jitter", type=float,default=1e-8, help="Jitter for numerical stability of Cholesky")
parser.add_argument("--loss", type=str, help="Name of the bjective function to optimize with. Possible loss: sor_loss, soap_cov_loss, sor_fj_loss")
parser.add_argument("--compressor", type=str,default='', help="Name of the json file containing the trained compressor data.")
parser.add_argument("--ftol", type=float,default=1e-6, help="Relative tolerance for the optimization to exit: (f^k - f^{k+1})/max{|f^k|,|f^{k+1}|,1} <= ftol ")
parser.add_argument("--maxiter", type=int,default=300, help="Max Number of optimization steps")
parser.add_argument("--sparse", action='store_true', help="if the feature matrix is stored in scipy sparse format")
parser.add_argument("--prop", type=str, help="Path to the corresponding properties")
parser.add_argument("--out", type=str, help="Path to the corresponding output")
in_args = parser.parse_args()
prop_fn = os.path.abspath(in_args.prop)
y = np.load(prop_fn)
x_init = map(float, in_args.Xinit.split(','))
Nfps = in_args.Nfps
Nfold = in_args.Nfold
jitter = in_args.jitter
maxiter = in_args.maxiter
ftol = in_args.ftol
rawsoaps_fn = os.path.abspath(in_args.X)
print('Load data from: {}'.format(rawsoaps_fn))
params,X = load_data(rawsoaps_fn,mmap_mode=None, is_sparse=in_args.sparse)
soap_params = params['soap_params']
kernel_params = params['kernel_params']
out_fn = in_args.out
loss_type = in_args.loss
if len(in_args.compressor) > 0:
compressor_fn = in_args.compressor
print('Load compressor from: {}'.format(compressor_fn))
compressor = CompressorCovarianceUmat()
state = load_json(compressor_fn)
compressor.to_reshape = True
compressor.symmetric = False
compressor_fn = None
if 'env_mapping' in params:
env_mapping = params['env_mapping']
cv = EnvironmentalKFold(n_splits=Nfold,random_state=10,shuffle=True,mapping=env_mapping)
cv = KFold(n_splits=Nfold,random_state=10,shuffle=True)
if 'strides' in params:
kernel = KernelSum(KernelPower(**kernel_params),chunk_shape=[500,500])
strides = params['strides']
has_sum_kernel = True
stride_size = 1000
if 'fps_ids' in params:
fps_ids_frames = params['fps_ids']
ids = [list(range(st,nd)) for st,nd in zip(strides[:-1],strides[1:])]
active_ids,active_strides = [],[0]
for idx in fps_ids_frames[:Nfps]:
nn = active_strides[-1]+len(ids[idx])
kernel = KernelPower(**kernel_params)
has_sum_kernel = False
stride_size = None
if 'fps_ids' in params:
active_ids = params['fps_ids'][:Nfps]
print('Start: {}'.format(time.ctime()))
if loss_type == 'sor_loss':
loss_func = sor_loss
if has_sum_kernel is False:
X_active = X[active_ids]
elif has_sum_kernel is True:
X_active = dict(strides=active_strides,feature_matrix=X[active_ids])
X = dict(strides=strides,feature_matrix=X)
kMM = kernel.transform(X_active,X_train=X_active)
kMN = kernel.transform(X_active,X_train=X)
args = ((kMM,kMN),y,cv,jitter,False,False)
elif loss_type == 'soap_cov_loss':
loss_func = soap_cov_loss
args = (X,y,cv,jitter,False,False,compressor,active_ids)
elif loss_type == 'sor_fj_loss':
loss_func = sor_fj_loss
if X.shape[0] == 2: # is an ndddarray of len 2 containing 2 pyobject
rawsoaps = X[0]
rawsoaps_active = X[1]
rawsoaps = X
rawsoaps_active = X[active_ids]
if len(rawsoaps.shape) > 2:
data = (rawsoaps,rawsoaps_active)
data = (compressor.project_on_u_mat(rawsoaps),compressor.project_on_u_mat(rawsoaps_active))
if has_sum_kernel is False:
args = (data,y,cv,jitter,False,False,kernel,compressor)
elif has_sum_kernel is True:
args = (data,y,cv,jitter,False,False,kernel,compressor,strides,active_strides,stride_size)
raise ValueError('loss function: {}, does not exist.'.format(loss_type))
print('Start optimization with {}'.format(x_init))
x_opt = optimize_loss(loss_func,x_start=x_init,args=args,maxiter=maxiter,ftol=ftol)
print('Optimized params:')
print('score with the optimized parameters:')
new_args = [x_opt.x] + list(args) + [True]
score = loss_func(*new_args)
print('Score: {}'.format(score))
data = dict(x_opt=x_opt.x.tolist(),score=score,x_init=x_init,
print('dump results in {}'.format(out_fn))
dump_json(out_fn,data) |
package render
import (
var (
imgPath1 = filepath.Join("16", "jeremy.png")
badImgPath1 = filepath.Join("16", "invalid.png")
func TestBatchLoad(t *testing.T) {
fileutil.BindataDir = AssetDir
fileutil.BindataFn = Asset
assert.Nil(t, BatchLoad(filepath.Join("assets", "images")))
sh, err := GetSheet(imgPath1)
assert.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, len(sh.ToSprites()), 8)
_, err = loadSprite("dir", "dummy.jpg")
assert.NotNil(t, err)
sp, err := GetSprite("dummy.gif")
assert.Nil(t, sp)
assert.NotNil(t, err)
sp, err = GetSprite(imgPath1)
assert.NotNil(t, sp)
assert.Nil(t, err)
func TestSetAssetPath(t *testing.T) {
fileutil.BindataDir = AssetDir
fileutil.BindataFn = Asset
_, err := LoadSheet(dir, imgPath1, 16, 16, 0)
assert.Nil(t, err)
_, err = LoadSheet(dir, imgPath1, 16, 16, 0)
assert.NotNil(t, err)
_, err = LoadSheet(dir, imgPath1, 16, 16, 0)
assert.Nil(t, err)
func TestBadSheetParams(t *testing.T) {
fileutil.BindataDir = AssetDir
fileutil.BindataFn = Asset
_, err := LoadSheet(dir, imgPath1, 0, 16, 0)
assert.NotNil(t, err)
_, err = LoadSheet(dir, imgPath1, 16, 0, 0)
assert.NotNil(t, err)
_, err = LoadSheet(dir, imgPath1, 16, 16, -1)
assert.NotNil(t, err)
_, err = LoadSheet(dir, imgPath1, 16, 16, 1000)
assert.NotNil(t, err)
func TestSheetStorage(t *testing.T) {
fileutil.BindataDir = AssetDir
fileutil.BindataFn = Asset
assert.False(t, SheetIsLoaded(imgPath1))
_, err := GetSheet(imgPath1)
assert.NotNil(t, err)
_, err = LoadSheet(dir, imgPath1, 16, 16, 0)
assert.Nil(t, err)
assert.True(t, SheetIsLoaded(imgPath1))
_, err = GetSheet(imgPath1)
assert.Nil(t, err)
func TestSheetUtility(t *testing.T) {
fileutil.BindataDir = AssetDir
fileutil.BindataFn = Asset
_, err := LoadSprites(dir, imgPath1, 16, 16, 0)
assert.Nil(t, err)
_, err = LoadSprites(dir, badImgPath1, 16, 16, 0)
assert.NotNil(t, err)
_, err = LoadSheetSequence(imgPath1, 16, 16, 0, 1, 0, 0)
assert.Nil(t, err)
_, err = LoadSheetSequence(badImgPath1, 16, 16, 0, 1, 0, 0)
assert.NotNil(t, err)
* Tariffs are composed of Rates.
* Rates may be applicable on particular days of the week, particular times
* of day, or above some usage threshold. Rates may be fixed or variable.
* Tariffs and their rates are public information. New tariffs and their Rates
* are communicated to Customers and to Brokers when tariffs are published.
* Energy and money quantities in Rates are given from the customer's viewpoint.
* In other words, a Rate for a consumption tariff will typically specify that
* the customer pays (negative money value) to receive energy
* (positive energy quantity).
* <p>
* Each <code>TariffSpecification</code> must include at least one <code>Rate</code>.
* Rates can be fixed (the default) or variable. A fixed rate has a single
* <code>value</code> attribute that represents the customer payment for a kWh of energy.
* This value is typically negative for a consumption tariff (customer pays
* to receive energy) and positive for a production tariff. A variable rate
* must specify a <code>minValue</code>, a <code>maxValue</code>, and an
* <code>expectedMean</code>. To be valid, a
* Rate for a consumption tariff must have
* <code>minValue >= expectedMean >= maxValue</code>.
* For a production tariff, these relationships are reversed. These ranges
* constrain the HourlyCharge values that may be applied to the Rate.</p>
* <p>
* The <code>maxCurtailment</code> parameter can be between 0.0 and 1.0 when
* applied to an interruptible PowerType. If greater than zero, then the
* production or consumption associated with the tariff can be shut off remotely
* for economic or balancing purposes, using an <code>EconomicControlEvent</code>
* or by issuing a <code>BalancingOrder</code> to the DU. The curtailment
* cannot exceed the product of <code>maxCurtailment</code> and the amount \
* that would have been produced or consumed in the absence of the external
* control.</p>
* <p>
* If a non-zero <code>tierThreshold</code> is given, then the rate applies only after
* daily consumption/production exceeds the threshold; to achieve a tiered
* structure, there needs to be at least one <code>Rate</code> with a
* <code>tierThreshold</code> of zero, and one
* for each threshold beyond zero. Tier thresholds must be positive for
* consumption tariffs, negative for production tariffs. For the purpose of
* determining tier applicability, production and consumption tracking is
* reset at midnight every day, in the TariffSubscription.</p>
* <p>
* Time-of-use and day-of-week Rates can be specified with
* <code>dailyBegin</code> / <code>dailyEnd</code> and
* <code>weeklyBegin</code> / <code>weeklyEnd</code> specifications.
* For <code>dailyBegin</code> / <code>dailyEnd</code>, the values
* are integer hours in the range 0:23. A <code>Rate</code> that applies from
* 22:00 in the evening until 6:00 the next morning would have
* <code>dailyBegin=22</code> and <code>dailyEnd=5</code>.
* Weekly begin/end specifications are integers in the range 1:7, with 1=Monday.</p>
* <p>
* It is possible for multiple rates to be applicable at any given combination
* of time/usage. If this is the case, the most specific rate applies. So if
* there is a fixed rate that applies all the time, it will be overridden by
* a time-of-use rate during its period of applibility. Also, if the times for
* time-of-use rates overlap, they
* are sorted by start-time, and the applicable rate with the latest start time
* will apply. This logic is implemented in Tariff.
* <p>
* State log fields for readResolve():<br>
* <code>new(long tariffId, int weeklyBegin, int weeklyEnd,<br>
* int dailyBegin, int dailyEnd, double tierThreshold,<br>
* boolean fixed, double minValue, double maxValue,<br>
* long noticeInterval, double expectedMean, double maxCurtailment)</code>
* @author John Collins
@Domain (fields = {"tariffId", "weeklyBegin", "weeklyEnd", "dailyBegin", "dailyEnd",
"tierThreshold", "fixed", "minValue", "maxValue",
"noticeInterval", "expectedMean", "maxCurtailment"})
public class Rate extends RateCore
static private Logger log = LogManager.getLogger(Rate.class.getName());
public static final int NO_TIME = -1;
private int weeklyBegin = NO_TIME; // weekly applicability
private int weeklyEnd = NO_TIME;
private int dailyBegin = NO_TIME; // daily applicability
private int dailyEnd = NO_TIME;
private double tierThreshold = 0.0; // tier applicability
private boolean fixed = true; // if true, minValue is fixed rate
private double minValue = 0.0; // min and max rate values
private double maxValue = 0.0;
private long noticeInterval = 0; // notice interval for variable rate in hours
private double expectedMean = 0.0; // expected mean value for variable rate
private double maxCurtailment = 0.0; // maximum curtailment for controllable capacity
private TreeSet<HourlyCharge> rateHistory; // history of values for variable rate
private ProbeCharge probe;
// depends on TimeService
private TimeService timeService = null;
* Default constructor only. You create one of these with the
* constructor and the fluent-style setter methods.
public Rate ()
rateHistory = new TreeSet<HourlyCharge>();
probe = new ProbeCharge(new Instant(0l), 0.0);
* Sets the day of the week on which this Rate comes into effect. The
* {@code begin} parameter is processed to extract the dayOfWeek field.
public Rate withWeeklyBegin (AbstractDateTime begin)
if (null == begin) {
log.error("Null value for weeklyBegin");
weeklyBegin = NO_TIME;
return null;
return withWeeklyBegin(begin.getDayOfWeek());
* Sets the day of the week on which this Rate comes into effect.
* Process begin spec to extract dayOfWeek field
public Rate withWeeklyBegin (ReadablePartial begin)
if (null == begin) {
log.error("Null value for weeklyBegin");
weeklyBegin = NO_TIME;
return null;
return withWeeklyBegin(begin.get(DateTimeFieldType.dayOfWeek()));
* Sets the day of the week on which this Rate comes into effect. Note that
* a value of 1 represents Monday, while 7 represents Sunday.
static final int MIN_DAY = 1;
static final int MAX_DAY = 7;
public Rate withWeeklyBegin (int begin)
if (begin < MIN_DAY || begin > MAX_DAY) {
log.error("Invalid value {} for weeklyBegin", begin);
weeklyBegin = NO_TIME;
return null;
weeklyBegin = begin;
return this;
public int getWeeklyBegin ()
return weeklyBegin;
* Sets the weekly end of applicability for this Rate,
* by processing end spec to extract dayOfWeek field.
public Rate withWeeklyEnd (AbstractDateTime end)
if (null == end) {
log.error("Null value for weeklyEnd");
weeklyEnd = NO_TIME;
return withWeeklyEnd(end.getDayOfWeek());
* Sets the weekly end of applicability for this Rate,
* by processing end spec to extract dayOfWeek field.
public Rate withWeeklyEnd (ReadablePartial end)
if (end!= null) {
return withWeeklyEnd(end.get(DateTimeFieldType.dayOfWeek()));
return this;
* Sets the weekly end of applicability for this Rate. A value
* of 1 represents Monday, and 7 represents Sunday. Values outside this range
* will result in weeklyEnd being restored to its default value of NO_TIME, an
* error in the log, and a return value of null.
public Rate withWeeklyEnd (int end)
if (end < MIN_DAY || end > MAX_DAY) {
log.error("Invalid value {} for weeklyEnd", end);
weeklyEnd = NO_TIME;
return null;
weeklyEnd = end;
return this;
public int getWeeklyEnd ()
return weeklyEnd;
* Sets the time of day when this Rate comes into effect.
public Rate withDailyBegin (AbstractDateTime begin)
if (null == begin) {
log.error("Null value for dailyBegin");
dailyBegin = NO_TIME;
return null;
return withDailyBegin(begin.getHourOfDay());
* Sets the time of day when this Rate comes into effect.
public Rate withDailyBegin (ReadablePartial begin)
if (null == begin) {
log.error("Null value for dailyBegin");
dailyBegin = NO_TIME;
return null;
return withDailyBegin(begin.get(DateTimeFieldType.hourOfDay()));
* Sets the time of day when this Rate comes into effect as hours
* since midnight.
static final int MIN_HOUR = 0;
static final int MAX_HOUR = 23;
public Rate withDailyBegin (int begin)
if (begin < MIN_HOUR || begin > MAX_HOUR) {
log.error("invalid value {} for dailyBegin", begin);
dailyBegin = NO_TIME;
return null;
dailyBegin = begin;
return this;
public int getDailyBegin ()
return dailyBegin;
* Sets the time of day when this Rate is no longer in effect.
public Rate withDailyEnd (AbstractDateTime end)
if (null == end) {
log.error("Null value for dailyEnd");
dailyEnd = NO_TIME;
return null;
return withDailyEnd(end.getHourOfDay());
* Sets the time of day when this Rate is no longer in effect.
public Rate withDailyEnd (ReadablePartial end)
if (null == end) {
log.error("Null value for dailyEnd");
dailyEnd = NO_TIME;
return null;
return withDailyEnd(end.get(DateTimeFieldType.hourOfDay()));
* Sets the time of day when this Rate is no longer in effect, given
* as hours since midnight.
public Rate withDailyEnd (int end)
if (end < MIN_HOUR | end > MAX_HOUR) {
log.error("invalid value {} for dailyEnd", end);
dailyEnd = NO_TIME;
return null;
dailyEnd = end;
return this;
public int getDailyEnd ()
return dailyEnd;
* Specifies the minimum interval for rate change notifications for a
* variable Rate. The value is truncated to integer hours.
public Rate withNoticeInterval (Duration interval)
// we assume that integer division will do the Right Thing here
return withNoticeInterval(interval.getMillis() / TimeService.HOUR);
* Specifies the minimum interval in hours for rate change notifications
* for a variable Rate.
public Rate withNoticeInterval (long hours)
noticeInterval = hours;
return this;
public long getNoticeInterval ()
return noticeInterval;
* Adds a new HourlyCharge to a variable rate. If this
* Rate is not variable, or if the HourlyCharge arrives
* past its noticeInterval, then we log an error and
* drop it on the floor. If the update is valid but there's
* already an HourlyCharge in the specified timeslot, then
* the update must replace the existing HourlyCharge.
* Returns true just in case the new charge was added successfully.
public boolean addHourlyCharge (HourlyCharge newCharge)
return addHourlyCharge (newCharge, false);
* Allows initial publication of HourlyCharge instances within the notification interval.
public boolean addHourlyCharge (HourlyCharge newCharge, boolean publish)
boolean result = false;
if (fixed) {
// cannot change this rate
log.error("Cannot change Rate " + this.toString());
else {
Instant now = getCurrentTime();
double sgn = Math.signum(maxValue);
long warning = newCharge.getAtTime().getMillis() - now.getMillis();
if (warning < noticeInterval * TimeService.HOUR && !publish) {
// too late
log.warn("Too late (" + now.toString() + ") to change rate for " + newCharge.getAtTime().toString());
else if (sgn * newCharge.getValue() > sgn * maxValue) {
// charge too high
log.warn("Excess charge: " + newCharge.getValue() + " > " + maxValue);
else if (sgn * newCharge.getValue() < sgn * minValue) {
// charge too low
log.warn("Charge too low: " + newCharge.getValue() + " < " + minValue);
else {
if (probe == null) {
probe = new ProbeCharge(new Instant(0l), 0.0);
// first, remove the existing charge for the specified time
//HourlyCharge probe = new HourlyCharge(newCharge.getAtTime().plus(1000l), 0);
SortedSet<HourlyCharge> head = rateHistory.headSet(probe);
if (head != null && head.size() > 0) {
HourlyCharge item = head.last();
if (item.getAtTime() == newCharge.getAtTime()) {
log.debug("remove " + item.toString());
rateHistory.add(newCharge);"Adding HourlyCharge " + newCharge.getId() + " at " + newCharge.getAtTime() + " to " + this.toString());
result = true;
return result;
public double getTierThreshold ()
return tierThreshold;
* Sets the usage threshold for applicability of this Rate. The value is
* interpreted from the Customer's viewpoint, so positive values represent
* energy consumption in kWh, negative values represent energy production.
public Rate withTierThreshold (double tierThreshold)
this.tierThreshold = tierThreshold;
return this;
public double getMinValue ()
return minValue;
* Specifies the minimum charge (closest to zero) for variable Rates.
* Value should be negative for consumption tariffs, positive for production
* tariffs.
public Rate withMinValue (double minValue)
this.minValue = minValue;
return this;
public double getMaxValue ()
return maxValue;
* Specifies the maximum charge (furthest from zero) for variable Rates.
* Value should be negative for consumption tariffs, positive for production
* tariffs.
public Rate withMaxValue (double maxValue)
this.maxValue = maxValue;
return this;
* Returns the maximum proportion of offered load or supply that can be
* curtailed in a given timeslot.
public double getMaxCurtailment ()
return maxCurtailment;
* Sets the maximum proportion of offered load or supply that can be
* curtailed. Must be between 0.0 and 1.0. Values > 0.0 are only meaningful
* for controllable capacities.
public Rate withMaxCurtailment (double value)
maxCurtailment = Math.min(1.0, Math.max(0.0, value));
return this;
public boolean isFixed ()
return fixed;
* Specifies whether this Rate is fixed (true) or variable (false).
public Rate withFixed (boolean fixed)
this.fixed = fixed;
return this;
* True just in case this Rate does not apply everywhen
public boolean isTimeOfUse ()
if (dailyBegin >= 0 || weeklyBegin >= 0)
return true;
return false;
public double getExpectedMean ()
return expectedMean;
* Specifies the expected mean charge/kWh, excluding periodic charges,
* for this Rate.
public Rate withExpectedMean (double value)
expectedMean = value;
return this;
* Returns the sequence of HourlyCharge instances for this Rate.
public TreeSet<HourlyCharge> getRateHistory ()
return rateHistory;
* True just in case this Rate applies at this moment, ignoring the
* tier.
public boolean applies ()
return applies(getCurrentTime());
* True just in case this Rate applies at the given DateTime, ignoring the
* tier.
public boolean applies (AbstractInstant when)
boolean appliesWeekly = false;
boolean appliesDaily = false;
DateTime time = new DateTime(when, DateTimeZone.UTC);
// check weekly applicability
int day = time.getDayOfWeek();
if (weeklyBegin == NO_TIME || weeklyEnd == NO_TIME) {
appliesWeekly = true;
else if (weeklyEnd >= weeklyBegin) {
appliesWeekly = (day >= weeklyBegin && day <= weeklyEnd);
else {
appliesWeekly = (day >= weeklyBegin || day <= weeklyEnd);
// check daily applicability
int hour = time.getHourOfDay();
if (dailyBegin == NO_TIME || dailyEnd == NO_TIME) {
appliesDaily = true;
else if (dailyEnd > dailyBegin) {
// Interval does not span midnight
appliesDaily = ((hour >= dailyBegin) && (hour <= dailyEnd));
else {
// Interval spans midnight
appliesDaily = ((hour >= dailyBegin) || (hour <= dailyEnd));
return (appliesWeekly && appliesDaily);
* True just in case this Rate applies at this moment, for the
* indicated usage tier.
public boolean applies (double usage)
return applies(usage, getCurrentTime());
* True just in case this Rate applies at the specified
* time, for the indicated usage tier.
public boolean applies (double usage, AbstractInstant when)
if (usage >= tierThreshold) {
return applies(when);
else {
return false;
* Specifies the charge/kWh for a fixed rate, from the customer's viewpoint.
* Negative values represent customer debits, while positive values
* represent customer credits.
public Rate withValue(double value) {
minValue = value;
return this;
* Returns the rate for the current time. Note that the value is returned
* even in case the Rate does not apply at the current time or current
* usage tier. For variable rates, the value returned during periods of
* inapplicability is meaningless, of course.
public double getValue ()
return getValue(getCurrentTime(), null);
* Shortcut to get value at an instant without a TEH.
public double getValue (AbstractInstant when)
return getValue(when, null);
* Returns the rate for some time in the past or future, regardless of
* whether the Rate applies at that time, and regardless of whether
* the requested time is beyond the notification interval of a
* variable rate. If helper is given, and this rate is not fixed, and
* there is not an HourlyCharge for the requested timeslot, then
* the helper is used to produce the value.
public double getValue (AbstractInstant when,
TariffEvaluationHelper helper)
if (fixed)
return minValue;
else if (null != helper) {
return helper.getWeightedValue(this);
else if (rateHistory.size() == 0) {
log.debug("no rate history, return default");
return expectedMean;
else {
if (probe == null) {
probe = new ProbeCharge(new Instant(0l), 0.0);
Instant inst = new Instant(when);
// return the most recent price announcement for the given time
SortedSet<HourlyCharge> head = rateHistory.headSet(probe);
if (head == null || head.size() == 0) {
log.debug("No hourly charge found for " + when.getMillis() + ", returning default");
return expectedMean; // default
else {
HourlyCharge candidate = head.last();
if (candidate.getAtTime().getMillis() == inst.getMillis()) {
return candidate.getValue();
else {
return expectedMean; // default
* Returns true just in case this Rate is internally valid, and valid
* with respect to the given TariffSpecification.
* For all Rates, maxCurtailment is between 0.0 and 1.0.
* For a CONSUMPTION tariff, tierThreshold must be non-negative, while
* for a PRODUCTION tariff, tierThreshold must be non-positive.
* For a non-fixed rate, maxValue must be at least as "large"
* as minValue, where "larger" means more negative for a CONSUMPTION
* tariff, and more positive for a PRODUCTION tariff. Also, expectedMean
* must be between minValue and maxValue, and noticeInterval must be
* non-negative.
public boolean isValid(TariffSpecification spec)
return isValid(spec.getPowerType());
public boolean isValid(PowerType powerType)
// numeric sanity test
if (Double.isNaN(minValue) || Double.isNaN(maxValue)
|| Double.isNaN(expectedMean)) {
log.error("numeric insanity: ("
+ minValue + "," + maxValue + "," + expectedMean + ")");
return false;
if (Double.isInfinite(minValue) || Double.isInfinite(maxValue)
|| Double.isInfinite(expectedMean)) {
log.error("Infinite value: ("
+ minValue + "," + maxValue + "," + expectedMean + ")");
return false;
// curtailment test
if (Double.isNaN(maxCurtailment)
|| maxCurtailment < 0.0 || maxCurtailment > 1.0) {
log.error("Curtailment ratio " + maxCurtailment + " out of range");
return false;
// tier tests
if (Double.isNaN(tierThreshold)
|| (powerType.isConsumption() && tierThreshold < 0.0)) {
log.error("Negative tier threshold for consumption rate");
return false;
if (Double.isNaN(tierThreshold)
|| (powerType.isProduction() && tierThreshold > 0.0)) {
log.error("Positive tier threshold for production rate");
return false;
// range check on begin/end values
if ((dailyBegin != NO_TIME && dailyBegin < MIN_HOUR) ||
dailyBegin > MAX_HOUR) {
log.error("dailyBegin out of range: {}", dailyBegin);
return false;
if ((dailyEnd != NO_TIME && dailyEnd < MIN_HOUR) ||
dailyEnd > MAX_HOUR) {
log.error("dailyEnd out of range: {}", dailyEnd);
return false;
if ((weeklyBegin != NO_TIME && weeklyBegin < MIN_DAY) ||
weeklyBegin > MAX_DAY) {
log.error("weeklyBegin out of range: {}", weeklyBegin);
return false;
if ((weeklyEnd!= NO_TIME && weeklyEnd< MIN_DAY) ||
weeklyEnd> MAX_DAY) {
log.error("weeklyEnd out of range: {}", weeklyEnd);
return false;
// begin/end values must be consistent
if ((dailyBegin != NO_TIME && dailyEnd == NO_TIME) ||
(dailyBegin == NO_TIME && dailyEnd != NO_TIME)) {
log.error("invalid daily begin/end values: {}, {}",
dailyBegin, dailyEnd);
return false;
if ((weeklyBegin != NO_TIME && weeklyEnd == NO_TIME) ||
(weeklyBegin == NO_TIME && weeklyEnd != NO_TIME)) {
log.error("invalid weekly begin/end values: {}, {}",
weeklyBegin, weeklyEnd);
return false;
// non-fixed rates
if (isFixed())
return true;
double sgn = powerType.isConsumption()? -1.0: 1.0;
// maxValue
if (sgn * maxValue < sgn * minValue) {
log.warn("maxValue " + maxValue + " out of range");
return false;
// expectedMean
if (sgn * expectedMean < sgn * minValue || sgn * expectedMean > sgn * maxValue) {
log.warn("expectedMean " + expectedMean + " out of range");
return false;
// noticeInterval
if (noticeInterval < 0l) {
log.error("negative notice interval " + noticeInterval);
return false;
return true;
public String toString ()
String result = "Rate." + IdGenerator.getString(getId()) + ":";
if (fixed)
result += (" Fixed " + getMinValue());
result += " Variable";
if (weeklyBegin >= 0) {
result += (", " + (weeklyEnd >= 0 ? "starts " : "") + "day" + weeklyBegin);
if (weeklyEnd >= 0) {
result += (" ends day " + weeklyEnd);
if (dailyBegin >= 0) {
result += (", " + dailyBegin + ":00 -- " + dailyEnd + ":00");
if (tierThreshold > 0.0) {
result += (", usage > " + tierThreshold);
return result;
// retrieves current time
private Instant getCurrentTime ()
if (timeService == null)
timeService = (TimeService)SpringApplicationContext.getBean("timeService");
return timeService.getCurrentTime();
// allows tariff to set timeService, needed for testing
void setTimeService (TimeService service)
timeService = service;
class ProbeCharge extends HourlyCharge
public ProbeCharge (Instant when, double charge)
super(when, charge);
void setAtTime (Instant when)
atTime = when;
} |
* Copyright (C) 2010-2018 <NAME>, <NAME> and EvoSuite
* contributors
* This file is part of EvoSuite.
* EvoSuite is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3.0 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* EvoSuite is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with EvoSuite. If not, see <>.
package org.evosuite.symbolic;
import java.util.List;
import org.evosuite.classpath.ResourceList;
import org.evosuite.symbolic.expr.Constraint;
* <p>
* BranchCondition class.
* </p>
* @author <NAME>
public class BranchCondition {
private final String className;
private final String methodName;
private final int branchIndex;
private final Constraint<?> constraint;
private final List<Constraint<?>> supportingConstraints;
* A branch condition is identified by the className, methodName and
* branchIndex belonging to the class in the SUT, the target constraint and
* all the suporting constraint for that particular branch (zero checks,
* etc)
* @param constraint
* @param supportingConstraints
* a {@link java.util.Set} object.
* @param reachingConstraints
* a {@link java.util.Set} object.
* @param ins
* a {@link gov.nasa.jpf.jvm.bytecode.Instruction} object.
public BranchCondition(String className, String methodName, int branchIndex, Constraint<?> constraint,
List<Constraint<?>> supportingConstraints) {
this.className = ResourceList.getClassNameFromResourcePath(className);
this.methodName = methodName;
this.branchIndex = branchIndex;
this.constraint = constraint;
this.supportingConstraints = supportingConstraints;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public String toString() {
String ret = "";
for (Constraint<?> c : this.supportingConstraints) {
ret += " " + c + "\n";
ret += this.constraint;
return ret;
public String getClassName() {
return className;
public int getInstructionIndex() {
return branchIndex;
public String getFullName() {
return className + "." + methodName;
* Returns the constraint for actual branch. This constraint has to be
* negated to take another path.
* @return
public Constraint<?> getConstraint() {
return constraint;
* Returns a list of implicit constraints (nullity checks, zero division,
* index within bounds, negative size array length, etc.) collected before
* the current branch condtion and after the last symbolic branch condition
* @return
public List<Constraint<?>> getSupportingConstraints() {
return supportingConstraints;
public String getMethodName() {
return methodName;
public int getBranchIndex() {
return branchIndex;
Near-infrared colorimetric and fluorescent Cu(2+) sensors based on indoline-benzothiadiazole derivatives via formation of radical cations. The donor-acceptor system of indoline-benzothiadiazole is established as the novel and reactive platform for generating amine radical cations with the interaction of Cu(2+), which has been successfully exploited as the building block to be highly sensitive and selective near infrared (NIR) colorimetric and fluorescent Cu(2+) sensors. Upon the addition of Cu(2+), an instantaneous red shift of absorption spectra as well as the quenched NIR fluorescence of the substrates is observed. The feasibility and validity of the radical cation generation are confirmed by cyclic voltammetry and electron paramagnetic resonance spectra. Moreover, the introduction of an aldehyde group extends the electron spin density and changes the charge distribution. Our system demonstrates the large scope and diversity in terms of activation mechanism, response time, and property control in the design of Cu(2+) sensors. |
Powerful pulsed solid state lasers for lidar systems In the present work some results of work carried out in LASER CENTER of St. Petersburg State Institute of Fine Mechanics and Optics are represented. This R and D work has been aimed on creation of powerful flash-lamp pumped solid- state lasers with advanced exploitation parameters that may be installed on different kind of moving stations. The main attention with be paid to two laser systems that are quite different but indicate practically all the field of development of powerful solid-state lasers. |
void ls(Server * ser, HTTPRequestInfo &HQ, mutex * mtx);
void serCtl(Server * ser, HTTPRequestInfo &HQ, mutex * mtx);
void getfile(Server * ser, HTTPRequestInfo &HQ, mutex * mtx);
void fileRename(Server * ser, HTTPRequestInfo &HQ, mutex * mtx);
void backup(Server * ser, HTTPRequestInfo &HQ, mutex * mtx);
void getBackups(Server * ser, HTTPRequestInfo &HQ, mutex * mtx);
void webAPI(int socket_fd, HTTPFileReader &HQ)
#ifdef linux
struct timeval tm = {5,0};
#endif // linux
#ifdef WIN32
int tm = 5000;
#endif // WIN32
// setsockopt(socket_fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, &tm, sizeof(tm));
// setsockopt(socket_fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, &tm, sizeof(tm));
string APIName = HQ.url.substr(5, HQ.url.length() - 5);
HQ.socket_fd = socket_fd;
HTTPResponeInfo HP;
Server *ser;
int SerID = atoi( HQ.GET["SerID"].c_str() );
int UsrID = atoi( HQ.GET["UsrID"].c_str() );
// 验证接入身份
if ( !checkID(SerID, UsrID) )
string msg = "{\"code\":403,\"msg\":\"验证失败\"}";
HP.code = 200; = "403 Forbidden";
HP.header["Content-Type"] = "application/json";
HP.header["Content-Length"] = to_string(msg.length());
send(socket_fd, msg.c_str(), msg.length(), 0);
ser = SerList[SerID];
mutex *mtx = new mutex;
// Web API Route
if ( APIName == "ls" )
ls(ser, HQ, mtx);
}else if( APIName == "ctl" ){
serCtl(ser, HQ, mtx);
}else if( APIName == "fileupload" ){
}else if( APIName == "getfile"){
getfile(ser, HQ, mtx);
}else if( APIName == "rename"){
fileRename(ser, HQ, mtx);
}else if( APIName == "backup"){
backup(ser, HQ, mtx);
}else if( APIName == "getBackups"){
getBackups(ser, HQ, mtx);
HP.sendErrPage(socket_fd, 404, "Not Found");
void getBackups(Server * ser, HTTPRequestInfo &HQ, mutex * mtx)
HTTPResponeInfo HP;
frame_builder fb;
SOCKET_T recv_fd;
recv_fd = ser->createTask(OPCODE_GETBACKUPS, "", 0, mtx);
if( recv_fd == -1 )
HP.sendJsonMsg(HQ.socket_fd, 200, -2, "OK", "服务器超时响应");
return ;
char buffer[8192];
recv(recv_fd, fb.f_data, FRAME_HEAD_SIZE, MSG_WAITALL);
HP.header["Content-Length"] = to_string(fb.length);
int cnt = 0,total = 0;
while ( total < fb.length )
cnt = recv(recv_fd, buffer, 8192, 0);
if( cnt < 0 )
total += cnt;
if ( send(HQ.socket_fd, buffer, cnt, MSG_WAITALL) < 0)
void backup(Server * ser, HTTPRequestInfo &HQ, mutex * mtx)
HTTPResponeInfo HP;
ser->writeSocketData(OPCODE_BACKUP, NULL, 0);
HP.sendJsonMsg(HQ.socket_fd, 200, 200, "OK", "指令已发送");
void fileRename(Server * ser, HTTPRequestInfo &HQ, mutex * mtx)
HTTPResponeInfo HP;
if(HQ.GET.count("old") == 0 || HQ.GET.count("new") == 0)
HP.sendJsonMsg(HQ.socket_fd, 200, -3, "OK", "缺少参数:old 或 new");
SOCKET_T recv_fd;
string info = HQ.GET["old"] + "\n" + HQ.GET["new"];
recv_fd = ser->createTask(OPCODE_RENAME, info.c_str(), info.length(), mtx);
int i;
frame_builder fb;
frame_head_data fd;
recv(recv_fd, fd, FRAME_HEAD_SIZE, MSG_WAITALL);
string res;
if( fb.opcode == 0 ){
res = "{\"code\":200}";
res = "{\"code\":-1}";
HP.header["Content-Length"] = to_string(res.length());
send(HQ.socket_fd, res.c_str(), res.length(), MSG_WAITALL);
void getfile(Server * ser, HTTPRequestInfo &HQ, mutex * mtx)
HTTPResponeInfo HP;
if(HQ.GET.count("file") == 0)
HP.sendJsonMsg(HQ.socket_fd, 200, -3, "OK", "缺少参数:file");
SOCKET_T recv_fd;
recv_fd = ser->createTask(OPCODE_VIEWFILE, HQ.GET["file"].c_str(), HQ.GET["file"].length(), mtx);
if( recv_fd == -1 )
HP.sendJsonMsg(HQ.socket_fd, 200, -2, "OK", "服务器响应超时");
}else if(recv_fd == -2){
HP.sendJsonMsg(HQ.socket_fd, 200, -1, "OK", "管理服务器繁忙");
frame_builder fb;
frame_head_data fd;
size_t cnt, // 单次读取的字节数
total = 0; // 总共读取的字节数
char buffer[BIG_CHAR_BUFFER_SIZE] = {0};
cnt = recv(recv_fd, fd, FRAME_HEAD_SIZE, MSG_WAITALL);
if( cnt != FRAME_HEAD_SIZE )
HP.sendJsonMsg(HQ.socket_fd, 200, -2, "OK", "服务器通信错误");
if( fb.opcode == 0x1 )
HP.sendJsonMsg(HQ.socket_fd, 200, -2, "OK", "服务器打开文件失败");
string filename = HQ.GET["file"];
if( HQ.GET.count("text") )
HP.header["Content-Type"] = getFileExtension("1.txt");
HP.header["Content-Type"] = getFileExtension(filename);
HP.header["Content-Length"] = to_string(fb.length);
if( HP.sendHeader(HQ.socket_fd) < 0)
while ( total < fb.length )
cnt = recv(recv_fd, buffer, BIG_CHAR_BUFFER_SIZE, 0);
if( cnt > BIG_CHAR_BUFFER_SIZE || cnt <= 0 || send(HQ.socket_fd, buffer, cnt, MSG_WAITALL) != cnt )
total += cnt;
void serCtl(Server * ser, HTTPRequestInfo &HQ, mutex * mtx)
HTTPResponeInfo HP;
frame_builder fb;
frame_head_data fhd;
string type;
if( HQ.POST.count("type") == 0 )
HP.sendJsonMsg(HQ.socket_fd, 200, -3, "lost param", "缺少type");
type = HQ.POST["type"];
int isClose = ( type == "stop" || type == "suspend" || type == "reboot" || type == "force-shutdown");
if( type == "launch" && ser->status == SER_STATUS_RUNNING )
HP.sendJsonMsg(HQ.socket_fd, 200, -4, "error", "已经在运行啦!");
if( type == "launch" && ser->status == SER_STATUS_STOPED )
HP.sendJsonMsg(HQ.socket_fd, 200, -4, "error", "只能启动被挂起的服务器");
if( isClose && ser->status != SER_STATUS_RUNNING)
HP.sendJsonMsg(HQ.socket_fd, 200, -4, "error", "服务器已经关掉啦~");
if( isClose )
DEBUG_OUT("[SerID:" << ser->SerID << "] 关闭中");
ser->status = SER_STATUS_STOPPING;
ser->writeSocketData(0x3, type.c_str(), type.length());
HP.sendJsonMsg(HQ.socket_fd, 200, 200, "OK", "OK");
void ls(Server * ser, HTTPRequestInfo &HQ, mutex * mtx)
HTTPResponeInfo HP;
frame_builder fb;
frame_head_data fhd;
SOCKET_T sock;
if( HQ.GET.count("path") == 0 )
HP.sendJsonMsg(HQ.socket_fd, 200, -3, "lost param", "缺少path");
sock = ser->createTask(0x2, HQ.GET["path"].c_str(), 1, mtx);
if( sock == -1 )
HP.sendJsonMsg(HQ.socket_fd, 200, 502, "Bad Gateway", "目标服务器响应请求超时" );
}else if( sock == -2 ){
HP.sendJsonMsg(HQ.socket_fd, 503, 503, "Service Unavailable" ,"服务器已达到最大任务负载数");
char buffer[8192] = {0};
if ( recv(sock, fhd, sizeof(frame_head_data), MSG_WAITALL) != sizeof(frame_head_data))
HP.header["Content-Length"] = to_string(fb.length);
if ( HP.sendHeader(HQ.socket_fd) <= 0 )
size_t Rcnt = 0, Scnt = 0, cur = 0;
while ( cur < fb.length )
if ( (Rcnt = recv(sock, buffer, 8192, 0)) <= 0 || (Scnt = send(HQ.socket_fd, buffer, Rcnt, MSG_WAITALL)) != Rcnt )
cur += Rcnt;
} |
The Living Room: Exploring the Haunted and Paranormal to Transform Design and Interaction Within this work, a novel metaphor, haunted design, is explored to challenge the definitions of "display" used today. Haunted design draws inspiration and vision from some of the most multi-modal and sensory diverse experiences that have been reported, the paranormal and hauntings. By synthesizing and deconstructing such phenomena, four novel opportunities to direct display design were uncovered, e.g., intensity, familiarly, tangibility, and shareability. A large-scale design probe, The Living Room, guided the ideation and prototyping of design concepts that exemplify facets of haunted design. By combining the opportunities, design concepts, and survey responses, a framework highlighting the importance of objects, their behavior, and the resulting phenomena to haunted design was developed. Given its emphasis on the odd and unusual, the haunted design metaphor should great spur conversation and alternative directions for future display-based user experiences. |
package connect.ui.activity.set.manager;
import android.text.InputFilter;
import android.text.Spanned;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import connect.utils.RegularUtil;
* Created by Administrator on 2016/4/28.
public class EditInputFilterPrice implements InputFilter {
private double maxValue = 1000;
private int pontintLength = 2;
Pattern p;
public EditInputFilterPrice(){
p = Pattern.compile("[0-9]*");
public EditInputFilterPrice(Double maxValue, int pontintLength){
p = Pattern.compile("[0-9]*");
this.maxValue = maxValue;
this.pontintLength = pontintLength;
public CharSequence filter(CharSequence src, int start, int end,
Spanned dest, int dstart, int dend) {
String oldtext = dest.toString();
if ("".equals(src.toString())) {
return null;
Matcher m = p.matcher(src);
return null;
if(!m.matches() && !src.equals(".") ){
return null;
if(!src.toString().equals("") && RegularUtil.matches(oldtext, RegularUtil.VERIFICATION_AMOUT)) {
return "";
StringBuffer oldStr = new StringBuffer(oldtext);
oldStr.insert(dstart,src + "");
double dold = Double.parseDouble(oldStr.toString());
if(dold > maxValue){
return dest.subSequence(dstart, dend);
}else if(dold == maxValue){
return dest.subSequence(dstart, dend);
int index = oldtext.indexOf(".");
int len = oldtext.length() - 1 - index;
if(index < dstart){
len ++;
if(len > pontintLength){
CharSequence newText = dest.subSequence(dstart, dend);
return newText;
return dest.subSequence(dstart, dend) +src.toString();
public void setMaxValue(int maxValue) {
this.maxValue = maxValue;
public void setPontintLength(int pontintLength) {
this.pontintLength = pontintLength;
import {Response} from "express";
export default class ApiResponse {
static success = (
res: Response,
data: any,
status: number,
message: string
) => {
success: true,
static error = (
res: Response,
data: any,
status: number,
message: string,
) => {
success: false,
A positive approach to assessment of chemical hazards in agriculture. Although chemicals have been used in agriculture for many years, the range, volume and sophistication of materials and techniques is increasing rapidly. The newer chemicals tend to be less acutely poisonous than many of the older substances, but the use of new organic chemicals raises the anxiety that long-term chronic effects on health may lie in store for the agricultural worker. A set of guidelines on how chemical effects can be predetermined is given. The possible routes of ingress of chemicals to the body are mentioned and the basic requirement that chemicals must get into the body or onto the body before they can cause any effect is stressed. The wide descrepancies in the assessment of health hazards from chemicals were thought to be due to gaps in current knowledge of disease causation, plus difficulty in extrapolating animal toxicological data to human experience. The importance of epidemiological studies on the recognition and evaluation of occupational disease is likely to be increasingly acknow... |
Gallium Nitride Integration: Breaking Down Technical Barriers Quickly 56 IEEE POWER ELECTRONICS MAGAZINE z March 2020 n integrated circuit (IC) made using gallium nitride on sil icon (GaN-on-Si) substrates has been in production for more than five years. The September 2018 issue of IEEE Power Electronics Magazine included an update on the GaN integration of power devices, which indicated rapid progress toward a complete system-on-a-chip solution. This article stepped through various phases of integration, from pure discrete devices to monolithic halfbridge devices, to power field-effect transistors (FETs) that included their own monolithically integrated driver. Since the 2018 update, there has been a good deal of progress in the state of GaN integration, primarily spearheaded by two different GaN companies, Efficient Pow er Conversion (EPC) and Navitas Semiconductor. The challenge has been integrating all functions necessary for a complete power conversion solution on a single chip. As there are many types of power conversion topologies, there are many types of possible solutions. However, one building block stands out as the most common: the half bridge. Since half bridges are used in buck converters, boost converters, converters configured as two inductors and a capacitor, bus converters, motor drives, and Gallium Nitride Integration: Breaking Down Technical Barriers Quickly |
* Copyright (C) 2009 <NAME> <<EMAIL>>
* (C) Copyright 2002 2003
* Network Audio Technologies, Inc. <>
* <NAME> <<EMAIL>>
* See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
* project.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
* MA 02111-1307 USA
#include <common.h>
#include <netdev.h>
#include <asm/arch/ep93xx.h>
#include <asm/io.h>
#define MAX_BANK_SIZE 0x04000000 /* 64 MB */
static ulong const bank_addr[CONFIG_NR_DRAM_BANKS] = {
#ifdef PHYS_SDRAM_2
#ifdef PHYS_SDRAM_3
#ifdef PHYS_SDRAM_4
int board_init(void)
struct syscon_regs *syscon = (struct syscon_regs *)SYSCON_BASE;
#ifdef USE_920T_MMU
* set UARTBAUD bit to drive UARTs with 14.7456MHz instead of
* 14.7456/2 MHz
uint32_t value = readl(&syscon->pwrcnt);
writel(value, &syscon->pwrcnt);
/* Enable the uart in devicecfg */
value = readl(&syscon->devicecfg);
value |= 1<<18 /* U1EN */;
writel(0xAA, &syscon->sysswlock);
writel(value, &syscon->devicecfg);
/* Machine number, as defined in linux/arch/arm/tools/mach-types */
gd->bd->bi_arch_number = CONFIG_MACH_TYPE;
/* adress of boot parameters */
gd->bd->bi_boot_params = LINUX_BOOT_PARAM_ADDR;
/* We have a console */
gd->have_console = 1;
return 0;
int board_eth_init(bd_t *bd)
return ep93xx_eth_initialize(0, MAC_BASE);
int dram_init(void)
unsigned int *src, *dst;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < CONFIG_NR_DRAM_BANKS; i++) {
const ulong bank_size = get_ram_size((long *)bank_addr[i],
if (bank_size) {
gd->bd->bi_dram[i].start = bank_addr[i];
gd->bd->bi_dram[i].size = bank_size;
/* copy exception vectors */
src = (unsigned int *)_armboot_start;
dst = (unsigned int *)PHYS_SDRAM_1;
memcpy(dst, src, 16 * sizeof(unsigned int));
return 0;
Ken Livingstone gave an extraordinary interview on talkRADIO this morning, saying the country ignored his economic advice - and this folly is the root cause of its decline.
The former mayor of London also said America had played a major part in Venezuela's crisis, that Hugo Chavez's failure to kill the country's oligarchs is a "problem", and that Nicolas Maduro seemed a nice and fair men when he met him.
Livingstone spoke to Julia Hartley-Brewer this morning about the mounting crisis surrounding Maduro, which escalated further this week following the arrest of two leading opposition figures.
Livingstone told Julia Hartley-Brewer that he'd offered personal advice to Venezuela's minister of finance, telling the country to move away from its economic dependence on oil.
But, Livingstone said, "he ignored my advice... and that's one of their problems."
Another problem, Livingstone said, was that Chavez "didn't kill all the oligarchs. There were about 200 families that control 80% of the wealth. He allowed them to live and carry on and I suspect a lot of them are using their power... to undermine Maduro."
The veteran left-winger said he met Maduro in 2008 while negotiating a fall in the oil price, and "there was nothing to suggest that Maduro was anything other than a genuine, democratic socialist. There was nothing threatening, nothing arrogant at all."
Media reports about Maduro's repression, he said, were nothing more than "propaganda", adding that "people are trying to overthrow this government.
"If there was any evidence Nicolas Maduro wants to create a one-party state, I would immediately oppose it."
Turning to the US, he said: "If you look at the history of Latin America, America screwed up economies like Brazil in 1964, or Argentina and Chile in the 1970s, to create the conditions in which a government they don't like gets overthrown. The governments they overthrew were no different from the Labour government here."
America, he said, has "a whole record of [working] to undermine any government that's left wing," and authorised a string of assassination attempts against Fidel Castro in Cuba.
When pressed as to the root cause of Venezuela's current crisis, Livingstone said "we won't know until 30 years from now, when all the papers get published."
Listen to the interview above. |
#pragma once
#include "Crymium/Uis/Core/IUiDirectoryProvider.h"
namespace Crymium::Uis
class CryUiDirectoryProvider
: public IUiDirectoryProvider
__declspec(dllexport) CryUiDirectoryProvider() = default;
__declspec(dllexport) std::string Get() override;
The latest episode of The Drax Files turns to the prolific and ingenious Scottius Polke, aka artist Scott Rolfe.
Tall and blond in real life, Scott presents himself as a two-foot-tall gregarious, sunglass wearing, fedora-hatted otter in Second Life, where he is known – as in real life – for producing incredible works of art.
Joining SL in early 2008, he was also quick to release the potential of the platform not only as a means of artistic expression, collaboration and social engagement, but also as a means of counterpointing elements of his own real life personality and giving creative freedom to aspects of himself which might otherwise not always be so obvious to those meeting him.
“I am a Tiny otter,” he says of his SL persona. “Well, otters have kind of carefree spirit, they enjoy fun and I was hoping it would balance-off some of my more rigid personality; I’m more introverted in person and the otter is bombastic and out of control!”
He also notes that while a digital creation, Scottius nevertheless has an energy of his own, one which Scott likes to associate with, and which appears to feed into and connect with his more conscious creativity, allowing his real and virtual lives to complement one another, adding depth to his work in both.
He’s also a first-rate ambassador, as the film reveals, quick to engage others on the subject of Second Life, demonstrate it, and draw them into the world which has captivated him and show them that it is a place of enormous potential – and fun. In this, he’s very quick to turn the widespread perception many people have about Second Life being a place for those “without a life” completely on its head.
“It seems that … there is very much a detachment from everyone else in the public sphere,” he says in reference to real life while discussing things for the episode, “[In] coffee shops here, you don’t go and suddenly there’s a big gathering of people. No. You go to your table and you might be with one other person, or with your laptop, and it’s almost completely quiet. Second Life is the opposite of the perceptions that a lot of the public hold. It’s not a place where lonely people ignore each other; it’s a place where minds connect!”
Real life can be isolating in other ways as well, and often and not Second Life really can counter it and open the doors to many rich and diverse means of genuine and positive interaction, as Scott again points out during the pre-production conversation.
“There are issues [as an artist] of putting your work out there and not getting any feedback or knowing what people are thinking about it,” he says of real life. “And you know, we don’t live in a vacuum. and an essential part of art is sharing it with other people; and for the longest time, all it seemed I was doing was storing my art in my house and in my closet, and that’s killing the purpose of art.”
With Second Life, the interaction and feedback is there and it is immediate, from peers and friends alike, and it fuels the creative and collaborative processes, something with Scott likens it directly to the vibrant and positive atmosphere he was immersed in when studying art in college which served to further fuel his creative desires; something that he admits he’d never really felt in the time between leaving college and discovering SL.
This is another fascinating insight into the way in which Second Life have captivated someone and enabled them to find further means of expression and creativity and release. Scott’s experiences and his sheer enthusiasm for the platform offer another visual and positive means of presenting Second Life to those who have not experienced it for themselves. The breadth and depth of topics covered here once again raise the bar in terms of the reach of this series. This is not an episode to miss.
Related Links
I regret, no conversation with Drax this time; real life and family matters didn’t offer sufficient time.
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* Copyright (C) 2017 Jolla Ltd.
* Contact: <NAME> <<EMAIL>>
* You may use this file under the terms of the BSD license as follows:
* "Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
* met:
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
* the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
* distribution.
* * Neither the name of Nemo Mobile nor the names of its contributors
* may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
* software without specific prior written permission.
#include <systemsettingsglobal.h>
#include <QObject>
#include <QString>
#include <QStringList>
struct LocationProvider {
bool hasAgreement = false;
bool agreementAccepted = false;
bool onlineCapable = true;
bool onlineEnabled = false;
bool offlineCapable = false;
bool offlineEnabled = false;
// The settings component here expects two types of usage for modifications.
// Either locationMode to high level location types, after which pendingAgreements tells
// which location services need to be explicitly turned on to ensure the usage agreement is acknowledged.
// Or setting location mode to custom, and modifying specific details.
class LocationSettingsPrivate;
class SYSTEMSETTINGS_EXPORT LocationSettings : public QObject
Q_PROPERTY(bool locationEnabled READ locationEnabled WRITE setLocationEnabled NOTIFY locationEnabledChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(LocationMode locationMode READ locationMode WRITE setLocationMode NOTIFY locationModeChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QStringList pendingAgreements READ pendingAgreements NOTIFY pendingAgreementsChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(DataSources allowedDataSources READ allowedDataSources WRITE setAllowedDataSources NOTIFY allowedDataSourcesChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool gpsAvailable READ gpsAvailable CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(bool gpsEnabled READ gpsEnabled WRITE setGpsEnabled NOTIFY gpsEnabledChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool gpsFlightMode READ gpsFlightMode WRITE setGpsFlightMode NOTIFY gpsFlightModeChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QStringList locationProviders READ locationProviders CONSTANT)
// Some specific locators provided as convenience for qml
Q_PROPERTY(bool hereAvailable READ hereAvailable CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(OnlineAGpsState hereState READ hereState WRITE setHereState NOTIFY hereStateChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool mlsAvailable READ mlsAvailable CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(bool mlsEnabled READ mlsEnabled WRITE setMlsEnabled NOTIFY mlsEnabledChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(OnlineAGpsState mlsOnlineState READ mlsOnlineState WRITE setMlsOnlineState NOTIFY mlsOnlineStateChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool yandexAvailable READ yandexAvailable CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(OnlineAGpsState yandexOnlineState READ yandexOnlineState WRITE setYandexOnlineState NOTIFY yandexOnlineStateChanged)
enum Mode {
enum OnlineAGpsState {
enum LocationMode {
// Data sources are grouped roughly by type,
// with gaps left for future expansion.
enum DataSource {
NoDataSources = 0UL,
OnlineDataSources = 1UL << 0,
DeviceSensorsData = 1UL << 5,
BluetoothData = 1UL << 10,
WlanData = 1UL << 15,
CellTowerData = 1UL << 20,
GpsData = 1UL << 25,
GlonassData = 1UL << 26,
BeidouData = 1UL << 27,
GalileoData = 1UL << 28,
QzssData = 1UL << 29,
SbasData = 1UL << 30,
Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(DataSources, DataSource)
explicit LocationSettings(QObject *parent = 0);
explicit LocationSettings(Mode mode, QObject *parent = 0);
virtual ~LocationSettings();
bool locationEnabled() const;
void setLocationEnabled(bool enabled);
bool gpsEnabled() const;
void setGpsEnabled(bool enabled);
bool gpsFlightMode() const;
void setGpsFlightMode(bool flightMode);
bool gpsAvailable() const;
QStringList locationProviders() const;
LocationProvider providerInfo(const QString &name) const;
bool updateLocationProvider(const QString &name, const LocationProvider &providerState);
// qml helpers for specific location providers
OnlineAGpsState hereState() const;
void setHereState(OnlineAGpsState state);
bool hereAvailable() const;
bool mlsEnabled() const;
void setMlsEnabled(bool enabled);
OnlineAGpsState mlsOnlineState() const;
void setMlsOnlineState(OnlineAGpsState state);
bool mlsAvailable() const;
OnlineAGpsState yandexOnlineState() const;
void setYandexOnlineState(OnlineAGpsState state);
bool yandexAvailable() const;
LocationMode locationMode() const;
void setLocationMode(LocationMode locationMode);
QStringList pendingAgreements() const;
DataSources allowedDataSources() const;
void setAllowedDataSources(DataSources dataSources);
void locationEnabledChanged();
void gpsEnabledChanged();
void gpsFlightModeChanged();
void locationModeChanged();
void pendingAgreementsChanged();
void allowedDataSourcesChanged();
void hereStateChanged();
void mlsEnabledChanged();
void mlsOnlineStateChanged();
void yandexOnlineStateChanged();
LocationSettingsPrivate *d_ptr;
- Status: analyzed
package mashery
import (
type ApiUser struct {
Username string
Password string
ApiKey string
ApiSecretKey string
Uuid string
Portal string
Noop bool
const (
masheryUri = ""
restUri = "/v3/rest/"
transformUri = "transform"
accessToken = "access_token"
func shortDelay() {
time.Sleep(time.Duration(500) * time.Millisecond)
// PublishToMashery publishes to mashery
func PublishToMashery(user *ApiUser, appDir string, swaggerDoc []byte, host string, mock bool, iodocs bool, testplan bool, apiTemplateJSON []byte) error {
// Get HTTP triggers from JSON
token, err := user.FetchOAuthToken()
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error: Unable to fetch the OAauth token\n\n")
return err
// Delay to avoid hitting QPS limit
mApi, err := TransformSwagger(user, string(swaggerDoc), "swagger2", "masheryapi", token)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error: Unable to transform swagger to mashery api\n\n")
return err
mIodoc, err := TransformSwagger(user, string(swaggerDoc), "swagger2", "iodocsv1", token)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error: Unable to transform swagger to mashery iodocs\n\n")
return err
templApi, templEndpoint, templPackage, templPlan := BuildMasheryTemplates(string(apiTemplateJSON))
if mock == false {
mApi = UpdateApiWithDefaults(mApi, templApi, templEndpoint)
apiId, apiName, endpoints, updated := CreateOrUpdateApi(user, token, MapToByteArray(mApi), mApi)
if iodocs == true {
cleanedTfIodocSwaggerDoc := UpdateIodocsDataWithApi(MapToByteArray(mIodoc), apiId)
CreateOrUpdateIodocs(user, token, cleanedTfIodocSwaggerDoc, apiId, updated)
var key string
if testplan == true {
packagePlanDoc := CreatePackagePlanDataFromApi(apiId, apiName, endpoints)
packagePlanDoc = UpdatePackageWithDefaults(packagePlanDoc, templPackage, templPlan)
var marshalledDoc []byte
marshalledDoc, err = json.Marshal(packagePlanDoc)
if err != nil {
p := CreateOrUpdatePackage(user, token, marshalledDoc, apiName, updated)
key = CreateApplicationAndKey(user, token, p, apiName)
fmt.Printf("Successfully published to mashery= API %s (id=%s)\n", apiName, apiId)
fmt.Println("API Control Center Link: https://" + strings.Replace(user.Portal, "api", "admin", -1) + "/control-center/api-definitions/" + apiId)
if testplan == true {
fmt.Println("Example Curls:")
for _, endpoint := range endpoints {
ep := endpoint.(map[string]interface{})
fmt.Println(GenerateExampleCall(ep, key))
} else {
var prettyJSON bytes.Buffer
err := json.Indent(&prettyJSON, MapToByteArray(mApi), "", "\t")
if err != nil {
return err
//fmt.Printf("%s", prettyJSON.Bytes())
fmt.Println("Mocked! Did not attempt to publish.")
return nil
func UpdateApiWithDefaults(mApi map[string]interface{}, templApi map[string]interface{}, templEndpoint map[string]interface{}) map[string]interface{} {
var m1 map[string]interface{}
json.Unmarshal(MapToByteArray(mApi), &m1)
merged := merge(m1, templApi, 0)
m_d := m1["endpoints"].([]interface{})
items := []map[string]interface{}{}
for _, d_item := range m_d {
merged := merge(d_item.(map[string]interface{}), templEndpoint, 0)
items = append(items, merged)
merged["endpoints"] = items
return merged
func UpdatePackageWithDefaults(mApi map[string]interface{}, templPackage map[string]interface{}, templPlan map[string]interface{}) map[string]interface{} {
var m1 map[string]interface{}
json.Unmarshal(MapToByteArray(mApi), &m1)
merged := merge(m1, templPackage, 0)
m_d := m1["plans"].([]interface{})
items := []map[string]interface{}{}
for _, d_item := range m_d {
merged := merge(d_item.(map[string]interface{}), templPlan, 0)
items = append(items, merged)
merged["plans"] = items
return merged
func BuildMasheryTemplates(apiTemplateJSON string) (map[string]interface{}, map[string]interface{}, map[string]interface{}, map[string]interface{}) {
apiTemplate := map[string]interface{}{}
endpointTemplate := map[string]interface{}{}
packageTemplate := map[string]interface{}{}
planTemplate := map[string]interface{}{}
if apiTemplateJSON != "" {
var m map[string]interface{}
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(apiTemplateJSON), &m); err != nil {
apiTemplate = m["api"].(map[string]interface{})
endpointTemplate = apiTemplate["endpoint"].(map[string]interface{})
delete(apiTemplate, "endpoint")
packageTemplate = m["package"].(map[string]interface{})
planTemplate = packageTemplate["plan"].(map[string]interface{})
delete(packageTemplate, "plan")
} else {
apiTemplate["qpsLimitOverall"] = 0
endpointTemplate["requestAuthenticationType"] = "apiKeyAndSecret_SHA256"
packageTemplate["sharedSecretLength"] = 10
planTemplate["selfServiceKeyProvisioningEnabled"] = false
return apiTemplate, endpointTemplate, packageTemplate, planTemplate
func TransformSwagger(user *ApiUser, swaggerDoc string, sourceFormat string, targetFormat string, oauthToken string) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
tfSwaggerDoc, err := user.TransformSwagger(string(swaggerDoc), sourceFormat, targetFormat, oauthToken)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error: Unable to transform swagger doc\n\n")
// Only need the value of 'document'. Including the rest will cause errors
var m map[string]interface{}
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(tfSwaggerDoc), &m); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error: Unable to process swagger doc\n\n")
return m, err
func MapToByteArray(mapToConvert map[string]interface{}) []byte {
var convertedByteArray []byte
var err error
if val, ok := mapToConvert["document"]; ok {
mapToConvert = val.(map[string]interface{})
if convertedByteArray, err = json.Marshal(mapToConvert); err != nil {
return convertedByteArray
func CreateOrUpdateApi(user *ApiUser, token string, cleanedTfApiSwaggerDoc []byte, mApi map[string]interface{}) (string, string, []interface{}, bool) {
updated := false
masheryObject := "services"
masheryObjectProperties := "id,name,,,endpoints.inboundSslRequired,endpoints.outboundRequestTargetPath,endpoints.outboundTransportProtocol,endpoints.publicDomains,endpoints.requestAuthenticationType,endpoints.requestPathAlias,endpoints.requestProtocol,endpoints.supportedHttpMethods,endoints.systemDomains,endpoints.trafficManagerDomain"
var apiId string
var apiName string
var endpoints [](interface{})
api, err := user.Read(masheryObject, "name:"+mApi["name"].(string), masheryObjectProperties, token)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error: Unable to fetch api\n\n")
var f [](interface{})
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(api), &f); err != nil {
if len(f) == 0 {
s, err := user.Create(masheryObject, masheryObjectProperties, string(cleanedTfApiSwaggerDoc), token)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error: Unable to create the api %s\n\n", s)
apiId, apiName, endpoints = GetApiDetails(s)
} else {
m := f[0].(map[string]interface{})
var m1 map[string]interface{}
json.Unmarshal(cleanedTfApiSwaggerDoc, &m1)
merged := merge(m, m1, 0)
var mergedDoc []byte
if mergedDoc, err = json.Marshal(merged); err != nil {
serviceId := merged["id"].(string)
s, err := user.Update(masheryObject+"/"+serviceId, masheryObjectProperties, string(mergedDoc), token)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error: Unable to update the api %s\n\n", s)
apiId, apiName, endpoints = GetApiDetails(s)
updated = true
return apiId, apiName, endpoints, updated
func merge(dst, src map[string]interface{}, depth int) map[string]interface{} {
for key, srcVal := range src {
if dstVal, ok := dst[key]; ok {
if reflect.ValueOf(dstVal).Kind() == reflect.Map {
srcMap, srcMapOk := mapify(srcVal)
dstMap, dstMapOk := mapify(dstVal)
if srcMapOk && dstMapOk {
srcVal = merge(dstMap, srcMap, depth+1)
} else if (key == "endpoints" || key == "plans") && reflect.ValueOf(dstVal).Kind() == reflect.Slice {
m_d := dstVal.([]interface{})
m_s := srcVal.([]interface{})
items := []map[string]interface{}{}
for _, d_item := range m_d {
i_d := d_item.(map[string]interface{})
var i_s map[string]interface{}
for _, s_item := range m_s {
i_s = s_item.(map[string]interface{})
if i_s["requestPathAlias"] == i_d["requestPathAlias"] {
i_s2 := merge(i_d, i_s, depth+1)
items = append(items, i_s2)
for _, s_item := range m_s {
i_s := s_item.(map[string]interface{})
if !MatchingEndpoint(i_s, m_d) {
items = append(items, i_s)
srcVal = items
dst[key] = srcVal
return dst
func MatchingEndpoint(ep map[string]interface{}, epList []interface{}) bool {
var i_d map[string]interface{}
for _, d_item := range epList {
i_d = d_item.(map[string]interface{})
if i_d["requestPathAlias"] == ep["requestPathAlias"] {
return true
return false
func mapify(i interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, bool) {
value := reflect.ValueOf(i)
if value.Kind() == reflect.Map {
m := map[string]interface{}{}
for _, k := range value.MapKeys() {
m[k.String()] = value.MapIndex(k).Interface()
return m, true
return map[string]interface{}{}, false
func CreateOrUpdateIodocs(user *ApiUser, token string, cleanedTfIodocSwaggerDoc []byte, apiId string, updated bool) {
masheryObject := "iodocs/services"
masheryObjectProperties := "id"
item, err := user.Read(masheryObject, "serviceId:"+apiId, masheryObjectProperties, token)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error: Unable to fetch iodocs\n\n")
var f [](interface{})
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(item), &f); err != nil {
if len(f) == 0 {
s, err := user.Create(masheryObject, masheryObjectProperties, string(cleanedTfIodocSwaggerDoc), token)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error: Unable to create the iodocs %s\n\n", s)
} else {
s, err := user.Update(masheryObject+"/"+apiId, masheryObjectProperties, string(cleanedTfIodocSwaggerDoc), token)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error: Unable to create the iodocs %s\n\n", s)
func CreateOrUpdatePackage(user *ApiUser, token string, packagePlanDoc []byte, apiName string, updated bool) string {
var p string
masheryObject := "packages"
masheryObjectProperties := "id,name,,"
item, err := user.Read(masheryObject, "name:"+apiName, masheryObjectProperties, token)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error: Unable to fetch package\n\n")
var f [](interface{})
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(item), &f); err != nil {
if len(f) == 0 {
p, err = user.Create(masheryObject, masheryObjectProperties, string(packagePlanDoc), token)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error: Unable to create the package %s\n\n", p)
} else {
m := f[0].(map[string]interface{})
var m1 map[string]interface{}
json.Unmarshal(packagePlanDoc, &m1)
merged := merge(m, m1, 0)
var mergedDoc []byte
if mergedDoc, err = json.Marshal(merged); err != nil {
packageId := merged["id"].(string)
p, err = user.Update(masheryObject+"/"+packageId, masheryObjectProperties, string(mergedDoc), token)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error: Unable to update the package %s\n\n", p)
return p
func GetApiDetails(api string) (string, string, []interface{}) {
m := map[string]interface{}{}
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(api), &m); err != nil {
return m["id"].(string), m["name"].(string), m["endpoints"].([]interface{}) // getting the api id and name
func GetPackagePlanDetails(packagePlan string) (string, string) {
m := map[string]interface{}{}
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(packagePlan), &m); err != nil {
plans := m["plans"].([]interface{})
plan := plans[0].(map[string]interface{})
return m["id"].(string), plan["id"].(string) // getting the package id and plan id
func UpdateIodocsDataWithApi(ioDoc []byte, apiId string) []byte {
// need to create a different json representation for an IOdocs post body
m1 := map[string]interface{}{}
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(string(ioDoc)), &m1); err != nil {
var cleanedTfIodocSwaggerDoc []byte
m := map[string]interface{}{}
m["definition"] = m1
m["serviceId"] = apiId
cleanedTfIodocSwaggerDoc, err := json.Marshal(m)
if err != nil {
return cleanedTfIodocSwaggerDoc
func CreatePackagePlanDataFromApi(apiId string, apiName string, endpoints []interface{}) map[string]interface{} {
pack := map[string]interface{}{}
pack["name"] = apiName
pack["sharedSecretLength"] = 10
plan := map[string]interface{}{}
plan["name"] = apiName
plan["selfServiceKeyProvisioningEnabled"] = false
plan["numKeysBeforeReview"] = 1
service := map[string]interface{}{}
service["id"] = apiId
service["endpoints"] = endpoints
planServices := []map[string]interface{}{}
planServices = append(planServices, service)
plan["services"] = planServices
plans := []map[string]interface{}{}
plans = append(plans, plan)
pack["plans"] = plans
return pack
func CreateApplicationAndKey(user *ApiUser, token string, packagePlan string, apiName string) string {
var key string
member, err := user.Read("members", "username:"+user.Username, "id,username,applications,packageKeys", token)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error: Unable to fetch api\n\n")
var f [](interface{})
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(member), &f); err != nil {
var f_app interface{}
testApplication := map[string]interface{}{}
m := f[0].(map[string]interface{})
var f2 [](interface{})
f2 = m["applications"].([](interface{}))
for _, application := range f2 {
if application.(map[string]interface{})["name"] == "Test Application: "+apiName {
testApplication = application.(map[string]interface{})
packageKeys, err := user.Read("applications/"+testApplication["id"].(string)+"/packageKeys", "", "id,apikey,secret", token)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error: Unable to fetch packagekeys\n\n")
var f [](interface{})
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(packageKeys), &f); err != nil {
if len(f) > 0 {
pk := f[0].(map[string]interface{})
testKeyDoc, err := json.Marshal(pk)
if err != nil {
key = string(testKeyDoc)
f_app = testApplication
if len(testApplication) == 0 {
testApplication["name"] = "Test Application: " + apiName
testApplication["username"] = user.Username
testApplication["is_packaged"] = true
var testApplicationDoc []byte
testApplicationDoc, err = json.Marshal(testApplication)
if err != nil {
application, err := user.Create("members/"+m["id"].(string)+"/applications", "id,name", string(testApplicationDoc), token)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error: Unable to create application\n\n")
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(application), &f_app); err != nil {
if key == "" {
packageId, planId := GetPackagePlanDetails(packagePlan)
keyToCreate := map[string]interface{}{}
keyPackage := map[string]interface{}{}
keyPackage["id"] = packageId
keyPlan := map[string]interface{}{}
keyPlan["id"] = planId
keyToCreate["package"] = keyPackage
keyToCreate["plan"] = keyPlan
var testKeyDoc []byte
testKeyDoc, err = json.Marshal(keyToCreate)
if err != nil {
key, err = user.Create("applications/"+f_app.(map[string]interface{})["id"].(string)+"/packageKeys", "", string(testKeyDoc), token)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error: Unable to create key\n\n")
return key
func GenerateExampleCall(endpoint map[string]interface{}, key string) string {
var exampleCall string
public_domains := endpoint["publicDomains"].([]interface{})
pd_map := public_domains[0].(map[string]interface{})
var pk map[string]interface{}
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(key), &pk); err != nil {
protocol := "https"
if !endpoint["inboundSslRequired"].(bool) {
protocol = "http"
sig := ""
if endpoint["requestAuthenticationType"] == "apiKeyAndSecret_SHA256" {
sig = "&sig='$(php -r \"echo hash('sha256', '" + pk["apikey"].(string) + "'.'" + pk["secret"].(string) + "'.time());\")"
exampleCall = "curl -i -v -k -X " + strings.ToUpper(endpoint["supportedHttpMethods"].([]interface{})[0].(string)) + " '" + protocol + "://" + pd_map["address"].(string) + endpoint["requestPathAlias"].(string) + "?api_key=" + pk["apikey"].(string) + sig
return exampleCall
type Responder func(*http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
type NopTransport struct {
responders map[string]Responder
var DefaultNopTransport = &NopTransport{}
func debug(data []byte, err error) {
if err == nil {
fmt.Printf("%s\n\n", data)
} else {
log.Fatalf("%s\n\n", err)
func init() {
DefaultNopTransport.responders = make(map[string]Responder)
func (n *NopTransport) RegisterResponder(method, url string, responder Responder) {
n.responders[method+" "+url] = responder
func (n *NopTransport) RoundTrip(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
key := req.Method + " " + req.URL.String()
// Scan through the responders
for k, r := range n.responders {
if k != key {
return r(req)
return nil, errors.New("No responder found")
func RegisterResponder(method, url string, responder Responder) {
DefaultNopTransport.RegisterResponder(method, url, responder)
func newHttp(nop bool) *http.Client {
client := &http.Client{}
if nop {
client.Transport = DefaultNopTransport
return client
func setContentType(r *http.Request) {
r.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
r.Header.Add("Accept", "*/*")
func setOauthToken(r *http.Request, oauthToken string) {
r.Header.Add("Authorization", "Bearer "+oauthToken)
func readBody(body io.Reader) ([]byte, error) {
bodyText, err := ioutil.ReadAll(body)
if err != nil {
return bodyText, err
return bodyText, nil
// CreateAPI sends the transformed swagger doc to the Mashery API.
func (user *ApiUser) CreateAPI(tfSwaggerDoc string, oauthToken string) (string, error) {
return user.CreateUpdate("POST", "services", "", tfSwaggerDoc, oauthToken)
// CreateAPI sends the transformed swagger doc to the Mashery API.
func (user *ApiUser) Create(resource string, fields string, content string, oauthToken string) (string, error) {
return user.CreateUpdate("POST", resource, fields, content, oauthToken)
// CreateAPI sends the transformed swagger doc to the Mashery API.
func (user *ApiUser) CreateUpdate(method string, resource string, fields string, content string, oauthToken string) (string, error) {
fullUri := masheryUri + restUri + resource
if fields != "" {
fullUri = fullUri + "?fields=" + fields
client := newHttp(user.Noop)
r, _ := http.NewRequest(method, fullUri, bytes.NewReader([]byte(content)))
setOauthToken(r, oauthToken)
resp, err := client.Do(r)
if err != nil {
return "", err
} else {
defer resp.Body.Close()
bodyText, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
return "", err
s := string(bodyText)
if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
return s, fmt.Errorf("Unable to create the api: status code %v", resp.StatusCode)
return s, err
// Read fetch data
func (user *ApiUser) Read(resource string, filter string, fields string, oauthToken string) (string, error) {
fullUri := masheryUri + restUri + resource
if fields != "" && filter == "" {
fullUri = fullUri + "?fields=" + fields
} else if fields == "" && filter != "" {
fullUri = fullUri + "?filter=" + filter
} else {
fullUri = fullUri + "?fields=" + fields + "&filter=" + filter
client := newHttp(user.Noop)
r, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", masheryUri+restUri+resource+"?filter="+filter+"&fields="+fields, nil)
setOauthToken(r, oauthToken)
resp, err := client.Do(r)
if err != nil {
return "", err
} else {
defer resp.Body.Close()
bodyText, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
return "", err
s := string(bodyText)
if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
return s, fmt.Errorf("Unable to create the api: status code %v", resp.StatusCode)
return s, err
// CreateAPI sends the transformed swagger doc to the Mashery API.
func (user *ApiUser) Update(resource string, fields string, content string, oauthToken string) (string, error) {
return user.CreateUpdate(http.MethodPut, resource, fields, content, oauthToken)
// TransformSwagger sends the swagger doc to Mashery API to be
// transformed into the target format.
func (user *ApiUser) TransformSwagger(swaggerDoc string, sourceFormat string, targetFormat string, oauthToken string) (string, error) {
// New client
client := newHttp(user.Noop)
v := url.Values{}
v.Set("sourceFormat", sourceFormat)
v.Add("targetFormat", targetFormat)
v.Add("publicDomain", user.Portal)
r, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", masheryUri+restUri+transformUri+"?"+v.Encode(), bytes.NewReader([]byte(swaggerDoc)))
setOauthToken(r, oauthToken)
resp, err := client.Do(r)
if err != nil {
return "", err
} else {
defer resp.Body.Close()
if bodyText, err := readBody(resp.Body); err == nil {
if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
return string(bodyText), fmt.Errorf("Unable to transform the swagger doc: status code %v", resp.StatusCode)
return string(bodyText), nil
} else {
return string(bodyText), err
// FetchOAuthToken exchanges the creds for an OAuth token
func (user *ApiUser) FetchOAuthToken() (string, error) {
// New client
client := newHttp(user.Noop)
data := url.Values{}
data.Set("grant_type", "password")
data.Set("username", user.Username)
data.Set("password", <PASSWORD>)
data.Set("scope", user.Uuid)
r, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", masheryUri+"/v3/token", strings.NewReader(data.Encode()))
r.SetBasicAuth(user.ApiKey, user.ApiSecretKey)
r.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
r.Header.Add("Accept", "*/*")
resp, err := client.Do(r)
if err != nil {
return "", err
} else {
defer resp.Body.Close()
if bodyText, err := readBody(resp.Body); err == nil {
if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Unable to get the OAuth token: status code (%v), message (%v)", resp.StatusCode, string(bodyText))
var dat map[string]interface{}
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(string(bodyText)), &dat); err != nil {
return "", errors.New("Unable to unmarshal JSON")
accessToken, ok := dat[accessToken].(string)
if !ok {
return "", errors.New("Invalid json. Expected a field with access_token")
return accessToken, nil
} else {
return string(bodyText), err
package com.shoestore.dto;
import lombok.Data;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* Generic DTO object for passing simple value like total price or number of items in shopping cart.
public class GenericResponseDTO {
private String value;
private List<String> errors = new ArrayList<>(0);
* Copyright 2010 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.gradle.process.internal.worker.child;
import org.gradle.api.Action;
import org.gradle.api.GradleException;
import org.gradle.api.JavaVersion;
import org.gradle.api.internal.ClassPathProvider;
import org.gradle.api.specs.Spec;
import org.gradle.cache.CacheRepository;
import org.gradle.cache.PersistentCache;
import org.gradle.internal.Factory;
import org.gradle.internal.UncheckedException;
import org.gradle.internal.classloader.ClassLoaderHierarchy;
import org.gradle.internal.classloader.ClassLoaderSpec;
import org.gradle.internal.classloader.ClassLoaderUtils;
import org.gradle.internal.classloader.ClassLoaderVisitor;
import org.gradle.internal.classloader.FilteringClassLoader;
import org.gradle.internal.classloader.SystemClassLoaderSpec;
import org.gradle.internal.classpath.ClassPath;
import org.gradle.internal.classpath.DefaultClassPath;
import org.gradle.internal.reflect.JavaMethod;
import org.gradle.internal.reflect.JavaReflectionUtil;
import org.gradle.internal.reflect.NoSuchMethodException;
import org.gradle.internal.reflect.NoSuchPropertyException;
import org.gradle.internal.reflect.PropertyAccessor;
import org.gradle.internal.reflect.PropertyMutator;
import org.gradle.process.internal.streams.EncodedStream;
import org.gradle.process.internal.worker.GradleWorkerMain;
import org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader;
import org.objectweb.asm.ClassVisitor;
import org.objectweb.asm.ClassWriter;
import org.objectweb.asm.Type;
import org.objectweb.asm.commons.Remapper;
import org.objectweb.asm.commons.RemappingClassAdapter;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
public class WorkerProcessClassPathProvider implements ClassPathProvider, Closeable {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(WorkerProcessClassPathProvider.class);
private final CacheRepository cacheRepository;
private final Object lock = new Object();
private ClassPath workerClassPath;
private PersistentCache workerClassPathCache;
public WorkerProcessClassPathProvider(CacheRepository cacheRepository) {
this.cacheRepository = cacheRepository;
public ClassPath findClassPath(String name) {
if (name.equals("WORKER_MAIN")) {
synchronized (lock) {
if (workerClassPath == null) {
workerClassPathCache = cacheRepository
.withInitializer(new CacheInitializer())
workerClassPath = DefaultClassPath.of(jarFile(workerClassPathCache));
LOGGER.debug("Using worker process classpath: {}", workerClassPath);
return workerClassPath;
return null;
public void close() {
// This isn't quite right. Should close the worker classpath cache once we're finished with the worker processes. This may be before the end of this build
// or they may be used across multiple builds
synchronized (lock) {
try {
if (workerClassPathCache != null) {
} finally {
workerClassPathCache = null;
workerClassPath = null;
private static File jarFile(PersistentCache cache) {
return new File(cache.getBaseDir(), "gradle-worker.jar");
private static class CacheInitializer implements Action<PersistentCache> {
private final WorkerClassRemapper remapper = new WorkerClassRemapper();
public void execute(PersistentCache cache) {
try {
File jarFile = jarFile(cache);
LOGGER.debug("Generating worker process classes to {}.", jarFile);
ZipOutputStream outputStream = new ZipOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(jarFile)));
try {
for (Class<?> classToMap : getClassesForWorkerJar()) {
remapClass(classToMap, outputStream);
} finally {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new GradleException("Could not generate worker process bootstrap classes.", e);
private Set<Class<?>> getClassesForWorkerJar() {
// TODO - calculate this list of classes dynamically
List<Class<?>> classes = Arrays.asList(
Set<Class<?>> result = new HashSet<Class<?>>(classes);
for (Class<?> klass : classes) {
return result;
private void remapClass(Class<?> classToMap, ZipOutputStream jar) throws IOException {
String internalName = Type.getInternalName(classToMap);
String resourceName = internalName.concat(".class");
URL resource = WorkerProcessClassPathProvider.class.getClassLoader().getResource(resourceName);
if (resource == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Could not locate classpath resource for class " + classToMap.getName());
InputStream inputStream = resource.openStream();
ClassReader classReader;
try {
classReader = new ClassReader(inputStream);
} finally {
ClassWriter classWriter = new ClassWriter(0);
ClassVisitor remappingVisitor = new RemappingClassAdapter(classWriter, remapper);
classReader.accept(remappingVisitor, ClassReader.EXPAND_FRAMES);
byte[] remappedClass = classWriter.toByteArray();
String remappedClassName =".class");
jar.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(remappedClassName));
private static class WorkerClassRemapper extends Remapper {
private static final String SYSTEM_APP_WORKER_INTERNAL_NAME = Type.getInternalName(SystemApplicationClassLoaderWorker.class);
public String map(String typeName) {
return typeName;
if (typeName.startsWith("org/gradle/")) {
return "worker/" + typeName;
return typeName;
* 口碑客渠道结果
* @author auto create
* @since 1.0, 2017-03-03 10:40:48
public class KbAdvertChannelResponse extends AlipayObject {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 4537454292641415136L;
* 渠道ID
private String channelId;
* 备注
private String memo;
* 渠道名称
private String name;
* 渠道状态
private String status;
* OFFLINE:线下推广
private String type;
public String getChannelId() {
return this.channelId;
public void setChannelId(String channelId) {
this.channelId = channelId;
public String getMemo() {
return this.memo;
public void setMemo(String memo) {
this.memo = memo;
public String getName() {
public void setName(String name) { = name;
public String getStatus() {
return this.status;
public void setStatus(String status) {
this.status = status;
public String getType() {
return this.type;
public void setType(String type) {
this.type = type;
Visualising the Landscape of Human-Food Interaction Research While conducting a review of food-related technology research, we discovered that activity in this area is skyrocketing across a broad range of disciplinary interests and concerns. The dynamic and heterogeneous nature of the research presents a challenge to scholars wishing to critically engage with prior work, identify gaps and ensure impact. In response to this challenge, we are developing an online visualisation tool: an app that affords diffractive reading of the literature, mapping interferences and differences from varied perspectives. We present our first iteration of the app, which enables scholars to navigate the literature through seven lenses-focus, agency, domain, date of publication, author keywords, and publication venue and type. Here we present the first iteration of the app, toward receiving critical input from concerned researchers, to validate our approach and ensure relevance moving forward. |
Wright v. Arkansas
Initial proceedings
On July 2, 2013, a group same-sex couples filed a state lawsuit challenging Arkansas Constitution Amendment 83's definition of marriage and its denial of recognition to same-sex unions established in other jurisdictions. It named nine state officials and several country clerks as defendants. They claimed violations of their rights to privacy, due process, and equal protection, as well noncompliance with the full faith and credit clause. After additional plaintiffs joined the suit, the plaintiffs were 20 couples, some of whom had married in Iowa, Massachusetts, or Canada, some of whom were registered as domestic partners in Eureka Springs and one in California, and some of whom had been denied marriage licenses by county clerks in Arkansas. Two of the couples sued on behalf of three children as well.
Wright v. Arkansas was assigned to state Circuit Judge Chris Piazza. Wright survived a motion to dismiss on December 12, 2013. On February 26, 2014, the plaintiff couples filed a motion for summary judgment. at the conclusion of oral arguments on April 17, Judge Piazza announced his intention to rule on that motion within two weeks.
Circuit court ruling
On May 9, 2014, Judge Piazza ruled in Wright v. Arkansas, granting the plaintiffs' motion for summary judgment and striking down Arkansas's same-sex marriage ban. He wrote: "The exclusion of same-sex couples from marriage for no rational basis violates the fundamental right to privacy and equal protection ... The difference between opposite-sex and same-sex families is within the privacy of their homes." Judge Piazza did not act on an initial motion for a stay on the implementation of his decision.
The next day, May 10, was a Saturday when county offices are typically closed, but several clerks' offices were open because Arkansas was in its early voting period for an upcoming primary. The first same-sex marriage license was issued that morning in Eureka Springs. On Monday, May 12, more counties, including the state's most populous county, Pulaski, which includes Little Rock, begin issuing licenses.
Arkansas Attorney General Dustin McDaniel, who had announced his support for same-sex marriage on May 3, said that he would appeal the ruling.
Appeal and stay
Attorney General McDaniel filed an appeal of the ruling on May 10 and submitted a petition for an emergency stay to the Arkansas Supreme Court on May 12. In the petition, the state defendants noted that the U.S. Supreme Court had issued a stay in Herbert v. Kitchen and urged the court to follow that precedent. A group of Arkansas county clerks also filed a petition for a stay, claiming that while Piazza's ruling overturned the state's constitutional same-sex ban, it did not address the state's statutory ban, causing confusion and uncertainty.
The plaintiff same-sex couples responded, arguing that the defendants' petition for a stay was premature because the circuit court had not yet acted on the initial stay, and that any confusion for the clerks should be remedied by a motion to clarify and correct the initial order, not a stay. On the appeal issue, the plaintiffs argued that while Judge Piazza's order granted them declaratory judgment, it had not addressed the issue of injunctive relief, therefore it was not a final order and could not be appealed.
On May 14, 2014, the Arkansas Supreme Court found that Judge Piazza's order was not a final one and that it therefore lacked jurisdiction to hear the appeal, which was premature. The Court denied the request for a stay, noting that the circuit court's order left in place Arkansas's statutory ban on same-sex marriage, Ark. Code Ann. § 9-11-208(b).
On May 12, former Governor Mike Huckabee called on Governor Mike Beebe to call a special session of the legislature to impeach Piazza. He wrote: "Judge Chris Piazza, a circuit court judge in my home state of Arkansas, decided that he is singularly more powerful than the 135 elected legislators of the state, the elected Governor, and 75% of the voters of the state. Apparently he mistook his black robe for a cape and declared himself to be 'SUPER LAWMAKER!'" Several legislators advocated impeachment as well, but Republican House Speaker Davy Carter said that "Trying to impeach a judge because you don't like his or her decision notwithstanding the subject matter is absurd and goes against hundreds of years of the way our great country has conducted business under our three branches of government".
Clarification of the circuit court opinion
Once the Arkansas Supreme Court noted that Judge Piazza's order was silent about the state statutory same-sex marriage ban, all of the state's county clerks stopped issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples. On May 15, the Wright plaintiffs filed a motion for clarification of judgment with Judge Piazza. Defendants did not object to clarification, but sought a final order, and renewed their demand for a stay.
Judge Piazza issued his clarified order the same day. In it, he criticized the defense for appealing the case to the state Supreme Court on a non-business day, in violation of court rules. The judge said "[I]t is and was the intent of the Order to grant Plaintiffs' Motion for Summary Judgment without exception and as to all injunctive relief requested therein. In fact, this was the expressly stated title of the May 9, 2014, Order." He granted the plaintiff same-sex couples a permanent injunction preventing the state from enforcing the constitutional ban against same-sex marriage as well as "all other state and local laws and regulations identified ... or otherwise in existence to the extent they do not recognize same-sex marriages validly contracted outside Arkansas, prohibit otherwise qualified same-sex couples from marrying in Arkansas or deny same-sex married couples the rights, recognition and benefits associated with marriage in the State of Arkansas."
On May 15, the judge entered his clarification and denied the state's motion for a stay. The state filed a notice of appeal immediately.
Supreme Court activity
On May 16, without comment, the state Supreme Court stayed Piazza's ruling pending appeal, preventing the issuance of additional marriage licenses to same-sex couples. On August 6, the Attorney General's office asked the court to stay proceedings pending the resolution of Herbert v. Kitchen, noting that Utah officials had just asked the U.S. Supreme Court to review that case in which the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals had found Utah's ban on same-sex marriage unconstitutional.
On August 4, the plaintiff same-sex couples moved to have any Supreme Court justice who was running for re-election recuse himself from the case. They cited a resolution by the state legislature calling on the court to uphold the state's ban and comments by legislators that voters should be allowed to recall judges as "intimidation tactics". The court denied the request on September 4.
On October 7, the plaintiffs filed their brief in the case, citing actions by the U.S. Supreme Court the day before, including its refusal to hear Kitchen, and asking the court to hear oral arguments. On October 9, the court denied Attorney General Dustin McDaniel's request, now outdated, to suspend proceedings pending the outcome of other cases. The court on October 14 granted the request for oral arguments. The court heard oral arguments on November 20.
The Court did not issue an opinion in the six weeks before the end of 2014, an unprecedented delay. The Court's membership changed with the new year, and a delay of several more weeks is anticipated, possibly even the rescheduling of oral arguments. On January 23, 2015, state Attorney General Leslie Rutledge requested a rehearing based on the change in the court's membership: "Two Associate Justices were not seated on the Arkansas Supreme Court when the first oral argument was held in November 2014, and Chief Justice Hannah was absent due to a national meeting of chief justices." On February 5, the court asked for briefs on the question of which judges should consider the case. On May 7, the Supreme Court ruled that the justices now serving on the court should consider the case. It denied any further role to the special justice appointed by the governor in 2014 to serve in place of a justice who had recused himself, given that the term of the recused justice had ended and the new justice elect to his seat was prepared to participate in the case.
The court never issued an opinion before the Supreme Court of the United States declared in Obergefell v. Hodges that the constitution guarantees the right to marry to same-sex couples. The same day, the Arkansas Supreme Court dismissed the appeal in Wright.
On November 11, 2015, former Justice Donald Corbin, one of the original justices to hear the case, revealed that the Court had voted 5-2 to strike down the state's marriage ban in 2014. Corbin stated that he wrote a majority opinion finding that Arkansas' ban on same-sex marriage violates both the Arkansas and U.S. Constitutions. Corbin urged the other justices to issue the opinion before the end of his term in 2014, but for unstated reasons, the ruling was never issued. Instead, the court waited for the Supreme Court to decide another case on the same issue, and dismissed Wright as moot. |
THE USE OF INLAY PATTERN RESIN AS AN ABUTMENT CROWN TEMPLATE FOR REMOVABLE PARTIAL DENTURES: CLINICAL REPORT: Patients with removable partial denture need abutment tooth as retainer for the clasp. In some cases, this tooth requires endodontic treatment or even jacket crown so it can be used as a clasp retainer. For patient with removable partial denture, post core and crown fabrication in abutment teeth require adjustments to the crown to fit with denture clasp. First case, a 23-year-old male patient with fractured lower second premolar tooth because of previous metal restoration failure and had been treated with root canal treatment. The tooth was used as an abutment for removable partial denture that was still in good condition. The tooth was later treated with cast post and core with PFM (Porcelain fused to metal) crown. Second case, a 60-year-old female patient came to the clinic with a complaint of fracture in upper first premolar. This tooth was also used as abutment for maxillary framework partial denture. A template made of pattern resin was made to reproduce the dentures for both cases. Acrylic resin has good accuracy and stability to reproduce parts of the denture. The advantage of this technique is that patients can use their denture during fabrication of the crown. INTRODUCTION Crowns or other restorations fabricated in order to repair damaged abutment tooth to adjust to an existing removable partial denture is considered a complicated procedure. 1 Patients often refuse to fabricate new removable partial denture (RPD) or had it taken out during treatment when the abut-ments were damaged while the RPD was still usable. There are several types of plastics which are also known as polymers used in prosthetic dentistry, including acrylic and rubber-reinforced acrylic polymers. Out of all plastic polymers used in the field of prosthetics, acrylic comprises 95%. 2 Die fabrication technique for fixed or removable denture can be simple, accurate and reliable 1,3. Resin copings made from inlay resin pattern are used to record the space between the teeth and RPD clasp, assist in occlusal registration, verify the dimensional accuracy of the dies and visualize the marginal adaptation of the retainers. 3 An existing method to fabricate abutment teeth of previously existed RPD is by using inlay resin pattern to duplicate RPD clasp assembly which will later be transferred to working cast. The replica will merge with the working cast as a removable component and assists in contouring the crown. 4 CLINICAL REPORT A 23-year-old male patient with difficulty in eating as a result of fractured mandibular left second premolar because of previous metal restoration (amalgam) failure which had been treated with root canal treatment came to Maranatha Dental Hospital for consultation regarding available treatment options. A clinical examination revealed that the mandibular left second premolar was used as the abutment for his acrylic removable partial denture, which was still in good condition. He was using removable partial denture (RPD) to replace the missing mandibular right and left molars. Discussion result showed that the patient wanted a strong restoration to replace his fractured tooth and declined a new RPD. Post and core crown were planned to replace the fractured tooth. Diagnostic cast revealed a short tooth (mandibular left second premolar height was 2 mm). The tooth was prepared to remove the remaining dentin ( The gutta percha was removed, then an impression of the root canal was made with PVS and sent to laboratory for post fabrication. The post was tried in and inserted (Fig. 2), Then, an acrylic template resin was made (Fig. 4) after bite registration using PVS with the RPD in the patient (Fig. 3). A 60-year-old female patient presented to Department of Prosthodontic, Padjadjaran University Den-tal Hospital with fractured of left maxillary second premolar filling (Fig. 6). She reported difficulty in masticating. The tooth was also used as an abutment for maxillary framework partial denture. The patient refused to lend her RPD during treatment. Full crown was indicated because the fracture was large. After preparation for the full crown is finished, the working model was made. Acrylic resin template (Duralay) was made in the prepared tooth die (Fig. 7) as the abutment for polyether bite registration material (Ramitec, 3M). The acrylic resin template was tried in (Fig. 8). Bite registration was made to duplicate clasp contour (Fig. 9). Used the same acrylic resin template (Duralay) to duplicate the clasp (Fig. 10). The crown was made with the resin template used as a guide (Fig. 11). Crown was tried in the mouth (Fig. 12) and was inserted after glazing (Fig. 13). DISCUSSION Acrylic polymers has been widely used in prosthetic dentistry as denture base, artificial teeth, denture repair material, impression tray, provisional restoration, and maxillofacial prosthetics. 5 Inlay pattern resin (Duralay) usage ensures no breakage, chipping, distortion or temperature changes during trimming, handling, and investing due to its dense, accurate, and non-shrinking pattern. 6 The cast should be attached to the same maxillary mandibular pretreatment relationship if the goal of restorative treatment is to maintain patient intercuspation and preexisting occlusal dimensions after crown preparation. In order to accurately mount working and opposing cast, acrylic resin transfer copings on top of prepared teeth is used to record the relationship. 7 Post core crown, full crown or other restoration methods can be used as prosthetic treatment for RPD abutment or fixed denture. There are 3 techniques in fabricating crown fitting the partial denture, i.e. direct, indirect, and combination. Acrylic resin and inlay wax are often used in direct technique in mouth to make a custom pattern which can reproduce the contour of clasps. Indirect technique uses pick-up impression to produce crown pattern from wax adjusted to denture framework. Combination techniques is a combination of both direct and indirect technique. 8 Preliminary resin pattern was made directly to the teeth and contouring was done using wax on the working cast in direct-indirect technique. A crown pattern on a die was made and adjusted inside the mouth or on the die after previously tried in the mouth. 8 Addition silicone and polyether have been used as occlusal registration materials. Both materials have short working time and longer time inside mouth compared to other elastomer impression materials. These materials also have high stiffness and low strain during compression, lower flow and no dimensional changes. 5 Both cases in this report uses addition silicone and polyether, in which the first case used the former and the second case used the latter. The difference between addition silicone and polyether is that the former has low dimensional changes after removal. 5 CONCLUSION The use of inlay pattern resin as coping and duplication of the clasps of removable partial denture is a simple and accurate technique. A replica of the clasp assembly can be generated and transferred to a traditional working cast as a guideline for crown fabrication, therefore the RPD can still be used by the patient during treatment. |
// FieldSeqVNAppend: Append a field sequences to one represented as a VN.
// Arguments:
// innerFieldSeqVN - VN of the field sequence being appended to
// outerFieldSeq - the field sequence being appended
// Return Value:
// The value number representing [innerFieldSeq, outerFieldSeq].
ValueNum ValueNumStore::FieldSeqVNAppend(ValueNum innerFieldSeqVN, FieldSeqNode* outerFieldSeq)
FieldSeqNode* innerFieldSeq = FieldSeqVNToFieldSeq(innerFieldSeqVN);
FieldSeqNode* fullFieldSeq = m_pComp->GetFieldSeqStore()->Append(innerFieldSeq, outerFieldSeq);
return VNForFieldSeq(fullFieldSeq);
} |
// MGTypes.h
// Ticketing-OEM
// Created by MiNG on 12-7-17.
// Copyright (c) 2012年 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.
#ifndef MGTypes_H
#define MGTypes_H
typedef void(^Runnable)(void);
typedef id(^Callable)(void);
#endif |
The -spi Calculus at Work : Authentication Case Studies In, we introduce a process calculus for describing security protocols and we propose a static and compositional analysis of entity authentication. In this paper we apply such a technique on well-known shared key authentication protocols. The analysis helps clarifying the protocol logics, suggests simplifications and reveals some attacks. Moreover we discuss how our analysis scales up to multi-protocol systems. |
package main
import (
// SupplicantState message structure
type SupplicantState struct {
LastInterval time.Time
Available bool
Connected bool
BSSID string
KeyType string
// Supplicant structure
type Supplicant struct {
rwc io.ReadWriteCloser
// HandleAsync supplicant connection
func (supplicant *Supplicant) HandleAsync(supplicantChannel chan<- SupplicantState) {
go supplicant.handleInternal(supplicantChannel)
//EncodeCommand converts string command to byte aray
func EncodeCommand(command string) []byte {
cmdData := []byte(command)
cmdData = cmdData[:len(cmdData)+1]
copy(cmdData, []byte(command))
return cmdData
func (supplicant *Supplicant) handleInternal(supplicantChannel chan<- SupplicantState) {
bfr := bufio.NewReader(supplicant.rwc)
// Close when we're done.
defer supplicant.rwc.Close()
timeout := 100 * time.Millisecond
recvbuf := make([]byte, 4096)
pingcmd := EncodeCommand("STATUS")
for {
n, err := bfr.Read(recvbuf)
if err != nil {
recvfinalbuf := make([]byte, n-1)
copy(recvfinalbuf, recvbuf)
str := (string(recvfinalbuf))
fmt.Printf("received: %v\n", str)
supplicantChannel <- SupplicantState{Available: true, LastInterval: time.Now()}
// Init function for the supplicant
func Init(address string) (supplicant *Supplicant, err error) {
// Split up the protocol and the address eg. tcp: or unix:/var/run/wpa_supplicant/wifi0
split := strings.Split(address, ":")
innerAddress := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", split[1], split[2])
// Connect to the supplicant.
connection, err := ConnectSupplicant(split[0], innerAddress)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Return by pointer
return &Supplicant{rwc: connection}, err
// ConnectSupplicant function
func ConnectSupplicant(protocol string, address string) (rwc io.ReadWriteCloser, err error) {
// Simple abstraction divider
switch protocol {
case "tcp":
tcp, err := connectTCP(address)
return tcp, err
return nil, errors.New("nil")
func connectTCP(address string) (rwc io.ReadWriteCloser, err error) {
return net.Dial("tcp", address)
When it comes to choosing a college, today’s teenagers consider much more than just academics. Some applicants want to know how good the campus Wi-Fi system is, whether the fitness center offers spin classes or even if the cafeteria has an organic salad bar.
Let me suggest that college-bound high schoolers add one more item to their collegiate checklist: the gender ratio. If applicants and their parents want to know whether the dating scene at a particular college is geared more towards wild hookups or traditional relationships, the best barometer will always be the ratio of women to men on campus.
And, no, it’s not the mostly male colleges where the hookup culture reigns supreme.
How do I know this? Because the way today’s heterosexual college students describe sex and dating at their own schools matches up with the scholarly research on gender ratios and how they affect behavior. As I explain in my book “DATE-ONOMICS: How Dating Became a Lopsided Numbers Game,” when men are in oversupply, the dating culture emphasizes courtship and monogamy. But when women are in oversupply—as they are today at most U.S. colleges and universities—men play the field and women are more likely to be treated as sex objects.
In 2013, the gender ratio among that year’s college graduates was 57:43, women to men. That’s four women for every three men. With girls continuing to outpace boys in school and young women continuing to attend college in ever-greater numbers, the U.S. Department of Education now expects the ratio to approach three women for every two men by 2023.
According to Brunhild Kring, associate director of counseling and wellness services at 61%-female New York University, this gender imbalance on college campuses discourages traditional dating and promotes casual sex. “In the last two decades, the gender ratio among college students has dramatically shifted,” Kring wrote in a 2012 article published by GROUP, the journal of the Eastern Group Pyschotherapy Society. “Women outnumber men by a ratio of 60:40, and a new sexual paradigm has emerged… [D]ating in the traditional sense of the word had been replaced by ‘hooking up’ as the predominant sexual interaction on campus.”
Kring shared the story of a young woman who’d lost hope of finding a college boyfriend and wound up losing her virginity in a drunken threesome with two male classmates. The next day, she showed up in Kring’s office. “She felt awkward,” Kring wrote, “and wanted help in keeping her sexual encounter private from other students.”
Women at disproportionately female schools talk openly about their frustrations. “Everyone’s self-esteem takes a hit,” a young woman at 75%-female Sarah Lawrence College told me. One reason: Sarah Lawrence men have little interest in exclusive relationships. “Why would they? It’s like they have their own free harem,” she grumbled. “One of my friends was dumped by a guy after they’d been hooking up for less than a week. When he broke up with her, the guy actually used the word ‘market’—like the ‘market’ for him was just too good.”
A male Sarah Lawrence student offered a similar assessment of life there—though he wasn’t bemoaning the school’s hookup culture but celebrating it. The young man told me he had had sex with more than 20 of his female classmates. “There isn’t really a culture of monogamy or even dating here,” he offered. “Sometimes it feels like you can have anyone you want.”
If you think colleges like Sarah Lawrence or NYU are outliers, think again. In the appendix of DATE-ONOMICS, I include a table that ranks 35 major public and private colleges by their gender ratios and pairs that data with students’ own descriptions of dating at their schools. The descriptions came from, a college review site penned by students. At 62%-female Boston University, “Freshman year is a sexual explosion… There are girls to go around, and around again,” according to Niche. At 63%-female James Madison University, the “deficiency of guys creates a scene that tends to embrace random hookups.”
Even at Baylor University—a Baptist university steeped in Christian values—Baylor’s ratio of three women for every two men has a huge impact on college dating. According to Niche, “The same girls that run in the social hookup circles on Friday night are taking you to church with them on Sunday. The guys practice the requisite Christian business principles, but blow through the Baylor babes that are in endless supply.”
Use this search tool to find the perfect college fit–including male/female ratio–for you and your student.
Of course, for some young men and women, casual sex is part of college life’s appeal, and for them a 60%-female school might be a good fit. The problem, based on research and interviews I conducted for DATE-ONOMICS, is that few applicants appreciate the extent to which gender ratios shape the dating cultures at their chosen schools. This lack of transparency can be especially problematic for women because, according to a Journal of Sex Research study authored by five Loyola Marymount psychologists, college women are twice as likely as college men to experience distress after hookups.
Which colleges might today’s more monogamy-minded young men and young women want to consider? If dating is important to them—and I acknowledge that it’s completely unimportant for some—they should take a look schools with sizeable math and science departments because those schools attract more men. Just as sex-ratio research predicts, it is the colleges with male-heavy gender ratios where dating is more traditional.
Here’s what had to say Georgia Tech, which is 66% male: “Tech is a fairly monogamous campus [and] people like to be in a relationship.” At 59%-male California Institute of Technology, “Students tend not to date but have relationships… Breakups are rare, and many couples get married after CalTech.” At 50:50 Tufts University, “Halfway through sophomore year, people begin to pair off and generally stay paired off through junior and senior year.”
Even at schools that are majority female, the dating scene is tamer when the gender gap is smaller. For example, at 53%-female University of Miami—a notorious party school—“random hookups are common in the beginning,” according to Niche, “but after a few months or a year, relationships take over.”
Obviously, few young people go to college to find a spouse these days. However, when Facebook investigated how many of its users did in fact meet their spouses in colleges, the analysis revealed something interesting. The men most likely to have met their wives in college were not those who attended schools that were majority female, but rather those that were majority male—which actually makes sense. Had they attended 60%-female colleges, settling down would have been the furthest thing from these men’s minds.
Dating isn’t the only reason high school seniors should consider gender ratios when selecting a college. Given the epidemic of campus rape, teenage girls and their parents are justifiably concerned about safety, just as teenage boys and their parents are worried about false accusations. What does any of that have to do with gender ratios? Well, there have been multiple studies showing a correlation between gender ratios and rates of sexual assault. As counterintuitive as it may sound, elevated rates of sexual assault are a predictable feature of communities with oversupplies of women, according to studies by sociologists Nigel Barber and Robert O’Brien.
The opposite is true of communities with oversupplies of men. Columbia University economics professor Lena Edlund investigated the impact of lopsided sex ratios in China, where young men now outnumber women by 20% due to sex selection, abortion, female infanticide, and other outgrowths of China’s old “One Child” policy. Edlund and her co-authors discovered that although overall crime rates went up in China as the gender ratio skewed more male—not surprising given that men are more prone to criminality—there was a precipitous decline in rape. It seems that men treat women better, and protect them more, when women are in shorter supply.
Find the best college by male/female ratio using this search tool.
Can I prove beyond all doubt that Edlund’s and Barber’s findings also apply to college campuses—i.e. that rape is less common at schools that are at least half male? No, because the available data on campus rape tends to reveal as much about how forthright colleges are in handling sexual assaults—and how comfortable women feel reporting them—as it does about the actual frequency of assaults on a particular campus.
That said, I was intrigued by a recent Washington Post story on the topic. The article ranked 27 top colleges by their sexual assault rates, and I couldn’t help but notice which college had the lowest rate.
It was CalTech, a school that is 59% male.
Jon Birger is a freelance writer, a contributor to Fortune magazine and the author of DATE-ONOMICS: How Dating Became a Lopsided Numbers Game.
Read next: 25 Best Colleges Where Men Outnumber Women |
Some treatment dilemmas in rapidly developing dementia: A case report The treatment of rapidly deteriorating dementia is always very challenging. This case report describes a 78-year-old male patient with rapidly developing dementia treated successfully with orally disintegrating olanzapine, memantine, donepezil, omega-3 and vitamin-B complex. The prevailing fatalism and treatment nihilism regarding treatment of dementia should give way to more hope and optimism. Several important treatment dillemas in rapidly developing dementia are discussed. |
Greeley’s finance director may have been a candidate for the same position in Surprise, Ariz., but he won’t be leaving town anytime soon.
Reports from the Arizona Republic this week state Tim Nash, who’s been Greeley’s finance director since 1987, was one of two final candidates for the chief financial officer position with Surprise, which is northwest of Phoenix. He had been narrowed down from a pool of 60.
But Nash has already turned down the job – two weeks ago. |
The review of football policing found clubs deliberately selling more tickets than their stadium capacity, erecting unsafe terracing for away fans and safety certificates being sent through the post by local authorities without site visits being made.
The review was led by Deputy Chief Constable Mark Roberts, the National Police Chiefs’ Council’s lead for football policing.
He said fans were being let down by inadequate stewarding, citing one example where a steward who was part of safety cordon was seen to celebrate the home side’s goal.
His report said the demotion of Rangers after the club went into administration had “shone a spotlight” on safety practices in lower leagues, with a number of serious issues caused by large numbers of away fans attending smaller grounds.
He said issues such as deliberately selling more tickets than stadium capacity and tickets being sold for areas of the ground that did not exist or were inaccessible also extended to Scottish Cup matches.
Mr Roberts was commissioned to carry out his work by Police Scotland in October – a month after a crush outside Celtic Park which left a number of fans injured.
Supporters’ group Fans Against Criminalisation criticised the review for failing to investigate that incident.
Spokeswoman Jeanette Findlay said: “The whole way this review came about looks like an attempt to head off at the pass a genuine review. It’s not independent and it’s failed to look at Police Scotland’s own failings.
“Police Scotland views fans as criminals and potential sources of disorder and that’s a problem for us on an ongoing basis.
Labour MSP James Kelly, who led the campaign to have the Offensive Behaviour Act scrapped, said: “Whilst it is welcome that Police Scotland rightly identify that they need to improve their relations with fans, this report appears to have brushed aside the widespread complaints from those same supporters.
“The anger that law-abiding fans feel over being overtly filmed has been dismissed as a public relations failure that needs communicated better instead of reviewing if it is a justified technique to use regularly despite the low level of criminality in football stadiums.
“It is matter of concern that six months after the crush at a Celtic v Rangers game, which left five fans injured, questions still remain about the crowd safety operation on that day.
While his report did not address the issue of sectarianism, Mr Roberts said recent incidents in Scotland were in line with a 67 per cent rise in hate crimes at matches in England and Wales.
A former match commander with responsibility for Old Trafford, he acknowledged that while sectarianism was specific to the Scottish game, there is nevertheless a “toxicity” in high-profile English fixtures such as Manchester United v Liverpool.
But he said chants about Hillsborough or the Munich air disaster had become “culturally unacceptable” due to supporters shunning a minority who sing them.
He said: “I think people need to recognise that there is a problem (with sectarianism). The way you solve the problem is getting everyone bought into it and making a commitment that it needs to change.
“One of the heartening things we’ve seen in England, where we have started tackling some of the homophobia and racism, is a greater willingness of supporters themselves to come forward and give us statements and point out when people are misbehaving.
Detective Chief Constable Will Kerr, of Police Scotland, said: “This was a short, sharp review. The catalyst for it wasn’t the crush at Celtic Park, it just happened to be timed with that.
On the issue of sectarianism, he said: “There’s no easy answer, no magic bullet to get rid of sectarianism overnight.
David Hamilton, vice chair of the Scottish Police Federation, said: “We concur with DCC Roberts that Scottish football has a hooliganism problem as well as a sectarian problem.
“They are both manifestations of the same peculiarity – that some supporter groups believe that criminal behaviour is acceptable at football matches.
“Fans Against Criminalisation’s refusal to even engage with the review has shown themselves to simply be apologists for this criminality. They have refused the opportunity to engage with the review, maintain their entrenched opinions and clearly have no interest in acknowledging yet alone fixing the problems of the Scottish game. |
It should come as no surprise that Vogue, a fashion magazine, devotes plenty of ink to the discussion of fashion, even when profiling women with job titles like governor or senator. More surprising is the word count on what the women of Congress weigh.
Vogue apparently learned no lessons after getting slapped by critics for a puff piece on the first lady of Syria, which made extensive mention of her looks ("Asma al-Assad is glamorous, young, and very chic") but little mention of her husband Bashar al-Assad's regime. In an October profile of Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla., the magazine includes a section on the weight gain she experienced -- after surviving cancer.
"By 2011, the only lingering effect of her treatment was weight gain brought on by the drug tamoxifen," the article (which is not online) reads. "Having 'never gained an ounce in my life,' she found herself 23 pounds heavier." It quotes Wasserman Schultz's feelings toward her weight gain and explains how she signed up with a diet company. "Seven months later," Vogue tells us, "she had lost the 23 pounds and dropped from a size 8 back to a size 2."
The interest in Wasserman Schultz's dress size might be written off as an anomaly if the magazine hadn't done the same thing in a profile of Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., two years ago. Author Jonathan Van Meter pressed Gillibrand on her weight loss.
"Should I tell you? Really?" was Gillibrand's reply. Van Meter asked again. Gillibrand asked if she could tell him off the record, to which he said, "The readers of Vogue will want to know this."
Do they really? They also probably don't need speculation that she lost the weight in order to "no doubt remain attractive to her husband of nine years, who is two years younger than she is."
Nor do they need to read that South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley is "fit and attractive, with a face free of worry lines" (April 2012). Probably best to stick to fashion, Vogue. |
package com.wikipedia.feed.onthisday;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.TextView;
import com.wikipedia.util.StringUtil;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.cardview.widget.CardView;
import androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView;
import com.wikipedia.R;
import com.wikipedia.dataclient.WikiSite;
import com.wikipedia.history.HistoryEntry;
import com.wikipedia.util.ResourceUtil;
import com.wikipedia.util.StringUtil;
import com.wikipedia.views.FaceAndColorDetectImageView;
import butterknife.BindView;
import butterknife.ButterKnife;
import butterknife.OnClick;
import butterknife.OnLongClick;
public class OnThisDayPagesViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder {
public interface ItemCallBack {
void onActionLongClick(@NonNull HistoryEntry entry);
@BindView( TextView pageItemTitleTextView;
@BindView( TextView pageItemDescTextView;
@BindView( FaceAndColorDetectImageView pageItemImageView;
@BindView( View parent;
@Nullable private ItemCallBack itemCallback;
private WikiSite wiki;
private Activity activity;
private PageSummary selectedPage;
private final boolean isSingleCard;
OnThisDayPagesViewHolder(@NonNull Activity activity, @NonNull CardView v, @NonNull WikiSite wiki, boolean isSingleCard) {
ButterKnife.bind(this, v);
v.setCardBackgroundColor(ResourceUtil.getThemedColor(v.getContext(), R.attr.paper_color)); = wiki;
this.isSingleCard = isSingleCard;
this.activity = activity;
public void setFields(@NonNull PageSummary page) {
selectedPage = page;
pageItemDescTextView.setVisibility(TextUtils.isEmpty(page.getDescription()) ? View.GONE : View.VISIBLE);
pageItemTitleTextView.setMaxLines(TextUtils.isEmpty(page.getDescription()) ? 2 : 1);
private void setImage(@Nullable String url) {
if (url == null) {
} else {
@NonNull public OnThisDayPagesViewHolder setCallback(@Nullable ItemCallBack itemCallback) {
this.itemCallback = itemCallback;
return this;
@OnClick( void onBaseViewClicked() {
PageTitle pageTitle = new PageTitle(selectedPage.getApiTitle(), wiki);
HistoryEntry entry = new HistoryEntry(pageTitle,
isSingleCard ? HistoryEntry.SOURCE_ON_THIS_DAY_CARD : HistoryEntry.SOURCE_ON_THIS_DAY_ACTIVITY);
activity.startActivity(PageActivity.newIntentForCurrentTab(activity, entry, pageTitle));
@OnLongClick( boolean showOverflowMenu(View anchorView) {
PageTitle pageTitle = new PageTitle(selectedPage.getApiTitle(), wiki);
HistoryEntry entry = new HistoryEntry(pageTitle,
isSingleCard ? HistoryEntry.SOURCE_ON_THIS_DAY_CARD : HistoryEntry.SOURCE_ON_THIS_DAY_ACTIVITY);
return true;
package cloud.feign.client.core;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
* ClassName: UserClient
* (TODO:简述该类作用)
* @author DOUBLE
* @version
@FeignClient(name = "cloud-service")
public interface UserClient {
@RequestMapping(value = "/user")
String username();
@GetMapping(value = "/user/error")
String error();
@GetMapping(value = "/user/error2")
String error2();
def forward(self, x, mask, lengths):
packed = pack_padded_sequence(x, lengths, batch_first=True)
output, final = self.rnn(packed)
output, _ = pad_packed_sequence(output, batch_first=True)
fwd_final = final[0:final.size(0):2]
bwd_final = final[1:final.size(0):2]
final =[fwd_final, bwd_final], dim=2)
return output, final |
import Env from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Env';
import { DatabaseConfig } from '@ioc:Adonis/Lucid/Database';
let databaseConfig!: DatabaseConfig;
if (Env.get('NODE_ENV') === 'development') {
databaseConfig = {
connection: Env.get('DB_CONNECTION'),
connections: {
pg: {
client: 'pg',
connection: {
host: Env.get('PG_HOST'),
port: Env.get('PG_PORT'),
user: Env.get('PG_USER'),
password: Env.get('PG_PASSWORD', ''),
database: Env.get('PG_DB_NAME'),
migrations: {
naturalSort: true,
healthCheck: false,
debug: false,
} else if (Env.get('NODE_ENV') === 'testing') {
databaseConfig = {
connection: Env.get('DB_CONNECTION'),
connections: {
pg: {
client: 'pg',
connection: {
host: Env.get('PG_HOST'),
port: Env.get('PG_PORT'),
user: Env.get('PG_USER_TEST'),
password: Env.get('<PASSWORD>', ''),
database: Env.get('PG_DB_NAME_TEST'),
migrations: {
naturalSort: true,
healthCheck: false,
debug: false,
export default databaseConfig;
Aesthetic Surgery of the Aging Face It appears that we are being continually inundated with treatises on cosmetic surgery. This book is simply one more among the recent onslaught of texts on aesthetic surgery of the face. Using sequential black-and-white photographs of actual subjects, the authors attempt to demonstrate the techniques they employ in the use of common aesthetic procedures. In general, these photographs succeed quite well, some better than others. The photographs were generally of good quality, but the great majority of them were superfluous. More than half of these photographs could have been eliminated without detracting from the book's value, especially those showing the authors and their pretty nurses in various poses. Frequently, the same photograph is shown four or five times. The chapter on blepharoplasty is well presented. The description of the skin muscle flap is excellent. The author mentioned the skin flap briefly. I find this method very useful for heavily wrinkled |
* check that clazz has got at least one method with a Test annotation
* @param clazz to look for Test methods
* @return true if th class has at least one method annotated with Test
private boolean hasTestCaseMethods(Class<?> clazz) {
for (Method method : clazz.getMethods()) {
if (method.getAnnotation(Test.class) != null) {
return true;
return false;
} |
package ca.jonathanfritz.aoc2020.day19;
import ca.jonathanfritz.aoc2020.Utils;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
public class Part1 {
private void tests() {
/*// single string match
long result = solve(new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(
"0: 1",
"1: \"a\"",
if (result != 1) {
throw new RuntimeException("String match test fails");
// or match
result = solve(new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(
"0: 1 | 2",
"1: \"a\"",
"2: \"b\"",
if (result != 2) {
throw new RuntimeException("Or match test fails");
// and match
result = solve(new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(
"0: 1 2",
"1: \"a\"",
"2: \"b\"",
if (result != 1) {
throw new RuntimeException("And match test fails");
// complex or match
result = solve(new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(
"0: 1 2 | 2 1",
"1: \"a\"",
"2: \"b\"",
if (result != 2) {
throw new RuntimeException("Complex or match test fails");
// or nested within and match
final long result = solve(new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(
"0: 1 2",
"1: \"a\"",
"2: 1 | 1 1",
if (result != 2) {
throw new RuntimeException("Or nested within and match test fails");
private long solve(List<String> input) {
final List<Rule> rules = new ArrayList<>();
while (true) {
final String line = input.remove(0);
// rules and signals are separated by a line break
if (line.trim().length() == 0) {
final String rule = line.split(":")[1].trim();
if (rule.contains("|")) {
final List<AndRule> andRules ="\\|"))
.map(s ->" "))
rules.add(new OrRule(andRules));
} else if (rule.contains("\"")) {
rules.add(new StringRule(rule.replace("\"", "")));
} else {
new AndRule(" "))
// each line of input must exactly match rule 0
long sum = 0;
for (String line : input) {
final List<String> tokens = Utils.splitIntoChars(line);
final boolean ruleMatches = rules.get(0).match(tokens, rules);
if (ruleMatches && tokens.isEmpty()) {
System.out.printf("%s matches%n", line);
} else {
System.out.printf("%s does not match%n", line);
return sum;
private interface Rule {
boolean match(List<String> tokens, List<Rule> rules);
private static class AndRule implements Rule {
private final List<Integer> andRules;
private AndRule(List<Integer> andRules) {
this.andRules = andRules;
public boolean match(List<String> tokens, List<Rule> rules) {
// iterate over other rules that must match and evaluate each
for (Rule rule : {
if (!rule.match(tokens, rules)) {
return false;
return true;
public String toString() {
return "AndRule{" +
"andRules=" + andRules +
private static class OrRule implements Rule {
private final List<AndRule> orRules;
private OrRule(List<AndRule> orRules) {
this.orRules = orRules;
public boolean match(List<String> tokens, List<Rule> rules) {
for (AndRule rule : orRules) {
final List<String> copyOfTokens = new ArrayList<>(tokens);
if (rule.match(copyOfTokens, rules)) {
// rule passed, remove from the start of tokens until it is same size as copy of tokens
// this applies the same change to the parent list as was applied to the copy by the passing rule
// if the rule didn't pass, the parent list was not modified
while (tokens.size() > copyOfTokens.size()) {
// TODO: There's a problem here - if both parts of the or expression match, but one consumes more
// tokens than the other, which one should affect the parent list of tokens? Should we always
// be greedy and take the most tokens? Or maybe we should be conservative? Or branch both?
return true;
return false;
public String toString() {
return "OrRule{" +
"orRules=" + orRules +
private static class StringRule implements Rule {
private final String match;
private StringRule(String match) {
this.match = match;
public boolean match(List<String> tokens, List<Rule> rules) {
if (tokens.isEmpty()) {
// can't possibly match
return false;
// check if the n elements starting at offset of subject match this rule
if (match.equals(tokens.remove(0))) {
return true;
return false;
public String toString() {
return "StringRule{" +
"match='" + match + '\'' +
public static void main(String[] args) {
final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
final List<String> input = Utils.loadFromFile("day19.txt")
final Part1 part1 = new Part1();
final long durationMs = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
final Duration duration = Duration.ofMillis(durationMs);
System.out.println("Runtime: " + duration.toString());
* This header is generated by class-dump-z 0.2-1.
* class-dump-z is Copyright (C) 2009 by KennyTM~, licensed under GPLv3.
* Source: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Message.framework/Message
#import "MailDelivery.h"
@class DAMailAccount;
@interface DADelivery : MailDelivery {
DAMailAccount* _DAMailAccount;
// inherited: -(void)dealloc;
// inherited: -(id)createMessageWriter;
// inherited: -(int)deliverSynchronously;
package net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.gui.mainframe;
import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.session.MessagePanel;
import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.util.StringManager;
import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.util.StringManagerFactory;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.util.prefs.Preferences;
public class SplitPnResizeHandler
private static final StringManager s_stringMgr =
private static final String PREFS_KEY_MESSAGEPANEL_HEIGHT = "squirrelSql_msgPanel_height";
private boolean m_hasBeenVisible;
private JSplitPane _splitPn;
private MessagePanel _msgPnl;
public SplitPnResizeHandler(JSplitPane splitPn, MessagePanel msgPnl)
_splitPn = splitPn;
_msgPnl = msgPnl;
String key;
//i18n[MainFrame.saveSize=Save size]
key = s_stringMgr.getString("MainFrame.saveSize");
Action saveSplitDividerLocAction = new AbstractAction(key)
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
int msgPanelHeight = _splitPn.getBottomComponent().getSize().height;
Preferences.userRoot().putInt(PREFS_KEY_MESSAGEPANEL_HEIGHT, msgPanelHeight);
//i18n[MainFrame.saveSize0=Save size 0]
key = s_stringMgr.getString("MainFrame.saveSize0");
Action save0SplitDividerLocAction = new AbstractAction(key)
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
Preferences.userRoot().putInt(PREFS_KEY_MESSAGEPANEL_HEIGHT, 0);
key = s_stringMgr.getString("MainFrame.restoreSize");
Action setSplitDividerLocAction = new AbstractAction(key)
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
int prefMsgPanelHeight = Preferences.userRoot().getInt(PREFS_KEY_MESSAGEPANEL_HEIGHT, -1);
if(-1 != prefMsgPanelHeight)
if (0 == prefMsgPanelHeight)
int divLoc = getDividerLocation(prefMsgPanelHeight, _splitPn);
private void setUnexpanded()
_splitPn.setDividerLocation(_splitPn.getMaximumDividerLocation() + 100);
void resizeSplitOnStartup()
if(false == m_hasBeenVisible)
m_hasBeenVisible = true;
final int prefMsgPanelHeight = Preferences.userRoot().getInt(PREFS_KEY_MESSAGEPANEL_HEIGHT, -1);
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable()
public void run()
if (-1 == prefMsgPanelHeight)
int divLoc = getDividerLocation(50, _splitPn);
if (0 == prefMsgPanelHeight)
int divLoc = getDividerLocation(prefMsgPanelHeight, _splitPn);
* Used at startup and almost always makes it to hide the Message panel at startup
private void tryForceUnexpanded()
Runnable runnable = new Runnable()
public void run()
private int getDividerLocation(int wantedBottomComponentHeight, JSplitPane splitPn)
int splitBarSize =
splitPn.getSize().height -
splitPn.getBottomComponent().getSize().height -
splitPn.getTopComponent().getSize().height - 1;
int divLoc = splitPn.getSize().height - wantedBottomComponentHeight - splitBarSize;
return divLoc;
package scancomponent
import (
// ComponentID creates a component ID from the given name and version
func ComponentID(name, version string) string {
nameEncoded := base64.RawURLEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(name))
versionEncoded := base64.RawURLEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(version))
return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", nameEncoded, versionEncoded)
def index():
modes = build_modes(WALL_MODES)
return render_template('index.html', messages=modes) |
Pitfalls in the EchoDoppler Assessment of Diastolic Dysfunction The Doppler echocardiographic assessment of diastolic function is an essential part of the evaluation of heart failure, pericardial diseases, restrictive and infiltrative cardiomyopathies, and many other conditions. However, the echocardiographic evaluation of diastolic function has several limitations. The sonographer and physician must understand the technical factors, the effects of physiological and pathophysiological conditions, and the dynamics of pseudonormalization, all of which affect the evaluation. This article will review the most recent data essential for the proper performance and interpretation of a transthoracic or transesophageal Doppler echocardiographic examination of diastolic function. |
A young man was hospitalized and another was arrested after a violent confrontation at a Northport apartment complex Wednesday night.
The victim, 18, suffered at least two gunshot wounds to his thighs, said Tuscaloosa County Metro Homicide Unit commander Sgt. Dale Phillips. The injuries were not life-threatening, as of Thursday morning, he said.
The victim told investigators that he was walking through Northgate Apartments when he was approached by Antwan Marshall, 18, and a 17-year-old male, Phillips said.
They confronted him about remarks they heard he had been making, he said.
The victim told investigators that he and Marshall struggled with a gun Marshall pulled from his waistband.
Witnesses reported seeing Marshall fire the gun, but said that the 17-year-old didn’t appear to be armed.
Both suspects were questioned before Marshall was charged with second-degree assault. He remained in the Tuscaloosa County Jail Thursday morning with bond set at $15,000. |
This invention relates to an improvement in a digital-type exposure meter for photography.
Hitherto, as exposure meters for photographic use, analogue-type devices having an ammeter for indicating the exposure value have been generally used. Recently, as a result of rapid development of integrated circuits, digital-type exposure meters having several lamps or light-emitting diodes for indicating exposure values are becoming more and more popular. One example of such conventional digital-type exposure meters is shown in U.S. Pat. No. 3,807,879 to Mori.
In such a conventional digital-indication type exposure meter, the exposure values to be indicated are discrete, for instance, at 2 times, 4 times, 8 times, . . . and each value is respectively indicated by each corresponding lamp or light-emitting diode. In the circuitry for providing digital values of exposure steps, the above-mentioned prior art comprises a row of resistors of predetermined resistances corresponding to steps of exposure values. Such resistors of specified resistances are required to be precise, and therefore, are expensive. |
#pragma once
#include "../defines.h"
#include "../Logger.h"
#ifdef DESKTOP
//#pragma warning (disable : 4172)
//#pragma warning (disable : 4099)
#include <png.h>
//#pragma warning (default : 4172)
//#pragma warning (default : 4099)
#include <glew.h>
#include <GLES/gl.h>
#include <GLES/glext.h>
#include <png.h>
#include <android_native_app_glue.h>
#include "Resource.h"
namespace star
class Texture2D final
//[NOTE] You're not supposed to make Textures yourself.
// Use the TextureManager to load your textures.
// This ensures a same texture is not loaded multiple times
Texture2D(const tstring & pPath);
const tstring & GetPath() const;
int32 GetHeight() const;
int32 GetWidth() const;
GLuint GetTextureID() const;
uint8* ReadPNG();
void Load();
GLuint mTextureId;
GLint mFormat;
int32 mWidth, mHeight;
#ifdef ANDROID
Resource mResource;
static void CallbackRead(png_structp png, png_bytep data, png_size_t size);
tstring mPath;
static const tstring LIBPNG_LOG_TAG;
static void CustomErrorFunction(png_structp pngPtr, png_const_charp error);
static void CustomWarningFunction(png_structp pngPtr, png_const_charp warning);
Texture2D(const Texture2D& yRef);
Texture2D(Texture2D&& yRef);
Texture2D& operator=(const Texture2D& yRef);
Texture2D& operator=(Texture2D&& yRef);
// Copyright (c) 2009, Object Computing, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// See the file license.txt for licensing information.
#include <Examples/ExamplesPch.h>
#include <Examples/PCapToMulticast/PCapToMulticast.h>
using namespace QuickFAST;
using namespace Examples;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
int result = -1;
PCapToMulticast application;
if(application.init(argc, argv))
result =;
return result;
import os
sicaII_set = set("""PKA1H1_STAND_010023600
f_open = open("Orthogroups.txt", "r")
f_out = open("sicaII.orthofinder2", "w")
out_set = set([])
for line in f_open:
data = line.split()
for i in data:
if i in sicaII_set:
i = i.split(".1")[0]
if i in sicaII_set:
i = i.replace(":", "_")
if i in sicaII_set:
for i in out_set:
* wWidgets - Lightweight UI Toolkit.
* Copyright (C) 2009-2011 <NAME> <<EMAIL>>
* <NAME> <<EMAIL>>
* This code is distributed under the MIT License:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "SliderDecorator.h"
#include "yasli/Archive.h"
using namespace yasli;
namespace ww {
void SliderDecoratorf::clip()
value_ = min(max(value_, minValue_), maxValue_);
void SliderDecoratorf::serialize(Archive& ar)
ar(value_, "value", 0);
ar(minValue_, "min", 0);
ar(maxValue_, "max", 0);
ar(step_, "step", 0);
void SliderDecoratori::clip()
value_ = min(max(value_, minValue_), maxValue_);
void SliderDecoratori::serialize(Archive& ar)
ar(value_, "value", 0);
ar(minValue_, "min", 0);
ar(maxValue_, "max", 0);
ar(step_, "step", 0);
bool serialize(Archive& ar, ww::SliderDecoratorf& wrapper, const char* name, const char* label)
bool result;
result = ar(Serializer(wrapper), name, label);
result = ar(wrapper.value_, name, label);
return result;
bool serialize(Archive& ar, ww::SliderDecoratori& wrapper, const char* name, const char* label)
bool result;
result = ar(Serializer(wrapper), name, label);
result = ar(wrapper.value_, name, label);
return result;
Running smack through the middle of this MTB wonderland is X10U8, a wonderfully fast section of singletrack nestled between French Gulch Road and the Minnie Mine trail. At 0.75 miles the trail is almost over before it begins, but for two or three minutes it’s one hell of a ride, featuring berms, small table-tops and narrow pine corridors. It’s the perfect place to test the feel of your new enduro.
X10U8 sits low on the hillside, nearly at the same elevation as French Gulch Road, and is often one of the first trails in the area to dry out in early summer and after rainstorms. The entire stretch is usually ready to rock by mid to late May.
As for the name, X10U8 isn’t a “Star Wars” droid. Just sound it out a few times as you’re powering through the berms, and by the time you fly through the final corner and skid out onto French Gulch Road, you’ll be ready for lap two. The dictionary can wait.
The French Gulch area is home to several trailheads and parking lots, but none are open to overnight parking or camping. It’s also a popular spot for hikers, including dogs, and trails are occasionally closed for mountain-bike or trail-running races.
The 0.75-mile trail weaves from the Minnie Mine trailhead to French Gulch Road. From the Reiling Dredge lot, pedal several hundred yards up Minnie Mine to the X10U8 marker on the left side of the trail. Drop into the trail and be ready for small table-tops on the left-hand side. They’re easily avoidable by staying to the right of the trail.
Pedal through 0.25 miles of small jumps and tight turns before coming to the first berm section. The berms vary in size from hairpin to long, slingshot-style corners. Very few are tall (don’t expect a legitimate downhill course), but be wary of loose dirt a month or two into the season and after long, dry stretches.
The berms last for another 0.25 miles before leading to a final series of pine and aspen corridors, punctuated by the occasional table-top. The trail ends at a meadow near the base of a mine tail on the shoulder of French Gulch Road. From here, take a leisurely cruise up the dirt road for another lap or split off to one of more than a half-dozen nearby trails.
X10U8 and the remaining French Gulch trails (Minnie Mine, B&B Trail, Side Door, etc.) are all accesible by French Gulch Road. From Breckenridge, head east on County Road 450 and bear right at the junction with Forest Hills Drive. Continue another 0.5 miles to the stop sign. Take French Gulch Road and continue through the Wellington neighborhood until the road turns to dirt. From there, drive 3 miles to the Reiling Dredge Trailhead. Parking is in a small lot on the left.
Editor’s note: This article originally printed in June 2015 and is updated annually for accuracy. |
A Human Operator Model for Medical Device Interaction Using Behavior-Based Hybrid Automata This paper describes the design and implementation of a control-theoretic model that can be used to model both the discrete and continuous behavior of a human operator. The human operator model can be used to compare different device user interfaces in terms of human performance. The implemented human operator model combines an ON-OFF control model and a behavior-based hybrid automaton with three controllers. The controllers, defined as continuous, discrete, and fine-tuning behavior, simulate the user's conceptual model of the user interface. The device model used is that of a commercial syringe pump with chevron keys, described as a formal specification. Results of the human operator model simulation were generated for 20 different numbers obtained from syringe pump log files. The simulation results were compared over 33 trials to a lab study employing a device based on the formal specification. The result of the simulation shows a significant similarity to the result of the lab study for all the numbers used.. Chevron-key interface, with the "big up" key on the far left, followed by the "small up" key on the middle-left and the "small down" key on the middle-right, with the "big down" key on the far right. Number entry is a very common task in healthcare, and incorrect drug doses are a significant contributory factor to unnecessary fatalities. Errors made using incremental number entry are less severe than numeric keypads. That is, the difference between the intended number and transcribed number is lower, which makes them more suitable for safety-critical interfaces. To understand the impact of human erroneous behavior in interaction with number entry devices, we need to model human operator behavior. There are a number of well-explored approaches in human-computer interaction (HCI) to model human operator behavior based on, for example, device interfaces, cognitive models, and task-analytic models in interaction with numeric keypads. However, incremental number entry presents a unique problem: entering a number consists of both continuous and discrete interactions. Pressing the button once (or multiple times) for a short amount of time is a discrete interaction, while holding the button is a continuous interaction where the release of the button depends on the displayed value and the reaction time delay of the user. This continuous interaction can be modeled using a control-theoretic feedback loop. Manual control theory offers a powerful and flexible approach for describing human behavior and analyzing human-machine systems. Manual control theory is a discipline which cuts across traditional boundaries between scientific fields of study and uses the same language for systems of different hardware, whether physical or biological. It has been applied to modeling human behavior and solving human factors problems for more than 60 years ; however, it has been largely overlooked outside the engineering arena, e.g., in HCI research. Manual control theory is a time-domain approach based around differential equations, which started emerging in the 1960s and has been widely used for modeling human pilots,. Hybrid automata extends control theory to express both discrete and continuous aspects in the same formalism. It has been used with success in areas like robotics and aviation to model both the continuous and discrete aspects of a system. In this paper, we will show how it can be used to model both the continuous and discrete behavior of a human operator, using a chevron-key interface on a medical device. The paper is organized as follows: First, we discuss the related work on user modeling, manual control theory, and hybrid automata. We then introduce our human operator model using behavior-based hybrid automata and manual control. A device model that interacts with the human operator model is then described. The results of a comparison study, where the human operator model is compared with a lab study, is shown to validate the model. This is followed by a discussion and conclusions. A. User Models in Human-Computer Interaction In this section, we consider some of the approaches in HCI that attempt to model human behavior, i.e., the user. In these approaches, the human operator's behavior is determined by device interface models, cognitive models, or task-analytic models of human behavior. 1) Using Device Interfaces to Define User Models: With respect to formal modeling in HCI on device response to human behavior, the existing approaches use formal verification to determine four logic property categories for human-device interface models, identified by Campos and Harrison : reachability,, visibility,, task related -, and reliability,. Campos' and Harrison's work has been extended to heuristically assess usability using formal verification, or the output of formal verifications in HCI. For example, Hussey et al. identified four usability properties: task efficiency, reuse, robustness, and flexibility. Kamel and At-Ameur showed how four usability properties specific to multimodal human-device interfaces could be evaluated formally: complementarity, assignation, redundancy, and equivalence. Kamel et al. also provided temporal logic patterns for verifying the "adaptability" of a multimodal interface: For a given initial state (which may encompass a condition where a particular modality is not available), the human operator will always be able to eventually find a way to reach a goal state. Bolton et al. provided a review of formal verification approaches to evaluate human-automation interaction. They identified two broad categories of formal verification approaches: those that focus on the analysis of the user interface of the system, and those that focus on the analysis of how the system is (supposed to be) used. Approaches in the first group typically use a model of the user interface under analysis, proving properties of the interface that are relevant to the operation of the system. Examples of properties include usability principles, mode confusion properties, and user-related safety requirements. To help focus on user relevant issues and behavior, the inclusion of mental models or knowledge models has been used to augment the analysis. Approaches in the second group work either with task models (see Section II-A3) of how the users are supposed to use the system or with cognitive models (see Section II-A2) of the mental process that drive that behavior. Using a formal model of a device-user interface can inform whether certain situations and certain human behavior may contribute to a failure in interaction between a device and a user. Although the verification models are extremely powerful, they suffer from certain limitations. One of the limitations is that traditional model checking is applied to systems that can be modeled with discrete variables. However, systems can have continuous quantities, and current techniques can handle systems models with no more than a half-dozen continuous variables. Campos et al. presented a systematic formal method for analyzing interactive systems that was based on resources rather than prescribed behavior. They argued that a resource-based approach can help to identify potential usability problems by exploring what should be available at the interface to support users. Using two commonly used infusion pumps as examples, they showed that this approach provides a means of comparing devices designed to support the same activities iteratively. Campos et al. showed that the presence of resources introduced a notion of plausibility and a more realistic conception of user behavior, which was based neither on rigid plan following nor random behavior. Another approach is to encode assumptions about the user directly into the model, that is, joint models of user and device. The approach could be characterized as embedding elements of a user model into the device model and thereby constraining the behaviors of the system being analyzed. In this case, the separation between device model and user assumptions is less clear potentially, and this can bias the user assumptions toward those that are needed to make the system work. By working with assumptions at a resource level, a clear separation is made between models and assumptions about users as expressed in terms of resources. These models are also relatively easy to build and the outputs are straightforward, providing a way for the HCI expert to contribute to a more rigorous analysis. The approach we describe in Section II-C, similar to the resource-based approach, does not "prove" usability of the system, but rather identifies and investigates plausible and interesting behaviors to find and to fix usability problems and to investigate the effectiveness of different user strategies for achieving goals. 2) Using Cognitive Models to Define User Models: Cognitive models in HCI take into account the user's capabilities. Human cognition can be modeled as part of a formal system and then verified, i.e., what actions the user will use to interact with the system. These methods let the analyst formally verify that the system will always allow the operator to achieve their goals with a set of cognitive behaviors. These methods can also identify situations where the human operator fails to achieve his desired goals, or drives the system into dangerous operating conditions. Programmable user models (PUMs) are cognitive models that capture the knowledge and cognitively plausible behavior an operator is able to use when interacting with an interactive device, and implement them as part of a formal system model,. PUMs take into account the goals of interaction with the device that the operator wishes to achieve, the operator's knowledge of the device, the information available to the operator through the interface (feedback), and a set of actions the operator can perform to interact with the device. The operator, at any moment of interaction with the device, uses knowledge about the device and currently available feedback to decide on the next action(s) to achieve his goals. PUMs have been evaluated using formal verification with both theorem provers and model checkers. These models have at least one advantage over Goals, Operators, Methods, and Selection rules (GOMS), a description of how to calculate the time to accomplish tasks,, where it assumes the participants involved in interaction are well practiced and make no errors during task execution. With GOMS models, reliable estimated times must be available for all components in the task. PUMs have been used to model different classes of human operator (expert versus novice) in order to investigate when different types of operators may perform different errors when interacting with an automated teller machine (ATM). Keystrokelevel timing analysis, have been added into Curzon et al.'s framework and used to evaluate timing performance of a human operator interacting with the ATM. Similar to GOMS, KLM timing analyses estimate time with the provision that the sequence of actions required to perform a task is executed without error. Cognitive models of users interacting with devices model human behavior explicitly and represent the cognitive basis for erroneous behavior, for example, they provide additional insights into safety, usability, skills, cognitive load, and salience. However, these analyses require each cognitive mechanism to be incorporated into the model. As such, they are likely to overlook certain behaviors in interaction. 3) Task Analytic Models of Normative Human Behavior: Task analytic models are commonly used to model human task behavior as sequences of activities to fulfill the goals of interaction with an interactive device. Although these models are not concerned with modeling cognitive concepts such as attention and memory, they can model abstractions of these in order to model the user as a simple input-output system, where inputs can come from the user goals, the environment, or interfaces; and outputs are user actions. These models have been used in the evaluation of human operator performance for a variety of purposes including usability evaluation,, timing analysis of human tasks, and alerting systems,. Researchers have shown the usability of formal methods in verifying human operator behavior encompassed by task analytic models accomplishing their desired goals and/or avoiding dangerous system operating modes,. Some models have been extended to incorporate erroneous human behavior into task models so that their impact can be evaluated as part of the formal verification,. Task analytic models are computational structures and have been represented by some researchers as communicating state charts. For example, Degani and Heymann incorporated human task models into state chart models of a humandevice interface and used them to explore human operator behavior during an irregular engine start on an aircraft. A Petri netbased formalism has been used in modeling human task behavior in a waste fuel delivery system to test the system's safety. Bolton et al. argue that task analytic models, such as operator function model and enhanced operator function Fig. 2. Quasi-linear model of the human operator. Y is the linear transfer function; u(t) is the linear response; n(t) is internal noise (reflected noise in the perceptual and motor systems of the operator); and o(t) is the quasi-linear response. The noise is generally presumed to be uncorrelated with any input signal. Adapted from. model, can be represented using discrete graph structures and that they can include human behavior in formal system models. A number of researchers have taken this approach forward,,,, and these works show that in the context of safety for example, the system will always operate safely if the users adhere to the modeled behavior. This highlights one of the limitations of these models: The analyses provide little or no insight into the impact of erroneous human behavior (unless manually incorporated into the task behavior model). Moreover, continuous interaction behavior and even the devices are not taken into account. B. Manual Control Theory and Human Operator Models Manual control is the study of humans as operators of dynamic systems. Early research focused on the human element in vehicular control. In order to predict the stability of the full system, designers included mathematical descriptions of the human operators along with the descriptions of the vehicle dynamics. Applications of manual control theory have been modified and extended to applications in HCI. Humans are regularly asked to position the cursor on a menu, drag the scrollbar and other tracking and positioning tasks. Thus, the human operator can be modeled using the tools of manual control theory. It provides insights into the basic properties of human performance and facilitates the ability to predict the performance of human-machine systems. Human behavior is nonlinear, but linear analysis still provides important insights into human performance and linear models may be able to give reasonable predictions for some situations. Research in manual control theory has led to the development of a quasi-linear model of the human operator, shown in Fig. 2. The quasi-linear model is an attempt to represent the human operator as a linear differential equation with internal noise, which is assumed to arise from perceptual or motor processes internal to the human operator. Fig. 3 illustrates a typical 1-D tracking experiment. The human operator, represented as Y with internal noise n(t), is instructed to follow a quasi-random input signal, r(t). The error, e(t), is displayed in a compensatory tracking task. Control responses, o(t), are typically made with a joystick or more generally a controller, C, and these control responses are input to a plant (e.g., computer) Y p. The output of the system, y(t), is the response of the computer. C. Hybrid Automata and Human Operator Models Hybrid automata are formal models to describe systems that contain both continuous dynamics and discrete switch logic. A hybrid automaton is a finite-state machine with a set of continuous variables whose values are described by ordinary differential equations. In behavior-based robotics, a robot has a library of useful controllers, called behaviors. The robot can switch between these behaviors based on how its environment changes, for example, switching from going-to-goal behavior to avoiding obstacles. These switched systems are modeled as hybrid automata. This suggests that human operator behavior can also be modeled using hybrid automata. Oishi et al. modeled a hybrid system for semiautomated aircraft landings. It was used to verify that the cockpit interface provides the pilot with enough information to safely decide between landing a plane or performing a go-around manoeuvre. Hybrid automata were used to model the nonlinear aircraft dynamics, but the pilot as controller did not form part of the model. Doherty and Massink explored the use of hybrid automata for the specification and analysis of interactive systems, modeling the discrete and continuous aspects of the system itself, but only the discrete aspects of the user. They suggested that dynamic systems theory could be used to describe the complex dynamic behaviors of both the system and the user, using a combination of hybrid automata and manual control theory. This is the approach we explore in this paper. Even though automata theory is commonly used in the field of HCI -, hybrid automata have not yet been explored for its applications in HCI to model both discrete and continuous interaction. In this paper, we present a technique based on hybrid automata where discrete and continuous quantities of an interactive system (human operator and device) are taken into account. Our technique uses well-established controllers in manual control theory, to simulate the user's conceptual model of the user interface, i.e., an infusion pump with four chevron keys. We define these automata as behavior-based hybrid automata, where each state in the automaton describes a different type of behavior used by the human operator, defined as continuous, discrete, and fine-tuning behavior. In a closed-loop interaction between a user and a device, when simulating human operator behavior, the device behavior also needs to be simulated. Device models of infusion pumps created for software verification purposes can be plugged into our model. In the remainder of this paper, we discuss the implementation of our human operator model, a device model that interacts with the human operator model and the results of a model validation study, where the human operator model is compared with a lab study. A. Modeling Continuous Behavior In conventional human operator models, the operator observes a continuous output display and controls the device using a continuous input device like a joystick or a steering wheel. This makes sense for tasks like piloting an aircraft or driving a car and is handled well by the quasi-linear model described in Section II-B. However, a large number of modern tasks consist of short discrete inputs using buttons that are either ON or OFF. In the 1960s, Meiry discovered that a human operator using an ON-OFF control input behaves like an ideal relay, and that the same theory developed for relays and servos could be used to describe and analyze discrete human behavior. Young and Meiry proposed the ON-OFF control model for the human operator as shown in Fig. 4. The operator has a reaction time delay (e − s ) and the ability to generate lead (1 + T L s), but his/her output is restricted to a three-level switch operation. The remnant noise term N (s) accounts for uncertainty in the triggering of the switch. The output of the human operator model (+K, −K or 0) is then fed to the controlled element, that is, the device input. The device output is fed back to the human operator, where the error is the difference between the displayed value and the desired target value. A delay in a control-theoretic model means there is no response for some initial time interval after the control input is applied, and as such can be used to model reaction time responses. A lag, on the other hand, means that there is a gradual response after a control input is applied. All objects in the physical world exhibit some form of lag or delay, as changes in the world are continuous. Interactive devices do not exhibit lags, but they do exhibit delays, usually referred to as latency. The three-level switch component shown in Fig. 4 can be used to model a single button, but what if there is more than one button, as is the case with a chevron-key interface? As part of their work on developing the theory behind relay controllers, Flgge-Lotz and Taylor created a discontinuous controller that can switch between four discrete levels, as shown in Fig. 5. We can use this second-order controller to simulate the human operator switching between different device inputs, i.e., the small up, small down, big up, and big down buttons, where each device input is mapped to one of the four discrete levels of the controller. "small up" 3 10 "big up" In order to represent four discrete values, we make use of a switching criterion incorporating two signum functions as defined by Flgge-Lotz and Taylor : where k 1 and k 2 are positive constants, such that 3 = − 0 = k 1 + k 2, 2 = − 1 = k 1 − k 2, and(t) is the derivative of the error signal e(t). This switching rule has been shown experimentally to give good performance for a variety of inputs including step functions, triangular waves, and random inputs. It switches between levels as to maintain a small instantaneous error between input and output. That is, if the sign of the instantaneous error and the rate of change is the same, small levels ( 1, 2 ) will be selected, while a difference in sign will cause the large levels ( 0, 3 ) to be selected. To model the difference in effect that a large chevron key has in comparison with a small chevron key, we set 3 = 10 and 2 = 1. Solving for 3 and 2 in gives This gives us four stepwise switching functions that we map to the four chevron keys as shown in Table I. B. Switching Between Continuous and Discrete behavior We can model both the discrete and continuous behavior of a human operator using a behavior-based hybrid automaton, as shown in Fig. 6. The error signal e(t) is the difference between the displayed value and the reference value x ref. When the system is initialized, the error signal is as large as the set point. Switching between continuous behavior and discrete behavior depends on the size of the error signal. We only consider switching at specific intervals, that is, when t mod = 0, as the simulation depends on the interval period of the device model (see Section IV for more information). To prevent oscillations for smaller set points, the point at which we switch to discrete behavior needs to be proportional to the size of the set point. For large initial set points, that is, where x ref > 100, we switch from continuous behavior to discrete behavior when e(t) ≤ 100. For smaller set points, the moment at which we switch changes proportionately to a specified switch sensitivity and the set point, that is we switch from continuous behavior to discrete behavior when e(t) ≤ x ref. When operating under continuous behavior, we use the dynamics where u(t) is the input signal, k p is the controller gain, and the Flgge-Lotz equation in is used as the stepwise switching function. As derived in the previous section, we set k 1 = 11 2 and k 2 = 9 2. Under these conditions, switching between the four buttons is equally likely and depends on both the current and the previous error. When operating under discrete behavior, we use the dynamics where we introduce the term (t − n ). The rectangle function (x), also called the gate function, pulse function or window function, is defined by (x) is 0 outside the interval and unity inside it. We use a periodic version of (x) to generate a pulse train (also called a pulse wave) that simulates the human operator pressing and releasing a button in rapid succession. n is incremented for each iteration of the simulation. We define c(t) to be the number of times the output y(t) crosses the set point value x ref. If the output value overshoots the target value three or more times (such that the number of crossings c(t) > 2), and the error is small (e(t) < 1.0), a third kind of behavior is simulated which we call fine-tuning. It is simulated using the dynamics This means only the small chevron buttons are utilized, as k 1 − k 2 = 2 = − 1 correspond to the small chevron buttons in Table I, and corrections are made based only on the current error. This is to simulate the heuristic used by human operators to use finer-grained control when overshooting multiple times. C. Modeling Noise and Delay Any reasonable mathematical model of the human operator must include the various psychophysical limitations, or errors, in observing the display output and executing control inputs. Noise in this context means the random fluctuation or disturbance in a signal. As described in Section II-B, a noise signal is used to model the imperfect perceptual processes, called observation noise, and the imperfect motor processes, called control noise, that are internal to the human operator. This noise is assumed to be uncorrelated with the input signal. Sheridan and Ferrell reported observation noise to be typically about 3% and control noise to be typically around 1% of their respective signal variances. There are various time delays associated with the visual central processing and neuromotor pathways of the human operator. There is a finite time during which information is processed, given as the time for the perceived signal to be transformed and communicated to the effector, that is the hand on the input device. To model this reaction time delay, we delay u(t) by a variable number of time steps within a specified range. Sheridan and Ferrell reported the time delay to be typically around 150 ms, with Kleinman et al. describing values between 150 and 250 ms. The implemented human operator model, combining the ON-OFF control model from Section III with the behaviorbased hybrid automaton from Section III-B, is shown in Fig. 7. The reference signal, x ref, is the target value that the operator is trying to reach. This target value is usually static, but can also change over time. The error e(t) is the difference between the perceived value on the output display and x ref. The noise source described above is added to the error signal, which is then passed into the hybrid automaton. The value generated by the hybrid automaton and delayed by the reaction time delay described above is the control signal that is sent to the device. The output of the device completes the feedback loop. IV. MODELING DEVICE BEHAVIOR When simulating human operator behavior, the device behavior also needs to be simulated. We wanted to model user interaction with medical devices utilizing chevron-key interfaces. Fortunately, device models of infusion pumps created for software verification purposes can be plugged into our model. Modeling of devices first involves developing a version that can be analyzed using model checking, and then transformed systematically into a form that is analyzed using theorem proving. This second analysis is done using Prototype Verification System (PVS), a state-of-the-art theorem prover. The device model, a PVS specification, is then validated against the physical device using a combination of plausibility properties and simulation. PVSio-web is a tool used for the rapid prototyping of device user interfaces in PVS. It makes use of PVSio, a component of PVS that allows for the exploration of the behavior of a PVS specification. The backend of PVSio-web executes PVS and PVSio on-demand, type-checking both the PVS specification of the device interface as well as executing the PVS specification according to PVSio commands. To connect the device model to our human operator model, we use the standardized WebSocket protocol, enabling bidirectional communication between the human operator model and the PVSio-web tool, as shown in Fig. 8. As such, the device behavior is simulated within PVSio-web and the user behavior is simulated within our human operator model. This allows us to make use of different device models that have been developed for use with PVSio-web. Key presses from the human operator model are translated into PVSio commands and used as input to the device model, with the device display output generated by the device model used as input to the human operator model. PVSio-web performs the functionality required by the Device component in Fig. 7. V. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP The model was implemented in the Python programming language using a minimalistic software framework for feedback control by Janert. The implementation is made available as an open-source tool. To initialize the human operator model, we set u = 0 and the switch sensitivity = 0.1. We set k p = 1, k 1 = 5.5, and k 2 = 4.5 using the results from. Parameters were selected based on the experimental results of an arbitrarily chosen number. The noise follows a normal (Gaussian) distribution with mean = 0 and standard deviation = 10. To smooth the noise, a finite impulse response filter with nine filter coefficients and a cutoff frequency of 0.1 Hz is used. For setpoints with two decimal places, this noise level is too high and the standard deviation is reduced to small = 10 = 1. A variable delay of maximum two time steps was used, and the simulation ran for a maximum of 160 time steps. The device model used is that of a commercial syringe pump with chevron keys described in and derived as a PVS specification in. Each time step in the device model is assumed to be 220 ms. The device model was running on an instance of PVSio-web, on the same computer running the human operator model simulation. The numbers used in the experiment were obtained from the log files of 60 syringe pumps located in the university hospital. The log files were anonymous and contained no personal information. Twenty numbers were selected randomly from the logs, where all numbers had a decimal part and ranged from 0.26 to 83.3. A. Validation Study In, Oladimeji et al. performed a lab study where the participants entered the numbers from the log files on a physical prototype shown in Fig. 9. It serves as a comparison for the human operator model. Thirty-three participants (22 female) took part in the study, with five participants (15%) indicating that they were familiar with the chevron interface from use in digital stop watches and alarm clocks. Each participant had a training session where they tried using the interface by entering ten numbers. The experiment involved entering 20 numbers, with instructions given to emphasize either speed of entry or accuracy having no statistically significant effect. Interactions logged on the interface included button presses and releases as well as incremental changes of the numeric value, while a button is being held down. For each interaction logged, a timestamp, the button receiving the interaction and the value on the screen were recorded. This allows us to compare the human operator model with participants over the duration of entering a number using the chevron-key interface. VI. RESULTS In Fig. 10, the results of the lab study for a large set point (56.7) is shown. Thirty-three participants are plotted on the same axes, showing a maximum overshoot of 70 and a mean time to finish of 19.7 ± 5.9 s. For the same set point, a simulation of 33 iterations is shown in Fig. 11, also showing a maximum overshoot of 70 with a mean time to finish of 21.4 ± 5.5 s. In Fig. 12, the results of the lab study for a small set point of 6.7 is shown. The maximum overshoot is 8 and the mean time to finish is 18.2 ± 7.7 s. For the same set point, the simulation run is shown in Fig. 13, with the same maximum overshoot of 8 and a mean time to finish of 16.8 ± 7.5 s. For a simulation run of 33 iterations and a set point of 56.7, with no reaction time delay and no noise introduced, the results are shown in Fig. 14. This simulates an "ideal" operator that performs with no error and with no reaction time delay and shows the minimum time and steps required to enter the value, for the dynamics used. To further demonstrate how the model works, the results of a simulation run of 33 iterations with only a delay, as well as only noise, are shown in Figs. 15 and 16, respectively. Fig. 17 compares the simulation results to the lab study results for all 20 numbers, showing the mean time to finish and its standard deviation over 33 trials in a grouped bar plot. Table II shows the maximum overshoot range of each number, which is the maximum value displayed by the device while entering each number over the range of 33 trials. VII. DISCUSSION With black-box validation, the overall behavior of the simulation model is considered, and validation is performed by comparing the model to the real world. If confidence is to be placed in a model, the outputs should be sufficiently similar to a real-world system when the same inputs are used. When we compare the output of the model for a specific input, like the value 56.7, we see that 33 iterations of the simulation (see Fig. 11) are qualitatively similar to the real-world setup shown in Fig. 10. This is also the case for the smaller value 6.7, by comparing Fig. 13 (simulation) with Fig. 12 (real world). To calculate a confidence interval, we use where X S and X R are the simulation and real-world output mean, respectively, S S and S R are the standard deviations of the simulation and real-world output, respectively, n is the number of observations, and t 2n −2,/2 is the value from the Student's t-distribution with 2n − 2 degrees of freedom and a significance level of /2. This gives us a 95% confidence interval of −1.105 to 4.505 when using time to finish as the metric. Comparing the mean time to finish of the simulation results with that of the lab study indicates similarity for the numbers used. When comparing 33 trials of a single number, both large numbers such as 56.7 (shown in Figs. 10 and 11), as well as smaller numbers like 6.7 (shown in Figs. 12 and 13) show very similar results over the 33 trials. Looking at the lab study results in isolation, one may consider that some users are using a strategy of intentionally overshooting the target value and then reducing the displayed value. As the simulation model does not have any such programmed behavior or "intention," one would expect the amount of overshoot to be less. For example, one may consider that overshooting to 30.0 and then reducing to 12.5 may be a strategy. However, Table II shows that for almost half of the numbers, the maximum overshoot range is the same for both the lab study and the simulation. Comparing Figs. 10 and 11 for 56.7, as well as Figs. 12 and 13 for 6.7, shows the same amount of maximum overshoot for both values (70.0 for 56.7 and around 8.0 for 6.7). This could indicate a flaw with the design of the user interface itself, as it looks to be quite common for someone to overshoot significantly, reaching 8 when the target value is 6.7, or from 50 to 70 instead of 60 when the target value is 56.7. The mean maximum number of crossings for all the numbers in the lab study is c max = 2.7 ± 1.2. This was calculated by counting the largest number of crossings of the 33 trials for each number. c max was used to determine the transition condition c(t) > 2 as the maximum number of crossings before the simulation goes from discrete behavior to fine-tuning behavior, as in Fig. 6. Chevron-key interfaces show a high degree of idiosyncrasy as implemented in current systems. When holding down a key, the rate of change or velocity of the displayed value changes quite abruptly, as can be seen during the first 5 s of the simulation in Fig. 14 quickly the display changes, where the internal multiplier first switches from 0.1 to 1 (around the 2 s mark), and then from 1 to 10 (at the 5 s mark). Figs. 14-16 reveal how the human operator model is able to simulate human behavior. With no simulated delay or noise (see Fig. 14), the model behaves like an "ideal" operator, with minimal overshoot and quickly settling on the correct value. When the variable reaction time delay is introduced (see Fig. 15), there is a larger tendency to overshoot, as is the case with actual human behavior (see Fig. 10). When noise is simulated (see Fig. 16), there is a larger variance in how fast the task is completed, similar to the effects of perceptual and motor noise inherent in human behavior. VIII. CONCLUSION Even a well-designed user study may not be able to capture all the potential issues with a specific user interface design. Running user studies for a sufficiently long time to uncover these issues can be prohibitively time-consuming and expensive. A combination of user studies and simulations during the design process could yield better designs. The human operator model presented here is intended to be used to evaluate the first iterations of a design, when the design space is still quite large, and there are many design choices to be considered. The model helps to fine-tune variable parameters on the user interface itself, for instance, to reduce the time required to enter numbers on the interface. Once the poor design choices have been eliminated, the best designs can then be evaluated using traditional user studies. The human operator model presented in this paper allows for the modeling of both discrete interaction events, for example, short button presses, as well as continuous interaction, where the user exchanges input and output of dynamic information with the device constantly over a period of time. The human operator model can be used to compare existing interfaces against simulations of interfaces that more closely mimic real-world physics, as these continuous and discrete dynamics can be simulated in the model. Chevron-key interfaces as currently implemented have quite abrupt changes in how quickly the displayed value changes. These abrupt changes in the velocity at which the value increases does not fit with most users' conceptual models, where velocity increases gradually based on real-world physics. Human operators are well adapted to sensing and predicting physical changes. Human perception of velocity is enhanced when a control device has viscous resistance, as viscous resistance is linearly related to velocity. While this is described in terms of proprioceptive feedback with input device like joysticks and computer mice, these concepts can potentially also be applied to visual or auditory feedback. One simple low-cost solution to the problems with existing chevron-style medical devices would be to modify the firmware to use a model that more closely mimics real-world physics, where the increase in velocity is gradual and fits better with the user's conceptual model. Lab studies help in making sure that users understand an interaction design, while simulations help in designing the fine details of the user interface that are essential in safety-critical design, such as those of medical devices. The human operator model presented here combines manual control theory with behavior-based hybrid automata to simulate both continuous and discrete interaction, enabling us to simulate aspects of user interaction at a high resolution that compares well to real-world data. It can be extended and modified for different use cases and can be connected to a variety of device models, including ones based on formal specifications. |
package com.innovatian.idea.powershell.test.lang.parser;
import com.intellij.lang.Language;
import com.intellij.openapi.application.PathManager;
import com.intellij.openapi.fileTypes.FileType;
import com.intellij.openapi.module.Module;
import com.intellij.openapi.module.ModuleType;
import com.intellij.openapi.module.StdModuleTypes;
import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project;
import com.intellij.openapi.projectRoots.Sdk;
import com.intellij.openapi.projectRoots.impl.JavaSdkImpl;
import com.intellij.openapi.roots.ContentEntry;
import com.intellij.openapi.roots.LanguageLevelModuleExtension;
import com.intellij.openapi.roots.ModifiableRootModel;
import com.intellij.psi.*;
import com.intellij.testFramework.IdeaTestCase;
import com.intellij.testFramework.LightProjectDescriptor;
import com.intellij.testFramework.UsefulTestCase;
import com.intellij.testFramework.fixtures.*;
import com.intellij.testFramework.fixtures.impl.LightTempDirTestFixtureImpl;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NonNls;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
public abstract class CodeInsightFixtureTestCase extends UsefulTestCase {
public static final LightProjectDescriptor JAVA_1_4 = new LightProjectDescriptor() {
public ModuleType getModuleType() {
return StdModuleTypes.JAVA;
public Sdk getSdk() {
return JavaSdkImpl.getMockJdk17();
public void configureModule(Module module, ModifiableRootModel model, ContentEntry contentEntry) {
public static final LightProjectDescriptor JAVA_1_5 = new DefaultLightProjectDescriptor() {
public ModuleType getModuleType() {
return StdModuleTypes.JAVA;
public Sdk getSdk() {
return JavaSdkImpl.getMockJdk17("java 1.5");
public void configureModule(Module module, ModifiableRootModel model, ContentEntry contentEntry) {
public static final LightProjectDescriptor JAVA_LATEST = new DefaultLightProjectDescriptor();
protected JavaCodeInsightTestFixture myFixture;
protected Module myModule;
protected CodeInsightFixtureTestCase() {
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
IdeaTestFixtureFactory factory = IdeaTestFixtureFactory.getFixtureFactory();
TestFixtureBuilder<IdeaProjectTestFixture> fixtureBuilder = factory.createLightFixtureBuilder(getProjectDescriptor());
final IdeaProjectTestFixture fixture = fixtureBuilder.getFixture();
myFixture = JavaTestFixtureFactory.getFixtureFactory().createCodeInsightFixture(fixture, new LightTempDirTestFixtureImpl(true));
myModule = myFixture.getModule();
* Return relative path to the test data.
* @return relative path to the test data.
protected String getBasePath() {
return "";
protected LightProjectDescriptor getProjectDescriptor() {
* Return absolute path to the test data. Not intended to be overridden.
* @return absolute path to the test data.
protected String getTestDataPath() {
return PathManager.getHomePath().replace(File.separatorChar, '/') + getBasePath();
protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
myFixture = null;
myModule = null;
protected final void runTestBare() throws Throwable {
protected Project getProject() {
return myFixture.getProject();
protected PsiManager getPsiManager() {
return PsiManager.getInstance(getProject());
public PsiElementFactory getElementFactory() {
return JavaPsiFacade.getInstance(getProject()).getElementFactory();
protected PsiFile createLightFile(final FileType fileType, final String text) {
return PsiFileFactory.getInstance(getProject()).createFileFromText("a." + fileType.getDefaultExtension(), fileType, text);
public PsiFile createLightFile(final String fileName, final Language language, final String text) {
return PsiFileFactory.getInstance(getProject()).createFileFromText(fileName, language, text, false, true);
On the Development of Certain Species of Very Large Body Size by Linear-Dominance Mating Hierarchy Linear-dominance mating hierarchy (LDMH) is a reproductive social structure characterized by the mating dominance of the alpha male over all other males, the dominance of the beta male over all males except the alpha, and so on, progressing in orderly fashion down to the omega male, which dominates no other male. It is a relatively rare social system of mating behavior, much less common than monogyny, harem formation, mating within male-controlled territory, or other forms of reproductive behavior. Recent studies suggest that LDMH social organization fosters the development of some species of very large body size. The system of LDMH strongly influences the content of the gene pool, restricting to very few large males the opportunity to pass genes for body size to succeeding generations. A detailed and thorough study of elephant seals (Mirounga), the only Phocinae known to mate exclusively by LDMH social structure, revealed that only three dominant males accounted for 87 percent of matings (97 cows) during one full breeding season, with the alpha male a partner in 40 percent . By comparison, 80 percent of matings by the harem-forming gray seal (Halichoerus grypus) were found to be distributed among about 20 males. Elephant seals, male and female, are generally scattered over a large area (such as an entire beach) when the females are in estrus. When a low-ranking male attempts to mate, he is displaced by a higher-ranking male, wherever on the beach the mating pair may be and however distant they are from the alpha male. The higher-ranking male is in turn displaced by a still-higher-ranking male. This displacement behavior is |
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
#define rep(i,a,b) for(int i=int(a);i<int(b);i++)
typedef long long ll;
vector<ll> to[100010];
int main(){
ll n,ta,ao;cin>>n>>ta>>ao;
ll a,b;cin>>a>>b;
vector<pair<ll,ll> > dis(n);//a,t
queue<ll> q;
ll now=q.front();
for(auto nx:to[now]){
ll now=q.front();
for(auto nx:to[now]){
int des;
* Updates the control sample sets based on the platform selected.
* @return struts return value.
public String updateControlSampleSets() {
if (StringUtils.isBlank(plotParameters.getPlatformName())) {
return INPUT;
return SUCCESS;
} |
* If create is true, adds all nodes within locality's reach that were not
* already visible.
* Then (independent of 'create') collects all edges just beyond locality's
* reach and returns them.
* An edge with both end-points within locality's reach is counted as within
* locality's reach..
* An edge is within locality's reach if one end-point is attached to a node
* at least one step closer than locality's reach.
* @param startNode The node to start from.
* @param create Whether to create new nodes and edges.
* @return edges beyond locality's reach.
public Collection loadNodesInLocality(TMAbstractNode startNode,
boolean create, boolean delete) {
if (startNode == null)
return Collections.EMPTY_SET;
HashSet visited = new HashSet(getNodeCount());
Collection currentLevel = Collections.singleton(startNode);
for (int distance = 0; distance < locality && !currentLevel.isEmpty();
distance++) {
Collection nextLevel = new HashSet(getNodeCount());
Iterator currentLevelIt = currentLevel.iterator();
while (currentLevelIt.hasNext()) {
TMAbstractNode currentNode = (TMAbstractNode);
if (create)
createAssociations(currentNode, true, false);
Iterator edgesIt = currentNode.getEdges();
while (edgesIt.hasNext())
currentLevel = nextLevel;
if (useNodeLocality()) {
Iterator currentLevelIt = currentLevel.iterator();
while (currentLevelIt.hasNext()) {
TMAbstractNode currentNode = (TMAbstractNode);
Collection farEdges = new ArrayList();
Iterator currentLevelIt = currentLevel.iterator();
while (currentLevelIt.hasNext()) {
TMAbstractNode currentNode = (TMAbstractNode);
Iterator edgesIt = currentNode.getEdges();
while (edgesIt.hasNext()) {
TMAbstractEdge currentEdge = (TMAbstractEdge);
if (!(visited.contains(currentEdge.getOtherEndpt(currentNode))))
if (delete) {
currentLevelIt = currentLevel.iterator();
while (currentLevelIt.hasNext()) {
TMAbstractNode currentNode = (TMAbstractNode);
if (currentNode instanceof TMAssociationNode) {
createAllRoles((TMAssociationNode)currentNode, false);
if (useNodeLocality()) {
if (create)
createAssociations(currentNode, false, false);
return farEdges;
} |
package edu.carleton.comp.cdstore.models;
public class Shipping {
int shipid;
String method;
float price;
public Shipping(int shipid, String method, float price) {
this.shipid = shipid;
this.method = method;
this.price = price;
public final int getShipid() {
return shipid;
public final void setShipid(int shipid) {
this.shipid = shipid;
public final String getMethod() {
return method;
public final void setMethod(String method) {
this.method = method;
public final float getPrice() {
return price;
public final void setPrice(float price) {
this.price = price;
/* eslint-disable jsx-a11y/click-events-have-key-events */
/* jest */
import * as React from 'react'
import {render, fireEvent, screen} from '@testing-library/react'
import userEvent from '@testing-library/user-event'
import {Button} from './index'
describe('<Button>', () => {
it(`should fire click event once for buttons on click`, () => {
const cb = jest.fn()
<button onClick={cb} />
// mousedown'button'))
// touchstart'button'))
expect(cb).toBeCalledTimes(1) // should reset between clicks
it(`should fire click event once for buttons on space`, () => {
const cb = jest.fn()
<button onClick={cb} />
fireEvent.keyDown(screen.getByRole('button'), {key: ' '})
it(`should fire click event once for buttons on enter`, () => {
const cb = jest.fn()
<button onClick={cb} />
fireEvent.keyDown(screen.getByRole('button'), {key: 'Enter'})
it(`should fire click event once for divs on click`, () => {
const cb = jest.fn()
<div onClick={cb} />
it(`should fire click event once for divs on space`, () => {
const cb = jest.fn()
<div onClick={cb} />
fireEvent.keyDown(screen.getByRole('button'), {key: ' '})
it(`should fire click event once for divs on enter`, () => {
const cb = jest.fn()
<div onClick={cb} />
fireEvent.keyDown(screen.getByRole('button'), {key: 'Enter'})
it(`should add accessible roles`, () => {
<div />
).toMatchSnapshot('role=button, tabIndex=0')
it(`should allow roles to be overridden`, () => {
<div role='menu' tabIndex={-1} />
).toMatchSnapshot('role=menu, tabIndex=-1')
* If the last instruction in the created bale is a split instruction,
* need to join this result into the overall result with a wrregion or
* wrpredregion. Do not generate the join if it is a write into the whole
* of the overall result, which can happen when going through the split
* code even when no split is required other than conversion to multi
* indirect.
Value *GenXLegalization::joinBaleResult(Value *PrevSliceRes,
Value *LastSplitInst, unsigned StartIdx,
unsigned Width,
Instruction *InsertBefore) {
IGC_ASSERT_MESSAGE(PrevSliceRes, "wrong argument");
IGC_ASSERT_MESSAGE(LastSplitInst, "wrong argument");
IGC_ASSERT_MESSAGE(InsertBefore, "wrong argument");
auto Head = B.getHeadIgnoreGStore()->Inst;
auto *VT = cast<IGCLLVM::FixedVectorType>(Head->getType());
IGC_ASSERT_MESSAGE(VT->getNumElements() != Width,
"there's no need to join results if they have the proper type");
if (VT->getElementType()->isIntegerTy(1)) {
auto NewWr = Region::createWrPredRegion(
PrevSliceRes, LastSplitInst, StartIdx,
LastSplitInst->getName() + ".join" + Twine(StartIdx), InsertBefore,
if (!StartIdx) {
auto PredSize = getLegalPredSize(NewWr, nullptr, 0);
if (PredSize.Max !=
return NewWr;
} else {
Region R(Head);
R.Width = R.NumElements = Width;
R.Offset = StartIdx * R.ElementBytes;
return R.createWrRegion(PrevSliceRes, LastSplitInst,
LastSplitInst->getName() + ".join" +
InsertBefore, Head->getDebugLoc());
} |
2017 was a year full of surprises for the augmented reality industry. Arguably the single biggest development was the emergence of ARKit for iOS devices and ARCore for Android devices. Digi-Capital forecasts that the install base for mobile AR could hit 900 million by the end of 2018.
The sudden emergence of mobile AR on a mass scale, while exciting, raises numerous questions. What will become the killer app? Will even see one? Will consumers adopt an entirely new means of interaction with 3D objects overlaid in space? Who will define the best practices for product design and user experience for this emerging medium? I’ve interviewed eight investors who have provided their insights on risks and opportunities for the AR industry and startups entering the space.
VB: Which opportunities in AR do you see being promising in 2018?
“Enterprise Onramp”: technologies and products that enable companies to begin using AR for key “horizontal” functions such as marketing, customer support, and product design.
Vertical Solutions: specialty B2B use cases that an AR headset enables that were previously impossible with a PC alone, for industries such as construction, health care, public safety, etc.
VB: What do you see as risks and challenges for AR in 2018?
Stein: Timing is the single biggest risk right now, particularly for mobile AR. It’s critical for all stakeholders in this market to be objective and thoughtful about what is and isn’t working effectively. It’s possible that mobile AR won’t be where mass-market AR takes off, and that we’ll have to wait for AR glasses to become ubiquitous.
VB: Tips or advice for early stage AR startups entering the market now?
Stein: For enterprise AR startups: there’s already money to be made right now. The key is to stay patient in the sales process and try to find companies that already have an interest and a thesis around augmented reality. Making ties with the right investors who can introduce you to serious clients will save you a lot of time.
For consumer AR startups: Don’t get overhyped on the large install base. Watch the numbers around mobile AR growth, focus on adoption rates, and be objective about what does and does not constitute a real opportunity.
Castle: AR will require immense data sets to be transferred. This includes high quality 3D models, being sent back and forth between low-powered devices, and potentially over wireless infrastructure. This challenge presents a substantial opportunity for advancements in rendering technology and communication protocols.
The industry will also require the seamless digitization of real world objects, done at scale. Retail will be transformed by AR/VR. In the same way that consumers wouldn’t purchase an ecommerce product without product photos, we will eventually live in a world where consumers will expect to interact with a 3D model of a product they’re interested in.
Castle: Changing consumer habits is incredibly difficult. People today are not accustomed to using their smartphones for AR. This presents a challenge in that the best practices for user experience will have to be defined from scratch and then adopted at scale.
Castle: Solve real problems. Don’t get caught up in the hype cycle around the size of the mobile AR market. Identify real opportunities by solving problems, so that you can build a sustainable business.
Schneider: Broadly speaking, platforms and frameworks for developers to build AR applications that enable multiuser experiences, at scale, across devices. Ease-of-use will be particularly important for these platforms: both for developers to deploy, and for users to experience and interact.
Schneider: Timing is the biggest risk. Mobile AR will be a great platform for experimentation, although it may ultimately end up as a stepping stone to AR smart glasses. The enormous install base that immediately exists is an obvious strength, as developers can build apps that can reach scale. The long-term issue, however, is that smartphones are probably not the right interface for AR.
Platform companies face the dual challenges of developers needing to adopt their frameworks effectively while also considering the end-user experience. Thus, another challenge is whether developers can create AR applications that are compelling to users, and how quickly those users adapt to mobile AR user interfaces.
Schneider: Use your funding wisely and make it last a long time. It’s unclear what the final form factor for AR will be when this market reaches maturity, but it’s unlikely it will be smartphones. Be thoughtful and create a strategy that will enable you to endure as the market continues to evolve.
Moreover, you won’t be able to improve your product if you don’t have actively engaged users. You should be looking into areas where the market is growing. It may be helpful to look at some success stories from VR, such as BigScreen and their social movie watching experience. Find something that people clearly want to do today, not ten years from now, and create applications that focus on use cases that people will begin using right away.
Gembala: We still haven’t found the killer use case or application for smartphone AR. That said, that killer app will probably have these traits: ease of use, aligns with an existing daily activity, and solves a core need that improves with more usage. These sound obvious, but the issue is complex. What constitutes an easy-to-use experience for smartphone AR? Why would you use an AR app several times a day? What compels you to keep checking that app? What fundamental problem are you solving with smartphone AR that wasn’t being solved before?
A team that can build a product that solves these issues, at scale, will uncover a great opportunity for mobile AR.
Gembala: Generally speaking, people have never used smartphones for AR. Thus, consumers will have a sharp learning curve regarding how to use mobile AR that might cause friction in user adoption. There needs to be a compelling use case to train this sort of habitual behavior, to create the ‘muscle memory’ among consumers for AR apps. In this sense, UX design will be critically important.
Gembala: Start narrow and do a lot of customer discovery and development. Identify an issue that is solvable with mobile AR as it exists today, for which there is a strong need with a high degree of stickiness and frequent usage. This is particularly true for mobile AR opportunities in the consumer space, although applicable to enterprise AR as well. Then, as the capabilities of the hardware and software evolve, you can evolve in line with them.
Continued on the next page. |
Model Predictive Current Control of Active Distribution Transformer With Consideration of Its Stability Analysis Based on AC-AC Matrix Converter In order to reduce the complexity of the algorithm, this paper proposes to apply model predictive current control (MPCC) to matrix converter-based active distribution transformer (MC-ADT). The proposed control strategy is to control the power factor of the input and the voltage on the output side. In order to ensure stability of the system, analysis of the output voltage is carried on under the Back-EMF R-L load. And the Rolls criterion is used to analyze the stability of the system. Simulation and experimental results verify the feasibility of the proposed control strategy and the stability of the system. |
Supporters of marijuana legalization are elated about the passage of Proposition 64, which will allow anyone 21 and older to buy recreational pot from licensed California sellers starting Jan. 1, 2018.
Or will it? Some officials say that the start date might have to be pushed back because the state agency that will regulate growers, producers and pot shops won't have the regulations required by state law in place by then. In fact, the Bureau of Medical Cannabis Regulation needs to establish not only how recreational shops are licensed and permitted but also how the multibillion-dollar product is grown, tracked and tested.
"It's taking so long to get the draft regulations out there," says Dale Gieringer, director of California NORML. "It wouldn't surprise me if they're late. Furthermore, there's every indication the Legislature will pass some more bills altering the regulatory system this year, which could require a midstream adjustment that would further push legal sales down the line." |
Copyright 2020 The Symcn Authors.
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package configuredservice
import (
ptypes ""
meshv1alpha1 ""
v1beta1 ""
networkingv1beta1 ""
func (r *Reconciler) reconcileVirtualService(ctx context.Context, cr *meshv1alpha1.ConfiguredService) error {
foundMap, err := r.getVirtualServicesMap(ctx, cr)
if err != nil {
klog.Errorf("%s/%s get VirtualService error: %+v", cr.Namespace, cr.Name, err)
return err
// Skip if the service's subset is none
if len(cr.Spec.Subsets) != 0 {
vs := r.buildVirtualService(cr)
// Set ConfiguredService instance as the owner and controller
if err := controllerutil.SetControllerReference(cr, vs, r.Scheme); err != nil {
klog.Errorf("SetControllerReference error: %v", err)
return err
// Check if this VirtualService already exists
found, ok := foundMap[vs.Name]
if !ok {
klog.Infof("Creating a new VirtualService, Namespace: %s, Name: %s", vs.Namespace, vs.Name)
err = r.Create(ctx, vs)
if err != nil {
klog.Errorf("Create VirtualService error: %+v", err)
return err
} else {
// Update VirtualService
if compareVirtualService(vs, found) {
klog.Infof("Update VirtualService, Namespace: %s, Name: %s",
found.Namespace, found.Name)
err := retry.RetryOnConflict(retry.DefaultRetry, func() error {
found.Finalizers = vs.Finalizers
found.Labels = vs.ObjectMeta.Labels
updateErr := r.Update(ctx, found)
if updateErr == nil {
klog.V(4).Infof("%s/%s update VirtualService successfully",
vs.Namespace, vs.Name)
return nil
return updateErr
if err != nil {
klog.Warningf("Update VirtualService [%s] spec failed, err: %+v", vs.Name, err)
return err
delete(foundMap, vs.Name)
// Delete old VirtualServices
for name, vs := range foundMap {
klog.Infof("Delete unused VirtualService: %s", name)
err := r.Delete(ctx, vs)
if err != nil {
klog.Errorf("Delete unused VirtualService error: %+v", err)
return err
return nil
func (r *Reconciler) buildVirtualService(svc *meshv1alpha1.ConfiguredService) *networkingv1beta1.VirtualService {
httpRoute := []*v1beta1.HTTPRoute{}
for _, sourceLabels := range svc.Spec.Policy.SourceLabels {
http := r.buildHTTPRoute(svc, sourceLabels)
httpRoute = append(httpRoute, http)
if svc.Spec.RerouteOption == nil || svc.Spec.RerouteOption.ReroutePolicy != meshv1alpha1.Unchangeable {
defaultRoute := r.buildDefaultRoute(svc)
httpRoute = append(httpRoute, defaultRoute)
return &networkingv1beta1.VirtualService{
ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{
Name: utils.FormatToDNS1123(svc.Name),
Namespace: svc.Namespace,
Labels: map[string]string{r.Opt.SelectLabel: truncated(svc.Spec.OriginalName)},
Spec: v1beta1.VirtualService{
Hosts: []string{svc.Name},
Http: httpRoute,
func (r *Reconciler) buildHTTPRoute(svc *meshv1alpha1.ConfiguredService, sourceLabels *meshv1alpha1.SourceLabels) *v1beta1.HTTPRoute {
// m := make(map[string]*v1beta1.StringMatch)
// for key, matchType := range r.MeshConfig.Spec.MatchHeaderLabelKeys {
// m[key] = getMatchType(matchType, sourceLabels.Headers[key])
// }
// klog.V(4).Infof("match header map: %+v", m)
s := make(map[string]string)
for _, key := range r.MeshConfig.Spec.MatchSourceLabelKeys {
s[key] = sourceLabels.Labels[key]
// klog.V(4).Infof("match sourceLabels map: %+v", m)
match := &v1beta1.HTTPMatchRequest{SourceLabels: s}
var routes []*v1beta1.HTTPRouteDestination
for _, destination := range sourceLabels.Route {
route := &v1beta1.HTTPRouteDestination{Destination: &v1beta1.Destination{Host: svc.Name}}
if destination.Subset != "" {
route.Destination.Subset = destination.Subset
if destination.Weight != 0 {
route.Weight = destination.Weight
routes = append(routes, route)
return &v1beta1.HTTPRoute{
Name: httpRouteName + "-" + sourceLabels.Name,
Match: []*v1beta1.HTTPMatchRequest{match},
Route: routes,
Timeout: utils.StringToDuration(svc.Spec.Policy.Timeout, int64(svc.Spec.Policy.MaxRetries)),
Retries: &v1beta1.HTTPRetry{
Attempts: svc.Spec.Policy.MaxRetries,
PerTryTimeout: utils.StringToDuration(svc.Spec.Policy.Timeout, 1),
RetryOn: r.Opt.ProxyRetryOn,
func (r *Reconciler) buildDefaultRoute(svc *meshv1alpha1.ConfiguredService) *v1beta1.HTTPRoute {
route := &v1beta1.HTTPRouteDestination{Destination: &v1beta1.Destination{Host: svc.Name}}
return &v1beta1.HTTPRoute{
Name: defaultRouteName,
Route: []*v1beta1.HTTPRouteDestination{route},
Retries: &v1beta1.HTTPRetry{
Attempts: r.Opt.ProxyAttempts,
PerTryTimeout: &ptypes.Duration{Seconds: r.Opt.ProxyPerTryTimeout},
RetryOn: r.Opt.ProxyRetryOn,
func compareVirtualService(new, old *networkingv1beta1.VirtualService) bool {
if !equality.Semantic.DeepEqual(new.ObjectMeta.Finalizers, old.ObjectMeta.Finalizers) {
return true
if !equality.Semantic.DeepEqual(new.ObjectMeta.Labels, old.ObjectMeta.Labels) {
return true
if !equality.Semantic.DeepEqual(new.Spec, old.Spec) {
return true
return false
func getMatchType(matchType meshv1alpha1.StringMatchType, value string) *v1beta1.StringMatch {
s := &v1beta1.StringMatch{}
switch matchType {
case meshv1alpha1.Prefix:
s.MatchType = &v1beta1.StringMatch_Prefix{Prefix: value}
case meshv1alpha1.Regex:
s.MatchType = &v1beta1.StringMatch_Regex{Regex: value}
s.MatchType = &v1beta1.StringMatch_Exact{Exact: value}
return s
func (r *Reconciler) getVirtualServicesMap(ctx context.Context, cr *meshv1alpha1.ConfiguredService) (map[string]*networkingv1beta1.VirtualService, error) {
list := &networkingv1beta1.VirtualServiceList{}
labels := &client.MatchingLabels{r.Opt.SelectLabel: truncated(cr.Spec.OriginalName)}
opts := &client.ListOptions{Namespace: cr.Namespace}
err := r.List(ctx, list, opts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
m := make(map[string]*networkingv1beta1.VirtualService)
for i := range list.Items {
item := list.Items[i]
m[item.Name] = &item
return m, nil
import React, { Fragment, useState } from 'react';
import { mount } from '@cypress/react';
import { Modal } from './Modal';
import { Button } from '../button/Button';
import { WrapperTheme } from '../../utils/test';
const ModalComponent = ({ lateral = false }: any) => {
const [show, setShow] = useState<boolean>(false);
const onShowModal = () => {
setShow((show) => !show);
return (
<button onClick={onShowModal} data-test='button-modal'>
Show Modal
title='Title Modal'
onChangeShow={(s) => setShow(s)}
<p>This is the modal</p>
describe('Modal component', () => {
it('works', () => {
mount(<ModalComponent />);
cy.contains('This is the modal').should('be.visible');
it('should show modal lateral', () => {
mount(<ModalComponent lateral />);
cy.contains('This is the modal').should('be.visible');
Book Review: Gender Democracy in Trade Unions A research into gender in trade unions was a relatively neglected topic in the past, there has been a recent upsurge of work in this area. Anne McBrides in-depth and captivating study of gender democracy in UNISON, the largest UK public sector union, is a significant addition to this literature. Indeed, the book also raises issues of concern with regard to union representation for black and lesbian and gay union members whilst also inter-relating these with working class members of all groups, including white men. The book begins by reminding us of the changing face of British trade unions; that women now make up around 44 per cent of the workforce and about 40 per cent of trade union members, and that a key strategy of the Trades Union Congress (TUC) is to recruit more women. It describes how the merger of three public sector unionsthe National and Local Government Officers Association (NALGO), the National Union of Public Employees (NUPE) and the Confederation of Health Service Employees (COHSE)made the new union UNISON the largest union in Britain, with almost one million female members (72 per cent) and with approximately 10 per cent of its members black workers. Within a union where it was anticipated that, following the merger, it would represent one in 18 of all workers in the country, one in six trade unionists and one-third of all women union members, the quest for equality of representation and participation is clearly of major consequence, particularly to women members of UNISON and potentially to women members of other unions. By implementing proportionality in a union with such a high percentage of women members, UNISON is arguably changing the dominant (male) values of trade unionism; the power and authority in decision making previously held by men perceivably shifts towards the women members. This enlightened approach by UNISON to union organisation is given thoughtful and balanced consideration by the author, providing us with insight into tensions that exist between and within the various representative groups in the quest for the appropriate structures to support union aims. Central to the book is the complex notion of democracy. The author draws upon, and develops, Bachrach and Baratzs analytical framework of power and decision making in order to help us through this intricate concept. As McBride takes us through the literature on democracy and power, she builds up, step by step, a powerful analysis of gender democracy in trade unions. This analysis explores the extent to which the rules of the game within trade unions tend to favour white male interests. The book critically appraises different prescriptions |
import centerOfMass from '../../../src/utils/centerOfMass';
import earcut from 'earcut';
import Vector2 from '@equinor/videx-vector2';
import { flatten } from '@equinor/videx-linear-algebra';
import * as d3 from 'd3';
export default { title: 'utils/centerOfMass' };
// >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
// Circle
export const Circle = () => {
const root = d3.create('svg')
.attr('width', '500px')
.attr('height', '500px');
const center = new Vector2(250, 250);
const verts: Vector2[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 360; i += 60) {
const pos = Vector2.right
const tris = earcut(flatten(verts));
for (let i = 0; i < tris.length; i += 3) {
const a = verts[tris[i]];
const b = verts[tris[i + 1]];
const c = verts[tris[i + 2]];
.attr('fill', 'Coral')
.attr('stroke', 'FireBrick')
verts.forEach(pos => {
.attr('cx', pos.x)
.attr('cy', pos.y)
.attr('fill', 'FireBrick')
.attr('r', 5);
const [com] = centerOfMass(verts, tris);
.attr('cx', com.x)
.attr('cy', com.y)
.attr('fill', 'Black')
.attr('r', 5);
return root.node();
// >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
// Arrow
export const Arrow = () => {
const root = d3.create('svg')
.attr('width', '500px')
.attr('height', '500px');
const center = new Vector2(250, 250);
const verts: Vector2[] = [
new Vector2(50, 50),
new Vector2(250, 450),
new Vector2(450, 50),
new Vector2(250, 150),
const tris = earcut(flatten(verts));
for (let i = 0; i < tris.length; i += 3) {
const a = verts[tris[i]];
const b = verts[tris[i + 1]];
const c = verts[tris[i + 2]];
.attr('fill', 'Coral')
.attr('stroke', 'FireBrick')
verts.forEach(pos => {
.attr('cx', pos.x)
.attr('cy', pos.y)
.attr('fill', 'FireBrick')
.attr('r', 5);
const [com] = centerOfMass(verts, tris);
.attr('cx', com.x)
.attr('cy', com.y)
.attr('fill', 'Black')
.attr('r', 5);
return root.node();
// >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
// Letter T
export const LetterT = () => {
const root = d3.create('svg')
.attr('width', '500px')
.attr('height', '500px');
const center = new Vector2(250, 250);
const verts: Vector2[] = [
new Vector2(50, 50),
new Vector2(450, 50),
new Vector2(450, 100),
new Vector2(275, 100),
new Vector2(275, 450),
new Vector2(225, 450),
new Vector2(225, 100),
new Vector2(50, 100),
const tris = earcut(flatten(verts));
for (let i = 0; i < tris.length; i += 3) {
const a = verts[tris[i]];
const b = verts[tris[i + 1]];
const c = verts[tris[i + 2]];
.attr('fill', 'Coral')
.attr('stroke', 'FireBrick')
verts.forEach(pos => {
.attr('cx', pos.x)
.attr('cy', pos.y)
.attr('fill', 'FireBrick')
.attr('r', 5);
const [com] = centerOfMass(verts, tris);
.attr('cx', com.x)
.attr('cy', com.y)
.attr('fill', 'Black')
.attr('r', 5);
return root.node();
Grease Life Prediction for Sealed Ball Bearings Sealed ball bearings are used widely for electric motors and automotive components. Appropriate grease is selected for the each application, considering grease life, bearing torque, sound characteristics, etc. Recently, as these components have become progressively more compact, the sealed ball bearings are required to operate at higher temperatures and rotational speeds. In such cases, grease life has become more critical in determining the bearing's overall life. Therefore, it is important to estimate grease life in order to select the appropriate grease and predict the life of the final product. In this paper, the grease life formulas for both urea and lithium soap greases were generated. The formulas were derived from grease life data generated on 6204 bearings with inner ring rotation. The formulas were composed of temperature, rotational speed and applied load terms. These terms were obtained, based on the test results, the temperatures from 100 °-180 °C, the rotational speeds from 10,00020,000 revolutions per minute (rpm) and the axial loads from 67-670 N, respectively. The grease life formulas were further improved to be applicable to outer ring rotation bearings. It was found that the grease life in bearings with outer ring rotation was shorter than for bearings with inner ring rotation. The difference in cage rotational speed was found to affect the grease life. By adding a correction factor for outer ring rotation to the rotational speed term, the same grease life formula, independent of rotational type, can be utilized. Presented as a Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers Paper at the ASME/STLE Tribology Conference in Seattle, Washington, October 14, 2000 |
/// Performs this Worker's task
pub async fn perform_task(&self) -> Result<Report> {
let report = self.perform.perform().await?;
*self.last_run_at.write().await = Some(Utc::now());
} |
import type { MikroORM } from '@mikro-orm/core';
import type { MySqlDriver } from '@mikro-orm/mysql';
import { initORMMySql, mockLogger, wipeDatabaseMySql } from '../../bootstrap';
import { Author2, Book2 } from '../../entities-sql';
describe('lazy scalar properties (mysql)', () => {
let orm: MikroORM<MySqlDriver>;
beforeAll(async () => orm = await initORMMySql(undefined, undefined, true));
beforeEach(async () => wipeDatabaseMySql(orm.em));
test('lazy scalar properties', async () => {
const book = new Book2('b', new Author2('n', 'e'));
book.perex = '123';
await orm.em.persistAndFlush(book);
const mock = mockLogger(orm, ['query']);
const r1 = await orm.em.find(Author2, {}, { populate: ['books'] });
expect(mock.mock.calls[0][0]).toMatch('select `a0`.*, `a1`.`author_id` as `address_author_id` from `author2` as `a0` left join `address2` as `a1` on `a0`.`id` = `a1`.`author_id`');
expect(mock.mock.calls[1][0]).toMatch('select `b0`.`uuid_pk`, `b0`.`created_at`, `b0`.`title`, `b0`.`price`, `b0`.`double`, `b0`.`meta`, `b0`.`author_id`, `b0`.`publisher_id`, `b0`.price * 1.19 as `price_taxed`, `t1`.`id` as `test_id` ' +
'from `book2` as `b0` ' +
'left join `test2` as `t1` on `b0`.`uuid_pk` = `t1`.`book_uuid_pk` ' +
'where `b0`.`author_id` is not null and `b0`.`author_id` in (?) ' +
'order by `b0`.`title` asc');
mock.mock.calls.length = 0;
const r2 = await orm.em.find(Author2, {}, { populate: ['books.perex'] });
expect(mock.mock.calls[0][0]).toMatch('select `a0`.*, `a1`.`author_id` as `address_author_id` from `author2` as `a0` left join `address2` as `a1` on `a0`.`id` = `a1`.`author_id`');
expect(mock.mock.calls[1][0]).toMatch('select `b0`.*, `b0`.price * 1.19 as `price_taxed`, `t1`.`id` as `test_id` ' +
'from `book2` as `b0` ' +
'left join `test2` as `t1` on `b0`.`uuid_pk` = `t1`.`book_uuid_pk` ' +
'where `b0`.`author_id` is not null and `b0`.`author_id` in (?) ' +
'order by `b0`.`title` asc');
mock.mock.calls.length = 0;
const r3 = await orm.em.findOne(Author2,, { populate: ['books'] });
expect(mock.mock.calls[0][0]).toMatch('select `a0`.*, `a1`.`author_id` as `address_author_id` from `author2` as `a0` left join `address2` as `a1` on `a0`.`id` = `a1`.`author_id`');
expect(mock.mock.calls[1][0]).toMatch('select `b0`.`uuid_pk`, `b0`.`created_at`, `b0`.`title`, `b0`.`price`, `b0`.`double`, `b0`.`meta`, `b0`.`author_id`, `b0`.`publisher_id`, `b0`.price * 1.19 as `price_taxed`, `t1`.`id` as `test_id` ' +
'from `book2` as `b0` ' +
'left join `test2` as `t1` on `b0`.`uuid_pk` = `t1`.`book_uuid_pk` ' +
'where `b0`.`author_id` is not null and `b0`.`author_id` in (?) ' +
'order by `b0`.`title` asc');
mock.mock.calls.length = 0;
const r4 = await orm.em.findOne(Author2,, { populate: ['books.perex'] });
expect(mock.mock.calls[0][0]).toMatch('select `a0`.*, `a1`.`author_id` as `address_author_id` from `author2` as `a0` left join `address2` as `a1` on `a0`.`id` = `a1`.`author_id`');
expect(mock.mock.calls[1][0]).toMatch('select `b0`.*, `b0`.price * 1.19 as `price_taxed`, `t1`.`id` as `test_id` ' +
'from `book2` as `b0` ' +
'left join `test2` as `t1` on `b0`.`uuid_pk` = `t1`.`book_uuid_pk` ' +
'where `b0`.`author_id` is not null and `b0`.`author_id` in (?) ' +
'order by `b0`.`title` asc');
test('em.populate() respects lazy scalar properties', async () => {
const book = new Book2('b', new Author2('n', 'e'));
book.perex = '123';
await orm.em.persistAndFlush(book);
const mock = mockLogger(orm, ['query']);
const r1 = await orm.em.find(Author2, {});
await orm.em.populate(r1, ['books']);
await orm.em.populate(r1, ['books.perex']);
expect(mock.mock.calls[0][0]).toMatch('select `a0`.*, `a1`.`author_id` as `address_author_id` from `author2` as `a0` left join `address2` as `a1` on `a0`.`id` = `a1`.`author_id`');
expect(mock.mock.calls[1][0]).toMatch('select `b0`.`uuid_pk`, `b0`.`created_at`, `b0`.`title`, `b0`.`price`, `b0`.`double`, `b0`.`meta`, `b0`.`author_id`, `b0`.`publisher_id`, `b0`.price * 1.19 as `price_taxed`, `t1`.`id` as `test_id` from `book2` as `b0` left join `test2` as `t1` on `b0`.`uuid_pk` = `t1`.`book_uuid_pk` where `b0`.`author_id` is not null and `b0`.`author_id` in (?) order by `b0`.`title` asc, `b0`.`author_id` asc');
expect(mock.mock.calls[2][0]).toMatch('select `b0`.`uuid_pk`, `b0`.`perex` from `book2` as `b0` where `b0`.`author_id` is not null and `b0`.`uuid_pk` in (?)');
await orm.em.flush(); // no queries should be made, as the lazy property should be merged to entity snapshot
afterAll(async () => orm.close(true));
def url_to_html(url):
res = requests.get(url, headers={"User-Agent": "XY"})
html = res.text
parser_content = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html5lib')
return parser_content |
Influence of Resin Molecular Weight on the Moisture Permeability of HDPE Blown Films A set of high density polyethylene (HDPE) blown films was produced from five resins of varying molecular weight under identical processing conditions. Film morphology was characterized in terms of crystalline content using refractometry as well as quantification of crystalline phase orientation through the application of Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) linear dichroism. Additional insight into film structure was gained through the use of scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) was observed to increase with resin molecular weight. The enhanced permeability of the higher molecular weight films was associated with slightly lower crystalline content and greater crystalline orientation relative to the lower molecular weight films. Due to the small differences in morphology and permeation behavior noted, the effect of orientation on WVTR performance between the films studied was only significant for the most highly oriented film. |
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
to_print = sys.argv[1:]
for name, val in zip(to_print[0::2], to_print[1::2]):
print(name, repr(val))
Oral microbial dysbiosis precedes development of pancreatic cancer In the United States, more than 50,000 people will acquire pancreatic cancer this year. This cancer type is the fourth leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States. Less than 10% of those diagnosed will be alive in 5 years. Recently, a prospective nested case-control study showed that carriage of Porphyromonas gingivalis and Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, two keystone pathogens in periodontitis, and a decreased relative abundance of the phylum Fusobacteria and its genus Leptotrichia, related to an increased risk of pancreatic cancer. The study was based on oral mouth wash samples from 361 men and women with incident adenocarcinoma of pancreas and 371 matched healthy controls from two prospective cohort studies. The study was controlled for variances in age, race, sex, smoking status, alcohol use, body mass index, and diabetes. The microbiota of the oral wash samples was characterized with 16S rRNA gene sequencing. The relationship between the total oral microbiota and pancreatic cancer was analyzed by weighted and unweighted UniFrac distances. These tests evaluate the phylogenetic similarity of bacterial community pairs, taking into account relative abundance or presence/absence, respectively, of operational taxonomic units (OTUs). When the overall microbiota composition was compared initially, no differences in either cohort could be seen, with respect to overall phylogenetic distance of oral microbiome composition, between subjects who developed pancreatic cancer and those who did not. The participants were monitored for almost a decade to determine who developed pancreatic cancer. Participants with P. gingivalis in their microbiome had a 59% higher risk of developing cancer than those without. Patients with A. actinomycetemcomitans had at least 50% increased risk of developing pancreatic cancer. However, the association for A. actinomycetemcomitans was not as statistically strong as for P. gingivalis. The latter was also found in the oral microbiomes of control persons, but not as frequent as in pancreatic cancer patients (26% vs 35%). For comparison, 4% of control patients and 9% of pancreatic cancer patients carried A. actinomycetemcomitans. The risks identified for these two species could not be associated with other species. The phylum Fusobacteria and its genus Leptotrichia were related to a decreased risk of pancreatic cancer. What was particularly noticeable in this study was that oral microbial dysbiosis preceded the development of pancreatic cancer. Oral samples were used that had been collected up to 10 years before cancer diagnosis. The increased risk was the same even after excluding pancreatic cancer cases that occurred less than 2 years after the samples were collected. This made it unlikely that the oral dysbiosis occurred after or simultaneous with the cancer development. It indicated that the oral microbiota had an etiological role in pancreatic cancer. Although this was the first study to count bacteria directly in oral samples collected before onset of the disease, several previous epidemiological studies have suggested an association between periodontal disease/ tooth loss and increased risk of pancreatic cancer . A large European cohort found high serum antibodies to P. gingivalis (>200 ng/mL), and these antibodies were associated with a twofold increased risk for pancreatic cancer compared to those with lower levels of such antibodies. Furthermore, in a prospective cohort study of over 50,000 male health professionals who constituted a homogenous socioeconomic population, a history of periodontitis was associated with a 64% increased risk for developing pancreatic cancer. This association was stronger for men who had never smoked, although smoking is generally regarded as a risk factor for pancreatic cancer. Interestingly, a dense multispecies bacterial biofilm including oral bacteria was detected within the pancreatic duct of patients with calcific pancreatitis by using fluorescence in situ hybridization. Clearly, oral bacteria can reach pancreatic sites through blood dissemination and also by swallowing. How P. gingivalis and A. actinomycetemcomitans can contribute to pancreatic cancer is not clear. As pointed out by Fan et al., P. gingivalis has considerable potential to evade the immune system by invading host cells These tests evaluate the phylogenetic similarity of bacterial community pairs, taking into account relative abundance or presence/absence, respectively, of operational taxonomic units (OTUs). When the overall microbiota composition was compared initially, no differences in either cohort could be seen, with respect to overall phylogenetic distance of oral microbiome composition, between subjects who developed pancreatic cancer and those who did not. The participants were monitored for almost a decade to determine who developed pancreatic cancer. Participants with P. gingivalis in their microbiome had a 59% higher risk of developing cancer than those without. Patients with A. actinomycetemcomitans had at least 50% increased risk of developing pancreatic cancer. However, the association for A. actinomycetemcomitans was not as statistically strong as for P. gingivalis. The latter was also found in the oral microbiomes of control persons, but not as frequent as in pancreatic cancer patients (26% vs 35%). For comparison, 4% of control patients and 9% of pancreatic cancer patients carried A. actinomycetemcomitans. The risks identified for these two species could not be associated with other species. The phylum Fusobacteria and its genus Leptotrichia were related to a decreased risk of pancreatic cancer. What was particularly noticeable in this study was that oral microbial dysbiosis preceded the development of pancreatic cancer. Oral samples were used that had been collected up to 10 years before cancer diagnosis. The increased risk was the same even after excluding pancreatic cancer cases that occurred less than 2 years after the samples were collected. This made it unlikely that the oral dysbiosis occurred after or simultaneous with the cancer development. It indicated that the oral microbiota had an etiological role in pancreatic cancer. Although this was the first study to count bacteria directly in oral samples collected before onset of the disease, several previous epidemiological studies have suggested an association between periodontal disease/ tooth loss and increased risk of pancreatic cancer. A large European cohort found high serum antibodies to P. gingivalis (>200 ng/mL), and these antibodies were associated with a twofold increased risk for pancreatic cancer compared to those with lower levels of such antibodies. Furthermore, in a prospective cohort study of over 50,000 male health professionals who constituted a homogenous socioeconomic population, a history of periodontitis was associated with a 64% increased risk for developing pancreatic cancer. This association was stronger for men who had never smoked, although smoking is generally regarded as a risk factor for pancreatic cancer. Interestingly, a dense multispecies bacterial biofilm including oral bacteria was detected within the pancreatic duct of patients with calcific pancreatitis by using fluorescence in situ hybridization. Clearly, oral bacteria can reach pancreatic sites through blood dissemination and also by swallowing. How P. gingivalis and A. actinomycetemcomitans can contribute to pancreatic cancer is not clear. As pointed out by Fan et al., P. gingivalis has considerable potential to evade the immune system by invading host cells and by disrupting signaling pathways through cytokine and receptor degradation. A. actinomycetemcomitans can activate Toll-like receptor (TLR) signaling pathways, and TLR9 has protumorigenic effects on pancreatic carcinoma. P. gingivalis and Fusobacterium nucleatum have been shown to have a strong oral carcinogenic potential in vitro and in animal studies. They are thought to contribute to oral carcinogenesis through inhibition of apoptosis, activation of cell proliferation, promotion of cellular invasion, induction of chronic inflammation, and production of carcinogens. Fan et al. found it premature to conclude that the two periodontal pathogens cause pancreatic cancer, although there was a clear indication that they did so. They also suggested that pancreatic and oral conditions could be related to an independent systemic inflammatory process. If so, then the oral bacteria might just be markers for the susceptibility to inflammation. Consequently, more studies are needed and will be performed to establish whether, and if so how, oral microbial dysbiosis causes pancreatic cancer. As a general recommendation, I feel that more efforts should be made now to prove if, and how oral microorganisms can cause the large number of systemic diseases they have been associated with.. Funding This work was supported by the European Commission . |
from .MailMessage import MailMessage, MailAttachment
import email
import email.header
import poplib
import re
from typing import List, Optional
MAIL_REGEX = r'^(?:.*?)([\w\.]+\@[\w]+\.[\w]+)(?:.*?)$'
SAVE_DIR = 'submits'
def decode_if_needed(data, encoding=None) -> str:
if type(data) is not str:
encoding = 'utf-8' if encoding is None else encoding
return data.decode(encoding)
return data
class MailReceiver:
def __init__(self, login, password, pop_server='', port=995):
self.login = login
self.password = password
self.popServer = pop_server
self.port = port
self.server = None
def __enter__(self):
self.server = poplib.POP3_SSL(self.popServer, port=self.port)
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
def __parse_subject(msg):
subject = msg['Subject']
if subject is not None:
subject = email.header.decode_header(subject)
subject = decode_if_needed(subject[0][0], subject[0][1])
return subject
def __parse_sender(msg):
from_who = email.header.decode_header(msg['From'])
sender_email = None
for infoIdx in range(len(from_who)):
if len(from_who[infoIdx]) == 2:
tmp = decode_if_needed(from_who[infoIdx][0], from_who[infoIdx][1])
matched = re.match(MAIL_REGEX, tmp)
if matched:
sender_email = matched.groups()[0]
return sender_email
def __parse_file_name(part) -> Optional[str]:
filename = part.get_filename()
filename = email.header.decode_header(filename)
filename = decode_if_needed(filename[0][0])
return filename
def fetch(self) -> List[MailMessage]:
result = []
emails, total_bytes = self.server.stat()
for i in range(emails):
response = self.server.retr(i + 1)
raw_message = response[1]
str_message = email.message_from_bytes(b'\n'.join(raw_message))
subject = self.__parse_subject(str_message)
sender_email = self.__parse_sender(str_message)
body = ''
date = str_message['Date']
message = MailMessage(sender_email, self.login, subject, body, date)
for part in str_message.walk():
content_maintype = part.get_content_maintype()
if content_maintype == 'multipart':
if part.get_content_disposition() is None:
message.attach_file(MailAttachment(self.__parse_file_name(part), part.get_payload()))
return result
def skip_pending(self) -> int:
emails, total_bytes = self.server.stat()
for i in range(emails):
self.server.retr(i + 1)
return emails
Subsets and Splits