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2024-01-18 14:51:00.715
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 421 </number> <updateDate> 2021-09-29T22:08:17Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-13T17:13:48Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2004-09-09 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-09 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S9043; text as passed Senate: CR S9043; text of measure as introduced: CR S9039) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-09 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S9043; text as passed Senate: CR S9043; text of measure as introduced: CR S9039) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-09 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> D000064 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Daschle, Thomas A. [D-SD] </fullName> <firstName> THOMAS </firstName> <lastName> DASCHLE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> SD </state> <middleName> ANDREW </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> T000024 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Talent, Jim [R-MO] </fullName> <firstName> JIM </firstName> <lastName> TALENT </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MO </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000444 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Biden, Joseph R., Jr. [D-DE] </fullName> <firstName> JOSEPH </firstName> <lastName> BIDEN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> DE </state> <middleName> ROBINETTE </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000439 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Frist, William H. [R-TN] </fullName> <firstName> WILLIAM </firstName> <lastName> FRIST </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TN </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000059 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Santorum, Rick [R-PA] </fullName> <firstName> RICK </firstName> <lastName> SANTORUM </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> PA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000355 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. McConnell, Mitch [R-KY] </fullName> <firstName> Mitch </firstName> <lastName> McConnell </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KY </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000447 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Lott, Trent [R-MS] </fullName> <firstName> CHESTER </firstName> <lastName> LOTT </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MS </state> <middleName> TRENT </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Crime and Law Enforcement </name> </item> <item> <name> EBB Terrorism </name> </item> <item> <name> Education </name> </item> <item> <name> Elementary and secondary education </name> </item> <item> <name> Health </name> </item> <item> <name> International relief </name> </item> <item> <name> Russia </name> </item> <item> <name> School buildings </name> </item> <item> <name> Students </name> </item> <item> <name> Terrorism </name> </item> <item> <name> Victims of terrorism </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-09-09 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-09-17T21:25:09Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Condemns the terrorist attack on September 1, 2004, at School No. 1, located in Beslan, North Ossetia, Russian Federation.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Expresses condolences to the Russian people and in particular to those families who lost loved ones in the Beslan school tragedy.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Commends the efforts of the Federal Government to provide humanitarian and medical assistance to the people of the Russian Federation.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-09-09 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-09-17T21:25:20Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Condemns the terrorist attack on September 1, 2004, at School No. 1, located in Beslan, North Ossetia, Russian Federation.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Expresses condolences to the Russian people and in particular to those families who lost loved ones in the Beslan school tragedy.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Commends the efforts of the Federal Government to provide humanitarian and medical assistance to the people of the Russian Federation.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution expressing outrage at the recent terrorist atrocities in Beslan, Russian Federation, and condolences to the victims of the families. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing outrage at the recent terrorist atrocities in Beslan, Russian Federation, and condolences to the victims of the families. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing outrage at the recent terrorist atrocities in Beslan, Russian Federation, and condolences to the victims of the families. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2004-09-09T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres421ats/xml/BILLS-108sres421ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-09-09 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S9043; text as passed Senate: CR S9043; text of measure as introduced: CR S9039) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-09", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S9043; text as passed Senate: CR S9043; text of measure as introduced: CR S9039)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-09-09", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S9043; text as passed Senate: CR S9043; text of measure as introduced: CR S9039)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-09-09", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "T000024", "district": null, "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Sen. Talent, Jim [R-MO]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "TALENT", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-09", "state": "MO" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000444", "district": null, "first_name": "JOSEPH", "full_name": "Sen. Biden, Joseph R., Jr. [D-DE]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BIDEN", "middle_name": "ROBINETTE", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-09", "state": "DE" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000439", "district": null, "first_name": "WILLIAM", "full_name": "Sen. Frist, William H. [R-TN]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FRIST", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-09", "state": "TN" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000059", "district": null, "first_name": "RICK", "full_name": "Sen. Santorum, Rick [R-PA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SANTORUM", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-09", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000355", "district": null, "first_name": "Mitch", "full_name": "Sen. McConnell, Mitch [R-KY]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "McConnell", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-09", "state": "KY" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000447", "district": null, "first_name": "CHESTER", "full_name": "Sen. Lott, Trent [R-MS]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LOTT", "middle_name": "TRENT", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-09", "state": "MS" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2004-09-09", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-09", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S9043; text as passed Senate: CR S9043; text of measure as introduced: CR S9039)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 421, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "International Affairs", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "D000064", "district": null, "first_name": "THOMAS", "full_name": "Sen. Daschle, Thomas A. [D-SD]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "DASCHLE", "middle_name": "ANDREW", "party": "D", "state": "SD" } ], "subjects": [ "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Crime and Law Enforcement", "EBB Terrorism", "Education", "Elementary and secondary education", "Health", "International relief", "Russia", "School buildings", "Students", "Terrorism", "Victims of terrorism" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2004-09-09", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Condemns the terrorist attack on September 1, 2004, at School No. 1, located in Beslan, North Ossetia, Russian Federation.</p> <p> Expresses condolences to the Russian people and in particular to those families who lost loved ones in the Beslan school tragedy.</p> <p>Commends the efforts of the Federal Government to provide humanitarian and medical assistance to the people of the Russian Federation.</p>", "update_date": "2004-09-17T21:25:09Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-09-09", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Condemns the terrorist attack on September 1, 2004, at School No. 1, located in Beslan, North Ossetia, Russian Federation.</p> <p> Expresses condolences to the Russian people and in particular to those families who lost loved ones in the Beslan school tragedy.</p> <p>Commends the efforts of the Federal Government to provide humanitarian and medical assistance to the people of the Russian Federation.</p>", "update_date": "2004-09-17T21:25:20Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2004-09-09T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres421ats/xml/BILLS-108sres421ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution expressing outrage at the recent terrorist atrocities in Beslan, Russian Federation, and condolences to the victims of the families.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing outrage at the recent terrorist atrocities in Beslan, Russian Federation, and condolences to the victims of the families.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing outrage at the recent terrorist atrocities in Beslan, Russian Federation, and condolences to the victims of the families.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2021-09-29T22:08:17Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-13T17:13:48Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-09", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S9043; text as passed Senate: CR S9043; text of measure as introduced: CR S9039)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-09-09", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S9043; text as passed Senate: CR S9043; text of measure as introduced: CR S9039)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-09-09", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "D000064", "district": null, "first_name": "THOMAS", "full_name": "Sen. Daschle, Thomas A. [D-SD]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "DASCHLE", "middle_name": "ANDREW", "party": "D", "state": "SD" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "T000024", "district": null, "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Sen. Talent, Jim [R-MO]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "TALENT", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-09", "state": "MO" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000444", "district": null, "first_name": "JOSEPH", "full_name": "Sen. Biden, Joseph R., Jr. [D-DE]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BIDEN", "middle_name": "ROBINETTE", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-09", "state": "DE" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000439", "district": null, "first_name": "WILLIAM", "full_name": "Sen. Frist, William H. [R-TN]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FRIST", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-09", "state": "TN" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000059", "district": null, "first_name": "RICK", "full_name": "Sen. Santorum, Rick [R-PA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SANTORUM", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-09", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000355", "district": null, "first_name": "Mitch", "full_name": "Sen. McConnell, Mitch [R-KY]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "McConnell", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-09", "state": "KY" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000447", "district": null, "first_name": "CHESTER", "full_name": "Sen. Lott, Trent [R-MS]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LOTT", "middle_name": "TRENT", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-09", "state": "MS" } ]
International Affairs
[ "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Crime and Law Enforcement", "EBB Terrorism", "Education", "Elementary and secondary education", "Health", "International relief", "Russia", "School buildings", "Students", "Terrorism", "Victims of terrorism" ]
[ { "action_date": "2004-09-09", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Condemns the terrorist attack on September 1, 2004, at School No. 1, located in Beslan, North Ossetia, Russian Federation.</p> <p> Expresses condolences to the Russian people and in particular to those families who lost loved ones in the Beslan school tragedy.</p> <p>Commends the efforts of the Federal Government to provide humanitarian and medical assistance to the people of the Russian Federation.</p>", "update_date": "2004-09-17T21:25:09Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-09-09", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Condemns the terrorist attack on September 1, 2004, at School No. 1, located in Beslan, North Ossetia, Russian Federation.</p> <p> Expresses condolences to the Russian people and in particular to those families who lost loved ones in the Beslan school tragedy.</p> <p>Commends the efforts of the Federal Government to provide humanitarian and medical assistance to the people of the Russian Federation.</p>", "update_date": "2004-09-17T21:25:20Z", "version_code": "82" } ]
A resolution expressing outrage at the recent terrorist atrocities in Beslan, Russian Federation, and condolences to the victims of the families.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing outrage at the recent terrorist atrocities in Beslan, Russian Federation, and condolences to the victims of the families.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing outrage at the recent terrorist atrocities in Beslan, Russian Federation, and condolences to the victims of the families.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-09-09T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres421ats/xml/BILLS-108sres421ats.xml" } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-09", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S9043; text as passed Senate: CR S9043; text of measure as introduced: CR S9039)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-18 20:01:00.505
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 422 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-14T22:48:44Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:44Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2004-09-10 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Discharged from </name> <date> 2004-09-15T20:18:51Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2004-09-10T17:14:30Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-15 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (text: CR S9323) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-15 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(text: CR S9323) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-15 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S9322-9323) </text> <type> Discharge </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-15 </actionDate> <text> Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S9322-9323) </text> <type> Committee </type> <actionCode> 14500 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-10 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR S9081-9082) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-10 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> G000359 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Graham, Lindsey [R-SC] </fullName> <firstName> Lindsey </firstName> <lastName> Graham </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> SC </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> L000447 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Lott, Trent [R-MS] </fullName> <firstName> CHESTER </firstName> <lastName> LOTT </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MS </state> <middleName> TRENT </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000504 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Lugar, Richard G. [R-IN] </fullName> <firstName> RICHARD </firstName> <lastName> LUGAR </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IN </state> <middleName> GREEN </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000953 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Brownback, Sam [R-KS] </fullName> <firstName> SAM </firstName> <lastName> BROWNBACK </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KS </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000444 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Biden, Joseph R., Jr. [D-DE] </fullName> <firstName> JOSEPH </firstName> <lastName> BIDEN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> DE </state> <middleName> ROBINETTE </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000601 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Dole, Elizabeth [R-NC] </fullName> <firstName> Elizabeth </firstName> <lastName> Dole </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NC </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001141 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Sessions, Jeff [R-AL] </fullName> <firstName> Jeff </firstName> <lastName> Sessions </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AL </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000024 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Talent, Jim [R-MO] </fullName> <firstName> JIM </firstName> <lastName> TALENT </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MO </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001016 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hutchison, Kay Bailey [R-TX] </fullName> <firstName> KAY </firstName> <lastName> HUTCHISON </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TX </state> <middleName> BAILEY </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> V000126 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Voinovich, George V. [R-OH] </fullName> <firstName> GEORGE </firstName> <lastName> VOINOVICH </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OH </state> <middleName> V. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000567 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cochran, Thad [R-MS] </fullName> <firstName> Thad </firstName> <lastName> Cochran </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MS </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001141 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Miller, Zell [D-GA] </fullName> <firstName> ZELL </firstName> <lastName> MILLER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> GA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000702 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Mikulski, Barbara A. [D-MD] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> MIKULSKI </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> ANN </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000770 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Stabenow, Debbie [D-MI] </fullName> <firstName> Debbie </firstName> <lastName> Stabenow </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000059 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Santorum, Rick [R-PA] </fullName> <firstName> RICK </firstName> <lastName> SANTORUM </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> PA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000563 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Durbin, Richard J. [D-IL] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Durbin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000148 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Schumer, Charles E. [D-NY] </fullName> <firstName> Charles </firstName> <lastName> Schumer </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001066 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Bunning, Jim [R-KY] </fullName> <firstName> JIM </firstName> <lastName> BUNNING </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KY </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> A000121 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Allen, George [R-VA] </fullName> <firstName> GEORGE </firstName> <lastName> ALLEN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> F. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> A000360 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Alexander, Lamar [R-TN] </fullName> <firstName> Lamar </firstName> <lastName> Alexander </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TN </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000709 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Specter, Arlen [R-PA] </fullName> <firstName> ARLEN </firstName> <lastName> SPECTER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> PA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000590 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Pryor, Mark L. [D-AR] </fullName> <firstName> Mark </firstName> <lastName> Pryor </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AR </state> <middleName> Lunsford </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> N000032 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Nelson, Bill [D-FL] </fullName> <firstName> CLARENCE </firstName> <lastName> NELSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <middleName> WILLIAM </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-14 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000061 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Feingold, Russell D. [D-WI] </fullName> <firstName> RUSSELL </firstName> <lastName> FEINGOLD </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WI </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Black colleges </name> </item> <item> <name> Education </name> </item> <item> <name> Higher education </name> </item> <item> <name> Minorities </name> </item> <item> <name> Special weeks </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-09-10 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-10-13T20:20:03Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Expresses the sense of the Senate that the President should designate the week beginning September 12, 2004, as &amp;quot;National Historically Black Colleges and Universities Week&amp;quot;.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-09-15 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-10-13T20:20:24Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Expresses the sense of the Senate that the President should designate the week beginning September 12, 2004, as &amp;quot;National Historically Black Colleges and Universities Week&amp;quot;.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the President should designate the week beginning September 12, 2004, as "National Historically Black Colleges and Universities Week". </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the President should designate the week beginning September 12, 2004, as "National Historically Black Colleges and Universities Week". </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the President should designate the week beginning September 12, 2004, as "National Historically Black Colleges and Universities Week". </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2004-09-15T04:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2004-09-10T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres422is/xml/BILLS-108sres422is.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-09-15 </actionDate> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (text: CR S9323) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-15", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (text: CR S9323)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-09-15", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(text: CR S9323)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-15", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S9322-9323)", "type": "Discharge" }, { "action_code": "14500", "action_date": "2004-09-15", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S9322-9323)", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-10", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR S9081-9082)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-09-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2004-09-15T20:18:51Z", "name": "Discharged from" }, { "date": "2004-09-10T17:14:30Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "L000447", "district": null, "first_name": "CHESTER", "full_name": "Sen. Lott, Trent [R-MS]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LOTT", "middle_name": "TRENT", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-10", "state": "MS" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000504", "district": null, "first_name": "RICHARD", "full_name": "Sen. Lugar, Richard G. [R-IN]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LUGAR", "middle_name": "GREEN", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-10", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000953", "district": null, "first_name": "SAM", "full_name": "Sen. Brownback, Sam [R-KS]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BROWNBACK", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-10", "state": "KS" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000444", "district": null, "first_name": "JOSEPH", "full_name": "Sen. Biden, Joseph R., Jr. [D-DE]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BIDEN", "middle_name": "ROBINETTE", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-10", "state": "DE" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000601", "district": null, "first_name": "Elizabeth", "full_name": "Sen. 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Miller, Zell [D-GA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MILLER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-10", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000702", "district": null, "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Sen. Mikulski, Barbara A. [D-MD]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MIKULSKI", "middle_name": "ANN", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-10", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000770", "district": null, "first_name": "Debbie", "full_name": "Sen. Stabenow, Debbie [D-MI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Stabenow", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-10", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000059", "district": null, "first_name": "RICK", "full_name": "Sen. 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[D-WI]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "FEINGOLD", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-15", "state": "WI" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2004-09-10", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-15", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (text: CR S9323)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 422, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Commemorations", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "G000359", "district": null, "first_name": "Lindsey", "full_name": "Sen. Graham, Lindsey [R-SC]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Graham", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "SC" } ], "subjects": [ "Black colleges", "Education", "Higher education", "Minorities", "Special weeks" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2004-09-10", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Expresses the sense of the Senate that the President should designate the week beginning September 12, 2004, as &quot;National Historically Black Colleges and Universities Week&quot;.</p>", "update_date": "2004-10-13T20:20:03Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-09-15", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Expresses the sense of the Senate that the President should designate the week beginning September 12, 2004, as &quot;National Historically Black Colleges and Universities Week&quot;.</p>", "update_date": "2004-10-13T20:20:24Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2004-09-15T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2004-09-10T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres422is/xml/BILLS-108sres422is.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the President should designate the week beginning September 12, 2004, as \"National Historically Black Colleges and Universities Week\".", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the President should designate the week beginning September 12, 2004, as \"National Historically Black Colleges and Universities Week\".", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the President should designate the week beginning September 12, 2004, as \"National Historically Black Colleges and Universities Week\".", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2023-01-14T22:48:44Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-14T22:48:44Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2004-09-15T20:18:51Z", "name": "Discharged from" }, { "date": "2004-09-10T17:14:30Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-15", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (text: CR S9323)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-09-15", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(text: CR S9323)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-15", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S9322-9323)", "type": "Discharge" }, { "action_code": "14500", "action_date": "2004-09-15", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S9322-9323)", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-10", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR S9081-9082)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-09-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "G000359", "district": null, "first_name": "Lindsey", "full_name": "Sen. Graham, Lindsey [R-SC]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Graham", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "SC" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "L000447", "district": null, "first_name": "CHESTER", "full_name": "Sen. Lott, Trent [R-MS]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LOTT", "middle_name": "TRENT", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-10", "state": "MS" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000504", "district": null, "first_name": "RICHARD", "full_name": "Sen. Lugar, Richard G. [R-IN]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LUGAR", "middle_name": "GREEN", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-10", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000953", "district": null, "first_name": "SAM", "full_name": "Sen. Brownback, Sam [R-KS]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BROWNBACK", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-10", "state": "KS" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000444", "district": null, "first_name": "JOSEPH", "full_name": "Sen. 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Cochran, Thad [R-MS]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Cochran", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-10", "state": "MS" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001141", "district": null, "first_name": "ZELL", "full_name": "Sen. Miller, Zell [D-GA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MILLER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-10", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000702", "district": null, "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Sen. Mikulski, Barbara A. [D-MD]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MIKULSKI", "middle_name": "ANN", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-10", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000770", "district": null, "first_name": "Debbie", "full_name": "Sen. 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[D-NY]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Schumer", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-10", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001066", "district": null, "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Sen. Bunning, Jim [R-KY]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BUNNING", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-10", "state": "KY" }, { "bioguide_id": "A000121", "district": null, "first_name": "GEORGE", "full_name": "Sen. Allen, George [R-VA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ALLEN", "middle_name": "F.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-10", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "A000360", "district": null, "first_name": "Lamar", "full_name": "Sen. Alexander, Lamar [R-TN]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Alexander", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-10", "state": "TN" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000709", "district": null, "first_name": "ARLEN", "full_name": "Sen. Specter, Arlen [R-PA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SPECTER", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-10", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000590", "district": null, "first_name": "Mark", "full_name": "Sen. Pryor, Mark L. [D-AR]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Pryor", "middle_name": "Lunsford", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-13", "state": "AR" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000032", "district": null, "first_name": "CLARENCE", "full_name": "Sen. Nelson, Bill [D-FL]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "NELSON", "middle_name": "WILLIAM", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-14", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000061", "district": null, "first_name": "RUSSELL", "full_name": "Sen. Feingold, Russell D. [D-WI]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "FEINGOLD", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-15", "state": "WI" } ]
[ "Black colleges", "Education", "Higher education", "Minorities", "Special weeks" ]
[ { "action_date": "2004-09-10", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Expresses the sense of the Senate that the President should designate the week beginning September 12, 2004, as &quot;National Historically Black Colleges and Universities Week&quot;.</p>", "update_date": "2004-10-13T20:20:03Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-09-15", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Expresses the sense of the Senate that the President should designate the week beginning September 12, 2004, as &quot;National Historically Black Colleges and Universities Week&quot;.</p>", "update_date": "2004-10-13T20:20:24Z", "version_code": "82" } ]
A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the President should designate the week beginning September 12, 2004, as "National Historically Black Colleges and Universities Week".
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the President should designate the week beginning September 12, 2004, as \"National Historically Black Colleges and Universities Week\".", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the President should designate the week beginning September 12, 2004, as \"National Historically Black Colleges and Universities Week\".", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-09-15T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2004-09-10T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres422is/xml/BILLS-108sres422is.xml" } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-15", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (text: CR S9323)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-18 20:02:00.240
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 423 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-14T22:48:44Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:44Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2004-09-10 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> slia00 </systemCode> <name> Indian Affairs Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Other </type> <activities> <item> <name> Discharged from </name> <date> 2004-11-18T23:40:51Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2004-09-10T18:48:03Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-11-18 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (text: CR S11507-11508) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-11-18 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(text: CR S11507-11508) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-11-18 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> slia00 </systemCode> <name> Indian Affairs Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Senate Committee on Indian Affairs discharged by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11507-11508) </text> <type> Discharge </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-11-18 </actionDate> <text> Senate Committee on Indian Affairs discharged by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S11507-11508) </text> <type> Committee </type> <actionCode> 14500 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> slia00 </systemCode> <name> Indian Affairs Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-10 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> slia00 </systemCode> <name> Indian Affairs Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs. (text of measure as introduced: CR S9082) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-10 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> I000024 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Inhofe, James M. [R-OK] </fullName> <firstName> Jim </firstName> <lastName> Inhofe </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OK </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Education </name> </item> <item> <name> Elementary and secondary education </name> </item> <item> <name> Elementary education </name> </item> <item> <name> Minorities </name> </item> <item> <name> Minority education </name> </item> <item> <name> Native Americans </name> </item> <item> <name> Oklahoma </name> </item> <item> <name> School administration </name> </item> <item> <name> School personnel </name> </item> <item> <name> Secondary education </name> </item> <item> <name> Teachers </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-09-10 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-10-15T21:31:04Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Commends Mrs. Inez Sitter (associated with the Jones Academy of Hartshorne, Oklahoma, which is operated by the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma) for her outstanding service to the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, the State of Oklahoma, and the United States.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-11-18 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2005-01-21T17:25:21Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Commends Mrs. Inez Sitter (associated with the Jones Academy of Hartshorne, Oklahoma, which is operated by the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma) for her outstanding service to the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, the State of Oklahoma, and the United States.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution commending Inez Sitter for her service to the United States. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution commending Inez Sitter for her service to the United States. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution commending Inez Sitter for her service to the United States. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2004-11-18T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2004-09-10T04:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-11-18 </actionDate> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (text: CR S11507-11508) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (text: CR S11507-11508)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-11-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(text: CR S11507-11508)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-18", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Indian Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "slia00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Senate Committee on Indian Affairs discharged by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11507-11508)", "type": "Discharge" }, { "action_code": "14500", "action_date": "2004-11-18", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Indian Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "slia00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate Committee on Indian Affairs discharged by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S11507-11508)", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-10", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Indian Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "slia00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs. (text of measure as introduced: CR S9082)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-09-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2004-11-18T23:40:51Z", "name": "Discharged from" }, { "date": "2004-09-10T18:48:03Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Indian Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "slia00", "type": "Other" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2004-09-10", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-18", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (text: CR S11507-11508)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 423, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Commemorations", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "I000024", "district": null, "first_name": "Jim", "full_name": "Sen. Inhofe, James M. [R-OK]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Inhofe", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "OK" } ], "subjects": [ "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Education", "Elementary and secondary education", "Elementary education", "Minorities", "Minority education", "Native Americans", "Oklahoma", "School administration", "School personnel", "Secondary education", "Teachers" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2004-09-10", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Commends Mrs. Inez Sitter (associated with the Jones Academy of Hartshorne, Oklahoma, which is operated by the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma) for her outstanding service to the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, the State of Oklahoma, and the United States.</p>", "update_date": "2004-10-15T21:31:04Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-11-18", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Commends Mrs. Inez Sitter (associated with the Jones Academy of Hartshorne, Oklahoma, which is operated by the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma) for her outstanding service to the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, the State of Oklahoma, and the United States.</p>", "update_date": "2005-01-21T17:25:21Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2004-11-18T05:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2004-09-10T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": null } ], "title": "A resolution commending Inez Sitter for her service to the United States.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution commending Inez Sitter for her service to the United States.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution commending Inez Sitter for her service to the United States.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2023-01-14T22:48:44Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-14T22:48:44Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2004-11-18T23:40:51Z", "name": "Discharged from" }, { "date": "2004-09-10T18:48:03Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Indian Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "slia00", "type": "Other" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (text: CR S11507-11508)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-11-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(text: CR S11507-11508)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-18", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Indian Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "slia00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Senate Committee on Indian Affairs discharged by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11507-11508)", "type": "Discharge" }, { "action_code": "14500", "action_date": "2004-11-18", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Indian Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "slia00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate Committee on Indian Affairs discharged by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S11507-11508)", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-10", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Indian Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "slia00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs. (text of measure as introduced: CR S9082)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-09-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "I000024", "district": null, "first_name": "Jim", "full_name": "Sen. Inhofe, James M. [R-OK]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Inhofe", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "OK" } ]
[ "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Education", "Elementary and secondary education", "Elementary education", "Minorities", "Minority education", "Native Americans", "Oklahoma", "School administration", "School personnel", "Secondary education", "Teachers" ]
[ { "action_date": "2004-09-10", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Commends Mrs. Inez Sitter (associated with the Jones Academy of Hartshorne, Oklahoma, which is operated by the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma) for her outstanding service to the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, the State of Oklahoma, and the United States.</p>", "update_date": "2004-10-15T21:31:04Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-11-18", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Commends Mrs. Inez Sitter (associated with the Jones Academy of Hartshorne, Oklahoma, which is operated by the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma) for her outstanding service to the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, the State of Oklahoma, and the United States.</p>", "update_date": "2005-01-21T17:25:21Z", "version_code": "82" } ]
A resolution commending Inez Sitter for her service to the United States.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution commending Inez Sitter for her service to the United States.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution commending Inez Sitter for her service to the United States.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-11-18T05:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2004-09-10T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-18", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (text: CR S11507-11508)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-18 20:02:00.169
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 424 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-14T22:48:44Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:44Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2004-09-14 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Reported by </name> <date> 2004-09-30T20:09:04Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Markup by </name> <date> 2004-09-30T17:49:56Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2004-09-14T16:01:24Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-05 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S10460; text as passed Senate: CR S10460) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-05 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S10460; text as passed Senate: CR S10460) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-30 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 479. </text> <type> Calendars </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-30 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Committee on the Judiciary. Reported by Senator Hatch without amendment and with a preamble. Without written report. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-30 </actionDate> <text> Committee on the Judiciary. Reported by Senator Hatch without amendment and with a preamble. Without written report. </text> <type> Committee </type> <actionCode> 14000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-30 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Committee on the Judiciary. Ordered to be reported without amendment favorably. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-14 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR S9231) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-14 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> C000858 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Craig, Larry E. [R-ID] </fullName> <firstName> LARRY </firstName> <lastName> CRAIG </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ID </state> <middleName> EDWIN </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> B000780 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Breaux, John B. [D-LA] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> BREAUX </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> LA </state> <middleName> BERLINGER </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-20 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000442 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Fitzgerald, Peter [R-IL] </fullName> <firstName> PETER </firstName> <lastName> FITZGERALD </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IL </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-20 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000261 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Levin, Carl [D-MI] </fullName> <firstName> CARL </firstName> <lastName> LEVIN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <middleName> MILTON </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-20 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000779 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Wyden, Ron [D-OR] </fullName> <firstName> Ron </firstName> <lastName> Wyden </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OR </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-20 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000294 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. DeWine, Mike [R-OH] </fullName> <firstName> MICHAEL </firstName> <lastName> DEWINE </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-20 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000062 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA] </fullName> <firstName> Dianne </firstName> <lastName> Feinstein </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-20 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001028 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hagel, Chuck [R-NE] </fullName> <firstName> CHUCK </firstName> <lastName> HAGEL </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NE </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-21 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000702 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Mikulski, Barbara A. [D-MD] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> MIKULSKI </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> ANN </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-21 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000567 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cochran, Thad [R-MS] </fullName> <firstName> Thad </firstName> <lastName> Cochran </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MS </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-21 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001142 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Smith, Gordon H. [R-OR] </fullName> <firstName> GORDON </firstName> <lastName> SMITH </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OR </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-21 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001111 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Murray, Patty [D-WA] </fullName> <firstName> Patty </firstName> <lastName> Murray </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-21 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001233 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Bayh, Evan [D-IN] </fullName> <firstName> EVAN </firstName> <lastName> BAYH </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IN </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-21 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001126 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Burns, Conrad R. [R-MT] </fullName> <firstName> CONRAD </firstName> <lastName> BURNS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MT </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-21 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000077 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Campbell, Ben Nighthorse [R-CO] </fullName> <firstName> BEN </firstName> <lastName> CAMPBELL </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CO </state> <middleName> NIGHTHORSE </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-22 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001066 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Bunning, Jim [R-KY] </fullName> <firstName> JIM </firstName> <lastName> BUNNING </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KY </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-22 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000305 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Kohl, Herb [D-WI] </fullName> <firstName> HERBERT </firstName> <lastName> KOHL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WI </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-22 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001210 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Byrd, Robert C. [D-WV] </fullName> <firstName> ROBERT </firstName> <lastName> BYRD </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WV </state> <middleName> CARLYLE </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-22 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001141 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Sessions, Jeff [R-AL] </fullName> <firstName> Jeff </firstName> <lastName> Sessions </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AL </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-22 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000338 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hatch, Orrin G. [R-UT] </fullName> <firstName> ORRIN </firstName> <lastName> HATCH </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> UT </state> <middleName> GRANT </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000770 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Stabenow, Debbie [D-MI] </fullName> <firstName> Debbie </firstName> <lastName> Stabenow </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Commerce </name> </item> <item> <name> Computer crimes </name> </item> <item> <name> Crime and Law Enforcement </name> </item> <item> <name> Crime prevention </name> </item> <item> <name> Crimes against the elderly </name> </item> <item> <name> Fraud </name> </item> <item> <name> Identity theft </name> </item> <item> <name> Internet </name> </item> <item> <name> Science, Technology, Communications </name> </item> <item> <name> Social Welfare </name> </item> <item> <name> Special months </name> </item> <item> <name> Telemarketing </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-09-14 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-10-01T20:46:46Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Designates October 2004 as Protecting Older Americans From Fraud Month.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Requests that the President issue a proclamation calling on the people of the United States to observe the month with appropriate activities and programs that: (1) prevent the purveyors of telemarketing, mail, Internet, and identity fraud from victimizing the people of the United States; and (2) educate and inform the public, older Americans, their families, and their caregivers about a number of financial crimes, such as telemarketing, mail, Internet, and identity fraud.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 80 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-09-30 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Reported to Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-10-01T20:47:25Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Designates October 2004 as Protecting Older Americans From Fraud Month.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Requests that the President issue a proclamation calling on the people of the United States to observe the month with appropriate activities and programs that: (1) prevent the purveyors of telemarketing, mail, Internet, and identity fraud from victimizing the people of the United States; and (2) educate and inform the public, older Americans, their families, and their caregivers about a number of financial crimes, such as telemarketing, mail, Internet, and identity fraud.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-10-05 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-10-08T18:10:37Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Designates October 2004 as Protecting Older Americans From Fraud Month.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Requests that the President issue a proclamation calling on the people of the United States to observe the month with appropriate activities and programs that: (1) prevent the purveyors of telemarketing, mail, Internet, and identity fraud from victimizing the people of the United States; and (2) educate and inform the public, older Americans, their families, and their caregivers about a number of financial crimes, such as telemarketing, mail, Internet, and identity fraud.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution designating October 2004 as "Protecting Older Americans From Fraud Month". </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution designating October 2004 as "Protecting Older Americans From Fraud Month". </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution designating October 2004 as "Protecting Older Americans From Fraud Month". </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2004-10-05T04:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Reported to Senate </type> <date> 2004-09-30T04:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2004-09-14T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres424is/xml/BILLS-108sres424is.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-10-05 </actionDate> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S10460; text as passed Senate: CR S10460) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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Calendar No. 479.", "type": "Calendars" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-30", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Committee on the Judiciary. Reported by Senator Hatch without amendment and with a preamble. Without written report.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "14000", "action_date": "2004-09-30", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Committee on the Judiciary. Reported by Senator Hatch without amendment and with a preamble. 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For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2004-09-14", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-05", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S10460; text as passed Senate: CR S10460)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 424, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Commemorations", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "C000858", "district": null, "first_name": "LARRY", "full_name": "Sen. Craig, Larry E. 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The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Designates October 2004 as Protecting Older Americans From Fraud Month.</p> <p>Requests that the President issue a proclamation calling on the people of the United States to observe the month with appropriate activities and programs that: (1) prevent the purveyors of telemarketing, mail, Internet, and identity fraud from victimizing the people of the United States; and (2) educate and inform the public, older Americans, their families, and their caregivers about a number of financial crimes, such as telemarketing, mail, Internet, and identity fraud.</p>", "update_date": "2004-10-01T20:47:25Z", "version_code": "80" }, { "action_date": "2004-10-05", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Designates October 2004 as Protecting Older Americans From Fraud Month.</p> <p>Requests that the President issue a proclamation calling on the people of the United States to observe the month with appropriate activities and programs that: (1) prevent the purveyors of telemarketing, mail, Internet, and identity fraud from victimizing the people of the United States; and (2) educate and inform the public, older Americans, their families, and their caregivers about a number of financial crimes, such as telemarketing, mail, Internet, and identity fraud.</p>", "update_date": "2004-10-08T18:10:37Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2004-10-05T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2004-09-30T04:00:00Z", "type": "Reported to Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2004-09-14T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres424is/xml/BILLS-108sres424is.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution designating October 2004 as \"Protecting Older Americans From Fraud Month\".", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating October 2004 as \"Protecting Older Americans From Fraud Month\".", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating October 2004 as \"Protecting Older Americans From Fraud Month\".", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2023-01-14T22:48:44Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-14T22:48:44Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2004-09-30T20:09:04Z", "name": "Reported by" }, { "date": "2004-09-30T17:49:56Z", "name": "Markup by" }, { "date": "2004-09-14T16:01:24Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-05", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S10460; text as passed Senate: CR S10460)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-10-05", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S10460; text as passed Senate: CR S10460)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-30", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 479.", "type": "Calendars" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-30", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Committee on the Judiciary. Reported by Senator Hatch without amendment and with a preamble. Without written report.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "14000", "action_date": "2004-09-30", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Committee on the Judiciary. Reported by Senator Hatch without amendment and with a preamble. Without written report.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-30", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Committee on the Judiciary. Ordered to be reported without amendment favorably.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-14", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR S9231)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-09-14", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "C000858", "district": null, "first_name": "LARRY", "full_name": "Sen. Craig, Larry E. [R-ID]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "CRAIG", "middle_name": "EDWIN", "party": "R", "state": "ID" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "B000780", "district": null, "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Sen. Breaux, John B. [D-LA]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BREAUX", "middle_name": "BERLINGER", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-20", "state": "LA" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000442", "district": null, "first_name": "PETER", "full_name": "Sen. Fitzgerald, Peter [R-IL]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "FITZGERALD", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-20", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000261", "district": null, "first_name": "CARL", "full_name": "Sen. Levin, Carl [D-MI]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LEVIN", "middle_name": "MILTON", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-20", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000779", "district": null, "first_name": "Ron", "full_name": "Sen. 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[D-WV]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BYRD", "middle_name": "CARLYLE", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-22", "state": "WV" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001141", "district": null, "first_name": "Jeff", "full_name": "Sen. Sessions, Jeff [R-AL]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Sessions", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-22", "state": "AL" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000338", "district": null, "first_name": "ORRIN", "full_name": "Sen. Hatch, Orrin G. [R-UT]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HATCH", "middle_name": "GRANT", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-27", "state": "UT" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000770", "district": null, "first_name": "Debbie", "full_name": "Sen. Stabenow, Debbie [D-MI]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Stabenow", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-29", "state": "MI" } ]
[ "Commerce", "Computer crimes", "Crime and Law Enforcement", "Crime prevention", "Crimes against the elderly", "Fraud", "Identity theft", "Internet", "Science, Technology, Communications", "Social Welfare", "Special months", "Telemarketing" ]
[ { "action_date": "2004-09-14", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Designates October 2004 as Protecting Older Americans From Fraud Month.</p> <p>Requests that the President issue a proclamation calling on the people of the United States to observe the month with appropriate activities and programs that: (1) prevent the purveyors of telemarketing, mail, Internet, and identity fraud from victimizing the people of the United States; and (2) educate and inform the public, older Americans, their families, and their caregivers about a number of financial crimes, such as telemarketing, mail, Internet, and identity fraud.</p>", "update_date": "2004-10-01T20:46:46Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-09-30", "action_desc": "Reported to Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Designates October 2004 as Protecting Older Americans From Fraud Month.</p> <p>Requests that the President issue a proclamation calling on the people of the United States to observe the month with appropriate activities and programs that: (1) prevent the purveyors of telemarketing, mail, Internet, and identity fraud from victimizing the people of the United States; and (2) educate and inform the public, older Americans, their families, and their caregivers about a number of financial crimes, such as telemarketing, mail, Internet, and identity fraud.</p>", "update_date": "2004-10-01T20:47:25Z", "version_code": "80" }, { "action_date": "2004-10-05", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Designates October 2004 as Protecting Older Americans From Fraud Month.</p> <p>Requests that the President issue a proclamation calling on the people of the United States to observe the month with appropriate activities and programs that: (1) prevent the purveyors of telemarketing, mail, Internet, and identity fraud from victimizing the people of the United States; and (2) educate and inform the public, older Americans, their families, and their caregivers about a number of financial crimes, such as telemarketing, mail, Internet, and identity fraud.</p>", "update_date": "2004-10-08T18:10:37Z", "version_code": "82" } ]
A resolution designating October 2004 as "Protecting Older Americans From Fraud Month".
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating October 2004 as \"Protecting Older Americans From Fraud Month\".", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating October 2004 as \"Protecting Older Americans From Fraud Month\".", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-10-05T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2004-09-30T04:00:00Z", "type": "Reported to Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2004-09-14T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres424is/xml/BILLS-108sres424is.xml" } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-05", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S10460; text as passed Senate: CR S10460)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-18 15:30:00.578
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 425 </number> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T05:36:35Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-13T17:13:47Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2004-09-14 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <relatedBills> <item> <title> Honoring former President William Jefferson Clinton on the occasion of his 58th birthday. </title> <congress> 108 </congress> <number> 717 </number> <type> HRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-09-13 </actionDate> <text> Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection. </text> <actionTime> 15:44:18 </actionTime> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-14 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S9231, S9237-9238; text of measure as introduced: CR S9231) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-14 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S9231, S9237-9238; text of measure as introduced: CR S9231) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-14 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> D000064 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Daschle, Thomas A. [D-SD] </fullName> <firstName> THOMAS </firstName> <lastName> DASCHLE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> SD </state> <middleName> ANDREW </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> R000146 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Reid, Harry [D-NV] </fullName> <firstName> HARRY </firstName> <lastName> REID </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NV </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-14 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Anniversaries </name> </item> <item> <name> Clinton Administration </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Ex-presidents </name> </item> <item> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-09-14 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-10-20T17:53:05Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Honors former President William Jefferson Clinton on the occasion of his 58th birthday on August 19, 2004, and extends best wishes to him and his family.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-09-14 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-10-20T17:54:51Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Honors former President William Jefferson Clinton on the occasion of his 58th birthday on August 19, 2004, and extends best wishes to him and his family.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution honoring former President William Jefferson Clinton on the occasion of his 58th birthday. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution honoring former President William Jefferson Clinton on the occasion of his 58th birthday. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution honoring former President William Jefferson Clinton on the occasion of his 58th birthday. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2004-09-14T04:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-09-14 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S9231, S9237-9238; text of measure as introduced: CR S9231) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-14", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S9231, S9237-9238; text of measure as introduced: CR S9231)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-09-14", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S9231, S9237-9238; text of measure as introduced: CR S9231)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-09-14", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "R000146", "district": null, "first_name": "HARRY", "full_name": "Sen. Reid, Harry [D-NV]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "REID", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-14", "state": "NV" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2004-09-14", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-14", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S9231, S9237-9238; text of measure as introduced: CR S9231)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 425, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Commemorations", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 108, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-13", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": null }, "number": 717, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "Honoring former President William Jefferson Clinton on the occasion of his 58th birthday.", "type": "HRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "D000064", "district": null, "first_name": "THOMAS", "full_name": "Sen. Daschle, Thomas A. [D-SD]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "DASCHLE", "middle_name": "ANDREW", "party": "D", "state": "SD" } ], "subjects": [ "Anniversaries", "Clinton Administration", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Ex-presidents", "Government Operations and Politics" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2004-09-14", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Honors former President William Jefferson Clinton on the occasion of his 58th birthday on August 19, 2004, and extends best wishes to him and his family.</p>", "update_date": "2004-10-20T17:53:05Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-09-14", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Honors former President William Jefferson Clinton on the occasion of his 58th birthday on August 19, 2004, and extends best wishes to him and his family.</p>", "update_date": "2004-10-20T17:54:51Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2004-09-14T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": null } ], "title": "A resolution honoring former President William Jefferson Clinton on the occasion of his 58th birthday.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution honoring former President William Jefferson Clinton on the occasion of his 58th birthday.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution honoring former President William Jefferson Clinton on the occasion of his 58th birthday.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2022-02-03T05:36:35Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-13T17:13:47Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "congress": 108, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-13", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": null }, "number": 717, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "Honoring former President William Jefferson Clinton on the occasion of his 58th birthday.", "type": "HRES" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-14", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S9231, S9237-9238; text of measure as introduced: CR S9231)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-09-14", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S9231, S9237-9238; text of measure as introduced: CR S9231)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-09-14", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "D000064", "district": null, "first_name": "THOMAS", "full_name": "Sen. Daschle, Thomas A. [D-SD]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "DASCHLE", "middle_name": "ANDREW", "party": "D", "state": "SD" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "R000146", "district": null, "first_name": "HARRY", "full_name": "Sen. Reid, Harry [D-NV]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "REID", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-14", "state": "NV" } ]
[ "Anniversaries", "Clinton Administration", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Ex-presidents", "Government Operations and Politics" ]
[ { "action_date": "2004-09-14", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Honors former President William Jefferson Clinton on the occasion of his 58th birthday on August 19, 2004, and extends best wishes to him and his family.</p>", "update_date": "2004-10-20T17:53:05Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-09-14", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Honors former President William Jefferson Clinton on the occasion of his 58th birthday on August 19, 2004, and extends best wishes to him and his family.</p>", "update_date": "2004-10-20T17:54:51Z", "version_code": "82" } ]
A resolution honoring former President William Jefferson Clinton on the occasion of his 58th birthday.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution honoring former President William Jefferson Clinton on the occasion of his 58th birthday.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution honoring former President William Jefferson Clinton on the occasion of his 58th birthday.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-09-14T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-14", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S9231, S9237-9238; text of measure as introduced: CR S9231)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-18 14:51:00.646
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 426 </number> <updateDate> 2021-09-29T22:08:18Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-13T17:13:47Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2004-09-15 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-15 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S9321-9322; text as passed Senate; text of measure as introduced: CR S9322) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-15 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S9321-9322; text as passed Senate; text of measure as introduced: CR S9322) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-15 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> S000064 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Sarbanes, Paul S. [D-MD] </fullName> <firstName> PAUL </firstName> <lastName> SARBANES </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> SPYROS </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> M000702 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Mikulski, Barbara A. [D-MD] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> MIKULSKI </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> ANN </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Athletes </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Europe </name> </item> <item> <name> Greece </name> </item> <item> <name> International Affairs </name> </item> <item> <name> Maryland </name> </item> <item> <name> Olympic games </name> </item> <item> <name> Sports and Recreation </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-09-15 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-10-18T14:51:31Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Commends Maryland's Olympians on their accomplishments at the 2004 Summer Olympic Games in Athens, Greece.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-09-15 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-10-18T14:50:20Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Commends Maryland's Olympians on their accomplishments at the 2004 Summer Olympic Games in Athens, Greece.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution commending Maryland's Olympians on their accomplishments at the 2004 Summer Olympic Games in Athens, Greece. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution commending Maryland's Olympians on their accomplishments at the 2004 Summer Olympic Games in Athens, Greece. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution commending Maryland's Olympians on their accomplishments at the 2004 Summer Olympic Games in Athens, Greece. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2004-09-15T04:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-09-15 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S9321-9322; text as passed Senate; text of measure as introduced: CR S9322) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-15", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S9321-9322; text as passed Senate; text of measure as introduced: CR S9322)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-09-15", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S9321-9322; text as passed Senate; text of measure as introduced: CR S9322)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-09-15", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "M000702", "district": null, "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Sen. Mikulski, Barbara A. [D-MD]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MIKULSKI", "middle_name": "ANN", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-15", "state": "MD" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2004-09-15", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-15", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S9321-9322; text as passed Senate; text of measure as introduced: CR S9322)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 426, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Commemorations", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "S000064", "district": null, "first_name": "PAUL", "full_name": "Sen. Sarbanes, Paul S. [D-MD]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "SARBANES", "middle_name": "SPYROS", "party": "D", "state": "MD" } ], "subjects": [ "Athletes", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Europe", "Greece", "International Affairs", "Maryland", "Olympic games", "Sports and Recreation" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2004-09-15", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Commends Maryland's Olympians on their accomplishments at the 2004 Summer Olympic Games in Athens, Greece.</p>", "update_date": "2004-10-18T14:51:31Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-09-15", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Commends Maryland's Olympians on their accomplishments at the 2004 Summer Olympic Games in Athens, Greece.</p>", "update_date": "2004-10-18T14:50:20Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2004-09-15T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": null } ], "title": "A resolution commending Maryland's Olympians on their accomplishments at the 2004 Summer Olympic Games in Athens, Greece.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution commending Maryland's Olympians on their accomplishments at the 2004 Summer Olympic Games in Athens, Greece.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution commending Maryland's Olympians on their accomplishments at the 2004 Summer Olympic Games in Athens, Greece.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2021-09-29T22:08:18Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-13T17:13:47Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-15", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S9321-9322; text as passed Senate; text of measure as introduced: CR S9322)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-09-15", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S9321-9322; text as passed Senate; text of measure as introduced: CR S9322)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-09-15", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "S000064", "district": null, "first_name": "PAUL", "full_name": "Sen. Sarbanes, Paul S. [D-MD]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "SARBANES", "middle_name": "SPYROS", "party": "D", "state": "MD" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "M000702", "district": null, "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Sen. Mikulski, Barbara A. [D-MD]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MIKULSKI", "middle_name": "ANN", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-15", "state": "MD" } ]
[ "Athletes", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Europe", "Greece", "International Affairs", "Maryland", "Olympic games", "Sports and Recreation" ]
[ { "action_date": "2004-09-15", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Commends Maryland's Olympians on their accomplishments at the 2004 Summer Olympic Games in Athens, Greece.</p>", "update_date": "2004-10-18T14:51:31Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-09-15", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Commends Maryland's Olympians on their accomplishments at the 2004 Summer Olympic Games in Athens, Greece.</p>", "update_date": "2004-10-18T14:50:20Z", "version_code": "82" } ]
A resolution commending Maryland's Olympians on their accomplishments at the 2004 Summer Olympic Games in Athens, Greece.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution commending Maryland's Olympians on their accomplishments at the 2004 Summer Olympic Games in Athens, Greece.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution commending Maryland's Olympians on their accomplishments at the 2004 Summer Olympic Games in Athens, Greece.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-09-15T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-15", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S9321-9322; text as passed Senate; text of measure as introduced: CR S9322)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-18 20:02:00.112
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 427 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-14T22:48:44Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:44Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2004-09-15 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> sscm00 </systemCode> <name> Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Discharged from </name> <date> 2004-09-24T01:48:48Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2004-09-15T19:30:11Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-23 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (text: CR 9/24/2004 S9652-9653) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-23 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(text: CR 9/24/2004 S9652-9653) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-23 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> sscm00 </systemCode> <name> Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation discharged by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 9/24/2004 S9652-9653) </text> <type> Discharge </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-23 </actionDate> <text> Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation discharged by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR 9/24/2004 S9652-9653) </text> <type> Committee </type> <actionCode> 14500 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> sscm00 </systemCode> <name> Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-15 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> sscm00 </systemCode> <name> Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. (text of measure as introduced: CR S9289) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-15 </actionDate> <text> Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> B00100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-15 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> S000064 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Sarbanes, Paul S. [D-MD] </fullName> <firstName> PAUL </firstName> <lastName> SARBANES </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> SPYROS </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> S000663 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Snowe, Olympia J. [R-ME] </fullName> <firstName> Olympia </firstName> <lastName> Snowe </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ME </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000261 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Levin, Carl [D-MI] </fullName> <firstName> CARL </firstName> <lastName> LEVIN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <middleName> MILTON </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000444 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Biden, Joseph R., Jr. [D-DE] </fullName> <firstName> JOSEPH </firstName> <lastName> BIDEN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> DE </state> <middleName> ROBINETTE </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000780 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Breaux, John B. [D-LA] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> BREAUX </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> LA </state> <middleName> BERLINGER </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000148 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Schumer, Charles E. [D-NY] </fullName> <firstName> Charles </firstName> <lastName> Schumer </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000779 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Wyden, Ron [D-OR] </fullName> <firstName> Ron </firstName> <lastName> Wyden </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OR </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001042 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Corzine, Jon S. [D-NJ] </fullName> <firstName> JON </firstName> <lastName> CORZINE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <middleName> S. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000504 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Lugar, Richard G. [R-IN] </fullName> <firstName> RICHARD </firstName> <lastName> LUGAR </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IN </state> <middleName> GREEN </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000064 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Daschle, Thomas A. [D-SD] </fullName> <firstName> THOMAS </firstName> <lastName> DASCHLE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> SD </state> <middleName> ANDREW </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> A000121 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Allen, George [R-VA] </fullName> <firstName> GEORGE </firstName> <lastName> ALLEN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> F. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000061 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Feingold, Russell D. [D-WI] </fullName> <firstName> RUSSELL </firstName> <lastName> FEINGOLD </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WI </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000148 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Kerry, John F. [D-MA] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> KERRY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> FORBES </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001078 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Sununu, John E. [R-NH] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Sununu </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NH </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001141 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Miller, Zell [D-GA] </fullName> <firstName> ZELL </firstName> <lastName> MILLER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> GA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001040 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Chafee, Lincoln [R-RI] </fullName> <firstName> LINCOLN </firstName> <lastName> CHAFEE </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> RI </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> V000126 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Voinovich, George V. [R-OH] </fullName> <firstName> GEORGE </firstName> <lastName> VOINOVICH </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OH </state> <middleName> V. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000432 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Dorgan, Byron L. [D-ND] </fullName> <firstName> BYRON </firstName> <lastName> DORGAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> ND </state> <middleName> LESLIE </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000123 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Lautenberg, Frank R. [D-NJ] </fullName> <firstName> FRANK </firstName> <lastName> LAUTENBERG </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000305 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Kohl, Herb [D-WI] </fullName> <firstName> HERBERT </firstName> <lastName> KOHL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WI </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000445 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Gregg, Judd [R-NH] </fullName> <firstName> Judd </firstName> <lastName> Gregg </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000596 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Dayton, Mark [D-MN] </fullName> <firstName> MARK </firstName> <lastName> DAYTON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MN </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001153 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Murkowski, Lisa [R-AK] </fullName> <firstName> Lisa </firstName> <lastName> Murkowski </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AK </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000702 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Mikulski, Barbara A. [D-MD] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> MIKULSKI </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> ANN </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001111 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Murray, Patty [D-WA] </fullName> <firstName> Patty </firstName> <lastName> Murray </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000711 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Boxer, Barbara [D-CA] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> BOXER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001041 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Clinton, Hillary Rodham [D-NY] </fullName> <firstName> HILLARY </firstName> <lastName> CLINTON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> R </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000709 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Specter, Arlen [R-PA] </fullName> <firstName> ARLEN </firstName> <lastName> SPECTER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> PA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000304 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Lieberman, Joseph I. [D-CT] </fullName> <firstName> JOSEPH </firstName> <lastName> LIEBERMAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CT </state> <middleName> I. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000122 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Reed, Jack [D-RI] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Reed </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> RI </state> <middleName> F. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000442 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Fitzgerald, Peter [R-IL] </fullName> <firstName> PETER </firstName> <lastName> FITZGERALD </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IL </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000382 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Bennett, Robert F. [R-UT] </fullName> <firstName> ROBERT </firstName> <lastName> BENNETT </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> UT </state> <middleName> F. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-20 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000388 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Dodd, Christopher J. [D-CT] </fullName> <firstName> CHRISTOPHER </firstName> <lastName> DODD </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CT </state> <middleName> JOHN </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-20 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000062 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA] </fullName> <firstName> Dianne </firstName> <lastName> Feinstein </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-20 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000770 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Stabenow, Debbie [D-MI] </fullName> <firstName> Debbie </firstName> <lastName> Stabenow </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-20 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000294 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. DeWine, Mike [R-OH] </fullName> <firstName> MICHAEL </firstName> <lastName> DEWINE </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-20 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000563 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Durbin, Richard J. [D-IL] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Durbin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-20 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000177 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Johnson, Tim [D-SD] </fullName> <firstName> TIM </firstName> <lastName> JOHNSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> SD </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-20 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000105 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Kennedy, Edward M. [D-MA] </fullName> <firstName> EDWARD </firstName> <lastName> KENNEDY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> MOORE </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-20 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001028 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hagel, Chuck [R-NE] </fullName> <firstName> CHUCK </firstName> <lastName> HAGEL </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NE </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-20 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> I000025 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Inouye, Daniel K. [D-HI] </fullName> <firstName> DANIEL </firstName> <lastName> INOUYE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> HI </state> <middleName> KEN </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-22 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Athletes </name> </item> <item> <name> Commemorations </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Crime and Law Enforcement </name> </item> <item> <name> Europe </name> </item> <item> <name> Greece </name> </item> <item> <name> International agencies </name> </item> <item> <name> Law enforcement officers </name> </item> <item> <name> Olympic games </name> </item> <item> <name> Police </name> </item> <item> <name> Social Welfare </name> </item> <item> <name> Sports and Recreation </name> </item> <item> <name> Volunteer workers </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-09-15 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-10-19T21:19:42Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Congratulates the citizens of Greece, the members of the Athens 2004 Organizing Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games, the International Olympic Committee, the U.S. Olympic Committee, the members, coaches, and officials of the 2004 U.S. Olympic Team, athletes from around the world, and the security personnel and volunteers who ensured that the 2004 Olympic Summer Games in Athens was a great success for a job well done.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-09-23 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-10-19T21:20:08Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Congratulates the citizens of Greece, the members of the Athens 2004 Organizing Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games, the International Olympic Committee, the U.S. Olympic Committee, the members, coaches, and officials of the 2004 U.S. Olympic Team, athletes from around the world, and the security personnel and volunteers who ensured that the 2004 Olympic Summer Games in Athens was a great success for a job well done.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution congratulating the citizens of Greece, the members of the Athens 2004 Organizing Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games, the International Olympic Committee, the United States Olympic Committee, the 2004 United States Olympic Team, athletes from around the world, and all the personnel who participated in the 2004 Olympic Summer Games in Athens, Greece. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution congratulating the citizens of Greece, the members of the Athens 2004 Organizing Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games, the International Olympic Committee, the United States Olympic Committee, the 2004 United States Olympic Team, athletes from around the world, and all the personnel who participated in the 2004 Olympic Summer Games in Athens, Greece. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution congratulating the citizens of Greece, the members of the Athens 2004 Organizing Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games, the International Olympic Committee, the United States Olympic Committee, the 2004 United States Olympic Team, athletes from around the world, and all the personnel who participated in the 2004 Olympic Summer Games in Athens, Greece. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2004-09-23T04:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2004-09-15T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres427is/xml/BILLS-108sres427is.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-09-23 </actionDate> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (text: CR 9/24/2004 S9652-9653) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-23", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (text: CR 9/24/2004 S9652-9653)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-09-23", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(text: CR 9/24/2004 S9652-9653)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-23", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "sscm00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation discharged by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 9/24/2004 S9652-9653)", "type": "Discharge" }, { "action_code": "14500", "action_date": "2004-09-23", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "sscm00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation discharged by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR 9/24/2004 S9652-9653)", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-15", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "sscm00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. (text of measure as introduced: CR S9289)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "B00100", "action_date": "2004-09-15", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Sponsor introductory remarks on measure.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-09-15", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2004-09-24T01:48:48Z", "name": "Discharged from" }, { "date": "2004-09-15T19:30:11Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "sscm00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "S000663", "district": null, "first_name": "Olympia", "full_name": "Sen. Snowe, Olympia J. [R-ME]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Snowe", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-15", "state": "ME" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000261", "district": null, "first_name": "CARL", "full_name": "Sen. Levin, Carl [D-MI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LEVIN", "middle_name": "MILTON", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-15", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000444", "district": null, "first_name": "JOSEPH", "full_name": "Sen. Biden, Joseph R., Jr. [D-DE]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BIDEN", "middle_name": "ROBINETTE", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-15", "state": "DE" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000780", "district": null, "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Sen. Breaux, John B. [D-LA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BREAUX", "middle_name": "BERLINGER", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-15", "state": "LA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000148", "district": null, "first_name": "Charles", "full_name": "Sen. Schumer, Charles E. [D-NY]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Schumer", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-15", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000779", "district": null, "first_name": "Ron", "full_name": "Sen. Wyden, Ron [D-OR]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Wyden", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-15", "state": "OR" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001042", "district": null, "first_name": "JON", "full_name": "Sen. Corzine, Jon S. [D-NJ]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CORZINE", "middle_name": "S.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-15", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000504", "district": null, "first_name": "RICHARD", "full_name": "Sen. Lugar, Richard G. [R-IN]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LUGAR", "middle_name": "GREEN", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-15", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000064", "district": null, "first_name": "THOMAS", "full_name": "Sen. Daschle, Thomas A. [D-SD]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DASCHLE", "middle_name": "ANDREW", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-15", "state": "SD" }, { "bioguide_id": "A000121", "district": null, "first_name": "GEORGE", "full_name": "Sen. Allen, George [R-VA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ALLEN", "middle_name": "F.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-15", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000061", "district": null, "first_name": "RUSSELL", "full_name": "Sen. Feingold, Russell D. [D-WI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FEINGOLD", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-15", "state": "WI" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000148", "district": null, "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Sen. Kerry, John F. [D-MA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KERRY", "middle_name": "FORBES", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-15", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001078", "district": null, "first_name": "John", "full_name": "Sen. Sununu, John E. [R-NH]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Sununu", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-15", "state": "NH" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001141", "district": null, "first_name": "ZELL", "full_name": "Sen. Miller, Zell [D-GA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MILLER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-15", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001040", "district": null, "first_name": "LINCOLN", "full_name": "Sen. Chafee, Lincoln [R-RI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CHAFEE", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-15", "state": "RI" }, { "bioguide_id": "V000126", "district": null, "first_name": "GEORGE", "full_name": "Sen. Voinovich, George V. [R-OH]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "VOINOVICH", "middle_name": "V.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-15", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000432", "district": null, "first_name": "BYRON", "full_name": "Sen. Dorgan, Byron L. [D-ND]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DORGAN", "middle_name": "LESLIE", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-15", "state": "ND" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000123", "district": null, "first_name": "FRANK", "full_name": "Sen. Lautenberg, Frank R. [D-NJ]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LAUTENBERG", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-15", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000305", "district": null, "first_name": "HERBERT", "full_name": "Sen. Kohl, Herb [D-WI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KOHL", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-15", "state": "WI" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000445", "district": null, "first_name": "Judd", "full_name": "Sen. Gregg, Judd [R-NH]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Gregg", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-15", "state": "NH" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000596", "district": null, "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Sen. Dayton, Mark [D-MN]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DAYTON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-15", "state": "MN" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001153", "district": null, "first_name": "Lisa", "full_name": "Sen. Murkowski, Lisa [R-AK]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Murkowski", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-15", "state": "AK" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000702", "district": null, "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Sen. Mikulski, Barbara A. [D-MD]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MIKULSKI", "middle_name": "ANN", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-15", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001111", "district": null, "first_name": "Patty", "full_name": "Sen. Murray, Patty [D-WA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Murray", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-15", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000711", "district": null, "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Sen. Boxer, Barbara [D-CA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BOXER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-15", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001041", "district": null, "first_name": "HILLARY", "full_name": "Sen. Clinton, Hillary Rodham [D-NY]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CLINTON", "middle_name": "R", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-15", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000709", "district": null, "first_name": "ARLEN", "full_name": "Sen. Specter, Arlen [R-PA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SPECTER", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-15", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000304", "district": null, "first_name": "JOSEPH", "full_name": "Sen. Lieberman, Joseph I. [D-CT]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LIEBERMAN", "middle_name": "I.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-15", "state": "CT" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000122", "district": null, "first_name": "John", "full_name": "Sen. Reed, Jack [D-RI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Reed", "middle_name": "F.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-15", "state": "RI" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000442", "district": null, "first_name": "PETER", "full_name": "Sen. Fitzgerald, Peter [R-IL]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FITZGERALD", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-15", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000382", "district": null, "first_name": "ROBERT", "full_name": "Sen. Bennett, Robert F. [R-UT]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BENNETT", "middle_name": "F.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-20", "state": "UT" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000388", "district": null, "first_name": "CHRISTOPHER", "full_name": "Sen. Dodd, Christopher J. [D-CT]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DODD", "middle_name": "JOHN", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-20", "state": "CT" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000062", "district": null, "first_name": "Dianne", "full_name": "Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Feinstein", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-20", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000770", "district": null, "first_name": "Debbie", "full_name": "Sen. Stabenow, Debbie [D-MI]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Stabenow", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-20", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000294", "district": null, "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Sen. DeWine, Mike [R-OH]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DEWINE", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-20", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000563", "district": null, "first_name": "Richard", "full_name": "Sen. Durbin, Richard J. [D-IL]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Durbin", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-20", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000177", "district": null, "first_name": "TIM", "full_name": "Sen. Johnson, Tim [D-SD]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "JOHNSON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-20", "state": "SD" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000105", "district": null, "first_name": "EDWARD", "full_name": "Sen. Kennedy, Edward M. [D-MA]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "KENNEDY", "middle_name": "MOORE", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-20", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001028", "district": null, "first_name": "CHUCK", "full_name": "Sen. Hagel, Chuck [R-NE]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HAGEL", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-20", "state": "NE" }, { "bioguide_id": "I000025", "district": null, "first_name": "DANIEL", "full_name": "Sen. Inouye, Daniel K. [D-HI]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "INOUYE", "middle_name": "KEN", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-22", "state": "HI" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2004-09-15", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-23", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (text: CR 9/24/2004 S9652-9653)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 427, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "International Affairs", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "S000064", "district": null, "first_name": "PAUL", "full_name": "Sen. Sarbanes, Paul S. [D-MD]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "SARBANES", "middle_name": "SPYROS", "party": "D", "state": "MD" } ], "subjects": [ "Athletes", "Commemorations", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Crime and Law Enforcement", "Europe", "Greece", "International agencies", "Law enforcement officers", "Olympic games", "Police", "Social Welfare", "Sports and Recreation", "Volunteer workers" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2004-09-15", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Congratulates the citizens of Greece, the members of the Athens 2004 Organizing Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games, the International Olympic Committee, the U.S. Olympic Committee, the members, coaches, and officials of the 2004 U.S. Olympic Team, athletes from around the world, and the security personnel and volunteers who ensured that the 2004 Olympic Summer Games in Athens was a great success for a job well done.</p>", "update_date": "2004-10-19T21:19:42Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-09-23", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Congratulates the citizens of Greece, the members of the Athens 2004 Organizing Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games, the International Olympic Committee, the U.S. Olympic Committee, the members, coaches, and officials of the 2004 U.S. Olympic Team, athletes from around the world, and the security personnel and volunteers who ensured that the 2004 Olympic Summer Games in Athens was a great success for a job well done.</p>", "update_date": "2004-10-19T21:20:08Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2004-09-23T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2004-09-15T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres427is/xml/BILLS-108sres427is.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution congratulating the citizens of Greece, the members of the Athens 2004 Organizing Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games, the International Olympic Committee, the United States Olympic Committee, the 2004 United States Olympic Team, athletes from around the world, and all the personnel who participated in the 2004 Olympic Summer Games in Athens, Greece.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution congratulating the citizens of Greece, the members of the Athens 2004 Organizing Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games, the International Olympic Committee, the United States Olympic Committee, the 2004 United States Olympic Team, athletes from around the world, and all the personnel who participated in the 2004 Olympic Summer Games in Athens, Greece.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution congratulating the citizens of Greece, the members of the Athens 2004 Organizing Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games, the International Olympic Committee, the United States Olympic Committee, the 2004 United States Olympic Team, athletes from around the world, and all the personnel who participated in the 2004 Olympic Summer Games in Athens, Greece.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2023-01-14T22:48:44Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-14T22:48:44Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2004-09-24T01:48:48Z", "name": "Discharged from" }, { "date": "2004-09-15T19:30:11Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "sscm00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-23", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (text: CR 9/24/2004 S9652-9653)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-09-23", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(text: CR 9/24/2004 S9652-9653)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-23", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "sscm00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation discharged by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 9/24/2004 S9652-9653)", "type": "Discharge" }, { "action_code": "14500", "action_date": "2004-09-23", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "sscm00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation discharged by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR 9/24/2004 S9652-9653)", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-15", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "sscm00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. (text of measure as introduced: CR S9289)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "B00100", "action_date": "2004-09-15", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Sponsor introductory remarks on measure.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-09-15", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "S000064", "district": null, "first_name": "PAUL", "full_name": "Sen. Sarbanes, Paul S. [D-MD]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "SARBANES", "middle_name": "SPYROS", "party": "D", "state": "MD" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "S000663", "district": null, "first_name": "Olympia", "full_name": "Sen. Snowe, Olympia J. [R-ME]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Snowe", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-15", "state": "ME" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000261", "district": null, "first_name": "CARL", "full_name": "Sen. Levin, Carl [D-MI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LEVIN", "middle_name": "MILTON", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-15", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000444", "district": null, "first_name": "JOSEPH", "full_name": "Sen. Biden, Joseph R., Jr. [D-DE]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BIDEN", "middle_name": "ROBINETTE", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-15", "state": "DE" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000780", "district": null, "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Sen. Breaux, John B. 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[R-NH]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Sununu", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-15", "state": "NH" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001141", "district": null, "first_name": "ZELL", "full_name": "Sen. Miller, Zell [D-GA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MILLER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-15", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001040", "district": null, "first_name": "LINCOLN", "full_name": "Sen. Chafee, Lincoln [R-RI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CHAFEE", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-15", "state": "RI" }, { "bioguide_id": "V000126", "district": null, "first_name": "GEORGE", "full_name": "Sen. Voinovich, George V. 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Mikulski, Barbara A. [D-MD]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MIKULSKI", "middle_name": "ANN", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-15", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001111", "district": null, "first_name": "Patty", "full_name": "Sen. Murray, Patty [D-WA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Murray", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-15", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000711", "district": null, "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Sen. Boxer, Barbara [D-CA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BOXER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-15", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001041", "district": null, "first_name": "HILLARY", "full_name": "Sen. 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[D-CT]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DODD", "middle_name": "JOHN", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-20", "state": "CT" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000062", "district": null, "first_name": "Dianne", "full_name": "Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Feinstein", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-20", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000770", "district": null, "first_name": "Debbie", "full_name": "Sen. Stabenow, Debbie [D-MI]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Stabenow", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-20", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000294", "district": null, "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Sen. 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[D-MA]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "KENNEDY", "middle_name": "MOORE", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-20", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001028", "district": null, "first_name": "CHUCK", "full_name": "Sen. Hagel, Chuck [R-NE]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HAGEL", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-20", "state": "NE" }, { "bioguide_id": "I000025", "district": null, "first_name": "DANIEL", "full_name": "Sen. Inouye, Daniel K. [D-HI]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "INOUYE", "middle_name": "KEN", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-22", "state": "HI" } ]
International Affairs
[ "Athletes", "Commemorations", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Crime and Law Enforcement", "Europe", "Greece", "International agencies", "Law enforcement officers", "Olympic games", "Police", "Social Welfare", "Sports and Recreation", "Volunteer workers" ]
[ { "action_date": "2004-09-15", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Congratulates the citizens of Greece, the members of the Athens 2004 Organizing Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games, the International Olympic Committee, the U.S. Olympic Committee, the members, coaches, and officials of the 2004 U.S. Olympic Team, athletes from around the world, and the security personnel and volunteers who ensured that the 2004 Olympic Summer Games in Athens was a great success for a job well done.</p>", "update_date": "2004-10-19T21:19:42Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-09-23", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Congratulates the citizens of Greece, the members of the Athens 2004 Organizing Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games, the International Olympic Committee, the U.S. Olympic Committee, the members, coaches, and officials of the 2004 U.S. Olympic Team, athletes from around the world, and the security personnel and volunteers who ensured that the 2004 Olympic Summer Games in Athens was a great success for a job well done.</p>", "update_date": "2004-10-19T21:20:08Z", "version_code": "82" } ]
A resolution congratulating the citizens of Greece, the members of the Athens 2004 Organizing Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games, the International Olympic Committee, the United States Olympic Committee, the 2004 United States Olympic Team, athletes from around the world, and all the personnel who participated in the 2004 Olympic Summer Games in Athens, Greece.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution congratulating the citizens of Greece, the members of the Athens 2004 Organizing Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games, the International Olympic Committee, the United States Olympic Committee, the 2004 United States Olympic Team, athletes from around the world, and all the personnel who participated in the 2004 Olympic Summer Games in Athens, Greece.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution congratulating the citizens of Greece, the members of the Athens 2004 Organizing Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games, the International Olympic Committee, the United States Olympic Committee, the 2004 United States Olympic Team, athletes from around the world, and all the personnel who participated in the 2004 Olympic Summer Games in Athens, Greece.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-09-23T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2004-09-15T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres427is/xml/BILLS-108sres427is.xml" } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-23", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (text: CR 9/24/2004 S9652-9653)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-18 20:01:00.270
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 428 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-14T22:48:44Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:44Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2004-09-15 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssra00 </systemCode> <name> Rules and Administration Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Discharged from </name> <date> 2004-09-24T01:50:39Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2004-09-15T19:23:46Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-23 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (text: CR 9/24/2004 S9653) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-23 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(text: CR 9/24/2004 S9653) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-23 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssra00 </systemCode> <name> Rules and Administration Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Senate Committee on Rules and Administration discharged by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 9/24/2004 S9653) </text> <type> Discharge </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-23 </actionDate> <text> Senate Committee on Rules and Administration discharged by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR 9/24/2004 S9653) </text> <type> Committee </type> <actionCode> 14500 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssra00 </systemCode> <name> Rules and Administration Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-15 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssra00 </systemCode> <name> Rules and Administration Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on Rules and Administration. (text of measure as introduced: CR S9293) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-15 </actionDate> <text> Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> B00100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-15 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> S000709 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Specter, Arlen [R-PA] </fullName> <firstName> ARLEN </firstName> <lastName> SPECTER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> PA </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> S000059 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Santorum, Rick [R-PA] </fullName> <firstName> RICK </firstName> <lastName> SANTORUM </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> PA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000567 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cochran, Thad [R-MS] </fullName> <firstName> Thad </firstName> <lastName> Cochran </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MS </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001028 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hagel, Chuck [R-NE] </fullName> <firstName> CHUCK </firstName> <lastName> HAGEL </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NE </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Congress </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Aging </name> </item> <item> <name> Authorization </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional fellows </name> </item> <item> <name> Economics and Public Finance </name> </item> <item> <name> Education </name> </item> <item> <name> Foundations </name> </item> <item> <name> Gerontology </name> </item> <item> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </item> <item> <name> Higher education </name> </item> <item> <name> Policy sciences </name> </item> <item> <name> Scholarships </name> </item> <item> <name> Senate </name> </item> <item> <name> Social Welfare </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Congress </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-09-15 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-09-17T21:44:53Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Amends Senate Resolution 356, 102d Congress (establishing the John Heinz Senate Fellowship Program) to reauthorize the Program through FY 2010.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-09-23 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-09-27T19:58:32Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Amends Senate Resolution 356, 102d Congress (establishing the John Heinz Senate Fellowship Program) to reauthorize the Program through FY 2010.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution reauthorizing the John Heinz Senate Fellowship Program. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution reauthorizing the John Heinz Senate Fellowship Program. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution reauthorizing the John Heinz Senate Fellowship Program. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2004-09-23T04:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2004-09-15T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres428is/xml/BILLS-108sres428is.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-09-23 </actionDate> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (text: CR 9/24/2004 S9653) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-23", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (text: CR 9/24/2004 S9653)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-09-23", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(text: CR 9/24/2004 S9653)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-23", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Rules and Administration Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssra00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Senate Committee on Rules and Administration discharged by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 9/24/2004 S9653)", "type": "Discharge" }, { "action_code": "14500", "action_date": "2004-09-23", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Rules and Administration Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssra00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate Committee on Rules and Administration discharged by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR 9/24/2004 S9653)", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-15", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Rules and Administration Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssra00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Rules and Administration. (text of measure as introduced: CR S9293)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "B00100", "action_date": "2004-09-15", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Sponsor introductory remarks on measure.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-09-15", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2004-09-24T01:50:39Z", "name": "Discharged from" }, { "date": "2004-09-15T19:23:46Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Rules and Administration Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssra00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "S000059", "district": null, "first_name": "RICK", "full_name": "Sen. Santorum, Rick [R-PA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SANTORUM", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-15", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000567", "district": null, "first_name": "Thad", "full_name": "Sen. Cochran, Thad [R-MS]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Cochran", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-15", "state": "MS" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001028", "district": null, "first_name": "CHUCK", "full_name": "Sen. Hagel, Chuck [R-NE]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HAGEL", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-15", "state": "NE" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2004-09-15", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-23", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (text: CR 9/24/2004 S9653)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 428, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Congress", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "S000709", "district": null, "first_name": "ARLEN", "full_name": "Sen. Specter, Arlen [R-PA]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "SPECTER", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "PA" } ], "subjects": [ "Aging", "Authorization", "Congressional fellows", "Economics and Public Finance", "Education", "Foundations", "Gerontology", "Government Operations and Politics", "Higher education", "Policy sciences", "Scholarships", "Senate", "Social Welfare" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2004-09-15", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Amends Senate Resolution 356, 102d Congress (establishing the John Heinz Senate Fellowship Program) to reauthorize the Program through FY 2010.</p>", "update_date": "2004-09-17T21:44:53Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-09-23", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Amends Senate Resolution 356, 102d Congress (establishing the John Heinz Senate Fellowship Program) to reauthorize the Program through FY 2010.</p>", "update_date": "2004-09-27T19:58:32Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2004-09-23T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2004-09-15T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres428is/xml/BILLS-108sres428is.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution reauthorizing the John Heinz Senate Fellowship Program.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution reauthorizing the John Heinz Senate Fellowship Program.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution reauthorizing the John Heinz Senate Fellowship Program.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2023-01-14T22:48:44Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-14T22:48:44Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2004-09-24T01:50:39Z", "name": "Discharged from" }, { "date": "2004-09-15T19:23:46Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Rules and Administration Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssra00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-23", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (text: CR 9/24/2004 S9653)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-09-23", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(text: CR 9/24/2004 S9653)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-23", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Rules and Administration Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssra00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Senate Committee on Rules and Administration discharged by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 9/24/2004 S9653)", "type": "Discharge" }, { "action_code": "14500", "action_date": "2004-09-23", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Rules and Administration Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssra00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate Committee on Rules and Administration discharged by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR 9/24/2004 S9653)", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-15", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Rules and Administration Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssra00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Rules and Administration. (text of measure as introduced: CR S9293)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "B00100", "action_date": "2004-09-15", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Sponsor introductory remarks on measure.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-09-15", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "S000709", "district": null, "first_name": "ARLEN", "full_name": "Sen. Specter, Arlen [R-PA]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "SPECTER", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "PA" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "S000059", "district": null, "first_name": "RICK", "full_name": "Sen. Santorum, Rick [R-PA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SANTORUM", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-15", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000567", "district": null, "first_name": "Thad", "full_name": "Sen. Cochran, Thad [R-MS]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Cochran", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-15", "state": "MS" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001028", "district": null, "first_name": "CHUCK", "full_name": "Sen. Hagel, Chuck [R-NE]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HAGEL", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-15", "state": "NE" } ]
[ "Aging", "Authorization", "Congressional fellows", "Economics and Public Finance", "Education", "Foundations", "Gerontology", "Government Operations and Politics", "Higher education", "Policy sciences", "Scholarships", "Senate", "Social Welfare" ]
[ { "action_date": "2004-09-15", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Amends Senate Resolution 356, 102d Congress (establishing the John Heinz Senate Fellowship Program) to reauthorize the Program through FY 2010.</p>", "update_date": "2004-09-17T21:44:53Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-09-23", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Amends Senate Resolution 356, 102d Congress (establishing the John Heinz Senate Fellowship Program) to reauthorize the Program through FY 2010.</p>", "update_date": "2004-09-27T19:58:32Z", "version_code": "82" } ]
A resolution reauthorizing the John Heinz Senate Fellowship Program.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution reauthorizing the John Heinz Senate Fellowship Program.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution reauthorizing the John Heinz Senate Fellowship Program.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-09-23T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2004-09-15T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres428is/xml/BILLS-108sres428is.xml" } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-23", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (text: CR 9/24/2004 S9653)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-18 20:01:00.328
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 429 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-14T22:48:44Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:44Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2004-09-15 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssra00 </systemCode> <name> Rules and Administration Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2004-09-15T20:29:22Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-15 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssra00 </systemCode> <name> Rules and Administration Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on Rules and Administration. (text of measure as introduced: CR S9293-9294) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-15 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> D000563 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Durbin, Richard J. [D-IL] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Durbin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> C000858 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Craig, Larry E. [R-ID] </fullName> <firstName> LARRY </firstName> <lastName> CRAIG </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ID </state> <middleName> EDWIN </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> A000069 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Akaka, Daniel K. [D-HI] </fullName> <firstName> DANIEL </firstName> <lastName> AKAKA </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> HI </state> <middleName> KOHIKINA </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000596 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Dayton, Mark [D-MN] </fullName> <firstName> MARK </firstName> <lastName> DAYTON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MN </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000123 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Lautenberg, Frank R. [D-NJ] </fullName> <firstName> FRANK </firstName> <lastName> LAUTENBERG </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000062 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA] </fullName> <firstName> Dianne </firstName> <lastName> Feinstein </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001041 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Clinton, Hillary Rodham [D-NY] </fullName> <firstName> HILLARY </firstName> <lastName> CLINTON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> R </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Congress </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Accounting </name> </item> <item> <name> Afghanistan </name> </item> <item> <name> Armed Forces and National Security </name> </item> <item> <name> Auditing </name> </item> <item> <name> Competitive bidding </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional committees (Senate) </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional investigations </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional reorganization </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional reporting requirements </name> </item> <item> <name> Cost plus contracts </name> </item> <item> <name> Crime and Law Enforcement </name> </item> <item> <name> Defense contracts </name> </item> <item> <name> Defense procurement </name> </item> <item> <name> EBB Terrorism </name> </item> <item> <name> Economics and Public Finance </name> </item> <item> <name> Federal officials </name> </item> <item> <name> Fines (Penalties) </name> </item> <item> <name> Fraud </name> </item> <item> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </item> <item> <name> Government contractors </name> </item> <item> <name> Government ethics </name> </item> <item> <name> Government procurement </name> </item> <item> <name> International Affairs </name> </item> <item> <name> Iraq </name> </item> <item> <name> Iraq compilation </name> </item> <item> <name> Law </name> </item> <item> <name> Middle East and North Africa </name> </item> <item> <name> Military operations </name> </item> <item> <name> South Asia </name> </item> <item> <name> Subcontractors </name> </item> <item> <name> Terrorism </name> </item> <item> <name> War </name> </item> <item> <name> War relief </name> </item> <item> <name> Waste in government spending </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Congress </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-09-15 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-09-17T14:07:40Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Establishes the Special Committee on War and Reconstruction Contracting in the Senate to: (1) investigate the awarding and performance of contracts for military, security, and reconstruction activities in Afghanistan and Iraq; and (2) support the prosecution of the war on terrorism.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Requires the Committee to examine such contracting actions and report on them regarding: (1) bidding, contracting, accounting, and auditing standards for Federal Government contracts; (2) methods of contracting, including sole-source contracts and limited competition or noncompetitive ones; (3) subcontracting under large, comprehensive contracts; (4) oversight procedures; (5) consequences of cost-plus and fixed price contracting; (6) allegations of wasteful and fraudulent practices; (7) accountability of contractors and Government officials involved in procurement and contracting; (8) penalties for violations of law and abuses in the awarding and performance of Government contracts; and (9) lessons learned from the contracting process used in Iraq and Afghanistan and in connection with the war on terrorism with respect to the structure, coordination, management policies, and Federal procedures.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution establishing a special committee of the Senate to investigate the awarding and carrying out of contracts to conduct activities in Afghanistan and Iraq and to fight the war on terrorism. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution establishing a special committee of the Senate to investigate the awarding and carrying out of contracts to conduct activities in Afghanistan and Iraq and to fight the war on terrorism. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution establishing a special committee of the Senate to investigate the awarding and carrying out of contracts to conduct activities in Afghanistan and Iraq and to fight the war on terrorism. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2004-09-15T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres429is/xml/BILLS-108sres429is.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-09-15 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Committee on Rules and Administration. (text of measure as introduced: CR S9293-9294) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-15", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Rules and Administration Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssra00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Rules and Administration. 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[D-HI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "AKAKA", "middle_name": "KOHIKINA", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-15", "state": "HI" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000596", "district": null, "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Sen. Dayton, Mark [D-MN]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DAYTON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-15", "state": "MN" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000123", "district": null, "first_name": "FRANK", "full_name": "Sen. Lautenberg, Frank R. [D-NJ]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LAUTENBERG", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-27", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000062", "district": null, "first_name": "Dianne", "full_name": "Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Feinstein", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-27", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001041", "district": null, "first_name": "HILLARY", "full_name": "Sen. Clinton, Hillary Rodham [D-NY]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CLINTON", "middle_name": "R", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-27", "state": "NY" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2004-09-15", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-15", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Rules and Administration. (text of measure as introduced: CR S9293-9294)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 429, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Congress", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "D000563", "district": null, "first_name": "Richard", "full_name": "Sen. Durbin, Richard J. [D-IL]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Durbin", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "state": "IL" } ], "subjects": [ "Accounting", "Afghanistan", "Armed Forces and National Security", "Auditing", "Competitive bidding", "Congressional committees (Senate)", "Congressional investigations", "Congressional reorganization", "Congressional reporting requirements", "Cost plus contracts", "Crime and Law Enforcement", "Defense contracts", "Defense procurement", "EBB Terrorism", "Economics and Public Finance", "Federal officials", "Fines (Penalties)", "Fraud", "Government Operations and Politics", "Government contractors", "Government ethics", "Government procurement", "International Affairs", "Iraq", "Iraq compilation", "Law", "Middle East and North Africa", "Military operations", "South Asia", "Subcontractors", "Terrorism", "War", "War relief", "Waste in government spending" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2004-09-15", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Establishes the Special Committee on War and Reconstruction Contracting in the Senate to: (1) investigate the awarding and performance of contracts for military, security, and reconstruction activities in Afghanistan and Iraq; and (2) support the prosecution of the war on terrorism.</p> <p>Requires the Committee to examine such contracting actions and report on them regarding: (1) bidding, contracting, accounting, and auditing standards for Federal Government contracts; (2) methods of contracting, including sole-source contracts and limited competition or noncompetitive ones; (3) subcontracting under large, comprehensive contracts; (4) oversight procedures; (5) consequences of cost-plus and fixed price contracting; (6) allegations of wasteful and fraudulent practices; (7) accountability of contractors and Government officials involved in procurement and contracting; (8) penalties for violations of law and abuses in the awarding and performance of Government contracts; and (9) lessons learned from the contracting process used in Iraq and Afghanistan and in connection with the war on terrorism with respect to the structure, coordination, management policies, and Federal procedures.</p>", "update_date": "2004-09-17T14:07:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2004-09-15T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres429is/xml/BILLS-108sres429is.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution establishing a special committee of the Senate to investigate the awarding and carrying out of contracts to conduct activities in Afghanistan and Iraq and to fight the war on terrorism.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution establishing a special committee of the Senate to investigate the awarding and carrying out of contracts to conduct activities in Afghanistan and Iraq and to fight the war on terrorism.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution establishing a special committee of the Senate to investigate the awarding and carrying out of contracts to conduct activities in Afghanistan and Iraq and to fight the war on terrorism.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2023-01-14T22:48:44Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-14T22:48:44Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2004-09-15T20:29:22Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Rules and Administration Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssra00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-15", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Rules and Administration Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssra00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Rules and Administration. (text of measure as introduced: CR S9293-9294)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-09-15", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "D000563", "district": null, "first_name": "Richard", "full_name": "Sen. Durbin, Richard J. [D-IL]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Durbin", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "state": "IL" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "C000858", "district": null, "first_name": "LARRY", "full_name": "Sen. Craig, Larry E. [R-ID]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CRAIG", "middle_name": "EDWIN", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-15", "state": "ID" }, { "bioguide_id": "A000069", "district": null, "first_name": "DANIEL", "full_name": "Sen. Akaka, Daniel K. [D-HI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "AKAKA", "middle_name": "KOHIKINA", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-15", "state": "HI" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000596", "district": null, "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Sen. Dayton, Mark [D-MN]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DAYTON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-15", "state": "MN" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000123", "district": null, "first_name": "FRANK", "full_name": "Sen. Lautenberg, Frank R. [D-NJ]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LAUTENBERG", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-27", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000062", "district": null, "first_name": "Dianne", "full_name": "Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Feinstein", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-27", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001041", "district": null, "first_name": "HILLARY", "full_name": "Sen. Clinton, Hillary Rodham [D-NY]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CLINTON", "middle_name": "R", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-27", "state": "NY" } ]
[ "Accounting", "Afghanistan", "Armed Forces and National Security", "Auditing", "Competitive bidding", "Congressional committees (Senate)", "Congressional investigations", "Congressional reorganization", "Congressional reporting requirements", "Cost plus contracts", "Crime and Law Enforcement", "Defense contracts", "Defense procurement", "EBB Terrorism", "Economics and Public Finance", "Federal officials", "Fines (Penalties)", "Fraud", "Government Operations and Politics", "Government contractors", "Government ethics", "Government procurement", "International Affairs", "Iraq", "Iraq compilation", "Law", "Middle East and North Africa", "Military operations", "South Asia", "Subcontractors", "Terrorism", "War", "War relief", "Waste in government spending" ]
[ { "action_date": "2004-09-15", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Establishes the Special Committee on War and Reconstruction Contracting in the Senate to: (1) investigate the awarding and performance of contracts for military, security, and reconstruction activities in Afghanistan and Iraq; and (2) support the prosecution of the war on terrorism.</p> <p>Requires the Committee to examine such contracting actions and report on them regarding: (1) bidding, contracting, accounting, and auditing standards for Federal Government contracts; (2) methods of contracting, including sole-source contracts and limited competition or noncompetitive ones; (3) subcontracting under large, comprehensive contracts; (4) oversight procedures; (5) consequences of cost-plus and fixed price contracting; (6) allegations of wasteful and fraudulent practices; (7) accountability of contractors and Government officials involved in procurement and contracting; (8) penalties for violations of law and abuses in the awarding and performance of Government contracts; and (9) lessons learned from the contracting process used in Iraq and Afghanistan and in connection with the war on terrorism with respect to the structure, coordination, management policies, and Federal procedures.</p>", "update_date": "2004-09-17T14:07:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
A resolution establishing a special committee of the Senate to investigate the awarding and carrying out of contracts to conduct activities in Afghanistan and Iraq and to fight the war on terrorism.
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[ { "date": "2004-09-15T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres429is/xml/BILLS-108sres429is.xml" } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-15", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Rules and Administration. (text of measure as introduced: CR S9293-9294)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-18 20:01:00.650
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 430 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-14T22:48:44Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:44Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2004-09-21 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Discharged from </name> <date> 2004-10-10T15:04:33Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2004-09-21T20:55:59Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-10 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (text as passed Senate: CR S11018-11019) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-10 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(text as passed Senate: CR S11018-11019) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-10 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11017-11019) </text> <type> Discharge </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-10 </actionDate> <text> Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S11017-11019) </text> <type> Committee </type> <actionCode> 14500 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-21 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR S9453) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-21 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> H000338 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hatch, Orrin G. [R-UT] </fullName> <firstName> ORRIN </firstName> <lastName> HATCH </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> UT </state> <middleName> GRANT </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> L000174 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Leahy, Patrick J. [D-VT] </fullName> <firstName> Patrick </firstName> <lastName> Leahy </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VT </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-21 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000305 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Kohl, Herb [D-WI] </fullName> <firstName> HERBERT </firstName> <lastName> KOHL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WI </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001028 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hagel, Chuck [R-NE] </fullName> <firstName> CHUCK </firstName> <lastName> HAGEL </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NE </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-30 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000563 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Durbin, Richard J. [D-IL] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Durbin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-30 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000550 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Landrieu, Mary L. 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[D-MA] </fullName> <firstName> EDWARD </firstName> <lastName> KENNEDY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> MOORE </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001111 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Murray, Patty [D-WA] </fullName> <firstName> Patty </firstName> <lastName> Murray </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Child welfare </name> </item> <item> <name> Families </name> </item> <item> <name> Runaway children </name> </item> <item> <name> Special months </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-09-21 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-12-01T17:36:38Z </updateDate> <text> Designates November 2004 as National Runaway Prevention Month. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution designating November 2004 as "National Runaway Prevention Month". </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution designating November 2004 as "National Runaway Prevention Month". </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution designating November 2004 as "National Runaway Prevention Month". </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2004-10-10T04:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2004-09-21T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres430is/xml/BILLS-108sres430is.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-10-10 </actionDate> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (text as passed Senate: CR S11018-11019) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2004-09-21", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-10", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. 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[ "Child welfare", "Families", "Runaway children", "Special months" ]
[ { "action_date": "2004-09-21", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " Designates November 2004 as National Runaway Prevention Month.", "update_date": "2004-12-01T17:36:38Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
A resolution designating November 2004 as "National Runaway Prevention Month".
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[ { "date": "2004-10-10T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2004-09-21T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres430is/xml/BILLS-108sres430is.xml" } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-10", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (text as passed Senate: CR S11018-11019)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-18 20:01:00.435
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 431 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-14T22:48:44Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:44Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2004-09-21 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Discharged from </name> <date> 2004-09-22T22:29:52Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2004-09-21T22:06:58Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-22 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (text: CR S9538) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-22 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(text: CR S9538) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-22 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Senate Committee on Foreign Relations discharged by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S9537-9538) </text> <type> Discharge </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-22 </actionDate> <text> Senate Committee on Foreign Relations discharged by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S9537-9538) </text> <type> Committee </type> <actionCode> 14500 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-21 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S9453-9454) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-21 </actionDate> <text> Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR S9454-9455) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> B00100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-21 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> M000355 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. McConnell, Mitch [R-KY] </fullName> <firstName> Mitch </firstName> <lastName> McConnell </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KY </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> F000062 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA] </fullName> <firstName> Dianne </firstName> <lastName> Feinstein </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-21 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000303 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. McCain, John [R-AZ] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> MCCAIN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AZ </state> <middleName> SIDNEY </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-21 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000061 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Feingold, Russell D. [D-WI] </fullName> <firstName> RUSSELL </firstName> <lastName> FEINGOLD </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WI </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-21 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000601 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Dole, Elizabeth [R-NC] </fullName> <firstName> Elizabeth </firstName> <lastName> Dole </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NC </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-21 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000702 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Mikulski, Barbara A. [D-MD] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> MIKULSKI </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> ANN </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-21 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000953 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Brownback, Sam [R-KS] </fullName> <firstName> SAM </firstName> <lastName> BROWNBACK </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KS </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-21 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000174 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Leahy, Patrick J. [D-VT] </fullName> <firstName> Patrick </firstName> <lastName> Leahy </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VT </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-21 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000504 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Lugar, Richard G. [R-IN] </fullName> <firstName> RICHARD </firstName> <lastName> LUGAR </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IN </state> <middleName> GREEN </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-21 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001042 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Corzine, Jon S. [D-NJ] </fullName> <firstName> JON </firstName> <lastName> CORZINE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <middleName> S. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-21 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000243 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Baucus, Max [D-MT] </fullName> <firstName> MAX </firstName> <lastName> BAUCUS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MT </state> <middleName> SIEBEN </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-22 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> AIDS (Disease) </name> </item> <item> <name> Armed Forces and National Security </name> </item> <item> <name> Arms sales </name> </item> <item> <name> Burma </name> </item> <item> <name> Child labor </name> </item> <item> <name> China </name> </item> <item> <name> Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues </name> </item> <item> <name> Crime and Law Enforcement </name> </item> <item> <name> Democracy </name> </item> <item> <name> Drug abuse </name> </item> <item> <name> Drug traffic </name> </item> <item> <name> East Asia </name> </item> <item> <name> Families </name> </item> <item> <name> Forced labor </name> </item> <item> <name> Foreign Trade and International Finance </name> </item> <item> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </item> <item> <name> Health </name> </item> <item> <name> Human immunodeficiency viruses </name> </item> <item> <name> Human rights </name> </item> <item> <name> Labor and Employment </name> </item> <item> <name> Military regimes </name> </item> <item> <name> Murder </name> </item> <item> <name> North Korea </name> </item> <item> <name> Political prisoners </name> </item> <item> <name> Political violence </name> </item> <item> <name> Rape </name> </item> <item> <name> Relocation </name> </item> <item> <name> Russia </name> </item> <item> <name> Southeast Asia </name> </item> <item> <name> Torture </name> </item> <item> <name> United Nations </name> </item> <item> <name> Women </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-09-21 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-10-12T14:45:10Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Expresses the sense of the Senate that the United Nations Security Council should take responsive actions to the growing threats posed to the Southeast Asia region by conditions in Burma under the illegitimate rule of the State Peace and Development Council, including the threats posed by: (1) human rights violations; (2) the spread of HIV/AIDS; (3) the illicit production and trafficking in narcotics, and trafficking in persons; and (4) alleged efforts by the State Peace and Development Council to purchase weapons from North Korea, China, and Russia. &lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-09-22 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-10-12T14:45:41Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Expresses the sense of the Senate that the United Nations Security Council should take responsive actions to the growing threats posed to the Southeast Asia region by conditions in Burma under the illegitimate rule of the State Peace and Development Council, including the threats posed by: (1) human rights violations; (2) the spread of HIV/AIDS; (3) the illicit production and trafficking in narcotics, and trafficking in persons; and (4) alleged efforts by the State Peace and Development Council to purchase weapons from North Korea, China, and Russia. &lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the United Nations Security Council should immediately consider and take appropriate actions to respond to the growing threats posed by conditions in Burma under the illegitimate rule of the State Peace and Development Council. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the United Nations Security Council should immediately consider and take appropriate actions to respond to the growing threats posed by conditions in Burma under the illegitimate rule of the State Peace and Development Council. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the United Nations Security Council should immediately consider and take appropriate actions to respond to the growing threats posed by conditions in Burma under the illegitimate rule of the State Peace and Development Council. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2004-09-22T04:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2004-09-21T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres431is/xml/BILLS-108sres431is.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-09-22 </actionDate> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (text: CR S9538) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-22", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (text: CR S9538)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-09-22", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(text: CR S9538)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-22", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Senate Committee on Foreign Relations discharged by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S9537-9538)", "type": "Discharge" }, { "action_code": "14500", "action_date": "2004-09-22", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate Committee on Foreign Relations discharged by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S9537-9538)", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-21", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S9453-9454)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "B00100", "action_date": "2004-09-21", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR S9454-9455)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-09-21", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2004-09-22T22:29:52Z", "name": "Discharged from" }, { "date": "2004-09-21T22:06:58Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "F000062", "district": null, "first_name": "Dianne", "full_name": "Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Feinstein", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-21", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000303", "district": null, "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Sen. McCain, John [R-AZ]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MCCAIN", "middle_name": "SIDNEY", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-21", "state": "AZ" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000061", "district": null, "first_name": "RUSSELL", "full_name": "Sen. Feingold, Russell D. [D-WI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FEINGOLD", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-21", "state": "WI" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000601", "district": null, "first_name": "Elizabeth", "full_name": "Sen. Dole, Elizabeth [R-NC]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Dole", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-21", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000702", "district": null, "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Sen. Mikulski, Barbara A. [D-MD]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MIKULSKI", "middle_name": "ANN", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-21", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000953", "district": null, "first_name": "SAM", "full_name": "Sen. Brownback, Sam [R-KS]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BROWNBACK", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-21", "state": "KS" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000174", "district": null, "first_name": "Patrick", "full_name": "Sen. Leahy, Patrick J. 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Baucus, Max [D-MT]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BAUCUS", "middle_name": "SIEBEN", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-22", "state": "MT" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2004-09-21", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-22", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (text: CR S9538)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 431, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "International Affairs", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "M000355", "district": null, "first_name": "Mitch", "full_name": "Sen. 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The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Expresses the sense of the Senate that the United Nations Security Council should take responsive actions to the growing threats posed to the Southeast Asia region by conditions in Burma under the illegitimate rule of the State Peace and Development Council, including the threats posed by: (1) human rights violations; (2) the spread of HIV/AIDS; (3) the illicit production and trafficking in narcotics, and trafficking in persons; and (4) alleged efforts by the State Peace and Development Council to purchase weapons from North Korea, China, and Russia. </p>", "update_date": "2004-10-12T14:45:41Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2004-09-22T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2004-09-21T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres431is/xml/BILLS-108sres431is.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the United Nations Security Council should immediately consider and take appropriate actions to respond to the growing threats posed by conditions in Burma under the illegitimate rule of the State Peace and Development Council.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the United Nations Security Council should immediately consider and take appropriate actions to respond to the growing threats posed by conditions in Burma under the illegitimate rule of the State Peace and Development Council.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the United Nations Security Council should immediately consider and take appropriate actions to respond to the growing threats posed by conditions in Burma under the illegitimate rule of the State Peace and Development Council.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2023-01-14T22:48:44Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-14T22:48:44Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2004-09-22T22:29:52Z", "name": "Discharged from" }, { "date": "2004-09-21T22:06:58Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-22", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (text: CR S9538)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-09-22", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(text: CR S9538)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-22", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Senate Committee on Foreign Relations discharged by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S9537-9538)", "type": "Discharge" }, { "action_code": "14500", "action_date": "2004-09-22", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate Committee on Foreign Relations discharged by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S9537-9538)", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-21", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S9453-9454)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "B00100", "action_date": "2004-09-21", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR S9454-9455)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-09-21", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "M000355", "district": null, "first_name": "Mitch", "full_name": "Sen. McConnell, Mitch [R-KY]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "McConnell", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "KY" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "F000062", "district": null, "first_name": "Dianne", "full_name": "Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Feinstein", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-21", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000303", "district": null, "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Sen. McCain, John [R-AZ]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MCCAIN", "middle_name": "SIDNEY", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-21", "state": "AZ" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000061", "district": null, "first_name": "RUSSELL", "full_name": "Sen. Feingold, Russell D. [D-WI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FEINGOLD", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-21", "state": "WI" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000601", "district": null, "first_name": "Elizabeth", "full_name": "Sen. Dole, Elizabeth [R-NC]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Dole", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-21", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000702", "district": null, "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Sen. Mikulski, Barbara A. [D-MD]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MIKULSKI", "middle_name": "ANN", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-21", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000953", "district": null, "first_name": "SAM", "full_name": "Sen. Brownback, Sam [R-KS]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BROWNBACK", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-21", "state": "KS" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000174", "district": null, "first_name": "Patrick", "full_name": "Sen. Leahy, Patrick J. [D-VT]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Leahy", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-21", "state": "VT" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000504", "district": null, "first_name": "RICHARD", "full_name": "Sen. Lugar, Richard G. [R-IN]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LUGAR", "middle_name": "GREEN", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-21", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001042", "district": null, "first_name": "JON", "full_name": "Sen. Corzine, Jon S. [D-NJ]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CORZINE", "middle_name": "S.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-21", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000243", "district": null, "first_name": "MAX", "full_name": "Sen. Baucus, Max [D-MT]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BAUCUS", "middle_name": "SIEBEN", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-22", "state": "MT" } ]
International Affairs
[ "AIDS (Disease)", "Armed Forces and National Security", "Arms sales", "Burma", "Child labor", "China", "Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues", "Crime and Law Enforcement", "Democracy", "Drug abuse", "Drug traffic", "East Asia", "Families", "Forced labor", "Foreign Trade and International Finance", "Government Operations and Politics", "Health", "Human immunodeficiency viruses", "Human rights", "Labor and Employment", "Military regimes", "Murder", "North Korea", "Political prisoners", "Political violence", "Rape", "Relocation", "Russia", "Southeast Asia", "Torture", "United Nations", "Women" ]
[ { "action_date": "2004-09-21", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Expresses the sense of the Senate that the United Nations Security Council should take responsive actions to the growing threats posed to the Southeast Asia region by conditions in Burma under the illegitimate rule of the State Peace and Development Council, including the threats posed by: (1) human rights violations; (2) the spread of HIV/AIDS; (3) the illicit production and trafficking in narcotics, and trafficking in persons; and (4) alleged efforts by the State Peace and Development Council to purchase weapons from North Korea, China, and Russia. </p>", "update_date": "2004-10-12T14:45:10Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-09-22", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Expresses the sense of the Senate that the United Nations Security Council should take responsive actions to the growing threats posed to the Southeast Asia region by conditions in Burma under the illegitimate rule of the State Peace and Development Council, including the threats posed by: (1) human rights violations; (2) the spread of HIV/AIDS; (3) the illicit production and trafficking in narcotics, and trafficking in persons; and (4) alleged efforts by the State Peace and Development Council to purchase weapons from North Korea, China, and Russia. </p>", "update_date": "2004-10-12T14:45:41Z", "version_code": "82" } ]
A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the United Nations Security Council should immediately consider and take appropriate actions to respond to the growing threats posed by conditions in Burma under the illegitimate rule of the State Peace and Development Council.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the United Nations Security Council should immediately consider and take appropriate actions to respond to the growing threats posed by conditions in Burma under the illegitimate rule of the State Peace and Development Council.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the United Nations Security Council should immediately consider and take appropriate actions to respond to the growing threats posed by conditions in Burma under the illegitimate rule of the State Peace and Development Council.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-09-22T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2004-09-21T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres431is/xml/BILLS-108sres431is.xml" } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-22", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (text: CR S9538)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-18 20:01:00.543
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 432 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-14T22:48:44Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:44Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2004-09-22 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfi00 </systemCode> <name> Finance Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2004-09-22T21:47:19Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-22 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfi00 </systemCode> <name> Finance Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on Finance. (text of measure as introduced: CR S9534) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-22 </actionDate> <text> Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR S9534) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> B00100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-22 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> C001042 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Corzine, Jon S. [D-NJ] </fullName> <firstName> JON </firstName> <lastName> CORZINE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <middleName> S. </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> B000243 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Baucus, Max [D-MT] </fullName> <firstName> MAX </firstName> <lastName> BAUCUS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MT </state> <middleName> SIEBEN </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-22 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000563 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Durbin, Richard J. [D-IL] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Durbin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-22 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000064 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Daschle, Thomas A. [D-SD] </fullName> <firstName> THOMAS </firstName> <lastName> DASCHLE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> SD </state> <middleName> ANDREW </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-22 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Social Welfare </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Finance and Financial Sector </name> </item> <item> <name> Old age, survivors and disability insurance </name> </item> <item> <name> Saving and investment </name> </item> <item> <name> Social security finance </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Social Welfare </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-09-22 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-09-28T19:22:17Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Expresses the sense of the Senate that Congress should reject Social Security privatization proposals, including those that require deep cuts in the Social Security benefits, such as the proposals of President Bush's Social Security Commission. &lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that Congress should reject Social Security privatization proposals, including those that require deep cuts in Social Security benefits, such as the proposals of President Bush's Social Security Commission. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that Congress should reject Social Security privatization proposals, including those that require deep cuts in Social Security benefits, such as the proposals of President Bush's Social Security Commission. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that Congress should reject Social Security privatization proposals, including those that require deep cuts in Social Security benefits, such as the proposals of President Bush's Social Security Commission. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2004-09-21T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres432is/xml/BILLS-108sres432is.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-09-22 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Committee on Finance. (text of measure as introduced: CR S9534) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-22", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Finance Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfi00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Finance. (text of measure as introduced: CR S9534)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "B00100", "action_date": "2004-09-22", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR S9534)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-09-22", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2004-09-22T21:47:19Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Finance Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfi00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "B000243", "district": null, "first_name": "MAX", "full_name": "Sen. Baucus, Max [D-MT]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BAUCUS", "middle_name": "SIEBEN", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-22", "state": "MT" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000563", "district": null, "first_name": "Richard", "full_name": "Sen. Durbin, Richard J. [D-IL]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Durbin", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-22", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000064", "district": null, "first_name": "THOMAS", "full_name": "Sen. Daschle, Thomas A. [D-SD]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DASCHLE", "middle_name": "ANDREW", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-22", "state": "SD" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2004-09-22", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-22", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Finance. (text of measure as introduced: CR S9534)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 432, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Social Welfare", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "C001042", "district": null, "first_name": "JON", "full_name": "Sen. 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[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2004-09-22T21:47:19Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Finance Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfi00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-22", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Finance Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfi00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Finance. (text of measure as introduced: CR S9534)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "B00100", "action_date": "2004-09-22", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR S9534)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-09-22", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "C001042", "district": null, "first_name": "JON", "full_name": "Sen. Corzine, Jon S. [D-NJ]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "CORZINE", "middle_name": "S.", "party": "D", "state": "NJ" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "B000243", "district": null, "first_name": "MAX", "full_name": "Sen. Baucus, Max [D-MT]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BAUCUS", "middle_name": "SIEBEN", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-22", "state": "MT" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000563", "district": null, "first_name": "Richard", "full_name": "Sen. Durbin, Richard J. [D-IL]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Durbin", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-22", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000064", "district": null, "first_name": "THOMAS", "full_name": "Sen. Daschle, Thomas A. [D-SD]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DASCHLE", "middle_name": "ANDREW", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-22", "state": "SD" } ]
Social Welfare
[ "Finance and Financial Sector", "Old age, survivors and disability insurance", "Saving and investment", "Social security finance" ]
[ { "action_date": "2004-09-22", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Expresses the sense of the Senate that Congress should reject Social Security privatization proposals, including those that require deep cuts in the Social Security benefits, such as the proposals of President Bush's Social Security Commission. </p>", "update_date": "2004-09-28T19:22:17Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that Congress should reject Social Security privatization proposals, including those that require deep cuts in Social Security benefits, such as the proposals of President Bush's Social Security Commission.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that Congress should reject Social Security privatization proposals, including those that require deep cuts in Social Security benefits, such as the proposals of President Bush's Social Security Commission.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that Congress should reject Social Security privatization proposals, including those that require deep cuts in Social Security benefits, such as the proposals of President Bush's Social Security Commission.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-09-21T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres432is/xml/BILLS-108sres432is.xml" } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-22", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Finance. (text of measure as introduced: CR S9534)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-18 14:51:00.615
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 433 </number> <updateDate> 2021-09-29T22:08:19Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-13T17:13:45Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2004-09-23 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-23 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 9/24/2004 S9651-9652; text as passed Senate: CR 9/24/2004 S9652; text of measure as introduced: CR 9/24/2004 S9644) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-23 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR 9/24/2004 S9651-9652; text as passed Senate: CR 9/24/2004 S9652; text of measure as introduced: CR 9/24/2004 S9644) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-23 </actionDate> <text> Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR 9/24/2004 S9644) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> B00100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-23 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> L000123 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Lautenberg, Frank R. [D-NJ] </fullName> <firstName> FRANK </firstName> <lastName> LAUTENBERG </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> C000858 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Craig, Larry E. [R-ID] </fullName> <firstName> LARRY </firstName> <lastName> CRAIG </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ID </state> <middleName> EDWIN </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Anniversaries </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Crime and Law Enforcement </name> </item> <item> <name> Department of Justice </name> </item> <item> <name> Federal law enforcement officers </name> </item> <item> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-09-23 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-11-29T21:11:17Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Commemorates the 215th anniversary of the U.S. Marshals Service.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Recognizes the U.S. Marshals Service as one of the most versatile and effective law enforcement agencies in the world.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Honors the men and women who have served the U.S. Marshals Service and our Nation so well with their dedication to justice, integrity, and service.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-09-23 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-11-29T21:11:05Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Commemorates the 215th anniversary of the U.S. Marshals Service.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Recognizes the U.S. Marshals Service as one of the most versatile and effective law enforcement agencies in the world.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Honors the men and women who have served the U.S. Marshals Service and our Nation so well with their dedication to justice, integrity, and service.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution commemorating the 215th anniversary of the United States Marshals Service. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution commemorating the 215th anniversary of the United States Marshals Service. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution commemorating the 215th anniversary of the United States Marshals Service. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2004-09-23T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres433ats/xml/BILLS-108sres433ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-09-23 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 9/24/2004 S9651-9652; text as passed Senate: CR 9/24/2004 S9652; text of measure as introduced: CR 9/24/2004 S9644) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-23", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 9/24/2004 S9651-9652; text as passed Senate: CR 9/24/2004 S9652; text of measure as introduced: CR 9/24/2004 S9644)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-09-23", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR 9/24/2004 S9651-9652; text as passed Senate: CR 9/24/2004 S9652; text of measure as introduced: CR 9/24/2004 S9644)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "B00100", "action_date": "2004-09-23", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR 9/24/2004 S9644)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-09-23", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "C000858", "district": null, "first_name": "LARRY", "full_name": "Sen. Craig, Larry E. [R-ID]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CRAIG", "middle_name": "EDWIN", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-23", "state": "ID" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2004-09-23", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-23", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 9/24/2004 S9651-9652; text as passed Senate: CR 9/24/2004 S9652; text of measure as introduced: CR 9/24/2004 S9644)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 433, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Commemorations", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "L000123", "district": null, "first_name": "FRANK", "full_name": "Sen. Lautenberg, Frank R. [D-NJ]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "LAUTENBERG", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "state": "NJ" } ], "subjects": [ "Anniversaries", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Crime and Law Enforcement", "Department of Justice", "Federal law enforcement officers", "Government Operations and Politics" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2004-09-23", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Commemorates the 215th anniversary of the U.S. Marshals Service.</p> <p>Recognizes the U.S. Marshals Service as one of the most versatile and effective law enforcement agencies in the world.</p> <p>Honors the men and women who have served the U.S. Marshals Service and our Nation so well with their dedication to justice, integrity, and service.</p>", "update_date": "2004-11-29T21:11:17Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-09-23", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Commemorates the 215th anniversary of the U.S. Marshals Service.</p> <p>Recognizes the U.S. Marshals Service as one of the most versatile and effective law enforcement agencies in the world.</p> <p>Honors the men and women who have served the U.S. Marshals Service and our Nation so well with their dedication to justice, integrity, and service.</p>", "update_date": "2004-11-29T21:11:05Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2004-09-23T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres433ats/xml/BILLS-108sres433ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution commemorating the 215th anniversary of the United States Marshals Service.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution commemorating the 215th anniversary of the United States Marshals Service.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution commemorating the 215th anniversary of the United States Marshals Service.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2021-09-29T22:08:19Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-13T17:13:45Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-23", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 9/24/2004 S9651-9652; text as passed Senate: CR 9/24/2004 S9652; text of measure as introduced: CR 9/24/2004 S9644)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-09-23", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR 9/24/2004 S9651-9652; text as passed Senate: CR 9/24/2004 S9652; text of measure as introduced: CR 9/24/2004 S9644)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "B00100", "action_date": "2004-09-23", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR 9/24/2004 S9644)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-09-23", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "L000123", "district": null, "first_name": "FRANK", "full_name": "Sen. Lautenberg, Frank R. [D-NJ]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "LAUTENBERG", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "state": "NJ" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "C000858", "district": null, "first_name": "LARRY", "full_name": "Sen. Craig, Larry E. [R-ID]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CRAIG", "middle_name": "EDWIN", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-23", "state": "ID" } ]
[ "Anniversaries", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Crime and Law Enforcement", "Department of Justice", "Federal law enforcement officers", "Government Operations and Politics" ]
[ { "action_date": "2004-09-23", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Commemorates the 215th anniversary of the U.S. Marshals Service.</p> <p>Recognizes the U.S. Marshals Service as one of the most versatile and effective law enforcement agencies in the world.</p> <p>Honors the men and women who have served the U.S. Marshals Service and our Nation so well with their dedication to justice, integrity, and service.</p>", "update_date": "2004-11-29T21:11:17Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-09-23", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Commemorates the 215th anniversary of the U.S. Marshals Service.</p> <p>Recognizes the U.S. Marshals Service as one of the most versatile and effective law enforcement agencies in the world.</p> <p>Honors the men and women who have served the U.S. Marshals Service and our Nation so well with their dedication to justice, integrity, and service.</p>", "update_date": "2004-11-29T21:11:05Z", "version_code": "82" } ]
A resolution commemorating the 215th anniversary of the United States Marshals Service.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution commemorating the 215th anniversary of the United States Marshals Service.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution commemorating the 215th anniversary of the United States Marshals Service.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-09-23T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres433ats/xml/BILLS-108sres433ats.xml" } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-23", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 9/24/2004 S9651-9652; text as passed Senate: CR 9/24/2004 S9652; text of measure as introduced: CR 9/24/2004 S9644)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-18 14:51:00.785
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 434 </number> <updateDate> 2021-09-29T22:08:19Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-13T17:13:44Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2004-09-23 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <relatedBills> <item> <title> Recognizing and supporting all efforts to promote greater civic awareness among the people of the United States. </title> <congress> 108 </congress> <number> 796 </number> <type> HRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection. </text> <actionTime> 00:47:41 </actionTime> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Identical bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-23 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 9/24/2004 S9652; text as passed Senate: CR 9/24/2004 S9652; text of measure as introduced: CR 9/24/2004 S9644) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-23 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR 9/24/2004 S9652; text as passed Senate: CR 9/24/2004 S9652; text of measure as introduced: CR 9/24/2004 S9644) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-23 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> L000261 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Levin, Carl [D-MI] </fullName> <firstName> CARL </firstName> <lastName> LEVIN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <middleName> MILTON </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> C000567 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cochran, Thad [R-MS] </fullName> <firstName> Thad </firstName> <lastName> Cochran </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MS </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000174 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Leahy, Patrick J. [D-VT] </fullName> <firstName> Patrick </firstName> <lastName> Leahy </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VT </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> A000121 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Allen, George [R-VA] </fullName> <firstName> GEORGE </firstName> <lastName> ALLEN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> F. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000072 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Jeffords, James M. [I-VT] </fullName> <firstName> JAMES </firstName> <lastName> JEFFORDS </lastName> <party> I </party> <state> VT </state> <middleName> MERRILL </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000146 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Reid, Harry [D-NV] </fullName> <firstName> HARRY </firstName> <lastName> REID </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NV </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000243 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Baucus, Max [D-MT] </fullName> <firstName> MAX </firstName> <lastName> BAUCUS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MT </state> <middleName> SIEBEN </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000711 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Boxer, Barbara [D-CA] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> BOXER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000123 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Lautenberg, Frank R. [D-NJ] </fullName> <firstName> FRANK </firstName> <lastName> LAUTENBERG </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000858 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Craig, Larry E. [R-ID] </fullName> <firstName> LARRY </firstName> <lastName> CRAIG </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ID </state> <middleName> EDWIN </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000105 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Kennedy, Edward M. [D-MA] </fullName> <firstName> EDWARD </firstName> <lastName> KENNEDY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> MOORE </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000305 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Kohl, Herb [D-WI] </fullName> <firstName> HERBERT </firstName> <lastName> KOHL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WI </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000444 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Biden, Joseph R., Jr. [D-DE] </fullName> <firstName> JOSEPH </firstName> <lastName> BIDEN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> DE </state> <middleName> ROBINETTE </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000064 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Daschle, Thomas A. [D-SD] </fullName> <firstName> THOMAS </firstName> <lastName> DASCHLE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> SD </state> <middleName> ANDREW </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000779 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Wyden, Ron [D-OR] </fullName> <firstName> Ron </firstName> <lastName> Wyden </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OR </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> A000069 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Akaka, Daniel K. [D-HI] </fullName> <firstName> DANIEL </firstName> <lastName> AKAKA </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> HI </state> <middleName> KOHIKINA </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000596 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Dayton, Mark [D-MN] </fullName> <firstName> MARK </firstName> <lastName> DAYTON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MN </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000590 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Pryor, Mark L. [D-AR] </fullName> <firstName> Mark </firstName> <lastName> Pryor </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AR </state> <middleName> Lunsford </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Civics education </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional elections </name> </item> <item> <name> Political participation </name> </item> <item> <name> Presidential elections </name> </item> <item> <name> Voter registration </name> </item> <item> <name> Voting </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-09-23 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-11-09T20:16:36Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Recognizes and supports all efforts to promote greater civic awareness among the people of the United States, including civic awareness programs such as candidate forums and voter registration drives.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Encourages local communities and elected officials at all levels of government to promote greater awareness among the electorate of civic responsibility and the importance of participating in these elections.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-09-23 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-11-29T21:10:14Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Recognizes and supports all efforts to promote greater civic awareness among the people of the United States, including civic awareness programs such as candidate forums and voter registration drives.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Encourages local communities and elected officials at all levels of government to promote greater awareness among the electorate of civic responsibility and the importance of participating in these elections.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution recognizing and supporting all efforts to promote greater civic awareness among the people of the United States. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution recognizing and supporting all efforts to promote greater civic awareness among the people of the United States. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution recognizing and supporting all efforts to promote greater civic awareness among the people of the United States. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2004-09-23T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres434ats/xml/BILLS-108sres434ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-09-23 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 9/24/2004 S9652; text as passed Senate: CR 9/24/2004 S9652; text of measure as introduced: CR 9/24/2004 S9644) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-23", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 9/24/2004 S9652; text as passed Senate: CR 9/24/2004 S9652; text of measure as introduced: CR 9/24/2004 S9644)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-09-23", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR 9/24/2004 S9652; text as passed Senate: CR 9/24/2004 S9652; text of measure as introduced: CR 9/24/2004 S9644)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-09-23", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "C000567", "district": null, "first_name": "Thad", "full_name": "Sen. Cochran, Thad [R-MS]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Cochran", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-23", "state": "MS" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000174", "district": null, "first_name": "Patrick", "full_name": "Sen. Leahy, Patrick J. [D-VT]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Leahy", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-23", "state": "VT" }, { "bioguide_id": "A000121", "district": null, "first_name": "GEORGE", "full_name": "Sen. Allen, George [R-VA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ALLEN", "middle_name": "F.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-23", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000072", "district": null, "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Sen. Jeffords, James M. [I-VT]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JEFFORDS", "middle_name": "MERRILL", "party": "I", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-23", "state": "VT" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000146", "district": null, "first_name": "HARRY", "full_name": "Sen. Reid, Harry [D-NV]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "REID", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-23", "state": "NV" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000243", "district": null, "first_name": "MAX", "full_name": "Sen. Baucus, Max [D-MT]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BAUCUS", "middle_name": "SIEBEN", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-23", "state": "MT" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000711", "district": null, "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Sen. Boxer, Barbara [D-CA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BOXER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-23", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000123", "district": null, "first_name": "FRANK", "full_name": "Sen. Lautenberg, Frank R. [D-NJ]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LAUTENBERG", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-23", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000858", "district": null, "first_name": "LARRY", "full_name": "Sen. Craig, Larry E. [R-ID]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CRAIG", "middle_name": "EDWIN", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-23", "state": "ID" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000105", "district": null, "first_name": "EDWARD", "full_name": "Sen. Kennedy, Edward M. [D-MA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KENNEDY", "middle_name": "MOORE", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-23", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000305", "district": null, "first_name": "HERBERT", "full_name": "Sen. 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For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2004-09-23", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-23", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 9/24/2004 S9652; text as passed Senate: CR 9/24/2004 S9652; text of measure as introduced: CR 9/24/2004 S9644)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 434, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Government Operations and Politics", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 108, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-07", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": null }, "number": 796, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Identical bill" } ], "title": "Recognizing and supporting all efforts to promote greater civic awareness among the people of the United States.", "type": "HRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "L000261", "district": null, "first_name": "CARL", "full_name": "Sen. 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The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Recognizes and supports all efforts to promote greater civic awareness among the people of the United States, including civic awareness programs such as candidate forums and voter registration drives.</p> <p>Encourages local communities and elected officials at all levels of government to promote greater awareness among the electorate of civic responsibility and the importance of participating in these elections.</p>", "update_date": "2004-11-29T21:10:14Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2004-09-23T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres434ats/xml/BILLS-108sres434ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution recognizing and supporting all efforts to promote greater civic awareness among the people of the United States.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution recognizing and supporting all efforts to promote greater civic awareness among the people of the United States.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution recognizing and supporting all efforts to promote greater civic awareness among the people of the United States.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2021-09-29T22:08:19Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-13T17:13:44Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "congress": 108, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-07", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": null }, "number": 796, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Identical bill" } ], "title": "Recognizing and supporting all efforts to promote greater civic awareness among the people of the United States.", "type": "HRES" } ]
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[ { "bioguide_id": "L000261", "district": null, "first_name": "CARL", "full_name": "Sen. Levin, Carl [D-MI]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "LEVIN", "middle_name": "MILTON", "party": "D", "state": "MI" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "C000567", "district": null, "first_name": "Thad", "full_name": "Sen. Cochran, Thad [R-MS]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Cochran", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-23", "state": "MS" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000174", "district": null, "first_name": "Patrick", "full_name": "Sen. Leahy, Patrick J. [D-VT]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Leahy", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-23", "state": "VT" }, { "bioguide_id": "A000121", "district": null, "first_name": "GEORGE", "full_name": "Sen. Allen, George [R-VA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ALLEN", "middle_name": "F.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-23", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000072", "district": null, "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Sen. Jeffords, James M. [I-VT]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JEFFORDS", "middle_name": "MERRILL", "party": "I", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-23", "state": "VT" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000146", "district": null, "first_name": "HARRY", "full_name": "Sen. Reid, Harry [D-NV]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "REID", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-23", "state": "NV" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000243", "district": null, "first_name": "MAX", "full_name": "Sen. Baucus, Max [D-MT]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BAUCUS", "middle_name": "SIEBEN", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-23", "state": "MT" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000711", "district": null, "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Sen. Boxer, Barbara [D-CA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BOXER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-23", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000123", "district": null, "first_name": "FRANK", "full_name": "Sen. Lautenberg, Frank R. [D-NJ]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LAUTENBERG", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-23", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000858", "district": null, "first_name": "LARRY", "full_name": "Sen. Craig, Larry E. [R-ID]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CRAIG", "middle_name": "EDWIN", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-23", "state": "ID" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000105", "district": null, "first_name": "EDWARD", "full_name": "Sen. Kennedy, Edward M. [D-MA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KENNEDY", "middle_name": "MOORE", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-23", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000305", "district": null, "first_name": "HERBERT", "full_name": "Sen. Kohl, Herb [D-WI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KOHL", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-23", "state": "WI" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000444", "district": null, "first_name": "JOSEPH", "full_name": "Sen. Biden, Joseph R., Jr. [D-DE]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BIDEN", "middle_name": "ROBINETTE", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-23", "state": "DE" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000064", "district": null, "first_name": "THOMAS", "full_name": "Sen. Daschle, Thomas A. [D-SD]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DASCHLE", "middle_name": "ANDREW", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-23", "state": "SD" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000779", "district": null, "first_name": "Ron", "full_name": "Sen. Wyden, Ron [D-OR]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Wyden", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-23", "state": "OR" }, { "bioguide_id": "A000069", "district": null, "first_name": "DANIEL", "full_name": "Sen. Akaka, Daniel K. [D-HI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "AKAKA", "middle_name": "KOHIKINA", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-23", "state": "HI" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000596", "district": null, "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Sen. Dayton, Mark [D-MN]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DAYTON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-23", "state": "MN" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000590", "district": null, "first_name": "Mark", "full_name": "Sen. Pryor, Mark L. [D-AR]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Pryor", "middle_name": "Lunsford", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-27", "state": "AR" } ]
Government Operations and Politics
[ "Civics education", "Congress", "Congressional elections", "Political participation", "Presidential elections", "Voter registration", "Voting" ]
[ { "action_date": "2004-09-23", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Recognizes and supports all efforts to promote greater civic awareness among the people of the United States, including civic awareness programs such as candidate forums and voter registration drives.</p> <p>Encourages local communities and elected officials at all levels of government to promote greater awareness among the electorate of civic responsibility and the importance of participating in these elections.</p>", "update_date": "2004-11-09T20:16:36Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-09-23", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Recognizes and supports all efforts to promote greater civic awareness among the people of the United States, including civic awareness programs such as candidate forums and voter registration drives.</p> <p>Encourages local communities and elected officials at all levels of government to promote greater awareness among the electorate of civic responsibility and the importance of participating in these elections.</p>", "update_date": "2004-11-29T21:10:14Z", "version_code": "82" } ]
A resolution recognizing and supporting all efforts to promote greater civic awareness among the people of the United States.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution recognizing and supporting all efforts to promote greater civic awareness among the people of the United States.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution recognizing and supporting all efforts to promote greater civic awareness among the people of the United States.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-09-23T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres434ats/xml/BILLS-108sres434ats.xml" } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-23", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 9/24/2004 S9652; text as passed Senate: CR 9/24/2004 S9652; text of measure as introduced: CR 9/24/2004 S9644)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-18 20:03:00.595
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 435 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-14T22:48:44Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:44Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2004-09-24 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2004-09-24T16:56:22Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-24 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR S9674) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-24 </actionDate> <text> Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR S9674) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> B00100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-24 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> V000126 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Voinovich, George V. [R-OH] </fullName> <firstName> GEORGE </firstName> <lastName> VOINOVICH </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OH </state> <middleName> V. </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Anniversaries </name> </item> <item> <name> Croatia </name> </item> <item> <name> Europe </name> </item> <item> <name> European American ethnic groups </name> </item> <item> <name> Fraternal organizations </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-09-24 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-11-09T20:39:44Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Recognizes the Croatian Fraternal Union of America on the occasion of its 110th anniversary.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Congratulates the members of the Croatian Fraternal Union on reaching this significant milestone.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution congratulating the Croation Fraternal Union of America on its 110th anniversary. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution congratulating the Croation Fraternal Union of America on its 110th anniversary. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution congratulating the Croation Fraternal Union of America on its 110th anniversary. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2004-09-24T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres435is/xml/BILLS-108sres435is.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-09-24 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR S9674) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2004-09-24T16:56:22Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-24", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR S9674)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "B00100", "action_date": "2004-09-24", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR S9674)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-09-24", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "V000126", "district": null, "first_name": "GEORGE", "full_name": "Sen. Voinovich, George V. [R-OH]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "VOINOVICH", "middle_name": "V.", "party": "R", "state": "OH" } ]
[ "Anniversaries", "Croatia", "Europe", "European American ethnic groups", "Fraternal organizations" ]
[ { "action_date": "2004-09-24", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Recognizes the Croatian Fraternal Union of America on the occasion of its 110th anniversary.</p> <p>Congratulates the members of the Croatian Fraternal Union on reaching this significant milestone.</p>", "update_date": "2004-11-09T20:39:44Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
A resolution congratulating the Croation Fraternal Union of America on its 110th anniversary.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution congratulating the Croation Fraternal Union of America on its 110th anniversary.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution congratulating the Croation Fraternal Union of America on its 110th anniversary.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-09-24T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres435is/xml/BILLS-108sres435is.xml" } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-24", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR S9674)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-18 20:00:01.231
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 436 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-14T22:48:44Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:44Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2004-09-28 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Discharged from </name> <date> 2004-11-18T23:43:28Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2004-09-28T14:59:15Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-11-18 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (text: CR S11511) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-11-18 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(text: CR S11511) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-11-18 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11510-11511) </text> <type> Discharge </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-11-18 </actionDate> <text> Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S11510-11511) </text> <type> Committee </type> <actionCode> 14500 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-28 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR S9817) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-28 </actionDate> <text> Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR S9817) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> B00100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-28 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> R000146 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Reid, Harry [D-NV] </fullName> <firstName> HARRY </firstName> <lastName> REID </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NV </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> C001042 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Corzine, Jon S. [D-NJ] </fullName> <firstName> JON </firstName> <lastName> CORZINE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <middleName> S. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-11-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000432 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Dorgan, Byron L. [D-ND] </fullName> <firstName> BYRON </firstName> <lastName> DORGAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> ND </state> <middleName> LESLIE </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-11-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000880 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Crapo, Mike [R-ID] </fullName> <firstName> Mike </firstName> <lastName> Crapo </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ID </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-11-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001035 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Collins, Susan M. [R-ME] </fullName> <firstName> Susan </firstName> <lastName> Collins </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ME </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-11-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000858 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Craig, Larry E. [R-ID] </fullName> <firstName> LARRY </firstName> <lastName> CRAIG </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ID </state> <middleName> EDWIN </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-11-19 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Death </name> </item> <item> <name> Families </name> </item> <item> <name> Infant mortality </name> </item> <item> <name> Special days </name> </item> <item> <name> Youth </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-09-28 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-11-09T21:34:42Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Designates the second Sunday in the month of December 2004 as National Children's Memorial Day.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Requests that the President issue a proclamation calling upon the people of the United States to observe National Children's Memorial Day with appropriate ceremonies and activities in remembrance of the many infants, children, teenagers, and young adults of families in the United States who have died.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-11-18 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2005-01-21T17:27:06Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Designates the second Sunday in the month of December 2004 as National Children's Memorial Day.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Requests that the President issue a proclamation calling upon the people of the United States to observe National Children's Memorial Day with appropriate ceremonies and activities in remembrance of the many infants, children, teenagers, and young adults of families in the United States who have died.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> National Children's Memorial Day </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> National Children's Memorial Day </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution designating the second Sunday in the month of December 2004 as "National Children's Memorial Day". </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> <item> <titleType> Short Titles as Introduced </titleType> <title> National Children's Memorial Day </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2004-11-18T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2004-09-28T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres436is/xml/BILLS-108sres436is.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-11-18 </actionDate> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (text: CR S11511) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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(text of measure as introduced: CR S9817)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "B00100", "action_date": "2004-09-28", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR S9817)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-09-28", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2004-11-18T23:43:28Z", "name": "Discharged from" }, { "date": "2004-09-28T14:59:15Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "C001042", "district": null, "first_name": "JON", "full_name": "Sen. Corzine, Jon S. 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As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2004-09-28", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-18", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. 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Reid, Harry [D-NV]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "REID", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "state": "NV" } ], "subjects": [ "Death", "Families", "Infant mortality", "Special days", "Youth" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2004-09-28", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Designates the second Sunday in the month of December 2004 as National Children's Memorial Day.</p> <p>Requests that the President issue a proclamation calling upon the people of the United States to observe National Children's Memorial Day with appropriate ceremonies and activities in remembrance of the many infants, children, teenagers, and young adults of families in the United States who have died.</p>", "update_date": "2004-11-09T21:34:42Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-11-18", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Designates the second Sunday in the month of December 2004 as National Children's Memorial Day.</p> <p>Requests that the President issue a proclamation calling upon the people of the United States to observe National Children's Memorial Day with appropriate ceremonies and activities in remembrance of the many infants, children, teenagers, and young adults of families in the United States who have died.</p>", "update_date": "2005-01-21T17:27:06Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2004-11-18T05:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2004-09-28T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres436is/xml/BILLS-108sres436is.xml" } ], "title": "National Children's Memorial Day", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "National Children's Memorial Day", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating the second Sunday in the month of December 2004 as \"National Children's Memorial Day\".", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "National Children's Memorial Day", "title_type": "Short Titles as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2023-01-14T22:48:44Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-14T22:48:44Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2004-11-18T23:43:28Z", "name": "Discharged from" }, { "date": "2004-09-28T14:59:15Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (text: CR S11511)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-11-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(text: CR S11511)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-18", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11510-11511)", "type": "Discharge" }, { "action_code": "14500", "action_date": "2004-11-18", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S11510-11511)", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-28", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR S9817)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "B00100", "action_date": "2004-09-28", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR S9817)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-09-28", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "R000146", "district": null, "first_name": "HARRY", "full_name": "Sen. Reid, Harry [D-NV]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "REID", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "state": "NV" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "C001042", "district": null, "first_name": "JON", "full_name": "Sen. Corzine, Jon S. [D-NJ]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CORZINE", "middle_name": "S.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-17", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000432", "district": null, "first_name": "BYRON", "full_name": "Sen. Dorgan, Byron L. [D-ND]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DORGAN", "middle_name": "LESLIE", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-17", "state": "ND" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000880", "district": null, "first_name": "Mike", "full_name": "Sen. Crapo, Mike [R-ID]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Crapo", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-17", "state": "ID" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001035", "district": null, "first_name": "Susan", "full_name": "Sen. Collins, Susan M. [R-ME]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Collins", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-17", "state": "ME" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000858", "district": null, "first_name": "LARRY", "full_name": "Sen. Craig, Larry E. [R-ID]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CRAIG", "middle_name": "EDWIN", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-19", "state": "ID" } ]
[ "Death", "Families", "Infant mortality", "Special days", "Youth" ]
[ { "action_date": "2004-09-28", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Designates the second Sunday in the month of December 2004 as National Children's Memorial Day.</p> <p>Requests that the President issue a proclamation calling upon the people of the United States to observe National Children's Memorial Day with appropriate ceremonies and activities in remembrance of the many infants, children, teenagers, and young adults of families in the United States who have died.</p>", "update_date": "2004-11-09T21:34:42Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-11-18", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Designates the second Sunday in the month of December 2004 as National Children's Memorial Day.</p> <p>Requests that the President issue a proclamation calling upon the people of the United States to observe National Children's Memorial Day with appropriate ceremonies and activities in remembrance of the many infants, children, teenagers, and young adults of families in the United States who have died.</p>", "update_date": "2005-01-21T17:27:06Z", "version_code": "82" } ]
National Children's Memorial Day
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "National Children's Memorial Day", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating the second Sunday in the month of December 2004 as \"National Children's Memorial Day\".", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "National Children's Memorial Day", "title_type": "Short Titles as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-11-18T05:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2004-09-28T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres436is/xml/BILLS-108sres436is.xml" } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-18", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (text: CR S11511)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-18 20:03:00.693
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(text of measure as introduced: CR S9817) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-28 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> L000504 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Lugar, Richard G. [R-IN] </fullName> <firstName> RICHARD </firstName> <lastName> LUGAR </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IN </state> <middleName> GREEN </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> B001233 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Bayh, Evan [D-IN] </fullName> <firstName> EVAN </firstName> <lastName> BAYH </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IN </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Architecture </name> </item> <item> <name> Armed Forces and National Security </name> </item> <item> <name> Arts </name> </item> <item> <name> Arts, Culture, Religion </name> </item> <item> <name> Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues </name> </item> <item> <name> Commerce </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Corporation directors </name> </item> <item> <name> Diesel motor </name> </item> <item> <name> Human rights </name> </item> <item> <name> Indiana </name> </item> <item> <name> International Affairs </name> </item> <item> <name> Manufacturing industries </name> </item> <item> <name> Transportation and Public Works </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-09-28 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-12-07T20:22:43Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Recognizes Joseph Irwin Miller of Columbus, Indiana, upon the occasion of his death on August 16, 2004, and extends condolences to the Miller family.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution celebrating the life of Joseph Irwin Miller of Columbus, Indiana. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution celebrating the life of Joseph Irwin Miller of Columbus, Indiana. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution celebrating the life of Joseph Irwin Miller of Columbus, Indiana. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2004-09-28T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres437is/xml/BILLS-108sres437is.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-09-28 </actionDate> <text> Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR S9817) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2004-09-28T19:22:41Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-28", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR S9817)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-09-28", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "L000504", "district": null, "first_name": "RICHARD", "full_name": "Sen. Lugar, Richard G. [R-IN]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "LUGAR", "middle_name": "GREEN", "party": "R", "state": "IN" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "B001233", "district": null, "first_name": "EVAN", "full_name": "Sen. Bayh, Evan [D-IN]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BAYH", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-28", "state": "IN" } ]
[ "Architecture", "Armed Forces and National Security", "Arts", "Arts, Culture, Religion", "Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues", "Commerce", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Corporation directors", "Diesel motor", "Human rights", "Indiana", "International Affairs", "Manufacturing industries", "Transportation and Public Works" ]
[ { "action_date": "2004-09-28", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Recognizes Joseph Irwin Miller of Columbus, Indiana, upon the occasion of his death on August 16, 2004, and extends condolences to the Miller family.</p>", "update_date": "2004-12-07T20:22:43Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
A resolution celebrating the life of Joseph Irwin Miller of Columbus, Indiana.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution celebrating the life of Joseph Irwin Miller of Columbus, Indiana.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution celebrating the life of Joseph Irwin Miller of Columbus, Indiana.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-09-28T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres437is/xml/BILLS-108sres437is.xml" } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-28", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR S9817)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-18 14:51:00.859
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 438 </number> <updateDate> 2021-09-29T22:08:20Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-13T17:29:12Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2004-09-28 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-28 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S9863-9864; text as passed Senate: CR S9864; text of measure as introduced: CR S9818) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-28 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S9863-9864; text as passed Senate: CR S9864; text of measure as introduced: CR S9818) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-28 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> B000444 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Biden, Joseph R., Jr. [D-DE] </fullName> <firstName> JOSEPH </firstName> <lastName> BIDEN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> DE </state> <middleName> ROBINETTE </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> H000338 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hatch, Orrin G. [R-UT] </fullName> <firstName> ORRIN </firstName> <lastName> HATCH </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> UT </state> <middleName> GRANT </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000305 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Kohl, Herb [D-WI] </fullName> <firstName> HERBERT </firstName> <lastName> KOHL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WI </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000711 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Boxer, Barbara [D-CA] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> BOXER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001041 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Clinton, Hillary Rodham [D-NY] </fullName> <firstName> HILLARY </firstName> <lastName> CLINTON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> R </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000770 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Stabenow, Debbie [D-MI] </fullName> <firstName> Debbie </firstName> <lastName> Stabenow </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000596 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Dayton, Mark [D-MN] </fullName> <firstName> MARK </firstName> <lastName> DAYTON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MN </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001042 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Corzine, Jon S. [D-NJ] </fullName> <firstName> JON </firstName> <lastName> CORZINE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <middleName> S. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000177 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Johnson, Tim [D-SD] </fullName> <firstName> TIM </firstName> <lastName> JOHNSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> SD </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000123 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Lautenberg, Frank R. [D-NJ] </fullName> <firstName> FRANK </firstName> <lastName> LAUTENBERG </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000174 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Carper, Thomas R. [D-DE] </fullName> <firstName> Thomas </firstName> <lastName> Carper </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> DE </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001111 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Murray, Patty [D-WA] </fullName> <firstName> Patty </firstName> <lastName> Murray </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000146 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Reid, Harry [D-NV] </fullName> <firstName> HARRY </firstName> <lastName> REID </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NV </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000779 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Wyden, Ron [D-OR] </fullName> <firstName> Ron </firstName> <lastName> Wyden </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OR </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000174 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Leahy, Patrick J. [D-VT] </fullName> <firstName> Patrick </firstName> <lastName> Leahy </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VT </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000352 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Kyl, Jon [R-AZ] </fullName> <firstName> Jon </firstName> <lastName> Kyl </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AZ </state> <middleName> Llewellyn </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001056 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cornyn, John [R-TX] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Cornyn </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TX </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000064 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Daschle, Thomas A. [D-SD] </fullName> <firstName> THOMAS </firstName> <lastName> DASCHLE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> SD </state> <middleName> ANDREW </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001153 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Murkowski, Lisa [R-AK] </fullName> <firstName> Lisa </firstName> <lastName> Murkowski </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AK </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000061 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Feingold, Russell D. [D-WI] </fullName> <firstName> RUSSELL </firstName> <lastName> FEINGOLD </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WI </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000563 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Durbin, Richard J. [D-IL] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Durbin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000127 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cantwell, Maria [D-WA] </fullName> <firstName> Maria </firstName> <lastName> Cantwell </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000062 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA] </fullName> <firstName> Dianne </firstName> <lastName> Feinstein </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Crime and Law Enforcement </name> </item> <item> <name> Families </name> </item> <item> <name> Family violence </name> </item> <item> <name> Special months </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-09-28 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-09-29T20:11:34Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Supports the goals and ideals of National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Expresses the sense of the Senate that Congress should continue to raise awareness of domestic violence in the United States and its devastating impact on families.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-09-28 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-09-29T20:11:44Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Supports the goals and ideals of National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Expresses the sense of the Senate that Congress should continue to raise awareness of domestic violence in the United States and its devastating impact on families.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution supporting the goals and ideals of National Domestic Violence Awareness Month and expressing the sense of the Senate that Congress should raise awareness of domestic violence in the United States and its devastating effects on families. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution supporting the goals and ideals of National Domestic Violence Awareness Month and expressing the sense of the Senate that Congress should raise awareness of domestic violence in the United States and its devastating effects on families. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution supporting the goals and ideals of National Domestic Violence Awareness Month and expressing the sense of the Senate that Congress should raise awareness of domestic violence in the United States and its devastating effects on families. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2004-09-28T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres438ats/xml/BILLS-108sres438ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-09-28 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S9863-9864; text as passed Senate: CR S9864; text of measure as introduced: CR S9818) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-28", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S9863-9864; text as passed Senate: CR S9864; text of measure as introduced: CR S9818)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-09-28", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S9863-9864; text as passed Senate: CR S9864; text of measure as introduced: CR S9818)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-09-28", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "H000338", "district": null, "first_name": "ORRIN", "full_name": "Sen. Hatch, Orrin G. [R-UT]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HATCH", "middle_name": "GRANT", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-28", "state": "UT" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000305", "district": null, "first_name": "HERBERT", "full_name": "Sen. Kohl, Herb [D-WI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KOHL", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-28", "state": "WI" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000711", "district": null, "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Sen. Boxer, Barbara [D-CA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BOXER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-28", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001041", "district": null, "first_name": "HILLARY", "full_name": "Sen. Clinton, Hillary Rodham [D-NY]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CLINTON", "middle_name": "R", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-28", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000770", "district": null, "first_name": "Debbie", "full_name": "Sen. Stabenow, Debbie [D-MI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Stabenow", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-28", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000596", "district": null, "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Sen. Dayton, Mark [D-MN]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DAYTON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-28", "state": "MN" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001042", "district": null, "first_name": "JON", "full_name": "Sen. Corzine, Jon S. [D-NJ]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CORZINE", "middle_name": "S.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-28", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000177", "district": null, "first_name": "TIM", "full_name": "Sen. Johnson, Tim [D-SD]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JOHNSON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-28", "state": "SD" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000123", "district": null, "first_name": "FRANK", "full_name": "Sen. Lautenberg, Frank R. [D-NJ]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LAUTENBERG", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-28", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000174", "district": null, "first_name": "Thomas", "full_name": "Sen. Carper, Thomas R. 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Murkowski, Lisa [R-AK]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Murkowski", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-28", "state": "AK" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000061", "district": null, "first_name": "RUSSELL", "full_name": "Sen. Feingold, Russell D. [D-WI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FEINGOLD", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-28", "state": "WI" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000563", "district": null, "first_name": "Richard", "full_name": "Sen. Durbin, Richard J. [D-IL]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Durbin", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-28", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000127", "district": null, "first_name": "Maria", "full_name": "Sen. 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As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2004-09-28", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-28", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S9863-9864; text as passed Senate: CR S9864; text of measure as introduced: CR S9818)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 438, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Commemorations", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "B000444", "district": null, "first_name": "JOSEPH", "full_name": "Sen. Biden, Joseph R., Jr. [D-DE]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "BIDEN", "middle_name": "ROBINETTE", "party": "D", "state": "DE" } ], "subjects": [ "Crime and Law Enforcement", "Families", "Family violence", "Special months" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2004-09-28", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Supports the goals and ideals of National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. </p> <p> Expresses the sense of the Senate that Congress should continue to raise awareness of domestic violence in the United States and its devastating impact on families.</p>", "update_date": "2004-09-29T20:11:34Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-09-28", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Supports the goals and ideals of National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. </p> <p> Expresses the sense of the Senate that Congress should continue to raise awareness of domestic violence in the United States and its devastating impact on families.</p>", "update_date": "2004-09-29T20:11:44Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2004-09-28T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres438ats/xml/BILLS-108sres438ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution supporting the goals and ideals of National Domestic Violence Awareness Month and expressing the sense of the Senate that Congress should raise awareness of domestic violence in the United States and its devastating effects on families.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution supporting the goals and ideals of National Domestic Violence Awareness Month and expressing the sense of the Senate that Congress should raise awareness of domestic violence in the United States and its devastating effects on families.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution supporting the goals and ideals of National Domestic Violence Awareness Month and expressing the sense of the Senate that Congress should raise awareness of domestic violence in the United States and its devastating effects on families.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2021-09-29T22:08:20Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-13T17:29:12Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-28", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S9863-9864; text as passed Senate: CR S9864; text of measure as introduced: CR S9818)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-09-28", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S9863-9864; text as passed Senate: CR S9864; text of measure as introduced: CR S9818)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-09-28", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "B000444", "district": null, "first_name": "JOSEPH", "full_name": "Sen. Biden, Joseph R., Jr. [D-DE]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "BIDEN", "middle_name": "ROBINETTE", "party": "D", "state": "DE" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "H000338", "district": null, "first_name": "ORRIN", "full_name": "Sen. Hatch, Orrin G. [R-UT]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HATCH", "middle_name": "GRANT", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-28", "state": "UT" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000305", "district": null, "first_name": "HERBERT", "full_name": "Sen. Kohl, Herb [D-WI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KOHL", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-28", "state": "WI" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000711", "district": null, "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Sen. Boxer, Barbara [D-CA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BOXER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-28", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001041", "district": null, "first_name": "HILLARY", "full_name": "Sen. Clinton, Hillary Rodham [D-NY]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CLINTON", "middle_name": "R", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-28", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000770", "district": null, "first_name": "Debbie", "full_name": "Sen. Stabenow, Debbie [D-MI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Stabenow", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-28", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000596", "district": null, "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Sen. Dayton, Mark [D-MN]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DAYTON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-28", "state": "MN" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001042", "district": null, "first_name": "JON", "full_name": "Sen. Corzine, Jon S. [D-NJ]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CORZINE", "middle_name": "S.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-28", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000177", "district": null, "first_name": "TIM", "full_name": "Sen. Johnson, Tim [D-SD]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JOHNSON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-28", "state": "SD" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000123", "district": null, "first_name": "FRANK", "full_name": "Sen. Lautenberg, Frank R. [D-NJ]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LAUTENBERG", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-28", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000174", "district": null, "first_name": "Thomas", "full_name": "Sen. Carper, Thomas R. [D-DE]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Carper", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-28", "state": "DE" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001111", "district": null, "first_name": "Patty", "full_name": "Sen. Murray, Patty [D-WA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Murray", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-28", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000146", "district": null, "first_name": "HARRY", "full_name": "Sen. Reid, Harry [D-NV]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "REID", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-28", "state": "NV" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000779", "district": null, "first_name": "Ron", "full_name": "Sen. Wyden, Ron [D-OR]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Wyden", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-28", "state": "OR" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000174", "district": null, "first_name": "Patrick", "full_name": "Sen. Leahy, Patrick J. [D-VT]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Leahy", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-28", "state": "VT" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000352", "district": null, "first_name": "Jon", "full_name": "Sen. Kyl, Jon [R-AZ]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Kyl", "middle_name": "Llewellyn", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-28", "state": "AZ" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001056", "district": null, "first_name": "John", "full_name": "Sen. Cornyn, John [R-TX]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Cornyn", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-28", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000064", "district": null, "first_name": "THOMAS", "full_name": "Sen. Daschle, Thomas A. [D-SD]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DASCHLE", "middle_name": "ANDREW", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-28", "state": "SD" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001153", "district": null, "first_name": "Lisa", "full_name": "Sen. Murkowski, Lisa [R-AK]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Murkowski", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-28", "state": "AK" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000061", "district": null, "first_name": "RUSSELL", "full_name": "Sen. Feingold, Russell D. [D-WI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FEINGOLD", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-28", "state": "WI" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000563", "district": null, "first_name": "Richard", "full_name": "Sen. Durbin, Richard J. [D-IL]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Durbin", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-28", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000127", "district": null, "first_name": "Maria", "full_name": "Sen. 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[ "Crime and Law Enforcement", "Families", "Family violence", "Special months" ]
[ { "action_date": "2004-09-28", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Supports the goals and ideals of National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. </p> <p> Expresses the sense of the Senate that Congress should continue to raise awareness of domestic violence in the United States and its devastating impact on families.</p>", "update_date": "2004-09-29T20:11:34Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-09-28", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Supports the goals and ideals of National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. </p> <p> Expresses the sense of the Senate that Congress should continue to raise awareness of domestic violence in the United States and its devastating impact on families.</p>", "update_date": "2004-09-29T20:11:44Z", "version_code": "82" } ]
A resolution supporting the goals and ideals of National Domestic Violence Awareness Month and expressing the sense of the Senate that Congress should raise awareness of domestic violence in the United States and its devastating effects on families.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution supporting the goals and ideals of National Domestic Violence Awareness Month and expressing the sense of the Senate that Congress should raise awareness of domestic violence in the United States and its devastating effects on families.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution supporting the goals and ideals of National Domestic Violence Awareness Month and expressing the sense of the Senate that Congress should raise awareness of domestic violence in the United States and its devastating effects on families.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-09-28T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres438ats/xml/BILLS-108sres438ats.xml" } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-28", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S9863-9864; text as passed Senate: CR S9864; text of measure as introduced: CR S9818)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-18 14:51:00.750
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(consideration: CR S9863; text as passed Senate: CR S9863; text of measure as introduced: CR S9818) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-28 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S9863; text as passed Senate: CR S9863; text of measure as introduced: CR S9818) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-28 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> F000061 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Feingold, Russell D. [D-WI] </fullName> <firstName> RUSSELL </firstName> <lastName> FEINGOLD </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WI </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> K000305 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Kohl, Herb [D-WI] </fullName> <firstName> HERBERT </firstName> <lastName> KOHL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WI </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Arts, Culture, Religion </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> District of Columbia </name> </item> <item> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </item> <item> <name> Minorities </name> </item> <item> <name> Museums </name> </item> <item> <name> Native Americans </name> </item> <item> <name> Smithsonian Institution </name> </item> <item> <name> Wisconsin </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-09-28 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-10-12T19:15:22Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Declares that the Senate: (1) celebrates the official opening of the National Museum of the American Indian; (2) recognizes the native people of Wisconsin, and of the entire United States, and their past, present, and future contributions to America's culture, history, and tradition; and (3) requests that the Senate send an enrolled copy of this resolution to the chairpersons of Wisconsin's federally recognized tribes. &lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-09-28 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-10-12T19:14:08Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Declares that the Senate: (1) celebrates the official opening of the National Museum of the American Indian; (2) recognizes the native people of Wisconsin, and of the entire United States, and their past, present, and future contributions to America's culture, history, and tradition; and (3) requests that the Senate send an enrolled copy of this resolution to the chairpersons of Wisconsin's federally recognized tribes.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution recognizing the contributions of Wisconsin Native Americans to the opening of the National Museum of the American Indian. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution recognizing the contributions of Wisconsin Native Americans to the opening of the National Museum of the American Indian. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution recognizing the contributions of Wisconsin Native Americans to the opening of the National Museum of the American Indian. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2004-09-28T04:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-09-28 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S9863; text as passed Senate: CR S9863; text of measure as introduced: CR S9818) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-28", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S9863; text as passed Senate: CR S9863; text of measure as introduced: CR S9818)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-09-28", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S9863; text as passed Senate: CR S9863; text of measure as introduced: CR S9818)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-09-28", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "K000305", "district": null, "first_name": "HERBERT", "full_name": "Sen. Kohl, Herb [D-WI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KOHL", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-28", "state": "WI" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2004-09-28", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-28", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S9863; text as passed Senate: CR S9863; text of measure as introduced: CR S9818)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 439, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Commemorations", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "F000061", "district": null, "first_name": "RUSSELL", "full_name": "Sen. Feingold, Russell D. [D-WI]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "FEINGOLD", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "state": "WI" } ], "subjects": [ "Arts, Culture, Religion", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "District of Columbia", "Government Operations and Politics", "Minorities", "Museums", "Native Americans", "Smithsonian Institution", "Wisconsin" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2004-09-28", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Declares that the Senate: (1) celebrates the official opening of the National Museum of the American Indian; (2) recognizes the native people of Wisconsin, and of the entire United States, and their past, present, and future contributions to America's culture, history, and tradition; and (3) requests that the Senate send an enrolled copy of this resolution to the chairpersons of Wisconsin's federally recognized tribes. </p>", "update_date": "2004-10-12T19:15:22Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-09-28", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Declares that the Senate: (1) celebrates the official opening of the National Museum of the American Indian; (2) recognizes the native people of Wisconsin, and of the entire United States, and their past, present, and future contributions to America's culture, history, and tradition; and (3) requests that the Senate send an enrolled copy of this resolution to the chairpersons of Wisconsin's federally recognized tribes.</p>", "update_date": "2004-10-12T19:14:08Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2004-09-28T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": null } ], "title": "A resolution recognizing the contributions of Wisconsin Native Americans to the opening of the National Museum of the American Indian.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution recognizing the contributions of Wisconsin Native Americans to the opening of the National Museum of the American Indian.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution recognizing the contributions of Wisconsin Native Americans to the opening of the National Museum of the American Indian.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2021-09-29T22:08:20Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-13T17:29:12Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-28", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S9863; text as passed Senate: CR S9863; text of measure as introduced: CR S9818)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-09-28", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S9863; text as passed Senate: CR S9863; text of measure as introduced: CR S9818)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-09-28", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "F000061", "district": null, "first_name": "RUSSELL", "full_name": "Sen. Feingold, Russell D. [D-WI]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "FEINGOLD", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "state": "WI" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "K000305", "district": null, "first_name": "HERBERT", "full_name": "Sen. Kohl, Herb [D-WI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KOHL", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-28", "state": "WI" } ]
[ "Arts, Culture, Religion", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "District of Columbia", "Government Operations and Politics", "Minorities", "Museums", "Native Americans", "Smithsonian Institution", "Wisconsin" ]
[ { "action_date": "2004-09-28", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Declares that the Senate: (1) celebrates the official opening of the National Museum of the American Indian; (2) recognizes the native people of Wisconsin, and of the entire United States, and their past, present, and future contributions to America's culture, history, and tradition; and (3) requests that the Senate send an enrolled copy of this resolution to the chairpersons of Wisconsin's federally recognized tribes. </p>", "update_date": "2004-10-12T19:15:22Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-09-28", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Declares that the Senate: (1) celebrates the official opening of the National Museum of the American Indian; (2) recognizes the native people of Wisconsin, and of the entire United States, and their past, present, and future contributions to America's culture, history, and tradition; and (3) requests that the Senate send an enrolled copy of this resolution to the chairpersons of Wisconsin's federally recognized tribes.</p>", "update_date": "2004-10-12T19:14:08Z", "version_code": "82" } ]
A resolution recognizing the contributions of Wisconsin Native Americans to the opening of the National Museum of the American Indian.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution recognizing the contributions of Wisconsin Native Americans to the opening of the National Museum of the American Indian.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution recognizing the contributions of Wisconsin Native Americans to the opening of the National Museum of the American Indian.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-09-28T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-28", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S9863; text as passed Senate: CR S9863; text of measure as introduced: CR S9818)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-18 14:51:00.894
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 440 </number> <updateDate> 2021-09-29T22:08:20Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-13T17:29:11Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2004-09-28 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-28 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S9863; text as passed Senate: CR S9863; text of measure as introduced: CR S9818) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-28 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S9863; text as passed Senate: CR S9863; text of measure as introduced: CR S9818) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-28 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> H000338 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hatch, Orrin G. [R-UT] </fullName> <firstName> ORRIN </firstName> <lastName> HATCH </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> UT </state> <middleName> GRANT </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Agriculture and Food </name> </item> <item> <name> Charitable contributions </name> </item> <item> <name> Church and social problems </name> </item> <item> <name> Food relief </name> </item> <item> <name> Hunger </name> </item> <item> <name> Religion </name> </item> <item> <name> Special days </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-09-28 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-10-18T21:57:25Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Designates November 18, 2004, as Feed America Thursday.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-09-28 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-10-18T21:57:43Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Designates November 18, 2004, as Feed America Thursday.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution designating Thursday, November 18, 2004, as "Feed America Thursday". </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution designating Thursday, November 18, 2004, as "Feed America Thursday". </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution designating Thursday, November 18, 2004, as "Feed America Thursday". </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2004-09-28T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres440ats/xml/BILLS-108sres440ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-09-28 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S9863; text as passed Senate: CR S9863; text of measure as introduced: CR S9818) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-28", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S9863; text as passed Senate: CR S9863; text of measure as introduced: CR S9818)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-09-28", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S9863; text as passed Senate: CR S9863; text of measure as introduced: CR S9818)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-09-28", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2004-09-28", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-28", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S9863; text as passed Senate: CR S9863; text of measure as introduced: CR S9818)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 440, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Commemorations", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "H000338", "district": null, "first_name": "ORRIN", "full_name": "Sen. Hatch, Orrin G. [R-UT]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "HATCH", "middle_name": "GRANT", "party": "R", "state": "UT" } ], "subjects": [ "Agriculture and Food", "Charitable contributions", "Church and social problems", "Food relief", "Hunger", "Religion", "Special days" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2004-09-28", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Designates November 18, 2004, as Feed America Thursday.</p>", "update_date": "2004-10-18T21:57:25Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-09-28", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Designates November 18, 2004, as Feed America Thursday.</p>", "update_date": "2004-10-18T21:57:43Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2004-09-28T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres440ats/xml/BILLS-108sres440ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution designating Thursday, November 18, 2004, as \"Feed America Thursday\".", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating Thursday, November 18, 2004, as \"Feed America Thursday\".", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating Thursday, November 18, 2004, as \"Feed America Thursday\".", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2021-09-29T22:08:20Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-13T17:29:11Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-28", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S9863; text as passed Senate: CR S9863; text of measure as introduced: CR S9818)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-09-28", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S9863; text as passed Senate: CR S9863; text of measure as introduced: CR S9818)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-09-28", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "H000338", "district": null, "first_name": "ORRIN", "full_name": "Sen. Hatch, Orrin G. [R-UT]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "HATCH", "middle_name": "GRANT", "party": "R", "state": "UT" } ]
[ "Agriculture and Food", "Charitable contributions", "Church and social problems", "Food relief", "Hunger", "Religion", "Special days" ]
[ { "action_date": "2004-09-28", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Designates November 18, 2004, as Feed America Thursday.</p>", "update_date": "2004-10-18T21:57:25Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-09-28", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Designates November 18, 2004, as Feed America Thursday.</p>", "update_date": "2004-10-18T21:57:43Z", "version_code": "82" } ]
A resolution designating Thursday, November 18, 2004, as "Feed America Thursday".
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating Thursday, November 18, 2004, as \"Feed America Thursday\".", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating Thursday, November 18, 2004, as \"Feed America Thursday\".", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-09-28T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres440ats/xml/BILLS-108sres440ats.xml" } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-28", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S9863; text as passed Senate: CR S9863; text of measure as introduced: CR S9818)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-18 20:03:00.417
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 441 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-14T22:48:44Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:44Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2004-09-29 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> slia00 </systemCode> <name> Indian Affairs Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Other </type> <activities> <item> <name> Discharged from </name> <date> 2004-11-18T23:40:38Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2004-09-29T21:00:27Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-11-18 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (text: CR S11507) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-11-18 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(text: CR S11507) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-11-18 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> slia00 </systemCode> <name> Indian Affairs Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Senate Committee on Indian Affairs discharged by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11507-11508) </text> <type> Discharge </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-11-18 </actionDate> <text> Senate Committee on Indian Affairs discharged by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S11507-11508) </text> <type> Committee </type> <actionCode> 14500 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> slia00 </systemCode> <name> Indian Affairs Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-29 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> slia00 </systemCode> <name> Indian Affairs Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs. (text of measure as introduced: CR S9956) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-29 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> S001142 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Smith, Gordon H. [R-OR] </fullName> <firstName> GORDON </firstName> <lastName> SMITH </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OR </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> W000779 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Wyden, Ron [D-OR] </fullName> <firstName> Ron </firstName> <lastName> Wyden </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OR </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Native Americans </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Commemorations </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Federal-Indian relations </name> </item> <item> <name> Indian lands </name> </item> <item> <name> Legislation </name> </item> <item> <name> Minorities </name> </item> <item> <name> Monuments and memorials </name> </item> <item> <name> Oregon </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Native Americans </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-09-29 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-10-20T20:04:42Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Expresses the sense of the Senate that October 17, 1984, should be memorialized as the date on which the Federal Government restored Federal recognition to the Confederate Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua, and Siuslaw Indians. &lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-11-18 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-12-06T20:56:09Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Expresses the sense of the Senate that October 17, 1984, should be memorialized as the date on which the Federal Government restored Federal recognition to the Confederate Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua, and Siuslaw Indians. &lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that October 17, 1984, the date of the restoration by the Federal Government of Federal recognition to the Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua, and Siuslaw Indians, should be memorialized. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that October 17, 1984, the date of the restoration by the Federal Government of Federal recognition to the Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua, and Siuslaw Indians, should be memorialized. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that October 17, 1984, the date of the restoration by the Federal Government of Federal recognition to the Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua, and Siuslaw Indians, should be memorialized. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2004-11-18T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2004-09-29T04:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-11-18 </actionDate> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (text: CR S11507) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (text: CR S11507)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-11-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(text: CR S11507)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-18", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Indian Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "slia00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Senate Committee on Indian Affairs discharged by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11507-11508)", "type": "Discharge" }, { "action_code": "14500", "action_date": "2004-11-18", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Indian Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "slia00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate Committee on Indian Affairs discharged by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S11507-11508)", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-29", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Indian Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "slia00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs. (text of measure as introduced: CR S9956)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-09-29", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2004-11-18T23:40:38Z", "name": "Discharged from" }, { "date": "2004-09-29T21:00:27Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Indian Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "slia00", "type": "Other" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "W000779", "district": null, "first_name": "Ron", "full_name": "Sen. Wyden, Ron [D-OR]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Wyden", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-29", "state": "OR" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2004-09-29", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-18", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (text: CR S11507)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 441, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Native Americans", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "S001142", "district": null, "first_name": "GORDON", "full_name": "Sen. Smith, Gordon H. [R-OR]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "SMITH", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "R", "state": "OR" } ], "subjects": [ "Commemorations", "Congress", "Federal-Indian relations", "Indian lands", "Legislation", "Minorities", "Monuments and memorials", "Oregon" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2004-09-29", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Expresses the sense of the Senate that October 17, 1984, should be memorialized as the date on which the Federal Government restored Federal recognition to the Confederate Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua, and Siuslaw Indians. </p>", "update_date": "2004-10-20T20:04:42Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-11-18", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Expresses the sense of the Senate that October 17, 1984, should be memorialized as the date on which the Federal Government restored Federal recognition to the Confederate Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua, and Siuslaw Indians. </p>", "update_date": "2004-12-06T20:56:09Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2004-11-18T05:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2004-09-29T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": null } ], "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that October 17, 1984, the date of the restoration by the Federal Government of Federal recognition to the Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua, and Siuslaw Indians, should be memorialized.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that October 17, 1984, the date of the restoration by the Federal Government of Federal recognition to the Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua, and Siuslaw Indians, should be memorialized.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that October 17, 1984, the date of the restoration by the Federal Government of Federal recognition to the Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua, and Siuslaw Indians, should be memorialized.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2023-01-14T22:48:44Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-14T22:48:44Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2004-11-18T23:40:38Z", "name": "Discharged from" }, { "date": "2004-09-29T21:00:27Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Indian Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "slia00", "type": "Other" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (text: CR S11507)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-11-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(text: CR S11507)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-18", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Indian Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "slia00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Senate Committee on Indian Affairs discharged by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11507-11508)", "type": "Discharge" }, { "action_code": "14500", "action_date": "2004-11-18", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Indian Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "slia00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate Committee on Indian Affairs discharged by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S11507-11508)", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-29", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Indian Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "slia00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs. (text of measure as introduced: CR S9956)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-09-29", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "S001142", "district": null, "first_name": "GORDON", "full_name": "Sen. Smith, Gordon H. [R-OR]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "SMITH", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "R", "state": "OR" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "W000779", "district": null, "first_name": "Ron", "full_name": "Sen. Wyden, Ron [D-OR]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Wyden", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-29", "state": "OR" } ]
Native Americans
[ "Commemorations", "Congress", "Federal-Indian relations", "Indian lands", "Legislation", "Minorities", "Monuments and memorials", "Oregon" ]
[ { "action_date": "2004-09-29", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Expresses the sense of the Senate that October 17, 1984, should be memorialized as the date on which the Federal Government restored Federal recognition to the Confederate Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua, and Siuslaw Indians. </p>", "update_date": "2004-10-20T20:04:42Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-11-18", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Expresses the sense of the Senate that October 17, 1984, should be memorialized as the date on which the Federal Government restored Federal recognition to the Confederate Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua, and Siuslaw Indians. </p>", "update_date": "2004-12-06T20:56:09Z", "version_code": "82" } ]
A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that October 17, 1984, the date of the restoration by the Federal Government of Federal recognition to the Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua, and Siuslaw Indians, should be memorialized.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that October 17, 1984, the date of the restoration by the Federal Government of Federal recognition to the Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua, and Siuslaw Indians, should be memorialized.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that October 17, 1984, the date of the restoration by the Federal Government of Federal recognition to the Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua, and Siuslaw Indians, should be memorialized.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-11-18T05:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2004-09-29T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-18", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (text: CR S11507)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-18 20:03:00.457
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 442 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-14T22:48:44Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:44Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2004-09-29 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2004-09-29T21:30:35Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-29 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR S9956) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-29 </actionDate> <text> Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR S9956-9958) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> B00100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-29 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> L000550 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Landrieu, Mary L. [D-LA] </fullName> <firstName> MARY </firstName> <lastName> LANDRIEU </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> LA </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> A000121 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Allen, George [R-VA] </fullName> <firstName> GEORGE </firstName> <lastName> ALLEN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> F. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Crime and Law Enforcement </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Due process of law </name> </item> <item> <name> History </name> </item> <item> <name> Law </name> </item> <item> <name> Legislation </name> </item> <item> <name> Minorities </name> </item> <item> <name> Murder </name> </item> <item> <name> Racial violence </name> </item> <item> <name> Senate </name> </item> <item> <name> Victims of crimes </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Crime and Law Enforcement </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-09-29 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-10-12T19:15:58Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Declares that the Senate: (1) apologizes to the victims and survivors of lynching for its failure to enact anti-lynching legislation; (2) expresses its deepest sympathies and most solemn regrets to the descendants of such victims whose ancestors were deprived of life, human dignity, and the constitutional protections accorded all other U.S. citizens; and (3) remembers the history of lynching, to ensure that these personal tragedies will be neither forgotten nor repeated.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution apologizing to the victims of lynching and their descendants for the Senate's failure to enact anti-lynching legislation. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution apologizing to the victims of lynching and their descendants for the Senate's failure to enact anti-lynching legislation. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution apologizing to the victims of lynching and their descendants for the Senate's failure to enact anti-lynching legislation. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2004-09-29T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres442is/xml/BILLS-108sres442is.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-09-29 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR S9956) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2004-09-29T21:30:35Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-29", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR S9956)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "B00100", "action_date": "2004-09-29", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR S9956-9958)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-09-29", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "L000550", "district": null, "first_name": "MARY", "full_name": "Sen. Landrieu, Mary L. [D-LA]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "LANDRIEU", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "LA" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "A000121", "district": null, "first_name": "GEORGE", "full_name": "Sen. Allen, George [R-VA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ALLEN", "middle_name": "F.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-29", "state": "VA" } ]
Crime and Law Enforcement
[ "Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Due process of law", "History", "Law", "Legislation", "Minorities", "Murder", "Racial violence", "Senate", "Victims of crimes" ]
[ { "action_date": "2004-09-29", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Declares that the Senate: (1) apologizes to the victims and survivors of lynching for its failure to enact anti-lynching legislation; (2) expresses its deepest sympathies and most solemn regrets to the descendants of such victims whose ancestors were deprived of life, human dignity, and the constitutional protections accorded all other U.S. citizens; and (3) remembers the history of lynching, to ensure that these personal tragedies will be neither forgotten nor repeated.</p>", "update_date": "2004-10-12T19:15:58Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
A resolution apologizing to the victims of lynching and their descendants for the Senate's failure to enact anti-lynching legislation.
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[ { "date": "2004-09-29T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres442is/xml/BILLS-108sres442is.xml" } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-29", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR S9956)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-18 14:51:00.962
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 443 </number> <updateDate> 2021-09-29T22:08:21Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-13T17:29:11Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2004-09-29 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-29 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S9985-9986; text as passed Senate: CR S9986; text of measure as introduced: CR S9958) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-29 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S9985-9986; text as passed Senate: CR S9986; text of measure as introduced: CR S9958) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-29 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> F000439 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Frist, William H. [R-TN] </fullName> <firstName> WILLIAM </firstName> <lastName> FRIST </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TN </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> D000064 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Daschle, Thomas A. [D-SD] </fullName> <firstName> THOMAS </firstName> <lastName> DASCHLE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> SD </state> <middleName> ANDREW </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Congress </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Civil actions and liability </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional employees </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional legal counsel </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional privileges and immunities </name> </item> <item> <name> Evidence (Law) </name> </item> <item> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </item> <item> <name> Law </name> </item> <item> <name> Members of Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Senate </name> </item> <item> <name> Witnesses </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Congress </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-09-29 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-10-12T19:16:57Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Authorizes: (1) employees of Senator Graham's office from whom testimony or production of documents may be required to testify and produce documents in the case of United States v. Roberto Martin, except concerning matters for which a privilege may be asserted; and (2) the Senate Legal Counsel to represent Senator Graham's staff in such case.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-09-29 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-10-12T19:16:40Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Authorizes: (1) employees of Senator Graham's office from whom testimony or production of documents may be required to testify and produce documents in the case of United States v. Roberto Martin, except concerning matters for which a privilege may be asserted; and (2) the Senate Legal Counsel to represent Senator Graham's staff in such case.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution to authorize testimony, document production, and legal representation in United States v. Roberto Martin. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution to authorize testimony, document production, and legal representation in United States v. Roberto Martin. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution to authorize testimony, document production, and legal representation in United States v. Roberto Martin. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2004-09-29T04:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-09-29 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S9985-9986; text as passed Senate: CR S9986; text of measure as introduced: CR S9958) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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(consideration: CR S9985-9986; text as passed Senate: CR S9986; text of measure as introduced: CR S9958)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-09-29", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S9985-9986; text as passed Senate: CR S9986; text of measure as introduced: CR S9958)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-09-29", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "D000064", "district": null, "first_name": "THOMAS", "full_name": "Sen. Daschle, Thomas A. [D-SD]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DASCHLE", "middle_name": "ANDREW", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-29", "state": "SD" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2004-09-29", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-29", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S9985-9986; text as passed Senate: CR S9986; text of measure as introduced: CR S9958)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 443, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Congress", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "F000439", "district": null, "first_name": "WILLIAM", "full_name": "Sen. Frist, William H. [R-TN]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "FRIST", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "R", "state": "TN" } ], "subjects": [ "Civil actions and liability", "Congressional employees", "Congressional legal counsel", "Congressional privileges and immunities", "Evidence (Law)", "Government Operations and Politics", "Law", "Members of Congress", "Senate", "Witnesses" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2004-09-29", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Authorizes: (1) employees of Senator Graham's office from whom testimony or production of documents may be required to testify and produce documents in the case of United States v. Roberto Martin, except concerning matters for which a privilege may be asserted; and (2) the Senate Legal Counsel to represent Senator Graham's staff in such case.</p>", "update_date": "2004-10-12T19:16:57Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-09-29", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Authorizes: (1) employees of Senator Graham's office from whom testimony or production of documents may be required to testify and produce documents in the case of United States v. Roberto Martin, except concerning matters for which a privilege may be asserted; and (2) the Senate Legal Counsel to represent Senator Graham's staff in such case.</p>", "update_date": "2004-10-12T19:16:40Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2004-09-29T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": null } ], "title": "A resolution to authorize testimony, document production, and legal representation in United States v. Roberto Martin.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution to authorize testimony, document production, and legal representation in United States v. Roberto Martin.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution to authorize testimony, document production, and legal representation in United States v. Roberto Martin.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2021-09-29T22:08:21Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-13T17:29:11Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-29", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S9985-9986; text as passed Senate: CR S9986; text of measure as introduced: CR S9958)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-09-29", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S9985-9986; text as passed Senate: CR S9986; text of measure as introduced: CR S9958)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-09-29", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "F000439", "district": null, "first_name": "WILLIAM", "full_name": "Sen. Frist, William H. [R-TN]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "FRIST", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "R", "state": "TN" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "D000064", "district": null, "first_name": "THOMAS", "full_name": "Sen. Daschle, Thomas A. [D-SD]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DASCHLE", "middle_name": "ANDREW", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-29", "state": "SD" } ]
[ "Civil actions and liability", "Congressional employees", "Congressional legal counsel", "Congressional privileges and immunities", "Evidence (Law)", "Government Operations and Politics", "Law", "Members of Congress", "Senate", "Witnesses" ]
[ { "action_date": "2004-09-29", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Authorizes: (1) employees of Senator Graham's office from whom testimony or production of documents may be required to testify and produce documents in the case of United States v. Roberto Martin, except concerning matters for which a privilege may be asserted; and (2) the Senate Legal Counsel to represent Senator Graham's staff in such case.</p>", "update_date": "2004-10-12T19:16:57Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-09-29", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Authorizes: (1) employees of Senator Graham's office from whom testimony or production of documents may be required to testify and produce documents in the case of United States v. Roberto Martin, except concerning matters for which a privilege may be asserted; and (2) the Senate Legal Counsel to represent Senator Graham's staff in such case.</p>", "update_date": "2004-10-12T19:16:40Z", "version_code": "82" } ]
A resolution to authorize testimony, document production, and legal representation in United States v. Roberto Martin.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution to authorize testimony, document production, and legal representation in United States v. Roberto Martin.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution to authorize testimony, document production, and legal representation in United States v. Roberto Martin.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-09-29T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-29", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S9985-9986; text as passed Senate: CR S9986; text of measure as introduced: CR S9958)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-18 14:51:00.820
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 444 </number> <updateDate> 2021-09-29T22:08:21Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-13T17:29:11Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2004-09-29 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-29 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S9988-9989; text as passed Senate: CR S9989; text of measure as introduced: CR S9958) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-29 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S9988-9989; text as passed Senate: CR S9989; text of measure as introduced: CR S9958) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-29 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> F000439 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Frist, William H. [R-TN] </fullName> <firstName> WILLIAM </firstName> <lastName> FRIST </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TN </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> D000064 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Daschle, Thomas A. [D-SD] </fullName> <firstName> THOMAS </firstName> <lastName> DASCHLE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> SD </state> <middleName> ANDREW </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000709 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Specter, Arlen [R-PA] </fullName> <firstName> ARLEN </firstName> <lastName> SPECTER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> PA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> A000360 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Alexander, Lamar [R-TN] </fullName> <firstName> Lamar </firstName> <lastName> Alexander </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TN </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000146 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Reid, Harry [D-NV] </fullName> <firstName> HARRY </firstName> <lastName> REID </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NV </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Anniversaries </name> </item> <item> <name> Armed Forces and National Security </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> History </name> </item> <item> <name> Veterans' organizations </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-09-29 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-11-09T20:47:18Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt; Recognizes the historic significance of the 105th anniversary of the founding of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States (VFW).&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Congratulates the VFW on achieving that milestone.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Commends the approximately 2,000,000 veterans who belong to the VFW and thanks them for their service to their fellow veterans and the United States.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Recognizes the VFW's national Commander-in-Chief, John Furgess, for his service and dedication to the veterans of the United States.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-09-29 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-12-07T20:14:05Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Recognizes the historic significance of the 105th anniversary of the founding of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States (VFW).&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Congratulates the VFW on achieving that milestone.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Commends the approximately 2,000,000 veterans who belong to the VFW and thanks them for their service to their fellow veterans and the United States.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Recognizes the VFW's national Commander-in-Chief, John Furgess, for his service and dedication to the veterans of the United States.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution congratulating and commending the Veterans of foreign Wars of the United States and its national Commander-in-Chief, John Furgess of Tennessee. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution congratulating and commending the Veterans of foreign Wars of the United States and its national Commander-in-Chief, John Furgess of Tennessee. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution congratulating and commending the Veterans of foreign Wars of the United States and its national Commander-in-Chief, John Furgess of Tennessee. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2004-09-29T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres444ats/xml/BILLS-108sres444ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-09-29 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S9988-9989; text as passed Senate: CR S9989; text of measure as introduced: CR S9958) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-29", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S9988-9989; text as passed Senate: CR S9989; text of measure as introduced: CR S9958)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-09-29", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S9988-9989; text as passed Senate: CR S9989; text of measure as introduced: CR S9958)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-09-29", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "D000064", "district": null, "first_name": "THOMAS", "full_name": "Sen. Daschle, Thomas A. [D-SD]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DASCHLE", "middle_name": "ANDREW", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-29", "state": "SD" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000709", "district": null, "first_name": "ARLEN", "full_name": "Sen. Specter, Arlen [R-PA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SPECTER", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-29", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "A000360", "district": null, "first_name": "Lamar", "full_name": "Sen. Alexander, Lamar [R-TN]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Alexander", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-29", "state": "TN" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000146", "district": null, "first_name": "HARRY", "full_name": "Sen. Reid, Harry [D-NV]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "REID", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-29", "state": "NV" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2004-09-29", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-29", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S9988-9989; text as passed Senate: CR S9989; text of measure as introduced: CR S9958)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 444, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Commemorations", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "F000439", "district": null, "first_name": "WILLIAM", "full_name": "Sen. Frist, William H. [R-TN]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "FRIST", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "R", "state": "TN" } ], "subjects": [ "Anniversaries", "Armed Forces and National Security", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "History", "Veterans' organizations" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2004-09-29", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p> Recognizes the historic significance of the 105th anniversary of the founding of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States (VFW).</p> <p>Congratulates the VFW on achieving that milestone.</p> <p>Commends the approximately 2,000,000 veterans who belong to the VFW and thanks them for their service to their fellow veterans and the United States.</p> <p>Recognizes the VFW's national Commander-in-Chief, John Furgess, for his service and dedication to the veterans of the United States.</p>", "update_date": "2004-11-09T20:47:18Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-09-29", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Recognizes the historic significance of the 105th anniversary of the founding of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States (VFW).</p> <p>Congratulates the VFW on achieving that milestone.</p> <p>Commends the approximately 2,000,000 veterans who belong to the VFW and thanks them for their service to their fellow veterans and the United States.</p> <p>Recognizes the VFW's national Commander-in-Chief, John Furgess, for his service and dedication to the veterans of the United States.</p>", "update_date": "2004-12-07T20:14:05Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2004-09-29T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres444ats/xml/BILLS-108sres444ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution congratulating and commending the Veterans of foreign Wars of the United States and its national Commander-in-Chief, John Furgess of Tennessee.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution congratulating and commending the Veterans of foreign Wars of the United States and its national Commander-in-Chief, John Furgess of Tennessee.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution congratulating and commending the Veterans of foreign Wars of the United States and its national Commander-in-Chief, John Furgess of Tennessee.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2021-09-29T22:08:21Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-13T17:29:11Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-29", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S9988-9989; text as passed Senate: CR S9989; text of measure as introduced: CR S9958)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-09-29", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S9988-9989; text as passed Senate: CR S9989; text of measure as introduced: CR S9958)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-09-29", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "F000439", "district": null, "first_name": "WILLIAM", "full_name": "Sen. Frist, William H. [R-TN]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "FRIST", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "R", "state": "TN" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "D000064", "district": null, "first_name": "THOMAS", "full_name": "Sen. Daschle, Thomas A. [D-SD]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DASCHLE", "middle_name": "ANDREW", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-29", "state": "SD" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000709", "district": null, "first_name": "ARLEN", "full_name": "Sen. Specter, Arlen [R-PA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SPECTER", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-29", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "A000360", "district": null, "first_name": "Lamar", "full_name": "Sen. Alexander, Lamar [R-TN]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Alexander", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-29", "state": "TN" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000146", "district": null, "first_name": "HARRY", "full_name": "Sen. Reid, Harry [D-NV]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "REID", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-29", "state": "NV" } ]
[ "Anniversaries", "Armed Forces and National Security", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "History", "Veterans' organizations" ]
[ { "action_date": "2004-09-29", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p> Recognizes the historic significance of the 105th anniversary of the founding of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States (VFW).</p> <p>Congratulates the VFW on achieving that milestone.</p> <p>Commends the approximately 2,000,000 veterans who belong to the VFW and thanks them for their service to their fellow veterans and the United States.</p> <p>Recognizes the VFW's national Commander-in-Chief, John Furgess, for his service and dedication to the veterans of the United States.</p>", "update_date": "2004-11-09T20:47:18Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-09-29", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Recognizes the historic significance of the 105th anniversary of the founding of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States (VFW).</p> <p>Congratulates the VFW on achieving that milestone.</p> <p>Commends the approximately 2,000,000 veterans who belong to the VFW and thanks them for their service to their fellow veterans and the United States.</p> <p>Recognizes the VFW's national Commander-in-Chief, John Furgess, for his service and dedication to the veterans of the United States.</p>", "update_date": "2004-12-07T20:14:05Z", "version_code": "82" } ]
A resolution congratulating and commending the Veterans of foreign Wars of the United States and its national Commander-in-Chief, John Furgess of Tennessee.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution congratulating and commending the Veterans of foreign Wars of the United States and its national Commander-in-Chief, John Furgess of Tennessee.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution congratulating and commending the Veterans of foreign Wars of the United States and its national Commander-in-Chief, John Furgess of Tennessee.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-09-29T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres444ats/xml/BILLS-108sres444ats.xml" } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-29", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S9988-9989; text as passed Senate: CR S9989; text of measure as introduced: CR S9958)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-18 19:36:00.071
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 445 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2004-10-01 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssra00 </systemCode> <name> Rules and Administration Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Reported by </name> <date> 2004-10-05T19:34:27Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Markup by </name> <date> 2004-10-05T15:27:55Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2004-10-01T21:57:40Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-09 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate with an amendment by Yea-Nay Vote. 79 - 6. Record Vote Number: 208. </text> <type> Floor </type> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 208 </rollNumber> <url> https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1082/vote_108_2_00208.xml </url> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2004-10-09T17:01:19Z </date> <sessionNumber> 2 </sessionNumber> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-09 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate with an amendment by Yea-Nay Vote. 79 - 6. Record Vote Number: 208. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 208 </rollNumber> <url> https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1082/vote_108_2_00208.xml </url> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2004-10-09T17:01:19Z </date> <sessionNumber> 2 </sessionNumber> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-09 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Cloture motion on the resolution withdrawn by unanimous consent in Senate. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-09 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Considered by Senate. (consideration: CR S10900-10910, S10917-10918, S10922-10925) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-08 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Considered by Senate. (consideration: CR S10764-10816) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Considered by Senate. (consideration: CR S10620-10630, S10631, S10632-10674) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-06 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Cloture motion on the resolution presented in Senate. (consideration: CR S10551) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-06 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Measure laid before Senate by unanimous consent. (consideration: CR S10543-10551) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-05 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 770. </text> <type> Calendars </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-05 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssra00 </systemCode> <name> Rules and Administration Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Committee on Rules and Administration. Reported by Senator Lott without amendment. Without written report. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-05 </actionDate> <text> Committee on Rules and Administration. Reported by Senator Lott without amendment. Without written report. </text> <type> Committee </type> <actionCode> 14000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssra00 </systemCode> <name> Rules and Administration Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-05 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssra00 </systemCode> <name> Rules and Administration Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Committee on Rules and Administration. Ordered to be reported without amendment favorably. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-01 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssra00 </systemCode> <name> Rules and Administration Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on Rules and Administration. (text of measure as introduced: CR S10265) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-01 </actionDate> <text> Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR S10265) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> B00100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-01 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> L000447 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Lott, Trent [R-MS] </fullName> <firstName> CHESTER </firstName> <lastName> LOTT </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MS </state> <middleName> TRENT </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <policyArea> <name> Congress </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Armed Forces and National Security </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional committee membership </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional committees (Senate) </name> </item> <item> <name> Senate Intelligence </name> </item> <item> <name> Senate rules and procedure </name> </item> <item> <name> Term limits </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Congress </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-10-01 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-10-12T19:27:13Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Amends Senate Resolution 400, 94th Congress (establishing the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence) to eliminate the: (1) limitation to eight of the number of years a Member may serve on such Committee; and (2) the requirement that one-third of Members appointed to such Committee at the beginning of a Congress be Members who did not serve on the Committee during the preceding Congress. &lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 80 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-10-05 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Reported to Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-10-12T19:27:23Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Amends Senate Resolution 400, 94th Congress (establishing the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence) to eliminate the: (1) limitation to eight of the number of years a Member may serve on such Committee; and (2) the requirement that one-third of Members appointed to such Committee at the beginning of a Congress be Members who did not serve on the Committee during the preceding Congress. &lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 35 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-10-09 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate amended </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2005-01-25T16:59:33Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Title I: Homeland Security Oversight Reform&lt;/b&gt; - (Sec. 101) Renames the Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Grants the Committee jurisdiction over all matters relating to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) except for: (1) the Coast Guard, the Transportation Security Administration, the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, the Secret Service, the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service, the immigration functions of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection, the U.S. Immigration and Custom Enforcement, and the Directorate of Border and Transportation Security; and (2) customs revenue functions (including any function provided for in the Homeland Security Act of 2002) performed by DHS employees, commercial functions or commercial operations of the Bureau of Customs and Border Protection or Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, including matters relating to trade facilitation and trade regulation, or functions related to those performed by such employees that were exercised by the U.S. Customs Service on the day before the effective date of the Act.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Declares that this jurisdiction shall supersede the jurisdiction of any other Senate committee provided for in the Senate rules. Excludes from such jurisdiction the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 or related functions of the Federal Emergency Management Agency.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Extends such jurisdiction to: (1) the Archives of the United States; (2) budget and accounting measures, other than appropriations, except as provided in the Congressional Budget Act of 1974; (3) census and collection of statistics, including economic and social statistics; (4) congressional organization, except for any part of the matter that amends the Senate's rules or orders; (5) Federal Civil Service; (6) Government information; (7) intergovernmental relations; (8) municipal affairs of the District of Columbia, except its appropriations; (9) organization and management of U.S. nuclear export policy; (10) organization and reorganization of the executive branch; (11) Postal Service; and (12) status of Federal officers and employees, including their classification, compensation, and benefits.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Specifies additional duties of the Committee.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Grants: (1) the Budget Committee, with an exception, exclusive jurisdiction over specified measures affecting the congressional budget process; and (2) the Committees on the Budget and on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs joint jurisdiction over the nominations by the President of persons to fill the positions of Director and Deputy Director for Budget within the Office of Management and Budget. Declares that if one Committee votes to report such a nomination, the other must report within 30 calendar days session, or be automatically discharged.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Title II: Intelligence Oversight Reform&lt;/b&gt; - (Sec. 201) Amends Senate Resolution 400, 94th Congress (establishing the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence) to: (1) provide that the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Committee on Armed Services (if not already a member of the Select Committee) shall be ex officio members of it but shall have no vote in the Committee and shall not be counted for purposes of determining a quorum; and (2) limit its membership to 15 and its membership to be appointed from the Senate at large to seven.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Requires the Majority Leader to appoint the Majority Members at large and the Minority Leader to appoint the Minority Members at large, with the Majority having a one vote margin. (Currently, the President pro tempore appoints such Members at large with the recommendations of the Majority and Minority Leaders).&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Eliminates the: (1) limitation to eight of the number of years a Member may serve on such Committee; and (2) the requirement that one-third of Members appointed to such Committee at the beginning of a Congress be Members who did not serve on it during the preceding Congress. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Requires the Majority Leader, at the beginning of each Congress, to select a chairman of the Select Committee and the Minority Leader to select a vice chairman for the Select Committee.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Allows the Select Committee to be organized into subcommittees with each having a chairman and a vice chairman selected by the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Select Committee, respectively.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Limits the reports to the Senate from the Select Committee to not less than quarterly.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Requires the Select Committee, in addition to other committee staff, to hire or appoint: (1) one employee for each of its Members to serve as such Member's designated representative; but (2) only an employee chosen by that Member. Provides for budgeting, office space and equipment, and information access rights for a designated representative. Prescribes security clearance and other pertinent requirements the designated representative must meet.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Provides that of the funds made available to the Select Committee for personnel: (1) not more than 60 percent shall be under the control of the Chairman; and (2) not less than 40 percent shall be under the control of the Vice Chairman.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Grants the Select Committee jurisdiction for reviewing, holding hearings, and reporting the nominations of civilian persons nominated by the President to fill all positions within the intelligence community requiring the advice and consent of the Senate.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Provides that other committees with jurisdiction over such nominees may hold hearings and interviews with the persons, but only the Select Committee shall report such nominations.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Reduces from 30 to ten days after referral the deadline and discharge date for a standing committee to report to the Senate any proposed legislation of the Select Committee (except legislation pertaining to the Central Intelligence Agency) that has been referred to it upon its request because it contains matter otherwise within the standing committee's jurisdiction. Reduces from 30 to ten days after referral, as well, the deadline and discharge date for the Select Committee to report to the Senate any proposed legislation of a standing committee whose referral it has requested because it contains matter within the Select Committee's jurisdiction. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Allows the Majority or Minority Leader (currently, the Senate) to request, before the discharge date, an additional five days on behalf of the appropriate Committee. Provides for automatic discharge of referred proposed legislation from such Committee after the five-day extension.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Prohibits committees to which legislation is referred from making changes or alterations to the text of the referred bill and its annexes; but allows them to propose changes or alterations in the form of amendments.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Modifies procedures of the Select Committee for public disclosure of classified information submitted to it by the executive branch. Requires the Committee to notify and consult with the Majority and Minority Leaders of the Senate about a vote to disclose such information, before notifying the President (as under current rules).&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Authorizes the Select Committee to make public disclosure of such information after a five-day period following the day on which notice of such vote is transmitted to the Majority and Minority Leaders and the President (currently, just the President).&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Authorizes the Majority and Minority Leaders jointly or the Select Committee, by majority vote, to refer the question of such disclosure to the Senate for consideration if the President, personally, in writing, notifies the Majority and Minority Leaders and the Select Committee of his objection to it.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Title III: Committee Status&lt;/b&gt; - (Sec. 301) Treats the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs as the Committee on Governmental Affairs listed under rule XXV (Standing Committees) of the Standing Rules of the Senate for purposes of such Rules.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Title IV: Intelligence-Related Subcommittees&lt;/b&gt; - (Sec. 401) Establishes in the Select Committee on Intelligence a Subcommittee on Oversight responsible for ongoing oversight of intelligence activities.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;(Sec. 402) Establishes in the Committee on Appropriations a Subcommittee on Intelligence with jurisdiction over funding for intelligence matters. Requires the Committee on Appropriations to reorganize into 13 subcommittees as soon as possible after the convening of the 109th Congress.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Title V: Effective Date&lt;/b&gt; - Makes this resolution effective on the convening of the 109th Congress.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> <item> <titleType> Popular Titles </titleType> <title> Intelligence Reorganization bill </title> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </titles> <amendments> <amendment> <number> 4045 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To make certain conforming and technical amendments. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-10-09 </actionDate> <text> Amendment SA 4045 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent. </text> <links> <link> <name> SA 4045 </name> <url> https://www.congress.gov/amendment/108th-congress/senate-amendment/4045 </url> </link> </links> </latestAction> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> M000355 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. McConnell, Mitch [R-KY] </fullName> <firstName> Mitch </firstName> <lastName> McConnell </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KY </state> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors> 1 </countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors> <count> 1 </count> <item> <bioguideId> R000146 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Reid, Harry [D-NV] </fullName> <firstName> HARRY </firstName> <lastName> REID </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NV </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <proposedDate> 2004-10-09T04:00:00Z </proposedDate> <submittedDate> 2004-10-09T04:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 445 </number> <title> A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <amendedAmendment> <number> 3981 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To implement the congressional oversight recommendations of the 9-11 Commission. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> </amendedAmendment> <actions> <count> 6 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-09 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Amendment SA 4045 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-09 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Amendment SA 4045 proposed by Senator McConnell to Amendment SA 3981. (consideration: CR S10922; text: CR S10922) To make certain conforming and technical amendments. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-09 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment proposed (on the floor): Amendment SA 4045 proposed by Senator McConnell to Amendment SA 3981.(consideration: CR S10922; text: CR S10922) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 93000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-09 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment agreed to: Amendment SA 4045 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 94000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-09 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> <amendment> <number> 4042 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To implement responsible subcommittee reorganization in the Committee on Appropriations. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-10-09 </actionDate> <text> Amendment SA 4042 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent. </text> <links> <link> <name> SA 4042 </name> <url> https://www.congress.gov/amendment/108th-congress/senate-amendment/4042 </url> </link> </links> </latestAction> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> H001016 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hutchison, Kay Bailey [R-TX] </fullName> <firstName> KAY </firstName> <lastName> HUTCHISON </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TX </state> <middleName> BAILEY </middleName> </item> </sponsors> <proposedDate> 2004-10-09T04:00:00Z </proposedDate> <submittedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 445 </number> <title> A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <amendedAmendment> <number> 4015 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To implement responsible subcommittee reorganization in the Committee on Appropriations. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> </amendedAmendment> <actions> <count> 6 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-09 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Amendment SA 4042 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-09 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Amendment SA 4042 proposed by Senator Hutchison to Amendment SA 4015. (consideration: CR S10908-10909; text: CR S10908) To implement responsible subcommittee reorganization in the Committee on Appropriations. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-09 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment agreed to: Amendment SA 4042 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 94000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-09 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment proposed (on the floor): Amendment SA 4042 proposed by Senator Hutchison to Amendment SA 4015.(consideration: CR S10908-10909; text: CR S10908) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 93000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> <amendment> <number> 4041 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To vest sole jurisdiction over the Federal budget process in the Committee on the Budget, and to give the Committee on the Budget joint jurisdiction with the Governmental Affairs Committee over the process of reviewing, holding hearings, and voting on persons nominated by the President to fill the positions of Director and Deputy Director for Budget within the Office of Management and Budget. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-10-09 </actionDate> <text> Amendment SA 4041 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 50 - 35. Record Vote Number: 206. </text> <links> <link> <name> Record Vote Number: 206 </name> <url> https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1082/vote_108_2_00206.xml </url> </link> <link> <name> SA 4041 </name> <url> https://www.congress.gov/amendment/108th-congress/senate-amendment/4041 </url> </link> </links> </latestAction> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> N000102 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Nickles, Don [R-OK] </fullName> <firstName> DONALD </firstName> <lastName> NICKLES </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OK </state> <middleName> LEE </middleName> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors> 1 </countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors> <count> 1 </count> <item> <bioguideId> C000705 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Conrad, Kent [D-ND] </fullName> <firstName> KENT </firstName> <lastName> CONRAD </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> ND </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <proposedDate> 2004-10-08T04:00:00Z </proposedDate> <submittedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 445 </number> <title> A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <amendedAmendment> <number> 4027 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To vest sole jurisdiction over the Federal budget process in the Committee on the Budget. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> </amendedAmendment> <actions> <count> 8 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-09 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Amendment SA 4041 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 50 - 35. Record Vote Number: 206. </text> <type> Floor </type> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 206 </rollNumber> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2004-10-09T15:56:25Z </date> <sessionNumber> 2 </sessionNumber> <url> https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1082/vote_108_2_00206.xml </url> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-09 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Considered by Senate. (consideration: CR S10900-10901, S10909, text: CR S10901) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-09 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Amendment SA 4041 proposed by Senator Nickles to Amendment SA 4027. (consideration: CR S10900-10901; text: CR S10900-10901) To vest sole jurisdiction over the Federal budget process in the Committee on the Budget, and to give the Committee on the Budget joint jurisdiction with the Governmental Affairs Committee over the process of reviewing, holding hearings, and voting on persons nominated by the President to fill the positions of Director and Deputy Director for Budget within the Office of Management and Budget. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-09 </actionDate> <text> Roll call votes on amendments in Senate: Amendment SA 4041 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 50 - 35. Record Vote Number: 206. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 97000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 206 </rollNumber> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2004-10-09T15:56:25Z </date> <sessionNumber> 2 </sessionNumber> <url> https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1082/vote_108_2_00206.xml </url> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-09 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment agreed to: Amendment SA 4041 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 50 - 35. Record Vote Number: 206. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 94000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 206 </rollNumber> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2004-10-09T15:56:25Z </date> <sessionNumber> 2 </sessionNumber> <url> https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1082/vote_108_2_00206.xml </url> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-09 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment proposed (on the floor): Amendment SA 4041 proposed by Senator Nickles to Amendment SA 4027.(consideration: CR S10900-10901; text: CR S10900-10901) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 93000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> <amendment> <number> 4040 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To transfer jurisdiction over organization and management of United States nuclear export policy to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-10-09 </actionDate> <text> Proposed amendment SA 4040 withdrawn in Senate. </text> <links> <link> <name> SA 4040 </name> <url> https://www.congress.gov/amendment/108th-congress/senate-amendment/4040 </url> </link> </links> </latestAction> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> D000407 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Domenici, Pete V. [R-NM] </fullName> <firstName> PETE </firstName> <lastName> DOMENICI </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NM </state> <middleName> VICHI </middleName> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors> 1 </countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors> <count> 1 </count> <item> <bioguideId> B000468 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Bingaman, Jeff [D-NM] </fullName> <firstName> JESSE </firstName> <lastName> BINGAMAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NM </state> <middleName> FRANCIS </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <proposedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </proposedDate> <submittedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 445 </number> <title> A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <amendedAmendment> <number> 3981 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To implement the congressional oversight recommendations of the 9-11 Commission. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> </amendedAmendment> <actions> <count> 10 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-09 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Proposed amendment SA 4040 withdrawn in Senate. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-09 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Considered by Senate. (consideration: CR S10900) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-08 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Considered by Senate. (consideration: CR S10764) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Senate vitiated previous adoption of Amendment SA 4040. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Amendment SA 4040 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Amendment SA 4040 proposed by Senator Bingaman for Senator Domenici to Amendment SA 3981. (consideration: CR S10669; text: CR S10669) To transfer jurisdiction over organization and management of United States nuclear export policy to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment agreed to: Amendment SA 4040 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 94000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment proposed (on the floor): Amendment SA 4040 proposed by Senator Bingaman for Senator Domenici to Amendment SA 3981.(consideration: CR S10669; text: CR S10669) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 93000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> <amendment> <number> 4039 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> S000320 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Shelby, Richard C. [R-AL] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Shelby </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AL </state> <middleName> C. </middleName> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors> 1 </countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors> <count> 1 </count> <item> <bioguideId> S000064 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Sarbanes, Paul S. [D-MD] </fullName> <firstName> PAUL </firstName> <lastName> SARBANES </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> SPYROS </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <submittedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 445 </number> <title> A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <actions> <count> 2 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> <amendment> <number> 4038 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To retain jurisdiction over the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, with the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Amendment SA 4038 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote. </text> <links> <link> <name> SA 4038 </name> <url> https://www.congress.gov/amendment/108th-congress/senate-amendment/4038 </url> </link> </links> </latestAction> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> S000320 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Shelby, Richard C. [R-AL] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Shelby </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AL </state> <middleName> C. </middleName> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors> 1 </countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors> <count> 1 </count> <item> <bioguideId> S000064 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Sarbanes, Paul S. [D-MD] </fullName> <firstName> PAUL </firstName> <lastName> SARBANES </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> SPYROS </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <proposedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </proposedDate> <submittedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 445 </number> <title> A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <actions> <count> 6 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Amendment SA 4038 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Amendment SA 4038 proposed by Senator McConnell for Senator Shelby. (consideration: CR S10664; text: CR S10664) To retain jurisdiction over the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, with the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment agreed to: Amendment SA 4038 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 94000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment proposed (on the floor): Amendment SA 4038 proposed by Senator McConnell for Senator Shelby.(consideration: CR S10664; text: CR S10664) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 93000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> <amendment> <number> 4037 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To retain jurisdiction over the Secret Service in the Committee on the Judiciary. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-10-09 </actionDate> <text> Amendment SA 4037 as previously agreed to, was modified by Unanimous Consent. (text as modified: CR S10922) </text> <links> <link> <name> S10922 </name> <url> https://www.congress.gov/congressional-record/volume-150/senate-section/page/S10922 </url> </link> <link> <name> SA 4037 </name> <url> https://www.congress.gov/amendment/108th-congress/senate-amendment/4037 </url> </link> </links> </latestAction> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> L000174 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Leahy, Patrick J. [D-VT] </fullName> <firstName> Patrick </firstName> <lastName> Leahy </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VT </state> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors> 2 </countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors> <count> 2 </count> <item> <bioguideId> S000709 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Specter, Arlen [R-PA] </fullName> <firstName> ARLEN </firstName> <lastName> SPECTER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> PA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000338 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hatch, Orrin G. [R-UT] </fullName> <firstName> ORRIN </firstName> <lastName> HATCH </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> UT </state> <middleName> GRANT </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <proposedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </proposedDate> <submittedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 445 </number> <title> A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <amendedAmendment> <number> 3981 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To implement the congressional oversight recommendations of the 9-11 Commission. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> </amendedAmendment> <actions> <count> 8 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-09 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Amendment SA 4037 as previously agreed to, was modified by Unanimous Consent. (text as modified: CR S10922) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Amendment SA 4037 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay. 54 - 41. Record Vote Number: 202. </text> <type> Floor </type> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 202 </rollNumber> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2004-10-07T23:44:59Z </date> <sessionNumber> 2 </sessionNumber> <url> https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1082/vote_108_2_00202.xml </url> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Amendment SA 4037 proposed by Senator Hatch for Senator Leahy to Amendment SA 3981. (consideration: CR S10655-10660; text: CR S10655) To retain jurisdiction over the Secret Service in the Committee on the Judiciary. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Roll call votes on amendments in Senate: Amendment SA 4037 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay. 54 - 41. Record Vote Number: 202. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 97000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 202 </rollNumber> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2004-10-07T23:44:59Z </date> <sessionNumber> 2 </sessionNumber> <url> https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1082/vote_108_2_00202.xml </url> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment agreed to: Amendment SA 4037 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay. 54 - 41. Record Vote Number: 202. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 94000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 202 </rollNumber> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2004-10-07T23:44:59Z </date> <sessionNumber> 2 </sessionNumber> <url> https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1082/vote_108_2_00202.xml </url> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment proposed (on the floor): Amendment SA 4037 proposed by Senator Hatch for Senator Leahy to Amendment SA 3981.(consideration: CR S10655-10660; text: CR S10655) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 93000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> <amendment> <number> 4036 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To modify the provisions relating to the staffing and budget of the select Committee. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Amendment SA 4036 as modified agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote. (text as modified: CR S10654) </text> <links> <link> <name> S10654 </name> <url> https://www.congress.gov/congressional-record/volume-150/senate-section/page/S10654 </url> </link> <link> <name> SA 4036 </name> <url> https://www.congress.gov/amendment/108th-congress/senate-amendment/4036 </url> </link> </links> </latestAction> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> D000563 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Durbin, Richard J. [D-IL] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Durbin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> </item> </sponsors> <proposedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </proposedDate> <submittedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 445 </number> <title> A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <amendedAmendment> <number> 3981 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To implement the congressional oversight recommendations of the 9-11 Commission. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> </amendedAmendment> <actions> <count> 6 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Amendment SA 4036 as modified agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote. (text as modified: CR S10654) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Amendment SA 4036 proposed by Senator Durbin to Amendment SA 3981. (consideration: CR S10654; text: CR S10654) To modify the provisions relating to the staffing and budget of the select Committee. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment agreed to: Amendment SA 4036 as modified agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.(text as modified: CR S10654) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 94000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment proposed (on the floor): Amendment SA 4036 proposed by Senator Durbin to Amendment SA 3981.(consideration: CR S10654; text: CR S10654) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 93000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> <amendment> <number> 4035 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To modify certain security procedures of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence regarding public disclosure of classified information. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-10-09 </actionDate> <text> Amendment SA 4035 as modified agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent. (text as modified: CR S10900) </text> <links> <link> <name> S10900 </name> <url> https://www.congress.gov/congressional-record/volume-150/senate-section/page/S10900 </url> </link> <link> <name> SA 4035 </name> <url> https://www.congress.gov/amendment/108th-congress/senate-amendment/4035 </url> </link> </links> </latestAction> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> F000439 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Frist, William H. [R-TN] </fullName> <firstName> WILLIAM </firstName> <lastName> FRIST </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TN </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> </item> </sponsors> <proposedDate> 2004-10-09T04:00:00Z </proposedDate> <submittedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 445 </number> <title> A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <amendedAmendment> <number> 3981 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To implement the congressional oversight recommendations of the 9-11 Commission. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> </amendedAmendment> <actions> <count> 6 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-09 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Amendment SA 4035 as modified agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent. (text as modified: CR S10900) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-09 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Amendment SA 4035 proposed by Senator Frist to Amendment SA 3981. (consideration: CR S10900) To modify certain security procedures of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence regarding public disclosure of classified information. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-09 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment agreed to: Amendment SA 4035 as modified agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.(text as modified: CR S10900) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 94000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-09 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment proposed (on the floor): Amendment SA 4035 proposed by Senator Frist to Amendment SA 3981.(consideration: CR S10900) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 93000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> <amendment> <number> 4034 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> C001035 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Collins, Susan M. [R-ME] </fullName> <firstName> Susan </firstName> <lastName> Collins </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ME </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> </item> </sponsors> <submittedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 445 </number> <title> A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <amendedAmendment> <number> 3981 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To implement the congressional oversight recommendations of the 9-11 Commission. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> </amendedAmendment> <actions> <count> 2 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> <amendment> <number> 4033 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> G000445 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Gregg, Judd [R-NH] </fullName> <firstName> Judd </firstName> <lastName> Gregg </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NH </state> </item> </sponsors> <submittedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 445 </number> <title> A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <amendedAmendment> <number> 3981 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To implement the congressional oversight recommendations of the 9-11 Commission. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> </amendedAmendment> <actions> <count> 2 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> <amendment> <number> 4032 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> R000146 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Reid, Harry [D-NV] </fullName> <firstName> HARRY </firstName> <lastName> REID </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NV </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> </item> </sponsors> <submittedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 445 </number> <title> A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <amendedAmendment> <number> 3981 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To implement the congressional oversight recommendations of the 9-11 Commission. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> </amendedAmendment> <actions> <count> 2 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> <amendment> <number> 4031 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> R000361 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Rockefeller, John D., IV [D-WV] </fullName> <firstName> JAY </firstName> <lastName> ROCKEFELLER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WV </state> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors> 1 </countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors> <count> 1 </count> <item> <bioguideId> B000444 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Biden, Joseph R., Jr. [D-DE] </fullName> <firstName> JOSEPH </firstName> <lastName> BIDEN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> DE </state> <middleName> ROBINETTE </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <submittedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 445 </number> <title> A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <amendedAmendment> <number> 3981 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To implement the congressional oversight recommendations of the 9-11 Commission. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> </amendedAmendment> <actions> <count> 2 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> <amendment> <number> 4030 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To clarify the jurisdiction of the Select Committee on Intelligence. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Amendment SA 4030 as modified agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote. (text as modified: CR S10661-10662) </text> <links> <link> <name> S10661-10662 </name> <url> https://www.congress.gov/congressional-record/volume-150/senate-section/page/S10661-10662 </url> </link> <link> <name> SA 4030 </name> <url> https://www.congress.gov/amendment/108th-congress/senate-amendment/4030 </url> </link> </links> </latestAction> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> R000361 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Rockefeller, John D., IV [D-WV] </fullName> <firstName> JAY </firstName> <lastName> ROCKEFELLER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WV </state> </item> </sponsors> <proposedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </proposedDate> <submittedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 445 </number> <title> A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <amendedAmendment> <number> 3981 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To implement the congressional oversight recommendations of the 9-11 Commission. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> </amendedAmendment> <actions> <count> 6 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Amendment SA 4030 as modified agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote. (text as modified: CR S10661-10662) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Amendment SA 4030 proposed by Senator Rockefeller to Amendment SA 3981. (consideration: CR S10661-10662) To clarify the jurisdiction of the Select Committee on Intelligence. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment agreed to: Amendment SA 4030 as modified agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.(text as modified: CR S10661-10662) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 94000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment proposed (on the floor): Amendment SA 4030 proposed by Senator Rockefeller to Amendment SA 3981.(consideration: CR S10661-10662) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 93000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> <amendment> <number> 4029 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> N000102 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Nickles, Don [R-OK] </fullName> <firstName> DONALD </firstName> <lastName> NICKLES </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OK </state> <middleName> LEE </middleName> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors> 1 </countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors> <count> 1 </count> <item> <bioguideId> C000705 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Conrad, Kent [D-ND] </fullName> <firstName> KENT </firstName> <lastName> CONRAD </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> ND </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <submittedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 445 </number> <title> A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <amendedAmendment> <number> 3981 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To implement the congressional oversight recommendations of the 9-11 Commission. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> </amendedAmendment> <actions> <count> 2 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> <amendment> <number> 4028 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> N000102 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Nickles, Don [R-OK] </fullName> <firstName> DONALD </firstName> <lastName> NICKLES </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OK </state> <middleName> LEE </middleName> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors> 1 </countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors> <count> 1 </count> <item> <bioguideId> C000705 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Conrad, Kent [D-ND] </fullName> <firstName> KENT </firstName> <lastName> CONRAD </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> ND </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <submittedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 445 </number> <title> A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <amendedAmendment> <number> 3981 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To implement the congressional oversight recommendations of the 9-11 Commission. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> </amendedAmendment> <actions> <count> 2 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> <amendment> <number> 4027 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To vest sole jurisdiction over the Federal budget process in the Committee on the Budget. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-10-09 </actionDate> <text> Amendment SA 4027 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote. </text> <links> <link> <name> SA 4027 </name> <url> https://www.congress.gov/amendment/108th-congress/senate-amendment/4027 </url> </link> </links> </latestAction> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> N000102 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Nickles, Don [R-OK] </fullName> <firstName> DONALD </firstName> <lastName> NICKLES </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OK </state> <middleName> LEE </middleName> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors> 1 </countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors> <count> 1 </count> <item> <bioguideId> C000705 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Conrad, Kent [D-ND] </fullName> <firstName> KENT </firstName> <lastName> CONRAD </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> ND </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <proposedDate> 2004-10-08T18:34:00Z </proposedDate> <submittedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 445 </number> <title> A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <amendedAmendment> <number> 3981 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To implement the congressional oversight recommendations of the 9-11 Commission. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> </amendedAmendment> <amendmentsToAmendment> <count> 1 </count> </amendmentsToAmendment> <actions> <count> 7 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-09 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Amendment SA 4027 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-09 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Considered by Senate. (consideration: CR S10906-10908, S10909, S10917) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-09 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Amendment SA 4027 proposed by Senator Nickles to Amendment SA 3981. (consideration: CR S10900-10901; text: CR S10900) To vest sole jurisdiction over the Federal budget process in the Committee on the Budget. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-09 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment agreed to: Amendment SA 4027 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 94000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-09 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment proposed (on the floor): Amendment SA 4027 proposed by Senator Nickles to Amendment SA 3981.(consideration: CR S10900-10901; text: CR S10900) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 93000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> <amendment> <number> 4026 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> N000102 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Nickles, Don [R-OK] </fullName> <firstName> DONALD </firstName> <lastName> NICKLES </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OK </state> <middleName> LEE </middleName> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors> 1 </countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors> <count> 1 </count> <item> <bioguideId> C000705 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Conrad, Kent [D-ND] </fullName> <firstName> KENT </firstName> <lastName> CONRAD </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> ND </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <submittedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 445 </number> <title> A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <amendedAmendment> <number> 3981 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To implement the congressional oversight recommendations of the 9-11 Commission. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> </amendedAmendment> <actions> <count> 2 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> <amendment> <number> 4025 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> M000355 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. McConnell, Mitch [R-KY] </fullName> <firstName> Mitch </firstName> <lastName> McConnell </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KY </state> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors> 1 </countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors> <count> 1 </count> <item> <bioguideId> R000146 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Reid, Harry [D-NV] </fullName> <firstName> HARRY </firstName> <lastName> REID </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NV </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <submittedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 445 </number> <title> A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <amendedAmendment> <number> 3981 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To implement the congressional oversight recommendations of the 9-11 Commission. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> </amendedAmendment> <actions> <count> 2 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> <amendment> <number> 4024 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> H000338 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hatch, Orrin G. [R-UT] </fullName> <firstName> ORRIN </firstName> <lastName> HATCH </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> UT </state> <middleName> GRANT </middleName> </item> </sponsors> <submittedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 445 </number> <title> A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <amendedAmendment> <number> 3981 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To implement the congressional oversight recommendations of the 9-11 Commission. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> </amendedAmendment> <actions> <count> 2 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> <amendment> <number> 4023 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> H000338 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hatch, Orrin G. [R-UT] </fullName> <firstName> ORRIN </firstName> <lastName> HATCH </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> UT </state> <middleName> GRANT </middleName> </item> </sponsors> <submittedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 445 </number> <title> A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <amendedAmendment> <number> 3981 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To implement the congressional oversight recommendations of the 9-11 Commission. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> </amendedAmendment> <actions> <count> 2 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> <amendment> <number> 4022 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> L000447 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Lott, Trent [R-MS] </fullName> <firstName> CHESTER </firstName> <lastName> LOTT </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MS </state> <middleName> TRENT </middleName> </item> </sponsors> <submittedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 445 </number> <title> A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <amendedAmendment> <number> 3981 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To implement the congressional oversight recommendations of the 9-11 Commission. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> </amendedAmendment> <actions> <count> 2 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> <amendment> <number> 4021 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To provide that the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Committee on Foreign Relations (if not already a member of the select Committee) shall be ex officio members of the select Committee but shall have no vote in the Committee and shall not be counted for purposes of determining a quorum. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Amendment SA 4021 not agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 36 - 54. Record Vote Number: 203. </text> <links> <link> <name> Record Vote Number: 203 </name> <url> https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1082/vote_108_2_00203.xml </url> </link> <link> <name> SA 4021 </name> <url> https://www.congress.gov/amendment/108th-congress/senate-amendment/4021 </url> </link> </links> </latestAction> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> B000444 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Biden, Joseph R., Jr. [D-DE] </fullName> <firstName> JOSEPH </firstName> <lastName> BIDEN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> DE </state> <middleName> ROBINETTE </middleName> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors> 1 </countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors> <count> 1 </count> <item> <bioguideId> L000504 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Lugar, Richard G. [R-IN] </fullName> <firstName> RICHARD </firstName> <lastName> LUGAR </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IN </state> <middleName> GREEN </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <proposedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </proposedDate> <submittedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 445 </number> <title> A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <amendedAmendment> <number> 3981 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To implement the congressional oversight recommendations of the 9-11 Commission. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> </amendedAmendment> <actions> <count> 7 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Amendment SA 4021 not agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 36 - 54. Record Vote Number: 203. </text> <type> Floor </type> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 203 </rollNumber> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2004-10-08T02:31:35Z </date> <sessionNumber> 2 </sessionNumber> <url> https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1082/vote_108_2_00203.xml </url> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Amendment SA 4021 proposed by Senator Biden to Amendment SA 3981. (consideration: CR S10665-10669; text: CR S10665) To provide that the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Committee on Foreign Relations (if not already a member of the select Committee) shall be ex officio members of the select Committee but shall have no vote in the Committee and shall not be counted for purposes of determining a quorum. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Roll call votes on amendments in Senate: Amendment SA 4021 not agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 36 - 54. Record Vote Number: 203. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 97000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 203 </rollNumber> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2004-10-08T02:31:35Z </date> <sessionNumber> 2 </sessionNumber> <url> https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1082/vote_108_2_00203.xml </url> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment not agreed to: Amendment SA 4021 not agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 36 - 54. Record Vote Number: 203. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 95000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 203 </rollNumber> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2004-10-08T02:31:35Z </date> <sessionNumber> 2 </sessionNumber> <url> https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1082/vote_108_2_00203.xml </url> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment proposed (on the floor): Amendment SA 4021 proposed by Senator Biden to Amendment SA 3981.(consideration: CR S10665-10669; text: CR S10665) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 93000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> <amendment> <number> 4020 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> R000307 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Roberts, Pat [R-KS] </fullName> <firstName> PAT </firstName> <lastName> ROBERTS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KS </state> </item> </sponsors> <submittedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 445 </number> <title> A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <amendedAmendment> <number> 3981 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To implement the congressional oversight recommendations of the 9-11 Commission. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> </amendedAmendment> <actions> <count> 2 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> <amendment> <number> 4019 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To clarify staff provisions. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Amendment SA 4019 agreed to in Senate by Voice. </text> <links> <link> <name> SA 4019 </name> <url> https://www.congress.gov/amendment/108th-congress/senate-amendment/4019 </url> </link> </links> </latestAction> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> R000307 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Roberts, Pat [R-KS] </fullName> <firstName> PAT </firstName> <lastName> ROBERTS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KS </state> </item> </sponsors> <proposedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </proposedDate> <submittedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 445 </number> <title> A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <amendedAmendment> <number> 3981 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To implement the congressional oversight recommendations of the 9-11 Commission. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> </amendedAmendment> <actions> <count> 6 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Amendment SA 4019 agreed to in Senate by Voice. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Amendment SA 4019 proposed by Senator Roberts to Amendment SA 3981. (consideration: CR S10660-10661; text: CR S10660-10661) To clarify staff provisions. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment agreed to: Amendment SA 4019 agreed to in Senate by Voice. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 94000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment proposed (on the floor): Amendment SA 4019 proposed by Senator Roberts to Amendment SA 3981.(consideration: CR S10660-10661; text: CR S10660-10661) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 93000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> <amendment> <number> 4018 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To clarify the nominee referral provisions. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Amendment SA 4018 as modified agreed to in Senate by Voice. (text as modified: CR S10661) </text> <links> <link> <name> S10661 </name> <url> https://www.congress.gov/congressional-record/volume-150/senate-section/page/S10661 </url> </link> <link> <name> SA 4018 </name> <url> https://www.congress.gov/amendment/108th-congress/senate-amendment/4018 </url> </link> </links> </latestAction> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> R000307 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Roberts, Pat [R-KS] </fullName> <firstName> PAT </firstName> <lastName> ROBERTS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KS </state> </item> </sponsors> <proposedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </proposedDate> <submittedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 445 </number> <title> A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <amendedAmendment> <number> 3981 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To implement the congressional oversight recommendations of the 9-11 Commission. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> </amendedAmendment> <actions> <count> 6 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Amendment SA 4018 as modified agreed to in Senate by Voice. (text as modified: CR S10661) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Amendment SA 4018 proposed by Senator Roberts to Amendment SA 3981. (consideration: CR S10660-10661; text: CR S10661) To clarify the nominee referral provisions. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment agreed to: Amendment SA 4018 as modified agreed to in Senate by Voice.(text as modified: CR S10661) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 94000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment proposed (on the floor): Amendment SA 4018 proposed by Senator Roberts to Amendment SA 3981.(consideration: CR S10660-10661; text: CR S10661) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 93000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> <amendment> <number> 4017 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> H001016 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hutchison, Kay Bailey [R-TX] </fullName> <firstName> KAY </firstName> <lastName> HUTCHISON </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TX </state> <middleName> BAILEY </middleName> </item> </sponsors> <submittedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 445 </number> <title> A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <amendedAmendment> <number> 3981 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To implement the congressional oversight recommendations of the 9-11 Commission. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> </amendedAmendment> <actions> <count> 2 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> <amendment> <number> 4016 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> H001016 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hutchison, Kay Bailey [R-TX] </fullName> <firstName> KAY </firstName> <lastName> HUTCHISON </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TX </state> <middleName> BAILEY </middleName> </item> </sponsors> <submittedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 445 </number> <title> A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <amendedAmendment> <number> 3981 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To implement the congressional oversight recommendations of the 9-11 Commission. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> </amendedAmendment> <actions> <count> 2 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> <amendment> <number> 4015 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To implement responsible subcommittee reorganization in the Committee on Appropriations. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-10-09 </actionDate> <text> Amendment SA 4015 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 44 - 41. Record Vote Number: 207. </text> <links> <link> <name> Record Vote Number: 207 </name> <url> https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1082/vote_108_2_00207.xml </url> </link> <link> <name> SA 4015 </name> <url> https://www.congress.gov/amendment/108th-congress/senate-amendment/4015 </url> </link> </links> </latestAction> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> H001016 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hutchison, Kay Bailey [R-TX] </fullName> <firstName> KAY </firstName> <lastName> HUTCHISON </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TX </state> <middleName> BAILEY </middleName> </item> </sponsors> <proposedDate> 2004-10-09T04:00:00Z </proposedDate> <submittedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 445 </number> <title> A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <amendedAmendment> <number> 3981 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To implement the congressional oversight recommendations of the 9-11 Commission. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> </amendedAmendment> <amendmentsToAmendment> <count> 1 </count> </amendmentsToAmendment> <actions> <count> 7 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-09 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Amendment SA 4015 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 44 - 41. Record Vote Number: 207. </text> <type> Floor </type> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 207 </rollNumber> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2004-10-09T16:29:44Z </date> <sessionNumber> 2 </sessionNumber> <url> https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1082/vote_108_2_00207.xml </url> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-09 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Amendment SA 4015 proposed by Senator Hutchison to Amendment SA 3981. (consideration: CR S10908, S10917-10918; text: CR S10908) To implement responsible subcommittee reorganization in the Committee on Appropriations. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-09 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment agreed to: Amendment SA 4015 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 44 - 41. Record Vote Number: 207. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 94000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 207 </rollNumber> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2004-10-09T16:29:44Z </date> <sessionNumber> 2 </sessionNumber> <url> https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1082/vote_108_2_00207.xml </url> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-09 </actionDate> <text> Roll call votes on amendments in Senate: Amendment SA 4015 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 44 - 41. Record Vote Number: 207. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 97000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 207 </rollNumber> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2004-10-09T16:29:44Z </date> <sessionNumber> 2 </sessionNumber> <url> https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1082/vote_108_2_00207.xml </url> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-09 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment proposed (on the floor): Amendment SA 4015 proposed by Senator Hutchison to Amendment SA 3981.(consideration: CR S10908, S10917-10918; text: CR S10908) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 93000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> <amendment> <number> 4014 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> H001016 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hutchison, Kay Bailey [R-TX] </fullName> <firstName> KAY </firstName> <lastName> HUTCHISON </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TX </state> <middleName> BAILEY </middleName> </item> </sponsors> <submittedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 445 </number> <title> A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <amendedAmendment> <number> 3981 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To implement the congressional oversight recommendations of the 9-11 Commission. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> </amendedAmendment> <actions> <count> 2 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> <amendment> <number> 4013 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> K000352 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Kyl, Jon [R-AZ] </fullName> <firstName> Jon </firstName> <lastName> Kyl </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AZ </state> <middleName> Llewellyn </middleName> </item> </sponsors> <submittedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 445 </number> <title> A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <amendedAmendment> <number> 3981 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To implement the congressional oversight recommendations of the 9-11 Commission. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> </amendedAmendment> <actions> <count> 2 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> <amendment> <number> 4012 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> D000407 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Domenici, Pete V. [R-NM] </fullName> <firstName> PETE </firstName> <lastName> DOMENICI </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NM </state> <middleName> VICHI </middleName> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors> 1 </countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors> <count> 1 </count> <item> <bioguideId> B000468 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Bingaman, Jeff [D-NM] </fullName> <firstName> JESSE </firstName> <lastName> BINGAMAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NM </state> <middleName> FRANCIS </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <submittedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 445 </number> <title> A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <amendedAmendment> <number> 3981 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To implement the congressional oversight recommendations of the 9-11 Commission. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> </amendedAmendment> <actions> <count> 2 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> <amendment> <number> 4011 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> D000407 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Domenici, Pete V. [R-NM] </fullName> <firstName> PETE </firstName> <lastName> DOMENICI </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NM </state> <middleName> VICHI </middleName> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors> 1 </countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors> <count> 1 </count> <item> <bioguideId> B000468 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Bingaman, Jeff [D-NM] </fullName> <firstName> JESSE </firstName> <lastName> BINGAMAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NM </state> <middleName> FRANCIS </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <submittedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 445 </number> <title> A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <amendedAmendment> <number> 3981 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To implement the congressional oversight recommendations of the 9-11 Commission. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> </amendedAmendment> <actions> <count> 2 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> <amendment> <number> 4010 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> D000563 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Durbin, Richard J. [D-IL] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Durbin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> </item> </sponsors> <submittedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 445 </number> <title> A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <amendedAmendment> <number> 3981 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To implement the congressional oversight recommendations of the 9-11 Commission. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> </amendedAmendment> <actions> <count> 2 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> <amendment> <number> 4009 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> L000174 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Leahy, Patrick J. [D-VT] </fullName> <firstName> Patrick </firstName> <lastName> Leahy </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VT </state> </item> </sponsors> <submittedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 445 </number> <title> A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <amendedAmendment> <number> 3981 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To implement the congressional oversight recommendations of the 9-11 Commission. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> </amendedAmendment> <actions> <count> 2 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> <amendment> <number> 4008 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> L000174 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Leahy, Patrick J. [D-VT] </fullName> <firstName> Patrick </firstName> <lastName> Leahy </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VT </state> </item> </sponsors> <submittedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 445 </number> <title> A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <amendedAmendment> <number> 3981 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To implement the congressional oversight recommendations of the 9-11 Commission. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> </amendedAmendment> <actions> <count> 2 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> <amendment> <number> 4007 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> L000174 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Leahy, Patrick J. [D-VT] </fullName> <firstName> Patrick </firstName> <lastName> Leahy </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VT </state> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors> 4 </countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors> <count> 4 </count> <item> <bioguideId> H000338 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hatch, Orrin G. [R-UT] </fullName> <firstName> ORRIN </firstName> <lastName> HATCH </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> UT </state> <middleName> GRANT </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001141 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Sessions, Jeff [R-AL] </fullName> <firstName> Jeff </firstName> <lastName> Sessions </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AL </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000709 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Specter, Arlen [R-PA] </fullName> <firstName> ARLEN </firstName> <lastName> SPECTER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> PA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000444 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Biden, Joseph R., Jr. [D-DE] </fullName> <firstName> JOSEPH </firstName> <lastName> BIDEN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> DE </state> <middleName> ROBINETTE </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <submittedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 445 </number> <title> A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <amendedAmendment> <number> 3981 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To implement the congressional oversight recommendations of the 9-11 Commission. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> </amendedAmendment> <actions> <count> 2 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> <amendment> <number> 4006 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> L000174 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Leahy, Patrick J. [D-VT] </fullName> <firstName> Patrick </firstName> <lastName> Leahy </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VT </state> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors> 1 </countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors> <count> 1 </count> <item> <bioguideId> C001056 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cornyn, John [R-TX] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Cornyn </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TX </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <submittedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 445 </number> <title> A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <amendedAmendment> <number> 3981 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To implement the congressional oversight recommendations of the 9-11 Commission. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> </amendedAmendment> <actions> <count> 2 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> <amendment> <number> 4005 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> L000174 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Leahy, Patrick J. [D-VT] </fullName> <firstName> Patrick </firstName> <lastName> Leahy </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VT </state> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors> 1 </countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors> <count> 1 </count> <item> <bioguideId> C001056 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cornyn, John [R-TX] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Cornyn </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TX </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <submittedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 445 </number> <title> A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <amendedAmendment> <number> 3981 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To implement the congressional oversight recommendations of the 9-11 Commission. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> </amendedAmendment> <actions> <count> 2 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> <amendment> <number> 4004 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> B000468 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Bingaman, Jeff [D-NM] </fullName> <firstName> JESSE </firstName> <lastName> BINGAMAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NM </state> <middleName> FRANCIS </middleName> </item> </sponsors> <submittedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 445 </number> <title> A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <amendedAmendment> <number> 3981 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To implement the congressional oversight recommendations of the 9-11 Commission. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> </amendedAmendment> <actions> <count> 2 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> <amendment> <number> 4003 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> B000468 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Bingaman, Jeff [D-NM] </fullName> <firstName> JESSE </firstName> <lastName> BINGAMAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NM </state> <middleName> FRANCIS </middleName> </item> </sponsors> <submittedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 445 </number> <title> A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <amendedAmendment> <number> 3981 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To implement the congressional oversight recommendations of the 9-11 Commission. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> </amendedAmendment> <actions> <count> 2 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> <amendment> <number> 4002 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> M000303 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. McCain, John [R-AZ] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> MCCAIN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AZ </state> <middleName> SIDNEY </middleName> </item> </sponsors> <submittedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 445 </number> <title> A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <amendedAmendment> <number> 3981 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To implement the congressional oversight recommendations of the 9-11 Commission. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> </amendedAmendment> <actions> <count> 2 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> <amendment> <number> 4001 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> M000303 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. McCain, John [R-AZ] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> MCCAIN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AZ </state> <middleName> SIDNEY </middleName> </item> </sponsors> <submittedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 445 </number> <title> A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <amendedAmendment> <number> 3981 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To implement the congressional oversight recommendations of the 9-11 Commission. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> </amendedAmendment> <actions> <count> 2 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> <amendment> <number> 4000 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To ensure that the Committee has jurisdiction over the Transportation Security Administration. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Amendment SA 4000 not agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 33 - 63. Record Vote Number: 201. </text> <links> <link> <name> Record Vote Number: 201 </name> <url> https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1082/vote_108_2_00201.xml </url> </link> <link> <name> SA 4000 </name> <url> https://www.congress.gov/amendment/108th-congress/senate-amendment/4000 </url> </link> </links> </latestAction> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> M000303 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. McCain, John [R-AZ] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> MCCAIN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AZ </state> <middleName> SIDNEY </middleName> </item> </sponsors> <proposedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </proposedDate> <submittedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 445 </number> <title> A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <amendedAmendment> <number> 3981 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To implement the congressional oversight recommendations of the 9-11 Commission. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> </amendedAmendment> <actions> <count> 7 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Amendment SA 4000 not agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 33 - 63. Record Vote Number: 201. </text> <type> Floor </type> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 201 </rollNumber> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2004-10-07T22:17:51Z </date> <sessionNumber> 2 </sessionNumber> <url> https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1082/vote_108_2_00201.xml </url> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Amendment SA 4000 proposed by Senator McCain to Amendment SA 3981. (consideration: CR S10647-10654; text: CR S10647) To ensure that the Committee has jurisdiction over the Transportation Security Administration. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment not agreed to: Amendment SA 4000 not agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 33 - 63. Record Vote Number: 201. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 95000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 201 </rollNumber> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2004-10-07T22:17:51Z </date> <sessionNumber> 2 </sessionNumber> <url> https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1082/vote_108_2_00201.xml </url> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment proposed (on the floor): Amendment SA 4000 proposed by Senator McCain to Amendment SA 3981.(consideration: CR S10647-10654; text: CR S10647) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 93000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Roll call votes on amendments in Senate: Amendment SA 4000 not agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 33 - 63. Record Vote Number: 201. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 97000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 201 </rollNumber> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2004-10-07T22:17:51Z </date> <sessionNumber> 2 </sessionNumber> <url> https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1082/vote_108_2_00201.xml </url> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> <amendment> <number> 3999 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To strike section 402 and vest intelligence appropriations jurisdiction in the Select Committee on Intelligence. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Amendment SA 3999 not agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 23 - 74. Record Vote Number: 200. </text> <links> <link> <name> Record Vote Number: 200 </name> <url> https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1082/vote_108_2_00200.xml </url> </link> <link> <name> SA 3999 </name> <url> https://www.congress.gov/amendment/108th-congress/senate-amendment/3999 </url> </link> </links> </latestAction> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> M000303 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. McCain, John [R-AZ] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> MCCAIN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AZ </state> <middleName> SIDNEY </middleName> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors> 4 </countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors> <count> 4 </count> <item> <bioguideId> L000304 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Lieberman, Joseph I. [D-CT] </fullName> <firstName> JOSEPH </firstName> <lastName> LIEBERMAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CT </state> <middleName> I. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000447 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Lott, Trent [R-MS] </fullName> <firstName> CHESTER </firstName> <lastName> LOTT </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MS </state> <middleName> TRENT </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000663 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Snowe, Olympia J. [R-ME] </fullName> <firstName> Olympia </firstName> <lastName> Snowe </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ME </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000307 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Roberts, Pat [R-KS] </fullName> <firstName> PAT </firstName> <lastName> ROBERTS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KS </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <proposedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </proposedDate> <submittedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 445 </number> <title> A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <amendedAmendment> <number> 3981 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To implement the congressional oversight recommendations of the 9-11 Commission. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> </amendedAmendment> <actions> <count> 7 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Amendment SA 3999 not agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 23 - 74. Record Vote Number: 200. </text> <type> Floor </type> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 200 </rollNumber> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2004-10-07T20:36:58Z </date> <sessionNumber> 2 </sessionNumber> <url> https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1082/vote_108_2_00200.xml </url> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Amendment SA 3999 proposed by Senator McCain to Amendment SA 3981. (consideration: CR S10632-10646; text: CR S10632) To strike section 402 and vest intelligence appropriations jurisdiction in the Select Committee on Intelligence. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Roll call votes on amendments in Senate: Amendment SA 3999 not agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 23 - 74. Record Vote Number: 200. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 97000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 200 </rollNumber> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2004-10-07T20:36:58Z </date> <sessionNumber> 2 </sessionNumber> <url> https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1082/vote_108_2_00200.xml </url> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment not agreed to: Amendment SA 3999 not agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 23 - 74. Record Vote Number: 200. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 95000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 200 </rollNumber> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2004-10-07T20:36:58Z </date> <sessionNumber> 2 </sessionNumber> <url> https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1082/vote_108_2_00200.xml </url> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment proposed (on the floor): Amendment SA 3999 proposed by Senator McCain to Amendment SA 3981.(consideration: CR S10632-10646; text: CR S10632) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 93000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> <amendment> <number> 3998 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> M000303 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. McCain, John [R-AZ] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> MCCAIN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AZ </state> <middleName> SIDNEY </middleName> </item> </sponsors> <submittedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 445 </number> <title> A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <amendedAmendment> <number> 3981 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To implement the congressional oversight recommendations of the 9-11 Commission. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> </amendedAmendment> <actions> <count> 2 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> <amendment> <number> 3997 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> E000285 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Enzi, Michael B. [R-WY] </fullName> <firstName> MICHAEL </firstName> <lastName> ENZI </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> WY </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> </item> </sponsors> <submittedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 445 </number> <title> A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <amendedAmendment> <number> 3981 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To implement the congressional oversight recommendations of the 9-11 Commission. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> </amendedAmendment> <actions> <count> 2 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> <amendment> <number> 3996 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> E000285 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Enzi, Michael B. [R-WY] </fullName> <firstName> MICHAEL </firstName> <lastName> ENZI </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> WY </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> </item> </sponsors> <submittedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 445 </number> <title> A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <amendedAmendment> <number> 3981 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To implement the congressional oversight recommendations of the 9-11 Commission. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> </amendedAmendment> <actions> <count> 2 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> <amendment> <number> 3995 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To eliminate sequential referral. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Proposed amendment SA 3995 withdrawn in Senate. (consideration: CR S10674) </text> <links> <link> <name> S10674 </name> <url> https://www.congress.gov/congressional-record/volume-150/senate-section/page/S10674 </url> </link> <link> <name> SA 3995 </name> <url> https://www.congress.gov/amendment/108th-congress/senate-amendment/3995 </url> </link> </links> </latestAction> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> B001233 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Bayh, Evan [D-IN] </fullName> <firstName> EVAN </firstName> <lastName> BAYH </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IN </state> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors> 5 </countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors> <count> 5 </count> <item> <bioguideId> R000307 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Roberts, Pat [R-KS] </fullName> <firstName> PAT </firstName> <lastName> ROBERTS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KS </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000779 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Wyden, Ron [D-OR] </fullName> <firstName> Ron </firstName> <lastName> Wyden </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OR </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000062 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA] </fullName> <firstName> Dianne </firstName> <lastName> Feinstein </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000303 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. McCain, John [R-AZ] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> MCCAIN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AZ </state> <middleName> SIDNEY </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000663 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Snowe, Olympia J. [R-ME] </fullName> <firstName> Olympia </firstName> <lastName> Snowe </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ME </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <proposedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </proposedDate> <submittedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 445 </number> <title> A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <amendedAmendment> <number> 3981 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To implement the congressional oversight recommendations of the 9-11 Commission. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> </amendedAmendment> <actions> <count> 5 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Proposed amendment SA 3995 withdrawn in Senate. (consideration: CR S10674) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Amendment SA 3995 proposed by Senator Bayh to Amendment SA 3981. (consideration: CR S10625-10629, S10631; text: CR S10625) To eliminate sequential referral. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment proposed (on the floor): Amendment SA 3995 proposed by Senator Bayh to Amendment SA 3981.(consideration: CR S10625-10629, S10631; text: CR S10625) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 93000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> <amendment> <number> 3994 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To clarify the jurisdiction of the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-10-09 </actionDate> <text> Amendment SA 3994 as previously agreed to, was modified by Unanimous Consent. (text as modified: CR S10922) </text> <links> <link> <name> S10922 </name> <url> https://www.congress.gov/congressional-record/volume-150/senate-section/page/S10922 </url> </link> <link> <name> SA 3994 </name> <url> https://www.congress.gov/amendment/108th-congress/senate-amendment/3994 </url> </link> </links> </latestAction> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> C000286 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Chambliss, Saxby [R-GA] </fullName> <firstName> SAXBY </firstName> <lastName> CHAMBLISS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> GA </state> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors> 2 </countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors> <count> 2 </count> <item> <bioguideId> K000105 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Kennedy, Edward M. [D-MA] </fullName> <firstName> EDWARD </firstName> <lastName> KENNEDY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> MOORE </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000709 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Specter, Arlen [R-PA] </fullName> <firstName> ARLEN </firstName> <lastName> SPECTER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> PA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <proposedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </proposedDate> <submittedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 445 </number> <title> A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <amendedAmendment> <number> 3981 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To implement the congressional oversight recommendations of the 9-11 Commission. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> </amendedAmendment> <actions> <count> 7 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-09 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Amendment SA 3994 as previously agreed to, was modified by Unanimous Consent. (text as modified: CR S10922) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Amendment SA 3994 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Amendment SA 3994 proposed by Senator Chambliss to Amendment SA 3981. (consideration: CR S10625, S10629-10630, S10631; text: CR S10625) To clarify the jurisdiction of the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment agreed to: Amendment SA 3994 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 94000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment proposed (on the floor): Amendment SA 3994 proposed by Senator Chambliss to Amendment SA 3981.(consideration: CR S10625, S10629-10630, S10631; text: CR S10625) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 93000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> <amendment> <number> 3993 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> C001056 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cornyn, John [R-TX] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Cornyn </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TX </state> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors> 1 </countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors> <count> 1 </count> <item> <bioguideId> L000174 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Leahy, Patrick J. [D-VT] </fullName> <firstName> Patrick </firstName> <lastName> Leahy </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VT </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <submittedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 445 </number> <title> A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <amendedAmendment> <number> 3981 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To implement the congressional oversight recommendations of the 9-11 Commission. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> </amendedAmendment> <actions> <count> 2 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> <amendment> <number> 3992 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> C001056 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cornyn, John [R-TX] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Cornyn </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TX </state> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors> 1 </countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors> <count> 1 </count> <item> <bioguideId> L000174 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Leahy, Patrick J. [D-VT] </fullName> <firstName> Patrick </firstName> <lastName> Leahy </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VT </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <submittedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 445 </number> <title> A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <amendedAmendment> <number> 3981 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To implement the congressional oversight recommendations of the 9-11 Commission. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> </amendedAmendment> <actions> <count> 2 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> <amendment> <number> 3991 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> H001028 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hagel, Chuck [R-NE] </fullName> <firstName> CHUCK </firstName> <lastName> HAGEL </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NE </state> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors> 1 </countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors> <count> 1 </count> <item> <bioguideId> C000286 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Chambliss, Saxby [R-GA] </fullName> <firstName> SAXBY </firstName> <lastName> CHAMBLISS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> GA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <submittedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 445 </number> <title> A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <amendedAmendment> <number> 3981 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To implement the congressional oversight recommendations of the 9-11 Commission. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> </amendedAmendment> <actions> <count> 2 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> <amendment> <number> 3990 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> C000286 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Chambliss, Saxby [R-GA] </fullName> <firstName> SAXBY </firstName> <lastName> CHAMBLISS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> GA </state> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors> 1 </countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors> <count> 1 </count> <item> <bioguideId> K000105 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Kennedy, Edward M. [D-MA] </fullName> <firstName> EDWARD </firstName> <lastName> KENNEDY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> MOORE </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <submittedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 445 </number> <title> A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <amendedAmendment> <number> 3981 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To implement the congressional oversight recommendations of the 9-11 Commission. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> </amendedAmendment> <actions> <count> 2 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> <amendment> <number> 3989 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To clarify the provisions relating to the jurisdiction of the Department of Homeland Security. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-10-09 </actionDate> <text> Amendment SA 3989 as previously agreed to, was modified by Unanimous Consent. (text as modified: CR S10922) </text> <links> <link> <name> S10922 </name> <url> https://www.congress.gov/congressional-record/volume-150/senate-section/page/S10922 </url> </link> <link> <name> SA 3989 </name> <url> https://www.congress.gov/amendment/108th-congress/senate-amendment/3989 </url> </link> </links> </latestAction> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> G000386 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Grassley, Chuck [R-IA] </fullName> <firstName> Charles </firstName> <lastName> Grassley </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IA </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors> 1 </countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors> <count> 1 </count> <item> <bioguideId> B000243 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Baucus, Max [D-MT] </fullName> <firstName> MAX </firstName> <lastName> BAUCUS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MT </state> <middleName> SIEBEN </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <proposedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </proposedDate> <submittedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 445 </number> <title> A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <amendedAmendment> <number> 3981 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To implement the congressional oversight recommendations of the 9-11 Commission. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> </amendedAmendment> <actions> <count> 7 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-09 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Amendment SA 3989 as previously agreed to, was modified by Unanimous Consent. (text as modified: CR S10922) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Amendment SA 3989 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Amendment SA 3989 proposed by Senator Baucus for Senator Grassley to Amendment SA 3981. (consideration: CR S10621-10622; text: CR S10621) To clarify the provisions relating to the jurisdiction of the Department of Homeland Security. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment agreed to: Amendment SA 3989 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 94000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment proposed (on the floor): Amendment SA 3989 proposed by Senator Baucus for Senator Grassley to Amendment SA 3981.(consideration: CR S10621-10622; text: CR S10621) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 93000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> <amendment> <number> 3988 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> G000386 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Grassley, Chuck [R-IA] </fullName> <firstName> Charles </firstName> <lastName> Grassley </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IA </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> </item> </sponsors> <submittedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 445 </number> <title> A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <amendedAmendment> <number> 3981 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To implement the congressional oversight recommendations of the 9-11 Commission. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> </amendedAmendment> <actions> <count> 2 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> <amendment> <number> 3987 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> G000386 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Grassley, Chuck [R-IA] </fullName> <firstName> Charles </firstName> <lastName> Grassley </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IA </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> </item> </sponsors> <submittedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 445 </number> <title> A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <amendedAmendment> <number> 3981 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To implement the congressional oversight recommendations of the 9-11 Commission. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> </amendedAmendment> <actions> <count> 2 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> <amendment> <number> 3986 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To provide the Subcommittee on Intelligence shall have jurisdiction over funding for Intelligence matters, as determined by the Senate Committee on Appropriations. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Amendment SA 3986 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote. </text> <links> <link> <name> SA 3986 </name> <url> https://www.congress.gov/amendment/108th-congress/senate-amendment/3986 </url> </link> </links> </latestAction> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> B001210 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Byrd, Robert C. [D-WV] </fullName> <firstName> ROBERT </firstName> <lastName> BYRD </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WV </state> <middleName> CARLYLE </middleName> </item> </sponsors> <proposedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </proposedDate> <submittedDate> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 445 </number> <title> A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <amendedAmendment> <number> 3981 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To implement the congressional oversight recommendations of the 9-11 Commission. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> </amendedAmendment> <actions> <count> 6 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Amendment SA 3986 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Amendment SA 3986 proposed by Senator McConnell for Senator Byrd to Amendment SA 3981. (consideration: CR S10664; text: CR S10664) To provide the Subcommittee on Intelligence shall have jurisdiction over funding for Intelligence matters, as determined by the Senate Committee on Appropriations. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment agreed to: Amendment SA 3986 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 94000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment proposed (on the floor): Amendment SA 3986 proposed by Senator McConnell for Senator Byrd to Amendment SA 3981.(consideration: CR S10664; text: CR S10664) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 93000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> <amendment> <number> 3985 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> C000286 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Chambliss, Saxby [R-GA] </fullName> <firstName> SAXBY </firstName> <lastName> CHAMBLISS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> GA </state> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors> 1 </countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors> <count> 1 </count> <item> <bioguideId> K000105 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Kennedy, Edward M. [D-MA] </fullName> <firstName> EDWARD </firstName> <lastName> KENNEDY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> MOORE </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <submittedDate> 2004-10-06T04:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 445 </number> <title> A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <amendedAmendment> <number> 3981 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To implement the congressional oversight recommendations of the 9-11 Commission. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> </amendedAmendment> <actions> <count> 2 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-06 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> <amendment> <number> 3984 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> B001233 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Bayh, Evan [D-IN] </fullName> <firstName> EVAN </firstName> <lastName> BAYH </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IN </state> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors> 3 </countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors> <count> 3 </count> <item> <bioguideId> R000307 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Roberts, Pat [R-KS] </fullName> <firstName> PAT </firstName> <lastName> ROBERTS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KS </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000779 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Wyden, Ron [D-OR] </fullName> <firstName> Ron </firstName> <lastName> Wyden </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OR </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000062 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA] </fullName> <firstName> Dianne </firstName> <lastName> Feinstein </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <submittedDate> 2004-10-06T04:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 445 </number> <title> A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <amendedAmendment> <number> 3981 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To implement the congressional oversight recommendations of the 9-11 Commission. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> </amendedAmendment> <actions> <count> 2 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-06 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> <amendment> <number> 3981 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <purpose> To implement the congressional oversight recommendations of the 9-11 Commission. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-10-09 </actionDate> <text> Amendment SA 3981 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote. </text> <links> <link> <name> SA 3981 </name> <url> https://www.congress.gov/amendment/108th-congress/senate-amendment/3981 </url> </link> </links> </latestAction> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> M000355 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. McConnell, Mitch [R-KY] </fullName> <firstName> Mitch </firstName> <lastName> McConnell </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KY </state> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors> 3 </countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors> <count> 3 </count> <item> <bioguideId> R000146 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Reid, Harry [D-NV] </fullName> <firstName> HARRY </firstName> <lastName> REID </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NV </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000439 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Frist, William H. [R-TN] </fullName> <firstName> WILLIAM </firstName> <lastName> FRIST </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TN </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000064 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Daschle, Thomas A. [D-SD] </fullName> <firstName> THOMAS </firstName> <lastName> DASCHLE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> SD </state> <middleName> ANDREW </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <proposedDate> 2004-10-06T04:00:00Z </proposedDate> <submittedDate> 2004-10-06T04:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 445 </number> <title> A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <amendmentsToAmendment> <count> 56 </count> </amendmentsToAmendment> <actions> <count> 12 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-09 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Amendment SA 3981 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-09 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Considered by Senate. (consideration: CR S10900, S10922) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-08 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Cloture invoked in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 88 - 3. Record Vote Number: 204. (consideration: CR S10764) </text> <type> Floor </type> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 204 </rollNumber> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2004-10-08T13:11:44Z </date> <sessionNumber> 2 </sessionNumber> <url> https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1082/vote_108_2_00204.xml </url> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-08 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Considered by Senate. (consideration: CR S10764) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Considered by Senate. (consideration: CR S10620-10630) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-06 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Cloture motion on Amendment SA 3981 presented in Senate. (consideration: CR S10550) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-06 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <code> 0 </code> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Amendment SA 3981 proposed by Senator McConnell. (consideration: CR S10544-10551; text: CR S10544) To implement the congressional oversight recommendations of the 9-11 Commission. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-09 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment agreed to: Amendment SA 3981 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 94000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-08 </actionDate> <text> Roll call votes on amendments in Senate: Cloture invoked in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 88 - 3. Record Vote Number: 204.(consideration: CR S10764) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 97000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 204 </rollNumber> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2004-10-08T13:11:44Z </date> <sessionNumber> 2 </sessionNumber> <url> https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1082/vote_108_2_00204.xml </url> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-06 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment proposed (on the floor): Amendment SA 3981 proposed by Senator McConnell.(consideration: CR S10544-10551; text: CR S10544) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 93000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-06 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> <amendment> <number> 3974 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SAMDT </type> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T06:04:00Z </updateDate> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> F000439 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Frist, William H. [R-TN] </fullName> <firstName> WILLIAM </firstName> <lastName> FRIST </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TN </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors> 3 </countIncludingWithdrawnCosponsors> <count> 3 </count> <item> <bioguideId> D000064 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Daschle, Thomas A. [D-SD] </fullName> <firstName> THOMAS </firstName> <lastName> DASCHLE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> SD </state> <middleName> ANDREW </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000355 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. McConnell, Mitch [R-KY] </fullName> <firstName> Mitch </firstName> <lastName> McConnell </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KY </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000146 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Reid, Harry [D-NV] </fullName> <firstName> HARRY </firstName> <lastName> REID </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NV </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <submittedDate> 2004-10-05T04:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> SRES </type> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <number> 445 </number> <title> A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <actions> <count> 2 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-05 </actionDate> <text> Senate amendment submitted </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 91000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> </amendments> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2004-10-09T04:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Reported to Senate </type> <date> 2004-10-05T04:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2004-10-01T04:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-10-09 </actionDate> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate with an amendment by Yea-Nay Vote. 79 - 6. Record Vote Number: 208. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-09", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate with an amendment by Yea-Nay Vote. 79 - 6. Record Vote Number: 208.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-10-09", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate with an amendment by Yea-Nay Vote. 79 - 6. Record Vote Number: 208.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-09", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Cloture motion on the resolution withdrawn by unanimous consent in Senate.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-09", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Considered by Senate. (consideration: CR S10900-10910, S10917-10918, S10922-10925)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-08", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Considered by Senate. (consideration: CR S10764-10816)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Considered by Senate. (consideration: CR S10620-10630, S10631, S10632-10674)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-06", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Cloture motion on the resolution presented in Senate. (consideration: CR S10551)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-06", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Measure laid before Senate by unanimous consent. (consideration: CR S10543-10551)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-05", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 770.", "type": "Calendars" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-05", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Rules and Administration Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssra00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Committee on Rules and Administration. Reported by Senator Lott without amendment. Without written report.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "14000", "action_date": "2004-10-05", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Rules and Administration Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssra00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Committee on Rules and Administration. Reported by Senator Lott without amendment. Without written report.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-05", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Rules and Administration Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssra00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Committee on Rules and Administration. Ordered to be reported without amendment favorably.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-01", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Rules and Administration Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssra00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Rules and Administration. (text of measure as introduced: CR S10265)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "B00100", "action_date": "2004-10-01", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR S10265)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-10-01", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [ { "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "0", "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Amendment SA 4045 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "0", "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Amendment SA 4045 proposed by Senator McConnell to Amendment SA 3981. (consideration: CR S10922; text: CR S10922) To make certain conforming and technical amendments.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "93000", "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment proposed (on the floor): Amendment SA 4045 proposed by Senator McConnell to Amendment SA 3981.(consideration: CR S10922; text: CR S10922)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "94000", "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment agreed to: Amendment SA 4045 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "91000", "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment submitted", "type": "Floor" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "congress": 108, "description": null, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_time": null, "links": [ { "name": "SA 4045", "url": "https://www.congress.gov/amendment/108th-congress/senate-amendment/4045" } ], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Amendment SA 4045 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.", "type": null }, "links": [], "number": 4045, "purpose": "To make certain conforming and technical amendments.", "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "M000355", "district": null, "first_name": "Mitch", "full_name": "Sen. McConnell, Mitch [R-KY]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": null, "last_name": "McConnell", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "KY" } ], "submitted_date": "2004-10-09T04:00:00Z", "type": "SAMDT", "update_date": "2022-02-03T06:04:00Z" }, { "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "0", "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Amendment SA 4042 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "0", "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Amendment SA 4042 proposed by Senator Hutchison to Amendment SA 4015. (consideration: CR S10908-10909; text: CR S10908) To implement responsible subcommittee reorganization in the Committee on Appropriations.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "94000", "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment agreed to: Amendment SA 4042 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "93000", "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment proposed (on the floor): Amendment SA 4042 proposed by Senator Hutchison to Amendment SA 4015.(consideration: CR S10908-10909; text: CR S10908)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "91000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment submitted", "type": "Floor" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "congress": 108, "description": null, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_time": null, "links": [ { "name": "SA 4042", "url": "https://www.congress.gov/amendment/108th-congress/senate-amendment/4042" } ], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Amendment SA 4042 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.", "type": null }, "links": [], "number": 4042, "purpose": "To implement responsible subcommittee reorganization in the Committee on Appropriations.", "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "H001016", "district": null, "first_name": "KAY", "full_name": "Sen. Hutchison, Kay Bailey [R-TX]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": null, "last_name": "HUTCHISON", "middle_name": "BAILEY", "party": "R", "state": "TX" } ], "submitted_date": "2004-10-07T04:00:00Z", "type": "SAMDT", "update_date": "2022-02-03T06:04:00Z" }, { "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [ { "chamber": "Senate", "congress": 108, "date": "2004-10-09T15:56:25Z", "roll_number": 206, "session_number": 2, "url": "https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1082/vote_108_2_00206.xml" } ], "source_system": { "code": "0", "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Amendment SA 4041 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 50 - 35. Record Vote Number: 206.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "0", "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Considered by Senate. (consideration: CR S10900-10901, S10909, text: CR S10901)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "0", "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Amendment SA 4041 proposed by Senator Nickles to Amendment SA 4027. (consideration: CR S10900-10901; text: CR S10900-10901) To vest sole jurisdiction over the Federal budget process in the Committee on the Budget, and to give the Committee on the Budget joint jurisdiction with the Governmental Affairs Committee over the process of reviewing, holding hearings, and voting on persons nominated by the President to fill the positions of Director and Deputy Director for Budget within the Office of Management and Budget.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "97000", "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [ { "chamber": "Senate", "congress": 108, "date": "2004-10-09T15:56:25Z", "roll_number": 206, "session_number": 2, "url": "https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1082/vote_108_2_00206.xml" } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Roll call votes on amendments in Senate: Amendment SA 4041 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 50 - 35. Record Vote Number: 206.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "94000", "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [ { "chamber": "Senate", "congress": 108, "date": "2004-10-09T15:56:25Z", "roll_number": 206, "session_number": 2, "url": "https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1082/vote_108_2_00206.xml" } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment agreed to: Amendment SA 4041 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 50 - 35. Record Vote Number: 206.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "93000", "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment proposed (on the floor): Amendment SA 4041 proposed by Senator Nickles to Amendment SA 4027.(consideration: CR S10900-10901; text: CR S10900-10901)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "91000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment submitted", "type": "Floor" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "congress": 108, "description": null, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_time": null, "links": [ { "name": "Record Vote Number: 206", "url": "https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1082/vote_108_2_00206.xml" }, { "name": "SA 4041", "url": "https://www.congress.gov/amendment/108th-congress/senate-amendment/4041" } ], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Amendment SA 4041 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 50 - 35. Record Vote Number: 206.", "type": null }, "links": [], "number": 4041, "purpose": "To vest sole jurisdiction over the Federal budget process in the Committee on the Budget, and to give the Committee on the Budget joint jurisdiction with the Governmental Affairs Committee over the process of reviewing, holding hearings, and voting on persons nominated by the President to fill the positions of Director and Deputy Director for Budget within the Office of Management and Budget.", "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "N000102", "district": null, "first_name": "DONALD", "full_name": "Sen. Nickles, Don [R-OK]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": null, "last_name": "NICKLES", "middle_name": "LEE", "party": "R", "state": "OK" } ], "submitted_date": "2004-10-07T04:00:00Z", "type": "SAMDT", "update_date": "2022-02-03T06:04:00Z" }, { "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "0", "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Proposed amendment SA 4040 withdrawn in Senate.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "0", "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Considered by Senate. (consideration: CR S10900)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-08", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "0", "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Considered by Senate. (consideration: CR S10764)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "0", "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Senate vitiated previous adoption of Amendment SA 4040.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "0", "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Amendment SA 4040 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "0", "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Amendment SA 4040 proposed by Senator Bingaman for Senator Domenici to Amendment SA 3981. (consideration: CR S10669; text: CR S10669) To transfer jurisdiction over organization and management of United States nuclear export policy to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "94000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment agreed to: Amendment SA 4040 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "93000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment proposed (on the floor): Amendment SA 4040 proposed by Senator Bingaman for Senator Domenici to Amendment SA 3981.(consideration: CR S10669; text: CR S10669)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "91000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment submitted", "type": "Floor" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "congress": 108, "description": null, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_time": null, "links": [ { "name": "SA 4040", "url": "https://www.congress.gov/amendment/108th-congress/senate-amendment/4040" } ], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Proposed amendment SA 4040 withdrawn in Senate.", "type": null }, "links": [], "number": 4040, "purpose": "To transfer jurisdiction over organization and management of United States nuclear export policy to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.", "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "D000407", "district": null, "first_name": "PETE", "full_name": "Sen. 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[R-AL]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": null, "last_name": "Shelby", "middle_name": "C.", "party": "R", "state": "AL" } ], "submitted_date": "2004-10-07T04:00:00Z", "type": "SAMDT", "update_date": "2022-02-03T06:04:00Z" }, { "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "0", "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Amendment SA 4038 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "0", "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Amendment SA 4038 proposed by Senator McConnell for Senator Shelby. (consideration: CR S10664; text: CR S10664) To retain jurisdiction over the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, with the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "94000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment agreed to: Amendment SA 4038 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "93000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment proposed (on the floor): Amendment SA 4038 proposed by Senator McConnell for Senator Shelby.(consideration: CR S10664; text: CR S10664)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "91000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment submitted", "type": "Floor" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "congress": 108, "description": null, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [ { "name": "SA 4038", "url": "https://www.congress.gov/amendment/108th-congress/senate-amendment/4038" } ], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Amendment SA 4038 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.", "type": null }, "links": [], "number": 4038, "purpose": "To retain jurisdiction over the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, with the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs.", "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "S000320", "district": null, "first_name": "Richard", "full_name": "Sen. Shelby, Richard C. [R-AL]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": null, "last_name": "Shelby", "middle_name": "C.", "party": "R", "state": "AL" } ], "submitted_date": "2004-10-07T04:00:00Z", "type": "SAMDT", "update_date": "2022-02-03T06:04:00Z" }, { "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "0", "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Amendment SA 4037 as previously agreed to, was modified by Unanimous Consent. (text as modified: CR S10922)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [ { "chamber": "Senate", "congress": 108, "date": "2004-10-07T23:44:59Z", "roll_number": 202, "session_number": 2, "url": "https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1082/vote_108_2_00202.xml" } ], "source_system": { "code": "0", "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Amendment SA 4037 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay. 54 - 41. Record Vote Number: 202.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "0", "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Amendment SA 4037 proposed by Senator Hatch for Senator Leahy to Amendment SA 3981. (consideration: CR S10655-10660; text: CR S10655) To retain jurisdiction over the Secret Service in the Committee on the Judiciary.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "97000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [ { "chamber": "Senate", "congress": 108, "date": "2004-10-07T23:44:59Z", "roll_number": 202, "session_number": 2, "url": "https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1082/vote_108_2_00202.xml" } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Roll call votes on amendments in Senate: Amendment SA 4037 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay. 54 - 41. Record Vote Number: 202.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "94000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [ { "chamber": "Senate", "congress": 108, "date": "2004-10-07T23:44:59Z", "roll_number": 202, "session_number": 2, "url": "https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1082/vote_108_2_00202.xml" } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment agreed to: Amendment SA 4037 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay. 54 - 41. Record Vote Number: 202.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "93000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment proposed (on the floor): Amendment SA 4037 proposed by Senator Hatch for Senator Leahy to Amendment SA 3981.(consideration: CR S10655-10660; text: CR S10655)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "91000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment submitted", "type": "Floor" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "congress": 108, "description": null, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_time": null, "links": [ { "name": "S10922", "url": "https://www.congress.gov/congressional-record/volume-150/senate-section/page/S10922" }, { "name": "SA 4037", "url": "https://www.congress.gov/amendment/108th-congress/senate-amendment/4037" } ], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Amendment SA 4037 as previously agreed to, was modified by Unanimous Consent. (text as modified: CR S10922)", "type": null }, "links": [], "number": 4037, "purpose": "To retain jurisdiction over the Secret Service in the Committee on the Judiciary.", "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "L000174", "district": null, "first_name": "Patrick", "full_name": "Sen. Leahy, Patrick J. [D-VT]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": null, "last_name": "Leahy", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "VT" } ], "submitted_date": "2004-10-07T04:00:00Z", "type": "SAMDT", "update_date": "2022-02-03T06:04:00Z" }, { "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "0", "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Amendment SA 4036 as modified agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote. (text as modified: CR S10654)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "0", "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Amendment SA 4036 proposed by Senator Durbin to Amendment SA 3981. (consideration: CR S10654; text: CR S10654) To modify the provisions relating to the staffing and budget of the select Committee.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "94000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment agreed to: Amendment SA 4036 as modified agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.(text as modified: CR S10654)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "93000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment proposed (on the floor): Amendment SA 4036 proposed by Senator Durbin to Amendment SA 3981.(consideration: CR S10654; text: CR S10654)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "91000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment submitted", "type": "Floor" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "congress": 108, "description": null, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [ { "name": "S10654", "url": "https://www.congress.gov/congressional-record/volume-150/senate-section/page/S10654" }, { "name": "SA 4036", "url": "https://www.congress.gov/amendment/108th-congress/senate-amendment/4036" } ], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Amendment SA 4036 as modified agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote. 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(consideration: CR S10900) To modify certain security procedures of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence regarding public disclosure of classified information.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "94000", "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment agreed to: Amendment SA 4035 as modified agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.(text as modified: CR S10900)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "93000", "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment proposed (on the floor): Amendment SA 4035 proposed by Senator Frist to Amendment SA 3981.(consideration: CR S10900)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "91000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment submitted", "type": "Floor" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "congress": 108, "description": null, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_time": null, "links": [ { "name": "S10900", "url": "https://www.congress.gov/congressional-record/volume-150/senate-section/page/S10900" }, { "name": "SA 4035", "url": "https://www.congress.gov/amendment/108th-congress/senate-amendment/4035" } ], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Amendment SA 4035 as modified agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent. (text as modified: CR S10900)", "type": null }, "links": [], "number": 4035, "purpose": "To modify certain security procedures of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence regarding public disclosure of classified information.", "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "F000439", "district": null, "first_name": "WILLIAM", "full_name": "Sen. Frist, William H. [R-TN]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": null, "last_name": "FRIST", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "R", "state": "TN" } ], "submitted_date": "2004-10-07T04:00:00Z", "type": "SAMDT", "update_date": "2022-02-03T06:04:00Z" }, { "actions": [ { "action_code": "91000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment submitted", "type": "Floor" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "congress": 108, "description": null, "latest_action": null, "links": [], "number": 4034, "purpose": null, "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "C001035", "district": null, "first_name": "Susan", "full_name": "Sen. Collins, Susan M. 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(consideration: CR S10900-10901; text: CR S10900) To vest sole jurisdiction over the Federal budget process in the Committee on the Budget.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "94000", "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment agreed to: Amendment SA 4027 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "93000", "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment proposed (on the floor): Amendment SA 4027 proposed by Senator Nickles to Amendment SA 3981.(consideration: CR S10900-10901; text: CR S10900)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "91000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment submitted", "type": "Floor" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "congress": 108, "description": null, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_time": null, "links": [ { "name": "SA 4027", "url": "https://www.congress.gov/amendment/108th-congress/senate-amendment/4027" } ], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Amendment SA 4027 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.", "type": null }, "links": [], "number": 4027, "purpose": "To vest sole jurisdiction over the Federal budget process in the Committee on the Budget.", "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "N000102", "district": null, "first_name": "DONALD", "full_name": "Sen. 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[R-UT]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": null, "last_name": "HATCH", "middle_name": "GRANT", "party": "R", "state": "UT" } ], "submitted_date": "2004-10-07T04:00:00Z", "type": "SAMDT", "update_date": "2022-02-03T06:04:00Z" }, { "actions": [ { "action_code": "91000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment submitted", "type": "Floor" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "congress": 108, "description": null, "latest_action": null, "links": [], "number": 4023, "purpose": null, "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "H000338", "district": null, "first_name": "ORRIN", "full_name": "Sen. Hatch, Orrin G. 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(consideration: CR S10665-10669; text: CR S10665) To provide that the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Committee on Foreign Relations (if not already a member of the select Committee) shall be ex officio members of the select Committee but shall have no vote in the Committee and shall not be counted for purposes of determining a quorum.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "97000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [ { "chamber": "Senate", "congress": 108, "date": "2004-10-08T02:31:35Z", "roll_number": 203, "session_number": 2, "url": "https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1082/vote_108_2_00203.xml" } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Roll call votes on amendments in Senate: Amendment SA 4021 not agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 36 - 54. Record Vote Number: 203.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "95000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [ { "chamber": "Senate", "congress": 108, "date": "2004-10-08T02:31:35Z", "roll_number": 203, "session_number": 2, "url": "https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1082/vote_108_2_00203.xml" } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment not agreed to: Amendment SA 4021 not agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 36 - 54. Record Vote Number: 203.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "93000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment proposed (on the floor): Amendment SA 4021 proposed by Senator Biden to Amendment SA 3981.(consideration: CR S10665-10669; text: CR S10665)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "91000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment submitted", "type": "Floor" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "congress": 108, "description": null, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [ { "name": "Record Vote Number: 203", "url": "https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1082/vote_108_2_00203.xml" }, { "name": "SA 4021", "url": "https://www.congress.gov/amendment/108th-congress/senate-amendment/4021" } ], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Amendment SA 4021 not agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 36 - 54. Record Vote Number: 203.", "type": null }, "links": [], "number": 4021, "purpose": "To provide that the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Committee on Foreign Relations (if not already a member of the select Committee) shall be ex officio members of the select Committee but shall have no vote in the Committee and shall not be counted for purposes of determining a quorum.", "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "B000444", "district": null, "first_name": "JOSEPH", "full_name": "Sen. 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(consideration: CR S10660-10661; text: CR S10660-10661) To clarify staff provisions.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "94000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment agreed to: Amendment SA 4019 agreed to in Senate by Voice.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "93000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment proposed (on the floor): Amendment SA 4019 proposed by Senator Roberts to Amendment SA 3981.(consideration: CR S10660-10661; text: CR S10660-10661)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "91000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment submitted", "type": "Floor" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "congress": 108, "description": null, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [ { "name": "SA 4019", "url": "https://www.congress.gov/amendment/108th-congress/senate-amendment/4019" } ], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Amendment SA 4019 agreed to in Senate by Voice.", "type": null }, "links": [], "number": 4019, "purpose": "To clarify staff provisions.", "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "R000307", "district": null, "first_name": "PAT", "full_name": "Sen. 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(consideration: CR S10660-10661; text: CR S10661) To clarify the nominee referral provisions.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "94000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment agreed to: Amendment SA 4018 as modified agreed to in Senate by Voice.(text as modified: CR S10661)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "93000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment proposed (on the floor): Amendment SA 4018 proposed by Senator Roberts to Amendment SA 3981.(consideration: CR S10660-10661; text: CR S10661)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "91000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment submitted", "type": "Floor" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "congress": 108, "description": null, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [ { "name": "S10661", "url": "https://www.congress.gov/congressional-record/volume-150/senate-section/page/S10661" }, { "name": "SA 4018", "url": "https://www.congress.gov/amendment/108th-congress/senate-amendment/4018" } ], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Amendment SA 4018 as modified agreed to in Senate by Voice. (text as modified: CR S10661)", "type": null }, "links": [], "number": 4018, "purpose": "To clarify the nominee referral provisions.", "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "R000307", "district": null, "first_name": "PAT", "full_name": "Sen. Roberts, Pat [R-KS]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": null, "last_name": "ROBERTS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "KS" } ], "submitted_date": "2004-10-07T04:00:00Z", "type": "SAMDT", "update_date": "2022-02-03T06:04:00Z" }, { "actions": [ { "action_code": "91000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment submitted", "type": "Floor" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "congress": 108, "description": null, "latest_action": null, "links": [], "number": 4017, "purpose": null, "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "H001016", "district": null, "first_name": "KAY", "full_name": "Sen. 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Record Vote Number: 207.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "0", "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Amendment SA 4015 proposed by Senator Hutchison to Amendment SA 3981. (consideration: CR S10908, S10917-10918; text: CR S10908) To implement responsible subcommittee reorganization in the Committee on Appropriations.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "94000", "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [ { "chamber": "Senate", "congress": 108, "date": "2004-10-09T16:29:44Z", "roll_number": 207, "session_number": 2, "url": "https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1082/vote_108_2_00207.xml" } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment agreed to: Amendment SA 4015 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 44 - 41. Record Vote Number: 207.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "97000", "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [ { "chamber": "Senate", "congress": 108, "date": "2004-10-09T16:29:44Z", "roll_number": 207, "session_number": 2, "url": "https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1082/vote_108_2_00207.xml" } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Roll call votes on amendments in Senate: Amendment SA 4015 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 44 - 41. 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(consideration: CR S10625-10629, S10631; text: CR S10625) To eliminate sequential referral.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "93000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment proposed (on the floor): Amendment SA 3995 proposed by Senator Bayh to Amendment SA 3981.(consideration: CR S10625-10629, S10631; text: CR S10625)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "91000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment submitted", "type": "Floor" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "congress": 108, "description": null, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [ { "name": "S10674", "url": "https://www.congress.gov/congressional-record/volume-150/senate-section/page/S10674" }, { "name": "SA 3995", "url": "https://www.congress.gov/amendment/108th-congress/senate-amendment/3995" } ], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Proposed amendment SA 3995 withdrawn in Senate. (consideration: CR S10674)", "type": null }, "links": [], "number": 3995, "purpose": "To eliminate sequential referral.", "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "B001233", "district": null, "first_name": "EVAN", "full_name": "Sen. Bayh, Evan [D-IN]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": null, "last_name": "BAYH", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "IN" } ], "submitted_date": "2004-10-07T04:00:00Z", "type": "SAMDT", "update_date": "2022-02-03T06:04:00Z" }, { "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "0", "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Amendment SA 3994 as previously agreed to, was modified by Unanimous Consent. 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(consideration: CR S10621-10622; text: CR S10621) To clarify the provisions relating to the jurisdiction of the Department of Homeland Security.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "94000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment agreed to: Amendment SA 3989 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "93000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment proposed (on the floor): Amendment SA 3989 proposed by Senator Baucus for Senator Grassley to Amendment SA 3981.(consideration: CR S10621-10622; text: CR S10621)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "91000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment submitted", "type": "Floor" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "congress": 108, "description": null, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_time": null, "links": [ { "name": "S10922", "url": "https://www.congress.gov/congressional-record/volume-150/senate-section/page/S10922" }, { "name": "SA 3989", "url": "https://www.congress.gov/amendment/108th-congress/senate-amendment/3989" } ], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Amendment SA 3989 as previously agreed to, was modified by Unanimous Consent. 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(consideration: CR S10664; text: CR S10664) To provide the Subcommittee on Intelligence shall have jurisdiction over funding for Intelligence matters, as determined by the Senate Committee on Appropriations.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "94000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment agreed to: Amendment SA 3986 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "93000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment proposed (on the floor): Amendment SA 3986 proposed by Senator McConnell for Senator Byrd to Amendment SA 3981.(consideration: CR S10664; text: CR S10664)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "91000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment submitted", "type": "Floor" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "congress": 108, "description": null, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [ { "name": "SA 3986", "url": "https://www.congress.gov/amendment/108th-congress/senate-amendment/3986" } ], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Amendment SA 3986 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.", "type": null }, "links": [], "number": 3986, "purpose": "To provide the Subcommittee on Intelligence shall have jurisdiction over funding for Intelligence matters, as determined by the Senate Committee on Appropriations.", "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "B001210", "district": null, "first_name": "ROBERT", "full_name": "Sen. 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McConnell, Mitch [R-KY]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": null, "last_name": "McConnell", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "KY" } ], "submitted_date": "2004-10-06T04:00:00Z", "type": "SAMDT", "update_date": "2022-02-03T06:04:00Z" }, { "actions": [ { "action_code": "91000", "action_date": "2004-10-05", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment submitted", "type": "Floor" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "congress": 108, "description": null, "latest_action": null, "links": [], "number": 3974, "purpose": null, "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "F000439", "district": null, "first_name": "WILLIAM", "full_name": "Sen. Frist, William H. [R-TN]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": null, "last_name": "FRIST", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "R", "state": "TN" } ], "submitted_date": "2004-10-05T04:00:00Z", "type": "SAMDT", "update_date": "2022-02-03T06:04:00Z" } ], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2004-10-05T19:34:27Z", "name": "Reported by" }, { "date": "2004-10-05T15:27:55Z", "name": "Markup by" }, { "date": "2004-10-01T21:57:40Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Rules and Administration Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssra00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2004-10-01", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-09", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate with an amendment by Yea-Nay Vote. 79 - 6. Record Vote Number: 208.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 445, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Congress", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "L000447", "district": null, "first_name": "CHESTER", "full_name": "Sen. Lott, Trent [R-MS]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "LOTT", "middle_name": "TRENT", "party": "R", "state": "MS" } ], "subjects": [ "Armed Forces and National Security", "Congressional committee membership", "Congressional committees (Senate)", "Senate Intelligence", "Senate rules and procedure", "Term limits" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2004-10-01", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Amends Senate Resolution 400, 94th Congress (establishing the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence) to eliminate the: (1) limitation to eight of the number of years a Member may serve on such Committee; and (2) the requirement that one-third of Members appointed to such Committee at the beginning of a Congress be Members who did not serve on the Committee during the preceding Congress. </p>", "update_date": "2004-10-12T19:27:13Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-10-05", "action_desc": "Reported to Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Amends Senate Resolution 400, 94th Congress (establishing the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence) to eliminate the: (1) limitation to eight of the number of years a Member may serve on such Committee; and (2) the requirement that one-third of Members appointed to such Committee at the beginning of a Congress be Members who did not serve on the Committee during the preceding Congress. </p>", "update_date": "2004-10-12T19:27:23Z", "version_code": "80" }, { "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_desc": "Passed Senate amended", "text": " <p><b>Title I: Homeland Security Oversight Reform</b> - (Sec. 101) Renames the Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.</p> <p>Grants the Committee jurisdiction over all matters relating to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) except for: (1) the Coast Guard, the Transportation Security Administration, the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, the Secret Service, the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service, the immigration functions of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection, the U.S. Immigration and Custom Enforcement, and the Directorate of Border and Transportation Security; and (2) customs revenue functions (including any function provided for in the Homeland Security Act of 2002) performed by DHS employees, commercial functions or commercial operations of the Bureau of Customs and Border Protection or Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, including matters relating to trade facilitation and trade regulation, or functions related to those performed by such employees that were exercised by the U.S. Customs Service on the day before the effective date of the Act.</p> <p>Declares that this jurisdiction shall supersede the jurisdiction of any other Senate committee provided for in the Senate rules. Excludes from such jurisdiction the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 or related functions of the Federal Emergency Management Agency.</p> <p>Extends such jurisdiction to: (1) the Archives of the United States; (2) budget and accounting measures, other than appropriations, except as provided in the Congressional Budget Act of 1974; (3) census and collection of statistics, including economic and social statistics; (4) congressional organization, except for any part of the matter that amends the Senate's rules or orders; (5) Federal Civil Service; (6) Government information; (7) intergovernmental relations; (8) municipal affairs of the District of Columbia, except its appropriations; (9) organization and management of U.S. nuclear export policy; (10) organization and reorganization of the executive branch; (11) Postal Service; and (12) status of Federal officers and employees, including their classification, compensation, and benefits.</p> <p>Specifies additional duties of the Committee.</p> <p>Grants: (1) the Budget Committee, with an exception, exclusive jurisdiction over specified measures affecting the congressional budget process; and (2) the Committees on the Budget and on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs joint jurisdiction over the nominations by the President of persons to fill the positions of Director and Deputy Director for Budget within the Office of Management and Budget. Declares that if one Committee votes to report such a nomination, the other must report within 30 calendar days session, or be automatically discharged.</p> <p><b>Title II: Intelligence Oversight Reform</b> - (Sec. 201) Amends Senate Resolution 400, 94th Congress (establishing the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence) to: (1) provide that the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Committee on Armed Services (if not already a member of the Select Committee) shall be ex officio members of it but shall have no vote in the Committee and shall not be counted for purposes of determining a quorum; and (2) limit its membership to 15 and its membership to be appointed from the Senate at large to seven.</p> <p>Requires the Majority Leader to appoint the Majority Members at large and the Minority Leader to appoint the Minority Members at large, with the Majority having a one vote margin. (Currently, the President pro tempore appoints such Members at large with the recommendations of the Majority and Minority Leaders).</p> <p>Eliminates the: (1) limitation to eight of the number of years a Member may serve on such Committee; and (2) the requirement that one-third of Members appointed to such Committee at the beginning of a Congress be Members who did not serve on it during the preceding Congress. </p> <p>Requires the Majority Leader, at the beginning of each Congress, to select a chairman of the Select Committee and the Minority Leader to select a vice chairman for the Select Committee.</p> <p>Allows the Select Committee to be organized into subcommittees with each having a chairman and a vice chairman selected by the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Select Committee, respectively.</p> <p>Limits the reports to the Senate from the Select Committee to not less than quarterly.</p> <p>Requires the Select Committee, in addition to other committee staff, to hire or appoint: (1) one employee for each of its Members to serve as such Member's designated representative; but (2) only an employee chosen by that Member. Provides for budgeting, office space and equipment, and information access rights for a designated representative. Prescribes security clearance and other pertinent requirements the designated representative must meet.</p> <p></p> <p></p> <p>Provides that of the funds made available to the Select Committee for personnel: (1) not more than 60 percent shall be under the control of the Chairman; and (2) not less than 40 percent shall be under the control of the Vice Chairman.</p> <p>Grants the Select Committee jurisdiction for reviewing, holding hearings, and reporting the nominations of civilian persons nominated by the President to fill all positions within the intelligence community requiring the advice and consent of the Senate.</p> <p>Provides that other committees with jurisdiction over such nominees may hold hearings and interviews with the persons, but only the Select Committee shall report such nominations.</p> <p>Reduces from 30 to ten days after referral the deadline and discharge date for a standing committee to report to the Senate any proposed legislation of the Select Committee (except legislation pertaining to the Central Intelligence Agency) that has been referred to it upon its request because it contains matter otherwise within the standing committee's jurisdiction. Reduces from 30 to ten days after referral, as well, the deadline and discharge date for the Select Committee to report to the Senate any proposed legislation of a standing committee whose referral it has requested because it contains matter within the Select Committee's jurisdiction. </p> <p>Allows the Majority or Minority Leader (currently, the Senate) to request, before the discharge date, an additional five days on behalf of the appropriate Committee. Provides for automatic discharge of referred proposed legislation from such Committee after the five-day extension.</p> <p>Prohibits committees to which legislation is referred from making changes or alterations to the text of the referred bill and its annexes; but allows them to propose changes or alterations in the form of amendments.</p> <p>Modifies procedures of the Select Committee for public disclosure of classified information submitted to it by the executive branch. Requires the Committee to notify and consult with the Majority and Minority Leaders of the Senate about a vote to disclose such information, before notifying the President (as under current rules).</p> <p>Authorizes the Select Committee to make public disclosure of such information after a five-day period following the day on which notice of such vote is transmitted to the Majority and Minority Leaders and the President (currently, just the President).</p> <p>Authorizes the Majority and Minority Leaders jointly or the Select Committee, by majority vote, to refer the question of such disclosure to the Senate for consideration if the President, personally, in writing, notifies the Majority and Minority Leaders and the Select Committee of his objection to it.</p> <p><b>Title III: Committee Status</b> - (Sec. 301) Treats the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs as the Committee on Governmental Affairs listed under rule XXV (Standing Committees) of the Standing Rules of the Senate for purposes of such Rules.</p> <p><b>Title IV: Intelligence-Related Subcommittees</b> - (Sec. 401) Establishes in the Select Committee on Intelligence a Subcommittee on Oversight responsible for ongoing oversight of intelligence activities.</p> <p></p> <p>(Sec. 402) Establishes in the Committee on Appropriations a Subcommittee on Intelligence with jurisdiction over funding for intelligence matters. Requires the Committee on Appropriations to reorganize into 13 subcommittees as soon as possible after the convening of the 109th Congress.</p> <p></p> <p><b>Title V: Effective Date</b> - Makes this resolution effective on the convening of the 109th Congress.</p>", "update_date": "2005-01-25T16:59:33Z", "version_code": "35" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2004-10-09T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2004-10-05T04:00:00Z", "type": "Reported to Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2004-10-01T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": null } ], "title": "A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Intelligence Reorganization bill", "title_type": "Popular Titles" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2023-01-14T22:48:34Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-14T22:48:34Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2004-10-05T19:34:27Z", "name": "Reported by" }, { "date": "2004-10-05T15:27:55Z", "name": "Markup by" }, { "date": "2004-10-01T21:57:40Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Rules and Administration Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssra00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-09", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate with an amendment by Yea-Nay Vote. 79 - 6. Record Vote Number: 208.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-10-09", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate with an amendment by Yea-Nay Vote. 79 - 6. Record Vote Number: 208.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-09", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Cloture motion on the resolution withdrawn by unanimous consent in Senate.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-09", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Considered by Senate. (consideration: CR S10900-10910, S10917-10918, S10922-10925)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-08", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Considered by Senate. (consideration: CR S10764-10816)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Considered by Senate. (consideration: CR S10620-10630, S10631, S10632-10674)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-06", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Cloture motion on the resolution presented in Senate. (consideration: CR S10551)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-06", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Measure laid before Senate by unanimous consent. (consideration: CR S10543-10551)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-05", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 770.", "type": "Calendars" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-05", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Rules and Administration Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssra00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Committee on Rules and Administration. Reported by Senator Lott without amendment. Without written report.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "14000", "action_date": "2004-10-05", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Rules and Administration Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssra00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Committee on Rules and Administration. Reported by Senator Lott without amendment. Without written report.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-05", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Rules and Administration Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssra00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Committee on Rules and Administration. Ordered to be reported without amendment favorably.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-01", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Rules and Administration Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssra00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Rules and Administration. (text of measure as introduced: CR S10265)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "B00100", "action_date": "2004-10-01", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR S10265)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-10-01", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "L000447", "district": null, "first_name": "CHESTER", "full_name": "Sen. Lott, Trent [R-MS]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "LOTT", "middle_name": "TRENT", "party": "R", "state": "MS" } ]
[ "Armed Forces and National Security", "Congressional committee membership", "Congressional committees (Senate)", "Senate Intelligence", "Senate rules and procedure", "Term limits" ]
[ { "action_date": "2004-10-01", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Amends Senate Resolution 400, 94th Congress (establishing the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence) to eliminate the: (1) limitation to eight of the number of years a Member may serve on such Committee; and (2) the requirement that one-third of Members appointed to such Committee at the beginning of a Congress be Members who did not serve on the Committee during the preceding Congress. </p>", "update_date": "2004-10-12T19:27:13Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-10-05", "action_desc": "Reported to Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Amends Senate Resolution 400, 94th Congress (establishing the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence) to eliminate the: (1) limitation to eight of the number of years a Member may serve on such Committee; and (2) the requirement that one-third of Members appointed to such Committee at the beginning of a Congress be Members who did not serve on the Committee during the preceding Congress. </p>", "update_date": "2004-10-12T19:27:23Z", "version_code": "80" }, { "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_desc": "Passed Senate amended", "text": " <p><b>Title I: Homeland Security Oversight Reform</b> - (Sec. 101) Renames the Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.</p> <p>Grants the Committee jurisdiction over all matters relating to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) except for: (1) the Coast Guard, the Transportation Security Administration, the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, the Secret Service, the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service, the immigration functions of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection, the U.S. Immigration and Custom Enforcement, and the Directorate of Border and Transportation Security; and (2) customs revenue functions (including any function provided for in the Homeland Security Act of 2002) performed by DHS employees, commercial functions or commercial operations of the Bureau of Customs and Border Protection or Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, including matters relating to trade facilitation and trade regulation, or functions related to those performed by such employees that were exercised by the U.S. Customs Service on the day before the effective date of the Act.</p> <p>Declares that this jurisdiction shall supersede the jurisdiction of any other Senate committee provided for in the Senate rules. Excludes from such jurisdiction the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 or related functions of the Federal Emergency Management Agency.</p> <p>Extends such jurisdiction to: (1) the Archives of the United States; (2) budget and accounting measures, other than appropriations, except as provided in the Congressional Budget Act of 1974; (3) census and collection of statistics, including economic and social statistics; (4) congressional organization, except for any part of the matter that amends the Senate's rules or orders; (5) Federal Civil Service; (6) Government information; (7) intergovernmental relations; (8) municipal affairs of the District of Columbia, except its appropriations; (9) organization and management of U.S. nuclear export policy; (10) organization and reorganization of the executive branch; (11) Postal Service; and (12) status of Federal officers and employees, including their classification, compensation, and benefits.</p> <p>Specifies additional duties of the Committee.</p> <p>Grants: (1) the Budget Committee, with an exception, exclusive jurisdiction over specified measures affecting the congressional budget process; and (2) the Committees on the Budget and on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs joint jurisdiction over the nominations by the President of persons to fill the positions of Director and Deputy Director for Budget within the Office of Management and Budget. Declares that if one Committee votes to report such a nomination, the other must report within 30 calendar days session, or be automatically discharged.</p> <p><b>Title II: Intelligence Oversight Reform</b> - (Sec. 201) Amends Senate Resolution 400, 94th Congress (establishing the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence) to: (1) provide that the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Committee on Armed Services (if not already a member of the Select Committee) shall be ex officio members of it but shall have no vote in the Committee and shall not be counted for purposes of determining a quorum; and (2) limit its membership to 15 and its membership to be appointed from the Senate at large to seven.</p> <p>Requires the Majority Leader to appoint the Majority Members at large and the Minority Leader to appoint the Minority Members at large, with the Majority having a one vote margin. (Currently, the President pro tempore appoints such Members at large with the recommendations of the Majority and Minority Leaders).</p> <p>Eliminates the: (1) limitation to eight of the number of years a Member may serve on such Committee; and (2) the requirement that one-third of Members appointed to such Committee at the beginning of a Congress be Members who did not serve on it during the preceding Congress. </p> <p>Requires the Majority Leader, at the beginning of each Congress, to select a chairman of the Select Committee and the Minority Leader to select a vice chairman for the Select Committee.</p> <p>Allows the Select Committee to be organized into subcommittees with each having a chairman and a vice chairman selected by the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Select Committee, respectively.</p> <p>Limits the reports to the Senate from the Select Committee to not less than quarterly.</p> <p>Requires the Select Committee, in addition to other committee staff, to hire or appoint: (1) one employee for each of its Members to serve as such Member's designated representative; but (2) only an employee chosen by that Member. Provides for budgeting, office space and equipment, and information access rights for a designated representative. Prescribes security clearance and other pertinent requirements the designated representative must meet.</p> <p></p> <p></p> <p>Provides that of the funds made available to the Select Committee for personnel: (1) not more than 60 percent shall be under the control of the Chairman; and (2) not less than 40 percent shall be under the control of the Vice Chairman.</p> <p>Grants the Select Committee jurisdiction for reviewing, holding hearings, and reporting the nominations of civilian persons nominated by the President to fill all positions within the intelligence community requiring the advice and consent of the Senate.</p> <p>Provides that other committees with jurisdiction over such nominees may hold hearings and interviews with the persons, but only the Select Committee shall report such nominations.</p> <p>Reduces from 30 to ten days after referral the deadline and discharge date for a standing committee to report to the Senate any proposed legislation of the Select Committee (except legislation pertaining to the Central Intelligence Agency) that has been referred to it upon its request because it contains matter otherwise within the standing committee's jurisdiction. Reduces from 30 to ten days after referral, as well, the deadline and discharge date for the Select Committee to report to the Senate any proposed legislation of a standing committee whose referral it has requested because it contains matter within the Select Committee's jurisdiction. </p> <p>Allows the Majority or Minority Leader (currently, the Senate) to request, before the discharge date, an additional five days on behalf of the appropriate Committee. Provides for automatic discharge of referred proposed legislation from such Committee after the five-day extension.</p> <p>Prohibits committees to which legislation is referred from making changes or alterations to the text of the referred bill and its annexes; but allows them to propose changes or alterations in the form of amendments.</p> <p>Modifies procedures of the Select Committee for public disclosure of classified information submitted to it by the executive branch. Requires the Committee to notify and consult with the Majority and Minority Leaders of the Senate about a vote to disclose such information, before notifying the President (as under current rules).</p> <p>Authorizes the Select Committee to make public disclosure of such information after a five-day period following the day on which notice of such vote is transmitted to the Majority and Minority Leaders and the President (currently, just the President).</p> <p>Authorizes the Majority and Minority Leaders jointly or the Select Committee, by majority vote, to refer the question of such disclosure to the Senate for consideration if the President, personally, in writing, notifies the Majority and Minority Leaders and the Select Committee of his objection to it.</p> <p><b>Title III: Committee Status</b> - (Sec. 301) Treats the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs as the Committee on Governmental Affairs listed under rule XXV (Standing Committees) of the Standing Rules of the Senate for purposes of such Rules.</p> <p><b>Title IV: Intelligence-Related Subcommittees</b> - (Sec. 401) Establishes in the Select Committee on Intelligence a Subcommittee on Oversight responsible for ongoing oversight of intelligence activities.</p> <p></p> <p>(Sec. 402) Establishes in the Committee on Appropriations a Subcommittee on Intelligence with jurisdiction over funding for intelligence matters. Requires the Committee on Appropriations to reorganize into 13 subcommittees as soon as possible after the convening of the 109th Congress.</p> <p></p> <p><b>Title V: Effective Date</b> - Makes this resolution effective on the convening of the 109th Congress.</p>", "update_date": "2005-01-25T16:59:33Z", "version_code": "35" } ]
A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution to eliminate certain restrictions on service of a Senator on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Intelligence Reorganization bill", "title_type": "Popular Titles" } ]
[ { "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "0", "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Amendment SA 4045 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "0", "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Amendment SA 4045 proposed by Senator McConnell to Amendment SA 3981. (consideration: CR S10922; text: CR S10922) To make certain conforming and technical amendments.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "93000", "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment proposed (on the floor): Amendment SA 4045 proposed by Senator McConnell to Amendment SA 3981.(consideration: CR S10922; text: CR S10922)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "94000", "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment agreed to: Amendment SA 4045 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "91000", "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment submitted", "type": "Floor" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "congress": 108, "description": null, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_time": null, "links": [ { "name": "SA 4045", "url": "https://www.congress.gov/amendment/108th-congress/senate-amendment/4045" } ], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Amendment SA 4045 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.", "type": null }, "links": [], "number": 4045, "purpose": "To make certain conforming and technical amendments.", "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "M000355", "district": null, "first_name": "Mitch", "full_name": "Sen. McConnell, Mitch [R-KY]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": null, "last_name": "McConnell", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "KY" } ], "submitted_date": "2004-10-09T04:00:00Z", "type": "SAMDT", "update_date": "2022-02-03T06:04:00Z" }, { "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "0", "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Amendment SA 4042 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "0", "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Amendment SA 4042 proposed by Senator Hutchison to Amendment SA 4015. (consideration: CR S10908-10909; text: CR S10908) To implement responsible subcommittee reorganization in the Committee on Appropriations.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "94000", "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment agreed to: Amendment SA 4042 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "93000", "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment proposed (on the floor): Amendment SA 4042 proposed by Senator Hutchison to Amendment SA 4015.(consideration: CR S10908-10909; text: CR S10908)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "91000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment submitted", "type": "Floor" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "congress": 108, "description": null, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_time": null, "links": [ { "name": "SA 4042", "url": "https://www.congress.gov/amendment/108th-congress/senate-amendment/4042" } ], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Amendment SA 4042 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.", "type": null }, "links": [], "number": 4042, "purpose": "To implement responsible subcommittee reorganization in the Committee on Appropriations.", "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "H001016", "district": null, "first_name": "KAY", "full_name": "Sen. Hutchison, Kay Bailey [R-TX]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": null, "last_name": "HUTCHISON", "middle_name": "BAILEY", "party": "R", "state": "TX" } ], "submitted_date": "2004-10-07T04:00:00Z", "type": "SAMDT", "update_date": "2022-02-03T06:04:00Z" }, { "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [ { "chamber": "Senate", "congress": 108, "date": "2004-10-09T15:56:25Z", "roll_number": 206, "session_number": 2, "url": "https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1082/vote_108_2_00206.xml" } ], "source_system": { "code": "0", "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Amendment SA 4041 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 50 - 35. Record Vote Number: 206.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "0", "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Considered by Senate. (consideration: CR S10900-10901, S10909, text: CR S10901)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "0", "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Amendment SA 4041 proposed by Senator Nickles to Amendment SA 4027. (consideration: CR S10900-10901; text: CR S10900-10901) To vest sole jurisdiction over the Federal budget process in the Committee on the Budget, and to give the Committee on the Budget joint jurisdiction with the Governmental Affairs Committee over the process of reviewing, holding hearings, and voting on persons nominated by the President to fill the positions of Director and Deputy Director for Budget within the Office of Management and Budget.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "97000", "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [ { "chamber": "Senate", "congress": 108, "date": "2004-10-09T15:56:25Z", "roll_number": 206, "session_number": 2, "url": "https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1082/vote_108_2_00206.xml" } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Roll call votes on amendments in Senate: Amendment SA 4041 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 50 - 35. Record Vote Number: 206.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "94000", "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [ { "chamber": "Senate", "congress": 108, "date": "2004-10-09T15:56:25Z", "roll_number": 206, "session_number": 2, "url": "https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1082/vote_108_2_00206.xml" } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment agreed to: Amendment SA 4041 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 50 - 35. Record Vote Number: 206.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "93000", "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment proposed (on the floor): Amendment SA 4041 proposed by Senator Nickles to Amendment SA 4027.(consideration: CR S10900-10901; text: CR S10900-10901)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "91000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment submitted", "type": "Floor" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "congress": 108, "description": null, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_time": null, "links": [ { "name": "Record Vote Number: 206", "url": "https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1082/vote_108_2_00206.xml" }, { "name": "SA 4041", "url": "https://www.congress.gov/amendment/108th-congress/senate-amendment/4041" } ], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Amendment SA 4041 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 50 - 35. Record Vote Number: 206.", "type": null }, "links": [], "number": 4041, "purpose": "To vest sole jurisdiction over the Federal budget process in the Committee on the Budget, and to give the Committee on the Budget joint jurisdiction with the Governmental Affairs Committee over the process of reviewing, holding hearings, and voting on persons nominated by the President to fill the positions of Director and Deputy Director for Budget within the Office of Management and Budget.", "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "N000102", "district": null, "first_name": "DONALD", "full_name": "Sen. Nickles, Don [R-OK]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": null, "last_name": "NICKLES", "middle_name": "LEE", "party": "R", "state": "OK" } ], "submitted_date": "2004-10-07T04:00:00Z", "type": "SAMDT", "update_date": "2022-02-03T06:04:00Z" }, { "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "0", "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Proposed amendment SA 4040 withdrawn in Senate.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "0", "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Considered by Senate. (consideration: CR S10900)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-08", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "0", "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Considered by Senate. (consideration: CR S10764)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "0", "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Senate vitiated previous adoption of Amendment SA 4040.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "0", "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Amendment SA 4040 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "0", "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Amendment SA 4040 proposed by Senator Bingaman for Senator Domenici to Amendment SA 3981. (consideration: CR S10669; text: CR S10669) To transfer jurisdiction over organization and management of United States nuclear export policy to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "94000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment agreed to: Amendment SA 4040 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "93000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment proposed (on the floor): Amendment SA 4040 proposed by Senator Bingaman for Senator Domenici to Amendment SA 3981.(consideration: CR S10669; text: CR S10669)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "91000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment submitted", "type": "Floor" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "congress": 108, "description": null, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_time": null, "links": [ { "name": "SA 4040", "url": "https://www.congress.gov/amendment/108th-congress/senate-amendment/4040" } ], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Proposed amendment SA 4040 withdrawn in Senate.", "type": null }, "links": [], "number": 4040, "purpose": "To transfer jurisdiction over organization and management of United States nuclear export policy to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.", "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "D000407", "district": null, "first_name": "PETE", "full_name": "Sen. Domenici, Pete V. [R-NM]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": null, "last_name": "DOMENICI", "middle_name": "VICHI", "party": "R", "state": "NM" } ], "submitted_date": "2004-10-07T04:00:00Z", "type": "SAMDT", "update_date": "2022-02-03T06:04:00Z" }, { "actions": [ { "action_code": "91000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment submitted", "type": "Floor" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "congress": 108, "description": null, "latest_action": null, "links": [], "number": 4039, "purpose": null, "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "S000320", "district": null, "first_name": "Richard", "full_name": "Sen. Shelby, Richard C. [R-AL]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": null, "last_name": "Shelby", "middle_name": "C.", "party": "R", "state": "AL" } ], "submitted_date": "2004-10-07T04:00:00Z", "type": "SAMDT", "update_date": "2022-02-03T06:04:00Z" }, { "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "0", "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Amendment SA 4038 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "0", "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Amendment SA 4038 proposed by Senator McConnell for Senator Shelby. (consideration: CR S10664; text: CR S10664) To retain jurisdiction over the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, with the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "94000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment agreed to: Amendment SA 4038 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "93000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment proposed (on the floor): Amendment SA 4038 proposed by Senator McConnell for Senator Shelby.(consideration: CR S10664; text: CR S10664)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "91000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment submitted", "type": "Floor" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "congress": 108, "description": null, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [ { "name": "SA 4038", "url": "https://www.congress.gov/amendment/108th-congress/senate-amendment/4038" } ], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Amendment SA 4038 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.", "type": null }, "links": [], "number": 4038, "purpose": "To retain jurisdiction over the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, with the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs.", "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "S000320", "district": null, "first_name": "Richard", "full_name": "Sen. Shelby, Richard C. [R-AL]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": null, "last_name": "Shelby", "middle_name": "C.", "party": "R", "state": "AL" } ], "submitted_date": "2004-10-07T04:00:00Z", "type": "SAMDT", "update_date": "2022-02-03T06:04:00Z" }, { "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "0", "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Amendment SA 4037 as previously agreed to, was modified by Unanimous Consent. (text as modified: CR S10922)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [ { "chamber": "Senate", "congress": 108, "date": "2004-10-07T23:44:59Z", "roll_number": 202, "session_number": 2, "url": "https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1082/vote_108_2_00202.xml" } ], "source_system": { "code": "0", "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Amendment SA 4037 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay. 54 - 41. Record Vote Number: 202.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "0", "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Amendment SA 4037 proposed by Senator Hatch for Senator Leahy to Amendment SA 3981. (consideration: CR S10655-10660; text: CR S10655) To retain jurisdiction over the Secret Service in the Committee on the Judiciary.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "97000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [ { "chamber": "Senate", "congress": 108, "date": "2004-10-07T23:44:59Z", "roll_number": 202, "session_number": 2, "url": "https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1082/vote_108_2_00202.xml" } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Roll call votes on amendments in Senate: Amendment SA 4037 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay. 54 - 41. Record Vote Number: 202.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "94000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [ { "chamber": "Senate", "congress": 108, "date": "2004-10-07T23:44:59Z", "roll_number": 202, "session_number": 2, "url": "https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1082/vote_108_2_00202.xml" } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment agreed to: Amendment SA 4037 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay. 54 - 41. Record Vote Number: 202.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "93000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment proposed (on the floor): Amendment SA 4037 proposed by Senator Hatch for Senator Leahy to Amendment SA 3981.(consideration: CR S10655-10660; text: CR S10655)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "91000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment submitted", "type": "Floor" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "congress": 108, "description": null, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_time": null, "links": [ { "name": "S10922", "url": "https://www.congress.gov/congressional-record/volume-150/senate-section/page/S10922" }, { "name": "SA 4037", "url": "https://www.congress.gov/amendment/108th-congress/senate-amendment/4037" } ], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Amendment SA 4037 as previously agreed to, was modified by Unanimous Consent. (text as modified: CR S10922)", "type": null }, "links": [], "number": 4037, "purpose": "To retain jurisdiction over the Secret Service in the Committee on the Judiciary.", "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "L000174", "district": null, "first_name": "Patrick", "full_name": "Sen. Leahy, Patrick J. [D-VT]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": null, "last_name": "Leahy", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "VT" } ], "submitted_date": "2004-10-07T04:00:00Z", "type": "SAMDT", "update_date": "2022-02-03T06:04:00Z" }, { "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "0", "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Amendment SA 4036 as modified agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote. (text as modified: CR S10654)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "0", "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Amendment SA 4036 proposed by Senator Durbin to Amendment SA 3981. (consideration: CR S10654; text: CR S10654) To modify the provisions relating to the staffing and budget of the select Committee.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "94000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment agreed to: Amendment SA 4036 as modified agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.(text as modified: CR S10654)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "93000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment proposed (on the floor): Amendment SA 4036 proposed by Senator Durbin to Amendment SA 3981.(consideration: CR S10654; text: CR S10654)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "91000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment submitted", "type": "Floor" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "congress": 108, "description": null, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [ { "name": "S10654", "url": "https://www.congress.gov/congressional-record/volume-150/senate-section/page/S10654" }, { "name": "SA 4036", "url": "https://www.congress.gov/amendment/108th-congress/senate-amendment/4036" } ], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Amendment SA 4036 as modified agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote. (text as modified: CR S10654)", "type": null }, "links": [], "number": 4036, "purpose": "To modify the provisions relating to the staffing and budget of the select Committee.", "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "D000563", "district": null, "first_name": "Richard", "full_name": "Sen. Durbin, Richard J. [D-IL]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": null, "last_name": "Durbin", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "state": "IL" } ], "submitted_date": "2004-10-07T04:00:00Z", "type": "SAMDT", "update_date": "2022-02-03T06:04:00Z" }, { "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "0", "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Amendment SA 4035 as modified agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent. 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(consideration: CR S10900) To modify certain security procedures of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence regarding public disclosure of classified information.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "94000", "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment agreed to: Amendment SA 4035 as modified agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.(text as modified: CR S10900)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "93000", "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment proposed (on the floor): Amendment SA 4035 proposed by Senator Frist to Amendment SA 3981.(consideration: CR S10900)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "91000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment submitted", "type": "Floor" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "congress": 108, "description": null, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_time": null, "links": [ { "name": "S10900", "url": "https://www.congress.gov/congressional-record/volume-150/senate-section/page/S10900" }, { "name": "SA 4035", "url": "https://www.congress.gov/amendment/108th-congress/senate-amendment/4035" } ], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Amendment SA 4035 as modified agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent. (text as modified: CR S10900)", "type": null }, "links": [], "number": 4035, "purpose": "To modify certain security procedures of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence regarding public disclosure of classified information.", "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "F000439", "district": null, "first_name": "WILLIAM", "full_name": "Sen. Frist, William H. [R-TN]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": null, "last_name": "FRIST", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "R", "state": "TN" } ], "submitted_date": "2004-10-07T04:00:00Z", "type": "SAMDT", "update_date": "2022-02-03T06:04:00Z" }, { "actions": [ { "action_code": "91000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment submitted", "type": "Floor" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "congress": 108, "description": null, "latest_action": null, "links": [], "number": 4034, "purpose": null, "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "C001035", "district": null, "first_name": "Susan", "full_name": "Sen. Collins, Susan M. 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(consideration: CR S10661-10662) To clarify the jurisdiction of the Select Committee on Intelligence.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "94000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment agreed to: Amendment SA 4030 as modified agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.(text as modified: CR S10661-10662)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "93000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment proposed (on the floor): Amendment SA 4030 proposed by Senator Rockefeller to Amendment SA 3981.(consideration: CR S10661-10662)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "91000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment submitted", "type": "Floor" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "congress": 108, "description": null, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [ { "name": "S10661-10662", "url": "https://www.congress.gov/congressional-record/volume-150/senate-section/page/S10661-10662" }, { "name": "SA 4030", "url": "https://www.congress.gov/amendment/108th-congress/senate-amendment/4030" } ], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Amendment SA 4030 as modified agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote. 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(consideration: CR S10900-10901; text: CR S10900) To vest sole jurisdiction over the Federal budget process in the Committee on the Budget.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "94000", "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment agreed to: Amendment SA 4027 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "93000", "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment proposed (on the floor): Amendment SA 4027 proposed by Senator Nickles to Amendment SA 3981.(consideration: CR S10900-10901; text: CR S10900)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "91000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment submitted", "type": "Floor" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "congress": 108, "description": null, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_time": null, "links": [ { "name": "SA 4027", "url": "https://www.congress.gov/amendment/108th-congress/senate-amendment/4027" } ], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Amendment SA 4027 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.", "type": null }, "links": [], "number": 4027, "purpose": "To vest sole jurisdiction over the Federal budget process in the Committee on the Budget.", "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "N000102", "district": null, "first_name": "DONALD", "full_name": "Sen. 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(consideration: CR S10665-10669; text: CR S10665) To provide that the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Committee on Foreign Relations (if not already a member of the select Committee) shall be ex officio members of the select Committee but shall have no vote in the Committee and shall not be counted for purposes of determining a quorum.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "97000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [ { "chamber": "Senate", "congress": 108, "date": "2004-10-08T02:31:35Z", "roll_number": 203, "session_number": 2, "url": "https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1082/vote_108_2_00203.xml" } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Roll call votes on amendments in Senate: Amendment SA 4021 not agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 36 - 54. Record Vote Number: 203.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "95000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [ { "chamber": "Senate", "congress": 108, "date": "2004-10-08T02:31:35Z", "roll_number": 203, "session_number": 2, "url": "https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1082/vote_108_2_00203.xml" } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment not agreed to: Amendment SA 4021 not agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 36 - 54. 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(consideration: CR S10647-10654; text: CR S10647) To ensure that the Committee has jurisdiction over the Transportation Security Administration.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "95000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [ { "chamber": "Senate", "congress": 108, "date": "2004-10-07T22:17:51Z", "roll_number": 201, "session_number": 2, "url": "https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1082/vote_108_2_00201.xml" } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment not agreed to: Amendment SA 4000 not agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 33 - 63. 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Record Vote Number: 201.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "91000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment submitted", "type": "Floor" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "congress": 108, "description": null, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [ { "name": "Record Vote Number: 201", "url": "https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1082/vote_108_2_00201.xml" }, { "name": "SA 4000", "url": "https://www.congress.gov/amendment/108th-congress/senate-amendment/4000" } ], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Amendment SA 4000 not agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 33 - 63. 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Record Vote Number: 200.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "0", "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Amendment SA 3999 proposed by Senator McCain to Amendment SA 3981. (consideration: CR S10632-10646; text: CR S10632) To strike section 402 and vest intelligence appropriations jurisdiction in the Select Committee on Intelligence.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "97000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [ { "chamber": "Senate", "congress": 108, "date": "2004-10-07T20:36:58Z", "roll_number": 200, "session_number": 2, "url": "https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1082/vote_108_2_00200.xml" } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Roll call votes on amendments in Senate: Amendment SA 3999 not agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 23 - 74. 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Record Vote Number: 200.", "type": null }, "links": [], "number": 3999, "purpose": "To strike section 402 and vest intelligence appropriations jurisdiction in the Select Committee on Intelligence.", "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "M000303", "district": null, "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Sen. 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(consideration: CR S10625-10629, S10631; text: CR S10625) To eliminate sequential referral.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "93000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment proposed (on the floor): Amendment SA 3995 proposed by Senator Bayh to Amendment SA 3981.(consideration: CR S10625-10629, S10631; text: CR S10625)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "91000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment submitted", "type": "Floor" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "congress": 108, "description": null, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [ { "name": "S10674", "url": "https://www.congress.gov/congressional-record/volume-150/senate-section/page/S10674" }, { "name": "SA 3995", "url": "https://www.congress.gov/amendment/108th-congress/senate-amendment/3995" } ], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Proposed amendment SA 3995 withdrawn in Senate. (consideration: CR S10674)", "type": null }, "links": [], "number": 3995, "purpose": "To eliminate sequential referral.", "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "B001233", "district": null, "first_name": "EVAN", "full_name": "Sen. Bayh, Evan [D-IN]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": null, "last_name": "BAYH", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "IN" } ], "submitted_date": "2004-10-07T04:00:00Z", "type": "SAMDT", "update_date": "2022-02-03T06:04:00Z" }, { "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "0", "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Amendment SA 3994 as previously agreed to, was modified by Unanimous Consent. 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(consideration: CR S10625, S10629-10630, S10631; text: CR S10625) To clarify the jurisdiction of the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "94000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment agreed to: Amendment SA 3994 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "93000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment proposed (on the floor): Amendment SA 3994 proposed by Senator Chambliss to Amendment SA 3981.(consideration: CR S10625, S10629-10630, S10631; text: CR S10625)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "91000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment submitted", "type": "Floor" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "congress": 108, "description": null, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_time": null, "links": [ { "name": "S10922", "url": "https://www.congress.gov/congressional-record/volume-150/senate-section/page/S10922" }, { "name": "SA 3994", "url": "https://www.congress.gov/amendment/108th-congress/senate-amendment/3994" } ], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Amendment SA 3994 as previously agreed to, was modified by Unanimous Consent. (text as modified: CR S10922)", "type": null }, "links": [], "number": 3994, "purpose": "To clarify the jurisdiction of the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.", "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "C000286", "district": null, "first_name": "SAXBY", "full_name": "Sen. 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Grassley, Chuck [R-IA]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": null, "last_name": "Grassley", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "R", "state": "IA" } ], "submitted_date": "2004-10-07T04:00:00Z", "type": "SAMDT", "update_date": "2022-02-03T06:04:00Z" }, { "actions": [ { "action_code": "91000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment submitted", "type": "Floor" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "congress": 108, "description": null, "latest_action": null, "links": [], "number": 3988, "purpose": null, "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "G000386", "district": null, "first_name": "Charles", "full_name": "Sen. 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(consideration: CR S10664; text: CR S10664) To provide the Subcommittee on Intelligence shall have jurisdiction over funding for Intelligence matters, as determined by the Senate Committee on Appropriations.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "94000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment agreed to: Amendment SA 3986 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "93000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment proposed (on the floor): Amendment SA 3986 proposed by Senator McConnell for Senator Byrd to Amendment SA 3981.(consideration: CR S10664; text: CR S10664)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "91000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment submitted", "type": "Floor" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "congress": 108, "description": null, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [ { "name": "SA 3986", "url": "https://www.congress.gov/amendment/108th-congress/senate-amendment/3986" } ], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Amendment SA 3986 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.", "type": null }, "links": [], "number": 3986, "purpose": "To provide the Subcommittee on Intelligence shall have jurisdiction over funding for Intelligence matters, as determined by the Senate Committee on Appropriations.", "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "B001210", "district": null, "first_name": "ROBERT", "full_name": "Sen. Byrd, Robert C. [D-WV]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": null, "last_name": "BYRD", "middle_name": "CARLYLE", "party": "D", "state": "WV" } ], "submitted_date": "2004-10-07T04:00:00Z", "type": "SAMDT", "update_date": "2022-02-03T06:04:00Z" }, { "actions": [ { "action_code": "91000", "action_date": "2004-10-06", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment submitted", "type": "Floor" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "congress": 108, "description": null, "latest_action": null, "links": [], "number": 3985, "purpose": null, "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "C000286", "district": null, "first_name": "SAXBY", "full_name": "Sen. 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(consideration: CR S10900, S10922)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-08", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [ { "chamber": "Senate", "congress": 108, "date": "2004-10-08T13:11:44Z", "roll_number": 204, "session_number": 2, "url": "https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1082/vote_108_2_00204.xml" } ], "source_system": { "code": "0", "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Cloture invoked in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 88 - 3. Record Vote Number: 204. (consideration: CR S10764)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-08", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "0", "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Considered by Senate. (consideration: CR S10764)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "0", "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Considered by Senate. (consideration: CR S10620-10630)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-06", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "0", "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Cloture motion on Amendment SA 3981 presented in Senate. (consideration: CR S10550)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-06", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "0", "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Amendment SA 3981 proposed by Senator McConnell. (consideration: CR S10544-10551; text: CR S10544) To implement the congressional oversight recommendations of the 9-11 Commission.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "94000", "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment agreed to: Amendment SA 3981 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "97000", "action_date": "2004-10-08", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [ { "chamber": "Senate", "congress": 108, "date": "2004-10-08T13:11:44Z", "roll_number": 204, "session_number": 2, "url": "https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1082/vote_108_2_00204.xml" } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Roll call votes on amendments in Senate: Cloture invoked in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 88 - 3. 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McConnell, Mitch [R-KY]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": null, "last_name": "McConnell", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "KY" } ], "submitted_date": "2004-10-06T04:00:00Z", "type": "SAMDT", "update_date": "2022-02-03T06:04:00Z" }, { "actions": [ { "action_code": "91000", "action_date": "2004-10-05", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate amendment submitted", "type": "Floor" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "congress": 108, "description": null, "latest_action": null, "links": [], "number": 3974, "purpose": null, "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "F000439", "district": null, "first_name": "WILLIAM", "full_name": "Sen. Frist, William H. [R-TN]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": null, "last_name": "FRIST", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "R", "state": "TN" } ], "submitted_date": "2004-10-05T04:00:00Z", "type": "SAMDT", "update_date": "2022-02-03T06:04:00Z" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-10-09T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2004-10-05T04:00:00Z", "type": "Reported to Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2004-10-01T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-09", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate with an amendment by Yea-Nay Vote. 79 - 6. Record Vote Number: 208.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-18 14:51:00.996
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 446 </number> <updateDate> 2021-09-29T22:08:27Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-13T17:59:08Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2004-10-04 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <relatedBills> <item> <title> Honoring former President James Earl (Jimmy) Carter on the occasion of his 80th birthday. </title> <congress> 108 </congress> <number> 798 </number> <type> HRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-10-06 </actionDate> <text> Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection. </text> <actionTime> 23:17:42 </actionTime> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Identical bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-04 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S10378-10379; text as passed Senate: CR S10379; text of measure as introduced: CR S10368-10369) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-04 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S10378-10379; text as passed Senate: CR S10379; text of measure as introduced: CR S10368-10369) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-04 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> R000146 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Reid, Harry [D-NV] </fullName> <firstName> HARRY </firstName> <lastName> REID </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NV </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> L000174 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Leahy, Patrick J. [D-VT] </fullName> <firstName> Patrick </firstName> <lastName> Leahy </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VT </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000123 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Lautenberg, Frank R. [D-NJ] </fullName> <firstName> FRANK </firstName> <lastName> LAUTENBERG </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Anniversaries </name> </item> <item> <name> Carter Administration </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Ex-presidents </name> </item> <item> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </item> <item> <name> History </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-10-04 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-12-10T14:55:40Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Honors former President Jimmy Carter on the occasion of his 80th birthday and extends best wishes to him and his family.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-10-04 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2005-01-21T17:28:41Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Honors former President Jimmy Carter on the occasion of his 80th birthday and extends best wishes to him and his family.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution honoring former President James Earl (Jimmy) Carter on the occasion of his 80th birthday. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution honoring former President James Earl (Jimmy) Carter on the occasion of his 80th birthday. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution honoring former President James Earl (Jimmy) Carter on the occasion of his 80th birthday. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2004-10-04T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres446ats/xml/BILLS-108sres446ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-10-04 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S10378-10379; text as passed Senate: CR S10379; text of measure as introduced: CR S10368-10369) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-04", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S10378-10379; text as passed Senate: CR S10379; text of measure as introduced: CR S10368-10369)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-10-04", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S10378-10379; text as passed Senate: CR S10379; text of measure as introduced: CR S10368-10369)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-10-04", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "L000174", "district": null, "first_name": "Patrick", "full_name": "Sen. Leahy, Patrick J. [D-VT]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Leahy", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-04", "state": "VT" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000123", "district": null, "first_name": "FRANK", "full_name": "Sen. Lautenberg, Frank R. [D-NJ]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LAUTENBERG", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-04", "state": "NJ" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2004-10-04", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-04", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S10378-10379; text as passed Senate: CR S10379; text of measure as introduced: CR S10368-10369)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 446, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Commemorations", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 108, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-06", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": null }, "number": 798, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Identical bill" } ], "title": "Honoring former President James Earl (Jimmy) Carter on the occasion of his 80th birthday.", "type": "HRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "R000146", "district": null, "first_name": "HARRY", "full_name": "Sen. Reid, Harry [D-NV]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "REID", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "state": "NV" } ], "subjects": [ "Anniversaries", "Carter Administration", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Ex-presidents", "Government Operations and Politics", "History" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2004-10-04", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Honors former President Jimmy Carter on the occasion of his 80th birthday and extends best wishes to him and his family.</p>", "update_date": "2004-12-10T14:55:40Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-10-04", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Honors former President Jimmy Carter on the occasion of his 80th birthday and extends best wishes to him and his family.</p>", "update_date": "2005-01-21T17:28:41Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2004-10-04T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres446ats/xml/BILLS-108sres446ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution honoring former President James Earl (Jimmy) Carter on the occasion of his 80th birthday.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution honoring former President James Earl (Jimmy) Carter on the occasion of his 80th birthday.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution honoring former President James Earl (Jimmy) Carter on the occasion of his 80th birthday.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2021-09-29T22:08:27Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-13T17:59:08Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "congress": 108, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-06", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": null }, "number": 798, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Identical bill" } ], "title": "Honoring former President James Earl (Jimmy) Carter on the occasion of his 80th birthday.", "type": "HRES" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-04", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S10378-10379; text as passed Senate: CR S10379; text of measure as introduced: CR S10368-10369)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-10-04", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S10378-10379; text as passed Senate: CR S10379; text of measure as introduced: CR S10368-10369)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-10-04", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "R000146", "district": null, "first_name": "HARRY", "full_name": "Sen. Reid, Harry [D-NV]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "REID", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "state": "NV" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "L000174", "district": null, "first_name": "Patrick", "full_name": "Sen. Leahy, Patrick J. [D-VT]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Leahy", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-04", "state": "VT" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000123", "district": null, "first_name": "FRANK", "full_name": "Sen. Lautenberg, Frank R. [D-NJ]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LAUTENBERG", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-04", "state": "NJ" } ]
[ "Anniversaries", "Carter Administration", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Ex-presidents", "Government Operations and Politics", "History" ]
[ { "action_date": "2004-10-04", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Honors former President Jimmy Carter on the occasion of his 80th birthday and extends best wishes to him and his family.</p>", "update_date": "2004-12-10T14:55:40Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-10-04", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Honors former President Jimmy Carter on the occasion of his 80th birthday and extends best wishes to him and his family.</p>", "update_date": "2005-01-21T17:28:41Z", "version_code": "82" } ]
A resolution honoring former President James Earl (Jimmy) Carter on the occasion of his 80th birthday.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution honoring former President James Earl (Jimmy) Carter on the occasion of his 80th birthday.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution honoring former President James Earl (Jimmy) Carter on the occasion of his 80th birthday.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-10-04T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres446ats/xml/BILLS-108sres446ats.xml" } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-04", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S10378-10379; text as passed Senate: CR S10379; text of measure as introduced: CR S10368-10369)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-18 14:51:01.033
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 447 </number> <updateDate> 2021-09-29T22:08:27Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-13T17:59:08Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2004-10-05 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <relatedBills> <item> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress that the President should grant a posthumous pardon to John Arthur "Jack" Johnson for the 1913 racially motivated conviction of Johnson, which diminished his athletic, cultural, and historic significance, and tarnished his reputation. </title> <congress> 108 </congress> <number> 526 </number> <type> HCONRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-11-19 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary. </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-05 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S10417-10419; text as passed Senate: CR S10418-10419; text of measure as introduced: CR S10445) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-05 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S10417-10419; text as passed Senate: CR S10418-10419; text of measure as introduced: CR S10445) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-05 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> M000303 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. McCain, John [R-AZ] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> MCCAIN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AZ </state> <middleName> SIDNEY </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> H000338 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hatch, Orrin G. [R-UT] </fullName> <firstName> ORRIN </firstName> <lastName> HATCH </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> UT </state> <middleName> GRANT </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000105 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Kennedy, Edward M. [D-MA] </fullName> <firstName> EDWARD </firstName> <lastName> KENNEDY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> MOORE </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000146 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Reid, Harry [D-NV] </fullName> <firstName> HARRY </firstName> <lastName> REID </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NV </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000024 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Talent, Jim [R-MO] </fullName> <firstName> JIM </firstName> <lastName> TALENT </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MO </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Crime and Law Enforcement </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Athletes </name> </item> <item> <name> Blacks </name> </item> <item> <name> Boxing </name> </item> <item> <name> Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues </name> </item> <item> <name> Minorities </name> </item> <item> <name> Pardons </name> </item> <item> <name> Prosecution </name> </item> <item> <name> Prostitution </name> </item> <item> <name> Racism </name> </item> <item> <name> Sports and Recreation </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Crime and Law Enforcement </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-10-05 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-11-02T18:28:06Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Calls for the President to grant a pardon, posthumously, to Jack Johnson, the first African-American professional boxer to hold the title of Heavyweight Champion of the World.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-10-05 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-11-02T18:28:18Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Calls for the President to grant a pardon, posthumously, to Jack Johnson, the first African-American professional boxer to hold the title of Heavyweight Champion of the World.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the President of the United States should exercise his Constitutional Authority to pardon posthumously John Arthur "Jack" Johnson for Mr. Johnson's racially-motivated 1913 conviction that diminished his athletic, cultural, and historic significance, and unduly tarnished his reputation. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the President of the United States should exercise his Constitutional Authority to pardon posthumously John Arthur "Jack" Johnson for Mr. Johnson's racially-motivated 1913 conviction that diminished his athletic, cultural, and historic significance, and unduly tarnished his reputation. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the President of the United States should exercise his Constitutional Authority to pardon posthumously John Arthur "Jack" Johnson for Mr. Johnson's racially-motivated 1913 conviction that diminished his athletic, cultural, and historic significance, and unduly tarnished his reputation. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2004-10-05T04:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-10-05 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S10417-10419; text as passed Senate: CR S10418-10419; text of measure as introduced: CR S10445) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-05", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S10417-10419; text as passed Senate: CR S10418-10419; text of measure as introduced: CR S10445)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-10-05", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S10417-10419; text as passed Senate: CR S10418-10419; text of measure as introduced: CR S10445)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-10-05", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "H000338", "district": null, "first_name": "ORRIN", "full_name": "Sen. Hatch, Orrin G. [R-UT]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HATCH", "middle_name": "GRANT", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-05", "state": "UT" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000105", "district": null, "first_name": "EDWARD", "full_name": "Sen. Kennedy, Edward M. [D-MA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KENNEDY", "middle_name": "MOORE", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-05", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000146", "district": null, "first_name": "HARRY", "full_name": "Sen. Reid, Harry [D-NV]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "REID", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-05", "state": "NV" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000024", "district": null, "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Sen. Talent, Jim [R-MO]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "TALENT", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-05", "state": "MO" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2004-10-05", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-05", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S10417-10419; text as passed Senate: CR S10418-10419; text of measure as introduced: CR S10445)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 447, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Crime and Law Enforcement", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 108, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-19", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary.", "type": null }, "number": 526, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress that the President should grant a posthumous pardon to John Arthur \"Jack\" Johnson for the 1913 racially motivated conviction of Johnson, which diminished his athletic, cultural, and historic significance, and tarnished his reputation.", "type": "HCONRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "M000303", "district": null, "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Sen. McCain, John [R-AZ]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "MCCAIN", "middle_name": "SIDNEY", "party": "R", "state": "AZ" } ], "subjects": [ "Athletes", "Blacks", "Boxing", "Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues", "Minorities", "Pardons", "Prosecution", "Prostitution", "Racism", "Sports and Recreation" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2004-10-05", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Calls for the President to grant a pardon, posthumously, to Jack Johnson, the first African-American professional boxer to hold the title of Heavyweight Champion of the World.</p>", "update_date": "2004-11-02T18:28:06Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-10-05", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Calls for the President to grant a pardon, posthumously, to Jack Johnson, the first African-American professional boxer to hold the title of Heavyweight Champion of the World.</p>", "update_date": "2004-11-02T18:28:18Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2004-10-05T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": null } ], "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the President of the United States should exercise his Constitutional Authority to pardon posthumously John Arthur \"Jack\" Johnson for Mr. Johnson's racially-motivated 1913 conviction that diminished his athletic, cultural, and historic significance, and unduly tarnished his reputation.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the President of the United States should exercise his Constitutional Authority to pardon posthumously John Arthur \"Jack\" Johnson for Mr. Johnson's racially-motivated 1913 conviction that diminished his athletic, cultural, and historic significance, and unduly tarnished his reputation.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the President of the United States should exercise his Constitutional Authority to pardon posthumously John Arthur \"Jack\" Johnson for Mr. Johnson's racially-motivated 1913 conviction that diminished his athletic, cultural, and historic significance, and unduly tarnished his reputation.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2021-09-29T22:08:27Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-13T17:59:08Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "congress": 108, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-19", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary.", "type": null }, "number": 526, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress that the President should grant a posthumous pardon to John Arthur \"Jack\" Johnson for the 1913 racially motivated conviction of Johnson, which diminished his athletic, cultural, and historic significance, and tarnished his reputation.", "type": "HCONRES" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-05", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S10417-10419; text as passed Senate: CR S10418-10419; text of measure as introduced: CR S10445)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-10-05", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S10417-10419; text as passed Senate: CR S10418-10419; text of measure as introduced: CR S10445)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-10-05", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "M000303", "district": null, "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Sen. McCain, John [R-AZ]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "MCCAIN", "middle_name": "SIDNEY", "party": "R", "state": "AZ" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "H000338", "district": null, "first_name": "ORRIN", "full_name": "Sen. Hatch, Orrin G. [R-UT]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HATCH", "middle_name": "GRANT", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-05", "state": "UT" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000105", "district": null, "first_name": "EDWARD", "full_name": "Sen. Kennedy, Edward M. [D-MA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KENNEDY", "middle_name": "MOORE", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-05", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000146", "district": null, "first_name": "HARRY", "full_name": "Sen. Reid, Harry [D-NV]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "REID", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-05", "state": "NV" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000024", "district": null, "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Sen. Talent, Jim [R-MO]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "TALENT", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-05", "state": "MO" } ]
Crime and Law Enforcement
[ "Athletes", "Blacks", "Boxing", "Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues", "Minorities", "Pardons", "Prosecution", "Prostitution", "Racism", "Sports and Recreation" ]
[ { "action_date": "2004-10-05", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Calls for the President to grant a pardon, posthumously, to Jack Johnson, the first African-American professional boxer to hold the title of Heavyweight Champion of the World.</p>", "update_date": "2004-11-02T18:28:06Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-10-05", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Calls for the President to grant a pardon, posthumously, to Jack Johnson, the first African-American professional boxer to hold the title of Heavyweight Champion of the World.</p>", "update_date": "2004-11-02T18:28:18Z", "version_code": "82" } ]
A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the President of the United States should exercise his Constitutional Authority to pardon posthumously John Arthur "Jack" Johnson for Mr. Johnson's racially-motivated 1913 conviction that diminished his athletic, cultural, and historic significance, and unduly tarnished his reputation.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the President of the United States should exercise his Constitutional Authority to pardon posthumously John Arthur \"Jack\" Johnson for Mr. Johnson's racially-motivated 1913 conviction that diminished his athletic, cultural, and historic significance, and unduly tarnished his reputation.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the President of the United States should exercise his Constitutional Authority to pardon posthumously John Arthur \"Jack\" Johnson for Mr. Johnson's racially-motivated 1913 conviction that diminished his athletic, cultural, and historic significance, and unduly tarnished his reputation.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-10-05T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-05", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S10417-10419; text as passed Senate: CR S10418-10419; text of measure as introduced: CR S10445)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-18 19:29:00.890
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 448 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2004-10-06 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2004-10-06T15:54:42Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-06 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR 10/7/2004 S10583-10584) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-06 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> R000146 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Reid, Harry [D-NV] </fullName> <firstName> HARRY </firstName> <lastName> REID </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NV </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Asbestos </name> </item> <item> <name> Environmental Protection </name> </item> <item> <name> Special days </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-10-06 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-11-09T20:51:25Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Designates the first day of April 2005 as National Asbestos Awareness Day.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution designating the first day of April 2005 as "National Asbestos Awareness Day". </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution designating the first day of April 2005 as "National Asbestos Awareness Day". </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution designating the first day of April 2005 as "National Asbestos Awareness Day". </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2004-10-06T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres448is/xml/BILLS-108sres448is.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-10-06 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR 10/7/2004 S10583-10584) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2004-10-06T15:54:42Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-06", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR 10/7/2004 S10583-10584)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-10-06", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "R000146", "district": null, "first_name": "HARRY", "full_name": "Sen. Reid, Harry [D-NV]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "REID", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "state": "NV" } ]
[ "Asbestos", "Environmental Protection", "Special days" ]
[ { "action_date": "2004-10-06", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Designates the first day of April 2005 as National Asbestos Awareness Day.</p>", "update_date": "2004-11-09T20:51:25Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
A resolution designating the first day of April 2005 as "National Asbestos Awareness Day".
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating the first day of April 2005 as \"National Asbestos Awareness Day\".", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating the first day of April 2005 as \"National Asbestos Awareness Day\".", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-10-06T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres448is/xml/BILLS-108sres448is.xml" } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-06", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR 10/7/2004 S10583-10584)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-18 19:31:01.491
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 449 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2004-10-06 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2004-10-06T18:02:24Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-06 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR 10/7/2004 S10584-10585) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-06 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> K000105 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Kennedy, Edward M. [D-MA] </fullName> <firstName> EDWARD </firstName> <lastName> KENNEDY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> MOORE </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> B000953 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Brownback, Sam [R-KS] </fullName> <firstName> SAM </firstName> <lastName> BROWNBACK </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KS </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000174 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Leahy, Patrick J. [D-VT] </fullName> <firstName> Patrick </firstName> <lastName> Leahy </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VT </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues </name> </item> <item> <name> Crime and Law Enforcement </name> </item> <item> <name> Detention of persons </name> </item> <item> <name> Economic assistance </name> </item> <item> <name> Human rights </name> </item> <item> <name> Immigration </name> </item> <item> <name> Legislation </name> </item> <item> <name> Refugees </name> </item> <item> <name> Right to travel </name> </item> <item> <name> Treaties </name> </item> <item> <name> United Nations </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-10-06 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-10-29T17:58:30Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Denounces the confinement of refugees to a camp or segregated settlement or other deprivation of the refugees' basic rights in a situation that has lasted ten years or more as a denial of basic human rights and a squandering of human potential.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Urges the Secretary of State to actively pursue models of refugee assistance that permit refugees to enjoy all the rights recognized in the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and the Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Encourages the international community to denounce such practice.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Calls upon the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees to monitor refugee situations more effectively.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution encouraging the protection of the rights of refugees. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution encouraging the protection of the rights of refugees. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution encouraging the protection of the rights of refugees. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2004-10-06T04:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-10-06 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR 10/7/2004 S10584-10585) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2004-10-06T18:02:24Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-06", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR 10/7/2004 S10584-10585)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-10-06", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "K000105", "district": null, "first_name": "EDWARD", "full_name": "Sen. Kennedy, Edward M. [D-MA]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "KENNEDY", "middle_name": "MOORE", "party": "D", "state": "MA" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "B000953", "district": null, "first_name": "SAM", "full_name": "Sen. Brownback, Sam [R-KS]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BROWNBACK", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-06", "state": "KS" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000174", "district": null, "first_name": "Patrick", "full_name": "Sen. Leahy, Patrick J. [D-VT]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Leahy", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-06", "state": "VT" } ]
International Affairs
[ "Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues", "Crime and Law Enforcement", "Detention of persons", "Economic assistance", "Human rights", "Immigration", "Legislation", "Refugees", "Right to travel", "Treaties", "United Nations" ]
[ { "action_date": "2004-10-06", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Denounces the confinement of refugees to a camp or segregated settlement or other deprivation of the refugees' basic rights in a situation that has lasted ten years or more as a denial of basic human rights and a squandering of human potential.</p> <p>Urges the Secretary of State to actively pursue models of refugee assistance that permit refugees to enjoy all the rights recognized in the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and the Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees.</p> <p>Encourages the international community to denounce such practice.</p> <p>Calls upon the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees to monitor refugee situations more effectively.</p>", "update_date": "2004-10-29T17:58:30Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
A resolution encouraging the protection of the rights of refugees.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution encouraging the protection of the rights of refugees.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution encouraging the protection of the rights of refugees.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-10-06T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-06", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR 10/7/2004 S10584-10585)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-18 14:51:00.927
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 450 </number> <updateDate> 2021-09-29T22:08:27Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-13T17:59:07Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2004-10-06 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-06 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 10/7/2004 S10610-10611; text as passed Senate: CR 10/7/2004 S10611; text of measure as introduced: CR 10/7/2004 S10586) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-06 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR 10/7/2004 S10610-10611; text as passed Senate: CR 10/7/2004 S10611; text of measure as introduced: CR 10/7/2004 S10586) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-06 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> F000439 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Frist, William H. [R-TN] </fullName> <firstName> WILLIAM </firstName> <lastName> FRIST </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TN </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> D000064 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Daschle, Thomas A. [D-SD] </fullName> <firstName> THOMAS </firstName> <lastName> DASCHLE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> SD </state> <middleName> ANDREW </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Congress </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Civil actions and liability </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional committees (Senate) </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional employees </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional legal counsel </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional privileges and immunities </name> </item> <item> <name> Evidence (Law) </name> </item> <item> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </item> <item> <name> Law </name> </item> <item> <name> Senate </name> </item> <item> <name> Senate Governmental Affairs </name> </item> <item> <name> Witnesses </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Congress </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-10-06 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-10-12T19:27:41Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Authorizes: (1) Claire Barnard, a former employee of, and Edna Falk Curtin, a former detailee to, the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigation to testify in the case of United States v. Daniel Bayly, et al., except concerning matters for which a privilege should be asserted; and (2) the Senate Legal Counsel to represent them in connection with such testimony. &lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-10-06 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-10-12T19:27:59Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Authorizes: (1) Claire Barnard, a former employee of, and Edna Falk Curtin, a former detailee to, the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigation to testify in the case of United States v. Daniel Bayly, et al., except concerning matters for which a privilege should be asserted; and (2) the Senate Legal Counsel to represent them in connection with such testimony. &lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution to authorize testimony and representation in United States v. Daniel Bayly, et. al. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution to authorize testimony and representation in United States v. Daniel Bayly, et. al. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution to authorize testimony and representation in United States v. Daniel Bayly, et. al. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2004-10-06T04:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-10-06 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 10/7/2004 S10610-10611; text as passed Senate: CR 10/7/2004 S10611; text of measure as introduced: CR 10/7/2004 S10586) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-06", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 10/7/2004 S10610-10611; text as passed Senate: CR 10/7/2004 S10611; text of measure as introduced: CR 10/7/2004 S10586)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-10-06", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR 10/7/2004 S10610-10611; text as passed Senate: CR 10/7/2004 S10611; text of measure as introduced: CR 10/7/2004 S10586)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-10-06", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "D000064", "district": null, "first_name": "THOMAS", "full_name": "Sen. Daschle, Thomas A. [D-SD]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DASCHLE", "middle_name": "ANDREW", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-06", "state": "SD" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2004-10-06", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-06", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 10/7/2004 S10610-10611; text as passed Senate: CR 10/7/2004 S10611; text of measure as introduced: CR 10/7/2004 S10586)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 450, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Congress", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "F000439", "district": null, "first_name": "WILLIAM", "full_name": "Sen. Frist, William H. [R-TN]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "FRIST", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "R", "state": "TN" } ], "subjects": [ "Civil actions and liability", "Congressional committees (Senate)", "Congressional employees", "Congressional legal counsel", "Congressional privileges and immunities", "Evidence (Law)", "Government Operations and Politics", "Law", "Senate", "Senate Governmental Affairs", "Witnesses" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2004-10-06", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Authorizes: (1) Claire Barnard, a former employee of, and Edna Falk Curtin, a former detailee to, the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigation to testify in the case of United States v. Daniel Bayly, et al., except concerning matters for which a privilege should be asserted; and (2) the Senate Legal Counsel to represent them in connection with such testimony. </p>", "update_date": "2004-10-12T19:27:41Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-10-06", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Authorizes: (1) Claire Barnard, a former employee of, and Edna Falk Curtin, a former detailee to, the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigation to testify in the case of United States v. Daniel Bayly, et al., except concerning matters for which a privilege should be asserted; and (2) the Senate Legal Counsel to represent them in connection with such testimony. </p>", "update_date": "2004-10-12T19:27:59Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2004-10-06T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": null } ], "title": "A resolution to authorize testimony and representation in United States v. Daniel Bayly, et. al.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution to authorize testimony and representation in United States v. Daniel Bayly, et. al.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution to authorize testimony and representation in United States v. Daniel Bayly, et. al.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2021-09-29T22:08:27Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-13T17:59:07Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-06", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 10/7/2004 S10610-10611; text as passed Senate: CR 10/7/2004 S10611; text of measure as introduced: CR 10/7/2004 S10586)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-10-06", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR 10/7/2004 S10610-10611; text as passed Senate: CR 10/7/2004 S10611; text of measure as introduced: CR 10/7/2004 S10586)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-10-06", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "F000439", "district": null, "first_name": "WILLIAM", "full_name": "Sen. Frist, William H. [R-TN]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "FRIST", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "R", "state": "TN" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "D000064", "district": null, "first_name": "THOMAS", "full_name": "Sen. Daschle, Thomas A. [D-SD]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DASCHLE", "middle_name": "ANDREW", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-06", "state": "SD" } ]
[ "Civil actions and liability", "Congressional committees (Senate)", "Congressional employees", "Congressional legal counsel", "Congressional privileges and immunities", "Evidence (Law)", "Government Operations and Politics", "Law", "Senate", "Senate Governmental Affairs", "Witnesses" ]
[ { "action_date": "2004-10-06", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Authorizes: (1) Claire Barnard, a former employee of, and Edna Falk Curtin, a former detailee to, the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigation to testify in the case of United States v. Daniel Bayly, et al., except concerning matters for which a privilege should be asserted; and (2) the Senate Legal Counsel to represent them in connection with such testimony. </p>", "update_date": "2004-10-12T19:27:41Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-10-06", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Authorizes: (1) Claire Barnard, a former employee of, and Edna Falk Curtin, a former detailee to, the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigation to testify in the case of United States v. Daniel Bayly, et al., except concerning matters for which a privilege should be asserted; and (2) the Senate Legal Counsel to represent them in connection with such testimony. </p>", "update_date": "2004-10-12T19:27:59Z", "version_code": "82" } ]
A resolution to authorize testimony and representation in United States v. Daniel Bayly, et. al.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution to authorize testimony and representation in United States v. Daniel Bayly, et. al.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution to authorize testimony and representation in United States v. Daniel Bayly, et. al.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-10-06T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-06", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 10/7/2004 S10610-10611; text as passed Senate: CR 10/7/2004 S10611; text of measure as introduced: CR 10/7/2004 S10586)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-18 19:31:01.534
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 451 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2004-10-07 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssga00 </systemCode> <name> Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2004-10-07T19:07:10Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssga00 </systemCode> <name> Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on Governmental Affairs. (text of measure as introduced: CR S10747) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR S10747) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> B00100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> L000123 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Lautenberg, Frank R. [D-NJ] </fullName> <firstName> FRANK </firstName> <lastName> LAUTENBERG </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Concentration camps </name> </item> <item> <name> Europe </name> </item> <item> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </item> <item> <name> History </name> </item> <item> <name> Jewish holocaust (1939-1945) </name> </item> <item> <name> Poland </name> </item> <item> <name> Postage stamps </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-11-09T20:56:05Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Expresses the sense of the Senate that the Postal Service should issue a stamp honoring the life of Oskar Schindler who, during the Nazi occupation of Poland, personally risked his life and that of his wife to provide food and medical care and saved the lives of over 1,000 Jews.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that a postage stamp should be issued honoring Oskar Schindler. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that a postage stamp should be issued honoring Oskar Schindler. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that a postage stamp should be issued honoring Oskar Schindler. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres451is/xml/BILLS-108sres451is.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Committee on Governmental Affairs. (text of measure as introduced: CR S10747) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2004-10-07T19:07:10Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssga00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-07", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssga00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Governmental Affairs. (text of measure as introduced: CR S10747)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "B00100", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR S10747)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "L000123", "district": null, "first_name": "FRANK", "full_name": "Sen. Lautenberg, Frank R. [D-NJ]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "LAUTENBERG", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "state": "NJ" } ]
[ "Concentration camps", "Europe", "Government Operations and Politics", "History", "Jewish holocaust (1939-1945)", "Poland", "Postage stamps" ]
[ { "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Expresses the sense of the Senate that the Postal Service should issue a stamp honoring the life of Oskar Schindler who, during the Nazi occupation of Poland, personally risked his life and that of his wife to provide food and medical care and saved the lives of over 1,000 Jews.</p>", "update_date": "2004-11-09T20:56:05Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that a postage stamp should be issued honoring Oskar Schindler.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that a postage stamp should be issued honoring Oskar Schindler.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that a postage stamp should be issued honoring Oskar Schindler.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-10-07T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres451is/xml/BILLS-108sres451is.xml" } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-07", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Governmental Affairs. (text of measure as introduced: CR S10747)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-18 19:31:01.571
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 452 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2004-10-07 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Discharged from </name> <date> 2004-11-18T23:42:42Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2004-10-07T22:55:04Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-11-18 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (text: CR S11510) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-11-18 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(text: CR S11510) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-11-18 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11510) </text> <type> Discharge </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-11-18 </actionDate> <text> Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S11510) </text> <type> Committee </type> <actionCode> 14500 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR S10747) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR S10747-10748) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> B00100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> C000077 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Campbell, Ben Nighthorse [R-CO] </fullName> <firstName> BEN </firstName> <lastName> CAMPBELL </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CO </state> <middleName> NIGHTHORSE </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> H000338 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hatch, Orrin G. [R-UT] </fullName> <firstName> ORRIN </firstName> <lastName> HATCH </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> UT </state> <middleName> GRANT </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-11-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000294 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. DeWine, Mike [R-OH] </fullName> <firstName> MICHAEL </firstName> <lastName> DEWINE </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-11-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000550 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Landrieu, Mary L. [D-LA] </fullName> <firstName> MARY </firstName> <lastName> LANDRIEU </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> LA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-11-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Animals </name> </item> <item> <name> Horses </name> </item> <item> <name> Special days </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-12-10T14:52:21Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Designates December 13, 2004, as National Day of the Horse.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-11-18 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2005-01-21T17:30:10Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Designates December 13, 2004, as National Day of the Horse.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution designating December 13, 2004, as "National Day of the Horse" and encouraging the people of the United States to be mindful of the contribution of horses to the economy, history, and character of the United States. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution designating December 13, 2004, as "National Day of the Horse" and encouraging the people of the United States to be mindful of the contribution of horses to the economy, history, and character of the United States. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution designating December 13, 2004, as "National Day of the Horse" and encouraging the people of the United States to be mindful of the contribution of horses to the economy, history, and character of the United States. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2004-11-18T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres452is/xml/BILLS-108sres452is.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-11-18 </actionDate> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (text: CR S11510) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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(text of measure as introduced: CR S10747)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "B00100", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR S10747-10748)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2004-11-18T23:42:42Z", "name": "Discharged from" }, { "date": "2004-10-07T22:55:04Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "H000338", "district": null, "first_name": "ORRIN", "full_name": "Sen. Hatch, Orrin G. [R-UT]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HATCH", "middle_name": "GRANT", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-17", "state": "UT" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000294", "district": null, "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Sen. DeWine, Mike [R-OH]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DEWINE", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-17", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000550", "district": null, "first_name": "MARY", "full_name": "Sen. Landrieu, Mary L. [D-LA]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LANDRIEU", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-17", "state": "LA" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2004-10-07", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-18", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (text: CR S11510)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 452, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Commemorations", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "C000077", "district": null, "first_name": "BEN", "full_name": "Sen. Campbell, Ben Nighthorse [R-CO]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "CAMPBELL", "middle_name": "NIGHTHORSE", "party": "R", "state": "CO" } ], "subjects": [ "Animals", "Horses", "Special days" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Designates December 13, 2004, as National Day of the Horse.</p>", "update_date": "2004-12-10T14:52:21Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-11-18", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Designates December 13, 2004, as National Day of the Horse.</p>", "update_date": "2005-01-21T17:30:10Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2004-11-18T05:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2004-10-07T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres452is/xml/BILLS-108sres452is.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution designating December 13, 2004, as \"National Day of the Horse\" and encouraging the people of the United States to be mindful of the contribution of horses to the economy, history, and character of the United States.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating December 13, 2004, as \"National Day of the Horse\" and encouraging the people of the United States to be mindful of the contribution of horses to the economy, history, and character of the United States.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating December 13, 2004, as \"National Day of the Horse\" and encouraging the people of the United States to be mindful of the contribution of horses to the economy, history, and character of the United States.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2023-01-14T22:48:34Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-14T22:48:34Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2004-11-18T23:42:42Z", "name": "Discharged from" }, { "date": "2004-10-07T22:55:04Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (text: CR S11510)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-11-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(text: CR S11510)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-18", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11510)", "type": "Discharge" }, { "action_code": "14500", "action_date": "2004-11-18", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S11510)", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-07", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR S10747)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "B00100", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR S10747-10748)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "C000077", "district": null, "first_name": "BEN", "full_name": "Sen. Campbell, Ben Nighthorse [R-CO]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "CAMPBELL", "middle_name": "NIGHTHORSE", "party": "R", "state": "CO" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "H000338", "district": null, "first_name": "ORRIN", "full_name": "Sen. Hatch, Orrin G. [R-UT]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HATCH", "middle_name": "GRANT", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-17", "state": "UT" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000294", "district": null, "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Sen. DeWine, Mike [R-OH]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DEWINE", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-17", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000550", "district": null, "first_name": "MARY", "full_name": "Sen. Landrieu, Mary L. [D-LA]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LANDRIEU", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-17", "state": "LA" } ]
[ "Animals", "Horses", "Special days" ]
[ { "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Designates December 13, 2004, as National Day of the Horse.</p>", "update_date": "2004-12-10T14:52:21Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-11-18", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Designates December 13, 2004, as National Day of the Horse.</p>", "update_date": "2005-01-21T17:30:10Z", "version_code": "82" } ]
A resolution designating December 13, 2004, as "National Day of the Horse" and encouraging the people of the United States to be mindful of the contribution of horses to the economy, history, and character of the United States.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating December 13, 2004, as \"National Day of the Horse\" and encouraging the people of the United States to be mindful of the contribution of horses to the economy, history, and character of the United States.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating December 13, 2004, as \"National Day of the Horse\" and encouraging the people of the United States to be mindful of the contribution of horses to the economy, history, and character of the United States.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-11-18T05:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2004-10-07T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres452is/xml/BILLS-108sres452is.xml" } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-18", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (text: CR S11510)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-18 19:36:00.111
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 453 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:34Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2004-10-07 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2004-10-07T23:07:52Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S10748-10749) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> J000072 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Jeffords, James M. [I-VT] </fullName> <firstName> JAMES </firstName> <lastName> JEFFORDS </lastName> <party> I </party> <state> VT </state> <middleName> MERRILL </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> C001040 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Chafee, Lincoln [R-RI] </fullName> <firstName> LINCOLN </firstName> <lastName> CHAFEE </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> RI </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000064 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Sarbanes, Paul S. [D-MD] </fullName> <firstName> PAUL </firstName> <lastName> SARBANES </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> SPYROS </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000663 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Snowe, Olympia J. [R-ME] </fullName> <firstName> Olympia </firstName> <lastName> Snowe </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ME </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000304 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Lieberman, Joseph I. [D-CT] </fullName> <firstName> JOSEPH </firstName> <lastName> LIEBERMAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CT </state> <middleName> I. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000174 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Leahy, Patrick J. [D-VT] </fullName> <firstName> Patrick </firstName> <lastName> Leahy </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VT </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000596 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Dayton, Mark [D-MN] </fullName> <firstName> MARK </firstName> <lastName> DAYTON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MN </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000123 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Lautenberg, Frank R. [D-NJ] </fullName> <firstName> FRANK </firstName> <lastName> LAUTENBERG </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001035 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Collins, Susan M. [R-ME] </fullName> <firstName> Susan </firstName> <lastName> Collins </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ME </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Air pollution control </name> </item> <item> <name> Coal </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional reporting requirements </name> </item> <item> <name> Electric power production </name> </item> <item> <name> Energy </name> </item> <item> <name> Environmental Protection </name> </item> <item> <name> Environmental research </name> </item> <item> <name> Environmental technology </name> </item> <item> <name> Foreign Trade and International Finance </name> </item> <item> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </item> <item> <name> Government paperwork </name> </item> <item> <name> International agencies </name> </item> <item> <name> International environmental cooperation </name> </item> <item> <name> Law </name> </item> <item> <name> Legislation </name> </item> <item> <name> Licenses </name> </item> <item> <name> Mercury </name> </item> <item> <name> Mines and mineral resources </name> </item> <item> <name> Negotiations </name> </item> <item> <name> Pollution control </name> </item> <item> <name> Public Lands and Natural Resources </name> </item> <item> <name> Science, Technology, Communications </name> </item> <item> <name> Technological innovations </name> </item> <item> <name> Trade agreements </name> </item> <item> <name> Transboundary pollution </name> </item> <item> <name> Treaties </name> </item> <item> <name> United Nations </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2005-01-07T13:58:15Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Expresses the sense of the Senate that the United States should engage in international dialogue regarding mercury pollution, use, mining, and trade. Calls for the President to: (1) prepare a strategy to advance and enter into international negotiations on an agreement that addresses the reduction of the global use, trade, and releases of mercury; (2) enter into agreements to align global mercury production with reduced global demand and to minimize global mercury releases while negotiating such an agreement; (3) initiate and support a parallel international research effort to collect global data for a comprehensive inventory of mercury use, mining, trade, and releases and to develop less emitting technologies and technologies to reduce the need for, and use of, mercury in commerce; (4) review U.S. monitoring capabilities and data collection efforts for mercury use, trade, and releases; and (5) work through existing international organizations to encourage the development of programs, standards, and trade agreements to reduce the use and trade of mercury, eliminate primary mercury mining, and reduce releases of mercury and other long-range transboundary air pollutants.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the United States should prepare a comprehensive strategy for advancing and entering into international negotiations on a binding agreement that would swiftly reduce global mercury use and pollution to levels sufficient to protect public health and the environment. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the United States should prepare a comprehensive strategy for advancing and entering into international negotiations on a binding agreement that would swiftly reduce global mercury use and pollution to levels sufficient to protect public health and the environment. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the United States should prepare a comprehensive strategy for advancing and entering into international negotiations on a binding agreement that would swiftly reduce global mercury use and pollution to levels sufficient to protect public health and the environment. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2004-10-07T04:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-10-07 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S10748-10749) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-07", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. 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[R-ME]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Collins", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-08", "state": "ME" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2004-10-07", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-07", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S10748-10749)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 453, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "International Affairs", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "J000072", "district": null, "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Sen. Jeffords, James M. 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Calls for the President to: (1) prepare a strategy to advance and enter into international negotiations on an agreement that addresses the reduction of the global use, trade, and releases of mercury; (2) enter into agreements to align global mercury production with reduced global demand and to minimize global mercury releases while negotiating such an agreement; (3) initiate and support a parallel international research effort to collect global data for a comprehensive inventory of mercury use, mining, trade, and releases and to develop less emitting technologies and technologies to reduce the need for, and use of, mercury in commerce; (4) review U.S. monitoring capabilities and data collection efforts for mercury use, trade, and releases; and (5) work through existing international organizations to encourage the development of programs, standards, and trade agreements to reduce the use and trade of mercury, eliminate primary mercury mining, and reduce releases of mercury and other long-range transboundary air pollutants.</p>", "update_date": "2005-01-07T13:58:15Z", "version_code": "00" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2004-10-07T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": null } ], "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the United States should prepare a comprehensive strategy for advancing and entering into international negotiations on a binding agreement that would swiftly reduce global mercury use and pollution to levels sufficient to protect public health and the environment.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the United States should prepare a comprehensive strategy for advancing and entering into international negotiations on a binding agreement that would swiftly reduce global mercury use and pollution to levels sufficient to protect public health and the environment.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the United States should prepare a comprehensive strategy for advancing and entering into international negotiations on a binding agreement that would swiftly reduce global mercury use and pollution to levels sufficient to protect public health and the environment.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2023-01-14T22:48:34Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-14T22:48:34Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2004-10-07T23:07:52Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-07", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S10748-10749)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-10-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "J000072", "district": null, "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Sen. Jeffords, James M. [I-VT]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "JEFFORDS", "middle_name": "MERRILL", "party": "I", "state": "VT" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "C001040", "district": null, "first_name": "LINCOLN", "full_name": "Sen. Chafee, Lincoln [R-RI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CHAFEE", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-07", "state": "RI" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000064", "district": null, "first_name": "PAUL", "full_name": "Sen. Sarbanes, Paul S. [D-MD]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SARBANES", "middle_name": "SPYROS", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-07", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000663", "district": null, "first_name": "Olympia", "full_name": "Sen. Snowe, Olympia J. [R-ME]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Snowe", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-07", "state": "ME" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000304", "district": null, "first_name": "JOSEPH", "full_name": "Sen. Lieberman, Joseph I. [D-CT]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LIEBERMAN", "middle_name": "I.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-07", "state": "CT" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000174", "district": null, "first_name": "Patrick", "full_name": "Sen. Leahy, Patrick J. [D-VT]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Leahy", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-07", "state": "VT" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000596", "district": null, "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Sen. Dayton, Mark [D-MN]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DAYTON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-07", "state": "MN" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000123", "district": null, "first_name": "FRANK", "full_name": "Sen. Lautenberg, Frank R. [D-NJ]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LAUTENBERG", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-07", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001035", "district": null, "first_name": "Susan", "full_name": "Sen. Collins, Susan M. [R-ME]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Collins", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-08", "state": "ME" } ]
International Affairs
[ "Air pollution control", "Coal", "Congress", "Congressional reporting requirements", "Electric power production", "Energy", "Environmental Protection", "Environmental research", "Environmental technology", "Foreign Trade and International Finance", "Government Operations and Politics", "Government paperwork", "International agencies", "International environmental cooperation", "Law", "Legislation", "Licenses", "Mercury", "Mines and mineral resources", "Negotiations", "Pollution control", "Public Lands and Natural Resources", "Science, Technology, Communications", "Technological innovations", "Trade agreements", "Transboundary pollution", "Treaties", "United Nations" ]
[ { "action_date": "2004-10-07", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Expresses the sense of the Senate that the United States should engage in international dialogue regarding mercury pollution, use, mining, and trade. Calls for the President to: (1) prepare a strategy to advance and enter into international negotiations on an agreement that addresses the reduction of the global use, trade, and releases of mercury; (2) enter into agreements to align global mercury production with reduced global demand and to minimize global mercury releases while negotiating such an agreement; (3) initiate and support a parallel international research effort to collect global data for a comprehensive inventory of mercury use, mining, trade, and releases and to develop less emitting technologies and technologies to reduce the need for, and use of, mercury in commerce; (4) review U.S. monitoring capabilities and data collection efforts for mercury use, trade, and releases; and (5) work through existing international organizations to encourage the development of programs, standards, and trade agreements to reduce the use and trade of mercury, eliminate primary mercury mining, and reduce releases of mercury and other long-range transboundary air pollutants.</p>", "update_date": "2005-01-07T13:58:15Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the United States should prepare a comprehensive strategy for advancing and entering into international negotiations on a binding agreement that would swiftly reduce global mercury use and pollution to levels sufficient to protect public health and the environment.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the United States should prepare a comprehensive strategy for advancing and entering into international negotiations on a binding agreement that would swiftly reduce global mercury use and pollution to levels sufficient to protect public health and the environment.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the United States should prepare a comprehensive strategy for advancing and entering into international negotiations on a binding agreement that would swiftly reduce global mercury use and pollution to levels sufficient to protect public health and the environment.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-10-07T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-07", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S10748-10749)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-18 14:52:00.465
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 454 </number> <updateDate> 2021-09-29T22:08:28Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-13T17:59:07Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2004-10-09 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-09 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Yea-Nay. 71 - 14. Record Vote Number: 209. (consideration: CR S10926-10928; text as passed Senate: CR S10927; text of measure as introduced: CR S10990) </text> <type> Floor </type> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 209 </rollNumber> <url> https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1082/vote_108_2_00209.xml </url> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2004-10-09T17:48:52Z </date> <sessionNumber> 2 </sessionNumber> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-09 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Yea-Nay. 71 - 14. Record Vote Number: 209.(consideration: CR S10926-10928; text as passed Senate: CR S10927; text of measure as introduced: CR S10990) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 209 </rollNumber> <url> https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1082/vote_108_2_00209.xml </url> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2004-10-09T17:48:52Z </date> <sessionNumber> 2 </sessionNumber> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-09 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> H000206 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Harkin, Tom [D-IA] </fullName> <firstName> THOMAS </firstName> <lastName> HARKIN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IA </state> <middleName> RICHARD </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> L000035 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Lincoln, Blanche L. [D-AR] </fullName> <firstName> BLANCHE </firstName> <lastName> LINCOLN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AR </state> <middleName> LAMBERT </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Agriculture and Food </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Agricultural subsidies </name> </item> <item> <name> Disaster relief </name> </item> <item> <name> Economics and Public Finance </name> </item> <item> <name> Emergency Management </name> </item> <item> <name> Government spending reductions </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Agriculture and Food </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-10-09 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-10-28T20:17:33Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Expresses the sense of the Senate that the 108th Congress should provide the necessary funds to make disaster assistance available for all customarily eligible agricultural producers as emergency spending and not funded by cuts to the farm bill.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-10-09 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-11-09T16:55:20Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Expresses the sense of the Senate that the 108th Congress should provide the necessary funds to make disaster assistance available for all customarily eligible agricultural producers as emergency spending and not funded by cuts to the farm bill.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the 108th Congress should provide the necessary funds to make disaster assistance available for all customarily eligible agricultural producers as emergency spending and not funded by cuts to the farm bill. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the 108th Congress should provide the necessary funds to make disaster assistance available for all customarily eligible agricultural producers as emergency spending and not funded by cuts to the farm bill. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the 108th Congress should provide the necessary funds to make disaster assistance available for all customarily eligible agricultural producers as emergency spending and not funded by cuts to the farm bill. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2004-10-09T04:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-10-09 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Yea-Nay. 71 - 14. Record Vote Number: 209. (consideration: CR S10926-10928; text as passed Senate: CR S10927; text of measure as introduced: CR S10990) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-09", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Yea-Nay. 71 - 14. Record Vote Number: 209. (consideration: CR S10926-10928; text as passed Senate: CR S10927; text of measure as introduced: CR S10990)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-10-09", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Yea-Nay. 71 - 14. Record Vote Number: 209.(consideration: CR S10926-10928; text as passed Senate: CR S10927; text of measure as introduced: CR S10990)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-10-09", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "L000035", "district": null, "first_name": "BLANCHE", "full_name": "Sen. Lincoln, Blanche L. [D-AR]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LINCOLN", "middle_name": "LAMBERT", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-09", "state": "AR" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2004-10-09", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-09", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Yea-Nay. 71 - 14. Record Vote Number: 209. (consideration: CR S10926-10928; text as passed Senate: CR S10927; text of measure as introduced: CR S10990)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 454, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Agriculture and Food", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "H000206", "district": null, "first_name": "THOMAS", "full_name": "Sen. Harkin, Tom [D-IA]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "HARKIN", "middle_name": "RICHARD", "party": "D", "state": "IA" } ], "subjects": [ "Agricultural subsidies", "Disaster relief", "Economics and Public Finance", "Emergency Management", "Government spending reductions" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Expresses the sense of the Senate that the 108th Congress should provide the necessary funds to make disaster assistance available for all customarily eligible agricultural producers as emergency spending and not funded by cuts to the farm bill.</p>", "update_date": "2004-10-28T20:17:33Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Expresses the sense of the Senate that the 108th Congress should provide the necessary funds to make disaster assistance available for all customarily eligible agricultural producers as emergency spending and not funded by cuts to the farm bill.</p>", "update_date": "2004-11-09T16:55:20Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2004-10-09T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": null } ], "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the 108th Congress should provide the necessary funds to make disaster assistance available for all customarily eligible agricultural producers as emergency spending and not funded by cuts to the farm bill.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the 108th Congress should provide the necessary funds to make disaster assistance available for all customarily eligible agricultural producers as emergency spending and not funded by cuts to the farm bill.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the 108th Congress should provide the necessary funds to make disaster assistance available for all customarily eligible agricultural producers as emergency spending and not funded by cuts to the farm bill.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2021-09-29T22:08:28Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-13T17:59:07Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-09", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Yea-Nay. 71 - 14. Record Vote Number: 209. (consideration: CR S10926-10928; text as passed Senate: CR S10927; text of measure as introduced: CR S10990)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-10-09", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Yea-Nay. 71 - 14. Record Vote Number: 209.(consideration: CR S10926-10928; text as passed Senate: CR S10927; text of measure as introduced: CR S10990)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-10-09", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "H000206", "district": null, "first_name": "THOMAS", "full_name": "Sen. Harkin, Tom [D-IA]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "HARKIN", "middle_name": "RICHARD", "party": "D", "state": "IA" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "L000035", "district": null, "first_name": "BLANCHE", "full_name": "Sen. Lincoln, Blanche L. [D-AR]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LINCOLN", "middle_name": "LAMBERT", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-09", "state": "AR" } ]
Agriculture and Food
[ "Agricultural subsidies", "Disaster relief", "Economics and Public Finance", "Emergency Management", "Government spending reductions" ]
[ { "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Expresses the sense of the Senate that the 108th Congress should provide the necessary funds to make disaster assistance available for all customarily eligible agricultural producers as emergency spending and not funded by cuts to the farm bill.</p>", "update_date": "2004-10-28T20:17:33Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-10-09", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Expresses the sense of the Senate that the 108th Congress should provide the necessary funds to make disaster assistance available for all customarily eligible agricultural producers as emergency spending and not funded by cuts to the farm bill.</p>", "update_date": "2004-11-09T16:55:20Z", "version_code": "82" } ]
A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the 108th Congress should provide the necessary funds to make disaster assistance available for all customarily eligible agricultural producers as emergency spending and not funded by cuts to the farm bill.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the 108th Congress should provide the necessary funds to make disaster assistance available for all customarily eligible agricultural producers as emergency spending and not funded by cuts to the farm bill.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the 108th Congress should provide the necessary funds to make disaster assistance available for all customarily eligible agricultural producers as emergency spending and not funded by cuts to the farm bill.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-10-09T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-09", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Yea-Nay. 71 - 14. Record Vote Number: 209. (consideration: CR S10926-10928; text as passed Senate: CR S10927; text of measure as introduced: CR S10990)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-18 14:51:01.102
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 455 </number> <updateDate> 2021-09-29T22:08:28Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-13T17:59:07Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2004-10-10 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <relatedBills> <item> <title> Supporting the goals of Red Ribbon Week. </title> <congress> 108 </congress> <number> 841 </number> <type> HRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-10-08 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Health. </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Identical bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-10 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11012-11017; text as passed Senate: CR S11015; text of measure as introduced: CR S11107) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-10 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S11012-11017; text as passed Senate: CR S11015; text of measure as introduced: CR S11107) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-10 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> M001153 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Murkowski, Lisa [R-AK] </fullName> <firstName> Lisa </firstName> <lastName> Murkowski </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AK </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> S000888 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Stevens, Ted [R-AK] </fullName> <firstName> THEODORE </firstName> <lastName> STEVENS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AK </state> <middleName> F. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000386 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Grassley, Chuck [R-IA] </fullName> <firstName> Charles </firstName> <lastName> Grassley </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IA </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001056 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cornyn, John [R-TX] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Cornyn </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TX </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000286 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Chambliss, Saxby [R-GA] </fullName> <firstName> SAXBY </firstName> <lastName> CHAMBLISS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> GA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> A000121 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Allen, George [R-VA] </fullName> <firstName> GEORGE </firstName> <lastName> ALLEN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> F. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000077 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Campbell, Ben Nighthorse [R-CO] </fullName> <firstName> BEN </firstName> <lastName> CAMPBELL </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CO </state> <middleName> NIGHTHORSE </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000154 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Warner, John [R-VA] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> WARNER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> WILLIAM </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Drug abuse </name> </item> <item> <name> Drug abuse prevention </name> </item> <item> <name> Drugs and youth </name> </item> <item> <name> Families </name> </item> <item> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </item> <item> <name> Signs and symbols </name> </item> <item> <name> Special weeks </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-10-10 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-11-15T21:24:11Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Supports the goals of Red Ribbon Week.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Encourages: (1) children and teens to choose to live a drug-free life; and (2) all people of the United States to promote drug-free communities and to participate in drug prevention activities to show support for healthy, productive, drug-free lifestyles.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-10-10 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2005-01-21T17:31:59Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Supports the goals of Red Ribbon Week.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Encourages: (1) children and teens to choose to live a drug-free life; and (2) all people of the United States to promote drug-free communities and to participate in drug prevention activities to show support for healthy, productive, drug-free lifestyles.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution supporting the goals of Red Ribbon Week. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution supporting the goals of Red Ribbon Week. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution supporting the goals of Red Ribbon Week. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2004-10-10T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres455ats/xml/BILLS-108sres455ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-10-10 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11012-11017; text as passed Senate: CR S11015; text of measure as introduced: CR S11107) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11012-11017; text as passed Senate: CR S11015; text of measure as introduced: CR S11107)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-10-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S11012-11017; text as passed Senate: CR S11015; text of measure as introduced: CR S11107)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-10-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "S000888", "district": null, "first_name": "THEODORE", "full_name": "Sen. Stevens, Ted [R-AK]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "STEVENS", "middle_name": "F.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "AK" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000386", "district": null, "first_name": "Charles", "full_name": "Sen. Grassley, Chuck [R-IA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Grassley", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "IA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001056", "district": null, "first_name": "John", "full_name": "Sen. Cornyn, John [R-TX]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Cornyn", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000286", "district": null, "first_name": "SAXBY", "full_name": "Sen. Chambliss, Saxby [R-GA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CHAMBLISS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "A000121", "district": null, "first_name": "GEORGE", "full_name": "Sen. Allen, George [R-VA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ALLEN", "middle_name": "F.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000077", "district": null, "first_name": "BEN", "full_name": "Sen. Campbell, Ben Nighthorse [R-CO]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CAMPBELL", "middle_name": "NIGHTHORSE", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "CO" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000154", "district": null, "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Sen. Warner, John [R-VA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WARNER", "middle_name": "WILLIAM", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "VA" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2004-10-10", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-10", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11012-11017; text as passed Senate: CR S11015; text of measure as introduced: CR S11107)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 455, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Commemorations", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 108, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-08", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Health.", "type": null }, "number": 841, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Identical bill" } ], "title": "Supporting the goals of Red Ribbon Week.", "type": "HRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "M001153", "district": null, "first_name": "Lisa", "full_name": "Sen. Murkowski, Lisa [R-AK]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Murkowski", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "AK" } ], "subjects": [ "Drug abuse", "Drug abuse prevention", "Drugs and youth", "Families", "Government Operations and Politics", "Signs and symbols", "Special weeks" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2004-10-10", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Supports the goals of Red Ribbon Week.</p> <p>Encourages: (1) children and teens to choose to live a drug-free life; and (2) all people of the United States to promote drug-free communities and to participate in drug prevention activities to show support for healthy, productive, drug-free lifestyles.</p>", "update_date": "2004-11-15T21:24:11Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-10-10", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Supports the goals of Red Ribbon Week.</p> <p>Encourages: (1) children and teens to choose to live a drug-free life; and (2) all people of the United States to promote drug-free communities and to participate in drug prevention activities to show support for healthy, productive, drug-free lifestyles.</p>", "update_date": "2005-01-21T17:31:59Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2004-10-10T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres455ats/xml/BILLS-108sres455ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution supporting the goals of Red Ribbon Week.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution supporting the goals of Red Ribbon Week.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution supporting the goals of Red Ribbon Week.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2021-09-29T22:08:28Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-13T17:59:07Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "congress": 108, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-08", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Health.", "type": null }, "number": 841, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Identical bill" } ], "title": "Supporting the goals of Red Ribbon Week.", "type": "HRES" } ]
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[ { "bioguide_id": "M001153", "district": null, "first_name": "Lisa", "full_name": "Sen. Murkowski, Lisa [R-AK]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Murkowski", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "AK" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "S000888", "district": null, "first_name": "THEODORE", "full_name": "Sen. Stevens, Ted [R-AK]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "STEVENS", "middle_name": "F.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "AK" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000386", "district": null, "first_name": "Charles", "full_name": "Sen. Grassley, Chuck [R-IA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Grassley", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "IA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001056", "district": null, "first_name": "John", "full_name": "Sen. Cornyn, John [R-TX]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Cornyn", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000286", "district": null, "first_name": "SAXBY", "full_name": "Sen. Chambliss, Saxby [R-GA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CHAMBLISS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "A000121", "district": null, "first_name": "GEORGE", "full_name": "Sen. Allen, George [R-VA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ALLEN", "middle_name": "F.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000077", "district": null, "first_name": "BEN", "full_name": "Sen. Campbell, Ben Nighthorse [R-CO]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CAMPBELL", "middle_name": "NIGHTHORSE", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "CO" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000154", "district": null, "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Sen. Warner, John [R-VA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WARNER", "middle_name": "WILLIAM", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "VA" } ]
[ "Drug abuse", "Drug abuse prevention", "Drugs and youth", "Families", "Government Operations and Politics", "Signs and symbols", "Special weeks" ]
[ { "action_date": "2004-10-10", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Supports the goals of Red Ribbon Week.</p> <p>Encourages: (1) children and teens to choose to live a drug-free life; and (2) all people of the United States to promote drug-free communities and to participate in drug prevention activities to show support for healthy, productive, drug-free lifestyles.</p>", "update_date": "2004-11-15T21:24:11Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-10-10", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Supports the goals of Red Ribbon Week.</p> <p>Encourages: (1) children and teens to choose to live a drug-free life; and (2) all people of the United States to promote drug-free communities and to participate in drug prevention activities to show support for healthy, productive, drug-free lifestyles.</p>", "update_date": "2005-01-21T17:31:59Z", "version_code": "82" } ]
A resolution supporting the goals of Red Ribbon Week.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution supporting the goals of Red Ribbon Week.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution supporting the goals of Red Ribbon Week.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-10-10T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres455ats/xml/BILLS-108sres455ats.xml" } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-10", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11012-11017; text as passed Senate: CR S11015; text of measure as introduced: CR S11107)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-18 14:51:01.137
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 456 </number> <updateDate> 2021-09-29T22:08:28Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-13T17:59:07Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2004-10-10 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-10 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11012-11017; text as passed Senate: CR S11015; text of measure as introduced: CR S11107) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-10 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S11012-11017; text as passed Senate: CR S11015; text of measure as introduced: CR S11107) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-10 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> S000770 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Stabenow, Debbie [D-MI] </fullName> <firstName> Debbie </firstName> <lastName> Stabenow </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> S000663 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Snowe, Olympia J. [R-ME] </fullName> <firstName> Olympia </firstName> <lastName> Snowe </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ME </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000709 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Specter, Arlen [R-PA] </fullName> <firstName> ARLEN </firstName> <lastName> SPECTER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> PA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-11-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000388 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Dodd, Christopher J. [D-CT] </fullName> <firstName> CHRISTOPHER </firstName> <lastName> DODD </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CT </state> <middleName> JOHN </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-11-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000711 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Boxer, Barbara [D-CA] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> BOXER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-11-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Education </name> </item> <item> <name> Educational facilities </name> </item> <item> <name> Elementary and secondary education </name> </item> <item> <name> Families </name> </item> <item> <name> Lighting </name> </item> <item> <name> School-age child care </name> </item> <item> <name> Special days </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-10-10 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-12-10T14:52:48Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Designates October 14, 2004, as Lights On Afterschool! Day.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-10-10 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2005-01-21T17:33:38Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Designates October 14, 2004, as Lights On Afterschool! Day.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution designating October 14, 2004, as "Lights On Afterschool! Day". </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution designating October 14, 2004, as "Lights On Afterschool! Day". </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution designating October 14, 2004, as "Lights On Afterschool! Day". </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2004-10-10T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres456ats/xml/BILLS-108sres456ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-10-10 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11012-11017; text as passed Senate: CR S11015; text of measure as introduced: CR S11107) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11012-11017; text as passed Senate: CR S11015; text of measure as introduced: CR S11107)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-10-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S11012-11017; text as passed Senate: CR S11015; text of measure as introduced: CR S11107)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-10-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "S000663", "district": null, "first_name": "Olympia", "full_name": "Sen. Snowe, Olympia J. [R-ME]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Snowe", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "ME" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000709", "district": null, "first_name": "ARLEN", "full_name": "Sen. Specter, Arlen [R-PA]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SPECTER", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-16", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000388", "district": null, "first_name": "CHRISTOPHER", "full_name": "Sen. Dodd, Christopher J. [D-CT]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DODD", "middle_name": "JOHN", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-16", "state": "CT" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000711", "district": null, "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Sen. Boxer, Barbara [D-CA]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BOXER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-16", "state": "CA" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2004-10-10", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-10", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11012-11017; text as passed Senate: CR S11015; text of measure as introduced: CR S11107)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 456, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Commemorations", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "S000770", "district": null, "first_name": "Debbie", "full_name": "Sen. Stabenow, Debbie [D-MI]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Stabenow", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "MI" } ], "subjects": [ "Education", "Educational facilities", "Elementary and secondary education", "Families", "Lighting", "School-age child care", "Special days" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2004-10-10", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Designates October 14, 2004, as Lights On Afterschool! Day.</p>", "update_date": "2004-12-10T14:52:48Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-10-10", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Designates October 14, 2004, as Lights On Afterschool! Day.</p>", "update_date": "2005-01-21T17:33:38Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2004-10-10T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres456ats/xml/BILLS-108sres456ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution designating October 14, 2004, as \"Lights On Afterschool! Day\".", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating October 14, 2004, as \"Lights On Afterschool! Day\".", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating October 14, 2004, as \"Lights On Afterschool! Day\".", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2021-09-29T22:08:28Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-13T17:59:07Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11012-11017; text as passed Senate: CR S11015; text of measure as introduced: CR S11107)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-10-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S11012-11017; text as passed Senate: CR S11015; text of measure as introduced: CR S11107)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-10-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "S000770", "district": null, "first_name": "Debbie", "full_name": "Sen. Stabenow, Debbie [D-MI]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Stabenow", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "MI" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "S000663", "district": null, "first_name": "Olympia", "full_name": "Sen. Snowe, Olympia J. [R-ME]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Snowe", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "ME" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000709", "district": null, "first_name": "ARLEN", "full_name": "Sen. Specter, Arlen [R-PA]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SPECTER", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-16", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000388", "district": null, "first_name": "CHRISTOPHER", "full_name": "Sen. Dodd, Christopher J. [D-CT]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DODD", "middle_name": "JOHN", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-16", "state": "CT" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000711", "district": null, "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Sen. Boxer, Barbara [D-CA]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BOXER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-16", "state": "CA" } ]
[ "Education", "Educational facilities", "Elementary and secondary education", "Families", "Lighting", "School-age child care", "Special days" ]
[ { "action_date": "2004-10-10", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Designates October 14, 2004, as Lights On Afterschool! Day.</p>", "update_date": "2004-12-10T14:52:48Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-10-10", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Designates October 14, 2004, as Lights On Afterschool! Day.</p>", "update_date": "2005-01-21T17:33:38Z", "version_code": "82" } ]
A resolution designating October 14, 2004, as "Lights On Afterschool! Day".
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating October 14, 2004, as \"Lights On Afterschool! Day\".", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating October 14, 2004, as \"Lights On Afterschool! Day\".", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-10-10T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres456ats/xml/BILLS-108sres456ats.xml" } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-10", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11012-11017; text as passed Senate: CR S11015; text of measure as introduced: CR S11107)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-18 14:52:00.501
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 457 </number> <updateDate> 2021-09-29T22:08:28Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-13T17:59:06Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2004-10-10 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-10 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11012-11017; text as passed Senate: CR S11015; text of measure as introduced: CR S11107) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-10 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S11012-11017; text as passed Senate: CR S11015; text of measure as introduced: CR S11107) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-10 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> R000122 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Reed, Jack [D-RI] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Reed </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> RI </state> <middleName> F. </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> B000611 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Bond, Christopher S. [R-MO] </fullName> <firstName> CHRISTOPHER </firstName> <lastName> BOND </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MO </state> <middleName> S. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000702 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Mikulski, Barbara A. [D-MD] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> MIKULSKI </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> ANN </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001035 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Collins, Susan M. [R-ME] </fullName> <firstName> Susan </firstName> <lastName> Collins </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ME </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000064 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Sarbanes, Paul S. [D-MD] </fullName> <firstName> PAUL </firstName> <lastName> SARBANES </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> SPYROS </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000444 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Biden, Joseph R., Jr. [D-DE] </fullName> <firstName> JOSEPH </firstName> <lastName> BIDEN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> DE </state> <middleName> ROBINETTE </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000711 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Boxer, Barbara [D-CA] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> BOXER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000780 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Breaux, John B. [D-LA] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> BREAUX </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> LA </state> <middleName> BERLINGER </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000174 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Carper, Thomas R. [D-DE] </fullName> <firstName> Thomas </firstName> <lastName> Carper </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> DE </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001040 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Chafee, Lincoln [R-RI] </fullName> <firstName> LINCOLN </firstName> <lastName> CHAFEE </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> RI </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001041 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Clinton, Hillary Rodham [D-NY] </fullName> <firstName> HILLARY </firstName> <lastName> CLINTON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> R </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000705 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Conrad, Kent [D-ND] </fullName> <firstName> KENT </firstName> <lastName> CONRAD </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> ND </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001042 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Corzine, Jon S. [D-NJ] </fullName> <firstName> JON </firstName> <lastName> CORZINE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <middleName> S. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000596 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Dayton, Mark [D-MN] </fullName> <firstName> MARK </firstName> <lastName> DAYTON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MN </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000294 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. DeWine, Mike [R-OH] </fullName> <firstName> MICHAEL </firstName> <lastName> DEWINE </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000388 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Dodd, Christopher J. [D-CT] </fullName> <firstName> CHRISTOPHER </firstName> <lastName> DODD </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CT </state> <middleName> JOHN </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000432 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Dorgan, Byron L. [D-ND] </fullName> <firstName> BYRON </firstName> <lastName> DORGAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> ND </state> <middleName> LESLIE </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000563 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Durbin, Richard J. [D-IL] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Durbin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000061 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Feingold, Russell D. [D-WI] </fullName> <firstName> RUSSELL </firstName> <lastName> FEINGOLD </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WI </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000062 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA] </fullName> <firstName> Dianne </firstName> <lastName> Feinstein </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000352 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Graham, Bob [D-FL] </fullName> <firstName> DANIEL </firstName> <lastName> GRAHAM </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <middleName> ROBERT </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001028 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hagel, Chuck [R-NE] </fullName> <firstName> CHUCK </firstName> <lastName> HAGEL </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NE </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000072 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Jeffords, James M. [I-VT] </fullName> <firstName> JAMES </firstName> <lastName> JEFFORDS </lastName> <party> I </party> <state> VT </state> <middleName> MERRILL </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000105 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Kennedy, Edward M. [D-MA] </fullName> <firstName> EDWARD </firstName> <lastName> KENNEDY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> MOORE </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000305 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Kohl, Herb [D-WI] </fullName> <firstName> HERBERT </firstName> <lastName> KOHL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WI </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000550 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Landrieu, Mary L. [D-LA] </fullName> <firstName> MARY </firstName> <lastName> LANDRIEU </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> LA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000123 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Lautenberg, Frank R. [D-NJ] </fullName> <firstName> FRANK </firstName> <lastName> LAUTENBERG </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000261 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Levin, Carl [D-MI] </fullName> <firstName> CARL </firstName> <lastName> LEVIN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <middleName> MILTON </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000304 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Lieberman, Joseph I. [D-CT] </fullName> <firstName> JOSEPH </firstName> <lastName> LIEBERMAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CT </state> <middleName> I. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000035 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Lincoln, Blanche L. [D-AR] </fullName> <firstName> BLANCHE </firstName> <lastName> LINCOLN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AR </state> <middleName> LAMBERT </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000504 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Lugar, Richard G. [R-IN] </fullName> <firstName> RICHARD </firstName> <lastName> LUGAR </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IN </state> <middleName> GREEN </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001111 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Murray, Patty [D-WA] </fullName> <firstName> Patty </firstName> <lastName> Murray </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> N000180 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Nelson, Ben [D-NE] </fullName> <firstName> E. </firstName> <lastName> Nelson </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NE </state> <middleName> Benjamin </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> N000102 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Nickles, Don [R-OK] </fullName> <firstName> DONALD </firstName> <lastName> NICKLES </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OK </state> <middleName> LEE </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000059 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Santorum, Rick [R-PA] </fullName> <firstName> RICK </firstName> <lastName> SANTORUM </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> PA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000148 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Schumer, Charles E. [D-NY] </fullName> <firstName> Charles </firstName> <lastName> Schumer </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001142 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Smith, Gordon H. [R-OR] </fullName> <firstName> GORDON </firstName> <lastName> SMITH </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OR </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000663 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Snowe, Olympia J. [R-ME] </fullName> <firstName> Olympia </firstName> <lastName> Snowe </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ME </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000770 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Stabenow, Debbie [D-MI] </fullName> <firstName> Debbie </firstName> <lastName> Stabenow </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000146 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Reid, Harry [D-NV] </fullName> <firstName> HARRY </firstName> <lastName> REID </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NV </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000024 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Talent, Jim [R-MO] </fullName> <firstName> JIM </firstName> <lastName> TALENT </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MO </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000779 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Wyden, Ron [D-OR] </fullName> <firstName> Ron </firstName> <lastName> Wyden </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OR </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Child health </name> </item> <item> <name> Environmental Protection </name> </item> <item> <name> Families </name> </item> <item> <name> Health </name> </item> <item> <name> Lead poisoning </name> </item> <item> <name> Preventive medicine </name> </item> <item> <name> Special weeks </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-10-10 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-12-10T14:53:13Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Designates the week of October 24-30, 2004, as National Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Week.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-10-10 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2005-01-21T17:35:30Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Designates the week of October 24-30, 2004, as National Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Week.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution designating the week of October 24, 2004, through October 30, 2004, as "National Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Week". </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution designating the week of October 24, 2004, through October 30, 2004, as "National Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Week". </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution designating the week of October 24, 2004, through October 30, 2004, as "National Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Week". </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2004-10-10T04:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-10-10 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11012-11017; text as passed Senate: CR S11015; text of measure as introduced: CR S11107) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11012-11017; text as passed Senate: CR S11015; text of measure as introduced: CR S11107)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-10-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S11012-11017; text as passed Senate: CR S11015; text of measure as introduced: CR S11107)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-10-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "B000611", "district": null, "first_name": "CHRISTOPHER", "full_name": "Sen. Bond, Christopher S. [R-MO]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BOND", "middle_name": "S.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "MO" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000702", "district": null, "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Sen. Mikulski, Barbara A. [D-MD]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MIKULSKI", "middle_name": "ANN", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001035", "district": null, "first_name": "Susan", "full_name": "Sen. Collins, Susan M. [R-ME]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Collins", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "ME" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000064", "district": null, "first_name": "PAUL", "full_name": "Sen. Sarbanes, Paul S. [D-MD]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SARBANES", "middle_name": "SPYROS", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000444", "district": null, "first_name": "JOSEPH", "full_name": "Sen. Biden, Joseph R., Jr. [D-DE]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BIDEN", "middle_name": "ROBINETTE", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "DE" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000711", "district": null, "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Sen. Boxer, Barbara [D-CA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BOXER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000780", "district": null, "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Sen. Breaux, John B. [D-LA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BREAUX", "middle_name": "BERLINGER", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "LA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000174", "district": null, "first_name": "Thomas", "full_name": "Sen. Carper, Thomas R. [D-DE]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Carper", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "DE" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001040", "district": null, "first_name": "LINCOLN", "full_name": "Sen. Chafee, Lincoln [R-RI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CHAFEE", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "RI" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001041", "district": null, "first_name": "HILLARY", "full_name": "Sen. Clinton, Hillary Rodham [D-NY]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CLINTON", "middle_name": "R", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000705", "district": null, "first_name": "KENT", "full_name": "Sen. Conrad, Kent [D-ND]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CONRAD", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "ND" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001042", "district": null, "first_name": "JON", "full_name": "Sen. Corzine, Jon S. [D-NJ]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CORZINE", "middle_name": "S.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000596", "district": null, "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Sen. Dayton, Mark [D-MN]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DAYTON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "MN" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000294", "district": null, "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Sen. DeWine, Mike [R-OH]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DEWINE", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000388", "district": null, "first_name": "CHRISTOPHER", "full_name": "Sen. Dodd, Christopher J. [D-CT]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DODD", "middle_name": "JOHN", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "CT" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000432", "district": null, "first_name": "BYRON", "full_name": "Sen. Dorgan, Byron L. [D-ND]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DORGAN", "middle_name": "LESLIE", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "ND" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000563", "district": null, "first_name": "Richard", "full_name": "Sen. Durbin, Richard J. [D-IL]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Durbin", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000061", "district": null, "first_name": "RUSSELL", "full_name": "Sen. Feingold, Russell D. [D-WI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FEINGOLD", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "WI" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000062", "district": null, "first_name": "Dianne", "full_name": "Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Feinstein", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000352", "district": null, "first_name": "DANIEL", "full_name": "Sen. Graham, Bob [D-FL]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "GRAHAM", "middle_name": "ROBERT", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001028", "district": null, "first_name": "CHUCK", "full_name": "Sen. Hagel, Chuck [R-NE]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HAGEL", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "NE" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000072", "district": null, "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Sen. Jeffords, James M. [I-VT]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JEFFORDS", "middle_name": "MERRILL", "party": "I", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "VT" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000105", "district": null, "first_name": "EDWARD", "full_name": "Sen. Kennedy, Edward M. [D-MA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KENNEDY", "middle_name": "MOORE", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000305", "district": null, "first_name": "HERBERT", "full_name": "Sen. Kohl, Herb [D-WI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KOHL", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "WI" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000550", "district": null, "first_name": "MARY", "full_name": "Sen. Landrieu, Mary L. [D-LA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LANDRIEU", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "LA" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000123", "district": null, "first_name": "FRANK", "full_name": "Sen. Lautenberg, Frank R. [D-NJ]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LAUTENBERG", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000261", "district": null, "first_name": "CARL", "full_name": "Sen. Levin, Carl [D-MI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LEVIN", "middle_name": "MILTON", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000304", "district": null, "first_name": "JOSEPH", "full_name": "Sen. Lieberman, Joseph I. [D-CT]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LIEBERMAN", "middle_name": "I.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "CT" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000035", "district": null, "first_name": "BLANCHE", "full_name": "Sen. Lincoln, Blanche L. [D-AR]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LINCOLN", "middle_name": "LAMBERT", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "AR" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000504", "district": null, "first_name": "RICHARD", "full_name": "Sen. Lugar, Richard G. [R-IN]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LUGAR", "middle_name": "GREEN", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001111", "district": null, "first_name": "Patty", "full_name": "Sen. Murray, Patty [D-WA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Murray", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000180", "district": null, "first_name": "E.", "full_name": "Sen. Nelson, Ben [D-NE]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Nelson", "middle_name": "Benjamin", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "NE" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000102", "district": null, "first_name": "DONALD", "full_name": "Sen. Nickles, Don [R-OK]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "NICKLES", "middle_name": "LEE", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "OK" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000059", "district": null, "first_name": "RICK", "full_name": "Sen. Santorum, Rick [R-PA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SANTORUM", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000148", "district": null, "first_name": "Charles", "full_name": "Sen. Schumer, Charles E. [D-NY]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Schumer", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001142", "district": null, "first_name": "GORDON", "full_name": "Sen. Smith, Gordon H. [R-OR]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SMITH", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "OR" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000663", "district": null, "first_name": "Olympia", "full_name": "Sen. Snowe, Olympia J. [R-ME]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Snowe", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "ME" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000770", "district": null, "first_name": "Debbie", "full_name": "Sen. Stabenow, Debbie [D-MI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Stabenow", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000146", "district": null, "first_name": "HARRY", "full_name": "Sen. Reid, Harry [D-NV]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "REID", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "NV" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000024", "district": null, "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Sen. Talent, Jim [R-MO]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "TALENT", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "MO" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000779", "district": null, "first_name": "Ron", "full_name": "Sen. Wyden, Ron [D-OR]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Wyden", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "OR" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2004-10-10", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-10", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11012-11017; text as passed Senate: CR S11015; text of measure as introduced: CR S11107)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 457, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Commemorations", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "R000122", "district": null, "first_name": "John", "full_name": "Sen. Reed, Jack [D-RI]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Reed", "middle_name": "F.", "party": "D", "state": "RI" } ], "subjects": [ "Child health", "Environmental Protection", "Families", "Health", "Lead poisoning", "Preventive medicine", "Special weeks" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2004-10-10", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Designates the week of October 24-30, 2004, as National Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Week.</p>", "update_date": "2004-12-10T14:53:13Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-10-10", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Designates the week of October 24-30, 2004, as National Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Week.</p>", "update_date": "2005-01-21T17:35:30Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2004-10-10T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": null } ], "title": "A resolution designating the week of October 24, 2004, through October 30, 2004, as \"National Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Week\".", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating the week of October 24, 2004, through October 30, 2004, as \"National Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Week\".", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating the week of October 24, 2004, through October 30, 2004, as \"National Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Week\".", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2021-09-29T22:08:28Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-13T17:59:06Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11012-11017; text as passed Senate: CR S11015; text of measure as introduced: CR S11107)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-10-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S11012-11017; text as passed Senate: CR S11015; text of measure as introduced: CR S11107)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-10-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "R000122", "district": null, "first_name": "John", "full_name": "Sen. Reed, Jack [D-RI]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Reed", "middle_name": "F.", "party": "D", "state": "RI" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "B000611", "district": null, "first_name": "CHRISTOPHER", "full_name": "Sen. Bond, Christopher S. [R-MO]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BOND", "middle_name": "S.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "MO" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000702", "district": null, "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Sen. Mikulski, Barbara A. [D-MD]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MIKULSKI", "middle_name": "ANN", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001035", "district": null, "first_name": "Susan", "full_name": "Sen. Collins, Susan M. [R-ME]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Collins", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "ME" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000064", "district": null, "first_name": "PAUL", "full_name": "Sen. Sarbanes, Paul S. [D-MD]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SARBANES", "middle_name": "SPYROS", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000444", "district": null, "first_name": "JOSEPH", "full_name": "Sen. Biden, Joseph R., Jr. [D-DE]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BIDEN", "middle_name": "ROBINETTE", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "DE" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000711", "district": null, "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Sen. Boxer, Barbara [D-CA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BOXER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000780", "district": null, "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Sen. Breaux, John B. [D-LA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BREAUX", "middle_name": "BERLINGER", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "LA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000174", "district": null, "first_name": "Thomas", "full_name": "Sen. Carper, Thomas R. [D-DE]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Carper", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "DE" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001040", "district": null, "first_name": "LINCOLN", "full_name": "Sen. Chafee, Lincoln [R-RI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CHAFEE", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "RI" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001041", "district": null, "first_name": "HILLARY", "full_name": "Sen. Clinton, Hillary Rodham [D-NY]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CLINTON", "middle_name": "R", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000705", "district": null, "first_name": "KENT", "full_name": "Sen. Conrad, Kent [D-ND]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CONRAD", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "ND" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001042", "district": null, "first_name": "JON", "full_name": "Sen. Corzine, Jon S. [D-NJ]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CORZINE", "middle_name": "S.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000596", "district": null, "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Sen. 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[D-ND]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DORGAN", "middle_name": "LESLIE", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "ND" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000563", "district": null, "first_name": "Richard", "full_name": "Sen. Durbin, Richard J. [D-IL]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Durbin", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000061", "district": null, "first_name": "RUSSELL", "full_name": "Sen. Feingold, Russell D. [D-WI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FEINGOLD", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "WI" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000062", "district": null, "first_name": "Dianne", "full_name": "Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Feinstein", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000352", "district": null, "first_name": "DANIEL", "full_name": "Sen. Graham, Bob [D-FL]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "GRAHAM", "middle_name": "ROBERT", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001028", "district": null, "first_name": "CHUCK", "full_name": "Sen. Hagel, Chuck [R-NE]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HAGEL", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "NE" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000072", "district": null, "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Sen. Jeffords, James M. [I-VT]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JEFFORDS", "middle_name": "MERRILL", "party": "I", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "VT" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000105", "district": null, "first_name": "EDWARD", "full_name": "Sen. Kennedy, Edward M. [D-MA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KENNEDY", "middle_name": "MOORE", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000305", "district": null, "first_name": "HERBERT", "full_name": "Sen. Kohl, Herb [D-WI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KOHL", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "WI" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000550", "district": null, "first_name": "MARY", "full_name": "Sen. Landrieu, Mary L. [D-LA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LANDRIEU", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "LA" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000123", "district": null, "first_name": "FRANK", "full_name": "Sen. Lautenberg, Frank R. [D-NJ]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LAUTENBERG", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000261", "district": null, "first_name": "CARL", "full_name": "Sen. Levin, Carl [D-MI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LEVIN", "middle_name": "MILTON", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000304", "district": null, "first_name": "JOSEPH", "full_name": "Sen. Lieberman, Joseph I. [D-CT]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LIEBERMAN", "middle_name": "I.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "CT" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000035", "district": null, "first_name": "BLANCHE", "full_name": "Sen. Lincoln, Blanche L. [D-AR]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LINCOLN", "middle_name": "LAMBERT", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "AR" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000504", "district": null, "first_name": "RICHARD", "full_name": "Sen. Lugar, Richard G. [R-IN]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LUGAR", "middle_name": "GREEN", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001111", "district": null, "first_name": "Patty", "full_name": "Sen. Murray, Patty [D-WA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Murray", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000180", "district": null, "first_name": "E.", "full_name": "Sen. Nelson, Ben [D-NE]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Nelson", "middle_name": "Benjamin", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "NE" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000102", "district": null, "first_name": "DONALD", "full_name": "Sen. Nickles, Don [R-OK]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "NICKLES", "middle_name": "LEE", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "OK" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000059", "district": null, "first_name": "RICK", "full_name": "Sen. 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[R-ME]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Snowe", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "ME" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000770", "district": null, "first_name": "Debbie", "full_name": "Sen. Stabenow, Debbie [D-MI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Stabenow", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000146", "district": null, "first_name": "HARRY", "full_name": "Sen. Reid, Harry [D-NV]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "REID", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "NV" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000024", "district": null, "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Sen. Talent, Jim [R-MO]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "TALENT", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "MO" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000779", "district": null, "first_name": "Ron", "full_name": "Sen. Wyden, Ron [D-OR]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Wyden", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "OR" } ]
[ "Child health", "Environmental Protection", "Families", "Health", "Lead poisoning", "Preventive medicine", "Special weeks" ]
[ { "action_date": "2004-10-10", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Designates the week of October 24-30, 2004, as National Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Week.</p>", "update_date": "2004-12-10T14:53:13Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-10-10", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Designates the week of October 24-30, 2004, as National Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Week.</p>", "update_date": "2005-01-21T17:35:30Z", "version_code": "82" } ]
A resolution designating the week of October 24, 2004, through October 30, 2004, as "National Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Week".
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating the week of October 24, 2004, through October 30, 2004, as \"National Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Week\".", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating the week of October 24, 2004, through October 30, 2004, as \"National Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Week\".", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-10-10T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-10", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11012-11017; text as passed Senate: CR S11015; text of measure as introduced: CR S11107)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-18 14:51:01.067
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 458 </number> <updateDate> 2021-09-29T22:08:28Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-13T17:59:06Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2004-10-10 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-10 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11012-11017; text as passed Senate: CR S11015-11016; text of measure as introduced: CR S11108) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-10 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S11012-11017; text as passed Senate: CR S11015-11016; text of measure as introduced: CR S11108) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-10 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> B000468 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Bingaman, Jeff [D-NM] </fullName> <firstName> JESSE </firstName> <lastName> BINGAMAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NM </state> <middleName> FRANCIS </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> M000303 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. McCain, John [R-AZ] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> MCCAIN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AZ </state> <middleName> SIDNEY </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000725 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hollings, Ernest F. [D-SC] </fullName> <firstName> ERNEST </firstName> <lastName> HOLLINGS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> SC </state> <middleName> FREDERICK </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000953 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Brownback, Sam [R-KS] </fullName> <firstName> SAM </firstName> <lastName> BROWNBACK </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KS </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> I000024 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Inhofe, James M. [R-OK] </fullName> <firstName> Jim </firstName> <lastName> Inhofe </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OK </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000407 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Domenici, Pete V. [R-NM] </fullName> <firstName> PETE </firstName> <lastName> DOMENICI </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NM </state> <middleName> VICHI </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Aircraft pilots </name> </item> <item> <name> Awards, medals, prizes </name> </item> <item> <name> Commerce </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Foundations </name> </item> <item> <name> Social Welfare </name> </item> <item> <name> Space activities </name> </item> <item> <name> Space commercialization </name> </item> <item> <name> Space flight </name> </item> <item> <name> Spacecraft </name> </item> <item> <name> Transportation and Public Works </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-10-10 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-12-10T14:54:10Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Congratulates the SpaceShipOne team (winner of the Ansari X Prize by being the first privately funded space vehicle to depart from and safely return to Earth twice within two weeks), led by Bert Rutan and test pilots Mike Melvill and Brian Binnie, for their historic achievement in human space flight.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-10-10 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2005-01-21T17:40:15Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Congratulates the SpaceShipOne team (winner of the Ansari X Prize by being the first privately funded space vehicle to depart from and safely return to Earth twice within two weeks), led by Bert Rutan and test pilots Mike Melvill and Brian Binnie, for their historic achievement in human space flight.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution congratulating the SpaceShipOne team for achieving a historic milestone in human space flight. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution congratulating the SpaceShipOne team for achieving a historic milestone in human space flight. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution congratulating the SpaceShipOne team for achieving a historic milestone in human space flight. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2004-10-10T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres458ats/xml/BILLS-108sres458ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-10-10 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11012-11017; text as passed Senate: CR S11015-11016; text of measure as introduced: CR S11108) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. 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McCain, John [R-AZ]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MCCAIN", "middle_name": "SIDNEY", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "AZ" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000725", "district": null, "first_name": "ERNEST", "full_name": "Sen. Hollings, Ernest F. [D-SC]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HOLLINGS", "middle_name": "FREDERICK", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "SC" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000953", "district": null, "first_name": "SAM", "full_name": "Sen. Brownback, Sam [R-KS]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BROWNBACK", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "KS" }, { "bioguide_id": "I000024", "district": null, "first_name": "Jim", "full_name": "Sen. Inhofe, James M. [R-OK]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Inhofe", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-11", "state": "OK" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000407", "district": null, "first_name": "PETE", "full_name": "Sen. Domenici, Pete V. [R-NM]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DOMENICI", "middle_name": "VICHI", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-11", "state": "NM" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2004-10-10", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-10", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11012-11017; text as passed Senate: CR S11015-11016; text of measure as introduced: CR S11108)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 458, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Commemorations", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "B000468", "district": null, "first_name": "JESSE", "full_name": "Sen. Bingaman, Jeff [D-NM]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "BINGAMAN", "middle_name": "FRANCIS", "party": "D", "state": "NM" } ], "subjects": [ "Aircraft pilots", "Awards, medals, prizes", "Commerce", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Foundations", "Social Welfare", "Space activities", "Space commercialization", "Space flight", "Spacecraft", "Transportation and Public Works" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2004-10-10", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Congratulates the SpaceShipOne team (winner of the Ansari X Prize by being the first privately funded space vehicle to depart from and safely return to Earth twice within two weeks), led by Bert Rutan and test pilots Mike Melvill and Brian Binnie, for their historic achievement in human space flight.</p>", "update_date": "2004-12-10T14:54:10Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-10-10", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Congratulates the SpaceShipOne team (winner of the Ansari X Prize by being the first privately funded space vehicle to depart from and safely return to Earth twice within two weeks), led by Bert Rutan and test pilots Mike Melvill and Brian Binnie, for their historic achievement in human space flight.</p>", "update_date": "2005-01-21T17:40:15Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2004-10-10T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres458ats/xml/BILLS-108sres458ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution congratulating the SpaceShipOne team for achieving a historic milestone in human space flight.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution congratulating the SpaceShipOne team for achieving a historic milestone in human space flight.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution congratulating the SpaceShipOne team for achieving a historic milestone in human space flight.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2021-09-29T22:08:28Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-13T17:59:06Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
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[ { "bioguide_id": "B000468", "district": null, "first_name": "JESSE", "full_name": "Sen. Bingaman, Jeff [D-NM]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "BINGAMAN", "middle_name": "FRANCIS", "party": "D", "state": "NM" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "M000303", "district": null, "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Sen. McCain, John [R-AZ]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MCCAIN", "middle_name": "SIDNEY", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "AZ" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000725", "district": null, "first_name": "ERNEST", "full_name": "Sen. Hollings, Ernest F. [D-SC]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HOLLINGS", "middle_name": "FREDERICK", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "SC" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000953", "district": null, "first_name": "SAM", "full_name": "Sen. Brownback, Sam [R-KS]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BROWNBACK", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "KS" }, { "bioguide_id": "I000024", "district": null, "first_name": "Jim", "full_name": "Sen. Inhofe, James M. [R-OK]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Inhofe", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-11", "state": "OK" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000407", "district": null, "first_name": "PETE", "full_name": "Sen. Domenici, Pete V. [R-NM]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DOMENICI", "middle_name": "VICHI", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-11", "state": "NM" } ]
[ "Aircraft pilots", "Awards, medals, prizes", "Commerce", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Foundations", "Social Welfare", "Space activities", "Space commercialization", "Space flight", "Spacecraft", "Transportation and Public Works" ]
[ { "action_date": "2004-10-10", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Congratulates the SpaceShipOne team (winner of the Ansari X Prize by being the first privately funded space vehicle to depart from and safely return to Earth twice within two weeks), led by Bert Rutan and test pilots Mike Melvill and Brian Binnie, for their historic achievement in human space flight.</p>", "update_date": "2004-12-10T14:54:10Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-10-10", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Congratulates the SpaceShipOne team (winner of the Ansari X Prize by being the first privately funded space vehicle to depart from and safely return to Earth twice within two weeks), led by Bert Rutan and test pilots Mike Melvill and Brian Binnie, for their historic achievement in human space flight.</p>", "update_date": "2005-01-21T17:40:15Z", "version_code": "82" } ]
A resolution congratulating the SpaceShipOne team for achieving a historic milestone in human space flight.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution congratulating the SpaceShipOne team for achieving a historic milestone in human space flight.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution congratulating the SpaceShipOne team for achieving a historic milestone in human space flight.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-10-10T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres458ats/xml/BILLS-108sres458ats.xml" } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-10", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11012-11017; text as passed Senate: CR S11015-11016; text of measure as introduced: CR S11108)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-18 14:52:00.804
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 459 </number> <updateDate> 2021-09-29T22:08:29Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-13T17:59:06Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2004-10-10 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-10 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11012-11017; text as passed Senate: CR S11016; text of measure as introduced: CR S11108) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-10 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S11012-11017; text as passed Senate: CR S11016; text of measure as introduced: CR S11108) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-10 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> D000563 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Durbin, Richard J. [D-IL] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Durbin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> A000360 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Alexander, Lamar [R-TN] </fullName> <firstName> Lamar </firstName> <lastName> Alexander </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TN </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Archives </name> </item> <item> <name> Arts, Culture, Religion </name> </item> <item> <name> Democracy </name> </item> <item> <name> Education </name> </item> <item> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </item> <item> <name> History </name> </item> <item> <name> Libraries </name> </item> <item> <name> Music </name> </item> <item> <name> Special months </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-10-10 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-12-10T14:53:30Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Designates November 2004 as American Music Month.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-10-10 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2005-01-21T17:42:10Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Designates November 2004 as American Music Month.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution designating November 2004 as "American Music Month" to celebrate and honor music performance, education, and scholarship in the United States. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution designating November 2004 as "American Music Month" to celebrate and honor music performance, education, and scholarship in the United States. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution designating November 2004 as "American Music Month" to celebrate and honor music performance, education, and scholarship in the United States. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2004-10-10T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres459ats/xml/BILLS-108sres459ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-10-10 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11012-11017; text as passed Senate: CR S11016; text of measure as introduced: CR S11108) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11012-11017; text as passed Senate: CR S11016; text of measure as introduced: CR S11108)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-10-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S11012-11017; text as passed Senate: CR S11016; text of measure as introduced: CR S11108)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-10-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "A000360", "district": null, "first_name": "Lamar", "full_name": "Sen. Alexander, Lamar [R-TN]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Alexander", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "TN" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2004-10-10", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-10", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11012-11017; text as passed Senate: CR S11016; text of measure as introduced: CR S11108)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 459, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Commemorations", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "D000563", "district": null, "first_name": "Richard", "full_name": "Sen. Durbin, Richard J. [D-IL]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Durbin", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "state": "IL" } ], "subjects": [ "Archives", "Arts, Culture, Religion", "Democracy", "Education", "Government Operations and Politics", "History", "Libraries", "Music", "Special months" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2004-10-10", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Designates November 2004 as American Music Month.</p>", "update_date": "2004-12-10T14:53:30Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-10-10", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Designates November 2004 as American Music Month.</p>", "update_date": "2005-01-21T17:42:10Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2004-10-10T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres459ats/xml/BILLS-108sres459ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution designating November 2004 as \"American Music Month\" to celebrate and honor music performance, education, and scholarship in the United States.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating November 2004 as \"American Music Month\" to celebrate and honor music performance, education, and scholarship in the United States.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating November 2004 as \"American Music Month\" to celebrate and honor music performance, education, and scholarship in the United States.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2021-09-29T22:08:29Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-13T17:59:06Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11012-11017; text as passed Senate: CR S11016; text of measure as introduced: CR S11108)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-10-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S11012-11017; text as passed Senate: CR S11016; text of measure as introduced: CR S11108)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-10-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "D000563", "district": null, "first_name": "Richard", "full_name": "Sen. Durbin, Richard J. [D-IL]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Durbin", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "state": "IL" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "A000360", "district": null, "first_name": "Lamar", "full_name": "Sen. Alexander, Lamar [R-TN]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Alexander", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "TN" } ]
[ "Archives", "Arts, Culture, Religion", "Democracy", "Education", "Government Operations and Politics", "History", "Libraries", "Music", "Special months" ]
[ { "action_date": "2004-10-10", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Designates November 2004 as American Music Month.</p>", "update_date": "2004-12-10T14:53:30Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-10-10", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Designates November 2004 as American Music Month.</p>", "update_date": "2005-01-21T17:42:10Z", "version_code": "82" } ]
A resolution designating November 2004 as "American Music Month" to celebrate and honor music performance, education, and scholarship in the United States.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating November 2004 as \"American Music Month\" to celebrate and honor music performance, education, and scholarship in the United States.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating November 2004 as \"American Music Month\" to celebrate and honor music performance, education, and scholarship in the United States.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-10-10T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres459ats/xml/BILLS-108sres459ats.xml" } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-10", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11012-11017; text as passed Senate: CR S11016; text of measure as introduced: CR S11108)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-18 14:52:00.839
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 460 </number> <updateDate> 2021-09-29T22:08:29Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-13T17:59:06Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2004-10-10 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <relatedBills> <item> <title> Honoring the young victims of the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church bombing, recognizing the historical significance of the tragic event, and commending the efforts of law enforcement personnel to bring the perpetrators of this crime to justice on the occasion of its 40th anniversary. </title> <congress> 108 </congress> <number> 389 </number> <type> HRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-10-06 </actionDate> <text> Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection. </text> <actionTime> 15:46:33 </actionTime> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Identical bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-10 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11012-11017; text as passed Senate: CR S11016; text of measure as introduced: CR S11108-11109) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-10 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S11012-11017; text as passed Senate: CR S11016; text of measure as introduced: CR S11108-11109) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-10 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> S001141 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Sessions, Jeff [R-AL] </fullName> <firstName> Jeff </firstName> <lastName> Sessions </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AL </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> S000320 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Shelby, Richard C. [R-AL] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Shelby </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AL </state> <middleName> C. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Alabama </name> </item> <item> <name> Attorneys general </name> </item> <item> <name> Bombings </name> </item> <item> <name> Churches </name> </item> <item> <name> Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Crime and Law Enforcement </name> </item> <item> <name> Criminal investigation </name> </item> <item> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </item> <item> <name> History </name> </item> <item> <name> Law </name> </item> <item> <name> Law enforcement officers </name> </item> <item> <name> Minorities </name> </item> <item> <name> Murder </name> </item> <item> <name> Police </name> </item> <item> <name> Prosecution </name> </item> <item> <name> Racial violence </name> </item> <item> <name> Religion </name> </item> <item> <name> Victims of crimes </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-10-10 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-12-10T14:55:21Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Recognizes the 40th anniversary of the bombing of the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church of Birmingham, Alabama. Honors the victims (Addie Mae Collins, Denise McNair, Carole Robertson, and Cynthia Wesley) and commends the efforts of the law enforcement personnel who worked to bring those responsible to justice.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-10-10 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2005-01-21T17:44:26Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Recognizes the 40th anniversary of the bombing of the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church of Birmingham, Alabama. Honors the victims (Addie Mae Collins, Denise McNair, Carole Robertson, and Cynthia Wesley) and commends the efforts of the law enforcement personnel who worked to bring those responsible to justice.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution honoring the young victims of the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church bombing recognizing the historical significance of the tragic event, and commending the efforts of law enforcement personnel to bring the perpetrators of this crime to justice on the occasion of its 40th anniversary. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution honoring the young victims of the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church bombing recognizing the historical significance of the tragic event, and commending the efforts of law enforcement personnel to bring the perpetrators of this crime to justice on the occasion of its 40th anniversary. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution honoring the young victims of the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church bombing recognizing the historical significance of the tragic event, and commending the efforts of law enforcement personnel to bring the perpetrators of this crime to justice on the occasion of its 40th anniversary. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2004-10-10T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres460ats/xml/BILLS-108sres460ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-10-10 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11012-11017; text as passed Senate: CR S11016; text of measure as introduced: CR S11108-11109) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. 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[R-AL]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Shelby", "middle_name": "C.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "AL" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2004-10-10", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-10", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11012-11017; text as passed Senate: CR S11016; text of measure as introduced: CR S11108-11109)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 460, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Commemorations", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 108, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-06", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": null }, "number": 389, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Identical bill" } ], "title": "Honoring the young victims of the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church bombing, recognizing the historical significance of the tragic event, and commending the efforts of law enforcement personnel to bring the perpetrators of this crime to justice on the occasion of its 40th anniversary.", "type": "HRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "S001141", "district": null, "first_name": "Jeff", "full_name": "Sen. Sessions, Jeff [R-AL]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Sessions", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "AL" } ], "subjects": [ "Alabama", "Attorneys general", "Bombings", "Churches", "Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Crime and Law Enforcement", "Criminal investigation", "Government Operations and Politics", "History", "Law", "Law enforcement officers", "Minorities", "Murder", "Police", "Prosecution", "Racial violence", "Religion", "Victims of crimes" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2004-10-10", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Recognizes the 40th anniversary of the bombing of the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church of Birmingham, Alabama. Honors the victims (Addie Mae Collins, Denise McNair, Carole Robertson, and Cynthia Wesley) and commends the efforts of the law enforcement personnel who worked to bring those responsible to justice.</p>", "update_date": "2004-12-10T14:55:21Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-10-10", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Recognizes the 40th anniversary of the bombing of the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church of Birmingham, Alabama. Honors the victims (Addie Mae Collins, Denise McNair, Carole Robertson, and Cynthia Wesley) and commends the efforts of the law enforcement personnel who worked to bring those responsible to justice.</p>", "update_date": "2005-01-21T17:44:26Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2004-10-10T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres460ats/xml/BILLS-108sres460ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution honoring the young victims of the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church bombing recognizing the historical significance of the tragic event, and commending the efforts of law enforcement personnel to bring the perpetrators of this crime to justice on the occasion of its 40th anniversary.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution honoring the young victims of the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church bombing recognizing the historical significance of the tragic event, and commending the efforts of law enforcement personnel to bring the perpetrators of this crime to justice on the occasion of its 40th anniversary.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution honoring the young victims of the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church bombing recognizing the historical significance of the tragic event, and commending the efforts of law enforcement personnel to bring the perpetrators of this crime to justice on the occasion of its 40th anniversary.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2021-09-29T22:08:29Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-13T17:59:06Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "congress": 108, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-06", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": null }, "number": 389, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Identical bill" } ], "title": "Honoring the young victims of the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church bombing, recognizing the historical significance of the tragic event, and commending the efforts of law enforcement personnel to bring the perpetrators of this crime to justice on the occasion of its 40th anniversary.", "type": "HRES" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11012-11017; text as passed Senate: CR S11016; text of measure as introduced: CR S11108-11109)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-10-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S11012-11017; text as passed Senate: CR S11016; text of measure as introduced: CR S11108-11109)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-10-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "S001141", "district": null, "first_name": "Jeff", "full_name": "Sen. Sessions, Jeff [R-AL]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Sessions", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "AL" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "S000320", "district": null, "first_name": "Richard", "full_name": "Sen. Shelby, Richard C. [R-AL]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Shelby", "middle_name": "C.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "AL" } ]
[ "Alabama", "Attorneys general", "Bombings", "Churches", "Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Crime and Law Enforcement", "Criminal investigation", "Government Operations and Politics", "History", "Law", "Law enforcement officers", "Minorities", "Murder", "Police", "Prosecution", "Racial violence", "Religion", "Victims of crimes" ]
[ { "action_date": "2004-10-10", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Recognizes the 40th anniversary of the bombing of the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church of Birmingham, Alabama. Honors the victims (Addie Mae Collins, Denise McNair, Carole Robertson, and Cynthia Wesley) and commends the efforts of the law enforcement personnel who worked to bring those responsible to justice.</p>", "update_date": "2004-12-10T14:55:21Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-10-10", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Recognizes the 40th anniversary of the bombing of the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church of Birmingham, Alabama. Honors the victims (Addie Mae Collins, Denise McNair, Carole Robertson, and Cynthia Wesley) and commends the efforts of the law enforcement personnel who worked to bring those responsible to justice.</p>", "update_date": "2005-01-21T17:44:26Z", "version_code": "82" } ]
A resolution honoring the young victims of the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church bombing recognizing the historical significance of the tragic event, and commending the efforts of law enforcement personnel to bring the perpetrators of this crime to justice on the occasion of its 40th anniversary.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution honoring the young victims of the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church bombing recognizing the historical significance of the tragic event, and commending the efforts of law enforcement personnel to bring the perpetrators of this crime to justice on the occasion of its 40th anniversary.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution honoring the young victims of the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church bombing recognizing the historical significance of the tragic event, and commending the efforts of law enforcement personnel to bring the perpetrators of this crime to justice on the occasion of its 40th anniversary.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-10-10T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres460ats/xml/BILLS-108sres460ats.xml" } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-10", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11012-11017; text as passed Senate: CR S11016; text of measure as introduced: CR S11108-11109)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-18 14:52:00.735
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 461 </number> <updateDate> 2021-09-29T22:08:29Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-13T17:59:06Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2004-10-10 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-10 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11012-11017; text as passed Senate: CR S11016-11017; text of measure as introduced: CR S11109) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-10 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S11012-11017; text as passed Senate: CR S11016-11017; text of measure as introduced: CR S11109) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-10 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> D000407 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Domenici, Pete V. [R-NM] </fullName> <firstName> PETE </firstName> <lastName> DOMENICI </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NM </state> <middleName> VICHI </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> D000388 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Dodd, Christopher J. [D-CT] </fullName> <firstName> CHRISTOPHER </firstName> <lastName> DODD </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CT </state> <middleName> JOHN </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000567 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Cochran, Thad [R-MS] </fullName> <firstName> Thad </firstName> <lastName> Cochran </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MS </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000432 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Dorgan, Byron L. [D-ND] </fullName> <firstName> BYRON </firstName> <lastName> DORGAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> ND </state> <middleName> LESLIE </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001066 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Bunning, Jim [R-KY] </fullName> <firstName> JIM </firstName> <lastName> BUNNING </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KY </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000705 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Conrad, Kent [D-ND] </fullName> <firstName> KENT </firstName> <lastName> CONRAD </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> ND </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000077 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Campbell, Ben Nighthorse [R-CO] </fullName> <firstName> BEN </firstName> <lastName> CAMPBELL </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CO </state> <middleName> NIGHTHORSE </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000361 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Rockefeller, John D., IV [D-WV] </fullName> <firstName> JAY </firstName> <lastName> ROCKEFELLER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WV </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000154 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Warner, John [R-VA] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> WARNER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> WILLIAM </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000148 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Kerry, John F. [D-MA] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> KERRY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> FORBES </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000442 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Fitzgerald, Peter [R-IL] </fullName> <firstName> PETER </firstName> <lastName> FITZGERALD </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IL </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000550 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Landrieu, Mary L. [D-LA] </fullName> <firstName> MARY </firstName> <lastName> LANDRIEU </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> LA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001028 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hagel, Chuck [R-NE] </fullName> <firstName> CHUCK </firstName> <lastName> HAGEL </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NE </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000105 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Kennedy, Edward M. [D-MA] </fullName> <firstName> EDWARD </firstName> <lastName> KENNEDY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> MOORE </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> I000024 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Inhofe, James M. [R-OK] </fullName> <firstName> Jim </firstName> <lastName> Inhofe </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OK </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000444 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Biden, Joseph R., Jr. [D-DE] </fullName> <firstName> JOSEPH </firstName> <lastName> BIDEN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> DE </state> <middleName> ROBINETTE </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000294 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. DeWine, Mike [R-OH] </fullName> <firstName> MICHAEL </firstName> <lastName> DEWINE </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000177 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Johnson, Tim [D-SD] </fullName> <firstName> TIM </firstName> <lastName> JOHNSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> SD </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000447 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Lott, Trent [R-MS] </fullName> <firstName> CHESTER </firstName> <lastName> LOTT </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MS </state> <middleName> TRENT </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> A000069 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Akaka, Daniel K. [D-HI] </fullName> <firstName> DANIEL </firstName> <lastName> AKAKA </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> HI </state> <middleName> KOHIKINA </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> A000360 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Alexander, Lamar [R-TN] </fullName> <firstName> Lamar </firstName> <lastName> Alexander </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TN </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000563 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Durbin, Richard J. [D-IL] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Durbin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000953 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Brownback, Sam [R-KS] </fullName> <firstName> SAM </firstName> <lastName> BROWNBACK </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KS </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001141 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Sessions, Jeff [R-AL] </fullName> <firstName> Jeff </firstName> <lastName> Sessions </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AL </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000261 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Levin, Carl [D-MI] </fullName> <firstName> CARL </firstName> <lastName> LEVIN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <middleName> MILTON </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000601 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Dole, Elizabeth [R-NC] </fullName> <firstName> Elizabeth </firstName> <lastName> Dole </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NC </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000064 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Sarbanes, Paul S. [D-MD] </fullName> <firstName> PAUL </firstName> <lastName> SARBANES </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> SPYROS </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000024 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Talent, Jim [R-MO] </fullName> <firstName> JIM </firstName> <lastName> TALENT </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MO </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000770 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Stabenow, Debbie [D-MI] </fullName> <firstName> Debbie </firstName> <lastName> Stabenow </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001153 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Murkowski, Lisa [R-AK] </fullName> <firstName> Lisa </firstName> <lastName> Murkowski </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AK </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001233 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Bayh, Evan [D-IN] </fullName> <firstName> EVAN </firstName> <lastName> BAYH </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IN </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> A000121 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Allen, George [R-VA] </fullName> <firstName> GEORGE </firstName> <lastName> ALLEN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> F. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000304 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Lieberman, Joseph I. [D-CT] </fullName> <firstName> JOSEPH </firstName> <lastName> LIEBERMAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CT </state> <middleName> I. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> E000285 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Enzi, Michael B. [R-WY] </fullName> <firstName> MICHAEL </firstName> <lastName> ENZI </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> WY </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Civics education </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Ethics </name> </item> <item> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </item> <item> <name> Special weeks </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-10-10 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-12-10T14:54:42Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Designates the week beginning October 17, 2004, as National Character Counts Week. &lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-10-10 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2005-01-21T17:57:41Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Designates the week beginning October 17, 2004, as National Character Counts Week.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution designating the week beginning of October 17, 2004, as "National Character Counts Week". </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution designating the week beginning of October 17, 2004, as "National Character Counts Week". </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution designating the week beginning of October 17, 2004, as "National Character Counts Week". </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2004-10-10T04:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-10-10 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11012-11017; text as passed Senate: CR S11016-11017; text of measure as introduced: CR S11109) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11012-11017; text as passed Senate: CR S11016-11017; text of measure as introduced: CR S11109)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-10-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S11012-11017; text as passed Senate: CR S11016-11017; text of measure as introduced: CR S11109)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-10-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "D000388", "district": null, "first_name": "CHRISTOPHER", "full_name": "Sen. Dodd, Christopher J. [D-CT]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DODD", "middle_name": "JOHN", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "CT" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000567", "district": null, "first_name": "Thad", "full_name": "Sen. Cochran, Thad [R-MS]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Cochran", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "MS" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000432", "district": null, "first_name": "BYRON", "full_name": "Sen. Dorgan, Byron L. [D-ND]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DORGAN", "middle_name": "LESLIE", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "ND" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001066", "district": null, "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Sen. Bunning, Jim [R-KY]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BUNNING", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "KY" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000705", "district": null, "first_name": "KENT", "full_name": "Sen. Conrad, Kent [D-ND]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CONRAD", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "ND" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000077", "district": null, "first_name": "BEN", "full_name": "Sen. Campbell, Ben Nighthorse [R-CO]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CAMPBELL", "middle_name": "NIGHTHORSE", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "CO" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000361", "district": null, "first_name": "JAY", "full_name": "Sen. Rockefeller, John D., IV [D-WV]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ROCKEFELLER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "WV" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000154", "district": null, "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Sen. Warner, John [R-VA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WARNER", "middle_name": "WILLIAM", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000148", "district": null, "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Sen. Kerry, John F. [D-MA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KERRY", "middle_name": "FORBES", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000442", "district": null, "first_name": "PETER", "full_name": "Sen. Fitzgerald, Peter [R-IL]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FITZGERALD", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000550", "district": null, "first_name": "MARY", "full_name": "Sen. Landrieu, Mary L. 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[D-MD]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SARBANES", "middle_name": "SPYROS", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000024", "district": null, "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Sen. Talent, Jim [R-MO]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "TALENT", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "MO" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000770", "district": null, "first_name": "Debbie", "full_name": "Sen. Stabenow, Debbie [D-MI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Stabenow", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001153", "district": null, "first_name": "Lisa", "full_name": "Sen. Murkowski, Lisa [R-AK]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Murkowski", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "AK" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001233", "district": null, "first_name": "EVAN", "full_name": "Sen. Bayh, Evan [D-IN]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BAYH", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "A000121", "district": null, "first_name": "GEORGE", "full_name": "Sen. Allen, George [R-VA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ALLEN", "middle_name": "F.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000304", "district": null, "first_name": "JOSEPH", "full_name": "Sen. Lieberman, Joseph I. [D-CT]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LIEBERMAN", "middle_name": "I.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "CT" }, { "bioguide_id": "E000285", "district": null, "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Sen. Enzi, Michael B. [R-WY]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ENZI", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "WY" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2004-10-10", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-10", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11012-11017; text as passed Senate: CR S11016-11017; text of measure as introduced: CR S11109)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 461, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Commemorations", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "D000407", "district": null, "first_name": "PETE", "full_name": "Sen. Domenici, Pete V. [R-NM]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "DOMENICI", "middle_name": "VICHI", "party": "R", "state": "NM" } ], "subjects": [ "Civics education", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Ethics", "Government Operations and Politics", "Special weeks" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2004-10-10", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Designates the week beginning October 17, 2004, as National Character Counts Week. </p>", "update_date": "2004-12-10T14:54:42Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-10-10", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Designates the week beginning October 17, 2004, as National Character Counts Week.</p>", "update_date": "2005-01-21T17:57:41Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2004-10-10T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": null } ], "title": "A resolution designating the week beginning of October 17, 2004, as \"National Character Counts Week\".", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating the week beginning of October 17, 2004, as \"National Character Counts Week\".", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating the week beginning of October 17, 2004, as \"National Character Counts Week\".", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2021-09-29T22:08:29Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-13T17:59:06Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11012-11017; text as passed Senate: CR S11016-11017; text of measure as introduced: CR S11109)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-10-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S11012-11017; text as passed Senate: CR S11016-11017; text of measure as introduced: CR S11109)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-10-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "D000407", "district": null, "first_name": "PETE", "full_name": "Sen. Domenici, Pete V. [R-NM]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "DOMENICI", "middle_name": "VICHI", "party": "R", "state": "NM" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "D000388", "district": null, "first_name": "CHRISTOPHER", "full_name": "Sen. Dodd, Christopher J. [D-CT]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DODD", "middle_name": "JOHN", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "CT" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000567", "district": null, "first_name": "Thad", "full_name": "Sen. Cochran, Thad [R-MS]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Cochran", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "MS" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000432", "district": null, "first_name": "BYRON", "full_name": "Sen. Dorgan, Byron L. [D-ND]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DORGAN", "middle_name": "LESLIE", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "ND" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001066", "district": null, "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Sen. Bunning, Jim [R-KY]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BUNNING", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "KY" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000705", "district": null, "first_name": "KENT", "full_name": "Sen. Conrad, Kent [D-ND]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CONRAD", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "ND" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000077", "district": null, "first_name": "BEN", "full_name": "Sen. Campbell, Ben Nighthorse [R-CO]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CAMPBELL", "middle_name": "NIGHTHORSE", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "CO" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000361", "district": null, "first_name": "JAY", "full_name": "Sen. Rockefeller, John D., IV [D-WV]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ROCKEFELLER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "WV" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000154", "district": null, "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Sen. Warner, John [R-VA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WARNER", "middle_name": "WILLIAM", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000148", "district": null, "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Sen. Kerry, John F. [D-MA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KERRY", "middle_name": "FORBES", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000442", "district": null, "first_name": "PETER", "full_name": "Sen. 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[ "Civics education", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Ethics", "Government Operations and Politics", "Special weeks" ]
[ { "action_date": "2004-10-10", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Designates the week beginning October 17, 2004, as National Character Counts Week. </p>", "update_date": "2004-12-10T14:54:42Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-10-10", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Designates the week beginning October 17, 2004, as National Character Counts Week.</p>", "update_date": "2005-01-21T17:57:41Z", "version_code": "82" } ]
A resolution designating the week beginning of October 17, 2004, as "National Character Counts Week".
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating the week beginning of October 17, 2004, as \"National Character Counts Week\".", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating the week beginning of October 17, 2004, as \"National Character Counts Week\".", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-10-10T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-10", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11012-11017; text as passed Senate: CR S11016-11017; text of measure as introduced: CR S11109)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-18 14:52:00.559
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 462 </number> <updateDate> 2021-09-29T22:08:29Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-13T17:59:06Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2004-10-10 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <relatedBills> <item> <title> A concurrent resolution recognizing the significant achievements of the people and Government of Afghanistan since the Emergency Loya Jirga was held in June 2002 in establishing the foundation and means to hold presidential elections on October 9, 2004. </title> <congress> 108 </congress> <number> 142 </number> <type> SCONRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-10-08 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S10864) </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Identical bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-10 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11012-11017; text as passed Senate: CR S11017; text of measure as introduced: CR S11109) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-10 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S11012-11017; text as passed Senate: CR S11017; text of measure as introduced: CR S11109) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-10 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> H001028 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hagel, Chuck [R-NE] </fullName> <firstName> CHUCK </firstName> <lastName> HAGEL </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NE </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> L000504 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Lugar, Richard G. [R-IN] </fullName> <firstName> RICHARD </firstName> <lastName> LUGAR </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IN </state> <middleName> GREEN </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000444 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Biden, Joseph R., Jr. [D-DE] </fullName> <firstName> JOSEPH </firstName> <lastName> BIDEN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> DE </state> <middleName> ROBINETTE </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000174 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Leahy, Patrick J. [D-VT] </fullName> <firstName> Patrick </firstName> <lastName> Leahy </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VT </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000303 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. McCain, John [R-AZ] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> MCCAIN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AZ </state> <middleName> SIDNEY </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001078 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Sununu, John E. [R-NH] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Sununu </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NH </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000388 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Dodd, Christopher J. [D-CT] </fullName> <firstName> CHRISTOPHER </firstName> <lastName> DODD </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CT </state> <middleName> JOHN </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Afghanistan </name> </item> <item> <name> Armed Forces and National Security </name> </item> <item> <name> Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues </name> </item> <item> <name> Commemorations </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Democracy </name> </item> <item> <name> Foreign leaders </name> </item> <item> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </item> <item> <name> Human rights </name> </item> <item> <name> Peace </name> </item> <item> <name> Presidential elections </name> </item> <item> <name> South Asia </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-10-10 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-10-28T19:54:05Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Expresses the sense of the Senate that the United States: (1) applauds the steadfast commitment of the people of Afghanistan to achieve government through democracy; (2) strongly supports self-government and the protection of human rights and freedom of conscience for all men and women in Afghanistan; and (3) remains committed to a long-term partnership with the people of Afghanistan and to a peaceful future for Afghanistan. &lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-10-10 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-10-29T21:34:31Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Expresses the sense of the Senate that the United States: (1) applauds the steadfast commitment of the people of Afghanistan to achieve government through democracy; (2) strongly supports self-government and the protection of human rights and freedom of conscience for all men and women in Afghanistan; and (3) remains committed to a long-term partnership with the people of Afghanistan and to a peaceful future for Afghanistan. &lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution recognizing the significant achievement of the people and Government of Afghanistan since the Emergency Loya Jirga was held in June 2002 in establishing the foundation and means to hold presidential elections on October 9, 2004. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution recognizing the significant achievement of the people and Government of Afghanistan since the Emergency Loya Jirga was held in June 2002 in establishing the foundation and means to hold presidential elections on October 9, 2004. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution recognizing the significant achievement of the people and Government of Afghanistan since the Emergency Loya Jirga was held in June 2002 in establishing the foundation and means to hold presidential elections on October 9, 2004. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2004-10-10T04:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-10-10 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11012-11017; text as passed Senate: CR S11017; text of measure as introduced: CR S11109) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11012-11017; text as passed Senate: CR S11017; text of measure as introduced: CR S11109)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-10-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S11012-11017; text as passed Senate: CR S11017; text of measure as introduced: CR S11109)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-10-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "L000504", "district": null, "first_name": "RICHARD", "full_name": "Sen. Lugar, Richard G. [R-IN]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LUGAR", "middle_name": "GREEN", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000444", "district": null, "first_name": "JOSEPH", "full_name": "Sen. Biden, Joseph R., Jr. [D-DE]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BIDEN", "middle_name": "ROBINETTE", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "DE" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000174", "district": null, "first_name": "Patrick", "full_name": "Sen. Leahy, Patrick J. [D-VT]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Leahy", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "VT" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000303", "district": null, "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Sen. McCain, John [R-AZ]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MCCAIN", "middle_name": "SIDNEY", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "AZ" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001078", "district": null, "first_name": "John", "full_name": "Sen. Sununu, John E. [R-NH]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Sununu", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "NH" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000388", "district": null, "first_name": "CHRISTOPHER", "full_name": "Sen. Dodd, Christopher J. [D-CT]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DODD", "middle_name": "JOHN", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "CT" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2004-10-10", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-10", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11012-11017; text as passed Senate: CR S11017; text of measure as introduced: CR S11109)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 462, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "International Affairs", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 108, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-08", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S10864)", "type": null }, "number": 142, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Identical bill" } ], "title": "A concurrent resolution recognizing the significant achievements of the people and Government of Afghanistan since the Emergency Loya Jirga was held in June 2002 in establishing the foundation and means to hold presidential elections on October 9, 2004.", "type": "SCONRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "H001028", "district": null, "first_name": "CHUCK", "full_name": "Sen. Hagel, Chuck [R-NE]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "HAGEL", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "NE" } ], "subjects": [ "Afghanistan", "Armed Forces and National Security", "Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues", "Commemorations", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Democracy", "Foreign leaders", "Government Operations and Politics", "Human rights", "Peace", "Presidential elections", "South Asia" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2004-10-10", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Expresses the sense of the Senate that the United States: (1) applauds the steadfast commitment of the people of Afghanistan to achieve government through democracy; (2) strongly supports self-government and the protection of human rights and freedom of conscience for all men and women in Afghanistan; and (3) remains committed to a long-term partnership with the people of Afghanistan and to a peaceful future for Afghanistan. </p>", "update_date": "2004-10-28T19:54:05Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-10-10", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Expresses the sense of the Senate that the United States: (1) applauds the steadfast commitment of the people of Afghanistan to achieve government through democracy; (2) strongly supports self-government and the protection of human rights and freedom of conscience for all men and women in Afghanistan; and (3) remains committed to a long-term partnership with the people of Afghanistan and to a peaceful future for Afghanistan. </p>", "update_date": "2004-10-29T21:34:31Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2004-10-10T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": null } ], "title": "A resolution recognizing the significant achievement of the people and Government of Afghanistan since the Emergency Loya Jirga was held in June 2002 in establishing the foundation and means to hold presidential elections on October 9, 2004.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution recognizing the significant achievement of the people and Government of Afghanistan since the Emergency Loya Jirga was held in June 2002 in establishing the foundation and means to hold presidential elections on October 9, 2004.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution recognizing the significant achievement of the people and Government of Afghanistan since the Emergency Loya Jirga was held in June 2002 in establishing the foundation and means to hold presidential elections on October 9, 2004.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2021-09-29T22:08:29Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-13T17:59:06Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "congress": 108, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-08", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S10864)", "type": null }, "number": 142, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Identical bill" } ], "title": "A concurrent resolution recognizing the significant achievements of the people and Government of Afghanistan since the Emergency Loya Jirga was held in June 2002 in establishing the foundation and means to hold presidential elections on October 9, 2004.", "type": "SCONRES" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11012-11017; text as passed Senate: CR S11017; text of measure as introduced: CR S11109)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-10-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S11012-11017; text as passed Senate: CR S11017; text of measure as introduced: CR S11109)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-10-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "H001028", "district": null, "first_name": "CHUCK", "full_name": "Sen. Hagel, Chuck [R-NE]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "HAGEL", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "NE" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "L000504", "district": null, "first_name": "RICHARD", "full_name": "Sen. Lugar, Richard G. [R-IN]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LUGAR", "middle_name": "GREEN", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000444", "district": null, "first_name": "JOSEPH", "full_name": "Sen. Biden, Joseph R., Jr. [D-DE]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BIDEN", "middle_name": "ROBINETTE", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "DE" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000174", "district": null, "first_name": "Patrick", "full_name": "Sen. Leahy, Patrick J. [D-VT]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Leahy", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "VT" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000303", "district": null, "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Sen. McCain, John [R-AZ]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MCCAIN", "middle_name": "SIDNEY", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "AZ" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001078", "district": null, "first_name": "John", "full_name": "Sen. Sununu, John E. [R-NH]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Sununu", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "NH" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000388", "district": null, "first_name": "CHRISTOPHER", "full_name": "Sen. Dodd, Christopher J. [D-CT]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DODD", "middle_name": "JOHN", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-10", "state": "CT" } ]
International Affairs
[ "Afghanistan", "Armed Forces and National Security", "Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues", "Commemorations", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Democracy", "Foreign leaders", "Government Operations and Politics", "Human rights", "Peace", "Presidential elections", "South Asia" ]
[ { "action_date": "2004-10-10", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Expresses the sense of the Senate that the United States: (1) applauds the steadfast commitment of the people of Afghanistan to achieve government through democracy; (2) strongly supports self-government and the protection of human rights and freedom of conscience for all men and women in Afghanistan; and (3) remains committed to a long-term partnership with the people of Afghanistan and to a peaceful future for Afghanistan. </p>", "update_date": "2004-10-28T19:54:05Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-10-10", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Expresses the sense of the Senate that the United States: (1) applauds the steadfast commitment of the people of Afghanistan to achieve government through democracy; (2) strongly supports self-government and the protection of human rights and freedom of conscience for all men and women in Afghanistan; and (3) remains committed to a long-term partnership with the people of Afghanistan and to a peaceful future for Afghanistan. </p>", "update_date": "2004-10-29T21:34:31Z", "version_code": "82" } ]
A resolution recognizing the significant achievement of the people and Government of Afghanistan since the Emergency Loya Jirga was held in June 2002 in establishing the foundation and means to hold presidential elections on October 9, 2004.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution recognizing the significant achievement of the people and Government of Afghanistan since the Emergency Loya Jirga was held in June 2002 in establishing the foundation and means to hold presidential elections on October 9, 2004.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution recognizing the significant achievement of the people and Government of Afghanistan since the Emergency Loya Jirga was held in June 2002 in establishing the foundation and means to hold presidential elections on October 9, 2004.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-10-10T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-10", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11012-11017; text as passed Senate: CR S11017; text of measure as introduced: CR S11109)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-18 14:52:00.701
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 463 </number> <updateDate> 2021-09-29T22:08:29Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-13T17:59:05Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2004-10-10 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-10 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11017-11019; text as passed Senate: CR S11017; text of measure as introduced: CR S11109-11110) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-10 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S11017-11019; text as passed Senate: CR S11017; text of measure as introduced: CR S11109-11110) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-10 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> L000447 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Lott, Trent [R-MS] </fullName> <firstName> CHESTER </firstName> <lastName> LOTT </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MS </state> <middleName> TRENT </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <policyArea> <name> Congress </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Congressional committees (Senate) </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional publications </name> </item> <item> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </item> <item> <name> Senate Rules and Administration </name> </item> <item> <name> Senate rules and procedure </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Congress </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-10-10 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-12-03T20:22:30Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Requires the printing of a revised edition of the Senate Rules and Manual for the 109th Congress.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-10-10 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-12-03T20:22:42Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Requires the printing of a revised edition of the Senate Rules and Manual for the 109th Congress.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution authorizing the printing of a revised edition of the Senate Rules and Manual. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution authorizing the printing of a revised edition of the Senate Rules and Manual. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution authorizing the printing of a revised edition of the Senate Rules and Manual. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2004-10-10T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres463ats/xml/BILLS-108sres463ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-10-10 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11017-11019; text as passed Senate: CR S11017; text of measure as introduced: CR S11109-11110) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11017-11019; text as passed Senate: CR S11017; text of measure as introduced: CR S11109-11110)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-10-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S11017-11019; text as passed Senate: CR S11017; text of measure as introduced: CR S11109-11110)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-10-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2004-10-10", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-10", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11017-11019; text as passed Senate: CR S11017; text of measure as introduced: CR S11109-11110)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 463, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Congress", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "L000447", "district": null, "first_name": "CHESTER", "full_name": "Sen. Lott, Trent [R-MS]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "LOTT", "middle_name": "TRENT", "party": "R", "state": "MS" } ], "subjects": [ "Congressional committees (Senate)", "Congressional publications", "Government Operations and Politics", "Senate Rules and Administration", "Senate rules and procedure" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2004-10-10", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Requires the printing of a revised edition of the Senate Rules and Manual for the 109th Congress.</p>", "update_date": "2004-12-03T20:22:30Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-10-10", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Requires the printing of a revised edition of the Senate Rules and Manual for the 109th Congress.</p>", "update_date": "2004-12-03T20:22:42Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2004-10-10T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres463ats/xml/BILLS-108sres463ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution authorizing the printing of a revised edition of the Senate Rules and Manual.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution authorizing the printing of a revised edition of the Senate Rules and Manual.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution authorizing the printing of a revised edition of the Senate Rules and Manual.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2021-09-29T22:08:29Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-13T17:59:05Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11017-11019; text as passed Senate: CR S11017; text of measure as introduced: CR S11109-11110)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-10-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S11017-11019; text as passed Senate: CR S11017; text of measure as introduced: CR S11109-11110)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-10-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "L000447", "district": null, "first_name": "CHESTER", "full_name": "Sen. Lott, Trent [R-MS]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "LOTT", "middle_name": "TRENT", "party": "R", "state": "MS" } ]
[ "Congressional committees (Senate)", "Congressional publications", "Government Operations and Politics", "Senate Rules and Administration", "Senate rules and procedure" ]
[ { "action_date": "2004-10-10", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Requires the printing of a revised edition of the Senate Rules and Manual for the 109th Congress.</p>", "update_date": "2004-12-03T20:22:30Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-10-10", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Requires the printing of a revised edition of the Senate Rules and Manual for the 109th Congress.</p>", "update_date": "2004-12-03T20:22:42Z", "version_code": "82" } ]
A resolution authorizing the printing of a revised edition of the Senate Rules and Manual.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution authorizing the printing of a revised edition of the Senate Rules and Manual.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution authorizing the printing of a revised edition of the Senate Rules and Manual.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-10-10T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres463ats/xml/BILLS-108sres463ats.xml" } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-10", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11017-11019; text as passed Senate: CR S11017; text of measure as introduced: CR S11109-11110)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-18 14:52:00.632
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 464 </number> <updateDate> 2021-09-29T22:08:29Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-13T17:59:05Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2004-10-11 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-11 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11222-11223; text as passed Senate: CR S11222-11223; text of measure as introduced: CR S11310) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-11 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S11222-11223; text as passed Senate: CR S11222-11223; text of measure as introduced: CR S11310) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-11 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> B000711 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Boxer, Barbara [D-CA] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> BOXER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <policyArea> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Armed Forces and National Security </name> </item> <item> <name> Armed forces reserves </name> </item> <item> <name> Crime and Law Enforcement </name> </item> <item> <name> Economics and Public Finance </name> </item> <item> <name> Emergency Management </name> </item> <item> <name> Emergency medicine </name> </item> <item> <name> Health </name> </item> <item> <name> Income tax </name> </item> <item> <name> Intergovernmental fiscal relations </name> </item> <item> <name> Labor and Employment </name> </item> <item> <name> Local employees </name> </item> <item> <name> Municipal services </name> </item> <item> <name> National Guard </name> </item> <item> <name> Police </name> </item> <item> <name> Rescue work </name> </item> <item> <name> Salaries </name> </item> <item> <name> State employees </name> </item> <item> <name> Tax credits </name> </item> <item> <name> Taxation </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-10-11 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-10-29T19:31:41Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Calls for: (1) the Senate to reiterate its support for reimbursing State and local governments for closing the pay gap for first responders who are called to active duty in the National Guard and Reserves by considering expanding employer tax relief provisions to cover State and local governments; and (2) the President to consider including such a proposal in his FY 2006 Budget.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-10-11 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-10-29T20:17:07Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Calls for: (1) the Senate to reiterate its support for reimbursing State and local governments for closing the pay gap for first responders who are called to active duty in the National Guard and Reserves by considering expanding employer tax relief provisions to cover State and local governments; and (2) the President to consider including such a proposal in his FY 2006 Budget.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution relating to refundable tax credits for municipalities. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution relating to refundable tax credits for municipalities. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution relating to refundable tax credits for municipalities. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2004-10-11T04:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-10-11 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11222-11223; text as passed Senate: CR S11222-11223; text of measure as introduced: CR S11310) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11222-11223; text as passed Senate: CR S11222-11223; text of measure as introduced: CR S11310)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-10-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S11222-11223; text as passed Senate: CR S11222-11223; text of measure as introduced: CR S11310)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-10-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2004-10-11", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-11", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11222-11223; text as passed Senate: CR S11222-11223; text of measure as introduced: CR S11310)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 464, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Government Operations and Politics", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "B000711", "district": null, "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Sen. Boxer, Barbara [D-CA]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "BOXER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "CA" } ], "subjects": [ "Armed Forces and National Security", "Armed forces reserves", "Crime and Law Enforcement", "Economics and Public Finance", "Emergency Management", "Emergency medicine", "Health", "Income tax", "Intergovernmental fiscal relations", "Labor and Employment", "Local employees", "Municipal services", "National Guard", "Police", "Rescue work", "Salaries", "State employees", "Tax credits", "Taxation" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2004-10-11", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Calls for: (1) the Senate to reiterate its support for reimbursing State and local governments for closing the pay gap for first responders who are called to active duty in the National Guard and Reserves by considering expanding employer tax relief provisions to cover State and local governments; and (2) the President to consider including such a proposal in his FY 2006 Budget.</p>", "update_date": "2004-10-29T19:31:41Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-10-11", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Calls for: (1) the Senate to reiterate its support for reimbursing State and local governments for closing the pay gap for first responders who are called to active duty in the National Guard and Reserves by considering expanding employer tax relief provisions to cover State and local governments; and (2) the President to consider including such a proposal in his FY 2006 Budget.</p>", "update_date": "2004-10-29T20:17:07Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2004-10-11T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": null } ], "title": "A resolution relating to refundable tax credits for municipalities.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution relating to refundable tax credits for municipalities.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution relating to refundable tax credits for municipalities.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2021-09-29T22:08:29Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-13T17:59:05Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11222-11223; text as passed Senate: CR S11222-11223; text of measure as introduced: CR S11310)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-10-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S11222-11223; text as passed Senate: CR S11222-11223; text of measure as introduced: CR S11310)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-10-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "B000711", "district": null, "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Sen. Boxer, Barbara [D-CA]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "BOXER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "CA" } ]
Government Operations and Politics
[ "Armed Forces and National Security", "Armed forces reserves", "Crime and Law Enforcement", "Economics and Public Finance", "Emergency Management", "Emergency medicine", "Health", "Income tax", "Intergovernmental fiscal relations", "Labor and Employment", "Local employees", "Municipal services", "National Guard", "Police", "Rescue work", "Salaries", "State employees", "Tax credits", "Taxation" ]
[ { "action_date": "2004-10-11", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Calls for: (1) the Senate to reiterate its support for reimbursing State and local governments for closing the pay gap for first responders who are called to active duty in the National Guard and Reserves by considering expanding employer tax relief provisions to cover State and local governments; and (2) the President to consider including such a proposal in his FY 2006 Budget.</p>", "update_date": "2004-10-29T19:31:41Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-10-11", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Calls for: (1) the Senate to reiterate its support for reimbursing State and local governments for closing the pay gap for first responders who are called to active duty in the National Guard and Reserves by considering expanding employer tax relief provisions to cover State and local governments; and (2) the President to consider including such a proposal in his FY 2006 Budget.</p>", "update_date": "2004-10-29T20:17:07Z", "version_code": "82" } ]
A resolution relating to refundable tax credits for municipalities.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution relating to refundable tax credits for municipalities.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution relating to refundable tax credits for municipalities.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-10-11T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-11", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11222-11223; text as passed Senate: CR S11222-11223; text of measure as introduced: CR S11310)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-18 14:52:00.595
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 465 </number> <updateDate> 2021-09-29T22:08:29Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-13T17:59:05Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2004-10-11 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-11 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11229; text as passed Senate: CR S11229; text of measure as introduced: CR S11310) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-11 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S11229; text as passed Senate: CR S11229; text of measure as introduced: CR S11310) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-11 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> H000206 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Harkin, Tom [D-IA] </fullName> <firstName> THOMAS </firstName> <lastName> HARKIN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IA </state> <middleName> RICHARD </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <policyArea> <name> Agriculture and Food </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Agricultural conservation </name> </item> <item> <name> Animals </name> </item> <item> <name> Appropriations </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Crop insurance </name> </item> <item> <name> Disaster relief </name> </item> <item> <name> Economics and Public Finance </name> </item> <item> <name> Emergency Management </name> </item> <item> <name> Environmental Protection </name> </item> <item> <name> Federal aid to Indians </name> </item> <item> <name> Federal budget process </name> </item> <item> <name> Finance and Financial Sector </name> </item> <item> <name> Legislation </name> </item> <item> <name> Livestock </name> </item> <item> <name> Minorities </name> </item> <item> <name> Public Lands and Natural Resources </name> </item> <item> <name> Trees </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Agriculture and Food </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-10-11 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-12-07T21:24:16Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;States that, for the purpose of restoring the provisions governing the conservation security program to those enacted in the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act and restoring the practice of treating agricultural disaster assistance as emergency spending, the Senate instructs conferees to the Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill, 2005, or a Consolidated Appropriations Measure that includes the substance of that Act, to insist that the conference report contain legislative language striking subsections (e) and (f) of section 101 of division B of H.R. 4837.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-10-11 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-12-07T21:24:30Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;States that, for the purpose of restoring the provisions governing the conservation security program to those enacted in the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act and restoring the practice of treating agricultural disaster assistance as emergency spending, the Senate instructs conferees to the Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill, 2005, or a Consolidated Appropriations Measure that includes the substance of that Act, to insist that the conference report contain legislative language striking subsections (e) and (f) of section 101 of division B of H.R. 4837.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution to instruct conferees to the Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and related agencies appropriations bill, 2005 or on a consolidated appropriations measure that includes the substance of that act. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution to instruct conferees to the Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and related agencies appropriations bill, 2005 or on a consolidated appropriations measure that includes the substance of that act. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution to instruct conferees to the Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and related agencies appropriations bill, 2005 or on a consolidated appropriations measure that includes the substance of that act. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2004-10-11T04:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-10-11 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11229; text as passed Senate: CR S11229; text of measure as introduced: CR S11310) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11229; text as passed Senate: CR S11229; text of measure as introduced: CR S11310)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-10-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S11229; text as passed Senate: CR S11229; text of measure as introduced: CR S11310)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-10-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2004-10-11", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-11", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11229; text as passed Senate: CR S11229; text of measure as introduced: CR S11310)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 465, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Agriculture and Food", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "H000206", "district": null, "first_name": "THOMAS", "full_name": "Sen. Harkin, Tom [D-IA]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "HARKIN", "middle_name": "RICHARD", "party": "D", "state": "IA" } ], "subjects": [ "Agricultural conservation", "Animals", "Appropriations", "Congress", "Crop insurance", "Disaster relief", "Economics and Public Finance", "Emergency Management", "Environmental Protection", "Federal aid to Indians", "Federal budget process", "Finance and Financial Sector", "Legislation", "Livestock", "Minorities", "Public Lands and Natural Resources", "Trees" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2004-10-11", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>States that, for the purpose of restoring the provisions governing the conservation security program to those enacted in the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act and restoring the practice of treating agricultural disaster assistance as emergency spending, the Senate instructs conferees to the Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill, 2005, or a Consolidated Appropriations Measure that includes the substance of that Act, to insist that the conference report contain legislative language striking subsections (e) and (f) of section 101 of division B of H.R. 4837.</p>", "update_date": "2004-12-07T21:24:16Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-10-11", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>States that, for the purpose of restoring the provisions governing the conservation security program to those enacted in the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act and restoring the practice of treating agricultural disaster assistance as emergency spending, the Senate instructs conferees to the Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill, 2005, or a Consolidated Appropriations Measure that includes the substance of that Act, to insist that the conference report contain legislative language striking subsections (e) and (f) of section 101 of division B of H.R. 4837.</p>", "update_date": "2004-12-07T21:24:30Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2004-10-11T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": null } ], "title": "A resolution to instruct conferees to the Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and related agencies appropriations bill, 2005 or on a consolidated appropriations measure that includes the substance of that act.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution to instruct conferees to the Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and related agencies appropriations bill, 2005 or on a consolidated appropriations measure that includes the substance of that act.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution to instruct conferees to the Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and related agencies appropriations bill, 2005 or on a consolidated appropriations measure that includes the substance of that act.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2021-09-29T22:08:29Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-13T17:59:05Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11229; text as passed Senate: CR S11229; text of measure as introduced: CR S11310)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-10-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S11229; text as passed Senate: CR S11229; text of measure as introduced: CR S11310)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-10-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "H000206", "district": null, "first_name": "THOMAS", "full_name": "Sen. Harkin, Tom [D-IA]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "HARKIN", "middle_name": "RICHARD", "party": "D", "state": "IA" } ]
Agriculture and Food
[ "Agricultural conservation", "Animals", "Appropriations", "Congress", "Crop insurance", "Disaster relief", "Economics and Public Finance", "Emergency Management", "Environmental Protection", "Federal aid to Indians", "Federal budget process", "Finance and Financial Sector", "Legislation", "Livestock", "Minorities", "Public Lands and Natural Resources", "Trees" ]
[ { "action_date": "2004-10-11", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>States that, for the purpose of restoring the provisions governing the conservation security program to those enacted in the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act and restoring the practice of treating agricultural disaster assistance as emergency spending, the Senate instructs conferees to the Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill, 2005, or a Consolidated Appropriations Measure that includes the substance of that Act, to insist that the conference report contain legislative language striking subsections (e) and (f) of section 101 of division B of H.R. 4837.</p>", "update_date": "2004-12-07T21:24:16Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-10-11", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>States that, for the purpose of restoring the provisions governing the conservation security program to those enacted in the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act and restoring the practice of treating agricultural disaster assistance as emergency spending, the Senate instructs conferees to the Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill, 2005, or a Consolidated Appropriations Measure that includes the substance of that Act, to insist that the conference report contain legislative language striking subsections (e) and (f) of section 101 of division B of H.R. 4837.</p>", "update_date": "2004-12-07T21:24:30Z", "version_code": "82" } ]
A resolution to instruct conferees to the Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and related agencies appropriations bill, 2005 or on a consolidated appropriations measure that includes the substance of that act.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution to instruct conferees to the Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and related agencies appropriations bill, 2005 or on a consolidated appropriations measure that includes the substance of that act.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution to instruct conferees to the Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and related agencies appropriations bill, 2005 or on a consolidated appropriations measure that includes the substance of that act.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-10-11T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-11", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11229; text as passed Senate: CR S11229; text of measure as introduced: CR S11310)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-18 14:52:00.668
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 466 </number> <updateDate> 2021-09-29T22:08:29Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-13T17:59:05Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2004-10-11 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-11 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11323-11324; text as passed Senate: CR S11324; text of measure as introduced: CR S11310) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-11 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S11323-11324; text as passed Senate: CR S11324; text of measure as introduced: CR S11310) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-11 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> M000303 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. McCain, John [R-AZ] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> MCCAIN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AZ </state> <middleName> SIDNEY </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <policyArea> <name> Science, Technology, Communications </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Anniversaries </name> </item> <item> <name> Commemorations </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional reporting requirements </name> </item> <item> <name> Environmental Protection </name> </item> <item> <name> Environmental education </name> </item> <item> <name> Environmental research </name> </item> <item> <name> International Affairs </name> </item> <item> <name> International cooperation in science </name> </item> <item> <name> International environmental cooperation </name> </item> <item> <name> Special years </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Science, Technology, Communications </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-10-11 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-11-30T23:21:03Z </updateDate> <text> Expresses the sense of the Senate that the President should: (1) endorse the concept of a worldwide campaign of scientific activity for the 2007-2008 time frame; (2) require the Director of the National Science Foundation and the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration to continue interagency and international inquiries and discussions that ensure a successful worldwide international science year in such time frame, emphasizing activities dedicated to global environmental research, education, and protection; and (3) report to Congress on the steps taken to carry out this resolution, including possible activities and organizational structures for an international science year in 2007-2008. </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-10-11 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-12-29T17:12:03Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Expresses the sense of the Senate that the President should: (1) endorse the concept of a worldwide campaign of scientific activity for the 2007-2008 time frame; (2) require the Director of the National Science Foundation and the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration to continue interagency and international inquiries and discussions that ensure a successful worldwide international science year in such time frame, emphasizing activities dedicated to global environmental research, education, and protection; and (3) report to Congress on the steps taken to carry out this resolution, including possible activities and organizational structures for an international science year in 2007-2008. &lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution celebrating the anniversaries of the International Polar Years (1882-1883 and 1932-1933) and International Geophysical Year (1957-1958) and supporting a continuation of this international science year tradition in 2007-2008. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution celebrating the anniversaries of the International Polar Years (1882-1883 and 1932-1933) and International Geophysical Year (1957-1958) and supporting a continuation of this international science year tradition in 2007-2008. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution celebrating the anniversaries of the International Polar Years (1882-1883 and 1932-1933) and International Geophysical Year (1957-1958) and supporting a continuation of this international science year tradition in 2007-2008. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2004-10-11T04:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-10-11 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11323-11324; text as passed Senate: CR S11324; text of measure as introduced: CR S11310) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11323-11324; text as passed Senate: CR S11324; text of measure as introduced: CR S11310)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-10-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S11323-11324; text as passed Senate: CR S11324; text of measure as introduced: CR S11310)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-10-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2004-10-11", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-11", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11323-11324; text as passed Senate: CR S11324; text of measure as introduced: CR S11310)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 466, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Science, Technology, Communications", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "M000303", "district": null, "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Sen. McCain, John [R-AZ]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "MCCAIN", "middle_name": "SIDNEY", "party": "R", "state": "AZ" } ], "subjects": [ "Anniversaries", "Commemorations", "Congress", "Congressional reporting requirements", "Environmental Protection", "Environmental education", "Environmental research", "International Affairs", "International cooperation in science", "International environmental cooperation", "Special years" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2004-10-11", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " Expresses the sense of the Senate that the President should: (1) endorse the concept of a worldwide campaign of scientific activity for the 2007-2008 time frame; (2) require the Director of the National Science Foundation and the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration to continue interagency and international inquiries and discussions that ensure a successful worldwide international science year in such time frame, emphasizing activities dedicated to global environmental research, education, and protection; and (3) report to Congress on the steps taken to carry out this resolution, including possible activities and organizational structures for an international science year in 2007-2008.", "update_date": "2004-11-30T23:21:03Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-10-11", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Expresses the sense of the Senate that the President should: (1) endorse the concept of a worldwide campaign of scientific activity for the 2007-2008 time frame; (2) require the Director of the National Science Foundation and the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration to continue interagency and international inquiries and discussions that ensure a successful worldwide international science year in such time frame, emphasizing activities dedicated to global environmental research, education, and protection; and (3) report to Congress on the steps taken to carry out this resolution, including possible activities and organizational structures for an international science year in 2007-2008. </p>", "update_date": "2004-12-29T17:12:03Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2004-10-11T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": null } ], "title": "A resolution celebrating the anniversaries of the International Polar Years (1882-1883 and 1932-1933) and International Geophysical Year (1957-1958) and supporting a continuation of this international science year tradition in 2007-2008.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution celebrating the anniversaries of the International Polar Years (1882-1883 and 1932-1933) and International Geophysical Year (1957-1958) and supporting a continuation of this international science year tradition in 2007-2008.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution celebrating the anniversaries of the International Polar Years (1882-1883 and 1932-1933) and International Geophysical Year (1957-1958) and supporting a continuation of this international science year tradition in 2007-2008.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2021-09-29T22:08:29Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-13T17:59:05Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11323-11324; text as passed Senate: CR S11324; text of measure as introduced: CR S11310)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-10-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S11323-11324; text as passed Senate: CR S11324; text of measure as introduced: CR S11310)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-10-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "M000303", "district": null, "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Sen. McCain, John [R-AZ]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "MCCAIN", "middle_name": "SIDNEY", "party": "R", "state": "AZ" } ]
Science, Technology, Communications
[ "Anniversaries", "Commemorations", "Congress", "Congressional reporting requirements", "Environmental Protection", "Environmental education", "Environmental research", "International Affairs", "International cooperation in science", "International environmental cooperation", "Special years" ]
[ { "action_date": "2004-10-11", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " Expresses the sense of the Senate that the President should: (1) endorse the concept of a worldwide campaign of scientific activity for the 2007-2008 time frame; (2) require the Director of the National Science Foundation and the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration to continue interagency and international inquiries and discussions that ensure a successful worldwide international science year in such time frame, emphasizing activities dedicated to global environmental research, education, and protection; and (3) report to Congress on the steps taken to carry out this resolution, including possible activities and organizational structures for an international science year in 2007-2008.", "update_date": "2004-11-30T23:21:03Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-10-11", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Expresses the sense of the Senate that the President should: (1) endorse the concept of a worldwide campaign of scientific activity for the 2007-2008 time frame; (2) require the Director of the National Science Foundation and the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration to continue interagency and international inquiries and discussions that ensure a successful worldwide international science year in such time frame, emphasizing activities dedicated to global environmental research, education, and protection; and (3) report to Congress on the steps taken to carry out this resolution, including possible activities and organizational structures for an international science year in 2007-2008. </p>", "update_date": "2004-12-29T17:12:03Z", "version_code": "82" } ]
A resolution celebrating the anniversaries of the International Polar Years (1882-1883 and 1932-1933) and International Geophysical Year (1957-1958) and supporting a continuation of this international science year tradition in 2007-2008.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution celebrating the anniversaries of the International Polar Years (1882-1883 and 1932-1933) and International Geophysical Year (1957-1958) and supporting a continuation of this international science year tradition in 2007-2008.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution celebrating the anniversaries of the International Polar Years (1882-1883 and 1932-1933) and International Geophysical Year (1957-1958) and supporting a continuation of this international science year tradition in 2007-2008.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-10-11T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-11", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11323-11324; text as passed Senate: CR S11324; text of measure as introduced: CR S11310)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-18 14:54:00.772
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 467 </number> <updateDate> 2021-09-29T22:08:30Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-13T17:59:05Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2004-10-11 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-11 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11330; text as passed Senate: CR S11330; text of measure as introduced: CR S11311) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-11 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S11330; text as passed Senate: CR S11330; text of measure as introduced: CR S11311) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-11 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> H000338 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hatch, Orrin G. [R-UT] </fullName> <firstName> ORRIN </firstName> <lastName> HATCH </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> UT </state> <middleName> GRANT </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> F000062 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA] </fullName> <firstName> Dianne </firstName> <lastName> Feinstein </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Anniversaries </name> </item> <item> <name> Arts, Culture, Religion </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Families </name> </item> <item> <name> Motion pictures </name> </item> <item> <name> Science, Technology, Communications </name> </item> <item> <name> Special months </name> </item> <item> <name> Television and children </name> </item> <item> <name> Television programs </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-10-11 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2005-01-21T18:37:30Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Extends birthday greetings and best wishes to Joseph Barbera on the occasion of his 100th birthday.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Designates March 2005 as &amp;quot;Animated Family Entertainment Month&amp;quot; and encourages the families of the United States to take time to enjoy together the family entertainment created by the Nation's animated storytellers.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-10-11 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2005-01-21T18:37:43Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Extends birthday greetings and best wishes to Joseph Barbera on the occasion of his 100th birthday.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Designates March 2005 as &amp;quot;Animated Family Entertainment Month&amp;quot; and encourages the families of the United States to take time to enjoy together the family entertainment created by the Nation's animated storytellers.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution extending birthday greetings to Joseph Barbera on the occasion of his 100th birthday and designating March 2005 as "Animated Family Entertainment Month". </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution extending birthday greetings to Joseph Barbera on the occasion of his 100th birthday and designating March 2005 as "Animated Family Entertainment Month". </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution extending birthday greetings to Joseph Barbera on the occasion of his 100th birthday and designating March 2005 as "Animated Family Entertainment Month". </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2004-10-11T04:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres467ats/xml/BILLS-108sres467ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-10-11 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11330; text as passed Senate: CR S11330; text of measure as introduced: CR S11311) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11330; text as passed Senate: CR S11330; text of measure as introduced: CR S11311)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-10-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S11330; text as passed Senate: CR S11330; text of measure as introduced: CR S11311)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-10-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "F000062", "district": null, "first_name": "Dianne", "full_name": "Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Feinstein", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-11", "state": "CA" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2004-10-11", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-11", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11330; text as passed Senate: CR S11330; text of measure as introduced: CR S11311)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 467, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Commemorations", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "H000338", "district": null, "first_name": "ORRIN", "full_name": "Sen. Hatch, Orrin G. [R-UT]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "HATCH", "middle_name": "GRANT", "party": "R", "state": "UT" } ], "subjects": [ "Anniversaries", "Arts, Culture, Religion", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Families", "Motion pictures", "Science, Technology, Communications", "Special months", "Television and children", "Television programs" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2004-10-11", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Extends birthday greetings and best wishes to Joseph Barbera on the occasion of his 100th birthday.</p> <p>Designates March 2005 as &quot;Animated Family Entertainment Month&quot; and encourages the families of the United States to take time to enjoy together the family entertainment created by the Nation's animated storytellers.</p>", "update_date": "2005-01-21T18:37:30Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-10-11", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Extends birthday greetings and best wishes to Joseph Barbera on the occasion of his 100th birthday.</p> <p>Designates March 2005 as &quot;Animated Family Entertainment Month&quot; and encourages the families of the United States to take time to enjoy together the family entertainment created by the Nation's animated storytellers.</p>", "update_date": "2005-01-21T18:37:43Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2004-10-11T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres467ats/xml/BILLS-108sres467ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution extending birthday greetings to Joseph Barbera on the occasion of his 100th birthday and designating March 2005 as \"Animated Family Entertainment Month\".", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution extending birthday greetings to Joseph Barbera on the occasion of his 100th birthday and designating March 2005 as \"Animated Family Entertainment Month\".", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution extending birthday greetings to Joseph Barbera on the occasion of his 100th birthday and designating March 2005 as \"Animated Family Entertainment Month\".", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2021-09-29T22:08:30Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-13T17:59:05Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11330; text as passed Senate: CR S11330; text of measure as introduced: CR S11311)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-10-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S11330; text as passed Senate: CR S11330; text of measure as introduced: CR S11311)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-10-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "H000338", "district": null, "first_name": "ORRIN", "full_name": "Sen. Hatch, Orrin G. [R-UT]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "HATCH", "middle_name": "GRANT", "party": "R", "state": "UT" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "F000062", "district": null, "first_name": "Dianne", "full_name": "Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Feinstein", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-11", "state": "CA" } ]
[ "Anniversaries", "Arts, Culture, Religion", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Families", "Motion pictures", "Science, Technology, Communications", "Special months", "Television and children", "Television programs" ]
[ { "action_date": "2004-10-11", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Extends birthday greetings and best wishes to Joseph Barbera on the occasion of his 100th birthday.</p> <p>Designates March 2005 as &quot;Animated Family Entertainment Month&quot; and encourages the families of the United States to take time to enjoy together the family entertainment created by the Nation's animated storytellers.</p>", "update_date": "2005-01-21T18:37:30Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-10-11", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Extends birthday greetings and best wishes to Joseph Barbera on the occasion of his 100th birthday.</p> <p>Designates March 2005 as &quot;Animated Family Entertainment Month&quot; and encourages the families of the United States to take time to enjoy together the family entertainment created by the Nation's animated storytellers.</p>", "update_date": "2005-01-21T18:37:43Z", "version_code": "82" } ]
A resolution extending birthday greetings to Joseph Barbera on the occasion of his 100th birthday and designating March 2005 as "Animated Family Entertainment Month".
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution extending birthday greetings to Joseph Barbera on the occasion of his 100th birthday and designating March 2005 as \"Animated Family Entertainment Month\".", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution extending birthday greetings to Joseph Barbera on the occasion of his 100th birthday and designating March 2005 as \"Animated Family Entertainment Month\".", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-10-11T04:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres467ats/xml/BILLS-108sres467ats.xml" } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-11", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11330; text as passed Senate: CR S11330; text of measure as introduced: CR S11311)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-18 19:29:00.496
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 468 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-14T22:48:33Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:33Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2004-10-11 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2004-10-11T22:48:52Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-11 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR S11311) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-11 </actionDate> <text> Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR S11311) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> B00100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-11 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> M001153 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Murkowski, Lisa [R-AK] </fullName> <firstName> Lisa </firstName> <lastName> Murkowski </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AK </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> C000077 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Campbell, Ben Nighthorse [R-CO] </fullName> <firstName> BEN </firstName> <lastName> CAMPBELL </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CO </state> <middleName> NIGHTHORSE </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> I000025 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Inouye, Daniel K. [D-HI] </fullName> <firstName> DANIEL </firstName> <lastName> INOUYE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> HI </state> <middleName> KEN </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-10-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Armed Forces and National Security </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Federal-Indian relations </name> </item> <item> <name> Military personnel </name> </item> <item> <name> Minorities </name> </item> <item> <name> Native Americans </name> </item> <item> <name> Special days </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-10-11 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-12-08T16:40:28Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt; Designates November 7, 2004, as National Native American Veterans Day. Honors the service of Native Americans in the Armed Forces and the contribution of Native Americans to the defense of the United States.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution designating November 7, 2004, as "National Native American Veterans Day" to honor the service of Native Americans in the United States Armed Forces and the contribution of Native Americans to the defense of the United States. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution designating November 7, 2004, as "National Native American Veterans Day" to honor the service of Native Americans in the United States Armed Forces and the contribution of Native Americans to the defense of the United States. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution designating November 7, 2004, as "National Native American Veterans Day" to honor the service of Native Americans in the United States Armed Forces and the contribution of Native Americans to the defense of the United States. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2004-10-11T04:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-10-11 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR S11311) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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[D-HI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "INOUYE", "middle_name": "KEN", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-11", "state": "HI" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2004-10-11", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-11", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR S11311)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 468, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Commemorations", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "M001153", "district": null, "first_name": "Lisa", "full_name": "Sen. Murkowski, Lisa [R-AK]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Murkowski", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "AK" } ], "subjects": [ "Armed Forces and National Security", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Federal-Indian relations", "Military personnel", "Minorities", "Native Americans", "Special days" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2004-10-11", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p> Designates November 7, 2004, as National Native American Veterans Day. Honors the service of Native Americans in the Armed Forces and the contribution of Native Americans to the defense of the United States.</p>", "update_date": "2004-12-08T16:40:28Z", "version_code": "00" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2004-10-11T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": null } ], "title": "A resolution designating November 7, 2004, as \"National Native American Veterans Day\" to honor the service of Native Americans in the United States Armed Forces and the contribution of Native Americans to the defense of the United States.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating November 7, 2004, as \"National Native American Veterans Day\" to honor the service of Native Americans in the United States Armed Forces and the contribution of Native Americans to the defense of the United States.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating November 7, 2004, as \"National Native American Veterans Day\" to honor the service of Native Americans in the United States Armed Forces and the contribution of Native Americans to the defense of the United States.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2023-01-14T22:48:33Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-14T22:48:33Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2004-10-11T22:48:52Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-11", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR S11311)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "B00100", "action_date": "2004-10-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR S11311)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-10-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "M001153", "district": null, "first_name": "Lisa", "full_name": "Sen. Murkowski, Lisa [R-AK]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Murkowski", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "AK" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "C000077", "district": null, "first_name": "BEN", "full_name": "Sen. Campbell, Ben Nighthorse [R-CO]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CAMPBELL", "middle_name": "NIGHTHORSE", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-11", "state": "CO" }, { "bioguide_id": "I000025", "district": null, "first_name": "DANIEL", "full_name": "Sen. Inouye, Daniel K. [D-HI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "INOUYE", "middle_name": "KEN", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-10-11", "state": "HI" } ]
[ "Armed Forces and National Security", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Federal-Indian relations", "Military personnel", "Minorities", "Native Americans", "Special days" ]
[ { "action_date": "2004-10-11", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p> Designates November 7, 2004, as National Native American Veterans Day. Honors the service of Native Americans in the Armed Forces and the contribution of Native Americans to the defense of the United States.</p>", "update_date": "2004-12-08T16:40:28Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
A resolution designating November 7, 2004, as "National Native American Veterans Day" to honor the service of Native Americans in the United States Armed Forces and the contribution of Native Americans to the defense of the United States.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating November 7, 2004, as \"National Native American Veterans Day\" to honor the service of Native Americans in the United States Armed Forces and the contribution of Native Americans to the defense of the United States.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution designating November 7, 2004, as \"National Native American Veterans Day\" to honor the service of Native Americans in the United States Armed Forces and the contribution of Native Americans to the defense of the United States.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-10-11T04:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-11", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (text of measure as introduced: CR S11311)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-18 19:19:01.296
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 469 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-14T22:48:29Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:29Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2004-11-16 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> sshr00 </systemCode> <name> Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2004-11-16T20:56:53Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <relatedBills> <item> <title> Supporting the goals and ideas of National Time Out Day to promote the adoption of the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organization's universal protocol for preventing errors in the operating room. </title> <congress> 108 </congress> <number> 682 </number> <type> HRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-07-07 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Health. </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Identical bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-11-16 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> sshr00 </systemCode> <name> Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. (text of measure as introduced: CR S11382-11383) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-11-16 </actionDate> <text> Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR S11383) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> B00100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-11-16 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> L000550 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Landrieu, Mary L. [D-LA] </fullName> <firstName> MARY </firstName> <lastName> LANDRIEU </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> LA </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> D000563 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Durbin, Richard J. [D-IL] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Durbin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-11-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000059 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Santorum, Rick [R-PA] </fullName> <firstName> RICK </firstName> <lastName> SANTORUM </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> PA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-11-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Health </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Accreditation (Medical care) </name> </item> <item> <name> Commemorations </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Human engineering </name> </item> <item> <name> Nurses </name> </item> <item> <name> Preventive medicine </name> </item> <item> <name> Quality of care </name> </item> <item> <name> Special days </name> </item> <item> <name> Surgeons </name> </item> <item> <name> Surgery </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Health </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-11-16 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-12-01T16:21:03Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Expresses support for the goals and ideas of National Time Out Day to promote the adoption of the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations' universal protocol for preventing errors in the operating room.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Congratulates perioperative nurses and representatives of surgical teams for working together to reduce medical errors.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution supporting the goals and ideas of National Time Out Day to promote the adoption of the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations' universal protocol for preventing errors in the operating room. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution supporting the goals and ideas of National Time Out Day to promote the adoption of the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations' universal protocol for preventing errors in the operating room. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution supporting the goals and ideas of National Time Out Day to promote the adoption of the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations' universal protocol for preventing errors in the operating room. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2004-11-16T05:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres469is/xml/BILLS-108sres469is.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-11-16 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. (text of measure as introduced: CR S11382-11383) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-16", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "sshr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. (text of measure as introduced: CR S11382-11383)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "B00100", "action_date": "2004-11-16", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR S11383)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-11-16", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2004-11-16T20:56:53Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "sshr00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "D000563", "district": null, "first_name": "Richard", "full_name": "Sen. Durbin, Richard J. [D-IL]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Durbin", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-16", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000059", "district": null, "first_name": "RICK", "full_name": "Sen. Santorum, Rick [R-PA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SANTORUM", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-16", "state": "PA" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2004-11-16", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-16", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. (text of measure as introduced: CR S11382-11383)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 469, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Health", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 108, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-07-07", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Health.", "type": null }, "number": 682, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Identical bill" } ], "title": "Supporting the goals and ideas of National Time Out Day to promote the adoption of the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organization's universal protocol for preventing errors in the operating room.", "type": "HRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "L000550", "district": null, "first_name": "MARY", "full_name": "Sen. Landrieu, Mary L. [D-LA]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "LANDRIEU", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "LA" } ], "subjects": [ "Accreditation (Medical care)", "Commemorations", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Human engineering", "Nurses", "Preventive medicine", "Quality of care", "Special days", "Surgeons", "Surgery" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2004-11-16", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Expresses support for the goals and ideas of National Time Out Day to promote the adoption of the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations' universal protocol for preventing errors in the operating room.</p> <p>Congratulates perioperative nurses and representatives of surgical teams for working together to reduce medical errors.</p>", "update_date": "2004-12-01T16:21:03Z", "version_code": "00" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2004-11-16T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres469is/xml/BILLS-108sres469is.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution supporting the goals and ideas of National Time Out Day to promote the adoption of the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations' universal protocol for preventing errors in the operating room.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution supporting the goals and ideas of National Time Out Day to promote the adoption of the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations' universal protocol for preventing errors in the operating room.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution supporting the goals and ideas of National Time Out Day to promote the adoption of the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations' universal protocol for preventing errors in the operating room.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2023-01-14T22:48:29Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-14T22:48:29Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2004-11-16T20:56:53Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "sshr00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "congress": 108, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-07-07", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Health.", "type": null }, "number": 682, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Identical bill" } ], "title": "Supporting the goals and ideas of National Time Out Day to promote the adoption of the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organization's universal protocol for preventing errors in the operating room.", "type": "HRES" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-16", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "sshr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. (text of measure as introduced: CR S11382-11383)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "B00100", "action_date": "2004-11-16", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR S11383)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-11-16", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "L000550", "district": null, "first_name": "MARY", "full_name": "Sen. Landrieu, Mary L. [D-LA]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "LANDRIEU", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "LA" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "D000563", "district": null, "first_name": "Richard", "full_name": "Sen. Durbin, Richard J. [D-IL]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Durbin", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-16", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000059", "district": null, "first_name": "RICK", "full_name": "Sen. Santorum, Rick [R-PA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SANTORUM", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-16", "state": "PA" } ]
[ "Accreditation (Medical care)", "Commemorations", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Human engineering", "Nurses", "Preventive medicine", "Quality of care", "Special days", "Surgeons", "Surgery" ]
[ { "action_date": "2004-11-16", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Expresses support for the goals and ideas of National Time Out Day to promote the adoption of the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations' universal protocol for preventing errors in the operating room.</p> <p>Congratulates perioperative nurses and representatives of surgical teams for working together to reduce medical errors.</p>", "update_date": "2004-12-01T16:21:03Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
A resolution supporting the goals and ideas of National Time Out Day to promote the adoption of the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations' universal protocol for preventing errors in the operating room.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution supporting the goals and ideas of National Time Out Day to promote the adoption of the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations' universal protocol for preventing errors in the operating room.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution supporting the goals and ideas of National Time Out Day to promote the adoption of the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations' universal protocol for preventing errors in the operating room.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-11-16T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres469is/xml/BILLS-108sres469is.xml" } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-16", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. (text of measure as introduced: CR S11382-11383)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-18 14:52:00.769
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 470 </number> <updateDate> 2021-09-29T22:08:30Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-13T18:13:50Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2004-11-18 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <relatedBills> <item> <title> Honoring the life of astronaut Leroy Gordon Cooper, Jr. </title> <congress> 108 </congress> <number> 847 </number> <type> HRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-11-19 </actionDate> <text> Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection. </text> <actionTime> 19:39:10 </actionTime> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Identical bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-11-18 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11506; text as passed Senate: CR S11506; text of measure as introduced: CR S11500-11501) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-11-18 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S11506; text as passed Senate: CR S11506; text of measure as introduced: CR S11500-11501) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-11-18 </actionDate> <text> Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR S11501) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> B00100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-11-18 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> I000024 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Inhofe, James M. [R-OK] </fullName> <firstName> Jim </firstName> <lastName> Inhofe </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OK </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Astronauts </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Space activities </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-11-18 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2005-01-21T19:33:25Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Honors the life of astronaut Leroy Gordon Cooper, Jr.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-11-18 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2005-01-21T19:33:38Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Honors the life of astronaut Leroy Gordon Cooper, Jr.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution honoring the life of astronaut Leroy Gordon Cooper, Jr. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution honoring the life of astronaut Leroy Gordon Cooper, Jr. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution honoring the life of astronaut Leroy Gordon Cooper, Jr. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2004-11-18T05:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres470ats/xml/BILLS-108sres470ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-11-18 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11506; text as passed Senate: CR S11506; text of measure as introduced: CR S11500-11501) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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(CR S11501)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-11-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2004-11-18", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-18", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11506; text as passed Senate: CR S11506; text of measure as introduced: CR S11500-11501)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 470, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Commemorations", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 108, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-19", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": null }, "number": 847, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Identical bill" } ], "title": "Honoring the life of astronaut Leroy Gordon Cooper, Jr.", "type": "HRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "I000024", "district": null, "first_name": "Jim", "full_name": "Sen. Inhofe, James M. [R-OK]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Inhofe", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "OK" } ], "subjects": [ "Astronauts", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Space activities" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2004-11-18", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Honors the life of astronaut Leroy Gordon Cooper, Jr.</p>", "update_date": "2005-01-21T19:33:25Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-11-18", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Honors the life of astronaut Leroy Gordon Cooper, Jr.</p>", "update_date": "2005-01-21T19:33:38Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2004-11-18T05:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres470ats/xml/BILLS-108sres470ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution honoring the life of astronaut Leroy Gordon Cooper, Jr.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution honoring the life of astronaut Leroy Gordon Cooper, Jr.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution honoring the life of astronaut Leroy Gordon Cooper, Jr.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2021-09-29T22:08:30Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-13T18:13:50Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "congress": 108, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-19", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": null }, "number": 847, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Identical bill" } ], "title": "Honoring the life of astronaut Leroy Gordon Cooper, Jr.", "type": "HRES" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11506; text as passed Senate: CR S11506; text of measure as introduced: CR S11500-11501)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-11-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S11506; text as passed Senate: CR S11506; text of measure as introduced: CR S11500-11501)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "B00100", "action_date": "2004-11-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR S11501)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-11-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "I000024", "district": null, "first_name": "Jim", "full_name": "Sen. Inhofe, James M. [R-OK]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Inhofe", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "OK" } ]
[ "Astronauts", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Space activities" ]
[ { "action_date": "2004-11-18", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Honors the life of astronaut Leroy Gordon Cooper, Jr.</p>", "update_date": "2005-01-21T19:33:25Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-11-18", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Honors the life of astronaut Leroy Gordon Cooper, Jr.</p>", "update_date": "2005-01-21T19:33:38Z", "version_code": "82" } ]
A resolution honoring the life of astronaut Leroy Gordon Cooper, Jr.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution honoring the life of astronaut Leroy Gordon Cooper, Jr.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution honoring the life of astronaut Leroy Gordon Cooper, Jr.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-11-18T05:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres470ats/xml/BILLS-108sres470ats.xml" } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-18", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11506; text as passed Senate: CR S11506; text of measure as introduced: CR S11500-11501)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-18 14:53:00.214
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 471 </number> <updateDate> 2021-09-29T22:08:30Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-13T18:13:50Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2004-11-18 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-11-18 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11506-11507; text as passed Senate: CR S11507; text of measure as introduced: CR S11501) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-11-18 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S11506-11507; text as passed Senate: CR S11507; text of measure as introduced: CR S11501) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-11-18 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> D000563 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Durbin, Richard J. [D-IL] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Durbin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <policyArea> <name> Congress </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Commemorations </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional publications </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Ex-Members of Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </item> <item> <name> Illinois </name> </item> <item> <name> Senate </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Congress </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-11-18 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-12-03T21:22:14Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Authorizes the printing as a Senate document of a compilation of tributes and other related materials concerning the Honorable Paul Simon (a former Senator from the State of Illinois).&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-11-18 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-12-03T21:22:24Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Authorizes the printing as a Senate document of a compilation of tributes and other related materials concerning the Honorable Paul Simon (a former Senator from the State of Illinois).&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution authorizing the printing of tributes and other related materials in honor of the late Senator Paul Simon. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution authorizing the printing of tributes and other related materials in honor of the late Senator Paul Simon. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution authorizing the printing of tributes and other related materials in honor of the late Senator Paul Simon. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2004-11-18T05:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres471ats/xml/BILLS-108sres471ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-11-18 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11506-11507; text as passed Senate: CR S11507; text of measure as introduced: CR S11501) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11506-11507; text as passed Senate: CR S11507; text of measure as introduced: CR S11501)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-11-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S11506-11507; text as passed Senate: CR S11507; text of measure as introduced: CR S11501)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-11-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2004-11-18", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-18", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11506-11507; text as passed Senate: CR S11507; text of measure as introduced: CR S11501)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 471, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Congress", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "D000563", "district": null, "first_name": "Richard", "full_name": "Sen. Durbin, Richard J. [D-IL]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Durbin", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "state": "IL" } ], "subjects": [ "Commemorations", "Congressional publications", "Congressional tributes", "Ex-Members of Congress", "Government Operations and Politics", "Illinois", "Senate" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2004-11-18", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Authorizes the printing as a Senate document of a compilation of tributes and other related materials concerning the Honorable Paul Simon (a former Senator from the State of Illinois).</p>", "update_date": "2004-12-03T21:22:14Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-11-18", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Authorizes the printing as a Senate document of a compilation of tributes and other related materials concerning the Honorable Paul Simon (a former Senator from the State of Illinois).</p>", "update_date": "2004-12-03T21:22:24Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2004-11-18T05:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres471ats/xml/BILLS-108sres471ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution authorizing the printing of tributes and other related materials in honor of the late Senator Paul Simon.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution authorizing the printing of tributes and other related materials in honor of the late Senator Paul Simon.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution authorizing the printing of tributes and other related materials in honor of the late Senator Paul Simon.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2021-09-29T22:08:30Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-13T18:13:50Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11506-11507; text as passed Senate: CR S11507; text of measure as introduced: CR S11501)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-11-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S11506-11507; text as passed Senate: CR S11507; text of measure as introduced: CR S11501)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-11-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "D000563", "district": null, "first_name": "Richard", "full_name": "Sen. Durbin, Richard J. [D-IL]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Durbin", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "state": "IL" } ]
[ "Commemorations", "Congressional publications", "Congressional tributes", "Ex-Members of Congress", "Government Operations and Politics", "Illinois", "Senate" ]
[ { "action_date": "2004-11-18", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Authorizes the printing as a Senate document of a compilation of tributes and other related materials concerning the Honorable Paul Simon (a former Senator from the State of Illinois).</p>", "update_date": "2004-12-03T21:22:14Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-11-18", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Authorizes the printing as a Senate document of a compilation of tributes and other related materials concerning the Honorable Paul Simon (a former Senator from the State of Illinois).</p>", "update_date": "2004-12-03T21:22:24Z", "version_code": "82" } ]
A resolution authorizing the printing of tributes and other related materials in honor of the late Senator Paul Simon.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution authorizing the printing of tributes and other related materials in honor of the late Senator Paul Simon.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution authorizing the printing of tributes and other related materials in honor of the late Senator Paul Simon.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-11-18T05:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres471ats/xml/BILLS-108sres471ats.xml" } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-18", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11506-11507; text as passed Senate: CR S11507; text of measure as introduced: CR S11501)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-18 14:53:00.248
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 472 </number> <updateDate> 2021-09-29T22:08:30Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-13T18:13:50Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2004-11-18 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-11-18 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11511-11512; text as passed Senate: CR S11511-11512; text of measure as introduced: CR S11501-11502) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-11-18 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S11511-11512; text as passed Senate: CR S11511-11512; text of measure as introduced: CR S11501-11502) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-11-18 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> M000303 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. McCain, John [R-AZ] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> MCCAIN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AZ </state> <middleName> SIDNEY </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> L000504 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Lugar, Richard G. [R-IN] </fullName> <firstName> RICHARD </firstName> <lastName> LUGAR </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IN </state> <middleName> GREEN </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-11-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000304 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Lieberman, Joseph I. [D-CT] </fullName> <firstName> JOSEPH </firstName> <lastName> LIEBERMAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CT </state> <middleName> I. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-11-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000444 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Biden, Joseph R., Jr. [D-DE] </fullName> <firstName> JOSEPH </firstName> <lastName> BIDEN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> DE </state> <middleName> ROBINETTE </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-11-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001028 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hagel, Chuck [R-NE] </fullName> <firstName> CHUCK </firstName> <lastName> HAGEL </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NE </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-11-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Central Asia </name> </item> <item> <name> Commemorations </name> </item> <item> <name> Commerce </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Democracy </name> </item> <item> <name> Economic assistance </name> </item> <item> <name> Foreign leaders </name> </item> <item> <name> Free enterprise </name> </item> <item> <name> Georgia (Republic) </name> </item> <item> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </item> <item> <name> Parliamentary government </name> </item> <item> <name> Rule of law </name> </item> <item> <name> Sovereignty </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-11-18 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2005-01-21T19:38:47Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Congratulates the people of Georgia on the first anniversary of the Rose Revolution, the peaceful and bloodless protests that followed parliamentary elections deemed to be fraudulent, and for their commitment to democracy, peace, stability, and economic opportunity.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Commends President Mikheil Saakashvili for his vision of, and commitment to, a peaceful and democratic Georgia, the rule of law, an open market economy, regional cooperation, and closer integration into western institutions.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-11-18 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2005-01-21T19:39:03Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Congratulates the people of Georgia on the first anniversary of the Rose Revolution, the peaceful and bloodless protests that followed parliamentary elections deemed to be fraudulent, and for their commitment to democracy, peace, stability, and economic opportunity.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Commends President Mikheil Saakashvili for his vision of, and commitment to, a peaceful and democratic Georgia, the rule of law, an open market economy, regional cooperation, and closer integration into western institutions.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution to honor the people of Georgia on the first anniversary of the Rose Revolution. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution to honor the people of Georgia on the first anniversary of the Rose Revolution. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution to honor the people of Georgia on the first anniversary of the Rose Revolution. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2004-11-18T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-11-18 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11511-11512; text as passed Senate: CR S11511-11512; text of measure as introduced: CR S11501-11502) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11511-11512; text as passed Senate: CR S11511-11512; text of measure as introduced: CR S11501-11502)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-11-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S11511-11512; text as passed Senate: CR S11511-11512; text of measure as introduced: CR S11501-11502)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-11-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "L000504", "district": null, "first_name": "RICHARD", "full_name": "Sen. Lugar, Richard G. [R-IN]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LUGAR", "middle_name": "GREEN", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-18", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000304", "district": null, "first_name": "JOSEPH", "full_name": "Sen. Lieberman, Joseph I. [D-CT]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LIEBERMAN", "middle_name": "I.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-18", "state": "CT" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000444", "district": null, "first_name": "JOSEPH", "full_name": "Sen. Biden, Joseph R., Jr. [D-DE]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BIDEN", "middle_name": "ROBINETTE", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-18", "state": "DE" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001028", "district": null, "first_name": "CHUCK", "full_name": "Sen. Hagel, Chuck [R-NE]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HAGEL", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-18", "state": "NE" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2004-11-18", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-18", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11511-11512; text as passed Senate: CR S11511-11512; text of measure as introduced: CR S11501-11502)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 472, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "International Affairs", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "M000303", "district": null, "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Sen. McCain, John [R-AZ]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "MCCAIN", "middle_name": "SIDNEY", "party": "R", "state": "AZ" } ], "subjects": [ "Central Asia", "Commemorations", "Commerce", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Democracy", "Economic assistance", "Foreign leaders", "Free enterprise", "Georgia (Republic)", "Government Operations and Politics", "Parliamentary government", "Rule of law", "Sovereignty" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2004-11-18", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Congratulates the people of Georgia on the first anniversary of the Rose Revolution, the peaceful and bloodless protests that followed parliamentary elections deemed to be fraudulent, and for their commitment to democracy, peace, stability, and economic opportunity.</p> <p>Commends President Mikheil Saakashvili for his vision of, and commitment to, a peaceful and democratic Georgia, the rule of law, an open market economy, regional cooperation, and closer integration into western institutions.</p>", "update_date": "2005-01-21T19:38:47Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-11-18", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Congratulates the people of Georgia on the first anniversary of the Rose Revolution, the peaceful and bloodless protests that followed parliamentary elections deemed to be fraudulent, and for their commitment to democracy, peace, stability, and economic opportunity.</p> <p>Commends President Mikheil Saakashvili for his vision of, and commitment to, a peaceful and democratic Georgia, the rule of law, an open market economy, regional cooperation, and closer integration into western institutions.</p>", "update_date": "2005-01-21T19:39:03Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2004-11-18T05:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": null } ], "title": "A resolution to honor the people of Georgia on the first anniversary of the Rose Revolution.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution to honor the people of Georgia on the first anniversary of the Rose Revolution.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution to honor the people of Georgia on the first anniversary of the Rose Revolution.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2021-09-29T22:08:30Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-13T18:13:50Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11511-11512; text as passed Senate: CR S11511-11512; text of measure as introduced: CR S11501-11502)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-11-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S11511-11512; text as passed Senate: CR S11511-11512; text of measure as introduced: CR S11501-11502)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-11-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "M000303", "district": null, "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Sen. McCain, John [R-AZ]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "MCCAIN", "middle_name": "SIDNEY", "party": "R", "state": "AZ" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "L000504", "district": null, "first_name": "RICHARD", "full_name": "Sen. Lugar, Richard G. [R-IN]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LUGAR", "middle_name": "GREEN", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-18", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000304", "district": null, "first_name": "JOSEPH", "full_name": "Sen. Lieberman, Joseph I. [D-CT]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LIEBERMAN", "middle_name": "I.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-18", "state": "CT" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000444", "district": null, "first_name": "JOSEPH", "full_name": "Sen. Biden, Joseph R., Jr. [D-DE]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BIDEN", "middle_name": "ROBINETTE", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-18", "state": "DE" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001028", "district": null, "first_name": "CHUCK", "full_name": "Sen. Hagel, Chuck [R-NE]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HAGEL", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-18", "state": "NE" } ]
International Affairs
[ "Central Asia", "Commemorations", "Commerce", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Democracy", "Economic assistance", "Foreign leaders", "Free enterprise", "Georgia (Republic)", "Government Operations and Politics", "Parliamentary government", "Rule of law", "Sovereignty" ]
[ { "action_date": "2004-11-18", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Congratulates the people of Georgia on the first anniversary of the Rose Revolution, the peaceful and bloodless protests that followed parliamentary elections deemed to be fraudulent, and for their commitment to democracy, peace, stability, and economic opportunity.</p> <p>Commends President Mikheil Saakashvili for his vision of, and commitment to, a peaceful and democratic Georgia, the rule of law, an open market economy, regional cooperation, and closer integration into western institutions.</p>", "update_date": "2005-01-21T19:38:47Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-11-18", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Congratulates the people of Georgia on the first anniversary of the Rose Revolution, the peaceful and bloodless protests that followed parliamentary elections deemed to be fraudulent, and for their commitment to democracy, peace, stability, and economic opportunity.</p> <p>Commends President Mikheil Saakashvili for his vision of, and commitment to, a peaceful and democratic Georgia, the rule of law, an open market economy, regional cooperation, and closer integration into western institutions.</p>", "update_date": "2005-01-21T19:39:03Z", "version_code": "82" } ]
A resolution to honor the people of Georgia on the first anniversary of the Rose Revolution.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution to honor the people of Georgia on the first anniversary of the Rose Revolution.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution to honor the people of Georgia on the first anniversary of the Rose Revolution.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-11-18T05:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-18", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11511-11512; text as passed Senate: CR S11511-11512; text of measure as introduced: CR S11501-11502)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-18 14:55:00.058
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 473 </number> <updateDate> 2021-09-29T22:08:30Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-13T18:13:50Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2004-11-18 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-11-18 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11512-11513; text as passed Senate: CR S11512-11513; text of measure as introduced: CR S11502-11503) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-11-18 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S11512-11513; text as passed Senate: CR S11512-11513; text of measure as introduced: CR S11502-11503) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-11-18 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> M000303 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. McCain, John [R-AZ] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> MCCAIN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AZ </state> <middleName> SIDNEY </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> L000504 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Lugar, Richard G. [R-IN] </fullName> <firstName> RICHARD </firstName> <lastName> LUGAR </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IN </state> <middleName> GREEN </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-11-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001142 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Smith, Gordon H. [R-OR] </fullName> <firstName> GORDON </firstName> <lastName> SMITH </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OR </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-11-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000304 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Lieberman, Joseph I. [D-CT] </fullName> <firstName> JOSEPH </firstName> <lastName> LIEBERMAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CT </state> <middleName> I. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-11-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000359 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Graham, Lindsey [R-SC] </fullName> <firstName> Lindsey </firstName> <lastName> Graham </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> SC </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-11-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001028 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Hagel, Chuck [R-NE] </fullName> <firstName> CHUCK </firstName> <lastName> HAGEL </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NE </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-11-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000444 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Biden, Joseph R., Jr. [D-DE] </fullName> <firstName> JOSEPH </firstName> <lastName> BIDEN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> DE </state> <middleName> ROBINETTE </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-11-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Administrative remedies </name> </item> <item> <name> Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues </name> </item> <item> <name> Commerce </name> </item> <item> <name> Crime and Law Enforcement </name> </item> <item> <name> Democracy </name> </item> <item> <name> Diplomacy </name> </item> <item> <name> Election administration </name> </item> <item> <name> Election candidates </name> </item> <item> <name> Election fraud </name> </item> <item> <name> Europe </name> </item> <item> <name> Foreign leaders </name> </item> <item> <name> Free enterprise </name> </item> <item> <name> Freedom of association </name> </item> <item> <name> Freedom of the press </name> </item> <item> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </item> <item> <name> Government regulation </name> </item> <item> <name> Human rights </name> </item> <item> <name> Immigration </name> </item> <item> <name> Law </name> </item> <item> <name> Libel and slander </name> </item> <item> <name> Licenses </name> </item> <item> <name> NATO countries </name> </item> <item> <name> Nongovernmental organizations </name> </item> <item> <name> Opposition (Political science) </name> </item> <item> <name> Parliamentary government </name> </item> <item> <name> Political parties </name> </item> <item> <name> Political persecution </name> </item> <item> <name> Presidential elections </name> </item> <item> <name> Prosecution </name> </item> <item> <name> Right of assembly </name> </item> <item> <name> Rule of law </name> </item> <item> <name> Sanctions (International law) </name> </item> <item> <name> Sovereignty </name> </item> <item> <name> Tax auditing </name> </item> <item> <name> Taxation </name> </item> <item> <name> Ukraine </name> </item> <item> <name> Visas </name> </item> <item> <name> Voting </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-11-18 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-12-01T17:26:11Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;States that the Senate: (1) acknowledges and welcomes the strong relationship formed between the United States and Ukraine since the restoration of Ukraine's independence in 1991; (2) recognizes that a precondition for the full integration of Ukraine into the Western community of nations, including as an equal member in institutions such as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), is its establishment of a democratic political system; (3) urges the Government of Ukraine to guarantee freedom of association and assembly, including the right of candidates, members of political parties, and others to freely assemble, to organize and conduct public events, and to exercise these and other rights free from intimidation or harassment; (4) urges the Government of Ukraine to meet its Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) commitments on democratic elections; (5) urges the Ukrainian authorities to ensure the full transparency of election procedures before, during, and after the 2004 presidential elections; (6) encourages the President to consider visa bans and other sanctions on persons responsible for efforts to improperly influence the election; and (7) pledges its support and assistance to the Ukrainian people's establishment of a free and open democratic system, creation of a free market economy, and their country's assumption of a full and equal membership in the Western community of democracies.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-11-18 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-12-23T21:25:15Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary has been expanded because action occurred on the measure.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;States that the Senate: (1) acknowledges and welcomes the strong relationship formed between the United States and Ukraine since the restoration of Ukraine's independence in 1991; and (2) recognizes that a precondition for the full integration of Ukraine into the Western community of nations is its establishment of a genuinely democratic political system.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Urges the Government of Ukraine to: (1) guarantee freedom of association and assembly; (2) meet its Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) commitments on democratic elections; and (3) address issues previously identified by the Office of Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) in its final reports on the 2002 parliamentary elections and the 1999 presidential elections, such as illegal interference by public authorities in the campaign and a high degree of bias in the media.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Urges the Ukrainian authorities to ensure, among other things, the full transparency of election procedures before, during, and after the second round of the 2004 presidential election and the free access for Ukrainian and international election observers.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Calls upon the Government of Ukraine to guarantee election monitors from the ODIHR, other participating OSCE states, Ukrainian political parties, representatives of candidates, nongovernmental organizations, and other private institutions and organizations, both foreign and domestic, unobstructed access to all aspects of the election process.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Urges the President to: (1) employ fully the diplomatic and other resources of the U.S. Government to encourage the Government of Ukraine to ensure that the election laws and procedures of Ukraine are faithfully adhered to by all local and national officials, by others acting at their behest, and by all candidates and parties, during and subsequent to the presidential campaign and election-day voting; (2) communicate clearly to the Government of Ukraine, and to all parties, candidates, and the people of Ukraine the high importance attached by the U.S. Government to this campaign as a central factor in determining the future relationship between the two countries; and (3) consider visa bans and other targeted sanctions on those responsible for encouraging or participating in any efforts to influence improperly the outcome of the election.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Pledges the enduring support and assistance of the Senate to the people of Ukraine for establishment of a fully free and open democratic system, creation of a prosperous free market economy, and establishment of a secure independence and freedom from coercion and for Ukraine's assumption of its rightful place as a full and equal member of the Western community of democracies.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution urging the Government of Ukraine to ensure a democratic, transparent, and fair election process for the Presidential run-off election on November 21, 2004. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution urging the Government of Ukraine to ensure a democratic, transparent, and fair election process for the Presidential run-off election on November 21, 2004. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution urging the Government of Ukraine to ensure a democratic, transparent, and fair election process for the Presidential run-off election on November 21, 2004. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2004-11-18T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-11-18 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11512-11513; text as passed Senate: CR S11512-11513; text of measure as introduced: CR S11502-11503) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11512-11513; text as passed Senate: CR S11512-11513; text of measure as introduced: CR S11502-11503)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-11-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S11512-11513; text as passed Senate: CR S11512-11513; text of measure as introduced: CR S11502-11503)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-11-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "L000504", "district": null, "first_name": "RICHARD", "full_name": "Sen. Lugar, Richard G. [R-IN]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LUGAR", "middle_name": "GREEN", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-18", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001142", "district": null, "first_name": "GORDON", "full_name": "Sen. Smith, Gordon H. [R-OR]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SMITH", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-18", "state": "OR" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000304", "district": null, "first_name": "JOSEPH", "full_name": "Sen. Lieberman, Joseph I. [D-CT]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LIEBERMAN", "middle_name": "I.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-18", "state": "CT" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000359", "district": null, "first_name": "Lindsey", "full_name": "Sen. Graham, Lindsey [R-SC]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Graham", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-18", "state": "SC" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001028", "district": null, "first_name": "CHUCK", "full_name": "Sen. Hagel, Chuck [R-NE]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HAGEL", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-18", "state": "NE" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000444", "district": null, "first_name": "JOSEPH", "full_name": "Sen. Biden, Joseph R., Jr. [D-DE]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BIDEN", "middle_name": "ROBINETTE", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-18", "state": "DE" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2004-11-18", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-18", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11512-11513; text as passed Senate: CR S11512-11513; text of measure as introduced: CR S11502-11503)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 473, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "International Affairs", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "M000303", "district": null, "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Sen. McCain, John [R-AZ]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "MCCAIN", "middle_name": "SIDNEY", "party": "R", "state": "AZ" } ], "subjects": [ "Administrative remedies", "Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues", "Commerce", "Crime and Law Enforcement", "Democracy", "Diplomacy", "Election administration", "Election candidates", "Election fraud", "Europe", "Foreign leaders", "Free enterprise", "Freedom of association", "Freedom of the press", "Government Operations and Politics", "Government regulation", "Human rights", "Immigration", "Law", "Libel and slander", "Licenses", "NATO countries", "Nongovernmental organizations", "Opposition (Political science)", "Parliamentary government", "Political parties", "Political persecution", "Presidential elections", "Prosecution", "Right of assembly", "Rule of law", "Sanctions (International law)", "Sovereignty", "Tax auditing", "Taxation", "Ukraine", "Visas", "Voting" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2004-11-18", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>States that the Senate: (1) acknowledges and welcomes the strong relationship formed between the United States and Ukraine since the restoration of Ukraine's independence in 1991; (2) recognizes that a precondition for the full integration of Ukraine into the Western community of nations, including as an equal member in institutions such as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), is its establishment of a democratic political system; (3) urges the Government of Ukraine to guarantee freedom of association and assembly, including the right of candidates, members of political parties, and others to freely assemble, to organize and conduct public events, and to exercise these and other rights free from intimidation or harassment; (4) urges the Government of Ukraine to meet its Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) commitments on democratic elections; (5) urges the Ukrainian authorities to ensure the full transparency of election procedures before, during, and after the 2004 presidential elections; (6) encourages the President to consider visa bans and other sanctions on persons responsible for efforts to improperly influence the election; and (7) pledges its support and assistance to the Ukrainian people's establishment of a free and open democratic system, creation of a free market economy, and their country's assumption of a full and equal membership in the Western community of democracies.</p>", "update_date": "2004-12-01T17:26:11Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-11-18", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary has been expanded because action occurred on the measure.)</b></p> <p>States that the Senate: (1) acknowledges and welcomes the strong relationship formed between the United States and Ukraine since the restoration of Ukraine's independence in 1991; and (2) recognizes that a precondition for the full integration of Ukraine into the Western community of nations is its establishment of a genuinely democratic political system.</p> <p>Urges the Government of Ukraine to: (1) guarantee freedom of association and assembly; (2) meet its Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) commitments on democratic elections; and (3) address issues previously identified by the Office of Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) in its final reports on the 2002 parliamentary elections and the 1999 presidential elections, such as illegal interference by public authorities in the campaign and a high degree of bias in the media.</p> <p>Urges the Ukrainian authorities to ensure, among other things, the full transparency of election procedures before, during, and after the second round of the 2004 presidential election and the free access for Ukrainian and international election observers.</p> <p>Calls upon the Government of Ukraine to guarantee election monitors from the ODIHR, other participating OSCE states, Ukrainian political parties, representatives of candidates, nongovernmental organizations, and other private institutions and organizations, both foreign and domestic, unobstructed access to all aspects of the election process.</p> <p>Urges the President to: (1) employ fully the diplomatic and other resources of the U.S. Government to encourage the Government of Ukraine to ensure that the election laws and procedures of Ukraine are faithfully adhered to by all local and national officials, by others acting at their behest, and by all candidates and parties, during and subsequent to the presidential campaign and election-day voting; (2) communicate clearly to the Government of Ukraine, and to all parties, candidates, and the people of Ukraine the high importance attached by the U.S. Government to this campaign as a central factor in determining the future relationship between the two countries; and (3) consider visa bans and other targeted sanctions on those responsible for encouraging or participating in any efforts to influence improperly the outcome of the election.</p> <p> Pledges the enduring support and assistance of the Senate to the people of Ukraine for establishment of a fully free and open democratic system, creation of a prosperous free market economy, and establishment of a secure independence and freedom from coercion and for Ukraine's assumption of its rightful place as a full and equal member of the Western community of democracies.</p>", "update_date": "2004-12-23T21:25:15Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2004-11-18T05:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": null } ], "title": "A resolution urging the Government of Ukraine to ensure a democratic, transparent, and fair election process for the Presidential run-off election on November 21, 2004.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution urging the Government of Ukraine to ensure a democratic, transparent, and fair election process for the Presidential run-off election on November 21, 2004.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution urging the Government of Ukraine to ensure a democratic, transparent, and fair election process for the Presidential run-off election on November 21, 2004.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2021-09-29T22:08:30Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-13T18:13:50Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11512-11513; text as passed Senate: CR S11512-11513; text of measure as introduced: CR S11502-11503)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-11-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S11512-11513; text as passed Senate: CR S11512-11513; text of measure as introduced: CR S11502-11503)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-11-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "M000303", "district": null, "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Sen. McCain, John [R-AZ]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "MCCAIN", "middle_name": "SIDNEY", "party": "R", "state": "AZ" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "L000504", "district": null, "first_name": "RICHARD", "full_name": "Sen. Lugar, Richard G. [R-IN]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LUGAR", "middle_name": "GREEN", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-18", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001142", "district": null, "first_name": "GORDON", "full_name": "Sen. Smith, Gordon H. [R-OR]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SMITH", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-18", "state": "OR" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000304", "district": null, "first_name": "JOSEPH", "full_name": "Sen. Lieberman, Joseph I. [D-CT]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LIEBERMAN", "middle_name": "I.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-18", "state": "CT" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000359", "district": null, "first_name": "Lindsey", "full_name": "Sen. Graham, Lindsey [R-SC]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Graham", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-18", "state": "SC" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001028", "district": null, "first_name": "CHUCK", "full_name": "Sen. Hagel, Chuck [R-NE]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HAGEL", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-18", "state": "NE" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000444", "district": null, "first_name": "JOSEPH", "full_name": "Sen. Biden, Joseph R., Jr. [D-DE]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BIDEN", "middle_name": "ROBINETTE", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-18", "state": "DE" } ]
International Affairs
[ "Administrative remedies", "Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues", "Commerce", "Crime and Law Enforcement", "Democracy", "Diplomacy", "Election administration", "Election candidates", "Election fraud", "Europe", "Foreign leaders", "Free enterprise", "Freedom of association", "Freedom of the press", "Government Operations and Politics", "Government regulation", "Human rights", "Immigration", "Law", "Libel and slander", "Licenses", "NATO countries", "Nongovernmental organizations", "Opposition (Political science)", "Parliamentary government", "Political parties", "Political persecution", "Presidential elections", "Prosecution", "Right of assembly", "Rule of law", "Sanctions (International law)", "Sovereignty", "Tax auditing", "Taxation", "Ukraine", "Visas", "Voting" ]
[ { "action_date": "2004-11-18", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>States that the Senate: (1) acknowledges and welcomes the strong relationship formed between the United States and Ukraine since the restoration of Ukraine's independence in 1991; (2) recognizes that a precondition for the full integration of Ukraine into the Western community of nations, including as an equal member in institutions such as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), is its establishment of a democratic political system; (3) urges the Government of Ukraine to guarantee freedom of association and assembly, including the right of candidates, members of political parties, and others to freely assemble, to organize and conduct public events, and to exercise these and other rights free from intimidation or harassment; (4) urges the Government of Ukraine to meet its Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) commitments on democratic elections; (5) urges the Ukrainian authorities to ensure the full transparency of election procedures before, during, and after the 2004 presidential elections; (6) encourages the President to consider visa bans and other sanctions on persons responsible for efforts to improperly influence the election; and (7) pledges its support and assistance to the Ukrainian people's establishment of a free and open democratic system, creation of a free market economy, and their country's assumption of a full and equal membership in the Western community of democracies.</p>", "update_date": "2004-12-01T17:26:11Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-11-18", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary has been expanded because action occurred on the measure.)</b></p> <p>States that the Senate: (1) acknowledges and welcomes the strong relationship formed between the United States and Ukraine since the restoration of Ukraine's independence in 1991; and (2) recognizes that a precondition for the full integration of Ukraine into the Western community of nations is its establishment of a genuinely democratic political system.</p> <p>Urges the Government of Ukraine to: (1) guarantee freedom of association and assembly; (2) meet its Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) commitments on democratic elections; and (3) address issues previously identified by the Office of Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) in its final reports on the 2002 parliamentary elections and the 1999 presidential elections, such as illegal interference by public authorities in the campaign and a high degree of bias in the media.</p> <p>Urges the Ukrainian authorities to ensure, among other things, the full transparency of election procedures before, during, and after the second round of the 2004 presidential election and the free access for Ukrainian and international election observers.</p> <p>Calls upon the Government of Ukraine to guarantee election monitors from the ODIHR, other participating OSCE states, Ukrainian political parties, representatives of candidates, nongovernmental organizations, and other private institutions and organizations, both foreign and domestic, unobstructed access to all aspects of the election process.</p> <p>Urges the President to: (1) employ fully the diplomatic and other resources of the U.S. Government to encourage the Government of Ukraine to ensure that the election laws and procedures of Ukraine are faithfully adhered to by all local and national officials, by others acting at their behest, and by all candidates and parties, during and subsequent to the presidential campaign and election-day voting; (2) communicate clearly to the Government of Ukraine, and to all parties, candidates, and the people of Ukraine the high importance attached by the U.S. Government to this campaign as a central factor in determining the future relationship between the two countries; and (3) consider visa bans and other targeted sanctions on those responsible for encouraging or participating in any efforts to influence improperly the outcome of the election.</p> <p> Pledges the enduring support and assistance of the Senate to the people of Ukraine for establishment of a fully free and open democratic system, creation of a prosperous free market economy, and establishment of a secure independence and freedom from coercion and for Ukraine's assumption of its rightful place as a full and equal member of the Western community of democracies.</p>", "update_date": "2004-12-23T21:25:15Z", "version_code": "82" } ]
A resolution urging the Government of Ukraine to ensure a democratic, transparent, and fair election process for the Presidential run-off election on November 21, 2004.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution urging the Government of Ukraine to ensure a democratic, transparent, and fair election process for the Presidential run-off election on November 21, 2004.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution urging the Government of Ukraine to ensure a democratic, transparent, and fair election process for the Presidential run-off election on November 21, 2004.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-11-18T05:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-18", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11512-11513; text as passed Senate: CR S11512-11513; text of measure as introduced: CR S11502-11503)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-18 14:53:00.177
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 474 </number> <updateDate> 2021-09-29T22:08:30Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-13T18:13:49Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2004-11-19 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-11-19 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11520-11523; text as passed Senate: CR S11522; text of measure as introduced: CR 11/20/2004 S11648-11649) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-11-19 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S11520-11523; text as passed Senate: CR S11522; text of measure as introduced: CR 11/20/2004 S11648-11649) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-11-19 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> L000550 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Landrieu, Mary L. [D-LA] </fullName> <firstName> MARY </firstName> <lastName> LANDRIEU </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> LA </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> C000858 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Craig, Larry E. [R-ID] </fullName> <firstName> LARRY </firstName> <lastName> CRAIG </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ID </state> <middleName> EDWIN </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-11-19 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000611 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Bond, Christopher S. [R-MO] </fullName> <firstName> CHRISTOPHER </firstName> <lastName> BOND </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MO </state> <middleName> S. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-11-19 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000294 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. DeWine, Mike [R-OH] </fullName> <firstName> MICHAEL </firstName> <lastName> DEWINE </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OH </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-11-19 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000442 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Fitzgerald, Peter [R-IL] </fullName> <firstName> PETER </firstName> <lastName> FITZGERALD </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IL </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-11-19 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000261 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Levin, Carl [D-MI] </fullName> <firstName> CARL </firstName> <lastName> LEVIN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <middleName> MILTON </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-11-19 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000059 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Santorum, Rick [R-PA] </fullName> <firstName> RICK </firstName> <lastName> SANTORUM </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> PA </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-11-19 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000770 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Stabenow, Debbie [D-MI] </fullName> <firstName> Debbie </firstName> <lastName> Stabenow </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-11-19 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001153 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Murkowski, Lisa [R-AK] </fullName> <firstName> Lisa </firstName> <lastName> Murkowski </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AK </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-11-19 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000177 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Johnson, Tim [D-SD] </fullName> <firstName> TIM </firstName> <lastName> JOHNSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> SD </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-11-19 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000953 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Brownback, Sam [R-KS] </fullName> <firstName> SAM </firstName> <lastName> BROWNBACK </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KS </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-11-19 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> N000102 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Nickles, Don [R-OK] </fullName> <firstName> DONALD </firstName> <lastName> NICKLES </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OK </state> <middleName> LEE </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-11-19 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> I000024 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Inhofe, James M. [R-OK] </fullName> <firstName> Jim </firstName> <lastName> Inhofe </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OK </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-11-19 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000072 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Jeffords, James M. [I-VT] </fullName> <firstName> JAMES </firstName> <lastName> JEFFORDS </lastName> <party> I </party> <state> VT </state> <middleName> MERRILL </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-11-19 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000663 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Snowe, Olympia J. [R-ME] </fullName> <firstName> Olympia </firstName> <lastName> Snowe </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ME </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-11-19 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Adoption </name> </item> <item> <name> Families </name> </item> <item> <name> Special months </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-11-19 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-12-06T20:49:23Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Recognizes November 2004 as National Adoption Month.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-11-19 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-12-06T20:49:38Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Recognizes November 2004 as National Adoption Month.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution to express support for the goals of National Adoption Month by promoting national awareness of adoption, celebrating children and families involved in adoption, and encouraging Americans to secure safety, permanency, and well being for all children. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution to express support for the goals of National Adoption Month by promoting national awareness of adoption, celebrating children and families involved in adoption, and encouraging Americans to secure safety, permanency, and well being for all children. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution to express support for the goals of National Adoption Month by promoting national awareness of adoption, celebrating children and families involved in adoption, and encouraging Americans to secure safety, permanency, and well being for all children. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2004-11-19T05:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres474ats/xml/BILLS-108sres474ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-11-19 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11520-11523; text as passed Senate: CR S11522; text of measure as introduced: CR 11/20/2004 S11648-11649) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-19", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. 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As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2004-11-19", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-19", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11520-11523; text as passed Senate: CR S11522; text of measure as introduced: CR 11/20/2004 S11648-11649)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 474, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Commemorations", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "L000550", "district": null, "first_name": "MARY", "full_name": "Sen. Landrieu, Mary L. [D-LA]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "LANDRIEU", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "LA" } ], "subjects": [ "Adoption", "Families", "Special months" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2004-11-19", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Recognizes November 2004 as National Adoption Month.</p>", "update_date": "2004-12-06T20:49:23Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-11-19", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Recognizes November 2004 as National Adoption Month.</p>", "update_date": "2004-12-06T20:49:38Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2004-11-19T05:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres474ats/xml/BILLS-108sres474ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution to express support for the goals of National Adoption Month by promoting national awareness of adoption, celebrating children and families involved in adoption, and encouraging Americans to secure safety, permanency, and well being for all children.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution to express support for the goals of National Adoption Month by promoting national awareness of adoption, celebrating children and families involved in adoption, and encouraging Americans to secure safety, permanency, and well being for all children.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution to express support for the goals of National Adoption Month by promoting national awareness of adoption, celebrating children and families involved in adoption, and encouraging Americans to secure safety, permanency, and well being for all children.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2021-09-29T22:08:30Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-13T18:13:49Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
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[ { "bioguide_id": "L000550", "district": null, "first_name": "MARY", "full_name": "Sen. Landrieu, Mary L. [D-LA]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "LANDRIEU", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "LA" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "C000858", "district": null, "first_name": "LARRY", "full_name": "Sen. Craig, Larry E. [R-ID]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CRAIG", "middle_name": "EDWIN", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-19", "state": "ID" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000611", "district": null, "first_name": "CHRISTOPHER", "full_name": "Sen. Bond, Christopher S. [R-MO]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BOND", "middle_name": "S.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-19", "state": "MO" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000294", "district": null, "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Sen. DeWine, Mike [R-OH]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DEWINE", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-19", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000442", "district": null, "first_name": "PETER", "full_name": "Sen. Fitzgerald, Peter [R-IL]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FITZGERALD", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-19", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000261", "district": null, "first_name": "CARL", "full_name": "Sen. Levin, Carl [D-MI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LEVIN", "middle_name": "MILTON", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-19", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000059", "district": null, "first_name": "RICK", "full_name": "Sen. Santorum, Rick [R-PA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SANTORUM", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-19", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000770", "district": null, "first_name": "Debbie", "full_name": "Sen. Stabenow, Debbie [D-MI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Stabenow", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-19", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001153", "district": null, "first_name": "Lisa", "full_name": "Sen. Murkowski, Lisa [R-AK]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Murkowski", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-19", "state": "AK" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000177", "district": null, "first_name": "TIM", "full_name": "Sen. Johnson, Tim [D-SD]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JOHNSON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-19", "state": "SD" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000953", "district": null, "first_name": "SAM", "full_name": "Sen. Brownback, Sam [R-KS]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BROWNBACK", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-19", "state": "KS" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000102", "district": null, "first_name": "DONALD", "full_name": "Sen. Nickles, Don [R-OK]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "NICKLES", "middle_name": "LEE", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-19", "state": "OK" }, { "bioguide_id": "I000024", "district": null, "first_name": "Jim", "full_name": "Sen. Inhofe, James M. [R-OK]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Inhofe", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-19", "state": "OK" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000072", "district": null, "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Sen. Jeffords, James M. [I-VT]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JEFFORDS", "middle_name": "MERRILL", "party": "I", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-19", "state": "VT" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000663", "district": null, "first_name": "Olympia", "full_name": "Sen. Snowe, Olympia J. [R-ME]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Snowe", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-19", "state": "ME" } ]
[ "Adoption", "Families", "Special months" ]
[ { "action_date": "2004-11-19", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Recognizes November 2004 as National Adoption Month.</p>", "update_date": "2004-12-06T20:49:23Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-11-19", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Recognizes November 2004 as National Adoption Month.</p>", "update_date": "2004-12-06T20:49:38Z", "version_code": "82" } ]
A resolution to express support for the goals of National Adoption Month by promoting national awareness of adoption, celebrating children and families involved in adoption, and encouraging Americans to secure safety, permanency, and well being for all children.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution to express support for the goals of National Adoption Month by promoting national awareness of adoption, celebrating children and families involved in adoption, and encouraging Americans to secure safety, permanency, and well being for all children.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution to express support for the goals of National Adoption Month by promoting national awareness of adoption, celebrating children and families involved in adoption, and encouraging Americans to secure safety, permanency, and well being for all children.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-11-19T05:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres474ats/xml/BILLS-108sres474ats.xml" } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-19", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11520-11523; text as passed Senate: CR S11522; text of measure as introduced: CR 11/20/2004 S11648-11649)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-18 14:54:01.010
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 475 </number> <updateDate> 2021-09-29T22:08:31Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-13T18:13:49Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2004-11-19 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-11-19 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11554-11555; text as passed Senate: CR S11554-11555; text of measure as introduced: CR 11/20/2004 S11649) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-11-19 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S11554-11555; text as passed Senate: CR S11554-11555; text of measure as introduced: CR 11/20/2004 S11649) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-11-19 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> C001057 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Coleman, Norm [R-MN] </fullName> <firstName> Norm </firstName> <lastName> Coleman </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MN </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> F000061 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Feingold, Russell D. [D-WI] </fullName> <firstName> RUSSELL </firstName> <lastName> FEINGOLD </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WI </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-11-19 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000305 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Kohl, Herb [D-WI] </fullName> <firstName> HERBERT </firstName> <lastName> KOHL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WI </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-11-19 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000596 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Dayton, Mark [D-MN] </fullName> <firstName> MARK </firstName> <lastName> DAYTON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MN </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-11-19 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues </name> </item> <item> <name> Democracy </name> </item> <item> <name> East Asia </name> </item> <item> <name> Ethnic relations </name> </item> <item> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </item> <item> <name> Human rights </name> </item> <item> <name> Laos </name> </item> <item> <name> Minorities </name> </item> <item> <name> Religion </name> </item> <item> <name> Religious liberty </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-11-19 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-12-08T23:29:00Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;States that the Senate: (1) condemns the serious human rights abuses in the Lao People's Democratic Republic; (2) urges the Lao government to increase international access to vulnerable populations and to respect the human rights of all Laotians, including ethnic and religious minorities; and (3) hopes that the Lao government intensifies its efforts to open its economy and society. &lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-11-19 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-12-08T23:29:23Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;States that the Senate: (1) condemns the serious human rights abuses in the Lao People's Democratic Republic; (2) urges the Lao government to increase international access to vulnerable populations and to respect the human rights of all Laotians, including ethnic and religious minorities; and (3) hopes that the Lao government intensifies its efforts to open its economy and society. &lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution to condemn human rights abuses in Laos. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution to condemn human rights abuses in Laos. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution to condemn human rights abuses in Laos. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2004-11-19T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-11-19 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11554-11555; text as passed Senate: CR S11554-11555; text of measure as introduced: CR 11/20/2004 S11649) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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(consideration: CR S11554-11555; text as passed Senate: CR S11554-11555; text of measure as introduced: CR 11/20/2004 S11649)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-11-19", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S11554-11555; text as passed Senate: CR S11554-11555; text of measure as introduced: CR 11/20/2004 S11649)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-11-19", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "F000061", "district": null, "first_name": "RUSSELL", "full_name": "Sen. 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A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2004-11-19", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-19", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11554-11555; text as passed Senate: CR S11554-11555; text of measure as introduced: CR 11/20/2004 S11649)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 475, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "International Affairs", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "C001057", "district": null, "first_name": "Norm", "full_name": "Sen. 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The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>States that the Senate: (1) condemns the serious human rights abuses in the Lao People's Democratic Republic; (2) urges the Lao government to increase international access to vulnerable populations and to respect the human rights of all Laotians, including ethnic and religious minorities; and (3) hopes that the Lao government intensifies its efforts to open its economy and society. </p>", "update_date": "2004-12-08T23:29:23Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2004-11-19T05:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": null } ], "title": "A resolution to condemn human rights abuses in Laos.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution to condemn human rights abuses in Laos.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution to condemn human rights abuses in Laos.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2021-09-29T22:08:31Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-13T18:13:49Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-19", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11554-11555; text as passed Senate: CR S11554-11555; text of measure as introduced: CR 11/20/2004 S11649)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-11-19", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S11554-11555; text as passed Senate: CR S11554-11555; text of measure as introduced: CR 11/20/2004 S11649)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-11-19", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "C001057", "district": null, "first_name": "Norm", "full_name": "Sen. Coleman, Norm [R-MN]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Coleman", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "MN" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "F000061", "district": null, "first_name": "RUSSELL", "full_name": "Sen. Feingold, Russell D. [D-WI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FEINGOLD", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-19", "state": "WI" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000305", "district": null, "first_name": "HERBERT", "full_name": "Sen. Kohl, Herb [D-WI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KOHL", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-19", "state": "WI" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000596", "district": null, "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Sen. Dayton, Mark [D-MN]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DAYTON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-19", "state": "MN" } ]
International Affairs
[ "Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues", "Democracy", "East Asia", "Ethnic relations", "Government Operations and Politics", "Human rights", "Laos", "Minorities", "Religion", "Religious liberty" ]
[ { "action_date": "2004-11-19", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>States that the Senate: (1) condemns the serious human rights abuses in the Lao People's Democratic Republic; (2) urges the Lao government to increase international access to vulnerable populations and to respect the human rights of all Laotians, including ethnic and religious minorities; and (3) hopes that the Lao government intensifies its efforts to open its economy and society. </p>", "update_date": "2004-12-08T23:29:00Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-11-19", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>States that the Senate: (1) condemns the serious human rights abuses in the Lao People's Democratic Republic; (2) urges the Lao government to increase international access to vulnerable populations and to respect the human rights of all Laotians, including ethnic and religious minorities; and (3) hopes that the Lao government intensifies its efforts to open its economy and society. </p>", "update_date": "2004-12-08T23:29:23Z", "version_code": "82" } ]
A resolution to condemn human rights abuses in Laos.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution to condemn human rights abuses in Laos.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution to condemn human rights abuses in Laos.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-11-19T05:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-19", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11554-11555; text as passed Senate: CR S11554-11555; text of measure as introduced: CR 11/20/2004 S11649)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-18 14:57:01.422
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 476 </number> <updateDate> 2021-09-29T22:08:31Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-13T18:13:49Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2004-11-19 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-11-19 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 11/20/2004 S11653; text as passed Senate: CR 11/20/2004 S11653; text of measure as introduced: CR 11/20/2004 S11649) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-11-19 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR 11/20/2004 S11653; text as passed Senate: CR 11/20/2004 S11653; text of measure as introduced: CR 11/20/2004 S11649) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-11-19 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> A000360 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Alexander, Lamar [R-TN] </fullName> <firstName> Lamar </firstName> <lastName> Alexander </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TN </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> D000388 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Dodd, Christopher J. [D-CT] </fullName> <firstName> CHRISTOPHER </firstName> <lastName> DODD </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CT </state> <middleName> JOHN </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-11-19 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Childbirth </name> </item> <item> <name> Health </name> </item> <item> <name> Health education </name> </item> <item> <name> Infants </name> </item> <item> <name> Low birth weight </name> </item> <item> <name> Preventive medicine </name> </item> <item> <name> Special months </name> </item> <item> <name> Women </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-11-19 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2005-01-21T19:42:40Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Recognizes, during the month of November, 2004, activities and programs that promote awareness of and solutions to the dangers of preterm birth across the United States.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-11-19 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2005-01-21T19:42:51Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Recognizes, during the month of November, 2004, activities and programs that promote awareness of and solutions to the dangers of preterm birth across the United States.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution supporting the goals, activities, and ideals of National Prematurity Awareness Month. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution supporting the goals, activities, and ideals of National Prematurity Awareness Month. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution supporting the goals, activities, and ideals of National Prematurity Awareness Month. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2004-11-19T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-11-19 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 11/20/2004 S11653; text as passed Senate: CR 11/20/2004 S11653; text of measure as introduced: CR 11/20/2004 S11649) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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(consideration: CR 11/20/2004 S11653; text as passed Senate: CR 11/20/2004 S11653; text of measure as introduced: CR 11/20/2004 S11649)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-11-19", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR 11/20/2004 S11653; text as passed Senate: CR 11/20/2004 S11653; text of measure as introduced: CR 11/20/2004 S11649)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-11-19", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "D000388", "district": null, "first_name": "CHRISTOPHER", "full_name": "Sen. Dodd, Christopher J. [D-CT]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DODD", "middle_name": "JOHN", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-19", "state": "CT" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2004-11-19", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-19", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 11/20/2004 S11653; text as passed Senate: CR 11/20/2004 S11653; text of measure as introduced: CR 11/20/2004 S11649)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 476, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Commemorations", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "A000360", "district": null, "first_name": "Lamar", "full_name": "Sen. Alexander, Lamar [R-TN]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Alexander", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "TN" } ], "subjects": [ "Childbirth", "Health", "Health education", "Infants", "Low birth weight", "Preventive medicine", "Special months", "Women" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2004-11-19", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Recognizes, during the month of November, 2004, activities and programs that promote awareness of and solutions to the dangers of preterm birth across the United States.</p>", "update_date": "2005-01-21T19:42:40Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-11-19", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Recognizes, during the month of November, 2004, activities and programs that promote awareness of and solutions to the dangers of preterm birth across the United States.</p>", "update_date": "2005-01-21T19:42:51Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2004-11-19T05:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": null } ], "title": "A resolution supporting the goals, activities, and ideals of National Prematurity Awareness Month.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution supporting the goals, activities, and ideals of National Prematurity Awareness Month.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution supporting the goals, activities, and ideals of National Prematurity Awareness Month.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2021-09-29T22:08:31Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-13T18:13:49Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-19", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 11/20/2004 S11653; text as passed Senate: CR 11/20/2004 S11653; text of measure as introduced: CR 11/20/2004 S11649)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-11-19", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR 11/20/2004 S11653; text as passed Senate: CR 11/20/2004 S11653; text of measure as introduced: CR 11/20/2004 S11649)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-11-19", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "A000360", "district": null, "first_name": "Lamar", "full_name": "Sen. Alexander, Lamar [R-TN]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Alexander", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "TN" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "D000388", "district": null, "first_name": "CHRISTOPHER", "full_name": "Sen. Dodd, Christopher J. [D-CT]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DODD", "middle_name": "JOHN", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-19", "state": "CT" } ]
[ "Childbirth", "Health", "Health education", "Infants", "Low birth weight", "Preventive medicine", "Special months", "Women" ]
[ { "action_date": "2004-11-19", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Recognizes, during the month of November, 2004, activities and programs that promote awareness of and solutions to the dangers of preterm birth across the United States.</p>", "update_date": "2005-01-21T19:42:40Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-11-19", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Recognizes, during the month of November, 2004, activities and programs that promote awareness of and solutions to the dangers of preterm birth across the United States.</p>", "update_date": "2005-01-21T19:42:51Z", "version_code": "82" } ]
A resolution supporting the goals, activities, and ideals of National Prematurity Awareness Month.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution supporting the goals, activities, and ideals of National Prematurity Awareness Month.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution supporting the goals, activities, and ideals of National Prematurity Awareness Month.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-11-19T05:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-19", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 11/20/2004 S11653; text as passed Senate: CR 11/20/2004 S11653; text of measure as introduced: CR 11/20/2004 S11649)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-18 14:57:02.094
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 477 </number> <updateDate> 2021-09-29T22:08:31Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-13T18:13:49Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2004-11-19 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-11-19 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 11/20/2004 S11660-11661; text as passed Senate: CR 11/20/2004 S11660-11661; text of measure as introduced: CR 11/20/2004 S11649-11650) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-11-19 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR 11/20/2004 S11660-11661; text as passed Senate: CR 11/20/2004 S11660-11661; text of measure as introduced: CR 11/20/2004 S11649-11650) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-11-19 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> F000439 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Frist, William H. [R-TN] </fullName> <firstName> WILLIAM </firstName> <lastName> FRIST </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TN </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> R000146 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Reid, Harry [D-NV] </fullName> <firstName> HARRY </firstName> <lastName> REID </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NV </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-11-19 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Arab-Israeli conflict </name> </item> <item> <name> Armed Forces and National Security </name> </item> <item> <name> Democracy </name> </item> <item> <name> Europe </name> </item> <item> <name> Foreign leaders </name> </item> <item> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </item> <item> <name> Israel </name> </item> <item> <name> Middle East and North Africa </name> </item> <item> <name> Palestinians </name> </item> <item> <name> Peace </name> </item> <item> <name> Peace negotiations </name> </item> <item> <name> United Kingdom </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-11-19 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-12-08T19:27:41Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;States that the Senate: (1) endorses the Joint Statement made by President Bush and Prime Minister Blair expressing a shared vision of freedom, peace, and democracy in the broader Middle East and supports a reinvigorated U.S.-led international effort to achieve that vision; (2) reaffirms its commitment to two democratic States, Israel and Palestine, as the key to peace; and (3) expresses its commitment to the road map as a plan toward final status negotiations and peace. &lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-11-19 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-12-08T19:27:57Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;States that the Senate: (1) endorses the Joint Statement made by President Bush and Prime Minister Blair expressing a shared vision of freedom, peace, and democracy in the broader Middle East and supports a reinvigorated U.S.-led international effort to achieve that vision; (2) reaffirms its commitment to two democratic States, Israel and Palestine, as the key to peace; and (3) expresses its commitment to the road map as a plan toward final status negotiations and peace. &lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate in support of a reinvigorated United States vision of freedom, peace, and democracy in the Middle East. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate in support of a reinvigorated United States vision of freedom, peace, and democracy in the Middle East. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate in support of a reinvigorated United States vision of freedom, peace, and democracy in the Middle East. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2004-11-19T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-11-19 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 11/20/2004 S11660-11661; text as passed Senate: CR 11/20/2004 S11660-11661; text of measure as introduced: CR 11/20/2004 S11649-11650) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-19", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 11/20/2004 S11660-11661; text as passed Senate: CR 11/20/2004 S11660-11661; text of measure as introduced: CR 11/20/2004 S11649-11650)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-11-19", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR 11/20/2004 S11660-11661; text as passed Senate: CR 11/20/2004 S11660-11661; text of measure as introduced: CR 11/20/2004 S11649-11650)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-11-19", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "R000146", "district": null, "first_name": "HARRY", "full_name": "Sen. Reid, Harry [D-NV]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "REID", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-19", "state": "NV" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2004-11-19", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-19", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 11/20/2004 S11660-11661; text as passed Senate: CR 11/20/2004 S11660-11661; text of measure as introduced: CR 11/20/2004 S11649-11650)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 477, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "International Affairs", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "F000439", "district": null, "first_name": "WILLIAM", "full_name": "Sen. Frist, William H. [R-TN]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "FRIST", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "R", "state": "TN" } ], "subjects": [ "Arab-Israeli conflict", "Armed Forces and National Security", "Democracy", "Europe", "Foreign leaders", "Government Operations and Politics", "Israel", "Middle East and North Africa", "Palestinians", "Peace", "Peace negotiations", "United Kingdom" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2004-11-19", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>States that the Senate: (1) endorses the Joint Statement made by President Bush and Prime Minister Blair expressing a shared vision of freedom, peace, and democracy in the broader Middle East and supports a reinvigorated U.S.-led international effort to achieve that vision; (2) reaffirms its commitment to two democratic States, Israel and Palestine, as the key to peace; and (3) expresses its commitment to the road map as a plan toward final status negotiations and peace. </p>", "update_date": "2004-12-08T19:27:41Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-11-19", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>States that the Senate: (1) endorses the Joint Statement made by President Bush and Prime Minister Blair expressing a shared vision of freedom, peace, and democracy in the broader Middle East and supports a reinvigorated U.S.-led international effort to achieve that vision; (2) reaffirms its commitment to two democratic States, Israel and Palestine, as the key to peace; and (3) expresses its commitment to the road map as a plan toward final status negotiations and peace. </p>", "update_date": "2004-12-08T19:27:57Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2004-11-19T05:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": null } ], "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate in support of a reinvigorated United States vision of freedom, peace, and democracy in the Middle East.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate in support of a reinvigorated United States vision of freedom, peace, and democracy in the Middle East.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate in support of a reinvigorated United States vision of freedom, peace, and democracy in the Middle East.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2021-09-29T22:08:31Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-13T18:13:49Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-19", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 11/20/2004 S11660-11661; text as passed Senate: CR 11/20/2004 S11660-11661; text of measure as introduced: CR 11/20/2004 S11649-11650)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-11-19", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR 11/20/2004 S11660-11661; text as passed Senate: CR 11/20/2004 S11660-11661; text of measure as introduced: CR 11/20/2004 S11649-11650)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-11-19", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "F000439", "district": null, "first_name": "WILLIAM", "full_name": "Sen. Frist, William H. [R-TN]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "FRIST", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "R", "state": "TN" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "R000146", "district": null, "first_name": "HARRY", "full_name": "Sen. Reid, Harry [D-NV]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "REID", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-19", "state": "NV" } ]
International Affairs
[ "Arab-Israeli conflict", "Armed Forces and National Security", "Democracy", "Europe", "Foreign leaders", "Government Operations and Politics", "Israel", "Middle East and North Africa", "Palestinians", "Peace", "Peace negotiations", "United Kingdom" ]
[ { "action_date": "2004-11-19", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>States that the Senate: (1) endorses the Joint Statement made by President Bush and Prime Minister Blair expressing a shared vision of freedom, peace, and democracy in the broader Middle East and supports a reinvigorated U.S.-led international effort to achieve that vision; (2) reaffirms its commitment to two democratic States, Israel and Palestine, as the key to peace; and (3) expresses its commitment to the road map as a plan toward final status negotiations and peace. </p>", "update_date": "2004-12-08T19:27:41Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-11-19", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>States that the Senate: (1) endorses the Joint Statement made by President Bush and Prime Minister Blair expressing a shared vision of freedom, peace, and democracy in the broader Middle East and supports a reinvigorated U.S.-led international effort to achieve that vision; (2) reaffirms its commitment to two democratic States, Israel and Palestine, as the key to peace; and (3) expresses its commitment to the road map as a plan toward final status negotiations and peace. </p>", "update_date": "2004-12-08T19:27:57Z", "version_code": "82" } ]
A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate in support of a reinvigorated United States vision of freedom, peace, and democracy in the Middle East.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate in support of a reinvigorated United States vision of freedom, peace, and democracy in the Middle East.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate in support of a reinvigorated United States vision of freedom, peace, and democracy in the Middle East.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-11-19T05:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-19", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 11/20/2004 S11660-11661; text as passed Senate: CR 11/20/2004 S11660-11661; text of measure as introduced: CR 11/20/2004 S11649-11650)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-18 14:57:01.767
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 478 </number> <updateDate> 2021-09-29T22:08:31Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-13T18:13:49Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2004-11-19 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-11-19 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 11/20/2004 S11663; text as passed Senate: CR 11/20/2004 S11663; text of measure as introduced: CR 11/20/2004 S11650) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-11-19 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR 11/20/2004 S11663; text as passed Senate: CR 11/20/2004 S11663; text of measure as introduced: CR 11/20/2004 S11650) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-11-19 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> F000439 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Frist, William H. [R-TN] </fullName> <firstName> WILLIAM </firstName> <lastName> FRIST </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TN </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <policyArea> <name> Congress </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Congressional committee chairmen </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional committee membership </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional committee staffing </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional committees (Senate) </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional employees </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional leadership </name> </item> <item> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </item> <item> <name> Senate </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Congress </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-11-19 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-12-06T20:29:58Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Amends S. Res. 458 of the 98th Congress to provide salary continuation for up to 60 days for a staff member whose service is terminated solely and directly as a result of: (1) a change in the individual occupying the position of President pro tempore emeritus, Chairman of the Conference of the Majority, Chairman of the Conference of the Minority, Chairman of the Majority Policy Committee, and Chairman of the Minority Policy Committee; or (2) expiration of a Senator's term in office, but only if the Senator is not serving as a Senator for the next term of office and was a candidate in the general election for such next term.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-11-19 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-12-06T20:30:07Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Amends S. Res. 458 of the 98th Congress to provide salary continuation for up to 60 days for a staff member whose service is terminated solely and directly as a result of: (1) a change in the individual occupying the position of President pro tempore emeritus, Chairman of the Conference of the Majority, Chairman of the Conference of the Minority, Chairman of the Majority Policy Committee, and Chairman of the Minority Policy Committee; or (2) expiration of a Senator's term in office, but only if the Senator is not serving as a Senator for the next term of office and was a candidate in the general election for such next term.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution relating to displaced staff members of Senators and Senate leaders. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution relating to displaced staff members of Senators and Senate leaders. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution relating to displaced staff members of Senators and Senate leaders. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2004-11-19T05:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres478ats/xml/BILLS-108sres478ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-11-19 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 11/20/2004 S11663; text as passed Senate: CR 11/20/2004 S11663; text of measure as introduced: CR 11/20/2004 S11650) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-19", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 11/20/2004 S11663; text as passed Senate: CR 11/20/2004 S11663; text of measure as introduced: CR 11/20/2004 S11650)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-11-19", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR 11/20/2004 S11663; text as passed Senate: CR 11/20/2004 S11663; text of measure as introduced: CR 11/20/2004 S11650)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-11-19", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2004-11-19", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-19", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 11/20/2004 S11663; text as passed Senate: CR 11/20/2004 S11663; text of measure as introduced: CR 11/20/2004 S11650)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 478, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Congress", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "F000439", "district": null, "first_name": "WILLIAM", "full_name": "Sen. Frist, William H. [R-TN]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "FRIST", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "R", "state": "TN" } ], "subjects": [ "Congressional committee chairmen", "Congressional committee membership", "Congressional committee staffing", "Congressional committees (Senate)", "Congressional employees", "Congressional leadership", "Government Operations and Politics", "Senate" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2004-11-19", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Amends S. Res. 458 of the 98th Congress to provide salary continuation for up to 60 days for a staff member whose service is terminated solely and directly as a result of: (1) a change in the individual occupying the position of President pro tempore emeritus, Chairman of the Conference of the Majority, Chairman of the Conference of the Minority, Chairman of the Majority Policy Committee, and Chairman of the Minority Policy Committee; or (2) expiration of a Senator's term in office, but only if the Senator is not serving as a Senator for the next term of office and was a candidate in the general election for such next term.</p>", "update_date": "2004-12-06T20:29:58Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-11-19", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Amends S. Res. 458 of the 98th Congress to provide salary continuation for up to 60 days for a staff member whose service is terminated solely and directly as a result of: (1) a change in the individual occupying the position of President pro tempore emeritus, Chairman of the Conference of the Majority, Chairman of the Conference of the Minority, Chairman of the Majority Policy Committee, and Chairman of the Minority Policy Committee; or (2) expiration of a Senator's term in office, but only if the Senator is not serving as a Senator for the next term of office and was a candidate in the general election for such next term.</p>", "update_date": "2004-12-06T20:30:07Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2004-11-19T05:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres478ats/xml/BILLS-108sres478ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution relating to displaced staff members of Senators and Senate leaders.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution relating to displaced staff members of Senators and Senate leaders.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution relating to displaced staff members of Senators and Senate leaders.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2021-09-29T22:08:31Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-13T18:13:49Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-19", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 11/20/2004 S11663; text as passed Senate: CR 11/20/2004 S11663; text of measure as introduced: CR 11/20/2004 S11650)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-11-19", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR 11/20/2004 S11663; text as passed Senate: CR 11/20/2004 S11663; text of measure as introduced: CR 11/20/2004 S11650)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-11-19", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "F000439", "district": null, "first_name": "WILLIAM", "full_name": "Sen. Frist, William H. [R-TN]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "FRIST", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "R", "state": "TN" } ]
[ "Congressional committee chairmen", "Congressional committee membership", "Congressional committee staffing", "Congressional committees (Senate)", "Congressional employees", "Congressional leadership", "Government Operations and Politics", "Senate" ]
[ { "action_date": "2004-11-19", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Amends S. Res. 458 of the 98th Congress to provide salary continuation for up to 60 days for a staff member whose service is terminated solely and directly as a result of: (1) a change in the individual occupying the position of President pro tempore emeritus, Chairman of the Conference of the Majority, Chairman of the Conference of the Minority, Chairman of the Majority Policy Committee, and Chairman of the Minority Policy Committee; or (2) expiration of a Senator's term in office, but only if the Senator is not serving as a Senator for the next term of office and was a candidate in the general election for such next term.</p>", "update_date": "2004-12-06T20:29:58Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-11-19", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Amends S. Res. 458 of the 98th Congress to provide salary continuation for up to 60 days for a staff member whose service is terminated solely and directly as a result of: (1) a change in the individual occupying the position of President pro tempore emeritus, Chairman of the Conference of the Majority, Chairman of the Conference of the Minority, Chairman of the Majority Policy Committee, and Chairman of the Minority Policy Committee; or (2) expiration of a Senator's term in office, but only if the Senator is not serving as a Senator for the next term of office and was a candidate in the general election for such next term.</p>", "update_date": "2004-12-06T20:30:07Z", "version_code": "82" } ]
A resolution relating to displaced staff members of Senators and Senate leaders.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution relating to displaced staff members of Senators and Senate leaders.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution relating to displaced staff members of Senators and Senate leaders.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-11-19T05:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres478ats/xml/BILLS-108sres478ats.xml" } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-19", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 11/20/2004 S11663; text as passed Senate: CR 11/20/2004 S11663; text of measure as introduced: CR 11/20/2004 S11650)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-18 19:18:01.430
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 479 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-14T22:48:29Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:29Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2004-11-20 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssra00 </systemCode> <name> Rules and Administration Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2004-11-21T02:10:15Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-11-20 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssra00 </systemCode> <name> Rules and Administration Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on Rules and Administration. (text of measure as introduced: CR S11802-11804) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-11-20 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> L000123 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Lautenberg, Frank R. [D-NJ] </fullName> <firstName> FRANK </firstName> <lastName> LAUTENBERG </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <policyArea> <name> Congress </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Accounting </name> </item> <item> <name> Administrative procedure </name> </item> <item> <name> Affiliated corporations </name> </item> <item> <name> Africa (Sub-Saharan) </name> </item> <item> <name> Armed Forces and National Security </name> </item> <item> <name> Bribery </name> </item> <item> <name> Bush (George W.) Administration </name> </item> <item> <name> Business ethics </name> </item> <item> <name> Caribbean area </name> </item> <item> <name> Commerce </name> </item> <item> <name> Competitive bidding </name> </item> <item> <name> Confidential communications </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional committee chairmen </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional committees (Senate) </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional hearings </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional investigations </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional oversight </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional reorganization </name> </item> <item> <name> Construction industries </name> </item> <item> <name> Corporate corruption </name> </item> <item> <name> Crime and Law Enforcement </name> </item> <item> <name> Cuba </name> </item> <item> <name> Defense contracts </name> </item> <item> <name> East Asia </name> </item> <item> <name> Economics and Public Finance </name> </item> <item> <name> Employee rights </name> </item> <item> <name> Energy </name> </item> <item> <name> Energy industries </name> </item> <item> <name> Finance and Financial Sector </name> </item> <item> <name> Foreign Trade and International Finance </name> </item> <item> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </item> <item> <name> Government and business </name> </item> <item> <name> Government contractors </name> </item> <item> <name> Government ethics </name> </item> <item> <name> Government officials </name> </item> <item> <name> International Affairs </name> </item> <item> <name> Iraq </name> </item> <item> <name> Iraq compilation </name> </item> <item> <name> Labor and Employment </name> </item> <item> <name> Latin America </name> </item> <item> <name> Law </name> </item> <item> <name> Legislation </name> </item> <item> <name> Middle East and North Africa </name> </item> <item> <name> Misconduct in office </name> </item> <item> <name> Negligence </name> </item> <item> <name> Nigeria </name> </item> <item> <name> North Korea </name> </item> <item> <name> Petroleum </name> </item> <item> <name> Profit </name> </item> <item> <name> Public records </name> </item> <item> <name> Sanctions (International law) </name> </item> <item> <name> Senate Armed Services </name> </item> <item> <name> Subcontractors </name> </item> <item> <name> Subsidiary corporations </name> </item> <item> <name> Syria </name> </item> <item> <name> Vice Presidents </name> </item> <item> <name> War relief </name> </item> <item> <name> Waste in government spending </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Congress </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-11-20 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-12-06T20:27:05Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Establishes the Special Committee to Investigate Halliburton, War Profiteering, and Related Matters, to be administered by the Committee on Governmental Affairs.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution establishing a special committee administered by the Committee on Governmental Affairs to conduct an investigation involving Halliburton Company and war profiteering, and other related matters. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution establishing a special committee administered by the Committee on Governmental Affairs to conduct an investigation involving Halliburton Company and war profiteering, and other related matters. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution establishing a special committee administered by the Committee on Governmental Affairs to conduct an investigation involving Halliburton Company and war profiteering, and other related matters. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2004-11-20T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-11-20 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Committee on Rules and Administration. (text of measure as introduced: CR S11802-11804) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2004-11-20", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-20", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Rules and Administration. 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Administration", "Business ethics", "Caribbean area", "Commerce", "Competitive bidding", "Confidential communications", "Congressional committee chairmen", "Congressional committees (Senate)", "Congressional hearings", "Congressional investigations", "Congressional oversight", "Congressional reorganization", "Construction industries", "Corporate corruption", "Crime and Law Enforcement", "Cuba", "Defense contracts", "East Asia", "Economics and Public Finance", "Employee rights", "Energy", "Energy industries", "Finance and Financial Sector", "Foreign Trade and International Finance", "Government Operations and Politics", "Government and business", "Government contractors", "Government ethics", "Government officials", "International Affairs", "Iraq", "Iraq compilation", "Labor and Employment", "Latin America", "Law", "Legislation", "Middle East and North Africa", "Misconduct in office", "Negligence", "Nigeria", "North Korea", "Petroleum", "Profit", "Public records", "Sanctions (International law)", "Senate Armed Services", "Subcontractors", "Subsidiary corporations", "Syria", "Vice Presidents", "War relief", "Waste in government spending" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2004-11-20", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Establishes the Special Committee to Investigate Halliburton, War Profiteering, and Related Matters, to be administered by the Committee on Governmental Affairs.</p>", "update_date": "2004-12-06T20:27:05Z", "version_code": "00" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2004-11-20T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": null } ], "title": "A resolution establishing a special committee administered by the Committee on Governmental Affairs to conduct an investigation involving Halliburton Company and war profiteering, and other related matters.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution establishing a special committee administered by the Committee on Governmental Affairs to conduct an investigation involving Halliburton Company and war profiteering, and other related matters.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution establishing a special committee administered by the Committee on Governmental Affairs to conduct an investigation involving Halliburton Company and war profiteering, and other related matters.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2023-01-14T22:48:29Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-14T22:48:29Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2004-11-21T02:10:15Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Rules and Administration Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssra00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-20", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Rules and Administration Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssra00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Rules and Administration. (text of measure as introduced: CR S11802-11804)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-11-20", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "L000123", "district": null, "first_name": "FRANK", "full_name": "Sen. Lautenberg, Frank R. [D-NJ]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "LAUTENBERG", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "state": "NJ" } ]
[ "Accounting", "Administrative procedure", "Affiliated corporations", "Africa (Sub-Saharan)", "Armed Forces and National Security", "Bribery", "Bush (George W.) Administration", "Business ethics", "Caribbean area", "Commerce", "Competitive bidding", "Confidential communications", "Congressional committee chairmen", "Congressional committees (Senate)", "Congressional hearings", "Congressional investigations", "Congressional oversight", "Congressional reorganization", "Construction industries", "Corporate corruption", "Crime and Law Enforcement", "Cuba", "Defense contracts", "East Asia", "Economics and Public Finance", "Employee rights", "Energy", "Energy industries", "Finance and Financial Sector", "Foreign Trade and International Finance", "Government Operations and Politics", "Government and business", "Government contractors", "Government ethics", "Government officials", "International Affairs", "Iraq", "Iraq compilation", "Labor and Employment", "Latin America", "Law", "Legislation", "Middle East and North Africa", "Misconduct in office", "Negligence", "Nigeria", "North Korea", "Petroleum", "Profit", "Public records", "Sanctions (International law)", "Senate Armed Services", "Subcontractors", "Subsidiary corporations", "Syria", "Vice Presidents", "War relief", "Waste in government spending" ]
[ { "action_date": "2004-11-20", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Establishes the Special Committee to Investigate Halliburton, War Profiteering, and Related Matters, to be administered by the Committee on Governmental Affairs.</p>", "update_date": "2004-12-06T20:27:05Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
A resolution establishing a special committee administered by the Committee on Governmental Affairs to conduct an investigation involving Halliburton Company and war profiteering, and other related matters.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution establishing a special committee administered by the Committee on Governmental Affairs to conduct an investigation involving Halliburton Company and war profiteering, and other related matters.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution establishing a special committee administered by the Committee on Governmental Affairs to conduct an investigation involving Halliburton Company and war profiteering, and other related matters.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-11-20T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-20", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Rules and Administration. (text of measure as introduced: CR S11802-11804)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-18 14:56:01.198
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 480 </number> <updateDate> 2021-09-29T22:08:31Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-13T18:13:49Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2004-11-20 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-11-21 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 11/20/2004 S11834-11835; text as passed Senate: CR 11/20/2004 S11834-11835; text of measure as introduced: CR 11/20/2004 S11804) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-11-21 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR 11/20/2004 S11834-11835; text as passed Senate: CR 11/20/2004 S11834-11835; text of measure as introduced: CR 11/20/2004 S11804) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-11-20 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Introduced in the Senate. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-11-20 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> F000439 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Frist, William H. [R-TN] </fullName> <firstName> WILLIAM </firstName> <lastName> FRIST </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TN </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> R000146 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Reid, Harry [D-NV] </fullName> <firstName> HARRY </firstName> <lastName> REID </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NV </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-11-20 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Congress </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Armed Forces and National Security </name> </item> <item> <name> Arms control </name> </item> <item> <name> Arms control negotiations </name> </item> <item> <name> Arms sales </name> </item> <item> <name> Ballistic missile defenses </name> </item> <item> <name> Conferences </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional caucuses </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional delegations </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional leadership </name> </item> <item> <name> Conventional weapons </name> </item> <item> <name> Export controls </name> </item> <item> <name> Foreign Trade and International Finance </name> </item> <item> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </item> <item> <name> International Affairs </name> </item> <item> <name> International cooperation </name> </item> <item> <name> Legislative bodies </name> </item> <item> <name> Legislators </name> </item> <item> <name> Members of Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Parliamentary government </name> </item> <item> <name> Russia </name> </item> <item> <name> Senate </name> </item> <item> <name> Weapons of mass destruction </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Congress </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-11-20 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-12-06T22:52:43Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Amends Senate Resolution 105 of the 101st Congress to authorize the Senate National Security Working Group to study any issues related to national security that the Majority and Minority Leaders jointly determine appropriate. Authorizes the Group to participate in international forums and institutions regarding: (1) reduction, limitation, or control of conventional weapons, weapons of mass destruction, or the means for delivery of any such weapons; (2) reduction, limitation, or control of missile defenses; (3) export controls; and (4) national security-related issues.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Extends until December 31, 2006, the authorities of specified Senate resolutions relating to the Senate National Security Working Group.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-11-21 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-12-07T18:55:27Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Amends Senate Resolution 105 of the 101st Congress to authorize the Senate National Security Working Group to study any issues related to national security that the Majority and Minority Leaders jointly determine appropriate. Authorizes the Group to participate in international forums and institutions regarding: (1) reduction, limitation, or control of conventional weapons, weapons of mass destruction, or the means for delivery of any such weapons; (2) reduction, limitation, or control of missile defenses; (3) export controls; and (4) national security-related issues.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Extends until December 31, 2006, the authorities of specified Senate resolutions relating to the Senate National Security Working Group.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution extending the authority for the Senate National Security Working Group. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution extending the authority for the Senate National Security Working Group. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution extending the authority for the Senate National Security Working Group. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2004-11-21T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-11-21 </actionDate> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 11/20/2004 S11834-11835; text as passed Senate: CR 11/20/2004 S11834-11835; text of measure as introduced: CR 11/20/2004 S11804) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-21", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 11/20/2004 S11834-11835; text as passed Senate: CR 11/20/2004 S11834-11835; text of measure as introduced: CR 11/20/2004 S11804)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-11-21", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR 11/20/2004 S11834-11835; text as passed Senate: CR 11/20/2004 S11834-11835; text of measure as introduced: CR 11/20/2004 S11804)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-20", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Introduced in the Senate.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-11-20", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "R000146", "district": null, "first_name": "HARRY", "full_name": "Sen. Reid, Harry [D-NV]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "REID", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-20", "state": "NV" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2004-11-20", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-21", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 11/20/2004 S11834-11835; text as passed Senate: CR 11/20/2004 S11834-11835; text of measure as introduced: CR 11/20/2004 S11804)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 480, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Congress", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "F000439", "district": null, "first_name": "WILLIAM", "full_name": "Sen. Frist, William H. [R-TN]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "FRIST", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "R", "state": "TN" } ], "subjects": [ "Armed Forces and National Security", "Arms control", "Arms control negotiations", "Arms sales", "Ballistic missile defenses", "Conferences", "Congressional caucuses", "Congressional delegations", "Congressional leadership", "Conventional weapons", "Export controls", "Foreign Trade and International Finance", "Government Operations and Politics", "International Affairs", "International cooperation", "Legislative bodies", "Legislators", "Members of Congress", "Parliamentary government", "Russia", "Senate", "Weapons of mass destruction" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2004-11-20", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Amends Senate Resolution 105 of the 101st Congress to authorize the Senate National Security Working Group to study any issues related to national security that the Majority and Minority Leaders jointly determine appropriate. Authorizes the Group to participate in international forums and institutions regarding: (1) reduction, limitation, or control of conventional weapons, weapons of mass destruction, or the means for delivery of any such weapons; (2) reduction, limitation, or control of missile defenses; (3) export controls; and (4) national security-related issues.</p> <p></p> <p>Extends until December 31, 2006, the authorities of specified Senate resolutions relating to the Senate National Security Working Group.</p>", "update_date": "2004-12-06T22:52:43Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-11-21", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Amends Senate Resolution 105 of the 101st Congress to authorize the Senate National Security Working Group to study any issues related to national security that the Majority and Minority Leaders jointly determine appropriate. Authorizes the Group to participate in international forums and institutions regarding: (1) reduction, limitation, or control of conventional weapons, weapons of mass destruction, or the means for delivery of any such weapons; (2) reduction, limitation, or control of missile defenses; (3) export controls; and (4) national security-related issues.</p> <p></p> <p>Extends until December 31, 2006, the authorities of specified Senate resolutions relating to the Senate National Security Working Group.</p>", "update_date": "2004-12-07T18:55:27Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2004-11-21T05:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": null } ], "title": "A resolution extending the authority for the Senate National Security Working Group.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution extending the authority for the Senate National Security Working Group.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution extending the authority for the Senate National Security Working Group.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2021-09-29T22:08:31Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-13T18:13:49Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-21", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 11/20/2004 S11834-11835; text as passed Senate: CR 11/20/2004 S11834-11835; text of measure as introduced: CR 11/20/2004 S11804)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-11-21", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR 11/20/2004 S11834-11835; text as passed Senate: CR 11/20/2004 S11834-11835; text of measure as introduced: CR 11/20/2004 S11804)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-20", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Introduced in the Senate.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-11-20", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "F000439", "district": null, "first_name": "WILLIAM", "full_name": "Sen. Frist, William H. [R-TN]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "FRIST", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "R", "state": "TN" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "R000146", "district": null, "first_name": "HARRY", "full_name": "Sen. Reid, Harry [D-NV]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "REID", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-20", "state": "NV" } ]
[ "Armed Forces and National Security", "Arms control", "Arms control negotiations", "Arms sales", "Ballistic missile defenses", "Conferences", "Congressional caucuses", "Congressional delegations", "Congressional leadership", "Conventional weapons", "Export controls", "Foreign Trade and International Finance", "Government Operations and Politics", "International Affairs", "International cooperation", "Legislative bodies", "Legislators", "Members of Congress", "Parliamentary government", "Russia", "Senate", "Weapons of mass destruction" ]
[ { "action_date": "2004-11-20", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Amends Senate Resolution 105 of the 101st Congress to authorize the Senate National Security Working Group to study any issues related to national security that the Majority and Minority Leaders jointly determine appropriate. Authorizes the Group to participate in international forums and institutions regarding: (1) reduction, limitation, or control of conventional weapons, weapons of mass destruction, or the means for delivery of any such weapons; (2) reduction, limitation, or control of missile defenses; (3) export controls; and (4) national security-related issues.</p> <p></p> <p>Extends until December 31, 2006, the authorities of specified Senate resolutions relating to the Senate National Security Working Group.</p>", "update_date": "2004-12-06T22:52:43Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-11-21", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Amends Senate Resolution 105 of the 101st Congress to authorize the Senate National Security Working Group to study any issues related to national security that the Majority and Minority Leaders jointly determine appropriate. Authorizes the Group to participate in international forums and institutions regarding: (1) reduction, limitation, or control of conventional weapons, weapons of mass destruction, or the means for delivery of any such weapons; (2) reduction, limitation, or control of missile defenses; (3) export controls; and (4) national security-related issues.</p> <p></p> <p>Extends until December 31, 2006, the authorities of specified Senate resolutions relating to the Senate National Security Working Group.</p>", "update_date": "2004-12-07T18:55:27Z", "version_code": "82" } ]
A resolution extending the authority for the Senate National Security Working Group.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution extending the authority for the Senate National Security Working Group.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution extending the authority for the Senate National Security Working Group.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-11-21T05:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-21", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 11/20/2004 S11834-11835; text as passed Senate: CR 11/20/2004 S11834-11835; text of measure as introduced: CR 11/20/2004 S11804)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-18 14:56:00.584
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 481 </number> <updateDate> 2021-09-29T22:08:31Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-13T18:13:49Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2004-11-20 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-11-21 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 11/20/2004 S11835; text as passed Senate: CR 11/20/2004 S11835; text of measure as introduced: CR 11/20/2004 S11804-11805) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-11-21 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR 11/20/2004 S11835; text as passed Senate: CR 11/20/2004 S11835; text of measure as introduced: CR 11/20/2004 S11804-11805) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-11-20 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Introduced in the Senate. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-11-20 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> S000059 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Santorum, Rick [R-PA] </fullName> <firstName> RICK </firstName> <lastName> SANTORUM </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> PA </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Armed Forces and National Security </name> </item> <item> <name> Army </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Europe </name> </item> <item> <name> France </name> </item> <item> <name> History </name> </item> <item> <name> Military operations </name> </item> <item> <name> Officer personnel </name> </item> <item> <name> World War II </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-11-20 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2005-01-18T15:21:54Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Salutes the accomplishments of Lieutenant Richard D. Winters and the men of &amp;quot;Easy Company&amp;quot; for their actions to ensure control over Utah Beach at Normandy, France, during World War II, and commends the heroism and bravery shown by Lieutenant Winters.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Acknowledges the historical achievements of Lieutenant Winters and his men in assuring the success of the Allied Normandy Campaign begun on June 6, 1944 (D-Day).&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Expresses gratitude for the service of Lieutenant Winters, his men, and all veterans who served in World War II.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-11-21 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2005-01-18T15:22:38Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Salutes the accomplishments of Lieutenant Richard D. Winters and the men of &amp;quot;Easy Company&amp;quot; for their actions to ensure control over Utah Beach at Normandy, France, during World War II, and commends the heroism and bravery shown by Lieutenant Winters.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Acknowledges the historical achievements of Lieutenant Winters and his men in assuring the success of the Allied Normandy Campaign begun on June 6, 1944 (D-Day).&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Expresses gratitude for the service of Lieutenant Winters, his men, and all veterans who served in World War II.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution expressing the gratitude and appreciation of the Senate for the acts of heroism and military achievement of Major Richard D. Winters (Ret.) during World War II, and commending him for leadership and valor in leading the men of Easy Company. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing the gratitude and appreciation of the Senate for the acts of heroism and military achievement of Major Richard D. Winters (Ret.) during World War II, and commending him for leadership and valor in leading the men of Easy Company. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing the gratitude and appreciation of the Senate for the acts of heroism and military achievement of Major Richard D. Winters (Ret.) during World War II, and commending him for leadership and valor in leading the men of Easy Company. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2004-11-21T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-11-21 </actionDate> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 11/20/2004 S11835; text as passed Senate: CR 11/20/2004 S11835; text of measure as introduced: CR 11/20/2004 S11804-11805) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-21", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 11/20/2004 S11835; text as passed Senate: CR 11/20/2004 S11835; text of measure as introduced: CR 11/20/2004 S11804-11805)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-11-21", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR 11/20/2004 S11835; text as passed Senate: CR 11/20/2004 S11835; text of measure as introduced: CR 11/20/2004 S11804-11805)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-20", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Introduced in the Senate.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-11-20", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2004-11-20", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-21", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 11/20/2004 S11835; text as passed Senate: CR 11/20/2004 S11835; text of measure as introduced: CR 11/20/2004 S11804-11805)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 481, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Commemorations", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "S000059", "district": null, "first_name": "RICK", "full_name": "Sen. Santorum, Rick [R-PA]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "SANTORUM", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "PA" } ], "subjects": [ "Armed Forces and National Security", "Army", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Europe", "France", "History", "Military operations", "Officer personnel", "World War II" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2004-11-20", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Salutes the accomplishments of Lieutenant Richard D. Winters and the men of &quot;Easy Company&quot; for their actions to ensure control over Utah Beach at Normandy, France, during World War II, and commends the heroism and bravery shown by Lieutenant Winters.</p> <p>Acknowledges the historical achievements of Lieutenant Winters and his men in assuring the success of the Allied Normandy Campaign begun on June 6, 1944 (D-Day).</p> <p>Expresses gratitude for the service of Lieutenant Winters, his men, and all veterans who served in World War II.</p>", "update_date": "2005-01-18T15:21:54Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-11-21", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Salutes the accomplishments of Lieutenant Richard D. Winters and the men of &quot;Easy Company&quot; for their actions to ensure control over Utah Beach at Normandy, France, during World War II, and commends the heroism and bravery shown by Lieutenant Winters.</p> <p>Acknowledges the historical achievements of Lieutenant Winters and his men in assuring the success of the Allied Normandy Campaign begun on June 6, 1944 (D-Day).</p> <p>Expresses gratitude for the service of Lieutenant Winters, his men, and all veterans who served in World War II.</p>", "update_date": "2005-01-18T15:22:38Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2004-11-21T05:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": null } ], "title": "A resolution expressing the gratitude and appreciation of the Senate for the acts of heroism and military achievement of Major Richard D. Winters (Ret.) during World War II, and commending him for leadership and valor in leading the men of Easy Company.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the gratitude and appreciation of the Senate for the acts of heroism and military achievement of Major Richard D. Winters (Ret.) during World War II, and commending him for leadership and valor in leading the men of Easy Company.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the gratitude and appreciation of the Senate for the acts of heroism and military achievement of Major Richard D. Winters (Ret.) during World War II, and commending him for leadership and valor in leading the men of Easy Company.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2021-09-29T22:08:31Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-13T18:13:49Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-21", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 11/20/2004 S11835; text as passed Senate: CR 11/20/2004 S11835; text of measure as introduced: CR 11/20/2004 S11804-11805)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-11-21", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR 11/20/2004 S11835; text as passed Senate: CR 11/20/2004 S11835; text of measure as introduced: CR 11/20/2004 S11804-11805)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-20", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Introduced in the Senate.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-11-20", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "S000059", "district": null, "first_name": "RICK", "full_name": "Sen. Santorum, Rick [R-PA]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "SANTORUM", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "PA" } ]
[ "Armed Forces and National Security", "Army", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Europe", "France", "History", "Military operations", "Officer personnel", "World War II" ]
[ { "action_date": "2004-11-20", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Salutes the accomplishments of Lieutenant Richard D. Winters and the men of &quot;Easy Company&quot; for their actions to ensure control over Utah Beach at Normandy, France, during World War II, and commends the heroism and bravery shown by Lieutenant Winters.</p> <p>Acknowledges the historical achievements of Lieutenant Winters and his men in assuring the success of the Allied Normandy Campaign begun on June 6, 1944 (D-Day).</p> <p>Expresses gratitude for the service of Lieutenant Winters, his men, and all veterans who served in World War II.</p>", "update_date": "2005-01-18T15:21:54Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-11-21", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Salutes the accomplishments of Lieutenant Richard D. Winters and the men of &quot;Easy Company&quot; for their actions to ensure control over Utah Beach at Normandy, France, during World War II, and commends the heroism and bravery shown by Lieutenant Winters.</p> <p>Acknowledges the historical achievements of Lieutenant Winters and his men in assuring the success of the Allied Normandy Campaign begun on June 6, 1944 (D-Day).</p> <p>Expresses gratitude for the service of Lieutenant Winters, his men, and all veterans who served in World War II.</p>", "update_date": "2005-01-18T15:22:38Z", "version_code": "82" } ]
A resolution expressing the gratitude and appreciation of the Senate for the acts of heroism and military achievement of Major Richard D. Winters (Ret.) during World War II, and commending him for leadership and valor in leading the men of Easy Company.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the gratitude and appreciation of the Senate for the acts of heroism and military achievement of Major Richard D. Winters (Ret.) during World War II, and commending him for leadership and valor in leading the men of Easy Company.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the gratitude and appreciation of the Senate for the acts of heroism and military achievement of Major Richard D. Winters (Ret.) during World War II, and commending him for leadership and valor in leading the men of Easy Company.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-11-21T05:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-21", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 11/20/2004 S11835; text as passed Senate: CR 11/20/2004 S11835; text of measure as introduced: CR 11/20/2004 S11804-11805)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-18 14:57:01.520
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 482 </number> <updateDate> 2021-09-29T22:08:31Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-13T18:13:49Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2004-11-20 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <relatedBills> <item> <title> Congratulating the Boston Red Sox on winning the 2004 World Series. </title> <congress> 108 </congress> <number> 854 </number> <type> HRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-11-18 </actionDate> <text> Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection. </text> <actionTime> 23:35:37 </actionTime> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Identical bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-11-21 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 11/20/2004 S11835-11836; text as passed Senate: CR 11/20/2004 S11836; text of measure as introduced: CR 11/20/2004 S11805) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-11-21 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR 11/20/2004 S11835-11836; text as passed Senate: CR 11/20/2004 S11836; text of measure as introduced: CR 11/20/2004 S11805) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-11-20 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Introduced in the Senate. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-11-20 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> K000105 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Kennedy, Edward M. [D-MA] </fullName> <firstName> EDWARD </firstName> <lastName> KENNEDY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> MOORE </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> R000122 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Reed, Jack [D-RI] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Reed </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> RI </state> <middleName> F. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-11-20 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000148 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Kerry, John F. [D-MA] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> KERRY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> FORBES </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-11-20 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000388 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Dodd, Christopher J. [D-CT] </fullName> <firstName> CHRISTOPHER </firstName> <lastName> DODD </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CT </state> <middleName> JOHN </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-11-20 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000072 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Jeffords, James M. [I-VT] </fullName> <firstName> JAMES </firstName> <lastName> JEFFORDS </lastName> <party> I </party> <state> VT </state> <middleName> MERRILL </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-11-20 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001078 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Sununu, John E. [R-NH] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Sununu </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NH </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-11-20 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001040 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Chafee, Lincoln [R-RI] </fullName> <firstName> LINCOLN </firstName> <lastName> CHAFEE </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> RI </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-11-20 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Baseball </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Massachusetts </name> </item> <item> <name> Missouri </name> </item> <item> <name> Sports and Recreation </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-11-20 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2005-01-21T19:52:50Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Congratulates: (1) the Boston Red Sox for winning the 2004 Major League Baseball World Series and for their incredible performance during the 2004 Major League Baseball season; and (2) the eight Major League Baseball teams that played in the postseason.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Recognizes the achievements of the Boston Red Sox players, manager, coaches, and support staff whose hard work, dedication, and spirit made this all possible.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Commends: (1) the St. Louis Cardinals for a valiant performance during the 2004 season and the World Series; (2) the fans and management of the St. Louis Cardinals for allowing the Red Sox fans from Boston and around the Nation to celebrate their first title in 86 years at their home field.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-11-21 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2005-01-21T19:53:04Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Congratulates: (1) the Boston Red Sox for winning the 2004 Major League Baseball World Series and for their incredible performance during the 2004 Major League Baseball season; and (2) the eight Major League Baseball teams that played in the postseason.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Recognizes the achievements of the Boston Red Sox players, manager, coaches, and support staff whose hard work, dedication, and spirit made this all possible.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Commends: (1) the St. Louis Cardinals for a valiant performance during the 2004 season and the World Series; (2) the fans and management of the St. Louis Cardinals for allowing the Red Sox fans from Boston and around the Nation to celebrate their first title in 86 years at their home field.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution congratulating the Boston Red Sox on winning the 2004 World Series. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution congratulating the Boston Red Sox on winning the 2004 World Series. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution congratulating the Boston Red Sox on winning the 2004 World Series. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2004-11-21T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-11-21 </actionDate> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 11/20/2004 S11835-11836; text as passed Senate: CR 11/20/2004 S11836; text of measure as introduced: CR 11/20/2004 S11805) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-21", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 11/20/2004 S11835-11836; text as passed Senate: CR 11/20/2004 S11836; text of measure as introduced: CR 11/20/2004 S11805)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-11-21", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR 11/20/2004 S11835-11836; text as passed Senate: CR 11/20/2004 S11836; text of measure as introduced: CR 11/20/2004 S11805)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-20", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Introduced in the Senate.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-11-20", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "R000122", "district": null, "first_name": "John", "full_name": "Sen. Reed, Jack [D-RI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Reed", "middle_name": "F.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-20", "state": "RI" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000148", "district": null, "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Sen. Kerry, John F. [D-MA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KERRY", "middle_name": "FORBES", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-20", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000388", "district": null, "first_name": "CHRISTOPHER", "full_name": "Sen. Dodd, Christopher J. [D-CT]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DODD", "middle_name": "JOHN", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-20", "state": "CT" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000072", "district": null, "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Sen. Jeffords, James M. [I-VT]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JEFFORDS", "middle_name": "MERRILL", "party": "I", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-20", "state": "VT" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001078", "district": null, "first_name": "John", "full_name": "Sen. Sununu, John E. [R-NH]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Sununu", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-20", "state": "NH" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001040", "district": null, "first_name": "LINCOLN", "full_name": "Sen. Chafee, Lincoln [R-RI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CHAFEE", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-20", "state": "RI" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2004-11-20", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-21", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 11/20/2004 S11835-11836; text as passed Senate: CR 11/20/2004 S11836; text of measure as introduced: CR 11/20/2004 S11805)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 482, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Commemorations", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 108, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-18", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": null }, "number": 854, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Identical bill" } ], "title": "Congratulating the Boston Red Sox on winning the 2004 World Series.", "type": "HRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "K000105", "district": null, "first_name": "EDWARD", "full_name": "Sen. Kennedy, Edward M. [D-MA]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "KENNEDY", "middle_name": "MOORE", "party": "D", "state": "MA" } ], "subjects": [ "Baseball", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Massachusetts", "Missouri", "Sports and Recreation" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2004-11-20", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Congratulates: (1) the Boston Red Sox for winning the 2004 Major League Baseball World Series and for their incredible performance during the 2004 Major League Baseball season; and (2) the eight Major League Baseball teams that played in the postseason.</p> <p>Recognizes the achievements of the Boston Red Sox players, manager, coaches, and support staff whose hard work, dedication, and spirit made this all possible.</p> <p>Commends: (1) the St. Louis Cardinals for a valiant performance during the 2004 season and the World Series; (2) the fans and management of the St. Louis Cardinals for allowing the Red Sox fans from Boston and around the Nation to celebrate their first title in 86 years at their home field.</p>", "update_date": "2005-01-21T19:52:50Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-11-21", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Congratulates: (1) the Boston Red Sox for winning the 2004 Major League Baseball World Series and for their incredible performance during the 2004 Major League Baseball season; and (2) the eight Major League Baseball teams that played in the postseason.</p> <p>Recognizes the achievements of the Boston Red Sox players, manager, coaches, and support staff whose hard work, dedication, and spirit made this all possible.</p> <p>Commends: (1) the St. Louis Cardinals for a valiant performance during the 2004 season and the World Series; (2) the fans and management of the St. Louis Cardinals for allowing the Red Sox fans from Boston and around the Nation to celebrate their first title in 86 years at their home field.</p>", "update_date": "2005-01-21T19:53:04Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2004-11-21T05:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": null } ], "title": "A resolution congratulating the Boston Red Sox on winning the 2004 World Series.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution congratulating the Boston Red Sox on winning the 2004 World Series.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution congratulating the Boston Red Sox on winning the 2004 World Series.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2021-09-29T22:08:31Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-13T18:13:49Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "congress": 108, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-18", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": null }, "number": 854, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Identical bill" } ], "title": "Congratulating the Boston Red Sox on winning the 2004 World Series.", "type": "HRES" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-21", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 11/20/2004 S11835-11836; text as passed Senate: CR 11/20/2004 S11836; text of measure as introduced: CR 11/20/2004 S11805)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-11-21", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR 11/20/2004 S11835-11836; text as passed Senate: CR 11/20/2004 S11836; text of measure as introduced: CR 11/20/2004 S11805)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-20", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Introduced in the Senate.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-11-20", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "K000105", "district": null, "first_name": "EDWARD", "full_name": "Sen. Kennedy, Edward M. [D-MA]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "KENNEDY", "middle_name": "MOORE", "party": "D", "state": "MA" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "R000122", "district": null, "first_name": "John", "full_name": "Sen. Reed, Jack [D-RI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Reed", "middle_name": "F.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-20", "state": "RI" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000148", "district": null, "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Sen. Kerry, John F. [D-MA]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KERRY", "middle_name": "FORBES", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-20", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000388", "district": null, "first_name": "CHRISTOPHER", "full_name": "Sen. Dodd, Christopher J. [D-CT]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DODD", "middle_name": "JOHN", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-20", "state": "CT" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000072", "district": null, "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Sen. Jeffords, James M. [I-VT]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JEFFORDS", "middle_name": "MERRILL", "party": "I", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-20", "state": "VT" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001078", "district": null, "first_name": "John", "full_name": "Sen. Sununu, John E. [R-NH]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Sununu", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-20", "state": "NH" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001040", "district": null, "first_name": "LINCOLN", "full_name": "Sen. Chafee, Lincoln [R-RI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CHAFEE", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-20", "state": "RI" } ]
[ "Baseball", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Massachusetts", "Missouri", "Sports and Recreation" ]
[ { "action_date": "2004-11-20", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Congratulates: (1) the Boston Red Sox for winning the 2004 Major League Baseball World Series and for their incredible performance during the 2004 Major League Baseball season; and (2) the eight Major League Baseball teams that played in the postseason.</p> <p>Recognizes the achievements of the Boston Red Sox players, manager, coaches, and support staff whose hard work, dedication, and spirit made this all possible.</p> <p>Commends: (1) the St. Louis Cardinals for a valiant performance during the 2004 season and the World Series; (2) the fans and management of the St. Louis Cardinals for allowing the Red Sox fans from Boston and around the Nation to celebrate their first title in 86 years at their home field.</p>", "update_date": "2005-01-21T19:52:50Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-11-21", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Congratulates: (1) the Boston Red Sox for winning the 2004 Major League Baseball World Series and for their incredible performance during the 2004 Major League Baseball season; and (2) the eight Major League Baseball teams that played in the postseason.</p> <p>Recognizes the achievements of the Boston Red Sox players, manager, coaches, and support staff whose hard work, dedication, and spirit made this all possible.</p> <p>Commends: (1) the St. Louis Cardinals for a valiant performance during the 2004 season and the World Series; (2) the fans and management of the St. Louis Cardinals for allowing the Red Sox fans from Boston and around the Nation to celebrate their first title in 86 years at their home field.</p>", "update_date": "2005-01-21T19:53:04Z", "version_code": "82" } ]
A resolution congratulating the Boston Red Sox on winning the 2004 World Series.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution congratulating the Boston Red Sox on winning the 2004 World Series.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution congratulating the Boston Red Sox on winning the 2004 World Series.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-11-21T05:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-21", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 11/20/2004 S11835-11836; text as passed Senate: CR 11/20/2004 S11836; text of measure as introduced: CR 11/20/2004 S11805)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-18 14:58:00.417
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 483 </number> <updateDate> 2021-09-29T22:08:32Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-13T18:29:29Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2004-12-07 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-12-07 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11860-11861, S11905; text as passed Senate: CR S11860-11861; text of measure as introduced: CR S11905) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-12-07 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S11860-11861, S11905; text as passed Senate: CR S11860-11861; text of measure as introduced: CR S11905) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-12-07 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> B000953 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Brownback, Sam [R-KS] </fullName> <firstName> SAM </firstName> <lastName> BROWNBACK </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KS </state> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> D000563 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Durbin, Richard J. [D-IL] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Durbin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-12-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> China </name> </item> <item> <name> Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues </name> </item> <item> <name> Crime and Law Enforcement </name> </item> <item> <name> Detention of persons </name> </item> <item> <name> Dissenters </name> </item> <item> <name> East Asia </name> </item> <item> <name> Human rights </name> </item> <item> <name> Negotiations </name> </item> <item> <name> Political prisoners </name> </item> <item> <name> Tibet </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-12-07 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-12-13T21:42:39Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Expresses the sense of the Senate that: (1) the Government of the People's Republic of China is in violation of international human rights standards by detaining and mistreating Tibetans who engage in peaceful activities to protest China's occupation of Tibet or promote the preservation of a distinct Tibetan identity; (2) sustained international pressure on the Government of the People's Republic of China is essential to improve the human rights situation in Tibet and secure the release of Tibetan political prisoners; (3) the Government of the United States should raise the cases of Tenzin Delek and other political prisoners at every opportunity with officials from the People's Republic of China, and work with other governments concerned about human rights in China, including Tibetan areas, to encourage the release of political prisoners and promote systemic improvement of human rights in China; and (4) the Government of the People's Republic of China should release all political prisoners, including Tenzin Delek.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-12-07 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-12-13T21:42:58Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Expresses the sense of the Senate that: (1) the Government of the People's Republic of China is in violation of international human rights standards by detaining and mistreating Tibetans who engage in peaceful activities to protest China's occupation of Tibet or promote the preservation of a distinct Tibetan identity; (2) sustained international pressure on the Government of the People's Republic of China is essential to improve the human rights situation in Tibet and secure the release of Tibetan political prisoners; (3) the Government of the United States should raise the cases of Tenzin Delek and other political prisoners at every opportunity with officials from the People's Republic of China, and work with other governments concerned about human rights in China, including Tibetan areas, to encourage the release of political prisoners and promote systemic improvement of human rights in China; and (4) the Government of the People's Republic of China should release all political prisoners, including Tenzin Delek.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the detention of Tibetan political prisoners by the Government of the People's Republic of China. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the detention of Tibetan political prisoners by the Government of the People's Republic of China. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the detention of Tibetan political prisoners by the Government of the People's Republic of China. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2004-12-07T05:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres483ats/xml/BILLS-108sres483ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-12-07 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11860-11861, S11905; text as passed Senate: CR S11860-11861; text of measure as introduced: CR S11905) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-12-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11860-11861, S11905; text as passed Senate: CR S11860-11861; text of measure as introduced: CR S11905)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-12-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S11860-11861, S11905; text as passed Senate: CR S11860-11861; text of measure as introduced: CR S11905)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-12-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "D000563", "district": null, "first_name": "Richard", "full_name": "Sen. Durbin, Richard J. [D-IL]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Durbin", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-12-07", "state": "IL" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2004-12-07", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-12-07", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11860-11861, S11905; text as passed Senate: CR S11860-11861; text of measure as introduced: CR S11905)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 483, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "International Affairs", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "B000953", "district": null, "first_name": "SAM", "full_name": "Sen. Brownback, Sam [R-KS]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "BROWNBACK", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "KS" } ], "subjects": [ "China", "Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues", "Crime and Law Enforcement", "Detention of persons", "Dissenters", "East Asia", "Human rights", "Negotiations", "Political prisoners", "Tibet" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2004-12-07", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Expresses the sense of the Senate that: (1) the Government of the People's Republic of China is in violation of international human rights standards by detaining and mistreating Tibetans who engage in peaceful activities to protest China's occupation of Tibet or promote the preservation of a distinct Tibetan identity; (2) sustained international pressure on the Government of the People's Republic of China is essential to improve the human rights situation in Tibet and secure the release of Tibetan political prisoners; (3) the Government of the United States should raise the cases of Tenzin Delek and other political prisoners at every opportunity with officials from the People's Republic of China, and work with other governments concerned about human rights in China, including Tibetan areas, to encourage the release of political prisoners and promote systemic improvement of human rights in China; and (4) the Government of the People's Republic of China should release all political prisoners, including Tenzin Delek.</p>", "update_date": "2004-12-13T21:42:39Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-12-07", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Expresses the sense of the Senate that: (1) the Government of the People's Republic of China is in violation of international human rights standards by detaining and mistreating Tibetans who engage in peaceful activities to protest China's occupation of Tibet or promote the preservation of a distinct Tibetan identity; (2) sustained international pressure on the Government of the People's Republic of China is essential to improve the human rights situation in Tibet and secure the release of Tibetan political prisoners; (3) the Government of the United States should raise the cases of Tenzin Delek and other political prisoners at every opportunity with officials from the People's Republic of China, and work with other governments concerned about human rights in China, including Tibetan areas, to encourage the release of political prisoners and promote systemic improvement of human rights in China; and (4) the Government of the People's Republic of China should release all political prisoners, including Tenzin Delek.</p>", "update_date": "2004-12-13T21:42:58Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2004-12-07T05:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres483ats/xml/BILLS-108sres483ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the detention of Tibetan political prisoners by the Government of the People's Republic of China.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the detention of Tibetan political prisoners by the Government of the People's Republic of China.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the detention of Tibetan political prisoners by the Government of the People's Republic of China.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2021-09-29T22:08:32Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-13T18:29:29Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-12-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11860-11861, S11905; text as passed Senate: CR S11860-11861; text of measure as introduced: CR S11905)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-12-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S11860-11861, S11905; text as passed Senate: CR S11860-11861; text of measure as introduced: CR S11905)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-12-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "B000953", "district": null, "first_name": "SAM", "full_name": "Sen. Brownback, Sam [R-KS]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "BROWNBACK", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "KS" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "D000563", "district": null, "first_name": "Richard", "full_name": "Sen. Durbin, Richard J. [D-IL]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Durbin", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-12-07", "state": "IL" } ]
International Affairs
[ "China", "Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues", "Crime and Law Enforcement", "Detention of persons", "Dissenters", "East Asia", "Human rights", "Negotiations", "Political prisoners", "Tibet" ]
[ { "action_date": "2004-12-07", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Expresses the sense of the Senate that: (1) the Government of the People's Republic of China is in violation of international human rights standards by detaining and mistreating Tibetans who engage in peaceful activities to protest China's occupation of Tibet or promote the preservation of a distinct Tibetan identity; (2) sustained international pressure on the Government of the People's Republic of China is essential to improve the human rights situation in Tibet and secure the release of Tibetan political prisoners; (3) the Government of the United States should raise the cases of Tenzin Delek and other political prisoners at every opportunity with officials from the People's Republic of China, and work with other governments concerned about human rights in China, including Tibetan areas, to encourage the release of political prisoners and promote systemic improvement of human rights in China; and (4) the Government of the People's Republic of China should release all political prisoners, including Tenzin Delek.</p>", "update_date": "2004-12-13T21:42:39Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-12-07", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Expresses the sense of the Senate that: (1) the Government of the People's Republic of China is in violation of international human rights standards by detaining and mistreating Tibetans who engage in peaceful activities to protest China's occupation of Tibet or promote the preservation of a distinct Tibetan identity; (2) sustained international pressure on the Government of the People's Republic of China is essential to improve the human rights situation in Tibet and secure the release of Tibetan political prisoners; (3) the Government of the United States should raise the cases of Tenzin Delek and other political prisoners at every opportunity with officials from the People's Republic of China, and work with other governments concerned about human rights in China, including Tibetan areas, to encourage the release of political prisoners and promote systemic improvement of human rights in China; and (4) the Government of the People's Republic of China should release all political prisoners, including Tenzin Delek.</p>", "update_date": "2004-12-13T21:42:58Z", "version_code": "82" } ]
A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the detention of Tibetan political prisoners by the Government of the People's Republic of China.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the detention of Tibetan political prisoners by the Government of the People's Republic of China.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the detention of Tibetan political prisoners by the Government of the People's Republic of China.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-12-07T05:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres483ats/xml/BILLS-108sres483ats.xml" } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-12-07", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11860-11861, S11905; text as passed Senate: CR S11860-11861; text of measure as introduced: CR S11905)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-18 14:57:02.193
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 484 </number> <updateDate> 2021-09-29T22:08:32Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-13T18:29:29Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2004-12-07 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-12-07 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11863; text as passed Senate: CR S11863; text of measure as introduced: CR S11905-11906) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-12-07 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S11863; text as passed Senate: CR S11863; text of measure as introduced: CR S11905-11906) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-12-07 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> F000439 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Frist, William H. [R-TN] </fullName> <firstName> WILLIAM </firstName> <lastName> FRIST </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TN </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Capitol (Washington, D.C.) </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional employees </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Crime and Law Enforcement </name> </item> <item> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </item> <item> <name> Police </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-12-07 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-12-10T16:45:32Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Declares that the Senate honors and thanks Robert Ray Howe, Assistant Chief of Police, for his service to the U.S. Capitol Police and Congress.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-12-07 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-12-10T16:45:47Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Declares that the Senate honors and thanks Robert Ray Howe, Assistant Chief of Police, for his service to the U.S. Capitol Police and Congress.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution to honor and thank Robert Ray Howe. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution to honor and thank Robert Ray Howe. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution to honor and thank Robert Ray Howe. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2004-12-07T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-12-07 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11863; text as passed Senate: CR S11863; text of measure as introduced: CR S11905-11906) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-12-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11863; text as passed Senate: CR S11863; text of measure as introduced: CR S11905-11906)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-12-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S11863; text as passed Senate: CR S11863; text of measure as introduced: CR S11905-11906)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-12-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2004-12-07", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-12-07", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11863; text as passed Senate: CR S11863; text of measure as introduced: CR S11905-11906)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 484, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Commemorations", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "F000439", "district": null, "first_name": "WILLIAM", "full_name": "Sen. Frist, William H. [R-TN]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "FRIST", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "R", "state": "TN" } ], "subjects": [ "Capitol (Washington, D.C.)", "Congress", "Congressional employees", "Congressional tributes", "Crime and Law Enforcement", "Government Operations and Politics", "Police" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2004-12-07", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Declares that the Senate honors and thanks Robert Ray Howe, Assistant Chief of Police, for his service to the U.S. Capitol Police and Congress.</p>", "update_date": "2004-12-10T16:45:32Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-12-07", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Declares that the Senate honors and thanks Robert Ray Howe, Assistant Chief of Police, for his service to the U.S. Capitol Police and Congress.</p>", "update_date": "2004-12-10T16:45:47Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2004-12-07T05:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": null } ], "title": "A resolution to honor and thank Robert Ray Howe.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution to honor and thank Robert Ray Howe.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution to honor and thank Robert Ray Howe.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2021-09-29T22:08:32Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-13T18:29:29Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-12-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11863; text as passed Senate: CR S11863; text of measure as introduced: CR S11905-11906)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-12-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S11863; text as passed Senate: CR S11863; text of measure as introduced: CR S11905-11906)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-12-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "F000439", "district": null, "first_name": "WILLIAM", "full_name": "Sen. Frist, William H. [R-TN]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "FRIST", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "R", "state": "TN" } ]
[ "Capitol (Washington, D.C.)", "Congress", "Congressional employees", "Congressional tributes", "Crime and Law Enforcement", "Government Operations and Politics", "Police" ]
[ { "action_date": "2004-12-07", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Declares that the Senate honors and thanks Robert Ray Howe, Assistant Chief of Police, for his service to the U.S. Capitol Police and Congress.</p>", "update_date": "2004-12-10T16:45:32Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-12-07", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Declares that the Senate honors and thanks Robert Ray Howe, Assistant Chief of Police, for his service to the U.S. Capitol Police and Congress.</p>", "update_date": "2004-12-10T16:45:47Z", "version_code": "82" } ]
A resolution to honor and thank Robert Ray Howe.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution to honor and thank Robert Ray Howe.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution to honor and thank Robert Ray Howe.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-12-07T05:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-12-07", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11863; text as passed Senate: CR S11863; text of measure as introduced: CR S11905-11906)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-18 19:13:01.142
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 485 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-14T22:48:28Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-14T22:48:28Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2004-12-08 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2004-12-08T19:46:24Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <relatedBills> <item> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the November 21, 2004, Presidential runoff election in Ukraine. </title> <congress> 108 </congress> <number> 487 </number> <type> SRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-12-08 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S12021; text as passed Senate: CR S12021; text of measure as introduced: CR S12071) </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-12-08 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S12070) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-12-08 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> S001142 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Smith, Gordon H. [R-OR] </fullName> <firstName> GORDON </firstName> <lastName> SMITH </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OR </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> B000444 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Biden, Joseph R., Jr. [D-DE] </fullName> <firstName> JOSEPH </firstName> <lastName> BIDEN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> DE </state> <middleName> ROBINETTE </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-12-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000770 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Stabenow, Debbie [D-MI] </fullName> <firstName> Debbie </firstName> <lastName> Stabenow </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-12-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001042 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Corzine, Jon S. [D-NJ] </fullName> <firstName> JON </firstName> <lastName> CORZINE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <middleName> S. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-12-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Democracy </name> </item> <item> <name> Election candidates </name> </item> <item> <name> Election fraud </name> </item> <item> <name> Europe </name> </item> <item> <name> Foreign leaders </name> </item> <item> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </item> <item> <name> National self-determination </name> </item> <item> <name> Nationalism </name> </item> <item> <name> Presidential elections </name> </item> <item> <name> Ukraine </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-12-08 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-12-13T22:25:05Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Condemns the fraud in the November 21, 2004, runoff presidential election in Ukraine.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Objects to the separatist initiatives in Ukraine that are being used by one side to influence the outcome of the election dispute.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Supports a peaceful political and legal settlement in Ukraine that is based on democratic principles and reflects the will of the people of Ukraine.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the November 21, 2004, Presidential runoff election in Ukraine. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the November 21, 2004, Presidential runoff election in Ukraine. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the November 21, 2004, Presidential runoff election in Ukraine. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in Senate </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IS </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in Senate </type> <date> 2004-12-08T05:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres485is/xml/BILLS-108sres485is.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-12-08 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S12070) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-12-08", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S12070)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-12-08", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2004-12-08T19:46:24Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "B000444", "district": null, "first_name": "JOSEPH", "full_name": "Sen. Biden, Joseph R., Jr. [D-DE]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BIDEN", "middle_name": "ROBINETTE", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-12-08", "state": "DE" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000770", "district": null, "first_name": "Debbie", "full_name": "Sen. Stabenow, Debbie [D-MI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Stabenow", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-12-08", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001042", "district": null, "first_name": "JON", "full_name": "Sen. Corzine, Jon S. [D-NJ]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CORZINE", "middle_name": "S.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-12-08", "state": "NJ" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2004-12-08", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-12-08", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S12070)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 485, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "International Affairs", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 108, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-12-08", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S12021; text as passed Senate: CR S12021; text of measure as introduced: CR S12071)", "type": null }, "number": 487, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the November 21, 2004, Presidential runoff election in Ukraine.", "type": "SRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "S001142", "district": null, "first_name": "GORDON", "full_name": "Sen. Smith, Gordon H. [R-OR]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "SMITH", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "R", "state": "OR" } ], "subjects": [ "Democracy", "Election candidates", "Election fraud", "Europe", "Foreign leaders", "Government Operations and Politics", "National self-determination", "Nationalism", "Presidential elections", "Ukraine" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2004-12-08", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Condemns the fraud in the November 21, 2004, runoff presidential election in Ukraine.</p> <p>Objects to the separatist initiatives in Ukraine that are being used by one side to influence the outcome of the election dispute.</p> <p>Supports a peaceful political and legal settlement in Ukraine that is based on democratic principles and reflects the will of the people of Ukraine.</p>", "update_date": "2004-12-13T22:25:05Z", "version_code": "00" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2004-12-08T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres485is/xml/BILLS-108sres485is.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the November 21, 2004, Presidential runoff election in Ukraine.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the November 21, 2004, Presidential runoff election in Ukraine.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the November 21, 2004, Presidential runoff election in Ukraine.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2023-01-14T22:48:28Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-14T22:48:28Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2004-12-08T19:46:24Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "congress": 108, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-12-08", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S12021; text as passed Senate: CR S12021; text of measure as introduced: CR S12071)", "type": null }, "number": 487, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the November 21, 2004, Presidential runoff election in Ukraine.", "type": "SRES" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-12-08", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S12070)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-12-08", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "S001142", "district": null, "first_name": "GORDON", "full_name": "Sen. Smith, Gordon H. [R-OR]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "SMITH", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "R", "state": "OR" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "B000444", "district": null, "first_name": "JOSEPH", "full_name": "Sen. Biden, Joseph R., Jr. [D-DE]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BIDEN", "middle_name": "ROBINETTE", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-12-08", "state": "DE" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000770", "district": null, "first_name": "Debbie", "full_name": "Sen. Stabenow, Debbie [D-MI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Stabenow", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-12-08", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001042", "district": null, "first_name": "JON", "full_name": "Sen. Corzine, Jon S. [D-NJ]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CORZINE", "middle_name": "S.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-12-08", "state": "NJ" } ]
International Affairs
[ "Democracy", "Election candidates", "Election fraud", "Europe", "Foreign leaders", "Government Operations and Politics", "National self-determination", "Nationalism", "Presidential elections", "Ukraine" ]
[ { "action_date": "2004-12-08", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Condemns the fraud in the November 21, 2004, runoff presidential election in Ukraine.</p> <p>Objects to the separatist initiatives in Ukraine that are being used by one side to influence the outcome of the election dispute.</p> <p>Supports a peaceful political and legal settlement in Ukraine that is based on democratic principles and reflects the will of the people of Ukraine.</p>", "update_date": "2004-12-13T22:25:05Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the November 21, 2004, Presidential runoff election in Ukraine.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the November 21, 2004, Presidential runoff election in Ukraine.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IS", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in Senate", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the November 21, 2004, Presidential runoff election in Ukraine.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-12-08T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres485is/xml/BILLS-108sres485is.xml" } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-12-08", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S12070)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-18 19:17:00.571
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(consideration: CR S12070-12071; text as passed Senate: CR S12018; text of measure as introduced: CR S12070-12071) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-12-08 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S12070-12071; text as passed Senate: CR S12018; text of measure as introduced: CR S12070-12071) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-12-08 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> F000439 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Frist, William H. [R-TN] </fullName> <firstName> WILLIAM </firstName> <lastName> FRIST </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TN </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> D000064 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Daschle, Thomas A. [D-SD] </fullName> <firstName> THOMAS </firstName> <lastName> DASCHLE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> SD </state> <middleName> ANDREW </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-12-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001126 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Burns, Conrad R. [R-MT] </fullName> <firstName> CONRAD </firstName> <lastName> BURNS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MT </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-12-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000174 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Leahy, Patrick J. [D-VT] </fullName> <firstName> Patrick </firstName> <lastName> Leahy </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VT </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-12-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Congress </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Commemorations </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional officers </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Senate </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Congress </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-12-08 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-12-10T19:09:09Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Expressses the condolences of the Senate upon the death of the Honorable J. Stanley Kimmitt, former Secretary of the Senate.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-12-08 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-12-10T19:09:20Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Expresses the condolences of the Senate upon the death of the Honorable J. Stanley Kimmitt, former Secretary of the Senate.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution relative to the death of J. Stanley Kimmitt, Former Secretary of the Senate. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution relative to the death of J. Stanley Kimmitt, Former Secretary of the Senate. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution relative to the death of J. Stanley Kimmitt, Former Secretary of the Senate. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2004-12-08T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Engrossed in Senate </type> <date> 2004-12-08T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-12-08 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S12070-12071; text as passed Senate: CR S12018; text of measure as introduced: CR S12070-12071) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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(consideration: CR S12070-12071; text as passed Senate: CR S12018; text of measure as introduced: CR S12070-12071)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-12-08", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S12070-12071; text as passed Senate: CR S12018; text of measure as introduced: CR S12070-12071)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-12-08", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "D000064", "district": null, "first_name": "THOMAS", "full_name": "Sen. Daschle, Thomas A. 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A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2004-12-08", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-12-08", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S12070-12071; text as passed Senate: CR S12018; text of measure as introduced: CR S12070-12071)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 486, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "Congress", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "F000439", "district": null, "first_name": "WILLIAM", "full_name": "Sen. Frist, William H. [R-TN]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "FRIST", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "R", "state": "TN" } ], "subjects": [ "Commemorations", "Congressional officers", "Congressional tributes", "Senate" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2004-12-08", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Expressses the condolences of the Senate upon the death of the Honorable J. Stanley Kimmitt, former Secretary of the Senate.</p>", "update_date": "2004-12-10T19:09:09Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-12-08", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Expresses the condolences of the Senate upon the death of the Honorable J. Stanley Kimmitt, former Secretary of the Senate.</p>", "update_date": "2004-12-10T19:09:20Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2004-12-08T05:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2004-12-08T05:00:00Z", "type": "Engrossed in Senate", "url": null } ], "title": "A resolution relative to the death of J. Stanley Kimmitt, Former Secretary of the Senate.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution relative to the death of J. Stanley Kimmitt, Former Secretary of the Senate.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution relative to the death of J. Stanley Kimmitt, Former Secretary of the Senate.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2023-01-14T22:48:28Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-14T22:48:28Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-12-08", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S12070-12071; text as passed Senate: CR S12018; text of measure as introduced: CR S12070-12071)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-12-08", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S12070-12071; text as passed Senate: CR S12018; text of measure as introduced: CR S12070-12071)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-12-08", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "F000439", "district": null, "first_name": "WILLIAM", "full_name": "Sen. Frist, William H. [R-TN]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "FRIST", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "R", "state": "TN" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "D000064", "district": null, "first_name": "THOMAS", "full_name": "Sen. Daschle, Thomas A. [D-SD]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DASCHLE", "middle_name": "ANDREW", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-12-08", "state": "SD" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001126", "district": null, "first_name": "CONRAD", "full_name": "Sen. Burns, Conrad R. [R-MT]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BURNS", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-12-08", "state": "MT" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000174", "district": null, "first_name": "Patrick", "full_name": "Sen. Leahy, Patrick J. [D-VT]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Leahy", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-12-08", "state": "VT" } ]
[ "Commemorations", "Congressional officers", "Congressional tributes", "Senate" ]
[ { "action_date": "2004-12-08", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Expressses the condolences of the Senate upon the death of the Honorable J. Stanley Kimmitt, former Secretary of the Senate.</p>", "update_date": "2004-12-10T19:09:09Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-12-08", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Expresses the condolences of the Senate upon the death of the Honorable J. Stanley Kimmitt, former Secretary of the Senate.</p>", "update_date": "2004-12-10T19:09:20Z", "version_code": "82" } ]
A resolution relative to the death of J. Stanley Kimmitt, Former Secretary of the Senate.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution relative to the death of J. Stanley Kimmitt, Former Secretary of the Senate.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution relative to the death of J. Stanley Kimmitt, Former Secretary of the Senate.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-12-08T05:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2004-12-08T05:00:00Z", "type": "Engrossed in Senate", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-12-08", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S12070-12071; text as passed Senate: CR S12018; text of measure as introduced: CR S12070-12071)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-18 14:58:00.536
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 487 </number> <updateDate> 2021-09-29T22:08:32Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-13T18:29:28Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> Senate </originChamber> <originChamberCode> S </originChamberCode> <type> SRES </type> <introducedDate> 2004-12-08 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <relatedBills> <item> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the November 21, 2004, Presidential runoff election in Ukraine. </title> <congress> 108 </congress> <number> 485 </number> <type> SRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-12-08 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S12070) </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-12-08 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S12021; text as passed Senate: CR S12021; text of measure as introduced: CR S12071) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-12-08 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S12021; text as passed Senate: CR S12021; text of measure as introduced: CR S12071) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-12-08 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in Senate </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 10000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> S001142 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Smith, Gordon H. [R-OR] </fullName> <firstName> GORDON </firstName> <lastName> SMITH </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OR </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> B000444 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Biden, Joseph R., Jr. [D-DE] </fullName> <firstName> JOSEPH </firstName> <lastName> BIDEN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> DE </state> <middleName> ROBINETTE </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-12-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000504 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Lugar, Richard G. [R-IN] </fullName> <firstName> RICHARD </firstName> <lastName> LUGAR </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IN </state> <middleName> GREEN </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-12-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000770 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Stabenow, Debbie [D-MI] </fullName> <firstName> Debbie </firstName> <lastName> Stabenow </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-12-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000303 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. McCain, John [R-AZ] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> MCCAIN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AZ </state> <middleName> SIDNEY </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-12-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001042 </bioguideId> <fullName> Sen. Corzine, Jon S. [D-NJ] </fullName> <firstName> JON </firstName> <lastName> CORZINE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <middleName> S. </middleName> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-12-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Democracy </name> </item> <item> <name> Election candidates </name> </item> <item> <name> Election fraud </name> </item> <item> <name> Europe </name> </item> <item> <name> Foreign leaders </name> </item> <item> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </item> <item> <name> Presidential elections </name> </item> <item> <name> Ukraine </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-12-08 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in Senate </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-12-13T22:26:54Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Condemns the fraud in the November 21, 2004, runoff presidential election in Ukraine.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Supports a peaceful political and legal settlement in Ukraine that is based on democratic principles and reflects the will of the people of Ukraine.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-12-08 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-12-13T22:27:08Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Condemns the fraud in the November 21, 2004, runoff presidential election in Ukraine.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Supports a peaceful political and legal settlement in Ukraine that is based on democratic principles and reflects the will of the people of Ukraine. &lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the November 21, 2004, Presidential runoff election in Ukraine. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the November 21, 2004, Presidential runoff election in Ukraine. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the November 21, 2004, Presidential runoff election in Ukraine. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to Senate </type> <date> 2004-12-08T05:00:00Z </date> <formats> <item> <url> https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres487ats/xml/BILLS-108sres487ats.xml </url> </item> </formats> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-12-08 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S12021; text as passed Senate: CR S12021; text of measure as introduced: CR S12071) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-12-08", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S12021; text as passed Senate: CR S12021; text of measure as introduced: CR S12071)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-12-08", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S12021; text as passed Senate: CR S12021; text of measure as introduced: CR S12071)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-12-08", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "B000444", "district": null, "first_name": "JOSEPH", "full_name": "Sen. Biden, Joseph R., Jr. [D-DE]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BIDEN", "middle_name": "ROBINETTE", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-12-08", "state": "DE" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000504", "district": null, "first_name": "RICHARD", "full_name": "Sen. Lugar, Richard G. [R-IN]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LUGAR", "middle_name": "GREEN", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-12-08", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000770", "district": null, "first_name": "Debbie", "full_name": "Sen. Stabenow, Debbie [D-MI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Stabenow", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-12-08", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000303", "district": null, "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Sen. McCain, John [R-AZ]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MCCAIN", "middle_name": "SIDNEY", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-12-08", "state": "AZ" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001042", "district": null, "first_name": "JON", "full_name": "Sen. Corzine, Jon S. [D-NJ]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CORZINE", "middle_name": "S.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-12-08", "state": "NJ" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2004-12-08", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-12-08", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S12021; text as passed Senate: CR S12021; text of measure as introduced: CR S12071)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 487, "origin_chamber": "Senate", "origin_chamber_code": "S", "policy_area": "International Affairs", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 108, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-12-08", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S12070)", "type": null }, "number": 485, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the November 21, 2004, Presidential runoff election in Ukraine.", "type": "SRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "S001142", "district": null, "first_name": "GORDON", "full_name": "Sen. Smith, Gordon H. [R-OR]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "SMITH", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "R", "state": "OR" } ], "subjects": [ "Democracy", "Election candidates", "Election fraud", "Europe", "Foreign leaders", "Government Operations and Politics", "Presidential elections", "Ukraine" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2004-12-08", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Condemns the fraud in the November 21, 2004, runoff presidential election in Ukraine.</p> <p>Supports a peaceful political and legal settlement in Ukraine that is based on democratic principles and reflects the will of the people of Ukraine.</p>", "update_date": "2004-12-13T22:26:54Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-12-08", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Condemns the fraud in the November 21, 2004, runoff presidential election in Ukraine.</p> <p>Supports a peaceful political and legal settlement in Ukraine that is based on democratic principles and reflects the will of the people of Ukraine. </p>", "update_date": "2004-12-13T22:27:08Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2004-12-08T05:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres487ats/xml/BILLS-108sres487ats.xml" } ], "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the November 21, 2004, Presidential runoff election in Ukraine.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the November 21, 2004, Presidential runoff election in Ukraine.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the November 21, 2004, Presidential runoff election in Ukraine.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "SRES", "update_date": "2021-09-29T22:08:32Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-13T18:29:28Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "congress": 108, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-12-08", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S12070)", "type": null }, "number": 485, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the November 21, 2004, Presidential runoff election in Ukraine.", "type": "SRES" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-12-08", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S12021; text as passed Senate: CR S12021; text of measure as introduced: CR S12071)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2004-12-08", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S12021; text as passed Senate: CR S12021; text of measure as introduced: CR S12071)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "10000", "action_date": "2004-12-08", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in Senate", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "S001142", "district": null, "first_name": "GORDON", "full_name": "Sen. Smith, Gordon H. [R-OR]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "SMITH", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "R", "state": "OR" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "B000444", "district": null, "first_name": "JOSEPH", "full_name": "Sen. Biden, Joseph R., Jr. [D-DE]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BIDEN", "middle_name": "ROBINETTE", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-12-08", "state": "DE" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000504", "district": null, "first_name": "RICHARD", "full_name": "Sen. Lugar, Richard G. [R-IN]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LUGAR", "middle_name": "GREEN", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-12-08", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000770", "district": null, "first_name": "Debbie", "full_name": "Sen. Stabenow, Debbie [D-MI]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Stabenow", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-12-08", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000303", "district": null, "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Sen. McCain, John [R-AZ]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MCCAIN", "middle_name": "SIDNEY", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-12-08", "state": "AZ" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001042", "district": null, "first_name": "JON", "full_name": "Sen. Corzine, Jon S. [D-NJ]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CORZINE", "middle_name": "S.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-12-08", "state": "NJ" } ]
International Affairs
[ "Democracy", "Election candidates", "Election fraud", "Europe", "Foreign leaders", "Government Operations and Politics", "Presidential elections", "Ukraine" ]
[ { "action_date": "2004-12-08", "action_desc": "Introduced in Senate", "text": " <p>Condemns the fraud in the November 21, 2004, runoff presidential election in Ukraine.</p> <p>Supports a peaceful political and legal settlement in Ukraine that is based on democratic principles and reflects the will of the people of Ukraine.</p>", "update_date": "2004-12-13T22:26:54Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-12-08", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Condemns the fraud in the November 21, 2004, runoff presidential election in Ukraine.</p> <p>Supports a peaceful political and legal settlement in Ukraine that is based on democratic principles and reflects the will of the people of Ukraine. </p>", "update_date": "2004-12-13T22:27:08Z", "version_code": "82" } ]
A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the November 21, 2004, Presidential runoff election in Ukraine.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the November 21, 2004, Presidential runoff election in Ukraine.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the November 21, 2004, Presidential runoff election in Ukraine.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-12-08T05:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to Senate", "url": "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-108sres487ats/xml/BILLS-108sres487ats.xml" } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-12-08", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S12021; text as passed Senate: CR S12021; text of measure as introduced: CR S12071)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }