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2024-01-06 02:11:00.646
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 478 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-11T13:26:04Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-11T13:26:04Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-06-18 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2014-06-18T21:52:34Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <relatedBills> <item> <title> Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives with respect to enhanced relations with the Republic of Moldova and support for Moldova's territorial integrity. </title> <congress> 113 </congress> <number> 562 </number> <type> HRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-07-25 </actionDate> <text> Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection. </text> <actionTime> 13:03:58 </actionTime> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> <item> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate with respect to enhanced relations with the Republic of Moldova and support for the Republic of Moldova's territorial integrity. </title> <congress> 113 </congress> <number> 500 </number> <type> SRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-07-23 </actionDate> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Voice Vote. (consideration: CR S4845) </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-06-18 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S3813-3814) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-06-18 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> S001181 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Shaheen, Jeanne [D-NH] </fullName> <firstName> Jeanne </firstName> <lastName> Shaheen </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NH </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> M000639 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Menendez, Robert [D-NJ] </fullName> <firstName> Robert </firstName> <lastName> Menendez </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001169 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Murphy, Christopher [D-CT] </fullName> <firstName> Christopher </firstName> <lastName> Murphy </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CT </state> <middleName> S. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Competitiveness, trade promotion, trade deficits </name> </item> <item> <name> Conflicts and wars </name> </item> <item> <name> Energy storage, supplies, demand </name> </item> <item> <name> Europe </name> </item> <item> <name> European Union </name> </item> <item> <name> Foreign aid and international relief </name> </item> <item> <name> Government ethics and transparency, public corruption </name> </item> <item> <name> International exchange and broadcasting </name> </item> <item> <name> International organizations and cooperation </name> </item> <item> <name> Military operations and strategy </name> </item> <item> <name> Moldova </name> </item> <item> <name> Rule of law and government transparency </name> </item> <item> <name> Russia </name> </item> <item> <name> Sovereignty, recognition, national governance and status </name> </item> <item> <name> U.S. and foreign investments </name> </item> <item> <name> Ukraine </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-06-18 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-06-25T19:21:33Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Reaffirms that it is U.S. policy to support the Republic of Moldova's sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Supports the Strategic Dialogue as a means to strengthen relations between the Republic of Moldova and the United States and enhance the democratic, economic, rule of law, and security reforms being implemented by the Republic of Moldova.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Encourages: (1) the President and the Department of State to enhance U.S. cooperation with the government of Moldova and civil society organizations, and (2) the President to expedite implementation of the Act relating to &amp;quot;United States International Programming to Ukraine and Neighboring Regions.&amp;quot;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Affirms the Republic of Moldova's sovereign right to determine its own partnerships free of external coercion and affirms Moldova's right to associate with the European Union (EU) or any regional organization. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Urges the EU to continue to work for greater political, economic, and social integration with the Republic of Moldova.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Calls upon the Government of Russia to: (1) withdraw its military forces from within the internationally recognized territory of the Republic of Moldova, (2) refrain from economic coercion, and (3) cease actions that support separatist movements in Moldova. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Supports confidence-building measures between the government of Moldova and the authorities in the Transnistria region in order to secure a peaceful resolution to the conflict. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Affirms that lasting stability and security in Europe is a key U.S. priority that can only be achieved if the territorial integrity and sovereignty of all European countries are respected.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate with respect to enhanced relations with the Republic of Moldova and support for the Republic of Moldova's territorial integrity. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate with respect to enhanced relations with the Republic of Moldova and support for the Republic of Moldova's territorial integrity. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate with respect to enhanced relations with the Republic of Moldova and support for the Republic of Moldova's territorial integrity. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2014-06-18T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres478is/xml/BILLS-113sres478is.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-06-18 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S3813-3814) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-06-18", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S3813-3814)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-06-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2014-06-18T21:52:34Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "M000639", "district": null, "first_name": "Robert", "full_name": "Sen. Menendez, Robert [D-NJ]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Menendez", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-06-18", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001169", "district": null, "first_name": "Christopher", "full_name": "Sen. Murphy, Christopher [D-CT]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Murphy", "middle_name": "S.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-06-18", "state": "CT" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-06-18", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-06-18", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S3813-3814)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 478, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "International Affairs", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 113, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-25", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": null }, "number": 562, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives with respect to enhanced relations with the Republic of Moldova and support for Moldova's territorial integrity.", "type": "HRES" }, { "congress": 113, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-23", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Voice Vote. (consideration: CR S4845)", "type": null }, "number": 500, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate with respect to enhanced relations with the Republic of Moldova and support for the Republic of Moldova's territorial integrity.", "type": "SRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "S001181", "district": null, "first_name": "Jeanne", "full_name": "Sen. Shaheen, Jeanne [D-NH]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Shaheen", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "NH" } ], "subjects": [ "Competitiveness, trade promotion, trade deficits", "Conflicts and wars", "Energy storage, supplies, demand", "Europe", "European Union", "Foreign aid and international relief", "Government ethics and transparency, public corruption", "International exchange and broadcasting", "International organizations and cooperation", "Military operations and strategy", "Moldova", "Rule of law and government transparency", "Russia", "Sovereignty, recognition, national governance and status", "U.S. and foreign investments", "Ukraine" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-06-18", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Reaffirms that it is U.S. policy to support the Republic of Moldova's sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity. </p> <p> Supports the Strategic Dialogue as a means to strengthen relations between the Republic of Moldova and the United States and enhance the democratic, economic, rule of law, and security reforms being implemented by the Republic of Moldova.</p> <p> Encourages: (1) the President and the Department of State to enhance U.S. cooperation with the government of Moldova and civil society organizations, and (2) the President to expedite implementation of the Act relating to &quot;United States International Programming to Ukraine and Neighboring Regions.&quot;</p> <p>Affirms the Republic of Moldova's sovereign right to determine its own partnerships free of external coercion and affirms Moldova's right to associate with the European Union (EU) or any regional organization. </p> <p>Urges the EU to continue to work for greater political, economic, and social integration with the Republic of Moldova.</p> <p>Calls upon the Government of Russia to: (1) withdraw its military forces from within the internationally recognized territory of the Republic of Moldova, (2) refrain from economic coercion, and (3) cease actions that support separatist movements in Moldova. </p> <p>Supports confidence-building measures between the government of Moldova and the authorities in the Transnistria region in order to secure a peaceful resolution to the conflict. </p> <p> Affirms that lasting stability and security in Europe is a key U.S. priority that can only be achieved if the territorial integrity and sovereignty of all European countries are respected.</p>", "update_date": "2014-06-25T19:21:33Z", "version_code": "00" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-06-18T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres478is/xml/BILLS-113sres478is.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate with respect to enhanced relations with the Republic of Moldova and support for the Republic of Moldova's territorial integrity.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate with respect to enhanced relations with the Republic of Moldova and support for the Republic of Moldova's territorial integrity.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate with respect to enhanced relations with the Republic of Moldova and support for the Republic of Moldova's territorial integrity.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2023-01-11T13:26:04Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-11T13:26:04Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-06-18T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres478is/xml/BILLS-113sres478is.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres478is.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres478is.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T02:10:08.158", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-478", "legis_num": 478, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "is", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-478-is-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 478 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES June 18, 2014 Mrs. Shaheen (for herself, Mr. Menendez , and Mr. Murphy ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations RESOLUTION Expressing the sense of the Senate with respect to enhanced relations with the Republic of Moldova and support for the Republic of Moldova's territorial integrity.\n\nWhereas the United States has enjoyed good relations with the Republic of Moldova since the Republic of Moldova's independence in 1991; Whereas, since the Republic of Moldova's independence, the United States has provided financial assistance to support the efforts of the people of the Republic of Moldova to build a prosperous European democracy; Whereas the United States and the Republic of Moldova further strengthened their partnership through the launching of a Strategic Dialogue on March 3, 2014; Whereas the Republic of Moldova is due to sign an Association Agreement containing comprehensive free trade provisions with the European Union on June 27, 2014; Whereas the Government of the Republic of Moldova made extraordinary efforts to comply with the criteria for an Association Agreement with the European Union, including significant legislative reforms to improve the rule of law and curtail corruption; Whereas the United States Government supports the democratic aspirations of the people of the Republic of Moldova and their expressed desire to deepen their association with the European Union; Whereas the United States supports the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Moldova and, on that basis, participates as an observer in the 5+2 negotiations to find a comprehensive settlement that will provide a special status for the separatist region of Transnistria within the Republic of Moldova; Whereas the Government of the Russian Federation banned the import of Moldovan wine in 2013 and has threatened to ban Moldovan agricultural products, curtail the supply of energy resources to the Republic of Moldova, and impose stricter labor migration policies on the people of the Republic of Moldova; Whereas the Government of the Russian Federation maintains a contingent of Russian troops and a stockpile of Russian military equipment and ammunition within the Moldovan region of Transnistria; Whereas the Government of Russia has been actively issuing Russian passports to the residents of the Transnistria region in the Republic of Moldova; Whereas the Council of Europe, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), and the Government of the Republic of Moldova have called upon the Government of the Russian Federation to remove its troops from the territory of the Republic of Moldova; Whereas authorities in the Republic of Moldova's Transnistria region have restricted the access of OSCE Mission to Moldova monitors to the Transnistria region, thereby preventing the Mission from providing impartial reporting on the security situation in the region; Whereas the House of Representatives and the Senate both passed, by an overwhelming majority, and the President signed into law the Act relating to United States International Programming to Ukraine and Neighboring Regions , approved April 3, 2014 ( Public Law 113–96 ; 22 U.S.C. 6211 note), providing for a United States international broadcast programming surge to counter misinformation from Russian-supported news outlets and ensuring that Russian-speaking populations in Ukraine and Moldova have access to independent news and information; and Whereas Moldova has been a valued and reliable partner in promoting global security by participating in United Nations peacekeeping missions in Liberia, Cote d'Ivoire, Sudan, Georgia, and Kosovo: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) reaffirms that it is the policy of the United States Government to support the sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity of the Republic of Moldova and the inviolability of its borders; (2) supports the Strategic Dialogue as a means to strengthen relations between the Republic of Moldova and the United States and to enhance the democratic, economic, and security reforms already being implemented by the Republic of Moldova; (3) encourages the President and the Secretary of State to enhance United States cooperation with the Government of the Republic of Moldova and civil society organizations and to focus assistance on rule of law, anti-corruption efforts, energy security, and promoting trade and investment opportunities; (4) supports increased educational exchanges between the United States and the Republic of Moldova; (5) encourages the President to expedite the implementation of the Act relating to United States International Programming to Ukraine and Neighboring Regions , approved April 3, 2014 ( Public Law 113–96 ; 22 U.S.C. 6211 note), especially because it relates to populations in Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova; (6) affirms the Republic of Moldova's sovereign right to determine its own partnerships free of external coercion and pressure, and affirms the Republic of Moldova's right to associate with the European Union and any other regional organization; (7) urges the European Union to continue to work for greater political, economic, and social integration with the Republic of Moldova; (8) calls on the Government of the Russian Federation to fulfill its commitments made at the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) 1999 summit in Istanbul to withdraw its military forces and munitions from within the internationally recognized territory of the Republic of Moldova; (9) calls on the Government of the Russian Federation to refrain from economic coercion against the Republic of Moldova and to cease support for separatist movements on the territory of the Republic of Moldova; (10) supports constructive engagement and confidence-building measures between the Government of the Republic of Moldova and the authorities in the Transnistria region in order to secure a peaceful, comprehensive resolution to the conflict that respects the Republic of Moldova’s sovereignty and territorial integrity; (11) urges officials in the Transnistrian region to allow OSCE Mission to Moldova monitors unrestricted access to that region; (12) urges all parties to refrain from unilateral actions that may undermine efforts to achieve a peaceful resolution, as well as the agreements already reached, and encourages leaders of the Transnistrian region to resume negotiations toward a political settlement; and (13) affirms that lasting stability and security in Europe is a key priority for the United States Government which can only be achieved if the territorial integrity and sovereignty of all European countries is respected.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Introduced-in-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 478 IS: Expressing the sense of the Senate with respect to enhanced relations with the Republic of Moldova and support for the Republic of Moldova's territorial integrity.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-06-18\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 478\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140618\">\n June 18, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S324\">\n Mrs. Shaheen\n </sponsor>\n (for herself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S306\">\n Mr. Menendez\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S364\">\n Mr. Murphy\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name committee-id=\"SSFR00\">\n Committee on Foreign Relations\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Expressing the sense of the Senate with respect to enhanced relations with the Republic of Moldova\n\t\t\t and support for the Republic of Moldova's territorial integrity.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States has enjoyed good relations with the Republic of Moldova since the\n\t\t\t Republic of Moldova's\tindependence in 1991;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, since the Republic of Moldova's independence, the United States has provided financial\n\t\t\t assistance to support the efforts of the people of the Republic of\n\t\t\t Moldova to build a prosperous European democracy;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States and the Republic of Moldova further strengthened their partnership\n\t\t\t through the launching of a Strategic Dialogue on March 3, 2014;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Republic of Moldova is due to sign an Association Agreement containing comprehensive\n\t\t\t free trade provisions with the European Union on June 27, 2014;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Government of the Republic of Moldova made extraordinary efforts to comply with the\n\t\t\t criteria for an Association Agreement with the European Union, including\n\t\t\t significant legislative reforms to improve the rule of law and curtail\n\t\t\t corruption;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States Government supports the democratic aspirations of the people of the\n\t\t\t Republic of Moldova and their expressed desire to deepen their association\n\t\t\t with the European Union;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States supports the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of\n\t\t\t Moldova and, on that basis, participates as an observer in the\n <quote>\n 5+2\n </quote>\n negotiations to find a comprehensive settlement that will provide a special status for the\n\t\t\t separatist region of Transnistria within the Republic of Moldova;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Government of the Russian Federation banned the import of Moldovan wine in 2013 and has\n\t\t\t threatened to ban Moldovan agricultural products, curtail the supply of\n\t\t\t energy resources to the Republic of Moldova, and impose stricter labor\n\t\t\t migration policies on the people of the Republic of Moldova;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Government of the Russian Federation maintains a contingent of Russian troops and a\n\t\t\t stockpile of Russian military equipment and ammunition within the Moldovan\n\t\t\t region of Transnistria;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Government of Russia has been actively issuing Russian passports to the residents of\n\t\t\t the Transnistria region in the Republic of Moldova;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Council of Europe, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), and\n\t\t\t the Government of the Republic of Moldova have called upon the Government\n\t\t\t of the Russian\n\t\t\t Federation to remove its troops from the territory of the Republic of\n\t\t\t Moldova;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas authorities in the Republic of Moldova's Transnistria region have restricted the access of\n\t\t\t OSCE Mission to Moldova monitors to the Transnistria region, thereby\n\t\t\t preventing the Mission from providing impartial reporting on the security\n\t\t\t situation in the region;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the House of Representatives and the Senate both passed, by an overwhelming majority, and\n\t\t\t the President signed into law the Act relating to\n <quote>\n United States\n\t\t\t International Programming to Ukraine and Neighboring Regions\n </quote>\n ,\n\t\t\t approved April 3, 2014 (\n <external-xref legal-doc=\"public-law\" parsable-cite=\"pl/113/96\">\n Public Law 113–96\n </external-xref>\n ;\n <external-xref legal-doc=\"usc\" parsable-cite=\"usc/22/6211\">\n 22 U.S.C. 6211\n </external-xref>\n note), providing\n\t\t\t for a United States international broadcast programming surge to counter\n\t\t\t misinformation\n\t\t\t from Russian-supported news outlets and ensuring that Russian-speaking\n\t\t\t populations in Ukraine and Moldova have access to independent news and\n\t\t\t information; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Moldova has been a valued and reliable partner in promoting global security by\n\t\t\t participating in United Nations peacekeeping missions in Liberia, Cote\n\t\t\t d'Ivoire, Sudan, Georgia, and Kosovo: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"idb73913fcf6644c8a8851169bd67996bc\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n reaffirms that it is the policy of the United States Government to support the sovereignty,\n\t\t\t independence, and territorial integrity of the Republic of Moldova and the\n\t\t\t inviolability of its borders;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id85f82f20fc9f486183e3bbb56d0babff\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n supports the Strategic Dialogue as a means to strengthen relations between the Republic of Moldova\n\t\t\t and the United States and to enhance the democratic, economic, and\n\t\t\t security reforms already being implemented by the Republic of Moldova;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id527a3533f3c443f1bb20279f533874bf\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n encourages the President and the Secretary of State to enhance United States cooperation with the\n\t\t\t Government of the Republic of Moldova and civil society organizations and\n\t\t\t to focus assistance on rule of law, anti-corruption efforts, energy\n\t\t\t security, and promoting trade and investment opportunities;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id273b47886daa424785aeddaaf1e3714a\">\n <enum>\n (4)\n </enum>\n <text>\n supports increased educational exchanges between the United States and the Republic of Moldova;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id073479a2c43440398c0fd1e0baba6ad7\">\n <enum>\n (5)\n </enum>\n <text>\n encourages the President to expedite the implementation of the Act relating to\n <quote>\n United States\n\t\t\t International Programming to Ukraine and Neighboring Regions\n </quote>\n ,\n\t\t\t approved April 3, 2014 (\n <external-xref legal-doc=\"public-law\" parsable-cite=\"pl/113/96\">\n Public Law 113–96\n </external-xref>\n ;\n <external-xref legal-doc=\"usc\" parsable-cite=\"usc/22/6211\">\n 22 U.S.C. 6211\n </external-xref>\n note),\n\t\t\t especially because it relates to populations in Ukraine and the Republic\n\t\t\t of Moldova;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id530beae069b84283b9bbc11de099f98b\">\n <enum>\n (6)\n </enum>\n <text>\n affirms the Republic of Moldova's sovereign right to determine its own partnerships free of\n\t\t\t external coercion and pressure, and affirms the Republic of Moldova's\n\t\t\t right to associate with the European Union and any other regional\n\t\t\t organization;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id197b4d0f81d542a6b8a7cdc6234c81e4\">\n <enum>\n (7)\n </enum>\n <text>\n urges the European Union to continue to work for greater political, economic, and social\n\t\t\t integration with the Republic of Moldova;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id7d1fce2023d442c6b1a6ae62e3d3834b\">\n <enum>\n (8)\n </enum>\n <text>\n calls on the Government of the Russian Federation to fulfill its commitments made at the\n\t\t\t Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) 1999 summit in\n\t\t\t Istanbul to withdraw its military forces and munitions from within the\n\t\t\t internationally recognized territory of the Republic of Moldova;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idd6936bfe0c004c59853a8b1090dbb075\">\n <enum>\n (9)\n </enum>\n <text>\n calls on the Government of the Russian Federation to refrain from economic coercion against the\n\t\t\t Republic of Moldova and to cease support for separatist movements on the\n\t\t\t territory of the Republic of Moldova;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idb3d16e67bdb14a59bb0fb864a9625966\">\n <enum>\n (10)\n </enum>\n <text>\n supports constructive engagement and confidence-building measures between the Government of the\n\t\t\t Republic of Moldova and the authorities in the Transnistria region in\n\t\t\t order to secure a peaceful, comprehensive resolution to the conflict that\n\t\t\t respects the Republic of Moldova’s sovereignty and territorial integrity;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idab44b73a8b394b59aa1bd2c18953a37c\">\n <enum>\n (11)\n </enum>\n <text>\n urges officials in the Transnistrian region to allow OSCE Mission to Moldova monitors unrestricted\n\t\t\t access to that region;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id36b649647b984f12a803c0eb2b3965eb\">\n <enum>\n (12)\n </enum>\n <text>\n urges all parties to refrain from unilateral actions that may undermine efforts to achieve a\n\t\t\t peaceful resolution, as well as the agreements already reached, and\n\t\t\t encourages leaders of the Transnistrian region to resume negotiations\n\t\t\t toward a political settlement; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id34d3156eb20f47ad8602c3c37fbf69de\">\n <enum>\n (13)\n </enum>\n <text>\n affirms that lasting stability and security in Europe is a key priority for the United States \n\t\t\t Government which can only be achieved if the territorial integrity and\n\t\t\t sovereignty of all European countries is respected.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-06 02:11:00.376
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 479 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-11T13:26:04Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-11T13:26:04Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-06-19 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssva00 </systemCode> <name> Veterans' Affairs Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Discharged from </name> <date> 2014-09-19T02:21:42Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2014-06-19T16:05:46Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and an amended preamble by Unanimous Consent. (text: CR S5877-5878) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and an amended preamble by Unanimous Consent.(text: CR S5877-5878) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Measure laid before Senate by unanimous consent. (consideration: CR S5877-5878) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssva00 </systemCode> <name> Veterans' Affairs Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs discharged by Unanimous Consent. </text> <type> Discharge </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <text> Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs discharged by Unanimous Consent. </text> <type> Committee </type> <actionCode> 14500 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssva00 </systemCode> <name> Veterans' Affairs Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-06-19 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssva00 </systemCode> <name> Veterans' Affairs Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs. (text of measure as introduced: CR S3865-3866) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-06-19 </actionDate> <text> Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR S3866) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> B00100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-06-19 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> K000384 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Kaine, Tim [D-VA] </fullName> <firstName> Timothy </firstName> <lastName> Kaine </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> B001135 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Burr, Richard [R-NC] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Burr </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NC </state> <middleName> Mauze </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-19 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001277 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Blumenthal, Richard [D-CT] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Blumenthal </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CT </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-19 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Armed Forces and National Security </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Afghanistan </name> </item> <item> <name> Asia </name> </item> <item> <name> Commemorative events and holidays </name> </item> <item> <name> Conflicts and wars </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Iraq </name> </item> <item> <name> Middle East </name> </item> <item> <name> Terrorism </name> </item> <item> <name> Veterans' organizations and recognition </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Armed Forces and National Security </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-06-19 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-07-26T15:06:07Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Recognizes Veterans Day 2014 as a special Welcome Home Commemoration for all who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces since September 14, 2001.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-09-30T19:25:43Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Recognizes Veterans Day 2014 as a special Welcome Home Commemoration for all who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces since September 14, 2001.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution recognizing Veterans Day 2014 as a special "Welcome Home Commemoration" for all who have served in the military since September 14, 2001. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution recognizing Veterans Day 2014 as a special "Welcome Home Commemoration" for all who have served in the military since September 14, 2001. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution recognizing Veterans Day 2014 as a special "Welcome Home Commemoration" for all who have served in the military since September 14, 2001. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <amendments> <amendment> <number> 3935 </number> <congress> 113 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> Of a perfecting nature. </purpose> <updateDate> 2021-07-06T14:04:13Z </updateDate> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <text> Amendment SA 3935 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent. </text> <links> <link> <name> SA 3935 </name> <url> https://www.congress.gov/amendment/113th-congress/senate-amendment/3935 </url> </link> </links> </latestAction> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> P000590 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Pryor, Mark L. [D-AR] </fullName> <firstName> Mark </firstName> <lastName> Pryor </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AR </state> <middleName> Lunsford </middleName> </item> </sponsors> <proposedDate> 2014-09-18T04:00:00Z </proposedDate> <submittedDate> 2014-09-18T04:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 113 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 479 </number> <title> A resolution recognizing Veterans Day 2014 as a special "Welcome Home Commemoration" for all who have served in the military since September 14, 2001. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-11T13:26:04Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <actions> <count> 6 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Amendment SA 3935 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Amendment SA 3935 proposed by Senator Pryor for Senator Burr. Of a perfecting nature. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment proposed (on the floor): Amendment SA 3935 proposed by Senator Pryor for Senator Burr. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 93000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment agreed to: Amendment SA 3935 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 94000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> </amendments> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-09-18T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres479ats/xml/BILLS-113sres479ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2014-06-19T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres479is/xml/BILLS-113sres479is.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and an amended preamble by Unanimous Consent. (text: CR S5877-5878) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and an amended preamble by Unanimous Consent. (text: CR S5877-5878)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2014-09-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and an amended preamble by Unanimous Consent.(text: CR S5877-5878)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Measure laid before Senate by unanimous consent. (consideration: CR S5877-5878)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-18", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Veterans' Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssva00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs discharged by Unanimous Consent.", "type": "Discharge" }, { "action_code": "14500", "action_date": "2014-09-18", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Veterans' Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssva00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs discharged by Unanimous Consent.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-06-19", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Veterans' Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssva00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs. (text of measure as introduced: CR S3865-3866)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "B00100", "action_date": "2014-06-19", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR S3866)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-06-19", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [ { "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-18", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "0", "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Amendment SA 3935 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-18", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "0", "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Amendment SA 3935 proposed by Senator Pryor for Senator Burr. Of a perfecting nature.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "91000", "action_date": "2014-09-18", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment submitted", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "93000", "action_date": "2014-09-18", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment proposed (on the floor): Amendment SA 3935 proposed by Senator Pryor for Senator Burr.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "94000", "action_date": "2014-09-18", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment agreed to: Amendment SA 3935 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.", "type": "Floor" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "congress": 113, "description": null, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-18", "action_time": null, "links": [ { "name": "SA 3935", "url": "https://www.congress.gov/amendment/113th-congress/senate-amendment/3935" } ], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Amendment SA 3935 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.", "type": null }, "links": [], "number": 3935, "purpose": "Of a perfecting nature.", "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "P000590", "district": null, "first_name": "Mark", "full_name": "Sen. 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Blumenthal, Richard [D-CT]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Blumenthal", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-06-19", "state": "CT" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-06-19", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-18", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and an amended preamble by Unanimous Consent. (text: CR S5877-5878)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 479, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Armed Forces and National Security", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "K000384", "district": null, "first_name": "Timothy", "full_name": "Sen. Kaine, Tim [D-VA]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Kaine", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "state": "VA" } ], "subjects": [ "Afghanistan", "Asia", "Commemorative events and holidays", "Conflicts and wars", "Congressional tributes", "Iraq", "Middle East", "Terrorism", "Veterans' organizations and recognition" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-06-19", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Recognizes Veterans Day 2014 as a special Welcome Home Commemoration for all who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces since September 14, 2001.</p>", "update_date": "2014-07-26T15:06:07Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2014-09-18", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Recognizes Veterans Day 2014 as a special Welcome Home Commemoration for all who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces since September 14, 2001.</p>", "update_date": "2014-09-30T19:25:43Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-09-18T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres479ats/xml/BILLS-113sres479ats.xml" }, { "date": "2014-06-19T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres479is/xml/BILLS-113sres479is.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution recognizing Veterans Day 2014 as a special \"Welcome Home Commemoration\" for all who have served in the military since September 14, 2001.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution recognizing Veterans Day 2014 as a special \"Welcome Home Commemoration\" for all who have served in the military since September 14, 2001.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution recognizing Veterans Day 2014 as a special \"Welcome Home Commemoration\" for all who have served in the military since September 14, 2001.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2023-01-11T13:26:04Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-11T13:26:04Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-06-19T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres479is/xml/BILLS-113sres479is.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres479is.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres479is.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T02:10:05.932", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-479", "legis_num": 479, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "is", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-479-is-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 479 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES June 19, 2014 Mr. Kaine (for himself, Mr. Burr , and Mr. Blumenthal ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs RESOLUTION Recognizing Veterans Day 2014 as a special Welcome Home Commemoration for all who have served in the military since September 14, 2001.\n\nWhereas the United States, pursuant to the Authorization for Use of Military Force (Public Law 107–40), commenced a war against individuals responsible for the 9/11 attacks; Whereas in the intervening 13 years, members of the United States Armed Forces have engaged in warfare around the globe, especially in Iraq and Afghanistan; Whereas there have been 2,600,000 deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan and more than 500,000 soldiers have completed multiple tours; Whereas over 110,000 sailors have deployed as individual augmentees in support of the war ashore and additional sailors have deployed on navy vessels serving over 180,000 days at sea, providing power projection, regional stability, and global presence; Whereas over 238,000 airmen have deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan and more than 201,000 airmen have deployed to the Area of Responsibility, delivering flights in support of the war effort; Whereas over 330,000 marines have deployed afloat and ashore, ensuring peace in some of the most dangerous provinces in Iraq and Afghanistan; Whereas, between January 1, 2000, and January 10, 2014, 287,911 cases of traumatic brain injury (TBI), often referred to as a signature wound of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, were diagnosed among members of the Armed Forces, and approximately 7,100 cases were classified as severe or penetrating; Whereas of the members of the Armed Forces who have been deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan since October 2001, more than 6,800 have been killed in action and more than 52,000 have been wounded in action; Whereas United States Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation New Dawn combat military operations in Iraq are complete and United States direct military operations in Afghanistan will end in 2014 as the United States transitions to a training and assistance role; Whereas the sacrifices of United States servicemembers and their families during the last 13 years should be recognized by all citizens of the United States; Whereas November 11, 1918, is generally regarded as the end of hostilities in World War I, and Veterans Day has been a legal holiday since May 13, 1938, when it was originally dedicated as Armistice Day to honor veterans of World War I and was subsequently amended to honor United States veterans of all wars in 1954; and Whereas November 11th is the day for the Nation to reflect on the service and sacrifice of every generation of veterans: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) recognizes Veterans Day 2014 as a special Welcome Home Commemoration for all who have served in the United States Armed Forces since September 14, 2001; (2) promotes awareness of the services and contributions of all post-9/11 veterans; and (3) encourages communities in the United States to plan activities for Veterans Day 2014 to honor and support all who have served during this time and to provide citizens of the United States an opportunity to present unified recognition of the service and sacrifices of post-9/11 veterans.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Introduced-in-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 479 IS: Recognizing Veterans Day 2014 as a special “Welcome Home Commemoration” for all who have served in the military since September 14, 2001.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-06-19\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 479\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140619\">\n June 19, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S362\">\n Mr. Kaine\n </sponsor>\n (for himself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S300\">\n Mr. Burr\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S341\">\n Mr. Blumenthal\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name committee-id=\"SSVA00\">\n Committee on Veterans' Affairs\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Recognizing Veterans Day 2014 as a special\n <quote>\n Welcome Home Commemoration\n </quote>\n for all who have served in the military since September 14, 2001.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States, pursuant to the Authorization for Use of Military Force (Public Law\n\t\t\t 107–40), commenced a war against individuals responsible for the 9/11\n\t\t\t attacks;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas in the intervening 13 years, members of the United States Armed Forces have engaged in\n\t\t\t warfare around the globe, especially in Iraq and Afghanistan;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas there have been 2,600,000 deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan and more than 500,000\n\t\t\t soldiers have\n\t\t\t completed multiple tours;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas over 110,000 sailors have deployed as individual augmentees in support of the war ashore\n\t\t\t and additional sailors have deployed on navy vessels serving over 180,000\n\t\t\t days at sea, providing power projection, regional stability, and global\n\t\t\t presence;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas over 238,000 airmen have deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan and more than 201,000 airmen have\n\t\t\t deployed to the Area of Responsibility, delivering flights in support of\n\t\t\t the war effort;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas over 330,000 marines have deployed afloat and ashore, ensuring peace in some of the most\n\t\t\t dangerous provinces in Iraq and Afghanistan;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, between January 1, 2000, and January 10, 2014, 287,911 cases of traumatic brain injury\n\t\t\t (TBI), often referred to as a signature wound of the wars in Iraq and\n\t\t\t Afghanistan, were diagnosed among members of the Armed Forces, and\n\t\t\t approximately 7,100 cases were classified as severe or penetrating;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas of the members of the Armed Forces who have been deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan since\n\t\t\t October 2001, more than 6,800 have been killed in action and more than\n\t\t\t 52,000 have been\n\t\t\t wounded in action;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas United States Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation New Dawn combat military operations in\n\t\t\t Iraq are complete and United States direct\n\t\t\t military operations in Afghanistan will end in 2014 as the United States\n\t\t\t transitions to a training and assistance role;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the sacrifices of United States servicemembers and their families during the last 13 years\n\t\t\t should be recognized by all citizens of the United States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas November 11, 1918, is generally regarded as the end of hostilities in World War I, and\n\t\t\t Veterans Day has been a legal holiday since May 13, 1938, when it was\n\t\t\t originally dedicated as\n <quote>\n Armistice Day\n </quote>\n to honor veterans of World War I\n\t\t\t and was subsequently amended to honor United States veterans of all wars\n\t\t\t in 1954; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas November 11th is the day for the Nation to reflect on the service and sacrifice of every\n\t\t\t generation of veterans:\n\t\t\t Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"id164E3A7360F64F2D9EAE7BE39FE7CF43\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n recognizes Veterans Day 2014 as a special\n <quote>\n Welcome Home Commemoration\n </quote>\n for all who have served in the United States Armed Forces since September 14, 2001;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idF4181974E3CF48F3897527CC5C2201FF\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n promotes awareness of the services and contributions of all post-9/11 veterans; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id279051B59D144C1594BB713B203AFE59\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n encourages communities in the United States to plan activities for Veterans Day 2014 to honor and\n\t\t\t support all who have served during this time and to provide citizens of\n\t\t\t the United States an opportunity to present unified recognition of the\n\t\t\t service and sacrifices of post-9/11 veterans.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" }, { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-09-18T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres479ats/xml/BILLS-113sres479ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres479ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres479ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-06T23:17:03.074", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-479", "legis_num": 479, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-479-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 479 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES June 19, 2014 Mr. Kaine (for himself, Mr. Burr , and Mr. Blumenthal ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs September 18, 2014 Committee discharged; considered and agreed to with an amended preamble RESOLUTION Recognizing Veterans Day 2014 as a special Welcome Home Commemoration for all who have served in the military since September 14, 2001.\n\nWhereas the United States, pursuant to the Authorization for Use of Military Force (Public Law 107–40), commenced a war against individuals responsible for the 9/11 attacks; Whereas in the intervening 13 years, members of the United States Armed Forces have engaged in warfare around the globe, especially in Iraq and Afghanistan; Whereas there have been 2,600,000 deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan and more than 500,000 soldiers have completed multiple tours; Whereas over 110,000 sailors have deployed as individual augmentees in support of the war ashore and additional sailors have deployed on navy vessels serving over 180,000 days at sea, providing power projection, regional stability, and global presence; Whereas over 238,000 airmen have deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan and more than 201,000 airmen have deployed to the Area of Responsibility, delivering flights in support of the war effort; Whereas over 330,000 Marines have deployed afloat and ashore, ensuring peace in some of the most dangerous provinces in Iraq and Afghanistan; Whereas, between January 1, 2000, and January 10, 2014, 287,911 cases of traumatic brain injury (TBI), often referred to as a signature wound of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, were diagnosed among members of the Armed Forces, and approximately 7,100 cases were classified as severe or penetrating; Whereas of the members of the Armed Forces who have been deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan since October 2001, more than 6,800 have been killed in action and more than 52,000 have been wounded in action; Whereas United States Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation New Dawn combat military operations in Iraq are complete and United States direct military operations in Afghanistan will end in 2014 as the United States transitions to a training and assistance role; Whereas the sacrifices of United States servicemembers and their families during the last 13 years should be recognized by all citizens of the United States; Whereas November 11, 1918, is generally regarded as the end of hostilities in World War I, and Veterans Day has been a legal holiday since May 13, 1938, when it was originally dedicated as Armistice Day to honor veterans of World War I and was subsequently amended to honor United States veterans of all wars in 1954; and Whereas November 11th is the day for the Nation to reflect on the service and sacrifice of every generation of veterans: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) recognizes Veterans Day 2014 as a special Welcome Home Commemoration for all who have served in the United States Armed Forces since September 14, 2001; (2) promotes awareness of the services and contributions of all post-9/11 veterans; and (3) encourages communities in the United States to plan activities for Veterans Day 2014 to honor and support all who have served during this time and to provide citizens of the United States an opportunity to present unified recognition of the service and sacrifices of post-9/11 veterans.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 479 ATS: Recognizing Veterans Day 2014 as a special “Welcome Home Commemoration” for all who have served in the military since September 14, 2001.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-06-19\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 479\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140619\">\n June 19, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S362\">\n Mr. Kaine\n </sponsor>\n (for himself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S300\">\n Mr. Burr\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S341\">\n Mr. Blumenthal\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name committee-id=\"SSVA00\">\n Committee on Veterans' Affairs\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <action>\n <action-date>\n September 18, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n Committee discharged; considered and agreed to with an amended preamble\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Recognizing Veterans Day 2014 as a special\n <quote>\n Welcome Home Commemoration\n </quote>\n for all who have served in the military since September 14, 2001.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States, pursuant to the Authorization for Use of Military Force (Public Law\n\t\t\t 107–40), commenced a war against individuals responsible for the 9/11\n\t\t\t attacks;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas in the intervening 13 years, members of the United States Armed Forces have engaged in\n\t\t\t warfare around the globe, especially in Iraq and Afghanistan;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas there have been 2,600,000 deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan and more than 500,000\n\t\t\t soldiers have\n\t\t\t completed multiple tours;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas over 110,000 sailors have deployed as individual augmentees in support of the war ashore\n\t\t\t and additional sailors have deployed on navy vessels serving over 180,000\n\t\t\t days at sea, providing power projection, regional stability, and global\n\t\t\t presence;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas over 238,000 airmen have deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan and more than 201,000 airmen have\n\t\t\t deployed to the Area of Responsibility, delivering flights in support of\n\t\t\t the war effort;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas over 330,000 Marines have deployed afloat and ashore, ensuring peace in some of the most\n\t\t\t dangerous provinces in Iraq and Afghanistan;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, between January 1, 2000, and January 10, 2014, 287,911 cases of traumatic brain injury\n\t\t\t (TBI), often referred to as a signature wound of the wars in Iraq and\n\t\t\t Afghanistan, were diagnosed among members of the Armed Forces, and\n\t\t\t approximately 7,100 cases were classified as severe or penetrating;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas of the members of the Armed Forces who have been deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan since\n\t\t\t October 2001, more than 6,800 have been killed in action and more than\n\t\t\t 52,000 have been\n\t\t\t wounded in action;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas United States Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation New Dawn combat military operations in\n\t\t\t Iraq are complete and United States direct\n\t\t\t military operations in Afghanistan will end in 2014 as the United States\n\t\t\t transitions to a training and assistance role;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the sacrifices of United States servicemembers and their families during the last 13 years\n\t\t\t should be recognized by all citizens of the United States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas November 11, 1918, is generally regarded as the end of hostilities in World War I, and\n\t\t\t Veterans Day has been a legal holiday since May 13, 1938, when it was\n\t\t\t originally dedicated as\n <quote>\n Armistice Day\n </quote>\n to honor veterans of World War I\n\t\t\t and was subsequently amended to honor United States veterans of all wars\n\t\t\t in 1954; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas November 11th is the day for the Nation to reflect on the service and sacrifice of every\n\t\t\t generation of veterans:\n\t\t\t Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"id164E3A7360F64F2D9EAE7BE39FE7CF43\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n recognizes Veterans Day 2014 as a special\n <quote>\n Welcome Home Commemoration\n </quote>\n for all who have served in the United States Armed Forces since September 14, 2001;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idF4181974E3CF48F3897527CC5C2201FF\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n promotes awareness of the services and contributions of all post-9/11 veterans; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id279051B59D144C1594BB713B203AFE59\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n encourages communities in the United States to plan activities for Veterans Day 2014 to honor and\n\t\t\t support all who have served during this time and to provide citizens of\n\t\t\t the United States an opportunity to present unified recognition of the\n\t\t\t service and sacrifices of post-9/11 veterans.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-06 02:10:01.191
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 480 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-11T13:26:04Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-11T13:26:04Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-06-19 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2014-06-19T21:27:57Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <relatedBills> <item> <title> Expressing condolences and support for assistance to the victims of the historic flooding in the Western Balkans. </title> <congress> 113 </congress> <number> 609 </number> <type> HRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-06-10 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Europe, Eurasia, and Emerging Threats. </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-06-19 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S3867) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-06-19 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> S001181 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Shaheen, Jeanne [D-NH] </fullName> <firstName> Jeanne </firstName> <lastName> Shaheen </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NH </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> P000449 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Portman, Rob [R-OH] </fullName> <firstName> Rob </firstName> <lastName> Portman </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-19 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001169 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Murphy, Christopher [D-CT] </fullName> <firstName> Christopher </firstName> <lastName> Murphy </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CT </state> <middleName> S. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-19 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Bosnia and Herzegovina </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Croatia </name> </item> <item> <name> Department of Defense </name> </item> <item> <name> Disaster relief and insurance </name> </item> <item> <name> Europe </name> </item> <item> <name> First responders and emergency personnel </name> </item> <item> <name> Floods and storm protection </name> </item> <item> <name> Foreign aid and international relief </name> </item> <item> <name> Natural disasters </name> </item> <item> <name> Serbia </name> </item> <item> <name> U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-06-19 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-06-24T15:12:35Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Expresses: (1) sympathy to all those affected by the flooding in the Western Balkans for the terrible loss of life and massive destruction; and (2) solidarity with the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Croatia, and the Republic of Serbia. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Supports humanitarian and reconstruction assistance provided by relief agencies and the international community. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Commends: (1) local authorities, first responders and rescue personnel, NGOs, volunteers, and everyday citizens for their efforts to organize and deliver disaster relief; and (2) U.S. government agencies, including the Department of Defense (DOD) and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), for their efforts.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Urges additional assistance by other nations and organizations to alleviate the difficult circumstances and suffering of the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Croatia, and the Republic of Serbia.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution expressing condolences and supporting assistance for the victims of the historic flooding in the Western Balkans. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing condolences and supporting assistance for the victims of the historic flooding in the Western Balkans. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing condolences and supporting assistance for the victims of the historic flooding in the Western Balkans. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2014-06-19T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres480is/xml/BILLS-113sres480is.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-06-19 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S3867) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-06-19", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S3867)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-06-19", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2014-06-19T21:27:57Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "P000449", "district": null, "first_name": "Rob", "full_name": "Sen. Portman, Rob [R-OH]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Portman", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-06-19", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001169", "district": null, "first_name": "Christopher", "full_name": "Sen. Murphy, Christopher [D-CT]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Murphy", "middle_name": "S.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-06-19", "state": "CT" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-06-19", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-06-19", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S3867)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 480, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "International Affairs", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 113, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-06-10", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Europe, Eurasia, and Emerging Threats.", "type": null }, "number": 609, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "Expressing condolences and support for assistance to the victims of the historic flooding in the Western Balkans.", "type": "HRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "S001181", "district": null, "first_name": "Jeanne", "full_name": "Sen. Shaheen, Jeanne [D-NH]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Shaheen", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "NH" } ], "subjects": [ "Bosnia and Herzegovina", "Congressional tributes", "Croatia", "Department of Defense", "Disaster relief and insurance", "Europe", "First responders and emergency personnel", "Floods and storm protection", "Foreign aid and international relief", "Natural disasters", "Serbia", "U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-06-19", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Expresses: (1) sympathy to all those affected by the flooding in the Western Balkans for the terrible loss of life and massive destruction; and (2) solidarity with the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Croatia, and the Republic of Serbia. </p> <p> Supports humanitarian and reconstruction assistance provided by relief agencies and the international community. </p> <p> Commends: (1) local authorities, first responders and rescue personnel, NGOs, volunteers, and everyday citizens for their efforts to organize and deliver disaster relief; and (2) U.S. government agencies, including the Department of Defense (DOD) and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), for their efforts.</p> <p>Urges additional assistance by other nations and organizations to alleviate the difficult circumstances and suffering of the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Croatia, and the Republic of Serbia.</p>", "update_date": "2014-06-24T15:12:35Z", "version_code": "00" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-06-19T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres480is/xml/BILLS-113sres480is.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution expressing condolences and supporting assistance for the victims of the historic flooding in the Western Balkans.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing condolences and supporting assistance for the victims of the historic flooding in the Western Balkans.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing condolences and supporting assistance for the victims of the historic flooding in the Western Balkans.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2023-01-11T13:26:04Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-11T13:26:04Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-06-19T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres480is/xml/BILLS-113sres480is.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres480is.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres480is.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T02:10:07.297", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-480", "legis_num": 480, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "is", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-480-is-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 480 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES June 19, 2014 Mrs. Shaheen (for herself, Mr. Portman , and Mr. Murphy ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations RESOLUTION Expressing condolences and supporting assistance for the victims of the historic flooding in the Western Balkans.\n\nWhereas record rainfall beginning on May 13, 2014, has led to widespread flooding in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Croatia, and the Republic of Serbia, causing thousands of landslides, massive destruction, and loss of life; Whereas by May 22, 2014, the flooding caused over 40 deaths and impacted over 500,000 people across the region, particularly in western Serbia and eastern Bosnia and Herzegovina; Whereas the equivalent of 3 months of rain fell during the course of 3 days, making this the worst flooding event in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina in 120 years; Whereas the flooding has left thousands of people stranded in their homes waiting for assistance, displaced, or without shelter; Whereas according to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, 300,000 people in Serbia and 50,000 people in Bosnia and Herzegovina were left without clean water or electricity; Whereas the Foreign Ministry of Bosnia and Herzegovina has reported that the flooding rendered 100,000 buildings unusable, caused 500,000 people to evacuate or flee their homes, and prompted 14 municipalities to declare a state of emergency; Whereas the Government of Serbia has described the situation in that country as catastrophic , and estimates that at least 25,000 people have been forced to evacuate, particularly in the town and municipality of Obrenovac, and that the flooding has caused over 100,000,000 Euros ($140,000,000) in damage to the Kolubara coal mine that supplies the Nikola Tesla power plants; Whereas soldiers and energy workers scrambled to erect sandbag barriers to protect the Kostolac power plant and the Nikola Tesla power plants, which provide half of the country’s electricity, from the waters of the flooded Sava, Kolubara, and Tamnava Rivers; Whereas, according to the International Medical Corps, as many as 120,000 landmines remaining from the Balkan conflicts of the 1990s may have been lost or dislodged due to landslides, causing great concern for public safety; Whereas the United States Government has approved or provided $2,060,000 in funds through the United States Agency for International Development’s Office of United States Foreign Disaster Assistance, the Department of Defense, and the Under Secretary of Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs for the Republic of Serbia; Whereas the United States Government has provided $2,740,000 in humanitarian assistance to Bosnia and Herzegovina; and Whereas the governments and people of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Croatia, and the Republic of Serbia share an increasing commitment to core democratic values, reconciliation, and European integration: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) expresses deep sympathy to all those affected by the flooding in the Western Balkans for the terrible loss of life and massive destruction; (2) expresses solidarity with the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Croatia, and the Republic of Serbia, as well as a continued desire to provide assistance to help their countries recover from this natural disaster; (3) expresses ongoing support for humanitarian and reconstruction assistance provided by relief agencies and the international community as immediate and long-term needs are identified; (4) commends local authorities, first responders and rescue personnel, NGOs, volunteers, and everyday citizens for their efforts to organize and deliver disaster relief to communities in need across Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Croatia, and the Republic of Serbia; (5) commends the United States Government agencies, including USAID and the Department of Defense, for their response to the natural disaster; and (6) urges additional assistance by other nations and organizations as needed to alleviate the difficult circumstances and suffering of the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Croatia, and the Republic of Serbia, and to assist them in their recovery efforts.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Introduced-in-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 480 IS: Expressing condolences and supporting assistance for the victims of the historic flooding in the Western Balkans.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-06-19\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 480\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140619\">\n June 19, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S324\">\n Mrs. Shaheen\n </sponsor>\n (for herself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S349\">\n Mr. Portman\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S364\">\n Mr. Murphy\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name committee-id=\"SSFR00\">\n Committee on Foreign Relations\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Expressing condolences and supporting assistance for the victims of the historic flooding in the\n\t\t\t Western Balkans.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas record rainfall beginning on May 13, 2014, has led to widespread flooding in Bosnia and\n\t\t\t Herzegovina, the Republic of Croatia, and the Republic of Serbia, causing\n\t\t\t thousands of landslides, massive destruction, and loss of life;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas by May 22, 2014, the flooding caused over 40 deaths and impacted over 500,000 people across\n\t\t\t the region, particularly in western Serbia and eastern Bosnia and\n\t\t\t Herzegovina;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the equivalent of 3 months of rain fell during the course of 3 days, making this the worst\n\t\t\t flooding event in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina in 120 years;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the flooding has left thousands of people stranded in their homes waiting for assistance,\n\t\t\t displaced, or without shelter;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas according to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, 300,000\n\t\t\t people in Serbia and 50,000 people in Bosnia and Herzegovina were left\n\t\t\t without clean water or electricity;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Foreign Ministry of Bosnia and Herzegovina has reported that the flooding rendered\n\t\t\t 100,000 buildings unusable, caused 500,000 people to evacuate or flee\n\t\t\t their homes, and prompted 14 municipalities to declare a state of\n\t\t\t emergency;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Government of Serbia has described the situation in that country as\n <quote>\n catastrophic\n </quote>\n , and\n\t\t\t estimates that at least 25,000 people have been forced to evacuate,\n\t\t\t particularly in the town and municipality of Obrenovac, and that the\n\t\t\t flooding has caused over 100,000,000 Euros ($140,000,000) in damage to the\n\t\t\t Kolubara coal mine that supplies the Nikola Tesla power plants;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas soldiers and energy workers scrambled to erect sandbag barriers to protect the Kostolac\n\t\t\t power plant and the Nikola Tesla power plants, which provide half of the\n\t\t\t country’s electricity, from the waters of the flooded Sava, Kolubara, and\n\t\t\t Tamnava Rivers;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, according to the International Medical Corps, as many as 120,000 landmines remaining from\n\t\t\t the Balkan conflicts of the 1990s may have been lost or dislodged due to\n\t\t\t landslides, causing great concern for public safety;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States Government has approved or provided $2,060,000 in funds through the\n\t\t\t United States Agency for International Development’s Office of United\n\t\t\t States Foreign Disaster Assistance, the Department of Defense, and the\n\t\t\t Under Secretary of Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs for the Republic of\n\t\t\t Serbia;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States Government has provided $2,740,000 in humanitarian assistance to Bosnia\n\t\t\t and Herzegovina; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the governments and people of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Croatia, and the\n\t\t\t Republic of Serbia share an increasing commitment to core democratic\n\t\t\t values, reconciliation, and European integration: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"id0fc3563dc5b04076af84a4006ef67e85\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n expresses deep sympathy to all those affected by the flooding in the Western Balkans for the\n\t\t\t terrible loss of life and massive destruction;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id6a4072048d4b40e88a22259af60012f3\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n expresses solidarity with the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Croatia, and the\n\t\t\t Republic of Serbia, as well as a continued desire to provide assistance to\n\t\t\t help their countries recover from this natural disaster;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"iddc9f3058b1c34f0cb971eda51f8ab532\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n expresses ongoing support for humanitarian and reconstruction assistance provided by relief\n\t\t\t agencies and the international community as immediate and long-term needs\n\t\t\t are identified;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id0f138c5bf148480982d633a93943cc55\">\n <enum>\n (4)\n </enum>\n <text>\n commends local authorities, first responders and rescue personnel, NGOs, volunteers, and everyday\n\t\t\t citizens for their efforts to organize and deliver disaster relief to\n\t\t\t communities in need across Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of\n\t\t\t Croatia, and the Republic of Serbia;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idb5660cc932834883ab733f1bdc24c771\">\n <enum>\n (5)\n </enum>\n <text>\n commends the United States Government agencies, including USAID and the Department of Defense, for\n\t\t\t their response to the natural disaster; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id7662cec9d6a941c48ba05cad6bf5a3dd\">\n <enum>\n (6)\n </enum>\n <text>\n urges additional assistance by other nations and organizations as needed to alleviate the difficult\n\t\t\t circumstances and suffering of the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the\n\t\t\t Republic of Croatia, and the Republic of Serbia, and to assist them in\n\t\t\t their recovery efforts.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-05 00:58:00.921
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 481 </number> <updateDate> 2022-03-03T21:27:53Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2022-11-04T17:36:46Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-06-23 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <relatedBills> <item> <title> A resolution designating the month of June 2013 as "National Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Awareness Month". </title> <congress> 113 </congress> <number> 169 </number> <type> SRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2013-06-12 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4432; text as passed Senate: CR S4410) </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-06-23 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S3900; text as passed Senate: CR S3899-3900) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-06-23 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S3900; text as passed Senate: CR S3899-3900) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-06-23 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> H001069 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Heitkamp, Heidi [D-ND] </fullName> <firstName> Heidi </firstName> <lastName> Heitkamp </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> ND </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> H001041 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Heller, Dean [R-NV] </fullName> <firstName> Dean </firstName> <lastName> Heller </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NV </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001265 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Begich, Mark [D-AK] </fullName> <firstName> Mark </firstName> <lastName> Begich </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AK </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000607 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Donnelly, Joe [D-IN] </fullName> <firstName> Joe </firstName> <lastName> Donnelly </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IN </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000361 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Rockefeller, John D., IV [D-WV] </fullName> <firstName> JAY </firstName> <lastName> ROCKEFELLER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WV </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001288 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Booker, Cory A. [D-NJ] </fullName> <firstName> Cory </firstName> <lastName> Booker </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001061 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hoeven, John [R-ND] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Hoeven </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ND </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000770 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Stabenow, Debbie [D-MI] </fullName> <firstName> Debbie </firstName> <lastName> Stabenow </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001277 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Blumenthal, Richard [D-CT] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Blumenthal </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CT </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001042 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hirono, Mazie K. [D-HI] </fullName> <firstName> Mazie </firstName> <lastName> Hirono </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> HI </state> <middleName> K. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000174 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Leahy, Patrick J. [D-VT] </fullName> <firstName> Patrick </firstName> <lastName> Leahy </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VT </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000457 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Franken, Al [D-MN] </fullName> <firstName> Al </firstName> <lastName> Franken </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MN </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000805 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Warner, Mark R. [D-VA] </fullName> <firstName> Mark </firstName> <lastName> Warner </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000062 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA] </fullName> <firstName> Dianne </firstName> <lastName> Feinstein </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001236 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Boozman, John [R-AR] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Boozman </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AR </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000291 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Johanns, Mike [R-NE] </fullName> <firstName> Mike </firstName> <lastName> Johanns </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NE </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001070 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Casey, Robert P., Jr. [D-PA] </fullName> <firstName> Bob </firstName> <lastName> Casey </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> PA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000818 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Walsh, John E. [D-MT] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Walsh </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MT </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000880 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Crapo, Mike [R-ID] </fullName> <firstName> Mike </firstName> <lastName> Crapo </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ID </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001111 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Murray, Patty [D-WA] </fullName> <firstName> Patty </firstName> <lastName> Murray </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000177 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Johnson, Tim [D-SD] </fullName> <firstName> TIM </firstName> <lastName> JOHNSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> SD </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000141 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cardin, Benjamin L. [D-MD] </fullName> <firstName> Ben </firstName> <lastName> Cardin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001176 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Merkley, Jeff [D-OR] </fullName> <firstName> Jeff </firstName> <lastName> Merkley </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OR </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Armed Forces and National Security </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Commemorative events and holidays </name> </item> <item> <name> Emergency medical services and trauma care </name> </item> <item> <name> Health promotion and preventive care </name> </item> <item> <name> Mental health </name> </item> <item> <name> Military medicine </name> </item> <item> <name> Military personnel and dependents </name> </item> <item> <name> Veterans' medical care </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Armed Forces and National Security </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-06-23 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-07-02T22:03:59Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Designates June 2014 as National Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Awareness Month. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Expresses support for the efforts of the Secretary of Veterans Affairs (VA), the Secretary of Defense (DOD), and the entire medical community to educate Armed Forces members, veterans, their families, and the public about the causes, symptoms, and treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-06-23 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-07-02T22:05:58Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Designates June 2014 as National Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Awareness Month. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Expresses support for the efforts of the Secretary of Veterans Affairs (VA), the Secretary of Defense (DOD), and the entire medical community to educate Armed Forces members, veterans, their families, and the public about the causes, symptoms, and treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution designating the month of June 2014 as "National Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Awareness Month". </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution designating the month of June 2014 as "National Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Awareness Month". </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution designating the month of June 2014 as "National Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Awareness Month". </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-06-23T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres481ats/xml/BILLS-113sres481ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-06-23 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S3900; text as passed Senate: CR S3899-3900) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-06-23", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. 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Heller, Dean [R-NV]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Heller", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-06-23", "state": "NV" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001265", "district": null, "first_name": "Mark", "full_name": "Sen. Begich, Mark [D-AK]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Begich", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-06-23", "state": "AK" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000607", "district": null, "first_name": "Joe", "full_name": "Sen. Donnelly, Joe [D-IN]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Donnelly", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-06-23", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000361", "district": null, "first_name": "JAY", "full_name": "Sen. 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Stabenow, Debbie [D-MI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Stabenow", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-06-23", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001277", "district": null, "first_name": "Richard", "full_name": "Sen. Blumenthal, Richard [D-CT]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Blumenthal", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-06-23", "state": "CT" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001042", "district": null, "first_name": "Mazie", "full_name": "Sen. Hirono, Mazie K. [D-HI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Hirono", "middle_name": "K.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-06-23", "state": "HI" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000174", "district": null, "first_name": "Patrick", "full_name": "Sen. Leahy, Patrick J. 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[D-MT]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Walsh", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-06-23", "state": "MT" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000880", "district": null, "first_name": "Mike", "full_name": "Sen. Crapo, Mike [R-ID]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Crapo", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-06-23", "state": "ID" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001111", "district": null, "first_name": "Patty", "full_name": "Sen. Murray, Patty [D-WA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Murray", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-06-23", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000177", "district": null, "first_name": "TIM", "full_name": "Sen. Johnson, Tim [D-SD]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JOHNSON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-06-23", "state": "SD" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000141", "district": null, "first_name": "Ben", "full_name": "Sen. 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As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-06-23", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-06-23", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S3900; text as passed Senate: CR S3899-3900)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 481, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Armed Forces and National Security", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 113, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2013-06-12", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4432; text as passed Senate: CR S4410)", "type": null }, "number": 169, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "A resolution designating the month of June 2013 as \"National Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Awareness Month\".", "type": "SRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "H001069", "district": null, "first_name": "Heidi", "full_name": "Sen. Heitkamp, Heidi [D-ND]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Heitkamp", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "ND" } ], "subjects": [ "Commemorative events and holidays", "Emergency medical services and trauma care", "Health promotion and preventive care", "Mental health", "Military medicine", "Military personnel and dependents", "Veterans' medical care" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-06-23", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Designates June 2014 as National Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Awareness Month. </p> <p>Expresses support for the efforts of the Secretary of Veterans Affairs (VA), the Secretary of Defense (DOD), and the entire medical community to educate Armed Forces members, veterans, their families, and the public about the causes, symptoms, and treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder.</p>", "update_date": "2014-07-02T22:03:59Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2014-06-23", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Designates June 2014 as National Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Awareness Month. </p> <p>Expresses support for the efforts of the Secretary of Veterans Affairs (VA), the Secretary of Defense (DOD), and the entire medical community to educate Armed Forces members, veterans, their families, and the public about the causes, symptoms, and treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder.</p>", "update_date": "2014-07-02T22:05:58Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-06-23T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres481ats/xml/BILLS-113sres481ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution designating the month of June 2014 as \"National Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Awareness Month\".", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating the month of June 2014 as \"National Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Awareness Month\".", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating the month of June 2014 as \"National Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Awareness Month\".", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2022-03-03T21:27:53Z", "update_date_including_text": "2022-11-04T17:36:46Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-06-23T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres481ats/xml/BILLS-113sres481ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres481ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres481ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T02:10:04.824", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-481", "legis_num": 481, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-481-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 481 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES June 23, 2014 Ms. Heitkamp (for herself, Mr. Heller , Mr. Begich , Mr. Donnelly , Mr. Rockefeller , Mr. Booker , Mr. Hoeven , Ms. Stabenow , Mr. Blumenthal , Ms. Hirono , Mr. Leahy , Mr. Franken , Mr. Warner , Mrs. Feinstein , Mr. Boozman , Mr. Johanns , Mr. Casey , Mr. Walsh , Mr. Crapo , Mrs. Murray , Mr. Johnson of South Dakota , Mr. Cardin , and Mr. Merkley ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Designating the month of June 2014 as National Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Awareness Month .\n\nWhereas the brave men and women of the Armed Forces of the United States, who proudly serve the United States, risk their lives to protect the freedom of the people of the United States, and deserve the investment of every possible resource to ensure their lasting physical, mental, and emotional well-being; Whereas more than 2,600,000 members of the Armed Forces have deployed overseas since the events of September 11, 2001, and have served in places such as Afghanistan and Iraq; Whereas the Armed Forces of the United States have sustained a historically high operational tempo since September 11, 2001, with many members of the Armed Forces deploying overseas multiple times, placing those members at high risk of post-traumatic stress disorder (referred to in this preamble as PTSD ); Whereas members of the Armed Forces and veterans who served before September 11, 2001, remain at risk for PTSD and other mental health disorders; Whereas the Secretary of Veterans Affairs reports that— (1) since October 2001, more than 310,000 of the approximately 1,000,000 veterans of Operation Enduring Freedom, Operation Iraqi Freedom, and Operation New Dawn who have received health care from the Department of Veterans Affairs have been diagnosed with PTSD; (2) in fiscal year 2013, more than 530,000 of the nearly 6,000,000 veterans who sought care at Department of Veterans Affairs medical facilities received treatment for PTSD; and (3) of veterans who served in Operation Enduring Freedom, Operation Iraqi Freedom, and Operation New Dawn who are receiving health care from the Department of Veterans Affairs, more than 570,000 have received a diagnosis for at least 1 mental health disorder; Whereas many cases of PTSD remain unreported, undiagnosed, and untreated due to a lack of awareness about PTSD and the persistent stigma associated with mental health conditions; Whereas exposure to military sexual trauma can lead to PTSD; Whereas PTSD significantly increases the risk of anxiety, depression, suicide, homelessness, and drug- and alcohol-related disorders and deaths, especially if left untreated; Whereas public perceptions of PTSD or other mental health disorders create unique challenges for veterans seeking employment; Whereas the Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs—as well as the larger medical community, both private and public—have made significant advances in the identification, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of PTSD and the symptoms of PTSD, but many challenges remain; Whereas increased understanding of PTSD can help diminish the stigma attached to this mental health disorder, and additional efforts are needed to find further ways—including an examination of how PTSD is discussed in the United States—to reduce this stigma; and Whereas the designation of a National Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Awareness Month will raise public awareness about issues related to PTSD, reduce the stigma associated with PTSD, and help ensure that those suffering from the invisible wounds of war receive proper treatment: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) designates June 2014, as National Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Awareness Month ; (2) supports the efforts of the Secretary of Veterans Affairs and the Secretary of Defense—as well as the entire medical community—to educate members of the Armed Forces, veterans, the families of members of the Armed Forces and veterans, and the public about the causes, symptoms, and treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder; and (3) respectfully requests that the Secretary of the Senate transmit a copy of this resolution to the Secretary of Veterans Affairs and the Secretary of Defense.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 481 ATS: Designating the month of June 2014 as “National Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Awareness Month”.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-06-23\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 481\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140623\">\n June 23, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S360\">\n Ms. Heitkamp\n </sponsor>\n (for herself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S352\">\n Mr. Heller\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S319\">\n Mr. Begich\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S356\">\n Mr. Donnelly\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S176\">\n Mr. Rockefeller\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S370\">\n Mr. Booker\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S344\">\n Mr. Hoeven\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S284\">\n Ms. Stabenow\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S341\">\n Mr. Blumenthal\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S361\">\n Ms. Hirono\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S057\">\n Mr. Leahy\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S332\">\n Mr. Franken\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S327\">\n Mr. Warner\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S221\">\n Mrs. Feinstein\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S343\">\n Mr. Boozman\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S321\">\n Mr. Johanns\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S309\">\n Mr. Casey\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S371\">\n Mr. Walsh\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S266\">\n Mr. Crapo\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S229\">\n Mrs. Murray\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S257\">\n Mr. Johnson of South Dakota\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S308\">\n Mr. Cardin\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S322\">\n Mr. Merkley\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Designating the month of June 2014 as\n <quote>\n National Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Awareness Month\n </quote>\n .\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the brave men and women of the Armed Forces of the United States, who proudly serve the\n\t\t\t United\n\t\t\t States, risk their lives to protect the freedom of the people of the\n\t\t\t United States, and\n\t\t\t deserve the investment of every possible resource to ensure their lasting\n\t\t\t physical, mental, and emotional well-being;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas more than 2,600,000 members of the Armed Forces have deployed overseas since the events of\n\t\t\t September\n\t\t\t 11, 2001, and have served in places such as Afghanistan and Iraq;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Armed Forces of the United States have sustained a historically high operational tempo\n\t\t\t since September 11, 2001,\n\t\t\t with many members of the Armed Forces deploying overseas multiple times,\n\t\t\t placing those members\n\t\t\t at high risk of post-traumatic stress disorder (referred to in this\n\t\t\t preamble as\n <quote>\n PTSD\n </quote>\n );\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas members of the Armed Forces and veterans who served before September 11, 2001, remain at\n\t\t\t risk\n\t\t\t for PTSD and other mental health disorders;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Secretary of Veterans Affairs reports that—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"id5B2BA1BF209C42CBAE128D38F4FAFCC6\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n since October 2001, more than 310,000 of the approximately 1,000,000 veterans of Operation\n\t\t\t Enduring Freedom, Operation Iraqi Freedom, and Operation New Dawn who have\n\t\t\t received health care from the Department of Veterans Affairs have been\n\t\t\t diagnosed with\n\t\t\t PTSD;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idCB41E5B60C044F4DAB23205C97D27F08\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n in fiscal year 2013, more than 530,000 of the nearly 6,000,000 veterans who sought\n\t\t\t care at Department of Veterans Affairs medical facilities received\n\t\t\t treatment\n\t\t\t for PTSD; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idD54397325D24431E88577616F85523F0\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n of veterans who served in Operation Enduring Freedom, Operation Iraqi Freedom, and Operation New\n\t\t\t Dawn who are receiving health care from the Department of Veterans\n\t\t\t Affairs, more than 570,000 have\n\t\t\t received a diagnosis for at least 1 mental health disorder;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas many cases of PTSD remain unreported, undiagnosed, and untreated due to a lack of awareness\n\t\t\t about PTSD and the persistent stigma associated with mental health\n\t\t\t conditions;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas exposure to military sexual trauma can lead to PTSD;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas PTSD significantly increases the risk of anxiety, depression, suicide, homelessness, and\n\t\t\t drug- and alcohol-related disorders and deaths, especially if left\n\t\t\t untreated;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas public perceptions of PTSD or other mental health disorders create unique challenges for\n\t\t\t veterans seeking employment;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs—as well as the larger\n\t\t\t medical community,\n\t\t\t both private and public—have made significant advances in the\n\t\t\t identification, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of PTSD and the\n\t\t\t symptoms of PTSD, but many challenges remain;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas increased understanding of PTSD can help diminish the stigma attached to this mental health\n\t\t\t disorder, and additional efforts are needed to find further\n\t\t\t ways—including an examination of how PTSD is discussed in the United\n\t\t\t States—to reduce\n\t\t\t this stigma; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the designation of a National Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Awareness Month will raise\n\t\t\t public awareness about issues related to PTSD, reduce the stigma\n\t\t\t associated with PTSD, and help ensure that those suffering from the\n\t\t\t invisible wounds of war receive proper treatment: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"id1D275C6032D34C8DB7A336C77032C74A\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n designates June 2014, as\n <quote>\n National Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Awareness Month\n </quote>\n ;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idF961D61E627C49989FB088C84814D545\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n supports the efforts of the Secretary of Veterans Affairs and the Secretary of Defense—as well as\n\t\t\t the entire medical community—to educate members of the Armed Forces,\n\t\t\t veterans, the\n\t\t\t families of members of the Armed Forces and veterans, and the public about\n\t\t\t the causes,\n\t\t\t symptoms, and treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id98399C395E38463A97D1CE304BE22200\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n respectfully requests that the Secretary of the Senate transmit a copy of this resolution to the\n\t\t\t Secretary of Veterans Affairs and the Secretary of Defense.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-06 02:11:00.604
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 482 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-11T13:26:04Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-11T13:26:04Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-06-24 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssga00 </systemCode> <name> Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2014-06-24T20:44:33Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-06-24 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssga00 </systemCode> <name> Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. (text of measure as introduced: CR S3944) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-06-24 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> C001098 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cruz, Ted [R-TX] </fullName> <firstName> Ted </firstName> <lastName> Cruz </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TX </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> T000461 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Toomey, Patrick [R-PA] </fullName> <firstName> Patrick </firstName> <lastName> Toomey </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> PA </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Asia </name> </item> <item> <name> China </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Detention of persons </name> </item> <item> <name> District of Columbia </name> </item> <item> <name> Government buildings, facilities, and property </name> </item> <item> <name> Human rights </name> </item> <item> <name> Roads and highways </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-06-24 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-07-15T21:32:10Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Expresses the sense of the Senate that:&lt;/p&gt; &lt;ul&gt; &lt;li&gt; the area between the intersections of International Drive, NW and Van Ness Street, NW and International Drive, NW and International Place, NW in Washington, DC, should be known and designated as &amp;quot;Liu Xiaobo Plaza,&amp;quot; and any reference in a federal law, map, regulation, document, paper, or other record to that area should be deemed to be a reference to &amp;quot;Liu Xiaobo Plaza&amp;quot;;&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt; the address of 3505 International Place, NW, Washington, DC, should be redesignated as &amp;quot;1 Liu Xiaobo Plaza,&amp;quot; and any reference in a federal law, map, regulation, document, paper, or other record to that address should be deemed to be a reference to &amp;quot;1 Liu Xiaobo Plaza&amp;quot;; and&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt;the Administrator of General Services (GSA) should construct street signs that: (1) contain the phrase &amp;quot;Liu Xiaobo Plaza&amp;quot;; (2) are similar in design to the signs used by Washington, DC to designate the location of Metro stations; and (3) should be placed on the parcel of federal property that is closest to &amp;quot;1 Liu Xiaobo Plaza&amp;quot; and the street corners of International Drive, NW and Van Ness Street, NW, and International Drive, NW and International Place, NW, Washington, DC.&lt;/li&gt; &lt;/ul&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the area between the intersections of International Drive, Northwest Van Ness Street, Northwest International Drive, Northwest and International Place, Northwest in Washington, District of Columbia, should be designated as "Liu Xiaobo Plaza". </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the area between the intersections of International Drive, Northwest Van Ness Street, Northwest International Drive, Northwest and International Place, Northwest in Washington, District of Columbia, should be designated as "Liu Xiaobo Plaza". </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the area between the intersections of International Drive, Northwest Van Ness Street, Northwest International Drive, Northwest and International Place, Northwest in Washington, District of Columbia, should be designated as "Liu Xiaobo Plaza". </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2014-06-24T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres482is/xml/BILLS-113sres482is.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-06-24 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. (text of measure as introduced: CR S3944) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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Toomey, Patrick [R-PA]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Toomey", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-09", "state": "PA" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-06-24", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-06-24", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. (text of measure as introduced: CR S3944)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 482, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Government Operations and Politics", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "C001098", "district": null, "first_name": "Ted", "full_name": "Sen. Cruz, Ted [R-TX]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Cruz", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "TX" } ], "subjects": [ "Asia", "China", "Congressional tributes", "Detention of persons", "District of Columbia", "Government buildings, facilities, and property", "Human rights", "Roads and highways" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-06-24", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Expresses the sense of the Senate that:</p> <ul> <li> the area between the intersections of International Drive, NW and Van Ness Street, NW and International Drive, NW and International Place, NW in Washington, DC, should be known and designated as &quot;Liu Xiaobo Plaza,&quot; and any reference in a federal law, map, regulation, document, paper, or other record to that area should be deemed to be a reference to &quot;Liu Xiaobo Plaza&quot;;</li> <li> the address of 3505 International Place, NW, Washington, DC, should be redesignated as &quot;1 Liu Xiaobo Plaza,&quot; and any reference in a federal law, map, regulation, document, paper, or other record to that address should be deemed to be a reference to &quot;1 Liu Xiaobo Plaza&quot;; and</li> <li>the Administrator of General Services (GSA) should construct street signs that: (1) contain the phrase &quot;Liu Xiaobo Plaza&quot;; (2) are similar in design to the signs used by Washington, DC to designate the location of Metro stations; and (3) should be placed on the parcel of federal property that is closest to &quot;1 Liu Xiaobo Plaza&quot; and the street corners of International Drive, NW and Van Ness Street, NW, and International Drive, NW and International Place, NW, Washington, DC.</li> </ul>", "update_date": "2014-07-15T21:32:10Z", "version_code": "00" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-06-24T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres482is/xml/BILLS-113sres482is.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the area between the intersections of International Drive, Northwest Van Ness Street, Northwest International Drive, Northwest and International Place, Northwest in Washington, District of Columbia, should be designated as \"Liu Xiaobo Plaza\".", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the area between the intersections of International Drive, Northwest Van Ness Street, Northwest International Drive, Northwest and International Place, Northwest in Washington, District of Columbia, should be designated as \"Liu Xiaobo Plaza\".", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the area between the intersections of International Drive, Northwest Van Ness Street, Northwest International Drive, Northwest and International Place, Northwest in Washington, District of Columbia, should be designated as \"Liu Xiaobo Plaza\".", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2023-01-11T13:26:04Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-11T13:26:04Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-06-24T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres482is/xml/BILLS-113sres482is.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres482is.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres482is.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T02:10:04.233", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-482", "legis_num": 482, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "is", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-482-is-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 482 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES June 24, 2014 Mr. Cruz submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs RESOLUTION Expressing the sense of the Senate that the area between the intersections of International Drive, Northwest and Van Ness Street, Northwest and International Drive, Northwest and International Place, Northwest in Washington, District of Columbia, should be designated as Liu Xiaobo Plaza .\n\nWhereas June 4, 2014, marked the 25th anniversary of the brutal crackdown on protestors at Tiananmen Square in Beijing; Whereas Dr. Liu Xiaobo is a Chinese human rights activist and Nobel Laureate who is currently serving an 11-year prison sentence for inciting subversion against the Government of the People’s Republic of China; Whereas in recognition of Dr. Liu Xiaobo’s long and non-violent struggle for fundamental human rights in the People's Republic of China, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in October 2010; and Whereas renaming a portion of the street in front of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the District of Columbia after Dr. Liu Xiaobo serves as an expression of solidarity between the people of the United States and the people of the People's Republic of China who are, like Dr. Liu Xiaobo, engaged in a long and non-violent struggle for fundamental human rights: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat it is the sense of the Senate that— (1) the area between the intersections of International Drive, Northwest and Van Ness Street, Northwest and International Drive, Northwest and International Place, Northwest in Washington, District of Columbia, should be known and designated as Liu Xiaobo Plaza , and any reference in a law, map, regulation, document, paper, or other record to that area should be deemed to be a reference to Liu Xiaobo Plaza; (2) the address of 3505 International Place, Northwest, Washington, District of Columbia, should be redesignated as 1 Liu Xiaobo Plaza, and any reference in a law, map, regulation, document, paper, or other record of the United States to that address should be deemed to be a reference to 1 Liu Xiaobo Plaza; and (3) the Administrator of General Services should construct street signs that— (A) contain the phrase Liu Xiaobo Plaza ; (B) are similar in design to the signs used by Washington, District of Columbia, to designate the location of Metro stations; and (C) should be placed on— (i) the parcel Federal property that is closest to 1 Liu Xiaobo Plaza (as described in paragraph (2)); and (ii) the street corners of International Drive, Northwest and Van Ness Street, Northwest and International Drive, Northwest and International Place, Northwest, Washington, District of Columbia.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Introduced-in-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 482 IS: Expressing the sense of the Senate that the area between the intersections of International Drive, Northwest and Van Ness Street, Northwest and International Drive, Northwest and International Place, Northwest in Washington, District of Columbia, should be designated as “Liu Xiaobo Plaza”.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-06-24\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress>\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session>\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 482\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action>\n <action-date date=\"20140624\">\n June 24, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S355\">\n Mr. Cruz\n </sponsor>\n submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name committee-id=\"SSGA00\">\n Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title>\n Expressing the sense of the Senate that the area between the intersections of International Drive,\n\t\t\t Northwest and Van Ness\n\t\t\t Street, Northwest and International Drive, Northwest and International\n\t\t\t Place, Northwest in Washington, District of Columbia, should be designated\n\t\t\t as\n <quote>\n Liu Xiaobo Plaza\n </quote>\n .\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas June 4, 2014, marked the 25th anniversary of the brutal crackdown on protestors at\n\t\t\t Tiananmen\n\t\t\t Square in Beijing;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Dr. Liu Xiaobo is a Chinese human rights activist and Nobel Laureate who is currently\n\t\t\t serving an 11-year prison sentence for inciting subversion against the\n\t\t\t Government of the \n\t\t\t People’s Republic of China;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas in recognition of Dr. Liu Xiaobo’s long and non-violent struggle for fundamental human\n\t\t\t rights in\n\t\t\t the People's Republic of China, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in\n\t\t\t October 2010; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas renaming a portion of the street in front of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China\n\t\t\t in the District of\n\t\t\t Columbia after Dr. Liu Xiaobo serves as an expression of solidarity\n\t\t\t between the people of the United States and the people of the People's\n\t\t\t Republic of China who are,\n\t\t\t like Dr. Liu Xiaobo, engaged in a long and non-violent struggle for\n\t\t\t fundamental human rights: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body style=\"appropriations\">\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"id2287522CCDF44C3B83FB6943FED0D253\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\">\n That it is the sense of the Senate that—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"id93029D14355E482E815A47F2AED3C3EE\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\">\n the area between the intersections of International Drive, Northwest and Van Ness Street, Northwest\n\t\t\t and International Drive, Northwest and International Place, Northwest in\n\t\t\t Washington, District of Columbia, should be known and designated as\n <quote>\n Liu Xiaobo Plaza\n </quote>\n , and any reference in a law, map, regulation, document, paper, or other record to that area \n\t\t\t should be deemed to be a reference to Liu Xiaobo Plaza;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id8CA7D76F6DD24233929216F4626A38F6\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\">\n the address of 3505 International Place, Northwest, Washington, District of Columbia, should be\n\t\t\t redesignated as 1 Liu\n\t\t\t Xiaobo Plaza, and any reference in a law, map, regulation, document,\n\t\t\t paper, or other record of the United States to\n\t\t\t that address should be deemed to be a reference\n\t\t\t to 1 Liu Xiaobo Plaza; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id15B3002A2ED54A7B823407D00B3C87D3\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\">\n the Administrator of General Services should construct\n\t\t\t street signs that—\n </text>\n <subparagraph id=\"idDA07A0E89B1546C183DD97EDF93D2AEA\">\n <enum>\n (A)\n </enum>\n <text display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\">\n contain the phrase\n <quote>\n Liu Xiaobo Plaza\n </quote>\n ;\n </text>\n </subparagraph>\n <subparagraph id=\"idAE070A48C5384FA283ACD2DEF902C3DA\">\n <enum>\n (B)\n </enum>\n <text display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\">\n are similar in design to the signs used by Washington, District of Columbia, to designate the\n\t\t\t location of Metro stations; and\n </text>\n </subparagraph>\n <subparagraph id=\"idF6C19FB68C334765B1892669E6723780\">\n <enum>\n (C)\n </enum>\n <text display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\">\n should be placed on—\n </text>\n <clause id=\"id168FB114A6674285BEE74CF93310BA98\">\n <enum>\n (i)\n </enum>\n <text display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\">\n the parcel Federal property that is closest to 1 Liu Xiaobo Plaza (as described in paragraph\n\t\t\t (2)); and\n </text>\n </clause>\n <clause id=\"id0DAD17BFB14F47FC835790AF8F53BDA5\">\n <enum>\n (ii)\n </enum>\n <text display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\">\n the street corners\n\t\t\t of International Drive, Northwest and Van Ness Street, Northwest and\n\t\t\t International Drive, Northwest and International Place,\n\t\t\t Northwest, Washington, District of Columbia.\n </text>\n </clause>\n </subparagraph>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-06 02:08:00.259
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 483 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-11T13:26:04Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-11T13:26:04Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-06-24 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> sseg00 </systemCode> <name> Energy and Natural Resources Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2014-06-24T21:16:48Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-06-24 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> sseg00 </systemCode> <name> Energy and Natural Resources Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. (text of measure as introduced: CR S3944) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-06-24 </actionDate> <text> Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR S3944-3945) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> B00100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-06-24 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> W000818 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Walsh, John E. [D-MT] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Walsh </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MT </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> H001046 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Heinrich, Martin [D-NM] </fullName> <firstName> Martin </firstName> <lastName> Heinrich </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NM </state> <middleName> T. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> U000038 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Udall, Mark [D-CO] </fullName> <firstName> MARK </firstName> <lastName> UDALL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CO </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Public Lands and Natural Resources </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Budget deficits and national debt </name> </item> <item> <name> Land transfers </name> </item> <item> <name> Legislative rules and procedure </name> </item> <item> <name> Senate </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Public Lands and Natural Resources </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-06-24 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-08-25T21:07:16Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Makes it out of order in the Senate to consider legislation that sells any federal land and uses the proceeds of the sale to reduce the federal deficit, except for the sale of federal land in a state as part of a program that acquires land in the same state of comparable value or contains exceptional resources.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Permits waiver or suspension of such prohibition, or successful appeals from rulings of the Chair, only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths (60) of the Senate.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution establishing a point of order against legislation selling Federal land in order to reduce the deficit. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution establishing a point of order against legislation selling Federal land in order to reduce the deficit. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution establishing a point of order against legislation selling Federal land in order to reduce the deficit. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2014-06-24T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres483is/xml/BILLS-113sres483is.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-06-24 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. (text of measure as introduced: CR S3944) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-06-24", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Energy and Natural Resources Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "sseg00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. (text of measure as introduced: CR S3944)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "B00100", "action_date": "2014-06-24", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR S3944-3945)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-06-24", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2014-06-24T21:16:48Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Energy and Natural Resources Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "sseg00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "H001046", "district": null, "first_name": "Martin", "full_name": "Sen. Heinrich, Martin [D-NM]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Heinrich", "middle_name": "T.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-06-24", "state": "NM" }, { "bioguide_id": "U000038", "district": null, "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Sen. Udall, Mark [D-CO]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "UDALL", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-06-24", "state": "CO" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-06-24", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-06-24", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. (text of measure as introduced: CR S3944)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 483, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Public Lands and Natural Resources", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "W000818", "district": null, "first_name": "John", "full_name": "Sen. Walsh, John E. [D-MT]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Walsh", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "state": "MT" } ], "subjects": [ "Budget deficits and national debt", "Land transfers", "Legislative rules and procedure", "Senate" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-06-24", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Makes it out of order in the Senate to consider legislation that sells any federal land and uses the proceeds of the sale to reduce the federal deficit, except for the sale of federal land in a state as part of a program that acquires land in the same state of comparable value or contains exceptional resources.</p> <p>Permits waiver or suspension of such prohibition, or successful appeals from rulings of the Chair, only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths (60) of the Senate.</p>", "update_date": "2014-08-25T21:07:16Z", "version_code": "00" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-06-24T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres483is/xml/BILLS-113sres483is.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution establishing a point of order against legislation selling Federal land in order to reduce the deficit.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution establishing a point of order against legislation selling Federal land in order to reduce the deficit.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution establishing a point of order against legislation selling Federal land in order to reduce the deficit.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2023-01-11T13:26:04Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-11T13:26:04Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-06-24T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres483is/xml/BILLS-113sres483is.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres483is.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres483is.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T02:09:02.535", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-483", "legis_num": 483, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "is", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-483-is-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 483 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES June 24, 2014 Mr. Walsh (for himself, Mr. Heinrich , and Mr. Udall of Colorado ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources RESOLUTION Establishing a point of order against legislation selling Federal land in order to reduce the deficit.\n\n1. Point of order against selling Federal land in order to reduce the deficit (a) In general Except as provided in subsection (b), it shall not be in order in the Senate to consider any bill, joint resolution, amendment, motion, amendment between the houses, or conference report that sells any Federal land and uses the proceeds of the sale to reduce the Federal deficit. (b) Exception Subsection (a) shall not apply to the sale of Federal land as part of a program that acquires land in the same State that is of comparable value or contains exceptional resources. (c) Supermajority waiver and appeal in the senate (1) Waiver This section may be waived or suspended only by the affirmative vote of three-fifths of the Members, duly chosen and sworn. (2) Appeal An affirmative vote of three-fifths of the Members, duly chosen and sworn, shall be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling of the Chair on a point of order raised under this section.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Introduced-in-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 483 IS: Establishing a point of order against legislation selling Federal land in order to reduce the deficit.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-06-24\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 483\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140624\">\n June 24, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S371\">\n Mr. Walsh\n </sponsor>\n (for himself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S359\">\n Mr. Heinrich\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S325\">\n Mr. Udall of Colorado\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name committee-id=\"SSEG00\">\n Committee on Energy and Natural Resources\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Establishing a point of order against legislation selling Federal land in order to reduce the\n\t\t\t deficit.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <resolution-body>\n <section id=\"id31D21D97A90A40249FB9BF2DE29B0658\" section-type=\"section-one\">\n <enum>\n 1.\n </enum>\n <header>\n Point of order against selling Federal land in order to reduce the deficit\n </header>\n <subsection id=\"id0857E97ABDBE429A9B366DFDDA78BFAB\">\n <enum>\n (a)\n </enum>\n <header>\n In general\n </header>\n <text>\n Except as provided in subsection (b), it shall not be in order in the Senate to consider any bill,\n\t\t\t joint resolution, amendment, motion,\n\t\t\t amendment between the houses, or conference report that sells any Federal\n\t\t\t land and uses the proceeds of the sale to reduce the Federal deficit.\n </text>\n </subsection>\n <subsection id=\"id660D4C4D5AFE4B419D02095CEC0F3914\">\n <enum>\n (b)\n </enum>\n <header>\n Exception\n </header>\n <text>\n Subsection (a) shall not apply to the sale of Federal land as part of a program that acquires land\n\t\t\t in the same State that is of comparable value or contains exceptional\n\t\t\t resources.\n </text>\n </subsection>\n <subsection id=\"id74b088eb39aa4436a8fff8188001a130\">\n <enum>\n (c)\n </enum>\n <header>\n Supermajority waiver and appeal in the senate\n </header>\n <paragraph id=\"id0f43273c2ac14cec947886526c0615c0\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <header>\n Waiver\n </header>\n <text>\n This section may be waived or suspended only by the affirmative vote of three-fifths of the\n\t\t\t Members, duly chosen and sworn.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"ida56c1393df8b4629bdcf659a63b5daba\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <header>\n Appeal\n </header>\n <text>\n An affirmative vote of three-fifths of the Members, duly chosen and sworn, shall be required to\n\t\t\t sustain an appeal of the ruling of the Chair on a point of order raised\n\t\t\t under this section.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </subsection>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-04 19:13:01.461
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 484 </number> <updateDate> 2019-02-20T12:28:53Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2022-11-04T17:29:05Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-06-25 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-06-25 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4092; text as passed Senate: CR S4004-4005) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-06-25 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S4092; text as passed Senate: CR S4004-4005) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-06-25 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> B000711 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Boxer, Barbara [D-CA] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> BOXER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> F000062 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA] </fullName> <firstName> Dianne </firstName> <lastName> Feinstein </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Public Lands and Natural Resources </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> California </name> </item> <item> <name> Commemorative events and holidays </name> </item> <item> <name> Land transfers </name> </item> <item> <name> Parks, recreation areas, trails </name> </item> <item> <name> Wilderness and natural areas, wildlife refuges, wild rivers, habitats </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Public Lands and Natural Resources </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-06-25 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-08-11T15:56:25Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Recognizes and honors the 150th anniversary of the establishment of the Act titled &amp;quot;An Act authorizing a Grant to the State of California of the 'Yo-Semite Valley' and of the Land embracing the 'Mariposa Big Tree Grove'&amp;quot; approved June 30, 1864 (commonly known as the Yosemite Grant) on June 30, 2014. &lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-06-25 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-08-11T15:55:51Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Recognizes and honors the 150th anniversary of the establishment of the Act titled &amp;quot;An Act authorizing a Grant to the State of California of the 'Yo-Semite Valley' and of the Land embracing the 'Mariposa Big Tree Grove'&amp;quot; approved June 30, 1864 (commonly known as the Yosemite Grant) on June 30, 2014. &lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution recognizing and honoring the 150th anniversary of the establishment of the Yosemite Grant Act. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution recognizing and honoring the 150th anniversary of the establishment of the Yosemite Grant Act. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution recognizing and honoring the 150th anniversary of the establishment of the Yosemite Grant Act. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-06-25T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres484ats/xml/BILLS-113sres484ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-06-25 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4092; text as passed Senate: CR S4004-4005) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-06-25", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4092; text as passed Senate: CR S4004-4005)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2014-06-25", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S4092; text as passed Senate: CR S4004-4005)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-06-25", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "F000062", "district": null, "first_name": "Dianne", "full_name": "Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Feinstein", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-06-25", "state": "CA" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-06-25", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-06-25", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4092; text as passed Senate: CR S4004-4005)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 484, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": null, "policy_area": "Public Lands and Natural Resources", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "B000711", "district": null, "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Sen. Boxer, Barbara [D-CA]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "BOXER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "CA" } ], "subjects": [ "California", "Commemorative events and holidays", "Land transfers", "Parks, recreation areas, trails", "Wilderness and natural areas, wildlife refuges, wild rivers, habitats" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-06-25", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Recognizes and honors the 150th anniversary of the establishment of the Act titled &quot;An Act authorizing a Grant to the State of California of the 'Yo-Semite Valley' and of the Land embracing the 'Mariposa Big Tree Grove'&quot; approved June 30, 1864 (commonly known as the Yosemite Grant) on June 30, 2014. </p>", "update_date": "2014-08-11T15:56:25Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2014-06-25", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Recognizes and honors the 150th anniversary of the establishment of the Act titled &quot;An Act authorizing a Grant to the State of California of the 'Yo-Semite Valley' and of the Land embracing the 'Mariposa Big Tree Grove'&quot; approved June 30, 1864 (commonly known as the Yosemite Grant) on June 30, 2014. </p>", "update_date": "2014-08-11T15:55:51Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-06-25T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres484ats/xml/BILLS-113sres484ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution recognizing and honoring the 150th anniversary of the establishment of the Yosemite Grant Act.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution recognizing and honoring the 150th anniversary of the establishment of the Yosemite Grant Act.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution recognizing and honoring the 150th anniversary of the establishment of the Yosemite Grant Act.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2019-02-20T12:28:53Z", "update_date_including_text": "2022-11-04T17:29:05Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-06-25T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres484ats/xml/BILLS-113sres484ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres484ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres484ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T02:09:02.484", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-484", "legis_num": 484, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-484-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 484 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES June 25, 2014 Mrs. Boxer (for herself and Mrs. Feinstein ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Recognizing and honoring the 150th anniversary of the establishment of the Yosemite Grant Act.\n\nWhereas Yosemite National Park is internationally renowned as one of the most extraordinary examples of natural beauty, splendor, and majesty, and is a showcase of spectacular waterfalls, fantastic geologic history, and abundant wildlife that has provided sanctuary, comfort, and inspiration to humans for thousands of years; Whereas, on June 30, 1864, President Abraham Lincoln signed the Act entitled An Act authorizing a Grant to the State of California of the Yo-Semite Valley and of the Land embracing the Mariposa Big Tree Grove , approved June 30, 1864 (commonly known as the Yosemite Grant) which— (1) for one of the first times in United States history set aside land for enjoyment and protection for future generations; and (2) demonstrated—during some of the bloodiest days of the Civil War—the unique vision of the United States to protect what would become one of the most cherished and iconic national parks; Whereas with President Lincoln’s action, this vision was codified and marked Yosemite Valley and Mariposa Grove as the seed of the conservation movement in what is now known as America’s Best Idea ; Whereas June 30, 1864, marks the birth of the national park idea, the concept that has inspired over 400 National Park units in the United States and hundreds of national parks worldwide; Whereas the land surrounding Yosemite Valley and Mariposa Grove was designated the 3 rd national park on October 1, 1890, and Yosemite Valley and Mariposa Grove were added to Yosemite National Park in 1906; Whereas the land preserved within Yosemite National Park is part of the ancestral homeland of several American Indian tribes and groups; Whereas Yosemite National Park was dedicated a World Heritage Site in 1984 and has fostered sister park relationships with national parks in foreign countries including— (1) Huangshan National Park and Jiuzhaigou National Park in China; and (2) Torres del Paine National Park in Chile; Whereas Yosemite National Park, a leader within the National Park Service, is— (1) the first national park to open a museum; (2) the first national park to hire a female law enforcement ranger; (3) the birthplace of rustic style architecture and of big wall rock climbing; (4) the first national park to formally implement park education and interpretation programs; and (5) the first national park to partner with a nonprofit stewardship organization; Whereas Yosemite National Park receives over 4,000,000 visitors each year from around the world; Whereas Yosemite National Park is home to a variety of natural resource features, containing— (1) wilderness areas encompassing 94 percent of the park’s acreage; (2) more than 800 miles of trails including the renowned Pacific Crest Trail and John Muir Trail; (3) 2 federally designated wild and scenic rivers, the Tuolumne River and the Merced River; (4) the largest intact subalpine meadow complex in the Sierra Nevada; and (5) 30 properties and districts listed on the National Register of Historic Places and 5 National Historic Landmarks; Whereas Yosemite National Park continues to embody amazing opportunities for recreation and public enjoyment in one of the most amazing natural physical landscapes in the world; and Whereas the preservation of Yosemite National Park is a testament to the commitment and determination of many dedicated people and institutions over the past 150 years: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) recognizes and honors the 150 th anniversary of the establishment of the Act entitled An Act authorizing a Grant to the State of California of the Yo-Semite Valley and of the Land embracing the Mariposa Big Tree Grove , approved June 30, 1864 (commonly known as the Yosemite Grant) (referred to in this resolving clause as the Yosemite Grant Act ) on June 30, 2014; and (2) encourages the people of the United States to observe and honor the 150 th anniversary of the establishment of the Yosemite Grant Act.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 484 ATS: Recognizing and honoring the 150th anniversary of the establishment of the Yosemite Grant Act.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-06-25\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 484\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140625\">\n June 25, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S223\">\n Mrs. Boxer\n </sponsor>\n (for herself and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S221\">\n Mrs. Feinstein\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Recognizing and honoring the 150th anniversary of the establishment of the Yosemite Grant Act.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Yosemite National Park is internationally renowned as one of the most extraordinary\n\t\t\t examples of natural beauty, splendor, and majesty, and is a showcase of\n\t\t\t spectacular waterfalls, fantastic geologic history, and abundant wildlife\n\t\t\t that has provided sanctuary, comfort, and inspiration to humans for\n\t\t\t thousands of years;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, on June 30, 1864, President Abraham Lincoln signed the Act entitled\n <quote>\n An Act authorizing a Grant to the State of California of the\n <quote>\n Yo-Semite Valley\n </quote>\n and of the Land embracing the\n <quote>\n Mariposa Big Tree\nGrove\n </quote>\n </quote>\n , approved June 30, 1864 (commonly known\nas the Yosemite Grant) which—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"id3E3BE92CB5724DC995D8D0D7F4A12604\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n for one of the first times in United States history set aside land for enjoyment and protection for\n\t\t\t future generations; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id2FAAF0E1AB5F4CA0AEC867C8B8CA7A59\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n demonstrated—during some of the bloodiest days of the Civil War—the unique vision of the United\n\t\t\t States to protect what would become one of the most cherished and\n\t\t\t iconic national parks;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas with President Lincoln’s action, this vision was codified and marked Yosemite Valley and\n\t\t\t Mariposa Grove as the seed of the conservation movement in what is now\n\t\t\t known as\n <quote>\n America’s Best Idea\n </quote>\n ;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas June 30, 1864, marks the birth of the national park idea, the concept that has inspired\n\t\t\t over\n\t\t\t 400 National Park units in the United States and hundreds of national\n\t\t\t parks worldwide;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the land surrounding Yosemite Valley and Mariposa Grove was designated the 3\n <superscript>\n rd\n </superscript>\n national park on October 1, 1890, and Yosemite Valley and Mariposa Grove were added to Yosemite\n\t\t\t National Park in\n\t\t\t 1906;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the land preserved within Yosemite National Park is part of the ancestral homeland of\n\t\t\t several American Indian tribes and groups;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Yosemite National Park was dedicated a World Heritage Site in 1984 and has fostered sister\n\t\t\t park relationships with national parks in foreign countries including—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"id421A04FC359A4F32B71A6B4CAF23E248\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n Huangshan National Park and Jiuzhaigou National Park in China; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id5BC92D90EF8F43D7AAB22F4D4FEA3CF2\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n Torres del Paine National Park in Chile;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Yosemite National Park, a leader within the National Park Service, is—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"idF8CD67EEBC9A431A83E1217CF9A2FBE5\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n the first national park to open a museum;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idB585930A00774BD48D7C048DC9E1AEC5\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n the first national park to hire a female law enforcement ranger;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idEF10F86AB4854589973CA8880467340B\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n the birthplace of rustic style architecture and of big wall rock climbing;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id0A11E28907C04E2A8C2AC475730BBC90\">\n <enum>\n (4)\n </enum>\n <text>\n the first national park to formally implement park education and interpretation programs; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id0DDDE408B12448CA86610E66D45521BC\">\n <enum>\n (5)\n </enum>\n <text>\n the first national park to partner with a nonprofit stewardship organization;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Yosemite National Park receives over 4,000,000 visitors each year from around the world;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Yosemite National Park is home to a variety of natural resource features, containing—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"idA59BC27D58CB47B8ABE7CABF1C339307\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n wilderness areas encompassing 94 percent of the park’s acreage;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idD235A2A4B70048A1B7417906509A9512\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n more than 800 miles of trails including the renowned Pacific Crest Trail and John Muir Trail;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id093B3BB1208649FB822302192D9F59B8\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n 2 federally designated wild and scenic rivers, the Tuolumne River and the Merced River;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idB0F2D5DDA88C44DFB9DD8B7F0509CE1B\">\n <enum>\n (4)\n </enum>\n <text>\n the largest intact subalpine meadow complex in the Sierra Nevada; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id3C179FBEF7374C7AA32139F1C15A3820\">\n <enum>\n (5)\n </enum>\n <text>\n 30 properties and districts listed on the National Register of Historic Places and 5 National\n\t\t\t Historic Landmarks;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Yosemite National Park continues to embody amazing opportunities for recreation and public\n\t\t\t enjoyment in one of the most amazing natural physical landscapes in the\n\t\t\t world; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the preservation of Yosemite National Park is a testament to the commitment and\n\t\t\t determination of many dedicated people and institutions over the past 150\n\t\t\t years: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"id9AA3072135BB493BA28C83A5A0CC07A4\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n recognizes and honors the 150\n <superscript>\n th\n </superscript>\n anniversary of the establishment of the Act entitled\n <quote>\n An Act authorizing a Grant to the State of California of the\n <quote>\n Yo-Semite Valley\n </quote>\n and of the Land embracing the\n <quote>\n Mariposa Big Tree\nGrove\n </quote>\n </quote>\n , approved June 30, 1864 (commonly known\nas the Yosemite Grant) (referred to in this resolving clause as the\n <quote>\n Yosemite Grant Act\n </quote>\n ) on June 30, 2014; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id7CCC6EB7944E4F1392C68ED07447C89D\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n encourages the people of the United States to observe and honor the 150\n <superscript>\n th\n </superscript>\n anniversary of the establishment of the Yosemite Grant Act.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-04 19:13:01.338
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 485 </number> <updateDate> 2019-02-20T12:28:53Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2022-11-04T17:29:05Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-06-25 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-06-25 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4092; text as passed Senate: CR S4005) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-06-25 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S4092; text as passed Senate: CR S4005) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-06-25 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> C001056 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cornyn, John [R-TX] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Cornyn </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TX </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> C001098 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cruz, Ted [R-TX] </fullName> <firstName> Ted </firstName> <lastName> Cruz </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TX </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Sports and Recreation </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Athletes </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Professional sports </name> </item> <item> <name> Texas </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Sports and Recreation </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-06-25 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-07-26T15:07:02Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Congratulates the San Antonio Spurs for winning the 2014 National Basketball Association Finals.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-06-25 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-07-26T15:07:11Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Congratulates the San Antonio Spurs for winning the 2014 National Basketball Association Finals.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution congratulating the San Antonio Spurs for winning the 2014 National Basketball Association Championship. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution congratulating the San Antonio Spurs for winning the 2014 National Basketball Association Championship. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution congratulating the San Antonio Spurs for winning the 2014 National Basketball Association Championship. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-06-25T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres485ats/xml/BILLS-113sres485ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-06-25 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4092; text as passed Senate: CR S4005) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-06-25", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4092; text as passed Senate: CR S4005)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2014-06-25", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S4092; text as passed Senate: CR S4005)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-06-25", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "C001098", "district": null, "first_name": "Ted", "full_name": "Sen. Cruz, Ted [R-TX]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Cruz", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-06-25", "state": "TX" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-06-25", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-06-25", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4092; text as passed Senate: CR S4005)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 485, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": null, "policy_area": "Sports and Recreation", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "C001056", "district": null, "first_name": "John", "full_name": "Sen. Cornyn, John [R-TX]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Cornyn", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "TX" } ], "subjects": [ "Athletes", "Congressional tributes", "Professional sports", "Texas" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-06-25", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Congratulates the San Antonio Spurs for winning the 2014 National Basketball Association Finals.</p>", "update_date": "2014-07-26T15:07:02Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2014-06-25", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Congratulates the San Antonio Spurs for winning the 2014 National Basketball Association Finals.</p>", "update_date": "2014-07-26T15:07:11Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-06-25T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres485ats/xml/BILLS-113sres485ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution congratulating the San Antonio Spurs for winning the 2014 National Basketball Association Championship.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution congratulating the San Antonio Spurs for winning the 2014 National Basketball Association Championship.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution congratulating the San Antonio Spurs for winning the 2014 National Basketball Association Championship.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2019-02-20T12:28:53Z", "update_date_including_text": "2022-11-04T17:29:05Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-06-25T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres485ats/xml/BILLS-113sres485ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres485ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres485ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T02:09:02.395", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-485", "legis_num": 485, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-485-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 485 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES June 25, 2014 Mr. Cornyn (for himself and Mr. Cruz ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Congratulating the San Antonio Spurs for winning the 2014 National Basketball Association Championship.\n\nWhereas the San Antonio Spurs (referred to in this preamble as the Spurs ) won their fifth National Basketball Association (referred to in this preamble as the NBA ) Championship in franchise history on Sunday, June 15, 2014, by defeating the Miami Heat with a score of 104-87 in the fifth game of the NBA Finals at the AT&T Center in San Antonio, Texas; Whereas during the 2014 NBA playoffs, the Spurs defeated the Dallas Mavericks, Portland Trailblazers, Oklahoma City Thunder, and the Miami Heat; Whereas the Spurs defeated the Miami Heat, in a rematch of the 2013 NBA Finals, to clinch their fourth title in less than a decade; Whereas the San Antonio Spurs overcame an early 16-point deficit to finish the final series in a decisive fashion, winning by 17 points and securing the NBA championship in only 5 games; Whereas during the 2014 postseason, the Spurs won more playoff games by 15 points or more than any team in NBA history; Whereas the Spurs outscored opponents in the playoffs by 214 points and finished the NBA Finals with a plus 70 point differential, both of which are NBA records; Whereas the Spurs have the highest field-goal percentage in NBA Finals history at 52.8 percent; Whereas since its founding in 1967, the San Antonio Spurs franchise has won 5 world championships, 6 conference titles, and 20 division titles; Whereas the 2013-2014 Spurs roster was comprised of players Jeff Ayres, Aron Baynes, Marco Belinelli, Matt Bonner, Austin Daye, Boris Diaw, Tim Duncan, Manu Ginobli, Danny Green, Damion James, Cory Joseph, Kawhi Leonard, Patty Mills, Tony Parker, and Tiago Splitter, all of whom contributed positively to the team's success; Whereas, Kawhi Leonard was named the Most Valuable Player during the 2014 Finals, averaging 22 points and 10 rebounds for the San Antonio Spurs; Whereas Tim Duncan broke the record previously held by Kareem Abdul-Jabar for most postseason minutes with 8,870 minutes and exceeded Earvin Magic Johnson's previous record for postseason double-doubles with 158; Whereas Tim Duncan, Tony Parker, and Manu Ginobli have more playoff wins combined than any other 3 players on one team in NBA history; Whereas Spurs Head Coach and 2014 NBA Coach of the Year Award Winner Gregg Popovich added to his growing list of accomplishments and impressive legacy by winning his fifth NBA championship; Whereas Spurs Sports and Entertainment owner and Chief Executive Officer Peter Holt and General Manager R. C. Buford have built the Spurs into one of the most successful organizations in NBA history; Whereas the Spurs coaching staff and management have shown a positive commitment to the franchise by successfully acquiring and maintaining a team of players dedicated to discipline, leadership, and achievement; Whereas the Spurs serve the greater San Antonio community by promoting education and literacy, encouraging civic responsibility and engagement, and striving to enhance the quality of life for San Antonians and South Texans alike; and Whereas the Spurs remain the pride and joy of the City of San Antonio: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) congratulates the San Antonio Spurs for winning the 2014 National Basketball Association Finals; (2) recognizes the achievements of all the players, coaches, and staff who contributed to the 2014 season; (3) requests that the Secretary of the Senate prepare an enrolled version of this resolution for presentation to— (A) the owner of San Antonio Spurs; (B) the general manager for the San Antonio Spurs; and (C) the head coach of the San Antonio Spurs.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 485 ATS: Congratulating the San Antonio Spurs for winning the 2014 National Basketball Association Championship.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-06-25\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 485\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140625\">\n June 25, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S287\">\n Mr. Cornyn\n </sponsor>\n (for himself and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S355\">\n Mr. Cruz\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Congratulating the San Antonio Spurs for winning the 2014 National Basketball Association\n\t\t\t Championship.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the San Antonio Spurs (referred to in this preamble as the\n <quote>\n Spurs\n </quote>\n ) won their fifth National Basketball Association (referred to in this preamble as the\n <quote>\n NBA\n </quote>\n )\n\t\t\t Championship in franchise history on Sunday, June 15, 2014, by defeating\n\t\t\t the Miami Heat with a score of 104-87 in the fifth game of the NBA Finals\n\t\t\t at the AT&amp;T Center in San Antonio, Texas;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas during the 2014 NBA playoffs, the Spurs defeated the Dallas Mavericks, Portland\n\t\t\t Trailblazers, Oklahoma City Thunder, and the Miami Heat;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Spurs defeated the Miami Heat, in a rematch of the 2013 NBA Finals, to clinch\n\t\t\t their fourth title in less than a decade;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the San Antonio Spurs overcame an early 16-point deficit to finish the final series in a\n\t\t\t decisive fashion, winning by 17 points and securing the NBA championship\n\t\t\t in only 5 games;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas during the 2014 postseason, the Spurs won more playoff games by 15 points or more than any\n\t\t\t team\n\t\t\t in NBA history;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Spurs outscored opponents in the playoffs by 214 points and finished the NBA Finals\n\t\t\t with a plus 70 point differential, both of which are NBA records;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Spurs have the highest field-goal percentage in NBA Finals history at 52.8 percent;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas since its founding in 1967, the San Antonio Spurs franchise has won 5 world\n\t\t\t championships, 6 conference titles, and 20 division titles;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the 2013-2014 Spurs roster was comprised of players Jeff Ayres, Aron Baynes, Marco\n\t\t\t Belinelli, Matt Bonner, Austin Daye, Boris Diaw, Tim Duncan, Manu Ginobli,\n\t\t\t Danny Green, Damion James, Cory Joseph, Kawhi Leonard, Patty Mills, Tony\n\t\t\t Parker, and Tiago Splitter, all of whom contributed positively to the\n\t\t\t team's success;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, Kawhi Leonard was named the Most Valuable Player during the 2014 Finals, averaging 22\n\t\t\t points and\n\t\t\t 10 rebounds for the San Antonio Spurs;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Tim Duncan broke the record previously held by Kareem Abdul-Jabar for most postseason\n\t\t\t minutes with 8,870 minutes and exceeded Earvin\n <quote>\n Magic\n </quote>\n Johnson's previous record for postseason double-doubles with 158;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Tim Duncan, Tony Parker, and Manu Ginobli have more playoff wins combined than any other\n\t\t\t 3 players on one team in NBA history;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Spurs Head Coach and 2014 NBA Coach of the Year Award Winner Gregg Popovich added to his\n\t\t\t growing list of accomplishments and impressive legacy by winning his fifth\n\t\t\t NBA championship;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Spurs Sports and Entertainment owner and Chief Executive Officer Peter Holt and General\n\t\t\t Manager R. C. Buford have built the Spurs into one of the most successful\n\t\t\t organizations in NBA history;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Spurs coaching staff and management have shown a positive commitment to the franchise\n\t\t\t by successfully acquiring and maintaining a team of players dedicated to\n\t\t\t discipline, leadership, and achievement;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Spurs serve the greater San Antonio community by promoting education and literacy,\n\t\t\t encouraging civic responsibility and engagement, and striving to enhance\n\t\t\t the quality of life for San Antonians and South Texans alike; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Spurs remain the pride and joy of the City of San Antonio: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"id98666D11014C4D02A8AE00B373822FC7\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n congratulates the San Antonio Spurs for winning the 2014 National Basketball Association Finals;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idFF332D7F278543FF942F69A89CB8FF19\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n recognizes the achievements of all the players, coaches, and staff who contributed to the 2014\n\t\t\t season;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id93E2CEB29F2A4EC2BB3AEE7B0389A9CC\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n requests that the Secretary of the Senate prepare an enrolled version of this resolution for\n\t\t\t presentation to—\n </text>\n <subparagraph id=\"idBB2B784D7490429DB8E734FF69132ED1\">\n <enum>\n (A)\n </enum>\n <text>\n the owner of San Antonio Spurs;\n </text>\n </subparagraph>\n <subparagraph id=\"idE913A23C74A249C4A17F9B58D2D44213\">\n <enum>\n (B)\n </enum>\n <text>\n the general manager for the San Antonio Spurs; and\n </text>\n </subparagraph>\n <subparagraph id=\"id74C5D35EFA2040F08583273CAE6E8F71\">\n <enum>\n (C)\n </enum>\n <text>\n the head coach of the San Antonio Spurs.\n </text>\n </subparagraph>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-06 02:08:00.212
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 486 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-11T13:26:04Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-11T13:26:04Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-06-26 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2014-06-26T17:24:11Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-10 </actionDate> <text> Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR S4371-4373) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> B00100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-06-26 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR S4163) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-06-26 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> C001056 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cornyn, John [R-TX] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Cornyn </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TX </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> R000595 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Rubio, Marco [R-FL] </fullName> <firstName> Marco </firstName> <lastName> Rubio </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000542 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Coats, Daniel [R-IN] </fullName> <firstName> DANIEL </firstName> <lastName> COATS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IN </state> <middleName> RAY </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001236 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Boozman, John [R-AR] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Boozman </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AR </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000303 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. McCain, John [R-AZ] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> MCCAIN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AZ </state> <middleName> SIDNEY </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Immigration </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Belize </name> </item> <item> <name> Border security and unlawful immigration </name> </item> <item> <name> Child safety and welfare </name> </item> <item> <name> Guatemala </name> </item> <item> <name> Immigration status and procedures </name> </item> <item> <name> Intergovernmental relations </name> </item> <item> <name> Latin America </name> </item> <item> <name> Mexico </name> </item> <item> <name> State and local government operations </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Immigration </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-06-26 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-08-25T21:23:02Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Expresses the sense of the Senate that President Obama should: &lt;/p&gt; &lt;ul&gt; &lt;li&gt;publicly declare that no deferred action program granting relief from immigration enforcement shall apply to any unaccompanied migrant child who unlawfully enters the United States; &lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt;publicly discourage people in Central America and elsewhere from sending their children on a dangerous journey through Mexico to the United States; &lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt;begin fully enforcing the immigration laws; &lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt;ensure that each state that is affected by the surge in unaccompanied migrant children entering the United States has the resources to address this crisis while ensuring that such children are treated humanely; and &lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt;work with Mexico and the countries in Central America to improve security along the international borders between Mexico and Guatemala, and Mexico and Belize.&lt;/li&gt;&lt;/ul&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that President Obama should take immediate action to mitigate the humanitarian crisis along the international border between the United States and Mexico involving unaccompanied migrant children and to prevent future crises. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that President Obama should take immediate action to mitigate the humanitarian crisis along the international border between the United States and Mexico involving unaccompanied migrant children and to prevent future crises. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that President Obama should take immediate action to mitigate the humanitarian crisis along the international border between the United States and Mexico involving unaccompanied migrant children and to prevent future crises. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2014-06-26T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres486is/xml/BILLS-113sres486is.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-07-10 </actionDate> <text> Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR S4371-4373) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": "B00100", "action_date": "2014-07-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR S4371-4373)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-06-26", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR S4163)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-06-26", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2014-06-26T17:24:11Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "R000595", "district": null, "first_name": "Marco", "full_name": "Sen. Rubio, Marco [R-FL]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Rubio", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-06-26", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000542", "district": null, "first_name": "DANIEL", "full_name": "Sen. Coats, Daniel [R-IN]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "COATS", "middle_name": "RAY", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-06-26", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001236", "district": null, "first_name": "John", "full_name": "Sen. Boozman, John [R-AR]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Boozman", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-06-26", "state": "AR" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000303", "district": null, "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Sen. McCain, John [R-AZ]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MCCAIN", "middle_name": "SIDNEY", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-06-26", "state": "AZ" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-06-26", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-10", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR S4371-4373)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 486, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Immigration", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "C001056", "district": null, "first_name": "John", "full_name": "Sen. Cornyn, John [R-TX]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Cornyn", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "TX" } ], "subjects": [ "Belize", "Border security and unlawful immigration", "Child safety and welfare", "Guatemala", "Immigration status and procedures", "Intergovernmental relations", "Latin America", "Mexico", "State and local government operations" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-06-26", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Expresses the sense of the Senate that President Obama should: </p> <ul> <li>publicly declare that no deferred action program granting relief from immigration enforcement shall apply to any unaccompanied migrant child who unlawfully enters the United States; </li> <li>publicly discourage people in Central America and elsewhere from sending their children on a dangerous journey through Mexico to the United States; </li> <li>begin fully enforcing the immigration laws; </li> <li>ensure that each state that is affected by the surge in unaccompanied migrant children entering the United States has the resources to address this crisis while ensuring that such children are treated humanely; and </li> <li>work with Mexico and the countries in Central America to improve security along the international borders between Mexico and Guatemala, and Mexico and Belize.</li></ul>", "update_date": "2014-08-25T21:23:02Z", "version_code": "00" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-06-26T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres486is/xml/BILLS-113sres486is.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that President Obama should take immediate action to mitigate the humanitarian crisis along the international border between the United States and Mexico involving unaccompanied migrant children and to prevent future crises.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that President Obama should take immediate action to mitigate the humanitarian crisis along the international border between the United States and Mexico involving unaccompanied migrant children and to prevent future crises.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that President Obama should take immediate action to mitigate the humanitarian crisis along the international border between the United States and Mexico involving unaccompanied migrant children and to prevent future crises.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2023-01-11T13:26:04Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-11T13:26:04Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-06-26T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres486is/xml/BILLS-113sres486is.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres486is.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres486is.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T02:09:02.442", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-486", "legis_num": 486, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "is", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-486-is-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 486 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES June 26, 2014 Mr. Cornyn (for himself, Mr. Rubio , Mr. Coats , Mr. Boozman , and Mr. McCain ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary RESOLUTION Expressing the sense of the Senate that President Obama should take immediate action to mitigate the humanitarian crisis along the international border between the United States and Mexico involving unaccompanied migrant children and to prevent future crises.\n\nWhereas there is a growing humanitarian crisis along the international border between the United States and Mexico; Whereas the United States welcomes lawful immigrants and has established appropriate channels for the lawful admission of refugees; Whereas, since October 2013, officials in the Department of Homeland Security have apprehended more than 47,000 unaccompanied migrant children after they crossed that border without legal authorization; Whereas the majority of these children have arrived in the United States through the Rio Grande Valley Sector in Texas but the effects of this surge in illegal immigration have been felt across the United States; Whereas this surge in illegal immigration has undermined the ability of the Department of Homeland Security and other law enforcement agencies to protect the United States from criminal and national security threats; Whereas the vast majority of these children have traveled to the United States from countries in Central America, a journey of more than 1,000 miles that traverses some of the most dangerous territory in the Western Hemisphere and smuggling routes operated by drug cartels and other transnational criminal organizations; Whereas these transnational criminal organizations routinely commit acts of human trafficking, sexual assault, exploitation, kidnapping, and homicide against children who are the victims of their human smuggling operations; Whereas children making this journey face other grave dangers such as riding on top of crowded railroad cars, dehydration, heat exposure, and drowning; Whereas it is unknown how many children making this journey have perished or become victims of violent crime while traveling to the United States; Whereas it is the duty of the United States Government to identify and provide humanitarian relief to any unaccompanied migrant child who is— (1) the victim of a crime; (2) a refugee; (3) an asylee; or (4) eligible for any other form of immigration relief under the immigration laws; Whereas the current and previous administration, each headed by a President belonging to a different political party, have failed to adequately secure the international border between the United States and Mexico and enforce the immigration laws; Whereas, beginning in 2010, President Obama and the Secretary of Homeland Security announced a series of executive actions, public statements, and enforcement decisions that have created a misperception outside of the United States that children entering the United States without legal authorization will receive relief from immigration enforcement consequences; Whereas these executive actions and the continuing failures of President Obama and the Secretary of Homeland Security to adequately secure the international border between the United States and Mexico and enforce the immigration laws are a proximate and material cause of the growing humanitarian crisis along the international border between the United States and Mexico; Whereas the failure of the United States Government to enforce the immigration laws has undermined trust in the commitment of the United States Government to enforcing such laws; Whereas the Senate must do everything in its power to mitigate the growing humanitarian threat along the international border between the United States and Mexico and to prevent additional unaccompanied migrant children from making the dangerous journey to the United States; and Whereas this cannot be accomplished until President Obama has demonstrated to people of the United States that he is serious about stopping this humanitarian crisis and preventing similar crises in the future by enforcing the immigration laws: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat it is the sense of the Senate that President Obama should— (1) publicly declare that no deferred action program granting relief from immigration enforcement shall apply to any unaccompanied migrant child who unlawfully enters the United States; (2) publicly discourage people in Central America and elsewhere from sending their children on a dangerous journey through Mexico to the United States; (3) begin fully enforcing the immigration laws; (4) ensure that each State that is affected by the surge in unaccompanied migrant children entering the United States has the resources needed by that State to address this crisis while ensuring that such children are treated humanely; and (5) work with the Government of Mexico and the governments of countries in Central America to improve security along the international borders between Mexico and Guatemala, and Mexico and Belize.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Introduced-in-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 486 IS: Expressing the sense of the Senate that President Obama should take immediate action to mitigate the humanitarian crisis along the international border between the United States and Mexico involving unaccompanied migrant children and to prevent future crises.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-06-26\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 486\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140626\">\n June 26, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S287\">\n Mr. Cornyn\n </sponsor>\n (for himself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S350\">\n Mr. Rubio\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S212\">\n Mr. Coats\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S343\">\n Mr. Boozman\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S197\">\n Mr. McCain\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name committee-id=\"SSJU00\">\n Committee on the Judiciary\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Expressing the sense of the Senate that President Obama should take immediate action to mitigate\n\t\t\t the humanitarian crisis along the international border between the United\n\t\t\t States and Mexico involving unaccompanied migrant children and to prevent\n\t\t\t future crises.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas there is a growing humanitarian crisis along the international border between the United\n\t\t\t States and Mexico;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States welcomes lawful immigrants and has established appropriate channels for\n\t\t\t the lawful admission of refugees;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, since October 2013, officials in the Department of Homeland Security have apprehended more\n\t\t\t than 47,000 unaccompanied migrant children after they crossed that border\n\t\t\t without legal authorization;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the majority of these children have arrived in the United States through the Rio Grande\n\t\t\t Valley Sector in Texas but the effects of this surge in illegal\n\t\t\t immigration have been felt across the United States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas this surge in illegal immigration has undermined the ability of the Department of Homeland\n\t\t\t Security and other law enforcement agencies to protect the United States\n\t\t\t from criminal and national security threats;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the vast majority of these children have traveled to the United States from countries in\n\t\t\t Central America, a journey of more than 1,000 miles that traverses some of\n\t\t\t the most dangerous territory in the Western Hemisphere and smuggling\n\t\t\t routes operated by drug cartels and other transnational criminal\n\t\t\t organizations;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas these transnational criminal organizations routinely commit acts of human trafficking,\n\t\t\t sexual assault, exploitation, kidnapping, and homicide against children\n\t\t\t who are the victims of their human smuggling operations;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas children making this journey face other grave dangers such as riding on top of crowded\n\t\t\t railroad cars, dehydration, heat exposure, and drowning;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas it is unknown how many children making this journey have perished or become victims of\n\t\t\t violent crime while traveling to the United States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas it is the duty of the United States Government to identify and provide humanitarian relief\n\t\t\t to any unaccompanied migrant child who is—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"idAFB27B33178E43E695AB1931EAC6F1B0\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n the victim of a crime;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id7D18088C05C34E6BB5A84DD0DC0A92A7\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n a refugee;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id242C7EF6F5064F03A9685080EE91443C\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n an asylee; or\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id4B1D7935816141A589D566582B6F934A\">\n <enum>\n (4)\n </enum>\n <text>\n eligible for any other form of immigration relief under the immigration laws;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the current and previous administration, each headed by a President belonging to a\n\t\t\t different political party, have failed to adequately secure the\n\t\t\t international\n\t\t\t border between the United States and Mexico and enforce the immigration\n\t\t\t laws;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, beginning in 2010, President Obama and the Secretary of Homeland Security announced a\n\t\t\t series of executive actions, public statements, and enforcement decisions\n\t\t\t that have\n\t\t\t created a misperception outside of the United States that children\n\t\t\t entering the United States without legal authorization will receive relief\n\t\t\t from immigration enforcement consequences;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas these executive actions and the continuing failures of President Obama and the Secretary of\n\t\t\t Homeland\n\t\t\t Security to adequately secure the international\n\t\t\t border between the United States and Mexico and enforce the immigration\n\t\t\t laws are a proximate and\n\t\t\t material cause of the growing humanitarian crisis along the international\n\t\t\t border between the United States and Mexico;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the failure of the United States Government to enforce the immigration laws has undermined\n\t\t\t trust in the commitment of\n\t\t\t the United States Government to enforcing such laws;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Senate must do everything in its power to mitigate the growing humanitarian threat\n\t\t\t along the international border between the United States and Mexico and to\n\t\t\t prevent additional unaccompanied migrant children from making the\n\t\t\t dangerous journey to the United States; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas this cannot be accomplished until President Obama has demonstrated to people of the United\n\t\t\t States that he is serious about stopping this humanitarian crisis and\n\t\t\t preventing similar crises in the future by enforcing the immigration laws:\nNow, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That it is the sense of the Senate that President Obama should—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"id1AFDE161BA1C4812BD234610EC6F3457\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n publicly declare that no deferred action program granting relief from immigration enforcement shall\n\t\t\t apply to any unaccompanied migrant child who unlawfully enters the United\n\t\t\t States;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idC51C16AE60CA46768797A76790BDD34C\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n publicly discourage people in Central America and elsewhere from sending their children on a\n\t\t\t dangerous journey through Mexico to the United States;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id4170F78C45554125BB1D13C7620AA251\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n begin fully enforcing the immigration laws;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id01D2FB5F646D4F8D9EE4F8D3CD3672DB\">\n <enum>\n (4)\n </enum>\n <text>\n ensure that each State that is affected by the surge in unaccompanied migrant children entering the\n\t\t\t United States has the resources needed by that\n\t\t\t State to address this crisis while ensuring that such children are treated\n\t\t\t humanely; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id14FAE5ADD56A40A0893DEAD077C506E3\">\n <enum>\n (5)\n </enum>\n <text>\n work with the Government of Mexico and the governments of countries in Central America to improve\n\t\t\t security along the international borders between Mexico and Guatemala, and\n\t\t\t Mexico and Belize.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-06 02:11:00.420
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 487 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-11T13:26:04Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-11T13:26:04Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-06-26 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2014-06-26T19:05:25Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <relatedBills> <item> <title> Calling on Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr., to appoint a special counsel to investigate the targeting of conservative nonprofit groups by the Internal Revenue Service. </title> <congress> 113 </congress> <number> 565 </number> <type> HRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-05-07 </actionDate> <text> Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection. </text> <actionTime> 19:11:36 </actionTime> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-06-26 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR S4163-4164) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-06-26 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> C001098 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cruz, Ted [R-TX] </fullName> <firstName> Ted </firstName> <lastName> Cruz </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TX </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <policyArea> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Criminal investigation, prosecution, interrogation </name> </item> <item> <name> Department of Justice </name> </item> <item> <name> Department of the Treasury </name> </item> <item> <name> Federal officials </name> </item> <item> <name> First Amendment rights </name> </item> <item> <name> Government ethics and transparency, public corruption </name> </item> <item> <name> Government studies and investigations </name> </item> <item> <name> Internal Revenue Service (IRS) </name> </item> <item> <name> Political movements and philosophies </name> </item> <item> <name> Tax administration and collection, taxpayers </name> </item> <item> <name> Tax-exempt organizations </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-06-26 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-07-26T15:11:06Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Expresses the sense of the Senate that Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr. should appoint a special counsel or prosecutor, with meaningful independence, to investigate the targeting of conservative nonprofit advocacy groups by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr. should appoint a special counsel or prosecutor to investigate the targeting of conservative nonprofit groups by the Internal Revenue Service. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr. should appoint a special counsel or prosecutor to investigate the targeting of conservative nonprofit groups by the Internal Revenue Service. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr. should appoint a special counsel or prosecutor to investigate the targeting of conservative nonprofit groups by the Internal Revenue Service. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2014-06-26T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres487is/xml/BILLS-113sres487is.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-06-26 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR S4163-4164) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-06-26", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-06-26", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR S4163-4164)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 487, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Government Operations and Politics", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 113, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-05-07", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": null }, "number": 565, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "Calling on Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr., to appoint a special counsel to investigate the targeting of conservative nonprofit groups by the Internal Revenue Service.", "type": "HRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "C001098", "district": null, "first_name": "Ted", "full_name": "Sen. Cruz, Ted [R-TX]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Cruz", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "TX" } ], "subjects": [ "Criminal investigation, prosecution, interrogation", "Department of Justice", "Department of the Treasury", "Federal officials", "First Amendment rights", "Government ethics and transparency, public corruption", "Government studies and investigations", "Internal Revenue Service (IRS)", "Political movements and philosophies", "Tax administration and collection, taxpayers", "Tax-exempt organizations" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-06-26", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Expresses the sense of the Senate that Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr. should appoint a special counsel or prosecutor, with meaningful independence, to investigate the targeting of conservative nonprofit advocacy groups by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).</p>", "update_date": "2014-07-26T15:11:06Z", "version_code": "00" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-06-26T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres487is/xml/BILLS-113sres487is.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr. should appoint a special counsel or prosecutor to investigate the targeting of conservative nonprofit groups by the Internal Revenue Service.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr. should appoint a special counsel or prosecutor to investigate the targeting of conservative nonprofit groups by the Internal Revenue Service.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr. should appoint a special counsel or prosecutor to investigate the targeting of conservative nonprofit groups by the Internal Revenue Service.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2023-01-11T13:26:04Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-11T13:26:04Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-06-26T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres487is/xml/BILLS-113sres487is.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres487is.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres487is.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T02:09:02.348", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-487", "legis_num": 487, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "is", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-487-is-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 487 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES June 26, 2014 Mr. Cruz submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary RESOLUTION Expressing the sense of the Senate that Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr. should appoint a special counsel or prosecutor to investigate the targeting of conservative nonprofit groups by the Internal Revenue Service.\n\nWhereas, in February 2010, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) began targeting conservative nonprofit groups for extra scrutiny in connection with applications for tax-exempt status; Whereas, on May 14, 2013, the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) issued an audit report entitled, Inappropriate Criteria Were Used to Identify Tax-Exempt Applications for Review ; Whereas the TIGTA audit report found that from 2010 until 2012, the IRS systematically subjected tax-exempt applicants to extra scrutiny based on inappropriate criteria, including use of the phrases Tea Party , Patriots , and 9/12 ; Whereas the TIGTA audit report found that the groups selected for extra scrutiny based on inappropriate criteria were subjected without cause to delays lasting years; Whereas the TIGTA audit report found that the groups selected for extra scrutiny based on inappropriate criteria were subjected to unreasonable and burdensome information requests, including requests for information about donors and political beliefs; Whereas the Exempt Organizations Division within the Tax-Exempt and Government Entities Division of the IRS has jurisdiction over the processing and determination of tax-exempt applications; Whereas, on September 15, 2010, Lois G. Lerner, former Director of the Exempt Organizations Division, initiated a project to examine political activity of organizations described in section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, writing to her colleagues, [w]e need to be cautious so it isn't a per se political project ; Whereas, on February 1, 2011, Lois Lerner wrote that the Tea Party matter [was] very dangerous and [t]his could be the vehicle to go to court on the issue of whether Citizen's [sic] United overturning the ban on corporate spending applies to tax exempt rules ; Whereas Lois Lerner ordered the Tea Party tax-exempt applications to proceed through a multi-tier review involving her senior technical advisor and the IRS Office of Chief Counsel; Whereas Carter Hull, an IRS lawyer and a 48-year veteran of the United States Government, testified that the multi-tier review was unprecedented in his experience; Whereas, on June 1, 2011, Holly Paz, Director of Rulings and Agreements within the Exempt Organizations Division, requested the tax-exempt application filed by Crossroads Grassroots Policy Strategies for review by Lois Lerner's senior technical advisor; Whereas, on March 22, 2012, Commissioner of Internal Revenue Douglas Shulman was specifically asked about the targeting of Tea Party groups applying for tax-exempt status during a hearing before the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, to which he replied, I can give you assurances … [t]here is absolutely no targeting ; Whereas, on April 26, 2012, Lois Lerner informed the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform of the House of Representatives that information requests were done in the ordinary course of the application process ; Whereas prior to the November 2012 election, the IRS provided 31 applications for tax-exempt status to the investigative website ProPublica, all of which were from conservative groups and 9 of which had not yet been approved by the IRS, in spite of a prohibition under Federal law against public disclosure of application materials until after the application has been approved; Whereas the IRS determined, by way of informal, internal review, that 75 percent of the applications for designation as an organization described in section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 that were set aside for further review were filed by conservative-oriented organizations; Whereas, on January 24, 2013, Lois Lerner wrote, in an e-mail to colleagues, regarding Organizing for Action, a tax-exempt organization formed as an offshoot of the election campaign of President Barack Obama: Maybe I can get the DC office job! ; Whereas, on May 8, 2013, Richard Pilger, Director of the Election Crimes Branch of the Public Integrity Section of the Department of Justice, spoke to Lois Lerner about potential prosecution for false statements about political campaign intervention made by tax-exempt applicants; Whereas, on May 10, 2013, in response to a pre-arranged question, Lois Lerner apologized for the targeting of conservative tax-exempt applicants by the IRS during a speech at an event organized by the American Bar Association; Whereas the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives determined that, of the 298 applications delayed and set aside for additional scrutiny by the IRS, 83 percent were from right-leaning organizations; Whereas the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives determined that, as of the May 10, 2013, apology from Lois Lerner, only 45 percent of the right-leaning groups set aside for extra scrutiny had been approved, while 70 percent of left-leaning groups and 100 percent of the groups with progressive names had been approved; Whereas the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives determined that, of the groups that were inappropriately subject to demands to divulge confidential donors, 89 percent were right-leaning; Whereas, on May 15, 2013, Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr. testified before the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives that the Department of Justice would conduct a dispassionate investigation into the IRS matter, and [t]his will not be about parties … this will not be about ideological persuasions … anybody who has broken the law will be held accountable ; Whereas, on May 15, 2013, President Barack Obama called the targeting of conservative tax-exempt applicants by the IRS inexcusable and promised that he would not tolerate this kind of behavior in any agency, but especially in the IRS, given the power that it has and the reach that it has into all of our lives ; Whereas Barbara Bosserman, a trial attorney at the Department of Justice who in the past several years has contributed nearly $7,000 to the Democratic National Committee and political campaigns of President Obama, is playing a leading role in the investigation by the Department of Justice; Whereas the Public Integrity Section of the Department of Justice communicated with the IRS about the potential prosecution of tax-exempt applicants; Whereas, on December 5, 2013, President Obama declared in a national television interview that the targeting of conservative tax-exempt applicants by the IRS was caused by a bureaucratic list by employees in an office in Cincinnati ; Whereas, on April 9, 2014, the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives referred Lois Lerner to the Department of Justice for criminal prosecution; Whereas the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives found that Lois Lerner used her position to improperly influence agency action against conservative tax-exempt organizations, denying these groups due process and equal protection rights as guaranteed by the United States Constitution, in apparent violation of section 242 of title 18, United States Code; Whereas the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives found that Lois Lerner targeted Crossroads Grassroots Policy Strategies while ignoring similar liberal-leaning tax-exempt applicants; Whereas the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives found that Lois Lerner impeded official investigations by knowingly providing misleading statements to TIGTA, in apparent violation of section 1001 of title 18, United States Code; Whereas the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives found that Lois Lerner may have disclosed confidential taxpayer information, in apparent violation of section 6103 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986; Whereas former Department of Justice officials have testified before a subcommittee of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform of the House of Representatives that the circumstances of the investigation by the administration of the targeting of conservative tax-exempt applicants by the IRS warrant the appointment of a special counsel; Whereas Department of Justice regulations counsel attorneys to avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest likely to affect the public perception of the integrity of the investigation or prosecution ; Whereas, on January 13, 2014, unnamed officials in the Department of Justice leaked to the media that no criminal charges would be appropriate for IRS officials who engaged in the targeting activity, which undermined the integrity of the investigation by the Department of Justice; Whereas, on January 29, 2014, Attorney General Holder told the Senate Committee on the Judiciary, I don’t think that there is a basis for us to conclude on the information as it presently exists that there is any reason for the appointment of the independent counsel … . The notion that somehow this has caused a loss of faith in this Justice Department is inconsistent with the facts ; Whereas, on February 2, 2014, President Obama stated publicly that there was not even a smidgen of corruption in connection with the IRS targeting activity; Whereas, on April 16, 2014, e-mails between the Department of Justice and the IRS were released showing that the Department of Justice considered prosecuting conservative nonprofit groups for engaging in political activity that is legal under Federal law, which damaged the integrity of the Department of Justice and undermined its investigation; Whereas, on May 8, 2014, the IRS agreed to provide all of Lois Lerner’s e-mails to investigators of the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives; Whereas, on May 14, 2014, e-mails obtained through a request under section 552 of title 5, United States Code (commonly known as the Freedom of Information Act ) by the nonprofit group Judicial Watch indicate that the Washington office of the IRS was examining applications for tax-exempt status by Tea Party organizations, which is contrary to claims that the cases were being handled by lower-level workers in Cincinnati; Whereas, on June 11, 2014, James Comey, Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), testified to the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives that FBI investigators did not examine the IRS database with taxpayer information, which included private taxpayer information that is prohibited from being shared without an order from a judge, and only looked at the table of contents; Whereas, on June 13, 2014, IRS Office of Legislative Affairs Director Leonard Ourlser informed the Committee on Finance of the Senate that the IRS could not produce e-mails from January 2009 through April 2011 from Lois Lerner due to a computer crash; Whereas, on June 17, 2014, the IRS stated that it could not produce e-mails from 6 other IRS employees; Whereas, on June 23, 2014, it was reported that Commissioner of Internal Revenue John Koskinen has contributed approximately $100,000 to Democratic candidates and organizations, including $7,300 to President Obama; Whereas, on June 24, 2014, it was reported that the IRS agreed to pay $50,000 in damages to one of the conservative groups, the National Organization for Marriage, as a result of the unlawful release of confidential information to a political rival of that group; Whereas, on June 25, 2014, according to the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, Lois Lerner sought to have Senator Chuck Grassley, a sitting United States Senator and ranking Republican member of the Committee on the Judiciary of the Senate, referred for IRS examination; and Whereas section 600.1 of title 28, Code of Federal Regulations, promulgated under section 515 of title 28, United States Code, requires the Attorney General to appoint a special counsel or prosecutor when it is determined that— (1) a criminal investigation of a person or matter is warranted; (2) investigation or prosecution of that person or matter by a United States Attorney’s Office or litigating Division of the Department of Justice would present a conflict of interest for the Department or other extraordinary circumstances; and (3) under the circumstances, it would be in the public interest to appoint an outside special counsel or prosecutor to assume responsibility for the matter: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat it is the sense of the Senate that— (1) the statements and actions of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the Department of Justice, and the administration of President Barack Obama in connection with the targeting of conservative tax-exempt applicants by the IRS have served to undermine the investigation by the Department of Justice; (2) the efforts of the administration to undermine the investigation by the Department of Justice, and the appointment of Barbara Bosserman, who has donated almost $7,000 to President Obama and the Democratic National Committee, to a lead investigative role, have created a conflict of interest that warrants removal of the investigation from the normal processes of the Department of Justice; (3) further investigation of the matter is warranted due to the apparent criminal activity by Lois Lerner, former Director of the Exempt Organizations Division within the Tax-Exempt and Government Entities Division of the IRS, and the ongoing disclosure of internal communications showing potentially unlawful conduct by executive branch personnel; (4) appointment of a special counsel or prosecutor would be in the public interest, given the conflict of interest for the Department of Justice and the strong public interest in ensuring that public officials who inappropriately target individuals for exercising their right to free expression are held accountable; and (5) Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr. should appoint a special counsel or prosecutor, with meaningful independence, to investigate the targeting of conservative nonprofit advocacy groups by the IRS.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Introduced-in-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 487 IS: Expressing the sense of the Senate that Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr. should appoint a special counsel or prosecutor to investigate the targeting of conservative nonprofit groups by the Internal Revenue Service.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-06-26\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 487\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140626\">\n June 26, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S355\">\n Mr. Cruz\n </sponsor>\n submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name committee-id=\"SSJU00\">\n Committee on the Judiciary\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Expressing the sense of the Senate that Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr. should appoint a\n\t\t\t special counsel or prosecutor to investigate the\n\t\t\t targeting of conservative nonprofit groups by the Internal Revenue\n\t\t\t Service.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, in February 2010, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) began targeting conservative\n\t\t\t nonprofit groups for extra scrutiny in connection with applications for\n\t\t\t tax-exempt status;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, on May 14, 2013, the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) issued an\n\t\t\t audit report entitled,\n <quote>\n Inappropriate Criteria Were Used to Identify\n\t\t\t Tax-Exempt Applications for Review\n </quote>\n ;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the TIGTA audit report found that from 2010 until 2012, the IRS systematically subjected\n\t\t\t tax-exempt applicants to extra scrutiny based on inappropriate criteria,\n\t\t\t including use of the phrases\n <quote>\n Tea Party\n </quote>\n ,\n <quote>\n Patriots\n </quote>\n , and\n <quote>\n 9/12\n </quote>\n ;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the TIGTA audit report found that the groups selected for extra scrutiny based on\n\t\t\t inappropriate criteria were subjected without\n\t\t\t cause to delays lasting years;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the TIGTA audit report found that the groups selected for extra scrutiny based on\n\t\t\t inappropriate criteria were subjected to unreasonable and burdensome\n\t\t\t information requests, including requests for information about donors and\n\t\t\t political beliefs;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Exempt Organizations Division within the Tax-Exempt and Government Entities\n\t\t\t Division of the IRS has jurisdiction over the processing and determination\n\t\t\t of\n\t\t\t tax-exempt applications;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, on September 15, 2010, Lois G. Lerner, former Director of the Exempt Organizations\n\t\t\t Division,\n\t\t\t initiated a project to examine political activity of organizations\n\t\t\t described in section 501(c)(4)\n\t\t\t of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, writing to her colleagues,\n <quote>\n [w]e need to be cautious so it\n\t\t\t isn't a per se political project\n </quote>\n ;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, on February 1, 2011, Lois Lerner wrote that the\n <quote>\n Tea Party matter [was] very dangerous\n </quote>\n and\n <quote>\n [t]his could be the vehicle to go to court on the issue of\n\t\t\t whether Citizen's [sic] United overturning the ban on corporate spending\n\t\t\t applies to tax exempt rules\n </quote>\n ;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Lois Lerner ordered the Tea Party tax-exempt applications to proceed through a\n <quote>\n multi-tier review\n </quote>\n involving her senior technical advisor and the IRS Office of Chief Counsel;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Carter Hull, an IRS lawyer and a 48-year veteran of the United States Government, testified\n\t\t\t that the\n <quote>\n multi-tier\n\t\t\t review\n </quote>\n was unprecedented in his experience;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, on June 1, 2011, Holly Paz, Director of Rulings and Agreements within the Exempt\n\t\t\t Organizations Division, requested the tax-exempt application filed by\n\t\t\t Crossroads Grassroots Policy Strategies for review by Lois Lerner's\n\t\t\t senior technical advisor;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, on March 22, 2012, Commissioner of Internal Revenue Douglas Shulman was specifically asked\n\t\t\t about the\n\t\t\t targeting of Tea Party groups applying for tax-exempt status during a\n\t\t\t hearing before the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of\n\t\t\t Representatives, to which he replied,\n <quote>\n I can give you assurances … [t]here is absolutely no targeting\n </quote>\n ;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, on April 26, 2012, Lois Lerner informed the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform\n\t\t\t of the House of Representatives that information requests\n\t\t\t were done in\n <quote>\n the ordinary course of the application process\n </quote>\n ;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas prior to the November 2012 election, the IRS provided 31 applications for tax-exempt status\n\t\t\t to the investigative website ProPublica, all of which were from\n\t\t\t conservative groups and 9 of which had not yet been approved by the\n\t\t\t IRS, in spite of a prohibition under Federal law against public disclosure\n\t\t\t of application materials\n\t\t\t until after the application has been approved;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the IRS determined, by way of informal, internal review, that 75 percent of the\n\t\t\t applications for designation as an organization described in section\n\t\t\t 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 that were set aside for\n\t\t\t further review were filed by\n\t\t\t conservative-oriented\n\t\t\t organizations;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, on January 24, 2013, Lois Lerner wrote, in an e-mail to colleagues, regarding Organizing\n\t\t\t for Action, a\n\t\t\t tax-exempt organization formed as an offshoot of the election campaign of\n\t\t\t President Barack Obama:\n <quote>\n Maybe I can get the DC office job!\n </quote>\n ;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, on May 8, 2013, Richard Pilger, Director of the Election Crimes Branch of the Public\n\t\t\t Integrity Section of the Department of\n\t\t\t Justice, spoke to Lois Lerner about\n\t\t\t potential prosecution for false statements about political campaign\n\t\t\t intervention made by tax-exempt applicants;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, on May 10, 2013, in response to a pre-arranged question, Lois Lerner apologized for the\n\t\t\t targeting of conservative tax-exempt applicants by the IRS during a speech\n\t\t\t at an\n\t\t\t event organized by the American Bar Association;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives determined that, of the 298\n\t\t\t applications delayed and set\n\t\t\t aside for additional scrutiny by the IRS, 83 percent were from\n\t\t\t right-leaning\n\t\t\t organizations;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives determined that, as of the\n\t\t\t May 10,\n\t\t\t 2013, apology from Lois Lerner, only 45 percent of the right-leaning\n\t\t\t groups set aside for\n\t\t\t extra scrutiny had been approved, while 70 percent of left-leaning groups\n\t\t\t and 100 percent of the groups with\n <quote>\n progressive\n </quote>\n names had been approved;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives determined that, of the\n\t\t\t groups that were\n\t\t\t inappropriately subject to demands to divulge confidential donors, 89\n\t\t\t percent were right-leaning;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, on May 15, 2013, Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr. testified before the Committee on\n\t\t\t the Judiciary of the House of Representatives that the\n\t\t\t Department of Justice would conduct a\n <quote>\n dispassionate\n </quote>\n investigation into\n\t\t\t the IRS matter, and\n <quote>\n [t]his will not be about parties … this will not\n\t\t\t be about ideological persuasions … anybody who has broken the law will\n\t\t\t be held accountable\n </quote>\n ;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, on May 15, 2013, President Barack Obama called the targeting of conservative tax-exempt\n\t\t\t applicants by the IRS\n <quote>\n inexcusable\n </quote>\n and\n\t\t\t promised that he would\n <quote>\n not tolerate this kind of behavior in any agency,\n\t\t\t but especially in the IRS, given the power that it has and the reach that\n\t\t\t it has into all of our lives\n </quote>\n ;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Barbara Bosserman, a trial attorney at the Department of Justice who in the past several\n\t\t\t years has contributed nearly $7,000 to the Democratic National Committee\n\t\t\t and political campaigns of President Obama, is playing a leading\n\t\t\t role in the investigation by the Department of Justice;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Public Integrity Section of the Department of Justice communicated with the IRS about\n\t\t\t the potential prosecution of\n\t\t\t tax-exempt applicants;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, on December 5, 2013, President Obama declared in a national television interview\n\t\t\t that the targeting of conservative tax-exempt applicants by the IRS was\n\t\t\t caused\n\t\t\t by a\n <quote>\n bureaucratic\n </quote>\n <quote>\n list\n </quote>\n by employees in\n <quote>\n an office in Cincinnati\n </quote>\n ;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, on April 9, 2014, the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives referred\n\t\t\t Lois Lerner to the\n\t\t\t Department of Justice for criminal prosecution;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives found that Lois Lerner used\n\t\t\t her position to\n\t\t\t improperly influence agency action against conservative tax-exempt\n\t\t\t organizations, denying these groups due process and equal protection\n\t\t\t rights as guaranteed by the United States Constitution, in apparent\n\t\t\t violation of\n <external-xref legal-doc=\"usc\" parsable-cite=\"usc/18/242\">\n section 242\n </external-xref>\n of title 18, United States Code;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives found that Lois Lerner\n\t\t\t targeted Crossroads\n\t\t\t Grassroots Policy Strategies while ignoring similar liberal-leaning\n\t\t\t tax-exempt applicants;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives found that Lois Lerner\n\t\t\t impeded official\n\t\t\t investigations by knowingly providing misleading statements to TIGTA, in\n\t\t\t apparent violation\n\t\t\t of\n <external-xref legal-doc=\"usc\" parsable-cite=\"usc/18/1001\">\n section 1001\n </external-xref>\n of title 18, United States Code;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives found that Lois Lerner may\n\t\t\t have disclosed\n\t\t\t confidential taxpayer information, in apparent violation of section 6103\n\t\t\t of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas former Department of Justice officials have testified before a subcommittee of the\n\t\t\t Committee on Oversight and Government Reform of the House of\n\t\t\t Representatives that the circumstances of the\n\t\t\t investigation by the administration of the targeting of conservative\n\t\t\t tax-exempt applicants by the IRS warrant the appointment of a special\n\t\t\t counsel;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Department of Justice regulations counsel attorneys to avoid the\n <quote>\n appearance of a conflict\n\t\t\t of interest likely to affect the public perception of the integrity of the\n\t\t\t investigation or prosecution\n </quote>\n ;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, on January 13, 2014, unnamed officials in the Department of Justice leaked to the media\n\t\t\t that no criminal charges would be appropriate for IRS officials who\n\t\t\t engaged in the targeting activity, which undermined the integrity of the\n\t\t\t investigation by the Department of Justice;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, on January 29, 2014, Attorney General Holder told the Senate Committee on the Judiciary,\n <quote>\n I don’t think that there is a basis for us to conclude on the information as it presently exists\n\t\t\t that there is any reason for the appointment of the independent counsel …\n\t\t\t . The notion that somehow this has caused a loss of faith in this Justice\n\t\t\t Department is inconsistent\n\t\t\t with the facts\n </quote>\n ;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, on February 2, 2014, President Obama stated publicly that there was\n <quote>\n not even a\n\t\t\t smidgen of corruption\n </quote>\n in connection with the IRS targeting activity;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, on April 16, 2014, e-mails between the Department of Justice and\n\t\t\t the\n\t\t\t IRS were released showing that the Department of Justice considered\n\t\t\t prosecuting conservative nonprofit groups for engaging in political\n\t\t\t activity that is legal under Federal law, which damaged the integrity of\n\t\t\t the Department of Justice and undermined its investigation;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, on May 8, 2014, the IRS agreed to provide all of Lois Lerner’s e-mails to investigators of\n\t\t\t the Committee on Ways and Means of the\n\t\t\t House of Representatives;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, on May 14, 2014, e-mails obtained through a request under section\n\t\t\t 552 of title 5, United States Code (commonly known as the\n <quote>\n Freedom of Information Act\n </quote>\n ) by the\n\t\t\t nonprofit group Judicial Watch indicate that the Washington office of the\n\t\t\t IRS was examining applications for tax-exempt status by\n\t\t\t Tea\n\t\t\t Party organizations, which is contrary to claims that the cases were being\n\t\t\t handled by lower-level workers\n\t\t\t in Cincinnati;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, on June 11, 2014, James Comey, Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI),\n\t\t\t testified to\n\t\t\t the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives that\n\t\t\t FBI investigators did not examine the IRS database with taxpayer\n\t\t\t information, which\n\t\t\t included private taxpayer information that is prohibited from being shared\n\t\t\t without an order from a judge, and only looked at the table of contents;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, on June 13, 2014, IRS Office of Legislative Affairs Director Leonard Ourlser informed the\n\t\t\t Committee on Finance of the Senate that the IRS\n\t\t\t could not produce e-mails from January 2009 through\n\t\t\t April\n\t\t\t 2011 from Lois Lerner\n\t\t\t due to a computer crash;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, on June 17, 2014, the IRS stated that it could not produce e-mails\n\t\t\t from 6 other IRS\n\t\t\t employees;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, on June 23, 2014, it was reported that Commissioner of Internal Revenue John Koskinen has\n\t\t\t contributed\n\t\t\t approximately $100,000 to Democratic candidates and organizations,\n\t\t\t including $7,300 to President Obama;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, on June 24, 2014, it was reported that the IRS agreed to pay $50,000 in damages to one of\n\t\t\t the conservative groups, the National Organization for Marriage, as a\n\t\t\t result of the unlawful release of confidential information to a political\n\t\t\t rival of that group;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, on June 25, 2014, according to the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of\n\t\t\t Representatives, Lois Lerner sought to have Senator Chuck Grassley, a\n\t\t\t sitting United States Senator and ranking Republican member of the\n\t\t\t Committee on the Judiciary of the Senate, referred for IRS examination;\n\t\t\t and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas\n <external-xref legal-doc=\"regulation\" parsable-cite=\"cfr/28/600.1\">\n section 600.1\n </external-xref>\n of title 28, Code of Federal Regulations, promulgated under section 515 of\n\t\t\t title 28, United States Code, requires the Attorney\nGeneral to appoint a special counsel or prosecutor when it is determined that—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"id9E1098079BC04E3EA747E9B0ED9A16E3\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n a criminal investigation of a person or matter\nis warranted;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id7BA0C30C3AA44F3DAC9870806856EBFA\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n investigation or prosecution of that person\nor matter by a United States Attorney’s Office or litigating\nDivision of the Department of Justice would\npresent a conflict of interest for the Department or other\nextraordinary circumstances; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idFF25FED9E8964B3EB1BB3BAE1E1ADD2E\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n under the circumstances, it would be in the\npublic interest to appoint an outside special counsel or prosecutor to\nassume responsibility for the matter: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That it is the sense of the Senate that—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"ida7176d44c2214cd186a5a2381d4b12c8\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n the statements and actions of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the Department of Justice, and\n\t\t\t the administration of President Barack Obama in\n\t\t\t connection with the targeting of conservative tax-exempt applicants by the\n\t\t\t IRS have served to undermine the investigation by\n\t\t\t the Department of\n\t\t\t Justice;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id74DC1BF96A474FB9AFD79F9400C2AEAE\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n the efforts of the administration to undermine the investigation by the Department of Justice, and\n\t\t\t the appointment of Barbara Bosserman, who has donated almost $7,000 to\n\t\t\t President Obama and the Democratic National Committee, to a lead\n\t\t\t investigative role, have created a conflict of interest that warrants\n\t\t\t removal of the investigation from the normal processes of the Department\n\t\t\t of Justice;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idb409ca5a36de4fdd9747744f568a2f4b\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n further investigation of the matter is warranted due to the apparent criminal activity by Lois\n\t\t\t Lerner, former Director of the Exempt Organizations Division within the\n\t\t\t Tax-Exempt and Government Entities\n\t\t\t Division of the IRS, and the ongoing disclosure of internal communications\n\t\t\t showing\n\t\t\t potentially unlawful conduct by executive branch personnel;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id8b1b078f8be14a92a0894858acb8a2b3\">\n <enum>\n (4)\n </enum>\n <text>\n appointment of a special counsel or prosecutor would be in the public\n\t\t\t interest, given the conflict of interest for the Department of Justice and\n\t\t\t the strong public interest in ensuring that public officials who\n\t\t\t inappropriately target\n\t\t\t individuals for exercising their right to free expression are\n\t\t\t held\n\t\t\t accountable; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id0a0dbc511a5641c98e652234ff452a25\">\n <enum>\n (5)\n </enum>\n <text>\n Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr. should appoint a special counsel or prosecutor, with\n\t\t\t meaningful\n\t\t\t independence, to\n\t\t\t investigate the targeting of conservative nonprofit advocacy groups by the\n\t\t\t IRS.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-06 02:08:00.448
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 488 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-11T13:26:04Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-11T13:26:04Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-06-26 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Discharged from </name> <date> 2014-07-17T22:09:13Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2014-06-26T20:42:40Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <relatedBills> <item> <title> A resolution designating July 27, 2013, as "National Day of the American Cowboy". </title> <congress> 113 </congress> <number> 191 </number> <type> SRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2013-07-11 </actionDate> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-17 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-17 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-17 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4626) </text> <type> Discharge </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-17 </actionDate> <text> Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S4626) </text> <type> Committee </type> <actionCode> 14500 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-06-26 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR S4164) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-06-26 </actionDate> <text> Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR S4164-4165) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> B00100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-06-26 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> E000285 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Enzi, Michael B. [R-WY] </fullName> <firstName> MICHAEL </firstName> <lastName> ENZI </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> WY </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> B001261 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Barrasso, John [R-WY] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Barrasso </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> WY </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000880 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Crapo, Mike [R-ID] </fullName> <firstName> Mike </firstName> <lastName> Crapo </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ID </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001069 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Heitkamp, Heidi [D-ND] </fullName> <firstName> Heidi </firstName> <lastName> Heitkamp </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> ND </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001061 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hoeven, John [R-ND] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Hoeven </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ND </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> I000024 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Inhofe, James M. [R-OK] </fullName> <firstName> Jim </firstName> <lastName> Inhofe </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OK </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000291 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Johanns, Mike [R-NE] </fullName> <firstName> Mike </firstName> <lastName> Johanns </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NE </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000177 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Johnson, Tim [D-SD] </fullName> <firstName> TIM </firstName> <lastName> JOHNSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> SD </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001176 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Merkley, Jeff [D-OR] </fullName> <firstName> Jeff </firstName> <lastName> Merkley </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OR </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000584 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Risch, James E. [R-ID] </fullName> <firstName> James </firstName> <lastName> Risch </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ID </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000464 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Tester, Jon [D-MT] </fullName> <firstName> Jon </firstName> <lastName> Tester </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MT </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000818 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Walsh, John E. [D-MT] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Walsh </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MT </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Arts, Culture, Religion </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Commemorative events and holidays </name> </item> <item> <name> Migrant, seasonal, agricultural labor </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Arts, Culture, Religion </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-06-26 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-08-25T19:59:47Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt; Designates July 26, 2014, as National Day of the American Cowboy.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-17 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-08-25T20:00:40Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Designates July 26, 2014, as National Day of the American Cowboy. &lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution designating July 26, 2014, as "National Day of the American Cowboy". </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution designating July 26, 2014, as "National Day of the American Cowboy". </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution designating July 26, 2014, as "National Day of the American Cowboy". </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-07-17T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres488ats/xml/BILLS-113sres488ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2014-06-26T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres488is/xml/BILLS-113sres488is.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-07-17 </actionDate> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-17", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2014-07-17", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-17", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4626)", "type": "Discharge" }, { "action_code": "14500", "action_date": "2014-07-17", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S4626)", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-06-26", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR S4164)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "B00100", "action_date": "2014-06-26", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR S4164-4165)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-06-26", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2014-07-17T22:09:13Z", "name": "Discharged from" }, { "date": "2014-06-26T20:42:40Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "B001261", "district": null, "first_name": "John", "full_name": "Sen. Barrasso, John [R-WY]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Barrasso", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-06-26", "state": "WY" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000880", "district": null, "first_name": "Mike", "full_name": "Sen. Crapo, Mike [R-ID]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Crapo", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-06-26", "state": "ID" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001069", "district": null, "first_name": "Heidi", "full_name": "Sen. Heitkamp, Heidi [D-ND]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Heitkamp", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-06-26", "state": "ND" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001061", "district": null, "first_name": "John", "full_name": "Sen. Hoeven, John [R-ND]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Hoeven", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-06-26", "state": "ND" }, { "bioguide_id": "I000024", "district": null, "first_name": "Jim", "full_name": "Sen. Inhofe, James M. [R-OK]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Inhofe", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-06-26", "state": "OK" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000291", "district": null, "first_name": "Mike", "full_name": "Sen. Johanns, Mike [R-NE]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Johanns", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-06-26", "state": "NE" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000177", "district": null, "first_name": "TIM", "full_name": "Sen. Johnson, Tim [D-SD]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JOHNSON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-06-26", "state": "SD" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001176", "district": null, "first_name": "Jeff", "full_name": "Sen. Merkley, Jeff [D-OR]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Merkley", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-06-26", "state": "OR" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000584", "district": null, "first_name": "James", "full_name": "Sen. Risch, James E. [R-ID]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Risch", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-06-26", "state": "ID" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000464", "district": null, "first_name": "Jon", "full_name": "Sen. Tester, Jon [D-MT]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Tester", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-06-26", "state": "MT" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000818", "district": null, "first_name": "John", "full_name": "Sen. Walsh, John E. [D-MT]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Walsh", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-06-26", "state": "MT" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-06-26", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-17", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 488, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Arts, Culture, Religion", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 113, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2013-07-11", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.", "type": null }, "number": 191, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "A resolution designating July 27, 2013, as \"National Day of the American Cowboy\".", "type": "SRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "E000285", "district": null, "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Sen. Enzi, Michael B. [R-WY]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "ENZI", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "R", "state": "WY" } ], "subjects": [ "Commemorative events and holidays", "Migrant, seasonal, agricultural labor" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-06-26", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p> Designates July 26, 2014, as National Day of the American Cowboy.</p>", "update_date": "2014-08-25T19:59:47Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2014-07-17", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p> Designates July 26, 2014, as National Day of the American Cowboy. </p>", "update_date": "2014-08-25T20:00:40Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-07-17T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres488ats/xml/BILLS-113sres488ats.xml" }, { "date": "2014-06-26T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres488is/xml/BILLS-113sres488is.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution designating July 26, 2014, as \"National Day of the American Cowboy\".", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating July 26, 2014, as \"National Day of the American Cowboy\".", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating July 26, 2014, as \"National Day of the American Cowboy\".", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2023-01-11T13:26:04Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-11T13:26:04Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-06-26T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres488is/xml/BILLS-113sres488is.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres488is.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres488is.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T02:09:02.266", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-488", "legis_num": 488, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "is", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-488-is-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 488 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES June 26, 2014 Mr. Enzi (for himself, Mr. Barrasso , Mr. Crapo , Ms. Heitkamp , Mr. Hoeven , Mr. Inhofe , Mr. Johanns , Mr. Johnson of South Dakota , Mr. Merkley , Mr. Risch , Mr. Tester , and Mr. Walsh ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary RESOLUTION Designating July 26, 2014, as National Day of the American Cowboy .\n\nWhereas pioneering men and women, recognized as cowboys , helped to establish the American West; Whereas the cowboy embodies honesty, integrity, courage, compassion, respect, a strong work ethic, and patriotism; Whereas the cowboy spirit exemplifies strength of character, sound family values, and good common sense; Whereas the cowboy archetype transcends ethnicity, gender, geographic boundaries, and political affiliations; Whereas the cowboy, who lives off the land and works to protect and enhance the environment, is an excellent steward of the land and its creatures; Whereas cowboy traditions have been a part of American culture for generations; Whereas the cowboy continues to be an important part of the economy through the work of many thousands of ranchers across the United States who contribute to the economic well-being of every State; Whereas millions of fans watch professional and working ranch rodeo events annually, making rodeo one of the most-watched sports in the United States; Whereas membership and participation in rodeo and other organizations that promote and encompass the livelihood of cowboys span every generation and transcend race and gender; Whereas the cowboy is a central figure in literature, film, and music and occupies a central place in the public imagination; Whereas the cowboy is an American icon; and Whereas the ongoing contributions made by cowboys and cowgirls to their communities should be recognized and encouraged: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) designates July 26, 2014, as National Day of the American Cowboy ; and (2) encourages the people of the United States to observe the day with appropriate ceremonies and activities.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Introduced-in-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 488 IS: Designating July 26, 2014, as “National Day of the American Cowboy”.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-06-26\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 488\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140626\">\n June 26, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S254\">\n Mr. Enzi\n </sponsor>\n (for himself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S317\">\n Mr. Barrasso\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S266\">\n Mr. Crapo\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S360\">\n Ms. Heitkamp\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S344\">\n Mr. Hoeven\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S236\">\n Mr. Inhofe\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S321\">\n Mr. Johanns\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S257\">\n Mr. Johnson of South Dakota\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S322\">\n Mr. Merkley\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S323\">\n Mr. Risch\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S314\">\n Mr. Tester\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S371\">\n Mr. Walsh\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name committee-id=\"SSJU00\">\n Committee on the Judiciary\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Designating July 26, 2014, as\n <quote>\n National Day of the American Cowboy\n </quote>\n .\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas pioneering men and women, recognized as\n <quote>\n cowboys\n </quote>\n , helped to establish the American West;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the cowboy embodies honesty, integrity, courage, compassion, respect, a strong work ethic,\n\t\t\t and patriotism;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the cowboy spirit exemplifies strength of character, sound family values, and good common\n\t\t\t sense;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the cowboy archetype transcends ethnicity, gender, geographic boundaries, and political\n\t\t\t affiliations;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the cowboy, who lives off the land and works to protect and enhance the environment, is an\n\t\t\t excellent steward of the land and its creatures;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas cowboy traditions have been a part of American culture for generations;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the cowboy continues to be an important part of the economy through the work of many\n\t\t\t thousands of ranchers across the United States who contribute to the\n\t\t\t economic well-being of every State;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas millions of fans watch professional and working ranch rodeo events annually, making rodeo\n\t\t\t one of the most-watched sports in the United States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas membership and participation in rodeo and other organizations that promote and encompass\n\t\t\t the livelihood of cowboys span every generation and transcend race and\n\t\t\t gender;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the cowboy is a central figure in literature, film, and music and occupies a central place\n\t\t\t in the public imagination;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the cowboy is an American icon; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the ongoing contributions made by cowboys and cowgirls to their communities should be\n\t\t\t recognized and encouraged: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"id3e08c8fb31d04fdcba8305248c01cba3\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n designates July 26, 2014, as\n <quote>\n National Day of the American Cowboy\n </quote>\n ; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id77138261c5584c5c8eb7d19d039f3da1\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n encourages the people of the United States to observe the day with appropriate ceremonies and\n\t\t\t activities.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" }, { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-07-17T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres488ats/xml/BILLS-113sres488ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres488ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres488ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T00:27:01.092", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-488", "legis_num": 488, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-488-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 488 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES June 26, 2014 Mr. Enzi (for himself, Mr. Barrasso , Mr. Crapo , Ms. Heitkamp , Mr. Hoeven , Mr. Inhofe , Mr. Johanns , Mr. Johnson of South Dakota , Mr. Merkley , Mr. Risch , Mr. Tester , and Mr. Walsh ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary July 17, 2014 Committee discharged; considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Designating July 26, 2014, as National Day of the American Cowboy .\n\nWhereas pioneering men and women, recognized as cowboys , helped to establish the American West; Whereas the cowboy embodies honesty, integrity, courage, compassion, respect, a strong work ethic, and patriotism; Whereas the cowboy spirit exemplifies strength of character, sound family values, and good common sense; Whereas the cowboy archetype transcends ethnicity, gender, geographic boundaries, and political affiliations; Whereas the cowboy, who lives off the land and works to protect and enhance the environment, is an excellent steward of the land and its creatures; Whereas cowboy traditions have been a part of American culture for generations; Whereas the cowboy continues to be an important part of the economy through the work of many thousands of ranchers across the United States who contribute to the economic well-being of every State; Whereas millions of fans watch professional and working ranch rodeo events annually, making rodeo one of the most-watched sports in the United States; Whereas membership and participation in rodeo and other organizations that promote and encompass the livelihood of cowboys span every generation and transcend race and gender; Whereas the cowboy is a central figure in literature, film, and music and occupies a central place in the public imagination; Whereas the cowboy is an American icon; and Whereas the ongoing contributions made by cowboys and cowgirls to their communities should be recognized and encouraged: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) designates July 26, 2014, as National Day of the American Cowboy ; and (2) encourages the people of the United States to observe the day with appropriate ceremonies and activities.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 488 ATS: Designating July 26, 2014, as “National Day of the American Cowboy”.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-06-26\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 488\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140626\">\n June 26, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S254\">\n Mr. Enzi\n </sponsor>\n (for himself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S317\">\n Mr. Barrasso\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S266\">\n Mr. Crapo\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S360\">\n Ms. Heitkamp\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S344\">\n Mr. Hoeven\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S236\">\n Mr. Inhofe\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S321\">\n Mr. Johanns\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S257\">\n Mr. Johnson of South Dakota\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S322\">\n Mr. Merkley\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S323\">\n Mr. Risch\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S314\">\n Mr. Tester\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S371\">\n Mr. Walsh\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name committee-id=\"SSJU00\">\n Committee on the Judiciary\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <action>\n <action-date>\n July 17, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n Committee discharged; considered and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Designating July 26, 2014, as\n <quote>\n National Day of the American Cowboy\n </quote>\n .\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas pioneering men and women, recognized as\n <quote>\n cowboys\n </quote>\n , helped to establish the American West;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the cowboy embodies honesty, integrity, courage, compassion, respect, a strong work ethic,\n\t\t\t and patriotism;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the cowboy spirit exemplifies strength of character, sound family values, and good common\n\t\t\t sense;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the cowboy archetype transcends ethnicity, gender, geographic boundaries, and political\n\t\t\t affiliations;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the cowboy, who lives off the land and works to protect and enhance the environment, is an\n\t\t\t excellent steward of the land and its creatures;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas cowboy traditions have been a part of American culture for generations;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the cowboy continues to be an important part of the economy through the work of many\n\t\t\t thousands of ranchers across the United States who contribute to the\n\t\t\t economic well-being of every State;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas millions of fans watch professional and working ranch rodeo events annually, making rodeo\n\t\t\t one of the most-watched sports in the United States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas membership and participation in rodeo and other organizations that promote and encompass\n\t\t\t the livelihood of cowboys span every generation and transcend race and\n\t\t\t gender;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the cowboy is a central figure in literature, film, and music and occupies a central place\n\t\t\t in the public imagination;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the cowboy is an American icon; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the ongoing contributions made by cowboys and cowgirls to their communities should be\n\t\t\t recognized and encouraged: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"id3e08c8fb31d04fdcba8305248c01cba3\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n designates July 26, 2014, as\n <quote>\n National Day of the American Cowboy\n </quote>\n ; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id77138261c5584c5c8eb7d19d039f3da1\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n encourages the people of the United States to observe the day with appropriate ceremonies and\n\t\t\t activities.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-06 02:08:00.165
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 489 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-11T13:26:04Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-11T13:26:04Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-06-26 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Discharged from </name> <date> 2014-07-23T22:57:52Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2014-06-26T21:18:38Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <relatedBills> <item> <title> A resolution supporting the goals and ideals of "Growth Awareness Week". </title> <congress> 113 </congress> <number> 242 </number> <type> SRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2013-09-19 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR S6661) </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-23 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and an amended preamble by Unanimous Consent. (text: CR S4845-4846) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-23 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and an amended preamble by Unanimous Consent.(text: CR S4845-4846) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-23 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Measure laid before Senate by unanimous consent. (consideration: CR S4845-4846) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-23 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent. </text> <type> Discharge </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-23 </actionDate> <text> Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent. </text> <type> Committee </type> <actionCode> 14500 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-06-26 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR S4165) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-06-26 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> K000360 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Kirk, Mark Steven [R-IL] </fullName> <firstName> MARK </firstName> <lastName> KIRK </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> STEVEN </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> M000639 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Menendez, Robert [D-NJ] </fullName> <firstName> Robert </firstName> <lastName> Menendez </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-21 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Health </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Child care and development </name> </item> <item> <name> Child health </name> </item> <item> <name> Commemorative events and holidays </name> </item> <item> <name> Health promotion and preventive care </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Health </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-06-26 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-07-08T14:38:10Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Designates the third week of September 2014 as Growth Awareness Week. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Expresses support for the goals and ideals of such Week.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution supporting the goals and ideals of "Growth Awareness Week". </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution supporting the goals and ideals of "Growth Awareness Week". </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution supporting the goals and ideals of "Growth Awareness Week". </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <amendments> <amendment> <number> 3623 </number> <congress> 113 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To amend the preamble. </purpose> <updateDate> 2021-07-06T14:19:28Z </updateDate> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-07-23 </actionDate> <text> Amendment SA 3623 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent. </text> <links> <link> <name> SA 3623 </name> <url> https://www.congress.gov/amendment/113th-congress/senate-amendment/3623 </url> </link> </links> </latestAction> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> K000360 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Kirk, Mark Steven [R-IL] </fullName> <firstName> MARK </firstName> <lastName> KIRK </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> STEVEN </middleName> </item> </sponsors> <proposedDate> 2014-07-23T04:00:00Z </proposedDate> <submittedDate> 2014-07-23T04:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 113 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 489 </number> <title> A resolution supporting the goals and ideals of "Growth Awareness Week". </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-11T13:26:04Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <actions> <count> 7 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-23 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Amendment SA 3623 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-23 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Amendment SA 3623 proposed by Senator Casey for Senator Kirk. (consideration: CR S4845; text: CR S4845) To amend the preamble. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-23 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment proposed (on the floor): Amendment SA 3623 proposed by Senator Casey for Senator Kirk.(consideration: CR S4845; text: CR S4845) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 93000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-23 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment proposed (on the floor): Amendment SA 3623 proposed by Senator Casey for Senator Kirk.(consideration: CR S4845; text: CR S4845) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 93000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-23 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment agreed to: Amendment SA 3623 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 94000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-23 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> </amendments> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-07-23T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres489ats/xml/BILLS-113sres489ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2014-06-26T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres489is/xml/BILLS-113sres489is.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-07-23 </actionDate> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and an amended preamble by Unanimous Consent. (text: CR S4845-4846) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-06-26", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-23", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and an amended preamble by Unanimous Consent. (text: CR S4845-4846)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 489, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Health", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 113, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2013-09-19", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. 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RES. 489 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES June 26, 2014 Mr. Kirk submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary RESOLUTION Supporting the goals and ideals of Growth Awareness Week .\n\nWhereas, according to the Pictures of Standard Syndromes and Undiagnosed Malformations database (commonly known as the POSSUM database), more than 600 serious diseases and health conditions cause growth failure; Whereas health conditions that cause growth failure may affect the overall health of a child; Whereas short stature may be a symptom of a serious underlying health condition; Whereas children with growth failure are often undiagnosed; Whereas, according to the MAGIC Foundation for children’s growth, 48 percent of children in the United States who were evaluated for the 2 most common causes of growth failure were undiagnosed with growth failure; Whereas the longer a child with growth failure goes undiagnosed, the greater the potential for damage and higher costs of care; Whereas early detection and a diagnosis of growth failure are crucial to ensure a healthy future for a child with growth failure; Whereas raising public awareness of, and educating the public about, growth failure is a vital public service; Whereas providing resources for identification of growth failure will allow for early detection; and Whereas the MAGIC Foundation for children's growth has designated the third week of September as Growth Awareness Week : Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) designates the third week of September 2014 as Growth Awareness Week ; and (2) supports the goals and ideals of Growth Awareness Week .", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Introduced-in-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 489 IS: Supporting the goals and ideals of “Growth Awareness Week”.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-06-26\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress>\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session>\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 489\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action>\n <action-date date=\"20140626\">\n June 26, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S339\">\n Mr. Kirk\n </sponsor>\n submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name committee-id=\"SSJU00\">\n Committee on the Judiciary\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Supporting the goals and ideals of\n <quote>\n Growth Awareness Week\n </quote>\n .\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, according to the Pictures of Standard Syndromes and Undiagnosed Malformations database\n\t\t\t (commonly known as the\n <quote>\n POSSUM\n </quote>\n database), more than 600 serious diseases and health conditions cause growth failure;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas health conditions that cause growth failure may affect the overall health of a child;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas short stature may be a symptom of a serious underlying health condition;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas children with growth failure are often undiagnosed;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, according to the MAGIC Foundation for children’s growth, 48 percent of children in the\n\t\t\t United States who were evaluated for the 2 most common causes of growth\n\t\t\t failure were undiagnosed with growth failure;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the longer a child with growth failure goes undiagnosed, the greater the potential for\n\t\t\t damage and higher costs of care;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas early detection and a diagnosis of growth failure are crucial to ensure a healthy future\n\t\t\t for a child with growth failure;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas raising public awareness of, and educating the public about, growth failure is a vital\n\t\t\t public service;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas providing resources for identification of growth failure will allow for early detection;\n\t\t\t and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the MAGIC Foundation for children's growth has designated the third week of September as\n <quote>\n Growth Awareness Week\n </quote>\n : Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"id8ed71cc5fef44a8187e2e6189789dfa5\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n designates the third week of September 2014 as\n <quote>\n Growth Awareness Week\n </quote>\n ; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idb90d37ccec5c40b7a436362f04491e2e\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n supports the goals and ideals of\n <quote>\n Growth Awareness Week\n </quote>\n .\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" }, { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-07-23T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres489ats/xml/BILLS-113sres489ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres489ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres489ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T00:27:01.134", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-489", "legis_num": 489, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-489-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 489 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES June 26, 2014 Mr. Kirk (for himself and Mr. Menendez ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary July 23, 2014 Committee discharged; considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Supporting the goals and ideals of Growth Awareness Week .\n\nWhereas, according to the Pictures of Standard Syndromes and Undiagnosed Malformations database (commonly known as the POSSUM database), more than 600 serious diseases and health conditions cause growth failure; Whereas health conditions that cause growth failure may affect the overall health of a child; Whereas short stature may be a symptom of a serious underlying health condition; Whereas children with growth failure are often undiagnosed; Whereas, according to the MAGIC Foundation for children’s growth, 48 percent of children in the United States who were evaluated for the 2 most common causes of growth failure were undiagnosed with growth failure; Whereas the longer a child with growth failure goes undiagnosed, the greater the potential for damage and higher costs of care; Whereas early detection and a diagnosis of growth failure are crucial to ensure a healthy future for a child with growth failure; Whereas raising public awareness of, and educating the public about, growth failure is a vital public service; Whereas support for identification of growth failure will allow for early detection; and Whereas the MAGIC Foundation for children's growth has designated the third week of September as Growth Awareness Week : Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) designates the third week of September 2014 as Growth Awareness Week ; and (2) supports the goals and ideals of Growth Awareness Week .", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 489 ATS: Supporting the goals and ideals of “Growth Awareness Week”.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-06-26\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress>\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session>\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 489\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action>\n <action-date date=\"20140626\">\n June 26, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S339\">\n Mr. Kirk\n </sponsor>\n (for himself and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S306\">\n Mr. Menendez\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name committee-id=\"SSJU00\">\n Committee on the Judiciary\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <action>\n <action-date>\n July 23, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n Committee discharged; considered and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Supporting the goals and ideals of\n <quote>\n Growth Awareness Week\n </quote>\n .\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, according to the Pictures of Standard Syndromes and Undiagnosed Malformations database\n\t\t\t (commonly known as the\n <quote>\n POSSUM\n </quote>\n database), more than 600 serious diseases and health conditions cause growth failure;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas health conditions that cause growth failure may affect the overall health of a child;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas short stature may be a symptom of a serious underlying health condition;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas children with growth failure are often undiagnosed;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, according to the MAGIC Foundation for children’s growth, 48 percent of children in the\n\t\t\t United States who were evaluated for the 2 most common causes of growth\n\t\t\t failure were undiagnosed with growth failure;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the longer a child with growth failure goes undiagnosed, the greater the potential for\n\t\t\t damage and higher costs of care;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas early detection and a diagnosis of growth failure are crucial to ensure a healthy future\n\t\t\t for a child with growth failure;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas raising public awareness of, and educating the public about, growth failure is a vital\n\t\t\t public service;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas support for identification of growth failure will allow for early detection;\n\t\t\t and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the MAGIC Foundation for children's growth has designated the third week of September as\n <quote>\n Growth Awareness Week\n </quote>\n : Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"id8ed71cc5fef44a8187e2e6189789dfa5\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n designates the third week of September 2014 as\n <quote>\n Growth Awareness Week\n </quote>\n ; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idb90d37ccec5c40b7a436362f04491e2e\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n supports the goals and ideals of\n <quote>\n Growth Awareness Week\n </quote>\n .\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-04 19:14:00.364
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 490 </number> <updateDate> 2019-02-20T12:28:54Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2022-11-04T17:28:46Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-06-26 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-06-26 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4190; text as passed Senate: CR S4165) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-06-26 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S4190; text as passed Senate: CR S4165) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-06-26 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> C001088 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Coons, Christopher A. [D-DE] </fullName> <firstName> Christopher </firstName> <lastName> Coons </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> DE </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> B001288 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Booker, Cory A. [D-NJ] </fullName> <firstName> Cory </firstName> <lastName> Booker </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000141 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cardin, Benjamin L. [D-MD] </fullName> <firstName> Ben </firstName> <lastName> Cardin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000639 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Menendez, Robert [D-NJ] </fullName> <firstName> Robert </firstName> <lastName> Menendez </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Transportation and Public Works </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Commemorative events and holidays </name> </item> <item> <name> Delaware </name> </item> <item> <name> Marine and inland water transportation </name> </item> <item> <name> New Jersey </name> </item> <item> <name> Travel and tourism </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Transportation and Public Works </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-06-26 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-07-02T14:32:02Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Commemorates the 50th Anniversary of the Cape May-Lewes Ferry, connecting the communities of Lewes, Delaware and Cape May, New Jersey.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-06-26 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-07-02T14:32:23Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Commemorates the 50th Anniversary of the Cape May-Lewes Ferry, connecting the communities of Lewes, Delaware and Cape May, New Jersey.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Cape May-Lewes Ferry. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Cape May-Lewes Ferry. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Cape May-Lewes Ferry. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-06-26T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres490ats/xml/BILLS-113sres490ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-06-26 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4190; text as passed Senate: CR S4165) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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(consideration: CR S4190; text as passed Senate: CR S4165)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2014-06-26", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S4190; text as passed Senate: CR S4165)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-06-26", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "B001288", "district": null, "first_name": "Cory", "full_name": "Sen. Booker, Cory A. 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A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-06-26", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-06-26", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4190; text as passed Senate: CR S4165)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 490, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": null, "policy_area": "Transportation and Public Works", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "C001088", "district": null, "first_name": "Christopher", "full_name": "Sen. Coons, Christopher A. 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The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Commemorates the 50th Anniversary of the Cape May-Lewes Ferry, connecting the communities of Lewes, Delaware and Cape May, New Jersey.</p>", "update_date": "2014-07-02T14:32:23Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-06-26T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres490ats/xml/BILLS-113sres490ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Cape May-Lewes Ferry.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Cape May-Lewes Ferry.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Cape May-Lewes Ferry.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2019-02-20T12:28:54Z", "update_date_including_text": "2022-11-04T17:28:46Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-06-26T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres490ats/xml/BILLS-113sres490ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres490ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres490ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T02:09:02.308", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-490", "legis_num": 490, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-490-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 490 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES June 26, 2014 Mr. Coons (for himself, Mr. Booker , Mr. Carper , and Mr. Menendez ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Cape May-Lewes Ferry.\n\nWhereas, on September 20, 1962, the 87 th Congress granted consent to the State of Delaware and the State of New Jersey to enter into a compact to establish the Delaware River and Bay Authority (referred to in this preamble as the DRBA ) for the development of the area in both States bordering the Delaware River and Bay; Whereas the pressures of increasing amounts of traffic, a growing population, and greater industrialization indicated the need for closer cooperation between the 2 States in order to advance their economic development and to improve crossings and transportation between the 2 States; Whereas the Delaware River and Bay Authority was organized on February 6, 1963, to construct and operate transportation crossings between the 2 States and its first line of business was to update earlier feasibility studies for a ferry service connecting southern New Jersey and southern Delaware; Whereas DRBA Commissioners immediately resolved, in April 1963, to establish the Cape May-Lewes Ferry at the earliest possible date following the release of the updated feasibility study; Whereas, on July 1, 1964, the very first vessel departed the Lewes, Delaware terminal at 6:47 a.m., carrying 8 vehicles and 15 passengers; Whereas the Cape May-Lewes Ferry has served as a major transportation link in the crowded Northeast corridor, connecting north-south traffic from Boston and New York City to Washington, D.C. and Florida; Whereas the 85 minute, 17 mile journey across the Delaware Bay offers an efficient way to cut miles off a road trip; Whereas the Cape May-Lewes Ferry has evolved over the past 50 years from strictly a mode of transportation to one that includes tourism and recreational opportunities; Whereas the Cape May-Lewes Ferry offers foot passenger shuttle service to destinations in Delaware and New Jersey for a variety of commercial and recreational activities on the other side of the Delaware Bay; Whereas both bird watchers and bicyclists use the Cape May-Lewes Ferry to access the various and numerous trails on both sides of the Delaware Bay; Whereas the Cape May-Lewes Ferry terminals will host festivals to celebrate the highly anticipated 50 th Anniversary of the Cape May-Lewes Ferry on June 28, 2014, in Cape May and June 29, 2014, in Lewes; Whereas the Cape May-Lewes Ferry employs more than 130 full-time personnel and an additional 330 seasonal workers, adding significantly to the economies on both sides of the Delaware Bay; Whereas the Cape May-Lewes Ferry operates year-round and has carried more than 43 million passengers and 14 million vehicles since the inception of the Cape May-Lewes Ferry in 1964; Whereas the DRBA continues to invest its resources to improve the services and infrastructure of the Cape May-Lewes Ferry, including a renovated ferry fleet and new passenger terminal facilities; and Whereas the Cape May-Lewes Ferry remains an important transportation link, as a waterway continuation of United States Route 9 between the State of Delaware and the State of New Jersey: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) commemorates the 50 th Anniversary of the Cape May-Lewes Ferry, connecting the communities of Lewes, Delaware and Cape May, New Jersey; (2) celebrates the history of the Cape May-Lewes Ferry as an important transportation and tourism link between the State of Delaware and the State of New Jersey; (3) honors the ongoing role that the Cape May-Lewes Ferry plays in bringing people together through interstate commerce, tourism, and recreation all along the eastern seaboard; and (4) recognizes the positive contributions that the Cape May-Lewes Ferry has on the development and growth of the Twin Capes region of Cape Henlopen, Delaware and Cape May, New Jersey.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 490 ATS: Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Cape May-Lewes Ferry.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-06-26\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 490\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140626\">\n June 26, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S337\">\n Mr. Coons\n </sponsor>\n (for himself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S370\">\n Mr. Booker\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S277\">\n Mr. Carper\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S306\">\n Mr. Menendez\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Cape May-Lewes Ferry.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, on September 20, 1962, the 87\n <superscript>\n th\n </superscript>\n Congress granted consent to the State of Delaware and the State of New Jersey to enter into a\n\t\t\t compact to establish the Delaware River and Bay Authority (referred to in\n\t\t\t this preamble as the\n <quote>\n DRBA\n </quote>\n ) for the development of the area in both States bordering the Delaware River and Bay;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the pressures of increasing amounts of traffic, a growing population, and greater\n\t\t\t industrialization indicated the need for closer cooperation between the 2\n\t\t\t States in order to advance their economic development and to improve\n\t\t\t crossings and transportation between the 2 States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Delaware River and Bay Authority was organized on February 6, 1963, to construct and\n\t\t\t operate transportation crossings between the 2 States and its first line\n\t\t\t of business was to update earlier feasibility studies for a ferry service\n\t\t\t connecting southern New Jersey and southern Delaware;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas DRBA Commissioners immediately resolved, in April 1963, to establish the Cape May-Lewes\n\t\t\t Ferry at the earliest possible date following the release of the updated\n\t\t\t feasibility study;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, on July 1, 1964, the very first vessel departed the Lewes, Delaware terminal at 6:47 a.m.,\n\t\t\t carrying 8 vehicles and 15 passengers;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Cape May-Lewes Ferry has served as a major transportation link in the crowded Northeast\n\t\t\t corridor, connecting north-south traffic from Boston and New York City to\n\t\t\t Washington, D.C. and Florida;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the 85 minute, 17 mile journey across the Delaware Bay offers an efficient way to cut miles\n\t\t\t off a road trip;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Cape May-Lewes Ferry has evolved over the past 50 years from strictly a mode of\n\t\t\t transportation to one that includes tourism and recreational\n\t\t\t opportunities;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Cape May-Lewes Ferry offers foot passenger shuttle service to destinations in Delaware\n\t\t\t and New Jersey for a variety of commercial and recreational activities on\n\t\t\t the other side of the Delaware Bay;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas both bird watchers and bicyclists use the Cape May-Lewes Ferry to access the various and\n\t\t\t numerous trails on both sides of the Delaware Bay;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Cape May-Lewes Ferry terminals will host festivals to celebrate the highly anticipated\n\t\t\t 50\n <superscript>\n th\n </superscript>\n Anniversary of the Cape May-Lewes Ferry on June 28, 2014, in Cape May and June 29, 2014, in Lewes;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Cape May-Lewes Ferry employs more than 130 full-time personnel and an additional 330\n\t\t\t seasonal workers, adding significantly to the economies on both sides of\n\t\t\t the Delaware Bay;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Cape May-Lewes Ferry operates year-round and has carried more than 43 million\n\t\t\t passengers and 14 million vehicles since the inception of the Cape\n\t\t\t May-Lewes Ferry in 1964;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the DRBA continues to invest its resources to improve the services and infrastructure of\n\t\t\t the Cape May-Lewes Ferry, including a renovated ferry fleet and new\n\t\t\t passenger terminal facilities; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Cape May-Lewes Ferry remains an important transportation link, as a waterway\n\t\t\t continuation of United States Route 9 between the State of Delaware and\n\t\t\t the State of New Jersey: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"idd7ec1e1331eb4a78bac72aafff856857\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n commemorates the 50\n <superscript>\n th\n </superscript>\n Anniversary of the Cape May-Lewes Ferry, connecting the communities of Lewes, Delaware and Cape\n\t\t\t May, New Jersey;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idcba4f8c9422b4648ae71169efaadedfb\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n celebrates the history of the Cape May-Lewes Ferry as an important transportation and tourism link\n\t\t\t between the State of Delaware and the State of New Jersey;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id42fd4cc7b46b4ecb9a7a75e70ba60ea3\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n honors the ongoing role that the Cape May-Lewes Ferry plays in bringing people together through\n\t\t\t interstate commerce, tourism, and recreation all along the eastern\n\t\t\t seaboard; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id425b44f2228b4107840e43a14b188ccc\">\n <enum>\n (4)\n </enum>\n <text>\n recognizes the positive contributions that the Cape May-Lewes Ferry has on the development and\n\t\t\t growth of the Twin Capes region of Cape Henlopen, Delaware and Cape May,\n\t\t\t New Jersey.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-04 19:14:00.534
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 491 </number> <updateDate> 2019-02-20T12:28:54Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2022-11-04T17:28:46Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-06-26 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-06-26 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4190; text as passed Senate: CR S4165-4166) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-06-26 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S4190; text as passed Senate: CR S4165-4166) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-06-26 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> B000711 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Boxer, Barbara [D-CA] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> BOXER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> F000062 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA] </fullName> <firstName> Dianne </firstName> <lastName> Feinstein </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Sports and Recreation </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Athletes </name> </item> <item> <name> California </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Professional sports </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Sports and Recreation </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-06-26 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-07-26T15:12:01Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Congratulates the Los Angeles Kings on winning the 2014 Stanley Cup Championship.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;ul&gt; &lt;/ul&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-06-26 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-07-26T15:12:10Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Congratulates the Los Angeles Kings on winning the 2014 Stanley Cup Championship.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;ul&gt; &lt;/ul&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution congratulating the Los Angeles Kings on winning the 2014 Stanley Cup Championship. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution congratulating the Los Angeles Kings on winning the 2014 Stanley Cup Championship. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution congratulating the Los Angeles Kings on winning the 2014 Stanley Cup Championship. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-06-26T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres491ats/xml/BILLS-113sres491ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-06-26 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4190; text as passed Senate: CR S4165-4166) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-06-26", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4190; text as passed Senate: CR S4165-4166)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2014-06-26", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S4190; text as passed Senate: CR S4165-4166)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-06-26", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "F000062", "district": null, "first_name": "Dianne", "full_name": "Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Feinstein", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-06-26", "state": "CA" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-06-26", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-06-26", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4190; text as passed Senate: CR S4165-4166)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 491, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": null, "policy_area": "Sports and Recreation", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "B000711", "district": null, "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Sen. Boxer, Barbara [D-CA]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "BOXER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "CA" } ], "subjects": [ "Athletes", "California", "Congressional tributes", "Professional sports" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-06-26", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Congratulates the Los Angeles Kings on winning the 2014 Stanley Cup Championship.</p> <ul> </ul>", "update_date": "2014-07-26T15:12:01Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2014-06-26", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Congratulates the Los Angeles Kings on winning the 2014 Stanley Cup Championship.</p> <ul> </ul>", "update_date": "2014-07-26T15:12:10Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-06-26T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres491ats/xml/BILLS-113sres491ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution congratulating the Los Angeles Kings on winning the 2014 Stanley Cup Championship.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution congratulating the Los Angeles Kings on winning the 2014 Stanley Cup Championship.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution congratulating the Los Angeles Kings on winning the 2014 Stanley Cup Championship.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2019-02-20T12:28:54Z", "update_date_including_text": "2022-11-04T17:28:46Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-06-26T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres491ats/xml/BILLS-113sres491ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres491ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres491ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T02:09:01.467", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-491", "legis_num": 491, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-491-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 491 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES June 26, 2014 Mrs. Boxer (for herself and Mrs. Feinstein ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Congratulating the Los Angeles Kings on winning the 2014 Stanley Cup Championship.\n\nWhereas, on June 13, 2014, the Los Angeles Kings (referred to in this preamble as the Kings ) defeated the New York Rangers by a score of 3 to 2 in game 5 to win the 2014 Stanley Cup and be crowned champions of the National Hockey League (referred to in this preamble as the NHL ); Whereas defenseman Alex Martinez scored the Stanley Cup winning goal 14 minutes and 43 seconds into double overtime in game 5; Whereas the Kings are the first team to win the Stanley Cup twice in 3 seasons since the Detroit Red Wings consecutively won the Stanley Cup in the 1997 and 1998 seasons; Whereas the Kings became the first team in NHL history to win 3 series in the seventh game on the road during the postseason; Whereas the Kings have played 64 playoff games since 2012, the most in a 3 year span in NHL history; Whereas the Kings allowed only 168 goals during the regular 2013-2014 season, the fewest of any NHL team, thus earning goaltender Jonathan Quick the William M. Jennings trophy; Whereas the Kings also survived 7 playoff games in which they could have been eliminated but instead rallied from 2 goal deficits 4 times, including the first 2 games of the Stanley Cup Finals against the New York Rangers; Whereas all players on the 2013-2014 Kings roster should be congratulated, including Playoff Most Valuable Player Justin Williams and Team Captain Dustin Brown, as well as, Jeff Carter, Kyle Clifford, Drew Doughty, Marian Gaborik, Matt Greene, Martin Jones, Dwight King, Anze Kopitar, Trevor Lewis, Alec Martinez, Brayden McNabb, Willie Mitchell, Jake Muzzin, Jordan Nolan, Tanner Pearson, Jonathan Quick, Robyn Regehr, Mike Richards, Jarret Stoll, Tyler Toffoli, and Slava Voynov; and Whereas Team Owners Philip Anschutz and Edward Roski, General Manager Dean Lombardi, and Head Coach Darryl Sutter assembled the powerful team that comprises the 2014 Los Angeles Kings and led the team through a strong season that culminated in the winning of the Stanley Cup Championship: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) congratulates the Los Angeles Kings on winning the 2014 Stanley Cup Championship; and (2) commends Los Angeles Kings fans in not only California, but all across the United States for cheering the team to victory.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 491 ATS: Congratulating the Los Angeles Kings on winning the 2014 Stanley Cup Championship.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-06-26\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 491\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140626\">\n June 26, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S223\">\n Mrs. Boxer\n </sponsor>\n (for herself and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S221\">\n Mrs. Feinstein\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Congratulating the Los Angeles Kings on winning the 2014 Stanley Cup Championship.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, on June 13, 2014, the Los Angeles Kings (referred to in this preamble as the\n <quote>\n Kings\n </quote>\n ) defeated the New York Rangers by a score of 3 to 2 in game 5 to win the 2014 Stanley Cup and be\n\t\t\t crowned champions of the National Hockey League (referred to in this\n\t\t\t preamble as the\n <quote>\n NHL\n </quote>\n );\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas defenseman Alex Martinez scored the Stanley Cup winning goal 14 minutes and 43 seconds into\n\t\t\t double overtime in game 5;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Kings are the first team to win the Stanley Cup twice in 3 seasons since the Detroit\n\t\t\t Red Wings consecutively won the Stanley Cup in the 1997 and 1998 seasons;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Kings became the first team in NHL history to win 3 series in the seventh game on the\n\t\t\t road during the postseason;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Kings have played 64 playoff games since 2012, the most in a 3 year span in NHL\n\t\t\t history;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Kings allowed only 168 goals during the regular 2013-2014 season, the fewest of any NHL\n\t\t\t team, thus earning goaltender Jonathan Quick the William M. Jennings\n\t\t\t trophy;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Kings also survived 7 playoff games in which they could have been eliminated but\n\t\t\t instead rallied from 2 goal deficits 4 times, including the first 2 games\n\t\t\t of the Stanley Cup Finals against the New York Rangers;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas all players on the 2013-2014 Kings roster should be congratulated, including Playoff Most\n\t\t\t Valuable\n\t\t\t Player Justin Williams and Team Captain Dustin Brown, as well as, Jeff\n\t\t\t Carter, Kyle Clifford, Drew Doughty, Marian Gaborik, Matt Greene, Martin\n\t\t\t Jones, Dwight King, Anze Kopitar, Trevor Lewis, Alec Martinez, Brayden\n\t\t\t McNabb, Willie Mitchell, Jake Muzzin, Jordan Nolan, Tanner Pearson,\n\t\t\t Jonathan Quick, Robyn Regehr, Mike Richards, Jarret Stoll, Tyler Toffoli,\n\t\t\t and Slava Voynov; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Team Owners Philip Anschutz and Edward Roski, General Manager Dean Lombardi, and Head Coach\n\t\t\t Darryl Sutter assembled the powerful team that comprises the 2014 Los\n\t\t\t Angeles Kings and led the team through a strong season that culminated in\n\t\t\t the winning of the Stanley Cup Championship: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"idD6CD717073F14B55BBF50D47546F7421\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n congratulates the Los Angeles Kings on winning the 2014 Stanley Cup Championship; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id57EA75A8AD874CC69B10CBFDB9466302\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n commends Los Angeles Kings fans in not only California, but all across the United States for\n\t\t\t cheering the team to victory.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-04 19:13:01.374
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 492 </number> <updateDate> 2019-02-20T12:28:54Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2022-11-04T17:28:45Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-06-26 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-06-26 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4190; text as passed Senate: CR S4166) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-06-26 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S4190; text as passed Senate: CR S4166) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-06-26 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> K000367 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Klobuchar, Amy [D-MN] </fullName> <firstName> Amy </firstName> <lastName> Klobuchar </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MN </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> F000457 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Franken, Al [D-MN] </fullName> <firstName> Al </firstName> <lastName> Franken </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MN </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Arts, Culture, Religion </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Broadcasting, cable, digital technologies </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Minnesota </name> </item> <item> <name> Performing arts </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Arts, Culture, Religion </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-06-26 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-07-18T19:37:30Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Congratulates&amp;nbsp;the cast and crew of &lt;i&gt;A Prairie Home Companion&lt;/i&gt; for 40 years of radio programming&amp;nbsp;and recognizes&amp;nbsp;Minnesota Public Radio&amp;nbsp;and American Public Media for bringing&amp;nbsp;such program into millions of homes.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-06-26 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-07-18T19:37:44Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Congratulates&amp;nbsp;the cast and crew of &lt;i&gt;A Prairie Home Companion&lt;/i&gt; for 40 years of radio programming&amp;nbsp;and recognizes&amp;nbsp;Minnesota Public Radio&amp;nbsp;and American Public Media for bringing&amp;nbsp;such program into millions of homes.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution congratulating "A Prairie Home Companion" on its 40 years of engaging, humorous, and quality radio programming. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution congratulating "A Prairie Home Companion" on its 40 years of engaging, humorous, and quality radio programming. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution congratulating "A Prairie Home Companion" on its 40 years of engaging, humorous, and quality radio programming. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-06-26T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres492ats/xml/BILLS-113sres492ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-06-26 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4190; text as passed Senate: CR S4166) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-06-26", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4190; text as passed Senate: CR S4166)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2014-06-26", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S4190; text as passed Senate: CR S4166)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-06-26", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "F000457", "district": null, "first_name": "Al", "full_name": "Sen. Franken, Al [D-MN]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Franken", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-06-26", "state": "MN" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-06-26", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-06-26", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4190; text as passed Senate: CR S4166)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 492, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": null, "policy_area": "Arts, Culture, Religion", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "K000367", "district": null, "first_name": "Amy", "full_name": "Sen. Klobuchar, Amy [D-MN]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Klobuchar", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "MN" } ], "subjects": [ "Broadcasting, cable, digital technologies", "Congressional tributes", "Minnesota", "Performing arts" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-06-26", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Congratulates&nbsp;the cast and crew of <i>A Prairie Home Companion</i> for 40 years of radio programming&nbsp;and recognizes&nbsp;Minnesota Public Radio&nbsp;and American Public Media for bringing&nbsp;such program into millions of homes.</p> </p>", "update_date": "2014-07-18T19:37:30Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2014-06-26", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Congratulates&nbsp;the cast and crew of <i>A Prairie Home Companion</i> for 40 years of radio programming&nbsp;and recognizes&nbsp;Minnesota Public Radio&nbsp;and American Public Media for bringing&nbsp;such program into millions of homes.</p>", "update_date": "2014-07-18T19:37:44Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-06-26T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres492ats/xml/BILLS-113sres492ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution congratulating \"A Prairie Home Companion\" on its 40 years of engaging, humorous, and quality radio programming.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution congratulating \"A Prairie Home Companion\" on its 40 years of engaging, humorous, and quality radio programming.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution congratulating \"A Prairie Home Companion\" on its 40 years of engaging, humorous, and quality radio programming.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2019-02-20T12:28:54Z", "update_date_including_text": "2022-11-04T17:28:45Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-06-26T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres492ats/xml/BILLS-113sres492ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres492ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres492ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T02:09:01.221", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-492", "legis_num": 492, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-492-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 492 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES June 26, 2014 Ms. Klobuchar (for herself and Mr. Franken ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Congratulating A Prairie Home Companion on its 40 years of engaging, humorous, and quality radio programming.\n\nWhereas, for 40 years, A Prairie Home Companion has brought listeners from around the country to the fantastic town of Lake Wobegon, Minnesota; Whereas, in 2014, A Prairie Home Companion is a 2 hour radio variety program performed live that airs on Saturday afternoons ; Whereas over 600 radio stations carry A Prairie Home Companion to 4,000,000 listeners each week; Whereas A Prairie Home Companion was created by and is hosted by a Grammy Award winner who received the award in 1998 for Lake Wobegon Days ; Whereas 12 people were in the audience for the first broadcast of A Prairie Home Companion on July 6, 1974, at the Janet Wallace Auditorium at Macalester College in Saint Paul, Minnesota; Whereas, in 2014, A Prairie Home Companion is broadcast from the Fitzgerald Theater in Saint Paul, Minnesota, a historic building that is over 100 years old and was named after United States citizen and author F. Scott Fitzgerald; Whereas A Prairie Home Companion has won a Peabody Award; Whereas A Prairie Home Companion has broadcast from Canada, Ireland, Scotland, England, Germany, Iceland, and nearly every State in the United States; Whereas A Prairie Home Companion inspired a movie by the same name, which itself won 4 international awards; and Whereas in Lake Wobegon all the women are strong, all the men are good looking, and all the children are above average: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) congratulates— (A) the cast and crew of A Prairie Home Companion for 40 years of engaging, humorous, and quality radio programming; and (B) Minnesota Public Radio and American Public Media for bringing A Prairie Home Companion into the homes of millions for 40 years; and (2) directs the Secretary of the Senate to transmit an enrolled copy of this resolution to the creator and host of A Prairie Home Companion .", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 492 ATS: Congratulating “A Prairie Home Companion” on its 40 years of engaging, humorous, and quality radio programming.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-06-26\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 492\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140626\">\n June 26, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S311\">\n Ms. Klobuchar\n </sponsor>\n (for herself and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S332\">\n Mr. Franken\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Congratulating\n <quote>\n A Prairie Home Companion\n </quote>\n on its 40 years of engaging, humorous, and quality radio programming.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, for 40 years,\n <quote>\n A Prairie Home Companion\n </quote>\n has brought listeners from around the country to the fantastic town of Lake Wobegon, Minnesota;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, in 2014,\n <quote>\n A Prairie Home Companion\n </quote>\n is a 2 hour radio variety program performed live that airs on\tSaturday afternoons ;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas over 600 radio stations carry\n <quote>\n A Prairie Home Companion\n </quote>\n to 4,000,000 listeners each week;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas\n <quote>\n A Prairie Home Companion\n </quote>\n was created by and is hosted by a Grammy Award winner who received the award in 1998 for\n <quote>\n Lake Wobegon Days\n </quote>\n ;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas 12 people were in the audience for the first broadcast of\n <quote>\n A Prairie Home Companion\n </quote>\n on July 6, 1974, at the Janet Wallace Auditorium at Macalester College in Saint Paul, Minnesota;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, in 2014,\n <quote>\n A Prairie Home Companion\n </quote>\n is broadcast from the Fitzgerald Theater in Saint Paul, Minnesota, a historic building that is\n\t\t\t over 100 years old and was named after United States citizen and author F.\n\t\t\t Scott Fitzgerald;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas\n <quote>\n A Prairie Home Companion\n </quote>\n has won a Peabody Award;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas\n <quote>\n A Prairie Home Companion\n </quote>\n has broadcast from Canada, Ireland, Scotland, England, Germany, Iceland, and nearly every State in\n\t\t\t the United States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas\n <quote>\n A Prairie Home Companion\n </quote>\n inspired a movie by the same name, which itself won 4 international awards; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas in Lake Wobegon all the women are strong, all the men are good looking, and all the\n\t\t\t children are above average: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"idEBE84CF09E6D429A8E3884AC6BF2648A\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n congratulates—\n </text>\n <subparagraph id=\"id591BCCFDE62F41D994FAE864D2DF63CD\">\n <enum>\n (A)\n </enum>\n <text>\n the cast and crew of\n <quote>\n A Prairie Home Companion\n </quote>\n for 40 years of engaging, humorous, and quality radio programming; and\n </text>\n </subparagraph>\n <subparagraph id=\"idA570C1C970B94C0C8858BD0CCC0C8594\">\n <enum>\n (B)\n </enum>\n <text>\n Minnesota Public Radio and American Public Media for bringing\n <quote>\n A Prairie Home Companion\n </quote>\n into the homes of millions for 40 years; and\n </text>\n </subparagraph>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"ida3cdd1af678e4b1a805dbe8d0d82e681\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n directs the Secretary of the Senate to transmit an enrolled copy of this resolution to the creator\n\t\t\t and host of\n <quote>\n A Prairie Home Companion\n </quote>\n .\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-04 19:13:01.422
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 493 </number> <updateDate> 2019-02-20T12:28:54Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2022-11-04T17:28:46Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-06-26 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <relatedBills> <item> <title> A resolution designating July 12, 2013, as "Collector Car Appreciation Day" and recognizing that the collection and restoration of historic and classic cars is an important part of preserving the technological achievements and cultural heritage of the United States. </title> <congress> 113 </congress> <number> 176 </number> <type> SRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2013-06-19 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4725; text as passed Senate: CR S4676) </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-06-26 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4190; text as passed Senate: CR S4166) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-06-26 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S4190; text as passed Senate: CR S4166) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-06-26 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> T000464 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Tester, Jon [D-MT] </fullName> <firstName> Jon </firstName> <lastName> Tester </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MT </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> B001135 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Burr, Richard [R-NC] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Burr </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NC </state> <middleName> Mauze </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001265 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Begich, Mark [D-AK] </fullName> <firstName> Mark </firstName> <lastName> Begich </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AK </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Transportation and Public Works </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Commemorative events and holidays </name> </item> <item> <name> Motor vehicles </name> </item> <item> <name> Museums, exhibitions, cultural centers </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Transportation and Public Works </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-06-26 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-08-11T16:01:47Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Designates July 11, 2014, as Collector Car Appreciation Day.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Recognizes that the collection and restoration of historic and classic cars is an important part of preserving the technological achievements and cultural heritage of the United States. &lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-06-26 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-08-11T15:56:55Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Designates July 11, 2014, as Collector Car Appreciation Day.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Recognizes that the collection and restoration of historic and classic cars is an important part of preserving the technological achievements and cultural heritage of the United States. &lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution designating July 11, 2014, as "Collector Car Appreciation Day" and recognizing that the collection and restoration of historic and classic cars is an important part of preserving the technological achievements and cultural heritage of the United States. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution designating July 11, 2014, as "Collector Car Appreciation Day" and recognizing that the collection and restoration of historic and classic cars is an important part of preserving the technological achievements and cultural heritage of the United States. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution designating July 11, 2014, as "Collector Car Appreciation Day" and recognizing that the collection and restoration of historic and classic cars is an important part of preserving the technological achievements and cultural heritage of the United States. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-06-26T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres493ats/xml/BILLS-113sres493ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-06-26 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4190; text as passed Senate: CR S4166) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-06-26", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4190; text as passed Senate: CR S4166)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2014-06-26", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S4190; text as passed Senate: CR S4166)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-06-26", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "B001135", "district": null, "first_name": "Richard", "full_name": "Sen. Burr, Richard [R-NC]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Burr", "middle_name": "Mauze", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-06-26", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001265", "district": null, "first_name": "Mark", "full_name": "Sen. Begich, Mark [D-AK]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Begich", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-06-26", "state": "AK" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-06-26", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-06-26", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4190; text as passed Senate: CR S4166)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 493, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": null, "policy_area": "Transportation and Public Works", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 113, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2013-06-19", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4725; text as passed Senate: CR S4676)", "type": null }, "number": 176, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "A resolution designating July 12, 2013, as \"Collector Car Appreciation Day\" and recognizing that the collection and restoration of historic and classic cars is an important part of preserving the technological achievements and cultural heritage of the United States.", "type": "SRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "T000464", "district": null, "first_name": "Jon", "full_name": "Sen. Tester, Jon [D-MT]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Tester", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "MT" } ], "subjects": [ "Commemorative events and holidays", "Motor vehicles", "Museums, exhibitions, cultural centers" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-06-26", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Designates July 11, 2014, as Collector Car Appreciation Day.</p> <p>Recognizes that the collection and restoration of historic and classic cars is an important part of preserving the technological achievements and cultural heritage of the United States. </p>", "update_date": "2014-08-11T16:01:47Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2014-06-26", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Designates July 11, 2014, as Collector Car Appreciation Day.</p> <p>Recognizes that the collection and restoration of historic and classic cars is an important part of preserving the technological achievements and cultural heritage of the United States. </p>", "update_date": "2014-08-11T15:56:55Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-06-26T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres493ats/xml/BILLS-113sres493ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution designating July 11, 2014, as \"Collector Car Appreciation Day\" and recognizing that the collection and restoration of historic and classic cars is an important part of preserving the technological achievements and cultural heritage of the United States.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating July 11, 2014, as \"Collector Car Appreciation Day\" and recognizing that the collection and restoration of historic and classic cars is an important part of preserving the technological achievements and cultural heritage of the United States.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating July 11, 2014, as \"Collector Car Appreciation Day\" and recognizing that the collection and restoration of historic and classic cars is an important part of preserving the technological achievements and cultural heritage of the United States.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2019-02-20T12:28:54Z", "update_date_including_text": "2022-11-04T17:28:46Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-06-26T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres493ats/xml/BILLS-113sres493ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres493ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres493ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T02:08:02.299", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-493", "legis_num": 493, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-493-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 493 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES June 26, 2014 Mr. Tester (for himself, Mr. Burr , and Mr. Begich ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Designating July 11, 2014, as Collector Car Appreciation Day and recognizing that the collection and restoration of historic and classic cars is an important part of preserving the technological achievements and cultural heritage of the United States.\n\nWhereas many people in the United States maintain classic automobiles as a pastime and do so with great passion and as a means of individual expression; Whereas the Senate recognizes the effect that the more than 100-year history of the automobile has had on the economic progress of the United States and supports wholeheartedly all activities involved in the restoration and exhibition of classic automobiles; Whereas the collection, restoration, and preservation of automobiles is an activity shared across generations and across all segments of society; Whereas thousands of local car clubs and related businesses have been instrumental in preserving a historic part of the heritage of the United States by encouraging the restoration and exhibition of such vintage works of art; Whereas automotive restoration provides well-paying, high-skilled jobs for people in all 50 States; and Whereas automobiles have provided the inspiration for music, photography, cinema, fashion, and other artistic pursuits that have become part of the popular culture of the United States: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) designates July 11, 2014, as Collector Car Appreciation Day ; (2) recognizes that the collection and restoration of historic and classic cars is an important part of preserving the technological achievements and cultural heritage of the United States; and (3) encourages the people of the United States to engage in events and commemorations of Collector Car Appreciation Day that create opportunities for collector car owners to educate young people about the importance of preserving the cultural heritage of the United States, including through the collection and restoration of collector cars.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 493 ATS: Designating July 11, 2014, as Collector Car Appreciation Day and recognizing that the collection and restoration of historic and classic cars is an important part of preserving the technological achievements and cultural heritage of the United States.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-06-26\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 493\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140626\">\n June 26, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S314\">\n Mr. Tester\n </sponsor>\n (for himself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S300\">\n Mr. Burr\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S319\">\n Mr. Begich\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Designating July 11, 2014, as\n <term>\n Collector Car Appreciation Day\n </term>\n and recognizing that the collection\n\t\t and restoration of historic and classic cars is an important part of preserving\n\t\t the technological achievements and cultural heritage of the United\n\t\t States.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas many people in the United States maintain classic\n\t\t\t automobiles as a pastime and do so with great passion and as a means of\n\t\t\t individual expression;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Senate recognizes the effect that the more\n\t\t\t than 100-year history of the automobile has had on the economic progress\n\t\t\t of the\n\t\t\t United States and supports wholeheartedly all activities involved in the\n\t\t\t restoration and exhibition of classic automobiles;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the collection, restoration, and preservation of\n\t\t\t automobiles is an activity shared across generations and across all\n\t\t\t segments of\n\t\t\t society;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas thousands of local car clubs and related\n\t\t\t businesses have been instrumental in preserving a historic part of the\n\t\t\t heritage\n\t\t\t of the United States by encouraging the restoration and exhibition of such\n\t\t\t vintage works of art;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas automotive restoration provides well-paying,\n\t\t\t high-skilled jobs for people in all 50 States; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas automobiles have provided the inspiration for\n\t\t\t music, photography, cinema, fashion, and other artistic pursuits that have\n\t\t\t become part of the popular culture of the United States: Now, therefore,\n\t\t\t be\n\t\t\t it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"idcde15a0635334320afa456ac9558753a\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n designates July\n\t\t\t 11, 2014, as\n <term>\n Collector Car Appreciation Day\n </term>\n ;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id575f8c0f7290400ea58f155d1675e76a\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n recognizes that\n\t\t\t the collection and restoration of historic and classic cars is an\n\t\t\t important\n\t\t\t part of preserving the technological achievements and cultural heritage of\n\t\t\t the\n\t\t\t United States; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph commented=\"no\" display-inline=\"no-display-inline\" id=\"idc839e651cce0491897d918a6852d64e1\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n encourages the\n\t\t\t people of the United States to engage in events and commemorations of\n\t\t\t Collector\n\t\t\t Car Appreciation Day that create opportunities for collector car owners to\n\t\t\t educate young people about the importance of preserving the cultural\n\t\t\t heritage\n\t\t\t of the United States, including through the collection and restoration of\n\t\t\t collector cars.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-05 01:01:00.296
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 494 </number> <updateDate> 2022-03-03T21:27:53Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2022-11-04T17:28:45Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-06-26 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-06-30 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Message on Senate action sent to the House. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-06-26 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4190; text as passed Senate: CR S4166) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-06-26 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S4190; text as passed Senate: CR S4166) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-06-26 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> M000355 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. McConnell, Mitch [R-KY] </fullName> <firstName> Mitch </firstName> <lastName> McConnell </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KY </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> R000146 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Reid, Harry [D-NV] </fullName> <firstName> HARRY </firstName> <lastName> REID </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NV </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> A000360 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Alexander, Lamar [R-TN] </fullName> <firstName> Lamar </firstName> <lastName> Alexander </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TN </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001071 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Corker, Bob [R-TN] </fullName> <firstName> Bob </firstName> <lastName> Corker </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TN </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> A000368 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Ayotte, Kelly [R-NH] </fullName> <firstName> Kelly </firstName> <lastName> Ayotte </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001230 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Baldwin, Tammy [D-WI] </fullName> <firstName> Tammy </firstName> <lastName> Baldwin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WI </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001261 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Barrasso, John [R-WY] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Barrasso </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> WY </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001265 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Begich, Mark [D-AK] </fullName> <firstName> Mark </firstName> <lastName> Begich </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AK </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001267 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Bennet, Michael F. [D-CO] </fullName> <firstName> Michael </firstName> <lastName> Bennet </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CO </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001277 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Blumenthal, Richard [D-CT] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Blumenthal </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CT </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000575 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Blunt, Roy [R-MO] </fullName> <firstName> Roy </firstName> <lastName> Blunt </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MO </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001288 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Booker, Cory A. [D-NJ] </fullName> <firstName> Cory </firstName> <lastName> Booker </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001236 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Boozman, John [R-AR] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Boozman </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AR </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000711 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Boxer, Barbara [D-CA] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> BOXER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000944 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Brown, Sherrod [D-OH] </fullName> <firstName> Sherrod </firstName> <lastName> Brown </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001135 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Burr, Richard [R-NC] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Burr </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NC </state> <middleName> Mauze </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000127 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cantwell, Maria [D-WA] </fullName> <firstName> Maria </firstName> <lastName> Cantwell </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000141 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cardin, Benjamin L. [D-MD] </fullName> <firstName> Ben </firstName> <lastName> Cardin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000174 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Carper, Thomas R. [D-DE] </fullName> <firstName> Thomas </firstName> <lastName> Carper </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> DE </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001070 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Casey, Robert P., Jr. [D-PA] </fullName> <firstName> Bob </firstName> <lastName> Casey </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> PA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000286 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Chambliss, Saxby [R-GA] </fullName> <firstName> SAXBY </firstName> <lastName> CHAMBLISS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> GA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000542 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Coats, Daniel [R-IN] </fullName> <firstName> DANIEL </firstName> <lastName> COATS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IN </state> <middleName> RAY </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000560 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Coburn, Tom [R-OK] </fullName> <firstName> TOM </firstName> <lastName> COBURN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OK </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000567 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cochran, Thad [R-MS] </fullName> <firstName> Thad </firstName> <lastName> Cochran </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MS </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001035 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Collins, Susan M. [R-ME] </fullName> <firstName> Susan </firstName> <lastName> Collins </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ME </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001088 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Coons, Christopher A. [D-DE] </fullName> <firstName> Christopher </firstName> <lastName> Coons </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> DE </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001056 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cornyn, John [R-TX] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Cornyn </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TX </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000880 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Crapo, Mike [R-ID] </fullName> <firstName> Mike </firstName> <lastName> Crapo </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ID </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001098 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cruz, Ted [R-TX] </fullName> <firstName> Ted </firstName> <lastName> Cruz </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TX </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000607 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Donnelly, Joe [D-IN] </fullName> <firstName> Joe </firstName> <lastName> Donnelly </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IN </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000563 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Durbin, Richard J. [D-IL] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Durbin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> E000285 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Enzi, Michael B. [R-WY] </fullName> <firstName> MICHAEL </firstName> <lastName> ENZI </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> WY </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000062 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA] </fullName> <firstName> Dianne </firstName> <lastName> Feinstein </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000463 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Fischer, Deb [R-NE] </fullName> <firstName> Deb </firstName> <lastName> Fischer </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NE </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000444 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Flake, Jeff [R-AZ] </fullName> <firstName> JEFF </firstName> <lastName> FLAKE </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AZ </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000457 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Franken, Al [D-MN] </fullName> <firstName> Al </firstName> <lastName> Franken </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MN </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000555 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Gillibrand, Kirsten E. [D-NY] </fullName> <firstName> Kirsten </firstName> <lastName> Gillibrand </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000359 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Graham, Lindsey [R-SC] </fullName> <firstName> Lindsey </firstName> <lastName> Graham </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> SC </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000386 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Grassley, Chuck [R-IA] </fullName> <firstName> Charles </firstName> <lastName> Grassley </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IA </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001049 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hagan, Kay R. [D-NC] </fullName> <firstName> Kay </firstName> <lastName> Hagan </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NC </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000206 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Harkin, Tom [D-IA] </fullName> <firstName> THOMAS </firstName> <lastName> HARKIN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IA </state> <middleName> RICHARD </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000338 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hatch, Orrin G. [R-UT] </fullName> <firstName> ORRIN </firstName> <lastName> HATCH </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> UT </state> <middleName> GRANT </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001046 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Heinrich, Martin [D-NM] </fullName> <firstName> Martin </firstName> <lastName> Heinrich </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NM </state> <middleName> T. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001069 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Heitkamp, Heidi [D-ND] </fullName> <firstName> Heidi </firstName> <lastName> Heitkamp </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> ND </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001041 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Heller, Dean [R-NV] </fullName> <firstName> Dean </firstName> <lastName> Heller </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NV </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001042 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hirono, Mazie K. [D-HI] </fullName> <firstName> Mazie </firstName> <lastName> Hirono </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> HI </state> <middleName> K. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001061 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hoeven, John [R-ND] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Hoeven </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ND </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> I000024 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Inhofe, James M. [R-OK] </fullName> <firstName> Jim </firstName> <lastName> Inhofe </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OK </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> I000055 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Isakson, Johnny [R-GA] </fullName> <firstName> Johnny </firstName> <lastName> Isakson </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> GA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000291 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Johanns, Mike [R-NE] </fullName> <firstName> Mike </firstName> <lastName> Johanns </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NE </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000293 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Johnson, Ron [R-WI] </fullName> <firstName> Ron </firstName> <lastName> Johnson </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> WI </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000177 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Johnson, Tim [D-SD] </fullName> <firstName> TIM </firstName> <lastName> JOHNSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> SD </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000384 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Kaine, Tim [D-VA] </fullName> <firstName> Timothy </firstName> <lastName> Kaine </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000383 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. King, Angus S., Jr. [I-ME] </fullName> <firstName> Angus </firstName> <lastName> King </lastName> <party> I </party> <state> ME </state> <middleName> S. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000360 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Kirk, Mark Steven [R-IL] </fullName> <firstName> MARK </firstName> <lastName> KIRK </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> STEVEN </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000367 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Klobuchar, Amy [D-MN] </fullName> <firstName> Amy </firstName> <lastName> Klobuchar </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MN </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000550 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Landrieu, Mary L. [D-LA] </fullName> <firstName> MARY </firstName> <lastName> LANDRIEU </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> LA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000174 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Leahy, Patrick J. [D-VT] </fullName> <firstName> Patrick </firstName> <lastName> Leahy </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VT </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000577 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Lee, Mike [R-UT] </fullName> <firstName> Mike </firstName> <lastName> Lee </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> UT </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000261 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Levin, Carl [D-MI] </fullName> <firstName> CARL </firstName> <lastName> LEVIN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <middleName> MILTON </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001183 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Manchin, Joe, III [D-WV] </fullName> <firstName> Joseph </firstName> <lastName> Manchin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WV </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000133 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Markey, Edward J. [D-MA] </fullName> <firstName> Edward </firstName> <lastName> Markey </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000303 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. McCain, John [R-AZ] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> MCCAIN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AZ </state> <middleName> SIDNEY </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001170 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. McCaskill, Claire [D-MO] </fullName> <firstName> Claire </firstName> <lastName> McCaskill </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MO </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000639 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Menendez, Robert [D-NJ] </fullName> <firstName> Robert </firstName> <lastName> Menendez </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001176 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Merkley, Jeff [D-OR] </fullName> <firstName> Jeff </firstName> <lastName> Merkley </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OR </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000702 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Mikulski, Barbara A. [D-MD] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> MIKULSKI </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> ANN </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000934 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Moran, Jerry [R-KS] </fullName> <firstName> Jerry </firstName> <lastName> Moran </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KS </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001153 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Murkowski, Lisa [R-AK] </fullName> <firstName> Lisa </firstName> <lastName> Murkowski </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AK </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001169 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Murphy, Christopher [D-CT] </fullName> <firstName> Christopher </firstName> <lastName> Murphy </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CT </state> <middleName> S. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001111 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Murray, Patty [D-WA] </fullName> <firstName> Patty </firstName> <lastName> Murray </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> N000032 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Nelson, Bill [D-FL] </fullName> <firstName> CLARENCE </firstName> <lastName> NELSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <middleName> WILLIAM </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000603 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Paul, Rand [R-KY] </fullName> <firstName> Rand </firstName> <lastName> Paul </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KY </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000449 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Portman, Rob [R-OH] </fullName> <firstName> Rob </firstName> <lastName> Portman </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000590 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Pryor, Mark L. [D-AR] </fullName> <firstName> Mark </firstName> <lastName> Pryor </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AR </state> <middleName> Lunsford </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000122 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Reed, Jack [D-RI] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Reed </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> RI </state> <middleName> F. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000584 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Risch, James E. [R-ID] </fullName> <firstName> James </firstName> <lastName> Risch </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ID </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000307 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Roberts, Pat [R-KS] </fullName> <firstName> PAT </firstName> <lastName> ROBERTS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KS </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000361 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Rockefeller, John D., IV [D-WV] </fullName> <firstName> JAY </firstName> <lastName> ROCKEFELLER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WV </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000595 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Rubio, Marco [R-FL] </fullName> <firstName> Marco </firstName> <lastName> Rubio </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000033 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Sanders, Bernard [I-VT] </fullName> <firstName> Bernard </firstName> <lastName> Sanders </lastName> <party> I </party> <state> VT </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001194 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Schatz, Brian [D-HI] </fullName> <firstName> Brian </firstName> <lastName> Schatz </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> HI </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000148 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Schumer, Charles E. [D-NY] </fullName> <firstName> Charles </firstName> <lastName> Schumer </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001184 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Scott, Tim [R-SC] </fullName> <firstName> Tim </firstName> <lastName> Scott </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> SC </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001141 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Sessions, Jeff [R-AL] </fullName> <firstName> Jeff </firstName> <lastName> Sessions </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AL </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001181 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Shaheen, Jeanne [D-NH] </fullName> <firstName> Jeanne </firstName> <lastName> Shaheen </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000320 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Shelby, Richard C. [R-AL] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Shelby </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AL </state> <middleName> C. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000770 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Stabenow, Debbie [D-MI] </fullName> <firstName> Debbie </firstName> <lastName> Stabenow </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000464 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Tester, Jon [D-MT] </fullName> <firstName> Jon </firstName> <lastName> Tester </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MT </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000250 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Thune, John [R-SD] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Thune </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> SD </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000461 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Toomey, Patrick [R-PA] </fullName> <firstName> Patrick </firstName> <lastName> Toomey </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> PA </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> U000038 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Udall, Mark [D-CO] </fullName> <firstName> MARK </firstName> <lastName> UDALL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CO </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> U000039 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Udall, Tom [D-NM] </fullName> <firstName> TOM </firstName> <lastName> UDALL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NM </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> V000127 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Vitter, David [R-LA] </fullName> <firstName> David </firstName> <lastName> Vitter </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> LA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000818 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Walsh, John E. [D-MT] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Walsh </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MT </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000805 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Warner, Mark R. [D-VA] </fullName> <firstName> Mark </firstName> <lastName> Warner </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000817 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Warren, Elizabeth [D-MA] </fullName> <firstName> Elizabeth </firstName> <lastName> Warren </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000802 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Whitehouse, Sheldon [D-RI] </fullName> <firstName> Sheldon </firstName> <lastName> Whitehouse </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> RI </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000437 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Wicker, Roger F. [R-MS] </fullName> <firstName> Roger </firstName> <lastName> Wicker </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MS </state> <middleName> F. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000779 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Wyden, Ron [D-OR] </fullName> <firstName> Ron </firstName> <lastName> Wyden </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OR </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Congress </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Members of Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Senate </name> </item> <item> <name> Tennessee </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Congress </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-06-26 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-07-15T20:21:13Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Declares that the Senate has heard with profound sorrow and deep regret the announcement of the death of the Honorable Howard H. Baker, Jr., former member of the U.S. Senate.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Declares that when the Senate adjourns June 26, 2014, it stand adjourned as a further mark of respect to the memory of Senator Baker, Jr. &lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-06-26 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-07-15T20:20:50Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Declares that the Senate has heard with profound sorrow and deep regret the announcement of the death of the Honorable Howard H. Baker, Jr., former member of the U.S. Senate.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Declares that when the Senate adjourns June 26, 2014, it stand adjourned as a further mark of respect to the memory of Senator Baker, Jr.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution relative to the death of Howard H. Baker, Jr., former United States Senator for the State of Tennessee. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution relative to the death of Howard H. Baker, Jr., former United States Senator for the State of Tennessee. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution relative to the death of Howard H. Baker, Jr., former United States Senator for the State of Tennessee. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-06-26T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres494ats/xml/BILLS-113sres494ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-06-30 </actionDate> <text> Message on Senate action sent to the House. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-06-30", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Message on Senate action sent to the House.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-06-26", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4190; text as passed Senate: CR S4166)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2014-06-26", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S4190; text as passed Senate: CR S4166)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-06-26", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "R000146", "district": null, "first_name": "HARRY", "full_name": "Sen. Reid, Harry [D-NV]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "REID", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-06-26", "state": "NV" }, { "bioguide_id": "A000360", "district": null, "first_name": "Lamar", "full_name": "Sen. Alexander, Lamar [R-TN]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Alexander", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-06-26", "state": "TN" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001071", "district": null, "first_name": "Bob", "full_name": "Sen. Corker, Bob [R-TN]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Corker", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-06-26", "state": "TN" }, { "bioguide_id": "A000368", "district": null, "first_name": "Kelly", "full_name": "Sen. Ayotte, Kelly [R-NH]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Ayotte", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-06-26", "state": "NH" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001230", "district": null, "first_name": "Tammy", "full_name": "Sen. Baldwin, Tammy [D-WI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Baldwin", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-06-26", "state": "WI" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001261", "district": null, "first_name": "John", "full_name": "Sen. Barrasso, John [R-WY]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Barrasso", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-06-26", "state": "WY" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001265", "district": null, "first_name": "Mark", "full_name": "Sen. Begich, Mark [D-AK]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Begich", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-06-26", "state": "AK" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001267", "district": null, "first_name": "Michael", "full_name": "Sen. Bennet, Michael F. [D-CO]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Bennet", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-06-26", "state": "CO" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001277", "district": null, "first_name": "Richard", "full_name": "Sen. Blumenthal, Richard [D-CT]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Blumenthal", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-06-26", "state": "CT" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000575", "district": null, "first_name": "Roy", "full_name": "Sen. 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Cantwell, Maria [D-WA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Cantwell", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-06-26", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000141", "district": null, "first_name": "Ben", "full_name": "Sen. Cardin, Benjamin L. [D-MD]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Cardin", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-06-26", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000174", "district": null, "first_name": "Thomas", "full_name": "Sen. Carper, Thomas R. [D-DE]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Carper", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-06-26", "state": "DE" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001070", "district": null, "first_name": "Bob", "full_name": "Sen. Casey, Robert P., Jr. [D-PA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Casey", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-06-26", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000286", "district": null, "first_name": "SAXBY", "full_name": "Sen. Chambliss, Saxby [R-GA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CHAMBLISS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-06-26", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000542", "district": null, "first_name": "DANIEL", "full_name": "Sen. Coats, Daniel [R-IN]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "COATS", "middle_name": "RAY", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-06-26", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000560", "district": null, "first_name": "TOM", "full_name": "Sen. 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[D-DE]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Coons", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-06-26", "state": "DE" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001056", "district": null, "first_name": "John", "full_name": "Sen. Cornyn, John [R-TX]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Cornyn", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-06-26", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000880", "district": null, "first_name": "Mike", "full_name": "Sen. Crapo, Mike [R-ID]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Crapo", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-06-26", "state": "ID" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001098", "district": null, "first_name": "Ted", "full_name": "Sen. Cruz, Ted [R-TX]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Cruz", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-06-26", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000607", "district": null, "first_name": "Joe", "full_name": "Sen. Donnelly, Joe [D-IN]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Donnelly", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-06-26", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000563", "district": null, "first_name": "Richard", "full_name": "Sen. Durbin, Richard J. [D-IL]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Durbin", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-06-26", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "E000285", "district": null, "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Sen. Enzi, Michael B. [R-WY]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ENZI", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-06-26", "state": "WY" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000062", "district": null, "first_name": "Dianne", "full_name": "Sen. 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[R-UT]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HATCH", "middle_name": "GRANT", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-06-26", "state": "UT" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001046", "district": null, "first_name": "Martin", "full_name": "Sen. Heinrich, Martin [D-NM]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Heinrich", "middle_name": "T.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-06-26", "state": "NM" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001069", "district": null, "first_name": "Heidi", "full_name": "Sen. Heitkamp, Heidi [D-ND]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Heitkamp", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-06-26", "state": "ND" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001041", "district": null, "first_name": "Dean", "full_name": "Sen. Heller, Dean [R-NV]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Heller", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-06-26", "state": "NV" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001042", "district": null, "first_name": "Mazie", "full_name": "Sen. 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For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-06-26", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-06-30", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Message on Senate action sent to the House.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 494, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Congress", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "M000355", "district": null, "first_name": "Mitch", "full_name": "Sen. McConnell, Mitch [R-KY]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "McConnell", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "KY" } ], "subjects": [ "Congressional tributes", "Members of Congress", "Senate", "Tennessee" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-06-26", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Declares that the Senate has heard with profound sorrow and deep regret the announcement of the death of the Honorable Howard H. Baker, Jr., former member of the U.S. Senate.</p> <p>Declares that when the Senate adjourns June 26, 2014, it stand adjourned as a further mark of respect to the memory of Senator Baker, Jr. </p>", "update_date": "2014-07-15T20:21:13Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2014-06-26", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Declares that the Senate has heard with profound sorrow and deep regret the announcement of the death of the Honorable Howard H. Baker, Jr., former member of the U.S. Senate.</p> <p>Declares that when the Senate adjourns June 26, 2014, it stand adjourned as a further mark of respect to the memory of Senator Baker, Jr.</p>", "update_date": "2014-07-15T20:20:50Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-06-26T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres494ats/xml/BILLS-113sres494ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution relative to the death of Howard H. Baker, Jr., former United States Senator for the State of Tennessee.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution relative to the death of Howard H. Baker, Jr., former United States Senator for the State of Tennessee.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution relative to the death of Howard H. Baker, Jr., former United States Senator for the State of Tennessee.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2022-03-03T21:27:53Z", "update_date_including_text": "2022-11-04T17:28:45Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-06-26T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres494ats/xml/BILLS-113sres494ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres494ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres494ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T02:08:02.415", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-494", "legis_num": 494, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-494-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 494 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES June 26, 2014 Mr. McConnell (for himself, Mr. Reid , Mr. Alexander , Mr. Corker , Ms. Ayotte , Ms. Baldwin , Mr. Barrasso , Mr. Begich , Mr. Bennet , Mr. Blumenthal , Mr. Blunt , Mr. Booker , Mr. Boozman , Mrs. Boxer , Mr. Brown , Mr. Burr , Ms. Cantwell , Mr. Cardin , Mr. Carper , Mr. Casey , Mr. Chambliss , Mr. Coats , Mr. Coburn , Mr. Cochran , Ms. Collins , Mr. Coons , Mr. Cornyn , Mr. Crapo , Mr. Cruz , Mr. Donnelly , Mr. Durbin , Mr. Enzi , Mrs. Feinstein , Mrs. Fischer , Mr. Flake , Mr. Franken , Mrs. Gillibrand , Mr. Graham , Mr. Grassley , Mrs. Hagan , Mr. Harkin , Mr. Hatch , Mr. Heinrich , Ms. Heitkamp , Mr. Heller , Ms. Hirono , Mr. Hoeven , Mr. Inhofe , Mr. Isakson , Mr. Johanns , Mr. Johnson of Wisconsin , Mr. Johnson of South Dakota , Mr. Kaine , Mr. King , Mr. Kirk , Ms. Klobuchar , Ms. Landrieu , Mr. Leahy , Mr. Lee , Mr. Levin , Mr. Manchin , Mr. Markey , Mr. McCain , Mrs. McCaskill , Mr. Menendez , Mr. Merkley , Ms. Mikulski , Mr. Moran , Ms. Murkowski , Mr. Murphy , Mrs. Murray , Mr. Nelson , Mr. Paul , Mr. Portman , Mr. Pryor , Mr. Reed , Mr. Risch , Mr. Roberts , Mr. Rockefeller , Mr. Rubio , Mr. Sanders , Mr. Schatz , Mr. Schumer , Mr. Scott , Mr. Sessions , Mrs. Shaheen , Mr. Shelby , Ms. Stabenow , Mr. Tester , Mr. Thune , Mr. Toomey , Mr. Udall of Colorado , Mr. Udall of New Mexico , Mr. Vitter , Mr. Walsh , Mr. Warner , Ms. Warren , Mr. Whitehouse , Mr. Wicker , and Mr. Wyden ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Relative to the death of Howard H. Baker, Jr., former United States Senator for the State of Tennessee.\n\nWhereas Howard H. Baker, Jr. was born in Tennessee in 1925, graduated from the University of Tennessee Law College in 1949, and was admitted to the Tennessee bar after which he commenced practice in his beloved state; Whereas Howard H. Baker, Jr. served in the United States Navy during World War II from 1943–1946; Whereas Howard H. Baker, Jr. was first elected to the United States Senate in 1966 and served three terms as a Senator from the State of Tennessee; Whereas Howard H. Baker, Jr. served the Senate as the Republican Leader from 1977–1981 and as the Majority Leader from 1981–1985; Whereas Howard H. Baker, Jr. was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom on March 26, 1984; Whereas following his service as Senator, Howard H. Baker, Jr. continued to serve his country as chief of staff to President Ronald Reagan from 1987–1988 and as United States Ambassador to Japan from 2001–2005; Whereas Howard H. Baker, Jr. was known for his commitment to civility in public life, admonishing his fellow citizens to accord a decent respect for differing points of view : Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate has heard with profound sorrow and deep regret the announcement of the death of the Honorable Howard H. Baker, Jr., former member of the United States Senate. That the Secretary of the Senate communicate these resolutions to the House of Representatives and transmit an enrolled copy thereof to the family of the deceased. That when the Senate adjourns today, it stand adjourned as a further mark of respect to the memory of the Honorable Howard H. Baker, Jr.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 494 ATS: Relative to the death of Howard H. Baker, Jr., former United States Senator for the State of Tennessee.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date/>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 494\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date>\n June 26, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S174\">\n Mr. McConnell\n </sponsor>\n (for himself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S198\">\n Mr. Reid\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S289\">\n Mr. Alexander\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S310\">\n Mr. Corker\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S340\">\n Ms. Ayotte\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S354\">\n Ms. Baldwin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S317\">\n Mr. Barrasso\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S319\">\n Mr. Begich\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S330\">\n Mr. Bennet\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S341\">\n Mr. Blumenthal\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S342\">\n Mr. Blunt\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S370\">\n Mr. Booker\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S343\">\n Mr. Boozman\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S223\">\n Mrs. Boxer\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S307\">\n Mr. Brown\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S300\">\n Mr. Burr\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S275\">\n Ms. Cantwell\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S308\">\n Mr. Cardin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S277\">\n Mr. Carper\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S309\">\n Mr. Casey\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S290\">\n Mr. Chambliss\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S212\">\n Mr. Coats\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S301\">\n Mr. Coburn\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S136\">\n Mr. Cochran\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S252\">\n Ms. Collins\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S337\">\n Mr. Coons\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S287\">\n Mr. Cornyn\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S266\">\n Mr. Crapo\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S355\">\n Mr. Cruz\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S356\">\n Mr. Donnelly\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S253\">\n Mr. Durbin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S254\">\n Mr. Enzi\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S221\">\n Mrs. Feinstein\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S357\">\n Mrs. Fischer\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S358\">\n Mr. Flake\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S332\">\n Mr. Franken\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S331\">\n Mrs. Gillibrand\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S293\">\n Mr. Graham\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S153\">\n Mr. Grassley\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S320\">\n Mrs. Hagan\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S172\">\n Mr. Harkin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S118\">\n Mr. Hatch\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S359\">\n Mr. Heinrich\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S360\">\n Ms. Heitkamp\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S352\">\n Mr. Heller\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S361\">\n Ms. Hirono\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S344\">\n Mr. Hoeven\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S236\">\n Mr. Inhofe\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S305\">\n Mr. Isakson\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S321\">\n Mr. Johanns\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S345\">\n Mr. Johnson of Wisconsin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S257\">\n Mr. Johnson of South Dakota\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S362\">\n Mr. Kaine\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S363\">\n Mr. King\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S339\">\n Mr. Kirk\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S311\">\n Ms. Klobuchar\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S258\">\n Ms. Landrieu\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S057\">\n Mr. Leahy\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S346\">\n Mr. Lee\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S131\">\n Mr. Levin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S338\">\n Mr. Manchin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S369\">\n Mr. Markey\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S197\">\n Mr. McCain\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S312\">\n Mrs. McCaskill\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S306\">\n Mr. Menendez\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S322\">\n Mr. Merkley\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S182\">\n Ms. Mikulski\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S347\">\n Mr. Moran\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S288\">\n Ms. Murkowski\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S364\">\n Mr. Murphy\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S229\">\n Mrs. Murray\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S282\">\n Mr. Nelson\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S348\">\n Mr. Paul\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S349\">\n Mr. Portman\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S295\">\n Mr. Pryor\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S259\">\n Mr. Reed\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S323\">\n Mr. Risch\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S260\">\n Mr. Roberts\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S176\">\n Mr. Rockefeller\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S350\">\n Mr. Rubio\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S313\">\n Mr. Sanders\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S353\">\n Mr. Schatz\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S270\">\n Mr. Schumer\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S365\">\n Mr. Scott\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S261\">\n Mr. Sessions\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S324\">\n Mrs. Shaheen\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S184\">\n Mr. Shelby\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S284\">\n Ms. Stabenow\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S314\">\n Mr. Tester\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S303\">\n Mr. Thune\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S351\">\n Mr. Toomey\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S325\">\n Mr. Udall of Colorado\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S326\">\n Mr. Udall of New Mexico\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S299\">\n Mr. Vitter\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S371\">\n Mr. Walsh\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S327\">\n Mr. Warner\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S366\">\n Ms. Warren\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S316\">\n Mr. Whitehouse\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S318\">\n Mr. Wicker\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S247\">\n Mr. Wyden\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Relative to the death of Howard H. Baker, Jr., former United States Senator for the State of\n\t\t\t Tennessee.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Howard H. Baker, Jr. was born in Tennessee in 1925, graduated from the University of\n\t\t\t Tennessee Law College in 1949, and was admitted to the Tennessee bar after\n\t\t\t which he commenced practice in his beloved state;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Howard H. Baker, Jr. served in the United States Navy during World War II from 1943–1946;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Howard H. Baker, Jr. was first elected to the United States Senate in 1966 and served\n\t\t\t three terms as a Senator from the State of Tennessee;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Howard H. Baker, Jr. served the Senate as the Republican Leader from 1977–1981 and as the\n\t\t\t Majority Leader from 1981–1985;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Howard H. Baker, Jr. was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom on March 26, 1984;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas following his service as Senator, Howard H. Baker, Jr. continued to serve his country as\n\t\t\t chief of staff to President Ronald Reagan from 1987–1988 and as United\n\t\t\t States Ambassador to Japan from 2001–2005;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Howard H. Baker, Jr. was known for his commitment to civility in public life, admonishing\n\t\t\t his fellow citizens to accord\n <quote>\n a decent respect for differing points of view\n </quote>\n : Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\">\n That the Senate has heard with profound sorrow and deep regret the announcement of the death of the\n\t\t\t Honorable Howard H. Baker, Jr., former member of the United States\n\t\t\t Senate.\n </text>\n </section>\n <section id=\"id3B8CF8330C5149918424D9BD2093CD47\" section-type=\"resolved\">\n <text display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\">\n That the Secretary of the Senate communicate these resolutions to the House of Representatives and\n\t\t\t transmit an enrolled copy thereof to the family of the deceased.\n </text>\n </section>\n <section id=\"idE762579534C44CAD98070DEA287BB3AE\" section-type=\"resolved\">\n <text display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\">\n That when the Senate adjourns today, it stand adjourned as a further mark of respect to the memory\n\t\t\t of the Honorable Howard H. Baker, Jr.\n </text>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-04 19:14:00.571
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 495 </number> <updateDate> 2019-02-20T12:28:55Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2022-11-04T17:28:10Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-07-07 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-07 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4231; text as passed Senate: CR S4225) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-07 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S4231; text as passed Senate: CR S4225) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-07 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> B000944 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Brown, Sherrod [D-OH] </fullName> <firstName> Sherrod </firstName> <lastName> Brown </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> B001236 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Boozman, John [R-AR] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Boozman </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AR </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000563 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Durbin, Richard J. [D-IL] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Durbin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001070 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Casey, Robert P., Jr. [D-PA] </fullName> <firstName> Bob </firstName> <lastName> Casey </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> PA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Agriculture and Food </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Child health </name> </item> <item> <name> Commemorative events and holidays </name> </item> <item> <name> Food assistance and relief </name> </item> <item> <name> Members of Congress </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Agriculture and Food </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-07 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-07-09T22:27:46Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Designates July 2014 as Summer Meals Awareness Month to raise awareness and encourage participation in the summer food service program established in the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act to provide meals to eligible children when school is not in session. &lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-07 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-07-09T22:35:45Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Designates July 2014 as Summer Meals Awareness Month to raise awareness and encourage participation in the summer food service program established in the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act to provide meals to eligible children when school is not in session. &lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution designating July 2014 as "Summer Meals Awareness Month". </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution designating July 2014 as "Summer Meals Awareness Month". </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution designating July 2014 as "Summer Meals Awareness Month". </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-07-07T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres495ats/xml/BILLS-113sres495ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-07-07 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4231; text as passed Senate: CR S4225) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4231; text as passed Senate: CR S4225)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2014-07-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S4231; text as passed Senate: CR S4225)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-07-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "B001236", "district": null, "first_name": "John", "full_name": "Sen. Boozman, John [R-AR]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Boozman", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-07", "state": "AR" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000563", "district": null, "first_name": "Richard", "full_name": "Sen. Durbin, Richard J. [D-IL]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Durbin", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-07", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001070", "district": null, "first_name": "Bob", "full_name": "Sen. Casey, Robert P., Jr. [D-PA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Casey", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-07", "state": "PA" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-07-07", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-07", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4231; text as passed Senate: CR S4225)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 495, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": null, "policy_area": "Agriculture and Food", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "B000944", "district": null, "first_name": "Sherrod", "full_name": "Sen. Brown, Sherrod [D-OH]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Brown", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "OH" } ], "subjects": [ "Child health", "Commemorative events and holidays", "Food assistance and relief", "Members of Congress" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-07-07", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Designates July 2014 as Summer Meals Awareness Month to raise awareness and encourage participation in the summer food service program established in the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act to provide meals to eligible children when school is not in session. </p>", "update_date": "2014-07-09T22:27:46Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2014-07-07", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Designates July 2014 as Summer Meals Awareness Month to raise awareness and encourage participation in the summer food service program established in the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act to provide meals to eligible children when school is not in session. </p>", "update_date": "2014-07-09T22:35:45Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-07-07T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres495ats/xml/BILLS-113sres495ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution designating July 2014 as \"Summer Meals Awareness Month\".", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating July 2014 as \"Summer Meals Awareness Month\".", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating July 2014 as \"Summer Meals Awareness Month\".", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2019-02-20T12:28:55Z", "update_date_including_text": "2022-11-04T17:28:10Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-07-07T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres495ats/xml/BILLS-113sres495ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres495ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres495ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T00:27:01.005", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-495", "legis_num": 495, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-495-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 495 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES July 7, 2014 Mr. Brown (for himself, Mr. Boozman , Mr. Durbin , and Mr. Casey ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Designating July 2014 as Summer Meals Awareness Month .\n\nWhereas 1 in 5 children in the United States struggle with hunger; Whereas research has found that more than 30 percent of low-income families do not have enough food during the summer months; Whereas the summer food service program for children established under section 13 of the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act ( 42 U.S.C. 1761 ) exists to ensure that low-income children have access to adequate nutrition when the school year ends; Whereas the summer food service program is designed to give hungry children a safe place to participate in fun, educational activities and to receive a meal; Whereas thousands of schools and nonprofit organizations across the country serve as summer food service program sites; Whereas summer programs are often under-utilized, as only 1 in 6 eligible children participate in the summer food service program, due in part to families being unaware that the summer food service program exists; Whereas lack of transportation and other barriers often prevent children from accessing the summer food service program sites, especially in rural areas; and Whereas almost 1 in 3 low-income children live in communities that are not eligible to participate in the summer food service program, thus reducing their ability to participate in the program: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) designates July 2014 as Summer Meals Awareness Month ; (2) encourages members of Congress, schools, local businesses, nonprofit institutions, churches, cities, and State governments to assist in efficient use of summer food service program sites by raising awareness of the location and availability of those sites; (3) encourages members of Congress, schools, local businesses, nonprofit institutions, churches, cities, and State governments to support efforts to increase the participation rate of eligible children who, without the summer food service program for children established under section 13 of the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act ( 42 U.S.C. 1761 ), may go without meals; and (4) encourages members of Congress to visit a summer food service program site to see the importance of the program firsthand.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 495 ATS: Designating July 2014 as “Summer Meals Awareness Month”.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-07-07\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 495\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140707\">\n July 7, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S307\">\n Mr. Brown\n </sponsor>\n (for himself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S343\">\n Mr. Boozman\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S253\">\n Mr. Durbin\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S309\">\n Mr. Casey\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Designating July 2014 as\n <quote>\n Summer Meals Awareness Month\n </quote>\n .\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas 1 in 5 children in the United States struggle with hunger;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas research has found that more than 30 percent of low-income families do not have\n\t\t\t enough food during the summer months;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the summer food service program for children established under section 13 of the Richard B.\n\t\t\t Russell National School Lunch Act (\n <external-xref legal-doc=\"usc\" parsable-cite=\"usc/42/1761\">\n 42 U.S.C. 1761\n </external-xref>\n ) exists to ensure that\n\t\t\t low-income children have access to\n\t\t\t adequate nutrition when the school year ends;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the summer food service program is designed to give hungry children a safe place to\n\t\t\t participate in fun,\n\t\t\t educational activities and to receive a meal;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas thousands of schools and nonprofit organizations across the country serve as summer food\n\t\t\t service program\n\t\t\t sites;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas summer programs are often under-utilized, as only 1 in 6 eligible children participate\n\t\t\t in the summer food service program, due in part to families being unaware\n\t\t\t that the\n\t\t\t summer food service program exists;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas lack of transportation and other barriers often prevent children from accessing the summer\n\t\t\t food service program sites,\n\t\t\t especially in rural areas; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas almost 1 in 3 low-income children live in communities that are not eligible to\n\t\t\t participate in the summer food service program, thus reducing their\n\t\t\t ability to participate in the program: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"id04772b4bd233422ebc04ca285aed0bec\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n designates July 2014 as\n <quote>\n Summer Meals Awareness Month\n </quote>\n ;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id974601e5adc34d88b4f180b8a92e9981\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n encourages members of Congress, schools, local businesses, nonprofit institutions, churches,\n\t\t\t cities, and State governments to assist in efficient use of summer food\n\t\t\t service program\n\t\t\t sites by raising awareness of the location and availability of those\n\t\t\t sites;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id6a87f55f8e624bfdbf6e903beda53f13\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n encourages members of Congress, schools, local businesses, nonprofit institutions, churches,\n\t\t\t cities, and State governments to support efforts to increase the\n\t\t\t participation rate of\n\t\t\t eligible children who, without the summer food service program for\n\t\t\t children established under section 13 of the Richard B. Russell National\n\t\t\t School Lunch Act (\n <external-xref legal-doc=\"usc\" parsable-cite=\"usc/42/1761\">\n 42 U.S.C. 1761\n </external-xref>\n ), may go\n\t\t\t without meals; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idd9ccb02e2bd6496380370e241e0277f9\">\n <enum>\n (4)\n </enum>\n <text>\n encourages members of Congress to visit a summer food service program site to see the importance of\n\t\t\t the program\n\t\t\t firsthand.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-05 00:50:16.486
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 496 </number> <updateDate> 2022-01-05T18:13:46Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2022-11-04T17:28:09Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-07-07 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-07 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4231; text as passed Senate: CR S4226) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-07 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S4231; text as passed Senate: CR S4226) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-07 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> D000563 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Durbin, Richard J. [D-IL] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Durbin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> K000360 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Kirk, Mark Steven [R-IL] </fullName> <firstName> MARK </firstName> <lastName> KIRK </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> STEVEN </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000146 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Reid, Harry [D-NV] </fullName> <firstName> HARRY </firstName> <lastName> REID </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NV </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000355 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. McConnell, Mitch [R-KY] </fullName> <firstName> Mitch </firstName> <lastName> McConnell </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KY </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> A000360 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Alexander, Lamar [R-TN] </fullName> <firstName> Lamar </firstName> <lastName> Alexander </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TN </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> A000368 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Ayotte, Kelly [R-NH] </fullName> <firstName> Kelly </firstName> <lastName> Ayotte </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001230 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Baldwin, Tammy [D-WI] </fullName> <firstName> Tammy </firstName> <lastName> Baldwin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WI </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001261 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Barrasso, John [R-WY] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Barrasso </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> WY </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001265 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Begich, Mark [D-AK] </fullName> <firstName> Mark </firstName> <lastName> Begich </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AK </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001267 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Bennet, Michael F. [D-CO] </fullName> <firstName> Michael </firstName> <lastName> Bennet </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CO </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001277 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Blumenthal, Richard [D-CT] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Blumenthal </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CT </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000575 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Blunt, Roy [R-MO] </fullName> <firstName> Roy </firstName> <lastName> Blunt </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MO </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001288 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Booker, Cory A. [D-NJ] </fullName> <firstName> Cory </firstName> <lastName> Booker </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001236 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Boozman, John [R-AR] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Boozman </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AR </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000711 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Boxer, Barbara [D-CA] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> BOXER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000944 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Brown, Sherrod [D-OH] </fullName> <firstName> Sherrod </firstName> <lastName> Brown </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001135 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Burr, Richard [R-NC] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Burr </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NC </state> <middleName> Mauze </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000127 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cantwell, Maria [D-WA] </fullName> <firstName> Maria </firstName> <lastName> Cantwell </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000141 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cardin, Benjamin L. [D-MD] </fullName> <firstName> Ben </firstName> <lastName> Cardin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000174 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Carper, Thomas R. [D-DE] </fullName> <firstName> Thomas </firstName> <lastName> Carper </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> DE </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001070 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Casey, Robert P., Jr. [D-PA] </fullName> <firstName> Bob </firstName> <lastName> Casey </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> PA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000286 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Chambliss, Saxby [R-GA] </fullName> <firstName> SAXBY </firstName> <lastName> CHAMBLISS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> GA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000542 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Coats, Daniel [R-IN] </fullName> <firstName> DANIEL </firstName> <lastName> COATS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IN </state> <middleName> RAY </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000560 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Coburn, Tom [R-OK] </fullName> <firstName> TOM </firstName> <lastName> COBURN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OK </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000567 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cochran, Thad [R-MS] </fullName> <firstName> Thad </firstName> <lastName> Cochran </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MS </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001035 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Collins, Susan M. [R-ME] </fullName> <firstName> Susan </firstName> <lastName> Collins </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ME </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001088 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Coons, Christopher A. [D-DE] </fullName> <firstName> Christopher </firstName> <lastName> Coons </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> DE </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001071 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Corker, Bob [R-TN] </fullName> <firstName> Bob </firstName> <lastName> Corker </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TN </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001056 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cornyn, John [R-TX] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Cornyn </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TX </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000880 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Crapo, Mike [R-ID] </fullName> <firstName> Mike </firstName> <lastName> Crapo </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ID </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001098 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cruz, Ted [R-TX] </fullName> <firstName> Ted </firstName> <lastName> Cruz </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TX </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000607 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Donnelly, Joe [D-IN] </fullName> <firstName> Joe </firstName> <lastName> Donnelly </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IN </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> E000285 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Enzi, Michael B. [R-WY] </fullName> <firstName> MICHAEL </firstName> <lastName> ENZI </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> WY </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000062 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA] </fullName> <firstName> Dianne </firstName> <lastName> Feinstein </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000463 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Fischer, Deb [R-NE] </fullName> <firstName> Deb </firstName> <lastName> Fischer </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NE </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000444 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Flake, Jeff [R-AZ] </fullName> <firstName> JEFF </firstName> <lastName> FLAKE </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AZ </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000457 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Franken, Al [D-MN] </fullName> <firstName> Al </firstName> <lastName> Franken </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MN </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000555 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Gillibrand, Kirsten E. [D-NY] </fullName> <firstName> Kirsten </firstName> <lastName> Gillibrand </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000359 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Graham, Lindsey [R-SC] </fullName> <firstName> Lindsey </firstName> <lastName> Graham </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> SC </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000386 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Grassley, Chuck [R-IA] </fullName> <firstName> Charles </firstName> <lastName> Grassley </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IA </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001049 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hagan, Kay R. [D-NC] </fullName> <firstName> Kay </firstName> <lastName> Hagan </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NC </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000206 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Harkin, Tom [D-IA] </fullName> <firstName> THOMAS </firstName> <lastName> HARKIN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IA </state> <middleName> RICHARD </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000338 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hatch, Orrin G. [R-UT] </fullName> <firstName> ORRIN </firstName> <lastName> HATCH </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> UT </state> <middleName> GRANT </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001046 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Heinrich, Martin [D-NM] </fullName> <firstName> Martin </firstName> <lastName> Heinrich </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NM </state> <middleName> T. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001069 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Heitkamp, Heidi [D-ND] </fullName> <firstName> Heidi </firstName> <lastName> Heitkamp </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> ND </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001041 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Heller, Dean [R-NV] </fullName> <firstName> Dean </firstName> <lastName> Heller </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NV </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001042 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hirono, Mazie K. [D-HI] </fullName> <firstName> Mazie </firstName> <lastName> Hirono </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> HI </state> <middleName> K. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001061 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hoeven, John [R-ND] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Hoeven </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ND </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> I000024 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Inhofe, James M. [R-OK] </fullName> <firstName> Jim </firstName> <lastName> Inhofe </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OK </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> I000055 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Isakson, Johnny [R-GA] </fullName> <firstName> Johnny </firstName> <lastName> Isakson </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> GA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000291 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Johanns, Mike [R-NE] </fullName> <firstName> Mike </firstName> <lastName> Johanns </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NE </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000293 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Johnson, Ron [R-WI] </fullName> <firstName> Ron </firstName> <lastName> Johnson </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> WI </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000177 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Johnson, Tim [D-SD] </fullName> <firstName> TIM </firstName> <lastName> JOHNSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> SD </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000384 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Kaine, Tim [D-VA] </fullName> <firstName> Timothy </firstName> <lastName> Kaine </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000383 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. King, Angus S., Jr. [I-ME] </fullName> <firstName> Angus </firstName> <lastName> King </lastName> <party> I </party> <state> ME </state> <middleName> S. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000367 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Klobuchar, Amy [D-MN] </fullName> <firstName> Amy </firstName> <lastName> Klobuchar </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MN </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000550 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Landrieu, Mary L. [D-LA] </fullName> <firstName> MARY </firstName> <lastName> LANDRIEU </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> LA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000174 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Leahy, Patrick J. [D-VT] </fullName> <firstName> Patrick </firstName> <lastName> Leahy </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VT </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000577 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Lee, Mike [R-UT] </fullName> <firstName> Mike </firstName> <lastName> Lee </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> UT </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000261 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Levin, Carl [D-MI] </fullName> <firstName> CARL </firstName> <lastName> LEVIN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <middleName> MILTON </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001183 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Manchin, Joe, III [D-WV] </fullName> <firstName> Joseph </firstName> <lastName> Manchin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WV </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000133 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Markey, Edward J. [D-MA] </fullName> <firstName> Edward </firstName> <lastName> Markey </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000303 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. McCain, John [R-AZ] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> MCCAIN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AZ </state> <middleName> SIDNEY </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001170 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. McCaskill, Claire [D-MO] </fullName> <firstName> Claire </firstName> <lastName> McCaskill </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MO </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000639 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Menendez, Robert [D-NJ] </fullName> <firstName> Robert </firstName> <lastName> Menendez </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001176 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Merkley, Jeff [D-OR] </fullName> <firstName> Jeff </firstName> <lastName> Merkley </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OR </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000702 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Mikulski, Barbara A. [D-MD] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> MIKULSKI </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> ANN </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000934 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Moran, Jerry [R-KS] </fullName> <firstName> Jerry </firstName> <lastName> Moran </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KS </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001153 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Murkowski, Lisa [R-AK] </fullName> <firstName> Lisa </firstName> <lastName> Murkowski </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AK </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001169 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Murphy, Christopher [D-CT] </fullName> <firstName> Christopher </firstName> <lastName> Murphy </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CT </state> <middleName> S. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001111 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Murray, Patty [D-WA] </fullName> <firstName> Patty </firstName> <lastName> Murray </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> N000032 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Nelson, Bill [D-FL] </fullName> <firstName> CLARENCE </firstName> <lastName> NELSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <middleName> WILLIAM </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000603 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Paul, Rand [R-KY] </fullName> <firstName> Rand </firstName> <lastName> Paul </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KY </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000449 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Portman, Rob [R-OH] </fullName> <firstName> Rob </firstName> <lastName> Portman </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000590 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Pryor, Mark L. [D-AR] </fullName> <firstName> Mark </firstName> <lastName> Pryor </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AR </state> <middleName> Lunsford </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000122 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Reed, Jack [D-RI] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Reed </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> RI </state> <middleName> F. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000584 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Risch, James E. [R-ID] </fullName> <firstName> James </firstName> <lastName> Risch </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ID </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000307 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Roberts, Pat [R-KS] </fullName> <firstName> PAT </firstName> <lastName> ROBERTS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KS </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000361 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Rockefeller, John D., IV [D-WV] </fullName> <firstName> JAY </firstName> <lastName> ROCKEFELLER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WV </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000595 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Rubio, Marco [R-FL] </fullName> <firstName> Marco </firstName> <lastName> Rubio </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000033 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Sanders, Bernard [I-VT] </fullName> <firstName> Bernard </firstName> <lastName> Sanders </lastName> <party> I </party> <state> VT </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001194 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Schatz, Brian [D-HI] </fullName> <firstName> Brian </firstName> <lastName> Schatz </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> HI </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000148 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Schumer, Charles E. [D-NY] </fullName> <firstName> Charles </firstName> <lastName> Schumer </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001184 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Scott, Tim [R-SC] </fullName> <firstName> Tim </firstName> <lastName> Scott </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> SC </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001141 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Sessions, Jeff [R-AL] </fullName> <firstName> Jeff </firstName> <lastName> Sessions </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AL </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001181 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Shaheen, Jeanne [D-NH] </fullName> <firstName> Jeanne </firstName> <lastName> Shaheen </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000320 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Shelby, Richard C. [R-AL] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Shelby </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AL </state> <middleName> C. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000770 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Stabenow, Debbie [D-MI] </fullName> <firstName> Debbie </firstName> <lastName> Stabenow </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000464 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Tester, Jon [D-MT] </fullName> <firstName> Jon </firstName> <lastName> Tester </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MT </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000250 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Thune, John [R-SD] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Thune </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> SD </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000461 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Toomey, Patrick [R-PA] </fullName> <firstName> Patrick </firstName> <lastName> Toomey </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> PA </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> U000038 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Udall, Mark [D-CO] </fullName> <firstName> MARK </firstName> <lastName> UDALL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CO </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000818 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Walsh, John E. [D-MT] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Walsh </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MT </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> U000039 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Udall, Tom [D-NM] </fullName> <firstName> TOM </firstName> <lastName> UDALL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NM </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> V000127 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Vitter, David [R-LA] </fullName> <firstName> David </firstName> <lastName> Vitter </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> LA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000805 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Warner, Mark R. [D-VA] </fullName> <firstName> Mark </firstName> <lastName> Warner </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000817 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Warren, Elizabeth [D-MA] </fullName> <firstName> Elizabeth </firstName> <lastName> Warren </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000802 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Whitehouse, Sheldon [D-RI] </fullName> <firstName> Sheldon </firstName> <lastName> Whitehouse </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> RI </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000437 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Wicker, Roger F. [R-MS] </fullName> <firstName> Roger </firstName> <lastName> Wicker </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MS </state> <middleName> F. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000779 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Wyden, Ron [D-OR] </fullName> <firstName> Ron </firstName> <lastName> Wyden </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OR </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Congress </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Illinois </name> </item> <item> <name> Members of Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Senate </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Congress </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-07 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-07-15T20:24:45Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Declares that the Senate has heard with profound sorrow and deep regret the announcement of the death of the Honorable Alan John Dixon, former member of the U.S. Senate.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Declares that when the Senate adjourns July 7, 2014, it stand adjourned as a further mark of respect to the memory of Senator Dixon.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-07 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-07-15T20:21:36Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Declares that the Senate has heard with profound sorrow and deep regret the announcement of the death of the Honorable Alan John Dixon, former member of the U.S. Senate.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Declares that when the Senate adjourns July 7, 2014, it stand adjourned as a further mark of respect to the memory of Senator Dixon.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution relative to the death of the Honorable Alan John Dixon, former United States Senator for the State of Illinois. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution relative to the death of the Honorable Alan John Dixon, former United States Senator for the State of Illinois. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution relative to the death of the Honorable Alan John Dixon, former United States Senator for the State of Illinois. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-07-07T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres496ats/xml/BILLS-113sres496ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-07-07 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4231; text as passed Senate: CR S4226) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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(consideration: CR S4231; text as passed Senate: CR S4226)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2014-07-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S4231; text as passed Senate: CR S4226)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-07-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "K000360", "district": null, "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Sen. 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Alexander, Lamar [R-TN]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Alexander", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-07", "state": "TN" }, { "bioguide_id": "A000368", "district": null, "first_name": "Kelly", "full_name": "Sen. Ayotte, Kelly [R-NH]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Ayotte", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-07", "state": "NH" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001230", "district": null, "first_name": "Tammy", "full_name": "Sen. Baldwin, Tammy [D-WI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Baldwin", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-07", "state": "WI" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001261", "district": null, "first_name": "John", "full_name": "Sen. Barrasso, John [R-WY]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Barrasso", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-07", "state": "WY" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001265", "district": null, "first_name": "Mark", "full_name": "Sen. Begich, Mark [D-AK]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Begich", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-07", "state": "AK" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001267", "district": null, "first_name": "Michael", "full_name": "Sen. Bennet, Michael F. [D-CO]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Bennet", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-07", "state": "CO" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001277", "district": null, "first_name": "Richard", "full_name": "Sen. 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For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-07-07", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-07", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4231; text as passed Senate: CR S4226)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 496, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Congress", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "D000563", "district": null, "first_name": "Richard", "full_name": "Sen. Durbin, Richard J. [D-IL]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Durbin", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "state": "IL" } ], "subjects": [ "Congressional tributes", "Illinois", "Members of Congress", "Senate" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-07-07", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Declares that the Senate has heard with profound sorrow and deep regret the announcement of the death of the Honorable Alan John Dixon, former member of the U.S. Senate.</p> <p>Declares that when the Senate adjourns July 7, 2014, it stand adjourned as a further mark of respect to the memory of Senator Dixon.</p>", "update_date": "2014-07-15T20:24:45Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2014-07-07", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Declares that the Senate has heard with profound sorrow and deep regret the announcement of the death of the Honorable Alan John Dixon, former member of the U.S. Senate.</p> <p>Declares that when the Senate adjourns July 7, 2014, it stand adjourned as a further mark of respect to the memory of Senator Dixon.</p>", "update_date": "2014-07-15T20:21:36Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-07-07T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres496ats/xml/BILLS-113sres496ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution relative to the death of the Honorable Alan John Dixon, former United States Senator for the State of Illinois.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution relative to the death of the Honorable Alan John Dixon, former United States Senator for the State of Illinois.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution relative to the death of the Honorable Alan John Dixon, former United States Senator for the State of Illinois.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2022-01-05T18:13:46Z", "update_date_including_text": "2022-11-04T17:28:09Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-07-07T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres496ats/xml/BILLS-113sres496ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres496ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres496ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T00:27:01.051", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-496", "legis_num": 496, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-496-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 496 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES July 7, 2014 Mr. Durbin (for himself, Mr. Kirk , Mr. Reid , Mr. McConnell , Mr. Alexander , Ms. Ayotte , Ms. Baldwin , Mr. Barrasso , Mr. Begich , Mr. Bennet , Mr. Blumenthal , Mr. Blunt , Mr. Booker , Mr. Boozman , Mrs. Boxer , Mr. Brown , Mr. Burr , Ms. Cantwell , Mr. Cardin , Mr. Carper , Mr. Casey , Mr. Chambliss , Mr. Coats , Mr. Coburn , Mr. Cochran , Ms. Collins , Mr. Coons , Mr. Corker , Mr. Cornyn , Mr. Crapo , Mr. Cruz , Mr. Donnelly , Mr. Enzi , Mrs. Feinstein , Mrs. Fischer , Mr. Flake , Mr. Franken , Mrs. Gillibrand , Mr. Graham , Mr. Grassley , Mrs. Hagan , Mr. Harkin , Mr. Hatch , Mr. Heinrich , Ms. Heitkamp , Mr. Heller , Ms. Hirono , Mr. Hoeven , Mr. Inhofe , Mr. Isakson , Mr. Johanns , Mr. Johnson of Wisconsin , Mr. Johnson of South Dakota , Mr. Kaine , Mr. King , Ms. Klobuchar , Ms. Landrieu , Mr. Leahy , Mr. Lee , Mr. Levin , Mr. Manchin , Mr. Markey , Mr. McCain , Mrs. McCaskill , Mr. Menendez , Mr. Merkley , Ms. Mikulski , Mr. Moran , Ms. Murkowski , Mr. Murphy , Mrs. Murray , Mr. Nelson , Mr. Paul , Mr. Portman , Mr. Pryor , Mr. Reed , Mr. Risch , Mr. Roberts , Mr. Rockefeller , Mr. Rubio , Mr. Sanders , Mr. Schatz , Mr. Schumer , Mr. Scott , Mr. Sessions , Mrs. Shaheen , Mr. Shelby , Ms. Stabenow , Mr. Tester , Mr. Thune , Mr. Toomey , Mr. Udall of Colorado , Mr. Walsh , Mr. Udall of New Mexico , Mr. Vitter , Mr. Warner , Ms. Warren , Mr. Whitehouse , Mr. Wicker , and Mr. Wyden ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Relative to the death of the Honorable Alan John Dixon, former United States Senator for the State of Illinois.\n\nWhereas Alan John Dixon was born in Belleville, St. Clair County, Illinois on July 7, 1927, served in the United States Navy Air Corps in 1945, graduated from the University of Illinois in 1949, graduated Washington University School of Law located in St. Louis, Missouri in 1949, passed the Illinois bar in 1949, and then commenced practice in Belleville; Whereas Senator Dixon married his wife, Joan Louise Jody Fox, in 1954; Whereas Senator Dixon is survived by his wife, Joan; 2 daughters, Stephanie Yearian of Waterloo, Illinois, and Elizabeth Megaw of Fairfax, Virginia; 1 son, Jeffrey Dixon of Chicago, Illinois; 8 grandchildren; and 6 great-grandchildren; Whereas Senator Dixon was elected Belleville, Illinois, Police Magistrate in 1949; Whereas Senator Dixon served in the Illinois House of Representatives from 1951–1963, in the Illinois Senate from 1963–1971, and as Minority Whip of the Illinois Senate from 1964–1971; Whereas Senator Dixon served as Illinois Treasurer from 1971–1977 and Illinois Secretary of State from 1977–1981; Whereas Senator Dixon was first elected to the United States Senate in 1980 and served until 1993; Whereas Senator Dixon continued to serve his country as chair of the Defense Base Closure and Realignment Commission from 1994–1995; Whereas Senator Dixon served the State of Illinois for 42 years; Whereas Senator Dixon was the first statewide Democrat in Illinois to make full disclosure of his net financial worth and began the tradition in Washington of bipartisan Illinois Congressional lunches; and Whereas his impeccable honesty, willingness to reach across the aisle and across Illinois, and leadership in the State earned him the nickname Al the Pal : Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat— (1) the Senate has heard with profound sorrow and deep regret the announcement of the death of the Honorable Alan John Dixon, former member of the United States Senate; (2) the Secretary of the Senate communicate these resolutions to the House of Representatives and transmit an enrolled copy thereof to the family of the deceased; and (3) when the Senate adjourns today, it stand adjourned as a further mark of respect to the memory of the Alan John Dixon.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 496 ATS: Relative to the death of the Honorable Alan John Dixon, former United States Senator for the State of Illinois.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-07-07\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 496\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140707\">\n July 7, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S253\">\n Mr. Durbin\n </sponsor>\n (for himself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S339\">\n Mr. Kirk\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S198\">\n Mr. Reid\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S174\">\n Mr. McConnell\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S289\">\n Mr. Alexander\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S340\">\n Ms. Ayotte\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S354\">\n Ms. Baldwin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S317\">\n Mr. Barrasso\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S319\">\n Mr. Begich\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S330\">\n Mr. Bennet\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S341\">\n Mr. Blumenthal\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S342\">\n Mr. Blunt\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S370\">\n Mr. Booker\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S343\">\n Mr. Boozman\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S223\">\n Mrs. Boxer\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S307\">\n Mr. Brown\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S300\">\n Mr. Burr\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S275\">\n Ms. Cantwell\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S308\">\n Mr. Cardin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S277\">\n Mr. Carper\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S309\">\n Mr. Casey\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S290\">\n Mr. Chambliss\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S212\">\n Mr. Coats\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S301\">\n Mr. Coburn\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S136\">\n Mr. Cochran\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S252\">\n Ms. Collins\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S337\">\n Mr. Coons\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S310\">\n Mr. Corker\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S287\">\n Mr. Cornyn\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S266\">\n Mr. Crapo\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S355\">\n Mr. Cruz\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S356\">\n Mr. Donnelly\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S254\">\n Mr. Enzi\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S221\">\n Mrs. Feinstein\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S357\">\n Mrs. Fischer\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S358\">\n Mr. Flake\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S332\">\n Mr. Franken\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S331\">\n Mrs. Gillibrand\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S293\">\n Mr. Graham\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S153\">\n Mr. Grassley\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S320\">\n Mrs. Hagan\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S172\">\n Mr. Harkin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S118\">\n Mr. Hatch\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S359\">\n Mr. Heinrich\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S360\">\n Ms. Heitkamp\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S352\">\n Mr. Heller\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S361\">\n Ms. Hirono\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S344\">\n Mr. Hoeven\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S236\">\n Mr. Inhofe\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S305\">\n Mr. Isakson\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S321\">\n Mr. Johanns\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S345\">\n Mr. Johnson of Wisconsin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S257\">\n Mr. Johnson of South Dakota\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S362\">\n Mr. Kaine\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S363\">\n Mr. King\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S311\">\n Ms. Klobuchar\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S258\">\n Ms. Landrieu\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S057\">\n Mr. Leahy\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S346\">\n Mr. Lee\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S131\">\n Mr. Levin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S338\">\n Mr. Manchin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S369\">\n Mr. Markey\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S197\">\n Mr. McCain\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S312\">\n Mrs. McCaskill\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S306\">\n Mr. Menendez\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S322\">\n Mr. Merkley\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S182\">\n Ms. Mikulski\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S347\">\n Mr. Moran\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S288\">\n Ms. Murkowski\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S364\">\n Mr. Murphy\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S229\">\n Mrs. Murray\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S282\">\n Mr. Nelson\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S348\">\n Mr. Paul\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S349\">\n Mr. Portman\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S295\">\n Mr. Pryor\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S259\">\n Mr. Reed\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S323\">\n Mr. Risch\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S260\">\n Mr. Roberts\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S176\">\n Mr. Rockefeller\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S350\">\n Mr. Rubio\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S313\">\n Mr. Sanders\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S353\">\n Mr. Schatz\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S270\">\n Mr. Schumer\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S365\">\n Mr. Scott\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S261\">\n Mr. Sessions\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S324\">\n Mrs. Shaheen\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S184\">\n Mr. Shelby\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S284\">\n Ms. Stabenow\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S314\">\n Mr. Tester\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S303\">\n Mr. Thune\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S351\">\n Mr. Toomey\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S325\">\n Mr. Udall of Colorado\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S371\">\n Mr. Walsh\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S326\">\n Mr. Udall of New Mexico\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S299\">\n Mr. Vitter\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S327\">\n Mr. Warner\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S366\">\n Ms. Warren\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S316\">\n Mr. Whitehouse\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S318\">\n Mr. Wicker\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S247\">\n Mr. Wyden\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Relative to the death of the Honorable Alan John Dixon, former United States Senator for the State\n\t\t\t of Illinois.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Alan John Dixon was born in Belleville, St. Clair County, Illinois on July 7, 1927, served\n\t\t\t in the United States Navy Air Corps in 1945, graduated from the University\n\t\t\t of Illinois in 1949, graduated Washington University School of Law located\n\t\t\t in St. Louis, Missouri in 1949, passed the Illinois bar in 1949, and then\n\t\t\t commenced practice in Belleville;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Senator Dixon married his wife, Joan Louise\n <quote>\n Jody\n </quote>\n Fox, in 1954;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Senator Dixon is survived by his wife, Joan; 2 daughters, Stephanie Yearian of Waterloo,\n\t\t\t Illinois, and Elizabeth Megaw of Fairfax, Virginia; 1 son, Jeffrey Dixon\n\t\t\t of Chicago, Illinois; 8 grandchildren; and 6 great-grandchildren;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Senator Dixon was elected Belleville, Illinois, Police Magistrate in 1949;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Senator Dixon served in the Illinois House of Representatives from 1951–1963, in the\n\t\t\t Illinois Senate from 1963–1971, and as Minority Whip of the Illinois\n\t\t\t Senate from 1964–1971;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Senator Dixon served as Illinois Treasurer from 1971–1977 and Illinois Secretary of State\n\t\t\t from 1977–1981;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Senator Dixon was first elected to the United States Senate in 1980 and served until 1993;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Senator Dixon continued to serve his country as chair of the Defense Base Closure and\n\t\t\t Realignment Commission from 1994–1995;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Senator Dixon served the State of Illinois for 42 years;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Senator Dixon was the first statewide Democrat in Illinois to make full disclosure of his\n\t\t\t net financial worth and began the tradition in Washington of bipartisan\n\t\t\t Illinois Congressional lunches; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas his impeccable honesty, willingness to reach across the aisle and across Illinois, and\n\t\t\t leadership in the State earned him the nickname\n <quote>\n Al the Pal\n </quote>\n : Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"id0359B675B18E4A478EAD80119F5D0544\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n the Senate has heard with profound sorrow and deep regret the announcement of the death of the\n\t\t\t Honorable Alan John Dixon, former member of the United States Senate;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id8b795a922d01463fb9e2e61f76286b2f\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n the Secretary of the Senate communicate these resolutions to the House of Representatives and\n\t\t\t transmit an enrolled copy thereof to the family of the deceased; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"ida3f80b57f4b04b91b6ef21193b4f8faf\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n when the Senate adjourns today, it stand adjourned as a further mark of respect to the memory of\n\t\t\t the Alan John Dixon.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-05 00:47:26.223
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 497 </number> <updateDate> 2021-12-17T17:53:22Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2022-11-04T17:27:55Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-07-09 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-09 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4364-4365; text as passed Senate: CR S4337-4338) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-09 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S4364-4365; text as passed Senate: CR S4337-4338) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-09 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> T000461 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Toomey, Patrick [R-PA] </fullName> <firstName> Patrick </firstName> <lastName> Toomey </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> PA </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> C001070 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Casey, Robert P., Jr. [D-PA] </fullName> <firstName> Bob </firstName> <lastName> Casey </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> PA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Sports and Recreation </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Athletes </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Pennsylvania </name> </item> <item> <name> Professional sports </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Sports and Recreation </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-09 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-07-26T15:15:02Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Recognizes the life and career of Chuck Noll and his contributions to the city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and the National Football League.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;ul&gt; &lt;/ul&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-09 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-07-26T15:15:22Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Recognizes the life and career of Chuck Noll and his contributions to the city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and the National Football League.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;ul&gt; &lt;/ul&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution honoring the life and career of Charles "Chuck" Noll. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution honoring the life and career of Charles "Chuck" Noll. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution honoring the life and career of Charles "Chuck" Noll. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-07-09T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres497ats/xml/BILLS-113sres497ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-07-09 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4364-4365; text as passed Senate: CR S4337-4338) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-09", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4364-4365; text as passed Senate: CR S4337-4338)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2014-07-09", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S4364-4365; text as passed Senate: CR S4337-4338)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-07-09", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "C001070", "district": null, "first_name": "Bob", "full_name": "Sen. Casey, Robert P., Jr. [D-PA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Casey", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-09", "state": "PA" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-07-09", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-09", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4364-4365; text as passed Senate: CR S4337-4338)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 497, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Sports and Recreation", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "T000461", "district": null, "first_name": "Patrick", "full_name": "Sen. Toomey, Patrick [R-PA]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Toomey", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "R", "state": "PA" } ], "subjects": [ "Athletes", "Congressional tributes", "Pennsylvania", "Professional sports" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-07-09", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Recognizes the life and career of Chuck Noll and his contributions to the city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and the National Football League.</p> <p> <ul> </ul>", "update_date": "2014-07-26T15:15:02Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2014-07-09", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Recognizes the life and career of Chuck Noll and his contributions to the city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and the National Football League.</p> <p> <ul> </ul>", "update_date": "2014-07-26T15:15:22Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-07-09T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres497ats/xml/BILLS-113sres497ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution honoring the life and career of Charles \"Chuck\" Noll.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution honoring the life and career of Charles \"Chuck\" Noll.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution honoring the life and career of Charles \"Chuck\" Noll.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2021-12-17T17:53:22Z", "update_date_including_text": "2022-11-04T17:27:55Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-07-09T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres497ats/xml/BILLS-113sres497ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres497ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres497ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T00:27:00.924", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-497", "legis_num": 497, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-497-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 497 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES July 9, 2014 Mr. Toomey (for himself and Mr. Casey ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Honoring the life and career of Charles Chuck Noll.\n\nWhereas Chuck Noll was born on January 5, 1932, in Cleveland, Ohio; Whereas Chuck Noll excelled at multiple positions on the football field during a preparatory career at Benedictine High School in Cleveland, Ohio and during a college career at the University of Dayton; Whereas, after being drafted in the 20 th round of the 1953 National Football League Draft by his hometown team, the Cleveland Browns, Chuck Noll enjoyed a 7-year career as a linebacker and offensive lineman; Whereas, after his playing career ended, Chuck Noll joined coaching staffs headed by 2 future Hall-of-Famers, including Sid Gillman of the San Diego Chargers; Whereas, after serving as an assistant coach for nearly a decade, Chuck Noll was selected by the Rooney family to serve as 14 th head coach of the Pittsburgh Steelers football team on January 27, 1969; Whereas the current owner of the Pittsburgh Steelers is quoted as saying hiring Chuck Noll was the best decision we ever made for the Steelers ; Whereas, in 1972, in Chuck Noll’s fourth season as head coach of the Pittsburgh Steelers, the Pittsburgh Steelers won 11 games and made the playoffs for the first time since 1947; Whereas, on January 12, 1975, the Pittsburgh Steelers dynasty was born when Chuck Noll led the Pittsburgh Steelers to a victory over the Minnesota Vikings to win Super Bowl IX—the first of the Pittsburgh Steelers' now 6 Super Bowl titles; Whereas, over the 5 football seasons after winning Super Bowl IX, Chuck Noll’s Pittsburgh Steelers went on to capture an additional 3 Super Bowl titles—Super Bowl X and XIII, both by defeating the Dallas Cowboys, and Super Bowl XIV, by defeating the Los Angeles Rams; Whereas Chuck Noll is best known for masterminding the Steel Curtain , one of the most stout and prolific defensive units in National Football League history; Whereas both Chuck Noll’s ability to identify talent and his hands-on coaching technique led to Hall of Fame careers for more than 10 of Chuck Noll's players; Whereas, following 23 football seasons and 193 football game wins, including a record 4 Super Bowl titles as a head coach of the Pittsburgh Steelers, Chuck Noll was enshrined in the Pro Football Hall of Fame in Canton, Ohio as part of the Class of 1993; and Whereas, on June 13, 2014, Chuck Noll passed away surrounded by loved ones at his home in Sewickley, Pennsylvania at the age of 82: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) recognizes the life and career of Chuck Noll and his contributions to the city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and the National Football League; and (2) expresses its sympathies to Chuck Noll's family and friends, the Pittsburgh Steelers, Steelers fans, and football fans all around the world.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 497 ATS: Honoring the life and career of Charles “Chuck” Noll.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-07-09\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 497\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140709\">\n July 9, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S351\">\n Mr. Toomey\n </sponsor>\n (for himself and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S309\">\n Mr. Casey\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Honoring the life and career of Charles\n <quote>\n Chuck\n </quote>\n Noll.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Chuck Noll was born on January 5, 1932, in Cleveland, Ohio;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Chuck Noll excelled at multiple positions on the football field during a preparatory \n\t\t\t career at\n\t\t\t Benedictine High School in Cleveland, Ohio and during a college career at\n\t\t\t the University of Dayton;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, after being drafted in the 20\n <superscript>\n th\n </superscript>\n round of the 1953 National Football League Draft by his hometown team, the Cleveland Browns, Chuck\n\t\t\t Noll enjoyed a 7-year career as a linebacker and offensive lineman;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, after his playing career ended, Chuck Noll joined coaching staffs headed by 2 future\n\t\t\t Hall-of-Famers, including Sid Gillman of the San Diego Chargers;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, after serving as an assistant coach for nearly a decade, Chuck Noll was selected by the\n\t\t\t Rooney family to serve as 14\n <superscript>\n th\n </superscript>\n head coach of the Pittsburgh Steelers football team on January 27, 1969;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the current owner of the Pittsburgh Steelers is quoted as saying\n <quote>\n hiring Chuck Noll was the best decision we ever made for the Steelers\n </quote>\n ;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, in 1972, in Chuck Noll’s fourth season as head coach of the Pittsburgh Steelers, the\n\t\t\t Pittsburgh Steelers won 11 games and made the\n\t\t\t playoffs for the first time since 1947;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, on January 12, 1975, the Pittsburgh Steelers dynasty was born when Chuck Noll led the\n\t\t\t Pittsburgh Steelers to a victory over the Minnesota Vikings to win Super\n\t\t\t Bowl IX—the first of the Pittsburgh Steelers' now 6 Super Bowl titles;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, over the 5 football seasons after winning Super Bowl IX, Chuck Noll’s Pittsburgh Steelers\n\t\t\t went on to capture an\n\t\t\t additional 3 Super Bowl titles—Super Bowl X and XIII, both by defeating\n\t\t\t the\n\t\t\t Dallas Cowboys, and Super Bowl XIV, by defeating the Los Angeles Rams;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Chuck Noll is best known for masterminding the\n <quote>\n Steel Curtain\n </quote>\n , one of the most stout and prolific defensive units in National Football League history;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas both Chuck Noll’s ability to identify talent and his hands-on coaching technique led to\n\t\t\t Hall of Fame careers for more than 10 of Chuck Noll's players;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, following 23 football seasons and 193 football game wins, including a record 4 Super Bowl\n\t\t\t titles as a head coach of the Pittsburgh Steelers, Chuck Noll was\n\t\t\t enshrined in the Pro Football Hall of Fame in Canton, Ohio as part of the\n\t\t\t Class of 1993; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, on June 13, 2014, Chuck Noll passed away surrounded by loved ones at his home in\n\t\t\t Sewickley, Pennsylvania at the age of 82: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"id52916fd0c3264d5f84cccfb7aecd2ede\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n recognizes the life and career of Chuck Noll and his contributions to the city of Pittsburgh,\n\t\t\t Pennsylvania and the National Football League; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idC8B2569A8D9C4768B722C47D415DBA5C\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n expresses its sympathies to Chuck Noll's family and friends, the Pittsburgh Steelers, Steelers\n\t\t\t fans, and football fans all around the world.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-06 01:39:05.155
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 498 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-11T13:25:42Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-11T13:25:42Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-07-10 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Reported by </name> <date> 2014-07-16T19:55:14Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Markup by </name> <date> 2014-07-16T14:00:00Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2014-07-10T19:05:50Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <relatedBills> <item> <title> Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives regarding United States support for the State of Israel as it defends itself against unprovoked rocket attacks from the Hamas terrorist organization. </title> <congress> 113 </congress> <number> 657 </number> <type> HRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-07-11 </actionDate> <text> Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection. </text> <actionTime> 11:01:00 </actionTime> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-17 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4626) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-17 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S4626) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-16 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 469. </text> <type> Calendars </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-16 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Committee on Foreign Relations. Reported by Senator Menendez without amendment and with a preamble. Without written report. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-16 </actionDate> <text> Committee on Foreign Relations. Reported by Senator Menendez without amendment and with a preamble. Without written report. </text> <type> Committee </type> <actionCode> 14000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-16 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Committee on Foreign Relations. Ordered to be reported without amendment favorably. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-10 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S4417) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-10 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> G000359 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Graham, Lindsey [R-SC] </fullName> <firstName> Lindsey </firstName> <lastName> Graham </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> SC </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> M000639 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Menendez, Robert [D-NJ] </fullName> <firstName> Robert </firstName> <lastName> Menendez </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> A000368 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Ayotte, Kelly [R-NH] </fullName> <firstName> Kelly </firstName> <lastName> Ayotte </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000148 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Schumer, Charles E. [D-NY] </fullName> <firstName> Charles </firstName> <lastName> Schumer </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000303 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. McCain, John [R-AZ] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> MCCAIN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AZ </state> <middleName> SIDNEY </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001071 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Corker, Bob [R-TN] </fullName> <firstName> Bob </firstName> <lastName> Corker </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TN </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000595 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Rubio, Marco [R-FL] </fullName> <firstName> Marco </firstName> <lastName> Rubio </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000575 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Blunt, Roy [R-MO] </fullName> <firstName> Roy </firstName> <lastName> Blunt </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MO </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000360 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Kirk, Mark Steven [R-IL] </fullName> <firstName> MARK </firstName> <lastName> KIRK </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> STEVEN </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000461 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Toomey, Patrick [R-PA] </fullName> <firstName> Patrick </firstName> <lastName> Toomey </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> PA </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> A000360 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Alexander, Lamar [R-TN] </fullName> <firstName> Lamar </firstName> <lastName> Alexander </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TN </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000934 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Moran, Jerry [R-KS] </fullName> <firstName> Jerry </firstName> <lastName> Moran </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KS </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000291 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Johanns, Mike [R-NE] </fullName> <firstName> Mike </firstName> <lastName> Johanns </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NE </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001041 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Heller, Dean [R-NV] </fullName> <firstName> Dean </firstName> <lastName> Heller </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NV </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> I000024 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Inhofe, James M. [R-OK] </fullName> <firstName> Jim </firstName> <lastName> Inhofe </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OK </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000463 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Fischer, Deb [R-NE] </fullName> <firstName> Deb </firstName> <lastName> Fischer </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NE </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001035 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Collins, Susan M. [R-ME] </fullName> <firstName> Susan </firstName> <lastName> Collins </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ME </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001098 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cruz, Ted [R-TX] </fullName> <firstName> Ted </firstName> <lastName> Cruz </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TX </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> V000127 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Vitter, David [R-LA] </fullName> <firstName> David </firstName> <lastName> Vitter </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> LA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000603 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Paul, Rand [R-KY] </fullName> <firstName> Rand </firstName> <lastName> Paul </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KY </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001277 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Blumenthal, Richard [D-CT] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Blumenthal </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CT </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000711 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Boxer, Barbara [D-CA] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> BOXER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> N000032 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Nelson, Bill [D-FL] </fullName> <firstName> CLARENCE </firstName> <lastName> NELSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <middleName> WILLIAM </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000457 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Franken, Al [D-MN] </fullName> <firstName> Al </firstName> <lastName> Franken </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MN </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001153 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Murkowski, Lisa [R-AK] </fullName> <firstName> Lisa </firstName> <lastName> Murkowski </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AK </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000250 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Thune, John [R-SD] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Thune </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> SD </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000386 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Grassley, Chuck [R-IA] </fullName> <firstName> Charles </firstName> <lastName> Grassley </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IA </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000338 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hatch, Orrin G. [R-UT] </fullName> <firstName> ORRIN </firstName> <lastName> HATCH </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> UT </state> <middleName> GRANT </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001169 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Murphy, Christopher [D-CT] </fullName> <firstName> Christopher </firstName> <lastName> Murphy </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CT </state> <middleName> S. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001184 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Scott, Tim [R-SC] </fullName> <firstName> Tim </firstName> <lastName> Scott </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> SC </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000141 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cardin, Benjamin L. [D-MD] </fullName> <firstName> Ben </firstName> <lastName> Cardin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000880 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Crapo, Mike [R-ID] </fullName> <firstName> Mike </firstName> <lastName> Crapo </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ID </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000286 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Chambliss, Saxby [R-GA] </fullName> <firstName> SAXBY </firstName> <lastName> CHAMBLISS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> GA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000307 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Roberts, Pat [R-KS] </fullName> <firstName> PAT </firstName> <lastName> ROBERTS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KS </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001070 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Casey, Robert P., Jr. [D-PA] </fullName> <firstName> Bob </firstName> <lastName> Casey </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> PA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000437 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Wicker, Roger F. [R-MS] </fullName> <firstName> Roger </firstName> <lastName> Wicker </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MS </state> <middleName> F. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000542 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Coats, Daniel [R-IN] </fullName> <firstName> DANIEL </firstName> <lastName> COATS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IN </state> <middleName> RAY </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001181 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Shaheen, Jeanne [D-NH] </fullName> <firstName> Jeanne </firstName> <lastName> Shaheen </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000464 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Tester, Jon [D-MT] </fullName> <firstName> Jon </firstName> <lastName> Tester </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MT </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000384 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Kaine, Tim [D-VA] </fullName> <firstName> Timothy </firstName> <lastName> Kaine </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000577 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Lee, Mike [R-UT] </fullName> <firstName> Mike </firstName> <lastName> Lee </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> UT </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001265 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Begich, Mark [D-AK] </fullName> <firstName> Mark </firstName> <lastName> Begich </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AK </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001236 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Boozman, John [R-AR] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Boozman </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AR </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-14 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001088 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Coons, Christopher A. [D-DE] </fullName> <firstName> Christopher </firstName> <lastName> Coons </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> DE </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-14 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001049 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hagan, Kay R. [D-NC] </fullName> <firstName> Kay </firstName> <lastName> Hagan </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NC </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-14 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001135 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Burr, Richard [R-NC] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Burr </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NC </state> <middleName> Mauze </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-14 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000133 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Markey, Edward J. [D-MA] </fullName> <firstName> Edward </firstName> <lastName> Markey </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-14 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000702 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Mikulski, Barbara A. [D-MD] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> MIKULSKI </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> ANN </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-14 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000770 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Stabenow, Debbie [D-MI] </fullName> <firstName> Debbie </firstName> <lastName> Stabenow </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-14 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000590 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Pryor, Mark L. [D-AR] </fullName> <firstName> Mark </firstName> <lastName> Pryor </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AR </state> <middleName> Lunsford </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-14 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000805 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Warner, Mark R. [D-VA] </fullName> <firstName> Mark </firstName> <lastName> Warner </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-14 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000550 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Landrieu, Mary L. [D-LA] </fullName> <firstName> MARY </firstName> <lastName> LANDRIEU </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> LA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-14 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000444 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Flake, Jeff [R-AZ] </fullName> <firstName> JEFF </firstName> <lastName> FLAKE </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AZ </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-14 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000555 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Gillibrand, Kirsten E. [D-NY] </fullName> <firstName> Kirsten </firstName> <lastName> Gillibrand </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-14 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000567 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cochran, Thad [R-MS] </fullName> <firstName> Thad </firstName> <lastName> Cochran </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MS </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-14 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001261 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Barrasso, John [R-WY] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Barrasso </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> WY </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-14 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001194 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Schatz, Brian [D-HI] </fullName> <firstName> Brian </firstName> <lastName> Schatz </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> HI </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-14 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001056 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cornyn, John [R-TX] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Cornyn </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TX </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-14 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001042 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hirono, Mazie K. [D-HI] </fullName> <firstName> Mazie </firstName> <lastName> Hirono </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> HI </state> <middleName> K. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001069 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Heitkamp, Heidi [D-ND] </fullName> <firstName> Heidi </firstName> <lastName> Heitkamp </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> ND </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000367 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Klobuchar, Amy [D-MN] </fullName> <firstName> Amy </firstName> <lastName> Klobuchar </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MN </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001046 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Heinrich, Martin [D-NM] </fullName> <firstName> Martin </firstName> <lastName> Heinrich </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NM </state> <middleName> T. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000261 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Levin, Carl [D-MI] </fullName> <firstName> CARL </firstName> <lastName> LEVIN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <middleName> MILTON </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000607 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Donnelly, Joe [D-IN] </fullName> <firstName> Joe </firstName> <lastName> Donnelly </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IN </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001267 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Bennet, Michael F. [D-CO] </fullName> <firstName> Michael </firstName> <lastName> Bennet </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CO </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> U000038 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Udall, Mark [D-CO] </fullName> <firstName> MARK </firstName> <lastName> UDALL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CO </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000449 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Portman, Rob [R-OH] </fullName> <firstName> Rob </firstName> <lastName> Portman </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000802 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Whitehouse, Sheldon [D-RI] </fullName> <firstName> Sheldon </firstName> <lastName> Whitehouse </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> RI </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001288 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Booker, Cory A. [D-NJ] </fullName> <firstName> Cory </firstName> <lastName> Booker </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000563 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Durbin, Richard J. [D-IL] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Durbin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000944 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Brown, Sherrod [D-OH] </fullName> <firstName> Sherrod </firstName> <lastName> Brown </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000293 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Johnson, Ron [R-WI] </fullName> <firstName> Ron </firstName> <lastName> Johnson </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> WI </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001183 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Manchin, Joe, III [D-WV] </fullName> <firstName> Joseph </firstName> <lastName> Manchin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WV </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001111 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Murray, Patty [D-WA] </fullName> <firstName> Patty </firstName> <lastName> Murray </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000779 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Wyden, Ron [D-OR] </fullName> <firstName> Ron </firstName> <lastName> Wyden </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OR </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> E000285 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Enzi, Michael B. [R-WY] </fullName> <firstName> MICHAEL </firstName> <lastName> ENZI </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> WY </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> I000055 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Isakson, Johnny [R-GA] </fullName> <firstName> Johnny </firstName> <lastName> Isakson </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> GA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000122 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Reed, Jack [D-RI] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Reed </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> RI </state> <middleName> F. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001176 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Merkley, Jeff [D-OR] </fullName> <firstName> Jeff </firstName> <lastName> Merkley </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OR </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000355 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. McConnell, Mitch [R-KY] </fullName> <firstName> Mitch </firstName> <lastName> McConnell </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KY </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-21 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Arab-Israeli relations </name> </item> <item> <name> Conflicts and wars </name> </item> <item> <name> Gaza Strip </name> </item> <item> <name> Israel </name> </item> <item> <name> Middle East </name> </item> <item> <name> Palestinians </name> </item> <item> <name> Sovereignty, recognition, national governance and status </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-10 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-07-14T18:48:07Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Reaffirms the support of the Senate for Israel's right to defend its citizens and ensure Israel's survival.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Condemns the unprovoked rocket fire at Israel and calls on Hamas to cease all rocket and other attacks against Israel.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Calls on Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas to dissolve the unity governing arrangement with Hamas and condemn the attacks on Israel.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 80 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-16 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Reported to Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-07-17T14:49:22Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Reaffirms the support of the Senate for Israel's right to defend its citizens and ensure Israel's survival.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Condemns the unprovoked rocket fire at Israel and calls on Hamas to cease all rocket and other attacks against Israel.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Calls on Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas to dissolve the unity governing arrangement with Hamas and condemn the attacks on Israel.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-17 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-07-18T15:22:05Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Reaffirms the support of the Senate for Israel's right to defend its citizens and ensure Israel's survival.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Condemns the unprovoked rocket fire at Israel and calls on Hamas to cease all rocket and other attacks against Israel.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Calls on Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas to dissolve the unity governing arrangement with Hamas and condemn the attacks on Israel.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding United States support for the State of Israel as it defends itself against unprovoked rocket attacks from the Hamas terrorist organization. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding United States support for the State of Israel as it defends itself against unprovoked rocket attacks from the Hamas terrorist organization. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding United States support for the State of Israel as it defends itself against unprovoked rocket attacks from the Hamas terrorist organization. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-07-17T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres498ats/xml/BILLS-113sres498ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> <item> <type> Reported to Senate </type> <date> 2014-07-16T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres498rs/xml/BILLS-113sres498rs.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2014-07-10T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres498is/xml/BILLS-113sres498is.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-07-17 </actionDate> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4626) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-17", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4626)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2014-07-17", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S4626)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-16", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 469.", "type": "Calendars" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-16", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Committee on Foreign Relations. Reported by Senator Menendez without amendment and with a preamble. Without written report.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "14000", "action_date": "2014-07-16", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Committee on Foreign Relations. Reported by Senator Menendez without amendment and with a preamble. Without written report.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-16", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Committee on Foreign Relations. Ordered to be reported without amendment favorably.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-10", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S4417)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-07-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2014-07-16T19:55:14Z", "name": "Reported by" }, { "date": "2014-07-16T14:00:00Z", "name": "Markup by" }, { "date": "2014-07-10T19:05:50Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "M000639", "district": null, "first_name": "Robert", "full_name": "Sen. 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For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-07-10", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-17", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4626)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 498, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "International Affairs", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 113, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-11", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": null }, "number": 657, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives regarding United States support for the State of Israel as it defends itself against unprovoked rocket attacks from the Hamas terrorist organization.", "type": "HRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "G000359", "district": null, "first_name": "Lindsey", "full_name": "Sen. Graham, Lindsey [R-SC]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Graham", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "SC" } ], "subjects": [ "Arab-Israeli relations", "Conflicts and wars", "Gaza Strip", "Israel", "Middle East", "Palestinians", "Sovereignty, recognition, national governance and status" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-07-10", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Reaffirms the support of the Senate for Israel's right to defend its citizens and ensure Israel's survival.</p> <p> Condemns the unprovoked rocket fire at Israel and calls on Hamas to cease all rocket and other attacks against Israel.</p> <p> Calls on Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas to dissolve the unity governing arrangement with Hamas and condemn the attacks on Israel.</p>", "update_date": "2014-07-14T18:48:07Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2014-07-16", "action_desc": "Reported to Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Reaffirms the support of the Senate for Israel's right to defend its citizens and ensure Israel's survival.</p> <p> Condemns the unprovoked rocket fire at Israel and calls on Hamas to cease all rocket and other attacks against Israel.</p> <p> Calls on Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas to dissolve the unity governing arrangement with Hamas and condemn the attacks on Israel.</p>", "update_date": "2014-07-17T14:49:22Z", "version_code": "80" }, { "action_date": "2014-07-17", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Reaffirms the support of the Senate for Israel's right to defend its citizens and ensure Israel's survival.</p> <p> Condemns the unprovoked rocket fire at Israel and calls on Hamas to cease all rocket and other attacks against Israel.</p> <p> Calls on Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas to dissolve the unity governing arrangement with Hamas and condemn the attacks on Israel.</p>", "update_date": "2014-07-18T15:22:05Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-07-17T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres498ats/xml/BILLS-113sres498ats.xml" }, { "date": "2014-07-16T04:00:00Z", "type": "Reported to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres498rs/xml/BILLS-113sres498rs.xml" }, { "date": "2014-07-10T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres498is/xml/BILLS-113sres498is.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding United States support for the State of Israel as it defends itself against unprovoked rocket attacks from the Hamas terrorist organization.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding United States support for the State of Israel as it defends itself against unprovoked rocket attacks from the Hamas terrorist organization.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding United States support for the State of Israel as it defends itself against unprovoked rocket attacks from the Hamas terrorist organization.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2023-01-11T13:25:42Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-11T13:25:42Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-07-10T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres498is/xml/BILLS-113sres498is.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres498is.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres498is.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T00:27:00.963", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-498", "legis_num": 498, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "is", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-498-is-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 498 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES July 10, 2014 Mr. Graham (for himself, Mr. Menendez , Ms. Ayotte , Mr. Schumer , Mr. McCain , Mr. Corker , Mr. Rubio , Mr. Blunt , Mr. Kirk , Mr. Toomey , Mr. Alexander , Mr. Moran , Mr. Johanns , Mr. Heller , Mr. Inhofe , Mrs. Fischer , Ms. Collins , Mr. Cruz , Mr. Vitter , Mr. Paul , Mr. Blumenthal , Mrs. Boxer , Mr. Nelson , Mr. Franken , Ms. Murkowski , Mr. Thune , Mr. Grassley , Mr. Hatch , Mr. Murphy , Mr. Scott , Mr. Cardin , Mr. Crapo , Mr. Chambliss , Mr. Roberts , Mr. Casey , Mr. Wicker , Mr. Coats , Mrs. Shaheen , Mr. Tester , Mr. Kaine , Mr. Lee , and Mr. Begich ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations RESOLUTION Expressing the sense of the Senate regarding United States support for the State of Israel as it defends itself against unprovoked rocket attacks from the Hamas terrorist organization.\n\nWhereas Hamas is a United States-designated terrorist organization whose charter calls for the destruction of the State of Israel; Whereas Hamas continues to reject the core principles of the Middle East Quartet (the United Nations, the United States, the European Union, and Russia)—recognize Israel’s right to exist, renounce violence, and accept previous Israeli-Palestinian agreements; Whereas Hamas has killed hundreds of Israelis and dozens of Americans in rocket attacks and suicide bombings; Whereas, since Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza in 2005, Hamas and other terrorist groups have fired thousands of rockets at Israel; Whereas Hamas has entered into a unity governing arrangement with Fatah and the Palestinian Authority; Whereas the unity governing agreement implies Fatah's and the Palestinian Authority's support for Hamas’ belligerent actions against Israel, potentially contributing to a false perception of legitimacy for Hamas' belligerent actions; Whereas, since June 2014, Hamas has fired nearly 300 rockets at Israel; Whereas Hamas’ weapons arsenal includes approximately 12,000 rockets that vary in range; Whereas innocent Israeli civilians are indiscriminately targeted by Hamas rocket attacks; and Whereas 5,000,000 Israelis are currently living under the threat of rocket attacks from Gaza: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) reaffirms its support for Israel’s right to defend its citizens and ensure the survival of the State of Israel; (2) condemns the unprovoked rocket fire at Israel; (3) calls on Hamas to immediately cease all rocket and other attacks against Israel; and (4) calls on Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to dissolve the unity governing arrangement with Hamas and condemn the attacks on Israel.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Introduced-in-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 498 IS: Expressing the sense of the Senate regarding United States support for the State of Israel as it defends itself against unprovoked rocket attacks from the Hamas terrorist organization.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-07-10\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress>\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session>\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 498\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action>\n <action-date date=\"20140710\">\n July 10, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S293\">\n Mr. Graham\n </sponsor>\n (for himself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S306\">\n Mr. Menendez\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S340\">\n Ms. Ayotte\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S270\">\n Mr. Schumer\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S197\">\n Mr. McCain\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S310\">\n Mr. Corker\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S350\">\n Mr. Rubio\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S342\">\n Mr. Blunt\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S339\">\n Mr. Kirk\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S351\">\n Mr. Toomey\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S289\">\n Mr. Alexander\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S347\">\n Mr. Moran\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S321\">\n Mr. Johanns\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S352\">\n Mr. Heller\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S236\">\n Mr. Inhofe\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S357\">\n Mrs. Fischer\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S252\">\n Ms. Collins\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S355\">\n Mr. Cruz\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S299\">\n Mr. Vitter\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S348\">\n Mr. Paul\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S341\">\n Mr. Blumenthal\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S223\">\n Mrs. Boxer\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S282\">\n Mr. Nelson\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S332\">\n Mr. Franken\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S288\">\n Ms. Murkowski\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S303\">\n Mr. Thune\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S153\">\n Mr. Grassley\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S118\">\n Mr. Hatch\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S364\">\n Mr. Murphy\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S365\">\n Mr. Scott\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S308\">\n Mr. Cardin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S266\">\n Mr. Crapo\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S290\">\n Mr. Chambliss\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S260\">\n Mr. Roberts\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S309\">\n Mr. Casey\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S318\">\n Mr. Wicker\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S212\">\n Mr. Coats\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S324\">\n Mrs. Shaheen\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S314\">\n Mr. Tester\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S362\">\n Mr. Kaine\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S346\">\n Mr. Lee\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S319\">\n Mr. Begich\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name committee-id=\"SSFR00\">\n Committee on Foreign Relations\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Expressing the sense of the Senate regarding United States support for the State of Israel as it\n\t\t\t defends itself against unprovoked rocket attacks from the Hamas terrorist\n\t\t\t organization.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Hamas is a United States-designated terrorist organization whose charter calls for the\n\t\t\t destruction of the State of Israel;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Hamas continues to reject the core principles of the Middle East Quartet (the United\n\t\t\t Nations, the United States, the European Union, and Russia)—recognize\n\t\t\t Israel’s right to exist,\n\t\t\t renounce violence, and accept previous Israeli-Palestinian agreements;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Hamas has killed hundreds of Israelis and dozens of Americans in rocket attacks and suicide\n\t\t\t bombings;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, since Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza in 2005, Hamas and other terrorist groups have fired\n\t\t\t thousands of rockets at Israel;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Hamas has entered into a unity governing arrangement with Fatah and the Palestinian\n\t\t\t Authority;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the unity governing agreement implies Fatah's and the Palestinian Authority's support for\n\t\t\t Hamas’ belligerent actions against Israel, potentially contributing to a\n\t\t\t false perception of legitimacy for Hamas' belligerent actions;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, since June 2014, Hamas has fired nearly 300 rockets at Israel;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Hamas’ weapons arsenal includes approximately 12,000 rockets that vary in range;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas innocent Israeli civilians are indiscriminately targeted by Hamas rocket attacks; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas 5,000,000 Israelis are currently living under the threat of rocket attacks from Gaza: Now,\n\t\t\t therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"HA94326FD41284B93B88E0DC2D9CB14D4\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\">\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"HFFED8AECCC994BAD8247B073B4D2AF57\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n reaffirms its support for Israel’s right to defend its citizens and ensure the survival of the\n\t\t\t State of Israel;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"H4EAAE1B23D2A45B9B8C0B58FE5800628\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n condemns the unprovoked rocket fire at Israel;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"H4DC4723E27E24FAE831D249AAE1ED837\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n calls on Hamas to immediately cease all rocket and other attacks against Israel; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id2904d6815b4c4efca4ba5c10e9f1cbe6\">\n <enum>\n (4)\n </enum>\n <text>\n calls on Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to dissolve the unity governing arrangement\n\t\t\t with Hamas and condemn the attacks on Israel.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" }, { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-07-16T04:00:00Z", "type": "Reported to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres498rs/xml/BILLS-113sres498rs.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres498rs.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres498rs.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T00:27:00.874", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-498", "legis_num": 498, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "rs", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-498-rs-dtd", "tv_txt": "III Calendar No. 469 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 498 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES July 10, 2014 Mr. Graham (for himself, Mr. Menendez , Ms. Ayotte , Mr. Schumer , Mr. McCain , Mr. Corker , Mr. Rubio , Mr. Blunt , Mr. Kirk , Mr. Toomey , Mr. Alexander , Mr. Moran , Mr. Johanns , Mr. Heller , Mr. Inhofe , Mrs. Fischer , Ms. Collins , Mr. Cruz , Mr. Vitter , Mr. Paul , Mr. Blumenthal , Mrs. Boxer , Mr. Nelson , Mr. Franken , Ms. Murkowski , Mr. Thune , Mr. Grassley , Mr. Hatch , Mr. Murphy , Mr. Scott , Mr. Cardin , Mr. Crapo , Mr. Chambliss , Mr. Roberts , Mr. Casey , Mr. Wicker , Mr. Coats , Mrs. Shaheen , Mr. Tester , Mr. Kaine , Mr. Lee , Mr. Begich , Mr. Boozman , Mr. Coons , Mrs. Hagan , Mr. Burr , Mr. Markey , Ms. Mikulski , Ms. Stabenow , Mr. Pryor , Mr. Warner , Ms. Landrieu , Mr. Flake , Mrs. Gillibrand , Mr. Cochran , Mr. Barrasso , Mr. Schatz , Mr. Cornyn , Ms. Hirono , Ms. Heitkamp , Ms. Klobuchar , Mr. Heinrich , Mr. Levin , Mr. Donnelly , Mr. Bennet , Mr. Udall of Colorado , Mr. Portman , Mr. Whitehouse , Mr. Booker , Mr. Durbin , Mr. Brown , Mr. Johnson of Wisconsin , and Mr. Manchin ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations July 16, 2014 Reported by Mr. Menendez , without amendment RESOLUTION Expressing the sense of the Senate regarding United States support for the State of Israel as it defends itself against unprovoked rocket attacks from the Hamas terrorist organization.\n\nWhereas Hamas is a United States-designated terrorist organization whose charter calls for the destruction of the State of Israel; Whereas Hamas continues to reject the core principles of the Middle East Quartet (the United Nations, the United States, the European Union, and Russia)—recognize Israel’s right to exist, renounce violence, and accept previous Israeli-Palestinian agreements; Whereas Hamas has killed hundreds of Israelis and dozens of Americans in rocket attacks and suicide bombings; Whereas, since Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza in 2005, Hamas and other terrorist groups have fired thousands of rockets at Israel; Whereas Hamas has entered into a unity governing arrangement with Fatah and the Palestinian Authority; Whereas the unity governing agreement implies Fatah's and the Palestinian Authority's support for Hamas’ belligerent actions against Israel, potentially contributing to a false perception of legitimacy for Hamas' belligerent actions; Whereas, since June 2014, Hamas has fired nearly 300 rockets at Israel; Whereas Hamas’ weapons arsenal includes approximately 12,000 rockets that vary in range; Whereas innocent Israeli civilians are indiscriminately targeted by Hamas rocket attacks; and Whereas 5,000,000 Israelis are currently living under the threat of rocket attacks from Gaza: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) reaffirms its support for Israel’s right to defend its citizens and ensure the survival of the State of Israel; (2) condemns the unprovoked rocket fire at Israel; (3) calls on Hamas to immediately cease all rocket and other attacks against Israel; and (4) calls on Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to dissolve the unity governing arrangement with Hamas and condemn the attacks on Israel.\n\nJuly 16, 2014 Reported without amendment", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Reported-in-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 498 RS: Expressing the sense of the Senate regarding United States support for the State of Israel as it defends itself against unprovoked rocket attacks from the Hamas terrorist organization.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-07-10\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <calendar>\n Calendar No. 469\n </calendar>\n <congress>\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session>\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 498\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action>\n <action-date date=\"20140710\">\n July 10, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S293\">\n Mr. Graham\n </sponsor>\n (for himself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S306\">\n Mr. Menendez\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S340\">\n Ms. Ayotte\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S270\">\n Mr. Schumer\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S197\">\n Mr. McCain\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S310\">\n Mr. Corker\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S350\">\n Mr. Rubio\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S342\">\n Mr. Blunt\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S339\">\n Mr. Kirk\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S351\">\n Mr. Toomey\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S289\">\n Mr. Alexander\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S347\">\n Mr. Moran\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S321\">\n Mr. Johanns\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S352\">\n Mr. Heller\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S236\">\n Mr. Inhofe\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S357\">\n Mrs. Fischer\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S252\">\n Ms. Collins\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S355\">\n Mr. Cruz\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S299\">\n Mr. Vitter\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S348\">\n Mr. Paul\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S341\">\n Mr. Blumenthal\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S223\">\n Mrs. Boxer\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S282\">\n Mr. Nelson\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S332\">\n Mr. Franken\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S288\">\n Ms. Murkowski\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S303\">\n Mr. Thune\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S153\">\n Mr. Grassley\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S118\">\n Mr. Hatch\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S364\">\n Mr. Murphy\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S365\">\n Mr. Scott\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S308\">\n Mr. Cardin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S266\">\n Mr. Crapo\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S290\">\n Mr. Chambliss\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S260\">\n Mr. Roberts\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S309\">\n Mr. Casey\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S318\">\n Mr. Wicker\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S212\">\n Mr. Coats\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S324\">\n Mrs. Shaheen\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S314\">\n Mr. Tester\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S362\">\n Mr. Kaine\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S346\">\n Mr. Lee\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S319\">\n Mr. Begich\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S343\">\n Mr. Boozman\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S337\">\n Mr. Coons\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S320\">\n Mrs. Hagan\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S300\">\n Mr. Burr\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S369\">\n Mr. Markey\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S182\">\n Ms. Mikulski\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S284\">\n Ms. Stabenow\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S295\">\n Mr. Pryor\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S327\">\n Mr. Warner\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S258\">\n Ms. Landrieu\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S358\">\n Mr. Flake\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S331\">\n Mrs. Gillibrand\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S136\">\n Mr. Cochran\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S317\">\n Mr. Barrasso\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S353\">\n Mr. Schatz\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S287\">\n Mr. Cornyn\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S361\">\n Ms. Hirono\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S360\">\n Ms. Heitkamp\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S311\">\n Ms. Klobuchar\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S359\">\n Mr. Heinrich\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S131\">\n Mr. Levin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S356\">\n Mr. Donnelly\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S330\">\n Mr. Bennet\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S325\">\n Mr. Udall of Colorado\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S349\">\n Mr. Portman\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S316\">\n Mr. Whitehouse\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S370\">\n Mr. Booker\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S253\">\n Mr. Durbin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S307\">\n Mr. Brown\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S345\">\n Mr. Johnson of Wisconsin\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S338\">\n Mr. Manchin\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name added-display-style=\"italic\" committee-id=\"SSFR00\" deleted-display-style=\"strikethrough\">\n Committee on Foreign Relations\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <action stage=\"Reported-in-Senate\">\n <action-date>\n July 16, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n Reported by\n <sponsor name-id=\"S306\">\n Mr. Menendez\n </sponsor>\n , without amendment\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Expressing the sense of the Senate regarding United States support for the State of Israel as it\n\t\t\t defends itself against unprovoked rocket attacks from the Hamas terrorist\n\t\t\t organization.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Hamas is a United States-designated terrorist organization whose charter calls for the\n\t\t\t destruction of the State of Israel;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Hamas continues to reject the core principles of the Middle East Quartet (the United\n\t\t\t Nations, the United States, the European Union, and Russia)—recognize\n\t\t\t Israel’s right to exist,\n\t\t\t renounce violence, and accept previous Israeli-Palestinian agreements;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Hamas has killed hundreds of Israelis and dozens of Americans in rocket attacks and suicide\n\t\t\t bombings;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, since Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza in 2005, Hamas and other terrorist groups have fired\n\t\t\t thousands of rockets at Israel;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Hamas has entered into a unity governing arrangement with Fatah and the Palestinian\n\t\t\t Authority;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the unity governing agreement implies Fatah's and the Palestinian Authority's support for\n\t\t\t Hamas’ belligerent actions against Israel, potentially contributing to a\n\t\t\t false perception of legitimacy for Hamas' belligerent actions;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, since June 2014, Hamas has fired nearly 300 rockets at Israel;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Hamas’ weapons arsenal includes approximately 12,000 rockets that vary in range;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas innocent Israeli civilians are indiscriminately targeted by Hamas rocket attacks; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas 5,000,000 Israelis are currently living under the threat of rocket attacks from Gaza: Now,\n\t\t\t therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"HA94326FD41284B93B88E0DC2D9CB14D4\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\">\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"HFFED8AECCC994BAD8247B073B4D2AF57\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n reaffirms its support for Israel’s right to defend its citizens and ensure the survival of the\n\t\t\t State of Israel;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"H4EAAE1B23D2A45B9B8C0B58FE5800628\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n condemns the unprovoked rocket fire at Israel;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"H4DC4723E27E24FAE831D249AAE1ED837\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n calls on Hamas to immediately cease all rocket and other attacks against Israel; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id2904d6815b4c4efca4ba5c10e9f1cbe6\">\n <enum>\n (4)\n </enum>\n <text>\n calls on Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to dissolve the unity governing arrangement\n\t\t\t with Hamas and condemn the attacks on Israel.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n <endorsement>\n <action-date>\n July 16, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n Reported without amendment\n </action-desc>\n </endorsement>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" }, { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-07-17T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres498ats/xml/BILLS-113sres498ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres498ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres498ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T00:26:01.364", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-498", "legis_num": 498, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-498-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 498 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES July 10, 2014 Mr. Graham (for himself, Mr. Menendez , Ms. Ayotte , Mr. Schumer , Mr. McCain , Mr. Corker , Mr. Rubio , Mr. Blunt , Mr. Kirk , Mr. Toomey , Mr. Alexander , Mr. Moran , Mr. Johanns , Mr. Heller , Mr. Inhofe , Mrs. Fischer , Ms. Collins , Mr. Cruz , Mr. Vitter , Mr. Paul , Mr. Blumenthal , Mrs. Boxer , Mr. Nelson , Mr. Franken , Ms. Murkowski , Mr. Thune , Mr. Grassley , Mr. Hatch , Mr. Murphy , Mr. Scott , Mr. Cardin , Mr. Crapo , Mr. Chambliss , Mr. Roberts , Mr. Casey , Mr. Wicker , Mr. Coats , Mrs. Shaheen , Mr. Tester , Mr. Kaine , Mr. Lee , Mr. Begich , Mr. Boozman , Mr. Coons , Mrs. Hagan , Mr. Burr , Mr. Markey , Ms. Mikulski , Ms. Stabenow , Mr. Pryor , Mr. Warner , Ms. Landrieu , Mr. Flake , Mrs. Gillibrand , Mr. Cochran , Mr. Barrasso , Mr. Schatz , Mr. Cornyn , Ms. Hirono , Ms. Heitkamp , Ms. Klobuchar , Mr. Heinrich , Mr. Levin , Mr. Donnelly , Mr. Bennet , Mr. Udall of Colorado , Mr. Portman , Mr. Whitehouse , Mr. Booker , Mr. Durbin , Mr. Brown , Mr. Johnson of Wisconsin , Mr. Manchin , Mrs. Murray , Mr. Wyden , Mr. Enzi , Mr. Isakson , Mr. Reed , and Mr. Merkley ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations July 16, 2014 Reported by Mr. Menendez , without amendment July 17, 2014 Considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Expressing the sense of the Senate regarding United States support for the State of Israel as it defends itself against unprovoked rocket attacks from the Hamas terrorist organization.\n\nWhereas Hamas is a United States-designated terrorist organization whose charter calls for the destruction of the State of Israel; Whereas Hamas continues to reject the core principles of the Middle East Quartet (the United Nations, the United States, the European Union, and Russia)—recognize Israel’s right to exist, renounce violence, and accept previous Israeli-Palestinian agreements; Whereas Hamas has killed hundreds of Israelis and dozens of Americans in rocket attacks and suicide bombings; Whereas, since Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza in 2005, Hamas and other terrorist groups have fired thousands of rockets at Israel; Whereas Hamas has entered into a unity governing arrangement with Fatah and the Palestinian Authority; Whereas the unity governing agreement implies Fatah's and the Palestinian Authority's support for Hamas’ belligerent actions against Israel, potentially contributing to a false perception of legitimacy for Hamas' belligerent actions; Whereas, since June 2014, Hamas has fired nearly 300 rockets at Israel; Whereas Hamas’ weapons arsenal includes approximately 12,000 rockets that vary in range; Whereas innocent Israeli civilians are indiscriminately targeted by Hamas rocket attacks; and Whereas 5,000,000 Israelis are currently living under the threat of rocket attacks from Gaza: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) reaffirms its support for Israel’s right to defend its citizens and ensure the survival of the State of Israel; (2) condemns the unprovoked rocket fire at Israel; (3) calls on Hamas to immediately cease all rocket and other attacks against Israel; and (4) calls on Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to dissolve the unity governing arrangement with Hamas and condemn the attacks on Israel.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 498 ATS: Expressing the sense of the Senate regarding United States support for the State of Israel as it defends itself against unprovoked rocket attacks from the Hamas terrorist organization.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-07-10\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress>\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session>\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 498\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action>\n <action-date date=\"20140710\">\n July 10, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S293\">\n Mr. Graham\n </sponsor>\n (for himself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S306\">\n Mr. Menendez\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S340\">\n Ms. Ayotte\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S270\">\n Mr. Schumer\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S197\">\n Mr. McCain\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S310\">\n Mr. Corker\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S350\">\n Mr. Rubio\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S342\">\n Mr. Blunt\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S339\">\n Mr. Kirk\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S351\">\n Mr. Toomey\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S289\">\n Mr. Alexander\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S347\">\n Mr. Moran\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S321\">\n Mr. Johanns\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S352\">\n Mr. Heller\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S236\">\n Mr. Inhofe\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S357\">\n Mrs. Fischer\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S252\">\n Ms. Collins\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S355\">\n Mr. Cruz\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S299\">\n Mr. Vitter\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S348\">\n Mr. Paul\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S341\">\n Mr. Blumenthal\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S223\">\n Mrs. Boxer\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S282\">\n Mr. Nelson\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S332\">\n Mr. Franken\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S288\">\n Ms. Murkowski\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S303\">\n Mr. Thune\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S153\">\n Mr. Grassley\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S118\">\n Mr. Hatch\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S364\">\n Mr. Murphy\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S365\">\n Mr. Scott\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S308\">\n Mr. Cardin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S266\">\n Mr. Crapo\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S290\">\n Mr. Chambliss\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S260\">\n Mr. Roberts\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S309\">\n Mr. Casey\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S318\">\n Mr. Wicker\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S212\">\n Mr. Coats\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S324\">\n Mrs. Shaheen\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S314\">\n Mr. Tester\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S362\">\n Mr. Kaine\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S346\">\n Mr. Lee\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S319\">\n Mr. Begich\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S343\">\n Mr. Boozman\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S337\">\n Mr. Coons\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S320\">\n Mrs. Hagan\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S300\">\n Mr. Burr\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S369\">\n Mr. Markey\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S182\">\n Ms. Mikulski\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S284\">\n Ms. Stabenow\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S295\">\n Mr. Pryor\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S327\">\n Mr. Warner\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S258\">\n Ms. Landrieu\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S358\">\n Mr. Flake\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S331\">\n Mrs. Gillibrand\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S136\">\n Mr. Cochran\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S317\">\n Mr. Barrasso\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S353\">\n Mr. Schatz\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S287\">\n Mr. Cornyn\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S361\">\n Ms. Hirono\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S360\">\n Ms. Heitkamp\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S311\">\n Ms. Klobuchar\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S359\">\n Mr. Heinrich\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S131\">\n Mr. Levin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S356\">\n Mr. Donnelly\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S330\">\n Mr. Bennet\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S325\">\n Mr. Udall of Colorado\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S349\">\n Mr. Portman\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S316\">\n Mr. Whitehouse\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S370\">\n Mr. Booker\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S253\">\n Mr. Durbin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S307\">\n Mr. Brown\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S345\">\n Mr. Johnson of Wisconsin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S338\">\n Mr. Manchin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S229\">\n Mrs. Murray\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S247\">\n Mr. Wyden\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S254\">\n Mr. Enzi\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S305\">\n Mr. Isakson\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S259\">\n Mr. Reed\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S322\">\n Mr. Merkley\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name added-display-style=\"italic\" committee-id=\"SSFR00\" deleted-display-style=\"strikethrough\">\n Committee on Foreign Relations\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <action stage=\"Reported-in-Senate\">\n <action-date>\n July 16, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n Reported by\n <sponsor name-id=\"S306\">\n Mr. Menendez\n </sponsor>\n , without amendment\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <action>\n <action-date>\n July 17, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n Considered and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Expressing the sense of the Senate regarding United States support for the State of Israel as it\n\t\t\t defends itself against unprovoked rocket attacks from the Hamas terrorist\n\t\t\t organization.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Hamas is a United States-designated terrorist organization whose charter calls for the\n\t\t\t destruction of the State of Israel;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Hamas continues to reject the core principles of the Middle East Quartet (the United\n\t\t\t Nations, the United States, the European Union, and Russia)—recognize\n\t\t\t Israel’s right to exist,\n\t\t\t renounce violence, and accept previous Israeli-Palestinian agreements;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Hamas has killed hundreds of Israelis and dozens of Americans in rocket attacks and suicide\n\t\t\t bombings;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, since Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza in 2005, Hamas and other terrorist groups have fired\n\t\t\t thousands of rockets at Israel;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Hamas has entered into a unity governing arrangement with Fatah and the Palestinian\n\t\t\t Authority;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the unity governing agreement implies Fatah's and the Palestinian Authority's support for\n\t\t\t Hamas’ belligerent actions against Israel, potentially contributing to a\n\t\t\t false perception of legitimacy for Hamas' belligerent actions;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, since June 2014, Hamas has fired nearly 300 rockets at Israel;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Hamas’ weapons arsenal includes approximately 12,000 rockets that vary in range;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas innocent Israeli civilians are indiscriminately targeted by Hamas rocket attacks; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas 5,000,000 Israelis are currently living under the threat of rocket attacks from Gaza: Now,\n\t\t\t therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"HA94326FD41284B93B88E0DC2D9CB14D4\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\">\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"HFFED8AECCC994BAD8247B073B4D2AF57\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n reaffirms its support for Israel’s right to defend its citizens and ensure the survival of the\n\t\t\t State of Israel;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"H4EAAE1B23D2A45B9B8C0B58FE5800628\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n condemns the unprovoked rocket fire at Israel;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"H4DC4723E27E24FAE831D249AAE1ED837\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n calls on Hamas to immediately cease all rocket and other attacks against Israel; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id2904d6815b4c4efca4ba5c10e9f1cbe6\">\n <enum>\n (4)\n </enum>\n <text>\n calls on Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to dissolve the unity governing arrangement\n\t\t\t with Hamas and condemn the attacks on Israel.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-06 01:39:04.768
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 499 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-11T13:25:42Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-11T13:25:42Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-07-10 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2014-07-10T20:54:52Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <relatedBills> <item> <title> Congratulating the American Motorcyclist Association on their 90th Anniversary. </title> <congress> 113 </congress> <number> 650 </number> <type> HRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-06-25 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-10 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR S4417) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-10 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> M001183 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Manchin, Joe, III [D-WV] </fullName> <firstName> Joseph </firstName> <lastName> Manchin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WV </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> A000368 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Ayotte, Kelly [R-NH] </fullName> <firstName> Kelly </firstName> <lastName> Ayotte </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-22 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001181 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Shaheen, Jeanne [D-NH] </fullName> <firstName> Jeanne </firstName> <lastName> Shaheen </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Transportation and Public Works </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Commemorative events and holidays </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Motor vehicles </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Transportation and Public Works </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-10 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-07-14T18:49:43Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Congratulates the American Motorcyclist Association on its 90th Anniversary.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution congratulating the American Motorcyclist Association on its 90th Anniversary. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution congratulating the American Motorcyclist Association on its 90th Anniversary. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution congratulating the American Motorcyclist Association on its 90th Anniversary. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2014-07-10T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres499is/xml/BILLS-113sres499is.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-07-10 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR S4417) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-07-10T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres499is/xml/BILLS-113sres499is.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres499is.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres499is.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T00:26:01.284", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-499", "legis_num": 499, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "is", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-499-is-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 499 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES July 10, 2014 Mr. Manchin submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary RESOLUTION Congratulating the American Motorcyclist Association on its 90th Anniversary.\n\nWhereas the American Motorcyclist Association has been promoting and protecting the motorcyclist lifestyle since 1924; Whereas the members of the American Motorcyclist Association are the world’s largest and most dedicated group of motorcycle enthusiasts; Whereas the American Motorcyclist Association represents motorcycle riders, who are among the most passionate motorcycle enthusiasts in the United States; Whereas through member clubs, promoters, and partners, the American Motorcyclist Association authorizes almost 3,000 motorsports competition events annually; and Whereas the American Motorcyclist Association’s headquarters in Pickerington, Ohio, is home to the American Motorcyclist Association Motorcycle Hall of Fame, which honors those who have contributed to the history of motorcycling through political activism, culture, and sport, and which preserves the heritage of motorcycling for future generations: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate congratulates the American Motorcyclist Association on its 90th Anniversary and commends it for promoting and protecting the rights and interests of motorcyclists and motorcycle enthusiasts since 1924.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Introduced-in-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 499 IS: Congratulating the American Motorcyclist Association on its 90th Anniversary.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-07-10\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 499\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140710\">\n July 10, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S338\">\n Mr. Manchin\n </sponsor>\n submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name committee-id=\"SSJU00\">\n Committee on the Judiciary\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Congratulating the American Motorcyclist Association on its 90th Anniversary.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the American Motorcyclist Association has been promoting and protecting the motorcyclist\n\t\t\t lifestyle since 1924;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the members of the American Motorcyclist Association are the world’s largest and most\n\t\t\t dedicated group of motorcycle enthusiasts;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the American Motorcyclist Association represents motorcycle riders, who are among the most\n\t\t\t passionate motorcycle enthusiasts in the United States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas through member clubs, promoters, and partners, the American Motorcyclist Association\n\t\t\t authorizes almost 3,000 motorsports competition events annually; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the American Motorcyclist Association’s headquarters in Pickerington, Ohio, is home to the\n\t\t\t American Motorcyclist Association Motorcycle Hall of Fame, which honors\n\t\t\t those who have contributed to the history of motorcycling through\n\t\t\t political activism, culture, and sport, and which preserves the heritage\n\t\t\t of motorcycling for future generations: \n\t\t\tNow, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate congratulates the American Motorcyclist Association on its 90th Anniversary and\n\t\t\t commends it for promoting and protecting the rights and interests of\n\t\t\t motorcyclists and motorcycle enthusiasts since 1924.\n </text>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-06 01:39:05.026
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 500 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-11T13:25:42Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-11T13:25:42Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-07-10 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Reported by </name> <date> 2014-07-16T19:58:45Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Markup by </name> <date> 2014-07-16T14:00:00Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2014-07-10T22:04:31Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <relatedBills> <item> <title> Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives with respect to enhanced relations with the Republic of Moldova and support for Moldova's territorial integrity. </title> <congress> 113 </congress> <number> 562 </number> <type> HRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-07-25 </actionDate> <text> Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection. </text> <actionTime> 13:03:58 </actionTime> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> <item> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate with respect to enhanced relations with the Republic of Moldova and support for the Republic of Moldova's territorial integrity. </title> <congress> 113 </congress> <number> 478 </number> <type> SRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-06-18 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S3813-3814) </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-23 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Voice Vote. (consideration: CR S4845) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-23 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Voice Vote.(consideration: CR S4845) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-16 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 470. </text> <type> Calendars </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-16 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Committee on Foreign Relations. Reported by Senator Menendez without amendment and with a preamble. Without written report. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-16 </actionDate> <text> Committee on Foreign Relations. Reported by Senator Menendez without amendment and with a preamble. Without written report. </text> <type> Committee </type> <actionCode> 14000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-16 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Committee on Foreign Relations. Ordered to be reported without amendment favorably. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-10 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S4417-4418) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-10 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> S001181 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Shaheen, Jeanne [D-NH] </fullName> <firstName> Jeanne </firstName> <lastName> Shaheen </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NH </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> R000595 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Rubio, Marco [R-FL] </fullName> <firstName> Marco </firstName> <lastName> Rubio </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000639 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Menendez, Robert [D-NJ] </fullName> <firstName> Robert </firstName> <lastName> Menendez </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000303 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. McCain, John [R-AZ] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> MCCAIN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AZ </state> <middleName> SIDNEY </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001169 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Murphy, Christopher [D-CT] </fullName> <firstName> Christopher </firstName> <lastName> Murphy </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CT </state> <middleName> S. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000141 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cardin, Benjamin L. [D-MD] </fullName> <firstName> Ben </firstName> <lastName> Cardin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000563 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Durbin, Richard J. [D-IL] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Durbin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Competitiveness, trade promotion, trade deficits </name> </item> <item> <name> Conflicts and wars </name> </item> <item> <name> Energy storage, supplies, demand </name> </item> <item> <name> Europe </name> </item> <item> <name> European Union </name> </item> <item> <name> Foreign aid and international relief </name> </item> <item> <name> Government ethics and transparency, public corruption </name> </item> <item> <name> Intelligence activities, surveillance, classified information </name> </item> <item> <name> International exchange and broadcasting </name> </item> <item> <name> International organizations and cooperation </name> </item> <item> <name> Military assistance, sales, and agreements </name> </item> <item> <name> Military operations and strategy </name> </item> <item> <name> Moldova </name> </item> <item> <name> Rule of law and government transparency </name> </item> <item> <name> Russia </name> </item> <item> <name> Sovereignty, recognition, national governance and status </name> </item> <item> <name> U.S. and foreign investments </name> </item> <item> <name> Ukraine </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-10 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-07-14T21:20:44Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Reaffirms that it is U.S. policy to support the Republic of Moldova's sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Supports the Strategic Dialogue as a means to strengthen relations between the Republic of Moldova and the United States and enhance the democratic, economic, rule of law, and security reforms being implemented by the Republic of Moldova.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Encourages: (1) the President and the Department of State to enhance U.S. cooperation with the government of Moldova and civil society organizations, and (2) the President to expedite implementation of the Act relating to "United States International Programming to Ukraine and Neighboring Regions."&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Urges the President to consider increasing security and intelligence cooperation with Moldova.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Supports increased U.S.-Moldova educational exchanges.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Affirms the Republic of Moldova's sovereign right to determine its own partnerships free of external coercion and affirms Moldova's right to associate with the European Union (EU) or any regional organization. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Urges the EU to continue to work for greater political, economic, and social integration with the Republic of Moldova.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Calls upon the government of Russia to: (1) withdraw its military forces from within the internationally recognized territory of the Republic of Moldova, (2) refrain from economic coercion, and (3) cease actions that support separatist movements in Moldova. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Supports confidence-building measures between the government of Moldova and the authorities in the Transnistria region in order to secure a peaceful resolution to the conflict. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Affirms that lasting stability and security in Europe is a key U.S. priority that can only be achieved if the territorial integrity and sovereignty of all European countries are respected.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 80 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-16 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Reported to Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-07-17T15:41:38Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Reaffirms that it is U.S. policy to support the Republic of Moldova's sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Supports the Strategic Dialogue as a means to strengthen relations between the Republic of Moldova and the United States and enhance the democratic, economic, rule of law, and security reforms being implemented by the Republic of Moldova.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Encourages: (1) the President and the Department of State to enhance U.S. cooperation with the government of Moldova and civil society organizations, and (2) the President to expedite implementation of the Act relating to "United States International Programming to Ukraine and Neighboring Regions."&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Urges the President to consider increasing security and intelligence cooperation with Moldova.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Supports increased U.S.-Moldova educational exchanges.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Affirms the Republic of Moldova's sovereign right to determine its own partnerships free of external coercion and affirms Moldova's right to associate with the European Union (EU) or any regional organization. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Urges the EU to continue to work for greater political, economic, and social integration with the Republic of Moldova.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Calls upon the government of Russia to: (1) withdraw its military forces from within the internationally recognized territory of the Republic of Moldova, (2) refrain from economic coercion, and (3) cease actions that support separatist movements in Moldova. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Supports confidence-building measures between the government of Moldova and the authorities in the Transnistria region in order to secure a peaceful resolution to the conflict. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Affirms that lasting stability and security in Europe is a key U.S. priority that can only be achieved if the territorial integrity and sovereignty of all European countries are respected.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-23 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-07-24T20:55:05Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Reaffirms that it is U.S. policy to support the Republic of Moldova's sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Supports the Strategic Dialogue as a means to strengthen relations between the Republic of Moldova and the United States and enhance the democratic, economic, rule of law, and security reforms being implemented by the Republic of Moldova.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Encourages: (1) the President and the Department of State to enhance U.S. cooperation with the government of Moldova and civil society organizations, and (2) the President to expedite implementation of the Act relating to "United States International Programming to Ukraine and Neighboring Regions."&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Urges the President to consider increasing security and intelligence cooperation with Moldova.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Supports increased U.S.-Moldova educational exchanges.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Affirms the Republic of Moldova's sovereign right to determine its own partnerships free of external coercion and affirms Moldova's right to associate with the European Union (EU) or any regional organization. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Urges the EU to continue to work for greater political, economic, and social integration with the Republic of Moldova.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Calls upon the government of Russia to: (1) withdraw its military forces from within the internationally recognized territory of the Republic of Moldova, (2) refrain from economic coercion, and (3) cease actions that support separatist movements in Moldova. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Supports confidence-building measures between the government of Moldova and the authorities in the Transnistria region in order to secure a peaceful resolution to the conflict. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Affirms that lasting stability and security in Europe is a key U.S. priority that can only be achieved if the territorial integrity and sovereignty of all European countries are respected.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate with respect to enhanced relations with the Republic of Moldova and support for the Republic of Moldova's territorial integrity. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate with respect to enhanced relations with the Republic of Moldova and support for the Republic of Moldova's territorial integrity. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate with respect to enhanced relations with the Republic of Moldova and support for the Republic of Moldova's territorial integrity. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-07-23T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres500ats/xml/BILLS-113sres500ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> <item> <type> Reported to Senate </type> <date> 2014-07-16T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres500rs/xml/BILLS-113sres500rs.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2014-07-10T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres500is/xml/BILLS-113sres500is.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-07-23 </actionDate> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Voice Vote. (consideration: CR S4845) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-23", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Voice Vote. (consideration: CR S4845)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2014-07-23", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Voice Vote.(consideration: CR S4845)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-16", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 470.", "type": "Calendars" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-16", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Committee on Foreign Relations. Reported by Senator Menendez without amendment and with a preamble. Without written report.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "14000", "action_date": "2014-07-16", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Committee on Foreign Relations. Reported by Senator Menendez without amendment and with a preamble. Without written report.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-16", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Committee on Foreign Relations. Ordered to be reported without amendment favorably.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-10", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S4417-4418)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-07-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2014-07-16T19:58:45Z", "name": "Reported by" }, { "date": "2014-07-16T14:00:00Z", "name": "Markup by" }, { "date": "2014-07-10T22:04:31Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "R000595", "district": null, "first_name": "Marco", "full_name": "Sen. Rubio, Marco [R-FL]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Rubio", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-10", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000639", "district": null, "first_name": "Robert", "full_name": "Sen. Menendez, Robert [D-NJ]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Menendez", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-10", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000303", "district": null, "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Sen. McCain, John [R-AZ]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MCCAIN", "middle_name": "SIDNEY", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-10", "state": "AZ" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001169", "district": null, "first_name": "Christopher", "full_name": "Sen. Murphy, Christopher [D-CT]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Murphy", "middle_name": "S.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-10", "state": "CT" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000141", "district": null, "first_name": "Ben", "full_name": "Sen. Cardin, Benjamin L. [D-MD]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Cardin", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-16", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000563", "district": null, "first_name": "Richard", "full_name": "Sen. Durbin, Richard J. [D-IL]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Durbin", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-17", "state": "IL" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-07-10", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-23", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Voice Vote. (consideration: CR S4845)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 500, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "International Affairs", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 113, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-25", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": null }, "number": 562, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives with respect to enhanced relations with the Republic of Moldova and support for Moldova's territorial integrity.", "type": "HRES" }, { "congress": 113, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-06-18", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S3813-3814)", "type": null }, "number": 478, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate with respect to enhanced relations with the Republic of Moldova and support for the Republic of Moldova's territorial integrity.", "type": "SRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "S001181", "district": null, "first_name": "Jeanne", "full_name": "Sen. Shaheen, Jeanne [D-NH]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Shaheen", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "NH" } ], "subjects": [ "Competitiveness, trade promotion, trade deficits", "Conflicts and wars", "Energy storage, supplies, demand", "Europe", "European Union", "Foreign aid and international relief", "Government ethics and transparency, public corruption", "Intelligence activities, surveillance, classified information", "International exchange and broadcasting", "International organizations and cooperation", "Military assistance, sales, and agreements", "Military operations and strategy", "Moldova", "Rule of law and government transparency", "Russia", "Sovereignty, recognition, national governance and status", "U.S. and foreign investments", "Ukraine" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-07-10", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Reaffirms that it is U.S. policy to support the Republic of Moldova's sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity. </p> <p> Supports the Strategic Dialogue as a means to strengthen relations between the Republic of Moldova and the United States and enhance the democratic, economic, rule of law, and security reforms being implemented by the Republic of Moldova.</p> <p> Encourages: (1) the President and the Department of State to enhance U.S. cooperation with the government of Moldova and civil society organizations, and (2) the President to expedite implementation of the Act relating to \"United States International Programming to Ukraine and Neighboring Regions.\"</p> <p>Urges the President to consider increasing security and intelligence cooperation with Moldova.</p> <p>Supports increased U.S.-Moldova educational exchanges.</p> <p>Affirms the Republic of Moldova's sovereign right to determine its own partnerships free of external coercion and affirms Moldova's right to associate with the European Union (EU) or any regional organization. </p> <p>Urges the EU to continue to work for greater political, economic, and social integration with the Republic of Moldova.</p> <p>Calls upon the government of Russia to: (1) withdraw its military forces from within the internationally recognized territory of the Republic of Moldova, (2) refrain from economic coercion, and (3) cease actions that support separatist movements in Moldova. </p> <p>Supports confidence-building measures between the government of Moldova and the authorities in the Transnistria region in order to secure a peaceful resolution to the conflict. </p> <p> Affirms that lasting stability and security in Europe is a key U.S. priority that can only be achieved if the territorial integrity and sovereignty of all European countries are respected.</p>", "update_date": "2014-07-14T21:20:44Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2014-07-16", "action_desc": "Reported to Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Reaffirms that it is U.S. policy to support the Republic of Moldova's sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity. </p> <p> Supports the Strategic Dialogue as a means to strengthen relations between the Republic of Moldova and the United States and enhance the democratic, economic, rule of law, and security reforms being implemented by the Republic of Moldova.</p> <p> Encourages: (1) the President and the Department of State to enhance U.S. cooperation with the government of Moldova and civil society organizations, and (2) the President to expedite implementation of the Act relating to \"United States International Programming to Ukraine and Neighboring Regions.\"</p> <p>Urges the President to consider increasing security and intelligence cooperation with Moldova.</p> <p>Supports increased U.S.-Moldova educational exchanges.</p> <p>Affirms the Republic of Moldova's sovereign right to determine its own partnerships free of external coercion and affirms Moldova's right to associate with the European Union (EU) or any regional organization. </p> <p>Urges the EU to continue to work for greater political, economic, and social integration with the Republic of Moldova.</p> <p>Calls upon the government of Russia to: (1) withdraw its military forces from within the internationally recognized territory of the Republic of Moldova, (2) refrain from economic coercion, and (3) cease actions that support separatist movements in Moldova. </p> <p>Supports confidence-building measures between the government of Moldova and the authorities in the Transnistria region in order to secure a peaceful resolution to the conflict. </p> <p> Affirms that lasting stability and security in Europe is a key U.S. priority that can only be achieved if the territorial integrity and sovereignty of all European countries are respected.</p>", "update_date": "2014-07-17T15:41:38Z", "version_code": "80" }, { "action_date": "2014-07-23", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Reaffirms that it is U.S. policy to support the Republic of Moldova's sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity. </p> <p> Supports the Strategic Dialogue as a means to strengthen relations between the Republic of Moldova and the United States and enhance the democratic, economic, rule of law, and security reforms being implemented by the Republic of Moldova.</p> <p> Encourages: (1) the President and the Department of State to enhance U.S. cooperation with the government of Moldova and civil society organizations, and (2) the President to expedite implementation of the Act relating to \"United States International Programming to Ukraine and Neighboring Regions.\"</p> <p>Urges the President to consider increasing security and intelligence cooperation with Moldova.</p> <p>Supports increased U.S.-Moldova educational exchanges.</p> <p>Affirms the Republic of Moldova's sovereign right to determine its own partnerships free of external coercion and affirms Moldova's right to associate with the European Union (EU) or any regional organization. </p> <p>Urges the EU to continue to work for greater political, economic, and social integration with the Republic of Moldova.</p> <p>Calls upon the government of Russia to: (1) withdraw its military forces from within the internationally recognized territory of the Republic of Moldova, (2) refrain from economic coercion, and (3) cease actions that support separatist movements in Moldova. </p> <p>Supports confidence-building measures between the government of Moldova and the authorities in the Transnistria region in order to secure a peaceful resolution to the conflict. </p> <p> Affirms that lasting stability and security in Europe is a key U.S. priority that can only be achieved if the territorial integrity and sovereignty of all European countries are respected.</p>", "update_date": "2014-07-24T20:55:05Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-07-23T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres500ats/xml/BILLS-113sres500ats.xml" }, { "date": "2014-07-16T04:00:00Z", "type": "Reported to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres500rs/xml/BILLS-113sres500rs.xml" }, { "date": "2014-07-10T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres500is/xml/BILLS-113sres500is.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate with respect to enhanced relations with the Republic of Moldova and support for the Republic of Moldova's territorial integrity.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate with respect to enhanced relations with the Republic of Moldova and support for the Republic of Moldova's territorial integrity.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate with respect to enhanced relations with the Republic of Moldova and support for the Republic of Moldova's territorial integrity.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2023-01-11T13:25:42Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-11T13:25:42Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-07-23T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres500ats/xml/BILLS-113sres500ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres500ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres500ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T00:26:01.322", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-500", "legis_num": 500, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-500-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 500 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES July 10, 2014 Mrs. Shaheen (for herself, Mr. Rubio , Mr. Menendez , Mr. McCain , Mr. Murphy , Mr. Cardin , and Mr. Durbin ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations July 16, 2014 Reported by Mr. Menendez , without amendment July 23, 2014 Considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Expressing the sense of the Senate with respect to enhanced relations with the Republic of Moldova and support for the Republic of Moldova's territorial integrity.\n\nWhereas the United States has enjoyed warm relations with the Republic of Moldova since the Republic of Moldova’s independence in 1991; Whereas, since the Republic of Moldova’s independence, the United States has provided financial assistance to support the efforts of the people of the Republic of Moldova to build a prosperous European democracy; Whereas the United States and the Republic of Moldova further strengthened their partnership through the launching of a Strategic Dialogue on March 3, 2014; Whereas the Republic of Moldova signed an Association Agreement containing comprehensive free trade provisions with the European Union on June 27, 2014, and ratified the agreement on July 2, 2014; Whereas the Government of the Republic of Moldova made extraordinary efforts to comply with the criteria for an Association Agreement with the European Union, including significant legislative reforms to improve the rule of law and curtail corruption; Whereas new parliamentary elections are expected to be held in the Republic of Moldova in November 2014; Whereas the United States Government supports the democratic aspirations of the people of the Republic of Moldova and their expressed desire to deepen their association with the European Union; Whereas the United States supports the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Moldova and, on that basis, participates as an observer in the 5+2 negotiations to find a comprehensive settlement that will provide a special status for the separatist region of Transnistria within the Republic of Moldova; Whereas, in September 2013, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitri Rogozin said that Moldova would lose Transnistria if Moldova continues moving toward the European Union and that Moldova’s train en route to Europe would lose its wagons in Transnistria ; Whereas in 2013, the Government of the Russian Federation banned the import of Moldovan wine and certain agricultural products in anticipation of the Republic of Moldova initialing the Association Agreement with the European Union; Whereas, in response to the Republic of Moldova signing and ratifying the Association Agreement with the European Union, the Government of the Russian Federation has banned additional agricultural products and threatened to curtail the supply of energy resources to the Republic of Moldova, expel Moldova from the Commonwealth of Independent States free trade zone, and impose stricter labor migration policies on the people of the Republic of Moldova; Whereas the Government of the Russian Federation maintains a contingent of Russian troops and a stockpile of Russian military equipment and ammunition within the Moldovan region of Transnistria; Whereas the Government of Russia has been actively issuing Russian passports to the residents of the Transnistria region in the Republic of Moldova; Whereas the Council of Europe, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), and the Government of the Republic of Moldova have called upon the Government of the Russian Federation to remove its troops from the territory of the Republic of Moldova; Whereas authorities in the Republic of Moldova’s Transnistria region have restricted the access of OSCE Mission to Moldova monitors to the Transnistria region, thereby preventing the Mission from providing impartial reporting on the security situation in the region; Whereas the House of Representatives and the Senate both passed, by an overwhelming majority, and the President signed into law the Act relating to United States International Programming to Ukraine and Neighboring Regions , approved April 3, 2014 ( Public Law 113–96 ; 22 U.S.C. 6211 note), providing for a United States international broadcast programming surge to counter misinformation from Russian-supported news outlets and ensuring that Russian-speaking populations in Ukraine and Moldova have access to independent news and information; and Whereas Moldova has been a valued and reliable partner in promoting global security by participating in United Nations peacekeeping missions in Liberia, Cote d’Ivoire, Sudan, Georgia, and Kosovo: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) reaffirms that it is the policy of the United States Government to support the sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity of the Republic of Moldova and the inviolability of its borders; (2) supports the Strategic Dialogue as a means to strengthen relations between the Republic of Moldova and the United States and to enhance the democratic, economic, and security reforms already being implemented by the Republic of Moldova; (3) urges the President to consider increasing security and intelligence cooperation with the Government of Moldova; (4) encourages the President and the Secretary of State to enhance United States cooperation with the Government of the Republic of Moldova and civil society organizations and to focus assistance on rule of law, anti-corruption efforts, energy security, and improving trade relations and investment opportunities; (5) supports increased educational exchanges between the United States and the Republic of Moldova; (6) encourages the President to expedite the implementation of the Act relating to United States International Programming to Ukraine and Neighboring Regions , approved April 3, 2014 ( Public Law 113–96 ; 22 U.S.C. 6211 note), especially because it relates to populations in Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova; (7) affirms the Republic of Moldova’s sovereign right to determine its own partnerships free of external coercion and pressure, and affirms the Republic of Moldova’s right to associate with the European Union and any other regional organization; (8) urges the European Union to continue to work for greater political, economic, and social integration with the Republic of Moldova; (9) calls on the Government of the Russian Federation to refrain from using economic coercion against the Republic of Moldova, cease support for separatist movements in the territory of the Republic of Moldova, and fulfill its commitments made at the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) 1999 summit in Istanbul to withdraw its military forces and munitions from within the internationally recognized territory of the Republic of Moldova; (10) supports constructive engagement and confidence-building measures between the Government of the Republic of Moldova and the authorities in the Transnistria region in order to secure a peaceful, comprehensive resolution to the conflict that respects the Republic of Moldova’s sovereignty and territorial integrity; (11) urges officials in the Transnistrian region to allow OSCE Mission to Moldova monitors unrestricted access to that region; (12) discourages any unilateral actions that may undermine efforts to achieve a peaceful resolution, as well as the agreements already reached, and encourages leaders of the Transnistrian region to resume negotiations toward a political settlement; and (13) affirms that lasting stability and security in Europe is a key priority for the United States Government which can only be achieved if the territorial integrity and sovereignty of all European countries is respected.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 500 ATS: Expressing the sense of the Senate with respect to enhanced relations with the Republic of Moldova and support for the Republic of Moldova's territorial integrity.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-07-10\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress>\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session>\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 500\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140710\">\n July 10, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S324\">\n Mrs. Shaheen\n </sponsor>\n (for herself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S350\">\n Mr. Rubio\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S306\">\n Mr. Menendez\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S197\">\n Mr. McCain\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S364\">\n Mr. Murphy\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S308\">\n Mr. Cardin\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S253\">\n Mr. Durbin\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name added-display-style=\"italic\" committee-id=\"SSFR00\" deleted-display-style=\"strikethrough\">\n Committee on Foreign Relations\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <action stage=\"Reported-in-Senate\">\n <action-date>\n July 16, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n Reported by\n <sponsor name-id=\"S306\">\n Mr. Menendez\n </sponsor>\n , without amendment\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <action>\n <action-date>\n July 23, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n Considered and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Expressing the sense of the Senate with respect to enhanced relations with the Republic of Moldova\n\t\t\t and support for the Republic of Moldova's territorial integrity.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States has enjoyed warm relations with the Republic of Moldova since the\n\t\t\t Republic of Moldova’s independence in 1991;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, since the Republic of Moldova’s independence, the United States has provided financial\n\t\t\t assistance to support the efforts of the people of the Republic of Moldova\n\t\t\t to build a prosperous European democracy;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States and the Republic of Moldova further strengthened their partnership\n\t\t\t through the launching of a Strategic Dialogue on March 3, 2014;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Republic of Moldova signed an Association Agreement containing comprehensive free trade\n\t\t\t provisions with the European Union on June 27, 2014, and ratified the\n\t\t\t agreement on July 2, 2014;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Government of the Republic of Moldova made extraordinary efforts to comply with the\n\t\t\t criteria for an Association Agreement with the European Union, including\n\t\t\t significant legislative reforms to improve the rule of law and curtail\n\t\t\t corruption;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas new parliamentary elections are expected to be held in the Republic of Moldova in November\n\t\t\t 2014;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States Government supports the democratic aspirations of the people of the\n\t\t\t Republic of Moldova and their expressed desire to deepen their association\n\t\t\t with the European Union;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States supports the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of\n\t\t\t Moldova and, on that basis, participates as an observer in the\n <quote>\n 5+2\n </quote>\n negotiations to find a comprehensive settlement that will provide a\n\t\t\t special status for the separatist region of Transnistria within the\n\t\t\t Republic of Moldova;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, in September 2013, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitri Rogozin said that Moldova\n <quote>\n would\n\t\t\t lose Transnistria if Moldova continues moving toward the European Union\n </quote>\n and that\n <quote>\n Moldova’s train en route to Europe would lose its wagons in\n\t\t\t Transnistria\n </quote>\n ;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas in 2013, the Government of the Russian Federation banned the import of Moldovan wine and\n\t\t\t certain agricultural products in anticipation of the Republic of Moldova\n\t\t\t initialing the Association Agreement with the European Union;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, in response to the Republic of Moldova signing and ratifying the Association Agreement\n\t\t\t with the European Union, the Government of the Russian Federation has\n\t\t\t banned additional agricultural products and threatened to curtail the\n\t\t\t supply of energy resources to the Republic of Moldova, expel Moldova from\n\t\t\t the Commonwealth of Independent States free trade zone, and impose\n\t\t\t stricter labor migration policies on the people of the Republic of\n\t\t\t Moldova;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Government of the Russian Federation maintains a contingent of Russian troops and a\n\t\t\t stockpile of Russian military equipment and ammunition within the Moldovan\n\t\t\t region of Transnistria;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Government of Russia has been actively issuing Russian passports to the residents of\n\t\t\t the Transnistria region in the Republic of Moldova;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Council of Europe, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), and\n\t\t\t the Government of the Republic of Moldova have called upon the Government\n\t\t\t of the Russian Federation to remove its troops from the territory of the\n\t\t\t Republic of Moldova;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas authorities in the Republic of Moldova’s Transnistria region have restricted the access of\n\t\t\t OSCE Mission to Moldova monitors to the Transnistria region, thereby\n\t\t\t preventing the Mission from providing impartial reporting on the security\n\t\t\t situation in the region;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the House of Representatives and the Senate both passed, by an overwhelming majority, and\n\t\t\t the President signed into law the Act relating to\n <quote>\n United States\n\t\t\t International Programming to Ukraine and Neighboring Regions\n </quote>\n , approved\n\t\t\t April 3, 2014 (\n <external-xref legal-doc=\"public-law\" parsable-cite=\"pl/113/96\">\n Public Law 113–96\n </external-xref>\n ;\n <external-xref legal-doc=\"usc\" parsable-cite=\"usc/22/6211\">\n 22 U.S.C. 6211\n </external-xref>\n note), providing for a\n\t\t\t United States international broadcast programming surge to counter\n\t\t\t misinformation from Russian-supported news outlets and ensuring that\n\t\t\t Russian-speaking populations in Ukraine and Moldova have access to\n\t\t\t independent news and information; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Moldova has been a valued and reliable partner in promoting global security by\n\t\t\t participating in United Nations peacekeeping missions in Liberia, Cote\n\t\t\t d’Ivoire, Sudan, Georgia, and Kosovo: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"idbef59872df2647f99401029692358141\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n reaffirms that it is the policy of the United States Government to support the sovereignty,\n\t\t\t independence, and territorial integrity of the Republic of Moldova and the\n\t\t\t inviolability of its borders;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id3e00d8fcbdb74e728c40662aebd8152a\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n supports the Strategic Dialogue as a means to strengthen relations between the Republic of Moldova\n\t\t\t and the United States and to enhance the democratic, economic, and\n\t\t\t security reforms already being implemented by the Republic of Moldova;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id499f72c602b54a608959d475c5dad62d\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n urges the President to consider increasing security and intelligence cooperation with the\n\t\t\t Government of Moldova;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id29d0a581ee1341cea89966d3614de7d0\">\n <enum>\n (4)\n </enum>\n <text>\n encourages the President and the Secretary of State to enhance United States cooperation with the\n\t\t\t Government of the Republic of Moldova and civil society organizations and\n\t\t\t to focus assistance on rule of law, anti-corruption efforts, energy\n\t\t\t security, and improving trade relations and investment opportunities;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id28c163fbcebb4771bc888b056bc1cea1\">\n <enum>\n (5)\n </enum>\n <text>\n supports increased educational exchanges between the United States and the Republic of Moldova;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id6857841099E14E6B875A1E4EE1BC733A\">\n <enum>\n (6)\n </enum>\n <text>\n encourages the President to expedite the implementation of the Act\n\t\t\t relating to\n <quote>\n United States International Programming to Ukraine and Neighboring Regions\n </quote>\n , approved April 3, 2014 (\n <external-xref legal-doc=\"public-law\" parsable-cite=\"pl/113/96\">\n Public Law 113–96\n </external-xref>\n ;\n <external-xref legal-doc=\"usc\" parsable-cite=\"usc/22/6211\">\n 22 U.S.C. 6211\n </external-xref>\n note), especially because it relates to\n\t\t\t populations in Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id75ebf20fae354f7fb5333f17a4d634f9\">\n <enum>\n (7)\n </enum>\n <text>\n affirms the Republic of Moldova’s sovereign right to determine its own partnerships free of\n\t\t\t external coercion and pressure, and affirms the Republic of Moldova’s\n\t\t\t right to associate with the European Union and any other regional\n\t\t\t organization;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id2f5a66a0be25445585f580a2c91d1188\">\n <enum>\n (8)\n </enum>\n <text>\n urges the European Union to continue to work for greater political, economic, and social\n\t\t\t integration with the Republic of Moldova;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id625cb1b1fc244f21beb5a465bcdd86a2\">\n <enum>\n (9)\n </enum>\n <text>\n calls on the Government of the Russian Federation to refrain from using economic coercion against\n\t\t\t the\n\t\t\t Republic of Moldova, cease support for separatist movements in the\n\t\t\t territory of the Republic of Moldova, and fulfill its commitments made at\n\t\t\t the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) 1999 summit\n\t\t\t in Istanbul to withdraw its military forces and munitions from within the\n\t\t\t internationally recognized territory of the Republic of Moldova;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id6523456258de4c8e97027ae1b44e0742\">\n <enum>\n (10)\n </enum>\n <text>\n supports constructive engagement and confidence-building measures between the Government of the\n\t\t\t Republic of Moldova and the authorities in the Transnistria region in\n\t\t\t order to secure a peaceful, comprehensive resolution to the conflict that\n\t\t\t respects the Republic of Moldova’s sovereignty and territorial integrity;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id53033e48b92642ec902c6908788c5504\">\n <enum>\n (11)\n </enum>\n <text>\n urges officials in the Transnistrian region to allow OSCE Mission to Moldova monitors unrestricted\n\t\t\t access to that region;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idcd22abb1e35d42a695c606a0bb7fc5f5\">\n <enum>\n (12)\n </enum>\n <text>\n discourages any unilateral actions that may undermine efforts to achieve a peaceful resolution, as\n\t\t\t well as the agreements already reached, and encourages leaders of the\n\t\t\t Transnistrian region to resume negotiations toward a political settlement;\n\t\t\t and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idc5f50f87076f46da85b2a9fd0c891c3a\">\n <enum>\n (13)\n </enum>\n <text>\n affirms that lasting stability and security in Europe is a key priority for the United States\n\t\t\t Government which can only be achieved if the territorial integrity and\n\t\t\t sovereignty of all European countries is respected.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" }, { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-07-10T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres500is/xml/BILLS-113sres500is.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres500is.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres500is.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T00:26:01.248", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-500", "legis_num": 500, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "is", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-500-is-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 500 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES July 10, 2014 Mrs. Shaheen (for herself, Mr. Rubio , Mr. Menendez , Mr. McCain , and Mr. Murphy ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations RESOLUTION Expressing the sense of the Senate with respect to enhanced relations with the Republic of Moldova and support for the Republic of Moldova's territorial integrity.\n\nWhereas the United States has enjoyed warm relations with the Republic of Moldova since the Republic of Moldova’s independence in 1991; Whereas, since the Republic of Moldova’s independence, the United States has provided financial assistance to support the efforts of the people of the Republic of Moldova to build a prosperous European democracy; Whereas the United States and the Republic of Moldova further strengthened their partnership through the launching of a Strategic Dialogue on March 3, 2014; Whereas the Republic of Moldova signed an Association Agreement containing comprehensive free trade provisions with the European Union on June 27, 2014, and ratified the agreement on July 2, 2014; Whereas the Government of the Republic of Moldova made extraordinary efforts to comply with the criteria for an Association Agreement with the European Union, including significant legislative reforms to improve the rule of law and curtail corruption; Whereas new parliamentary elections are expected to be held in the Republic of Moldova in November 2014; Whereas the United States Government supports the democratic aspirations of the people of the Republic of Moldova and their expressed desire to deepen their association with the European Union; Whereas the United States supports the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Moldova and, on that basis, participates as an observer in the 5+2 negotiations to find a comprehensive settlement that will provide a special status for the separatist region of Transnistria within the Republic of Moldova; Whereas, in September 2013, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitri Rogozin said that Moldova would lose Transnistria if Moldova continues moving toward the European Union and that Moldova’s train en route to Europe would lose its wagons in Transnistria ; Whereas in 2013, the Government of the Russian Federation banned the import of Moldovan wine and certain agricultural products in anticipation of the Republic of Moldova initialing the Association Agreement with the European Union; Whereas, in response to the Republic of Moldova signing and ratifying the Association Agreement with the European Union, the Government of the Russian Federation has banned additional agricultural products and threatened to curtail the supply of energy resources to the Republic of Moldova, expel Moldova from the Commonwealth of Independent States free trade zone, and impose stricter labor migration policies on the people of the Republic of Moldova; Whereas the Government of the Russian Federation maintains a contingent of Russian troops and a stockpile of Russian military equipment and ammunition within the Moldovan region of Transnistria; Whereas the Government of Russia has been actively issuing Russian passports to the residents of the Transnistria region in the Republic of Moldova; Whereas the Council of Europe, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), and the Government of the Republic of Moldova have called upon the Government of the Russian Federation to remove its troops from the territory of the Republic of Moldova; Whereas authorities in the Republic of Moldova’s Transnistria region have restricted the access of OSCE Mission to Moldova monitors to the Transnistria region, thereby preventing the Mission from providing impartial reporting on the security situation in the region; Whereas the House of Representatives and the Senate both passed, by an overwhelming majority, and the President signed into law the Act relating to United States International Programming to Ukraine and Neighboring Regions , approved April 3, 2014 ( Public Law 113–96 ; 22 U.S.C. 6211 note), providing for a United States international broadcast programming surge to counter misinformation from Russian-supported news outlets and ensuring that Russian-speaking populations in Ukraine and Moldova have access to independent news and information; and Whereas Moldova has been a valued and reliable partner in promoting global security by participating in United Nations peacekeeping missions in Liberia, Cote d’Ivoire, Sudan, Georgia, and Kosovo: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) reaffirms that it is the policy of the United States Government to support the sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity of the Republic of Moldova and the inviolability of its borders; (2) supports the Strategic Dialogue as a means to strengthen relations between the Republic of Moldova and the United States and to enhance the democratic, economic, and security reforms already being implemented by the Republic of Moldova; (3) urges the President to consider increasing security and intelligence cooperation with the Government of Moldova; (4) encourages the President and the Secretary of State to enhance United States cooperation with the Government of the Republic of Moldova and civil society organizations and to focus assistance on rule of law, anti-corruption efforts, energy security, and improving trade relations and investment opportunities; (5) supports increased educational exchanges between the United States and the Republic of Moldova; (6) encourages the President to expedite the implementation of the Act relating to United States International Programming to Ukraine and Neighboring Regions , approved April 3, 2014 ( Public Law 113–96 ; 22 U.S.C. 6211 note), especially because it relates to populations in Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova; (7) affirms the Republic of Moldova’s sovereign right to determine its own partnerships free of external coercion and pressure, and affirms the Republic of Moldova’s right to associate with the European Union and any other regional organization; (8) urges the European Union to continue to work for greater political, economic, and social integration with the Republic of Moldova; (9) calls on the Government of the Russian Federation to refrain from using economic coercion against the Republic of Moldova, cease support for separatist movements in the territory of the Republic of Moldova, and fulfill its commitments made at the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) 1999 summit in Istanbul to withdraw its military forces and munitions from within the internationally recognized territory of the Republic of Moldova; (10) supports constructive engagement and confidence-building measures between the Government of the Republic of Moldova and the authorities in the Transnistria region in order to secure a peaceful, comprehensive resolution to the conflict that respects the Republic of Moldova’s sovereignty and territorial integrity; (11) urges officials in the Transnistrian region to allow OSCE Mission to Moldova monitors unrestricted access to that region; (12) discourages any unilateral actions that may undermine efforts to achieve a peaceful resolution, as well as the agreements already reached, and encourages leaders of the Transnistrian region to resume negotiations toward a political settlement; and (13) affirms that lasting stability and security in Europe is a key priority for the United States Government which can only be achieved if the territorial integrity and sovereignty of all European countries is respected.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Introduced-in-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 500 IS: Expressing the sense of the Senate with respect to enhanced relations with the Republic of Moldova and support for the Republic of Moldova's territorial integrity.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-07-10\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 500\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140710\">\n July 10, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S324\">\n Mrs. Shaheen\n </sponsor>\n (for herself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S350\">\n Mr. Rubio\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S306\">\n Mr. Menendez\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S197\">\n Mr. McCain\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S364\">\n Mr. Murphy\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name committee-id=\"SSFR00\">\n Committee on Foreign Relations\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Expressing the sense of the Senate with respect to enhanced relations with the Republic of Moldova\n\t\t\t and support for the Republic of Moldova's territorial integrity.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States has enjoyed warm relations with the Republic of Moldova since the\n\t\t\t Republic of Moldova’s independence in 1991;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, since the Republic of Moldova’s independence, the United States has provided financial\n\t\t\t assistance to support the efforts of the people of the Republic of Moldova\n\t\t\t to build a prosperous European democracy;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States and the Republic of Moldova further strengthened their partnership\n\t\t\t through the launching of a Strategic Dialogue on March 3, 2014;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Republic of Moldova signed an Association Agreement containing comprehensive free trade\n\t\t\t provisions with the European Union on June 27, 2014, and ratified the\n\t\t\t agreement on July 2, 2014;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Government of the Republic of Moldova made extraordinary efforts to comply with the\n\t\t\t criteria for an Association Agreement with the European Union, including\n\t\t\t significant legislative reforms to improve the rule of law and curtail\n\t\t\t corruption;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas new parliamentary elections are expected to be held in the Republic of Moldova in November\n\t\t\t 2014;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States Government supports the democratic aspirations of the people of the\n\t\t\t Republic of Moldova and their expressed desire to deepen their association\n\t\t\t with the European Union;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States supports the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of\n\t\t\t Moldova and, on that basis, participates as an observer in the\n <quote>\n 5+2\n </quote>\n negotiations to find a comprehensive settlement that will provide a\n\t\t\t special status for the separatist region of Transnistria within the\n\t\t\t Republic of Moldova;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, in September 2013, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitri Rogozin said that Moldova\n <quote>\n would\n\t\t\t lose Transnistria if Moldova continues moving toward the European Union\n </quote>\n and that\n <quote>\n Moldova’s train en route to Europe would lose its wagons in\n\t\t\t Transnistria\n </quote>\n ;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas in 2013, the Government of the Russian Federation banned the import of Moldovan wine and\n\t\t\t certain agricultural products in anticipation of the Republic of Moldova\n\t\t\t initialing the Association Agreement with the European Union;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, in response to the Republic of Moldova signing and ratifying the Association Agreement\n\t\t\t with the European Union, the Government of the Russian Federation has\n\t\t\t banned additional agricultural products and threatened to curtail the\n\t\t\t supply of energy resources to the Republic of Moldova, expel Moldova from\n\t\t\t the Commonwealth of Independent States free trade zone, and impose\n\t\t\t stricter labor migration policies on the people of the Republic of\n\t\t\t Moldova;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Government of the Russian Federation maintains a contingent of Russian troops and a\n\t\t\t stockpile of Russian military equipment and ammunition within the Moldovan\n\t\t\t region of Transnistria;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Government of Russia has been actively issuing Russian passports to the residents of\n\t\t\t the Transnistria region in the Republic of Moldova;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Council of Europe, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), and\n\t\t\t the Government of the Republic of Moldova have called upon the Government\n\t\t\t of the Russian Federation to remove its troops from the territory of the\n\t\t\t Republic of Moldova;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas authorities in the Republic of Moldova’s Transnistria region have restricted the access of\n\t\t\t OSCE Mission to Moldova monitors to the Transnistria region, thereby\n\t\t\t preventing the Mission from providing impartial reporting on the security\n\t\t\t situation in the region;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the House of Representatives and the Senate both passed, by an overwhelming majority, and\n\t\t\t the President signed into law the Act relating to\n <quote>\n United States\n\t\t\t International Programming to Ukraine and Neighboring Regions\n </quote>\n , approved\n\t\t\t April 3, 2014 (\n <external-xref legal-doc=\"public-law\" parsable-cite=\"pl/113/96\">\n Public Law 113–96\n </external-xref>\n ;\n <external-xref legal-doc=\"usc\" parsable-cite=\"usc/22/6211\">\n 22 U.S.C. 6211\n </external-xref>\n note), providing for a\n\t\t\t United States international broadcast programming surge to counter\n\t\t\t misinformation from Russian-supported news outlets and ensuring that\n\t\t\t Russian-speaking populations in Ukraine and Moldova have access to\n\t\t\t independent news and information; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Moldova has been a valued and reliable partner in promoting global security by\n\t\t\t participating in United Nations peacekeeping missions in Liberia, Cote\n\t\t\t d’Ivoire, Sudan, Georgia, and Kosovo: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"idbef59872df2647f99401029692358141\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n reaffirms that it is the policy of the United States Government to support the sovereignty,\n\t\t\t independence, and territorial integrity of the Republic of Moldova and the\n\t\t\t inviolability of its borders;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id3e00d8fcbdb74e728c40662aebd8152a\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n supports the Strategic Dialogue as a means to strengthen relations between the Republic of Moldova\n\t\t\t and the United States and to enhance the democratic, economic, and\n\t\t\t security reforms already being implemented by the Republic of Moldova;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id499f72c602b54a608959d475c5dad62d\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n urges the President to consider increasing security and intelligence cooperation with the\n\t\t\t Government of Moldova;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id29d0a581ee1341cea89966d3614de7d0\">\n <enum>\n (4)\n </enum>\n <text>\n encourages the President and the Secretary of State to enhance United States cooperation with the\n\t\t\t Government of the Republic of Moldova and civil society organizations and\n\t\t\t to focus assistance on rule of law, anti-corruption efforts, energy\n\t\t\t security, and improving trade relations and investment opportunities;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id28c163fbcebb4771bc888b056bc1cea1\">\n <enum>\n (5)\n </enum>\n <text>\n supports increased educational exchanges between the United States and the Republic of Moldova;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id6857841099E14E6B875A1E4EE1BC733A\">\n <enum>\n (6)\n </enum>\n <text>\n encourages the President to expedite the implementation of the Act\n\t\t\t relating to\n <quote>\n United States International Programming to Ukraine and Neighboring Regions\n </quote>\n , approved April 3, 2014 (\n <external-xref legal-doc=\"public-law\" parsable-cite=\"pl/113/96\">\n Public Law 113–96\n </external-xref>\n ;\n <external-xref legal-doc=\"usc\" parsable-cite=\"usc/22/6211\">\n 22 U.S.C. 6211\n </external-xref>\n note), especially because it relates to\n\t\t\t populations in Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id75ebf20fae354f7fb5333f17a4d634f9\">\n <enum>\n (7)\n </enum>\n <text>\n affirms the Republic of Moldova’s sovereign right to determine its own partnerships free of\n\t\t\t external coercion and pressure, and affirms the Republic of Moldova’s\n\t\t\t right to associate with the European Union and any other regional\n\t\t\t organization;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id2f5a66a0be25445585f580a2c91d1188\">\n <enum>\n (8)\n </enum>\n <text>\n urges the European Union to continue to work for greater political, economic, and social\n\t\t\t integration with the Republic of Moldova;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id625cb1b1fc244f21beb5a465bcdd86a2\">\n <enum>\n (9)\n </enum>\n <text>\n calls on the Government of the Russian Federation to refrain from using economic coercion against\n\t\t\t the\n\t\t\t Republic of Moldova, cease support for separatist movements in the\n\t\t\t territory of the Republic of Moldova, and fulfill its commitments made at\n\t\t\t the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) 1999 summit\n\t\t\t in Istanbul to withdraw its military forces and munitions from within the\n\t\t\t internationally recognized territory of the Republic of Moldova;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id6523456258de4c8e97027ae1b44e0742\">\n <enum>\n (10)\n </enum>\n <text>\n supports constructive engagement and confidence-building measures between the Government of the\n\t\t\t Republic of Moldova and the authorities in the Transnistria region in\n\t\t\t order to secure a peaceful, comprehensive resolution to the conflict that\n\t\t\t respects the Republic of Moldova’s sovereignty and territorial integrity;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id53033e48b92642ec902c6908788c5504\">\n <enum>\n (11)\n </enum>\n <text>\n urges officials in the Transnistrian region to allow OSCE Mission to Moldova monitors unrestricted\n\t\t\t access to that region;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idcd22abb1e35d42a695c606a0bb7fc5f5\">\n <enum>\n (12)\n </enum>\n <text>\n discourages any unilateral actions that may undermine efforts to achieve a peaceful resolution, as\n\t\t\t well as the agreements already reached, and encourages leaders of the\n\t\t\t Transnistrian region to resume negotiations toward a political settlement;\n\t\t\t and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idc5f50f87076f46da85b2a9fd0c891c3a\">\n <enum>\n (13)\n </enum>\n <text>\n affirms that lasting stability and security in Europe is a key priority for the United States\n\t\t\t Government which can only be achieved if the territorial integrity and\n\t\t\t sovereignty of all European countries is respected.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" }, { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-07-16T04:00:00Z", "type": "Reported to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres500rs/xml/BILLS-113sres500rs.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres500rs.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres500rs.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T00:26:01.211", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-500", "legis_num": 500, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "rs", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-500-rs-dtd", "tv_txt": "III Calendar No. 470 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 500 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES July 10, 2014 Mrs. Shaheen (for herself, Mr. Rubio , Mr. Menendez , Mr. McCain , Mr. Murphy , and Mr. Cardin ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations July 16, 2014 Reported by Mr. Menendez , without amendment RESOLUTION Expressing the sense of the Senate with respect to enhanced relations with the Republic of Moldova and support for the Republic of Moldova's territorial integrity.\n\nWhereas the United States has enjoyed warm relations with the Republic of Moldova since the Republic of Moldova’s independence in 1991; Whereas, since the Republic of Moldova’s independence, the United States has provided financial assistance to support the efforts of the people of the Republic of Moldova to build a prosperous European democracy; Whereas the United States and the Republic of Moldova further strengthened their partnership through the launching of a Strategic Dialogue on March 3, 2014; Whereas the Republic of Moldova signed an Association Agreement containing comprehensive free trade provisions with the European Union on June 27, 2014, and ratified the agreement on July 2, 2014; Whereas the Government of the Republic of Moldova made extraordinary efforts to comply with the criteria for an Association Agreement with the European Union, including significant legislative reforms to improve the rule of law and curtail corruption; Whereas new parliamentary elections are expected to be held in the Republic of Moldova in November 2014; Whereas the United States Government supports the democratic aspirations of the people of the Republic of Moldova and their expressed desire to deepen their association with the European Union; Whereas the United States supports the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Moldova and, on that basis, participates as an observer in the 5+2 negotiations to find a comprehensive settlement that will provide a special status for the separatist region of Transnistria within the Republic of Moldova; Whereas, in September 2013, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitri Rogozin said that Moldova would lose Transnistria if Moldova continues moving toward the European Union and that Moldova’s train en route to Europe would lose its wagons in Transnistria ; Whereas in 2013, the Government of the Russian Federation banned the import of Moldovan wine and certain agricultural products in anticipation of the Republic of Moldova initialing the Association Agreement with the European Union; Whereas, in response to the Republic of Moldova signing and ratifying the Association Agreement with the European Union, the Government of the Russian Federation has banned additional agricultural products and threatened to curtail the supply of energy resources to the Republic of Moldova, expel Moldova from the Commonwealth of Independent States free trade zone, and impose stricter labor migration policies on the people of the Republic of Moldova; Whereas the Government of the Russian Federation maintains a contingent of Russian troops and a stockpile of Russian military equipment and ammunition within the Moldovan region of Transnistria; Whereas the Government of Russia has been actively issuing Russian passports to the residents of the Transnistria region in the Republic of Moldova; Whereas the Council of Europe, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), and the Government of the Republic of Moldova have called upon the Government of the Russian Federation to remove its troops from the territory of the Republic of Moldova; Whereas authorities in the Republic of Moldova’s Transnistria region have restricted the access of OSCE Mission to Moldova monitors to the Transnistria region, thereby preventing the Mission from providing impartial reporting on the security situation in the region; Whereas the House of Representatives and the Senate both passed, by an overwhelming majority, and the President signed into law the Act relating to United States International Programming to Ukraine and Neighboring Regions , approved April 3, 2014 ( Public Law 113–96 ; 22 U.S.C. 6211 note), providing for a United States international broadcast programming surge to counter misinformation from Russian-supported news outlets and ensuring that Russian-speaking populations in Ukraine and Moldova have access to independent news and information; and Whereas Moldova has been a valued and reliable partner in promoting global security by participating in United Nations peacekeeping missions in Liberia, Cote d’Ivoire, Sudan, Georgia, and Kosovo: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) reaffirms that it is the policy of the United States Government to support the sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity of the Republic of Moldova and the inviolability of its borders; (2) supports the Strategic Dialogue as a means to strengthen relations between the Republic of Moldova and the United States and to enhance the democratic, economic, and security reforms already being implemented by the Republic of Moldova; (3) urges the President to consider increasing security and intelligence cooperation with the Government of Moldova; (4) encourages the President and the Secretary of State to enhance United States cooperation with the Government of the Republic of Moldova and civil society organizations and to focus assistance on rule of law, anti-corruption efforts, energy security, and improving trade relations and investment opportunities; (5) supports increased educational exchanges between the United States and the Republic of Moldova; (6) encourages the President to expedite the implementation of the Act relating to United States International Programming to Ukraine and Neighboring Regions , approved April 3, 2014 ( Public Law 113–96 ; 22 U.S.C. 6211 note), especially because it relates to populations in Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova; (7) affirms the Republic of Moldova’s sovereign right to determine its own partnerships free of external coercion and pressure, and affirms the Republic of Moldova’s right to associate with the European Union and any other regional organization; (8) urges the European Union to continue to work for greater political, economic, and social integration with the Republic of Moldova; (9) calls on the Government of the Russian Federation to refrain from using economic coercion against the Republic of Moldova, cease support for separatist movements in the territory of the Republic of Moldova, and fulfill its commitments made at the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) 1999 summit in Istanbul to withdraw its military forces and munitions from within the internationally recognized territory of the Republic of Moldova; (10) supports constructive engagement and confidence-building measures between the Government of the Republic of Moldova and the authorities in the Transnistria region in order to secure a peaceful, comprehensive resolution to the conflict that respects the Republic of Moldova’s sovereignty and territorial integrity; (11) urges officials in the Transnistrian region to allow OSCE Mission to Moldova monitors unrestricted access to that region; (12) discourages any unilateral actions that may undermine efforts to achieve a peaceful resolution, as well as the agreements already reached, and encourages leaders of the Transnistrian region to resume negotiations toward a political settlement; and (13) affirms that lasting stability and security in Europe is a key priority for the United States Government which can only be achieved if the territorial integrity and sovereignty of all European countries is respected.\n\nJuly 16, 2014 Reported without amendment", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Reported-in-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 500 RS: Expressing the sense of the Senate with respect to enhanced relations with the Republic of Moldova and support for the Republic of Moldova's territorial integrity.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-07-10\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <calendar>\n Calendar No. 470\n </calendar>\n <congress>\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session>\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 500\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140710\">\n July 10, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S324\">\n Mrs. Shaheen\n </sponsor>\n (for herself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S350\">\n Mr. Rubio\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S306\">\n Mr. Menendez\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S197\">\n Mr. McCain\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S364\">\n Mr. Murphy\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S308\">\n Mr. Cardin\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name added-display-style=\"italic\" committee-id=\"SSFR00\" deleted-display-style=\"strikethrough\">\n Committee on Foreign Relations\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <action stage=\"Reported-in-Senate\">\n <action-date>\n July 16, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n Reported by\n <sponsor name-id=\"S306\">\n Mr. Menendez\n </sponsor>\n , without amendment\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Expressing the sense of the Senate with respect to enhanced relations with the Republic of Moldova\n\t\t\t and support for the Republic of Moldova's territorial integrity.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States has enjoyed warm relations with the Republic of Moldova since the\n\t\t\t Republic of Moldova’s independence in 1991;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, since the Republic of Moldova’s independence, the United States has provided financial\n\t\t\t assistance to support the efforts of the people of the Republic of Moldova\n\t\t\t to build a prosperous European democracy;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States and the Republic of Moldova further strengthened their partnership\n\t\t\t through the launching of a Strategic Dialogue on March 3, 2014;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Republic of Moldova signed an Association Agreement containing comprehensive free trade\n\t\t\t provisions with the European Union on June 27, 2014, and ratified the\n\t\t\t agreement on July 2, 2014;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Government of the Republic of Moldova made extraordinary efforts to comply with the\n\t\t\t criteria for an Association Agreement with the European Union, including\n\t\t\t significant legislative reforms to improve the rule of law and curtail\n\t\t\t corruption;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas new parliamentary elections are expected to be held in the Republic of Moldova in November\n\t\t\t 2014;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States Government supports the democratic aspirations of the people of the\n\t\t\t Republic of Moldova and their expressed desire to deepen their association\n\t\t\t with the European Union;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States supports the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of\n\t\t\t Moldova and, on that basis, participates as an observer in the\n <quote>\n 5+2\n </quote>\n negotiations to find a comprehensive settlement that will provide a\n\t\t\t special status for the separatist region of Transnistria within the\n\t\t\t Republic of Moldova;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, in September 2013, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitri Rogozin said that Moldova\n <quote>\n would\n\t\t\t lose Transnistria if Moldova continues moving toward the European Union\n </quote>\n and that\n <quote>\n Moldova’s train en route to Europe would lose its wagons in\n\t\t\t Transnistria\n </quote>\n ;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas in 2013, the Government of the Russian Federation banned the import of Moldovan wine and\n\t\t\t certain agricultural products in anticipation of the Republic of Moldova\n\t\t\t initialing the Association Agreement with the European Union;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, in response to the Republic of Moldova signing and ratifying the Association Agreement\n\t\t\t with the European Union, the Government of the Russian Federation has\n\t\t\t banned additional agricultural products and threatened to curtail the\n\t\t\t supply of energy resources to the Republic of Moldova, expel Moldova from\n\t\t\t the Commonwealth of Independent States free trade zone, and impose\n\t\t\t stricter labor migration policies on the people of the Republic of\n\t\t\t Moldova;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Government of the Russian Federation maintains a contingent of Russian troops and a\n\t\t\t stockpile of Russian military equipment and ammunition within the Moldovan\n\t\t\t region of Transnistria;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Government of Russia has been actively issuing Russian passports to the residents of\n\t\t\t the Transnistria region in the Republic of Moldova;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Council of Europe, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), and\n\t\t\t the Government of the Republic of Moldova have called upon the Government\n\t\t\t of the Russian Federation to remove its troops from the territory of the\n\t\t\t Republic of Moldova;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas authorities in the Republic of Moldova’s Transnistria region have restricted the access of\n\t\t\t OSCE Mission to Moldova monitors to the Transnistria region, thereby\n\t\t\t preventing the Mission from providing impartial reporting on the security\n\t\t\t situation in the region;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the House of Representatives and the Senate both passed, by an overwhelming majority, and\n\t\t\t the President signed into law the Act relating to\n <quote>\n United States\n\t\t\t International Programming to Ukraine and Neighboring Regions\n </quote>\n , approved\n\t\t\t April 3, 2014 (\n <external-xref legal-doc=\"public-law\" parsable-cite=\"pl/113/96\">\n Public Law 113–96\n </external-xref>\n ;\n <external-xref legal-doc=\"usc\" parsable-cite=\"usc/22/6211\">\n 22 U.S.C. 6211\n </external-xref>\n note), providing for a\n\t\t\t United States international broadcast programming surge to counter\n\t\t\t misinformation from Russian-supported news outlets and ensuring that\n\t\t\t Russian-speaking populations in Ukraine and Moldova have access to\n\t\t\t independent news and information; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Moldova has been a valued and reliable partner in promoting global security by\n\t\t\t participating in United Nations peacekeeping missions in Liberia, Cote\n\t\t\t d’Ivoire, Sudan, Georgia, and Kosovo: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"idbef59872df2647f99401029692358141\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n reaffirms that it is the policy of the United States Government to support the sovereignty,\n\t\t\t independence, and territorial integrity of the Republic of Moldova and the\n\t\t\t inviolability of its borders;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id3e00d8fcbdb74e728c40662aebd8152a\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n supports the Strategic Dialogue as a means to strengthen relations between the Republic of Moldova\n\t\t\t and the United States and to enhance the democratic, economic, and\n\t\t\t security reforms already being implemented by the Republic of Moldova;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id499f72c602b54a608959d475c5dad62d\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n urges the President to consider increasing security and intelligence cooperation with the\n\t\t\t Government of Moldova;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id29d0a581ee1341cea89966d3614de7d0\">\n <enum>\n (4)\n </enum>\n <text>\n encourages the President and the Secretary of State to enhance United States cooperation with the\n\t\t\t Government of the Republic of Moldova and civil society organizations and\n\t\t\t to focus assistance on rule of law, anti-corruption efforts, energy\n\t\t\t security, and improving trade relations and investment opportunities;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id28c163fbcebb4771bc888b056bc1cea1\">\n <enum>\n (5)\n </enum>\n <text>\n supports increased educational exchanges between the United States and the Republic of Moldova;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id6857841099E14E6B875A1E4EE1BC733A\">\n <enum>\n (6)\n </enum>\n <text>\n encourages the President to expedite the implementation of the Act\n\t\t\t relating to\n <quote>\n United States International Programming to Ukraine and Neighboring Regions\n </quote>\n , approved April 3, 2014 (\n <external-xref legal-doc=\"public-law\" parsable-cite=\"pl/113/96\">\n Public Law 113–96\n </external-xref>\n ;\n <external-xref legal-doc=\"usc\" parsable-cite=\"usc/22/6211\">\n 22 U.S.C. 6211\n </external-xref>\n note), especially because it relates to\n\t\t\t populations in Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id75ebf20fae354f7fb5333f17a4d634f9\">\n <enum>\n (7)\n </enum>\n <text>\n affirms the Republic of Moldova’s sovereign right to determine its own partnerships free of\n\t\t\t external coercion and pressure, and affirms the Republic of Moldova’s\n\t\t\t right to associate with the European Union and any other regional\n\t\t\t organization;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id2f5a66a0be25445585f580a2c91d1188\">\n <enum>\n (8)\n </enum>\n <text>\n urges the European Union to continue to work for greater political, economic, and social\n\t\t\t integration with the Republic of Moldova;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id625cb1b1fc244f21beb5a465bcdd86a2\">\n <enum>\n (9)\n </enum>\n <text>\n calls on the Government of the Russian Federation to refrain from using economic coercion against\n\t\t\t the\n\t\t\t Republic of Moldova, cease support for separatist movements in the\n\t\t\t territory of the Republic of Moldova, and fulfill its commitments made at\n\t\t\t the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) 1999 summit\n\t\t\t in Istanbul to withdraw its military forces and munitions from within the\n\t\t\t internationally recognized territory of the Republic of Moldova;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id6523456258de4c8e97027ae1b44e0742\">\n <enum>\n (10)\n </enum>\n <text>\n supports constructive engagement and confidence-building measures between the Government of the\n\t\t\t Republic of Moldova and the authorities in the Transnistria region in\n\t\t\t order to secure a peaceful, comprehensive resolution to the conflict that\n\t\t\t respects the Republic of Moldova’s sovereignty and territorial integrity;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id53033e48b92642ec902c6908788c5504\">\n <enum>\n (11)\n </enum>\n <text>\n urges officials in the Transnistrian region to allow OSCE Mission to Moldova monitors unrestricted\n\t\t\t access to that region;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idcd22abb1e35d42a695c606a0bb7fc5f5\">\n <enum>\n (12)\n </enum>\n <text>\n discourages any unilateral actions that may undermine efforts to achieve a peaceful resolution, as\n\t\t\t well as the agreements already reached, and encourages leaders of the\n\t\t\t Transnistrian region to resume negotiations toward a political settlement;\n\t\t\t and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idc5f50f87076f46da85b2a9fd0c891c3a\">\n <enum>\n (13)\n </enum>\n <text>\n affirms that lasting stability and security in Europe is a key priority for the United States\n\t\t\t Government which can only be achieved if the territorial integrity and\n\t\t\t sovereignty of all European countries is respected.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n <endorsement>\n <action-date>\n July 16, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n Reported without amendment\n </action-desc>\n </endorsement>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-06 01:39:05.108
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 501 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-11T13:25:42Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-11T13:25:42Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-07-14 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Discharged from </name> <date> 2014-07-23T22:58:56Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2014-07-14T18:40:54Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-23 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-23 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-23 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4846) </text> <type> Discharge </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-23 </actionDate> <text> Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S4846) </text> <type> Committee </type> <actionCode> 14500 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-14 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR S4458) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-14 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> A000368 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Ayotte, Kelly [R-NH] </fullName> <firstName> Kelly </firstName> <lastName> Ayotte </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NH </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> S001181 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Shaheen, Jeanne [D-NH] </fullName> <firstName> Jeanne </firstName> <lastName> Shaheen </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-14 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Arts, Culture, Religion </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Commemorative events and holidays </name> </item> <item> <name> Conflicts and wars </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Military history </name> </item> <item> <name> Museums, exhibitions, cultural centers </name> </item> <item> <name> New Hampshire </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Arts, Culture, Religion </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-14 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-09-08T16:31:13Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Commends the staff, volunteers, and board of directors of the Wright Museum of WWII History in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire, for their efforts to encourage the study of a significant period in U.S. history. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Applauds the Wright Museum of WWII History's mission to raise awareness of the contributions and lasting legacy of World War II-era Americans.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Recognizes the significance of July 16, 2014, as the 20th anniversary of the opening of the Wright Museum of WWII History. &lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution commemorating the 20th anniversary of the Wright Museum of WWII History in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution commemorating the 20th anniversary of the Wright Museum of WWII History in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution commemorating the 20th anniversary of the Wright Museum of WWII History in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-07-23T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres501ats/xml/BILLS-113sres501ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2014-07-14T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres501is/xml/BILLS-113sres501is.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-07-23 </actionDate> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-23", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2014-07-23", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-23", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent. 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Shaheen, Jeanne [D-NH]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Shaheen", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-14", "state": "NH" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-07-14", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-23", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 501, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Arts, Culture, Religion", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "A000368", "district": null, "first_name": "Kelly", "full_name": "Sen. Ayotte, Kelly [R-NH]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Ayotte", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "NH" } ], "subjects": [ "Commemorative events and holidays", "Conflicts and wars", "Congressional tributes", "Military history", "Museums, exhibitions, cultural centers", "New Hampshire" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-07-14", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Commends the staff, volunteers, and board of directors of the Wright Museum of WWII History in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire, for their efforts to encourage the study of a significant period in U.S. history. </p> <p>Applauds the Wright Museum of WWII History's mission to raise awareness of the contributions and lasting legacy of World War II-era Americans.</p> <p>Recognizes the significance of July 16, 2014, as the 20th anniversary of the opening of the Wright Museum of WWII History. </p>", "update_date": "2014-09-08T16:31:13Z", "version_code": "00" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-07-23T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres501ats/xml/BILLS-113sres501ats.xml" }, { "date": "2014-07-14T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres501is/xml/BILLS-113sres501is.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution commemorating the 20th anniversary of the Wright Museum of WWII History in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution commemorating the 20th anniversary of the Wright Museum of WWII History in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution commemorating the 20th anniversary of the Wright Museum of WWII History in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2023-01-11T13:25:42Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-11T13:25:42Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-07-23T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres501ats/xml/BILLS-113sres501ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres501ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres501ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T00:26:01.172", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-501", "legis_num": 501, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-501-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 501 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES July 14, 2014 Ms. Ayotte (for herself and Mrs. Shaheen ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary July 23, 2014 Committee discharged; considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Commemorating the 20 th anniversary of the Wright Museum of WWII History in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire.\n\nWhereas on July 16, 1994, the Wright Museum of WWII History opened as an educational institution in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire, founded by David Wright; Whereas for the past 20 years the Wright Museum has fulfilled its mission to preserve and share the stories of the people of the United States during World War II, and is the only United States museum that exclusively focuses on the contributions and enduring legacy of World War II-era Americans; Whereas the Wright Museum accomplishes its mission through the careful preservation and thoughtful display of its extensive permanent collection of World War II-era items and memorabilia from the years between 1939 and 1945; Whereas the Wright Museum is unique among traditional World War II museums in that the over 14,000 items in its permanent collection are representative of both the battlefield and the United States homefront; Whereas the Wright Museum has established a national reputation as a repository for historically significant World War II-era items and memorabilia; Whereas the Wright Museum uses its permanent collection to introduce visitors to a seminal period in United States history and place that period into historical context; Whereas for 2 decades the Wright Museum has educated, entertained, and inspired over 200,000 visitors from across the United States and around the world; and Whereas the Wright Museum remains dedicated to David Wright’s vision of providing a vivid perspective on the profound and enduring impact of the World War II experience on United States society: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) commends the Wright Museum of WWII History staff, volunteers, and board of directors for their efforts to encourage the study of a significant period in United States history; (2) applauds the Wright Museum of WWII History’s mission to raise awareness of the contributions and lasting legacy of World War II-era Americans; and (3) recognizes the significance of July 16, 2014, as the 20 th anniversary of the opening of the Wright Museum of WWII History.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 501 ATS: Commemorating the 20th anniversary of the Wright Museum of WWII History in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-07-14\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 501\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140714\">\n July 14, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S340\">\n Ms. Ayotte\n </sponsor>\n (for herself and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S324\">\n Mrs. Shaheen\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name committee-id=\"SSJU00\">\n Committee on the Judiciary\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <action>\n <action-date>\n July 23, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n Committee discharged; considered and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Commemorating the 20\n <superscript>\n th\n </superscript>\n anniversary of the Wright Museum of WWII History in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas on July 16, 1994, the Wright Museum of WWII History opened as an educational institution in\n\t\t\t Wolfeboro, New Hampshire, founded by David Wright;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas for the past 20 years the Wright Museum has fulfilled its mission to preserve and share the\n\t\t\t stories of the people of the United States during World War II, and is the\n\t\t\t only United States museum that exclusively focuses on the contributions\n\t\t\t and enduring legacy of World War II-era Americans;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Wright Museum accomplishes its mission through the careful preservation and thoughtful\n\t\t\t display of its extensive permanent collection of World War II-era items\n\t\t\t and memorabilia from the years between 1939 and 1945;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Wright Museum is unique among traditional World War II museums in that the over 14,000\n\t\t\t items in its permanent collection are representative of both the\n\t\t\t battlefield and the United States homefront;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Wright Museum has established a national reputation as a repository for historically\n\t\t\t significant World War II-era items and memorabilia;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Wright Museum uses its permanent collection to introduce visitors to a seminal period\n\t\t\t in United States history and place that period into historical context;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas for 2 decades the Wright Museum has educated, entertained, and inspired over 200,000\n\t\t\t visitors from across the United States and around the world; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Wright Museum remains dedicated to David Wright’s vision of providing a vivid\n\t\t\t perspective on the profound and enduring impact of the World War II\n\t\t\t experience on United States society: \n Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"id35afc3d51218497394686131cd369de4\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n commends the Wright Museum of WWII History staff, volunteers, and board of\n\t\t\t directors for their efforts to encourage the study of a significant\n\t\t\t period in United States history;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id2c14cce6ef2a45249444ef5809220f70\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n applauds the Wright Museum of WWII History’s mission to raise awareness of the contributions and\n\t\t\t lasting legacy of World War II-era Americans; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id3E06F51E0FCD45BB8368F3FD1AE43ABB\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n recognizes the significance of July 16, 2014, as the 20\n <superscript>\n th\n </superscript>\n anniversary of the opening of the Wright Museum of WWII History.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" }, { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-07-14T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres501is/xml/BILLS-113sres501is.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres501is.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres501is.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T00:26:01.101", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-501", "legis_num": 501, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "is", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-501-is-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 501 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES July 14, 2014 Ms. Ayotte (for herself and Mrs. Shaheen ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary RESOLUTION Commemorating the 20 th anniversary of the Wright Museum of WWII History in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire.\n\nWhereas on July 16, 1994, the Wright Museum of WWII History opened as an educational institution in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire, founded by David Wright; Whereas for the past 20 years the Wright Museum has fulfilled its mission to preserve and share the stories of the people of the United States during World War II, and is the only United States museum that exclusively focuses on the contributions and enduring legacy of World War II-era Americans; Whereas the Wright Museum accomplishes its mission through the careful preservation and thoughtful display of its extensive permanent collection of World War II-era items and memorabilia from the years between 1939 and 1945; Whereas the Wright Museum is unique among traditional World War II museums in that the over 14,000 items in its permanent collection are representative of both the battlefield and the United States homefront; Whereas the Wright Museum has established a national reputation as a repository for historically significant World War II-era items and memorabilia; Whereas the Wright Museum uses its permanent collection to introduce visitors to a seminal period in United States history and place that period into historical context; Whereas for 2 decades the Wright Museum has educated, entertained, and inspired over 200,000 visitors from across the United States and around the world; and Whereas the Wright Museum remains dedicated to David Wright’s vision of providing a vivid perspective on the profound and enduring impact of the World War II experience on United States society: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) commends the Wright Museum of WWII History staff, volunteers, and board of directors for their efforts to encourage the study of a significant period in United States history; (2) applauds the Wright Museum of WWII History’s mission to raise awareness of the contributions and lasting legacy of World War II-era Americans; and (3) recognizes the significance of July 16, 2014, as the 20 th anniversary of the opening of the Wright Museum of WWII History.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Introduced-in-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 501 IS: Commemorating the 20th anniversary of the Wright Museum of WWII History in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-07-14\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 501\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140714\">\n July 14, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S340\">\n Ms. Ayotte\n </sponsor>\n (for herself and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S324\">\n Mrs. Shaheen\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name committee-id=\"SSJU00\">\n Committee on the Judiciary\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Commemorating the 20\n <superscript>\n th\n </superscript>\n anniversary of the Wright Museum of WWII History in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas on July 16, 1994, the Wright Museum of WWII History opened as an educational institution in\n\t\t\t Wolfeboro, New Hampshire, founded by David Wright;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas for the past 20 years the Wright Museum has fulfilled its mission to preserve and share the\n\t\t\t stories of the people of the United States during World War II, and is the\n\t\t\t only United States museum that exclusively focuses on the contributions\n\t\t\t and enduring legacy of World War II-era Americans;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Wright Museum accomplishes its mission through the careful preservation and thoughtful\n\t\t\t display of its extensive permanent collection of World War II-era items\n\t\t\t and memorabilia from the years between 1939 and 1945;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Wright Museum is unique among traditional World War II museums in that the over 14,000\n\t\t\t items in its permanent collection are representative of both the\n\t\t\t battlefield and the United States homefront;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Wright Museum has established a national reputation as a repository for historically\n\t\t\t significant World War II-era items and memorabilia;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Wright Museum uses its permanent collection to introduce visitors to a seminal period\n\t\t\t in United States history and place that period into historical context;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas for 2 decades the Wright Museum has educated, entertained, and inspired over 200,000\n\t\t\t visitors from across the United States and around the world; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Wright Museum remains dedicated to David Wright’s vision of providing a vivid\n\t\t\t perspective on the profound and enduring impact of the World War II\n\t\t\t experience on United States society: \n Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"id35afc3d51218497394686131cd369de4\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n commends the Wright Museum of WWII History staff, volunteers, and board of\n\t\t\t directors for their efforts to encourage the study of a significant\n\t\t\t period in United States history;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id2c14cce6ef2a45249444ef5809220f70\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n applauds the Wright Museum of WWII History’s mission to raise awareness of the contributions and\n\t\t\t lasting legacy of World War II-era Americans; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id3E06F51E0FCD45BB8368F3FD1AE43ABB\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n recognizes the significance of July 16, 2014, as the 20\n <superscript>\n th\n </superscript>\n anniversary of the opening of the Wright Museum of WWII History.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-06 01:39:04.661
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 502 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-11T13:25:42Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-11T13:25:42Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-07-15 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Reported by </name> <date> 2014-07-29T23:55:19Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Markup by </name> <date> 2014-07-29T18:30:00Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2014-07-15T15:10:17Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <relatedBills> <item> <title> Concerning the suspension of exit permit issuance by the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo for adopted Congolese children seeking to depart the country with their adoptive parents. </title> <congress> 113 </congress> <number> 588 </number> <type> HRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-07-08 </actionDate> <text> The title of the measure was amended. Agreed to without objection. </text> <actionTime> 16:15:00 </actionTime> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-31 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate with an amendment and an amended preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 8/1/2014 S5313--5314; text as passed Senate: CR 8/1/2014 S5313-5313) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-31 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate with an amendment and an amended preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR 8/1/2014 S5313--5314; text as passed Senate: CR 8/1/2014 S5313-5313) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-29 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 495. </text> <type> Calendars </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-29 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Committee on Foreign Relations. Reported by Senator Menendez with an amendment in the nature of a substitute and with an amended preamble. Without written report. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-29 </actionDate> <text> Committee on Foreign Relations. Reported by Senator Menendez with an amendment in the nature of a substitute and with an amended preamble. Without written report. </text> <type> Committee </type> <actionCode> 14000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-29 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Committee on Foreign Relations. Ordered to be reported with an amendment in the nature of a substitute favorably. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-15 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S4509-4510) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-15 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> P000449 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Portman, Rob [R-OH] </fullName> <firstName> Rob </firstName> <lastName> Portman </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OH </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> L000550 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Landrieu, Mary L. [D-LA] </fullName> <firstName> MARY </firstName> <lastName> LANDRIEU </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> LA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> A000360 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Alexander, Lamar [R-TN] </fullName> <firstName> Lamar </firstName> <lastName> Alexander </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TN </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> A000368 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Ayotte, Kelly [R-NH] </fullName> <firstName> Kelly </firstName> <lastName> Ayotte </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001230 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Baldwin, Tammy [D-WI] </fullName> <firstName> Tammy </firstName> <lastName> Baldwin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WI </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001261 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Barrasso, John [R-WY] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Barrasso </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> WY </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001277 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Blumenthal, Richard [D-CT] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Blumenthal </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CT </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000575 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Blunt, Roy [R-MO] </fullName> <firstName> Roy </firstName> <lastName> Blunt </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MO </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001236 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Boozman, John [R-AR] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Boozman </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AR </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000711 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Boxer, Barbara [D-CA] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> BOXER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000944 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Brown, Sherrod [D-OH] </fullName> <firstName> Sherrod </firstName> <lastName> Brown </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001135 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Burr, Richard [R-NC] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Burr </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NC </state> <middleName> Mauze </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000127 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cantwell, Maria [D-WA] </fullName> <firstName> Maria </firstName> <lastName> Cantwell </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000286 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Chambliss, Saxby [R-GA] </fullName> <firstName> SAXBY </firstName> <lastName> CHAMBLISS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> GA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000542 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Coats, Daniel [R-IN] </fullName> <firstName> DANIEL </firstName> <lastName> COATS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IN </state> <middleName> RAY </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001035 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Collins, Susan M. [R-ME] </fullName> <firstName> Susan </firstName> <lastName> Collins </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ME </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001071 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Corker, Bob [R-TN] </fullName> <firstName> Bob </firstName> <lastName> Corker </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TN </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001056 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cornyn, John [R-TX] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Cornyn </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TX </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000880 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Crapo, Mike [R-ID] </fullName> <firstName> Mike </firstName> <lastName> Crapo </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ID </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001098 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cruz, Ted [R-TX] </fullName> <firstName> Ted </firstName> <lastName> Cruz </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TX </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000607 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Donnelly, Joe [D-IN] </fullName> <firstName> Joe </firstName> <lastName> Donnelly </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IN </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000563 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Durbin, Richard J. [D-IL] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Durbin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> E000285 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Enzi, Michael B. [R-WY] </fullName> <firstName> MICHAEL </firstName> <lastName> ENZI </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> WY </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000062 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA] </fullName> <firstName> Dianne </firstName> <lastName> Feinstein </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000463 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Fischer, Deb [R-NE] </fullName> <firstName> Deb </firstName> <lastName> Fischer </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NE </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000457 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Franken, Al [D-MN] </fullName> <firstName> Al </firstName> <lastName> Franken </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MN </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000555 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Gillibrand, Kirsten E. [D-NY] </fullName> <firstName> Kirsten </firstName> <lastName> Gillibrand </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000386 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Grassley, Chuck [R-IA] </fullName> <firstName> Charles </firstName> <lastName> Grassley </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IA </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001049 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hagan, Kay R. [D-NC] </fullName> <firstName> Kay </firstName> <lastName> Hagan </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NC </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000206 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Harkin, Tom [D-IA] </fullName> <firstName> THOMAS </firstName> <lastName> HARKIN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IA </state> <middleName> RICHARD </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> I000024 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Inhofe, James M. [R-OK] </fullName> <firstName> Jim </firstName> <lastName> Inhofe </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OK </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000291 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Johanns, Mike [R-NE] </fullName> <firstName> Mike </firstName> <lastName> Johanns </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NE </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000293 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Johnson, Ron [R-WI] </fullName> <firstName> Ron </firstName> <lastName> Johnson </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> WI </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000383 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. King, Angus S., Jr. [I-ME] </fullName> <firstName> Angus </firstName> <lastName> King </lastName> <party> I </party> <state> ME </state> <middleName> S. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000360 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Kirk, Mark Steven [R-IL] </fullName> <firstName> MARK </firstName> <lastName> KIRK </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> STEVEN </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000367 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Klobuchar, Amy [D-MN] </fullName> <firstName> Amy </firstName> <lastName> Klobuchar </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MN </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000261 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Levin, Carl [D-MI] </fullName> <firstName> CARL </firstName> <lastName> LEVIN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <middleName> MILTON </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000133 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Markey, Edward J. [D-MA] </fullName> <firstName> Edward </firstName> <lastName> Markey </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001170 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. McCaskill, Claire [D-MO] </fullName> <firstName> Claire </firstName> <lastName> McCaskill </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MO </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000303 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. McCain, John [R-AZ] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> MCCAIN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AZ </state> <middleName> SIDNEY </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000355 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. McConnell, Mitch [R-KY] </fullName> <firstName> Mitch </firstName> <lastName> McConnell </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KY </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000702 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Mikulski, Barbara A. [D-MD] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> MIKULSKI </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> ANN </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000934 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Moran, Jerry [R-KS] </fullName> <firstName> Jerry </firstName> <lastName> Moran </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KS </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001153 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Murkowski, Lisa [R-AK] </fullName> <firstName> Lisa </firstName> <lastName> Murkowski </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AK </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001169 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Murphy, Christopher [D-CT] </fullName> <firstName> Christopher </firstName> <lastName> Murphy </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CT </state> <middleName> S. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000603 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Paul, Rand [R-KY] </fullName> <firstName> Rand </firstName> <lastName> Paul </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KY </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000595 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Rubio, Marco [R-FL] </fullName> <firstName> Marco </firstName> <lastName> Rubio </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000770 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Stabenow, Debbie [D-MI] </fullName> <firstName> Debbie </firstName> <lastName> Stabenow </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000464 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Tester, Jon [D-MT] </fullName> <firstName> Jon </firstName> <lastName> Tester </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MT </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000250 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Thune, John [R-SD] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Thune </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> SD </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> V000127 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Vitter, David [R-LA] </fullName> <firstName> David </firstName> <lastName> Vitter </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> LA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000818 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Walsh, John E. [D-MT] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Walsh </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MT </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000805 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Warner, Mark R. [D-VA] </fullName> <firstName> Mark </firstName> <lastName> Warner </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000817 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Warren, Elizabeth [D-MA] </fullName> <firstName> Elizabeth </firstName> <lastName> Warren </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000437 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Wicker, Roger F. [R-MS] </fullName> <firstName> Roger </firstName> <lastName> Wicker </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MS </state> <middleName> F. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001069 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Heitkamp, Heidi [D-ND] </fullName> <firstName> Heidi </firstName> <lastName> Heitkamp </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> ND </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-21 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001061 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hoeven, John [R-ND] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Hoeven </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ND </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-21 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001111 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Murray, Patty [D-WA] </fullName> <firstName> Patty </firstName> <lastName> Murray </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-21 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000461 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Toomey, Patrick [R-PA] </fullName> <firstName> Patrick </firstName> <lastName> Toomey </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> PA </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000338 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hatch, Orrin G. [R-UT] </fullName> <firstName> ORRIN </firstName> <lastName> HATCH </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> UT </state> <middleName> GRANT </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000567 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cochran, Thad [R-MS] </fullName> <firstName> Thad </firstName> <lastName> Cochran </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MS </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001181 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Shaheen, Jeanne [D-NH] </fullName> <firstName> Jeanne </firstName> <lastName> Shaheen </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Immigration </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Adoption and foster care </name> </item> <item> <name> Africa </name> </item> <item> <name> Child health </name> </item> <item> <name> Child safety and welfare </name> </item> <item> <name> Democratic Republic of the Congo </name> </item> <item> <name> Human rights </name> </item> <item> <name> Visas and passports </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Immigration </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-15 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-07-30T18:37:13Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Affirms that all children deserve a safe, loving, and permanent family.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Recognizes the importance of ensuring that international adoptions of all children are conducted in an ethical and transparent manner.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Expresses concern over the impact on children and families caused by the suspension of exit permit issuance within the Democratic Republic of Congo.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Requests that the Congolese government resume processing adoption cases and issuing exit permits, prioritize the processing of intercountry adoptions which were initiated before the suspension, and expedite the adoption processing of medically fragile children.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Encourages continued cooperation between the Department of State and the Democratic Republic of the Congo's Ministry of Foreign Affairs to improve the intercountry adoption process and ensure the welfare of all children adopted from the Democratic Republic of Congo.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 01 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-29 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Reported to Senate with amendment(s) </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-08-05T20:20:02Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Affirms that all children deserve a safe, loving, and permanent family. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Recognizes the importance of ensuring that international adoptions of all children are conducted in an ethical and transparent manner. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Expresses concern over the impact on children and families caused by the current suspension of exit permit issuance within the Democratic Republic of the Congo. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Requests that such government: (1) resume processing adoption cases and issuing exit permits via the Ministry of Gender and Family's Interministerial Adoption Committee and Directorate of General Migration; (2) prioritize the processing of intercountry adoptions which were initiated before the suspension, and (3) expedite the processing of adoptions involving medically fragile children.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Encourages continued dialogue and cooperation between the Department of State and the Democratic Republic of the Congo's Ministry of Foreign Affairs to improve the intercountry adoption process and ensure the welfare of all children adopted from the Democratic Republic of the Congo.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 35 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-31 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate amended </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-08-25T21:23:30Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was reported to the Senate on July 29, 2014. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Affirms that all children deserve a safe, loving, and permanent family. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Recognizes the importance of ensuring that international adoptions of all children are conducted in an ethical and transparent manner. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Expresses concern over the impact on children and families caused by the current suspension of exit permit issuance within the Democratic Republic of the Congo. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Requests that such government: (1) resume processing adoption cases and issuing exit permits via the Ministry of Gender and Family's Interministerial Adoption Committee and Directorate of General Migration; (2) prioritize the processing of intercountry adoptions which were initiated before the suspension, and (3) expedite the processing of adoptions involving medically fragile children.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Encourages continued dialogue and cooperation between the Department of State and the Democratic Republic of the Congo's Ministry of Foreign Affairs to improve the intercountry adoption process and ensure the welfare of all children adopted from the Democratic Republic of the Congo.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution concerning the suspension of exit permit issuance by the Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo for adopted Congolese children seeking to depart the country with their adoptive parents. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution concerning the suspension of exit permit issuance by the Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo for adopted Congolese children seeking to depart the country with their adoptive parents. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution concerning the suspension of exit permit issuance by the Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo for adopted Congolese children seeking to depart the country with their adoptive parents. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-07-31T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres502ats/xml/BILLS-113sres502ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> <item> <type> Reported to Senate </type> <date> 2014-07-29T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres502rs/xml/BILLS-113sres502rs.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2014-07-15T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres502is/xml/BILLS-113sres502is.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-07-31 </actionDate> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate with an amendment and an amended preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 8/1/2014 S5313--5314; text as passed Senate: CR 8/1/2014 S5313-5313) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-31", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate with an amendment and an amended preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 8/1/2014 S5313--5314; text as passed Senate: CR 8/1/2014 S5313-5313)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2014-07-31", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate with an amendment and an amended preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR 8/1/2014 S5313--5314; text as passed Senate: CR 8/1/2014 S5313-5313)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-29", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 495.", "type": "Calendars" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-29", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Committee on Foreign Relations. Reported by Senator Menendez with an amendment in the nature of a substitute and with an amended preamble. Without written report.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "14000", "action_date": "2014-07-29", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Committee on Foreign Relations. Reported by Senator Menendez with an amendment in the nature of a substitute and with an amended preamble. Without written report.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-29", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Committee on Foreign Relations. Ordered to be reported with an amendment in the nature of a substitute favorably.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-15", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S4509-4510)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-07-15", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2014-07-29T23:55:19Z", "name": "Reported by" }, { "date": "2014-07-29T18:30:00Z", "name": "Markup by" }, { "date": "2014-07-15T15:10:17Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "L000550", "district": null, "first_name": "MARY", "full_name": "Sen. Landrieu, Mary L. 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A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-07-15", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-31", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate with an amendment and an amended preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 8/1/2014 S5313--5314; text as passed Senate: CR 8/1/2014 S5313-5313)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 502, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Immigration", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 113, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-08", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "The title of the measure was amended. Agreed to without objection.", "type": null }, "number": 588, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "Concerning the suspension of exit permit issuance by the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo for adopted Congolese children seeking to depart the country with their adoptive parents.", "type": "HRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "P000449", "district": null, "first_name": "Rob", "full_name": "Sen. Portman, Rob [R-OH]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Portman", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "OH" } ], "subjects": [ "Adoption and foster care", "Africa", "Child health", "Child safety and welfare", "Democratic Republic of the Congo", "Human rights", "Visas and passports" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-07-15", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Affirms that all children deserve a safe, loving, and permanent family.</p> <p> Recognizes the importance of ensuring that international adoptions of all children are conducted in an ethical and transparent manner.</p> <p> Expresses concern over the impact on children and families caused by the suspension of exit permit issuance within the Democratic Republic of Congo.</p> <p> Requests that the Congolese government resume processing adoption cases and issuing exit permits, prioritize the processing of intercountry adoptions which were initiated before the suspension, and expedite the adoption processing of medically fragile children.</p> <p> Encourages continued cooperation between the Department of State and the Democratic Republic of the Congo's Ministry of Foreign Affairs to improve the intercountry adoption process and ensure the welfare of all children adopted from the Democratic Republic of Congo.</p>", "update_date": "2014-07-30T18:37:13Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2014-07-29", "action_desc": "Reported to Senate with amendment(s)", "text": " <p>Affirms that all children deserve a safe, loving, and permanent family. </p> <p>Recognizes the importance of ensuring that international adoptions of all children are conducted in an ethical and transparent manner. </p> <p>Expresses concern over the impact on children and families caused by the current suspension of exit permit issuance within the Democratic Republic of the Congo. </p> <p>Requests that such government: (1) resume processing adoption cases and issuing exit permits via the Ministry of Gender and Family's Interministerial Adoption Committee and Directorate of General Migration; (2) prioritize the processing of intercountry adoptions which were initiated before the suspension, and (3) expedite the processing of adoptions involving medically fragile children.</p> <p>Encourages continued dialogue and cooperation between the Department of State and the Democratic Republic of the Congo's Ministry of Foreign Affairs to improve the intercountry adoption process and ensure the welfare of all children adopted from the Democratic Republic of the Congo.</p>", "update_date": "2014-08-05T20:20:02Z", "version_code": "01" }, { "action_date": "2014-07-31", "action_desc": "Passed Senate amended", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was reported to the Senate on July 29, 2014. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Affirms that all children deserve a safe, loving, and permanent family. </p> <p>Recognizes the importance of ensuring that international adoptions of all children are conducted in an ethical and transparent manner. </p> <p>Expresses concern over the impact on children and families caused by the current suspension of exit permit issuance within the Democratic Republic of the Congo. </p> <p>Requests that such government: (1) resume processing adoption cases and issuing exit permits via the Ministry of Gender and Family's Interministerial Adoption Committee and Directorate of General Migration; (2) prioritize the processing of intercountry adoptions which were initiated before the suspension, and (3) expedite the processing of adoptions involving medically fragile children.</p> <p>Encourages continued dialogue and cooperation between the Department of State and the Democratic Republic of the Congo's Ministry of Foreign Affairs to improve the intercountry adoption process and ensure the welfare of all children adopted from the Democratic Republic of the Congo.</p>", "update_date": "2014-08-25T21:23:30Z", "version_code": "35" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-07-31T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres502ats/xml/BILLS-113sres502ats.xml" }, { "date": "2014-07-29T04:00:00Z", "type": "Reported to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres502rs/xml/BILLS-113sres502rs.xml" }, { "date": "2014-07-15T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres502is/xml/BILLS-113sres502is.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution concerning the suspension of exit permit issuance by the Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo for adopted Congolese children seeking to depart the country with their adoptive parents.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution concerning the suspension of exit permit issuance by the Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo for adopted Congolese children seeking to depart the country with their adoptive parents.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution concerning the suspension of exit permit issuance by the Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo for adopted Congolese children seeking to depart the country with their adoptive parents.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2023-01-11T13:25:42Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-11T13:25:42Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-07-31T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres502ats/xml/BILLS-113sres502ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres502ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres502ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T00:26:01.137", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-502", "legis_num": 502, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-502-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 502 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES July 15, 2014 Mr. Portman (for himself, Ms. Landrieu , Mr. Alexander , Ms. Ayotte , Ms. Baldwin , Mr. Barrasso , Mr. Blumenthal , Mr. Blunt , Mr. Boozman , Mrs. Boxer , Mr. Brown , Mr. Burr , Ms. Cantwell , Mr. Chambliss , Mr. Coats , Ms. Collins , Mr. Corker , Mr. Cornyn , Mr. Crapo , Mr. Cruz , Mr. Donnelly , Mr. Durbin , Mr. Enzi , Mrs. Feinstein , Mrs. Fischer , Mr. Franken , Mrs. Gillibrand , Mr. Grassley , Mrs. Hagan , Mr. Harkin , Mr. Inhofe , Mr. Johanns , Mr. Johnson of Wisconsin , Mr. King , Mr. Kirk , Ms. Klobuchar , Mr. Levin , Mr. Markey , Mrs. McCaskill , Mr. McCain , Mr. McConnell , Ms. Mikulski , Mr. Moran , Ms. Murkowski , Mr. Murphy , Mr. Paul , Mr. Rubio , Ms. Stabenow , Mr. Tester , Mr. Thune , Mr. Vitter , Mr. Walsh , Mr. Warner , Ms. Warren , Mr. Wicker , Ms. Heitkamp , Mr. Hoeven , Mrs. Murray , Mr. Toomey , Mr. Hatch , Mr. Cochran , and Mrs. Shaheen ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations July 29, 2014 Reported by Mr. Menendez , with an amendment and an amendment to the preamble Strike out all after the resolving clause and insert the part printed in italic Strike the preamble and insert the part printed in italic July 31, 2014 Considered, amended, and agreed to with an amended preamble RESOLUTION Concerning the suspension of exit permit issuance by the Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo for adopted Congolese children seeking to depart the country with their adoptive parents.\n\nWhereas according to UNICEF, over 4,000,000 orphans are estimated to be living in the Democratic Republic of Congo; Whereas cyclical and violent conflict has plagued the Democratic Republic of Congo since the mid-1990s; Whereas the United States has made significant financial investments in the Democratic Republic of Congo, providing an estimated $274,000,000 bilateral aid to the Democratic Republic of Congo in fiscal year 2013 and an additional $165,000,000 in emergency humanitarian assistance; Whereas the policy of the United States Government toward the Democratic Republic of Congo is focused on helping the country become a nation that … provides for the basic needs of its citizens ; Whereas the United Nations, the Hague Conference on Private International Law, and other international organizations have recognized that a child should grow up in a family environment; Whereas adoption, both domestic and international, is an important child protection tool and an integral part of child welfare best practices around the world, along with family reunification and prevention of abandonment; Whereas, on September 27, 2013, the Congolese Ministry of Interior and Security, General Directorate of Migration, informed the United States Embassy in Kinshasa that effective September 25, 2013, they had suspended issuance of exit permits to adopted Congolese children seeking to depart the country with their adoptive parents; Whereas there are United States families with finalized adoptions in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the necessary legal paperwork and visas ready to travel home with these children but are currently unable to do so; and Whereas, on December 19, 2013, the Congolese Minister of Justice, Minister of Interior and Security, and the General Directorate of Migration confirmed to members of the United States Department of State that the current suspension on the issuance of exit permits continues: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) affirms that all children deserve a safe, loving, and permanent family; (2) recognizes the importance of ensuring that international adoptions of all children are conducted in an ethical and transparent manner; (3) expresses concern over the impact on children and families caused by the current suspension of exit permit issuance within the Democratic Republic of Congo; (4) respectfully requests that the Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo— (A) resume processing adoption cases and issuing exit permits via the Ministry of Gender and Family’s Interministerial Adoption Committee and General Directorate of Migration; (B) prioritize the processing of intercountry adoptions which were initiated before the suspension; and (C) expedite the processing of those adoptions which involve medically fragile children; and (5) encourages continued dialogue and cooperation between the United States Department of State and the Democratic Republic of the Congo's Ministry of Foreign Affairs to improve the intercountry adoption process and ensure the welfare of all children adopted from the Democratic Republic of Congo.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 502 ATS: Concerning the suspension of exit permit issuance by the Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo for adopted Congolese children seeking to depart the country with their adoptive parents.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-07-15\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress>\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session>\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 502\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action>\n <action-date date=\"20140715\">\n July 15, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S349\">\n Mr. Portman\n </sponsor>\n (for himself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S258\">\n Ms. Landrieu\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S289\">\n Mr. Alexander\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S340\">\n Ms. Ayotte\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S354\">\n Ms. Baldwin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S317\">\n Mr. Barrasso\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S341\">\n Mr. Blumenthal\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S342\">\n Mr. Blunt\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S343\">\n Mr. Boozman\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S223\">\n Mrs. Boxer\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S307\">\n Mr. Brown\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S300\">\n Mr. Burr\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S275\">\n Ms. Cantwell\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S290\">\n Mr. Chambliss\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S212\">\n Mr. Coats\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S252\">\n Ms. Collins\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S310\">\n Mr. Corker\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S287\">\n Mr. Cornyn\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S266\">\n Mr. Crapo\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S355\">\n Mr. Cruz\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S356\">\n Mr. Donnelly\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S253\">\n Mr. Durbin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S254\">\n Mr. Enzi\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S221\">\n Mrs. Feinstein\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S357\">\n Mrs. Fischer\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S332\">\n Mr. Franken\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S331\">\n Mrs. Gillibrand\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S153\">\n Mr. Grassley\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S320\">\n Mrs. Hagan\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S172\">\n Mr. Harkin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S236\">\n Mr. Inhofe\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S321\">\n Mr. Johanns\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S345\">\n Mr. Johnson of Wisconsin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S363\">\n Mr. King\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S339\">\n Mr. Kirk\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S311\">\n Ms. Klobuchar\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S131\">\n Mr. Levin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S369\">\n Mr. Markey\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S312\">\n Mrs. McCaskill\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S197\">\n Mr. McCain\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S174\">\n Mr. McConnell\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S182\">\n Ms. Mikulski\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S347\">\n Mr. Moran\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S288\">\n Ms. Murkowski\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S364\">\n Mr. Murphy\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S348\">\n Mr. Paul\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S350\">\n Mr. Rubio\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S284\">\n Ms. Stabenow\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S314\">\n Mr. Tester\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S303\">\n Mr. Thune\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S299\">\n Mr. Vitter\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S371\">\n Mr. Walsh\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S327\">\n Mr. Warner\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S366\">\n Ms. Warren\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S318\">\n Mr. Wicker\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S360\">\n Ms. Heitkamp\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S344\">\n Mr. Hoeven\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S229\">\n Mrs. Murray\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S351\">\n Mr. Toomey\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S118\">\n Mr. Hatch\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S136\">\n Mr. Cochran\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S324\">\n Mrs. Shaheen\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name committee-id=\"SSFR00\">\n Committee on Foreign Relations\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <action stage=\"Reported-in-Senate\">\n <action-date>\n July 29, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n Reported by\n <sponsor name-id=\"S306\">\n Mr. Menendez\n </sponsor>\n , with an amendment and an amendment to the preamble\n </action-desc>\n <action-instruction>\n Strike out all after the resolving clause and insert the part printed in italic\n </action-instruction>\n <action-instruction>\n Strike the preamble and insert the part printed in italic\n </action-instruction>\n </action>\n <action>\n <action-date>\n July 31, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n Considered, amended, and agreed to with an amended preamble\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Concerning the suspension of exit permit issuance by the Government of the Democratic Republic of\n\t\t\t Congo for adopted Congolese children seeking to depart the country with\n\t\t\t their adoptive parents.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas according to UNICEF, over 4,000,000 orphans are estimated to be living in the Democratic\n\t\t\t Republic of Congo;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas cyclical and violent conflict has plagued the Democratic Republic of Congo since the\n\t\t\t mid-1990s;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States has made significant financial investments in the Democratic Republic of\n\t\t\t Congo, providing an estimated $274,000,000 bilateral aid to the Democratic\n\t\t\t Republic of Congo in fiscal year 2013 and an additional $165,000,000 in\n\t\t\t emergency humanitarian assistance;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the policy of the United States Government toward the Democratic Republic of Congo is\n <quote>\n focused on helping the country become a nation that … provides for the basic needs of its citizens\n </quote>\n ;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United Nations, the Hague Conference on Private International Law, and other\n\t\t\t international organizations have recognized that a child should grow up in\n\t\t\t a family environment;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas adoption, both domestic and international, is an important child protection tool and an\n\t\t\t integral part of child welfare best practices around the world, along with\n\t\t\t family reunification and prevention of abandonment;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, on September 27, 2013, the Congolese Ministry of Interior and Security, General\n\t\t\t Directorate\n\t\t\t of Migration, informed the United States Embassy in Kinshasa that\n\t\t\t effective September 25, 2013, they had suspended issuance of exit permits\n\t\t\t to adopted Congolese children seeking to depart the country with their\n\t\t\t adoptive parents;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas there are United States families with finalized adoptions in the Democratic Republic of the\n\t\t\t Congo and the necessary legal paperwork and visas ready to travel home\n\t\t\t with these children but are currently unable to do so; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, on December 19, 2013, the Congolese Minister of Justice, Minister of Interior and\n\t\t\t Security,\n\t\t\t and the General Directorate of Migration confirmed to members of the\n\t\t\t United\n\t\t\t States Department of State that the current suspension on the issuance of\n\t\t\t exit permits continues: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"id43e1f386-5939-471e-b398-e40e8e7b2a7b\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\">\n affirms that all children deserve a safe, loving, and permanent family;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"ideb58a3ab-6515-4330-a741-1a2badcfb749\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\">\n recognizes the importance of ensuring that international adoptions of all children are conducted in\n\t\t\t an ethical and transparent manner;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idf0e80697-db28-4366-b32f-4c80f600d686\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n expresses concern over the impact on children and families caused by the current suspension of exit\n\t\t\t permit issuance within the Democratic Republic of Congo;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id17c423c8-2c5d-4e12-967f-34da723e1059\">\n <enum>\n (4)\n </enum>\n <text>\n respectfully requests that the Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo—\n </text>\n <subparagraph id=\"idb408dfa4-456f-46d2-b2fc-7250c017c4b4\">\n <enum>\n (A)\n </enum>\n <text display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\">\n resume processing adoption cases and issuing exit permits via the Ministry of Gender and Family’s\n\t\t\t Interministerial Adoption Committee and General Directorate of Migration;\n </text>\n </subparagraph>\n <subparagraph id=\"id88d900b0-6208-436f-8123-ecb031d7d0a5\">\n <enum>\n (B)\n </enum>\n <text>\n prioritize the processing of intercountry adoptions which were initiated before the suspension; and\n </text>\n </subparagraph>\n <subparagraph id=\"id67d8236e-326b-42de-874f-e4dc0abbe9ab\">\n <enum>\n (C)\n </enum>\n <text>\n expedite the processing of those adoptions which involve medically fragile children; and\n </text>\n </subparagraph>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph commented=\"no\" display-inline=\"no-display-inline\" id=\"idca4169ea-045b-4b56-a9df-fce5db5025f7\">\n <enum>\n (5)\n </enum>\n <text>\n encourages continued dialogue and cooperation between the United States Department of State and the\n\t\t\t Democratic Republic of the Congo's Ministry of Foreign Affairs to improve\n\t\t\t the intercountry adoption process and ensure the welfare of all children\n\t\t\t adopted from the Democratic Republic of Congo.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" }, { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-07-29T04:00:00Z", "type": "Reported to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres502rs/xml/BILLS-113sres502rs.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres502rs.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres502rs.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T00:26:01.062", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-502", "legis_num": 502, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "rs", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-502-rs-dtd", "tv_txt": "III Calendar No. 495 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 502 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES July 15, 2014 Mr. Portman (for himself, Ms. Landrieu , Mr. Alexander , Ms. Ayotte , Ms. Baldwin , Mr. Barrasso , Mr. Blumenthal , Mr. Blunt , Mr. Boozman , Mrs. Boxer , Mr. Brown , Mr. Burr , Ms. Cantwell , Mr. Chambliss , Mr. Coats , Ms. Collins , Mr. Corker , Mr. Cornyn , Mr. Crapo , Mr. Cruz , Mr. Donnelly , Mr. Durbin , Mr. Enzi , Mrs. Feinstein , Mrs. Fischer , Mr. Franken , Mrs. Gillibrand , Mr. Grassley , Mrs. Hagan , Mr. Harkin , Mr. Inhofe , Mr. Johanns , Mr. Johnson of Wisconsin , Mr. King , Mr. Kirk , Ms. Klobuchar , Mr. Levin , Mr. Markey , Mrs. McCaskill , Mr. McCain , Mr. McConnell , Ms. Mikulski , Mr. Moran , Ms. Murkowski , Mr. Murphy , Mr. Paul , Mr. Rubio , Ms. Stabenow , Mr. Tester , Mr. Thune , Mr. Vitter , Mr. Walsh , Mr. Warner , Ms. Warren , Mr. Wicker , Ms. Heitkamp , Mr. Hoeven , Mrs. Murray , Mr. Toomey , Mr. Hatch , Mr. Cochran , and Mrs. Shaheen ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations July 29, 2014 Reported by Mr. Menendez , with an amendment and an amendment to the preamble Strike out all after the resolving clause and insert the part printed in italic Strike the preamble and insert the part printed in italic RESOLUTION Concerning the suspension of exit permit issuance by the Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo for adopted Congolese children seeking to depart the country with their adoptive parents.\n\nWhereas according to UNICEF, over 4,000,000 orphans are estimated to be living in the Democratic Republic of Congo; Whereas cyclical and violent conflict has plagued the Democratic Republic of Congo since the mid-1990s; Whereas the United States has made significant financial investments in the Democratic Republic of Congo, providing an estimated $274,000,000 bilateral aid to the Democratic Republic of Congo in fiscal year 2013 and an additional $165,000,000 in emergency humanitarian assistance; Whereas the policy of the United States Government toward the Democratic Republic of Congo is focused on helping the country become a nation that … provides for the basic needs of its citizens ; Whereas the United Nations, the Hague Conference on Private International Law, and other international organizations have recognized a child's right to a family as a basic human right worthy of protection; Whereas adoption, both domestic and international, is an important child protection tool and an integral part of child welfare best practices around the world, along with family reunification and prevention of abandonment; Whereas, on September 27, 2013, the Congolese Ministry of Interior and Security, General Direction of Migration, informed the United States Embassy in Kinshasa that effective September 25, 2013, they had suspended issuance of exit permits to adopted Congolese children seeking to depart the country with their adoptive parents; Whereas there are United States families with finalized adoptions in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the necessary legal paperwork and visas ready to travel home with these children but are currently unable to do so; and Whereas, on December 19, 2013, the Congolese Minister of Justice, Minister of Interior and Security, and the General Direction of Migration confirmed to members of the United States Department of State that the current suspension on the issuance of exit permits continues: Now, therefore, be it Whereas according to UNICEF, over 4,000,000 orphans are estimated to be living in the Democratic Republic of Congo; Whereas cyclical and violent conflict has plagued the Democratic Republic of Congo since the mid-1990s; Whereas the United States has made significant financial investments in the Democratic Republic of Congo, providing an estimated $274,000,000 bilateral aid to the Democratic Republic of Congo in fiscal year 2013 and an additional $165,000,000 in emergency humanitarian assistance; Whereas the policy of the United States Government toward the Democratic Republic of Congo is focused on helping the country become a nation that … provides for the basic needs of its citizens ; Whereas the United Nations, the Hague Conference on Private International Law, and other international organizations have recognized that a child should grow up in a family environment; Whereas adoption, both domestic and international, is an important child protection tool and an integral part of child welfare best practices around the world, along with family reunification and prevention of abandonment; Whereas, on September 27, 2013, the Congolese Ministry of Interior and Security, General Directorate of Migration, informed the United States Embassy in Kinshasa that effective September 25, 2013, they had suspended issuance of exit permits to adopted Congolese children seeking to depart the country with their adoptive parents; Whereas there are United States families with finalized adoptions in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the necessary legal paperwork and visas ready to travel home with these children but are currently unable to do so; and Whereas, on December 19, 2013, the Congolese Minister of Justice, Minister of Interior and Security, and the General Directorate of Migration confirmed to members of the United States Department of State that the current suspension on the issuance of exit permits continues: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) affirms that all children deserve a safe, loving, and permanent family; (2) recognizes the importance of ensuring that international adoptions of all children are conducted in an ethical and transparent manner; (3) expresses concern over the impact on children and families caused by the current suspension of exit permit issuance within the Democratic Republic of Congo; (4) respectfully requests that the Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo— (A) resume processing adoption cases and issuing exit permits via the Ministry of Gender and Family’s Interministerial Adoption Committee and Directorate of General Migration; (B) prioritize the processing of intercountry adoptions which were initiated before the suspension; and (C) expedite the processing of those adoptions which involve medically fragile children; and (5) encourages continued dialogue and cooperation between the United States Department of State and the Democratic Republic of the Congo's Ministry of Foreign Affairs to improve the intercountry adoption process and ensure the welfare of all children adopted from the Democratic Republic of Congo.\n\nThat the Senate— (1) affirms that all children deserve a safe, loving, and permanent family; (2) recognizes the importance of ensuring that international adoptions of all children are conducted in an ethical and transparent manner; (3) expresses concern over the impact on children and families caused by the current suspension of exit permit issuance within the Democratic Republic of Congo; (4) respectfully requests that the Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo— (A) resume processing adoption cases and issuing exit permits via the Ministry of Gender and Family’s Interministerial Adoption Committee and General Directorate of Migration; (B) prioritize the processing of intercountry adoptions which were initiated before the suspension; and (C) expedite the processing of those adoptions which involve medically fragile children; and (5) encourages continued dialogue and cooperation between the United States Department of State and the Democratic Republic of the Congo's Ministry of Foreign Affairs to improve the intercountry adoption process and ensure the welfare of all children adopted from the Democratic Republic of Congo.\n\nJuly 29, 2014 Reported with an amendment and an amendment to the preamble", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Reported-in-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 502 RS: Concerning the suspension of exit permit issuance by the Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo for adopted Congolese children seeking to depart the country with their adoptive parents.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-07-15\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <calendar>\n Calendar No. 495\n </calendar>\n <congress>\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session>\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 502\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action>\n <action-date date=\"20140715\">\n July 15, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S349\">\n Mr. Portman\n </sponsor>\n (for himself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S258\">\n Ms. Landrieu\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S289\">\n Mr. Alexander\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S340\">\n Ms. Ayotte\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S354\">\n Ms. Baldwin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S317\">\n Mr. Barrasso\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S341\">\n Mr. Blumenthal\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S342\">\n Mr. Blunt\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S343\">\n Mr. Boozman\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S223\">\n Mrs. Boxer\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S307\">\n Mr. Brown\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S300\">\n Mr. Burr\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S275\">\n Ms. Cantwell\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S290\">\n Mr. Chambliss\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S212\">\n Mr. Coats\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S252\">\n Ms. Collins\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S310\">\n Mr. Corker\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S287\">\n Mr. Cornyn\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S266\">\n Mr. Crapo\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S355\">\n Mr. Cruz\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S356\">\n Mr. Donnelly\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S253\">\n Mr. Durbin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S254\">\n Mr. Enzi\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S221\">\n Mrs. Feinstein\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S357\">\n Mrs. Fischer\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S332\">\n Mr. Franken\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S331\">\n Mrs. Gillibrand\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S153\">\n Mr. Grassley\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S320\">\n Mrs. Hagan\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S172\">\n Mr. Harkin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S236\">\n Mr. Inhofe\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S321\">\n Mr. Johanns\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S345\">\n Mr. Johnson of Wisconsin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S363\">\n Mr. King\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S339\">\n Mr. Kirk\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S311\">\n Ms. Klobuchar\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S131\">\n Mr. Levin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S369\">\n Mr. Markey\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S312\">\n Mrs. McCaskill\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S197\">\n Mr. McCain\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S174\">\n Mr. McConnell\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S182\">\n Ms. Mikulski\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S347\">\n Mr. Moran\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S288\">\n Ms. Murkowski\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S364\">\n Mr. Murphy\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S348\">\n Mr. Paul\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S350\">\n Mr. Rubio\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S284\">\n Ms. Stabenow\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S314\">\n Mr. Tester\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S303\">\n Mr. Thune\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S299\">\n Mr. Vitter\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S371\">\n Mr. Walsh\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S327\">\n Mr. Warner\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S366\">\n Ms. Warren\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S318\">\n Mr. Wicker\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S360\">\n Ms. Heitkamp\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S344\">\n Mr. Hoeven\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S229\">\n Mrs. Murray\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S351\">\n Mr. Toomey\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S118\">\n Mr. Hatch\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S136\">\n Mr. Cochran\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S324\">\n Mrs. Shaheen\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name committee-id=\"SSFR00\">\n Committee on Foreign Relations\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <action stage=\"Reported-in-Senate\">\n <action-date>\n July 29, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n Reported by\n <sponsor name-id=\"S306\">\n Mr. Menendez\n </sponsor>\n , with an amendment and an amendment to the preamble\n </action-desc>\n <action-instruction>\n Strike out all after the resolving clause and insert the part printed in italic\n </action-instruction>\n <action-instruction>\n Strike the preamble and insert the part printed in italic\n </action-instruction>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Concerning the suspension of exit permit issuance by the Government of the Democratic Republic of\n\t\t\t Congo for adopted Congolese children seeking to depart the country with\n\t\t\t their adoptive parents.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas changed=\"deleted\" reported-display-style=\"strikethrough\">\n <text>\n Whereas according to UNICEF, over 4,000,000 orphans are estimated to be living in the Democratic\n\t\t\t Republic of Congo;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"deleted\" reported-display-style=\"strikethrough\">\n <text>\n Whereas cyclical and violent conflict has plagued the Democratic Republic of Congo since the\n\t\t\t mid-1990s;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"deleted\" reported-display-style=\"strikethrough\">\n <text>\n Whereas the United States has made significant financial investments in the Democratic Republic of\n\t\t\t Congo, providing an estimated $274,000,000 bilateral aid to the Democratic\n\t\t\t Republic of Congo in fiscal year 2013 and an additional $165,000,000 in\n\t\t\t emergency humanitarian assistance;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"deleted\" reported-display-style=\"strikethrough\">\n <text>\n Whereas the policy of the United States Government toward the Democratic Republic of Congo is\n <quote>\n focused on helping the country become a nation that … provides for the basic needs of its citizens\n </quote>\n ;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"deleted\" reported-display-style=\"strikethrough\">\n <text>\n Whereas the United Nations, the Hague Conference on Private International Law, and other\n\t\t\t international organizations have recognized a child's right to a family as\n\t\t\t a basic human right worthy of protection;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"deleted\" reported-display-style=\"strikethrough\">\n <text>\n Whereas adoption, both domestic and international, is an important child protection tool and an\n\t\t\t integral part of child welfare best practices around the world, along with\n\t\t\t family reunification and prevention of abandonment;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"deleted\" reported-display-style=\"strikethrough\">\n <text>\n Whereas, on September 27, 2013, the Congolese Ministry of Interior and Security, General Direction\n\t\t\t of Migration, informed the United States Embassy in Kinshasa that\n\t\t\t effective September 25, 2013, they had suspended issuance of exit permits\n\t\t\t to adopted Congolese children seeking to depart the country with their\n\t\t\t adoptive parents;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"deleted\" reported-display-style=\"strikethrough\">\n <text>\n Whereas there are United States families with finalized adoptions in the Democratic Republic of the\n\t\t\t Congo and the necessary legal paperwork and visas ready to travel home\n\t\t\t with these children but are currently unable to do so; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"deleted\" reported-display-style=\"strikethrough\">\n <text>\n Whereas, on December 19, 2013, the Congolese Minister of Justice, Minister of Interior and\n\t\t\t Security,\n\t\t\t and the General Direction of Migration confirmed to members of the United\n\t\t\t States Department of State that the current suspension on the issuance of\n\t\t\t exit permits continues: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"added\" reported-display-style=\"italic\">\n <text>\n Whereas according to UNICEF, over 4,000,000 orphans are estimated to be living in the Democratic\n\t\t\t Republic of Congo;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"added\" reported-display-style=\"italic\">\n <text>\n Whereas cyclical and violent conflict has plagued the Democratic Republic of Congo since the\n\t\t\t mid-1990s;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"added\" reported-display-style=\"italic\">\n <text>\n Whereas the United States has made significant financial investments in the Democratic Republic of\n\t\t\t Congo, providing an estimated $274,000,000 bilateral aid to the Democratic\n\t\t\t Republic of Congo in fiscal year 2013 and an additional $165,000,000 in\n\t\t\t emergency humanitarian assistance;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"added\" reported-display-style=\"italic\">\n <text>\n Whereas the policy of the United States Government toward the Democratic Republic of Congo is\n <quote>\n focused on helping the country become a nation that … provides for the basic needs of its citizens\n </quote>\n ;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"added\" reported-display-style=\"italic\">\n <text>\n Whereas the United Nations, the Hague Conference on Private International Law, and other\n\t\t\t international organizations have recognized that a child should grow up in\n\t\t\t a family environment;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"added\" reported-display-style=\"italic\">\n <text>\n Whereas adoption, both domestic and international, is an important child protection tool and an\n\t\t\t integral part of child welfare best practices around the world, along with\n\t\t\t family reunification and prevention of abandonment;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"added\" reported-display-style=\"italic\">\n <text>\n Whereas, on September 27, 2013, the Congolese Ministry of Interior and Security, General\n\t\t\t Directorate\n\t\t\t of Migration, informed the United States Embassy in Kinshasa that\n\t\t\t effective September 25, 2013, they had suspended issuance of exit permits\n\t\t\t to adopted Congolese children seeking to depart the country with their\n\t\t\t adoptive parents;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"added\" reported-display-style=\"italic\">\n <text>\n Whereas there are United States families with finalized adoptions in the Democratic Republic of the\n\t\t\t Congo and the necessary legal paperwork and visas ready to travel home\n\t\t\t with these children but are currently unable to do so; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"added\" reported-display-style=\"italic\">\n <text>\n Whereas, on December 19, 2013, the Congolese Minister of Justice, Minister of Interior and\n\t\t\t Security,\n\t\t\t and the General Directorate of Migration confirmed to members of the\n\t\t\t United\n\t\t\t States Department of State that the current suspension on the issuance of\n\t\t\t exit permits continues: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section changed=\"deleted\" display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"H56614C6C008542EC85A5AA5A2269908F\" reported-display-style=\"strikethrough\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"HA5F8D0C3C87C4366B432AB19F85C949A\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\">\n affirms that all children deserve a safe, loving, and permanent family;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"HEDC817A6E69D404C9C4C613129FC4D03\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\">\n recognizes the importance of ensuring that international adoptions of all children are conducted in\n\t\t\t an ethical and transparent manner;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"H2B10C91A344C4EDDA36EFB6F2ACC3920\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n expresses concern over the impact on children and families caused by the current suspension of exit\n\t\t\t permit issuance within the Democratic Republic of Congo;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"HD38A6BE2439C4EBBA1EF449065A2C12D\">\n <enum>\n (4)\n </enum>\n <text>\n respectfully requests that the Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo—\n </text>\n <subparagraph id=\"H4E15254C1FC741EA98690078CF304B5C\">\n <enum>\n (A)\n </enum>\n <text display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\">\n resume processing adoption cases and issuing exit permits via the Ministry of Gender and Family’s\n\t\t\t Interministerial Adoption Committee and Directorate of General Migration;\n </text>\n </subparagraph>\n <subparagraph id=\"HD3FFBE0072714E32B50F15CF5B0F2CDA\">\n <enum>\n (B)\n </enum>\n <text>\n prioritize the processing of intercountry adoptions which were initiated before the suspension; and\n </text>\n </subparagraph>\n <subparagraph id=\"HD29E6BC2A4A2481E82987E49FF47E22A\">\n <enum>\n (C)\n </enum>\n <text>\n expedite the processing of those adoptions which involve medically fragile children; and\n </text>\n </subparagraph>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"H1F1E3980E2814928BDB105CDF1FA9C22\">\n <enum>\n (5)\n </enum>\n <text>\n encourages continued dialogue and cooperation between the United States Department of State and the\n\t\t\t Democratic Republic of the Congo's Ministry of Foreign Affairs to improve\n\t\t\t the intercountry adoption process and ensure the welfare of all children\n\t\t\t adopted from the Democratic Republic of Congo.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n <resolution-body changed=\"added\" display-resolving-clause=\"no-display-resolving-clause\" reported-display-style=\"italic\">\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"id43e1f386-5939-471e-b398-e40e8e7b2a7b\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\">\n affirms that all children deserve a safe, loving, and permanent family;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"ideb58a3ab-6515-4330-a741-1a2badcfb749\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\">\n recognizes the importance of ensuring that international adoptions of all children are conducted in\n\t\t\t an ethical and transparent manner;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idf0e80697-db28-4366-b32f-4c80f600d686\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n expresses concern over the impact on children and families caused by the current suspension of exit\n\t\t\t permit issuance within the Democratic Republic of Congo;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id17c423c8-2c5d-4e12-967f-34da723e1059\">\n <enum>\n (4)\n </enum>\n <text>\n respectfully requests that the Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo—\n </text>\n <subparagraph id=\"idb408dfa4-456f-46d2-b2fc-7250c017c4b4\">\n <enum>\n (A)\n </enum>\n <text display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\">\n resume processing adoption cases and issuing exit permits via the Ministry of Gender and Family’s\n\t\t\t Interministerial Adoption Committee and General Directorate of Migration;\n </text>\n </subparagraph>\n <subparagraph id=\"id88d900b0-6208-436f-8123-ecb031d7d0a5\">\n <enum>\n (B)\n </enum>\n <text>\n prioritize the processing of intercountry adoptions which were initiated before the suspension; and\n </text>\n </subparagraph>\n <subparagraph id=\"id67d8236e-326b-42de-874f-e4dc0abbe9ab\">\n <enum>\n (C)\n </enum>\n <text>\n expedite the processing of those adoptions which involve medically fragile children; and\n </text>\n </subparagraph>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph commented=\"no\" display-inline=\"no-display-inline\" id=\"idca4169ea-045b-4b56-a9df-fce5db5025f7\">\n <enum>\n (5)\n </enum>\n <text>\n encourages continued dialogue and cooperation between the United States Department of State and the\n\t\t\t Democratic Republic of the Congo's Ministry of Foreign Affairs to improve\n\t\t\t the intercountry adoption process and ensure the welfare of all children\n\t\t\t adopted from the Democratic Republic of Congo.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n <endorsement>\n <action-date>\n July 29, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n Reported with an amendment and an amendment to the preamble\n </action-desc>\n </endorsement>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" }, { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-07-15T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres502is/xml/BILLS-113sres502is.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres502is.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres502is.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T00:26:01.012", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-502", "legis_num": 502, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "is", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-502-is-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 502 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES July 15, 2014 Mr. Portman (for himself, Ms. Landrieu , Mr. Alexander , Ms. Ayotte , Ms. Baldwin , Mr. Barrasso , Mr. Blumenthal , Mr. Blunt , Mr. Boozman , Mrs. Boxer , Mr. Brown , Mr. Burr , Ms. Cantwell , Mr. Chambliss , Mr. Coats , Ms. Collins , Mr. Corker , Mr. Cornyn , Mr. Crapo , Mr. Cruz , Mr. Donnelly , Mr. Durbin , Mr. Enzi , Mrs. Feinstein , Mrs. Fischer , Mr. Franken , Mrs. Gillibrand , Mr. Grassley , Mrs. Hagan , Mr. Harkin , Mr. Inhofe , Mr. Johanns , Mr. Johnson of Wisconsin , Mr. King , Mr. Kirk , Ms. Klobuchar , Mr. Levin , Mr. Markey , Mrs. McCaskill , Mr. McCain , Mr. McConnell , Ms. Mikulski , Mr. Moran , Ms. Murkowski , Mr. Murphy , Mr. Paul , Mr. Rubio , Ms. Stabenow , Mr. Tester , Mr. Thune , Mr. Vitter , Mr. Walsh , Mr. Warner , Ms. Warren , and Mr. Wicker ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations RESOLUTION Concerning the suspension of exit permit issuance by the Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo for adopted Congolese children seeking to depart the country with their adoptive parents.\n\nWhereas according to UNICEF, over 4,000,000 orphans are estimated to be living in the Democratic Republic of Congo; Whereas cyclical and violent conflict has plagued the Democratic Republic of Congo since the mid-1990s; Whereas the United States has made significant financial investments in the Democratic Republic of Congo, providing an estimated $274,000,000 bilateral aid to the Democratic Republic of Congo in fiscal year 2013 and an additional $165,000,000 in emergency humanitarian assistance; Whereas the policy of the United States Government toward the Democratic Republic of Congo is focused on helping the country become a nation that … provides for the basic needs of its citizens ; Whereas the United Nations, the Hague Conference on Private International Law, and other international organizations have recognized a child's right to a family as a basic human right worthy of protection; Whereas adoption, both domestic and international, is an important child protection tool and an integral part of child welfare best practices around the world, along with family reunification and prevention of abandonment; Whereas, on September 27, 2013, the Congolese Ministry of Interior and Security, General Direction of Migration, informed the United States Embassy in Kinshasa that effective September 25, 2013, they had suspended issuance of exit permits to adopted Congolese children seeking to depart the country with their adoptive parents; Whereas there are United States families with finalized adoptions in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the necessary legal paperwork and visas ready to travel home with these children but are currently unable to do so; and Whereas, on December 19, 2013, the Congolese Minister of Justice, Minister of Interior and Security, and the General Direction of Migration confirmed to members of the United States Department of State that the current suspension on the issuance of exit permits continues: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) affirms that all children deserve a safe, loving, and permanent family; (2) recognizes the importance of ensuring that international adoptions of all children are conducted in an ethical and transparent manner; (3) expresses concern over the impact on children and families caused by the current suspension of exit permit issuance within the Democratic Republic of Congo; (4) respectfully requests that the Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo— (A) resume processing adoption cases and issuing exit permits via the Ministry of Gender and Family’s Interministerial Adoption Committee and Directorate of General Migration; (B) prioritize the processing of intercountry adoptions which were initiated before the suspension; and (C) expedite the processing of those adoptions which involve medically fragile children; and (5) encourages continued dialogue and cooperation between the United States Department of State and the Democratic Republic of the Congo's Ministry of Foreign Affairs to improve the intercountry adoption process and ensure the welfare of all children adopted from the Democratic Republic of Congo.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Introduced-in-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 502 IS: Concerning the suspension of exit permit issuance by the Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo for adopted Congolese children seeking to depart the country with their adoptive parents.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-07-15\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress>\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session>\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 502\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action>\n <action-date date=\"20140715\">\n July 15, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S349\">\n Mr. Portman\n </sponsor>\n (for himself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S258\">\n Ms. Landrieu\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S289\">\n Mr. Alexander\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S340\">\n Ms. Ayotte\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S354\">\n Ms. Baldwin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S317\">\n Mr. Barrasso\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S341\">\n Mr. Blumenthal\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S342\">\n Mr. Blunt\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S343\">\n Mr. Boozman\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S223\">\n Mrs. Boxer\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S307\">\n Mr. Brown\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S300\">\n Mr. Burr\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S275\">\n Ms. Cantwell\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S290\">\n Mr. Chambliss\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S212\">\n Mr. Coats\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S252\">\n Ms. Collins\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S310\">\n Mr. Corker\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S287\">\n Mr. Cornyn\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S266\">\n Mr. Crapo\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S355\">\n Mr. Cruz\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S356\">\n Mr. Donnelly\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S253\">\n Mr. Durbin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S254\">\n Mr. Enzi\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S221\">\n Mrs. Feinstein\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S357\">\n Mrs. Fischer\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S332\">\n Mr. Franken\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S331\">\n Mrs. Gillibrand\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S153\">\n Mr. Grassley\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S320\">\n Mrs. Hagan\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S172\">\n Mr. Harkin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S236\">\n Mr. Inhofe\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S321\">\n Mr. Johanns\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S345\">\n Mr. Johnson of Wisconsin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S363\">\n Mr. King\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S339\">\n Mr. Kirk\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S311\">\n Ms. Klobuchar\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S131\">\n Mr. Levin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S369\">\n Mr. Markey\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S312\">\n Mrs. McCaskill\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S197\">\n Mr. McCain\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S174\">\n Mr. McConnell\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S182\">\n Ms. Mikulski\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S347\">\n Mr. Moran\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S288\">\n Ms. Murkowski\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S364\">\n Mr. Murphy\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S348\">\n Mr. Paul\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S350\">\n Mr. Rubio\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S284\">\n Ms. Stabenow\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S314\">\n Mr. Tester\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S303\">\n Mr. Thune\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S299\">\n Mr. Vitter\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S371\">\n Mr. Walsh\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S327\">\n Mr. Warner\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S366\">\n Ms. Warren\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S318\">\n Mr. Wicker\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name committee-id=\"SSFR00\">\n Committee on Foreign Relations\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Concerning the suspension of exit permit issuance by the Government of the Democratic Republic of\n\t\t\t Congo for adopted Congolese children seeking to depart the country with\n\t\t\t their adoptive parents.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas according to UNICEF, over 4,000,000 orphans are estimated to be living in the Democratic\n\t\t\t Republic of Congo;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas cyclical and violent conflict has plagued the Democratic Republic of Congo since the\n\t\t\t mid-1990s;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States has made significant financial investments in the Democratic Republic of\n\t\t\t Congo, providing an estimated $274,000,000 bilateral aid to the Democratic\n\t\t\t Republic of Congo in fiscal year 2013 and an additional $165,000,000 in\n\t\t\t emergency humanitarian assistance;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the policy of the United States Government toward the Democratic Republic of Congo is\n <quote>\n focused on helping the country become a nation that … provides for the basic needs of its citizens\n </quote>\n ;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United Nations, the Hague Conference on Private International Law, and other\n\t\t\t international organizations have recognized a child's right to a family as\n\t\t\t a basic human right worthy of protection;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas adoption, both domestic and international, is an important child protection tool and an\n\t\t\t integral part of child welfare best practices around the world, along with\n\t\t\t family reunification and prevention of abandonment;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, on September 27, 2013, the Congolese Ministry of Interior and Security, General Direction\n\t\t\t of Migration, informed the United States Embassy in Kinshasa that\n\t\t\t effective September 25, 2013, they had suspended issuance of exit permits\n\t\t\t to adopted Congolese children seeking to depart the country with their\n\t\t\t adoptive parents;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas there are United States families with finalized adoptions in the Democratic Republic of the\n\t\t\t Congo and the necessary legal paperwork and visas ready to travel home\n\t\t\t with these children but are currently unable to do so; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, on December 19, 2013, the Congolese Minister of Justice, Minister of Interior and\n\t\t\t Security,\n\t\t\t and the General Direction of Migration confirmed to members of the United\n\t\t\t States Department of State that the current suspension on the issuance of\n\t\t\t exit permits continues: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"H56614C6C008542EC85A5AA5A2269908F\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"HA5F8D0C3C87C4366B432AB19F85C949A\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\">\n affirms that all children deserve a safe, loving, and permanent family;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"HEDC817A6E69D404C9C4C613129FC4D03\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\">\n recognizes the importance of ensuring that international adoptions of all children are conducted in\n\t\t\t an ethical and transparent manner;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"H2B10C91A344C4EDDA36EFB6F2ACC3920\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n expresses concern over the impact on children and families caused by the current suspension of exit\n\t\t\t permit issuance within the Democratic Republic of Congo;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"HD38A6BE2439C4EBBA1EF449065A2C12D\">\n <enum>\n (4)\n </enum>\n <text>\n respectfully requests that the Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo—\n </text>\n <subparagraph id=\"H4E15254C1FC741EA98690078CF304B5C\">\n <enum>\n (A)\n </enum>\n <text display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\">\n resume processing adoption cases and issuing exit permits via the Ministry of Gender and Family’s\n\t\t\t Interministerial Adoption Committee and Directorate of General Migration;\n </text>\n </subparagraph>\n <subparagraph id=\"HD3FFBE0072714E32B50F15CF5B0F2CDA\">\n <enum>\n (B)\n </enum>\n <text>\n prioritize the processing of intercountry adoptions which were initiated before the suspension; and\n </text>\n </subparagraph>\n <subparagraph id=\"HD29E6BC2A4A2481E82987E49FF47E22A\">\n <enum>\n (C)\n </enum>\n <text>\n expedite the processing of those adoptions which involve medically fragile children; and\n </text>\n </subparagraph>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"H1F1E3980E2814928BDB105CDF1FA9C22\">\n <enum>\n (5)\n </enum>\n <text>\n encourages continued dialogue and cooperation between the United States Department of State and the\n\t\t\t Democratic Republic of the Congo's Ministry of Foreign Affairs to improve\n\t\t\t the intercountry adoption process and ensure the welfare of all children\n\t\t\t adopted from the Democratic Republic of Congo.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-04 19:14:00.607
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 503 </number> <updateDate> 2019-02-20T12:28:56Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2022-11-03T12:15:01Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-07-16 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <relatedBills> <item> <title> A resolution designating September 2013 as "National Child Awareness Month" to promote awareness of charities benefitting children and youth-serving organizations throughout the United States and recognizing efforts made by those charities and organizations on behalf of children and youth as critical contributions to the future of the United States. </title> <congress> 113 </congress> <number> 173 </number> <type> SRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2013-06-18 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4620; text as passed Senate: CR S4590) </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-16 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4568; text as passed Senate: CR S4559) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-16 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S4568; text as passed Senate: CR S4559) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-16 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> B001135 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Burr, Richard [R-NC] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Burr </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NC </state> <middleName> Mauze </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> F000062 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA] </fullName> <firstName> Dianne </firstName> <lastName> Feinstein </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000560 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Coburn, Tom [R-OK] </fullName> <firstName> TOM </firstName> <lastName> COBURN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OK </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> E000285 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Enzi, Michael B. [R-WY] </fullName> <firstName> MICHAEL </firstName> <lastName> ENZI </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> WY </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000702 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Mikulski, Barbara A. [D-MD] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> MIKULSKI </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> ANN </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Families </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Child safety and welfare </name> </item> <item> <name> Commemorative events and holidays </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Social work, volunteer service, charitable organizations </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Families </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-16 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-07-30T15:44:31Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Designates September 2014 as National Child Awareness Month to: (1) promote awareness of charities benefiting children and youth-serving organizations throughout the United States, and (2) recognize efforts made by those charities and organizations on behalf of children and youth as critical contributions to the future of the United States. &lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-16 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-07-30T15:11:58Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Designates September 2014 as National Child Awareness Month to: (1) promote awareness of charities benefiting children and youth-serving organizations throughout the United States, and (2) recognize efforts made by those charities and organizations on behalf of children and youth as critical contributions to the future of the United States. &lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution designating September 2014 as "National Child Awareness Month" to promote awareness of charities benefitting children and youth-serving organizations throughout the United States and recognizing efforts made by those charities and organizations on behalf of children and youth as critical contributions to the future of the United States. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution designating September 2014 as "National Child Awareness Month" to promote awareness of charities benefitting children and youth-serving organizations throughout the United States and recognizing efforts made by those charities and organizations on behalf of children and youth as critical contributions to the future of the United States. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution designating September 2014 as "National Child Awareness Month" to promote awareness of charities benefitting children and youth-serving organizations throughout the United States and recognizing efforts made by those charities and organizations on behalf of children and youth as critical contributions to the future of the United States. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-07-16T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres503ats/xml/BILLS-113sres503ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-07-16 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4568; text as passed Senate: CR S4559) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-16", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4568; text as passed Senate: CR S4559)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2014-07-16", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S4568; text as passed Senate: CR S4559)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-07-16", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "F000062", "district": null, "first_name": "Dianne", "full_name": "Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Feinstein", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-16", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000560", "district": null, "first_name": "TOM", "full_name": "Sen. Coburn, Tom [R-OK]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "COBURN", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-16", "state": "OK" }, { "bioguide_id": "E000285", "district": null, "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Sen. Enzi, Michael B. [R-WY]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ENZI", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-16", "state": "WY" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000702", "district": null, "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Sen. Mikulski, Barbara A. [D-MD]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MIKULSKI", "middle_name": "ANN", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-16", "state": "MD" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-07-16", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-16", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4568; text as passed Senate: CR S4559)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 503, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": null, "policy_area": "Families", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 113, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2013-06-18", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4620; text as passed Senate: CR S4590)", "type": null }, "number": 173, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "A resolution designating September 2013 as \"National Child Awareness Month\" to promote awareness of charities benefitting children and youth-serving organizations throughout the United States and recognizing efforts made by those charities and organizations on behalf of children and youth as critical contributions to the future of the United States.", "type": "SRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "B001135", "district": null, "first_name": "Richard", "full_name": "Sen. Burr, Richard [R-NC]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Burr", "middle_name": "Mauze", "party": "R", "state": "NC" } ], "subjects": [ "Child safety and welfare", "Commemorative events and holidays", "Congressional tributes", "Social work, volunteer service, charitable organizations" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-07-16", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Designates September 2014 as National Child Awareness Month to: (1) promote awareness of charities benefiting children and youth-serving organizations throughout the United States, and (2) recognize efforts made by those charities and organizations on behalf of children and youth as critical contributions to the future of the United States. </p>", "update_date": "2014-07-30T15:44:31Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2014-07-16", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Designates September 2014 as National Child Awareness Month to: (1) promote awareness of charities benefiting children and youth-serving organizations throughout the United States, and (2) recognize efforts made by those charities and organizations on behalf of children and youth as critical contributions to the future of the United States. </p>", "update_date": "2014-07-30T15:11:58Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-07-16T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres503ats/xml/BILLS-113sres503ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution designating September 2014 as \"National Child Awareness Month\" to promote awareness of charities benefitting children and youth-serving organizations throughout the United States and recognizing efforts made by those charities and organizations on behalf of children and youth as critical contributions to the future of the United States.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating September 2014 as \"National Child Awareness Month\" to promote awareness of charities benefitting children and youth-serving organizations throughout the United States and recognizing efforts made by those charities and organizations on behalf of children and youth as critical contributions to the future of the United States.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating September 2014 as \"National Child Awareness Month\" to promote awareness of charities benefitting children and youth-serving organizations throughout the United States and recognizing efforts made by those charities and organizations on behalf of children and youth as critical contributions to the future of the United States.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2019-02-20T12:28:56Z", "update_date_including_text": "2022-11-03T12:15:01Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-07-16T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres503ats/xml/BILLS-113sres503ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres503ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres503ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T00:25:03.175", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-503", "legis_num": 503, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-503-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 503 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES July 16, 2014 Mr. Burr (for himself, Mrs. Feinstein , Mr. Coburn , Mr. Enzi , and Ms. Mikulski ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Designating September 2014 as National Child Awareness Month to promote awareness of charities benefitting children and youth-serving organizations throughout the United States and recognizing efforts made by those charities and organizations on behalf of children and youth as critical contributions to the future of the United States.\n\nWhereas millions of children and youth in the United States represent the hopes and future of the United States; Whereas numerous individuals, charities benefitting children, and youth-serving organizations that work with children and youth collaborate to provide invaluable services to enrich and better the lives of children and youth throughout the United States; Whereas raising awareness of, and increasing support for, organizations that provide access to healthcare, social services, education, the arts, sports, and other services will result in the development of character and the future success of the children and youth of the United States; Whereas the month of September, as the school year begins, is a time when parents, families, teachers, school administrators, and communities increase their focus on children and youth throughout the United States; Whereas the month of September is a time for the people of the United States to highlight and be mindful of the needs of children and youth; Whereas private corporations and businesses have joined with hundreds of national and local charitable organizations throughout the United States in support of a month-long focus on children and youth; and Whereas designating September 2014 as National Child Awareness Month would recognize that a long-term commitment to children and youth is in the public interest, and will encourage widespread support for charities and organizations that seek to provide a better future for the children and youth of the United States: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate designates September 2014 as National Child Awareness Month — (1) to promote awareness of charities benefitting children and youth-serving organizations throughout the United States; and (2) to recognize efforts made by those charities and organizations on behalf of children and youth as critical contributions to the future of the United States.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 503 ATS: Designating September 2014 as “National Child Awareness Month” to promote awareness of charities benefitting children and youth-serving organizations throughout the United States and recognizing efforts made by those charities and organizations on behalf of children and youth as critical contributions to the future of the United States.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-07-16\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress>\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session>\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 503\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action>\n <action-date date=\"20140716\">\n July 16, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S300\">\n Mr. Burr\n </sponsor>\n (for himself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S221\">\n Mrs. Feinstein\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S301\">\n Mr. Coburn\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S254\">\n Mr. Enzi\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S182\">\n Ms. Mikulski\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Designating September 2014 as\n <quote>\n National Child Awareness Month\n </quote>\n to promote awareness of charities benefitting children and youth-serving organizations throughout\n\t\t\t the United States and recognizing efforts made by those charities and\n\t\t\t organizations on behalf of children and youth as critical contributions to\n\t\t\t the future of the United States.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas millions of children and youth in the United\n\t\t\t States represent the hopes and future of the United States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas numerous individuals, charities benefitting\n\t\t\t children, and youth-serving organizations that work with children and\n\t\t\t youth\n\t\t\t collaborate to provide invaluable services to enrich and better the lives\n\t\t\t of\n\t\t\t children and youth throughout the United States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas raising awareness of, and increasing support for,\n\t\t\t organizations that provide access to healthcare, social services,\n\t\t\t education,\n\t\t\t the arts, sports, and other services will result in the development of\n\t\t\t character and the future success of the children and youth of the United\n\t\t\t States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the month of September, as the school year begins,\n\t\t\t is a time when parents, families, teachers, school administrators, and\n\t\t\t communities increase their focus on children and youth throughout the\n\t\t\t United\n\t\t\t States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the month of September is a time for the people of\n\t\t\t the United States to highlight and be mindful of the needs of children and\n\t\t\t youth;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas private corporations and businesses have joined\n\t\t\t with hundreds of national and local charitable organizations throughout\n\t\t\t the\n\t\t\t United States in support of a month-long focus on children and youth;\n\t\t\t and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas designating September 2014 as\n <quote>\n National Child\n\t\t\t Awareness Month\n </quote>\n would recognize that a long-term commitment to children and\n\t\t\t youth is\n\t\t\t in the public interest, and will encourage widespread support for\n\t\t\t charities and\n\t\t\t organizations that seek to provide a better future for the children and\n\t\t\t youth\n\t\t\t of the United States: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate designates September\n\t\t\t 2014 as\n <quote>\n National Child Awareness Month\n </quote>\n —\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"id689FB69F32D542A8BE03AA1B0BF7902A\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n to promote\n\t\t\t awareness of charities benefitting children and youth-serving\n\t\t\t organizations\n\t\t\t throughout the United States; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id09CE74394DB14C89AA48AD45E85513E1\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n to recognize\n\t\t\t efforts made by those charities and organizations on behalf of children\n\t\t\t and\n\t\t\t youth as critical contributions to the future of the United States.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-04 19:20:01.060
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 504 </number> <updateDate> 2019-02-20T12:28:56Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2022-11-03T12:15:03Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-07-16 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-16 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4568-4569; text as passed Senate: CR S4559) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-16 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S4568-4569; text as passed Senate: CR S4559) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-16 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> R000146 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Reid, Harry [D-NV] </fullName> <firstName> HARRY </firstName> <lastName> REID </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NV </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> M000355 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. McConnell, Mitch [R-KY] </fullName> <firstName> Mitch </firstName> <lastName> McConnell </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KY </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Congress </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Citizenship and naturalization </name> </item> <item> <name> Civil actions and liability </name> </item> <item> <name> Constitution and constitutional amendments </name> </item> <item> <name> Israel </name> </item> <item> <name> Legislative rules and procedure </name> </item> <item> <name> Middle East </name> </item> <item> <name> Senate </name> </item> <item> <name> Visas and passports </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Congress </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-16 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-07-28T21:29:14Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Directs the Senate Legal Counsel to appear as amicus curiae on behalf of the Senate in the case of &lt;i&gt;Menachem Binyamin Zivotofsky, By His Parents and Guardians, Ari Z. and Naomi Siegman Zivotofsky v. John Kerry, Secretary of State&lt;/i&gt;, to defend the constitutionality of specified requirements in the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, FY2003 with respect to the record of place of birth as Israel for purposes of the registration of birth, certification of nationality, or issuance of a passport of a U.S. citizen born in Jerusalem.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-16 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-07-28T21:28:51Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Directs the Senate Legal Counsel to appear as amicus curiae on behalf of the Senate in the case of &lt;i&gt;Menachem Binyamin Zivotofsky, By His Parents and Guardians, Ari Z. and Naomi Siegman Zivotofsky v. John Kerry, Secretary of State&lt;/i&gt;, to defend the constitutionality of specified requirements in the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, FY2003 with respect to the record of place of birth as Israel for purposes of the registration of birth, certification of nationality, or issuance of a passport of a U.S. citizen born in Jerusalem.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution to direct the Senate Legal Counsel to appear as amicus curiae in the name of the Senate in Menachem Binyamin Zivotofsky, By His Parents and Guardians, Ari Z. and Naomi Siegman Zivotofsky v. John Kerry, Secretary of State (S. Ct.). </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution to direct the Senate Legal Counsel to appear as amicus curiae in the name of the Senate in Menachem Binyamin Zivotofsky, By His Parents and Guardians, Ari Z. and Naomi Siegman Zivotofsky v. John Kerry, Secretary of State (S. Ct.). </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution to direct the Senate Legal Counsel to appear as amicus curiae in the name of the Senate in Menachem Binyamin Zivotofsky, By His Parents and Guardians, Ari Z. and Naomi Siegman Zivotofsky v. John Kerry, Secretary of State (S. Ct.). </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-07-16T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres504ats/xml/BILLS-113sres504ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-07-16 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4568-4569; text as passed Senate: CR S4559) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-16", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4568-4569; text as passed Senate: CR S4559)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2014-07-16", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S4568-4569; text as passed Senate: CR S4559)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-07-16", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "M000355", "district": null, "first_name": "Mitch", "full_name": "Sen. McConnell, Mitch [R-KY]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "McConnell", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-16", "state": "KY" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-07-16", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-16", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4568-4569; text as passed Senate: CR S4559)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 504, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": null, "policy_area": "Congress", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "R000146", "district": null, "first_name": "HARRY", "full_name": "Sen. Reid, Harry [D-NV]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "REID", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "state": "NV" } ], "subjects": [ "Citizenship and naturalization", "Civil actions and liability", "Constitution and constitutional amendments", "Israel", "Legislative rules and procedure", "Middle East", "Senate", "Visas and passports" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-07-16", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Directs the Senate Legal Counsel to appear as amicus curiae on behalf of the Senate in the case of <i>Menachem Binyamin Zivotofsky, By His Parents and Guardians, Ari Z. and Naomi Siegman Zivotofsky v. John Kerry, Secretary of State</i>, to defend the constitutionality of specified requirements in the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, FY2003 with respect to the record of place of birth as Israel for purposes of the registration of birth, certification of nationality, or issuance of a passport of a U.S. citizen born in Jerusalem.</p>", "update_date": "2014-07-28T21:29:14Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2014-07-16", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Directs the Senate Legal Counsel to appear as amicus curiae on behalf of the Senate in the case of <i>Menachem Binyamin Zivotofsky, By His Parents and Guardians, Ari Z. and Naomi Siegman Zivotofsky v. John Kerry, Secretary of State</i>, to defend the constitutionality of specified requirements in the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, FY2003 with respect to the record of place of birth as Israel for purposes of the registration of birth, certification of nationality, or issuance of a passport of a U.S. citizen born in Jerusalem.</p>", "update_date": "2014-07-28T21:28:51Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-07-16T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres504ats/xml/BILLS-113sres504ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution to direct the Senate Legal Counsel to appear as amicus curiae in the name of the Senate in Menachem Binyamin Zivotofsky, By His Parents and Guardians, Ari Z. and Naomi Siegman Zivotofsky v. John Kerry, Secretary of State (S. Ct.).", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution to direct the Senate Legal Counsel to appear as amicus curiae in the name of the Senate in Menachem Binyamin Zivotofsky, By His Parents and Guardians, Ari Z. and Naomi Siegman Zivotofsky v. John Kerry, Secretary of State (S. Ct.).", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution to direct the Senate Legal Counsel to appear as amicus curiae in the name of the Senate in Menachem Binyamin Zivotofsky, By His Parents and Guardians, Ari Z. and Naomi Siegman Zivotofsky v. John Kerry, Secretary of State (S. Ct.).", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2019-02-20T12:28:56Z", "update_date_including_text": "2022-11-03T12:15:03Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-07-16T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres504ats/xml/BILLS-113sres504ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres504ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres504ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T00:25:03.084", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-504", "legis_num": 504, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-504-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 504 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES July 16, 2014 Mr. Reid (for himself and Mr. McConnell ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION To direct the Senate Legal Counsel to appear as amicus curiae in the name of the Senate in Menachem Binyamin Zivotofsky, By His Parents and Guardians, Ari Z. and Naomi Siegman Zivotofsky v. John Kerry, Secretary of State (S. Ct.).\n\nWhereas, in the case of Menachem Binyamin Zivotofsky, By His Parents and Guardians, Ari Z. and Naomi Siegman Zivotofsky v. John Kerry, Secretary of State , No. 13–628, pending in the Supreme Court of the United States, the constitutionality of section 214(d) of the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, FY 2003, Pub. L. No. 107–228, 116 Stat. 1350, 1366 (2002), has been placed in issue; Whereas, pursuant to sections 703(c), 706(a), and 713(a) of the Ethics in Government Act of 1978, 2 U.S.C. 288b(c), 288e(a), and 288 l (a), the Senate may direct its counsel to appear as amicus curiae in the name of the Senate in any legal action in which the powers and responsibilities of Congress under the Constitution are placed in issue: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate Legal Counsel is directed to appear as amicus curiae on behalf of the Senate in the case of Menachem Binyamin Zivotofsky, By His Parents and Guardians, Ari Z. and Naomi Siegman Zivotofsky v. John Kerry, Secretary of State , to defend the constitutionality of section 214(d) of the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, FY 2003.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 504 ATS: To direct the Senate Legal Counsel to appear as amicus curiae in the name of the Senate in Menachem Binyamin Zivotofsky, By His Parents and Guardians, Ari Z. and Naomi Siegman Zivotofsky v. John Kerry, Secretary of State (S. Ct.).\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-07-16\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 504\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140716\">\n July 16, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S198\">\n Mr. Reid\n </sponsor>\n (for himself and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S174\">\n Mr. McConnell\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n To direct the Senate Legal Counsel to appear as amicus curiae in the name of the Senate in\n <italic>\n Menachem Binyamin Zivotofsky, By His Parents and Guardians, Ari Z. and Naomi Siegman Zivotofsky v.\n\t\t\t John Kerry, Secretary of State\n </italic>\n (S. Ct.).\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, in the case of\n <italic>\n Menachem Binyamin Zivotofsky, By His Parents and Guardians, Ari Z. and Naomi Siegman Zivotofsky\n\t\t\t v. John Kerry, Secretary of State\n </italic>\n , No. 13–628, pending in the Supreme Court of the United States, the constitutionality of section\n\t\t\t 214(d) of the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, FY 2003, Pub. L.\n\t\t\t No. 107–228, 116 Stat. 1350, 1366 (2002), has been placed in issue;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, pursuant to sections 703(c), 706(a), and 713(a) of the Ethics in Government Act of 1978, 2\n\t\t\t U.S.C. 288b(c), 288e(a), and 288\n <italic>\n l\n </italic>\n (a), the Senate may direct its counsel to appear as amicus curiae in the name of the Senate in any\n\t\t\t legal action in which the powers and responsibilities of Congress under\n\t\t\t the Constitution are placed in issue: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate Legal Counsel is directed to appear as amicus curiae on behalf of the Senate in\n\t\t\t the case of\n <italic>\n Menachem Binyamin Zivotofsky, By His Parents and Guardians, Ari Z. and Naomi Siegman Zivotofsky v. \n\t\t\t John Kerry, Secretary of State\n </italic>\n , to defend the constitutionality of section 214(d) of the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, FY\n\t\t\t 2003.\n </text>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-06 01:39:04.248
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 505 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-11T13:25:42Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-11T13:25:42Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-07-17 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssra00 </systemCode> <name> Rules and Administration Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2014-07-17T19:15:56Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-17 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssra00 </systemCode> <name> Rules and Administration Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on Rules and Administration. (text of measure as introduced: CR S4622-4623) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-17 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> B001230 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Baldwin, Tammy [D-WI] </fullName> <firstName> Tammy </firstName> <lastName> Baldwin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WI </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> U000039 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Udall, Tom [D-NM] </fullName> <firstName> TOM </firstName> <lastName> UDALL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NM </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001111 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Murray, Patty [D-WA] </fullName> <firstName> Patty </firstName> <lastName> Murray </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000944 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Brown, Sherrod [D-OH] </fullName> <firstName> Sherrod </firstName> <lastName> Brown </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000702 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Mikulski, Barbara A. [D-MD] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> MIKULSKI </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> ANN </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000563 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Durbin, Richard J. [D-IL] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Durbin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000711 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Boxer, Barbara [D-CA] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> BOXER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> U000038 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Udall, Mark [D-CO] </fullName> <firstName> MARK </firstName> <lastName> UDALL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CO </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001046 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Heinrich, Martin [D-NM] </fullName> <firstName> Martin </firstName> <lastName> Heinrich </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NM </state> <middleName> T. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000261 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Levin, Carl [D-MI] </fullName> <firstName> CARL </firstName> <lastName> LEVIN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <middleName> MILTON </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000133 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Markey, Edward J. [D-MA] </fullName> <firstName> Edward </firstName> <lastName> Markey </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000817 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Warren, Elizabeth [D-MA] </fullName> <firstName> Elizabeth </firstName> <lastName> Warren </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000033 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Sanders, Bernard [I-VT] </fullName> <firstName> Bernard </firstName> <lastName> Sanders </lastName> <party> I </party> <state> VT </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001181 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Shaheen, Jeanne [D-NH] </fullName> <firstName> Jeanne </firstName> <lastName> Shaheen </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001042 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hirono, Mazie K. [D-HI] </fullName> <firstName> Mazie </firstName> <lastName> Hirono </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> HI </state> <middleName> K. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001267 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Bennet, Michael F. [D-CO] </fullName> <firstName> Michael </firstName> <lastName> Bennet </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CO </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Congress </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Commemorative events and holidays </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional officers and employees </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Members of Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Senate </name> </item> <item> <name> Sex, gender, sexual orientation discrimination </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Congress </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-17 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-08-14T18:30:16Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt; Congratulates the Gay, Lesbian, and Allies Senate Staff (GLASS) Caucus association on its 10th anniversary.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Commends the late Senator Frank Raleigh Lautenberg of New Jersey for his role in the formation of the association and his support for equality.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Recognizes inaugural GLASS Caucus Steering Committee members Lynden Armstrong, Brett Bearce, Jeffrey Levensaler, Josh Brekenfeld, Jason Knapp, John Fossum, Kelsey Phipps, and Mat Young for their vision and work in establishing the association.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution congratulating the Gay, Lesbian, and Allies Senate Staff (GLASS) Caucus association on the 10-year anniversary of the association. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution congratulating the Gay, Lesbian, and Allies Senate Staff (GLASS) Caucus association on the 10-year anniversary of the association. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution congratulating the Gay, Lesbian, and Allies Senate Staff (GLASS) Caucus association on the 10-year anniversary of the association. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2014-07-17T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres505is/xml/BILLS-113sres505is.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-07-17 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Committee on Rules and Administration. (text of measure as introduced: CR S4622-4623) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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(text of measure as introduced: CR S4622-4623)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-07-17", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2014-07-17T19:15:56Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Rules and Administration Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssra00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "U000039", "district": null, "first_name": "TOM", "full_name": "Sen. Udall, Tom [D-NM]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "UDALL", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-17", "state": "NM" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001111", "district": null, "first_name": "Patty", "full_name": "Sen. Murray, Patty [D-WA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Murray", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-17", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000944", "district": null, "first_name": "Sherrod", "full_name": "Sen. Brown, Sherrod [D-OH]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Brown", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-17", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000702", "district": null, "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Sen. Mikulski, Barbara A. [D-MD]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MIKULSKI", "middle_name": "ANN", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-17", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000563", "district": null, "first_name": "Richard", "full_name": "Sen. Durbin, Richard J. [D-IL]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Durbin", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-17", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000711", "district": null, "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Sen. Boxer, Barbara [D-CA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BOXER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-17", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "U000038", "district": null, "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Sen. Udall, Mark [D-CO]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "UDALL", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-17", "state": "CO" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001046", "district": null, "first_name": "Martin", "full_name": "Sen. Heinrich, Martin [D-NM]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Heinrich", "middle_name": "T.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-17", "state": "NM" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000261", "district": null, "first_name": "CARL", "full_name": "Sen. Levin, Carl [D-MI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LEVIN", "middle_name": "MILTON", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-17", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000133", "district": null, "first_name": "Edward", "full_name": "Sen. Markey, Edward J. [D-MA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Markey", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-17", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000817", "district": null, "first_name": "Elizabeth", "full_name": "Sen. Warren, Elizabeth [D-MA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Warren", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-17", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000033", "district": null, "first_name": "Bernard", "full_name": "Sen. Sanders, Bernard [I-VT]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Sanders", "middle_name": null, "party": "I", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-17", "state": "VT" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001181", "district": null, "first_name": "Jeanne", "full_name": "Sen. Shaheen, Jeanne [D-NH]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Shaheen", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-17", "state": "NH" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001042", "district": null, "first_name": "Mazie", "full_name": "Sen. Hirono, Mazie K. [D-HI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Hirono", "middle_name": "K.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-17", "state": "HI" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001267", "district": null, "first_name": "Michael", "full_name": "Sen. Bennet, Michael F. [D-CO]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Bennet", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-17", "state": "CO" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-07-17", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-17", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Rules and Administration. (text of measure as introduced: CR S4622-4623)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 505, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Congress", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "B001230", "district": null, "first_name": "Tammy", "full_name": "Sen. Baldwin, Tammy [D-WI]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Baldwin", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "WI" } ], "subjects": [ "Commemorative events and holidays", "Congressional officers and employees", "Congressional tributes", "Members of Congress", "Senate", "Sex, gender, sexual orientation discrimination" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-07-17", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p> Congratulates the Gay, Lesbian, and Allies Senate Staff (GLASS) Caucus association on its 10th anniversary.</p> <p>Commends the late Senator Frank Raleigh Lautenberg of New Jersey for his role in the formation of the association and his support for equality.</p> <p> Recognizes inaugural GLASS Caucus Steering Committee members Lynden Armstrong, Brett Bearce, Jeffrey Levensaler, Josh Brekenfeld, Jason Knapp, John Fossum, Kelsey Phipps, and Mat Young for their vision and work in establishing the association.</p>", "update_date": "2014-08-14T18:30:16Z", "version_code": "00" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-07-17T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres505is/xml/BILLS-113sres505is.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution congratulating the Gay, Lesbian, and Allies Senate Staff (GLASS) Caucus association on the 10-year anniversary of the association.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution congratulating the Gay, Lesbian, and Allies Senate Staff (GLASS) Caucus association on the 10-year anniversary of the association.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution congratulating the Gay, Lesbian, and Allies Senate Staff (GLASS) Caucus association on the 10-year anniversary of the association.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2023-01-11T13:25:42Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-11T13:25:42Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-07-17T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres505is/xml/BILLS-113sres505is.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres505is.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres505is.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T00:25:02.971", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-505", "legis_num": 505, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "is", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-505-is-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 505 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES July 17, 2014 Ms. Baldwin (for herself, Mr. Udall of New Mexico , Mrs. Murray , Mr. Brown , Ms. Mikulski , Mr. Durbin , Mrs. Boxer , Mr. Udall of Colorado , Mr. Heinrich , Mr. Levin , Mr. Markey , Ms. Warren , Mr. Sanders , Mrs. Shaheen , Ms. Hirono , and Mr. Bennet ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Rules and Administration RESOLUTION Congratulating the Gay, Lesbian, and Allies Senate Staff (GLASS) Caucus association on the 10-year anniversary of the association.\n\nWhereas on April 23, 2004, several Senate staffers joined to form a first-of-its-kind staff association for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (referred to in this preamble as LGBT ) Senate staff and their allies; Whereas the Gay, Lesbian, and Allies Senate Staff Caucus association (referred to in this preamble as the GLASS Caucus association ) continues to serve the Senate community by raising awareness of issues affecting the LGBT community; Whereas the GLASS Caucus association continues to promote the welfare and dignity of LGBT Senate employees; and Whereas the GLASS Caucus association continues to provide a safe environment for social interaction and professional development: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) congratulates the Gay, Lesbian, and Allies Senate Staff Caucus association (referred to in this resolution as the GLASS Caucus association ) on the momentous occasion of the association's 10th anniversary; (2) commends the late Senator Frank Raleigh Lautenberg of New Jersey for the critical role he played in the formation of the GLASS Caucus association and for his stalwart support for equality; and (3) recognizes inaugural GLASS Caucus Steering Committee members Lynden Armstrong, Brett Bearce, Jeffrey Levensaler, Josh Brekenfeld, Jason Knapp, John Fossum, Kelsey Phipps, and Mat Young for their vision and hard work in establishing the GLASS Caucus association.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Introduced-in-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 505 IS: Congratulating the Gay, Lesbian, and Allies Senate Staff (GLASS) Caucus association on the 10-year anniversary of the association.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-07-17\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 505\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140717\">\n July 17, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S354\">\n Ms. Baldwin\n </sponsor>\n (for herself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S326\">\n Mr. Udall of New Mexico\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S229\">\n Mrs. Murray\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S307\">\n Mr. Brown\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S182\">\n Ms. Mikulski\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S253\">\n Mr. Durbin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S223\">\n Mrs. Boxer\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S325\">\n Mr. Udall of Colorado\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S359\">\n Mr. Heinrich\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S131\">\n Mr. Levin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S369\">\n Mr. Markey\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S366\">\n Ms. Warren\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S313\">\n Mr. Sanders\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S324\">\n Mrs. Shaheen\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S361\">\n Ms. Hirono\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S330\">\n Mr. Bennet\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name committee-id=\"SSRA00\">\n Committee on Rules and Administration\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Congratulating the Gay, Lesbian, and Allies Senate Staff (GLASS) Caucus association on the 10-year\n\t\t\t anniversary of the association.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas on April 23, 2004, several Senate staffers joined to form a first-of-its-kind staff\n\t\t\t association for lesbian, gay,\tbisexual, and transgender (referred to in\n\t\t\t this preamble as\n <quote>\n LGBT\n </quote>\n ) Senate staff and their allies;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Gay, Lesbian, and Allies Senate Staff Caucus association (referred to in this preamble\n\t\t\t as the\n <quote>\n GLASS Caucus association\n </quote>\n ) continues to serve the Senate community by raising awareness of issues affecting the LGBT\n\t\t\t community;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the GLASS Caucus association continues to promote the welfare and dignity of LGBT Senate\n\t\t\t employees; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the GLASS Caucus association continues to provide a safe environment for social interaction\n\t\t\t and professional development: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"idf18f7b2260d54138b156c25422197867\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n congratulates the Gay, Lesbian, and Allies Senate Staff Caucus association (referred to in this\n\t\t\t resolution as the\n <quote>\n GLASS Caucus association\n </quote>\n ) on the momentous occasion of the association's 10th anniversary;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id8b4e56d2030846768f952c7e4965c7dc\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n commends the late Senator Frank Raleigh Lautenberg of New Jersey for the critical role he played in\n\t\t\t the formation of the GLASS Caucus association and for his stalwart support\n\t\t\t for equality; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idcab72693f2e94010ae441a9ad488487f\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n recognizes inaugural GLASS Caucus Steering Committee members Lynden Armstrong, Brett Bearce,\n\t\t\t Jeffrey Levensaler, Josh Brekenfeld, Jason Knapp, John Fossum, Kelsey\n\t\t\t Phipps, and Mat Young for their vision and hard work in establishing the\n\t\t\t GLASS Caucus association.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-06 01:39:03.323
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 506 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-11T13:25:42Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-11T13:25:42Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-07-17 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssva00 </systemCode> <name> Veterans' Affairs Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Discharged from </name> <date> 2014-09-16T22:02:37Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2014-07-17T19:57:56Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-16 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-16 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-16 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssva00 </systemCode> <name> Veterans' Affairs Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs discharged by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5649-5650) </text> <type> Discharge </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-16 </actionDate> <text> Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs discharged by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5649-5650) </text> <type> Committee </type> <actionCode> 14500 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssva00 </systemCode> <name> Veterans' Affairs Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-17 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssva00 </systemCode> <name> Veterans' Affairs Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs. (text of measure as introduced: CR S4623) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-17 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> B000711 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Boxer, Barbara [D-CA] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> BOXER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> B001135 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Burr, Richard [R-NC] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Burr </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NC </state> <middleName> Mauze </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000062 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA] </fullName> <firstName> Dianne </firstName> <lastName> Feinstein </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000542 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Coats, Daniel [R-IN] </fullName> <firstName> DANIEL </firstName> <lastName> COATS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IN </state> <middleName> RAY </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Armed Forces and National Security </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Military personnel and dependents </name> </item> <item> <name> Social work, volunteer service, charitable organizations </name> </item> <item> <name> Veterans' organizations and recognition </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Armed Forces and National Security </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-17 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-08-28T13:35:20Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Recognizes the patriotism and contributions of generations of women in the auxiliaries of veterans service organizations.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Commends members of auxiliaries in the United States and abroad for their dedicated service to and support of members of the Armed Forces and veterans.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Encourages the people of the United States to promote awareness of such members' contributions and dedication, to follow their example, and to volunteer support and services to those who have selflessly served the United States.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-16 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-09-24T19:28:29Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Recognizes the patriotism and contributions of generations of women in the auxiliaries of veterans service organizations.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Commends members of auxiliaries in the United States and abroad for their dedicated service to and support of members of the Armed Forces and veterans.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Encourages the people of the United States to promote awareness of such members' contributions and dedication, to follow their example, and to volunteer support and services to those who have selflessly served the United States.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution recognizing the patriotism and contributions of auxiliaries of veterans service organizations. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution recognizing the patriotism and contributions of auxiliaries of veterans service organizations. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution recognizing the patriotism and contributions of auxiliaries of veterans service organizations. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-09-16T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres506ats/xml/BILLS-113sres506ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2014-07-17T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres506is/xml/BILLS-113sres506is.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-09-16 </actionDate> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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(text of measure as introduced: CR S4623)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-07-17", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2014-09-16T22:02:37Z", "name": "Discharged from" }, { "date": "2014-07-17T19:57:56Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Veterans' Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssva00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "B001135", "district": null, "first_name": "Richard", "full_name": "Sen. Burr, Richard [R-NC]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Burr", "middle_name": "Mauze", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-17", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000062", "district": null, "first_name": "Dianne", "full_name": "Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Feinstein", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-28", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000542", "district": null, "first_name": "DANIEL", "full_name": "Sen. Coats, Daniel [R-IN]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "COATS", "middle_name": "RAY", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-29", "state": "IN" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-07-17", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-16", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 506, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Armed Forces and National Security", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "B000711", "district": null, "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Sen. 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The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Recognizes the patriotism and contributions of generations of women in the auxiliaries of veterans service organizations.</p> <p>Commends members of auxiliaries in the United States and abroad for their dedicated service to and support of members of the Armed Forces and veterans.</p> <p>Encourages the people of the United States to promote awareness of such members' contributions and dedication, to follow their example, and to volunteer support and services to those who have selflessly served the United States.</p>", "update_date": "2014-09-24T19:28:29Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-09-16T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres506ats/xml/BILLS-113sres506ats.xml" }, { "date": "2014-07-17T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres506is/xml/BILLS-113sres506is.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution recognizing the patriotism and contributions of auxiliaries of veterans service organizations.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution recognizing the patriotism and contributions of auxiliaries of veterans service organizations.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution recognizing the patriotism and contributions of auxiliaries of veterans service organizations.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2023-01-11T13:25:42Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-11T13:25:42Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
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RES. 506 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES July 17, 2014 Mrs. Boxer (for herself and Mr. Burr ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs RESOLUTION Recognizing the patriotism and contributions of auxiliaries of veterans service organizations.\n\nWhereas, for nearly a century, auxiliaries have served as a complementary and integral part of veterans service organizations, supporting members of the Armed Forces, veterans, and their families; Whereas, since their inception, auxiliary units have proudly supported members of the Armed Forces, veterans, and the families of those who have served, volunteering hundreds of thousands of hours and raising billions of dollars; Whereas auxiliaries have representatives in all 50 States and abroad; Whereas auxiliaries have more than 1,000,000 members and are composed of wives, widows, mothers, grandmothers, daughters, and granddaughters of veterans, as well as veterans themselves; Whereas auxiliary units have raised money to aid and enhance the lives of members of the Armed Forces, veterans, and their families through financial support—providing assistance with essentials such as rent, child care, utilities, and food; Whereas auxiliary units host stand-downs that focus on providing vital health and support services to homeless veterans; Whereas auxiliary units strengthen their local communities by conducting food drives, visiting hospitals, and providing scholarships to youth; Whereas auxiliary units serve as advocates for veterans and their families; Whereas auxiliary units conduct welcome home and send-off events for members of the Armed Forces; Whereas members of auxiliaries selflessly volunteer their services at facilities of the Department of Veterans Affairs throughout the country to enhance the lives of veterans and their families; and Whereas, each year, auxiliary units raise millions of dollars for cancer research: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) honors and recognizes the patriotism and countless contributions to the United States by generations of women in the auxiliaries of veterans service organizations; (2) commends members of auxiliaries in the United States and abroad for their dedicated service to and support of members of the Armed Forces and veterans as well as their families and communities; (3) encourages the people of the United States to promote awareness of the contributions and dedication of members of auxiliaries to members of the Armed Forces, veterans, and their families; and (4) calls on the people of the United States to follow the noble example of the auxiliaries of veterans service organizations and volunteer support and services to those who have selflessly served the United States.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Introduced-in-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 506 IS: Recognizing the patriotism and contributions of auxiliaries of veterans service organizations.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-07-17\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. 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and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, each year, auxiliary units raise millions of dollars for cancer research: Now, therefore,\n\t\t\t be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"id4C40DCA5D26E4FD589B254D4AA0FCCD1\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n honors and recognizes the patriotism and countless contributions to the United States by\n\t\t\t generations of women in the auxiliaries of veterans service\n\t\t\t organizations;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id48b301947d9b4f7db34ec09e6b02f3e9\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n commends members of auxiliaries in the United States and abroad for their dedicated service to and\n\t\t\t support of members of the Armed Forces and veterans as well as their\n\t\t\t families and communities;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idca4d94d491b14c1f8fb90eec8a13b137\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n encourages the people of the United States to promote awareness of the contributions and dedication\n\t\t\t of members of auxiliaries to members of the Armed\n\t\t\t Forces, veterans, and their families; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id0834abee9857417aaab52c4e53ee0da4\">\n <enum>\n (4)\n </enum>\n <text>\n calls on the people of the United States to follow the noble example of the auxiliaries of veterans\n\t\t\t service organizations and volunteer support and services\n\t\t\t to those who have selflessly served the United States.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" }, { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-09-16T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres506ats/xml/BILLS-113sres506ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres506ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres506ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-06T23:17:03.033", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-506", "legis_num": 506, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-506-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 506 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES July 17, 2014 Mrs. Boxer (for herself, Mr. Burr , Mrs. Feinstein , and Mr. Coats ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs September 16, 2014 Committee discharged; considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Recognizing the patriotism and contributions of auxiliaries of veterans service organizations.\n\nWhereas, for nearly a century, auxiliaries have served as a complementary and integral part of veterans service organizations, supporting members of the Armed Forces, veterans, and their families; Whereas, since their inception, auxiliary units have proudly supported members of the Armed Forces, veterans, and the families of those who have served, volunteering hundreds of thousands of hours and raising billions of dollars; Whereas auxiliaries have representatives in all 50 States and abroad; Whereas auxiliaries have more than 1,000,000 members and are composed of wives, widows, mothers, grandmothers, daughters, and granddaughters of veterans, as well as veterans themselves; Whereas auxiliary units have raised money to aid and enhance the lives of members of the Armed Forces, veterans, and their families through financial support—providing assistance with essentials such as rent, child care, utilities, and food; Whereas auxiliary units host stand-downs that focus on providing vital health and support services to homeless veterans; Whereas auxiliary units strengthen their local communities by conducting food drives, visiting hospitals, and providing scholarships to youth; Whereas auxiliary units serve as advocates for veterans and their families; Whereas auxiliary units conduct welcome home and send-off events for members of the Armed Forces; Whereas members of auxiliaries selflessly volunteer their services at facilities of the Department of Veterans Affairs throughout the country to enhance the lives of veterans and their families; and Whereas, each year, auxiliary units raise millions of dollars for cancer research: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) honors and recognizes the patriotism and countless contributions to the United States by generations of women in the auxiliaries of veterans service organizations; (2) commends members of auxiliaries in the United States and abroad for their dedicated service to and support of members of the Armed Forces and veterans as well as their families and communities; (3) encourages the people of the United States to promote awareness of the contributions and dedication of members of auxiliaries to members of the Armed Forces, veterans, and their families; and (4) calls on the people of the United States to follow the noble example of the auxiliaries of veterans service organizations and volunteer support and services to those who have selflessly served the United States.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 506 ATS: Recognizing the patriotism and contributions of auxiliaries of veterans service organizations.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-07-17\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 506\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140717\">\n July 17, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S223\">\n Mrs. Boxer\n </sponsor>\n (for herself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S300\">\n Mr. Burr\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S221\">\n Mrs. Feinstein\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S212\">\n Mr. Coats\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name committee-id=\"SSVA00\">\n Committee on Veterans' Affairs\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <action>\n <action-date>\n September 16, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n Committee discharged; considered and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Recognizing the patriotism and contributions of auxiliaries of veterans service\n\t\t\t organizations.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, for nearly a century, auxiliaries have served as a complementary and integral part of\n\t\t\t veterans service organizations, supporting members of the Armed Forces,\n\t\t\t veterans, and their families;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, since their inception, auxiliary units have proudly supported members of the Armed\n\t\t\t Forces, veterans, and the families of those who have served, volunteering\n\t\t\t hundreds of thousands of hours and raising billions of dollars;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas auxiliaries have representatives in all 50 States and abroad;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas auxiliaries have more than 1,000,000 members and are composed of wives, widows, mothers,\n\t\t\t grandmothers, daughters, and granddaughters of veterans, as well as\n\t\t\t veterans themselves;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas auxiliary units have raised money to aid and enhance the lives of members of the\n\t\t\t Armed Forces, veterans, and their families through financial\n\t\t\t support—providing assistance with essentials such as rent, child care,\n\t\t\t utilities, and food;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas auxiliary units host\n <quote>\n stand-downs\n </quote>\n that focus on providing vital health and support services to homeless veterans;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas auxiliary units strengthen their local communities by conducting food drives, visiting\n\t\t\t hospitals, and providing scholarships to youth;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas auxiliary units serve as advocates for veterans and their families;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas auxiliary units conduct welcome home and send-off events for members of the\n\t\t\t Armed Forces;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas members of auxiliaries selflessly volunteer their services at facilities\n\t\t\t of the Department of Veterans Affairs throughout the country to enhance\n\t\t\t the lives of veterans and their families; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, each year, auxiliary units raise millions of dollars for cancer research: Now, therefore,\n\t\t\t be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"id4C40DCA5D26E4FD589B254D4AA0FCCD1\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n honors and recognizes the patriotism and countless contributions to the United States by\n\t\t\t generations of women in the auxiliaries of veterans service\n\t\t\t organizations;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id48b301947d9b4f7db34ec09e6b02f3e9\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n commends members of auxiliaries in the United States and abroad for their dedicated service to and\n\t\t\t support of members of the Armed Forces and veterans as well as their\n\t\t\t families and communities;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idca4d94d491b14c1f8fb90eec8a13b137\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n encourages the people of the United States to promote awareness of the contributions and dedication\n\t\t\t of members of auxiliaries to members of the Armed\n\t\t\t Forces, veterans, and their families; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id0834abee9857417aaab52c4e53ee0da4\">\n <enum>\n (4)\n </enum>\n <text>\n calls on the people of the United States to follow the noble example of the auxiliaries of veterans\n\t\t\t service organizations and volunteer support and services\n\t\t\t to those who have selflessly served the United States.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-04 19:20:01.160
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 507 </number> <updateDate> 2019-02-20T12:28:57Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2022-11-03T12:14:29Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-07-17 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <relatedBills> <item> <title> A resolution designating August 7, 2013, as "National Lighthouse and Lighthouse Preservation Day". </title> <congress> 113 </congress> <number> 204 </number> <type> SRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2013-07-30 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S6082; text as passed Senate: CR S6079) </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-17 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4626; text as passed Senate: CR S4623) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-17 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S4626; text as passed Senate: CR S4623) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-17 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> K000383 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. King, Angus S., Jr. [I-ME] </fullName> <firstName> Angus </firstName> <lastName> King </lastName> <party> I </party> <state> ME </state> <middleName> S. </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> C001035 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Collins, Susan M. [R-ME] </fullName> <firstName> Susan </firstName> <lastName> Collins </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ME </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000148 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Schumer, Charles E. [D-NY] </fullName> <firstName> Charles </firstName> <lastName> Schumer </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Transportation and Public Works </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Commemorative events and holidays </name> </item> <item> <name> Historic sites and heritage areas </name> </item> <item> <name> Marine and inland water transportation </name> </item> <item> <name> Navigation, waterways, harbors </name> </item> <item> <name> Transportation safety and security </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Transportation and Public Works </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-17 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-07-23T14:11:47Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Designates August 7, 2014, as National Lighthouse and Lighthouse Preservation Day.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-17 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-07-23T14:12:34Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary has been expanded because action occurred on the measure.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Designates August 7, 2014, as National Lighthouse and Lighthouse Preservation Day.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Encourages lighthouse grounds to be opened to the general public to the extent feasible.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution designating August 7, 2014, as "National Lighthouse and Lighthouse Preservation Day". </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution designating August 7, 2014, as "National Lighthouse and Lighthouse Preservation Day". </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution designating August 7, 2014, as "National Lighthouse and Lighthouse Preservation Day". </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-07-17T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres507ats/xml/BILLS-113sres507ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-07-17 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4626; text as passed Senate: CR S4623) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-17", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4626; text as passed Senate: CR S4623)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2014-07-17", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S4626; text as passed Senate: CR S4623)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-07-17", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "C001035", "district": null, "first_name": "Susan", "full_name": "Sen. Collins, Susan M. [R-ME]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Collins", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-17", "state": "ME" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000148", "district": null, "first_name": "Charles", "full_name": "Sen. Schumer, Charles E. [D-NY]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Schumer", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-17", "state": "NY" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-07-17", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-17", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4626; text as passed Senate: CR S4623)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 507, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": null, "policy_area": "Transportation and Public Works", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 113, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2013-07-30", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S6082; text as passed Senate: CR S6079)", "type": null }, "number": 204, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "A resolution designating August 7, 2013, as \"National Lighthouse and Lighthouse Preservation Day\".", "type": "SRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "K000383", "district": null, "first_name": "Angus", "full_name": "Sen. King, Angus S., Jr. [I-ME]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "King", "middle_name": "S.", "party": "I", "state": "ME" } ], "subjects": [ "Commemorative events and holidays", "Historic sites and heritage areas", "Marine and inland water transportation", "Navigation, waterways, harbors", "Transportation safety and security" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-07-17", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Designates August 7, 2014, as National Lighthouse and Lighthouse Preservation Day.</p>", "update_date": "2014-07-23T14:11:47Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2014-07-17", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary has been expanded because action occurred on the measure.)</b></p> <p>Designates August 7, 2014, as National Lighthouse and Lighthouse Preservation Day.</p> <p>Encourages lighthouse grounds to be opened to the general public to the extent feasible.</p> <p>", "update_date": "2014-07-23T14:12:34Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-07-17T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres507ats/xml/BILLS-113sres507ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution designating August 7, 2014, as \"National Lighthouse and Lighthouse Preservation Day\".", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating August 7, 2014, as \"National Lighthouse and Lighthouse Preservation Day\".", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating August 7, 2014, as \"National Lighthouse and Lighthouse Preservation Day\".", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2019-02-20T12:28:57Z", "update_date_including_text": "2022-11-03T12:14:29Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-07-17T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres507ats/xml/BILLS-113sres507ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres507ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres507ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T00:25:02.657", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-507", "legis_num": 507, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-507-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 507 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES July 17, 2014 Mr. King (for himself, Ms. Collins , and Mr. Schumer ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Designating August 7, 2014, as National Lighthouse and Lighthouse Preservation Day .\n\nWhereas August 7, 2014, marks the 225 th anniversary of the signing by President George Washington of the Act entitled An Act for the establishment and support of lighthouses, beacons, buoys, and public piers , approved August 7, 1789 (commonly known as the Lighthouse Act of 1789 ) (1 Stat. 53, chapter 9); Whereas in 1789, the ninth Act of the first Congress, established a Federal role in the support, maintenance, and repair of all lighthouses, beacon buoys, and public piers necessary for safe navigation, commissioned the first Federal lighthouse, and represented the first public works act in the young United States; Whereas the establishment of the United States system of navigational aids set the United States on a path to the forefront of international maritime prominence and established lighthouses that played an integral role in the rich maritime history of the United States, as that history spread from the Atlantic coast through the Great Lakes and the Gulf coast and Pacific States; Whereas those iconic structures, standing at the margins of land and water, sometimes for as long as 2 centuries, have symbolized safety, security, heroism, duty, and faithfulness; Whereas architects, designers, engineers, builders, and keepers devoted, and in some cases jeopardized, their lives for the safety of others during centuries of light tending by the United States Lighthouse Service and the United States Coast Guard; Whereas the automation of the light system exposed the historic lighthouse towers to the ravages of time and vandalism and yet, at the same time, opened an opportunity for citizen involvement in efforts to save and restore those beacons that mark the evolving maritime history of the United States and its coastal communities; Whereas the national lighthouse preservation movement has gained momentum over the past half century and is making major contributions to the preservation of maritime history and heritage and, through the development and enhancement of cultural tourism, to the economies of coastal communities in the United States; Whereas the National Historic Lighthouse Preservation Act of 2000 ( 16 U.S.C. 470w-7 et seq. ), enacted on October 24, 2000, with the aid of the lighthouse preservation community, provides an effective process administered by the General Services Administration and the National Park Service for transferring lighthouses to the best possible stewardship groups; Whereas 2014 is the 200 th anniversary of the August 24, 1814, rescue of the original copies of the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, the United States Constitution, and many irreplaceable original government documents and books from destruction when the British burned Washington, D.C. during the War of 1812 by Stephen Pleasonton, who later served as General Superintendent of Lighthouses for 32 years; Whereas 2014 is also the 75 th anniversary of when Congress dissolved the United States Lighthouse Service and turned all of its duties over to the United States Coast Guard; Whereas although the United States Coast Guard was created in 1915 with the merger of the United States Life Saving Service and the United States Revenue Marine Service, the United States Coast Guard uses the United States Revenue Marine founding date of 1790 as its anniversary year, and thus, August 7, 2014, is also the 225 th anniversary of the United States Coast Guard; Whereas 2014 also marks the 250 th anniversary of the Sandy Hook Lighthouse in New Jersey, the oldest standing lighthouse tower in the United States, which was built before the United States was a country and was still part of the British colonies; Whereas for the past several decades, regional and national groups have formed within the lighthouse preservation community to promote lighthouse heritage through research, education, tourism, and publications; Whereas despite progress, many lighthouses in the United States remain threatened by erosion, neglect, vandalism, and deterioration by the elements; and Whereas the many completed, ongoing, or planned private and public efforts to preserve lighthouses demonstrate the public support for those historic structures: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) designates August 7, 2014, as National Lighthouse and Lighthouse Preservation Day ; (2) encourages lighthouse grounds to be opened to the general public to the extent feasible; and (3) encourages the people of the United States to observe National Lighthouse and Lighthouse Preservation Day with appropriate ceremonies and activities.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 507 ATS: Designating August 7, 2014, as “National Lighthouse and Lighthouse Preservation Day”.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-07-17\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 507\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140717\">\n July 17, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S363\">\n Mr. King\n </sponsor>\n (for himself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S252\">\n Ms. Collins\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S270\">\n Mr. Schumer\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Designating August 7, 2014, as\n <quote>\n National Lighthouse and Lighthouse Preservation Day\n </quote>\n .\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas August 7, 2014, marks the 225\n <superscript>\n th\n </superscript>\n anniversary of the signing by President George Washington of the Act entitled\n <quote>\n An Act for the establishment and support of lighthouses, beacons, buoys, and public piers\n </quote>\n , approved August 7, 1789 (commonly known as the\n <quote>\n Lighthouse Act of 1789\n </quote>\n ) (1 Stat. 53, chapter 9);\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas in 1789, the ninth Act of the first Congress, established a Federal role in the support,\n\t\t\t maintenance, and repair of all lighthouses, beacon buoys, and public piers\n\t\t\t necessary for safe navigation, commissioned the first Federal lighthouse,\n\t\t\t and represented the first public works act in the young United States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the establishment of the United States system of navigational aids set the United States on\n\t\t\t a path to the forefront of international maritime prominence and\n\t\t\t established lighthouses that played an integral role in the rich maritime\n\t\t\t history of the United States, as that history spread from the Atlantic\n\t\t\t coast through the Great Lakes and the Gulf coast and Pacific States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas those iconic structures, standing at the margins of land and water, sometimes for as long\n\t\t\t as 2 centuries, have symbolized safety, security, heroism, duty, and\n\t\t\t faithfulness;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas architects, designers, engineers, builders, and keepers devoted, and in some cases\n\t\t\t jeopardized, their lives for the safety of others during centuries of\n\t\t\t light tending by the United States Lighthouse Service and the United\n\t\t\t States Coast Guard;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the automation of the light system exposed the historic lighthouse towers to the ravages of\n\t\t\t time and vandalism and yet, at the same time, opened an opportunity for\n\t\t\t citizen involvement in efforts to save and restore those beacons that mark\n\t\t\t the evolving maritime history of the United States and its coastal\n\t\t\t communities;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the national lighthouse preservation movement has gained momentum over the past half\n\t\t\t century and is making major contributions to the preservation of maritime\n\t\t\t history and heritage and, through the development and enhancement of\n\t\t\t cultural tourism, to the economies of coastal communities in the United\n\t\t\t States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the National Historic Lighthouse Preservation Act of 2000 (\n <external-xref legal-doc=\"usc\" parsable-cite=\"usc/16/470w-7\">\n 16 U.S.C. 470w-7 et seq.\n </external-xref>\n ),\n\t\t\t enacted on October 24, 2000, with the aid of the lighthouse preservation\n\t\t\t community, provides an effective process administered by the General\n\t\t\t Services Administration and the National Park Service for transferring\n\t\t\t lighthouses to the best possible stewardship groups;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas 2014 is the 200\n <superscript>\n th\n </superscript>\n anniversary of the August 24, 1814, rescue of the original copies of\n\t\t\t the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, the United\n\t\t\t States Constitution, and many irreplaceable original government documents\n\t\t\t and books from destruction when the British burned Washington, D.C. during\n\t\t\t the War of 1812 by Stephen Pleasonton, who later served as General\n\t\t\t Superintendent of\n\t\t\t Lighthouses for 32 years;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas 2014 is also the 75\n <superscript>\n th\n </superscript>\n anniversary of when Congress dissolved the United States Lighthouse Service and turned all of its\n\t\t\t duties over to the United States Coast Guard;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas although the United States Coast Guard was created in 1915 with the merger of the United\n\t\t\t States Life Saving Service and the United States Revenue Marine Service,\n\t\t\t the United States Coast Guard uses the United States Revenue Marine\n\t\t\t founding date of 1790 as its anniversary year, and thus, August 7, 2014,\n\t\t\t is also the 225\n <superscript>\n th\n </superscript>\n anniversary of the United States Coast Guard;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas 2014 also marks the 250\n <superscript>\n th\n </superscript>\n anniversary of the Sandy Hook Lighthouse in New Jersey, the oldest standing lighthouse tower in\n\t\t\t the United States, which was built before the United States was a country\n\t\t\t and was still part of the British colonies;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas for the past several decades, regional and national groups have formed within the\n\t\t\t lighthouse preservation community to promote lighthouse heritage through\n\t\t\t research, education, tourism, and publications;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas despite progress, many lighthouses in the United States remain threatened by erosion,\n\t\t\t neglect, vandalism, and deterioration by the elements; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the many completed, ongoing, or planned private and public efforts to preserve lighthouses\n\t\t\t demonstrate the public support for those historic structures: Now,\n\t\t\t therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"idF55D60B596A7496BBCA911EDC4CFEBD2\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n designates August 7, 2014, as\n <quote>\n National Lighthouse and Lighthouse Preservation Day\n </quote>\n ;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id7cf450ae9ff14c9cade54060f09e2edb\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n encourages lighthouse grounds to be opened to the general public to the extent feasible; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id89e70f8375b24f9ca59db2342fcd2830\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n encourages the people of the United States to\tobserve National\tLighthouse\tand \n\t\t\t Lighthouse Preservation Day with appropriate ceremonies and activities.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-04 19:15:00.222
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 508 </number> <updateDate> 2019-02-20T12:28:57Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2022-11-03T12:14:29Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-07-17 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-17 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4626-4627; text as passed Senate: CR S4623-4624) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-17 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S4626-4627; text as passed Senate: CR S4623-4624) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-17 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> C000141 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cardin, Benjamin L. [D-MD] </fullName> <firstName> Ben </firstName> <lastName> Cardin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> S000148 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Schumer, Charles E. [D-NY] </fullName> <firstName> Charles </firstName> <lastName> Schumer </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Congress </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Commemorative events and holidays </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional Research Service (CRS) </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional agencies </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Government employee pay, benefits, personnel management </name> </item> <item> <name> Library of Congress </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Congress </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-17 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-07-28T21:29:22Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Recognizes the centennial anniversary of the establishment of the Congressional Research Service (CRS).&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Commends the CRS employees for their service to Congress and the people of the United States.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-17 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-07-28T21:29:00Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Recognizes the centennial anniversary of the establishment of the Congressional Research Service (CRS).&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Commends the CRS employees for their service to Congress and the people of the United States.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution commemorating the centennial anniversary of the establishment of the Congressional Research Service. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution commemorating the centennial anniversary of the establishment of the Congressional Research Service. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution commemorating the centennial anniversary of the establishment of the Congressional Research Service. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-07-17T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres508ats/xml/BILLS-113sres508ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-07-17 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4626-4627; text as passed Senate: CR S4623-4624) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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(consideration: CR S4626-4627; text as passed Senate: CR S4623-4624)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2014-07-17", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S4626-4627; text as passed Senate: CR S4623-4624)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-07-17", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "S000148", "district": null, "first_name": "Charles", "full_name": "Sen. Schumer, Charles E. [D-NY]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Schumer", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-17", "state": "NY" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-07-17", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-17", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4626-4627; text as passed Senate: CR S4623-4624)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 508, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": null, "policy_area": "Congress", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "C000141", "district": null, "first_name": "Ben", "full_name": "Sen. Cardin, Benjamin L. [D-MD]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Cardin", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "MD" } ], "subjects": [ "Commemorative events and holidays", "Congressional Research Service (CRS)", "Congressional agencies", "Congressional tributes", "Government employee pay, benefits, personnel management", "Library of Congress" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-07-17", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Recognizes the centennial anniversary of the establishment of the Congressional Research Service (CRS).</p> <p>Commends the CRS employees for their service to Congress and the people of the United States.</p>", "update_date": "2014-07-28T21:29:22Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2014-07-17", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Recognizes the centennial anniversary of the establishment of the Congressional Research Service (CRS).</p> <p>Commends the CRS employees for their service to Congress and the people of the United States.</p>", "update_date": "2014-07-28T21:29:00Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-07-17T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres508ats/xml/BILLS-113sres508ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution commemorating the centennial anniversary of the establishment of the Congressional Research Service.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution commemorating the centennial anniversary of the establishment of the Congressional Research Service.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution commemorating the centennial anniversary of the establishment of the Congressional Research Service.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2019-02-20T12:28:57Z", "update_date_including_text": "2022-11-03T12:14:29Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-07-17T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres508ats/xml/BILLS-113sres508ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres508ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres508ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T00:25:02.545", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-508", "legis_num": 508, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-508-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 508 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES July 17, 2014 Mr. Cardin (for himself and Mr. Schumer ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Commemorating the centennial anniversary of the establishment of the Congressional Research Service.\n\nWhereas, in 1914, Congress recognized the need for greater assistance and established a reference unit within the Library of Congress to support an informed and independent legislature; Whereas the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1970 ( 2 U.S.C. 28 et seq. ) transformed the Legislative Reference Service into the Congressional Research Service, expanding its size and analytic capacity; Whereas the Congressional Research Service is housed within the Library of Congress and benefits from the unparalleled collections of the Library of Congress to complete research and analysis and to disseminate information and materials to assist Congress; Whereas Congressional Research Service products are the result of collaboration between a diverse workforce consisting of analysts, attorneys, information professionals, and support staff; Whereas the Congressional Research Service strives to provide accurate and objective assistance to all members and committees at all stages of the legislative process, and in a timely, confidential, and non-partisan manner; and Whereas the Congressional Research Service provides Congress with analysis and information on legislative and oversight issues in reports, memoranda, seminars, and briefings: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) recognizes the centennial anniversary of the establishment of the Congressional Research Service and commends the employees of the Congressional Research Service for their service to Congress and the people of the United States; and (2) respectfully requests the Secretary of the Senate to transmit an enrolled copy of this resolution to— (A) the Librarian of Congress; and (B) the Director of the Congressional Research Service.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 508 ATS: Commemorating the centennial anniversary of the establishment of the Congressional Research Service.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-07-17\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 508\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140717\">\n July 17, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S308\">\n Mr. Cardin\n </sponsor>\n (for himself and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S270\">\n Mr. Schumer\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Commemorating the centennial anniversary of the establishment of the Congressional Research\n\t\t\t Service.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, in 1914, Congress recognized the need for greater assistance and established a reference\n\t\t\t unit within the Library of\n\t\t\t Congress to support an informed and independent legislature;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1970 (\n <external-xref legal-doc=\"usc\" parsable-cite=\"usc/2/28\">\n 2 U.S.C. 28 et seq.\n </external-xref>\n ) transformed the\n\t\t\t Legislative Reference Service into the Congressional Research Service,\n\t\t\t expanding its\tsize and analytic capacity;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Congressional Research Service is housed within the Library of Congress and benefits\n\t\t\t from the unparalleled collections of the Library of Congress to complete\n\t\t\t research and analysis and to disseminate information and materials to\n\t\t\t assist Congress;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Congressional Research Service products are the result of collaboration between a diverse\n\t\t\t workforce consisting of analysts, attorneys, information professionals,\n\t\t\t and support staff;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Congressional Research Service strives to provide accurate and objective assistance to\n\t\t\t all members and committees at all stages of the legislative process, and\n\t\t\t in a timely, confidential, and non-partisan manner; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Congressional Research Service provides Congress with analysis and information on\n\t\t\t legislative and oversight issues in reports, memoranda, seminars, and\n\t\t\t briefings: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"idB244C4A60E5D4EBD9DE8535BC15767DA\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n recognizes the centennial anniversary of the establishment of the Congressional Research Service\n\t\t\t and commends the employees of the\n\t\t\t Congressional Research Service for their service to Congress and the\n\t\t\t people of the United States; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id15E4B404938A49CD8DFA1FD8E4F48792\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n respectfully requests the Secretary of the Senate to transmit an enrolled copy of this resolution\n\t\t\t to—\n </text>\n <subparagraph id=\"id272421FEA8E24F7FA7377BDBB9E0134D\">\n <enum>\n (A)\n </enum>\n <text>\n the Librarian of Congress; and\n </text>\n </subparagraph>\n <subparagraph id=\"idE864E881A1614B348D36C30599274614\">\n <enum>\n (B)\n </enum>\n <text>\n the Director of the Congressional Research Service.\n </text>\n </subparagraph>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-04 19:20:01.321
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 509 </number> <updateDate> 2019-02-20T12:28:57Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2022-11-03T12:14:13Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-07-21 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-21 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4664; text as passed Senate: CR S4663) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-21 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S4664; text as passed Senate: CR S4663) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-21 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> M000702 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Mikulski, Barbara A. [D-MD] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> MIKULSKI </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> ANN </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> C000141 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cardin, Benjamin L. [D-MD] </fullName> <firstName> Ben </firstName> <lastName> Cardin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-21 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Arts, Culture, Religion </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Art, artists, authorship </name> </item> <item> <name> Child health </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Disability and paralysis </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Arts, Culture, Religion </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-21 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-08-27T19:00:47Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Honors the life and legacy of Matthew &amp;quot;Mattie&amp;quot; Stepanek.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-21 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-08-27T19:01:58Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Honors the life and legacy of Matthew &amp;quot;Mattie&amp;quot; Stepanek.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution honoring the extraordinary and courageous life of Mattie Stepanek. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution honoring the extraordinary and courageous life of Mattie Stepanek. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution honoring the extraordinary and courageous life of Mattie Stepanek. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-07-21T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres509ats/xml/BILLS-113sres509ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-07-21 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4664; text as passed Senate: CR S4663) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-21", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4664; text as passed Senate: CR S4663)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2014-07-21", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S4664; text as passed Senate: CR S4663)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-07-21", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "C000141", "district": null, "first_name": "Ben", "full_name": "Sen. Cardin, Benjamin L. [D-MD]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Cardin", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-21", "state": "MD" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-07-21", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-21", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4664; text as passed Senate: CR S4663)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 509, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": null, "policy_area": "Arts, Culture, Religion", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "M000702", "district": null, "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Sen. Mikulski, Barbara A. [D-MD]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "MIKULSKI", "middle_name": "ANN", "party": "D", "state": "MD" } ], "subjects": [ "Art, artists, authorship", "Child health", "Congressional tributes", "Disability and paralysis" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-07-21", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Honors the life and legacy of Matthew &quot;Mattie&quot; Stepanek.</p>", "update_date": "2014-08-27T19:00:47Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2014-07-21", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Honors the life and legacy of Matthew &quot;Mattie&quot; Stepanek.</p>", "update_date": "2014-08-27T19:01:58Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-07-21T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres509ats/xml/BILLS-113sres509ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution honoring the extraordinary and courageous life of Mattie Stepanek.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution honoring the extraordinary and courageous life of Mattie Stepanek.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution honoring the extraordinary and courageous life of Mattie Stepanek.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2019-02-20T12:28:57Z", "update_date_including_text": "2022-11-03T12:14:13Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-07-21T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres509ats/xml/BILLS-113sres509ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres509ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres509ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T00:25:02.017", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-509", "legis_num": 509, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-509-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 509 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES July 21, 2014 Ms. Mikulski (for herself and Mr. Cardin ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION A resolution honoring the extraordinary and courageous life of Mattie Stepanek.\n\nWhereas Matthew Mattie Joseph Thaddeus Stepanek, was born on July 17, 1990, in Rockville, Maryland; Whereas Mattie Stepanek was born with a rare form of Muscular Dystrophy—Dysautonomic Mitochondrial Myopathy; Whereas the siblings of Mattie Stepanek—Katie, Stevie, and Jamie—were diagnosed with the same rare disease; Whereas Mattie Stepanek began writing poetry, short stories, and essays to deal with grief over the death of his siblings; Whereas the writings of Mattie Stepanek reflected his deep understanding of our ever-evolving world and the need for hope and peace; Whereas Mattie Stepanek became a 7-time New York Times best-selling author; Whereas Mattie Stepanek gave inspiration and educational speeches to audiences ranging from school children to business leaders and politicians; Whereas Mattie Stepanek spoke about spirituality, disability, education, and health care, delivering a message of hope and peace to his audiences; Whereas the words of Mattie Stepanek inspired millions of people around the world, including the 39th President of the United States, who was a friend of Mattie and delivered his eulogy; Whereas Mattie Stepanek engaged in public service, working with Children’s Hospice International to improve guidelines for the health and hospice care of children and serving as a 3-term National Goodwill Ambassador for the Muscular Dystrophy Association; Whereas Mattie Stepanek has been honored with numerous awards, during his lifetime and posthumously, including the Children’s Hope Medal of Honor and induction into the Kids Hall of Fame; Whereas Mattie Stepanek passed away on June 22, 2004, at Children's National Medical Center in Washington, D.C.; Whereas the mother of Mattie continues to raise awareness about the message of hope and peace that Mattie delivered and led the effort to create the Mattie J.T. Stepanek Park in Rockville, Maryland; Whereas the Mattie Stepanek Foundation celebrates July 17th as Mattie Stepanek World Peace Day ; and Whereas recognizing the 24th birthday of Mattie Stepanek honors the compassion and dedication to hope that Mattie embodied: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate honors the extraordinary life and legacy of Matthew Mattie Stepanek.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 509\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140721\">\n July 21, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S182\">\n Ms. Mikulski\n </sponsor>\n (for herself and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S308\">\n Mr. Cardin\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n A resolution honoring the extraordinary and courageous life of Mattie Stepanek.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Matthew\n <quote>\n Mattie\n </quote>\n Joseph Thaddeus Stepanek, was born on July 17, 1990, in Rockville, Maryland;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Mattie Stepanek was born with a rare form of Muscular Dystrophy—Dysautonomic Mitochondrial\n\t\t\t Myopathy;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the siblings of Mattie Stepanek—Katie, Stevie, and Jamie—were diagnosed with the same rare\n\t\t\t disease;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Mattie Stepanek began writing poetry, short stories, and essays to deal with grief over\n\t\t\t the death of his siblings;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the writings of Mattie Stepanek reflected his deep understanding of our ever-evolving\n\t\t\t world and the need for hope and peace;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Mattie Stepanek became a 7-time New York Times best-selling author;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Mattie Stepanek gave inspiration and educational speeches to audiences ranging from school\n\t\t\t children to business leaders and politicians;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Mattie Stepanek spoke about spirituality, disability, education, and health care,\n\t\t\t delivering a message of hope and peace to his audiences;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the words of Mattie Stepanek inspired millions of people around the world, including\n\t\t\t the 39th President of the United States,\n\t\t\t who was a friend of Mattie and delivered his eulogy;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Mattie Stepanek engaged in public service, working with Children’s Hospice International to\n\t\t\t improve guidelines for the health and hospice care of children and serving\n\t\t\t as a 3-term National Goodwill Ambassador for the Muscular Dystrophy\n\t\t\t Association;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Mattie Stepanek has been honored with numerous awards, during his lifetime and\n\t\t\t posthumously, including the Children’s Hope Medal of Honor and induction\n\t\t\t into the Kids Hall of Fame;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Mattie Stepanek passed away on June 22, 2004, at Children's National Medical Center in\n\t\t\t Washington, D.C.;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the mother of Mattie continues to raise awareness about the message of\n\t\t\t hope and peace that Mattie delivered and led the effort to create the\n\t\t\t Mattie J.T. Stepanek Park in Rockville, Maryland;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Mattie Stepanek Foundation celebrates July 17th as\n <quote>\n Mattie Stepanek World Peace Day\n </quote>\n ; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas recognizing the 24th birthday of Mattie Stepanek honors the compassion and dedication to\n\t\t\t hope that Mattie embodied: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate honors the extraordinary life and legacy of Matthew\n <quote>\n Mattie\n </quote>\n Stepanek.\n </text>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-04 19:20:01.097
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 510 </number> <updateDate> 2019-02-20T12:28:57Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2022-11-03T12:14:08Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-07-22 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-22 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4682-4683; text as passed Senate: CR S4714) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-22 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S4682-4683; text as passed Senate: CR S4714) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-22 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> R000122 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Reed, Jack [D-RI] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Reed </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> RI </state> <middleName> F. </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> W000802 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Whitehouse, Sheldon [D-RI] </fullName> <firstName> Sheldon </firstName> <lastName> Whitehouse </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> RI </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-22 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Arts, Culture, Religion </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Commemorative events and holidays </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Music </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Arts, Culture, Religion </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-22 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-08-27T19:03:50Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Commemorates the 60th Newport Jazz Festival taking place from August 1-3, 2014, in Newport, Rhode Island. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Recognizes the historical significance of the Newport Jazz Festival and the role it has played in celebrating jazz music and making it relevant to generations of people in the United States. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Recognizes the musicians, sponsors, volunteers, and the community of Newport for continuing the tradition of the Newport Jazz Festival. &lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-22 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-08-27T19:04:03Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Commemorates the 60th Newport Jazz Festival taking place from August 1-3, 2014, in Newport, Rhode Island. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Recognizes the historical significance of the Newport Jazz Festival and the role it has played in celebrating jazz music and making it relevant to generations of people in the United States. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Recognizes the musicians, sponsors, volunteers, and the community of Newport for continuing the tradition of the Newport Jazz Festival. &lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution congratulating the Newport Jazz Festival on its 60th anniversary. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution congratulating the Newport Jazz Festival on its 60th anniversary. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution congratulating the Newport Jazz Festival on its 60th anniversary. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-07-22T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres510ats/xml/BILLS-113sres510ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-07-22 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4682-4683; text as passed Senate: CR S4714) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-22", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4682-4683; text as passed Senate: CR S4714)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2014-07-22", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S4682-4683; text as passed Senate: CR S4714)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-07-22", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "W000802", "district": null, "first_name": "Sheldon", "full_name": "Sen. Whitehouse, Sheldon [D-RI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Whitehouse", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-22", "state": "RI" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-07-22", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-22", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4682-4683; text as passed Senate: CR S4714)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 510, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": null, "policy_area": "Arts, Culture, Religion", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "R000122", "district": null, "first_name": "John", "full_name": "Sen. Reed, Jack [D-RI]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Reed", "middle_name": "F.", "party": "D", "state": "RI" } ], "subjects": [ "Commemorative events and holidays", "Congressional tributes", "Music" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-07-22", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Commemorates the 60th Newport Jazz Festival taking place from August 1-3, 2014, in Newport, Rhode Island. </p> <p>Recognizes the historical significance of the Newport Jazz Festival and the role it has played in celebrating jazz music and making it relevant to generations of people in the United States. </p> <p>Recognizes the musicians, sponsors, volunteers, and the community of Newport for continuing the tradition of the Newport Jazz Festival. </p>", "update_date": "2014-08-27T19:03:50Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2014-07-22", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Commemorates the 60th Newport Jazz Festival taking place from August 1-3, 2014, in Newport, Rhode Island. </p> <p>Recognizes the historical significance of the Newport Jazz Festival and the role it has played in celebrating jazz music and making it relevant to generations of people in the United States. </p> <p>Recognizes the musicians, sponsors, volunteers, and the community of Newport for continuing the tradition of the Newport Jazz Festival. </p>", "update_date": "2014-08-27T19:04:03Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-07-22T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres510ats/xml/BILLS-113sres510ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution congratulating the Newport Jazz Festival on its 60th anniversary.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution congratulating the Newport Jazz Festival on its 60th anniversary.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution congratulating the Newport Jazz Festival on its 60th anniversary.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2019-02-20T12:28:57Z", "update_date_including_text": "2022-11-03T12:14:08Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-07-22T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres510ats/xml/BILLS-113sres510ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres510ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres510ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T00:25:02.134", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-510", "legis_num": 510, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-510-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 510 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES July 22, 2014 Mr. Reed (for himself and Mr. Whitehouse ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Congratulating the Newport Jazz Festival on its 60th anniversary.\n\nWhereas, in 1954, the first Newport Jazz Festival featured icons of American jazz such as Ella Fitzgerald, Billie Holiday, and Dizzie Gillespie; Whereas the Newport Jazz Festival has provided some of the most memorable moments in jazz history, including the Duke Ellington Orchestra's 1956 performance of Diminuendo and Crescendo in Blue , featuring a 27-chorus saxophone solo by Paul Gonsalves; Whereas the ongoing mission of the Newport Jazz Festival is to celebrate jazz music and to make the case for its relevance; Whereas the Newport Jazz Festival has become a world-renowned event featuring established and emerging artists and bringing together music lovers, musicians, academics, and critics; Whereas for the past 60 years, the Newport Jazz Festival and the Newport Folk Festival have made a difference in the cultural life of the people of the United States and have provided a soundtrack of freedom for generations; and Whereas, from August 1, 2014, through August 3, 2014, thousands of people will come together in Newport, Rhode Island, to celebrate the 60th Newport Jazz Festival: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) commemorates the 60th Newport Jazz Festival taking place from August 1, 2014, through August 3, 2014, in Newport, Rhode Island; (2) recognizes the historical significance of the Newport Jazz Festival and the role the festival has played in celebrating jazz music and making it relevant to generations of people in the United States; and (3) recognizes the musicians, sponsors, volunteers, and the community of Newport, Rhode Island for continuing the tradition of the Newport Jazz Festival.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 510 ATS: Congratulating the Newport Jazz Festival on its 60th anniversary.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-07-22\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 510\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140722\">\n July 22, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S259\">\n Mr. Reed\n </sponsor>\n (for himself and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S316\">\n Mr. Whitehouse\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Congratulating the Newport Jazz Festival on its 60th anniversary.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, in 1954, the first Newport Jazz Festival featured icons of American jazz such as Ella\n\t\t\t Fitzgerald,\n\t\t\t Billie Holiday, and Dizzie Gillespie;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Newport Jazz Festival has provided some of the most memorable moments in jazz history,\n\t\t\t including the Duke Ellington Orchestra's 1956 performance of\n <quote>\n Diminuendo and Crescendo in Blue\n </quote>\n , featuring a 27-chorus saxophone solo by Paul Gonsalves;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the ongoing mission of the Newport Jazz Festival is to celebrate jazz music and to make\n\t\t\t the case for its relevance;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Newport Jazz Festival has become a world-renowned event featuring established and\n\t\t\t emerging artists and bringing together music lovers, musicians, academics,\n\t\t\t and critics;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas for the past 60 years, the Newport Jazz Festival and the\n\t\t\t Newport Folk Festival have made a difference in the cultural life of the\n\t\t\t people of the United States and have provided a soundtrack of freedom for\n\t\t\t generations; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, from August 1, 2014, through August 3, 2014, thousands of\tpeople will come together\n\t\t\t in Newport, Rhode Island, to celebrate the 60th Newport Jazz Festival: \n\t\t\tNow, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"id2c1cb298b2bf4fabb1be3ac5131453b4\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n commemorates the 60th Newport Jazz Festival taking place from August 1, 2014, through August 3,\n\t\t\t 2014, in Newport, Rhode\n\t\t\t Island;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id3c4bd78db4e94fc1975aad8cad057f3e\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n recognizes the historical significance of the Newport Jazz Festival and the role the festival has\n\t\t\t played in celebrating jazz music and making it relevant to generations of\n\t\t\t people in the United States; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id81ee3ae6245544408815ad12401e8500\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n recognizes the musicians, sponsors, volunteers, and the community of Newport, Rhode Island for\n\t\t\t continuing the tradition of the Newport Jazz Festival.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-06 01:39:04.730
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 511 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-11T13:25:42Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-11T13:25:42Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-07-22 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> sshr00 </systemCode> <name> Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2014-07-22T22:15:43Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-22 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> sshr00 </systemCode> <name> Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. (text of measure as introduced: CR S4714) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-22 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> S001184 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Scott, Tim [R-SC] </fullName> <firstName> Tim </firstName> <lastName> Scott </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> SC </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> P000603 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Paul, Rand [R-KY] </fullName> <firstName> Rand </firstName> <lastName> Paul </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KY </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-22 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000463 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Fischer, Deb [R-NE] </fullName> <firstName> Deb </firstName> <lastName> Fischer </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NE </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-22 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000449 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Portman, Rob [R-OH] </fullName> <firstName> Rob </firstName> <lastName> Portman </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-22 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000590 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Pryor, Mark L. [D-AR] </fullName> <firstName> Mark </firstName> <lastName> Pryor </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AR </state> <middleName> Lunsford </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-22 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000595 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Rubio, Marco [R-FL] </fullName> <firstName> Marco </firstName> <lastName> Rubio </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-22 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001288 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Booker, Cory A. [D-NJ] </fullName> <firstName> Cory </firstName> <lastName> Booker </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000550 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Landrieu, Mary L. [D-LA] </fullName> <firstName> MARY </firstName> <lastName> LANDRIEU </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> LA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Labor and Employment </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Corporate finance and management </name> </item> <item> <name> Employee hiring </name> </item> <item> <name> Employment discrimination and employee rights </name> </item> <item> <name> Minority employment </name> </item> <item> <name> School administration </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Labor and Employment </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-22 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-09-24T21:13:58Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Encourages corporate, academic, and social entities to: (1) develop an internal rule modeled after a successful business practice, such as the Rooney Rule (requires every National Football League team with a coach or general manager opening to interview at least one minority candidate) or the RLJ Rule (encourages companies to voluntarily establish a best practices policy to identify minority candidates and vendors by implementing a plan to interview at least two qualified minority candidates for managerial openings at the director level and above and to interview two qualified minority businesses before approving a vendor contract) and, in accordance with title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, adapt that rule to specifications that will best fit the procedures of the individual entity; and (2) institute the individualized Rooney Rule or RLJ Rule to ensure that the entity will always consider candidates from underrepresented populations before making a final decision when searching for a business vendor or filling a leadership position.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution establishing best business practices to fully utilize the potential of the United States. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution establishing best business practices to fully utilize the potential of the United States. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution establishing best business practices to fully utilize the potential of the United States. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2014-07-22T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres511is/xml/BILLS-113sres511is.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-07-22 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. (text of measure as introduced: CR S4714) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-22", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "sshr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. (text of measure as introduced: CR S4714)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-07-22", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2014-07-22T22:15:43Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "sshr00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "P000603", "district": null, "first_name": "Rand", "full_name": "Sen. Paul, Rand [R-KY]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Paul", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-22", "state": "KY" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000463", "district": null, "first_name": "Deb", "full_name": "Sen. Fischer, Deb [R-NE]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Fischer", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-22", "state": "NE" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000449", "district": null, "first_name": "Rob", "full_name": "Sen. Portman, Rob [R-OH]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Portman", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-22", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000590", "district": null, "first_name": "Mark", "full_name": "Sen. Pryor, Mark L. [D-AR]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Pryor", "middle_name": "Lunsford", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-22", "state": "AR" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000595", "district": null, "first_name": "Marco", "full_name": "Sen. Rubio, Marco [R-FL]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Rubio", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-22", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001288", "district": null, "first_name": "Cory", "full_name": "Sen. Booker, Cory A. [D-NJ]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Booker", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-29", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000550", "district": null, "first_name": "MARY", "full_name": "Sen. Landrieu, Mary L. [D-LA]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LANDRIEU", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-29", "state": "LA" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-07-22", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-22", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. (text of measure as introduced: CR S4714)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 511, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Labor and Employment", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "S001184", "district": null, "first_name": "Tim", "full_name": "Sen. Scott, Tim [R-SC]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Scott", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "SC" } ], "subjects": [ "Corporate finance and management", "Employee hiring", "Employment discrimination and employee rights", "Minority employment", "School administration" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-07-22", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Encourages corporate, academic, and social entities to: (1) develop an internal rule modeled after a successful business practice, such as the Rooney Rule (requires every National Football League team with a coach or general manager opening to interview at least one minority candidate) or the RLJ Rule (encourages companies to voluntarily establish a best practices policy to identify minority candidates and vendors by implementing a plan to interview at least two qualified minority candidates for managerial openings at the director level and above and to interview two qualified minority businesses before approving a vendor contract) and, in accordance with title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, adapt that rule to specifications that will best fit the procedures of the individual entity; and (2) institute the individualized Rooney Rule or RLJ Rule to ensure that the entity will always consider candidates from underrepresented populations before making a final decision when searching for a business vendor or filling a leadership position.</p>", "update_date": "2014-09-24T21:13:58Z", "version_code": "00" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-07-22T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres511is/xml/BILLS-113sres511is.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution establishing best business practices to fully utilize the potential of the United States.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution establishing best business practices to fully utilize the potential of the United States.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution establishing best business practices to fully utilize the potential of the United States.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2023-01-11T13:25:42Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-11T13:25:42Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-07-22T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres511is/xml/BILLS-113sres511is.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres511is.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres511is.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T00:25:01.914", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-511", "legis_num": 511, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "is", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-511-is-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 511 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES July 22, 2014 Mr. Scott (for himself, Mr. Paul , Mrs. Fischer , Mr. Portman , Mr. Pryor , and Mr. Rubio ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions RESOLUTION Establishing best business practices to fully utilize the potential of the United States.\n\nWhereas the Rooney Rule, formulated by Daniel Rooney, chairman of the Pittsburgh Steelers football team in the National Football League (referred to in this preamble as NFL ), requires every NFL team with a coach or general manager opening to interview at least 1 minority candidate; Whereas the Rooney Rule has been successful in increasing minority representation among the higher leadership positions in professional football, as shown by the fact that in the 80 years between the hiring of Fritz Pollard as coach by the Akron Pros and the implementation of the Rooney Rule in 2003 there were only 7 minority head coaches but since 2003 there have been 13 minority head coaches; Whereas the Rooney Rule has shown that once highly qualified and highly skilled diversity candidates are given exposure during the hiring process their abilities can be better utilized; Whereas the RLJ Rule, formulated by Robert L. Johnson, founder of Black Entertainment Television (commonly known as BET ) and of The RLJ Companies, and based on the Rooney Rule from the NFL, similarly encourages companies to voluntarily establish a best practices policy to identify minority candidates and minority vendors by implementing a plan to interview a minimum of 2 qualified minority candidates for managerial openings at the director level and above and to interview at least 2 qualified minority businesses before approving a vendor contract; Whereas, according to Crist-Kolder Associates as cited in the Wall Street Journal, at the top 668 companies in the United States, only 27 Chief Financial Officers are African-American, Hispanic, or of Asian descent; Whereas underrepresented groups contain members with the necessary abilities, experience, and qualifications for any position available; Whereas business practices such as the Rooney Rule or the RLJ Rule are neither an employment quota nor Federal law but rather a voluntary initiative instituted by willing entities to provide the human resources necessary to ensure success; Whereas experience has shown that people of all genders, colors, and physical abilities can achieve excellence; Whereas increased involvement of underrepresented workers would improve the economy of the United States and the experience of the people of the United States; and Whereas ensuring the increased exposure and resulting increased advancement of diverse qualified candidates would result in gains by all people of the United States through stronger economic opportunities: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate encourages corporate, academic, and social entities, regardless of size or field of operation, to— (1) develop an internal rule modeled after a successful business practice such as the Rooney Rule or RLJ Rule and, in accordance with title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 ( 42 U.S.C. 2000e et seq. ), adapt that rule to specifications that will best fit the procedures of the individual entity; and (2) institute the individualized Rooney Rule or RLJ Rule to ensure that the entity will always consider candidates from underrepresented populations before making a final decision when searching for a business vendor or filling leadership position.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Introduced-in-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 511 IS: Establishing best business practices to fully utilize the potential of the United States.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-07-22\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 511\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140722\">\n July 22, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S365\">\n Mr. Scott\n </sponsor>\n (for himself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S348\">\n Mr. Paul\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S357\">\n Mrs. Fischer\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S349\">\n Mr. Portman\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S295\">\n Mr. Pryor\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S350\">\n Mr. Rubio\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name committee-id=\"SSHR00\">\n Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Establishing best business practices to fully utilize the potential of the United States.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Rooney Rule, formulated by Daniel Rooney, chairman of the Pittsburgh Steelers football\n\t\t\t team in the National Football League (referred to in this preamble as\n <quote>\n NFL\n </quote>\n ), requires every NFL team with a coach or general manager opening to interview at least 1\n\t\t\t minority candidate;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Rooney Rule has been successful in increasing minority representation among the higher\n\t\t\t leadership positions in professional football, as shown by the fact that\n\t\t\t in the 80 years between the hiring of Fritz Pollard as coach by the Akron\n\t\t\t Pros and the implementation of the Rooney Rule in 2003 there were only 7\n\t\t\t minority head coaches but since 2003 there have been 13 minority head\n\t\t\t coaches;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Rooney Rule has shown that once highly qualified and highly skilled diversity\n\t\t\t candidates are given exposure during the hiring process their abilities\n\t\t\t can be better utilized;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the RLJ Rule, formulated by Robert L. Johnson, founder of Black Entertainment Television\n\t\t\t (commonly known as\n <quote>\n BET\n </quote>\n ) and of The RLJ Companies, and based on the Rooney Rule from the NFL, similarly encourages\n\t\t\t companies to voluntarily establish a best practices policy to identify\n\t\t\t minority candidates and minority vendors by implementing a plan to\n\t\t\t interview a minimum of 2 qualified minority candidates for managerial\n\t\t\t openings at the director level and above and to\n\t\t\t interview at least 2 qualified minority businesses before approving a\n\t\t\t vendor contract;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, according to Crist-Kolder Associates as cited in the Wall Street Journal, at the top 668\n\t\t\t companies in the United States, only 27 Chief Financial Officers are\n\t\t\t African-American, Hispanic, or of Asian descent;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas underrepresented groups contain members with the necessary abilities, experience, and\n\t\t\t qualifications for any position available;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas business practices such as the Rooney Rule or the RLJ Rule are neither an employment quota\n\t\t\t nor Federal law but rather a voluntary initiative instituted by willing\n\t\t\t entities to provide the human resources necessary to ensure success;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas experience has shown that people of all genders, colors, and physical abilities can achieve\n\t\t\t excellence;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas increased involvement of underrepresented workers would improve the economy of the United\n\t\t\t States and the experience of the people of the United States; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas ensuring the increased exposure and resulting increased advancement of diverse\n\t\t\t qualified candidates would result in gains by all people of the United\n\t\t\t States through stronger economic opportunities: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate encourages corporate, academic, and social entities, regardless of size or field of\n\t\t\t operation, to—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"idF20219E5CFEF47FCBB42E3CF17E22EAD\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n develop an internal rule modeled after a successful business practice such as the Rooney Rule or\n\t\t\t RLJ Rule and, in accordance with title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964\n\t\t\t (\n <external-xref legal-doc=\"usc\" parsable-cite=\"usc/42/2000e\">\n 42 U.S.C. 2000e et seq.\n </external-xref>\n ), adapt that rule to specifications that will\n\t\t\t best fit the\n\t\t\t procedures of\tthe individual entity; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id30D1D2717AC8468896CD00FECB2F1631\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n institute the individualized Rooney Rule or RLJ Rule to ensure that the entity will always consider\n\t\t\t candidates from underrepresented populations before making a final\n\t\t\t decision when searching for a business vendor or filling leadership\n\t\t\t position.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-06 01:39:04.977
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 512 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-11T13:25:42Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-11T13:25:42Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-07-23 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssev00 </systemCode> <name> Environment and Public Works Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2014-07-23T14:35:08Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-23 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssev00 </systemCode> <name> Environment and Public Works Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on Environment and Public Works. (text of measure as introduced: CR S4770) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-23 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> V000127 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Vitter, David [R-LA] </fullName> <firstName> David </firstName> <lastName> Vitter </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> LA </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> C001056 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cornyn, John [R-TX] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Cornyn </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TX </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000250 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Thune, John [R-SD] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Thune </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> SD </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000437 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Wicker, Roger F. [R-MS] </fullName> <firstName> Roger </firstName> <lastName> Wicker </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MS </state> <middleName> F. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> I000024 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Inhofe, James M. [R-OK] </fullName> <firstName> Jim </firstName> <lastName> Inhofe </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OK </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000575 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Blunt, Roy [R-MO] </fullName> <firstName> Roy </firstName> <lastName> Blunt </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MO </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000880 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Crapo, Mike [R-ID] </fullName> <firstName> Mike </firstName> <lastName> Crapo </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ID </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000463 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Fischer, Deb [R-NE] </fullName> <firstName> Deb </firstName> <lastName> Fischer </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NE </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001141 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Sessions, Jeff [R-AL] </fullName> <firstName> Jeff </firstName> <lastName> Sessions </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AL </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001236 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Boozman, John [R-AR] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Boozman </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AR </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000542 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Coats, Daniel [R-IN] </fullName> <firstName> DANIEL </firstName> <lastName> COATS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IN </state> <middleName> RAY </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> E000285 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Enzi, Michael B. [R-WY] </fullName> <firstName> MICHAEL </firstName> <lastName> ENZI </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> WY </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000307 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Roberts, Pat [R-KS] </fullName> <firstName> PAT </firstName> <lastName> ROBERTS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KS </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000286 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Chambliss, Saxby [R-GA] </fullName> <firstName> SAXBY </firstName> <lastName> CHAMBLISS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> GA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000584 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Risch, James E. [R-ID] </fullName> <firstName> James </firstName> <lastName> Risch </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ID </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000355 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. McConnell, Mitch [R-KY] </fullName> <firstName> Mitch </firstName> <lastName> McConnell </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KY </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000567 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cochran, Thad [R-MS] </fullName> <firstName> Thad </firstName> <lastName> Cochran </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MS </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000934 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Moran, Jerry [R-KS] </fullName> <firstName> Jerry </firstName> <lastName> Moran </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KS </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000291 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Johanns, Mike [R-NE] </fullName> <firstName> Mike </firstName> <lastName> Johanns </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NE </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001261 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Barrasso, John [R-WY] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Barrasso </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> WY </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001153 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Murkowski, Lisa [R-AK] </fullName> <firstName> Lisa </firstName> <lastName> Murkowski </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AK </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000595 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Rubio, Marco [R-FL] </fullName> <firstName> Marco </firstName> <lastName> Rubio </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001061 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hoeven, John [R-ND] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Hoeven </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ND </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000560 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Coburn, Tom [R-OK] </fullName> <firstName> TOM </firstName> <lastName> COBURN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OK </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000320 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Shelby, Richard C. [R-AL] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Shelby </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AL </state> <middleName> C. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000338 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hatch, Orrin G. [R-UT] </fullName> <firstName> ORRIN </firstName> <lastName> HATCH </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> UT </state> <middleName> GRANT </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000461 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Toomey, Patrick [R-PA] </fullName> <firstName> Patrick </firstName> <lastName> Toomey </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> PA </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> I000055 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Isakson, Johnny [R-GA] </fullName> <firstName> Johnny </firstName> <lastName> Isakson </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> GA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000577 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Lee, Mike [R-UT] </fullName> <firstName> Mike </firstName> <lastName> Lee </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> UT </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001098 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cruz, Ted [R-TX] </fullName> <firstName> Ted </firstName> <lastName> Cruz </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TX </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> A000360 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Alexander, Lamar [R-TN] </fullName> <firstName> Lamar </firstName> <lastName> Alexander </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TN </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000360 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Kirk, Mark Steven [R-IL] </fullName> <firstName> MARK </firstName> <lastName> KIRK </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> STEVEN </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Environmental Protection </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Administrative law and regulatory procedures </name> </item> <item> <name> Climate change and greenhouse gases </name> </item> <item> <name> Coal </name> </item> <item> <name> Electric power generation and transmission </name> </item> <item> <name> Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) </name> </item> <item> <name> Environmental regulatory procedures </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Environmental Protection </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-23 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-09-18T10:19:57Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Urges the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to withdraw the proposed rules entitled: (1) &amp;quot;Carbon Pollution Emission Guidelines for Existing Stationary Sources: Electric Generating Units,&amp;quot; and (2) &amp;quot;Carbon Pollution Standards for Modified and Reconstructed Stationary Sources: Electric Generating Units.&amp;quot;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;ul&gt; &lt;/ul&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the Environmental Protection Agency and the proposed rules and guidelines relating to carbon dioxide emissions from power plants. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the Environmental Protection Agency and the proposed rules and guidelines relating to carbon dioxide emissions from power plants. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the Environmental Protection Agency and the proposed rules and guidelines relating to carbon dioxide emissions from power plants. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2014-07-23T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres512is/xml/BILLS-113sres512is.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-07-23 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Committee on Environment and Public Works. (text of measure as introduced: CR S4770) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-23", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Environment and Public Works Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssev00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Environment and Public Works. 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For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-07-23", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-23", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Environment and Public Works. (text of measure as introduced: CR S4770)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 512, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Environmental Protection", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "V000127", "district": null, "first_name": "David", "full_name": "Sen. Vitter, David [R-LA]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Vitter", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "LA" } ], "subjects": [ "Administrative law and regulatory procedures", "Climate change and greenhouse gases", "Coal", "Electric power generation and transmission", "Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)", "Environmental regulatory procedures" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-07-23", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Urges the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to withdraw the proposed rules entitled: (1) &quot;Carbon Pollution Emission Guidelines for Existing Stationary Sources: Electric Generating Units,&quot; and (2) &quot;Carbon Pollution Standards for Modified and Reconstructed Stationary Sources: Electric Generating Units.&quot;</p> <ul> </ul>", "update_date": "2014-09-18T10:19:57Z", "version_code": "00" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-07-23T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres512is/xml/BILLS-113sres512is.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the Environmental Protection Agency and the proposed rules and guidelines relating to carbon dioxide emissions from power plants.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the Environmental Protection Agency and the proposed rules and guidelines relating to carbon dioxide emissions from power plants.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the Environmental Protection Agency and the proposed rules and guidelines relating to carbon dioxide emissions from power plants.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2023-01-11T13:25:42Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-11T13:25:42Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-07-23T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres512is/xml/BILLS-113sres512is.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres512is.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres512is.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T00:25:01.801", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-512", "legis_num": 512, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "is", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-512-is-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 512 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES July 23, 2014 Mr. Vitter (for himself, Mr. Cornyn , Mr. Thune , Mr. Wicker , Mr. Inhofe , Mr. Blunt , Mr. Crapo , Mrs. Fischer , Mr. Sessions , Mr. Boozman , Mr. Coats , Mr. Enzi , Mr. Roberts , Mr. Chambliss , Mr. Risch , Mr. McConnell , Mr. Cochran , Mr. Moran , Mr. Johanns , Mr. Barrasso , Ms. Murkowski , Mr. Rubio , Mr. Hoeven , Mr. Coburn , Mr. Shelby , Mr. Hatch , Mr. Toomey , Mr. Isakson , Mr. Lee , Mr. Cruz , Mr. Alexander , and Mr. Kirk ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Environment and Public Works RESOLUTION Expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the Environmental Protection Agency and the proposed rules and guidelines relating to carbon dioxide emissions from power plants.\n\nWhereas the Environmental Protection Agency (referred to in this preamble as the EPA ) proposed rules entitled Carbon Pollution Emission Guidelines for Existing Stationary Sources: Electric Generating Units (79 Fed. Reg. 34830 (June 18, 2014)), and Carbon Pollution Standards for Modified and Reconstructed Stationary Sources: Electric Generating Units (79 Fed. Reg. 34960 (June 18, 2014)), in furtherance of the President’s Climate Action Plan of June 2013; Whereas the proposed rules would result in a Federal takeover of the electricity system of the United States leading to significant increases in electricity rates and additional energy costs for consumers and elimination of access to abundant, affordable power, putting the manufacturing of the United States at a competitive disadvantage, threatening the diversity and reliability of the electricity supply, and undermining energy security; Whereas increased energy costs will, as always, fall most heavily on the elderly, the poor, and individuals on fixed incomes; Whereas increased energy costs also result in job losses and damage families, businesses, and local institutions such as hospitals and schools; Whereas in the haste of the Administration to drive coal and eventually natural gas from the energy generation portfolio, the Administration has gone beyond the plain reading of the Clean Air Act ( 42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq. ), disregarding whether the EPA has the legal authority to propose and finalize rules and guidelines that include elements from the cap-and-trade program rejected by the United States Senate in June 2008; Whereas including emissions sources beyond the power plant fence as opposed to only emissions sources inside the power plant fence creates a cap-and-trade program; Whereas the President noted in the wake of the initial failure of the proposed cap-and-trade program, There are many ways to skin a cat , demonstrating that the Administration seems determined to accomplish administratively what fails to be achieved through the legislative process; Whereas at a time when manufacturers are shifting production from overseas to the United States and investing billions of dollars in the process, an Administration with a poor management record decided to embark on a plan that will result in energy rationing, pitting power plants against refineries, chemical plants, and paper mills for the ability to operate under the emissions requirements of the EPA; Whereas after adopting similar carbon constraints, European countries experienced skyrocketing energy costs, economic decline, and a lower standard of living; Whereas, on July 17, 2014, Australia repealed a carbon tax because Australia found that the carbon tax eliminated jobs, increased the cost of living for families, and did not benefit the environment; Whereas the proposed rules mandate renewable energy use and initiate demand destruction to shrink energy production and usage, which will result in reduced economic opportunity at the State level, forcing States to pick winners and losers and choose between economic growth and energy affordability; Whereas history demonstrates that at the end of the rulemaking process, the EPA will use its authority to constrain State preferences on program design, potentially even dictating policies that restrict when families of the United States can do laundry or run the air-conditioning; Whereas impositions by the EPA almost guarantee that costs will be maximized and passed along to ratepayers, the size and scope of the Federal Government will expand, and the role of the States in the system of cooperative federalism will continue to diminish; Whereas the EPA failed to provide a complete assessment of the economic costs imposed by the proposed rules or the benefits that may result; Whereas benefits from the proposed rules (as measured by reductions in global average temperature, reductions in the rate of sea level rise, increases in sea ice, or any other measurement related to climate change) will be essentially zero; Whereas, in 2009, former EPA Administrator, Lisa Jackson testified that U.S. action alone would not impact world CO 2 levels. ; Whereas on June 18, 2014, former EPA Administrator William Reilly testified that Absent action by China, Brazil, India and other fast-growing economies, what we do alone will not suffice. ; Whereas China remains the largest emitter of carbon dioxide in the world with increasing emissions rates; Whereas China continues to pursue aggressive economic growth, and estimates indicate that China will pass the United States as the largest economy in the world by 2016; and Whereas while the Junior Senator from Massachusetts, now Secretary of State John Kerry, said [W]e need to have an agreement that does not leave enormous components of the world’s contributors and future contributors of this problem out of the solution : Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat it is the sense of the Senate that— (1) the proposed rule of the Environmental Protection Agency entitled Carbon Pollution Emission Guidelines for Existing Stationary Sources: Electric Generating Units (79 Fed. Reg. 34830 (June 18, 2014)), should be withdrawn; and (2) the proposed rule of the Environmental Protection Agency entitled Carbon Pollution Standards for Modified and Reconstructed Stationary Sources: Electric Generating Units (79 Fed. Reg. 34960 (June 18, 2014)), should be withdrawn.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Introduced-in-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 512 IS: Expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the Environmental Protection Agency and the proposed rules and guidelines relating to carbon dioxide emissions from power plants.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-07-23\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 512\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140723\">\n July 23, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S299\">\n Mr. Vitter\n </sponsor>\n (for himself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S287\">\n Mr. Cornyn\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S303\">\n Mr. Thune\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S318\">\n Mr. Wicker\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S236\">\n Mr. Inhofe\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S342\">\n Mr. Blunt\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S266\">\n Mr. Crapo\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S357\">\n Mrs. Fischer\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S261\">\n Mr. Sessions\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S343\">\n Mr. Boozman\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S212\">\n Mr. Coats\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S254\">\n Mr. Enzi\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S260\">\n Mr. Roberts\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S290\">\n Mr. Chambliss\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S323\">\n Mr. Risch\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S174\">\n Mr. McConnell\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S136\">\n Mr. Cochran\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S347\">\n Mr. Moran\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S321\">\n Mr. Johanns\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S317\">\n Mr. Barrasso\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S288\">\n Ms. Murkowski\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S350\">\n Mr. Rubio\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S344\">\n Mr. Hoeven\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S301\">\n Mr. Coburn\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S184\">\n Mr. Shelby\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S118\">\n Mr. Hatch\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S351\">\n Mr. Toomey\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S305\">\n Mr. Isakson\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S346\">\n Mr. Lee\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S355\">\n Mr. Cruz\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S289\">\n Mr. Alexander\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S339\">\n Mr. Kirk\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name committee-id=\"SSEV00\">\n Committee on Environment and Public Works\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the Environmental Protection Agency and the proposed\n\t\t\t rules and guidelines relating to carbon dioxide emissions from power\n\t\t\t plants.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Environmental Protection Agency (referred to in this preamble as the\n <quote>\n EPA\n </quote>\n ) proposed rules entitled\n <quote>\n Carbon Pollution Emission Guidelines for Existing Stationary Sources: Electric Generating Units\n </quote>\n (79 Fed. Reg. 34830 (June 18, 2014)), and\n <quote>\n Carbon Pollution Standards for Modified and Reconstructed Stationary Sources: Electric Generating\n\t\t\t Units\n </quote>\n (79 Fed. Reg. 34960 (June 18, 2014)), in furtherance of the President’s Climate Action Plan of\n\t\t\t June 2013;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the proposed rules would result in a Federal takeover of the electricity system of the\n\t\t\t United States leading to significant increases in electricity rates and\n\t\t\t additional energy costs for consumers and elimination of access to\n\t\t\t abundant, affordable power, putting the manufacturing of the United\n\t\t\t States at a competitive disadvantage, threatening the diversity and\n\t\t\t reliability of the electricity supply, and undermining energy security;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas increased energy costs will, as always, fall most heavily on the elderly, the poor, and\n\t\t\t individuals on fixed incomes;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas increased energy costs also result in job losses and damage families, businesses, and local\n\t\t\t institutions such as hospitals and schools;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas in the haste of the Administration to drive coal and eventually natural gas from the energy\n\t\t\t generation portfolio, the Administration has gone beyond the plain reading\n\t\t\t of the Clean Air Act (\n <external-xref legal-doc=\"usc\" parsable-cite=\"usc/42/7401\">\n 42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.\n </external-xref>\n ), disregarding whether the\n\t\t\t EPA has the legal authority to propose and finalize rules and guidelines\n\t\t\t that include elements\n\t\t\t from the cap-and-trade program rejected by the United States Senate in\n\t\t\t June 2008;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas including emissions sources beyond the power plant fence as opposed to only emissions\n\t\t\t sources inside the power plant fence creates a cap-and-trade program;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the President noted in the wake of the initial failure of the proposed cap-and-trade\n\t\t\t program,\n <quote>\n There are many ways to skin a cat\n </quote>\n , demonstrating that the\n\t\t\t Administration seems determined to accomplish administratively what fails\n\t\t\t to be achieved through the legislative process;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas at a time when manufacturers are shifting production from overseas to the United States and\n\t\t\t investing billions of dollars in the process, an Administration with a\n\t\t\t poor management record decided to embark on a plan that will result in\n\t\t\t energy rationing, pitting power plants against refineries, chemical\n\t\t\t plants, and paper mills for the ability to operate under the emissions\n\t\t\t requirements of the EPA;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas after adopting similar carbon constraints, European countries experienced skyrocketing\n\t\t\t energy costs, economic decline, and a lower standard of living;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, on July 17, 2014, Australia repealed a carbon tax because Australia found that the carbon\n\t\t\t tax eliminated jobs, increased the cost of living for\tfamilies, and did\n\t\t\t not benefit the environment;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the proposed rules mandate renewable energy use and initiate demand destruction to shrink\n\t\t\t energy production and usage, which will result in reduced economic\n\t\t\t opportunity at the State level, forcing States to pick winners and losers\n\t\t\t and choose between economic growth and energy affordability;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas history demonstrates that at the end of the rulemaking process, the EPA will use its\n\t\t\t authority to constrain State preferences on program design, potentially\n\t\t\t even dictating policies that restrict when families of the United States\n\t\t\t can do laundry or run the air-conditioning;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas impositions by the EPA\talmost guarantee that costs will be maximized and passed along to\n\t\t\t ratepayers, the size and scope of the Federal Government will expand, and\n\t\t\t the role of the States in the system of cooperative federalism will\n\t\t\t continue to diminish;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the EPA failed to provide a complete assessment of the economic costs imposed by the\n\t\t\t proposed rules or the benefits that may result;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas benefits from the proposed rules (as measured by reductions in global average temperature,\n\t\t\t reductions in the rate of sea level rise, increases in sea ice, or any\n\t\t\t other measurement related to climate change) will be essentially zero;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, in 2009, former EPA Administrator, Lisa Jackson testified that\n <quote>\n U.S. action alone would\n\t\t\t not impact world CO\n <subscript>\n 2\n </subscript>\n levels.\n </quote>\n ;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas on June 18, 2014, former EPA Administrator William Reilly testified that\n <quote>\n Absent action by\n\t\t\t China, Brazil, India and other fast-growing economies, what we do alone\n\t\t\t will not suffice.\n </quote>\n ;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas China remains the largest emitter of carbon dioxide in the world with increasing emissions\n\t\t\t rates;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas China continues to pursue aggressive economic growth, and estimates indicate that China\n\t\t\t will pass the United States as the largest economy in the world by 2016;\n\t\t\t and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas while the Junior Senator from Massachusetts, now Secretary of State John Kerry, said\n <quote>\n [W]e\n\t\t\t need to have an agreement that does not leave enormous components of the\n\t\t\t world’s contributors and future contributors of this problem out of the\n\t\t\t solution\n </quote>\n : Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That it is the sense of the Senate that—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"id5685F59B28DE4A0FA195AA0809A78DB2\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n the proposed rule of the Environmental Protection Agency entitled\n <quote>\n Carbon Pollution Emission Guidelines for Existing Stationary Sources: Electric Generating Units\n </quote>\n (79 Fed. Reg. 34830 (June 18, 2014)), should be withdrawn; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idCB04BDBB28D743D98BD002776EC935FF\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n the proposed rule of the Environmental Protection Agency entitled\n <quote>\n Carbon Pollution Standards for Modified and Reconstructed Stationary Sources: Electric Generating\n\t\t\t Units\n </quote>\n (79 Fed. Reg. 34960 (June 18, 2014)), should be withdrawn.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-06 01:39:03.273
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 513 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-11T13:25:42Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-11T13:25:42Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-07-23 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Reported by </name> <date> 2014-07-29T23:38:13Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Markup by </name> <date> 2014-07-29T18:30:00Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2014-07-23T22:49:55Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <relatedBills> <item> <title> Honoring the 70th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising. </title> <congress> 113 </congress> <number> 690 </number> <type> HRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-09-08 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Europe, Eurasia, and Emerging Threats. </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Identical bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-31 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 8/1/2014 S5314) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-31 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR 8/1/2014 S5314) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-29 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 496. </text> <type> Calendars </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-29 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Committee on Foreign Relations. Reported by Senator Menendez without amendment and with a preamble. Without written report. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-29 </actionDate> <text> Committee on Foreign Relations. Reported by Senator Menendez without amendment and with a preamble. Without written report. </text> <type> Committee </type> <actionCode> 14000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-29 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Committee on Foreign Relations. Ordered to be reported without amendment favorably. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-23 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S4770) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-23 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> M000702 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Mikulski, Barbara A. [D-MD] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> MIKULSKI </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> ANN </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> C000141 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cardin, Benjamin L. [D-MD] </fullName> <firstName> Ben </firstName> <lastName> Cardin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000584 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Risch, James E. [R-ID] </fullName> <firstName> James </firstName> <lastName> Risch </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ID </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000360 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Kirk, Mark Steven [R-IL] </fullName> <firstName> MARK </firstName> <lastName> KIRK </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> STEVEN </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001169 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Murphy, Christopher [D-CT] </fullName> <firstName> Christopher </firstName> <lastName> Murphy </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CT </state> <middleName> S. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000563 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Durbin, Richard J. [D-IL] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Durbin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001181 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Shaheen, Jeanne [D-NH] </fullName> <firstName> Jeanne </firstName> <lastName> Shaheen </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000595 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Rubio, Marco [R-FL] </fullName> <firstName> Marco </firstName> <lastName> Rubio </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000449 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Portman, Rob [R-OH] </fullName> <firstName> Rob </firstName> <lastName> Portman </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-31 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Commemorative events and holidays </name> </item> <item> <name> Conflicts and wars </name> </item> <item> <name> Europe </name> </item> <item> <name> Germany </name> </item> <item> <name> Poland </name> </item> <item> <name> World history </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-23 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-07-25T14:11:27Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Recognizes the 70th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising, which occurred during World War II and serves as a symbol of heroism and the power of the human spirit.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 80 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-29 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Reported to Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-07-30T18:37:50Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Recognizes the 70th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising, which occurred during World War II and serves as a symbol of heroism and the power of the human spirit.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-31 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-08-01T15:48:23Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Recognizes the 70th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising, which occurred during World War II and serves as a symbol of heroism and the power of the human spirit.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution honoring the 70th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution honoring the 70th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution honoring the 70th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-07-31T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres513ats/xml/BILLS-113sres513ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> <item> <type> Reported to Senate </type> <date> 2014-07-29T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres513rs/xml/BILLS-113sres513rs.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2014-07-23T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres513is/xml/BILLS-113sres513is.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-07-31 </actionDate> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 8/1/2014 S5314) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-31", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 8/1/2014 S5314)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2014-07-31", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR 8/1/2014 S5314)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-29", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 496.", "type": "Calendars" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-29", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Committee on Foreign Relations. Reported by Senator Menendez without amendment and with a preamble. Without written report.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "14000", "action_date": "2014-07-29", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Committee on Foreign Relations. Reported by Senator Menendez without amendment and with a preamble. Without written report.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-29", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Committee on Foreign Relations. Ordered to be reported without amendment favorably.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-23", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S4770)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-07-23", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2014-07-29T23:38:13Z", "name": "Reported by" }, { "date": "2014-07-29T18:30:00Z", "name": "Markup by" }, { "date": "2014-07-23T22:49:55Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "C000141", "district": null, "first_name": "Ben", "full_name": "Sen. Cardin, Benjamin L. [D-MD]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Cardin", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-23", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000584", "district": null, "first_name": "James", "full_name": "Sen. Risch, James E. [R-ID]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Risch", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-23", "state": "ID" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000360", "district": null, "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Sen. Kirk, Mark Steven [R-IL]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "KIRK", "middle_name": "STEVEN", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-24", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001169", "district": null, "first_name": "Christopher", "full_name": "Sen. 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As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-07-23", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-31", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 8/1/2014 S5314)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 513, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "International Affairs", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 113, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-08", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Europe, Eurasia, and Emerging Threats.", "type": null }, "number": 690, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Identical bill" } ], "title": "Honoring the 70th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising.", "type": "HRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "M000702", "district": null, "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Sen. Mikulski, Barbara A. 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The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Recognizes the 70th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising, which occurred during World War II and serves as a symbol of heroism and the power of the human spirit.</p>", "update_date": "2014-07-30T18:37:50Z", "version_code": "80" }, { "action_date": "2014-07-31", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Recognizes the 70th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising, which occurred during World War II and serves as a symbol of heroism and the power of the human spirit.</p>", "update_date": "2014-08-01T15:48:23Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-07-31T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres513ats/xml/BILLS-113sres513ats.xml" }, { "date": "2014-07-29T04:00:00Z", "type": "Reported to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres513rs/xml/BILLS-113sres513rs.xml" }, { "date": "2014-07-23T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres513is/xml/BILLS-113sres513is.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution honoring the 70th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution honoring the 70th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution honoring the 70th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2023-01-11T13:25:42Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-11T13:25:42Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-07-31T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres513ats/xml/BILLS-113sres513ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres513ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres513ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T00:25:01.426", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-513", "legis_num": 513, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-513-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 513 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES July 23, 2014 Ms. Mikulski (for herself, Mr. Cardin , Mr. Risch , Mr. Kirk , Mr. Murphy , Mr. Durbin , Mrs. Shaheen , Mr. Rubio , and Mr. Portman ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations July 29, 2014 Reported by Mr. Menendez , without amendment July 31, 2014 Considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Honoring the 70th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising.\n\nWhereas August 1, 2014, marks the 70th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising, a heroic event during World War II during which citizens of Poland, against all odds, fought against the Nazi occupation of Warsaw; Whereas, on August 1, 1944, the Polish Home Army, with limited supplies and armed with mostly homemade weapons, rose up against the Nazis to fight the nationwide occupation of Poland by Nazi Germany; Whereas the Polish resistance fought German forces for 63 days, suffering extreme hardship, retribution, and personal sacrifice, and during which approximately 250,000 Poles were killed, wounded, or went missing; Whereas Adolf Hitler ordered the destruction of Warsaw as punishment for the uprising, leaving 85 percent of the city of Warsaw in ruins, including many historical buildings and monuments; Whereas the actions of the Polish resistance inspire people throughout the world who fight for freedom and democracy; and Whereas the actions of the Polish people during the Warsaw Uprising were a significant contribution to Allied war efforts during World War II and those actions continue to be respected and remembered throughout Poland: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate recognizes the 70th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising, which occurred during World War II and serves as a symbol of heroism and the power of the human spirit.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 513 ATS: Honoring the 70th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-07-23\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress>\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session>\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 513\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140723\">\n July 23, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S182\">\n Ms. Mikulski\n </sponsor>\n (for herself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S308\">\n Mr. Cardin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S323\">\n Mr. Risch\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S339\">\n Mr. Kirk\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S364\">\n Mr. Murphy\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S253\">\n Mr. Durbin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S324\">\n Mrs. Shaheen\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S350\">\n Mr. Rubio\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S349\">\n Mr. Portman\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name added-display-style=\"italic\" committee-id=\"SSFR00\" deleted-display-style=\"strikethrough\">\n Committee on Foreign Relations\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <action stage=\"Reported-in-Senate\">\n <action-date>\n July 29, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n Reported by\n <sponsor name-id=\"S306\">\n Mr. Menendez\n </sponsor>\n , without amendment\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <action>\n <action-date>\n July 31, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n Considered and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Honoring the 70th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas August 1, 2014, marks the 70th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising, a heroic event during\n\t\t\t World War II during which citizens of Poland, against all odds, fought\n\t\t\t against the Nazi occupation of Warsaw;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, on August 1, 1944, the Polish Home Army, with limited supplies and armed with mostly\n\t\t\t homemade weapons, rose up against the Nazis to fight the nationwide\n\t\t\t occupation of Poland by Nazi Germany;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Polish resistance fought German forces for 63 days, suffering extreme hardship,\n\t\t\t retribution, and personal sacrifice, and during which approximately\n\t\t\t 250,000 Poles were killed, wounded, or went missing;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Adolf Hitler ordered the destruction of Warsaw as punishment for the uprising, leaving 85\n\t\t\t percent of the city of Warsaw in ruins, including many historical\n\t\t\t buildings and monuments;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the actions of the Polish resistance inspire people throughout the world who fight for\n\t\t\t freedom and democracy; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the actions of the Polish people during the Warsaw Uprising were a significant contribution\n\t\t\t to Allied war efforts during World War II and those actions continue to \n\t\t\t be respected and remembered throughout Poland: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate recognizes the 70th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising, which occurred during World\n\t\t\t War II and serves as a symbol of heroism and the power of the human\n\t\t\t spirit.\n </text>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" }, { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-07-29T04:00:00Z", "type": "Reported to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres513rs/xml/BILLS-113sres513rs.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres513rs.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres513rs.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T00:24:01.555", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-513", "legis_num": 513, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "rs", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-513-rs-dtd", "tv_txt": "III Calendar No. 496 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 513 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES July 23, 2014 Ms. Mikulski (for herself, Mr. Cardin , Mr. Risch , Mr. Kirk , Mr. Murphy , Mr. Durbin , Mrs. Shaheen , and Mr. Rubio ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations July 29, 2014 Reported by Mr. Menendez , without amendment RESOLUTION Honoring the 70th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising.\n\nWhereas August 1, 2014, marks the 70th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising, a heroic event during World War II during which citizens of Poland, against all odds, fought against the Nazi occupation of Warsaw; Whereas, on August 1, 1944, the Polish Home Army, with limited supplies and armed with mostly homemade weapons, rose up against the Nazis to fight the nationwide occupation of Poland by Nazi Germany; Whereas the Polish resistance fought German forces for 63 days, suffering extreme hardship, retribution, and personal sacrifice, and during which approximately 250,000 Poles were killed, wounded, or went missing; Whereas Adolf Hitler ordered the destruction of Warsaw as punishment for the uprising, leaving 85 percent of the city of Warsaw in ruins, including many historical buildings and monuments; Whereas the actions of the Polish resistance inspire people throughout the world who fight for freedom and democracy; and Whereas the actions of the Polish people during the Warsaw Uprising were a significant contribution to Allied war efforts during World War II and those actions continue to be respected and remembered throughout Poland: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate recognizes the 70th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising, which occurred during World War II and serves as a symbol of heroism and the power of the human spirit.\n\nJuly 29, 2014 Reported without amendment", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Reported-in-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 513 RS: Honoring the 70th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-07-23\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <calendar>\n Calendar No. 496\n </calendar>\n <congress>\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session>\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 513\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140723\">\n July 23, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S182\">\n Ms. Mikulski\n </sponsor>\n (for herself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S308\">\n Mr. Cardin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S323\">\n Mr. Risch\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S339\">\n Mr. Kirk\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S364\">\n Mr. Murphy\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S253\">\n Mr. Durbin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S324\">\n Mrs. Shaheen\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S350\">\n Mr. Rubio\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name added-display-style=\"italic\" committee-id=\"SSFR00\" deleted-display-style=\"strikethrough\">\n Committee on Foreign Relations\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <action stage=\"Reported-in-Senate\">\n <action-date>\n July 29, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n Reported by\n <sponsor name-id=\"S306\">\n Mr. Menendez\n </sponsor>\n , without amendment\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Honoring the 70th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas August 1, 2014, marks the 70th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising, a heroic event during\n\t\t\t World War II during which citizens of Poland, against all odds, fought\n\t\t\t against the Nazi occupation of Warsaw;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, on August 1, 1944, the Polish Home Army, with limited supplies and armed with mostly\n\t\t\t homemade weapons, rose up against the Nazis to fight the nationwide\n\t\t\t occupation of Poland by Nazi Germany;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Polish resistance fought German forces for 63 days, suffering extreme hardship,\n\t\t\t retribution, and personal sacrifice, and during which approximately\n\t\t\t 250,000 Poles were killed, wounded, or went missing;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Adolf Hitler ordered the destruction of Warsaw as punishment for the uprising, leaving 85\n\t\t\t percent of the city of Warsaw in ruins, including many historical\n\t\t\t buildings and monuments;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the actions of the Polish resistance inspire people throughout the world who fight for\n\t\t\t freedom and democracy; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the actions of the Polish people during the Warsaw Uprising were a significant contribution\n\t\t\t to Allied war efforts during World War II and those actions continue to \n\t\t\t be respected and remembered throughout Poland: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate recognizes the 70th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising, which occurred during World\n\t\t\t War II and serves as a symbol of heroism and the power of the human\n\t\t\t spirit.\n </text>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n <endorsement>\n <action-date>\n July 29, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n Reported without amendment\n </action-desc>\n </endorsement>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" }, { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-07-23T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres513is/xml/BILLS-113sres513is.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres513is.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres513is.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T00:24:01.517", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-513", "legis_num": 513, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "is", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-513-is-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 513 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES July 23, 2014 Ms. Mikulski (for herself, Mr. Cardin , and Mr. Risch ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations RESOLUTION Honoring the 70th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising.\n\nWhereas August 1, 2014, marks the 70th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising, a heroic event during World War II during which citizens of Poland, against all odds, fought against the Nazi occupation of Warsaw; Whereas, on August 1, 1944, the Polish Home Army, with limited supplies and armed with mostly homemade weapons, rose up against the Nazis to fight the nationwide occupation of Poland by Nazi Germany; Whereas the Polish resistance fought German forces for 63 days, suffering extreme hardship, retribution, and personal sacrifice, and during which approximately 250,000 Poles were killed, wounded, or went missing; Whereas Adolf Hitler ordered the destruction of Warsaw as punishment for the uprising, leaving 85 percent of the city of Warsaw in ruins, including many historical buildings and monuments; Whereas the actions of the Polish resistance inspire people throughout the world who fight for freedom and democracy; and Whereas the actions of the Polish people during the Warsaw Uprising were a significant contribution to Allied war efforts during World War II and those actions continue to be respected and remembered throughout Poland: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate recognizes the 70th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising, which occurred during World War II and serves as a symbol of heroism and the power of the human spirit.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Introduced-in-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 513 IS: Honoring the 70th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-07-23\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 513\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140723\">\n July 23, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S182\">\n Ms. Mikulski\n </sponsor>\n (for herself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S308\">\n Mr. Cardin\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S323\">\n Mr. Risch\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name added-display-style=\"italic\" committee-id=\"SSFR00\" deleted-display-style=\"strikethrough\">\n Committee on Foreign Relations\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Honoring the 70th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas August 1, 2014, marks the 70th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising, a heroic event during\n\t\t\t World War II during which citizens of Poland, against all odds, fought\n\t\t\t against the Nazi occupation of Warsaw;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, on August 1, 1944, the Polish Home Army, with limited supplies and armed with mostly\n\t\t\t homemade weapons, rose up against the Nazis to fight the nationwide\n\t\t\t occupation of Poland by Nazi Germany;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Polish resistance fought German forces for 63 days, suffering extreme hardship,\n\t\t\t retribution, and personal sacrifice, and during which approximately\n\t\t\t 250,000 Poles were killed, wounded, or went missing;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Adolf Hitler ordered the destruction of Warsaw as punishment for the uprising, leaving 85\n\t\t\t percent of the city of Warsaw in ruins, including many historical\n\t\t\t buildings and monuments;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the actions of the Polish resistance inspire people throughout the world who fight for\n\t\t\t freedom and democracy; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the actions of the Polish people during the Warsaw Uprising were a significant contribution\n\t\t\t to Allied war efforts during World War II and those actions continue to \n\t\t\t be respected and remembered throughout Poland: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate recognizes the 70th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising, which occurred during World\n\t\t\t War II and serves as a symbol of heroism and the power of the human\n\t\t\t spirit.\n </text>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-04 19:20:01.201
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 514 </number> <updateDate> 2019-02-20T12:28:57Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2022-11-04T17:25:15Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-07-23 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-23 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4846; text as passed Senate: CR S4770-4771) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-23 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S4846; text as passed Senate: CR S4770-4771) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-23 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> M001176 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Merkley, Jeff [D-OR] </fullName> <firstName> Jeff </firstName> <lastName> Merkley </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OR </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> A000360 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Alexander, Lamar [R-TN] </fullName> <firstName> Lamar </firstName> <lastName> Alexander </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TN </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Health </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Commemorative events and holidays </name> </item> <item> <name> Health care coverage and access </name> </item> <item> <name> Health facilities and institutions </name> </item> <item> <name> Health personnel </name> </item> <item> <name> Nursing </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Health </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-23 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-07-28T22:39:17Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Designates the week of August 10 through August 16, 2014, as National Nurse-Managed Health Clinic Week and expresses support for its goals and ideals.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Encourages the continued support of such clinics so that they may continue to serve as health care workforce development sites for the next generation of primary care providers.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-23 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-07-28T22:44:45Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Designates the week of August 10 through August 16, 2014, as National Nurse-Managed Health Clinic Week and expresses support for its goals and ideals.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Encourages the continued support of such clinics so that they may continue to serve as health care workforce development sites for the next generation of primary care providers.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution designating the week of August 10 through August 16, 2014, as "National Nurse-Managed Health Clinic Week". </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution designating the week of August 10 through August 16, 2014, as "National Nurse-Managed Health Clinic Week". </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution designating the week of August 10 through August 16, 2014, as "National Nurse-Managed Health Clinic Week". </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-07-23T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres514ats/xml/BILLS-113sres514ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-07-23 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4846; text as passed Senate: CR S4770-4771) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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Alexander, Lamar [R-TN]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Alexander", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-23", "state": "TN" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-07-23", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-23", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4846; text as passed Senate: CR S4770-4771)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 514, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": null, "policy_area": "Health", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "M001176", "district": null, "first_name": "Jeff", "full_name": "Sen. Merkley, Jeff [D-OR]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Merkley", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "OR" } ], "subjects": [ "Commemorative events and holidays", "Health care coverage and access", "Health facilities and institutions", "Health personnel", "Nursing" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-07-23", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Designates the week of August 10 through August 16, 2014, as National Nurse-Managed Health Clinic Week and expresses support for its goals and ideals.</p> <p>Encourages the continued support of such clinics so that they may continue to serve as health care workforce development sites for the next generation of primary care providers.</p>", "update_date": "2014-07-28T22:39:17Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2014-07-23", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Designates the week of August 10 through August 16, 2014, as National Nurse-Managed Health Clinic Week and expresses support for its goals and ideals.</p> <p>Encourages the continued support of such clinics so that they may continue to serve as health care workforce development sites for the next generation of primary care providers.</p>", "update_date": "2014-07-28T22:44:45Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-07-23T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres514ats/xml/BILLS-113sres514ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution designating the week of August 10 through August 16, 2014, as \"National Nurse-Managed Health Clinic Week\".", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating the week of August 10 through August 16, 2014, as \"National Nurse-Managed Health Clinic Week\".", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating the week of August 10 through August 16, 2014, as \"National Nurse-Managed Health Clinic Week\".", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2019-02-20T12:28:57Z", "update_date_including_text": "2022-11-04T17:25:15Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-07-23T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres514ats/xml/BILLS-113sres514ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres514ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres514ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T00:24:01.482", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-514", "legis_num": 514, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-514-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 514 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES July 23, 2014 Mr. Merkley (for himself and Mr. Alexander ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Designating the week of August 10 through August 16, 2014, as National Nurse-Managed Health Clinic Week .\n\nWhereas nurse-managed health clinics are nonprofit, community-based health care sites that offer primary care and wellness services based on the nursing model; Whereas the nursing model emphasizes the protection, promotion, and optimization of health, the prevention of illness, the alleviation of suffering, and the diagnosis and treatment of illness; Whereas nurse-managed health clinics are led by advanced practice nurses and staffed by an interdisciplinary team of highly qualified health care professionals; Whereas nurse-managed health clinics offer a broad scope of services, including treatment for acute and chronic illnesses, routine physical exams, immunizations for adults and children, disease screenings, health education, prenatal care, dental care, and drug and alcohol treatment; Whereas, as of March 2014, approximately 500 nurse-managed health clinics provided care across the United States and recorded more than 2,500,000 patient encounters annually; Whereas nurse-managed health clinics serve a unique dual role as both health care safety net access points and health workforce development sites, given that the majority of nurse-managed health clinics are affiliated with schools of nursing and serve as clinical education sites for students entering the health profession; Whereas nurse-managed health clinics strengthen the health care safety net by expanding access to primary care and chronic disease management services for vulnerable and medically underserved populations in diverse rural, urban, and suburban communities; Whereas research has shown that nurse-managed health clinics experience high patient retention and patient satisfaction rates and nurse-managed health clinic patients experience higher rates of generic medication fills and lower hospitalization rates when compared to similar safety net providers; Whereas the 2010 report of the Institute of Medicine entitled “The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health,” highlights the work nurse-managed health clinics are doing to reduce health disparities by bringing evidence-based care to individuals who may not otherwise receive needed services; and Whereas nurse-managed health clinics offering both primary care and wellness services provide quality care in a cost-effective manner: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) designates the week of August 10 through August 16, 2014, as National Nurse-Managed Health Clinic Week ; (2) supports the ideals and goals of National Nurse-Managed Health Clinic Week; and (3) encourages the continued support of nurse-managed health clinics so that nurse-managed health clinics may continue to serve as health care workforce development sites for the next generation of primary care providers.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 514 ATS: Designating the week of August 10 through August 16, 2014, as “National Nurse-Managed Health Clinic Week”.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-07-23\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 514\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140723\">\n July 23, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S322\">\n Mr. Merkley\n </sponsor>\n (for himself and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S289\">\n Mr. Alexander\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Designating the week of August 10 through August 16, 2014, as\n <quote>\n National Nurse-Managed Health Clinic Week\n </quote>\n .\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas nurse-managed health clinics are nonprofit, community-based health care sites that offer\n\t\t\t primary care and wellness services based on the nursing model;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the nursing model emphasizes the protection, promotion, and optimization of health, the\n\t\t\t prevention of illness, the alleviation of suffering, and the diagnosis and\n\t\t\t treatment of illness;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas nurse-managed health clinics are led by advanced practice nurses and staffed by an\n\t\t\t interdisciplinary team of highly qualified health care professionals;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas nurse-managed health clinics offer a broad scope of services, including treatment for acute\n\t\t\t and chronic illnesses, routine physical exams, immunizations for adults\n\t\t\t and children, disease screenings, health education, prenatal care, dental\n\t\t\t care, and drug and alcohol treatment;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, as of March 2014, approximately 500 nurse-managed health clinics provided care across the\n\t\t\t United States and recorded more than 2,500,000 patient encounters\n\t\t\t annually;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas nurse-managed health clinics serve a unique dual role as both health care safety net access\n\t\t\t points and health workforce development sites, given that the majority of\n\t\t\t nurse-managed health clinics are affiliated with schools of nursing and\n\t\t\t serve as clinical education sites for students entering the health\n\t\t\t profession;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas nurse-managed health clinics strengthen the health care safety net by expanding access to\n\t\t\t primary care and chronic disease management services for vulnerable and\n\t\t\t medically underserved populations in diverse rural, urban, and suburban\n\t\t\t communities;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas research has shown that nurse-managed health clinics experience high patient retention and\n\t\t\t patient satisfaction rates and nurse-managed health clinic patients\n\t\t\t experience higher rates of generic medication fills and lower\n\t\t\t hospitalization rates when compared to similar safety net providers;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the 2010 report of the Institute of Medicine entitled “The Future of Nursing: Leading\n\t\t\t Change, Advancing Health,” highlights the work nurse-managed health\n\t\t\t clinics are doing to reduce health disparities by bringing evidence-based\n\t\t\t care to individuals who may not otherwise receive needed services; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas nurse-managed health clinics offering both primary care and wellness services provide\n\t\t\t quality care in a cost-effective manner: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"idd8e017aff6ce4aa18bfa18d7cd35460a\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n designates the week of August 10 through August 16, 2014, as\n <quote>\n National Nurse-Managed Health Clinic Week\n </quote>\n ;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id7e37f1f9e4f146cc90945ebd860764f8\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n supports the ideals and goals of National Nurse-Managed Health Clinic Week; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id81590d7bf5644c8a907cbd59999e8791\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n encourages the continued support of nurse-managed health clinics so that nurse-managed health\n\t\t\t clinics may\n\t\t\t continue to serve as health care workforce development sites for the next\n\t\t\t generation of primary care providers.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-04 19:15:00.267
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 515 </number> <updateDate> 2019-02-20T12:28:57Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2022-11-04T17:25:13Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-07-23 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-23 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4846; text as passed Senate: CR S4771) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-23 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S4846; text as passed Senate: CR S4771) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-23 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> C001070 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Casey, Robert P., Jr. [D-PA] </fullName> <firstName> Bob </firstName> <lastName> Casey </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> PA </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> R000307 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Roberts, Pat [R-KS] </fullName> <firstName> PAT </firstName> <lastName> ROBERTS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KS </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Health </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Commemorative events and holidays </name> </item> <item> <name> Health promotion and preventive care </name> </item> <item> <name> World health </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Health </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-23 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-08-20T14:47:52Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Designates July 24, 2014, as International Self-Care Day and recognizes the importance of improving awareness of self-care and the value self-care represents for the people of the United States.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-23 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-08-20T14:50:01Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Designates July 24, 2014, as International Self-Care Day and recognizes the importance of improving awareness of self-care and the value self-care represents for the people of the United States.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution designating July 24, 2014, as "International Self-Care Day". </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution designating July 24, 2014, as "International Self-Care Day". </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution designating July 24, 2014, as "International Self-Care Day". </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-07-23T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres515ats/xml/BILLS-113sres515ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-07-23 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4846; text as passed Senate: CR S4771) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-23", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4846; text as passed Senate: CR S4771)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2014-07-23", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S4846; text as passed Senate: CR S4771)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-07-23", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "R000307", "district": null, "first_name": "PAT", "full_name": "Sen. Roberts, Pat [R-KS]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ROBERTS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-23", "state": "KS" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-07-23", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-23", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4846; text as passed Senate: CR S4771)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 515, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": null, "policy_area": "Health", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "C001070", "district": null, "first_name": "Bob", "full_name": "Sen. Casey, Robert P., Jr. [D-PA]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Casey", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "PA" } ], "subjects": [ "Commemorative events and holidays", "Health promotion and preventive care", "World health" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-07-23", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Designates July 24, 2014, as International Self-Care Day and recognizes the importance of improving awareness of self-care and the value self-care represents for the people of the United States.</p>", "update_date": "2014-08-20T14:47:52Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2014-07-23", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Designates July 24, 2014, as International Self-Care Day and recognizes the importance of improving awareness of self-care and the value self-care represents for the people of the United States.</p>", "update_date": "2014-08-20T14:50:01Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-07-23T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres515ats/xml/BILLS-113sres515ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution designating July 24, 2014, as \"International Self-Care Day\".", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating July 24, 2014, as \"International Self-Care Day\".", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating July 24, 2014, as \"International Self-Care Day\".", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2019-02-20T12:28:57Z", "update_date_including_text": "2022-11-04T17:25:13Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-07-23T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres515ats/xml/BILLS-113sres515ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres515ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres515ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T00:24:01.443", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-515", "legis_num": 515, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-515-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 515 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES July 23, 2014 Mr. Casey (for himself and Mr. Roberts ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Designating July 24, 2014, as International Self-Care Day .\n\nWhereas chronic diseases impose high costs in the United States in the forms of human capital, medical expenditures, and economic productivity; Whereas chronic diseases are the leading cause of disability and death in the United States, and chronic diseases account for 7 out of 10 deaths in the United States; Whereas approximately 25 percent of individuals with a chronic disease have some limitation on daily living activities and may be restricted from working or attending school; Whereas chronic diseases account for $3 of every $4 spent on health care in the United States, including— (1) $432,000,000,000 spent annually on heart disease and stroke; (2) $174,000,000,000 spent annually on diabetes; (3) $154,000,000,000 spent annually on lung disease; and (4) $148,000,000,000 spent annually on Alzheimer's Disease; Whereas the adoption of proactive healthy behaviors and lifestyles by individuals will materially reduce the burden of chronic diseases in the United States; Whereas it is not possible to meet the enormous challenges presented by chronic diseases, the aging of the population, and other demographic changes without engaging individuals to be active participants in maintaining their health and well-being; Whereas self-care can reduce the human and economic costs of chronic diseases, help individuals achieve better overall health, and prevent or delay many diseases; Whereas self-care includes simple actions that individuals can take for themselves and their families to stay healthy, treat minor illnesses, and prevent or manage long-term conditions; Whereas self-care entails a lifelong habit and culture of— (1) making healthy lifestyle choices on a daily basis; (2) practicing good hygiene to prevent infection and illness; (3) avoiding unhealthy and risky actions; (4) monitoring for signs and symptoms of changes in health; (5) taking care of minor ailments; and (6) knowing when to consult a doctor, pharmacist, or other health care professional; Whereas individuals need greater access to tools that enable better self-care, including those that improve health literacy, promote good nutrition and overall wellness, facilitate physical activity, and prevent and manage chronic diseases; Whereas over-the-counter medicines (commonly known as self-care medicines in other regions of the world) are some of the most important self-care tools, and help individuals improve wellness, treat everyday ailments, and prevent chronic diseases; Whereas every $1 spent on over-the-counter medicines in the United States each year saves the health care system in the United States $6 to $7, accounting for $102,000,000,000 in annual savings relative to treatment alternatives; Whereas self-care and the responsible use of over-the-counter medicines can help individuals avoid unnecessary visits to health care professionals, easing the burden on those health care professionals; Whereas self-care empowers individuals with higher self-esteem, improves wellness, and reduces the use of health care services; Whereas individuals in the United States have not sufficiently taken advantage of the potential of self-care to improve health, reduce the burden of chronic disease, and strengthen the sustainability of the health care system in the United States; and Whereas achieving the full potential of self-care is the shared responsibility of consumers, policymakers, regulators, and health care professionals: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) designates July 24, 2014, as International Self-Care Day ; (2) recognizes the importance of improving awareness of self-care and the value self-care represents for the people of the United States; (3) encourages patients, government officials, health care professionals, manufacturers and providers of medical products, and the media to use International Self-Care Day to highlight the benefits of self-care; and (4) acknowledges that International Self-Care Day is recognized by health care organizations and parties with an interest in health care around the world.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 515 ATS: Designating July 24, 2014, as “International Self-Care Day”.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-07-23\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 515\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140723\">\n July 23, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S309\">\n Mr. Casey\n </sponsor>\n (for himself and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S260\">\n Mr. Roberts\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Designating July 24, 2014, as\n <quote>\n International Self-Care Day\n </quote>\n .\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas chronic diseases impose high costs in the United States in the forms of human capital,\n\t\t\t medical expenditures, and economic productivity;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas chronic diseases are the leading cause of disability and death in the United States, and\n\t\t\t chronic diseases account for 7 out of 10 deaths in the United States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas approximately 25 percent of individuals with a chronic disease have some limitation on\n\t\t\t daily living activities and may be restricted from working or attending\n\t\t\t school;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas chronic diseases account for $3 of every $4 spent on health care in the United States,\n\t\t\t including—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"id03DD321FB0DB43C5BF92E3BDD142B0BD\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n $432,000,000,000 spent annually on heart disease and stroke;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idD1622FE06F9644979E8CF3F89C3601D8\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n $174,000,000,000 spent annually on diabetes;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id3F9C903CA300472BA89A96C6EC696E83\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n $154,000,000,000 spent annually on lung disease; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id2F404434987D43839823A63ED8AD4F19\">\n <enum>\n (4)\n </enum>\n <text>\n $148,000,000,000 spent annually on Alzheimer's Disease;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the adoption of proactive healthy behaviors and lifestyles by individuals will materially\n\t\t\t reduce the burden of chronic diseases in the United States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas it is not possible to meet the enormous challenges presented by chronic diseases, the\n\t\t\t aging of the population, and other demographic changes without engaging\n\t\t\t individuals to be active participants in maintaining their health and\n\t\t\t well-being;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas self-care can reduce the human and economic costs of chronic diseases, help individuals\n\t\t\t achieve better overall health, and prevent or delay many diseases;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas self-care includes simple actions that individuals can take for themselves and their\n\t\t\t families to stay healthy, treat minor illnesses, and prevent or manage\n\t\t\t long-term conditions;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas self-care entails a lifelong habit and culture of—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"idB3B0C5FFE60241C78DABF1FE617715C0\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n making healthy lifestyle choices on a daily basis;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idD9E74791D9604F8B8A35EAE195C52D60\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n practicing good hygiene to prevent infection and illness;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id7B869895370F4FC9B754FB6BA1B0DC14\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n avoiding unhealthy and risky actions;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id2F8FE74C956C4DDABD479293C1E8562D\">\n <enum>\n (4)\n </enum>\n <text>\n monitoring for signs and symptoms of changes in health;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id445EFE599F1A4AB79597A5442AB36A8B\">\n <enum>\n (5)\n </enum>\n <text>\n taking care of minor ailments; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id3523C6F92E724B748DB844582F999CF9\">\n <enum>\n (6)\n </enum>\n <text>\n knowing when to consult a doctor, pharmacist, or other health care professional;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas individuals need greater access to tools that enable better self-care, including those \n\t\t\t that improve health literacy, promote good nutrition and overall wellness,\n\t\t\t facilitate physical activity, and prevent and manage chronic diseases;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas over-the-counter medicines (commonly known as\n <quote>\n self-care medicines\n </quote>\n in other regions of the world) are some of the most important self-care tools, and help\n\t\t\t individuals improve wellness, treat everyday ailments, and prevent chronic\n\t\t\t diseases;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas every $1 spent on over-the-counter medicines in the United States each year saves the\n\t\t\t health care system in the United States $6 to $7, accounting for\n\t\t\t $102,000,000,000 in annual savings relative to treatment alternatives;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas self-care and the responsible use of over-the-counter medicines can help individuals avoid\n\t\t\t unnecessary visits to health care professionals, easing the burden on\n\t\t\t those health care professionals;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas self-care empowers individuals with higher self-esteem, improves wellness, and reduces the\n\t\t\t use of health care services;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas individuals in the United States have not sufficiently taken advantage of the potential\n\t\t\t of self-care to improve health, reduce the burden of chronic disease, and\n\t\t\t strengthen the sustainability of the health care system in the United\n\t\t\t States;\nand\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas achieving the full potential of self-care is the shared responsibility of consumers,\n\t\t\t policymakers, regulators, and health care professionals:\nNow, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"idcbdafb6a18394c0ca8740ab7c31963b6\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n designates July 24, 2014, as\n <quote>\n International Self-Care Day\n </quote>\n ;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id33c73328978b4ce8bc4280db7b28499e\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n recognizes the importance of improving awareness of self-care and the value self-care represents \n\t\t\t for the people of the United States;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id7a2a6436b47b454ab395baa2682a9ce4\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n encourages patients, government officials, health care professionals, manufacturers and providers\n\t\t\t of medical products, and the media to use\n <quote>\n International Self-Care Day\n </quote>\n to highlight the benefits of self-care; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id8734a25ddef8423bab08c6903ada8fd9\">\n <enum>\n (4)\n </enum>\n <text>\n acknowledges that\n <quote>\n International Self-Care Day\n </quote>\n is recognized by health care organizations and parties with an interest in health care around the\n\t\t\t world.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-05 00:59:00.773
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 516 </number> <updateDate> 2022-03-03T21:27:53Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2022-11-04T17:25:16Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-07-23 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-23 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4846; text as passed Senate: CR S4771) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-23 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S4846; text as passed Senate: CR S4771) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-23 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> R000146 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Reid, Harry [D-NV] </fullName> <firstName> HARRY </firstName> <lastName> REID </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NV </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> M000355 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. McConnell, Mitch [R-KY] </fullName> <firstName> Mitch </firstName> <lastName> McConnell </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KY </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Congress </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Congressional officers and employees </name> </item> <item> <name> Criminal investigation, prosecution, interrogation </name> </item> <item> <name> Evidence and witnesses </name> </item> <item> <name> Legislative rules and procedure </name> </item> <item> <name> Members of Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Senate </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Congress </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-23 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-07-28T21:31:10Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Authorizes: (1) Megan Carranza and Jane Opdahl, employees in the Office of Senator Heidi Heitkamp, and any other current or former employee of the Senator's office from whom relevant evidence may be necessary, to produce documents and provide testimony in the case of &lt;i&gt;State of North Dakota v. Beatrice Quill&lt;/i&gt;, except concerning matters for which a privilege should be asserted; and (2) the Senate Legal Counsel to represent these employees in connection with the case. &lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-23 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-07-28T21:38:47Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Authorizes: (1) Megan Carranza and Jane Opdahl, employees in the Office of Senator Heidi Heitkamp, and any other current or former employee of the Senator's office from whom relevant evidence may be necessary, to produce documents and provide testimony in the case of &lt;i&gt;State of North Dakota v. Beatrice Quill&lt;/i&gt;, except concerning matters for which a privilege should be asserted; and (2) the Senate Legal Counsel to represent these employees in connection with the case. &lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution to authorize testimony, document production, and representation in State of North Dakota v. Beatrice Quill. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution to authorize testimony, document production, and representation in State of North Dakota v. Beatrice Quill. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution to authorize testimony, document production, and representation in State of North Dakota v. Beatrice Quill. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-07-23T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres516ats/xml/BILLS-113sres516ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-07-23 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4846; text as passed Senate: CR S4771) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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(consideration: CR S4846; text as passed Senate: CR S4771)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2014-07-23", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S4846; text as passed Senate: CR S4771)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-07-23", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "M000355", "district": null, "first_name": "Mitch", "full_name": "Sen. McConnell, Mitch [R-KY]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "McConnell", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-23", "state": "KY" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-07-23", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-23", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4846; text as passed Senate: CR S4771)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 516, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Congress", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "R000146", "district": null, "first_name": "HARRY", "full_name": "Sen. Reid, Harry [D-NV]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "REID", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "state": "NV" } ], "subjects": [ "Congressional officers and employees", "Criminal investigation, prosecution, interrogation", "Evidence and witnesses", "Legislative rules and procedure", "Members of Congress", "Senate" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-07-23", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Authorizes: (1) Megan Carranza and Jane Opdahl, employees in the Office of Senator Heidi Heitkamp, and any other current or former employee of the Senator's office from whom relevant evidence may be necessary, to produce documents and provide testimony in the case of <i>State of North Dakota v. Beatrice Quill</i>, except concerning matters for which a privilege should be asserted; and (2) the Senate Legal Counsel to represent these employees in connection with the case. </p>", "update_date": "2014-07-28T21:31:10Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2014-07-23", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Authorizes: (1) Megan Carranza and Jane Opdahl, employees in the Office of Senator Heidi Heitkamp, and any other current or former employee of the Senator's office from whom relevant evidence may be necessary, to produce documents and provide testimony in the case of <i>State of North Dakota v. Beatrice Quill</i>, except concerning matters for which a privilege should be asserted; and (2) the Senate Legal Counsel to represent these employees in connection with the case. </p>", "update_date": "2014-07-28T21:38:47Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-07-23T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres516ats/xml/BILLS-113sres516ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution to authorize testimony, document production, and representation in State of North Dakota v. Beatrice Quill.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution to authorize testimony, document production, and representation in State of North Dakota v. Beatrice Quill.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution to authorize testimony, document production, and representation in State of North Dakota v. Beatrice Quill.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2022-03-03T21:27:53Z", "update_date_including_text": "2022-11-04T17:25:16Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-07-23T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres516ats/xml/BILLS-113sres516ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres516ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres516ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T00:24:01.405", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-516", "legis_num": 516, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-516-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 516 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES July 23, 2014 Mr. Reid (for himself and Mr. McConnell ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION To authorize testimony, document production, and representation in State of North Dakota v. Beatrice Quill .\n\nWhereas, in the case of State of North Dakota v. Beatrice Quill , Crim. No. 08–2014–CR–01545, pending in South Central Judicial District Court in Bismarck, North Dakota, the prosecution has requested the production of testimony from two employees in the Bismarck, North Dakota office of Senator Heidi Heitkamp, and a video recording from that office; Whereas, pursuant to sections 703(a) and 704(a)(2) of the Ethics in Government Act of 1978, 2 U.S.C. §§ 288b(a) and 288c(a)(2), the Senate may direct its counsel to represent current or former employees of the Senate with respect to any subpoena, order, or request for testimony relating to their official responsibilities; Whereas, by the privileges of the Senate of the United States and Rule XI of the Standing Rules of the Senate, no evidence under the control or in the possession of the Senate may, by the judicial or administrative process, be taken from such control or possession but by permission of the Senate; and Whereas, when it appears that evidence under the control or in the possession of the Senate may promote the administration of justice, the Senate will take such action as will promote the ends of justice consistent with the privileges of the Senate: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat Megan Carranza and Jane Opdahl, employees in the Office of Senator Heidi Heitkamp, and any other current or former employee of the Senator's office from whom relevant evidence may be necessary, are authorized to produce documents and provide testimony in the case of State of North Dakota v. Beatrice Quill , except concerning matters for which a privilege should be asserted. 2. The Senate Legal Counsel is authorized to represent employees of Senator Heitkamp's office in connection with the production of evidence authorized in section one of this resolution.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 516 ATS: To authorize testimony, document production, and representation in State of North Dakota v. Beatrice Quill.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-07-23\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 516\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140723\">\n July 23, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S198\">\n Mr. Reid\n </sponsor>\n (for himself and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S174\">\n Mr. McConnell\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n To authorize testimony, document production, and representation in\n <italic>\n State of North Dakota v. Beatrice Quill\n </italic>\n .\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, in the case of\n <italic>\n State of North Dakota v. Beatrice Quill\n </italic>\n , Crim. No. 08–2014–CR–01545, pending in South Central Judicial District Court in Bismarck, North\n\t\t\t Dakota, the prosecution has requested the production of testimony from two\n\t\t\t employees in the Bismarck, North Dakota office of Senator Heidi Heitkamp,\n\t\t\t and a video recording from that office;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, pursuant to sections 703(a) and 704(a)(2) of the Ethics in Government Act of 1978, 2\n\t\t\t U.S.C. §§ 288b(a) and 288c(a)(2), the Senate may direct its counsel to\n\t\t\t represent current or former employees of the Senate with respect to any\n\t\t\t subpoena, order, or request for testimony relating to their official\n\t\t\t responsibilities;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, by the privileges of the Senate of the United States and Rule XI of the Standing Rules of\n\t\t\t the Senate, no evidence under the control or in the possession of the\n\t\t\t Senate may, by the judicial or administrative process, be taken from such\n\t\t\t control or possession but by permission of the Senate; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, when it appears that evidence under the control or in the possession of the Senate may\n\t\t\t promote the administration of justice, the Senate will take such action as\n\t\t\t will promote the ends of justice consistent with the privileges of the\n\t\t\t Senate: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body style=\"traditional\">\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That Megan Carranza and Jane Opdahl, employees in the Office of Senator Heidi Heitkamp, and any\n\t\t\t other current or former employee of the Senator's office from whom\n\t\t\t relevant evidence may be necessary, are authorized to produce documents\n\t\t\t and provide testimony in the case of\n <italic>\n State of North Dakota v. Beatrice Quill\n </italic>\n , except concerning matters for which a privilege should be asserted.\n </text>\n </section>\n <section id=\"id82630D88AA964CCFAD4F6138BF504F7F\" section-type=\"subsequent-section\">\n <enum>\n 2.\n </enum>\n <text>\n The Senate Legal Counsel is authorized to represent employees of Senator Heitkamp's office in\n\t\t\t connection with the production of evidence authorized in section one of\n\t\t\t this resolution.\n </text>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-06 01:39:03.367
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 517 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-11T13:25:42Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-11T13:25:42Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-07-24 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2014-07-24T19:31:40Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-24 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S4908) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-24 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> G000359 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Graham, Lindsey [R-SC] </fullName> <firstName> Lindsey </firstName> <lastName> Graham </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> SC </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> S000148 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Schumer, Charles E. [D-NY] </fullName> <firstName> Charles </firstName> <lastName> Schumer </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> A000368 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Ayotte, Kelly [R-NH] </fullName> <firstName> Kelly </firstName> <lastName> Ayotte </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000141 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cardin, Benjamin L. [D-MD] </fullName> <firstName> Ben </firstName> <lastName> Cardin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000595 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Rubio, Marco [R-FL] </fullName> <firstName> Marco </firstName> <lastName> Rubio </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001277 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Blumenthal, Richard [D-CT] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Blumenthal </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CT </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001288 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Booker, Cory A. [D-NJ] </fullName> <firstName> Cory </firstName> <lastName> Booker </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000702 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Mikulski, Barbara A. [D-MD] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> MIKULSKI </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> ANN </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-30 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Arab-Israeli relations </name> </item> <item> <name> Conflicts and wars </name> </item> <item> <name> Gaza Strip </name> </item> <item> <name> Israel </name> </item> <item> <name> Middle East </name> </item> <item> <name> Palestinians </name> </item> <item> <name> Sovereignty, recognition, national governance and status </name> </item> <item> <name> Terrorism </name> </item> <item> <name> United Nations </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-24 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-07-25T16:55:47Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Supports Israel's right to defend its citizens and ensure Israel's survival.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Calls on the United Nations (U.N.) Secretary General to condemn Hamas's attacks on Israel, and urges the international community to condemn the rocket fire at Israel.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Recognizes that Israel must be allowed to take actions necessary to remove the present and future threats posed by Hamas's rockets and tunnels. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Calls on Hamas to cease all rocket and other attacks against Israel and to stop using Gaza residents as human shields. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Opposes efforts to impose a cease fire that does not allow Israel to protect its citizens from threats posed by Hamas rockets and tunnels.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution expressing support for Israel's right to defend itself and calling on Hamas to immediately cease all rocket and other attacks against Israel. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing support for Israel's right to defend itself and calling on Hamas to immediately cease all rocket and other attacks against Israel. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing support for Israel's right to defend itself and calling on Hamas to immediately cease all rocket and other attacks against Israel. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2014-07-24T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres517is/xml/BILLS-113sres517is.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-07-24 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S4908) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-07-24", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-24", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S4908)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 517, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "International Affairs", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "G000359", "district": null, "first_name": "Lindsey", "full_name": "Sen. Graham, Lindsey [R-SC]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Graham", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "SC" } ], "subjects": [ "Arab-Israeli relations", "Conflicts and wars", "Gaza Strip", "Israel", "Middle East", "Palestinians", "Sovereignty, recognition, national governance and status", "Terrorism", "United Nations" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-07-24", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Supports Israel's right to defend its citizens and ensure Israel's survival.</p> <p> Calls on the United Nations (U.N.) Secretary General to condemn Hamas's attacks on Israel, and urges the international community to condemn the rocket fire at Israel.</p> <p> Recognizes that Israel must be allowed to take actions necessary to remove the present and future threats posed by Hamas's rockets and tunnels. </p> <p>Calls on Hamas to cease all rocket and other attacks against Israel and to stop using Gaza residents as human shields. </p> <p>Opposes efforts to impose a cease fire that does not allow Israel to protect its citizens from threats posed by Hamas rockets and tunnels.</p>", "update_date": "2014-07-25T16:55:47Z", "version_code": "00" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-07-24T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres517is/xml/BILLS-113sres517is.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution expressing support for Israel's right to defend itself and calling on Hamas to immediately cease all rocket and other attacks against Israel.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing support for Israel's right to defend itself and calling on Hamas to immediately cease all rocket and other attacks against Israel.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing support for Israel's right to defend itself and calling on Hamas to immediately cease all rocket and other attacks against Israel.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2023-01-11T13:25:42Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-11T13:25:42Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-07-24T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres517is/xml/BILLS-113sres517is.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres517is.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres517is.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T00:24:01.365", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-517", "legis_num": 517, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "is", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-517-is-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 517 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES July 24, 2014 Mr. Graham (for himself, Mr. Schumer , Ms. Ayotte , Mr. Cardin , Mr. Rubio , and Mr. Blumenthal ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations RESOLUTION Expressing support for Israel's right to defend itself and calling on Hamas to immediately cease all rocket and other attacks against Israel.\n\nWhereas, on July 17, 2014, the Senate unanimously passed a resolution supporting Israel’s absolute right to defend its citizens and ensure the survival of the State of Israel, condemning the actions of Hamas, and calling for the President of the Palestinian Authority to dissolve the unity government with Hamas; Whereas, since June 2014, Hamas has fired over 1,800 rockets at Israel; Whereas Hamas has used a system of tunnels to smuggle weapons and launch attacks on Israel; Whereas, since ground operations in Gaza began, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have discovered 28 of these tunnels whose only purpose is to kill and kidnap Israelis; Whereas Hamas’ weapons arsenal includes approximately 12,000 rockets that vary in range; Whereas innocent Israeli civilians are indiscriminately targeted by Hamas rocket attacks; Whereas 5,000,000 Israelis are currently living under the threat of rocket attacks from Gaza; Whereas the Iron Dome system has saved countless lives inside Israel; Whereas, consistent with Article 51 of the United Nations charter, which recognizes a nation’s right to self-defense, Israel must be allowed to take any actions necessary to remove those threats; Whereas the IDF has used text messages, leaflet drops, phone calls, and other methods to clear out areas and avoid unnecessary civilian casualties; Whereas Hamas uses civilians in Gaza as human shields by placing missile launchers next to schools, hospitals, mosques, and private homes; Whereas Hamas’ interior ministry has called on residents of Gaza to ignore IDF warning to get out of harm’s way; and Whereas any effort to broker a ceasefire agreement that does not eliminate those threats cannot be sustained in the long run and will leave Israel vulnerable to future attacks: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) reaffirms its support for Israel’s right to defend its citizens and ensure the survival of the State of Israel; (2) calls on the United Nations Secretary General to immediately condemn the terrorist attacks by Hamas on Israel; (3) urges the international community to condemn the unprovoked rocket fire at Israel; (4) recognizes that the Government of Israel must be allowed to take actions necessary to remove the present and future threats posed by Hamas’ rockets and tunnels; (5) calls on Hamas to immediately cease all rocket and other attacks against Israel; (6) opposes any efforts to impose a cease fire that does not allow for the Government of Israel to protect its citizens from threats posed by Hamas rockets and tunnels; and (7) calls on Hamas to stop using residents of Gaza as human shields.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Introduced-in-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 517 IS: Expressing support for Israel's right to defend itself and calling on Hamas to immediately cease all rocket and other attacks against Israel.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-07-24\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 517\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140724\">\n July 24, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S293\">\n Mr. Graham\n </sponsor>\n (for himself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S270\">\n Mr. Schumer\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S340\">\n Ms. Ayotte\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S308\">\n Mr. Cardin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S350\">\n Mr. Rubio\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S341\">\n Mr. Blumenthal\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name committee-id=\"SSFR00\">\n Committee on Foreign Relations\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Expressing support for Israel's right to defend itself and calling on Hamas to immediately cease\n\t\t\t all rocket and other attacks against Israel.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, on July 17, 2014, the Senate unanimously passed a resolution supporting\n\t\t\t Israel’s absolute right to defend its citizens and ensure the survival of\n\t\t\t the State of Israel, condemning the actions of Hamas, and calling for the \n\t\t\t President of the Palestinian Authority to dissolve the unity government\n\t\t\t with Hamas;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, since June 2014, Hamas has fired over 1,800 rockets at Israel;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Hamas has used a system of tunnels to smuggle weapons and launch attacks on Israel;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, since ground operations in Gaza began, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have discovered 28\n\t\t\t of these tunnels whose only purpose is to kill and kidnap Israelis;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Hamas’ weapons arsenal includes approximately 12,000 rockets that vary in range;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas innocent Israeli civilians are indiscriminately targeted by Hamas rocket attacks;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas 5,000,000 Israelis are currently living under the threat of rocket attacks from Gaza;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Iron Dome system has saved countless lives inside Israel;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, consistent with Article 51 of the United Nations charter, which recognizes a nation’s\n\t\t\t right to self-defense,\n\t\t\t Israel must be allowed to take any actions necessary to remove those\n\t\t\t threats;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the IDF has used text messages, leaflet drops, phone calls, and other methods to clear out\n\t\t\t areas and avoid unnecessary civilian casualties;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Hamas uses civilians in Gaza as human shields by placing missile launchers next to schools,\n\t\t\t hospitals, mosques, and private homes;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Hamas’ interior ministry has called on residents of Gaza to ignore IDF warning to get out\n\t\t\t of\n\t\t\t harm’s way; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas any effort to broker a ceasefire agreement that does not eliminate those threats cannot be\n\t\t\t sustained in the long run and will leave Israel vulnerable to future\n\t\t\t attacks: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"ida07cab3075224deda9e6117c310a3bec\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n reaffirms its support for Israel’s right to defend its citizens and ensure the survival of the\n\t\t\t State of Israel;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idda814aecc0c8436e9b928b741bcddfa2\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n calls on the United Nations Secretary General to immediately condemn the terrorist attacks by Hamas\n\t\t\t on Israel;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id1bfe48489fa54153a1b2515c8c75a197\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n urges the international community to condemn the unprovoked rocket fire at Israel;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id4038266e4a0743099d3bae956b938214\">\n <enum>\n (4)\n </enum>\n <text>\n recognizes that the Government of Israel must be allowed to take actions necessary to remove the\n\t\t\t present and future threats posed by Hamas’ rockets and tunnels;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id5a9ec75e7f3b443f978c55d8a4fb5c6d\">\n <enum>\n (5)\n </enum>\n <text>\n calls on Hamas to immediately cease all rocket and other attacks against Israel;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id6072713d424b4b1191eab269e43e5d39\">\n <enum>\n (6)\n </enum>\n <text>\n opposes any efforts to impose a cease fire that does not allow for the Government of Israel to\n\t\t\t protect\n\t\t\t its citizens from threats posed by Hamas rockets and tunnels; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idc7a1942cf60f4654bec563d1827a7646\">\n <enum>\n (7)\n </enum>\n <text>\n calls on Hamas to stop using residents of Gaza\tas human shields.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-06 01:39:03.493
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 518 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-11T13:25:42Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-11T13:25:42Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-07-24 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2014-07-24T19:42:59Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <relatedBills> <item> <title> A resolution designating the week of October 13, 2013, through October 19, 2013, as "National Case Management Week" to recognize the value of case management in improving healthcare outcomes for patients. </title> <congress> 113 </congress> <number> 214 </number> <type> SRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2013-09-27 </actionDate> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-24 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR S4908) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-24 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> P000590 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Pryor, Mark L. [D-AR] </fullName> <firstName> Mark </firstName> <lastName> Pryor </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AR </state> <middleName> Lunsford </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> B001236 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Boozman, John [R-AR] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Boozman </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AR </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Health </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Commemorative events and holidays </name> </item> <item> <name> Health care costs and insurance </name> </item> <item> <name> Health care quality </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Health </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-24 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-08-20T15:29:06Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt; Designates the week of October 12-October 18, 2014, as National Case Management Week.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Recognizes the role of case management in providing successful and cost-effective health care.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution designating the week of October 12 through October 18, 2014, as "National Case Management Week" to recognize the role of case management in improving health care outcomes for patients. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution designating the week of October 12 through October 18, 2014, as "National Case Management Week" to recognize the role of case management in improving health care outcomes for patients. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution designating the week of October 12 through October 18, 2014, as "National Case Management Week" to recognize the role of case management in improving health care outcomes for patients. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2014-07-24T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres518is/xml/BILLS-113sres518is.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-07-24 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR S4908) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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Boozman, John [R-AR]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Boozman", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-24", "state": "AR" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-07-24", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-24", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. 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[D-AR]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Pryor", "middle_name": "Lunsford", "party": "D", "state": "AR" } ], "subjects": [ "Commemorative events and holidays", "Health care costs and insurance", "Health care quality" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-07-24", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p> Designates the week of October 12-October 18, 2014, as National Case Management Week.</p> <p>Recognizes the role of case management in providing successful and cost-effective health care.</p>", "update_date": "2014-08-20T15:29:06Z", "version_code": "00" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-07-24T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres518is/xml/BILLS-113sres518is.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution designating the week of October 12 through October 18, 2014, as \"National Case Management Week\" to recognize the role of case management in improving health care outcomes for patients.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating the week of October 12 through October 18, 2014, as \"National Case Management Week\" to recognize the role of case management in improving health care outcomes for patients.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating the week of October 12 through October 18, 2014, as \"National Case Management Week\" to recognize the role of case management in improving health care outcomes for patients.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2023-01-11T13:25:42Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-11T13:25:42Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-07-24T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres518is/xml/BILLS-113sres518is.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres518is.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres518is.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T00:24:01.324", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-518", "legis_num": 518, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "is", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-518-is-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 518 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES July 24, 2014 Mr. Pryor (for himself and Mr. Boozman ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary RESOLUTION Designating the week of October 12 through October 18, 2014, as National Case Management Week to recognize the role of case management in improving health care outcomes for patients.\n\nWhereas case management is a collaborative process of assessment, education, planning, facilitation, care coordination, evaluation, and advocacy; Whereas the goal of case management is to meet the health needs of the patient and the family of the patient, while respecting and assuring the right of the patient to self-determination through communication and other available resources in order to promote high-quality, cost-effective outcomes; Whereas case managers are advocates who help patients understand their current health status, guide patients on ways to improve their health, and provide cohesion with other professionals on the health care delivery team; Whereas the American Case Management Association and the Case Management Society of America work diligently to raise awareness about the broad range of services case managers offer and to educate providers, payers, regulators, and consumers on the improved patient outcomes that case management services can provide; Whereas through National Case Management Week, the American Case Management Association and the Case Management Society of America aim to continue to educate providers, payers, regulators, and consumers about how vital case managers are to the successful delivery of health care; Whereas the American Case Management Association and the Case Management Society of America will celebrate National Case Management Week during the week of October 12 through October 18, 2014, in order to recognize case managers as an essential link to patients receiving quality health care; and Whereas it is appropriate to recognize the many achievements of case managers in improving health care outcomes: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) designates the week of October 12 through October 18, 2014, as National Case Management Week ; (2) recognizes the role of case management in providing successful and cost-effective health care; and (3) encourages the people of the United States to observe National Case Management Week and learn about the field of case management.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Introduced-in-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 518 IS: Designating the week of October 12 through October 18, 2014, as “National Case Management Week” to recognize the role of case management in improving health care outcomes for patients.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-07-24\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 518\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140724\">\n July 24, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S295\">\n Mr. Pryor\n </sponsor>\n (for himself and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S343\">\n Mr. Boozman\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name committee-id=\"SSJU00\">\n Committee on the Judiciary\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Designating the week of October 12 through October 18, 2014, as\n <quote>\n National Case Management Week\n </quote>\n to recognize the role of case management in improving health care outcomes for patients.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas case management is a collaborative process of assessment, education, planning,\n\t\t\t facilitation, care coordination, evaluation, and advocacy;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the goal of case management is to meet the health needs of the patient and the family of\n\t\t\t the patient, while respecting and assuring the right of the patient to\n\t\t\t self-determination through communication and other available resources in\n\t\t\t order to promote high-quality, cost-effective outcomes;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas case managers are advocates who help patients understand their current health status, guide\n\t\t\t patients on ways to improve their health, and provide cohesion with other\n\t\t\t professionals on the health care delivery team;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the American Case Management Association and the Case Management Society of America work\n\t\t\t diligently to raise awareness about the broad range of services case\n\t\t\t managers offer and to educate providers, payers, regulators, and consumers\n\t\t\t on the improved patient outcomes that case management services can\n\t\t\t provide;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas through National Case Management Week, the American Case Management Association and the\n\t\t\t Case Management Society of America aim to continue to educate providers,\n\t\t\t payers, regulators, and consumers about how vital case managers are to the\n\t\t\t successful delivery of health care;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the American Case Management Association and the Case Management Society of America will\n\t\t\t celebrate National Case Management Week during the week of October 12\n\t\t\t through October 18, 2014, in order to recognize case managers as an\n\t\t\t essential link to patients receiving quality health care; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas it is appropriate to recognize the many achievements of case managers in improving health\n\t\t\t care outcomes: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"id3a163e92b4b64e3f9b04a4808fa333a0\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n designates the week of October 12 through October 18, 2014, as\n <quote>\n National Case Management Week\n </quote>\n ;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id2ccc627aa75e46a0a474705ddcb5029e\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n recognizes the role of case management in providing successful and cost-effective health care; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id901e34cdc7aa4a5e8fca691f76c142b2\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n encourages the people of the United States to observe National Case Management Week and learn about\n\t\t\t the field of case management.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-04 19:16:00.532
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 519 </number> <updateDate> 2019-02-20T12:28:58Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2022-11-04T17:24:53Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-07-24 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <relatedBills> <item> <title> A resolution designating August 16, 2013, as "National Airborne Day". </title> <congress> 113 </congress> <number> 207 </number> <type> SRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2013-07-31 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S6138; text as passed Senate: CR S6131-6132) </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-24 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4973-4974; text as passed Senate: CR S4908-4909) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-24 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S4973-4974; text as passed Senate: CR S4908-4909) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-24 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> M001153 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Murkowski, Lisa [R-AK] </fullName> <firstName> Lisa </firstName> <lastName> Murkowski </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AK </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> R000122 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Reed, Jack [D-RI] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Reed </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> RI </state> <middleName> F. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000146 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Reid, Harry [D-NV] </fullName> <firstName> HARRY </firstName> <lastName> REID </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NV </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000355 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. McConnell, Mitch [R-KY] </fullName> <firstName> Mitch </firstName> <lastName> McConnell </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KY </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001049 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hagan, Kay R. [D-NC] </fullName> <firstName> Kay </firstName> <lastName> Hagan </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NC </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000802 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Whitehouse, Sheldon [D-RI] </fullName> <firstName> Sheldon </firstName> <lastName> Whitehouse </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> RI </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001277 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Blumenthal, Richard [D-CT] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Blumenthal </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CT </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001111 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Murray, Patty [D-WA] </fullName> <firstName> Patty </firstName> <lastName> Murray </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001183 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Manchin, Joe, III [D-WV] </fullName> <firstName> Joseph </firstName> <lastName> Manchin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WV </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001070 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Casey, Robert P., Jr. [D-PA] </fullName> <firstName> Bob </firstName> <lastName> Casey </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> PA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000595 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Rubio, Marco [R-FL] </fullName> <firstName> Marco </firstName> <lastName> Rubio </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000575 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Blunt, Roy [R-MO] </fullName> <firstName> Roy </firstName> <lastName> Blunt </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MO </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001135 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Burr, Richard [R-NC] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Burr </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NC </state> <middleName> Mauze </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001265 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Begich, Mark [D-AK] </fullName> <firstName> Mark </firstName> <lastName> Begich </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AK </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> A000368 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Ayotte, Kelly [R-NH] </fullName> <firstName> Kelly </firstName> <lastName> Ayotte </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000934 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Moran, Jerry [R-KS] </fullName> <firstName> Jerry </firstName> <lastName> Moran </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KS </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000567 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cochran, Thad [R-MS] </fullName> <firstName> Thad </firstName> <lastName> Cochran </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MS </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000464 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Tester, Jon [D-MT] </fullName> <firstName> Jon </firstName> <lastName> Tester </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MT </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000818 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Walsh, John E. [D-MT] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Walsh </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MT </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000286 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Chambliss, Saxby [R-GA] </fullName> <firstName> SAXBY </firstName> <lastName> CHAMBLISS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> GA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-30 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Armed Forces and National Security </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Commemorative events and holidays </name> </item> <item> <name> Military history </name> </item> <item> <name> Military personnel and dependents </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Armed Forces and National Security </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-24 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-08-14T14:55:38Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Designates August 16, 2014, as National Airborne Day.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-24 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-08-14T14:55:53Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Designates August 16, 2014, as National Airborne Day.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution designating August 16, 2014, as "National Airborne Day". </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution designating August 16, 2014, as "National Airborne Day". </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution designating August 16, 2014, as "National Airborne Day". </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-07-24T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres519ats/xml/BILLS-113sres519ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-07-24 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4973-4974; text as passed Senate: CR S4908-4909) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-24", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4973-4974; text as passed Senate: CR S4908-4909)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2014-07-24", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S4973-4974; text as passed Senate: CR S4908-4909)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-07-24", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "R000122", "district": null, "first_name": "John", "full_name": "Sen. 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Whitehouse, Sheldon [D-RI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Whitehouse", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-24", "state": "RI" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001277", "district": null, "first_name": "Richard", "full_name": "Sen. Blumenthal, Richard [D-CT]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Blumenthal", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-24", "state": "CT" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001111", "district": null, "first_name": "Patty", "full_name": "Sen. Murray, Patty [D-WA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Murray", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-24", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001183", "district": null, "first_name": "Joseph", "full_name": "Sen. Manchin, Joe, III [D-WV]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Manchin", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-24", "state": "WV" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001070", "district": null, "first_name": "Bob", "full_name": "Sen. Casey, Robert P., Jr. [D-PA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Casey", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-24", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000595", "district": null, "first_name": "Marco", "full_name": "Sen. Rubio, Marco [R-FL]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Rubio", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-24", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000575", "district": null, "first_name": "Roy", "full_name": "Sen. 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As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-07-24", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-24", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4973-4974; text as passed Senate: CR S4908-4909)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 519, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": null, "policy_area": "Armed Forces and National Security", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 113, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2013-07-31", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S6138; text as passed Senate: CR S6131-6132)", "type": null }, "number": 207, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "A resolution designating August 16, 2013, as \"National Airborne Day\".", "type": "SRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "M001153", "district": null, "first_name": "Lisa", "full_name": "Sen. Murkowski, Lisa [R-AK]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Murkowski", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "AK" } ], "subjects": [ "Commemorative events and holidays", "Military history", "Military personnel and dependents" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-07-24", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Designates August 16, 2014, as National Airborne Day.</p>", "update_date": "2014-08-14T14:55:38Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2014-07-24", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Designates August 16, 2014, as National Airborne Day.</p>", "update_date": "2014-08-14T14:55:53Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-07-24T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres519ats/xml/BILLS-113sres519ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution designating August 16, 2014, as \"National Airborne Day\".", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating August 16, 2014, as \"National Airborne Day\".", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating August 16, 2014, as \"National Airborne Day\".", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2019-02-20T12:28:58Z", "update_date_including_text": "2022-11-04T17:24:53Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-07-24T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres519ats/xml/BILLS-113sres519ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres519ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres519ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T00:24:01.285", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-519", "legis_num": 519, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-519-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 519 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES July 24, 2014 Ms. Murkowski (for herself, Mr. Reed , Mr. Reid , Mr. McConnell , Mrs. Hagan , Mr. Whitehouse , Mr. Blumenthal , Mrs. Murray , Mr. Manchin , Mr. Casey , Mr. Rubio , Mr. Blunt , Mr. Burr , Mr. Begich , Ms. Ayotte , Mr. Moran , Mr. Cochran , Mr. Tester , and Mr. Walsh ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Designating August 16, 2014, as National Airborne Day .\n\nWhereas the members of the airborne forces of the Armed Forces of the United States have a long and honorable history as bold and fierce warriors who, for the national security of the United States and the defense of freedom and peace, project the ground combat power of the United States by air transport to the far reaches of the battle area and to the far corners of the world; Whereas the experiment of the United States with airborne operations began on June 25, 1940, when the Army Parachute Test Platoon was first authorized by the Department of War, and 48 volunteers began training in July 1940; Whereas August 16 marks the anniversary of the first official Army parachute jump, which took place on August 16, 1940, to test the innovative concept of inserting United States ground combat forces behind a battle line by means of a parachute; Whereas the success of the Army Parachute Test Platoon in the days immediately before the entry of the United States into World War II validated the airborne operational concept and led to the creation of a formidable force of airborne formations that included the 11 th , 13 th , 17 th , 82 nd , and 101 st Airborne Divisions; Whereas, included in those divisions, and among other separate formations, were many airborne combat, combat support, and combat service support units that served with distinction and achieved repeated success in armed hostilities during World War II; Whereas the achievements of the airborne units during World War II prompted the evolution of those units into a diversified force of parachute and air-assault units that, over the years, have fought in Korea, Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, the Persian Gulf region, and Somalia, and have engaged in peacekeeping operations in Lebanon, the Sinai Peninsula, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Bosnia, and Kosovo; Whereas, since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, the members of the United States airborne forces, including members of the XVIII Airborne Corps, the 82 nd Airborne Division, the 101 st Airborne Division, the 173 rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team, the 4 th Brigade Combat Team (Airborne) of the 25 th Infantry Division, the 75 th Ranger Regiment, special operations forces of the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, and Air Force, and other units of the Armed Forces, have demonstrated bravery and honor in combat, stability, and training operations in Afghanistan and Iraq; Whereas the modern-day airborne forces also include other elite forces composed of airborne trained and qualified special operations warriors, including Army Special Forces, Marine Corps Reconnaissance units, Navy SEALs, and Air Force combat control and pararescue teams; Whereas, of the members and former members of the United States airborne forces, thousands have achieved the distinction of making combat jumps, dozens have earned the Medal of Honor, and hundreds have earned the Distinguished Service Cross, the Silver Star, or other decorations and awards for displays of heroism, gallantry, intrepidity, and valor; Whereas the members and former members of the United States airborne forces are all members of a proud and honorable tradition that, together with the special skills and achievements of those members, distinguishes the members as intrepid combat parachutists, air assault forces, special operation forces, and, in the past, glider troops; Whereas individuals from every State of the United States have served gallantly in the airborne forces, and each State is proud of the contributions of its paratrooper veterans during the many conflicts faced by the United States; Whereas the history and achievements of the members and former members of the United States airborne forces warrant special expressions of the gratitude of the people of the United States; and Whereas, since the airborne forces, past and present, celebrate August 16 as the anniversary of the first official jump by the Army Parachute Test Platoon, August 16 is an appropriate day to recognize as National Airborne Day: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) designates August 16, 2014, as National Airborne Day ; and (2) calls on the people of the United States to observe National Airborne Day with appropriate programs, ceremonies, and activities.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 519 ATS: Designating August 16, 2014, as “National Airborne Day”.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-07-24\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress>\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session>\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 519\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action>\n <action-date date=\"20140724\">\n July 24, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S288\">\n Ms. Murkowski\n </sponsor>\n (for herself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S259\">\n Mr. Reed\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S198\">\n Mr. Reid\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S174\">\n Mr. McConnell\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S320\">\n Mrs. Hagan\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S316\">\n Mr. Whitehouse\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S341\">\n Mr. Blumenthal\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S229\">\n Mrs. Murray\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S338\">\n Mr. Manchin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S309\">\n Mr. Casey\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S350\">\n Mr. Rubio\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S342\">\n Mr. Blunt\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S300\">\n Mr. Burr\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S319\">\n Mr. Begich\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S340\">\n Ms. Ayotte\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S347\">\n Mr. Moran\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S136\">\n Mr. Cochran\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S314\">\n Mr. Tester\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S371\">\n Mr. Walsh\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Designating August 16, 2014, as\n <quote>\n National Airborne Day\n </quote>\n .\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the members of the airborne forces of the Armed\n\t\t\t Forces of the United States have a long and honorable history as bold and\n\t\t\t fierce warriors who, for the national security of the United States and\n\t\t\t the\n\t\t\t defense of freedom and peace, project the ground combat power of the\n\t\t\t United\n\t\t\t States by air transport to the far reaches of the battle area and to the\n\t\t\t far\n\t\t\t corners of the world;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the experiment of the United States with airborne\n\t\t\t operations began on June 25, 1940, when the Army Parachute Test Platoon\n\t\t\t was\n\t\t\t first authorized by the Department of War, and 48 volunteers began\n\t\t\t training in\n\t\t\t July 1940;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas August 16 marks the anniversary of the first\n\t\t\t official Army parachute jump, which took place on August 16, 1940, to test\n\t\t\t the\n\t\t\t innovative concept of inserting United States ground combat forces behind\n\t\t\t a\n\t\t\t battle line by means of a parachute;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the success of the Army Parachute Test Platoon in\n\t\t\t the days immediately before the entry of the United States into World War\n\t\t\t II\n\t\t\t validated the airborne operational concept and led to the creation of a\n\t\t\t formidable force of airborne formations that included the 11\n <superscript>\n th\n </superscript>\n , 13\n <superscript>\n th\n </superscript>\n ,\n\t\t\t 17\n <superscript>\n th\n </superscript>\n ,\n\t\t\t 82\n <superscript>\n nd\n </superscript>\n , and 101\n <superscript>\n st\n </superscript>\n Airborne Divisions;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, included in those divisions, and among other\n\t\t\t separate formations, were many airborne combat, combat support, and combat\n\t\t\t service support units that served with distinction and achieved repeated\n\t\t\t success in armed hostilities during World War II;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the achievements of the airborne units during\n\t\t\t World War II prompted the evolution of those units into a diversified\n\t\t\t force of\n\t\t\t parachute and air-assault units that, over the years, have fought in\n\t\t\t Korea,\n\t\t\t Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, the Persian Gulf region, and Somalia, and have\n\t\t\t engaged in peacekeeping operations in Lebanon, the Sinai Peninsula, the\n\t\t\t Dominican Republic, Haiti, Bosnia, and Kosovo;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, since the terrorist attacks of September 11,\n\t\t\t 2001, the members of the United States airborne forces, including members\n\t\t\t of\n\t\t\t the XVIII Airborne Corps, the 82\n <superscript>\n nd\n </superscript>\n Airborne Division, the 101\n <superscript>\n st\n </superscript>\n Airborne\n\t\t\t Division, the 173\n <superscript>\n rd\n </superscript>\n Airborne Brigade Combat Team, the 4\n <superscript>\n th\n </superscript>\n Brigade Combat\n\t\t\t Team\n\t\t\t (Airborne) of the 25\n <superscript>\n th\n </superscript>\n Infantry Division, the 75\n <superscript>\n th\n </superscript>\n Ranger Regiment,\n\t\t\t special\n\t\t\t operations forces of the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, and Air Force, and\n\t\t\t other\n\t\t\t units of the Armed Forces, have demonstrated bravery and honor in combat,\n\t\t\t stability, and training operations in Afghanistan and Iraq;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the modern-day airborne forces also include other\n\t\t\t elite forces composed of airborne trained and qualified special operations\n\t\t\t warriors, including Army Special Forces, Marine Corps Reconnaissance\n\t\t\t units,\n\t\t\t Navy SEALs, and Air Force combat control and pararescue teams;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, of the members and former members of the United\n\t\t\t States airborne forces, thousands have achieved the distinction of making\n\t\t\t combat jumps, dozens have earned the Medal of Honor, and hundreds have\n\t\t\t earned\n\t\t\t the Distinguished Service Cross, the Silver Star, or other decorations and\n\t\t\t awards for displays of heroism, gallantry, intrepidity, and valor;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the members and former members of the United\n\t\t\t States airborne forces are all members of a proud and honorable tradition\n\t\t\t that,\n\t\t\t together with the special skills and achievements of those members,\n\t\t\t distinguishes the members as intrepid combat parachutists, air assault\n\t\t\t forces,\n\t\t\t special operation forces, and, in the past, glider troops;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas individuals from every State of the United States\n\t\t\t have served gallantly in the airborne forces, and each State is proud of\n\t\t\t the\n\t\t\t contributions of its paratrooper veterans during the many conflicts faced\n\t\t\t by\n\t\t\t the United States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the history and achievements of the members and\n\t\t\t former members of the United States airborne forces warrant special\n\t\t\t expressions\n\t\t\t of the gratitude of the people of the United States; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, since the airborne forces, past and present,\n\t\t\t celebrate August 16 as the anniversary of the first official jump by the\n\t\t\t Army\n\t\t\t Parachute Test Platoon, August 16 is an appropriate day to recognize as\n\t\t\t National Airborne Day: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"idA5E002B87A724280B71A3AEE05C1DBE5\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n designates August\n\t\t\t 16, 2014, as\n <term>\n National Airborne Day\n </term>\n ; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idDB50782758A54FA2B9C69E04FD98888E\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n calls on the\n\t\t\t people of the United States to observe National Airborne Day with\n\t\t\t appropriate\n\t\t\t programs, ceremonies, and activities.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-06 01:39:04.089
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 520 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-11T13:25:42Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-11T13:25:42Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-07-24 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Reported by </name> <date> 2014-07-29T23:39:50Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Markup by </name> <date> 2014-07-29T18:30:00Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2014-07-24T22:24:25Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-31 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and an amended preamble by Unanimous Consent. (text: CR 8/1/2014 S5314-5315) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-31 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and an amended preamble by Unanimous Consent.(text: CR 8/1/2014 S5314-5315) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-31 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Measure laid before Senate by unanimous consent. (consideration: CR 8/1/2014 S5314-5315) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-29 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 497. </text> <type> Calendars </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-29 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Committee on Foreign Relations. Reported by Senator Menendez without amendment and with a preamble. Without written report. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-29 </actionDate> <text> Committee on Foreign Relations. Reported by Senator Menendez without amendment and with a preamble. Without written report. </text> <type> Committee </type> <actionCode> 14000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-29 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Committee on Foreign Relations. Ordered to be reported without amendment favorably. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-24 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S4909) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-24 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> M001169 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Murphy, Christopher [D-CT] </fullName> <firstName> Christopher </firstName> <lastName> Murphy </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CT </state> <middleName> S. </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> J000293 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Johnson, Ron [R-WI] </fullName> <firstName> Ron </firstName> <lastName> Johnson </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> WI </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000563 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Durbin, Richard J. [D-IL] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Durbin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001181 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Shaheen, Jeanne [D-NH] </fullName> <firstName> Jeanne </firstName> <lastName> Shaheen </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Asia </name> </item> <item> <name> Australia </name> </item> <item> <name> Aviation and airports </name> </item> <item> <name> Belgium </name> </item> <item> <name> Canada </name> </item> <item> <name> Conflicts and wars </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Europe </name> </item> <item> <name> European Union </name> </item> <item> <name> Germany </name> </item> <item> <name> Government studies and investigations </name> </item> <item> <name> Indonesia </name> </item> <item> <name> International organizations and cooperation </name> </item> <item> <name> Malaysia </name> </item> <item> <name> Military assistance, sales, and agreements </name> </item> <item> <name> Netherlands </name> </item> <item> <name> New Zealand </name> </item> <item> <name> Oceania </name> </item> <item> <name> Philippines </name> </item> <item> <name> Russia </name> </item> <item> <name> Sanctions </name> </item> <item> <name> Sovereignty, recognition, national governance and status </name> </item> <item> <name> Transportation safety and security </name> </item> <item> <name> Ukraine </name> </item> <item> <name> United Kingdom </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-24 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-07-28T15:45:47Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Condemns the shooting down of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 in Eastern Ukraine that resulted in the deaths of all 298 passengers and crew.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Expresses condolences to the families of the victims and the people of the Netherlands, Malaysia, Australia, Indonesia, Great Britain, Germany, Belgium, the Philippines, Canada, and New Zealand.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Supports the international investigation into the attack on Malaysian Airlines Flight 17, including unobstructed access to the crash site.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Calls on the Russian Federation to stop the flow of weapons and fighters across the border with Ukraine, allow an Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe monitoring mission on the border, and fully cooperate with the international investigation. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Urges the European Union (EU) to join the United State in holding the Russian Federation accountable for its actions in Ukraine through the use of increased sanctions.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 80 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-29 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Reported to Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-07-30T18:37:58Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Condemns the shooting down of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 in Eastern Ukraine that resulted in the deaths of all 298 passengers and crew.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Expresses condolences to the families of the victims and the people of the Netherlands, Malaysia, Australia, Indonesia, Great Britain, Germany, Belgium, the Philippines, Canada, and New Zealand.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Supports the international investigation into the attack on Malaysian Airlines Flight 17, including unobstructed access to the crash site.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Calls on the Russian Federation to stop the flow of weapons and fighters across the border with Ukraine, allow an Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe monitoring mission on the border, and fully cooperate with the international investigation. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Urges the European Union (EU) to join the United State in holding the Russian Federation accountable for its actions in Ukraine through the use of increased sanctions.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-31 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-08-01T21:27:03Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Condemns the shooting down of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 in Eastern Ukraine that resulted in the deaths of all 298 passengers and crew.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Expresses condolences to the families of the victims and the people of the Netherlands, Malaysia, Australia, Indonesia, Great Britain, Germany, Belgium, the Philippines, Canada, and New Zealand.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Supports the international investigation into the attack on Malaysian Airlines Flight 17, including unobstructed access to the crash site.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Calls on the Russian Federation to stop the flow of weapons and fighters across the border with Ukraine, allow an Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe monitoring mission on the border, and fully cooperate with the international investigation. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Urges the European Union (EU) to join the United State in holding the Russian Federation accountable for its actions in Ukraine through the use of increased sanctions.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution condemning the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 and expressing condolences to the families of the victims. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution condemning the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 and expressing condolences to the families of the victims. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution condemning the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 and expressing condolences to the families of the victims. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <amendments> <amendment> <number> 3779 </number> <congress> 113 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To make a technical correction. </purpose> <updateDate> 2021-07-06T14:12:44Z </updateDate> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-07-31 </actionDate> <text> Amendment SA 3779 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent. </text> <links> <link> <name> SA 3779 </name> <url> https://www.congress.gov/amendment/113th-congress/senate-amendment/3779 </url> </link> </links> </latestAction> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> M001169 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Murphy, Christopher [D-CT] </fullName> <firstName> Christopher </firstName> <lastName> Murphy </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CT </state> <middleName> S. </middleName> </item> </sponsors> <proposedDate> 2014-07-31T04:00:00Z </proposedDate> <submittedDate> 2014-07-31T04:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 113 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 520 </number> <title> A resolution condemning the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 and expressing condolences to the families of the victims. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-11T13:25:42Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <actions> <count> 6 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-31 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Amendment SA 3779 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-31 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Amendment SA 3779 proposed by Senator Pryor for Senator Murphy. To make a technical correction. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-31 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment proposed (on the floor): Amendment SA 3779 proposed by Senator Pryor for Senator Murphy. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 93000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-31 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment agreed to: Amendment SA 3779 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 94000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-31 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> </amendments> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-07-31T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres520ats/xml/BILLS-113sres520ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> <item> <type> Reported to Senate </type> <date> 2014-07-29T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres520rs/xml/BILLS-113sres520rs.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2014-07-24T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres520is/xml/BILLS-113sres520is.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-07-31 </actionDate> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and an amended preamble by Unanimous Consent. (text: CR 8/1/2014 S5314-5315) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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(consideration: CR 8/1/2014 S5314-5315)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-29", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 497.", "type": "Calendars" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-29", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Committee on Foreign Relations. Reported by Senator Menendez without amendment and with a preamble. Without written report.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "14000", "action_date": "2014-07-29", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Committee on Foreign Relations. Reported by Senator Menendez without amendment and with a preamble. Without written report.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-29", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Committee on Foreign Relations. Ordered to be reported without amendment favorably.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-24", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S4909)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-07-24", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [ { "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-31", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "0", "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Amendment SA 3779 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-31", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "0", "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Amendment SA 3779 proposed by Senator Pryor for Senator Murphy. To make a technical correction.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "93000", "action_date": "2014-07-31", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment proposed (on the floor): Amendment SA 3779 proposed by Senator Pryor for Senator Murphy.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "94000", "action_date": "2014-07-31", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment agreed to: Amendment SA 3779 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "91000", "action_date": "2014-07-31", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment submitted", "type": "Floor" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "congress": 113, "description": null, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-31", "action_time": null, "links": [ { "name": "SA 3779", "url": "https://www.congress.gov/amendment/113th-congress/senate-amendment/3779" } ], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Amendment SA 3779 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.", "type": null }, "links": [], "number": 3779, "purpose": "To make a technical correction.", "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "M001169", "district": null, "first_name": "Christopher", "full_name": "Sen. 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Johnson, Ron [R-WI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Johnson", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-24", "state": "WI" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000563", "district": null, "first_name": "Richard", "full_name": "Sen. Durbin, Richard J. [D-IL]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Durbin", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-28", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001181", "district": null, "first_name": "Jeanne", "full_name": "Sen. Shaheen, Jeanne [D-NH]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Shaheen", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-29", "state": "NH" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-07-24", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-31", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and an amended preamble by Unanimous Consent. (text: CR 8/1/2014 S5314-5315)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 520, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "International Affairs", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "M001169", "district": null, "first_name": "Christopher", "full_name": "Sen. Murphy, Christopher [D-CT]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Murphy", "middle_name": "S.", "party": "D", "state": "CT" } ], "subjects": [ "Asia", "Australia", "Aviation and airports", "Belgium", "Canada", "Conflicts and wars", "Congressional tributes", "Europe", "European Union", "Germany", "Government studies and investigations", "Indonesia", "International organizations and cooperation", "Malaysia", "Military assistance, sales, and agreements", "Netherlands", "New Zealand", "Oceania", "Philippines", "Russia", "Sanctions", "Sovereignty, recognition, national governance and status", "Transportation safety and security", "Ukraine", "United Kingdom" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-07-24", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Condemns the shooting down of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 in Eastern Ukraine that resulted in the deaths of all 298 passengers and crew.</p> <p> Expresses condolences to the families of the victims and the people of the Netherlands, Malaysia, Australia, Indonesia, Great Britain, Germany, Belgium, the Philippines, Canada, and New Zealand.</p> <p> Supports the international investigation into the attack on Malaysian Airlines Flight 17, including unobstructed access to the crash site.</p> <p> Calls on the Russian Federation to stop the flow of weapons and fighters across the border with Ukraine, allow an Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe monitoring mission on the border, and fully cooperate with the international investigation. </p> <p> Urges the European Union (EU) to join the United State in holding the Russian Federation accountable for its actions in Ukraine through the use of increased sanctions.</p>", "update_date": "2014-07-28T15:45:47Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2014-07-29", "action_desc": "Reported to Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Condemns the shooting down of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 in Eastern Ukraine that resulted in the deaths of all 298 passengers and crew.</p> <p> Expresses condolences to the families of the victims and the people of the Netherlands, Malaysia, Australia, Indonesia, Great Britain, Germany, Belgium, the Philippines, Canada, and New Zealand.</p> <p> Supports the international investigation into the attack on Malaysian Airlines Flight 17, including unobstructed access to the crash site.</p> <p> Calls on the Russian Federation to stop the flow of weapons and fighters across the border with Ukraine, allow an Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe monitoring mission on the border, and fully cooperate with the international investigation. </p> <p> Urges the European Union (EU) to join the United State in holding the Russian Federation accountable for its actions in Ukraine through the use of increased sanctions.</p>", "update_date": "2014-07-30T18:37:58Z", "version_code": "80" }, { "action_date": "2014-07-31", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Condemns the shooting down of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 in Eastern Ukraine that resulted in the deaths of all 298 passengers and crew.</p> <p> Expresses condolences to the families of the victims and the people of the Netherlands, Malaysia, Australia, Indonesia, Great Britain, Germany, Belgium, the Philippines, Canada, and New Zealand.</p> <p> Supports the international investigation into the attack on Malaysian Airlines Flight 17, including unobstructed access to the crash site.</p> <p> Calls on the Russian Federation to stop the flow of weapons and fighters across the border with Ukraine, allow an Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe monitoring mission on the border, and fully cooperate with the international investigation. </p> <p> Urges the European Union (EU) to join the United State in holding the Russian Federation accountable for its actions in Ukraine through the use of increased sanctions.</p>", "update_date": "2014-08-01T21:27:03Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-07-31T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres520ats/xml/BILLS-113sres520ats.xml" }, { "date": "2014-07-29T04:00:00Z", "type": "Reported to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres520rs/xml/BILLS-113sres520rs.xml" }, { "date": "2014-07-24T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres520is/xml/BILLS-113sres520is.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution condemning the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 and expressing condolences to the families of the victims.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution condemning the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 and expressing condolences to the families of the victims.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution condemning the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 and expressing condolences to the families of the victims.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2023-01-11T13:25:42Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-11T13:25:42Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-07-31T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres520ats/xml/BILLS-113sres520ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres520ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres520ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T00:24:01.248", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-520", "legis_num": 520, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-520-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 520 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES July 24, 2014 Mr. Murphy (for himself, Mr. Johnson of Wisconsin , Mr. Durbin , and Mrs. Shaheen ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations July 29, 2014 Reported by Mr. Menendez , without amendment July 31, 2014 Considered and agreed to with an amended preamble RESOLUTION Condemning the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 and expressing condolences to the families of the victims.\n\nWhereas, on July 17, 2014, Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 tragically crashed in eastern Ukraine, killing all 298 passengers and crew, including 80 children; Whereas President Barack Obama has offered President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko all possible assistance to determine the cause of the crash, including the services of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the National Transportation Safety Board; Whereas intelligence analysis shows that the plane was shot down by an antiaircraft missile fired from an area controlled by pro-Russian separatists; Whereas separatists have shot down more than 10 additional aircraft and took credit for shooting down another aircraft at approximately the same time as Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 crashed in eastern Ukraine; Whereas separatists blocked international experts from accessing the crash site in the first 72 hours, preventing the proper care of the victims’ bodies and allowing evidence from the crash to be removed and mishandled; Whereas weapons and fighters have continued to flow across the border from the Russian Federation to eastern Ukraine, and there is evidence that the Government of the Russian Federation has been providing training to separatists fighters, including training on air defense systems; Whereas this tragic incident has demonstrated that European and other foreign citizens are at risk from dangerous instability in Ukraine; Whereas, on July 21, 2014, the United Nations Security Council condemned in the strongest terms the downing of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 and demanded that those responsible be held to account and that all states fully cooperate with efforts to establish accountability; Whereas British Prime Minister David Cameron asserted, Russia cannot expect to continue enjoying access to European markets, European capital and European knowledge and technical expertise while she fuels conflict in one of Europe’s neighbors. ; and Whereas the United States Government has continued to implement sanctions against Russian and Ukrainian individuals responsible for destabilizing Ukraine and failing to end the violence: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) condemns the shooting down of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 in Eastern Ukraine that resulted in the deaths of all 298 passengers and crew; (2) expresses its deepest condolences to the families of the victims and the people of the Netherlands, Malaysia, Australia, Indonesia, Great Britain, Germany, Belgium, the Philippines, Canada, and New Zealand; (3) supports the ongoing international investigation into the attack on Malaysian Airlines Flight 17, including unobstructed access to the crash site; (4) calls on the Government of the Russian Federation to immediately stop the flow of weapons and fighters across the border with Ukraine, allow an Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) monitoring mission on the border, and fully cooperate with the international investigation currently underway; and (5) urges the European Union to join the United States Government in holding the Government of the Russian Federation accountable for its destabilizing actions in Ukraine through the use of increased sanctions.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 520 ATS: Condemning the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 and expressing condolences to the families of the victims.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-07-24\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress>\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session>\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 520\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140724\">\n July 24, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S364\">\n Mr. Murphy\n </sponsor>\n (for himself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S345\">\n Mr. Johnson of Wisconsin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S253\">\n Mr. Durbin\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S324\">\n Mrs. Shaheen\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name added-display-style=\"italic\" committee-id=\"SSFR00\" deleted-display-style=\"strikethrough\">\n Committee on Foreign Relations\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <action stage=\"Reported-in-Senate\">\n <action-date>\n July 29, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n Reported by\n <sponsor name-id=\"S306\">\n Mr. Menendez\n </sponsor>\n , without amendment\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <action>\n <action-date>\n July 31, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n Considered and agreed to with an amended preamble\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Condemning the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 and expressing condolences to the families of\n\t\t\t the victims.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, on July 17, 2014, Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 tragically crashed in eastern Ukraine,\n\t\t\t killing all 298 passengers and crew, including 80 children;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas President Barack Obama has offered President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko all possible\n\t\t\t assistance to determine the cause of the crash, including the services of\n\t\t\t the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the National Transportation\n\t\t\t Safety Board;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas intelligence analysis shows that the plane was shot down by an antiaircraft missile fired\n\t\t\t from an area controlled by pro-Russian separatists;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas separatists have shot down more than 10 additional aircraft and took credit for shooting\n\t\t\t down another\n\t\t\t aircraft at approximately the same time as Malaysian Airlines Flight 17\n\t\t\t crashed in eastern Ukraine;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas separatists blocked international experts from accessing the crash site in the first 72\n\t\t\t hours, preventing the proper care of the victims’ bodies and allowing\n\t\t\t evidence from the crash to be removed and mishandled;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas weapons and fighters have continued to flow across the border from the Russian Federation\n\t\t\t to eastern Ukraine, and there is evidence that the Government of the\n\t\t\t Russian Federation has been providing training to separatists fighters,\n\t\t\t including training on air defense systems;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas this tragic incident has demonstrated that European and other foreign citizens are at risk\n\t\t\t from dangerous instability in Ukraine;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, on July 21, 2014, the United Nations Security Council condemned in the strongest terms the\n\t\t\t downing of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 and demanded that those\n\t\t\t responsible be held to account and that all states fully cooperate with\n\t\t\t efforts to establish accountability;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas British Prime Minister David Cameron asserted,\n <quote>\n Russia cannot expect to continue enjoying access to European markets, European capital and European\n\t\t\t knowledge and technical expertise while she fuels conflict in one of\n\t\t\t Europe’s neighbors.\n </quote>\n ; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States Government has continued to implement sanctions against Russian and\n\t\t\t Ukrainian individuals responsible for destabilizing Ukraine and failing to\n\t\t\t end the violence: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"idE70A5B2529624C90B3E1D4623C624565\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n condemns the shooting down of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 in Eastern Ukraine that resulted in the\n\t\t\t deaths of all 298 passengers and crew;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id80EA1FE3FACC4550816A8002B190D538\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n expresses its deepest condolences to the families of the victims and the people of the Netherlands,\n\t\t\t Malaysia, Australia, Indonesia, Great Britain, Germany, Belgium, the\n\t\t\t Philippines, Canada, and New Zealand;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id24E2BF188FBD48849AF0407ED8A1167A\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n supports the ongoing international investigation into the attack on Malaysian Airlines Flight 17,\n\t\t\t including unobstructed access to the crash site;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idDB7D25097CE44A088DBB710DFCABD012\">\n <enum>\n (4)\n </enum>\n <text>\n calls on the Government of the Russian Federation to immediately stop the flow of weapons and\n\t\t\t fighters across the border with Ukraine, allow an Organization for\n\t\t\t Security and\n\t\t\t Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) monitoring mission on the\n\t\t\t border, and fully cooperate with the international investigation currently\n\t\t\t underway; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idDD670F43AC914456A68C3574E2A398FF\">\n <enum>\n (5)\n </enum>\n <text>\n urges the European Union to join the United States Government in holding the Government of the\n\t\t\t Russian Federation accountable for its destabilizing actions in Ukraine\n\t\t\t through the use of increased sanctions.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" }, { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-07-24T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres520is/xml/BILLS-113sres520is.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres520is.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres520is.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T00:24:01.211", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-520", "legis_num": 520, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "is", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-520-is-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 520 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES July 24, 2014 Mr. Murphy (for himself and Mr. Johnson of Wisconsin ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations RESOLUTION Condemning the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 and expressing condolences to the families of the victims.\n\nWhereas, on July 17, 2014, Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 tragically crashed in eastern Ukraine, killing all 298 passengers and crew, including 80 children; Whereas President Barack Obama has offered President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko all possible assistance to determine the cause of the crash, including the services of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the National Transportation Safety Board; Whereas intelligence analysis shows that the plane was shot down by an antiaircraft missile fired from an area controlled by pro-Russian separatists; Whereas separatists have shot down 10 additional aircraft and took credit for shooting down another aircraft at approximately the same time as Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 crashed in eastern Ukraine; Whereas separatists blocked international experts from accessing the crash site in the first 72 hours, preventing the proper care of the victims’ bodies and allowing evidence from the crash to be removed and mishandled; Whereas weapons and fighters have continued to flow across the border from the Russian Federation to eastern Ukraine, and there is evidence that the Government of the Russian Federation has been providing training to separatists fighters, including training on air defense systems; Whereas this tragic incident has demonstrated that European and other foreign citizens are at risk from dangerous instability in Ukraine; Whereas, on July 21, 2014, the United Nations Security Council condemned in the strongest terms the downing of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 and demanded that those responsible be held to account and that all states fully cooperate with efforts to establish accountability; Whereas British Prime Minister David Cameron asserted, Russia cannot expect to continue enjoying access to European markets, European capital and European knowledge and technical expertise while she fuels conflict in one of Europe’s neighbors. ; and Whereas the United States Government has continued to implement sanctions against Russian and Ukrainian individuals responsible for destabilizing Ukraine and failing to end the violence: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) condemns the shooting down of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 in Eastern Ukraine that resulted in the deaths of all 298 passengers and crew; (2) expresses its deepest condolences to the families of the victims and the people of the Netherlands, Malaysia, Australia, Indonesia, Great Britain, Germany, Belgium, the Philippines, Canada, and New Zealand; (3) supports the ongoing international investigation into the attack on Malaysian Airlines Flight 17, including unobstructed access to the crash site; (4) calls on the Government of the Russian Federation to immediately stop the flow of weapons and fighters across the border with Ukraine, allow an Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) monitoring mission on the border, and fully cooperate with the international investigation currently underway; and (5) urges the European Union to join the United States Government in holding the Government of the Russian Federation accountable for its destabilizing actions in Ukraine through the use of increased sanctions.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Introduced-in-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 520 IS: Condemning the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 and expressing condolences to the families of the victims.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-07-24\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 520\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140724\">\n July 24, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S364\">\n Mr. Murphy\n </sponsor>\n (for himself and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S345\">\n Mr. Johnson of Wisconsin\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name committee-id=\"SSFR00\">\n Committee on Foreign Relations\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Condemning the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 and expressing condolences to the families of\n\t\t\t the victims.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, on July 17, 2014, Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 tragically crashed in eastern Ukraine,\n\t\t\t killing all 298 passengers and crew, including 80 children;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas President Barack Obama has offered President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko all possible\n\t\t\t assistance to determine the cause of the crash, including the services of\n\t\t\t the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the National Transportation\n\t\t\t Safety Board;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas intelligence analysis shows that the plane was shot down by an antiaircraft missile fired\n\t\t\t from an area controlled by pro-Russian separatists;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas separatists have shot down 10 additional aircraft and took credit for shooting down another\n\t\t\t aircraft at approximately the same time as Malaysian Airlines Flight 17\n\t\t\t crashed in eastern Ukraine;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas separatists blocked international experts from accessing the crash site in the first 72\n\t\t\t hours, preventing the proper care of the victims’ bodies and allowing\n\t\t\t evidence from the crash to be removed and mishandled;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas weapons and fighters have continued to flow across the border from the Russian Federation\n\t\t\t to eastern Ukraine, and there is evidence that the Government of the\n\t\t\t Russian Federation has been providing training to separatists fighters,\n\t\t\t including training on air defense systems;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas this tragic incident has demonstrated that European and other foreign citizens are at risk\n\t\t\t from dangerous instability in Ukraine;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, on July 21, 2014, the United Nations Security Council condemned in the strongest terms the\n\t\t\t downing of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 and demanded that those\n\t\t\t responsible be held to account and that all states fully cooperate with\n\t\t\t efforts to establish accountability;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas British Prime Minister David Cameron asserted,\n <quote>\n Russia cannot expect to continue enjoying access to European markets, European capital and European\n\t\t\t knowledge and technical expertise while she fuels conflict in one of\n\t\t\t Europe’s neighbors.\n </quote>\n ; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States Government has continued to implement sanctions against Russian and\n\t\t\t Ukrainian individuals responsible for destabilizing Ukraine and failing to\n\t\t\t end the violence: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"idE70A5B2529624C90B3E1D4623C624565\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n condemns the shooting down of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 in Eastern Ukraine that resulted in the\n\t\t\t deaths of all 298 passengers and crew;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id80EA1FE3FACC4550816A8002B190D538\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n expresses its deepest condolences to the families of the victims and the people of the Netherlands,\n\t\t\t Malaysia, Australia, Indonesia, Great Britain, Germany, Belgium, the\n\t\t\t Philippines, Canada, and New Zealand;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id24E2BF188FBD48849AF0407ED8A1167A\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n supports the ongoing international investigation into the attack on Malaysian Airlines Flight 17,\n\t\t\t including unobstructed access to the crash site;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idDB7D25097CE44A088DBB710DFCABD012\">\n <enum>\n (4)\n </enum>\n <text>\n calls on the Government of the Russian Federation to immediately stop the flow of weapons and\n\t\t\t fighters across the border with Ukraine, allow an Organization for\n\t\t\t Security and\n\t\t\t Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) monitoring mission on the\n\t\t\t border, and fully cooperate with the international investigation currently\n\t\t\t underway; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idDD670F43AC914456A68C3574E2A398FF\">\n <enum>\n (5)\n </enum>\n <text>\n urges the European Union to join the United States Government in holding the Government of the\n\t\t\t Russian Federation accountable for its destabilizing actions in Ukraine\n\t\t\t through the use of increased sanctions.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" }, { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-07-29T04:00:00Z", "type": "Reported to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres520rs/xml/BILLS-113sres520rs.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres520rs.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres520rs.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T00:24:01.176", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-520", "legis_num": 520, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "rs", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-520-rs-dtd", "tv_txt": "III Calendar No. 497 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 520 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES July 24, 2014 Mr. Murphy (for himself, Mr. Johnson of Wisconsin , Mr. Durbin , and Mrs. Shaheen ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations July 29, 2014 Reported by Mr. Menendez , without amendment RESOLUTION Condemning the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 and expressing condolences to the families of the victims.\n\nWhereas, on July 17, 2014, Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 tragically crashed in eastern Ukraine, killing all 298 passengers and crew, including 80 children; Whereas President Barack Obama has offered President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko all possible assistance to determine the cause of the crash, including the services of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the National Transportation Safety Board; Whereas intelligence analysis shows that the plane was shot down by an antiaircraft missile fired from an area controlled by pro-Russian separatists; Whereas separatists have shot down 10 additional aircraft and took credit for shooting down another aircraft at approximately the same time as Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 crashed in eastern Ukraine; Whereas separatists blocked international experts from accessing the crash site in the first 72 hours, preventing the proper care of the victims’ bodies and allowing evidence from the crash to be removed and mishandled; Whereas weapons and fighters have continued to flow across the border from the Russian Federation to eastern Ukraine, and there is evidence that the Government of the Russian Federation has been providing training to separatists fighters, including training on air defense systems; Whereas this tragic incident has demonstrated that European and other foreign citizens are at risk from dangerous instability in Ukraine; Whereas, on July 21, 2014, the United Nations Security Council condemned in the strongest terms the downing of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 and demanded that those responsible be held to account and that all states fully cooperate with efforts to establish accountability; Whereas British Prime Minister David Cameron asserted, Russia cannot expect to continue enjoying access to European markets, European capital and European knowledge and technical expertise while she fuels conflict in one of Europe’s neighbors. ; and Whereas the United States Government has continued to implement sanctions against Russian and Ukrainian individuals responsible for destabilizing Ukraine and failing to end the violence: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) condemns the shooting down of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 in Eastern Ukraine that resulted in the deaths of all 298 passengers and crew; (2) expresses its deepest condolences to the families of the victims and the people of the Netherlands, Malaysia, Australia, Indonesia, Great Britain, Germany, Belgium, the Philippines, Canada, and New Zealand; (3) supports the ongoing international investigation into the attack on Malaysian Airlines Flight 17, including unobstructed access to the crash site; (4) calls on the Government of the Russian Federation to immediately stop the flow of weapons and fighters across the border with Ukraine, allow an Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) monitoring mission on the border, and fully cooperate with the international investigation currently underway; and (5) urges the European Union to join the United States Government in holding the Government of the Russian Federation accountable for its destabilizing actions in Ukraine through the use of increased sanctions.\n\nJuly 29, 2014 Reported without amendment", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Reported-in-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 520 RS: Condemning the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 and expressing condolences to the families of the victims.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-07-24\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <calendar>\n Calendar No. 497\n </calendar>\n <congress>\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session>\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 520\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140724\">\n July 24, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S364\">\n Mr. Murphy\n </sponsor>\n (for himself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S345\">\n Mr. Johnson of Wisconsin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S253\">\n Mr. Durbin\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S324\">\n Mrs. Shaheen\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name added-display-style=\"italic\" committee-id=\"SSFR00\" deleted-display-style=\"strikethrough\">\n Committee on Foreign Relations\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <action stage=\"Reported-in-Senate\">\n <action-date>\n July 29, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n Reported by\n <sponsor name-id=\"S306\">\n Mr. Menendez\n </sponsor>\n , without amendment\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Condemning the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 and expressing condolences to the families of\n\t\t\t the victims.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, on July 17, 2014, Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 tragically crashed in eastern Ukraine,\n\t\t\t killing all 298 passengers and crew, including 80 children;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas President Barack Obama has offered President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko all possible\n\t\t\t assistance to determine the cause of the crash, including the services of\n\t\t\t the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the National Transportation\n\t\t\t Safety Board;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas intelligence analysis shows that the plane was shot down by an antiaircraft missile fired\n\t\t\t from an area controlled by pro-Russian separatists;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas separatists have shot down 10 additional aircraft and took credit for shooting down another\n\t\t\t aircraft at approximately the same time as Malaysian Airlines Flight 17\n\t\t\t crashed in eastern Ukraine;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas separatists blocked international experts from accessing the crash site in the first 72\n\t\t\t hours, preventing the proper care of the victims’ bodies and allowing\n\t\t\t evidence from the crash to be removed and mishandled;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas weapons and fighters have continued to flow across the border from the Russian Federation\n\t\t\t to eastern Ukraine, and there is evidence that the Government of the\n\t\t\t Russian Federation has been providing training to separatists fighters,\n\t\t\t including training on air defense systems;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas this tragic incident has demonstrated that European and other foreign citizens are at risk\n\t\t\t from dangerous instability in Ukraine;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, on July 21, 2014, the United Nations Security Council condemned in the strongest terms the\n\t\t\t downing of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 and demanded that those\n\t\t\t responsible be held to account and that all states fully cooperate with\n\t\t\t efforts to establish accountability;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas British Prime Minister David Cameron asserted,\n <quote>\n Russia cannot expect to continue enjoying access to European markets, European capital and European\n\t\t\t knowledge and technical expertise while she fuels conflict in one of\n\t\t\t Europe’s neighbors.\n </quote>\n ; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States Government has continued to implement sanctions against Russian and\n\t\t\t Ukrainian individuals responsible for destabilizing Ukraine and failing to\n\t\t\t end the violence: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"idE70A5B2529624C90B3E1D4623C624565\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n condemns the shooting down of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 in Eastern Ukraine that resulted in the\n\t\t\t deaths of all 298 passengers and crew;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id80EA1FE3FACC4550816A8002B190D538\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n expresses its deepest condolences to the families of the victims and the people of the Netherlands,\n\t\t\t Malaysia, Australia, Indonesia, Great Britain, Germany, Belgium, the\n\t\t\t Philippines, Canada, and New Zealand;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id24E2BF188FBD48849AF0407ED8A1167A\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n supports the ongoing international investigation into the attack on Malaysian Airlines Flight 17,\n\t\t\t including unobstructed access to the crash site;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idDB7D25097CE44A088DBB710DFCABD012\">\n <enum>\n (4)\n </enum>\n <text>\n calls on the Government of the Russian Federation to immediately stop the flow of weapons and\n\t\t\t fighters across the border with Ukraine, allow an Organization for\n\t\t\t Security and\n\t\t\t Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) monitoring mission on the\n\t\t\t border, and fully cooperate with the international investigation currently\n\t\t\t underway; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idDD670F43AC914456A68C3574E2A398FF\">\n <enum>\n (5)\n </enum>\n <text>\n urges the European Union to join the United States Government in holding the Government of the\n\t\t\t Russian Federation accountable for its destabilizing actions in Ukraine\n\t\t\t through the use of increased sanctions.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n <endorsement>\n <action-date>\n July 29, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n Reported without amendment\n </action-desc>\n </endorsement>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-06 01:39:04.424
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 521 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-11T13:25:42Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-11T13:25:42Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-07-24 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Discharged from </name> <date> 2014-07-30T00:03:48Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2014-07-24T22:19:53Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <relatedBills> <item> <title> A resolution designating July 26, 2013, as "United States Intelligence Professionals Day". </title> <congress> 113 </congress> <number> 200 </number> <type> SRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2013-07-25 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5979; text as passed Senate: CR S5970-5971) </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> <item> <title> A joint resolution amending title 36, United States Code, to designate July 26 as United States Intelligence Professionals Day. </title> <congress> 113 </congress> <number> 13 </number> <type> SJRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2013-04-18 </actionDate> <text> Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-29 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5070) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-29 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5070) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-29 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent. </text> <type> Discharge </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-29 </actionDate> <text> Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent. </text> <type> Committee </type> <actionCode> 14500 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-24 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR S4909-4910) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-24 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> W000805 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Warner, Mark R. [D-VA] </fullName> <firstName> Mark </firstName> <lastName> Warner </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> M000702 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Mikulski, Barbara A. [D-MD] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> MIKULSKI </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> ANN </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001135 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Burr, Richard [R-NC] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Burr </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NC </state> <middleName> Mauze </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000062 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA] </fullName> <firstName> Dianne </firstName> <lastName> Feinstein </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000286 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Chambliss, Saxby [R-GA] </fullName> <firstName> SAXBY </firstName> <lastName> CHAMBLISS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> GA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000361 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Rockefeller, John D., IV [D-WV] </fullName> <firstName> JAY </firstName> <lastName> ROCKEFELLER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WV </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000383 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. King, Angus S., Jr. [I-ME] </fullName> <firstName> Angus </firstName> <lastName> King </lastName> <party> I </party> <state> ME </state> <middleName> S. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000802 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Whitehouse, Sheldon [D-RI] </fullName> <firstName> Sheldon </firstName> <lastName> Whitehouse </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> RI </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000595 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Rubio, Marco [R-FL] </fullName> <firstName> Marco </firstName> <lastName> Rubio </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> U000038 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Udall, Mark [D-CO] </fullName> <firstName> MARK </firstName> <lastName> UDALL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CO </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000384 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Kaine, Tim [D-VA] </fullName> <firstName> Timothy </firstName> <lastName> Kaine </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Armed Forces and National Security </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Commemorative events and holidays </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Intelligence activities, surveillance, classified information </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Armed Forces and National Security </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-24 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-08-14T14:57:05Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Designates July 26, 2014, as United States Intelligence Professionals Day.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Acknowledges the courage, fidelity, sacrifice, and professionalism of the men and women of the U.S. intelligence community.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-29 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-08-14T14:57:32Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Designates July 26, 2014, as United States Intelligence Professionals Day.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Acknowledges the courage, fidelity, sacrifice, and professionalism of the men and women of the U.S. intelligence community.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution designating July 26, 2014, as "United States Intelligence Professionals Day". </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution designating July 26, 2014, as "United States Intelligence Professionals Day". </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution designating July 26, 2014, as "United States Intelligence Professionals Day". </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-07-29T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres521ats/xml/BILLS-113sres521ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2014-07-24T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres521is/xml/BILLS-113sres521is.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-07-29 </actionDate> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5070) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-29", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5070)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2014-07-29", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5070)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-29", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent.", "type": "Discharge" }, { "action_code": "14500", "action_date": "2014-07-29", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-24", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR S4909-4910)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-07-24", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2014-07-30T00:03:48Z", "name": "Discharged from" }, { "date": "2014-07-24T22:19:53Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "M000702", "district": null, "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Sen. Mikulski, Barbara A. [D-MD]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MIKULSKI", "middle_name": "ANN", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-24", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001135", "district": null, "first_name": "Richard", "full_name": "Sen. Burr, Richard [R-NC]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Burr", "middle_name": "Mauze", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-24", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000062", "district": null, "first_name": "Dianne", "full_name": "Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Feinstein", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-24", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000286", "district": null, "first_name": "SAXBY", "full_name": "Sen. Chambliss, Saxby [R-GA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CHAMBLISS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-24", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000361", "district": null, "first_name": "JAY", "full_name": "Sen. Rockefeller, John D., IV [D-WV]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ROCKEFELLER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-24", "state": "WV" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000383", "district": null, "first_name": "Angus", "full_name": "Sen. King, Angus S., Jr. [I-ME]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "King", "middle_name": "S.", "party": "I", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-24", "state": "ME" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000802", "district": null, "first_name": "Sheldon", "full_name": "Sen. Whitehouse, Sheldon [D-RI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Whitehouse", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-24", "state": "RI" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000595", "district": null, "first_name": "Marco", "full_name": "Sen. Rubio, Marco [R-FL]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Rubio", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-24", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "U000038", "district": null, "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Sen. Udall, Mark [D-CO]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "UDALL", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-24", "state": "CO" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000384", "district": null, "first_name": "Timothy", "full_name": "Sen. Kaine, Tim [D-VA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Kaine", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-24", "state": "VA" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-07-24", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-29", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5070)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 521, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Armed Forces and National Security", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 113, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2013-07-25", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5979; text as passed Senate: CR S5970-5971)", "type": null }, "number": 200, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "A resolution designating July 26, 2013, as \"United States Intelligence Professionals Day\".", "type": "SRES" }, { "congress": 113, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2013-04-18", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.", "type": null }, "number": 13, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "A joint resolution amending title 36, United States Code, to designate July 26 as United States Intelligence Professionals Day.", "type": "SJRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "W000805", "district": null, "first_name": "Mark", "full_name": "Sen. Warner, Mark R. [D-VA]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Warner", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "state": "VA" } ], "subjects": [ "Commemorative events and holidays", "Congressional tributes", "Intelligence activities, surveillance, classified information" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-07-24", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Designates July 26, 2014, as United States Intelligence Professionals Day.</p> <p>Acknowledges the courage, fidelity, sacrifice, and professionalism of the men and women of the U.S. intelligence community.</p>", "update_date": "2014-08-14T14:57:05Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2014-07-29", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Designates July 26, 2014, as United States Intelligence Professionals Day.</p> <p>Acknowledges the courage, fidelity, sacrifice, and professionalism of the men and women of the U.S. intelligence community.</p>", "update_date": "2014-08-14T14:57:32Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-07-29T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres521ats/xml/BILLS-113sres521ats.xml" }, { "date": "2014-07-24T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres521is/xml/BILLS-113sres521is.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution designating July 26, 2014, as \"United States Intelligence Professionals Day\".", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating July 26, 2014, as \"United States Intelligence Professionals Day\".", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating July 26, 2014, as \"United States Intelligence Professionals Day\".", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2023-01-11T13:25:42Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-11T13:25:42Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-07-29T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres521ats/xml/BILLS-113sres521ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres521ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres521ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T00:24:01.015", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-521", "legis_num": 521, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-521-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 521 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES July 24, 2014 Mr. Warner (for himself, Ms. Mikulski , Mr. Burr , Mrs. Feinstein , Mr. Chambliss , Mr. Rockefeller , Mr. King , Mr. Whitehouse , Mr. Rubio , Mr. Udall of Colorado , and Mr. Kaine ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary July 29, 2014 Committee discharged; considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Designating July 26, 2014, as “United States Intelligence Professionals Day”.\n\nWhereas, on July 26, 1908, Attorney General Charles Bonaparte ordered newly hired Federal investigators to report to the Office of the Chief Examiner of the Department of Justice, which subsequently was renamed the Federal Bureau of Investigation; Whereas, on July 26, 1947, President Truman signed the National Security Act of 1947 ( 50 U.S.C. 3001 et seq. ), creating the Department of Defense, the National Security Council, the Central Intelligence Agency, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff, thereby laying the foundation for today’s intelligence community; Whereas the National Security Act of 1947, which appears in title 50 of the United States Code, governs the definition, composition, responsibilities, authorities, and oversight of the intelligence community of the United States; Whereas the intelligence community is defined by section 3(4) of the National Security Act of 1947 ( 50 U.S.C. 3003(4) ) to include the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the Central Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency, the Defense Intelligence Agency, the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, the National Reconnaissance Office, other offices within the Department of Defense for the collection of specialized national intelligence through reconnaissance programs, the intelligence elements of the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, the Marine Corps, the Coast Guard, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Drug Enforcement Administration, and the Department of Energy, the Bureau of Intelligence and Research of the Department of State, the Office of Intelligence and Analysis of the Department of the Treasury, the elements of the Department of Homeland Security concerned with the analysis of intelligence information, and other elements as may be designated; Whereas July 26, 2012, was the 65th anniversary of the signing of the National Security Act of 1947 ( 50 U.S.C. 3001 et seq. ); Whereas the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 ( Public Law 108–458 ; 118 Stat. 3638) created the position of the Director of National Intelligence to serve as the head of the intelligence community and to ensure that national intelligence be timely, objective, independent of political considerations, and based upon all sources available; Whereas Congress has previously passed joint resolutions, signed by the President, to designate Peace Officers Memorial Day on May 15, Patriot Day on September 11, and other commemorative occasions, to honor the sacrifices of law enforcement officers and of those who lost their lives on September 11, 2001; Whereas the United States has increasingly relied upon the men and women of the intelligence community to protect and defend the security of the United States in the decade since the attacks of September 11, 2001; Whereas the men and women of the intelligence community, both civilian and military, have been increasingly called upon to deploy to theaters of war in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere since September 11, 2001; Whereas numerous intelligence officers of the elements of the intelligence community have been injured or killed in the line of duty; Whereas intelligence officers of the United States are routinely called upon to accept personal hardship and sacrifice in the furtherance of their mission to protect the United States, to undertake dangerous assignments in the defense of the interests of the United States, to collect reliable information within prescribed legal authorities upon which the leaders of the United States rely in life-and-death situations, and to speak truth to power by providing their best assessments to decisionmakers, regardless of political and policy considerations; Whereas the men and women of the intelligence community have on numerous occasions succeeded in preventing attacks upon the United States and allies of the United States, saving numerous innocent lives; and Whereas intelligence officers of the United States must of necessity often remain unknown and unrecognized for their substantial achievements and successes: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) designates July 26, 2014, as United States Intelligence Professionals Day ; (2) acknowledges the courage, fidelity, sacrifice, and professionalism of the men and women of the intelligence community of the United States; and (3) encourages the people of the United States to observe this day with appropriate ceremonies and activities.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 521 ATS: Designating July 26, 2014, as “United States Intelligence Professionals Day”.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-07-24\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 521\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140724\">\n July 24, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S327\">\n Mr. Warner\n </sponsor>\n (for himself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S182\">\n Ms. Mikulski\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S300\">\n Mr. Burr\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S221\">\n Mrs. Feinstein\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S290\">\n Mr. Chambliss\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S176\">\n Mr. Rockefeller\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S363\">\n Mr. King\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S316\">\n Mr. Whitehouse\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S350\">\n Mr. Rubio\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S325\">\n Mr. Udall of Colorado\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S362\">\n Mr. Kaine\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name committee-id=\"SSJU00\">\n Committee on the Judiciary\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <action>\n <action-date>\n July 29, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n Committee discharged; considered and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Designating July 26, 2014, as “United States Intelligence Professionals Day”.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, on July 26, 1908, Attorney General Charles\n\t\t\t Bonaparte ordered newly hired Federal investigators to report to the\n\t\t\t Office of\n\t\t\t the Chief Examiner of the Department of Justice, which subsequently was\n\t\t\t renamed\n\t\t\t the Federal Bureau of Investigation;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, on July 26, 1947, President Truman signed the\n\t\t\t National Security Act of 1947 (\n <external-xref legal-doc=\"usc\" parsable-cite=\"usc/50/3001\">\n 50 U.S.C. 3001 et seq.\n </external-xref>\n ), creating the\n\t\t\t Department\n\t\t\t of Defense, the National Security Council, the Central Intelligence\n\t\t\t Agency, and\n\t\t\t the Joint Chiefs of Staff, thereby laying the foundation for today’s\n\t\t\t intelligence community;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the National Security Act of 1947, which appears\n\t\t\t in title 50 of the United States Code, governs the definition,\n\t\t\t composition,\n\t\t\t responsibilities, authorities, and oversight of the intelligence community\n\t\t\t of\n\t\t\t the United States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the intelligence community is defined by section\n\t\t\t 3(4) of the National Security Act of 1947 (\n <external-xref legal-doc=\"usc\" parsable-cite=\"usc/50/3003\">\n 50 U.S.C. 3003(4)\n </external-xref>\n ) to include\n\t\t\t the\n\t\t\t Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the Central Intelligence\n\t\t\t Agency, the National Security Agency, the Defense Intelligence Agency, the\n\t\t\t National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, the National Reconnaissance\n\t\t\t Office,\n\t\t\t other offices within the Department of Defense for the collection of\n\t\t\t specialized national intelligence through reconnaissance programs, the\n\t\t\t intelligence elements of the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, the Marine\n\t\t\t Corps,\n\t\t\t the Coast Guard, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Drug Enforcement\n\t\t\t Administration, and the Department of Energy, the Bureau of Intelligence\n\t\t\t and\n\t\t\t Research of the Department of State, the Office of Intelligence and\n\t\t\t Analysis of\n\t\t\t the Department of the Treasury, the elements of the Department of Homeland\n\t\t\t Security concerned with the analysis of intelligence information, and\n\t\t\t other\n\t\t\t elements as may be designated;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas July 26, 2012, was the 65th anniversary of the\n\t\t\t signing of the National Security Act of 1947 (\n <external-xref legal-doc=\"usc\" parsable-cite=\"usc/50/3001\">\n 50 U.S.C. 3001 et seq.\n </external-xref>\n );\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention\n\t\t\t Act of 2004 (\n <external-xref legal-doc=\"public-law\" parsable-cite=\"pl/108/458\">\n Public Law 108–458\n </external-xref>\n ; 118 Stat. 3638) created the position of\n\t\t\t the\n\t\t\t Director of National Intelligence to serve as the head of the intelligence\n\t\t\t community and to ensure that national intelligence be timely, objective,\n\t\t\t independent of political considerations, and based upon all sources\n\t\t\t available;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Congress has previously passed joint resolutions,\n\t\t\t signed by the President, to designate Peace Officers Memorial Day on May\n\t\t\t 15,\n\t\t\t Patriot Day on September 11, and other commemorative occasions, to honor\n\t\t\t the\n\t\t\t sacrifices of law enforcement officers and of those who lost their lives\n\t\t\t on\n\t\t\t September 11, 2001;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States has increasingly relied upon the\n\t\t\t men and women of the intelligence community to protect and defend the\n\t\t\t security\n\t\t\t of the United States in the decade since the attacks of September 11,\n\t\t\t 2001;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the men and women of the intelligence community,\n\t\t\t both civilian and military, have been increasingly called upon to deploy\n\t\t\t to\n\t\t\t theaters of war in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere since September 11,\n\t\t\t 2001;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas numerous intelligence officers of the elements of\n\t\t\t the intelligence community have been injured or killed in the line of\n\t\t\t duty;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas intelligence officers of the United States are\n\t\t\t routinely called upon to accept personal hardship and sacrifice in the\n\t\t\t furtherance of their mission to protect the United States, to undertake\n\t\t\t dangerous assignments in the defense of the interests of the United\n\t\t\t States, to\n\t\t\t collect reliable information within prescribed legal authorities upon\n\t\t\t which the\n\t\t\t leaders of the United States rely in life-and-death situations, and to\n <quote>\n speak truth to power\n </quote>\n by providing their best assessments to\n\t\t\t decisionmakers, regardless of political and policy considerations;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the men and women of the intelligence community\n\t\t\t have on numerous occasions succeeded in preventing attacks upon the United\n\t\t\t States and allies of the United States, saving numerous innocent lives;\n\t\t\t and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas intelligence officers of the United States must of\n\t\t\t necessity often remain unknown and unrecognized for their substantial\n\t\t\t achievements and successes: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"id29d6a4da292e49c092d26145c05271e8\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n designates July\n\t\t\t 26, 2014, as\n <quote>\n United States Intelligence Professionals\n\t\t\t Day\n </quote>\n ;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id6d92b95235104a58886f5265acf31ec7\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n acknowledges the\n\t\t\t courage, fidelity, sacrifice, and professionalism of the men and women of\n\t\t\t the\n\t\t\t intelligence community of the United States; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id665cbd45fbe94155a303a5c3b3eb51d9\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n encourages the\n\t\t\t people of the United States to observe this day with appropriate\n\t\t\t ceremonies and\n\t\t\t activities.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" }, { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-07-24T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres521is/xml/BILLS-113sres521is.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres521is.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres521is.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T00:23:01.201", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-521", "legis_num": 521, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "is", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-521-is-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 521 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES July 24, 2014 Mr. Warner (for himself, Ms. Mikulski , Mr. Burr , Mrs. Feinstein , Mr. Chambliss , Mr. Rockefeller , Mr. King , Mr. Whitehouse , Mr. Rubio , Mr. Udall of Colorado , and Mr. Kaine ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary RESOLUTION Designating July 26, 2014, as “United States Intelligence Professionals Day”.\n\nWhereas, on July 26, 1908, Attorney General Charles Bonaparte ordered newly hired Federal investigators to report to the Office of the Chief Examiner of the Department of Justice, which subsequently was renamed the Federal Bureau of Investigation; Whereas, on July 26, 1947, President Truman signed the National Security Act of 1947 ( 50 U.S.C. 3001 et seq. ), creating the Department of Defense, the National Security Council, the Central Intelligence Agency, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff, thereby laying the foundation for today’s intelligence community; Whereas the National Security Act of 1947, which appears in title 50 of the United States Code, governs the definition, composition, responsibilities, authorities, and oversight of the intelligence community of the United States; Whereas the intelligence community is defined by section 3(4) of the National Security Act of 1947 ( 50 U.S.C. 3003(4) ) to include the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the Central Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency, the Defense Intelligence Agency, the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, the National Reconnaissance Office, other offices within the Department of Defense for the collection of specialized national intelligence through reconnaissance programs, the intelligence elements of the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, the Marine Corps, the Coast Guard, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Drug Enforcement Administration, and the Department of Energy, the Bureau of Intelligence and Research of the Department of State, the Office of Intelligence and Analysis of the Department of the Treasury, the elements of the Department of Homeland Security concerned with the analysis of intelligence information, and other elements as may be designated; Whereas July 26, 2012, was the 65th anniversary of the signing of the National Security Act of 1947 ( 50 U.S.C. 3001 et seq. ); Whereas the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 ( Public Law 108–458 ; 118 Stat. 3638) created the position of the Director of National Intelligence to serve as the head of the intelligence community and to ensure that national intelligence be timely, objective, independent of political considerations, and based upon all sources available; Whereas Congress has previously passed joint resolutions, signed by the President, to designate Peace Officers Memorial Day on May 15, Patriot Day on September 11, and other commemorative occasions, to honor the sacrifices of law enforcement officers and of those who lost their lives on September 11, 2001; Whereas the United States has increasingly relied upon the men and women of the intelligence community to protect and defend the security of the United States in the decade since the attacks of September 11, 2001; Whereas the men and women of the intelligence community, both civilian and military, have been increasingly called upon to deploy to theaters of war in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere since September 11, 2001; Whereas numerous intelligence officers of the elements of the intelligence community have been injured or killed in the line of duty; Whereas intelligence officers of the United States are routinely called upon to accept personal hardship and sacrifice in the furtherance of their mission to protect the United States, to undertake dangerous assignments in the defense of the interests of the United States, to collect reliable information within prescribed legal authorities upon which the leaders of the United States rely in life-and-death situations, and to speak truth to power by providing their best assessments to decisionmakers, regardless of political and policy considerations; Whereas the men and women of the intelligence community have on numerous occasions succeeded in preventing attacks upon the United States and allies of the United States, saving numerous innocent lives; and Whereas intelligence officers of the United States must of necessity often remain unknown and unrecognized for their substantial achievements and successes: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) designates July 26, 2014, as United States Intelligence Professionals Day ; (2) acknowledges the courage, fidelity, sacrifice, and professionalism of the men and women of the intelligence community of the United States; and (3) encourages the people of the United States to observe this day with appropriate ceremonies and activities.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Introduced-in-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 521 IS: Designating July 26, 2014, as “United States Intelligence Professionals Day”.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-07-24\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 521\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140724\">\n July 24, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S327\">\n Mr. Warner\n </sponsor>\n (for himself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S182\">\n Ms. Mikulski\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S300\">\n Mr. Burr\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S221\">\n Mrs. Feinstein\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S290\">\n Mr. Chambliss\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S176\">\n Mr. Rockefeller\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S363\">\n Mr. King\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S316\">\n Mr. Whitehouse\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S350\">\n Mr. Rubio\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S325\">\n Mr. Udall of Colorado\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S362\">\n Mr. Kaine\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name committee-id=\"SSJU00\">\n Committee on the Judiciary\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Designating July 26, 2014, as “United States Intelligence Professionals Day”.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, on July 26, 1908, Attorney General Charles\n\t\t\t Bonaparte ordered newly hired Federal investigators to report to the\n\t\t\t Office of\n\t\t\t the Chief Examiner of the Department of Justice, which subsequently was\n\t\t\t renamed\n\t\t\t the Federal Bureau of Investigation;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, on July 26, 1947, President Truman signed the\n\t\t\t National Security Act of 1947 (\n <external-xref legal-doc=\"usc\" parsable-cite=\"usc/50/3001\">\n 50 U.S.C. 3001 et seq.\n </external-xref>\n ), creating the\n\t\t\t Department\n\t\t\t of Defense, the National Security Council, the Central Intelligence\n\t\t\t Agency, and\n\t\t\t the Joint Chiefs of Staff, thereby laying the foundation for today’s\n\t\t\t intelligence community;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the National Security Act of 1947, which appears\n\t\t\t in title 50 of the United States Code, governs the definition,\n\t\t\t composition,\n\t\t\t responsibilities, authorities, and oversight of the intelligence community\n\t\t\t of\n\t\t\t the United States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the intelligence community is defined by section\n\t\t\t 3(4) of the National Security Act of 1947 (\n <external-xref legal-doc=\"usc\" parsable-cite=\"usc/50/3003\">\n 50 U.S.C. 3003(4)\n </external-xref>\n ) to include\n\t\t\t the\n\t\t\t Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the Central Intelligence\n\t\t\t Agency, the National Security Agency, the Defense Intelligence Agency, the\n\t\t\t National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, the National Reconnaissance\n\t\t\t Office,\n\t\t\t other offices within the Department of Defense for the collection of\n\t\t\t specialized national intelligence through reconnaissance programs, the\n\t\t\t intelligence elements of the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, the Marine\n\t\t\t Corps,\n\t\t\t the Coast Guard, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Drug Enforcement\n\t\t\t Administration, and the Department of Energy, the Bureau of Intelligence\n\t\t\t and\n\t\t\t Research of the Department of State, the Office of Intelligence and\n\t\t\t Analysis of\n\t\t\t the Department of the Treasury, the elements of the Department of Homeland\n\t\t\t Security concerned with the analysis of intelligence information, and\n\t\t\t other\n\t\t\t elements as may be designated;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas July 26, 2012, was the 65th anniversary of the\n\t\t\t signing of the National Security Act of 1947 (\n <external-xref legal-doc=\"usc\" parsable-cite=\"usc/50/3001\">\n 50 U.S.C. 3001 et seq.\n </external-xref>\n );\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention\n\t\t\t Act of 2004 (\n <external-xref legal-doc=\"public-law\" parsable-cite=\"pl/108/458\">\n Public Law 108–458\n </external-xref>\n ; 118 Stat. 3638) created the position of\n\t\t\t the\n\t\t\t Director of National Intelligence to serve as the head of the intelligence\n\t\t\t community and to ensure that national intelligence be timely, objective,\n\t\t\t independent of political considerations, and based upon all sources\n\t\t\t available;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Congress has previously passed joint resolutions,\n\t\t\t signed by the President, to designate Peace Officers Memorial Day on May\n\t\t\t 15,\n\t\t\t Patriot Day on September 11, and other commemorative occasions, to honor\n\t\t\t the\n\t\t\t sacrifices of law enforcement officers and of those who lost their lives\n\t\t\t on\n\t\t\t September 11, 2001;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States has increasingly relied upon the\n\t\t\t men and women of the intelligence community to protect and defend the\n\t\t\t security\n\t\t\t of the United States in the decade since the attacks of September 11,\n\t\t\t 2001;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the men and women of the intelligence community,\n\t\t\t both civilian and military, have been increasingly called upon to deploy\n\t\t\t to\n\t\t\t theaters of war in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere since September 11,\n\t\t\t 2001;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas numerous intelligence officers of the elements of\n\t\t\t the intelligence community have been injured or killed in the line of\n\t\t\t duty;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas intelligence officers of the United States are\n\t\t\t routinely called upon to accept personal hardship and sacrifice in the\n\t\t\t furtherance of their mission to protect the United States, to undertake\n\t\t\t dangerous assignments in the defense of the interests of the United\n\t\t\t States, to\n\t\t\t collect reliable information within prescribed legal authorities upon\n\t\t\t which the\n\t\t\t leaders of the United States rely in life-and-death situations, and to\n <quote>\n speak truth to power\n </quote>\n by providing their best assessments to\n\t\t\t decisionmakers, regardless of political and policy considerations;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the men and women of the intelligence community\n\t\t\t have on numerous occasions succeeded in preventing attacks upon the United\n\t\t\t States and allies of the United States, saving numerous innocent lives;\n\t\t\t and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas intelligence officers of the United States must of\n\t\t\t necessity often remain unknown and unrecognized for their substantial\n\t\t\t achievements and successes: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"id29d6a4da292e49c092d26145c05271e8\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n designates July\n\t\t\t 26, 2014, as\n <quote>\n United States Intelligence Professionals\n\t\t\t Day\n </quote>\n ;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id6d92b95235104a58886f5265acf31ec7\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n acknowledges the\n\t\t\t courage, fidelity, sacrifice, and professionalism of the men and women of\n\t\t\t the\n\t\t\t intelligence community of the United States; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id665cbd45fbe94155a303a5c3b3eb51d9\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n encourages the\n\t\t\t people of the United States to observe this day with appropriate\n\t\t\t ceremonies and\n\t\t\t activities.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-06 01:39:02.569
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 522 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-11T13:25:41Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-11T13:25:41Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-07-24 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Reported by </name> <date> 2014-07-29T23:41:11Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Markup by </name> <date> 2014-07-29T18:30:00Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2014-07-24T22:21:35Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-31 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 8/1/2014 S5315) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-31 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR 8/1/2014 S5315) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-29 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 498. </text> <type> Calendars </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-29 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Committee on Foreign Relations. Reported by Senator Menendez without amendment and with a preamble. Without written report. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-29 </actionDate> <text> Committee on Foreign Relations. Reported by Senator Menendez without amendment and with a preamble. Without written report. </text> <type> Committee </type> <actionCode> 14000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-29 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Committee on Foreign Relations. Ordered to be reported without amendment favorably. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-24 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S4910) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-24 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> C001088 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Coons, Christopher A. [D-DE] </fullName> <firstName> Christopher </firstName> <lastName> Coons </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> DE </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> F000444 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Flake, Jeff [R-AZ] </fullName> <firstName> JEFF </firstName> <lastName> FLAKE </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AZ </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000639 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Menendez, Robert [D-NJ] </fullName> <firstName> Robert </firstName> <lastName> Menendez </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001071 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Corker, Bob [R-TN] </fullName> <firstName> Bob </firstName> <lastName> Corker </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TN </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000563 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Durbin, Richard J. [D-IL] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Durbin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001181 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Shaheen, Jeanne [D-NH] </fullName> <firstName> Jeanne </firstName> <lastName> Shaheen </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000367 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Klobuchar, Amy [D-MN] </fullName> <firstName> Amy </firstName> <lastName> Klobuchar </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MN </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-31 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Africa </name> </item> <item> <name> Child health </name> </item> <item> <name> Child safety and welfare </name> </item> <item> <name> Competitiveness, trade promotion, trade deficits </name> </item> <item> <name> Conflicts and wars </name> </item> <item> <name> Diplomacy, foreign officials, Americans abroad </name> </item> <item> <name> Energy storage, supplies, demand </name> </item> <item> <name> Food supply, safety, and labeling </name> </item> <item> <name> Health programs administration and funding </name> </item> <item> <name> Human rights </name> </item> <item> <name> Law enforcement administration and funding </name> </item> <item> <name> Political movements and philosophies </name> </item> <item> <name> Public-private cooperation </name> </item> <item> <name> Rule of law and government transparency </name> </item> <item> <name> Smuggling and trafficking </name> </item> <item> <name> Sovereignty, recognition, national governance and status </name> </item> <item> <name> Terrorism </name> </item> <item> <name> U.S. and foreign investments </name> </item> <item> <name> Wildlife conservation and habitat protection </name> </item> <item> <name> Women's education </name> </item> <item> <name> Women's health </name> </item> <item> <name> Women's rights </name> </item> <item> <name> World health </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-24 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-07-25T16:56:34Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Values the historic U.S. commitment to Africa, and affirms the partnership of the people and government of the United States with the African people. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Affirms a future commitment to increased economic partnership with Africa. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Supports African-led efforts to improve peacekeeping, prevent atrocities, and combat violent extremism and terrorism. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Encourages African leaders to strengthen good governance, the rule of law, and democracy. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Supports efforts to protect and promote women and children, including through investments in education and maternal, newborn, and child health. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Reaffirms the U.S. investment in health care in Africa. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Commends and supports African investments in preventing wildlife trafficking. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Supports the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit to be held in the United States from August 4 through August 6, 2014.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 80 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-29 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Reported to Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-07-30T18:37:24Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Values the historic U.S. commitment to Africa, and affirms the partnership of the people and government of the United States with the African people. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Affirms a future commitment to increased economic partnership with Africa. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Supports African-led efforts to improve peacekeeping, prevent atrocities, and combat violent extremism and terrorism. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Encourages African leaders to strengthen good governance, the rule of law, and democracy. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Supports efforts to protect and promote women and children, including through investments in education and maternal, newborn, and child health. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Reaffirms the U.S. investment in health care in Africa. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Commends and supports African investments in preventing wildlife trafficking. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Supports the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit to be held in the United States from August 4 through August 6, 2014.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-31 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-08-01T15:48:40Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Values the historic U.S. commitment to Africa, and affirms the partnership of the people and government of the United States with the African people. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Affirms a future commitment to increased economic partnership with Africa. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Supports African-led efforts to improve peacekeeping, prevent atrocities, and combat violent extremism and terrorism. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Encourages African leaders to strengthen good governance, the rule of law, and democracy. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Supports efforts to protect and promote women and children, including through investments in education and maternal, newborn, and child health. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Reaffirms the U.S. investment in health care in Africa. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Commends and supports African investments in preventing wildlife trafficking. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Supports the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit to be held in the United States from August 4 through August 6, 2014.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate supporting the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit to be held in Washington, D.C., from August 4 through 6, 2014. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate supporting the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit to be held in Washington, D.C., from August 4 through 6, 2014. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate supporting the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit to be held in Washington, D.C., from August 4 through 6, 2014. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-07-31T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres522ats/xml/BILLS-113sres522ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> <item> <type> Reported to Senate </type> <date> 2014-07-29T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres522rs/xml/BILLS-113sres522rs.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2014-07-24T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres522is/xml/BILLS-113sres522is.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-07-31 </actionDate> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 8/1/2014 S5315) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-31", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 8/1/2014 S5315)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2014-07-31", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR 8/1/2014 S5315)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-29", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 498.", "type": "Calendars" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-29", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Committee on Foreign Relations. Reported by Senator Menendez without amendment and with a preamble. Without written report.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "14000", "action_date": "2014-07-29", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Committee on Foreign Relations. Reported by Senator Menendez without amendment and with a preamble. Without written report.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-29", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Committee on Foreign Relations. Ordered to be reported without amendment favorably.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-24", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S4910)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-07-24", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2014-07-29T23:41:11Z", "name": "Reported by" }, { "date": "2014-07-29T18:30:00Z", "name": "Markup by" }, { "date": "2014-07-24T22:21:35Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "F000444", "district": null, "first_name": "JEFF", "full_name": "Sen. Flake, Jeff [R-AZ]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FLAKE", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-24", "state": "AZ" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000639", "district": null, "first_name": "Robert", "full_name": "Sen. Menendez, Robert [D-NJ]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Menendez", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-24", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001071", "district": null, "first_name": "Bob", "full_name": "Sen. Corker, Bob [R-TN]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Corker", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-24", "state": "TN" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000563", "district": null, "first_name": "Richard", "full_name": "Sen. Durbin, Richard J. [D-IL]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Durbin", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-29", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001181", "district": null, "first_name": "Jeanne", "full_name": "Sen. Shaheen, Jeanne [D-NH]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Shaheen", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-29", "state": "NH" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000367", "district": null, "first_name": "Amy", "full_name": "Sen. Klobuchar, Amy [D-MN]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Klobuchar", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-31", "state": "MN" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-07-24", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-31", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 8/1/2014 S5315)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 522, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "International Affairs", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "C001088", "district": null, "first_name": "Christopher", "full_name": "Sen. Coons, Christopher A. [D-DE]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Coons", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "state": "DE" } ], "subjects": [ "Africa", "Child health", "Child safety and welfare", "Competitiveness, trade promotion, trade deficits", "Conflicts and wars", "Diplomacy, foreign officials, Americans abroad", "Energy storage, supplies, demand", "Food supply, safety, and labeling", "Health programs administration and funding", "Human rights", "Law enforcement administration and funding", "Political movements and philosophies", "Public-private cooperation", "Rule of law and government transparency", "Smuggling and trafficking", "Sovereignty, recognition, national governance and status", "Terrorism", "U.S. and foreign investments", "Wildlife conservation and habitat protection", "Women's education", "Women's health", "Women's rights", "World health" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-07-24", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Values the historic U.S. commitment to Africa, and affirms the partnership of the people and government of the United States with the African people. </p> <p> Affirms a future commitment to increased economic partnership with Africa. </p> <p>Supports African-led efforts to improve peacekeeping, prevent atrocities, and combat violent extremism and terrorism. </p> <p>Encourages African leaders to strengthen good governance, the rule of law, and democracy. </p> <p>Supports efforts to protect and promote women and children, including through investments in education and maternal, newborn, and child health. </p> <p>Reaffirms the U.S. investment in health care in Africa. </p> <p>Commends and supports African investments in preventing wildlife trafficking. </p> <p>Supports the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit to be held in the United States from August 4 through August 6, 2014.</p>", "update_date": "2014-07-25T16:56:34Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2014-07-29", "action_desc": "Reported to Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Values the historic U.S. commitment to Africa, and affirms the partnership of the people and government of the United States with the African people. </p> <p> Affirms a future commitment to increased economic partnership with Africa. </p> <p>Supports African-led efforts to improve peacekeeping, prevent atrocities, and combat violent extremism and terrorism. </p> <p>Encourages African leaders to strengthen good governance, the rule of law, and democracy. </p> <p>Supports efforts to protect and promote women and children, including through investments in education and maternal, newborn, and child health. </p> <p>Reaffirms the U.S. investment in health care in Africa. </p> <p>Commends and supports African investments in preventing wildlife trafficking. </p> <p>Supports the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit to be held in the United States from August 4 through August 6, 2014.</p>", "update_date": "2014-07-30T18:37:24Z", "version_code": "80" }, { "action_date": "2014-07-31", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Values the historic U.S. commitment to Africa, and affirms the partnership of the people and government of the United States with the African people. </p> <p> Affirms a future commitment to increased economic partnership with Africa. </p> <p>Supports African-led efforts to improve peacekeeping, prevent atrocities, and combat violent extremism and terrorism. </p> <p>Encourages African leaders to strengthen good governance, the rule of law, and democracy. </p> <p>Supports efforts to protect and promote women and children, including through investments in education and maternal, newborn, and child health. </p> <p>Reaffirms the U.S. investment in health care in Africa. </p> <p>Commends and supports African investments in preventing wildlife trafficking. </p> <p>Supports the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit to be held in the United States from August 4 through August 6, 2014.</p>", "update_date": "2014-08-01T15:48:40Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-07-31T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres522ats/xml/BILLS-113sres522ats.xml" }, { "date": "2014-07-29T04:00:00Z", "type": "Reported to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres522rs/xml/BILLS-113sres522rs.xml" }, { "date": "2014-07-24T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres522is/xml/BILLS-113sres522is.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate supporting the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit to be held in Washington, D.C., from August 4 through 6, 2014.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate supporting the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit to be held in Washington, D.C., from August 4 through 6, 2014.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate supporting the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit to be held in Washington, D.C., from August 4 through 6, 2014.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2023-01-11T13:25:41Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-11T13:25:41Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-07-31T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres522ats/xml/BILLS-113sres522ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres522ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres522ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T00:23:01.164", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-522", "legis_num": 522, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-522-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 522 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES July 24, 2014 Mr. Coons (for himself, Mr. Flake , Mr. Menendez , Mr. Corker , Mr. Durbin , Mrs. Shaheen , and Ms. Klobuchar ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations July 29, 2014 Reported by Mr. Menendez , without amendment July 31, 2014 Considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Expressing the sense of the Senate supporting the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit to be held in Washington, D.C., from August 4 through 6, 2014.\n\nWhereas the United States will convene the first U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit from August 4 through August 6, 2014, featuring a congressional reception welcoming African heads of state, the U.S.-Africa Business Forum, the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) Forum, and dialogue sessions between African leaders and President Barack Obama on investing in Africa’s future, promoting peace and regional stability, and governing for the next generation; Whereas the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit will be the largest event held between the United States Government and African heads of state and governments; Whereas the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit will build on the President’s trip to Africa in the summer of 2013 and will strengthen ties between the United States and one of the most dynamic and fastest growing regions in the world; Whereas the United States Government has built strong and enduring partnerships with African heads of state bilaterally and through the United Nations, African Union, and African regional institutions; Whereas the United States Government has demonstrated its commitment to Africa’s development and growth through resources, legislation, economic relationships, and initiatives, including the African Growth and Opportunity Act ( 19 U.S.C. 3701 et seq. ), Power Africa, Feed the Future, Millennium Challenge Corporation compacts, and other efforts led by the Department of State, the United States Agency for International Development, the Overseas Private Investment Corporation, the Department of Commerce, and other agencies of the United States Government; Whereas there are 10 authorized United Nations peacekeeping operations in Africa with over 94,000 United Nations peacekeepers working to promote peace and stability for over 131,000,000 people across the continent, in addition to additional missions led by the African Union, with United States and international support and training; Whereas the United States has served as the global leader in investments and innovations in health across Africa, contributing significant resources to improvements in health over the past two decades through United States-led programs such as the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), the President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI), and the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI); Whereas, through its investments in health across 16 priority countries in Africa over the last two decades, the United States Government has contributed to the reduction of child mortality rates by 44 percent and the reduction of maternal mortality rates by 39 percent; Whereas the majority of the fastest growing economies in the world are in Africa, and the continent’s steady annual economic growth rate of 5 percent has exceeded that of other regions in the world; Whereas there are currently 1,000,000,000 Africans representing the fastest growing population in the world, and by 2035, the African continent will have the world’s largest workforce; Whereas individual nations in Africa and the African Union have made significant achievements and remarkable progress since the inception of the African Union 51 years ago and its transition from the Organization of African Unity; Whereas the United States Government, recognizing the importance of Africa’s youth and future generations, has invested in the next generation of African entrepreneurs, educators, civic leaders, and innovators, including through the United States-led Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI), helping them develop skills and networks to build brighter futures for their communities and countries; and Whereas the United States Government is looking forward to hosting 50 heads of state and the Chair of the African Union at the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit to demonstrate the United States commitment to Africa, deepen partnerships, and determine concrete ways that the United States can support African-led efforts to further peace and regional security, advance democracy and good governance, improve health and education services, increase trade and investment, address environmental issues, improve resilience and food security, combat wildlife trafficking, invest in women, and support the next generation of African leaders: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) deeply values the historic United States commitment to Africa; (2) affirms a future commitment to increased economic partnership with Africa; (3) supports innovations in development and an expanded partnership with the private sector, including in the areas of energy, food security, and health; (4) supports efforts to facilitate increased trade and investment between the United States and Africa, as well as amongst African countries; (5) supports ongoing African-led efforts to improve peacekeeping, prevent atrocities, and combat violent extremism and terrorism; (6) affirms the enduring partnership of the people and Government of the United States with the African people, including the youth, and urges African leaders to invest in this generation of young people, as well as the next generation; (7) encourages leaders in Africa to make efforts toward strengthening good governance, the rule of law, and democracy, including respecting constitutional term limits, human rights, and ensuring that civil society organizations are able to function freely in their countries; (8) supports ongoing efforts to protect and promote women and children, including through investments in education and maternal, newborn, and child health; (9) reaffirms the strong United States investment in health in Africa, and anticipates leaders in Africa making greater and sustainable investments in healthcare; (10) commends African investments in preventing wildlife trafficking and supports further investments, including training and equipping enforcement teams in Africa; (11) urges African heads of state to take concrete steps to implement reforms that will further economic growth, good governance, democracy, peace, security, rule of law, and development; and (12) expresses support for the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit from August 4 through August 6, 2014.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 522 ATS: Expressing the sense of the Senate supporting the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit to be held in Washington, D.C., from August 4 through 6, 2014.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-07-24\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress>\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session>\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 522\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140724\">\n July 24, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S337\">\n Mr. Coons\n </sponsor>\n (for himself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S358\">\n Mr. Flake\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S306\">\n Mr. Menendez\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S310\">\n Mr. Corker\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S253\">\n Mr. Durbin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S324\">\n Mrs. Shaheen\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S311\">\n Ms. Klobuchar\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name committee-id=\"SSFR00\">\n Committee on Foreign Relations\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <action stage=\"Reported-in-Senate\">\n <action-date>\n July 29, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n Reported by\n <sponsor name-id=\"S306\">\n Mr. Menendez\n </sponsor>\n , without amendment\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <action>\n <action-date>\n July 31, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n Considered and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Expressing the sense of the Senate supporting the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit to be held in\n\t\t\t Washington, D.C., from August 4 through 6, 2014.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States will convene the first U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit from August 4 through\n\t\t\t August 6, 2014, featuring a congressional reception welcoming African\n\t\t\t heads\n\t\t\t of state, the U.S.-Africa Business Forum, the African Growth and\n\t\t\t Opportunity\n\t\t\t Act (AGOA) Forum, and dialogue sessions between African leaders and\n\t\t\t President Barack Obama on investing in Africa’s future, promoting peace\n\t\t\t and regional stability, and governing for the next generation;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit will be the largest event held between the\n\t\t\t United States Government and African heads of state and governments;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit will build on the President’s trip to Africa in the summer\n\t\t\t of 2013 and will strengthen ties between the United States and one of the\n\t\t\t most dynamic and fastest growing regions in the world;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States Government has built strong and enduring partnerships with African heads\n\t\t\t of state\n\t\t\t bilaterally and through the United Nations, African Union, and African\n\t\t\t regional institutions;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States Government has demonstrated its commitment to Africa’s development and\n\t\t\t growth\n\t\t\t through resources, legislation, economic relationships, and initiatives,\n\t\t\t including the African Growth and Opportunity Act (\n <external-xref legal-doc=\"usc\" parsable-cite=\"usc/19/3701\">\n 19 U.S.C. 3701 et seq.\n </external-xref>\n ),\n\t\t\t Power Africa, Feed the\n\t\t\t Future, Millennium Challenge Corporation compacts, and other efforts led\n\t\t\t by the Department of State, the United States Agency for\n\t\t\t International Development, the Overseas Private Investment Corporation,\n\t\t\t the Department of Commerce, and\n\t\t\t other agencies of the United States Government;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas there are 10 authorized United Nations peacekeeping operations in Africa with over 94,000\n\t\t\t United Nations peacekeepers working to promote peace and stability for\n\t\t\t over\n\t\t\t 131,000,000 people across the continent, in addition to additional\n\t\t\t missions led by the\n\t\t\t African Union, with United States and international support and training;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States has served as the global leader in investments and innovations in health\n\t\t\t across\n\t\t\t Africa, contributing significant resources to improvements in health over\n\t\t\t the past two decades through United States-led programs such as the\n\t\t\t President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), the President’s\n\t\t\t Malaria Initiative (PMI), and the Global Alliance for Vaccines and\n\t\t\t Immunization (GAVI);\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, through its investments in health across 16 priority countries in Africa over the last two\n\t\t\t decades, the United States Government has contributed to the reduction of\n\t\t\t child\n\t\t\t mortality rates by 44 percent and the reduction of maternal mortality\n\t\t\t rates by 39 percent;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the majority of the fastest growing economies in the world are in Africa, and the\n\t\t\t continent’s steady\n\t\t\t annual economic growth rate of 5 percent has exceeded that of other\n\t\t\t regions in the world;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas there are currently 1,000,000,000 Africans representing the fastest growing population in\n\t\t\t the world, and by 2035, the African continent will have the world’s\n\t\t\t largest workforce;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas individual nations in Africa and the African Union have made significant achievements and\n\t\t\t remarkable progress since the inception of the African Union 51 years ago\n\t\t\t and its transition from the Organization of African Unity;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States Government, recognizing the importance of Africa’s youth and future\n\t\t\t generations, has invested in the next generation of African\n\t\t\t entrepreneurs,\n\t\t\t educators, civic leaders, and innovators, including through the United\n\t\t\t States-led Young African Leaders Initiative\n\t\t\t (YALI), helping them\tdevelop\n\t\t\t skills and networks to build brighter futures for their communities and\n\t\t\t countries; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States Government is looking forward to hosting 50 heads of state and\n\t\t\t the Chair of the African Union at the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit to\n\t\t\t demonstrate the United States commitment to Africa, deepen partnerships,\n\t\t\t and determine concrete ways that the United States can support African-led\n\t\t\t efforts to further peace and regional security, advance democracy and\n\t\t\t good governance, improve health and education services, increase trade and\n\t\t\t investment, address environmental issues, improve resilience and food\n\t\t\t security, combat wildlife trafficking, invest in women, and support the\n\t\t\t next generation of African leaders: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"idb96e49179b74438c93527a6025711f6f\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n deeply values the historic United States commitment to Africa;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id4ef8a8a794144cb591b07ac9e989c4d0\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n affirms a future commitment to increased economic partnership with Africa;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id60a4a687e877404cbb12064c06e6fdb9\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n supports innovations in development and an expanded partnership with the private sector, including\n\t\t\t in the areas\n\t\t\t of energy, food security, and health;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idf4d06c0099864577b953d8a9bce84729\">\n <enum>\n (4)\n </enum>\n <text>\n supports efforts to facilitate increased trade and investment between the United States and Africa,\n\t\t\t as well as amongst African countries;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idd25c2560a8e7462fab6e63d82f860a33\">\n <enum>\n (5)\n </enum>\n <text>\n supports ongoing African-led efforts to improve peacekeeping, prevent atrocities, and combat\n\t\t\t violent extremism and terrorism;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idaed46fe813dc45e9b9a0bfc3583207c9\">\n <enum>\n (6)\n </enum>\n <text>\n affirms the enduring partnership of the people and Government of the United States with the African\n\t\t\t people, including the\tyouth, and urges African\n\t\t\t leaders to invest in this generation of young people, as well as the next\n\t\t\t generation;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idcd21fd3665b341e7ae3351dda5f4df1e\">\n <enum>\n (7)\n </enum>\n <text>\n encourages leaders in Africa to make efforts toward strengthening good governance, the rule of\n\t\t\t law,\n\t\t\t and\n\t\t\t democracy, including respecting constitutional term limits, human rights,\n\t\t\t and ensuring that civil society organizations are able to function\n\t\t\t freely in their countries;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id9b21e60f1b7a4ff9a0ecb2fe027cb14b\">\n <enum>\n (8)\n </enum>\n <text>\n supports ongoing efforts to protect and promote women and children, including through investments\n\t\t\t in education and maternal, newborn, and child health;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idad7fe614cf1441d88a99b2e0bf1b17e5\">\n <enum>\n (9)\n </enum>\n <text>\n reaffirms the strong United States investment in health in Africa, and anticipates leaders in\n\t\t\t Africa \n\t\t\t making greater and sustainable investments in healthcare;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idd9721ebf52024c5ebade0b9d2ddbd26c\">\n <enum>\n (10)\n </enum>\n <text>\n commends African investments in preventing wildlife trafficking and supports further investments,\n\t\t\t including training and equipping enforcement teams in Africa;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id574493ac87e943a29099f6a727039c33\">\n <enum>\n (11)\n </enum>\n <text>\n urges African heads of state to take concrete steps to implement reforms that will further\n\t\t\t economic\n\t\t\t growth, good governance, democracy, peace, security, rule of law, and\n\t\t\t development; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id21b833e768a249f99eed417193af0d36\">\n <enum>\n (12)\n </enum>\n <text>\n expresses support for the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit from August 4 through August 6, 2014.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" }, { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-07-24T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres522is/xml/BILLS-113sres522is.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres522is.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres522is.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T00:23:01.128", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-522", "legis_num": 522, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "is", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-522-is-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 522 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES July 24, 2014 Mr. Coons (for himself, Mr. Flake , Mr. Menendez , and Mr. Corker ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations RESOLUTION Expressing the sense of the Senate supporting the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit to be held in Washington, D.C., from August 4 through 6, 2014.\n\nWhereas the United States will convene the first U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit from August 4 through August 6, 2014, featuring a congressional reception welcoming African heads of state, the U.S.-Africa Business Forum, the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) Forum, and dialogue sessions between African leaders and President Barack Obama on investing in Africa’s future, promoting peace and regional stability, and governing for the next generation; Whereas the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit will be the largest event held between the United States Government and African heads of state and governments; Whereas the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit will build on the President’s trip to Africa in the summer of 2013 and will strengthen ties between the United States and one of the most dynamic and fastest growing regions in the world; Whereas the United States Government has built strong and enduring partnerships with African heads of state bilaterally and through the United Nations, African Union, and African regional institutions; Whereas the United States Government has demonstrated its commitment to Africa’s development and growth through resources, legislation, economic relationships, and initiatives, including the African Growth and Opportunity Act ( 19 U.S.C. 3701 et seq. ), Power Africa, Feed the Future, Millennium Challenge Corporation compacts, and other efforts led by the Department of State, the United States Agency for International Development, the Overseas Private Investment Corporation, the Department of Commerce, and other agencies of the United States Government; Whereas there are 10 authorized United Nations peacekeeping operations in Africa with over 94,000 United Nations peacekeepers working to promote peace and stability for over 131,000,000 people across the continent, in addition to additional missions led by the African Union, with United States and international support and training; Whereas the United States has served as the global leader in investments and innovations in health across Africa, contributing significant resources to improvements in health over the past two decades through United States-led programs such as the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), the President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI), and the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI); Whereas, through its investments in health across 16 priority countries in Africa over the last two decades, the United States Government has contributed to the reduction of child mortality rates by 44 percent and the reduction of maternal mortality rates by 39 percent; Whereas the majority of the fastest growing economies in the world are in Africa, and the continent’s steady annual economic growth rate of 5 percent has exceeded that of other regions in the world; Whereas there are currently 1,000,000,000 Africans representing the fastest growing population in the world, and by 2035, the African continent will have the world’s largest workforce; Whereas individual nations in Africa and the African Union have made significant achievements and remarkable progress since the inception of the African Union 51 years ago and its transition from the Organization of African Unity; Whereas the United States Government, recognizing the importance of Africa’s youth and future generations, has invested in the next generation of African entrepreneurs, educators, civic leaders, and innovators, including through the United States-led Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI), helping them develop skills and networks to build brighter futures for their communities and countries; and Whereas the United States Government is looking forward to hosting 50 heads of state and the Chair of the African Union at the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit to demonstrate the United States commitment to Africa, deepen partnerships, and determine concrete ways that the United States can support African-led efforts to further peace and regional security, advance democracy and good governance, improve health and education services, increase trade and investment, address environmental issues, improve resilience and food security, combat wildlife trafficking, invest in women, and support the next generation of African leaders: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) deeply values the historic United States commitment to Africa; (2) affirms a future commitment to increased economic partnership with Africa; (3) supports innovations in development and an expanded partnership with the private sector, including in the areas of energy, food security, and health; (4) supports efforts to facilitate increased trade and investment between the United States and Africa, as well as amongst African countries; (5) supports ongoing African-led efforts to improve peacekeeping, prevent atrocities, and combat violent extremism and terrorism; (6) affirms the enduring partnership of the people and Government of the United States with the African people, including the youth, and urges African leaders to invest in this generation of young people, as well as the next generation; (7) encourages leaders in Africa to make efforts toward strengthening good governance, the rule of law, and democracy, including respecting constitutional term limits, human rights, and ensuring that civil society organizations are able to function freely in their countries; (8) supports ongoing efforts to protect and promote women and children, including through investments in education and maternal, newborn, and child health; (9) reaffirms the strong United States investment in health in Africa, and anticipates leaders in Africa making greater and sustainable investments in healthcare; (10) commends African investments in preventing wildlife trafficking and supports further investments, including training and equipping enforcement teams in Africa; (11) urges African heads of state to take concrete steps to implement reforms that will further economic growth, good governance, democracy, peace, security, rule of law, and development; and (12) expresses support for the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit from August 4 through August 6, 2014.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Introduced-in-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 522 IS: Expressing the sense of the Senate supporting the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit to be held in Washington, D.C., from August 4 through 6, 2014.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-07-24\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 522\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140724\">\n July 24, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S337\">\n Mr. Coons\n </sponsor>\n (for himself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S358\">\n Mr. Flake\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S306\">\n Mr. Menendez\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S310\">\n Mr. Corker\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name committee-id=\"SSFR00\">\n Committee on Foreign Relations\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Expressing the sense of the Senate supporting the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit to be held in\n\t\t\t Washington, D.C., from August 4 through 6, 2014.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States will convene the first U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit from August 4 through\n\t\t\t August 6, 2014, featuring a congressional reception welcoming African\n\t\t\t heads\n\t\t\t of state, the U.S.-Africa Business Forum, the African Growth and\n\t\t\t Opportunity\n\t\t\t Act (AGOA) Forum, and dialogue sessions between African leaders and\n\t\t\t President Barack Obama on investing in Africa’s future, promoting peace\n\t\t\t and regional stability, and governing for the next generation;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit will be the largest event held between the\n\t\t\t United States Government and African heads of state and governments;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit will build on the President’s trip to Africa in the summer\n\t\t\t of 2013 and will strengthen ties between the United States and one of the\n\t\t\t most dynamic and fastest growing regions in the world;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States Government has built strong and enduring partnerships with African heads\n\t\t\t of state\n\t\t\t bilaterally and through the United Nations, African Union, and African\n\t\t\t regional institutions;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States Government has demonstrated its commitment to Africa’s development and\n\t\t\t growth\n\t\t\t through resources, legislation, economic relationships, and initiatives,\n\t\t\t including the African Growth and Opportunity Act (\n <external-xref legal-doc=\"usc\" parsable-cite=\"usc/19/3701\">\n 19 U.S.C. 3701 et seq.\n </external-xref>\n ),\n\t\t\t Power Africa, Feed the\n\t\t\t Future, Millennium Challenge Corporation compacts, and other efforts led\n\t\t\t by the Department of State, the United States Agency for\n\t\t\t International Development, the Overseas Private Investment Corporation,\n\t\t\t the Department of Commerce, and\n\t\t\t other agencies of the United States Government;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas there are 10 authorized United Nations peacekeeping operations in Africa with over 94,000\n\t\t\t United Nations peacekeepers working to promote peace and stability for\n\t\t\t over\n\t\t\t 131,000,000 people across the continent, in addition to additional\n\t\t\t missions led by the\n\t\t\t African Union, with United States and international support and training;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States has served as the global leader in investments and innovations in health\n\t\t\t across\n\t\t\t Africa, contributing significant resources to improvements in health over\n\t\t\t the past two decades through United States-led programs such as the\n\t\t\t President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), the President’s\n\t\t\t Malaria Initiative (PMI), and the Global Alliance for Vaccines and\n\t\t\t Immunization (GAVI);\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, through its investments in health across 16 priority countries in Africa over the last two\n\t\t\t decades, the United States Government has contributed to the reduction of\n\t\t\t child\n\t\t\t mortality rates by 44 percent and the reduction of maternal mortality\n\t\t\t rates by 39 percent;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the majority of the fastest growing economies in the world are in Africa, and the\n\t\t\t continent’s steady\n\t\t\t annual economic growth rate of 5 percent has exceeded that of other\n\t\t\t regions in the world;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas there are currently 1,000,000,000 Africans representing the fastest growing population in\n\t\t\t the world, and by 2035, the African continent will have the world’s\n\t\t\t largest workforce;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas individual nations in Africa and the African Union have made significant achievements and\n\t\t\t remarkable progress since the inception of the African Union 51 years ago\n\t\t\t and its transition from the Organization of African Unity;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States Government, recognizing the importance of Africa’s youth and future\n\t\t\t generations, has invested in the next generation of African\n\t\t\t entrepreneurs,\n\t\t\t educators, civic leaders, and innovators, including through the United\n\t\t\t States-led Young African Leaders Initiative\n\t\t\t (YALI), helping them\tdevelop\n\t\t\t skills and networks to build brighter futures for their communities and\n\t\t\t countries; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States Government is looking forward to hosting 50 heads of state and\n\t\t\t the Chair of the African Union at the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit to\n\t\t\t demonstrate the United States commitment to Africa, deepen partnerships,\n\t\t\t and determine concrete ways that the United States can support African-led\n\t\t\t efforts to further peace and regional security, advance democracy and\n\t\t\t good governance, improve health and education services, increase trade and\n\t\t\t investment, address environmental issues, improve resilience and food\n\t\t\t security, combat wildlife trafficking, invest in women, and support the\n\t\t\t next generation of African leaders: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"idb96e49179b74438c93527a6025711f6f\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n deeply values the historic United States commitment to Africa;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id4ef8a8a794144cb591b07ac9e989c4d0\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n affirms a future commitment to increased economic partnership with Africa;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id60a4a687e877404cbb12064c06e6fdb9\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n supports innovations in development and an expanded partnership with the private sector, including\n\t\t\t in the areas\n\t\t\t of energy, food security, and health;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idf4d06c0099864577b953d8a9bce84729\">\n <enum>\n (4)\n </enum>\n <text>\n supports efforts to facilitate increased trade and investment between the United States and Africa,\n\t\t\t as well as amongst African countries;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idd25c2560a8e7462fab6e63d82f860a33\">\n <enum>\n (5)\n </enum>\n <text>\n supports ongoing African-led efforts to improve peacekeeping, prevent atrocities, and combat\n\t\t\t violent extremism and terrorism;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idaed46fe813dc45e9b9a0bfc3583207c9\">\n <enum>\n (6)\n </enum>\n <text>\n affirms the enduring partnership of the people and Government of the United States with the African\n\t\t\t people, including the\tyouth, and urges African\n\t\t\t leaders to invest in this generation of young people, as well as the next\n\t\t\t generation;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idcd21fd3665b341e7ae3351dda5f4df1e\">\n <enum>\n (7)\n </enum>\n <text>\n encourages leaders in Africa to make efforts toward strengthening good governance, the rule of\n\t\t\t law,\n\t\t\t and\n\t\t\t democracy, including respecting constitutional term limits, human rights,\n\t\t\t and ensuring that civil society organizations are able to function\n\t\t\t freely in their countries;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id9b21e60f1b7a4ff9a0ecb2fe027cb14b\">\n <enum>\n (8)\n </enum>\n <text>\n supports ongoing efforts to protect and promote women and children, including through investments\n\t\t\t in education and maternal, newborn, and child health;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idad7fe614cf1441d88a99b2e0bf1b17e5\">\n <enum>\n (9)\n </enum>\n <text>\n reaffirms the strong United States investment in health in Africa, and anticipates leaders in\n\t\t\t Africa \n\t\t\t making greater and sustainable investments in healthcare;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idd9721ebf52024c5ebade0b9d2ddbd26c\">\n <enum>\n (10)\n </enum>\n <text>\n commends African investments in preventing wildlife trafficking and supports further investments,\n\t\t\t including training and equipping enforcement teams in Africa;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id574493ac87e943a29099f6a727039c33\">\n <enum>\n (11)\n </enum>\n <text>\n urges African heads of state to take concrete steps to implement reforms that will further\n\t\t\t economic\n\t\t\t growth, good governance, democracy, peace, security, rule of law, and\n\t\t\t development; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id21b833e768a249f99eed417193af0d36\">\n <enum>\n (12)\n </enum>\n <text>\n expresses support for the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit from August 4 through August 6, 2014.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" }, { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-07-29T04:00:00Z", "type": "Reported to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres522rs/xml/BILLS-113sres522rs.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres522rs.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres522rs.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T00:23:01.094", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-522", "legis_num": 522, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "rs", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-522-rs-dtd", "tv_txt": "III Calendar No. 498 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 522 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES July 24, 2014 Mr. Coons (for himself, Mr. Flake , Mr. Menendez , Mr. Corker , Mr. Durbin , and Mrs. Shaheen ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations July 29, 2014 Reported by Mr. Menendez , without amendment RESOLUTION Expressing the sense of the Senate supporting the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit to be held in Washington, D.C., from August 4 through 6, 2014.\n\nWhereas the United States will convene the first U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit from August 4 through August 6, 2014, featuring a congressional reception welcoming African heads of state, the U.S.-Africa Business Forum, the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) Forum, and dialogue sessions between African leaders and President Barack Obama on investing in Africa’s future, promoting peace and regional stability, and governing for the next generation; Whereas the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit will be the largest event held between the United States Government and African heads of state and governments; Whereas the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit will build on the President’s trip to Africa in the summer of 2013 and will strengthen ties between the United States and one of the most dynamic and fastest growing regions in the world; Whereas the United States Government has built strong and enduring partnerships with African heads of state bilaterally and through the United Nations, African Union, and African regional institutions; Whereas the United States Government has demonstrated its commitment to Africa’s development and growth through resources, legislation, economic relationships, and initiatives, including the African Growth and Opportunity Act ( 19 U.S.C. 3701 et seq. ), Power Africa, Feed the Future, Millennium Challenge Corporation compacts, and other efforts led by the Department of State, the United States Agency for International Development, the Overseas Private Investment Corporation, the Department of Commerce, and other agencies of the United States Government; Whereas there are 10 authorized United Nations peacekeeping operations in Africa with over 94,000 United Nations peacekeepers working to promote peace and stability for over 131,000,000 people across the continent, in addition to additional missions led by the African Union, with United States and international support and training; Whereas the United States has served as the global leader in investments and innovations in health across Africa, contributing significant resources to improvements in health over the past two decades through United States-led programs such as the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), the President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI), and the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI); Whereas, through its investments in health across 16 priority countries in Africa over the last two decades, the United States Government has contributed to the reduction of child mortality rates by 44 percent and the reduction of maternal mortality rates by 39 percent; Whereas the majority of the fastest growing economies in the world are in Africa, and the continent’s steady annual economic growth rate of 5 percent has exceeded that of other regions in the world; Whereas there are currently 1,000,000,000 Africans representing the fastest growing population in the world, and by 2035, the African continent will have the world’s largest workforce; Whereas individual nations in Africa and the African Union have made significant achievements and remarkable progress since the inception of the African Union 51 years ago and its transition from the Organization of African Unity; Whereas the United States Government, recognizing the importance of Africa’s youth and future generations, has invested in the next generation of African entrepreneurs, educators, civic leaders, and innovators, including through the United States-led Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI), helping them develop skills and networks to build brighter futures for their communities and countries; and Whereas the United States Government is looking forward to hosting 50 heads of state and the Chair of the African Union at the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit to demonstrate the United States commitment to Africa, deepen partnerships, and determine concrete ways that the United States can support African-led efforts to further peace and regional security, advance democracy and good governance, improve health and education services, increase trade and investment, address environmental issues, improve resilience and food security, combat wildlife trafficking, invest in women, and support the next generation of African leaders: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) deeply values the historic United States commitment to Africa; (2) affirms a future commitment to increased economic partnership with Africa; (3) supports innovations in development and an expanded partnership with the private sector, including in the areas of energy, food security, and health; (4) supports efforts to facilitate increased trade and investment between the United States and Africa, as well as amongst African countries; (5) supports ongoing African-led efforts to improve peacekeeping, prevent atrocities, and combat violent extremism and terrorism; (6) affirms the enduring partnership of the people and Government of the United States with the African people, including the youth, and urges African leaders to invest in this generation of young people, as well as the next generation; (7) encourages leaders in Africa to make efforts toward strengthening good governance, the rule of law, and democracy, including respecting constitutional term limits, human rights, and ensuring that civil society organizations are able to function freely in their countries; (8) supports ongoing efforts to protect and promote women and children, including through investments in education and maternal, newborn, and child health; (9) reaffirms the strong United States investment in health in Africa, and anticipates leaders in Africa making greater and sustainable investments in healthcare; (10) commends African investments in preventing wildlife trafficking and supports further investments, including training and equipping enforcement teams in Africa; (11) urges African heads of state to take concrete steps to implement reforms that will further economic growth, good governance, democracy, peace, security, rule of law, and development; and (12) expresses support for the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit from August 4 through August 6, 2014.\n\nJuly 29, 2014 Reported without amendment", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Reported-in-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 522 RS: Expressing the sense of the Senate supporting the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit to be held in Washington, D.C., from August 4 through 6, 2014.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-07-24\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <calendar>\n Calendar No. 498\n </calendar>\n <congress>\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session>\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 522\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140724\">\n July 24, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S337\">\n Mr. Coons\n </sponsor>\n (for himself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S358\">\n Mr. Flake\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S306\">\n Mr. Menendez\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S310\">\n Mr. Corker\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S253\">\n Mr. Durbin\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S324\">\n Mrs. Shaheen\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name committee-id=\"SSFR00\">\n Committee on Foreign Relations\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <action stage=\"Reported-in-Senate\">\n <action-date>\n July 29, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n Reported by\n <sponsor name-id=\"S306\">\n Mr. Menendez\n </sponsor>\n , without amendment\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Expressing the sense of the Senate supporting the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit to be held in\n\t\t\t Washington, D.C., from August 4 through 6, 2014.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States will convene the first U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit from August 4 through\n\t\t\t August 6, 2014, featuring a congressional reception welcoming African\n\t\t\t heads\n\t\t\t of state, the U.S.-Africa Business Forum, the African Growth and\n\t\t\t Opportunity\n\t\t\t Act (AGOA) Forum, and dialogue sessions between African leaders and\n\t\t\t President Barack Obama on investing in Africa’s future, promoting peace\n\t\t\t and regional stability, and governing for the next generation;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit will be the largest event held between the\n\t\t\t United States Government and African heads of state and governments;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit will build on the President’s trip to Africa in the summer\n\t\t\t of 2013 and will strengthen ties between the United States and one of the\n\t\t\t most dynamic and fastest growing regions in the world;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States Government has built strong and enduring partnerships with African heads\n\t\t\t of state\n\t\t\t bilaterally and through the United Nations, African Union, and African\n\t\t\t regional institutions;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States Government has demonstrated its commitment to Africa’s development and\n\t\t\t growth\n\t\t\t through resources, legislation, economic relationships, and initiatives,\n\t\t\t including the African Growth and Opportunity Act (\n <external-xref legal-doc=\"usc\" parsable-cite=\"usc/19/3701\">\n 19 U.S.C. 3701 et seq.\n </external-xref>\n ),\n\t\t\t Power Africa, Feed the\n\t\t\t Future, Millennium Challenge Corporation compacts, and other efforts led\n\t\t\t by the Department of State, the United States Agency for\n\t\t\t International Development, the Overseas Private Investment Corporation,\n\t\t\t the Department of Commerce, and\n\t\t\t other agencies of the United States Government;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas there are 10 authorized United Nations peacekeeping operations in Africa with over 94,000\n\t\t\t United Nations peacekeepers working to promote peace and stability for\n\t\t\t over\n\t\t\t 131,000,000 people across the continent, in addition to additional\n\t\t\t missions led by the\n\t\t\t African Union, with United States and international support and training;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States has served as the global leader in investments and innovations in health\n\t\t\t across\n\t\t\t Africa, contributing significant resources to improvements in health over\n\t\t\t the past two decades through United States-led programs such as the\n\t\t\t President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), the President’s\n\t\t\t Malaria Initiative (PMI), and the Global Alliance for Vaccines and\n\t\t\t Immunization (GAVI);\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, through its investments in health across 16 priority countries in Africa over the last two\n\t\t\t decades, the United States Government has contributed to the reduction of\n\t\t\t child\n\t\t\t mortality rates by 44 percent and the reduction of maternal mortality\n\t\t\t rates by 39 percent;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the majority of the fastest growing economies in the world are in Africa, and the\n\t\t\t continent’s steady\n\t\t\t annual economic growth rate of 5 percent has exceeded that of other\n\t\t\t regions in the world;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas there are currently 1,000,000,000 Africans representing the fastest growing population in\n\t\t\t the world, and by 2035, the African continent will have the world’s\n\t\t\t largest workforce;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas individual nations in Africa and the African Union have made significant achievements and\n\t\t\t remarkable progress since the inception of the African Union 51 years ago\n\t\t\t and its transition from the Organization of African Unity;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States Government, recognizing the importance of Africa’s youth and future\n\t\t\t generations, has invested in the next generation of African\n\t\t\t entrepreneurs,\n\t\t\t educators, civic leaders, and innovators, including through the United\n\t\t\t States-led Young African Leaders Initiative\n\t\t\t (YALI), helping them\tdevelop\n\t\t\t skills and networks to build brighter futures for their communities and\n\t\t\t countries; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States Government is looking forward to hosting 50 heads of state and\n\t\t\t the Chair of the African Union at the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit to\n\t\t\t demonstrate the United States commitment to Africa, deepen partnerships,\n\t\t\t and determine concrete ways that the United States can support African-led\n\t\t\t efforts to further peace and regional security, advance democracy and\n\t\t\t good governance, improve health and education services, increase trade and\n\t\t\t investment, address environmental issues, improve resilience and food\n\t\t\t security, combat wildlife trafficking, invest in women, and support the\n\t\t\t next generation of African leaders: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"idb96e49179b74438c93527a6025711f6f\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n deeply values the historic United States commitment to Africa;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id4ef8a8a794144cb591b07ac9e989c4d0\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n affirms a future commitment to increased economic partnership with Africa;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id60a4a687e877404cbb12064c06e6fdb9\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n supports innovations in development and an expanded partnership with the private sector, including\n\t\t\t in the areas\n\t\t\t of energy, food security, and health;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idf4d06c0099864577b953d8a9bce84729\">\n <enum>\n (4)\n </enum>\n <text>\n supports efforts to facilitate increased trade and investment between the United States and Africa,\n\t\t\t as well as amongst African countries;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idd25c2560a8e7462fab6e63d82f860a33\">\n <enum>\n (5)\n </enum>\n <text>\n supports ongoing African-led efforts to improve peacekeeping, prevent atrocities, and combat\n\t\t\t violent extremism and terrorism;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idaed46fe813dc45e9b9a0bfc3583207c9\">\n <enum>\n (6)\n </enum>\n <text>\n affirms the enduring partnership of the people and Government of the United States with the African\n\t\t\t people, including the\tyouth, and urges African\n\t\t\t leaders to invest in this generation of young people, as well as the next\n\t\t\t generation;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idcd21fd3665b341e7ae3351dda5f4df1e\">\n <enum>\n (7)\n </enum>\n <text>\n encourages leaders in Africa to make efforts toward strengthening good governance, the rule of\n\t\t\t law,\n\t\t\t and\n\t\t\t democracy, including respecting constitutional term limits, human rights,\n\t\t\t and ensuring that civil society organizations are able to function\n\t\t\t freely in their countries;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id9b21e60f1b7a4ff9a0ecb2fe027cb14b\">\n <enum>\n (8)\n </enum>\n <text>\n supports ongoing efforts to protect and promote women and children, including through investments\n\t\t\t in education and maternal, newborn, and child health;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idad7fe614cf1441d88a99b2e0bf1b17e5\">\n <enum>\n (9)\n </enum>\n <text>\n reaffirms the strong United States investment in health in Africa, and anticipates leaders in\n\t\t\t Africa \n\t\t\t making greater and sustainable investments in healthcare;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idd9721ebf52024c5ebade0b9d2ddbd26c\">\n <enum>\n (10)\n </enum>\n <text>\n commends African investments in preventing wildlife trafficking and supports further investments,\n\t\t\t including training and equipping enforcement teams in Africa;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id574493ac87e943a29099f6a727039c33\">\n <enum>\n (11)\n </enum>\n <text>\n urges African heads of state to take concrete steps to implement reforms that will further\n\t\t\t economic\n\t\t\t growth, good governance, democracy, peace, security, rule of law, and\n\t\t\t development; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id21b833e768a249f99eed417193af0d36\">\n <enum>\n (12)\n </enum>\n <text>\n expresses support for the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit from August 4 through August 6, 2014.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n <endorsement>\n <action-date>\n July 29, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n Reported without amendment\n </action-desc>\n </endorsement>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-06 01:39:01.015
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 523 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-11T13:25:41Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-11T13:25:41Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-07-24 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2014-07-24T22:28:48Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-24 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S4910-4911) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-24 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> W000805 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Warner, Mark R. [D-VA] </fullName> <firstName> Mark </firstName> <lastName> Warner </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> C001056 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cornyn, John [R-TX] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Cornyn </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TX </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000384 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Kaine, Tim [D-VA] </fullName> <firstName> Timothy </firstName> <lastName> Kaine </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000584 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Risch, James E. [R-ID] </fullName> <firstName> James </firstName> <lastName> Risch </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ID </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Asia </name> </item> <item> <name> Diplomacy, foreign officials, Americans abroad </name> </item> <item> <name> Education programs funding </name> </item> <item> <name> Employment and training programs </name> </item> <item> <name> India </name> </item> <item> <name> International organizations and cooperation </name> </item> <item> <name> Manufacturing </name> </item> <item> <name> Military assistance, sales, and agreements </name> </item> <item> <name> Nuclear power </name> </item> <item> <name> Oil and gas </name> </item> <item> <name> Trade agreements and negotiations </name> </item> <item> <name> U.S. and foreign investments </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-24 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-07-25T19:57:25Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Expresses the sense of the Senate that: &lt;/p&gt; &lt;ul&gt; &lt;li&gt;Prime Minister Narenda Modi of India should address Congress at the earliest opportunity; &lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt;the U.S. government should hold a strategic dialogue in New Delhi that lays out clear objectives for the U.S.-India relationship; &lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt;the United States nominate and confirm an Ambassador to India as soon as possible; &lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt;the United States and India should continue to expand economic engagement, including finalizing a bilateral investment treaty and reviving the Trade Policy Forum; &lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt; India should continue its economic liberalization reforms, including discussions with other Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum nations about Indian membership in APEC; &lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt;the United States and India should expand energy, defense, and security cooperation; and&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt;India should modify its offset regime so funds can flow to a second tier of Indian priorities such as education, skills development, or manufacturing.&lt;/li&gt;&lt;/ul&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate on the importance of the United States-India strategic partnership and the continued deepening of bilateral ties with India. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate on the importance of the United States-India strategic partnership and the continued deepening of bilateral ties with India. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate on the importance of the United States-India strategic partnership and the continued deepening of bilateral ties with India. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2014-07-24T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres523is/xml/BILLS-113sres523is.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-07-24 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S4910-4911) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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Kaine, Tim [D-VA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Kaine", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-24", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000584", "district": null, "first_name": "James", "full_name": "Sen. Risch, James E. [R-ID]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Risch", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-24", "state": "ID" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-07-24", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-24", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S4910-4911)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 523, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "International Affairs", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "W000805", "district": null, "first_name": "Mark", "full_name": "Sen. Warner, Mark R. [D-VA]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Warner", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "state": "VA" } ], "subjects": [ "Asia", "Diplomacy, foreign officials, Americans abroad", "Education programs funding", "Employment and training programs", "India", "International organizations and cooperation", "Manufacturing", "Military assistance, sales, and agreements", "Nuclear power", "Oil and gas", "Trade agreements and negotiations", "U.S. and foreign investments" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-07-24", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Expresses the sense of the Senate that: </p> <ul> <li>Prime Minister Narenda Modi of India should address Congress at the earliest opportunity; </li> <li>the U.S. government should hold a strategic dialogue in New Delhi that lays out clear objectives for the U.S.-India relationship; </li> <li>the United States nominate and confirm an Ambassador to India as soon as possible; </li> <li>the United States and India should continue to expand economic engagement, including finalizing a bilateral investment treaty and reviving the Trade Policy Forum; </li> <li> India should continue its economic liberalization reforms, including discussions with other Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum nations about Indian membership in APEC; </li> <li>the United States and India should expand energy, defense, and security cooperation; and</li> <li>India should modify its offset regime so funds can flow to a second tier of Indian priorities such as education, skills development, or manufacturing.</li></ul>", "update_date": "2014-07-25T19:57:25Z", "version_code": "00" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-07-24T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres523is/xml/BILLS-113sres523is.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate on the importance of the United States-India strategic partnership and the continued deepening of bilateral ties with India.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate on the importance of the United States-India strategic partnership and the continued deepening of bilateral ties with India.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate on the importance of the United States-India strategic partnership and the continued deepening of bilateral ties with India.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2023-01-11T13:25:41Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-11T13:25:41Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-07-24T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres523is/xml/BILLS-113sres523is.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres523is.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres523is.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T00:23:01.016", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-523", "legis_num": 523, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "is", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-523-is-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 523 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES July 24, 2014 Mr. Warner (for himself, Mr. Cornyn , Mr. Kaine , and Mr. Risch ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations RESOLUTION Expressing the sense of the Senate on the importance of the United States-India strategic partnership and the continued deepening of bilateral ties with India.\n\nWhereas the United States-India relationship is built on mutual respect for common values, including democracy, the rule of law, a market economy, and ethnic and religious diversity, and bolstered by strong people-to-people ties, including a 3,000,000-strong Indian American diaspora; Whereas the Senate places tremendous value on the relationship with India, and the bipartisan Senate India Caucus comprises 40 Senators and is the largest bilateral caucus in the Senate; Whereas the United States and India have a unique opportunity, in the early days of the new administration in India, to refresh the United States-India relationship and work cooperatively to make progress that will benefit both of our countries in a broad range of areas, including education, skills development, infrastructure, and energy; Whereas a strong economic partnership between India and the United States requires a mutual respect for innovation; Whereas an investment environment that fosters continued research and development and the bilateral relationship between the United States and India has resulted in almost $100,000,000,000 in trade of goods and services in 2013; Whereas the United States-India relationship is vital to promoting stability, democracy, and economic prosperity in the 21st century; Whereas defense and security ties have led to nearly $10,000,000,000 in defense trade, and the United States-India Defense Trade and Technology Initiative has facilitated greater cooperation on joint development of defense platforms; Whereas counterterrorism cooperation is a growing and important aspect of the partnership given the terrorist threats faced by both countries, including from groups such as al Qaeda and Lashkar-e-Taiba; Whereas the United States values India’s role as a net security provider in the Indian Ocean Region and promoter of regional stability and maritime security in the Asian Pacific region; and Whereas India is a close partner of the United States in Afghanistan, has committed over $2,000,000,000 in development assistance, and shares the United States goal of a stable, democratic, and prosperous Afghanistan; Now, therefore, be it\n\nIt is the sense of the Senate that— (1) Prime Minister Narenda Modi should be able to address the United States Congress at the earliest opportunity; (2) the United States Government should develop a clear strategic plan for its relationship with India and hold a robust strategic dialogue in New Delhi that lays out clear objectives and deliverables to set a positive trajectory for the relationship and moves from dialogue to action to build a path forward for more ambitious cooperation; (3) the United States nominate and confirm an Ambassador to India as soon as possible; (4) the United States and India should continue to expand economic engagement, including finalizing a bilateral investment treaty and reviving the Trade Policy Forum; (5) the United States Government should urge the Government of India to continue with its economic liberalization reforms, including lifting the caps on foreign direct investment and taking steps to enhance protections for intellectual property, and consider discussions with other Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum nations about Indian membership in APEC; (6) the United States and India should expand energy cooperation, by India fully implementing the 2008 civil nuclear pact, and the United States pursuing increased export of liquefied natural gas to India; (7) the United States and India should continue to deepen defense and security cooperation, to include expanded joint exercises and training, sales and co-production, holding a 2+2 meeting of senior defense and foreign affairs officials, and reestablishing the Defense Policy Group; and (8) the United States Government should urge the Government of India to modify its offset regime so funds can flow to a second tier of Indian priorities such as education, skills development, or manufacturing.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Introduced-in-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 523 IS: Expressing the sense of the Senate on the importance of the United States-India strategic partnership and the continued deepening of bilateral ties with India.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date/>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 523\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date>\n July 24, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S327\">\n Mr. Warner\n </sponsor>\n (for himself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S287\">\n Mr. Cornyn\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S362\">\n Mr. Kaine\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S323\">\n Mr. Risch\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name committee-id=\"SSFR00\">\n Committee on Foreign Relations\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Expressing the sense of the Senate on the importance of the United States-India strategic\n\t\t\t partnership and the continued deepening of bilateral ties with India.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States-India relationship is built on mutual respect for common values,\n\t\t\t including democracy, the rule of law, a market economy, and ethnic and\n\t\t\t religious diversity, and bolstered by strong people-to-people ties,\n\t\t\t including a 3,000,000-strong Indian American diaspora;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Senate places tremendous value on the relationship with India, and the bipartisan\n\t\t\t Senate\n\t\t\t India Caucus comprises 40 Senators and is the largest bilateral caucus in\n\t\t\t the Senate;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States and India have a unique opportunity, in the early days of the new\n\t\t\t administration in India, to refresh the United States-India relationship\n\t\t\t and work \n\t\t\t cooperatively to make progress that will benefit both of our countries in\n\t\t\t a broad range of areas, including education, skills development,\n\t\t\t infrastructure, and energy;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas a strong economic partnership between India and the United States requires a mutual respect\n\t\t\t for innovation;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas an investment environment that fosters continued\n\t\t\t research and development and the bilateral relationship between the United\n\t\t\t States and India has resulted in\n\t\t\t almost $100,000,000,000 in trade of goods and services in 2013;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the\n\t\t\t United States-India relationship is vital to promoting stability,\n\t\t\t democracy, and economic prosperity in the 21st century;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas defense and security ties have led to nearly $10,000,000,000 in defense trade, and the\n\t\t\t United States-India Defense Trade and Technology Initiative has\n\t\t\t facilitated greater cooperation on joint development of defense platforms;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas counterterrorism cooperation is a growing and important aspect of the partnership given the\n\t\t\t terrorist threats faced by both countries, including from groups such as\n\t\t\t al Qaeda and Lashkar-e-Taiba;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States values India’s role as a net security provider in the Indian Ocean Region\n\t\t\t and promoter of regional stability and maritime security in the Asian\n\t\t\t Pacific region; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas India is a close partner of the United States in Afghanistan, has committed over\n\t\t\t $2,000,000,000 in development assistance, and shares the United States\n\t\t\t goal of a stable, democratic, and prosperous Afghanistan; Now, therefore,\n\t\t\t be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n It is the sense of the Senate that—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"idbcae138dfa7b4a118810cc96c510b05b\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n Prime Minister Narenda Modi should be able to address the United States Congress at the earliest\n\t\t\t opportunity;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id9adaf5985a864b2d8dcd17e867208e37\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n the United States Government should develop a clear strategic plan for its relationship with India\n\t\t\t and hold a\n\t\t\t robust strategic dialogue in New Delhi that lays out clear objectives and\n\t\t\t deliverables to set a positive trajectory for the relationship and moves\n\t\t\t from dialogue to action to build a path forward for more ambitious\n\t\t\t cooperation;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id7ee7a3c325804b43bf0a7609bbde3001\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n the United States nominate and confirm an Ambassador to India as soon as possible;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idd840278f8c634ceba81808c568d354b6\">\n <enum>\n (4)\n </enum>\n <text>\n the United States and India should continue to expand economic engagement, including finalizing a\n\t\t\t bilateral investment treaty and reviving the Trade Policy Forum;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id67fca6a77cc64b659eda5057f6eddc56\">\n <enum>\n (5)\n </enum>\n <text>\n the United States Government should urge the Government of India to continue with its economic\n\t\t\t liberalization reforms, including\n\t\t\t lifting the caps on foreign direct investment and taking steps to enhance\n\t\t\t protections\n\t\t\t for intellectual property, and consider discussions with other\n\t\t\t Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum nations about Indian\n\t\t\t membership in APEC;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"ida94a735a764e4b3c96010b0c37fcadd4\">\n <enum>\n (6)\n </enum>\n <text>\n the United States and India should expand energy cooperation, by India fully implementing the 2008\n\t\t\t civil nuclear pact, and the United States pursuing increased export of\n\t\t\t liquefied natural gas to India;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"ida65d1385a29a4eb7a6718fd303ae83ff\">\n <enum>\n (7)\n </enum>\n <text>\n the United States and India should continue to deepen defense and security cooperation, to include\n\t\t\t expanded joint exercises and training, sales and co-production, holding a\n <quote>\n 2+2\n </quote>\n meeting of senior defense and foreign affairs officials, and reestablishing the Defense Policy\n\t\t\t Group; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id55810894FC784BA099E741E2744ACAC3\">\n <enum>\n (8)\n </enum>\n <text>\n the United States Government should urge the Government of India to modify its offset regime so\n\t\t\t funds can flow to\n\t\t\t a second tier\n\t\t\t of Indian priorities such as education, skills development, or\n\t\t\t manufacturing.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-06 01:39:00.552
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 524 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-11T13:25:41Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-11T13:25:41Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-07-28 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssev00 </systemCode> <name> Environment and Public Works Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2014-07-28T22:50:42Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-28 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssev00 </systemCode> <name> Environment and Public Works Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on Environment and Public Works. (text of measure as introduced: CR S4999) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-28 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> K000367 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Klobuchar, Amy [D-MN] </fullName> <firstName> Amy </firstName> <lastName> Klobuchar </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MN </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> W000802 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Whitehouse, Sheldon [D-RI] </fullName> <firstName> Sheldon </firstName> <lastName> Whitehouse </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> RI </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000711 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Boxer, Barbara [D-CA] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> BOXER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000146 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Reid, Harry [D-NV] </fullName> <firstName> HARRY </firstName> <lastName> REID </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NV </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000033 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Sanders, Bernard [I-VT] </fullName> <firstName> Bernard </firstName> <lastName> Sanders </lastName> <party> I </party> <state> VT </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001181 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Shaheen, Jeanne [D-NH] </fullName> <firstName> Jeanne </firstName> <lastName> Shaheen </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001111 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Murray, Patty [D-WA] </fullName> <firstName> Patty </firstName> <lastName> Murray </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000062 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA] </fullName> <firstName> Dianne </firstName> <lastName> Feinstein </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000133 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Markey, Edward J. [D-MA] </fullName> <firstName> Edward </firstName> <lastName> Markey </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> N000032 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Nelson, Bill [D-FL] </fullName> <firstName> CLARENCE </firstName> <lastName> NELSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <middleName> WILLIAM </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001194 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Schatz, Brian [D-HI] </fullName> <firstName> Brian </firstName> <lastName> Schatz </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> HI </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001176 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Merkley, Jeff [D-OR] </fullName> <firstName> Jeff </firstName> <lastName> Merkley </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OR </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000817 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Warren, Elizabeth [D-MA] </fullName> <firstName> Elizabeth </firstName> <lastName> Warren </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001230 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Baldwin, Tammy [D-WI] </fullName> <firstName> Tammy </firstName> <lastName> Baldwin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WI </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000383 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. King, Angus S., Jr. [I-ME] </fullName> <firstName> Angus </firstName> <lastName> King </lastName> <party> I </party> <state> ME </state> <middleName> S. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000702 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Mikulski, Barbara A. [D-MD] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> MIKULSKI </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> ANN </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> U000038 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Udall, Mark [D-CO] </fullName> <firstName> MARK </firstName> <lastName> UDALL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CO </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000141 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cardin, Benjamin L. [D-MD] </fullName> <firstName> Ben </firstName> <lastName> Cardin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000206 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Harkin, Tom [D-IA] </fullName> <firstName> THOMAS </firstName> <lastName> HARKIN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IA </state> <middleName> RICHARD </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000122 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Reed, Jack [D-RI] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Reed </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> RI </state> <middleName> F. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000770 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Stabenow, Debbie [D-MI] </fullName> <firstName> Debbie </firstName> <lastName> Stabenow </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001267 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Bennet, Michael F. [D-CO] </fullName> <firstName> Michael </firstName> <lastName> Bennet </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CO </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000639 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Menendez, Robert [D-NJ] </fullName> <firstName> Robert </firstName> <lastName> Menendez </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001169 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Murphy, Christopher [D-CT] </fullName> <firstName> Christopher </firstName> <lastName> Murphy </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CT </state> <middleName> S. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001277 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Blumenthal, Richard [D-CT] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Blumenthal </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CT </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Environmental Protection </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Climate change and greenhouse gases </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Environmental Protection </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-28 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-09-18T10:20:24Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Expresses the sense of the Senate that global climate change is occurring and will continue to pose ongoing risks and challenges to the United States.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding global climate change. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding global climate change. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding global climate change. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2014-07-28T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres524is/xml/BILLS-113sres524is.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-07-28 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Committee on Environment and Public Works. (text of measure as introduced: CR S4999) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-28", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Environment and Public Works Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssev00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Environment and Public Works. (text of measure as introduced: CR S4999)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-07-28", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2014-07-28T22:50:42Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Environment and Public Works Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssev00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "W000802", "district": null, "first_name": "Sheldon", "full_name": "Sen. Whitehouse, Sheldon [D-RI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Whitehouse", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-28", "state": "RI" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000711", "district": null, "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Sen. Boxer, Barbara [D-CA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BOXER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-28", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000146", "district": null, "first_name": "HARRY", "full_name": "Sen. Reid, Harry [D-NV]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "REID", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-28", "state": "NV" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000033", "district": null, "first_name": "Bernard", "full_name": "Sen. Sanders, Bernard [I-VT]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Sanders", "middle_name": null, "party": "I", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-28", "state": "VT" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001181", "district": null, "first_name": "Jeanne", "full_name": "Sen. Shaheen, Jeanne [D-NH]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Shaheen", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-28", "state": "NH" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001111", "district": null, "first_name": "Patty", "full_name": "Sen. Murray, Patty [D-WA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Murray", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-28", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000062", "district": null, "first_name": "Dianne", "full_name": "Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Feinstein", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-28", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000133", "district": null, "first_name": "Edward", "full_name": "Sen. Markey, Edward J. [D-MA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Markey", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-28", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000032", "district": null, "first_name": "CLARENCE", "full_name": "Sen. Nelson, Bill [D-FL]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "NELSON", "middle_name": "WILLIAM", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-28", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001194", "district": null, "first_name": "Brian", "full_name": "Sen. Schatz, Brian [D-HI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Schatz", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-28", "state": "HI" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001176", "district": null, "first_name": "Jeff", "full_name": "Sen. 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King, Angus S., Jr. [I-ME]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "King", "middle_name": "S.", "party": "I", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-28", "state": "ME" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000702", "district": null, "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Sen. Mikulski, Barbara A. [D-MD]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MIKULSKI", "middle_name": "ANN", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-28", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "U000038", "district": null, "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Sen. Udall, Mark [D-CO]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "UDALL", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-28", "state": "CO" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000141", "district": null, "first_name": "Ben", "full_name": "Sen. Cardin, Benjamin L. [D-MD]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Cardin", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-28", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000206", "district": null, "first_name": "THOMAS", "full_name": "Sen. Harkin, Tom [D-IA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HARKIN", "middle_name": "RICHARD", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-28", "state": "IA" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000122", "district": null, "first_name": "John", "full_name": "Sen. Reed, Jack [D-RI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Reed", "middle_name": "F.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-28", "state": "RI" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000770", "district": null, "first_name": "Debbie", "full_name": "Sen. Stabenow, Debbie [D-MI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Stabenow", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-28", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001267", "district": null, "first_name": "Michael", "full_name": "Sen. Bennet, Michael F. [D-CO]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Bennet", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-28", "state": "CO" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000639", "district": null, "first_name": "Robert", "full_name": "Sen. Menendez, Robert [D-NJ]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Menendez", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-15", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001169", "district": null, "first_name": "Christopher", "full_name": "Sen. Murphy, Christopher [D-CT]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Murphy", "middle_name": "S.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-15", "state": "CT" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001277", "district": null, "first_name": "Richard", "full_name": "Sen. Blumenthal, Richard [D-CT]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Blumenthal", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-15", "state": "CT" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-07-28", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-28", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Environment and Public Works. (text of measure as introduced: CR S4999)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 524, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Environmental Protection", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "K000367", "district": null, "first_name": "Amy", "full_name": "Sen. Klobuchar, Amy [D-MN]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Klobuchar", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "MN" } ], "subjects": [ "Climate change and greenhouse gases" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-07-28", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Expresses the sense of the Senate that global climate change is occurring and will continue to pose ongoing risks and challenges to the United States.</p>", "update_date": "2014-09-18T10:20:24Z", "version_code": "00" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-07-28T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres524is/xml/BILLS-113sres524is.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding global climate change.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding global climate change.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding global climate change.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2023-01-11T13:25:41Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-11T13:25:41Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-07-28T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres524is/xml/BILLS-113sres524is.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres524is.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres524is.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T00:23:00.94", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-524", "legis_num": 524, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "is", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-524-is-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 524 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES July 28, 2014 Ms. Klobuchar (for herself, Mr. Whitehouse , Mrs. Boxer , Mr. Reid , Mr. Sanders , Mrs. Shaheen , Mrs. Murray , Mrs. Feinstein , Mr. Markey , Mr. Nelson , Mr. Schatz , Mr. Merkley , Ms. Warren , Ms. Baldwin , Mr. King , Ms. Mikulski , Mr. Udall of Colorado , Mr. Cardin , Mr. Harkin , Mr. Reed , Ms. Stabenow , and Mr. Bennet ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Environment and Public Works RESOLUTION Expressing the sense of the Senate regarding global climate change.\n\nWhereas the 2014 National Climate Assessment stated The most recent decade was the nation’s warmest on record. U.S. temperatures are expected to continue to rise. ; Whereas the 2014 National Climate Assessment was drafted by over 300 authors and extensively reviewed by the National Academy of Sciences and a Federal Advisory Committee of 60 members; Whereas the United States Global Change Research Program found that [i]n the United States, climate change has already resulted in more frequent heat waves, extreme precipitation, wildfires, and water scarcity ; Whereas the United States Global Change Research Program coordinates and integrates global change research across 13 Government agencies including the Department of Defense, the Department of State, the Department of Energy, the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Commerce, the Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of the Interior, the Department of Transportation, the Environmental Protection Agency, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the National Science Foundation, the Smithsonian Institution, and the United States Agency for International Development; Whereas the 2014 Quadrennial Defense Review of the Department of Defense of the United States stated The pressures caused by climate change will influence resource competition while placing additional burdens on economies, societies, and governance institutions around the world. ; and Whereas a Defense Science Board report concluded that [c]limate change will only grow in concern for the United States and its security interests : Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat it is the sense of the Senate that global climate change is occurring and will continue to pose ongoing risks and challenges to the people and the Government of the United States.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Introduced-in-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 524 IS: Expressing the sense of the Senate regarding global climate change.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-07-28\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 524\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140728\">\n July 28, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S311\">\n Ms. Klobuchar\n </sponsor>\n (for herself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S316\">\n Mr. Whitehouse\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S223\">\n Mrs. Boxer\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S198\">\n Mr. Reid\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S313\">\n Mr. Sanders\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S324\">\n Mrs. Shaheen\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S229\">\n Mrs. Murray\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S221\">\n Mrs. Feinstein\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S369\">\n Mr. Markey\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S282\">\n Mr. Nelson\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S353\">\n Mr. Schatz\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S322\">\n Mr. Merkley\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S366\">\n Ms. Warren\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S354\">\n Ms. Baldwin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S363\">\n Mr. King\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S182\">\n Ms. Mikulski\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S325\">\n Mr. Udall of Colorado\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S308\">\n Mr. Cardin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S172\">\n Mr. Harkin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S259\">\n Mr. Reed\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S284\">\n Ms. Stabenow\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S330\">\n Mr. Bennet\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name committee-id=\"SSEV00\">\n Committee on Environment and Public Works\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Expressing the sense of the Senate regarding global climate change.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the 2014 National Climate Assessment stated\n <quote>\n The most recent decade was the nation’s warmest on record. U.S. temperatures are expected to\n\t\t\t continue to rise.\n </quote>\n ;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the 2014 National Climate Assessment was drafted by over 300 authors and extensively\n\t\t\t reviewed by the National Academy of Sciences and a Federal Advisory\n\t\t\t Committee of 60 members;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States Global Change Research Program found that\n <quote>\n [i]n the United States, climate change has already resulted in more frequent heat waves, extreme\n\t\t\t precipitation, wildfires, and water scarcity\n </quote>\n ;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States Global Change Research Program coordinates and integrates global change\n\t\t\t research across 13 Government agencies including the Department of\n\t\t\t Defense, the Department of State, the Department of Energy, the Department\n\t\t\t of Agriculture, the Department of Commerce, the Department of Health and\n\t\t\t Human Services, the Department of the Interior, the Department of\n\t\t\t Transportation, the Environmental Protection Agency, the National\n\t\t\t Aeronautics and Space Administration, the National Science Foundation, the\n\t\t\t Smithsonian Institution, and the United States Agency for International\n\t\t\t Development;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the 2014 Quadrennial Defense Review of the Department of Defense of the United States\n\t\t\t stated\n <quote>\n The pressures caused by climate change will influence resource competition while placing additional\n\t\t\t burdens on economies, societies, and governance institutions around the\n\t\t\t world.\n </quote>\n ; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas a Defense Science Board report concluded that\n <quote>\n [c]limate change will only grow in concern for the United States and its security interests\n </quote>\n : Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That it is the sense of the Senate that global climate change is occurring and will continue to\n\t\t\t pose ongoing risks and challenges to the people and the Government of the\n\t\t\t United States.\n </text>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-05 01:01:00.348
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 525 </number> <updateDate> 2022-03-03T21:27:53Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2022-11-04T17:24:30Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-07-28 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <relatedBills> <item> <title> A resolution designating July 30, 2013, as "National Whistleblower Appreciation Day". </title> <congress> 113 </congress> <number> 202 </number> <type> SRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2013-07-30 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S6082; text as passed Senate: CR S6078) </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-28 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5003-5004) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-28 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5003-5004) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-28 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> G000386 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Grassley, Chuck [R-IA] </fullName> <firstName> Charles </firstName> <lastName> Grassley </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IA </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> W000779 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Wyden, Ron [D-OR] </fullName> <firstName> Ron </firstName> <lastName> Wyden </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OR </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-08-01 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Commemorative events and holidays </name> </item> <item> <name> Employment discrimination and employee rights </name> </item> <item> <name> Fraud offenses and financial crimes </name> </item> <item> <name> Government employee pay, benefits, personnel management </name> </item> <item> <name> Government ethics and transparency, public corruption </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-28 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-08-04T20:23:17Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Designates July 30, 2014, as National Whistleblower Appreciation Day.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Encourages each executive agency to recognize such Day by: (1) informing employees, contractors, and the public about whistleblower rights; and (2) acknowledging the contributions of whistleblowers in combating waste, fraud, abuse, and violations of laws and regulations.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-28 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-08-22T17:48:13Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Designates July 30, 2014, as National Whistleblower Appreciation Day.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Encourages each executive agency to recognize such Day by: (1) informing employees, contractors, and the public about whistleblower rights; and (2) acknowledging the contributions of whistleblowers in combating waste, fraud, abuse, and violations of laws and regulations.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution designating July 30, 2014, as "National Whistleblower Appreciation Day". </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution designating July 30, 2014, as "National Whistleblower Appreciation Day". </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution designating July 30, 2014, as "National Whistleblower Appreciation Day". </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-07-28T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres525ats/xml/BILLS-113sres525ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-07-28 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5003-5004) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-28", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5003-5004)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2014-07-28", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5003-5004)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-07-28", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "W000779", "district": null, "first_name": "Ron", "full_name": "Sen. Wyden, Ron [D-OR]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Wyden", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-08-01", "state": "OR" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-07-28", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-28", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5003-5004)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 525, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Government Operations and Politics", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 113, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2013-07-30", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S6082; text as passed Senate: CR S6078)", "type": null }, "number": 202, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "A resolution designating July 30, 2013, as \"National Whistleblower Appreciation Day\".", "type": "SRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "G000386", "district": null, "first_name": "Charles", "full_name": "Sen. Grassley, Chuck [R-IA]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Grassley", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "R", "state": "IA" } ], "subjects": [ "Commemorative events and holidays", "Employment discrimination and employee rights", "Fraud offenses and financial crimes", "Government employee pay, benefits, personnel management", "Government ethics and transparency, public corruption" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-07-28", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Designates July 30, 2014, as National Whistleblower Appreciation Day.</p> <p>Encourages each executive agency to recognize such Day by: (1) informing employees, contractors, and the public about whistleblower rights; and (2) acknowledging the contributions of whistleblowers in combating waste, fraud, abuse, and violations of laws and regulations.</p>", "update_date": "2014-08-04T20:23:17Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2014-07-28", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Designates July 30, 2014, as National Whistleblower Appreciation Day.</p> <p>Encourages each executive agency to recognize such Day by: (1) informing employees, contractors, and the public about whistleblower rights; and (2) acknowledging the contributions of whistleblowers in combating waste, fraud, abuse, and violations of laws and regulations.</p>", "update_date": "2014-08-22T17:48:13Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-07-28T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres525ats/xml/BILLS-113sres525ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution designating July 30, 2014, as \"National Whistleblower Appreciation Day\".", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating July 30, 2014, as \"National Whistleblower Appreciation Day\".", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating July 30, 2014, as \"National Whistleblower Appreciation Day\".", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2022-03-03T21:27:53Z", "update_date_including_text": "2022-11-04T17:24:30Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-07-28T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres525ats/xml/BILLS-113sres525ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres525ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres525ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T00:23:01.055", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-525", "legis_num": 525, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-525-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 525 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES July 28, 2014 Mr. Grassley submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Designating July 30, 2014, as “National Whistleblower Appreciation Day”.\n\nWhereas, in 1777, before the passage of the Bill of Rights, 10 sailors and marines blew the whistle on fraud and misconduct harmful to the United States; Whereas the Founding Fathers unanimously supported the whistleblowers in words and deeds, including by releasing government records and providing monetary assistance for reasonable legal expenses necessary to prevent retaliation against the whistleblowers; Whereas, on July 30, 1778, in demonstration of their full support for whistleblowers, the members of the Continental Congress unanimously enacted the first whistleblower legislation in the United States that read: “ Resolved, That it is the duty of all persons in the service of the United States, as well as all other the inhabitants thereof, to give the earliest information to Congress or other proper authority of any misconduct, frauds or misdemeanors committed by any officers or persons in the service of these states, which may come to their knowledge” (legislation of July 30, 1778, reprinted in Journals of the Continental Congress, 1774–1789 , ed. Worthington C. Ford et al. (Washington, D.C., 1904-37), 11:732); Whereas whistleblowers risk their careers, jobs, and reputations by reporting waste, fraud, and abuse to the proper authorities; Whereas, when providing proper authorities with lawful disclosures, whistleblowers save taxpayers in the United States billions of dollars each year and serve the public interest by ensuring that the United States remains an ethical and safe place; and Whereas it is the public policy of the United States to encourage, in accordance with Federal law (including the Constitution, rules, and regulations) and consistent with the protection of classified information (including sources and methods of detection of classified information), honest and good faith reporting of misconduct, fraud, misdemeanors, and other crimes to the appropriate authority at the earliest time possible: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) designates July 30, 2014, as National Whistleblower Appreciation Day ; and (2) ensures that the Federal Government implements the intent of the Founding Fathers, as reflected in the legislation enacted on July 30, 1778, by encouraging each executive agency to recognize National Whistleblower Appreciation Day by— (A) informing employees, contractors working on behalf of United States taxpayers, and members of the public about the legal rights of citizens of the United States to blow the whistle by honest and good faith reporting of misconduct, fraud, misdemeanors, or other crimes to the appropriate authorities; and (B) acknowledging the contributions of whistleblowers to combating waste, fraud, abuse, and violations of laws and regulations in the United States.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 525 ATS: Designating July 30, 2014, as “National Whistleblower Appreciation Day”.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-07-28\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress>\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session>\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 525\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action>\n <action-date date=\"20140728\">\n July 28, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S153\">\n Mr. Grassley\n </sponsor>\n submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Designating July 30, 2014, as “National Whistleblower Appreciation Day”.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, in 1777, before the passage of the Bill of\n\t\t\t Rights, 10 sailors and marines blew the whistle on fraud and misconduct\n\t\t\t harmful\n\t\t\t to the United States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Founding Fathers unanimously supported the\n\t\t\t whistleblowers in words and deeds, including by releasing government\n\t\t\t records\n\t\t\t and\n\t\t\t providing monetary assistance for reasonable legal expenses necessary to\n\t\t\t prevent retaliation against the whistleblowers;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, on July 30, 1778, in demonstration of their full\n\t\t\t support for whistleblowers, the members of the Continental Congress\n\t\t\t unanimously\n\t\t\t enacted the first whistleblower legislation in the United States that\n\t\t\t read:\n\t\t\t “\n <italic>\n Resolved,\n </italic>\n That it is the duty of all persons in the service\n\t\t\t of the United States, as well as all other the inhabitants thereof, to\n\t\t\t give the\n\t\t\t earliest information to Congress or other proper authority of any\n\t\t\t misconduct,\n\t\t\t frauds or misdemeanors committed by any officers or persons in the service\n\t\t\t of\n\t\t\t these states, which may come to their knowledge” (legislation of July 30,\n\t\t\t 1778,\n\t\t\t reprinted in\n <italic>\n Journals of the Continental Congress, 1774–1789\n </italic>\n ,\n\t\t\t ed. Worthington C. Ford et al. (Washington, D.C., 1904-37), 11:732);\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas whistleblowers risk their careers, jobs, and\n\t\t\t reputations by reporting waste, fraud, and abuse to the proper\n\t\t\t authorities;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, when providing proper authorities with lawful\n\t\t\t disclosures, whistleblowers save taxpayers in the United States billions\n\t\t\t of\n\t\t\t dollars each year and serve the public interest by ensuring that the\n\t\t\t United\n\t\t\t States remains an ethical and safe place; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas it is the public policy of the United States to\n\t\t\t encourage, in accordance with Federal law (including the Constitution,\n\t\t\t rules,\n\t\t\t and regulations) and consistent with the protection of classified\n\t\t\t information\n\t\t\t (including sources and methods of detection of classified information),\n\t\t\t honest and good faith\n\t\t\t reporting\n\t\t\t of misconduct, fraud, misdemeanors, and other crimes to the appropriate\n\t\t\t authority at the earliest time possible: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"id71353808c11d40fab4dc45c9668107d4\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n designates July\n\t\t\t 30, 2014, as\n <quote>\n National Whistleblower Appreciation Day\n </quote>\n ; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id6828C61AB025433D8E0946E8CB1975BD\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n ensures that the\n\t\t\t Federal Government implements the intent of the Founding Fathers, as\n\t\t\t reflected\n\t\t\t in the legislation enacted on July 30, 1778, by encouraging each executive\n\t\t\t agency to recognize National Whistleblower Appreciation Day by—\n </text>\n <subparagraph id=\"id28D0672151AC470A9A1366BCDF8D717B\">\n <enum>\n (A)\n </enum>\n <text>\n informing\n\t\t\t employees, contractors working on behalf of United States taxpayers, and\n\t\t\t members of the public about the legal rights of citizens of the United\n\t\t\t States\n\t\t\t to\n <quote>\n blow the whistle\n </quote>\n by honest and good faith reporting of misconduct, fraud, misdemeanors, or other crimes to the\n\t\t\t appropriate authorities; and\n </text>\n </subparagraph>\n <subparagraph id=\"id84EF09A66D2F4A6EA0B57A3E24011E85\">\n <enum>\n (B)\n </enum>\n <text>\n acknowledging the\n\t\t\t contributions of whistleblowers to combating waste, fraud, abuse, and\n\t\t\t violations of laws and regulations in the United States.\n </text>\n </subparagraph>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-04 19:15:00.343
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 526 </number> <updateDate> 2019-02-20T12:28:58Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2022-11-04T17:24:07Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-07-29 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-29 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5039; text of measure as passed Senate: CR S5066) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-29 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5039; text of measure as passed Senate: CR S5066) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-29 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> R000146 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Reid, Harry [D-NV] </fullName> <firstName> HARRY </firstName> <lastName> REID </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NV </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> M000355 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. McConnell, Mitch [R-KY] </fullName> <firstName> Mitch </firstName> <lastName> McConnell </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KY </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000639 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Menendez, Robert [D-NJ] </fullName> <firstName> Robert </firstName> <lastName> Menendez </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001071 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Corker, Bob [R-TN] </fullName> <firstName> Bob </firstName> <lastName> Corker </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TN </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000141 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cardin, Benjamin L. [D-MD] </fullName> <firstName> Ben </firstName> <lastName> Cardin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000359 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Graham, Lindsey [R-SC] </fullName> <firstName> Lindsey </firstName> <lastName> Graham </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> SC </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000702 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Mikulski, Barbara A. [D-MD] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> MIKULSKI </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> ANN </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-30 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> A000368 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Ayotte, Kelly [R-NH] </fullName> <firstName> Kelly </firstName> <lastName> Ayotte </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-08-01 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Arab-Israeli relations </name> </item> <item> <name> Conflicts and wars </name> </item> <item> <name> Foreign aid and international relief </name> </item> <item> <name> Gaza Strip </name> </item> <item> <name> Human rights </name> </item> <item> <name> Israel </name> </item> <item> <name> Middle East </name> </item> <item> <name> Military assistance, sales, and agreements </name> </item> <item> <name> Palestinians </name> </item> <item> <name> Sovereignty, recognition, national governance and status </name> </item> <item> <name> Terrorism </name> </item> <item> <name> United Nations </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-29 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-07-30T18:38:26Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Laments all loss of innocent civilian life.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Condemns the United Nations (U.N.) Human Rights Council's July 23, 2014 resolution calling for: (1) an investigation of Israel while not mentioning Hamas's continued assault against Israel, and (2) an investigation into potential human rights violations by Israel in the current Gaza conflict without mentioning Hamas's assault against innocent civilians and its use of civilian shields. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Supports Israel's right to defend itself against Hamas's rocket assault and destroy Hamas's tunnel system into Israel's territory. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Condemns Hamas's terrorist actions and use of civilians as human shields. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Supports U.S. mediation efforts for a durable cease fire agreement that ends Hamas's rocket assault and leads to Gaza's demilitarization.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Supports additional funding to replenish Israel's Iron Dome missiles and enhance Israel's defensive capabilities.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-29 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-07-30T18:37:43Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Laments all loss of innocent civilian life.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Condemns the United Nations (U.N.) Human Rights Council's July 23, 2014 resolution calling for: (1) an investigation of Israel while not mentioning Hamas's continued assault against Israel, and (2) an investigation into potential human rights violations by Israel in the current Gaza conflict without mentioning Hamas's assault against innocent civilians and its use of civilian shields. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Supports Israel's right to defend itself against Hamas's rocket assault and destroy Hamas's tunnel system into Israel's territory. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Condemns Hamas's terrorist actions and use of civilians as human shields. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Supports U.S. mediation efforts for a durable cease fire agreement that ends Hamas's rocket assault and leads to Gaza's demilitarization.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Supports additional funding to replenish Israel's Iron Dome missiles and enhance Israel's defensive capabilities.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution supporting Israel's right to defend itself against Hamas, and for other purposes. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution supporting Israel's right to defend itself against Hamas, and for other purposes. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution supporting Israel's right to defend itself against Hamas, and for other purposes. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-07-29T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres526ats/xml/BILLS-113sres526ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-07-29 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5039; text of measure as passed Senate: CR S5066) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-29", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5039; text of measure as passed Senate: CR S5066)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2014-07-29", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5039; text of measure as passed Senate: CR S5066)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-07-29", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "M000355", "district": null, "first_name": "Mitch", "full_name": "Sen. McConnell, Mitch [R-KY]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "McConnell", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-29", "state": "KY" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000639", "district": null, "first_name": "Robert", "full_name": "Sen. Menendez, Robert [D-NJ]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Menendez", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-29", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001071", "district": null, "first_name": "Bob", "full_name": "Sen. Corker, Bob [R-TN]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Corker", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-29", "state": "TN" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000141", "district": null, "first_name": "Ben", "full_name": "Sen. Cardin, Benjamin L. [D-MD]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Cardin", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-29", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000359", "district": null, "first_name": "Lindsey", "full_name": "Sen. Graham, Lindsey [R-SC]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Graham", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-29", "state": "SC" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000702", "district": null, "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Sen. Mikulski, Barbara A. [D-MD]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MIKULSKI", "middle_name": "ANN", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-30", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "A000368", "district": null, "first_name": "Kelly", "full_name": "Sen. Ayotte, Kelly [R-NH]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Ayotte", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-08-01", "state": "NH" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-07-29", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-29", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5039; text of measure as passed Senate: CR S5066)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 526, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": null, "policy_area": "International Affairs", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "R000146", "district": null, "first_name": "HARRY", "full_name": "Sen. Reid, Harry [D-NV]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "REID", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "state": "NV" } ], "subjects": [ "Arab-Israeli relations", "Conflicts and wars", "Foreign aid and international relief", "Gaza Strip", "Human rights", "Israel", "Middle East", "Military assistance, sales, and agreements", "Palestinians", "Sovereignty, recognition, national governance and status", "Terrorism", "United Nations" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-07-29", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Laments all loss of innocent civilian life.</p> <p> Condemns the United Nations (U.N.) Human Rights Council's July 23, 2014 resolution calling for: (1) an investigation of Israel while not mentioning Hamas's continued assault against Israel, and (2) an investigation into potential human rights violations by Israel in the current Gaza conflict without mentioning Hamas's assault against innocent civilians and its use of civilian shields. </p> <p>Supports Israel's right to defend itself against Hamas's rocket assault and destroy Hamas's tunnel system into Israel's territory. </p> <p>Condemns Hamas's terrorist actions and use of civilians as human shields. </p> <p>Supports U.S. mediation efforts for a durable cease fire agreement that ends Hamas's rocket assault and leads to Gaza's demilitarization.</p> <p>Supports additional funding to replenish Israel's Iron Dome missiles and enhance Israel's defensive capabilities.</p>", "update_date": "2014-07-30T18:38:26Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2014-07-29", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Laments all loss of innocent civilian life.</p> <p> Condemns the United Nations (U.N.) Human Rights Council's July 23, 2014 resolution calling for: (1) an investigation of Israel while not mentioning Hamas's continued assault against Israel, and (2) an investigation into potential human rights violations by Israel in the current Gaza conflict without mentioning Hamas's assault against innocent civilians and its use of civilian shields. </p> <p>Supports Israel's right to defend itself against Hamas's rocket assault and destroy Hamas's tunnel system into Israel's territory. </p> <p>Condemns Hamas's terrorist actions and use of civilians as human shields. </p> <p>Supports U.S. mediation efforts for a durable cease fire agreement that ends Hamas's rocket assault and leads to Gaza's demilitarization.</p> <p>Supports additional funding to replenish Israel's Iron Dome missiles and enhance Israel's defensive capabilities.</p>", "update_date": "2014-07-30T18:37:43Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-07-29T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres526ats/xml/BILLS-113sres526ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution supporting Israel's right to defend itself against Hamas, and for other purposes.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution supporting Israel's right to defend itself against Hamas, and for other purposes.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution supporting Israel's right to defend itself against Hamas, and for other purposes.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2019-02-20T12:28:58Z", "update_date_including_text": "2022-11-04T17:24:07Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-07-29T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres526ats/xml/BILLS-113sres526ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres526ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres526ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T00:23:00.979", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-526", "legis_num": 526, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-526-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 526 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES July 29, 2014 Mr. Reid (for himself, Mr. McConnell , Mr. Menendez , Mr. Corker , Mr. Cardin , and Mr. Graham ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Supporting Israel's right to defend itself against Hamas, and for other purposes.\n\nWhereas Hamas, an organization designated as a Foreign Terrorist Organization by the United States Department of State since 1997, has fired over 2,500 rockets indiscriminately from Gaza into Israel; Whereas Israel has a right to defend itself from Hamas’s constant barrage of rockets and to destroy the matrix of tunnels Hamas uses to smuggle weapons and Hamas fighters into Israel to carry out terrorist attacks; Whereas the Government of Israel has taken significant steps to protect civilians in Gaza, including dropping leaflets in Gaza neighborhoods in advance of Israeli military attacks, calling Palestinians on the phone urging them to evacuate certain areas before the military strikes targets, and issuing warnings to civilians in advance of firing on buildings; Whereas Israel’s attacks have focused on terrorist targets such as Hamas’s munitions storage sites, areas sheltering Hamas’s rocket systems, Hamas’s weapons manufacturing sites, the homes of militant leaders, and on the vast labyrinth of tunnels Hamas’s fighters use to penetrate Israel’s territory and attack Israelis; Whereas Hamas uses rockets to indiscriminately target civilians in Israel; Whereas Israel has accepted and implemented numerous ceasefire agreements that Hamas has rejected; Whereas Hamas continued to fire rockets into Israel during a 24-hour truce that Hamas had itself proposed; Whereas Israel embraced the Egyptian-proposed ceasefire agreement, which Hamas resoundingly rejected on July 27, 2014; Whereas Hamas intentionally uses civilians as human shields; Whereas Hamas refuses to recognize Israel’s right to exist; Whereas Israel’s Iron Dome has protected Israel’s civilian population from the over 2,500 rockets that Hamas has indiscriminately fired into Israel since July 7, 2014; Whereas, without Iron Dome’s ability to intercept and destroy Hamas’s missiles, Israeli neighborhoods would have been significantly damaged and Israeli casualties would have been much higher; Whereas the United Nations Human Rights Council voted to accept a biased resolution establishing a Commission of Inquiry to determine if Israel violated human rights and humanitarian law during the ongoing conflict with Gaza; and Whereas the United Nations Human Rights Council resolution makes no mention of investigating Hamas’s indiscriminate rocket attacks against Israel, nor Hamas’s policy of using Palestinian civilians as human shields: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) laments all loss of innocent civilian life; (2) condemns the United Nations Human Rights Council’s resolution on July 23, 2014, which calls for yet another prejudged investigation of Israel while making no mention of Hamas’s continued assault against Israel, and also calls for an investigation into potential human rights violations by Israel in the current Gaza conflict without mentioning Hamas’s assault against innocent civilians and its use of civilian shields; (3) supports Israel’s right to defend itself against Hamas’s unrelenting and indiscriminate rocket assault into Israel and Israel’s right to destroy Hamas’s elaborate tunnel system into Israel’s territory; (4) condemns Hamas’s terrorist actions and use of civilians as human shields; (5) supports United States mediation efforts for a durable ceasefire agreement that immediately ends Hamas’s rocket assault and leads to the demilitarization of Gaza; and (6) supports additional funding the Government of Israel needs to replenish Iron Dome missiles and enhance Israel's defensive capabilities.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 526 ATS: Supporting Israel's right to defend itself against Hamas, and for other purposes.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-07-29\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 526\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140729\">\n July 29, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S198\">\n Mr. Reid\n </sponsor>\n (for himself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S174\">\n Mr. McConnell\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S306\">\n Mr. Menendez\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S310\">\n Mr. Corker\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S308\">\n Mr. Cardin\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S293\">\n Mr. Graham\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Supporting Israel's right to defend itself against Hamas, and for other purposes.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Hamas, an organization designated as a Foreign Terrorist Organization by the United States\n\t\t\t Department of State since 1997, has fired over 2,500 rockets\n\t\t\t indiscriminately from Gaza into Israel;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Israel has a right to defend itself from Hamas’s constant barrage of rockets and to destroy\n\t\t\t the matrix of tunnels Hamas uses to smuggle weapons and Hamas fighters\n\t\t\t into Israel to carry out terrorist attacks;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Government of Israel has taken significant steps to protect civilians in Gaza,\n\t\t\t including dropping leaflets\n\t\t\t in Gaza neighborhoods in advance of Israeli military attacks, calling\n\t\t\t Palestinians on the phone urging them to evacuate certain areas before the\n\t\t\t military strikes targets, and issuing warnings to civilians in advance of\n\t\t\t firing on buildings;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Israel’s attacks have focused on terrorist targets such as Hamas’s munitions storage sites,\n\t\t\t areas sheltering Hamas’s rocket systems, Hamas’s weapons manufacturing\n\t\t\t sites, the homes of militant leaders, and on the vast labyrinth of tunnels\n\t\t\t Hamas’s fighters use to penetrate Israel’s territory and attack Israelis;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Hamas uses rockets to indiscriminately target civilians in Israel;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Israel has accepted and implemented numerous ceasefire agreements that Hamas has rejected;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Hamas continued to fire rockets into Israel during a 24-hour truce that Hamas had itself\n\t\t\t proposed;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Israel embraced the Egyptian-proposed ceasefire agreement, which Hamas resoundingly\n\t\t\t rejected on July 27, 2014;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Hamas intentionally uses civilians as human shields;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Hamas refuses to recognize Israel’s right to exist;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Israel’s Iron Dome has protected Israel’s civilian population from the over 2,500 rockets\n\t\t\t that Hamas has indiscriminately fired into Israel since July 7, 2014;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, without Iron Dome’s ability to intercept and destroy Hamas’s missiles, Israeli\n\t\t\t neighborhoods would have been significantly damaged and Israeli casualties\n\t\t\t would have been much higher;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United Nations Human Rights Council voted to accept a biased resolution establishing a\n\t\t\t Commission of Inquiry to determine if Israel violated human rights and\n\t\t\t humanitarian law during the ongoing conflict with Gaza; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United Nations Human Rights Council resolution makes no mention of investigating\n\t\t\t Hamas’s indiscriminate rocket attacks against Israel, nor Hamas’s policy\n\t\t\t of using Palestinian civilians as human shields: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"id43c805806c5e4e5aad1dfe50fbf200a9\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n laments all loss of innocent civilian life;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id831b7cc35c5044bd96cee262d9629366\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n condemns the United Nations Human Rights Council’s resolution on July 23, 2014, which calls for\n\t\t\t yet another prejudged investigation of Israel while making no mention of\n\t\t\t Hamas’s continued assault against Israel, and also calls for an\n\t\t\t investigation into potential human rights violations by Israel in the\n\t\t\t current Gaza conflict without mentioning Hamas’s assault against innocent\n\t\t\t civilians and its use of civilian shields;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id88074617a6f3439a9a2666c6fa7b528a\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n supports Israel’s right to defend itself against Hamas’s unrelenting and indiscriminate rocket\n\t\t\t assault into Israel and Israel’s right to destroy Hamas’s elaborate tunnel\n\t\t\t system into Israel’s territory;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id8648d7cce04942d4877ce39d1be236be\">\n <enum>\n (4)\n </enum>\n <text>\n condemns Hamas’s terrorist actions and use of civilians as human shields;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"iddac8b8b4c8214f5baf600af40a591403\">\n <enum>\n (5)\n </enum>\n <text>\n supports United States mediation efforts for a durable ceasefire agreement that immediately ends\n\t\t\t Hamas’s rocket assault and leads to the demilitarization of\n\t\t\t Gaza; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id8b8b2b4cf9034366ab3f771939125623\">\n <enum>\n (6)\n </enum>\n <text>\n supports additional funding the Government of Israel needs to replenish Iron Dome missiles and\n\t\t\t enhance Israel's defensive capabilities.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-04 19:16:00.645
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 527 </number> <updateDate> 2019-02-20T12:28:59Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2022-11-04T17:24:09Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-07-29 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-29 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5069; text as passed Senate: CR S5067) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-29 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5069; text as passed Senate: CR S5067) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-29 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> L000550 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Landrieu, Mary L. [D-LA] </fullName> <firstName> MARY </firstName> <lastName> LANDRIEU </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> LA </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> S001184 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Scott, Tim [R-SC] </fullName> <firstName> Tim </firstName> <lastName> Scott </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> SC </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000141 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cardin, Benjamin L. [D-MD] </fullName> <firstName> Ben </firstName> <lastName> Cardin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000944 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Brown, Sherrod [D-OH] </fullName> <firstName> Sherrod </firstName> <lastName> Brown </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> N000032 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Nelson, Bill [D-FL] </fullName> <firstName> CLARENCE </firstName> <lastName> NELSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <middleName> WILLIAM </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001049 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hagan, Kay R. [D-NC] </fullName> <firstName> Kay </firstName> <lastName> Hagan </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NC </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000261 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Levin, Carl [D-MI] </fullName> <firstName> CARL </firstName> <lastName> LEVIN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <middleName> MILTON </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001230 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Baldwin, Tammy [D-WI] </fullName> <firstName> Tammy </firstName> <lastName> Baldwin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WI </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Education </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Commemorative events and holidays </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Higher education </name> </item> <item> <name> Social work, volunteer service, charitable organizations </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Education </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-29 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-08-04T19:13:37Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Congratulates Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., for 100 years of service to communities throughout the United States and the world. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Commends the Fraternity for a continued commitment to the ideals of brotherhood, scholarship, and service.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-29 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-08-04T19:13:58Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Congratulates Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., for 100 years of service to communities throughout the United States and the world. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Commends the Fraternity for a continued commitment to the ideals of brotherhood, scholarship, and service.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution congratulating the members of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. for 100 years of service throughout the United States and the world, and commending Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. for exemplifying the ideals of brotherhood, scholarship, and service while upholding the motto "Culture for Service and Service for Humanity". </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution congratulating the members of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. for 100 years of service throughout the United States and the world, and commending Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. for exemplifying the ideals of brotherhood, scholarship, and service while upholding the motto "Culture for Service and Service for Humanity". </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution congratulating the members of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. for 100 years of service throughout the United States and the world, and commending Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. for exemplifying the ideals of brotherhood, scholarship, and service while upholding the motto "Culture for Service and Service for Humanity". </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-07-29T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres527ats/xml/BILLS-113sres527ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-07-29 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5069; text as passed Senate: CR S5067) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-29", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5069; text as passed Senate: CR S5067)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2014-07-29", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5069; text as passed Senate: CR S5067)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-07-29", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "S001184", "district": null, "first_name": "Tim", "full_name": "Sen. 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Nelson, Bill [D-FL]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "NELSON", "middle_name": "WILLIAM", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-29", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001049", "district": null, "first_name": "Kay", "full_name": "Sen. Hagan, Kay R. [D-NC]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Hagan", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-29", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000261", "district": null, "first_name": "CARL", "full_name": "Sen. Levin, Carl [D-MI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LEVIN", "middle_name": "MILTON", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-29", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001230", "district": null, "first_name": "Tammy", "full_name": "Sen. Baldwin, Tammy [D-WI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Baldwin", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-29", "state": "WI" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-07-29", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-29", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5069; text as passed Senate: CR S5067)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 527, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": null, "policy_area": "Education", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "L000550", "district": null, "first_name": "MARY", "full_name": "Sen. Landrieu, Mary L. 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The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Congratulates Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., for 100 years of service to communities throughout the United States and the world. </p> <p>Commends the Fraternity for a continued commitment to the ideals of brotherhood, scholarship, and service.</p>", "update_date": "2014-08-04T19:13:58Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-07-29T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres527ats/xml/BILLS-113sres527ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution congratulating the members of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. for 100 years of service throughout the United States and the world, and commending Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. for exemplifying the ideals of brotherhood, scholarship, and service while upholding the motto \"Culture for Service and Service for Humanity\".", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution congratulating the members of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. for 100 years of service throughout the United States and the world, and commending Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. for exemplifying the ideals of brotherhood, scholarship, and service while upholding the motto \"Culture for Service and Service for Humanity\".", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution congratulating the members of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. for 100 years of service throughout the United States and the world, and commending Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. for exemplifying the ideals of brotherhood, scholarship, and service while upholding the motto \"Culture for Service and Service for Humanity\".", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2019-02-20T12:28:59Z", "update_date_including_text": "2022-11-04T17:24:09Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-07-29T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres527ats/xml/BILLS-113sres527ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres527ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres527ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T00:23:00.869", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-527", "legis_num": 527, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-527-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 527 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES July 29, 2014 Ms. Landrieu (for herself, Mr. Scott , Mr. Cardin , Mr. Brown , Mr. Nelson , Mrs. Hagan , Mr. Levin , and Ms. Baldwin ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Congratulating the members of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. for 100 years of service throughout the United States and the world, and commending Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. for exemplifying the ideals of brotherhood, scholarship, and service while upholding the motto Culture for Service and Service for Humanity .\n\nWhereas Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. was founded on the campus of Howard University in the District of Columbia on January 9, 1914, by A. Langston Taylor, Leonard F. Morse, and Charles I. Brown; Whereas since the formation of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., the members of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. have maintained a strong commitment to brotherhood, community involvement, and service to all people; Whereas Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. has implemented a number of initiatives encouraging diversity, business opportunities, and advocacy; Whereas Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. has established the Sigma Wellness, Sigma Cares, and Living Well Brother to Brother programs; Whereas Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. was the first African-American fraternity to establish alumni chapters and youth mentoring clubs and is the only fraternity to form an African-American sorority counterpart, Zeta Phi Beta; Whereas the men of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. have dedicated themselves to the promotion of civil rights, and the members of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. include influential leaders and activists such as Hosea Williams, A. Phillip Randolph, and Lafayette Mckeene Hershaw; Whereas members belonging to chapters of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. across the United States responded to a call for support of the war efforts of the United States during World War I; Whereas members of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., such as Alain LeRoy Locke, Weldon Johnson, and A. Phillip Randolph, made significant contributions to the Harlem Renaissance; Whereas Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. has over 700 chapters in the United States, Africa, Europe, Asia, and the Caribbean; Whereas the men of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. have distinguished themselves as public servants, including members such as— (1) a United States Congressman, civil rights activist, and chairman of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee; (2) the first African-American Speaker of the Colorado House of Representatives; (3) the first African-American Democrat elected to the Congress of the United States; (4) Demetrius C. Newton, Sr., elected in 1986 as the first African-American Speaker Pro Tempore of the Alabama House of Representatives; and (5) Fleming Jones, Jr., the first African-American Democratic member of the West Virginia House of Delegates; and Whereas Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. commemorated its history and promoted service during the Phi Beta Sigma centennial celebration on January 9, 2014, in the District of Columbia: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) congratulates Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. for 100 years of service to communities throughout the United States and the world; and (2) commends Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. for a continued commitment to the ideals of brotherhood, scholarship, and service.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 527 ATS: Congratulating the members of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. for 100 years of service throughout the United States and the world, and commending Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. for exemplifying the ideals of brotherhood, scholarship, and service while upholding the motto “Culture for Service and Service for Humanity”.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-07-29\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 527\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140729\">\n July 29, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S258\">\n Ms. Landrieu\n </sponsor>\n (for herself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S365\">\n Mr. Scott\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S308\">\n Mr. Cardin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S307\">\n Mr. Brown\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S282\">\n Mr. Nelson\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S320\">\n Mrs. Hagan\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S131\">\n Mr. Levin\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S354\">\n Ms. Baldwin\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Congratulating the members of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. for 100 years of service throughout\n\t\t\t the United States and the world, and commending Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity,\n\t\t\t Inc. for exemplifying the ideals of brotherhood, scholarship, and service\n\t\t\t while upholding the motto\n <quote>\n Culture for Service and Service for Humanity\n </quote>\n .\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. was founded on the campus of Howard University in the\n\t\t\t District of Columbia on January 9, 1914, by A. Langston Taylor, Leonard F.\n\t\t\t Morse, and Charles I. Brown;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas since the formation of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., the members of Phi Beta Sigma\n\t\t\t Fraternity, Inc. have maintained a strong commitment to brotherhood,\n\t\t\t community involvement, and service to all people;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. has implemented a number of initiatives encouraging\n\t\t\t diversity, business opportunities, and advocacy;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. has established the Sigma Wellness, Sigma Cares, and\n\t\t\t Living Well Brother to Brother programs;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. was the first African-American fraternity to establish\n\t\t\t alumni chapters and youth mentoring clubs and is the only fraternity to\n\t\t\t form an African-American sorority counterpart, Zeta Phi Beta;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the men of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. have dedicated themselves to the promotion of\n\t\t\t civil rights, and the members of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. include\n\t\t\t influential leaders and activists such as Hosea\n\t\t\t Williams, A. Phillip Randolph, and Lafayette\n\t\t\t Mckeene Hershaw;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas members belonging to chapters of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. across the United States\n\t\t\t responded to a call for support of the war efforts of the United States\n\t\t\t during World War I;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas members of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., such as Alain LeRoy Locke, Weldon Johnson, and\n\t\t\t A. Phillip Randolph, made significant contributions to the Harlem\n\t\t\t Renaissance;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. has over 700 chapters in the United States, Africa, Europe,\n\t\t\t Asia, and the Caribbean;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the men of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. have distinguished themselves as public\n\t\t\t servants, including members such as—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"idd2467e288bd047a6a7bfd803f4a3e79a\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n a United States Congressman, civil rights activist, and chairman of the Student\n\t\t\t Nonviolent Coordinating Committee;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id2d16e4c7190e41fa94114df49b3ddfbc\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n the first African-American Speaker of the Colorado House of Representatives;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id1f45c76c56f14a76bd5476d6a9cf3e0f\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n the first African-American Democrat elected to the Congress of the United\n\t\t\t States;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id071657f34df04e65a73517f61e45befb\">\n <enum>\n (4)\n </enum>\n <text>\n Demetrius C. Newton, Sr., elected in 1986 as the first African-American Speaker Pro Tempore of the\n\t\t\t Alabama House of Representatives; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id5c5cc2b36c4a4a01b6fbf6322f328927\">\n <enum>\n (5)\n </enum>\n <text>\n Fleming Jones, Jr., the first African-American Democratic member of the West Virginia House of\n\t\t\t Delegates; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. commemorated its history and promoted service during the\n\t\t\t Phi Beta Sigma centennial celebration on January 9, 2014, in the District\n\t\t\t of Columbia: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"idB9BA7BFFDD4145408C193245760D5968\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n congratulates Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. for 100 years of service to communities throughout\n\t\t\t the United States and the world; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id245D44AD2FC24301A393CA877BC4892A\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n commends Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. for a continued commitment to the ideals of brotherhood,\n\t\t\t scholarship, and service.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-04 19:16:00.774
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 528 </number> <updateDate> 2019-02-20T12:28:59Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2022-11-04T17:24:10Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-07-29 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-29 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5069-5070; text as passed Senate: CR S5067) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-29 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5069-5070; text as passed Senate: CR S5067) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-29 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> H001061 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hoeven, John [R-ND] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Hoeven </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ND </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> H001069 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Heitkamp, Heidi [D-ND] </fullName> <firstName> Heidi </firstName> <lastName> Heitkamp </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> ND </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Commemorative events and holidays </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> North Dakota </name> </item> <item> <name> State and local government operations </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-29 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-08-04T19:15:56Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Congratulates the state of North Dakota and its citizens on the 125th anniversary of its admission to the United States. &lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-29 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-08-04T19:16:05Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Congratulates the state of North Dakota and its citizens on the 125th anniversary of its admission to the United States. &lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution commemorating the 125th anniversary of North Dakota's Statehood. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution commemorating the 125th anniversary of North Dakota's Statehood. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution commemorating the 125th anniversary of North Dakota's Statehood. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-07-29T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres528ats/xml/BILLS-113sres528ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-07-29 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5069-5070; text as passed Senate: CR S5067) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-29", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5069-5070; text as passed Senate: CR S5067)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2014-07-29", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5069-5070; text as passed Senate: CR S5067)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-07-29", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "H001069", "district": null, "first_name": "Heidi", "full_name": "Sen. Heitkamp, Heidi [D-ND]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Heitkamp", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-29", "state": "ND" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-07-29", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-29", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5069-5070; text as passed Senate: CR S5067)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 528, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": null, "policy_area": "Government Operations and Politics", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "H001061", "district": null, "first_name": "John", "full_name": "Sen. Hoeven, John [R-ND]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Hoeven", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "ND" } ], "subjects": [ "Commemorative events and holidays", "Congressional tributes", "North Dakota", "State and local government operations" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-07-29", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Congratulates the state of North Dakota and its citizens on the 125th anniversary of its admission to the United States. </p>", "update_date": "2014-08-04T19:15:56Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2014-07-29", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Congratulates the state of North Dakota and its citizens on the 125th anniversary of its admission to the United States. </p>", "update_date": "2014-08-04T19:16:05Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-07-29T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres528ats/xml/BILLS-113sres528ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution commemorating the 125th anniversary of North Dakota's Statehood.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution commemorating the 125th anniversary of North Dakota's Statehood.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution commemorating the 125th anniversary of North Dakota's Statehood.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2019-02-20T12:28:59Z", "update_date_including_text": "2022-11-04T17:24:10Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-07-29T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres528ats/xml/BILLS-113sres528ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres528ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres528ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T00:23:00.907", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-528", "legis_num": 528, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-528-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 528 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES July 29, 2014 Mr. Hoeven (for himself and Ms. Heitkamp ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Commemorating the 125th anniversary of North Dakota’s Statehood.\n\nWhereas the Dakota Territory was incorporated in 1861; Whereas President Theodore Roosevelt came to the Dakota Territory in 1883 to hunt and begin cattle ranching near Medora, North Dakota; Whereas President Theodore Roosevelt credited the fact he was elected President to the time he spent and the experiences he had in North Dakota; Whereas North Dakota was admitted to the Union on November 2, 1889; Whereas the population of North Dakota grew from 2,000 in 1870 to 680,000 in 1930, and reached a State record of 730,000 people in 2014; Whereas the battleship USS NORTH DAKOTA, the first turbine-powered ship in the United States Navy, was launched in 1908; Whereas the North Dakota State flag, the regimental flag carried by the North Dakota Infantry in the Spanish-American War in 1898 and Philippine Island Insurrection in 1899, was designated in 1911; Whereas the Bank of North Dakota was established in 1919 and the State mill and elevator began operating in 1922; Whereas, in 1932, the International Peace Garden was established on the border between North Dakota and the Canadian province of Manitoba, a symbol of peace between the governments of the United States and Canada; Whereas, in 1949, the Theodore Roosevelt National Memorial Park was dedicated, covering 3 areas of the badlands in western North Dakota; Whereas, in 1953, President Eisenhower dedicated the Garrison Dam, the fifth-largest earthen dam in the world, which created Lake Sakakawea, the third-largest man-made lake in the United States; Whereas North Dakota has a world-class system of higher education, which supports student development across a variety of fields, including aerospace, agriculture, architecture, education, engineering, law, medicine, and nursing; Whereas the USS NORTH DAKOTA, a Virginia-class submarine was christened in November 2013; Whereas North Dakota has had the lowest unemployment rate in the United States for over 5 years; Whereas, in 2013, North Dakota was either 1st or 2nd in the United States in total agriculture production for 16 different commodities; Whereas North Dakota is the second largest producer of oil and gas in the United States; Whereas North Dakota produces over 1,000,000 barrels of oil each day; Whereas the economy of North Dakota has grown faster than the economy of all other States of the United States for 4 consecutive years; Whereas the personal income of people in North Dakota is nearly 30 percent above the national average; Whereas, in 2012, exports from North Dakota topped $4,000,000,000; and Whereas the economy and communities of North Dakota has experienced unprecedented development, resulting in national recognition: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) congratulates— (A) the State of North Dakota on its 125th anniversary; and (B) the people of North Dakota for their tremendous work and success in building the prosperity of current and future generations living in the State; and (2) respectfully requests that the Secretary of the Senate transmit an enrolled copy of this resolution to the Governor of North Dakota.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 528 ATS: Commemorating the 125th anniversary of North Dakota’s Statehood.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-07-29\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 528\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140729\">\n July 29, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S344\">\n Mr. Hoeven\n </sponsor>\n (for himself and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S360\">\n Ms. Heitkamp\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Commemorating the 125th anniversary of North Dakota’s Statehood.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Dakota Territory was incorporated in 1861;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas President Theodore Roosevelt came to the Dakota Territory in 1883 to hunt and begin cattle\n\t\t\t ranching near Medora, North Dakota;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas President Theodore Roosevelt credited the fact he was elected President to the time he\n\t\t\t spent and the experiences he had in North Dakota;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas North Dakota was admitted to the Union on November 2, 1889;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the population of North Dakota grew from 2,000 in 1870 to 680,000 in 1930, and\t reached a\n\t\t\t State record of 730,000 people in 2014;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the battleship USS NORTH DAKOTA, the first turbine-powered ship in the United States Navy,\n\t\t\t was launched in 1908;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the North Dakota State flag, the regimental flag carried by the North Dakota Infantry in\n\t\t\t the Spanish-American War in 1898 and Philippine Island Insurrection in\n\t\t\t 1899, was designated in 1911;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Bank of North Dakota was established in 1919 and the State mill and elevator began\n\t\t\t operating in 1922;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, in 1932, the International Peace Garden was established on the border between North Dakota\n\t\t\t and the Canadian province of Manitoba, a symbol of peace between the\n\t\t\t governments of the United States and Canada;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, in 1949, the Theodore Roosevelt National Memorial Park was dedicated, covering 3 areas of\n\t\t\t the badlands in western North Dakota;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, in 1953, President Eisenhower dedicated the Garrison Dam, the fifth-largest earthen dam in\n\t\t\t the world, which created Lake Sakakawea, the third-largest man-made lake\n\t\t\t in the United States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas North Dakota has a world-class system of higher education, which supports student\n\t\t\t development across a variety of fields, including aerospace, agriculture,\n\t\t\t architecture, education, engineering, law, medicine, and nursing;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the USS NORTH DAKOTA, a Virginia-class submarine was christened in November 2013;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas North Dakota has had the lowest unemployment rate in the United States for over 5 years;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, in 2013, North Dakota was either 1st or 2nd in the United States in total agriculture\n\t\t\t production for 16 different commodities;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas North Dakota is the second largest producer of oil and gas in the United States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas North Dakota produces over 1,000,000 barrels of oil each day;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the economy of North Dakota has grown faster than the economy of all other States of the\n\t\t\t United States for 4 consecutive years;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the personal income of people in North Dakota is nearly 30 percent above the national\n\t\t\t average;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, in 2012, exports from North Dakota topped $4,000,000,000; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the economy and communities of North Dakota has experienced unprecedented development,\n\t\t\t resulting in national recognition: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"idc4166a41ef5846368208e487bf84c4a0\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n congratulates—\n </text>\n <subparagraph id=\"id9eb7b32688884116bd627da3e89182e5\">\n <enum>\n (A)\n </enum>\n <text>\n the State of North Dakota on its 125th anniversary; and\n </text>\n </subparagraph>\n <subparagraph id=\"iddb473f18e85b441b9e01d0cd9397cb25\">\n <enum>\n (B)\n </enum>\n <text>\n the people of North Dakota for their tremendous work and success in building the prosperity of\n\t\t\t current and future generations living in the State; and\n </text>\n </subparagraph>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id46b34f94506843079ccbcf9894a666dc\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n respectfully requests that the Secretary of the Senate transmit an enrolled copy of this resolution\n\t\t\t to the Governor of North Dakota.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-06 01:39:02.176
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 529 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-11T13:25:41Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-11T13:25:41Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-07-30 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Discharged from </name> <date> 2014-09-19T02:22:38Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2014-07-30T19:46:09Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5878) </text> <type> Discharge </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <text> Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5878) </text> <type> Committee </type> <actionCode> 14500 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-30 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR S5146) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-30 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> T000461 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Toomey, Patrick [R-PA] </fullName> <firstName> Patrick </firstName> <lastName> Toomey </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> PA </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> C001070 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Casey, Robert P., Jr. [D-PA] </fullName> <firstName> Bob </firstName> <lastName> Casey </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> PA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Armed Forces and National Security </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Commemorative events and holidays </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Veterans' organizations and recognition </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Armed Forces and National Security </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-30 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-08-14T18:37:24Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Congratulates the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States (VFW) on its 100th anniversary.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Commends VFW members for their courage and sacrifice in service to the United States.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Encourages individuals to express their appreciation for the honor, courage, and bravery of our veterans and for the service of the VFW.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-09-30T19:26:24Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Congratulates the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States (VFW) on its 100th anniversary.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Commends VFW members for their courage and sacrifice in service to the United States.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Encourages individuals to express their appreciation for the honor, courage, and bravery of our veterans and for the service of the VFW.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution recognizing the 100th anniversary of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States and commending its members for their courage and sacrifice in service to the United States. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution recognizing the 100th anniversary of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States and commending its members for their courage and sacrifice in service to the United States. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution recognizing the 100th anniversary of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States and commending its members for their courage and sacrifice in service to the United States. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-09-18T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres529ats/xml/BILLS-113sres529ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2014-07-30T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres529is/xml/BILLS-113sres529is.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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(text of measure as introduced: CR S5146)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-07-30", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2014-09-19T02:22:38Z", "name": "Discharged from" }, { "date": "2014-07-30T19:46:09Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "C001070", "district": null, "first_name": "Bob", "full_name": "Sen. Casey, Robert P., Jr. [D-PA]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Casey", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-17", "state": "PA" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-07-30", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-18", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 529, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Armed Forces and National Security", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "T000461", "district": null, "first_name": "Patrick", "full_name": "Sen. Toomey, Patrick [R-PA]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Toomey", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "R", "state": "PA" } ], "subjects": [ "Commemorative events and holidays", "Congressional tributes", "Veterans' organizations and recognition" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-07-30", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Congratulates the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States (VFW) on its 100th anniversary.</p> <p>Commends VFW members for their courage and sacrifice in service to the United States.</p> <p>Encourages individuals to express their appreciation for the honor, courage, and bravery of our veterans and for the service of the VFW.</p>", "update_date": "2014-08-14T18:37:24Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2014-09-18", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Congratulates the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States (VFW) on its 100th anniversary.</p> <p>Commends VFW members for their courage and sacrifice in service to the United States.</p> <p>Encourages individuals to express their appreciation for the honor, courage, and bravery of our veterans and for the service of the VFW.</p>", "update_date": "2014-09-30T19:26:24Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-09-18T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres529ats/xml/BILLS-113sres529ats.xml" }, { "date": "2014-07-30T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres529is/xml/BILLS-113sres529is.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution recognizing the 100th anniversary of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States and commending its members for their courage and sacrifice in service to the United States.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution recognizing the 100th anniversary of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States and commending its members for their courage and sacrifice in service to the United States.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution recognizing the 100th anniversary of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States and commending its members for their courage and sacrifice in service to the United States.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2023-01-11T13:25:41Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-11T13:25:41Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
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RES. 529 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES July 30, 2014 Mr. Toomey submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary RESOLUTION Recognizing the 100th anniversary of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States and commending its members for their courage and sacrifice in service to the United States.\n\nWhereas on September 17, 1914, members of the American Veterans of Foreign Service and the National Society of the Army of the Philippines merged their organizations and voted in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to adopt the name Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States ; Whereas the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States remains active in communities at the international, national, State, and local levels with more than 2,000,000 members; Whereas the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States provides financial, social, and emotional support to members of the Armed Forces, veterans, and their dependents throughout the United States; Whereas the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States works on behalf of servicemembers of the United States by calling on Congress for better health care and benefits for veterans; Whereas the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States annually donates more than 13,000,000 volunteer hours of community service; and Whereas the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States has played an instrumental role in each significant veterans’ legislation passed since its founding and continues to play such a role: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) congratulates the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States on its 100th anniversary as a national organization with a mission to— (A) foster camaraderie among United States veterans of overseas conflicts; (B) serve veterans, the military, and communities across the United States; and (C) advocate on behalf of all veterans; (2) commends the members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States for their courage and sacrifice in service to the United States; and (3) encourages all individuals of the United States to express their appreciation for the honor, courage, and bravery of United States veterans and for the service of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Introduced-in-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 529 IS: Recognizing the 100th anniversary of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States and commending its members for their courage and sacrifice in service to the United States.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-07-30\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 529\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140730\">\n July 30, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S351\">\n Mr. Toomey\n </sponsor>\n submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name committee-id=\"SSJU00\">\n Committee on the Judiciary\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Recognizing the 100th anniversary of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States and\n\t\t\t commending its members for their courage and sacrifice in service to the\n\t\t\t United States.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas on September 17, 1914, members of the American Veterans of Foreign Service and the National\n\t\t\t Society of the Army of the Philippines merged their organizations and\n\t\t\t voted in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to adopt the name\n <quote>\n Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States\n </quote>\n ;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States remains active in communities at the\n\t\t\t international, national, State, and local levels with more than 2,000,000\n\t\t\t members;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States provides financial, social, and emotional\n\t\t\t support to members of the Armed Forces, veterans, and their dependents\n\t\t\t throughout the United States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States works on behalf of servicemembers of the\n\t\t\t United States by calling on Congress for better health care and benefits\n\t\t\t for veterans;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States annually donates more than 13,000,000\n\t\t\t volunteer hours of community service; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States has played an instrumental role in each\n\t\t\t significant veterans’ legislation passed since its founding and continues\n\t\t\t to play such a role: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"id76A4B9F44DC74107B39D16FFF4087A3E\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n congratulates the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States on its 100th anniversary as a\n\t\t\t national organization with a mission to—\n </text>\n <subparagraph id=\"id3D8995A435D445C988F5884D46734A77\">\n <enum>\n (A)\n </enum>\n <text>\n foster camaraderie among United States veterans of overseas conflicts;\n </text>\n </subparagraph>\n <subparagraph id=\"idFCC920D9745E4801B3BE3E78FD975EEC\">\n <enum>\n (B)\n </enum>\n <text>\n serve veterans, the military, and communities across the United States; and\n </text>\n </subparagraph>\n <subparagraph id=\"id340DF8FC49EF4E03BA83D51E9B5F311C\">\n <enum>\n (C)\n </enum>\n <text>\n advocate on behalf of all veterans;\n </text>\n </subparagraph>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idFAB9D6A288424E1EB81AE16ED651053D\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n commends the members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States for their courage and\n\t\t\t sacrifice in service to the United States; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph commented=\"no\" display-inline=\"no-display-inline\" id=\"id9418BD1544BB427A8461EC4ED7E54FE0\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n encourages all individuals of the United States to express their appreciation for the honor,\n\t\t\t courage, and bravery of United States veterans and for the service of the\n\t\t\t Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" }, { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-09-18T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres529ats/xml/BILLS-113sres529ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres529ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres529ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-06T23:17:02.541", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-529", "legis_num": 529, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-529-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 529 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES July 30, 2014 Mr. Toomey (for himself and Mr. Casey ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary September 18, 2014 Committee discharged; considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Recognizing the 100th anniversary of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States and commending its members for their courage and sacrifice in service to the United States.\n\nWhereas on September 17, 1914, members of the American Veterans of Foreign Service and the National Society of the Army of the Philippines merged their organizations and voted in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to adopt the name Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States ; Whereas the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States remains active in communities at the international, national, State, and local levels with more than 2,000,000 members; Whereas the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States provides financial, social, and emotional support to members of the Armed Forces, veterans, and their dependents throughout the United States; Whereas the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States works on behalf of servicemembers of the United States by calling on Congress for better health care and benefits for veterans; Whereas the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States annually donates more than 13,000,000 volunteer hours of community service; and Whereas the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States has played an instrumental role in each significant veterans’ legislation passed since its founding and continues to play such a role: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) congratulates the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States on its 100th anniversary as a national organization with a mission to— (A) foster camaraderie among United States veterans of overseas conflicts; (B) serve veterans, the military, and communities across the United States; and (C) advocate on behalf of all veterans; (2) commends the members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States for their courage and sacrifice in service to the United States; and (3) encourages all individuals of the United States to express their appreciation for the honor, courage, and bravery of United States veterans and for the service of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 529 ATS: Recognizing the 100th anniversary of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States and commending its members for their courage and sacrifice in service to the United States.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-07-30\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 529\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140730\">\n July 30, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S351\">\n Mr. Toomey\n </sponsor>\n (for himself and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S309\">\n Mr. Casey\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name committee-id=\"SSJU00\">\n Committee on the Judiciary\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <action>\n <action-date>\n September 18, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n Committee discharged; considered and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Recognizing the 100th anniversary of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States and\n\t\t\t commending its members for their courage and sacrifice in service to the\n\t\t\t United States.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas on September 17, 1914, members of the American Veterans of Foreign Service and the National\n\t\t\t Society of the Army of the Philippines merged their organizations and\n\t\t\t voted in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to adopt the name\n <quote>\n Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States\n </quote>\n ;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States remains active in communities at the\n\t\t\t international, national, State, and local levels with more than 2,000,000\n\t\t\t members;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States provides financial, social, and emotional\n\t\t\t support to members of the Armed Forces, veterans, and their dependents\n\t\t\t throughout the United States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States works on behalf of servicemembers of the\n\t\t\t United States by calling on Congress for better health care and benefits\n\t\t\t for veterans;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States annually donates more than 13,000,000\n\t\t\t volunteer hours of community service; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States has played an instrumental role in each\n\t\t\t significant veterans’ legislation passed since its founding and continues\n\t\t\t to play such a role: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"id76A4B9F44DC74107B39D16FFF4087A3E\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n congratulates the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States on its 100th anniversary as a\n\t\t\t national organization with a mission to—\n </text>\n <subparagraph id=\"id3D8995A435D445C988F5884D46734A77\">\n <enum>\n (A)\n </enum>\n <text>\n foster camaraderie among United States veterans of overseas conflicts;\n </text>\n </subparagraph>\n <subparagraph id=\"idFCC920D9745E4801B3BE3E78FD975EEC\">\n <enum>\n (B)\n </enum>\n <text>\n serve veterans, the military, and communities across the United States; and\n </text>\n </subparagraph>\n <subparagraph id=\"id340DF8FC49EF4E03BA83D51E9B5F311C\">\n <enum>\n (C)\n </enum>\n <text>\n advocate on behalf of all veterans;\n </text>\n </subparagraph>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idFAB9D6A288424E1EB81AE16ED651053D\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n commends the members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States for their courage and\n\t\t\t sacrifice in service to the United States; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph commented=\"no\" display-inline=\"no-display-inline\" id=\"id9418BD1544BB427A8461EC4ED7E54FE0\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n encourages all individuals of the United States to express their appreciation for the honor,\n\t\t\t courage, and bravery of United States veterans and for the service of the\n\t\t\t Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-06 01:38:13.190
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 530 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-11T13:25:24Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-11T13:25:24Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-07-30 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Reported by </name> <date> 2014-09-18T23:56:38Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Markup by </name> <date> 2014-09-18T18:00:00Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2014-07-30T19:59:22Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <relatedBills> <item> <title> Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives on the current situation in Iraq and the urgent need to protect religious minorities from persecution from the Sunni Islamist insurgent and terrorist group the Islamic State in Iraq and Levant (ISIL) as it expands its control over areas in northwestern Iraq. </title> <congress> 113 </congress> <number> 663 </number> <type> HRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-09-02 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security. </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate with an amendment and an amendment to the Title and an amended preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5878; text as passed Senate: CR S5878) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate with an amendment and an amendment to the Title and an amended preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5878; text as passed Senate: CR S5878) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 575. </text> <type> Calendars </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Committee on Foreign Relations. Reported by Senator Menendez with an amendment in the nature of a substitute and an amendment to the title and with an amended preamble. Without written report. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <text> Committee on Foreign Relations. Reported by Senator Menendez with an amendment in the nature of a substitute and an amendment to the title and with an amended preamble. Without written report. </text> <type> Committee </type> <actionCode> 14000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Committee on Foreign Relations. Ordered to be reported with an amendment in the nature of a substitute favorably. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-30 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S5141) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-30 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> P000449 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Portman, Rob [R-OH] </fullName> <firstName> Rob </firstName> <lastName> Portman </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OH </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> A000360 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Alexander, Lamar [R-TN] </fullName> <firstName> Lamar </firstName> <lastName> Alexander </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TN </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-30 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001230 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Baldwin, Tammy [D-WI] </fullName> <firstName> Tammy </firstName> <lastName> Baldwin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WI </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-30 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001261 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Barrasso, John [R-WY] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Barrasso </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> WY </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-30 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000575 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Blunt, Roy [R-MO] </fullName> <firstName> Roy </firstName> <lastName> Blunt </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MO </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-30 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001236 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Boozman, John [R-AR] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Boozman </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AR </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-30 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000127 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cantwell, Maria [D-WA] </fullName> <firstName> Maria </firstName> <lastName> Cantwell </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-30 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000141 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cardin, Benjamin L. [D-MD] </fullName> <firstName> Ben </firstName> <lastName> Cardin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-30 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000286 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Chambliss, Saxby [R-GA] </fullName> <firstName> SAXBY </firstName> <lastName> CHAMBLISS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> GA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-30 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001035 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Collins, Susan M. [R-ME] </fullName> <firstName> Susan </firstName> <lastName> Collins </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ME </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-30 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000880 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Crapo, Mike [R-ID] </fullName> <firstName> Mike </firstName> <lastName> Crapo </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ID </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-30 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> E000285 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Enzi, Michael B. [R-WY] </fullName> <firstName> MICHAEL </firstName> <lastName> ENZI </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> WY </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-30 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000463 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Fischer, Deb [R-NE] </fullName> <firstName> Deb </firstName> <lastName> Fischer </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NE </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-30 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000386 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Grassley, Chuck [R-IA] </fullName> <firstName> Charles </firstName> <lastName> Grassley </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IA </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-30 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001041 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Heller, Dean [R-NV] </fullName> <firstName> Dean </firstName> <lastName> Heller </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NV </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-30 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001061 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hoeven, John [R-ND] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Hoeven </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ND </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-30 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> I000024 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Inhofe, James M. [R-OK] </fullName> <firstName> Jim </firstName> <lastName> Inhofe </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OK </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-30 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> I000055 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Isakson, Johnny [R-GA] </fullName> <firstName> Johnny </firstName> <lastName> Isakson </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> GA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-30 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000291 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Johanns, Mike [R-NE] </fullName> <firstName> Mike </firstName> <lastName> Johanns </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NE </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-30 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000360 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Kirk, Mark Steven [R-IL] </fullName> <firstName> MARK </firstName> <lastName> KIRK </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> STEVEN </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-30 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000367 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Klobuchar, Amy [D-MN] </fullName> <firstName> Amy </firstName> <lastName> Klobuchar </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MN </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-30 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000550 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Landrieu, Mary L. [D-LA] </fullName> <firstName> MARY </firstName> <lastName> LANDRIEU </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> LA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-30 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000577 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Lee, Mike [R-UT] </fullName> <firstName> Mike </firstName> <lastName> Lee </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> UT </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-30 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000261 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Levin, Carl [D-MI] </fullName> <firstName> CARL </firstName> <lastName> LEVIN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <middleName> MILTON </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-30 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001183 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Manchin, Joe, III [D-WV] </fullName> <firstName> Joseph </firstName> <lastName> Manchin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WV </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-30 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000133 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Markey, Edward J. [D-MA] </fullName> <firstName> Edward </firstName> <lastName> Markey </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-30 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000303 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. McCain, John [R-AZ] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> MCCAIN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AZ </state> <middleName> SIDNEY </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-30 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000934 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Moran, Jerry [R-KS] </fullName> <firstName> Jerry </firstName> <lastName> Moran </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KS </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-30 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000584 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Risch, James E. [R-ID] </fullName> <firstName> James </firstName> <lastName> Risch </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ID </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-30 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000293 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Johnson, Ron [R-WI] </fullName> <firstName> Ron </firstName> <lastName> Johnson </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> WI </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-30 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000595 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Rubio, Marco [R-FL] </fullName> <firstName> Marco </firstName> <lastName> Rubio </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-30 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001141 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Sessions, Jeff [R-AL] </fullName> <firstName> Jeff </firstName> <lastName> Sessions </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AL </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-30 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001181 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Shaheen, Jeanne [D-NH] </fullName> <firstName> Jeanne </firstName> <lastName> Shaheen </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-30 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000770 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Stabenow, Debbie [D-MI] </fullName> <firstName> Debbie </firstName> <lastName> Stabenow </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-30 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000250 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Thune, John [R-SD] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Thune </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> SD </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-30 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000437 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Wicker, Roger F. [R-MS] </fullName> <firstName> Roger </firstName> <lastName> Wicker </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MS </state> <middleName> F. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-30 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000338 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hatch, Orrin G. [R-UT] </fullName> <firstName> ORRIN </firstName> <lastName> HATCH </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> UT </state> <middleName> GRANT </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-30 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000563 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Durbin, Richard J. [D-IL] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Durbin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-30 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> V000127 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Vitter, David [R-LA] </fullName> <firstName> David </firstName> <lastName> Vitter </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> LA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-30 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> A000368 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Ayotte, Kelly [R-NH] </fullName> <firstName> Kelly </firstName> <lastName> Ayotte </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-30 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000384 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Kaine, Tim [D-VA] </fullName> <firstName> Timothy </firstName> <lastName> Kaine </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-31 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001098 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cruz, Ted [R-TX] </fullName> <firstName> Ted </firstName> <lastName> Cruz </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TX </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-08-01 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001088 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Coons, Christopher A. [D-DE] </fullName> <firstName> Christopher </firstName> <lastName> Coons </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> DE </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000307 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Roberts, Pat [R-KS] </fullName> <firstName> PAT </firstName> <lastName> ROBERTS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KS </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001135 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Burr, Richard [R-NC] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Burr </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NC </state> <middleName> Mauze </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Diplomacy, foreign officials, Americans abroad </name> </item> <item> <name> Human rights </name> </item> <item> <name> Iraq </name> </item> <item> <name> Middle East </name> </item> <item> <name> Refugees, asylum, displaced persons </name> </item> <item> <name> Religion </name> </item> <item> <name> Visas and passports </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-30 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-08-01T21:35:54Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Reaffirms the Senate's commitment to promoting and protecting religious freedom around the world and providing relief to minority groups facing persecution. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Calls on the Department of State to work with the Kurdistan Regional Government, the Iraqi government, neighboring countries, the diaspora community in the United States, and other key stakeholders for those seeking safety and protection from religious persecution in Iraq. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Requests the addition of a Special Representative for Religious Minorities to be included in Iraq's government. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Urges the President to ensure timely visa processing for Iraq's minority groups fleeing religious persecution. &lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 35 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate amended </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-09-22T18:10:42Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Reaffirms the Senate's commitment to promoting and protecting religious freedom around the world. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Calls on the Department of State to work with the Kurdistan Regional Government, the Iraqi government, neighboring countries, the diaspora community in the United States, and other key stakeholders to address the plight of Iraqi minority groups seeking protection from persecution in Iraq.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Requests the government of Iraq to prioritize the issue of protecting religious minorities and enact and enforce laws protecting religious freedom.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Urges the President to ensure timely visa processing for Iraq's minority groups fleeing religious persecution.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate on the current situation in Iraq and the urgent need to protect religious minorities from persecution from the terrorist group the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate on the current situation in Iraq and the urgent need to protect religious minorities from persecution from the terrorist group the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate on the current situation in Iraq and the urgent need to protect religious minorities from persecution from the Sunni Islamist insurgent and terrorist group the Islamic State, formerly known as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), as it expands its control over areas in northwestern Iraq. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Titles as Amended by Senate </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate on the current situation in Iraq and the urgent need to protect religious minorities from persecution from the terrorist group the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). </title> <chamberCode> S </chamberCode> <chamberName> Senate </chamberName> </item> </titles> <amendments> <amendment> <number> 3785 </number> <congress> 113 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <updateDate> 2021-11-30T16:36:24Z </updateDate> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-09-08 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. </text> </latestAction> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> P000449 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Portman, Rob [R-OH] </fullName> <firstName> Rob </firstName> <lastName> Portman </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OH </state> </item> </sponsors> <submittedDate> 2014-09-08T04:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 113 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 530 </number> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate on the current situation in Iraq and the urgent need to protect religious minorities from persecution from the terrorist group the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-11T13:25:24Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <actions> <count> 3 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-08 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-08 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> <amendment> <number> 3784 </number> <congress> 113 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <updateDate> 2021-11-30T16:36:24Z </updateDate> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-09-08 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. </text> </latestAction> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> P000449 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Portman, Rob [R-OH] </fullName> <firstName> Rob </firstName> <lastName> Portman </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OH </state> </item> </sponsors> <submittedDate> 2014-09-08T04:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 113 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 530 </number> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate on the current situation in Iraq and the urgent need to protect religious minorities from persecution from the terrorist group the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-11T13:25:24Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <actions> <count> 3 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-08 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-08 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> <amendment> <number> 3783 </number> <congress> 113 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <updateDate> 2021-11-30T16:36:24Z </updateDate> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-09-08 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. </text> </latestAction> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> P000449 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Portman, Rob [R-OH] </fullName> <firstName> Rob </firstName> <lastName> Portman </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OH </state> </item> </sponsors> <submittedDate> 2014-09-08T04:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 113 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 530 </number> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate on the current situation in Iraq and the urgent need to protect religious minorities from persecution from the terrorist group the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-11T13:25:24Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <actions> <count> 3 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-08 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-08 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> </amendments> <textVersions> <item> <type> Reported to Senate </type> <date> 2014-09-18T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres530rs/xml/BILLS-113sres530rs.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-09-18T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres530ats/xml/BILLS-113sres530ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2014-07-30T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres530is/xml/BILLS-113sres530is.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate with an amendment and an amendment to the Title and an amended preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5878; text as passed Senate: CR S5878) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate with an amendment and an amendment to the Title and an amended preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5878; text as passed Senate: CR S5878)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2014-09-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate with an amendment and an amendment to the Title and an amended preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5878; text as passed Senate: CR S5878)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 575.", "type": "Calendars" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-18", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Committee on Foreign Relations. Reported by Senator Menendez with an amendment in the nature of a substitute and an amendment to the title and with an amended preamble. Without written report.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "14000", "action_date": "2014-09-18", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Committee on Foreign Relations. Reported by Senator Menendez with an amendment in the nature of a substitute and an amendment to the title and with an amended preamble. Without written report.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-18", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Committee on Foreign Relations. Ordered to be reported with an amendment in the nature of a substitute favorably.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-30", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S5141)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-07-30", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [ { "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-08", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "0", "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "91000", "action_date": "2014-09-08", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment submitted", "type": "Floor" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "congress": 113, "description": null, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-08", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.", "type": null }, "links": [], "number": 3785, "purpose": null, "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "P000449", "district": null, "first_name": "Rob", "full_name": "Sen. 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Enzi, Michael B. [R-WY]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ENZI", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-30", "state": "WY" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000463", "district": null, "first_name": "Deb", "full_name": "Sen. Fischer, Deb [R-NE]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Fischer", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-30", "state": "NE" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000386", "district": null, "first_name": "Charles", "full_name": "Sen. Grassley, Chuck [R-IA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Grassley", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-30", "state": "IA" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001041", "district": null, "first_name": "Dean", "full_name": "Sen. 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For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-07-30", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-18", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate with an amendment and an amendment to the Title and an amended preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5878; text as passed Senate: CR S5878)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 530, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "International Affairs", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 113, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-02", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security.", "type": null }, "number": 663, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives on the current situation in Iraq and the urgent need to protect religious minorities from persecution from the Sunni Islamist insurgent and terrorist group the Islamic State in Iraq and Levant (ISIL) as it expands its control over areas in northwestern Iraq.", "type": "HRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "P000449", "district": null, "first_name": "Rob", "full_name": "Sen. Portman, Rob [R-OH]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Portman", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "OH" } ], "subjects": [ "Diplomacy, foreign officials, Americans abroad", "Human rights", "Iraq", "Middle East", "Refugees, asylum, displaced persons", "Religion", "Visas and passports" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-07-30", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Reaffirms the Senate's commitment to promoting and protecting religious freedom around the world and providing relief to minority groups facing persecution. </p> <p>Calls on the Department of State to work with the Kurdistan Regional Government, the Iraqi government, neighboring countries, the diaspora community in the United States, and other key stakeholders for those seeking safety and protection from religious persecution in Iraq. </p> <p>Requests the addition of a Special Representative for Religious Minorities to be included in Iraq's government. </p> <p>Urges the President to ensure timely visa processing for Iraq's minority groups fleeing religious persecution. </p>", "update_date": "2014-08-01T21:35:54Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2014-09-18", "action_desc": "Passed Senate amended", "text": " <p>Reaffirms the Senate's commitment to promoting and protecting religious freedom around the world. </p> <p>Calls on the Department of State to work with the Kurdistan Regional Government, the Iraqi government, neighboring countries, the diaspora community in the United States, and other key stakeholders to address the plight of Iraqi minority groups seeking protection from persecution in Iraq.</p> <p>Requests the government of Iraq to prioritize the issue of protecting religious minorities and enact and enforce laws protecting religious freedom.</p> <p>Urges the President to ensure timely visa processing for Iraq's minority groups fleeing religious persecution.</p>", "update_date": "2014-09-22T18:10:42Z", "version_code": "35" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-09-18T04:00:00Z", "type": "Reported to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres530rs/xml/BILLS-113sres530rs.xml" }, { "date": "2014-09-18T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres530ats/xml/BILLS-113sres530ats.xml" }, { "date": "2014-07-30T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres530is/xml/BILLS-113sres530is.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate on the current situation in Iraq and the urgent need to protect religious minorities from persecution from the terrorist group the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate on the current situation in Iraq and the urgent need to protect religious minorities from persecution from the terrorist group the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate on the current situation in Iraq and the urgent need to protect religious minorities from persecution from the Sunni Islamist insurgent and terrorist group the Islamic State, formerly known as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), as it expands its control over areas in northwestern Iraq.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": "S", "chamber_name": "Senate", "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate on the current situation in Iraq and the urgent need to protect religious minorities from persecution from the terrorist group the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).", "title_type": "Official Titles as Amended by Senate" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2023-01-11T13:25:24Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-11T13:25:24Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-07-30T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres530is/xml/BILLS-113sres530is.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres530is.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres530is.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T00:22:01.404", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-530", "legis_num": 530, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "is", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-530-is-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 530 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES July 30, 2014 Mr. Portman (for himself, Mr. Alexander , Ms. Baldwin , Mr. Barrasso , Mr. Blunt , Mr. Boozman , Ms. Cantwell , Mr. Cardin , Mr. Chambliss , Ms. Collins , Mr. Crapo , Mr. Enzi , Mrs. Fischer , Mr. Grassley , Mr. Heller , Mr. Hoeven , Mr. Inhofe , Mr. Isakson , Mr. Johanns , Mr. Kirk , Ms. Klobuchar , Ms. Landrieu , Mr. Lee , Mr. Levin , Mr. Manchin , Mr. Markey , Mr. McCain , Mr. Moran , Mr. Risch , Mr. Johnson of Wisconsin , Mr. Rubio , Mr. Sessions , Mrs. Shaheen , Ms. Stabenow , Mr. Thune , Mr. Wicker , Mr. Hatch , Mr. Durbin , Mr. Vitter , and Ms. Ayotte ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations RESOLUTION Expressing the sense of the Senate on the current situation in Iraq and the urgent need to protect religious minorities from persecution from the Sunni Islamist insurgent and terrorist group the Islamic State, formerly known as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), as it expands its control over areas in northwestern Iraq.\n\nWhereas Iraq is currently embroiled in a surge of violence arising from an Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)-led offensive that began in Anbar province and has spread to key locations such as Mosul, Tikrit, and Samarra and continues to engulf the region in violence and instability; Whereas, on June 29, 2014, ISIL leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi renamed the group the Islamic State and pronounced himself Caliph of a new Islamic Caliphate encompassing the areas under his control, and Mr. al-Baghdadi has a stated mission of spreading the Islamic State and caliphate across the region through violence against Shiites, non-Muslims, and unsupportive Sunnis; Whereas Iraq's population is approximately 31,300,000 people, with 97 percent identifying themselves as Muslim and the approximately 3 percent of religious minorities groups comprising of Christians, Yezidis, Sabean-Mandaeans, Bahais, Shabaks, Kakais, and Jews; Whereas the Iraqi Christian population is estimated to be between 400,000 and 850,000, with two-thirds being Chaldean, one-fifth Assyrian, and the remainder consisting of Syriacs, Protestants, Armenians, and Anglicans; Whereas the Iraqi constitution provides for religious freedom by stating that no law may be enacted that contradicts the principles of democracy, no law may be enacted that contradicts the rights and basic freedoms stipulated in this Constitution, and [this Constitution] guarantees the full religious rights to freedom of religious belief and practice of all individuals such as Christians, Yazidis, and Mandean Sabeans ; Whereas over 1,000,000 people have been displaced by violence in Iraq, and reports have surfaced of targeted harassment, persecution, and killings of Iraqi religious minorities by the Islamic State with little to no protection from the Government of Iraq and other security forces; Whereas the fall of Mosul in particular has sparked enough anxiety among the Christian population that, for the first time in 1,600 years, there was no Mass in that city; Whereas over 50 percent of Iraq's Christian population has fled since the fall of Saddam Hussein, and the government under Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has not upheld its commitment to protect the rights of religious minorities; Whereas the United States Government has provided over $73,000,000 of cumulative assistance to Iraq's minority populations since 2003 through economic development, humanitarian services, and capacity development; Whereas 84,902 Iraqis have resettled to the United States between 2007 and 2013 and over 300,000 Chaldean and Assyrians currently reside throughout the country, particularly in Michigan, California, Arizona, Illinois, and Ohio; and Whereas President Barack Obama recently declared on Religious Freedom Day, Foremost among the rights Americans hold sacred is the freedom to worship as we choose … we also remember that religious liberty is not just an American right; it is a universal human right to be protected here at home and across the globe. This freedom is an essential part of human dignity, and without it our world cannot know lasting peace : Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) reaffirms its commitment to promoting and protecting religious freedom around the world and providing relief to minority groups facing persecution; (2) calls on the Department of State to work with the Kurdistan Regional Government, the Government of Iraq, neighboring countries, the diaspora community in the United States, and other key stakeholders to help secure safe havens for those seeking safety and protection from religious persecution in Iraq; (3) respectfully requests the addition of a Special Representative for Religious Minorities to be included in Iraq's government; and (4) urges the President to ensure the timely processing of visas for Iraq's minority groups fleeing religious persecution, in accordance with existing United States immigration law and national security screening procedures.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Introduced-in-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 530 IS: Expressing the sense of the Senate on the current situation in Iraq and the urgent need to protect religious minorities from persecution from the Sunni Islamist insurgent and terrorist group the Islamic State, formerly known as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), as it expands its control over areas in northwestern Iraq.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-07-30\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 530\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140730\">\n July 30, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S349\">\n Mr. Portman\n </sponsor>\n (for himself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S289\">\n Mr. Alexander\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S354\">\n Ms. Baldwin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S317\">\n Mr. Barrasso\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S342\">\n Mr. Blunt\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S343\">\n Mr. Boozman\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S275\">\n Ms. Cantwell\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S308\">\n Mr. Cardin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S290\">\n Mr. Chambliss\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S252\">\n Ms. Collins\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S266\">\n Mr. Crapo\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S254\">\n Mr. Enzi\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S357\">\n Mrs. Fischer\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S153\">\n Mr. Grassley\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S352\">\n Mr. Heller\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S344\">\n Mr. Hoeven\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S236\">\n Mr. Inhofe\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S305\">\n Mr. Isakson\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S321\">\n Mr. Johanns\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S339\">\n Mr. Kirk\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S311\">\n Ms. Klobuchar\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S258\">\n Ms. Landrieu\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S346\">\n Mr. Lee\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S131\">\n Mr. Levin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S338\">\n Mr. Manchin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S369\">\n Mr. Markey\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S197\">\n Mr. McCain\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S347\">\n Mr. Moran\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S323\">\n Mr. Risch\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S345\">\n Mr. Johnson of Wisconsin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S350\">\n Mr. Rubio\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S261\">\n Mr. Sessions\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S324\">\n Mrs. Shaheen\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S284\">\n Ms. Stabenow\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S303\">\n Mr. Thune\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S318\">\n Mr. Wicker\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S118\">\n Mr. Hatch\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S253\">\n Mr. Durbin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S299\">\n Mr. Vitter\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S340\">\n Ms. Ayotte\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name committee-id=\"SSFR00\">\n Committee on Foreign Relations\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Expressing the sense of the Senate on the current situation in Iraq and the urgent need to protect\n\t\t\t religious minorities from persecution from the Sunni Islamist insurgent\n\t\t\t and terrorist group the Islamic State, formerly known as the Islamic State\n\t\t\t of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), as it expands its control over areas in\n\t\t\t northwestern Iraq.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Iraq is currently embroiled in a surge of violence arising from an Islamic State in Iraq\n\t\t\t and the Levant (ISIL)-led offensive that began in\n\t\t\t Anbar\n\t\t\t province and has spread to key locations such as Mosul, Tikrit, and\n\t\t\t Samarra and continues to engulf the region in violence and instability;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, on June 29, 2014, ISIL leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi renamed the group the Islamic State and\n\t\t\t pronounced himself Caliph of a new Islamic Caliphate encompassing the\n\t\t\t areas under his control, and Mr. al-Baghdadi has a stated mission of\n\t\t\t spreading the Islamic\n\t\t\t State and caliphate across the region through violence against Shiites,\n\t\t\t non-Muslims, and unsupportive Sunnis;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Iraq's population is approximately 31,300,000 people, with 97 percent identifying\n\t\t\t themselves as\n\t\t\t Muslim and the approximately 3 percent of religious minorities groups\n\t\t\t comprising of Christians, Yezidis, Sabean-Mandaeans, Bahais, Shabaks,\n\t\t\t Kakais, and Jews;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Iraqi Christian population is estimated to be between 400,000 and 850,000, with\n\t\t\t two-thirds being Chaldean, one-fifth Assyrian, and the remainder\n\t\t\t consisting of Syriacs, Protestants, Armenians, and Anglicans;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Iraqi constitution provides for religious freedom by stating that\n <quote>\n no law may be enacted that contradicts the principles of democracy,\n </quote>\n <quote>\n no law may be enacted that\n\t\t\t contradicts the rights and basic freedoms stipulated in this Constitution,\n </quote>\n and\n <quote>\n [this Constitution] guarantees the full religious rights to freedom of\n\t\t\t religious belief and practice of all individuals such as Christians,\n\t\t\t Yazidis, and Mandean Sabeans\n </quote>\n ;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas over 1,000,000 people have been displaced by violence in Iraq, and reports have surfaced of\n\t\t\t targeted harassment, persecution, and killings of Iraqi religious\n\t\t\t minorities by the Islamic State with little to no protection from the\n\t\t\t Government of Iraq and other security forces;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the fall of Mosul in particular has sparked enough anxiety among the Christian population\n\t\t\t that, for the first time in 1,600 years, there was no Mass in that city;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas over 50 percent of Iraq's Christian population has fled since the fall of Saddam Hussein,\n\t\t\t and the government under Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has not upheld its\n\t\t\t commitment to protect the rights of religious minorities;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States Government has provided over $73,000,000 of cumulative assistance to\n\t\t\t Iraq's minority populations since 2003 through economic development,\n\t\t\t humanitarian services, and capacity development;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas 84,902 Iraqis have resettled to the United States between 2007 and 2013 and over 300,000\n\t\t\t Chaldean and Assyrians currently reside throughout the country,\n\t\t\t particularly in Michigan, California, Arizona, Illinois, and Ohio; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas President Barack Obama recently declared on Religious Freedom Day,\n <quote>\n Foremost among the rights Americans hold sacred is the freedom to worship as we choose … we also\n\t\t\t remember that religious liberty is not just an American right; it is a\n\t\t\t universal human right to be protected here at home and across the globe.\n\t\t\t This freedom is an essential part of human dignity, and without it our\n\t\t\t world cannot know lasting peace\n </quote>\n : \n Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"id94c4553c6d994748858c2bb9e34e4035\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n reaffirms its commitment to promoting and protecting religious freedom around the world and\n\t\t\t providing relief to minority groups facing persecution;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"iddeebafa049114be3a6c0aaccfdb4eb94\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n calls on the Department of State to work with the Kurdistan Regional Government, the\n\t\t\t Government of Iraq, neighboring countries, the diaspora community in\n\t\t\t the United States, and other key stakeholders to help secure safe havens\n\t\t\t for those seeking safety and protection from religious persecution in\n\t\t\t Iraq;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"ida5a6a56c1fba4653bed953d0e101bb17\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n respectfully requests the addition of a Special Representative for Religious Minorities to be\n\t\t\t included in Iraq's government; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id51bf412030cb428c9328ea06dd997de3\">\n <enum>\n (4)\n </enum>\n <text>\n urges the President to ensure the timely processing of visas for Iraq's minority groups fleeing\n\t\t\t religious persecution, in accordance with existing United States\n\t\t\t immigration law and national security screening procedures.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" }, { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-09-18T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres530ats/xml/BILLS-113sres530ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres530ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres530ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-06T23:17:02.58", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-530", "legis_num": 530, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-530-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 530 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES July 30, 2014 Mr. Portman (for himself, Mr. Alexander , Ms. Baldwin , Mr. Barrasso , Mr. Blunt , Mr. Boozman , Ms. Cantwell , Mr. Cardin , Mr. Chambliss , Ms. Collins , Mr. Crapo , Mr. Enzi , Mrs. Fischer , Mr. Grassley , Mr. Heller , Mr. Hoeven , Mr. Inhofe , Mr. Isakson , Mr. Johanns , Mr. Kirk , Ms. Klobuchar , Ms. Landrieu , Mr. Lee , Mr. Levin , Mr. Manchin , Mr. Markey , Mr. McCain , Mr. Moran , Mr. Risch , Mr. Johnson of Wisconsin , Mr. Rubio , Mr. Sessions , Mrs. Shaheen , Ms. Stabenow , Mr. Thune , Mr. Wicker , Mr. Hatch , Mr. Durbin , Mr. Vitter , Ms. Ayotte , Mr. Kaine , Mr. Cruz , Mr. Coons , Mr. Roberts , and Mr. Burr ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations September 18, 2014 Reported by Mr. Menendez , with an amendment and an amendment to the preamble and an amendment to the title Strike out all after the resolving clause and insert the part printed in italic Strike the preamble and insert the part printed in italic September 18, 2014 Considered, amended, and agreed to with an amended preamble and an amendment to the title RESOLUTION Expressing the sense of the Senate on the current situation in Iraq and the urgent need to protect religious minorities from persecution from the terrorist group the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).\n\nWhereas Iraq is currently embroiled in a surge of violence arising from an ISIL-led offensive that began in Anbar province and has spread to key locations such as Mosul, Tikrit, and Samarra and continues to engulf the region in violence and instability; Whereas, on June 29, 2014, ISIL leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi renamed the group the Islamic State and pronounced himself Caliph of a new Islamic caliphate encompassing the areas under his control, and Mr. al-Baghdadi has a stated mission of spreading the Islamic State and caliphate across the region through violence against Shiites, non-Muslims, and unsupportive Sunnis; Whereas Iraq's population is approximately 31,300,000 people, with 97 percent identifying themselves as Muslim and the approximately 3 percent of religious minorities groups comprising of Christians, Yezidis, Sabean-Mandaeans, Bahais, Shabaks, Kakais, and Jews; Whereas the Iraqi Christian population is estimated to be between 400,000 and 850,000, with two-thirds being Chaldean, one-fifth Assyrian, and the remainder consisting of Syriacs, Protestants, Armenians, and Anglicans; Whereas the Iraqi constitution provides for religious freedom by stating that no law may be enacted that contradicts the principles of democracy, no law may be enacted that contradicts the rights and basic freedoms stipulated in this Constitution, and [this Constitution] guarantees the full religious rights to freedom of religious belief and practice of all individuals such as Christians, Yazidis, and Mandean Sabeans ; Whereas the fall of Mosul in particular has sparked enough anxiety among the Christian population that, for the first time in 1,600 years, there was no Mass in that city; Whereas over 50 percent of Iraq's Christian population has fled since the fall of Saddam Hussein, and the government under Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki did not uphold its commitment to protect the rights of religious minorities; Whereas the United States Government has provided over $73,000,000 of cumulative assistance to Iraq's minority populations since 2003 through economic development, humanitarian services, and capacity development; Whereas 84,902 Iraqis have resettled to the United States between 2007 and 2013 and over 300,000 Chaldean and Assyrians currently reside throughout the country, particularly in Michigan, California, Arizona, Illinois, and Ohio; and Whereas President Barack Obama recently declared on Religious Freedom Day, Foremost among the rights Americans hold sacred is the freedom to worship as we choose … we also remember that religious liberty is not just an American right; it is a universal human right to be protected here at home and across the globe. This freedom is an essential part of human dignity, and without it our world cannot know lasting peace. : Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) reaffirms its commitment to promoting and to protecting religious freedom around the world; (2) calls on the Department of State to work with the Government of Iraq, the Kurdistan Regional Government, neighboring countries, the diaspora community in the United States, and other key stakeholders to address the urgent plight of those Iraqi minority groups seeking safety and protection from persecution in Iraq; (3) respectfully requests the Government of Iraq to prioritize the issue of protecting religious minorities and take concrete action to enact and enforce laws protecting religious freedom; and (4) urges the President to ensure the timely processing of visas for Iraq's minority groups fleeing religious persecution, in accordance with existing United States immigration law and national security screening procedures.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 530 ATS: Expressing the sense of the Senate on the current situation in Iraq and the urgent need to protect religious minorities from persecution from the terrorist group the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-07-30\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress>\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session>\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 530\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140730\">\n July 30, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S349\">\n Mr. Portman\n </sponsor>\n (for himself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S289\">\n Mr. Alexander\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S354\">\n Ms. Baldwin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S317\">\n Mr. Barrasso\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S342\">\n Mr. Blunt\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S343\">\n Mr. Boozman\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S275\">\n Ms. Cantwell\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S308\">\n Mr. Cardin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S290\">\n Mr. Chambliss\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S252\">\n Ms. Collins\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S266\">\n Mr. Crapo\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S254\">\n Mr. Enzi\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S357\">\n Mrs. Fischer\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S153\">\n Mr. Grassley\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S352\">\n Mr. Heller\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S344\">\n Mr. Hoeven\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S236\">\n Mr. Inhofe\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S305\">\n Mr. Isakson\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S321\">\n Mr. Johanns\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S339\">\n Mr. Kirk\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S311\">\n Ms. Klobuchar\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S258\">\n Ms. Landrieu\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S346\">\n Mr. Lee\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S131\">\n Mr. Levin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S338\">\n Mr. Manchin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S369\">\n Mr. Markey\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S197\">\n Mr. McCain\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S347\">\n Mr. Moran\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S323\">\n Mr. Risch\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S345\">\n Mr. Johnson of Wisconsin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S350\">\n Mr. Rubio\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S261\">\n Mr. Sessions\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S324\">\n Mrs. Shaheen\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S284\">\n Ms. Stabenow\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S303\">\n Mr. Thune\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S318\">\n Mr. Wicker\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S118\">\n Mr. Hatch\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S253\">\n Mr. Durbin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S299\">\n Mr. Vitter\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S340\">\n Ms. Ayotte\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S362\">\n Mr. Kaine\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S355\">\n Mr. Cruz\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S337\">\n Mr. Coons\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S260\">\n Mr. Roberts\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S300\">\n Mr. Burr\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name committee-id=\"SSFR00\">\n Committee on Foreign Relations\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <action stage=\"Reported-in-Senate\">\n <action-date>\n September 18, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n Reported by\n <sponsor name-id=\"S306\">\n Mr. Menendez\n </sponsor>\n , with an amendment and an amendment to the preamble and an amendment to the title\n </action-desc>\n <action-instruction>\n Strike out all after the resolving clause and insert the part printed in italic\n </action-instruction>\n <action-instruction>\n Strike the preamble and insert the part printed in italic\n </action-instruction>\n </action>\n <action>\n <action-date>\n September 18, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n Considered, amended, and agreed to with an amended preamble and an amendment to the title\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Expressing the sense of the Senate on the current situation in Iraq and the urgent need to protect\n\t\t\t religious minorities from persecution from the terrorist group the Islamic\n\t\t\t State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas changed=\"added\">\n <text>\n Whereas Iraq is currently embroiled in a surge of violence arising from an ISIL-led offensive that\n\t\t\t began in\n\t\t\t Anbar\n\t\t\t province and has spread to key locations such as Mosul, Tikrit, and\n\t\t\t Samarra and continues to engulf the region in violence and instability;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, on June 29, 2014, ISIL leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi renamed the group the Islamic State and\n\t\t\t pronounced himself Caliph of a new Islamic caliphate encompassing the\n\t\t\t areas under his control, and Mr. al-Baghdadi has a stated mission of\n\t\t\t spreading the Islamic\n\t\t\t State and caliphate across the region through violence against Shiites,\n\t\t\t non-Muslims, and unsupportive Sunnis;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Iraq's population is approximately 31,300,000 people, with 97 percent identifying\n\t\t\t themselves as\n\t\t\t Muslim and the approximately 3 percent of religious minorities groups\n\t\t\t comprising of Christians, Yezidis, Sabean-Mandaeans, Bahais, Shabaks,\n\t\t\t Kakais, and Jews;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Iraqi Christian population is estimated to be between 400,000 and 850,000, with\n\t\t\t two-thirds being Chaldean, one-fifth Assyrian, and the remainder\n\t\t\t consisting of Syriacs, Protestants, Armenians, and Anglicans;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Iraqi constitution provides for religious freedom by stating that\n <quote>\n no law may be enacted that contradicts the principles of democracy,\n </quote>\n <quote>\n no law may be enacted that\n\t\t\t contradicts the rights and basic freedoms stipulated in this Constitution,\n </quote>\n and\n <quote>\n [this Constitution] guarantees the full religious rights to freedom of\n\t\t\t religious belief and practice of all individuals such as Christians,\n\t\t\t Yazidis, and Mandean Sabeans\n </quote>\n ;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the fall of Mosul in particular has sparked enough anxiety among the Christian population\n\t\t\t that, for the first time in 1,600 years, there was no Mass in that city;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas over 50 percent of Iraq's Christian population has fled since the fall of Saddam Hussein,\n\t\t\t and the government under Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki did not uphold its\n\t\t\t commitment to protect the rights of religious minorities;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States Government has provided over $73,000,000 of cumulative assistance to\n\t\t\t Iraq's minority populations since 2003 through economic development,\n\t\t\t humanitarian services, and capacity development;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas 84,902 Iraqis have resettled to the United States between 2007 and 2013 and over 300,000\n\t\t\t Chaldean and Assyrians currently reside throughout the country,\n\t\t\t particularly in Michigan, California, Arizona, Illinois, and Ohio; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas President Barack Obama recently declared on Religious Freedom Day,\n <quote>\n Foremost among the rights Americans hold sacred is the freedom to worship as we choose … we also\n\t\t\t remember that religious liberty is not just an American right; it is a\n\t\t\t universal human right to be protected here at home and across the globe.\n\t\t\t This freedom is an essential part of human dignity, and without it our\n\t\t\t world cannot know lasting peace.\n </quote>\n : \n Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" reported-display-style=\"italic\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"id4aa18a6f86f14dcd866c359417832d43\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n reaffirms its commitment to promoting and to protecting religious freedom around the world;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id07085127d8e043b592f233123afce091\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n calls on the Department of State to work with the Government of Iraq, the Kurdistan Regional\n\t\t\t Government, neighboring countries, the diaspora community in the United\n\t\t\t States, and other key stakeholders to address the urgent plight of those\n\t\t\t Iraqi minority groups seeking safety and protection from persecution in\n\t\t\t Iraq;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id1d57e5a7492c4ad6a17a2d562b3e00d0\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n respectfully requests the Government of Iraq to prioritize the issue of protecting religious\n\t\t\t minorities\n\t\t\t and take concrete action to enact and enforce laws protecting religious\n\t\t\t freedom; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph commented=\"no\" display-inline=\"no-display-inline\" id=\"id7d07dca6-e8bb-423d-8b06-d580b5d34d5f\">\n <enum>\n (4)\n </enum>\n <text>\n urges the President to ensure the timely processing of visas for Iraq's minority groups fleeing\n\t\t\t religious persecution, in accordance with existing United States\n\t\t\t immigration law and national security screening procedures.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" }, { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-09-18T04:00:00Z", "type": "Reported to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres530rs/xml/BILLS-113sres530rs.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres530rs.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres530rs.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-06T23:17:02.455", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-530", "legis_num": 530, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "rs", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-530-rs-dtd", "tv_txt": "III Calendar No. 575 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 530 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES July 30, 2014 Mr. Portman (for himself, Mr. Alexander , Ms. Baldwin , Mr. Barrasso , Mr. Blunt , Mr. Boozman , Ms. Cantwell , Mr. Cardin , Mr. Chambliss , Ms. Collins , Mr. Crapo , Mr. Enzi , Mrs. Fischer , Mr. Grassley , Mr. Heller , Mr. Hoeven , Mr. Inhofe , Mr. Isakson , Mr. Johanns , Mr. Kirk , Ms. Klobuchar , Ms. Landrieu , Mr. Lee , Mr. Levin , Mr. Manchin , Mr. Markey , Mr. McCain , Mr. Moran , Mr. Risch , Mr. Johnson of Wisconsin , Mr. Rubio , Mr. Sessions , Mrs. Shaheen , Ms. Stabenow , Mr. Thune , Mr. Wicker , Mr. Hatch , Mr. Durbin , Mr. Vitter , Ms. Ayotte , Mr. Kaine , Mr. Cruz , Mr. Coons , Mr. Roberts , and Mr. Burr ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations September 18, 2014 Reported by Mr. Menendez , with an amendment and an amendment to the preamble and an amendment to the title Strike out all after the resolving clause and insert the part printed in italic Strike the preamble and insert the part printed in italic RESOLUTION Expressing the sense of the Senate on the current situation in Iraq and the urgent need to protect religious minorities from persecution from the Sunni Islamist insurgent and terrorist group the Islamic State, formerly known as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), as it expands its control over areas in northwestern Iraq.\n\nWhereas Iraq is currently embroiled in a surge of violence arising from an Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)-led offensive that began in Anbar province and has spread to key locations such as Mosul, Tikrit, and Samarra and continues to engulf the region in violence and instability; Whereas, on June 29, 2014, ISIL leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi renamed the group the Islamic State and pronounced himself Caliph of a new Islamic Caliphate encompassing the areas under his control, and Mr. al-Baghdadi has a stated mission of spreading the Islamic State and caliphate across the region through violence against Shiites, non-Muslims, and unsupportive Sunnis; Whereas Iraq's population is approximately 31,300,000 people, with 97 percent identifying themselves as Muslim and the approximately 3 percent of religious minorities groups comprising of Christians, Yezidis, Sabean-Mandaeans, Bahais, Shabaks, Kakais, and Jews; Whereas the Iraqi Christian population is estimated to be between 400,000 and 850,000, with two-thirds being Chaldean, one-fifth Assyrian, and the remainder consisting of Syriacs, Protestants, Armenians, and Anglicans; Whereas the Iraqi constitution provides for religious freedom by stating that no law may be enacted that contradicts the principles of democracy, no law may be enacted that contradicts the rights and basic freedoms stipulated in this Constitution, and [this Constitution] guarantees the full religious rights to freedom of religious belief and practice of all individuals such as Christians, Yazidis, and Mandean Sabeans ; Whereas over 1,000,000 people have been displaced by violence in Iraq, and reports have surfaced of targeted harassment, persecution, and killings of Iraqi religious minorities by the Islamic State with little to no protection from the Government of Iraq and other security forces; Whereas the fall of Mosul in particular has sparked enough anxiety among the Christian population that, for the first time in 1,600 years, there was no Mass in that city; Whereas over 50 percent of Iraq's Christian population has fled since the fall of Saddam Hussein, and the government under Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has not upheld its commitment to protect the rights of religious minorities; Whereas the United States Government has provided over $73,000,000 of cumulative assistance to Iraq's minority populations since 2003 through economic development, humanitarian services, and capacity development; Whereas 84,902 Iraqis have resettled to the United States between 2007 and 2013 and over 300,000 Chaldean and Assyrians currently reside throughout the country, particularly in Michigan, California, Arizona, Illinois, and Ohio; and Whereas President Barack Obama recently declared on Religious Freedom Day, Foremost among the rights Americans hold sacred is the freedom to worship as we choose … we also remember that religious liberty is not just an American right; it is a universal human right to be protected here at home and across the globe. This freedom is an essential part of human dignity, and without it our world cannot know lasting peace : Now, therefore, be it Whereas Iraq is currently embroiled in a surge of violence arising from an ISIL-led offensive that began in Anbar province and has spread to key locations such as Mosul, Tikrit, and Samarra and continues to engulf the region in violence and instability; Whereas, on June 29, 2014, ISIL leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi renamed the group the Islamic State and pronounced himself Caliph of a new Islamic caliphate encompassing the areas under his control, and Mr. al-Baghdadi has a stated mission of spreading the Islamic State and caliphate across the region through violence against Shiites, non-Muslims, and unsupportive Sunnis; Whereas Iraq's population is approximately 31,300,000 people, with 97 percent identifying themselves as Muslim and the approximately 3 percent of religious minorities groups comprising of Christians, Yezidis, Sabean-Mandaeans, Bahais, Shabaks, Kakais, and Jews; Whereas the Iraqi Christian population is estimated to be between 400,000 and 850,000, with two-thirds being Chaldean, one-fifth Assyrian, and the remainder consisting of Syriacs, Protestants, Armenians, and Anglicans; Whereas the Iraqi constitution provides for religious freedom by stating that no law may be enacted that contradicts the principles of democracy, no law may be enacted that contradicts the rights and basic freedoms stipulated in this Constitution, and [this Constitution] guarantees the full religious rights to freedom of religious belief and practice of all individuals such as Christians, Yazidis, and Mandean Sabeans ; Whereas the fall of Mosul in particular has sparked enough anxiety among the Christian population that, for the first time in 1,600 years, there was no Mass in that city; Whereas over 50 percent of Iraq's Christian population has fled since the fall of Saddam Hussein, and the government under Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki did not uphold its commitment to protect the rights of religious minorities; Whereas the United States Government has provided over $73,000,000 of cumulative assistance to Iraq's minority populations since 2003 through economic development, humanitarian services, and capacity development; Whereas 84,902 Iraqis have resettled to the United States between 2007 and 2013 and over 300,000 Chaldean and Assyrians currently reside throughout the country, particularly in Michigan, California, Arizona, Illinois, and Ohio; and Whereas President Barack Obama recently declared on Religious Freedom Day, Foremost among the rights Americans hold sacred is the freedom to worship as we choose … we also remember that religious liberty is not just an American right; it is a universal human right to be protected here at home and across the globe. This freedom is an essential part of human dignity, and without it our world cannot know lasting peace. : Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) reaffirms its commitment to promoting and protecting religious freedom around the world and providing relief to minority groups facing persecution; (2) calls on the Department of State to work with the Kurdistan Regional Government, the Government of Iraq, neighboring countries, the diaspora community in the United States, and other key stakeholders to help secure safe havens for those seeking safety and protection from religious persecution in Iraq; (3) respectfully requests the addition of a Special Representative for Religious Minorities to be included in Iraq's government; and (4) urges the President to ensure the timely processing of visas for Iraq's minority groups fleeing religious persecution, in accordance with existing United States immigration law and national security screening procedures.\n\nThat the Senate— (1) reaffirms its commitment to promoting and to protecting religious freedom around the world; (2) calls on the Department of State to work with the Government of Iraq, the Kurdistan Regional Government, neighboring countries, the diaspora community in the United States, and other key stakeholders to address the urgent plight of those Iraqi minority groups seeking safety and protection from persecution in Iraq; (3) respectfully requests the Government of Iraq to prioritize the issue of protecting religious minorities and take concrete action to enact and enforce laws protecting religious freedom; and (4) urges the President to ensure the timely processing of visas for Iraq's minority groups fleeing religious persecution, in accordance with existing United States immigration law and national security screening procedures.\n\nAmend the title so as to read: A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate on the current situation in Iraq and the urgent need to protect religious minorities from persecution from the terrorist group the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). .\n\nSeptember 18, 2014 Reported with an amendment and an amendment to the preamble and an amendment to the title", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Reported-in-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 530 RS: Expressing the sense of the Senate on the current situation in Iraq and the urgent need to protect religious minorities from persecution from the Sunni Islamist insurgent and terrorist group the Islamic State, formerly known as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), as it expands its control over areas in northwestern Iraq.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-07-30\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <calendar>\n Calendar No. 575\n </calendar>\n <congress>\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session>\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 530\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140730\">\n July 30, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S349\">\n Mr. Portman\n </sponsor>\n (for himself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S289\">\n Mr. Alexander\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S354\">\n Ms. Baldwin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S317\">\n Mr. Barrasso\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S342\">\n Mr. Blunt\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S343\">\n Mr. Boozman\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S275\">\n Ms. Cantwell\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S308\">\n Mr. Cardin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S290\">\n Mr. Chambliss\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S252\">\n Ms. Collins\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S266\">\n Mr. Crapo\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S254\">\n Mr. Enzi\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S357\">\n Mrs. Fischer\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S153\">\n Mr. Grassley\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S352\">\n Mr. Heller\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S344\">\n Mr. Hoeven\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S236\">\n Mr. Inhofe\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S305\">\n Mr. Isakson\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S321\">\n Mr. Johanns\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S339\">\n Mr. Kirk\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S311\">\n Ms. Klobuchar\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S258\">\n Ms. Landrieu\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S346\">\n Mr. Lee\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S131\">\n Mr. Levin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S338\">\n Mr. Manchin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S369\">\n Mr. Markey\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S197\">\n Mr. McCain\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S347\">\n Mr. Moran\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S323\">\n Mr. Risch\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S345\">\n Mr. Johnson of Wisconsin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S350\">\n Mr. Rubio\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S261\">\n Mr. Sessions\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S324\">\n Mrs. Shaheen\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S284\">\n Ms. Stabenow\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S303\">\n Mr. Thune\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S318\">\n Mr. Wicker\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S118\">\n Mr. Hatch\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S253\">\n Mr. Durbin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S299\">\n Mr. Vitter\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S340\">\n Ms. Ayotte\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S362\">\n Mr. Kaine\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S355\">\n Mr. Cruz\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S337\">\n Mr. Coons\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S260\">\n Mr. Roberts\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S300\">\n Mr. Burr\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name committee-id=\"SSFR00\">\n Committee on Foreign Relations\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <action stage=\"Reported-in-Senate\">\n <action-date>\n September 18, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n Reported by\n <sponsor name-id=\"S306\">\n Mr. Menendez\n </sponsor>\n , with an amendment and an amendment to the preamble and an amendment to the title\n </action-desc>\n <action-instruction>\n Strike out all after the resolving clause and insert the part printed in italic\n </action-instruction>\n <action-instruction>\n Strike the preamble and insert the part printed in italic\n </action-instruction>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Expressing the sense of the Senate on the current situation in Iraq and the urgent need to protect\n\t\t\t religious minorities from persecution from the Sunni Islamist insurgent\n\t\t\t and terrorist group the Islamic State, formerly known as the Islamic State\n\t\t\t of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), as it expands its control over areas in\n\t\t\t northwestern Iraq.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas changed=\"deleted\" reported-display-style=\"strikethrough\">\n <text>\n Whereas Iraq is currently embroiled in a surge of violence arising from an Islamic State in Iraq\n\t\t\t and the Levant (ISIL)-led offensive that began in\n\t\t\t Anbar\n\t\t\t province and has spread to key locations such as Mosul, Tikrit, and\n\t\t\t Samarra and continues to engulf the region in violence and instability;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"deleted\" reported-display-style=\"strikethrough\">\n <text>\n Whereas, on June 29, 2014, ISIL leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi renamed the group the Islamic State and\n\t\t\t pronounced himself Caliph of a new Islamic Caliphate encompassing the\n\t\t\t areas under his control, and Mr. al-Baghdadi has a stated mission of\n\t\t\t spreading the Islamic\n\t\t\t State and caliphate across the region through violence against Shiites,\n\t\t\t non-Muslims, and unsupportive Sunnis;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"deleted\" reported-display-style=\"strikethrough\">\n <text>\n Whereas Iraq's population is approximately 31,300,000 people, with 97 percent identifying\n\t\t\t themselves as\n\t\t\t Muslim and the approximately 3 percent of religious minorities groups\n\t\t\t comprising of Christians, Yezidis, Sabean-Mandaeans, Bahais, Shabaks,\n\t\t\t Kakais, and Jews;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"deleted\" reported-display-style=\"strikethrough\">\n <text>\n Whereas the Iraqi Christian population is estimated to be between 400,000 and 850,000, with\n\t\t\t two-thirds being Chaldean, one-fifth Assyrian, and the remainder\n\t\t\t consisting of Syriacs, Protestants, Armenians, and Anglicans;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"deleted\" reported-display-style=\"strikethrough\">\n <text>\n Whereas the Iraqi constitution provides for religious freedom by stating that\n <quote>\n no law may be enacted that contradicts the principles of democracy,\n </quote>\n <quote>\n no law may be enacted that\n\t\t\t contradicts the rights and basic freedoms stipulated in this Constitution,\n </quote>\n and\n <quote>\n [this Constitution] guarantees the full religious rights to freedom of\n\t\t\t religious belief and practice of all individuals such as Christians,\n\t\t\t Yazidis, and Mandean Sabeans\n </quote>\n ;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"deleted\" reported-display-style=\"strikethrough\">\n <text>\n Whereas over 1,000,000 people have been displaced by violence in Iraq, and reports have surfaced of\n\t\t\t targeted harassment, persecution, and killings of Iraqi religious\n\t\t\t minorities by the Islamic State with little to no protection from the\n\t\t\t Government of Iraq and other security forces;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"deleted\" reported-display-style=\"strikethrough\">\n <text>\n Whereas the fall of Mosul in particular has sparked enough anxiety among the Christian population\n\t\t\t that, for the first time in 1,600 years, there was no Mass in that city;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"deleted\" reported-display-style=\"strikethrough\">\n <text>\n Whereas over 50 percent of Iraq's Christian population has fled since the fall of Saddam Hussein,\n\t\t\t and the government under Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has not upheld its\n\t\t\t commitment to protect the rights of religious minorities;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"deleted\" reported-display-style=\"strikethrough\">\n <text>\n Whereas the United States Government has provided over $73,000,000 of cumulative assistance to\n\t\t\t Iraq's minority populations since 2003 through economic development,\n\t\t\t humanitarian services, and capacity development;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"deleted\" reported-display-style=\"strikethrough\">\n <text>\n Whereas 84,902 Iraqis have resettled to the United States between 2007 and 2013 and over 300,000\n\t\t\t Chaldean and Assyrians currently reside throughout the country,\n\t\t\t particularly in Michigan, California, Arizona, Illinois, and Ohio; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"deleted\" reported-display-style=\"strikethrough\">\n <text>\n Whereas President Barack Obama recently declared on Religious Freedom Day,\n <quote>\n Foremost among the rights Americans hold sacred is the freedom to worship as we choose … we also\n\t\t\t remember that religious liberty is not just an American right; it is a\n\t\t\t universal human right to be protected here at home and across the globe.\n\t\t\t This freedom is an essential part of human dignity, and without it our\n\t\t\t world cannot know lasting peace\n </quote>\n : \n Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"added\" reported-display-style=\"italic\">\n <text>\n Whereas Iraq is currently embroiled in a surge of violence arising from an ISIL-led offensive that\n\t\t\t began in\n\t\t\t Anbar\n\t\t\t province and has spread to key locations such as Mosul, Tikrit, and\n\t\t\t Samarra and continues to engulf the region in violence and instability;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"added\" reported-display-style=\"italic\">\n <text>\n Whereas, on June 29, 2014, ISIL leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi renamed the group the Islamic State and\n\t\t\t pronounced himself Caliph of a new Islamic caliphate encompassing the\n\t\t\t areas under his control, and Mr. al-Baghdadi has a stated mission of\n\t\t\t spreading the Islamic\n\t\t\t State and caliphate across the region through violence against Shiites,\n\t\t\t non-Muslims, and unsupportive Sunnis;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"added\" reported-display-style=\"italic\">\n <text>\n Whereas Iraq's population is approximately 31,300,000 people, with 97 percent identifying\n\t\t\t themselves as\n\t\t\t Muslim and the approximately 3 percent of religious minorities groups\n\t\t\t comprising of Christians, Yezidis, Sabean-Mandaeans, Bahais, Shabaks,\n\t\t\t Kakais, and Jews;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"added\" reported-display-style=\"italic\">\n <text>\n Whereas the Iraqi Christian population is estimated to be between 400,000 and 850,000, with\n\t\t\t two-thirds being Chaldean, one-fifth Assyrian, and the remainder\n\t\t\t consisting of Syriacs, Protestants, Armenians, and Anglicans;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"added\" reported-display-style=\"italic\">\n <text>\n Whereas the Iraqi constitution provides for religious freedom by stating that\n <quote>\n no law may be enacted that contradicts the principles of democracy,\n </quote>\n <quote>\n no law may be enacted that\n\t\t\t contradicts the rights and basic freedoms stipulated in this Constitution,\n </quote>\n and\n <quote>\n [this Constitution] guarantees the full religious rights to freedom of\n\t\t\t religious belief and practice of all individuals such as Christians,\n\t\t\t Yazidis, and Mandean Sabeans\n </quote>\n ;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"added\" reported-display-style=\"italic\">\n <text>\n Whereas the fall of Mosul in particular has sparked enough anxiety among the Christian population\n\t\t\t that, for the first time in 1,600 years, there was no Mass in that city;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"added\" reported-display-style=\"italic\">\n <text>\n Whereas over 50 percent of Iraq's Christian population has fled since the fall of Saddam Hussein,\n\t\t\t and the government under Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki did not uphold its\n\t\t\t commitment to protect the rights of religious minorities;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"added\" reported-display-style=\"italic\">\n <text>\n Whereas the United States Government has provided over $73,000,000 of cumulative assistance to\n\t\t\t Iraq's minority populations since 2003 through economic development,\n\t\t\t humanitarian services, and capacity development;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"added\" reported-display-style=\"italic\">\n <text>\n Whereas 84,902 Iraqis have resettled to the United States between 2007 and 2013 and over 300,000\n\t\t\t Chaldean and Assyrians currently reside throughout the country,\n\t\t\t particularly in Michigan, California, Arizona, Illinois, and Ohio; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"added\" reported-display-style=\"italic\">\n <text>\n Whereas President Barack Obama recently declared on Religious Freedom Day,\n <quote>\n Foremost among the rights Americans hold sacred is the freedom to worship as we choose … we also\n\t\t\t remember that religious liberty is not just an American right; it is a\n\t\t\t universal human right to be protected here at home and across the globe.\n\t\t\t This freedom is an essential part of human dignity, and without it our\n\t\t\t world cannot know lasting peace.\n </quote>\n : \n Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section changed=\"deleted\" display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" reported-display-style=\"strikethrough\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"id94c4553c6d994748858c2bb9e34e4035\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n reaffirms its commitment to promoting and protecting religious freedom around the world and\n\t\t\t providing relief to minority groups facing persecution;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"iddeebafa049114be3a6c0aaccfdb4eb94\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n calls on the Department of State to work with the Kurdistan Regional Government, the\n\t\t\t Government of Iraq, neighboring countries, the diaspora community in\n\t\t\t the United States, and other key stakeholders to help secure safe havens\n\t\t\t for those seeking safety and protection from religious persecution in\n\t\t\t Iraq;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"ida5a6a56c1fba4653bed953d0e101bb17\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n respectfully requests the addition of a Special Representative for Religious Minorities to be\n\t\t\t included in Iraq's government; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id51bf412030cb428c9328ea06dd997de3\">\n <enum>\n (4)\n </enum>\n <text>\n urges the President to ensure the timely processing of visas for Iraq's minority groups fleeing\n\t\t\t religious persecution, in accordance with existing United States\n\t\t\t immigration law and national security screening procedures.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n <resolution-body changed=\"added\" display-resolving-clause=\"no-display-resolving-clause\" reported-display-style=\"italic\">\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"id55e508b7-fb1d-489c-824d-95d4ae5b69a6\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"id4aa18a6f86f14dcd866c359417832d43\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n reaffirms its commitment to promoting and to protecting religious freedom around the world;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id07085127d8e043b592f233123afce091\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n calls on the Department of State to work with the Government of Iraq, the Kurdistan Regional\n\t\t\t Government, neighboring countries, the diaspora community in the United\n\t\t\t States, and other key stakeholders to address the urgent plight of those\n\t\t\t Iraqi minority groups seeking safety and protection from persecution in\n\t\t\t Iraq;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id1d57e5a7492c4ad6a17a2d562b3e00d0\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n respectfully requests the Government of Iraq to prioritize the issue of protecting religious\n\t\t\t minorities\n\t\t\t and take concrete action to enact and enforce laws protecting religious\n\t\t\t freedom; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph commented=\"no\" display-inline=\"no-display-inline\" id=\"id7d07dca6-e8bb-423d-8b06-d580b5d34d5f\">\n <enum>\n (4)\n </enum>\n <text>\n urges the President to ensure the timely processing of visas for Iraq's minority groups fleeing\n\t\t\t religious persecution, in accordance with existing United States\n\t\t\t immigration law and national security screening procedures.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n <official-title-amendment>\n Amend the title so as to read:\n <quote>\n A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate on the current situation in Iraq and the urgent\n\t\t\t need to protect religious minorities from persecution from the terrorist\n\t\t\t group the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).\n </quote>\n .\n </official-title-amendment>\n <endorsement>\n <action-date>\n September 18, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n Reported with an amendment and an amendment to the preamble and an amendment to the title\n </action-desc>\n </endorsement>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-06 01:39:02.839
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 531 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-11T13:25:41Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-11T13:25:41Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-07-31 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Discharged from </name> <date> 2014-12-04T00:43:36Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2014-07-31T23:28:01Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <relatedBills> <item> <title> Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the Republic of Argentina's continued participation in the Group of Twenty Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors (G20) nations should be conditioned on its adherence to international norms of economic cooperation and the rule of law. </title> <congress> 113 </congress> <number> 744 </number> <type> HRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs. </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-12-08 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Star Print ordered on the resolution. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-12-03 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate with an amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (text: CR S6307) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-12-03 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate with an amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(text: CR S6307) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-12-03 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Measure laid before Senate by unanimous consent. (consideration: CR S6307) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-12-03 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent. </text> <type> Discharge </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-12-03 </actionDate> <text> Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent. </text> <type> Committee </type> <actionCode> 14500 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-31 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR S5234) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-31 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> F000062 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA] </fullName> <firstName> Dianne </firstName> <lastName> Feinstein </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> M000303 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. McCain, John [R-AZ] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> MCCAIN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AZ </state> <middleName> SIDNEY </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-31 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Armed Forces and National Security </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Military history </name> </item> <item> <name> Military personnel and dependents </name> </item> <item> <name> Olympic games </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Armed Forces and National Security </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-31 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-08-14T18:38:37Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Honors the life and accomplishments of Louis Zamperini and requests the President to identify a U.S. government program to honor his legacy.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 35 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-12-03 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate amended </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-12-16T21:30:13Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Honors the life and accomplishments of Louis Zamperini.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution honoring the life, accomplishments, and legacy of Louis Zamperini and expressing condolences on his passing. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution honoring the life, accomplishments, and legacy of Louis Zamperini and expressing condolences on his passing. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution honoring the life, accomplishments, and legacy of Louis Zamperini and expressing condolences on his passing. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <amendments> <amendment> <number> 3971 </number> <congress> 113 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To amend the resolving clause. </purpose> <updateDate> 2021-07-06T14:01:58Z </updateDate> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-12-03 </actionDate> <text> Amendment SA 3971 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent. </text> <links> <link> <name> SA 3971 </name> <url> https://www.congress.gov/amendment/113th-congress/senate-amendment/3971 </url> </link> </links> </latestAction> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> F000062 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA] </fullName> <firstName> Dianne </firstName> <lastName> Feinstein </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> </item> </sponsors> <proposedDate> 2014-12-03T05:00:00Z </proposedDate> <submittedDate> 2014-12-03T05:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 113 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 531 </number> <title> A resolution honoring the life, accomplishments, and legacy of Louis Zamperini and expressing condolences on his passing. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-11T13:25:41Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <actions> <count> 6 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-12-03 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Amendment SA 3971 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-12-03 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Amendment SA 3971 proposed by Senator Blumenthal for Senator Feinstein. (consideration: CR S6307; text: CR S6307) To amend the resolving clause. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-12-03 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment agreed to: Amendment SA 3971 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 94000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-12-03 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment proposed (on the floor): Amendment SA 3971 proposed by Senator Blumenthal for Senator Feinstein.(consideration: CR S6307; text: CR S6307) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 93000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-12-03 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> </amendments> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-12-03T05:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres531ats/xml/BILLS-113sres531ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2014-07-31T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres531is/xml/BILLS-113sres531is.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-12-08 </actionDate> <text> Star Print ordered on the resolution. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-12-08", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Star Print ordered on the resolution.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-12-03", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate with an amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (text: CR S6307)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2014-12-03", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate with an amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(text: CR S6307)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-12-03", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Measure laid before Senate by unanimous consent. (consideration: CR S6307)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-12-03", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent.", "type": "Discharge" }, { "action_code": "14500", "action_date": "2014-12-03", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-31", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR S5234)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-07-31", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [ { "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-12-03", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "0", "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Amendment SA 3971 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-12-03", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "0", "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Amendment SA 3971 proposed by Senator Blumenthal for Senator Feinstein. (consideration: CR S6307; text: CR S6307) To amend the resolving clause.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "94000", "action_date": "2014-12-03", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment agreed to: Amendment SA 3971 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "93000", "action_date": "2014-12-03", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment proposed (on the floor): Amendment SA 3971 proposed by Senator Blumenthal for Senator Feinstein.(consideration: CR S6307; text: CR S6307)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "91000", "action_date": "2014-12-03", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment submitted", "type": "Floor" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "congress": 113, "description": null, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-12-03", "action_time": null, "links": [ { "name": "SA 3971", "url": "https://www.congress.gov/amendment/113th-congress/senate-amendment/3971" } ], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Amendment SA 3971 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.", "type": null }, "links": [], "number": 3971, "purpose": "To amend the resolving clause.", "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "F000062", "district": null, "first_name": "Dianne", "full_name": "Sen. 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McCain, John [R-AZ]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MCCAIN", "middle_name": "SIDNEY", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-31", "state": "AZ" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-07-31", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-12-08", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Star Print ordered on the resolution.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 531, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Armed Forces and National Security", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 113, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-18", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs.", "type": null }, "number": 744, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the Republic of Argentina's continued participation in the Group of Twenty Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors (G20) nations should be conditioned on its adherence to international norms of economic cooperation and the rule of law.", "type": "HRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "F000062", "district": null, "first_name": "Dianne", "full_name": "Sen. 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[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-07-31T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres531is/xml/BILLS-113sres531is.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres531is.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres531is.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T00:22:01.446", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-531", "legis_num": 531, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "is", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-531-is-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 531 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES July 31, 2014 Mrs. Feinstein (for herself and Mr. McCain ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary RESOLUTION Honoring the life, accomplishments, and legacy of Louis Zamperini and expressing condolences on his passing.\n\nWhereas Louis Silvie Lou Zamperini was born on January 26, 1917, to Anthony and Louise Zamperini, in Olean, New York; Whereas Louis Zamperini represented the United States in the 1936 Olympics in Berlin as a distance runner; Whereas Louis Zamperini graduated from the University of Southern California in 1940 and enlisted in the United States Army Air Corps in 1941, earning the rank of lieutenant; Whereas in May 1943, Louis Zamperini’s B–24 bomber malfunctioned and crashed during a search-and-rescue mission over the Pacific Ocean, leaving him and 2 other individuals stranded; Whereas Louis Zamperini survived for 47 days adrift in a life raft with Second Lieutenant Russell Phillips before being captured by Japanese forces and placed in a prisoner of war camp; Whereas for more than 2 years, during his imprisonment, Louis Zamperini endured brutal treatment and forced labor with courage and resilience; Whereas upon the conclusion of World War II, Louis Zamperini was released from the prisoner of war camp in September 1945; Whereas Louis Zamperini was promoted to captain and awarded multiple distinguishing military honors, including the Purple Heart, the Distinguished Flying Cross, and the Prisoner of War Medal; Whereas Louis Zamperini was given the honor of carrying the Olympic flame in 1984, 1996, and 1998; Whereas in the years after World War II, Louis Zamperini traveled as an inspirational public speaker, using his experiences to inspire a message of forgiveness; Whereas the airport in Torrance, California, was named Zamperini Field in honor of Louis Zamperini; and Whereas Louis Zamperini leaves a legacy as a national hero and an inspiration to future generations: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) honors the life, accomplishments, and legacy of Louis Zamperini; (2) extends heartfelt sympathies and condolences to the family of Louis Zamperini; and (3) requests the President to identify an appropriate and lasting program of the United States Government to honor the legacy of Louis Zamperini.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Introduced-in-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 531 IS: Honoring the life, accomplishments, and legacy of Louis Zamperini and expressing condolences on his passing.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-07-31\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 531\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140731\">\n July 31, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S221\">\n Mrs. Feinstein\n </sponsor>\n (for herself and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S197\">\n Mr. McCain\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name committee-id=\"SSJU00\">\n Committee on the Judiciary\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Honoring the life, accomplishments, and legacy of Louis Zamperini and expressing condolences on his\n\t\t\t passing.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Louis Silvie\n <quote>\n Lou\n </quote>\n Zamperini was born on January 26, 1917, to Anthony and Louise Zamperini,\n\t\t\t in Olean, New York;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Louis Zamperini represented the United States in the 1936 Olympics in Berlin as a distance\n\t\t\t runner;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Louis Zamperini graduated from the University of Southern California in 1940 and enlisted\n\t\t\t in the United States Army Air Corps in 1941, earning the rank of\n\t\t\t lieutenant;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas in May 1943, Louis Zamperini’s B–24 bomber malfunctioned and crashed during a\n\t\t\t search-and-rescue mission over the Pacific Ocean, leaving him and 2 other\n\t\t\t individuals stranded;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Louis Zamperini survived for 47 days adrift in a life raft with Second Lieutenant Russell\n\t\t\t Phillips before being captured by Japanese forces and placed in a prisoner\n\t\t\t of war camp;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas for more than 2 years, during his imprisonment, Louis Zamperini endured brutal treatment\n\t\t\t and\n\t\t\t forced labor with courage and resilience;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas upon the conclusion of World War II, Louis Zamperini was released from the prisoner of war\n\t\t\t camp in September 1945;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Louis Zamperini was promoted to captain and awarded multiple distinguishing military\n\t\t\t honors, including the Purple Heart, the Distinguished Flying Cross, and\n\t\t\t the Prisoner of War Medal;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Louis Zamperini was given the honor of carrying the Olympic flame in 1984, 1996, and 1998;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas in the years after World War II, Louis Zamperini traveled as an inspirational public\n\t\t\t speaker, using his experiences to inspire a message of forgiveness;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the airport in Torrance, California, was named\n <quote>\n Zamperini Field\n </quote>\n in honor of Louis Zamperini; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Louis Zamperini leaves a legacy as a national hero and an inspiration to future\n\t\t\t generations: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"id204cb592439448fa8659df548966c4ab\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n honors the life, accomplishments, and legacy of Louis Zamperini;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id52a9ba0b74fe4e558a0d175dc499111f\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n extends heartfelt sympathies and condolences to the family of Louis Zamperini; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id8558939451fa473e9bc55ae26615a1ca\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n requests the President to identify an appropriate and lasting program of the United States\n\t\t\t Government to honor the legacy of Louis Zamperini.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" }, { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-12-03T05:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres531ats/xml/BILLS-113sres531ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres531ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres531ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-06T21:40:50.721", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-531", "legis_num": 531, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-531-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 531 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES July 31, 2014 Mrs. Feinstein (for herself and Mr. McCain ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary December 3, 2014 Committee discharged; considered, amended, and agreed to RESOLUTION Honoring the life, accomplishments, and legacy of Louis Zamperini and expressing condolences on his passing.\n\nWhereas Louis Silvie Lou Zamperini was born on January 26, 1917, to Anthony and Louise Zamperini, in Olean, New York; Whereas Louis Zamperini represented the United States in the 1936 Olympics in Berlin as a distance runner; Whereas Louis Zamperini graduated from the University of Southern California in 1940 and enlisted in the United States Army Air Corps in 1941, earning the rank of lieutenant; Whereas in May 1943, Louis Zamperini’s B–24 bomber malfunctioned and crashed during a search-and-rescue mission over the Pacific Ocean, leaving him and 2 other individuals stranded; Whereas Louis Zamperini survived for 47 days adrift in a life raft with Second Lieutenant Russell Phillips before being captured by Japanese forces and placed in a prisoner of war camp; Whereas for more than 2 years, during his imprisonment, Louis Zamperini endured brutal treatment and forced labor with courage and resilience; Whereas upon the conclusion of World War II, Louis Zamperini was released from the prisoner of war camp in September 1945; Whereas Louis Zamperini was promoted to captain and awarded multiple distinguishing military honors, including the Purple Heart, the Distinguished Flying Cross, and the Prisoner of War Medal; Whereas Louis Zamperini was given the honor of carrying the Olympic flame in 1984, 1996, and 1998; Whereas in the years after World War II, Louis Zamperini traveled as an inspirational public speaker, using his experiences to inspire a message of forgiveness; Whereas the airport in Torrance, California, was named Zamperini Field in honor of Louis Zamperini; and Whereas Louis Zamperini leaves a legacy as a national hero and an inspiration to future generations: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) honors the life, accomplishments, and legacy of Louis Zamperini; and (2) extends heartfelt sympathies and condolences to the family of Louis Zamperini.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"first-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 531 ATS: Honoring the life, accomplishments, and legacy of Louis Zamperini and expressing condolences on his passing.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-07-31\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 531\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140731\">\n July 31, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S221\">\n Mrs. Feinstein\n </sponsor>\n (for herself and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S197\">\n Mr. McCain\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name committee-id=\"SSJU00\">\n Committee on the Judiciary\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <action>\n <action-date>\n December 3, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n Committee discharged; considered, amended, and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Honoring the life, accomplishments, and legacy of Louis Zamperini and expressing condolences on his\n\t\t\t passing.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Louis Silvie\n <quote>\n Lou\n </quote>\n Zamperini was born on January 26, 1917, to Anthony and Louise Zamperini,\n\t\t\t in Olean, New York;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Louis Zamperini represented the United States in the 1936 Olympics in Berlin as a distance\n\t\t\t runner;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Louis Zamperini graduated from the University of Southern California in 1940 and enlisted\n\t\t\t in the United States Army Air Corps in 1941, earning the rank of\n\t\t\t lieutenant;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas in May 1943, Louis Zamperini’s B–24 bomber malfunctioned and crashed during a\n\t\t\t search-and-rescue mission over the Pacific Ocean, leaving him and 2 other\n\t\t\t individuals stranded;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Louis Zamperini survived for 47 days adrift in a life raft with Second Lieutenant Russell\n\t\t\t Phillips before being captured by Japanese forces and placed in a prisoner\n\t\t\t of war camp;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas for more than 2 years, during his imprisonment, Louis Zamperini endured brutal treatment\n\t\t\t and\n\t\t\t forced labor with courage and resilience;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas upon the conclusion of World War II, Louis Zamperini was released from the prisoner of war\n\t\t\t camp in September 1945;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Louis Zamperini was promoted to captain and awarded multiple distinguishing military\n\t\t\t honors, including the Purple Heart, the Distinguished Flying Cross, and\n\t\t\t the Prisoner of War Medal;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Louis Zamperini was given the honor of carrying the Olympic flame in 1984, 1996, and 1998;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas in the years after World War II, Louis Zamperini traveled as an inspirational public\n\t\t\t speaker, using his experiences to inspire a message of forgiveness;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the airport in Torrance, California, was named\n <quote>\n Zamperini Field\n </quote>\n in honor of Louis Zamperini; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Louis Zamperini leaves a legacy as a national hero and an inspiration to future\n\t\t\t generations: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"id204cb592439448fa8659df548966c4ab\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n honors the life, accomplishments, and legacy of Louis Zamperini; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id52a9ba0b74fe4e558a0d175dc499111f\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n extends heartfelt sympathies and condolences to the family of Louis Zamperini.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-05 01:01:00.399
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 532 </number> <updateDate> 2022-03-03T21:27:53Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2022-11-04T17:22:22Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-07-31 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <relatedBills> <item> <title> Expressing support for designation of the week beginning September 8, 2013, as "National Direct Support Professionals Recognition Week". </title> <congress> 113 </congress> <number> 336 </number> <type> HRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2013-09-09 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Education and the Workforce. </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> <item> <title> A resolution designating the week beginning September 8, 2013, as "National Direct Support Professionals Recognition Week". </title> <congress> 113 </congress> <number> 208 </number> <type> SRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2013-07-31 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S6138; text as passed Senate: CR S6132) </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-31 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 8/1/2014 S5315; text as passed: CR S5234-5235) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-31 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR 8/1/2014 S5315; text as passed: CR S5234-5235) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-31 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> C000141 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cardin, Benjamin L. [D-MD] </fullName> <firstName> Ben </firstName> <lastName> Cardin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> C001035 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Collins, Susan M. [R-ME] </fullName> <firstName> Susan </firstName> <lastName> Collins </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ME </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-31 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001277 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Blumenthal, Richard [D-CT] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Blumenthal </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CT </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-31 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000944 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Brown, Sherrod [D-OH] </fullName> <firstName> Sherrod </firstName> <lastName> Brown </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-31 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001070 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Casey, Robert P., Jr. [D-PA] </fullName> <firstName> Bob </firstName> <lastName> Casey </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> PA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-31 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000457 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Franken, Al [D-MN] </fullName> <firstName> Al </firstName> <lastName> Franken </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MN </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-31 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000386 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Grassley, Chuck [R-IA] </fullName> <firstName> Charles </firstName> <lastName> Grassley </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IA </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-31 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000383 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. King, Angus S., Jr. [I-ME] </fullName> <firstName> Angus </firstName> <lastName> King </lastName> <party> I </party> <state> ME </state> <middleName> S. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-31 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000367 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Klobuchar, Amy [D-MN] </fullName> <firstName> Amy </firstName> <lastName> Klobuchar </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MN </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-31 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001183 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Manchin, Joe, III [D-WV] </fullName> <firstName> Joseph </firstName> <lastName> Manchin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WV </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-31 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000133 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Markey, Edward J. [D-MA] </fullName> <firstName> Edward </firstName> <lastName> Markey </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-31 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001169 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Murphy, Christopher [D-CT] </fullName> <firstName> Christopher </firstName> <lastName> Murphy </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CT </state> <middleName> S. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-31 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000449 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Portman, Rob [R-OH] </fullName> <firstName> Rob </firstName> <lastName> Portman </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-31 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000361 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Rockefeller, John D., IV [D-WV] </fullName> <firstName> JAY </firstName> <lastName> ROCKEFELLER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WV </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-31 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000817 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Warren, Elizabeth [D-MA] </fullName> <firstName> Elizabeth </firstName> <lastName> Warren </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-31 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Health </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Allied health services </name> </item> <item> <name> Commemorative events and holidays </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Disability and paralysis </name> </item> <item> <name> Health personnel </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Health </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-31 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-08-11T16:09:18Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Designates the week of September 7, 2014, as National Direct Support Professionals Recognition Week.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Identifies direct support professionals as integral to long-term support and services for individuals with disabilities.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Expresses the sense of the Senate that the successful implementation of the public policies affecting individuals with disabilities depends on the dedication of direct support professionals.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-31 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-08-11T16:09:31Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Designates the week of September 7, 2014, as National Direct Support Professionals Recognition Week.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Identifies direct support professionals as integral to long-term support and services for individuals with disabilities.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Expresses the sense of the Senate that the successful implementation of the public policies affecting individuals with disabilities depends on the dedication of direct support professionals.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution designating the week beginning September 7, 2014, as "National Direct Support Professionals Recognition Week". </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution designating the week beginning September 7, 2014, as "National Direct Support Professionals Recognition Week". </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution designating the week beginning September 7, 2014, as "National Direct Support Professionals Recognition Week". </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-07-31T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres532ats/xml/BILLS-113sres532ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-07-31 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 8/1/2014 S5315; text as passed: CR S5234-5235) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-31", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 8/1/2014 S5315; text as passed: CR S5234-5235)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2014-07-31", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR 8/1/2014 S5315; text as passed: CR S5234-5235)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-07-31", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "C001035", "district": null, "first_name": "Susan", "full_name": "Sen. Collins, Susan M. [R-ME]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Collins", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-31", "state": "ME" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001277", "district": null, "first_name": "Richard", "full_name": "Sen. Blumenthal, Richard [D-CT]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Blumenthal", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-31", "state": "CT" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000944", "district": null, "first_name": "Sherrod", "full_name": "Sen. Brown, Sherrod [D-OH]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Brown", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-31", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001070", "district": null, "first_name": "Bob", "full_name": "Sen. Casey, Robert P., Jr. [D-PA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Casey", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-31", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000457", "district": null, "first_name": "Al", "full_name": "Sen. Franken, Al [D-MN]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Franken", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-31", "state": "MN" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000386", "district": null, "first_name": "Charles", "full_name": "Sen. Grassley, Chuck [R-IA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Grassley", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-31", "state": "IA" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000383", "district": null, "first_name": "Angus", "full_name": "Sen. King, Angus S., Jr. [I-ME]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "King", "middle_name": "S.", "party": "I", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-31", "state": "ME" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000367", "district": null, "first_name": "Amy", "full_name": "Sen. Klobuchar, Amy [D-MN]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Klobuchar", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-31", "state": "MN" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001183", "district": null, "first_name": "Joseph", "full_name": "Sen. Manchin, Joe, III [D-WV]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Manchin", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-31", "state": "WV" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000133", "district": null, "first_name": "Edward", "full_name": "Sen. Markey, Edward J. 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As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-07-31", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-31", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 8/1/2014 S5315; text as passed: CR S5234-5235)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 532, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Health", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 113, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2013-09-09", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Education and the Workforce.", "type": null }, "number": 336, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "Expressing support for designation of the week beginning September 8, 2013, as \"National Direct Support Professionals Recognition Week\".", "type": "HRES" }, { "congress": 113, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2013-07-31", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S6138; text as passed Senate: CR S6132)", "type": null }, "number": 208, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "A resolution designating the week beginning September 8, 2013, as \"National Direct Support Professionals Recognition Week\".", "type": "SRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "C000141", "district": null, "first_name": "Ben", "full_name": "Sen. Cardin, Benjamin L. [D-MD]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Cardin", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "MD" } ], "subjects": [ "Allied health services", "Commemorative events and holidays", "Congressional tributes", "Disability and paralysis", "Health personnel" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-07-31", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Designates the week of September 7, 2014, as National Direct Support Professionals Recognition Week.</p> <p>Identifies direct support professionals as integral to long-term support and services for individuals with disabilities.</p> <p>Expresses the sense of the Senate that the successful implementation of the public policies affecting individuals with disabilities depends on the dedication of direct support professionals.</p>", "update_date": "2014-08-11T16:09:18Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2014-07-31", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Designates the week of September 7, 2014, as National Direct Support Professionals Recognition Week.</p> <p>Identifies direct support professionals as integral to long-term support and services for individuals with disabilities.</p> <p>Expresses the sense of the Senate that the successful implementation of the public policies affecting individuals with disabilities depends on the dedication of direct support professionals.</p>", "update_date": "2014-08-11T16:09:31Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-07-31T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres532ats/xml/BILLS-113sres532ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution designating the week beginning September 7, 2014, as \"National Direct Support Professionals Recognition Week\".", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating the week beginning September 7, 2014, as \"National Direct Support Professionals Recognition Week\".", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating the week beginning September 7, 2014, as \"National Direct Support Professionals Recognition Week\".", "title_type": "Display Title" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2022-03-03T21:27:53Z", "update_date_including_text": "2022-11-04T17:22:22Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-07-31T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres532ats/xml/BILLS-113sres532ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres532ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres532ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T00:22:01.368", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-532", "legis_num": 532, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-532-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 532 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES July 31, 2014 Mr. Cardin (for himself, Ms. Collins , Mr. Blumenthal , Mr. Brown , Mr. Casey , Mr. Franken , Mr. Grassley , Mr. King , Ms. Klobuchar , Mr. Manchin , Mr. Markey , Mr. Murphy , Mr. Portman , Mr. Rockefeller , and Ms. Warren ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Designating the week beginning September 7, 2014, as National Direct Support Professionals Recognition Week .\n\nWhereas direct care workers, personal assistants, personal attendants, in-home support workers, and paraprofessionals (referred to in this preamble as direct support professionals ) are the primary providers of publicly-funded long-term support and services for millions of individuals with disabilities; Whereas direct support professionals must build a close, respectful, and trusted relationship with individuals with disabilities; Whereas direct support professionals assist individuals with disabilities with intimate personal care assistance on a daily basis; Whereas direct support professionals provide a broad range of individualized support, including— (1) preparation of meals; (2) helping with medications; (3) assisting with bathing and dressing; (4) assisting individuals with physical disabilities with access to their environment; (5) providing transportation to school, work, religious, and recreational activities; and (6) helping with general aspects of daily living, such as financial matters, medical appointments, and personal interests; Whereas direct support professionals provide essential support to help keep individuals with disabilities connected to family, friends, and community; Whereas direct support professionals support individuals with disabilities in making choices that lead to meaningful, productive lives; Whereas direct support professionals are the key to helping individuals with disabilities to live successfully in the community, and to avoid more costly institutional care; Whereas the participation of direct support professionals in medical care planning is critical to the successful transition from medical events to post-acute care and long-term support and services; Whereas the majority of direct support professionals are the primary financial providers for their families and often work multiple jobs to make ends meet; Whereas direct support professionals are a critical element in supporting individuals who are receiving health care services for severe chronic health conditions and individuals with with functional limitations; Whereas while direct support professionals work and pay taxes, many direct support professionals earn poverty-level wages and are therefore eligible for the same Federal and State public assistance programs on which individuals with disabilities served by direct support professionals must also depend; Whereas Federal and State policies assert the right of certain individuals with a disability to live in a residential setting in the community, or an institutional setting of their choice, and the Supreme Court of the United States, in Olmstead v. L.C., 527 U.S. 581 (1999), confirmed that right for certain individuals; Whereas, as of 2014, the majority of direct support professionals are employed in home and community-based settings and this majority is projected to increase over the next decade; Whereas there is a documented and increasing critical shortage of direct support professionals throughout the United States; and Whereas many direct support professionals are forced to leave their jobs due to inadequate wages and benefits and limited opportunities for advancement, creating demonstrated high turnover and vacancy rates, which adversely affect the quality of support and the safety and health of individuals with disabilities: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) designates the week beginning September 7, 2014, as National Direct Support Professionals Recognition Week ; (2) recognizes the dedication of direct support professionals and the vital role direct support professionals have in enhancing the lives of individuals with disabilities of all ages; (3) appreciates the contribution of direct support professionals in supporting individuals with disabilities and their families in the United States; (4) identifies direct support professionals as integral to long-term support and services for individuals with disabilities; and (5) finds that the successful implementation of the public policies affecting individuals with disabilities in the United States depends on the dedication of direct support professionals.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 532 ATS: Designating the week beginning September 7, 2014, as “National Direct Support Professionals Recognition Week”.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-07-31\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 532\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140731\">\n July 31, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S308\">\n Mr. Cardin\n </sponsor>\n (for himself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S252\">\n Ms. Collins\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S341\">\n Mr. Blumenthal\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S307\">\n Mr. Brown\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S309\">\n Mr. Casey\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S332\">\n Mr. Franken\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S153\">\n Mr. Grassley\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S363\">\n Mr. King\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S311\">\n Ms. Klobuchar\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S338\">\n Mr. Manchin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S369\">\n Mr. Markey\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S364\">\n Mr. Murphy\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S349\">\n Mr. Portman\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S176\">\n Mr. Rockefeller\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S366\">\n Ms. Warren\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Designating the week beginning September 7, 2014, as\n <quote>\n National Direct Support Professionals Recognition Week\n </quote>\n .\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas direct care workers, personal assistants, personal\n\t\t\t attendants, in-home support workers, and paraprofessionals (referred to in\n\t\t\t this preamble as\n <quote>\n direct support professionals\n </quote>\n ) are the primary providers of publicly-funded long-term support and services for millions of\n\t\t\t individuals with disabilities;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas direct support professionals must build a close, respectful, and trusted relationship with\n\t\t\t individuals with disabilities;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas direct support professionals assist individuals with disabilities with intimate\n\t\t\t personal care assistance on a daily basis;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas direct support professionals provide a broad range of individualized support, including—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"id8c5440f563b94a57b1b7d9be0bee8ee3\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n preparation of meals;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"iddec12bb0ac7848e78fc211a12a2dfc31\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n helping with medications;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idaec8ef509ed24a8caff4c2bdf4735ad9\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n assisting with bathing and dressing;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id0bcca18e9515486899e349a69107369e\">\n <enum>\n (4)\n </enum>\n <text>\n assisting individuals with physical disabilities with access to their environment;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id9804d98eddb44ee7ad625ce55095cb6f\">\n <enum>\n (5)\n </enum>\n <text>\n providing transportation to school, work, religious, and recreational activities; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id9c84965bcc674502b2a68aef85f75d1a\">\n <enum>\n (6)\n </enum>\n <text>\n helping with general aspects of daily living, such as financial matters, medical\n\t\t\t appointments, and personal interests;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas direct support professionals provide essential support to help keep individuals with\n\t\t\t disabilities connected to family, friends, and community;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas direct support professionals support individuals with disabilities in making choices that\n\t\t\t lead to meaningful, productive lives;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas direct support professionals are the key to helping individuals with\n\t\t\t disabilities to live successfully in the community, and to avoid more\n\t\t\t costly institutional care;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the participation of direct support professionals in medical care planning is critical to\n\t\t\t the successful transition from medical events to post-acute care and\n\t\t\t long-term support and services;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the majority of direct support professionals are the primary financial providers for their\n\t\t\t families\n\t\t\t and often work multiple jobs to make ends meet;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas direct support professionals are a critical element in supporting individuals who are\n\t\t\t receiving health care services for severe chronic health conditions and\n\t\t\t individuals with\n\t\t\t with functional limitations;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas commented=\"no\">\n <text>\n Whereas while direct support professionals work and pay taxes, many direct support professionals\n\t\t\t earn poverty-level wages and\n\t\t\t are therefore eligible for the same Federal and State public assistance\n\t\t\t programs on which individuals with disabilities served by direct support\n\t\t\t professionals must also depend;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Federal and State policies assert the right of certain individuals with a disability to\n\t\t\t live in a residential setting in the community, or an institutional\n\t\t\t setting of their choice, and the Supreme Court of the United States, in\n\t\t\t Olmstead v. L.C., 527 U.S. 581 (1999), confirmed that right for certain\n\t\t\t individuals;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, as of 2014, the majority of direct support professionals are employed in home and\n\t\t\t community-based settings and this majority is projected to increase over\n\t\t\t the\n\t\t\t next decade;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas there is a documented and increasing critical shortage of direct support professionals\n\t\t\t throughout the United States; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas many direct support professionals are forced to leave their jobs due to inadequate wages\n\t\t\t and benefits and limited opportunities for advancement, creating\n\t\t\t demonstrated\n\t\t\t high turnover and vacancy rates, which adversely affect the quality of\n\t\t\t support and the safety and health of individuals with disabilities: \n\t\t\t Now,\n\t\t\t therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"idA7AA8E11F090457D8E997F771003D905\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\">\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"id3228349185a44c1ca0be2e66c3e61f4c\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n designates the week beginning September 7, 2014, as\n <quote>\n National Direct Support Professionals Recognition Week\n </quote>\n ;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id6ae106f39904411092b59e13e316c433\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n recognizes the dedication of direct support professionals and the vital role direct support\n\t\t\t professionals have in enhancing the lives of individuals with disabilities\n\t\t\t of all ages;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idd381c7ba44b4474ebac88fc9ca7527e7\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n appreciates the contribution of direct support professionals in supporting individuals with\n\t\t\t disabilities and their families in the United States;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id62fc1ee43d304ccfbfdbed4cbe91635c\">\n <enum>\n (4)\n </enum>\n <text>\n identifies direct support professionals as integral to long-term support and services for\n\t\t\t individuals with disabilities; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"ide8d0be6aad7e461db2b598a35feb7be8\">\n <enum>\n (5)\n </enum>\n <text>\n finds that the successful implementation of the public policies affecting individuals with\n\t\t\t disabilities in the United States depends on the dedication of direct\n\t\t\t support professionals.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-04 19:16:00.888
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 533 </number> <updateDate> 2019-02-20T12:28:59Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2022-11-04T17:22:23Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-07-31 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <relatedBills> <item> <title> A resolution designating September 2013 as "National Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Month". </title> <congress> 113 </congress> <number> 211 </number> <type> SRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2013-07-31 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S6138; text as passed Senate: CR S6133) </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-31 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 8/1/2014 S5315; text as passed Senate: CR S5235) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-31 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR 8/1/2014 S5315; text as passed Senate: CR S5235) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-31 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> R000595 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Rubio, Marco [R-FL] </fullName> <firstName> Marco </firstName> <lastName> Rubio </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> N000032 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Nelson, Bill [D-FL] </fullName> <firstName> CLARENCE </firstName> <lastName> NELSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <middleName> WILLIAM </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-31 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Health </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Commemorative events and holidays </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Disability and paralysis </name> </item> <item> <name> Health personnel </name> </item> <item> <name> Medical research </name> </item> <item> <name> Neurological disorders </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Health </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-31 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-08-11T16:10:02Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Designates September 2014 as National Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Month. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Expresses support for: (1) research to find better treatments, more effective therapies, and a cure for paralysis; and (2) clinical trials for new therapies for people living with paralysis.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Commends the dedication of organizations, researchers, doctors and people across the United States that are working to improve the quality of life of people living with paralysis and their families. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;ul&gt; &lt;/ul&gt; &lt;ul&gt; &lt;/ul&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-31 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-08-11T16:10:15Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Designates September 2014 as National Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Month. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Expresses support for: (1) research to find better treatments, more effective therapies, and a cure for paralysis; and (2) clinical trials for new therapies for people living with paralysis.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Commends the dedication of organizations, researchers, doctors and people across the United States that are working to improve the quality of life of people living with paralysis and their families. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;ul&gt; &lt;/ul&gt; &lt;ul&gt; &lt;/ul&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution designating September 2014 as "National Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Month". </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution designating September 2014 as "National Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Month". </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution designating September 2014 as "National Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Month". </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-07-31T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres533ats/xml/BILLS-113sres533ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-07-31 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 8/1/2014 S5315; text as passed Senate: CR S5235) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-31", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 8/1/2014 S5315; text as passed Senate: CR S5235)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2014-07-31", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR 8/1/2014 S5315; text as passed Senate: CR S5235)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-07-31", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "N000032", "district": null, "first_name": "CLARENCE", "full_name": "Sen. Nelson, Bill [D-FL]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "NELSON", "middle_name": "WILLIAM", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-07-31", "state": "FL" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-07-31", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-31", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 8/1/2014 S5315; text as passed Senate: CR S5235)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 533, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": null, "policy_area": "Health", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 113, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2013-07-31", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S6138; text as passed Senate: CR S6133)", "type": null }, "number": 211, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "A resolution designating September 2013 as \"National Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Month\".", "type": "SRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "R000595", "district": null, "first_name": "Marco", "full_name": "Sen. Rubio, Marco [R-FL]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Rubio", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "FL" } ], "subjects": [ "Commemorative events and holidays", "Congressional tributes", "Disability and paralysis", "Health personnel", "Medical research", "Neurological disorders" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-07-31", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Designates September 2014 as National Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Month. </p> <p>Expresses support for: (1) research to find better treatments, more effective therapies, and a cure for paralysis; and (2) clinical trials for new therapies for people living with paralysis.</p> <p>Commends the dedication of organizations, researchers, doctors and people across the United States that are working to improve the quality of life of people living with paralysis and their families. </p> <ul> </ul> <ul> </ul>", "update_date": "2014-08-11T16:10:02Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2014-07-31", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Designates September 2014 as National Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Month. </p> <p>Expresses support for: (1) research to find better treatments, more effective therapies, and a cure for paralysis; and (2) clinical trials for new therapies for people living with paralysis.</p> <p>Commends the dedication of organizations, researchers, doctors and people across the United States that are working to improve the quality of life of people living with paralysis and their families. </p> <ul> </ul> <ul> </ul>", "update_date": "2014-08-11T16:10:15Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-07-31T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres533ats/xml/BILLS-113sres533ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution designating September 2014 as \"National Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Month\".", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating September 2014 as \"National Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Month\".", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating September 2014 as \"National Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Month\".", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2019-02-20T12:28:59Z", "update_date_including_text": "2022-11-04T17:22:23Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-07-31T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres533ats/xml/BILLS-113sres533ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres533ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres533ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T00:22:01.277", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-533", "legis_num": 533, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-533-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 533 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES July 31, 2014 Mr. Rubio (for himself and Mr. Nelson ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Designating September 2014 as National Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Month .\n\nWhereas over 1,275,000 individuals in the United States are estimated to live with a spinal cord injury and cost society billions of dollars in health care and lost wages; Whereas 100,000 of the individuals in the United States with a spinal cord injury are estimated to be veterans who suffered the spinal cord injury while serving as members of the Armed Forces; Whereas accidents are the leading cause of spinal cord injuries; Whereas motor vehicle crashes are the second leading cause of spinal cord and traumatic brain injuries; Whereas 70 percent of all spinal cord injuries that occur in children under the age of 18 are a result of motor vehicle accidents; Whereas every 48 minutes a person becomes paralyzed, underscoring the urgent need to develop new neuroprotection, pharmacological, and regeneration treatments to reduce, prevent, and reverse paralysis; and Whereas increased education and investment in research are key factors to improving outcomes for victims of spinal cord injuries, improving the quality of life of victims, and ultimately curing paralysis: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) designates September 2014 as National Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Month ; (2) supports the goals and ideals of National Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Month; (3) continues to support research to find better treatments, more effective therapies, and a cure for paralysis; (4) supports clinical trials for new therapies that offer promise and hope to people living with paralysis; and (5) commends the dedication of local, regional, and national organizations, researchers, doctors, volunteers, and people across the United States that are working to improve the quality of life of people living with paralysis and their families.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 533 ATS: Designating September 2014 as “National Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Month”.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-07-31\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 533\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140731\">\n July 31, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S350\">\n Mr. Rubio\n </sponsor>\n (for himself and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S282\">\n Mr. Nelson\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Designating September 2014 as\n <quote>\n National Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Month\n </quote>\n .\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas over 1,275,000 individuals in the United States are estimated to live with a spinal cord\n\t\t\t injury and cost society billions of dollars in health care and lost wages;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas 100,000 of the\tindividuals in the United States with a spinal cord injury are estimated to\n\t\t\t be veterans who suffered the spinal cord injury while serving as members\n\t\t\t of the Armed Forces;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas accidents are the leading cause of spinal cord injuries;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas motor vehicle crashes are the second leading cause of spinal cord and traumatic brain\n\t\t\t injuries;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas 70 percent of all spinal cord injuries that occur in children under the age of 18 are a\n\t\t\t result of motor vehicle accidents;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas every 48 minutes a person becomes paralyzed, underscoring the urgent need to develop new\n\t\t\t neuroprotection, pharmacological, and regeneration treatments to reduce,\n\t\t\t prevent, and reverse paralysis; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas increased education and investment in research are key factors to improving outcomes for\n\t\t\t victims of spinal cord injuries, improving the quality of life of victims,\n\t\t\t and ultimately curing paralysis: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"id79a07c9b6820439c90d8a0ef51e6abcd\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n designates September 2014 as\n <quote>\n National Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Month\n </quote>\n ;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idf3fbab0af6c74b53ad7632ccad28ab6c\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n supports the goals and ideals of National Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Month;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idb7e8d801eca24ee58d6a3f1528f65606\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n continues to support research to find better treatments, more effective therapies, and a cure for\n\t\t\t paralysis;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id93571d100c23435eb7033e53bb5167c4\">\n <enum>\n (4)\n </enum>\n <text>\n supports clinical trials for new therapies that offer promise and hope to people living with\n\t\t\t paralysis; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id03fa64bd37b0486097068cf9446dee7d\">\n <enum>\n (5)\n </enum>\n <text>\n commends the dedication of local, regional, and national organizations, researchers, doctors,\n\t\t\t volunteers, and people across the United States that are working to\n\t\t\t improve the quality of life of people living with paralysis and their\n\t\t\t families.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-04 19:16:00.810
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 534 </number> <updateDate> 2019-02-20T12:28:59Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2022-11-04T17:22:20Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-07-31 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-31 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 8/1/2014 S5315; text as passed Senate: CR S5235) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-31 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR 8/1/2014 S5315; text as passed Senate: CR S5235) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-31 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> K000360 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Kirk, Mark Steven [R-IL] </fullName> <firstName> MARK </firstName> <lastName> KIRK </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> STEVEN </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> D000563 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Durbin, Richard J. [D-IL] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Durbin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-07-31 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Congress </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Commemorative events and holidays </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Horticulture and plants </name> </item> <item> <name> Illinois </name> </item> <item> <name> Members of Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Senate </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Congress </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-31 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-08-06T21:14:29Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Designates September 6, 2014, as Everett McKinley Dirksen and Marigold Day.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-31 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-08-06T21:14:41Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Designates September 6, 2014, as Everett McKinley Dirksen and Marigold Day.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution designating September 6, 2014, as "Everett McKinley Dirksen and Marigold Day". </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution designating September 6, 2014, as "Everett McKinley Dirksen and Marigold Day". </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution designating September 6, 2014, as "Everett McKinley Dirksen and Marigold Day". </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-07-31T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres534ats/xml/BILLS-113sres534ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-07-31 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 8/1/2014 S5315; text as passed Senate: CR S5235) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-07-31T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres534ats/xml/BILLS-113sres534ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres534ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres534ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T00:22:01.322", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-534", "legis_num": 534, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-534-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 534 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES July 31, 2014 Mr. Kirk (for himself and Mr. Durbin ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Designating September 6, 2014, as Everett McKinley Dirksen and Marigold Day .\n\nWhereas the great Senator Everett McKinley Dirksen of Pekin, Illinois, has passed from the halls of the United States Capitol; Whereas the current Senators wish to honor Senator Dirksen; Whereas, upon the passing of Senator Dirksen, his contemporaries and peers stated that— (1) Senator Dirksen— (A) provided sage advice and counsel and wholehearted wisdom; (B) provided support that made the civil rights legislation of the 1960s a fact rather than a dream during that decade; and (C) was known as an American who cultivated a high sense of honor; and (2) when Senator Dirksen spoke, the country listened, and his eloquence was a source of national strength; Whereas, as the obituary for Senator Dirksen in the New York Times noted, Senator Dirksen was ever constant to the marigold, which he sought to make the national flower and which he grew profusely in his garden ; Whereas, as Senator Dirksen said on the Senate floor on April 17, 1967, the marigold is a native of North America and can in truth and in fact be called an American flower ; Whereas, as Senator Dirksen said in that speech, the marigold is national in character, for it grows and thrives in every one of the fifty states of this nation ; Whereas, as Senator Dirksen said in that speech, the marigold’s robustness reflects the hardihood and character of the generations who pioneered and built this land into a great nation ; Whereas, beginning in 1973, Pekin has held the Pekin Marigold Festival each year to honor Pekin’s favorite son, Senator Everett McKinley Dirksen; and Whereas the 40th Pekin Marigold Festival will be held during the first week of September 2014, which includes Saturday, September 6: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate designates September 6, 2014, as Everett McKinley Dirksen and Marigold Day .", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 534 ATS: Designating September 6, 2014, as “Everett McKinley Dirksen and Marigold Day”.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-07-31\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress>\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session>\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 534\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action>\n <action-date date=\"20140731\">\n July 31, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S339\">\n Mr. Kirk\n </sponsor>\n (for himself and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S253\">\n Mr. Durbin\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Designating September 6, 2014, as\n <quote>\n Everett McKinley Dirksen and Marigold Day\n </quote>\n .\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the great Senator Everett McKinley Dirksen of Pekin, Illinois, has passed from the halls of\n\t\t\t the United States Capitol;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the current Senators wish to honor Senator Dirksen;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, upon the passing of Senator Dirksen, his contemporaries and peers stated that—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"id2f0fc621dcb6427fbc6795505704cc59\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n Senator Dirksen—\n </text>\n <subparagraph id=\"id96c51824e2f54d4e93f1898e479e3c14\">\n <enum>\n (A)\n </enum>\n <text>\n provided sage advice and counsel and wholehearted wisdom;\n </text>\n </subparagraph>\n <subparagraph id=\"idf187f0cce999474eb3b877fe9fdea668\">\n <enum>\n (B)\n </enum>\n <text>\n provided support that made the civil rights legislation of the 1960s a fact rather than a dream\n\t\t\t during that decade; and\n </text>\n </subparagraph>\n <subparagraph id=\"id443a38c93685455e90049d38651eaa12\">\n <enum>\n (C)\n </enum>\n <text>\n was known as an American who cultivated a high sense of honor; and\n </text>\n </subparagraph>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idb9aa7bddfc2840799f56b71955d641f0\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n when Senator Dirksen spoke, the country listened, and his eloquence was a source of national\n\t\t\t strength;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, as the obituary for Senator Dirksen in the New York Times noted, Senator Dirksen\n <quote>\n was ever constant to the marigold, which he sought to make the national flower and which he grew\n\t\t\t profusely in his garden\n </quote>\n ;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, as Senator Dirksen said on the Senate floor on April 17, 1967, the marigold\n <quote>\n is a native of North America and can in truth and in fact be called an American flower\n </quote>\n ;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, as Senator Dirksen said in that speech, the marigold\n <quote>\n is national in character, for it grows and thrives in every one of the fifty states of this nation\n </quote>\n ;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, as Senator Dirksen said in that speech, the marigold’s\n <quote>\n robustness reflects the hardihood and character of the generations who pioneered and built this\n\t\t\t land into a great nation\n </quote>\n ;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, beginning in 1973, Pekin has held the Pekin Marigold Festival each year to honor Pekin’s\n\t\t\t favorite son, Senator Everett McKinley Dirksen; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the 40th Pekin Marigold Festival will be held during the first week of September 2014,\n\t\t\t which includes Saturday, September 6: Now,\n\t\t\t therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate designates September 6, 2014, as\n <quote>\n Everett McKinley Dirksen and Marigold Day\n </quote>\n .\n </text>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-04 19:14:00.416
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 535 </number> <updateDate> 2019-02-20T12:29:00Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2022-11-04T17:22:19Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-07-31 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-31 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 8/1/2014 S5315; text as passed Senate: CR S5235) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-31 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR 8/1/2014 S5315; text as passed Senate: CR S5235) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-07-31 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> S000148 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Schumer, Charles E. [D-NY] </fullName> <firstName> Charles </firstName> <lastName> Schumer </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <policyArea> <name> Congress </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Legislative rules and procedure </name> </item> <item> <name> Senate </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Congress </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-31 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-08-06T21:18:37Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt; Requires the Committee on Rules and Administration to: (1) prepare a revised edition of the Senate Rules and Manual; and (2) print it as a Senate document, including 1,500 additional copies beyond the usual number.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-07-31 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-08-06T21:18:44Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Requires the Committee on Rules and Administration to: (1) prepare a revised edition of the Senate Rules and Manual; and (2) print it as a Senate document, including 1,500 additional copies beyond the usual number.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution to authorize the printing of a revised edition of the Senate Rules and Manual. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution to authorize the printing of a revised edition of the Senate Rules and Manual. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution to authorize the printing of a revised edition of the Senate Rules and Manual. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-07-31T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres535ats/xml/BILLS-113sres535ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-07-31 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 8/1/2014 S5315; text as passed Senate: CR S5235) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-31", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 8/1/2014 S5315; text as passed Senate: CR S5235)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2014-07-31", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR 8/1/2014 S5315; text as passed Senate: CR S5235)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-07-31", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-07-31", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-31", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 8/1/2014 S5315; text as passed Senate: CR S5235)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 535, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": null, "policy_area": "Congress", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "S000148", "district": null, "first_name": "Charles", "full_name": "Sen. Schumer, Charles E. [D-NY]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Schumer", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "state": "NY" } ], "subjects": [ "Legislative rules and procedure", "Senate" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-07-31", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p> Requires the Committee on Rules and Administration to: (1) prepare a revised edition of the Senate Rules and Manual; and (2) print it as a Senate document, including 1,500 additional copies beyond the usual number.</p>", "update_date": "2014-08-06T21:18:37Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2014-07-31", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p> Requires the Committee on Rules and Administration to: (1) prepare a revised edition of the Senate Rules and Manual; and (2) print it as a Senate document, including 1,500 additional copies beyond the usual number.</p>", "update_date": "2014-08-06T21:18:44Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-07-31T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres535ats/xml/BILLS-113sres535ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution to authorize the printing of a revised edition of the Senate Rules and Manual.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution to authorize the printing of a revised edition of the Senate Rules and Manual.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution to authorize the printing of a revised edition of the Senate Rules and Manual.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2019-02-20T12:29:00Z", "update_date_including_text": "2022-11-04T17:22:19Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-07-31T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres535ats/xml/BILLS-113sres535ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres535ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres535ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T00:22:00.937", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-535", "legis_num": 535, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-535-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 535 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES July 31, 2014 Mr. Schumer submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION To authorize the printing of a revised edition of the Senate Rules and Manual.\n\nThat— (1) the Committee on Rules and Administration shall prepare a revised edition of the Senate Rules and Manual for the use of the 113th Congress; (2) the manual shall be printed as a Senate document; and (3) in addition to the usual number of copies, 1,500 copies of the manual shall be bound, of which— (A) 500 paperbound copies shall be for the use of the Senate; and (B) 1,000 copies shall be bound (550 paperbound; 250 nontabbed black skiver; 200 tabbed black skiver) and delivered as may be directed by the Committee on Rules and Administration.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 535 ATS: To authorize the printing of a revised edition of the Senate Rules and Manual.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-07-31\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 535\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140731\">\n July 31, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S270\">\n Mr. Schumer\n </sponsor>\n submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n To authorize the printing of a revised edition of the Senate Rules and Manual.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"id2ffb72263edc48dea5257c0ec860f720\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n the Committee on Rules and Administration shall prepare a revised edition of the Senate Rules and\n\t\t\t Manual for the use of the 113th Congress;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"ide22af525e1944b6897919fcc4d7b32ac\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n the manual shall be printed as a Senate document; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id7c68ef37e9e64a1f98116f308a4b80d5\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n in addition to the usual number of copies, 1,500 copies of the manual shall be bound, of which—\n </text>\n <subparagraph id=\"iddab91218fa9f4adea570d46e1a493262\">\n <enum>\n (A)\n </enum>\n <text>\n 500 paperbound copies shall be for the use of the Senate; and\n </text>\n </subparagraph>\n <subparagraph id=\"id21a2dd9f6cde46fa80c35fd681758888\">\n <enum>\n (B)\n </enum>\n <text>\n 1,000 copies shall be bound (550 paperbound; 250 nontabbed black skiver; 200 tabbed black skiver)\n\t\t\t and delivered as may be directed by the Committee on Rules and\n\t\t\t Administration.\n </text>\n </subparagraph>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-04 19:14:00.493
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 536 </number> <updateDate> 2019-02-20T12:29:00Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2022-11-04T17:21:13Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-08-01 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <relatedBills> <item> <title> Expressing support for designation of September 2013 as National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month. </title> <congress> 113 </congress> <number> 301 </number> <type> HRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2013-07-16 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> <item> <title> Expressing support for the designation of September 2014 as National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month. </title> <congress> 113 </congress> <number> 697 </number> <type> HRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-07-30 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> <item> <title> A resolution expressing support for the designation of September 2013 as National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month. </title> <congress> 113 </congress> <number> 205 </number> <type> SRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2013-07-30 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S6082; text as passed Senate: CR S6079-6080) </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-08-01 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5330; text as passed Senate: CR S5326) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-08-01 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5330; text as passed Senate: CR S5326) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-08-01 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> S000770 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Stabenow, Debbie [D-MI] </fullName> <firstName> Debbie </firstName> <lastName> Stabenow </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> A000368 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Ayotte, Kelly [R-NH] </fullName> <firstName> Kelly </firstName> <lastName> Ayotte </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-08-01 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000805 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Warner, Mark R. [D-VA] </fullName> <firstName> Mark </firstName> <lastName> Warner </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-08-01 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000934 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Moran, Jerry [R-KS] </fullName> <firstName> Jerry </firstName> <lastName> Moran </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KS </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-08-01 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001230 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Baldwin, Tammy [D-WI] </fullName> <firstName> Tammy </firstName> <lastName> Baldwin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WI </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-08-01 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001041 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Heller, Dean [R-NV] </fullName> <firstName> Dean </firstName> <lastName> Heller </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NV </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-08-01 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001265 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Begich, Mark [D-AK] </fullName> <firstName> Mark </firstName> <lastName> Begich </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AK </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001288 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Booker, Cory A. [D-NJ] </fullName> <firstName> Cory </firstName> <lastName> Booker </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000711 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Boxer, Barbara [D-CA] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> BOXER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000944 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Brown, Sherrod [D-OH] </fullName> <firstName> Sherrod </firstName> <lastName> Brown </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001035 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Collins, Susan M. [R-ME] </fullName> <firstName> Susan </firstName> <lastName> Collins </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ME </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001088 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Coons, Christopher A. [D-DE] </fullName> <firstName> Christopher </firstName> <lastName> Coons </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> DE </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000563 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Durbin, Richard J. [D-IL] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Durbin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000062 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA] </fullName> <firstName> Dianne </firstName> <lastName> Feinstein </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001049 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hagan, Kay R. [D-NC] </fullName> <firstName> Kay </firstName> <lastName> Hagan </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NC </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000383 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. King, Angus S., Jr. [I-ME] </fullName> <firstName> Angus </firstName> <lastName> King </lastName> <party> I </party> <state> ME </state> <middleName> S. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000360 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Kirk, Mark Steven [R-IL] </fullName> <firstName> MARK </firstName> <lastName> KIRK </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> STEVEN </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000550 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Landrieu, Mary L. [D-LA] </fullName> <firstName> MARY </firstName> <lastName> LANDRIEU </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> LA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000133 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Markey, Edward J. [D-MA] </fullName> <firstName> Edward </firstName> <lastName> Markey </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000639 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Menendez, Robert [D-NJ] </fullName> <firstName> Robert </firstName> <lastName> Menendez </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001176 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Merkley, Jeff [D-OR] </fullName> <firstName> Jeff </firstName> <lastName> Merkley </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OR </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001111 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Murray, Patty [D-WA] </fullName> <firstName> Patty </firstName> <lastName> Murray </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000595 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Rubio, Marco [R-FL] </fullName> <firstName> Marco </firstName> <lastName> Rubio </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000148 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Schumer, Charles E. [D-NY] </fullName> <firstName> Charles </firstName> <lastName> Schumer </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001181 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Shaheen, Jeanne [D-NH] </fullName> <firstName> Jeanne </firstName> <lastName> Shaheen </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> U000038 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Udall, Mark [D-CO] </fullName> <firstName> MARK </firstName> <lastName> UDALL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CO </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> V000127 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Vitter, David [R-LA] </fullName> <firstName> David </firstName> <lastName> Vitter </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> LA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000817 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Warren, Elizabeth [D-MA] </fullName> <firstName> Elizabeth </firstName> <lastName> Warren </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Health </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Cancer </name> </item> <item> <name> Commemorative events and holidays </name> </item> <item> <name> Health promotion and preventive care </name> </item> <item> <name> Women's health </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Health </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-08-01 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-08-08T00:16:29Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Designates September 2014 as National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month and expresses support for the goals and ideals of National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-08-01 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-08-08T00:05:41Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Designates September 2014 as National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month and expresses support for the goals and ideals of National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution designating September 2014 as "National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month". </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution designating September 2014 as "National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month". </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution designating September 2014 as "National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month". </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-08-01T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres536ats/xml/BILLS-113sres536ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-08-01 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5330; text as passed Senate: CR S5326) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-08-01", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5330; text as passed Senate: CR S5326)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2014-08-01", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5330; text as passed Senate: CR S5326)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-08-01", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "A000368", "district": null, "first_name": "Kelly", "full_name": "Sen. 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Baldwin, Tammy [D-WI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Baldwin", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-08-01", "state": "WI" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001041", "district": null, "first_name": "Dean", "full_name": "Sen. Heller, Dean [R-NV]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Heller", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-08-01", "state": "NV" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001265", "district": null, "first_name": "Mark", "full_name": "Sen. Begich, Mark [D-AK]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Begich", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-08", "state": "AK" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001288", "district": null, "first_name": "Cory", "full_name": "Sen. Booker, Cory A. [D-NJ]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Booker", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-08", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000711", "district": null, "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Sen. Boxer, Barbara [D-CA]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BOXER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-08", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000944", "district": null, "first_name": "Sherrod", "full_name": "Sen. Brown, Sherrod [D-OH]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Brown", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-08", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001035", "district": null, "first_name": "Susan", "full_name": "Sen. Collins, Susan M. 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For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-08-01", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-08-01", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5330; text as passed Senate: CR S5326)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 536, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": null, "policy_area": "Health", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 113, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2013-07-16", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.", "type": null }, "number": 301, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "Expressing support for designation of September 2013 as National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month.", "type": "HRES" }, { "congress": 113, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-07-30", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.", "type": null }, "number": 697, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "Expressing support for the designation of September 2014 as National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month.", "type": "HRES" }, { "congress": 113, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2013-07-30", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S6082; text as passed Senate: CR S6079-6080)", "type": null }, "number": 205, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "A resolution expressing support for the designation of September 2013 as National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month.", "type": "SRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "S000770", "district": null, "first_name": "Debbie", "full_name": "Sen. Stabenow, Debbie [D-MI]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Stabenow", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "MI" } ], "subjects": [ "Cancer", "Commemorative events and holidays", "Health promotion and preventive care", "Women's health" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-08-01", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Designates September 2014 as National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month and expresses support for the goals and ideals of National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month.</p>", "update_date": "2014-08-08T00:16:29Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2014-08-01", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Designates September 2014 as National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month and expresses support for the goals and ideals of National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month.</p>", "update_date": "2014-08-08T00:05:41Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-08-01T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres536ats/xml/BILLS-113sres536ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution designating September 2014 as \"National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month\".", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating September 2014 as \"National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month\".", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating September 2014 as \"National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month\".", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2019-02-20T12:29:00Z", "update_date_including_text": "2022-11-04T17:21:13Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-08-01T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres536ats/xml/BILLS-113sres536ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres536ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres536ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T00:14:02.59", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-536", "legis_num": 536, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-536-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 536 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES August 1, 2014 Ms. Stabenow (for herself, Ms. Ayotte , Mr. Warner , Mr. Moran , Ms. Baldwin , and Mr. Heller ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Designating September 2014 as National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month .\n\nWhereas ovarian cancer is the deadliest of all gynecologic cancers; Whereas ovarian cancer is the 5th leading cause of cancer deaths among women in the United States; Whereas, in 2014, approximately 21,980 new cases of ovarian cancer will be diagnosed, and 14,270 women will die of ovarian cancer in the United States; Whereas the mortality rate for ovarian cancer has not significantly decreased since the War on Cancer was declared more than 40 years ago; Whereas 25 percent of women will die within 1 year of diagnosis with ovarian cancer and over 50 percent will die within 5 years; Whereas while there is the mammogram to detect breast cancer and the Pap smear to detect cervical cancer, there is no reliable early detection test for ovarian cancer; Whereas the lack of an early detection test means that approximately 80 percent of cases of ovarian cancer are detected at an advanced stage; Whereas all women are at risk for ovarian cancer, and approximately 15 percent of women diagnosed with ovarian cancer have a family history of ovarian cancer, which places them at even higher risk; Whereas scientists and physicians have uncovered changes in the BRCA genes that some women inherit from their parents, which may make them 30 times more likely to develop ovarian cancer; Whereas the family history of a woman has been found to play an important role in accurately assessing that woman's risk of developing ovarian cancer and medical experts believe that family history should be taken into consideration during a woman's annual well woman visit; Whereas many experts in health prevention now recommends genetic testing for young women with a family history of breast and ovarian cancer; Whereas women who know they are at high risk of breast and ovarian cancer may undertake prophylactic measures to help reduce the risk of developing these diseases; Whereas the Society of Gynecologic Oncology now recommends that all women diagnosed with ovarian cancer receive counseling and genetic testing; Whereas many people are unaware that the symptoms of ovarian cancer often include bloating, pelvic or abdominal pain, difficulty eating or feeling full quickly, urinary symptoms, and several other symptoms that are easily confused with other diseases; Whereas awareness of the symptoms of ovarian cancer by women and health care providers can lead to a quicker diagnosis; Whereas, in June 2007, the first national consensus statement on ovarian cancer symptoms was developed to provide consistency in describing symptoms to make it easier for women to learn and remember the symptoms; and Whereas each year during the month of September, the Ovarian Cancer National Alliance and partner members hold a number of events to increase public awareness of ovarian cancer: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) designates September 2014 as National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month ; and (2) supports the goals and ideals of National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 536 ATS: Designating September 2014 as “National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month”.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-08-01\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 536\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140801\">\n August 1, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S284\">\n Ms. Stabenow\n </sponsor>\n (for herself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S340\">\n Ms. Ayotte\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S327\">\n Mr. Warner\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S347\">\n Mr. Moran\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S354\">\n Ms. Baldwin\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S352\">\n Mr. Heller\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Designating September 2014 as\n <quote>\n National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month\n </quote>\n .\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas ovarian cancer is the deadliest of all gynecologic cancers;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas ovarian cancer is the 5th leading cause of cancer deaths among women in the United States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, in 2014, approximately 21,980 new cases of ovarian cancer will be diagnosed, and 14,270\n\t\t\t women will die of ovarian cancer in the United States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the mortality rate for ovarian cancer has not significantly decreased since the\n <quote>\n War on Cancer\n </quote>\n was declared more than 40 years ago;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas 25 percent of women will die within 1 year of diagnosis with ovarian cancer and over 50\n\t\t\t percent will die within 5 years;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas while there is the mammogram to detect breast cancer and the Pap smear to detect cervical\n\t\t\t cancer, there is no reliable early detection test for ovarian cancer;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the lack of an early detection test means that approximately 80 percent of cases of ovarian\n\t\t\t cancer are detected at an advanced stage;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas all women are at risk for ovarian cancer, and approximately 15 percent of women diagnosed\n\t\t\t with ovarian cancer have a family history of ovarian cancer, which places\n\t\t\t them at even higher risk;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas scientists and physicians have uncovered changes in the BRCA genes that some women inherit\n\t\t\t from their parents, which may make them 30 times more likely to develop\n\t\t\t ovarian cancer;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the family history of a woman has been found to play an important role in accurately\n\t\t\t assessing that woman's risk of developing ovarian cancer and medical\n\t\t\t experts believe that family history should be taken into consideration\n\t\t\t during a woman's annual well woman visit;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas many experts in health prevention now recommends genetic testing for young women with a\n\t\t\t family history of breast and ovarian cancer;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas women who know they are at high risk of breast and ovarian cancer may undertake\n\t\t\t prophylactic measures to help reduce the risk of developing these\n\t\t\t diseases;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Society of Gynecologic Oncology now recommends that all women diagnosed with ovarian\n\t\t\t cancer receive counseling and genetic testing;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas many people are unaware that the symptoms of ovarian cancer often include bloating, pelvic\n\t\t\t or abdominal pain, difficulty eating or feeling full quickly, urinary\n\t\t\t symptoms, and several other symptoms that are easily confused with other\n\t\t\t diseases;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas awareness of the symptoms of ovarian cancer by women and health care providers can lead to\n\t\t\t a quicker diagnosis;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, in June 2007, the first national consensus statement on ovarian cancer symptoms was\n\t\t\t developed to provide consistency in describing symptoms to make it easier\n\t\t\t for women to learn and remember the symptoms; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas each year during the month of September, the Ovarian Cancer National Alliance and partner\n\t\t\t members hold a number of events to increase public awareness of ovarian\n\t\t\t cancer: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"idD6B62F45D2484371AEDE3E6DB175A5B1\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n designates September 2014 as\n <quote>\n National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month\n </quote>\n ; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idB57F4EDC52C54A6F963200896BF92A37\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n supports the goals and ideals of National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-06 01:38:58.029
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 537 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-11T13:25:40Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-11T13:25:40Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-08-01 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2014-08-01T18:47:21Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-08-01 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S5326-5327) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-08-01 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> G000359 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Graham, Lindsey [R-SC] </fullName> <firstName> Lindsey </firstName> <lastName> Graham </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> SC </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> M000639 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Menendez, Robert [D-NJ] </fullName> <firstName> Robert </firstName> <lastName> Menendez </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-08-01 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Arab-Israeli relations </name> </item> <item> <name> Conflicts and wars </name> </item> <item> <name> Gaza Strip </name> </item> <item> <name> Israel </name> </item> <item> <name> Middle East </name> </item> <item> <name> Military personnel and dependents </name> </item> <item> <name> Palestinians </name> </item> <item> <name> Sovereignty, recognition, national governance and status </name> </item> <item> <name> Terrorism </name> </item> <item> <name> United Nations </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-08-01 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-08-04T19:01:47Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Supports Israel's: (1) right to defend its citizens and ensure Israel's survival, and (2) efforts to deal with the threats posed by Hamas's rockets and tunnels. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Condemns Hamas's repeated violation of humanitarian cease fires and its use of suicide bombings. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Demands that Hamas return the Israeli soldier kidnapped on August 1, 2014. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Calls on the United Nations (U.N.) Secretary General to condemn terrorist attacks by Hamas on Israel. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Calls on: (1) Hamas to stop using residents of Gaza as human shields, and (2) the Palestinian people to reject Hamas and its ideology and to seek peace.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Urges the international community to condemn the unprovoked rocket fire at Israel.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution reaffirming support for Israel's right to defend its citizens and ensure the survival of the State of Israel, and for other purposes. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution reaffirming support for Israel's right to defend its citizens and ensure the survival of the State of Israel, and for other purposes. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution reaffirming support for Israel's right to defend its citizens and ensure the survival of the State of Israel, and for other purposes. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2014-08-01T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres537is/xml/BILLS-113sres537is.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-08-01 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S5326-5327) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-08-01", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S5326-5327)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-08-01", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2014-08-01T18:47:21Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "M000639", "district": null, "first_name": "Robert", "full_name": "Sen. Menendez, Robert [D-NJ]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Menendez", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-08-01", "state": "NJ" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-08-01", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-08-01", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S5326-5327)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 537, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "International Affairs", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "G000359", "district": null, "first_name": "Lindsey", "full_name": "Sen. Graham, Lindsey [R-SC]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Graham", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "SC" } ], "subjects": [ "Arab-Israeli relations", "Conflicts and wars", "Gaza Strip", "Israel", "Middle East", "Military personnel and dependents", "Palestinians", "Sovereignty, recognition, national governance and status", "Terrorism", "United Nations" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-08-01", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Supports Israel's: (1) right to defend its citizens and ensure Israel's survival, and (2) efforts to deal with the threats posed by Hamas's rockets and tunnels. </p> <p>Condemns Hamas's repeated violation of humanitarian cease fires and its use of suicide bombings. </p> <p>Demands that Hamas return the Israeli soldier kidnapped on August 1, 2014. </p> <p>Calls on the United Nations (U.N.) Secretary General to condemn terrorist attacks by Hamas on Israel. </p> <p>Calls on: (1) Hamas to stop using residents of Gaza as human shields, and (2) the Palestinian people to reject Hamas and its ideology and to seek peace.</p> <p>Urges the international community to condemn the unprovoked rocket fire at Israel.</p>", "update_date": "2014-08-04T19:01:47Z", "version_code": "00" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-08-01T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres537is/xml/BILLS-113sres537is.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution reaffirming support for Israel's right to defend its citizens and ensure the survival of the State of Israel, and for other purposes.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution reaffirming support for Israel's right to defend its citizens and ensure the survival of the State of Israel, and for other purposes.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution reaffirming support for Israel's right to defend its citizens and ensure the survival of the State of Israel, and for other purposes.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2023-01-11T13:25:40Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-11T13:25:40Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-08-01T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres537is/xml/BILLS-113sres537is.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres537is.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres537is.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-07T00:14:02.388", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-537", "legis_num": 537, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "is", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-537-is-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 537 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES August 1, 2014 Mr. Graham (for himself and Mr. Menendez ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations RESOLUTION Reaffirming support for Israel’s right to defend its citizens and ensure the survival of the State of Israel, and for other purposes.\n\nWhereas, on July 17, 2014, the Senate unanimously passed a resolution supporting Israel’s right to defend its citizens and ensure the survival of the State of Israel, condemning the actions of Hamas, and calling for the President of the Palestinian Authority to dissolve the unity government arrangement with Hamas; Whereas, on July 29, 2014, the Senate unanimously passed a resolution condemning Hamas’s terrorist actions and use of civilians as human shields and condemning the United Nations Human Rights Council’s resolution of July 23, 2014; Whereas, since June 2014, Hamas has fired over 2,500 rockets at Israel; Whereas Hamas has used a system of tunnels to smuggle weapons and launch attacks on Israel; Whereas 5,000,000 innocent Israeli civilians are currently living under the threat of indiscriminant rocket attacks from Gaza; Whereas, since ground operations in Gaza began, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have discovered more than 30 tunnels to only provide access to Israeli territory to attack and kidnap Israelis; Whereas Israel has accepted and implemented numerous ceasefire agreements that Hamas has rejected; Whereas, on July 26, 2014, Hamas continued to fire rockets into Israel during a 24-hour truce that Hamas had itself proposed; Whereas Israel embraced the Egyptian-proposed ceasefire agreement, which Hamas resoundingly rejected on July 27, 2014; Whereas, on August 1, 2014, 90 minutes into a humanitarian ceasefire, Hamas violated a ceasefire to use one of these tunnels to conduct a suicide attack, killing two Israeli soldiers and kidnapping 2nd Lt. Hadar Goldin, an IDF soldier; Whereas Israel has a right to defend itself from Hamas’s constant barrage of rockets and to destroy the matrix of tunnels Hamas uses to smuggle weapons and Hamas fighters into Israel to carry out terrorist attacks; Whereas the Government of Israel has taken significant steps to protect civilians in Gaza, including dropping leaflets in Gaza neighborhoods in advance of Israeli military attacks, calling Palestinians on the phone urging them to evacuate certain areas before the military strikes targets, and issuing warnings to civilians in advance of firing on buildings; Whereas Hamas uses civilians in Gaza as human shields by placing missile launchers next to schools, hospitals, mosques, and private homes; Whereas Hamas’ interior ministry has called on residents of Gaza to ignore IDF warnings to get out of harm’s way; and Whereas any effort to broker a ceasefire agreement that does not eliminate those threats cannot be sustained in the long run and will leave Israel vulnerable to future attacks: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) reaffirms its support for Israel’s right to defend its citizens and ensure the survival of the State of Israel; (2) condemns Hamas’ repeated violation of humanitarian cease fires and its use of suicide bombings; (3) demands Hamas return the IDF soldier kidnapped on August 1, 2014; (4) calls on the United Nations Secretary General to immediately condemn all terrorist attacks by Hamas on Israel; (5) reiterates its call on Hamas to stop using residents of Gaza as human shields; (6) urges the international community to condemn the unprovoked rocket fire at Israel; (7) calls on the Palestinian people to reject Hamas and its hateful ideology and to seek peace; and (8) recognizes that the Government of Israel must be allowed to take actions necessary to remove the present and future threats posed by Hamas’ rockets and tunnels and supports the Government of Israel’s efforts to deal with the threats posed by Hamas rockets and tunnels.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Introduced-in-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 537 IS: Reaffirming support for Israel’s right to defend its citizens and ensure the survival of the State of Israel, and for other purposes.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-08-01\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 537\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140801\">\n August 1, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S293\">\n Mr. Graham\n </sponsor>\n (for himself and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S306\">\n Mr. Menendez\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name committee-id=\"SSFR00\">\n Committee on Foreign Relations\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Reaffirming support for Israel’s right to defend its citizens and ensure the survival of the State\n\t\t\t of Israel, and for other purposes.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, on July 17, 2014, the Senate unanimously passed a resolution supporting Israel’s right to\n\t\t\t defend its citizens and ensure the survival of the State of\n\t\t\t Israel, condemning the actions of Hamas, and calling for the President of\n\t\t\t the Palestinian Authority to dissolve the unity government arrangement\n\t\t\t with Hamas;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, on July 29, 2014, the Senate unanimously passed a resolution condemning Hamas’s terrorist\n\t\t\t actions and use of civilians as human shields and condemning the United\n\t\t\t Nations Human Rights Council’s resolution of July 23, 2014;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, since June 2014, Hamas has fired over 2,500 rockets at Israel;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Hamas has used a system of tunnels to smuggle weapons and launch attacks on Israel;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas 5,000,000 innocent Israeli civilians are currently living under the threat of\n\t\t\t indiscriminant rocket attacks from Gaza;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, since ground operations in Gaza began, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have discovered\n\t\t\t more than 30 tunnels to only provide access to Israeli territory to\n\t\t\t attack and kidnap Israelis;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Israel has accepted and implemented numerous ceasefire agreements that Hamas has rejected;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, on July 26, 2014, Hamas continued to fire rockets into Israel during a 24-hour truce that\n\t\t\t Hamas had itself\n\t\t\t proposed;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Israel embraced the Egyptian-proposed ceasefire agreement, which Hamas resoundingly\n\t\t\t rejected on July 27, 2014;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, on August 1, 2014, 90 minutes into a humanitarian ceasefire, Hamas violated a ceasefire to\n\t\t\t use one of these tunnels to conduct a suicide attack, killing two Israeli\n\t\t\t soldiers and kidnapping 2nd Lt. Hadar Goldin, an IDF soldier;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Israel has a right to defend itself from Hamas’s constant barrage of rockets and to destroy\n\t\t\t the matrix of tunnels Hamas uses to smuggle weapons and Hamas fighters\n\t\t\t into Israel to carry out terrorist attacks;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Government of Israel has taken significant steps to protect civilians in Gaza,\n\t\t\t including dropping leaflets in Gaza neighborhoods in advance of Israeli\n\t\t\t military attacks, calling Palestinians on the phone urging them to\n\t\t\t evacuate certain areas before the military strikes targets, and issuing\n\t\t\t warnings to civilians in advance of firing on buildings;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Hamas uses civilians in Gaza as human shields by placing missile launchers next to schools,\n\t\t\t hospitals, mosques, and private homes;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Hamas’ interior ministry has called on residents of Gaza to ignore IDF warnings to get out\n\t\t\t of harm’s way; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas any effort to broker a ceasefire agreement that does not eliminate those threats cannot be\n\t\t\t sustained in the long run and will leave Israel vulnerable to future\n\t\t\t attacks: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"id841a1bcff3b9439f9669b275aace9bed\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n reaffirms its support for Israel’s right to defend its citizens and ensure the survival of the\n\t\t\t State of Israel;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id46c2b1803c664c95ba5fcd450014cb3f\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n condemns Hamas’ repeated violation of humanitarian cease fires and its use of suicide bombings;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idd2eda612b86542dbacd0be31bca8a65a\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n demands Hamas return the IDF soldier kidnapped on August 1, 2014;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id6c0337cbde594a8a9f0d7f468b96b4b9\">\n <enum>\n (4)\n </enum>\n <text>\n calls on the United Nations Secretary General to immediately condemn all terrorist attacks by Hamas\n\t\t\t on Israel;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idda37739445d044c79901fda03685e569\">\n <enum>\n (5)\n </enum>\n <text>\n reiterates its call on Hamas to stop using residents of Gaza as human shields;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idbb0b2d62eb004bb0adc30f5193a68101\">\n <enum>\n (6)\n </enum>\n <text>\n urges the international community to condemn the unprovoked rocket fire at Israel;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id69930b6614f14e508c690e4ec43403ea\">\n <enum>\n (7)\n </enum>\n <text>\n calls on the Palestinian people to reject Hamas and its hateful ideology and to seek peace; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idfbe4401b58a4452bbcf447b61409f507\">\n <enum>\n (8)\n </enum>\n <text>\n recognizes that the Government of Israel must be allowed to take actions necessary to remove the\n\t\t\t present and future threats posed by Hamas’ rockets and tunnels and\n\t\t\t supports\n\t\t\t the Government of Israel’s efforts to deal with the threats posed by Hamas\n\t\t\t rockets and\n\t\t\t tunnels.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-05 00:46:23.562
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 538 </number> <updateDate> 2019-02-20T12:29:00Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2022-11-04T17:20:27Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-09-09 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <relatedBills> <item> <title> Expressing the condolences of the House of Representatives to the families of James Foley and Steven Sotloff, and condemning the terrorist acts of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. </title> <congress> 113 </congress> <number> 720 </number> <type> HRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-09-11 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs. </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Identical bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-09 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5461; text as passed Senate: CR S5436) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-09 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5461; text as passed Senate: CR S5436) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-09 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-08 </actionDate> <text> Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR S5363) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> B00100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> S001181 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Shaheen, Jeanne [D-NH] </fullName> <firstName> Jeanne </firstName> <lastName> Shaheen </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NH </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> A000368 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Ayotte, Kelly [R-NH] </fullName> <firstName> Kelly </firstName> <lastName> Ayotte </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> N000032 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Nelson, Bill [D-FL] </fullName> <firstName> CLARENCE </firstName> <lastName> NELSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <middleName> WILLIAM </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000595 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Rubio, Marco [R-FL] </fullName> <firstName> Marco </firstName> <lastName> Rubio </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000639 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Menendez, Robert [D-NJ] </fullName> <firstName> Robert </firstName> <lastName> Menendez </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001088 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Coons, Christopher A. [D-DE] </fullName> <firstName> Christopher </firstName> <lastName> Coons </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> DE </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Conflicts and wars </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Criminal investigation, prosecution, interrogation </name> </item> <item> <name> International organizations and cooperation </name> </item> <item> <name> Iraq </name> </item> <item> <name> Middle East </name> </item> <item> <name> News media and reporting </name> </item> <item> <name> Syria </name> </item> <item> <name> Terrorism </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-09 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-09-10T22:01:41Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Condemns the terrorist acts of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), including the barbaric murders of James Foley and Steven Sotloff.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Mourns the deaths of James Foley and Steven Sotloff and expresses the Senate's condolences to their families.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Salutes James Foley and Steven Sotloff for their courageous pursuit of journalistic excellence under the most dangerous of conditions.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Supports efforts to bring to justice those responsible for the murders of James Foley and Steven Sotloff. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Demands the release of all hostages being held by ISIL. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Calls on the United States and the international community, working in partnership with the governments and citizens of the Middle East, to address the ISIL threat. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;States that nothing in this resolution shall be construed as a declaration of war or authorization to use force.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-09 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-09-10T22:01:55Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Condemns the terrorist acts of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), including the barbaric murders of James Foley and Steven Sotloff.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Mourns the deaths of James Foley and Steven Sotloff and expresses the Senate's condolences to their families.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Salutes James Foley and Steven Sotloff for their courageous pursuit of journalistic excellence under the most dangerous of conditions.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Supports efforts to bring to justice those responsible for the murders of James Foley and Steven Sotloff. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Demands the release of all hostages being held by ISIL. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Calls on the United States and the international community, working in partnership with the governments and citizens of the Middle East, to address the ISIL threat. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;States that nothing in this resolution shall be construed as a declaration of war or authorization to use force.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution expressing the condolences of the Senate to the families of James Foley and Steven Sotloff, and condemning the terrorist acts of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing the condolences of the Senate to the families of James Foley and Steven Sotloff, and condemning the terrorist acts of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing the condolences of the Senate to the families of James Foley and Steven Sotloff, and condemning the terrorist acts of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-09-09T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres538ats/xml/BILLS-113sres538ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-09-09 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5461; text as passed Senate: CR S5436) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-09", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5461; text as passed Senate: CR S5436)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2014-09-09", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5461; text as passed Senate: CR S5436)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-09-09", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "B00100", "action_date": "2014-09-08", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR S5363)", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "A000368", "district": null, "first_name": "Kelly", "full_name": "Sen. Ayotte, Kelly [R-NH]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Ayotte", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-09", "state": "NH" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000032", "district": null, "first_name": "CLARENCE", "full_name": "Sen. Nelson, Bill [D-FL]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "NELSON", "middle_name": "WILLIAM", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-09", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000595", "district": null, "first_name": "Marco", "full_name": "Sen. Rubio, Marco [R-FL]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Rubio", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-09", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000639", "district": null, "first_name": "Robert", "full_name": "Sen. Menendez, Robert [D-NJ]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Menendez", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-09", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001088", "district": null, "first_name": "Christopher", "full_name": "Sen. Coons, Christopher A. [D-DE]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Coons", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-10", "state": "DE" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-09-09", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-09", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5461; text as passed Senate: CR S5436)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 538, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "International Affairs", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 113, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-11", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs.", "type": null }, "number": 720, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Identical bill" } ], "title": "Expressing the condolences of the House of Representatives to the families of James Foley and Steven Sotloff, and condemning the terrorist acts of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.", "type": "HRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "S001181", "district": null, "first_name": "Jeanne", "full_name": "Sen. Shaheen, Jeanne [D-NH]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Shaheen", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "NH" } ], "subjects": [ "Conflicts and wars", "Congressional tributes", "Criminal investigation, prosecution, interrogation", "International organizations and cooperation", "Iraq", "Middle East", "News media and reporting", "Syria", "Terrorism" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-09-09", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Condemns the terrorist acts of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), including the barbaric murders of James Foley and Steven Sotloff.</p> <p> Mourns the deaths of James Foley and Steven Sotloff and expresses the Senate's condolences to their families.</p> <p> Salutes James Foley and Steven Sotloff for their courageous pursuit of journalistic excellence under the most dangerous of conditions.</p> <p> Supports efforts to bring to justice those responsible for the murders of James Foley and Steven Sotloff. </p> <p>Demands the release of all hostages being held by ISIL. </p> <p>Calls on the United States and the international community, working in partnership with the governments and citizens of the Middle East, to address the ISIL threat. </p> <p>States that nothing in this resolution shall be construed as a declaration of war or authorization to use force.</p>", "update_date": "2014-09-10T22:01:41Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2014-09-09", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Condemns the terrorist acts of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), including the barbaric murders of James Foley and Steven Sotloff.</p> <p> Mourns the deaths of James Foley and Steven Sotloff and expresses the Senate's condolences to their families.</p> <p> Salutes James Foley and Steven Sotloff for their courageous pursuit of journalistic excellence under the most dangerous of conditions.</p> <p> Supports efforts to bring to justice those responsible for the murders of James Foley and Steven Sotloff. </p> <p>Demands the release of all hostages being held by ISIL. </p> <p>Calls on the United States and the international community, working in partnership with the governments and citizens of the Middle East, to address the ISIL threat. </p> <p>States that nothing in this resolution shall be construed as a declaration of war or authorization to use force.</p>", "update_date": "2014-09-10T22:01:55Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-09-09T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres538ats/xml/BILLS-113sres538ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution expressing the condolences of the Senate to the families of James Foley and Steven Sotloff, and condemning the terrorist acts of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the condolences of the Senate to the families of James Foley and Steven Sotloff, and condemning the terrorist acts of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the condolences of the Senate to the families of James Foley and Steven Sotloff, and condemning the terrorist acts of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2019-02-20T12:29:00Z", "update_date_including_text": "2022-11-04T17:20:27Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-09-09T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres538ats/xml/BILLS-113sres538ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres538ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres538ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-06T23:17:02.269", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-538", "legis_num": 538, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-538-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 538 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES September 9, 2014 Mrs. Shaheen (for herself, Ms. Ayotte , Mr. Nelson , Mr. Rubio , and Mr. Menendez ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Expressing the condolences of the Senate to the families of James Foley and Steven Sotloff, and condemning the terrorist acts of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.\n\nWhereas James Foley and Steven Sotloff were highly respected journalists whose integrity and dedication were a credit to their profession; Whereas James Foley and Steven Sotloff embodied the spirit of our Nation’s First Amendment liberties, including the freedom of the press; Whereas James Foley and Steven Sotloff made significant contributions to our Nation through their courageous reporting of events in Libya, Syria, and elsewhere; Whereas the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) is a terrorist organization responsible for committing barbaric acts against United States citizens; Whereas ISIL continues to hold hostages in blatant contravention of international law; Whereas ISIL has committed despicable acts of violence against Iraqi Christians, forcing many to flee their ancient homeland; Whereas ISIL has committed despicable acts of violence against Muslims who do not subscribe to ISIL’s depraved, violent, and oppressive ideology; Whereas ISIL has threatened to decimate the ancient Yazidi population of Iraq while abducting Yazidi women and children and subjecting them to rape, forced marriage, and slavery; Whereas ISIL has targeted many other religious and ethnic minority groups, including Turkmen populations; and Whereas ISIL threatens to conduct terrorist attacks internationally: Now, therefore, be it\n\n1. Sense of the Senate The Senate— (1) strongly condemns the terrorist acts of ISIL, including the barbaric and deplorable murders of James Foley and Steven Sotloff; (2) mourns the deaths of James Foley and Steven Sotloff and expresses its condolences to their families; (3) salutes James Foley and Steven Sotloff for their unwavering and courageous pursuit of journalistic excellence under the most difficult and dangerous of conditions; (4) supports efforts to vigorously pursue and bring to justice those responsible for the murders of James Foley and Steven Sotloff; (5) demands the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages being held by ISIL; and (6) calls on the United States and the international community, working in partnership with the governments and citizens of the Middle East, to address the threat posed by ISIL. 2. Rule of construction Nothing in this resolution shall be construed as a declaration of war or authorization to use force.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 538 ATS: Expressing the condolences of the Senate to the families of James Foley and Steven Sotloff, and condemning the terrorist acts of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-09-09\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 538\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140909\">\n September 9, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S324\">\n Mrs. Shaheen\n </sponsor>\n (for herself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S340\">\n Ms. Ayotte\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S282\">\n Mr. Nelson\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S350\">\n Mr. Rubio\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S306\">\n Mr. Menendez\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Expressing the condolences of the Senate to the families of James Foley and Steven Sotloff, and\n\t\t\t condemning the terrorist acts of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas James Foley and Steven Sotloff were highly respected journalists whose integrity and\n\t\t\t dedication were a credit to their profession;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas James Foley and Steven Sotloff embodied the spirit of our Nation’s First Amendment\n\t\t\t liberties, including the freedom of the press;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas James Foley and Steven Sotloff made significant contributions to our Nation through their\n\t\t\t courageous reporting of events in Libya, Syria, and elsewhere;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) is a terrorist organization responsible for\n\t\t\t committing barbaric acts against United States citizens;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas ISIL continues to hold hostages in blatant contravention of international law;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas ISIL has committed despicable acts of violence against Iraqi Christians, forcing many to\n\t\t\t flee their ancient homeland;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas ISIL has committed despicable acts of violence against Muslims who do not subscribe to\n\t\t\t ISIL’s depraved, violent, and oppressive ideology;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas ISIL has threatened to decimate the ancient Yazidi population of Iraq while abducting\n\t\t\t Yazidi women and children and subjecting them to rape, forced marriage,\n\t\t\t and slavery;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas ISIL has targeted many other religious and ethnic minority groups, including Turkmen\n\t\t\t populations; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas ISIL threatens to conduct terrorist attacks internationally: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section id=\"id01A3D7A07E644EC596EB0BEBD1C6DCF2\" section-type=\"section-one\">\n <enum>\n 1.\n </enum>\n <header>\n Sense of the Senate\n </header>\n <text display-inline=\"no-display-inline\">\n The Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"id9acd28c488bb4e1ab6eb34e590be871d\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n strongly condemns the terrorist acts of ISIL, including the barbaric and deplorable murders of\n\t\t\t James Foley and Steven Sotloff;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idd3dbddbcb1ec4f368d44d8f5fd887dc3\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n mourns the deaths of James Foley and Steven Sotloff and expresses its condolences to their\n\t\t\t families;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id23d1e63114a446a2b698bcd5a2f7e9f1\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n salutes James Foley and Steven Sotloff for their unwavering and courageous pursuit of journalistic\n\t\t\t excellence under the most difficult and dangerous of conditions;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id470b7b2b18c344cbb1a52c9a6a686a5c\">\n <enum>\n (4)\n </enum>\n <text>\n supports efforts to vigorously pursue and bring to justice those responsible for the murders of\n\t\t\t James Foley and Steven Sotloff;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"ida487cedd220c4b7b9dca17d33498bb25\">\n <enum>\n (5)\n </enum>\n <text>\n demands the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages being held by ISIL; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id1ceb206d9346434cace141511cb8d089\">\n <enum>\n (6)\n </enum>\n <text>\n calls on the United States and the international community, working in partnership with the\n\t\t\t governments and citizens of the Middle East, to address the threat posed\n\t\t\t by ISIL.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n <section id=\"id8DBCCC59F35D46DF83D52E373165F7CE\">\n <enum>\n 2.\n </enum>\n <header>\n Rule of construction\n </header>\n <text display-inline=\"no-display-inline\">\n Nothing in this resolution shall be construed as a declaration of war or authorization to use\n\t\t\t force.\n </text>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-05 00:47:27.761
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 539 </number> <updateDate> 2022-01-05T18:14:22Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2022-11-04T17:20:28Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-09-09 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-09 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5461; text as passed Senate: CR S5436) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-09 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5461; text as passed Senate: CR S5436) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-09 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> L000174 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Leahy, Patrick J. [D-VT] </fullName> <firstName> Patrick </firstName> <lastName> Leahy </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VT </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> S000033 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Sanders, Bernard [I-VT] </fullName> <firstName> Bernard </firstName> <lastName> Sanders </lastName> <party> I </party> <state> VT </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000146 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Reid, Harry [D-NV] </fullName> <firstName> HARRY </firstName> <lastName> REID </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NV </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000355 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. McConnell, Mitch [R-KY] </fullName> <firstName> Mitch </firstName> <lastName> McConnell </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KY </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> A000360 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Alexander, Lamar [R-TN] </fullName> <firstName> Lamar </firstName> <lastName> Alexander </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TN </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> A000368 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Ayotte, Kelly [R-NH] </fullName> <firstName> Kelly </firstName> <lastName> Ayotte </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001230 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Baldwin, Tammy [D-WI] </fullName> <firstName> Tammy </firstName> <lastName> Baldwin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WI </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001261 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Barrasso, John [R-WY] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Barrasso </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> WY </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001265 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Begich, Mark [D-AK] </fullName> <firstName> Mark </firstName> <lastName> Begich </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AK </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001267 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Bennet, Michael F. [D-CO] </fullName> <firstName> Michael </firstName> <lastName> Bennet </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CO </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001277 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Blumenthal, Richard [D-CT] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Blumenthal </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CT </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000575 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Blunt, Roy [R-MO] </fullName> <firstName> Roy </firstName> <lastName> Blunt </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MO </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001288 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Booker, Cory A. [D-NJ] </fullName> <firstName> Cory </firstName> <lastName> Booker </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001236 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Boozman, John [R-AR] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Boozman </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AR </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000711 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Boxer, Barbara [D-CA] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> BOXER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000944 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Brown, Sherrod [D-OH] </fullName> <firstName> Sherrod </firstName> <lastName> Brown </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001135 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Burr, Richard [R-NC] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Burr </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NC </state> <middleName> Mauze </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000127 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cantwell, Maria [D-WA] </fullName> <firstName> Maria </firstName> <lastName> Cantwell </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000141 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cardin, Benjamin L. [D-MD] </fullName> <firstName> Ben </firstName> <lastName> Cardin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000174 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Carper, Thomas R. [D-DE] </fullName> <firstName> Thomas </firstName> <lastName> Carper </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> DE </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001070 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Casey, Robert P., Jr. [D-PA] </fullName> <firstName> Bob </firstName> <lastName> Casey </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> PA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000286 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Chambliss, Saxby [R-GA] </fullName> <firstName> SAXBY </firstName> <lastName> CHAMBLISS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> GA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000542 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Coats, Daniel [R-IN] </fullName> <firstName> DANIEL </firstName> <lastName> COATS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IN </state> <middleName> RAY </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000560 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Coburn, Tom [R-OK] </fullName> <firstName> TOM </firstName> <lastName> COBURN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OK </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000567 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cochran, Thad [R-MS] </fullName> <firstName> Thad </firstName> <lastName> Cochran </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MS </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001035 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Collins, Susan M. [R-ME] </fullName> <firstName> Susan </firstName> <lastName> Collins </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ME </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001088 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Coons, Christopher A. [D-DE] </fullName> <firstName> Christopher </firstName> <lastName> Coons </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> DE </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001071 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Corker, Bob [R-TN] </fullName> <firstName> Bob </firstName> <lastName> Corker </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TN </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001056 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cornyn, John [R-TX] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Cornyn </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TX </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000880 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Crapo, Mike [R-ID] </fullName> <firstName> Mike </firstName> <lastName> Crapo </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ID </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001098 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cruz, Ted [R-TX] </fullName> <firstName> Ted </firstName> <lastName> Cruz </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TX </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000607 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Donnelly, Joe [D-IN] </fullName> <firstName> Joe </firstName> <lastName> Donnelly </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IN </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000563 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Durbin, Richard J. [D-IL] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Durbin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> E000285 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Enzi, Michael B. [R-WY] </fullName> <firstName> MICHAEL </firstName> <lastName> ENZI </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> WY </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000062 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA] </fullName> <firstName> Dianne </firstName> <lastName> Feinstein </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000463 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Fischer, Deb [R-NE] </fullName> <firstName> Deb </firstName> <lastName> Fischer </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NE </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000444 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Flake, Jeff [R-AZ] </fullName> <firstName> JEFF </firstName> <lastName> FLAKE </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AZ </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000457 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Franken, Al [D-MN] </fullName> <firstName> Al </firstName> <lastName> Franken </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MN </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000555 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Gillibrand, Kirsten E. [D-NY] </fullName> <firstName> Kirsten </firstName> <lastName> Gillibrand </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000359 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Graham, Lindsey [R-SC] </fullName> <firstName> Lindsey </firstName> <lastName> Graham </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> SC </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000386 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Grassley, Chuck [R-IA] </fullName> <firstName> Charles </firstName> <lastName> Grassley </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IA </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001049 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hagan, Kay R. [D-NC] </fullName> <firstName> Kay </firstName> <lastName> Hagan </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NC </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000206 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Harkin, Tom [D-IA] </fullName> <firstName> THOMAS </firstName> <lastName> HARKIN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IA </state> <middleName> RICHARD </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000338 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hatch, Orrin G. [R-UT] </fullName> <firstName> ORRIN </firstName> <lastName> HATCH </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> UT </state> <middleName> GRANT </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001046 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Heinrich, Martin [D-NM] </fullName> <firstName> Martin </firstName> <lastName> Heinrich </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NM </state> <middleName> T. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001069 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Heitkamp, Heidi [D-ND] </fullName> <firstName> Heidi </firstName> <lastName> Heitkamp </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> ND </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001041 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Heller, Dean [R-NV] </fullName> <firstName> Dean </firstName> <lastName> Heller </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NV </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001042 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hirono, Mazie K. [D-HI] </fullName> <firstName> Mazie </firstName> <lastName> Hirono </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> HI </state> <middleName> K. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001061 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hoeven, John [R-ND] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Hoeven </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ND </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> I000024 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Inhofe, James M. [R-OK] </fullName> <firstName> Jim </firstName> <lastName> Inhofe </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OK </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> I000055 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Isakson, Johnny [R-GA] </fullName> <firstName> Johnny </firstName> <lastName> Isakson </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> GA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000291 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Johanns, Mike [R-NE] </fullName> <firstName> Mike </firstName> <lastName> Johanns </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NE </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000293 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Johnson, Ron [R-WI] </fullName> <firstName> Ron </firstName> <lastName> Johnson </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> WI </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000177 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Johnson, Tim [D-SD] </fullName> <firstName> TIM </firstName> <lastName> JOHNSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> SD </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000384 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Kaine, Tim [D-VA] </fullName> <firstName> Timothy </firstName> <lastName> Kaine </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000383 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. King, Angus S., Jr. [I-ME] </fullName> <firstName> Angus </firstName> <lastName> King </lastName> <party> I </party> <state> ME </state> <middleName> S. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000360 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Kirk, Mark Steven [R-IL] </fullName> <firstName> MARK </firstName> <lastName> KIRK </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> STEVEN </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000367 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Klobuchar, Amy [D-MN] </fullName> <firstName> Amy </firstName> <lastName> Klobuchar </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MN </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000550 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Landrieu, Mary L. [D-LA] </fullName> <firstName> MARY </firstName> <lastName> LANDRIEU </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> LA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000577 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Lee, Mike [R-UT] </fullName> <firstName> Mike </firstName> <lastName> Lee </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> UT </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000261 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Levin, Carl [D-MI] </fullName> <firstName> CARL </firstName> <lastName> LEVIN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <middleName> MILTON </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001183 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Manchin, Joe, III [D-WV] </fullName> <firstName> Joseph </firstName> <lastName> Manchin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WV </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000133 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Markey, Edward J. [D-MA] </fullName> <firstName> Edward </firstName> <lastName> Markey </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000303 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. McCain, John [R-AZ] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> MCCAIN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AZ </state> <middleName> SIDNEY </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001170 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. McCaskill, Claire [D-MO] </fullName> <firstName> Claire </firstName> <lastName> McCaskill </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MO </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000639 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Menendez, Robert [D-NJ] </fullName> <firstName> Robert </firstName> <lastName> Menendez </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001176 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Merkley, Jeff [D-OR] </fullName> <firstName> Jeff </firstName> <lastName> Merkley </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OR </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000702 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Mikulski, Barbara A. [D-MD] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> MIKULSKI </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> ANN </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000934 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Moran, Jerry [R-KS] </fullName> <firstName> Jerry </firstName> <lastName> Moran </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KS </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001153 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Murkowski, Lisa [R-AK] </fullName> <firstName> Lisa </firstName> <lastName> Murkowski </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AK </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001169 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Murphy, Christopher [D-CT] </fullName> <firstName> Christopher </firstName> <lastName> Murphy </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CT </state> <middleName> S. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001111 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Murray, Patty [D-WA] </fullName> <firstName> Patty </firstName> <lastName> Murray </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> N000032 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Nelson, Bill [D-FL] </fullName> <firstName> CLARENCE </firstName> <lastName> NELSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <middleName> WILLIAM </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000603 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Paul, Rand [R-KY] </fullName> <firstName> Rand </firstName> <lastName> Paul </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KY </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000449 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Portman, Rob [R-OH] </fullName> <firstName> Rob </firstName> <lastName> Portman </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000590 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Pryor, Mark L. [D-AR] </fullName> <firstName> Mark </firstName> <lastName> Pryor </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AR </state> <middleName> Lunsford </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000122 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Reed, Jack [D-RI] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Reed </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> RI </state> <middleName> F. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000584 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Risch, James E. [R-ID] </fullName> <firstName> James </firstName> <lastName> Risch </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ID </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000307 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Roberts, Pat [R-KS] </fullName> <firstName> PAT </firstName> <lastName> ROBERTS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KS </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000361 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Rockefeller, John D., IV [D-WV] </fullName> <firstName> JAY </firstName> <lastName> ROCKEFELLER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WV </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000595 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Rubio, Marco [R-FL] </fullName> <firstName> Marco </firstName> <lastName> Rubio </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001194 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Schatz, Brian [D-HI] </fullName> <firstName> Brian </firstName> <lastName> Schatz </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> HI </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000148 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Schumer, Charles E. [D-NY] </fullName> <firstName> Charles </firstName> <lastName> Schumer </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001184 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Scott, Tim [R-SC] </fullName> <firstName> Tim </firstName> <lastName> Scott </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> SC </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001141 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Sessions, Jeff [R-AL] </fullName> <firstName> Jeff </firstName> <lastName> Sessions </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AL </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001181 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Shaheen, Jeanne [D-NH] </fullName> <firstName> Jeanne </firstName> <lastName> Shaheen </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000320 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Shelby, Richard C. [R-AL] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Shelby </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AL </state> <middleName> C. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000770 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Stabenow, Debbie [D-MI] </fullName> <firstName> Debbie </firstName> <lastName> Stabenow </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000464 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Tester, Jon [D-MT] </fullName> <firstName> Jon </firstName> <lastName> Tester </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MT </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000250 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Thune, John [R-SD] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Thune </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> SD </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000461 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Toomey, Patrick [R-PA] </fullName> <firstName> Patrick </firstName> <lastName> Toomey </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> PA </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> U000038 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Udall, Mark [D-CO] </fullName> <firstName> MARK </firstName> <lastName> UDALL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CO </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> U000039 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Udall, Tom [D-NM] </fullName> <firstName> TOM </firstName> <lastName> UDALL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NM </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> V000127 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Vitter, David [R-LA] </fullName> <firstName> David </firstName> <lastName> Vitter </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> LA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000818 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Walsh, John E. [D-MT] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Walsh </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MT </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000805 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Warner, Mark R. [D-VA] </fullName> <firstName> Mark </firstName> <lastName> Warner </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000817 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Warren, Elizabeth [D-MA] </fullName> <firstName> Elizabeth </firstName> <lastName> Warren </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000802 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Whitehouse, Sheldon [D-RI] </fullName> <firstName> Sheldon </firstName> <lastName> Whitehouse </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> RI </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000437 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Wicker, Roger F. [R-MS] </fullName> <firstName> Roger </firstName> <lastName> Wicker </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MS </state> <middleName> F. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000779 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Wyden, Ron [D-OR] </fullName> <firstName> Ron </firstName> <lastName> Wyden </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OR </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Congress </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Members of Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Senate </name> </item> <item> <name> Vermont </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Congress </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-09 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-09-11T20:51:00Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Declares that the Senate has heard with profound sorrow and deep regret the announcement of the death of the Honorable James M. Jeffords, former member of the United States Senate.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Declares that when the Senate adjourns September 9, 2014, it stand adjourned as a further mark of respect to the memory of Senator Jeffords.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;BR&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-09 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-09-11T20:51:11Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Declares that the Senate has heard with profound sorrow and deep regret the announcement of the death of the Honorable James M. Jeffords, former member of the United States Senate.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Declares that when the Senate adjourns September 9, 2014, it stand adjourned as a further mark of respect to the memory of Senator Jeffords.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;BR&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution relative to the death of James M. Jeffords, former United States Senator for the State of Vermont. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution relative to the death of James M. Jeffords, former United States Senator for the State of Vermont. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution relative to the death of James M. Jeffords, former United States Senator for the State of Vermont. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-09-09T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres539ats/xml/BILLS-113sres539ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-09-09 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5461; text as passed Senate: CR S5436) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-09", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5461; text as passed Senate: CR S5436)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2014-09-09", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5461; text as passed Senate: CR S5436)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-09-09", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "S000033", "district": null, "first_name": "Bernard", "full_name": "Sen. Sanders, Bernard [I-VT]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Sanders", "middle_name": null, "party": "I", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-09", "state": "VT" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000146", "district": null, "first_name": "HARRY", "full_name": "Sen. Reid, Harry [D-NV]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "REID", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-09", "state": "NV" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000355", "district": null, "first_name": "Mitch", "full_name": "Sen. McConnell, Mitch [R-KY]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "McConnell", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-09", "state": "KY" }, { "bioguide_id": "A000360", "district": null, "first_name": "Lamar", "full_name": "Sen. Alexander, Lamar [R-TN]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Alexander", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-09", "state": "TN" }, { "bioguide_id": "A000368", "district": null, "first_name": "Kelly", "full_name": "Sen. Ayotte, Kelly [R-NH]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Ayotte", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-09", "state": "NH" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001230", "district": null, "first_name": "Tammy", "full_name": "Sen. Baldwin, Tammy [D-WI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Baldwin", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-09", "state": "WI" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001261", "district": null, "first_name": "John", "full_name": "Sen. Barrasso, John [R-WY]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Barrasso", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-09", "state": "WY" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001265", "district": null, "first_name": "Mark", "full_name": "Sen. Begich, Mark [D-AK]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Begich", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-09", "state": "AK" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001267", "district": null, "first_name": "Michael", "full_name": "Sen. Bennet, Michael F. [D-CO]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Bennet", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-09", "state": "CO" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001277", "district": null, "first_name": "Richard", "full_name": "Sen. 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A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-09-09", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-09", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5461; text as passed Senate: CR S5436)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 539, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Congress", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "L000174", "district": null, "first_name": "Patrick", "full_name": "Sen. Leahy, Patrick J. [D-VT]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Leahy", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "VT" } ], "subjects": [ "Congressional tributes", "Members of Congress", "Senate", "Vermont" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-09-09", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Declares that the Senate has heard with profound sorrow and deep regret the announcement of the death of the Honorable James M. Jeffords, former member of the United States Senate.</p> <p>Declares that when the Senate adjourns September 9, 2014, it stand adjourned as a further mark of respect to the memory of Senator Jeffords.</p> <BR>", "update_date": "2014-09-11T20:51:00Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2014-09-09", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Declares that the Senate has heard with profound sorrow and deep regret the announcement of the death of the Honorable James M. Jeffords, former member of the United States Senate.</p> <p>Declares that when the Senate adjourns September 9, 2014, it stand adjourned as a further mark of respect to the memory of Senator Jeffords.</p> <BR>", "update_date": "2014-09-11T20:51:11Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-09-09T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres539ats/xml/BILLS-113sres539ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution relative to the death of James M. Jeffords, former United States Senator for the State of Vermont.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution relative to the death of James M. Jeffords, former United States Senator for the State of Vermont.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution relative to the death of James M. Jeffords, former United States Senator for the State of Vermont.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2022-01-05T18:14:22Z", "update_date_including_text": "2022-11-04T17:20:28Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-09-09T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres539ats/xml/BILLS-113sres539ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres539ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres539ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-06T23:17:02.498", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-539", "legis_num": 539, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-539-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 539 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES September 9, 2014 Mr. Leahy (for himself, Mr. Sanders , Mr. Reid , Mr. McConnell , Mr. Alexander , Ms. Ayotte , Ms. Baldwin , Mr. Barrasso , Mr. Begich , Mr. Bennet , Mr. Blumenthal , Mr. Blunt , Mr. Booker , Mr. Boozman , Mrs. Boxer , Mr. Brown , Mr. Burr , Ms. Cantwell , Mr. Cardin , Mr. Carper , Mr. Casey , Mr. Chambliss , Mr. Coats , Mr. Coburn , Mr. Cochran , Ms. Collins , Mr. Coons , Mr. Corker , Mr. Cornyn , Mr. Crapo , Mr. Cruz , Mr. Donnelly , Mr. Durbin , Mr. Enzi , Mrs. Feinstein , Mrs. Fischer , Mr. Flake , Mr. Franken , Mrs. Gillibrand , Mr. Graham , Mr. Grassley , Mrs. Hagan , Mr. Harkin , Mr. Hatch , Mr. Heinrich , Ms. Heitkamp , Mr. Heller , Ms. Hirono , Mr. Hoeven , Mr. Inhofe , Mr. Isakson , Mr. Johanns , Mr. Johnson of Wisconsin , Mr. Johnson of South Dakota , Mr. Kaine , Mr. King , Mr. Kirk , Ms. Klobuchar , Ms. Landrieu , Mr. Lee , Mr. Levin , Mr. Manchin , Mr. Markey , Mr. McCain , Mrs. McCaskill , Mr. Menendez , Mr. Merkley , Ms. Mikulski , Mr. Moran , Ms. Murkowski , Mr. Murphy , Mrs. Murray , Mr. Nelson , Mr. Paul , Mr. Portman , Mr. Pryor , Mr. Reed , Mr. Risch , Mr. Roberts , Mr. Rockefeller , Mr. Rubio , Mr. Schatz , Mr. Schumer , Mr. Scott , Mr. Sessions , Mrs. Shaheen , Mr. Shelby , Ms. Stabenow , Mr. Tester , Mr. Thune , Mr. Toomey , Mr. Udall of Colorado , Mr. Udall of New Mexico , Mr. Vitter , Mr. Walsh , Mr. Warner , Ms. Warren , Mr. Whitehouse , Mr. Wicker , and Mr. Wyden ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Relative to the death of James M. Jeffords, former United States Senator for the State of Vermont.\n\nWhereas James M. Jeffords was born in the state of Vermont, and graduated Yale University and Harvard Law School; Whereas James M. Jeffords served in the United States Navy from 1956 to 1959 and later in the Naval Reserve, retiring as captain; Whereas James M. Jeffords began his service to his beloved state of Vermont by serving in the Vermont Senate from 1967 to 1968 and as Vermont Attorney General from 1969 to 1973; Whereas James M. Jeffords was first elected to the United States House of Representatives in 1974 and served seven terms as Representative from the State of Vermont; Whereas in 1988, James M. Jeffords was first elected to the United States Senate and faithfully served the people of the State of Vermont for three terms as a Senator; Whereas James M. Jeffords held a lifetime voting percentage of 96.2, casting over 5,800 votes over 18 years; Whereas James M. Jeffords served as the Chairman of the Committee on Labor and Human Resources, the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, and the Committee on Environment and Public Works: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate has heard with profound sorrow and deep regret the announcement of the death of the Honorable James M. Jeffords, former member of the United States Senate. That the Secretary of the Senate communicate these resolutions to the House of Representatives and transmit an enrolled copy thereof to the family of the deceased. That when the Senate adjourns today, it stand adjourned as a further mark of respect to the memory of the Honorable James M. Jeffords.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 539 ATS: Relative to the death of James M. Jeffords, former United States Senator for the State of Vermont.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-09-09\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 539\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140909\">\n September 9, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S057\">\n Mr. Leahy\n </sponsor>\n (for himself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S313\">\n Mr. Sanders\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S198\">\n Mr. Reid\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S174\">\n Mr. McConnell\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S289\">\n Mr. Alexander\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S340\">\n Ms. Ayotte\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S354\">\n Ms. Baldwin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S317\">\n Mr. Barrasso\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S319\">\n Mr. Begich\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S330\">\n Mr. Bennet\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S341\">\n Mr. Blumenthal\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S342\">\n Mr. Blunt\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S370\">\n Mr. Booker\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S343\">\n Mr. Boozman\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S223\">\n Mrs. Boxer\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S307\">\n Mr. Brown\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S300\">\n Mr. Burr\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S275\">\n Ms. Cantwell\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S308\">\n Mr. Cardin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S277\">\n Mr. Carper\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S309\">\n Mr. Casey\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S290\">\n Mr. Chambliss\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S212\">\n Mr. Coats\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S301\">\n Mr. Coburn\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S136\">\n Mr. Cochran\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S252\">\n Ms. Collins\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S337\">\n Mr. Coons\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S310\">\n Mr. Corker\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S287\">\n Mr. Cornyn\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S266\">\n Mr. Crapo\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S355\">\n Mr. Cruz\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S356\">\n Mr. Donnelly\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S253\">\n Mr. Durbin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S254\">\n Mr. Enzi\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S221\">\n Mrs. Feinstein\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S357\">\n Mrs. Fischer\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S358\">\n Mr. Flake\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S332\">\n Mr. Franken\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S331\">\n Mrs. Gillibrand\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S293\">\n Mr. Graham\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S153\">\n Mr. Grassley\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S320\">\n Mrs. Hagan\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S172\">\n Mr. Harkin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S118\">\n Mr. Hatch\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S359\">\n Mr. Heinrich\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S360\">\n Ms. Heitkamp\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S352\">\n Mr. Heller\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S361\">\n Ms. Hirono\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S344\">\n Mr. Hoeven\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S236\">\n Mr. Inhofe\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S305\">\n Mr. Isakson\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S321\">\n Mr. Johanns\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S345\">\n Mr. Johnson of Wisconsin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S257\">\n Mr. Johnson of South Dakota\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S362\">\n Mr. Kaine\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S363\">\n Mr. King\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S339\">\n Mr. Kirk\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S311\">\n Ms. Klobuchar\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S258\">\n Ms. Landrieu\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S346\">\n Mr. Lee\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S131\">\n Mr. Levin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S338\">\n Mr. Manchin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S369\">\n Mr. Markey\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S197\">\n Mr. McCain\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S312\">\n Mrs. McCaskill\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S306\">\n Mr. Menendez\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S322\">\n Mr. Merkley\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S182\">\n Ms. Mikulski\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S347\">\n Mr. Moran\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S288\">\n Ms. Murkowski\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S364\">\n Mr. Murphy\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S229\">\n Mrs. Murray\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S282\">\n Mr. Nelson\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S348\">\n Mr. Paul\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S349\">\n Mr. Portman\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S295\">\n Mr. Pryor\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S259\">\n Mr. Reed\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S323\">\n Mr. Risch\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S260\">\n Mr. Roberts\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S176\">\n Mr. Rockefeller\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S350\">\n Mr. Rubio\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S353\">\n Mr. Schatz\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S270\">\n Mr. Schumer\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S365\">\n Mr. Scott\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S261\">\n Mr. Sessions\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S324\">\n Mrs. Shaheen\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S184\">\n Mr. Shelby\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S284\">\n Ms. Stabenow\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S314\">\n Mr. Tester\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S303\">\n Mr. Thune\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S351\">\n Mr. Toomey\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S325\">\n Mr. Udall of Colorado\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S326\">\n Mr. Udall of New Mexico\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S299\">\n Mr. Vitter\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S371\">\n Mr. Walsh\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S327\">\n Mr. Warner\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S366\">\n Ms. Warren\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S316\">\n Mr. Whitehouse\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S318\">\n Mr. Wicker\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S247\">\n Mr. Wyden\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Relative to the death of James M. Jeffords, former United States Senator for the State of Vermont.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas James M. Jeffords was born in the state of Vermont, and graduated Yale University and\n\t\t\t Harvard Law School;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas James M. Jeffords served in the United States Navy from 1956 to 1959 and later in the Naval\n\t\t\t Reserve, retiring as captain;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas James M. Jeffords began his service to his beloved state of Vermont by serving in the\n\t\t\t Vermont Senate from 1967 to 1968 and as Vermont Attorney General from 1969\n\t\t\t to 1973;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas James M. Jeffords was first elected to the United States House of Representatives in 1974\n\t\t\t and served seven terms as Representative from the State of Vermont;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas in 1988, James M. Jeffords was first elected to the United States Senate and faithfully\n\t\t\t served the people of the State of Vermont for three terms as a Senator;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas James M. Jeffords held a lifetime voting percentage of 96.2, casting over 5,800 votes over\n\t\t\t 18 years;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas James M. Jeffords served as the Chairman of the Committee on Labor and Human Resources, the\n\t\t\t Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, and the Committee on\n\t\t\t Environment and Public Works: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate has heard with profound sorrow and deep regret the announcement of the death of the\n\t\t\t Honorable James M. Jeffords, former member of the United States Senate.\n </text>\n </section>\n <section id=\"idCA4621DF9D0C458DB98ED5476905187F\" section-type=\"resolved\">\n <text display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\">\n That the Secretary of the Senate communicate these resolutions to the House of Representatives and\n\t\t\t transmit an enrolled copy thereof to the family of the deceased.\n </text>\n </section>\n <section id=\"id2C9BD73E45374994B8FF3BE00A4AABD2\" section-type=\"resolved\">\n <text display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\">\n That when the Senate adjourns today, it stand adjourned as a further mark of respect to the memory\n\t\t\t of the Honorable James M. Jeffords.\n </text>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-06 01:38:11.317
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 540 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-11T13:25:24Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-11T13:25:24Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-09-10 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Reported by </name> <date> 2014-09-18T23:59:45Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Markup by </name> <date> 2014-09-18T18:00:00Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2014-09-10T22:22:18Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-12-03 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S6306-6307; text as passed Senate: CR S6306-6307) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-12-03 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S6306-6307; text as passed Senate: CR S6306-6307) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 576. </text> <type> Calendars </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Committee on Foreign Relations. Reported by Senator Menendez without amendment. Without written report. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <text> Committee on Foreign Relations. Reported by Senator Menendez without amendment. Without written report. </text> <type> Committee </type> <actionCode> 14000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Committee on Foreign Relations. Ordered to be reported without amendment favorably. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-10 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S5511) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-10 </actionDate> <text> Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR S5511-5512) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> B00100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-10 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> C000141 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cardin, Benjamin L. [D-MD] </fullName> <firstName> Ben </firstName> <lastName> Cardin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> M000303 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. McCain, John [R-AZ] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> MCCAIN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AZ </state> <middleName> SIDNEY </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000595 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Rubio, Marco [R-FL] </fullName> <firstName> Marco </firstName> <lastName> Rubio </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001181 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Shaheen, Jeanne [D-NH] </fullName> <firstName> Jeanne </firstName> <lastName> Shaheen </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000563 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Durbin, Richard J. [D-IL] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Durbin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-11-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Commemorative events and holidays </name> </item> <item> <name> Diplomacy, foreign officials, Americans abroad </name> </item> <item> <name> Foreign aid and international relief </name> </item> <item> <name> Human rights </name> </item> <item> <name> Protest and dissent </name> </item> <item> <name> Public-private cooperation </name> </item> <item> <name> Rule of law and government transparency </name> </item> <item> <name> Sovereignty, recognition, national governance and status </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-10 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-09-11T20:53:41Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Supports the goals of the International Day of Democracy.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Recognizes the importance of civil society to the healthy development of nations. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Reaffirms the commitment of the United States to the protection and advancement of democracy throughout the world. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Condemns the use of restrictions, coercion, threats, or force to impede the activities of civil society organizations. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Recognizes the important role diplomacy plays in defending global civil society and creating new openings for civic space.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 80 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Reported to Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-09-19T21:09:51Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Supports the goals of the International Day of Democracy.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Recognizes the importance of civil society to the healthy development of nations. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Reaffirms the commitment of the United States to the protection and advancement of democracy throughout the world. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Condemns the use of restrictions, coercion, threats, or force to impede the activities of civil society organizations. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Recognizes the important role diplomacy plays in defending global civil society and creating new openings for civic space.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-12-03 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-12-04T19:59:25Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Supports the goals of the International Day of Democracy.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Recognizes the importance of civil society to the healthy development of nations. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Reaffirms the commitment of the United States to the protection and advancement of democracy throughout the world. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Condemns the use of restrictions, coercion, threats, or force to impede the activities of civil society organizations. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Recognizes the important role diplomacy plays in defending global civil society and creating new openings for civic space.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution recognizing September 15, 2014, as the International Day of Democracy, affirming the role of civil society as a cornerstone of democracy, and encouraging all governments to stand with civil society in the face of mounting restrictions on civil society organizations. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution recognizing September 15, 2014, as the International Day of Democracy, affirming the role of civil society as a cornerstone of democracy, and encouraging all governments to stand with civil society in the face of mounting restrictions on civil society organizations. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution recognizing September 15, 2014, as the International Day of Democracy, affirming the role of civil society as a cornerstone of democracy, and encouraging all governments to stand with civil society in the face of mounting restrictions on civil society organizations. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-12-03T05:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres540ats/xml/BILLS-113sres540ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> <item> <type> Reported to Senate </type> <date> 2014-09-18T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres540rs/xml/BILLS-113sres540rs.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2014-09-10T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres540is/xml/BILLS-113sres540is.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-12-03 </actionDate> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S6306-6307; text as passed Senate: CR S6306-6307) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-12-03", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S6306-6307; text as passed Senate: CR S6306-6307)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2014-12-03", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S6306-6307; text as passed Senate: CR S6306-6307)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 576.", "type": "Calendars" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-18", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Committee on Foreign Relations. Reported by Senator Menendez without amendment. Without written report.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "14000", "action_date": "2014-09-18", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Committee on Foreign Relations. Reported by Senator Menendez without amendment. Without written report.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-18", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Committee on Foreign Relations. Ordered to be reported without amendment favorably.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-10", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S5511)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "B00100", "action_date": "2014-09-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR S5511-5512)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-09-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2014-09-18T23:59:45Z", "name": "Reported by" }, { "date": "2014-09-18T18:00:00Z", "name": "Markup by" }, { "date": "2014-09-10T22:22:18Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "M000303", "district": null, "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Sen. McCain, John [R-AZ]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MCCAIN", "middle_name": "SIDNEY", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-10", "state": "AZ" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000595", "district": null, "first_name": "Marco", "full_name": "Sen. Rubio, Marco [R-FL]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Rubio", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001181", "district": null, "first_name": "Jeanne", "full_name": "Sen. Shaheen, Jeanne [D-NH]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Shaheen", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "NH" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000563", "district": null, "first_name": "Richard", "full_name": "Sen. Durbin, Richard J. [D-IL]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Durbin", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-11-12", "state": "IL" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-09-10", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-12-03", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S6306-6307; text as passed Senate: CR S6306-6307)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 540, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "International Affairs", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "C000141", "district": null, "first_name": "Ben", "full_name": "Sen. Cardin, Benjamin L. 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The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Supports the goals of the International Day of Democracy.</p> <p> Recognizes the importance of civil society to the healthy development of nations. </p> <p>Reaffirms the commitment of the United States to the protection and advancement of democracy throughout the world. </p> <p>Condemns the use of restrictions, coercion, threats, or force to impede the activities of civil society organizations. </p> <p>Recognizes the important role diplomacy plays in defending global civil society and creating new openings for civic space.</p>", "update_date": "2014-09-19T21:09:51Z", "version_code": "80" }, { "action_date": "2014-12-03", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Supports the goals of the International Day of Democracy.</p> <p> Recognizes the importance of civil society to the healthy development of nations. </p> <p>Reaffirms the commitment of the United States to the protection and advancement of democracy throughout the world. </p> <p>Condemns the use of restrictions, coercion, threats, or force to impede the activities of civil society organizations. </p> <p>Recognizes the important role diplomacy plays in defending global civil society and creating new openings for civic space.</p>", "update_date": "2014-12-04T19:59:25Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-12-03T05:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres540ats/xml/BILLS-113sres540ats.xml" }, { "date": "2014-09-18T04:00:00Z", "type": "Reported to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres540rs/xml/BILLS-113sres540rs.xml" }, { "date": "2014-09-10T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres540is/xml/BILLS-113sres540is.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution recognizing September 15, 2014, as the International Day of Democracy, affirming the role of civil society as a cornerstone of democracy, and encouraging all governments to stand with civil society in the face of mounting restrictions on civil society organizations.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution recognizing September 15, 2014, as the International Day of Democracy, affirming the role of civil society as a cornerstone of democracy, and encouraging all governments to stand with civil society in the face of mounting restrictions on civil society organizations.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution recognizing September 15, 2014, as the International Day of Democracy, affirming the role of civil society as a cornerstone of democracy, and encouraging all governments to stand with civil society in the face of mounting restrictions on civil society organizations.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2023-01-11T13:25:24Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-11T13:25:24Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-09-10T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres540is/xml/BILLS-113sres540is.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres540is.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres540is.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-06T23:17:01.673", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-540", "legis_num": 540, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "is", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-540-is-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 540 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES September 10, 2014 Mr. Cardin (for himself and Mr. McCain ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations RESOLUTION Recognizing September 15, 2014, as the International Day of Democracy, affirming the role of civil society as a cornerstone of democracy, and encouraging all governments to stand with civil society in the face of mounting restrictions on civil society organizations.\n\nWhereas in 2007, September 15 of each year was established by the United Nations as the International Day of Democracy, a day set aside to review the state of democracy in the world; Whereas democracy is a means of government that makes manifest the free exercise of certain inalienable rights, among them being the freedom of assembly, the freedom of association, the freedom of the press, and the freedom of speech; Whereas democracy allows for participatory governance, mobilizing citizens to strive for their version of the good and instilling hope that the aspirations of the people may one day be realized; Whereas an analysis of 84 independent studies shows that democracy has a favorable impact on the formation of human capital, the rate of inflation, the level of economic freedom, and the stability of political institutions; Whereas democracy promotes tolerance and respect by recognizing the human dignity of all people and is necessary to the full realization of the values enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; Whereas the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) defines civil society as associations around which society voluntarily organizes itself and which represent a wide range of interests and ties, including community-based organizations, indigenous peoples’ organizations, and non-government organizations (NGOs); Whereas a vibrant civil society is an essential element of democratic societies and plays a key role in providing transparency, ensuring the legitimacy of elections, advocating for marginalized groups, and making clear the will of the people; Whereas, since 2012, the International Center for Not-for-Profit Law has identified 69 new restrictive measures in over 50 countries hindering the ability of civil society organizations (CSOs) to freely operate; Whereas of the 98 countries for which data is available, research presented in a 2013 article for the Journal of Democracy explains that 12 prohibit and 39 restrict foreign funding of domestic NGOs; Whereas in 2000, the Community of Democracies was founded to bring together governments, civil society, and the private sector in the pursuit of a common goal: supporting democratic rules and strengthening democratic norms and institutions around the world ; Whereas in 2011, the United States joined other like-minded governments to establish the Lifeline: Embattled Civil Society Organizations Fund to provide small grants to CSOs for immediate needs and to support short-term advocacy projects; Whereas, through the Open Government Partnership, 63 countries have committed to protecting the ability of CSOs to operate in a manner that is consistent with the rights to freedom of expression, association, and opinion; Whereas in September 2013, on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly, the United States launched a coordinated multilateral effort encouraging countries to stand with civil society and push back against growing restrictions on CSOs; Whereas the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Rights to Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and of Association stands on the front lines of civil society protection, documenting extensive global threats to civil society and strengthening international norms; and Whereas the United States remains committed to its stand with civil society by developing new mechanisms to combat restrictions on civil society and bolster civil society’s efforts to support democracy around the world: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) supports the goals and ideals of the International Day of Democracy; (2) recognizes the importance of civil society to the healthy development of nations; (3) celebrates the invaluable contributions civil society has made to the creation, strength, and preservation of vibrant democracies and democratic institutions; (4) reaffirms the commitment of the United States to the protection, advancement, health, and sustainability of democracy throughout the world; (5) condemns the use of restrictions, coercion, threats, or force to impede the activities of civil society organizations; (6) recognizes the important multilateral work of the Community of Democracies, the Lifeline: Embattled Civil Society Organizations Fund , the Open Government Partnership, and the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Rights to Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and of Association to protect global civil society; (7) recognizes the important role diplomacy plays in defending global civil society and creating new openings for civic space; (8) emphasizes the value of programs of the United States Government in protecting civil society and defending civic space, including the work by the Senior Advisor for Civil Society and Emerging Democracies and the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor of the United States Department of State, and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID); (9) calls on private sector partners and other governments to develop new tools and leverage existing technologies to support the efforts of civil society; and (10) encourages the people of the United States and the world to observe the International Day of Democracy, September 15, 2014, with appropriate programs and activities.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Introduced-in-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 540 IS: Recognizing September 15, 2014, as the International Day of Democracy, affirming the role of civil society as a cornerstone of democracy, and encouraging all governments to stand with civil society in the face of mounting restrictions on civil society organizations.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-09-10\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 540\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140910\">\n September 10, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S308\">\n Mr. Cardin\n </sponsor>\n (for himself and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S197\">\n Mr. McCain\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name committee-id=\"SSFR00\">\n Committee on Foreign Relations\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Recognizing September 15, 2014, as the International Day of Democracy, affirming the role of civil\n\t\t\t society as a cornerstone of democracy, and encouraging all governments to\n\t\t\t stand with civil society in the face of mounting restrictions on civil\n\t\t\t society organizations.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas in 2007, September 15 of each year was established by the United Nations as the\n\t\t\t International Day of Democracy, a day set aside to review the state of\n\t\t\t democracy in the world;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas democracy is a means of government that makes manifest the free exercise of certain\n\t\t\t inalienable rights, among them being the freedom of assembly, the freedom\n\t\t\t of association, the freedom of the press, and the freedom of speech;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas democracy allows for participatory governance, mobilizing citizens to strive for their\n\t\t\t version of the good and instilling hope that the aspirations of the people\n\t\t\t may one day be realized;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas an analysis of 84 independent studies shows that democracy has a favorable impact on the\n\t\t\t formation of human capital, the rate of inflation, the level of economic\n\t\t\t freedom, and the stability of political institutions;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas democracy promotes tolerance and respect by recognizing the human dignity of all people and\n\t\t\t is necessary to the full realization of the values enshrined in the\n\t\t\t Universal Declaration of Human Rights;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) defines\n <quote>\n civil society\n </quote>\n as associations around which society voluntarily organizes itself and which represent a wide range\n\t\t\t of interests and ties, including community-based organizations, indigenous\n\t\t\t peoples’ organizations, and non-government organizations (NGOs);\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas a vibrant civil society is an essential element of democratic societies and plays a key\n\t\t\t role in providing transparency, ensuring the legitimacy of elections,\n\t\t\t advocating for marginalized groups, and making clear the will of the\n\t\t\t people;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, since 2012, the International Center for Not-for-Profit Law has identified 69 new\n\t\t\t restrictive measures in over 50 countries hindering the ability of\n\t\t\t civil society organizations (CSOs) to freely operate;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas of the 98 countries for which data is available, research presented in a 2013 article for\n\t\t\t the Journal of Democracy explains that 12 prohibit and 39 restrict foreign\n\t\t\t funding of domestic NGOs;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas in 2000, the Community of Democracies was founded\n <quote>\n to bring together governments, civil society, and the private sector in the pursuit of a common\n\t\t\t goal: supporting democratic rules and strengthening democratic norms and\n\t\t\t institutions around the world\n </quote>\n ;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas in 2011, the United States joined other like-minded governments to establish the\n <quote>\n Lifeline: Embattled Civil Society Organizations Fund\n </quote>\n to provide small grants to CSOs for immediate needs and to support short-term advocacy projects;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, through the Open Government Partnership, 63 countries have committed to protecting the\n\t\t\t ability of CSOs to operate in a manner that is consistent with the rights\n\t\t\t to freedom of expression, association, and opinion;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas in September 2013, on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly, the United\n\t\t\t States launched a coordinated multilateral effort encouraging countries to\n\t\t\t stand with civil society and push back against growing restrictions on\n\t\t\t CSOs;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Rights to Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and\n\t\t\t of Association stands on the front lines of civil society protection,\n\t\t\t documenting extensive global threats to civil society and strengthening\n\t\t\t international norms; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States remains committed to its stand with civil society by developing new\n\t\t\t mechanisms to combat restrictions on civil society and bolster civil\n\t\t\t society’s efforts to support democracy around the world: \n Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"idcc03a13a2619433cb1bc1dc5962a90c2\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n supports the goals and ideals of the International Day of Democracy;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id2918f44f6ec04d30b98339a524acb6cd\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n recognizes the importance of civil society to the healthy development of nations;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id9bfa9445b7bb4db2a02c09c59d699859\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n celebrates the invaluable contributions civil society has made to the creation, strength, and\n\t\t\t preservation of vibrant democracies and democratic institutions;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id0ADF5F8049DD4B2DA43CEB5EFB3F1C2D\">\n <enum>\n (4)\n </enum>\n <text>\n reaffirms the commitment of the United States to the protection, advancement, health, and\n\t\t\t sustainability of democracy throughout the world;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id68a90af03d304d708b83d30e341a6cf7\">\n <enum>\n (5)\n </enum>\n <text>\n condemns the use of restrictions, coercion, threats, or force to impede the activities of civil\n\t\t\t society organizations;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"ideadb38a6620c4448b4395bd798e3b86e\">\n <enum>\n (6)\n </enum>\n <text>\n recognizes the important multilateral work of the Community of Democracies, the\n <quote>\n Lifeline: Embattled Civil Society Organizations Fund\n </quote>\n , the Open Government Partnership, and the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Rights to\n\t\t\t Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and of Association to protect\n\t\t\t global civil society;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"ide415f0d2a7064a81ba248515fb369b6f\">\n <enum>\n (7)\n </enum>\n <text>\n recognizes the important role diplomacy plays in defending global civil society and creating new\n\t\t\t openings for civic space;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idef194751941a415096fd700e18cfbb8d\">\n <enum>\n (8)\n </enum>\n <text>\n emphasizes the value of programs of the United States Government in protecting civil society and\n\t\t\t defending civic space, including the work by the Senior Advisor for Civil\n\t\t\t Society and Emerging Democracies and the Bureau of Democracy, Human\n\t\t\t Rights, and Labor of the United States Department of State, and the United\n\t\t\t States Agency for International Development (USAID);\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id4859efa997924d9fbf64d0d2c1612bf4\">\n <enum>\n (9)\n </enum>\n <text>\n calls on private sector partners and other governments to develop new tools and leverage existing\n\t\t\t technologies to support the efforts of civil society; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id581f370e90fa454ea9282d75769c3435\">\n <enum>\n (10)\n </enum>\n <text>\n encourages the people of the United States and the world to observe the International Day of\n\t\t\t Democracy, September 15, 2014, with appropriate programs and activities.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" }, { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-09-18T04:00:00Z", "type": "Reported to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres540rs/xml/BILLS-113sres540rs.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres540rs.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres540rs.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-06T23:16:03.065", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-540", "legis_num": 540, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "rs", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-540-rs-dtd", "tv_txt": "III Calendar No. 576 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 540 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES September 10, 2014 Mr. Cardin (for himself, Mr. McCain , Mr. Rubio , and Mrs. Shaheen ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations September 18, 2014 Reported by Mr. Menendez , without amendment RESOLUTION Recognizing September 15, 2014, as the International Day of Democracy, affirming the role of civil society as a cornerstone of democracy, and encouraging all governments to stand with civil society in the face of mounting restrictions on civil society organizations.\n\nWhereas in 2007, September 15 of each year was established by the United Nations as the International Day of Democracy, a day set aside to review the state of democracy in the world; Whereas democracy is a means of government that makes manifest the free exercise of certain inalienable rights, among them being the freedom of assembly, the freedom of association, the freedom of the press, and the freedom of speech; Whereas democracy allows for participatory governance, mobilizing citizens to strive for their version of the good and instilling hope that the aspirations of the people may one day be realized; Whereas an analysis of 84 independent studies shows that democracy has a favorable impact on the formation of human capital, the rate of inflation, the level of economic freedom, and the stability of political institutions; Whereas democracy promotes tolerance and respect by recognizing the human dignity of all people and is necessary to the full realization of the values enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; Whereas the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) defines civil society as associations around which society voluntarily organizes itself and which represent a wide range of interests and ties, including community-based organizations, indigenous peoples’ organizations, and non-government organizations (NGOs); Whereas a vibrant civil society is an essential element of democratic societies and plays a key role in providing transparency, ensuring the legitimacy of elections, advocating for marginalized groups, and making clear the will of the people; Whereas, since 2012, the International Center for Not-for-Profit Law has identified 69 new restrictive measures in over 50 countries hindering the ability of civil society organizations (CSOs) to freely operate; Whereas of the 98 countries for which data is available, research presented in a 2013 article for the Journal of Democracy explains that 12 prohibit and 39 restrict foreign funding of domestic NGOs; Whereas in 2000, the Community of Democracies was founded to bring together governments, civil society, and the private sector in the pursuit of a common goal: supporting democratic rules and strengthening democratic norms and institutions around the world ; Whereas in 2011, the United States joined other like-minded governments to establish the Lifeline: Embattled Civil Society Organizations Fund to provide small grants to CSOs for immediate needs and to support short-term advocacy projects; Whereas, through the Open Government Partnership, 63 countries have committed to protecting the ability of CSOs to operate in a manner that is consistent with the rights to freedom of expression, association, and opinion; Whereas in September 2013, on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly, the United States launched a coordinated multilateral effort encouraging countries to stand with civil society and push back against growing restrictions on CSOs; Whereas the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Rights to Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and of Association stands on the front lines of civil society protection, documenting extensive global threats to civil society and strengthening international norms; and Whereas the United States remains committed to its stand with civil society by developing new mechanisms to combat restrictions on civil society and bolster civil society’s efforts to support democracy around the world: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) supports the goals and ideals of the International Day of Democracy; (2) recognizes the importance of civil society to the healthy development of nations; (3) celebrates the invaluable contributions civil society has made to the creation, strength, and preservation of vibrant democracies and democratic institutions; (4) reaffirms the commitment of the United States to the protection, advancement, health, and sustainability of democracy throughout the world; (5) condemns the use of restrictions, coercion, threats, or force to impede the activities of civil society organizations; (6) recognizes the important multilateral work of the Community of Democracies, the Lifeline: Embattled Civil Society Organizations Fund , the Open Government Partnership, and the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Rights to Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and of Association to protect global civil society; (7) recognizes the important role diplomacy plays in defending global civil society and creating new openings for civic space; (8) emphasizes the value of programs of the United States Government in protecting civil society and defending civic space, including the work by the Senior Advisor for Civil Society and Emerging Democracies and the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor of the United States Department of State, and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID); (9) calls on private sector partners and other governments to develop new tools and leverage existing technologies to support the efforts of civil society; and (10) encourages the people of the United States and the world to observe the International Day of Democracy, September 15, 2014, with appropriate programs and activities.\n\nSeptember 18, 2014 Reported without amendment", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Reported-in-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 540 RS: Recognizing September 15, 2014, as the International Day of Democracy, affirming the role of civil society as a cornerstone of democracy, and encouraging all governments to stand with civil society in the face of mounting restrictions on civil society organizations.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-09-10\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <calendar>\n Calendar No. 576\n </calendar>\n <congress>\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session>\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 540\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140910\">\n September 10, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S308\">\n Mr. Cardin\n </sponsor>\n (for himself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S197\">\n Mr. McCain\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S350\">\n Mr. Rubio\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S324\">\n Mrs. Shaheen\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name committee-id=\"SSFR00\">\n Committee on Foreign Relations\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <action stage=\"Reported-in-Senate\">\n <action-date>\n September 18, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n Reported by\n <sponsor name-id=\"S306\">\n Mr. Menendez\n </sponsor>\n , without amendment\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Recognizing September 15, 2014, as the International Day of Democracy, affirming the role of civil\n\t\t\t society as a cornerstone of democracy, and encouraging all governments to\n\t\t\t stand with civil society in the face of mounting restrictions on civil\n\t\t\t society organizations.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas in 2007, September 15 of each year was established by the United Nations as the\n\t\t\t International Day of Democracy, a day set aside to review the state of\n\t\t\t democracy in the world;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas democracy is a means of government that makes manifest the free exercise of certain\n\t\t\t inalienable rights, among them being the freedom of assembly, the freedom\n\t\t\t of association, the freedom of the press, and the freedom of speech;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas democracy allows for participatory governance, mobilizing citizens to strive for their\n\t\t\t version of the good and instilling hope that the aspirations of the people\n\t\t\t may one day be realized;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas an analysis of 84 independent studies shows that democracy has a favorable impact on the\n\t\t\t formation of human capital, the rate of inflation, the level of economic\n\t\t\t freedom, and the stability of political institutions;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas democracy promotes tolerance and respect by recognizing the human dignity of all people and\n\t\t\t is necessary to the full realization of the values enshrined in the\n\t\t\t Universal Declaration of Human Rights;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) defines\n <quote>\n civil society\n </quote>\n as associations around which society voluntarily organizes itself and which represent a wide range\n\t\t\t of interests and ties, including community-based organizations, indigenous\n\t\t\t peoples’ organizations, and non-government organizations (NGOs);\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas a vibrant civil society is an essential element of democratic societies and plays a key\n\t\t\t role in providing transparency, ensuring the legitimacy of elections,\n\t\t\t advocating for marginalized groups, and making clear the will of the\n\t\t\t people;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, since 2012, the International Center for Not-for-Profit Law has identified 69 new\n\t\t\t restrictive measures in over 50 countries hindering the ability of\n\t\t\t civil society organizations (CSOs) to freely operate;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas of the 98 countries for which data is available, research presented in a 2013 article for\n\t\t\t the Journal of Democracy explains that 12 prohibit and 39 restrict foreign\n\t\t\t funding of domestic NGOs;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas in 2000, the Community of Democracies was founded\n <quote>\n to bring together governments, civil society, and the private sector in the pursuit of a common\n\t\t\t goal: supporting democratic rules and strengthening democratic norms and\n\t\t\t institutions around the world\n </quote>\n ;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas in 2011, the United States joined other like-minded governments to establish the\n <quote>\n Lifeline: Embattled Civil Society Organizations Fund\n </quote>\n to provide small grants to CSOs for immediate needs and to support short-term advocacy projects;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, through the Open Government Partnership, 63 countries have committed to protecting the\n\t\t\t ability of CSOs to operate in a manner that is consistent with the rights\n\t\t\t to freedom of expression, association, and opinion;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas in September 2013, on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly, the United\n\t\t\t States launched a coordinated multilateral effort encouraging countries to\n\t\t\t stand with civil society and push back against growing restrictions on\n\t\t\t CSOs;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Rights to Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and\n\t\t\t of Association stands on the front lines of civil society protection,\n\t\t\t documenting extensive global threats to civil society and strengthening\n\t\t\t international norms; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States remains committed to its stand with civil society by developing new\n\t\t\t mechanisms to combat restrictions on civil society and bolster civil\n\t\t\t society’s efforts to support democracy around the world: \n Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"idcc03a13a2619433cb1bc1dc5962a90c2\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n supports the goals and ideals of the International Day of Democracy;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id2918f44f6ec04d30b98339a524acb6cd\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n recognizes the importance of civil society to the healthy development of nations;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id9bfa9445b7bb4db2a02c09c59d699859\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n celebrates the invaluable contributions civil society has made to the creation, strength, and\n\t\t\t preservation of vibrant democracies and democratic institutions;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id0ADF5F8049DD4B2DA43CEB5EFB3F1C2D\">\n <enum>\n (4)\n </enum>\n <text>\n reaffirms the commitment of the United States to the protection, advancement, health, and\n\t\t\t sustainability of democracy throughout the world;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id68a90af03d304d708b83d30e341a6cf7\">\n <enum>\n (5)\n </enum>\n <text>\n condemns the use of restrictions, coercion, threats, or force to impede the activities of civil\n\t\t\t society organizations;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"ideadb38a6620c4448b4395bd798e3b86e\">\n <enum>\n (6)\n </enum>\n <text>\n recognizes the important multilateral work of the Community of Democracies, the\n <quote>\n Lifeline: Embattled Civil Society Organizations Fund\n </quote>\n , the Open Government Partnership, and the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Rights to\n\t\t\t Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and of Association to protect\n\t\t\t global civil society;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"ide415f0d2a7064a81ba248515fb369b6f\">\n <enum>\n (7)\n </enum>\n <text>\n recognizes the important role diplomacy plays in defending global civil society and creating new\n\t\t\t openings for civic space;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idef194751941a415096fd700e18cfbb8d\">\n <enum>\n (8)\n </enum>\n <text>\n emphasizes the value of programs of the United States Government in protecting civil society and\n\t\t\t defending civic space, including the work by the Senior Advisor for Civil\n\t\t\t Society and Emerging Democracies and the Bureau of Democracy, Human\n\t\t\t Rights, and Labor of the United States Department of State, and the United\n\t\t\t States Agency for International Development (USAID);\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id4859efa997924d9fbf64d0d2c1612bf4\">\n <enum>\n (9)\n </enum>\n <text>\n calls on private sector partners and other governments to develop new tools and leverage existing\n\t\t\t technologies to support the efforts of civil society; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id581f370e90fa454ea9282d75769c3435\">\n <enum>\n (10)\n </enum>\n <text>\n encourages the people of the United States and the world to observe the International Day of\n\t\t\t Democracy, September 15, 2014, with appropriate programs and activities.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n <endorsement>\n <action-date>\n September 18, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n Reported without amendment\n </action-desc>\n </endorsement>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" }, { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-12-03T05:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres540ats/xml/BILLS-113sres540ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres540ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres540ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-06T21:40:50.573", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-540", "legis_num": 540, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-540-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 540 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES September 10, 2014 Mr. Cardin (for himself, Mr. McCain , Mr. Rubio , Mrs. Shaheen , and Mr. Durbin ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations September 18, 2014 Reported by Mr. Menendez , without amendment December 3, 2014 Considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Recognizing September 15, 2014, as the International Day of Democracy, affirming the role of civil society as a cornerstone of democracy, and encouraging all governments to stand with civil society in the face of mounting restrictions on civil society organizations.\n\nWhereas in 2007, September 15 of each year was established by the United Nations as the International Day of Democracy, a day set aside to review the state of democracy in the world; Whereas democracy is a means of government that makes manifest the free exercise of certain inalienable rights, among them being the freedom of assembly, the freedom of association, the freedom of the press, and the freedom of speech; Whereas democracy allows for participatory governance, mobilizing citizens to strive for their version of the good and instilling hope that the aspirations of the people may one day be realized; Whereas an analysis of 84 independent studies shows that democracy has a favorable impact on the formation of human capital, the rate of inflation, the level of economic freedom, and the stability of political institutions; Whereas democracy promotes tolerance and respect by recognizing the human dignity of all people and is necessary to the full realization of the values enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; Whereas the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) defines civil society as associations around which society voluntarily organizes itself and which represent a wide range of interests and ties, including community-based organizations, indigenous peoples’ organizations, and non-government organizations (NGOs); Whereas a vibrant civil society is an essential element of democratic societies and plays a key role in providing transparency, ensuring the legitimacy of elections, advocating for marginalized groups, and making clear the will of the people; Whereas, since 2012, the International Center for Not-for-Profit Law has identified 69 new restrictive measures in over 50 countries hindering the ability of civil society organizations (CSOs) to freely operate; Whereas of the 98 countries for which data is available, research presented in a 2013 article for the Journal of Democracy explains that 12 prohibit and 39 restrict foreign funding of domestic NGOs; Whereas in 2000, the Community of Democracies was founded to bring together governments, civil society, and the private sector in the pursuit of a common goal: supporting democratic rules and strengthening democratic norms and institutions around the world ; Whereas in 2011, the United States joined other like-minded governments to establish the Lifeline: Embattled Civil Society Organizations Fund to provide small grants to CSOs for immediate needs and to support short-term advocacy projects; Whereas, through the Open Government Partnership, 63 countries have committed to protecting the ability of CSOs to operate in a manner that is consistent with the rights to freedom of expression, association, and opinion; Whereas in September 2013, on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly, the United States launched a coordinated multilateral effort encouraging countries to stand with civil society and push back against growing restrictions on CSOs; Whereas the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Rights to Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and of Association stands on the front lines of civil society protection, documenting extensive global threats to civil society and strengthening international norms; and Whereas the United States remains committed to its stand with civil society by developing new mechanisms to combat restrictions on civil society and bolster civil society’s efforts to support democracy around the world: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) supports the goals and ideals of the International Day of Democracy; (2) recognizes the importance of civil society to the healthy development of nations; (3) celebrates the invaluable contributions civil society has made to the creation, strength, and preservation of vibrant democracies and democratic institutions; (4) reaffirms the commitment of the United States to the protection, advancement, health, and sustainability of democracy throughout the world; (5) condemns the use of restrictions, coercion, threats, or force to impede the activities of civil society organizations; (6) recognizes the important multilateral work of the Community of Democracies, the Lifeline: Embattled Civil Society Organizations Fund , the Open Government Partnership, and the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Rights to Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and of Association to protect global civil society; (7) recognizes the important role diplomacy plays in defending global civil society and creating new openings for civic space; (8) emphasizes the value of programs of the United States Government in protecting civil society and defending civic space, including the work by the Senior Advisor for Civil Society and Emerging Democracies and the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor of the United States Department of State, and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID); (9) calls on private sector partners and other governments to develop new tools and leverage existing technologies to support the efforts of civil society; and (10) encourages the people of the United States and the world to observe the International Day of Democracy, September 15, 2014, with appropriate programs and activities.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 540 ATS: Recognizing September 15, 2014, as the International Day of Democracy, affirming the role of civil society as a cornerstone of democracy, and encouraging all governments to stand with civil society in the face of mounting restrictions on civil society organizations.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-09-10\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress>\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session>\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 540\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140910\">\n September 10, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S308\">\n Mr. Cardin\n </sponsor>\n (for himself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S197\">\n Mr. McCain\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S350\">\n Mr. Rubio\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S324\">\n Mrs. Shaheen\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S253\">\n Mr. Durbin\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name committee-id=\"SSFR00\">\n Committee on Foreign Relations\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <action stage=\"Reported-in-Senate\">\n <action-date>\n September 18, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n Reported by\n <sponsor name-id=\"S306\">\n Mr. Menendez\n </sponsor>\n , without amendment\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <action>\n <action-date>\n December 3, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n Considered and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Recognizing September 15, 2014, as the International Day of Democracy, affirming the role of civil\n\t\t\t society as a cornerstone of democracy, and encouraging all governments to\n\t\t\t stand with civil society in the face of mounting restrictions on civil\n\t\t\t society organizations.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas in 2007, September 15 of each year was established by the United Nations as the\n\t\t\t International Day of Democracy, a day set aside to review the state of\n\t\t\t democracy in the world;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas democracy is a means of government that makes manifest the free exercise of certain\n\t\t\t inalienable rights, among them being the freedom of assembly, the freedom\n\t\t\t of association, the freedom of the press, and the freedom of speech;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas democracy allows for participatory governance, mobilizing citizens to strive for their\n\t\t\t version of the good and instilling hope that the aspirations of the people\n\t\t\t may one day be realized;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas an analysis of 84 independent studies shows that democracy has a favorable impact on the\n\t\t\t formation of human capital, the rate of inflation, the level of economic\n\t\t\t freedom, and the stability of political institutions;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas democracy promotes tolerance and respect by recognizing the human dignity of all people and\n\t\t\t is necessary to the full realization of the values enshrined in the\n\t\t\t Universal Declaration of Human Rights;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) defines\n <quote>\n civil society\n </quote>\n as associations around which society voluntarily organizes itself and which represent a wide range\n\t\t\t of interests and ties, including community-based organizations, indigenous\n\t\t\t peoples’ organizations, and non-government organizations (NGOs);\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas a vibrant civil society is an essential element of democratic societies and plays a key\n\t\t\t role in providing transparency, ensuring the legitimacy of elections,\n\t\t\t advocating for marginalized groups, and making clear the will of the\n\t\t\t people;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, since 2012, the International Center for Not-for-Profit Law has identified 69 new\n\t\t\t restrictive measures in over 50 countries hindering the ability of\n\t\t\t civil society organizations (CSOs) to freely operate;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas of the 98 countries for which data is available, research presented in a 2013 article for\n\t\t\t the Journal of Democracy explains that 12 prohibit and 39 restrict foreign\n\t\t\t funding of domestic NGOs;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas in 2000, the Community of Democracies was founded\n <quote>\n to bring together governments, civil society, and the private sector in the pursuit of a common\n\t\t\t goal: supporting democratic rules and strengthening democratic norms and\n\t\t\t institutions around the world\n </quote>\n ;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas in 2011, the United States joined other like-minded governments to establish the\n <quote>\n Lifeline: Embattled Civil Society Organizations Fund\n </quote>\n to provide small grants to CSOs for immediate needs and to support short-term advocacy projects;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, through the Open Government Partnership, 63 countries have committed to protecting the\n\t\t\t ability of CSOs to operate in a manner that is consistent with the rights\n\t\t\t to freedom of expression, association, and opinion;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas in September 2013, on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly, the United\n\t\t\t States launched a coordinated multilateral effort encouraging countries to\n\t\t\t stand with civil society and push back against growing restrictions on\n\t\t\t CSOs;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Rights to Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and\n\t\t\t of Association stands on the front lines of civil society protection,\n\t\t\t documenting extensive global threats to civil society and strengthening\n\t\t\t international norms; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States remains committed to its stand with civil society by developing new\n\t\t\t mechanisms to combat restrictions on civil society and bolster civil\n\t\t\t society’s efforts to support democracy around the world: \n Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"idcc03a13a2619433cb1bc1dc5962a90c2\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n supports the goals and ideals of the International Day of Democracy;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id2918f44f6ec04d30b98339a524acb6cd\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n recognizes the importance of civil society to the healthy development of nations;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id9bfa9445b7bb4db2a02c09c59d699859\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n celebrates the invaluable contributions civil society has made to the creation, strength, and\n\t\t\t preservation of vibrant democracies and democratic institutions;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id0ADF5F8049DD4B2DA43CEB5EFB3F1C2D\">\n <enum>\n (4)\n </enum>\n <text>\n reaffirms the commitment of the United States to the protection, advancement, health, and\n\t\t\t sustainability of democracy throughout the world;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id68a90af03d304d708b83d30e341a6cf7\">\n <enum>\n (5)\n </enum>\n <text>\n condemns the use of restrictions, coercion, threats, or force to impede the activities of civil\n\t\t\t society organizations;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"ideadb38a6620c4448b4395bd798e3b86e\">\n <enum>\n (6)\n </enum>\n <text>\n recognizes the important multilateral work of the Community of Democracies, the\n <quote>\n Lifeline: Embattled Civil Society Organizations Fund\n </quote>\n , the Open Government Partnership, and the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Rights to\n\t\t\t Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and of Association to protect\n\t\t\t global civil society;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"ide415f0d2a7064a81ba248515fb369b6f\">\n <enum>\n (7)\n </enum>\n <text>\n recognizes the important role diplomacy plays in defending global civil society and creating new\n\t\t\t openings for civic space;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idef194751941a415096fd700e18cfbb8d\">\n <enum>\n (8)\n </enum>\n <text>\n emphasizes the value of programs of the United States Government in protecting civil society and\n\t\t\t defending civic space, including the work by the Senior Advisor for Civil\n\t\t\t Society and Emerging Democracies and the Bureau of Democracy, Human\n\t\t\t Rights, and Labor of the United States Department of State, and the United\n\t\t\t States Agency for International Development (USAID);\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id4859efa997924d9fbf64d0d2c1612bf4\">\n <enum>\n (9)\n </enum>\n <text>\n calls on private sector partners and other governments to develop new tools and leverage existing\n\t\t\t technologies to support the efforts of civil society; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id581f370e90fa454ea9282d75769c3435\">\n <enum>\n (10)\n </enum>\n <text>\n encourages the people of the United States and the world to observe the International Day of\n\t\t\t Democracy, September 15, 2014, with appropriate programs and activities.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-06 01:38:11.438
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 541 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-11T13:25:24Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-11T13:25:24Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-09-10 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Reported by </name> <date> 2014-09-18T19:42:54Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Markup by </name> <date> 2014-09-18T18:00:00Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2014-09-10T22:33:24Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and an amended preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5878-5879; text of measure as reported in Senate: CR S5878-5879; text as passed Senate: CR S5879-5880) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and an amended preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5878-5879; text of measure as reported in Senate: CR S5878-5879; text as passed Senate: CR S5879-5880) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 572. </text> <type> Calendars </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Committee on Foreign Relations. Reported by Senator Menendez without amendment and with an amended preamble. Without written report. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <text> Committee on Foreign Relations. Reported by Senator Menendez without amendment and with an amended preamble. Without written report. </text> <type> Committee </type> <actionCode> 14000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Committee on Foreign Relations. Ordered to be reported without amendment favorably. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-10 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduceed: CR S5512) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-10 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> C001088 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Coons, Christopher A. [D-DE] </fullName> <firstName> Christopher </firstName> <lastName> Coons </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> DE </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> F000444 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Flake, Jeff [R-AZ] </fullName> <firstName> JEFF </firstName> <lastName> FLAKE </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AZ </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000639 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Menendez, Robert [D-NJ] </fullName> <firstName> Robert </firstName> <lastName> Menendez </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000563 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Durbin, Richard J. [D-IL] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Durbin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001071 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Corker, Bob [R-TN] </fullName> <firstName> Bob </firstName> <lastName> Corker </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TN </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000133 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Markey, Edward J. [D-MA] </fullName> <firstName> Edward </firstName> <lastName> Markey </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001046 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Heinrich, Martin [D-NM] </fullName> <firstName> Martin </firstName> <lastName> Heinrich </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NM </state> <middleName> T. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000711 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Boxer, Barbara [D-CA] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> BOXER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000122 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Reed, Jack [D-RI] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Reed </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> RI </state> <middleName> F. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001288 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Booker, Cory A. [D-NJ] </fullName> <firstName> Cory </firstName> <lastName> Booker </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000174 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Leahy, Patrick J. [D-VT] </fullName> <firstName> Patrick </firstName> <lastName> Leahy </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VT </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001181 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Shaheen, Jeanne [D-NH] </fullName> <firstName> Jeanne </firstName> <lastName> Shaheen </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000384 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Kaine, Tim [D-VA] </fullName> <firstName> Timothy </firstName> <lastName> Kaine </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001070 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Casey, Robert P., Jr. [D-PA] </fullName> <firstName> Bob </firstName> <lastName> Casey </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> PA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000141 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cardin, Benjamin L. [D-MD] </fullName> <firstName> Ben </firstName> <lastName> Cardin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000174 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Carper, Thomas R. [D-DE] </fullName> <firstName> Thomas </firstName> <lastName> Carper </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> DE </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000127 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cantwell, Maria [D-WA] </fullName> <firstName> Maria </firstName> <lastName> Cantwell </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000367 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Klobuchar, Amy [D-MN] </fullName> <firstName> Amy </firstName> <lastName> Klobuchar </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MN </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000550 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Landrieu, Mary L. [D-LA] </fullName> <firstName> MARY </firstName> <lastName> LANDRIEU </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> LA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000595 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Rubio, Marco [R-FL] </fullName> <firstName> Marco </firstName> <lastName> Rubio </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000802 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Whitehouse, Sheldon [D-RI] </fullName> <firstName> Sheldon </firstName> <lastName> Whitehouse </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> RI </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Africa </name> </item> <item> <name> Canada </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Democratic Republic of the Congo </name> </item> <item> <name> Emergency medical services and trauma care </name> </item> <item> <name> Europe </name> </item> <item> <name> European Union </name> </item> <item> <name> Foreign aid and international relief </name> </item> <item> <name> Guinea </name> </item> <item> <name> Health personnel </name> </item> <item> <name> Health programs administration and funding </name> </item> <item> <name> Health promotion and preventive care </name> </item> <item> <name> Infectious and parasitic diseases </name> </item> <item> <name> International organizations and cooperation </name> </item> <item> <name> Liberia </name> </item> <item> <name> Multilateral development programs </name> </item> <item> <name> Nigeria </name> </item> <item> <name> Senegal </name> </item> <item> <name> Sierra Leone </name> </item> <item> <name> Social work, volunteer service, charitable organizations </name> </item> <item> <name> World health </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-10 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-09-12T19:07:52Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Recognizes: (1) the threat that Ebola poses to populations, governments, and economies in Africa; and (2) that the limited capacity of the initial outbreak countries of Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Liberia to combat the epidemic has been exhausted and the potential threat to regions beyond Africa if the Ebola outbreak is not contained. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Expresses support for those affected by this epidemic and sympathy for Ebola victims and their families. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Supports the governments of Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Senegal, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo for their efforts to combat the Ebola virus. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Urges citizens of affected countries to respect preventative guidelines.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Supports the work of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the Department of Defense (DOD), the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Department of State, the Forest Service, and other U.S. government agencies providing technical, logistical, and material support. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Encourages deepened U.S. and international commitments to the global Ebola response. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Welcomes the delivery of assistance and increased engagement from donors such as the Economic Community of West African States, the African Union (AU), the World Bank, the European Union (EU), and Canada. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Supports the World Health Organization's Ebola Response Roadmap. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Encourages Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, Senegal, and Sierra Leone to work together and with other nations and regional and subregional organizations to establish emergency response systems. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Recognizes the work of thousands of African, U.S., and international officials and volunteers on the ground in West Africa, and particularly health care workers.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-09-19T21:10:07Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Recognizes: (1) the threat that Ebola poses to populations, governments, and economies in Africa; and (2) that the limited capacity of the initial outbreak countries of Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Liberia to combat the epidemic has been exhausted and the potential threat to regions beyond Africa if the Ebola outbreak is not contained. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Expresses support for those affected by this epidemic and sympathy for Ebola victims and their families. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Supports the governments of Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Senegal, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo for their efforts to combat the Ebola virus. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Urges citizens of affected countries to respect preventative guidelines.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Supports the work of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the Department of Defense (DOD), the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Department of State, the Forest Service, and other U.S. government agencies providing technical, logistical, and material support. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Encourages deepened U.S. and international commitments to the global Ebola response. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Welcomes the delivery of assistance and increased engagement from donors such as the Economic Community of West African States, the African Union (AU), the World Bank, the European Union (EU), and Canada. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Supports the World Health Organization's Ebola Response Roadmap. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Encourages Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, Senegal, and Sierra Leone to work together and with other nations and regional and subregional organizations to establish emergency response systems. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Recognizes the work of thousands of African, U.S., and international officials and volunteers on the ground in West Africa, and particularly health care workers.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution recognizing the severe threat that the Ebola outbreak in West Africa poses to populations, governments, and economies across Africa and, if not properly contained, to regions across the globe, and expressing support for those affected by this epidemic. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution recognizing the severe threat that the Ebola outbreak in West Africa poses to populations, governments, and economies across Africa and, if not properly contained, to regions across the globe, and expressing support for those affected by this epidemic. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution recognizing the severe threat that the Ebola outbreak in West Africa poses to populations, governments, and economies across Africa and, if not properly contained, to regions across the globe, and expressing support for those affected by this epidemic. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-09-18T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres541ats/xml/BILLS-113sres541ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> <item> <type> Reported to Senate </type> <date> 2014-09-18T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres541rs/xml/BILLS-113sres541rs.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2014-09-10T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres541is/xml/BILLS-113sres541is.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and an amended preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5878-5879; text of measure as reported in Senate: CR S5878-5879; text as passed Senate: CR S5879-5880) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and an amended preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5878-5879; text of measure as reported in Senate: CR S5878-5879; text as passed Senate: CR S5879-5880)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2014-09-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and an amended preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5878-5879; text of measure as reported in Senate: CR S5878-5879; text as passed Senate: CR S5879-5880)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 572.", "type": "Calendars" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-18", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Committee on Foreign Relations. Reported by Senator Menendez without amendment and with an amended preamble. Without written report.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "14000", "action_date": "2014-09-18", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Committee on Foreign Relations. Reported by Senator Menendez without amendment and with an amended preamble. Without written report.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-18", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Committee on Foreign Relations. Ordered to be reported without amendment favorably.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-10", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduceed: CR S5512)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-09-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2014-09-18T19:42:54Z", "name": "Reported by" }, { "date": "2014-09-18T18:00:00Z", "name": "Markup by" }, { "date": "2014-09-10T22:33:24Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "F000444", "district": null, "first_name": "JEFF", "full_name": "Sen. 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[D-VT]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Leahy", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-16", "state": "VT" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001181", "district": null, "first_name": "Jeanne", "full_name": "Sen. Shaheen, Jeanne [D-NH]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Shaheen", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-16", "state": "NH" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000384", "district": null, "first_name": "Timothy", "full_name": "Sen. Kaine, Tim [D-VA]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Kaine", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-16", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001070", "district": null, "first_name": "Bob", "full_name": "Sen. Casey, Robert P., Jr. [D-PA]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Casey", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-16", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000141", "district": null, "first_name": "Ben", "full_name": "Sen. 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Whitehouse, Sheldon [D-RI]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Whitehouse", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "RI" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-09-10", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-18", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and an amended preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5878-5879; text of measure as reported in Senate: CR S5878-5879; text as passed Senate: CR S5879-5880)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 541, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "International Affairs", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "C001088", "district": null, "first_name": "Christopher", "full_name": "Sen. Coons, Christopher A. [D-DE]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Coons", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "state": "DE" } ], "subjects": [ "Africa", "Canada", "Congressional tributes", "Democratic Republic of the Congo", "Emergency medical services and trauma care", "Europe", "European Union", "Foreign aid and international relief", "Guinea", "Health personnel", "Health programs administration and funding", "Health promotion and preventive care", "Infectious and parasitic diseases", "International organizations and cooperation", "Liberia", "Multilateral development programs", "Nigeria", "Senegal", "Sierra Leone", "Social work, volunteer service, charitable organizations", "World health" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-09-10", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Recognizes: (1) the threat that Ebola poses to populations, governments, and economies in Africa; and (2) that the limited capacity of the initial outbreak countries of Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Liberia to combat the epidemic has been exhausted and the potential threat to regions beyond Africa if the Ebola outbreak is not contained. </p> <p>Expresses support for those affected by this epidemic and sympathy for Ebola victims and their families. </p> <p>Supports the governments of Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Senegal, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo for their efforts to combat the Ebola virus. </p> <p>Urges citizens of affected countries to respect preventative guidelines.</p> <p>Supports the work of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the Department of Defense (DOD), the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Department of State, the Forest Service, and other U.S. government agencies providing technical, logistical, and material support. </p> <p>Encourages deepened U.S. and international commitments to the global Ebola response. </p> <p>Welcomes the delivery of assistance and increased engagement from donors such as the Economic Community of West African States, the African Union (AU), the World Bank, the European Union (EU), and Canada. </p> <p>Supports the World Health Organization's Ebola Response Roadmap. </p> <p>Encourages Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, Senegal, and Sierra Leone to work together and with other nations and regional and subregional organizations to establish emergency response systems. </p> <p>Recognizes the work of thousands of African, U.S., and international officials and volunteers on the ground in West Africa, and particularly health care workers.</p>", "update_date": "2014-09-12T19:07:52Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2014-09-18", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Recognizes: (1) the threat that Ebola poses to populations, governments, and economies in Africa; and (2) that the limited capacity of the initial outbreak countries of Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Liberia to combat the epidemic has been exhausted and the potential threat to regions beyond Africa if the Ebola outbreak is not contained. </p> <p>Expresses support for those affected by this epidemic and sympathy for Ebola victims and their families. </p> <p>Supports the governments of Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Senegal, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo for their efforts to combat the Ebola virus. </p> <p>Urges citizens of affected countries to respect preventative guidelines.</p> <p>Supports the work of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the Department of Defense (DOD), the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Department of State, the Forest Service, and other U.S. government agencies providing technical, logistical, and material support. </p> <p>Encourages deepened U.S. and international commitments to the global Ebola response. </p> <p>Welcomes the delivery of assistance and increased engagement from donors such as the Economic Community of West African States, the African Union (AU), the World Bank, the European Union (EU), and Canada. </p> <p>Supports the World Health Organization's Ebola Response Roadmap. </p> <p>Encourages Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, Senegal, and Sierra Leone to work together and with other nations and regional and subregional organizations to establish emergency response systems. </p> <p>Recognizes the work of thousands of African, U.S., and international officials and volunteers on the ground in West Africa, and particularly health care workers.</p>", "update_date": "2014-09-19T21:10:07Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-09-18T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres541ats/xml/BILLS-113sres541ats.xml" }, { "date": "2014-09-18T04:00:00Z", "type": "Reported to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres541rs/xml/BILLS-113sres541rs.xml" }, { "date": "2014-09-10T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres541is/xml/BILLS-113sres541is.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution recognizing the severe threat that the Ebola outbreak in West Africa poses to populations, governments, and economies across Africa and, if not properly contained, to regions across the globe, and expressing support for those affected by this epidemic.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution recognizing the severe threat that the Ebola outbreak in West Africa poses to populations, governments, and economies across Africa and, if not properly contained, to regions across the globe, and expressing support for those affected by this epidemic.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution recognizing the severe threat that the Ebola outbreak in West Africa poses to populations, governments, and economies across Africa and, if not properly contained, to regions across the globe, and expressing support for those affected by this epidemic.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2023-01-11T13:25:24Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-11T13:25:24Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-09-18T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres541ats/xml/BILLS-113sres541ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres541ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres541ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-06T23:16:03.028", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-541", "legis_num": 541, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-541-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 541 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES September 10, 2014 Mr. Coons (for himself, Mr. Flake , Mr. Menendez , Mr. Durbin , Mr. Corker , Mr. Markey , Mr. Heinrich , Mrs. Boxer , Mr. Reed , Mr. Booker , Mr. Leahy , Mrs. Shaheen , Mr. Kaine , Mr. Casey , Mr. Cardin , Mr. Carper , Ms. Cantwell , Ms. Klobuchar , Ms. Landrieu , Mr. Rubio , and Mr. Whitehouse ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations September 18, 2014 Reported by Mr. Menendez , with an amendment to the preamble Strike the preamble and insert the part printed in italic September 18, 2014 Considered and agreed to with an amended preamble RESOLUTION Recognizing the severe threat that the Ebola outbreak in West Africa poses to populations, governments, and economies across Africa and, if not properly contained, to regions across the globe, and expressing support for those affected by this epidemic.\n\nWhereas Ebola hemorrhagic fever is an extremely infectious virus that causes severe illness with a fatality rate that can well exceed 50 percent; Whereas Ebola is spread through contact with blood, secretions, or other bodily fluids of infected humans and animals and can have an incubation period of up to 21 days; Whereas the Ebola virus first appeared in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 1976 and has afflicted communities in Africa at least 20 times since then; Whereas the current Ebola outbreak first occurred in February 2014 in forested areas of southeastern Guinea and subsequently spread to Liberia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, and Senegal, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo recently discovered the outbreak of a separate strain of the virus; Whereas this is the first outbreak of Ebola in West Africa and the biggest and most complex to date, due to its emergence in populated, transient border areas, making containment a significant challenge; Whereas, to date, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Ebola had infected more than 4,400 people in West Africa and caused nearly 2,300 confirmed deaths; Whereas the current Ebola outbreak has occurred in countries with some of the weakest health systems in the world facing severe shortages of healthcare workers, laboratories essential for testing and diagnosis, clinics and hospitals required for treatment, and medical supplies and protective gear, such as latex gloves and face masks required to prevent contamination of health facilities; Whereas these weak and inadequate healthcare facilities, a lack of health staff trained in Ebola response, and misconceptions about the virus have resulted in numerous infections of health workers and patients unable to receive appropriate response and care; Whereas effective countermeasures for stemming the spread of Ebola, such as isolation, meticulous infection control practices, case investigation, and contact tracing require more trained personnel and resources than are currently available in West Africa; Whereas, although Ebola can be contained with good public health and burial practices, it continues to spread due to a lack of accurate public information, insufficient treatment facilities, limited local language capacities required for health education, and an unwillingness to allow those infected to be isolated from family members; Whereas governments are collaborating closely with international donors and taking strong measures to contain the virus, including announcing states of emergency and establishing emergency response centers; Whereas the limitations on transportation and travel and closing of businesses have had a devastating economic impact throughout the region and may cause social instability and exacerbate the humanitarian crisis if not properly managed and offset; Whereas the international community has committed to support solutions to the current limitations on air traffic and establish a common operational platform to address acute problems associated with food security, protection, water, sanitation and hygiene, primary and secondary health care, and education, as well as the longer-term recovery effort that will be needed in the face of the complex social consequences of this emergency; Whereas the Governments of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Uganda have sent experts familiar with such outbreaks to Liberia to assist with the outbreak response, and the Governments of Senegal and Ghana have agreed to serve as logistics and coordination centers for the international assistance effort, providing vital corridors for supplies and personnel; Whereas, after visiting affected communities in West Africa, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Tom Frieden said on September 2, 2014, There is a window of opportunity to tamp this down, but that window is closing . . . we need action now to scale up the response. ; Whereas the United States Government has provided more than $175,000,000 in support through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the United States Agency for International Development, the World Health Organization, and the United States Armed Forces since February 2014 and intends to mobilize additional resources and support as announced by President Obama on September 16, 2014; Whereas the United States Government helped to fund the development of the Zmapp biopharmaceutical experimental drug that was given to United States health workers afflicted with the virus and was recently donated to Liberian doctors with encouraging effect and has prompted calls for further research and development of such vaccines; Whereas, on August 5, 2014, the United States Government deployed a multi-agency Disaster Assistance Response Team composed of staff from Federal agencies, including the United States Agency for International Development, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Department of Defense, the Department of Health and Human Services, and the Forest Service to coordinate the United States Government's response efforts; Whereas the World Health Organization published on August 28, 2014, a roadmap for scaled-up response that aims to stop the virus in 6 to 9 months and calls for 750 international and 12,000 local health workers to contribute to the halt of the Ebola outbreak; and Whereas, earlier this year, the United States Government joined with partner governments, the World Health Organization, other multilateral organizations, and nongovernmental actors to launch the Global Health Security Agenda, a 5-year commitment to prevent, detect, and effectively respond to infectious disease threats such as Ebola: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) recognizes the severe immediate threat that Ebola poses to populations, governments, and economies in Africa; (2) recognizes that the limited capacity of the initial outbreak countries of Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Liberia to combat the epidemic has been exhausted and the potential threat to regions beyond Africa if this, the largest of all Ebola outbreaks, is not contained; (3) expresses support for those affected by this epidemic and affirms its sympathy for victims of Ebola and their families; (4) supports the Governments of Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Senegal, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo for their ongoing efforts to combat the Ebola virus in their countries and regionally; (5) urges citizens of affected countries to respect preventative guidelines provided by their governments and medical professionals from Africa and around the world in order to stem the outbreak; (6) supports the work of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the United States Agency for International Development, the Department of Defense, the Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of State, the Forest Service, and other United States Government agencies providing technical, logistical, and material support to address the Ebola crisis in West Africa; (7) encourages deepened United States and international commitments to the global Ebola response; (8) welcomes the delivery of assistance and increased engagement from donors such as the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and the African Union, the World Bank, the European Union, and the Government of Canada; (9) expresses support for the promotion of investments in global health in order to ensure that governments can better prevent and detect, contain, and eventually eliminate outbreaks of disease while also providing other essential health services; (10) supports the World Health Organization’s Ebola Response Roadmap and a common operational platform in response to the crisis; (11) encourages the Governments of Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, Senegal, and Sierra Leone to work together and with other nations and regional and subregional organizations to establish institutional emergency response systems to more effectively respond to this and future outbreaks of Ebola and other highly infectious diseases; (12) welcomes proactive measures taken by governments in West Africa to formulate national plans of action in response to the crisis; and (13) recognizes the work of thousands of African, United States, and international officials and volunteers on the ground in West Africa, particularly healthcare workers, who are working diligently and at great risk to help address this multidimensional crisis, and encourages other healthcare workers and logisticians to volunteer.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 541 ATS: Recognizing the severe threat that the Ebola outbreak in West Africa poses to populations, governments, and economies across Africa and, if not properly contained, to regions across the globe, and expressing support for those affected by this epidemic.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-09-10\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress>\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session>\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 541\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140910\">\n September 10, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S337\">\n Mr. Coons\n </sponsor>\n (for himself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S358\">\n Mr. Flake\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S306\">\n Mr. Menendez\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S253\">\n Mr. Durbin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S310\">\n Mr. Corker\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S369\">\n Mr. Markey\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S359\">\n Mr. Heinrich\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S223\">\n Mrs. Boxer\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S259\">\n Mr. Reed\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S370\">\n Mr. Booker\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S057\">\n Mr. Leahy\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S324\">\n Mrs. Shaheen\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S362\">\n Mr. Kaine\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S309\">\n Mr. Casey\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S308\">\n Mr. Cardin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S277\">\n Mr. Carper\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S275\">\n Ms. Cantwell\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S311\">\n Ms. Klobuchar\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S258\">\n Ms. Landrieu\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S350\">\n Mr. Rubio\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S316\">\n Mr. Whitehouse\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name added-display-style=\"italic\" committee-id=\"SSFR00\" deleted-display-style=\"strikethrough\">\n Committee on Foreign Relations\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <action stage=\"Reported-in-Senate\">\n <action-date>\n September 18, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n Reported by\n <sponsor name-id=\"S306\">\n Mr. Menendez\n </sponsor>\n , with an amendment to the preamble\n </action-desc>\n <action-instruction>\n Strike the preamble and insert the part printed in italic\n </action-instruction>\n </action>\n <action>\n <action-date>\n September 18, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n Considered and agreed to with an amended preamble\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Recognizing the severe threat that the Ebola outbreak in West Africa poses to populations,\n\t\t\t governments, and economies across Africa and, if not properly contained,\n\t\t\t to regions across the globe, and expressing support for\n\t\t\t those affected by this epidemic.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas committee-id=\"SSFR00\">\n <text>\n Whereas Ebola hemorrhagic fever is an extremely infectious virus that causes severe illness with a\n\t\t\t fatality rate that can well exceed 50 percent;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas committee-id=\"SSFR00\">\n <text>\n Whereas Ebola is spread through contact with blood, secretions, or other bodily fluids of infected\n\t\t\t humans and animals and can have an incubation period of up to 21 days;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas committee-id=\"SSFR00\">\n <text>\n Whereas the Ebola virus first appeared in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 1976 and has\n\t\t\t afflicted communities in Africa at least 20 times since then;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas committee-id=\"SSFR00\">\n <text>\n Whereas the current Ebola outbreak first occurred in February 2014 in forested areas of\n\t\t\t southeastern Guinea and subsequently spread to Liberia, Sierra Leone,\n\t\t\t Nigeria, and Senegal, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo recently\n\t\t\t discovered the outbreak of a separate strain of the virus;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas committee-id=\"SSFR00\">\n <text>\n Whereas this is the first outbreak of Ebola in West Africa and the biggest and most complex to\n\t\t\t date, due to its emergence in populated, transient border areas, making\n\t\t\t containment a significant challenge;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas committee-id=\"SSFR00\">\n <text>\n Whereas, to date, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Ebola had infected\n\t\t\t more than 4,400 people in West Africa and caused nearly 2,300\n\t\t\t confirmed deaths;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas committee-id=\"SSFR00\">\n <text>\n Whereas the current Ebola outbreak has occurred in countries with some of the weakest health\n\t\t\t systems in the world facing severe shortages of healthcare workers,\n\t\t\t laboratories essential for testing and diagnosis, clinics and hospitals\n\t\t\t required for treatment, and medical supplies and protective gear,\n\t\t\t such as latex gloves and face masks required to prevent contamination of\n\t\t\t health facilities;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas committee-id=\"SSFR00\">\n <text>\n Whereas these weak and inadequate healthcare facilities, a lack of health staff trained in Ebola\n\t\t\t response, and misconceptions about the virus have resulted in numerous\n\t\t\t infections of health workers and patients unable to receive appropriate\n\t\t\t response and care;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas committee-id=\"SSFR00\">\n <text>\n Whereas effective countermeasures for stemming the spread of Ebola, such as isolation, meticulous\n\t\t\t infection control practices, case investigation, and contact tracing\n\t\t\t require more trained personnel and resources than are currently available\n\t\t\t in West Africa;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas committee-id=\"SSFR00\">\n <text>\n Whereas, although Ebola can be contained with good public health and burial practices, it continues\n\t\t\t to spread due to a lack of accurate public information, insufficient\n\t\t\t treatment facilities, limited local language capacities required for\n\t\t\t health education, and an unwillingness to allow those infected to be\n\t\t\t isolated from family members;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas committee-id=\"SSFR00\">\n <text>\n Whereas governments are collaborating closely with international donors and taking strong measures\n\t\t\t to contain the virus, including announcing states of emergency and\n\t\t\t establishing emergency response centers;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas committee-id=\"SSFR00\">\n <text>\n Whereas the limitations on transportation and travel and closing of businesses have had a\n\t\t\t devastating economic impact throughout the region and may cause social\n\t\t\t instability and exacerbate the humanitarian crisis if not properly managed\n\t\t\t and offset;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas committee-id=\"SSFR00\">\n <text>\n Whereas the international community has committed to support solutions to the current limitations\n\t\t\t on air traffic and establish a common operational platform to address\n\t\t\t acute problems associated with food security, protection, water,\n\t\t\t sanitation and hygiene, primary and secondary health care, and education,\n\t\t\t as well as the longer-term recovery effort that will be needed in the face\n\t\t\t of the complex social consequences of this emergency;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas committee-id=\"SSFR00\">\n <text>\n Whereas the Governments of the\tDemocratic Republic of the Congo and Uganda have sent experts\n\t\t\t familiar with such\n\t\t\t outbreaks to Liberia to assist with the outbreak response, and the\n\t\t\t Governments of Senegal and Ghana have agreed to serve as logistics and\n\t\t\t coordination centers for the international assistance effort, providing\n\t\t\t vital corridors for supplies and personnel;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas committee-id=\"SSFR00\">\n <text>\n Whereas, after visiting affected communities in West Africa, Centers for Disease Control and\n\t\t\t Prevention Director Tom Frieden said on September 2, 2014,\n <quote>\n There is a window of opportunity to tamp this down, but that window is closing . . . we need action\n\t\t\t now to scale up the response.\n </quote>\n ;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas committee-id=\"SSFR00\">\n <text>\n Whereas the United States Government has provided more than $175,000,000 in support through the\n\t\t\t Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the United States Agency for\n\t\t\t International Development, the World Health Organization, and the United\n\t\t\t States Armed Forces since February 2014 and intends to mobilize additional\n\t\t\t resources and support as announced by President Obama on September 16,\n\t\t\t 2014;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas committee-id=\"SSFR00\">\n <text>\n Whereas the United States Government helped to fund the development of the Zmapp biopharmaceutical\n\t\t\t experimental drug that was given to United States health workers\n\t\t\t afflicted with the virus and was recently donated to Liberian doctors\n\t\t\t with encouraging effect and has prompted calls for further research and\n\t\t\t development of such vaccines;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas committee-id=\"SSFR00\">\n <text>\n Whereas, on August 5,\t2014, the United States Government deployed a multi-agency Disaster\n\t\t\t Assistance\n\t\t\t Response Team composed of staff from Federal agencies, including the\n\t\t\t United States\n\t\t\t Agency for International Development, the Centers for Disease Control and\n\t\t\t Prevention, the Department of Defense, the Department of Health and Human\n\t\t\t Services, and the Forest Service to coordinate the United\n\t\t\t States Government's response efforts;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas committee-id=\"SSFR00\">\n <text>\n Whereas the World Health Organization published on August 28, 2014, a roadmap for scaled-up\n\t\t\t response that\n\t\t\t aims to stop the virus in 6 to 9 months and calls for 750 international\n\t\t\t and 12,000 local health workers to contribute to the halt of the Ebola\n\t\t\t outbreak; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas committee-id=\"SSFR00\">\n <text>\n Whereas, earlier this year, the United States Government joined with partner governments, the World\n\t\t\t Health Organization, other multilateral organizations, and nongovernmental\n\t\t\t actors to launch the Global Health Security Agenda, a 5-year commitment to\n\t\t\t prevent, detect, and effectively respond to infectious disease threats\n\t\t\t such as Ebola: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"idda0400516dd04e448fb87544fc6b5c1b\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n recognizes the severe immediate threat that Ebola poses to populations, governments, and economies\n\t\t\t in Africa;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id0192e87b345c489bbb08015032e01d36\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n recognizes that the limited capacity of the initial outbreak countries of Guinea, Sierra Leone, and\n\t\t\t Liberia to combat the epidemic has been exhausted and the potential threat\n\t\t\t to regions beyond Africa if this, the largest of all Ebola outbreaks, is\n\t\t\t not contained;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idb88925950b3b44ac959266bfa1c71b8a\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n expresses support for those affected by this epidemic and affirms its sympathy for victims of Ebola\n\t\t\t and their families;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id85dcea0fd0a0482eb3eca659178b69be\">\n <enum>\n (4)\n </enum>\n <text>\n supports the Governments of Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Senegal, and the Democratic\n\t\t\t Republic of the Congo for their ongoing efforts to combat the Ebola virus\n\t\t\t in their countries and regionally;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id00e8a459cd7a4f6e9a76c9b543c4f351\">\n <enum>\n (5)\n </enum>\n <text>\n urges citizens of affected countries to respect preventative guidelines provided by their\n\t\t\t governments and medical professionals from Africa and around the world in\n\t\t\t order to stem the outbreak;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idc0c0b2b9ad3644c2adb7f052b9799f1a\">\n <enum>\n (6)\n </enum>\n <text>\n supports the work of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the United States Agency for\n\t\t\t International Development, the Department of Defense, the Department of\n\t\t\t Health and Human Services, the Department of State, the Forest Service,\n\t\t\t and other United States Government agencies providing\n\t\t\t technical, logistical, and material support to address the Ebola crisis in\n\t\t\t West Africa;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id1adac9675df2493fb2e2f62e5db10470\">\n <enum>\n (7)\n </enum>\n <text>\n encourages deepened United States and international commitments to the global Ebola response;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id76cc514368eb49e2be0c6c68bcf45aa8\">\n <enum>\n (8)\n </enum>\n <text>\n welcomes the delivery of assistance and increased engagement from donors such as the Economic\n\t\t\t Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and the\n\t\t\t African Union, the World Bank, the European Union, and the Government of\n\t\t\t Canada;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id11ad5579002a4c9c9677eb2e20bf5f41\">\n <enum>\n (9)\n </enum>\n <text>\n expresses support for the promotion of investments in global health in order to ensure that\n\t\t\t governments can better prevent and detect, contain, and eventually\n\t\t\t eliminate outbreaks of disease while also providing other essential health\n\t\t\t services;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"ideeac63b19288418fb87814142c33a695\">\n <enum>\n (10)\n </enum>\n <text>\n supports the World Health Organization’s Ebola Response Roadmap and a common operational platform\n\t\t\t in response to the crisis;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"ide4dd8df4493f406dbaa1b27c48ca25ec\">\n <enum>\n (11)\n </enum>\n <text>\n encourages the Governments of Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, Senegal, and Sierra Leone to work together\n\t\t\t and with other nations and regional and subregional organizations to\n\t\t\t establish institutional emergency response systems to more effectively\n\t\t\t respond to\n\t\t\t this and future outbreaks of Ebola and other highly infectious diseases;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id95787a49eeb54e96a17fd802beaeb60a\">\n <enum>\n (12)\n </enum>\n <text>\n welcomes proactive measures taken by governments in West Africa to formulate national plans of\n\t\t\t action in response to the crisis; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idd0adcb8af8f44a22b98d0a330ca69da3\">\n <enum>\n (13)\n </enum>\n <text>\n recognizes the work of thousands of African, United States, and international officials and\n\t\t\t volunteers\n\t\t\t on the ground in West Africa, particularly healthcare workers, who are\n\t\t\t working diligently and at great risk to help address this multidimensional\n\t\t\t crisis, and encourages other healthcare workers and logisticians to\n\t\t\t volunteer.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" }, { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-09-10T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres541is/xml/BILLS-113sres541is.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres541is.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres541is.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-06T23:16:02.867", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-541", "legis_num": 541, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "is", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-541-is-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 541 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES September 10, 2014 Mr. Coons (for himself, Mr. Flake , Mr. Menendez , and Mr. Durbin ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations RESOLUTION Recognizing the severe threat that the Ebola outbreak in West Africa poses to populations, governments, and economies across Africa and, if not properly contained, to regions across the globe, and expressing support for those affected by this epidemic.\n\nWhereas Ebola hemorrhagic fever is an extremely infectious virus that causes severe illness with a fatality rate that can well exceed 50 percent; Whereas Ebola is spread through contact with blood, secretions, or other bodily fluids of infected humans and animals and can have an incubation period of up to 21 days; Whereas the Ebola virus first appeared in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 1976 and has afflicted communities in Africa at least 20 times since then; Whereas the current Ebola outbreak first occurred in February 2014 in forested areas of southeastern Guinea and subsequently spread to Liberia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, and Senegal, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo recently discovered the outbreak of a separate strain of the virus; Whereas this is the first outbreak of Ebola in West Africa and the biggest and most complex to date, due to its emergence in populated, transient border areas, making containment a significant challenge; Whereas, to date, Ebola had infected more than 3,600 people in West Africa and caused almost 2,000 deaths; Whereas the current Ebola outbreak has occurred in countries with some of the weakest health systems in the world facing severe shortages of healthcare workers, laboratories essential for testing and diagnosis, clinics and hospitals required for treatment, and medical supplies and protective gear, such as latex gloves and face masks required to prevent contamination of health facilities; Whereas these weak and inadequate healthcare facilities, a lack of health staff trained in Ebola response, and misconceptions about the virus have resulted in numerous infections of health workers and patients unable to receive appropriate response and care; Whereas effective countermeasures for stemming the spread of Ebola, such as isolation, meticulous infection control practices, case investigation, and contact tracing require more trained personnel and resources than are currently available in West Africa; Whereas, although Ebola can be contained with good public health and burial practices, it continues to spread due to a lack of accurate public information, insufficient treatment facilities, limited local language capacities required for health education, and an unwillingness to allow those infected to be isolated from family members; Whereas governments are collaborating closely with international donors and taking strong measures to contain the virus, including announcing states of emergency and establishing emergency response centers; Whereas the limitations on transportation and travel and closing of businesses have had a devastating economic impact throughout the region and may cause social instability and exacerbate the humanitarian crisis if not properly managed and offset; Whereas the international community has committed to support solutions to the current limitations on air traffic and establish a common operational platform to address acute problems associated with food security, protection, water, sanitation and hygiene, primary and secondary health care, and education, as well as the longer-term recovery effort that will be needed in the face of the complex social consequences of this emergency; Whereas the Governments of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Uganda have sent experts familiar with such outbreaks to Liberia to assist with the outbreak response, and the Government of Ghana has agreed to serve as the international community’s logistics and coordination center and is providing a vital corridor for supplies and personnel; Whereas, after visiting affected communities in West Africa, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Tom Frieden said on September 2, 2014, There is a window of opportunity to tamp this down, but that window is closing … we need action now to scale up the response. ; Whereas the United States Government has provided more than $101,400,000 in support through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the United States Agency for International Development, the World Health Organization, and the United States Armed Forces since February 2014; Whereas the United States Government helped to fund the development of the Zmapp biopharmaceutical experimental drug that was given to 2 United States health workers afflicted with the virus and was recently donated to 3 Liberian doctors with encouraging effect and has prompted calls for further research and development of such vaccines; Whereas, on August 5, 2014, the United States Government deployed a multi-agency Disaster Assistance Response Team composed of staff from Federal agencies, including the United States Agency for International Development, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Department of Defense, the Department of Health and Human Services, and the Forest Service to coordinate the United States Government's response efforts; Whereas the World Health Organization published on August 28, 2014, a roadmap for scaled-up response that aims to stop the virus in 6 to 9 months and calls for 750 international and 12,000 local health workers to contribute to the halt of the Ebola outbreak; and Whereas, earlier this year, the United States Government joined with partner governments, the World Health Organization, other multilateral organizations, and nongovernmental actors to launch the Global Health Security Agenda, a 5-year commitment to prevent, detect, and effectively respond to infectious disease threats such as Ebola: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) recognizes the severe immediate threat that Ebola poses to populations, governments, and economies in Africa; (2) recognizes that the limited capacity of the initial outbreak countries of Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Liberia to combat the epidemic has been exhausted and the potential threat to regions beyond Africa if this, the largest of all Ebola outbreaks, is not contained; (3) expresses support for those affected by this epidemic and affirms its sympathy for victims of Ebola and their families; (4) supports the Governments of Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Senegal, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo for their ongoing efforts to combat the Ebola virus in their countries and regionally; (5) urges citizens of affected countries to respect preventative guidelines provided by their governments and medical professionals from Africa and around the world in order to stem the outbreak; (6) supports the work of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the United States Agency for International Development, the Department of Defense, the Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of State, the Forest Service, and other United States Government agencies providing technical, logistical, and material support to address the Ebola crisis in West Africa; (7) encourages deepened United States and international commitments to the global Ebola response; (8) welcomes the delivery of assistance and increased engagement from donors such as the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and the African Union, the World Bank, the European Union, and the Government of Canada; (9) expresses support for the promotion of investments in global health in order to ensure that governments can better prevent and detect, contain, and eventually eliminate outbreaks of disease while also providing other essential health services; (10) supports the World Health Organization’s Ebola Response Roadmap and a common operational platform in response to the crisis; (11) encourages the Governments of Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, Senegal, and Sierra Leone to work together and with other nations and regional and subregional organizations to establish institutional emergency response systems to more effectively respond to this and future outbreaks of Ebola and other highly infectious diseases; (12) welcomes proactive measures taken by governments in West Africa to formulate national plans of action in response to the crisis; and (13) recognizes the work of thousands of African, United States, and international officials and volunteers on the ground in West Africa, particularly healthcare workers, who are working diligently and at great risk to help address this multidimensional crisis, and encourages other healthcare workers and logisticians to volunteer.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Introduced-in-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 541 IS: Recognizing the severe threat that the Ebola outbreak in West Africa poses to populations, governments, and economies across Africa and, if not properly contained, to regions across the globe, and expressing support for those affected by this epidemic.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-09-10\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 541\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140910\">\n September 10, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S337\">\n Mr. Coons\n </sponsor>\n (for himself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S358\">\n Mr. Flake\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S306\">\n Mr. Menendez\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S253\">\n Mr. Durbin\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name committee-id=\"SSFR00\">\n Committee on Foreign Relations\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Recognizing the severe threat that the Ebola outbreak in West Africa poses to populations,\n\t\t\t governments, and economies across Africa and, if not properly contained,\n\t\t\t to regions across the globe, and expressing support for\n\t\t\t those affected by this epidemic.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Ebola hemorrhagic fever is an extremely infectious virus that causes severe illness with a\n\t\t\t fatality rate that can well exceed 50 percent;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Ebola is spread through contact with blood, secretions, or other bodily fluids of infected\n\t\t\t humans and animals and can have an incubation period of up to 21 days;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Ebola virus first appeared in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 1976 and has\n\t\t\t afflicted communities in Africa at least 20 times since then;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the current Ebola outbreak first occurred in February 2014 in forested areas of\n\t\t\t southeastern Guinea and subsequently spread to Liberia, Sierra Leone,\n\t\t\t Nigeria, and Senegal, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo recently\n\t\t\t discovered the outbreak of a separate strain of the virus;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas this is the first outbreak of Ebola in West Africa and the biggest and most complex to\n\t\t\t date, due to its emergence in populated, transient border areas, making\n\t\t\t containment a significant challenge;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, to date, Ebola had infected more than 3,600 people in West Africa and caused almost 2,000\n\t\t\t deaths;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the current Ebola outbreak has occurred in countries with some of the weakest health\n\t\t\t systems in the world facing severe shortages of healthcare workers,\n\t\t\t laboratories essential for testing and diagnosis, clinics and hospitals\n\t\t\t required for treatment, and medical supplies and protective gear,\n\t\t\t such as latex gloves and face masks required to prevent contamination of\n\t\t\t health facilities;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas these weak and inadequate healthcare facilities, a lack of health staff trained in Ebola\n\t\t\t response, and misconceptions about the virus have resulted in numerous\n\t\t\t infections of health workers and patients unable to receive appropriate\n\t\t\t response and care;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas effective countermeasures for stemming the spread of Ebola, such as isolation, meticulous\n\t\t\t infection control practices, case investigation, and contact tracing\n\t\t\t require more trained personnel and resources than are currently available\n\t\t\t in West Africa;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, although Ebola can be contained with good public health and burial practices, it continues\n\t\t\t to spread due to a lack of accurate public information, insufficient\n\t\t\t treatment facilities, limited local language capacities required for\n\t\t\t health education, and an unwillingness to allow those infected to be\n\t\t\t isolated from family members;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas governments are collaborating closely with international donors and taking strong measures\n\t\t\t to contain the virus, including announcing states of emergency and\n\t\t\t establishing emergency response centers;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the limitations on transportation and travel and closing of businesses have had a\n\t\t\t devastating economic impact throughout the region and may cause social\n\t\t\t instability and exacerbate the humanitarian crisis if not properly managed\n\t\t\t and offset;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the international community has committed to support solutions to the current limitations\n\t\t\t on air traffic and establish a common operational platform to address\n\t\t\t acute problems associated with food security, protection, water,\n\t\t\t sanitation and hygiene, primary and secondary health care, and education,\n\t\t\t as well as the longer-term recovery effort that will be needed in the face\n\t\t\t of the complex social consequences of this emergency;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Governments of the\tDemocratic Republic of the Congo and Uganda have sent experts\n\t\t\t familiar with such\n\t\t\t outbreaks to Liberia to assist with the outbreak response, and the\n\t\t\t Government of Ghana has agreed to serve as the international community’s\n\t\t\t logistics and coordination center and is providing a vital corridor for\n\t\t\t supplies and personnel;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, after visiting affected communities in West Africa, Centers for Disease Control and\n\t\t\t Prevention Director Tom Frieden said on September 2, 2014,\n <quote>\n There is a window of opportunity to tamp this down, but that window is closing … we need action\n\t\t\t now to scale up the response.\n </quote>\n ;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States Government has provided more than $101,400,000 in support through the\n\t\t\t Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the United States Agency for\n\t\t\t International Development, the World Health Organization, and the United\n\t\t\t States Armed Forces since February 2014;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States Government helped to fund the development of the Zmapp biopharmaceutical\n\t\t\t experimental drug that was given to 2 United States health workers\n\t\t\t afflicted with the virus and was recently donated to 3 Liberian doctors\n\t\t\t with encouraging effect and has prompted calls for further research and\n\t\t\t development of such vaccines;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, on August 5,\t2014, the United States Government deployed a multi-agency Disaster\n\t\t\t Assistance\n\t\t\t Response Team composed of staff from Federal agencies, including the\n\t\t\t United States\n\t\t\t Agency for International Development, the Centers for Disease Control and\n\t\t\t Prevention, the Department of Defense, the Department of Health and Human\n\t\t\t Services, and the Forest Service to coordinate the United\n\t\t\t States Government's response efforts;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the World Health Organization published on August 28, 2014, a roadmap for scaled-up\n\t\t\t response that\n\t\t\t aims to stop the virus in 6 to 9 months and calls for 750 international\n\t\t\t and 12,000 local health workers to contribute to the halt of the Ebola\n\t\t\t outbreak; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, earlier this year, the United States Government joined with partner governments, the World\n\t\t\t Health Organization, other multilateral organizations, and nongovernmental\n\t\t\t actors to launch the Global Health Security Agenda, a 5-year commitment to\n\t\t\t prevent, detect, and effectively respond to infectious disease threats\n\t\t\t such as Ebola: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"idda0400516dd04e448fb87544fc6b5c1b\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n recognizes the severe immediate threat that Ebola poses to populations, governments, and economies\n\t\t\t in Africa;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id0192e87b345c489bbb08015032e01d36\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n recognizes that the limited capacity of the initial outbreak countries of Guinea, Sierra Leone, and\n\t\t\t Liberia to combat the epidemic has been exhausted and the potential threat\n\t\t\t to regions beyond Africa if this, the largest of all Ebola outbreaks, is\n\t\t\t not contained;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idb88925950b3b44ac959266bfa1c71b8a\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n expresses support for those affected by this epidemic and affirms its sympathy for victims of Ebola\n\t\t\t and their families;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id85dcea0fd0a0482eb3eca659178b69be\">\n <enum>\n (4)\n </enum>\n <text>\n supports the Governments of Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Senegal, and the Democratic\n\t\t\t Republic of the Congo for their ongoing efforts to combat the Ebola virus\n\t\t\t in their countries and regionally;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id00e8a459cd7a4f6e9a76c9b543c4f351\">\n <enum>\n (5)\n </enum>\n <text>\n urges citizens of affected countries to respect preventative guidelines provided by their\n\t\t\t governments and medical professionals from Africa and around the world in\n\t\t\t order to stem the outbreak;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idc0c0b2b9ad3644c2adb7f052b9799f1a\">\n <enum>\n (6)\n </enum>\n <text>\n supports the work of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the United States Agency for\n\t\t\t International Development, the Department of Defense, the Department of\n\t\t\t Health and Human Services, the Department of State, the Forest Service,\n\t\t\t and other United States Government agencies providing\n\t\t\t technical, logistical, and material support to address the Ebola crisis in\n\t\t\t West Africa;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id1adac9675df2493fb2e2f62e5db10470\">\n <enum>\n (7)\n </enum>\n <text>\n encourages deepened United States and international commitments to the global Ebola response;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id76cc514368eb49e2be0c6c68bcf45aa8\">\n <enum>\n (8)\n </enum>\n <text>\n welcomes the delivery of assistance and increased engagement from donors such as the Economic\n\t\t\t Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and the\n\t\t\t African Union, the World Bank, the European Union, and the Government of\n\t\t\t Canada;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id11ad5579002a4c9c9677eb2e20bf5f41\">\n <enum>\n (9)\n </enum>\n <text>\n expresses support for the promotion of investments in global health in order to ensure that\n\t\t\t governments can better prevent and detect, contain, and eventually\n\t\t\t eliminate outbreaks of disease while also providing other essential health\n\t\t\t services;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"ideeac63b19288418fb87814142c33a695\">\n <enum>\n (10)\n </enum>\n <text>\n supports the World Health Organization’s Ebola Response Roadmap and a common operational platform\n\t\t\t in response to the crisis;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"ide4dd8df4493f406dbaa1b27c48ca25ec\">\n <enum>\n (11)\n </enum>\n <text>\n encourages the Governments of Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, Senegal, and Sierra Leone to work together\n\t\t\t and with other nations and regional and subregional organizations to\n\t\t\t establish institutional emergency response systems to more effectively\n\t\t\t respond to\n\t\t\t this and future outbreaks of Ebola and other highly infectious diseases;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id95787a49eeb54e96a17fd802beaeb60a\">\n <enum>\n (12)\n </enum>\n <text>\n welcomes proactive measures taken by governments in West Africa to formulate national plans of\n\t\t\t action in response to the crisis; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idd0adcb8af8f44a22b98d0a330ca69da3\">\n <enum>\n (13)\n </enum>\n <text>\n recognizes the work of thousands of African, United States, and international officials and\n\t\t\t volunteers\n\t\t\t on the ground in West Africa, particularly healthcare workers, who are\n\t\t\t working diligently and at great risk to help address this multidimensional\n\t\t\t crisis, and encourages other healthcare workers and logisticians to\n\t\t\t volunteer.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" }, { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-09-18T04:00:00Z", "type": "Reported to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres541rs/xml/BILLS-113sres541rs.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres541rs.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres541rs.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-06T23:16:02.705", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-541", "legis_num": 541, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "rs", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-541-rs-dtd", "tv_txt": "III Calendar No. 572 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 541 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES September 10, 2014 Mr. Coons (for himself, Mr. Flake , Mr. Menendez , Mr. Durbin , Mr. Corker , Mr. Markey , Mr. Heinrich , Mrs. Boxer , Mr. Reed , Mr. Booker , Mr. Leahy , Mrs. Shaheen , Mr. Kaine , Mr. Casey , Mr. Cardin , Mr. Carper , Ms. Cantwell , Ms. Klobuchar , Ms. Landrieu , Mr. Rubio , and Mr. Whitehouse ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations September 18, 2014 Reported by Mr. Menendez , with an amendment to the preamble Strike the preamble and insert the part printed in italic RESOLUTION Recognizing the severe threat that the Ebola outbreak in West Africa poses to populations, governments, and economies across Africa and, if not properly contained, to regions across the globe, and expressing support for those affected by this epidemic.\n\nWhereas Ebola hemorrhagic fever is an extremely infectious virus that causes severe illness with a fatality rate that can well exceed 50 percent; Whereas Ebola is spread through contact with blood, secretions, or other bodily fluids of infected humans and animals and can have an incubation period of up to 21 days; Whereas the Ebola virus first appeared in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 1976 and has afflicted communities in Africa at least 20 times since then; Whereas the current Ebola outbreak first occurred in February 2014 in forested areas of southeastern Guinea and subsequently spread to Liberia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, and Senegal, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo recently discovered the outbreak of a separate strain of the virus; Whereas this is the first outbreak of Ebola in West Africa and the biggest and most complex to date, due to its emergence in populated, transient border areas, making containment a significant challenge; Whereas, to date, Ebola had infected more than 3,600 people in West Africa and caused almost 2,000 deaths; Whereas the current Ebola outbreak has occurred in countries with some of the weakest health systems in the world facing severe shortages of healthcare workers, laboratories essential for testing and diagnosis, clinics and hospitals required for treatment, and medical supplies and protective gear, such as latex gloves and face masks required to prevent contamination of health facilities; Whereas these weak and inadequate healthcare facilities, a lack of health staff trained in Ebola response, and misconceptions about the virus have resulted in numerous infections of health workers and patients unable to receive appropriate response and care; Whereas effective countermeasures for stemming the spread of Ebola, such as isolation, meticulous infection control practices, case investigation, and contact tracing require more trained personnel and resources than are currently available in West Africa; Whereas, although Ebola can be contained with good public health and burial practices, it continues to spread due to a lack of accurate public information, insufficient treatment facilities, limited local language capacities required for health education, and an unwillingness to allow those infected to be isolated from family members; Whereas governments are collaborating closely with international donors and taking strong measures to contain the virus, including announcing states of emergency and establishing emergency response centers; Whereas the limitations on transportation and travel and closing of businesses have had a devastating economic impact throughout the region and may cause social instability and exacerbate the humanitarian crisis if not properly managed and offset; Whereas the international community has committed to support solutions to the current limitations on air traffic and establish a common operational platform to address acute problems associated with food security, protection, water, sanitation and hygiene, primary and secondary health care, and education, as well as the longer-term recovery effort that will be needed in the face of the complex social consequences of this emergency; Whereas the Governments of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Uganda have sent experts familiar with such outbreaks to Liberia to assist with the outbreak response, and the Government of Ghana has agreed to serve as the international community’s logistics and coordination center and is providing a vital corridor for supplies and personnel; Whereas, after visiting affected communities in West Africa, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Tom Frieden said on September 2, 2014, There is a window of opportunity to tamp this down, but that window is closing … we need action now to scale up the response. ; Whereas the United States Government has provided more than $101,400,000 in support through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the United States Agency for International Development, the World Health Organization, and the United States Armed Forces since February 2014; Whereas the United States Government helped to fund the development of the Zmapp biopharmaceutical experimental drug that was given to 2 United States health workers afflicted with the virus and was recently donated to 3 Liberian doctors with encouraging effect and has prompted calls for further research and development of such vaccines; Whereas, on August 5, 2014, the United States Government deployed a multi-agency Disaster Assistance Response Team composed of staff from Federal agencies, including the United States Agency for International Development, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Department of Defense, the Department of Health and Human Services, and the Forest Service to coordinate the United States Government's response efforts; Whereas the World Health Organization published on August 28, 2014, a roadmap for scaled-up response that aims to stop the virus in 6 to 9 months and calls for 750 international and 12,000 local health workers to contribute to the halt of the Ebola outbreak; and Whereas, earlier this year, the United States Government joined with partner governments, the World Health Organization, other multilateral organizations, and nongovernmental actors to launch the Global Health Security Agenda, a 5-year commitment to prevent, detect, and effectively respond to infectious disease threats such as Ebola: Now, therefore, be it Whereas Ebola hemorrhagic fever is an extremely infectious virus that causes severe illness with a fatality rate that can well exceed 50 percent; Whereas Ebola is spread through contact with blood, secretions, or other bodily fluids of infected humans and animals and can have an incubation period of up to 21 days; Whereas the Ebola virus first appeared in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 1976 and has afflicted communities in Africa at least 20 times since then; Whereas the current Ebola outbreak first occurred in February 2014 in forested areas of southeastern Guinea and subsequently spread to Liberia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, and Senegal, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo recently discovered the outbreak of a separate strain of the virus; Whereas this is the first outbreak of Ebola in West Africa and the biggest and most complex to date, due to its emergence in populated, transient border areas, making containment a significant challenge; Whereas, to date, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Ebola had infected more than 4,400 people in West Africa and caused nearly 2,300 confirmed deaths; Whereas the current Ebola outbreak has occurred in countries with some of the weakest health systems in the world facing severe shortages of healthcare workers, laboratories essential for testing and diagnosis, clinics and hospitals required for treatment, and medical supplies and protective gear, such as latex gloves and face masks required to prevent contamination of health facilities; Whereas these weak and inadequate healthcare facilities, a lack of health staff trained in Ebola response, and misconceptions about the virus have resulted in numerous infections of health workers and patients unable to receive appropriate response and care; Whereas effective countermeasures for stemming the spread of Ebola, such as isolation, meticulous infection control practices, case investigation, and contact tracing require more trained personnel and resources than are currently available in West Africa; Whereas, although Ebola can be contained with good public health and burial practices, it continues to spread due to a lack of accurate public information, insufficient treatment facilities, limited local language capacities required for health education, and an unwillingness to allow those infected to be isolated from family members; Whereas governments are collaborating closely with international donors and taking strong measures to contain the virus, including announcing states of emergency and establishing emergency response centers; Whereas the limitations on transportation and travel and closing of businesses have had a devastating economic impact throughout the region and may cause social instability and exacerbate the humanitarian crisis if not properly managed and offset; Whereas the international community has committed to support solutions to the current limitations on air traffic and establish a common operational platform to address acute problems associated with food security, protection, water, sanitation and hygiene, primary and secondary health care, and education, as well as the longer-term recovery effort that will be needed in the face of the complex social consequences of this emergency; Whereas the Governments of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Uganda have sent experts familiar with such outbreaks to Liberia to assist with the outbreak response, and the Governments of Senegal and Ghana have agreed to serve as logistics and coordination centers for the international assistance effort, providing vital corridors for supplies and personnel; Whereas, after visiting affected communities in West Africa, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Tom Frieden said on September 2, 2014, There is a window of opportunity to tamp this down, but that window is closing . . . we need action now to scale up the response. ; Whereas the United States Government has provided more than $175,000,000 in support through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the United States Agency for International Development, the World Health Organization, and the United States Armed Forces since February 2014 and intends to mobilize additional resources and support as announced by President Obama on September 16, 2014; Whereas the United States Government helped to fund the development of the Zmapp biopharmaceutical experimental drug that was given to United States health workers afflicted with the virus and was recently donated to Liberian doctors with encouraging effect and has prompted calls for further research and development of such vaccines; Whereas, on August 5, 2014, the United States Government deployed a multi-agency Disaster Assistance Response Team composed of staff from Federal agencies, including the United States Agency for International Development, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Department of Defense, the Department of Health and Human Services, and the Forest Service to coordinate the United States Government's response efforts; Whereas the World Health Organization published on August 28, 2014, a roadmap for scaled-up response that aims to stop the virus in 6 to 9 months and calls for 750 international and 12,000 local health workers to contribute to the halt of the Ebola outbreak; and Whereas, earlier this year, the United States Government joined with partner governments, the World Health Organization, other multilateral organizations, and nongovernmental actors to launch the Global Health Security Agenda, a 5-year commitment to prevent, detect, and effectively respond to infectious disease threats such as Ebola: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) recognizes the severe immediate threat that Ebola poses to populations, governments, and economies in Africa; (2) recognizes that the limited capacity of the initial outbreak countries of Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Liberia to combat the epidemic has been exhausted and the potential threat to regions beyond Africa if this, the largest of all Ebola outbreaks, is not contained; (3) expresses support for those affected by this epidemic and affirms its sympathy for victims of Ebola and their families; (4) supports the Governments of Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Senegal, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo for their ongoing efforts to combat the Ebola virus in their countries and regionally; (5) urges citizens of affected countries to respect preventative guidelines provided by their governments and medical professionals from Africa and around the world in order to stem the outbreak; (6) supports the work of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the United States Agency for International Development, the Department of Defense, the Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of State, the Forest Service, and other United States Government agencies providing technical, logistical, and material support to address the Ebola crisis in West Africa; (7) encourages deepened United States and international commitments to the global Ebola response; (8) welcomes the delivery of assistance and increased engagement from donors such as the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and the African Union, the World Bank, the European Union, and the Government of Canada; (9) expresses support for the promotion of investments in global health in order to ensure that governments can better prevent and detect, contain, and eventually eliminate outbreaks of disease while also providing other essential health services; (10) supports the World Health Organization’s Ebola Response Roadmap and a common operational platform in response to the crisis; (11) encourages the Governments of Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, Senegal, and Sierra Leone to work together and with other nations and regional and subregional organizations to establish institutional emergency response systems to more effectively respond to this and future outbreaks of Ebola and other highly infectious diseases; (12) welcomes proactive measures taken by governments in West Africa to formulate national plans of action in response to the crisis; and (13) recognizes the work of thousands of African, United States, and international officials and volunteers on the ground in West Africa, particularly healthcare workers, who are working diligently and at great risk to help address this multidimensional crisis, and encourages other healthcare workers and logisticians to volunteer.\n\nSeptember 18, 2014 Reported with an amendment to the preamble", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Reported-in-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 541 RS: Recognizing the severe threat that the Ebola outbreak in West Africa poses to populations, governments, and economies across Africa and, if not properly contained, to regions across the globe, and expressing support for those affected by this epidemic.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-09-10\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <calendar>\n Calendar No. 572\n </calendar>\n <congress>\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session>\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 541\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140910\">\n September 10, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S337\">\n Mr. Coons\n </sponsor>\n (for himself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S358\">\n Mr. Flake\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S306\">\n Mr. Menendez\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S253\">\n Mr. Durbin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S310\">\n Mr. Corker\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S369\">\n Mr. Markey\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S359\">\n Mr. Heinrich\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S223\">\n Mrs. Boxer\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S259\">\n Mr. Reed\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S370\">\n Mr. Booker\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S057\">\n Mr. Leahy\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S324\">\n Mrs. Shaheen\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S362\">\n Mr. Kaine\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S309\">\n Mr. Casey\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S308\">\n Mr. Cardin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S277\">\n Mr. Carper\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S275\">\n Ms. Cantwell\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S311\">\n Ms. Klobuchar\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S258\">\n Ms. Landrieu\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S350\">\n Mr. Rubio\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S316\">\n Mr. Whitehouse\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name added-display-style=\"italic\" committee-id=\"SSFR00\" deleted-display-style=\"strikethrough\">\n Committee on Foreign Relations\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <action stage=\"Reported-in-Senate\">\n <action-date>\n September 18, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n Reported by\n <sponsor name-id=\"S306\">\n Mr. Menendez\n </sponsor>\n , with an amendment to the preamble\n </action-desc>\n <action-instruction>\n Strike the preamble and insert the part printed in italic\n </action-instruction>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Recognizing the severe threat that the Ebola outbreak in West Africa poses to populations,\n\t\t\t governments, and economies across Africa and, if not properly contained,\n\t\t\t to regions across the globe, and expressing support for\n\t\t\t those affected by this epidemic.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas changed=\"deleted\" committee-id=\"SSFR00\" reported-display-style=\"strikethrough\">\n <text>\n Whereas Ebola hemorrhagic fever is an extremely infectious virus that causes severe illness with a\n\t\t\t fatality rate that can well exceed 50 percent;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"deleted\" committee-id=\"SSFR00\" reported-display-style=\"strikethrough\">\n <text>\n Whereas Ebola is spread through contact with blood, secretions, or other bodily fluids of infected\n\t\t\t humans and animals and can have an incubation period of up to 21 days;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"deleted\" committee-id=\"SSFR00\" reported-display-style=\"strikethrough\">\n <text>\n Whereas the Ebola virus first appeared in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 1976 and has\n\t\t\t afflicted communities in Africa at least 20 times since then;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"deleted\" committee-id=\"SSFR00\" reported-display-style=\"strikethrough\">\n <text>\n Whereas the current Ebola outbreak first occurred in February 2014 in forested areas of\n\t\t\t southeastern Guinea and subsequently spread to Liberia, Sierra Leone,\n\t\t\t Nigeria, and Senegal, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo recently\n\t\t\t discovered the outbreak of a separate strain of the virus;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"deleted\" committee-id=\"SSFR00\" reported-display-style=\"strikethrough\">\n <text>\n Whereas this is the first outbreak of Ebola in West Africa and the biggest and most complex to\n\t\t\t date, due to its emergence in populated, transient border areas, making\n\t\t\t containment a significant challenge;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"deleted\" committee-id=\"SSFR00\" reported-display-style=\"strikethrough\">\n <text>\n Whereas, to date, Ebola had infected more than 3,600 people in West Africa and caused almost 2,000\n\t\t\t deaths;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"deleted\" committee-id=\"SSFR00\" reported-display-style=\"strikethrough\">\n <text>\n Whereas the current Ebola outbreak has occurred in countries with some of the weakest health\n\t\t\t systems in the world facing severe shortages of healthcare workers,\n\t\t\t laboratories essential for testing and diagnosis, clinics and hospitals\n\t\t\t required for treatment, and medical supplies and protective gear,\n\t\t\t such as latex gloves and face masks required to prevent contamination of\n\t\t\t health facilities;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"deleted\" committee-id=\"SSFR00\" reported-display-style=\"strikethrough\">\n <text>\n Whereas these weak and inadequate healthcare facilities, a lack of health staff trained in Ebola\n\t\t\t response, and misconceptions about the virus have resulted in numerous\n\t\t\t infections of health workers and patients unable to receive appropriate\n\t\t\t response and care;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"deleted\" committee-id=\"SSFR00\" reported-display-style=\"strikethrough\">\n <text>\n Whereas effective countermeasures for stemming the spread of Ebola, such as isolation, meticulous\n\t\t\t infection control practices, case investigation, and contact tracing\n\t\t\t require more trained personnel and resources than are currently available\n\t\t\t in West Africa;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"deleted\" committee-id=\"SSFR00\" reported-display-style=\"strikethrough\">\n <text>\n Whereas, although Ebola can be contained with good public health and burial practices, it continues\n\t\t\t to spread due to a lack of accurate public information, insufficient\n\t\t\t treatment facilities, limited local language capacities required for\n\t\t\t health education, and an unwillingness to allow those infected to be\n\t\t\t isolated from family members;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"deleted\" committee-id=\"SSFR00\" reported-display-style=\"strikethrough\">\n <text>\n Whereas governments are collaborating closely with international donors and taking strong measures\n\t\t\t to contain the virus, including announcing states of emergency and\n\t\t\t establishing emergency response centers;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"deleted\" committee-id=\"SSFR00\" reported-display-style=\"strikethrough\">\n <text>\n Whereas the limitations on transportation and travel and closing of businesses have had a\n\t\t\t devastating economic impact throughout the region and may cause social\n\t\t\t instability and exacerbate the humanitarian crisis if not properly managed\n\t\t\t and offset;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"deleted\" committee-id=\"SSFR00\" reported-display-style=\"strikethrough\">\n <text>\n Whereas the international community has committed to support solutions to the current limitations\n\t\t\t on air traffic and establish a common operational platform to address\n\t\t\t acute problems associated with food security, protection, water,\n\t\t\t sanitation and hygiene, primary and secondary health care, and education,\n\t\t\t as well as the longer-term recovery effort that will be needed in the face\n\t\t\t of the complex social consequences of this emergency;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"deleted\" committee-id=\"SSFR00\" reported-display-style=\"strikethrough\">\n <text>\n Whereas the Governments of the\tDemocratic Republic of the Congo and Uganda have sent experts\n\t\t\t familiar with such\n\t\t\t outbreaks to Liberia to assist with the outbreak response, and the\n\t\t\t Government of Ghana has agreed to serve as the international community’s\n\t\t\t logistics and coordination center and is providing a vital corridor for\n\t\t\t supplies and personnel;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"deleted\" committee-id=\"SSFR00\" reported-display-style=\"strikethrough\">\n <text>\n Whereas, after visiting affected communities in West Africa, Centers for Disease Control and\n\t\t\t Prevention Director Tom Frieden said on September 2, 2014,\n <quote>\n There is a window of opportunity to tamp this down, but that window is closing … we need action\n\t\t\t now to scale up the response.\n </quote>\n ;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"deleted\" committee-id=\"SSFR00\" reported-display-style=\"strikethrough\">\n <text>\n Whereas the United States Government has provided more than $101,400,000 in support through the\n\t\t\t Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the United States Agency for\n\t\t\t International Development, the World Health Organization, and the United\n\t\t\t States Armed Forces since February 2014;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"deleted\" committee-id=\"SSFR00\" reported-display-style=\"strikethrough\">\n <text>\n Whereas the United States Government helped to fund the development of the Zmapp biopharmaceutical\n\t\t\t experimental drug that was given to 2 United States health workers\n\t\t\t afflicted with the virus and was recently donated to 3 Liberian doctors\n\t\t\t with encouraging effect and has prompted calls for further research and\n\t\t\t development of such vaccines;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"deleted\" committee-id=\"SSFR00\" reported-display-style=\"strikethrough\">\n <text>\n Whereas, on August 5,\t2014, the United States Government deployed a multi-agency Disaster\n\t\t\t Assistance\n\t\t\t Response Team composed of staff from Federal agencies, including the\n\t\t\t United States\n\t\t\t Agency for International Development, the Centers for Disease Control and\n\t\t\t Prevention, the Department of Defense, the Department of Health and Human\n\t\t\t Services, and the Forest Service to coordinate the United\n\t\t\t States Government's response efforts;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"deleted\" committee-id=\"SSFR00\" reported-display-style=\"strikethrough\">\n <text>\n Whereas the World Health Organization published on August 28, 2014, a roadmap for scaled-up\n\t\t\t response that\n\t\t\t aims to stop the virus in 6 to 9 months and calls for 750 international\n\t\t\t and 12,000 local health workers to contribute to the halt of the Ebola\n\t\t\t outbreak; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"deleted\" committee-id=\"SSFR00\" reported-display-style=\"strikethrough\">\n <text>\n Whereas, earlier this year, the United States Government joined with partner governments, the World\n\t\t\t Health Organization, other multilateral organizations, and nongovernmental\n\t\t\t actors to launch the Global Health Security Agenda, a 5-year commitment to\n\t\t\t prevent, detect, and effectively respond to infectious disease threats\n\t\t\t such as Ebola: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"added\" committee-id=\"SSFR00\" reported-display-style=\"italic\">\n <text>\n Whereas Ebola hemorrhagic fever is an extremely infectious virus that causes severe illness with a\n\t\t\t fatality rate that can well exceed 50 percent;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"added\" committee-id=\"SSFR00\" reported-display-style=\"italic\">\n <text>\n Whereas Ebola is spread through contact with blood, secretions, or other bodily fluids of infected\n\t\t\t humans and animals and can have an incubation period of up to 21 days;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"added\" committee-id=\"SSFR00\" reported-display-style=\"italic\">\n <text>\n Whereas the Ebola virus first appeared in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 1976 and has\n\t\t\t afflicted communities in Africa at least 20 times since then;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"added\" committee-id=\"SSFR00\" reported-display-style=\"italic\">\n <text>\n Whereas the current Ebola outbreak first occurred in February 2014 in forested areas of\n\t\t\t southeastern Guinea and subsequently spread to Liberia, Sierra Leone,\n\t\t\t Nigeria, and Senegal, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo recently\n\t\t\t discovered the outbreak of a separate strain of the virus;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"added\" committee-id=\"SSFR00\" reported-display-style=\"italic\">\n <text>\n Whereas this is the first outbreak of Ebola in West Africa and the biggest and most complex to\n\t\t\t date, due to its emergence in populated, transient border areas, making\n\t\t\t containment a significant challenge;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"added\" committee-id=\"SSFR00\" reported-display-style=\"italic\">\n <text>\n Whereas, to date, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Ebola had infected\n\t\t\t more than 4,400 people in West Africa and caused nearly 2,300\n\t\t\t confirmed deaths;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"added\" committee-id=\"SSFR00\" reported-display-style=\"italic\">\n <text>\n Whereas the current Ebola outbreak has occurred in countries with some of the weakest health\n\t\t\t systems in the world facing severe shortages of healthcare workers,\n\t\t\t laboratories essential for testing and diagnosis, clinics and hospitals\n\t\t\t required for treatment, and medical supplies and protective gear,\n\t\t\t such as latex gloves and face masks required to prevent contamination of\n\t\t\t health facilities;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"added\" committee-id=\"SSFR00\" reported-display-style=\"italic\">\n <text>\n Whereas these weak and inadequate healthcare facilities, a lack of health staff trained in Ebola\n\t\t\t response, and misconceptions about the virus have resulted in numerous\n\t\t\t infections of health workers and patients unable to receive appropriate\n\t\t\t response and care;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"added\" committee-id=\"SSFR00\" reported-display-style=\"italic\">\n <text>\n Whereas effective countermeasures for stemming the spread of Ebola, such as isolation, meticulous\n\t\t\t infection control practices, case investigation, and contact tracing\n\t\t\t require more trained personnel and resources than are currently available\n\t\t\t in West Africa;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"added\" committee-id=\"SSFR00\" reported-display-style=\"italic\">\n <text>\n Whereas, although Ebola can be contained with good public health and burial practices, it continues\n\t\t\t to spread due to a lack of accurate public information, insufficient\n\t\t\t treatment facilities, limited local language capacities required for\n\t\t\t health education, and an unwillingness to allow those infected to be\n\t\t\t isolated from family members;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"added\" committee-id=\"SSFR00\" reported-display-style=\"italic\">\n <text>\n Whereas governments are collaborating closely with international donors and taking strong measures\n\t\t\t to contain the virus, including announcing states of emergency and\n\t\t\t establishing emergency response centers;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"added\" committee-id=\"SSFR00\" reported-display-style=\"italic\">\n <text>\n Whereas the limitations on transportation and travel and closing of businesses have had a\n\t\t\t devastating economic impact throughout the region and may cause social\n\t\t\t instability and exacerbate the humanitarian crisis if not properly managed\n\t\t\t and offset;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"added\" committee-id=\"SSFR00\" reported-display-style=\"italic\">\n <text>\n Whereas the international community has committed to support solutions to the current limitations\n\t\t\t on air traffic and establish a common operational platform to address\n\t\t\t acute problems associated with food security, protection, water,\n\t\t\t sanitation and hygiene, primary and secondary health care, and education,\n\t\t\t as well as the longer-term recovery effort that will be needed in the face\n\t\t\t of the complex social consequences of this emergency;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"added\" committee-id=\"SSFR00\" reported-display-style=\"italic\">\n <text>\n Whereas the Governments of the\tDemocratic Republic of the Congo and Uganda have sent experts\n\t\t\t familiar with such\n\t\t\t outbreaks to Liberia to assist with the outbreak response, and the\n\t\t\t Governments of Senegal and Ghana have agreed to serve as logistics and\n\t\t\t coordination centers for the international assistance effort, providing\n\t\t\t vital corridors for supplies and personnel;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"added\" committee-id=\"SSFR00\" reported-display-style=\"italic\">\n <text>\n Whereas, after visiting affected communities in West Africa, Centers for Disease Control and\n\t\t\t Prevention Director Tom Frieden said on September 2, 2014,\n <quote>\n There is a window of opportunity to tamp this down, but that window is closing . . . we need action\n\t\t\t now to scale up the response.\n </quote>\n ;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"added\" committee-id=\"SSFR00\" reported-display-style=\"italic\">\n <text>\n Whereas the United States Government has provided more than $175,000,000 in support through the\n\t\t\t Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the United States Agency for\n\t\t\t International Development, the World Health Organization, and the United\n\t\t\t States Armed Forces since February 2014 and intends to mobilize additional\n\t\t\t resources and support as announced by President Obama on September 16,\n\t\t\t 2014;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"added\" committee-id=\"SSFR00\" reported-display-style=\"italic\">\n <text>\n Whereas the United States Government helped to fund the development of the Zmapp biopharmaceutical\n\t\t\t experimental drug that was given to United States health workers\n\t\t\t afflicted with the virus and was recently donated to Liberian doctors\n\t\t\t with encouraging effect and has prompted calls for further research and\n\t\t\t development of such vaccines;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"added\" committee-id=\"SSFR00\" reported-display-style=\"italic\">\n <text>\n Whereas, on August 5,\t2014, the United States Government deployed a multi-agency Disaster\n\t\t\t Assistance\n\t\t\t Response Team composed of staff from Federal agencies, including the\n\t\t\t United States\n\t\t\t Agency for International Development, the Centers for Disease Control and\n\t\t\t Prevention, the Department of Defense, the Department of Health and Human\n\t\t\t Services, and the Forest Service to coordinate the United\n\t\t\t States Government's response efforts;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"added\" committee-id=\"SSFR00\" reported-display-style=\"italic\">\n <text>\n Whereas the World Health Organization published on August 28, 2014, a roadmap for scaled-up\n\t\t\t response that\n\t\t\t aims to stop the virus in 6 to 9 months and calls for 750 international\n\t\t\t and 12,000 local health workers to contribute to the halt of the Ebola\n\t\t\t outbreak; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas changed=\"added\" committee-id=\"SSFR00\" reported-display-style=\"italic\">\n <text>\n Whereas, earlier this year, the United States Government joined with partner governments, the World\n\t\t\t Health Organization, other multilateral organizations, and nongovernmental\n\t\t\t actors to launch the Global Health Security Agenda, a 5-year commitment to\n\t\t\t prevent, detect, and effectively respond to infectious disease threats\n\t\t\t such as Ebola: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"idda0400516dd04e448fb87544fc6b5c1b\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n recognizes the severe immediate threat that Ebola poses to populations, governments, and economies\n\t\t\t in Africa;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id0192e87b345c489bbb08015032e01d36\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n recognizes that the limited capacity of the initial outbreak countries of Guinea, Sierra Leone, and\n\t\t\t Liberia to combat the epidemic has been exhausted and the potential threat\n\t\t\t to regions beyond Africa if this, the largest of all Ebola outbreaks, is\n\t\t\t not contained;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idb88925950b3b44ac959266bfa1c71b8a\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n expresses support for those affected by this epidemic and affirms its sympathy for victims of Ebola\n\t\t\t and their families;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id85dcea0fd0a0482eb3eca659178b69be\">\n <enum>\n (4)\n </enum>\n <text>\n supports the Governments of Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Senegal, and the Democratic\n\t\t\t Republic of the Congo for their ongoing efforts to combat the Ebola virus\n\t\t\t in their countries and regionally;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id00e8a459cd7a4f6e9a76c9b543c4f351\">\n <enum>\n (5)\n </enum>\n <text>\n urges citizens of affected countries to respect preventative guidelines provided by their\n\t\t\t governments and medical professionals from Africa and around the world in\n\t\t\t order to stem the outbreak;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idc0c0b2b9ad3644c2adb7f052b9799f1a\">\n <enum>\n (6)\n </enum>\n <text>\n supports the work of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the United States Agency for\n\t\t\t International Development, the Department of Defense, the Department of\n\t\t\t Health and Human Services, the Department of State, the Forest Service,\n\t\t\t and other United States Government agencies providing\n\t\t\t technical, logistical, and material support to address the Ebola crisis in\n\t\t\t West Africa;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id1adac9675df2493fb2e2f62e5db10470\">\n <enum>\n (7)\n </enum>\n <text>\n encourages deepened United States and international commitments to the global Ebola response;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id76cc514368eb49e2be0c6c68bcf45aa8\">\n <enum>\n (8)\n </enum>\n <text>\n welcomes the delivery of assistance and increased engagement from donors such as the Economic\n\t\t\t Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and the\n\t\t\t African Union, the World Bank, the European Union, and the Government of\n\t\t\t Canada;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id11ad5579002a4c9c9677eb2e20bf5f41\">\n <enum>\n (9)\n </enum>\n <text>\n expresses support for the promotion of investments in global health in order to ensure that\n\t\t\t governments can better prevent and detect, contain, and eventually\n\t\t\t eliminate outbreaks of disease while also providing other essential health\n\t\t\t services;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"ideeac63b19288418fb87814142c33a695\">\n <enum>\n (10)\n </enum>\n <text>\n supports the World Health Organization’s Ebola Response Roadmap and a common operational platform\n\t\t\t in response to the crisis;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"ide4dd8df4493f406dbaa1b27c48ca25ec\">\n <enum>\n (11)\n </enum>\n <text>\n encourages the Governments of Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, Senegal, and Sierra Leone to work together\n\t\t\t and with other nations and regional and subregional organizations to\n\t\t\t establish institutional emergency response systems to more effectively\n\t\t\t respond to\n\t\t\t this and future outbreaks of Ebola and other highly infectious diseases;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id95787a49eeb54e96a17fd802beaeb60a\">\n <enum>\n (12)\n </enum>\n <text>\n welcomes proactive measures taken by governments in West Africa to formulate national plans of\n\t\t\t action in response to the crisis; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idd0adcb8af8f44a22b98d0a330ca69da3\">\n <enum>\n (13)\n </enum>\n <text>\n recognizes the work of thousands of African, United States, and international officials and\n\t\t\t volunteers\n\t\t\t on the ground in West Africa, particularly healthcare workers, who are\n\t\t\t working diligently and at great risk to help address this multidimensional\n\t\t\t crisis, and encourages other healthcare workers and logisticians to\n\t\t\t volunteer.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n <endorsement>\n <action-date>\n September 18, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n Reported with an amendment to the preamble\n </action-desc>\n </endorsement>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-05 00:57:00.908
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 542 </number> <updateDate> 2022-03-03T21:27:53Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2022-11-04T17:19:59Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-09-11 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <relatedBills> <item> <title> A resolution supporting the goals and ideals of National Save for Retirement week, including raising public awareness of the various tax-preferred retirement vehicles and increasing personal financial literacy. </title> <congress> 113 </congress> <number> 222 </number> <type> SRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2013-09-11 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S6395; text as passed Senate: CR S6380-6381) </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-11 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5571; text as passed Senate: CR S5565-5566) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-11 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5571; text as passed Senate: CR S5565-5566) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-11 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> C000141 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cardin, Benjamin L. [D-MD] </fullName> <firstName> Ben </firstName> <lastName> Cardin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> E000285 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Enzi, Michael B. [R-WY] </fullName> <firstName> MICHAEL </firstName> <lastName> ENZI </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> WY </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Finance and Financial Sector </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Commemorative events and holidays </name> </item> <item> <name> Employee benefits and pensions </name> </item> <item> <name> Financial literacy </name> </item> <item> <name> Financial services and investments </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Finance and Financial Sector </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-11 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-10-14T15:58:55Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Supports the goals and ideals of National Save for Retirement Week, acknowledging the need to raise public awareness of: (1) the importance of saving adequately for retirement, and (2) a variety of ways to save for retirement favored under the Internal Revenue Code.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-11 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-10-14T16:29:32Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Supports the goals and ideals of National Save for Retirement Week, acknowledging the need to raise public awareness of: (1) the importance of saving adequately for retirement, and (2) a variety of ways to save for retirement favored under the Internal Revenue Code.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution supporting the goals and ideals of National Save for Retirement Week, including raising public awareness of the various tax-preferred retirement vehicles and increasing personal financial literacy. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution supporting the goals and ideals of National Save for Retirement Week, including raising public awareness of the various tax-preferred retirement vehicles and increasing personal financial literacy. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution supporting the goals and ideals of National Save for Retirement Week, including raising public awareness of the various tax-preferred retirement vehicles and increasing personal financial literacy. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-09-11T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres542ats/xml/BILLS-113sres542ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-09-11 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5571; text as passed Senate: CR S5565-5566) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5571; text as passed Senate: CR S5565-5566)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2014-09-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5571; text as passed Senate: CR S5565-5566)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-09-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "E000285", "district": null, "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Sen. Enzi, Michael B. [R-WY]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ENZI", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-11", "state": "WY" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-09-11", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-11", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5571; text as passed Senate: CR S5565-5566)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 542, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Finance and Financial Sector", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 113, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2013-09-11", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S6395; text as passed Senate: CR S6380-6381)", "type": null }, "number": 222, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "A resolution supporting the goals and ideals of National Save for Retirement week, including raising public awareness of the various tax-preferred retirement vehicles and increasing personal financial literacy.", "type": "SRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "C000141", "district": null, "first_name": "Ben", "full_name": "Sen. Cardin, Benjamin L. [D-MD]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Cardin", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "MD" } ], "subjects": [ "Commemorative events and holidays", "Employee benefits and pensions", "Financial literacy", "Financial services and investments" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-09-11", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Supports the goals and ideals of National Save for Retirement Week, acknowledging the need to raise public awareness of: (1) the importance of saving adequately for retirement, and (2) a variety of ways to save for retirement favored under the Internal Revenue Code.</p>", "update_date": "2014-10-14T15:58:55Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2014-09-11", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Supports the goals and ideals of National Save for Retirement Week, acknowledging the need to raise public awareness of: (1) the importance of saving adequately for retirement, and (2) a variety of ways to save for retirement favored under the Internal Revenue Code.</p>", "update_date": "2014-10-14T16:29:32Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-09-11T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres542ats/xml/BILLS-113sres542ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution supporting the goals and ideals of National Save for Retirement Week, including raising public awareness of the various tax-preferred retirement vehicles and increasing personal financial literacy.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution supporting the goals and ideals of National Save for Retirement Week, including raising public awareness of the various tax-preferred retirement vehicles and increasing personal financial literacy.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution supporting the goals and ideals of National Save for Retirement Week, including raising public awareness of the various tax-preferred retirement vehicles and increasing personal financial literacy.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2022-03-03T21:27:53Z", "update_date_including_text": "2022-11-04T17:19:59Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-09-11T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres542ats/xml/BILLS-113sres542ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres542ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres542ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-06T23:16:02.643", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-542", "legis_num": 542, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-542-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 542 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES September 11, 2014 Mr. Cardin (for himself and Mr. Enzi ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Supporting the goals and ideals of National Save for Retirement Week, including raising public awareness of the various tax-preferred retirement vehicles and increasing personal financial literacy.\n\nWhereas people in the United States are living longer, and the cost of retirement is increasing significantly; Whereas Social Security remains the bedrock of retirement income for the great majority of the people of the United States but was never intended by Congress to be the sole source of retirement income for families; Whereas recent data from the Employee Benefit Research Institute indicates that, in the United States, only approximately 3/5 of workers or their spouses are saving for retirement, and the amount that workers have saved for retirement is much less than the amount they need to adequately fund their retirement years; Whereas the financial literacy of workers in the United States is important to their understanding of the need to save for retirement; Whereas saving for retirement is a key component of overall financial health and security during retirement years, and the importance of financial literacy in planning for retirement must be advocated; Whereas many workers may not be aware of their options in saving for retirement or may not have focused on the importance of, and need for, saving for retirement; Whereas, although many employees have access through their employers to defined benefit and defined contribution plans to assist them in preparing for retirement, many of those employees may not be taking advantage of those plans at all or to the full extent allowed by Federal law; Whereas saving for retirement is necessary even during economic downturns or market declines, which makes continued contributions all the more important; Whereas all workers, including public and private sector employees, employees of tax-exempt organizations, and self-employed individuals, can benefit from developing personal budgets and financial plans that include retirement savings strategies that take advantage of tax-preferred retirement savings vehicles; and Whereas the week of October 19 through October 25, 2014 has been designated as National Save for Retirement Week : Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) supports the goals and ideals of National Save for Retirement Week, including raising public awareness of the importance of saving adequately for retirement; (2) acknowledges the need to raise public awareness of a variety of ways to save for retirement that are favored under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 which are utilized by many people in the United States but could be utilized by more; and (3) calls on States, localities, schools, universities, nonprofit organizations, businesses, other entities, and the people of the United States to observe National Save for Retirement Week with appropriate programs and activities, with the goal of increasing the retirement savings and personal financial literacy of all people in the United States.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 542 ATS: Supporting the goals and ideals of National Save for Retirement Week, including raising public awareness of the various tax-preferred retirement vehicles and increasing personal financial literacy.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-09-11\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress>\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session>\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 542\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action>\n <action-date date=\"20140911\">\n September 11, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S308\">\n Mr. Cardin\n </sponsor>\n (for himself and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S254\">\n Mr. Enzi\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Supporting the goals and ideals of National Save for Retirement Week, including raising public\n\t\t\t awareness of the various tax-preferred retirement vehicles and increasing\n\t\t\t personal financial literacy.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas people in the United States are living longer, and\n\t\t\t the cost of retirement is increasing significantly;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Social Security remains the bedrock of retirement\n\t\t\t income for the great majority of the people of the United States but was\n\t\t\t never\n\t\t\t intended by Congress to be the sole source of retirement income for\n\t\t\t families;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas recent data from the Employee Benefit Research\n\t\t\t Institute indicates that, in the United States, only approximately\n <fraction>\n 3/5\n </fraction>\n of workers or their spouses are saving for retirement,\n\t\t\t and the amount that workers have saved for retirement is much less than\n\t\t\t the\n\t\t\t amount they need to adequately fund their retirement years;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the financial literacy of workers in the United\n\t\t\t States is important to their understanding of the need to save for\n\t\t\t retirement;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas saving for retirement is a key component of\n\t\t\t overall financial health and security during retirement years, and the\n\t\t\t importance of financial literacy in planning for retirement must be\n\t\t\t advocated;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas many workers may not be aware of their options in\n\t\t\t saving for retirement or may not have focused on the importance of, and\n\t\t\t need\n\t\t\t for, saving for retirement;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, although many employees have access through their\n\t\t\t employers to defined benefit and defined contribution plans to assist them\n\t\t\t in\n\t\t\t preparing for retirement, many of those employees may not be taking\n\t\t\t advantage\n\t\t\t of those plans at all or to the full extent allowed by Federal law;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas saving for retirement is necessary even during\n\t\t\t economic downturns or market declines, which makes continued contributions\n\t\t\t all\n\t\t\t the more important;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas all workers, including public and private sector\n\t\t\t employees, employees of tax-exempt organizations, and self-employed\n\t\t\t individuals, can benefit from developing personal budgets and financial\n\t\t\t plans\n\t\t\t that include retirement savings strategies that take advantage of\n\t\t\t tax-preferred\n\t\t\t retirement savings vehicles; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the week of October 19 through October 25, 2014 has\n\t\t\t been designated as\n <quote>\n National Save for Retirement Week\n </quote>\n : Now,\n\t\t\t therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"H77935265DC014634BE42332F9DB59164\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"HA23A3BB769C14F99A52E8DA035E687EF\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\">\n supports the goals and ideals of National\n\t\t\t Save for Retirement Week, including raising public awareness of the\n\t\t\t importance\n\t\t\t of saving adequately for retirement;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"H81E950AAB57A4AE5B0118BEFD60692E6\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n acknowledges the need\n\t\t\t to raise public awareness of a variety of ways to save for retirement that\n\t\t\t are\n\t\t\t favored under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 which are utilized by many\n\t\t\t people in the United States but could be utilized by more; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"HF4DD03192BAA45549A4C2BBA53CAB54A\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\">\n calls on States, localities, schools,\n\t\t\t universities, nonprofit organizations, businesses, other entities, and the\n\t\t\t people of the United States to observe National Save for Retirement Week\n\t\t\t with\n\t\t\t appropriate programs and activities, with the goal of increasing the\n\t\t\t retirement\n\t\t\t savings and personal financial literacy of all people in the United\n\t\t\t States.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-06 01:38:11.223
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 543 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-11T13:25:24Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-11T13:25:24Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-09-11 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Discharged from </name> <date> 2014-09-17T22:52:56Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2014-09-11T21:16:04Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <relatedBills> <item> <title> A resolution designating November 2, 2013, as "National Bison Day". </title> <congress> 113 </congress> <number> 254 </number> <type> SRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2013-10-29 </actionDate> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5725) </text> <type> Discharge </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <text> Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5725) </text> <type> Committee </type> <actionCode> 14500 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-11 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR S5566) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-11 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> E000285 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Enzi, Michael B. [R-WY] </fullName> <firstName> MICHAEL </firstName> <lastName> ENZI </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> WY </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> J000177 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Johnson, Tim [D-SD] </fullName> <firstName> TIM </firstName> <lastName> JOHNSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> SD </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000449 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Portman, Rob [R-OH] </fullName> <firstName> Rob </firstName> <lastName> Portman </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001267 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Bennet, Michael F. [D-CO] </fullName> <firstName> Michael </firstName> <lastName> Bennet </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CO </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> I000024 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Inhofe, James M. [R-OK] </fullName> <firstName> Jim </firstName> <lastName> Inhofe </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OK </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000133 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Markey, Edward J. [D-MA] </fullName> <firstName> Edward </firstName> <lastName> Markey </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000802 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Whitehouse, Sheldon [D-RI] </fullName> <firstName> Sheldon </firstName> <lastName> Whitehouse </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> RI </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000307 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Roberts, Pat [R-KS] </fullName> <firstName> PAT </firstName> <lastName> ROBERTS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KS </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000338 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hatch, Orrin G. [R-UT] </fullName> <firstName> ORRIN </firstName> <lastName> HATCH </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> UT </state> <middleName> GRANT </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001069 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Heitkamp, Heidi [D-ND] </fullName> <firstName> Heidi </firstName> <lastName> Heitkamp </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> ND </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001056 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cornyn, John [R-TX] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Cornyn </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TX </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000437 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Wicker, Roger F. [R-MS] </fullName> <firstName> Roger </firstName> <lastName> Wicker </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MS </state> <middleName> F. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000607 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Donnelly, Joe [D-IN] </fullName> <firstName> Joe </firstName> <lastName> Donnelly </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IN </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001230 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Baldwin, Tammy [D-WI] </fullName> <firstName> Tammy </firstName> <lastName> Baldwin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WI </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000291 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Johanns, Mike [R-NE] </fullName> <firstName> Mike </firstName> <lastName> Johanns </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NE </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000577 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Lee, Mike [R-UT] </fullName> <firstName> Mike </firstName> <lastName> Lee </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> UT </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000062 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA] </fullName> <firstName> Dianne </firstName> <lastName> Feinstein </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000934 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Moran, Jerry [R-KS] </fullName> <firstName> Jerry </firstName> <lastName> Moran </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KS </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001061 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hoeven, John [R-ND] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Hoeven </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ND </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000250 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Thune, John [R-SD] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Thune </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> SD </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000555 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Gillibrand, Kirsten E. [D-NY] </fullName> <firstName> Kirsten </firstName> <lastName> Gillibrand </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000148 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Schumer, Charles E. [D-NY] </fullName> <firstName> Charles </firstName> <lastName> Schumer </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Animals </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Commemorative events and holidays </name> </item> <item> <name> Mammals </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Animals </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-11 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-09-19T18:24:47Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Designates November 1, 2014, as National Bison Day.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-09-25T22:22:59Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Designates November 1, 2014, as National Bison Day.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution designating November 1, 2014, as National Bison Day. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution designating November 1, 2014, as National Bison Day. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution designating November 1, 2014, as National Bison Day. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-09-17T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres543ats/xml/BILLS-113sres543ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2014-09-11T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres543is/xml/BILLS-113sres543is.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-17", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2014-09-17", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-17", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5725)", "type": "Discharge" }, { "action_code": "14500", "action_date": "2014-09-17", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5725)", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-11", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR S5566)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-09-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2014-09-17T22:52:56Z", "name": "Discharged from" }, { "date": "2014-09-11T21:16:04Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "J000177", "district": null, "first_name": "TIM", "full_name": "Sen. Johnson, Tim [D-SD]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JOHNSON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-11", "state": "SD" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000449", "district": null, "first_name": "Rob", "full_name": "Sen. Portman, Rob [R-OH]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Portman", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-11", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001267", "district": null, "first_name": "Michael", "full_name": "Sen. Bennet, Michael F. [D-CO]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Bennet", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-11", "state": "CO" }, { "bioguide_id": "I000024", "district": null, "first_name": "Jim", "full_name": "Sen. Inhofe, James M. [R-OK]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Inhofe", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-11", "state": "OK" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000133", "district": null, "first_name": "Edward", "full_name": "Sen. Markey, Edward J. [D-MA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Markey", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-11", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000802", "district": null, "first_name": "Sheldon", "full_name": "Sen. Whitehouse, Sheldon [D-RI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Whitehouse", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-11", "state": "RI" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000307", "district": null, "first_name": "PAT", "full_name": "Sen. Roberts, Pat [R-KS]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ROBERTS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-11", "state": "KS" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000338", "district": null, "first_name": "ORRIN", "full_name": "Sen. Hatch, Orrin G. 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For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-09-11", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-17", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 543, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Animals", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 113, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2013-10-29", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.", "type": null }, "number": 254, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "A resolution designating November 2, 2013, as \"National Bison Day\".", "type": "SRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "E000285", "district": null, "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Sen. Enzi, Michael B. [R-WY]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "ENZI", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "R", "state": "WY" } ], "subjects": [ "Commemorative events and holidays", "Mammals" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-09-11", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Designates November 1, 2014, as National Bison Day.</p>", "update_date": "2014-09-19T18:24:47Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2014-09-17", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Designates November 1, 2014, as National Bison Day.</p>", "update_date": "2014-09-25T22:22:59Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-09-17T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres543ats/xml/BILLS-113sres543ats.xml" }, { "date": "2014-09-11T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres543is/xml/BILLS-113sres543is.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution designating November 1, 2014, as National Bison Day.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating November 1, 2014, as National Bison Day.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating November 1, 2014, as National Bison Day.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2023-01-11T13:25:24Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-11T13:25:24Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-09-17T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres543ats/xml/BILLS-113sres543ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres543ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres543ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-06T23:16:02.529", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-543", "legis_num": 543, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-543-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 543 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES September 11, 2014 Mr. Enzi (for himself, Mr. Johnson of South Dakota , Mr. Portman , Mr. Bennet , Mr. Inhofe , Mr. Markey , Mr. Whitehouse , Mr. Roberts , Mr. Hatch , Ms. Heitkamp , Mr. Cornyn , Mr. Wicker , Mr. Donnelly , Ms. Baldwin , Mr. Johanns , Mr. Lee , Mrs. Feinstein , Mr. Moran , Mr. Hoeven , Mr. Thune , Mrs. Gillibrand , and Mr. Schumer ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary September 17 (legislative day, September 16), 2014 Committee discharged; considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Designating November 1, 2014, as National Bison Day.\n\nWhereas bison are considered a historical symbol of the United States; Whereas bison were integrally linked with the economic and spiritual lives of many Indian tribes through trade and sacred ceremonies; Whereas there are more than 60 Indian tribes participating in the Intertribal Buffalo Council; Whereas numerous members of Indian tribes are involved in bison restoration on tribal land; Whereas members of Indian tribes have a combined herd on more than 1,000,000 acres of tribal land; Whereas the Intertribal Buffalo Council is a tribal organization incorporated pursuant to section 17 of the Act of June 18, 1934 (commonly known as Indian Reorganization Act ) (25 U.S.C. 477); Whereas bison can play an important role in improving the types of grasses found in landscapes to the benefit of grasslands; Whereas a bison has been depicted on the official seal of the Department of the Interior since 1912; Whereas bison hold significant economic value for private producers and rural communities; Whereas, as of 2012, the United States Department of Agriculture estimates that 162,110 head of bison were under the stewardship of private producers, creating jobs and contributing to the food security of the United States by providing a sustainable and healthy meat source; Whereas a bison is portrayed on 2 State flags; Whereas the bison has been adopted by 3 States as the official mammal or animal of those States; Whereas the buffalo nickel played an important role in modernizing the currency of the United States; Whereas several sports teams have the bison as a mascot, which highlights the iconic significance of bison in the United States; Whereas on December 8, 1905, William Hornaday, Theodore Roosevelt, and others formed the American Bison Society in response to the near extinction of bison in the United States; Whereas on October 11, 1907, the American Bison Society sent 15 bison to the first big game refuge in the United States, which was known as the Wichita Reserve Bison Refuge ; Whereas in 2005, the American Bison Society was reestablished, bringing together bison ranchers, managers from Indian tribes, Federal and State agencies, conservation organizations, and natural and social scientists from the United States, Canada, and Mexico to create a vision for the North American bison in the 21st century; Whereas there are bison herds in National Wildlife Refuges and National Parks; Whereas there are bison in State-managed herds across 11 States; Whereas there is a growing effort to celebrate and officially recognize the historical, cultural, and economic significance of the North American bison to the heritage of the United States; and Whereas members of Indian tribes, bison producers, conservationists, sportsmen, educators, and other public and private partners have participated in the annual National Bison Day since 2012 and are committed to continuing this tradition annually on the first Saturday of November: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) designates November 1, 2014, the first Saturday of November, as National Bison Day; and (2) encourages the people of the United States to observe the day with appropriate ceremonies and activities.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 543 ATS: Designating November 1, 2014, as National Bison Day.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-09-17\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress>\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session>\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 543\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action>\n <action-date date=\"20140917\" legis-day=\"20140916\">\n September 11, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S254\">\n Mr. Enzi\n </sponsor>\n (for himself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S257\">\n Mr. Johnson of South Dakota\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S349\">\n Mr. Portman\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S330\">\n Mr. Bennet\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S236\">\n Mr. Inhofe\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S369\">\n Mr. Markey\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S316\">\n Mr. Whitehouse\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S260\">\n Mr. Roberts\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S118\">\n Mr. Hatch\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S360\">\n Ms. Heitkamp\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S287\">\n Mr. Cornyn\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S318\">\n Mr. Wicker\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S356\">\n Mr. Donnelly\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S354\">\n Ms. Baldwin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S321\">\n Mr. Johanns\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S346\">\n Mr. Lee\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S221\">\n Mrs. Feinstein\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S347\">\n Mr. Moran\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S344\">\n Mr. Hoeven\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S303\">\n Mr. Thune\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S331\">\n Mrs. Gillibrand\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S270\">\n Mr. Schumer\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name committee-id=\"SSJU00\">\n Committee on the Judiciary\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <action>\n <action-date>\n September 17 (legislative day, September 16), 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n Committee discharged; considered and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Designating November 1, 2014, as National Bison Day.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas bison are considered a historical symbol of the\n\t\t\t United States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas bison were integrally linked with the economic and\n\t\t\t spiritual lives of many Indian tribes through trade and sacred\n\t\t\t ceremonies;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas there are more than 60 Indian tribes participating\n\t\t\t in the Intertribal Buffalo Council;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas numerous members of Indian tribes are involved in\n\t\t\t bison restoration on tribal land;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas members of Indian tribes have a combined herd on\n\t\t\t more than 1,000,000 acres of tribal land;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Intertribal Buffalo Council is a tribal\n\t\t\t organization incorporated pursuant to section 17 of the Act of June 18,\n\t\t\t 1934\n\t\t\t (commonly known as\n <term>\n Indian Reorganization Act\n </term>\n ) (25 U.S.C.\n\t\t\t 477);\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas bison can play an important role in improving the\n\t\t\t types of grasses found in landscapes to the benefit of grasslands;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas a bison has been depicted on the official seal of\n\t\t\t the Department of the Interior since 1912;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas bison hold significant economic value for private\n\t\t\t producers and rural communities;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, as of 2012, the United States Department of Agriculture estimates that 162,110 head of\n\t\t\t bison were under the stewardship of private producers, creating jobs and\n\t\t\t contributing to the food security of the United States by providing a\n\t\t\t sustainable and healthy meat source;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas a bison is portrayed on 2 State flags;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the bison has been adopted by 3 States as the\n\t\t\t official mammal or animal of those States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the buffalo nickel played an important role in\n\t\t\t modernizing the currency of the United States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas several sports teams have the bison as a mascot,\n\t\t\t which highlights the iconic significance of bison in the United States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas on December 8, 1905, William Hornaday, Theodore\n\t\t\t Roosevelt, and others formed the American Bison Society in response to the\n\t\t\t near\n\t\t\t extinction of bison in the United States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas on October 11, 1907, the American Bison Society\n\t\t\t sent 15 bison to the first big game refuge in the United States, which was\n\t\t\t known as the\n <term>\n Wichita Reserve Bison Refuge\n </term>\n ;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas in 2005, the American Bison Society was\n\t\t\t reestablished, bringing together bison ranchers, managers from Indian\n\t\t\t tribes,\n\t\t\t Federal and State agencies, conservation organizations, and natural and\n\t\t\t social\n\t\t\t scientists from the United States, Canada, and Mexico to create a vision\n\t\t\t for\n\t\t\t the North American bison in the 21st century;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas there are bison herds in National Wildlife Refuges\n\t\t\t and National Parks;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas there are bison in State-managed herds across 11\n\t\t\t States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas there is a growing effort to celebrate and\n\t\t\t officially recognize the historical, cultural, and economic significance\n\t\t\t of the\n\t\t\t North American bison to the heritage of the United States; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas members of Indian tribes, bison producers, conservationists, sportsmen, educators, and\n\t\t\t other public and private partners have participated in the annual National\n\t\t\t Bison Day since 2012 and are committed to continuing this tradition\n\t\t\t annually on the first Saturday of November: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"id15DE885F37D343F6903447F792B32A6F\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n designates\n\t\t\t November 1, 2014, the first Saturday of November, as National Bison Day;\n\t\t\t and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idA03DE278902243AF8CF56973A0CD52D8\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n encourages the\n\t\t\t people of the United States to observe the day with appropriate ceremonies\n\t\t\t and\n\t\t\t activities.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" }, { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-09-11T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres543is/xml/BILLS-113sres543is.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres543is.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres543is.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-06T23:16:02.159", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-543", "legis_num": 543, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "is", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-543-is-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 543 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES September 11, 2014 Mr. Enzi (for himself, Mr. Johnson of South Dakota , Mr. Portman , Mr. Bennet , Mr. Inhofe , Mr. Markey , Mr. Whitehouse , Mr. Roberts , Mr. Hatch , Ms. Heitkamp , Mr. Cornyn , Mr. Wicker , Mr. Donnelly , Ms. Baldwin , and Mr. Johanns ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary RESOLUTION Designating November 1, 2014, as National Bison Day.\n\nWhereas bison are considered a historical symbol of the United States; Whereas bison were integrally linked with the economic and spiritual lives of many Indian tribes through trade and sacred ceremonies; Whereas there are more than 60 Indian tribes participating in the Intertribal Buffalo Council; Whereas numerous members of Indian tribes are involved in bison restoration on tribal land; Whereas members of Indian tribes have a combined herd on more than 1,000,000 acres of tribal land; Whereas the Intertribal Buffalo Council is a tribal organization incorporated pursuant to section 17 of the Act of June 18, 1934 (commonly known as Indian Reorganization Act ) (25 U.S.C. 477); Whereas bison can play an important role in improving the types of grasses found in landscapes to the benefit of grasslands; Whereas a bison has been depicted on the official seal of the Department of the Interior since 1912; Whereas bison hold significant economic value for private producers and rural communities; Whereas, as of 2012, the United States Department of Agriculture estimates that 162,110 head of bison were under the stewardship of private producers, creating jobs and contributing to the food security of the United States by providing a sustainable and healthy meat source; Whereas a bison is portrayed on 2 State flags; Whereas the bison has been adopted by 3 States as the official mammal or animal of those States; Whereas the buffalo nickel played an important role in modernizing the currency of the United States; Whereas several sports teams have the bison as a mascot, which highlights the iconic significance of bison in the United States; Whereas on December 8, 1905, William Hornaday, Theodore Roosevelt, and others formed the American Bison Society in response to the near extinction of bison in the United States; Whereas on October 11, 1907, the American Bison Society sent 15 bison to the first big game refuge in the United States, which was known as the Wichita Reserve Bison Refuge ; Whereas in 2005, the American Bison Society was reestablished, bringing together bison ranchers, managers from Indian tribes, Federal and State agencies, conservation organizations, and natural and social scientists from the United States, Canada, and Mexico to create a vision for the North American bison in the 21st century; Whereas there are bison herds in National Wildlife Refuges and National Parks; Whereas there are bison in State-managed herds across 11 States; Whereas there is a growing effort to celebrate and officially recognize the historical, cultural, and economic significance of the North American bison to the heritage of the United States; and Whereas members of Indian tribes, bison producers, conservationists, sportsmen, educators, and other public and private partners have participated in the annual National Bison Day since 2012 and are committed to continuing this tradition annually on the first Saturday of November: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) designates November 1, 2014, the first Saturday of November, as National Bison Day; and (2) encourages the people of the United States to observe the day with appropriate ceremonies and activities.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Introduced-in-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 543 IS: Designating November 1, 2014, as National Bison Day.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-09-11\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress>\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session>\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 543\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action>\n <action-date date=\"20140911\">\n September 11, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S254\">\n Mr. Enzi\n </sponsor>\n (for himself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S257\">\n Mr. Johnson of South Dakota\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S349\">\n Mr. Portman\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S330\">\n Mr. Bennet\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S236\">\n Mr. Inhofe\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S369\">\n Mr. Markey\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S316\">\n Mr. Whitehouse\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S260\">\n Mr. Roberts\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S118\">\n Mr. Hatch\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S360\">\n Ms. Heitkamp\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S287\">\n Mr. Cornyn\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S318\">\n Mr. Wicker\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S356\">\n Mr. Donnelly\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S354\">\n Ms. Baldwin\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S321\">\n Mr. Johanns\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name committee-id=\"SSJU00\">\n Committee on the Judiciary\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Designating November 1, 2014, as National Bison Day.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas bison are considered a historical symbol of the\n\t\t\t United States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas bison were integrally linked with the economic and\n\t\t\t spiritual lives of many Indian tribes through trade and sacred\n\t\t\t ceremonies;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas there are more than 60 Indian tribes participating\n\t\t\t in the Intertribal Buffalo Council;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas numerous members of Indian tribes are involved in\n\t\t\t bison restoration on tribal land;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas members of Indian tribes have a combined herd on\n\t\t\t more than 1,000,000 acres of tribal land;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Intertribal Buffalo Council is a tribal\n\t\t\t organization incorporated pursuant to section 17 of the Act of June 18,\n\t\t\t 1934\n\t\t\t (commonly known as\n <term>\n Indian Reorganization Act\n </term>\n ) (25 U.S.C.\n\t\t\t 477);\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas bison can play an important role in improving the\n\t\t\t types of grasses found in landscapes to the benefit of grasslands;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas a bison has been depicted on the official seal of\n\t\t\t the Department of the Interior since 1912;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas bison hold significant economic value for private\n\t\t\t producers and rural communities;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, as of 2012, the United States Department of Agriculture estimates that 162,110 head of\n\t\t\t bison were under the stewardship of private producers, creating jobs and\n\t\t\t contributing to the food security of the United States by providing a\n\t\t\t sustainable and healthy meat source;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas a bison is portrayed on 2 State flags;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the bison has been adopted by 3 States as the\n\t\t\t official mammal or animal of those States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the buffalo nickel played an important role in\n\t\t\t modernizing the currency of the United States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas several sports teams have the bison as a mascot,\n\t\t\t which highlights the iconic significance of bison in the United States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas on December 8, 1905, William Hornaday, Theodore\n\t\t\t Roosevelt, and others formed the American Bison Society in response to the\n\t\t\t near\n\t\t\t extinction of bison in the United States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas on October 11, 1907, the American Bison Society\n\t\t\t sent 15 bison to the first big game refuge in the United States, which was\n\t\t\t known as the\n <term>\n Wichita Reserve Bison Refuge\n </term>\n ;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas in 2005, the American Bison Society was\n\t\t\t reestablished, bringing together bison ranchers, managers from Indian\n\t\t\t tribes,\n\t\t\t Federal and State agencies, conservation organizations, and natural and\n\t\t\t social\n\t\t\t scientists from the United States, Canada, and Mexico to create a vision\n\t\t\t for\n\t\t\t the North American bison in the 21st century;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas there are bison herds in National Wildlife Refuges\n\t\t\t and National Parks;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas there are bison in State-managed herds across 11\n\t\t\t States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas there is a growing effort to celebrate and\n\t\t\t officially recognize the historical, cultural, and economic significance\n\t\t\t of the\n\t\t\t North American bison to the heritage of the United States; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas members of Indian tribes, bison producers, conservationists, sportsmen, educators, and\n\t\t\t other public and private partners have participated in the annual National\n\t\t\t Bison Day since 2012 and are committed to continuing this tradition\n\t\t\t annually on the first Saturday of November: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"id15DE885F37D343F6903447F792B32A6F\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n designates\n\t\t\t November 1, 2014, the first Saturday of November, as National Bison Day;\n\t\t\t and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idA03DE278902243AF8CF56973A0CD52D8\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n encourages the\n\t\t\t people of the United States to observe the day with appropriate ceremonies\n\t\t\t and\n\t\t\t activities.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-04 19:14:00.455
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 544 </number> <updateDate> 2019-02-20T12:29:00Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2022-11-04T17:19:32Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-09-15 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-15 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5592; text as passed Senate: CR S5590) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-15 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5592; text as passed Senate: CR S5590) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-15 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> K000367 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Klobuchar, Amy [D-MN] </fullName> <firstName> Amy </firstName> <lastName> Klobuchar </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MN </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> G000386 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Grassley, Chuck [R-IA] </fullName> <firstName> Charles </firstName> <lastName> Grassley </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IA </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001230 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Baldwin, Tammy [D-WI] </fullName> <firstName> Tammy </firstName> <lastName> Baldwin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WI </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000880 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Crapo, Mike [R-ID] </fullName> <firstName> Mike </firstName> <lastName> Crapo </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ID </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001069 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Heitkamp, Heidi [D-ND] </fullName> <firstName> Heidi </firstName> <lastName> Heitkamp </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> ND </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001061 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hoeven, John [R-ND] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Hoeven </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ND </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000177 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Johnson, Tim [D-SD] </fullName> <firstName> TIM </firstName> <lastName> JOHNSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> SD </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000934 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Moran, Jerry [R-KS] </fullName> <firstName> Jerry </firstName> <lastName> Moran </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KS </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000607 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Donnelly, Joe [D-IN] </fullName> <firstName> Joe </firstName> <lastName> Donnelly </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IN </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Agriculture and Food </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Commemorative events and holidays </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Farmland </name> </item> <item> <name> General agriculture matters </name> </item> <item> <name> Rural conditions and development </name> </item> <item> <name> Women's employment </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Agriculture and Food </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-15 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-09-18T10:21:40Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Designates the year 2014 as the International Year of Family Farming, congratulates family farmers, recognizes the role they play in the economic and social well-being of the United States and the world, and advocates for the protection of the viability of family farms. &lt;br /&gt;&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-15 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-09-18T10:21:50Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Designates the year 2014 as the International Year of Family Farming, congratulates family farmers, recognizes the role they play in the economic and social well-being of the United States and the world, and advocates for the protection of the viability of family farms. &lt;br /&gt; &lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution designating the year of 2014 as the "International Year of Family Farming". </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution designating the year of 2014 as the "International Year of Family Farming". </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution designating the year of 2014 as the "International Year of Family Farming". </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-09-15T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres544ats/xml/BILLS-113sres544ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-09-15 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5592; text as passed Senate: CR S5590) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-15", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5592; text as passed Senate: CR S5590)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2014-09-15", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5592; text as passed Senate: CR S5590)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-09-15", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "G000386", "district": null, "first_name": "Charles", "full_name": "Sen. 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Heitkamp, Heidi [D-ND]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Heitkamp", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-15", "state": "ND" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001061", "district": null, "first_name": "John", "full_name": "Sen. Hoeven, John [R-ND]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Hoeven", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-15", "state": "ND" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000177", "district": null, "first_name": "TIM", "full_name": "Sen. Johnson, Tim [D-SD]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JOHNSON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-15", "state": "SD" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000934", "district": null, "first_name": "Jerry", "full_name": "Sen. Moran, Jerry [R-KS]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Moran", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-15", "state": "KS" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000607", "district": null, "first_name": "Joe", "full_name": "Sen. Donnelly, Joe [D-IN]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Donnelly", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-15", "state": "IN" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-09-15", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-15", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5592; text as passed Senate: CR S5590)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 544, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": null, "policy_area": "Agriculture and Food", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "K000367", "district": null, "first_name": "Amy", "full_name": "Sen. Klobuchar, Amy [D-MN]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Klobuchar", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "MN" } ], "subjects": [ "Commemorative events and holidays", "Congressional tributes", "Farmland", "General agriculture matters", "Rural conditions and development", "Women's employment" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-09-15", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Designates the year 2014 as the International Year of Family Farming, congratulates family farmers, recognizes the role they play in the economic and social well-being of the United States and the world, and advocates for the protection of the viability of family farms. <br /></p>", "update_date": "2014-09-18T10:21:40Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2014-09-15", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Designates the year 2014 as the International Year of Family Farming, congratulates family farmers, recognizes the role they play in the economic and social well-being of the United States and the world, and advocates for the protection of the viability of family farms. <br /> </p>", "update_date": "2014-09-18T10:21:50Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-09-15T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres544ats/xml/BILLS-113sres544ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution designating the year of 2014 as the \"International Year of Family Farming\".", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating the year of 2014 as the \"International Year of Family Farming\".", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating the year of 2014 as the \"International Year of Family Farming\".", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2019-02-20T12:29:00Z", "update_date_including_text": "2022-11-04T17:19:32Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-09-15T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres544ats/xml/BILLS-113sres544ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres544ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres544ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-06T23:16:02.216", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-544", "legis_num": 544, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-544-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 544 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES September 15, 2014 Ms. Klobuchar (for herself, Mr. Grassley , Ms. Baldwin , Mr. Crapo , Ms. Heitkamp , Mr. Hoeven , Mr. Johnson of South Dakota , Mr. Moran , and Mr. Donnelly ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Designating the year of 2014 as the International Year of Family Farming .\n\nWhereas United Nations Resolution A/Res/66/222, adopted by the General Assembly on December 22, 2011, designates the year 2014 as the International Year of Family Farming ; Whereas the International Year of Family Farming recognizes the important contribution of family farming in food security and eradicating poverty around the world; Whereas in the United States, family farms constitute 96 percent of all farms; Whereas the agriculture sector contributes more than $130,000,000,000 to the United States economy, employs approximately 14 percent of the total workforce in the United States, and accounts for nearly 5 percent of the United States gross domestic product; Whereas 45 percent of individuals around the world make a living directly by farming; Whereas family farming is the predominant form of agriculture in both developing and developed countries; Whereas family farming serves as a means of organizing agricultural, forestry, fishery, pastoral, and aquaculture production; Whereas family farming plays important socioeconomic, environmental, and cultural roles; Whereas family farmers grow high-quality food, are active participants in civil society, and are stewards of the land; Whereas 75 percent of the poorest individuals around the world live in rural areas; Whereas family farms are linked to most areas of rural development and have invested significantly in local communities; Whereas the majority of farmers around the world are women who produce up to 80 percent of food around the world; and Whereas 870,000,000 individuals are suffering from chronic undernourishment and a disproportionate number of such individuals are farmers: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) designates the year 2014 as the International Year of Family Farming ; (2) congratulates family farmers in the United States and around the world; (3) recognizes the vital role family farms play in the economic and social well-being of the United States and the world; (4) recognizes the importance of raising the profile of family farming by focusing the attention of individuals around the world on the significant role of family farming in alleviating hunger and poverty, providing food security and nutrition, improving livelihoods, managing natural resources, protecting the environment, and achieving sustainable development in rural areas; (5) encourages countries, national organizations, and States to undertake activities to support the International Year of Family Farming; (6) recognizes the role and importance of women in family farming; (7) emphasizes the positive impact of family farms and developing new programs for domestic and international family agricultural development; and (8) advocates for the protection of the viability of family farms, which serve as the foundation of rural society and social stability.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 544 ATS: Designating the year of 2014 as the “International Year of Family Farming”.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-09-15\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 544\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140915\">\n September 15, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S311\">\n Ms. Klobuchar\n </sponsor>\n (for herself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S153\">\n Mr. Grassley\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S354\">\n Ms. Baldwin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S266\">\n Mr. Crapo\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S360\">\n Ms. Heitkamp\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S344\">\n Mr. Hoeven\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S257\">\n Mr. Johnson of South Dakota\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S347\">\n Mr. Moran\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S356\">\n Mr. Donnelly\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Designating the year of 2014 as the\n <quote>\n International Year of Family Farming\n </quote>\n .\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas United Nations Resolution A/Res/66/222, adopted by the General Assembly on December 22,\n\t\t\t 2011, designates the year 2014 as the\n <quote>\n International Year of Family\n\t\t\t Farming\n </quote>\n ;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the International Year of Family Farming recognizes the important contribution of family\n\t\t\t farming in food security and eradicating poverty around the world;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas in the United States, family farms constitute 96 percent of all farms;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the agriculture sector contributes more than $130,000,000,000 to the United States economy,\n\t\t\t employs approximately 14 percent of the total workforce in the United\n\t\t\t States, and accounts for nearly 5 percent of the United States gross\n\t\t\t domestic product;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas 45 percent of individuals around the world make a living directly by farming;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas family farming is the predominant form of agriculture in both developing and developed\n\t\t\t countries;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas family farming serves as a means of organizing agricultural, forestry, fishery, pastoral,\n\t\t\t and aquaculture production;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas family farming plays important socioeconomic, environmental, and cultural roles;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas family farmers grow high-quality food, are active participants in civil society, and are\n\t\t\t stewards of the land;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas 75 percent of the poorest individuals around the world live in rural areas;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas family farms are linked to most areas of rural development and have invested significantly\n\t\t\t in local communities;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the majority of farmers around the world are women who produce up to 80 percent of food\n\t\t\t around the world; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas 870,000,000 individuals are suffering from chronic undernourishment and a disproportionate\n\t\t\t number of such individuals are farmers: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"idbc94109694144ac78f4e26e887ef1c54\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n designates the year 2014 as the\n <quote>\n International Year of Family Farming\n </quote>\n ;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id0de1decb7b804d34b99b34b27e3a1076\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n congratulates family farmers in the United States and around the world;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"ide1e99a352ffe43a19c902b451bc81855\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n recognizes the vital role family farms play in the economic and social well-being of the United\n\t\t\t States and the world;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id34bbfd2da17b450b9f8f5a6e4b377e7e\">\n <enum>\n (4)\n </enum>\n <text>\n recognizes the importance of raising the profile of family farming by focusing the attention of\n\t\t\t individuals around the world on the significant role of family farming in\n\t\t\t alleviating hunger and poverty, providing food security and nutrition,\n\t\t\t improving livelihoods, managing natural resources, protecting the\n\t\t\t environment, and achieving sustainable development in rural areas;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id1d6038529c5f4f31a3a4755e0bc81d54\">\n <enum>\n (5)\n </enum>\n <text>\n encourages countries, national organizations, and States to undertake activities to support the\n\t\t\t International Year of Family Farming;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idc3a40d045ecb48f7bc35dceedce7b1cd\">\n <enum>\n (6)\n </enum>\n <text>\n recognizes the role and importance of women in family farming;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id9e1d946d36054f039fafd3098334c210\">\n <enum>\n (7)\n </enum>\n <text>\n emphasizes the positive impact of family farms and developing new programs for domestic and\n\t\t\t international family agricultural development; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id1279f542378a4212a284904e6de44542\">\n <enum>\n (8)\n </enum>\n <text>\n advocates for the protection of the viability of family farms, which serve as the foundation of\n\t\t\t rural society and social stability.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-06 01:38:12.034
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 545 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-11T13:25:24Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-11T13:25:24Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-09-15 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Discharged from </name> <date> 2014-09-17T22:52:10Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2014-09-15T23:19:01Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <relatedBills> <item> <title> Recognizing Hispanic Heritage Month and celebrating the heritage and culture of Latinos in the United States and the immense contributions of Latinos to the United States. </title> <congress> 113 </congress> <number> 363 </number> <type> HRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2013-09-27 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> <item> <title> Recognizing Hispanic Heritage Month and celebrating the heritage and culture of Latinos in the United States and the immense contributions of Latinos to the United States. </title> <congress> 113 </congress> <number> 723 </number> <type> HRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-09-15 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> <item> <title> A resolution recognizing Hispanic Heritage Month and celebrating the heritage and culture of Latinos in the United States and the immense contributions of Latinos to the United States. </title> <congress> 113 </congress> <number> 246 </number> <type> SRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2013-09-19 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S6672; text as passed Senate: CR S6663) </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5720) </text> <type> Discharge </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <text> Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5720) </text> <type> Committee </type> <actionCode> 14500 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-15 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR S5590-5591) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-15 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> M000639 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Menendez, Robert [D-NJ] </fullName> <firstName> Robert </firstName> <lastName> Menendez </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> R000146 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Reid, Harry [D-NV] </fullName> <firstName> HARRY </firstName> <lastName> REID </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NV </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001056 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cornyn, John [R-TX] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Cornyn </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TX </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000595 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Rubio, Marco [R-FL] </fullName> <firstName> Marco </firstName> <lastName> Rubio </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001265 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Begich, Mark [D-AK] </fullName> <firstName> Mark </firstName> <lastName> Begich </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AK </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001267 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Bennet, Michael F. [D-CO] </fullName> <firstName> Michael </firstName> <lastName> Bennet </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CO </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000711 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Boxer, Barbara [D-CA] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> BOXER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001070 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Casey, Robert P., Jr. [D-PA] </fullName> <firstName> Bob </firstName> <lastName> Casey </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> PA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000062 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA] </fullName> <firstName> Dianne </firstName> <lastName> Feinstein </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000555 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Gillibrand, Kirsten E. [D-NY] </fullName> <firstName> Kirsten </firstName> <lastName> Gillibrand </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001049 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hagan, Kay R. [D-NC] </fullName> <firstName> Kay </firstName> <lastName> Hagan </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NC </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001046 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Heinrich, Martin [D-NM] </fullName> <firstName> Martin </firstName> <lastName> Heinrich </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NM </state> <middleName> T. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000133 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Markey, Edward J. [D-MA] </fullName> <firstName> Edward </firstName> <lastName> Markey </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001111 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Murray, Patty [D-WA] </fullName> <firstName> Patty </firstName> <lastName> Murray </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> N000032 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Nelson, Bill [D-FL] </fullName> <firstName> CLARENCE </firstName> <lastName> NELSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <middleName> WILLIAM </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000122 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Reed, Jack [D-RI] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Reed </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> RI </state> <middleName> F. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000148 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Schumer, Charles E. [D-NY] </fullName> <firstName> Charles </firstName> <lastName> Schumer </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000770 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Stabenow, Debbie [D-MI] </fullName> <firstName> Debbie </firstName> <lastName> Stabenow </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> U000038 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Udall, Mark [D-CO] </fullName> <firstName> MARK </firstName> <lastName> UDALL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CO </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> U000039 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Udall, Tom [D-NM] </fullName> <firstName> TOM </firstName> <lastName> UDALL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NM </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000805 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Warner, Mark R. [D-VA] </fullName> <firstName> Mark </firstName> <lastName> Warner </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000817 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Warren, Elizabeth [D-MA] </fullName> <firstName> Elizabeth </firstName> <lastName> Warren </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000563 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Durbin, Richard J. [D-IL] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Durbin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000384 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Kaine, Tim [D-VA] </fullName> <firstName> Timothy </firstName> <lastName> Kaine </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000141 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cardin, Benjamin L. [D-MD] </fullName> <firstName> Ben </firstName> <lastName> Cardin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000944 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Brown, Sherrod [D-OH] </fullName> <firstName> Sherrod </firstName> <lastName> Brown </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001041 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Heller, Dean [R-NV] </fullName> <firstName> Dean </firstName> <lastName> Heller </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NV </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Commemorative events and holidays </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Historical and cultural resources </name> </item> <item> <name> Racial and ethnic relations </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-15 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-10-11T15:14:43Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Recognizes the celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15-October 15, 2014.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Esteems the integral role of Latinos and their manifold heritage in the economy, culture, and identity of the United States. &lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-10-11T15:14:59Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Recognizes the celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15-October 15, 2014.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Esteems the integral role of Latinos and their manifold heritage in the economy, culture, and identity of the United States. &lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution recognizing Hispanic Heritage Month and celebrating the heritage and culture of Latinos in the United States and the immense contributions of Latinos to the United States. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution recognizing Hispanic Heritage Month and celebrating the heritage and culture of Latinos in the United States and the immense contributions of Latinos to the United States. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution recognizing Hispanic Heritage Month and celebrating the heritage and culture of Latinos in the United States and the immense contributions of Latinos to the United States. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-09-17T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres545ats/xml/BILLS-113sres545ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2014-09-15T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres545is/xml/BILLS-113sres545is.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-17", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2014-09-17", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-17", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5720)", "type": "Discharge" }, { "action_code": "14500", "action_date": "2014-09-17", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5720)", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-15", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR S5590-5591)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-09-15", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2014-09-17T22:52:10Z", "name": "Discharged from" }, { "date": "2014-09-15T23:19:01Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "R000146", "district": null, "first_name": "HARRY", "full_name": "Sen. Reid, Harry [D-NV]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "REID", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-15", "state": "NV" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001056", "district": null, "first_name": "John", "full_name": "Sen. Cornyn, John [R-TX]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Cornyn", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-15", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000595", "district": null, "first_name": "Marco", "full_name": "Sen. Rubio, Marco [R-FL]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Rubio", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-15", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001265", "district": null, "first_name": "Mark", "full_name": "Sen. Begich, Mark [D-AK]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Begich", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-15", "state": "AK" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001267", "district": null, "first_name": "Michael", "full_name": "Sen. Bennet, Michael F. [D-CO]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Bennet", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-15", "state": "CO" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000711", "district": null, "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Sen. Boxer, Barbara [D-CA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BOXER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-15", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001070", "district": null, "first_name": "Bob", "full_name": "Sen. Casey, Robert P., Jr. [D-PA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Casey", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-15", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000062", "district": null, "first_name": "Dianne", "full_name": "Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Feinstein", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-15", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000555", "district": null, "first_name": "Kirsten", "full_name": "Sen. Gillibrand, Kirsten E. [D-NY]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Gillibrand", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-15", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001049", "district": null, "first_name": "Kay", "full_name": "Sen. Hagan, Kay R. [D-NC]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Hagan", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-15", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001046", "district": null, "first_name": "Martin", "full_name": "Sen. Heinrich, Martin [D-NM]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Heinrich", "middle_name": "T.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-15", "state": "NM" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000133", "district": null, "first_name": "Edward", "full_name": "Sen. Markey, Edward J. [D-MA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Markey", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-15", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001111", "district": null, "first_name": "Patty", "full_name": "Sen. Murray, Patty [D-WA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Murray", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-15", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000032", "district": null, "first_name": "CLARENCE", "full_name": "Sen. Nelson, Bill [D-FL]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "NELSON", "middle_name": "WILLIAM", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-15", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000122", "district": null, "first_name": "John", "full_name": "Sen. Reed, Jack [D-RI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Reed", "middle_name": "F.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-15", "state": "RI" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000148", "district": null, "first_name": "Charles", "full_name": "Sen. Schumer, Charles E. [D-NY]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Schumer", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-15", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000770", "district": null, "first_name": "Debbie", "full_name": "Sen. Stabenow, Debbie [D-MI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Stabenow", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-15", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "U000038", "district": null, "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Sen. Udall, Mark [D-CO]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "UDALL", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-15", "state": "CO" }, { "bioguide_id": "U000039", "district": null, "first_name": "TOM", "full_name": "Sen. Udall, Tom [D-NM]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "UDALL", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-15", "state": "NM" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000805", "district": null, "first_name": "Mark", "full_name": "Sen. Warner, Mark R. [D-VA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Warner", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-15", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000817", "district": null, "first_name": "Elizabeth", "full_name": "Sen. Warren, Elizabeth [D-MA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Warren", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-15", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000563", "district": null, "first_name": "Richard", "full_name": "Sen. Durbin, Richard J. [D-IL]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Durbin", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-17", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000384", "district": null, "first_name": "Timothy", "full_name": "Sen. Kaine, Tim [D-VA]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Kaine", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-17", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000141", "district": null, "first_name": "Ben", "full_name": "Sen. Cardin, Benjamin L. [D-MD]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Cardin", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-17", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000944", "district": null, "first_name": "Sherrod", "full_name": "Sen. Brown, Sherrod [D-OH]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Brown", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-17", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001041", "district": null, "first_name": "Dean", "full_name": "Sen. Heller, Dean [R-NV]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Heller", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-17", "state": "NV" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-09-15", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-17", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 545, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 113, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2013-09-27", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.", "type": null }, "number": 363, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "Recognizing Hispanic Heritage Month and celebrating the heritage and culture of Latinos in the United States and the immense contributions of Latinos to the United States.", "type": "HRES" }, { "congress": 113, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-15", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.", "type": null }, "number": 723, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "Recognizing Hispanic Heritage Month and celebrating the heritage and culture of Latinos in the United States and the immense contributions of Latinos to the United States.", "type": "HRES" }, { "congress": 113, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2013-09-19", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S6672; text as passed Senate: CR S6663)", "type": null }, "number": 246, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "A resolution recognizing Hispanic Heritage Month and celebrating the heritage and culture of Latinos in the United States and the immense contributions of Latinos to the United States.", "type": "SRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "M000639", "district": null, "first_name": "Robert", "full_name": "Sen. Menendez, Robert [D-NJ]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Menendez", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "NJ" } ], "subjects": [ "Commemorative events and holidays", "Congressional tributes", "Historical and cultural resources", "Racial and ethnic relations" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-09-15", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Recognizes the celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15-October 15, 2014.</p> <p>Esteems the integral role of Latinos and their manifold heritage in the economy, culture, and identity of the United States. </p>", "update_date": "2014-10-11T15:14:43Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2014-09-17", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Recognizes the celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15-October 15, 2014.</p> <p>Esteems the integral role of Latinos and their manifold heritage in the economy, culture, and identity of the United States. </p>", "update_date": "2014-10-11T15:14:59Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-09-17T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres545ats/xml/BILLS-113sres545ats.xml" }, { "date": "2014-09-15T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres545is/xml/BILLS-113sres545is.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution recognizing Hispanic Heritage Month and celebrating the heritage and culture of Latinos in the United States and the immense contributions of Latinos to the United States.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution recognizing Hispanic Heritage Month and celebrating the heritage and culture of Latinos in the United States and the immense contributions of Latinos to the United States.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution recognizing Hispanic Heritage Month and celebrating the heritage and culture of Latinos in the United States and the immense contributions of Latinos to the United States.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2023-01-11T13:25:24Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-11T13:25:24Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-09-17T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres545ats/xml/BILLS-113sres545ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres545ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres545ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-06T23:16:02.004", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-545", "legis_num": 545, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-545-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 545 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES September 15, 2014 Mr. Menendez (for himself, Mr. Reid , Mr. Cornyn , Mr. Rubio , Mr. Begich , Mr. Bennet , Mrs. Boxer , Mr. Casey , Mrs. Feinstein , Mrs. Gillibrand , Mrs. Hagan , Mr. Heinrich , Mr. Markey , Mrs. Murray , Mr. Nelson , Mr. Reed , Mr. Schumer , Ms. Stabenow , Mr. Udall of Colorado , Mr. Udall of New Mexico , Mr. Warner , Ms. Warren , Mr. Durbin , Mr. Kaine , Mr. Cardin , Mr. Brown , and Mr. Heller ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary September 17 (legislative day, September 16), 2014 Committee discharged; considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Recognizing Hispanic Heritage Month and celebrating the heritage and culture of Latinos in the United States and the immense contributions of Latinos to the United States.\n\nWhereas from September 15, 2014, through October 15, 2014, the United States celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month; Whereas the Census Bureau estimates the Hispanic population in the United States at over 54,000,000 people, making Hispanic Americans 17 percent of the population of the United States and the largest racial or ethnic minority group in the United States; Whereas Hispanic Americans are also the largest racial or ethnic minority group in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and 22 individual States: Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Massachusetts, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Texas, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming; Whereas in 2013, there were 1,000,000 or more Latino residents in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and each of the following 8 States: Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, New Jersey, New York, and Texas; Whereas Latinos grew the United States population by 1,100,000 between July 1, 2012, and July 1, 2013, accounting for nearly half of all population growth during this period; Whereas the Latino population in the United States is projected to grow to 128,800,000 by 2060, at which point the Latino population will comprise 31 percent of the total United States population; Whereas the Latino population in the United States is currently the second largest worldwide, exceeding the size of the Latino population in every country except Mexico; Whereas there were 11,900,000 Latino family households in the United States in 2013, and Latino children under the age of 18 represent approximately 1/3 of the total Latino population in the United States; Whereas 1 in 4 public school students in the United States is Latino, and the total number of school-age Latino children in the United States is expected to reach 28,000,000 by 2050; Whereas 18 percent of all college students between the ages of 18 and 24 years old are Latino, making Latinos the largest racial or ethnic minority group on college campuses in the United States, including both 2-year community colleges and 4-year colleges and universities; Whereas a record 11,200,000 Latinos voted in the 2012 Presidential election, representing a record 8.4 percent of the electorate in the United States; Whereas an estimated 23,500,000 Latinos are eligible to vote in the 2014 midterm elections, and the number of eligible Latino voters is expected to rise to 40,000,000 by 2030; Whereas more than 2,000 Latino citizens turn 18 and become eligible to vote every day, and an average of 900,000 Latino citizens will turn 18 and become eligible to vote every year between 2014 and 2028; Whereas the annual purchasing power of Hispanic Americans is an estimated $1,200,000,000,000 and is expected to grow to $1,500,000,000,000 by 2015; Whereas there are more than 3,200,000 Hispanic-owned firms in the United States, supporting millions of employees nationwide and contributing more than $468,000,000,000 in revenue to the economy of the United States; Whereas Hispanic-owned businesses represent the fastest-growing segment of small businesses in the United States, with Latino entrepreneurs starting businesses at more than twice the national rate; Whereas, as of August 2014, more than 25,000,0000 Latino workers represented 16.3 percent of the total civilian labor force in the United States, and the share of Latino labor force participation is expected to grow to 19.1 percent by 2022; Whereas Latinos have the highest labor force participation rate of any racial or ethnic group at 66 percent, compared to 62.8 percent overall; Whereas in 2013, there were 298,000 Latino elementary and middle school teachers, 65,000 Latino chief executives of businesses, 55,000 Latino lawyers, and 35,000 Latino physicians and surgeons contributing to the United States through their professions; Whereas Hispanic Americans serve in all branches of the Armed Forces and have bravely fought in every war in the history of the United States; Whereas, as of July 31, 2014, 163,636 Hispanic active duty servicemembers served with distinction in the Armed Forces of the United States; Whereas, as of July 31, 2014, a total of 88,709 Hispanics had served in Afghanistan; Whereas, as of September 2014, 675 United States military fatalities in Iraq and Afghanistan were Hispanic; Whereas more than 80,000 Hispanics served in the Vietnam War, representing 5.5 percent of individuals who made the ultimate sacrifice for the United States in the conflict, even though Hispanics comprised only 4.5 percent of the population of the United States at the time; Whereas 140,000 Hispanic soldiers served in the Korean War; Whereas, as of September 2014, there are an estimated 1,386,000 Hispanic veterans of the Armed Forces of the United States; Whereas 61 Hispanic Americans have received the Congressional Medal of Honor, the highest award for valor in action against an enemy force that can be bestowed on an individual serving in the Armed Forces of the United States; Whereas Hispanic Americans are dedicated public servants, holding posts at the highest levels of government, including 1 seat on the Supreme Court, 3 seats in the Senate, 33 seats in the House of Representatives, and 3 seats in the Cabinet; and Whereas Hispanic Americans harbor a deep commitment to family and community, an enduring work ethic, and a perseverance to succeed and contribute to society: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) recognizes the celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15, 2014, through October 15, 2014; (2) esteems the integral role of Latinos and the manifold heritage of Latinos in the economy, culture, and identity of the United States; and (3) urges the people of the United States to observe Hispanic Heritage Month with appropriate programs and activities that celebrate the contributions of Latinos to American life.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 545 ATS: Recognizing Hispanic Heritage Month and celebrating the heritage and culture of Latinos in the United States and the immense contributions of Latinos to the United States.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-09-17\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress>\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session>\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 545\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action>\n <action-date date=\"20140917\" legis-day=\"20140909\">\n September 15, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S306\">\n Mr. Menendez\n </sponsor>\n (for himself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S198\">\n Mr. Reid\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S287\">\n Mr. Cornyn\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S350\">\n Mr. Rubio\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S319\">\n Mr. Begich\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S330\">\n Mr. Bennet\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S223\">\n Mrs. Boxer\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S309\">\n Mr. Casey\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S221\">\n Mrs. Feinstein\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S331\">\n Mrs. Gillibrand\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S320\">\n Mrs. Hagan\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S359\">\n Mr. Heinrich\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S369\">\n Mr. Markey\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S229\">\n Mrs. Murray\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S282\">\n Mr. Nelson\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S259\">\n Mr. Reed\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S270\">\n Mr. Schumer\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S284\">\n Ms. Stabenow\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S325\">\n Mr. Udall of Colorado\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S326\">\n Mr. Udall of New Mexico\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S327\">\n Mr. Warner\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S366\">\n Ms. Warren\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S253\">\n Mr. Durbin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S362\">\n Mr. Kaine\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S308\">\n Mr. Cardin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S307\">\n Mr. Brown\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S352\">\n Mr. Heller\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name committee-id=\"SSJU00\">\n Committee on the Judiciary\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <action>\n <action-date>\n September 17 (legislative day, September 16), 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n Committee discharged; considered and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Recognizing Hispanic Heritage Month and celebrating the heritage and culture of Latinos in the\n\t\t\t United States and the immense contributions of Latinos to the United\n\t\t\t States.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas from September 15, 2014, through October 15, 2014,\n\t\t\t the United States celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Census Bureau estimates the Hispanic\n\t\t\t population in the United States at over 54,000,000 people, making Hispanic\n\t\t\t Americans 17 percent of the population of the United States and the\n\t\t\t largest racial or ethnic minority group in the United States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Hispanic Americans are also the largest racial or ethnic minority group in the Commonwealth\n\t\t\t of Puerto Rico and 22 individual\n\t\t\t States: Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Idaho,\n\t\t\t Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Massachusetts, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire,\n\t\t\t New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Texas, Utah,\n\t\t\t Washington, and Wyoming;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas in 2013, there were 1,000,000 or more Latino residents in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico\n\t\t\t and each of the following 8 States: Arizona, California, Colorado,\n\t\t\t Florida, Illinois, New Jersey, New York, and Texas;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Latinos grew the United States population by\n\t\t\t 1,100,000 between July 1, 2012, and July 1, 2013, accounting for nearly\n\t\t\t half of\n\t\t\t all population growth during this period;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Latino population in the United States is\n\t\t\t projected to grow to 128,800,000 by 2060, at which point the Latino\n\t\t\t population will comprise 31 percent of the total United States population;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Latino population in the United States is currently the second largest worldwide,\n\t\t\t exceeding the size of the Latino population in every country except\n\t\t\t Mexico;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas there were 11,900,000 Latino family households in the United States in 2013, and Latino\n\t\t\t children under the age of 18 represent approximately\n <fraction>\n 1/3\n </fraction>\n of the total Latino population in the United States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas 1 in 4 public school students in the United States\n\t\t\t is Latino, and the total number of school-age Latino children in the\n\t\t\t United\n\t\t\t States is expected to reach 28,000,000 by 2050;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas 18 percent of all college students between the\n\t\t\t ages of 18 and 24 years old are Latino, making Latinos the largest\n\t\t\t racial\n\t\t\t or ethnic minority group on college campuses in the United States,\n\t\t\t including\n\t\t\t both 2-year community colleges and 4-year colleges and universities;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas a record 11,200,000 Latinos voted in the 2012\n\t\t\t Presidential election, representing a record 8.4 percent of the electorate\n\t\t\t in\n\t\t\t the United States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas an estimated 23,500,000 Latinos are eligible to vote in the 2014 midterm elections, and the\n\t\t\t number of eligible Latino voters is expected to rise to 40,000,000 by\n\t\t\t 2030;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas more than 2,000 Latino citizens turn 18 and become eligible to vote every day, and an\n\t\t\t average of 900,000 Latino citizens will turn 18 and become eligible to\n\t\t\t vote every year between 2014 and 2028;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the annual purchasing power of Hispanic Americans\n\t\t\t is an estimated $1,200,000,000,000 and is expected to grow to\n\t\t\t $1,500,000,000,000 by 2015;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas there are more than 3,200,000 Hispanic-owned\n\t\t\t firms in the United States, supporting millions of employees nationwide\n\t\t\t and\n\t\t\t contributing more than $468,000,000,000 in revenue to the economy of the\n\t\t\t United\n\t\t\t States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Hispanic-owned businesses represent the\n\t\t\t fastest-growing segment of small businesses in the United States, with\n\t\t\t Latino\n\t\t\t entrepreneurs starting businesses at more than twice the national rate;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, as of August 2014, more than 25,000,0000 Latino\n\t\t\t workers represented 16.3 percent of the total civilian labor force in the\n\t\t\t United\n\t\t\t States, and the share of Latino labor force participation is expected to\n\t\t\t grow to\n\t\t\t 19.1 percent by 2022;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Latinos have the highest labor force participation\n\t\t\t rate of any racial or ethnic group at 66 percent, compared to 62.8 percent\n\t\t\t overall;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas in 2013, there were 298,000 Latino elementary and middle school teachers, 65,000 Latino\n\t\t\t chief executives of businesses, 55,000 Latino lawyers, and 35,000 Latino\n\t\t\t physicians and surgeons contributing to the United States through their\n\t\t\t professions;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Hispanic Americans serve in all branches of the\n\t\t\t Armed Forces and have bravely fought in every war in the history of the\n\t\t\t United\n\t\t\t States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, as of July 31, 2014, 163,636 Hispanic active duty\n\t\t\t servicemembers served with distinction in the Armed Forces of the United\n\t\t\t States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, as of July 31, 2014, a total of 88,709 Hispanics\n\t\t\t had served in Afghanistan;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, as of September 2014, 675 United States military\n\t\t\t fatalities in Iraq and Afghanistan were Hispanic;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas more than 80,000 Hispanics served in the Vietnam\n\t\t\t War, representing 5.5 percent of individuals who made the ultimate\n\t\t\t sacrifice\n\t\t\t for the United States in the conflict, even though Hispanics comprised\n\t\t\t only 4.5\n\t\t\t percent of the population of the United States at the time;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas 140,000 Hispanic soldiers served in the Korean\n\t\t\t War;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, as of September 2014, there are an estimated\n\t\t\t 1,386,000 Hispanic veterans of the Armed Forces of the United States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas 61 Hispanic Americans have received the\n\t\t\t Congressional Medal of Honor, the highest award for valor in action\n\t\t\t against an\n\t\t\t enemy force that can be bestowed on an individual serving in the Armed\n\t\t\t Forces\n\t\t\t of the United States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Hispanic Americans are dedicated public servants,\n\t\t\t holding posts at the highest levels of government, including 1 seat on the\n\t\t\t Supreme Court, 3 seats in the Senate, 33 seats in the House of\n\t\t\t Representatives,\n\t\t\t and 3 seats in the Cabinet; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Hispanic Americans harbor a deep commitment to\n\t\t\t family and community, an enduring work ethic, and a perseverance to\n\t\t\t succeed and\n\t\t\t contribute to society: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"id1998af1e8e0a4e20b323a7c06d31c10a\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n recognizes the\n\t\t\t celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15, 2014, through\n\t\t\t October\n\t\t\t 15, 2014;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id763014242eb54085be27173b2b50bf75\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n esteems the\n\t\t\t integral role of Latinos and the manifold heritage of Latinos in the\n\t\t\t economy,\n\t\t\t culture, and identity of the United States; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idefe56b031f8f4c73b1dfee651e309d2c\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n urges the people\n\t\t\t of the United States to observe Hispanic Heritage Month with appropriate\n\t\t\t programs and activities that celebrate the contributions of\n\t\t\t Latinos to\n\t\t\t American life.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" }, { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-09-15T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres545is/xml/BILLS-113sres545is.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres545is.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres545is.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-06T23:16:01.968", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-545", "legis_num": 545, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "is", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-545-is-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 545 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES September 15, 2014 Mr. Menendez (for himself, Mr. Reid , Mr. Cornyn , Mr. Rubio , Mr. Begich , Mr. Bennet , Mrs. Boxer , Mr. Casey , Mrs. Feinstein , Mrs. Gillibrand , Mrs. Hagan , Mr. Heinrich , Mr. Markey , Mrs. Murray , Mr. Nelson , Mr. Reed , Mr. Schumer , Ms. Stabenow , Mr. Udall of Colorado , Mr. Udall of New Mexico , Mr. Warner , and Ms. Warren ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary RESOLUTION Recognizing Hispanic Heritage Month and celebrating the heritage and culture of Latinos in the United States and the immense contributions of Latinos to the United States.\n\nWhereas from September 15, 2014, through October 15, 2014, the United States celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month; Whereas the Census Bureau estimates the Hispanic population in the United States at over 54,000,000 people, making Hispanic Americans 17 percent of the population of the United States and the largest racial or ethnic minority group in the United States; Whereas Hispanic Americans are also the largest racial or ethnic minority group in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and 22 individual States: Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Massachusetts, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Texas, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming; Whereas in 2013, there were 1,000,000 or more Latino residents in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and each of the following 8 States: Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, New Jersey, New York, and Texas; Whereas Latinos grew the United States population by 1,100,000 between July 1, 2012, and July 1, 2013, accounting for nearly half of all population growth during this period; Whereas the Latino population in the United States is projected to grow to 128,800,000 by 2060, at which point the Latino population will comprise 31 percent of the total United States population; Whereas the Latino population in the United States is currently the second largest worldwide, exceeding the size of the Latino population in every country except Mexico; Whereas there were 11,900,000 Latino family households in the United States in 2013, and Latino children under the age of 18 represent approximately 1/3 of the total Latino population in the United States; Whereas 1 in 4 public school students in the United States is Latino, and the total number of school-age Latino children in the United States is expected to reach 28,000,000 by 2050; Whereas 18 percent of all college students between the ages of 18 and 24 years old are Latino, making Latinos the largest racial or ethnic minority group on college campuses in the United States, including both 2-year community colleges and 4-year colleges and universities; Whereas a record 11,200,000 Latinos voted in the 2012 Presidential election, representing a record 8.4 percent of the electorate in the United States; Whereas an estimated 23,500,000 Latinos are eligible to vote in the 2014 midterm elections, and the number of eligible Latino voters is expected to rise to 40,000,000 by 2030; Whereas more than 2,000 Latino citizens turn 18 and become eligible to vote every day, and an average of 900,000 Latino citizens will turn 18 and become eligible to vote every year between 2014 and 2028; Whereas the annual purchasing power of Hispanic Americans is an estimated $1,200,000,000,000 and is expected to grow to $1,500,000,000,000 by 2015; Whereas there are more than 3,200,000 Hispanic-owned firms in the United States, supporting millions of employees nationwide and contributing more than $468,000,000,000 in revenue to the economy of the United States; Whereas Hispanic-owned businesses represent the fastest-growing segment of small businesses in the United States, with Latino entrepreneurs starting businesses at more than twice the national rate; Whereas, as of August 2014, more than 25,000,0000 Latino workers represented 16.3 percent of the total civilian labor force in the United States, and the share of Latino labor force participation is expected to grow to 19.1 percent by 2022; Whereas Latinos have the highest labor force participation rate of any racial or ethnic group at 66 percent, compared to 62.8 percent overall; Whereas in 2013, there were 298,000 Latino elementary and middle school teachers, 65,000 Latino chief executives of businesses, 55,000 Latino lawyers, and 35,000 Latino physicians and surgeons contributing to the United States through their professions; Whereas Hispanic Americans serve in all branches of the Armed Forces and have bravely fought in every war in the history of the United States; Whereas, as of July 31, 2014, 163,636 Hispanic active duty servicemembers served with distinction in the Armed Forces of the United States; Whereas, as of July 31, 2014, a total of 88,709 Hispanics had served in Afghanistan; Whereas, as of September 2014, 675 United States military fatalities in Iraq and Afghanistan were Hispanic; Whereas more than 80,000 Hispanics served in the Vietnam War, representing 5.5 percent of individuals who made the ultimate sacrifice for the United States in the conflict, even though Hispanics comprised only 4.5 percent of the population of the United States at the time; Whereas 140,000 Hispanic soldiers served in the Korean War; Whereas, as of September 2014, there are an estimated 1,386,000 Hispanic veterans of the Armed Forces of the United States; Whereas 61 Hispanic Americans have received the Congressional Medal of Honor, the highest award for valor in action against an enemy force that can be bestowed on an individual serving in the Armed Forces of the United States; Whereas Hispanic Americans are dedicated public servants, holding posts at the highest levels of government, including 1 seat on the Supreme Court, 3 seats in the Senate, 33 seats in the House of Representatives, and 3 seats in the Cabinet; and Whereas Hispanic Americans harbor a deep commitment to family and community, an enduring work ethic, and a perseverance to succeed and contribute to society: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) recognizes the celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15, 2014, through October 15, 2014; (2) esteems the integral role of Latinos and the manifold heritage of Latinos in the economy, culture, and identity of the United States; and (3) urges the people of the United States to observe Hispanic Heritage Month with appropriate programs and activities that celebrate the contributions of Latinos to American life.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Introduced-in-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 545 IS: Recognizing Hispanic Heritage Month and celebrating the heritage and culture of Latinos in the United States and the immense contributions of Latinos to the United States.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-09-15\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress>\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session>\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 545\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action>\n <action-date date=\"20140915\">\n September 15, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S306\">\n Mr. Menendez\n </sponsor>\n (for himself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S198\">\n Mr. Reid\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S287\">\n Mr. Cornyn\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S350\">\n Mr. Rubio\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S319\">\n Mr. Begich\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S330\">\n Mr. Bennet\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S223\">\n Mrs. Boxer\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S309\">\n Mr. Casey\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S221\">\n Mrs. Feinstein\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S331\">\n Mrs. Gillibrand\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S320\">\n Mrs. Hagan\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S359\">\n Mr. Heinrich\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S369\">\n Mr. Markey\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S229\">\n Mrs. Murray\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S282\">\n Mr. Nelson\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S259\">\n Mr. Reed\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S270\">\n Mr. Schumer\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S284\">\n Ms. Stabenow\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S325\">\n Mr. Udall of Colorado\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S326\">\n Mr. Udall of New Mexico\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S327\">\n Mr. Warner\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S366\">\n Ms. Warren\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name committee-id=\"SSJU00\">\n Committee on the Judiciary\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Recognizing Hispanic Heritage Month and celebrating the heritage and culture of Latinos in the\n\t\t\t United States and the immense contributions of Latinos to the United\n\t\t\t States.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas from September 15, 2014, through October 15, 2014,\n\t\t\t the United States celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Census Bureau estimates the Hispanic\n\t\t\t population in the United States at over 54,000,000 people, making Hispanic\n\t\t\t Americans 17 percent of the population of the United States and the\n\t\t\t largest racial or ethnic minority group in the United States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Hispanic Americans are also the largest racial or ethnic minority group in the Commonwealth\n\t\t\t of Puerto Rico and 22 individual\n\t\t\t States: Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Idaho,\n\t\t\t Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Massachusetts, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire,\n\t\t\t New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Texas, Utah,\n\t\t\t Washington, and Wyoming;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas in 2013, there were 1,000,000 or more Latino residents in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico\n\t\t\t and each of the following 8 States: Arizona, California, Colorado,\n\t\t\t Florida, Illinois, New Jersey, New York, and Texas;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Latinos grew the United States population by\n\t\t\t 1,100,000 between July 1, 2012, and July 1, 2013, accounting for nearly\n\t\t\t half of\n\t\t\t all population growth during this period;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Latino population in the United States is\n\t\t\t projected to grow to 128,800,000 by 2060, at which point the Latino\n\t\t\t population will comprise 31 percent of the total United States population;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Latino population in the United States is currently the second largest worldwide,\n\t\t\t exceeding the size of the Latino population in every country except\n\t\t\t Mexico;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas there were 11,900,000 Latino family households in the United States in 2013, and Latino\n\t\t\t children under the age of 18 represent approximately\n <fraction>\n 1/3\n </fraction>\n of the total Latino population in the United States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas 1 in 4 public school students in the United States\n\t\t\t is Latino, and the total number of school-age Latino children in the\n\t\t\t United\n\t\t\t States is expected to reach 28,000,000 by 2050;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas 18 percent of all college students between the\n\t\t\t ages of 18 and 24 years old are Latino, making Latinos the largest\n\t\t\t racial\n\t\t\t or ethnic minority group on college campuses in the United States,\n\t\t\t including\n\t\t\t both 2-year community colleges and 4-year colleges and universities;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas a record 11,200,000 Latinos voted in the 2012\n\t\t\t Presidential election, representing a record 8.4 percent of the electorate\n\t\t\t in\n\t\t\t the United States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas an estimated 23,500,000 Latinos are eligible to vote in the 2014 midterm elections, and the\n\t\t\t number of eligible Latino voters is expected to rise to 40,000,000 by\n\t\t\t 2030;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas more than 2,000 Latino citizens turn 18 and become eligible to vote every day, and an\n\t\t\t average of 900,000 Latino citizens will turn 18 and become eligible to\n\t\t\t vote every year between 2014 and 2028;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the annual purchasing power of Hispanic Americans\n\t\t\t is an estimated $1,200,000,000,000 and is expected to grow to\n\t\t\t $1,500,000,000,000 by 2015;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas there are more than 3,200,000 Hispanic-owned\n\t\t\t firms in the United States, supporting millions of employees nationwide\n\t\t\t and\n\t\t\t contributing more than $468,000,000,000 in revenue to the economy of the\n\t\t\t United\n\t\t\t States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Hispanic-owned businesses represent the\n\t\t\t fastest-growing segment of small businesses in the United States, with\n\t\t\t Latino\n\t\t\t entrepreneurs starting businesses at more than twice the national rate;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, as of August 2014, more than 25,000,0000 Latino\n\t\t\t workers represented 16.3 percent of the total civilian labor force in the\n\t\t\t United\n\t\t\t States, and the share of Latino labor force participation is expected to\n\t\t\t grow to\n\t\t\t 19.1 percent by 2022;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Latinos have the highest labor force participation\n\t\t\t rate of any racial or ethnic group at 66 percent, compared to 62.8 percent\n\t\t\t overall;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas in 2013, there were 298,000 Latino elementary and middle school teachers, 65,000 Latino\n\t\t\t chief executives of businesses, 55,000 Latino lawyers, and 35,000 Latino\n\t\t\t physicians and surgeons contributing to the United States through their\n\t\t\t professions;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Hispanic Americans serve in all branches of the\n\t\t\t Armed Forces and have bravely fought in every war in the history of the\n\t\t\t United\n\t\t\t States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, as of July 31, 2014, 163,636 Hispanic active duty\n\t\t\t servicemembers served with distinction in the Armed Forces of the United\n\t\t\t States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, as of July 31, 2014, a total of 88,709 Hispanics\n\t\t\t had served in Afghanistan;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, as of September 2014, 675 United States military\n\t\t\t fatalities in Iraq and Afghanistan were Hispanic;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas more than 80,000 Hispanics served in the Vietnam\n\t\t\t War, representing 5.5 percent of individuals who made the ultimate\n\t\t\t sacrifice\n\t\t\t for the United States in the conflict, even though Hispanics comprised\n\t\t\t only 4.5\n\t\t\t percent of the population of the United States at the time;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas 140,000 Hispanic soldiers served in the Korean\n\t\t\t War;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, as of September 2014, there are an estimated\n\t\t\t 1,386,000 Hispanic veterans of the Armed Forces of the United States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas 61 Hispanic Americans have received the\n\t\t\t Congressional Medal of Honor, the highest award for valor in action\n\t\t\t against an\n\t\t\t enemy force that can be bestowed on an individual serving in the Armed\n\t\t\t Forces\n\t\t\t of the United States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Hispanic Americans are dedicated public servants,\n\t\t\t holding posts at the highest levels of government, including 1 seat on the\n\t\t\t Supreme Court, 3 seats in the Senate, 33 seats in the House of\n\t\t\t Representatives,\n\t\t\t and 3 seats in the Cabinet; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Hispanic Americans harbor a deep commitment to\n\t\t\t family and community, an enduring work ethic, and a perseverance to\n\t\t\t succeed and\n\t\t\t contribute to society: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"id1998af1e8e0a4e20b323a7c06d31c10a\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n recognizes the\n\t\t\t celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15, 2014, through\n\t\t\t October\n\t\t\t 15, 2014;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id763014242eb54085be27173b2b50bf75\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n esteems the\n\t\t\t integral role of Latinos and the manifold heritage of Latinos in the\n\t\t\t economy,\n\t\t\t culture, and identity of the United States; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idefe56b031f8f4c73b1dfee651e309d2c\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n urges the people\n\t\t\t of the United States to observe Hispanic Heritage Month with appropriate\n\t\t\t programs and activities that celebrate the contributions of\n\t\t\t Latinos to\n\t\t\t American life.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-06 01:38:11.555
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 546 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-11T13:25:24Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-11T13:25:24Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-09-16 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2014-09-16T21:52:26Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-16 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S5634-5635) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-16 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> W000802 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Whitehouse, Sheldon [D-RI] </fullName> <firstName> Sheldon </firstName> <lastName> Whitehouse </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> RI </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> M000303 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. McCain, John [R-AZ] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> MCCAIN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AZ </state> <middleName> SIDNEY </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000639 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Menendez, Robert [D-NJ] </fullName> <firstName> Robert </firstName> <lastName> Menendez </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Asia </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Diplomacy, foreign officials, Americans abroad </name> </item> <item> <name> Indonesia </name> </item> <item> <name> Sovereignty, recognition, national governance and status </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-16 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-09-17T19:11:09Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Congratulates Indonesia's President-elect Joko Widodo on his electoral victory.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Commends the people of Indonesia on their commitment to democracy and free elections.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Affirms the commitment of the United States to strengthening our relationship with Indonesia.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Recognizes Indonesia's 2014 presidential election as an example of a peaceful, democratic transition of power for other transformational democracies throughout the world to follow.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution congratulating Indonesia's President-elect Joko Widodo on his electoral victory and commending the people of Indonesia on their commitment to democracy and free and fair elections. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution congratulating Indonesia's President-elect Joko Widodo on his electoral victory and commending the people of Indonesia on their commitment to democracy and free and fair elections. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution congratulating Indonesia's President-elect Joko Widodo on his electoral victory and commending the people of Indonesia on their commitment to democracy and free and fair elections. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2014-09-16T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres546is/xml/BILLS-113sres546is.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-09-16 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S5634-5635) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-16", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. 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Menendez, Robert [D-NJ]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Menendez", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-17", "state": "NJ" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-09-16", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-16", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S5634-5635)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 546, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "International Affairs", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "W000802", "district": null, "first_name": "Sheldon", "full_name": "Sen. Whitehouse, Sheldon [D-RI]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Whitehouse", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "RI" } ], "subjects": [ "Asia", "Congressional tributes", "Diplomacy, foreign officials, Americans abroad", "Indonesia", "Sovereignty, recognition, national governance and status" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-09-16", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Congratulates Indonesia's President-elect Joko Widodo on his electoral victory.</p> <p> Commends the people of Indonesia on their commitment to democracy and free elections.</p> <p> Affirms the commitment of the United States to strengthening our relationship with Indonesia.</p> <p> Recognizes Indonesia's 2014 presidential election as an example of a peaceful, democratic transition of power for other transformational democracies throughout the world to follow.</p>", "update_date": "2014-09-17T19:11:09Z", "version_code": "00" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-09-16T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres546is/xml/BILLS-113sres546is.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution congratulating Indonesia's President-elect Joko Widodo on his electoral victory and commending the people of Indonesia on their commitment to democracy and free and fair elections.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution congratulating Indonesia's President-elect Joko Widodo on his electoral victory and commending the people of Indonesia on their commitment to democracy and free and fair elections.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution congratulating Indonesia's President-elect Joko Widodo on his electoral victory and commending the people of Indonesia on their commitment to democracy and free and fair elections.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2023-01-11T13:25:24Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-11T13:25:24Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-09-16T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres546is/xml/BILLS-113sres546is.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres546is.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres546is.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-06T23:16:01.679", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-546", "legis_num": 546, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "is", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-546-is-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 546 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES September 16, 2014 Mr. Whitehouse (for himself and Mr. McCain ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations RESOLUTION Congratulating Indonesia's President-elect Joko Widodo on his electoral victory and commending the people of Indonesia on their commitment to democracy and free and fair elections.\n\nWhereas the United States and Indonesia are the world’s second and third largest democracies, respectively; Whereas the United States and Indonesia share many common values, including respect for human rights and the rule of law; Whereas in November 2010, the United States and Indonesia launched the U.S.-Indonesia Comprehensive Partnership, which solidified a long-term commitment to cooperation on key bilateral, regional and global issues; Whereas the U.S.-Indonesia Comprehensive Partnership’s Democracy and Civil Society Working Group promotes enhanced cooperation on parliamentary and electoral processes and political empowerment for women; Whereas Indonesia, a regional and global leader, has undergone a remarkable democratic transformation over the last 2 decades; Whereas on July 9, 2014, approximately 135,000,000 votes were cast in Indonesia’s Presidential election, which was the largest single day election in the world to date; Whereas on July 22, 2014, Joko Widodo was declared the winner in Indonesia’s Presidential election; and Whereas Indonesia, with its vast geography, large multi-ethnic population, and largest Muslim majority population in the world, is a powerful model for a peaceful, democratic transition of power: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) congratulates Indonesia's President-elect Joko Widodo on his electoral victory; (2) commends the people of Indonesia on their commitment to democracy and free and fair elections; (3) affirms the commitment of the United States to strengthening our bilateral relationship with Indonesia; (4) supports the advancement of an inclusive democracy and an active role for civil society in Indonesia; and (5) recognizes Indonesia's 2014 Presidential election as an example of a peaceful, democratic transition of power for other transformational democracies throughout the world to follow.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Introduced-in-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 546 IS: Congratulating Indonesia's President-elect Joko Widodo on his electoral victory and commending the people of Indonesia on their commitment to democracy and free and fair elections.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-09-16\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 546\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140916\">\n September 16, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S316\">\n Mr. Whitehouse\n </sponsor>\n (for himself and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S197\">\n Mr. McCain\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name committee-id=\"SSFR00\">\n Committee on Foreign Relations\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Congratulating Indonesia's President-elect Joko Widodo on his electoral victory and commending the\n\t\t\t people of Indonesia on their commitment to democracy and free and fair\n\t\t\t elections.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States and Indonesia are the world’s second and third largest democracies,\n\t\t\t respectively;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States and Indonesia share many common values, including respect for human\n\t\t\t rights and the rule of law;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas in November 2010, the United States and Indonesia launched the U.S.-Indonesia Comprehensive\n\t\t\t Partnership, which solidified a long-term commitment to cooperation on key\n\t\t\t bilateral, regional and global issues;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the U.S.-Indonesia Comprehensive Partnership’s Democracy and Civil Society Working Group\n\t\t\t promotes enhanced cooperation on parliamentary and electoral processes and\n\t\t\t political empowerment for women;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Indonesia, a regional and global leader, has undergone a remarkable democratic\n\t\t\t transformation over the last 2 decades;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas on July 9, 2014, approximately 135,000,000 votes were cast in Indonesia’s Presidential\n\t\t\t election, which was the largest single day election in the world to date;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas on July 22, 2014, Joko Widodo was declared the winner in Indonesia’s Presidential election;\n\t\t\t and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Indonesia, with its vast geography, large multi-ethnic population, and largest Muslim\n\t\t\t majority population in the world, is a powerful model for a peaceful,\n\t\t\t democratic transition of power: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"idFB8C1F8AF5484B33A62604A14C9B8787\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n congratulates Indonesia's President-elect Joko Widodo on his electoral victory;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id59A7E6B1F5D8418086F3A066A83B8C68\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n commends the people of Indonesia on their commitment to democracy and free and fair elections;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idFA38D9CBDEBE48D8A2E1798D4D84E36C\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n affirms the commitment of the United States to strengthening our bilateral relationship with\n\t\t\t Indonesia;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id0E5CE0D13AF6479B88BCA3858AF15522\">\n <enum>\n (4)\n </enum>\n <text>\n supports the advancement of an inclusive democracy and an active role for civil society in\n\t\t\t Indonesia; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id64DA90A780E44E24ADBFAAD42DB12F04\">\n <enum>\n (5)\n </enum>\n <text>\n recognizes Indonesia's 2014 Presidential election as an example of a peaceful, democratic\n\t\t\t transition of power for other transformational democracies throughout the\n\t\t\t world to follow.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-05 01:09:00.826
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 547 </number> <updateDate> 2022-03-03T21:28:40Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2022-11-04T17:19:11Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-09-16 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <relatedBills> <item> <title> A resolution designating the week beginning September 15, 2013, as "National Hispanic-Serving Institutions Week". </title> <congress> 113 </congress> <number> 240 </number> <type> SRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2013-09-18 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (considerstion: CR S6609; text as passed Senate: CR S6602) </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-16 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5650; text as passed Senate: CR S5635) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-16 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5650; text as passed Senate: CR S5635) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-16 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> M000639 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Menendez, Robert [D-NJ] </fullName> <firstName> Robert </firstName> <lastName> Menendez </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> R000146 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Reid, Harry [D-NV] </fullName> <firstName> HARRY </firstName> <lastName> REID </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NV </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001056 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cornyn, John [R-TX] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Cornyn </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TX </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000595 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Rubio, Marco [R-FL] </fullName> <firstName> Marco </firstName> <lastName> Rubio </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001265 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Begich, Mark [D-AK] </fullName> <firstName> Mark </firstName> <lastName> Begich </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AK </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001267 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Bennet, Michael F. [D-CO] </fullName> <firstName> Michael </firstName> <lastName> Bennet </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CO </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001288 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Booker, Cory A. [D-NJ] </fullName> <firstName> Cory </firstName> <lastName> Booker </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000711 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Boxer, Barbara [D-CA] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> BOXER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001070 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Casey, Robert P., Jr. [D-PA] </fullName> <firstName> Bob </firstName> <lastName> Casey </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> PA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001088 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Coons, Christopher A. [D-DE] </fullName> <firstName> Christopher </firstName> <lastName> Coons </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> DE </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000563 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Durbin, Richard J. [D-IL] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Durbin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000062 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA] </fullName> <firstName> Dianne </firstName> <lastName> Feinstein </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000555 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Gillibrand, Kirsten E. [D-NY] </fullName> <firstName> Kirsten </firstName> <lastName> Gillibrand </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001046 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Heinrich, Martin [D-NM] </fullName> <firstName> Martin </firstName> <lastName> Heinrich </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NM </state> <middleName> T. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000261 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Levin, Carl [D-MI] </fullName> <firstName> CARL </firstName> <lastName> LEVIN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <middleName> MILTON </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000133 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Markey, Edward J. [D-MA] </fullName> <firstName> Edward </firstName> <lastName> Markey </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001111 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Murray, Patty [D-WA] </fullName> <firstName> Patty </firstName> <lastName> Murray </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> N000032 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Nelson, Bill [D-FL] </fullName> <firstName> CLARENCE </firstName> <lastName> NELSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <middleName> WILLIAM </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000122 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Reed, Jack [D-RI] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Reed </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> RI </state> <middleName> F. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000148 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Schumer, Charles E. [D-NY] </fullName> <firstName> Charles </firstName> <lastName> Schumer </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> U000038 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Udall, Mark [D-CO] </fullName> <firstName> MARK </firstName> <lastName> UDALL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CO </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> U000039 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Udall, Tom [D-NM] </fullName> <firstName> TOM </firstName> <lastName> UDALL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NM </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000805 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Warner, Mark R. [D-VA] </fullName> <firstName> Mark </firstName> <lastName> Warner </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001041 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Heller, Dean [R-NV] </fullName> <firstName> Dean </firstName> <lastName> Heller </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NV </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Education </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Commemorative events and holidays </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Higher education </name> </item> <item> <name> Minority education </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Education </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-16 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-09-24T19:29:44Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt; Recognizes the achievements and goals of Hispanic-serving institutions across the United States.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Designates the week beginning September 14, 2014, as National Hispanic-Serving Institutions Week.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-16 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-09-24T19:29:57Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Recognizes the achievements and goals of Hispanic-serving institutions across the United States.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Designates the week beginning September 14, 2014, as National Hispanic-Serving Institutions Week.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution designating the week beginning September 14, 2014, as National Hispanic-Serving Institutions Week. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution designating the week beginning September 14, 2014, as National Hispanic-Serving Institutions Week. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution designating the week beginning September 14, 2014, as National Hispanic-Serving Institutions Week. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-09-16T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres547ats/xml/BILLS-113sres547ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-09-16 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5650; text as passed Senate: CR S5635) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-16", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5650; text as passed Senate: CR S5635)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2014-09-16", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5650; text as passed Senate: CR S5635)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-09-16", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "R000146", "district": null, "first_name": "HARRY", "full_name": "Sen. 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Bennet, Michael F. [D-CO]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Bennet", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-16", "state": "CO" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001288", "district": null, "first_name": "Cory", "full_name": "Sen. Booker, Cory A. [D-NJ]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Booker", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-16", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000711", "district": null, "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Sen. Boxer, Barbara [D-CA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BOXER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-16", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001070", "district": null, "first_name": "Bob", "full_name": "Sen. Casey, Robert P., Jr. [D-PA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Casey", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-16", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001088", "district": null, "first_name": "Christopher", "full_name": "Sen. Coons, Christopher A. [D-DE]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Coons", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-16", "state": "DE" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000563", "district": null, "first_name": "Richard", "full_name": "Sen. Durbin, Richard J. [D-IL]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Durbin", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-16", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000062", "district": null, "first_name": "Dianne", "full_name": "Sen. 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For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-09-16", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-16", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5650; text as passed Senate: CR S5635)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 547, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Education", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 113, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2013-09-18", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (considerstion: CR S6609; text as passed Senate: CR S6602)", "type": null }, "number": 240, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "A resolution designating the week beginning September 15, 2013, as \"National Hispanic-Serving Institutions Week\".", "type": "SRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "M000639", "district": null, "first_name": "Robert", "full_name": "Sen. Menendez, Robert [D-NJ]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Menendez", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "NJ" } ], "subjects": [ "Commemorative events and holidays", "Congressional tributes", "Higher education", "Minority education" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-09-16", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p> Recognizes the achievements and goals of Hispanic-serving institutions across the United States.</p> <p> Designates the week beginning September 14, 2014, as National Hispanic-Serving Institutions Week.</p>", "update_date": "2014-09-24T19:29:44Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2014-09-16", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p> Recognizes the achievements and goals of Hispanic-serving institutions across the United States.</p> <p> Designates the week beginning September 14, 2014, as National Hispanic-Serving Institutions Week.</p>", "update_date": "2014-09-24T19:29:57Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-09-16T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres547ats/xml/BILLS-113sres547ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution designating the week beginning September 14, 2014, as National Hispanic-Serving Institutions Week.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating the week beginning September 14, 2014, as National Hispanic-Serving Institutions Week.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating the week beginning September 14, 2014, as National Hispanic-Serving Institutions Week.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2022-03-03T21:28:40Z", "update_date_including_text": "2022-11-04T17:19:11Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-09-16T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres547ats/xml/BILLS-113sres547ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres547ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres547ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-06T23:16:01.445", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-547", "legis_num": 547, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-547-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 547 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES September 16, 2014 Mr. Menendez (for himself, Mr. Reid , Mr. Cornyn , Mr. Rubio , Mr. Begich , Mr. Bennet , Mr. Booker , Mrs. Boxer , Mr. Casey , Mr. Coons , Mr. Durbin , Mrs. Feinstein , Mrs. Gillibrand , Mr. Heinrich , Mr. Levin , Mr. Markey , Mrs. Murray , Mr. Nelson , Mr. Reed , Mr. Schumer , Mr. Udall of Colorado , Mr. Udall of New Mexico , Mr. Warner , and Mr. Heller ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Designating the week beginning September 14, 2014, as National Hispanic-Serving Institutions Week.\n\nWhereas Hispanic-Serving Institutions are degree-granting institutions that have a full-time equivalent undergraduate enrollment of at least 25 percent Hispanic students; Whereas Hispanic-Serving Institutions play an important role in educating many underprivileged students and helping those students attain their full potential through higher education; Whereas 370 Hispanic-Serving Institutions operate in the United States; Whereas Hispanic-Serving Institutions represent just 11 percent of all institutions of higher learning, yet serve nearly 60 percent of all Hispanic students, enrolling more than 1,500,000 Hispanic students in 2012; Whereas the number of emerging Hispanic-Serving Institutions, defined as institutions that do not yet meet the threshold of 25 percent Hispanic enrollment but serve a Hispanic student population of between 15 and 24 percent, grew to 270 colleges and universities in 2012; Whereas Hispanic-Serving Institutions are actively involved in stabilizing and improving the communities in which the institutions are located; Whereas celebrating the vast contributions of Hispanic-Serving Institutions to the United States strengthens the culture of the United States; and Whereas the achievements and goals of Hispanic-Serving Institutions deserve national recognition: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) recognizes the achievements and goals of Hispanic-Serving Institutions across the United States; (2) designates the week beginning September 14, 2014, as National Hispanic-Serving Institutions Week ; and (3) calls on the people of the United States and interested groups to observe the week with appropriate ceremonies, activities, and programs to demonstrate support for Hispanic-Serving Institutions.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 547 ATS: Designating the week beginning September 14, 2014, as National Hispanic-Serving Institutions Week.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-09-16\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress>\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session>\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 547\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action>\n <action-date date=\"20140916\">\n September 16, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S306\">\n Mr. Menendez\n </sponsor>\n (for himself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S198\">\n Mr. Reid\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S287\">\n Mr. Cornyn\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S350\">\n Mr. Rubio\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S319\">\n Mr. Begich\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S330\">\n Mr. Bennet\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S370\">\n Mr. Booker\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S223\">\n Mrs. Boxer\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S309\">\n Mr. Casey\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S337\">\n Mr. Coons\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S253\">\n Mr. Durbin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S221\">\n Mrs. Feinstein\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S331\">\n Mrs. Gillibrand\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S359\">\n Mr. Heinrich\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S131\">\n Mr. Levin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S369\">\n Mr. Markey\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S229\">\n Mrs. Murray\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S282\">\n Mr. Nelson\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S259\">\n Mr. Reed\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S270\">\n Mr. Schumer\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S325\">\n Mr. Udall of Colorado\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S326\">\n Mr. Udall of New Mexico\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S327\">\n Mr. Warner\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S352\">\n Mr. Heller\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Designating the week beginning September 14, 2014, as National Hispanic-Serving Institutions Week.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Hispanic-Serving Institutions are degree-granting\n\t\t\t institutions that have a full-time equivalent undergraduate enrollment of\n\t\t\t at\n\t\t\t least 25 percent Hispanic students;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Hispanic-Serving Institutions play an important\n\t\t\t role in educating many underprivileged students and helping those students\n\t\t\t attain their full potential through higher education;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas 370 Hispanic-Serving Institutions\n\t\t\t operate in the United States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Hispanic-Serving Institutions represent just 11 percent of all institutions of higher\n\t\t\t learning, yet serve nearly 60 percent of all Hispanic students, enrolling\n\t\t\t more than 1,500,000 Hispanic students in 2012;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the number of\n <quote>\n emerging Hispanic-Serving Institutions,\n </quote>\n defined as institutions that do not yet meet the threshold of 25 percent Hispanic enrollment but\n\t\t\t serve a Hispanic student population of between 15 and 24 percent, grew to\n\t\t\t 270 colleges and universities in 2012;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Hispanic-Serving Institutions are actively\n\t\t\t involved in stabilizing and improving the communities in which the\n\t\t\t institutions\n\t\t\t are located;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas celebrating the vast contributions of\n\t\t\t Hispanic-Serving Institutions to the United States strengthens the culture\n\t\t\t of\n\t\t\t the United States; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the achievements and goals of Hispanic-Serving\n\t\t\t Institutions deserve national recognition: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"ida206c5612b5c4189810466da8ec26d7a\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n recognizes the\n\t\t\t achievements and goals of Hispanic-Serving Institutions across the United\n\t\t\t States;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idfda8f367a05248d1aa53ae1caadf818f\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n designates the\n\t\t\t week beginning September 14, 2014, as\n <term>\n National Hispanic-Serving Institutions Week\n </term>\n ; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idfc88b0c89e18475db50681a6f1851e78\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n calls on the\n\t\t\t people of the United States and interested groups to observe the week with\n\t\t\t appropriate ceremonies, activities, and programs to demonstrate support\n\t\t\t for\n\t\t\t Hispanic-Serving Institutions.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-04 19:20:00.801
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 548 </number> <updateDate> 2019-02-20T12:29:01Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2022-11-04T17:19:11Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-09-16 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <relatedBills> <item> <title> Expressing support for the designation of a "Small Business Saturday" and supporting efforts to increase awareness of the value of locally owned small businesses. </title> <congress> 113 </congress> <number> 410 </number> <type> HRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2013-11-13 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Small Business. </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> <item> <title> Expressing support for the designation of a "Small Business Saturday" and supporting efforts to increase awareness of the value of locally owned small businesses. </title> <congress> 113 </congress> <number> 728 </number> <type> HRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-09-16 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Small Business. </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> <item> <title> A resolution designating November 30, 2013, as "Small Business Saturday" and supporting efforts to increase awareness of the value of locally owned small business. </title> <congress> 113 </congress> <number> 313 </number> <type> SRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2013-12-09 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR S8573) </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-16 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5650; text as passed Senate: CR S5635) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-16 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5650; text as passed Senate: CR S5635) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-16 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> C000127 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cantwell, Maria [D-WA] </fullName> <firstName> Maria </firstName> <lastName> Cantwell </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> R000584 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Risch, James E. [R-ID] </fullName> <firstName> James </firstName> <lastName> Risch </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ID </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000802 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Whitehouse, Sheldon [D-RI] </fullName> <firstName> Sheldon </firstName> <lastName> Whitehouse </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> RI </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000595 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Rubio, Marco [R-FL] </fullName> <firstName> Marco </firstName> <lastName> Rubio </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001049 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hagan, Kay R. [D-NC] </fullName> <firstName> Kay </firstName> <lastName> Hagan </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NC </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001181 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Shaheen, Jeanne [D-NH] </fullName> <firstName> Jeanne </firstName> <lastName> Shaheen </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000261 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Levin, Carl [D-MI] </fullName> <firstName> CARL </firstName> <lastName> LEVIN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <middleName> MILTON </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000449 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Portman, Rob [R-OH] </fullName> <firstName> Rob </firstName> <lastName> Portman </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000590 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Pryor, Mark L. [D-AR] </fullName> <firstName> Mark </firstName> <lastName> Pryor </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AR </state> <middleName> Lunsford </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000383 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. King, Angus S., Jr. [I-ME] </fullName> <firstName> Angus </firstName> <lastName> King </lastName> <party> I </party> <state> ME </state> <middleName> S. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001042 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hirono, Mazie K. [D-HI] </fullName> <firstName> Mazie </firstName> <lastName> Hirono </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> HI </state> <middleName> K. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> U000039 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Udall, Tom [D-NM] </fullName> <firstName> TOM </firstName> <lastName> UDALL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NM </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000174 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Carper, Thomas R. [D-DE] </fullName> <firstName> Thomas </firstName> <lastName> Carper </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> DE </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001261 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Barrasso, John [R-WY] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Barrasso </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> WY </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001169 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Murphy, Christopher [D-CT] </fullName> <firstName> Christopher </firstName> <lastName> Murphy </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CT </state> <middleName> S. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001267 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Bennet, Michael F. [D-CO] </fullName> <firstName> Michael </firstName> <lastName> Bennet </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CO </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000805 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Warner, Mark R. [D-VA] </fullName> <firstName> Mark </firstName> <lastName> Warner </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000360 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Kirk, Mark Steven [R-IL] </fullName> <firstName> MARK </firstName> <lastName> KIRK </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> STEVEN </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001265 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Begich, Mark [D-AK] </fullName> <firstName> Mark </firstName> <lastName> Begich </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AK </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000880 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Crapo, Mike [R-ID] </fullName> <firstName> Mike </firstName> <lastName> Crapo </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ID </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001111 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Murray, Patty [D-WA] </fullName> <firstName> Patty </firstName> <lastName> Murray </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001088 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Coons, Christopher A. [D-DE] </fullName> <firstName> Christopher </firstName> <lastName> Coons </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> DE </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000639 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Menendez, Robert [D-NJ] </fullName> <firstName> Robert </firstName> <lastName> Menendez </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001194 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Schatz, Brian [D-HI] </fullName> <firstName> Brian </firstName> <lastName> Schatz </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> HI </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000177 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Johnson, Tim [D-SD] </fullName> <firstName> TIM </firstName> <lastName> JOHNSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> SD </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000307 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Roberts, Pat [R-KS] </fullName> <firstName> PAT </firstName> <lastName> ROBERTS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KS </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000464 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Tester, Jon [D-MT] </fullName> <firstName> Jon </firstName> <lastName> Tester </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MT </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> A000368 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Ayotte, Kelly [R-NH] </fullName> <firstName> Kelly </firstName> <lastName> Ayotte </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> U000038 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Udall, Mark [D-CO] </fullName> <firstName> MARK </firstName> <lastName> UDALL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CO </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> E000285 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Enzi, Michael B. [R-WY] </fullName> <firstName> MICHAEL </firstName> <lastName> ENZI </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> WY </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001183 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Manchin, Joe, III [D-WV] </fullName> <firstName> Joseph </firstName> <lastName> Manchin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WV </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001236 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Boozman, John [R-AR] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Boozman </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AR </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000711 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Boxer, Barbara [D-CA] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> BOXER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000293 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Johnson, Ron [R-WI] </fullName> <firstName> Ron </firstName> <lastName> Johnson </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> WI </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001061 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hoeven, John [R-ND] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Hoeven </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ND </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000550 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Landrieu, Mary L. [D-LA] </fullName> <firstName> MARY </firstName> <lastName> LANDRIEU </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> LA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000338 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hatch, Orrin G. [R-UT] </fullName> <firstName> ORRIN </firstName> <lastName> HATCH </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> UT </state> <middleName> GRANT </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> I000055 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Isakson, Johnny [R-GA] </fullName> <firstName> Johnny </firstName> <lastName> Isakson </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> GA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000367 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Klobuchar, Amy [D-MN] </fullName> <firstName> Amy </firstName> <lastName> Klobuchar </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MN </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000607 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Donnelly, Joe [D-IN] </fullName> <firstName> Joe </firstName> <lastName> Donnelly </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IN </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000286 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Chambliss, Saxby [R-GA] </fullName> <firstName> SAXBY </firstName> <lastName> CHAMBLISS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> GA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000463 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Fischer, Deb [R-NE] </fullName> <firstName> Deb </firstName> <lastName> Fischer </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NE </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001184 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Scott, Tim [R-SC] </fullName> <firstName> Tim </firstName> <lastName> Scott </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> SC </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000250 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Thune, John [R-SD] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Thune </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> SD </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001069 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Heitkamp, Heidi [D-ND] </fullName> <firstName> Heidi </firstName> <lastName> Heitkamp </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> ND </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000141 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cardin, Benjamin L. [D-MD] </fullName> <firstName> Ben </firstName> <lastName> Cardin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001176 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Merkley, Jeff [D-OR] </fullName> <firstName> Jeff </firstName> <lastName> Merkley </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OR </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commerce </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Commemorative events and holidays </name> </item> <item> <name> Economic performance and conditions </name> </item> <item> <name> Retail and wholesale trades </name> </item> <item> <name> Small business </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commerce </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-16 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-09-19T16:45:37Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Designates November 29, 2014, as Small Business Saturday.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Expresses support for efforts to: (1) encourage consumers to shop locally, and (2) increase awareness of the value of locally owned small businesses and the impact of such businesses on the U.S. economy.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;DIV&gt;&lt;/DIV&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-16 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-09-19T16:54:45Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Designates November 29, 2014, as Small Business Saturday.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Expresses support for efforts to: (1) encourage consumers to shop locally, and (2) increase awareness of the value of locally owned small businesses and the impact of such businesses on the U.S. economy.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;DIV&gt;&lt;/DIV&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution designating November 29, 2014, as "Small Business Saturday" and supporting efforts to increase awareness of the value of locally owned small businesses. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution designating November 29, 2014, as "Small Business Saturday" and supporting efforts to increase awareness of the value of locally owned small businesses. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution designating November 29, 2014, as "Small Business Saturday" and supporting efforts to increase awareness of the value of locally owned small businesses. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-09-16T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres548ats/xml/BILLS-113sres548ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-09-16 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5650; text as passed Senate: CR S5635) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-16", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5650; text as passed Senate: CR S5635)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2014-09-16", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5650; text as passed Senate: CR S5635)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-09-16", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "R000584", "district": null, "first_name": "James", "full_name": "Sen. Risch, James E. [R-ID]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Risch", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-16", "state": "ID" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000802", "district": null, "first_name": "Sheldon", "full_name": "Sen. Whitehouse, Sheldon [D-RI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Whitehouse", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-16", "state": "RI" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000595", "district": null, "first_name": "Marco", "full_name": "Sen. Rubio, Marco [R-FL]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Rubio", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-16", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001049", "district": null, "first_name": "Kay", "full_name": "Sen. Hagan, Kay R. [D-NC]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Hagan", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-16", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001181", "district": null, "first_name": "Jeanne", "full_name": "Sen. Shaheen, Jeanne [D-NH]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Shaheen", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-16", "state": "NH" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000261", "district": null, "first_name": "CARL", "full_name": "Sen. Levin, Carl [D-MI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LEVIN", "middle_name": "MILTON", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-16", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000449", "district": null, "first_name": "Rob", "full_name": "Sen. Portman, Rob [R-OH]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Portman", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-16", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000590", "district": null, "first_name": "Mark", "full_name": "Sen. Pryor, Mark L. [D-AR]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Pryor", "middle_name": "Lunsford", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-16", "state": "AR" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000383", "district": null, "first_name": "Angus", "full_name": "Sen. King, Angus S., Jr. [I-ME]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "King", "middle_name": "S.", "party": "I", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-16", "state": "ME" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001042", "district": null, "first_name": "Mazie", "full_name": "Sen. Hirono, Mazie K. [D-HI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Hirono", "middle_name": "K.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-16", "state": "HI" }, { "bioguide_id": "U000039", "district": null, "first_name": "TOM", "full_name": "Sen. Udall, Tom [D-NM]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "UDALL", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-16", "state": "NM" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000174", "district": null, "first_name": "Thomas", "full_name": "Sen. 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[D-CO]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Bennet", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-16", "state": "CO" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000805", "district": null, "first_name": "Mark", "full_name": "Sen. Warner, Mark R. [D-VA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Warner", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-16", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000360", "district": null, "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Sen. Kirk, Mark Steven [R-IL]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KIRK", "middle_name": "STEVEN", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-16", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001265", "district": null, "first_name": "Mark", "full_name": "Sen. Begich, Mark [D-AK]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Begich", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-16", "state": "AK" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000880", "district": null, "first_name": "Mike", "full_name": "Sen. 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Enzi, Michael B. [R-WY]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ENZI", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-16", "state": "WY" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001183", "district": null, "first_name": "Joseph", "full_name": "Sen. Manchin, Joe, III [D-WV]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Manchin", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-16", "state": "WV" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001236", "district": null, "first_name": "John", "full_name": "Sen. Boozman, John [R-AR]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Boozman", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-16", "state": "AR" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000711", "district": null, "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Sen. 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[D-MD]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Cardin", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-16", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001176", "district": null, "first_name": "Jeff", "full_name": "Sen. Merkley, Jeff [D-OR]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Merkley", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-17", "state": "OR" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-09-16", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-16", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5650; text as passed Senate: CR S5635)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 548, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": null, "policy_area": "Commerce", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 113, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2013-11-13", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Small Business.", "type": null }, "number": 410, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "Expressing support for the designation of a \"Small Business Saturday\" and supporting efforts to increase awareness of the value of locally owned small businesses.", "type": "HRES" }, { "congress": 113, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-16", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Small Business.", "type": null }, "number": 728, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "Expressing support for the designation of a \"Small Business Saturday\" and supporting efforts to increase awareness of the value of locally owned small businesses.", "type": "HRES" }, { "congress": 113, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2013-12-09", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR S8573)", "type": null }, "number": 313, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "A resolution designating November 30, 2013, as \"Small Business Saturday\" and supporting efforts to increase awareness of the value of locally owned small business.", "type": "SRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "C000127", "district": null, "first_name": "Maria", "full_name": "Sen. Cantwell, Maria [D-WA]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Cantwell", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "WA" } ], "subjects": [ "Commemorative events and holidays", "Economic performance and conditions", "Retail and wholesale trades", "Small business" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-09-16", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Designates November 29, 2014, as Small Business Saturday.</p> <p>Expresses support for efforts to: (1) encourage consumers to shop locally, and (2) increase awareness of the value of locally owned small businesses and the impact of such businesses on the U.S. economy.</p> <DIV></DIV>", "update_date": "2014-09-19T16:45:37Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2014-09-16", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Designates November 29, 2014, as Small Business Saturday.</p> <p>Expresses support for efforts to: (1) encourage consumers to shop locally, and (2) increase awareness of the value of locally owned small businesses and the impact of such businesses on the U.S. economy.</p> <DIV></DIV>", "update_date": "2014-09-19T16:54:45Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-09-16T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres548ats/xml/BILLS-113sres548ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution designating November 29, 2014, as \"Small Business Saturday\" and supporting efforts to increase awareness of the value of locally owned small businesses.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating November 29, 2014, as \"Small Business Saturday\" and supporting efforts to increase awareness of the value of locally owned small businesses.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating November 29, 2014, as \"Small Business Saturday\" and supporting efforts to increase awareness of the value of locally owned small businesses.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2019-02-20T12:29:01Z", "update_date_including_text": "2022-11-04T17:19:11Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-09-16T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres548ats/xml/BILLS-113sres548ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres548ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres548ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-06T23:16:01.408", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-548", "legis_num": 548, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-548-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 548 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES September 16, 2014 Ms. Cantwell (for herself, Mr. Risch , Mr. Whitehouse , Mr. Rubio , Mrs. Hagan , Mrs. Shaheen , Mr. Levin , Mr. Portman , Mr. Pryor , Mr. King , Ms. Hirono , Mr. Udall of New Mexico , Mr. Carper , Mr. Barrasso , Mr. Murphy , Mr. Bennet , Mr. Warner , Mr. Kirk , Mr. Begich , Mr. Crapo , Mrs. Murray , Mr. Coons , Mr. Menendez , Mr. Schatz , Mr. Johnson of South Dakota , Mr. Roberts , Mr. Tester , Ms. Ayotte , Mr. Udall of Colorado , Mr. Enzi , Mr. Manchin , Mr. Boozman , Mrs. Boxer , Mr. Johnson of Wisconsin , Mr. Hoeven , Ms. Landrieu , Mr. Hatch , Mr. Isakson , Ms. Klobuchar , Mr. Donnelly , Mr. Chambliss , Mrs. Fischer , Mr. Scott , Mr. Thune , Ms. Heitkamp , and Mr. Cardin ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Designating November 29, 2014, as Small Business Saturday and supporting efforts to increase awareness of the value of locally owned small businesses.\n\nWhereas there are 28,200,000 small businesses in the United States; Whereas small businesses represent 99.7 percent of all businesses with employees in the United States; Whereas small businesses employ over 48 percent of the employees in the private sector in the United States; Whereas small businesses pay over 42 percent of the total payroll of the employees in the private sector in the United States; Whereas small businesses constitute 98 percent of firms exporting goods; Whereas small businesses are responsible for more than 46 percent of private sector output; Whereas small businesses generated 63 percent of net new jobs created from 1993 through 2013; Whereas 87 percent of consumers in the United States agree that the success of small businesses is critical to the overall economic health of the United States; Whereas 89 percent of consumers in the United States agree that small businesses contribute positively to local communities by supplying jobs and generating tax revenue; Whereas 93 percent of consumers in the United States agree that it is important to support the small businesses in their communities; and Whereas November 29, 2014, is an appropriate day to designate as Small Business Saturday : Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) designates November 29, 2014, as Small Business Saturday ; and (2) supports efforts— (A) to encourage consumers to shop locally; and (B) to increase awareness of the value of locally owned small businesses and the impact of locally owned small businesses on the economy of the United States.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 548 ATS: Designating November 29, 2014, as “Small Business Saturday” and supporting efforts to increase awareness of the value of locally owned small businesses.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-09-16\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 548\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140916\">\n September 16, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S275\">\n Ms. Cantwell\n </sponsor>\n (for herself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S323\">\n Mr. Risch\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S316\">\n Mr. Whitehouse\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S350\">\n Mr. Rubio\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S320\">\n Mrs. Hagan\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S324\">\n Mrs. Shaheen\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S131\">\n Mr. Levin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S349\">\n Mr. Portman\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S295\">\n Mr. Pryor\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S363\">\n Mr. King\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S361\">\n Ms. Hirono\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S326\">\n Mr. Udall of New Mexico\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S277\">\n Mr. Carper\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S317\">\n Mr. Barrasso\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S364\">\n Mr. Murphy\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S330\">\n Mr. Bennet\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S327\">\n Mr. Warner\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S339\">\n Mr. Kirk\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S319\">\n Mr. Begich\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S266\">\n Mr. Crapo\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S229\">\n Mrs. Murray\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S337\">\n Mr. Coons\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S306\">\n Mr. Menendez\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S353\">\n Mr. Schatz\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S257\">\n Mr. Johnson of South Dakota\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S260\">\n Mr. Roberts\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S314\">\n Mr. Tester\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S340\">\n Ms. Ayotte\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S325\">\n Mr. Udall of Colorado\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S254\">\n Mr. Enzi\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S338\">\n Mr. Manchin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S343\">\n Mr. Boozman\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S223\">\n Mrs. Boxer\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S345\">\n Mr. Johnson of Wisconsin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S344\">\n Mr. Hoeven\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S258\">\n Ms. Landrieu\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S118\">\n Mr. Hatch\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S305\">\n Mr. Isakson\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S311\">\n Ms. Klobuchar\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S356\">\n Mr. Donnelly\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S290\">\n Mr. Chambliss\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S357\">\n Mrs. Fischer\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S365\">\n Mr. Scott\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S303\">\n Mr. Thune\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S360\">\n Ms. Heitkamp\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S308\">\n Mr. Cardin\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Designating November 29, 2014, as\n <quote>\n Small Business Saturday\n </quote>\n and supporting efforts to increase awareness of the value of locally owned small businesses.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas there are 28,200,000 small businesses in the United States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas small businesses represent 99.7 percent of all businesses with employees in the United\n\t\t\t States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas small businesses employ over 48 percent of the employees in the private sector in the\n\t\t\t United States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas small businesses pay over 42 percent of the total payroll of the employees in the private\n\t\t\t sector in the United States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas small businesses constitute 98 percent of firms exporting goods;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas small businesses are responsible for more than 46 percent of private sector output;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas small businesses generated 63 percent of net new jobs created from 1993 through 2013;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas 87 percent of consumers in the United States agree that the success of small businesses is\n\t\t\t critical to the overall economic health of the United States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas 89 percent of consumers in the United States agree that small businesses contribute\n\t\t\t positively to local communities by supplying jobs and generating tax\n\t\t\t revenue;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas 93 percent of consumers in the United States agree that it is important to support the\n\t\t\t small businesses in their communities; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas November 29, 2014, is an appropriate day to designate as\n <quote>\n Small Business Saturday\n </quote>\n : Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"id4b22ea57dbd4406fa18a9d99d7d1cce7\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n designates November 29, 2014, as\n <quote>\n Small Business Saturday\n </quote>\n ; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id1a56201bcb134f2c8b649cf99797ed85\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n supports efforts—\n </text>\n <subparagraph id=\"id33ece34d5a9441eab582d6bb9765d47e\">\n <enum>\n (A)\n </enum>\n <text>\n to encourage consumers to shop locally; and\n </text>\n </subparagraph>\n <subparagraph id=\"ideb6ad1ebf5b24732a1c80d15c0737ba3\">\n <enum>\n (B)\n </enum>\n <text>\n to increase awareness of the value of locally owned small businesses and the impact of locally\n\t\t\t owned small businesses on the economy of the United States.\n </text>\n </subparagraph>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-04 19:20:00.930
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 549 </number> <updateDate> 2019-02-20T12:29:01Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2022-11-04T17:19:12Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-09-16 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <relatedBills> <item> <title> A resolution designating October 26, 2013, as "Day of the Deployed". </title> <congress> 113 </congress> <number> 273 </number> <type> SRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2013-10-16 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S7559; text as passed Senate: CR S7538) </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-16 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5650; text as passed Senate: CR S5635) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-16 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5650; text as passed Senate: CR S5635) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-16 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> H001061 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hoeven, John [R-ND] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Hoeven </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ND </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> R000307 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Roberts, Pat [R-KS] </fullName> <firstName> PAT </firstName> <lastName> ROBERTS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KS </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001069 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Heitkamp, Heidi [D-ND] </fullName> <firstName> Heidi </firstName> <lastName> Heitkamp </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> ND </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000355 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. McConnell, Mitch [R-KY] </fullName> <firstName> Mitch </firstName> <lastName> McConnell </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KY </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000575 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Blunt, Roy [R-MO] </fullName> <firstName> Roy </firstName> <lastName> Blunt </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MO </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Armed Forces and National Security </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Commemorative events and holidays </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Military personnel and dependents </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Armed Forces and National Security </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-16 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-09-24T19:31:27Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Designates October 26, 2014, as Day of the Deployed.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Honors the deployed members of the U.S. Armed Forces and their families.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-16 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-09-24T19:31:38Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Designates October 26, 2014, as Day of the Deployed.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Honors the deployed members of the U.S. Armed Forces and their families.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution designating October 26, 2014, as Day of the Deployed. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution designating October 26, 2014, as Day of the Deployed. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution designating October 26, 2014, as Day of the Deployed. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-09-16T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres549ats/xml/BILLS-113sres549ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-09-16 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5650; text as passed Senate: CR S5635) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-16", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5650; text as passed Senate: CR S5635)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2014-09-16", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5650; text as passed Senate: CR S5635)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-09-16", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "R000307", "district": null, "first_name": "PAT", "full_name": "Sen. Roberts, Pat [R-KS]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ROBERTS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-16", "state": "KS" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001069", "district": null, "first_name": "Heidi", "full_name": "Sen. Heitkamp, Heidi [D-ND]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Heitkamp", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-16", "state": "ND" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000355", "district": null, "first_name": "Mitch", "full_name": "Sen. McConnell, Mitch [R-KY]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "McConnell", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-16", "state": "KY" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000575", "district": null, "first_name": "Roy", "full_name": "Sen. Blunt, Roy [R-MO]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Blunt", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-16", "state": "MO" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-09-16", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-16", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5650; text as passed Senate: CR S5635)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 549, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": null, "policy_area": "Armed Forces and National Security", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 113, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2013-10-16", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S7559; text as passed Senate: CR S7538)", "type": null }, "number": 273, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "A resolution designating October 26, 2013, as \"Day of the Deployed\".", "type": "SRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "H001061", "district": null, "first_name": "John", "full_name": "Sen. Hoeven, John [R-ND]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Hoeven", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "ND" } ], "subjects": [ "Commemorative events and holidays", "Congressional tributes", "Military personnel and dependents" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-09-16", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Designates October 26, 2014, as Day of the Deployed.</p> <p>Honors the deployed members of the U.S. Armed Forces and their families.</p>", "update_date": "2014-09-24T19:31:27Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2014-09-16", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Designates October 26, 2014, as Day of the Deployed.</p> <p>Honors the deployed members of the U.S. Armed Forces and their families.</p>", "update_date": "2014-09-24T19:31:38Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-09-16T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres549ats/xml/BILLS-113sres549ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution designating October 26, 2014, as Day of the Deployed.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating October 26, 2014, as Day of the Deployed.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating October 26, 2014, as Day of the Deployed.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2019-02-20T12:29:01Z", "update_date_including_text": "2022-11-04T17:19:12Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-09-16T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres549ats/xml/BILLS-113sres549ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres549ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres549ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-06T23:16:01.37", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-549", "legis_num": 549, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-549-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 549 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES September 16, 2014 Mr. Hoeven (for himself, Mr. Roberts , Ms. Heitkamp , Mr. McConnell , and Mr. Blunt ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Designating October 26, 2014, as Day of the Deployed.\n\nWhereas more than 2,500,000 individuals serve as members of the United States Armed Forces; Whereas several hundred thousand members of the Armed Forces rotate each year through deployments to 150 countries in every region of the world; Whereas more than 2,500,000 members of the Armed Forces have deployed to the area of operations of the United States Central Command since the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks; Whereas the United States is kept strong and free by the loyal military personnel from the total force (the regular components and the National Guard and the Reserves), who protect the precious heritage of the country through their positive declaration and actions; Whereas members of the Armed Forces serving at home and abroad have courageously answered the call to duty to defend the ideals of the United States and to preserve peace and freedom around the world; Whereas members of the Armed Forces personify the virtues of patriotism, service, duty, courage, and sacrifice; Whereas the families of members of the Armed Forces make important and significant sacrifices for the United States; and Whereas the Senate designated October 26 as Day of the Deployed in 2011, 2012, and 2013: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) designates October 26, 2014, as Day of the Deployed ; (2) honors the deployed members of the United States Armed Forces and their families; (3) calls on the people of the United States to reflect on the service of those members of the Armed Forces, wherever they serve, past, present, and future; and (4) encourages the people of the United States to observe Day of the Deployed with appropriate ceremonies and activities.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 549 ATS: Designating October 26, 2014, as Day of the Deployed.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-09-16\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress>\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session>\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 549\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action>\n <action-date date=\"20140916\">\n September 16, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S344\">\n Mr. Hoeven\n </sponsor>\n (for himself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S260\">\n Mr. Roberts\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S360\">\n Ms. Heitkamp\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S174\">\n Mr. McConnell\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S342\">\n Mr. Blunt\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Designating October 26, 2014, as Day of the Deployed.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas more than 2,500,000 individuals serve as members of the United States Armed Forces;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas several hundred thousand members of the Armed Forces rotate each year through deployments\n\t\t\t to 150 countries in every region of the world;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas more than 2,500,000 members of the Armed Forces have deployed to the area of operations of\n\t\t\t the United States Central Command since the September 11, 2001, terrorist\n\t\t\t attacks;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States is kept strong and free by the loyal military personnel from the total\n\t\t\t force (the regular components and the National Guard and the Reserves),\n\t\t\t who protect the precious heritage\n\t\t\t of the country through their positive declaration and actions;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas members of the Armed Forces serving at home and abroad have courageously answered the call\n\t\t\t to duty to defend the ideals of the United States and to preserve peace\n\t\t\t and freedom around the world;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas members of the Armed Forces personify the virtues of patriotism, service, duty, courage,\n\t\t\t and sacrifice;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the families of members of the Armed Forces make important and significant sacrifices for\n\t\t\t the United States; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Senate designated October 26 as\n <term>\n Day of the Deployed\n </term>\n in 2011, 2012, and 2013: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"id5DE5EF7ED62C40FCB8824CD979108D3C\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n designates October 26, 2014, as\n <term>\n Day of the Deployed\n </term>\n ;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id830F5B5509D04FDAB373B4295EF112D5\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n honors the deployed members of the United States Armed Forces and their families;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id17C6C6FAFC834A93937631A5CB284B4D\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n calls on the people of the United States to reflect on the service of those members of the Armed\n\t\t\t Forces, wherever they serve, past, present, and future; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id2AD0D86F571446B8948568FE6CEC7258\">\n <enum>\n (4)\n </enum>\n <text>\n encourages the people of the United States to observe Day of the Deployed with appropriate\n\t\t\t ceremonies and activities.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-04 19:20:01.240
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 550 </number> <updateDate> 2019-02-20T12:29:01Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2022-11-04T17:19:11Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-09-16 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-16 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5650; text as passed Senate: CR S5636) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-16 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5650; text as passed Senate: CR S5636) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-16 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> C000141 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cardin, Benjamin L. [D-MD] </fullName> <firstName> Ben </firstName> <lastName> Cardin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> M000702 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Mikulski, Barbara A. [D-MD] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> MIKULSKI </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> ANN </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Arts, Culture, Religion </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Commemorative events and holidays </name> </item> <item> <name> Music </name> </item> <item> <name> National symbols </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Arts, Culture, Religion </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-16 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-09-24T19:27:25Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Designates the period from September 2014 through September 2015 as the Year of National Thanksgiving for The Star-Spangled Banner.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Expresses the sense of the Senate that the Star-Spangled Banner shall retain all current verses and remain our national anthem in perpetuity.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-16 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-09-24T19:27:47Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Designates the period from September 2014 through September 2015 as the Year of National Thanksgiving for The Star-Spangled Banner.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Expresses the sense of the Senate that the Star-Spangled Banner shall retain all current verses and remain our national anthem in perpetuity.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution commemorating the 200th anniversary of "The Star-Spangled Banner". </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution commemorating the 200th anniversary of "The Star-Spangled Banner". </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution commemorating the 200th anniversary of "The Star-Spangled Banner". </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-09-16T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres550ats/xml/BILLS-113sres550ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-09-16 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5650; text as passed Senate: CR S5636) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-09-16T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres550ats/xml/BILLS-113sres550ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres550ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres550ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-06T23:15:04.901", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-550", "legis_num": 550, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-550-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 550 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES September 16, 2014 Mr. Cardin (for himself, Mr. Wicker , and Ms. Mikulski ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Commemorating the 200 th anniversary of The Star-Spangled Banner .\n\nWhereas during the War of 1812, Great Britain turned its full attention to the war effort in North America following its defeat of Napoleon’s armies on the European continent in April 1814; Whereas British forces dealt a devastating blow to the forces of the United States at the Battle of Bladensburg and were, as a consequence, able to march into Washington, D.C. unopposed and, on August 24, 1814, burn the United States Capitol Building, the Executive Mansion, now known as the White House, and other government buildings; Whereas on September 13, 1814, with the fate of the Nation uncertain, Fort McHenry in Baltimore, Maryland, withstood 25 hours of bombardment by the British Royal Navy; Whereas on the following morning, the soldiers of Fort McHenry hoisted an enormous American flag, the sight of which inspired Francis Scott Key to write a poem he titled The Star-Spangled Banner ; Whereas on December 24, 1814, American and British commissioners signed the Treaty of Ghent, which would be ratified the following February, bringing the War of 1812 to an end and firmly establishing the United States of America as a sovereign nation within the family of nations; Whereas on March 3, 1931, President Herbert Hoover signed Public Law 71–823 , designating The Star-Spangled Banner as the national anthem of the United States; Whereas The Star-Spangled Banner was written to celebrate American courage at a time when the torch of liberty looked as if it were about to be extinguished; Whereas singing the national anthem at large public gatherings, such as sporting events, brings patriotic unity to the great melting pot known as the United States of America; Whereas our national anthem has become an enduring symbol of the land of the free and the home of the brave ; Whereas the people of the United States are celebrating the bicentennial of The Star-Spangled Banner with a variety of commemorative events nationwide during the week of September 10 through 16, 2014, including the O Say Can You See! Star-Spangled Spectacular festival in Baltimore on September 13, 2014, which included concerts and an extraordinary fireworks display over Fort McHenry and the Baltimore harbor; and Whereas it is especially important to educate young people and new citizens of the United States about the history and meaning of the national anthem: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat— (1) the Senate designates the period from September 2014 through September 2015 as the Year of National Thanksgiving for The Star-Spangled Banner ; (2) the Senate encourages all State and local governments and the people of the United States to observe this period of thanksgiving with appropriate ceremonies, activities, educational outreach, and reflection; and (3) it is the sense of the Senate that The Star-Spangled Banner shall retain all current verses and remain our national anthem in perpetuity.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 550 ATS: Commemorating the 200th anniversary of “The Star-Spangled Banner”.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-09-16\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 550\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140916\">\n September 16, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S308\">\n Mr. Cardin\n </sponsor>\n (for himself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S318\">\n Mr. Wicker\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S182\">\n Ms. Mikulski\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title>\n Commemorating the 200\n <superscript>\n th\n </superscript>\n anniversary of\n <quote>\n The Star-Spangled Banner\n </quote>\n .\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas during the War of 1812, Great Britain turned its full attention to the war effort in North\n\t\t\t America following its defeat of Napoleon’s armies on the European\n\t\t\t continent in April 1814;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas British forces dealt a devastating blow to the forces of the United States at the Battle of\n\t\t\t Bladensburg and were, as a consequence, able to march into Washington,\n\t\t\t D.C. unopposed and, on August 24, 1814, burn the United States Capitol\n\t\t\t Building, the Executive Mansion, now known as the White House, and other\n\t\t\t government buildings;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas on September 13, 1814, with the fate of the Nation uncertain, Fort McHenry in Baltimore,\n\t\t\t Maryland, withstood 25 hours of bombardment by the British Royal Navy;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas on the following morning, the soldiers of Fort McHenry hoisted an enormous American flag,\n\t\t\t the sight of which inspired Francis Scott Key to write a poem he titled\n <quote>\n The Star-Spangled Banner\n </quote>\n ;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas on December 24, 1814, American and British commissioners signed the Treaty of Ghent, which\n\t\t\t would be ratified the following February, bringing the War of 1812 to an\n\t\t\t end and firmly establishing the United States of America as a sovereign\n\t\t\t nation within the family of nations;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas on March 3, 1931, President Herbert Hoover signed\n <external-xref legal-doc=\"public-law\" parsable-cite=\"pl/71/823\">\n Public Law 71–823\n </external-xref>\n , designating\n <quote>\n The Star-Spangled Banner\n </quote>\n as the national anthem of the United States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas\n <quote>\n The Star-Spangled Banner\n </quote>\n was written to celebrate American courage at a time when the torch of liberty looked as if it were\n\t\t\t about to be extinguished;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas singing the national anthem at large public gatherings, such as sporting events, brings\n\t\t\t patriotic unity to the great melting pot known as the United States of\n\t\t\t America;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas our national anthem has become an enduring symbol of\n <quote>\n the land of the free and the home of the brave\n </quote>\n ;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the people of the United States are celebrating the bicentennial of\n <quote>\n The Star-Spangled Banner\n </quote>\n with a variety of commemorative events nationwide during the week of September 10 through 16,\n\t\t\t 2014, including\n\t\t\t the\n <quote>\n O Say Can You See! Star-Spangled Spectacular\n </quote>\n festival in Baltimore on September 13, 2014, which included concerts and an extraordinary\n\t\t\t fireworks display over Fort McHenry and the Baltimore harbor;\tand\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas it is especially important to educate young people and new citizens of the United States\n\t\t\t about the history and meaning of the national anthem: Now, therefore, be\n\t\t\t it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"id58AF38938EA64EFE962ED159C57794E7\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n the Senate designates the period from September 2014 through September 2015 as the\n <quote>\n Year of National Thanksgiving for\n <quote>\n The Star-Spangled Banner\n </quote>\n </quote>\n ;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idAE2CF12FF8574B959A603AC03BC8B662\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n the Senate encourages all State and local governments and the people of the United States to\n\t\t\t observe this\n\t\t\t period of thanksgiving with appropriate ceremonies, activities,\n\t\t\t educational outreach, and\n\t\t\t reflection; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id803D39A2902643188B21DF8C3B99DF49\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n it is the sense of the Senate that\n <quote>\n The Star-Spangled Banner\n </quote>\n shall retain all current verses and remain our national anthem in perpetuity.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-06 01:38:12.315
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 551 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-11T13:25:24Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-11T13:25:24Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-09-17 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> sshr00 </systemCode> <name> Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2014-09-17T22:36:26Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> sshr00 </systemCode> <name> Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. (text of measure as introduced: CR S5703) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> H001041 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Heller, Dean [R-NV] </fullName> <firstName> Dean </firstName> <lastName> Heller </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NV </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> G000386 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Grassley, Chuck [R-IA] </fullName> <firstName> Charles </firstName> <lastName> Grassley </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IA </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Education </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Assault and harassment offenses </name> </item> <item> <name> Commemorative events and holidays </name> </item> <item> <name> Crime prevention </name> </item> <item> <name> Crimes against women </name> </item> <item> <name> Drug, alcohol, tobacco use </name> </item> <item> <name> Higher education </name> </item> <item> <name> Sex offenses </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Education </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-09-24T19:37:08Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Supports the goals and ideals of National Campus Safety Awareness Month. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Encourages colleges and universities to provide campus safety and other crime awareness and prevention programs to students throughout the year.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution recognizing September 2014 as "National Campus Safety Awareness Month" and supporting the goals and ideals of National Campus Safety Awareness Month. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution recognizing September 2014 as "National Campus Safety Awareness Month" and supporting the goals and ideals of National Campus Safety Awareness Month. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution recognizing September 2014 as "National Campus Safety Awareness Month" and supporting the goals and ideals of National Campus Safety Awareness Month. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2014-09-17T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres551is/xml/BILLS-113sres551is.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. (text of measure as introduced: CR S5703) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-09-17T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres551is/xml/BILLS-113sres551is.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres551is.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres551is.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-06T23:15:04.7", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-551", "legis_num": 551, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "is", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-551-is-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 551 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES September 17 (legislative day, September 16), 2014 Mr. Heller (for himself and Mr. Grassley ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions RESOLUTION Recognizing September 2014 as National Campus Safety Awareness Month and supporting the goals and ideals of National Campus Safety Awareness Month.\n\nWhereas people on college and university campuses are not immune from the potential acts of crime that the rest of society in the United States faces; Whereas men and women deserve to learn in a positive and safe environment free from sexual assault; Whereas experts estimate that 1 in 5 female undergraduate students will experience sexual assault or attempted sexual assault; Whereas the aggressor in a sexual assault is usually an acquaintance or friend of the victim; Whereas a majority of sexual assaults are not reported to law enforcement; Whereas the majority of stalking victims are between the ages of 18 and 24 years old; Whereas approximately 3 in 10 women are injured emotionally or psychologically from being stalked; Whereas the Clery Center for Security on Campus, a nonprofit group dedicated to preventing violence, substance abuse, and other crimes on college and university campuses, has designated September as National Campus Safety Awareness Month ; and Whereas National Campus Safety Awareness Month provides an opportunity for campus communities to become engaged in efforts to improve campus safety: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) supports the goals and ideals of National Campus Safety Awareness Month; and (2) encourages colleges and universities throughout the United States to provide campus safety and other crime awareness and prevention programs to students throughout the year.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Introduced-in-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 551 IS: Recognizing September 2014 as “National Campus Safety Awareness Month” and supporting the goals and ideals of National Campus Safety Awareness Month.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-09-17\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 551\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140917\" legis-day=\"20140916\">\n September 17 (legislative day, September 16), 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S352\">\n Mr. Heller\n </sponsor>\n (for himself and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S153\">\n Mr. Grassley\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name added-display-style=\"italic\" committee-id=\"SSHR00\" deleted-display-style=\"strikethrough\">\n Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Recognizing September 2014 as\n <quote>\n National Campus Safety Awareness Month\n </quote>\n and supporting the goals and ideals of National Campus Safety Awareness Month.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas people on college and university campuses are not immune from the potential acts of crime\n\t\t\t that the rest of society in the United States faces;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas men and women deserve to learn in a positive and safe environment free from sexual assault;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas experts estimate that 1 in 5 female undergraduate students will experience sexual assault\n\t\t\t or attempted sexual assault;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the aggressor in a sexual assault is usually an acquaintance or friend of the victim;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas a majority of sexual assaults are not reported to law enforcement;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the majority of stalking victims are between the ages of 18 and 24 years old;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas approximately 3 in 10 women are injured emotionally or psychologically from being stalked;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Clery Center for Security on Campus, a nonprofit group dedicated to preventing\n\t\t\t violence, substance abuse, and other crimes on college and university\n\t\t\t campuses, has designated September as\n <quote>\n National Campus Safety Awareness Month\n </quote>\n ; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas National Campus Safety Awareness Month provides an opportunity for campus communities to\n\t\t\t become engaged in efforts to improve campus safety: \n Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"idCACC6BF0E1854284B3437E66FB2D24D9\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n supports the goals and ideals of National Campus Safety Awareness Month; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id48F049E4A7A14B34ADD8921EE7E397E2\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n encourages colleges and universities throughout the United States to provide campus safety and\n\t\t\t other crime awareness and prevention programs to students throughout the\n\t\t\t year.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-04 19:20:01.011
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 552 </number> <updateDate> 2019-02-20T12:29:02Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2022-11-04T17:18:44Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-09-17 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <relatedBills> <item> <title> A resolution supporting Lights On Afterschool, a national celebration of afterschool programs held on October 17, 2013. </title> <congress> 113 </congress> <number> 274 </number> <type> SRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2013-10-16 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S7559; text as passed Senate: CR S7539) </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5720; text as passed Senate: CR S5703) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5720; text as passed Senate: CR S5703) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> B000711 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Boxer, Barbara [D-CA] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> BOXER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> F000062 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA] </fullName> <firstName> Dianne </firstName> <lastName> Feinstein </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001035 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Collins, Susan M. [R-ME] </fullName> <firstName> Susan </firstName> <lastName> Collins </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ME </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000550 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Landrieu, Mary L. [D-LA] </fullName> <firstName> MARY </firstName> <lastName> LANDRIEU </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> LA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000567 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cochran, Thad [R-MS] </fullName> <firstName> Thad </firstName> <lastName> Cochran </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MS </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000802 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Whitehouse, Sheldon [D-RI] </fullName> <firstName> Sheldon </firstName> <lastName> Whitehouse </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> RI </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000177 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Johnson, Tim [D-SD] </fullName> <firstName> TIM </firstName> <lastName> JOHNSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> SD </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Education </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Child care and development </name> </item> <item> <name> Commemorative events and holidays </name> </item> <item> <name> Elementary and secondary education </name> </item> <item> <name> School administration </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Education </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-10-11T15:18:27Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Expresses support for Lights On Afterschool, a national celebration of after-school programs held on October 23, 2014.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-10-11T15:18:48Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Expresses support for Lights On Afterschool, a national celebration of after-school programs held on October 23, 2014.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution supporting Lights on Afterschool, a national celebration of afterschool programs held on October 23, 2014. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution supporting Lights on Afterschool, a national celebration of afterschool programs held on October 23, 2014. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution supporting Lights on Afterschool, a national celebration of afterschool programs held on October 23, 2014. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-09-17T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres552ats/xml/BILLS-113sres552ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5720; text as passed Senate: CR S5703) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-17", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5720; text as passed Senate: CR S5703)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2014-09-17", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5720; text as passed Senate: CR S5703)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-09-17", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "F000062", "district": null, "first_name": "Dianne", "full_name": "Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Feinstein", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-17", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001035", "district": null, "first_name": "Susan", "full_name": "Sen. Collins, Susan M. [R-ME]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Collins", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-17", "state": "ME" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000550", "district": null, "first_name": "MARY", "full_name": "Sen. Landrieu, Mary L. [D-LA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LANDRIEU", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-17", "state": "LA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000567", "district": null, "first_name": "Thad", "full_name": "Sen. Cochran, Thad [R-MS]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Cochran", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-17", "state": "MS" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000802", "district": null, "first_name": "Sheldon", "full_name": "Sen. Whitehouse, Sheldon [D-RI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Whitehouse", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-17", "state": "RI" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000177", "district": null, "first_name": "TIM", "full_name": "Sen. Johnson, Tim [D-SD]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JOHNSON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-17", "state": "SD" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-09-17", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-17", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5720; text as passed Senate: CR S5703)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 552, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": null, "policy_area": "Education", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 113, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2013-10-16", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S7559; text as passed Senate: CR S7539)", "type": null }, "number": 274, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "A resolution supporting Lights On Afterschool, a national celebration of afterschool programs held on October 17, 2013.", "type": "SRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "B000711", "district": null, "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Sen. Boxer, Barbara [D-CA]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "BOXER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "CA" } ], "subjects": [ "Child care and development", "Commemorative events and holidays", "Elementary and secondary education", "School administration" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-09-17", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Expresses support for Lights On Afterschool, a national celebration of after-school programs held on October 23, 2014.</p>", "update_date": "2014-10-11T15:18:27Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2014-09-17", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Expresses support for Lights On Afterschool, a national celebration of after-school programs held on October 23, 2014.</p>", "update_date": "2014-10-11T15:18:48Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-09-17T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres552ats/xml/BILLS-113sres552ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution supporting Lights on Afterschool, a national celebration of afterschool programs held on October 23, 2014.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution supporting Lights on Afterschool, a national celebration of afterschool programs held on October 23, 2014.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution supporting Lights on Afterschool, a national celebration of afterschool programs held on October 23, 2014.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2019-02-20T12:29:02Z", "update_date_including_text": "2022-11-04T17:18:44Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-09-17T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres552ats/xml/BILLS-113sres552ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres552ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres552ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-06T23:15:04.221", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-552", "legis_num": 552, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-552-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 552 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES September 17 (legislative day, September 16), 2014 Mrs. Boxer (for herself, Mrs. Feinstein , Ms. Collins , Ms. Landrieu , Mr. Cochran , Mr. Whitehouse , and Mr. Johnson of South Dakota ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Supporting Lights On Afterschool, a national celebration of afterschool programs held on October 23, 2014.\n\nWhereas more than 28,000,000 children in the United States have parents who work outside the home and approximately 15,100,000 children in the United States have no place to go after school; Whereas high-quality programs that expand learning opportunities for children, such as afterschool, before-school, summer, and expanded learning programs, provide safe, challenging, engaging, and fun learning experiences, including many that emphasize science, technology, engineering, and math, that help children and youth develop social, emotional, physical, cultural, and academic skills; Whereas high-quality afterschool programs and high-quality expanded learning programs provide students with hands-on, engaging lessons that are aligned with the school day; Whereas high-quality afterschool programs complement regular and expanded school days, and support working families by ensuring that the children of those families are safe and productive during the hours parents are working; Whereas high-quality afterschool programs engage families, schools, and diverse community partners in advancing the well-being of children and youth in the United States; Whereas high-quality afterschool programs that partner with high-quality community-based organizations build stronger communities by integrating the school with the larger community; Whereas Lights On Afterschool, a national celebration of afterschool, before-school, summer, and expanded learning programs held on October 23, 2014, highlights the critical importance of these high-quality programs in the lives of children, their families, and their communities; and Whereas nearly 2 in 5 afterschool programs report that their budgets are in worse condition today than at the height of the recession in 2008, and more than 3 in 5 afterschool programs report that their level of funding is lower than it was 3 years ago, making it difficult for afterschool programs across the United States to keep their doors open and their lights on: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate supports Lights On Afterschool, a national celebration of afterschool programs held on October 23, 2014.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 552 ATS: Supporting Lights On Afterschool, a national celebration of afterschool programs held on October 23, 2014.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-09-17\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress>\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session>\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 552\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action>\n <action-date date=\"20140917\" legis-day=\"20140916\">\n September 17 (legislative day, September 16), 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S223\">\n Mrs. Boxer\n </sponsor>\n (for herself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S221\">\n Mrs. Feinstein\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S252\">\n Ms. Collins\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S258\">\n Ms. Landrieu\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S136\">\n Mr. Cochran\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S316\">\n Mr. Whitehouse\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S257\">\n Mr. Johnson of South Dakota\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Supporting Lights On Afterschool, a national celebration of afterschool programs held on October\n\t\t\t 23, 2014.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas more than 28,000,000 children in the United States have parents who work outside the home\n\t\t\t and approximately 15,100,000 children in the United States have no place\n\t\t\t to go after school;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas high-quality programs that expand learning opportunities for children, such as afterschool,\n\t\t\t before-school, summer, and expanded learning programs, provide safe,\n\t\t\t challenging, engaging, and fun learning experiences, including many that\n\t\t\t emphasize science, technology, engineering, and math, that help children\n\t\t\t and\n\t\t\t youth develop social, emotional, physical, cultural, and academic skills;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas high-quality afterschool programs and high-quality expanded learning programs provide\n\t\t\t students with hands-on, engaging lessons that are aligned with the school\n\t\t\t day;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas high-quality afterschool programs complement regular and expanded school days, and support\n\t\t\t working families by ensuring that the children of those families are safe\n\t\t\t and productive during the hours parents are working;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas high-quality afterschool programs engage families, schools, and diverse community partners\n\t\t\t in advancing the well-being of children and youth in the United States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas high-quality afterschool programs that partner with high-quality community-based\n\t\t\t organizations build stronger communities by integrating the school with\n\t\t\t the larger community;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Lights On Afterschool, a national celebration of afterschool, before-school, summer, and\n\t\t\t expanded learning programs held on October 23, 2014, highlights the\n\t\t\t critical importance of these high-quality programs in the lives of\n\t\t\t children, their families, and their communities; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas nearly 2 in 5 afterschool programs report that their budgets are in worse condition today\n\t\t\t than at the height of the recession in 2008, and more than 3 in 5\n\t\t\t afterschool programs report that their level of funding is lower than it\n\t\t\t was 3 years ago, making it difficult for afterschool programs across the\n\t\t\t United States to keep their doors open and their lights on: Now,\n\t\t\t therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate supports Lights On Afterschool, a national celebration of afterschool programs held\n\t\t\t on October 23, 2014.\n </text>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-04 19:15:00.305
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 553 </number> <updateDate> 2019-02-20T12:29:02Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2022-11-04T17:18:43Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-09-17 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5720; text as passed Senate: CR S5703) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5720; text as passed Senate: CR S5703) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> M001169 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Murphy, Christopher [D-CT] </fullName> <firstName> Christopher </firstName> <lastName> Murphy </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CT </state> <middleName> S. </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> B001277 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Blumenthal, Richard [D-CT] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Blumenthal </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CT </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Science, Technology, Communications </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Commemorative events and holidays </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Connecticut </name> </item> <item> <name> News media and reporting </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Science, Technology, Communications </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-10-11T15:22:50Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Recognizes the 250th anniversary of the Hartford Courant and the positive impact of such newspaper throughout U.S. history.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Acknowledges the importance of a vibrant free press to democracy.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;ul&gt; &lt;/ul&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-10-11T15:23:10Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Recognizes the 250th anniversary of the Hartford Courant and the positive impact of such newspaper throughout U.S. history.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Acknowledges the importance of a vibrant free press to democracy.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;ul&gt; &lt;/ul&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution recognizing the 250th anniversary of the Hartford Courant newspaper. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution recognizing the 250th anniversary of the Hartford Courant newspaper. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution recognizing the 250th anniversary of the Hartford Courant newspaper. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-09-17T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres553ats/xml/BILLS-113sres553ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5720; text as passed Senate: CR S5703) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-09-17T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres553ats/xml/BILLS-113sres553ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres553ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres553ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-06T23:15:03.981", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-553", "legis_num": 553, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-553-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 553 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES September 17 (legislative day, September 16), 2014 Mr. Murphy (for himself and Mr. Blumenthal ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Recognizing the 250th anniversary of the Hartford Courant newspaper.\n\nWhereas the first edition of the Hartford Courant was printed on October 29, 1764; Whereas the Hartford Courant is the oldest continuously published newspaper in the United States; Whereas the Hartford Courant gave voice to a newfound yearning for freedom as the most circulated newspaper in the colonies during the throes of the Revolutionary War; Whereas the Hartford Courant demonstrated leadership in actively supporting the presidential efforts of President Abraham Lincoln and his attempts to end slavery during the Civil War; and Whereas the Hartford Courant is a 5-time finalist and 2-time winner of the Pulitzer Prize for journalistic excellence: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) recognizes the significant and positive impact of the Hartford Courant throughout the history of the United States; and (2) acknowledges the importance of a vibrant free press to democracy.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 553 ATS: Recognizing the 250th anniversary of the Hartford Courant newspaper.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-09-17\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress>\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session>\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 553\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action>\n <action-date date=\"20140917\" legis-day=\"20140916\">\n September 17 (legislative day, September 16), 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S364\">\n Mr. Murphy\n </sponsor>\n (for himself and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S341\">\n Mr. Blumenthal\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Recognizing the 250th anniversary of the Hartford Courant newspaper.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the first edition of the Hartford Courant was printed on October 29, 1764;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Hartford Courant is the oldest continuously published newspaper in the United States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Hartford Courant gave voice to a newfound yearning for freedom as the most circulated\n\t\t\t newspaper in the colonies during the throes of the Revolutionary War;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Hartford Courant demonstrated leadership in actively supporting the presidential\n\t\t\t efforts of President Abraham Lincoln and his attempts to end slavery\n\t\t\t during the Civil War; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Hartford Courant is a 5-time finalist and 2-time winner of the Pulitzer Prize for\n\t\t\t journalistic excellence: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"idB088E289C7C24FB28141BBFD09E4C7BB\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n recognizes the significant and positive impact of the Hartford Courant throughout the history of\n\t\t\t the United States; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id79568B581B0448799AD996798C76A573\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n acknowledges the importance of a vibrant free press to democracy.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-05 00:57:00.662
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 554 </number> <updateDate> 2022-03-03T21:27:53Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2022-11-04T17:18:44Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-09-17 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <relatedBills> <item> <title> A resolution recognizing the month of October 2013 as "National Principals Month". </title> <congress> 113 </congress> <number> 260 </number> <type> SRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2013-09-25 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 9/24/2013 S6901; text as passed Senate: CR 9/24/2013 S6894) </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5720; text as passed Senate: CR S5703-5704) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5720; text as passed Senate: CR S5703-5704) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> F000457 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Franken, Al [D-MN] </fullName> <firstName> Al </firstName> <lastName> Franken </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MN </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> H000338 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hatch, Orrin G. [R-UT] </fullName> <firstName> ORRIN </firstName> <lastName> HATCH </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> UT </state> <middleName> GRANT </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000133 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Markey, Edward J. [D-MA] </fullName> <firstName> Edward </firstName> <lastName> Markey </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000567 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cochran, Thad [R-MS] </fullName> <firstName> Thad </firstName> <lastName> Cochran </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MS </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001236 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Boozman, John [R-AR] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Boozman </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AR </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000577 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Lee, Mike [R-UT] </fullName> <firstName> Mike </firstName> <lastName> Lee </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> UT </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Education </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Commemorative events and holidays </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Elementary and secondary education </name> </item> <item> <name> School administration </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Education </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-10-14T12:17:34Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Recognizes October 2014 as National Principals Month.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Honors the contribution of principals in our elementary, middle, and high schools.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-10-14T12:17:49Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Recognizes October 2014 as National Principals Month.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Honors the contribution of principals in our elementary, middle, and high schools.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution recognizing the month of October 2014 as "National Principals Month". </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution recognizing the month of October 2014 as "National Principals Month". </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution recognizing the month of October 2014 as "National Principals Month". </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-09-17T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres554ats/xml/BILLS-113sres554ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5720; text as passed Senate: CR S5703-5704) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-17", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5720; text as passed Senate: CR S5703-5704)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2014-09-17", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5720; text as passed Senate: CR S5703-5704)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-09-17", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "H000338", "district": null, "first_name": "ORRIN", "full_name": "Sen. Hatch, Orrin G. 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Lee, Mike [R-UT]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Lee", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-17", "state": "UT" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-09-17", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-17", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5720; text as passed Senate: CR S5703-5704)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 554, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Education", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 113, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2013-09-25", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 9/24/2013 S6901; text as passed Senate: CR 9/24/2013 S6894)", "type": null }, "number": 260, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "A resolution recognizing the month of October 2013 as \"National Principals Month\".", "type": "SRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "F000457", "district": null, "first_name": "Al", "full_name": "Sen. Franken, Al [D-MN]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Franken", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "MN" } ], "subjects": [ "Commemorative events and holidays", "Congressional tributes", "Elementary and secondary education", "School administration" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-09-17", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Recognizes October 2014 as National Principals Month.</p> <p>Honors the contribution of principals in our elementary, middle, and high schools.</p>", "update_date": "2014-10-14T12:17:34Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2014-09-17", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Recognizes October 2014 as National Principals Month.</p> <p>Honors the contribution of principals in our elementary, middle, and high schools.</p>", "update_date": "2014-10-14T12:17:49Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-09-17T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres554ats/xml/BILLS-113sres554ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution recognizing the month of October 2014 as \"National Principals Month\".", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution recognizing the month of October 2014 as \"National Principals Month\".", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution recognizing the month of October 2014 as \"National Principals Month\".", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2022-03-03T21:27:53Z", "update_date_including_text": "2022-11-04T17:18:44Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-09-17T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres554ats/xml/BILLS-113sres554ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres554ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres554ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-06T23:15:04.107", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-554", "legis_num": 554, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-554-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 554 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES September 17 (legislative day, September 16), 2014 Mr. Franken (for himself, Mr. Hatch , Mr. Markey , Mr. Cochran , Mr. Boozman , and Mr. Lee ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Recognizing the month of October 2014 as National Principals Month .\n\nWhereas the National Association of Secondary School Principals and the National Association of Elementary School Principals have declared the month of October 2014 to be National Principals Month ; Whereas principals are educational visionaries, instructional and assessment leaders, disciplinarians, community builders, budget analysts, facilities managers, and administrators of legal and contractual obligations; Whereas principals work collaboratively with teachers and parents to develop and implement a clear mission, high curriculum standards, and performance goals; Whereas principals create school environments that facilitate great teaching and learning and continuous school improvement; Whereas the vision, actions, and dedication of principals provide the mobilizing force behind any school reform effort; and Whereas the celebration of National Principals Month would honor elementary school, middle school, and high school principals, and recognize the importance of principals in ensuring that every child has access to a high-quality education: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) recognizes the month of October 2014 as National Principals Month ; and (2) honors the contribution of principals in the elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools of the United States by supporting the goals and ideals of National Principals Month.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 554 ATS: Recognizing the month of October 2014 as “National Principals Month”.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-09-17\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress>\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session>\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 554\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action>\n <action-date date=\"20140917\" legis-day=\"20140916\">\n September 17 (legislative day, September 16), 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S332\">\n Mr. Franken\n </sponsor>\n (for himself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S118\">\n Mr. Hatch\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S369\">\n Mr. Markey\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S136\">\n Mr. Cochran\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S343\">\n Mr. Boozman\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S346\">\n Mr. Lee\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Recognizing the month of October 2014 as\n <quote>\n National Principals Month\n </quote>\n .\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the National Association of Secondary School\n\t\t\t Principals and the National Association of Elementary School Principals\n\t\t\t have\n\t\t\t declared the month of October 2014 to be\n <quote>\n National Principals\n\t\t\t Month\n </quote>\n ;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas principals are educational visionaries,\n\t\t\t instructional and assessment leaders, disciplinarians, community builders,\n\t\t\t budget analysts, facilities managers, and administrators of legal and\n\t\t\t contractual obligations;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas principals work collaboratively with teachers and\n\t\t\t parents to develop and implement a clear mission, high curriculum\n\t\t\t standards,\n\t\t\t and performance goals;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas principals create school environments that\n\t\t\t facilitate great teaching and learning and continuous school\n\t\t\t improvement;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the vision, actions, and dedication of principals\n\t\t\t provide the mobilizing force behind any school reform effort; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the celebration of National Principals Month would\n\t\t\t honor elementary school, middle school, and high school principals, and\n\t\t\t recognize the importance of principals in ensuring that every child has\n\t\t\t access\n\t\t\t to a high-quality education: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"id17aba74369c846eea604d3fd3712190c\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n recognizes the\n\t\t\t month of October 2014 as\n <quote>\n National Principals Month\n </quote>\n ; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id8BBBBE57D9814129ACC7F4040624A2FB\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n honors the\n\t\t\t contribution of principals in the elementary schools, middle schools, and\n\t\t\t high\n\t\t\t schools of the United States by supporting the goals and ideals of\n\t\t\t National\n\t\t\t Principals Month.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-04 19:20:01.280
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 555 </number> <updateDate> 2019-02-20T12:29:02Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2022-11-04T17:18:42Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-09-17 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <relatedBills> <item> <title> A resolution designating the week of September 16 through September 20, 2013, as "National Health Information Technology Week" to recognize the value of health information technology in transforming and improving the healthcare system for all people in the United States. </title> <congress> 113 </congress> <number> 247 </number> <type> SRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2013-09-19 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S6672; text as passed Senate: CR S6663) </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5720; text as passed Senate: CR S5704) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5720; text as passed Senate: CR S5704) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> S000770 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Stabenow, Debbie [D-MI] </fullName> <firstName> Debbie </firstName> <lastName> Stabenow </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> T000250 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Thune, John [R-SD] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Thune </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> SD </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Health </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Commemorative events and holidays </name> </item> <item> <name> Health information and medical records </name> </item> <item> <name> Health technology, devices, supplies </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Health </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-09-26T16:00:36Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Designates the week of September 15-September 19, 2014, as National Health Information Technology Week. Recognizes the value of information technology and management systems in transforming health care and encourages promotion and use of health information technology.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-09-26T16:01:59Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Designates the week of September 15-September 19, 2014, as National Health Information Technology Week. Recognizes the value of information technology and management systems in transforming health care and encourages promotion and use of health information technology.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution designating the week of September 15 through September 19, 2014, as "National Health Information Technology Week" to recognize the value of health information technology in transforming and improving the health care system for all individuals in the United States. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution designating the week of September 15 through September 19, 2014, as "National Health Information Technology Week" to recognize the value of health information technology in transforming and improving the health care system for all individuals in the United States. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution designating the week of September 15 through September 19, 2014, as "National Health Information Technology Week" to recognize the value of health information technology in transforming and improving the health care system for all individuals in the United States. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-09-17T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres555ats/xml/BILLS-113sres555ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5720; text as passed Senate: CR S5704) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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(consideration: CR S5720; text as passed Senate: CR S5704)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2014-09-17", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5720; text as passed Senate: CR S5704)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-09-17", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "T000250", "district": null, "first_name": "John", "full_name": "Sen. Thune, John [R-SD]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Thune", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-17", "state": "SD" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-09-17", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-17", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5720; text as passed Senate: CR S5704)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 555, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": null, "policy_area": "Health", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 113, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2013-09-19", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S6672; text as passed Senate: CR S6663)", "type": null }, "number": 247, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "A resolution designating the week of September 16 through September 20, 2013, as \"National Health Information Technology Week\" to recognize the value of health information technology in transforming and improving the healthcare system for all people in the United States.", "type": "SRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "S000770", "district": null, "first_name": "Debbie", "full_name": "Sen. Stabenow, Debbie [D-MI]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Stabenow", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "MI" } ], "subjects": [ "Commemorative events and holidays", "Health information and medical records", "Health technology, devices, supplies" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-09-17", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Designates the week of September 15-September 19, 2014, as National Health Information Technology Week. Recognizes the value of information technology and management systems in transforming health care and encourages promotion and use of health information technology.</p>", "update_date": "2014-09-26T16:00:36Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2014-09-17", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Designates the week of September 15-September 19, 2014, as National Health Information Technology Week. Recognizes the value of information technology and management systems in transforming health care and encourages promotion and use of health information technology.</p>", "update_date": "2014-09-26T16:01:59Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-09-17T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres555ats/xml/BILLS-113sres555ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution designating the week of September 15 through September 19, 2014, as \"National Health Information Technology Week\" to recognize the value of health information technology in transforming and improving the health care system for all individuals in the United States.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating the week of September 15 through September 19, 2014, as \"National Health Information Technology Week\" to recognize the value of health information technology in transforming and improving the health care system for all individuals in the United States.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating the week of September 15 through September 19, 2014, as \"National Health Information Technology Week\" to recognize the value of health information technology in transforming and improving the health care system for all individuals in the United States.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2019-02-20T12:29:02Z", "update_date_including_text": "2022-11-04T17:18:42Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-09-17T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres555ats/xml/BILLS-113sres555ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres555ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres555ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-06T23:15:03.861", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-555", "legis_num": 555, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-555-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 555 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES September 17 (legislative day, September 16), 2014 Ms. Stabenow (for herself and Mr. Thune ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Designating the week of September 15 through September 19, 2014, as ‘‘National Health Information Technology Week’’ to recognize the value of health information technology in transforming and improving the health care system for all individuals in the United States.\n\nWhereas health information technology is recognized as an essential tool for improving patient care, ensuring patient safety, stopping duplicative tests and paperwork, and reducing health care costs; Whereas the Center for Information Technology Leadership estimates that a fully-realized implementation of national standards for interoperability and the exchange of health information can produce significant savings in health care costs; Whereas the use of health information technology is essential to providing coordinated care, expanding access to care, and improving the quality and safety of mental and physical health care for all individuals in the United States; Whereas Congress has a vision for a national technology-enabled health care system that— (1) provides access to care that is available at anytime and anywhere; (2) recognizes modern, multimodal health care delivery models; (3) establishes open standards for connectivity to core patient information between health information technology systems, devices, and emerging technologies; and (4) leverages technology solutions to analyze and improve treatment trends and highlight cost transparency to help combat fraud, waste, and abuse within Federal health programs; Whereas portable health information, such as cloud-based computing and storage systems that can process vast amounts of patient information for personalized care, integrated consumer devices, and mobile medical applications, are critical technologies for improving the health of all individuals in the United States, creating high-demand jobs, and stimulating market innovation; Whereas it is necessary to continue improving the exchange of health information confidently and securely between different providers, systems, and insurers, a task that is foundational to transforming the health care delivery system in the United States; Whereas aligning the use of electronic health records with other reporting efforts is critical to improving clinical outcomes for patients, controlling costs, and expanding access to care through the use of technology; and Whereas since 2006, organizations across the United States have united to support National Health Information Technology Week to improve public awareness of implementing health information technology to achieve the benefits of improved quality and cost efficiency in the health care system: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) designates the week of September 15 through September 19, 2014, as National Health Information Technology Week ; (2) recognizes the value of information technology and management systems in transforming health care for individuals in the United States; (3) encourages all interested parties to promote the use of information technology and management systems to transform the health care system of the United States; and (4) calls on all individuals in the United States to be engaged in their mental and physical health by using health information technology.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 555 ATS: Designating the week of September 15 through September 19, 2014, as ‘‘National Health Information Technology Week’’ to recognize the value of health information technology in transforming and improving the health care system for all individuals in the United States.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-09-17\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 555\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140917\" legis-day=\"20140916\">\n September 17 (legislative day, September 16), 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S284\">\n Ms. Stabenow\n </sponsor>\n (for herself and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S303\">\n Mr. Thune\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Designating the week of September 15 through September 19, 2014, as ‘‘National Health Information\n\t\t\t Technology Week’’ to recognize the value of health information technology\n\t\t\t in transforming and improving the health care system for all individuals\n\t\t\t in\n\t\t\t the United States.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas health information technology is recognized as an essential tool for improving patient\n\t\t\t care, ensuring patient safety, stopping duplicative tests and paperwork,\n\t\t\t and reducing health care costs;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Center for Information Technology Leadership estimates that a fully-realized\n\t\t\t implementation of national standards for interoperability and the exchange\n\t\t\t of health information can produce significant savings in health care\n\t\t\t costs;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the use of health information technology is essential to providing\n\t\t\t coordinated care, expanding access to care, and improving the quality and\n\t\t\t safety of mental and physical health care for all individuals in the\n\t\t\t United\n\t\t\t States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Congress has a vision for a national technology-enabled health care system that—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"id643A5541ABD04218B7C4F29B392BD70B\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n provides access to care that is available at anytime and anywhere;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id7EE5E8C9FE3B43808BDA66FE3D573914\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n recognizes modern, multimodal health care delivery models;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idA221A9F55AD8402B8B5565BFA2923AB1\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n establishes open standards for connectivity to core patient information between health information\n\t\t\t technology systems, devices, and emerging technologies; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idBEA03C76D3054B0A8905B5E33FE5D240\">\n <enum>\n (4)\n </enum>\n <text>\n leverages technology solutions to analyze and improve treatment trends and highlight cost\n\t\t\t transparency to help combat fraud, waste, and abuse within Federal health\n\t\t\t programs;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas portable health information, such as cloud-based computing and\n\t\t\t storage systems that can process vast amounts of patient information for\n\t\t\t personalized care, integrated consumer devices, and mobile medical\n\t\t\t applications, are critical technologies for improving the health of all\n\t\t\t individuals in the United States, creating high-demand jobs, and\n\t\t\t stimulating market innovation;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas it is necessary to continue improving the exchange of health information confidently and\n\t\t\t securely between different providers, systems, and insurers, a task that\n\t\t\t is foundational to transforming the health care delivery system in the\n\t\t\t United States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas aligning the use of electronic health records with other reporting efforts is critical to\n\t\t\t improving clinical outcomes for patients, controlling costs, and expanding\n\t\t\t access to care through the use of technology; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas since 2006, organizations across the United States have united to support National Health\n\t\t\t Information Technology Week to improve public awareness of implementing\n\t\t\t health information technology to achieve the benefits of improved quality\n\t\t\t and cost efficiency in the health care system: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"idc2a038a6e67a40c298e3ea50d3c454be\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n designates the week of September 15 through September 19, 2014, as\n <quote>\n National Health Information Technology Week\n </quote>\n ;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idc9347d1b5e514173b40fb114ffc2e4e1\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n recognizes the value of information technology and management systems in transforming health care\n\t\t\t for individuals in the United States;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idC890D350AFAE475692500A111188706D\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n encourages all interested parties to promote the use of information technology and management\n\t\t\t systems to transform the health care system of the United States; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idF20DA1956ADD4A7185DC6C3BAF6D5548\">\n <enum>\n (4)\n </enum>\n <text>\n calls on all individuals in the United States to be engaged in their mental and physical health by\n\t\t\t using health information technology.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-05 00:58:00.605
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 556 </number> <updateDate> 2022-03-03T21:27:53Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2022-11-04T17:18:41Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-09-17 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <relatedBills> <item> <title> A resolution designating the week beginning on October 13, 2013, as "National Wildlife Refuge Week". </title> <congress> 113 </congress> <number> 296 </number> <type> SRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2013-11-14 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S8069; text as passed Senate: CR S8055-8056) </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5720; text as passed Senate: CR S5704-5705) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5720; text as passed Senate: CR S5704-5705) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> C001088 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Coons, Christopher A. [D-DE] </fullName> <firstName> Christopher </firstName> <lastName> Coons </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> DE </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> S001141 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Sessions, Jeff [R-AL] </fullName> <firstName> Jeff </firstName> <lastName> Sessions </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AL </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000141 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cardin, Benjamin L. [D-MD] </fullName> <firstName> Ben </firstName> <lastName> Cardin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000133 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Markey, Edward J. [D-MA] </fullName> <firstName> Edward </firstName> <lastName> Markey </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> U000039 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Udall, Tom [D-NM] </fullName> <firstName> TOM </firstName> <lastName> UDALL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NM </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000550 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Landrieu, Mary L. [D-LA] </fullName> <firstName> MARY </firstName> <lastName> LANDRIEU </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> LA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000384 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Kaine, Tim [D-VA] </fullName> <firstName> Timothy </firstName> <lastName> Kaine </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001042 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hirono, Mazie K. [D-HI] </fullName> <firstName> Mazie </firstName> <lastName> Hirono </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> HI </state> <middleName> K. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000127 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cantwell, Maria [D-WA] </fullName> <firstName> Maria </firstName> <lastName> Cantwell </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000261 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Levin, Carl [D-MI] </fullName> <firstName> CARL </firstName> <lastName> LEVIN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <middleName> MILTON </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001111 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Murray, Patty [D-WA] </fullName> <firstName> Patty </firstName> <lastName> Murray </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000702 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Mikulski, Barbara A. [D-MD] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> MIKULSKI </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> ANN </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000805 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Warner, Mark R. [D-VA] </fullName> <firstName> Mark </firstName> <lastName> Warner </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000062 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA] </fullName> <firstName> Dianne </firstName> <lastName> Feinstein </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001176 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Merkley, Jeff [D-OR] </fullName> <firstName> Jeff </firstName> <lastName> Merkley </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OR </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000779 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Wyden, Ron [D-OR] </fullName> <firstName> Ron </firstName> <lastName> Wyden </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OR </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001035 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Collins, Susan M. [R-ME] </fullName> <firstName> Susan </firstName> <lastName> Collins </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ME </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Animals </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Birds </name> </item> <item> <name> Commemorative events and holidays </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Ecology </name> </item> <item> <name> Endangered and threatened species </name> </item> <item> <name> Hunting and fishing </name> </item> <item> <name> Wilderness and natural areas, wildlife refuges, wild rivers, habitats </name> </item> <item> <name> Wildlife conservation and habitat protection </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Animals </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-10-14T12:24:01Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Designates the week beginning on October 12, 2014, as National Wildlife Refuge Week.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Acknowledges the importance of national wildlife refuges for their recreational opportunities and contribution to local economies. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Reaffirms the support of the Senate for wildlife conservation and the National Wildlife Refuge System. &lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-10-14T12:24:22Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Designates the week beginning on October 12, 2014, as National Wildlife Refuge Week.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Acknowledges the importance of national wildlife refuges for their recreational opportunities and contribution to local economies.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Reaffirms the support of the Senate for wildlife conservation and the National Wildlife Refuge System. &lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution designating the week beginning on October 12, 2014, as National Wildlife Refuge Week. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution designating the week beginning on October 12, 2014, as National Wildlife Refuge Week. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution designating the week beginning on October 12, 2014, as National Wildlife Refuge Week. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-09-17T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres556ats/xml/BILLS-113sres556ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5720; text as passed Senate: CR S5704-5705) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-17", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5720; text as passed Senate: CR S5704-5705)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2014-09-17", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5720; text as passed Senate: CR S5704-5705)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-09-17", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "S001141", "district": null, "first_name": "Jeff", "full_name": "Sen. 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Udall, Tom [D-NM]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "UDALL", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-17", "state": "NM" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000550", "district": null, "first_name": "MARY", "full_name": "Sen. Landrieu, Mary L. [D-LA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LANDRIEU", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-17", "state": "LA" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000384", "district": null, "first_name": "Timothy", "full_name": "Sen. Kaine, Tim [D-VA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Kaine", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-17", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001042", "district": null, "first_name": "Mazie", "full_name": "Sen. Hirono, Mazie K. [D-HI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Hirono", "middle_name": "K.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-17", "state": "HI" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000127", "district": null, "first_name": "Maria", "full_name": "Sen. Cantwell, Maria [D-WA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Cantwell", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-17", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000261", "district": null, "first_name": "CARL", "full_name": "Sen. Levin, Carl [D-MI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LEVIN", "middle_name": "MILTON", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-17", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001111", "district": null, "first_name": "Patty", "full_name": "Sen. Murray, Patty [D-WA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Murray", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-17", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000702", "district": null, "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Sen. Mikulski, Barbara A. [D-MD]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MIKULSKI", "middle_name": "ANN", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-17", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000805", "district": null, "first_name": "Mark", "full_name": "Sen. Warner, Mark R. [D-VA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Warner", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-17", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000062", "district": null, "first_name": "Dianne", "full_name": "Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Feinstein", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-17", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001176", "district": null, "first_name": "Jeff", "full_name": "Sen. Merkley, Jeff [D-OR]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Merkley", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-17", "state": "OR" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000779", "district": null, "first_name": "Ron", "full_name": "Sen. Wyden, Ron [D-OR]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Wyden", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-17", "state": "OR" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001035", "district": null, "first_name": "Susan", "full_name": "Sen. Collins, Susan M. [R-ME]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Collins", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-17", "state": "ME" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-09-17", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-17", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5720; text as passed Senate: CR S5704-5705)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 556, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Animals", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 113, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2013-11-14", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S8069; text as passed Senate: CR S8055-8056)", "type": null }, "number": 296, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "A resolution designating the week beginning on October 13, 2013, as \"National Wildlife Refuge Week\".", "type": "SRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "C001088", "district": null, "first_name": "Christopher", "full_name": "Sen. Coons, Christopher A. [D-DE]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Coons", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "state": "DE" } ], "subjects": [ "Birds", "Commemorative events and holidays", "Congressional tributes", "Ecology", "Endangered and threatened species", "Hunting and fishing", "Wilderness and natural areas, wildlife refuges, wild rivers, habitats", "Wildlife conservation and habitat protection" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-09-17", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Designates the week beginning on October 12, 2014, as National Wildlife Refuge Week.</p> <p>Acknowledges the importance of national wildlife refuges for their recreational opportunities and contribution to local economies. </p> <p>Reaffirms the support of the Senate for wildlife conservation and the National Wildlife Refuge System. </p>", "update_date": "2014-10-14T12:24:01Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2014-09-17", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Designates the week beginning on October 12, 2014, as National Wildlife Refuge Week.</p> <p>Acknowledges the importance of national wildlife refuges for their recreational opportunities and contribution to local economies.</p> <p>Reaffirms the support of the Senate for wildlife conservation and the National Wildlife Refuge System. </p>", "update_date": "2014-10-14T12:24:22Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-09-17T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres556ats/xml/BILLS-113sres556ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution designating the week beginning on October 12, 2014, as National Wildlife Refuge Week.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating the week beginning on October 12, 2014, as National Wildlife Refuge Week.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating the week beginning on October 12, 2014, as National Wildlife Refuge Week.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2022-03-03T21:27:53Z", "update_date_including_text": "2022-11-04T17:18:41Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-09-17T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres556ats/xml/BILLS-113sres556ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres556ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres556ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-06T23:15:03.565", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-556", "legis_num": 556, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-556-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 556 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES September 17 (legislative day, September 16), 2014 Mr. Coons (for himself, Mr. Sessions , Mr. Cardin , Mr. Markey , Mr. Udall of New Mexico , Ms. Landrieu , Mr. Kaine , Ms. Hirono , Ms. Cantwell , Mr. Levin , Mrs. Murray , Ms. Mikulski , Mr. Warner , Mrs. Feinstein , Mr. Merkley , Mr. Wyden , and Ms. Collins ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Designating the week beginning on October 12, 2014, as National Wildlife Refuge Week.\n\nWhereas, in 1903, President Theodore Roosevelt established the first national wildlife refuge on Pelican Island in Florida; Whereas, in 2014, the National Wildlife Refuge System, administered by the Fish and Wildlife Service, is the premier system of lands and waters to conserve wildlife in the world, and has grown to approximately 150,000,000 acres, 562 national wildlife refuges, and 38 wetland management districts in every State and territory of the United States; Whereas national wildlife refuges are important recreational and tourism destinations in communities across the United States, and these protected lands offer a variety of recreational opportunities, including 6 wildlife-dependent uses that the National Wildlife Refuge System manages: hunting, fishing, wildlife observation, photography, environmental education, and interpretation; Whereas, in 2014, 335 units of the National Wildlife Refuge System have hunting programs and 271 units of the National Wildlife Refuge System have fishing programs, averaging approximately 2,500,000 hunting visits and nearly 7,000,000 fishing visits each year; Whereas the National Wildlife Refuge System experienced nearly 31,000,000 wildlife observation visits during fiscal year 2013; Whereas national wildlife refuges are important to local businesses and gateway communities; Whereas, for every $1 appropriated, national wildlife refuges generate nearly $5 in economic activity; Whereas the National Wildlife Refuge System experiences over 47,000,000 visits each year, which generated more than $2,400,000,000 and more than 35,000 jobs in local economies during fiscal year 2011; Whereas the National Wildlife Refuge System encompasses every kind of ecosystem in the United States, including temperate, tropical, and boreal forests, wetlands, deserts, grasslands, arctic tundras, and remote islands, and spans 12 time zones from the Virgin Islands to Guam; Whereas national wildlife refuges are home to more than 700 species of birds, 220 species of mammals, 250 species of reptiles and amphibians, and more than 1,000 species of fish; Whereas national wildlife refuges are the primary Federal lands that foster production, migration, and wintering habitat for waterfowl; Whereas, since 1934, the sale of the Federal Duck Stamp to outdoor enthusiasts has generated more than $850,000,000 in funds, which has enabled the purchase or lease of more than 5,600,000 acres of wetland habitat for waterfowl and numerous other species in the National Wildlife Refuge System; Whereas the recovery of 386 threatened and endangered species is supported on refuge lands; Whereas national wildlife refuges are cores of conservation for larger landscapes and resources for other agencies of the Federal Government and State governments, private landowners, and organizations in their efforts to secure the wildlife heritage of the United States; Whereas more than 38,000 volunteers and approximately 220 national wildlife refuge Friends organizations contribute more than 1,400,000 hours annually, the equivalent of more than 700 full-time employees, and provide an important link to local communities; Whereas national wildlife refuges provide an important opportunity for children to discover and gain a greater appreciation for the natural world; Whereas, because there are national wildlife refuges located in several urban and suburban areas and one refuge located within an hour drive of every metropolitan area in the United States, national wildlife refuges employ, educate, and engage young people from all backgrounds in exploring, connecting with, and preserving the natural heritage of the United States; Whereas, since 1995, refuges across the United States have held festivals, educational programs, guided tours, and other events to celebrate National Wildlife Refuge Week during the second full week of October; Whereas the Fish and Wildlife Service will continue to seek stakeholder input on the implementation of Conserving the Future: Wildlife Refuges and the Next Generation , an update to the strategic plan of the Fish and Wildlife Service for the future of the National Wildlife Refuge System; Whereas the week beginning on October 12, 2014, has been designated as National Wildlife Refuge Week by the Fish and Wildlife Service; and Whereas the designation of National Wildlife Refuge Week by the Senate would recognize more than a century of conservation in the United States, raise awareness about the importance of wildlife and the National Wildlife Refuge System, and celebrate the myriad recreational opportunities available to enjoy this network of protected lands: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) designates the week beginning on October 12, 2014, as National Wildlife Refuge Week ; (2) encourages the observance of National Wildlife Refuge Week with appropriate events and activities; (3) acknowledges the importance of national wildlife refuges for their recreational opportunities and contribution to local economies across the United States; (4) pronounces that national wildlife refuges play a vital role in securing the hunting and fishing heritage of the United States for future generations; (5) identifies the significance of national wildlife refuges in advancing the traditions of wildlife observation, photography, environmental education, and interpretation; (6) recognizes the importance of national wildlife refuges to wildlife conservation and the protection of imperiled species and ecosystems, as well as compatible uses; (7) acknowledges the role of national wildlife refuges in conserving waterfowl and waterfowl habitat pursuant to the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (40 Stat. 755, chapter 128); (8) reaffirms the support of the Senate for wildlife conservation and the National Wildlife Refuge System; and (9) expresses the intent of the Senate— (A) to continue working to conserve wildlife; and (B) to manage the National Wildlife Refuge System for current and future generations.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 556 ATS: Designating the week beginning on October 12, 2014, as National Wildlife Refuge Week.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-09-17\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress>\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session>\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 556\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action>\n <action-date date=\"20140917\" legis-day=\"20140916\">\n September 17 (legislative day, September 16), 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S337\">\n Mr. Coons\n </sponsor>\n (for himself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S261\">\n Mr. Sessions\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S308\">\n Mr. Cardin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S369\">\n Mr. Markey\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S326\">\n Mr. Udall of New Mexico\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S258\">\n Ms. Landrieu\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S362\">\n Mr. Kaine\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S361\">\n Ms. Hirono\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S275\">\n Ms. Cantwell\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S131\">\n Mr. Levin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S229\">\n Mrs. Murray\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S182\">\n Ms. Mikulski\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S327\">\n Mr. Warner\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S221\">\n Mrs. Feinstein\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S322\">\n Mr. Merkley\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S247\">\n Mr. Wyden\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S252\">\n Ms. Collins\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Designating the week beginning on October 12, 2014, as National Wildlife Refuge Week.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, in 1903, President Theodore Roosevelt established\n\t\t\t the first national wildlife refuge on Pelican Island in Florida;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, in 2014, the National Wildlife Refuge System,\n\t\t\t administered by the Fish and Wildlife Service, is the premier system of\n\t\t\t lands\n\t\t\t and waters to conserve wildlife in the world, and has grown to\n\t\t\t approximately\n\t\t\t 150,000,000 acres, 562 national wildlife refuges, and 38 wetland\n\t\t\t management\n\t\t\t districts in every State and territory of the United States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas national wildlife refuges are important\n\t\t\t recreational and tourism destinations in communities across the United\n\t\t\t States,\n\t\t\t and these protected lands offer a variety of recreational opportunities,\n\t\t\t including 6 wildlife-dependent uses that the National Wildlife Refuge\n\t\t\t System\n\t\t\t manages: hunting, fishing, wildlife observation, photography,\n\t\t\t environmental\n\t\t\t education, and interpretation;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, in 2014, 335 units of the National Wildlife\n\t\t\t Refuge System have hunting programs and 271 units of the National\n\t\t\t Wildlife Refuge System have fishing programs, averaging approximately\n\t\t\t 2,500,000\n\t\t\t hunting visits and nearly 7,000,000 fishing visits each year;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the National Wildlife Refuge System experienced\n\t\t\t nearly 31,000,000 wildlife observation visits during fiscal year\n\t\t\t 2013;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas national wildlife refuges are important to local\n\t\t\t businesses and gateway communities;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, for every $1 appropriated, national wildlife\n\t\t\t refuges generate nearly $5 in economic activity;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the National Wildlife Refuge System experiences\n\t\t\t over 47,000,000 visits each year, which generated more than\n\t\t\t $2,400,000,000 and more than 35,000 jobs in local economies during fiscal\n\t\t\t year\n\t\t\t 2011;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the National Wildlife Refuge System encompasses\n\t\t\t every kind of ecosystem in the United States, including temperate,\n\t\t\t tropical,\n\t\t\t and boreal forests, wetlands, deserts, grasslands, arctic tundras, and\n\t\t\t remote\n\t\t\t islands, and spans 12 time zones from the Virgin Islands to Guam;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas national wildlife refuges are home to more than\n\t\t\t 700 species of birds, 220 species of mammals, 250 species of reptiles and\n\t\t\t amphibians, and more than 1,000 species of fish;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas national wildlife refuges are the primary Federal\n\t\t\t lands that foster production, migration, and wintering habitat for\n\t\t\t waterfowl;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, since 1934, the sale of the Federal Duck Stamp to\n\t\t\t outdoor enthusiasts has generated more than $850,000,000 in funds, which\n\t\t\t has\n\t\t\t enabled the purchase or lease of more than 5,600,000 acres of wetland\n\t\t\t habitat for waterfowl and numerous other species\n\t\t\t in the National Wildlife Refuge System;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the recovery of 386 threatened and endangered species is supported on refuge lands;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas national wildlife refuges are cores of\n\t\t\t conservation for larger landscapes and resources for other agencies of the\n\t\t\t Federal Government and State governments, private landowners, and\n\t\t\t organizations\n\t\t\t in their efforts to secure the wildlife heritage of the United States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas more than 38,000 volunteers and approximately 220\n\t\t\t national wildlife refuge\n <quote>\n Friends\n </quote>\n organizations contribute more than\n\t\t\t 1,400,000 hours annually, the equivalent of more than 700 full-time\n\t\t\t employees, and\n\t\t\t provide an important link to local communities;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas national wildlife refuges provide an important\n\t\t\t opportunity for children to discover and gain a greater appreciation for\n\t\t\t the\n\t\t\t natural world;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, because there are national wildlife refuges\n\t\t\t located in several urban and suburban areas and one refuge located within\n\t\t\t an\n\t\t\t hour drive of every metropolitan area in the United States, national\n\t\t\t wildlife\n\t\t\t refuges employ, educate, and engage young people from all backgrounds in\n\t\t\t exploring, connecting with, and preserving the natural heritage of the\n\t\t\t United\n\t\t\t States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, since 1995, refuges across the United States have\n\t\t\t held festivals, educational programs, guided tours, and other events to\n\t\t\t celebrate National Wildlife Refuge Week during the second full week of\n\t\t\t October;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Fish and Wildlife Service will continue to\n\t\t\t seek stakeholder input on the implementation of\n <quote>\n Conserving the Future:\n\t\t\t Wildlife Refuges and the Next Generation\n </quote>\n , an update to the strategic plan of\n\t\t\t the Fish and Wildlife Service for the future of the National Wildlife\n\t\t\t Refuge\n\t\t\t System;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the week beginning on October 12, 2014, has been\n\t\t\t designated as\n <term>\n National Wildlife Refuge Week\n </term>\n by the Fish and\n\t\t\t Wildlife Service; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the designation of National Wildlife Refuge Week\n\t\t\t by the Senate would recognize more than a century of conservation in the\n\t\t\t United\n\t\t\t States, raise awareness about the importance of wildlife and the National\n\t\t\t Wildlife Refuge System, and celebrate the myriad recreational\n\t\t\t opportunities\n\t\t\t available to enjoy this network of protected lands: Now, therefore, be\n\t\t\t it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"ID9b247a400db04d678e6db108c9dad308\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n designates the\n\t\t\t week beginning on October 12, 2014, as\n <term>\n National Wildlife Refuge Week\n </term>\n ;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"ID380bbcf1065048c7b80af0349b026815\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n encourages the\n\t\t\t observance of National Wildlife Refuge Week with appropriate events and\n\t\t\t activities;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idE2A7B0C1DE204AF4BC7A7850FBE39839\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n acknowledges the\n\t\t\t importance of national wildlife refuges for their recreational\n\t\t\t opportunities\n\t\t\t and contribution to local economies across the United States;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"ID232a58e1e3e44ae29fcf3d03cb9f945c\">\n <enum>\n (4)\n </enum>\n <text>\n pronounces that\n\t\t\t national wildlife refuges play a vital role in securing the hunting and\n\t\t\t fishing\n\t\t\t heritage of the United States for future generations;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"IDee49e73b678f48efa446ca74bcae01b1\">\n <enum>\n (5)\n </enum>\n <text>\n identifies the\n\t\t\t significance of national wildlife refuges in advancing the traditions of\n\t\t\t wildlife observation, photography, environmental education, and\n\t\t\t interpretation;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id917EEF063D18490DBF4C04C4A0B2655B\">\n <enum>\n (6)\n </enum>\n <text>\n recognizes the\n\t\t\t importance of national wildlife refuges to wildlife conservation and the\n\t\t\t protection of imperiled species and ecosystems, as well as compatible\n\t\t\t uses;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id4776DD317D6D4FCC8B567287B46A1A0C\">\n <enum>\n (7)\n </enum>\n <text>\n acknowledges the\n\t\t\t role of national wildlife refuges in conserving waterfowl and waterfowl\n\t\t\t habitat\n\t\t\t pursuant to the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (40 Stat. 755, chapter 128);\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"IDfcdb840ce8fb4ce0a412a721080d75f5\">\n <enum>\n (8)\n </enum>\n <text>\n reaffirms the\n\t\t\t support of the Senate for wildlife conservation and the National Wildlife\n\t\t\t Refuge System; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"ID2ac722f43a95445a948da4f053f39c4e\">\n <enum>\n (9)\n </enum>\n <text>\n expresses the\n\t\t\t intent of the Senate—\n </text>\n <subparagraph id=\"id31D72A8D98F34AD8A50FACBD451119F5\">\n <enum>\n (A)\n </enum>\n <text>\n to continue\n\t\t\t working to conserve wildlife; and\n </text>\n </subparagraph>\n <subparagraph id=\"id2EA39B88BF6B4F81A04802113CD08AA8\">\n <enum>\n (B)\n </enum>\n <text>\n to manage the\n\t\t\t National Wildlife Refuge System for current and future generations.\n </text>\n </subparagraph>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-05 00:56:00.336
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 557 </number> <updateDate> 2022-03-03T21:27:53Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2022-11-04T17:18:42Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-09-17 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <relatedBills> <item> <title> A resolution designating the week beginning October 20, 2013, as "National Character Counts Week". </title> <congress> 113 </congress> <number> 272 </number> <type> SRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2013-10-16 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S7559; text as passed Senate: CR S7538) </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5720; text as passed Senate: CR S5705) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5720; text as passed Senate: CR S5705) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> G000386 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Grassley, Chuck [R-IA] </fullName> <firstName> Charles </firstName> <lastName> Grassley </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IA </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> L000261 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Levin, Carl [D-MI] </fullName> <firstName> CARL </firstName> <lastName> LEVIN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <middleName> MILTON </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> A000360 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Alexander, Lamar [R-TN] </fullName> <firstName> Lamar </firstName> <lastName> Alexander </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TN </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000590 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Pryor, Mark L. [D-AR] </fullName> <firstName> Mark </firstName> <lastName> Pryor </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AR </state> <middleName> Lunsford </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000361 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Rockefeller, John D., IV [D-WV] </fullName> <firstName> JAY </firstName> <lastName> ROCKEFELLER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WV </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> E000285 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Enzi, Michael B. [R-WY] </fullName> <firstName> MICHAEL </firstName> <lastName> ENZI </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> WY </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000575 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Blunt, Roy [R-MO] </fullName> <firstName> Roy </firstName> <lastName> Blunt </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MO </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000567 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cochran, Thad [R-MS] </fullName> <firstName> Thad </firstName> <lastName> Cochran </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MS </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000770 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Stabenow, Debbie [D-MI] </fullName> <firstName> Debbie </firstName> <lastName> Stabenow </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000550 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Landrieu, Mary L. [D-LA] </fullName> <firstName> MARY </firstName> <lastName> LANDRIEU </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> LA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001183 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Manchin, Joe, III [D-WV] </fullName> <firstName> Joseph </firstName> <lastName> Manchin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WV </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Education </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Commemorative events and holidays </name> </item> <item> <name> Community life and organization </name> </item> <item> <name> Elementary and secondary education </name> </item> <item> <name> Public participation and lobbying </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Education </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-10-15T12:52:06Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Designates the week beginning October 19, 2014, as National Character Counts Week.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-10-15T12:52:17Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Designates the week beginning October 19, 2014, as National Character Counts Week.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution designating the week beginning October 19, 2014, as "National Character Counts Week". </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution designating the week beginning October 19, 2014, as "National Character Counts Week". </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution designating the week beginning October 19, 2014, as "National Character Counts Week". </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-09-17T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres557ats/xml/BILLS-113sres557ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5720; text as passed Senate: CR S5705) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-17", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5720; text as passed Senate: CR S5705)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2014-09-17", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5720; text as passed Senate: CR S5705)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-09-17", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "L000261", "district": null, "first_name": "CARL", "full_name": "Sen. Levin, Carl [D-MI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LEVIN", "middle_name": "MILTON", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-17", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "A000360", "district": null, "first_name": "Lamar", "full_name": "Sen. Alexander, Lamar [R-TN]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Alexander", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-17", "state": "TN" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000590", "district": null, "first_name": "Mark", "full_name": "Sen. Pryor, Mark L. [D-AR]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Pryor", "middle_name": "Lunsford", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-17", "state": "AR" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000361", "district": null, "first_name": "JAY", "full_name": "Sen. Rockefeller, John D., IV [D-WV]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ROCKEFELLER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-17", "state": "WV" }, { "bioguide_id": "E000285", "district": null, "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Sen. Enzi, Michael B. [R-WY]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ENZI", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-17", "state": "WY" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000575", "district": null, "first_name": "Roy", "full_name": "Sen. Blunt, Roy [R-MO]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Blunt", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-17", "state": "MO" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000567", "district": null, "first_name": "Thad", "full_name": "Sen. Cochran, Thad [R-MS]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Cochran", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-17", "state": "MS" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000770", "district": null, "first_name": "Debbie", "full_name": "Sen. Stabenow, Debbie [D-MI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Stabenow", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-17", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000550", "district": null, "first_name": "MARY", "full_name": "Sen. Landrieu, Mary L. [D-LA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LANDRIEU", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-17", "state": "LA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001183", "district": null, "first_name": "Joseph", "full_name": "Sen. Manchin, Joe, III [D-WV]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Manchin", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-17", "state": "WV" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-09-17", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-17", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5720; text as passed Senate: CR S5705)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 557, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Education", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 113, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2013-10-16", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S7559; text as passed Senate: CR S7538)", "type": null }, "number": 272, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "A resolution designating the week beginning October 20, 2013, as \"National Character Counts Week\".", "type": "SRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "G000386", "district": null, "first_name": "Charles", "full_name": "Sen. Grassley, Chuck [R-IA]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Grassley", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "R", "state": "IA" } ], "subjects": [ "Commemorative events and holidays", "Community life and organization", "Elementary and secondary education", "Public participation and lobbying" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-09-17", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Designates the week beginning October 19, 2014, as National Character Counts Week.</p>", "update_date": "2014-10-15T12:52:06Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2014-09-17", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Designates the week beginning October 19, 2014, as National Character Counts Week.</p>", "update_date": "2014-10-15T12:52:17Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-09-17T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres557ats/xml/BILLS-113sres557ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution designating the week beginning October 19, 2014, as \"National Character Counts Week\".", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating the week beginning October 19, 2014, as \"National Character Counts Week\".", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating the week beginning October 19, 2014, as \"National Character Counts Week\".", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2022-03-03T21:27:53Z", "update_date_including_text": "2022-11-04T17:18:42Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-09-17T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres557ats/xml/BILLS-113sres557ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres557ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres557ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-06T23:15:03.717", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-557", "legis_num": 557, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-557-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 557 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES September 17 (legislative day, September 16), 2014 Mr. Grassley (for himself, Mr. Levin , Mr. Alexander , Mr. Pryor , Mr. Rockefeller , Mr. Enzi , Mr. Blunt , Mr. Cochran , Ms. Stabenow , Ms. Landrieu , and Mr. Manchin ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Designating the week beginning October 19, 2014, as National Character Counts Week .\n\nWhereas the well-being of the United States requires that the young people of the United States become an involved, caring citizenry of good character; Whereas the character education of children has become more urgent, as violence by and against youth increasingly threatens the physical and psychological well-being of the people of the United States; Whereas, more than ever, children need strong and constructive guidance from their families and their communities, including schools, youth organizations, religious institutions, and civic groups; Whereas the character of a nation is only as strong as the character of its individual citizens; Whereas the public good is advanced when young people are taught the importance of good character and the positive effects that good character can have in personal relationships, in school, and in the workplace; Whereas scholars and educators agree that people do not automatically develop good character and that, therefore, conscientious efforts must be made by institutions and individuals that influence youth to help young people develop the essential traits and characteristics that comprise good character; Whereas, although character development is, first and foremost, an obligation of families, the efforts of faith communities, schools, and youth, civic, and human service organizations also play an important role in fostering and promoting good character; Whereas Congress encourages students, teachers, parents, youth, and community leaders to recognize the importance of character education in preparing young people to play a role in determining the future of the United States; Whereas effective character education is based on core ethical values, which form the foundation of a democratic society; Whereas examples of character are trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, citizenship, and honesty; Whereas elements of character transcend cultural, religious, and socioeconomic differences; Whereas the character and conduct of youth reflect the character and conduct of society, and, therefore, every adult has the responsibility to teach and model ethical values and every social institution has the responsibility to promote the development of good character; Whereas Congress encourages individuals and organizations, especially those that have an interest in the education and training of the young people of the United States, to adopt the elements of character as intrinsic to the well-being of individuals, communities, and society; Whereas many schools in the United States recognize the need, and have taken steps, to integrate the values of their communities into teaching activities; and Whereas the establishment of National Character Counts Week , during which individuals, families, schools, youth organizations, religious institutions, civic groups, and other organizations focus on character education, is of great benefit to the United States: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) designates the week beginning October 19, 2014, as National Character Counts Week ; and (2) calls upon the people of the United States and interested groups— (A) to embrace the elements of character identified by local schools and communities, such as trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship; and (B) to observe the week with appropriate ceremonies, programs, and activities.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 557 ATS: Designating the week beginning October 19, 2014, as “National Character Counts Week”.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-09-17\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress>\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session>\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 557\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action>\n <action-date date=\"20140917\" legis-day=\"20140916\">\n September 17 (legislative day, September 16), 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S153\">\n Mr. Grassley\n </sponsor>\n (for himself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S131\">\n Mr. Levin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S289\">\n Mr. Alexander\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S295\">\n Mr. Pryor\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S176\">\n Mr. Rockefeller\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S254\">\n Mr. Enzi\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S342\">\n Mr. Blunt\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S136\">\n Mr. Cochran\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S284\">\n Ms. Stabenow\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S258\">\n Ms. Landrieu\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S338\">\n Mr. Manchin\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Designating the week beginning October 19, 2014, as\n <quote>\n National Character Counts Week\n </quote>\n .\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble commented=\"no\">\n <whereas commented=\"no\">\n <text display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\">\n Whereas\n\t\t\t the well-being of the United States requires that the young people of the\n\t\t\t United States become an involved, caring citizenry of good character;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas commented=\"no\">\n <text display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\">\n Whereas\n\t\t\t the character education of children has become more urgent, as violence by\n\t\t\t and\n\t\t\t against youth increasingly threatens the physical and psychological\n\t\t\t well-being\n\t\t\t of the people of the United States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas commented=\"no\">\n <text display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\">\n Whereas, more than ever, children need\n\t\t\t strong and constructive guidance from their families and their\n\t\t\t communities,\n\t\t\t including schools, youth organizations, religious institutions, and civic\n\t\t\t groups;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas commented=\"no\">\n <text display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\">\n Whereas\n\t\t\t the character of a nation is only as strong as the character of its\n\t\t\t individual\n\t\t\t citizens;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas commented=\"no\">\n <text display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\">\n Whereas\n\t\t\t the public good is advanced when young people are taught the importance of\n\t\t\t good\n\t\t\t character and the positive effects that good character can have in\n\t\t\t personal\n\t\t\t relationships, in school, and in the workplace;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas commented=\"no\">\n <text display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\">\n Whereas\n\t\t\t scholars and educators agree that people do not automatically develop good\n\t\t\t character and that, therefore, conscientious efforts must be made by\n\t\t\t institutions and individuals that influence youth to help young people\n\t\t\t develop\n\t\t\t the essential traits and characteristics that comprise good character;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas commented=\"no\">\n <text display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\">\n Whereas, although character development is,\n\t\t\t first and foremost, an obligation of families, the efforts of faith\n\t\t\t communities, schools, and youth, civic, and human service organizations\n\t\t\t also\n\t\t\t play an important role in fostering and promoting good character;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas commented=\"no\">\n <text display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\">\n Whereas\n\t\t\t Congress encourages students, teachers, parents, youth, and community\n\t\t\t leaders\n\t\t\t to recognize the importance of character education in preparing young\n\t\t\t people to\n\t\t\t play a role in determining the future of the United States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas commented=\"no\">\n <text display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\">\n Whereas\n\t\t\t effective character education is based on core ethical values, which form\n\t\t\t the\n\t\t\t foundation of a democratic society;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas commented=\"no\">\n <text display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\">\n Whereas\n\t\t\t examples of character are trustworthiness, respect, responsibility,\n\t\t\t fairness,\n\t\t\t caring, citizenship, and honesty;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas commented=\"no\">\n <text display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\">\n Whereas\n\t\t\t elements of character transcend cultural, religious, and socioeconomic\n\t\t\t differences;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas commented=\"no\">\n <text display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\">\n Whereas\n\t\t\t the character and conduct of youth reflect the character and conduct\n\t\t\t of\n\t\t\t society, and, therefore, every adult has the responsibility to teach and\n\t\t\t model\n\t\t\t ethical values and every social institution has the responsibility to\n\t\t\t promote\n\t\t\t the development of good character;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas commented=\"no\">\n <text display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\">\n Whereas\n\t\t\t Congress encourages individuals and organizations, especially those that\n\t\t\t have\n\t\t\t an interest in the education and training of the young people of the\n\t\t\t United\n\t\t\t States, to adopt the elements of character as intrinsic to the well-being\n\t\t\t of\n\t\t\t individuals, communities, and society;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas commented=\"no\">\n <text display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\">\n Whereas\n\t\t\t many schools in the United States recognize the need, and have taken\n\t\t\t steps, to\n\t\t\t integrate the values of their communities into teaching activities;\n\t\t\t and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas commented=\"no\">\n <text display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\">\n Whereas\n\t\t\t the establishment of\n <quote>\n National Character Counts Week\n </quote>\n , during\n\t\t\t which individuals, families, schools, youth organizations, religious\n\t\t\t institutions, civic groups, and other organizations focus on character\n\t\t\t education, is of great benefit to the United States: Now, therefore, be\n\t\t\t it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section commented=\"no\" display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\">\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph commented=\"no\" display-inline=\"no-display-inline\" id=\"IDEA93B03B2CC340F299B8FF207F4A96C2\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\">\n designates the week beginning October 19,\n\t\t\t 2014, as\n <quote>\n National Character Counts Week\n </quote>\n ; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph commented=\"no\" display-inline=\"no-display-inline\" id=\"IDE6599498ADBC48F09458BA7797CCA67C\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\">\n calls upon the people of the United States\n\t\t\t and interested groups—\n </text>\n <subparagraph commented=\"no\" display-inline=\"no-display-inline\" id=\"ID01B4C849990D479C822FC276CB7BD106\">\n <enum>\n (A)\n </enum>\n <text display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\">\n to embrace the elements of character\n\t\t\t identified by local schools and communities, such as trustworthiness,\n\t\t\t respect,\n\t\t\t responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship; and\n </text>\n </subparagraph>\n <subparagraph commented=\"no\" display-inline=\"no-display-inline\" id=\"ID95A1C40518B04EC78B74F70254005E47\">\n <enum>\n (B)\n </enum>\n <text display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\">\n to observe the week with appropriate\n\t\t\t ceremonies, programs, and activities.\n </text>\n </subparagraph>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-05 01:08:02.214
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 558 </number> <updateDate> 2022-03-03T21:28:40Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2022-11-04T17:18:41Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-09-17 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <relatedBills> <item> <title> Expressing support for designation of the week of September 23, 2013, as National Adult Education and Family Literacy Week. </title> <congress> 113 </congress> <number> 358 </number> <type> HRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2013-09-25 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Education and the Workforce. </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> <item> <title> Expressing support for designation of the week of September 22, 2014, as National Adult Education and Family Literacy Week. </title> <congress> 113 </congress> <number> 743 </number> <type> HRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Education and the Workforce. </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> <item> <title> A resolution designating the week of September 23 through 29, 2013, as "National Adult Education and Family Literacy Week". </title> <congress> 113 </congress> <number> 256 </number> <type> SRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2013-09-25 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 9/24/2013 S6901; text as passed Senate: CR 9/24/2013 S6893) </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5720; text as passed Senate: CR S5705) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5720; text as passed Senate: CR S5705) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> M001111 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Murray, Patty [D-WA] </fullName> <firstName> Patty </firstName> <lastName> Murray </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> A000360 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Alexander, Lamar [R-TN] </fullName> <firstName> Lamar </firstName> <lastName> Alexander </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TN </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000122 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Reed, Jack [D-RI] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Reed </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> RI </state> <middleName> F. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000177 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Johnson, Tim [D-SD] </fullName> <firstName> TIM </firstName> <lastName> JOHNSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> SD </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> I000055 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Isakson, Johnny [R-GA] </fullName> <firstName> Johnny </firstName> <lastName> Isakson </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> GA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000575 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Blunt, Roy [R-MO] </fullName> <firstName> Roy </firstName> <lastName> Blunt </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MO </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000567 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cochran, Thad [R-MS] </fullName> <firstName> Thad </firstName> <lastName> Cochran </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MS </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001035 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Collins, Susan M. [R-ME] </fullName> <firstName> Susan </firstName> <lastName> Collins </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ME </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000702 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Mikulski, Barbara A. [D-MD] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> MIKULSKI </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> ANN </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Education </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Adult education and literacy </name> </item> <item> <name> Commemorative events and holidays </name> </item> <item> <name> Language arts </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Education </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-09-19T16:56:05Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Designates the week of September 22-28, 2014, as National Adult Education and Family Literacy Week.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-09-19T16:56:29Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary has been expanded because action occurred on the measure.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Designates the week of September 22-28, 2014, as National Adult Education and Family Literacy Week.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Encourages people across the United States to support programs to assist individuals in need of adult education, workforce skills, and family literacy programs. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Recognizes the importance of such programs. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Calls upon public, private, and non-profit entities to support increased access to adult education and family literacy programs to ensure a literate society. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution designating the week of September 22 through 28, 2014, as "National Adult Education and Family Literacy Week". </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution designating the week of September 22 through 28, 2014, as "National Adult Education and Family Literacy Week". </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution designating the week of September 22 through 28, 2014, as "National Adult Education and Family Literacy Week". </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-09-17T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres558ats/xml/BILLS-113sres558ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5720; text as passed Senate: CR S5705) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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(consideration: CR S5720; text as passed Senate: CR S5705)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2014-09-17", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5720; text as passed Senate: CR S5705)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-09-17", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "A000360", "district": null, "first_name": "Lamar", "full_name": "Sen. 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Isakson, Johnny [R-GA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Isakson", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-17", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000575", "district": null, "first_name": "Roy", "full_name": "Sen. Blunt, Roy [R-MO]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Blunt", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-17", "state": "MO" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000567", "district": null, "first_name": "Thad", "full_name": "Sen. Cochran, Thad [R-MS]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Cochran", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-17", "state": "MS" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001035", "district": null, "first_name": "Susan", "full_name": "Sen. Collins, Susan M. [R-ME]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Collins", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-17", "state": "ME" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000702", "district": null, "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Sen. Mikulski, Barbara A. [D-MD]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MIKULSKI", "middle_name": "ANN", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-17", "state": "MD" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-09-17", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-17", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5720; text as passed Senate: CR S5705)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 558, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Education", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 113, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2013-09-25", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Education and the Workforce.", "type": null }, "number": 358, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "Expressing support for designation of the week of September 23, 2013, as National Adult Education and Family Literacy Week.", "type": "HRES" }, { "congress": 113, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-18", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Education and the Workforce.", "type": null }, "number": 743, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "Expressing support for designation of the week of September 22, 2014, as National Adult Education and Family Literacy Week.", "type": "HRES" }, { "congress": 113, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2013-09-25", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 9/24/2013 S6901; text as passed Senate: CR 9/24/2013 S6893)", "type": null }, "number": 256, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "A resolution designating the week of September 23 through 29, 2013, as \"National Adult Education and Family Literacy Week\".", "type": "SRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "M001111", "district": null, "first_name": "Patty", "full_name": "Sen. Murray, Patty [D-WA]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Murray", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "WA" } ], "subjects": [ "Adult education and literacy", "Commemorative events and holidays", "Language arts" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-09-17", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Designates the week of September 22-28, 2014, as National Adult Education and Family Literacy Week.</p>", "update_date": "2014-09-19T16:56:05Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2014-09-17", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary has been expanded because action occurred on the measure.)</b></p> <p>Designates the week of September 22-28, 2014, as National Adult Education and Family Literacy Week.</p> <p>Encourages people across the United States to support programs to assist individuals in need of adult education, workforce skills, and family literacy programs. </p> <p>Recognizes the importance of such programs. </p> <p>Calls upon public, private, and non-profit entities to support increased access to adult education and family literacy programs to ensure a literate society.", "update_date": "2014-09-19T16:56:29Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-09-17T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres558ats/xml/BILLS-113sres558ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution designating the week of September 22 through 28, 2014, as \"National Adult Education and Family Literacy Week\".", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating the week of September 22 through 28, 2014, as \"National Adult Education and Family Literacy Week\".", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating the week of September 22 through 28, 2014, as \"National Adult Education and Family Literacy Week\".", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2022-03-03T21:28:40Z", "update_date_including_text": "2022-11-04T17:18:41Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-09-17T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres558ats/xml/BILLS-113sres558ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres558ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres558ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-06T23:15:03.025", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-558", "legis_num": 558, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-558-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 558 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES September 17 (legislative day, September 16), 2014 Mrs. Murray (for herself, Mr. Alexander , Mr. Reed , Mr. Johnson of South Dakota , Mr. Isakson , Mr. Blunt , Mr. Cochran , Ms. Collins , and Ms. Mikulski ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Designating the week of September 22 through 28, 2014, as National Adult Education and Family Literacy Week .\n\nWhereas the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development reports that approximately 36,000,000 adults in the United States lack the basic literacy and numeracy necessary to succeed at home, in the workplace, and in society; Whereas the literacy of the people of the United States is essential for the economic and societal well-being of the United States; Whereas the United States reaps the economic benefits of individuals who improve their literacy, numeracy, and English-language skills; Whereas literacy and educational skills are necessary for individuals to fully benefit from the range of opportunities available in the United States; Whereas the economy and position of the United States in the world marketplace depend on having a literate, skilled population; Whereas the unemployment rate in the United States is highest among those without a high school diploma or an equivalent credential, demonstrating that education is important to economic recovery; Whereas the educational skills of a child's parents and the practice of reading to a child have a direct impact on the educational success of the child; Whereas parental involvement in a child's education is a key predictor of a child's success, and the level of parental involvement in a child's education increases as the educational level of the parent increases; Whereas parents who participate in family literacy programs become more involved in their children's education and gain the tools necessary to obtain a job or find better employment; Whereas as a result of family literacy programs, the lives of children become more stable, and their success in the classroom and in future endeavors becomes more likely; Whereas adults need to be part of a long-term solution to the educational challenges faced by the people of the United States; Whereas many older people in the United States lack the reading, math, or English skills necessary to read a prescription and follow medical instructions, which endangers their lives and the lives of their loved ones; Whereas many individuals who are unemployed, underemployed, or receive public assistance lack the literacy skills necessary to obtain and keep a job to provide for their families, to continue their education, or to participate in job training programs; Whereas many high school dropouts do not have the literacy skills necessary to complete their education, transition to postsecondary education or career and technical training, or obtain a job; Whereas a large portion of individuals in prison have low educational skills, and prisoners without educational skills are more likely to return to prison once released; Whereas many immigrants in the United States do not have the literacy skills necessary to succeed in the United States; and Whereas National Adult Education and Family Literacy Week highlights the need to ensure that each individual in the United States has the literacy skills necessary to succeed at home, at work, and in society: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) designates the week of September 22 through 28, 2014, as National Adult Education and Family Literacy Week to raise public awareness about the importance of adult education, workforce skills, and family literacy; (2) encourages people across the United States to support programs to assist individuals in need of adult education, workforce skills, and family literacy programs; (3) recognizes the importance of adult education, workforce skills, and family literacy programs; and (4) calls upon public, private, and nonprofit entities to support increased access to adult education and family literacy programs to ensure a literate society.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 558 ATS: Designating the week of September 22 through 28, 2014, as “National Adult Education and Family Literacy Week”.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-09-17\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 558\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140917\" legis-day=\"20140916\">\n September 17 (legislative day, September 16), 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S229\">\n Mrs. Murray\n </sponsor>\n (for herself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S289\">\n Mr. Alexander\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S259\">\n Mr. Reed\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S257\">\n Mr. Johnson of South Dakota\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S305\">\n Mr. Isakson\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S342\">\n Mr. Blunt\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S136\">\n Mr. Cochran\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S252\">\n Ms. Collins\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S182\">\n Ms. Mikulski\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Designating the week of September 22\n\t\t through 28, 2014, as\n <quote>\n National Adult Education and Family Literacy\n\t\t Week\n </quote>\n .\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development reports\n\t\t\t that approximately 36,000,000 adults in the United States lack the basic\n\t\t\t literacy and numeracy\n\t\t\t necessary to succeed at home, in the workplace, and in society;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the literacy of the people of the United States is\n\t\t\t essential for the economic and societal well-being of the United States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States reaps the economic benefits of\n\t\t\t individuals who improve their literacy, numeracy, and English-language\n\t\t\t skills;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas literacy and educational skills are necessary for\n\t\t\t individuals to fully benefit from the range of opportunities available in\n\t\t\t the\n\t\t\t United States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the economy and position of the United States in\n\t\t\t the world marketplace depend on having a literate, skilled population;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the unemployment rate in the United States is\n\t\t\t highest among those without a high school diploma or an equivalent\n\t\t\t credential,\n\t\t\t demonstrating that education is important to economic recovery;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the educational skills of a child's parents and\n\t\t\t the practice of reading to a child have a direct impact on the educational\n\t\t\t success of the child;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas parental involvement in a child's education is a\n\t\t\t key predictor of a child's success, and the level of parental involvement\n\t\t\t in a\n\t\t\t child's education increases as the educational level of the parent\n\t\t\t increases;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas parents who participate in family literacy\n\t\t\t programs become more involved in their children's education and gain the\n\t\t\t tools\n\t\t\t necessary to obtain a job or find better employment;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas as a result of family literacy programs, the\n\t\t\t lives of children become more stable, and their success in the classroom\n\t\t\t and in\n\t\t\t future endeavors becomes more likely;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas adults need to be part of a long-term solution to\n\t\t\t the educational challenges faced by the people of the United States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas many older people in the United States lack the\n\t\t\t reading, math, or English skills necessary to read a prescription and\n\t\t\t follow\n\t\t\t medical instructions, which endangers their lives and the lives of their\n\t\t\t loved\n\t\t\t ones;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas many individuals who are unemployed,\n\t\t\t underemployed, or receive public assistance lack the literacy skills\n\t\t\t necessary\n\t\t\t to obtain and keep a job to provide for their families, to continue their\n\t\t\t education, or to participate in job training programs;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas many high school dropouts do not have the literacy\n\t\t\t skills necessary to complete their education, transition to postsecondary\n\t\t\t education or career and technical training, or obtain a job;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas a large portion of individuals in prison have low\n\t\t\t educational skills, and prisoners without educational skills are more\n\t\t\t likely to\n\t\t\t return to prison once released;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas many immigrants in the United States do not have\n\t\t\t the literacy skills necessary to succeed in the United States; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas National Adult Education and Family Literacy Week\n\t\t\t highlights the need to ensure that each individual in the United States\n\t\t\t has the literacy\n\t\t\t skills\n\t\t\t necessary to succeed at home, at work, and in society: Now, therefore, be\n\t\t\t it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"id3c8115a173434ccda0076d5e1b170427\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n designates the\n\t\t\t week of September 22 through 28, 2014, as\n <quote>\n National Adult Education and\n\t\t\t Family Literacy Week\n </quote>\n to raise public awareness about the importance of\n\t\t\t adult education, workforce skills, and family literacy;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id31aea6df9ebf4a2685c2948f61076a8c\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n encourages people\n\t\t\t across the United States to support programs to assist individuals in need\n\t\t\t of\n\t\t\t adult\n\t\t\t education, workforce skills, and family literacy programs;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id5c7c601b07a8446781cc702d6124c380\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n recognizes the\n\t\t\t importance of adult education, workforce skills, and family literacy\n\t\t\t programs;\n\t\t\t and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph commented=\"no\" display-inline=\"no-display-inline\" id=\"idEA13BF9FC12B48D4B0A41CD0B942BF9A\">\n <enum>\n (4)\n </enum>\n <text>\n calls upon\n\t\t\t public, private, and nonprofit entities to support increased access to\n\t\t\t adult\n\t\t\t education and family literacy programs to ensure a literate society.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-05 01:09:00.890
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 559 </number> <updateDate> 2022-03-03T21:28:40Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2022-11-04T17:18:42Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-09-17 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5720; text as passed Senate: CR S5705-5706) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5720; text as passed Senate: CR S5705-5706) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> C001088 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Coons, Christopher A. [D-DE] </fullName> <firstName> Christopher </firstName> <lastName> Coons </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> DE </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> T000461 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Toomey, Patrick [R-PA] </fullName> <firstName> Patrick </firstName> <lastName> Toomey </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> PA </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Science, Technology, Communications </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Chemistry </name> </item> <item> <name> Commemorative events and holidays </name> </item> <item> <name> Science and engineering education </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Science, Technology, Communications </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-10-15T13:34:11Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Designates the week beginning on October 19, 2014, as National Chemistry Week. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Recognizes the need to promote the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics and to encourage youth to pursue careers in such fields. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;ul&gt; &lt;/ul&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-10-15T13:34:30Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Designates the week beginning on October 19, 2014, as National Chemistry Week. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Recognizes the need to promote the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics and to encourage youth to pursue careers in such fields. &lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution designating the week beginning on October 19, 2014, as "National Chemistry Week". </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution designating the week beginning on October 19, 2014, as "National Chemistry Week". </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution designating the week beginning on October 19, 2014, as "National Chemistry Week". </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-09-17T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres559ats/xml/BILLS-113sres559ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5720; text as passed Senate: CR S5705-5706) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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(consideration: CR S5720; text as passed Senate: CR S5705-5706)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2014-09-17", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5720; text as passed Senate: CR S5705-5706)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-09-17", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "T000461", "district": null, "first_name": "Patrick", "full_name": "Sen. Toomey, Patrick [R-PA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Toomey", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-17", "state": "PA" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-09-17", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-17", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5720; text as passed Senate: CR S5705-5706)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 559, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Science, Technology, Communications", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "C001088", "district": null, "first_name": "Christopher", "full_name": "Sen. Coons, Christopher A. [D-DE]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Coons", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "state": "DE" } ], "subjects": [ "Chemistry", "Commemorative events and holidays", "Science and engineering education" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-09-17", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Designates the week beginning on October 19, 2014, as National Chemistry Week. </p> <p>Recognizes the need to promote the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics and to encourage youth to pursue careers in such fields. </p> <ul> </ul>", "update_date": "2014-10-15T13:34:11Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2014-09-17", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Designates the week beginning on October 19, 2014, as National Chemistry Week. </p> <p>Recognizes the need to promote the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics and to encourage youth to pursue careers in such fields. </p>", "update_date": "2014-10-15T13:34:30Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-09-17T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres559ats/xml/BILLS-113sres559ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution designating the week beginning on October 19, 2014, as \"National Chemistry Week\".", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating the week beginning on October 19, 2014, as \"National Chemistry Week\".", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating the week beginning on October 19, 2014, as \"National Chemistry Week\".", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2022-03-03T21:28:40Z", "update_date_including_text": "2022-11-04T17:18:42Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-09-17T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres559ats/xml/BILLS-113sres559ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres559ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres559ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-06T23:15:03.132", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-559", "legis_num": 559, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-559-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 559 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES September 17 (legislative day, September 16), 2014 Mr. Coons (for himself and Mr. Toomey ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Designating the week beginning on October 19, 2014, as “National Chemistry Week”.\n\nWhereas chemistry is the science of basic units of matter and, consequently, plays a role in every aspect of human life; Whereas chemistry has broad applications, including food science, water quality, energy, sustainability, medicine, and electronics; Whereas the science of chemistry is vital to improving the quality of human life and plays an important role in addressing critical global challenges; Whereas innovations in chemistry continue to spur economic growth and job creation and have applications for a range of industries; Whereas National Chemistry Week is part of a broader vision to improve human life through chemistry and to advance the chemistry enterprise and the practitioners of such enterprise for the benefit of communities and the environment; Whereas the purpose of National Chemistry Week is to reach the public with educational messages about chemistry in order to foster greater understanding and appreciation for the applications and benefits of chemistry; Whereas National Chemistry Week strives to stimulate the interest of young people, including women and underrepresented groups, in enthusiastically studying science, technology, engineering, and mathematics and in pursuing science-related careers that lead to innovations and major scientific breakthroughs; and Whereas students who participate in National Chemistry Week deserve recognition and support for their efforts: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) designates the week beginning on October 19, 2014, as National Chemistry Week ; (2) supports the goals of and welcomes the participants in the 27th annual National Chemistry Week; (3) recognizes the need to promote the fields of science (including chemistry), technology, engineering, and mathematics and encourage youth to pursue careers in such fields; and (4) commends the American Chemical Society and the partners of such society for organizing and convening events and activities surrounding National Chemistry Week each year.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 559 ATS: Designating the week beginning on October 19, 2014, as “National Chemistry Week”.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-09-17\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 559\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140917\" legis-day=\"20140916\">\n September 17 (legislative day, September 16), 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S337\">\n Mr. Coons\n </sponsor>\n (for himself and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S351\">\n Mr. Toomey\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Designating the week beginning on October 19, 2014, as “National Chemistry Week”.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas chemistry is the science of basic units of matter and, consequently, plays a role in every\n\t\t\t aspect of human life;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas chemistry has broad applications, including food science, water quality, energy,\n\t\t\t sustainability, medicine, and electronics;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the science of chemistry is vital to improving the quality of human life and plays an\n\t\t\t important role in addressing critical global challenges;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas innovations in chemistry continue to spur economic growth and job creation and have\n\t\t\t applications for a range of industries;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas National Chemistry Week is part of a broader vision to improve human life through chemistry\n\t\t\t and to advance the chemistry enterprise and the practitioners of such\n\t\t\t enterprise for the benefit of communities and the environment;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the purpose of National Chemistry Week is to reach the public with educational messages\n\t\t\t about chemistry in order to foster greater understanding and appreciation\n\t\t\t for the applications and benefits of chemistry;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas National Chemistry Week strives to stimulate the interest of young people, including women\n\t\t\t and underrepresented groups, in enthusiastically studying science,\n\t\t\t technology, engineering, and mathematics and in pursuing science-related\n\t\t\t careers that lead to innovations and major scientific breakthroughs; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas students who participate in National Chemistry Week deserve recognition and support for\n\t\t\t their efforts: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"id03b882bf7ecd420191d288dba70a9b81\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n designates the week beginning on October 19, 2014, as\n <quote>\n National Chemistry Week\n </quote>\n ;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id46b3a3e928b04d3aac3fa39dc8d028f4\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n supports the goals of and welcomes the participants in the 27th annual National Chemistry Week;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idb059433cddb34524ad4fe51c94124f17\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n recognizes the need to promote the fields of science (including chemistry), technology,\n\t\t\t engineering, and mathematics and encourage youth to pursue careers in such\n\t\t\t fields; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id9fda1410fb7244a98fb6a690085a8c4e\">\n <enum>\n (4)\n </enum>\n <text>\n commends the American Chemical Society and the partners of such society for organizing and\n\t\t\t convening events and activities surrounding National Chemistry Week each\n\t\t\t year.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-04 19:20:00.969
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 560 </number> <updateDate> 2019-02-20T12:29:02Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2022-11-04T17:18:43Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-09-17 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <relatedBills> <item> <title> A resolution designating October 2013 as "School Bus Safety Month". </title> <congress> 113 </congress> <number> 278 </number> <type> SRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2013-10-30 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S7685-7686; text as passed Senate: CR S7683) </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5720; text as passed Senate: CR S5706) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5720; text as passed Senate: CR S5706) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> B001277 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Blumenthal, Richard [D-CT] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Blumenthal </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CT </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> B000575 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Blunt, Roy [R-MO] </fullName> <firstName> Roy </firstName> <lastName> Blunt </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MO </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Transportation and Public Works </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Child safety and welfare </name> </item> <item> <name> Commemorative events and holidays </name> </item> <item> <name> Elementary and secondary education </name> </item> <item> <name> Motor carriers </name> </item> <item> <name> Motor vehicles </name> </item> <item> <name> Transportation safety and security </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Transportation and Public Works </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-09-19T16:57:35Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Designates September 2014 as School Bus Safety Month.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-09-19T16:57:51Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Designates September 2014 as School Bus Safety Month.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution designating September 2014 as "School Bus Safety Month". </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution designating September 2014 as "School Bus Safety Month". </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution designating September 2014 as "School Bus Safety Month". </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-09-17T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres560ats/xml/BILLS-113sres560ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5720; text as passed Senate: CR S5706) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-09-17", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-17", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5720; text as passed Senate: CR S5706)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 560, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": null, "policy_area": "Transportation and Public Works", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 113, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2013-10-30", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S7685-7686; text as passed Senate: CR S7683)", "type": null }, "number": 278, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "A resolution designating October 2013 as \"School Bus Safety Month\".", "type": "SRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "B001277", "district": null, "first_name": "Richard", "full_name": "Sen. Blumenthal, Richard [D-CT]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Blumenthal", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "CT" } ], "subjects": [ "Child safety and welfare", "Commemorative events and holidays", "Elementary and secondary education", "Motor carriers", "Motor vehicles", "Transportation safety and security" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-09-17", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Designates September 2014 as School Bus Safety Month.</p>", "update_date": "2014-09-19T16:57:35Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2014-09-17", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Designates September 2014 as School Bus Safety Month.</p>", "update_date": "2014-09-19T16:57:51Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-09-17T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres560ats/xml/BILLS-113sres560ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution designating September 2014 as \"School Bus Safety Month\".", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating September 2014 as \"School Bus Safety Month\".", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating September 2014 as \"School Bus Safety Month\".", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2019-02-20T12:29:02Z", "update_date_including_text": "2022-11-04T17:18:43Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-09-17T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres560ats/xml/BILLS-113sres560ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres560ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres560ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-06T23:15:02.638", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-560", "legis_num": 560, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-560-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 560 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES September 17 (legislative day, September 16), 2014 Mr. Blumenthal (for himself and Mr. Blunt ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Designating September 2014 as School Bus Safety Month .\n\nWhereas approximately 480,000 public and private school buses carry 26,000,000 children to and from school every weekday in the United States; Whereas America's 480,000 public and private school buses comprise the largest mass transportation fleet in the Nation; Whereas during the school year, school buses make more than 55,000,000 passenger trips daily and students ride these school buses 10,000,000,000 times per year as the Nation’s fleet travels over 5,600,000,000 miles per school year; Whereas school buses are designed to be safer than passenger vehicles and are 13 times safer than other modes of school transportation, and 44 times safer than vehicles driven by teenagers; Whereas in an average year, about 25 school children are killed in school bus accidents, with one-third of these children struck by their own school buses in loading/unloading zones, one-third struck by motorists who fail to stop for school buses, and one-third killed as they approach or depart a school bus stop; Whereas The Child Safety Network, celebrating 26 years of national public service, has collaborated with the National PTA and the school bus industry to create public service announcements to reduce distracted driving near school buses, increase ridership, and provide free resources to school districts in order to increase driver safety training, provide free technology for tracking school buses, reduce on-board bullying, and educate students; and Whereas the adoption of School Bus Safety Month will allow broadcast and digital media and social networking industries to make commitments to disseminate public service announcements designed to save children’s lives by making motorists aware of school bus safety issues: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate designates September 2014 as School Bus Safety Month .", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 560 ATS: Designating September 2014 as “School Bus Safety Month”.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-09-17\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress>\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session>\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 560\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action>\n <action-date date=\"20140917\" legis-day=\"20140916\">\n September 17 (legislative day, September 16), 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S341\">\n Mr. Blumenthal\n </sponsor>\n (for himself and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S342\">\n Mr. Blunt\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Designating September 2014 as\n <quote>\n School Bus Safety Month\n </quote>\n .\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas approximately 480,000 public and private school buses carry 26,000,000 children to and from\n\t\t\t school every weekday in the United States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas America's 480,000 public and private school buses comprise the largest mass transportation\n\t\t\t fleet in the Nation;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas during the school year, school buses make more than 55,000,000 passenger trips daily and\n\t\t\t students ride these school buses 10,000,000,000 times per year as the\n\t\t\t Nation’s fleet travels over 5,600,000,000 miles per school year;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas school buses are designed to be safer than passenger vehicles and are 13 times safer than\n\t\t\t other modes of school transportation, and 44 times safer than vehicles\n\t\t\t driven by teenagers;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas in an average year, about 25 school children are killed in school bus accidents, with\n\t\t\t one-third of these children struck by their own school buses in\n\t\t\t loading/unloading zones, one-third struck by motorists who fail to stop\n\t\t\t for school buses, and one-third killed as they approach or depart a school\n\t\t\t bus stop;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas The Child Safety Network, celebrating 26 years of national public service, has collaborated\n\t\t\t with the National PTA and the school bus industry to create public service\n\t\t\t announcements to\n\t\t\t reduce distracted driving near school buses, increase ridership, and\n\t\t\t provide free resources to school districts in order to increase driver\n\t\t\t safety training, provide free technology for tracking school buses, reduce\n\t\t\t on-board bullying, and\n\t\t\t educate students; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the adoption of School Bus Safety Month will allow broadcast and digital media and social\n\t\t\t networking industries to make commitments to disseminate public service\n\t\t\t announcements designed to save children’s lives by making motorists aware\n\t\t\t of school bus safety issues: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate designates September 2014 as\n <quote>\n School Bus Safety Month\n </quote>\n .\n </text>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-06 01:38:13.043
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 561 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-11T13:25:24Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-11T13:25:24Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-09-18 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssbk00 </systemCode> <name> Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2014-09-18T18:15:32Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <relatedBills> <item> <title> Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that recently proposed measures that will reduce transparency and public participation at the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) should be disapproved by United States representatives to the IAIS. </title> <congress> 113 </congress> <number> 735 </number> <type> HRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs. </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Identical bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssbk00 </systemCode> <name> Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. (text of measure as introduced: CR S5796) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> H001041 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Heller, Dean [R-NV] </fullName> <firstName> Dean </firstName> <lastName> Heller </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NV </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> T000464 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Tester, Jon [D-MT] </fullName> <firstName> Jon </firstName> <lastName> Tester </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MT </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000880 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Crapo, Mike [R-ID] </fullName> <firstName> Mike </firstName> <lastName> Crapo </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ID </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-11-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000386 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Grassley, Chuck [R-IA] </fullName> <firstName> Charles </firstName> <lastName> Grassley </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IA </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-11-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000449 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Portman, Rob [R-OH] </fullName> <firstName> Rob </firstName> <lastName> Portman </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-11-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> I000055 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Isakson, Johnny [R-GA] </fullName> <firstName> Johnny </firstName> <lastName> Isakson </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> GA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-11-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Finance and Financial Sector </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Consumer affairs </name> </item> <item> <name> Insurance industry and regulation </name> </item> <item> <name> International organizations and cooperation </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Finance and Financial Sector </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-10-29T21:23:50Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Expresses the sense of the Senate that all U.S. representatives to the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) should oppose certain proposed IAIS procedures and make all appropriate efforts to ensure that proper transparency is restored if the IAIS adopts them.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that recently proposed measures that will reduce transparency and public participation at the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) should be disapproved by United States representatives to the IAIS. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that recently proposed measures that will reduce transparency and public participation at the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) should be disapproved by United States representatives to the IAIS. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that recently proposed measures that will reduce transparency and public participation at the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) should be disapproved by United States representatives to the IAIS. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2014-09-18T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres561is/xml/BILLS-113sres561is.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. (text of measure as introduced: CR S5796) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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Isakson, Johnny [R-GA]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Isakson", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-11-13", "state": "GA" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-09-18", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-18", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. (text of measure as introduced: CR S5796)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 561, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Finance and Financial Sector", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 113, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-18", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs.", "type": null }, "number": 735, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Identical bill" } ], "title": "Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that recently proposed measures that will reduce transparency and public participation at the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) should be disapproved by United States representatives to the IAIS.", "type": "HRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "H001041", "district": null, "first_name": "Dean", "full_name": "Sen. Heller, Dean [R-NV]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Heller", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "NV" } ], "subjects": [ "Consumer affairs", "Insurance industry and regulation", "International organizations and cooperation" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-09-18", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Expresses the sense of the Senate that all U.S. representatives to the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) should oppose certain proposed IAIS procedures and make all appropriate efforts to ensure that proper transparency is restored if the IAIS adopts them.</p>", "update_date": "2014-10-29T21:23:50Z", "version_code": "00" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-09-18T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres561is/xml/BILLS-113sres561is.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that recently proposed measures that will reduce transparency and public participation at the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) should be disapproved by United States representatives to the IAIS.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that recently proposed measures that will reduce transparency and public participation at the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) should be disapproved by United States representatives to the IAIS.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that recently proposed measures that will reduce transparency and public participation at the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) should be disapproved by United States representatives to the IAIS.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2023-01-11T13:25:24Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-11T13:25:24Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-09-18T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres561is/xml/BILLS-113sres561is.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres561is.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres561is.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-06T23:15:02.524", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-561", "legis_num": 561, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "is", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-561-is-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 561 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES September 18, 2014 Mr. Heller (for himself and Mr. Tester ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs RESOLUTION Expressing the sense of the Senate that recently proposed measures that will reduce transparency and public participation at the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) should be disapproved by United States representatives to the IAIS.\n\nWhereas the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) establishes global insurance standards that the United States and other countries are expected to implement and are graded on their compliance with; Whereas heretofore, the procedures of the IAIS were relatively transparent for observers; Whereas, on August 4, 2014, the IAIS proposed eliminating public observers from its meetings starting on January 1, 2015, significantly reducing the transparency of its activities and only allowing certain parties to attend; Whereas representatives of United States consumer advocacy organizations have just recently been admitted as observers; Whereas the IAIS proposed procedures would provide far less transparency and participation than the procedure afforded to interested stakeholders in the United States by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC); Whereas maximum transparency produces the best regulation and the proposed procedures will reduce transparency; and Whereas United States State insurance regulators who currently provide the largest portion of funding to the IAIS have already publically expressed opposition to the proposed reduction in IAIS transparency: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat it is the sense of the Senate that— (1) the International Association of Insurance Supervisors’ (IAIS) proposed procedures will reduce transparency and access to IAIS supervisory standard development by United States stakeholders including those representing consumers; (2) the proposed procedures specifically authorize the unfair and unequal treatment of interested parties by allowing the IAIS to selectively admit certain parties and exclude others at key meetings; (3) all representatives of the United States at the International Association of Insurance Supervisors should oppose these new procedures and instead advocate more transparency and public inclusion by the IAIS; (4) should the IAIS adopt the proposed procedures or any similar reductions in transparency, United States representatives to the IAIS should make all appropriate efforts to ensure that proper transparency is restored; and (5) all United States representatives to the IAIS should work to ensure that their activities are transparent to Congress and United States stakeholders, and that United States representatives to the IAIS should regularly communicate with United States stakeholders through timely comprehensive reporting and in-person discussions.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Introduced-in-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 561 IS: Expressing the sense of the Senate that recently proposed measures that will reduce transparency and public participation at the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) should be disapproved by United States representatives to the IAIS.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-09-18\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 561\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140918\">\n September 18, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S352\">\n Mr. Heller\n </sponsor>\n (for himself and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S314\">\n Mr. Tester\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name committee-id=\"SSBK00\">\n Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Expressing the sense of the Senate that recently proposed measures that will\n\t\t\t reduce transparency and public participation at the International\n\t\t\t Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) should be disapproved by\n\t\t\t United States representatives to the IAIS.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) establishes global insurance\n\t\t\t standards that the United States and other countries are expected to\n\t\t\t implement and are graded on their compliance with;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas heretofore, the procedures of the IAIS were relatively transparent for observers;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, on August 4, 2014, the IAIS proposed eliminating public observers from its meetings\n\t\t\t starting on January 1, 2015, significantly reducing the transparency of\n\t\t\t its activities and only allowing certain parties to attend;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas representatives of United States consumer advocacy organizations have just recently been\n\t\t\t admitted as observers;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the IAIS proposed procedures would provide far less transparency and participation than the\n\t\t\t procedure afforded to interested stakeholders in the United States by the\n\t\t\t National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC);\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas maximum transparency produces the best regulation and the proposed procedures will reduce\n\t\t\t transparency; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas United States State insurance regulators who currently provide the largest portion of\n\t\t\t funding to the IAIS have already publically expressed opposition to the\n\t\t\t proposed reduction in IAIS transparency: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"H366CFFEBD66A4F169431C1D34B01A5B9\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\">\n That it is the sense of the Senate that—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"H99DC7DA9F55E42B7AB20CE42B4B70C1D\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\">\n the International Association of Insurance Supervisors’ (IAIS) proposed procedures will reduce\n\t\t\t transparency and access to IAIS supervisory standard development by United\n\t\t\t States stakeholders including those representing consumers;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"H351199FBD99A42D8965449E4F100E513\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n the proposed procedures specifically authorize the unfair and unequal treatment of interested\n\t\t\t parties by allowing the IAIS to selectively admit certain parties and\n\t\t\t exclude others at key meetings;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"HB3D882449B054F56ADAF2D5B2369378C\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n all representatives of the United States at the International Association of Insurance Supervisors\n\t\t\t should oppose these new procedures and instead advocate more transparency\n\t\t\t and public inclusion by the IAIS;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"H9636FAEC2724434A82F2B989ADBE5D1F\">\n <enum>\n (4)\n </enum>\n <text display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\">\n should the IAIS adopt the proposed procedures or any similar reductions in transparency, United\n\t\t\t States representatives to the IAIS should make all appropriate efforts to\n\t\t\t ensure that proper transparency is restored; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph commented=\"no\" display-inline=\"no-display-inline\" id=\"H860627C5DE2448AF9A3C035D9CCEA3F1\">\n <enum>\n (5)\n </enum>\n <text display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\">\n all United States representatives to the IAIS should work to ensure that their activities are\n\t\t\t transparent to Congress and United States stakeholders, and that United\n\t\t\t States representatives to the IAIS should regularly communicate with\n\t\t\t United States stakeholders through timely comprehensive reporting and\n\t\t\t in-person discussions.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-06 01:38:12.167
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 562 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-11T13:25:24Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-11T13:25:24Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-09-18 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssbu00 </systemCode> <name> Budget Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2014-09-18T17:53:20Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <relatedBills> <item> <title> Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that performance-based contracts for energy savings are a budget-neutral means to support the Federal Government in reducing its energy consumption without increasing spending while simultaneously supporting United States based jobs and economic development. </title> <congress> 113 </congress> <number> 737 </number> <type> HRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on the Budget. </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Identical bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssbu00 </systemCode> <name> Budget Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on the Budget. (text of measure as introduced: CR S5796) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> C001088 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Coons, Christopher A. [D-DE] </fullName> <firstName> Christopher </firstName> <lastName> Coons </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> DE </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> H001061 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hoeven, John [R-ND] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Hoeven </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ND </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001181 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Shaheen, Jeanne [D-NH] </fullName> <firstName> Jeanne </firstName> <lastName> Shaheen </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000449 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Portman, Rob [R-OH] </fullName> <firstName> Rob </firstName> <lastName> Portman </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000550 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Landrieu, Mary L. [D-LA] </fullName> <firstName> MARY </firstName> <lastName> LANDRIEU </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> LA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001035 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Collins, Susan M. [R-ME] </fullName> <firstName> Susan </firstName> <lastName> Collins </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ME </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000457 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Franken, Al [D-MN] </fullName> <firstName> Al </firstName> <lastName> Franken </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MN </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000359 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Graham, Lindsey [R-SC] </fullName> <firstName> Lindsey </firstName> <lastName> Graham </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> SC </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000779 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Wyden, Ron [D-OR] </fullName> <firstName> Ron </firstName> <lastName> Wyden </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OR </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000286 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Chambliss, Saxby [R-GA] </fullName> <firstName> SAXBY </firstName> <lastName> CHAMBLISS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> GA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000639 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Menendez, Robert [D-NJ] </fullName> <firstName> Robert </firstName> <lastName> Menendez </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000122 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Reed, Jack [D-RI] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Reed </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> RI </state> <middleName> F. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001176 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Merkley, Jeff [D-OR] </fullName> <firstName> Jeff </firstName> <lastName> Merkley </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OR </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000383 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. King, Angus S., Jr. [I-ME] </fullName> <firstName> Angus </firstName> <lastName> King </lastName> <party> I </party> <state> ME </state> <middleName> S. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001194 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Schatz, Brian [D-HI] </fullName> <firstName> Brian </firstName> <lastName> Schatz </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> HI </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000133 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Markey, Edward J. [D-MA] </fullName> <firstName> Edward </firstName> <lastName> Markey </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001288 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Booker, Cory A. [D-NJ] </fullName> <firstName> Cory </firstName> <lastName> Booker </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001277 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Blumenthal, Richard [D-CT] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Blumenthal </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CT </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000817 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Warren, Elizabeth [D-MA] </fullName> <firstName> Elizabeth </firstName> <lastName> Warren </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000607 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Donnelly, Joe [D-IN] </fullName> <firstName> Joe </firstName> <lastName> Donnelly </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IN </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Energy </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Budget process </name> </item> <item> <name> Energy efficiency and conservation </name> </item> <item> <name> Performance measurement </name> </item> <item> <name> Public contracts and procurement </name> </item> <item> <name> Public utilities and utility rates </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Energy </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-10-29T15:29:41Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Expresses the sense of the Senate that legislation regarding Energy Savings Performance Contracts and Utility Energy Service Contracts or that may lead to their use by the federal government should receive congressional scoring treatment making it more likely that the legislation will be scored as budget neutral. Supports allowing future discretionary spending savings to be counted against the mandatory spending attributed to entering into the contracts. &lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that performance-based contracts for energy savings are a budget-neutral means to support the Federal Government in reducing its energy consumption without increasing spending while simultaneously supporting United States based jobs and economic development. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that performance-based contracts for energy savings are a budget-neutral means to support the Federal Government in reducing its energy consumption without increasing spending while simultaneously supporting United States based jobs and economic development. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that performance-based contracts for energy savings are a budget-neutral means to support the Federal Government in reducing its energy consumption without increasing spending while simultaneously supporting United States based jobs and economic development. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2014-09-18T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres562is/xml/BILLS-113sres562is.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Committee on the Budget. (text of measure as introduced: CR S5796) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-18", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Budget Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssbu00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on the Budget. (text of measure as introduced: CR S5796)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-09-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2014-09-18T17:53:20Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Budget Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssbu00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "H001061", "district": null, "first_name": "John", "full_name": "Sen. Hoeven, John [R-ND]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Hoeven", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "ND" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001181", "district": null, "first_name": "Jeanne", "full_name": "Sen. Shaheen, Jeanne [D-NH]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Shaheen", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "NH" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000449", "district": null, "first_name": "Rob", "full_name": "Sen. Portman, Rob [R-OH]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Portman", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000550", "district": null, "first_name": "MARY", "full_name": "Sen. Landrieu, Mary L. [D-LA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LANDRIEU", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "LA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001035", "district": null, "first_name": "Susan", "full_name": "Sen. Collins, Susan M. [R-ME]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Collins", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "ME" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000457", "district": null, "first_name": "Al", "full_name": "Sen. Franken, Al [D-MN]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Franken", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "MN" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000359", "district": null, "first_name": "Lindsey", "full_name": "Sen. Graham, Lindsey [R-SC]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Graham", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "SC" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000779", "district": null, "first_name": "Ron", "full_name": "Sen. Wyden, Ron [D-OR]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Wyden", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "OR" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000286", "district": null, "first_name": "SAXBY", "full_name": "Sen. Chambliss, Saxby [R-GA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CHAMBLISS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000639", "district": null, "first_name": "Robert", "full_name": "Sen. Menendez, Robert [D-NJ]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Menendez", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000122", "district": null, "first_name": "John", "full_name": "Sen. Reed, Jack [D-RI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Reed", "middle_name": "F.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "RI" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001176", "district": null, "first_name": "Jeff", "full_name": "Sen. Merkley, Jeff [D-OR]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Merkley", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "OR" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000383", "district": null, "first_name": "Angus", "full_name": "Sen. King, Angus S., Jr. [I-ME]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "King", "middle_name": "S.", "party": "I", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "ME" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001194", "district": null, "first_name": "Brian", "full_name": "Sen. Schatz, Brian [D-HI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Schatz", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "HI" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000133", "district": null, "first_name": "Edward", "full_name": "Sen. Markey, Edward J. [D-MA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Markey", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001288", "district": null, "first_name": "Cory", "full_name": "Sen. Booker, Cory A. [D-NJ]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Booker", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001277", "district": null, "first_name": "Richard", "full_name": "Sen. Blumenthal, Richard [D-CT]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Blumenthal", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "CT" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000817", "district": null, "first_name": "Elizabeth", "full_name": "Sen. Warren, Elizabeth [D-MA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Warren", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000607", "district": null, "first_name": "Joe", "full_name": "Sen. Donnelly, Joe [D-IN]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Donnelly", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "IN" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-09-18", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-18", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Committee on the Budget. (text of measure as introduced: CR S5796)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 562, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Energy", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 113, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-18", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on the Budget.", "type": null }, "number": 737, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Identical bill" } ], "title": "Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that performance-based contracts for energy savings are a budget-neutral means to support the Federal Government in reducing its energy consumption without increasing spending while simultaneously supporting United States based jobs and economic development.", "type": "HRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "C001088", "district": null, "first_name": "Christopher", "full_name": "Sen. Coons, Christopher A. [D-DE]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Coons", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "state": "DE" } ], "subjects": [ "Budget process", "Energy efficiency and conservation", "Performance measurement", "Public contracts and procurement", "Public utilities and utility rates" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-09-18", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Expresses the sense of the Senate that legislation regarding Energy Savings Performance Contracts and Utility Energy Service Contracts or that may lead to their use by the federal government should receive congressional scoring treatment making it more likely that the legislation will be scored as budget neutral. Supports allowing future discretionary spending savings to be counted against the mandatory spending attributed to entering into the contracts. </p>", "update_date": "2014-10-29T15:29:41Z", "version_code": "00" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-09-18T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres562is/xml/BILLS-113sres562is.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that performance-based contracts for energy savings are a budget-neutral means to support the Federal Government in reducing its energy consumption without increasing spending while simultaneously supporting United States based jobs and economic development.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that performance-based contracts for energy savings are a budget-neutral means to support the Federal Government in reducing its energy consumption without increasing spending while simultaneously supporting United States based jobs and economic development.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that performance-based contracts for energy savings are a budget-neutral means to support the Federal Government in reducing its energy consumption without increasing spending while simultaneously supporting United States based jobs and economic development.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2023-01-11T13:25:24Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-11T13:25:24Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-09-18T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres562is/xml/BILLS-113sres562is.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres562is.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres562is.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-06T23:15:01.883", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-562", "legis_num": 562, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "is", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-562-is-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 562 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES September 18, 2014 Mr. Coons (for himself, Mr. Hoeven , Mrs. Shaheen , Mr. Portman , Ms. Landrieu , Ms. Collins , Mr. Franken , Mr. Graham , Mr. Wyden , Mr. Chambliss , Mr. Menendez , Mr. Reed , Mr. Merkley , Mr. King , Mr. Schatz , Mr. Markey , Mr. Booker , Mr. Blumenthal , Ms. Warren , and Mr. Donnelly ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Budget RESOLUTION Expressing the sense of the Senate that performance-based contracts for energy savings are a budget-neutral means to support the Federal Government in reducing its energy consumption without increasing spending while simultaneously supporting United States based jobs and economic development.\n\nWhereas Energy Savings Performance Contracts and Utility Energy Service Contracts were first authorized by Congress in 1986 and 1992 respectively and reduce energy costs and consumption at Federal buildings and facilities without relying on additional appropriations; Whereas the contracts are financed by a third-party and realize sufficient energy savings to cover the cost of the financed improvements over the contract term; Whereas the contractor provides a guarantee of energy savings for the Energy Savings Performance Contract and the utility provides energy savings performance assurances or guarantees of the savings for the Utility Energy Service Contract; Whereas performance-based contracting is an opportunity for significant savings so much so that the Oak Ridge National Laboratory has determined that under an Energy Savings Performance Contract the total cost savings delivered to the Government is nearly twice the guaranteed amount; Whereas the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 required a Government-wide audit of facilities and, although to date only half of those buildings have been surveyed, it has been established that at least $9,000,000,000 worth of energy savings that could be achieved within a decade; Whereas the Office of Management and Budget first recognized savings from Energy Savings Performance Contracts and Utility Energy Service Contracts on an annual basis throughout the term of the contract as far back as 1998; Whereas the Congressional Budget Office instead has determined that the full cost of the authority to enter into the long-term contracts for capital investments be scored upfront as new mandatory spending while the savings in energy costs that flow from these investments be realized over time as part of the annual appropriations process; Whereas this has continued to hinder the ability of Congress to pass legislation ensuring additional energy and cost savings to the Federal Government through utilization of these contracts despite their proven savings; and Whereas there is broad bipartisan and bicameral recognition in Congress of the value of these energy saving contracts: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat it is the sense of the Senate that legislation regarding Energy Savings Performance Contracts and Utility Energy Service Contracts, and legislation which may lead to their use by the Federal Government, should receive Congressional scoring treatment that allows future year guaranteed discretionary savings to be counted against the mandatory spending attributed to undertaking such contracts.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Introduced-in-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 562 IS: Expressing the sense of the Senate that performance-based contracts for energy savings are a budget-neutral means to support the Federal Government in reducing its energy consumption without increasing spending while simultaneously supporting United States based jobs and economic development.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-09-18\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress>\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session>\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 562\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action>\n <action-date date=\"20140918\">\n September 18, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S337\">\n Mr. Coons\n </sponsor>\n (for himself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S344\">\n Mr. Hoeven\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S324\">\n Mrs. Shaheen\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S349\">\n Mr. Portman\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S258\">\n Ms. Landrieu\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S252\">\n Ms. Collins\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S332\">\n Mr. Franken\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S293\">\n Mr. Graham\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S247\">\n Mr. Wyden\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S290\">\n Mr. Chambliss\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S306\">\n Mr. Menendez\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S259\">\n Mr. Reed\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S322\">\n Mr. Merkley\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S363\">\n Mr. King\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S353\">\n Mr. Schatz\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S369\">\n Mr. Markey\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S370\">\n Mr. Booker\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S341\">\n Mr. Blumenthal\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S366\">\n Ms. Warren\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S356\">\n Mr. Donnelly\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name committee-id=\"SSBU00\">\n Committee on the Budget\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Expressing the sense of the Senate that performance-based contracts for energy savings are a\n\t\t\t budget-neutral means to support the Federal Government in reducing its\n\t\t\t energy consumption without increasing spending while simultaneously\n\t\t\t supporting United States based jobs and economic development.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Energy Savings Performance Contracts and Utility Energy Service Contracts were first\n\t\t\t authorized by Congress in 1986 and 1992 respectively and reduce energy\n\t\t\t costs and consumption at Federal buildings and facilities without relying\n\t\t\t on additional appropriations;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the contracts are financed by a third-party and realize sufficient energy savings to cover\n\t\t\t the cost of the financed improvements over the contract term;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the contractor provides a guarantee of energy savings for the Energy Savings Performance\n\t\t\t Contract and the utility provides energy savings performance assurances or\n\t\t\t guarantees of the savings for the Utility Energy Service Contract;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas performance-based contracting is an opportunity for significant savings so much so that the\n\t\t\t Oak Ridge National Laboratory has determined that under an Energy Savings\n\t\t\t Performance Contract the total cost savings delivered to the Government is\n\t\t\t nearly twice the guaranteed amount;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 required a Government-wide audit of\n\t\t\t facilities and, although to date only half of those buildings have been\n\t\t\t surveyed, it has been established that at least $9,000,000,000 worth of\n\t\t\t energy savings that could be achieved within a decade;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Office of Management and Budget first recognized savings from Energy Savings\n\t\t\t Performance Contracts and Utility Energy Service Contracts on an annual\n\t\t\t basis throughout the term of the contract as far back as 1998;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Congressional Budget Office instead has determined that the full cost of the authority\n\t\t\t to enter into the long-term contracts for capital investments be scored\n\t\t\t upfront as new mandatory spending while the savings in energy costs that\n\t\t\t flow from these investments be realized over time as part of the annual\n\t\t\t appropriations process;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas this has continued to hinder the ability of Congress to pass legislation ensuring\n\t\t\t additional energy and cost savings to the Federal Government through\n\t\t\t utilization of these contracts despite their proven savings; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas there is broad bipartisan and bicameral recognition in Congress of the value of these\n\t\t\t energy saving contracts: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"H924DEF8CAC7B4AB6951894B0AF29F207\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That it is the sense of the Senate that legislation regarding Energy Savings\n\t\t\t Performance Contracts and Utility Energy Service Contracts, and\n\t\t\t legislation which may lead to their use by the Federal Government, should\n\t\t\t receive Congressional scoring treatment that allows future year guaranteed\n\t\t\t discretionary savings to be counted against the mandatory spending\n\t\t\t attributed to undertaking such contracts.\n </text>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-06 01:38:11.762
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 563 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-11T13:25:24Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-11T13:25:24Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-09-18 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2014-09-18T19:36:49Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S5796-5797) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> K000360 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Kirk, Mark Steven [R-IL] </fullName> <firstName> MARK </firstName> <lastName> KIRK </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> STEVEN </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> M000355 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. McConnell, Mitch [R-KY] </fullName> <firstName> Mitch </firstName> <lastName> McConnell </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KY </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000542 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Coats, Daniel [R-IN] </fullName> <firstName> DANIEL </firstName> <lastName> COATS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IN </state> <middleName> RAY </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> I000055 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Isakson, Johnny [R-GA] </fullName> <firstName> Johnny </firstName> <lastName> Isakson </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> GA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000286 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Chambliss, Saxby [R-GA] </fullName> <firstName> SAXBY </firstName> <lastName> CHAMBLISS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> GA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000437 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Wicker, Roger F. [R-MS] </fullName> <firstName> Roger </firstName> <lastName> Wicker </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MS </state> <middleName> F. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000250 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Thune, John [R-SD] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Thune </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> SD </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000575 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Blunt, Roy [R-MO] </fullName> <firstName> Roy </firstName> <lastName> Blunt </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MO </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001236 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Boozman, John [R-AR] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Boozman </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AR </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000293 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Johnson, Ron [R-WI] </fullName> <firstName> Ron </firstName> <lastName> Johnson </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> WI </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001056 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cornyn, John [R-TX] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Cornyn </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TX </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000386 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Grassley, Chuck [R-IA] </fullName> <firstName> Charles </firstName> <lastName> Grassley </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IA </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Computer security and identity theft </name> </item> <item> <name> Consumer credit </name> </item> <item> <name> Criminal investigation, prosecution, interrogation </name> </item> <item> <name> Diplomacy, foreign officials, Americans abroad </name> </item> <item> <name> Fraud offenses and financial crimes </name> </item> <item> <name> International law and treaties </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-10-31T20:37:37Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Calls for the President to launch international negotiations with the governments of the world's leading powers for new, effective extradition treaties with countries with which the United States has no current extradition authority, and to renegotiate old, ineffective treaties, to more effectively combat international cybercriminals.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the President should pursue extradition authority for international cybercriminals committing credit card theft targeting United States citizens. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the President should pursue extradition authority for international cybercriminals committing credit card theft targeting United States citizens. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the President should pursue extradition authority for international cybercriminals committing credit card theft targeting United States citizens. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2014-09-18T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres563is/xml/BILLS-113sres563is.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S5796-5797) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-18", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S5796-5797)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-09-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2014-09-18T19:36:49Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "M000355", "district": null, "first_name": "Mitch", "full_name": "Sen. McConnell, Mitch [R-KY]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "McConnell", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "KY" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000542", "district": null, "first_name": "DANIEL", "full_name": "Sen. Coats, Daniel [R-IN]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "COATS", "middle_name": "RAY", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "I000055", "district": null, "first_name": "Johnny", "full_name": "Sen. Isakson, Johnny [R-GA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Isakson", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000286", "district": null, "first_name": "SAXBY", "full_name": "Sen. Chambliss, Saxby [R-GA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CHAMBLISS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000437", "district": null, "first_name": "Roger", "full_name": "Sen. Wicker, Roger F. [R-MS]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Wicker", "middle_name": "F.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "MS" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000250", "district": null, "first_name": "John", "full_name": "Sen. Thune, John [R-SD]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Thune", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "SD" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000575", "district": null, "first_name": "Roy", "full_name": "Sen. Blunt, Roy [R-MO]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Blunt", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "MO" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001236", "district": null, "first_name": "John", "full_name": "Sen. Boozman, John [R-AR]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Boozman", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "AR" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000293", "district": null, "first_name": "Ron", "full_name": "Sen. 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A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-09-18", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-18", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S5796-5797)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 563, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "International Affairs", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "K000360", "district": null, "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Sen. Kirk, Mark Steven [R-IL]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "KIRK", "middle_name": "STEVEN", "party": "R", "state": "IL" } ], "subjects": [ "Computer security and identity theft", "Consumer credit", "Criminal investigation, prosecution, interrogation", "Diplomacy, foreign officials, Americans abroad", "Fraud offenses and financial crimes", "International law and treaties" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-09-18", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Calls for the President to launch international negotiations with the governments of the world's leading powers for new, effective extradition treaties with countries with which the United States has no current extradition authority, and to renegotiate old, ineffective treaties, to more effectively combat international cybercriminals.</p>", "update_date": "2014-10-31T20:37:37Z", "version_code": "00" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-09-18T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres563is/xml/BILLS-113sres563is.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the President should pursue extradition authority for international cybercriminals committing credit card theft targeting United States citizens.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the President should pursue extradition authority for international cybercriminals committing credit card theft targeting United States citizens.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the President should pursue extradition authority for international cybercriminals committing credit card theft targeting United States citizens.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2023-01-11T13:25:24Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-11T13:25:24Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-09-18T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres563is/xml/BILLS-113sres563is.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres563is.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres563is.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-06T23:14:03.309", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-563", "legis_num": 563, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "is", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-563-is-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 563 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES September 18, 2014 Mr. Kirk (for himself, Mr. McConnell , Mr. Coats , Mr. Isakson , Mr. Chambliss , Mr. Wicker , Mr. Thune , Mr. Blunt , Mr. Boozman , Mr. Johnson of Wisconsin , Mr. Cornyn , and Mr. Grassley ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations RESOLUTION Expressing the sense of the Senate that the President should pursue extradition authority for international cy­ber­crim­i­nals committing credit card theft targeting United States citizens.\n\nWhereas the number of United States citizens who have had their identity and financial information compromised as a result of recent data breaches at major retailers exceeds 100,000,000; Whereas the financial security of middle class Americans has been put at risk by these criminal attacks; Whereas cybercrimes targeting the financial information of United States citizens are often transnational crimes; and Whereas the United States does not currently have established extradition agreements with many countries acting as safe havens for cybercriminals: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat it is the sense of the Senate that the President should immediately launch international negotiations with the governments of the world's leading powers for new, effective extradition treaties with countries with which the United States has no current extradition authority, as well as renegotiate old, ineffective treaties, in order to combat more effectively international cybercriminals, including those who target the credit card information of United States citizens.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Introduced-in-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 563 IS: Expressing the sense of the Senate that the President should pursue extradition authority for international cy­ber­crim­i­nals committing credit card theft targeting United States citizens.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-09-18\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 563\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140918\">\n September 18, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S339\">\n Mr. Kirk\n </sponsor>\n (for himself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S174\">\n Mr. McConnell\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S212\">\n Mr. Coats\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S305\">\n Mr. Isakson\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S290\">\n Mr. Chambliss\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S318\">\n Mr. Wicker\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S303\">\n Mr. Thune\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S342\">\n Mr. Blunt\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S343\">\n Mr. Boozman\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S345\">\n Mr. Johnson of Wisconsin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S287\">\n Mr. Cornyn\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S153\">\n Mr. Grassley\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name committee-id=\"SSFR00\">\n Committee on Foreign Relations\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Expressing the sense of the Senate that the President should pursue extradition authority for\n\t\t\t international cy­ber­crim­i­nals committing credit card theft targeting\n\t\t\t United\n\t\t\t States citizens.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the number of United States citizens who have had their identity and financial information\n\t\t\t compromised as a result of recent data breaches at major retailers exceeds\n\t\t\t 100,000,000;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the financial security of middle class Americans has been put at risk by these criminal\n\t\t\t attacks;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas cybercrimes targeting the financial information of United States citizens are often\n\t\t\t transnational crimes; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States does not currently have established extradition agreements with many\n\t\t\t countries acting as safe havens for cybercriminals: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That it is the sense of the Senate that the President should immediately launch international\n\t\t\t negotiations with the governments of the world's leading powers for new,\n\t\t\t effective extradition treaties with countries with which the United States\n\t\t\t has no current extradition authority, as well as renegotiate old,\n\t\t\t ineffective treaties, in order to combat more effectively international\n\t\t\t cybercriminals, including those who target the\n\t\t\t credit card information of United States citizens.\n </text>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-06 01:38:12.790
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 564 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-11T13:25:24Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-11T13:25:24Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-09-18 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssev00 </systemCode> <name> Environment and Public Works Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Discharged from </name> <date> 2014-12-17T04:21:14Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2014-09-18T21:37:49Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-12-16 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate with an amendment and an amended preamble by Unanimous Consent. (text: CR S6929-6930) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-12-16 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate with an amendment and an amended preamble by Unanimous Consent.(text: CR S6929-6930) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-12-16 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Measure laid before Senate by unanimous consent. (consideration: CR S6929-6930) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-12-16 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssev00 </systemCode> <name> Environment and Public Works Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works discharged by Unanimous Consent. </text> <type> Discharge </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-12-16 </actionDate> <text> Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works discharged by Unanimous Consent. </text> <type> Committee </type> <actionCode> 14500 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssev00 </systemCode> <name> Environment and Public Works Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssev00 </systemCode> <name> Environment and Public Works Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on Environment and Public Works. (text of measure as introduced: CR S5797) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> B000944 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Brown, Sherrod [D-OH] </fullName> <firstName> Sherrod </firstName> <lastName> Brown </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> P000449 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Portman, Rob [R-OH] </fullName> <firstName> Rob </firstName> <lastName> Portman </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Animals </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Birds </name> </item> <item> <name> Commemorative events and holidays </name> </item> <item> <name> Ecology </name> </item> <item> <name> Wildlife conservation and habitat protection </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Animals </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-10-29T15:28:42Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Commemorates the importance of the 100th anniversary of the passenger pigeon extinction, our natural heritage, the sustainability of our ecosystem, and the conservation of our nation's wildlife.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 35 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-12-16 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate amended </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2015-01-08T15:52:46Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Commemorates the importance of the 100th anniversary of the passenger pigeon extinction, our natural heritage, the sustainability of our ecosystem, and the balanced and responsible conservation of our nation's wildlife.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution honoring conservation on the centennial of the passenger pigeon extinction. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution honoring conservation on the centennial of the passenger pigeon extinction. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution honoring conservation on the centennial of the passenger pigeon extinction. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <amendments> <amendment> <number> 4125 </number> <congress> 113 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To amend the preamble. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T05:46:48Z </updateDate> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-12-16 </actionDate> <text> Amendment SA 4125 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent. </text> <links> <link> <name> SA 4125 </name> <url> https://www.congress.gov/amendment/113th-congress/senate-amendment/4125 </url> </link> </links> </latestAction> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> B000944 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Brown, Sherrod [D-OH] </fullName> <firstName> Sherrod </firstName> <lastName> Brown </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors> 1 </countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors> <count> 1 </count> <item> <bioguideId> P000449 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Portman, Rob [R-OH] </fullName> <firstName> Rob </firstName> <lastName> Portman </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-12-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <proposedDate> 2014-12-16T05:00:00Z </proposedDate> <submittedDate> 2014-12-16T05:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 113 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 564 </number> <title> A resolution honoring conservation on the centennial of the passenger pigeon extinction. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-11T13:25:24Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <actions> <count> 6 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-12-16 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Amendment SA 4125 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-12-16 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Amendment SA 4125 proposed by Senator Pryor for Senator Brown. (consideration: CR S6929; text: CR S6929) To amend the preamble. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-12-16 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment agreed to: Amendment SA 4125 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 94000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-12-16 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment proposed (on the floor): Amendment SA 4125 proposed by Senator Pryor for Senator Brown.(consideration: CR S6929; text: CR S6929) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 93000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-12-16 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> <amendment> <number> 4124 </number> <congress> 113 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To amend the resolving clause. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T05:46:48Z </updateDate> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-12-16 </actionDate> <text> Amendment SA 4124 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent. </text> <links> <link> <name> SA 4124 </name> <url> https://www.congress.gov/amendment/113th-congress/senate-amendment/4124 </url> </link> </links> </latestAction> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> B000944 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Brown, Sherrod [D-OH] </fullName> <firstName> Sherrod </firstName> <lastName> Brown </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors> 1 </countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors> <count> 1 </count> <item> <bioguideId> P000449 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Portman, Rob [R-OH] </fullName> <firstName> Rob </firstName> <lastName> Portman </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-12-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <proposedDate> 2014-12-16T05:00:00Z </proposedDate> <submittedDate> 2014-12-16T05:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 113 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 564 </number> <title> A resolution honoring conservation on the centennial of the passenger pigeon extinction. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-11T13:25:24Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <actions> <count> 6 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-12-16 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Amendment SA 4124 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-12-16 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Amendment SA 4124 proposed by Senator Pryor for Senator Brown. (consideration: CR S6929; text: CR S6929) To amend the resolving clause. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-12-16 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment proposed (on the floor): Amendment SA 4124 proposed by Senator Pryor for Senator Brown.(consideration: CR S6929; text: CR S6929) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 93000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-12-16 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment agreed to: Amendment SA 4124 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 94000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-12-16 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> </amendments> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-12-16T05:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres564ats/xml/BILLS-113sres564ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2014-09-18T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres564is/xml/BILLS-113sres564is.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-12-16 </actionDate> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate with an amendment and an amended preamble by Unanimous Consent. 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As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-09-18", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-12-16", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate with an amendment and an amended preamble by Unanimous Consent. (text: CR S6929-6930)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 564, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Animals", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "B000944", "district": null, "first_name": "Sherrod", "full_name": "Sen. 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[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-09-18T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres564is/xml/BILLS-113sres564is.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres564is.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres564is.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-06T23:14:03.276", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-564", "legis_num": 564, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "is", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-564-is-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 564 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES September 18, 2014 Mr. Brown (for himself and Mr. Portman ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Environment and Public Works RESOLUTION Honoring conservation on the centennial of the passenger pigeon extinction.\n\nWhereas the Senate recognizes the importance of conserving natural habitats for bird populations and preserving the Nation’s biodiversity; Whereas the death of Martha, the last passenger pigeon, on September 1, 1914, at the Cincinnati Zoo, and the extinction of the passenger pigeon helped to catalyze the American conservation movement of the early 20th century, resulting in new laws and practices that prevented the extinction of many species; Whereas the story of the passenger pigeon can serve as a cautionary tale and raise awareness of current issues related to human-caused extinction, explore connections between humans and the natural world, and inspire people to build sustainable relationships with other species; Whereas the passenger pigeon (Ectopistes migratorius) was once the most abundant bird in North America, with a population exceeding 3,000,000,000 and with flocks so large that they could darken the skies for hours and even days at a time; Whereas due to unregulated market hunting in the 19th century and deforestation, the passenger pigeon population plummeted toward extinction; Whereas Project Passenger Pigeon, a consortium of over 150 institutions, scientists, conservationists, educators, artists, musicians, filmmakers, and others throughout the Nation, is using the centenary of the extinction of the species to tell the story of the passenger pigeon; and Whereas the story of the passenger pigeon, once a symbol of never-ending natural abundance, and its subsequent extinction is unique in the annals of the history of the United States: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate commemorates the importance of this centenary, our natural heritage, the sustainability of our ecosystem, and the conservation of our Nation’s wildlife.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Introduced-in-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 564 IS: Honoring conservation on the centennial of the passenger pigeon extinction.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-09-18\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 564\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140918\">\n September 18, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S307\">\n Mr. Brown\n </sponsor>\n (for himself and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S349\">\n Mr. Portman\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name committee-id=\"SSEV00\">\n Committee on Environment and Public Works\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Honoring conservation on the centennial of the passenger pigeon extinction.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Senate recognizes the importance of conserving natural habitats for bird populations\n\t\t\t and\n\t\t\t preserving the Nation’s biodiversity;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the death of Martha, the last passenger pigeon, on September 1, 1914, at the Cincinnati\n\t\t\t Zoo, and the extinction of the passenger pigeon helped to catalyze the\n\t\t\t American\n\t\t\t conservation movement of the early 20th century, resulting in new laws\n\t\t\t and practices that prevented the extinction of many species;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the story of the passenger pigeon can serve as a cautionary tale and raise awareness of\n\t\t\t current issues related to human-caused extinction, explore connections\n\t\t\t between humans and the natural world, and inspire people to build\n\t\t\t sustainable relationships with other species;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the passenger pigeon (Ectopistes migratorius) was once the most abundant bird in North\n\t\t\t America, with a population exceeding 3,000,000,000 and with flocks so\n\t\t\t large that they could darken the skies for hours and even days at a time;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas due to unregulated market hunting in the 19th century and deforestation, the passenger\n\t\t\t pigeon population\n\t\t\t plummeted toward extinction;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Project Passenger Pigeon, a consortium of over 150 institutions, scientists,\n\t\t\t conservationists, educators, artists, musicians, filmmakers, and others\n\t\t\t throughout the Nation, is using the centenary of the extinction of the\n\t\t\t species to tell the story of the passenger pigeon; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the story of the passenger pigeon, once a symbol of never-ending natural abundance, and\n\t\t\t its subsequent extinction is unique in the annals of the history of the\n\t\t\t United States: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate commemorates the importance of this centenary, our natural heritage, the\n\t\t\t sustainability of our ecosystem, and the conservation of our Nation’s\n\t\t\t wildlife.\n </text>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" }, { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-12-16T05:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres564ats/xml/BILLS-113sres564ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres564ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres564ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-06T21:40:50.533", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-564", "legis_num": 564, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-564-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 564 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES September 18, 2014 Mr. Brown (for himself and Mr. Portman ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Environment and Public Works December 16, 2014 Committee discharged; considered, amended, and agreed to with an amended preamble RESOLUTION Honoring conservation on the centennial of the passenger pigeon extinction.\n\nWhereas the death of Martha, the last passenger pigeon, on September 1, 1914, at the Cincinnati Zoo, and the extinction of the passenger pigeon helped to catalyze the American conservation movement of the early 20th century, resulting in new laws and practices that prevented the extinction of many species; Whereas the story of the passenger pigeon can serve to encourage communities to explore connections between humans and the natural world, and inspire people to build sustainable relationships with other species; Whereas the passenger pigeon (Ectopistes migratorius) was once the most abundant bird in North America, with a population exceeding 3,000,000,000 and with flocks so large that they could darken the skies for hours and even days at a time; Whereas due to unregulated market hunting in the 19th century and deforestation, the passenger pigeon population plummeted toward extinction; Whereas Project Passenger Pigeon, a consortium of over 150 institutions, scientists, conservationists, educators, artists, musicians, filmmakers, and others throughout the Nation, is using the centenary of the extinction of the species to tell the story of the passenger pigeon; and Whereas the story of the passenger pigeon, once a symbol of never-ending natural abundance, and its subsequent extinction is unique in the annals of the history of the United States: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate commemorates the importance of this centenary, our natural heritage, the sustainability of our ecosystem, and the balanced and responsible conservation of our Nation’s wildlife.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 564 ATS: Honoring conservation on the centennial of the passenger pigeon extinction.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-09-18\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 564\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140918\">\n September 18, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S307\">\n Mr. Brown\n </sponsor>\n (for himself and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S349\">\n Mr. Portman\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name committee-id=\"SSEV00\">\n Committee on Environment and Public Works\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <action>\n <action-date>\n December 16, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n Committee discharged; considered, amended, and agreed to with an amended preamble\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Honoring conservation on the centennial of the passenger pigeon extinction.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the death of Martha, the last passenger pigeon, on September 1, 1914, at the Cincinnati\n\t\t\t Zoo, and the extinction of the passenger pigeon helped to catalyze the\n\t\t\t American\n\t\t\t conservation movement of the early 20th century, resulting in new laws\n\t\t\t and practices that prevented the extinction of many species;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the story of the passenger pigeon can serve to encourage communities to explore\n\t\t\t connections\n\t\t\t between humans and the natural world, and inspire people to build\n\t\t\t sustainable relationships with other species;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the passenger pigeon (Ectopistes migratorius) was once the most abundant bird in North\n\t\t\t America, with a population exceeding 3,000,000,000 and with flocks so\n\t\t\t large that they could darken the skies for hours and even days at a time;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas due to unregulated market hunting in the 19th century and deforestation, the passenger\n\t\t\t pigeon population\n\t\t\t plummeted toward extinction;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Project Passenger Pigeon, a consortium of over 150 institutions, scientists,\n\t\t\t conservationists, educators, artists, musicians, filmmakers, and others\n\t\t\t throughout the Nation, is using the centenary of the extinction of the\n\t\t\t species to tell the story of the passenger pigeon; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the story of the passenger pigeon, once a symbol of never-ending natural abundance, and\n\t\t\t its subsequent extinction is unique in the annals of the history of the\n\t\t\t United States: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate commemorates the importance of this centenary, our natural heritage, the\n\t\t\t sustainability of our ecosystem, and the balanced and responsible\n\t\t\t conservation of our Nation’s\n\t\t\t wildlife.\n </text>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-06 01:38:11.902
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 565 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-11T13:25:24Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-11T13:25:24Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-09-18 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2014-09-18T23:19:50Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <relatedBills> <item> <title> Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the President and the Secretary of State should ensure that the Canadian Government does not permanently store nuclear waste in the Great Lakes Basin. </title> <congress> 113 </congress> <number> 716 </number> <type> HRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-09-08 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs. </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Identical bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S5797) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> L000261 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Levin, Carl [D-MI] </fullName> <firstName> CARL </firstName> <lastName> LEVIN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <middleName> MILTON </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> K000360 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Kirk, Mark Steven [R-IL] </fullName> <firstName> MARK </firstName> <lastName> KIRK </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> STEVEN </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000770 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Stabenow, Debbie [D-MI] </fullName> <firstName> Debbie </firstName> <lastName> Stabenow </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001230 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Baldwin, Tammy [D-WI] </fullName> <firstName> Tammy </firstName> <lastName> Baldwin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WI </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000563 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Durbin, Richard J. [D-IL] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Durbin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-11-20 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Canada </name> </item> <item> <name> Diplomacy, foreign officials, Americans abroad </name> </item> <item> <name> Great Lakes </name> </item> <item> <name> Radioactive wastes and releases </name> </item> <item> <name> Water quality </name> </item> <item> <name> Watersheds </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-10-24T20:29:15Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Declares the sense of the House of Representatives that:&lt;/p&gt; &lt;ul&gt; &lt;li&gt;the Canadian government should not allow a permanent nuclear waste repository to be built within the Great Lakes Basin,&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt;the President and the Secretary of State should take appropriate action to work with the Canadian government to prevent a permanent nuclear waste repository from being built there, and&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt;the President and the Secretary should work together with their Canadian government counterparts on a safe and responsible solution for the long-term storage of nuclear waste.&lt;/li&gt; &lt;/ul&gt; &lt;ul&gt; &lt;/ul&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the President and the Secretary of State should ensure that the Canadian Government does not permanently store nuclear waste in the Great Lakes Basin. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the President and the Secretary of State should ensure that the Canadian Government does not permanently store nuclear waste in the Great Lakes Basin. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the President and the Secretary of State should ensure that the Canadian Government does not permanently store nuclear waste in the Great Lakes Basin. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2014-09-18T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres565is/xml/BILLS-113sres565is.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S5797) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-09-18", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-18", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S5797)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 565, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "International Affairs", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 113, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-08", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs.", "type": null }, "number": 716, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Identical bill" } ], "title": "Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the President and the Secretary of State should ensure that the Canadian Government does not permanently store nuclear waste in the Great Lakes Basin.", "type": "HRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "L000261", "district": null, "first_name": "CARL", "full_name": "Sen. Levin, Carl [D-MI]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "LEVIN", "middle_name": "MILTON", "party": "D", "state": "MI" } ], "subjects": [ "Canada", "Diplomacy, foreign officials, Americans abroad", "Great Lakes", "Radioactive wastes and releases", "Water quality", "Watersheds" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-09-18", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Declares the sense of the House of Representatives that:</p> <ul> <li>the Canadian government should not allow a permanent nuclear waste repository to be built within the Great Lakes Basin,</li> <li>the President and the Secretary of State should take appropriate action to work with the Canadian government to prevent a permanent nuclear waste repository from being built there, and</li> <li>the President and the Secretary should work together with their Canadian government counterparts on a safe and responsible solution for the long-term storage of nuclear waste.</li> </ul> <ul> </ul>", "update_date": "2014-10-24T20:29:15Z", "version_code": "00" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-09-18T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres565is/xml/BILLS-113sres565is.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the President and the Secretary of State should ensure that the Canadian Government does not permanently store nuclear waste in the Great Lakes Basin.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the President and the Secretary of State should ensure that the Canadian Government does not permanently store nuclear waste in the Great Lakes Basin.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the President and the Secretary of State should ensure that the Canadian Government does not permanently store nuclear waste in the Great Lakes Basin.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2023-01-11T13:25:24Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-11T13:25:24Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-09-18T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres565is/xml/BILLS-113sres565is.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres565is.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres565is.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-06T23:14:02.716", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-565", "legis_num": 565, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "is", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-565-is-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 565 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES September 18, 2014 Mr. Levin (for himself, Mr. Kirk , Ms. Stabenow , and Ms. Baldwin ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations RESOLUTION Expressing the sense of the Senate that the President and the Secretary of State should ensure that the Canadian Government does not permanently store nuclear waste in the Great Lakes Basin.\n\nWhereas the water resources of the Great Lakes Basin are precious public natural resources, shared by the Great Lakes States and the Canadian Provinces; Whereas since 1909, the United States and Canada have worked to maintain and improve the water quality of the Great Lakes through water quality agreements; Whereas more than 40,000,000 people in Canada and the United States depend on the fresh water from the Great Lakes for drinking water; Whereas Ontario Power Generation is proposing to build a permanent geological repository for nuclear waste less than one mile from Lake Huron in Kincardine, Ontario, Canada; Whereas nuclear waste is highly toxic and can take tens of thousands of years to decompose to safe levels; Whereas during the 1980s when the Department of Energy, in accordance with the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982 ( 42 U.S.C. 10101 et seq. ), was studying potential sites for a permanent nuclear waste repository in the United States, the Canadian Government expressed concern with locating a permanent nuclear waste repository within the shared water basins of the 2 countries; and Whereas a spill of nuclear waste into the Great Lakes could have lasting and severely adverse environmental, health, and economic impacts on the Great Lakes and the people that depend on them for their livelihood: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat it is the sense of the Senate— (1) the Canadian Government should not allow a permanent nuclear waste repository to be built within the Great Lakes Basin; (2) the President and the Secretary of State should take appropriate action to work with the Canadian Government to prevent a permanent nuclear waste repository from being built within the Great Lakes Basin; and (3) the President and the Secretary of State should work together with their Canadian Government counterparts on a safe and responsible solution for the long-term storage of nuclear waste.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Introduced-in-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 565 IS: Expressing the sense of the Senate that the President and the Secretary of State should ensure that the Canadian Government does not permanently store nuclear waste in the Great Lakes Basin.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-09-18\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 565\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140918\">\n September 18, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S131\">\n Mr. Levin\n </sponsor>\n (for himself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S339\">\n Mr. Kirk\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S284\">\n Ms. Stabenow\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S354\">\n Ms. Baldwin\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name committee-id=\"SSFR00\">\n Committee on Foreign Relations\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Expressing the sense of the Senate that the President\nand the Secretary of State should ensure that the Canadian Government\ndoes not permanently store nuclear waste in the Great Lakes Basin.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the water resources of the Great Lakes Basin are precious public natural resources, shared\n\t\t\t by the Great Lakes States and the Canadian Provinces;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas since 1909, the United States and Canada have worked to maintain and improve the water\n\t\t\t quality of the Great Lakes through water quality agreements;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas more than 40,000,000 people in Canada and the United States depend on the fresh water from\n\t\t\t the Great Lakes for drinking water;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Ontario Power Generation is proposing to build a permanent geological repository for\n\t\t\t nuclear waste less than one mile from Lake Huron in Kincardine, Ontario,\n\t\t\t Canada;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas nuclear waste is highly toxic and can take tens of thousands of years to decompose to safe\n\t\t\t levels;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas during the 1980s when the Department of Energy, in accordance with the Nuclear Waste Policy\n\t\t\t Act of 1982 (\n <external-xref legal-doc=\"usc\" parsable-cite=\"usc/42/10101\">\n 42 U.S.C. 10101 et seq.\n </external-xref>\n ), was studying potential sites for a\n\t\t\t permanent nuclear waste\n\t\t\t repository in the United States, the Canadian Government expressed concern\n\t\t\t with locating a permanent nuclear waste repository within the shared water\n\t\t\t basins of the 2 countries; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas a spill of nuclear waste into the Great Lakes could have lasting and severely adverse\n\t\t\t environmental, health, and economic impacts on the Great Lakes and the\n\t\t\t people that depend on them for their livelihood: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That it is the sense of the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"idA47C3A1E03EA44959B639FD12FA6DF21\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n the Canadian Government should not allow a permanent nuclear waste repository to be built within\n\t\t\t the Great Lakes Basin;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idC15FA6A68A24470F9708E3B86A8095FC\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n the President and the Secretary of State should take appropriate action to work with the Canadian\n\t\t\t Government to prevent a permanent nuclear waste repository from being\n\t\t\t built within the Great Lakes Basin; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id0038e1b9451f4461aa237f94065e24ef\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n the President and the Secretary of State should work together with their Canadian Government\n\t\t\t counterparts on a safe and responsible solution for the long-term storage\n\t\t\t of nuclear waste.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-04 19:16:00.493
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 566 </number> <updateDate> 2019-02-20T12:29:03Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2022-11-04T17:17:16Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-09-18 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5770; text as passed Senate: CR S5797) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5770; text as passed Senate: CR S5797) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> T000250 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Thune, John [R-SD] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Thune </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> SD </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> J000177 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Johnson, Tim [D-SD] </fullName> <firstName> TIM </firstName> <lastName> JOHNSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> SD </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Commemorative events and holidays </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> South Dakota </name> </item> <item> <name> State and local government operations </name> </item> <item> <name> U.S. history </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-09-23T16:55:24Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Commends and celebrates South Dakota and its people on the state's 125th anniversary.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-09-23T16:55:11Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Commends and celebrates South Dakota and its people on the state's 125th anniversary.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution celebrating the 125th anniversary of the State of South Dakota. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution celebrating the 125th anniversary of the State of South Dakota. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution celebrating the 125th anniversary of the State of South Dakota. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-09-18T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres566ats/xml/BILLS-113sres566ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5770; text as passed Senate: CR S5797) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5770; text as passed Senate: CR S5797)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2014-09-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5770; text as passed Senate: CR S5797)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-09-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "J000177", "district": null, "first_name": "TIM", "full_name": "Sen. Johnson, Tim [D-SD]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JOHNSON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "SD" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-09-18", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-18", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5770; text as passed Senate: CR S5797)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 566, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": null, "policy_area": "Government Operations and Politics", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "T000250", "district": null, "first_name": "John", "full_name": "Sen. Thune, John [R-SD]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Thune", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "R", "state": "SD" } ], "subjects": [ "Commemorative events and holidays", "Congressional tributes", "South Dakota", "State and local government operations", "U.S. history" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-09-18", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Commends and celebrates South Dakota and its people on the state's 125th anniversary.</p>", "update_date": "2014-09-23T16:55:24Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2014-09-18", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Commends and celebrates South Dakota and its people on the state's 125th anniversary.</p>", "update_date": "2014-09-23T16:55:11Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-09-18T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres566ats/xml/BILLS-113sres566ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution celebrating the 125th anniversary of the State of South Dakota.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution celebrating the 125th anniversary of the State of South Dakota.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution celebrating the 125th anniversary of the State of South Dakota.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2019-02-20T12:29:03Z", "update_date_including_text": "2022-11-04T17:17:16Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-09-18T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres566ats/xml/BILLS-113sres566ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres566ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres566ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-06T23:14:02.358", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-566", "legis_num": 566, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-566-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 566 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES September 18, 2014 Mr. Thune (for himself and Mr. Johnson of South Dakota ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Celebrating the 125 th anniversary of the State of South Dakota.\n\nWhereas South Dakota joined the Union as a State on November 2, 1889; Whereas South Dakota serves as a breadbasket for the United States and the world; Whereas the agriculture industry in South Dakota produces a $25,600,000,000 economic impact each year; Whereas South Dakota is among the top 10 producers in the United States of 9 different crops; Whereas South Dakota is among the top 10 producers in the United States in 5 different animal production areas; Whereas South Dakota is a land of opportunity and free enterprise; Whereas South Dakota consistently has one of the lowest unemployment rates in the United States; Whereas South Dakota has an outstanding system of education at every level, teaching students to become leaders and innovators in a variety of fields; Whereas South Dakotans have gone on to serve proudly and in disproportionately high numbers in the United States Armed Forces; Whereas the USS South Dakota was commissioned in 1942 and valiantly served in the Pacific during World War II; Whereas South Dakota is honored to be home to 9 Native American tribes; Whereas South Dakota boasts the highest mountains between the Appalachians and the Rockies; Whereas South Dakota supports environmental conservation as home to 6 National parks; Whereas people from all over the United States travel to South Dakota every year to participate in an annual tradition of pheasant hunting that has spurred tourism and economic growth and has maintained a heritage important to South Dakotans for generations; and Whereas South Dakota came to symbolize the commitment of the United States to freedom and democracy by way of the world-famous Mount Rushmore: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate commends and celebrates South Dakota and its people on the State's 125 th anniversary.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 566 ATS: Celebrating the 125th anniversary of the State of South Dakota.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date/>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 566\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date>\n September 18, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S303\">\n Mr. Thune\n </sponsor>\n (for himself and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S257\">\n Mr. Johnson of South Dakota\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Celebrating the 125\n <superscript>\n th\n </superscript>\n anniversary of the State of South Dakota.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas South Dakota joined the Union as a State on November 2, 1889;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas South Dakota serves as a breadbasket for the United States and the world;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the agriculture industry in South Dakota produces a $25,600,000,000 economic impact each\n\t\t\t year;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas South Dakota is among the top 10 producers in the United States of 9 different crops;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas South Dakota is among the top 10 producers in the United States in 5 different animal\n\t\t\t production\n\t\t\t areas;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas South Dakota is a land of opportunity and free enterprise;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas South Dakota consistently has one of the lowest unemployment rates in the United States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas South Dakota has an outstanding system of education at every level, teaching students to\n\t\t\t become leaders and innovators in a variety of fields;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas South Dakotans have gone on to serve proudly and in disproportionately high numbers in the\n\t\t\t United States Armed Forces;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the USS South Dakota was commissioned in 1942 and valiantly served in the Pacific during\n\t\t\t World War II;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas South Dakota is honored to be home to 9 Native American tribes;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas South Dakota boasts the highest mountains between the Appalachians and the Rockies;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas South Dakota supports environmental conservation as home to 6 National parks;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas people from all over the United States travel to South Dakota every year to participate in\n\t\t\t an annual tradition of pheasant hunting that has spurred tourism and\n\t\t\t economic growth and has maintained a heritage important to South Dakotans\n\t\t\t for generations; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas South Dakota came to symbolize the commitment of the United States to freedom and democracy\n\t\t\t by way of the world-famous Mount Rushmore: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate commends and celebrates South Dakota and its people on the State's 125\n <superscript>\n th\n </superscript>\n anniversary.\n </text>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-06 01:38:09.643
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 567 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-11T13:25:23Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-11T13:25:23Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-09-18 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2014-09-19T00:37:50Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S5797-5798) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> M000303 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. McCain, John [R-AZ] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> MCCAIN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AZ </state> <middleName> SIDNEY </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> L000174 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Leahy, Patrick J. [D-VT] </fullName> <firstName> Patrick </firstName> <lastName> Leahy </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VT </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001071 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Corker, Bob [R-TN] </fullName> <firstName> Bob </firstName> <lastName> Corker </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TN </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000802 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Whitehouse, Sheldon [D-RI] </fullName> <firstName> Sheldon </firstName> <lastName> Whitehouse </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> RI </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000141 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cardin, Benjamin L. [D-MD] </fullName> <firstName> Ben </firstName> <lastName> Cardin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Asia </name> </item> <item> <name> Diplomacy, foreign officials, Americans abroad </name> </item> <item> <name> Disaster relief and insurance </name> </item> <item> <name> Employment discrimination and employee rights </name> </item> <item> <name> Foreign aid and international relief </name> </item> <item> <name> Human rights </name> </item> <item> <name> Human trafficking </name> </item> <item> <name> International law and treaties </name> </item> <item> <name> Military assistance, sales, and agreements </name> </item> <item> <name> News media and reporting </name> </item> <item> <name> Religion </name> </item> <item> <name> Rule of law and government transparency </name> </item> <item> <name> Vietnam </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-09-22T14:24:52Z </updateDate> <text> Expresses the sense of the Senate that: &lt;ul&gt; &lt;li&gt;Vietnam is an important emerging partner with which the United States increasingly shares strategic and economic interests; &lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt;the government of Vietnam has recently taken modest but encouraging steps to improve its human rights record; &lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt;the President, with congressional consultation, should begin a process to ease the U.S. prohibition on the sale of lethal military equipment to Vietnam; &lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt;easing such prohibition with regard to maritime and coastal defense would further U.S. national security interests, but steps beyond this would require Vietnam to take significant steps to protect human rights; and &lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt;the United States should support civil society in Vietnam, and specify what human rights steps Vietnam should take to continue strengthening the bilateral relationship.&lt;/li&gt;&lt;/ul&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the possible easing of restrictions on the sale of lethal military equipment to the Government of Vietnam. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the possible easing of restrictions on the sale of lethal military equipment to the Government of Vietnam. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the possible easing of restrictions on the sale of lethal military equipment to the Government of Vietnam. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2014-09-18T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres567is/xml/BILLS-113sres567is.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S5797-5798) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-18", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. 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A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-09-18", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-18", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S5797-5798)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 567, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "International Affairs", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "M000303", "district": null, "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Sen. McCain, John [R-AZ]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "MCCAIN", "middle_name": "SIDNEY", "party": "R", "state": "AZ" } ], "subjects": [ "Asia", "Diplomacy, foreign officials, Americans abroad", "Disaster relief and insurance", "Employment discrimination and employee rights", "Foreign aid and international relief", "Human rights", "Human trafficking", "International law and treaties", "Military assistance, sales, and agreements", "News media and reporting", "Religion", "Rule of law and government transparency", "Vietnam" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-09-18", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " Expresses the sense of the Senate that: <ul> <li>Vietnam is an important emerging partner with which the United States increasingly shares strategic and economic interests; </li> <li>the government of Vietnam has recently taken modest but encouraging steps to improve its human rights record; </li> <li>the President, with congressional consultation, should begin a process to ease the U.S. prohibition on the sale of lethal military equipment to Vietnam; </li> <li>easing such prohibition with regard to maritime and coastal defense would further U.S. national security interests, but steps beyond this would require Vietnam to take significant steps to protect human rights; and </li> <li>the United States should support civil society in Vietnam, and specify what human rights steps Vietnam should take to continue strengthening the bilateral relationship.</li></ul>", "update_date": "2014-09-22T14:24:52Z", "version_code": "00" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-09-18T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres567is/xml/BILLS-113sres567is.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the possible easing of restrictions on the sale of lethal military equipment to the Government of Vietnam.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the possible easing of restrictions on the sale of lethal military equipment to the Government of Vietnam.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the possible easing of restrictions on the sale of lethal military equipment to the Government of Vietnam.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2023-01-11T13:25:23Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-11T13:25:23Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-09-18T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres567is/xml/BILLS-113sres567is.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres567is.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres567is.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-06T23:14:02.161", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-567", "legis_num": 567, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "is", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-567-is-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 567 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES September 18, 2014 Mr. McCain (for himself, Mr. Leahy , Mr. Corker , Mr. Whitehouse , and Mr. Cardin ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations RESOLUTION Expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the possible easing of restrictions on the sale of lethal military equipment to the Government of Vietnam.\n\nThat it is the sense of the Senate that— (1) Vietnam is an important emerging partner with which the United States increasingly shares strategic and economic interests, including improving bilateral and multilateral capacity for humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, upholding the principles of freedom of navigation and peaceful resolution of international disputes, strengthening an open regional trading order, and maintaining a favorable balance of power in the Asia-Pacific region; (2) the Government of Vietnam has recently taken modest but encouraging steps to improve its human rights record, including signing the United Nations Convention Against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly December 10, 1984, increasing registrations for places of worship, taking greater action to combat human trafficking, reviewing the Criminal Code, and beginning high-level engagement with the United States and international human rights nongovernmental organizations; (3) in light of growing challenges in the Asia-Pacific region and some steps by the Government of Vietnam to improve its human rights record, the President should begin a process to ease the United States prohibition on the sale of lethal military equipment to Vietnam, which is maintained under executive authority and can be changed without legislative action, but should not be changed without consultation with Congress; (4) easing the prohibition on the sale of lethal military equipment to Vietnam at this time solely with regard to maritime and coastal defense would further United States national security interests, but steps beyond this to ease further the prohibition would require the Government of Vietnam to take significant and sustained steps to protect human rights, including releases of prisoners of conscience and legal reforms; (5) the United States Government should continue to support civil society in Vietnam, including advocates for religious freedom, press freedom, and labor rights who seek to use peaceful means to build a strong and prosperous Vietnam that respects human rights and the rule of law; and (6) the United States Government should continue to engage the Government of Vietnam in a high-level dialogue and specify what steps on human rights would be necessary for the Government of Vietnam to take in order to continue strengthening the bilateral relationship, including to ease further the prohibition on the sale of lethal military equipment.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Introduced-in-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 567 IS: Expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the possible easing of restrictions on the sale of lethal military equipment to the Government of Vietnam.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-09-18\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 567\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140918\">\n September 18, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S197\">\n Mr. McCain\n </sponsor>\n (for himself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S057\">\n Mr. Leahy\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S310\">\n Mr. Corker\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S316\">\n Mr. Whitehouse\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S308\">\n Mr. Cardin\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name committee-id=\"SSFR00\">\n Committee on Foreign Relations\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the possible easing of restrictions on the sale of\n\t\t\t lethal military equipment to the Government of Vietnam.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That it is the sense of the Senate that—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"id44365b191f4049e8b48bf70ffa5f38b5\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n Vietnam is an important emerging partner with which the United States increasingly shares strategic\n\t\t\t and economic interests, including improving bilateral and multilateral\n\t\t\t capacity for humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, upholding the\n\t\t\t principles of freedom of navigation and peaceful resolution of\n\t\t\t international disputes, strengthening an open regional trading order, and\n\t\t\t maintaining a favorable balance of power in the Asia-Pacific region;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id2d1fff9319954b018981c48efbf4086b\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n the Government of Vietnam has recently taken modest but encouraging steps to improve its human\n\t\t\t rights record, including signing the United Nations Convention Against\n\t\t\t Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment,\n\t\t\t adopted by the United Nations General Assembly December 10, 1984,\n\t\t\t increasing registrations for places of worship, taking greater action to\n\t\t\t combat human trafficking, reviewing the Criminal Code, and beginning\n\t\t\t high-level engagement with the United States and international human\n\t\t\t rights nongovernmental organizations;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id41a17be654af4f30b9837e3a18d83597\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n in light of growing challenges in the Asia-Pacific region and some steps by the Government of\n\t\t\t Vietnam to improve its human rights record, the President should begin a\n\t\t\t process to ease the United States prohibition on the sale of lethal\n\t\t\t military equipment to Vietnam, which is maintained under executive\n\t\t\t authority and can be changed without legislative action, but should not be\n\t\t\t changed without consultation with Congress;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id8df5d61336684442aec7e5995998fef8\">\n <enum>\n (4)\n </enum>\n <text>\n easing the prohibition on the sale of lethal military equipment to Vietnam at this time solely with\n\t\t\t regard to maritime and coastal defense would further United States\n\t\t\t national security interests, but steps beyond this to ease further the\n\t\t\t prohibition would require the Government of Vietnam to take significant\n\t\t\t and sustained steps to protect human rights, including releases of\n\t\t\t prisoners of conscience and legal reforms;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id87711dddbf974bddae48bf1084abc159\">\n <enum>\n (5)\n </enum>\n <text>\n the United States Government should continue to support civil society in Vietnam, including\n\t\t\t advocates for religious freedom, press freedom, and labor rights who seek\n\t\t\t to use peaceful means to build a strong and prosperous Vietnam that\n\t\t\t respects human rights and the rule of law; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idc2c866b6ea9e4e47b1787e1769e9a17d\">\n <enum>\n (6)\n </enum>\n <text>\n the United States Government should continue to engage the Government of Vietnam in a high-level\n\t\t\t dialogue and\n\t\t\t specify what steps on human rights would be necessary for the Government\n\t\t\t of Vietnam to take\n\t\t\t in order to continue strengthening the bilateral relationship, including\n\t\t\t to ease further the prohibition on the sale of lethal military equipment.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-06 01:38:11.986
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 568 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-11T13:25:24Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-11T13:25:24Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-09-18 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2014-09-19T00:38:43Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR S5798) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> S000148 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Schumer, Charles E. [D-NY] </fullName> <firstName> Charles </firstName> <lastName> Schumer </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <policyArea> <name> Health </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Blood and blood diseases </name> </item> <item> <name> Commemorative events and holidays </name> </item> <item> <name> Infectious and parasitic diseases </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Health </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-10-17T18:18:18Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Designates the month of September 2014 as National Sepsis Awareness Month.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution designating the month of September 2014 as "National Sepsis Awareness Month". </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution designating the month of September 2014 as "National Sepsis Awareness Month". </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution designating the month of September 2014 as "National Sepsis Awareness Month". </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2014-09-18T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres568is/xml/BILLS-113sres568is.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR S5798) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-18", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR S5798)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-09-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2014-09-19T00:38:43Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-09-18", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-18", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR S5798)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 568, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Health", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "S000148", "district": null, "first_name": "Charles", "full_name": "Sen. Schumer, Charles E. [D-NY]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Schumer", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "state": "NY" } ], "subjects": [ "Blood and blood diseases", "Commemorative events and holidays", "Infectious and parasitic diseases" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-09-18", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Designates the month of September 2014 as National Sepsis Awareness Month.</p>", "update_date": "2014-10-17T18:18:18Z", "version_code": "00" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-09-18T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres568is/xml/BILLS-113sres568is.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution designating the month of September 2014 as \"National Sepsis Awareness Month\".", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating the month of September 2014 as \"National Sepsis Awareness Month\".", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating the month of September 2014 as \"National Sepsis Awareness Month\".", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2023-01-11T13:25:24Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-11T13:25:24Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-09-18T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres568is/xml/BILLS-113sres568is.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres568is.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres568is.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-06T23:14:02.396", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-568", "legis_num": 568, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "is", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-568-is-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 568 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES September 18, 2014 Mr. Schumer submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary RESOLUTION Designating the month of September 2014 as “National Sepsis Awareness Month”.\n\nWhereas sepsis is a medical condition resulting from an immune system response to an infection; Whereas the overwhelming flood of immune chemicals released into the blood to fight an infection can impair blood flow, injuring organs; Whereas sepsis is a serious community-acquired infection and a leading cause of death in the United States; Whereas in severe cases of sepsis, a patient can experience a drop in blood pressure, a weakened heart, and septic shock, causing potentially fatal multiple organ failure; Whereas approximately 1,000,000 individuals in the United States are infected with sepsis each year; Whereas sepsis has killed over 4,000,000 individuals in the United States between 2004 and 2014; Whereas the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that approximately 50 percent of individuals infected with sepsis die, accounting for more deaths in the United States than prostate cancer, breast cancer, and AIDS combined; Whereas according to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, sepsis is the most expensive cause of hospitalization in the United States, with an annual cost of $24,000,000,000; Whereas the number of sepsis deaths is on the rise in the United States; Whereas an article in the Journal of the American Medical Association reports that more than 80 percent of individuals who die from sepsis arrive at the hospital with sepsis; Whereas early recognition, diagnosis, and treatment can prevent sepsis fatalities; and Whereas September 2014 is an appropriate month to designate as “National Sepsis Awareness Month” to raise awareness of sepsis and encourage educating patients, families, health care professionals, and government agencies on the importance of early detection as the key for patients to survive sepsis: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate designates the month of September 2014 as National Sepsis Awareness Month .", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Introduced-in-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 568 IS: Designating the month of September 2014 as “National Sepsis Awareness Month”.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-09-18\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 568\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140918\">\n September 18, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S270\">\n Mr. Schumer\n </sponsor>\n submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name committee-id=\"SSJU00\">\n Committee on the Judiciary\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Designating the month of September 2014 as “National Sepsis Awareness\n\t\t\t Month”.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas sepsis is a medical condition resulting from an immune system response to an infection;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the overwhelming flood of immune chemicals released into the blood to fight an infection\n\t\t\t can impair blood flow, injuring organs;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas sepsis is a serious community-acquired infection and a leading cause of death in the United\n\t\t\t States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas in severe cases of sepsis, a patient can experience a drop in blood pressure, a weakened\n\t\t\t heart, and septic shock, causing potentially fatal multiple organ\n\t\t\t failure;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas approximately 1,000,000 individuals in the United States are infected with sepsis each\n\t\t\t year;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas sepsis has killed over 4,000,000 individuals in the United States between 2004 and 2014;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that approximately 50 percent of\n\t\t\t individuals infected with sepsis die, accounting for more deaths in the\n\t\t\t United\n\t\t\t States than prostate cancer, breast cancer, and AIDS combined;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas according to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, sepsis is the most expensive\n\t\t\t cause of hospitalization in the United States, with an annual cost of\n\t\t\t $24,000,000,000;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the number of sepsis deaths is on the rise in the United States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas an article in the Journal of the American Medical Association reports that more than 80\n\t\t\t percent of individuals who die from sepsis arrive at the hospital with\n\t\t\t sepsis;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas early recognition, diagnosis, and treatment can prevent sepsis fatalities; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas September 2014 is an appropriate month to designate as “National Sepsis Awareness Month” to\n\t\t\t raise awareness of sepsis and encourage educating patients, families,\n\t\t\t health care professionals, and government agencies on the importance of\n\t\t\t early detection as the key for patients to survive sepsis: Now, therefore,\n\t\t\t be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate designates the month of September 2014 as\n <quote>\n National Sepsis Awareness Month\n </quote>\n .\n </text>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-06 01:38:10.501
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 569 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-11T13:25:23Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-11T13:25:23Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-09-18 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Discharged from </name> <date> 2014-12-05T00:21:07Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2014-09-19T01:31:14Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <relatedBills> <item> <title> A resolution designating September 22, 2013, as "National Falls Prevention Awareness Day" to raise awareness and encourage the prevention of falls among older adults. </title> <congress> 113 </congress> <number> 248 </number> <type> SRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2013-09-19 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S6672; text as passed Senate: CR S6663-6664) </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-12-04 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-12-04 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-12-04 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S6356) </text> <type> Discharge </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-12-04 </actionDate> <text> Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S6356) </text> <type> Committee </type> <actionCode> 14500 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR S5798) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <text> Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR S5798) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> B00100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> N000032 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Nelson, Bill [D-FL] </fullName> <firstName> CLARENCE </firstName> <lastName> NELSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <middleName> WILLIAM </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> C001035 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Collins, Susan M. [R-ME] </fullName> <firstName> Susan </firstName> <lastName> Collins </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ME </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000702 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Mikulski, Barbara A. [D-MD] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> MIKULSKI </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> ANN </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000033 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Sanders, Bernard [I-VT] </fullName> <firstName> Bernard </firstName> <lastName> Sanders </lastName> <party> I </party> <state> VT </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Health </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Accidents </name> </item> <item> <name> Aging </name> </item> <item> <name> Commemorative events and holidays </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Health care costs and insurance </name> </item> <item> <name> Health promotion and preventive care </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Health </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-10-17T18:19:35Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Designates September 23, 2014, as National Falls Prevention Awareness Day. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Recognizes that there are cost-effective falls prevention programs and policies. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Commends the Falls Free Coalition and others for their efforts to increase awareness of falls prevention.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Urges the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Administration for Community Living, and others to continue developing, evaluating, and promoting interventions and programs to prevent falls.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-12-04 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-12-10T21:47:29Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Designates September 23, 2014, as National Falls Prevention Awareness Day. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Recognizes that there are cost-effective falls prevention programs and policies. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Commends the Falls Free Coalition and others for their efforts to increase awareness of falls prevention.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Urges the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Administration for Community Living, and others to continue developing, evaluating, and promoting interventions and programs to prevent falls.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution designating September 23, 2014, as "National Falls Prevention Awareness Day" to raise awareness and encourage the prevention of falls among older adults. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution designating September 23, 2014, as "National Falls Prevention Awareness Day" to raise awareness and encourage the prevention of falls among older adults. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution designating September 23, 2014, as "National Falls Prevention Awareness Day" to raise awareness and encourage the prevention of falls among older adults. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-12-04T05:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres569ats/xml/BILLS-113sres569ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2014-09-18T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres569is/xml/BILLS-113sres569is.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-12-04 </actionDate> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-12-04", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2014-12-04", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-12-04", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S6356)", "type": "Discharge" }, { "action_code": "14500", "action_date": "2014-12-04", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S6356)", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-18", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR S5798)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "B00100", "action_date": "2014-09-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR S5798)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-09-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2014-12-05T00:21:07Z", "name": "Discharged from" }, { "date": "2014-09-19T01:31:14Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "C001035", "district": null, "first_name": "Susan", "full_name": "Sen. Collins, Susan M. [R-ME]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Collins", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "ME" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000702", "district": null, "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Sen. Mikulski, Barbara A. [D-MD]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MIKULSKI", "middle_name": "ANN", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000033", "district": null, "first_name": "Bernard", "full_name": "Sen. Sanders, Bernard [I-VT]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Sanders", "middle_name": null, "party": "I", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "VT" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-09-18", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-12-04", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 569, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Health", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 113, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2013-09-19", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S6672; text as passed Senate: CR S6663-6664)", "type": null }, "number": 248, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "A resolution designating September 22, 2013, as \"National Falls Prevention Awareness Day\" to raise awareness and encourage the prevention of falls among older adults.", "type": "SRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "N000032", "district": null, "first_name": "CLARENCE", "full_name": "Sen. Nelson, Bill [D-FL]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "NELSON", "middle_name": "WILLIAM", "party": "D", "state": "FL" } ], "subjects": [ "Accidents", "Aging", "Commemorative events and holidays", "Congressional tributes", "Health care costs and insurance", "Health promotion and preventive care" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-09-18", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Designates September 23, 2014, as National Falls Prevention Awareness Day. </p> <p>Recognizes that there are cost-effective falls prevention programs and policies. </p> <p>Commends the Falls Free Coalition and others for their efforts to increase awareness of falls prevention.</p> <p>Urges the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Administration for Community Living, and others to continue developing, evaluating, and promoting interventions and programs to prevent falls.</p>", "update_date": "2014-10-17T18:19:35Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2014-12-04", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Designates September 23, 2014, as National Falls Prevention Awareness Day. </p> <p>Recognizes that there are cost-effective falls prevention programs and policies. </p> <p>Commends the Falls Free Coalition and others for their efforts to increase awareness of falls prevention.</p> <p>Urges the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Administration for Community Living, and others to continue developing, evaluating, and promoting interventions and programs to prevent falls.</p>", "update_date": "2014-12-10T21:47:29Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-12-04T05:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres569ats/xml/BILLS-113sres569ats.xml" }, { "date": "2014-09-18T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres569is/xml/BILLS-113sres569is.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution designating September 23, 2014, as \"National Falls Prevention Awareness Day\" to raise awareness and encourage the prevention of falls among older adults.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating September 23, 2014, as \"National Falls Prevention Awareness Day\" to raise awareness and encourage the prevention of falls among older adults.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating September 23, 2014, as \"National Falls Prevention Awareness Day\" to raise awareness and encourage the prevention of falls among older adults.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2023-01-11T13:25:23Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-11T13:25:23Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-09-18T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres569is/xml/BILLS-113sres569is.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres569is.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres569is.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-06T23:14:02.2", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-569", "legis_num": 569, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "is", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-569-is-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 569 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES September 18, 2014 Mr. Nelson (for himself, Ms. Collins , Ms. Mikulski , and Mr. Sanders ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary RESOLUTION Designating September 23, 2014, as ‘‘National Falls Prevention Awareness Day’’ to raise awareness and encourage the prevention of falls among older adults.\n\nWhereas adults who are age 65 or older (referred to in this preamble as older adults ) are the fastest-growing population in the United States; Whereas the number of older adults in the United States is expected to increase from 35,000,000 older adults in 2000 to 79,700,000 older adults in 2040; Whereas each year, 1 out of every 3 older adults in the United States falls; Whereas falls are the leading cause of fatal and nonfatal injuries among older adults; Whereas in 2012, more than 2,400,000 older adults were treated in hospital emergency departments for fall-related injuries, and more than 722,000 older adults were subsequently hospitalized from such injuries; Whereas in 2011, more than 22,900 older adults in the United States died from injuries related to unintentional falls; Whereas in 2010, the total direct medical cost of fall-related injuries for older adults, adjusted for inflation, was $30,000,000,000; Whereas between 2004 and 2014, the rate of death from falls of older adults in the United States has risen sharply; Whereas the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that if the rate of falls does not decrease, the annual cost of injuries from falls will reach an estimated $67,700,000,000 by 2020; and Whereas evidence-based programs show promise in reducing falls by utilizing cost-effective strategies, such as exercise programs to improve balance and strength, medication management, vision improvement, comprehensive clinical assessments, and reduction of home hazards: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) designates September 23, 2014, as National Falls Prevention Awareness Day ; (2) recognizes that there are proven, cost-effective falls prevention programs and policies; (3) commends the 72 member organizations of the Falls Free® Coalition, and the falls prevention coalitions in 42 States and the District of Columbia, for their efforts to work together to increase education and awareness about preventing falls among adults who are age 65 or older (referred to in this resolution as older adults ); (4) encourages businesses, individuals, Federal, State, and local governments, the public health community, and health care providers to work together to raise awareness of falls in an effort to reduce the incidence of falls among older adults in the United States; (5) urges the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to continue developing and evaluating interventions to prevent falls among older adults that will translate into effective community-based falls prevention programs; (6) urges the Administration for Community Living, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and their partners to continue to promote evidence-based programs and services in communities across the United States to reduce the number of older adults at risk of falling; (7) encourages State health departments and State Units on Aging, which provide significant leadership in reducing injuries and related health care costs, to collaborate with organizations and individuals to reduce falls among older adults in the United States; and (8) encourages experts in the field of falls prevention to share best practices so that others can replicate their success.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Introduced-in-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 569 IS: Designating September 23, 2014, as ‘‘National Falls Prevention Awareness Day’’ to raise awareness and encourage the prevention of falls among older adults.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-09-18\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 569\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140918\">\n September 18, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S282\">\n Mr. Nelson\n </sponsor>\n (for himself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S252\">\n Ms. Collins\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S182\">\n Ms. Mikulski\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S313\">\n Mr. Sanders\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name committee-id=\"SSJU00\">\n Committee on the Judiciary\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Designating September 23, 2014, as ‘‘National Falls Prevention Awareness Day’’ to raise awareness\n\t\t\t and encourage the prevention of falls among older adults.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas adults who are age 65 or older (referred to in this preamble as\n <quote>\n older adults\n </quote>\n ) are the fastest-growing population in the United States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the number of older adults in the United States is expected to increase from 35,000,000\n\t\t\t older adults in 2000 to 79,700,000 older adults in 2040;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas each year, 1 out of every 3 older adults in the United States falls;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas falls are the leading cause of fatal and nonfatal injuries among older adults;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas in 2012, more than 2,400,000 older adults were treated in hospital emergency departments\n\t\t\t for fall-related injuries, and more than 722,000 older adults were\n\t\t\t subsequently hospitalized from such injuries;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas in 2011, more than 22,900 older adults in the United States died from injuries related to\n\t\t\t unintentional falls;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas in 2010, the total direct medical cost of fall-related injuries for older adults, adjusted\n\t\t\t for inflation, was $30,000,000,000;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas between 2004 and 2014, the rate of death from falls of older adults in the United States \n\t\t\t has risen sharply;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that if the rate of\n\t\t\t falls does not decrease, the annual cost of injuries from falls will reach\n\t\t\t an estimated $67,700,000,000 by 2020;\tand\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas evidence-based programs show promise in reducing falls by utilizing cost-effective\n\t\t\t strategies, such as exercise programs to improve balance and strength,\n\t\t\t medication management, vision improvement, comprehensive clinical\n\t\t\t assessments, and reduction of home hazards: \n Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"idf10ed4e47c4044a6bfdb8addf42c7faf\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n designates September 23, 2014, as\n <quote>\n National Falls Prevention Awareness Day\n </quote>\n ;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idefbc1fb50d0d46e2aa21e17855590dc1\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n recognizes that there are proven, cost-effective falls prevention programs and policies;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idde2aa88435c84717855cc31142d6a06e\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n commends the 72 member organizations of the Falls Free® Coalition, and the falls prevention\n\t\t\t coalitions in 42 States and the District of Columbia, for their efforts to\n\t\t\t work together to increase education and awareness about preventing falls\n\t\t\t among adults who are age 65 or older (referred to in this resolution as\n <quote>\n older adults\n </quote>\n );\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idcc6f9498f3624c5c9ef68507a86a97cf\">\n <enum>\n (4)\n </enum>\n <text>\n encourages businesses, individuals, Federal, State, and local governments, the public health\n\t\t\t community, and health care providers to work together to raise awareness\n\t\t\t of falls in an effort to reduce the incidence of falls among older adults\n\t\t\t in the United States;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id1aaeda0fa7de4a84ae5c4a9de1e9ba75\">\n <enum>\n (5)\n </enum>\n <text>\n urges the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to continue developing and evaluating\n\t\t\t interventions to prevent falls among older adults that will translate into\n\t\t\t effective community-based falls prevention programs;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idfc03a8a3ad70438fba0afe7f49396b5e\">\n <enum>\n (6)\n </enum>\n <text>\n urges the Administration for Community Living, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and\n\t\t\t their partners to continue to promote evidence-based programs and services\n\t\t\t in communities across the United States to reduce the number of older\n\t\t\t adults at risk of falling;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id67f7f320777d4b8991c4df49d9fb4fd0\">\n <enum>\n (7)\n </enum>\n <text>\n encourages State health departments and State Units on Aging, which provide significant leadership\n\t\t\t in reducing injuries and related health care costs, to collaborate with\n\t\t\t organizations and individuals to reduce falls among older adults in the\n\t\t\t United States; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id2181f03b93ac405f899da78a84801940\">\n <enum>\n (8)\n </enum>\n <text>\n encourages experts in the field of falls prevention to share best practices so that others can\n\t\t\t replicate their success.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" }, { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-12-04T05:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres569ats/xml/BILLS-113sres569ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres569ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres569ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-06T21:40:50.347", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-569", "legis_num": 569, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-569-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 569 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES September 18, 2014 Mr. Nelson (for himself, Ms. Collins , Ms. Mikulski , and Mr. Sanders ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary December 4, 2014 Committee discharged; considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Designating September 23, 2014, as ‘‘National Falls Prevention Awareness Day’’ to raise awareness and encourage the prevention of falls among older adults.\n\nWhereas adults who are age 65 or older (referred to in this preamble as older adults ) are the fastest-growing population in the United States; Whereas the number of older adults in the United States is expected to increase from 35,000,000 older adults in 2000 to 79,700,000 older adults in 2040; Whereas each year, 1 out of every 3 older adults in the United States falls; Whereas falls are the leading cause of fatal and nonfatal injuries among older adults; Whereas in 2012, more than 2,400,000 older adults were treated in hospital emergency departments for fall-related injuries, and more than 722,000 older adults were subsequently hospitalized from such injuries; Whereas in 2011, more than 22,900 older adults in the United States died from injuries related to unintentional falls; Whereas in 2010, the total direct medical cost of fall-related injuries for older adults, adjusted for inflation, was $30,000,000,000; Whereas between 2004 and 2014, the rate of death from falls of older adults in the United States has risen sharply; Whereas the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that if the rate of falls does not decrease, the annual cost of injuries from falls will reach an estimated $67,700,000,000 by 2020; and Whereas evidence-based programs show promise in reducing falls by utilizing cost-effective strategies, such as exercise programs to improve balance and strength, medication management, vision improvement, comprehensive clinical assessments, and reduction of home hazards: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) designates September 23, 2014, as National Falls Prevention Awareness Day ; (2) recognizes that there are proven, cost-effective falls prevention programs and policies; (3) commends the 72 member organizations of the Falls Free® Coalition, and the falls prevention coalitions in 42 States and the District of Columbia, for their efforts to work together to increase education and awareness about preventing falls among adults who are age 65 or older (referred to in this resolution as older adults ); (4) encourages businesses, individuals, Federal, State, and local governments, the public health community, and health care providers to work together to raise awareness of falls in an effort to reduce the incidence of falls among older adults in the United States; (5) urges the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to continue developing and evaluating interventions to prevent falls among older adults that will translate into effective community-based falls prevention programs; (6) urges the Administration for Community Living, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and their partners to continue to promote evidence-based programs and services in communities across the United States to reduce the number of older adults at risk of falling; (7) encourages State health departments and State Units on Aging, which provide significant leadership in reducing injuries and related health care costs, to collaborate with organizations and individuals to reduce falls among older adults in the United States; and (8) encourages experts in the field of falls prevention to share best practices so that others can replicate their success.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 569 ATS: Designating September 23, 2014, as ‘‘National Falls Prevention Awareness Day’’ to raise awareness and encourage the prevention of falls among older adults.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-09-18\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 569\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140918\">\n September 18, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S282\">\n Mr. Nelson\n </sponsor>\n (for himself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S252\">\n Ms. Collins\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S182\">\n Ms. Mikulski\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S313\">\n Mr. Sanders\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name committee-id=\"SSJU00\">\n Committee on the Judiciary\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <action>\n <action-date>\n December 4, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n Committee discharged; considered and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Designating September 23, 2014, as ‘‘National Falls Prevention Awareness Day’’ to raise awareness\n\t\t\t and encourage the prevention of falls among older adults.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas adults who are age 65 or older (referred to in this preamble as\n <quote>\n older adults\n </quote>\n ) are the fastest-growing population in the United States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the number of older adults in the United States is expected to increase from 35,000,000\n\t\t\t older adults in 2000 to 79,700,000 older adults in 2040;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas each year, 1 out of every 3 older adults in the United States falls;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas falls are the leading cause of fatal and nonfatal injuries among older adults;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas in 2012, more than 2,400,000 older adults were treated in hospital emergency departments\n\t\t\t for fall-related injuries, and more than 722,000 older adults were\n\t\t\t subsequently hospitalized from such injuries;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas in 2011, more than 22,900 older adults in the United States died from injuries related to\n\t\t\t unintentional falls;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas in 2010, the total direct medical cost of fall-related injuries for older adults, adjusted\n\t\t\t for inflation, was $30,000,000,000;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas between 2004 and 2014, the rate of death from falls of older adults in the United States \n\t\t\t has risen sharply;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that if the rate of\n\t\t\t falls does not decrease, the annual cost of injuries from falls will reach\n\t\t\t an estimated $67,700,000,000 by 2020;\tand\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas evidence-based programs show promise in reducing falls by utilizing cost-effective\n\t\t\t strategies, such as exercise programs to improve balance and strength,\n\t\t\t medication management, vision improvement, comprehensive clinical\n\t\t\t assessments, and reduction of home hazards: \n Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"idf10ed4e47c4044a6bfdb8addf42c7faf\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n designates September 23, 2014, as\n <quote>\n National Falls Prevention Awareness Day\n </quote>\n ;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idefbc1fb50d0d46e2aa21e17855590dc1\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n recognizes that there are proven, cost-effective falls prevention programs and policies;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idde2aa88435c84717855cc31142d6a06e\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n commends the 72 member organizations of the Falls Free® Coalition, and the falls prevention\n\t\t\t coalitions in 42 States and the District of Columbia, for their efforts to\n\t\t\t work together to increase education and awareness about preventing falls\n\t\t\t among adults who are age 65 or older (referred to in this resolution as\n <quote>\n older adults\n </quote>\n );\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idcc6f9498f3624c5c9ef68507a86a97cf\">\n <enum>\n (4)\n </enum>\n <text>\n encourages businesses, individuals, Federal, State, and local governments, the public health\n\t\t\t community, and health care providers to work together to raise awareness\n\t\t\t of falls in an effort to reduce the incidence of falls among older adults\n\t\t\t in the United States;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id1aaeda0fa7de4a84ae5c4a9de1e9ba75\">\n <enum>\n (5)\n </enum>\n <text>\n urges the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to continue developing and evaluating\n\t\t\t interventions to prevent falls among older adults that will translate into\n\t\t\t effective community-based falls prevention programs;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idfc03a8a3ad70438fba0afe7f49396b5e\">\n <enum>\n (6)\n </enum>\n <text>\n urges the Administration for Community Living, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and\n\t\t\t their partners to continue to promote evidence-based programs and services\n\t\t\t in communities across the United States to reduce the number of older\n\t\t\t adults at risk of falling;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id67f7f320777d4b8991c4df49d9fb4fd0\">\n <enum>\n (7)\n </enum>\n <text>\n encourages State health departments and State Units on Aging, which provide significant leadership\n\t\t\t in reducing injuries and related health care costs, to collaborate with\n\t\t\t organizations and individuals to reduce falls among older adults in the\n\t\t\t United States; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id2181f03b93ac405f899da78a84801940\">\n <enum>\n (8)\n </enum>\n <text>\n encourages experts in the field of falls prevention to share best practices so that others can\n\t\t\t replicate their success.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-06 01:38:09.693
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 570 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-11T13:25:23Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-11T13:25:23Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-09-18 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2014-09-19T01:32:04Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR S5798-5799) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> M001183 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Manchin, Joe, III [D-WV] </fullName> <firstName> Joseph </firstName> <lastName> Manchin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WV </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> B001135 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Burr, Richard [R-NC] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Burr </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NC </state> <middleName> Mauze </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000361 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Rockefeller, John D., IV [D-WV] </fullName> <firstName> JAY </firstName> <lastName> ROCKEFELLER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WV </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000702 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Mikulski, Barbara A. [D-MD] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> MIKULSKI </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> ANN </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000944 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Brown, Sherrod [D-OH] </fullName> <firstName> Sherrod </firstName> <lastName> Brown </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000383 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. King, Angus S., Jr. [I-ME] </fullName> <firstName> Angus </firstName> <lastName> King </lastName> <party> I </party> <state> ME </state> <middleName> S. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-11-19 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Transportation and Public Works </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Alternative and renewable resources </name> </item> <item> <name> Commemorative events and holidays </name> </item> <item> <name> Energy efficiency and conservation </name> </item> <item> <name> Hybrid, electric, and advanced technology vehicles </name> </item> <item> <name> Motor fuels </name> </item> <item> <name> Motor vehicles </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Transportation and Public Works </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-09-30T16:34:23Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Designates October 17, 2014, as National Alternative Fuel Vehicle Day to promote programs and activities that will lead to the greater use of cleaner, more efficient transportation that uses new sources of energy.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Urges the people of the United States to: (1) increase the personal and commercial use of, and promote public sector adoption of, cleaner and more&amp;nbsp;energy-efficient alternative fuel and advanced technology vehicles; and (2) encourage the adoption of federal policies to advance and&amp;nbsp;adopt alternative, advanced, and emerging vehicle and fuel technologies to&amp;nbsp;reduce U.S. dependence on foreign oil.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution designating October 17, 2014, as "National Alternative Fuel Vehicle Day". </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution designating October 17, 2014, as "National Alternative Fuel Vehicle Day". </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution designating October 17, 2014, as "National Alternative Fuel Vehicle Day". </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2014-09-18T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres570is/xml/BILLS-113sres570is.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR S5798-5799) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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King, Angus S., Jr. [I-ME]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "King", "middle_name": "S.", "party": "I", "sponsorship_date": "2014-11-19", "state": "ME" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-09-18", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-18", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR S5798-5799)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 570, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Transportation and Public Works", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "M001183", "district": null, "first_name": "Joseph", "full_name": "Sen. Manchin, Joe, III [D-WV]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Manchin", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "WV" } ], "subjects": [ "Alternative and renewable resources", "Commemorative events and holidays", "Energy efficiency and conservation", "Hybrid, electric, and advanced technology vehicles", "Motor fuels", "Motor vehicles" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-09-18", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Designates October 17, 2014, as National Alternative Fuel Vehicle Day to promote programs and activities that will lead to the greater use of cleaner, more efficient transportation that uses new sources of energy.</p> <p>Urges the people of the United States to: (1) increase the personal and commercial use of, and promote public sector adoption of, cleaner and more&nbsp;energy-efficient alternative fuel and advanced technology vehicles; and (2) encourage the adoption of federal policies to advance and&nbsp;adopt alternative, advanced, and emerging vehicle and fuel technologies to&nbsp;reduce U.S. dependence on foreign oil.</p>", "update_date": "2014-09-30T16:34:23Z", "version_code": "00" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-09-18T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres570is/xml/BILLS-113sres570is.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution designating October 17, 2014, as \"National Alternative Fuel Vehicle Day\".", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating October 17, 2014, as \"National Alternative Fuel Vehicle Day\".", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating October 17, 2014, as \"National Alternative Fuel Vehicle Day\".", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2023-01-11T13:25:23Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-11T13:25:23Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-09-18T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres570is/xml/BILLS-113sres570is.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres570is.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres570is.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-06T23:14:02.002", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-570", "legis_num": 570, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "is", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-570-is-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 570 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES September 18, 2014 Mr. Manchin (for himself, Mr. Burr , Mr. Rockefeller , Ms. Mikulski , and Mr. Brown ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary RESOLUTION Designating October 17, 2014, as National Alternative Fuel Vehicle Day .\n\nWhereas the United States should reduce dependence on foreign oil and enhance energy security by creating a transportation sector that is less dependent on oil; Whereas the United States should improve air quality in the United States by reducing emissions from the millions of motor vehicles that operate in the United States; Whereas the United States should foster national expertise and technological advancement in cleaner, more energy-efficient alternative fuel and advanced technology vehicles; Whereas a robust domestic industry for alternative fuels and alternative fuel and advanced technology vehicles will create jobs and increase the competitiveness of the United States in the international community; Whereas the people of the United States need more options for clean and energy-efficient transportation; Whereas mainstream adoption of alternative fuel and advanced technology vehicles will produce benefits at the local, national, and international levels; Whereas consumers and businesses require a better understanding of the benefits of alternative fuel and advanced technology vehicles; Whereas first responders require proper comprehensive training to be fully prepared for any precautionary measures that they may need to take during incidents and extrications that involve alternative fuel and advanced technology vehicles; Whereas the Federal Government can lead the way toward a cleaner and more efficient transportation sector by choosing alternative fuel and advanced technology vehicles for the fleets of the Federal Government; and Whereas Federal support for the adoption of alternative fuel and advanced technology vehicles can accelerate greater energy independence for the United States, improve the environmental security of the United States, and address global climate change: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) designates October 17, 2014, as National Alternative Fuel Vehicle Day ; (2) proclaims National Alternative Fuel Vehicle Day as a day to promote programs and activities that will lead to the greater use of cleaner, more efficient transportation that uses new sources of energy; and (3) urges the people of the United States to— (A) increase personal and commercial use of cleaner and more energy-efficient alternative fuel and advanced technology vehicles; (B) promote public sector adoption of cleaner and more energy-efficient alternative fuel and advanced technology vehicles; and (C) encourage the adoption of Federal policies to advance and adopt alternative, advanced, and emerging vehicle and fuel technologies in order to reduce the dependence of the United States on foreign oil.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Introduced-in-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 570 IS: Designating October 17, 2014, as “National Alternative Fuel Vehicle Day”.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-09-18\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 570\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140918\">\n September 18, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S338\">\n Mr. Manchin\n </sponsor>\n (for himself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S300\">\n Mr. Burr\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S176\">\n Mr. Rockefeller\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S182\">\n Ms. Mikulski\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S307\">\n Mr. Brown\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the\n <committee-name committee-id=\"SSJU00\">\n Committee on the Judiciary\n </committee-name>\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Designating October 17, 2014, as\n <quote>\n National Alternative Fuel Vehicle Day\n </quote>\n .\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States should reduce dependence on foreign oil and enhance energy security by\n\t\t\t creating a transportation sector that is less dependent on oil;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States should improve air quality in the United States by reducing emissions\n\t\t\t from the millions of motor vehicles that operate in the United States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States should foster national expertise and technological advancement in\n\t\t\t cleaner, more energy-efficient alternative fuel and advanced technology\n\t\t\t vehicles;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas a robust domestic industry for alternative fuels and alternative fuel and advanced\n\t\t\t technology vehicles will create jobs and increase the competitiveness of\n\t\t\t the United States in the international community;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the people of the United States need more options for clean and energy-efficient\n\t\t\t transportation;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas mainstream adoption of alternative fuel and advanced technology vehicles will produce\n\t\t\t benefits at the local, national, and international levels;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas consumers and businesses require a better understanding of the benefits of alternative fuel\n\t\t\t and advanced technology vehicles;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas first responders require proper comprehensive training to be fully prepared for any\n\t\t\t precautionary measures that they may need to take during incidents and\n\t\t\t extrications that involve alternative fuel and advanced technology\n\t\t\t vehicles;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Federal Government can lead the way toward a cleaner and more efficient transportation\n\t\t\t sector by choosing alternative fuel and advanced technology vehicles for\n\t\t\t the fleets of the Federal Government; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas Federal support for the adoption of alternative fuel and advanced technology vehicles can\n\t\t\t accelerate greater energy independence for the United States, improve the\n\t\t\t environmental security of the United States, and address global climate\n\t\t\t change: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"id20ABBCF9A3B84DE69F4D3E53203C1229\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n designates October 17, 2014, as\n <quote>\n National Alternative Fuel Vehicle Day\n </quote>\n ;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id2B57C6422E7D448CAC426528AA37EC08\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n proclaims National Alternative Fuel Vehicle Day as a day to promote programs and activities that\n\t\t\t will lead to the greater use of cleaner, more efficient transportation\n\t\t\t that uses new sources of energy; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id9CEFB186BA4749CF9A5B86C459B81C12\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n urges the people of the United States to—\n </text>\n <subparagraph id=\"id984160D1BAE042B2BCF0584FE7AC7641\">\n <enum>\n (A)\n </enum>\n <text>\n increase personal and commercial use of cleaner and more energy-efficient alternative fuel and\n\t\t\t advanced technology vehicles;\n </text>\n </subparagraph>\n <subparagraph id=\"idD6BAA267A5924A22AB991018AA58095F\">\n <enum>\n (B)\n </enum>\n <text>\n promote public sector adoption of cleaner and more energy-efficient alternative fuel and advanced\n\t\t\t technology vehicles; and\n </text>\n </subparagraph>\n <subparagraph id=\"id61F12A99CA354FA8BAFE17C6A836470F\">\n <enum>\n (C)\n </enum>\n <text>\n encourage the adoption of Federal policies to advance and adopt alternative, advanced, and emerging\n\t\t\t vehicle and fuel technologies in order to reduce the dependence of the\n\t\t\t United States on foreign oil.\n </text>\n </subparagraph>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-04 19:16:00.607
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 571 </number> <updateDate> 2019-02-20T12:29:04Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2022-11-04T17:17:11Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-09-18 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5880; text as passed Sentate: CR S5799) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5880; text as passed Sentate: CR S5799) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> W000805 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Warner, Mark R. [D-VA] </fullName> <firstName> Mark </firstName> <lastName> Warner </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> C001056 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cornyn, John [R-TX] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Cornyn </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TX </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000639 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Menendez, Robert [D-NJ] </fullName> <firstName> Robert </firstName> <lastName> Menendez </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Asia </name> </item> <item> <name> Commemorative events and holidays </name> </item> <item> <name> Diplomacy, foreign officials, Americans abroad </name> </item> <item> <name> India </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-09-22T14:23:34Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Designates September 30, 2014, as United States and India Partnership Day.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Recognizes that the U.S.-India relationship is a special and permanent bond.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-09-22T14:23:42Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Designates September 30, 2014, as United States and India Partnership Day.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Recognizes that the U.S.-India relationship is a special and permanent bond.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution designating September 30, 2014, as "United States and India Partnership Day". </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution designating September 30, 2014, as "United States and India Partnership Day". </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution designating September 30, 2014, as "United States and India Partnership Day". </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-09-18T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres571ats/xml/BILLS-113sres571ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5880; text as passed Sentate: CR S5799) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-09-18", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-18", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5880; text as passed Sentate: CR S5799)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 571, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": null, "policy_area": "International Affairs", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "W000805", "district": null, "first_name": "Mark", "full_name": "Sen. Warner, Mark R. 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The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Designates September 30, 2014, as United States and India Partnership Day.</p> <p> Recognizes that the U.S.-India relationship is a special and permanent bond.</p>", "update_date": "2014-09-22T14:23:42Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-09-18T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres571ats/xml/BILLS-113sres571ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution designating September 30, 2014, as \"United States and India Partnership Day\".", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating September 30, 2014, as \"United States and India Partnership Day\".", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating September 30, 2014, as \"United States and India Partnership Day\".", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2019-02-20T12:29:04Z", "update_date_including_text": "2022-11-04T17:17:11Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-09-18T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres571ats/xml/BILLS-113sres571ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres571ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres571ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-06T23:14:01.815", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-571", "legis_num": 571, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-571-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 571 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES September 18, 2014 Mr. Warner (for himself, Mr. Cornyn , and Mr. Menendez ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Designating September 30, 2014, as United States and India Partnership Day .\n\nWhereas the United States, the oldest democracy in the world, will welcome the Prime Minister of India, the leader of the largest democracy in the world, to the Nation's capital, on September 30, 2014; Whereas the United States–India relationship is built on mutual respect for common values, including democracy, the rule of law, a market economy, and ethnic and religious diversity, and is bolstered by strong people-to-people connections, including a 3,000,000 strong Indian American diaspora; Whereas the Senate places tremendous value on the relationship between the United States and India, and the bipartisan Senate India Caucus comprises 42 Senators and is the largest country-specific caucus in the Senate; Whereas the Indian general election of 2014 was the largest election in Indian history, proving that democracy in India is as strong as it is encompassing of its religious, ethnic, socioeconomic, and cultural diversity; Whereas the President of the United States congratulated the Prime Minister of India after his party's election victory and emphasized the deep bond and commitment to promoting economic opportunity, freedom, and security in India and the United States; Whereas the 2 largest democracies in the world, the United States and India, have further developed their governments, businesses, nonprofit organizations, nongovernmental organizations, artists, entertainers, athletes, scientists, engineers, doctors, nurses, universities, schools, and faiths and the dignity of their citizens by demonstrating the value of an enlightened democratic rule of law, a peaceful government, and freedom from terror, tyranny, and oppression; Whereas the relationship between the United States and India is vital to promoting stability, democracy, and economic prosperity in the 21st century; Whereas bilateral trade between the United States and India increased from $19,000,000,000 in 2000 to $95,000,000,000 in 2013; Whereas in 2013, the United States exported goods to India totaling $35,000,000,000 and generating 168,000 jobs in the United States; and Whereas in 2013, the United States invested more than $28,000,000,000 in India, generating more than 500,000 jobs in India: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) designates September 30, 2014, as United States and India Partnership Day , recognizing the contributions of the United States and India to one another and their relationship that will continue to help define the 21st century; and (2) recognizes that the relationship between the United States and India is a special and permanent bond.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 571 ATS: Designating September 30, 2014, as “United States and India Partnership Day”.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-09-18\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 571\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140918\">\n September 18, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S327\">\n Mr. Warner\n </sponsor>\n (for himself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S287\">\n Mr. Cornyn\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S306\">\n Mr. Menendez\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Designating September 30, 2014, as\n <quote>\n United States and India Partnership Day\n </quote>\n .\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States, the oldest democracy in the world, will welcome the \n\t\t\t Prime\n\t\t\t Minister of India, the leader of the largest democracy in the world, to\n\t\t\t the\n\t\t\t Nation's capital, on\n\t\t\t September 30, 2014;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States–India relationship is built on mutual respect for common\n\t\t\t values, including democracy, the rule of law, a market economy, and ethnic\n\t\t\t and religious diversity, and is bolstered by strong people-to-people\n\t\t\t connections, including a 3,000,000 strong Indian American diaspora;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Senate places tremendous value on the relationship between the United States and India,\n\t\t\t and the bipartisan Senate India Caucus comprises 42 Senators\n\t\t\t and is the largest country-specific caucus in the Senate;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Indian general election of 2014 was the largest election in Indian history, proving\n\t\t\t that democracy in India is as strong as it is encompassing of\n\t\t\t its religious, ethnic, socioeconomic, and cultural diversity;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the President of the United States congratulated the Prime Minister of India after his\n\t\t\t party's election\n\t\t\t victory and\n\t\t\t emphasized the\n <quote>\n deep bond and commitment to promoting economic opportunity, freedom, and security\n </quote>\n in India and the United States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the 2 largest democracies in the world, the United States and India, have further developed\n\t\t\t their governments, businesses, nonprofit organizations, nongovernmental\n\t\t\t organizations, artists, entertainers,\n\t\t\t athletes, scientists, engineers, doctors, nurses, universities,\n\t\t\t schools, and faiths and the dignity of their citizens by demonstrating the\n\t\t\t value\n\t\t\t of an enlightened democratic rule of law, a peaceful government, and\n\t\t\t freedom from terror, tyranny, and oppression;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the relationship between the United States and India is vital to promoting stability,\n\t\t\t democracy, and economic prosperity in the 21st century;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas bilateral trade between the United States and India increased from $19,000,000,000 in 2000\n\t\t\t to $95,000,000,000 in 2013;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas in 2013, the United\n\t\t\t States exported goods to India totaling $35,000,000,000 and generating\n\t\t\t 168,000 jobs in the United States; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas in 2013, the United States invested more than $28,000,000,000 in India, generating more\n\t\t\t than 500,000 jobs\n\t\t\t in India: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"id006b17d865674a9fb053c05bf93d8b1e\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n designates September 30, 2014, as\n <quote>\n United States and India Partnership Day\n </quote>\n , recognizing the contributions of the United States and India to one another and their\n\t\t\t relationship that will continue to help define the 21st century; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id156233D04BB447349234AC993195248E\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n recognizes that the relationship between the United States and India is a special and permanent\n\t\t\t bond.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-04 19:16:00.701
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 572 </number> <updateDate> 2019-02-20T12:29:04Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2022-11-04T17:17:15Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-09-18 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <relatedBills> <item> <title> Congratulating the Sailors of the United States Submarine Force upon the completion of 4,000 ballistic missile submarine (SSBN) deterrent patrols. </title> <congress> 113 </congress> <number> 116 </number> <type> HCONRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Armed Services. </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Identical bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5880; text as passed Senate: CR S5799) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5880; text as passed Senate: CR S5799) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> C000127 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cantwell, Maria [D-WA] </fullName> <firstName> Maria </firstName> <lastName> Cantwell </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> M001111 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Murray, Patty [D-WA] </fullName> <firstName> Patty </firstName> <lastName> Murray </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000286 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Chambliss, Saxby [R-GA] </fullName> <firstName> SAXBY </firstName> <lastName> CHAMBLISS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> GA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> I000055 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Isakson, Johnny [R-GA] </fullName> <firstName> Johnny </firstName> <lastName> Isakson </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> GA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000805 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Warner, Mark R. [D-VA] </fullName> <firstName> Mark </firstName> <lastName> Warner </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000384 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Kaine, Tim [D-VA] </fullName> <firstName> Timothy </firstName> <lastName> Kaine </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001277 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Blumenthal, Richard [D-CT] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Blumenthal </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CT </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001169 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Murphy, Christopher [D-CT] </fullName> <firstName> Christopher </firstName> <lastName> Murphy </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CT </state> <middleName> S. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001181 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Shaheen, Jeanne [D-NH] </fullName> <firstName> Jeanne </firstName> <lastName> Shaheen </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001035 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Collins, Susan M. [R-ME] </fullName> <firstName> Susan </firstName> <lastName> Collins </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ME </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001042 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hirono, Mazie K. [D-HI] </fullName> <firstName> Mazie </firstName> <lastName> Hirono </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> HI </state> <middleName> K. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000383 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. King, Angus S., Jr. [I-ME] </fullName> <firstName> Angus </firstName> <lastName> King </lastName> <party> I </party> <state> ME </state> <middleName> S. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Armed Forces and National Security </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Military operations and strategy </name> </item> <item> <name> Military personnel and dependents </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Armed Forces and National Security </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-09-24T19:34:22Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Congratulates sailors of the U.S. Submarine Force upon the completion of 4,000 ballistic missile submarine deterrent patrols. Honors and thanks the crews and their families for their dedication and sacrifice.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-09-24T19:34:41Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Congratulates sailors of the U.S. Submarine Force upon the completion of 4,000 ballistic missile submarine deterrent patrols. Honors and thanks the crews and their families for their dedication and sacrifice.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution congratulating the Sailors of the United States Submarine Force upon the completion of 4,000 ballistic missile submarine (SSBN) deterrent patrols. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution congratulating the Sailors of the United States Submarine Force upon the completion of 4,000 ballistic missile submarine (SSBN) deterrent patrols. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution congratulating the Sailors of the United States Submarine Force upon the completion of 4,000 ballistic missile submarine (SSBN) deterrent patrols. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-09-18T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres572ats/xml/BILLS-113sres572ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5880; text as passed Senate: CR S5799) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5880; text as passed Senate: CR S5799)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2014-09-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5880; text as passed Senate: CR S5799)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-09-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "M001111", "district": null, "first_name": "Patty", "full_name": "Sen. Murray, Patty [D-WA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Murray", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000286", "district": null, "first_name": "SAXBY", "full_name": "Sen. Chambliss, Saxby [R-GA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CHAMBLISS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "I000055", "district": null, "first_name": "Johnny", "full_name": "Sen. Isakson, Johnny [R-GA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Isakson", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000805", "district": null, "first_name": "Mark", "full_name": "Sen. Warner, Mark R. [D-VA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Warner", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000384", "district": null, "first_name": "Timothy", "full_name": "Sen. Kaine, Tim [D-VA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Kaine", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001277", "district": null, "first_name": "Richard", "full_name": "Sen. Blumenthal, Richard [D-CT]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Blumenthal", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "CT" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001169", "district": null, "first_name": "Christopher", "full_name": "Sen. Murphy, Christopher [D-CT]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Murphy", "middle_name": "S.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "CT" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001181", "district": null, "first_name": "Jeanne", "full_name": "Sen. Shaheen, Jeanne [D-NH]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Shaheen", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "NH" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001035", "district": null, "first_name": "Susan", "full_name": "Sen. Collins, Susan M. [R-ME]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Collins", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "ME" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001042", "district": null, "first_name": "Mazie", "full_name": "Sen. Hirono, Mazie K. [D-HI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Hirono", "middle_name": "K.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "HI" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000383", "district": null, "first_name": "Angus", "full_name": "Sen. King, Angus S., Jr. [I-ME]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "King", "middle_name": "S.", "party": "I", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "ME" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-09-18", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-18", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. 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Cantwell, Maria [D-WA]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Cantwell", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "WA" } ], "subjects": [ "Congressional tributes", "Military operations and strategy", "Military personnel and dependents" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-09-18", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Congratulates sailors of the U.S. Submarine Force upon the completion of 4,000 ballistic missile submarine deterrent patrols. Honors and thanks the crews and their families for their dedication and sacrifice.</p>", "update_date": "2014-09-24T19:34:22Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2014-09-18", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Congratulates sailors of the U.S. Submarine Force upon the completion of 4,000 ballistic missile submarine deterrent patrols. Honors and thanks the crews and their families for their dedication and sacrifice.</p>", "update_date": "2014-09-24T19:34:41Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-09-18T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres572ats/xml/BILLS-113sres572ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution congratulating the Sailors of the United States Submarine Force upon the completion of 4,000 ballistic missile submarine (SSBN) deterrent patrols.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution congratulating the Sailors of the United States Submarine Force upon the completion of 4,000 ballistic missile submarine (SSBN) deterrent patrols.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution congratulating the Sailors of the United States Submarine Force upon the completion of 4,000 ballistic missile submarine (SSBN) deterrent patrols.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2019-02-20T12:29:04Z", "update_date_including_text": "2022-11-04T17:17:15Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-09-18T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres572ats/xml/BILLS-113sres572ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres572ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres572ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-06T23:14:01.765", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-572", "legis_num": 572, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-572-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 572 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES September 18, 2014 Ms. Cantwell (for herself, Mrs. Murray , Mr. Chambliss , Mr. Isakson , Mr. Warner , Mr. Kaine , Mr. Blumenthal , Mr. Murphy , Mrs. Shaheen , Ms. Collins , Ms. Hirono , and Mr. King ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Congratulating the Sailors of the United States Submarine Force upon the completion of 4,000 ballistic missile submarine (SSBN) deterrent patrols.\n\nWhereas the Sailors of the United States Submarine Force recently completed the 4,000th deterrent patrol of a ballistic missile submarine (SSBN); Whereas this milestone is significant for the Submarine Force, its crews and their families, the United States Navy, and the entire country; Whereas this milestone was reached through the combined efforts and impressive achievements of all of the submariners who have participated in such patrols since the first patrol of USS George Washington (SSBN 598) in 1960; Whereas, as a result of the dedication and commitment to excellence of the Sailors of the United States Submarine Force, ballistic missile submarines have always been ready and vigilant, reassuring United States allies and deterring anyone who might seek to do harm to the United States or United States allies; Whereas the national maritime strategy of the United States recognizes the critical need for strategic deterrence in today’s uncertain world; Whereas the true strength of the ballistic missile submarine lies in the extremely talented and motivated Sailors who have voluntarily chosen to serve in the submarine community; and Whereas the inherent stealth, unparalleled firepower, and nearly limitless endurance of the ballistic missile submarine provide a credible deterrence for any enemies that would seek to use force against the United States or United States allies: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) congratulates the Sailors of the United States Submarine Force upon the completion of 4,000 ballistic missile submarine (SSBN) deterrent patrols; and (2) honors and thanks the crews of ballistic missile submarines and their devoted families for their continued dedication and sacrifice.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 572 ATS: Congratulating the Sailors of the United States Submarine Force upon the completion of 4,000 ballistic missile submarine (SSBN) deterrent patrols.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-09-18\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress>\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session>\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 572\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action>\n <action-date date=\"20140918\">\n September 18, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S275\">\n Ms. Cantwell\n </sponsor>\n (for herself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S229\">\n Mrs. Murray\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S290\">\n Mr. Chambliss\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S305\">\n Mr. Isakson\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S327\">\n Mr. Warner\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S362\">\n Mr. Kaine\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S341\">\n Mr. Blumenthal\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S364\">\n Mr. Murphy\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S324\">\n Mrs. Shaheen\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S252\">\n Ms. Collins\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S361\">\n Ms. Hirono\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S363\">\n Mr. King\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Congratulating the Sailors of the United States Submarine Force upon the completion of 4,000\n\t\t\t ballistic missile submarine (SSBN) deterrent patrols.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Sailors of the United States Submarine Force recently completed the 4,000th deterrent\n\t\t\t patrol of a ballistic missile submarine (SSBN);\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas this milestone is significant for the Submarine Force, its crews and their families, the\n\t\t\t United States Navy, and the entire country;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas this milestone was reached through the combined efforts and impressive achievements of all\n\t\t\t of the submariners who have participated in such patrols since the first\n\t\t\t patrol of USS George Washington (SSBN 598) in 1960;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, as a result of the dedication and commitment to excellence of the Sailors of the United\n\t\t\t States Submarine Force, ballistic missile submarines have always been\n\t\t\t ready and vigilant, reassuring United States allies and deterring anyone\n\t\t\t who might seek to do harm to the United States or United States allies;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the national maritime strategy of the United States recognizes the critical need for\n\t\t\t strategic deterrence in today’s uncertain world;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the true strength of the ballistic missile submarine lies in the extremely talented and\n\t\t\t motivated Sailors who have voluntarily chosen to serve in the submarine\n\t\t\t community; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the inherent stealth, unparalleled firepower, and nearly limitless endurance of the\n\t\t\t ballistic missile submarine provide a credible deterrence for any enemies\n\t\t\t that would seek to use force against the United States or United States\n\t\t\t allies: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"idc7caaad5dbc24457af801d4246a51327\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n congratulates the Sailors of the United States Submarine Force upon the completion of 4,000\n\t\t\t ballistic missile submarine (SSBN) deterrent patrols; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idd025648200bc44ac87f12467043fc72a\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n honors and thanks the crews of ballistic missile submarines and their devoted families for their\n\t\t\t continued dedication and sacrifice.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-04 19:16:00.737
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 573 </number> <updateDate> 2019-02-20T12:29:04Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2022-11-04T17:17:17Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-09-18 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <relatedBills> <item> <title> Commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Wilderness Act. </title> <congress> 113 </congress> <number> 730 </number> <type> HRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-09-17 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Natural Resources. </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Identical bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5880; text as passed Senate: CR S5799-5800) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5880; text as passed Senate: CR S5799-5800) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> W000779 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Wyden, Ron [D-OR] </fullName> <firstName> Ron </firstName> <lastName> Wyden </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OR </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> S001141 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Sessions, Jeff [R-AL] </fullName> <firstName> Jeff </firstName> <lastName> Sessions </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AL </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> U000038 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Udall, Mark [D-CO] </fullName> <firstName> MARK </firstName> <lastName> UDALL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CO </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> A000360 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Alexander, Lamar [R-TN] </fullName> <firstName> Lamar </firstName> <lastName> Alexander </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TN </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> U000039 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Udall, Tom [D-NM] </fullName> <firstName> TOM </firstName> <lastName> UDALL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NM </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000449 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Portman, Rob [R-OH] </fullName> <firstName> Rob </firstName> <lastName> Portman </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001267 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Bennet, Michael F. [D-CO] </fullName> <firstName> Michael </firstName> <lastName> Bennet </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CO </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001135 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Burr, Richard [R-NC] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Burr </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NC </state> <middleName> Mauze </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000206 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Harkin, Tom [D-IA] </fullName> <firstName> THOMAS </firstName> <lastName> HARKIN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IA </state> <middleName> RICHARD </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000360 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Kirk, Mark Steven [R-IL] </fullName> <firstName> MARK </firstName> <lastName> KIRK </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> STEVEN </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000133 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Markey, Edward J. [D-MA] </fullName> <firstName> Edward </firstName> <lastName> Markey </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000563 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Durbin, Richard J. [D-IL] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Durbin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000261 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Levin, Carl [D-MI] </fullName> <firstName> CARL </firstName> <lastName> LEVIN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <middleName> MILTON </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000770 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Stabenow, Debbie [D-MI] </fullName> <firstName> Debbie </firstName> <lastName> Stabenow </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000127 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cantwell, Maria [D-WA] </fullName> <firstName> Maria </firstName> <lastName> Cantwell </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000177 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Johnson, Tim [D-SD] </fullName> <firstName> TIM </firstName> <lastName> JOHNSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> SD </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000639 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Menendez, Robert [D-NJ] </fullName> <firstName> Robert </firstName> <lastName> Menendez </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000146 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Reid, Harry [D-NV] </fullName> <firstName> HARRY </firstName> <lastName> REID </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NV </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000818 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Walsh, John E. [D-MT] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Walsh </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MT </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000711 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Boxer, Barbara [D-CA] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> BOXER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000062 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA] </fullName> <firstName> Dianne </firstName> <lastName> Feinstein </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001288 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Booker, Cory A. [D-NJ] </fullName> <firstName> Cory </firstName> <lastName> Booker </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001277 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Blumenthal, Richard [D-CT] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Blumenthal </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CT </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000367 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Klobuchar, Amy [D-MN] </fullName> <firstName> Amy </firstName> <lastName> Klobuchar </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MN </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001111 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Murray, Patty [D-WA] </fullName> <firstName> Patty </firstName> <lastName> Murray </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000383 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. King, Angus S., Jr. [I-ME] </fullName> <firstName> Angus </firstName> <lastName> King </lastName> <party> I </party> <state> ME </state> <middleName> S. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001088 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Coons, Christopher A. [D-DE] </fullName> <firstName> Christopher </firstName> <lastName> Coons </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> DE </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001070 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Casey, Robert P., Jr. [D-PA] </fullName> <firstName> Bob </firstName> <lastName> Casey </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> PA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001194 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Schatz, Brian [D-HI] </fullName> <firstName> Brian </firstName> <lastName> Schatz </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> HI </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001042 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hirono, Mazie K. [D-HI] </fullName> <firstName> Mazie </firstName> <lastName> Hirono </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> HI </state> <middleName> K. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000464 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Tester, Jon [D-MT] </fullName> <firstName> Jon </firstName> <lastName> Tester </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MT </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001046 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Heinrich, Martin [D-NM] </fullName> <firstName> Martin </firstName> <lastName> Heinrich </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NM </state> <middleName> T. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000457 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Franken, Al [D-MN] </fullName> <firstName> Al </firstName> <lastName> Franken </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MN </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000033 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Sanders, Bernard [I-VT] </fullName> <firstName> Bernard </firstName> <lastName> Sanders </lastName> <party> I </party> <state> VT </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001176 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Merkley, Jeff [D-OR] </fullName> <firstName> Jeff </firstName> <lastName> Merkley </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OR </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000805 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Warner, Mark R. [D-VA] </fullName> <firstName> Mark </firstName> <lastName> Warner </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001230 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Baldwin, Tammy [D-WI] </fullName> <firstName> Tammy </firstName> <lastName> Baldwin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WI </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000702 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Mikulski, Barbara A. [D-MD] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> MIKULSKI </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> ANN </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000141 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cardin, Benjamin L. [D-MD] </fullName> <firstName> Ben </firstName> <lastName> Cardin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000361 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Rockefeller, John D., IV [D-WV] </fullName> <firstName> JAY </firstName> <lastName> ROCKEFELLER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WV </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001169 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Murphy, Christopher [D-CT] </fullName> <firstName> Christopher </firstName> <lastName> Murphy </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CT </state> <middleName> S. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001049 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hagan, Kay R. [D-NC] </fullName> <firstName> Kay </firstName> <lastName> Hagan </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NC </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000817 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Warren, Elizabeth [D-MA] </fullName> <firstName> Elizabeth </firstName> <lastName> Warren </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001035 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Collins, Susan M. [R-ME] </fullName> <firstName> Susan </firstName> <lastName> Collins </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ME </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-11-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Public Lands and Natural Resources </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Commemorative events and holidays </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Wilderness and natural areas, wildlife refuges, wild rivers, habitats </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Public Lands and Natural Resources </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-10-23T12:17:28Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Commemorates the 50th anniversary of the Wilderness Act.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Commends the work of the individuals and organizations involved in building and maintaining the National Wilderness Preservation System.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-10-23T12:18:06Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Commemorates the 50th anniversary of the Wilderness Act.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Commends the work of the individuals and organizations involved in building and maintaining the National Wilderness Preservation System.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Wilderness Act. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Wilderness Act. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Wilderness Act. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-09-18T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres573ats/xml/BILLS-113sres573ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5880; text as passed Senate: CR S5799-5800) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. 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For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-09-18", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-18", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5880; text as passed Senate: CR S5799-5800)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 573, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": null, "policy_area": "Public Lands and Natural Resources", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 113, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-17", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Natural Resources.", "type": null }, "number": 730, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Identical bill" } ], "title": "Commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Wilderness Act.", "type": "HRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "W000779", "district": null, "first_name": "Ron", "full_name": "Sen. Wyden, Ron [D-OR]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Wyden", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "OR" } ], "subjects": [ "Commemorative events and holidays", "Congressional tributes", "Wilderness and natural areas, wildlife refuges, wild rivers, habitats" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-09-18", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Commemorates the 50th anniversary of the Wilderness Act.</p> <p>Commends the work of the individuals and organizations involved in building and maintaining the National Wilderness Preservation System.</p>", "update_date": "2014-10-23T12:17:28Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2014-09-18", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Commemorates the 50th anniversary of the Wilderness Act.</p> <p>Commends the work of the individuals and organizations involved in building and maintaining the National Wilderness Preservation System.</p>", "update_date": "2014-10-23T12:18:06Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-09-18T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres573ats/xml/BILLS-113sres573ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Wilderness Act.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Wilderness Act.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Wilderness Act.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2019-02-20T12:29:04Z", "update_date_including_text": "2022-11-04T17:17:17Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-09-18T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres573ats/xml/BILLS-113sres573ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres573ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres573ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-06T23:14:01.59", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-573", "legis_num": 573, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-573-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 573 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES September 18, 2014 Mr. Wyden (for himself, Mr. Sessions , Mr. Udall of Colorado , Mr. Alexander , Mr. Udall of New Mexico , Mr. Portman , Mr. Bennet , Mr. Burr , Mr. Harkin , Mr. Kirk , Mr. Markey , Mr. Durbin , Mr. Levin , Ms. Stabenow , Ms. Cantwell , Mr. Johnson of South Dakota , Mr. Menendez , Mr. Reid , Mr. Walsh , Mrs. Boxer , Mrs. Feinstein , Mr. Booker , Mr. Blumenthal , Ms. Klobuchar , Mrs. Murray , Mr. King , Mr. Coons , Mr. Casey , Mr. Schatz , Ms. Hirono , Mr. Tester , Mr. Heinrich , Mr. Franken , Mr. Sanders , Mr. Merkley , Mr. Warner , Ms. Baldwin , Ms. Mikulski , Mr. Cardin , Mr. Rockefeller , Mr. Murphy , Mrs. Hagan , and Ms. Warren ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Commemorating the 50 th anniversary of the Wilderness Act.\n\nWhereas September 3, 2014, marks the 50 th anniversary of the date of enactment of the Wilderness Act ( 16 U.S.C. 1131 et seq. ), which gave to the people of the United States the National Wilderness Preservation System, an enduring resource of natural heritage; Whereas great writers of the United States, including Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, Willa Cather, George Perkins Marsh, Mary Hunter Austin, David James Duncan, and John Muir, poets such as William Cullen Bryant, and painters such as Thomas Cole, Frederic Church, Frederic Remington, Georgia O'Keefe, Albert Bierstadt, and Thomas Moran, helped define the distinct cultural value of wild nature and concept of wilderness in the United States; Whereas national leaders, such as President Theodore Roosevelt, who reveled in outdoor pursuits, have sought to ensure the wisest use of natural resources, so as to provide the greatest good for the greatest number of people as possible; Whereas luminaries in the conservation movement, such as scientist Aldo Leopold, writer Howard Zahniser, teacher Sigurd Olson, biologists Olaus, Adolph, and Margaret Mardy Murie, and conservationists David Brower and Marjory Stoneman Douglas, envisioned and ardently advocated for a national system of protected wilderness areas and believed that the people of the United States could and should protect and preserve wilderness so that wilderness lasts well into the future; Whereas legislators such as Senator Hubert H. Humphrey, a Democrat from Minnesota, Senator Clinton P. Anderson, a Democrat from New Mexico, and Representative John Saylor, a Republican from Pennsylvania, introduced versions of the Wilderness Act in each House of Congress and worked tirelessly along with colleagues for 8 years to secure its passage with bipartisan votes of 78 to 12 in the Senate and 373 to 1 in the House of Representatives; Whereas President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Wilderness Act into law in the Rose Garden on September 3, 1964; Whereas, over the 50 years since the enactment of the Wilderness Act, various Presidents from both parties, leaders of Congress, and experts in the land management agencies within the Departments of the Interior and Agriculture have expanded and improved the system of wilderness protection created by the Wilderness Act; Whereas the Wilderness Act instituted an unambiguous national policy to recognize the natural heritage of the United States as a valuable resource and protect wilderness for the good of future generations; Whereas wilderness provides billions of dollars of ecosystem services in the form of safe drinking water, clean air, and recreational opportunities; Whereas 44 States have protected wilderness areas; and Whereas President Gerald R. Ford stated that the National Wilderness Preservation System serves a basic need of all Americans, even those who may never visit a wilderness area—the preservation of a vital element in our heritage and that wilderness preservation ensures that a central facet of our Nation can still be realized, not just remembered : Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) commemorates the 50 th anniversary of the Wilderness Act ( 16 U.S.C. 1131 et seq. ); (2) recognizes and commends the extraordinary work of the individuals and organizations involved in building and maintaining the National Wilderness Preservation System; and (3) is grateful for wilderness, a tremendous asset the United States continues to preserve as a gift to future generations.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 573 ATS: Commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Wilderness Act.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date/>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 573\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date>\n September 18, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S247\">\n Mr. Wyden\n </sponsor>\n (for himself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S261\">\n Mr. Sessions\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S325\">\n Mr. Udall of Colorado\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S289\">\n Mr. Alexander\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S326\">\n Mr. Udall of New Mexico\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S349\">\n Mr. Portman\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S330\">\n Mr. Bennet\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S300\">\n Mr. Burr\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S172\">\n Mr. Harkin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S339\">\n Mr. Kirk\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S369\">\n Mr. Markey\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S253\">\n Mr. Durbin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S131\">\n Mr. Levin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S284\">\n Ms. Stabenow\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S275\">\n Ms. Cantwell\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S257\">\n Mr. Johnson of South Dakota\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S306\">\n Mr. Menendez\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S198\">\n Mr. Reid\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S371\">\n Mr. Walsh\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S223\">\n Mrs. Boxer\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S221\">\n Mrs. Feinstein\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S370\">\n Mr. Booker\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S341\">\n Mr. Blumenthal\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S311\">\n Ms. Klobuchar\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S229\">\n Mrs. Murray\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S363\">\n Mr. King\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S337\">\n Mr. Coons\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S309\">\n Mr. Casey\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S353\">\n Mr. Schatz\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S361\">\n Ms. Hirono\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S314\">\n Mr. Tester\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S359\">\n Mr. Heinrich\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S332\">\n Mr. Franken\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S313\">\n Mr. Sanders\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S322\">\n Mr. Merkley\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S327\">\n Mr. Warner\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S354\">\n Ms. Baldwin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S182\">\n Ms. Mikulski\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S308\">\n Mr. Cardin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S176\">\n Mr. Rockefeller\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S364\">\n Mr. Murphy\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S320\">\n Mrs. Hagan\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S366\">\n Ms. Warren\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Commemorating the 50\n <superscript>\n th\n </superscript>\n anniversary of the Wilderness Act.\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas September 3, 2014, marks the 50\n <superscript>\n th\n </superscript>\n anniversary of the date of enactment of the Wilderness Act (\n <external-xref legal-doc=\"usc\" parsable-cite=\"usc/16/1131\">\n 16 U.S.C. 1131 et seq.\n </external-xref>\n ), which gave to\n\t\t\t the people of the United States the National Wilderness Preservation\n\t\t\t System, an enduring resource of natural heritage;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas great writers of the United States, including Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau,\n\t\t\t Willa Cather, George Perkins Marsh, Mary Hunter Austin, David James\n\t\t\t Duncan, and John Muir, poets such as William Cullen Bryant, and painters\n\t\t\t such as Thomas Cole, Frederic Church, Frederic Remington, Georgia O'Keefe,\n\t\t\t Albert Bierstadt, and Thomas Moran, helped define the distinct\n\t\t\t cultural value of wild nature and concept of wilderness in the United\n\t\t\t States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas national leaders, such as President Theodore Roosevelt, who reveled in outdoor pursuits,\n\t\t\t have sought to ensure the wisest use of natural resources, so as to\n\t\t\t provide the greatest good for the greatest number of people as possible;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas luminaries in the conservation movement, such as scientist Aldo Leopold, writer Howard\n\t\t\t Zahniser, teacher Sigurd Olson, biologists Olaus, Adolph, and Margaret\n <quote>\n Mardy\n </quote>\n Murie, and conservationists David Brower and Marjory Stoneman Douglas, envisioned and ardently\n\t\t\t advocated for a national system of protected wilderness areas and believed\n\t\t\t that the people of\n\t\t\t the United States could and should protect and preserve wilderness so that\n\t\t\t wilderness lasts well into the future;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas legislators such as Senator Hubert H. Humphrey, a Democrat from Minnesota, Senator Clinton\n\t\t\t P. Anderson, a Democrat from New Mexico, and Representative John Saylor, a\n\t\t\t Republican from Pennsylvania, introduced versions of the Wilderness Act in\n\t\t\t each House of Congress and worked tirelessly along with colleagues for 8\n\t\t\t years to secure its\n\t\t\t passage with bipartisan votes of 78 to 12 in the Senate and 373 to 1 in\n\t\t\t the House of Representatives;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Wilderness Act into law in the Rose Garden on\n\t\t\t September 3, 1964;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas, over the 50 years since the enactment of the Wilderness Act, various Presidents from both\n\t\t\t parties, leaders of Congress, and experts in the land management agencies\n\t\t\t within the Departments of the Interior and Agriculture have expanded and\n\t\t\t improved the system of wilderness protection created by the Wilderness\n\t\t\t Act;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Wilderness Act instituted an unambiguous national policy to recognize the natural\n\t\t\t heritage of the United States as a valuable resource and protect\n\t\t\t wilderness for the good of future generations;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas wilderness provides billions of dollars of ecosystem services in the form of safe drinking\n\t\t\t water, clean air, and recreational opportunities;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas 44 States have protected wilderness areas; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas President Gerald R. Ford stated that the National Wilderness Preservation System\n <quote>\n serves a basic need of all Americans, even those who may never visit a wilderness area—the\n\t\t\t preservation of a vital element in our heritage\n </quote>\n and that\n <quote>\n wilderness preservation ensures that a central facet of our Nation can still be realized, not just\n\t\t\t remembered\n </quote>\n : Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"idCE50047AEFC94720B61CDB1805FA10C9\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n commemorates the 50\n <superscript>\n th\n </superscript>\n anniversary of the Wilderness Act (\n <external-xref legal-doc=\"usc\" parsable-cite=\"usc/16/1131\">\n 16 U.S.C. 1131 et seq.\n </external-xref>\n );\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idC4361CB473A24B3F8B2FFD6B0EA8D2CE\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n recognizes and commends the extraordinary work of the individuals and organizations involved in\n\t\t\t building and maintaining the National Wilderness Preservation System; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id77318F864FA54C598D80032D66CF5361\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n is grateful for wilderness, a tremendous asset the United States continues to preserve as a\n\t\t\t gift to future generations.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-05 00:59:01.368
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 574 </number> <updateDate> 2022-03-03T21:27:53Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2022-11-04T17:17:15Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-09-18 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <relatedBills> <item> <title> A resolution designating the week of September 23 through September 29, 2013, as "National Estuaries Week". </title> <congress> 113 </congress> <number> 263 </number> <type> SRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2013-12-13 </actionDate> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and an amended preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S8813; text: CR S8821-8822) </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5880; text as passed Senate: CR S5800) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5880; text as passed Senate: CR S5800) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> W000802 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Whitehouse, Sheldon [D-RI] </fullName> <firstName> Sheldon </firstName> <lastName> Whitehouse </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> RI </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> S001181 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Shaheen, Jeanne [D-NH] </fullName> <firstName> Jeanne </firstName> <lastName> Shaheen </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000127 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cantwell, Maria [D-WA] </fullName> <firstName> Maria </firstName> <lastName> Cantwell </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000805 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Warner, Mark R. [D-VA] </fullName> <firstName> Mark </firstName> <lastName> Warner </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001277 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Blumenthal, Richard [D-CT] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Blumenthal </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CT </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000639 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Menendez, Robert [D-NJ] </fullName> <firstName> Robert </firstName> <lastName> Menendez </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001288 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Booker, Cory A. [D-NJ] </fullName> <firstName> Cory </firstName> <lastName> Booker </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000122 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Reed, Jack [D-RI] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Reed </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> RI </state> <middleName> F. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000817 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Warren, Elizabeth [D-MA] </fullName> <firstName> Elizabeth </firstName> <lastName> Warren </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000702 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Mikulski, Barbara A. [D-MD] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> MIKULSKI </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> ANN </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001088 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Coons, Christopher A. [D-DE] </fullName> <firstName> Christopher </firstName> <lastName> Coons </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> DE </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000133 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Markey, Edward J. [D-MA] </fullName> <firstName> Edward </firstName> <lastName> Markey </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> N000032 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Nelson, Bill [D-FL] </fullName> <firstName> CLARENCE </firstName> <lastName> NELSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <middleName> WILLIAM </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000563 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Durbin, Richard J. [D-IL] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Durbin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000550 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Landrieu, Mary L. [D-LA] </fullName> <firstName> MARY </firstName> <lastName> LANDRIEU </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> LA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001111 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Murray, Patty [D-WA] </fullName> <firstName> Patty </firstName> <lastName> Murray </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000711 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Boxer, Barbara [D-CA] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> BOXER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001042 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hirono, Mazie K. [D-HI] </fullName> <firstName> Mazie </firstName> <lastName> Hirono </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> HI </state> <middleName> K. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000383 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. King, Angus S., Jr. [I-ME] </fullName> <firstName> Angus </firstName> <lastName> King </lastName> <party> I </party> <state> ME </state> <middleName> S. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001035 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Collins, Susan M. [R-ME] </fullName> <firstName> Susan </firstName> <lastName> Collins </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ME </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000555 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Gillibrand, Kirsten E. [D-NY] </fullName> <firstName> Kirsten </firstName> <lastName> Gillibrand </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001230 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Baldwin, Tammy [D-WI] </fullName> <firstName> Tammy </firstName> <lastName> Baldwin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WI </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000141 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cardin, Benjamin L. [D-MD] </fullName> <firstName> Ben </firstName> <lastName> Cardin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000567 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cochran, Thad [R-MS] </fullName> <firstName> Thad </firstName> <lastName> Cochran </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MS </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000062 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA] </fullName> <firstName> Dianne </firstName> <lastName> Feinstein </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000779 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Wyden, Ron [D-OR] </fullName> <firstName> Ron </firstName> <lastName> Wyden </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OR </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001265 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Begich, Mark [D-AK] </fullName> <firstName> Mark </firstName> <lastName> Begich </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AK </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> A000368 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Ayotte, Kelly [R-NH] </fullName> <firstName> Kelly </firstName> <lastName> Ayotte </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Environmental Protection </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Commemorative events and holidays </name> </item> <item> <name> Marine and coastal resources, fisheries </name> </item> <item> <name> Wetlands </name> </item> <item> <name> Wildlife conservation and habitat protection </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Environmental Protection </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-09-26T21:17:11Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Designates the week of September 20-September 27, 2014, as National Estuaries Week. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Acknowledges the importance of estuaries to sustaining employment in the United States and the nation's economic well-being and prosperity.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Expresses the intent of the Senate to continue working to understand, protect, and restore U.S. estuaries.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-09-26T21:25:50Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Designates the week of September 20-September 27, 2014, as National Estuaries Week. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Acknowledges the importance of estuaries to sustaining employment in the United States and the nation's economic well-being and prosperity.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Expresses the intent of the Senate to continue working to understand, protect, and restore U.S. estuaries.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution designating the week of September 20 through September 27, 2014, as "National Estuaries Week". </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution designating the week of September 20 through September 27, 2014, as "National Estuaries Week". </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution designating the week of September 20 through September 27, 2014, as "National Estuaries Week". </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-09-18T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres574ats/xml/BILLS-113sres574ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5880; text as passed Senate: CR S5800) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. 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Shaheen, Jeanne [D-NH]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Shaheen", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "NH" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000127", "district": null, "first_name": "Maria", "full_name": "Sen. Cantwell, Maria [D-WA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Cantwell", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000805", "district": null, "first_name": "Mark", "full_name": "Sen. Warner, Mark R. [D-VA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Warner", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001277", "district": null, "first_name": "Richard", "full_name": "Sen. Blumenthal, Richard [D-CT]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Blumenthal", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "CT" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000639", "district": null, "first_name": "Robert", "full_name": "Sen. Menendez, Robert [D-NJ]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Menendez", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001288", "district": null, "first_name": "Cory", "full_name": "Sen. Booker, Cory A. [D-NJ]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Booker", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000122", "district": null, "first_name": "John", "full_name": "Sen. Reed, Jack [D-RI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Reed", "middle_name": "F.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "RI" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000817", "district": null, "first_name": "Elizabeth", "full_name": "Sen. Warren, Elizabeth [D-MA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Warren", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000702", "district": null, "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Sen. Mikulski, Barbara A. [D-MD]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MIKULSKI", "middle_name": "ANN", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001088", "district": null, "first_name": "Christopher", "full_name": "Sen. Coons, Christopher A. [D-DE]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Coons", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "DE" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000133", "district": null, "first_name": "Edward", "full_name": "Sen. Markey, Edward J. [D-MA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Markey", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000032", "district": null, "first_name": "CLARENCE", "full_name": "Sen. Nelson, Bill [D-FL]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "NELSON", "middle_name": "WILLIAM", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000563", "district": null, "first_name": "Richard", "full_name": "Sen. Durbin, Richard J. 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As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-09-18", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-18", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5880; text as passed Senate: CR S5800)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 574, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Environmental Protection", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 113, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2013-12-13", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and an amended preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S8813; text: CR S8821-8822)", "type": null }, "number": 263, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "A resolution designating the week of September 23 through September 29, 2013, as \"National Estuaries Week\".", "type": "SRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "W000802", "district": null, "first_name": "Sheldon", "full_name": "Sen. Whitehouse, Sheldon [D-RI]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Whitehouse", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "RI" } ], "subjects": [ "Commemorative events and holidays", "Marine and coastal resources, fisheries", "Wetlands", "Wildlife conservation and habitat protection" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-09-18", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Designates the week of September 20-September 27, 2014, as National Estuaries Week. </p> <p>Acknowledges the importance of estuaries to sustaining employment in the United States and the nation's economic well-being and prosperity.</p><p>Expresses the intent of the Senate to continue working to understand, protect, and restore U.S. estuaries.</p>", "update_date": "2014-09-26T21:17:11Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2014-09-18", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Designates the week of September 20-September 27, 2014, as National Estuaries Week. </p> <p>Acknowledges the importance of estuaries to sustaining employment in the United States and the nation's economic well-being and prosperity.</p><p>Expresses the intent of the Senate to continue working to understand, protect, and restore U.S. estuaries.</p>", "update_date": "2014-09-26T21:25:50Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-09-18T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres574ats/xml/BILLS-113sres574ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution designating the week of September 20 through September 27, 2014, as \"National Estuaries Week\".", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating the week of September 20 through September 27, 2014, as \"National Estuaries Week\".", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating the week of September 20 through September 27, 2014, as \"National Estuaries Week\".", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2022-03-03T21:27:53Z", "update_date_including_text": "2022-11-04T17:17:15Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-09-18T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres574ats/xml/BILLS-113sres574ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres574ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres574ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-06T23:14:01.363", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-574", "legis_num": 574, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-574-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 574 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES September 18, 2014 Mr. Whitehouse (for himself, Mrs. Shaheen , Ms. Cantwell , Mr. Warner , Mr. Blumenthal , Mr. Menendez , Mr. Booker , Mr. Reed , Ms. Warren , Ms. Mikulski , Mr. Coons , Mr. Markey , Mr. Nelson , Mr. Durbin , Ms. Landrieu , Mrs. Murray , Mrs. Boxer , Ms. Hirono , Mr. King , Ms. Collins , Mrs. Gillibrand , Ms. Baldwin , Mr. Cardin , Mr. Cochran , Mrs. Feinstein , Mr. Wyden , Mr. Begich , and Ms. Ayotte ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Designating the week of September 20 through September 27, 2014, as National Estuaries Week .\n\nWhereas the estuary regions of the United States constitute a significant share of the economy of the United States, with as much as 42 percent of the gross domestic product of the United States generated in coastal shoreline counties; Whereas the population of coastal shoreline counties in the United States increased by 39 percent from 1970 to 2010 and is projected to continue to increase; Whereas not less than 1,900,000 jobs in the United States are supported by marine tourism and recreation; Whereas the commercial fishing, recreational fishing, and seafood industries rely on healthy estuaries and directly support 1,681,000 jobs in the United States; Whereas in 2012, commercial fish landings generated $5,100,000,000 and recreational anglers took more than 70,000,000 fishing trips and spent $24,600,000,000; Whereas estuaries provide vital habitats for countless species of fish and wildlife, including many species that are listed as threatened or endangered species; Whereas estuaries provide critical ecosystem services that protect human health and public safety, including water filtration, flood control, shoreline stabilization, erosion prevention, and the protection of coastal communities during hurricanes and storms; Whereas the United States has lost more than 110,000,000 acres of wetland, or 50 percent of the wetland of the United States, since the first European settlers arrived; Whereas some bays in the United States that were once filled with fish and oysters have become dead zones filled with excess nutrients, chemical wastes, harmful algae, and marine debris; Whereas changes in sea level can affect estuarine water quality and estuarine habitats; Whereas the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 ( 16 U.S.C. 1451 et seq. ) provides that it is the policy of the United States to preserve, protect, develop, and, if possible, restore or enhance the resources of the coastal zone of the United States, including estuaries, for current and future generations; Whereas 24 coastal and Great Lakes States and territories of the United States operate a National Estuary Program or contain a National Estuarine Research Reserve; Whereas scientific study leads to a better understanding of the benefits of estuaries to human and ecological communities; Whereas the Federal Government, State, local, and tribal governments, national and community organizations, and individuals work together to effectively manage the estuaries of the United States; Whereas estuary restoration efforts restore natural infrastructure in local communities in a cost-effective manner, helping to create jobs and reestablish the natural functions of estuaries that yield countless benefits; and Whereas the week of September 20 through September 27, 2014, is recognized as National Estuaries Week to increase awareness among all people of the United States, including Federal Government and State and local government officials, about the importance of healthy estuaries and the need to protect and restore estuaries: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) designates the week of September 20 through September 27, 2014, as National Estuaries Week ; (2) supports the goals and ideals of National Estuaries Week; (3) acknowledges the importance of estuaries to sustaining employment in the United States and the economic well-being and prosperity of the United States; (4) recognizes that persistent threats undermine the health of the estuaries of the United States; (5) applauds the work of national and community organizations and public partners that promote public awareness, understanding, protection, and restoration of estuaries; (6) reaffirms the support of the Senate for estuaries, including the scientific study, preservation, protection, and restoration of estuaries; and (7) expresses the intent of the Senate to continue working to understand, protect, and restore the estuaries of the United States.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 574 ATS: Designating the week of September 20 through September 27, 2014, as “National Estuaries Week”.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-09-18\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 574\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20140918\">\n September 18, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S316\">\n Mr. Whitehouse\n </sponsor>\n (for himself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S324\">\n Mrs. Shaheen\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S275\">\n Ms. Cantwell\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S327\">\n Mr. Warner\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S341\">\n Mr. Blumenthal\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S306\">\n Mr. Menendez\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S370\">\n Mr. Booker\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S259\">\n Mr. Reed\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S366\">\n Ms. Warren\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S182\">\n Ms. Mikulski\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S337\">\n Mr. Coons\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S369\">\n Mr. Markey\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S282\">\n Mr. Nelson\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S253\">\n Mr. Durbin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S258\">\n Ms. Landrieu\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S229\">\n Mrs. Murray\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S223\">\n Mrs. Boxer\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S361\">\n Ms. Hirono\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S363\">\n Mr. King\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S252\">\n Ms. Collins\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S331\">\n Mrs. Gillibrand\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S354\">\n Ms. Baldwin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S308\">\n Mr. Cardin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S136\">\n Mr. Cochran\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S221\">\n Mrs. Feinstein\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S247\">\n Mr. Wyden\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S319\">\n Mr. Begich\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S340\">\n Ms. Ayotte\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Designating the week of September 20 through September 27, 2014, as\n <quote>\n National Estuaries Week\n </quote>\n .\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the estuary regions of the United States constitute a significant share of the economy of\n\t\t\t the United States, with as much as 42 percent of the gross domestic\n\t\t\t product of the United States generated in coastal shoreline counties;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the population of coastal shoreline counties in the United States increased by 39 percent\n\t\t\t from 1970 to 2010 and is projected to continue to increase;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas not less than 1,900,000 jobs in the United States are supported by marine tourism and\n\t\t\t recreation;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the commercial fishing, recreational fishing, and seafood industries rely on healthy\n\t\t\t estuaries and directly support 1,681,000 jobs in the United States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas in 2012, commercial fish landings generated $5,100,000,000 and recreational anglers took\n\t\t\t more than 70,000,000 fishing trips and spent $24,600,000,000;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas estuaries provide vital habitats for countless species of fish and wildlife, including many\n\t\t\t species that are listed as threatened or endangered species;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas estuaries provide critical ecosystem services that protect human health and public safety,\n\t\t\t including water filtration, flood control, shoreline stabilization,\n\t\t\t erosion prevention, and the protection of coastal communities during\n\t\t\t hurricanes and storms;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the United States has lost more than 110,000,000 acres of wetland, or 50 percent of the\n\t\t\t wetland of the United States, since the first European settlers arrived;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas some bays in the United States that were once filled with fish and oysters have become dead\n\t\t\t zones filled with excess nutrients, chemical wastes, harmful algae, and\n\t\t\t marine debris;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas changes in sea level can affect estuarine water quality and estuarine habitats;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 (\n <external-xref legal-doc=\"usc\" parsable-cite=\"usc/16/1451\">\n 16 U.S.C. 1451 et seq.\n </external-xref>\n ) provides that it is the\n\t\t\t policy of the United States to preserve, protect, develop, and, if\n\t\t\t possible, restore or enhance the resources of the coastal zone of the\n\t\t\t United States, including estuaries, for current and future generations;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas 24 coastal and Great Lakes States and territories of the United States operate a National\n\t\t\t Estuary Program or contain a National Estuarine Research Reserve;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas scientific study leads to a better understanding of the benefits of estuaries to human and\n\t\t\t ecological communities;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the Federal Government, State, local, and tribal governments, national and community\n\t\t\t organizations, and individuals work together to effectively manage the\n\t\t\t estuaries of the United States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas estuary restoration efforts restore natural infrastructure in local communities in a\n\t\t\t cost-effective manner, helping to create jobs and reestablish the natural\n\t\t\t functions of estuaries that yield countless benefits; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the week of September 20 through September 27, 2014, is recognized as\n <quote>\n National Estuaries Week\n </quote>\n to increase awareness among all people of the United States, including Federal Government and\n\t\t\t State and local government officials, about the importance of healthy\n\t\t\t estuaries and the need to protect and restore estuaries: Now, therefore,\n\t\t\t be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"id7bcbe09730d247029d0d20a6246ae60a\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n designates the week of September 20 through September 27, 2014, as\n <quote>\n National Estuaries Week\n </quote>\n ;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id4c10d9203cb7423eaa88894d40f8c608\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n supports the goals and ideals of National Estuaries Week;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id1ad6eacd000745c49cd64b1ac3f386d3\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n acknowledges the importance of estuaries to sustaining employment in the United States and the\n\t\t\t economic well-being and prosperity of the United States;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idf3237fbd6ced40f0aa14e07cefc64066\">\n <enum>\n (4)\n </enum>\n <text>\n recognizes that persistent threats undermine the health of the estuaries of the United States;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idc1c9f529713b4bdcba04bd758a7476b0\">\n <enum>\n (5)\n </enum>\n <text>\n applauds the work of national and community organizations and public partners that promote public\n\t\t\t awareness, understanding, protection, and restoration of estuaries;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id4594836c268c46acba8f05407c8ffa31\">\n <enum>\n (6)\n </enum>\n <text>\n reaffirms the support of the Senate for estuaries, including the scientific study, preservation,\n\t\t\t protection, and restoration of estuaries; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idef0d54e3f0774eb2a0051586b7fc7c4e\">\n <enum>\n (7)\n </enum>\n <text>\n expresses the intent of the Senate to continue working to understand, protect, and restore the\n\t\t\t estuaries of the United States.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-05 01:00:00.382
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 575 </number> <updateDate> 2022-03-03T21:27:53Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2022-11-04T17:17:16Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-09-18 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <relatedBills> <item> <title> Expressing support for designation of September 2013 as "National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month". </title> <congress> 113 </congress> <number> 348 </number> <type> HRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2013-09-17 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce. </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> <item> <title> Expressing support for designation of September 2014 as "National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month". </title> <congress> 113 </congress> <number> 740 </number> <type> HRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-09-19 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Health. </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> <item> <title> A resolution designating September 2013 as "National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month". </title> <congress> 113 </congress> <number> 206 </number> <type> SRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2013-07-30 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S6082; text as passed Senate: CR S6080) </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5880; text as passed Senate: CR S5800-5801) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5880; text as passed Senate: CR S5800-5801) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> S001141 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Sessions, Jeff [R-AL] </fullName> <firstName> Jeff </firstName> <lastName> Sessions </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AL </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> S000320 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Shelby, Richard C. [R-AL] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Shelby </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AL </state> <middleName> C. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000141 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cardin, Benjamin L. [D-MD] </fullName> <firstName> Ben </firstName> <lastName> Cardin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000934 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Moran, Jerry [R-KS] </fullName> <firstName> Jerry </firstName> <lastName> Moran </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KS </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000711 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Boxer, Barbara [D-CA] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> BOXER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> A000368 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Ayotte, Kelly [R-NH] </fullName> <firstName> Kelly </firstName> <lastName> Ayotte </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000177 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Johnson, Tim [D-SD] </fullName> <firstName> TIM </firstName> <lastName> JOHNSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> SD </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000062 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA] </fullName> <firstName> Dianne </firstName> <lastName> Feinstein </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000133 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Markey, Edward J. [D-MA] </fullName> <firstName> Edward </firstName> <lastName> Markey </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000567 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cochran, Thad [R-MS] </fullName> <firstName> Thad </firstName> <lastName> Cochran </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MS </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000639 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Menendez, Robert [D-NJ] </fullName> <firstName> Robert </firstName> <lastName> Menendez </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000575 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Blunt, Roy [R-MO] </fullName> <firstName> Roy </firstName> <lastName> Blunt </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MO </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> V000127 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Vitter, David [R-LA] </fullName> <firstName> David </firstName> <lastName> Vitter </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> LA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000779 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Wyden, Ron [D-OR] </fullName> <firstName> Ron </firstName> <lastName> Wyden </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OR </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000286 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Chambliss, Saxby [R-GA] </fullName> <firstName> SAXBY </firstName> <lastName> CHAMBLISS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> GA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-09-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Health </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Cancer </name> </item> <item> <name> Commemorative events and holidays </name> </item> <item> <name> Health care quality </name> </item> <item> <name> Health promotion and preventive care </name> </item> <item> <name> Medical research </name> </item> <item> <name> Medical tests and diagnostic methods </name> </item> <item> <name> Research administration and funding </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Health </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-09-25T22:22:00Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Designates September 2014 as National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. Declares that steps should be taken to: (1) raise awareness of prostate cancer, (2) increase research funding to improve screening and treatment for prostate cancer, and (3) improve access to care for prostate cancer.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-09-26T21:16:35Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Designates September 2014 as National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. Declares that steps should be taken to: (1) raise awareness of prostate cancer, (2) increase research funding to improve screening and treatment for prostate cancer, and (3) improve access to care for prostate cancer.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution designating September 2014 as "National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month". </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution designating September 2014 as "National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month". </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution designating September 2014 as "National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month". </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-09-18T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres575ats/xml/BILLS-113sres575ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-09-18 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5880; text as passed Senate: CR S5800-5801) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5880; text as passed Senate: CR S5800-5801)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2014-09-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5880; text as passed Senate: CR S5800-5801)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-09-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "S000320", "district": null, "first_name": "Richard", "full_name": "Sen. Shelby, Richard C. [R-AL]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Shelby", "middle_name": "C.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "AL" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000141", "district": null, "first_name": "Ben", "full_name": "Sen. Cardin, Benjamin L. [D-MD]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Cardin", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000934", "district": null, "first_name": "Jerry", "full_name": "Sen. Moran, Jerry [R-KS]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Moran", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "KS" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000711", "district": null, "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Sen. Boxer, Barbara [D-CA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BOXER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "A000368", "district": null, "first_name": "Kelly", "full_name": "Sen. Ayotte, Kelly [R-NH]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Ayotte", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "NH" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000177", "district": null, "first_name": "TIM", "full_name": "Sen. Johnson, Tim [D-SD]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JOHNSON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "SD" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000062", "district": null, "first_name": "Dianne", "full_name": "Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Feinstein", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000133", "district": null, "first_name": "Edward", "full_name": "Sen. Markey, Edward J. [D-MA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Markey", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000567", "district": null, "first_name": "Thad", "full_name": "Sen. Cochran, Thad [R-MS]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Cochran", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "MS" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000639", "district": null, "first_name": "Robert", "full_name": "Sen. Menendez, Robert [D-NJ]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Menendez", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000575", "district": null, "first_name": "Roy", "full_name": "Sen. Blunt, Roy [R-MO]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Blunt", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "MO" }, { "bioguide_id": "V000127", "district": null, "first_name": "David", "full_name": "Sen. Vitter, David [R-LA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Vitter", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "LA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000779", "district": null, "first_name": "Ron", "full_name": "Sen. Wyden, Ron [D-OR]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Wyden", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "OR" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000286", "district": null, "first_name": "SAXBY", "full_name": "Sen. Chambliss, Saxby [R-GA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CHAMBLISS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-09-18", "state": "GA" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-09-18", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-18", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5880; text as passed Senate: CR S5800-5801)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 575, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Health", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 113, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2013-09-17", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.", "type": null }, "number": 348, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "Expressing support for designation of September 2013 as \"National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month\".", "type": "HRES" }, { "congress": 113, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-09-19", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Health.", "type": null }, "number": 740, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "Expressing support for designation of September 2014 as \"National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month\".", "type": "HRES" }, { "congress": 113, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2013-07-30", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S6082; text as passed Senate: CR S6080)", "type": null }, "number": 206, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "A resolution designating September 2013 as \"National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month\".", "type": "SRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "S001141", "district": null, "first_name": "Jeff", "full_name": "Sen. Sessions, Jeff [R-AL]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Sessions", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "AL" } ], "subjects": [ "Cancer", "Commemorative events and holidays", "Health care quality", "Health promotion and preventive care", "Medical research", "Medical tests and diagnostic methods", "Research administration and funding" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-09-18", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Designates September 2014 as National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. Declares that steps should be taken to: (1) raise awareness of prostate cancer, (2) increase research funding to improve screening and treatment for prostate cancer, and (3) improve access to care for prostate cancer.</p>", "update_date": "2014-09-25T22:22:00Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2014-09-18", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Designates September 2014 as National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. Declares that steps should be taken to: (1) raise awareness of prostate cancer, (2) increase research funding to improve screening and treatment for prostate cancer, and (3) improve access to care for prostate cancer.</p>", "update_date": "2014-09-26T21:16:35Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-09-18T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres575ats/xml/BILLS-113sres575ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution designating September 2014 as \"National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month\".", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating September 2014 as \"National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month\".", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating September 2014 as \"National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month\".", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2022-03-03T21:27:53Z", "update_date_including_text": "2022-11-04T17:17:16Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-09-18T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres575ats/xml/BILLS-113sres575ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres575ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres575ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-06T23:13:02.923", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-575", "legis_num": 575, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-575-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 575 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES September 18, 2014 Mr. Sessions (for himself, Mr. Shelby , Mr. Cardin , Mr. Moran , Mrs. Boxer , Ms. Ayotte , Mr. Johnson of South Dakota , Mrs. Feinstein , Mr. Markey , Mr. Cochran , Mr. Menendez , Mr. Blunt , Mr. Vitter , Mr. Wyden , and Mr. Chambliss ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Designating September 2014 as National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month .\n\nWhereas over 2,900,000 families in the United States live with prostate cancer; Whereas 1 in 7 males in the United States will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetimes; Whereas prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed non-skin cancer and the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths among males in the United States; Whereas the National Cancer Institute estimates that, in 2014, 233,000 men will be diagnosed with, and more than 29,000 men will die of, prostate cancer; Whereas 40 percent of newly diagnosed prostate cancer cases occur in males under the age of 65; Whereas approximately every 7.5 seconds, a male in the United States turns 50 years old and increases his odds of developing cancer, including prostate cancer; Whereas African-American males suffer from a prostate cancer incidence rate that is up to 60 percent higher than that for white males and have double the prostate cancer mortality rate than that of white males; Whereas obesity is a significant predictor of the severity of prostate cancer; Whereas the probability that obesity will lead to death and high cholesterol levels is strongly associated with advanced prostate cancer; Whereas males in the United States with 1 family member diagnosed with prostate cancer have a 33 percent chance of being diagnosed with the disease, males with 2 close family members diagnosed have an 83 percent chance, and males with 3 family members diagnosed have a 97 percent chance; Whereas screening by a digital rectal examination and a prostate-specific antigen blood test can detect the disease in the early stages, increasing the chances of survival for more than 5 years to nearly 100 percent; Whereas only 33 percent of males survive more than 5 years if diagnosed with prostate cancer after the cancer has metastasized; Whereas there are no noticeable symptoms of prostate cancer while it is in the early stages, making screening critical; Whereas ongoing research promises further improvements in prostate cancer prevention, early detection, and treatment; and Whereas educating people in the United States, including health care providers, about prostate cancer and early detection strategies is crucial to saving the lives of males and preserving and protecting families: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) designates September 2014 as National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month ; (2) declares that steps should be taken— (A) to raise awareness about the importance of screening methods for, and treatment of, prostate cancer; (B) to increase research funding to a level that is commensurate with the burden of prostate cancer, so that— (i) screening and treatment for prostate cancer may be improved; (ii) the causes of prostate cancer may be discovered; and (iii) a cure for prostate cancer may be developed; and (C) to continue to consider ways for improving access to, and the quality of, health care services for detecting and treating prostate cancer; and (3) calls on the people of the United States, interest groups, and affected persons— (A) to promote awareness of prostate cancer; (B) to take an active role in the fight to end the devastating effects of prostate cancer on individuals, families, and the economy; and (C) to observe National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month with appropriate ceremonies and activities.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 575 ATS: Designating September 2014 as “National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month”.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date/>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress>\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session>\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 575\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action>\n <action-date>\n September 18, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S261\">\n Mr. Sessions\n </sponsor>\n (for himself,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S184\">\n Mr. Shelby\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S308\">\n Mr. Cardin\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S347\">\n Mr. Moran\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S223\">\n Mrs. Boxer\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S340\">\n Ms. Ayotte\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S257\">\n Mr. Johnson of South Dakota\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S221\">\n Mrs. Feinstein\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S369\">\n Mr. Markey\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S136\">\n Mr. Cochran\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S306\">\n Mr. Menendez\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S342\">\n Mr. Blunt\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S299\">\n Mr. Vitter\n </cosponsor>\n ,\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S247\">\n Mr. Wyden\n </cosponsor>\n , and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S290\">\n Mr. Chambliss\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Designating September 2014 as\n <quote>\n National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month\n </quote>\n .\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas over 2,900,000 families in the United States live with\n\t\t\t prostate cancer;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas 1 in 7 males in the United States will be\n\t\t\t diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetimes;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed\n\t\t\t non-skin cancer and the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths\n\t\t\t among\n\t\t\t males in the United States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the National Cancer Institute estimates that, in\n\t\t\t 2014, 233,000 men will be diagnosed with, and more than 29,000 men\n\t\t\t will\n\t\t\t die of, prostate cancer;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas 40 percent of newly diagnosed prostate cancer\n\t\t\t cases occur in males under the age of 65;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas approximately every 7.5 seconds, a male in the\n\t\t\t United States turns 50 years old and increases his odds of developing\n\t\t\t cancer,\n\t\t\t including prostate cancer;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas African-American males suffer from a prostate\n\t\t\t cancer incidence rate that is up to 60 percent higher than that for white\n\t\t\t males\n\t\t\t and have double the prostate cancer mortality rate than that of white\n\t\t\t males;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas obesity is a significant predictor of the severity\n\t\t\t of prostate cancer;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the probability that obesity will lead to death\n\t\t\t and high cholesterol levels is strongly associated with advanced prostate\n\t\t\t cancer;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas males in the United States with 1 family member\n\t\t\t diagnosed with prostate cancer have a 33 percent chance of being diagnosed\n\t\t\t with\n\t\t\t the disease, males with 2 close family members diagnosed have an 83\n\t\t\t percent\n\t\t\t chance, and males with 3 family members diagnosed have a 97 percent\n\t\t\t chance;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas screening by a digital rectal examination and a\n\t\t\t prostate-specific antigen blood test can detect the disease in the early\n\t\t\t stages, increasing the chances of survival for more than 5 years to nearly\n\t\t\t 100\n\t\t\t percent;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas only 33 percent of males survive more than 5 years\n\t\t\t if diagnosed with prostate cancer after the cancer has metastasized;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas there are no noticeable symptoms of prostate\n\t\t\t cancer while it is in the early stages, making screening critical;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas ongoing research promises further improvements in\n\t\t\t prostate cancer prevention, early detection, and treatment; and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas educating people in the United States, including\n\t\t\t health care providers, about prostate cancer and early detection\n\t\t\t strategies is\n\t\t\t crucial to saving the lives of males and preserving and protecting\n\t\t\t families:\n\t\t\t Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"idA7726010FF0741B78E5171732A165EED\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n designates\n\t\t\t September 2014 as\n <quote>\n National Prostate Cancer Awareness\n\t\t\t Month\n </quote>\n ;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idCBC8EB34A881426B89507150B15E1568\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n declares that\n\t\t\t steps should be taken—\n </text>\n <subparagraph id=\"idDA9BBB4B637D41818FA19422CB763AC0\">\n <enum>\n (A)\n </enum>\n <text>\n to raise\n\t\t\t awareness about the importance of screening methods for, and treatment of,\n\t\t\t prostate cancer;\n </text>\n </subparagraph>\n <subparagraph id=\"id1105CA79B09246CD9D94CE8150EEC017\">\n <enum>\n (B)\n </enum>\n <text>\n to increase\n\t\t\t research funding to a level that is commensurate with the burden of\n\t\t\t prostate\n\t\t\t cancer, so that—\n </text>\n <clause id=\"id49661C8F34244215B03D8DC025E5B87E\">\n <enum>\n (i)\n </enum>\n <text>\n screening and\n\t\t\t treatment for prostate cancer may be improved;\n </text>\n </clause>\n <clause id=\"id6415B1492BA74D4C966E505B50BBA714\">\n <enum>\n (ii)\n </enum>\n <text>\n the causes of\n\t\t\t prostate cancer may be discovered; and\n </text>\n </clause>\n <clause id=\"idD50A917CFEC44D4EA6B8558A8C1225BB\">\n <enum>\n (iii)\n </enum>\n <text>\n a\n\t\t\t cure for prostate cancer may be developed; and\n </text>\n </clause>\n </subparagraph>\n <subparagraph id=\"id3E926A43B1514BBEB275107B65457895\">\n <enum>\n (C)\n </enum>\n <text>\n to continue to\n\t\t\t consider ways for improving access to, and the quality of, health care\n\t\t\t services\n\t\t\t for detecting and treating prostate cancer; and\n </text>\n </subparagraph>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"idADEB0BB8328E4B468F0D3FF7DE67581A\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n calls on the\n\t\t\t people of the United States, interest groups, and affected persons—\n </text>\n <subparagraph id=\"idDF9F41AE21D5410D94625F05C74B5E89\">\n <enum>\n (A)\n </enum>\n <text>\n to promote\n\t\t\t awareness of prostate cancer;\n </text>\n </subparagraph>\n <subparagraph id=\"id2DD0A59CD48742998BB726CD9C802540\">\n <enum>\n (B)\n </enum>\n <text>\n to take an active\n\t\t\t role in the fight to end the devastating effects of prostate cancer on\n\t\t\t individuals, families, and the economy; and\n </text>\n </subparagraph>\n <subparagraph id=\"id4AA14C3F3D1B4C2BAFCB3D37479BF4AF\">\n <enum>\n (C)\n </enum>\n <text>\n to observe\n\t\t\t National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month with appropriate ceremonies and\n\t\t\t activities.\n </text>\n </subparagraph>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-04 19:16:00.572
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 576 </number> <updateDate> 2019-02-20T12:29:04Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2022-11-04T17:15:36Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-11-12 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <relatedBills> <item> <title> A resolution expressing the support for the designation of October 20, 2013, as the "National Day on Writing". </title> <congress> 113 </congress> <number> 295 </number> <type> SRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2013-11-14 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S8069; text as passed Senate: CR S8055) </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-11-12 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5957; text as passed Senate: CR S5921) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-11-12 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5957; text as passed Senate: CR S5921) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-11-12 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> C001070 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Casey, Robert P., Jr. [D-PA] </fullName> <firstName> Bob </firstName> <lastName> Casey </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> PA </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> R000307 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Roberts, Pat [R-KS] </fullName> <firstName> PAT </firstName> <lastName> ROBERTS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KS </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-11-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Education </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Art, artists, authorship </name> </item> <item> <name> Commemorative events and holidays </name> </item> <item> <name> Elementary and secondary education </name> </item> <item> <name> Higher education </name> </item> <item> <name> Language arts </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Education </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-11-12 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-12-05T20:27:31Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Expresses the Senate's support for the designation of October 20, 2014, as the National Day on Writing.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-11-12 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-12-05T20:28:07Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Expresses the Senate's support for the designation of October 20, 2014, as the National Day on Writing.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution expressing support for the designation of October 20, 2014, as the "National Day of Writing". </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing support for the designation of October 20, 2014, as the "National Day of Writing". </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing support for the designation of October 20, 2014, as the "National Day of Writing". </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-11-12T05:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres576ats/xml/BILLS-113sres576ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-11-12 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5957; text as passed Senate: CR S5921) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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(consideration: CR S5957; text as passed Senate: CR S5921)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2014-11-12", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5957; text as passed Senate: CR S5921)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-11-12", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "R000307", "district": null, "first_name": "PAT", "full_name": "Sen. Roberts, Pat [R-KS]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ROBERTS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-11-12", "state": "KS" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-11-12", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-11-12", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5957; text as passed Senate: CR S5921)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 576, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": null, "policy_area": "Education", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 113, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2013-11-14", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S8069; text as passed Senate: CR S8055)", "type": null }, "number": 295, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "A resolution expressing the support for the designation of October 20, 2013, as the \"National Day on Writing\".", "type": "SRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "C001070", "district": null, "first_name": "Bob", "full_name": "Sen. Casey, Robert P., Jr. [D-PA]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Casey", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "PA" } ], "subjects": [ "Art, artists, authorship", "Commemorative events and holidays", "Elementary and secondary education", "Higher education", "Language arts" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-11-12", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Expresses the Senate's support for the designation of October 20, 2014, as the National Day on Writing.</p>", "update_date": "2014-12-05T20:27:31Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2014-11-12", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Expresses the Senate's support for the designation of October 20, 2014, as the National Day on Writing.</p>", "update_date": "2014-12-05T20:28:07Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-11-12T05:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres576ats/xml/BILLS-113sres576ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution expressing support for the designation of October 20, 2014, as the \"National Day of Writing\".", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing support for the designation of October 20, 2014, as the \"National Day of Writing\".", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing support for the designation of October 20, 2014, as the \"National Day of Writing\".", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2019-02-20T12:29:04Z", "update_date_including_text": "2022-11-04T17:15:36Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-11-12T05:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres576ats/xml/BILLS-113sres576ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres576ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres576ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-06T22:39:00.772", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-576", "legis_num": 576, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-576-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 576 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES November 12, 2014 Mr. Casey (for himself and Mr. Roberts ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Expressing support for the designation of October 20, 2014, as the National Day on Writing .\n\nWhereas people in the 21 st century are writing more than ever before for personal, professional, and civic purposes; Whereas the social nature of writing invites people of every age, profession, and walk of life to create meaning through composing; Whereas more and more people in every occupation consider writing to be essential and influential in their work; Whereas writers continue to learn how to write for different purposes, audiences, and occasions throughout their lifetimes; Whereas developing digital technologies expand the possibilities for composing in multiple media at a faster pace than ever before; Whereas young people are leading the way in developing new forms of composing by using different forms of digital media; Whereas effective communication contributes to building a global economy and a global community; Whereas the National Council of Teachers of English, in conjunction with its many national and local partners, honors and celebrates the importance of writing through the National Day on Writing; Whereas the National Day on Writing celebrates the foundational place of writing in the personal, professional, and civic lives of the people of the United States; Whereas the National Day on Writing highlights the importance of writing instruction and practice at every educational level and in every subject area; Whereas the National Day on Writing emphasizes the lifelong process of learning to write and compose for different audiences, purposes, and occasions; Whereas the National Day on Writing honors the use of the full range of media for composing, from traditional tools like print, audio, and video to Internet website tools like blogs, wikis, and podcasts; and Whereas the National Day on Writing encourages all people of the United States to write, enjoy, and learn from the writing of others: Now, therefore, be it\n\nThat the Senate— (1) supports the designation of October 20, 2014, as the National Day on Writing ; (2) strongly affirms the purposes of the National Day on Writing; and (3) encourages educational institutions, businesses, community and civic associations, and other organizations to celebrate and promote the National Day on Writing.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\" star-print=\"no-star-print\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 576 ATS: Expressing support for the designation of October 20, 2014, as the “National Day on Writing”.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-11-12\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress display=\"yes\">\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session display=\"yes\">\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. RES. 576\n </legis-num>\n <current-chamber>\n IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES\n </current-chamber>\n <action display=\"yes\">\n <action-date date=\"20141112\">\n November 12, 2014\n </action-date>\n <action-desc>\n <sponsor name-id=\"S309\">\n Mr. Casey\n </sponsor>\n (for himself and\n <cosponsor name-id=\"S260\">\n Mr. Roberts\n </cosponsor>\n ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to\n </action-desc>\n </action>\n <legis-type>\n RESOLUTION\n </legis-type>\n <official-title display=\"yes\">\n Expressing support for the designation of\n\t\t October 20, 2014, as the\n <quote>\n National Day on\n\t\t Writing\n </quote>\n .\n </official-title>\n </form>\n <preamble>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas people in the\n\t\t\t 21\n <superscript>\n st\n </superscript>\n <subscript/>\n century are writing more\n\t\t\t than ever before for personal, professional, and civic purposes;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the social nature of writing invites people of\n\t\t\t every age, profession, and walk of life to create meaning through\n\t\t\t composing;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas more and more people in every occupation consider\n\t\t\t writing to be essential and influential in their work;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas writers continue to learn how to write for\n\t\t\t different purposes, audiences, and occasions throughout their lifetimes;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas developing digital technologies expand the\n\t\t\t possibilities for composing in multiple media at a faster pace than ever\n\t\t\t before;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas young people are leading the way in developing new\n\t\t\t forms of composing by using different forms of digital media;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas effective communication contributes to building a\n\t\t\t global economy and a global community;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the National Council of Teachers of English, in\n\t\t\t conjunction with its many national and local partners, honors and\n\t\t\t celebrates\n\t\t\t the importance of writing through the National Day on Writing;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the National Day on Writing celebrates the\n\t\t\t foundational place of writing in the personal, professional, and civic\n\t\t\t lives of\n\t\t\t the people of the United States;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the National Day on Writing highlights the\n\t\t\t importance of writing instruction and practice at every educational level\n\t\t\t and\n\t\t\t in every subject area;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the National Day on Writing emphasizes the\n\t\t\t lifelong process of learning to write and compose for different audiences,\n\t\t\t purposes, and occasions;\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the National Day on Writing honors the use of the\n\t\t\t full range of media for composing, from traditional tools like print,\n\t\t\t audio,\n\t\t\t and video to Internet website tools like blogs, wikis, and podcasts;\n\t\t\t and\n </text>\n </whereas>\n <whereas>\n <text>\n Whereas the National Day on Writing encourages all people\n\t\t\t of the United States to write, enjoy, and learn from the\n\t\t\t writing\n\t\t\t of others: Now, therefore, be it\n </text>\n </whereas>\n </preamble>\n <resolution-body>\n <section display-inline=\"yes-display-inline\" id=\"S1\" section-type=\"undesignated-section\">\n <enum/>\n <text>\n That the Senate—\n </text>\n <paragraph id=\"idC3587141A7D542F0B13272C688CAE24D\">\n <enum>\n (1)\n </enum>\n <text>\n supports the\n\t\t\t designation of October 20, 2014, as the\n <quote>\n National Day on\n\t\t\t Writing\n </quote>\n ;\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph id=\"id7C39E3727466486384548AD0D7E4AD53\">\n <enum>\n (2)\n </enum>\n <text>\n strongly affirms\n\t\t\t the purposes of the National Day on Writing; and\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n <paragraph commented=\"no\" display-inline=\"no-display-inline\" id=\"id1EA04BD6187E4C7A8B00C2BD09A2B64A\">\n <enum>\n (3)\n </enum>\n <text>\n encourages\n\t\t\t educational institutions, businesses, community and civic associations,\n\t\t\t and\n\t\t\t other organizations to celebrate and promote the National Day on\n\t\t\t Writing.\n </text>\n </paragraph>\n </section>\n </resolution-body>\n</resolution>\n", "xml_type": "dtd" } ]
2024-01-06 01:37:56.397
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 577 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-11T13:25:18Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-11T13:25:18Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2014-11-12 </introducedDate> <congress> 113 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssra00 </systemCode> <name> Rules and Administration Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Discharged from </name> <date> 2014-11-19T01:17:22Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2014-11-13T00:51:23Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <relatedBills> <item> <title> A resolution permitting the collection of clothing, toys, food, and housewares during the holiday season for charitable purposes in Senate buildings. </title> <congress> 113 </congress> <number> 307 </number> <type> SRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2013-11-20 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S8410; text as passed Senate: CR S8369) </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2014-11-18 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment by Unanimous Consent. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-11-18 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment by Unanimous Consent. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-11-18 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssra00 </systemCode> <name> Rules and Administration Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Senate Committee on Rules and Administration discharged by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S6106) </text> <type> Discharge </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-11-18 </actionDate> <text> Senate Committee on Rules and Administration discharged by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S6106) </text> <type> Committee </type> <actionCode> 14500 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssra00 </systemCode> <name> Rules and Administration Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-11-12 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssra00 </systemCode> <name> Rules and Administration Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on Rules and Administration. (text of measure as introduced: CR S5921) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2014-11-12 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> S000033 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Sanders, Bernard [I-VT] </fullName> <firstName> Bernard </firstName> <lastName> Sanders </lastName> <party> I </party> <state> VT </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> B001135 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Burr, Richard [R-NC] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Burr </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NC </state> <middleName> Mauze </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2014-11-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Congress </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Charitable contributions </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional officers and employees </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional operations and organization </name> </item> <item> <name> Members of Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Military personnel and dependents </name> </item> <item> <name> Senate </name> </item> <item> <name> Social work, volunteer service, charitable organizations </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Congress </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-11-12 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-11-18T19:19:21Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Authorizes a Senator, officer, or employee of the Senate to: (1) collect from another such individual, within Senate buildings, nonmonetary donations of clothing, toys, food, and housewares for charitable purposes related to serving persons in need or members of the Armed Forces and their families during the holiday season; and (2) work with a nonprofit organization for delivery of such donations.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2014-11-18 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2014-11-19T20:32:12Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Authorizes a Senator, officer, or employee of the Senate to: (1) collect from another such individual, within Senate buildings, nonmonetary donations of clothing, toys, food, and housewares for charitable purposes related to serving persons in need or members of the Armed Forces and their families during the holiday season; and (2) work with a nonprofit organization for delivery of such donations.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution permitting the collection of clothing, toys, food, and housewares during the holiday season for charitable purposes in Senate buildings. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution permitting the collection of clothing, toys, food, and housewares during the holiday season for charitable purposes in Senate buildings. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution permitting the collection of clothing, toys, food, and housewares during the holiday season for charitable purposes in Senate buildings. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2014-11-18T05:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres577ats/xml/BILLS-113sres577ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2014-11-12T05:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres577is/xml/BILLS-113sres577is.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2014-11-18 </actionDate> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment by Unanimous Consent. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-11-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment by Unanimous Consent.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2014-11-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment by Unanimous Consent.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-11-18", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Rules and Administration Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssra00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Senate Committee on Rules and Administration discharged by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S6106)", "type": "Discharge" }, { "action_code": "14500", "action_date": "2014-11-18", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Rules and Administration Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssra00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate Committee on Rules and Administration discharged by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S6106)", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-11-12", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Rules and Administration Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssra00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Rules and Administration. (text of measure as introduced: CR S5921)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2014-11-12", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2014-11-19T01:17:22Z", "name": "Discharged from" }, { "date": "2014-11-13T00:51:23Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Rules and Administration Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssra00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 113, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "B001135", "district": null, "first_name": "Richard", "full_name": "Sen. Burr, Richard [R-NC]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Burr", "middle_name": "Mauze", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2014-11-12", "state": "NC" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2014-11-12", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2014-11-18", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment by Unanimous Consent.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 577, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Congress", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 113, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2013-11-20", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S8410; text as passed Senate: CR S8369)", "type": null }, "number": 307, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "A resolution permitting the collection of clothing, toys, food, and housewares during the holiday season for charitable purposes in Senate buildings.", "type": "SRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "S000033", "district": null, "first_name": "Bernard", "full_name": "Sen. Sanders, Bernard [I-VT]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Sanders", "middle_name": null, "party": "I", "state": "VT" } ], "subjects": [ "Charitable contributions", "Congressional officers and employees", "Congressional operations and organization", "Members of Congress", "Military personnel and dependents", "Senate", "Social work, volunteer service, charitable organizations" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2014-11-12", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Authorizes a Senator, officer, or employee of the Senate to: (1) collect from another such individual, within Senate buildings, nonmonetary donations of clothing, toys, food, and housewares for charitable purposes related to serving persons in need or members of the Armed Forces and their families during the holiday season; and (2) work with a nonprofit organization for delivery of such donations.</p>", "update_date": "2014-11-18T19:19:21Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2014-11-18", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Authorizes a Senator, officer, or employee of the Senate to: (1) collect from another such individual, within Senate buildings, nonmonetary donations of clothing, toys, food, and housewares for charitable purposes related to serving persons in need or members of the Armed Forces and their families during the holiday season; and (2) work with a nonprofit organization for delivery of such donations.</p>", "update_date": "2014-11-19T20:32:12Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2014-11-18T05:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres577ats/xml/BILLS-113sres577ats.xml" }, { "date": "2014-11-12T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres577is/xml/BILLS-113sres577is.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution permitting the collection of clothing, toys, food, and housewares during the holiday season for charitable purposes in Senate buildings.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution permitting the collection of clothing, toys, food, and housewares during the holiday season for charitable purposes in Senate buildings.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution permitting the collection of clothing, toys, food, and housewares during the holiday season for charitable purposes in Senate buildings.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2023-01-11T13:25:18Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-11T13:25:18Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "bs_tv": { "date": "2014-11-18T05:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-113sres577ats/xml/BILLS-113sres577ats.xml" }, "bulk_path": "data/govinfo/BILLS/113/2/sres/BILLS-113sres577ats.xml", "congress_num": 113, "file_name": "BILLS-113sres577ats.xml", "lastmod": "2023-01-06T22:38:01.955", "legis_class": "bills", "legis_id": "113-sres-577", "legis_num": 577, "legis_type": "sres", "legis_version": "ats", "root_tag": "resolution", "tv_id": "113-sres-577-ats-dtd", "tv_txt": "III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 577 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES November 12, 2014 Mr. Sanders (for himself and Mr. Burr ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Rules and Administration November 18, 2014 Committee discharged; considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Permitting the collection of clothing, toys, food, and housewares during the holiday season for charitable purposes in Senate buildings.\n\n1. Collection of clothing, toys, food, and housewares during the holiday season for charitable purposes in Senate buildings (a) In general Notwithstanding any other provision of the rules or regulations of the Senate— (1) a Senator, officer of the Senate, or employee of the Senate may collect from another Senator, officer of the Senate, or employee of the Senate within Senate buildings nonmonetary donations of clothing, toys, food, and housewares for charitable purposes related to serving persons in need or members of the Armed Forces and the families of those members during the holiday season, if the charitable purposes do not otherwise violate any rule or regulation of the Senate or of Federal law; and (2) a Senator, officer of the Senate, or employee of the Senate may work with a nonprofit organization with respect to the delivery of donations described under paragraph (1). (b) Expiration The authority provided by this resolution shall expire at the end of the second session of the 113th Congress.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Agreed-to-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 577 ATS: Permitting the collection of clothing, toys, food, and housewares during the holiday season for charitable purposes in Senate buildings.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-11-12\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress>\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session>\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. 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RES. 577 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES November 12, 2014 Mr. Sanders (for himself and Mr. Burr ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Rules and Administration RESOLUTION Permitting the collection of clothing, toys, food, and housewares during the holiday season for charitable purposes in Senate buildings.\n\n1. Collection of clothing, toys, food, and housewares during the holiday season for charitable purposes in Senate buildings (a) In general Notwithstanding any other provision of the rules or regulations of the Senate— (1) a Senator, officer of the Senate, or employee of the Senate may collect from another Senator, officer of the Senate, or employee of the Senate within Senate buildings nonmonetary donations of clothing, toys, food, and housewares for charitable purposes related to serving persons in need or members of the Armed Forces and the families of those members during the holiday season, if the charitable purposes do not otherwise violate any rule or regulation of the Senate or of Federal law; and (2) a Senator, officer of the Senate, or employee of the Senate may work with a nonprofit organization with respect to the delivery of donations described under paragraph (1). (b) Expiration The authority provided by this resolution shall expire at the end of the second session of the 113th Congress.", "tv_xml": "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"billres.xsl\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC \"-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN\" \"res.dtd\">\n<resolution public-private=\"public\" resolution-stage=\"Introduced-in-Senate\" resolution-type=\"senate-resolution\">\n <metadata xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n <dublinCore>\n <dc:title>\n 113 SRES 577 IS: Permitting the collection of clothing, toys, food, and housewares during the holiday season for charitable purposes in Senate buildings.\n </dc:title>\n <dc:publisher>\n U.S. Senate\n </dc:publisher>\n <dc:date>\n 2014-11-12\n </dc:date>\n <dc:format>\n text/xml\n </dc:format>\n <dc:language>\n EN\n </dc:language>\n <dc:rights>\n Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.\n </dc:rights>\n </dublinCore>\n </metadata>\n <form>\n <distribution-code display=\"yes\">\n III\n </distribution-code>\n <congress>\n 113th CONGRESS\n </congress>\n <session>\n 2d Session\n </session>\n <legis-num>\n S. 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