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2023-01-07 08:07:01.834
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Agreed-to-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 258 ATS: Expressing support for the goals and ideals of National Infant Mortality Awareness Month, 2013. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-09-25 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 258 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130925" legis-day="20130924"> September 25 (legislative day, September 24), 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S308"> Mr. Cardin </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="S300"> Mr. Burr </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S306"> Mr. Menendez </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Expressing support for the goals and ideals of National Infant Mortality Awareness Month, 2013. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas the term <quote> infant mortality </quote> refers to the death of a baby before the first birthday of the baby; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the United States ranks 50th among countries in the rate of infant mortality; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas high rates of infant mortality are especially prevalent in African American, Native American, Alaskan Native, Latino, Asian, and Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander communities, communities with high rates of unemployment and poverty, and communities with limited access to safe housing and medical providers; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas premature birth and low birth weight are leading causes of infant mortality; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, according to the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies, premature birth costs the United States more than $26,000,000,000 annually; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas infant mortality can be substantially reduced through community-based services, such as outreach, home visitation, care coordination, health education, interconceptional care, and fatherhood involvement; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas support for community-based programs to reduce infant mortality may result in lower future spending on medical interventions, special education, and other social services that may be needed for infants and children who are born with a low birth weight; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Department of Health and Human Services, acting through the Office of Minority Health, has implemented the <quote> A Healthy Baby Begins With You </quote> campaign; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Maternal and Child Health Bureau of the Health Resources and Services Administration has provided national leadership on the issue of infant mortality; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Advisory Committee on Infant Mortality provides advice and recommendations to the Secretary of Health and Human Services on reducing infant mortality and improving the health status of infants and pregnant women; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Advisory Committee on Infant Mortality provides advice and recommendations to the Secretary of Health and Human Services with respect to developing a national strategy for reducing infant mortality; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas public awareness and education campaigns on infant mortality are held during the month of September each year; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas September 2013 has been designated as <quote> National Infant Mortality Awareness Month </quote> : Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="id1B5C916FE2C4471DAA3CC3126C4675C3"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> supports— </text> <subparagraph id="id3C588EC6A7C04DC68C212672F268B0CE"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> the goals and ideals of National Infant Mortality Awareness Month, 2013; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="id321C1DE356974CC89FD7E0C334AB9385"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> efforts to educate people in the United States about infant mortality and the factors that contribute to infant mortality; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="idF5695DB4B63147DEB93C60B30D3BA93D"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> efforts to reduce infant deaths, low birth weight, pre-term births, and disparities in perinatal outcomes; </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idBA99DA74ED1E4802A5A7FE53D97ED123"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> recognizes the critical importance of including efforts to reduce infant mortality and the factors that contribute to infant mortality as part of prevention and wellness strategies; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id92E44FCAF7D846AE955921DA43138188"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> calls on the people of the United States to observe National Infant Mortality Awareness Month with appropriate programs and activities. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 258 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES September 25 (legislative day, September 24), 2013 Mr. Cardin (for himself, Mr. Burr , and Mr. Menendez ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Expressing support for the goals and ideals of National Infant Mortality Awareness Month, 2013. Whereas the term infant mortality refers to the death of a baby before the first birthday of the baby; Whereas the United States ranks 50th among countries in the rate of infant mortality; Whereas high rates of infant mortality are especially prevalent in African American, Native American, Alaskan Native, Latino, Asian, and Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander communities, communities with high rates of unemployment and poverty, and communities with limited access to safe housing and medical providers; Whereas premature birth and low birth weight are leading causes of infant mortality; Whereas, according to the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies, premature birth costs the United States more than $26,000,000,000 annually; Whereas infant mortality can be substantially reduced through community-based services, such as outreach, home visitation, care coordination, health education, interconceptional care, and fatherhood involvement; Whereas support for community-based programs to reduce infant mortality may result in lower future spending on medical interventions, special education, and other social services that may be needed for infants and children who are born with a low birth weight; Whereas the Department of Health and Human Services, acting through the Office of Minority Health, has implemented the A Healthy Baby Begins With You campaign; Whereas the Maternal and Child Health Bureau of the Health Resources and Services Administration has provided national leadership on the issue of infant mortality; Whereas the Advisory Committee on Infant Mortality provides advice and recommendations to the Secretary of Health and Human Services on reducing infant mortality and improving the health status of infants and pregnant women; Whereas the Advisory Committee on Infant Mortality provides advice and recommendations to the Secretary of Health and Human Services with respect to developing a national strategy for reducing infant mortality; Whereas public awareness and education campaigns on infant mortality are held during the month of September each year; and Whereas September 2013 has been designated as National Infant Mortality Awareness Month : Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) supports— (A) the goals and ideals of National Infant Mortality Awareness Month, 2013; (B) efforts to educate people in the United States about infant mortality and the factors that contribute to infant mortality; and (C) efforts to reduce infant deaths, low birth weight, pre-term births, and disparities in perinatal outcomes; (2) recognizes the critical importance of including efforts to reduce infant mortality and the factors that contribute to infant mortality as part of prevention and wellness strategies; and (3) calls on the people of the United States to observe National Infant Mortality Awareness Month with appropriate programs and activities.
2023-01-07 08:07:01.797
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Agreed-to-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 259 ATS: Designating September 2013 as “Campus Fire Safety Month”. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-09-25 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 259 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130925" legis-day="20130924"> September 25 (legislative day, September 24), 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S252"> Ms. Collins </sponsor> (for herself, <cosponsor name-id="S229"> Mrs. Murray </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S277"> Mr. Carper </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title> Designating September 2013 as <quote> Campus Fire Safety Month </quote> . </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas recent campus-related fires at colleges in Massachusetts, Ohio, Minnesota, Wisconsin, New York, Kansas, and other States have tragically cut short the lives of several young people; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, since January 2000, at least 162 people, including students, parents, and children, have died in campus-related fires; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas approximately 86 percent of those deaths occurred in off-campus residences; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas a majority of college students in the United States live in an off-campus residence; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas many fatal fires have occurred in a building in which the occupants had compromised or disabled the fire safety system; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas automatic fire alarm systems provide the early warning of a fire that is necessary for occupants of a building and the fire department to take appropriate action; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas automatic fire sprinkler systems are a highly effective method of controlling or extinguishing a fire in the early stages, thus protecting the lives of building occupants; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas many college students live in an off-campus residence, fraternity or sorority housing, or a residence hall that is not adequately protected by an automatic fire sprinkler system and an automatic fire alarm system; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas fire safety education is an effective method of reducing the occurrence of fires and the resulting loss of life and property damage; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas college students do not routinely receive effective fire safety education while in college; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas educating young people in the United States about the importance of fire safety is vital to help ensure that young people engage in fire-safe behavior during college and after college; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas developing a generation of adults who practice fire safety may significantly reduce future loss of life from fires: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="idA9FFA6D0CE1B49BCA446BD632A104871"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> designates September 2013 as <quote> Campus Fire Safety Month </quote> ; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idF9E9AA59C597464F9C01D9271F961ADE"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> encourages administrators of institutions of higher education and municipalities across the United States— </text> <subparagraph id="id0C8C3537F0A24C04BB8C5513E5FD1EC3"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> to provide educational programs about fire safety to all college students in September and throughout the school year; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="idDA5C9854A2BC4F9189B2F1B3E73939BF"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> to evaluate the level of fire safety being provided in both on-campus and off-campus student housing; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="idB75A7480632E415780AB0A3B50B5CD76"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> to ensure fire-safe living environments through fire safety education, the installation of fire suppression and detection systems, and the development and enforcement of applicable codes relating to fire safety. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 259 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES September 25 (legislative day, September 24), 2013 Ms. Collins (for herself, Mrs. Murray , and Mr. Carper ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Designating September 2013 as Campus Fire Safety Month . Whereas recent campus-related fires at colleges in Massachusetts, Ohio, Minnesota, Wisconsin, New York, Kansas, and other States have tragically cut short the lives of several young people; Whereas, since January 2000, at least 162 people, including students, parents, and children, have died in campus-related fires; Whereas approximately 86 percent of those deaths occurred in off-campus residences; Whereas a majority of college students in the United States live in an off-campus residence; Whereas many fatal fires have occurred in a building in which the occupants had compromised or disabled the fire safety system; Whereas automatic fire alarm systems provide the early warning of a fire that is necessary for occupants of a building and the fire department to take appropriate action; Whereas automatic fire sprinkler systems are a highly effective method of controlling or extinguishing a fire in the early stages, thus protecting the lives of building occupants; Whereas many college students live in an off-campus residence, fraternity or sorority housing, or a residence hall that is not adequately protected by an automatic fire sprinkler system and an automatic fire alarm system; Whereas fire safety education is an effective method of reducing the occurrence of fires and the resulting loss of life and property damage; Whereas college students do not routinely receive effective fire safety education while in college; Whereas educating young people in the United States about the importance of fire safety is vital to help ensure that young people engage in fire-safe behavior during college and after college; and Whereas developing a generation of adults who practice fire safety may significantly reduce future loss of life from fires: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) designates September 2013 as Campus Fire Safety Month ; and (2) encourages administrators of institutions of higher education and municipalities across the United States— (A) to provide educational programs about fire safety to all college students in September and throughout the school year; (B) to evaluate the level of fire safety being provided in both on-campus and off-campus student housing; and (C) to ensure fire-safe living environments through fire safety education, the installation of fire suppression and detection systems, and the development and enforcement of applicable codes relating to fire safety.
2023-01-07 08:07:01.757
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Agreed-to-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 260 ATS: Recognizing the month of October 2013 as “National Principals Month”. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-09-25 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 260 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130925" legis-day="20130924"> September 25 (legislative day, September 24), 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S332"> Mr. Franken </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="S118"> Mr. Hatch </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S311"> Ms. Klobuchar </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S229"> Mrs. Murray </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S257"> Mr. Johnson of South Dakota </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S353"> Mr. Schatz </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S339"> Mr. Kirk </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S136"> Mr. Cochran </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S327"> Mr. Warner </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S221"> Mrs. Feinstein </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Recognizing the month of October 2013 as <quote> National Principals Month </quote> . </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas the National Association of Secondary School Principals and the National Association of Elementary School Principals have declared the month of October 2013 to be <quote> National Principals Month </quote> ; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas principals are educational visionaries, instructional and assessment leaders, disciplinarians, community builders, budget analysts, facilities managers, and administrators of legal and contractual obligations; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas principals work collaboratively with teachers and parents to develop and implement a clear mission, high curriculum standards, and performance goals; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas principals create school environments that facilitate great teaching and learning and continuous school improvement; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the vision, actions, and dedication of principals provide the mobilizing force behind any school reform effort; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the celebration of National Principals Month would honor elementary school, middle school, and high school principals, and recognize the importance of principals in ensuring that every child has access to a high-quality education: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="id17aba74369c846eea604d3fd3712190c"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> recognizes the month of October 2013 as <quote> National Principals Month </quote> ; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id8BBBBE57D9814129ACC7F4040624A2FB"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> honors the contribution of principals in the elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools of the United States by supporting the goals and ideals of National Principals Month. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 260 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES September 25 (legislative day, September 24), 2013 Mr. Franken (for himself, Mr. Hatch , Ms. Klobuchar , Mrs. Murray , Mr. Johnson of South Dakota , Mr. Schatz , Mr. Kirk , Mr. Cochran , Mr. Warner , and Mrs. Feinstein ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Recognizing the month of October 2013 as National Principals Month . Whereas the National Association of Secondary School Principals and the National Association of Elementary School Principals have declared the month of October 2013 to be National Principals Month ; Whereas principals are educational visionaries, instructional and assessment leaders, disciplinarians, community builders, budget analysts, facilities managers, and administrators of legal and contractual obligations; Whereas principals work collaboratively with teachers and parents to develop and implement a clear mission, high curriculum standards, and performance goals; Whereas principals create school environments that facilitate great teaching and learning and continuous school improvement; Whereas the vision, actions, and dedication of principals provide the mobilizing force behind any school reform effort; and Whereas the celebration of National Principals Month would honor elementary school, middle school, and high school principals, and recognize the importance of principals in ensuring that every child has access to a high-quality education: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) recognizes the month of October 2013 as National Principals Month ; and (2) honors the contribution of principals in the elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools of the United States by supporting the goals and ideals of National Principals Month.
2023-01-07 08:06:02.430
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Agreed-to-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 261 ATS: Designating the week beginning September 23, 2013, as “National Historically Black Colleges and Universities Week”. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-09-26 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 261 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130926"> September 26, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S293"> Mr. Graham </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="S320"> Mrs. Hagan </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S337"> Mr. Coons </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S136"> Mr. Cochran </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S305"> Mr. Isakson </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S258"> Ms. Landrieu </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S309"> Mr. Casey </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S295"> Mr. Pryor </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S182"> Ms. Mikulski </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S253"> Mr. Durbin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S342"> Mr. Blunt </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S229"> Mrs. Murray </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S289"> Mr. Alexander </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S300"> Mr. Burr </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S343"> Mr. Boozman </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S282"> Mr. Nelson </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S364"> Mr. Murphy </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S362"> Mr. Kaine </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S308"> Mr. Cardin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S221"> Mrs. Feinstein </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S301"> Mr. Coburn </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S153"> Mr. Grassley </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S261"> Mr. Sessions </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Designating the week beginning September 23, 2013, as <quote> National Historically Black Colleges and Universities Week </quote> . </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas there are 106 historically Black colleges and universities in the United States; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas historically Black colleges and universities provide the quality education essential to full participation in a complex, highly technological society; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas historically Black colleges and universities have a rich heritage and have played a prominent role in the history of the United States; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas historically Black colleges and universities allow talented and diverse students, many of whom represent underserved populations, to attain their full potential through higher education; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the achievements and goals of historically Black colleges and universities are deserving of national recognition: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="id1A27246C0E4D44598100E23B1405E942"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> designates the week beginning September 23, 2013, as <quote> National Historically Black Colleges and Universities Week </quote> ; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="id1341C935A38141A1A1860F985C5AEA67"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> calls on the people of the United States and interested groups to observe the week with appropriate ceremonies, activities, and programs to demonstrate support for historically Black colleges and universities in the United States. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 261 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES September 26, 2013 Mr. Graham (for himself, Mrs. Hagan , Mr. Coons , Mr. Cochran , Mr. Isakson , Ms. Landrieu , Mr. Casey , Mr. Pryor , Ms. Mikulski , Mr. Durbin , Mr. Blunt , Mrs. Murray , Mr. Alexander , Mr. Burr , Mr. Boozman , Mr. Nelson , Mr. Murphy , Mr. Kaine , Mr. Cardin , Mrs. Feinstein , Mr. Coburn , Mr. Grassley , and Mr. Sessions ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Designating the week beginning September 23, 2013, as National Historically Black Colleges and Universities Week . Whereas there are 106 historically Black colleges and universities in the United States; Whereas historically Black colleges and universities provide the quality education essential to full participation in a complex, highly technological society; Whereas historically Black colleges and universities have a rich heritage and have played a prominent role in the history of the United States; Whereas historically Black colleges and universities allow talented and diverse students, many of whom represent underserved populations, to attain their full potential through higher education; and Whereas the achievements and goals of historically Black colleges and universities are deserving of national recognition: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) designates the week beginning September 23, 2013, as National Historically Black Colleges and Universities Week ; and (2) calls on the people of the United States and interested groups to observe the week with appropriate ceremonies, activities, and programs to demonstrate support for historically Black colleges and universities in the United States.
2023-01-07 08:06:02.382
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Agreed-to-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 262 ATS: Supporting the goals and ideals of suicide prevention awareness. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-09-26 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 262 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20130926"> September 26, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S356"> Mr. Donnelly </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="S305"> Mr. Isakson </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S319"> Mr. Begich </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S343"> Mr. Boozman </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S290"> Mr. Chambliss </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S361"> Ms. Hirono </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S314"> Mr. Tester </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Supporting the goals and ideals of suicide prevention awareness. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas suicide is the tenth leading cause of all deaths in the United States and the second leading cause of death among individuals between the ages of 10 and 34; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, on average, there is a death by suicide in the United States every 13.7 minutes; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas an estimated 6,000,000 individuals in the United States are survivors of suicide, meaning they have lost a loved one to suicide; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas suicide is a leading noncombat cause of death among members of the Armed Forces; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, on average, 22 veterans are lost to suicide in the United States each day; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Joshua Omvig Veterans Suicide Prevention Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="public-law" parsable-cite="pl/110/110"> Public Law 110–110 </external-xref> ; 121 Stat. 1031) was enacted in 2007 to establish a comprehensive program for suicide prevention among veterans; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Veterans Crisis Line, which was established under the Joshua Omvig Veteran Suicide Prevention Act, has received more than 890,000 telephone calls and facilitated more than 30,000 life-saving rescues; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the stigma associated with mental illness and suicidality works against suicide prevention by discouraging individuals at risk of suicide from seeking life-saving help and further traumatizes survivors of suicide; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas 90 percent of the individuals who die by suicide have a diagnosable psychiatric disorder at the time of death; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas many suicides are preventable; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas September is National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="ide15d816be4334d8087ad309eb0dc1ada"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> supports the goals and ideals of National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id4dce9a82996a4b0e84da20639e498bb5"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> supports efforts during National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month to raise awareness and improve outreach to individuals at risk for suicide, especially such efforts addressed to veterans and members of the Armed Forces; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id0deb28903ebe471fb991082b176dedca"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> encourages the people of the United States to learn more about the warning signs of suicide and how each person can help prevent suicide and promote mental health. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 262 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES September 26, 2013 Mr. Donnelly (for himself, Mr. Isakson , Mr. Begich , Mr. Boozman , Mr. Chambliss , Ms. Hirono , and Mr. Tester ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Supporting the goals and ideals of suicide prevention awareness. Whereas suicide is the tenth leading cause of all deaths in the United States and the second leading cause of death among individuals between the ages of 10 and 34; Whereas, on average, there is a death by suicide in the United States every 13.7 minutes; Whereas an estimated 6,000,000 individuals in the United States are survivors of suicide, meaning they have lost a loved one to suicide; Whereas suicide is a leading noncombat cause of death among members of the Armed Forces; Whereas, on average, 22 veterans are lost to suicide in the United States each day; Whereas the Joshua Omvig Veterans Suicide Prevention Act ( Public Law 110–110 ; 121 Stat. 1031) was enacted in 2007 to establish a comprehensive program for suicide prevention among veterans; Whereas the Veterans Crisis Line, which was established under the Joshua Omvig Veteran Suicide Prevention Act, has received more than 890,000 telephone calls and facilitated more than 30,000 life-saving rescues; Whereas the stigma associated with mental illness and suicidality works against suicide prevention by discouraging individuals at risk of suicide from seeking life-saving help and further traumatizes survivors of suicide; Whereas 90 percent of the individuals who die by suicide have a diagnosable psychiatric disorder at the time of death; Whereas many suicides are preventable; and Whereas September is National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) supports the goals and ideals of National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month; (2) supports efforts during National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month to raise awareness and improve outreach to individuals at risk for suicide, especially such efforts addressed to veterans and members of the Armed Forces; and (3) encourages the people of the United States to learn more about the warning signs of suicide and how each person can help prevent suicide and promote mental health.
2023-01-07 08:06:02.291
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Agreed-to-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 263 ATS: Designating the week of September 23 through September 29, 2013, as “National Estuaries Week”. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-12-13 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 263 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20130926"> September 26, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S316"> Mr. Whitehouse </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="S341"> Mr. Blumenthal </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S221"> Mrs. Feinstein </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S282"> Mr. Nelson </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S327"> Mr. Warner </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S252"> Ms. Collins </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S259"> Mr. Reed </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S270"> Mr. Schumer </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S136"> Mr. Cochran </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S337"> Mr. Coons </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S223"> Mrs. Boxer </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S363"> Mr. King </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S253"> Mr. Durbin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S319"> Mr. Begich </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S353"> Mr. Schatz </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S324"> Mrs. Shaheen </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S369"> Mr. Markey </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S308"> Mr. Cardin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S229"> Mrs. Murray </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S258"> Ms. Landrieu </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S361"> Ms. Hirono </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S182"> Ms. Mikulski </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S275"> Ms. Cantwell </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S306"> Mr. Menendez </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S331"> Mrs. Gillibrand </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S366"> Ms. Warren </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="SSJU00"> Committee on the Judiciary </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <action> <action-date date="20131213" legis-day="20131211"> December 13 (legislative day, December 11), 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> Committee discharged; considered and agreed to with an amended preamble </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Designating the week of September 23 through September 29, 2013, as <quote> National Estuaries Week </quote> . </official-title> </form> <preamble commented="no"> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas the estuary regions of the United States constitute a significant share of the economy of the United States, with as much as 41 percent of the gross domestic product of the United States generated in coastal shoreline counties; </text> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas the population of coastal shoreline counties in the United States increased by 39 percent from 1970 to 2010 and is projected to continue to increase; </text> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas not less than 1,900,000 jobs in the United States are supported by marine tourism and recreation and other coastal industries that rely on healthy estuaries; </text> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas the commercial and recreational fishing industries rely on healthy estuaries and directly support 1,700,000 jobs in the United States; </text> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas, in 2011, commercial fish landings generated $5,300,000,000 and recreational anglers spent $26,780,000,000; </text> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas estuaries provide vital habitats for countless species of fish and wildlife, including many species that are listed as threatened or endangered species; </text> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas estuaries provide critical ecosystem services that protect human health and public safety, including water filtration, flood control, shoreline stabilization, erosion prevention, and the protection of coastal communities during hurricanes and storms; </text> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas the United States has lost more than 110,000,000 acres of wetland, or 50 percent of the wetland of the United States, since the first European settlers arrived; </text> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas some bays in the United States that were once filled with fish and oysters have become dead zones filled with excess nutrients, chemical wastes, harmful algae, and marine debris; </text> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas changes in sea level can affect estuarine water quality and estuarine habitats; </text> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 (16 U.S.C. 1451 et seq.) provides that it is the policy of the United States to preserve, protect, develop, and, if possible, restore or enhance the resources of the coastal zone of the United States, including estuaries, for current and future generations; </text> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas 24 coastal and Great Lakes States and territories of the United States operate a National Estuary Program or contain a National Estuarine Research Reserve; </text> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas scientific study leads to better understanding of the benefits of estuaries to human and ecological communities; </text> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas the Federal Government, State, local, and tribal governments, national and community organizations, and individuals work together to effectively manage the estuaries of the United States; </text> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas estuary restoration efforts restore natural infrastructure in local communities in a cost-effective manner, helping to create jobs and reestablish the natural functions of estuaries that yield countless benefits; and </text> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas the week of September 23 through September 29, 2013, has been recognized as <quote> National Estuaries Week </quote> to increase awareness among all people of the United States, including Federal Government and State and local government officials, about the importance of healthy estuaries and the need to protect and restore estuaries: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body display-resolving-clause="yes-display-resolving-clause" style="OLC"> <section commented="no" display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="id5086333899674b788a40664ceb2d9dfe"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> designates the week of September 23 through September 29, 2013, as <quote> National Estuaries Week </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="idfab956c77adb4a9e96d1072ca15997b4"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> supports the goals and ideals of National Estuaries Week; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="ida4da015d3bf14539aea4b98815275428"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> acknowledges the importance of estuaries to sustaining employment in the United States and the economic well-being and prosperity of the United States; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="ide38ca3e33d884fbc85cfd12ca0bb9745"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> recognizes that persistent threats undermine the health of the estuaries of the United States; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="id447b33040f2f4d2a8da04f06a8baeebc"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> applauds the work of national and community organizations and public partners that promote public awareness, understanding, protection, and restoration of estuaries; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="idd6e387ee92334fc5a92e6c149e45513a"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> reaffirms the support of the Senate for estuaries, including the scientific study, preservation, protection, and restoration of estuaries; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="ide7d186d03eba40c78a609e4ec396dbec"> <enum> (7) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> expresses the intent of the Senate to continue working to understand, protect, and restore the estuaries of the United States. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 263 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES September 26, 2013 Mr. Whitehouse (for himself, Mr. Blumenthal , Mrs. Feinstein , Mr. Nelson , Mr. Warner , Ms. Collins , Mr. Reed , Mr. Schumer , Mr. Cochran , Mr. Coons , Mrs. Boxer , Mr. King , Mr. Durbin , Mr. Begich , Mr. Schatz , Mrs. Shaheen , Mr. Markey , Mr. Cardin , Mrs. Murray , Ms. Landrieu , Ms. Hirono , Ms. Mikulski , Ms. Cantwell , Mr. Menendez , Mrs. Gillibrand , and Ms. Warren ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary December 13 (legislative day, December 11), 2013 Committee discharged; considered and agreed to with an amended preamble RESOLUTION Designating the week of September 23 through September 29, 2013, as National Estuaries Week . Whereas the estuary regions of the United States constitute a significant share of the economy of the United States, with as much as 41 percent of the gross domestic product of the United States generated in coastal shoreline counties; Whereas the population of coastal shoreline counties in the United States increased by 39 percent from 1970 to 2010 and is projected to continue to increase; Whereas not less than 1,900,000 jobs in the United States are supported by marine tourism and recreation and other coastal industries that rely on healthy estuaries; Whereas the commercial and recreational fishing industries rely on healthy estuaries and directly support 1,700,000 jobs in the United States; Whereas, in 2011, commercial fish landings generated $5,300,000,000 and recreational anglers spent $26,780,000,000; Whereas estuaries provide vital habitats for countless species of fish and wildlife, including many species that are listed as threatened or endangered species; Whereas estuaries provide critical ecosystem services that protect human health and public safety, including water filtration, flood control, shoreline stabilization, erosion prevention, and the protection of coastal communities during hurricanes and storms; Whereas the United States has lost more than 110,000,000 acres of wetland, or 50 percent of the wetland of the United States, since the first European settlers arrived; Whereas some bays in the United States that were once filled with fish and oysters have become dead zones filled with excess nutrients, chemical wastes, harmful algae, and marine debris; Whereas changes in sea level can affect estuarine water quality and estuarine habitats; Whereas the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 (16 U.S.C. 1451 et seq.) provides that it is the policy of the United States to preserve, protect, develop, and, if possible, restore or enhance the resources of the coastal zone of the United States, including estuaries, for current and future generations; Whereas 24 coastal and Great Lakes States and territories of the United States operate a National Estuary Program or contain a National Estuarine Research Reserve; Whereas scientific study leads to better understanding of the benefits of estuaries to human and ecological communities; Whereas the Federal Government, State, local, and tribal governments, national and community organizations, and individuals work together to effectively manage the estuaries of the United States; Whereas estuary restoration efforts restore natural infrastructure in local communities in a cost-effective manner, helping to create jobs and reestablish the natural functions of estuaries that yield countless benefits; and Whereas the week of September 23 through September 29, 2013, has been recognized as National Estuaries Week to increase awareness among all people of the United States, including Federal Government and State and local government officials, about the importance of healthy estuaries and the need to protect and restore estuaries: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) designates the week of September 23 through September 29, 2013, as National Estuaries Week ; (2) supports the goals and ideals of National Estuaries Week; (3) acknowledges the importance of estuaries to sustaining employment in the United States and the economic well-being and prosperity of the United States; (4) recognizes that persistent threats undermine the health of the estuaries of the United States; (5) applauds the work of national and community organizations and public partners that promote public awareness, understanding, protection, and restoration of estuaries; (6) reaffirms the support of the Senate for estuaries, including the scientific study, preservation, protection, and restoration of estuaries; and (7) expresses the intent of the Senate to continue working to understand, protect, and restore the estuaries of the United States.
2023-01-07 08:06:02.343
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Introduced-in-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 263 IS: Designating the week of September 23 through September 29, 2013, as “National Estuaries Week”. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-09-26 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 263 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20130926"> September 26, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S316"> Mr. Whitehouse </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="S341"> Mr. Blumenthal </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S221"> Mrs. Feinstein </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S282"> Mr. Nelson </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S327"> Mr. Warner </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S252"> Ms. Collins </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S259"> Mr. Reed </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S270"> Mr. Schumer </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S136"> Mr. Cochran </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S337"> Mr. Coons </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S223"> Mrs. Boxer </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S363"> Mr. King </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S253"> Mr. Durbin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S319"> Mr. Begich </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S353"> Mr. Schatz </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S324"> Mrs. Shaheen </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S369"> Mr. Markey </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S308"> Mr. Cardin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S229"> Mrs. Murray </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S258"> Ms. Landrieu </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S361"> Ms. Hirono </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S182"> Ms. Mikulski </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S275"> Ms. Cantwell </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S306"> Mr. Menendez </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S331"> Mrs. Gillibrand </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S366"> Ms. Warren </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="SSJU00"> Committee on the Judiciary </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Designating the week of September 23 through September 29, 2013, as <quote> National Estuaries Week </quote> . </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas the estuary regions of the United States constitute a significant share of the economy of the United States, with as much as 41 percent of the gross domestic product of the United States generated in coastal shoreline counties; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the population of coastal shoreline counties in the United States increased by 39 percent from 1970 to 2010 and is projected to continue to increase; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas not less than 1,900,000 jobs in the United States are supported by marine tourism and recreation and other coastal industries that rely on healthy estuaries; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the commercial and recreational fishing industries rely on healthy estuaries and directly support 1,700,000 jobs in the United States; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, in 2011, commercial fish landings generated $5,300,000,000 and recreational anglers spent $26,780,000,000; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas estuaries provide vital habitats for countless species of fish and wildlife, including many species that are listed as threatened or endangered species; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas estuaries provide critical ecosystem services that protect human health and public safety, including water filtration, flood control, shoreline stabilization, erosion prevention, and the protection of coastal communities during extreme weather events; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the United States has lost more than 110,000,000 acres of wetland, or 50 percent of the wetland of the United States, since the first European settlers arrived; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas bays in the United States that were once filled with fish and oysters have become dead zones filled with excess nutrients, chemical wastes, harmful algae, and marine debris; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas changes in sea level can affect estuarine water quality and estuarine habitats; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 (16 U.S.C. 1451 et seq.) provides that it is the policy of the United States to preserve, protect, develop, and, if possible, restore or enhance the resources of the coastal zone of the United States, including estuaries, for current and future generations; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas 24 coastal and Great Lakes States and territories of the United States operate a National Estuary Program or contain a National Estuarine Research Reserve; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas scientific study leads to better understanding of the benefits of estuaries to human and ecological communities; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Federal Government, State, local, and tribal governments, national and community organizations, and individuals work together to effectively manage the estuaries of the United States; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas estuary restoration efforts restore natural infrastructure in local communities in a cost-effective manner, helping to create jobs and reestablish the natural functions of estuaries that yield countless benefits; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the week of September 23 through September 29, 2013, has been recognized as <quote> National Estuaries Week </quote> to increase awareness among all people of the United States, including Federal Government and State and local government officials, about the importance of healthy estuaries and the need to protect and restore estuaries: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="id5086333899674b788a40664ceb2d9dfe"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> designates the week of September 23 through September 29, 2013, as <quote> National Estuaries Week </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idfab956c77adb4a9e96d1072ca15997b4"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> supports the goals and ideals of National Estuaries Week; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="ida4da015d3bf14539aea4b98815275428"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> acknowledges the importance of estuaries to sustaining employment in the United States and the economic well-being and prosperity of the United States; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="ide38ca3e33d884fbc85cfd12ca0bb9745"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> recognizes that persistent threats undermine the health of the estuaries of the United States; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id447b33040f2f4d2a8da04f06a8baeebc"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> applauds the work of national and community organizations and public partners that promote public awareness, understanding, protection, and restoration of estuaries; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idd6e387ee92334fc5a92e6c149e45513a"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text> reaffirms the support of the Senate for estuaries, including the scientific study, preservation, protection, and restoration of estuaries; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="ide7d186d03eba40c78a609e4ec396dbec"> <enum> (7) </enum> <text> expresses the intent of the Senate to continue working to understand, protect, and restore the estuaries of the United States. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 263 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES September 26, 2013 Mr. Whitehouse (for himself, Mr. Blumenthal , Mrs. Feinstein , Mr. Nelson , Mr. Warner , Ms. Collins , Mr. Reed , Mr. Schumer , Mr. Cochran , Mr. Coons , Mrs. Boxer , Mr. King , Mr. Durbin , Mr. Begich , Mr. Schatz , Mrs. Shaheen , Mr. Markey , Mr. Cardin , Mrs. Murray , Ms. Landrieu , Ms. Hirono , Ms. Mikulski , Ms. Cantwell , Mr. Menendez , Mrs. Gillibrand , and Ms. Warren ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary RESOLUTION Designating the week of September 23 through September 29, 2013, as National Estuaries Week . Whereas the estuary regions of the United States constitute a significant share of the economy of the United States, with as much as 41 percent of the gross domestic product of the United States generated in coastal shoreline counties; Whereas the population of coastal shoreline counties in the United States increased by 39 percent from 1970 to 2010 and is projected to continue to increase; Whereas not less than 1,900,000 jobs in the United States are supported by marine tourism and recreation and other coastal industries that rely on healthy estuaries; Whereas the commercial and recreational fishing industries rely on healthy estuaries and directly support 1,700,000 jobs in the United States; Whereas, in 2011, commercial fish landings generated $5,300,000,000 and recreational anglers spent $26,780,000,000; Whereas estuaries provide vital habitats for countless species of fish and wildlife, including many species that are listed as threatened or endangered species; Whereas estuaries provide critical ecosystem services that protect human health and public safety, including water filtration, flood control, shoreline stabilization, erosion prevention, and the protection of coastal communities during extreme weather events; Whereas the United States has lost more than 110,000,000 acres of wetland, or 50 percent of the wetland of the United States, since the first European settlers arrived; Whereas bays in the United States that were once filled with fish and oysters have become dead zones filled with excess nutrients, chemical wastes, harmful algae, and marine debris; Whereas changes in sea level can affect estuarine water quality and estuarine habitats; Whereas the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 (16 U.S.C. 1451 et seq.) provides that it is the policy of the United States to preserve, protect, develop, and, if possible, restore or enhance the resources of the coastal zone of the United States, including estuaries, for current and future generations; Whereas 24 coastal and Great Lakes States and territories of the United States operate a National Estuary Program or contain a National Estuarine Research Reserve; Whereas scientific study leads to better understanding of the benefits of estuaries to human and ecological communities; Whereas the Federal Government, State, local, and tribal governments, national and community organizations, and individuals work together to effectively manage the estuaries of the United States; Whereas estuary restoration efforts restore natural infrastructure in local communities in a cost-effective manner, helping to create jobs and reestablish the natural functions of estuaries that yield countless benefits; and Whereas the week of September 23 through September 29, 2013, has been recognized as National Estuaries Week to increase awareness among all people of the United States, including Federal Government and State and local government officials, about the importance of healthy estuaries and the need to protect and restore estuaries: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) designates the week of September 23 through September 29, 2013, as National Estuaries Week ; (2) supports the goals and ideals of National Estuaries Week; (3) acknowledges the importance of estuaries to sustaining employment in the United States and the economic well-being and prosperity of the United States; (4) recognizes that persistent threats undermine the health of the estuaries of the United States; (5) applauds the work of national and community organizations and public partners that promote public awareness, understanding, protection, and restoration of estuaries; (6) reaffirms the support of the Senate for estuaries, including the scientific study, preservation, protection, and restoration of estuaries; and (7) expresses the intent of the Senate to continue working to understand, protect, and restore the estuaries of the United States.
2023-01-07 07:28:03.214
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Agreed-to-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 264 ATS: To authorize testimony, documents, and representation in State of Florida v. Lawrence, Denny, Scarbrough. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-10-01 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 264 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131001"> October 1, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S198"> Mr. Reid </sponsor> (for himself and <cosponsor name-id="S174"> Mr. McConnell </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> To authorize testimony, documents, and representation in <italic> State of Florida v. Lawrence, Denny, Scarbrough </italic> . </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas, in the cases of <italic> State of Florida v. Lawrence </italic> , Case No. 2013–CM–011301, <italic> State of Florida v. Denny </italic> , Case No. 2013–CM–011303, and <italic> State of Florida v. Scarbrough </italic> , Case No. 2013–CM–011311, pending in the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit of Hillsborough County Court in Tampa, Florida, the prosecution has requested the production of documents and testimony from an employee in the office of Senator Marco Rubio; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, pursuant to sections 703(a) and 704(a)(2) of the Ethics in Government Act of 1978, 2 U.S.C. §§ 288b(a) and 288c(a)(2), the Senate may direct its counsel to represent an employee of the Senate with respect to any subpoena, order, or request for testimony relating to his official responsibilities; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, by the privileges of the Senate of the United States and Rule XI of the Standing Rules of the Senate, no evidence under the control or in the possession of the Senate may, by the judicial or administrative process, be taken from such control or possession but by permission of the Senate; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, when it appears that evidence under the control or in the possession of the Senate may promote the administration of justice, the Senate will take such action as will promote the ends of justice consistent with the privileges of the Senate: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body style="traditional"> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That Ryan Patmintra, an employee in the Office of Senator Marco Rubio, and any other employee of that office from whom relevant evidence may be sought, are authorized to produce documents and provide testimony in the cases of <italic> State of Florida v. Lawrence, Denny, Scarbrough </italic> , except concerning matters for which a privilege should be asserted. </text> </section> <section id="id2F74C802A6A341CC923B118FA18551F5" section-type="subsequent-section"> <enum> 2. </enum> <text> The Senate Legal Counsel is authorized to represent employees of Senator Rubio’s office in connection with the production of evidence authorized in section one of this resolution. </text> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 264 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES October 1, 2013 Mr. Reid (for himself and Mr. McConnell ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION To authorize testimony, documents, and representation in State of Florida v. Lawrence, Denny, Scarbrough . Whereas, in the cases of State of Florida v. Lawrence , Case No. 2013–CM–011301, State of Florida v. Denny , Case No. 2013–CM–011303, and State of Florida v. Scarbrough , Case No. 2013–CM–011311, pending in the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit of Hillsborough County Court in Tampa, Florida, the prosecution has requested the production of documents and testimony from an employee in the office of Senator Marco Rubio; Whereas, pursuant to sections 703(a) and 704(a)(2) of the Ethics in Government Act of 1978, 2 U.S.C. §§ 288b(a) and 288c(a)(2), the Senate may direct its counsel to represent an employee of the Senate with respect to any subpoena, order, or request for testimony relating to his official responsibilities; Whereas, by the privileges of the Senate of the United States and Rule XI of the Standing Rules of the Senate, no evidence under the control or in the possession of the Senate may, by the judicial or administrative process, be taken from such control or possession but by permission of the Senate; and Whereas, when it appears that evidence under the control or in the possession of the Senate may promote the administration of justice, the Senate will take such action as will promote the ends of justice consistent with the privileges of the Senate: Now, therefore, be it That Ryan Patmintra, an employee in the Office of Senator Marco Rubio, and any other employee of that office from whom relevant evidence may be sought, are authorized to produce documents and provide testimony in the cases of State of Florida v. Lawrence, Denny, Scarbrough , except concerning matters for which a privilege should be asserted. 2. The Senate Legal Counsel is authorized to represent employees of Senator Rubio’s office in connection with the production of evidence authorized in section one of this resolution.
2023-01-07 07:28:03.180
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Agreed-to-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 265 ATS: Expressing support for the individuals impacted by the senseless attack at the Washington Navy Yard, and commending and thanking members of the military, law enforcement officers, first responders, and civil servants for their courage and professionalism. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date/> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 265 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date> October 4, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S277"> Mr. Carper </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="S301"> Mr. Coburn </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S131"> Mr. Levin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S236"> Mr. Inhofe </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S198"> Mr. Reid </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S174"> Mr. McConnell </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S289"> Mr. Alexander </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S340"> Ms. Ayotte </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S354"> Ms. Baldwin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S317"> Mr. Barrasso </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S127"> Mr. Baucus </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S319"> Mr. Begich </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S330"> Mr. Bennet </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S341"> Mr. Blumenthal </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S342"> Mr. Blunt </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S343"> Mr. Boozman </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S223"> Mrs. Boxer </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S307"> Mr. Brown </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S300"> Mr. Burr </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S275"> Ms. Cantwell </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S308"> Mr. Cardin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S309"> Mr. Casey </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S290"> Mr. Chambliss </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S368"> Mr. Chiesa </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S212"> Mr. Coats </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S136"> Mr. Cochran </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S252"> Ms. Collins </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S337"> Mr. Coons </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S310"> Mr. Corker </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S287"> Mr. Cornyn </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S266"> Mr. Crapo </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S355"> Mr. Cruz </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S356"> Mr. Donnelly </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S253"> Mr. Durbin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S254"> Mr. Enzi </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S221"> Mrs. Feinstein </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S357"> Mrs. Fischer </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S358"> Mr. Flake </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S332"> Mr. Franken </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S331"> Mrs. Gillibrand </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S293"> Mr. Graham </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S153"> Mr. Grassley </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S320"> Mrs. Hagan </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S172"> Mr. Harkin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S118"> Mr. Hatch </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S359"> Mr. Heinrich </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S360"> Ms. Heitkamp </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S352"> Mr. Heller </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S361"> Ms. Hirono </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S344"> Mr. Hoeven </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S305"> Mr. Isakson </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S321"> Mr. Johanns </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S345"> Mr. Johnson of Wisconsin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S257"> Mr. Johnson of South Dakota </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S362"> Mr. Kaine </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S363"> Mr. King </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S339"> Mr. Kirk </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S311"> Ms. Klobuchar </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S258"> Ms. Landrieu </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S057"> Mr. Leahy </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S346"> Mr. Lee </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S338"> Mr. Manchin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S369"> Mr. Markey </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S197"> Mr. McCain </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S312"> Mrs. McCaskill </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S306"> Mr. Menendez </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S322"> Mr. Merkley </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S182"> Ms. Mikulski </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S347"> Mr. Moran </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S288"> Ms. Murkowski </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S364"> Mr. Murphy </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S229"> Mrs. Murray </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S282"> Mr. Nelson </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S348"> Mr. Paul </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S349"> Mr. Portman </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S295"> Mr. Pryor </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S259"> Mr. Reed </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S323"> Mr. Risch </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S260"> Mr. Roberts </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S176"> Mr. Rockefeller </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S350"> Mr. Rubio </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S313"> Mr. Sanders </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S353"> Mr. Schatz </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S270"> Mr. Schumer </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S365"> Mr. Scott </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S261"> Mr. Sessions </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S324"> Mrs. Shaheen </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S184"> Mr. Shelby </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S284"> Ms. Stabenow </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S314"> Mr. Tester </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S303"> Mr. Thune </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S351"> Mr. Toomey </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S325"> Mr. Udall of Colorado </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S326"> Mr. Udall of New Mexico </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S299"> Mr. Vitter </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S327"> Mr. Warner </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S366"> Ms. Warren </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S316"> Mr. Whitehouse </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S318"> Mr. Wicker </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S247"> Mr. Wyden </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Expressing support for the individuals impacted by the senseless attack at the Washington Navy Yard, and commending and thanking members of the military, law enforcement officers, first responders, and civil servants for their courage and professionalism. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas, on September 16, 2013, a tragic mass shooting took place at the Washington Navy Yard in Washington, D.C.; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the people of the United States mourn the loss of the 12 innocent victims who were killed as a result of the mass shooting; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Washington Navy Yard serves as headquarters of Naval District Washington and is the workplace of 18,000 military, civilian, and contractor personnel who serve the United States; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas military officials, law enforcement officers, and other first responders reacted swiftly and courageously to prevent additional loss of life: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="idf8ad30cae85b4c91a35322a7ad3d562f"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> offers its heartfelt condolences to the families, friends, and loved ones of the innocent victims killed or wounded during the horrific violence that took place at the Washington Navy Yard on September 16, 2013; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id1e6ccd6dff7e442088e7d98c9b6c3ea1"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> offers support and hope for all the individuals who were wounded and discomforted by the mass shooting at the Washington Navy Yard; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id8f88f5e319dc4e998bf74a1c91c11512"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> recognizes the difficult healing and recovery process that lies ahead for communities affected by the mass shooting at the Washington Navy Yard; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id4f91f98b578443958521d20621662c8c"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> honors the courageous and professional service of — </text> <subparagraph id="id68fa3f8422fa4fc6a2caffbdaa7805ed"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> the uniformed men and women of the Navy and other members of the United States Armed Forces; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="ide8fa9efc0c084f5e8e8277adbf868a11"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> all civilian employees who provide support for the United States Armed Forces; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="id94586c160c564d1ea8cebc9f7658c55a"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> the law enforcement personnel, emergency responders, and medical professionals who responded to and assisted victims of the mass shooting at the Washington Navy Yard; </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id9d612baf840b442fb8391664ad411ed6"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> thanks those individuals for their selfless and dedicated service; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idb71315cb90ed434683b926f00f9304d4"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text> remains committed to preventing the occurrence of tragedies similar to the mass shooting at the Washington Navy Yard. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 265 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES October 4, 2013 Mr. Carper (for himself, Mr. Coburn , Mr. Levin , Mr. Inhofe , Mr. Reid , Mr. McConnell , Mr. Alexander , Ms. Ayotte , Ms. Baldwin , Mr. Barrasso , Mr. Baucus , Mr. Begich , Mr. Bennet , Mr. Blumenthal , Mr. Blunt , Mr. Boozman , Mrs. Boxer , Mr. Brown , Mr. Burr , Ms. Cantwell , Mr. Cardin , Mr. Casey , Mr. Chambliss , Mr. Chiesa , Mr. Coats , Mr. Cochran , Ms. Collins , Mr. Coons , Mr. Corker , Mr. Cornyn , Mr. Crapo , Mr. Cruz , Mr. Donnelly , Mr. Durbin , Mr. Enzi , Mrs. Feinstein , Mrs. Fischer , Mr. Flake , Mr. Franken , Mrs. Gillibrand , Mr. Graham , Mr. Grassley , Mrs. Hagan , Mr. Harkin , Mr. Hatch , Mr. Heinrich , Ms. Heitkamp , Mr. Heller , Ms. Hirono , Mr. Hoeven , Mr. Isakson , Mr. Johanns , Mr. Johnson of Wisconsin , Mr. Johnson of South Dakota , Mr. Kaine , Mr. King , Mr. Kirk , Ms. Klobuchar , Ms. Landrieu , Mr. Leahy , Mr. Lee , Mr. Manchin , Mr. Markey , Mr. McCain , Mrs. McCaskill , Mr. Menendez , Mr. Merkley , Ms. Mikulski , Mr. Moran , Ms. Murkowski , Mr. Murphy , Mrs. Murray , Mr. Nelson , Mr. Paul , Mr. Portman , Mr. Pryor , Mr. Reed , Mr. Risch , Mr. Roberts , Mr. Rockefeller , Mr. Rubio , Mr. Sanders , Mr. Schatz , Mr. Schumer , Mr. Scott , Mr. Sessions , Mrs. Shaheen , Mr. Shelby , Ms. Stabenow , Mr. Tester , Mr. Thune , Mr. Toomey , Mr. Udall of Colorado , Mr. Udall of New Mexico , Mr. Vitter , Mr. Warner , Ms. Warren , Mr. Whitehouse , Mr. Wicker , and Mr. Wyden ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Expressing support for the individuals impacted by the senseless attack at the Washington Navy Yard, and commending and thanking members of the military, law enforcement officers, first responders, and civil servants for their courage and professionalism. Whereas, on September 16, 2013, a tragic mass shooting took place at the Washington Navy Yard in Washington, D.C.; Whereas the people of the United States mourn the loss of the 12 innocent victims who were killed as a result of the mass shooting; Whereas the Washington Navy Yard serves as headquarters of Naval District Washington and is the workplace of 18,000 military, civilian, and contractor personnel who serve the United States; and Whereas military officials, law enforcement officers, and other first responders reacted swiftly and courageously to prevent additional loss of life: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) offers its heartfelt condolences to the families, friends, and loved ones of the innocent victims killed or wounded during the horrific violence that took place at the Washington Navy Yard on September 16, 2013; (2) offers support and hope for all the individuals who were wounded and discomforted by the mass shooting at the Washington Navy Yard; (3) recognizes the difficult healing and recovery process that lies ahead for communities affected by the mass shooting at the Washington Navy Yard; (4) honors the courageous and professional service of — (A) the uniformed men and women of the Navy and other members of the United States Armed Forces; (B) all civilian employees who provide support for the United States Armed Forces; and (C) the law enforcement personnel, emergency responders, and medical professionals who responded to and assisted victims of the mass shooting at the Washington Navy Yard; (5) thanks those individuals for their selfless and dedicated service; and (6) remains committed to preventing the occurrence of tragedies similar to the mass shooting at the Washington Navy Yard.
2023-01-07 07:28:03.147
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Agreed-to-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 266 ATS: Designating the week of October 7 through 13, 2013, as National Chess Week to enhance awareness and encourage students and adults to engage in a game known to enhance critical thinking and problem-solving skills. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-10-04 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 266 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131004"> October 4, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S176"> Mr. Rockefeller </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="S289"> Mr. Alexander </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S131"> Mr. Levin </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title> Designating the week of October 7 through 13, 2013, as <term> National Chess Week </term> to enhance awareness and encourage students and adults to engage in a game known to enhance critical thinking and problem-solving skills. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas there are more than 80,000 members of the United States Chess Federation (referred to in this preamble as the <term> Federation </term> ), and unknown numbers of additional people in the United States who play chess without joining an official organization; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas approximately ½ of the members of the Federation are members of scholastic chess programs; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas many studies have linked scholastic chess programs to the improvement of students' scores in reading and math, as well as improved self-esteem; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Federation offers guidance to educators to help incorporate chess into the school curriculum; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas chess is a powerful cognitive learning tool that can be used to successfully enhance students' reading skills and understanding of math concepts, as well as to improve memory function for people of all ages; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas chess also offers educational and social activity benefits to adults and is used in programs to help stroke victims and people suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Federation offers programs for adults including senior citizens, members of the Armed Forces, and veterans: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="idA98E4861DF3441FBAE1567F1B6A272AF"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> designates the week of October 7 through 13, 2013, as <term> National Chess Week </term> to enhance awareness and encourage students and adults to play chess, a game known to enhance critical-thinking and problem-solving skills for students of all ages, learning abilities, and strengths; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id55875EC8735647F1B9305B8B7048EAD3"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> encourages the people of the United States to observe National Chess Week with appropriate programs and activities. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 266 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES October 4, 2013 Mr. Rockefeller (for himself, Mr. Alexander , and Mr. Levin ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Designating the week of October 7 through 13, 2013, as National Chess Week to enhance awareness and encourage students and adults to engage in a game known to enhance critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Whereas there are more than 80,000 members of the United States Chess Federation (referred to in this preamble as the Federation ), and unknown numbers of additional people in the United States who play chess without joining an official organization; Whereas approximately ½ of the members of the Federation are members of scholastic chess programs; Whereas many studies have linked scholastic chess programs to the improvement of students' scores in reading and math, as well as improved self-esteem; Whereas the Federation offers guidance to educators to help incorporate chess into the school curriculum; Whereas chess is a powerful cognitive learning tool that can be used to successfully enhance students' reading skills and understanding of math concepts, as well as to improve memory function for people of all ages; Whereas chess also offers educational and social activity benefits to adults and is used in programs to help stroke victims and people suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder; and Whereas the Federation offers programs for adults including senior citizens, members of the Armed Forces, and veterans: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) designates the week of October 7 through 13, 2013, as National Chess Week to enhance awareness and encourage students and adults to play chess, a game known to enhance critical-thinking and problem-solving skills for students of all ages, learning abilities, and strengths; and (2) encourages the people of the United States to observe National Chess Week with appropriate programs and activities.
2023-01-07 07:28:02.804
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Agreed-to-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 267 ATS: Relative to the death of Rod Grams, former United States Senator for the State of Minnesota. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-10-09 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 267 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131009"> October 9, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S311"> Ms. Klobuchar </sponsor> (for herself, <cosponsor name-id="S332"> Mr. Franken </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S198"> Mr. Reid </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S174"> Mr. McConnell </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S289"> Mr. Alexander </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S340"> Ms. Ayotte </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S354"> Ms. Baldwin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S317"> Mr. Barrasso </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S127"> Mr. Baucus </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S319"> Mr. Begich </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S330"> Mr. Bennet </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S341"> Mr. Blumenthal </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S342"> Mr. Blunt </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S343"> Mr. Boozman </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S223"> Mrs. Boxer </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S307"> Mr. Brown </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S300"> Mr. Burr </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S275"> Ms. Cantwell </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S308"> Mr. Cardin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S277"> Mr. Carper </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S309"> Mr. Casey </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S290"> Mr. Chambliss </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S368"> Mr. Chiesa </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S212"> Mr. Coats </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S301"> Mr. Coburn </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S136"> Mr. Cochran </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S252"> Ms. Collins </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S337"> Mr. Coons </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S310"> Mr. Corker </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S287"> Mr. Cornyn </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S266"> Mr. Crapo </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S355"> Mr. Cruz </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S356"> Mr. Donnelly </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S253"> Mr. Durbin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S254"> Mr. Enzi </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S221"> Mrs. Feinstein </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S357"> Mrs. Fischer </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S358"> Mr. Flake </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S331"> Mrs. Gillibrand </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S293"> Mr. Graham </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S153"> Mr. Grassley </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S320"> Mrs. Hagan </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S172"> Mr. Harkin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S118"> Mr. Hatch </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S359"> Mr. Heinrich </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S360"> Ms. Heitkamp </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S352"> Mr. Heller </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S361"> Ms. Hirono </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S344"> Mr. Hoeven </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S236"> Mr. Inhofe </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S305"> Mr. Isakson </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S321"> Mr. Johanns </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S345"> Mr. Johnson of Wisconsin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S257"> Mr. Johnson of South Dakota </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S362"> Mr. Kaine </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S363"> Mr. King </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S339"> Mr. Kirk </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S258"> Ms. Landrieu </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S057"> Mr. Leahy </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S346"> Mr. Lee </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S131"> Mr. Levin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S338"> Mr. Manchin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S369"> Mr. Markey </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S197"> Mr. McCain </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S312"> Mrs. McCaskill </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S306"> Mr. Menendez </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S322"> Mr. Merkley </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S182"> Ms. Mikulski </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S347"> Mr. Moran </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S288"> Ms. Murkowski </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S364"> Mr. Murphy </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S229"> Mrs. Murray </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S282"> Mr. Nelson </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S348"> Mr. Paul </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S349"> Mr. Portman </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S295"> Mr. Pryor </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S259"> Mr. Reed </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S323"> Mr. Risch </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S260"> Mr. Roberts </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S176"> Mr. Rockefeller </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S350"> Mr. Rubio </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S313"> Mr. Sanders </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S353"> Mr. Schatz </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S270"> Mr. Schumer </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S365"> Mr. Scott </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S261"> Mr. Sessions </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S324"> Mrs. Shaheen </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S184"> Mr. Shelby </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S284"> Ms. Stabenow </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S314"> Mr. Tester </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S303"> Mr. Thune </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S351"> Mr. Toomey </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S325"> Mr. Udall of Colorado </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S326"> Mr. Udall of New Mexico </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S299"> Mr. Vitter </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S327"> Mr. Warner </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S366"> Ms. Warren </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S316"> Mr. Whitehouse </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S318"> Mr. Wicker </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S247"> Mr. Wyden </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Relative to the death of Rod Grams, former United States Senator for the State of Minnesota. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas Rod Grams faithfully served the people of Minnesota with distinction in the United States Congress; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Rod Grams was elected to the United States House of Representatives in 1992 and served one term as a Representative from the State of Minnesota and later served as a chief of staff in the House of Representatives; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Rod Grams was elected to the United States Senate in 1994 and served one term as a Senator from the State of Minnesota; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas as a Senator, Rod Grams served on the Senate Standing Committees on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, Energy and Natural Resources, Foreign Relations, and the Budget and on the Joint Economic Committee: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> That the Senate has heard with profound sorrow and deep regret the announcement of the death of the Honorable Rod Grams, former member of the United States Senate. </text> </section> <section id="idE02EF3DEC75A426B807D1F94052F4D1B" section-type="resolved"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> That the Secretary of the Senate communicate these resolutions to the House of Representatives and transmit an enrolled copy thereof to the family of the deceased. </text> </section> <section id="idDEC454286B684C059EE7791AD4B2041D" section-type="resolved"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> That when the Senate adjourns today, it stand adjourned as a further mark of respect to the memory of the Honorable Rod Grams. </text> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 267 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES October 9, 2013 Ms. Klobuchar (for herself, Mr. Franken , Mr. Reid , Mr. McConnell , Mr. Alexander , Ms. Ayotte , Ms. Baldwin , Mr. Barrasso , Mr. Baucus , Mr. Begich , Mr. Bennet , Mr. Blumenthal , Mr. Blunt , Mr. Boozman , Mrs. Boxer , Mr. Brown , Mr. Burr , Ms. Cantwell , Mr. Cardin , Mr. Carper , Mr. Casey , Mr. Chambliss , Mr. Chiesa , Mr. Coats , Mr. Coburn , Mr. Cochran , Ms. Collins , Mr. Coons , Mr. Corker , Mr. Cornyn , Mr. Crapo , Mr. Cruz , Mr. Donnelly , Mr. Durbin , Mr. Enzi , Mrs. Feinstein , Mrs. Fischer , Mr. Flake , Mrs. Gillibrand , Mr. Graham , Mr. Grassley , Mrs. Hagan , Mr. Harkin , Mr. Hatch , Mr. Heinrich , Ms. Heitkamp , Mr. Heller , Ms. Hirono , Mr. Hoeven , Mr. Inhofe , Mr. Isakson , Mr. Johanns , Mr. Johnson of Wisconsin , Mr. Johnson of South Dakota , Mr. Kaine , Mr. King , Mr. Kirk , Ms. Landrieu , Mr. Leahy , Mr. Lee , Mr. Levin , Mr. Manchin , Mr. Markey , Mr. McCain , Mrs. McCaskill , Mr. Menendez , Mr. Merkley , Ms. Mikulski , Mr. Moran , Ms. Murkowski , Mr. Murphy , Mrs. Murray , Mr. Nelson , Mr. Paul , Mr. Portman , Mr. Pryor , Mr. Reed , Mr. Risch , Mr. Roberts , Mr. Rockefeller , Mr. Rubio , Mr. Sanders , Mr. Schatz , Mr. Schumer , Mr. Scott , Mr. Sessions , Mrs. Shaheen , Mr. Shelby , Ms. Stabenow , Mr. Tester , Mr. Thune , Mr. Toomey , Mr. Udall of Colorado , Mr. Udall of New Mexico , Mr. Vitter , Mr. Warner , Ms. Warren , Mr. Whitehouse , Mr. Wicker , and Mr. Wyden ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Relative to the death of Rod Grams, former United States Senator for the State of Minnesota. Whereas Rod Grams faithfully served the people of Minnesota with distinction in the United States Congress; Whereas Rod Grams was elected to the United States House of Representatives in 1992 and served one term as a Representative from the State of Minnesota and later served as a chief of staff in the House of Representatives; Whereas Rod Grams was elected to the United States Senate in 1994 and served one term as a Senator from the State of Minnesota; and Whereas as a Senator, Rod Grams served on the Senate Standing Committees on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, Energy and Natural Resources, Foreign Relations, and the Budget and on the Joint Economic Committee: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate has heard with profound sorrow and deep regret the announcement of the death of the Honorable Rod Grams, former member of the United States Senate. That the Secretary of the Senate communicate these resolutions to the House of Representatives and transmit an enrolled copy thereof to the family of the deceased. That when the Senate adjourns today, it stand adjourned as a further mark of respect to the memory of the Honorable Rod Grams.
2023-01-07 06:54:02.089
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Agreed-to-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 268 ATS: Condemning the September 2013 terrorist attack at the Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya, and reaffirming United States support for the people and Government of Kenya, and for other purposes. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-10-31 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 268 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131011"> October 11, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S337"> Mr. Coons </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="S358"> Mr. Flake </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S182"> Ms. Mikulski </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S282"> Mr. Nelson </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S305"> Mr. Isakson </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S221"> Mrs. Feinstein </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S324"> Mrs. Shaheen </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="SSFR00"> Committee on Foreign Relations </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <action> <action-date date="20131031"> October 31, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> Reported by <sponsor name-id="S306"> Mr. Menendez </sponsor> , without amendment </action-desc> </action> <action> <action-date> November 6, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> Considered and agreed to </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Condemning the September 2013 terrorist attack at the Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya, and reaffirming United States support for the people and Government of Kenya, and for other purposes. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas, on September 21, 2013, armed terrorists attacked the Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya, killing more than 60 people and injuring at least 175 from at least 12 different countries during a four-day siege; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the attack was the most deadly terrorist incident in Kenya since the 1998 al Qaeda bombing of the United States Embassy in Nairobi; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas al Shabaab, a Somali Islamist extremist group with ties to al Qaeda, has claimed responsibility for the attack, declaring that it was in retaliation for the Government of Kenya’s participation in the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM); </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas al Shabaab was designated a Foreign Terrorist Organization by the United States Government in 2008 and a Specially Designated Global Terrorist entity in 2012; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the investigation to identify those responsible for the attack and efforts to bring them to justice are ongoing; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Kenya is an important ally and regional security partner, playing a vital role in breaking al Shabaab’s recent stranglehold on Somalia through its participation in AMISOM; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Republic of Kenya and the United States have a strong and enduring partnership based on a shared commitment to promoting peace and prosperity in East Africa and around the world; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Kenya is a culturally rich and ethnically diverse country: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="idb394ed6f440649efa26f6657d47e55f8"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> condemns, in the strongest possible terms, the heinous atrocities and terrorist attack that occurred at the Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya, from September 21 through 24, 2013; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id8afbfa1b05924c4a8fff50668820ef0d"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> offers its condolences to the families, friends, and loved ones of those who were killed in the attack and expresses its hope for the recovery of the wounded, including United States citizens; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="ide975643edeee4ac3b64e545e4d5af7d5"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> recognizes the many heroic and selfless acts by Kenyan citizens, first responders, and the Kenya Red Cross to rescue those caught in the Westgate Mall during the attack; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id360f60e233fb4e5c99819f43708a5cb8"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> reaffirms United States support for the efforts of the Government and people of Kenya to combat terrorism, counter extremism, promote tolerance, and bring the perpetrators of the Westgate Mall attack to justice; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id95f302ee3ace4f309374b1a449360a21"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> commends the Government of Kenya’s continued participation in the African Union Mission in Somalia; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="ide4c9d0dba79b47bea283827985fff69e"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text> recognizes Kenya as an important regional ally and partner of the United States. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 268 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES October 11, 2013 Mr. Coons (for himself, Mr. Flake , Ms. Mikulski , Mr. Nelson , Mr. Isakson , Mrs. Feinstein , and Mrs. Shaheen ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations October 31, 2013 Reported by Mr. Menendez , without amendment November 6, 2013 Considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Condemning the September 2013 terrorist attack at the Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya, and reaffirming United States support for the people and Government of Kenya, and for other purposes. Whereas, on September 21, 2013, armed terrorists attacked the Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya, killing more than 60 people and injuring at least 175 from at least 12 different countries during a four-day siege; Whereas the attack was the most deadly terrorist incident in Kenya since the 1998 al Qaeda bombing of the United States Embassy in Nairobi; Whereas al Shabaab, a Somali Islamist extremist group with ties to al Qaeda, has claimed responsibility for the attack, declaring that it was in retaliation for the Government of Kenya’s participation in the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM); Whereas al Shabaab was designated a Foreign Terrorist Organization by the United States Government in 2008 and a Specially Designated Global Terrorist entity in 2012; Whereas the investigation to identify those responsible for the attack and efforts to bring them to justice are ongoing; Whereas Kenya is an important ally and regional security partner, playing a vital role in breaking al Shabaab’s recent stranglehold on Somalia through its participation in AMISOM; Whereas the Republic of Kenya and the United States have a strong and enduring partnership based on a shared commitment to promoting peace and prosperity in East Africa and around the world; and Whereas Kenya is a culturally rich and ethnically diverse country: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) condemns, in the strongest possible terms, the heinous atrocities and terrorist attack that occurred at the Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya, from September 21 through 24, 2013; (2) offers its condolences to the families, friends, and loved ones of those who were killed in the attack and expresses its hope for the recovery of the wounded, including United States citizens; (3) recognizes the many heroic and selfless acts by Kenyan citizens, first responders, and the Kenya Red Cross to rescue those caught in the Westgate Mall during the attack; (4) reaffirms United States support for the efforts of the Government and people of Kenya to combat terrorism, counter extremism, promote tolerance, and bring the perpetrators of the Westgate Mall attack to justice; (5) commends the Government of Kenya’s continued participation in the African Union Mission in Somalia; and (6) recognizes Kenya as an important regional ally and partner of the United States.
2023-01-07 07:28:02.839
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Introduced-in-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 268 IS: Condemning the September 2013 terrorist attack at the Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya, and reaffirming United States support for the people and Government of Kenya, and for other purposes. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-10-11 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 268 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131011"> October 11, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S337"> Mr. Coons </sponsor> (for himself and <cosponsor name-id="S358"> Mr. Flake </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="SSFR00"> Committee on Foreign Relations </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Condemning the September 2013 terrorist attack at the Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya, and reaffirming United States support for the people and Government of Kenya, and for other purposes. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas, on September 21, 2013, armed terrorists attacked the Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya, killing more than 60 people and injuring at least 175 from at least 12 different countries during a four-day siege; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the attack was the most deadly terrorist incident in Kenya since the 1998 al Qaeda bombing of the United States Embassy in Nairobi; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas al Shabaab, a Somali Islamist extremist group with ties to al Qaeda, has claimed responsibility for the attack, declaring that it was in retaliation for the Government of Kenya’s participation in the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM); </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas al Shabaab was designated a Foreign Terrorist Organization by the United States Government in 2008 and a Specially Designated Global Terrorist entity in 2012; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the investigation to identify those responsible for the attack and efforts to bring them to justice are ongoing; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Kenya is an important ally and regional security partner, playing a vital role in breaking al Shabaab’s recent stranglehold on Somalia through its participation in AMISOM; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Republic of Kenya and the United States have a strong and enduring partnership based on a shared commitment to promoting peace and prosperity in East Africa and around the world; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Kenya is a culturally rich and ethnically diverse country: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="idb394ed6f440649efa26f6657d47e55f8"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> condemns, in the strongest possible terms, the heinous atrocities and terrorist attack that occurred at the Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya, from September 21 through 24, 2013; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id8afbfa1b05924c4a8fff50668820ef0d"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> offers its condolences to the families, friends, and loved ones of those who were killed in the attack and expresses its hope for the recovery of the wounded, including United States citizens; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="ide975643edeee4ac3b64e545e4d5af7d5"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> recognizes the many heroic and selfless acts by Kenyan citizens, first responders, and the Kenya Red Cross to rescue those caught in the Westgate Mall during the attack; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id360f60e233fb4e5c99819f43708a5cb8"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> reaffirms United States support for the efforts of the Government and people of Kenya to combat terrorism, counter extremism, promote tolerance, and bring the perpetrators of the Westgate Mall attack to justice; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id95f302ee3ace4f309374b1a449360a21"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> commends the Government of Kenya’s continued participation in the African Union Mission in Somalia; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="ide4c9d0dba79b47bea283827985fff69e"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text> recognizes Kenya as an important regional ally and partner of the United States. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 268 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES October 11, 2013 Mr. Coons (for himself and Mr. Flake ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations RESOLUTION Condemning the September 2013 terrorist attack at the Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya, and reaffirming United States support for the people and Government of Kenya, and for other purposes. Whereas, on September 21, 2013, armed terrorists attacked the Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya, killing more than 60 people and injuring at least 175 from at least 12 different countries during a four-day siege; Whereas the attack was the most deadly terrorist incident in Kenya since the 1998 al Qaeda bombing of the United States Embassy in Nairobi; Whereas al Shabaab, a Somali Islamist extremist group with ties to al Qaeda, has claimed responsibility for the attack, declaring that it was in retaliation for the Government of Kenya’s participation in the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM); Whereas al Shabaab was designated a Foreign Terrorist Organization by the United States Government in 2008 and a Specially Designated Global Terrorist entity in 2012; Whereas the investigation to identify those responsible for the attack and efforts to bring them to justice are ongoing; Whereas Kenya is an important ally and regional security partner, playing a vital role in breaking al Shabaab’s recent stranglehold on Somalia through its participation in AMISOM; Whereas the Republic of Kenya and the United States have a strong and enduring partnership based on a shared commitment to promoting peace and prosperity in East Africa and around the world; and Whereas Kenya is a culturally rich and ethnically diverse country: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) condemns, in the strongest possible terms, the heinous atrocities and terrorist attack that occurred at the Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya, from September 21 through 24, 2013; (2) offers its condolences to the families, friends, and loved ones of those who were killed in the attack and expresses its hope for the recovery of the wounded, including United States citizens; (3) recognizes the many heroic and selfless acts by Kenyan citizens, first responders, and the Kenya Red Cross to rescue those caught in the Westgate Mall during the attack; (4) reaffirms United States support for the efforts of the Government and people of Kenya to combat terrorism, counter extremism, promote tolerance, and bring the perpetrators of the Westgate Mall attack to justice; (5) commends the Government of Kenya’s continued participation in the African Union Mission in Somalia; and (6) recognizes Kenya as an important regional ally and partner of the United States.
2023-01-07 07:28:02.383
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Reported-in-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 268 RS: Condemning the September 2013 terrorist attack at the Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya, and reaffirming United States support for the people and Government of Kenya, and for other purposes. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-10-31 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <calendar> Calendar No. 234 </calendar> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 268 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131011"> October 11, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S337"> Mr. Coons </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="S358"> Mr. Flake </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S182"> Ms. Mikulski </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S282"> Mr. Nelson </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S305"> Mr. Isakson </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S221"> Mrs. Feinstein </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S324"> Mrs. Shaheen </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="SSFR00"> Committee on Foreign Relations </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <action> <action-date date="20131031"> October 31, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> Reported by <sponsor name-id="S306"> Mr. Menendez </sponsor> , without amendment </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Condemning the September 2013 terrorist attack at the Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya, and reaffirming United States support for the people and Government of Kenya, and for other purposes. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas, on September 21, 2013, armed terrorists attacked the Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya, killing more than 60 people and injuring at least 175 from at least 12 different countries during a four-day siege; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the attack was the most deadly terrorist incident in Kenya since the 1998 al Qaeda bombing of the United States Embassy in Nairobi; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas al Shabaab, a Somali Islamist extremist group with ties to al Qaeda, has claimed responsibility for the attack, declaring that it was in retaliation for the Government of Kenya’s participation in the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM); </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas al Shabaab was designated a Foreign Terrorist Organization by the United States Government in 2008 and a Specially Designated Global Terrorist entity in 2012; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the investigation to identify those responsible for the attack and efforts to bring them to justice are ongoing; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Kenya is an important ally and regional security partner, playing a vital role in breaking al Shabaab’s recent stranglehold on Somalia through its participation in AMISOM; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Republic of Kenya and the United States have a strong and enduring partnership based on a shared commitment to promoting peace and prosperity in East Africa and around the world; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Kenya is a culturally rich and ethnically diverse country: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="idb394ed6f440649efa26f6657d47e55f8"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> condemns, in the strongest possible terms, the heinous atrocities and terrorist attack that occurred at the Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya, from September 21 through 24, 2013; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id8afbfa1b05924c4a8fff50668820ef0d"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> offers its condolences to the families, friends, and loved ones of those who were killed in the attack and expresses its hope for the recovery of the wounded, including United States citizens; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="ide975643edeee4ac3b64e545e4d5af7d5"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> recognizes the many heroic and selfless acts by Kenyan citizens, first responders, and the Kenya Red Cross to rescue those caught in the Westgate Mall during the attack; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id360f60e233fb4e5c99819f43708a5cb8"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> reaffirms United States support for the efforts of the Government and people of Kenya to combat terrorism, counter extremism, promote tolerance, and bring the perpetrators of the Westgate Mall attack to justice; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id95f302ee3ace4f309374b1a449360a21"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> commends the Government of Kenya’s continued participation in the African Union Mission in Somalia; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="ide4c9d0dba79b47bea283827985fff69e"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text> recognizes Kenya as an important regional ally and partner of the United States. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> <endorsement> <action-date> October 31, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> Reported without amendment </action-desc> </endorsement> </resolution>
III Calendar No. 234 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 268 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES October 11, 2013 Mr. Coons (for himself, Mr. Flake , Ms. Mikulski , Mr. Nelson , Mr. Isakson , Mrs. Feinstein , and Mrs. Shaheen ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations October 31, 2013 Reported by Mr. Menendez , without amendment RESOLUTION Condemning the September 2013 terrorist attack at the Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya, and reaffirming United States support for the people and Government of Kenya, and for other purposes. Whereas, on September 21, 2013, armed terrorists attacked the Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya, killing more than 60 people and injuring at least 175 from at least 12 different countries during a four-day siege; Whereas the attack was the most deadly terrorist incident in Kenya since the 1998 al Qaeda bombing of the United States Embassy in Nairobi; Whereas al Shabaab, a Somali Islamist extremist group with ties to al Qaeda, has claimed responsibility for the attack, declaring that it was in retaliation for the Government of Kenya’s participation in the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM); Whereas al Shabaab was designated a Foreign Terrorist Organization by the United States Government in 2008 and a Specially Designated Global Terrorist entity in 2012; Whereas the investigation to identify those responsible for the attack and efforts to bring them to justice are ongoing; Whereas Kenya is an important ally and regional security partner, playing a vital role in breaking al Shabaab’s recent stranglehold on Somalia through its participation in AMISOM; Whereas the Republic of Kenya and the United States have a strong and enduring partnership based on a shared commitment to promoting peace and prosperity in East Africa and around the world; and Whereas Kenya is a culturally rich and ethnically diverse country: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) condemns, in the strongest possible terms, the heinous atrocities and terrorist attack that occurred at the Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya, from September 21 through 24, 2013; (2) offers its condolences to the families, friends, and loved ones of those who were killed in the attack and expresses its hope for the recovery of the wounded, including United States citizens; (3) recognizes the many heroic and selfless acts by Kenyan citizens, first responders, and the Kenya Red Cross to rescue those caught in the Westgate Mall during the attack; (4) reaffirms United States support for the efforts of the Government and people of Kenya to combat terrorism, counter extremism, promote tolerance, and bring the perpetrators of the Westgate Mall attack to justice; (5) commends the Government of Kenya’s continued participation in the African Union Mission in Somalia; and (6) recognizes Kenya as an important regional ally and partner of the United States. October 31, 2013 Reported without amendment
2023-01-07 07:28:02.348
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Introduced-in-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 269 IS: Expressing the sense of the Senate on United States policy regarding possession of enrichment and reprocessing capabilities by the Islamic Republic of Iran. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-10-16 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 269 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131016"> October 16, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S350"> Mr. Rubio </sponsor> (for himself and <cosponsor name-id="S323"> Mr. Risch </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="SSFR00"> Committee on Foreign Relations </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Expressing the sense of the Senate on United States policy regarding possession of enrichment and reprocessing capabilities by the Islamic Republic of Iran. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas diplomats from the Islamic Republic of Iran, the European Union, the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, China, and Russia continue to discuss the Government of Iran’s illicit nuclear weapons program; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas President of Iran Hasan Rouhani has in the past bragged about his success in buying time for Iran to make nuclear advances; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei, who retains control over Iran’s nuclear program, recently claimed that Iran did not desire nuclear weapons but said that if Iran <quote> intended to possess nuclear weapons, no power could stop us </quote> ; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Government of Iran continues to expand Iran’s nuclear and missile programs in violation of multiple United Nations Security Council resolutions; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Government of Iran has a decades-long track record of cheating on and violating commitments regarding its nuclear program and has used more than 10 years of diplomatic negotiations to buy more time to expand its nuclear weapons program; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Iran remains the world’s number one exporter of terrorism and as recently as 2011 was plotting to assassinate a foreign official on United States soil; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, over the last three decades, the Government of Iran and its terrorist proxies have been responsible for the deaths of Americans; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Government of Iran and its terrorist proxies continue to provide military and financial support to the regime of Bashar al-Assad in Syria, aiding his regime’s mass killing of civilians; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Government of Iran continues to sow instability in its region and to threaten its neighbors, including United States allies such as Israel; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Government of Iran denies its people their fundamental freedoms, including freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion, and freedom of conscience; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas international and United States sanctions imposed on Iran have assisted in bringing Iran to the negotiating table; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas other countries, such as North Korea, have used diplomatic talks regarding their nuclear programs to allow time for the development of nuclear weapons; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, based on the Government of Iran’s stockpile of low enriched uranium and its plan to continue installing advanced centrifuges, the Government of Iran could agree to suspend all enrichment above 3.5 percent and still be in a position to produce weapons-grade uranium without detection by the middle of next year; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, if the Government of Iran starts up its heavy water reactor in Arak, it could establish an alternate pathway to a nuclear weapon, producing enough plutonium each year for one or two nuclear weapons; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas 19 other nations currently access peaceful nuclear energy without any enrichment or reprocessing activities on their soil; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Government of Iran could likewise achieve access to peaceful nuclear energy without enrichment or reprocessing activities on its own soil: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That it is the sense of the Senate that— </text> <paragraph id="ida99dcbeb96434007a6dda924de056d53"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> it shall be the policy of the United States that the Government of Iran will not be allowed to develop a nuclear weapon and that all instruments of United States power and influence remain on the table to prevent this outcome; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id469c9e42663f43dbabece9c67d6a87e9"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> the Government of Iran does not have an absolute or inherent right to enrichment and reprocessing technologies under the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, done at Washington, London, and Moscow July 1, 1968, and entered into force March 5, 1970 (commonly known as the <quote> Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty </quote> ); </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id14d4ac8153ad41ac9278f80f9e1320a2"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> relief of sanctions related to Iran’s nuclear program imposed upon Iran by the United States should only be provided once Iran has completely abandoned its nuclear weapons program, including any enrichment or reprocessing capability, and has provided complete transparency to the International Atomic Energy Agency regarding its work on weaponization of a nuclear device; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idf312201e4a7c438183e4eda46427dbc0"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> until the Government of Iran has taken the actions set forth in paragraph (3), Congress should move to pass a new round of additional sanctions without delay. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 269 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES October 16, 2013 Mr. Rubio (for himself and Mr. Risch ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations RESOLUTION Expressing the sense of the Senate on United States policy regarding possession of enrichment and reprocessing capabilities by the Islamic Republic of Iran. Whereas diplomats from the Islamic Republic of Iran, the European Union, the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, China, and Russia continue to discuss the Government of Iran’s illicit nuclear weapons program; Whereas President of Iran Hasan Rouhani has in the past bragged about his success in buying time for Iran to make nuclear advances; Whereas Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei, who retains control over Iran’s nuclear program, recently claimed that Iran did not desire nuclear weapons but said that if Iran intended to possess nuclear weapons, no power could stop us ; Whereas the Government of Iran continues to expand Iran’s nuclear and missile programs in violation of multiple United Nations Security Council resolutions; Whereas the Government of Iran has a decades-long track record of cheating on and violating commitments regarding its nuclear program and has used more than 10 years of diplomatic negotiations to buy more time to expand its nuclear weapons program; Whereas Iran remains the world’s number one exporter of terrorism and as recently as 2011 was plotting to assassinate a foreign official on United States soil; Whereas, over the last three decades, the Government of Iran and its terrorist proxies have been responsible for the deaths of Americans; Whereas the Government of Iran and its terrorist proxies continue to provide military and financial support to the regime of Bashar al-Assad in Syria, aiding his regime’s mass killing of civilians; Whereas the Government of Iran continues to sow instability in its region and to threaten its neighbors, including United States allies such as Israel; Whereas the Government of Iran denies its people their fundamental freedoms, including freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion, and freedom of conscience; Whereas international and United States sanctions imposed on Iran have assisted in bringing Iran to the negotiating table; Whereas other countries, such as North Korea, have used diplomatic talks regarding their nuclear programs to allow time for the development of nuclear weapons; Whereas, based on the Government of Iran’s stockpile of low enriched uranium and its plan to continue installing advanced centrifuges, the Government of Iran could agree to suspend all enrichment above 3.5 percent and still be in a position to produce weapons-grade uranium without detection by the middle of next year; Whereas, if the Government of Iran starts up its heavy water reactor in Arak, it could establish an alternate pathway to a nuclear weapon, producing enough plutonium each year for one or two nuclear weapons; Whereas 19 other nations currently access peaceful nuclear energy without any enrichment or reprocessing activities on their soil; and Whereas the Government of Iran could likewise achieve access to peaceful nuclear energy without enrichment or reprocessing activities on its own soil: Now, therefore, be it That it is the sense of the Senate that— (1) it shall be the policy of the United States that the Government of Iran will not be allowed to develop a nuclear weapon and that all instruments of United States power and influence remain on the table to prevent this outcome; (2) the Government of Iran does not have an absolute or inherent right to enrichment and reprocessing technologies under the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, done at Washington, London, and Moscow July 1, 1968, and entered into force March 5, 1970 (commonly known as the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty ); (3) relief of sanctions related to Iran’s nuclear program imposed upon Iran by the United States should only be provided once Iran has completely abandoned its nuclear weapons program, including any enrichment or reprocessing capability, and has provided complete transparency to the International Atomic Energy Agency regarding its work on weaponization of a nuclear device; and (4) until the Government of Iran has taken the actions set forth in paragraph (3), Congress should move to pass a new round of additional sanctions without delay.
2023-01-07 05:08:03.013
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Agreed-to-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 2d Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 270 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131016"> October 16, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S339"> Mr. Kirk </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="S253"> Mr. Durbin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S136"> Mr. Cochran </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S318"> Mr. Wicker </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S350"> Mr. Rubio </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S343"> Mr. Boozman </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S324"> Mrs. Shaheen </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S319"> Mr. Begich </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S305"> Mr. Isakson </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S364"> Mr. Murphy </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S347"> Mr. Moran </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S223"> Mrs. Boxer </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S340"> Ms. Ayotte </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S337"> Mr. Coons </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S252"> Ms. Collins </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S229"> Mrs. Murray </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="SSFR00"> Committee on Foreign Relations </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <action> <action-date date="20140204"> February 4, 2014 </action-date> <action-desc> Reported by <sponsor name-id="S306"> Mr. Menendez </sponsor> , without amendment </action-desc> </action> <action> <action-date> February 6, 2014 </action-date> <action-desc> Considered and agreed to </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Supporting the goals and ideals of World Polio Day and commending the international community and others for their efforts to prevent and eradicate polio. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas October 24th of each year is recognized internationally as World Polio Day; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas polio is a highly infectious disease that primarily affects children and for which there is no known cure; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas polio can leave survivors permanently disabled from muscle paralysis of the limbs and occasionally leads to a particularly difficult death through paralysis of respiratory muscles; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas polio was once one of the most dreaded diseases in the United States, killing thousands of people annually in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and leaving thousands more with permanent disabilities, including the 32nd President of the United States, Franklin Delano Roosevelt; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas severe polio outbreaks in the 1940s and 1950s caused panic in the United States, as parents kept children indoors, public health officials quarantined infected individuals, and the Federal Government restricted commerce and travel; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas 1952 was the peak of the polio epidemic in the United States, with more than 57,000 people affected, 21,000 of whom were paralyzed and 3,000 of whom died; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas safe and effective polio vaccines, including the inactivated polio vaccine (commonly known as “IPV”), developed in 1952 by Jonas Salk, and the oral polio vaccine (commonly known as “OPV”), developed in 1957 by Albert Sabin, rendered polio preventable and contributed to the rapid decline of the incidence of polio in the United States; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, although the United States has been free from polio since 1979, this preventable disease still needlessly lays victim to children and adults in several countries where challenges, such as active conflict and lack of infrastructure, impede access to vaccines; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Federal Government is the leading public sector donor to the Global Polio Eradication Initiative and provides technical and operational leadership to this global effort through the work of the Centers for Disease Control and the United States Agency for International Development; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the eradication of polio is the highest priority of Rotary International, a global association founded in 1905 in Chicago, Illinois, that is now headquartered in Evanston, Illinois, and has more than 1,200,000 members in more than 170 countries; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Rotary International and its members (commonly known as “Rotarians”) have contributed more than $1,000,000,000 to, and volunteered countless hours in, the global fight against polio; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Rotary International, the World Health Organization, the United States Government, the United Nations Children’s Fund (commonly known as “UNICEF”), the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the United Nations Foundation have joined together with national governments to successfully reduce cases of polio by more than 99 percent since 1988, from more than 350,000 reported cases in 1988 to 223 reported cases in 2012; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas polio was recently eliminated in India and is now endemic only in Nigeria, Pakistan, and Afghanistan; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas terrorist and militant groups continue to target and murder health care workers who seek to save the lives of children; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the sanctity and neutrality of health care workers must be respected, as these workers deliver the most basic of life-saving interventions to children and communities; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the recent polio outbreak in the Horn of Africa, comprising Somalia, Ethiopia, and Kenya, continues to result in new cases of the disease, exacerbating the protracted humanitarian crisis in the region and highlighting the urgent need to finally eradicate polio before progress is lost; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas countries around the world are placing an unprecedented emphasis on polio eradication, including by implementing Emergency Action Plans to boost vaccination coverage in Nigeria, Pakistan, and Afghanistan; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Global Polio Eradication Initiative has developed the Polio Eradication and Endgame Strategic Plan 2013–2018 (referred to in this preamble as the <quote> Endgame Strategy </quote> ) to capitalize on the opportunity to eradicate all polio disease; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Endgame Strategy also outlines a legacy planning process to ensure that lessons learned in the effort to eradicate polio, as well as the assets and infrastructure built in support of that effort, are transitioned to benefit other development goals and global health priorities, including the continued delivery of health services to the most vulnerable children in the world; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the global effort to eradicate polio is the largest internationally coordinated public health effort in history, with a network of over 20,000,000 volunteers worldwide; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the eradication of polio is imminently achievable and will be a victory shared by all of humanity: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="id69f7b300dbb342a28245d8f28b8e9fa4"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> supports the goals and ideals of World Polio Day; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idBD9EB69B0E98472696E72E413E97CF9F"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> commends the international community and others for their efforts in vaccinating children around the world against polio and for the tremendous strides made toward eradicating the disease; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idd46125b58d39482199f42ae0ef692f9a"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> encourages and supports the international community of governments and nongovernmental organizations in remaining committed to the eradication of polio; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="iddded0422c46543fda737cdc059b3b7c5"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> condemns the deplorable actions of terrorist and militant groups that murder innocent health care workers who are striving to save the lives of children around the world; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idbd909ca19cdf482c8f024b7fbb57d67f"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> urges the international community of governments to strengthen the support and security protection of health care workers who risk their lives to provide polio vaccinations; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id6ba02623123449228a774bd6584754dd"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text> encourages continued commitment and funding by the United States Government and international donors to the global effort to rid the world of polio. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 270 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES October 16, 2013 Mr. Kirk (for himself, Mr. Durbin , Mr. Cochran , Mr. Wicker , Mr. Rubio , Mr. Boozman , Mrs. Shaheen , Mr. Begich , Mr. Isakson , Mr. Murphy , Mr. Moran , Mrs. Boxer , Ms. Ayotte , Mr. Coons , Ms. Collins , and Mrs. Murray ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations February 4, 2014 Reported by Mr. Menendez , without amendment February 6, 2014 Considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Supporting the goals and ideals of World Polio Day and commending the international community and others for their efforts to prevent and eradicate polio. Whereas October 24th of each year is recognized internationally as World Polio Day; Whereas polio is a highly infectious disease that primarily affects children and for which there is no known cure; Whereas polio can leave survivors permanently disabled from muscle paralysis of the limbs and occasionally leads to a particularly difficult death through paralysis of respiratory muscles; Whereas polio was once one of the most dreaded diseases in the United States, killing thousands of people annually in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and leaving thousands more with permanent disabilities, including the 32nd President of the United States, Franklin Delano Roosevelt; Whereas severe polio outbreaks in the 1940s and 1950s caused panic in the United States, as parents kept children indoors, public health officials quarantined infected individuals, and the Federal Government restricted commerce and travel; Whereas 1952 was the peak of the polio epidemic in the United States, with more than 57,000 people affected, 21,000 of whom were paralyzed and 3,000 of whom died; Whereas safe and effective polio vaccines, including the inactivated polio vaccine (commonly known as “IPV”), developed in 1952 by Jonas Salk, and the oral polio vaccine (commonly known as “OPV”), developed in 1957 by Albert Sabin, rendered polio preventable and contributed to the rapid decline of the incidence of polio in the United States; Whereas, although the United States has been free from polio since 1979, this preventable disease still needlessly lays victim to children and adults in several countries where challenges, such as active conflict and lack of infrastructure, impede access to vaccines; Whereas the Federal Government is the leading public sector donor to the Global Polio Eradication Initiative and provides technical and operational leadership to this global effort through the work of the Centers for Disease Control and the United States Agency for International Development; Whereas the eradication of polio is the highest priority of Rotary International, a global association founded in 1905 in Chicago, Illinois, that is now headquartered in Evanston, Illinois, and has more than 1,200,000 members in more than 170 countries; Whereas Rotary International and its members (commonly known as “Rotarians”) have contributed more than $1,000,000,000 to, and volunteered countless hours in, the global fight against polio; Whereas Rotary International, the World Health Organization, the United States Government, the United Nations Children’s Fund (commonly known as “UNICEF”), the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the United Nations Foundation have joined together with national governments to successfully reduce cases of polio by more than 99 percent since 1988, from more than 350,000 reported cases in 1988 to 223 reported cases in 2012; Whereas polio was recently eliminated in India and is now endemic only in Nigeria, Pakistan, and Afghanistan; Whereas terrorist and militant groups continue to target and murder health care workers who seek to save the lives of children; Whereas the sanctity and neutrality of health care workers must be respected, as these workers deliver the most basic of life-saving interventions to children and communities; Whereas the recent polio outbreak in the Horn of Africa, comprising Somalia, Ethiopia, and Kenya, continues to result in new cases of the disease, exacerbating the protracted humanitarian crisis in the region and highlighting the urgent need to finally eradicate polio before progress is lost; Whereas countries around the world are placing an unprecedented emphasis on polio eradication, including by implementing Emergency Action Plans to boost vaccination coverage in Nigeria, Pakistan, and Afghanistan; Whereas the Global Polio Eradication Initiative has developed the Polio Eradication and Endgame Strategic Plan 2013–2018 (referred to in this preamble as the Endgame Strategy ) to capitalize on the opportunity to eradicate all polio disease; Whereas the Endgame Strategy also outlines a legacy planning process to ensure that lessons learned in the effort to eradicate polio, as well as the assets and infrastructure built in support of that effort, are transitioned to benefit other development goals and global health priorities, including the continued delivery of health services to the most vulnerable children in the world; Whereas the global effort to eradicate polio is the largest internationally coordinated public health effort in history, with a network of over 20,000,000 volunteers worldwide; and Whereas the eradication of polio is imminently achievable and will be a victory shared by all of humanity: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) supports the goals and ideals of World Polio Day; (2) commends the international community and others for their efforts in vaccinating children around the world against polio and for the tremendous strides made toward eradicating the disease; (3) encourages and supports the international community of governments and nongovernmental organizations in remaining committed to the eradication of polio; (4) condemns the deplorable actions of terrorist and militant groups that murder innocent health care workers who are striving to save the lives of children around the world; (5) urges the international community of governments to strengthen the support and security protection of health care workers who risk their lives to provide polio vaccinations; and (6) encourages continued commitment and funding by the United States Government and international donors to the global effort to rid the world of polio.
2023-01-07 07:28:02.314
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Introduced-in-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 270 IS: Supporting the goals and ideals of World Polio Day and commending the international community and others for their efforts to prevent and eradicate polio. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-10-16 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 270 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131016"> October 16, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S339"> Mr. Kirk </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="S253"> Mr. Durbin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S136"> Mr. Cochran </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S318"> Mr. Wicker </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S350"> Mr. Rubio </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S343"> Mr. Boozman </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S324"> Mrs. Shaheen </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S319"> Mr. Begich </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S305"> Mr. Isakson </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S364"> Mr. Murphy </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="SSFR00"> Committee on Foreign Relations </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Supporting the goals and ideals of World Polio Day and commending the international community and others for their efforts to prevent and eradicate polio. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas October 24th of each year is recognized internationally as World Polio Day; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas polio is a highly infectious disease that primarily affects children and for which there is no known cure; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas polio can leave survivors permanently disabled from muscle paralysis of the limbs and occasionally leads to a particularly difficult death through paralysis of respiratory muscles; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas polio was once one of the most dreaded diseases in the United States, killing thousands of people annually in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and leaving thousands more with permanent disabilities, including the 32nd President of the United States, Franklin Delano Roosevelt; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas severe polio outbreaks in the 1940s and 1950s caused panic in the United States, as parents kept children indoors, public health officials quarantined infected individuals, and the Federal Government restricted commerce and travel; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas 1952 was the peak of the polio epidemic in the United States, with more than 57,000 people affected, 21,000 of whom were paralyzed and 3,000 of whom died; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas safe and effective polio vaccines, including the inactivated polio vaccine (commonly known as “IPV”), developed in 1952 by Jonas Salk, and the oral polio vaccine (commonly known as “OPV”), developed in 1957 by Albert Sabin, rendered polio preventable and contributed to the rapid decline of the incidence of polio in the United States; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, although the United States has been free from polio since 1979, this preventable disease still needlessly lays victim to children and adults in several countries where challenges, such as active conflict and lack of infrastructure, impede access to vaccines; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Federal Government is the leading public sector donor to the Global Polio Eradication Initiative and provides technical and operational leadership to this global effort through the work of the Centers for Disease Control and the United States Agency for International Development; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the eradication of polio is the highest priority of Rotary International, a global association founded in 1905 in Chicago, Illinois, that is now headquartered in Evanston, Illinois, and has more than 1,200,000 members in more than 170 countries; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Rotary International and its members (commonly known as “Rotarians”) have contributed more than $1,000,000,000 to, and volunteered countless hours in, the global fight against polio; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Rotary International, the World Health Organization, the United States Government, the United Nations Children’s Fund (commonly known as “UNICEF”), the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the United Nations Foundation have joined together with national governments to successfully reduce cases of polio by more than 99 percent since 1988, from more than 350,000 reported cases in 1988 to 223 reported cases in 2012; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas polio was recently eliminated in India and is now endemic only in Nigeria, Pakistan, and Afghanistan; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas terrorist and militant groups continue to target and murder health care workers who seek to save the lives of children; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the sanctity and neutrality of health care workers must be respected, as these workers deliver the most basic of life-saving interventions to children and communities; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the recent polio outbreak in the Horn of Africa, comprising Somalia, Ethiopia, and Kenya, continues to result in new cases of the disease, exacerbating the protracted humanitarian crisis in the region and highlighting the urgent need to finally eradicate polio before progress is lost; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas countries around the world are placing an unprecedented emphasis on polio eradication, including by implementing Emergency Action Plans to boost vaccination coverage in Nigeria, Pakistan, and Afghanistan; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Global Polio Eradication Initiative has developed the Polio Eradication and Endgame Strategic Plan 2013–2018 (referred to in this preamble as the <quote> Endgame Strategy </quote> ) to capitalize on the opportunity to eradicate all polio disease; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Endgame Strategy also outlines a legacy planning process to ensure that lessons learned in the effort to eradicate polio, as well as the assets and infrastructure built in support of that effort, are transitioned to benefit other development goals and global health priorities, including the continued delivery of health services to the most vulnerable children in the world; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the global effort to eradicate polio is the largest internationally coordinated public health effort in history, with a network of over 20,000,000 volunteers worldwide; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the eradication of polio is imminently achievable and will be a victory shared by all of humanity: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="id69f7b300dbb342a28245d8f28b8e9fa4"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> supports the goals and ideals of World Polio Day; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idBD9EB69B0E98472696E72E413E97CF9F"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> commends the international community and others for their efforts in vaccinating children around the world against polio and for the tremendous strides made toward eradicating the disease; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idd46125b58d39482199f42ae0ef692f9a"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> encourages and supports the international community of governments and nongovernmental organizations in remaining committed to the eradication of polio; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="iddded0422c46543fda737cdc059b3b7c5"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> condemns the deplorable actions of terrorist and militant groups that murder innocent health care workers who are striving to save the lives of children around the world; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idbd909ca19cdf482c8f024b7fbb57d67f"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> urges the international community of governments to strengthen the support and security protection of health care workers who risk their lives to provide polio vaccinations; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id6ba02623123449228a774bd6584754dd"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text> encourages continued commitment and funding by the United States Government and international donors to the global effort to rid the world of polio. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 270 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES October 16, 2013 Mr. Kirk (for himself, Mr. Durbin , Mr. Cochran , Mr. Wicker , Mr. Rubio , Mr. Boozman , Mrs. Shaheen , Mr. Begich , Mr. Isakson , and Mr. Murphy ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations RESOLUTION Supporting the goals and ideals of World Polio Day and commending the international community and others for their efforts to prevent and eradicate polio. Whereas October 24th of each year is recognized internationally as World Polio Day; Whereas polio is a highly infectious disease that primarily affects children and for which there is no known cure; Whereas polio can leave survivors permanently disabled from muscle paralysis of the limbs and occasionally leads to a particularly difficult death through paralysis of respiratory muscles; Whereas polio was once one of the most dreaded diseases in the United States, killing thousands of people annually in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and leaving thousands more with permanent disabilities, including the 32nd President of the United States, Franklin Delano Roosevelt; Whereas severe polio outbreaks in the 1940s and 1950s caused panic in the United States, as parents kept children indoors, public health officials quarantined infected individuals, and the Federal Government restricted commerce and travel; Whereas 1952 was the peak of the polio epidemic in the United States, with more than 57,000 people affected, 21,000 of whom were paralyzed and 3,000 of whom died; Whereas safe and effective polio vaccines, including the inactivated polio vaccine (commonly known as “IPV”), developed in 1952 by Jonas Salk, and the oral polio vaccine (commonly known as “OPV”), developed in 1957 by Albert Sabin, rendered polio preventable and contributed to the rapid decline of the incidence of polio in the United States; Whereas, although the United States has been free from polio since 1979, this preventable disease still needlessly lays victim to children and adults in several countries where challenges, such as active conflict and lack of infrastructure, impede access to vaccines; Whereas the Federal Government is the leading public sector donor to the Global Polio Eradication Initiative and provides technical and operational leadership to this global effort through the work of the Centers for Disease Control and the United States Agency for International Development; Whereas the eradication of polio is the highest priority of Rotary International, a global association founded in 1905 in Chicago, Illinois, that is now headquartered in Evanston, Illinois, and has more than 1,200,000 members in more than 170 countries; Whereas Rotary International and its members (commonly known as “Rotarians”) have contributed more than $1,000,000,000 to, and volunteered countless hours in, the global fight against polio; Whereas Rotary International, the World Health Organization, the United States Government, the United Nations Children’s Fund (commonly known as “UNICEF”), the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the United Nations Foundation have joined together with national governments to successfully reduce cases of polio by more than 99 percent since 1988, from more than 350,000 reported cases in 1988 to 223 reported cases in 2012; Whereas polio was recently eliminated in India and is now endemic only in Nigeria, Pakistan, and Afghanistan; Whereas terrorist and militant groups continue to target and murder health care workers who seek to save the lives of children; Whereas the sanctity and neutrality of health care workers must be respected, as these workers deliver the most basic of life-saving interventions to children and communities; Whereas the recent polio outbreak in the Horn of Africa, comprising Somalia, Ethiopia, and Kenya, continues to result in new cases of the disease, exacerbating the protracted humanitarian crisis in the region and highlighting the urgent need to finally eradicate polio before progress is lost; Whereas countries around the world are placing an unprecedented emphasis on polio eradication, including by implementing Emergency Action Plans to boost vaccination coverage in Nigeria, Pakistan, and Afghanistan; Whereas the Global Polio Eradication Initiative has developed the Polio Eradication and Endgame Strategic Plan 2013–2018 (referred to in this preamble as the Endgame Strategy ) to capitalize on the opportunity to eradicate all polio disease; Whereas the Endgame Strategy also outlines a legacy planning process to ensure that lessons learned in the effort to eradicate polio, as well as the assets and infrastructure built in support of that effort, are transitioned to benefit other development goals and global health priorities, including the continued delivery of health services to the most vulnerable children in the world; Whereas the global effort to eradicate polio is the largest internationally coordinated public health effort in history, with a network of over 20,000,000 volunteers worldwide; and Whereas the eradication of polio is imminently achievable and will be a victory shared by all of humanity: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) supports the goals and ideals of World Polio Day; (2) commends the international community and others for their efforts in vaccinating children around the world against polio and for the tremendous strides made toward eradicating the disease; (3) encourages and supports the international community of governments and nongovernmental organizations in remaining committed to the eradication of polio; (4) condemns the deplorable actions of terrorist and militant groups that murder innocent health care workers who are striving to save the lives of children around the world; (5) urges the international community of governments to strengthen the support and security protection of health care workers who risk their lives to provide polio vaccinations; and (6) encourages continued commitment and funding by the United States Government and international donors to the global effort to rid the world of polio.
2023-01-07 05:08:02.970
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Reported-in-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 270 RS: Supporting the goals and ideals of World Polio Day and commending the international community and others for their efforts to prevent and eradicate polio. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2014-02-04 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <calendar> Calendar No. 302 </calendar> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 2d Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 270 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131016"> October 16, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S339"> Mr. Kirk </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="S253"> Mr. Durbin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S136"> Mr. Cochran </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S318"> Mr. Wicker </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S350"> Mr. Rubio </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S343"> Mr. Boozman </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S324"> Mrs. Shaheen </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S319"> Mr. Begich </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S305"> Mr. Isakson </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S364"> Mr. Murphy </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S347"> Mr. Moran </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S223"> Mrs. Boxer </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S340"> Ms. Ayotte </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S337"> Mr. Coons </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S252"> Ms. Collins </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="SSFR00"> Committee on Foreign Relations </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <action> <action-date date="20140204"> February 4, 2014 </action-date> <action-desc> Reported by <sponsor name-id="S306"> Mr. Menendez </sponsor> , without amendment </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Supporting the goals and ideals of World Polio Day and commending the international community and others for their efforts to prevent and eradicate polio. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas October 24th of each year is recognized internationally as World Polio Day; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas polio is a highly infectious disease that primarily affects children and for which there is no known cure; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas polio can leave survivors permanently disabled from muscle paralysis of the limbs and occasionally leads to a particularly difficult death through paralysis of respiratory muscles; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas polio was once one of the most dreaded diseases in the United States, killing thousands of people annually in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and leaving thousands more with permanent disabilities, including the 32nd President of the United States, Franklin Delano Roosevelt; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas severe polio outbreaks in the 1940s and 1950s caused panic in the United States, as parents kept children indoors, public health officials quarantined infected individuals, and the Federal Government restricted commerce and travel; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas 1952 was the peak of the polio epidemic in the United States, with more than 57,000 people affected, 21,000 of whom were paralyzed and 3,000 of whom died; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas safe and effective polio vaccines, including the inactivated polio vaccine (commonly known as “IPV”), developed in 1952 by Jonas Salk, and the oral polio vaccine (commonly known as “OPV”), developed in 1957 by Albert Sabin, rendered polio preventable and contributed to the rapid decline of the incidence of polio in the United States; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, although the United States has been free from polio since 1979, this preventable disease still needlessly lays victim to children and adults in several countries where challenges, such as active conflict and lack of infrastructure, impede access to vaccines; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Federal Government is the leading public sector donor to the Global Polio Eradication Initiative and provides technical and operational leadership to this global effort through the work of the Centers for Disease Control and the United States Agency for International Development; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the eradication of polio is the highest priority of Rotary International, a global association founded in 1905 in Chicago, Illinois, that is now headquartered in Evanston, Illinois, and has more than 1,200,000 members in more than 170 countries; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Rotary International and its members (commonly known as “Rotarians”) have contributed more than $1,000,000,000 to, and volunteered countless hours in, the global fight against polio; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Rotary International, the World Health Organization, the United States Government, the United Nations Children’s Fund (commonly known as “UNICEF”), the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the United Nations Foundation have joined together with national governments to successfully reduce cases of polio by more than 99 percent since 1988, from more than 350,000 reported cases in 1988 to 223 reported cases in 2012; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas polio was recently eliminated in India and is now endemic only in Nigeria, Pakistan, and Afghanistan; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas terrorist and militant groups continue to target and murder health care workers who seek to save the lives of children; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the sanctity and neutrality of health care workers must be respected, as these workers deliver the most basic of life-saving interventions to children and communities; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the recent polio outbreak in the Horn of Africa, comprising Somalia, Ethiopia, and Kenya, continues to result in new cases of the disease, exacerbating the protracted humanitarian crisis in the region and highlighting the urgent need to finally eradicate polio before progress is lost; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas countries around the world are placing an unprecedented emphasis on polio eradication, including by implementing Emergency Action Plans to boost vaccination coverage in Nigeria, Pakistan, and Afghanistan; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Global Polio Eradication Initiative has developed the Polio Eradication and Endgame Strategic Plan 2013–2018 (referred to in this preamble as the <quote> Endgame Strategy </quote> ) to capitalize on the opportunity to eradicate all polio disease; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Endgame Strategy also outlines a legacy planning process to ensure that lessons learned in the effort to eradicate polio, as well as the assets and infrastructure built in support of that effort, are transitioned to benefit other development goals and global health priorities, including the continued delivery of health services to the most vulnerable children in the world; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the global effort to eradicate polio is the largest internationally coordinated public health effort in history, with a network of over 20,000,000 volunteers worldwide; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the eradication of polio is imminently achievable and will be a victory shared by all of humanity: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="id69f7b300dbb342a28245d8f28b8e9fa4"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> supports the goals and ideals of World Polio Day; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idBD9EB69B0E98472696E72E413E97CF9F"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> commends the international community and others for their efforts in vaccinating children around the world against polio and for the tremendous strides made toward eradicating the disease; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idd46125b58d39482199f42ae0ef692f9a"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> encourages and supports the international community of governments and nongovernmental organizations in remaining committed to the eradication of polio; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="iddded0422c46543fda737cdc059b3b7c5"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> condemns the deplorable actions of terrorist and militant groups that murder innocent health care workers who are striving to save the lives of children around the world; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idbd909ca19cdf482c8f024b7fbb57d67f"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> urges the international community of governments to strengthen the support and security protection of health care workers who risk their lives to provide polio vaccinations; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id6ba02623123449228a774bd6584754dd"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text> encourages continued commitment and funding by the United States Government and international donors to the global effort to rid the world of polio. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> <endorsement> <action-date> February 4, 2014 </action-date> <action-desc> Reported without amendment </action-desc> </endorsement> </resolution>
III Calendar No. 302 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 270 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES October 16, 2013 Mr. Kirk (for himself, Mr. Durbin , Mr. Cochran , Mr. Wicker , Mr. Rubio , Mr. Boozman , Mrs. Shaheen , Mr. Begich , Mr. Isakson , Mr. Murphy , Mr. Moran , Mrs. Boxer , Ms. Ayotte , Mr. Coons , and Ms. Collins ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations February 4, 2014 Reported by Mr. Menendez , without amendment RESOLUTION Supporting the goals and ideals of World Polio Day and commending the international community and others for their efforts to prevent and eradicate polio. Whereas October 24th of each year is recognized internationally as World Polio Day; Whereas polio is a highly infectious disease that primarily affects children and for which there is no known cure; Whereas polio can leave survivors permanently disabled from muscle paralysis of the limbs and occasionally leads to a particularly difficult death through paralysis of respiratory muscles; Whereas polio was once one of the most dreaded diseases in the United States, killing thousands of people annually in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and leaving thousands more with permanent disabilities, including the 32nd President of the United States, Franklin Delano Roosevelt; Whereas severe polio outbreaks in the 1940s and 1950s caused panic in the United States, as parents kept children indoors, public health officials quarantined infected individuals, and the Federal Government restricted commerce and travel; Whereas 1952 was the peak of the polio epidemic in the United States, with more than 57,000 people affected, 21,000 of whom were paralyzed and 3,000 of whom died; Whereas safe and effective polio vaccines, including the inactivated polio vaccine (commonly known as “IPV”), developed in 1952 by Jonas Salk, and the oral polio vaccine (commonly known as “OPV”), developed in 1957 by Albert Sabin, rendered polio preventable and contributed to the rapid decline of the incidence of polio in the United States; Whereas, although the United States has been free from polio since 1979, this preventable disease still needlessly lays victim to children and adults in several countries where challenges, such as active conflict and lack of infrastructure, impede access to vaccines; Whereas the Federal Government is the leading public sector donor to the Global Polio Eradication Initiative and provides technical and operational leadership to this global effort through the work of the Centers for Disease Control and the United States Agency for International Development; Whereas the eradication of polio is the highest priority of Rotary International, a global association founded in 1905 in Chicago, Illinois, that is now headquartered in Evanston, Illinois, and has more than 1,200,000 members in more than 170 countries; Whereas Rotary International and its members (commonly known as “Rotarians”) have contributed more than $1,000,000,000 to, and volunteered countless hours in, the global fight against polio; Whereas Rotary International, the World Health Organization, the United States Government, the United Nations Children’s Fund (commonly known as “UNICEF”), the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the United Nations Foundation have joined together with national governments to successfully reduce cases of polio by more than 99 percent since 1988, from more than 350,000 reported cases in 1988 to 223 reported cases in 2012; Whereas polio was recently eliminated in India and is now endemic only in Nigeria, Pakistan, and Afghanistan; Whereas terrorist and militant groups continue to target and murder health care workers who seek to save the lives of children; Whereas the sanctity and neutrality of health care workers must be respected, as these workers deliver the most basic of life-saving interventions to children and communities; Whereas the recent polio outbreak in the Horn of Africa, comprising Somalia, Ethiopia, and Kenya, continues to result in new cases of the disease, exacerbating the protracted humanitarian crisis in the region and highlighting the urgent need to finally eradicate polio before progress is lost; Whereas countries around the world are placing an unprecedented emphasis on polio eradication, including by implementing Emergency Action Plans to boost vaccination coverage in Nigeria, Pakistan, and Afghanistan; Whereas the Global Polio Eradication Initiative has developed the Polio Eradication and Endgame Strategic Plan 2013–2018 (referred to in this preamble as the Endgame Strategy ) to capitalize on the opportunity to eradicate all polio disease; Whereas the Endgame Strategy also outlines a legacy planning process to ensure that lessons learned in the effort to eradicate polio, as well as the assets and infrastructure built in support of that effort, are transitioned to benefit other development goals and global health priorities, including the continued delivery of health services to the most vulnerable children in the world; Whereas the global effort to eradicate polio is the largest internationally coordinated public health effort in history, with a network of over 20,000,000 volunteers worldwide; and Whereas the eradication of polio is imminently achievable and will be a victory shared by all of humanity: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) supports the goals and ideals of World Polio Day; (2) commends the international community and others for their efforts in vaccinating children around the world against polio and for the tremendous strides made toward eradicating the disease; (3) encourages and supports the international community of governments and nongovernmental organizations in remaining committed to the eradication of polio; (4) condemns the deplorable actions of terrorist and militant groups that murder innocent health care workers who are striving to save the lives of children around the world; (5) urges the international community of governments to strengthen the support and security protection of health care workers who risk their lives to provide polio vaccinations; and (6) encourages continued commitment and funding by the United States Government and international donors to the global effort to rid the world of polio. February 4, 2014 Reported without amendment
2023-01-07 07:28:02.216
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Introduced-in-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 271 IS: Expressing the sense of the Senate that United States military assistance for Cambodia should be suspended until an independent and credible investigation occurs into the July 28, 2013, parliamentary elections, and election reforms are being implemented by the Government of Cambodia. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-10-16 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 271 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131016"> October 16, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S293"> Mr. Graham </sponsor> submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="SSFR00"> Committee on Foreign Relations </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Expressing the sense of the Senate that United States military assistance for Cambodia should be suspended until an independent and credible investigation occurs into the July 28, 2013, parliamentary elections, and election reforms are being implemented by the Government of Cambodia. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas independent domestic and international organizations have raised serious concerns regarding the integrity of the parliamentary elections held in Cambodia on July 28, 2013; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, according to Human Rights Watch, <quote> the Cambodian government-controlled National Election Committee (NEC) has failed to address credible allegations of voter fraud and other irregularities or systematic unfairness in the election process </quote> ; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) leader Sam Rainsy noted in an October 7, 2013, Cambodia Daily op-ed article that the inaugural meeting of the newly formed government was boycotted by 55 CNRP-elected parliamentarians as a result of the refusal of the ruling Cambodian People's Party to address <quote> shocking election irregularities </quote> that allegedly denied CNRP additional parliamentary seats; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas United Nations’ Special Rapporteur for Human Rights in Cambodia Surya P. Subedi noted that <quote> it is critical for the new National Assembly to be represented by the two key parties, for the National Assembly to be truly representative of the whole of the Cambodian people and for it to be concluded that the right to vote was effectively exercised on 28 July </quote> ; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas in a September 23, 2013, statement, the United States Embassy in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, called for <quote> a transparent review of irregularities in the July 28 national elections which would help efforts to assess and address flaws in the electoral process and give the Cambodian people greater confidence in the electoral system </quote> ; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the CNRP boycott calls into question the legitimacy of the Cambodian National Assembly and government; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the policy of the Administration of a strategic rebalance toward the Asia Pacific Region should include support for democracy, human rights, and justice in Cambodia: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That it is the sense of the Senate that the United States should suspend military assistance for Cambodia until— </text> <paragraph id="id3ced9fa962a74592a9956b59451b3d9a"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> an independent and credible investigation occurs into the July 28, 2013, parliamentary elections in Cambodia, and any recommendations arising out of such investigation are fully implemented; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id0bb3f3564f5b4973b461274e4c2337c2"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> the Government of Cambodia, in consultation with civil society and political parties in Cambodia, is implementing election reforms to prevent incidents of fraud and abuse in subsequent national and local elections in Cambodia. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 271 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES October 16, 2013 Mr. Graham submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations RESOLUTION Expressing the sense of the Senate that United States military assistance for Cambodia should be suspended until an independent and credible investigation occurs into the July 28, 2013, parliamentary elections, and election reforms are being implemented by the Government of Cambodia. Whereas independent domestic and international organizations have raised serious concerns regarding the integrity of the parliamentary elections held in Cambodia on July 28, 2013; Whereas, according to Human Rights Watch, the Cambodian government-controlled National Election Committee (NEC) has failed to address credible allegations of voter fraud and other irregularities or systematic unfairness in the election process ; Whereas opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) leader Sam Rainsy noted in an October 7, 2013, Cambodia Daily op-ed article that the inaugural meeting of the newly formed government was boycotted by 55 CNRP-elected parliamentarians as a result of the refusal of the ruling Cambodian People's Party to address shocking election irregularities that allegedly denied CNRP additional parliamentary seats; Whereas United Nations’ Special Rapporteur for Human Rights in Cambodia Surya P. Subedi noted that it is critical for the new National Assembly to be represented by the two key parties, for the National Assembly to be truly representative of the whole of the Cambodian people and for it to be concluded that the right to vote was effectively exercised on 28 July ; Whereas in a September 23, 2013, statement, the United States Embassy in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, called for a transparent review of irregularities in the July 28 national elections which would help efforts to assess and address flaws in the electoral process and give the Cambodian people greater confidence in the electoral system ; Whereas the CNRP boycott calls into question the legitimacy of the Cambodian National Assembly and government; and Whereas the policy of the Administration of a strategic rebalance toward the Asia Pacific Region should include support for democracy, human rights, and justice in Cambodia: Now, therefore, be it That it is the sense of the Senate that the United States should suspend military assistance for Cambodia until— (1) an independent and credible investigation occurs into the July 28, 2013, parliamentary elections in Cambodia, and any recommendations arising out of such investigation are fully implemented; and (2) the Government of Cambodia, in consultation with civil society and political parties in Cambodia, is implementing election reforms to prevent incidents of fraud and abuse in subsequent national and local elections in Cambodia.
2023-01-07 07:27:04.047
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Agreed-to-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 272 ATS: Designating the week beginning October 20, 2013, as National Character Counts Week. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-10-16 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 272 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20131016"> October 16, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S153"> Mr. Grassley </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="S131"> Mr. Levin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S289"> Mr. Alexander </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S136"> Mr. Cochran </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S342"> Mr. Blunt </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S254"> Mr. Enzi </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S258"> Ms. Landrieu </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Designating the week beginning October 20, 2013, as <term> National Character Counts Week </term> . </official-title> </form> <preamble commented="no"> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas the well-being of the United States requires that the young people of the United States become an involved, caring citizenry of good character; </text> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas the character education of children has become more urgent, as violence by and against youth increasingly threatens the physical and psychological well-being of the people of the United States; </text> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas, more than ever, children need strong and constructive guidance from their families and their communities, including schools, youth organizations, religious institutions, and civic groups; </text> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas the character of a nation is only as strong as the character of its individual citizens; </text> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas the public good is advanced when young people are taught the importance of good character and the positive effects that good character can have in personal relationships, in school, and in the workplace; </text> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas scholars and educators agree that people do not automatically develop good character and that, therefore, conscientious efforts must be made by institutions and individuals that influence youth to help young people develop the essential traits and characteristics that comprise good character; </text> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas, although character development is, first and foremost, an obligation of families, the efforts of faith communities, schools, and youth, civic, and human service organizations also play an important role in fostering and promoting good character; </text> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas Congress encourages students, teachers, parents, youth, and community leaders to recognize the importance of character education in preparing young people to play a role in determining the future of the United States; </text> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas effective character education is based on core ethical values, which form the foundation of a democratic society; </text> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas examples of character are trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, citizenship, and honesty; </text> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas elements of character transcend cultural, religious, and socioeconomic differences; </text> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas the character and conduct of our youth reflect the character and conduct of society, and, therefore, every adult has the responsibility to teach and model ethical values and every social institution has the responsibility to promote the development of good character; </text> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas Congress encourages individuals and organizations, especially those that have an interest in the education and training of the young people of the United States, to adopt the elements of character as intrinsic to the well-being of individuals, communities, and society; </text> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas many schools in the United States recognize the need, and have taken steps, to integrate the values of their communities into their teaching activities; and </text> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas the establishment of <term> National Character Counts Week </term> , during which individuals, families, schools, youth organizations, religious institutions, civic groups, and other organizations focus on character education, is of great benefit to the United States: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section commented="no" display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="IDEA93B03B2CC340F299B8FF207F4A96C2"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> designates the week beginning October 20, 2013, as <term> National Character Counts Week </term> ; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="IDE6599498ADBC48F09458BA7797CCA67C"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> calls upon the people of the United States and interested groups— </text> <subparagraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="ID01B4C849990D479C822FC276CB7BD106"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> to embrace the elements of character identified by local schools and communities, such as trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="ID95A1C40518B04EC78B74F70254005E47"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> to observe the week with appropriate ceremonies, programs, and activities. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 272 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES October 16, 2013 Mr. Grassley (for himself, Mr. Levin , Mr. Alexander , Mr. Cochran , Mr. Blunt , Mr. Enzi , and Ms. Landrieu ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Designating the week beginning October 20, 2013, as National Character Counts Week . Whereas the well-being of the United States requires that the young people of the United States become an involved, caring citizenry of good character; Whereas the character education of children has become more urgent, as violence by and against youth increasingly threatens the physical and psychological well-being of the people of the United States; Whereas, more than ever, children need strong and constructive guidance from their families and their communities, including schools, youth organizations, religious institutions, and civic groups; Whereas the character of a nation is only as strong as the character of its individual citizens; Whereas the public good is advanced when young people are taught the importance of good character and the positive effects that good character can have in personal relationships, in school, and in the workplace; Whereas scholars and educators agree that people do not automatically develop good character and that, therefore, conscientious efforts must be made by institutions and individuals that influence youth to help young people develop the essential traits and characteristics that comprise good character; Whereas, although character development is, first and foremost, an obligation of families, the efforts of faith communities, schools, and youth, civic, and human service organizations also play an important role in fostering and promoting good character; Whereas Congress encourages students, teachers, parents, youth, and community leaders to recognize the importance of character education in preparing young people to play a role in determining the future of the United States; Whereas effective character education is based on core ethical values, which form the foundation of a democratic society; Whereas examples of character are trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, citizenship, and honesty; Whereas elements of character transcend cultural, religious, and socioeconomic differences; Whereas the character and conduct of our youth reflect the character and conduct of society, and, therefore, every adult has the responsibility to teach and model ethical values and every social institution has the responsibility to promote the development of good character; Whereas Congress encourages individuals and organizations, especially those that have an interest in the education and training of the young people of the United States, to adopt the elements of character as intrinsic to the well-being of individuals, communities, and society; Whereas many schools in the United States recognize the need, and have taken steps, to integrate the values of their communities into their teaching activities; and Whereas the establishment of National Character Counts Week , during which individuals, families, schools, youth organizations, religious institutions, civic groups, and other organizations focus on character education, is of great benefit to the United States: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) designates the week beginning October 20, 2013, as National Character Counts Week ; and (2) calls upon the people of the United States and interested groups— (A) to embrace the elements of character identified by local schools and communities, such as trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship; and (B) to observe the week with appropriate ceremonies, programs, and activities.
2023-01-07 07:27:03.872
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Agreed-to-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 273 ATS: Designating October 26, 2013, as Day of the Deployed. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-10-16 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 273 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131016"> October 16, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S344"> Mr. Hoeven </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="S308"> Mr. Cardin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S260"> Mr. Roberts </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S342"> Mr. Blunt </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S314"> Mr. Tester </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S360"> Ms. Heitkamp </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Designating October 26, 2013, as <term> Day of the Deployed </term> . </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas more than 2,500,000 individuals serve as members of the United States Armed Forces; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas several hundred thousand members of the Armed Forces rotate each year through deployments to over 150 countries in every region of the world; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas more than 2,300,000 members of the Armed Forces have deployed to the area of operations of the United States Central Command since the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the United States is kept strong and free by the loyal military personnel from the active, National Guard, and Reserve components, who protect the precious heritage of the country through their positive declaration and actions; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas members of the Armed Forces serving at home and abroad have courageously answered the call to duty to defend the ideals of the United States and to preserve peace and freedom around the world; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas members of the Armed Forces personify the virtues of patriotism, service, duty, courage, and sacrifice; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the families of members of the Armed Forces make important and significant sacrifices for the United States; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Senate designated October 26 as <term> Day of the Deployed </term> in 2011 and 2012; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas all 50 States designated October 26 as <term> Day of the Deployed </term> in 2012: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="id5DE5EF7ED62C40FCB8824CD979108D3C"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> designates October 26, 2013, as <term> Day of the Deployed </term> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id830F5B5509D04FDAB373B4295EF112D5"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> honors the deployed members of the United States Armed Forces and their families; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id17C6C6FAFC834A93937631A5CB284B4D"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> calls on the people of the United States to reflect on the service of those members of the Armed Forces, wherever they serve, past, present, and future; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id2AD0D86F571446B8948568FE6CEC7258"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> encourages the people of the United States to observe Day of the Deployed with appropriate ceremonies and activities. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 273 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES October 16, 2013 Mr. Hoeven (for himself, Mr. Cardin , Mr. Roberts , Mr. Blunt , Mr. Tester , and Ms. Heitkamp ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Designating October 26, 2013, as Day of the Deployed . Whereas more than 2,500,000 individuals serve as members of the United States Armed Forces; Whereas several hundred thousand members of the Armed Forces rotate each year through deployments to over 150 countries in every region of the world; Whereas more than 2,300,000 members of the Armed Forces have deployed to the area of operations of the United States Central Command since the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks; Whereas the United States is kept strong and free by the loyal military personnel from the active, National Guard, and Reserve components, who protect the precious heritage of the country through their positive declaration and actions; Whereas members of the Armed Forces serving at home and abroad have courageously answered the call to duty to defend the ideals of the United States and to preserve peace and freedom around the world; Whereas members of the Armed Forces personify the virtues of patriotism, service, duty, courage, and sacrifice; Whereas the families of members of the Armed Forces make important and significant sacrifices for the United States; Whereas the Senate designated October 26 as Day of the Deployed in 2011 and 2012; and Whereas all 50 States designated October 26 as Day of the Deployed in 2012: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) designates October 26, 2013, as Day of the Deployed ; (2) honors the deployed members of the United States Armed Forces and their families; (3) calls on the people of the United States to reflect on the service of those members of the Armed Forces, wherever they serve, past, present, and future; and (4) encourages the people of the United States to observe Day of the Deployed with appropriate ceremonies and activities.
2023-01-07 07:27:03.777
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Agreed-to-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 274 ATS: Supporting Lights On Afterschool, a national celebration of afterschool programs held on October 17, 2013. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-10-16 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 274 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131016"> October 16, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S223"> Mrs. Boxer </sponsor> (for herself, <cosponsor name-id="S252"> Ms. Collins </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S257"> Mr. Johnson of South Dakota </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S127"> Mr. Baucus </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S316"> Mr. Whitehouse </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S258"> Ms. Landrieu </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S136"> Mr. Cochran </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S221"> Mrs. Feinstein </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Supporting Lights On Afterschool, a national celebration of afterschool programs held on October 17, 2013. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas more than 28,000,000 children in the United States have parents who work outside the home and approximately 15,100,000 children in the United States have no place to go after school; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas high-quality programs that expand learning opportunities for children, such as afterschool, before-school, summer, and expanded learning programs, provide safe, challenging, engaging, and fun learning experiences that help children and youth develop social, emotional, physical, cultural, and academic skills; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas high-quality afterschool programs and high-quality expanded learning programs provide students with hands-on, engaging lessons that are aligned with the school day; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas high-quality afterschool programs complement regular and expanded school days, and support working families by ensuring that the children of those families are safe and productive during the hours parents are working; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas high-quality afterschool programs engage families, schools, and diverse community partners in advancing the well-being of children and youth in the United States; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas high-quality afterschool programs that partner with high-quality community-based organizations build stronger communities by integrating the school with the larger community; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Lights On Afterschool, a national celebration of afterschool, before-school, summer, and expanded learning programs held on October 17, 2013, highlights the critical importance of these high-quality programs in the lives of children, their families, and their communities; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas nearly 2 in 5 afterschool programs report that their budgets are in worse condition today than at the height of the recession in 2008, and more than 3 in 5 afterschool programs report that their level of funding is lower than it was 3 years ago, making it difficult for afterschool programs across the United States to keep their doors open and their lights on: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate supports Lights On Afterschool, a national celebration of afterschool programs held on October 17, 2013. </text> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 274 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES October 16, 2013 Mrs. Boxer (for herself, Ms. Collins , Mr. Johnson of South Dakota , Mr. Baucus , Mr. Whitehouse , Ms. Landrieu , Mr. Cochran , and Mrs. Feinstein ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Supporting Lights On Afterschool, a national celebration of afterschool programs held on October 17, 2013. Whereas more than 28,000,000 children in the United States have parents who work outside the home and approximately 15,100,000 children in the United States have no place to go after school; Whereas high-quality programs that expand learning opportunities for children, such as afterschool, before-school, summer, and expanded learning programs, provide safe, challenging, engaging, and fun learning experiences that help children and youth develop social, emotional, physical, cultural, and academic skills; Whereas high-quality afterschool programs and high-quality expanded learning programs provide students with hands-on, engaging lessons that are aligned with the school day; Whereas high-quality afterschool programs complement regular and expanded school days, and support working families by ensuring that the children of those families are safe and productive during the hours parents are working; Whereas high-quality afterschool programs engage families, schools, and diverse community partners in advancing the well-being of children and youth in the United States; Whereas high-quality afterschool programs that partner with high-quality community-based organizations build stronger communities by integrating the school with the larger community; Whereas Lights On Afterschool, a national celebration of afterschool, before-school, summer, and expanded learning programs held on October 17, 2013, highlights the critical importance of these high-quality programs in the lives of children, their families, and their communities; and Whereas nearly 2 in 5 afterschool programs report that their budgets are in worse condition today than at the height of the recession in 2008, and more than 3 in 5 afterschool programs report that their level of funding is lower than it was 3 years ago, making it difficult for afterschool programs across the United States to keep their doors open and their lights on: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate supports Lights On Afterschool, a national celebration of afterschool programs held on October 17, 2013.
2023-01-07 07:27:03.828
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Agreed-to-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 275 ATS: Designating October 29, 2013, as National Technological Innovation Day to recognize that technological innovation is critical to the United States economy and commemorating the contributions of innovation to prosperity in the United States and abroad. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date/> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 275 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date> October 28, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S337"> Mr. Coons </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="S339"> Mr. Kirk </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S359"> Mr. Heinrich </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S347"> Mr. Moran </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S305"> Mr. Isakson </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Designating October 29, 2013, as <term> National Technological Innovation Day </term> to recognize that technological innovation is critical to the United States economy and commemorating the contributions of innovation to prosperity in the United States and abroad. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas the economic growth and prosperity of the United States is dependent on the continued innovation and entrepreneurial spirit of citizens of the United States; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas domestic innovators and their efforts to promote invention have created entire segments of the United States economy; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas many of the greatest companies in the United States have formed in humble labs, garages, and homes, and have come to fruition through the creative and determined efforts of the founders and early workers of such companies; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas great universities, national labs, and research organizations in the United States have contributed to the technological, intellectual, and moral growth of the United States by expanding the frontiers of human knowledge; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the United States is home to leading corporations that grow by responding to changing times with innovative products and strategies; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas 347 Nobel Laureates, the recipients of more than one-third of all Nobel Prize awards, are citizens of the United States; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas inventions from the United States, such as the light bulb, polio vaccine, laser, communications satellite, and global positioning system, have profoundly and positively benefitted the way of life in the United States and around the world; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Internet, an incredible invention that emerged at the end of the 20th century, continues to revolutionize life and pave the way for new industries, businesses, and industrial leaders; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas in the course of completing a project funded by the United States Government, a partnership of universities invented the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET), the precursor of the Internet, demonstrating the creative power of focused government action magnified by the effort of individuals in the United States; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas on October 29, 1969, 2 computers, 1 at the University of California, Los Angeles and the other at the Stanford Research Institute, exchanged electronic messages on ARPANET for the first time; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the continued inspiration of citizens of the United States to take risks, pursue dreams, and change the world through improved technology will make the world a richer place: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="id7ac014bd71534136b138ae62fd8e349d"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> honors United States inventors and entrepreneurs who have taken the initiative to advance technology and productivity in the United States; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id5645e3b72a4d4c16bf668a4cd3901b7c"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> designates October 29, 2013, as <term> National Technological Innovation Day </term> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idd8d806efe1044b419b740a5c1a03b352"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> calls on individuals of the United States to observe the day by participating in activities that celebrate the history of innovation in the United States; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id97D45B8A37144486A60ABEE2C420712F"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> encourages youth and individuals of the United States to continue to enhance the future with invention, dedication, and entrepreneurship. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 275 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES October 28, 2013 Mr. Coons (for himself, Mr. Kirk , Mr. Heinrich , Mr. Moran , and Mr. Isakson ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Designating October 29, 2013, as National Technological Innovation Day to recognize that technological innovation is critical to the United States economy and commemorating the contributions of innovation to prosperity in the United States and abroad. Whereas the economic growth and prosperity of the United States is dependent on the continued innovation and entrepreneurial spirit of citizens of the United States; Whereas domestic innovators and their efforts to promote invention have created entire segments of the United States economy; Whereas many of the greatest companies in the United States have formed in humble labs, garages, and homes, and have come to fruition through the creative and determined efforts of the founders and early workers of such companies; Whereas great universities, national labs, and research organizations in the United States have contributed to the technological, intellectual, and moral growth of the United States by expanding the frontiers of human knowledge; Whereas the United States is home to leading corporations that grow by responding to changing times with innovative products and strategies; Whereas 347 Nobel Laureates, the recipients of more than one-third of all Nobel Prize awards, are citizens of the United States; Whereas inventions from the United States, such as the light bulb, polio vaccine, laser, communications satellite, and global positioning system, have profoundly and positively benefitted the way of life in the United States and around the world; Whereas the Internet, an incredible invention that emerged at the end of the 20th century, continues to revolutionize life and pave the way for new industries, businesses, and industrial leaders; Whereas in the course of completing a project funded by the United States Government, a partnership of universities invented the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET), the precursor of the Internet, demonstrating the creative power of focused government action magnified by the effort of individuals in the United States; Whereas on October 29, 1969, 2 computers, 1 at the University of California, Los Angeles and the other at the Stanford Research Institute, exchanged electronic messages on ARPANET for the first time; and Whereas the continued inspiration of citizens of the United States to take risks, pursue dreams, and change the world through improved technology will make the world a richer place: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) honors United States inventors and entrepreneurs who have taken the initiative to advance technology and productivity in the United States; (2) designates October 29, 2013, as National Technological Innovation Day ; (3) calls on individuals of the United States to observe the day by participating in activities that celebrate the history of innovation in the United States; and (4) encourages youth and individuals of the United States to continue to enhance the future with invention, dedication, and entrepreneurship.
2023-01-07 07:27:03.740
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Agreed-to-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 276 ATS: Designating October 2013 as National Work and Family Month. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-10-29 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 276 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20131029"> October 29, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S322"> Mr. Merkley </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="S266"> Mr. Crapo </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S253"> Mr. Durbin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S229"> Mrs. Murray </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S353"> Mr. Schatz </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S307"> Mr. Brown </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S326"> Mr. Udall of New Mexico </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S359"> Mr. Heinrich </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S319"> Mr. Begich </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S327"> Mr. Warner </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S308"> Mr. Cardin </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Designating October 2013 as <term> National Work and Family Month </term> . </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas, according to a report by WorldatWork, a nonprofit professional association with expertise in attracting, motivating, and retaining employees, the quality of a job and the supportiveness of a workplace are key predictors of the job productivity, job satisfaction, and commitment to the employer of workers, as well as of the ability of an employer to retain workers; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the term <term> work-life balance </term> refers to specific organizational practices, policies, and programs that are guided by a philosophy of active support for the efforts of employees to achieve success within and outside the workplace, such as caring for dependents, promoting health and wellness, providing paid and unpaid time off, providing financial support, encouraging community involvement, and improving workplace culture; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas numerous studies show that employers that offer effective work-life balance programs are better able to recruit more talented employees, maintain a happier, healthier, and less stressed workforce, and retain experienced employees, which produces a more productive and stable workforce with less voluntary turnover; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas job flexibility often allows parents to be more involved in the lives of their children, and research demonstrates that parental involvement is associated with higher achievement in language and mathematics, improved behavior, greater academic persistence, and lower dropout rates in children; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas military families have special work-life needs that often require robust policies and programs that provide flexibility to employees in unique circumstances; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas studies show that family rituals such as sitting down to dinner together and sharing activities on weekends and holidays positively influence the health and development of children, and that children who eat dinner with their families every day consume nearly a full serving more of fruits and vegetables per day than those who never eat dinner with their families or do so only occasionally; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the month of October is an appropriate month to designate as National Work and Family Month: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="idC86C0250E8524860B2C5967971999E08"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> designates October 2013 as <term> National Work and Family Month </term> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idEA2A0CAA18AD42C59FCAAB2059B7BAC9"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> recognizes the importance of work schedules that allow employees to spend time with their families to job productivity and healthy families; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id8BC0CCCB6AF5489784DA02E0CAF88EA2"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> urges public officials, employers, employees, and the general public to work together to achieve more balance between work and family; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idEC33DA8062B441108B642A2FD9075158"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> calls upon the people of the United States to observe National Work and Family Month with appropriate ceremonies and activities. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 276 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES October 29, 2013 Mr. Merkley (for himself, Mr. Crapo , Mr. Durbin , Mrs. Murray , Mr. Schatz , Mr. Brown , Mr. Udall of New Mexico , Mr. Heinrich , Mr. Begich , Mr. Warner , and Mr. Cardin ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Designating October 2013 as National Work and Family Month . Whereas, according to a report by WorldatWork, a nonprofit professional association with expertise in attracting, motivating, and retaining employees, the quality of a job and the supportiveness of a workplace are key predictors of the job productivity, job satisfaction, and commitment to the employer of workers, as well as of the ability of an employer to retain workers; Whereas the term work-life balance refers to specific organizational practices, policies, and programs that are guided by a philosophy of active support for the efforts of employees to achieve success within and outside the workplace, such as caring for dependents, promoting health and wellness, providing paid and unpaid time off, providing financial support, encouraging community involvement, and improving workplace culture; Whereas numerous studies show that employers that offer effective work-life balance programs are better able to recruit more talented employees, maintain a happier, healthier, and less stressed workforce, and retain experienced employees, which produces a more productive and stable workforce with less voluntary turnover; Whereas job flexibility often allows parents to be more involved in the lives of their children, and research demonstrates that parental involvement is associated with higher achievement in language and mathematics, improved behavior, greater academic persistence, and lower dropout rates in children; Whereas military families have special work-life needs that often require robust policies and programs that provide flexibility to employees in unique circumstances; Whereas studies show that family rituals such as sitting down to dinner together and sharing activities on weekends and holidays positively influence the health and development of children, and that children who eat dinner with their families every day consume nearly a full serving more of fruits and vegetables per day than those who never eat dinner with their families or do so only occasionally; and Whereas the month of October is an appropriate month to designate as National Work and Family Month: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) designates October 2013 as National Work and Family Month ; (2) recognizes the importance of work schedules that allow employees to spend time with their families to job productivity and healthy families; (3) urges public officials, employers, employees, and the general public to work together to achieve more balance between work and family; and (4) calls upon the people of the United States to observe National Work and Family Month with appropriate ceremonies and activities.
2023-01-07 06:54:02.032
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Agreed-to-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 277 ATS: Recognizing the religious and historical significance of the festival of Diwali. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-11-04 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 277 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131030"> October 30, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S327"> Mr. Warner </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="S287"> Mr. Cornyn </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S306"> Mr. Menendez </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S337"> Mr. Coons </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="SSJU00"> Committee on the Judiciary </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <action> <action-date date="20131104"> November 4, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> Committee discharged; considered and agreed to </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Recognizing the religious and historical significance of the festival of Diwali. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas Diwali is a festival of great significance and celebrated annually by Hindus, Sikhs, and Jains throughout India, the United States, and the world; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Diwali is a festival of lights that marks the beginning of the Hindu new year, during which celebrants light and place small lamps around the home and pray for health, knowledge, peace, wealth, and prosperity in the new year; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Diwali will be celebrated throughout the world for five days and is an opportunity to celebrate the faith of all people and the universal right to religious expression and spiritual freedom; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the lights symbolize the light of knowledge within the individual that overwhelms the darkness of ignorance, empowering each celebrant to do good deeds and show compassion to others; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Diwali falls on the last day of the last month in the lunar calendar and is celebrated as a day of thanksgiving for the homecoming of the Lord Rama and worship of Lord Ganesha, the remover of obstacles and bestower of blessings, at the beginning of the new year for many Hindus; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, for Sikhs, Diwali is celebrated as Bandhi Chhor Diwas (The Celebration of Freedom), in honor of the release from imprisonment of the sixth guru, Guru Hargobind; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, for Jains, Diwali marks the anniversary of the attainment of moksha, or liberation, by Mahavira, the last of the Tirthankaras (the great teachers of Jain dharma), at the end of his life in 527 B.C.: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="id40d469a456d446edac6e475ac617183c"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> recognizes the religious and historical significance of the festival of Diwali, the festival of lights, and expresses its respect for the people of India, Indian Americans, and members of the Indian diaspora around the world on this significant occasion; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id99335cf0ce0441f3bc6083461c2eecdf"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> supports a strong relationship between the people and governments of the United States and India, based on mutual trust and respect that will enable the countries to more closely collaborate across a broad spectrum of interests, such as global peace and prosperity. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 277 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES October 30, 2013 Mr. Warner (for himself, Mr. Cornyn , Mr. Menendez , and Mr. Coons ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary November 4, 2013 Committee discharged; considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Recognizing the religious and historical significance of the festival of Diwali. Whereas Diwali is a festival of great significance and celebrated annually by Hindus, Sikhs, and Jains throughout India, the United States, and the world; Whereas Diwali is a festival of lights that marks the beginning of the Hindu new year, during which celebrants light and place small lamps around the home and pray for health, knowledge, peace, wealth, and prosperity in the new year; Whereas Diwali will be celebrated throughout the world for five days and is an opportunity to celebrate the faith of all people and the universal right to religious expression and spiritual freedom; Whereas the lights symbolize the light of knowledge within the individual that overwhelms the darkness of ignorance, empowering each celebrant to do good deeds and show compassion to others; Whereas Diwali falls on the last day of the last month in the lunar calendar and is celebrated as a day of thanksgiving for the homecoming of the Lord Rama and worship of Lord Ganesha, the remover of obstacles and bestower of blessings, at the beginning of the new year for many Hindus; Whereas, for Sikhs, Diwali is celebrated as Bandhi Chhor Diwas (The Celebration of Freedom), in honor of the release from imprisonment of the sixth guru, Guru Hargobind; and Whereas, for Jains, Diwali marks the anniversary of the attainment of moksha, or liberation, by Mahavira, the last of the Tirthankaras (the great teachers of Jain dharma), at the end of his life in 527 B.C.: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) recognizes the religious and historical significance of the festival of Diwali, the festival of lights, and expresses its respect for the people of India, Indian Americans, and members of the Indian diaspora around the world on this significant occasion; and (2) supports a strong relationship between the people and governments of the United States and India, based on mutual trust and respect that will enable the countries to more closely collaborate across a broad spectrum of interests, such as global peace and prosperity.
2023-01-07 07:27:03.702
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Introduced-in-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 277 IS: Recognizing the religious and historical significance of the festival of Diwali. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-10-30 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 277 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131030"> October 30, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S327"> Mr. Warner </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="S287"> Mr. Cornyn </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S306"> Mr. Menendez </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S337"> Mr. Coons </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="SSJU00"> Committee on the Judiciary </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Recognizing the religious and historical significance of the festival of Diwali. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas Diwali is a festival of great significance and celebrated annually by Hindus, Sikhs, and Jains throughout India, the United States, and the world; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Diwali is a festival of lights that marks the beginning of the Hindu new year, during which celebrants light and place small lamps around the home and pray for health, knowledge, peace, wealth, and prosperity in the new year; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Diwali will be celebrated throughout the world for five days and is an opportunity to celebrate the faith of all people and the universal right to religious expression and spiritual freedom; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the lights symbolize the light of knowledge within the individual that overwhelms the darkness of ignorance, empowering each celebrant to do good deeds and show compassion to others; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Diwali falls on the last day of the last month in the lunar calendar and is celebrated as a day of thanksgiving for the homecoming of the Lord Rama and worship of Lord Ganesha, the remover of obstacles and bestower of blessings, at the beginning of the new year for many Hindus; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, for Sikhs, Diwali is celebrated as Bandhi Chhor Diwas (The Celebration of Freedom), in honor of the release from imprisonment of the sixth guru, Guru Hargobind; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, for Jains, Diwali marks the anniversary of the attainment of moksha, or liberation, by Mahavira, the last of the Tirthankaras (the great teachers of Jain dharma), at the end of his life in 527 B.C.: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="id40d469a456d446edac6e475ac617183c"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> recognizes the religious and historical significance of the festival of Diwali, the festival of lights, and expresses its respect for the people of India, Indian Americans, and members of the Indian diaspora around the world on this significant occasion; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id99335cf0ce0441f3bc6083461c2eecdf"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> supports a strong relationship between the people and governments of the United States and India, based on mutual trust and respect that will enable the countries to more closely collaborate across a broad spectrum of interests, such as global peace and prosperity. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 277 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES October 30, 2013 Mr. Warner (for himself, Mr. Cornyn , Mr. Menendez , and Mr. Coons ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary RESOLUTION Recognizing the religious and historical significance of the festival of Diwali. Whereas Diwali is a festival of great significance and celebrated annually by Hindus, Sikhs, and Jains throughout India, the United States, and the world; Whereas Diwali is a festival of lights that marks the beginning of the Hindu new year, during which celebrants light and place small lamps around the home and pray for health, knowledge, peace, wealth, and prosperity in the new year; Whereas Diwali will be celebrated throughout the world for five days and is an opportunity to celebrate the faith of all people and the universal right to religious expression and spiritual freedom; Whereas the lights symbolize the light of knowledge within the individual that overwhelms the darkness of ignorance, empowering each celebrant to do good deeds and show compassion to others; Whereas Diwali falls on the last day of the last month in the lunar calendar and is celebrated as a day of thanksgiving for the homecoming of the Lord Rama and worship of Lord Ganesha, the remover of obstacles and bestower of blessings, at the beginning of the new year for many Hindus; Whereas, for Sikhs, Diwali is celebrated as Bandhi Chhor Diwas (The Celebration of Freedom), in honor of the release from imprisonment of the sixth guru, Guru Hargobind; and Whereas, for Jains, Diwali marks the anniversary of the attainment of moksha, or liberation, by Mahavira, the last of the Tirthankaras (the great teachers of Jain dharma), at the end of his life in 527 B.C.: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) recognizes the religious and historical significance of the festival of Diwali, the festival of lights, and expresses its respect for the people of India, Indian Americans, and members of the Indian diaspora around the world on this significant occasion; and (2) supports a strong relationship between the people and governments of the United States and India, based on mutual trust and respect that will enable the countries to more closely collaborate across a broad spectrum of interests, such as global peace and prosperity.
2023-01-07 07:27:03.654
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Agreed-to-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 278 ATS: Designating October 2013 as “School Bus Safety Month”. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-10-30 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 278 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131030"> October 30, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S303"> Mr. Thune </sponsor> (for himself and <cosponsor name-id="S176"> Mr. Rockefeller </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Designating October 2013 as <quote> School Bus Safety Month </quote> . </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas approximately 450,000 public and private school buses carry 26,000,000 children to and from school every weekday in the United States; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas America's 450,000 public and private school buses comprise the largest mass transportation fleet in the Nation; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas during the school year, school buses make more than 55,000,000 passenger trips daily and students ride these school buses 10,000,000,000 times per year as the Nation’s fleet travels over 4,000,000,000 miles per school year; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas school buses are designed to be safer than passenger vehicles and are 13 times safer than other modes of school transportation, and 44 times safer than vehicles driven by teenagers; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas in an average year, about 25 school children are killed in school bus accidents, with one-third of these children struck by their own school buses in loading/unloading zones, one-third struck by motorists who fail to stop for school buses, and one-third killed as they approach or depart a school bus stop; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas The Child Safety Network, celebrating 25 years of national public service, has collaborated with the school bus industry to create public service announcements to reduce distracted driving near school buses, increase ridership, and provide free resources to school districts in order to increase driver safety training, provide free technology for tracking school buses, and educate students; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the adoption of School Bus Safety Month will allow broadcast and digital media and social networking industries to make commitments to disseminate public service announcements designed to save children’s lives by making motorists aware of school bus safety issues: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate designates October 2013 as <quote> School Bus Safety Month </quote> . </text> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 278 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES October 30, 2013 Mr. Thune (for himself and Mr. Rockefeller ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Designating October 2013 as School Bus Safety Month . Whereas approximately 450,000 public and private school buses carry 26,000,000 children to and from school every weekday in the United States; Whereas America's 450,000 public and private school buses comprise the largest mass transportation fleet in the Nation; Whereas during the school year, school buses make more than 55,000,000 passenger trips daily and students ride these school buses 10,000,000,000 times per year as the Nation’s fleet travels over 4,000,000,000 miles per school year; Whereas school buses are designed to be safer than passenger vehicles and are 13 times safer than other modes of school transportation, and 44 times safer than vehicles driven by teenagers; Whereas in an average year, about 25 school children are killed in school bus accidents, with one-third of these children struck by their own school buses in loading/unloading zones, one-third struck by motorists who fail to stop for school buses, and one-third killed as they approach or depart a school bus stop; Whereas The Child Safety Network, celebrating 25 years of national public service, has collaborated with the school bus industry to create public service announcements to reduce distracted driving near school buses, increase ridership, and provide free resources to school districts in order to increase driver safety training, provide free technology for tracking school buses, and educate students; and Whereas the adoption of School Bus Safety Month will allow broadcast and digital media and social networking industries to make commitments to disseminate public service announcements designed to save children’s lives by making motorists aware of school bus safety issues: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate designates October 2013 as School Bus Safety Month .
2023-01-07 07:27:03.361
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Introduced-in-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 279 IS: Supporting the goals and ideals of Red Ribbon Week during the period of October 23 through October 31, 2013. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-10-31 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 279 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131031"> October 31, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S288"> Ms. Murkowski </sponsor> (for herself and <cosponsor name-id="S221"> Mrs. Feinstein </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="SSHR00"> Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Supporting the goals and ideals of Red Ribbon Week during the period of October 23 through October 31, 2013. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Red Ribbon Campaign was started to commemorate the service of Enrique <quote> Kiki </quote> Camarena, an 11-year special agent of the Drug Enforcement Administration who was murdered in the line of duty in 1985 while engaged in the battle against illicit drugs; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Red Ribbon Campaign has been nationally recognized since 1988 to preserve the memory of Special Agent Camarena and further the cause for which he gave his life; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Red Ribbon Campaign is the oldest and largest drug prevention awareness program in the United States, reaching millions of young people each year during Red Ribbon Week; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Drug Enforcement Administration has been committed throughout its 40-year history to aggressively targeting organizations involved in the growing, manufacturing, and distribution of controlled substances and has been a steadfast partner in commemorating Red Ribbon Week; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas State Governors and attorney generals, the National Family Partnership, parent teacher associations, Boys and Girls Clubs of America, Young Marines, the Drug Enforcement Administration, and hundreds of other organizations throughout the United States annually celebrate Red Ribbon Week during the period of October 23 through October 31; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the objective of Red Ribbon Week is to promote the creation of drug-free communities through drug prevention efforts, education programs, parental involvement, and community-wide support; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, according to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, in 2012 an estimated 23,900,000 Americans, or 9.2 percent of the population aged 12 and older, used illicit drugs; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas drug abuse is one of the major challenges to securing a safe and healthy future for people and families in the United States; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas drug abuse and alcohol abuse contribute to domestic violence and sexual assault and place children at risk; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, although public awareness of illicit drug use is increasing, emerging drug threats and growing epidemics demand attention, with particular focus on synthetic drugs and the nonmedical use of prescription drugs, the second most abused drug by young people in the United States; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, the majority of teenagers abusing prescription drugs get the drugs from family, friends, and the home medicine cabinet; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Drug Enforcement Administration will host a National Take Back Day on October 26, 2013, for the public to safely dispose of unused or expired prescription drugs that can lead to accidental poisoning, overdose, and abuse; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas synthetic drugs, including those popularly known as <quote> K2 </quote> or <quote> Spice </quote> , have acknowledged dangerous health effects and have become especially popular among teens and young adults; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas in 2012, poison centers across the United States responded to approximately 5,205 calls related to synthetic drugs; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the 2012 National Survey on Drug Use and Health data revealed that heroin use doubled between 2007 and 2011 and in 2012 there were 669,000 heroin users compared to 373,000 in 2007; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the 2012 National Survey on Drug Use and Health data revealed a 50-percent increase in daily marijuana use among individuals aged 12 and over and a 25-percent increase in marijuana use by the general population; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas parents, young people, schools, businesses, law enforcement agencies, religious institutions and faith-based organizations, service organizations, senior citizens, medical and military personnel, sports teams, and individuals throughout the United States will demonstrate their commitment to healthy, productive, and drug-free lifestyles by wearing and displaying red ribbons during this week-long celebration: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="id96891a1de8a449aca8400870083d0cf5"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> supports the goals and ideals of Red Ribbon Week during the period of October 23 through October 31, 2013; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id46040ae5d3244314812b402d3a1e1128"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> encourages children, teens, and other individuals to choose to live drug-free lives; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idfedd0f32386548cca4df0e5410ee3e1e"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> encourages the people of the United States to promote the creation of drug-free communities and to participate in drug prevention activities to show support for healthy, productive, and drug-free lifestyles. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 279 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES October 31, 2013 Ms. Murkowski (for herself and Mrs. Feinstein ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions RESOLUTION Supporting the goals and ideals of Red Ribbon Week during the period of October 23 through October 31, 2013. Whereas the Red Ribbon Campaign was started to commemorate the service of Enrique Kiki Camarena, an 11-year special agent of the Drug Enforcement Administration who was murdered in the line of duty in 1985 while engaged in the battle against illicit drugs; Whereas the Red Ribbon Campaign has been nationally recognized since 1988 to preserve the memory of Special Agent Camarena and further the cause for which he gave his life; Whereas the Red Ribbon Campaign is the oldest and largest drug prevention awareness program in the United States, reaching millions of young people each year during Red Ribbon Week; Whereas the Drug Enforcement Administration has been committed throughout its 40-year history to aggressively targeting organizations involved in the growing, manufacturing, and distribution of controlled substances and has been a steadfast partner in commemorating Red Ribbon Week; Whereas State Governors and attorney generals, the National Family Partnership, parent teacher associations, Boys and Girls Clubs of America, Young Marines, the Drug Enforcement Administration, and hundreds of other organizations throughout the United States annually celebrate Red Ribbon Week during the period of October 23 through October 31; Whereas the objective of Red Ribbon Week is to promote the creation of drug-free communities through drug prevention efforts, education programs, parental involvement, and community-wide support; Whereas, according to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, in 2012 an estimated 23,900,000 Americans, or 9.2 percent of the population aged 12 and older, used illicit drugs; Whereas drug abuse is one of the major challenges to securing a safe and healthy future for people and families in the United States; Whereas drug abuse and alcohol abuse contribute to domestic violence and sexual assault and place children at risk; Whereas, although public awareness of illicit drug use is increasing, emerging drug threats and growing epidemics demand attention, with particular focus on synthetic drugs and the nonmedical use of prescription drugs, the second most abused drug by young people in the United States; Whereas, the majority of teenagers abusing prescription drugs get the drugs from family, friends, and the home medicine cabinet; Whereas the Drug Enforcement Administration will host a National Take Back Day on October 26, 2013, for the public to safely dispose of unused or expired prescription drugs that can lead to accidental poisoning, overdose, and abuse; Whereas synthetic drugs, including those popularly known as K2 or Spice , have acknowledged dangerous health effects and have become especially popular among teens and young adults; Whereas in 2012, poison centers across the United States responded to approximately 5,205 calls related to synthetic drugs; Whereas the 2012 National Survey on Drug Use and Health data revealed that heroin use doubled between 2007 and 2011 and in 2012 there were 669,000 heroin users compared to 373,000 in 2007; Whereas the 2012 National Survey on Drug Use and Health data revealed a 50-percent increase in daily marijuana use among individuals aged 12 and over and a 25-percent increase in marijuana use by the general population; and Whereas parents, young people, schools, businesses, law enforcement agencies, religious institutions and faith-based organizations, service organizations, senior citizens, medical and military personnel, sports teams, and individuals throughout the United States will demonstrate their commitment to healthy, productive, and drug-free lifestyles by wearing and displaying red ribbons during this week-long celebration: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) supports the goals and ideals of Red Ribbon Week during the period of October 23 through October 31, 2013; (2) encourages children, teens, and other individuals to choose to live drug-free lives; and (3) encourages the people of the United States to promote the creation of drug-free communities and to participate in drug prevention activities to show support for healthy, productive, and drug-free lifestyles.
2023-01-07 06:53:04.906
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Agreed-to-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 280 ATS: Recognizing the 40th anniversary of the withdrawal of United States combat troops from the Vietnam War and expressing renewed support for United States veterans of that conflict. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-10-31 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 280 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131031"> October 31, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S303"> Mr. Thune </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="S127"> Mr. Baucus </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S197"> Mr. McCain </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="SSFR00"> Committee on Foreign Relations </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <action> <action-date> November 7, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> Committee discharged; considered and agreed to </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Recognizing the 40th anniversary of the withdrawal of United States combat troops from the Vietnam War and expressing renewed support for United States veterans of that conflict. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas the United States Armed Forces supported the cause of freedom in South Vietnam between October 1955 and May 7, 1975, beginning with the commencement of the Military Assistance Advisory Group, Vietnam, with many servicemembers making the ultimate sacrifice; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the United States carried out its first combat mission in Vietnam on January 12, 1962; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas a total of 8,744,000 personnel served worldwide during the Vietnam War era, including 4,368,000 in the United States Army, 1,842,000 in the United States Navy, 794,000 in the United States Marine Corps, and 1,740,000 in the United States Air Force; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the number of United States servicemembers deployed in theater rose to a peak of 543,482 in April 1969; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas 1,857,304 men entered military service through the Selective Service System between August 1964 and February 1973; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, of the 58,220 casualties of United States personnel, 47,434 were battle deaths; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas 153,303 wounded United States servicemembers required hospital care; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas an additional 150,341 wounded United States servicemembers did not require hospital care; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas 2,646 United States servicemembers went missing in action during the Vietnam War, of whom 1,645 are still unaccounted for; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas 725 United States servicemembers were taken as prisoners of war, with 64 dying while in internment; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Paris Peace Accords, signed on January 27, 1973, put an end to the direct intervention of the United States in the Vietnam War; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the last United States combat troops left South Vietnam 2 months later in the spring of 1973: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That— </text> <paragraph id="id8bab3dfdd4654f34bdcf5b4044d05899"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> the Senate honors the 40th anniversary of the withdrawal of United States combat troops from the Vietnam War; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="ida7148a0f51ac413cbd3b737ab81c898c"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> the Senate renews its support for United States veterans of that conflict; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idd0a3c36c560d4476ae82ec9d2142d666"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> when the Senate adjourns today, the Senate will stand adjourned as a further mark of respect to the memory of United States servicemembers who have given their lives in the name of service to the United States. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 280 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES October 31, 2013 Mr. Thune (for himself, Mr. Baucus , and Mr. McCain ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations November 7, 2013 Committee discharged; considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Recognizing the 40th anniversary of the withdrawal of United States combat troops from the Vietnam War and expressing renewed support for United States veterans of that conflict. Whereas the United States Armed Forces supported the cause of freedom in South Vietnam between October 1955 and May 7, 1975, beginning with the commencement of the Military Assistance Advisory Group, Vietnam, with many servicemembers making the ultimate sacrifice; Whereas the United States carried out its first combat mission in Vietnam on January 12, 1962; Whereas a total of 8,744,000 personnel served worldwide during the Vietnam War era, including 4,368,000 in the United States Army, 1,842,000 in the United States Navy, 794,000 in the United States Marine Corps, and 1,740,000 in the United States Air Force; Whereas the number of United States servicemembers deployed in theater rose to a peak of 543,482 in April 1969; Whereas 1,857,304 men entered military service through the Selective Service System between August 1964 and February 1973; Whereas, of the 58,220 casualties of United States personnel, 47,434 were battle deaths; Whereas 153,303 wounded United States servicemembers required hospital care; Whereas an additional 150,341 wounded United States servicemembers did not require hospital care; Whereas 2,646 United States servicemembers went missing in action during the Vietnam War, of whom 1,645 are still unaccounted for; Whereas 725 United States servicemembers were taken as prisoners of war, with 64 dying while in internment; Whereas the Paris Peace Accords, signed on January 27, 1973, put an end to the direct intervention of the United States in the Vietnam War; and Whereas the last United States combat troops left South Vietnam 2 months later in the spring of 1973: Now, therefore, be it That— (1) the Senate honors the 40th anniversary of the withdrawal of United States combat troops from the Vietnam War; (2) the Senate renews its support for United States veterans of that conflict; and (3) when the Senate adjourns today, the Senate will stand adjourned as a further mark of respect to the memory of United States servicemembers who have given their lives in the name of service to the United States.
2023-01-07 07:27:03.320
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Introduced-in-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 280 IS: Recognizing the 40th anniversary of the withdrawal of United States combat troops from the Vietnam War and expressing renewed support for United States veterans of that conflict. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-10-31 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 280 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131031"> October 31, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S303"> Mr. Thune </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="S127"> Mr. Baucus </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S197"> Mr. McCain </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="SSFR00"> Committee on Foreign Relations </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Recognizing the 40th anniversary of the withdrawal of United States combat troops from the Vietnam War and expressing renewed support for United States veterans of that conflict. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas the United States Armed Forces supported the cause of freedom in South Vietnam between October 1955 and May 7, 1975, beginning with the commencement of the Military Assistance Advisory Group, Vietnam, with many servicemembers making the ultimate sacrifice; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the United States carried out its first combat mission in Vietnam on January 12, 1962; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas a total of 8,744,000 personnel served worldwide during the Vietnam War era, including 4,368,000 in the United States Army, 1,842,000 in the United States Navy, 794,000 in the United States Marine Corps, and 1,740,000 in the United States Air Force; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the number of United States servicemembers deployed in theater rose to a peak of 543,482 in April 1969; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas 1,857,304 men entered military service through the Selective Service System between August 1964 and February 1973; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, of the 58,220 casualties of United States personnel, 47,434 were battle deaths; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas 153,303 wounded United States servicemembers required hospital care; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas an additional 150,341 wounded United States servicemembers did not require hospital care; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas 2,646 United States servicemembers went missing in action during the Vietnam War, of whom 1,645 are still unaccounted for; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas 725 United States servicemembers were taken as prisoners of war, with 64 dying while in internment; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Paris Peace Accords, signed on January 27, 1973, put an end to the direct intervention of the United States in the Vietnam War; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the last United States combat troops left South Vietnam 2 months later in the spring of 1973: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That— </text> <paragraph id="id8bab3dfdd4654f34bdcf5b4044d05899"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> the Senate honors the 40th anniversary of the withdrawal of United States combat troops from the Vietnam War; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="ida7148a0f51ac413cbd3b737ab81c898c"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> the Senate renews its support for United States veterans of that conflict; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idd0a3c36c560d4476ae82ec9d2142d666"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> when the Senate adjourns today, the Senate will stand adjourned as a further mark of respect to the memory of United States servicemembers who have given their lives in the name of service to the United States. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 280 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES October 31, 2013 Mr. Thune (for himself, Mr. Baucus , and Mr. McCain ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations RESOLUTION Recognizing the 40th anniversary of the withdrawal of United States combat troops from the Vietnam War and expressing renewed support for United States veterans of that conflict. Whereas the United States Armed Forces supported the cause of freedom in South Vietnam between October 1955 and May 7, 1975, beginning with the commencement of the Military Assistance Advisory Group, Vietnam, with many servicemembers making the ultimate sacrifice; Whereas the United States carried out its first combat mission in Vietnam on January 12, 1962; Whereas a total of 8,744,000 personnel served worldwide during the Vietnam War era, including 4,368,000 in the United States Army, 1,842,000 in the United States Navy, 794,000 in the United States Marine Corps, and 1,740,000 in the United States Air Force; Whereas the number of United States servicemembers deployed in theater rose to a peak of 543,482 in April 1969; Whereas 1,857,304 men entered military service through the Selective Service System between August 1964 and February 1973; Whereas, of the 58,220 casualties of United States personnel, 47,434 were battle deaths; Whereas 153,303 wounded United States servicemembers required hospital care; Whereas an additional 150,341 wounded United States servicemembers did not require hospital care; Whereas 2,646 United States servicemembers went missing in action during the Vietnam War, of whom 1,645 are still unaccounted for; Whereas 725 United States servicemembers were taken as prisoners of war, with 64 dying while in internment; Whereas the Paris Peace Accords, signed on January 27, 1973, put an end to the direct intervention of the United States in the Vietnam War; and Whereas the last United States combat troops left South Vietnam 2 months later in the spring of 1973: Now, therefore, be it That— (1) the Senate honors the 40th anniversary of the withdrawal of United States combat troops from the Vietnam War; (2) the Senate renews its support for United States veterans of that conflict; and (3) when the Senate adjourns today, the Senate will stand adjourned as a further mark of respect to the memory of United States servicemembers who have given their lives in the name of service to the United States.
2023-01-07 07:27:03.014
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Introduced-in-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 281 IS: Expressing the sense of the United States Senate that President Obama should issue a statement regarding spying on His Holiness, Pope Francis. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-10-31 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 281 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131031"> October 31, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S348"> Mr. Paul </sponsor> submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="SLIN00"> Select Committee on Intelligence </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Expressing the sense of the United States Senate that President Obama should issue a statement regarding spying on His Holiness, Pope Francis. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas public news reports this week indicate that the United States National Security Agency monitored millions of phone calls in Italy in late 2012 and early 2013; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas these reports indicate that the National Security Agency monitored telephone calls made to and from a residence in Rome where then Archbishop Jorge Mario Bergoglio stayed during the conclave selecting Bergoglio, now known as His Holiness Pope Francis, to succeed Pope Benedict XVI; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas this story has been widely reported in the American and international media; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the National Security Agency has reportedly denied the allegations; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas these allegations are serious and President Obama should personally address these reports: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That it is the sense of the Senate that President Obama should directly address the serious allegation whether his administration monitored the calls of Pope Francis or the conclave selecting the Pope. </text> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 281 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES October 31, 2013 Mr. Paul submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Select Committee on Intelligence RESOLUTION Expressing the sense of the United States Senate that President Obama should issue a statement regarding spying on His Holiness, Pope Francis. Whereas public news reports this week indicate that the United States National Security Agency monitored millions of phone calls in Italy in late 2012 and early 2013; Whereas these reports indicate that the National Security Agency monitored telephone calls made to and from a residence in Rome where then Archbishop Jorge Mario Bergoglio stayed during the conclave selecting Bergoglio, now known as His Holiness Pope Francis, to succeed Pope Benedict XVI; Whereas this story has been widely reported in the American and international media; Whereas the National Security Agency has reportedly denied the allegations; and Whereas these allegations are serious and President Obama should personally address these reports: Now, therefore, be it That it is the sense of the Senate that President Obama should directly address the serious allegation whether his administration monitored the calls of Pope Francis or the conclave selecting the Pope.
2023-01-07 07:27:02.614
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Agreed-to-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 282 ATS: Commemorating the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Corporation for National and Community Service. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-10-31 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 282 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131031"> October 31, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S282"> Mr. Nelson </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="S182"> Ms. Mikulski </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S136"> Mr. Cochran </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S318"> Mr. Wicker </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S229"> Mrs. Murray </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S327"> Mr. Warner </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S337"> Mr. Coons </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S307"> Mr. Brown </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S332"> Mr. Franken </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S330"> Mr. Bennet </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S172"> Mr. Harkin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S258"> Ms. Landrieu </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S319"> Mr. Begich </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S284"> Ms. Stabenow </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S359"> Mr. Heinrich </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S314"> Mr. Tester </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S176"> Mr. Rockefeller </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S369"> Mr. Markey </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S257"> Mr. Johnson of South Dakota </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S366"> Ms. Warren </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S253"> Mr. Durbin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S324"> Mrs. Shaheen </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S354"> Ms. Baldwin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S118"> Mr. Hatch </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S127"> Mr. Baucus </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S321"> Mr. Johanns </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Commemorating the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Corporation for National and Community Service. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Corporation for National and Community Service (in this preamble referred to as the <quote> CNCS </quote> ) was established under section 191 of the National and Community Service Act of 1990 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/42/12651"> 42 U.S.C. 12651 </external-xref> ), as added by section 202 of the National and Community Service Trust Act of 1993 ( <external-xref legal-doc="public-law" parsable-cite="pl/103/82"> Public Law 103–82 </external-xref> ; 107 Stat. 873); </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, since 1993, the CNCS has operated as an independent Federal agency, overseeing all national and community service programs authorized by the National and Community Service Act of 1990 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/42/12501"> 42 U.S.C. 12501 et seq. </external-xref> ) and the Domestic Volunteer Service Act of 1973 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/42/4950"> 42 U.S.C. 4950 et seq. </external-xref> ); </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the CNCS connects people of all ages and backgrounds with opportunities to give back to their communities and the United States; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas programs conducted by the CNCS strive to address national and local needs, while renewing an ethic of civic responsibility and community spirit in the United States by encouraging citizens to participate in service; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, since 1993, millions of people in the United States have served in AmeriCorps, Senior Corps, Learn and Serve America, and other CNCS programs, addressing the most pressing challenges facing the United States, from helping students graduate and supporting veterans and military families to preserving the environment and helping communities recover from natural disasters; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas participants serve in tens of thousands of locations across the country, bolstering the civic, neighborhood, and faith-based organizations that are so vital to the economic and social well-being of the people of the United States; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas national service expands economic opportunity by creating more sustainable, resilient communities and providing education, career skills, and leadership abilities for those who serve; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas national service represents a partnership between public and private organizations, invests in community solutions, and leverages State and local resources to strengthen community impact; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, in 2009, Congress passed the Serve America Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="public-law" parsable-cite="pl/111/13"> Public Law 111–13 </external-xref> ; 123 Stat. 1460), authorizing the expansion of national service, expanding opportunities to serve, increasing efficiency and accountability, and strengthening the capacity of organizations and communities to solve problems through the Social Innovation Fund, the Volunteer Generation Fund, and other initiatives; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas AmeriCorps and Senior Corps support the military community by engaging veterans in service, helping veterans readjust to civilian life, and providing support to military families; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas more than 17,000 veterans have served as AmeriCorps members and have helped veterans and military families access benefits and services, conduct job searches, and provide safe and affordable housing; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the CNCS is working to increase the number of veterans and military families served by and engaged in programs supported by the CNCS; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, since 1994, CNCS programs and members have provided critical services to millions of people in the United States who have been affected by floods, fires, hurricanes, tornadoes, and other disasters and emergencies, helping families and communities rebuild their lives; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the CNCS has partnered with the Federal Emergency Management Agency to launch FEMA Corps, which strives to strengthen the disaster response capacity of the United States, increase the reliability and diversity of the disaster response workforce, promote an ethic of service, and prepare young people for careers in emergency management; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Task Force on Expanding National Service established in July 2013 is working to expand national service opportunities: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="idDDF0CF801C4548EDB5649AA1900736F2"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> commemorates the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Corporation for National and Community Service; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id154DEC0A47054CC1B776BF80D29728A4"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> recognizes that, for 20 years, the Corporation for National and Community Service has worked to improve lives, strengthen communities, expand economic opportunity, foster innovation and civic engagement, and engage millions of people in the United States in solving critical problems through national service; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idc76205cf350640edbc8bcc22383196d7"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> recognizes that, since the inception of AmeriCorps in 1994, more than 820,000 people have served as AmeriCorps members, serving approximately 1,000,000,000 hours, mobilizing millions of volunteers, and improving the lives of countless people in the United States; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idd0d215e3264d4f8d9bcec4224808c43c"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> welcomes the efforts of the Corporation for National and Community Service to increase the involvement of veterans and military families in national service and to expand services to the military community; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idb8f31d4087314708be3987e88a079453"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> recognizes the goal of the Serve America Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="public-law" parsable-cite="pl/111/13"> Public Law 111–13 </external-xref> ; 123 Stat. 1460) to increase the number of approved national service positions to 250,000 by 2017; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id8b4d240b3be44f08a33d39553eb4100b"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text> recognizes and thanks all those who have served in AmeriCorps, Senior Corps, and other programs conducted by the Corporation for National and Community Service for demonstrating commitment, dedication, and patriotism through their service to the people of the United States. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 282 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES October 31, 2013 Mr. Nelson (for himself, Ms. Mikulski , Mr. Cochran , Mr. Wicker , Mrs. Murray , Mr. Warner , Mr. Coons , Mr. Brown , Mr. Franken , Mr. Bennet , Mr. Harkin , Ms. Landrieu , Mr. Begich , Ms. Stabenow , Mr. Heinrich , Mr. Tester , Mr. Rockefeller , Mr. Markey , Mr. Johnson of South Dakota , Ms. Warren , Mr. Durbin , Mrs. Shaheen , Ms. Baldwin , Mr. Hatch , Mr. Baucus , and Mr. Johanns ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Commemorating the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Corporation for National and Community Service. Whereas the Corporation for National and Community Service (in this preamble referred to as the CNCS ) was established under section 191 of the National and Community Service Act of 1990 ( 42 U.S.C. 12651 ), as added by section 202 of the National and Community Service Trust Act of 1993 ( Public Law 103–82 ; 107 Stat. 873); Whereas, since 1993, the CNCS has operated as an independent Federal agency, overseeing all national and community service programs authorized by the National and Community Service Act of 1990 ( 42 U.S.C. 12501 et seq. ) and the Domestic Volunteer Service Act of 1973 ( 42 U.S.C. 4950 et seq. ); Whereas the CNCS connects people of all ages and backgrounds with opportunities to give back to their communities and the United States; Whereas programs conducted by the CNCS strive to address national and local needs, while renewing an ethic of civic responsibility and community spirit in the United States by encouraging citizens to participate in service; Whereas, since 1993, millions of people in the United States have served in AmeriCorps, Senior Corps, Learn and Serve America, and other CNCS programs, addressing the most pressing challenges facing the United States, from helping students graduate and supporting veterans and military families to preserving the environment and helping communities recover from natural disasters; Whereas participants serve in tens of thousands of locations across the country, bolstering the civic, neighborhood, and faith-based organizations that are so vital to the economic and social well-being of the people of the United States; Whereas national service expands economic opportunity by creating more sustainable, resilient communities and providing education, career skills, and leadership abilities for those who serve; Whereas national service represents a partnership between public and private organizations, invests in community solutions, and leverages State and local resources to strengthen community impact; Whereas, in 2009, Congress passed the Serve America Act ( Public Law 111–13 ; 123 Stat. 1460), authorizing the expansion of national service, expanding opportunities to serve, increasing efficiency and accountability, and strengthening the capacity of organizations and communities to solve problems through the Social Innovation Fund, the Volunteer Generation Fund, and other initiatives; Whereas AmeriCorps and Senior Corps support the military community by engaging veterans in service, helping veterans readjust to civilian life, and providing support to military families; Whereas more than 17,000 veterans have served as AmeriCorps members and have helped veterans and military families access benefits and services, conduct job searches, and provide safe and affordable housing; Whereas the CNCS is working to increase the number of veterans and military families served by and engaged in programs supported by the CNCS; Whereas, since 1994, CNCS programs and members have provided critical services to millions of people in the United States who have been affected by floods, fires, hurricanes, tornadoes, and other disasters and emergencies, helping families and communities rebuild their lives; Whereas the CNCS has partnered with the Federal Emergency Management Agency to launch FEMA Corps, which strives to strengthen the disaster response capacity of the United States, increase the reliability and diversity of the disaster response workforce, promote an ethic of service, and prepare young people for careers in emergency management; and Whereas the Task Force on Expanding National Service established in July 2013 is working to expand national service opportunities: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) commemorates the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Corporation for National and Community Service; (2) recognizes that, for 20 years, the Corporation for National and Community Service has worked to improve lives, strengthen communities, expand economic opportunity, foster innovation and civic engagement, and engage millions of people in the United States in solving critical problems through national service; (3) recognizes that, since the inception of AmeriCorps in 1994, more than 820,000 people have served as AmeriCorps members, serving approximately 1,000,000,000 hours, mobilizing millions of volunteers, and improving the lives of countless people in the United States; (4) welcomes the efforts of the Corporation for National and Community Service to increase the involvement of veterans and military families in national service and to expand services to the military community; (5) recognizes the goal of the Serve America Act ( Public Law 111–13 ; 123 Stat. 1460) to increase the number of approved national service positions to 250,000 by 2017; and (6) recognizes and thanks all those who have served in AmeriCorps, Senior Corps, and other programs conducted by the Corporation for National and Community Service for demonstrating commitment, dedication, and patriotism through their service to the people of the United States.
2023-01-07 07:27:02.663
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Agreed-to-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 283 ATS: To constitute the majority party’s membership on certain committees for the One Hundred Thirteenth Congress, or until their successors are chosen. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-10-31 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 283 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131031"> October 31, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S198"> Mr. Reid </sponsor> submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> To constitute the majority party’s membership on certain committees for the One Hundred Thirteenth Congress, or until their successors are chosen. </official-title> </form> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the following shall constitute the majority party’s membership on the following committees for the One Hundred Thirteenth Congress, or until their successors are chosen: </text> <committee-appointment-paragraph> <header> <committee-name committee-id="SSCM00"> Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation </committee-name> : </header> <text> Mr. Rockefeller (Chairman), Mrs. Boxer, Mr. Nelson, Ms. Cantwell, Mr. Pryor, Mrs. McCaskill, Ms. Klobuchar, Mr. Warner, Mr. Begich, Mr. Blumenthal, Mr. Schatz, Mr. Markey, Mr. Booker. </text> </committee-appointment-paragraph> <committee-appointment-paragraph> <header> <committee-name committee-id="SSEV00"> Committee on Environment and Public Works </committee-name> : </header> <text> Mrs. Boxer (Chairman), Mr. Baucus, Mr. Carper, Mr. Cardin, Mr. Sanders, Mr. Whitehouse, Mr. Udall of New Mexico, Mr. Merkley, Mrs. Gillibrand, Mr. Booker. </text> </committee-appointment-paragraph> <committee-appointment-paragraph> <header> <committee-name committee-id="SSSB00"> Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship </committee-name> : </header> <text> Ms. Landrieu (Chairman), Mr. Levin, Ms. Cantwell, Mr. Pryor, Mr. Cardin, Mrs. Shaheen, Mrs. Hagan, Ms. Heitkamp, Mr. Markey, Mr. Booker. </text> </committee-appointment-paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 283 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES October 31, 2013 Mr. Reid submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION To constitute the majority party’s membership on certain committees for the One Hundred Thirteenth Congress, or until their successors are chosen. That the following shall constitute the majority party’s membership on the following committees for the One Hundred Thirteenth Congress, or until their successors are chosen: Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation : Mr. Rockefeller (Chairman), Mrs. Boxer, Mr. Nelson, Ms. Cantwell, Mr. Pryor, Mrs. McCaskill, Ms. Klobuchar, Mr. Warner, Mr. Begich, Mr. Blumenthal, Mr. Schatz, Mr. Markey, Mr. Booker. Committee on Environment and Public Works : Mrs. Boxer (Chairman), Mr. Baucus, Mr. Carper, Mr. Cardin, Mr. Sanders, Mr. Whitehouse, Mr. Udall of New Mexico, Mr. Merkley, Mrs. Gillibrand, Mr. Booker. Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship : Ms. Landrieu (Chairman), Mr. Levin, Ms. Cantwell, Mr. Pryor, Mr. Cardin, Mrs. Shaheen, Mrs. Hagan, Ms. Heitkamp, Mr. Markey, Mr. Booker.
2023-01-07 06:53:04.814
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Agreed-to-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 284 ATS: Calling on the Government of Iran to immediately release Saeed Abedini and all other individuals detained on account of their religious beliefs. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-10-31 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 284 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131031"> October 31, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S323"> Mr. Risch </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="S057"> Mr. Leahy </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S266"> Mr. Crapo </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S348"> Mr. Paul </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S355"> Mr. Cruz </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S350"> Mr. Rubio </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S339"> Mr. Kirk </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S349"> Mr. Portman </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S347"> Mr. Moran </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S342"> Mr. Blunt </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S321"> Mr. Johanns </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S287"> Mr. Cornyn </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="SSFR00"> Committee on Foreign Relations </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <action> <action-date> November 14, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> Committee discharged; considered and agreed to </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Calling on the Government of Iran to immediately release Saeed Abedini and all other individuals detained on account of their religious beliefs. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas, in September 2012, Saeed Abedini, a resident of the State of Idaho and a minority Christian with dual Iranian–United States citizenship, was arbitrarily detained in the Islamic Republic of Iran, held in solitary confinement, physically beaten, denied access to necessary medical treatment as a result of that abuse, and denied access to his lawyer until just before his trial; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, in January 2013, an Iranian court accused Saeed Abedini of attempting to undermine the national security of Iran by gathering with fellow Christians in private homes; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Saeed Abedini was tried in a non-public trial before a judge who had been sanctioned by the European Union for repeated violations of human rights, including issuing long prison sentences to peaceful protestors following the 2009 election; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, during the trial, Saeed Abedini and his Iranian attorney were barred from attending portions of the trial in which the prosecution provided and the judge received evidence through witness testimony; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Iranian court sentenced Saeed Abedini to 8 years in prison; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, in August 2013, the 36th branch of the Tehran appeals court denied Saeed Abedini’s appeal and affirmed his 8-year sentence; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Government of Iran continues to indefinitely imprison Saeed Abedini for peacefully exercising his faith; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights declares that every individual has <quote> the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion </quote> , which includes the <quote> freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance </quote> , and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights echoes that declaration; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights holds that every individual shall be free from arbitrary arrest and detention, and that every individual bears the right to have adequate time and facilities for the preparation of his defense and to be present during the duration of his trial; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights further guarantees every individual the right to a fair and public hearing by a competent, independent, and impartial tribunal; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Iran is a member of the United Nations and a signatory to both the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights without reservation; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas articles 13 and 23 through 27 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran provide for freedom of expression, assembly, and association, as well as the freedom to practice one’s religion; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Iran is a religiously diverse society and the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran reports that religious minorities, including Nematullahi Sufi Muslims, Sunnis, Baha’is, and Christians, face human rights violations in Iran; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, in recent years, there has been an increase in the number of incidents of Iranian authorities raiding religious services, detaining worshipers and religious leaders, and harassing and threatening minority religious members; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the United Nations Special Rapporteur reports that Iranian intelligence officials are known to threaten Christian converts with arrest and apostasy charges if they do not return to Islam; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas President Barack Obama has called on President Hassan Rouhani to demonstrate the commitment of Iran to individual human rights through the release of all prisoners of conscience: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="idA9CACBC24F0447E4B207D62E894DF8FB"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> recognizes that freedom of religious belief and practice is a universal human right and a fundamental freedom of every individual, regardless of race, sex, country, creed, or nationality, and should never be arbitrarily abridged by any government; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id9AFC5C8B0E504BD7A54B4D46DA808A6B"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> recognizes that governments have a responsibility to protect the fundamental rights of their citizens; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idC95CA67C50F148A9B85B8E14BED5BB82"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> calls on the Government of Iran to immediately release Saeed Abedini and all other individuals detained on account of their religious beliefs. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 284 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES October 31, 2013 Mr. Risch (for himself, Mr. Leahy , Mr. Crapo , Mr. Paul , Mr. Cruz , Mr. Rubio , Mr. Kirk , Mr. Portman , Mr. Moran , Mr. Blunt , Mr. Johanns , and Mr. Cornyn ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations November 14, 2013 Committee discharged; considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Calling on the Government of Iran to immediately release Saeed Abedini and all other individuals detained on account of their religious beliefs. Whereas, in September 2012, Saeed Abedini, a resident of the State of Idaho and a minority Christian with dual Iranian–United States citizenship, was arbitrarily detained in the Islamic Republic of Iran, held in solitary confinement, physically beaten, denied access to necessary medical treatment as a result of that abuse, and denied access to his lawyer until just before his trial; Whereas, in January 2013, an Iranian court accused Saeed Abedini of attempting to undermine the national security of Iran by gathering with fellow Christians in private homes; Whereas Saeed Abedini was tried in a non-public trial before a judge who had been sanctioned by the European Union for repeated violations of human rights, including issuing long prison sentences to peaceful protestors following the 2009 election; Whereas, during the trial, Saeed Abedini and his Iranian attorney were barred from attending portions of the trial in which the prosecution provided and the judge received evidence through witness testimony; Whereas the Iranian court sentenced Saeed Abedini to 8 years in prison; Whereas, in August 2013, the 36th branch of the Tehran appeals court denied Saeed Abedini’s appeal and affirmed his 8-year sentence; Whereas the Government of Iran continues to indefinitely imprison Saeed Abedini for peacefully exercising his faith; Whereas the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights declares that every individual has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion , which includes the freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance , and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights echoes that declaration; Whereas the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights holds that every individual shall be free from arbitrary arrest and detention, and that every individual bears the right to have adequate time and facilities for the preparation of his defense and to be present during the duration of his trial; Whereas the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights further guarantees every individual the right to a fair and public hearing by a competent, independent, and impartial tribunal; Whereas Iran is a member of the United Nations and a signatory to both the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights without reservation; Whereas articles 13 and 23 through 27 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran provide for freedom of expression, assembly, and association, as well as the freedom to practice one’s religion; Whereas Iran is a religiously diverse society and the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran reports that religious minorities, including Nematullahi Sufi Muslims, Sunnis, Baha’is, and Christians, face human rights violations in Iran; Whereas, in recent years, there has been an increase in the number of incidents of Iranian authorities raiding religious services, detaining worshipers and religious leaders, and harassing and threatening minority religious members; Whereas the United Nations Special Rapporteur reports that Iranian intelligence officials are known to threaten Christian converts with arrest and apostasy charges if they do not return to Islam; and Whereas President Barack Obama has called on President Hassan Rouhani to demonstrate the commitment of Iran to individual human rights through the release of all prisoners of conscience: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) recognizes that freedom of religious belief and practice is a universal human right and a fundamental freedom of every individual, regardless of race, sex, country, creed, or nationality, and should never be arbitrarily abridged by any government; (2) recognizes that governments have a responsibility to protect the fundamental rights of their citizens; and (3) calls on the Government of Iran to immediately release Saeed Abedini and all other individuals detained on account of their religious beliefs.
2023-01-07 07:27:02.309
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Introduced-in-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 284 IS: Calling on the Government of Iran to immediately release Saeed Abedini and all other individuals detained on account of their religious beliefs. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-10-31 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 284 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131031"> October 31, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S323"> Mr. Risch </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="S057"> Mr. Leahy </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S266"> Mr. Crapo </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S348"> Mr. Paul </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="SSFR00"> Committee on Foreign Relations </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Calling on the Government of Iran to immediately release Saeed Abedini and all other individuals detained on account of their religious beliefs. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas, in September 2012, Saeed Abedini, a resident of the State of Idaho and a minority Christian with dual Iranian–United States citizenship, was arbitrarily detained in the Islamic Republic of Iran, held in solitary confinement, physically beaten, denied access to necessary medical treatment as a result of that abuse, and denied access to his lawyer until just before his trial; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, in January 2013, an Iranian court accused Saeed Abedini of attempting to undermine the national security of Iran by gathering with fellow Christians in private homes; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Saeed Abedini was tried in a non-public trial before a judge who had been sanctioned by the European Union for repeated violations of human rights, including issuing long prison sentences to peaceful protestors following the 2009 election; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, during the trial, Saeed Abedini and his Iranian attorney were barred from attending portions of the trial in which the prosecution provided and the judge received evidence through witness testimony; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Iranian court sentenced Saeed Abedini to 8 years in prison; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, in August 2013, the 36th branch of the Tehran appeals court denied Saeed Abedini’s appeal and affirmed his 8-year sentence; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Government of Iran continues to indefinitely imprison Saeed Abedini for peacefully exercising his faith; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights declares that every individual has <quote> the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion </quote> , which includes the <quote> freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance </quote> , and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights echoes that declaration; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights holds that every individual shall be free from arbitrary arrest and detention, and that every individual bears the right to have adequate time and facilities for the preparation of his defense and to be present during the duration of his trial; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights further guarantees every individual the right to a fair and public hearing by a competent, independent, and impartial tribunal; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Iran is a member of the United Nations and a signatory to both the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights without reservation; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas articles 13 and 23 through 27 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran provide for freedom of expression, assembly, and association, as well as the freedom to practice one’s religion; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Iran is a religiously diverse society and the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran reports that religious minorities, including Nematullahi Sufi Muslims, Sunnis, Baha’is, and Christians, face human rights violations in Iran; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, in recent years, there has been an increase in the number of incidents of Iranian authorities raiding religious services, detaining worshipers and religious leaders, and harassing and threatening minority religious members; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the United Nations Special Rapporteur reports that Iranian intelligence officials are known to threaten Christian converts with arrest and apostasy charges if they do not return to Islam; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas President Barack Obama has called on President Hassan Rouhani to demonstrate the commitment of Iran to individual human rights through the release of all prisoners of conscience: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="idA9CACBC24F0447E4B207D62E894DF8FB"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> recognizes that freedom of religious belief and practice is a universal human right and a fundamental freedom of every individual, regardless of race, sex, country, creed, or nationality, and should never be arbitrarily abridged by any government; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id9AFC5C8B0E504BD7A54B4D46DA808A6B"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> recognizes that governments have a responsibility to protect the fundamental rights of their citizens; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idC95CA67C50F148A9B85B8E14BED5BB82"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> calls on the Government of Iran to immediately release Saeed Abedini and all other individuals detained on account of their religious beliefs. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 284 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES October 31, 2013 Mr. Risch (for himself, Mr. Leahy , Mr. Crapo , and Mr. Paul ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations RESOLUTION Calling on the Government of Iran to immediately release Saeed Abedini and all other individuals detained on account of their religious beliefs. Whereas, in September 2012, Saeed Abedini, a resident of the State of Idaho and a minority Christian with dual Iranian–United States citizenship, was arbitrarily detained in the Islamic Republic of Iran, held in solitary confinement, physically beaten, denied access to necessary medical treatment as a result of that abuse, and denied access to his lawyer until just before his trial; Whereas, in January 2013, an Iranian court accused Saeed Abedini of attempting to undermine the national security of Iran by gathering with fellow Christians in private homes; Whereas Saeed Abedini was tried in a non-public trial before a judge who had been sanctioned by the European Union for repeated violations of human rights, including issuing long prison sentences to peaceful protestors following the 2009 election; Whereas, during the trial, Saeed Abedini and his Iranian attorney were barred from attending portions of the trial in which the prosecution provided and the judge received evidence through witness testimony; Whereas the Iranian court sentenced Saeed Abedini to 8 years in prison; Whereas, in August 2013, the 36th branch of the Tehran appeals court denied Saeed Abedini’s appeal and affirmed his 8-year sentence; Whereas the Government of Iran continues to indefinitely imprison Saeed Abedini for peacefully exercising his faith; Whereas the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights declares that every individual has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion , which includes the freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance , and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights echoes that declaration; Whereas the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights holds that every individual shall be free from arbitrary arrest and detention, and that every individual bears the right to have adequate time and facilities for the preparation of his defense and to be present during the duration of his trial; Whereas the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights further guarantees every individual the right to a fair and public hearing by a competent, independent, and impartial tribunal; Whereas Iran is a member of the United Nations and a signatory to both the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights without reservation; Whereas articles 13 and 23 through 27 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran provide for freedom of expression, assembly, and association, as well as the freedom to practice one’s religion; Whereas Iran is a religiously diverse society and the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran reports that religious minorities, including Nematullahi Sufi Muslims, Sunnis, Baha’is, and Christians, face human rights violations in Iran; Whereas, in recent years, there has been an increase in the number of incidents of Iranian authorities raiding religious services, detaining worshipers and religious leaders, and harassing and threatening minority religious members; Whereas the United Nations Special Rapporteur reports that Iranian intelligence officials are known to threaten Christian converts with arrest and apostasy charges if they do not return to Islam; and Whereas President Barack Obama has called on President Hassan Rouhani to demonstrate the commitment of Iran to individual human rights through the release of all prisoners of conscience: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) recognizes that freedom of religious belief and practice is a universal human right and a fundamental freedom of every individual, regardless of race, sex, country, creed, or nationality, and should never be arbitrarily abridged by any government; (2) recognizes that governments have a responsibility to protect the fundamental rights of their citizens; and (3) calls on the Government of Iran to immediately release Saeed Abedini and all other individuals detained on account of their religious beliefs.
2023-01-07 06:53:04.566
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Agreed-to-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 285 ATS: Authorizing the Committee on Rules and Administration to prepare a revised edition of the Standing Rules of the Senate as a Senate document. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-11-04 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 285 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131104"> November 4, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S270"> Mr. Schumer </sponsor> submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Authorizing the Committee on Rules and Administration to prepare a revised edition of the Standing Rules of the Senate as a Senate document. </official-title> </form> <resolution-body> <section id="id859360BC4E374167BE1DDF1A227E6BBD" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Printing the standing rules of the Senate </header> <subsection id="id4b4827e5b94a49f1949dc84ed82242f2"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Authorizations </header> <text> The Committee on Rules and Administration shall prepare a revised edition of the Standing Rules of the Senate and such standing rules shall be printed as a Senate document. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="idc779a0f1856f46f892577a23d987453e"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Additional copies </header> <text> In addition to the usual number, 1,750 additional copies shall be printed for use by the Committee on Rules and Administration. </text> </subsection> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 285 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES November 4, 2013 Mr. Schumer submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Authorizing the Committee on Rules and Administration to prepare a revised edition of the Standing Rules of the Senate as a Senate document. 1. Printing the standing rules of the Senate (a) Authorizations The Committee on Rules and Administration shall prepare a revised edition of the Standing Rules of the Senate and such standing rules shall be printed as a Senate document. (b) Additional copies In addition to the usual number, 1,750 additional copies shall be printed for use by the Committee on Rules and Administration.
2023-01-07 06:53:04.622
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Agreed-to-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 286 ATS: Congratulating Oracle Team USA for winning the 34th America's Cup. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-11-05 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 286 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131105"> November 5, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S221"> Mrs. Feinstein </sponsor> (for herself, <cosponsor name-id="S316"> Mr. Whitehouse </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S223"> Mrs. Boxer </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Congratulating Oracle Team USA for winning the 34 <superscript> th </superscript> America's Cup. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas the America's Cup is known as the oldest trophy in sports; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the United States has long maintained one of the most successful sailing traditions in the world, with its teams having won more America's Cup competitions than those of any other nation; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the America's Cup was hosted 13 times in New York City between 1870 and 1920, 12 times in Newport, Rhode Island, between 1930 to 1987, and 3 times in San Diego, California, between 1988 and 1995; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Newport, Rhode Island hosted the inaugural America's Cup World Series Season Championship, the final race in the new AC45 professional circuit in the lead-up to the 2013 finals, and is proud of its America's Cup heritage; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas America's Cup World Series races were also held in San Diego and San Francisco, California; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas on September 25, 2013, in San Francisco, California, Oracle Team USA won the 34 <superscript> th </superscript> America's Cup, defeating Emirates Team New Zealand 9 races to 8; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas this is the second consecutive America's Cup victory for Oracle Team USA, which previously won the 33 <superscript> rd </superscript> America's Cup on February 14, 2010 in Valencia, Spain; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas on September 18, 2013, Oracle Team USA had lost 8 of the first 11 races in the America's Cup finals to Emirates Team New Zealand, but refused to give up; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas despite this deficit, skipper James Spithill declared: <quote> We will keep fighting all the way to the end. There is still a lot of racing and I am still convinced that we can win races. We will go out in every single race thinking we can win; we have to. </quote> ; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas beginning on September 19, 2013, Oracle Team USA was able to win 7 consecutive races to set up a winner-take-all race on the San Francisco Bay course; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Oracle Team USA was able to accomplish one of the greatest comebacks in sporting history by winning the final race in decisive fashion and securing their second consecutive America's Cup; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Ben Ainslie, Darren Bundock, Simon Daubney, Dirk de Ridder, Shannon Falcone, Kinley Fowler, Murray Jones, Rome Kirby, John Kostecki, Kyle Langford, Jonathan Macbeth, Brian MacInnes, Matthew Mason, Will McCarthy, Matt Mitchell, Joe Newton, Sam Newton, Gilberto Nobili, Philippe Persti, Tom Slingsby, Joe Spooner, Simeon Tienpont, and Brad Webb came together to form one of the most exciting and skilled crews to have ever raced in the America's Cup; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the partnership between the City and County of San Francisco and Oracle Team USA owner Larry Ellison produced the most visually stunning and publicly accessible series of races in the history of the America's Cup: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="id08F0467B849645CB8F695589C2B521ED"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> congratulates Oracle Team USA for winning the 34 <superscript> th </superscript> America's Cup; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id5075E238D0C547DCB3DBBDCA37C6AE45"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> recognizes the achievements of all the crew, coaches, and staff who contributed to the victory; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idF68C1B98D8C94E9CA735FD5B6D18754E"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> offers best wishes and support for the team as it prepares to defend its title once again in American waters. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 286 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES November 5, 2013 Mrs. Feinstein (for herself, Mr. Whitehouse , and Mrs. Boxer ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Congratulating Oracle Team USA for winning the 34 th America's Cup. Whereas the America's Cup is known as the oldest trophy in sports; Whereas the United States has long maintained one of the most successful sailing traditions in the world, with its teams having won more America's Cup competitions than those of any other nation; Whereas the America's Cup was hosted 13 times in New York City between 1870 and 1920, 12 times in Newport, Rhode Island, between 1930 to 1987, and 3 times in San Diego, California, between 1988 and 1995; Whereas Newport, Rhode Island hosted the inaugural America's Cup World Series Season Championship, the final race in the new AC45 professional circuit in the lead-up to the 2013 finals, and is proud of its America's Cup heritage; Whereas America's Cup World Series races were also held in San Diego and San Francisco, California; Whereas on September 25, 2013, in San Francisco, California, Oracle Team USA won the 34 th America's Cup, defeating Emirates Team New Zealand 9 races to 8; Whereas this is the second consecutive America's Cup victory for Oracle Team USA, which previously won the 33 rd America's Cup on February 14, 2010 in Valencia, Spain; Whereas on September 18, 2013, Oracle Team USA had lost 8 of the first 11 races in the America's Cup finals to Emirates Team New Zealand, but refused to give up; Whereas despite this deficit, skipper James Spithill declared: We will keep fighting all the way to the end. There is still a lot of racing and I am still convinced that we can win races. We will go out in every single race thinking we can win; we have to. ; Whereas beginning on September 19, 2013, Oracle Team USA was able to win 7 consecutive races to set up a winner-take-all race on the San Francisco Bay course; Whereas Oracle Team USA was able to accomplish one of the greatest comebacks in sporting history by winning the final race in decisive fashion and securing their second consecutive America's Cup; Whereas Ben Ainslie, Darren Bundock, Simon Daubney, Dirk de Ridder, Shannon Falcone, Kinley Fowler, Murray Jones, Rome Kirby, John Kostecki, Kyle Langford, Jonathan Macbeth, Brian MacInnes, Matthew Mason, Will McCarthy, Matt Mitchell, Joe Newton, Sam Newton, Gilberto Nobili, Philippe Persti, Tom Slingsby, Joe Spooner, Simeon Tienpont, and Brad Webb came together to form one of the most exciting and skilled crews to have ever raced in the America's Cup; and Whereas the partnership between the City and County of San Francisco and Oracle Team USA owner Larry Ellison produced the most visually stunning and publicly accessible series of races in the history of the America's Cup: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) congratulates Oracle Team USA for winning the 34 th America's Cup; (2) recognizes the achievements of all the crew, coaches, and staff who contributed to the victory; and (3) offers best wishes and support for the team as it prepares to defend its title once again in American waters.
2023-01-07 06:53:04.380
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Agreed-to-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 287 ATS: Congratulating the Boston Red Sox on winning the 2013 World Series. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-11-05 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 287 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131105"> November 5, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S366"> Ms. Warren </sponsor> (for herself, <cosponsor name-id="S369"> Mr. Markey </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S259"> Mr. Reed </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S316"> Mr. Whitehouse </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S364"> Mr. Murphy </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S057"> Mr. Leahy </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S340"> Ms. Ayotte </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S313"> Mr. Sanders </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S324"> Mrs. Shaheen </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S363"> Mr. King </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S341"> Mr. Blumenthal </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Congratulating the Boston Red Sox on winning the 2013 World Series. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas, on October 30, 2013, the Boston Red Sox won the 2013 World Series by defeating the St. Louis Cardinals; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Boston Red Sox won the World Series before the Fenway Faithful for the first time since 1918, igniting the city with pride; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the St. Louis Cardinals demonstrated sportsmanship, skill, and perseverance; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the St. Louis Cardinals are recognized for their phenomenal effort and success throughout the 2013 baseball season, posting a record of 97–65 and winning their fourth National League pennant in 10 years; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Boston's victory marks their third world title in 10 years and their 8th world title in the treasured and beloved Red Sox team's 113-year history; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Red Sox players and staff showed the most advanced skill, heart, and grit through the entire regular season and postseason, winning the American League Division Series, the American League Championship Series, and the World Series; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Red Sox made history and showed tremendous resilience in becoming the first team to win the World Series after losing at least 93 games the previous year; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the 2013 team will be remembered for the inspiration they drew from the city of Boston, the joy they brought to the city and the region, and their embodiment of <quote> Boston Strong </quote> ; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Red Sox players' beards will be remembered as a symbol of the 2013 Boston Red Sox’s spirit and unity; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Red Sox World Series victory paid tribute to former Red Sox legends, including Bobby Doerr, Joe Cronin, Johnny Pesky, Carl Yastrzemski, Ted Williams, Carlton Fisk, and Jim Rice; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Red Sox manager John Farrell has won his first World Series title at the helm of the Red Sox and assembled one of the greatest Red Sox teams of all time; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas David Ortiz, a vital Red Sox and member of the 2004 and 2007 World Series championship teams and with 103 runs-batted-in (RBIs) during the season, was recognized as the Most Valuable Player in the 2013 World Series, batting .688, hitting two critical home runs, and cementing his reputation as one of the greatest postseason performers in baseball history; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas John Lackey and Clay Buchholz dominated opposing batters throughout the American League Championship, and Jon Lester had an overpowering performance in Game 5 of the World Series, tying the Red Sox post-season record for wins with six; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Koji Uehara delivered unmatched relief pitching performances throughout the regular season, earning 21 saves with just a 1.09 earned run average and silenced opposing hitters during the playoffs; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Mike Napoli blasted a game-deciding home run in game 3 of the American League Championship Series and produced key hits and leadership for the Red Sox throughout the World Series; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Shane Victorino solidified his legend in postseason baseball lore by blasting a grand slam that drove the Red Sox past the Detroit Tigers in game 6 of the American League Championship Series, hitting a three run double in the World Series-clinching win at Fenway Park, and earning a Gold Glove award for his stellar performance in right field; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Dustin Pedroia, a sure-handed fielder, was awarded the Gold Glove for his unshakeable defensive play at second base during the 2013 regular season, provided relentless leadership in the Red Sox clubhouse, and set an example for countless young baseball fans across our country; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Boston Red Sox were led to the World Series by the determination of every Red Sox player this season, including Alfredo Aceves, Quintin Berry, Xander Bogaerts, Craig Breslow, Clay Buchholz, Mike Carp, Ryan Dempster, Jonathan Diaz, Felix Doubront, Stephen Drew, Jacoby Ellsbury, Jonny Gomes, Brock Holt, John Lackey, Ryan Lavarnway, Jon Lester, Will Middlebrooks, Franklin Morales, Mike Napoli, Daniel Nava, Jake Peavy, Dustin Pedroia, David Ortiz, David Ross, Jarrod Saltalamacchia, Junichi Tazawa, Koji Uehara, Shane Victorino, and Brandon Workman; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Red Sox owners John Henry and Tom Werner and Red Sox president and chief executive officer Larry Lucchino and general manager Ben Cherington deserve credit for building on the success of the 2004 and 2007 World Championship teams; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Bill James, the father of modern statistical analysis of baseball and a pioneer in the sabermetric movement, won his third World Series as a member of the Red Sox staff; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Boston Red Sox have been serving charities throughout New England, including the “Jimmy Fund” of the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute for 60 years and joining the fight against cancer; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas fans of the Red Sox, not only in Boston or New England but across the world, join together to triumphantly celebrate the win after mourning the tragic events of the 2013 Boston Marathon earlier this year; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Fenway Faithful and Red Sox Nation thank the Red Sox organization for their loyalty to the city and delivery of the 2013 World Series title: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="id49a0adddd40149c69fbf98a9a0971e6b"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> congratulates— </text> <subparagraph id="id934fad0e712a461eb180cdf92daca1fd"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> the Boston Red Sox for bringing the World Series title back to Boston, and the players, manager, coaches, support staff, and owners whose dedication, commitment, and spirit made this season a historic success; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="id7816a98d6aa849ea90d39b31591870f6"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> the St. Louis Cardinals for their accomplishments and dedication during the 2013 season and in winning the National League Championship; and </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id760e3aef163946c5b80402a28ae4606d"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> directs the Secretary of the Senate to transmit an enrolled copy of this resolution to— </text> <subparagraph id="idebebcf7720174aa3bc8427c82dd00a54"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> Red Sox manager John Farrell; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="ide05761fbff094a3cbe16e0fd9325b09a"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> Red Sox general manager Ben Cherington; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="ida762edd4dd54413a983303a83f227dbb"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> Red Sox president and chief executive officer Larry Lucchino; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="id3f74c31e705a46d0ae8f7a7d5047f900"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> Red Sox principal owner John Henry; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="id83b8e66fb44f401a853f367451a49f9a"> <enum> (E) </enum> <text> Red Sox chairman Tom Werner. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 287 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES November 5, 2013 Ms. Warren (for herself, Mr. Markey , Mr. Reed , Mr. Whitehouse , Mr. Murphy , Mr. Leahy , Ms. Ayotte , Mr. Sanders , Mrs. Shaheen , Mr. King , and Mr. Blumenthal ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Congratulating the Boston Red Sox on winning the 2013 World Series. Whereas, on October 30, 2013, the Boston Red Sox won the 2013 World Series by defeating the St. Louis Cardinals; Whereas the Boston Red Sox won the World Series before the Fenway Faithful for the first time since 1918, igniting the city with pride; Whereas the St. Louis Cardinals demonstrated sportsmanship, skill, and perseverance; Whereas the St. Louis Cardinals are recognized for their phenomenal effort and success throughout the 2013 baseball season, posting a record of 97–65 and winning their fourth National League pennant in 10 years; Whereas Boston's victory marks their third world title in 10 years and their 8th world title in the treasured and beloved Red Sox team's 113-year history; Whereas the Red Sox players and staff showed the most advanced skill, heart, and grit through the entire regular season and postseason, winning the American League Division Series, the American League Championship Series, and the World Series; Whereas the Red Sox made history and showed tremendous resilience in becoming the first team to win the World Series after losing at least 93 games the previous year; Whereas the 2013 team will be remembered for the inspiration they drew from the city of Boston, the joy they brought to the city and the region, and their embodiment of Boston Strong ; Whereas the Red Sox players' beards will be remembered as a symbol of the 2013 Boston Red Sox’s spirit and unity; Whereas the Red Sox World Series victory paid tribute to former Red Sox legends, including Bobby Doerr, Joe Cronin, Johnny Pesky, Carl Yastrzemski, Ted Williams, Carlton Fisk, and Jim Rice; Whereas Red Sox manager John Farrell has won his first World Series title at the helm of the Red Sox and assembled one of the greatest Red Sox teams of all time; Whereas David Ortiz, a vital Red Sox and member of the 2004 and 2007 World Series championship teams and with 103 runs-batted-in (RBIs) during the season, was recognized as the Most Valuable Player in the 2013 World Series, batting .688, hitting two critical home runs, and cementing his reputation as one of the greatest postseason performers in baseball history; Whereas John Lackey and Clay Buchholz dominated opposing batters throughout the American League Championship, and Jon Lester had an overpowering performance in Game 5 of the World Series, tying the Red Sox post-season record for wins with six; Whereas Koji Uehara delivered unmatched relief pitching performances throughout the regular season, earning 21 saves with just a 1.09 earned run average and silenced opposing hitters during the playoffs; Whereas Mike Napoli blasted a game-deciding home run in game 3 of the American League Championship Series and produced key hits and leadership for the Red Sox throughout the World Series; Whereas Shane Victorino solidified his legend in postseason baseball lore by blasting a grand slam that drove the Red Sox past the Detroit Tigers in game 6 of the American League Championship Series, hitting a three run double in the World Series-clinching win at Fenway Park, and earning a Gold Glove award for his stellar performance in right field; Whereas Dustin Pedroia, a sure-handed fielder, was awarded the Gold Glove for his unshakeable defensive play at second base during the 2013 regular season, provided relentless leadership in the Red Sox clubhouse, and set an example for countless young baseball fans across our country; Whereas the Boston Red Sox were led to the World Series by the determination of every Red Sox player this season, including Alfredo Aceves, Quintin Berry, Xander Bogaerts, Craig Breslow, Clay Buchholz, Mike Carp, Ryan Dempster, Jonathan Diaz, Felix Doubront, Stephen Drew, Jacoby Ellsbury, Jonny Gomes, Brock Holt, John Lackey, Ryan Lavarnway, Jon Lester, Will Middlebrooks, Franklin Morales, Mike Napoli, Daniel Nava, Jake Peavy, Dustin Pedroia, David Ortiz, David Ross, Jarrod Saltalamacchia, Junichi Tazawa, Koji Uehara, Shane Victorino, and Brandon Workman; Whereas Red Sox owners John Henry and Tom Werner and Red Sox president and chief executive officer Larry Lucchino and general manager Ben Cherington deserve credit for building on the success of the 2004 and 2007 World Championship teams; Whereas Bill James, the father of modern statistical analysis of baseball and a pioneer in the sabermetric movement, won his third World Series as a member of the Red Sox staff; Whereas the Boston Red Sox have been serving charities throughout New England, including the “Jimmy Fund” of the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute for 60 years and joining the fight against cancer; and Whereas fans of the Red Sox, not only in Boston or New England but across the world, join together to triumphantly celebrate the win after mourning the tragic events of the 2013 Boston Marathon earlier this year; and Whereas the Fenway Faithful and Red Sox Nation thank the Red Sox organization for their loyalty to the city and delivery of the 2013 World Series title: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) congratulates— (A) the Boston Red Sox for bringing the World Series title back to Boston, and the players, manager, coaches, support staff, and owners whose dedication, commitment, and spirit made this season a historic success; and (B) the St. Louis Cardinals for their accomplishments and dedication during the 2013 season and in winning the National League Championship; and (2) directs the Secretary of the Senate to transmit an enrolled copy of this resolution to— (A) Red Sox manager John Farrell; (B) Red Sox general manager Ben Cherington; (C) Red Sox president and chief executive officer Larry Lucchino; (D) Red Sox principal owner John Henry; and (E) Red Sox chairman Tom Werner.
2023-01-07 05:39:02.088
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Agreed-to-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 288 ATS: Supporting enhanced maritime security in the Gulf of Guinea and encouraging increased cooperation between the United States and West and Central African countries to fight armed robbery at sea, piracy, and other maritime threats. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2014-01-07 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 2d Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 288 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131106"> November 6, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S358"> Mr. Flake </sponsor> (for himself and <cosponsor name-id="S337"> Mr. Coons </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the <committee-name added-display-style="italic" committee-id="SSFR00" deleted-display-style="strikethrough"> Committee on Foreign Relations </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <action stage="Reported-in-Senate"> <action-date date="20131218"> December 18, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> Reported by <sponsor name-id="S306"> Mr. Menendez </sponsor> , without amendment </action-desc> </action> <action> <action-date date="20140107"> January 7, 2014 </action-date> <action-desc> Considered and agreed to </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Supporting enhanced maritime security in the Gulf of Guinea and encouraging increased cooperation between the United States and West and Central African countries to fight armed robbery at sea, piracy, and other maritime threats. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas, although the number of armed robbery at sea and piracy attacks worldwide dropped substantially in recent years, such acts in the Gulf of Guinea are increasing, with more than 40 reported through October 2013 and many more going unreported; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the United States imported more than 315,000,000 barrels of oil through the region in 2012, and United States businesses have extensive fixed assets in the region that are important to United States energy security; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the nature of attacks in the Gulf of Guinea demonstrates an ongoing pattern of cargo thefts and robbery, often occurring in the territorial waters of West and Central African states; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas there are countries in West and Central Africa that are susceptible to acts of armed robbery at sea and piracy that lack adequate law enforcement and naval capabilities to stop or deter such attacks; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas acts of maritime crime raise the costs and risks of trade and commerce in Africa and beyond because the security of vessels, crews, and cargoes cannot be guaranteed; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas shipping insurance premiums increase after such attacks, and in so doing, create disincentives for local, regional, and international investors and companies seeking to do business in the region; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas imports provide indispensable goods and services for the people of West and Central Africa, generate port fees and customs duties for their governments, and are essential in spurring economic growth and development in the region; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the U.S. Strategy Toward Sub-Saharan Africa issued by President Barack Obama in June 2012 states, “It is in the interest of the United States to improve the region’s trade competitiveness, encourage the diversification of exports beyond natural resources, and ensure that the benefits from growth are broad-based.”; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas a vibrant trade relationship between Africa and its partners, including the United States, can lead to expanded economic opportunities that can spur competition, raise productivity, and facilitate job creation in the economies of all participating countries; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the African Union, in collaboration with numerous official and nongovernmental stakeholders, developed the “2050 Africa’s Integrated Maritime Security” strategy (the 2050 AIM STRATEGY) which seeks “to address contending, emerging and future maritime challenges and opportunities in Africa … with a clear focus on enhanced wealth creation from a sustainable governance of Africa’s oceans and seas”; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the African Union’s 2050 AIM STRATEGY seeks to combat “diverse illegal activities which include … arms and drug trafficking, human trafficking and smuggling, piracy, and armed robbery at sea”, among other objectives; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the June 24–25, 2013, meeting of the Gulf of Guinea Maritime Security Heads of State Summit held in Cameroon marked the culmination of a United States Government-supported Economic Communities of Central African States (ECCAS) and Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)-led initiative and process that produced an approved ECOWAS–ECCAS Memorandum of Understanding for regional cooperation, and adopted a Gulf of Guinea Code of Conduct to address maritime crime and a Heads of State Political Declaration; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas ECOWAS and ECCAS states are working to cooperate and build their joint capacities in order to increase maritime security in the Gulf of Guinea and are working to achieve this goal with such partners as the United Nations Offices for West and Central Africa, the Gulf of Guinea Commission, the International Maritime Organization, the Maritime Organization for West and Central Africa, and the African Union; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the United States Government in the Gulf of Guinea has focused on encouraging multi-layered regional and national ownership in developing sustainable capacity building efforts, including working with partners through the G8++ Friends of Gulf of Guinea Group, to coordinate United States Government maritime security activities in the region; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the United States Government has assisted the countries of West and Central Africa to enhance regional maritime security through programs such as the “African Partnership Station”, operated by United States Naval Forces Africa “to build maritime safety and security by increasing maritime awareness, response capabilities and infrastructure”, and the “African Maritime Law Enforcement Partnership”, which “enables African partner nations to build maritime security capacity and improve management of their maritime environment through real world law enforcement operations, and through provision of diverse types of training and equipment assistance and participation in diverse regional maritime military exercises”, as well as by employing analytical tools such as the Maritime Security Sector Reform Guide; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas United Nations Security Council Resolution 2039, “expressing its deep concern about the threat that piracy and armed robbery at sea in the Gulf of Guinea pose to international navigation, security and the economic development of states in the region”, was unanimously adopted on February 29, 2012: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="id0cfaea8ec4d142db9f9dab270fa634fa"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> condemns acts of armed robbery at sea, piracy, and other maritime crime in the Gulf of Guinea; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id933b0f70aa9447f8af744dc4981441b2"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> endorses and supports the efforts made by United States Government agencies to assist affected West and Central African countries to build capacity to combat armed robbery at sea, piracy, and other maritime threats, and encourages the President to continue such assistance, as appropriate, within resource constraints; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id3a3f81c93eda4502a466064eb4cd2403"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> commends the African Union, subregional entities such as the ECOWAS and ECCAS, and the various international agencies that have worked to develop policy and program frameworks for enhancing maritime security in West and Central Africa, and encourages these entities and their member states to continue to build upon these and other efforts to achieve that end. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 288 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES November 6, 2013 Mr. Flake (for himself and Mr. Coons ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations December 18, 2013 Reported by Mr. Menendez , without amendment January 7, 2014 Considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Supporting enhanced maritime security in the Gulf of Guinea and encouraging increased cooperation between the United States and West and Central African countries to fight armed robbery at sea, piracy, and other maritime threats. Whereas, although the number of armed robbery at sea and piracy attacks worldwide dropped substantially in recent years, such acts in the Gulf of Guinea are increasing, with more than 40 reported through October 2013 and many more going unreported; Whereas the United States imported more than 315,000,000 barrels of oil through the region in 2012, and United States businesses have extensive fixed assets in the region that are important to United States energy security; Whereas the nature of attacks in the Gulf of Guinea demonstrates an ongoing pattern of cargo thefts and robbery, often occurring in the territorial waters of West and Central African states; Whereas there are countries in West and Central Africa that are susceptible to acts of armed robbery at sea and piracy that lack adequate law enforcement and naval capabilities to stop or deter such attacks; Whereas acts of maritime crime raise the costs and risks of trade and commerce in Africa and beyond because the security of vessels, crews, and cargoes cannot be guaranteed; Whereas shipping insurance premiums increase after such attacks, and in so doing, create disincentives for local, regional, and international investors and companies seeking to do business in the region; Whereas imports provide indispensable goods and services for the people of West and Central Africa, generate port fees and customs duties for their governments, and are essential in spurring economic growth and development in the region; Whereas the U.S. Strategy Toward Sub-Saharan Africa issued by President Barack Obama in June 2012 states, “It is in the interest of the United States to improve the region’s trade competitiveness, encourage the diversification of exports beyond natural resources, and ensure that the benefits from growth are broad-based.”; Whereas a vibrant trade relationship between Africa and its partners, including the United States, can lead to expanded economic opportunities that can spur competition, raise productivity, and facilitate job creation in the economies of all participating countries; Whereas the African Union, in collaboration with numerous official and nongovernmental stakeholders, developed the “2050 Africa’s Integrated Maritime Security” strategy (the 2050 AIM STRATEGY) which seeks “to address contending, emerging and future maritime challenges and opportunities in Africa … with a clear focus on enhanced wealth creation from a sustainable governance of Africa’s oceans and seas”; Whereas the African Union’s 2050 AIM STRATEGY seeks to combat “diverse illegal activities which include … arms and drug trafficking, human trafficking and smuggling, piracy, and armed robbery at sea”, among other objectives; Whereas the June 24–25, 2013, meeting of the Gulf of Guinea Maritime Security Heads of State Summit held in Cameroon marked the culmination of a United States Government-supported Economic Communities of Central African States (ECCAS) and Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)-led initiative and process that produced an approved ECOWAS–ECCAS Memorandum of Understanding for regional cooperation, and adopted a Gulf of Guinea Code of Conduct to address maritime crime and a Heads of State Political Declaration; Whereas ECOWAS and ECCAS states are working to cooperate and build their joint capacities in order to increase maritime security in the Gulf of Guinea and are working to achieve this goal with such partners as the United Nations Offices for West and Central Africa, the Gulf of Guinea Commission, the International Maritime Organization, the Maritime Organization for West and Central Africa, and the African Union; Whereas the United States Government in the Gulf of Guinea has focused on encouraging multi-layered regional and national ownership in developing sustainable capacity building efforts, including working with partners through the G8++ Friends of Gulf of Guinea Group, to coordinate United States Government maritime security activities in the region; Whereas the United States Government has assisted the countries of West and Central Africa to enhance regional maritime security through programs such as the “African Partnership Station”, operated by United States Naval Forces Africa “to build maritime safety and security by increasing maritime awareness, response capabilities and infrastructure”, and the “African Maritime Law Enforcement Partnership”, which “enables African partner nations to build maritime security capacity and improve management of their maritime environment through real world law enforcement operations, and through provision of diverse types of training and equipment assistance and participation in diverse regional maritime military exercises”, as well as by employing analytical tools such as the Maritime Security Sector Reform Guide; and Whereas United Nations Security Council Resolution 2039, “expressing its deep concern about the threat that piracy and armed robbery at sea in the Gulf of Guinea pose to international navigation, security and the economic development of states in the region”, was unanimously adopted on February 29, 2012: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) condemns acts of armed robbery at sea, piracy, and other maritime crime in the Gulf of Guinea; (2) endorses and supports the efforts made by United States Government agencies to assist affected West and Central African countries to build capacity to combat armed robbery at sea, piracy, and other maritime threats, and encourages the President to continue such assistance, as appropriate, within resource constraints; and (3) commends the African Union, subregional entities such as the ECOWAS and ECCAS, and the various international agencies that have worked to develop policy and program frameworks for enhancing maritime security in West and Central Africa, and encourages these entities and their member states to continue to build upon these and other efforts to achieve that end.
2023-01-07 06:53:04.338
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Introduced-in-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 288 IS: Supporting enhanced maritime security in the Gulf of Guinea and encouraging increased cooperation between the United States and West and Central African countries to fight armed robbery at sea, piracy, and other maritime threats. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-11-06 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 288 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131106"> November 6, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S358"> Mr. Flake </sponsor> (for himself and <cosponsor name-id="S337"> Mr. Coons </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="SSFR00"> Committee on Foreign Relations </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Supporting enhanced maritime security in the Gulf of Guinea and encouraging increased cooperation between the United States and West and Central African countries to fight armed robbery at sea, piracy, and other maritime threats. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas, although the number of armed robbery at sea and piracy attacks worldwide dropped substantially in recent years, such acts in the Gulf of Guinea are increasing, with more than 40 reported through October 2013 and many more going unreported; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the United States imported more than 315,000,000 barrels of oil through the region in 2012, and United States businesses have extensive fixed assets in the region that are important to United States energy security; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the nature of attacks in the Gulf of Guinea demonstrates an ongoing pattern of cargo thefts and robbery, often occurring in the territorial waters of West and Central African states; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas there are countries in West and Central Africa that are susceptible to acts of armed robbery at sea and piracy that lack adequate law enforcement and naval capabilities to stop or deter such attacks; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas acts of maritime crime raise the costs and risks of trade and commerce in Africa and beyond because the security of vessels, crews, and cargoes cannot be guaranteed; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas shipping insurance premiums increase after such attacks, and in so doing, create disincentives for local, regional, and international investors and companies seeking to do business in the region; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas imports provide indispensable goods and services for the people of West and Central Africa, generate port fees and customs duties for their governments, and are essential in spurring economic growth and development in the region; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the U.S. Strategy Toward Sub-Saharan Africa issued by President Barack Obama in June 2012 states, “It is in the interest of the United States to improve the region’s trade competitiveness, encourage the diversification of exports beyond natural resources, and ensure that the benefits from growth are broad-based.”; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas a vibrant trade relationship between Africa and its partners, including the United States, can lead to expanded economic opportunities that can spur competition, raise productivity, and facilitate job creation in the economies of all participating countries; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the African Union, in collaboration with numerous official and nongovernmental stakeholders, developed the “2050 Africa’s Integrated Maritime Security” strategy (the 2050 AIM STRATEGY) which seeks “to address contending, emerging and future maritime challenges and opportunities in Africa … with a clear focus on enhanced wealth creation from a sustainable governance of Africa’s oceans and seas”; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the African Union’s 2050 AIM STRATEGY seeks to combat “diverse illegal activities which include … arms and drug trafficking, human trafficking and smuggling, piracy, and armed robbery at sea”, among other objectives; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the June 24–25, 2013, meeting of the Gulf of Guinea Maritime Security Heads of State Summit held in Cameroon marked the culmination of a United States Government-supported Economic Communities of Central African States (ECCAS) and Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)-led initiative and process that produced an approved ECOWAS–ECCAS Memorandum of Understanding for regional cooperation, and adopted a Gulf of Guinea Code of Conduct to address maritime crime and a Heads of State Political Declaration; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas ECOWAS and ECCAS states are working to cooperate and build their joint capacities in order to increase maritime security in the Gulf of Guinea and are working to achieve this goal with such partners as the United Nations Offices for West and Central Africa, the Gulf of Guinea Commission, the International Maritime Organization, the Maritime Organization for West and Central Africa, and the African Union; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the United States Government in the Gulf of Guinea has focused on encouraging multi-layered regional and national ownership in developing sustainable capacity building efforts, including working with partners through the G8++ Friends of Gulf of Guinea Group, to coordinate United States Government maritime security activities in the region; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the United States Government has assisted the countries of West and Central Africa to enhance regional maritime security through programs such as the “African Partnership Station”, operated by United States Naval Forces Africa “to build maritime safety and security by increasing maritime awareness, response capabilities and infrastructure”, and the “African Maritime Law Enforcement Partnership”, which “enables African partner nations to build maritime security capacity and improve management of their maritime environment through real world law enforcement operations, and through provision of diverse types of training and equipment assistance and participation in diverse regional maritime military exercises”, as well as by employing analytical tools such as the Maritime Security Sector Reform Guide; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas United Nations Security Council Resolution 2039, “expressing its deep concern about the threat that piracy and armed robbery at sea in the Gulf of Guinea pose to international navigation, security and the economic development of states in the region”, was unanimously adopted on February 29, 2012: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="id0cfaea8ec4d142db9f9dab270fa634fa"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> condemns acts of armed robbery at sea, piracy, and other maritime crime in the Gulf of Guinea; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id933b0f70aa9447f8af744dc4981441b2"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> endorses and supports the efforts made by United States Government agencies to assist affected West and Central African countries to build capacity to combat armed robbery at sea, piracy, and other maritime threats, and encourages the President to continue such assistance, as appropriate, within resource constraints; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id3a3f81c93eda4502a466064eb4cd2403"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> commends the African Union, subregional entities such as the ECOWAS and ECCAS, and the various international agencies that have worked to develop policy and program frameworks for enhancing maritime security in West and Central Africa, and encourages these entities and their member states to continue to build upon these and other efforts to achieve that end. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 288 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES November 6, 2013 Mr. Flake (for himself and Mr. Coons ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations RESOLUTION Supporting enhanced maritime security in the Gulf of Guinea and encouraging increased cooperation between the United States and West and Central African countries to fight armed robbery at sea, piracy, and other maritime threats. Whereas, although the number of armed robbery at sea and piracy attacks worldwide dropped substantially in recent years, such acts in the Gulf of Guinea are increasing, with more than 40 reported through October 2013 and many more going unreported; Whereas the United States imported more than 315,000,000 barrels of oil through the region in 2012, and United States businesses have extensive fixed assets in the region that are important to United States energy security; Whereas the nature of attacks in the Gulf of Guinea demonstrates an ongoing pattern of cargo thefts and robbery, often occurring in the territorial waters of West and Central African states; Whereas there are countries in West and Central Africa that are susceptible to acts of armed robbery at sea and piracy that lack adequate law enforcement and naval capabilities to stop or deter such attacks; Whereas acts of maritime crime raise the costs and risks of trade and commerce in Africa and beyond because the security of vessels, crews, and cargoes cannot be guaranteed; Whereas shipping insurance premiums increase after such attacks, and in so doing, create disincentives for local, regional, and international investors and companies seeking to do business in the region; Whereas imports provide indispensable goods and services for the people of West and Central Africa, generate port fees and customs duties for their governments, and are essential in spurring economic growth and development in the region; Whereas the U.S. Strategy Toward Sub-Saharan Africa issued by President Barack Obama in June 2012 states, “It is in the interest of the United States to improve the region’s trade competitiveness, encourage the diversification of exports beyond natural resources, and ensure that the benefits from growth are broad-based.”; Whereas a vibrant trade relationship between Africa and its partners, including the United States, can lead to expanded economic opportunities that can spur competition, raise productivity, and facilitate job creation in the economies of all participating countries; Whereas the African Union, in collaboration with numerous official and nongovernmental stakeholders, developed the “2050 Africa’s Integrated Maritime Security” strategy (the 2050 AIM STRATEGY) which seeks “to address contending, emerging and future maritime challenges and opportunities in Africa … with a clear focus on enhanced wealth creation from a sustainable governance of Africa’s oceans and seas”; Whereas the African Union’s 2050 AIM STRATEGY seeks to combat “diverse illegal activities which include … arms and drug trafficking, human trafficking and smuggling, piracy, and armed robbery at sea”, among other objectives; Whereas the June 24–25, 2013, meeting of the Gulf of Guinea Maritime Security Heads of State Summit held in Cameroon marked the culmination of a United States Government-supported Economic Communities of Central African States (ECCAS) and Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)-led initiative and process that produced an approved ECOWAS–ECCAS Memorandum of Understanding for regional cooperation, and adopted a Gulf of Guinea Code of Conduct to address maritime crime and a Heads of State Political Declaration; Whereas ECOWAS and ECCAS states are working to cooperate and build their joint capacities in order to increase maritime security in the Gulf of Guinea and are working to achieve this goal with such partners as the United Nations Offices for West and Central Africa, the Gulf of Guinea Commission, the International Maritime Organization, the Maritime Organization for West and Central Africa, and the African Union; Whereas the United States Government in the Gulf of Guinea has focused on encouraging multi-layered regional and national ownership in developing sustainable capacity building efforts, including working with partners through the G8++ Friends of Gulf of Guinea Group, to coordinate United States Government maritime security activities in the region; Whereas the United States Government has assisted the countries of West and Central Africa to enhance regional maritime security through programs such as the “African Partnership Station”, operated by United States Naval Forces Africa “to build maritime safety and security by increasing maritime awareness, response capabilities and infrastructure”, and the “African Maritime Law Enforcement Partnership”, which “enables African partner nations to build maritime security capacity and improve management of their maritime environment through real world law enforcement operations, and through provision of diverse types of training and equipment assistance and participation in diverse regional maritime military exercises”, as well as by employing analytical tools such as the Maritime Security Sector Reform Guide; and Whereas United Nations Security Council Resolution 2039, “expressing its deep concern about the threat that piracy and armed robbery at sea in the Gulf of Guinea pose to international navigation, security and the economic development of states in the region”, was unanimously adopted on February 29, 2012: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) condemns acts of armed robbery at sea, piracy, and other maritime crime in the Gulf of Guinea; (2) endorses and supports the efforts made by United States Government agencies to assist affected West and Central African countries to build capacity to combat armed robbery at sea, piracy, and other maritime threats, and encourages the President to continue such assistance, as appropriate, within resource constraints; and (3) commends the African Union, subregional entities such as the ECOWAS and ECCAS, and the various international agencies that have worked to develop policy and program frameworks for enhancing maritime security in West and Central Africa, and encourages these entities and their member states to continue to build upon these and other efforts to achieve that end.
2023-01-07 06:12:02.131
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Reported-in-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 288 RS: Supporting enhanced maritime security in the Gulf of Guinea and encouraging increased cooperation between the United States and West and Central African countries to fight armed robbery at sea, piracy, and other maritime threats. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-12-18 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <calendar> Calendar No. 270 </calendar> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 288 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131106"> November 6, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S358"> Mr. Flake </sponsor> (for himself and <cosponsor name-id="S337"> Mr. Coons </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the <committee-name added-display-style="italic" committee-id="SSFR00" deleted-display-style="strikethrough"> Committee on Foreign Relations </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <action stage="Reported-in-Senate"> <action-date date="20131218"> December 18, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> Reported by <sponsor name-id="S306"> Mr. Menendez </sponsor> , without amendment </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Supporting enhanced maritime security in the Gulf of Guinea and encouraging increased cooperation between the United States and West and Central African countries to fight armed robbery at sea, piracy, and other maritime threats. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas, although the number of armed robbery at sea and piracy attacks worldwide dropped substantially in recent years, such acts in the Gulf of Guinea are increasing, with more than 40 reported through October 2013 and many more going unreported; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the United States imported more than 315,000,000 barrels of oil through the region in 2012, and United States businesses have extensive fixed assets in the region that are important to United States energy security; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the nature of attacks in the Gulf of Guinea demonstrates an ongoing pattern of cargo thefts and robbery, often occurring in the territorial waters of West and Central African states; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas there are countries in West and Central Africa that are susceptible to acts of armed robbery at sea and piracy that lack adequate law enforcement and naval capabilities to stop or deter such attacks; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas acts of maritime crime raise the costs and risks of trade and commerce in Africa and beyond because the security of vessels, crews, and cargoes cannot be guaranteed; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas shipping insurance premiums increase after such attacks, and in so doing, create disincentives for local, regional, and international investors and companies seeking to do business in the region; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas imports provide indispensable goods and services for the people of West and Central Africa, generate port fees and customs duties for their governments, and are essential in spurring economic growth and development in the region; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the U.S. Strategy Toward Sub-Saharan Africa issued by President Barack Obama in June 2012 states, “It is in the interest of the United States to improve the region’s trade competitiveness, encourage the diversification of exports beyond natural resources, and ensure that the benefits from growth are broad-based.”; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas a vibrant trade relationship between Africa and its partners, including the United States, can lead to expanded economic opportunities that can spur competition, raise productivity, and facilitate job creation in the economies of all participating countries; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the African Union, in collaboration with numerous official and nongovernmental stakeholders, developed the “2050 Africa’s Integrated Maritime Security” strategy (the 2050 AIM STRATEGY) which seeks “to address contending, emerging and future maritime challenges and opportunities in Africa … with a clear focus on enhanced wealth creation from a sustainable governance of Africa’s oceans and seas”; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the African Union’s 2050 AIM STRATEGY seeks to combat “diverse illegal activities which include … arms and drug trafficking, human trafficking and smuggling, piracy, and armed robbery at sea”, among other objectives; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the June 24–25, 2013, meeting of the Gulf of Guinea Maritime Security Heads of State Summit held in Cameroon marked the culmination of a United States Government-supported Economic Communities of Central African States (ECCAS) and Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)-led initiative and process that produced an approved ECOWAS–ECCAS Memorandum of Understanding for regional cooperation, and adopted a Gulf of Guinea Code of Conduct to address maritime crime and a Heads of State Political Declaration; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas ECOWAS and ECCAS states are working to cooperate and build their joint capacities in order to increase maritime security in the Gulf of Guinea and are working to achieve this goal with such partners as the United Nations Offices for West and Central Africa, the Gulf of Guinea Commission, the International Maritime Organization, the Maritime Organization for West and Central Africa, and the African Union; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the United States Government in the Gulf of Guinea has focused on encouraging multi-layered regional and national ownership in developing sustainable capacity building efforts, including working with partners through the G8++ Friends of Gulf of Guinea Group, to coordinate United States Government maritime security activities in the region; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the United States Government has assisted the countries of West and Central Africa to enhance regional maritime security through programs such as the “African Partnership Station”, operated by United States Naval Forces Africa “to build maritime safety and security by increasing maritime awareness, response capabilities and infrastructure”, and the “African Maritime Law Enforcement Partnership”, which “enables African partner nations to build maritime security capacity and improve management of their maritime environment through real world law enforcement operations, and through provision of diverse types of training and equipment assistance and participation in diverse regional maritime military exercises”, as well as by employing analytical tools such as the Maritime Security Sector Reform Guide; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas United Nations Security Council Resolution 2039, “expressing its deep concern about the threat that piracy and armed robbery at sea in the Gulf of Guinea pose to international navigation, security and the economic development of states in the region”, was unanimously adopted on February 29, 2012: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="id0cfaea8ec4d142db9f9dab270fa634fa"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> condemns acts of armed robbery at sea, piracy, and other maritime crime in the Gulf of Guinea; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id933b0f70aa9447f8af744dc4981441b2"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> endorses and supports the efforts made by United States Government agencies to assist affected West and Central African countries to build capacity to combat armed robbery at sea, piracy, and other maritime threats, and encourages the President to continue such assistance, as appropriate, within resource constraints; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id3a3f81c93eda4502a466064eb4cd2403"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> commends the African Union, subregional entities such as the ECOWAS and ECCAS, and the various international agencies that have worked to develop policy and program frameworks for enhancing maritime security in West and Central Africa, and encourages these entities and their member states to continue to build upon these and other efforts to achieve that end. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> <endorsement> <action-date date="20131218"> December 18, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> Reported without amendment </action-desc> </endorsement> </resolution>
III Calendar No. 270 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 288 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES November 6, 2013 Mr. Flake (for himself and Mr. Coons ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations December 18, 2013 Reported by Mr. Menendez , without amendment RESOLUTION Supporting enhanced maritime security in the Gulf of Guinea and encouraging increased cooperation between the United States and West and Central African countries to fight armed robbery at sea, piracy, and other maritime threats. Whereas, although the number of armed robbery at sea and piracy attacks worldwide dropped substantially in recent years, such acts in the Gulf of Guinea are increasing, with more than 40 reported through October 2013 and many more going unreported; Whereas the United States imported more than 315,000,000 barrels of oil through the region in 2012, and United States businesses have extensive fixed assets in the region that are important to United States energy security; Whereas the nature of attacks in the Gulf of Guinea demonstrates an ongoing pattern of cargo thefts and robbery, often occurring in the territorial waters of West and Central African states; Whereas there are countries in West and Central Africa that are susceptible to acts of armed robbery at sea and piracy that lack adequate law enforcement and naval capabilities to stop or deter such attacks; Whereas acts of maritime crime raise the costs and risks of trade and commerce in Africa and beyond because the security of vessels, crews, and cargoes cannot be guaranteed; Whereas shipping insurance premiums increase after such attacks, and in so doing, create disincentives for local, regional, and international investors and companies seeking to do business in the region; Whereas imports provide indispensable goods and services for the people of West and Central Africa, generate port fees and customs duties for their governments, and are essential in spurring economic growth and development in the region; Whereas the U.S. Strategy Toward Sub-Saharan Africa issued by President Barack Obama in June 2012 states, “It is in the interest of the United States to improve the region’s trade competitiveness, encourage the diversification of exports beyond natural resources, and ensure that the benefits from growth are broad-based.”; Whereas a vibrant trade relationship between Africa and its partners, including the United States, can lead to expanded economic opportunities that can spur competition, raise productivity, and facilitate job creation in the economies of all participating countries; Whereas the African Union, in collaboration with numerous official and nongovernmental stakeholders, developed the “2050 Africa’s Integrated Maritime Security” strategy (the 2050 AIM STRATEGY) which seeks “to address contending, emerging and future maritime challenges and opportunities in Africa … with a clear focus on enhanced wealth creation from a sustainable governance of Africa’s oceans and seas”; Whereas the African Union’s 2050 AIM STRATEGY seeks to combat “diverse illegal activities which include … arms and drug trafficking, human trafficking and smuggling, piracy, and armed robbery at sea”, among other objectives; Whereas the June 24–25, 2013, meeting of the Gulf of Guinea Maritime Security Heads of State Summit held in Cameroon marked the culmination of a United States Government-supported Economic Communities of Central African States (ECCAS) and Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)-led initiative and process that produced an approved ECOWAS–ECCAS Memorandum of Understanding for regional cooperation, and adopted a Gulf of Guinea Code of Conduct to address maritime crime and a Heads of State Political Declaration; Whereas ECOWAS and ECCAS states are working to cooperate and build their joint capacities in order to increase maritime security in the Gulf of Guinea and are working to achieve this goal with such partners as the United Nations Offices for West and Central Africa, the Gulf of Guinea Commission, the International Maritime Organization, the Maritime Organization for West and Central Africa, and the African Union; Whereas the United States Government in the Gulf of Guinea has focused on encouraging multi-layered regional and national ownership in developing sustainable capacity building efforts, including working with partners through the G8++ Friends of Gulf of Guinea Group, to coordinate United States Government maritime security activities in the region; Whereas the United States Government has assisted the countries of West and Central Africa to enhance regional maritime security through programs such as the “African Partnership Station”, operated by United States Naval Forces Africa “to build maritime safety and security by increasing maritime awareness, response capabilities and infrastructure”, and the “African Maritime Law Enforcement Partnership”, which “enables African partner nations to build maritime security capacity and improve management of their maritime environment through real world law enforcement operations, and through provision of diverse types of training and equipment assistance and participation in diverse regional maritime military exercises”, as well as by employing analytical tools such as the Maritime Security Sector Reform Guide; and Whereas United Nations Security Council Resolution 2039, “expressing its deep concern about the threat that piracy and armed robbery at sea in the Gulf of Guinea pose to international navigation, security and the economic development of states in the region”, was unanimously adopted on February 29, 2012: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) condemns acts of armed robbery at sea, piracy, and other maritime crime in the Gulf of Guinea; (2) endorses and supports the efforts made by United States Government agencies to assist affected West and Central African countries to build capacity to combat armed robbery at sea, piracy, and other maritime threats, and encourages the President to continue such assistance, as appropriate, within resource constraints; and (3) commends the African Union, subregional entities such as the ECOWAS and ECCAS, and the various international agencies that have worked to develop policy and program frameworks for enhancing maritime security in West and Central Africa, and encourages these entities and their member states to continue to build upon these and other efforts to achieve that end. December 18, 2013 Reported without amendment
2023-01-07 05:08:02.518
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Agreed-to-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 2d Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 289 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131107"> November 7, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S319"> Mr. Begich </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="S330"> Mr. Bennet </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S303"> Mr. Thune </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="SSCM00"> Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <action> <action-date> February 6, 2014 </action-date> <action-desc> Committee discharged; considered, amended, and agreed to with an amended preamble and an amendment to the title </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Expressing the sense of the Senate that ambush marketing adversely affects the United States Olympic and Paralympic teams. </official-title> </form> <preamble commented="no"> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas the 2014 Olympic and Paralympic Games will occur on February 7 through February 23, 2014, and March 7 through March 16, 2014, respectively, in Sochi, Russia; </text> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas more than 5,500 athletes from 80 nations will compete in 7 Olympic sports and 1,350 Paralympic athletes will compete in 5 sports; </text> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas American athletes have spent countless days, months, and years training to earn a spot on the United States Olympic or Paralympic teams; </text> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas the Ted Stevens Olympic and Amateur Sports Act (36 U.S.C. 220501 et seq.)— </text> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="id7A2AE1D5EC504C6DA26FA59BB850E988"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> established the United States Olympic Committee as the coordinating body for all Olympic and Paralympic athletic activity in the United States; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="idBD4F4BBE5B1641B4918B0A5351DBAE31"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> gave the United States Olympic Committee the exclusive right in the United States to use the words <quote> Olympic </quote> , <quote> Olympiad </quote> , <quote> Paralympic </quote> , and <quote> Paralympiad </quote> , the emblem of the United States Olympic Committee, and the symbols of the International Olympic Committee and the International Paralympic Committee; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="id491829AD894244C69DBF953CB2F603C1"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> empowered the United States Olympic Committee to authorize sponsors that contribute to the United States Olympic or Paralympic teams to use any trademark, symbol, insignia, or emblem of the International Olympic Committee, International Paralympic Committee, the Pan-American Sports Organization, or the United States Olympic Committee; </text> </paragraph> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas Team USA is significantly funded by 31 sponsors who ensure that the United States has the best Olympic and Paralympic teams possible; </text> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas in recent years, a number of entities in the United States have engaged in marketing strategies that appear to affiliate themselves with the Olympic and Paralympic Games without becoming official sponsors of Team USA; </text> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas any ambush marketing in violation of the Lanham Act (15 U.S.C. 1051 et seq.) undermines sponsorship activities and creates consumer confusion around official Olympic and Paralympic sponsors; and </text> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas ambush marketing impedes the goals of the Ted Stevens Olympic and Amateur Sports Act (36 U.S.C. 220501 et seq.) to fund the United States Olympic and Paralympic teams through official sponsorships: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body display-resolving-clause="yes-display-resolving-clause" style="OLC"> <section commented="no" display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> That it is the sense of the Senate that— </text> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="idC194103BF29140ECA69F1972D9C632F6"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> official sponsor support is critical to the success of Team USA at all international competitions; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="id27D50DBDD3B746049D0ABABB9337301B"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> ambush marketing adversely affects the United States Olympic and Paralympic teams and their ability to attract and retain corporate sponsorships. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 289 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES November 7, 2013 Mr. Begich (for himself, Mr. Bennet , and Mr. Thune ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation February 6, 2014 Committee discharged; considered, amended, and agreed to with an amended preamble and an amendment to the title RESOLUTION Expressing the sense of the Senate that ambush marketing adversely affects the United States Olympic and Paralympic teams. Whereas the 2014 Olympic and Paralympic Games will occur on February 7 through February 23, 2014, and March 7 through March 16, 2014, respectively, in Sochi, Russia; Whereas more than 5,500 athletes from 80 nations will compete in 7 Olympic sports and 1,350 Paralympic athletes will compete in 5 sports; Whereas American athletes have spent countless days, months, and years training to earn a spot on the United States Olympic or Paralympic teams; Whereas the Ted Stevens Olympic and Amateur Sports Act (36 U.S.C. 220501 et seq.)— (1) established the United States Olympic Committee as the coordinating body for all Olympic and Paralympic athletic activity in the United States; (2) gave the United States Olympic Committee the exclusive right in the United States to use the words Olympic , Olympiad , Paralympic , and Paralympiad , the emblem of the United States Olympic Committee, and the symbols of the International Olympic Committee and the International Paralympic Committee; and (3) empowered the United States Olympic Committee to authorize sponsors that contribute to the United States Olympic or Paralympic teams to use any trademark, symbol, insignia, or emblem of the International Olympic Committee, International Paralympic Committee, the Pan-American Sports Organization, or the United States Olympic Committee; Whereas Team USA is significantly funded by 31 sponsors who ensure that the United States has the best Olympic and Paralympic teams possible; Whereas in recent years, a number of entities in the United States have engaged in marketing strategies that appear to affiliate themselves with the Olympic and Paralympic Games without becoming official sponsors of Team USA; Whereas any ambush marketing in violation of the Lanham Act (15 U.S.C. 1051 et seq.) undermines sponsorship activities and creates consumer confusion around official Olympic and Paralympic sponsors; and Whereas ambush marketing impedes the goals of the Ted Stevens Olympic and Amateur Sports Act (36 U.S.C. 220501 et seq.) to fund the United States Olympic and Paralympic teams through official sponsorships: Now, therefore, be it That it is the sense of the Senate that— (1) official sponsor support is critical to the success of Team USA at all international competitions; and (2) ambush marketing adversely affects the United States Olympic and Paralympic teams and their ability to attract and retain corporate sponsorships.
2023-01-07 06:53:03.759
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Introduced-in-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 289 IS: Expressing the sense of the Senate that ambush marketing adversely affects the United States Olympic and Paralympic teams and should be discouraged. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-11-07 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 289 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131107"> November 7, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S319"> Mr. Begich </sponsor> (for himself and <cosponsor name-id="S330"> Mr. Bennet </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="SSCM00"> Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Expressing the sense of the Senate that ambush marketing adversely affects the United States Olympic and Paralympic teams and should be discouraged. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas the 2014 Olympic and Paralympic Games will occur on February 7 through February 23, 2014, and March 7 through March 16, 2014, respectively, in Sochi, Russia; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas more than 5,500 athletes from 80 nations will compete in 7 Olympic sports and 1,350 Paralympic athletes will compete in 5 sports; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas American athletes have spent countless days, months, and years training to earn a spot on the United States Olympic or Paralympic teams; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Ted Stevens Olympic and Amateur Sports Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/36/220501"> 36 U.S.C. 220501 et seq. </external-xref> )— </text> <paragraph id="id7A2AE1D5EC504C6DA26FA59BB850E988"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> established the United States Olympic Committee as the coordinating body for all Olympic and Paralympic athletic activity in the United States; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idBD4F4BBE5B1641B4918B0A5351DBAE31"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> gave the United States Olympic Committee the exclusive right in the United States to use the words <quote> Olympic </quote> , <quote> Olympiad </quote> , <quote> Paralympic </quote> , and <quote> Paralympiad </quote> , the emblem of the United States Olympic Committee, and the symbols of the International Olympic Committee and the International Paralympic Committee; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id491829AD894244C69DBF953CB2F603C1"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> empowered the United States Olympic Committee to authorize sponsors that contribute to the United States Olympic or Paralympic teams to use any trademark, symbol, insignia, or emblem of the International Olympic Committee, International Paralympic Committee, the Pan-American Sports Organization, or the United States Olympic Committee; </text> </paragraph> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Team USA is significantly funded by 31 sponsors who assure that the United States has the best Olympic teams possible; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, in recent years, a number of entities in the United States have engaged in ambush marketing as a marketing strategy, affiliating themselves with the Olympic and Paralympic Games without becoming sponsors of Team USA; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas ambush marketing harms the United States Olympic and Paralympic teams, undermines sponsorship activities, and gives ambush marketers an unfair and unethical advantage over entities that officially sponsor and provide funding for the elite athletes of the United States; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas efforts to prevent ambush marketing have enjoyed limited success as the strategies used by ambush marketers continue to multiply: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That it is the sense of the Senate that— </text> <paragraph id="idC194103BF29140ECA69F1972D9C632F6"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> ambush marketing adversely affects the United States Olympic and Paralympic teams and their ability to attract and retain the sponsorships necessary to be successful at the 2014 Olympic and Paralympic Games in Sochi, Russia; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id27D50DBDD3B746049D0ABABB9337301B"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> entities in the United States should cease all ambush marketing efforts related to the United States Olympic and Paralympic teams. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 289 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES November 7, 2013 Mr. Begich (for himself and Mr. Bennet ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation RESOLUTION Expressing the sense of the Senate that ambush marketing adversely affects the United States Olympic and Paralympic teams and should be discouraged. Whereas the 2014 Olympic and Paralympic Games will occur on February 7 through February 23, 2014, and March 7 through March 16, 2014, respectively, in Sochi, Russia; Whereas more than 5,500 athletes from 80 nations will compete in 7 Olympic sports and 1,350 Paralympic athletes will compete in 5 sports; Whereas American athletes have spent countless days, months, and years training to earn a spot on the United States Olympic or Paralympic teams; Whereas the Ted Stevens Olympic and Amateur Sports Act ( 36 U.S.C. 220501 et seq. )— (1) established the United States Olympic Committee as the coordinating body for all Olympic and Paralympic athletic activity in the United States; (2) gave the United States Olympic Committee the exclusive right in the United States to use the words Olympic , Olympiad , Paralympic , and Paralympiad , the emblem of the United States Olympic Committee, and the symbols of the International Olympic Committee and the International Paralympic Committee; and (3) empowered the United States Olympic Committee to authorize sponsors that contribute to the United States Olympic or Paralympic teams to use any trademark, symbol, insignia, or emblem of the International Olympic Committee, International Paralympic Committee, the Pan-American Sports Organization, or the United States Olympic Committee; Whereas Team USA is significantly funded by 31 sponsors who assure that the United States has the best Olympic teams possible; Whereas, in recent years, a number of entities in the United States have engaged in ambush marketing as a marketing strategy, affiliating themselves with the Olympic and Paralympic Games without becoming sponsors of Team USA; Whereas ambush marketing harms the United States Olympic and Paralympic teams, undermines sponsorship activities, and gives ambush marketers an unfair and unethical advantage over entities that officially sponsor and provide funding for the elite athletes of the United States; and Whereas efforts to prevent ambush marketing have enjoyed limited success as the strategies used by ambush marketers continue to multiply: Now, therefore, be it That it is the sense of the Senate that— (1) ambush marketing adversely affects the United States Olympic and Paralympic teams and their ability to attract and retain the sponsorships necessary to be successful at the 2014 Olympic and Paralympic Games in Sochi, Russia; and (2) entities in the United States should cease all ambush marketing efforts related to the United States Olympic and Paralympic teams.
2023-01-07 06:53:03.641
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Agreed-to-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 290 ATS: Commemorating the 75th anniversary of Kristallnacht, or the Night of Broken Glass. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-11-12 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 290 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131112"> November 12, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S308"> Mr. Cardin </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="S318"> Mr. Wicker </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S306"> Mr. Menendez </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S182"> Ms. Mikulski </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S229"> Mrs. Murray </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S353"> Mr. Schatz </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S369"> Mr. Markey </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S320"> Mrs. Hagan </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S270"> Mr. Schumer </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Commemorating the 75 <superscript> th </superscript> anniversary of Kristallnacht, or the Night of Broken Glass. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas November 9, 2013, through November 10, 2013, marks the 75 <superscript> th </superscript> anniversary of Kristallnacht, or the Night of Broken Glass; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Kristallnacht began as a pogrom authorized by Nazi party officials and carried out by members of the Sturmabteilungen (SA), Schutzstaffel (SS), and Hitler Youth, marking the Nazi party's first large-scale anti-Semitic operation and a crucial turning point in Nazi anti-Semitic policy; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, during Kristallnacht, synagogues, homes, and businesses in Jewish communities were attacked, resulting in murders and arrests of Jewish people in Germany and in Austrian and Czechoslovakian territories controlled by the Nazis; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the events of Kristallnacht resulted in the burning and destruction of 267 synagogues, the looting of thousands of businesses and homes, the desecration of Jewish cemeteries, the murder of 91 Jews, and the arrest and deportation of 30,000 Jewish men to concentration camps; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the shards of broken glass from the windows of synagogues, Jewish homes, and Jewish-owned businesses ransacked during the violence that littered the streets gave the pogrom its name: Kristallnacht, commonly translated as the <quote> Night of Broken Glass </quote> ; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Kristallnacht proved to be a crucial turning point in the Holocaust, marking a shift from a policy of removing Jews from Germany and German-occupied lands to murdering millions of people, and was a tragic precursor to the Second World War; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, despite numerous global efforts to eradicate hate, manifestations of anti-Semitism and other forms of intolerance continue to harm our societies on a global scale; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Kristallnacht teaches us how hate can proliferate and erode our societies and serves as a reminder that we must advance global efforts to ensure such barbarism and mass murder never occur again: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="idE4EEDF3E6A3A417E97D0148B5A0E2706"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> recognizes the 75 <superscript> th </superscript> anniversary of Kristallnacht; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id322F3382582046759AE6CBCCF7AFB030"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> pays tribute to the over 6,000,000 Jewish people killed during the Holocaust and the families affected by the tragedy; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id0E02323F204C45CBB478ECD24F96719B"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> continues to support United States efforts to address the horrible legacy of the Holocaust and combat manifestations of anti-Semitism domestically and globally; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idAF6E22E892A145E7A44F04996839E33D"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> will continue to raise awareness and act to eradicate the continuing scourge of anti-Semitism at home and abroad, including through work with international partners such as the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe's Personal Representative on Combating Anti-Semitism and Tolerance and Non-Discrimination Unit; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id2510516E41E84771919F1A4625AF4355"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> requests that the Secretary of the Senate prepare an enrolled version of this resolution for presentation to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 290 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES November 12, 2013 Mr. Cardin (for himself, Mr. Wicker , Mr. Menendez , Ms. Mikulski , Mrs. Murray , Mr. Schatz , Mr. Markey , Mrs. Hagan , and Mr. Schumer ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Commemorating the 75 th anniversary of Kristallnacht, or the Night of Broken Glass. Whereas November 9, 2013, through November 10, 2013, marks the 75 th anniversary of Kristallnacht, or the Night of Broken Glass; Whereas Kristallnacht began as a pogrom authorized by Nazi party officials and carried out by members of the Sturmabteilungen (SA), Schutzstaffel (SS), and Hitler Youth, marking the Nazi party's first large-scale anti-Semitic operation and a crucial turning point in Nazi anti-Semitic policy; Whereas, during Kristallnacht, synagogues, homes, and businesses in Jewish communities were attacked, resulting in murders and arrests of Jewish people in Germany and in Austrian and Czechoslovakian territories controlled by the Nazis; Whereas the events of Kristallnacht resulted in the burning and destruction of 267 synagogues, the looting of thousands of businesses and homes, the desecration of Jewish cemeteries, the murder of 91 Jews, and the arrest and deportation of 30,000 Jewish men to concentration camps; Whereas the shards of broken glass from the windows of synagogues, Jewish homes, and Jewish-owned businesses ransacked during the violence that littered the streets gave the pogrom its name: Kristallnacht, commonly translated as the Night of Broken Glass ; Whereas Kristallnacht proved to be a crucial turning point in the Holocaust, marking a shift from a policy of removing Jews from Germany and German-occupied lands to murdering millions of people, and was a tragic precursor to the Second World War; Whereas, despite numerous global efforts to eradicate hate, manifestations of anti-Semitism and other forms of intolerance continue to harm our societies on a global scale; and Whereas Kristallnacht teaches us how hate can proliferate and erode our societies and serves as a reminder that we must advance global efforts to ensure such barbarism and mass murder never occur again: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) recognizes the 75 th anniversary of Kristallnacht; (2) pays tribute to the over 6,000,000 Jewish people killed during the Holocaust and the families affected by the tragedy; (3) continues to support United States efforts to address the horrible legacy of the Holocaust and combat manifestations of anti-Semitism domestically and globally; (4) will continue to raise awareness and act to eradicate the continuing scourge of anti-Semitism at home and abroad, including through work with international partners such as the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe's Personal Representative on Combating Anti-Semitism and Tolerance and Non-Discrimination Unit; and (5) requests that the Secretary of the Senate prepare an enrolled version of this resolution for presentation to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C.
2023-01-07 06:53:03.299
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Introduced-in-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 291 IS: Expressing the sense of the Senate on a nationwide moment of remembrance on Memorial Day each year, in order to appropriately honor United States patriots lost in the pursuit of peace and liberty around the world. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-11-12 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 291 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131112"> November 12, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S351"> Mr. Toomey </sponsor> submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="SSJU00"> Committee on the Judiciary </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Expressing the sense of the Senate on a nationwide moment of remembrance on Memorial Day each year, in order to appropriately honor United States patriots lost in the pursuit of peace and liberty around the world. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas the preservation of basic freedoms and world peace has always been a valued objective of the United States; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas thousands of United States men and women have selflessly given their lives in service as peacemakers and peacekeepers; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the American people should continue to demonstrate the appreciation and gratitude these patriots deserve and to commemorate the ultimate sacrifice they made; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Memorial Day is the day of the year for the United States to appropriately remember United States heroes by inviting the people of the United States to respectfully honor them at a designated time; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the playing of <quote> Taps </quote> symbolizes the solemn and patriotic recognition of those Americans who died in service to the United States: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That it is the sense of the Senate that— </text> <paragraph id="idC414E3A5B464488886CDB9ADCCFBFCFF"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> the people of the United States should, as part of a moment of remembrance on Memorial Day each year, observe that moment with the playing of <quote> Taps </quote> in honor of the people of the United States who gave their lives in the pursuit of freedom and peace; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id32D1E863E4064AC48F9844D8F56426C8"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> the playing of <quote> Taps </quote> should take place at widely attended public events on Memorial Day, including sporting events and civic ceremonies. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 291 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES November 12, 2013 Mr. Toomey submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary RESOLUTION Expressing the sense of the Senate on a nationwide moment of remembrance on Memorial Day each year, in order to appropriately honor United States patriots lost in the pursuit of peace and liberty around the world. Whereas the preservation of basic freedoms and world peace has always been a valued objective of the United States; Whereas thousands of United States men and women have selflessly given their lives in service as peacemakers and peacekeepers; Whereas the American people should continue to demonstrate the appreciation and gratitude these patriots deserve and to commemorate the ultimate sacrifice they made; Whereas Memorial Day is the day of the year for the United States to appropriately remember United States heroes by inviting the people of the United States to respectfully honor them at a designated time; and Whereas the playing of Taps symbolizes the solemn and patriotic recognition of those Americans who died in service to the United States: Now, therefore, be it That it is the sense of the Senate that— (1) the people of the United States should, as part of a moment of remembrance on Memorial Day each year, observe that moment with the playing of Taps in honor of the people of the United States who gave their lives in the pursuit of freedom and peace; and (2) the playing of Taps should take place at widely attended public events on Memorial Day, including sporting events and civic ceremonies.
2023-01-07 06:53:03.091
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Agreed-to-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 292 ATS: Expressing support for the victims of the typhoon in the Philippines and the surrounding region. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-11-13 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 292 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131113"> November 13, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S353"> Mr. Schatz </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="S306"> Mr. Menendez </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S253"> Mr. Durbin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S308"> Mr. Cardin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S350"> Mr. Rubio </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S361"> Ms. Hirono </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S326"> Mr. Udall of New Mexico </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S223"> Mrs. Boxer </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S319"> Mr. Begich </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S197"> Mr. McCain </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S370"> Mr. Booker </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S229"> Mrs. Murray </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S354"> Ms. Baldwin </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S258"> Ms. Landrieu </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="SSFR00"> Committee on Foreign Relations </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <action stage="Reported-in-Senate"> <action-date> November 14, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> Reported by <sponsor name-id="S306"> Mr. Menendez </sponsor> , without amendment </action-desc> </action> <action> <action-date> November 14, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> Considered and agreed to </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Expressing support for the victims of the typhoon in the Philippines and the surrounding region. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas on November 8, 2013, Typhoon Yolanda, also known as Typhoon Haiyan, struck the Republic of the Philippines and the surrounding region; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Typhoon Yolanda is the strongest typhoon in recorded history to make landfall; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas President Benigno Aquino III declared a state of national calamity after Typhoon Yolanda hit the central Philippines; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the typhoon caused widespread flooding and landslides, particularly in the provinces of Eastern Samar and Leyte, which experienced storm surges of up to 13 feet and sustained winds of more than 175 miles per hour; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas authorities in the Philippines have confirmed at least 1,798 deaths, a toll that is expected to rise as thousands of individuals remain missing as of the date of this resolution; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas unofficial estimates project the number of deaths to be over 10,000; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, according to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, more than 670,000 people have been displaced and 11,300,000 people have been affected by Typhoon Yolanda; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, according to the Philippine National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council, the typhoon destroyed or damaged approximately 149,015 houses, as well as public infrastructure and agricultural land across 41 provinces; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, in Ormoc City, the second largest city in the province of Leyte, the typhoon damaged or destroyed approximately 80 to 90 percent of housing; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the United Nations World Food Program estimates that 2,500,000 people will need food assistance in the aftermath of the typhoon; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Government of the Philippines has been leading and coordinating the disaster response in the Philippines, including the evacuation of more than 792,000 people to temporary shelters and pre-positioning food commodities and emergency relief supplies in advance of the typhoon, and deploying military assets and road-clearing equipment to assist with relief operations; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the response by the United States Government to this tragedy has included $20,000,000 in aid; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas a United States Agency for International Development Disaster Assistance Response Team, elements of the 3 <superscript> rd </superscript> Marine Expeditionary Brigade, and other United States military and civilian personnel have deployed to the Philippines to provide aid and coordinate United States relief efforts; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Philippines and the United States fought side-by-side during World War II to defend the Bataan Peninsula and subsequently liberate the Philippines from Japanese control; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Philippines and the United States share a long, close relationship as allies, as evidenced by the 1951 U.S.-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty, which was reaffirmed by the Manila Declaration signed in 2011, and the United States designation of the Philippines as a Major Non-NATO Ally; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Philippines and the United States share strong economic, security, and people-to-people ties, including approximately 4,000,000 Americans of Philippine ancestry living in the United States, and more than 300,000 United States citizens residing in the Philippines; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Philippines and the United States share a long tradition of mutual support and cooperation: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="id45F0230F82A547B9A9F5A7B0B14874E7"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> mourns the loss of life resulting from the typhoon; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idF39D532066F24775A178EB5492822A8B"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> expresses its deepest condolences to the families of the victims of this tragedy; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idB90378CB890F45CD9507F19D61A43B7E"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> expresses solidarity with the survivors, and all those who have lost loved ones or otherwise been affected by the tragedy; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id05B861D72D5C4055AA1260CD38B72BF2"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> supports the efforts of the Government of the Philippines to lead and coordinate assistance to address immediate humanitarian needs and to begin reconstruction efforts; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id7F4DDDD550C34BAEB7AA7AE55DB72D63"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> supports the ongoing efforts of the United States Government, the international community, relief agencies, and private citizens to assist the governments and peoples of the Philippines and the surrounding region in their time of need; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id1842D728B313463EB00658DB005B0C7B"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text> encourages the United States and the international community to provide additional humanitarian assistance to aid the survivors and support reconstruction efforts, as appropriate. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 292 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES November 13, 2013 Mr. Schatz (for himself, Mr. Menendez , Mr. Durbin , Mr. Cardin , Mr. Rubio , Ms. Hirono , Mr. Udall of New Mexico , Mrs. Boxer , Mr. Begich , Mr. McCain , Mr. Booker , Mrs. Murray , Ms. Baldwin , and Ms. Landrieu ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations November 14, 2013 Reported by Mr. Menendez , without amendment November 14, 2013 Considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Expressing support for the victims of the typhoon in the Philippines and the surrounding region. Whereas on November 8, 2013, Typhoon Yolanda, also known as Typhoon Haiyan, struck the Republic of the Philippines and the surrounding region; Whereas Typhoon Yolanda is the strongest typhoon in recorded history to make landfall; Whereas President Benigno Aquino III declared a state of national calamity after Typhoon Yolanda hit the central Philippines; Whereas the typhoon caused widespread flooding and landslides, particularly in the provinces of Eastern Samar and Leyte, which experienced storm surges of up to 13 feet and sustained winds of more than 175 miles per hour; Whereas authorities in the Philippines have confirmed at least 1,798 deaths, a toll that is expected to rise as thousands of individuals remain missing as of the date of this resolution; Whereas unofficial estimates project the number of deaths to be over 10,000; Whereas, according to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, more than 670,000 people have been displaced and 11,300,000 people have been affected by Typhoon Yolanda; Whereas, according to the Philippine National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council, the typhoon destroyed or damaged approximately 149,015 houses, as well as public infrastructure and agricultural land across 41 provinces; Whereas, in Ormoc City, the second largest city in the province of Leyte, the typhoon damaged or destroyed approximately 80 to 90 percent of housing; Whereas the United Nations World Food Program estimates that 2,500,000 people will need food assistance in the aftermath of the typhoon; Whereas the Government of the Philippines has been leading and coordinating the disaster response in the Philippines, including the evacuation of more than 792,000 people to temporary shelters and pre-positioning food commodities and emergency relief supplies in advance of the typhoon, and deploying military assets and road-clearing equipment to assist with relief operations; Whereas the response by the United States Government to this tragedy has included $20,000,000 in aid; Whereas a United States Agency for International Development Disaster Assistance Response Team, elements of the 3 rd Marine Expeditionary Brigade, and other United States military and civilian personnel have deployed to the Philippines to provide aid and coordinate United States relief efforts; Whereas the Philippines and the United States fought side-by-side during World War II to defend the Bataan Peninsula and subsequently liberate the Philippines from Japanese control; Whereas the Philippines and the United States share a long, close relationship as allies, as evidenced by the 1951 U.S.-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty, which was reaffirmed by the Manila Declaration signed in 2011, and the United States designation of the Philippines as a Major Non-NATO Ally; Whereas the Philippines and the United States share strong economic, security, and people-to-people ties, including approximately 4,000,000 Americans of Philippine ancestry living in the United States, and more than 300,000 United States citizens residing in the Philippines; and Whereas the Philippines and the United States share a long tradition of mutual support and cooperation: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) mourns the loss of life resulting from the typhoon; (2) expresses its deepest condolences to the families of the victims of this tragedy; (3) expresses solidarity with the survivors, and all those who have lost loved ones or otherwise been affected by the tragedy; (4) supports the efforts of the Government of the Philippines to lead and coordinate assistance to address immediate humanitarian needs and to begin reconstruction efforts; (5) supports the ongoing efforts of the United States Government, the international community, relief agencies, and private citizens to assist the governments and peoples of the Philippines and the surrounding region in their time of need; and (6) encourages the United States and the international community to provide additional humanitarian assistance to aid the survivors and support reconstruction efforts, as appropriate.
2023-01-07 06:53:03.128
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Introduced-in-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 292 IS: Expressing support for the victims of the typhoon in the Philippines and the surrounding region. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-11-13 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 292 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131113"> November 13, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S353"> Mr. Schatz </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="S306"> Mr. Menendez </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S253"> Mr. Durbin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S308"> Mr. Cardin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S350"> Mr. Rubio </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S361"> Ms. Hirono </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S326"> Mr. Udall of New Mexico </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S223"> Mrs. Boxer </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S319"> Mr. Begich </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="SSFR00"> Committee on Foreign Relations </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Expressing support for the victims of the typhoon in the Philippines and the surrounding region. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas, on November 8, 2013, Typhoon Yolanda, also known as Typhoon Haiyan, struck the Republic of the Philippines and the surrounding region; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Typhoon Yolanda is the strongest typhoon in recorded history to make landfall; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas President Benigno Aquino III declared a state of national calamity after Typhoon Yolanda hit the central Philippines; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the typhoon caused widespread flooding and landslides, particularly in the provinces of Eastern Samar and Leyte, which experienced storm surges of up to 13 feet and sustained winds of more than 175 miles per hour; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas authorities in the Philippines have confirmed at least 1,798 deaths, a toll that is expected to rise as thousands of individuals remain missing as of the date of this resolution; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas unofficial estimates project the number of deaths to be over 10,000; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, according to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, more than 670,000 people have been displaced and 11,300,000 people have been affected by Typhoon Yolanda; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, according to the Philippine National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council, the typhoon destroyed or damaged approximately 149,015 houses, as well as public infrastructure and agricultural land across 41 provinces; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, in Ormoc City, the second largest city in the province of Leyte, the typhoon damaged or destroyed approximately 80 to 90 percent of housing; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the United Nations World Food Program estimates that 2,500,000 people will need food assistance in the aftermath of the typhoon; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Government of the Philippines has been leading and coordinating the disaster response in the Philippines, including the evacuation of more than 792,000 people to temporary shelters and pre-positioning food commodities and emergency relief supplies in advance of the typhoon, and deploying military assets and road-clearing equipment to assist with relief operations; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the response by the United States Government to this tragedy has included $20,000,000 in aid; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas a United States Agency for International Development Disaster Assistance Response Team, elements of the 3d Marine Expeditionary Brigade, and other United States military and civilian personnel have deployed to the Philippines to provide aid and coordinate United States relief efforts; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Philippines and the United States fought side-by-side during World War II to defend the Bataan Peninsula and subsequently liberate the Philippines from Japanese control; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Philippines and the United States share a long, close relationship as allies, as evidenced by the 1951 U.S.-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty, which was reaffirmed by the Manila Declaration signed in 2011, and the United States designation of the Philippines as a Major Non-NATO Ally; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Philippines and the United States share strong economic, security, and people-to-people ties, including approximately 4,000,000 Americans of Philippine ancestry living in the United States, and more than 300,000 United States citizens residing in the Philippines; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Philippines and the United States share a long tradition of mutual support and cooperation: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="id45F0230F82A547B9A9F5A7B0B14874E7"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> mourns the loss of life resulting from the typhoon; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idF39D532066F24775A178EB5492822A8B"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> expresses its deepest condolences to the families of the victims of this tragedy; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idB90378CB890F45CD9507F19D61A43B7E"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> expresses solidarity with the survivors, and all those who have lost loved ones or otherwise been affected by the tragedy; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id05B861D72D5C4055AA1260CD38B72BF2"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> supports the efforts of the Government of the Philippines to lead and coordinate assistance to address immediate humanitarian needs and to begin reconstruction efforts; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id7F4DDDD550C34BAEB7AA7AE55DB72D63"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> supports the ongoing efforts of the United States Government, the international community, relief agencies, and private citizens to assist the governments and peoples of the Philippines and the surrounding region in their time of need; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id1842D728B313463EB00658DB005B0C7B"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text> encourages the United States and the international community to provide additional humanitarian assistance to aid the survivors and support reconstruction efforts, as appropriate. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 292 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES November 13, 2013 Mr. Schatz (for himself, Mr. Menendez , Mr. Durbin , Mr. Cardin , Mr. Rubio , Ms. Hirono , Mr. Udall of New Mexico , Mrs. Boxer , and Mr. Begich ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations RESOLUTION Expressing support for the victims of the typhoon in the Philippines and the surrounding region. Whereas, on November 8, 2013, Typhoon Yolanda, also known as Typhoon Haiyan, struck the Republic of the Philippines and the surrounding region; Whereas Typhoon Yolanda is the strongest typhoon in recorded history to make landfall; Whereas President Benigno Aquino III declared a state of national calamity after Typhoon Yolanda hit the central Philippines; Whereas the typhoon caused widespread flooding and landslides, particularly in the provinces of Eastern Samar and Leyte, which experienced storm surges of up to 13 feet and sustained winds of more than 175 miles per hour; Whereas authorities in the Philippines have confirmed at least 1,798 deaths, a toll that is expected to rise as thousands of individuals remain missing as of the date of this resolution; Whereas unofficial estimates project the number of deaths to be over 10,000; Whereas, according to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, more than 670,000 people have been displaced and 11,300,000 people have been affected by Typhoon Yolanda; Whereas, according to the Philippine National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council, the typhoon destroyed or damaged approximately 149,015 houses, as well as public infrastructure and agricultural land across 41 provinces; Whereas, in Ormoc City, the second largest city in the province of Leyte, the typhoon damaged or destroyed approximately 80 to 90 percent of housing; Whereas the United Nations World Food Program estimates that 2,500,000 people will need food assistance in the aftermath of the typhoon; Whereas the Government of the Philippines has been leading and coordinating the disaster response in the Philippines, including the evacuation of more than 792,000 people to temporary shelters and pre-positioning food commodities and emergency relief supplies in advance of the typhoon, and deploying military assets and road-clearing equipment to assist with relief operations; Whereas the response by the United States Government to this tragedy has included $20,000,000 in aid; Whereas a United States Agency for International Development Disaster Assistance Response Team, elements of the 3d Marine Expeditionary Brigade, and other United States military and civilian personnel have deployed to the Philippines to provide aid and coordinate United States relief efforts; Whereas the Philippines and the United States fought side-by-side during World War II to defend the Bataan Peninsula and subsequently liberate the Philippines from Japanese control; Whereas the Philippines and the United States share a long, close relationship as allies, as evidenced by the 1951 U.S.-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty, which was reaffirmed by the Manila Declaration signed in 2011, and the United States designation of the Philippines as a Major Non-NATO Ally; Whereas the Philippines and the United States share strong economic, security, and people-to-people ties, including approximately 4,000,000 Americans of Philippine ancestry living in the United States, and more than 300,000 United States citizens residing in the Philippines; and Whereas the Philippines and the United States share a long tradition of mutual support and cooperation: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) mourns the loss of life resulting from the typhoon; (2) expresses its deepest condolences to the families of the victims of this tragedy; (3) expresses solidarity with the survivors, and all those who have lost loved ones or otherwise been affected by the tragedy; (4) supports the efforts of the Government of the Philippines to lead and coordinate assistance to address immediate humanitarian needs and to begin reconstruction efforts; (5) supports the ongoing efforts of the United States Government, the international community, relief agencies, and private citizens to assist the governments and peoples of the Philippines and the surrounding region in their time of need; and (6) encourages the United States and the international community to provide additional humanitarian assistance to aid the survivors and support reconstruction efforts, as appropriate.
2023-01-07 06:53:02.726
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Reported-in-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 292 RS: Expressing support for the victims of the typhoon in the Philippines and the surrounding region. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-11-13 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <calendar> Calendar No. 245 </calendar> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 292 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131113"> November 13, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S353"> Mr. Schatz </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="S306"> Mr. Menendez </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S253"> Mr. Durbin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S308"> Mr. Cardin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S350"> Mr. Rubio </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S361"> Ms. Hirono </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S326"> Mr. Udall of New Mexico </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S223"> Mrs. Boxer </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S319"> Mr. Begich </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S197"> Mr. McCain </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S370"> Mr. Booker </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S229"> Mrs. Murray </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S354"> Ms. Baldwin </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S258"> Ms. Landrieu </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="SSFR00"> Committee on Foreign Relations </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <action stage="Reported-in-Senate"> <action-date> November 14, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> Reported by <sponsor name-id="S306"> Mr. Menendez </sponsor> , without amendment </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Expressing support for the victims of the typhoon in the Philippines and the surrounding region. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas on November 8, 2013, Typhoon Yolanda, also known as Typhoon Haiyan, struck the Republic of the Philippines and the surrounding region; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Typhoon Yolanda is the strongest typhoon in recorded history to make landfall; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas President Benigno Aquino III declared a state of national calamity after Typhoon Yolanda hit the central Philippines; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the typhoon caused widespread flooding and landslides, particularly in the provinces of Eastern Samar and Leyte, which experienced storm surges of up to 13 feet and sustained winds of more than 175 miles per hour; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas authorities in the Philippines have confirmed at least 1,798 deaths, a toll that is expected to rise as thousands of individuals remain missing as of the date of this resolution; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas unofficial estimates project the number of deaths to be over 10,000; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, according to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, more than 670,000 people have been displaced and 11,300,000 people have been affected by Typhoon Yolanda; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, according to the Philippine National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council, the typhoon destroyed or damaged approximately 149,015 houses, as well as public infrastructure and agricultural land across 41 provinces; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, in Ormoc City, the second largest city in the province of Leyte, the typhoon damaged or destroyed approximately 80 to 90 percent of housing; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the United Nations World Food Program estimates that 2,500,000 people will need food assistance in the aftermath of the typhoon; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Government of the Philippines has been leading and coordinating the disaster response in the Philippines, including the evacuation of more than 792,000 people to temporary shelters and pre-positioning food commodities and emergency relief supplies in advance of the typhoon, and deploying military assets and road-clearing equipment to assist with relief operations; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the response by the United States Government to this tragedy has included $20,000,000 in aid; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas a United States Agency for International Development Disaster Assistance Response Team, elements of the 3 <superscript> rd </superscript> Marine Expeditionary Brigade, and other United States military and civilian personnel have deployed to the Philippines to provide aid and coordinate United States relief efforts; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Philippines and the United States fought side-by-side during World War II to defend the Bataan Peninsula and subsequently liberate the Philippines from Japanese control; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Philippines and the United States share a long, close relationship as allies, as evidenced by the 1951 U.S.-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty, which was reaffirmed by the Manila Declaration signed in 2011, and the United States designation of the Philippines as a Major Non-NATO Ally; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Philippines and the United States share strong economic, security, and people-to-people ties, including approximately 4,000,000 Americans of Philippine ancestry living in the United States, and more than 300,000 United States citizens residing in the Philippines; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Philippines and the United States share a long tradition of mutual support and cooperation: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="id45F0230F82A547B9A9F5A7B0B14874E7"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> mourns the loss of life resulting from the typhoon; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idF39D532066F24775A178EB5492822A8B"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> expresses its deepest condolences to the families of the victims of this tragedy; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idB90378CB890F45CD9507F19D61A43B7E"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> expresses solidarity with the survivors, and all those who have lost loved ones or otherwise been affected by the tragedy; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id05B861D72D5C4055AA1260CD38B72BF2"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> supports the efforts of the Government of the Philippines to lead and coordinate assistance to address immediate humanitarian needs and to begin reconstruction efforts; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id7F4DDDD550C34BAEB7AA7AE55DB72D63"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> supports the ongoing efforts of the United States Government, the international community, relief agencies, and private citizens to assist the governments and peoples of the Philippines and the surrounding region in their time of need; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id1842D728B313463EB00658DB005B0C7B"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text> encourages the United States and the international community to provide additional humanitarian assistance to aid the survivors and support reconstruction efforts, as appropriate. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> <endorsement> <action-date> November 14, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> Reported without amendment </action-desc> </endorsement> </resolution>
III Calendar No. 245 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 292 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES November 13, 2013 Mr. Schatz (for himself, Mr. Menendez , Mr. Durbin , Mr. Cardin , Mr. Rubio , Ms. Hirono , Mr. Udall of New Mexico , Mrs. Boxer , Mr. Begich , Mr. McCain , Mr. Booker , Mrs. Murray , Ms. Baldwin , and Ms. Landrieu ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations November 14, 2013 Reported by Mr. Menendez , without amendment RESOLUTION Expressing support for the victims of the typhoon in the Philippines and the surrounding region. Whereas on November 8, 2013, Typhoon Yolanda, also known as Typhoon Haiyan, struck the Republic of the Philippines and the surrounding region; Whereas Typhoon Yolanda is the strongest typhoon in recorded history to make landfall; Whereas President Benigno Aquino III declared a state of national calamity after Typhoon Yolanda hit the central Philippines; Whereas the typhoon caused widespread flooding and landslides, particularly in the provinces of Eastern Samar and Leyte, which experienced storm surges of up to 13 feet and sustained winds of more than 175 miles per hour; Whereas authorities in the Philippines have confirmed at least 1,798 deaths, a toll that is expected to rise as thousands of individuals remain missing as of the date of this resolution; Whereas unofficial estimates project the number of deaths to be over 10,000; Whereas, according to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, more than 670,000 people have been displaced and 11,300,000 people have been affected by Typhoon Yolanda; Whereas, according to the Philippine National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council, the typhoon destroyed or damaged approximately 149,015 houses, as well as public infrastructure and agricultural land across 41 provinces; Whereas, in Ormoc City, the second largest city in the province of Leyte, the typhoon damaged or destroyed approximately 80 to 90 percent of housing; Whereas the United Nations World Food Program estimates that 2,500,000 people will need food assistance in the aftermath of the typhoon; Whereas the Government of the Philippines has been leading and coordinating the disaster response in the Philippines, including the evacuation of more than 792,000 people to temporary shelters and pre-positioning food commodities and emergency relief supplies in advance of the typhoon, and deploying military assets and road-clearing equipment to assist with relief operations; Whereas the response by the United States Government to this tragedy has included $20,000,000 in aid; Whereas a United States Agency for International Development Disaster Assistance Response Team, elements of the 3 rd Marine Expeditionary Brigade, and other United States military and civilian personnel have deployed to the Philippines to provide aid and coordinate United States relief efforts; Whereas the Philippines and the United States fought side-by-side during World War II to defend the Bataan Peninsula and subsequently liberate the Philippines from Japanese control; Whereas the Philippines and the United States share a long, close relationship as allies, as evidenced by the 1951 U.S.-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty, which was reaffirmed by the Manila Declaration signed in 2011, and the United States designation of the Philippines as a Major Non-NATO Ally; Whereas the Philippines and the United States share strong economic, security, and people-to-people ties, including approximately 4,000,000 Americans of Philippine ancestry living in the United States, and more than 300,000 United States citizens residing in the Philippines; and Whereas the Philippines and the United States share a long tradition of mutual support and cooperation: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) mourns the loss of life resulting from the typhoon; (2) expresses its deepest condolences to the families of the victims of this tragedy; (3) expresses solidarity with the survivors, and all those who have lost loved ones or otherwise been affected by the tragedy; (4) supports the efforts of the Government of the Philippines to lead and coordinate assistance to address immediate humanitarian needs and to begin reconstruction efforts; (5) supports the ongoing efforts of the United States Government, the international community, relief agencies, and private citizens to assist the governments and peoples of the Philippines and the surrounding region in their time of need; and (6) encourages the United States and the international community to provide additional humanitarian assistance to aid the survivors and support reconstruction efforts, as appropriate. November 14, 2013 Reported without amendment
2023-01-07 06:53:02.903
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Agreed-to-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 293 ATS: Designating the week beginning on November 18, 2013, as “National Tribal Colleges and Universities Week”. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-11-13 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 293 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131113"> November 13, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S360"> Ms. Heitkamp </sponsor> (for herself, <cosponsor name-id="S344"> Mr. Hoeven </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S319"> Mr. Begich </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S326"> Mr. Udall of New Mexico </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S229"> Mrs. Murray </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S353"> Mr. Schatz </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S361"> Ms. Hirono </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S314"> Mr. Tester </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S332"> Mr. Franken </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S131"> Mr. Levin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S347"> Mr. Moran </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S257"> Mr. Johnson of South Dakota </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S303"> Mr. Thune </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S284"> Ms. Stabenow </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S317"> Mr. Barrasso </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S354"> Ms. Baldwin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S311"> Ms. Klobuchar </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S127"> Mr. Baucus </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S359"> Mr. Heinrich </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Designating the week beginning on November 18, 2013, as <quote> National Tribal Colleges and Universities Week </quote> . </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas there are 37 tribal colleges and universities operating on more than 75 campuses in 15 States; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas tribal colleges and universities are tribally or Federally chartered institutions of higher education and therefore have a unique relationship with the Federal Government; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas tribal colleges and universities serve students from more than 250 Federally recognized Indian tribes; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas tribal colleges and universities offer students access to knowledge and skills grounded in cultural traditions and values, including indigenous languages, which enhance Indian communities and enrich the United States as a whole; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas tribal colleges and universities provide access to quality higher education opportunities for American Indians, Alaska Natives, and other individuals living in some of the most isolated and economically depressed areas in the United States; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas tribal colleges and universities are accredited institutions of higher education that effectively prepare students to succeed in a global and highly competitive workforce; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas open enrollment policies have resulted in non-Indians constituting nearly one-fifth of the students at tribal colleges and universities; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas tribal colleges and universities are effectively providing access to quality higher education opportunities to residents of reservation communities and the North Slope of Alaska; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the mission and achievements of tribal colleges and universities deserve national recognition: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="idc6bd74dc737247198387310a19ba3856"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> designates the week beginning on November 18, 2013, as <quote> National Tribal Colleges and Universities Week </quote> ; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id02AD66D10A6B402DBF19D1B0B8AB23C0"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> calls on the people of the United States and interested groups to observe the week with appropriate ceremonies, activities, and programs to demonstrate support for tribal colleges and universities. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 293 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES November 13, 2013 Ms. Heitkamp (for herself, Mr. Hoeven , Mr. Begich , Mr. Udall of New Mexico , Mrs. Murray , Mr. Schatz , Ms. Hirono , Mr. Tester , Mr. Franken , Mr. Levin , Mr. Moran , Mr. Johnson of South Dakota , Mr. Thune , Ms. Stabenow , Mr. Barrasso , Ms. Baldwin , Ms. Klobuchar , Mr. Baucus , and Mr. Heinrich ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Designating the week beginning on November 18, 2013, as National Tribal Colleges and Universities Week . Whereas there are 37 tribal colleges and universities operating on more than 75 campuses in 15 States; Whereas tribal colleges and universities are tribally or Federally chartered institutions of higher education and therefore have a unique relationship with the Federal Government; Whereas tribal colleges and universities serve students from more than 250 Federally recognized Indian tribes; Whereas tribal colleges and universities offer students access to knowledge and skills grounded in cultural traditions and values, including indigenous languages, which enhance Indian communities and enrich the United States as a whole; Whereas tribal colleges and universities provide access to quality higher education opportunities for American Indians, Alaska Natives, and other individuals living in some of the most isolated and economically depressed areas in the United States; Whereas tribal colleges and universities are accredited institutions of higher education that effectively prepare students to succeed in a global and highly competitive workforce; Whereas open enrollment policies have resulted in non-Indians constituting nearly one-fifth of the students at tribal colleges and universities; Whereas tribal colleges and universities are effectively providing access to quality higher education opportunities to residents of reservation communities and the North Slope of Alaska; and Whereas the mission and achievements of tribal colleges and universities deserve national recognition: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) designates the week beginning on November 18, 2013, as National Tribal Colleges and Universities Week ; and (2) calls on the people of the United States and interested groups to observe the week with appropriate ceremonies, activities, and programs to demonstrate support for tribal colleges and universities.
2023-01-07 06:53:02.623
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Agreed-to-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 294 ATS: Expressing support for the goals of National Adoption Day and National Adoption Month by promoting national awareness of adoption and the children awaiting families, celebrating children and families involved in adoption, and encouraging the people of the United States to secure safety, permanency, and well-being for all children. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-11-13 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 294 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131113"> November 13, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S258"> Ms. Landrieu </sponsor> (for herself, <cosponsor name-id="S236"> Mr. Inhofe </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S311"> Ms. Klobuchar </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S153"> Mr. Grassley </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S326"> Mr. Udall of New Mexico </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S342"> Mr. Blunt </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S363"> Mr. King </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S287"> Mr. Cornyn </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S303"> Mr. Thune </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S257"> Mr. Johnson of South Dakota </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S349"> Mr. Portman </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S318"> Mr. Wicker </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S357"> Mrs. Fischer </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S347"> Mr. Moran </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S343"> Mr. Boozman </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S136"> Mr. Cochran </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Expressing support for the goals of National Adoption Day and National Adoption Month by promoting national awareness of adoption and the children awaiting families, celebrating children and families involved in adoption, and encouraging the people of the United States to secure safety, permanency, and well-being for all children. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas there are millions of unparented children in the world, including 399,546 children in the foster care system in the United States, approximately 102,000 of whom are waiting for families to adopt them; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas 60 percent of the children in foster care in the United States are age 10 or younger; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the average length of time a child spends in foster care is approximately 2 years; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas for many foster children, the wait for a loving family in which they are nurtured, comforted, and protected seems endless; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas in 2012, nearly 26,000 youth <quote> aged out </quote> of foster care by reaching adulthood without being placed in a permanent home; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas every day, loving and nurturing families are strengthened and expanded when committed and dedicated individuals make an important difference in the life of a child through adoption; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas a 2007 survey conducted by the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption demonstrated that although <quote> Americans overwhelmingly support the concept of adoption, and in particular foster care adoption . . . foster care adoptions have not increased significantly over the past five years </quote> ; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas while 4 in 10 Americans have considered adoption, a majority of Americans have misperceptions about the process of adopting children from foster care and the children who are eligible for adoption; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas 50 percent of Americans believe that children enter the foster care system because of juvenile delinquency, when in reality the vast majority of children who have entered the foster care system were victims of neglect, abandonment, or abuse; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas 39 percent of Americans believe that foster care adoption is expensive, when in reality there is no substantial cost for adopting from foster care and financial support is available to adoptive parents after the adoption is finalized; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas family reunification, kinship care, and domestic and inter-county adoption promote permanency and stability to a far greater degree than long-term institutionalization and long-term, often disrupted foster care; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas both National Adoption Day and National Adoption Month occur in the month of November; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas National Adoption Day is a collective national effort to find permanent, loving families for children in the foster care system; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas since the first National Adoption Day in 2000, nearly 45,000 children have joined forever families during National Adoption Day; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas in 2012, a total of 390 events were held in 47 States and the District of Columbia, finalizing the adoptions of 4,615 children from foster care and celebrating an additional 500 adoptions finalized during November or earlier in the year; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the President traditionally issues an annual proclamation to declare the month of November as National Adoption Month, and National Adoption Day is on November 23, 2013: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="id6CDEE9A4713F4803A6FF0663BED12704"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> supports the goals and ideals of National Adoption Day and National Adoption Month; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="ideb05c8f2110f44d3aa1888309ab464d0"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> recognizes that every child should have a permanent and loving family; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id24bb73accee440c091a2c9f8f903615f"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> encourages the people of the United States to consider adoption during the month of November and all throughout the year. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 294 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES November 13, 2013 Ms. Landrieu (for herself, Mr. Inhofe , Ms. Klobuchar , Mr. Grassley , Mr. Udall of New Mexico , Mr. Blunt , Mr. King , Mr. Cornyn , Mr. Thune , Mr. Johnson of South Dakota , Mr. Portman , Mr. Wicker , Mrs. Fischer , Mr. Moran , Mr. Boozman , and Mr. Cochran ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Expressing support for the goals of National Adoption Day and National Adoption Month by promoting national awareness of adoption and the children awaiting families, celebrating children and families involved in adoption, and encouraging the people of the United States to secure safety, permanency, and well-being for all children. Whereas there are millions of unparented children in the world, including 399,546 children in the foster care system in the United States, approximately 102,000 of whom are waiting for families to adopt them; Whereas 60 percent of the children in foster care in the United States are age 10 or younger; Whereas the average length of time a child spends in foster care is approximately 2 years; Whereas for many foster children, the wait for a loving family in which they are nurtured, comforted, and protected seems endless; Whereas in 2012, nearly 26,000 youth aged out of foster care by reaching adulthood without being placed in a permanent home; Whereas every day, loving and nurturing families are strengthened and expanded when committed and dedicated individuals make an important difference in the life of a child through adoption; Whereas a 2007 survey conducted by the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption demonstrated that although Americans overwhelmingly support the concept of adoption, and in particular foster care adoption . . . foster care adoptions have not increased significantly over the past five years ; Whereas while 4 in 10 Americans have considered adoption, a majority of Americans have misperceptions about the process of adopting children from foster care and the children who are eligible for adoption; Whereas 50 percent of Americans believe that children enter the foster care system because of juvenile delinquency, when in reality the vast majority of children who have entered the foster care system were victims of neglect, abandonment, or abuse; Whereas 39 percent of Americans believe that foster care adoption is expensive, when in reality there is no substantial cost for adopting from foster care and financial support is available to adoptive parents after the adoption is finalized; Whereas family reunification, kinship care, and domestic and inter-county adoption promote permanency and stability to a far greater degree than long-term institutionalization and long-term, often disrupted foster care; Whereas both National Adoption Day and National Adoption Month occur in the month of November; Whereas National Adoption Day is a collective national effort to find permanent, loving families for children in the foster care system; Whereas since the first National Adoption Day in 2000, nearly 45,000 children have joined forever families during National Adoption Day; Whereas in 2012, a total of 390 events were held in 47 States and the District of Columbia, finalizing the adoptions of 4,615 children from foster care and celebrating an additional 500 adoptions finalized during November or earlier in the year; and Whereas the President traditionally issues an annual proclamation to declare the month of November as National Adoption Month, and National Adoption Day is on November 23, 2013: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) supports the goals and ideals of National Adoption Day and National Adoption Month; (2) recognizes that every child should have a permanent and loving family; and (3) encourages the people of the United States to consider adoption during the month of November and all throughout the year.
2023-01-07 06:53:02.678
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Agreed-to-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 295 ATS: Expressing support for the designation of October 20, 2013, as the National Day on Writing. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-11-14 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 295 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20131114"> November 14, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S309"> Mr. Casey </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="S260"> Mr. Roberts </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S229"> Mrs. Murray </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S307"> Mr. Brown </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S330"> Mr. Bennet </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S258"> Ms. Landrieu </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Expressing support for the designation of October 20, 2013, as the <term> National Day on Writing </term> . </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas people in the 21 <superscript> st </superscript> <subscript/> century are writing more than ever before for personal, professional, and civic purposes; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the social nature of writing invites people of every age, profession, and walk of life to create meaning through composing; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas more and more people in every occupation consider writing to be essential and influential in their work; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas writers continue to learn how to write for different purposes, audiences, and occasions throughout their lifetimes; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas developing digital technologies expand the possibilities for composing in multiple media at a faster pace than ever before; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas young people are leading the way in developing new forms of composing by using different forms of digital media; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas effective communication contributes to building a global economy and a global community; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the National Council of Teachers of English, in conjunction with its many national and local partners, honors and celebrates the importance of writing through the National Day on Writing; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the National Day on Writing celebrates the foundational place of writing in the personal, professional, and civic lives of the people of the United States; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the National Day on Writing highlights the importance of writing instruction and practice at every educational level and in every subject area; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the National Day on Writing emphasizes the lifelong process of learning to write and compose for different audiences, purposes, and occasions; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the National Day on Writing honors the use of the full range of media for composing, from traditional tools like print, audio, and video, to Internet website tools like blogs, wikis, and podcasts; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the National Day on Writing encourages all people of the United States to write, as well as to enjoy and learn from the writing of others: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="idC3587141A7D542F0B13272C688CAE24D"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> supports the designation of October 20, 2013, as the <term> National Day on Writing </term> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id7C39E3727466486384548AD0D7E4AD53"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> strongly affirms the purposes of the National Day on Writing; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id1EA04BD6187E4C7A8B00C2BD09A2B64A"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> encourages educational institutions, businesses, community and civic associations, and other organizations to celebrate and promote the National Day on Writing. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 295 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES November 14, 2013 Mr. Casey (for himself, Mr. Roberts , Mrs. Murray , Mr. Brown , Mr. Bennet , and Ms. Landrieu ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Expressing support for the designation of October 20, 2013, as the National Day on Writing . Whereas people in the 21 st century are writing more than ever before for personal, professional, and civic purposes; Whereas the social nature of writing invites people of every age, profession, and walk of life to create meaning through composing; Whereas more and more people in every occupation consider writing to be essential and influential in their work; Whereas writers continue to learn how to write for different purposes, audiences, and occasions throughout their lifetimes; Whereas developing digital technologies expand the possibilities for composing in multiple media at a faster pace than ever before; Whereas young people are leading the way in developing new forms of composing by using different forms of digital media; Whereas effective communication contributes to building a global economy and a global community; Whereas the National Council of Teachers of English, in conjunction with its many national and local partners, honors and celebrates the importance of writing through the National Day on Writing; Whereas the National Day on Writing celebrates the foundational place of writing in the personal, professional, and civic lives of the people of the United States; Whereas the National Day on Writing highlights the importance of writing instruction and practice at every educational level and in every subject area; Whereas the National Day on Writing emphasizes the lifelong process of learning to write and compose for different audiences, purposes, and occasions; Whereas the National Day on Writing honors the use of the full range of media for composing, from traditional tools like print, audio, and video, to Internet website tools like blogs, wikis, and podcasts; and Whereas the National Day on Writing encourages all people of the United States to write, as well as to enjoy and learn from the writing of others: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) supports the designation of October 20, 2013, as the National Day on Writing ; (2) strongly affirms the purposes of the National Day on Writing; and (3) encourages educational institutions, businesses, community and civic associations, and other organizations to celebrate and promote the National Day on Writing.
2023-01-07 06:52:03.616
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Agreed-to-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 296 ATS: Designating the week beginning on October 13, 2013, as National Wildlife Refuge Week. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-11-14 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 296 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20131114"> November 14, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S337"> Mr. Coons </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="S308"> Mr. Cardin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S261"> Mr. Sessions </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S353"> Mr. Schatz </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Designating the week beginning on October 13, 2013, as <term> National Wildlife Refuge Week </term> . </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas, in 1903, President Theodore Roosevelt established the first national wildlife refuge on Pelican Island in Florida; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, in 2013, the National Wildlife Refuge System, administered by the Fish and Wildlife Service, is the premier system of lands and waters to conserve wildlife in the world, and has grown to approximately 150,000,000 acres, 561 national wildlife refuges, and 38 wetland management districts in every State and territory of the United States; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas national wildlife refuges are important recreational and tourism destinations in communities across the United States, and these protected lands offer a variety of recreational opportunities, including 6 wildlife-dependent uses that the National Wildlife Refuge System manages: hunting, fishing, wildlife observation, photography, environmental education, and interpretation; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, in 2013, 364 units of the National Wildlife Refuge System have hunting programs and 303 units of the National Wildlife Refuge System have fishing programs, averaging approximately 2,500,000 hunting visits and nearly 7,000,000 fishing visits each year; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the National Wildlife Refuge System experienced nearly 31,000,000 wildlife observation visits during fiscal year 2013; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas national wildlife refuges are important to local businesses and gateway communities; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, for every $1 appropriated, national wildlife refuges generate nearly $5 in economic activity; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the National Wildlife Refuge System experiences nearly 47,000,000 visits each year, which generated more than $2,400,000,000 and more than 35,000 jobs in local economies during fiscal year 2011; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the National Wildlife Refuge System encompasses every kind of ecosystem in the United States, including temperate, tropical, and boreal forests, wetlands, deserts, grasslands, arctic tundras, and remote islands, and spans 12 time zones from the Virgin Islands to Guam; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas national wildlife refuges are home to more than 700 species of birds, 220 species of mammals, 250 species of reptiles and amphibians, and more than 1,000 species of fish; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas national wildlife refuges are the primary Federal lands that foster production, migration, and wintering habitat for waterfowl; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, since 1934, the sale of the Federal Duck Stamp to outdoor enthusiasts has generated more than $850,000,000 in funds, which has enabled the purchase or lease of more than 5,500,000 acres of wetland habitat for waterfowl and numerous other species in the National Wildlife Refuge System; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the recovery of 386 threatened and endangered species is supported on refuge lands; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas national wildlife refuges are cores of conservation for larger landscapes and resources for other agencies of the Federal Government and State governments, private landowners, and organizations in their efforts to secure the wildlife heritage of the United States; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas more than 38,000 volunteers and approximately 220 national wildlife refuge <quote> Friends </quote> organizations contribute more than 1,400,000 hours annually, the equivalent of more than 700 full-time employees, and provide an important link to local communities; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas national wildlife refuges provide an important opportunity for children to discover and gain a greater appreciation for the natural world; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, because there are national wildlife refuges located in several urban and suburban areas and one refuge located within an hour drive of every metropolitan area in the United States, national wildlife refuges employ, educate, and engage young people from all backgrounds in exploring, connecting with, and preserving the natural heritage of the United States; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, since 1995, refuges across the United States have held festivals, educational programs, guided tours, and other events to celebrate National Wildlife Refuge Week during the second full week of October; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Fish and Wildlife Service will continue to seek stakeholder input on the implementation of <quote> Conserving the Future: Wildlife Refuges and the Next Generation </quote> , an update to the strategic plan of the Fish and Wildlife Service for the future of the National Wildlife Refuge System; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the week beginning on October 13, 2013, has been designated as <term> National Wildlife Refuge Week </term> by the Fish and Wildlife Service; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the designation of National Wildlife Refuge Week by the Senate would recognize more than a century of conservation in the United States, raise awareness about the importance of wildlife and the National Wildlife Refuge System, and celebrate the myriad recreational opportunities available to enjoy this network of protected lands: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="ID9b247a400db04d678e6db108c9dad308"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> designates the week beginning on October 13, 2013, as <term> National Wildlife Refuge Week </term> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="ID380bbcf1065048c7b80af0349b026815"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> encourages the observance of National Wildlife Refuge Week with appropriate events and activities; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idE2A7B0C1DE204AF4BC7A7850FBE39839"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> acknowledges the importance of national wildlife refuges for their recreational opportunities and contribution to local economies across the United States; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="ID232a58e1e3e44ae29fcf3d03cb9f945c"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> pronounces that national wildlife refuges play a vital role in securing the hunting and fishing heritage of the United States for future generations; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="IDee49e73b678f48efa446ca74bcae01b1"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> identifies the significance of national wildlife refuges in advancing the traditions of wildlife observation, photography, environmental education, and interpretation; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id917EEF063D18490DBF4C04C4A0B2655B"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text> recognizes the importance of national wildlife refuges to wildlife conservation and the protection of imperiled species and ecosystems, as well as compatible uses; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id4776DD317D6D4FCC8B567287B46A1A0C"> <enum> (7) </enum> <text> acknowledges the role of national wildlife refuges in conserving waterfowl and waterfowl habitat pursuant to the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (40 Stat. 755, chapter 128); </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="IDfcdb840ce8fb4ce0a412a721080d75f5"> <enum> (8) </enum> <text> reaffirms the support of the Senate for wildlife conservation and the National Wildlife Refuge System; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="ID2ac722f43a95445a948da4f053f39c4e"> <enum> (9) </enum> <text> expresses the intent of the Senate— </text> <subparagraph id="id31D72A8D98F34AD8A50FACBD451119F5"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> to continue working to conserve wildlife; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="id2EA39B88BF6B4F81A04802113CD08AA8"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> to manage the National Wildlife Refuge System for current and future generations. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 296 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES November 14, 2013 Mr. Coons (for himself, Mr. Cardin , Mr. Sessions , and Mr. Schatz ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Designating the week beginning on October 13, 2013, as National Wildlife Refuge Week . Whereas, in 1903, President Theodore Roosevelt established the first national wildlife refuge on Pelican Island in Florida; Whereas, in 2013, the National Wildlife Refuge System, administered by the Fish and Wildlife Service, is the premier system of lands and waters to conserve wildlife in the world, and has grown to approximately 150,000,000 acres, 561 national wildlife refuges, and 38 wetland management districts in every State and territory of the United States; Whereas national wildlife refuges are important recreational and tourism destinations in communities across the United States, and these protected lands offer a variety of recreational opportunities, including 6 wildlife-dependent uses that the National Wildlife Refuge System manages: hunting, fishing, wildlife observation, photography, environmental education, and interpretation; Whereas, in 2013, 364 units of the National Wildlife Refuge System have hunting programs and 303 units of the National Wildlife Refuge System have fishing programs, averaging approximately 2,500,000 hunting visits and nearly 7,000,000 fishing visits each year; Whereas the National Wildlife Refuge System experienced nearly 31,000,000 wildlife observation visits during fiscal year 2013; Whereas national wildlife refuges are important to local businesses and gateway communities; Whereas, for every $1 appropriated, national wildlife refuges generate nearly $5 in economic activity; Whereas the National Wildlife Refuge System experiences nearly 47,000,000 visits each year, which generated more than $2,400,000,000 and more than 35,000 jobs in local economies during fiscal year 2011; Whereas the National Wildlife Refuge System encompasses every kind of ecosystem in the United States, including temperate, tropical, and boreal forests, wetlands, deserts, grasslands, arctic tundras, and remote islands, and spans 12 time zones from the Virgin Islands to Guam; Whereas national wildlife refuges are home to more than 700 species of birds, 220 species of mammals, 250 species of reptiles and amphibians, and more than 1,000 species of fish; Whereas national wildlife refuges are the primary Federal lands that foster production, migration, and wintering habitat for waterfowl; Whereas, since 1934, the sale of the Federal Duck Stamp to outdoor enthusiasts has generated more than $850,000,000 in funds, which has enabled the purchase or lease of more than 5,500,000 acres of wetland habitat for waterfowl and numerous other species in the National Wildlife Refuge System; Whereas the recovery of 386 threatened and endangered species is supported on refuge lands; Whereas national wildlife refuges are cores of conservation for larger landscapes and resources for other agencies of the Federal Government and State governments, private landowners, and organizations in their efforts to secure the wildlife heritage of the United States; Whereas more than 38,000 volunteers and approximately 220 national wildlife refuge Friends organizations contribute more than 1,400,000 hours annually, the equivalent of more than 700 full-time employees, and provide an important link to local communities; Whereas national wildlife refuges provide an important opportunity for children to discover and gain a greater appreciation for the natural world; Whereas, because there are national wildlife refuges located in several urban and suburban areas and one refuge located within an hour drive of every metropolitan area in the United States, national wildlife refuges employ, educate, and engage young people from all backgrounds in exploring, connecting with, and preserving the natural heritage of the United States; Whereas, since 1995, refuges across the United States have held festivals, educational programs, guided tours, and other events to celebrate National Wildlife Refuge Week during the second full week of October; Whereas the Fish and Wildlife Service will continue to seek stakeholder input on the implementation of Conserving the Future: Wildlife Refuges and the Next Generation , an update to the strategic plan of the Fish and Wildlife Service for the future of the National Wildlife Refuge System; Whereas the week beginning on October 13, 2013, has been designated as National Wildlife Refuge Week by the Fish and Wildlife Service; and Whereas the designation of National Wildlife Refuge Week by the Senate would recognize more than a century of conservation in the United States, raise awareness about the importance of wildlife and the National Wildlife Refuge System, and celebrate the myriad recreational opportunities available to enjoy this network of protected lands: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) designates the week beginning on October 13, 2013, as National Wildlife Refuge Week ; (2) encourages the observance of National Wildlife Refuge Week with appropriate events and activities; (3) acknowledges the importance of national wildlife refuges for their recreational opportunities and contribution to local economies across the United States; (4) pronounces that national wildlife refuges play a vital role in securing the hunting and fishing heritage of the United States for future generations; (5) identifies the significance of national wildlife refuges in advancing the traditions of wildlife observation, photography, environmental education, and interpretation; (6) recognizes the importance of national wildlife refuges to wildlife conservation and the protection of imperiled species and ecosystems, as well as compatible uses; (7) acknowledges the role of national wildlife refuges in conserving waterfowl and waterfowl habitat pursuant to the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (40 Stat. 755, chapter 128); (8) reaffirms the support of the Senate for wildlife conservation and the National Wildlife Refuge System; and (9) expresses the intent of the Senate— (A) to continue working to conserve wildlife; and (B) to manage the National Wildlife Refuge System for current and future generations.
2023-01-07 06:52:03.323
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Agreed-to-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 297 ATS: Congratulating the Minnesota Lynx women's basketball team on winning the 2013 Women's National Basketball Association Championship. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-11-14 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 297 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131114"> November 14, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S332"> Mr. Franken </sponsor> (for himself and <cosponsor name-id="S311"> Ms. Klobuchar </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Congratulating the Minnesota Lynx women's basketball team on winning the 2013 Women's National Basketball Association Championship. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas on October 10, 2013, the Minnesota Lynx won the 2013 Women’s National Basketball Association (WNBA) Championship; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas this is the second WNBA Championship for the Minnesota Lynx in 3 years; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Minnesota Lynx won every game in the 2013 WNBA playoffs, beating the Seattle Storm in the Western Conference semifinals, the Phoenix Mercury in the Conference finals, and decisively beating the Atlanta Dream in the Championship round; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, on average, more than 13,000 fans attended each home game during the Championship round at the Target Center in Minneapolis to cheer on the Minnesota Lynx; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Minnesota Lynx feature 3 gold medal-winning Olympians, Maya Moore, Seimone Augustus, and Lindsay Whalen, and a highly talented team of professionals, including Rebekkah Brunson, Janel McCarville, and Monica Wright; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Minnesota Lynx are one of only four WNBA teams to win multiple titles, with both championships coming under the coaching guidance of Cheryl Reeve: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="idCD50B42ABB6B4ECEB0193270053B2E83"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> recognizes the achievements of the players, coaches, fans, and staff whose hard work and dedication helped the Minnesota Lynx win the 2013 Women's National Basketball Association Championship; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="id32B1F5E3ED274E7A8F59794CF7AC00F5"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> recognizes the Twin Cities region and the State of Minnesota, both of which enthusiastically support the team and women's professional basketball. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 297 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES November 14, 2013 Mr. Franken (for himself and Ms. Klobuchar ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Congratulating the Minnesota Lynx women's basketball team on winning the 2013 Women's National Basketball Association Championship. Whereas on October 10, 2013, the Minnesota Lynx won the 2013 Women’s National Basketball Association (WNBA) Championship; Whereas this is the second WNBA Championship for the Minnesota Lynx in 3 years; Whereas the Minnesota Lynx won every game in the 2013 WNBA playoffs, beating the Seattle Storm in the Western Conference semifinals, the Phoenix Mercury in the Conference finals, and decisively beating the Atlanta Dream in the Championship round; Whereas, on average, more than 13,000 fans attended each home game during the Championship round at the Target Center in Minneapolis to cheer on the Minnesota Lynx; Whereas the Minnesota Lynx feature 3 gold medal-winning Olympians, Maya Moore, Seimone Augustus, and Lindsay Whalen, and a highly talented team of professionals, including Rebekkah Brunson, Janel McCarville, and Monica Wright; and Whereas the Minnesota Lynx are one of only four WNBA teams to win multiple titles, with both championships coming under the coaching guidance of Cheryl Reeve: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) recognizes the achievements of the players, coaches, fans, and staff whose hard work and dedication helped the Minnesota Lynx win the 2013 Women's National Basketball Association Championship; and (2) recognizes the Twin Cities region and the State of Minnesota, both of which enthusiastically support the team and women's professional basketball.
2023-01-07 06:52:03.030
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Agreed-to-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 298 ATS: To authorize testimony, documents, and representation in United States v. Allen. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-11-18 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 298 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131118"> November 18, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S198"> Mr. Reid </sponsor> (for himself and <cosponsor name-id="S174"> Mr. McConnell </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> To authorize testimony, documents, and representation in <italic> United States v. Allen. </italic> </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas, in the case of <italic> United States v. Allen </italic> , Crim. No. 12–112, pending in the United States District Court for the Middle District of Florida, the prosecution has requested the production of documents and testimony from current and former employees of the offices of Senators Bill Nelson and Marco Rubio; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, pursuant to sections 703(a) and 704(a)(2) of the Ethics in Government Act of 1978, 2 U.S.C. §§ 288b(a) and 288c(a)(2), the Senate may direct its counsel to represent current and former employees of the Senate with respect to any subpoena, order, or request for testimony relating to their official responsibilities; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, by the privileges of the Senate of the United States and Rule XI of the Standing Rules of the Senate, no evidence under the control or in the possession of the Senate may, by the judicial or administrative process, be taken from such control or possession but by permission of the Senate; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, when it appears that evidence under the control or in the possession of the Senate may promote the administration of justice, the Senate will take such action as will promote the ends of justice consistent with the privileges of the Senate: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body style="traditional"> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That Peter Mitchell and Grace Pettus, a current and a former employee, respectively, of the Office of Senator Bill Nelson, and Adele Griffin and Ashley Cook, current employees of the Office of Senator Marco Rubio, and any other current or former employee from either office from whom relevant evidence may be sought, are authorized to produce documents and provide testimony in the case of <italic> United States v. Allen </italic> , except concerning matters for which a privilege should be asserted. </text> </section> <section id="id20FCE61689BF4A8A895048420964C78D"> <enum> 2. </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The Senate Legal Counsel is authorized to represent current and former employees of the offices of Senators Nelson and Rubio in connection with the production of evidence authorized in section one of this resolution. </text> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 298 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES November 18, 2013 Mr. Reid (for himself and Mr. McConnell ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION To authorize testimony, documents, and representation in United States v. Allen. Whereas, in the case of United States v. Allen , Crim. No. 12–112, pending in the United States District Court for the Middle District of Florida, the prosecution has requested the production of documents and testimony from current and former employees of the offices of Senators Bill Nelson and Marco Rubio; Whereas, pursuant to sections 703(a) and 704(a)(2) of the Ethics in Government Act of 1978, 2 U.S.C. §§ 288b(a) and 288c(a)(2), the Senate may direct its counsel to represent current and former employees of the Senate with respect to any subpoena, order, or request for testimony relating to their official responsibilities; Whereas, by the privileges of the Senate of the United States and Rule XI of the Standing Rules of the Senate, no evidence under the control or in the possession of the Senate may, by the judicial or administrative process, be taken from such control or possession but by permission of the Senate; and Whereas, when it appears that evidence under the control or in the possession of the Senate may promote the administration of justice, the Senate will take such action as will promote the ends of justice consistent with the privileges of the Senate: Now, therefore, be it That Peter Mitchell and Grace Pettus, a current and a former employee, respectively, of the Office of Senator Bill Nelson, and Adele Griffin and Ashley Cook, current employees of the Office of Senator Marco Rubio, and any other current or former employee from either office from whom relevant evidence may be sought, are authorized to produce documents and provide testimony in the case of United States v. Allen , except concerning matters for which a privilege should be asserted. 2. The Senate Legal Counsel is authorized to represent current and former employees of the offices of Senators Nelson and Rubio in connection with the production of evidence authorized in section one of this resolution.
2023-01-07 06:52:02.856
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Agreed-to-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 299 ATS: Congratulating the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee on the celebration of its 100th anniversary and commending its significant contribution to empower and revitalize developing communities around the world. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-12-13 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 299 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131119"> November 19, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S270"> Mr. Schumer </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="S331"> Mrs. Gillibrand </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S198"> Mr. Reid </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S229"> Mrs. Murray </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S369"> Mr. Markey </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S353"> Mr. Schatz </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S352"> Mr. Heller </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S306"> Mr. Menendez </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S341"> Mr. Blumenthal </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S258"> Ms. Landrieu </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S339"> Mr. Kirk </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S337"> Mr. Coons </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S327"> Mr. Warner </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S247"> Mr. Wyden </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S308"> Mr. Cardin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S236"> Mr. Inhofe </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S307"> Mr. Brown </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S370"> Mr. Booker </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S253"> Mr. Durbin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S330"> Mr. Bennet </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S118"> Mr. Hatch </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S172"> Mr. Harkin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S351"> Mr. Toomey </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S223"> Mrs. Boxer </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S252"> Ms. Collins </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S342"> Mr. Blunt </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S131"> Mr. Levin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S321"> Mr. Johanns </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S350"> Mr. Rubio </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="SSJU00"> Committee on the Judiciary </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <action> <action-date date="20131213" legis-day="20131211"> December 13 (legislative day, December 11), 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> Committee discharged; considered and agreed to </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Congratulating the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee on the celebration of its 100th anniversary and commending its significant contribution to empower and revitalize developing communities around the world. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (referred to in this preamble as the <quote> JDC </quote> ), the leading Jewish humanitarian assistance organization in the world, provides economic relief to communities facing hardship and builds the foundation for self-sustaining Jewish community life; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas when the JDC was founded in 1914, the organization initiated relief projects in communities primarily in Eastern Europe and the Middle East, and, as of November 2013, the JDC works in 70 countries worldwide and touches more than 1,000,000 lives each year; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the JDC has pioneered high-impact programs that provide access to education, health care, food, shelter, and assistance with job training and placement for governments and other organizations to utilize; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the JDC has developed and implemented initiatives in Israeli society aimed at meeting the needs of the most disadvantaged citizens in the State of Israel, including children and youth at risk, the chronically unemployed (including ultra-Orthodox Jews, people with disabilities, and Israeli Arabs), and the elderly; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the JDC received the Israel Prize in 2007 for its lifetime achievements and special contributions to society and the State of Israel for developing innovative, scalable solutions to meet the needs of the most disadvantaged citizens in the State of Israel; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the JDC has helped transform the lives of women and girls throughout the world, through initiatives that provide access to health care and education to girls, encouraging them to overcome gender barriers, receive an education, and become community leaders; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the JDC is engaging many young individuals in the United States to participate in rescue, renewal, and revitalization work through service and volunteer programs around the world; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the JDC and the United States Government have a historic and enduring relationship that has evolved from cooperating in life-saving work in Europe through the American Relief Administration following World War I and the War Refugee Board during World War II to the more recent partnerships between the JDC and the Department of Agriculture, the Department of State, and the United States Agency for International Development; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the JDC mobilizes its expert professionals and network of local, United States, Israeli, and global partners, including the Jewish Coalition for Disaster Relief, to provide immediate relief and long-term assistance in the aftermath of natural disasters, such as by providing emergency supplies and medical assistance following the earthquake and tsunami in Japan in 2011 and the earthquake in Haiti in 2010; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the JDC creates programs and solutions that benefit the neediest populations in communities around the world and confronts the most difficult challenges, such as natural disasters, extreme poverty, political instability, and genocide: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="id7ce0d4b8d7894ca8a62d9b80eefc93b8"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> recognizes and celebrates the 100th anniversary of the founding of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id6898914ef8da4f74864fa7df86d3c993"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> commends the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee on its valuable work around the world and wishes the organization success in its future efforts. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 299 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES November 19, 2013 Mr. Schumer (for himself, Mrs. Gillibrand , Mr. Reid , Mrs. Murray , Mr. Markey , Mr. Schatz , Mr. Heller , Mr. Menendez , Mr. Blumenthal , Ms. Landrieu , Mr. Kirk , Mr. Coons , Mr. Warner , Mr. Wyden , Mr. Cardin , Mr. Inhofe , Mr. Brown , Mr. Booker , Mr. Durbin , Mr. Bennet , Mr. Hatch , Mr. Harkin , Mr. Toomey , Mrs. Boxer , Ms. Collins , Mr. Blunt , Mr. Levin , Mr. Johanns , and Mr. Rubio ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary December 13 (legislative day, December 11), 2013 Committee discharged; considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Congratulating the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee on the celebration of its 100th anniversary and commending its significant contribution to empower and revitalize developing communities around the world. Whereas the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (referred to in this preamble as the JDC ), the leading Jewish humanitarian assistance organization in the world, provides economic relief to communities facing hardship and builds the foundation for self-sustaining Jewish community life; Whereas when the JDC was founded in 1914, the organization initiated relief projects in communities primarily in Eastern Europe and the Middle East, and, as of November 2013, the JDC works in 70 countries worldwide and touches more than 1,000,000 lives each year; Whereas the JDC has pioneered high-impact programs that provide access to education, health care, food, shelter, and assistance with job training and placement for governments and other organizations to utilize; Whereas the JDC has developed and implemented initiatives in Israeli society aimed at meeting the needs of the most disadvantaged citizens in the State of Israel, including children and youth at risk, the chronically unemployed (including ultra-Orthodox Jews, people with disabilities, and Israeli Arabs), and the elderly; Whereas the JDC received the Israel Prize in 2007 for its lifetime achievements and special contributions to society and the State of Israel for developing innovative, scalable solutions to meet the needs of the most disadvantaged citizens in the State of Israel; Whereas the JDC has helped transform the lives of women and girls throughout the world, through initiatives that provide access to health care and education to girls, encouraging them to overcome gender barriers, receive an education, and become community leaders; Whereas the JDC is engaging many young individuals in the United States to participate in rescue, renewal, and revitalization work through service and volunteer programs around the world; Whereas the JDC and the United States Government have a historic and enduring relationship that has evolved from cooperating in life-saving work in Europe through the American Relief Administration following World War I and the War Refugee Board during World War II to the more recent partnerships between the JDC and the Department of Agriculture, the Department of State, and the United States Agency for International Development; Whereas the JDC mobilizes its expert professionals and network of local, United States, Israeli, and global partners, including the Jewish Coalition for Disaster Relief, to provide immediate relief and long-term assistance in the aftermath of natural disasters, such as by providing emergency supplies and medical assistance following the earthquake and tsunami in Japan in 2011 and the earthquake in Haiti in 2010; and Whereas the JDC creates programs and solutions that benefit the neediest populations in communities around the world and confronts the most difficult challenges, such as natural disasters, extreme poverty, political instability, and genocide: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) recognizes and celebrates the 100th anniversary of the founding of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee; and (2) commends the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee on its valuable work around the world and wishes the organization success in its future efforts.
2023-01-07 06:52:02.559
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Introduced-in-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 299 IS: Congratulating the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee on the celebration of its 100th anniversary and commending its significant contribution to empower and revitalize developing communities around the world. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date/> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 299 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date> November 19, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S270"> Mr. Schumer </sponsor> (for himself and <cosponsor name-id="S331"> Mrs. Gillibrand </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="SSJU00"> Committee on the Judiciary </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Congratulating the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee on the celebration of its 100th anniversary and commending its significant contribution to empower and revitalize developing communities around the world. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (referred to in this preamble as the <quote> JDC </quote> ), the leading Jewish humanitarian assistance organization in the world, provides economic relief to communities facing hardship and builds the foundation for self-sustaining Jewish community life; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas when the JDC was founded in 1914, the organization initiated relief projects in communities primarily in Eastern Europe and the Middle East, and, as of November 2013, the JDC works in 70 countries worldwide and touches more than 1,000,000 lives each year; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the JDC has pioneered high-impact programs that provide access to education, health care, food, shelter, and assistance with job training and placement for governments and other organizations to utilize; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the JDC has developed and implemented initiatives in Israeli society aimed at meeting the needs of the most disadvantaged citizens in the State of Israel, including children and youth at risk, the chronically unemployed (including ultra-Orthodox Jews, people with disabilities, and Israeli Arabs), and the elderly; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the JDC received the Israel Prize in 2007 for its lifetime achievements and special contributions to society and the State of Israel for developing innovative, scalable solutions to meet the needs of the most disadvantaged citizens in the State of Israel; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the JDC has helped transform the lives of women and girls throughout the world, through initiatives that provide access to health care and education to girls, encouraging them to overcome gender barriers, receive an education, and become community leaders; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the JDC is engaging many young individuals in the United States to participate in rescue, renewal, and revitalization work through service and volunteer programs around the world; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the JDC and the United States Government have a historic and enduring relationship that has evolved from cooperating in life-saving work in Europe through the American Relief Administration following World War I and the War Refugee Board during World War II to the more recent partnerships between the JDC and the Department of Agriculture, the Department of State, and the United States Agency for International Development; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the JDC mobilizes its expert professionals and network of local, United States, Israeli, and global partners, including the Jewish Coalition for Disaster Relief, to provide immediate relief and long-term assistance in the aftermath of natural disasters, such as by providing emergency supplies and medical assistance following the earthquake and tsunami in Japan in 2011 and the earthquake in Haiti in 2010; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the JDC creates programs and solutions that benefit the neediest populations in communities around the world and confronts the most difficult challenges, such as natural disasters, extreme poverty, political instability, and genocide: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="id7ce0d4b8d7894ca8a62d9b80eefc93b8"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> recognizes and celebrates the 100th anniversary of the founding of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id6898914ef8da4f74864fa7df86d3c993"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> commends the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee on its valuable work around the world and wishes the organization success in its future efforts. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 299 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES November 19, 2013 Mr. Schumer (for himself and Mrs. Gillibrand ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary RESOLUTION Congratulating the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee on the celebration of its 100th anniversary and commending its significant contribution to empower and revitalize developing communities around the world. Whereas the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (referred to in this preamble as the JDC ), the leading Jewish humanitarian assistance organization in the world, provides economic relief to communities facing hardship and builds the foundation for self-sustaining Jewish community life; Whereas when the JDC was founded in 1914, the organization initiated relief projects in communities primarily in Eastern Europe and the Middle East, and, as of November 2013, the JDC works in 70 countries worldwide and touches more than 1,000,000 lives each year; Whereas the JDC has pioneered high-impact programs that provide access to education, health care, food, shelter, and assistance with job training and placement for governments and other organizations to utilize; Whereas the JDC has developed and implemented initiatives in Israeli society aimed at meeting the needs of the most disadvantaged citizens in the State of Israel, including children and youth at risk, the chronically unemployed (including ultra-Orthodox Jews, people with disabilities, and Israeli Arabs), and the elderly; Whereas the JDC received the Israel Prize in 2007 for its lifetime achievements and special contributions to society and the State of Israel for developing innovative, scalable solutions to meet the needs of the most disadvantaged citizens in the State of Israel; Whereas the JDC has helped transform the lives of women and girls throughout the world, through initiatives that provide access to health care and education to girls, encouraging them to overcome gender barriers, receive an education, and become community leaders; Whereas the JDC is engaging many young individuals in the United States to participate in rescue, renewal, and revitalization work through service and volunteer programs around the world; Whereas the JDC and the United States Government have a historic and enduring relationship that has evolved from cooperating in life-saving work in Europe through the American Relief Administration following World War I and the War Refugee Board during World War II to the more recent partnerships between the JDC and the Department of Agriculture, the Department of State, and the United States Agency for International Development; Whereas the JDC mobilizes its expert professionals and network of local, United States, Israeli, and global partners, including the Jewish Coalition for Disaster Relief, to provide immediate relief and long-term assistance in the aftermath of natural disasters, such as by providing emergency supplies and medical assistance following the earthquake and tsunami in Japan in 2011 and the earthquake in Haiti in 2010; and Whereas the JDC creates programs and solutions that benefit the neediest populations in communities around the world and confronts the most difficult challenges, such as natural disasters, extreme poverty, political instability, and genocide: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) recognizes and celebrates the 100th anniversary of the founding of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee; and (2) commends the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee on its valuable work around the world and wishes the organization success in its future efforts.
2023-01-07 06:52:02.345
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Agreed-to-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 300 ATS: To authorize the production of records by the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date/> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 300 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date> November 19, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S198"> Mr. Reid </sponsor> (for himself and <cosponsor name-id="S174"> Mr. McConnell </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> To authorize the production of records by the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas, the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs conducted an investigation into JP Morgan Chase's <term> whale trades </term> and risks and abuses of derivatives; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, the Subcommittee has received a request from a federal law enforcement agency for access to records of the Subcommittee's investigation; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, by the privileges of the Senate of the United States and Rule XI of the Standing Rules of the Senate, no evidence under the control or in the possession of the Senate can, by administrative or judicial process, be taken from such control or possession but by permission of the Senate; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, when it appears that evidence under the control or in the possession of the Senate is needed for the promotion of justice, the Senate will take such action as will promote the ends of justice consistent with the privileges of the Senate: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Chairman and Ranking Minority Member of the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, acting jointly, are authorized to provide to law enforcement officials, regulatory agencies, and other entities or individuals duly authorized by federal, state, or foreign governments, records of the Subcommittee's investigation into JP Morgan Chase's <term> whale trades </term> and risks and abuses of derivatives. </text> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 300 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES November 19, 2013 Mr. Reid (for himself and Mr. McConnell ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION To authorize the production of records by the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. Whereas, the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs conducted an investigation into JP Morgan Chase's whale trades and risks and abuses of derivatives; Whereas, the Subcommittee has received a request from a federal law enforcement agency for access to records of the Subcommittee's investigation; Whereas, by the privileges of the Senate of the United States and Rule XI of the Standing Rules of the Senate, no evidence under the control or in the possession of the Senate can, by administrative or judicial process, be taken from such control or possession but by permission of the Senate; Whereas, when it appears that evidence under the control or in the possession of the Senate is needed for the promotion of justice, the Senate will take such action as will promote the ends of justice consistent with the privileges of the Senate: Now, therefore, be it That the Chairman and Ranking Minority Member of the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, acting jointly, are authorized to provide to law enforcement officials, regulatory agencies, and other entities or individuals duly authorized by federal, state, or foreign governments, records of the Subcommittee's investigation into JP Morgan Chase's whale trades and risks and abuses of derivatives.
2023-01-07 06:52:02.384
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Introduced-in-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 301 IS: Recognizing and supporting the goals and implementation of the National Alzheimer's Project Act and the National Plan to Address Alzheimer's Disease. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-11-19 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 301 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131119"> November 19, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S253"> Mr. Durbin </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="S252"> Ms. Collins </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S182"> Ms. Mikulski </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S257"> Mr. Johnson of South Dakota </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S306"> Mr. Menendez </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S318"> Mr. Wicker </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S347"> Mr. Moran </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S369"> Mr. Markey </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="SSHR00"> Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Recognizing and supporting the goals and implementation of the National Alzheimer's Project Act and the National Plan to Address Alzheimer's Disease. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas more than 5,000,000 individuals in the United States live with Alzheimer’s disease, and, based on current projections, as many as 16,000,000 individuals in the United States will have Alzheimer’s disease by 2050; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas 1 in every 9 individuals in the United States over the age of 65 lives with Alzheimer's disease; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas another individual in the United States develops Alzheimer’s disease every 68 seconds, and, by 2050, another individual in the United States will develop the disease every 33 seconds; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, in 2013, an estimated 450,000 people in the United States will die from Alzheimer's disease, making it the sixth-leading cause of death in the United States; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, between 2000 and 2010, deaths attributed to Alzheimer’s disease increased by 68 percent; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Alzheimer’s disease is devastating physically, emotionally, and financially; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Alzheimer’s disease creates an enormous financial strain on the health care system, families, and Federal and State budgets; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, according to an independent study supported by the National Institutes of Health, Alzheimer’s disease is already the costliest disease in the United States and is expected to become even more costly in the future; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, in 2013, the total direct cost of caring for individuals in the United States with Alzheimer’s disease is estimated to be $203,000,000,000, including $107,000,000,000 in costs to Medicare and $35,000,000,000 to Medicaid; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, if nothing is done to change the trajectory of the disease, the total direct cost of caring for individuals in the United States with Alzheimer's disease is expected to rise to $1,200,000,000,000 by 2050; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the average cost to Medicare for beneficiaries with Alzheimer’s disease is 3 times higher than for those without the condition; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas a Federal commitment to fighting Alzheimer's disease can lower costs and improve health outcomes for people living with the disease today and in the future; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, by making Alzheimer’s disease a national priority, we can replicate the successes that have been achieved in fighting other diseases; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas leadership from the Federal Government has helped lower the number of deaths from other major diseases and health problems such as HIV/AIDS, cancer, heart disease, and stroke; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, in 2010, Congress unanimously passed the National Alzheimer’s Project Act; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the National Alzheimer’s Project Act requires the Secretary of Health and Human Services to create and annually update a National Plan to Address Alzheimer’s Disease; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the National Plan to Address Alzheimer’s Disease establishes goals and action steps to combat the disease in the areas of research, care, support, and public awareness; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the National Plan to Address Alzheimer’s Disease has resulted in some notable accomplishments, including the creation of a blueprint for Alzheimer’s research by the National Institutes of Health: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="idB7D235F3C650458F8B47441D5B31C0D6"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> recognizes that additional focus, research, and resources are needed to overcome Alzheimer's disease; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id7B1C49608E254720BF21D06430D29F8F"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> acknowledges the impact that Alzheimer's disease has on individuals with the disease, their caregivers and loved ones, and the United States as a whole; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id101AA5E5C5C045EFB54E95DC5FD79487"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> supports the goals and implementation of the National Alzheimer's Project Act and the National Plan to Address Alzheimer's Disease. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 301 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES November 19, 2013 Mr. Durbin (for himself, Ms. Collins , Ms. Mikulski , Mr. Johnson of South Dakota , Mr. Menendez , Mr. Wicker , Mr. Moran , and Mr. Markey ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions RESOLUTION Recognizing and supporting the goals and implementation of the National Alzheimer's Project Act and the National Plan to Address Alzheimer's Disease. Whereas more than 5,000,000 individuals in the United States live with Alzheimer’s disease, and, based on current projections, as many as 16,000,000 individuals in the United States will have Alzheimer’s disease by 2050; Whereas 1 in every 9 individuals in the United States over the age of 65 lives with Alzheimer's disease; Whereas another individual in the United States develops Alzheimer’s disease every 68 seconds, and, by 2050, another individual in the United States will develop the disease every 33 seconds; Whereas, in 2013, an estimated 450,000 people in the United States will die from Alzheimer's disease, making it the sixth-leading cause of death in the United States; Whereas, between 2000 and 2010, deaths attributed to Alzheimer’s disease increased by 68 percent; Whereas Alzheimer’s disease is devastating physically, emotionally, and financially; Whereas Alzheimer’s disease creates an enormous financial strain on the health care system, families, and Federal and State budgets; Whereas, according to an independent study supported by the National Institutes of Health, Alzheimer’s disease is already the costliest disease in the United States and is expected to become even more costly in the future; Whereas, in 2013, the total direct cost of caring for individuals in the United States with Alzheimer’s disease is estimated to be $203,000,000,000, including $107,000,000,000 in costs to Medicare and $35,000,000,000 to Medicaid; Whereas, if nothing is done to change the trajectory of the disease, the total direct cost of caring for individuals in the United States with Alzheimer's disease is expected to rise to $1,200,000,000,000 by 2050; Whereas the average cost to Medicare for beneficiaries with Alzheimer’s disease is 3 times higher than for those without the condition; Whereas a Federal commitment to fighting Alzheimer's disease can lower costs and improve health outcomes for people living with the disease today and in the future; Whereas, by making Alzheimer’s disease a national priority, we can replicate the successes that have been achieved in fighting other diseases; Whereas leadership from the Federal Government has helped lower the number of deaths from other major diseases and health problems such as HIV/AIDS, cancer, heart disease, and stroke; Whereas, in 2010, Congress unanimously passed the National Alzheimer’s Project Act; Whereas the National Alzheimer’s Project Act requires the Secretary of Health and Human Services to create and annually update a National Plan to Address Alzheimer’s Disease; Whereas the National Plan to Address Alzheimer’s Disease establishes goals and action steps to combat the disease in the areas of research, care, support, and public awareness; and Whereas the National Plan to Address Alzheimer’s Disease has resulted in some notable accomplishments, including the creation of a blueprint for Alzheimer’s research by the National Institutes of Health: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) recognizes that additional focus, research, and resources are needed to overcome Alzheimer's disease; (2) acknowledges the impact that Alzheimer's disease has on individuals with the disease, their caregivers and loved ones, and the United States as a whole; and (3) supports the goals and implementation of the National Alzheimer's Project Act and the National Plan to Address Alzheimer's Disease.
2023-01-07 06:52:02.177
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Introduced-in-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 302 IS: Designating December 1, 2013, as “Drive Safer Sunday”. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-11-20 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 302 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20131120"> November 20, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S305"> Mr. Isakson </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="S290"> Mr. Chambliss </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S295"> Mr. Pryor </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S252"> Ms. Collins </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="SSJU00"> Committee on the Judiciary </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Designating December 1, 2013, as <quote> Drive Safer Sunday </quote> . </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas motor vehicle travel is the primary means of transportation in the United States; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas every individual traveling on the roads and highways needs to drive in a safer manner to reduce deaths and injuries that result from motor vehicle accidents; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, wearing a seat belt saves as many as 15,000 lives each year; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Senate wants all people of the United States to understand the life-saving importance of wearing a seat belt and encourages motorists to drive safely, not just during the holiday season, but every time they get behind the wheel; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Sunday after Thanksgiving is the busiest highway traffic day of the year: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="ID94e6889d6e724dd4af505ec719c280d8"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> encourages— </text> <subparagraph id="ID7b765b4f430f4b6abae779999f211369"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> high schools, colleges, universities, administrators, teachers, primary schools, and secondary schools to launch campus-wide educational campaigns to urge students to focus on safety when driving; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="ID399b661d3b1945658a04d6c525560ab9"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> national trucking firms to alert their drivers to be especially focused on driving safely on the Sunday after Thanksgiving, and to publicize the importance of the day through use of the Citizens Band Radio Service and at truck stops across the United States; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="IDa672d17cca1e47159796cb1c6e3544e6"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> clergies to remind their congregations to travel safely when attending services and gatherings; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="ID7d71db600ee04ff18a5532e9ec228fda"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> law enforcement personnel to remind drivers and passengers to drive safely, particularly on the Sunday after Thanksgiving; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="ID0c57af24cd0c4364956797d924b63c56"> <enum> (E) </enum> <text> all people of the United States to use the Sunday after Thanksgiving as an opportunity to educate themselves about highway safety; and </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="ID268f69e773c84ca8b3d0db5f2365183a"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> designates December 1, 2013, as <quote> Drive Safer Sunday </quote> . </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 302 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES November 20, 2013 Mr. Isakson (for himself, Mr. Chambliss , Mr. Pryor , and Ms. Collins ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary RESOLUTION Designating December 1, 2013, as Drive Safer Sunday . Whereas motor vehicle travel is the primary means of transportation in the United States; Whereas every individual traveling on the roads and highways needs to drive in a safer manner to reduce deaths and injuries that result from motor vehicle accidents; Whereas, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, wearing a seat belt saves as many as 15,000 lives each year; Whereas the Senate wants all people of the United States to understand the life-saving importance of wearing a seat belt and encourages motorists to drive safely, not just during the holiday season, but every time they get behind the wheel; and Whereas the Sunday after Thanksgiving is the busiest highway traffic day of the year: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) encourages— (A) high schools, colleges, universities, administrators, teachers, primary schools, and secondary schools to launch campus-wide educational campaigns to urge students to focus on safety when driving; (B) national trucking firms to alert their drivers to be especially focused on driving safely on the Sunday after Thanksgiving, and to publicize the importance of the day through use of the Citizens Band Radio Service and at truck stops across the United States; (C) clergies to remind their congregations to travel safely when attending services and gatherings; (D) law enforcement personnel to remind drivers and passengers to drive safely, particularly on the Sunday after Thanksgiving; and (E) all people of the United States to use the Sunday after Thanksgiving as an opportunity to educate themselves about highway safety; and (2) designates December 1, 2013, as Drive Safer Sunday .
2023-01-07 06:52:02.011
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Introduced-in-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 303 IS: Declaring that achieving the primary goal of the National Plan to Address Alzheimer's Disease of the Department of Health and Human Services to prevent and effectively treat Alzheimer’s disease by 2025 is an urgent national priority. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-11-20 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 303 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131120"> November 20, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S252"> Ms. Collins </sponsor> (for herself, <cosponsor name-id="S311"> Ms. Klobuchar </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S253"> Mr. Durbin </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S341"> Mr. Blumenthal </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="SSHR00"> Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Declaring that achieving the primary goal of the National Plan to Address Alzheimer's Disease of the Department of Health and Human Services to prevent and effectively treat Alzheimer’s disease by 2025 is an urgent national priority. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas the number of individuals in the United States with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias (referred to in this preamble as <term> Alzheimer's </term> ) is as high as 5,200,000, which is more than double the number in 1980; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas based on the trajectory of Alzheimer's, as many as 16,000,000 individuals in the United States may have Alzheimer’s by 2050; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Alzheimer’s is a global health crisis that afflicts an estimated 36,000,000 individuals worldwide as of October 2013 and may afflict over 115,000,000 individuals by 2050; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Alzheimer’s is the 6th leading cause of death in the United States; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Alzheimer's is the only disease among the top 10 causes of death in the United States without an effective means of prevention, treatment, or cure; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Alzheimer’s places an enormous financial strain on families, the health care system, and State and Federal budgets; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas in 2013, the direct costs of caring for individuals with Alzheimer’s will total an estimated $203,000,000,000, including $142,000,000,000 in costs to the Medicare program under title XVIII of the Social Security Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/42/1395"> 42 U.S.C. 1395 et seq. </external-xref> ) and the Medicaid program under title XIX of the Social Security Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/42/1396"> 42 U.S.C. 1396 et seq. </external-xref> ); </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the annual costs of caring for individuals with Alzheimer’s are projected to increase from $203,000,000,000 in 2013 to $1,200,000,000,000 in 2050; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas a RAND Corporation study published in 2013 and commissioned by the National Institute on Aging found that Alzheimer’s is the costliest disease in the United States, costing more than cancer and heart disease; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas in 2012, an estimated 15,400,000 family members and friends of individuals with Alzheimer's provided those individuals with 17,500,000,000 hours of unpaid care, an amount valued at more than $216,000,000; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the global cost of Alzheimer’s exceeds $600,000,000,000 each year, an amount equal to approximately 1 percent of the world’s gross domestic product; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Alzheimer’s takes an emotional and physical toll on caregivers that results in a higher incidence of chronic conditions, such as heart disease, cancer, and depression among caregivers; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the National Plan to Address Alzheimer’s Disease of the Department of Health and Human Services enables family caregivers of individuals with Alzheimer's to provide care while maintaining personal health and well-being; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the National Plan to Address Alzheimer’s Disease supports informal caregivers by— </text> <paragraph id="id11D835653D9943CF84C7E0FEC7B674C4"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> identifying the support needs of caregivers; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idA47EE7CEF90B4205A1EE5A605D742B80"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> developing and disseminating modes for intervention; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idC71C29B1435C4268987684E8A0513B0F"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> providing information that caregivers need, particularly in crisis situations; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id2B5E66EC58A44FB78F819D94EA26E66E"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> assisting caregivers in maintaining personal health and well-being; </text> </paragraph> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas a strong and sustained research effort is the best tool to slow the progression and ultimately prevent the onset of Alzheimer’s; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the National Institutes of Health spends each year approximately— </text> <paragraph id="idD0E794B6292445F292460AE1C8F22FC8"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> $6,000,000,000 on cancer research; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idB8F73DDEFBC446E4BB21542D1C29407F"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> $3,000,000,000 on HIV/AIDS research; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id629BBB1CB9AA42AE93EE159E772CBA5F"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> $2,000,000,000 on cardiovascular disease research; </text> </paragraph> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas while the cost to the Medicare and Medicaid programs of caring for Alzheimer’s patients is $142,000,000,000 each year, the United States spends slightly more than $500,000,000 each year on Alzheimer's research; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Chairman of the Advisory Council on Alzheimer's Research, Care, and Services created by the National Alzheimer’s Project Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/42/11225"> 42 U.S.C. 11225 </external-xref> ) has testified before Congress that the United States must devote at least $2,000,000,000 each year to Alzheimer’s research to reach the goal of preventing and effectively treating Alzheimer’s by 2025; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the public members of the Advisory Council on Alzheimer's Research, Care, and Services unanimously agree with the testimony of the Chairman regarding the amount of money required to reach the goal for 2025: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="id10b42b92f383438da493ef149be2d462"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> is committed to strengthening the quality of care and expanding support for individuals with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias (referred to in this resolution as <term> Alzheimer's </term> ) and family caregivers of individuals with Alzheimer's; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id079608743f8142ce9d34559cd4707482"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> declares that achieving the primary goal of the National Plan to Address Alzheimer’s Disease to prevent and effectively treat Alzheimer’s by 2025 is an urgent national priority; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idedec149c685246789a179ce08fd61e22"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> recognizes that bold action and dramatic increases in funding are necessary to meet that goal; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idf920d54237ab4612a28ae60b253c4546"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> strives to— </text> <subparagraph id="id68FE13DA449D43BA974EA809D5D7503A"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> double the amount of funding the United States spends on Alzheimer’s research in fiscal year 2015; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="idCB7D1A7BDA954C02B48C547923A33525"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> develop a plan for fiscal years 2016 through 2019 to meet the target of the Advisory Council on Alzheimer's Research, Care, and Services for the United States to spend $2,000,000,000 each year on Alzheimer's research. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 303 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES November 20, 2013 Ms. Collins (for herself, Ms. Klobuchar , Mr. Durbin , and Mr. Blumenthal ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions RESOLUTION Declaring that achieving the primary goal of the National Plan to Address Alzheimer's Disease of the Department of Health and Human Services to prevent and effectively treat Alzheimer’s disease by 2025 is an urgent national priority. Whereas the number of individuals in the United States with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias (referred to in this preamble as Alzheimer's ) is as high as 5,200,000, which is more than double the number in 1980; Whereas based on the trajectory of Alzheimer's, as many as 16,000,000 individuals in the United States may have Alzheimer’s by 2050; Whereas Alzheimer’s is a global health crisis that afflicts an estimated 36,000,000 individuals worldwide as of October 2013 and may afflict over 115,000,000 individuals by 2050; Whereas Alzheimer’s is the 6th leading cause of death in the United States; Whereas Alzheimer's is the only disease among the top 10 causes of death in the United States without an effective means of prevention, treatment, or cure; Whereas Alzheimer’s places an enormous financial strain on families, the health care system, and State and Federal budgets; Whereas in 2013, the direct costs of caring for individuals with Alzheimer’s will total an estimated $203,000,000,000, including $142,000,000,000 in costs to the Medicare program under title XVIII of the Social Security Act ( 42 U.S.C. 1395 et seq. ) and the Medicaid program under title XIX of the Social Security Act ( 42 U.S.C. 1396 et seq. ); Whereas the annual costs of caring for individuals with Alzheimer’s are projected to increase from $203,000,000,000 in 2013 to $1,200,000,000,000 in 2050; Whereas a RAND Corporation study published in 2013 and commissioned by the National Institute on Aging found that Alzheimer’s is the costliest disease in the United States, costing more than cancer and heart disease; Whereas in 2012, an estimated 15,400,000 family members and friends of individuals with Alzheimer's provided those individuals with 17,500,000,000 hours of unpaid care, an amount valued at more than $216,000,000; Whereas the global cost of Alzheimer’s exceeds $600,000,000,000 each year, an amount equal to approximately 1 percent of the world’s gross domestic product; Whereas Alzheimer’s takes an emotional and physical toll on caregivers that results in a higher incidence of chronic conditions, such as heart disease, cancer, and depression among caregivers; Whereas the National Plan to Address Alzheimer’s Disease of the Department of Health and Human Services enables family caregivers of individuals with Alzheimer's to provide care while maintaining personal health and well-being; Whereas the National Plan to Address Alzheimer’s Disease supports informal caregivers by— (1) identifying the support needs of caregivers; (2) developing and disseminating modes for intervention; (3) providing information that caregivers need, particularly in crisis situations; and (4) assisting caregivers in maintaining personal health and well-being; Whereas a strong and sustained research effort is the best tool to slow the progression and ultimately prevent the onset of Alzheimer’s; Whereas the National Institutes of Health spends each year approximately— (1) $6,000,000,000 on cancer research; (2) $3,000,000,000 on HIV/AIDS research; and (3) $2,000,000,000 on cardiovascular disease research; Whereas while the cost to the Medicare and Medicaid programs of caring for Alzheimer’s patients is $142,000,000,000 each year, the United States spends slightly more than $500,000,000 each year on Alzheimer's research; Whereas the Chairman of the Advisory Council on Alzheimer's Research, Care, and Services created by the National Alzheimer’s Project Act ( 42 U.S.C. 11225 ) has testified before Congress that the United States must devote at least $2,000,000,000 each year to Alzheimer’s research to reach the goal of preventing and effectively treating Alzheimer’s by 2025; and Whereas the public members of the Advisory Council on Alzheimer's Research, Care, and Services unanimously agree with the testimony of the Chairman regarding the amount of money required to reach the goal for 2025: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) is committed to strengthening the quality of care and expanding support for individuals with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias (referred to in this resolution as Alzheimer's ) and family caregivers of individuals with Alzheimer's; (2) declares that achieving the primary goal of the National Plan to Address Alzheimer’s Disease to prevent and effectively treat Alzheimer’s by 2025 is an urgent national priority; (3) recognizes that bold action and dramatic increases in funding are necessary to meet that goal; and (4) strives to— (A) double the amount of funding the United States spends on Alzheimer’s research in fiscal year 2015; and (B) develop a plan for fiscal years 2016 through 2019 to meet the target of the Advisory Council on Alzheimer's Research, Care, and Services for the United States to spend $2,000,000,000 each year on Alzheimer's research.
2023-01-07 06:52:01.967
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Agreed-to-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 304 ATS: Recognizing the 30th anniversary of the date of the restoration by the Federal Government of Federal recognition to the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon, November 22, 1983. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-11-20 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 304 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20131120"> November 20, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S322"> Mr. Merkley </sponsor> (for himself and <cosponsor name-id="S247"> Mr. Wyden </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title> Recognizing the 30th anniversary of the date of the restoration by the Federal Government of Federal recognition to the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon, November 22, 1983. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Grand Ronde Restoration Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/25/713"> 25 U.S.C. 713 et seq. </external-xref> ), which was signed by the President on November 22, 1983, restored Federal recognition to the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon historically inhabited land that extended from the summit of the Cascade Range, west along the shores of the Columbia River to the summit of the Coast Range, and south to the California border; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas in addition to restoring Federal recognition, that Act and other Federal Indian statutes have provided the means for the Confederated Tribes to achieve the goals of cultural restoration, economic self-sufficiency, and the attainment of a standard of living equivalent to that enjoyed by other citizens of the United States; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas by enacting the Grand Ronde Restoration Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/25/713"> 25 U.S.C. 713 et seq. </external-xref> ), the Federal Government— </text> <paragraph id="IDA0B1381CF96F4703A527A0C8922975A3"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> declared that the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon were eligible for all Federal services and benefits provided to federally recognized tribes; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="ID9ECA09642E4949448D27D42B6023E69C"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> called for the establishment of a tribal reservation; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="ID1BF3D699796D47118FC366B304CFDA6F"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> granted the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon self-government for the betterment of tribal members, including the ability to set tribal rolls; </text> </paragraph> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon have embraced Federal recognition and self-sufficiency statutes and are actively working to better the lives of tribal members; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas economic self-sufficiency, which was the goal of restoring Federal recognition for the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon, is being realized through many projects: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="ID8623034BB23342BBA01B73523CECFFD9" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate recognizes the 30th anniversary of November 22, 1983, the date on which the Federal Government restored Federal recognition to the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon. </text> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 304 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES November 20, 2013 Mr. Merkley (for himself and Mr. Wyden ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Recognizing the 30th anniversary of the date of the restoration by the Federal Government of Federal recognition to the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon, November 22, 1983. Whereas the Grand Ronde Restoration Act ( 25 U.S.C. 713 et seq. ), which was signed by the President on November 22, 1983, restored Federal recognition to the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon; Whereas the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon historically inhabited land that extended from the summit of the Cascade Range, west along the shores of the Columbia River to the summit of the Coast Range, and south to the California border; Whereas in addition to restoring Federal recognition, that Act and other Federal Indian statutes have provided the means for the Confederated Tribes to achieve the goals of cultural restoration, economic self-sufficiency, and the attainment of a standard of living equivalent to that enjoyed by other citizens of the United States; Whereas by enacting the Grand Ronde Restoration Act ( 25 U.S.C. 713 et seq. ), the Federal Government— (1) declared that the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon were eligible for all Federal services and benefits provided to federally recognized tribes; (2) called for the establishment of a tribal reservation; and (3) granted the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon self-government for the betterment of tribal members, including the ability to set tribal rolls; Whereas the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon have embraced Federal recognition and self-sufficiency statutes and are actively working to better the lives of tribal members; and Whereas economic self-sufficiency, which was the goal of restoring Federal recognition for the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon, is being realized through many projects: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate recognizes the 30th anniversary of November 22, 1983, the date on which the Federal Government restored Federal recognition to the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon.
2023-01-07 06:52:01.927
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Agreed-to-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 305 ATS: Recognizing National Native American Heritage Month and celebrating the heritages and cultures of Native Americans and the contributions of Native Americans to the United States. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-11-20 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 305 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131120"> November 20, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S275"> Ms. Cantwell </sponsor> (for herself, <cosponsor name-id="S354"> Ms. Baldwin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S317"> Mr. Barrasso </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S319"> Mr. Begich </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S136"> Mr. Cochran </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S266"> Mr. Crapo </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S332"> Mr. Franken </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S331"> Mrs. Gillibrand </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S359"> Mr. Heinrich </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S360"> Ms. Heitkamp </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S361"> Ms. Hirono </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S344"> Mr. Hoeven </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S257"> Mr. Johnson of South Dakota </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S311"> Ms. Klobuchar </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S369"> Mr. Markey </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S322"> Mr. Merkley </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S347"> Mr. Moran </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S198"> Mr. Reid </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S353"> Mr. Schatz </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S314"> Mr. Tester </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S303"> Mr. Thune </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S325"> Mr. Udall of Colorado </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S326"> Mr. Udall of New Mexico </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S327"> Mr. Warner </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S247"> Mr. Wyden </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Recognizing National Native American Heritage Month and celebrating the heritages and cultures of Native Americans and the contributions of Native Americans to the United States. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas from November 1, 2013, through November 30, 2013, the United States celebrates National Native American Heritage Month; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Native Americans are descendants of the original, indigenous inhabitants of what is now the United States; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the United States Bureau of the Census estimated in 2010 that there were more than 5,000,000 individuals in the United States of Native American descent; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Native Americans maintain vibrant cultures and traditions and hold a deeply rooted sense of community; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Native Americans have moving stories of tragedy, triumph, and perseverance that need to be shared with future generations; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Native Americans speak and preserve indigenous languages, which have contributed to the English language by being used as names of individuals and locations throughout the United States; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Congress has consistently reaffirmed its support of tribal self-governance and its commitment to improving the lives of all Native Americans by enhancing health care and law enforcement resources, improving the housing and socioeconomic status of Native Americans, and approving settlements of litigation involving Indian tribes and the United States; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the United States is committed to strengthening the government-to-government relationship that it has maintained with the various Indian tribes; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Congress has recognized the contributions of the Iroquois Confederacy, and its influence on the Founding Fathers in the drafting of the Constitution of the United States with the concepts of freedom of speech, the separation of governmental powers, and the system of checks and balances between the branches of government; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas with the enactment of the Native American Heritage Day Act of 2009 ( <external-xref legal-doc="public-law" parsable-cite="pl/111/33"> Public Law 111–33 </external-xref> ; 123 Stat. 1922), Congress— </text> <paragraph id="idA6121A1BAACB446BA9BC48BA4F131E19"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> reaffirmed the government-to-government relationship between the United States and Native American governments; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idD764FD1BEEDF42C3965EECC44092DD81"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> recognized the important contributions of Native Americans to the culture of the United States; </text> </paragraph> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Native Americans have made distinct and important contributions to the United States and the rest of the world in many fields, including the fields of agriculture, medicine, music, language, and art, and Native Americans have distinguished themselves as inventors, entrepreneurs, spiritual leaders, and scholars; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Native Americans have served with honor and distinction in the Armed Forces of the United States, and continue to serve in the Armed Forces in greater numbers per capita than any other group in the United States; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the United States has recognized the contribution of the Native American code talkers in World War I and World War II, who used indigenous languages as an unbreakable military code, saving countless American lives; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the people of the United States have reason to honor the great achievements and contributions of Native Americans and their ancestors: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="IDe2e9d25ff1404c89bd88740a38434f82"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> recognizes the month of November 2013 as National Native American Heritage Month; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="ID3fc12548f74542a9823fbfec78b618d9"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> recognizes the Friday after Thanksgiving as <quote> Native American Heritage Day </quote> in accordance with the Native American Heritage Day Act of 2009 (Public Law 111–33; 123 Stat. 1922); and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="IDffc1687f8e77491c8d2525f79819748b"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> urges the people of the United States to observe National Native American Heritage Month and Native American Heritage Day with appropriate programs and activities. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 305 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES November 20, 2013 Ms. Cantwell (for herself, Ms. Baldwin , Mr. Barrasso , Mr. Begich , Mr. Cochran , Mr. Crapo , Mr. Franken , Mrs. Gillibrand , Mr. Heinrich , Ms. Heitkamp , Ms. Hirono , Mr. Hoeven , Mr. Johnson of South Dakota , Ms. Klobuchar , Mr. Markey , Mr. Merkley , Mr. Moran , Mr. Reid , Mr. Schatz , Mr. Tester , Mr. Thune , Mr. Udall of Colorado , Mr. Udall of New Mexico , Mr. Warner , and Mr. Wyden ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Recognizing National Native American Heritage Month and celebrating the heritages and cultures of Native Americans and the contributions of Native Americans to the United States. Whereas from November 1, 2013, through November 30, 2013, the United States celebrates National Native American Heritage Month; Whereas Native Americans are descendants of the original, indigenous inhabitants of what is now the United States; Whereas the United States Bureau of the Census estimated in 2010 that there were more than 5,000,000 individuals in the United States of Native American descent; Whereas Native Americans maintain vibrant cultures and traditions and hold a deeply rooted sense of community; Whereas Native Americans have moving stories of tragedy, triumph, and perseverance that need to be shared with future generations; Whereas Native Americans speak and preserve indigenous languages, which have contributed to the English language by being used as names of individuals and locations throughout the United States; Whereas Congress has consistently reaffirmed its support of tribal self-governance and its commitment to improving the lives of all Native Americans by enhancing health care and law enforcement resources, improving the housing and socioeconomic status of Native Americans, and approving settlements of litigation involving Indian tribes and the United States; Whereas the United States is committed to strengthening the government-to-government relationship that it has maintained with the various Indian tribes; Whereas Congress has recognized the contributions of the Iroquois Confederacy, and its influence on the Founding Fathers in the drafting of the Constitution of the United States with the concepts of freedom of speech, the separation of governmental powers, and the system of checks and balances between the branches of government; Whereas with the enactment of the Native American Heritage Day Act of 2009 ( Public Law 111–33 ; 123 Stat. 1922), Congress— (1) reaffirmed the government-to-government relationship between the United States and Native American governments; and (2) recognized the important contributions of Native Americans to the culture of the United States; Whereas Native Americans have made distinct and important contributions to the United States and the rest of the world in many fields, including the fields of agriculture, medicine, music, language, and art, and Native Americans have distinguished themselves as inventors, entrepreneurs, spiritual leaders, and scholars; Whereas Native Americans have served with honor and distinction in the Armed Forces of the United States, and continue to serve in the Armed Forces in greater numbers per capita than any other group in the United States; Whereas the United States has recognized the contribution of the Native American code talkers in World War I and World War II, who used indigenous languages as an unbreakable military code, saving countless American lives; and Whereas the people of the United States have reason to honor the great achievements and contributions of Native Americans and their ancestors: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) recognizes the month of November 2013 as National Native American Heritage Month; (2) recognizes the Friday after Thanksgiving as Native American Heritage Day in accordance with the Native American Heritage Day Act of 2009 (Public Law 111–33; 123 Stat. 1922); and (3) urges the people of the United States to observe National Native American Heritage Month and Native American Heritage Day with appropriate programs and activities.
2023-01-07 06:51:03.990
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Agreed-to-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 306 ATS: Designating Thursday, November 21, 2013, as “Feed America Day”. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-11-20 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 306 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131120"> November 20, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S118"> Mr. Hatch </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="S350"> Mr. Rubio </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S319"> Mr. Begich </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S266"> Mr. Crapo </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S309"> Mr. Casey </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S136"> Mr. Cochran </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S346"> Mr. Lee </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S057"> Mr. Leahy </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Designating Thursday, November 21, 2013, as <quote> Feed America Day </quote> . </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas Thanksgiving Day celebrates the spirit of selfless giving and an appreciation for family and friends; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the spirit of Thanksgiving Day is a virtue upon which the United States was founded; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas according to the Department of Agriculture, approximately 50,000,000 people in the United States, including 16,700,000 children, continue to live in households that do not have an adequate supply of food; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas selfless sacrifice breeds a genuine spirit of thanksgiving, both affirming and restoring fundamental principles in our society: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="idFDDC2823A693462FB89B3FE3B2E30B38"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> designates Thursday, November 21, 2013, as <quote> Feed America Day </quote> ; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="id38F4D7935B88435FB38C166AAF9B18FA"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> encourages the people of the United States to sacrifice 2 meals on Thursday, November 21, 2013, and to donate the money that would have been spent on that food to the religious or charitable organization of their choice for the purpose of feeding the hungry. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 306 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES November 20, 2013 Mr. Hatch (for himself, Mr. Rubio , Mr. Begich , Mr. Crapo , Mr. Casey , Mr. Cochran , Mr. Lee , and Mr. Leahy ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Designating Thursday, November 21, 2013, as Feed America Day . Whereas Thanksgiving Day celebrates the spirit of selfless giving and an appreciation for family and friends; Whereas the spirit of Thanksgiving Day is a virtue upon which the United States was founded; Whereas according to the Department of Agriculture, approximately 50,000,000 people in the United States, including 16,700,000 children, continue to live in households that do not have an adequate supply of food; and Whereas selfless sacrifice breeds a genuine spirit of thanksgiving, both affirming and restoring fundamental principles in our society: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) designates Thursday, November 21, 2013, as Feed America Day ; and (2) encourages the people of the United States to sacrifice 2 meals on Thursday, November 21, 2013, and to donate the money that would have been spent on that food to the religious or charitable organization of their choice for the purpose of feeding the hungry.
2023-01-07 06:51:03.955
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Agreed-to-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 307 ATS: Permitting the collection of clothing, toys, food, and housewares during the holiday season for charitable purposes in Senate buildings. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-11-20 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 307 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20131120"> November 20, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S313"> Mr. Sanders </sponsor> (for himself and <cosponsor name-id="S300"> Mr. Burr </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Permitting the collection of clothing, toys, food, and housewares during the holiday season for charitable purposes in Senate buildings. </official-title> </form> <resolution-body> <section id="S1" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Collection of clothing, toys, food, and housewares during the holiday season for charitable purposes in Senate buildings </header> <subsection id="idED2F417EAB3E4D0DB2919ADEFFD208D6"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> Notwithstanding any other provision of the rules or regulations of the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="id24CCAA8733774399ACC5DB75C9C09111"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> a Senator, officer of the Senate, or employee of the Senate may collect from another Senator, officer of the Senate, or employee of the Senate within Senate buildings nonmonetary donations of clothing, toys, food, and housewares for charitable purposes related to serving persons in need or members of the Armed Forces and the families of those members during the holiday season, if the charitable purposes do not otherwise violate any rule or regulation of the Senate or of Federal law; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idC968AC70F17D448C8B8BDF5DF05C0BDB"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> a Senator, officer of the Senate, or employee of the Senate may work with a nonprofit organization with respect to the delivery of donations described under paragraph (1). </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="id5459327DE15A4200B4AB1C78F300B011"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Expiration </header> <text> The authority provided by this resolution shall expire at the end of the first session of the 113th Congress. </text> </subsection> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 307 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES November 20, 2013 Mr. Sanders (for himself and Mr. Burr ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Permitting the collection of clothing, toys, food, and housewares during the holiday season for charitable purposes in Senate buildings. 1. Collection of clothing, toys, food, and housewares during the holiday season for charitable purposes in Senate buildings (a) In general Notwithstanding any other provision of the rules or regulations of the Senate— (1) a Senator, officer of the Senate, or employee of the Senate may collect from another Senator, officer of the Senate, or employee of the Senate within Senate buildings nonmonetary donations of clothing, toys, food, and housewares for charitable purposes related to serving persons in need or members of the Armed Forces and the families of those members during the holiday season, if the charitable purposes do not otherwise violate any rule or regulation of the Senate or of Federal law; and (2) a Senator, officer of the Senate, or employee of the Senate may work with a nonprofit organization with respect to the delivery of donations described under paragraph (1). (b) Expiration The authority provided by this resolution shall expire at the end of the first session of the 113th Congress.
2023-01-07 06:51:03.654
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Agreed-to-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 308 ATS: Recognizing and supporting the goals and ideals of National Runaway Prevention Month. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-11-20 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 308 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131120"> November 20, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S118"> Mr. Hatch </sponsor> (for himself and <cosponsor name-id="S057"> Mr. Leahy </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Recognizing and supporting the goals and ideals of National Runaway Prevention Month. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas the prevalence of runaway and homelessness among youth is staggering, with studies suggesting that every year, between 1,600,000 and 2,800,000 youth live on the streets of the United States; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the problem of youth running away from home or a foster care placement is widespread, and youth aged 12 to 17 are at a higher risk of homelessness than adults; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas runaway youth most often are youth who have been expelled from their homes by their families; physically, sexually, and emotionally abused at home; discharged by State custodial systems without adequate transition plans; separated from their parents by death and divorce; too poor to secure their own basic needs; and ineligible or unable to access adequate medical or mental health resources; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas children and youth in foster care, particularly those in groups home are especially vulnerable to running away; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, children and youth who run away are at increased risk for domestic sex trafficking; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas effective programs supporting runaway youth and assisting youth and their families in remaining at home or in a safe foster home, succeed because of partnerships created among families, youth based advocacy organizations, community-based human service agencies, law enforcement agencies, schools, faith-based organizations, and businesses; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas preventing youth from running away from home or from foster care and supporting youth in high-risk situations is a family, community, and national priority; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the future well-being of the Nation is dependent on the opportunities provided for youth and families to acquire the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to help youth successfully transition to a safe, healthy and productive adulthood, as well as having opportunities for youth to make connections to caring adults and to engage in age-appropriate activities; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the National Network for Youth and its members advocate on behalf of runaway and homeless youth, and provide an array of community-based support to address their critical needs; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the National Runaway Safeline provides crisis intervention and referrals to reconnect runaway youth to their families and link youth to local resources that provide positive alternatives to running away from home; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the National Network for Youth and National Runaway Safeline are cosponsoring National Runaway Prevention Month in November to increase public awareness of the life circumstances of youth in high-risk situations, and the need for safe, healthy, and productive alternatives, resources, and support for youth, families, and communities: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate recognizes and supports the goals and ideals of National Runaway Prevention Month. </text> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 308 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES November 20, 2013 Mr. Hatch (for himself and Mr. Leahy ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Recognizing and supporting the goals and ideals of National Runaway Prevention Month. Whereas the prevalence of runaway and homelessness among youth is staggering, with studies suggesting that every year, between 1,600,000 and 2,800,000 youth live on the streets of the United States; Whereas the problem of youth running away from home or a foster care placement is widespread, and youth aged 12 to 17 are at a higher risk of homelessness than adults; Whereas runaway youth most often are youth who have been expelled from their homes by their families; physically, sexually, and emotionally abused at home; discharged by State custodial systems without adequate transition plans; separated from their parents by death and divorce; too poor to secure their own basic needs; and ineligible or unable to access adequate medical or mental health resources; Whereas children and youth in foster care, particularly those in groups home are especially vulnerable to running away; Whereas, children and youth who run away are at increased risk for domestic sex trafficking; Whereas effective programs supporting runaway youth and assisting youth and their families in remaining at home or in a safe foster home, succeed because of partnerships created among families, youth based advocacy organizations, community-based human service agencies, law enforcement agencies, schools, faith-based organizations, and businesses; Whereas preventing youth from running away from home or from foster care and supporting youth in high-risk situations is a family, community, and national priority; Whereas the future well-being of the Nation is dependent on the opportunities provided for youth and families to acquire the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to help youth successfully transition to a safe, healthy and productive adulthood, as well as having opportunities for youth to make connections to caring adults and to engage in age-appropriate activities; Whereas the National Network for Youth and its members advocate on behalf of runaway and homeless youth, and provide an array of community-based support to address their critical needs; Whereas the National Runaway Safeline provides crisis intervention and referrals to reconnect runaway youth to their families and link youth to local resources that provide positive alternatives to running away from home; and Whereas the National Network for Youth and National Runaway Safeline are cosponsoring National Runaway Prevention Month in November to increase public awareness of the life circumstances of youth in high-risk situations, and the need for safe, healthy, and productive alternatives, resources, and support for youth, families, and communities: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate recognizes and supports the goals and ideals of National Runaway Prevention Month.
2023-01-07 06:51:03.609
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Introduced-in-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 309 IS: Expressing support for improvement in the collection, processing, and consumption of recyclable materials throughout the United States. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-11-21 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 309 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131121"> November 21, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S277"> Mr. Carper </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="S343"> Mr. Boozman </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S153"> Mr. Grassley </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S229"> Mrs. Murray </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S341"> Mr. Blumenthal </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S309"> Mr. Casey </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S316"> Mr. Whitehouse </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S337"> Mr. Coons </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S295"> Mr. Pryor </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="SSEV00"> Committee on Environment and Public Works </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Expressing support for improvement in the collection, processing, and consumption of recyclable materials throughout the United States. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas maximizing the recycling economy in the United States will create and sustain additional well-paying jobs in the United States, further stimulate the economy of the United States, save energy, and conserve valuable natural resources; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas recycling is an important action that people in the United States can take to be environmental stewards; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas municipal recycling rates in the United States steadily increased from 6.6 percent in 1970 to 28.6 percent in 2000, but since 2000, the rate of increase has slowed considerably; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas recycling allows the United States to recover the critical materials necessary to sustain the recycling economy and protect national security interests in the United States; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas recycling plays an integral role in the sustainable management of materials throughout the life-cycle of a product; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas 46 States have laws promoting the recycling of materials that would otherwise be incinerated or sent to a landfill; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas more than 10,000 communities in the United States have residential recycling and drop-off programs that collect a wide variety of recyclable materials, including paper, steel, aluminum, plastic, glass, and electronics; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas in addition to residential recycling, the scrap recycling industry in the United States manufactures recyclable materials collected from businesses and individuals into commodity-grade materials; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas those commodity-grade materials are used as feedstock to produce new basic materials and finished products in the United States and throughout the world; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas recycling stimulates the economy and plays an integral role in sustaining manufacturing in the United States; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas in 2010, the United States recycling industry collected, processed, and consumed over 130,000,000 metric tons of recyclable material, valued at $77,000,000,000; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas many manufacturers use recycled commodities to make products, saving energy and reducing the need for raw materials, which are generally higher-priced; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the recycling industry in the United States helps balance the trade deficit and provides emerging economies with the raw materials needed to build countries and participate in the global economy; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas in 2010, the scrap recycling industry in the United States sold more than 44,000,000 metric tons of commodity-grade materials, valued at almost $30,000,000,000, to more than 154 countries; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas recycling saves energy by decreasing the amount of energy needed to manufacture the products that people build, buy, and use; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas using recycled materials in place of raw materials can result in energy savings of 92 percent for aluminum cans, 87 percent for mixed plastics, 63 percent for steel cans, 45 percent for recycled newspaper, and 34 percent for recycled glass; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas a bipartisan Senate Recycling Caucus and a bipartisan House Recycling Caucus were established in 2006 to provide a permanent and long-term way for members of Congress to obtain in-depth knowledge about the recycling industry and to help promote the many benefits of recycling: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="id3273b468911a4e0aa24a1ebdf0769635"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> expresses support for improvement in the collection, processing, and consumption of recyclable material throughout the United States in order to create well-paying jobs, foster innovation and investment in the United States recycling infrastructure, and stimulate the economy of the United States; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id0b8a667adfe54bc490703b282e249f79"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> expresses support for strengthening the manufacturing base in the United States in order to rebuild the domestic economy, which will increase the supply, demand, and consumption of recyclable and recycled materials in the United States; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id090fed5db38847c38978822f43fccb25"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> expresses support for a competitive marketplace for recyclable materials; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id336c3cb076954405a522e8ebd7f08f55"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> expresses support for the trade of recyclable commodities, which is an integral part of the domestic and global economy; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idec88e41267fb4bc194c1280d7ed14ede"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> expresses support for policies in the United States that promote recycling of materials, including paper, which is commonly recycled rather than thermally combusted or sent to a landfill; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id04b9fdfae0d1466f964a8d8e32100474"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text> expresses support for policies in the United States that recognize and promote recyclable materials as essential economic commodities, rather than wastes; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="ida8433e31de604c679653ef5109274686"> <enum> (7) </enum> <text> expresses support for policies in the United States that promote using recyclable materials as feedstock to produce new basic materials and finished products throughout the world; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idc6f5edf3f1c7484a8ae99c1c46712c45"> <enum> (8) </enum> <text> expresses support for research and development of new technologies to more efficiently and effectively recycle materials such as automobile shredder residue and cathode ray tubes; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id115536274fec480f8b2f5177ccc1c238"> <enum> (9) </enum> <text> expresses support for research and development of new technologies to remove materials that are impediments to recycling, such as radioactive material, polychlorinated biphenyls, mercury-containing devices, and chlorofluorocarbons; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idaa92212301794fb39424972d8eb79f0b"> <enum> (10) </enum> <text> expresses support for Design for Recycling, to improve the design and manufacture of goods to ensure that, at the end of a useful life, a good can, to the maximum extent practicable, be recycled safely and economically; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idd20fae1eb27b469e8d1a51d751e1dac0"> <enum> (11) </enum> <text> recognizes that the scrap recycling industry in the United States is a manufacturing industry that is critical to the future of the United States; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idbbd00091e8924a3299aae863eb3538aa"> <enum> (12) </enum> <text> expresses support for policies in the United States that establish the equitable treatment of recycled materials; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idedc0d120cb6c42358e7a3e541c971837"> <enum> (13) </enum> <text> expresses support for the participation of households, businesses, and governmental entities in the United States in recycling programs, where available. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 309 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES November 21, 2013 Mr. Carper (for himself, Mr. Boozman , Mr. Grassley , Mrs. Murray , Mr. Blumenthal , Mr. Casey , Mr. Whitehouse , Mr. Coons , and Mr. Pryor ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Environment and Public Works RESOLUTION Expressing support for improvement in the collection, processing, and consumption of recyclable materials throughout the United States. Whereas maximizing the recycling economy in the United States will create and sustain additional well-paying jobs in the United States, further stimulate the economy of the United States, save energy, and conserve valuable natural resources; Whereas recycling is an important action that people in the United States can take to be environmental stewards; Whereas municipal recycling rates in the United States steadily increased from 6.6 percent in 1970 to 28.6 percent in 2000, but since 2000, the rate of increase has slowed considerably; Whereas recycling allows the United States to recover the critical materials necessary to sustain the recycling economy and protect national security interests in the United States; Whereas recycling plays an integral role in the sustainable management of materials throughout the life-cycle of a product; Whereas 46 States have laws promoting the recycling of materials that would otherwise be incinerated or sent to a landfill; Whereas more than 10,000 communities in the United States have residential recycling and drop-off programs that collect a wide variety of recyclable materials, including paper, steel, aluminum, plastic, glass, and electronics; Whereas in addition to residential recycling, the scrap recycling industry in the United States manufactures recyclable materials collected from businesses and individuals into commodity-grade materials; Whereas those commodity-grade materials are used as feedstock to produce new basic materials and finished products in the United States and throughout the world; Whereas recycling stimulates the economy and plays an integral role in sustaining manufacturing in the United States; Whereas in 2010, the United States recycling industry collected, processed, and consumed over 130,000,000 metric tons of recyclable material, valued at $77,000,000,000; Whereas many manufacturers use recycled commodities to make products, saving energy and reducing the need for raw materials, which are generally higher-priced; Whereas the recycling industry in the United States helps balance the trade deficit and provides emerging economies with the raw materials needed to build countries and participate in the global economy; Whereas in 2010, the scrap recycling industry in the United States sold more than 44,000,000 metric tons of commodity-grade materials, valued at almost $30,000,000,000, to more than 154 countries; Whereas recycling saves energy by decreasing the amount of energy needed to manufacture the products that people build, buy, and use; Whereas using recycled materials in place of raw materials can result in energy savings of 92 percent for aluminum cans, 87 percent for mixed plastics, 63 percent for steel cans, 45 percent for recycled newspaper, and 34 percent for recycled glass; and Whereas a bipartisan Senate Recycling Caucus and a bipartisan House Recycling Caucus were established in 2006 to provide a permanent and long-term way for members of Congress to obtain in-depth knowledge about the recycling industry and to help promote the many benefits of recycling: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) expresses support for improvement in the collection, processing, and consumption of recyclable material throughout the United States in order to create well-paying jobs, foster innovation and investment in the United States recycling infrastructure, and stimulate the economy of the United States; (2) expresses support for strengthening the manufacturing base in the United States in order to rebuild the domestic economy, which will increase the supply, demand, and consumption of recyclable and recycled materials in the United States; (3) expresses support for a competitive marketplace for recyclable materials; (4) expresses support for the trade of recyclable commodities, which is an integral part of the domestic and global economy; (5) expresses support for policies in the United States that promote recycling of materials, including paper, which is commonly recycled rather than thermally combusted or sent to a landfill; (6) expresses support for policies in the United States that recognize and promote recyclable materials as essential economic commodities, rather than wastes; (7) expresses support for policies in the United States that promote using recyclable materials as feedstock to produce new basic materials and finished products throughout the world; (8) expresses support for research and development of new technologies to more efficiently and effectively recycle materials such as automobile shredder residue and cathode ray tubes; (9) expresses support for research and development of new technologies to remove materials that are impediments to recycling, such as radioactive material, polychlorinated biphenyls, mercury-containing devices, and chlorofluorocarbons; (10) expresses support for Design for Recycling, to improve the design and manufacture of goods to ensure that, at the end of a useful life, a good can, to the maximum extent practicable, be recycled safely and economically; (11) recognizes that the scrap recycling industry in the United States is a manufacturing industry that is critical to the future of the United States; (12) expresses support for policies in the United States that establish the equitable treatment of recycled materials; and (13) expresses support for the participation of households, businesses, and governmental entities in the United States in recycling programs, where available.
2023-01-07 06:51:03.547
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Introduced-in-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 310 IS: Designating December 3, 2013, as “National Phenylketonuria Awareness Day”. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-11-21 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 310 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131121"> November 21, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S305"> Mr. Isakson </sponsor> (for himself and <cosponsor name-id="S354"> Ms. Baldwin </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="SSJU00"> Committee on the Judiciary </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Designating December 3, 2013, as <quote> National Phenylketonuria Awareness Day </quote> . </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas phenylketonuria is a rare, inherited metabolic disorder that is characterized by the inability of the body to process the essential amino acid phenylalanine and causes mental retardation and other neurological problems, such as memory loss and mood disorders, when treatment is not started within the first few weeks of life; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas newborn screening for phenylketonuria was initiated in the United States in 1963 and recommended for inclusion in State newborn screening programs under the Newborn Screening Saves Lives Act of 2007 ( <external-xref legal-doc="public-law" parsable-cite="pl/110/204"> Public Law 110–204 </external-xref> ; 122 Stat. 705); </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas approximately 1 out of every 15,000 infants in the United States is born with phenylketonuria; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Phenylketonuria Scientific Review Conference in 2012 affirmed the recommendation of lifelong dietary treatment for phenylketonuria made by the National Institutes of Health Consensus Development Conference Statement 2000; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas women with phenylketonuria must maintain strict metabolic control before and during pregnancy to prevent fetal damage; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas a child born from an untreated mother with phenylketonuria may have a condition known as <quote> maternal phenylketonuria syndrome </quote> , which can cause a small brain, an intellectual disability, birth defects of the heart, and a low birth weight; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas phenylketonuria is treated with medical food; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas although there is no cure for phenylketonuria, treatment involving medical food and restricting phenylalanine intake can prevent progressive, irreversible brain damage; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas maintaining a strict medical diet for phenylketonuria can be difficult to achieve, and poor metabolic control can result in a significant decline in mental and behavioral performance; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas access to health insurance coverage for medical food varies across the United States; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the long-term costs associated with caring for untreated children and adults exceed the cost of providing medical food treatment; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas scientists and researchers are hopeful that breakthroughs in phenylketonuria research will be forthcoming; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas researchers across the United States are conducting important research projects involving phenylketonuria; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Senate is an institution that can raise awareness of phenylketonuria among the general public and the medical community: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="id1d2cb8066df24101b6575a6f9b22c37f"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> designates December 3, 2013, as <quote> National Phenylketonuria Awareness Day </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id0c1685a0930f491c800e673fc2997f15"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> encourages all people in the United States to become more informed about phenylketonuria; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="iddd305128cb134f9888c6f4528c43896d"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> respectfully requests that the Secretary of the Senate transmit a copy of this resolution to the National PKU Alliance, a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of individuals with phenylketonuria. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 310 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES November 21, 2013 Mr. Isakson (for himself and Ms. Baldwin ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary RESOLUTION Designating December 3, 2013, as National Phenylketonuria Awareness Day . Whereas phenylketonuria is a rare, inherited metabolic disorder that is characterized by the inability of the body to process the essential amino acid phenylalanine and causes mental retardation and other neurological problems, such as memory loss and mood disorders, when treatment is not started within the first few weeks of life; Whereas newborn screening for phenylketonuria was initiated in the United States in 1963 and recommended for inclusion in State newborn screening programs under the Newborn Screening Saves Lives Act of 2007 ( Public Law 110–204 ; 122 Stat. 705); Whereas approximately 1 out of every 15,000 infants in the United States is born with phenylketonuria; Whereas the Phenylketonuria Scientific Review Conference in 2012 affirmed the recommendation of lifelong dietary treatment for phenylketonuria made by the National Institutes of Health Consensus Development Conference Statement 2000; Whereas women with phenylketonuria must maintain strict metabolic control before and during pregnancy to prevent fetal damage; Whereas a child born from an untreated mother with phenylketonuria may have a condition known as maternal phenylketonuria syndrome , which can cause a small brain, an intellectual disability, birth defects of the heart, and a low birth weight; Whereas phenylketonuria is treated with medical food; Whereas although there is no cure for phenylketonuria, treatment involving medical food and restricting phenylalanine intake can prevent progressive, irreversible brain damage; Whereas maintaining a strict medical diet for phenylketonuria can be difficult to achieve, and poor metabolic control can result in a significant decline in mental and behavioral performance; Whereas access to health insurance coverage for medical food varies across the United States; Whereas the long-term costs associated with caring for untreated children and adults exceed the cost of providing medical food treatment; Whereas scientists and researchers are hopeful that breakthroughs in phenylketonuria research will be forthcoming; Whereas researchers across the United States are conducting important research projects involving phenylketonuria; and Whereas the Senate is an institution that can raise awareness of phenylketonuria among the general public and the medical community: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) designates December 3, 2013, as National Phenylketonuria Awareness Day ; (2) encourages all people in the United States to become more informed about phenylketonuria; and (3) respectfully requests that the Secretary of the Senate transmit a copy of this resolution to the National PKU Alliance, a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of individuals with phenylketonuria.
2023-01-07 06:51:02.960
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Introduced-in-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 311 IS: Calling on the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to strongly oppose Russia’s discriminatory law against the freedom of expression for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) persons and to obtain written assurance that host countries of the Olympic Games will uphold all international human rights and civil rights obligations for all persons observing or participating in the Games regardless of race, sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity, and for other purposes. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-11-21 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 311 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131121"> November 21, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S322"> Mr. Merkley </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="S223"> Mrs. Boxer </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S221"> Mrs. Feinstein </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S364"> Mr. Murphy </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="SSCM00"> Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Calling on the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to strongly oppose Russia’s discriminatory law against the freedom of expression for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) persons and to obtain written assurance that host countries of the Olympic Games will uphold all international human rights and civil rights obligations for all persons observing or participating in the Games regardless of race, sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity, and for other purposes. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas the goal of the Olympic movement is to contribute to building a peaceful and better world by educating youth through sport practiced in accordance with Olympism and its values; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the role of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), according to the Olympic Charter, is to cooperate with the competent public or private organizations and authorities in the endeavor to place sport at the service of humanity and thereby promote peace; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, under the Olympic Charter, any form of discrimination against a person is deemed incompatible with belonging to the Olympic movement and the IOC is to act explicitly against any form of discrimination affecting the Olympic movement; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, in February 2014, the city of Sochi in the Krasnodar region of the Russian Federation will host the 22nd Winter Olympic Games; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, on June 30, 2013, President Vladimir Putin of Russian signed into law a bill that allows the Government of the Russian Federation to arrest gay or “pro-gay” foreigners prior to being deported from the country; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Krasnodar region of Russia, where the city of Sochi is located, and 10 other regions have adopted similar laws banning “homosexual propaganda”; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas several media outlets recently reported of homophobic violence occurring in Russia resulting in the deaths of Russian citizens; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas authorities in Russia have refused to register the nongovernmental organization that would set up a Pride House in Sochi, which would work to combat homophobia in sport and promote lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered (LGBT) individuals' rights during the Olympic Games in Russia, as the Pride House did during the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the presence of a Pride House would be the expression of human rights and have the mission of celebrating diversity and inclusiveness through sport and raising awareness of LGBT discrimination and criminalization; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the IOC has said that they have received assurances from the highest levels of the Government of the Russian Federation that Olympic athletes and visitors will not be affected by Russia’s discriminatory law, but the Minister of Sports in Russia has suggested that athletes will not be exempt; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Department of State has a clear and consistent policy of championing the protection of human rights of LGBT individuals worldwide, including by opposing any legislation that singles out people for discriminatory treatment due to their sexual orientation and by encouraging countries to repeal or reform laws that punish or criminalize LGBT status; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Russia has obligated itself to respect and enforce the right to be free from discrimination and the right to freedom of assembly, association, and expression under the European Convention of Human Rights, the United Nations International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the human dimension commitments of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the IOC recently stated, <quote> The International Olympic Committee is clear that sport is a human right and should be available to all regardless of race, sex or sexual orientation. The Games themselves should be open to all, free of discrimination, and that applies to spectators, officials, media and of course athletes. We oppose in the strongest terms any move that would jeopardize this principle. </quote> : Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="id36723d24f8bb4607bd95399eb5fde718"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> calls on the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to strongly oppose Russia’s discriminatory law as inconsistent with Russia’s international obligations and with the value of the Olympic movement; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id78328fe9df5b4a01af72f50bb9c44ab5"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> calls on the IOC to insist, as a condition of holding the planned Olympic Games in Sochi, that the Government of the Russian Federation provide unconditional assurance that no athlete, coach, official, spectator, or anyone otherwise involved or affiliated with the Olympic Games will be harassed, fined, detained, or otherwise have their human rights, including their right to free expression, violated due to their actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity or expression of support for LGBT human rights; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id7f70ca969b39445fb79dee107bb05e22"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> urges the IOC to insist that venders and contractors have LGBT nondiscrimination policies in place for the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi and for all future Olympic Games or other Olympic events; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id47d1889e2e25429e95bf3d4e82b897db"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> urges the IOC to call on the Russian Federation to allow a Pride House that has the mission of celebrating diversity and inclusiveness through sport and raising awareness of LGBT discrimination and criminalization; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="ida4e149abd382447ba2912f2582b15758"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> urges the IOC to amend its charter to state that discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity is not compatible with the Olympic Games; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idc3bd2e288ad944618189b4fcbff16857"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text> urges the congressionally chartered United States Olympic Committee to intervene and assist the IOC in establishing the objectives as laid out by this resolution. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 311 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES November 21, 2013 Mr. Merkley (for himself, Mrs. Boxer , Mrs. Feinstein , and Mr. Murphy ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation RESOLUTION Calling on the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to strongly oppose Russia’s discriminatory law against the freedom of expression for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) persons and to obtain written assurance that host countries of the Olympic Games will uphold all international human rights and civil rights obligations for all persons observing or participating in the Games regardless of race, sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity, and for other purposes. Whereas the goal of the Olympic movement is to contribute to building a peaceful and better world by educating youth through sport practiced in accordance with Olympism and its values; Whereas the role of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), according to the Olympic Charter, is to cooperate with the competent public or private organizations and authorities in the endeavor to place sport at the service of humanity and thereby promote peace; Whereas, under the Olympic Charter, any form of discrimination against a person is deemed incompatible with belonging to the Olympic movement and the IOC is to act explicitly against any form of discrimination affecting the Olympic movement; Whereas, in February 2014, the city of Sochi in the Krasnodar region of the Russian Federation will host the 22nd Winter Olympic Games; Whereas, on June 30, 2013, President Vladimir Putin of Russian signed into law a bill that allows the Government of the Russian Federation to arrest gay or “pro-gay” foreigners prior to being deported from the country; Whereas the Krasnodar region of Russia, where the city of Sochi is located, and 10 other regions have adopted similar laws banning “homosexual propaganda”; Whereas several media outlets recently reported of homophobic violence occurring in Russia resulting in the deaths of Russian citizens; Whereas authorities in Russia have refused to register the nongovernmental organization that would set up a Pride House in Sochi, which would work to combat homophobia in sport and promote lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered (LGBT) individuals' rights during the Olympic Games in Russia, as the Pride House did during the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver; Whereas the presence of a Pride House would be the expression of human rights and have the mission of celebrating diversity and inclusiveness through sport and raising awareness of LGBT discrimination and criminalization; Whereas the IOC has said that they have received assurances from the highest levels of the Government of the Russian Federation that Olympic athletes and visitors will not be affected by Russia’s discriminatory law, but the Minister of Sports in Russia has suggested that athletes will not be exempt; Whereas the Department of State has a clear and consistent policy of championing the protection of human rights of LGBT individuals worldwide, including by opposing any legislation that singles out people for discriminatory treatment due to their sexual orientation and by encouraging countries to repeal or reform laws that punish or criminalize LGBT status; Whereas Russia has obligated itself to respect and enforce the right to be free from discrimination and the right to freedom of assembly, association, and expression under the European Convention of Human Rights, the United Nations International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the human dimension commitments of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe; and Whereas the IOC recently stated, The International Olympic Committee is clear that sport is a human right and should be available to all regardless of race, sex or sexual orientation. The Games themselves should be open to all, free of discrimination, and that applies to spectators, officials, media and of course athletes. We oppose in the strongest terms any move that would jeopardize this principle. : Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) calls on the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to strongly oppose Russia’s discriminatory law as inconsistent with Russia’s international obligations and with the value of the Olympic movement; (2) calls on the IOC to insist, as a condition of holding the planned Olympic Games in Sochi, that the Government of the Russian Federation provide unconditional assurance that no athlete, coach, official, spectator, or anyone otherwise involved or affiliated with the Olympic Games will be harassed, fined, detained, or otherwise have their human rights, including their right to free expression, violated due to their actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity or expression of support for LGBT human rights; (3) urges the IOC to insist that venders and contractors have LGBT nondiscrimination policies in place for the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi and for all future Olympic Games or other Olympic events; (4) urges the IOC to call on the Russian Federation to allow a Pride House that has the mission of celebrating diversity and inclusiveness through sport and raising awareness of LGBT discrimination and criminalization; (5) urges the IOC to amend its charter to state that discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity is not compatible with the Olympic Games; and (6) urges the congressionally chartered United States Olympic Committee to intervene and assist the IOC in establishing the objectives as laid out by this resolution.
2023-01-07 05:39:02.124
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Agreed-to-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 312 ATS: Urging the Government of Iran to fulfill their promises of assistance in this case of Robert Levinson, one of the longest held United States civilians in our Nation’s history. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2014-01-09 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 2d Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 312 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131209"> December 9, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S282"> Mr. Nelson </sponsor> (for himself and <cosponsor name-id="S350"> Mr. Rubio </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the <committee-name added-display-style="italic" committee-id="SSFR00" deleted-display-style="strikethrough"> Committee on Foreign Relations </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <action stage="Reported-in-Senate"> <action-date date="20131218"> December 18, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> Reported by <sponsor name-id="S306"> Mr. Menendez </sponsor> , without amendment </action-desc> </action> <action> <action-date date="20140109"> January 9, 2014 </action-date> <action-desc> Considered and agreed to with an amended preamble and an amendment to the title </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Urging the Government of Iran to fulfill their promises of assistance in this case of Robert Levinson, one of the longest held United States civilians in our Nation’s history. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas United States citizen Robert Levinson is a retired agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), a resident of Coral Springs, Florida, the husband of Christine Levinson, and father of their 7 children; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Robert Levinson traveled from Dubai to Kish Island, Iran, on March 8, 2007; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, after traveling to Kish Island and checking into the Hotel Maryam, Robert Levinson disappeared on March 9, 2007; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, in December 2007, Robert Levinson’s wife, Christine, traveled to Kish Island to retrace Mr. Levinson’s steps and met with officials of the Government of Iran who pledged to help in the investigation; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, for more than 6 years, the United States Government has continually pressed the Government of Iran to provide any information on the whereabouts of Robert Levinson and to help ensure his prompt and safe return to his family; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas officials of the Government of Iran promised their continued assistance to the relatives of Robert Levinson during the visit of the family to the Islamic Republic of Iran in December 2007; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, in November 2010, the Levinson family received a video of Mr. Levinson in captivity, representing the first proof of life since his disappearance and providing some initial indications that he was being held somewhere in southwest Asia; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, in April 2011, the Levinson family received a series of pictures of Mr. Levinson, which provided further indications that he was being held somewhere in southwest Asia; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Secretary John Kerry stated on August 28, 2013, <quote> The United States respectfully asks the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran to work cooperatively with us in our efforts to help U.S. citizen Robert Levinson. </quote> ; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, on September 28, 2013, during the first direct phone conversation between the leaders of the United States and Iran since 1979, President Barack Obama raised the case of Robert Levinson to President of Iran Hassan Rouhani and urged the President of Iran to help locate Mr. Levinson and reunite him with his family; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas November 26, 2013, marked the 2,455th day since Mr. Levinson’s disappearance, making him one of the longest held United States civilians in our Nation’s history; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the FBI has announced a $1,000,000 reward for information leading to Mr. Levinson’s safe return: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body display-resolving-clause="yes-display-resolving-clause" style="OLC"> <section commented="no" display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="id80378bdfbed44b0abf734bc047493b04"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> recognizes that Robert Levinson is one of the longest held United States civilians in our Nation’s history; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="id152697e12d7a46b18454f6ba4dbb361a"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> notes recent pledges by newly appointed officials of the Government of Iran to provide their Government’s assistance in the case of Robert Levinson; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="id495f72ba754d46f9a008a248dff3c0e9"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> urges the Government of Iran, as a humanitarian gesture, to intensify its cooperation on the case of Robert Levinson and to immediately share the results of its investigation into the disappearance of Robert Levinson with the United States Government; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="id433d9532dd07451789438a95838cc2d8"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> urges the President and the allies of the United States to continue to raise with officials of the Government of Iran the case of Robert Levinson at every opportunity, notwithstanding other serious disagreements the United States Government has had with the Government of Iran on a broad array of issues, including human rights, the nuclear program of Iran, the Middle East peace process, regional stability, and international terrorism; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="idf544b7d54f2c46ce971dd3ed2ca1590c"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> expresses sympathy to the family of Robert Levinson for their anguish and expresses hope that their ordeal can be brought to an end in the near future. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 312 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES December 9, 2013 Mr. Nelson (for himself and Mr. Rubio ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations December 18, 2013 Reported by Mr. Menendez , without amendment January 9, 2014 Considered and agreed to with an amended preamble and an amendment to the title RESOLUTION Urging the Government of Iran to fulfill their promises of assistance in this case of Robert Levinson, one of the longest held United States civilians in our Nation’s history. Whereas United States citizen Robert Levinson is a retired agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), a resident of Coral Springs, Florida, the husband of Christine Levinson, and father of their 7 children; Whereas Robert Levinson traveled from Dubai to Kish Island, Iran, on March 8, 2007; Whereas, after traveling to Kish Island and checking into the Hotel Maryam, Robert Levinson disappeared on March 9, 2007; Whereas, in December 2007, Robert Levinson’s wife, Christine, traveled to Kish Island to retrace Mr. Levinson’s steps and met with officials of the Government of Iran who pledged to help in the investigation; Whereas, for more than 6 years, the United States Government has continually pressed the Government of Iran to provide any information on the whereabouts of Robert Levinson and to help ensure his prompt and safe return to his family; Whereas officials of the Government of Iran promised their continued assistance to the relatives of Robert Levinson during the visit of the family to the Islamic Republic of Iran in December 2007; Whereas, in November 2010, the Levinson family received a video of Mr. Levinson in captivity, representing the first proof of life since his disappearance and providing some initial indications that he was being held somewhere in southwest Asia; Whereas, in April 2011, the Levinson family received a series of pictures of Mr. Levinson, which provided further indications that he was being held somewhere in southwest Asia; Whereas Secretary John Kerry stated on August 28, 2013, The United States respectfully asks the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran to work cooperatively with us in our efforts to help U.S. citizen Robert Levinson. ; Whereas, on September 28, 2013, during the first direct phone conversation between the leaders of the United States and Iran since 1979, President Barack Obama raised the case of Robert Levinson to President of Iran Hassan Rouhani and urged the President of Iran to help locate Mr. Levinson and reunite him with his family; Whereas November 26, 2013, marked the 2,455th day since Mr. Levinson’s disappearance, making him one of the longest held United States civilians in our Nation’s history; and Whereas the FBI has announced a $1,000,000 reward for information leading to Mr. Levinson’s safe return: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) recognizes that Robert Levinson is one of the longest held United States civilians in our Nation’s history; (2) notes recent pledges by newly appointed officials of the Government of Iran to provide their Government’s assistance in the case of Robert Levinson; (3) urges the Government of Iran, as a humanitarian gesture, to intensify its cooperation on the case of Robert Levinson and to immediately share the results of its investigation into the disappearance of Robert Levinson with the United States Government; (4) urges the President and the allies of the United States to continue to raise with officials of the Government of Iran the case of Robert Levinson at every opportunity, notwithstanding other serious disagreements the United States Government has had with the Government of Iran on a broad array of issues, including human rights, the nuclear program of Iran, the Middle East peace process, regional stability, and international terrorism; and (5) expresses sympathy to the family of Robert Levinson for their anguish and expresses hope that their ordeal can be brought to an end in the near future.
2023-01-07 06:11:02.402
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Introduced-in-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 312 IS: Calling on the government of Iran to fulfill their promises of assistance in this case of Robert Levinson, one of the longest held United States civilians in our Nation’s history. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-12-09 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 312 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131209"> December 9, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S282"> Mr. Nelson </sponsor> (for himself and <cosponsor name-id="S350"> Mr. Rubio </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="SSFR00"> Committee on Foreign Relations </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Calling on the government of Iran to fulfill their promises of assistance in this case of Robert Levinson, one of the longest held United States civilians in our Nation’s history. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas United States citizen Robert Levinson is a retired agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), a resident of Coral Springs, Florida, the husband of Christine Levinson, and father of their 7 children; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Robert Levinson traveled from Dubai to Kish Island, Iran, on March 8, 2007; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, after traveling to Kish Island and checking into the Hotel Maryam, Robert Levinson disappeared on March 9, 2007; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, in December 2007, Robert Levinson’s wife, Christine, traveled to Kish Island to retrace Mr. Levinson’s steps and met with officials of the Government of Iran who pledged to help in the investigation; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, for more than 6 years, the United States Government has continually pressed the Government of Iran to provide any information on the whereabouts of Robert Levinson and to help ensure his prompt and safe return to his family; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas officials of the Government of Iran promised their continued assistance to the relatives of Robert Levinson during the visit of the family to the Islamic Republic of Iran in December 2007; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, in November 2010, the Levinson family received a video of Mr. Levinson in captivity, representing the first proof of life since his disappearance and providing some initial indications that he was being held somewhere in southwest Asia; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, in April 2011, the Levinson family received a series of pictures of Mr. Levinson, which provided further indications that he was being held somewhere in southwest Asia; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Secretary John Kerry stated on August 28, 2013, <quote> The United States respectfully asks the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran to work cooperatively with us in our efforts to help U.S. citizen Robert Levinson. </quote> ; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, on September 28, 2013, during the first direct phone conversation between the leaders of the United States and Iran since 1979, President Barack Obama raised the case of Robert Levinson to President of Iran Hassan Rouhani and urged the President of Iran to help locate Mr. Levinson and reunite him with his family; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas November 26, 2013, marked the 2,455th day since Mr. Levinson’s disappearance, making him one of the longest held United States civilians in our Nation’s history; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the FBI has announced a $1,000,000 reward for information leading to Mr. Levinson’s safe return: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="id80378bdfbed44b0abf734bc047493b04"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> recognizes that Robert Levinson is one of the longest held United States civilians in our Nation’s history; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id152697e12d7a46b18454f6ba4dbb361a"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> notes recent pledges by newly appointed officials of the Government of Iran to provide their Government’s assistance in the case of Robert Levinson; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id495f72ba754d46f9a008a248dff3c0e9"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> urges the Government of Iran, as a humanitarian gesture, to intensify its cooperation on the case of Robert Levinson and to immediately share the results of its investigation into the disappearance of Robert Levinson with the United States Government; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id433d9532dd07451789438a95838cc2d8"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> urges the President and the allies of the United States to continue to raise with officials of the Government of Iran the case of Robert Levinson at every opportunity, notwithstanding other serious disagreements the United States Government has had with the Government of Iran on a broad array of issues, including human rights, the nuclear program of Iran, the Middle East peace process, regional stability, and international terrorism; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idf544b7d54f2c46ce971dd3ed2ca1590c"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> expresses sympathy to the family of Robert Levinson for their anguish and expresses hope that their ordeal can be brought to an end in the near future. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 312 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES December 9, 2013 Mr. Nelson (for himself and Mr. Rubio ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations RESOLUTION Calling on the government of Iran to fulfill their promises of assistance in this case of Robert Levinson, one of the longest held United States civilians in our Nation’s history. Whereas United States citizen Robert Levinson is a retired agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), a resident of Coral Springs, Florida, the husband of Christine Levinson, and father of their 7 children; Whereas Robert Levinson traveled from Dubai to Kish Island, Iran, on March 8, 2007; Whereas, after traveling to Kish Island and checking into the Hotel Maryam, Robert Levinson disappeared on March 9, 2007; Whereas, in December 2007, Robert Levinson’s wife, Christine, traveled to Kish Island to retrace Mr. Levinson’s steps and met with officials of the Government of Iran who pledged to help in the investigation; Whereas, for more than 6 years, the United States Government has continually pressed the Government of Iran to provide any information on the whereabouts of Robert Levinson and to help ensure his prompt and safe return to his family; Whereas officials of the Government of Iran promised their continued assistance to the relatives of Robert Levinson during the visit of the family to the Islamic Republic of Iran in December 2007; Whereas, in November 2010, the Levinson family received a video of Mr. Levinson in captivity, representing the first proof of life since his disappearance and providing some initial indications that he was being held somewhere in southwest Asia; Whereas, in April 2011, the Levinson family received a series of pictures of Mr. Levinson, which provided further indications that he was being held somewhere in southwest Asia; Whereas Secretary John Kerry stated on August 28, 2013, The United States respectfully asks the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran to work cooperatively with us in our efforts to help U.S. citizen Robert Levinson. ; Whereas, on September 28, 2013, during the first direct phone conversation between the leaders of the United States and Iran since 1979, President Barack Obama raised the case of Robert Levinson to President of Iran Hassan Rouhani and urged the President of Iran to help locate Mr. Levinson and reunite him with his family; Whereas November 26, 2013, marked the 2,455th day since Mr. Levinson’s disappearance, making him one of the longest held United States civilians in our Nation’s history; and Whereas the FBI has announced a $1,000,000 reward for information leading to Mr. Levinson’s safe return: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) recognizes that Robert Levinson is one of the longest held United States civilians in our Nation’s history; (2) notes recent pledges by newly appointed officials of the Government of Iran to provide their Government’s assistance in the case of Robert Levinson; (3) urges the Government of Iran, as a humanitarian gesture, to intensify its cooperation on the case of Robert Levinson and to immediately share the results of its investigation into the disappearance of Robert Levinson with the United States Government; (4) urges the President and the allies of the United States to continue to raise with officials of the Government of Iran the case of Robert Levinson at every opportunity, notwithstanding other serious disagreements the United States Government has had with the Government of Iran on a broad array of issues, including human rights, the nuclear program of Iran, the Middle East peace process, regional stability, and international terrorism; and (5) expresses sympathy to the family of Robert Levinson for their anguish and expresses hope that their ordeal can be brought to an end in the near future.
2023-01-07 06:11:02.368
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Reported-in-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 312 RS: Calling on the government of Iran to fulfill their promises of assistance in this case of Robert Levinson, one of the longest held United States civilians in our Nation’s history. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-12-18 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <calendar> Calendar No. 271 </calendar> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 312 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131209"> December 9, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S282"> Mr. Nelson </sponsor> (for himself and <cosponsor name-id="S350"> Mr. Rubio </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the <committee-name added-display-style="italic" committee-id="SSFR00" deleted-display-style="strikethrough"> Committee on Foreign Relations </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <action stage="Reported-in-Senate"> <action-date date="20131218"> December 18, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> Reported by <sponsor name-id="S306"> Mr. Menendez </sponsor> , without amendment </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Calling on the government of Iran to fulfill their promises of assistance in this case of Robert Levinson, one of the longest held United States civilians in our Nation’s history. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas United States citizen Robert Levinson is a retired agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), a resident of Coral Springs, Florida, the husband of Christine Levinson, and father of their 7 children; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Robert Levinson traveled from Dubai to Kish Island, Iran, on March 8, 2007; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, after traveling to Kish Island and checking into the Hotel Maryam, Robert Levinson disappeared on March 9, 2007; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, in December 2007, Robert Levinson’s wife, Christine, traveled to Kish Island to retrace Mr. Levinson’s steps and met with officials of the Government of Iran who pledged to help in the investigation; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, for more than 6 years, the United States Government has continually pressed the Government of Iran to provide any information on the whereabouts of Robert Levinson and to help ensure his prompt and safe return to his family; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas officials of the Government of Iran promised their continued assistance to the relatives of Robert Levinson during the visit of the family to the Islamic Republic of Iran in December 2007; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, in November 2010, the Levinson family received a video of Mr. Levinson in captivity, representing the first proof of life since his disappearance and providing some initial indications that he was being held somewhere in southwest Asia; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, in April 2011, the Levinson family received a series of pictures of Mr. Levinson, which provided further indications that he was being held somewhere in southwest Asia; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Secretary John Kerry stated on August 28, 2013, <quote> The United States respectfully asks the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran to work cooperatively with us in our efforts to help U.S. citizen Robert Levinson. </quote> ; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, on September 28, 2013, during the first direct phone conversation between the leaders of the United States and Iran since 1979, President Barack Obama raised the case of Robert Levinson to President of Iran Hassan Rouhani and urged the President of Iran to help locate Mr. Levinson and reunite him with his family; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas November 26, 2013, marked the 2,455th day since Mr. Levinson’s disappearance, making him one of the longest held United States civilians in our Nation’s history; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the FBI has announced a $1,000,000 reward for information leading to Mr. Levinson’s safe return: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="id80378bdfbed44b0abf734bc047493b04"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> recognizes that Robert Levinson is one of the longest held United States civilians in our Nation’s history; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id152697e12d7a46b18454f6ba4dbb361a"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> notes recent pledges by newly appointed officials of the Government of Iran to provide their Government’s assistance in the case of Robert Levinson; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id495f72ba754d46f9a008a248dff3c0e9"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> urges the Government of Iran, as a humanitarian gesture, to intensify its cooperation on the case of Robert Levinson and to immediately share the results of its investigation into the disappearance of Robert Levinson with the United States Government; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id433d9532dd07451789438a95838cc2d8"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> urges the President and the allies of the United States to continue to raise with officials of the Government of Iran the case of Robert Levinson at every opportunity, notwithstanding other serious disagreements the United States Government has had with the Government of Iran on a broad array of issues, including human rights, the nuclear program of Iran, the Middle East peace process, regional stability, and international terrorism; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idf544b7d54f2c46ce971dd3ed2ca1590c"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> expresses sympathy to the family of Robert Levinson for their anguish and expresses hope that their ordeal can be brought to an end in the near future. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> <endorsement> <action-date date="20131218"> December 18, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> Reported without amendment </action-desc> </endorsement> </resolution>
III Calendar No. 271 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 312 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES December 9, 2013 Mr. Nelson (for himself and Mr. Rubio ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations December 18, 2013 Reported by Mr. Menendez , without amendment RESOLUTION Calling on the government of Iran to fulfill their promises of assistance in this case of Robert Levinson, one of the longest held United States civilians in our Nation’s history. Whereas United States citizen Robert Levinson is a retired agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), a resident of Coral Springs, Florida, the husband of Christine Levinson, and father of their 7 children; Whereas Robert Levinson traveled from Dubai to Kish Island, Iran, on March 8, 2007; Whereas, after traveling to Kish Island and checking into the Hotel Maryam, Robert Levinson disappeared on March 9, 2007; Whereas, in December 2007, Robert Levinson’s wife, Christine, traveled to Kish Island to retrace Mr. Levinson’s steps and met with officials of the Government of Iran who pledged to help in the investigation; Whereas, for more than 6 years, the United States Government has continually pressed the Government of Iran to provide any information on the whereabouts of Robert Levinson and to help ensure his prompt and safe return to his family; Whereas officials of the Government of Iran promised their continued assistance to the relatives of Robert Levinson during the visit of the family to the Islamic Republic of Iran in December 2007; Whereas, in November 2010, the Levinson family received a video of Mr. Levinson in captivity, representing the first proof of life since his disappearance and providing some initial indications that he was being held somewhere in southwest Asia; Whereas, in April 2011, the Levinson family received a series of pictures of Mr. Levinson, which provided further indications that he was being held somewhere in southwest Asia; Whereas Secretary John Kerry stated on August 28, 2013, The United States respectfully asks the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran to work cooperatively with us in our efforts to help U.S. citizen Robert Levinson. ; Whereas, on September 28, 2013, during the first direct phone conversation between the leaders of the United States and Iran since 1979, President Barack Obama raised the case of Robert Levinson to President of Iran Hassan Rouhani and urged the President of Iran to help locate Mr. Levinson and reunite him with his family; Whereas November 26, 2013, marked the 2,455th day since Mr. Levinson’s disappearance, making him one of the longest held United States civilians in our Nation’s history; and Whereas the FBI has announced a $1,000,000 reward for information leading to Mr. Levinson’s safe return: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) recognizes that Robert Levinson is one of the longest held United States civilians in our Nation’s history; (2) notes recent pledges by newly appointed officials of the Government of Iran to provide their Government’s assistance in the case of Robert Levinson; (3) urges the Government of Iran, as a humanitarian gesture, to intensify its cooperation on the case of Robert Levinson and to immediately share the results of its investigation into the disappearance of Robert Levinson with the United States Government; (4) urges the President and the allies of the United States to continue to raise with officials of the Government of Iran the case of Robert Levinson at every opportunity, notwithstanding other serious disagreements the United States Government has had with the Government of Iran on a broad array of issues, including human rights, the nuclear program of Iran, the Middle East peace process, regional stability, and international terrorism; and (5) expresses sympathy to the family of Robert Levinson for their anguish and expresses hope that their ordeal can be brought to an end in the near future. December 18, 2013 Reported without amendment
2023-01-07 06:11:02.008
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Introduced-in-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 313 IS: Designating November 30, 2013 as “Small Business Saturday” and supporting efforts to increase awareness of the value of locally owned small businesses. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-12-09 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 313 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131209"> December 9, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S258"> Ms. Landrieu </sponsor> (for herself, <cosponsor name-id="S323"> Mr. Risch </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S317"> Mr. Barrasso </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S127"> Mr. Baucus </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S319"> Mr. Begich </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S330"> Mr. Bennet </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S343"> Mr. Boozman </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S223"> Mrs. Boxer </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S275"> Ms. Cantwell </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S308"> Mr. Cardin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S277"> Mr. Carper </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S290"> Mr. Chambliss </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S337"> Mr. Coons </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S266"> Mr. Crapo </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S254"> Mr. Enzi </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S221"> Mrs. Feinstein </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S357"> Mrs. Fischer </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S320"> Mrs. Hagan </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S118"> Mr. Hatch </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S360"> Ms. Heitkamp </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S361"> Ms. Hirono </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S344"> Mr. Hoeven </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S345"> Mr. Johnson of Wisconsin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S257"> Mr. Johnson of South Dakota </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S362"> Mr. Kaine </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S363"> Mr. King </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S339"> Mr. Kirk </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S131"> Mr. Levin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S338"> Mr. Manchin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S306"> Mr. Menendez </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S229"> Mrs. Murray </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S349"> Mr. Portman </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S295"> Mr. Pryor </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S260"> Mr. Roberts </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S350"> Mr. Rubio </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S353"> Mr. Schatz </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S365"> Mr. Scott </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S324"> Mrs. Shaheen </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S314"> Mr. Tester </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S303"> Mr. Thune </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S326"> Mr. Udall of New Mexico </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S327"> Mr. Warner </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S316"> Mr. Whitehouse </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S340"> Ms. Ayotte </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="SSJU00"> Committee on the Judiciary </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Designating November 30, 2013 as <quote> Small Business Saturday </quote> and supporting efforts to increase awareness of the value of locally owned small businesses. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas small businesses represent 99.7 percent of all businesses having employees (commonly referred to as <quote> employer firms </quote> ); </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas small businesses employ over 49 percent of the employees in the private sector; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas small businesses pay over 42 percent of the total payroll of the employees in the private sector; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas small businesses are responsible for more than 50 percent of the private, nonfarm product of the gross domestic product; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas small businesses generated 64 percent of net new jobs created between 1993 and 2011; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas 87 percent of consumers in the United States agree that the success of small businesses is critical to the overall economic health of the United States; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas 93 percent of consumers in the United States agree that it is important to support the small businesses in their community; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas November 30, 2013 would be an appropriate date to designate as <quote> Small Business Saturday </quote> : Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="id6F91C1F2289D4E88854DA65326A10689"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> designates November 30, 2013 as <quote> Small Business Saturday </quote> ; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idC8C27A8F57C94A66B99177C95E70B7A7"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> supports efforts to— </text> <subparagraph id="id9F8F8AFC63E748EDBF4BF433465A2B06"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> encourage consumers to shop locally; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="id7189BF62DFCD49778501B95C35D1A306"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> increase awareness of the value of locally owned small businesses and the impact of locally owned small businesses on the economy of the United States. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 313 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES December 9, 2013 Ms. Landrieu (for herself, Mr. Risch , Mr. Barrasso , Mr. Baucus , Mr. Begich , Mr. Bennet , Mr. Boozman , Mrs. Boxer , Ms. Cantwell , Mr. Cardin , Mr. Carper , Mr. Chambliss , Mr. Coons , Mr. Crapo , Mr. Enzi , Mrs. Feinstein , Mrs. Fischer , Mrs. Hagan , Mr. Hatch , Ms. Heitkamp , Ms. Hirono , Mr. Hoeven , Mr. Johnson of Wisconsin , Mr. Johnson of South Dakota , Mr. Kaine , Mr. King , Mr. Kirk , Mr. Levin , Mr. Manchin , Mr. Menendez , Mrs. Murray , Mr. Portman , Mr. Pryor , Mr. Roberts , Mr. Rubio , Mr. Schatz , Mr. Scott , Mrs. Shaheen , Mr. Tester , Mr. Thune , Mr. Udall of New Mexico , Mr. Warner , Mr. Whitehouse , and Ms. Ayotte ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary RESOLUTION Designating November 30, 2013 as Small Business Saturday and supporting efforts to increase awareness of the value of locally owned small businesses. Whereas small businesses represent 99.7 percent of all businesses having employees (commonly referred to as employer firms ); Whereas small businesses employ over 49 percent of the employees in the private sector; Whereas small businesses pay over 42 percent of the total payroll of the employees in the private sector; Whereas small businesses are responsible for more than 50 percent of the private, nonfarm product of the gross domestic product; Whereas small businesses generated 64 percent of net new jobs created between 1993 and 2011; Whereas 87 percent of consumers in the United States agree that the success of small businesses is critical to the overall economic health of the United States; Whereas 93 percent of consumers in the United States agree that it is important to support the small businesses in their community; and Whereas November 30, 2013 would be an appropriate date to designate as Small Business Saturday : Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) designates November 30, 2013 as Small Business Saturday ; and (2) supports efforts to— (A) encourage consumers to shop locally; and (B) increase awareness of the value of locally owned small businesses and the impact of locally owned small businesses on the economy of the United States.
2023-01-07 03:06:02.091
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Agreed-to-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 314 ATS: Commemorating and supporting the goals of World AIDS Day. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-12-18 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 2d Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 314 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131210"> December 10, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S337"> Mr. Coons </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="S305"> Mr. Isakson </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S324"> Mrs. Shaheen </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the <committee-name added-display-style="italic" committee-id="SSFR00" deleted-display-style="strikethrough"> Committee on Foreign Relations </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <action stage="Reported-in-Senate"> <action-date date="20131218"> December 18, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> Reported by <sponsor name-id="S306"> Mr. Menendez </sponsor> , without amendment </action-desc> </action> <action> <action-date> May 14, 2014 </action-date> <action-desc> Considered, amended, and agreed to with an amended preamble </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Commemorating and supporting the goals of World AIDS Day. </official-title> </form> <preamble commented="no"> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas an estimated 35,000,000 people are living with HIV/AIDS in 2013; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the 2001 United Nations Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS Global mobilized global attention and commitment to the HIV/AIDS epidemic and set out a series of national targets and global actions to reverse the epidemic; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the 2011 United Nations General Assembly High Level Meeting on AIDS addressed the progress of intensified efforts to eliminate HIV and AIDS, including redoubling efforts to achieve by 2015 universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care, and support, and to eliminate gender inequalities and gender-based abuse and violence and increase the capacity of women and adolescent girls to protect themselves from the risk of HIV infection; </text> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria was launched in 2002 and, as of November 2013, supported programs in more than 140 countries that provided antiretroviral therapy to 6,100,000 people living with HIV/AIDS and antiretrovirals to 2,100,000 pregnant women to prevent transmission of HIV/AIDS to their babies; </text> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas the United States is the largest donor to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria; </text> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas for every dollar contributed to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria by the United States, an additional $2 is leveraged from other donors; </text> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas the United States hosted the Global Fund’s Fourth Voluntary Replenishment Conference on December 2–3, 2013; </text> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas the United States President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), introduced by President George W. Bush in 2003, remains the largest commitment in history by any nation to combat a single disease; </text> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas, as of the end of September 2012, PEPFAR supported treatment for 5,100,000 people, up from 1,700,000 in 2008, and in 2012, PEPFAR supported provision of antiretroviral drugs to 750,000 pregnant women living with HIV to prevent the transmission of HIV from mother to baby during birth; </text> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas PEPFAR directly supported HIV testing and counseling for more than 46,500,000 people in fiscal year 2012; </text> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas considerable progress has been made in the fight against HIV/AIDS, with total new HIV infections estimated at 2,300,000 in 2012, a 33-percent reduction since 2001; new HIV infections among children reduced to 260,000 in 2012, a reduction of 52 percent since 2001; and AIDS-related deaths reduced to 1,600,000 in 2012, a 30-percent reduction since 2005; </text> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas increased access to antiretroviral drugs is the major contributor to the reduction in deaths from HIV/AIDS, and HIV treatment reinforces prevention because it reduces, by up to 96 percent, the chance the virus can be spread; </text> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas the World Health Organization (WHO) has revised its guidelines for determining whether HIV positive individuals are eligible for treatment, thereby increasing the number of individuals eligible for treatment from about 15,000,000 to 28,000,000; </text> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas 9,700,000 people in low- and middle-income countries had access to antiretroviral therapy by the end of 2012, an increase of nearly 20 percent in a year; </text> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas an estimated 50 percent of those living with HIV do not know their status, according to a 2012 UNAIDS report; </text> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas sub-Saharan Africa remains the epicenter of the epidemic, accounting for 1,200,000 of the 1,600,000 deaths from HIV/AIDS; </text> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas stigma, gender inequality, and lack of respect for the rights of HIV positive individuals remain significant barriers to access to services for those most at risk of HIV infection; </text> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas President Barack Obama voiced commitment to realizing the promise of an AIDS-free generation and his belief that the goal was within reach in his February 2013 State of the Union Address; </text> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas the international community is united in pursuit of achieving the goal of an AIDS-free generation by 2015; </text> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas international donor funding has held steady since 2008 and countries affected by the epidemic are increasingly taking responsibility for funding and sustaining programs in their countries, currently accounting for approximately 53 percent of global HIV/AIDS resources; </text> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas December 1 of each year is internationally recognized as World AIDS Day; and </text> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas, in 2013, World AIDS Day commemorations focused on: <quote> [g]etting to zero: zero new HIV infections, zero discrimination, zero AIDS-related deaths </quote> : Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body display-resolving-clause="yes-display-resolving-clause" style="OLC"> <section commented="no" display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="idfadee153965c47ae88bd7e0735d7b313"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> supports the goals and ideals of World AIDS Day, including getting to zero through zero new HIV infections, zero discrimination, and zero AIDS-related deaths; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="ided69a93ff0474ab5a6264c5deb948aa0"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> applauds the goals and approaches for achieving an AIDS-free generation set forth in the PEPFAR Blueprint: Creating an AIDS-free Generation; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="id77397580fa2c4ae0bdef30f86ae9326e"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> commends the dramatic progress in global AIDS programs supported through the efforts of PEPFAR, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, and UNAIDS; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="id1e826a1b6183414080f68ec81b34ad0f"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> urges, in order to ensure that an AIDS-free generation is within reach, rapid action towards— </text> <subparagraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="id3b0768c1f8764dcfa86f2145b8bca53b"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> full implementation of the Global Plan Towards the Elimination of New HIV Infections Among Children by 2015 and Keeping Their Mothers Alive to build on progress made to date; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="id997e071a29a24ecc90e78f3377b06c7b"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> further expansion and scale-up of antiretroviral treatment programs, including efforts to reduce disparities and improve access for children to life-saving medications; </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="ida1381279a054470a98e0921a68aeddfc"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> calls for scaling up treatment to reach all individuals eligible for treatment under WHO guidelines; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="id031466f01ee74744b8b442e27bc7f2cf"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> calls for greater focus on HIV/AIDS vulnerabilities of women and girls, including more directed efforts to ensure that they are connected to the information, care, and treatment they require; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="idcde3db82b7e942018a4fb52d855c61f7"> <enum> (7) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> supports efforts to ensure inclusive access to programs and human rights protections for all those most at risk of HIV/AIDS and hardest to reach; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="id67ca7a0e688c45ada6962e1320d6ac54"> <enum> (8) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> encourages additional private-public partnerships to research and develop better and more affordable tools for the diagnosis, treatment, vaccination, and cure of HIV; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="id4c377ecd62e34192a73266dbbf90dca7"> <enum> (9) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> supports continued leadership by the United States in bilateral, multilateral, and private sector efforts to fight HIV; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="id15e4afbea60944f69318fd75690b7426"> <enum> (10) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> encourages and supports greater degrees of ownership and shared responsibility by developing countries in order to ensure sustainability of their domestic responses; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="ide3380a6af6684a2a93102ddb473ebe8a"> <enum> (11) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> encourages other members of the international community to sustain and scale up their support for and financial contributions to efforts around the world to combat HIV/AIDS. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 314 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES December 10, 2013 Mr. Coons (for himself, Mr. Isakson , and Mrs. Shaheen ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations December 18, 2013 Reported by Mr. Menendez , without amendment May 14, 2014 Considered, amended, and agreed to with an amended preamble RESOLUTION Commemorating and supporting the goals of World AIDS Day. Whereas an estimated 35,000,000 people are living with HIV/AIDS in 2013; Whereas the 2001 United Nations Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS Global mobilized global attention and commitment to the HIV/AIDS epidemic and set out a series of national targets and global actions to reverse the epidemic; Whereas the 2011 United Nations General Assembly High Level Meeting on AIDS addressed the progress of intensified efforts to eliminate HIV and AIDS, including redoubling efforts to achieve by 2015 universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care, and support, and to eliminate gender inequalities and gender-based abuse and violence and increase the capacity of women and adolescent girls to protect themselves from the risk of HIV infection; Whereas the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria was launched in 2002 and, as of November 2013, supported programs in more than 140 countries that provided antiretroviral therapy to 6,100,000 people living with HIV/AIDS and antiretrovirals to 2,100,000 pregnant women to prevent transmission of HIV/AIDS to their babies; Whereas the United States is the largest donor to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria; Whereas for every dollar contributed to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria by the United States, an additional $2 is leveraged from other donors; Whereas the United States hosted the Global Fund’s Fourth Voluntary Replenishment Conference on December 2–3, 2013; Whereas the United States President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), introduced by President George W. Bush in 2003, remains the largest commitment in history by any nation to combat a single disease; Whereas, as of the end of September 2012, PEPFAR supported treatment for 5,100,000 people, up from 1,700,000 in 2008, and in 2012, PEPFAR supported provision of antiretroviral drugs to 750,000 pregnant women living with HIV to prevent the transmission of HIV from mother to baby during birth; Whereas PEPFAR directly supported HIV testing and counseling for more than 46,500,000 people in fiscal year 2012; Whereas considerable progress has been made in the fight against HIV/AIDS, with total new HIV infections estimated at 2,300,000 in 2012, a 33-percent reduction since 2001; new HIV infections among children reduced to 260,000 in 2012, a reduction of 52 percent since 2001; and AIDS-related deaths reduced to 1,600,000 in 2012, a 30-percent reduction since 2005; Whereas increased access to antiretroviral drugs is the major contributor to the reduction in deaths from HIV/AIDS, and HIV treatment reinforces prevention because it reduces, by up to 96 percent, the chance the virus can be spread; Whereas the World Health Organization (WHO) has revised its guidelines for determining whether HIV positive individuals are eligible for treatment, thereby increasing the number of individuals eligible for treatment from about 15,000,000 to 28,000,000; Whereas 9,700,000 people in low- and middle-income countries had access to antiretroviral therapy by the end of 2012, an increase of nearly 20 percent in a year; Whereas an estimated 50 percent of those living with HIV do not know their status, according to a 2012 UNAIDS report; Whereas sub-Saharan Africa remains the epicenter of the epidemic, accounting for 1,200,000 of the 1,600,000 deaths from HIV/AIDS; Whereas stigma, gender inequality, and lack of respect for the rights of HIV positive individuals remain significant barriers to access to services for those most at risk of HIV infection; Whereas President Barack Obama voiced commitment to realizing the promise of an AIDS-free generation and his belief that the goal was within reach in his February 2013 State of the Union Address; Whereas the international community is united in pursuit of achieving the goal of an AIDS-free generation by 2015; Whereas international donor funding has held steady since 2008 and countries affected by the epidemic are increasingly taking responsibility for funding and sustaining programs in their countries, currently accounting for approximately 53 percent of global HIV/AIDS resources; Whereas December 1 of each year is internationally recognized as World AIDS Day; and Whereas, in 2013, World AIDS Day commemorations focused on: [g]etting to zero: zero new HIV infections, zero discrimination, zero AIDS-related deaths : Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) supports the goals and ideals of World AIDS Day, including getting to zero through zero new HIV infections, zero discrimination, and zero AIDS-related deaths; (2) applauds the goals and approaches for achieving an AIDS-free generation set forth in the PEPFAR Blueprint: Creating an AIDS-free Generation; (3) commends the dramatic progress in global AIDS programs supported through the efforts of PEPFAR, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, and UNAIDS; (4) urges, in order to ensure that an AIDS-free generation is within reach, rapid action towards— (A) full implementation of the Global Plan Towards the Elimination of New HIV Infections Among Children by 2015 and Keeping Their Mothers Alive to build on progress made to date; and (B) further expansion and scale-up of antiretroviral treatment programs, including efforts to reduce disparities and improve access for children to life-saving medications; (5) calls for scaling up treatment to reach all individuals eligible for treatment under WHO guidelines; (6) calls for greater focus on HIV/AIDS vulnerabilities of women and girls, including more directed efforts to ensure that they are connected to the information, care, and treatment they require; (7) supports efforts to ensure inclusive access to programs and human rights protections for all those most at risk of HIV/AIDS and hardest to reach; (8) encourages additional private-public partnerships to research and develop better and more affordable tools for the diagnosis, treatment, vaccination, and cure of HIV; (9) supports continued leadership by the United States in bilateral, multilateral, and private sector efforts to fight HIV; (10) encourages and supports greater degrees of ownership and shared responsibility by developing countries in order to ensure sustainability of their domestic responses; and (11) encourages other members of the international community to sustain and scale up their support for and financial contributions to efforts around the world to combat HIV/AIDS.
2023-01-07 06:11:02.197
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Introduced-in-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 314 IS: Commemorating and supporting the goals of World AIDS Day. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-12-10 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 314 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131210"> December 10, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S337"> Mr. Coons </sponsor> (for himself and <cosponsor name-id="S305"> Mr. Isakson </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="SSFR00"> Committee on Foreign Relations </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Commemorating and supporting the goals of World AIDS Day. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas an estimated 35,000,000 people are living with HIV/AIDS in 2013; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Target 6a of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals is to halt and begin to reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS by 2015; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the 2001 United Nations Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS Global mobilized global attention and commitment to the HIV/AIDS epidemic and set out a series of national targets and global actions to reverse the epidemic; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the 2011 United Nations Political Declaration on HIV and AIDS provided an updated framework for intensified efforts to eliminate HIV and AIDS, including redoubling efforts to achieve by 2015 universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care, and support, and to eliminate gender inequalities and gender-based abuse and violence and increase the capacity of women and adolescent girls to protect themselves from the risk of HIV infection; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria was launched in 2002 and, as of November 2013, supported programs in more than 140 countries that provided antiretroviral therapy to 6,100,000 people living with HIV/AIDS and antiretrovirals to 2,100,000 pregnant women to prevent transmission of HIV/AIDS to their babies; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the United States is the largest donor to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, for every dollar contributed to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria by the United States, an additional $2 is leveraged from other donors; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the United States hosted the Global Fund’s Fourth Voluntary Replenishment Conference on December 2–3, 2013; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the United States President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), introduced by President George W. Bush in 2003, remains the largest commitment in history by any nation to combat a single disease; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, as of the end of September 2012, PEPFAR supported treatment for 5,100,000 people, up from 1,700,000 in 2008, and in 2012, PEPFAR supported provision of antiretroviral drugs to 750,000 pregnant women living with HIV to prevent the transmission of HIV from mother to baby during birth; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas PEPFAR directly supported HIV testing and counseling for more than 46,500,000 people in fiscal year 2012; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas considerable progress has been made in the fight against HIV/AIDS, with total new HIV infections estimated at 2,300,000 in 2012, a 33-percent reduction since 2001; new HIV infections among children reduced to 260,000 in 2012, a reduction of 52 percent since 2001; and AIDS-related deaths reduced to 1,600,000 in 2012, a 30-percent reduction since 2005; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas increased access to antiretroviral drugs is the major contributor to the reduction in deaths from HIV/AIDS, and HIV treatment reinforces prevention because it reduces, by up to 96 percent, the chance the virus can be spread; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the World Health Organization (WHO) has revised its guidelines for determining whether HIV positive individuals are eligible for treatment, thereby increasing the number of individuals eligible for treatment from about 15,000,000 to 28,000,000; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas 9,700,000 people in low- and middle-income countries had access to antiretroviral therapy by the end of 2012, an increase of nearly 20 percent in a year; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas an estimated 50 percent of those living with HIV do not know their status, according to a 2012 UNAIDS report; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas sub-Saharan Africa remains the epicenter of the epidemic, accounting for 1,200,000 of the 1,600,000 deaths from HIV/AIDS; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas stigma, gender inequality, and lack of respect for the rights of HIV positive individuals remain significant barriers to access to services for those most at risk of HIV infection; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas President Barack Obama voiced commitment to realizing the promise of an AIDS-free generation and his belief that the goal was within reach in his February 2013 State of the Union Address; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the international community is united in pursuit of achieving the goal of an AIDS-free generation by 2015; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas international donor funding has held steady since 2008 and countries affected by the epidemic are increasingly taking responsibility for funding and sustaining programs in their countries, currently accounting for approximately 53 percent of global HIV/AIDS resources; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas December 1 of each year is internationally recognized as World AIDS Day; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, in 2013, World AIDS Day commemorations focused on: <quote> [g]etting to zero: zero new HIV infections, zero discrimination, zero AIDS-related deaths </quote> : Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="idfadee153965c47ae88bd7e0735d7b313"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> supports the goals and ideals of World AIDS Day, including getting to zero through zero new HIV infections, zero discrimination, and zero AIDS-related deaths; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="ided69a93ff0474ab5a6264c5deb948aa0"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> applauds the goals and approaches for achieving an AIDS-free generation set forth in the PEPFAR Blueprint: Creating an AIDS-free Generation, as well as the targets set by United Nations member states in the 2011 United Nations Political Declaration on HIV and AIDS; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id77397580fa2c4ae0bdef30f86ae9326e"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> commends the dramatic progress in global AIDS programs supported through the efforts of PEPFAR, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, and UNAIDS; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id1e826a1b6183414080f68ec81b34ad0f"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> urges, in order to ensure that an AIDS-free generation is within reach, rapid action towards— </text> <subparagraph id="id3b0768c1f8764dcfa86f2145b8bca53b"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> full implementation of the Global Plan Towards the Elimination of New HIV Infections Among Children by 2015 and Keeping Their Mothers Alive to build on progress made to date; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="id997e071a29a24ecc90e78f3377b06c7b"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> further expansion and scale-up of antiretroviral treatment programs, including efforts to reduce disparities and improve access for children to life-saving medications; </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="ida1381279a054470a98e0921a68aeddfc"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> calls for scaling up treatment to reach all individuals eligible for treatment under WHO guidelines; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id031466f01ee74744b8b442e27bc7f2cf"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text> calls for greater focus on HIV/AIDS vulnerabilities of women and girls, including more directed efforts to ensure that they are connected to the information, care, and treatment they require; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idcde3db82b7e942018a4fb52d855c61f7"> <enum> (7) </enum> <text> supports efforts to ensure inclusive access to programs and human rights protections for all those most at risk of HIV/AIDS and hardest to reach; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id67ca7a0e688c45ada6962e1320d6ac54"> <enum> (8) </enum> <text> encourages additional private-public partnerships to research and develop better and more affordable tools for the diagnosis, treatment, vaccination, and cure of HIV; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id4c377ecd62e34192a73266dbbf90dca7"> <enum> (9) </enum> <text> supports continued leadership by the United States in bilateral, multilateral, and private sector efforts to fight HIV; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id15e4afbea60944f69318fd75690b7426"> <enum> (10) </enum> <text> encourages and supports greater degrees of ownership and shared responsibility by developing countries in order to ensure sustainability of their domestic responses; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="ide3380a6af6684a2a93102ddb473ebe8a"> <enum> (11) </enum> <text> encourages other members of the international community to sustain and scale up their support for and financial contributions to efforts around the world to combat HIV/AIDS. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 314 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES December 10, 2013 Mr. Coons (for himself and Mr. Isakson ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations RESOLUTION Commemorating and supporting the goals of World AIDS Day. Whereas an estimated 35,000,000 people are living with HIV/AIDS in 2013; Whereas Target 6a of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals is to halt and begin to reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS by 2015; Whereas the 2001 United Nations Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS Global mobilized global attention and commitment to the HIV/AIDS epidemic and set out a series of national targets and global actions to reverse the epidemic; Whereas the 2011 United Nations Political Declaration on HIV and AIDS provided an updated framework for intensified efforts to eliminate HIV and AIDS, including redoubling efforts to achieve by 2015 universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care, and support, and to eliminate gender inequalities and gender-based abuse and violence and increase the capacity of women and adolescent girls to protect themselves from the risk of HIV infection; Whereas the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria was launched in 2002 and, as of November 2013, supported programs in more than 140 countries that provided antiretroviral therapy to 6,100,000 people living with HIV/AIDS and antiretrovirals to 2,100,000 pregnant women to prevent transmission of HIV/AIDS to their babies; Whereas the United States is the largest donor to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria; Whereas, for every dollar contributed to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria by the United States, an additional $2 is leveraged from other donors; Whereas the United States hosted the Global Fund’s Fourth Voluntary Replenishment Conference on December 2–3, 2013; Whereas the United States President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), introduced by President George W. Bush in 2003, remains the largest commitment in history by any nation to combat a single disease; Whereas, as of the end of September 2012, PEPFAR supported treatment for 5,100,000 people, up from 1,700,000 in 2008, and in 2012, PEPFAR supported provision of antiretroviral drugs to 750,000 pregnant women living with HIV to prevent the transmission of HIV from mother to baby during birth; Whereas PEPFAR directly supported HIV testing and counseling for more than 46,500,000 people in fiscal year 2012; Whereas considerable progress has been made in the fight against HIV/AIDS, with total new HIV infections estimated at 2,300,000 in 2012, a 33-percent reduction since 2001; new HIV infections among children reduced to 260,000 in 2012, a reduction of 52 percent since 2001; and AIDS-related deaths reduced to 1,600,000 in 2012, a 30-percent reduction since 2005; Whereas increased access to antiretroviral drugs is the major contributor to the reduction in deaths from HIV/AIDS, and HIV treatment reinforces prevention because it reduces, by up to 96 percent, the chance the virus can be spread; Whereas the World Health Organization (WHO) has revised its guidelines for determining whether HIV positive individuals are eligible for treatment, thereby increasing the number of individuals eligible for treatment from about 15,000,000 to 28,000,000; Whereas 9,700,000 people in low- and middle-income countries had access to antiretroviral therapy by the end of 2012, an increase of nearly 20 percent in a year; Whereas an estimated 50 percent of those living with HIV do not know their status, according to a 2012 UNAIDS report; Whereas sub-Saharan Africa remains the epicenter of the epidemic, accounting for 1,200,000 of the 1,600,000 deaths from HIV/AIDS; Whereas stigma, gender inequality, and lack of respect for the rights of HIV positive individuals remain significant barriers to access to services for those most at risk of HIV infection; Whereas President Barack Obama voiced commitment to realizing the promise of an AIDS-free generation and his belief that the goal was within reach in his February 2013 State of the Union Address; Whereas the international community is united in pursuit of achieving the goal of an AIDS-free generation by 2015; Whereas international donor funding has held steady since 2008 and countries affected by the epidemic are increasingly taking responsibility for funding and sustaining programs in their countries, currently accounting for approximately 53 percent of global HIV/AIDS resources; Whereas December 1 of each year is internationally recognized as World AIDS Day; and Whereas, in 2013, World AIDS Day commemorations focused on: [g]etting to zero: zero new HIV infections, zero discrimination, zero AIDS-related deaths : Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) supports the goals and ideals of World AIDS Day, including getting to zero through zero new HIV infections, zero discrimination, and zero AIDS-related deaths; (2) applauds the goals and approaches for achieving an AIDS-free generation set forth in the PEPFAR Blueprint: Creating an AIDS-free Generation, as well as the targets set by United Nations member states in the 2011 United Nations Political Declaration on HIV and AIDS; (3) commends the dramatic progress in global AIDS programs supported through the efforts of PEPFAR, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, and UNAIDS; (4) urges, in order to ensure that an AIDS-free generation is within reach, rapid action towards— (A) full implementation of the Global Plan Towards the Elimination of New HIV Infections Among Children by 2015 and Keeping Their Mothers Alive to build on progress made to date; and (B) further expansion and scale-up of antiretroviral treatment programs, including efforts to reduce disparities and improve access for children to life-saving medications; (5) calls for scaling up treatment to reach all individuals eligible for treatment under WHO guidelines; (6) calls for greater focus on HIV/AIDS vulnerabilities of women and girls, including more directed efforts to ensure that they are connected to the information, care, and treatment they require; (7) supports efforts to ensure inclusive access to programs and human rights protections for all those most at risk of HIV/AIDS and hardest to reach; (8) encourages additional private-public partnerships to research and develop better and more affordable tools for the diagnosis, treatment, vaccination, and cure of HIV; (9) supports continued leadership by the United States in bilateral, multilateral, and private sector efforts to fight HIV; (10) encourages and supports greater degrees of ownership and shared responsibility by developing countries in order to ensure sustainability of their domestic responses; and (11) encourages other members of the international community to sustain and scale up their support for and financial contributions to efforts around the world to combat HIV/AIDS.
2023-01-07 06:11:01.955
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Reported-in-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 314 RS: Commemorating and supporting the goals of World AIDS Day. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-12-18 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <calendar> Calendar No. 272 </calendar> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 314 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131210"> December 10, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S337"> Mr. Coons </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="S305"> Mr. Isakson </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S324"> Mrs. Shaheen </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the <committee-name added-display-style="italic" committee-id="SSFR00" deleted-display-style="strikethrough"> Committee on Foreign Relations </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <action stage="Reported-in-Senate"> <action-date date="20131218"> December 18, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> Reported by <sponsor name-id="S306"> Mr. Menendez </sponsor> , without amendment </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Commemorating and supporting the goals of World AIDS Day. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas an estimated 35,000,000 people are living with HIV/AIDS in 2013; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Target 6a of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals is to halt and begin to reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS by 2015; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the 2001 United Nations Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS Global mobilized global attention and commitment to the HIV/AIDS epidemic and set out a series of national targets and global actions to reverse the epidemic; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the 2011 United Nations Political Declaration on HIV and AIDS provided an updated framework for intensified efforts to eliminate HIV and AIDS, including redoubling efforts to achieve by 2015 universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care, and support, and to eliminate gender inequalities and gender-based abuse and violence and increase the capacity of women and adolescent girls to protect themselves from the risk of HIV infection; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria was launched in 2002 and, as of November 2013, supported programs in more than 140 countries that provided antiretroviral therapy to 6,100,000 people living with HIV/AIDS and antiretrovirals to 2,100,000 pregnant women to prevent transmission of HIV/AIDS to their babies; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the United States is the largest donor to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, for every dollar contributed to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria by the United States, an additional $2 is leveraged from other donors; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the United States hosted the Global Fund’s Fourth Voluntary Replenishment Conference on December 2–3, 2013; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the United States President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), introduced by President George W. Bush in 2003, remains the largest commitment in history by any nation to combat a single disease; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, as of the end of September 2012, PEPFAR supported treatment for 5,100,000 people, up from 1,700,000 in 2008, and in 2012, PEPFAR supported provision of antiretroviral drugs to 750,000 pregnant women living with HIV to prevent the transmission of HIV from mother to baby during birth; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas PEPFAR directly supported HIV testing and counseling for more than 46,500,000 people in fiscal year 2012; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas considerable progress has been made in the fight against HIV/AIDS, with total new HIV infections estimated at 2,300,000 in 2012, a 33-percent reduction since 2001; new HIV infections among children reduced to 260,000 in 2012, a reduction of 52 percent since 2001; and AIDS-related deaths reduced to 1,600,000 in 2012, a 30-percent reduction since 2005; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas increased access to antiretroviral drugs is the major contributor to the reduction in deaths from HIV/AIDS, and HIV treatment reinforces prevention because it reduces, by up to 96 percent, the chance the virus can be spread; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the World Health Organization (WHO) has revised its guidelines for determining whether HIV positive individuals are eligible for treatment, thereby increasing the number of individuals eligible for treatment from about 15,000,000 to 28,000,000; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas 9,700,000 people in low- and middle-income countries had access to antiretroviral therapy by the end of 2012, an increase of nearly 20 percent in a year; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas an estimated 50 percent of those living with HIV do not know their status, according to a 2012 UNAIDS report; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas sub-Saharan Africa remains the epicenter of the epidemic, accounting for 1,200,000 of the 1,600,000 deaths from HIV/AIDS; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas stigma, gender inequality, and lack of respect for the rights of HIV positive individuals remain significant barriers to access to services for those most at risk of HIV infection; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas President Barack Obama voiced commitment to realizing the promise of an AIDS-free generation and his belief that the goal was within reach in his February 2013 State of the Union Address; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the international community is united in pursuit of achieving the goal of an AIDS-free generation by 2015; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas international donor funding has held steady since 2008 and countries affected by the epidemic are increasingly taking responsibility for funding and sustaining programs in their countries, currently accounting for approximately 53 percent of global HIV/AIDS resources; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas December 1 of each year is internationally recognized as World AIDS Day; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, in 2013, World AIDS Day commemorations focused on: <quote> [g]etting to zero: zero new HIV infections, zero discrimination, zero AIDS-related deaths </quote> : Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="idfadee153965c47ae88bd7e0735d7b313"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> supports the goals and ideals of World AIDS Day, including getting to zero through zero new HIV infections, zero discrimination, and zero AIDS-related deaths; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="ided69a93ff0474ab5a6264c5deb948aa0"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> applauds the goals and approaches for achieving an AIDS-free generation set forth in the PEPFAR Blueprint: Creating an AIDS-free Generation, as well as the targets set by United Nations member states in the 2011 United Nations Political Declaration on HIV and AIDS; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id77397580fa2c4ae0bdef30f86ae9326e"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> commends the dramatic progress in global AIDS programs supported through the efforts of PEPFAR, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, and UNAIDS; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id1e826a1b6183414080f68ec81b34ad0f"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> urges, in order to ensure that an AIDS-free generation is within reach, rapid action towards— </text> <subparagraph id="id3b0768c1f8764dcfa86f2145b8bca53b"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> full implementation of the Global Plan Towards the Elimination of New HIV Infections Among Children by 2015 and Keeping Their Mothers Alive to build on progress made to date; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="id997e071a29a24ecc90e78f3377b06c7b"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> further expansion and scale-up of antiretroviral treatment programs, including efforts to reduce disparities and improve access for children to life-saving medications; </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="ida1381279a054470a98e0921a68aeddfc"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> calls for scaling up treatment to reach all individuals eligible for treatment under WHO guidelines; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id031466f01ee74744b8b442e27bc7f2cf"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text> calls for greater focus on HIV/AIDS vulnerabilities of women and girls, including more directed efforts to ensure that they are connected to the information, care, and treatment they require; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idcde3db82b7e942018a4fb52d855c61f7"> <enum> (7) </enum> <text> supports efforts to ensure inclusive access to programs and human rights protections for all those most at risk of HIV/AIDS and hardest to reach; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id67ca7a0e688c45ada6962e1320d6ac54"> <enum> (8) </enum> <text> encourages additional private-public partnerships to research and develop better and more affordable tools for the diagnosis, treatment, vaccination, and cure of HIV; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id4c377ecd62e34192a73266dbbf90dca7"> <enum> (9) </enum> <text> supports continued leadership by the United States in bilateral, multilateral, and private sector efforts to fight HIV; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id15e4afbea60944f69318fd75690b7426"> <enum> (10) </enum> <text> encourages and supports greater degrees of ownership and shared responsibility by developing countries in order to ensure sustainability of their domestic responses; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="ide3380a6af6684a2a93102ddb473ebe8a"> <enum> (11) </enum> <text> encourages other members of the international community to sustain and scale up their support for and financial contributions to efforts around the world to combat HIV/AIDS. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> <endorsement> <action-date date="20131218"> December 18, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> Reported without amendment </action-desc> </endorsement> </resolution>
III Calendar No. 272 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 314 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES December 10, 2013 Mr. Coons (for himself, Mr. Isakson , and Mrs. Shaheen ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations December 18, 2013 Reported by Mr. Menendez , without amendment RESOLUTION Commemorating and supporting the goals of World AIDS Day. Whereas an estimated 35,000,000 people are living with HIV/AIDS in 2013; Whereas Target 6a of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals is to halt and begin to reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS by 2015; Whereas the 2001 United Nations Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS Global mobilized global attention and commitment to the HIV/AIDS epidemic and set out a series of national targets and global actions to reverse the epidemic; Whereas the 2011 United Nations Political Declaration on HIV and AIDS provided an updated framework for intensified efforts to eliminate HIV and AIDS, including redoubling efforts to achieve by 2015 universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care, and support, and to eliminate gender inequalities and gender-based abuse and violence and increase the capacity of women and adolescent girls to protect themselves from the risk of HIV infection; Whereas the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria was launched in 2002 and, as of November 2013, supported programs in more than 140 countries that provided antiretroviral therapy to 6,100,000 people living with HIV/AIDS and antiretrovirals to 2,100,000 pregnant women to prevent transmission of HIV/AIDS to their babies; Whereas the United States is the largest donor to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria; Whereas, for every dollar contributed to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria by the United States, an additional $2 is leveraged from other donors; Whereas the United States hosted the Global Fund’s Fourth Voluntary Replenishment Conference on December 2–3, 2013; Whereas the United States President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), introduced by President George W. Bush in 2003, remains the largest commitment in history by any nation to combat a single disease; Whereas, as of the end of September 2012, PEPFAR supported treatment for 5,100,000 people, up from 1,700,000 in 2008, and in 2012, PEPFAR supported provision of antiretroviral drugs to 750,000 pregnant women living with HIV to prevent the transmission of HIV from mother to baby during birth; Whereas PEPFAR directly supported HIV testing and counseling for more than 46,500,000 people in fiscal year 2012; Whereas considerable progress has been made in the fight against HIV/AIDS, with total new HIV infections estimated at 2,300,000 in 2012, a 33-percent reduction since 2001; new HIV infections among children reduced to 260,000 in 2012, a reduction of 52 percent since 2001; and AIDS-related deaths reduced to 1,600,000 in 2012, a 30-percent reduction since 2005; Whereas increased access to antiretroviral drugs is the major contributor to the reduction in deaths from HIV/AIDS, and HIV treatment reinforces prevention because it reduces, by up to 96 percent, the chance the virus can be spread; Whereas the World Health Organization (WHO) has revised its guidelines for determining whether HIV positive individuals are eligible for treatment, thereby increasing the number of individuals eligible for treatment from about 15,000,000 to 28,000,000; Whereas 9,700,000 people in low- and middle-income countries had access to antiretroviral therapy by the end of 2012, an increase of nearly 20 percent in a year; Whereas an estimated 50 percent of those living with HIV do not know their status, according to a 2012 UNAIDS report; Whereas sub-Saharan Africa remains the epicenter of the epidemic, accounting for 1,200,000 of the 1,600,000 deaths from HIV/AIDS; Whereas stigma, gender inequality, and lack of respect for the rights of HIV positive individuals remain significant barriers to access to services for those most at risk of HIV infection; Whereas President Barack Obama voiced commitment to realizing the promise of an AIDS-free generation and his belief that the goal was within reach in his February 2013 State of the Union Address; Whereas the international community is united in pursuit of achieving the goal of an AIDS-free generation by 2015; Whereas international donor funding has held steady since 2008 and countries affected by the epidemic are increasingly taking responsibility for funding and sustaining programs in their countries, currently accounting for approximately 53 percent of global HIV/AIDS resources; Whereas December 1 of each year is internationally recognized as World AIDS Day; and Whereas, in 2013, World AIDS Day commemorations focused on: [g]etting to zero: zero new HIV infections, zero discrimination, zero AIDS-related deaths : Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) supports the goals and ideals of World AIDS Day, including getting to zero through zero new HIV infections, zero discrimination, and zero AIDS-related deaths; (2) applauds the goals and approaches for achieving an AIDS-free generation set forth in the PEPFAR Blueprint: Creating an AIDS-free Generation, as well as the targets set by United Nations member states in the 2011 United Nations Political Declaration on HIV and AIDS; (3) commends the dramatic progress in global AIDS programs supported through the efforts of PEPFAR, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, and UNAIDS; (4) urges, in order to ensure that an AIDS-free generation is within reach, rapid action towards— (A) full implementation of the Global Plan Towards the Elimination of New HIV Infections Among Children by 2015 and Keeping Their Mothers Alive to build on progress made to date; and (B) further expansion and scale-up of antiretroviral treatment programs, including efforts to reduce disparities and improve access for children to life-saving medications; (5) calls for scaling up treatment to reach all individuals eligible for treatment under WHO guidelines; (6) calls for greater focus on HIV/AIDS vulnerabilities of women and girls, including more directed efforts to ensure that they are connected to the information, care, and treatment they require; (7) supports efforts to ensure inclusive access to programs and human rights protections for all those most at risk of HIV/AIDS and hardest to reach; (8) encourages additional private-public partnerships to research and develop better and more affordable tools for the diagnosis, treatment, vaccination, and cure of HIV; (9) supports continued leadership by the United States in bilateral, multilateral, and private sector efforts to fight HIV; (10) encourages and supports greater degrees of ownership and shared responsibility by developing countries in order to ensure sustainability of their domestic responses; and (11) encourages other members of the international community to sustain and scale up their support for and financial contributions to efforts around the world to combat HIV/AIDS. December 18, 2013 Reported without amendment
2023-01-07 06:11:01.913
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Agreed-to-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 315 ATS: To authorize the production of records by the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date/> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 315 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date> December 10, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S198"> Mr. Reid </sponsor> (for himself and <cosponsor name-id="S174"> Mr. McConnell </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> To authorize the production of records by the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas, the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs conducted a review of disability claims adjudications made in the Social Security Administration's Huntington, West Virginia Office of Disability Adjudication and Review; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, the Committee has received a request from a federal agency for access to records of the Committee's review; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, by the privileges of the Senate of the United States and Rule XI of the Standing Rules of the Senate, no evidence under the control or in the possession of the Senate can, by administrative or judicial process, be taken from such control or possession but by permission of the Senate; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, when it appears that evidence under the control or in the possession of the Senate is needed for the promotion of justice, the Senate will take such action as will promote the ends of justice consistent with the privileges of the Senate: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Chairman and Ranking Minority Member of the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, acting jointly, are authorized to provide to law enforcement officials, regulatory agencies, and other entities or individuals duly authorized by federal or state governments, records of the Committee's review of the disability claims adjudications made in the Social Security Administration's Huntington, West Virginia Office of Disability Adjudication and Review. </text> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 315 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES December 10, 2013 Mr. Reid (for himself and Mr. McConnell ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION To authorize the production of records by the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. Whereas, the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs conducted a review of disability claims adjudications made in the Social Security Administration's Huntington, West Virginia Office of Disability Adjudication and Review; Whereas, the Committee has received a request from a federal agency for access to records of the Committee's review; Whereas, by the privileges of the Senate of the United States and Rule XI of the Standing Rules of the Senate, no evidence under the control or in the possession of the Senate can, by administrative or judicial process, be taken from such control or possession but by permission of the Senate; Whereas, when it appears that evidence under the control or in the possession of the Senate is needed for the promotion of justice, the Senate will take such action as will promote the ends of justice consistent with the privileges of the Senate: Now, therefore, be it That the Chairman and Ranking Minority Member of the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, acting jointly, are authorized to provide to law enforcement officials, regulatory agencies, and other entities or individuals duly authorized by federal or state governments, records of the Committee's review of the disability claims adjudications made in the Social Security Administration's Huntington, West Virginia Office of Disability Adjudication and Review.
2023-01-07 06:11:01.864
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Agreed-to-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 316 ATS: Supporting the goals and ideals of American Diabetes Month. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-12-18 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 316 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131210"> December 10, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S324"> Mrs. Shaheen </sponsor> (for herself and <cosponsor name-id="S252"> Ms. Collins </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="SSHR00"> Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <action> <action-date date="20131218"> December 18, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> Committee discharged; considered and agreed to </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Supporting the goals and ideals of American Diabetes Month. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (referred to in this preamble as the <quote> CDC </quote> ), nearly 26,000,000 individuals in the United States have diabetes and an estimated 79,000,000 individuals age 20 years or older in the United States have prediabetes; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas diabetes is a serious chronic condition that affects individuals of every age, race, ethnicity, and income level; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the CDC reports that Hispanic, African, Asian, and Native Americans are disproportionately affected by diabetes and suffer from the disease at rates that are much higher than the general population of the United States; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas according to the CDC, an individual age 20 years or older is diagnosed with diabetes every 17 seconds; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas approximately 5,205 individuals age 20 years and older in the United States are diagnosed with diabetes each day; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the CDC estimates that approximately 1,900,000 individuals in the United States age 20 years and older were newly diagnosed with diabetes in 2010; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas a joint National Institutes of Health and CDC study found that each year between 2002 and 2005, approximately 15,600 youth were diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and approximately 3,600 youth were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in the United States; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas according to the CDC, the prevalence of diabetes in the United States increased by more than 300 percent between 1980 and 2010; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the CDC reports that more than 27 percent of individuals with diabetes in the United States have not been diagnosed with the disease; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas more than 11 percent of adults and 26.9 percent of individuals age 65 and older in the United States have diabetes; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas as many as 1 in 3 adults in the United States will have diabetes in 2050 if the present trend continues; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas after accounting for the difference of the average age of each population, data surveying individuals age 20 years and older in the United States between 2007 and 2009 indicate that 7.1 percent of non-Hispanic whites, 12.6 percent of non-Hispanic blacks, 11.8 percent of Hispanics, and 8.4 percent of Asian Americans suffered from diagnosed diabetes; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas after accounting for the difference of the average age of each population, data surveying Hispanic individuals age 20 years and older in the United States between 2007 and 2009 indicate that 7.6 percent of individuals of Cuban, Central American, and South American descent, 13.3 percent of individuals of Mexican descent, and 13.8 percent of individuals of Puerto Rican descent suffered from diagnosed diabetes; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas according to the American Diabetes Association, the United States spent an estimated $245,000,000,000 on cases of diagnosed diabetes in 2012; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the American Diabetes Association reports that 20 percent of the money that the United States spent on health care in 2012 went towards caring for individuals with diabetes; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas a Mathematica Policy Research study found that total expenditures for individuals with diabetes receiving benefits under the Medicare program under title XVIII of the Social Security Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/42/1395"> 42 U.S.C. 1395 et seq. </external-xref> ) in fiscal year 2005 comprised 32.7 percent of the budget for such program in such fiscal year; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas according to the CDC, in 2007, diabetes was the seventh leading cause of death in the United States, contributing to the death of more than 230,000 individuals in the United States that year; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas a cure for diabetes does not exist as of November 2013; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas there are successful means to reduce the incidence of and delay the onset of type 2 diabetes; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas with proper management and treatment, individuals with diabetes live healthy, productive lives; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas individuals in the United States celebrate American Diabetes Month in November: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="id62a68c005f9a4e9c95a34e26fc92be4d"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> supports the goals and ideals of American Diabetes Month, including— </text> <subparagraph id="id8428ac4f6d974be1b89dea10529bb3c5"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> encouraging individuals in the United States to fight diabetes through public awareness of prevention and treatment options; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="id2a224fffb31e49a4882a1ea2a83c2f63"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> enhancing diabetes education; </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id5162d4a56d9b4963b325ca542ac2bf4c"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> recognizes the importance of early detection, awareness of the symptoms, and understanding the risk factors of diabetes, including— </text> <subparagraph id="id76bd8618a1294bc895d1d85163898c12"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> being over the age of 45; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="id5168bc32310441dda71456d3d4c89006"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> having a specific racial and ethnic background; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="id81cc50351cc043aa9e90eb9ab26deada"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> being overweight; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="id5f9eeace1cc54c9a923de8c9fc5c7ba2"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> having a low level of physical activity; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="id2166e8c763504f639586b48487bec608"> <enum> (E) </enum> <text> having high blood pressure; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="id47a6314169124ca0ae6188ad0ebc32ac"> <enum> (F) </enum> <text> having a family history of diabetes or a history of diabetes during pregnancy; and </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idb99cdec6aa414f52a9f2de2eca71a201"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> supports decreasing the prevalence of type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes in the United States through increased research, treatment, and prevention. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 316 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES December 10, 2013 Mrs. Shaheen (for herself and Ms. Collins ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions December 18, 2013 Committee discharged; considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Supporting the goals and ideals of American Diabetes Month. Whereas according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (referred to in this preamble as the CDC ), nearly 26,000,000 individuals in the United States have diabetes and an estimated 79,000,000 individuals age 20 years or older in the United States have prediabetes; Whereas diabetes is a serious chronic condition that affects individuals of every age, race, ethnicity, and income level; Whereas the CDC reports that Hispanic, African, Asian, and Native Americans are disproportionately affected by diabetes and suffer from the disease at rates that are much higher than the general population of the United States; Whereas according to the CDC, an individual age 20 years or older is diagnosed with diabetes every 17 seconds; Whereas approximately 5,205 individuals age 20 years and older in the United States are diagnosed with diabetes each day; Whereas the CDC estimates that approximately 1,900,000 individuals in the United States age 20 years and older were newly diagnosed with diabetes in 2010; Whereas a joint National Institutes of Health and CDC study found that each year between 2002 and 2005, approximately 15,600 youth were diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and approximately 3,600 youth were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in the United States; Whereas according to the CDC, the prevalence of diabetes in the United States increased by more than 300 percent between 1980 and 2010; Whereas the CDC reports that more than 27 percent of individuals with diabetes in the United States have not been diagnosed with the disease; Whereas more than 11 percent of adults and 26.9 percent of individuals age 65 and older in the United States have diabetes; Whereas as many as 1 in 3 adults in the United States will have diabetes in 2050 if the present trend continues; Whereas after accounting for the difference of the average age of each population, data surveying individuals age 20 years and older in the United States between 2007 and 2009 indicate that 7.1 percent of non-Hispanic whites, 12.6 percent of non-Hispanic blacks, 11.8 percent of Hispanics, and 8.4 percent of Asian Americans suffered from diagnosed diabetes; Whereas after accounting for the difference of the average age of each population, data surveying Hispanic individuals age 20 years and older in the United States between 2007 and 2009 indicate that 7.6 percent of individuals of Cuban, Central American, and South American descent, 13.3 percent of individuals of Mexican descent, and 13.8 percent of individuals of Puerto Rican descent suffered from diagnosed diabetes; Whereas according to the American Diabetes Association, the United States spent an estimated $245,000,000,000 on cases of diagnosed diabetes in 2012; Whereas the American Diabetes Association reports that 20 percent of the money that the United States spent on health care in 2012 went towards caring for individuals with diabetes; Whereas a Mathematica Policy Research study found that total expenditures for individuals with diabetes receiving benefits under the Medicare program under title XVIII of the Social Security Act ( 42 U.S.C. 1395 et seq. ) in fiscal year 2005 comprised 32.7 percent of the budget for such program in such fiscal year; Whereas according to the CDC, in 2007, diabetes was the seventh leading cause of death in the United States, contributing to the death of more than 230,000 individuals in the United States that year; Whereas a cure for diabetes does not exist as of November 2013; Whereas there are successful means to reduce the incidence of and delay the onset of type 2 diabetes; Whereas with proper management and treatment, individuals with diabetes live healthy, productive lives; and Whereas individuals in the United States celebrate American Diabetes Month in November: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) supports the goals and ideals of American Diabetes Month, including— (A) encouraging individuals in the United States to fight diabetes through public awareness of prevention and treatment options; and (B) enhancing diabetes education; (2) recognizes the importance of early detection, awareness of the symptoms, and understanding the risk factors of diabetes, including— (A) being over the age of 45; (B) having a specific racial and ethnic background; (C) being overweight; (D) having a low level of physical activity; (E) having high blood pressure; and (F) having a family history of diabetes or a history of diabetes during pregnancy; and (3) supports decreasing the prevalence of type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes in the United States through increased research, treatment, and prevention.
2023-01-07 06:11:01.452
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Introduced-in-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 316 IS: Supporting the goals and ideals of American Diabetes Month. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-12-10 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 316 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131210"> December 10, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S324"> Mrs. Shaheen </sponsor> (for herself and <cosponsor name-id="S252"> Ms. Collins </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="SSHR00"> Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Supporting the goals and ideals of American Diabetes Month. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (referred to in this preamble as the <quote> CDC </quote> ), nearly 26,000,000 individuals in the United States have diabetes and an estimated 79,000,000 individuals age 20 years or older in the United States have prediabetes; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas diabetes is a serious chronic condition that affects individuals of every age, race, ethnicity, and income level; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the CDC reports that Hispanic, African, Asian, and Native Americans are disproportionately affected by diabetes and suffer from the disease at rates that are much higher than the general population of the United States; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas according to the CDC, an individual age 20 years or older is diagnosed with diabetes every 17 seconds; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas approximately 5,205 individuals age 20 years and older in the United States are diagnosed with diabetes each day; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the CDC estimates that approximately 1,900,000 individuals in the United States age 20 years and older were newly diagnosed with diabetes in 2010; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas a joint National Institutes of Health and CDC study found that each year between 2002 and 2005, approximately 15,600 youth were diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and approximately 3,600 youth were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in the United States; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas according to the CDC, the prevalence of diabetes in the United States increased by more than 300 percent between 1980 and 2010; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the CDC reports that more than 27 percent of individuals with diabetes in the United States have not been diagnosed with the disease; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas more than 11 percent of adults and 26.9 percent of individuals age 65 and older in the United States have diabetes; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas as many as 1 in 3 adults in the United States will have diabetes in 2050 if the present trend continues; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas after accounting for the difference of the average age of each population, data surveying individuals age 20 years and older in the United States between 2007 and 2009 indicate that 7.1 percent of non-Hispanic whites, 12.6 percent of non-Hispanic blacks, 11.8 percent of Hispanics, and 8.4 percent of Asian Americans suffered from diagnosed diabetes; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas after accounting for the difference of the average age of each population, data surveying Hispanic individuals age 20 years and older in the United States between 2007 and 2009 indicate that 7.6 percent of individuals of Cuban, Central American, and South American descent, 13.3 percent of individuals of Mexican descent, and 13.8 percent of individuals of Puerto Rican descent suffered from diagnosed diabetes; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas according to the American Diabetes Association, the United States spent an estimated $245,000,000,000 on cases of diagnosed diabetes in 2012; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the American Diabetes Association reports that 20 percent of the money that the United States spent on health care in 2012 went towards caring for individuals with diabetes; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas a Mathematica Policy Research study found that total expenditures for individuals with diabetes receiving benefits under the Medicare program under title XVIII of the Social Security Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/42/1395"> 42 U.S.C. 1395 et seq. </external-xref> ) in fiscal year 2005 comprised 32.7 percent of the budget for such program in such fiscal year; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas according to the CDC, in 2007, diabetes was the seventh leading cause of death in the United States, contributing to the death of more than 230,000 individuals in the United States that year; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas a cure for diabetes does not exist as of November 2013; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas there are successful means to reduce the incidence of and delay the onset of type 2 diabetes; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas with proper management and treatment, individuals with diabetes live healthy, productive lives; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas individuals in the United States celebrate American Diabetes Month in November: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="id62a68c005f9a4e9c95a34e26fc92be4d"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> supports the goals and ideals of American Diabetes Month, including— </text> <subparagraph id="id8428ac4f6d974be1b89dea10529bb3c5"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> encouraging individuals in the United States to fight diabetes through public awareness of prevention and treatment options; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="id2a224fffb31e49a4882a1ea2a83c2f63"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> enhancing diabetes education; </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id5162d4a56d9b4963b325ca542ac2bf4c"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> recognizes the importance of early detection, awareness of the symptoms, and understanding the risk factors of diabetes, including— </text> <subparagraph id="id76bd8618a1294bc895d1d85163898c12"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> being over the age of 45; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="id5168bc32310441dda71456d3d4c89006"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> having a specific racial and ethnic background; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="id81cc50351cc043aa9e90eb9ab26deada"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> being overweight; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="id5f9eeace1cc54c9a923de8c9fc5c7ba2"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> having a low level of physical activity; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="id2166e8c763504f639586b48487bec608"> <enum> (E) </enum> <text> having high blood pressure; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="id47a6314169124ca0ae6188ad0ebc32ac"> <enum> (F) </enum> <text> having a family history of diabetes or a history of diabetes during pregnancy; and </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idb99cdec6aa414f52a9f2de2eca71a201"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> supports decreasing the prevalence of type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes in the United States through increased research, treatment, and prevention. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 316 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES December 10, 2013 Mrs. Shaheen (for herself and Ms. Collins ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions RESOLUTION Supporting the goals and ideals of American Diabetes Month. Whereas according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (referred to in this preamble as the CDC ), nearly 26,000,000 individuals in the United States have diabetes and an estimated 79,000,000 individuals age 20 years or older in the United States have prediabetes; Whereas diabetes is a serious chronic condition that affects individuals of every age, race, ethnicity, and income level; Whereas the CDC reports that Hispanic, African, Asian, and Native Americans are disproportionately affected by diabetes and suffer from the disease at rates that are much higher than the general population of the United States; Whereas according to the CDC, an individual age 20 years or older is diagnosed with diabetes every 17 seconds; Whereas approximately 5,205 individuals age 20 years and older in the United States are diagnosed with diabetes each day; Whereas the CDC estimates that approximately 1,900,000 individuals in the United States age 20 years and older were newly diagnosed with diabetes in 2010; Whereas a joint National Institutes of Health and CDC study found that each year between 2002 and 2005, approximately 15,600 youth were diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and approximately 3,600 youth were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in the United States; Whereas according to the CDC, the prevalence of diabetes in the United States increased by more than 300 percent between 1980 and 2010; Whereas the CDC reports that more than 27 percent of individuals with diabetes in the United States have not been diagnosed with the disease; Whereas more than 11 percent of adults and 26.9 percent of individuals age 65 and older in the United States have diabetes; Whereas as many as 1 in 3 adults in the United States will have diabetes in 2050 if the present trend continues; Whereas after accounting for the difference of the average age of each population, data surveying individuals age 20 years and older in the United States between 2007 and 2009 indicate that 7.1 percent of non-Hispanic whites, 12.6 percent of non-Hispanic blacks, 11.8 percent of Hispanics, and 8.4 percent of Asian Americans suffered from diagnosed diabetes; Whereas after accounting for the difference of the average age of each population, data surveying Hispanic individuals age 20 years and older in the United States between 2007 and 2009 indicate that 7.6 percent of individuals of Cuban, Central American, and South American descent, 13.3 percent of individuals of Mexican descent, and 13.8 percent of individuals of Puerto Rican descent suffered from diagnosed diabetes; Whereas according to the American Diabetes Association, the United States spent an estimated $245,000,000,000 on cases of diagnosed diabetes in 2012; Whereas the American Diabetes Association reports that 20 percent of the money that the United States spent on health care in 2012 went towards caring for individuals with diabetes; Whereas a Mathematica Policy Research study found that total expenditures for individuals with diabetes receiving benefits under the Medicare program under title XVIII of the Social Security Act ( 42 U.S.C. 1395 et seq. ) in fiscal year 2005 comprised 32.7 percent of the budget for such program in such fiscal year; Whereas according to the CDC, in 2007, diabetes was the seventh leading cause of death in the United States, contributing to the death of more than 230,000 individuals in the United States that year; Whereas a cure for diabetes does not exist as of November 2013; Whereas there are successful means to reduce the incidence of and delay the onset of type 2 diabetes; Whereas with proper management and treatment, individuals with diabetes live healthy, productive lives; and Whereas individuals in the United States celebrate American Diabetes Month in November: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) supports the goals and ideals of American Diabetes Month, including— (A) encouraging individuals in the United States to fight diabetes through public awareness of prevention and treatment options; and (B) enhancing diabetes education; (2) recognizes the importance of early detection, awareness of the symptoms, and understanding the risk factors of diabetes, including— (A) being over the age of 45; (B) having a specific racial and ethnic background; (C) being overweight; (D) having a low level of physical activity; (E) having high blood pressure; and (F) having a family history of diabetes or a history of diabetes during pregnancy; and (3) supports decreasing the prevalence of type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes in the United States through increased research, treatment, and prevention.
2023-01-07 06:11:01.387
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Introduced-in-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 317 IS: Expressing the sense of the Senate on the continuing relationship between the United States and Georgia. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-12-11 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 317 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131211"> December 11, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S261"> Mr. Sessions </sponsor> (for himself and <cosponsor name-id="S324"> Mrs. Shaheen </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="SSFR00"> Committee on Foreign Relations </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Expressing the sense of the Senate on the continuing relationship between the United States and Georgia. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas Georgia is a highly valued partner of the United States and has repeatedly demonstrated its commitment to advancing the mutual interests of both countries, including through the deployment of Georgian forces as part of the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan, where Georgia is currently the largest non-NATO contributor and serving without caveats in Helmand Province, and the Multi-National Force in Iraq; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, contrary to international law and the 2008 ceasefire agreement between Russia and Georgia, Russian forces have constructed barriers, including barbed wire and fences, along the administrative boundary line for the South Ossetia region of Georgia; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas this <quote> borderization </quote> is inconsistent with Russia’s international commitments under the August 2008 ceasefire agreement, is contrary to Georgia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, creates hardship and significant negative impacts for populations on both sides of these barriers, and is detrimental to long-term conflict resolution; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the peaceful transfer of power as the result of the October 2012 parliamentary elections in Georgia represents a major accomplishment toward the creation by the people of Georgia of a free society and full democracy; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Presidential election of October 2013 marks another step in this transition to a free and open democracy in Georgia; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas international election observers from the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) concluded that the election <quote> was efficiently administered, transparent, and took place in an amicable and constructive environment […]. Fundamental freedoms of expression, movement and assembly were respected, and candidates were able to campaign without restriction. […] A wide range of views and information was made available to voters through the media, providing candidates with a platform to present their programmes and opinions freely </quote> ; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas such election conduct is consistent with actions that demonstrate progress toward a mature and free democracy; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, on November 29, 2013, Georgia initialed an Association Agreement with the European Union (EU), making Georgia a member of the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area, removing significant trade restrictions with the European Union, and signifying an important preliminary step towards the signing and eventual implementation of the Association Agreement by all European Union members states and Georgia: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="idd6a0e7331f53428096610b9d98fb5f0f"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> declares that the United States supports the sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity of Georgia and the inviolability of its internationally recognized borders, and expresses concerns over the continued occupation of the Georgian regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia by the Russian Federation; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id8e633d062c7447638c7237fba072a462"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> encourages the President to enhance defense cooperation efforts with Georgia; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id0c28d2cc2946411f8fb84164c3b5bdf2"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> supports the efforts of the Government of Georgia to protect its government, people, sovereignty, and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idb534b825bfb844e0b4c1292e9c4d6869"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> reaffirms its support for Georgia’s NATO membership aspirations, congratulates the Government of Georgia on the steps it has taken to further its integration with NATO, and commends the determination of the Government of Georgia to maintain its troop contribution to International Security Assistance Force and its willingness to extend its mission in Afghanistan beyond 2014; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="ide37e4d5487df47b68e9ea02356bb5beb"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> congratulates the Government and people of Georgia on the Presidential election of October 27, 2013, commends the Government and people of Georgia on a peaceful and democratic transfer of power, and encourages all parties to work together constructively to maintain continued movement toward a free and democratic society; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id582a261fab404c73bf20384e0c420b91"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text> strongly encourages the Government of Georgia to defend the rule of law, improve the independence of the judiciary, and protect the rights of political opposition—all essential components of a free and open democracy and which can and should be demonstrated in the upcoming 2014 local elections; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id8539ae5af9f9413d8e9ca31c62975e8c"> <enum> (7) </enum> <text> strongly supports a United States and international election monitoring mission for this final phase of Georgia’s election cycle; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id503c23983cea4647a61ac9a4853b4557"> <enum> (8) </enum> <text> further encourages the Government of Georgia to refrain from politically motivated arrests and prosecutions; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idb7ea9de921864858ae82d85ceb31f3b3"> <enum> (9) </enum> <text> affirms that the path to lasting stability in this region is through peaceful means and long-term diplomatic and political dialogue; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id8776cd222dae4563bf23ee0b91706ee3"> <enum> (10) </enum> <text> remains committed to assisting the people of Georgia in their efforts to establish an enduring democratic society with strong institutions within the rule of law. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 317 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES December 11, 2013 Mr. Sessions (for himself and Mrs. Shaheen ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations RESOLUTION Expressing the sense of the Senate on the continuing relationship between the United States and Georgia. Whereas Georgia is a highly valued partner of the United States and has repeatedly demonstrated its commitment to advancing the mutual interests of both countries, including through the deployment of Georgian forces as part of the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan, where Georgia is currently the largest non-NATO contributor and serving without caveats in Helmand Province, and the Multi-National Force in Iraq; Whereas, contrary to international law and the 2008 ceasefire agreement between Russia and Georgia, Russian forces have constructed barriers, including barbed wire and fences, along the administrative boundary line for the South Ossetia region of Georgia; Whereas this borderization is inconsistent with Russia’s international commitments under the August 2008 ceasefire agreement, is contrary to Georgia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, creates hardship and significant negative impacts for populations on both sides of these barriers, and is detrimental to long-term conflict resolution; Whereas the peaceful transfer of power as the result of the October 2012 parliamentary elections in Georgia represents a major accomplishment toward the creation by the people of Georgia of a free society and full democracy; Whereas the Presidential election of October 2013 marks another step in this transition to a free and open democracy in Georgia; Whereas international election observers from the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) concluded that the election was efficiently administered, transparent, and took place in an amicable and constructive environment […]. Fundamental freedoms of expression, movement and assembly were respected, and candidates were able to campaign without restriction. […] A wide range of views and information was made available to voters through the media, providing candidates with a platform to present their programmes and opinions freely ; Whereas such election conduct is consistent with actions that demonstrate progress toward a mature and free democracy; and Whereas, on November 29, 2013, Georgia initialed an Association Agreement with the European Union (EU), making Georgia a member of the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area, removing significant trade restrictions with the European Union, and signifying an important preliminary step towards the signing and eventual implementation of the Association Agreement by all European Union members states and Georgia: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) declares that the United States supports the sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity of Georgia and the inviolability of its internationally recognized borders, and expresses concerns over the continued occupation of the Georgian regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia by the Russian Federation; (2) encourages the President to enhance defense cooperation efforts with Georgia; (3) supports the efforts of the Government of Georgia to protect its government, people, sovereignty, and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders; (4) reaffirms its support for Georgia’s NATO membership aspirations, congratulates the Government of Georgia on the steps it has taken to further its integration with NATO, and commends the determination of the Government of Georgia to maintain its troop contribution to International Security Assistance Force and its willingness to extend its mission in Afghanistan beyond 2014; (5) congratulates the Government and people of Georgia on the Presidential election of October 27, 2013, commends the Government and people of Georgia on a peaceful and democratic transfer of power, and encourages all parties to work together constructively to maintain continued movement toward a free and democratic society; (6) strongly encourages the Government of Georgia to defend the rule of law, improve the independence of the judiciary, and protect the rights of political opposition—all essential components of a free and open democracy and which can and should be demonstrated in the upcoming 2014 local elections; (7) strongly supports a United States and international election monitoring mission for this final phase of Georgia’s election cycle; (8) further encourages the Government of Georgia to refrain from politically motivated arrests and prosecutions; (9) affirms that the path to lasting stability in this region is through peaceful means and long-term diplomatic and political dialogue; and (10) remains committed to assisting the people of Georgia in their efforts to establish an enduring democratic society with strong institutions within the rule of law.
2023-01-07 05:39:02.049
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Agreed-to-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 318 ATS: Expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the critical need for political dialogue in Bangladesh, and for other purposes. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2014-01-07 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 2d Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 318 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131211"> December 11, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S253"> Mr. Durbin </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="S254"> Mr. Enzi </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S364"> Mr. Murphy </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S223"> Mrs. Boxer </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S343"> Mr. Boozman </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S362"> Mr. Kaine </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S342"> Mr. Blunt </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S324"> Mrs. Shaheen </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S306"> Mr. Menendez </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the <committee-name added-display-style="italic" committee-id="SSFR00" deleted-display-style="strikethrough"> Committee on Foreign Relations </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <action stage="Reported-in-Senate"> <action-date date="20131218"> December 18, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> Reported by <sponsor name-id="S306"> Mr. Menendez </sponsor> , without amendment and with an amendment to the title </action-desc> </action> <action> <action-date date="20140107"> January 7, 2014 </action-date> <action-desc> Considered and agreed to with an amendment to the title </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the critical need for political dialogue in Bangladesh, and for other purposes. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas the nation of Bangladesh was established in 1971 after a bitter war in which it split from Pakistan, and for many of the ensuing years until 1990, it was ruled by military governments; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas political tensions have at times turned to violence in Bangladesh, undermining the democratic process; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the last parliamentary elections in Bangladesh originally scheduled for January 2007, were postponed indefinitely after the military intervened amid rising violence and questions about the electoral process’s credibility; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas a military-backed civilian caretaker government held power until December 2008 when Bangladeshis returned to the polls to elect a new parliament for the first time in many years; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas ongoing antagonism between the country’s two ruling parties, the Awami League and the Bangladesh Nationalist Party, distracts from the important needs of the country; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas concerns have grown about religious extremism in the otherwise usually tolerant country; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the United States-Bangladesh relationship is strong and involves many shared interests, including regional economic integration, counterterrorism, counter-piracy, poverty alleviation, food security, regional stability, and mitigation of natural disasters; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas bilateral trade between the United States and Bangladesh now tops $6,000,000,000 annually, with major United States companies making significant long-term investments in Bangladesh; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the economy of Bangladesh has grown six percent per year over the last two decades, despite a range of challenges; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the poverty rate in Bangladesh dropped from 40 percent to 31 percent between 2005 and 2010—a notable accomplishment in a country in which poverty has been deep and widespread; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Grameen Bank’s revolutionary microfinance lending to the poor has helped reduce poverty not only in Bangladesh, but has served as an innovative and powerful model for helping the poor elsewhere in the world; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Department of State, Congress, and other high profile international voices have recognized the Grameen Bank’s innovative work and expressed great concern over actions by the Government of Bangladesh that undermine the Bank's independence; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Bangladesh, an example of a moderate and diverse Muslim-majority democracy, is scheduled to have national elections on January 5, 2014; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, in 2013, hundreds of Bangladeshis died in violent clashes as a result of political violence and unrest, and some opposition and human rights activists have been arrested; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas trials held by the International Crimes Tribunal in Bangladesh—set up to prosecute those responsible for atrocities committed during Bangladesh’s war of liberation with Pakistan in 1971—have fallen short of international standards; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Government of Bangladesh eliminated a constitutional provision requiring the governing party to cede power to a neutral caretaker government three months before an election; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the 18-member opposition coalition in Bangladesh called for numerous nationwide strikes and transportation blockades in 2013, resulting in dozens of deaths; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Bangladeshi students cannot attend school and complete mandatory exams due to the strikes and blockades and related violence; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas many citizens of Bangladesh have had their work and daily activities disrupted due to the strikes and related violence, which come at a cost to the economy and stability of Bangladesh; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas a stable, moderate, secular, Muslim-majority democracy with the world’s seventh-largest population, and the world’s fourth-largest Muslim population, will have lasting positive impacts in the region and beyond; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the success of the democratic process in Bangladesh is of great importance to the United States and the world; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas during the week of December 8, 2013, United Nations Assistant Secretary General Oscar Fernandez-Taranco visited Bangladesh to foster political dialogue between Bangladeshi political parties and leaders in order to bring a halt to violence and allow for a credible peaceful election: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="id500a78abd00d4e84a972ebae2f0ace9f"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> condemns the political violence in Bangladesh and urges political leaders in that country to engage directly and substantively in a dialogue toward free, fair, and credible elections; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id6d4f7f31ccc0466d82d153a3561a1701"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> expresses great concern about the continued political deadlock in Bangladesh that distracts from the country’s many important challenges; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id77B8C0ADEC84475B8E5E14DCA6B199BC"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> urges political leaders in Bangladesh to take immediate steps to rein in and to condemn the violence as well as to provide space for peaceful political protests; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id59ed239d0a5445f7a6eac203fdb3d559"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> urges political leaders in Bangladesh to ensure the safety and access of observers in its upcoming elections; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id0125154d58f54b83ab1747a844e44c55"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> supports ongoing efforts by United Nations Assistant Secretary General Oscar Fernandez-Taranco to foster political dialogue between political factions in Bangladesh; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id93963e8680ff47fea5edd29b295aaff0"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text> urges the Government of Bangladesh to ensure judicial independence, end harassment of human rights activists, and restore the independence of the Grameen Bank. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 318 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES December 11, 2013 Mr. Durbin (for himself, Mr. Enzi , Mr. Murphy , Mrs. Boxer , Mr. Boozman , Mr. Kaine , Mr. Blunt , Mrs. Shaheen , and Mr. Menendez ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations December 18, 2013 Reported by Mr. Menendez , without amendment and with an amendment to the title January 7, 2014 Considered and agreed to with an amendment to the title RESOLUTION Expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the critical need for political dialogue in Bangladesh, and for other purposes. Whereas the nation of Bangladesh was established in 1971 after a bitter war in which it split from Pakistan, and for many of the ensuing years until 1990, it was ruled by military governments; Whereas political tensions have at times turned to violence in Bangladesh, undermining the democratic process; Whereas the last parliamentary elections in Bangladesh originally scheduled for January 2007, were postponed indefinitely after the military intervened amid rising violence and questions about the electoral process’s credibility; Whereas a military-backed civilian caretaker government held power until December 2008 when Bangladeshis returned to the polls to elect a new parliament for the first time in many years; Whereas ongoing antagonism between the country’s two ruling parties, the Awami League and the Bangladesh Nationalist Party, distracts from the important needs of the country; Whereas concerns have grown about religious extremism in the otherwise usually tolerant country; Whereas the United States-Bangladesh relationship is strong and involves many shared interests, including regional economic integration, counterterrorism, counter-piracy, poverty alleviation, food security, regional stability, and mitigation of natural disasters; Whereas bilateral trade between the United States and Bangladesh now tops $6,000,000,000 annually, with major United States companies making significant long-term investments in Bangladesh; Whereas the economy of Bangladesh has grown six percent per year over the last two decades, despite a range of challenges; Whereas the poverty rate in Bangladesh dropped from 40 percent to 31 percent between 2005 and 2010—a notable accomplishment in a country in which poverty has been deep and widespread; Whereas the Grameen Bank’s revolutionary microfinance lending to the poor has helped reduce poverty not only in Bangladesh, but has served as an innovative and powerful model for helping the poor elsewhere in the world; Whereas the Department of State, Congress, and other high profile international voices have recognized the Grameen Bank’s innovative work and expressed great concern over actions by the Government of Bangladesh that undermine the Bank's independence; Whereas Bangladesh, an example of a moderate and diverse Muslim-majority democracy, is scheduled to have national elections on January 5, 2014; Whereas, in 2013, hundreds of Bangladeshis died in violent clashes as a result of political violence and unrest, and some opposition and human rights activists have been arrested; Whereas trials held by the International Crimes Tribunal in Bangladesh—set up to prosecute those responsible for atrocities committed during Bangladesh’s war of liberation with Pakistan in 1971—have fallen short of international standards; Whereas the Government of Bangladesh eliminated a constitutional provision requiring the governing party to cede power to a neutral caretaker government three months before an election; Whereas the 18-member opposition coalition in Bangladesh called for numerous nationwide strikes and transportation blockades in 2013, resulting in dozens of deaths; Whereas Bangladeshi students cannot attend school and complete mandatory exams due to the strikes and blockades and related violence; Whereas many citizens of Bangladesh have had their work and daily activities disrupted due to the strikes and related violence, which come at a cost to the economy and stability of Bangladesh; Whereas a stable, moderate, secular, Muslim-majority democracy with the world’s seventh-largest population, and the world’s fourth-largest Muslim population, will have lasting positive impacts in the region and beyond; Whereas the success of the democratic process in Bangladesh is of great importance to the United States and the world; and Whereas during the week of December 8, 2013, United Nations Assistant Secretary General Oscar Fernandez-Taranco visited Bangladesh to foster political dialogue between Bangladeshi political parties and leaders in order to bring a halt to violence and allow for a credible peaceful election: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) condemns the political violence in Bangladesh and urges political leaders in that country to engage directly and substantively in a dialogue toward free, fair, and credible elections; (2) expresses great concern about the continued political deadlock in Bangladesh that distracts from the country’s many important challenges; (3) urges political leaders in Bangladesh to take immediate steps to rein in and to condemn the violence as well as to provide space for peaceful political protests; (4) urges political leaders in Bangladesh to ensure the safety and access of observers in its upcoming elections; (5) supports ongoing efforts by United Nations Assistant Secretary General Oscar Fernandez-Taranco to foster political dialogue between political factions in Bangladesh; and (6) urges the Government of Bangladesh to ensure judicial independence, end harassment of human rights activists, and restore the independence of the Grameen Bank.
2023-01-07 06:11:01.493
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Introduced-in-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 318 IS: Expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the critical need for political reform in Bangladesh, and for other purposes. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-12-11 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 318 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131211"> December 11, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S253"> Mr. Durbin </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="S254"> Mr. Enzi </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S364"> Mr. Murphy </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="SSFR00"> Committee on Foreign Relations </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the critical need for political reform in Bangladesh, and for other purposes. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas the nation of Bangladesh was established in 1971 after a bitter war in which it split from Pakistan, and for many of the ensuing years until 1990, it was ruled by military governments; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas political tensions have at times turned to violence in Bangladesh, undermining the democratic process; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the last parliamentary elections in Bangladesh originally scheduled for January 2007, were postponed indefinitely after the military intervened amid rising violence and questions about the electoral process’s credibility; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas a military-backed civilian caretaker government held power until December 2008 when Bangladeshis returned to the polls to elect a new parliament for the first time in many years; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas ongoing antagonism between the country’s two ruling parties, the Awami League and the Bangladesh Nationalist Party, distracts from the important needs of the country; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas concerns have grown about religious extremism in the otherwise usually tolerant country; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the United States-Bangladesh relationship is strong and involves many shared interests, including regional economic integration, counterterrorism, counter-piracy, poverty alleviation, food security, regional stability, and mitigation of natural disasters; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas bilateral trade between the United States and Bangladesh now tops $6,000,000,000 annually, with major United States companies making significant long-term investments in Bangladesh; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the economy of Bangladesh has grown six percent per year over the last two decades, despite a range of challenges; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the poverty rate in Bangladesh dropped from 40 percent to 31 percent between 2005 and 2010—a notable accomplishment in a country in which poverty has been deep and widespread; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Grameen Bank’s revolutionary microfinance lending to the poor has helped reduce poverty not only in Bangladesh, but has served as an innovative and powerful model for helping the poor elsewhere in the world; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Department of State, Congress, and other high profile international voices have recognized the Grameen Bank’s innovative work and expressed great concern over actions by the Government of Bangladesh that undermine the Bank's independence; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Bangladesh, an example of a moderate and diverse Muslim-majority democracy, is scheduled to have national elections on January 5, 2014; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, in 2013, hundreds of Bangladeshis died in violent clashes as a result of political violence and unrest, and some opposition and human rights activists have been arrested; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas trials held by the International Crimes Tribunal in Bangladesh—set up to prosecute those responsible for atrocities committed during Bangladesh’s war of liberation with Pakistan in 1971—have fallen short of international standards; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Government of Bangladesh eliminated a constitutional provision requiring the governing party to cede power to a neutral caretaker government three months before an election; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the 18-member opposition coalition in Bangladesh called for numerous nationwide strikes and transportation blockades in 2013, resulting in dozens of deaths; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Bangladeshi students cannot attend school and complete mandatory exams due to the strikes and blockades and related violence; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas many citizens of Bangladesh have had their work and daily activities disrupted due to the strikes and related violence, which come at a cost to the economy and stability of Bangladesh; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas a stable, moderate, secular, Muslim-majority democracy with the world’s seventh-largest population, and the world’s fourth-largest Muslim population, will have lasting positive impacts in the region and beyond; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the success of the democratic process in Bangladesh is of great importance to the United States and the world; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas during the week of December 8, 2013, United Nations Assistant Secretary General Oscar Fernandez-Taranco visited Bangladesh to foster political dialogue between Bangladeshi political parties and leaders in order to bring a halt to violence and allow for a credible peaceful election: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="id500a78abd00d4e84a972ebae2f0ace9f"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> condemns the political violence in Bangladesh and urges political leaders in that country to engage directly and substantively in a dialogue toward free, fair, and credible elections; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id6d4f7f31ccc0466d82d153a3561a1701"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> expresses great concern about the continued political deadlock in Bangladesh that distracts from the country’s many important challenges; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id77B8C0ADEC84475B8E5E14DCA6B199BC"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> urges political leaders in Bangladesh to take immediate steps to rein in and to condemn the violence as well as to provide space for peaceful political protests; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id59ed239d0a5445f7a6eac203fdb3d559"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> urges political leaders in Bangladesh to ensure the safety and access of observers in its upcoming elections; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id0125154d58f54b83ab1747a844e44c55"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> supports ongoing efforts by United Nations Assistant Secretary General Oscar Fernandez-Taranco to foster political dialogue between political factions in Bangladesh; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id93963e8680ff47fea5edd29b295aaff0"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text> urges the Government of Bangladesh to ensure judicial independence, end harassment of human rights activists, and restore the independence of the Grameen Bank. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 318 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES December 11, 2013 Mr. Durbin (for himself, Mr. Enzi , and Mr. Murphy ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations RESOLUTION Expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the critical need for political reform in Bangladesh, and for other purposes. Whereas the nation of Bangladesh was established in 1971 after a bitter war in which it split from Pakistan, and for many of the ensuing years until 1990, it was ruled by military governments; Whereas political tensions have at times turned to violence in Bangladesh, undermining the democratic process; Whereas the last parliamentary elections in Bangladesh originally scheduled for January 2007, were postponed indefinitely after the military intervened amid rising violence and questions about the electoral process’s credibility; Whereas a military-backed civilian caretaker government held power until December 2008 when Bangladeshis returned to the polls to elect a new parliament for the first time in many years; Whereas ongoing antagonism between the country’s two ruling parties, the Awami League and the Bangladesh Nationalist Party, distracts from the important needs of the country; Whereas concerns have grown about religious extremism in the otherwise usually tolerant country; Whereas the United States-Bangladesh relationship is strong and involves many shared interests, including regional economic integration, counterterrorism, counter-piracy, poverty alleviation, food security, regional stability, and mitigation of natural disasters; Whereas bilateral trade between the United States and Bangladesh now tops $6,000,000,000 annually, with major United States companies making significant long-term investments in Bangladesh; Whereas the economy of Bangladesh has grown six percent per year over the last two decades, despite a range of challenges; Whereas the poverty rate in Bangladesh dropped from 40 percent to 31 percent between 2005 and 2010—a notable accomplishment in a country in which poverty has been deep and widespread; Whereas the Grameen Bank’s revolutionary microfinance lending to the poor has helped reduce poverty not only in Bangladesh, but has served as an innovative and powerful model for helping the poor elsewhere in the world; Whereas the Department of State, Congress, and other high profile international voices have recognized the Grameen Bank’s innovative work and expressed great concern over actions by the Government of Bangladesh that undermine the Bank's independence; Whereas Bangladesh, an example of a moderate and diverse Muslim-majority democracy, is scheduled to have national elections on January 5, 2014; Whereas, in 2013, hundreds of Bangladeshis died in violent clashes as a result of political violence and unrest, and some opposition and human rights activists have been arrested; Whereas trials held by the International Crimes Tribunal in Bangladesh—set up to prosecute those responsible for atrocities committed during Bangladesh’s war of liberation with Pakistan in 1971—have fallen short of international standards; Whereas the Government of Bangladesh eliminated a constitutional provision requiring the governing party to cede power to a neutral caretaker government three months before an election; Whereas the 18-member opposition coalition in Bangladesh called for numerous nationwide strikes and transportation blockades in 2013, resulting in dozens of deaths; Whereas Bangladeshi students cannot attend school and complete mandatory exams due to the strikes and blockades and related violence; Whereas many citizens of Bangladesh have had their work and daily activities disrupted due to the strikes and related violence, which come at a cost to the economy and stability of Bangladesh; Whereas a stable, moderate, secular, Muslim-majority democracy with the world’s seventh-largest population, and the world’s fourth-largest Muslim population, will have lasting positive impacts in the region and beyond; Whereas the success of the democratic process in Bangladesh is of great importance to the United States and the world; and Whereas during the week of December 8, 2013, United Nations Assistant Secretary General Oscar Fernandez-Taranco visited Bangladesh to foster political dialogue between Bangladeshi political parties and leaders in order to bring a halt to violence and allow for a credible peaceful election: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) condemns the political violence in Bangladesh and urges political leaders in that country to engage directly and substantively in a dialogue toward free, fair, and credible elections; (2) expresses great concern about the continued political deadlock in Bangladesh that distracts from the country’s many important challenges; (3) urges political leaders in Bangladesh to take immediate steps to rein in and to condemn the violence as well as to provide space for peaceful political protests; (4) urges political leaders in Bangladesh to ensure the safety and access of observers in its upcoming elections; (5) supports ongoing efforts by United Nations Assistant Secretary General Oscar Fernandez-Taranco to foster political dialogue between political factions in Bangladesh; and (6) urges the Government of Bangladesh to ensure judicial independence, end harassment of human rights activists, and restore the independence of the Grameen Bank.
2023-01-07 06:11:01.530
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Reported-in-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 318 RS: Expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the critical need for political reform in Bangladesh, and for other purposes. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-12-18 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <calendar> Calendar No. 273 </calendar> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 318 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131211"> December 11, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S253"> Mr. Durbin </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="S254"> Mr. Enzi </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S364"> Mr. Murphy </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S223"> Mrs. Boxer </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S343"> Mr. Boozman </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S362"> Mr. Kaine </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S342"> Mr. Blunt </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S324"> Mrs. Shaheen </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the <committee-name added-display-style="italic" committee-id="SSFR00" deleted-display-style="strikethrough"> Committee on Foreign Relations </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <action stage="Reported-in-Senate"> <action-date date="20131218"> December 18, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> Reported by <sponsor name-id="S306"> Mr. Menendez </sponsor> , without amendment and with an amendment to the title </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the critical need for political reform in Bangladesh, and for other purposes. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas the nation of Bangladesh was established in 1971 after a bitter war in which it split from Pakistan, and for many of the ensuing years until 1990, it was ruled by military governments; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas political tensions have at times turned to violence in Bangladesh, undermining the democratic process; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the last parliamentary elections in Bangladesh originally scheduled for January 2007, were postponed indefinitely after the military intervened amid rising violence and questions about the electoral process’s credibility; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas a military-backed civilian caretaker government held power until December 2008 when Bangladeshis returned to the polls to elect a new parliament for the first time in many years; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas ongoing antagonism between the country’s two ruling parties, the Awami League and the Bangladesh Nationalist Party, distracts from the important needs of the country; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas concerns have grown about religious extremism in the otherwise usually tolerant country; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the United States-Bangladesh relationship is strong and involves many shared interests, including regional economic integration, counterterrorism, counter-piracy, poverty alleviation, food security, regional stability, and mitigation of natural disasters; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas bilateral trade between the United States and Bangladesh now tops $6,000,000,000 annually, with major United States companies making significant long-term investments in Bangladesh; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the economy of Bangladesh has grown six percent per year over the last two decades, despite a range of challenges; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the poverty rate in Bangladesh dropped from 40 percent to 31 percent between 2005 and 2010—a notable accomplishment in a country in which poverty has been deep and widespread; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Grameen Bank’s revolutionary microfinance lending to the poor has helped reduce poverty not only in Bangladesh, but has served as an innovative and powerful model for helping the poor elsewhere in the world; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Department of State, Congress, and other high profile international voices have recognized the Grameen Bank’s innovative work and expressed great concern over actions by the Government of Bangladesh that undermine the Bank's independence; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Bangladesh, an example of a moderate and diverse Muslim-majority democracy, is scheduled to have national elections on January 5, 2014; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, in 2013, hundreds of Bangladeshis died in violent clashes as a result of political violence and unrest, and some opposition and human rights activists have been arrested; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas trials held by the International Crimes Tribunal in Bangladesh—set up to prosecute those responsible for atrocities committed during Bangladesh’s war of liberation with Pakistan in 1971—have fallen short of international standards; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Government of Bangladesh eliminated a constitutional provision requiring the governing party to cede power to a neutral caretaker government three months before an election; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the 18-member opposition coalition in Bangladesh called for numerous nationwide strikes and transportation blockades in 2013, resulting in dozens of deaths; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Bangladeshi students cannot attend school and complete mandatory exams due to the strikes and blockades and related violence; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas many citizens of Bangladesh have had their work and daily activities disrupted due to the strikes and related violence, which come at a cost to the economy and stability of Bangladesh; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas a stable, moderate, secular, Muslim-majority democracy with the world’s seventh-largest population, and the world’s fourth-largest Muslim population, will have lasting positive impacts in the region and beyond; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the success of the democratic process in Bangladesh is of great importance to the United States and the world; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas during the week of December 8, 2013, United Nations Assistant Secretary General Oscar Fernandez-Taranco visited Bangladesh to foster political dialogue between Bangladeshi political parties and leaders in order to bring a halt to violence and allow for a credible peaceful election: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="id500a78abd00d4e84a972ebae2f0ace9f"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> condemns the political violence in Bangladesh and urges political leaders in that country to engage directly and substantively in a dialogue toward free, fair, and credible elections; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id6d4f7f31ccc0466d82d153a3561a1701"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> expresses great concern about the continued political deadlock in Bangladesh that distracts from the country’s many important challenges; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id77B8C0ADEC84475B8E5E14DCA6B199BC"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> urges political leaders in Bangladesh to take immediate steps to rein in and to condemn the violence as well as to provide space for peaceful political protests; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id59ed239d0a5445f7a6eac203fdb3d559"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> urges political leaders in Bangladesh to ensure the safety and access of observers in its upcoming elections; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id0125154d58f54b83ab1747a844e44c55"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> supports ongoing efforts by United Nations Assistant Secretary General Oscar Fernandez-Taranco to foster political dialogue between political factions in Bangladesh; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id93963e8680ff47fea5edd29b295aaff0"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text> urges the Government of Bangladesh to ensure judicial independence, end harassment of human rights activists, and restore the independence of the Grameen Bank. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> <official-title-amendment> Amend the title so as to read: <quote> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the critical need for political dialogue in Bangladesh, and for other purposes. </quote> . </official-title-amendment> <endorsement> <action-date date="20131218"> December 18, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> Reported without amendment and with an amendment to the title </action-desc> </endorsement> </resolution>
III Calendar No. 273 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 318 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES December 11, 2013 Mr. Durbin (for himself, Mr. Enzi , Mr. Murphy , Mrs. Boxer , Mr. Boozman , Mr. Kaine , Mr. Blunt , and Mrs. Shaheen ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations December 18, 2013 Reported by Mr. Menendez , without amendment and with an amendment to the title RESOLUTION Expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the critical need for political reform in Bangladesh, and for other purposes. Whereas the nation of Bangladesh was established in 1971 after a bitter war in which it split from Pakistan, and for many of the ensuing years until 1990, it was ruled by military governments; Whereas political tensions have at times turned to violence in Bangladesh, undermining the democratic process; Whereas the last parliamentary elections in Bangladesh originally scheduled for January 2007, were postponed indefinitely after the military intervened amid rising violence and questions about the electoral process’s credibility; Whereas a military-backed civilian caretaker government held power until December 2008 when Bangladeshis returned to the polls to elect a new parliament for the first time in many years; Whereas ongoing antagonism between the country’s two ruling parties, the Awami League and the Bangladesh Nationalist Party, distracts from the important needs of the country; Whereas concerns have grown about religious extremism in the otherwise usually tolerant country; Whereas the United States-Bangladesh relationship is strong and involves many shared interests, including regional economic integration, counterterrorism, counter-piracy, poverty alleviation, food security, regional stability, and mitigation of natural disasters; Whereas bilateral trade between the United States and Bangladesh now tops $6,000,000,000 annually, with major United States companies making significant long-term investments in Bangladesh; Whereas the economy of Bangladesh has grown six percent per year over the last two decades, despite a range of challenges; Whereas the poverty rate in Bangladesh dropped from 40 percent to 31 percent between 2005 and 2010—a notable accomplishment in a country in which poverty has been deep and widespread; Whereas the Grameen Bank’s revolutionary microfinance lending to the poor has helped reduce poverty not only in Bangladesh, but has served as an innovative and powerful model for helping the poor elsewhere in the world; Whereas the Department of State, Congress, and other high profile international voices have recognized the Grameen Bank’s innovative work and expressed great concern over actions by the Government of Bangladesh that undermine the Bank's independence; Whereas Bangladesh, an example of a moderate and diverse Muslim-majority democracy, is scheduled to have national elections on January 5, 2014; Whereas, in 2013, hundreds of Bangladeshis died in violent clashes as a result of political violence and unrest, and some opposition and human rights activists have been arrested; Whereas trials held by the International Crimes Tribunal in Bangladesh—set up to prosecute those responsible for atrocities committed during Bangladesh’s war of liberation with Pakistan in 1971—have fallen short of international standards; Whereas the Government of Bangladesh eliminated a constitutional provision requiring the governing party to cede power to a neutral caretaker government three months before an election; Whereas the 18-member opposition coalition in Bangladesh called for numerous nationwide strikes and transportation blockades in 2013, resulting in dozens of deaths; Whereas Bangladeshi students cannot attend school and complete mandatory exams due to the strikes and blockades and related violence; Whereas many citizens of Bangladesh have had their work and daily activities disrupted due to the strikes and related violence, which come at a cost to the economy and stability of Bangladesh; Whereas a stable, moderate, secular, Muslim-majority democracy with the world’s seventh-largest population, and the world’s fourth-largest Muslim population, will have lasting positive impacts in the region and beyond; Whereas the success of the democratic process in Bangladesh is of great importance to the United States and the world; and Whereas during the week of December 8, 2013, United Nations Assistant Secretary General Oscar Fernandez-Taranco visited Bangladesh to foster political dialogue between Bangladeshi political parties and leaders in order to bring a halt to violence and allow for a credible peaceful election: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) condemns the political violence in Bangladesh and urges political leaders in that country to engage directly and substantively in a dialogue toward free, fair, and credible elections; (2) expresses great concern about the continued political deadlock in Bangladesh that distracts from the country’s many important challenges; (3) urges political leaders in Bangladesh to take immediate steps to rein in and to condemn the violence as well as to provide space for peaceful political protests; (4) urges political leaders in Bangladesh to ensure the safety and access of observers in its upcoming elections; (5) supports ongoing efforts by United Nations Assistant Secretary General Oscar Fernandez-Taranco to foster political dialogue between political factions in Bangladesh; and (6) urges the Government of Bangladesh to ensure judicial independence, end harassment of human rights activists, and restore the independence of the Grameen Bank. Amend the title so as to read: A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the critical need for political dialogue in Bangladesh, and for other purposes. . December 18, 2013 Reported without amendment and with an amendment to the title
2023-01-07 05:39:01.957
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Agreed-to-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 319 ATS: Expressing support for the Ukrainian people in light of President Yanukovych’s decision not to sign an Association Agreement with the European Union. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2014-01-07 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 2d Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 319 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131212" legis-day="20131211"> December 12 (legislative day, December 11), 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S364"> Mr. Murphy </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="S345"> Mr. Johnson of Wisconsin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S324"> Mrs. Shaheen </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S253"> Mr. Durbin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S306"> Mr. Menendez </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S369"> Mr. Markey </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S341"> Mr. Blumenthal </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S350"> Mr. Rubio </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S323"> Mr. Risch </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S308"> Mr. Cardin </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S355"> Mr. Cruz </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the <committee-name added-display-style="italic" committee-id="SSFR00" deleted-display-style="strikethrough"> Committee on Foreign Relations </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <action stage="Reported-in-Senate"> <action-date date="20131218"> December 18, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> Reported by <sponsor name-id="S306"> Mr. Menendez </sponsor> , without amendment </action-desc> </action> <action> <action-date date="20140107"> January 7, 2014 </action-date> <action-desc> Considered and agreed to </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Expressing support for the Ukrainian people in light of President Yanukovych’s decision not to sign an Association Agreement with the European Union. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas, according to a poll conducted in November 2013, a majority of the people of Ukraine supported signing a historic trade and political agreement with the European Union; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas a closer association between Ukraine and the European Union has been supported by Ukrainian civil society, business leaders, and politicians across the political spectrum and would bring lasting political, democratic, and economic benefits to the people of Ukraine; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Ukraine successfully passed much of the legislation required to conform to European Union standards for signing an Association Agreement; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, on September 22, 2012, and November 18, 2013, the Senate unanimously passed resolutions calling for a demonstrable end to selective justice in Ukraine and expressing its belief that Ukraine’s future lies with stronger ties to Europe, the United States, and others in the community of democracies; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the experience of countries such as Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia provides a positive example of increased economic opportunity, enhanced personal freedom, and good governance. which can also be realized by Ukraine; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Government and people of Ukraine have the sovereign right to choose their own foreign policy and economic course, and no other country has the right to determine their political and economic orientation, nor decide which alliances and trade agreements they can join; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, on November 21, 2013, President Viktor Yanukovych suspended Ukraine’s preparations for signing the Association Agreement one week before a critical European Union Summit in Vilnius, Lithuania; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the abrupt reversal on the eve of the summit following Russian economic coercion and to protect the narrow interests of some officials and individuals in Ukraine prompted hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians all across the country, especially young people and students, to protest the decision and stand in support of furthering Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic integration; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas international nonprofit and nongovernmental organizations provide essential care to needy Ukrainians, yet face direct threats and challenges to their existence and administrative and regulatory impediments, including challenges to operating with the tax-exempt status necessary to maximize the use of funds on the ground and threats to the fabric of civil society vital to democracy in Ukraine; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, on November 30, 2013, at Independence Square in Kyiv, special division police dispersed a peaceful demonstration of students and civil society activists who were calling on President Yanukovych to sign the Association Agreement; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas approximately 35 individuals were detained or arrested, and dozens were hospitalized, some with severe injuries; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, on December 9, 2013, raids were conducted on three opposition media outlets and the headquarters of one opposition party; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, on December 11, 2013, Ukrainian authorities conducted an overnight police operation in an attempt to forcefully take control of Independence Square, but were resisted by brave Ukrainians who filled the square and rebuffed the police action; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas all three former Presidents of Ukraine have underscored the need to refrain from violence and the importance of engaging in a dialogue with the opposition; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Ukraine faces an impending economic crisis that can only be solved with long-term economic reforms: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="idec153114e84e47838617bb8423b9b2d5"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> stands with the people of Ukraine and supports their sovereign right to chart an independent and democratic future for their country; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idf61511e1bdb449b0b1c246a4730741b3"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> urges leaders in the United States and the European Union to continue working together actively to support a peaceful and democratic resolution to the current crisis that moves Ukraine toward a future in the Euro-Atlantic community and a long-term solution to Ukraine’s economic crisis; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id18c60404602c49af8f4a18f1de9afcdb"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> encourages demonstrators and members of the opposition and civil society in Ukraine to continue avoiding the use of violence and engage in a dialogue of national reconciliation; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id93e11ffd263d44f9a0c13f6c2ebd7e9c"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> urges all political parties to refrain from hate speech or actions of an anti-Semitic or other character which further divide the Ukrainian people when they need to be united; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idd236591b734d49ebbb48f2e4a9566d15"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> calls on the Government of Ukraine to refrain from further use of force or acts of violence against peaceful protestors, and to respect the internationally recognized human rights of the Ukrainian people, especially the freedoms of speech and assembly; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idca005bff26e74024ab7e9d4dcf7af399"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text> condemns the decision by Ukrainian authorities to use violence against peaceful demonstrators on November 30, December 1, and December 11, 2013, and calls for those responsible to be swiftly brought to justice and all detained nonviolent demonstrators to be immediately released; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id610dcd02f76d48ff8c7c3c5ff2be73ec"> <enum> (7) </enum> <text> notes that in the event of further state violence against peaceful protestors, the President and Congress should consider whether to apply targeted sanctions, including visa bans and asset freezes, against individuals responsible for ordering or carrying out the violence. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 319 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES December 12 (legislative day, December 11), 2013 Mr. Murphy (for himself, Mr. Johnson of Wisconsin , Mrs. Shaheen , Mr. Durbin , Mr. Menendez , Mr. Markey , Mr. Blumenthal , Mr. Rubio , Mr. Risch , Mr. Cardin , and Mr. Cruz ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations December 18, 2013 Reported by Mr. Menendez , without amendment January 7, 2014 Considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Expressing support for the Ukrainian people in light of President Yanukovych’s decision not to sign an Association Agreement with the European Union. Whereas, according to a poll conducted in November 2013, a majority of the people of Ukraine supported signing a historic trade and political agreement with the European Union; Whereas a closer association between Ukraine and the European Union has been supported by Ukrainian civil society, business leaders, and politicians across the political spectrum and would bring lasting political, democratic, and economic benefits to the people of Ukraine; Whereas Ukraine successfully passed much of the legislation required to conform to European Union standards for signing an Association Agreement; Whereas, on September 22, 2012, and November 18, 2013, the Senate unanimously passed resolutions calling for a demonstrable end to selective justice in Ukraine and expressing its belief that Ukraine’s future lies with stronger ties to Europe, the United States, and others in the community of democracies; Whereas the experience of countries such as Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia provides a positive example of increased economic opportunity, enhanced personal freedom, and good governance. which can also be realized by Ukraine; Whereas the Government and people of Ukraine have the sovereign right to choose their own foreign policy and economic course, and no other country has the right to determine their political and economic orientation, nor decide which alliances and trade agreements they can join; Whereas, on November 21, 2013, President Viktor Yanukovych suspended Ukraine’s preparations for signing the Association Agreement one week before a critical European Union Summit in Vilnius, Lithuania; Whereas the abrupt reversal on the eve of the summit following Russian economic coercion and to protect the narrow interests of some officials and individuals in Ukraine prompted hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians all across the country, especially young people and students, to protest the decision and stand in support of furthering Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic integration; Whereas international nonprofit and nongovernmental organizations provide essential care to needy Ukrainians, yet face direct threats and challenges to their existence and administrative and regulatory impediments, including challenges to operating with the tax-exempt status necessary to maximize the use of funds on the ground and threats to the fabric of civil society vital to democracy in Ukraine; Whereas, on November 30, 2013, at Independence Square in Kyiv, special division police dispersed a peaceful demonstration of students and civil society activists who were calling on President Yanukovych to sign the Association Agreement; Whereas approximately 35 individuals were detained or arrested, and dozens were hospitalized, some with severe injuries; Whereas, on December 9, 2013, raids were conducted on three opposition media outlets and the headquarters of one opposition party; Whereas, on December 11, 2013, Ukrainian authorities conducted an overnight police operation in an attempt to forcefully take control of Independence Square, but were resisted by brave Ukrainians who filled the square and rebuffed the police action; Whereas all three former Presidents of Ukraine have underscored the need to refrain from violence and the importance of engaging in a dialogue with the opposition; and Whereas Ukraine faces an impending economic crisis that can only be solved with long-term economic reforms: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) stands with the people of Ukraine and supports their sovereign right to chart an independent and democratic future for their country; (2) urges leaders in the United States and the European Union to continue working together actively to support a peaceful and democratic resolution to the current crisis that moves Ukraine toward a future in the Euro-Atlantic community and a long-term solution to Ukraine’s economic crisis; (3) encourages demonstrators and members of the opposition and civil society in Ukraine to continue avoiding the use of violence and engage in a dialogue of national reconciliation; (4) urges all political parties to refrain from hate speech or actions of an anti-Semitic or other character which further divide the Ukrainian people when they need to be united; (5) calls on the Government of Ukraine to refrain from further use of force or acts of violence against peaceful protestors, and to respect the internationally recognized human rights of the Ukrainian people, especially the freedoms of speech and assembly; (6) condemns the decision by Ukrainian authorities to use violence against peaceful demonstrators on November 30, December 1, and December 11, 2013, and calls for those responsible to be swiftly brought to justice and all detained nonviolent demonstrators to be immediately released; and (7) notes that in the event of further state violence against peaceful protestors, the President and Congress should consider whether to apply targeted sanctions, including visa bans and asset freezes, against individuals responsible for ordering or carrying out the violence.
2023-01-07 06:10:06.744
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Introduced-in-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 319 IS: Expressing support for the Ukrainian people in light of President Yanukovych’s decision not to sign an Association Agreement with the European Union. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-12-12 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 319 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131212" legis-day="20131211"> December 12 (legislative day, December 11), 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S364"> Mr. Murphy </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="S345"> Mr. Johnson of Wisconsin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S324"> Mrs. Shaheen </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S253"> Mr. Durbin </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S306"> Mr. Menendez </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="SSFR00"> Committee on Foreign Relations </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Expressing support for the Ukrainian people in light of President Yanukovych’s decision not to sign an Association Agreement with the European Union. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas, according to a poll conducted in November 2013, a majority of the people of Ukraine supported signing a historic trade and political agreement with the European Union; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas a closer association between Ukraine and the European Union has been supported by Ukrainian civil society, business leaders, and politicians across the political spectrum and would bring lasting political, democratic, and economic benefits to the people of Ukraine; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Ukraine successfully passed much of the legislation required to conform to European Union standards for signing an Association Agreement; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, on September 22, 2012, and November 18, 2013, the Senate unanimously passed resolutions calling for a demonstrable end to selective justice in Ukraine and expressing its belief that Ukraine’s future lies with stronger ties to Europe, the United States, and others in the community of democracies; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the experience of countries such as Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia provides a positive example of increased economic opportunity, enhanced personal freedom, and good governance. which can also be realized by Ukraine; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Government and people of Ukraine have the sovereign right to choose their own foreign policy and economic course, and no other country has the right to determine their political and economic orientation, nor decide which alliances and trade agreements they can join; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, on November 21, 2013, President Viktor Yanukovych suspended Ukraine’s preparations for signing the Association Agreement one week before a critical European Union Summit in Vilnius, Lithuania; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the abrupt reversal on the eve of the summit following Russian economic coercion and to protect the narrow interests of some officials and individuals in Ukraine prompted hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians all across the country, especially young people and students, to protest the decision and stand in support of furthering Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic integration; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas international nonprofit and nongovernmental organizations provide essential care to needy Ukrainians, yet face direct threats and challenges to their existence and administrative and regulatory impediments, including challenges to operating with the tax-exempt status necessary to maximize the use of funds on the ground and threats to the fabric of civil society vital to democracy in Ukraine; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, on November 30, 2013, at Independence Square in Kyiv, special division police dispersed a peaceful demonstration of students and civil society activists who were calling on President Yanukovych to sign the Association Agreement; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas approximately 35 individuals were detained or arrested, and dozens were hospitalized, some with severe injuries; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, on December 9, 2013, raids were conducted on three opposition media outlets and the headquarters of one opposition party; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, on December 11, 2013, Ukrainian authorities conducted an overnight police operation in an attempt to forcefully take control of Independence Square, but were resisted by brave Ukrainians who filled the square and rebuffed the police action; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas all three former Presidents of Ukraine have underscored the need to refrain from violence and the importance of engaging in a dialogue with the opposition; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Ukraine faces an impending economic crisis that can only be solved with long-term economic reforms: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="idec153114e84e47838617bb8423b9b2d5"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> stands with the people of Ukraine and supports their sovereign right to chart an independent and democratic future for their country; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idf61511e1bdb449b0b1c246a4730741b3"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> urges leaders in the United States and the European Union to continue working together actively to support a peaceful and democratic resolution to the current crisis that moves Ukraine toward a future in the Euro-Atlantic community and a long-term solution to Ukraine’s economic crisis; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id18c60404602c49af8f4a18f1de9afcdb"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> encourages demonstrators and members of the opposition and civil society in Ukraine to continue avoiding the use of violence and engage in a dialogue of national reconciliation; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id93e11ffd263d44f9a0c13f6c2ebd7e9c"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> urges all political parties to refrain from hate speech or actions of an anti-Semitic or other character which further divide the Ukrainian people when they need to be united; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idd236591b734d49ebbb48f2e4a9566d15"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> calls on the Government of Ukraine to refrain from further use of force or acts of violence against peaceful protestors, and to respect the internationally recognized human rights of the Ukrainian people, especially the freedoms of speech and assembly; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idca005bff26e74024ab7e9d4dcf7af399"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text> condemns the decision by Ukrainian authorities to use violence against peaceful demonstrators on November 30, December 1, and December 11, 2013, and calls for those responsible to be swiftly brought to justice and all detained nonviolent demonstrators to be immediately released; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id610dcd02f76d48ff8c7c3c5ff2be73ec"> <enum> (7) </enum> <text> notes that in the event of further state violence against peaceful protestors, the President and Congress should consider whether to apply targeted sanctions, including visa bans and asset freezes, against individuals responsible for ordering or carrying out the violence. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 319 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES December 12 (legislative day, December 11), 2013 Mr. Murphy (for himself, Mr. Johnson of Wisconsin , Mrs. Shaheen , Mr. Durbin , and Mr. Menendez ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations RESOLUTION Expressing support for the Ukrainian people in light of President Yanukovych’s decision not to sign an Association Agreement with the European Union. Whereas, according to a poll conducted in November 2013, a majority of the people of Ukraine supported signing a historic trade and political agreement with the European Union; Whereas a closer association between Ukraine and the European Union has been supported by Ukrainian civil society, business leaders, and politicians across the political spectrum and would bring lasting political, democratic, and economic benefits to the people of Ukraine; Whereas Ukraine successfully passed much of the legislation required to conform to European Union standards for signing an Association Agreement; Whereas, on September 22, 2012, and November 18, 2013, the Senate unanimously passed resolutions calling for a demonstrable end to selective justice in Ukraine and expressing its belief that Ukraine’s future lies with stronger ties to Europe, the United States, and others in the community of democracies; Whereas the experience of countries such as Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia provides a positive example of increased economic opportunity, enhanced personal freedom, and good governance. which can also be realized by Ukraine; Whereas the Government and people of Ukraine have the sovereign right to choose their own foreign policy and economic course, and no other country has the right to determine their political and economic orientation, nor decide which alliances and trade agreements they can join; Whereas, on November 21, 2013, President Viktor Yanukovych suspended Ukraine’s preparations for signing the Association Agreement one week before a critical European Union Summit in Vilnius, Lithuania; Whereas the abrupt reversal on the eve of the summit following Russian economic coercion and to protect the narrow interests of some officials and individuals in Ukraine prompted hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians all across the country, especially young people and students, to protest the decision and stand in support of furthering Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic integration; Whereas international nonprofit and nongovernmental organizations provide essential care to needy Ukrainians, yet face direct threats and challenges to their existence and administrative and regulatory impediments, including challenges to operating with the tax-exempt status necessary to maximize the use of funds on the ground and threats to the fabric of civil society vital to democracy in Ukraine; Whereas, on November 30, 2013, at Independence Square in Kyiv, special division police dispersed a peaceful demonstration of students and civil society activists who were calling on President Yanukovych to sign the Association Agreement; Whereas approximately 35 individuals were detained or arrested, and dozens were hospitalized, some with severe injuries; Whereas, on December 9, 2013, raids were conducted on three opposition media outlets and the headquarters of one opposition party; Whereas, on December 11, 2013, Ukrainian authorities conducted an overnight police operation in an attempt to forcefully take control of Independence Square, but were resisted by brave Ukrainians who filled the square and rebuffed the police action; Whereas all three former Presidents of Ukraine have underscored the need to refrain from violence and the importance of engaging in a dialogue with the opposition; and Whereas Ukraine faces an impending economic crisis that can only be solved with long-term economic reforms: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) stands with the people of Ukraine and supports their sovereign right to chart an independent and democratic future for their country; (2) urges leaders in the United States and the European Union to continue working together actively to support a peaceful and democratic resolution to the current crisis that moves Ukraine toward a future in the Euro-Atlantic community and a long-term solution to Ukraine’s economic crisis; (3) encourages demonstrators and members of the opposition and civil society in Ukraine to continue avoiding the use of violence and engage in a dialogue of national reconciliation; (4) urges all political parties to refrain from hate speech or actions of an anti-Semitic or other character which further divide the Ukrainian people when they need to be united; (5) calls on the Government of Ukraine to refrain from further use of force or acts of violence against peaceful protestors, and to respect the internationally recognized human rights of the Ukrainian people, especially the freedoms of speech and assembly; (6) condemns the decision by Ukrainian authorities to use violence against peaceful demonstrators on November 30, December 1, and December 11, 2013, and calls for those responsible to be swiftly brought to justice and all detained nonviolent demonstrators to be immediately released; and (7) notes that in the event of further state violence against peaceful protestors, the President and Congress should consider whether to apply targeted sanctions, including visa bans and asset freezes, against individuals responsible for ordering or carrying out the violence.
2023-01-07 06:10:05.677
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Reported-in-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 319 RS: Expressing support for the Ukrainian people in light of President Yanukovych’s decision not to sign an Association Agreement with the European Union. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-12-18 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <calendar> Calendar No. 274 </calendar> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 319 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131212" legis-day="20131211"> December 12 (legislative day, December 11), 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S364"> Mr. Murphy </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="S345"> Mr. Johnson of Wisconsin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S324"> Mrs. Shaheen </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S253"> Mr. Durbin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S306"> Mr. Menendez </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S369"> Mr. Markey </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S341"> Mr. Blumenthal </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S350"> Mr. Rubio </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S323"> Mr. Risch </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S308"> Mr. Cardin </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the <committee-name added-display-style="italic" committee-id="SSFR00" deleted-display-style="strikethrough"> Committee on Foreign Relations </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <action stage="Reported-in-Senate"> <action-date date="20131218"> December 18, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> Reported by <sponsor name-id="S306"> Mr. Menendez </sponsor> , without amendment </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Expressing support for the Ukrainian people in light of President Yanukovych’s decision not to sign an Association Agreement with the European Union. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas, according to a poll conducted in November 2013, a majority of the people of Ukraine supported signing a historic trade and political agreement with the European Union; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas a closer association between Ukraine and the European Union has been supported by Ukrainian civil society, business leaders, and politicians across the political spectrum and would bring lasting political, democratic, and economic benefits to the people of Ukraine; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Ukraine successfully passed much of the legislation required to conform to European Union standards for signing an Association Agreement; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, on September 22, 2012, and November 18, 2013, the Senate unanimously passed resolutions calling for a demonstrable end to selective justice in Ukraine and expressing its belief that Ukraine’s future lies with stronger ties to Europe, the United States, and others in the community of democracies; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the experience of countries such as Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia provides a positive example of increased economic opportunity, enhanced personal freedom, and good governance. which can also be realized by Ukraine; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Government and people of Ukraine have the sovereign right to choose their own foreign policy and economic course, and no other country has the right to determine their political and economic orientation, nor decide which alliances and trade agreements they can join; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, on November 21, 2013, President Viktor Yanukovych suspended Ukraine’s preparations for signing the Association Agreement one week before a critical European Union Summit in Vilnius, Lithuania; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the abrupt reversal on the eve of the summit following Russian economic coercion and to protect the narrow interests of some officials and individuals in Ukraine prompted hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians all across the country, especially young people and students, to protest the decision and stand in support of furthering Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic integration; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas international nonprofit and nongovernmental organizations provide essential care to needy Ukrainians, yet face direct threats and challenges to their existence and administrative and regulatory impediments, including challenges to operating with the tax-exempt status necessary to maximize the use of funds on the ground and threats to the fabric of civil society vital to democracy in Ukraine; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, on November 30, 2013, at Independence Square in Kyiv, special division police dispersed a peaceful demonstration of students and civil society activists who were calling on President Yanukovych to sign the Association Agreement; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas approximately 35 individuals were detained or arrested, and dozens were hospitalized, some with severe injuries; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, on December 9, 2013, raids were conducted on three opposition media outlets and the headquarters of one opposition party; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, on December 11, 2013, Ukrainian authorities conducted an overnight police operation in an attempt to forcefully take control of Independence Square, but were resisted by brave Ukrainians who filled the square and rebuffed the police action; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas all three former Presidents of Ukraine have underscored the need to refrain from violence and the importance of engaging in a dialogue with the opposition; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Ukraine faces an impending economic crisis that can only be solved with long-term economic reforms: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="idec153114e84e47838617bb8423b9b2d5"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> stands with the people of Ukraine and supports their sovereign right to chart an independent and democratic future for their country; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idf61511e1bdb449b0b1c246a4730741b3"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> urges leaders in the United States and the European Union to continue working together actively to support a peaceful and democratic resolution to the current crisis that moves Ukraine toward a future in the Euro-Atlantic community and a long-term solution to Ukraine’s economic crisis; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id18c60404602c49af8f4a18f1de9afcdb"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> encourages demonstrators and members of the opposition and civil society in Ukraine to continue avoiding the use of violence and engage in a dialogue of national reconciliation; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id93e11ffd263d44f9a0c13f6c2ebd7e9c"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> urges all political parties to refrain from hate speech or actions of an anti-Semitic or other character which further divide the Ukrainian people when they need to be united; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idd236591b734d49ebbb48f2e4a9566d15"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> calls on the Government of Ukraine to refrain from further use of force or acts of violence against peaceful protestors, and to respect the internationally recognized human rights of the Ukrainian people, especially the freedoms of speech and assembly; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idca005bff26e74024ab7e9d4dcf7af399"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text> condemns the decision by Ukrainian authorities to use violence against peaceful demonstrators on November 30, December 1, and December 11, 2013, and calls for those responsible to be swiftly brought to justice and all detained nonviolent demonstrators to be immediately released; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id610dcd02f76d48ff8c7c3c5ff2be73ec"> <enum> (7) </enum> <text> notes that in the event of further state violence against peaceful protestors, the President and Congress should consider whether to apply targeted sanctions, including visa bans and asset freezes, against individuals responsible for ordering or carrying out the violence. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> <endorsement> <action-date date="20131218"> December 18, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> Reported without amendment </action-desc> </endorsement> </resolution>
III Calendar No. 274 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 319 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES December 12 (legislative day, December 11), 2013 Mr. Murphy (for himself, Mr. Johnson of Wisconsin , Mrs. Shaheen , Mr. Durbin , Mr. Menendez , Mr. Markey , Mr. Blumenthal , Mr. Rubio , Mr. Risch , and Mr. Cardin ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations December 18, 2013 Reported by Mr. Menendez , without amendment RESOLUTION Expressing support for the Ukrainian people in light of President Yanukovych’s decision not to sign an Association Agreement with the European Union. Whereas, according to a poll conducted in November 2013, a majority of the people of Ukraine supported signing a historic trade and political agreement with the European Union; Whereas a closer association between Ukraine and the European Union has been supported by Ukrainian civil society, business leaders, and politicians across the political spectrum and would bring lasting political, democratic, and economic benefits to the people of Ukraine; Whereas Ukraine successfully passed much of the legislation required to conform to European Union standards for signing an Association Agreement; Whereas, on September 22, 2012, and November 18, 2013, the Senate unanimously passed resolutions calling for a demonstrable end to selective justice in Ukraine and expressing its belief that Ukraine’s future lies with stronger ties to Europe, the United States, and others in the community of democracies; Whereas the experience of countries such as Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia provides a positive example of increased economic opportunity, enhanced personal freedom, and good governance. which can also be realized by Ukraine; Whereas the Government and people of Ukraine have the sovereign right to choose their own foreign policy and economic course, and no other country has the right to determine their political and economic orientation, nor decide which alliances and trade agreements they can join; Whereas, on November 21, 2013, President Viktor Yanukovych suspended Ukraine’s preparations for signing the Association Agreement one week before a critical European Union Summit in Vilnius, Lithuania; Whereas the abrupt reversal on the eve of the summit following Russian economic coercion and to protect the narrow interests of some officials and individuals in Ukraine prompted hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians all across the country, especially young people and students, to protest the decision and stand in support of furthering Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic integration; Whereas international nonprofit and nongovernmental organizations provide essential care to needy Ukrainians, yet face direct threats and challenges to their existence and administrative and regulatory impediments, including challenges to operating with the tax-exempt status necessary to maximize the use of funds on the ground and threats to the fabric of civil society vital to democracy in Ukraine; Whereas, on November 30, 2013, at Independence Square in Kyiv, special division police dispersed a peaceful demonstration of students and civil society activists who were calling on President Yanukovych to sign the Association Agreement; Whereas approximately 35 individuals were detained or arrested, and dozens were hospitalized, some with severe injuries; Whereas, on December 9, 2013, raids were conducted on three opposition media outlets and the headquarters of one opposition party; Whereas, on December 11, 2013, Ukrainian authorities conducted an overnight police operation in an attempt to forcefully take control of Independence Square, but were resisted by brave Ukrainians who filled the square and rebuffed the police action; Whereas all three former Presidents of Ukraine have underscored the need to refrain from violence and the importance of engaging in a dialogue with the opposition; and Whereas Ukraine faces an impending economic crisis that can only be solved with long-term economic reforms: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) stands with the people of Ukraine and supports their sovereign right to chart an independent and democratic future for their country; (2) urges leaders in the United States and the European Union to continue working together actively to support a peaceful and democratic resolution to the current crisis that moves Ukraine toward a future in the Euro-Atlantic community and a long-term solution to Ukraine’s economic crisis; (3) encourages demonstrators and members of the opposition and civil society in Ukraine to continue avoiding the use of violence and engage in a dialogue of national reconciliation; (4) urges all political parties to refrain from hate speech or actions of an anti-Semitic or other character which further divide the Ukrainian people when they need to be united; (5) calls on the Government of Ukraine to refrain from further use of force or acts of violence against peaceful protestors, and to respect the internationally recognized human rights of the Ukrainian people, especially the freedoms of speech and assembly; (6) condemns the decision by Ukrainian authorities to use violence against peaceful demonstrators on November 30, December 1, and December 11, 2013, and calls for those responsible to be swiftly brought to justice and all detained nonviolent demonstrators to be immediately released; and (7) notes that in the event of further state violence against peaceful protestors, the President and Congress should consider whether to apply targeted sanctions, including visa bans and asset freezes, against individuals responsible for ordering or carrying out the violence. December 18, 2013 Reported without amendment
2023-01-07 06:10:05.167
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Agreed-to-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 320 ATS: Designating December 14, 2013, as “Wreaths Across America Day”. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-12-13 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 320 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131213" legis-day="20131211"> December 13 (legislative day, December 11), 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S252"> Ms. Collins </sponsor> (for herself and <cosponsor name-id="S363"> Mr. King </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Designating December 14, 2013, as <quote> Wreaths Across America Day </quote> . </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas 22 years ago, the Wreaths Across America project began an annual tradition, during the month of December, of donating, transporting, and placing Maine balsam fir holiday wreaths on the graves of the fallen heroes buried at Arlington National Cemetery; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas more than 1,000,000 wreaths have been sent to locations, including national cemeteries and veterans memorials, in every State and overseas; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the mission of the Wreaths Across America project to <quote> Remember, Honor, Teach </quote> is carried out in part by coordinating wreath-laying ceremonies at Arlington National Cemetery as well as veterans cemeteries and other locations in all 50 States; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Wreaths Across America project carries out a week-long veterans parade between Maine and Virginia, stopping along the way to spread a message about the importance of remembering the fallen heroes of the United States, honoring those who serve, and teaching the people of the United States about the sacrifices made by veterans and their families to preserve the freedoms in the United States; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas in 2012, wreaths were sent to more than 800 locations across the United States and overseas, 100 more locations than the previous year; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas in December 2013, the Patriot Guard Riders, a motorcycle and motor vehicle group that is dedicated to patriotic events and includes more than 250,000 members nationwide, will continue the tradition of the group of escorting a tractor-trailer filled with donated wreaths from Harrington, Maine to Arlington National Cemetery; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas thousands of individuals volunteer each December to escort and lay the wreaths; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas December 15, 2012, was previously designated by the Senate as <quote> Wreaths Across America Day </quote> ; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Wreaths Across America project will continue the proud legacy on December 14, 2013, bringing approximately 130,000 wreaths to Arlington National Cemetery on that day: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="id46ed682e3b284bea9886f182f606d513"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> designates December 14, 2013, as <quote> Wreaths Across America Day </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id196454af0f3f47e2a372c022da6946a7"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> honors the Wreaths Across America project, the Patriot Guard Riders, and all of the volunteers and donors involved in this worthy tradition; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id700f385d1010444bb5a5ea0478706cc8"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> recognizes the sacrifices that our veterans, members of the Armed Forces, and their families have made, and continue to make, for our great Nation. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 320 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES December 13 (legislative day, December 11), 2013 Ms. Collins (for herself and Mr. King ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Designating December 14, 2013, as Wreaths Across America Day . Whereas 22 years ago, the Wreaths Across America project began an annual tradition, during the month of December, of donating, transporting, and placing Maine balsam fir holiday wreaths on the graves of the fallen heroes buried at Arlington National Cemetery; Whereas more than 1,000,000 wreaths have been sent to locations, including national cemeteries and veterans memorials, in every State and overseas; Whereas the mission of the Wreaths Across America project to Remember, Honor, Teach is carried out in part by coordinating wreath-laying ceremonies at Arlington National Cemetery as well as veterans cemeteries and other locations in all 50 States; Whereas the Wreaths Across America project carries out a week-long veterans parade between Maine and Virginia, stopping along the way to spread a message about the importance of remembering the fallen heroes of the United States, honoring those who serve, and teaching the people of the United States about the sacrifices made by veterans and their families to preserve the freedoms in the United States; Whereas in 2012, wreaths were sent to more than 800 locations across the United States and overseas, 100 more locations than the previous year; Whereas in December 2013, the Patriot Guard Riders, a motorcycle and motor vehicle group that is dedicated to patriotic events and includes more than 250,000 members nationwide, will continue the tradition of the group of escorting a tractor-trailer filled with donated wreaths from Harrington, Maine to Arlington National Cemetery; Whereas thousands of individuals volunteer each December to escort and lay the wreaths; Whereas December 15, 2012, was previously designated by the Senate as Wreaths Across America Day ; and Whereas the Wreaths Across America project will continue the proud legacy on December 14, 2013, bringing approximately 130,000 wreaths to Arlington National Cemetery on that day: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) designates December 14, 2013, as Wreaths Across America Day ; (2) honors the Wreaths Across America project, the Patriot Guard Riders, and all of the volunteers and donors involved in this worthy tradition; and (3) recognizes the sacrifices that our veterans, members of the Armed Forces, and their families have made, and continue to make, for our great Nation.
2023-01-07 06:10:04.681
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Agreed-to-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 321 ATS: Honoring the life, accomplishments, and legacy of Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela and expressing condolences on his passing. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-12-13 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 321 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131213" legis-day="20131211"> December 13 (legislative day, December 11), 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S198"> Mr. Reid </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="S174"> Mr. McConnell </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S337"> Mr. Coons </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S358"> Mr. Flake </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S306"> Mr. Menendez </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S289"> Mr. Alexander </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S340"> Ms. Ayotte </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S354"> Ms. Baldwin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S317"> Mr. Barrasso </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S127"> Mr. Baucus </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S319"> Mr. Begich </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S330"> Mr. Bennet </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S341"> Mr. Blumenthal </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S342"> Mr. Blunt </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S370"> Mr. Booker </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S343"> Mr. Boozman </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S223"> Mrs. Boxer </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S307"> Mr. Brown </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S300"> Mr. Burr </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S275"> Ms. Cantwell </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S308"> Mr. Cardin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S277"> Mr. Carper </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S309"> Mr. Casey </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S290"> Mr. Chambliss </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S212"> Mr. Coats </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S301"> Mr. Coburn </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S136"> Mr. Cochran </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S252"> Ms. Collins </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S310"> Mr. Corker </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S287"> Mr. Cornyn </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S266"> Mr. Crapo </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S355"> Mr. Cruz </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S356"> Mr. Donnelly </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S253"> Mr. Durbin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S254"> Mr. Enzi </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S221"> Mrs. Feinstein </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S357"> Mrs. Fischer </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S332"> Mr. Franken </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S331"> Mrs. Gillibrand </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S293"> Mr. Graham </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S153"> Mr. Grassley </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S320"> Mrs. Hagan </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S172"> Mr. Harkin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S118"> Mr. Hatch </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S359"> Mr. Heinrich </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S360"> Ms. Heitkamp </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S352"> Mr. Heller </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S361"> Ms. Hirono </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S344"> Mr. Hoeven </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S236"> Mr. Inhofe </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S305"> Mr. Isakson </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S321"> Mr. Johanns </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S345"> Mr. Johnson of Wisconsin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S257"> Mr. Johnson of South Dakota </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S362"> Mr. Kaine </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S363"> Mr. King </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S339"> Mr. Kirk </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S311"> Ms. Klobuchar </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S258"> Ms. Landrieu </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S057"> Mr. Leahy </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S346"> Mr. Lee </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S131"> Mr. Levin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S338"> Mr. Manchin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S369"> Mr. Markey </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S197"> Mr. McCain </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S312"> Mrs. McCaskill </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S322"> Mr. Merkley </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S182"> Ms. Mikulski </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S347"> Mr. Moran </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S288"> Ms. Murkowski </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S364"> Mr. Murphy </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S229"> Mrs. Murray </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S282"> Mr. Nelson </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S348"> Mr. Paul </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S349"> Mr. Portman </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S295"> Mr. Pryor </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S259"> Mr. Reed </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S323"> Mr. Risch </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S260"> Mr. Roberts </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S176"> Mr. Rockefeller </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S350"> Mr. Rubio </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S313"> Mr. Sanders </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S353"> Mr. Schatz </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S270"> Mr. Schumer </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S365"> Mr. Scott </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S261"> Mr. Sessions </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S324"> Mrs. Shaheen </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S184"> Mr. Shelby </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S284"> Ms. Stabenow </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S314"> Mr. Tester </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S303"> Mr. Thune </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S351"> Mr. Toomey </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S325"> Mr. Udall of Colorado </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S326"> Mr. Udall of New Mexico </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S299"> Mr. Vitter </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S327"> Mr. Warner </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S366"> Ms. Warren </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S316"> Mr. Whitehouse </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S318"> Mr. Wicker </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S247"> Mr. Wyden </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Honoring the life, accomplishments, and legacy of Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela and expressing condolences on his passing. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas Nelson Mandela was born on July 18, 1918, as Rolihlahla Mandela, to Nonqaphi Nosekeni and Nkosi Mphakanyiswa Gadla Mandela in Transkei, South Africa; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Nelson Mandela’s defiance of injustice, and his commitment to peace and reconciliation, played critical roles in the negotiation process that led South Africa to abolish apartheid, a system of racially focused social, political, and economic discrimination, and to ultimately adopt in its place a system of multiparty democracy and universal suffrage for all South Africans; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Nelson Mandela became a political activist as a young man and rose through the leadership ranks of the African National Congress (ANC), becoming the ANC President; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, on August 5, 1962, Nelson Mandela was arrested for his political activism to end the discriminatory policies of apartheid; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, despite calls for clemency on behalf of Nelson Mandela by the international community, including the Security Council, the General Assembly, and the Secretary General of the United Nations, he was found guilty of all charges against him and sentenced to life in prison; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, during 18 of his 27 years of imprisonment on Robben Island, Nelson Mandela was permitted only one visitor a year, and for only 30 minutes; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Nelson Mandela remained resolute, refusing offers to renounce his struggle against the Government of South Africa in exchange for his freedom, and became widely viewed as a martyr for the anti-apartheid movement; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, during his imprisonment, Nelson Mandela was confined to a small cell where he slept on the floor, and he was sentenced to hard labor while being gravely mistreated by prison officials; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, on February 11, 1990, under growing international pressure and national campaign efforts, Nelson Mandela was released from prison, marking the end of his 27 years, 6 months, and 1 week of continuous incarceration; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, upon his release, Nelson Mandela resumed a top leadership role in the ANC and led the party in negotiations that resulted in South Africa’s first multiracial elections; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, in 1994, following the first fully representative, multiracial national elections, Nelson Mandela was elected on May 9 and inaugurated on May 10 as President of the Democratic Republic of South Africa under a Government of National Unity; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas President Nelson Mandela led the transition from minority rule and apartheid to multicultural, multiracial democracy, and played a critical role in initiating South Africa’s ongoing efforts to foster national reconciliation and end the diverse, deep-rooted, and enduring social, political, and economic inequalities created by apartheid; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas President Nelson Mandela sought to promote equal opportunity for jobs and education, access to social services, and quality-of-life improvements for all South Africans; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, during the presidency of Nelson Mandela, South Africa established the Truth and Reconciliation Commission to investigate gross human rights violations committed under the apartheid regime; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Nelson Mandela’s decision to step down after one term as South Africa’s elected President serves as a commendable example of commitment to democratic principles for elected national leaders in new democracies around the globe; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Nelson Mandela continued his social justice and human rights work upon his retirement in 1999, primarily through the Nelson Mandela Foundation and its two sister organizations, the Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund and the Mandela-Rhodes Foundation; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, on July 18, 2007, Nelson Mandela convened the Elders, a group of world leaders including Desmond Tutu, Graca Machel, and former United States President Jimmy Carter, to contribute their wisdom and insight towards addressing some of the world’s toughest problems; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the 1993 Nobel Peace Prize was jointly awarded to Nelson Mandela and Frederik Willem de Klerk <quote> for their work for the peaceful termination of the apartheid regime, and for laying the foundations for a new democratic South Africa </quote> ; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Congress contributed to the attainment of the political ideals and goals for which Nelson Mandela struggled, by enacting the Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act of 1986 ( <external-xref legal-doc="public-law" parsable-cite="pl/99/440"> Public Law 99–440 </external-xref> ) on October 2, 1986, and has honored Nelson Mandela by passing the Mandela Freedom Resolution in the House of Representatives on September 18, 1984 (H. Res. 430, 98th Congress), and in the Senate on October 10, 1984 (S. Res. 386, 98th Congress), by adopting the resolution concerning United States support for the new South Africa on October 5, 1994 (H. Res. 560, 103rd Congress), and by awarding Nelson Mandela the Congressional Gold Medal on July 29, 1998; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas former United States President Bill Clinton honored Nelson Mandela with the Philadelphia Liberty Medal in 1993, and former United States President George W. Bush honored Nelson Mandela with the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2002; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, on July 18 of each year, people around the world celebrate Nelson Mandela Day, in recognition of Nelson Mandela’s birthday, by devoting their time to community service in honor of his legacy; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, in 1995, Nelson Mandela wrote: <quote> I have walked that long road to freedom. I have tried not to falter; I have made missteps along the way. But I have discovered the secret that after climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb. I have taken a moment here to rest, to steal a view of the glorious vista that surrounds me, to look back on the distance I have come. But I can only rest for a moment, for with freedom come responsibilities, and I dare not linger, for my long walk is not ended. </quote> ; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Nelson Mandela leaves a legacy that transcends his time and place in history, which will guide and inspire generations to come: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="id22bb12184212487ca75a3b058a40a82a"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> honors the life, accomplishments, and legacy of former South African President Nelson Mandela; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id5f6286e1556b460589b0cf5d6bc0d775"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> extends its heartfelt sympathies and condolences to the members of the family of the late President Nelson Mandela and his fellow citizens; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idb8a197b53ad646a79ade4f9be7e01fa8"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> requests the Secretary of State to communicate these expressions of honor and condolence to Nelson Mandela’s family and to the Parliament of the Republic of South Africa; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idb85883723b404478984f2a4d4c3e3840"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> requests the President to identify an appropriate and lasting program of the United States Government to honor Nelson Mandela’s legacy. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 321 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES December 13 (legislative day, December 11), 2013 Mr. Reid (for himself, Mr. McConnell , Mr. Coons , Mr. Flake , Mr. Menendez , Mr. Alexander , Ms. Ayotte , Ms. Baldwin , Mr. Barrasso , Mr. Baucus , Mr. Begich , Mr. Bennet , Mr. Blumenthal , Mr. Blunt , Mr. Booker , Mr. Boozman , Mrs. Boxer , Mr. Brown , Mr. Burr , Ms. Cantwell , Mr. Cardin , Mr. Carper , Mr. Casey , Mr. Chambliss , Mr. Coats , Mr. Coburn , Mr. Cochran , Ms. Collins , Mr. Corker , Mr. Cornyn , Mr. Crapo , Mr. Cruz , Mr. Donnelly , Mr. Durbin , Mr. Enzi , Mrs. Feinstein , Mrs. Fischer , Mr. Franken , Mrs. Gillibrand , Mr. Graham , Mr. Grassley , Mrs. Hagan , Mr. Harkin , Mr. Hatch , Mr. Heinrich , Ms. Heitkamp , Mr. Heller , Ms. Hirono , Mr. Hoeven , Mr. Inhofe , Mr. Isakson , Mr. Johanns , Mr. Johnson of Wisconsin , Mr. Johnson of South Dakota , Mr. Kaine , Mr. King , Mr. Kirk , Ms. Klobuchar , Ms. Landrieu , Mr. Leahy , Mr. Lee , Mr. Levin , Mr. Manchin , Mr. Markey , Mr. McCain , Mrs. McCaskill , Mr. Merkley , Ms. Mikulski , Mr. Moran , Ms. Murkowski , Mr. Murphy , Mrs. Murray , Mr. Nelson , Mr. Paul , Mr. Portman , Mr. Pryor , Mr. Reed , Mr. Risch , Mr. Roberts , Mr. Rockefeller , Mr. Rubio , Mr. Sanders , Mr. Schatz , Mr. Schumer , Mr. Scott , Mr. Sessions , Mrs. Shaheen , Mr. Shelby , Ms. Stabenow , Mr. Tester , Mr. Thune , Mr. Toomey , Mr. Udall of Colorado , Mr. Udall of New Mexico , Mr. Vitter , Mr. Warner , Ms. Warren , Mr. Whitehouse , Mr. Wicker , and Mr. Wyden ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Honoring the life, accomplishments, and legacy of Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela and expressing condolences on his passing. Whereas Nelson Mandela was born on July 18, 1918, as Rolihlahla Mandela, to Nonqaphi Nosekeni and Nkosi Mphakanyiswa Gadla Mandela in Transkei, South Africa; Whereas Nelson Mandela’s defiance of injustice, and his commitment to peace and reconciliation, played critical roles in the negotiation process that led South Africa to abolish apartheid, a system of racially focused social, political, and economic discrimination, and to ultimately adopt in its place a system of multiparty democracy and universal suffrage for all South Africans; Whereas Nelson Mandela became a political activist as a young man and rose through the leadership ranks of the African National Congress (ANC), becoming the ANC President; Whereas, on August 5, 1962, Nelson Mandela was arrested for his political activism to end the discriminatory policies of apartheid; Whereas, despite calls for clemency on behalf of Nelson Mandela by the international community, including the Security Council, the General Assembly, and the Secretary General of the United Nations, he was found guilty of all charges against him and sentenced to life in prison; Whereas, during 18 of his 27 years of imprisonment on Robben Island, Nelson Mandela was permitted only one visitor a year, and for only 30 minutes; Whereas Nelson Mandela remained resolute, refusing offers to renounce his struggle against the Government of South Africa in exchange for his freedom, and became widely viewed as a martyr for the anti-apartheid movement; Whereas, during his imprisonment, Nelson Mandela was confined to a small cell where he slept on the floor, and he was sentenced to hard labor while being gravely mistreated by prison officials; Whereas, on February 11, 1990, under growing international pressure and national campaign efforts, Nelson Mandela was released from prison, marking the end of his 27 years, 6 months, and 1 week of continuous incarceration; Whereas, upon his release, Nelson Mandela resumed a top leadership role in the ANC and led the party in negotiations that resulted in South Africa’s first multiracial elections; Whereas, in 1994, following the first fully representative, multiracial national elections, Nelson Mandela was elected on May 9 and inaugurated on May 10 as President of the Democratic Republic of South Africa under a Government of National Unity; Whereas President Nelson Mandela led the transition from minority rule and apartheid to multicultural, multiracial democracy, and played a critical role in initiating South Africa’s ongoing efforts to foster national reconciliation and end the diverse, deep-rooted, and enduring social, political, and economic inequalities created by apartheid; Whereas President Nelson Mandela sought to promote equal opportunity for jobs and education, access to social services, and quality-of-life improvements for all South Africans; Whereas, during the presidency of Nelson Mandela, South Africa established the Truth and Reconciliation Commission to investigate gross human rights violations committed under the apartheid regime; Whereas Nelson Mandela’s decision to step down after one term as South Africa’s elected President serves as a commendable example of commitment to democratic principles for elected national leaders in new democracies around the globe; Whereas Nelson Mandela continued his social justice and human rights work upon his retirement in 1999, primarily through the Nelson Mandela Foundation and its two sister organizations, the Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund and the Mandela-Rhodes Foundation; Whereas, on July 18, 2007, Nelson Mandela convened the Elders, a group of world leaders including Desmond Tutu, Graca Machel, and former United States President Jimmy Carter, to contribute their wisdom and insight towards addressing some of the world’s toughest problems; Whereas the 1993 Nobel Peace Prize was jointly awarded to Nelson Mandela and Frederik Willem de Klerk for their work for the peaceful termination of the apartheid regime, and for laying the foundations for a new democratic South Africa ; Whereas Congress contributed to the attainment of the political ideals and goals for which Nelson Mandela struggled, by enacting the Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act of 1986 ( Public Law 99–440 ) on October 2, 1986, and has honored Nelson Mandela by passing the Mandela Freedom Resolution in the House of Representatives on September 18, 1984 (H. Res. 430, 98th Congress), and in the Senate on October 10, 1984 (S. Res. 386, 98th Congress), by adopting the resolution concerning United States support for the new South Africa on October 5, 1994 (H. Res. 560, 103rd Congress), and by awarding Nelson Mandela the Congressional Gold Medal on July 29, 1998; Whereas former United States President Bill Clinton honored Nelson Mandela with the Philadelphia Liberty Medal in 1993, and former United States President George W. Bush honored Nelson Mandela with the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2002; Whereas, on July 18 of each year, people around the world celebrate Nelson Mandela Day, in recognition of Nelson Mandela’s birthday, by devoting their time to community service in honor of his legacy; Whereas, in 1995, Nelson Mandela wrote: I have walked that long road to freedom. I have tried not to falter; I have made missteps along the way. But I have discovered the secret that after climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb. I have taken a moment here to rest, to steal a view of the glorious vista that surrounds me, to look back on the distance I have come. But I can only rest for a moment, for with freedom come responsibilities, and I dare not linger, for my long walk is not ended. ; and Whereas Nelson Mandela leaves a legacy that transcends his time and place in history, which will guide and inspire generations to come: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) honors the life, accomplishments, and legacy of former South African President Nelson Mandela; (2) extends its heartfelt sympathies and condolences to the members of the family of the late President Nelson Mandela and his fellow citizens; (3) requests the Secretary of State to communicate these expressions of honor and condolence to Nelson Mandela’s family and to the Parliament of the Republic of South Africa; and (4) requests the President to identify an appropriate and lasting program of the United States Government to honor Nelson Mandela’s legacy.
2023-01-07 06:10:04.176
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Agreed-to-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 322 ATS: To authorize the printing of a collection of the rules of the committees of the Senate. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-12-16 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 322 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131216"> December 16, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S270"> Mr. Schumer </sponsor> submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> To authorize the printing of a collection of the rules of the committees of the Senate. </official-title> </form> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That a collection of the rules of the committees of the Senate, together with related materials, be printed as a Senate document, and that there be printed 200 additional copies of such document for the use of the Committee on Rules and Administration. </text> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 322 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES December 16, 2013 Mr. Schumer submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION To authorize the printing of a collection of the rules of the committees of the Senate. That a collection of the rules of the committees of the Senate, together with related materials, be printed as a Senate document, and that there be printed 200 additional copies of such document for the use of the Committee on Rules and Administration.
2023-01-07 06:10:03.305
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Introduced-in-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 323 IS: Expressing the sense of the Senate on maintaining the current annual adjustment in retired pay for members of the Armed Forces under the age of 62. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-12-18 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 323 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131218"> December 18, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S290"> Mr. Chambliss </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="S305"> Mr. Isakson </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S288"> Ms. Murkowski </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S197"> Mr. McCain </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S344"> Mr. Hoeven </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S345"> Mr. Johnson of Wisconsin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S252"> Ms. Collins </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S342"> Mr. Blunt </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S349"> Mr. Portman </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="SSAS00"> Committee on Armed Services </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Expressing the sense of the Senate on maintaining the current annual adjustment in retired pay for members of the Armed Forces under the age of 62. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas it is the responsibility of Congress to get the fiscal house of government in order, and all government spending should be examined to achieve that goal; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas H.J. Res. 59 (113th Congress), a bipartisan budget proposal, is a first step in this direction, though it fails to address broader government spending issues; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas retirees from the Armed Forces, both those who served a full career and those medically retired and their survivors, have provided great service and sacrificed much for our country; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas H.J. Res. 59 (113th Congress) disproportionally targets these military retirees in the name of fiscal responsibility; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, while the decisions regarding future spending cuts may be difficult and painful, the solution should require contributions from all Americans: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That it is the sense of the Senate that— </text> <paragraph id="id1CAC02B081DE453696020E1BA5365674"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> retirees from the Armed Forces should not unfairly bear the burden of excessive government spending; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idCAD526A4DCED42C2B1D14DF63F748FC5"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> military retirees earned the benefits they were promised upon entering the military, and it is the duty of the Senate to protect them; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idD348A268121644DAB5665F116EBF92C3"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> the Senate should seek alternatives to the provisions of section 403 of the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2013 (introduced as H.J. Res. 59 (113th Congress)) before the effective date of that section and the amendments made by that section. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 323 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES December 18, 2013 Mr. Chambliss (for himself, Mr. Isakson , Ms. Murkowski , Mr. McCain , Mr. Hoeven , Mr. Johnson of Wisconsin , Ms. Collins , Mr. Blunt , and Mr. Portman ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Armed Services RESOLUTION Expressing the sense of the Senate on maintaining the current annual adjustment in retired pay for members of the Armed Forces under the age of 62. Whereas it is the responsibility of Congress to get the fiscal house of government in order, and all government spending should be examined to achieve that goal; Whereas H.J. Res. 59 (113th Congress), a bipartisan budget proposal, is a first step in this direction, though it fails to address broader government spending issues; Whereas retirees from the Armed Forces, both those who served a full career and those medically retired and their survivors, have provided great service and sacrificed much for our country; Whereas H.J. Res. 59 (113th Congress) disproportionally targets these military retirees in the name of fiscal responsibility; and Whereas, while the decisions regarding future spending cuts may be difficult and painful, the solution should require contributions from all Americans: Now, therefore, be it That it is the sense of the Senate that— (1) retirees from the Armed Forces should not unfairly bear the burden of excessive government spending; (2) military retirees earned the benefits they were promised upon entering the military, and it is the duty of the Senate to protect them; and (3) the Senate should seek alternatives to the provisions of section 403 of the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2013 (introduced as H.J. Res. 59 (113th Congress)) before the effective date of that section and the amendments made by that section.
2023-01-07 06:10:03.664
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Agreed-to-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 324 ATS: Expressing the sense of the Senate with respect to the tragic shooting at Los Angeles International Airport on November 1, 2013, of employees of the Transportation Security Administration. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-12-18 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 324 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131218"> December 18, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S176"> Mr. Rockefeller </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="S223"> Mrs. Boxer </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S221"> Mrs. Feinstein </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S303"> Mr. Thune </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S277"> Mr. Carper </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S301"> Mr. Coburn </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Expressing the sense of the Senate with respect to the tragic shooting at Los Angeles International Airport on November 1, 2013, of employees of the Transportation Security Administration. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas on November 1, 2013, a gunman entered Terminal 3 of the Los Angeles International Airport and opened fire at a security checkpoint, targeting the Transportation Security Officers who are charged with protecting our aviation system and the people of the United States; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Gerardo Hernandez, a 39-year-old resident of Porter Ranch, California, a beloved husband and father of two, lost his life in the shooting and tragically became the first Transportation Security Officer to be killed in the performance of his duties; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas James Speer and Tony Grigsby, dedicated Transportation Security Officers and colleagues of the deceased officer, were wounded in the attack; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas a member of the traveling public, Brian Ludmer, a 29-year-old high school teacher from Lake Forest, Illinois, was also injured; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Transportation Security Officers, law enforcement personnel, first responders, and medical professionals acted courageously to subdue the gunman, secure the airport, help move passengers out of harm's way, and treat victims of the attack: </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="idB8FAFE795AC24A3FBCDF02AD58687B6A"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> strongly condemns the senseless and appalling act of violence carried out at Los Angeles International Airport on November 1, 2013; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id11A34A54E52D4F02856513C107CBD38E"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> offers its deepest condolences to the family, friends, and loved ones of Gerardo Hernandez; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id244AD39F36AD48C9A28819FEF8117262"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> honors the dedicated public service of Gerardo Hernandez, James Speer, and Tony Grigsby; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id58BAAEDABDD94D8FA3104F2A4E47E93B"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> sends its hope for a quick recovery to the other victims of the horrific attack; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id2DDCCCE19A1445F092A74A99F87A40BA"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> remains committed to preventing similar tragedies from happening again. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 324 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES December 18, 2013 Mr. Rockefeller (for himself, Mrs. Boxer , Mrs. Feinstein , Mr. Thune , Mr. Carper , and Mr. Coburn ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Expressing the sense of the Senate with respect to the tragic shooting at Los Angeles International Airport on November 1, 2013, of employees of the Transportation Security Administration. Whereas on November 1, 2013, a gunman entered Terminal 3 of the Los Angeles International Airport and opened fire at a security checkpoint, targeting the Transportation Security Officers who are charged with protecting our aviation system and the people of the United States; Whereas Gerardo Hernandez, a 39-year-old resident of Porter Ranch, California, a beloved husband and father of two, lost his life in the shooting and tragically became the first Transportation Security Officer to be killed in the performance of his duties; Whereas James Speer and Tony Grigsby, dedicated Transportation Security Officers and colleagues of the deceased officer, were wounded in the attack; Whereas a member of the traveling public, Brian Ludmer, a 29-year-old high school teacher from Lake Forest, Illinois, was also injured; and Whereas Transportation Security Officers, law enforcement personnel, first responders, and medical professionals acted courageously to subdue the gunman, secure the airport, help move passengers out of harm's way, and treat victims of the attack: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) strongly condemns the senseless and appalling act of violence carried out at Los Angeles International Airport on November 1, 2013; (2) offers its deepest condolences to the family, friends, and loved ones of Gerardo Hernandez; (3) honors the dedicated public service of Gerardo Hernandez, James Speer, and Tony Grigsby; (4) sends its hope for a quick recovery to the other victims of the horrific attack; and (5) remains committed to preventing similar tragedies from happening again.
2023-01-07 06:10:03.081
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Agreed-to-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 325 ATS: Designating the week of December 22 through December 28, 2013, as National Toy Week. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date/> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 325 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date> December 20, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S295"> Mr. Pryor </sponsor> (for himself and <cosponsor name-id="S343"> Mr. Boozman </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Designating the week of December 22 through December 28, 2013, as <term> National Toy Week </term> . </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas the goal of <term> National Toy Week </term> is to recognize toys as the <term> tools of play </term> , enriching the lives of young people for generations; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas through play, children develop active minds, active bodies, and necessary social skills; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas National Toy Week encourages recognition of play as a universal pastime that gives children of all ages the opportunity to spend time together and have fun; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas according to the Toy Industry Association, the toy industry supports over 600,000 full-time jobs, accounting for more than $26,000,000,000 in wages; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the toy industry is estimated to have an economic impact of over $75,000,000,000 in 2013 alone; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas throughout the history of the toy industry, such industry has provided a wealth of creativity and innovation across the United States: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="id28CB8921B77B4579AEE7E061E57EE604"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> designates the week of December 22 through December 28, 2013, as <term> National Toy Week </term> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id22E57E478EAF4A63B76D86D82CD1752F"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> recognizes the necessary role of toys and play in the development of children across the United States; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id5F81F1B5ED7D40049BD9556DCB7B36E2"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> recognizes that, for 97 years, the toy industry has promoted fun and safe play; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id3E03BB24C32449CB904478D752298655"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> encourages the people of the United States to observe the week by enjoying toys and play. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 325 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES December 20, 2013 Mr. Pryor (for himself and Mr. Boozman ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Designating the week of December 22 through December 28, 2013, as National Toy Week . Whereas the goal of National Toy Week is to recognize toys as the tools of play , enriching the lives of young people for generations; Whereas through play, children develop active minds, active bodies, and necessary social skills; Whereas National Toy Week encourages recognition of play as a universal pastime that gives children of all ages the opportunity to spend time together and have fun; Whereas according to the Toy Industry Association, the toy industry supports over 600,000 full-time jobs, accounting for more than $26,000,000,000 in wages; Whereas the toy industry is estimated to have an economic impact of over $75,000,000,000 in 2013 alone; and Whereas throughout the history of the toy industry, such industry has provided a wealth of creativity and innovation across the United States: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) designates the week of December 22 through December 28, 2013, as National Toy Week ; (2) recognizes the necessary role of toys and play in the development of children across the United States; (3) recognizes that, for 97 years, the toy industry has promoted fun and safe play; and (4) encourages the people of the United States to observe the week by enjoying toys and play.
2023-01-07 06:10:03.192
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Agreed-to-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 326 ATS: Congratulating the 2013 Southern New Hampshire University men's soccer team on winning the National Collegiate Athletic Association Division II Men's Soccer Championship. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date/> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 326 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date> December 20, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S324"> Mrs. Shaheen </sponsor> (for herself and <cosponsor name-id="S340"> Ms. Ayotte </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Congratulating the 2013 Southern New Hampshire University men's soccer team on winning the National Collegiate Athletic Association Division II Men's Soccer Championship. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas, on December 7, 2013, the Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU) men’s soccer team, known as the Penmen, won the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division II national championship in Evans, Georgia, becoming the second men’s soccer team in the history of SNHU to win a national title; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, with their victory over the Carson-Newman University Eagles, the Penman capped off a 23-game unbeaten streak as they ended their season with 22 wins, 1 loss, and 1 draw, tying the SNHU men's soccer program’s record for most wins in a season; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the State of New Hampshire and the City of Manchester are immensely proud of the SNHU men’s soccer team, and recognize the teamwork and dedication required to win a national championship; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the student-athletes of SNHU demonstrate the same dedication to their studies as they do to athletics, having previously received the USA Today NCAA Foundation Academic Achievement Award in recognition of the high graduation rate of SNHU student-athletes; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the SNHU men’s soccer team was honored in 2013 with the Northeast-10 Team Academic Excellence Award for having the highest team grade point average in the Northeast-10 Conference for men’s soccer, and SNHU sophomore Brad Campion received the Elite 89 award for the highest cumulative grade point average at the 2013 NCAA Division II Men’s Soccer Championship; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas SNHU men’s soccer head coach Marc Hubbard, a native of Durham, New Hampshire, has led the Penmen to NCAA tournament berths in each of his 6 seasons as a coach, in addition to 2 Northeast-10 regular season and tournament titles, and has twice been honored as the Northeast-10 Coach of the Year; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas assistant coaches Josh Taylor, Rich Weinrebe, Dave Williams, and Phil Tuttle leveraged their years of experience playing and coaching the game of soccer to support Coach Hubbard and the team; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the 2013 Southern New Hampshire University men’s soccer team is comprised of— </text> <paragraph id="id6C33E2D6AA78459AABC93974E7609DC1"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> 1 graduate student: Callum Williams; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id1CF335CB54A3495F87A335E3FF10CB71"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> 4 seniors: Dom DiMaggio, Christian Rodriguez, Pierre Omanga, and Brian Francolini; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idCFA4275072A647DC8E6490E68C86092F"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> 9 juniors: Yannick Kabala, Joe Mahr, Mohamed Toufik, Danillo Andrade, Kenny Doublette, Kyle Logan, Miguel Carneiro, Keegan Campbell, and Chris Pereira; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idC5896E8A90C84160A3F4B7B875514438"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> 7 sophomores: Myles Groenloh, Jonathan Lupinelli, Brad Campion, Ryan Simpson, Sebastian Stezewski, Julian Omeally, and Dominic Samuel; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idF90979F59BDC457093E06A6A6D26107A"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> 5 freshmen: Andrew Pesci, Ryan Reynolds, Nate Fournier, Curtis Pereira, and Eddie Legg; </text> </paragraph> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas 4 members of the 2013 SNHU men’s soccer team hail from the State of New Hampshire; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the SNHU men’s soccer team should be recognized for both its athletic and scholastic accomplishments: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="idEC78A4E5F90B4096871ACA516E1E1C49"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> congratulates the Southern New Hampshire University men's soccer team on winning the National Collegiate Athletic Association Division II Men's Soccer Championship; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idB98946E8C1BE46BF8B32CF79FE47CEA8"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> recognizes the positive environment of scholastic and athletic achievement fostered at Southern New Hampshire University; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id9D4983E1A7FF4BF684ED7E1008BF0532"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> requests the Secretary of the Senate to transmit an enrolled copy of this resolution for appropriate display to— </text> <subparagraph id="id0EB44447E4584ACA95A660CDE7077702"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> Southern New Hampshire University; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="id390A8BFBD28B41B0B2A2D15DF6822309"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> Paul J. LeBlanc, the president of Southern New Hampshire University; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="id554F2F925BF84E56B056DF155F5AB8D6"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> Marc Hubbard, the head coach of the Southern New Hampshire University men's soccer team. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 326 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES December 20, 2013 Mrs. Shaheen (for herself and Ms. Ayotte ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Congratulating the 2013 Southern New Hampshire University men's soccer team on winning the National Collegiate Athletic Association Division II Men's Soccer Championship. Whereas, on December 7, 2013, the Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU) men’s soccer team, known as the Penmen, won the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division II national championship in Evans, Georgia, becoming the second men’s soccer team in the history of SNHU to win a national title; Whereas, with their victory over the Carson-Newman University Eagles, the Penman capped off a 23-game unbeaten streak as they ended their season with 22 wins, 1 loss, and 1 draw, tying the SNHU men's soccer program’s record for most wins in a season; Whereas the State of New Hampshire and the City of Manchester are immensely proud of the SNHU men’s soccer team, and recognize the teamwork and dedication required to win a national championship; Whereas the student-athletes of SNHU demonstrate the same dedication to their studies as they do to athletics, having previously received the USA Today NCAA Foundation Academic Achievement Award in recognition of the high graduation rate of SNHU student-athletes; Whereas the SNHU men’s soccer team was honored in 2013 with the Northeast-10 Team Academic Excellence Award for having the highest team grade point average in the Northeast-10 Conference for men’s soccer, and SNHU sophomore Brad Campion received the Elite 89 award for the highest cumulative grade point average at the 2013 NCAA Division II Men’s Soccer Championship; Whereas SNHU men’s soccer head coach Marc Hubbard, a native of Durham, New Hampshire, has led the Penmen to NCAA tournament berths in each of his 6 seasons as a coach, in addition to 2 Northeast-10 regular season and tournament titles, and has twice been honored as the Northeast-10 Coach of the Year; Whereas assistant coaches Josh Taylor, Rich Weinrebe, Dave Williams, and Phil Tuttle leveraged their years of experience playing and coaching the game of soccer to support Coach Hubbard and the team; Whereas the 2013 Southern New Hampshire University men’s soccer team is comprised of— (1) 1 graduate student: Callum Williams; (2) 4 seniors: Dom DiMaggio, Christian Rodriguez, Pierre Omanga, and Brian Francolini; (3) 9 juniors: Yannick Kabala, Joe Mahr, Mohamed Toufik, Danillo Andrade, Kenny Doublette, Kyle Logan, Miguel Carneiro, Keegan Campbell, and Chris Pereira; (4) 7 sophomores: Myles Groenloh, Jonathan Lupinelli, Brad Campion, Ryan Simpson, Sebastian Stezewski, Julian Omeally, and Dominic Samuel; and (5) 5 freshmen: Andrew Pesci, Ryan Reynolds, Nate Fournier, Curtis Pereira, and Eddie Legg; Whereas 4 members of the 2013 SNHU men’s soccer team hail from the State of New Hampshire; and Whereas the SNHU men’s soccer team should be recognized for both its athletic and scholastic accomplishments: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) congratulates the Southern New Hampshire University men's soccer team on winning the National Collegiate Athletic Association Division II Men's Soccer Championship; (2) recognizes the positive environment of scholastic and athletic achievement fostered at Southern New Hampshire University; and (3) requests the Secretary of the Senate to transmit an enrolled copy of this resolution for appropriate display to— (A) Southern New Hampshire University; (B) Paul J. LeBlanc, the president of Southern New Hampshire University; and (C) Marc Hubbard, the head coach of the Southern New Hampshire University men's soccer team.
2023-01-07 06:10:02.971
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Agreed-to-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 327 ATS: Congratulating Sporting Kansas City for an outstanding 2013 season in Major League Soccer and for winning the Major League Soccer Cup 2013. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-12-20 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 327 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20131220"> December 20, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S347"> Mr. Moran </sponsor> (for himself and <cosponsor name-id="S260"> Mr. Roberts </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Congratulating Sporting Kansas City for an outstanding 2013 season in Major League Soccer and for winning the Major League Soccer Cup 2013. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas on December 7, 2013, Sporting Kansas City won the Major League Soccer Cup 2013 by defeating Real Salt Lake in a penalty shootout, after 120 minutes of play concluded with a draw; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Major League Soccer Cup 2013 occurred in a sold-out stadium of 21,650 people at Sporting Park, in Kansas City, Kansas; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the recorded temperature at the kickoff of the Major League Soccer Cup 2013 was 20 degrees Fahrenheit, the coldest kickoff-temperature of any game in the history of Major League Soccer; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Sporting Kansas City defender Aurelien Collin was named the Major League Soccer Cup Most Valuable Player; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Sporting Kansas City finished the Major League Soccer regular season of 2013 in second place, a single win short of securing the Major League Soccer Supporters’ Shield, with a record of 17 wins, 10 loses, and 7 draws; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Sporting Park, in Kansas City, Kansas, has hosted the qualifying matches for the 2014 FIFA World Cup, the Confederation of North, Central American and Caribbean Association Football Gold Cup, the 2013 Major League Soccer All-Star Game, and the Major League Soccer Cup 2013; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas several Sporting Kansas City players represent the United States in international soccer games; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Sporting Kansas City will play as one of the soccer clubs representing the United States in the 2014–2015 Confederation of North, Central American and Caribbean Association Football Champions League; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Sporting Kansas City manager Peter Vermes was elected to the National Soccer Hall of Fame in 2013; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Kansas City has a rich soccer history, participating as the Kansas City Wiz in the first season of Major League Soccer in 1996; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Kansas City locals Neal Patterson, Cliff Illig, Pat Curran, Greg Maday, and Robb Heineman own Sporting Kansas City; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Sporting Kansas City supporters are passionate, numerous, and diverse, and belong to associations that include La Barra KC, the Kansas City Cauldron, the Brookside Elite, the Fountain City Ultras, the Mass St. Mob, the King City Yardbirds, the Sporting Militia, the Omaha Boys, Northland Noise, the Trenches of SKC, JPOP, the Ladies of SKC, KC Futbol Misfits, the Wedge, Ad Astra KC, Wichita Wanderers, 417 Loyal, Aggievillains, CoMo Cauldron, and the Kansas City Chapter of the American Outlaws; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Sporting Kansas City players Matt Besler, Seth Sinovic, Christian Duke, Jon Kempin, and Kevin Ellis are natives of the Kansas City area and grew up playing soccer in the community: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="id62A189EC587D46CFA4AFBFD29AF6CAAF"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> recognizes and extends congratulations to Sporting Kansas City for winning the Major League Soccer Cup 2013; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idAAE7495D7AC44D2CBD56A7863B7A2CC0"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> commends the players, manager, coaches, owners, support staff, and club supporters whose efforts and spirit made the 2013 season a historic success. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 1st Session S. RES. 327 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES December 20, 2013 Mr. Moran (for himself and Mr. Roberts ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Congratulating Sporting Kansas City for an outstanding 2013 season in Major League Soccer and for winning the Major League Soccer Cup 2013. Whereas on December 7, 2013, Sporting Kansas City won the Major League Soccer Cup 2013 by defeating Real Salt Lake in a penalty shootout, after 120 minutes of play concluded with a draw; Whereas the Major League Soccer Cup 2013 occurred in a sold-out stadium of 21,650 people at Sporting Park, in Kansas City, Kansas; Whereas the recorded temperature at the kickoff of the Major League Soccer Cup 2013 was 20 degrees Fahrenheit, the coldest kickoff-temperature of any game in the history of Major League Soccer; Whereas Sporting Kansas City defender Aurelien Collin was named the Major League Soccer Cup Most Valuable Player; Whereas Sporting Kansas City finished the Major League Soccer regular season of 2013 in second place, a single win short of securing the Major League Soccer Supporters’ Shield, with a record of 17 wins, 10 loses, and 7 draws; Whereas Sporting Park, in Kansas City, Kansas, has hosted the qualifying matches for the 2014 FIFA World Cup, the Confederation of North, Central American and Caribbean Association Football Gold Cup, the 2013 Major League Soccer All-Star Game, and the Major League Soccer Cup 2013; Whereas several Sporting Kansas City players represent the United States in international soccer games; Whereas Sporting Kansas City will play as one of the soccer clubs representing the United States in the 2014–2015 Confederation of North, Central American and Caribbean Association Football Champions League; Whereas Sporting Kansas City manager Peter Vermes was elected to the National Soccer Hall of Fame in 2013; Whereas Kansas City has a rich soccer history, participating as the Kansas City Wiz in the first season of Major League Soccer in 1996; Whereas Kansas City locals Neal Patterson, Cliff Illig, Pat Curran, Greg Maday, and Robb Heineman own Sporting Kansas City; Whereas Sporting Kansas City supporters are passionate, numerous, and diverse, and belong to associations that include La Barra KC, the Kansas City Cauldron, the Brookside Elite, the Fountain City Ultras, the Mass St. Mob, the King City Yardbirds, the Sporting Militia, the Omaha Boys, Northland Noise, the Trenches of SKC, JPOP, the Ladies of SKC, KC Futbol Misfits, the Wedge, Ad Astra KC, Wichita Wanderers, 417 Loyal, Aggievillains, CoMo Cauldron, and the Kansas City Chapter of the American Outlaws; and Whereas Sporting Kansas City players Matt Besler, Seth Sinovic, Christian Duke, Jon Kempin, and Kevin Ellis are natives of the Kansas City area and grew up playing soccer in the community: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) recognizes and extends congratulations to Sporting Kansas City for winning the Major League Soccer Cup 2013; and (2) commends the players, manager, coaches, owners, support staff, and club supporters whose efforts and spirit made the 2013 season a historic success.
2023-01-07 05:39:01.920
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Introduced-in-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 328 IS: Expressing the sense of the Senate on steps the Government of Iran must take before further bilateral negotiations between the Government of Iran and the United States Government occur. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2014-01-06 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 2d Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 328 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20140106"> January 6, 2014 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S355"> Mr. Cruz </sponsor> (for himself and <cosponsor name-id="S236"> Mr. Inhofe </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="SSFR00"> Committee on Foreign Relations </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Expressing the sense of the Senate on steps the Government of Iran must take before further bilateral negotiations between the Government of Iran and the United States Government occur. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas, on September 27, 2013, the President of Iran, Hassan Rouhani, and President Barack Obama engaged in the first direct contact between Iranian and United States leaders since 1979; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Government of Iran has yet to take any practical steps towards halting Iran’s nuclear programs and remains a committed state-sponsor of terrorist groups that have been responsible for American deaths in Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Afghanistan; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, since the election of President Rouhani, the persecution by the Government of Iran of religious minorities, notably Christians, has increased not decreased; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas United States citizens remain imprisoned in Iran, including Pastor Saeed Abedini, Amir Hekmati, and Robert Levinson; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas President Rouhani has called Israel the <quote> Zionist state </quote> that has been <quote> a wound that has sat on the body of the Muslim world for years and needs to be removed </quote> , and Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei has called Israel a <quote> rabid dog </quote> facing <quote> annihilation </quote> ; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas a Joint Plan of Action was released from Geneva on November 24, 2013, outlining first step, voluntary measures to be taken over a six month duration providing the Government of Iran with some $7,000,000,000 in relief from economic sanctions, while extracting no substantive concessions from Iran on their nuclear program; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the representatives of the United States engaging in these negotiations failed to raise the issue of the United States citizens imprisoned in Iran and to rebuke their Iranian counterparts for their vicious rhetoric against Israel at the highest levels: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That it is the sense of the Senate that, before further bilateral negotiations between the Government of Iran and the United States Government occur, the Government of Iran must— </text> <paragraph id="id3ad6d43fe67a45e8a9818fdfcdf0805b"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> immediately and without conditions release all United States citizens unjustly detained in Iran; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id82db5a2d54114665b1b101c99cffed14"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> publicly affirm the right of Israel to exist as a Jewish state. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 328 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES January 6, 2014 Mr. Cruz (for himself and Mr. Inhofe ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations RESOLUTION Expressing the sense of the Senate on steps the Government of Iran must take before further bilateral negotiations between the Government of Iran and the United States Government occur. Whereas, on September 27, 2013, the President of Iran, Hassan Rouhani, and President Barack Obama engaged in the first direct contact between Iranian and United States leaders since 1979; Whereas the Government of Iran has yet to take any practical steps towards halting Iran’s nuclear programs and remains a committed state-sponsor of terrorist groups that have been responsible for American deaths in Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Afghanistan; Whereas, since the election of President Rouhani, the persecution by the Government of Iran of religious minorities, notably Christians, has increased not decreased; Whereas United States citizens remain imprisoned in Iran, including Pastor Saeed Abedini, Amir Hekmati, and Robert Levinson; Whereas President Rouhani has called Israel the Zionist state that has been a wound that has sat on the body of the Muslim world for years and needs to be removed , and Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei has called Israel a rabid dog facing annihilation ; Whereas a Joint Plan of Action was released from Geneva on November 24, 2013, outlining first step, voluntary measures to be taken over a six month duration providing the Government of Iran with some $7,000,000,000 in relief from economic sanctions, while extracting no substantive concessions from Iran on their nuclear program; and Whereas the representatives of the United States engaging in these negotiations failed to raise the issue of the United States citizens imprisoned in Iran and to rebuke their Iranian counterparts for their vicious rhetoric against Israel at the highest levels: Now, therefore, be it That it is the sense of the Senate that, before further bilateral negotiations between the Government of Iran and the United States Government occur, the Government of Iran must— (1) immediately and without conditions release all United States citizens unjustly detained in Iran; and (2) publicly affirm the right of Israel to exist as a Jewish state.
2023-01-07 05:39:01.499
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-print="no" public-private="public" resolution-stage="Agreed-to-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" stage-count="1" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 329 ATS: Expressing support for the goals and ideals of the biennial USA Science &amp; Engineering Festival in Washington, DC and designating April 21 through April 27, 2014, as “National Science and Technology Week”. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2014-01-07 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form display="yes"> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 2d Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 329 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20140107"> January 7, 2014 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S337"> Mr. Coons </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="S339"> Mr. Kirk </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S176"> Mr. Rockefeller </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S289"> Mr. Alexander </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S127"> Mr. Baucus </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S266"> Mr. Crapo </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S253"> Mr. Durbin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S340"> Ms. Ayotte </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S311"> Ms. Klobuchar </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Expressing support for the goals and ideals of the biennial USA Science &amp; Engineering Festival in Washington, DC and designating April 21 through April 27, 2014, as <quote> National Science and Technology Week </quote> . </official-title> </form> <preamble commented="no"> <whereas> <text> Whereas science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (referred to in this preamble as <quote> STEM </quote> ) are essential to the future global competitiveness of the United States; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas advances in technology have resulted in significant improvement in the daily lives of individuals in the United States; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas scientific discoveries are critical to curing diseases, solving global challenges, and an increased understanding of the world; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the future global economy will require a workforce that is educated in science and engineering specialties; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas educating a new generation of individuals in the United States in STEM is crucial to ensure continued economic growth; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas increasing the interest of the next generation of students in the United States, particularly young women and underrepresented minorities, in STEM is necessary to maintain the global competitiveness of the United States; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas science and engineering festivals have attracted millions of participants and inspired a national effort to promote science and engineering; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas thousands of universities, museums, science centers, STEM professional societies, educational societies, government agencies and laboratories, community organizations, elementary and secondary schools, volunteers, corporate and private sponsors, and nonprofit organizations have come together to organize the USA Science &amp; Engineering Festival in Washington, DC in April 2014; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the USA Science &amp; Engineering Festival will reinvigorate the interest of young people in the United States in STEM and highlight the important contributions of science and engineering to the competitiveness of the United States through exhibits on topics that include human spaceflight, medicine, engineering, biotechnology, physics, and astronomy; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas scientific research is essential to the competitiveness of the United States, and events like the USA Science &amp; Engineering Festival promote the importance of scientific research and development to the future of the United States: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body display-resolving-clause="yes-display-resolving-clause" style="OLC"> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="id4c5655112ae645b0b2da7ba152f706b2"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> expresses support for the goals and ideals of the USA Science &amp; Engineering Festival to promote scholarship in science and an interest in scientific research and development, as the cornerstones of innovation and competition in the United States; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idd8a72168a38548e19f6df8cacba14191"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> supports festivals, such as the USA Science &amp; Engineering Festival, that focus on the importance of science and engineering to the daily lives of individuals in the United States through exhibits on topics that include human spaceflight, medicine, engineering, biotechnology, physics, and astronomy; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="ide1f119788f494d85a196ef1b936c3651"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> congratulates all individuals and organizations whose efforts will make possible the USA Science &amp; Engineering Festival, highlighting the accomplishments of the United States in science and engineering; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id47c53f7191754528bbf3073fce6bd880"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> encourages families and children to participate in the activities and exhibits of the USA Science &amp; Engineering Festival that will occur in Washington, DC, and across the United States as satellite events of the festival; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idd16a1197b316468f8d026a7260006814"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> designates April 21 through April 27, 2014, as <quote> National Science and Technology Week </quote> . </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 329 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES January 7, 2014 Mr. Coons (for himself, Mr. Kirk , Mr. Rockefeller , Mr. Alexander , Mr. Baucus , Mr. Crapo , Mr. Durbin , Ms. Ayotte , and Ms. Klobuchar ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Expressing support for the goals and ideals of the biennial USA Science & Engineering Festival in Washington, DC and designating April 21 through April 27, 2014, as National Science and Technology Week . Whereas science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (referred to in this preamble as STEM ) are essential to the future global competitiveness of the United States; Whereas advances in technology have resulted in significant improvement in the daily lives of individuals in the United States; Whereas scientific discoveries are critical to curing diseases, solving global challenges, and an increased understanding of the world; Whereas the future global economy will require a workforce that is educated in science and engineering specialties; Whereas educating a new generation of individuals in the United States in STEM is crucial to ensure continued economic growth; Whereas increasing the interest of the next generation of students in the United States, particularly young women and underrepresented minorities, in STEM is necessary to maintain the global competitiveness of the United States; Whereas science and engineering festivals have attracted millions of participants and inspired a national effort to promote science and engineering; Whereas thousands of universities, museums, science centers, STEM professional societies, educational societies, government agencies and laboratories, community organizations, elementary and secondary schools, volunteers, corporate and private sponsors, and nonprofit organizations have come together to organize the USA Science & Engineering Festival in Washington, DC in April 2014; Whereas the USA Science & Engineering Festival will reinvigorate the interest of young people in the United States in STEM and highlight the important contributions of science and engineering to the competitiveness of the United States through exhibits on topics that include human spaceflight, medicine, engineering, biotechnology, physics, and astronomy; and Whereas scientific research is essential to the competitiveness of the United States, and events like the USA Science & Engineering Festival promote the importance of scientific research and development to the future of the United States: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) expresses support for the goals and ideals of the USA Science & Engineering Festival to promote scholarship in science and an interest in scientific research and development, as the cornerstones of innovation and competition in the United States; (2) supports festivals, such as the USA Science & Engineering Festival, that focus on the importance of science and engineering to the daily lives of individuals in the United States through exhibits on topics that include human spaceflight, medicine, engineering, biotechnology, physics, and astronomy; (3) congratulates all individuals and organizations whose efforts will make possible the USA Science & Engineering Festival, highlighting the accomplishments of the United States in science and engineering; (4) encourages families and children to participate in the activities and exhibits of the USA Science & Engineering Festival that will occur in Washington, DC, and across the United States as satellite events of the festival; and (5) designates April 21 through April 27, 2014, as National Science and Technology Week .
2023-01-07 05:39:01.456
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Introduced-in-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 330 IS: Recognizing the 50th anniversary of “Smoking and Health: Report of the Advisory Committee to the Surgeon General of the United States” and the significant progress in reducing the public health burden of tobacco use, and supporting an end to tobacco-related death and disease. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2014-01-13 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 2d Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 330 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20140113"> January 13, 2014 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S341"> Mr. Blumenthal </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="S253"> Mr. Durbin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S172"> Mr. Harkin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S307"> Mr. Brown </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S369"> Mr. Markey </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S322"> Mr. Merkley </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S360"> Ms. Heitkamp </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S257"> Mr. Johnson of South Dakota </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S309"> Mr. Casey </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S221"> Mrs. Feinstein </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S363"> Mr. King </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="SSHR00"> Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Recognizing the 50th anniversary of <quote> Smoking and Health: Report of the Advisory Committee to the Surgeon General of the United States </quote> and the significant progress in reducing the public health burden of tobacco use, and supporting an end to tobacco-related death and disease. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas <quote> Smoking and Health: Report of the Advisory Committee to the Surgeon General of the United States </quote> (referred to in this preamble as the <quote> 1964 Report of the Surgeon General on Smoking and Health </quote> ) was the first Surgeon General of the United States report to definitively link smoking with lung cancer and heart disease; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the 1964 Report of the Surgeon General on Smoking and Health paved the way for a series of important public health initiatives aimed at reducing the burden of tobacco use, including the addition of health warnings to cigarette packages, bans on cigarette advertising in the broadcast media, and the removal of fruit flavoring that appeal to children from cigarettes; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas tobacco control policies and public health initiatives aimed at curbing tobacco use contributed to a decrease in the prevalence of smoking by people of the United States from 42 percent in 1965 to 18 percent in 2012; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas tobacco use remains one of the most pressing public health concerns of the United States and is the leading preventable cause of disease, disability, and death in the United States; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas tobacco use causes 18 types of cancer, heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pregnancy complications, and a host of other diseases and conditions; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas in January of 2014, more than 43,000,000 adults of the United States smoke, more than 8,000,000 of such adults live with a serious illness caused by smoking, and more than 440,000 people of the United States die prematurely each year as a result of tobacco use; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas most tobacco users begin smoking as children, every day more than 3,000 children try a cigarette for the first time, 700 children become daily smokers, and <fraction> 1/3 </fraction> of such children are projected to die prematurely as a result of tobacco use; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas smoking exacts a $193,000,000,000 toll on the economy of the United States each year, including $96,000,000,000 in direct medical costs and $97,000,000,000 in lost productivity: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="id1CA9A006889B4E198D52E7E67950DC9F"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> recognizes the 50th anniversary of <quote> Smoking and Health: Report of the Advisory Committee to the Surgeon General of the United States </quote> and the significant contributions of such report in reducing the public health burden of tobacco use; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idA006317DD88F4135BF33AA16EFA903D7"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> supports ending tobacco-related death and disease. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 330 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES January 13, 2014 Mr. Blumenthal (for himself, Mr. Durbin , Mr. Harkin , Mr. Brown , Mr. Markey , Mr. Merkley , Ms. Heitkamp , Mr. Johnson of South Dakota , Mr. Casey , Mrs. Feinstein , and Mr. King ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions RESOLUTION Recognizing the 50th anniversary of Smoking and Health: Report of the Advisory Committee to the Surgeon General of the United States and the significant progress in reducing the public health burden of tobacco use, and supporting an end to tobacco-related death and disease. Whereas Smoking and Health: Report of the Advisory Committee to the Surgeon General of the United States (referred to in this preamble as the 1964 Report of the Surgeon General on Smoking and Health ) was the first Surgeon General of the United States report to definitively link smoking with lung cancer and heart disease; Whereas the 1964 Report of the Surgeon General on Smoking and Health paved the way for a series of important public health initiatives aimed at reducing the burden of tobacco use, including the addition of health warnings to cigarette packages, bans on cigarette advertising in the broadcast media, and the removal of fruit flavoring that appeal to children from cigarettes; Whereas tobacco control policies and public health initiatives aimed at curbing tobacco use contributed to a decrease in the prevalence of smoking by people of the United States from 42 percent in 1965 to 18 percent in 2012; Whereas tobacco use remains one of the most pressing public health concerns of the United States and is the leading preventable cause of disease, disability, and death in the United States; Whereas tobacco use causes 18 types of cancer, heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pregnancy complications, and a host of other diseases and conditions; Whereas in January of 2014, more than 43,000,000 adults of the United States smoke, more than 8,000,000 of such adults live with a serious illness caused by smoking, and more than 440,000 people of the United States die prematurely each year as a result of tobacco use; Whereas most tobacco users begin smoking as children, every day more than 3,000 children try a cigarette for the first time, 700 children become daily smokers, and 1/3 of such children are projected to die prematurely as a result of tobacco use; and Whereas smoking exacts a $193,000,000,000 toll on the economy of the United States each year, including $96,000,000,000 in direct medical costs and $97,000,000,000 in lost productivity: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) recognizes the 50th anniversary of Smoking and Health: Report of the Advisory Committee to the Surgeon General of the United States and the significant contributions of such report in reducing the public health burden of tobacco use; and (2) supports ending tobacco-related death and disease.
2023-01-07 05:38:03.387
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Agreed-to-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 331 ATS: Congratulating the Florida State University football team for winning the 2014 Bowl Championship Series national championship. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2014-01-13 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 2d Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 331 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20140113"> January 13, 2014 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S282"> Mr. Nelson </sponsor> (for himself and <cosponsor name-id="S350"> Mr. Rubio </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Congratulating the Florida State University football team for winning the 2014 Bowl Championship Series national championship. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas on January 6, 2014, before a crowd of more than 94,000 fans in Pasadena, California, the Florida State University Seminoles won the 2014 Bowl Championship Series (BCS) national championship with a 34-31 victory over the Auburn University Tigers; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Florida State University completed the largest comeback ever in a BCS national title game, giving the university its third national championship; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Seminoles finished the 2013 season with a record of 14 wins and 0 losses; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Florida State University football head coach Jimbo Fisher won his first national title as a head coach, bringing his total record at Florida State University to 45 wins and 10 losses; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Florida State University quarterback Jameis Winston was awarded the 79 <superscript> th </superscript> Heisman Memorial Trophy; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Jameis Winston is the only freshman quarterback to ever lead a Football Bowl Subdivision team to 13 wins and a BCS national title game; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Seminoles finished 2013 ranked first in the Harris Poll, the USA Today Coaches Poll, the Associated Press Top 25, and the BCS Standings; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Florida State University Seminoles triumphed over the Duke University Blue Devils 45 to 7 to win the Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) championship title on December 7, 2013; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Florida State University football had 17 players named to the 2013 All-ACC team, the most of any school in the conference; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Florida State University fans worldwide supported and encouraged the Seminoles throughout the 2013 football season; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Florida State University president Eric J. Barron and athletics director Stan Wilcox have led the Florida State University to excellence in both academics and athletics; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Florida State University is one of the preeminent research universities in the State of Florida; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Florida State University students, faculty, alumni, and all Seminole fans have brought pride to their institution and the entire State of Florida: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="idc9447e0285714eac9cc5478280b78ab2"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> congratulates the Florida State University football team for winning the 2014 Bowl Championship Series national championship; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idfe0636a86d69437cb08346a37e61108b"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> recognizes the players, coaches, students, staff, and fans whose dedication helped Florida State University win the championship; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id9222097fdc2347598cafa3f6ffd2ed1e"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> respectfully requests that Secretary of the Senate transmit an enrolled copy of this resolution to— </text> <subparagraph id="idc429880d0d4e44d690331d42505c0813"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> the president of Florida State University, Eric J. Barron; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="id8b9bb373d1174701a459eaae0be3a22e"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> the athletics director of Florida State University, Stan Wilcox; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="id3562668b4e104c0290dca9737df0c0c0"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> the head coach of the Florida State University football team, Jimbo Fisher. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 331 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES January 13, 2014 Mr. Nelson (for himself and Mr. Rubio ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Congratulating the Florida State University football team for winning the 2014 Bowl Championship Series national championship. Whereas on January 6, 2014, before a crowd of more than 94,000 fans in Pasadena, California, the Florida State University Seminoles won the 2014 Bowl Championship Series (BCS) national championship with a 34-31 victory over the Auburn University Tigers; Whereas Florida State University completed the largest comeback ever in a BCS national title game, giving the university its third national championship; Whereas the Seminoles finished the 2013 season with a record of 14 wins and 0 losses; Whereas Florida State University football head coach Jimbo Fisher won his first national title as a head coach, bringing his total record at Florida State University to 45 wins and 10 losses; Whereas Florida State University quarterback Jameis Winston was awarded the 79 th Heisman Memorial Trophy; Whereas Jameis Winston is the only freshman quarterback to ever lead a Football Bowl Subdivision team to 13 wins and a BCS national title game; Whereas the Seminoles finished 2013 ranked first in the Harris Poll, the USA Today Coaches Poll, the Associated Press Top 25, and the BCS Standings; Whereas the Florida State University Seminoles triumphed over the Duke University Blue Devils 45 to 7 to win the Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) championship title on December 7, 2013; Whereas Florida State University football had 17 players named to the 2013 All-ACC team, the most of any school in the conference; Whereas Florida State University fans worldwide supported and encouraged the Seminoles throughout the 2013 football season; Whereas Florida State University president Eric J. Barron and athletics director Stan Wilcox have led the Florida State University to excellence in both academics and athletics; Whereas Florida State University is one of the preeminent research universities in the State of Florida; and Whereas the Florida State University students, faculty, alumni, and all Seminole fans have brought pride to their institution and the entire State of Florida: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) congratulates the Florida State University football team for winning the 2014 Bowl Championship Series national championship; (2) recognizes the players, coaches, students, staff, and fans whose dedication helped Florida State University win the championship; and (3) respectfully requests that Secretary of the Senate transmit an enrolled copy of this resolution to— (A) the president of Florida State University, Eric J. Barron; (B) the athletics director of Florida State University, Stan Wilcox; and (C) the head coach of the Florida State University football team, Jimbo Fisher.
2023-01-07 05:39:01.382
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Agreed-to-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 332 ATS: Congratulating the North Dakota State University football team for winning the 2013 National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I Football Championship Subdivision title. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2014-01-13 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 2d Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 332 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20140113"> January 13, 2014 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S344"> Mr. Hoeven </sponsor> (for himself and <cosponsor name-id="S360"> Ms. Heitkamp </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Congratulating the North Dakota State University football team for winning the 2013 National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I Football Championship Subdivision title. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas the North Dakota State University (referred to in this preamble as <quote> NDSU </quote> ) Bison won the 2013 National Collegiate Athletic Association (referred to in this preamble as the <quote> NCAA </quote> ) Division I Football Championship Subdivision title game in Frisco, Texas, on January 4, 2014, in a hard fought victory over the Towson University Tigers of Maryland by a score of 35 to 7; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the NDSU Bison and coach Craig Bohl had an incredible 2013 season and finished unbeaten for the first time since 1990; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas NDSU has won 11 NCAA Football Championships and has now won 3 consecutive NCAA Football Championships since 2011; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas during the championship game, the NDSU Bison offense scored 35 points against the Towson University Tigers; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Coach Bohl and his staff have instilled character and confidence in the NDSU players and have done an outstanding job with the Bison football program; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the leadership of President Dean Bresciani and Athletic Director Gene Taylor has helped bring both academic and athletic excellence to NDSU; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas an estimated 17,000 Bison fans attended the Championship game, reflecting the tremendous spirit and dedication of Bison Nation that has helped propel the success of the team; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the 2013 NCAA Division I Football Championship Subdivision title was a victory not only for the NDSU football team, but also for the entire State of North Dakota: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="ide3b977da5ee147af9b9a659ad1d1abb2"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> congratulates the North Dakota State University football team as the champion of the 2013 National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I Football Championship Subdivision title; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idd89b8f1e464b4d599b094c085ee05b26"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> commends the North Dakota State University players, coaches, and staff for their hard work and dedication; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id6367fd85750749bda8f678eff9db5c2e"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> recognizes the students, alumni, and loyal fans for supporting the Bison on the successful quest of the team to capture another Division I trophy for North Dakota State University. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 332 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES January 13, 2014 Mr. Hoeven (for himself and Ms. Heitkamp ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Congratulating the North Dakota State University football team for winning the 2013 National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I Football Championship Subdivision title. Whereas the North Dakota State University (referred to in this preamble as NDSU ) Bison won the 2013 National Collegiate Athletic Association (referred to in this preamble as the NCAA ) Division I Football Championship Subdivision title game in Frisco, Texas, on January 4, 2014, in a hard fought victory over the Towson University Tigers of Maryland by a score of 35 to 7; Whereas the NDSU Bison and coach Craig Bohl had an incredible 2013 season and finished unbeaten for the first time since 1990; Whereas NDSU has won 11 NCAA Football Championships and has now won 3 consecutive NCAA Football Championships since 2011; Whereas during the championship game, the NDSU Bison offense scored 35 points against the Towson University Tigers; Whereas Coach Bohl and his staff have instilled character and confidence in the NDSU players and have done an outstanding job with the Bison football program; Whereas the leadership of President Dean Bresciani and Athletic Director Gene Taylor has helped bring both academic and athletic excellence to NDSU; Whereas an estimated 17,000 Bison fans attended the Championship game, reflecting the tremendous spirit and dedication of Bison Nation that has helped propel the success of the team; and Whereas the 2013 NCAA Division I Football Championship Subdivision title was a victory not only for the NDSU football team, but also for the entire State of North Dakota: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) congratulates the North Dakota State University football team as the champion of the 2013 National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I Football Championship Subdivision title; (2) commends the North Dakota State University players, coaches, and staff for their hard work and dedication; and (3) recognizes the students, alumni, and loyal fans for supporting the Bison on the successful quest of the team to capture another Division I trophy for North Dakota State University.
2023-01-07 05:08:02.466
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Agreed-to-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 2d Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 333 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20140116"> January 16, 2014 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S351"> Mr. Toomey </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="S341"> Mr. Blumenthal </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S270"> Mr. Schumer </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S339"> Mr. Kirk </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S308"> Mr. Cardin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S350"> Mr. Rubio </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S260"> Mr. Roberts </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S362"> Mr. Kaine </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S223"> Mrs. Boxer </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S306"> Mr. Menendez </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S347"> Mr. Moran </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S236"> Mr. Inhofe </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S212"> Mr. Coats </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S309"> Mr. Casey </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S318"> Mr. Wicker </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S118"> Mr. Hatch </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S369"> Mr. Markey </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S364"> Mr. Murphy </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S323"> Mr. Risch </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S343"> Mr. Boozman </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S342"> Mr. Blunt </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S337"> Mr. Coons </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S301"> Mr. Coburn </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S282"> Mr. Nelson </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S153"> Mr. Grassley </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S136"> Mr. Cochran </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S229"> Mrs. Murray </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S321"> Mr. Johanns </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S355"> Mr. Cruz </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S252"> Ms. Collins </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="SSFR00"> Committee on Foreign Relations </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <action> <action-date date="20140204"> February 4, 2014 </action-date> <action-desc> Reported by <sponsor name-id="S306"> Mr. Menendez </sponsor> , without amendment </action-desc> </action> <action> <action-date> February 6, 2014 </action-date> <action-desc> Considered and agreed to </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Strongly recommending that the United States renegotiate the return of the Iraqi Jewish Archive to Iraq. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas, before the mid-20th century, Baghdad had been a center of Jewish life, culture, and scholarship, dating back to 721 B.C.; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, as recently as 1940, Jews made up 25 percent of Baghdad’s population; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, in the 1930s and 1940s, under the leadership of Rasheed Ali, anti-Jewish discrimination increased drastically, including the June 1–2, 1941, Farhud pogrom, in which nearly 180 Jews were killed; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, in 1948, Zionism was added to the Iraqi criminal code as punishable by death; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, throughout 1950–1953, Jews were allowed to leave Iraq under the condition that they renounce their citizenship; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, as result of past persecution, few Jews remain in Iraq today, and many left their possessions and treasured artifacts behind; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Ba’ath regime confiscated these artifacts, later dubbed the Iraqi Jewish Archive, from synagogues and communal organizations; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, on May 6, 2003, members of the United States Armed Forces discovered the Iraqi Jewish Archive, which included 2,700 books and tens of thousands of documents, in the heavily damaged and flooded basement of the Mukhabarat (secret police) headquarters; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, under great urgency and before adequate time could be dedicated to researching the history of the Iraqi Jewish Archive, an agreement was signed between the National Archives and Records Administration and the Coalition Provisional Authority on August 20, 2003, stating that the Iraqi Jewish Archive would be sent to the United States for restoration and then would be sent back to Iraq after completion; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, the Iraqi Jewish community is the constituency of the Archive and is now represented by the diaspora outside Iraq; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, the current Government of Iraq has publicly acknowledged the importance of the Archive and demonstrated a shared respect for the wishes of the Iraqi Jewish diaspora by attending the December 2013 burial of several Torah fragments from the Archive in New York; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas United States taxpayers have invested $3,000,000 to restore the Iraqi Jewish Archive, and the National Archives and Records Administration has worked diligently to preserve the artifacts; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the National Archives and Records Administration is displaying the Iraqi Jewish Archive in Washington, DC, from October 11, 2013, to January 5, 2014, and in New York City from February 4, 2014, to May 18, 2014; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Iraqi Embassy to the United States has said that the Iraqi Jewish community, like other communities in Iraq, played a key role in building the country, shared in its prosperity, and also suffered exile and forced departure because of tyranny: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="id0031b9cb06dd497098b7d1a37bb44a36"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> strongly urges the Department of State to renegotiate with the Government of Iraq the provisions of the original agreement that was signed between the National Archives and Records Administration and the Coalition Provisional Authority in order to ensure that the Iraqi Jewish Archive be kept in a place where its long-term preservation and care can be guaranteed; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id4ca3eee00824493c99ebce32d9eea616"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> recognizes that the Iraqi Jewish Archive should be housed in a location that is accessible to scholars and to Iraqi Jews and their descendants who have a personal interest in it; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="ida9ce3415da2343faa0658dc3ef2f012e"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> recognizes that the agreement between the National Archives and Records Administration and the Coalition Provisional Authority was signed before knowing the complete history of the Iraqi Jewish Archive; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idc9d20181a7fe40deaaae5a61cd3e3ab4"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> reaffirms the United States commitment to cultural property under international law; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idd87790da8be24ded99c29cf78fb65afc"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> reaffirms the United States commitment to ensuring justice for victims of ethnic and religious persecution. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 333 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES January 16, 2014 Mr. Toomey (for himself, Mr. Blumenthal , Mr. Schumer , Mr. Kirk , Mr. Cardin , Mr. Rubio , Mr. Roberts , Mr. Kaine , Mrs. Boxer , Mr. Menendez , Mr. Moran , Mr. Inhofe , Mr. Coats , Mr. Casey , Mr. Wicker , Mr. Hatch , Mr. Markey , Mr. Murphy , Mr. Risch , Mr. Boozman , Mr. Blunt , Mr. Coons , Mr. Coburn , Mr. Nelson , Mr. Grassley , Mr. Cochran , Mrs. Murray , Mr. Johanns , Mr. Cruz , and Ms. Collins ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations February 4, 2014 Reported by Mr. Menendez , without amendment February 6, 2014 Considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Strongly recommending that the United States renegotiate the return of the Iraqi Jewish Archive to Iraq. Whereas, before the mid-20th century, Baghdad had been a center of Jewish life, culture, and scholarship, dating back to 721 B.C.; Whereas, as recently as 1940, Jews made up 25 percent of Baghdad’s population; Whereas, in the 1930s and 1940s, under the leadership of Rasheed Ali, anti-Jewish discrimination increased drastically, including the June 1–2, 1941, Farhud pogrom, in which nearly 180 Jews were killed; Whereas, in 1948, Zionism was added to the Iraqi criminal code as punishable by death; Whereas, throughout 1950–1953, Jews were allowed to leave Iraq under the condition that they renounce their citizenship; Whereas, as result of past persecution, few Jews remain in Iraq today, and many left their possessions and treasured artifacts behind; Whereas the Ba’ath regime confiscated these artifacts, later dubbed the Iraqi Jewish Archive, from synagogues and communal organizations; Whereas, on May 6, 2003, members of the United States Armed Forces discovered the Iraqi Jewish Archive, which included 2,700 books and tens of thousands of documents, in the heavily damaged and flooded basement of the Mukhabarat (secret police) headquarters; Whereas, under great urgency and before adequate time could be dedicated to researching the history of the Iraqi Jewish Archive, an agreement was signed between the National Archives and Records Administration and the Coalition Provisional Authority on August 20, 2003, stating that the Iraqi Jewish Archive would be sent to the United States for restoration and then would be sent back to Iraq after completion; Whereas, the Iraqi Jewish community is the constituency of the Archive and is now represented by the diaspora outside Iraq; Whereas, the current Government of Iraq has publicly acknowledged the importance of the Archive and demonstrated a shared respect for the wishes of the Iraqi Jewish diaspora by attending the December 2013 burial of several Torah fragments from the Archive in New York; Whereas United States taxpayers have invested $3,000,000 to restore the Iraqi Jewish Archive, and the National Archives and Records Administration has worked diligently to preserve the artifacts; Whereas the National Archives and Records Administration is displaying the Iraqi Jewish Archive in Washington, DC, from October 11, 2013, to January 5, 2014, and in New York City from February 4, 2014, to May 18, 2014; and Whereas the Iraqi Embassy to the United States has said that the Iraqi Jewish community, like other communities in Iraq, played a key role in building the country, shared in its prosperity, and also suffered exile and forced departure because of tyranny: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) strongly urges the Department of State to renegotiate with the Government of Iraq the provisions of the original agreement that was signed between the National Archives and Records Administration and the Coalition Provisional Authority in order to ensure that the Iraqi Jewish Archive be kept in a place where its long-term preservation and care can be guaranteed; (2) recognizes that the Iraqi Jewish Archive should be housed in a location that is accessible to scholars and to Iraqi Jews and their descendants who have a personal interest in it; (3) recognizes that the agreement between the National Archives and Records Administration and the Coalition Provisional Authority was signed before knowing the complete history of the Iraqi Jewish Archive; (4) reaffirms the United States commitment to cultural property under international law; and (5) reaffirms the United States commitment to ensuring justice for victims of ethnic and religious persecution.
2023-01-07 05:39:01.420
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE resolution PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/res.dtd//EN" "res.dtd"> <resolution public-private="public" resolution-stage="Introduced-in-Senate" resolution-type="senate-resolution" star-print="no-star-print"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 333 IS: Strongly recommending that the United States renegotiate the return of the Iraqi Jewish Archive to Iraq. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2014-01-16 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 2d Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 333 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20140116"> January 16, 2014 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S351"> Mr. Toomey </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="S341"> Mr. Blumenthal </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S270"> Mr. Schumer </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S339"> Mr. Kirk </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S308"> Mr. Cardin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S350"> Mr. Rubio </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S260"> Mr. Roberts </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S362"> Mr. Kaine </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S223"> Mrs. Boxer </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S306"> Mr. Menendez </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="SSFR00"> Committee on Foreign Relations </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Strongly recommending that the United States renegotiate the return of the Iraqi Jewish Archive to Iraq. </official-title> </form> <preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas, before the mid-20th century, Baghdad had been a center of Jewish life, culture, and scholarship, dating back to 721 B.C.; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, as recently as 1940, Jews made up 25 percent of Baghdad’s population; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, in the 1930s and 1940s, under the leadership of Rasheed Ali, anti-Jewish discrimination increased drastically, including the June 1–2, 1941, Farhud pogrom, in which nearly 180 Jews were killed; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, in 1948, Zionism was added to the Iraqi criminal code as punishable by death; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, throughout 1950–1953, Jews were allowed to leave Iraq under the condition that they renounce their citizenship; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, as result of past persecution, few Jews remain in Iraq today, and many left their possessions and treasured artifacts behind; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Ba’ath regime confiscated these artifacts, later dubbed the Iraqi Jewish Archive, from synagogues and communal organizations; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, on May 6, 2003, members of the United States Armed Forces discovered the Iraqi Jewish Archive, which included 2,700 books and tens of thousands of documents, in the heavily damaged and flooded basement of the Mukhabarat (secret police) headquarters; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, under great urgency and before adequate time could be dedicated to researching the history of the Iraqi Jewish Archive, an agreement was signed between the National Archives and Records Administration and the Coalition Provisional Authority on August 20, 2003, stating that the Iraqi Jewish Archive would be sent to the United States for restoration and then would be sent back to Iraq after completion; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, the Iraqi Jewish community is the constituency of the Archive and is now represented by the diaspora outside Iraq; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, the current Government of Iraq has publicly acknowledged the importance of the Archive and demonstrated a shared respect for the wishes of the Iraqi Jewish diaspora by attending the December 2013 burial of several Torah fragments from the Archive in New York; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas United States taxpayers have invested $3,000,000 to restore the Iraqi Jewish Archive, and the National Archives and Records Administration has worked diligently to preserve the artifacts; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the National Archives and Records Administration is displaying the Iraqi Jewish Archive in Washington, DC, from October 11, 2013, to January 5, 2014, and in New York City from February 4, 2014, to May 18, 2014; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Iraqi Embassy to the United States has said that the Iraqi Jewish community, like other communities in Iraq, played a key role in building the country, shared in its prosperity, and also suffered exile and forced departure because of tyranny: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble> <resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="id0031b9cb06dd497098b7d1a37bb44a36"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> strongly urges the Department of State to renegotiate with the Government of Iraq the provisions of the original agreement that was signed between the National Archives and Records Administration and the Coalition Provisional Authority in order to ensure that the Iraqi Jewish Archive be kept in a place where its long-term preservation and care can be guaranteed; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id4ca3eee00824493c99ebce32d9eea616"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> recognizes that the Iraqi Jewish Archive should be housed in a location that is accessible to scholars and to Iraqi Jews and their descendants who have a personal interest in it; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="ida9ce3415da2343faa0658dc3ef2f012e"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> recognizes that the agreement between the National Archives and Records Administration and the Coalition Provisional Authority was signed before knowing the complete history of the Iraqi Jewish Archive; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idc9d20181a7fe40deaaae5a61cd3e3ab4"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> reaffirms the United States commitment to cultural property under international law; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idd87790da8be24ded99c29cf78fb65afc"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> reaffirms the United States commitment to ensuring justice for victims of ethnic and religious persecution. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body> </resolution>
III 113th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 333 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES January 16, 2014 Mr. Toomey (for himself, Mr. Blumenthal , Mr. Schumer , Mr. Kirk , Mr. Cardin , Mr. Rubio , Mr. Roberts , Mr. Kaine , Mrs. Boxer , and Mr. Menendez ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations RESOLUTION Strongly recommending that the United States renegotiate the return of the Iraqi Jewish Archive to Iraq. Whereas, before the mid-20th century, Baghdad had been a center of Jewish life, culture, and scholarship, dating back to 721 B.C.; Whereas, as recently as 1940, Jews made up 25 percent of Baghdad’s population; Whereas, in the 1930s and 1940s, under the leadership of Rasheed Ali, anti-Jewish discrimination increased drastically, including the June 1–2, 1941, Farhud pogrom, in which nearly 180 Jews were killed; Whereas, in 1948, Zionism was added to the Iraqi criminal code as punishable by death; Whereas, throughout 1950–1953, Jews were allowed to leave Iraq under the condition that they renounce their citizenship; Whereas, as result of past persecution, few Jews remain in Iraq today, and many left their possessions and treasured artifacts behind; Whereas the Ba’ath regime confiscated these artifacts, later dubbed the Iraqi Jewish Archive, from synagogues and communal organizations; Whereas, on May 6, 2003, members of the United States Armed Forces discovered the Iraqi Jewish Archive, which included 2,700 books and tens of thousands of documents, in the heavily damaged and flooded basement of the Mukhabarat (secret police) headquarters; Whereas, under great urgency and before adequate time could be dedicated to researching the history of the Iraqi Jewish Archive, an agreement was signed between the National Archives and Records Administration and the Coalition Provisional Authority on August 20, 2003, stating that the Iraqi Jewish Archive would be sent to the United States for restoration and then would be sent back to Iraq after completion; Whereas, the Iraqi Jewish community is the constituency of the Archive and is now represented by the diaspora outside Iraq; Whereas, the current Government of Iraq has publicly acknowledged the importance of the Archive and demonstrated a shared respect for the wishes of the Iraqi Jewish diaspora by attending the December 2013 burial of several Torah fragments from the Archive in New York; Whereas United States taxpayers have invested $3,000,000 to restore the Iraqi Jewish Archive, and the National Archives and Records Administration has worked diligently to preserve the artifacts; Whereas the National Archives and Records Administration is displaying the Iraqi Jewish Archive in Washington, DC, from October 11, 2013, to January 5, 2014, and in New York City from February 4, 2014, to May 18, 2014; and Whereas the Iraqi Embassy to the United States has said that the Iraqi Jewish community, like other communities in Iraq, played a key role in building the country, shared in its prosperity, and also suffered exile and forced departure because of tyranny: Now, therefore, be it That the Senate— (1) strongly urges the Department of State to renegotiate with the Government of Iraq the provisions of the original agreement that was signed between the National Archives and Records Administration and the Coalition Provisional Authority in order to ensure that the Iraqi Jewish Archive be kept in a place where its long-term preservation and care can be guaranteed; (2) recognizes that the Iraqi Jewish Archive should be housed in a location that is accessible to scholars and to Iraqi Jews and their descendants who have a personal interest in it; (3) recognizes that the agreement between the National Archives and Records Administration and the Coalition Provisional Authority was signed before knowing the complete history of the Iraqi Jewish Archive; (4) reaffirms the United States commitment to cultural property under international law; and (5) reaffirms the United States commitment to ensuring justice for victims of ethnic and religious persecution.